The Morung Express (K. Soho) 15 July 2024 (Monday)

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C DIMAPUR • Vol. XIX • Issue 191• 8 PAGES • 5 Monday • July 15 • 2024 www.morungexpress.


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One cannot be humble and aware of oneself at the same time. – Madeleine L’Engle

Trump Shot: Injured but Fine

Shooter & Shooter was registered Republican,
one rally would have voted for first time in Nov
attendee Washington, July 14 (PTI): Thomas
Matthew Crooks, the gunman who authori-
ment searched.
This year’s presidential election would

killed ties say attempted to assassinate former

president Donald Trump was a 20-year-old
registered Republican who would have vot-
have been the first he was old enough to vote
in, CNN said. A US citizen who turned 18
years old on or before Election Day (Novem-
Butler, July 14 (AP): ed for the first time in the presidential elec- ber 5, 2024) is eligible to vote.
On the heels of an apparent tion in November. He lived in the Pittsburgh Federal Election Commission records
attempt to kill him, former suburb of Bethel Park, about 56 km south show that a donor listed as Thomas Crooks
President Donald Trump of the Trump rally site where law enforce- with the same address gave USD 15 to a
called Sunday for unity and ment officials said he fired at Trump, the Democratic-aligned political action com-
resilience as shocked leaders presumptive presidential candidate of the mittee called the Progressive Turnout Proj-
across the political divide re- Republican Party. ect in January 2021.
coiled from the shooting that Crooks was shot dead by the Secret Ser- When reached by CNN after the attack
left him injured but “fine” vice personnel on Saturday, soon after he on Trump, Crooks’ father, Matthew Crooks,
and the gunman and a rally- fired a volley of shots at Trump from an “el- said he was trying to figure out “what the hell
goer dead. evated position outside of the rally venue.” is going on” but would “wait until I talk to law
The presumptive Re- He had previously made a small contri- enforcement” before speaking about his son.
publican presidential nomi- bution to a Democratic-aligned group, CNN Crooks did not have any identification on
nee said the upper part of his reported, quoting public records. He gradu- his body, so agents had to “run his DNA and
right ear was pierced in the ated from Bethel Park High School in 2022, ac- get biometric confirmation,” Kevin Rojek, the
shooting. His aides said he cording to a local media report and a video of special agent in charge of the FBI’s Pittsburgh
was in “great spirits” and do- the school’s commencement. field office, said at a press conference Satur-
ing well. Crooks was registered to vote as a Repub- day night before Crooks was named.
“I knew immediately lican, according to a listing in Pennsylvania’s One attendee at the rally was killed and
that something was wrong voter database that matched his name, age, two others were critically injured, authori-
in that I heard a whizzing and a Bethel Park address that law enforce- ties said.
sound, shots, and immedi-
ately felt the bullet ripping
through the skin,” he wrote Assassination bid reopens chilling
chapter in American politics
on his social media site.
“Much bleeding took place.”
In a subsequent post
Sunday, Trump said “it was Washington, July 14 (PTI): The as- larger and darker of late. Cultural and politi-
God alone who prevented sassination attempt on former president cal polarisation, the ubiquity of guns and the
the unthinkable from hap- Former US President Donald Trump raises his fist as he helped off the stage at a rally by U.S. Secret Service agents in Donald Trump is a "horrific moment" for radicalising power of the internet have all
pening." Bulter, Pennsylvania on July 13. (IANS Photo) America and a "sobering reminder" of the been contributing factors, as this board laid
“In this moment, it is more threat that political violence poses to de- out in its editorial series The Danger Within
important than ever that we date since Ronald Reagan team, an unusually visible Biden made to donors on the AP shows the body of a
mocracy in the country ahead of the high- in 2022. This high-stakes presidential elec-
stand United, and show our was shot in 1981. It drew new show of force by his protec- July 8, saying “it's time to put person wearing gray camou-
stakes presidential election, the US media tion is further straining the nation’s commit-
True Character as Americans, attention to concerns about tive detail. Trump in the bullseye.” flage lying motionless on the ment to the peaceful resolution of political
commented on Sunday.
remaining Strong and Deter- political violence in a deeply President Joe Biden, who Officials said members of roof of a building at AGR In- Trump, 78, survived an attempt on his differences," it said.
mined, and not allowing Evil polarized US less than four is running against Trump, the Secret Service counteras- ternational, a manufacturing life on Saturday when a young shooter fired Democracy requires partisans to accept
to Win,” his post said. months before the presiden- was briefed on the attack sault team killed the shooter. plant just north of the Butler multiple shots at him at a campaign rally in that the process is more important than the
The FBI early Sunday tial election. And it could alter and spoke to Trump several The heavily armed tactical Farm Show grounds where Pennsylvania, injuring his right ear. results. Even before Saturday’s events, there
identified the shooter as the tenor and security pos- hours after the shooting, the team travels everywhere with Trump's rally was held. Americans received a sobering remind- were worrying signs that many Americans
Thomas Matthew Crooks, ture at the Republican Na- White House said. the president and major par- The roof where the per- er on Saturday of the threat that political vio- were failing that essential test, it added.
20, of Bethel Park, Pennsyl- tional Convention, which will “There's no place in ty nominees and is meant to son lay was less than 150 me- lence poses to our democracy, The New York The assassination attempt is a horrific
vania, as it pressed its inves- begin Monday in Milwaukee. America for this type of vio- confront any active threats tres from where Trump was Times said. moment for America that could have been
tigation. Organisers said the con- lence,” the president said. while other agents focus on speaking, a distance from "It is now incumbent on political leaders much worse. But we can’t say it comes as a
Secret Service agents fa- vention would proceed as “It's sick. It's sick.” safeguarding and evacuat- which a decent marksman of both parties and on Americans individu- complete surprise. Political hostility and
tally shot Crooks. The gun- planned. Biden planned to return ing the person at the center of could reasonably hit a hu- ally and collectively, to resist a slide into fur- hateful rhetoric have been rising to a decibel
man attacked from an el- Trump flew to New to Washington early, cutting protection. man-sized target. ther violence and the type of extremist lan- level that far too often in the American past
evated position outside the Jersey after visiting a lo- short a weekend at his beach An AP analysis of more For reference, 150 me- guage that fuels it. Saturday’s attack should has led to violence and attempted murder.
rally venue at a farm show in cal Pennsylvania hospital, home in Rehoboth Beach, than a dozen videos and tres is a distance at which not be taken as a provocation or a justifica- Some of us still remember 1968 all too well,
Butler, the agency said. landing shortly after mid- Delaware. photos from the scene of US Army recruits must hit a tion," it said. The Wall Street Journal said.
One attendee was killed night at Newark Liberty In- Many Republicans the Trump rally, as well as scaled human-sized silhou- "Americans also must be clear-eyed The shooter alone is responsible for his
and two spectators were ternational Airport. Video quickly blamed the violence satellite imagery of the site, ette to qualify with the M-16 about the challenge that is confronting this actions. But leaders on both sides need to stop
critically injured, authori- posted by an aide showed on Biden and his allies, ar- shows the shooter was able rifle. The AR-15, like the nation. Saturday’s events cannot be written describing the stakes of the election in apoca-
ties said. All were identified the former president leav- guing that sustained attacks to get astonishingly close to shooter at the Trump rally off as an aberration. Violence is infecting and lyptic terms. Democracy won’t end if one or
as men. ing his private jet flanked by on Trump as a threat to de- the stage where the former had, is the semi-automatic inflecting American political life," the news- the other candidate is elected, it added.
The attack was the most US Secret Service agents and mocracy have created a toxic president was speaking. civilian version of the mili- paper said. "Fascism is not aborning if Mr. Trump
serious attempt to kill a presi- heavily armed members of environment. They pointed A video posted to social tary M-16. "Acts of violence have long shadowed wins, unless you have little faith in American
dent or presidential candi- the agency's counter assault in particular to a comment media and geolocated by Read more on Page 6 American democracy, but they have loomed institutions," the paper said.

