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John Henry Biscarra


Studying Jose Rizal's life and works is crucial for understanding the history and culture of the
Philippines. As a key figure in the country's fight for independence from Spanish colonial rule,
Rizal's writings shaped the national identity of the Filipino people. His works, such as Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo, criticized Spanish colonialism and social injustices, providing
insight into the challenges faced during the colonial period. Rizal's dedication to freedom and
justice inspires people worldwide to stand against oppression.

Additionally, his artistic talents highlight the rich cultural heritage of the Philippines, showcasing
the creativity and intellect of Filipino artists and thinkers.

By studying Rizal, we can reflect on the past, envision a brighter future, and work towards a
more just society. His legacy teaches us the power of knowledge, courage, and love for our
country. Overall, Rizal's life and works offer valuable lessons about resilience, cultural
appreciation, and the impact of ideas on creating lasting change.

Arguments in favor of RA 1425:

Rizal Law plays a crucial role in shaping the minds of Filipino students by introducing them to
the ideas, teachings, and principles of Jose Rizal. Rizal, through his writings and actions,
advocated for social reform, justice, and equality, and his works continue to inspire Filipinos to
strive for a better society. By studying Rizal's life and works, students can learn valuable lessons
about courage, love for the country, and the importance of standing up against injustices. The
Rizal Law also serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by Rizal and other Filipino heroes in
the fight for independence and the preservation of Filipino identity.
The inclusion of Rizal's teachings in the curriculum helps students develop critical thinking
skills, empathy, and a sense of responsibility towards their country and fellow Filipinos. It
encourages students to reflect on the past and learn from history to shape a better future for the
nation. By understanding the context in which Rizal lived and the challenges he faced, students
can draw parallels to contemporary issues and find inspiration to address social issues in their

Arguments against RA 1425:

This law is essential for promoting national identity and patriotism, there are valid arguments
against its implementation.One of the primary concerns with RA 1425 is that it infringes on
academic freedom. By imposing a specific set of materials to be taught in schools, the law
restricts educators from exploring alternative perspectives or teaching materials that may better
suit their students' needs.
The RA 1425 prioritizes nationalist sentiment over critical thinking skills. Instead of encouraging
students to analyze Rizal's works critically, the law mandates memorization and regurgitation of
information without fostering a deeper understanding of his ideas. Moreover, some critics
contend that RA 1425 makes a narrow view of Philippine history by focusing solely on Rizal's
contributions. This limited perspective neglects other important figures and events that have
shaped the nation's identity.
In conclusion, while promoting national pride is important, it should not come at the expense of
academic freedom and critical thinking skills. The implementation of RA 1425 raises valid
concerns regarding its impact on education in the Philippines.

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