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Professional Certification Program in

Ethereum Blockchain
Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Discuss the features of Remix IDE

Analyze the various components of Ethereum

Classify the various Ethereum wallets

Discuss the various Ethereum clients available

Introduction to Ethereum
Introduction to Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts and has

a cryptocurrency known as Ether.
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA)

The Ethereum Enterprise Alliance (EEA) is a group of technology companies, financial

institutions, start-ups, and academics.

Its goal is to promote Ethereum technology and create new business

opportunities around the world.
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA)

The operations of the EEA are built on four pillars:

● Understanding business requirements

● Developing standard specifications to
address these requirements
● Evolving alongside the public Ethereum
● Achieving global interoperability
through various certification programs
EEA Membership

EEA members represent a wide range of sectors from around the globe, such as technology,
banking, government, healthcare, energy, pharmaceuticals, marketing, and insurance.

Healthcare Energy Technology Banking

EEA Membership

Accenture, Banco Santander, BlockApps, BNY Mellon, CME Group, ConsenSys, IC3, Intel, J.P.
Morgan, Microsoft, and Nuco were among the founding members of the Enterprise Ethereum
Features of Ethereum

Smart Contracts Community Currency

They are automated

programs that execute Ethereum has an Ethereum has Ethers
upon satisfying certain extensive developer based on ERC-20
conditions. community support. tokens.
Features of Ethereum

Security Fast Transactions

Mining speeds are
Ethash and smart very high, and
contracts are used transactions are
to enhance security. completed in 10-12
Smart Contract

● Smart contracts are computer programs that are

stored on Ethereum’s Blockchain.
● Contracts can be used to build currencies and store
financial assets.
● They are used to design voting systems, decentralized
organizations, data feeds, title registries, and
thousands of other applications.
Smart Contract Languages

Contracts are compiled into bytecode on the Ethereum Virtual Machine and deployed to the
Ethereum blockchain for execution.

Solidity Julia Vyper

Various languages may be used to write these contracts, but these are the most popular.
Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

Smart Contract Byte Code ● Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is the runtime
environment for smart contracts in Ethereum.
Storage ● Developers can create applications that run on the EVM
using user-friendly programming languages such as
Ethereum Virtual Machine Solidity.
● The EVM is sandboxed and completely isolated to
Node protect the host computers from the threat of viruses or
malicious intrusion attempts.

• Ether is the primary digital asset or cryptocurrency of

the Ethereum platform.
• It is a transactional token that facilitates operation on
• All Gas prices are paid in Ethers.
Bitcoin vs. Ether

Bitcoin Ether

Uses secure hash algorithm (SHA-256) Uses Ethash algorithm

Used as currency for purchasing goods Used as a currency and for making
and services decentralized apps

Digital currency to compete against fiat

Mainly used for smart contracts
currencies and gold

Slow transaction speed Fast transaction speed

Very high mining price Low Gas prices comparatively


Gas is a unit of measuring the amount of computational power required to run a smart contract or
perform a transaction.

● The Gas Limit is the maximum amount of Gas that a user

is willing to pay for performing an action or confirming a
transaction (a minimum of 21,000).
● The Gas Price is the amount of Ether that the user is
willing to spend on each unit of Gas.
● The transaction fee is calculated as Gas Limit * Gas
Decentralized Application (DApp)

● DApps are applications that run on a decentralized,

distributed, peer-to-peer network, and do not have a
central authority controlling the application platform.
● Their codes are open source, and all users can access
them irrespective of the region they reside in.
● All DApps run on the Blockchain network on top of
smart contracts.
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO)

● DAOs are internet-based business

organizations that are fully democratized and
have no hierarchical management.
● DAOs are designed to hold the common assets
and use a voting system to utilize these assets and
● DAOs exist entirely on Blockchain and are
governed by the consensus protocols embedded
into smart contracts.
Features of DAO

Improved stability Negligible downtime

Higher reliability No third-party


Asset misutilization Enhanced privacy and

almost impossible security
Ethereum Account

Ethereum accounts deal with the storage and transfer of Ether.