reflections DMC's BJP Councillors concerned JCF addresses misinterpretation of voluntary contributions
By Sandemo Ngullie
by NDPP’s post ULB poll actions DIMAPUR, JULY 14
(MExN): The Joint Council
collecting monthly fees
ranging from Rs. 200 to Rs.
ations, the business com-
munity proposed setting
efforts in addressing un-
authorized operations by
Dimapur, July 14 NDPP MLAs of Dimapur 2 appoint the Deputy Chair- Forum (JCF) today issued a 2000 from businesses in up an office, operational various unions and associ-
(MExN): BJP Councillors and 3, it stated. person from BJP. This re- statement clarifying recent the Clock Tower area. In an since April 2024, along ations in the area. Despite
from the Dimapur Munici- The BJP councillors ex- quest was made without the misinterpretations regard- effort to tackle these issues, with a voluntary nominal these efforts, unauthor-
pal Council (DMC) have pressed their frustration, consent of the BJP council- ing its initiative for volun- the Churches Colony, NST monthly fee collection to ized collections continue
raised concerns about stating, "Even after the elec- lors, they claimed. "We were tary contributions from the Colony, and Middle Point fund its activities. The JCF to be an issue, prompting
the conduct of their coali- tion was over we were not surprised to learn from the business community. This councils held a joint meet- emphasized, “This contri- the JCF to call for further
tion partner, the National- informed neither by our newspaper reports where response follows what it said ing to address the concerns bution is voluntary and not action from administra-
ist Democratic Progressive BJP party nor our NDPP al- our respected BJP legislators were “negative portrayals on of the local business com- forcibly collected.” tion and law enforcement
Party (NDPP), following the liance partners." They fur- requested the NDPP party to social media, primarily driv- munity. In light of ongoing mis- to combat this ongoing
recently concluded Urban ther explained that the appoint Deputy Chairper- en by individuals with vested During the meeting, interpretations, the forum problem. “We respectfully
Local Body (ULB) elections NDPP proceeded to select son from the BJP but it was interests.” participants suggested the stated, “We assure trans- request that the adminis-
That's all you need? in Dimapur. the Chairman and Deputy done without our consent," A press release from formation of a joint council parency and accountabil- tration and law enforce-
Consider it done I will In a press release, the Chairperson without con- the councillors noted. the JCF informed that to better oversee business ity in our operations.” ment agencies consider
inform my secy to councillors highlighted that sulting BJP elected council- They emphasized their there were longstanding affairs, leading to the es- Additionally, the fo- taking additional steps to
begin all formalities to while the People's Demo- lors, depriving them of the willingness to sit in the op- complaints about various tablishment of the JCF. To rum expressed gratitude to address this issue,” the fo-
stop all these landslide cratic Alliance (PDA) co- opportunity to propose their position if necessary, stating, unions and associations support the council's oper- law enforcement for their rum added.
and floods from hitting alition government was own candidates. "The BJP "We would like to state that
your village. ok? originally based on a 40/20
seat-sharing arrangement
elected councillors were not
even given a chance to pro-
if needed be we are willing
to sit in the opposition." The ROAD WARRIORS: Truck drivers conquer harsh conditions to deliver goods
Sonowal to address BJP between PDA and BJP in the
general elections, the recent
pose their candidatures," the
statement read.
councillors reaffirmed their
commitment to the central
Nagaland meet on July 16 ULB elections saw a direct
contest between BJP and
Adding to their griev-
ances, the BJP councillors
leadership, stating, "The BJP
elected councillors of Dima-
Kohima, July 14 NDPP. This deviation from learned through newspaper pur Municipal Council reaf-
(MExN): Bharatiya Janata coalition practices was con- reports that BJP legislators firm to stand by the directive
Party (BJP) Nagaland state firmed by statements from had requested the NDPP to of the BJP High Command."
is all set to hold its 'Extended
State Executive Meeting on
July 16 at 10:00 AM in IMC
Hall, Fellowship Colony, Di-
mapur. 1Union Minister of
Heart diseases increasing at alarming
Ports, Shipping & Waterways
(Cluster in-charge of Naga- rate among young: Cardiologists
land) Sarbananda Sonowal
will grace the occasion as Chandigarh, July ern India attended the con- tients, especially those with
special guest. Anil K. Antony, 14 (IANS): Heart diseases ference. poor heart function, consid-
National Secretary & Prab- are increasing at an alarm- Speakers delivered lec- ered untreatable, or those in
hari In-charge of Nagaland & ing rate, with many young tures on cardiac diseases, which traditional methods
Meghalaya deliver keynote patients in their 20s and 30s including coronary artery could not be performed.
address. The State Executive succumbing to heart attacks diseases, structural heart The notable advance-
Meeting will also be attended in India. This trend is a huge diseases, and heart failure. ments include protected
by all the 12 BJP Legislators, concern for cardiologists, Delegates had the opportu- angioplasty in which a min-
State Office Bearers, Special world-renowned interven- nity to interact with distin- iature pump ‘Impella’ is in-
C Invitees, State Spokespersons, tional cardiologist H.K. Bali guished speakers and dis- serted for better results and
State Council Members, all said here on Sunday.
M District Presidents, State Ex-
cuss specific patient cases, faster recovery.
HEART Foundation or- enhancing the collaborative He emphasised the im-
ecutive Members, all 5 State ganised a day-long academ-
Y Morcha Heads with General
spirit of the event. portance of image-guided
Secretaries, all PSU Chair- ic program, CIIST360, to Bali, the founder pa- angioplasty using IVUS or
K men, State Media Team, State highlight the latest advanc- tron of HEART Foundation, OCT, which provides better
In one of the many instances, mini truck driver P Hatho and his companions took 4 days to reach Thonoknyu from Tu-
ensang via Shamator due to bad road conditions. Normally, the road is a half-day journey distance. Their 4×4 mini truck
Social Media Team and State es in the field of cardiology. highlighted advances in the short-term and long-term was carrying essential commodities for a grocery store at Thonoknyu. As informed, they unloaded and reloaded the
IT Team, according to BJP Around 250 cardiologists medical field that are now results. an important cause goods 5 times on the way to deal with the challenges of the road condition. They reached Thonoknyu on Saturday eve-
State Media Cell. and physicians from north- saving the lives of heart pa- of strokes. ning after setting off on Wednesday. (Photo Credit: Khumong T)
monday 15•07•2024

AIDA-Child Friendly Dimapur create NVBDCP reviews dengue preparedness in Mon

awareness on substance abuse
Surveillance team finds pres- confirmatory test for Dengue is available.
The performance of Surveillance work-
ence of Dengue & Japanese En- ers were individually assessed and overall
cephalitis vector performance of district was reviewed. Dur-
lating to the rights of the children- ing ongoing observance of Anti-Dengue
Non-discrimination, Best interest Mon, July 14 (MExN): State National month i.e. in the month of July, the District
of the Child, the inherent right of the Vector Borne Disease Control Programme, authority and staffs were highlighted on the
life, survival and development and Kohima reviewed NVBDCP programme activities to be conducted.
Respect for the views of the child. Implementation in Mon district from July The staffs were asked to work diligently
She encouraged the participants 10-12. and be in their posting place to ensure that
to utilise their energy, creativity and The team was headed by by Director & all logistics and anti- malarial drugs are
passion to combat to promote child SPO (NVBDCP) Dr R Chubala Aier & team. available in all the health Units at all times. It
rights and join hands towards creat- A Press release informed that Entomologi- was also stressed that all migrant population
ing friendly cities by educating one- cal Team also carried out Vector Surveillance are screened for Vector Borne Diseases. The
self and others, raising awareness in the District where the Vector for Dengue findings were also highlighted to DC Mon &
on the rights of the children through and Japanese Encephalitis were found to be necessary action to be taken by the adminis-
different social media platforms, present. It said sentinel Surveillance site hos- tration in collaboration with the department
volunteer in different organizations pital for Dengue has also been set up where was discussed.
to gain experiential learning and
enhance social participation, col-
laborate with local authorities to in-
fluence decision making and be the
A section of the students attending the awareness programme on substance abuse held at ECC auditorium on July 12. voice for the vulnerable. Further, she
encouraged the youth to join hands
Dimapur, July 14 (MExN): gaging the youth thought provoking say no to substances. He encouraged and hearts towards making our cities
ANMA Integrated Development questions about their interdepen- youth to be more aware of self deeds, and localities child friendly.
Association (AIDA)-Child Friendly dence and life objectives, emphasis- break the chain of addiction, be wise While delivering the welcome
Dimapur(CFD) in collaboration with ing the importance of having clear in making decisions in life because address, Eneingulo-u, Vice Princi-
Eastern Christian College (ECC) or- goals to avoid falling into addiction. addiction affects not only the indi- pal, ECC appreciated AIDA-Child
ganised an awareness programme He highlighted good practical vidual but also their families and so- Friendly Dimapur for their initia-
on substance abuse as part of 2023 examples and real life experiences ciety at large and lastly encouraged tive and commitment to educate
Campaign at ECC auditorium on which helped the youth to ponder those struggling with addiction not the youth on the substance abuse
July 12. The programme aimed to into one’s life journey and shared to be in denial but to acknowledge and heartily welcomed AIDA-Child
sensitise the youth about substance insights on the need to be aware of their problem and seek help before friendly Dimapur team, the resource
abuse and its negative impacts on the ongoing concerns and issues that it is too late. person and all the faculties and stu-
health. Almost 200 students and fac- our society is facing. Stressing on the Later, Garrol Lotha, Project Co- dents for the awareness programme.
ulties attended the awareness pro- topic, he stressed on the causes of ordinator, CFD spoke on the concept The programme was chaired by A man and kid sit infront of the sinking road at Tarliedzü, P Khel, Kohima village near Admin-
gramme. addiction, such as curiosity, peer of Child Friendly Cities Initiative and istrative Training Institute (ATI), Kohima, which rendered unsafe for vehicular traffic. This
Adila Imchen, Nodal Officer, Con- route serves as the main route from Kohima to Phek/Pfutsero/Meluri, Kiphire Zunheboto/
T Meren Jamir, Residential pressure, and stress relief. the guiding principles implement- venor of Red Ribbon Club, Assistant Chozuba via Tinpatti/Pezielietsie. Kohima deputy commissioner Kumar Ramnikant on Sat-
Counselor, Integrated Rehabilitation In his concluding note, Jamir ed by AIDA-CFD in local level. The Professor, Department of Education, urday advised public to exercise caution and avoid plying over this route for non essential
Centre for Addicts (IRCA), Prodigals’ stressed on the effects of addiction guiding principles of building a child ECC, while Mechietonü Agnes, Civil purposes till restoration of the road. Alternative route via: Ziekezou (Don Bosco junction)-
Home, Dimapur was the resource and urged the youth to built self es- friendly city mirror the overarching Society Mobilisation Officer, gave Kohima village circular road Seikhazou-Oriental college Road-Keyake (BSF camp), have
person. He began the session by en- teem, resist peer pressure and firmly principles of the UN Convention re- the word of thanks. been suggested for Light Motor Vehicles (LMV). (Morung Photo)

