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Title: The Influence of Communication and Advertising on Trends

In our modern world, two major factors shape the trends we follow: communication and advertising. While
both have their impact, communication tends to have a greater influence on shaping social trends.

Let's start with communication. It's all about how we interact with each other, whether it's chatting face-to-
face or online. Platforms like Instagram and Twitter allow us to share our thoughts with many people instantly.
This makes it easy for trends and ideas to spread quickly. Plus, our everyday conversations with friends, family,
and colleagues often influence our choices and behaviors.

On the other hand, advertising is everywhere around us. We encounter it on television, billboards, and the
internet. Advertisers are skilled at making products look appealing and introducing new trends. However, the
main goal of advertising is to sell products rather than change societal values or beliefs.

So, why does communication have a bigger impact? Well, it goes beyond just buying things. It shapes how we
think and feel about various topics. When we talk to each other and share ideas, we contribute to a collective
understanding that can lead to significant changes in society.

In conclusion, while both communication and advertising play roles in shaping social trends, it's the power of
communication to influence our beliefs and behaviors on a deeper level that makes it the driving force behind
societal changes.


Hey Marisa,

I hope you're doing well! I heard you're considering starting a business course at college, and I wanted to share
my thoughts since I've been through a similar situation. I also took on a part-time job while studying, so I
understand your concerns.

Balancing work and study can be challenging, but it's definitely doable with proper planning and time
management. Personally, I found it tough at first to juggle both commitments, but once I got into a routine, it
became much more manageable. It helped me develop valuable skills like organization, prioritization, and

As for the type of job, I'd recommend something flexible that allows you to adjust your hours based on your
class schedule. Jobs like working as a tutor, administrative assistant, or freelance writer/editor could be
suitable options. These roles often offer the flexibility you need to attend classes and complete assignments
while earning some extra income.

Of course, it's essential to find a job that aligns with your interests and allows you to maintain a healthy work-
life balance. Remember to communicate openly with your employer about your availability and academic

Overall, taking on a part-time job while studying can be a rewarding experience, providing valuable skills and
financial support. Just remember to prioritize your studies and take care of yourself along the way.

Let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else I can help with!

The Role of Music in Society: Bringing People Together and Teaching Kids

Music plays a significant role in our society, both by uniting social groups and educating young children. While
both are important, the role of music in educating children stands out as more significant due to its long-
lasting impact on personal growth and community development.

Firstly, music has a magical way of bringing people together. It's a universal language that transcends
differences in culture, language, and background. Whether it's through festivals, concerts, or community
events, music has the power to create connections and foster a sense of belonging among diverse groups of
people. This sense of unity promotes understanding and empathy, strengthening the bonds within

On the other hand, music also plays a crucial role in educating children. From a young age, exposure to music
has been shown to enhance cognitive development, language skills, and emotional intelligence. Music
education teaches discipline, teamwork, and creativity, providing children with valuable skills that extend
beyond the classroom. Additionally, it helps children appreciate different cultures and artistic expressions,
promoting diversity and inclusion.

Moreover, studies have shown that music education leads to improved academic performance, higher
graduation rates, and reduced engagement in risky behaviors among children. By investing in music education,
societies can empower children with the tools they need to succeed in school and in life.

In conclusion, while music serves to unite social groups, its role in educating children has a more significant
impact on personal and societal development. Music education not only enriches the lives of children but also
contributes to the creation of a more harmonious and prosperous society.

Hi Anna,

I hope this email finds you well! I heard about your project on people's reading habits in different countries,
and I'd be happy to share some insights from Spain.

In Spain, reading is a cherished pastime that reflects our rich literary heritage. Traditionally, books have held a
special place in our culture, with many people enjoying novels, poetry, and non-fiction works. However, like in
many other countries, there have been some changes in recent years.

One notable change is the rise of digital reading. With the advent of e-books and audiobooks, more people are
opting for digital formats, especially among younger generations. This shift towards digital reading offers
greater accessibility and convenience, allowing people to carry entire libraries in their pockets.

Moreover, there's been a growing interest in niche genres such as self-help, personal development, and
fantasy literature. These genres cater to diverse interests and offer escapism from the stresses of daily life.

Interestingly, the reading habits vary across different age groups. While older generations may prefer
traditional print books, younger people are more open to exploring digital options. However, despite these
differences, the love for reading remains strong across all age groups, emphasizing its enduring importance in
our society.

I hope this information proves helpful for your project! Let me know if you need further details or insights.

Best regards,


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