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Worldwide Variations in Colorectal Cancer

Worldwide Variations in Colorectal Cancer

Melissa M. Center, MPH1; Ahmedin Jemal, PhD2; Robert A. Smith, PhD3; Elizabeth Ward, PhD4

Previous studies have documented significant international variations in colorectal cancer rates. However, these studies
were limited because they were based on old data or examined only incidence or mortality data. In this article, the
colorectal cancer burden and patterns worldwide are described using the most recently updated cancer incidence and
mortality data available from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The authors provide 5-year
(1998–2002), age-standardized colorectal cancer incidence rates for select cancer registries in IARC’s Cancer Incidence in
Five Continents, and trends in age-standardized death rates by single calendar year for select countries in the World
Health Organization mortality database. In addition, available information regarding worldwide colorectal cancer screening
initiatives are presented. The highest colorectal cancer incidence rates in 1998–2002 were observed in registries from
North America, Oceania, and Europe, including Eastern European countries. These high rates are most likely the result of
increases in risk factors associated with “Westernization,” such as obesity and physical inactivity. In contrast, the lowest
colorectal cancer incidence rates were observed from registries in Asia, Africa, and South America. Colorectal cancer
mortality rates have declined in many longstanding as well as newly economically developed countries; however, they
continue to increase in some low-resource countries of South America and Eastern Europe. Various screening
options for colorectal cancer are available and further international consideration of targeted screening
programs and/or recommendations could help alleviate the burden of colorectal cancer worldwide. CA Cancer
J Clin 2009;59:366–378. ©2009 American Cancer Society, Inc.

Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men and the third most common cancer in women
worldwide,1 and significant international variations in the distribution of colorectal cancer have been observed.2,3
Risk factors for colorectal cancer include obesity, a diet low in fruits and vegetables, physical inactivity, and
smoking,4-6 and as such it was once a disease primarily observed in longstanding developed nations whose
populations typically exhibit these factors.7 However, in recent years, high colorectal cancer rates have been
reported in newly developed countries around the globe in which the risk was once low.1,8 The goals of this article
are to describe global colorectal cancer incidence and mortality patterns using the most recent data available from
the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and to provide information concerning colorectal
cancer screening initiatives worldwide.

Data Sources and Methods

Cancer incidence data are collected by population-based cancer registries across the globe, which cover national
populations or, more commonly, regions within nations. These cancer incidence data are compiled and provided
by the IARC in volumes I to IX of Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (CI5).9,10 The most recent volume of CI5

Epidemiologist, Department of Surveillance and Health Policy Research, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA; 2Strategic Director, Cancer Occurrence,
Department of Surveillance and Health Policy Research, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA; 3Director, Cancer Screening, Cancer Control Science
Department, American Cancer Society, Atlanta, GA; 4Vice President, Department of Surveillance and Health Policy Research, American Cancer Society,
Atlanta, GA.

Corresponding Author: Melissa M. Center, MPH, Department of Surveillance and Health Policy Research, American Cancer Society, 250 Williams Street NW, Atlanta, GA
DISCLOSURES: The authors report no conflicts of interest.
姝2009 American Cancer Society, Inc; doi:10.3322/caac.20038.
Available online at and

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CA CANCER J CLIN 2009;59:366–378