Awareness prog on ‘Scientific NU faculty engaged as Visiting Professor at Kazakhstan RCH aims at reducing mortality
Backyard Poultry’ held rates of mothers and infants the exchange of knowledge
on current research trends.
GOALPARA, JULY 14 (MExN): ICAR-NRC on Mithun, During his tenure, Prof Kidima, July 14 (MExN): Chief Medical Officer, Kohima
Nagaland in collaboration with Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Singh also presented an in- along with District Health Society, Department of Health &
Goalpara, Assam organised a one-day awareness program ternational seminar that Family Welfare, NHM conducted Reproductive Child Health
on ‘Scientific Backyard Poultry’ under the Scheduled Caste attracted audiences from (RCH) camp at Kidima village on Friday.
Sub Plan (SCSP) July 11 at KVK, Goalpara, Assam. neighboring universities and Dr Khrievilhou Nakhro, DPO (RCH/UIP) said that chil-
The objective of the programme was to raise awareness the National University of dren and pregnant mothers are given priority in the camp.
among local farmers about scientific practices in backyard Uzbekistan in Tashkent. His Speaking about importance of Reproductive and Child
lecture emphasised the aca- Health, the DPO said it aims at combating and reducing the
poultry farming to improve rural livelihoods, a press re-
demic culture and contribu- mortality rates of mothers, infants and children. Through RCH
lease stated.
tions of Nagaland University. services packages, prevention and treatment of Anemia, de-
Dr Santosh Kumar Baishya, Principal Scientist and Following his seminar,
Head, KVK, Goalpara inaugurated the program, emphasiz- livery of the child by trained personnel, promotion of institu-
Prof Singh visited the Nation- tional deliveries, Antenatal (ANC) care and early detection of
ing its significance in enhancing rural livelihoods through al University of Uzbekistan
poultry farming. Dr Narendra V. N and Dr Vikram R, Scien- maternal complications can be catered, Nakhro said.
where he explored opportu- Supplementing on the note, he thanked the Nagaland
tists from ICAR-NRC on Mithun shared valuable insights on nities for collaborations and
Prof Ambrish Singh (third from left), with faculty members of Al-Farabi Kazakh National Uni- Medicine Dealers Association (NMDA) for rendering their
the introduction and management of poultry farming. Their joint projects. He engaged
versity, Kazakhstan. (Photo Courtesy: PRO NU Lumami) assistance in supplying medicines for this RCH camp.
expertise shed light on sustainable practices and effective with scientists and staff, fur- Dr Nakhro, DPO also reminded the on community lev-
management techniques. LUMAMI, JULY 14 dents through lectures and vanced subjects spanning ther promoting academic ex- el participation where the JAS/VHC should take initiative
Dr Hitu Choudhury, Chief Technical Officer, KVK, Goal- (MExN): Prof Ambrish seminars, significantly en- Applied Chemistry, colloid changes between institutions. for Village Health & Nutrition Day as the need for bringing
para, concluded the sessions with a discourse on promoting Singh, from the Department hancing their educational ex- chemistry, analytical chem- Back at Al-Farabi Univer- about sustainable health care services through their partici-
livelihoods through backyard poultry farming, highlighting of Chemistry at Nagaland perience and expanding their istry, electroanalytical chem- sity, Prof Singh reportedly pation and active contribution.
its potential to uplift socio-economic conditions in rural ar- University, served as a Visit- knowledge in Chemistry. istry, computational chemis- played a pivotal role in estab- Khrievotsonuo, CHO, Kidima HWC chaired the pro-
eas, the press release stated. ing Professor at Al-Farabi Ka- A press release issued by try, and electrochemistry. lishing an electrochemical gramme. Altogether, 81 inhabitants availed health services
The event drew participation of local farmers (53 women zakh National University in the PRO, Nagaland Univer- For master's students, lab for applied and analytical at the camp. Two were identified with Hypertension & Dia-
and 8 men) keen on learning about scientific backyard poul- Almaty, Kazakhstan, during sity informed that Prof Singh Prof Singh conducted semi- Chemistry students, enrich- betes. Lab test and condom distribution were provided with
try farming techniques. Poli Saikia and Dr Narendra coordi- June 1-30, 2024. He engaged delivered lectures to PhD nars that fostered interactive ing their practical learning free medicines. Free distribution of IEC pamphlets, leaflets
nated the programme. with PhD and master's stu- students, encompassing ad- discussions and facilitated experience. were done.

Gorkhas in Kohima celebrate 210th Bhanu Jayanti Rtd IGP and wife join
Kohima, July 14
(MExN): The Gorkha/Ne-
Congress in Nagaland
the different Nepali commu-
nity together. He called upon
ed the gathering.
The occasion also wit-
the award while the special
guest handed over the cash
pali community of Kohima all to follow Acharya and give nessed by handing over of award of Rs 50,000 with a
celebrated the 210th birth the best in preservation of Sudha Das Academic Excel- plaque.
anniversary of Bhanu Bhakta Nepali tradition and culture. lence Award 2024 for female Chaired by GSKSK
Acharya organised by Gork- He encouraged people to Gorkha/Nepali student member Pritivika Jaishi,
ha Sahitya Kala Sanstha Ko- uphold the Nepali language achiever. It went to Trishna the programme had a wel-
hima (GSKSK) at GPPK Hall, by discouraging use of other Chettri of Vikesel’s Vision come address by GSKSK
Chandmari on July 13. languages at home or within School Kohima for scor- secretary Binod Mothey,
Gracing the occasion as the community so as to re- ing 85.83% mark in HSLC welcome song by students
the special guest, Additional fine ourselves. exam 2024 under the aegis of summer camp besides
Director of Sericulture De- Advocate and Ex-Can- of Gorkha Students’ Union poem recitation and cultur-
partment, Nagaland, Sanjay didate of ULB election Ko- Kohima. al dance marked the occa-
Advisor for Food &Civil supplies and Legal Metrology, KT
Sukhalu and Advisor for Land resources, G Ikuto Zhimo vis-
Rai recollected the efforts of hima, Priyadarshani Rana Nagaland Gorkha As- sion. GSKSK Literary Secre-
ited the major landslide areas at Alahuto, Old Town and North Acharya in popularizing Ne- graced the occasion as sociation President, Robin tary Maya Gurung gave the
Point colonies. Advisor KT Sukhalu also extended monetary pali language and bringing guest of honour and exhort- Pradhan gave a brief on vote of thanks.
help to the effected families.