There are two types of Ethereum accounts:

• Externally owned account (EAO)

• Contract account
Externally Owned Account (EOA)

The externally owned account is controlled by a private key that can send Ethers
and messages from the account.

Can transfer Ether but

cannot create smart

Has no cost associated

with the transfer of Ether

Is managed by
Contract Account

A contract account is a smart contract that is managed by code and put on the blockchain.

Can transfer Ether and

create a smart contract

Has cost associated with

the transfer of Ether

Is managed by
Ethereum Mining

Ethereum mining is the process of creating a block of transactions that can be

added to the Ethereum blockchain.
Ethereum Mining

Ethereum uses a proof of work mechanism to ensure security. The algorithm used is Ethash.
Ethereum Mining

1 Eth

4 2
3 3
Eth Eth
Eth Eth
Bob Alice Bob Alice

Bob and The miner will The miner

Alice receives 1
Bob attempts Alice's transaction validate the creates a new
Eth after the
to send 1 Eth is added with what block with new set of blocks
transaction is
to Alice occurred in last set of and gets
block instructions rewarded for it
Ethereum Mining

In this case, In this scenario, Ethereum does not use the UTXO model, but rather a
transaction state change, as illustrated in the picture. This occurs when Ethereum changes
the state from the previous to the new state.
Uncle Block

When two valid blocks are mined at the same time and broadcasted in the Ethereum network,
but one block is not accepted in the main network, such a block is referred to as an uncle block.

Uncle Block


Block1 Block2 Block3a Block4

Rewards on Uncle block

There are two types of reward on uncle block:

Uncle Reward

It is given to the miner who creates the uncle block which is included in
the main block. Its formula to calculate is:
(Uncle Number + 8 — Block Number) * Miner’s Reward / 8

Uncle Inclusion Reward

It is given to the miner who includes the uncle block in their confirmed
The miner gets a fixed 0.0625 Eth as a reward.
Ethereum Transaction

A submitted transaction includes the following information:

Nonce Signature Value

Data Gas Price

Recipient Gas limit

Difference Between Transaction and Message

The difference between transaction and message is as follows:

• When a user sends an ether to another user,

it is known as transaction. Here, signature
plays a very important role.

• When a user does any smart contract

transaction, it is known as message as no
signature is involved.

• A smart contract is deployed as a transaction

when it is executed by external user or
Ethereum Ecosystem

The Ethereum ecosystem consists of technologies that help enable decentralized browsers and
applications such as storage, dynamic communication, and distributed computation.

DApp DApp DApp

Decentralized Browser

Storage Communication Computation

Ethereum Blockchain
Web 1.0

Web 1.0 is primarily one-way publishing medium.

• Web 1.0 was an early stage of world wide

• There was no connection of end user with
the website.
• Websites were static and only used to
show information.
• It lasted from 1985 – 2005.
Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is the second generation of the world wide web.

• End users can connect via a different

• Websites became responsive and dynamic.
• Podcasting, social networking, blogging, and
video sharing are some of the use cases of
Web 2.0.

Tor is a decentralized network that provides anonymity by encrypting internet traffic and
routing it through a series of servers before arriving at its final destination.

Tor routes each user’s traffic through

three random nodes, or relays, before
transmitting it to its endpoint.

BitTorrent is a distributed transfer protocol for transferring files over the internet.

• When a user downloads a .torrent file in a torrent

client in a computer, it gets connected in a swarm.

• In the .torrent file, there is a tracker that shares the IP

address with the other computers in the swarm.

• When BitTorrent client has downloaded enough data, it

will begin sharing it with other BitTorrent clients.

● Swarm is a censorship-resistant, permissionless, and

decentralized file sharing and storage platform.
● A distributed storage platform and content distribution
service for the Ethereum web3 stack.
● It stores Ethereum records to distribute blockchain data
as well as DApp codes throughout the network.
● It runs on a peer-to-peer basis that allows transferring
resources or data among the nodes.

