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Test 5
Part 1 Vocabulary
Choose the words to fill in the blanks.

paper / oil / battery / metal / chemical

Choose the words to fill in the blanks.

photographer / microphone / news / article / reporter

1. He is a _______________. His pictures are amazing.

2. This is a good_______________. Congratulations.

3. Sandy is a______________. Her voice is so charisma.

4. Jane buys a new_______________.

5. Don't forget to read this______________.

Test 5
Part 2 Grammar and writing
Fill will or won't in the blanks.

will / won't

1. We_________(go) to the zoo next week.

2. They__________(not come) to school tomorrow.

3. They_________(watch) the horror movie next Monday.

4. My brother_________(not walk) to school today.

5. The children_________(bake) a cake.

Raed and circle the correct answers.

1. Messi is the___________football player.

a. best b. better

2. Trent is as__________as Jude.

a. tall b. taller

3. The table is__________than the chair.

a. more expensive b. most expensive

4. Mason is__________than Foden.

a. more handsome b. most handsome

5. This movie is__________.

a. funnier b. funniest Test 5

Part 3 Speaking
Ask and answer

1. Have you ever studied English?

2. Have you ever played football?

3. Have you ever seen a lion?

4. Have you ever eaten pizza?

5. Have you ever swum?

Test 5
Write the past tense and past participle of
the given verb.
Base form Past tense Past participle






Circle the correct answer

1. English________in many countries around the world.

a. is spoken

b. spoken

c. speak

2. A snake________in my house.

a. find

b. found

c. is found

Test 5
3. All my bags_________in the wardrobe.

a. keep

b. are kept

c. kept

4. This cake________by my mother.

a. make

b. is made

c. made

5. The carrots________by the rabbit.

a. are eaten

b. eat

c. ate

Test 5

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