District Level Population Day in Suruhuto PHC Richard Yimto and Shojila with Supongmeren Jamir and
Ranajit Mukherjee.
Science seminar activities which is being held from July
11-24 which will be carried out in all
Kohima, July 14 (MExN): The Nagaland Pradesh Con-
gress Committee (NPCC) informed that Richard Yimto, Rtd
held in Kohima the blocks and villages under Zun-
heboto district, stated a press release
IGP and son in law of late Yamakam, former minister of Na-
galand, along with his wife Shojila formally joined the Con-
from District Media Officer. gress Party in the presence of Lok Sabha, S Supongmeren
Kohima, July 14 (MExN): Kohima Jamir and Ranajit Mukherjee, AICC Secretary Incharge of
An Orientation Program was organized by Phek Govern- He stated that it is important to
District Level Science Seminar was or- Nagaland. The NPPC in a press release issued by its Com-
ment College for the first semester students on July 11 at ganised by District Education Office, keep adequate spacing of 3 years be-
Deo Nukhu Hall. A brief talk was delivered by Vevolu Khamo, tween two children for the health of munications Department has extended welcome to them
Kohima in collaboration with Depart- into the Congress fold and wish them well in their endeavors.
Assistant Professor, Department of Education on the norms ment of Science & Technology, Naga- the mother and child, to adopt family
and regulation of the institution. Neiwe Mero and Dr H Atoholi planning procedure especially post
Sema presented a brief outline to the New Education Policy land, Kohima in commemoration of
National Science Day 2024 under the partum or post abortion.
Atoizu Town Council
and syllabus structure for B.A & BSc programme. Introduc-
tion to various existing clubs, cells and committees like NCC, theme “Indigenous Technologies for He added that various family plan-
NSS, Red Cross, Red Ribbon, Literary & Performing Arts, Viksit Bharat” on Friday at the District ning methods will be made available,

members felicitated
Skill Development Club, Science Club and Mentoring were Education Office, Kohima. free services like post partum steriliza-
also highlighted upon to the students. The programme was A press release from District Edu- tion, IUCD & PPIUCD insertions, Va-
attended by faculty members and the 1st semester students. cation Officer informed that during a sectomy and tubectomy, use of con-
competition, participated by 8 schools, traceptives, condoms and awareness ZUNHEBOTO, JULY 14 (MExN): A felicitation pro-
Jandeno Patton, class 10 from Grace of family planning through IEC activi- gramme for the newly elected Chairman, Deputy and mem-
Higher Sec. School, Kohima won first ties of interpersonal communication, bers to Atoizu Town Council was held at Atoizu Jubilee Hall,
position; Khongya W Konyak, class 9 of Focus group discussion, distribution Atoizu town, Zunheboto District on July 12, with MLA and
Christ King Higher Secondary School, of leaflets and display of posters. Chairman DPDB Zunheboto District, Er Picto Shohe, as the
Kohima won second position and Grace Reproductive and Child Health special guest.
Sote, class 10 of GHS New Market won (RCH) camp was conducted after the
third position. Er Picto, while speaking at the programme, briefed the
District Health Society, Zunheboto ob- programme at the Primary Health gathering on the emergence of Atoizu Town Council and fur-
The judges of the event were Tem- served World population Day at Su-
jentoshi from Mezhür Hr. Sec. School, Centre Suruhuto. ther encouraged the new councilors to have sincere vision to
ruhuto Primary Health Centre, Zunhe- The medical team included dis- take Atoizu Town Council towards the path of development,
Kohima and Khriemeno Nagi, Govern- boto on July 12.
ment Higher Secondary School, Jotso- trict programme officer (UIP & RCH) peace and unity.
ma. Zunheboto, July 14 (MExN): Dr Heto Swu, sr specialist obstetrics Newly constituted Chairperson, Atoizu Town Council,
Earlier, welcome address was de- District Health Society, Zunheboto & gynae DH, Dr.Kapfo, Opthalmolo- Kitoli Naje, while addressing the felicitation programme
Gorkha Students’ Union Dimapur in collaboration Gorkha
Youth Club Dimapur celebrated 210th Bhanu Jayanti cum livered by Patricia Vizo, ADEO, Kohima observed World population Day under gist, Dr Lipokyanger, Dr Gihuka, Dr spoke on her visions, plans and to remain true to the prom-
Felicitation programme at Christian Hr Sec School hall in followed by briefing on the competition the theme ‘healthy timing and spacing Tokaito, Dental Dr Kiyeto, DPMU, ises and further appealed for collective efforts from all stake-
Dimapur. The programme started with invocation by Shishir by Shosinle Tep, Programme-in-charge, of pregnancies for wellbeing of mother BPMU, RBSK MMU and DAPCU staff holders.
Lama, Youth Secretary, Association of the Gorkha Baptist DEO, Kohima. and child’ at Suruhuto Primary Health rendered their services to the public. ADC and Administrator, Atoizu Town Council, Nukutulu
Churches Nagaland and welcome address by Prem Lama, Cash Awards and Citations were giv- Centre, Zunheboto on July 12. During the camp, 285 people S. Venuh provided insights into the regions' administrative
President, GYCD. Suraj Rai Vice President, Nagaland Gorkha en out to all the winners. Participation District Programme officer (RCH/ availed free medical services such as efforts while delivering her speech at the programme. The
Association addressed the gathering highlighting the sig- Certificate and cash award were also UIP) Dr. Heto Swu highlighted on the
nificance of contribution of Adi Kavi Acharya Bhanu Bhak-
sterilization-6, IUCD-8, ANC-7, Ultra- event was chaired by President NCP, Shiwoto Aye and ded-
ta Acharya. During the occasion, presentation of HSLC &
presented to all the student participants significance of World Population day sound- 32, Eye-72, Dental-78, NCD icatory prayer was offered by Pastor, Atoizu Town Baptist
HSSLC felicitation and Cultural session were also held. and Teacher Guides. & Population Stabilization Fortnight screening and laboratory test. Church, Rev Vikuto.
monDAY 15•07•2024
THE MORUNG EXPRESS nagaland/north-east 3

Meghalaya focusing on adaptation, mitigation Manipur: CRPF trooper killed, 3 cops injured
strategies as it revises state climate action plan after militants ambush joint patrol party Imphal, July 14 (IANS): The security personnel trouble-torn Jiribam district
New Delhi, July 14 (PTI): who have for generations shared an to the international carbon market, of creating check dams in differ- A Central Reserve Police retaliated and the militants on June 10 ahead of the Chief
With its ample green cover threat- intimate bond with nature. which pays for carbon sequestra- ent strategic locations can actually Force (CRPF) jawan was took shelter in the forest of the Minister’s scheduled visit to
ened by climate change, Megha- “This relationship is enshrined tion in new plantations. help us store a large quantity of wa- killed and three other secu- mountainous terrain. the state’s bordering district
laya is focusing on its dedicated in the 10,000 hectares of traditional- “Through this initiative, we ex- ter, which will, in turn, reduce water rity personnel got injured A combing operation is with Assam which recently
climate budget and an ambitious ly protected forests across the state,” pect to conserve another 1 lakh stress on Shillong,” he said. when suspected militants now going on and additional witnessed violence.
forest conservation scheme as it re- he said, adding, “Our focus is to in- hectares of agro-forestry areas,” he “When the Jal Jeevan Mission ambushed a joint patrol party forces have rushed to the ar- The advance convoy was
vises the state action plan to com- volve local communities in protect- added. started five years ago, we were in the with the state police in Mani- eas. attacked near Kotlen village
bat global warming, Chief Minister ing the forested areas around their But it is not just the forest that bottom in the country, at 0.75 per pur’s Jiribam district on Sun- The injured security per- on the Imphal-Jiribam Na-
Conrad Sangma has said. habitation.” gets priority when the state’s action cent. Today, we are almost at 80 per day, police said. sonnel were quickly evacu- tional Highway (NH-37).
Meghalaya is among a few states About two years ago, Meghalaya plan to combat climate change is cent now,” he said and added that The three injured include ated and are currently under Jiribam witnessed a wave
in India to earmark as much as 16 introduced ‘Payment for Ecosystem being upgraded. Water is going to in the hilly terrain, “if the source is a CRPF jawan and two Mani- medical treatment in the gov- of violence after the killing of
per cent – Rs 4,501 crore – of the total Services’ programme called ‘Green be a major focus area with the state not managed, then there is no use. pur police personnel. A police ernment hospital. 59-year-old farmer Soibam
state budget for sustainability and Meghalaya,’ where the communi- facing a unique problem: on the Therefore, we are working to en- official in Imphal said that the Sunday’s incident was Saratkumar Singh on June 6.
conservation initiatives in 2024-25; ties are paid an annual grant for one hand, there are areas with the sure future water supply too under joint patrol party came under the second militant attack on The Jiribam violence led
up from Rs 2,456 crore in 2022-23 conserving forested areas. highest rainfall in the country and, the Climate Adaptive Community heavy fire from the hilltop by the security forces in Mani- to around 900 tribals belong-
and Rs 3,412 crore in 2023-24. “This is India’s biggest such pro- on the other, many areas suffer from Based Water Harvesting Project.” suspected militants at Mor- pur in five weeks. On June 10, ing to the Kuki and Hmar
“We feel that climate change af- gramme. In less than two years, Rs 44 lack of water. The state is also looking at fur- bung village of Jiribam dis- suspected militants attacked communities taking shelter
fects every aspect of life and gover- crore has been released to 3,403 in- Meghalaya gets 63 billion cu- ther getting hefty funding for exter- trict bordering Assam. the advance security convoy at the homes of relatives and
nance. And hence it is important for dividuals and community beneficia- bic metres of rainfall annually, but nally aided projects for its climate The CRPF troopers were of Manipur Chief Minister friends in two villages in the
not just my government but also for ries to bring over 54,000 hectares of it flows away into Assam and Ban- adaptation measures. As of today, inside a patrol SUV when the N. Biren Singh in the state’s Cachar district of southern
all governments to focus on climate forests under conservation,” he said. gladesh. of the Rs 7,500 crore worth projects suspected insurgents opened Kangpokpi district and a se- Assam, while around 1,000
change for a better future,” Sangma, The state now envisions conser- “The geography of Meghalaya going under the externally funded fire, the police official said, curity personnel was injured people, mostly belonging to
who is here on a visit, told PTI. vation of 1 lakh hectares of forest un- is characterized by an elevated and projects, almost 50 per cent are re- adding that the vehicle was in the attack. the Meitei community, are
That approach is helping shape der the scheme in the next five years. sloping, inhospitable terrain, the lated to climate change and natural later found with bullet holes The advance security now sheltered in seven relief
the revision of the State Action Plan An additional 6,000 hectares sparse population poses challenges resource management. and its windshield shattered. convoy was on its way to the camps in Jiribam.
for Climate Change (SAPCC) with of forest has been conserved in a of water retention. Hence, it is not The Meghalaya State Organic
new climate adaptation targets participatory approach involving the quantity of water or rain that Mission 2024-28 was launched on