(volume IX) includes data from 225 registries in 60 the rectosigmoid junction. All incidence and mortality
countries and covers approximately 11% of the world rates include cancers of the colon, rectum, and anus, and
population.9 We used data from volume IX of CI5 to we will refer to these cancers collectively as colorectal
display cross-sectional, aggregated colorectal cancer cancer. Cancer of the anus is not routinely combined
incidence rates for 1998 –2002 for select registries. with cancers of the colon and rectum in US cancer
Many countries had multiple registries included in statistics, but is combined in international cancer statis-
CI5; however, we restricted our presentation of the tics. However, anal cancer is a rare disease. For example,
data to 2 registries per country: those with the high- in the United States in 2006, the incidence rate (per
est and those with the lowest rates. In addition, when 100,000) for anal cancer was 1.5 compared with 45.9
available, aggregates of local registries or national for colon and rectal cancer.13 All colorectal cancer rates
registries were used instead of local registries (eg, the were age-standardized to the 1960 world standard pop-
United States and Canada). Colorectal cancer inci-
ulation to compare data across countries with different
dence data were coded according to the 10th edition
age compositions.
of the International Classification of Diseases for On-
Information regarding international colorectal
cology (ICD-O) (C18 –C21).
cancer screening initiatives was based on a literature
Mortality data are collected in all economically de-
review. The majority of the data were obtained from
veloped countries and some economically transitioning
the International Colorectal Cancer Screening Net-
countries. These data, covering approximately 30% of
the world population, are abstracted from death certif- work (ICRCSN) through an article published by
icates and compiled in a World Health Organization Benson et al.14
mortality database, and are available to the public at the
IARC website.11 The quality of mortality data vary by Results
country, with a high accuracy of underlying cause of
death noted in longstanding, economically developed Colorectal Cancer Incidence
countries and a lower accuracy reported in newly devel- Colorectal cancer incidence rates vary markedly
oped or economically transitioning countries. We used worldwide, with rates per 100,000 among males in
single-year mortality data to examine trends in age- the time period 1998 –2002 reported to range from
standardized colorectal cancer death rates for 29 select 4.1 in India (Karunagappally) to 59.1 in the Czech
countries with long-term mortality data using joinpoint Republic. Among females, these rates ranged from
regression analysis, which involves fitting a series of 3.6 in India (Karunagappally) to 39.5 in New Zea-
joined straight lines on a logarithmic scale to the trends land. The majority of registries with the highest
in the annual age-standardized rates. The method is incidence rates of colorectal cancer were located in
described in detail elsewhere.12 The resulting trends of Europe, North America, and Oceania. In contrast,
varying time periods were described by annual percent the lowest rates were observed from registries in Asia,
change (APC) (ie, the slope of the line segment).12 In Africa, and South America.
describing mortality trends, the terms “increase” or “de- Notably, colorectal cancer rates (1998 –2002) among
crease” were used when the APC was statistically sig- males in the Czech Republic, Japan, and Slovakia (Fig.
nificant (P ⬍ .05); otherwise the term “stable” was used. 1) have exceeded the peak incidence rates observed in
Countries included in the trend analysis had at least 10 longstanding, developed nations such as New Zealand,
continuous years of mortality data of varying length Australia, and the United States, which previously re-
during the time period between 1985 and 2005. The ported the highest colorectal cancer incidence rates
majority of countries had data available for all 20 years. worldwide.3 Although data regarding risk factors for
Colorectal cancer mortality data were coded according colorectal cancer are limited in many parts of the world,
to the ICD edition in use at the time of death (153–154 high colorectal cancer rates in newly developed or eco-
in ICD-9 or C18 –C21 in ICD-10). nomically transitioning countries such as the Czech
Although there are differences in the etiologies and Republic and Slovakia and some others in Eastern
epidemiology of colon and rectal cancer, we chose to Europe are most likely the result of the increased prev-
study both together to account for variances in classifi- alence of obesity associated with “Westernization,” in-
cation that sometimes occur with tumors diagnosed at cluding the consumption of high-calorie– dense foods


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Worldwide Variations in Colorectal Cancer

FIGURE 1. Registries with the Highest Age-Standardized Colorectal Cancer Incidence Rates by Sex, 1998–2002. UK indicates United Kingdom; USA, United States
of America; NPCR, National Program of Cancer Registries. Source: Cancer Incidence in Five Continents.9

and physical inactivity.7,15-17 In addition, elevated modifications in dietary intake.18 Energy intake gradu-
smoking prevalence as indicated by lung cancer mortal- ally increased and then remained constant in Japan after
ity rates (which were noted to have peaked later and at World War II, mainly as a result of the increased intake
a higher rate in the Czech Republic and Slovakia com- of Western-type foods, which has contributed to in-
pared with longstanding, economically developed coun- creased obesity in Japan.19,20
tries such as the United States3) may play a role in the Among females, the highest colorectal cancer inci-
elevated colorectal cancer rates reported in these coun- dence rates were observed in New Zealand, Australia
tries. (Tasmania), and Israel (Fig. 1). New Zealand and Aus-
Although the majority of the highest colorectal can- tralia, in addition to many other longstanding devel-
cer incidence rates among males were observed in Eu- oped nations in Europe and North America, have his-
rope, North America, and Oceania, select registries in torically had high incidence rates of colorectal cancer
Asia also recorded high rates in Japan, Singapore, and that are most likely the result of behaviors associated
Israel. Increases in colorectal cancer incidence rates have with urbanization. However, colorectal cancer inci-
been observed in these 3 countries in recent years,3 and dence rates in recent years among females have declined
are most likely due to environmental or lifestyle factors. in New Zealand and stabilized in Australia (Tasmania),
In Japan, a developed country with one of the strongest but have continued to increase in Israel.3 High colorec-
economies worldwide, the high incidence of colorectal tal cancer rates among females were also observed in the
cancer, particularly among males, is most likely due to Asian registries of Japan and Singapore, although rates