● The bzz wire protocol is used by nodes in the Swarm


● The Interplanetary File System (IPFS) is a

decentralized file system used to build the
internet's next generation.
● IPFS employs content-addressing to
distinguish each file in a global
namespace that connects all computing
Swarm vs. IPSF

Swarm IPSF

The scalability of Swarm is still in the

IPSF is proven to be scalable.
testing phase.

It can be used to publish stuff that is

Cloud hosting services are possible in it.
present on the system.

It is used in a variety of real-world

It is present in the Ethereum stack.

It provides users with customizable

It has no storage guarantee.

It is associated with Ethereum. It is associated with Filecoin.

Working of Swarm

• In a swarm, data is separated into chunks and organized as

chunk tree.
• This creates a Merkle tree, with the root hash corresponding to
the address used to get the uploaded file.
• Swarm adds a key third layer called manifest files to the chunk
Merkle trees.
• Manifest maintains the routing table for the data. It does not
require any central server for storing and hosting services.
• Swarm verifies that the chunk has been uploaded and retrieves
it whenever and wherever needed.

Bee is the backbone of the Swarm network. It is also known as a node.

Once it runs on the user's device, it gets connected with other nodes present in swarm over
peer-to-peer network.

Clef is an Ethereum blockchain tool. It signs the transactions before they are permanently
added to the blockchain.

Bee has its version of clef known as Bee-clef. It is customized particularly for its needs.

● Whisper is an identity-based messaging system. It was

designed for easy and efficient broadcasting and low-level
asynchronous communication.
● It uses a TCP-based transport protocol called RLPx transport
protocol for communication and encryption.
● It can theoretically provide 100% secrecy and prevent DDoS
attacks by using a consensus mechanism.

The drawbacks of Whisper are:

• It is a low-level API with limited bandwidth

and uncertain latency.
• It has unreliable packet tracing and
reduced performance if packet tracing is
Remix IDE
Ethereum Development Environment

The Ethereum development environment allows users to build Ethereum smart contracts and
develop decentralized applications. Some common Ethereum development environments are:

Truffle Remix
Ethereum Development Environment

Truffle Remix

Truffle is a world-class development Remix IDE is a free and open-source web

environment, testing framework, and asset and desktop application.
pipeline for Ethereum Virtual Machine(EVM) It promotes a quick development cycle and
based blockchains that aims to make life includes a large number of plugins with
easier for developers. user-friendly interfaces.

Hardhat is a development environment for compiling, deploying, testing, and debugging

Ethereum code.
Remix IDE

Remix is an open-source integrated development environment used to write Solidity

smart contracts straight from the browser. Remix is developed in JavaScript.
Features of Remix IDE

Remix IDE has a text editor and special smart contract building features such as:

Custom Browser-
Smart Contract Smart Contract
Based Ethereum
Development Testing

Smart Contract Smart Contract

Debugging Deployment
Accessing Remix IDE

Remix IDE can be accessed in two main ways:

Browser Access Desktop Access

● The webpage is compiled into a

● Web IDE can be accessed from a
native desktop application using
browser using the
a framework such as Electron.
● Desktop client can be installed
● It does not need additional
using the following command:
requirements and can develop
npm install remix-ide -g
smart contracts directly.
Remix IDE Layout

1. Icon Panel: All important plugins are

placed in this panel for the users to
access immediately.

2. Side Panel: The GUI for the various

3 plugins is embedded in this panel.
1 2
3. Text Editor: The main Solidity or Vyper
smart contracts are written here.

4. Terminal: It is similar to a traditional

terminal where the outputs and errors
4 are displayed.
Develop Hello World Sample Using Remix

Duration: 10 Min.

Problem Statement:
You are given a task to explore the Remix IDE in the web browser.
Assisted Practice: Guidelines

Steps to Develop Hello World Sample Using Remix:

1. Navigating to the Remix IDE web URL on the browser.

2. Create helloWorld Smart contract.
3. Add logic in helloWorld Smart contract.
4. Compile helloWorld Smart contract.
5. Deploy helloWorld Smart contract.
6. Test helloWorld Smart contract.
Truffle Framework
Introduction to Truffle

Truffle is a development environment, asset pipeline, and testing framework for blockchain networks
based on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

It is the most widely used tool for developing blockchain applications.