Heroin worth Rs 17.5 crore seized in Assam, 4 arrested

and sectoral climate risk mitigation communities under the ‘Commu- we get but it is about the manage- February 15, 2024 with the stated
strategies. nity Led Landscape Management ment,” Sangma said in an interview goal of converting and sustaining
According to the India State Project,’ while yet another 22,500 with PTI. 1,00,000 hectares of land under or-
of Forest Report report of 2021, hectares are being brought under Meghalaya is currently mapping ganic cultivation. Guwahati, July 14 (PTI): Heroin heroin was concealed in their sister's house
Meghalaya has 76 per cent of its afforestation under the MeghARISE its different springs and forests us- Sangma was here to visit the 2nd worth nearly Rs 17.5 crore has been seized nearby, following which that house was also
land under total forest cover. project. ing technology. For example, the Meghalaya Pineapple Festival un- from different parts of Assam and four ped- raided and 140 soap boxes containing 1.72
Harping on both “legacy and Speaking about linkage with the government has identified 90 loca- derway at Dilli Haat here. The state dlers have been arrested, police said on kg of heroin were seized," he said.
futuristic aspect to environmental international carbon market, Sang- tions upstream of Shillong, where government has tied up with Safal, Sunday. The total weight of the heroin seized in
conservation”, the chief minister ma, the 46-year-old entrepreneur- the catchment area for the city's a retail chain by Mother Dairy to sell Assam Police Chief Public Relations Offi- the operation was around 1.73 kg, valued at
said Meghalaya is home to a mul- turned-politician, said his state has water supply is situated. Meghalaya’s organically grown pine- cer Pranabjyoti Goswami, in a statement, said around Rs 15 crore, he said.
titude of indigenous communities made strides in connecting farmers “With a minimum investment apples at its outlets across Delhi. that 1.732 kg of heroin has been seized from In another incident, an STF team con-
two different places in Golaghat district. ducted a raid in Katahbari area of Guwa-
Acting on a tip-off, a Special Task Force hati and nabbed two peddlers on Saturday

IIT Guwahati working on 12-hr Tripura bandh evoked thin response team conducted a raid at a house in Rajaphu-
kuri area under the jurisdiction of Uriamghat
night, seizing around 308 gm of heroin from
their possession, Goswami said, adding

698 research projects

police station on Sunday, he said. necessary legal measures are being initi-
Agartala, July 14 shops and markets were also open to foil the strike,” said A soap box containing 13 gm of heroin ated.
(PTI): The 12-hour Tripu- functioning normally,” As- CPI (M) state secretariat was seized and two persons were arrested Another senior official said that the total

worth Rs 389 crore

ra bandh called by the Left sistant Inspector General of member Pabitra Kar. from the house, Goswami said. value of the seized drugs in Guwahati will be
Front to protest the murder of Police (Law & Order) Ananta BJP state general secre- "During spot interrogation, the two ap- around Rs 2.46 crore as per Narcotics Con-
a CPI(M) Zilla Parishad can- Das told PTI. tary Amit Rakshit asserted prehended persons revealed that more trol Bureau (NCB) estimates.
didate was peaceful, evoking The Left parties had that people rejected the state-
Guwahati, July 14 year, 473 new research and a “muted” response, police called the bandh to protest wide shutdown called by the
(PTI): The Indian Institute consultancy projects worth said on Sunday. the recent murder of CPI(M) Left parties.
of Technology-Guwahati on Rs 145 crore have been ini- There was no report of vi- Zilla Parishad candidate “Life was normal in the
Sunday said it is carrying out tiated, it added. Presenting olence or untoward incident Badal Shill in South Tripura entire state with vehicles ply-
698 research and consultan- the convocation report, IIT across the state during the district. ing on the streets and shops
cy projects on varied topics Guwahati Director Deven- bandh period, they said. The CPI(M), however, and markets functioning as
worth Rs 389 crore. dra Jalihal said, "Our insti- “Normal life has not claimed that people support- usual,” he said.
A total of 2,150 students
of the premier institute re-
tute's achievements in tech
transfer, patent filings and
been impacted due to the
12-hour strike. There was
ed the bandh as they largely
stayed off roads, markets and
BJP state spokesperson
Nabendu Bhattacharjee al-
ceived their degrees in vari- high-quality research publi- no picketing or gathering in commercial establishments. leged that the CPI(M) was Office of The Entrepreneurs Associates is looking for a highly motivated
ous disciplines at the 26th cations highlight the innova-
convocation ceremony dur- tive spirit of our graduates."
support of the bandh. Move- “There was pressure from trying to “politicise” the death and result-driven individual to join our team as a Senior Project Lead.
ment of vehicles and train the ruling BJP on the market of its leader ahead of the pan-
ing the day. This includes 277 IIT Guwahati draws tal- services were usual, while committees to keep shops chayat elections in Tripura. Location: Kohima
PhD scholars, 941 post-grad- ented students from all over
uate students and 932 gradu- the country for its under- Eligibility & Requirements
Interstate child trafficking racket busted in Arunachal
ation degree holders. graduate, post-graduate and
The Dr Shankar Dayal doctoral programmes with • Masters or Above in Social Work, Development Studies or Social
Sharma Gold Medal for the an increasing number of in- Sciences.
academic year 2023-24 was ternational students. Over
awarded to Rethyam Gupta its 30-year history, it has Itanagar, July 14 pu in Papum Pare district. awareness and proactive • 7+ Years of Experience in Project Management and Working with
(Engineering Physics), while seen over 22,600 graduates, (PTI): Police have busted The 15-year-old, a resi- measures to protect chil- Development Agencies or NGOs.
an interstate child traffick- dent of East Kameng dis- dren from such exploita-
Vedant Gaurang Shah (Com-
puter Science and Engineer-
he added.
Delivering the convoca- ing and prostitution rack- trict, was lured to Delhi in tion. • Proven Track Record of Successfully Leading and Managing Projects.
ing) won the President of In- tion address, founder and et targeting girls from the September 2023 and forced “The investigation is go- • Strong Project Management Skills, including Planning, Implementation,
northeastern region, espe- into prostitution. The other ing on. We are committed
dia Gold Medal. CEO of Zoho Corporation,
cially Arunachal Pradesh, girl who was from Kurung to ensuring that all perpe- Monitoring and Evaluation.
Also, Arpita Ray, MTech Sridhar Vembu, said indi-
in Geotechnical Engineer- genising technology starts an official said on Sunday. Kumey district, was about trators are brought to jus- • Excellent Leadership and Team Management Skills.
Two minor girls were to be trafficked to Delhi tice,” the SP said.
ing, was awarded the Gov- with proactively addressing
immediate challenges and rescued and five individ- when she was rescued. Meanwhile, the police • Strong Analytical and Reporting Skills.
ernor of Assam PG Gold
uals were arrested from A special police team, have submitted charge
Medal, while Pranshu Kan-
doi, BTech in Computer Sci-
seeing them as fertile ground
for innovation. Arunachal Pradesh and formed to investigate the sheet in a sex racket in- Salary: 6 LPA with Additional Bonus and Perks.
ence and Engineering, was "It requires a steadfast Delhi, Capital Superinten- case, made several arrests volving trafficking of five Only genuinely interested candidates must apply
awarded the Governor of commitment to investing in dent of Police Rohit Rajbir over 15 days, Singh said. minor girls in May before
Assam UG Gold Medal. "The research and development, Singh said. Two including the king- the court of Special POCSO Apply before 25th July 2024. Send your Cover Letter and Resume to:
institute currently has 698 fostering a culture of creativ- He said the case came pin of the racket were ar-
rested in New Delhi while
judge against 28 accused
research and consultancy ity and resilience. Embrace to light on June 10, when
projects in progress, with a challenges as they arise. the Itanagar Women police three others were taken Singh said that police For any queries, call during Business Hours (9:00 AM – 5:00 PM)
total sanctioned value of ap- They not only test and refine station received informa-
tion about two missing girls
into custody from different
places in the northeastern
have arrested two persons
in the case.
+ 91 8259856157 | + 91 8798876502
proximately Rs 389 crore," your strengths but also spark
IIT-Guwahati said in a state- breakthroughs that drive sig- aged 15 and 16 years. state. More arrests are like-