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FIGURE 2. Registries with the Lowest Age-Standardized Colorectal Cancer Incidence Rates by Sex, 1998–2002. Source: Cancer Incidence in Five Continents.9

for females are substantially lower than those for males sidered in this analysis. These decreases were largely
in these and other registries. The lower rates observed confined to longstanding, economically developed na-
among females compared with males may be related to tions such as the United States, Australia, New Zeal-
differences in risk behaviors associated with colorectal and, and the majority of Western Europe, including
cancer, such as smoking,21 and the differing effect of Austria, France, Germany, Ireland, and the United
obesity in men and women.22 In many countries, the Kingdom (Tables 1 and 2) (Fig. 3). However, colorectal
regular uptake of smoking among women lags 20 to 30 cancer mortality trends have also decreased in some
years behind that of men. Asian and Eastern European countries in which inci-
Among both males and females, the lowest rates of dence rates are among the highest worldwide. In Japan,
colorectal cancer incidence were observed for registries in death rates decreased by 0.9% per year from 1996
India (Nagpur, Poona, and Karunagappally), Oman, through 2005 in men and by 5.0% per year from 1992
Egypt (Gharbiah), Algeria (Setif), and Pakistan (South through 2005 in women (Table 3). Similarly, in the
Karachi) (Fig. 2). In these economically developing regions Czech Republic, in which death rates were the second
of the world, low colorectal cancer incidence rates may highest in 2005 among both males and females (Table
reflect a lower prevalence of known risk factors. 4), rates decreased by 1.0% per year from 1994 through
Colorectal Cancer Mortality 2005 in men and by 1.2% per year from 1988 through
Mortality trend analyses for select countries have dem- 2005 in women (Table 2). In addition to these 13
onstrated that colorectal cancer mortality decreased in countries in which decreasing colorectal cancer mortal-
both males and females in 13 of the 29 countries con- ity rates were noted among males and females, 4 addi-


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Worldwide Variations in Colorectal Cancer

TABLE 1. Colorectal Cancer Mortality Rate Trends with Joinpoint Analyses for 1985
observed among both males
Through 2005 for Select Countries in the Americas and Oceania by Sex—WHO and females for 6 of the 29
Mortality Database countries examined. These in-
JOINPOINT ANALYSES creases were observed in all
South American countries ex-
amined (Mexico, Brazil, Chile,
YEARS APC YEARS APC YEARS APC and Ecuador), as well as 2
North America Eastern European countries
Canada (Romania and Russia) (Fig. 3).
Male 1985-2004 -1.10* In Romania, for example, colo-
Female 1985-1993 -2.71* 1993-2004 -1.07* rectal cancer mortality rates in-
creased 2.9% per year among
males from 1985 through 2005
Male 1985-2002 -1.61* 2002-2005 -4.19*
and 1.5% per year among females
Female 1985-2001 -1.71* 2001-2005 -3.90*
during the same time period (Ta-
Central and South America
ble 2). Although mortality rates
Mexico for males and females in Russia
Male 1985-2005 1.48* were high and those for Roma-
Female 1985-2005 0.87* nia were intermediate, mortal-
Brazil ity rates in the South American
Male 1985-2004 1.96* countries in 2005 were among
Female 1985-1992 0.63 1992-2004 1.72* the lowest of all countries ex-
amined (Table 4). In addition
to these 6 countries, colorectal
Male 1985-2005 1.18*
cancer mortality rates increased
Female 1985-2005 0.55*
among males only in 5 coun-
tries including China, Croatia,
Male 1985-2005 1.05* Kazakhstan, Latvia, and Spain,
Female 1985-2005 1.01* and among females only in Ko-
Oceania rea. In fact, the largest ob-
Australia served increase in colorectal
Male 1985-2000 -1.48* 2000-2003 -6.12* cancer deaths among all coun-
Female 1985-2003 -2.33*
tries examined occurred in Ko-
rean females, in whom rates in-
New Zealand
creased 10.2% per year from
Male 1985-1987 -6.69 1987-1992 2.27 1992-2004 -2.68*
1985 through 1994 and 3.8%
Female 1985-2004 -1.90*
per year from 1994 through
WHO indicates World Health Organization; APC, annual percent change; US, United States. 2005, although rates still re-
*The APC was statistically different from 0. mained relatively low (7.5 per
100,000) in the most recent
year examined (2005). Colo-
tional countries recorded decreasing mortality rates rectal cancer mortality rates among Korean males
among females only, including Latvia, Slovakia, South stabilized during the most recent time period
Africa, and Spain. The decreasing mortality rates may (2002–2005) after increasing 7.2% per year from
reflect improvements in colorectal cancer treatments 1985 through 2002 (Table 3). Increasing mortality
that increase survival 23,24 or possibly earlier detection trends in these countries may be a reflection of the
due to opportunistic screening or symptom recognition. increasing colorectal cancer incidence trends that have
Increasing trends in colorectal cancer mortality been observed in economically transitioning countries
rates during the most recent time period were worldwide.3 These increases may also illustrate a lack of