Introduction to Truffle

Truffle supports full life cycle projects based on Ethereum, Hyperledger, Quorum, and many other
Features of Truffle

The features of truffle are:

1 Automated tools

3 5 Networking

Package support

User interactive
Features of Truffle

The features of truffle are:


• The developer is free to add extra scripts

to the project throughout the

• A script runner is also included in the

truffle for processing both internal and
external scripts.
Features of Truffle

The features of truffle are:

Automated tools

• Truffle has built-in smart contract

generation tools that handle smart
contract compilation, deployment, linking,
and binary management.

• It comes with a development

environment as well as a testing
Features of Truffle

The features of truffle are:


• The truffle framework can incorporate an

unlimited number of networks and enable
network migrations and extensions.

• The configurable build pipeline in truffle

allows for network-wide integration.
Features of Truffle

The features of truffle are:

Package support

• Truffle offers package management tools like

Ethpm (Ethereum Package Manager) and
Npm (Node Package Manager) using the
ERC190 standard.

• These packages provide a number of modules

as well as a set of predefined codes that can
be used during scripting.
Features of Truffle

The features of truffle are:

User interaction
• Truffle features an interactive interface for
communicating directly with clients.
Developers can create, compile, and test
smart contracts using this console.

• The console is also in charge of user-to-

smart-contract communication.
Functions of Truffle

The functions of truffle are to:

Deploy and Test Compile

3 1
Smart Contracts

Truffle Smart Contract Life Cycle

The smart contract development life cycle includes critical processes that ensure a secure and smart
contract creation and deployment on the blockchain.
Ethereum Networks
Ethereum Networks

Networks are different Ethereum environments that you can access for developing, testing, and
releasing various decentralized applications. They are categorized into the following types:

The actual Ethereum network on which the cryptocurrency

transactions take place.

This network mimics the mainnet and can be used by developers

Test Network
to test their applications.

This can be implemented by changing the parameters of the

Private Network
Ethereum network according to the needs of the user.
Main Network (Mainnet)

Mainnet is a live or a production network of the Ethereum Blockchain. This is the network on
which the actual monetary transactions take place, and the Dapps are hosted on it.
Exploring the Ethereum Mainnet

Duration: 10 Min.

Problem Statement:
You are given a task to explore the Ethereum Mainnet.

1. Click on the Labs tab on the left side panel of the LMS
2. Copy the username and password that is generated
3. Click on the Launch lab button
4. Enter the username and password in the respective fields and click Login
Assisted Practice: Guidelines

Steps to explore the Ethereum Mainnet:

1. Visiting the Etherscan website

2. Viewing and analyzing the latest block
3. Viewing and analyzing the data in a transaction
Test Networks

Ethereum provides a few test networks for developers to test their protocols, smart contracts,
features, and applications before deploying them to the production network.
Test Networks

Following are the list of public testnets:

A proof-of-authority testnet that works across clients.

A proof-of-authority testnet for those running OpenEthereum

A proof-of-authority testnet for those running the Geth client.

A proof-of-work testnet, which means it's the best like-for-like
representation of Ethereum.
Explore an Ethereum Test Network

Duration: 10 Min.

Problem Statement:
You are given a task to explore one of the Ethereum test networks.

1. Click on the Labs tab on the left side panel of the LMS
2. Copy the username and password that is generated
3. Click on the Launch lab button
4. Enter the username and password in the respective fields and click Login
Assisted Practice: Guidelines

Steps to explore an Ethereum test network:

1. Visiting the Etherscan’s Ropsten web URL.

2. Viewing and analyzing the latest block.
3. Viewing and analyzing the data in a transaction.
Ganache: Local Network

● Ganache is a lightweight replica of the Ethereum

● It can be installed on any operating system and
replicates the actual Blockchain network.
● It is mainly used by developers for smart contract
unit testing.
Install the Ganache Blockchain

Duration: 10 Min.

Problem Statement:
You are given a task to Install Ganache Blockchain network on your system.