ment. nificant progress and lasting The victims were res- Singh emphasised the ly to follow in the coming
In the last academic impact," he added. cued from a house in Chim- need for increased societal days, the SP added.
Motto: “Ngophonghük Iyshonghük Phangkah”
P.O. - Naginimora, Pin - 798622
NSCN/GPRN (Niki) mourns Regd. No. 601/2024
I, Shri. K TONGKEM KONYAK son of A Konang Konyak, permanent
Date: 12/07/2024 Mon: Nagaland
Dimapur, July 14 (MExN): The NSCN/ and diligently served the nation with dedica- resident of Wanching Village in the District of Mon: Nagaland do hereby
solemnly earn and declare as follows:
Ref. KUN/GS-2/2023 Date: 09.07.2024
GPRN (Niki) has mourned the demise of its tion and sincerity. Selfless contribution ten-
1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India resident of the above mentioned
Additional Secretary Diganjoy Kachari of dered by him towards the cause of the Naga address.
Purana Bazaar 'B', on July 12 in District Hos- people shall remain recorded in the annals 2. That I am employed as Drawing Teacher GMS Kongan under the SDEO
pital, Dimapur. of Naga history. The NSCN/GPRN conveyed Wakching Education Department, Mon, Government of Nagaland.
He was suffering from health issues and condolences to bereaved family and pray 3. That my name has been inadvertently or erroneously recorded as Tongkem
was recovering from hospital. The MIP of God almighty grant them strength to over- Konyak and my father's name as A Konnang Konyak and my date of
birth as 07/12/1982 in my PIMS Emp Code No. EDN/24315 and in my
NSCN/GPRN (Niki) in a press release stated come the grief. “May the departed soul rest Appointment order. NO.ED/EL/C/1/2002-03(Pt.1) Dated 1st June 2004.
that he joined the national service in 2021 in peace,” it added. 4. That my correct name is K Tongkem Konyak son of A Konang Konyak
and my correct date of Birth is 07/12/1981.
5. That the names K Tongkem Konyak son of A Konang Konyak and Date
of birth 07/2/1981 and Tongkem Konyak son of A Konnang Konyak and

Army foils NSCN-IM recruitment bid,

Date of Birth 07/12/1982 pertain to be of one and same person.
6. That, I hereby declare my correct official name is K Tongkem Konyak son
of A Konang Konyak, correct official Date of Birth is 7/12/1982 and hence

dismantles extortion network in Assam

it shall be use in all the future undertakings and official records.
Verification: The statements made in Para 1-4 are true and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief and nothing material is concealed therein.
Solemnly declared and affirmed me by the deponent on this 12th July 2024
Guwahati, July 14 about to board a train to Di- Army and Assam Police dis- at Mon.
(IANS): The Indian Army mapur from New Tinsukia mantled a major extortion Notary Public, Mon: Nagaland
foiled an NSCN-IM recruit- railway station, Indian Army network of NSCN-IM in Tin-
ment bid in Assam's Tinsukia
district when four misguided
personnel, along with As-
sam Police established a dis-
sukia and apprehended five
key link persons involved in DECLARATION
Regd. No. 602/2024 Date: 12/07/2024
youths were prevented from creet surveillance network at channelising the extortion I, Shri. Y LOWANG K son of Yuna Konyak, permanent resident of
joining the Naga militant the railway station. All four money to Naga outfit cadres. Wanching Village in the District of Mon: Nagaland do hereby solemnly The Kongan Union Naginimora and the people of Naginimora
group, while in a separate op- youths were apprehended Lt Col Shukla said that affirm and declare as follows:
1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India resident of the above mentioned
Town heartily congratulate Shri. Honang Jessuhu, son of
eration in the same district, while trying to board the a tea garden owner, who re-
it, along with the Assam Po- train," Lt Col Shukla said. ceived an extortion threat of address. Lt. Mopen Jessuhu on being selected as the General Secretary to
2. That I am employed as Primary Teacher GPS Old Jaboka under the
lice, successfully dismantled He said that as per the lat- Rs 10 lakh from an NSCN- SDEO Tizit Education Department, Mon, Government of Nagaland. Eastern Nagaland Peoples Organization (ENPO). It also thank
a major extortion network of est inputs, the youths have IM cadre, was kept under 3. That my name has been inadvertently or erroneously recorded as all the right thinking people of Eastern Nagaland, in whose
the outfit, a defence official been given a warning by po- surveillance. The first Over Lowang Konyak and my father's name as Yanang Yuna Konyak in
said on Sunday. lice authorities and handed Ground Worker (OGW) was my PIMS Emp Code No. EDN/24280 and in my Appointment order. principles and domain, has seen the calibre and supported
NO.ED/EL/C/1/2005-06(Pt.1) Dated 18th December 2006.
Defence spokesman Lt over to their families. "This apprehended, leading to the 4. That my correct name is Y Lowang K son of Yuna Konyak. the right candidate to take the cause and the people of ENPO
Col Amit Shukla said that successful precise informa- apprehension of four more 5. That the names Y Lowang K son of Yuna Konyak and Lowang
four youths came in contact tion-based operation by the linked persons, disrupting Konyak son of Yanang Yuna Konyak pertain to be of one and same forward.
with an NSCN-IM cadre, Army has not only prevented the entire extortion chain, he person.
who lured them to join their the misled youth of Upper As- said.
6. That, I hereby declare my correct official name is Shri. Y Lowang The Union wishes him the best. May the Almighty God grant him
K son of Yuna Konyak and hence it shall be use in all the future
ranks. He said that based on sam from falling into the trap This coordinated effort undertakings and official records. wisdom to fulfill the desire of the people of ENPO is particular
the specific information, the of insurgents but has also has dealt a significant blow Verification: The statements made in Para 1-6 are true and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material is concealed
and the Naga in general.
army was constantly moni- exposed the nefarious net- to the extortion activities of
toring the activities of both work of illegal recruitment NSCN-IM in the eastern (Up- Deponent Sd/- (A. CHINGHAH KONYAK)
the youths and the cadre. of young people from the re- per) Assam region, ensuring Solemnly declared and affirmed before me by the deponent on 12th July President
"On Friday, when the in- gion," the spokesman said. a safer environment for the 2024 at Mon.
dividuals, as instructed, were In another operation, the local population, he added. Notary Public, Mon: Nagaland Kongan Union Naginimora , Naginimora: Nagaland
Monday 15•07•2024

The Power of Truth C O M M E N T A R Y Aishwarya Bajpai

Inter Press Service
The Morung Express
The Ocean People: Navigating Cyclones,
volume Xix issue 191

What’s in Floods, and Climate Injustice in India

By Imkong Walling

an award? C
yclones and floods have be-
come increasingly frequent
across different parts of India,
posing a significant threat to