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TABLE 2. Colorectal Cancer Mortality Rate Trends with Joinpoint Analyses for 1985 Through 2005 for Select Countries in
Europe by Sex—WHO Mortality Database



Eastern Europe
Czech Republic
Male 1986-1994 0.90* 1994-2005 -1.01*
Female 1986-1988 5.65 1988-2005 -1.24*
Male 1985-1996 2.94* 1996-2005 -0.88
Female 1985-1987 -7.38 1987-1995 3.33* 1995-2001 -4.01* 2001-2005 0.97
Male 1992-1995 4.13* 1995-2005 -1.35
Female 1992-1995 -3.70 1995-1998 7.22 1998-2005 -2.15*
Male 1985-1993 2.31* 1993-1996 -0.95 1996-2005 1.08*
Female 1985-1991 1.35* 1991-2005 0.24*
Male 1985-2005 0.48
Female 1985-2005 -0.19
Male 1985-2005 2.94*
Female 1985-2005 1.46*
Male 1985-2005 0.61*
Female 1985-2005 -0.08*
Western Europe
Male 1985-1993 0.89 1993-2005 -2.80*
Female 1985-1991 -0.56 1991-2005 -2.99*
Male 1985-2005 2.04*
Female 1985-1989 4.71 1989-1995 -2.37 1995-1999 3.85 1999-2005 -1.11
Male 1985-2005 -1.20*
Female 1985-2005 -1.22*
Male 1985-1994 0.37 1994-2005 -1.97*
Female 1985-1994 -0.81* 1994-2005 -3.21*


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Worldwide Variations in Colorectal Cancer

TABLE 2. (Continued)



Male 1985-2005 -1.26*
Female 1985-2005 -2.40*
Male 1985-1995 3.79* 1995-2005 0.69*
Female 1985-1996 1.69* 1996-2005 -1.09*
Male 1985-1991 -0.22 1991-2005 -2.32*
Female 1985-1992 -1.67* 1992-2001 -3.63* 2001-2005 -1.18*

WHO indicates World Health Organization; APC, annual percent change; UK, United Kingdom.
*The APC was statistically different from 0.