1. Click on the Labs tab on the left side panel of the LMS
2. Copy the username and password that is generated
3. Click on the Launch lab button
4. Enter the username and password in the respective fields and click Login.
Assisted Practice: Guidelines

Steps to install Ganache Blockchain:

1. Downloading the latest version of Ganache from their website.

2. Providing the required permissions to the Ganache image file.
3. Running the Ganache software on your computer.
Explore the Ganache Blockchain

Duration: 10 Min.

Problem Statement:
You are given a task to explore the Ganache Blockchain network.

1. Click on the Labs tab on the left side panel of the LMS
2. Copy the username and password that is generated
3. Click on the Launch lab button
4. Enter the username and password in the respective fields and click Login.
Assisted Practice: Guidelines

Steps to explore Ganache Blockchain:

1. Quick starting the Ganache instance and exploring the network.

2. Creating a private Blockchain in Ganache with custom parameters.
Connecting Remix IDE to Ganache and Ropsten Test

Duration: 10 Min.

Problem Statement:
You are given a task to explore the Remix IDE in the web browser.
Assisted Practice: Guidelines

Steps to Connecting Remix IDE to Ganache and Ropsten Test Networks :

1. Configuring MetaMask to connect to the Ganache localhost

1. Adding an account from the local network to the wallet

Private Network

Ethereum provide the capability to create private network with

custom parameters. Private networks are not popular on
Ethereum, but they do exist.
Ethereum Wallets
Ethereum Wallets

Ethereum wallets help in connecting with the Ethereum blockchain network, storing ether, and
performing monetary transactions from one account to another.
Types of Ethereum Wallets

Ethereum wallets are mainly categorized into:

Desktop Wallets

Web Wallets Installed on desktops to

perform transactions.
Installed as an extension
to web browsers.

Mobile Wallets

Light-weight mobile
Hardware Wallets
Most secure as they store
keys in physical devices.

● Metamask is a web wallet that allows users to send and

receive ethers and other Ethereum-based
● It also acts as a gateway to interact with other
decentralized apps.
● It keeps the private information secure and uses randomly
generated multi-word phrases as opposed to traditional
single-word passwords.
Install Metamask and Set up the Wallet

Problem Statement:
Add the Metamask extension to your browser, create an account, and configure your
Ethereum wallet.

1. Click on the Labs tab on the left side panel of the LMS
2. Copy the username and password that is generated
3. Click on the Launch lab button
4. Enter the username and password in the respective fields and click Login
Assisted Practice: Guidelines

Steps to install and set up Metamask wallet:

1. Add the Chrome extension to the browser.

2. Set up the account security and initialize a wallet account.
Connect Metamask to a Ganache Test Network

Problem Statement:
You are given a task to connect your Metamask wallet to a Ganache test blockchain network.

1. Click on the Labs tab on the left side panel of the LMS
2. Copy the username and password that is generated
3. Click on the Launch lab button
4. Enter the username and password in the respective fields and click Login
Assisted Practice: Guidelines

Steps to connect Metamask to Ganache test network:

1. Configure Metamask to connect to the Ganache localhost

2. Add an account from the local network to the wallet
Ethereum Clients
Ethereum Clients

Ethereum clients provide an interface to become full nodes. They can then verify transactions,
parse blockchain and smart contract data, and mine and create blocks.


System Client Client System

Ethereum Blockchain Network

Types of Ethereum Clients

Ethereum clients are mainly categorized into two types:

Command Line Interface Graphical User Interface

A terminal-based application which A visual interface that can be used

is used to perform the functions of as a web or desktop application to
a full node. perform full or light node activities.
Go Ethereum (Geth)

Geth is a terminal-based Ethereum client implemented in the Go language. It was developed by the
Ethereum Foundation, and it provides a command-line interface for exercising full node powers.

Features of Geth

● Mine blocks and earn Ether.

● Perform transactions and transfer funds.
● Validate transactions and interact with smart
● Update and maintain Blockchain history.

Geth is the official Ethereum client

Connecting to Ethereum Using Geth

Geth allows users to connect to the Ethereum mainnet, Ropsten, and Rinkeby network. Geth
does not allow users to connect to the Kovan network. They need to use Parity for that.