the country’s population.
he public sector in Nagaland seems to have a knack for According to global data, India ranks
grabbing awards. For a state that lacks much in the de- as the second-highest-risk nation, with
velopment and performance parameters, it has bagged 390 million people potentially to be af-
some prestigious ones over the years. The most iconic fected by flooding due to climate change
would be the ‘Communitisation’ programme, a grassroots gov- and among them are 4.9 million fish-
ernance innovation accredited to the Indian Administrative Of- workers.
ficer of the Nagaland cadre, RS Pandey, who served as the Chief Venkatesh Salagrama, a Kakinada-
Secretary, Government of Nagaland, back in the early 2000s. based expert on small-scale fisheries,
Communitisation, in essence, translated into sharing of and also an independent consultant to
governance functions with the community at the grassroots. the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organiza-
While it covers a spectrum of “local public utilities and servic- tion has been quoted as saying: “For ev-
es,” it has been most visible in managing primary education, ery boat in the sea, there are at least 5-20
rural health and electricity. people depending on it.”
This innovation was responsible for Nagaland, and by ex- From 2015 to 2023, Indians have
tension, India, winning the UN Public Service Awards 2008. The faced the devastating impacts of floods
UN citation was said to have lauded the Communitisation pro- and heavy rainfall (see graph). Among
gramme for aiding Nagaland move towards achieving the UN’s those most affected are the ‘ocean peo-
Millennium Declaration or Millennium Development Goals ple’ or fishworkers, whose lives are fur-
set for 2000-2015. ther endangered by rising temperatures
The internet comes up with quite a few others. and unpredictable weather patterns.
The same year Nagaland got the UN prize, another award They already struggle with govern-
landed home called “India’s Most Picturesque Destination of ment initiatives aimed at intensifying
the year 2008.” Guess it was more for the landscape than tour- the use of the ocean for the blue econ-
ism amenities. omy and the corporatization of coastal
Before this, Nagaland was also a recipient of the Indian In- lands for port development, known as
novation Awards 2005. The award was for the Department of the nationwide ‘Sagarmala Project’ fur-
School Education (DoSE). The DoSE was one among 7 short- ther denying them rights to coastal lands.
listed as “Indian Innovative Organisations.” Thereby, making the rights of fishworkers
The most recent would be the Agriculture Leadership precarious, with no protective govern-
Awards 2024, handed away on July 10, where Nagaland got the ment laws in place. Climate change exac- Tidal waves on Namkhana Island have flooded a house in West Bengal, India. Tidal waves on Namkhana Island have flooded a
Best State in Horticulture Award 2024. As per the media hand- house in West Bengal, India. Natural disasters. Storms, heavy rainfall, and floods wreck havoc here. (Photo Courtesy: Supratim
erbates their vulnerability, turning their Bhattacharjee/Climate Visuals)
out, the award was presented to Nagaland for what was touted worst fears into reality.
to be “outstanding work in introducing innovative programs For instance, recently in December drowned. The collector should pay a visit
and policies for horticulture development.” 2023, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh and provide financial assistance.”
Now, the accolades have not been confined to public un- (southern coastal states in India) and There was a significant failure in
dertakings alone. Electoral stalwarts have also got a fair share. faced Cyclone Michaung, which led to predicting the extent of rainfall. The In-
One in particular, TR Zeliang, one of the two present-day Dep- extensive flooding. The cyclone brought dia Meteorological Department (IMD)
uty Chief Ministers, stands out. He famously received two inter- extreme rainfall, with parts of the Tamil did not provide adequate warnings, re-
national awards in 2016 when he was the Chief Minister. Nadu coast experiencing more rainfall in sulting in insufficient preparations with
The two awards, as dished out to the media that time, in- a single day than the average annual rain- Union blaming the state government
cluded a Lifetime Achievement Award in Transformation at the fall, a consequence of climate change. and vice a versa. The state government
6th Global Leadership Awards 2016 (Indonesia) and one other In places like Kayalpattinam and requested over 5060 crore from the
called the Pangkor Dialogue Award 2016 (Malaysia). The latter Thoothukudi, where the average annu- Union government for flood relief but
was reportedly for efforts made by the people of the state for al rainfall is around 900-950 mm, more received only a fraction, which was 450
environmental preservation and promotion. than 1000 mm fell in a single day. How- crores. The capacity of NGOs to provide
Minister for Tourism and Higher Education Temjen Imna ever, the cyclone was not the immediate aid was also limited due to restrictions
Along Longkumer, has atleast two leadership awards under his cause of the flooding. like the Foreign Contribution Regula-
belt. The first happened in 2017 when he was handed an award “The flooding was largely a result of tion Act (FCRA). Sridhar further added
for Leadership Excellence in Social Entrepreneurship at the 7th human mismanagement. Excessive ur- that “This highlights the need for a more
Middle East Business Leadership Awards 2016. He was then a banization and development in natural participatory and democratized ap-
budding electoral contender. Another leadership award came floodplains, combined with inadequate proach to meteorology, involving fish-
his way in 2020 at the 16th World Education Summit in Hyder- preparation, exacerbated the situation. workers and ocean people in modern
abad. There was another waiting for him in December 2023 The state government failed to release wa- scientific prediction methods who have
called the Minister of the Year Award. ter from reservoirs and lakes before the the traditional knowledge of the sea and where marginalized communities are veloping nations have proposed that the
The internet also came up with another name, a prominent cyclone, leading to overflowing when the weather. Moreover, in terms of prepara- most affected. For instance, while eco- fund should aim to allocate at least USD
one, who once received a young and rising leader award and heavy rains arrived,” R. Sridhar, Coastal tion, proactive measures such as releas- nomic losses might include income for- 100 billion annually by 2030 to meet
was allegedly a workaholic Minister in the DAN regime. Other Researcher and Research Scholar at Indi- ing water from reservoirs before the cy- feited due to heatwaves, non-economic these pressing needs.
names and awards could have been missed; all of which, if ar- an Institute of Technology, Delhi told IPS. clone would have mitigated the flooding. losses would cover the displacement of “The loss and damage fund should
chived, would make for a great trophy showcase. As a result, houses and roads were However, the state government did not communities from coastal villages due to be considered for not only immediate
The question is, however: How have the awards translated submerged, cutting off access to various take these steps, blaming inadequate beach erosion. relief and rescue operations but also for
into bettering the state of affairs? villages and delaying rescue and relief ef- warnings from the IMD.” This highlights the profound vulner- preparedness and spreading knowledge.
Communitisation, in particular, was initially credited for forts. The state’s response was hampered The ocean people, or fishworkers, are ability of fishworkers and ocean-depen- A participatory approach to meteorol-
improving the management of government-run schools, health by damaged infrastructure, and the re- experiencing daily losses, making their dent communities, acutely impacted by ogy can enhance prediction accuracy
centres and power utilities, including billing, in the rural areas. lief efforts from both the state and NGOs plight a clear candidate for the ‘Loss these environmental changes. Further, and disaster preparedness. Additionally,
Some 20 years on, its contribution to alleged transformation were delayed due to inaccessible roads and Damage Fund.’ At the COP27 and due to limited economic and social re- slower and ongoing disasters like coastal
and impact on meeting the UN’s Millennium Development and train routes. 28 world leaders recognized the need to sources available with the fishworkers, erosion and declining fish catches due
Goals or even the state’s own SDG 2030, is, at best, paper ac- Before the cyclone, fishworkers were support low-income developing coun- some adaptive and counter measures are to climate change also require attention.
complishment. already affected as they were not allowed tries grappling with the devastating im- beyond the fishworkers’ capacities. Fishworkers in various regions have de-
The writer is a Principal Correspondent at The Morung Express. Com- to venture into the sea due to cyclone pacts of climate change. The Loss and Damage Fund can be manded compensation for “fish fam-
ments can be sent to warnings, resulting in an initial loss of The result was the creation of the Loss allocated to those results of extreme cli- ine” similar to agricultural famine relief,”
income. Once the cyclone hit, flooding and Damage Fund, a financial lifeline mate events that cannot be countered or Sridhar said.
damaged boats parked both in harbors aimed at helping these vulnerable na- are beyond the practice of climate adap- The Adaptation Gap Report 2023 em-
and along the shoreline, affecting small tions recover from climate-induced nat- tation (activities to prepare and adjust to phasizes that “a justice lens underscores
and mechanized boats alike. Nets and ural disasters. To ensure the effective im- the climate change), for example, loss of that loss and damage is not the product
other essential fishing gear were also plementation of this fund, a Transitional lives and cultural practices. This com- of climate hazards alone but is influ-
damaged, representing a significant fi- Committee was established, including plexity will make it harder for marginal- enced by differential vulnerabilities to

Lincoln, Gandhi & ‘Useless’..!

nancial loss as nets are crucial and ex- representatives from 24 developed and ized communities like fishworkers to ar- climate change, which are often driven
pensive. The fisher community experi- developing nations. This collaborative gue their case and access the fund. by a range of socio-political processes,
enced extensive damage, highlighting effort underscores a global commitment Despite establishing such measures, including racism and histories of colo-

the severe impact on their livelihood and to addressing the urgent needs of those the global response has often been more nialism and exploitation.”
he last thing you’d think while traveling abroad is to hear resources. most affected by climate change. talk than action. Experts argue that the As India continues to battle these
much about your country, so I was pleasantly surprised A fishworker only identified Sim- A compelling aspect of the Loss and pledged amounts fall drastically short, extreme weather events, the call for
to hear this huge, strapping Irishman who was chatting hadri, a survivor of the cyclone was Damage Fund is its recognition of both covering less than 0.2 percent of what de- tangible action and equitable solutions
with me at a pub, knowing much about India, but a lot quoted in The New India Express as say- economic and non-economic losses. veloping countries require, estimated at becomes ever more urgent. The world
of it focussed on the hate campaigns that the country was going Non-economic losses encompass in- a minimum of $400 billion annually, ac- watches and waits—will the promises of
ing: “Every fisherman in Gollapudi suf-
through. jury, loss of life, health, rights, biodi- cording to the Loss and Damage Finance climate justice be fulfilled, or will they re-
A question I saw looming huge on his mind was, “How could fered an average loss of Rs 1 lakh (about
USD 1,200) as the fishing nets, motors, versity, ecosystem services, indigenous Landscape report. In response, members main hollow words in the face of escalat-
you guys who taught the world how to gain freedom through
and boats got damaged while some were knowledge, and cultural heritage—areas of the Transitional Committee from de- ing crises?
peaceful means, stoop to violence?”
Yes, there’s disgust in the world about the hate that’s being