colorectal cancer screening programs and interventions nient to the patient.33 As such, a population-based
to reduce the effects of lifestyle and dietary changes that colorectal cancer screening program based on
accompany urbanization. colonoscopy is more resource-intensive and less
In the remaining 2 countries examined (Estonia feasible in most countries, and not at all practical
and Slo-venia), colorectal cancer mortality trends in low-resource countries. Therefore, although less
stabilized in both men and women. sensitive than structural examinations, the fecal
occult blood test (FOBT), which is inexpensive
Colorectal Cancer Screening and easy to perform, is a more feasible colorectal
The presence or absence of colorectal cancer screening cancer screening option in many areas of the world.
programs is an important consideration when evaluat- In the United States, current screening recommen-
ing the colorectal cancer burden worldwide, because dations for the detection of adenomatous polyps and
screening may increase colorectal cancer incidence in colorectal cancer in adults with average risk (thoseaged
the short term through the increased detection of prev- 50 years and older) include either annual stool testing
alent cases25 and reduce the incidence of colorectal with a high-sensitivity guaiac- or immunochemical-
cancer in the long term through the removal of precan- based test, periodic stool DNA testing, flexible sig-
cerous polyps.26,27 Thus, over time, screening lowers moidoscopy every 5 years, colonoscopy every 10 years,
colorectal cancer mortality by reducing the incidence double-contrast barium enema every 5 years, or com-
and/or by detecting tumors at earlier stages, which then puted tomographic colonography every 5 years.32 The
have better prognoses.28-30 In fact, the increased use of structural examinations are invasive procedures that re-
screening has been cited as one of the most important quire bowel preparations and are associated with various
factors responsible for the recent decline in colorectal levels of risk.29 Therefore, in cases in which resources
cancer rates in the United States.31,32 are not available or patients are not willing to adhere to
Internationally, the chosen modality of colorectal structural examination requirements, annual FOBTs,
cancer screening varies, and it is likely that the cost and including guaiac-based tests (gFOBT) and fecal immu-
availability of diagnostic resources are the leading fac- nochemical tests (FIT), are recommended. Although
tors influencing program design. Although colonos- gFOBT, the most commonly used stool blood test, has
copy may be considered the “gold standard” for been shown to reduce colorectal cancer mortality by up
colorectal cancer screening, it requires a skilled to 33%,34 it is less sensitive than structural examinations
examiner, involves greater cost, and is less conve- and less effective for the prevention of colorectal cancer

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CA CANCER J CLIN 2009;59:366–378

ing.14,37,38 These studies and

pilot programs use a variety
of screening tests alone or in
combination. Italy was re-
ported to have the largest
number of studies/pro-
grams, with 8 underway that
used various combinations
of FOBT, colonoscopy, and
flexible sigmoidoscopy.14
These pilot programs were
precursors to a national
campaign for colorectal can-
cer screening that was
launched in 2005 and was
expected to have involve-
ment from all regions of It-
aly by 2009.36 Other Euro-
pean and North American
countries with documented
colorectal cancer screening
FIGURE 3. Trends in Colorectal Cancer Mortality Rates for Select Countries in Males, 1985 Through 2005. Source: research studies and/or pilot
World Health Organization Mortality Database. Available at: Accessed December 15, 2008.
programs include the
because it is less sensitive in detecting precancerous United States, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, France,
polyps.32 To the best of our knowledge, annual or Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom
biannual FOBT is currently the only screening method (Table 5). Information regarding colorectal cancer
supported by evidence from prospective randomized screening programs in South America is scarce, al-
clinical trials. 34,35 though 1 pilot study currently underway in Uruguay
Country-specific colorectal cancer screening guide- using FIT with follow-up colonoscopy for patients with
lines, recommendations, and screening programs vary positive test results reported high adherence and detec-
greatly worldwide. The ICRCSN was established in tion rates for colorectal cancer in the study population.39
2003 and has documented organized screening initia- Although nationally organized screening programs
tives and pilot projects that began before 2004 (Table are limited to only a few countries, policies and other
5).14 The majority of countries that have national programs can still effectively support the availability
screening programs in place are using FOBT (Czech and use of colorectal cancer screening. In the United
Republic, Israel, and Japan), although Poland and Ger- States for example, colorectal cancer screening for
many36 have initiated colorectal cancer screening with persons aged 65 years and older is covered by Medi-
colonoscopy. A recent study of colorectal cancer screen- care,40 the majority of states have legislation in place
ing in Europe also indicated that the United Kingdom to ensure private health insurance coverage for colo-
and France have been in the process of rolling out rectal cancer screening,40 and government-sponsored
national screening programs using FOBT over the past demonstration programs focus on colorectal cancer
several years. However, at this time, the majority of
36 screening for low-income persons with inadequate
colorectal cancer screening initiatives are not national health insurance.41 In addition, a measure called the
screening programs but rather recommendations and/or Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set
guidelines with opportunistic screening available. What (HEDIS) can help employers evaluate health plans’
is in place in many North American and European colorectal cancer screening performance, and is
countries are ongoing regional colorectal cancer re- widely regarded as a stimulus to health plans to
search studies and/or pilot screening programs intended increase colorectal cancer screening rates.42 These
to evaluate the potential for implementing screen- and other policies/programs most likely influenced