Command to connect to the Main network geth

Command to connect to the Ropsten network geth --ropsten

Command to connect to the Rinkeby network geth --rinkeby

Geth Data Storage

Geth client connects with the other peers and downloads the latest blockchain data to the local
machine. Data gets stored in below locations and it can be changed with the --datadir parameter.

Linux Windows Mac

~/.ethereum ~/AppData/Roaming/Ethereum ~/Library/Ethereum

Install Geth Client

Problem Statement:
You are given a task to install Geth client and explore the basic commands.

1. Click on the Labs tab on the left side panel of the LMS
2. Copy the username and password that is generated
3. Click on the Launch lab button
4. Enter the username and password in the respective fields and click Login
Assisted Practice: Guidelines

Steps to install Geth client:

1. Install Geth client using the terminal

Set up a Private Blockchain Node Network Using Geth

Problem Statement:
You are given a task to set up a private Blockchain node in your machine using Geth.

1. Click on the Labs tab on the left side panel of the LMS
2. Copy the username and password that is generated
3. Click on the Launch lab button
4. Enter the username and password in the respective fields and click Login

Parity is a light-weight, fast, and multi-network Ethereum client written in the Rust
language. This software is an alternative for the Geth Ethereum client.

Features of Parity

● Clean, modular codebase for easy

● Minimal memory and storage footprint.
● Synchronization of the updated Blockchain in
a few hours as compared to a few days in
other clients.
Connecting to Ethereum Using Parity

Parity client allows us to connect to the Ethereum mainnet, Ropsten, and Kovan network.

Command to connect to the Main network parity --chain=mainnet

Command to connect to the Ropsten network parity --chain=ropsten

Command to connect to the Kovan network parity --chain=kovan

Parity Data Storage

Parity is a lightweight Ethereum client that helps connect to peers and synchronize the latest
Blockchain data into the local machine. It stores the Blockchain data in the following folders:

Linux ~/home/you/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum

~/AppData/Local/Parity/Ethereum Windows

Mac ~/Library/Application Support/io.parity.ethereum

Introduction to Web3.js

Web3.js is a JavaScript library for communicating with an Ethereum node that is hosted Ethereum
network or the live chain.

It can also be used to access information on tokens and the Ether cryptocurrency.
Web3 Classes and Modules

Web3.utils: Utility functions are also exposes on the Web3 class object directly.

Web3.version: Contains the version of the web3 container object

Web3.modules: Will return an object with the classes of all major sub modules

Web3.providers: Contains the current available providers

Web3.givenProviders: Will return the given provider by the (browser)

environment, otherwise null.
Web3 Classes and Modules

Web3-eth: for interacting with the Ethereum network

Web3-shh: for interacting with the whisper protocol

Web3-Personal: for interacting with the Ethereum accounts

Web3-Net: for interacting with network properties

Web3-bzz: for interacting with the swarm

Introduction to Web3-Eth

Web3-eth is a sub-package of web3.js. It allows the user to interact with an Ethereum blockchain and
Ethereum smart contracts.
Fungibility Introduction

Any good or asset that can be interchanged for another asset of the same kind
without sacrificing its value is known as a fungible asset.

Money Bitcoin

Fungibility implies equal value between the assets

Non-Fungibility Introduction

NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token, and it is a record stored on blockchain that certifies
that a digital asset is unique and the ownership of that asset.

NFT can be used to

Audios represent digital assets: Videos

NFT Key Attributes


Limited Ownership

Unique Transparent
Fungible and Non-Fungible

The difference between fungible and non-fungible tokens are:

NFT Example

Beeple sold an NFT for $69 million.