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Worldwide Variations in Colorectal Cancer

TABLE 3. Colorectal Cancer Mortality Rate Trends with

tralia, Korea, and Singapore,45 and research studies
Joinpoint Analyses for 1985 Through 2005 for and/or pilot programs for colorectal cancer screening
Select Countries in Asia and Africa by Sex—WHO have been implemented in Australia, Hong Kong, and
Mortality Database Taiwan.14 Taiwan is the only country in the region with

TABLE 4. Age–Standardized Colorectal Cancer Mortality
YEARS APC YEARS APC Rates for Select Countries by Sex, Ranked in
Descending Order—WHO Mortality Database,
China (Hong Kong)
Male 1985-2005 0.78*
Female 1985-1998 0.90 1998-2005 -1.98 RANK COUNTRY RATE RANK COUNTRY RATE

Japan 1 Slovakia 30.8 1 New Zealand 15.3

Male 1985-1996 2.09* 1996-2005 -0.86* 2 Czech Republic 30.0 2 Czech Republic 14.1

Female 1985-1992 1.28* 1992-2005 -5.00* 3 Croatia 25.0 3 Slovakia 13.4

Singapore 4 Slovenia 21.0 4 Russia 12.7

Male 1985-2005 -1.61* 5 Estonia 20.2 5 Croatia 12.0

Female 1985-1998 -0.99 1998-2005 -4.36* 6 Russia 19.4 6 Latvia 11.8

Korea 7 Latvia 19.2 7 Slovenia 11.7

Male 1985-2002 7.16* 2002-2005 1.79 8 New Zealand 18.3 8 Estonia 10.9

Female 1985-1994 10.21* 1994-2005 3.77* 9 Ireland 17.7 9 Israel 10.6

Israel 10 Spain 17.5 9 Ireland 10.6

Male 1985-1995 2.46* 1995-2004 -1.77* 11 Germany 16.9 10 China (Hong 10.5
Female 1985-1992 1.28* 1992-2004 -0.50*
12 China (Hong 16.8 11 Germany 10.2
Kazakhstan Kong)
Male 1985-2005 0.59* 13 Austria 16.3 12 Australia 9.9
Female 1985-2005 0.08 14 Japan 15.8 13 Singapore 9.6
Africa 15 Romania 15.6 13 Canada 9.6
South Africa 16 Australia 15.2 14 Japan 9.2
Male 1993-2005 -0.08 17 France 14.8 15 Romania 9.1
Female 1993-2005 -1.41* 17 UK 14.8 15 UK 9.1
WHO indicates World Health Organization; APC, annual percent change. 17 Canada 14.8 16 Austria 9.0
*The APC was statistically different from 0. 18 Israel 14.5 16 Spain 9.0
19 Korea 12.7 17 France 8.7
20 Singapore 12.6 18 Kazakhstan 8.5
the high rate of adoption of colorectal cancer screen-
ing in the United States and may have contributed to 21 Kazakhstan 12.1 19 US 8.1

the low and decreasing colorectal cancer mortality 22 US 11.9 20 Korea 7.5

rates noted in the country as well. 23 Chile 8.4 21 Chile 6.8

To the best of our knowledge, Japan is the only 24 South Africa 7.7 22 Brazil 5.6
country in the Western Pacific region with a longstand- 25 Brazil 5.9 23 South Africa 4.5
ing colorectal cancer screening program in place. Japan 26 Mexico 4.0 24 Ecuador 3.5
incorporated colorectal cancer screening using FOBT 27 Ecuador 3.4 25 Mexico 3.4
into its public health policy in 1992 and this in part may WHO indicates World Health Organization; UK, United Kingdom; US, United
have contributed to the increase in colorectal cancer States.

incidence rates noted in Japanese registries in the mid to *Rates for Brazil, Canada, Israel, and New Zealand are for 2004 and those for
Australia are for 2003.
late 1990s.43,44 National guidelines are available in Aus-

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CA CANCER J CLIN 2009;59:366–378

TABLE 5. Colorectal Cancer Screening Initiatives Worldwide, 2004


Belgium Research FS Screening for CRC All HMO members 50-75 10,000 S 1993
Using Sigmoidoscopy
Czech Republic Program FOBT National Program of All Population visiting 50⫹ 3,700,000 CG, HI 2001
Screening for CRC FP
Denmark Research FOBT Randomized Study of Funen Resident population 45-75 140,000 PC, CG 1985
Screening for CRC
with FOBT
France Research FOBT Burgundy Study Burgundy, Saône-et- Resident population 45-74 155,000 CG, HI 1988
Pilot FOBT National Program for 22 Départements Resident population 50-74 4,500,000 CG, HI 2003
Israel Program FOBT CHS National CRC All HMO members 50-74 700,000 HMO 1993
Screening Program
Italy Research FS SCORE Arezzo, Biella, Volunteers 55-64 256,000 PC 1995
Genova, Milan,
Rimini, Turin
Pilot FOBT SCORE 2 Biella, Florence, Resident population 55-64 122,000 LG, PC 1999
FS Milan, Rimini, Turin
Program FOBT NHS Funded Tuscany Residential 50-70 969,000 LG 2000
Regional Screening population of 7
Program local health units
Program FOBT NHS Funded Veneto Resident population 50-69 173,000 LG 2002
Regional Screening of 4 local health
Program units
Research FOBT Accademia 65 FP centers within FP patients 55-64 98,992 PC 2002
TC Multidisciplinare 9 regions
Oncologia Digestiva
Program FS Un’occhiata ti salva Veneto Residential 60 5000 LG 2003
la vita population of 1
local health unit
Research FOBT SCORE 3 Biella, Florence. Resident population 55-64 122,000 LG, PC 2003
FS Milan, Rimini, Turin,
TC Verona
Program FOBT NHS Funded Turin, Novara Resident population 58 17,900 LG 2003
Regional Screening
(Prevenzione Serena)
FS NHS Funded Turin Resident population 59-69 125,000 LG 2004
Regional Screening
(Prevenzione Serena)
Norway Research FS only NORCCAP-1 Oslo, Telemark Resident population 50-64 100,000 CG, PC 1999
FS ⫹
Poland Program TC Colonoscopic CRC All FP patients 50-65 6,500,000 CG 2000


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Worldwide Variations in Colorectal Cancer

TABLE 5. (Continued)

Spain Pilot FOBT Catalan CRC Pilot Catalonia, Resident population 50-69 69,000 LG 2000
Screening l’Hospitalet
Research FOBT Sigmoidoscopy Catalonia, Vilafranca Resident population 50-69 4726 LG 2004
Screening Research del Penedès
FS Sigmoidoscopy Catalonia, Vilafranca Resident population 50-69 2023 LG 2004
Screening Research del Penedès
Switzerland Research FOBT — Glarus, Vallée du Resident population 50-80 20,000 O 2000 F
FS Joux, Uri
UK Research FOBT The Nottingham CRC Nottingham, FP patients 45-74 153,000* CG 1981
Screening Trial England
Research FS UK FS Screening Trial 14 areas in England, FP patients 55-64 376,000 CG, PC 1996
Scotland, and Wales
Pilot FOBT The UK Pilot of CRC England (3 areas) Resident population 50-69 476,000 CG 2000
Screening and northeast
Scotland (2 areas)
Research FS Nurses Led FS Harrow, North FP patients 60-64 500 PC 2003
Screening Study London
The Americas

Canada Program FS Colon Cancer Ontario FP patients 50⫹ 500,000 HI 1999

Detection Clinic
Pilot FOBT Ontario FOBT Pilot Ontario 6 regions of FP 50-75 440,000 LG 2004
Study patients, public
health units
US Research FS PLCO Cancer 10 states 10 clinical centers 55-74 154,000 CG 1993
Screening Trial
Program FS CoCaP (Kaiser Northern California HMO members 50⫹ 500,000 CG, 1994
Permanente) HMO, O
Pilot FOBT FOBT in Veterans All Veterans Affairs 50⫹ 30,000 CG 2000
Affairs patients
Research TC National 3 states HMO members, 50-64 975,000 CG 2000
Colonoscopy Study wellness clinic,
(Phase I) resident population
Western Pacific