NFT History

The history of NFTS and how they got started is as below:

Cryptokitties Decentraland
Colored Coins Counterparty
and CrptoPunks
2012 2014 2017

• It started with the • P2p financial • It was developed • It is a decentralized

concept of issues platform is built on using Ethereum VR (Virtual Reality)
and transferring of top of bitcoin Blockchain platform on
any assets on the blockchain • CryptoPunk was Ethereum
bitcoin blockchain • It became famous very first NFT • It allows players to
• It recorded for Pepe mems launched in buy plants in 3D
ownership of the Ethereum virtual space
asset in bitcoin
How Does NFT Work

NFT uses the ERC-721 token standard, which is used for non-fungible tokens
as opposed to the ERC-20 token, which is used for fungible tokens.

Smart contract uniquely associate NFT token with Ethereum address

NFT smart contracts run on Ethereum blockchain. They only create new
NFTs and transfer their ownership.
Prerequisites for Buy and Sell NFT

Step 1: Select NFT marketplace and open an account

Leading Marketplaces
Prerequisites for Buy and Sell NFT

Step 2: Integrate Metamask with Marketplace

• Install Metamask wallet

• Create account in Metamask wallet
• Fund your account with ether
• Connect Metamask to your marketplace account
How to Buy NFT

Step 3: To buy NFT

• Browse different NFTs in the marketplace

• Place a bid on the NFT per the rules
• Depending upon bid amount,
you may or may not get the NFT
How to Create And Sell NFT

Step 3:To create and Sell NFT

• Create NFT (picture, music, file, and so on.)

• Upload the file to your account
• Pay to marketplace to create or mint your NFT
• Select the NFT you wish to sell
• Buyers will bid and buy your NFT
Key Takeaways

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart

contracts and has a cryptocurrency known as Ether.

Swarm is a censorship-resistant, permissionless, and

decentralized file sharing and storage platform.

Remix is an open-source integrated development

environment used to write Solidity smart contracts straight
from the browser.
Ethereum wallets help in connecting with the Ethereum
blockchain network, storing ether, and performing monetary
transactions from one account to another.
Knowledge Check
The application developed in Ethereum is known as?

A. Decentralized Application (DApp)



D. Smart Contract
The application developed in Ethereum is known as?

A. Decentralized Application (DApp)



D. Smart Contract

The correct answer is A

The application developed using Ethereum smart contracts is known as DApp.

Which hash algorithm is used in Ethereum?

A. ethash

B. SHA-256

C. SHA-1

Which hash algorithm is used in Ethereum?

A. ethash

B. SHA-256

C. SHA-1


The correct answer is A

The ethash algorithm is used in the Ethereum Blockchain to enhance security.

Which of the following is an Ethereum test network? (Select all that apply)

A. Mainnet

B. Ropsten

C. Julia

D. Kovan
Which of the following is an Ethereum test network? (Select all that apply)

A. Mainnet

B. Ropsten

C. Julia

D. Kovan

The correct answers are B and D

Ropsten and Kovan are two of the many test networks provided in the Ethereum network.
What does an Ethereum Client do? (Select all that apply)

A. Client helps to parse and verify the Blockchain

B. Client helps to mine the blocks

C. Client helps to alert the data in Blockchain

D. Client helps to expose smart contracts as APIs

What does an Ethereum Client do? (Select all that apply)

A. Client helps to parse and verify the Blockchain

B. Client helps to mine the blocks

C. Client helps to alert the data in Blockchain

D. Client helps to expose smart contracts as APIs

The correct answers are A and B

Clients help in parsing and verifying the Blockchain. Clients are also allowed to create transactions and mine blocks
using interfaces.
Which command would you use to connect Geth to the Ropsten network?

A. geth

B. geth --testnet

C. geth --mainnet

D. geth --rinkeby
Which command would you use to connect Geth to the Ropsten network?

A. geth

B. geth --testnet

C. geth --mainnet

D. geth --rinkeby

The correct answer is B

Ropsten is the most widely used testing network in Ethereum and hence it is referred to as testnet.
Performing Ether Transactions in Metamask

You are a Blockchain expert in a Fintech enterprise and have been tasked
to credit salaries to all employees in Ethers. Perform the following steps:

1. Installing Metamask and creating a wallet

2. Installing Ganache and configuring a private Blockchain
3. Connecting the Metamask account to Ganache or a test faucet to
obtain Ethers
4. Performing an Ether transaction from one Metamask account to

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