Australia Pilot FS FS for CRC in Fremantle, Western Resident suburban 55-64 80,000 LG 1995
Average-Risk Australia population
Research FOBT Relative performance Adelaide, South Southern residential 50⫹ 100,000 CG, PC, 1997
and acceptability of Australia population O
FOBT types
Pilot FOBT The Australian Bowel Melbourne, Victoria; Resident population 55-74 57,000 LG, CG 2002
Cancer Screening Adelaide, South
Pilot Australia; MacKay,

376 CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians

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CA CANCER J CLIN 2009;59:366–378

TABLE 5. (Continued)

Western Pacific
Hong Kong Research TC Screening for CRC in All Resident population 50-70 480,000 PC 2000
Japan Program FOBT National CRC All National health 40⫹ 35,000,000 CG, S 1992
Screening Program insurance holders
Taiwan† Pilot FOBT Keelung Community- Kelung, Northern Resident population 50-79 81,000 LG 1999
based Integrated Taiwan

FS indicates flexible sigmoidoscopy; CRC, colorectal carcinoma; HMO, health maintenance organization; S, self-funded; FOBT, fecal occult blood test; FP, family
practitioner; CG, central government; HI, health insurance; PC, private/charity; CHS, Group Health Center for Health Studies; LG, local government; NHS, National
Health Service; TC, total colon; NORCCAP-1, Norwegian Colorectal Cancer Prevention Trial 1; O, other; UK, United Kingdom; US, United States; PLCO, Prostate, Lung,
Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer; CoCaP, Colorectal Cancer Prevention Program.
*Size of trial population.
†Not a country defined in the World Health Organization regions, but is located in the Western Pacific.
Source: Benson VS, Patnick J, Davies AK, Nadel MR, Smith RA, Atkin WS. Colorectal cancer screening: a comparison of 35 initiatives in 17 countries. Int J Cancer.

free mass colorectal cancer screening available under its screening and/or improved treatment, have been ob-
national health insurance program.45 In contrast, most served in a large number of countries examined; how-
Asian countries have very little governmental support ever, increases in mortality rates are still occurring in
for colorectal cancer screening and lack any kind of countries that may have more limited resources, includ-
colorectal cancer screening initiative, including screen- ing Mexico and Brazil in South America and Romania
ing guidelines (eg, Brunei, China, India, Indonesia, and Russia in Eastern Europe, compared with long-
Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam).45 standing, economically developed countries.
The need for mass colorectal cancer screening in The current study was limited by data availability,
the economically developing countries of Asia, because incidence data are not available for all countries
South America, and Africa is occasionally ques- and in most instances are only region-specific. Al-
tioned given the lower rates of colorectal cancer, though mortality data are more complete, it is possible
the substantial burden of communicable diseases, that the increasing mortality trends noted in some
and the limited resources in these areas.46 How- countries could be the result of improvements in death
ever, because colorectal cancer mortality rates are certification systems or data abstraction.
increasing in many economically developing coun- The increasing prevalence of obesity and decreasing
tries, particularly those that are transitioning to physical activity in many parts of the world, resulting
Western lifestyles or have aging populations, con- from “Westernization,” will likely continue to contrib-
sideration of implementing targeted screening for ute to the growing international colorectal cancer bur-
colorectal cancer is likely to increase over time. den if these behaviors are not modified. In addition, as
people continue to live longer, colorectal cancer will
become an even greater public health problem world-
Conclusions wide. Colorectal cancer screening has been proven to
Worldwide, colorectal cancer incidence rates are highest greatly reduce mortality and in some instances may
in the registries of newly economically developed coun- prevent the onset of disease through the removal of
tries such as the Czech Republic and Slovakia in East- precancerous polyps. The variety of existing screening
ern Europe, and also remain high in longstanding, tests makes colorectal cancer screening accessible for
economically developed countries such as Japan and most countries, and therefore, greater international con-
Australia as well as the majority of registries in Western sideration of targeted screening programs and/or
Europe and North America. Decreasing colorectal can- screening recommendations could help to alleviate the
cer mortality rates, most likely due to colorectal cancer burden of colorectal cancer worldwide.


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