Attack on Trump reopens chilling

Just a few days earlier I had been reading about the killer of
Abraham Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth. According to Boothe’s di-
ary, the actor had assumed that he would be welcomed by those

chapter in American politics: US media

in the South after he had killed Lincoln.
He thought that those who also believed in his desire to re-
turn to Confederate law would welcome him with open arms. But
soon he became disillusioned as people turned against him.
He was eventually found lying in a barn in Virginia. With his PTI
arms raised in the air, Booth’s final words were, ‘Useless, useless!’ infecting and inflecting American politi- and attempted murder. Some of us still While Trump is not currently serving as
cal life," the newspaper said. remember 1968 all too well, The Wall president, his wounding underscores the

He was shot and died a few minutes later as the sun rose.
he assassination attempt on for- "Acts of violence have long shadowed Street Journal said. ever-present threat that always hangs over
Is this what the world is thinking as a few from our country try American democracy, but they have The shooter alone is responsible for the office and those who run for it – and es-
to revere Gandhi’s murderer, and belittle all that the great man did? mer president Donald Trump is
a "horrific moment" for Ameri- loomed larger and darker of late. Cultur- his actions. But leaders on both sides pecially for those who claim it, it said.
More than anything else, we taught non-violence to the world, al and political polarisation, the ubiquity need to stop describing the stakes of the Trump is likely to face President Joe
ca and a "sobering reminder" of
all this through Gandhiji, even as Lincoln abolished slavery and of guns and the radicalising power of the election in apocalyptic terms. Democ- Biden, a Democrat, in the November
the threat that political violence poses to
tried to make the USA equal for everyone whether white or black. democracy in the country ahead of the internet have all been contributing fac- racy won’t end if one or the other candi- election. However, Biden, 81, is under
Non-violence and equality are beyond, far beyond the petty high-stakes presidential election, the US tors, as this board laid out in its editorial date is elected, it added. pressure to quit the race following his
politics of power-hungry politicians. Yes, for a few days Boothe media commented on Sunday. series The Danger Within in 2022. This "Fascism is not aborning if Mr. Trump disastrous debate performance against
must have been kept alive in the southern confederate states, just Trump, 78, survived an attempt on high-stakes presidential election is fur- wins, unless you have little faith in Amer- Trump last month.
as Gandhi’s killer is glorified today by a few who believe in what his life on Saturday when a young shoot- ther straining the nation’s commitment ican institutions," the paper said. Four American presidents have been
the killer killed for. er fired multiple shots at him at a cam- to the peaceful The targeting killed while in office, most recently John
But, beyond the selfish thoughts of these few, the real essence paign rally in Pennsylvania, injuring his resolution of po- of a former presi- F. Kennedy in 1963.
of what these two lived and fought for lives on, bigger and huger! right ear. Americans received a sobering litical differenc- dent, also the Re- The fact that Trump was attacked ends
It is time, we realise that history, remembers and respects reminder on Saturday of the threat that es," it said. publican presi- a 40-year period in which many have as-
great truths people leave behind, and mercilessly rubbishes lies political violence poses to our democra- Democracy dential candidate sumed that the Secret Service’s expertise
fed for immediate gain. cy, The New York Times said. requires partisans to accept that the pro- for the November election, at a campaign had greatly reduced the potential for such
Martin Luther King, used the very formula of peace that "It is now incumbent on political cess is more important than the results. rally just days before he accepted the Re- outrages – and will cast a pall that will last
Gandhiji created and his civil rights movement using this meth- leaders of both parties and on Ameri- Even before Saturday’s events, there were publican nomination is, by definition, for years, the news network said.
od, allows blacks and other coloured folk to walk tall in the USA. cans individually and collectively, to re- worrying signs that many Americans an attack on democracy and the right of Trump’s targeting during a presi-
Gandhiji worked towards a casteless India, and even brought sist a slide into further violence and the were failing that essential test, it added. each American to choose their leaders, dential campaign drew comparisons to
in a term, calling those who had been treated as low castes and type of extremist language that fuels it. The assassination attempt is a hor- CNN said in an opinion piece. the assassination of Democratic candi-
even untouchables, as Harijans, which means, ‘children of God’ Saturday’s attack should not be taken as rific moment for America that could The attempted assassination, which date Robert F Kennedy in 1968, a blood-
Those children of God, love him, and know they owe much to a provocation or a justification," it said. have been much worse. But we can’t say opens a dark new chapter in America’s soaked year that also saw the killing of
him, for fighting for their rights. "Americans also must be clear-eyed it comes as a complete surprise. Political cursed story of political violence, shook civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr
There’s only one word that can describe the attempts of those about the challenge that is confronting hostility and hateful rhetoric have been a nation already deeply estranged during and violence at the Democratic National
who try to resurrect murderers, and that is what Boothe shouted, this nation. Saturday’s events cannot be rising to a decibel level that far too often one of the most tense periods of its mod- Convention in Chicago, which will host
as he realised his whole idea was, ‘Useless’..! written off as an aberration. Violence is in the American past has led to violence ern history, it said. the same event this year, it said.
Robert Clements is a newspaper columnist and author. He blogs at www. and can be reached at Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.
Monday 15•07•2024
public space

Justice, not impunity, for sexually Urgent appeal for road repair:
Deplorable Condition of Kushiabill
assaulted indigenous girls in Peru
Mariela Jara
Village to Puranabazar Highway Junction
ures, 30% of the national popu- Dharma Dhaj Sonowal
Inter Press Service lation lives in poverty. When
Kushiabill, Dimapur

differentiated by ethnic self-iden-

he main fear facing tification, this rises to 35% among he road connecting Kushiabill Village to
women leaders who those who learned a native lan- Puranabazar Highway junction is in a state of
have denounced the guage in childhood. severe disrepair. This vital route, which serves
systematic rape of girls Extreme poverty reached as a lifeline for the residents of Kushiabill and
from the Awajún indig- 5.7%, a national average that rises surrounding areas, has been neglected for far too
enous people in the northeastern to 10.5% in Amazonas, a depart- long. The current condition of the road poses signifi-
Peruvian department of Amazo- ment with more than 433,000 in- cant risks to the safety and well-being of the commu-
nas is that, despite the media cov- habitants, where indigenous fam- nity. The road from Kushiabill Village to Puranabazar
erage and sanctions announced ilies live mainly from agriculture, Highway is riddled with potholes, uneven surfaces,
by the authorities, it will all come hunting, fishing and gathering and eroded sections. During the monsoon season,
to nothing. wild fruits. the situation worsens as the road becomes almost
“Our reports started in 2010 impassable due to waterlogging and mud. The lack of
and the government has not acted “I’ve picked up bloodied girls” proper drainage exacerbates the problem, leading to
to eradicate rapes against girls. We Bilingual intercultural educa- further deterioration of the road surface.
fear that once again there will be tion is a state policy in Peru.
impunity, and the government is Thus, student residences were 1. Safety Hazards: The poor condition of the road
very strategic in this,” said Rose- created to enhance access to ed- poses serious safety hazards for motorists, cyclists,
mary Pioc, president of the Awa- ucation for indigenous children and pedestrians. Emergency vehicles, such as am-
jún/Wampis Umukai Yawi (Co- and teenagers living in remote bulances, face significant delays, which can be life-
muawuy) Women’s Council, from communities, in the case of the
threatening in critical situations.
the municipality of Condorcan- province of Condorcanqui, on the
2. Economic Impact: The road is a crucial link for lo-
qui, to IPS. banks of the Cenepa, Nieva and
In June, women leaders from cal businesses and farmers who rely on it to transport
Santiago rivers.
Comuawuy reported the rape of goods to markets. The deplorable condition of the
The province hosts 18 resi-
532 girls between 2010 and 2024 road increases transportation costs and time, nega-
dences, where the girls live
in schools of Condorcanqui, one tively impacting the local economy.
throughout the year, receive
of the seven provinces of the de- meals and attend school. 3. Access to Education and Healthcare: Students
partment of Amazonas. These “Since they cannot return and patients face difficulties in reaching schools and
schools provide bilingual educa- home every day because they are healthcare facilities. The unreliable road conditions
tion to children and teenagers be- hours or days away by river, the often result in missed classes and delayed medical
tween the ages of five and 17. teacher or facilitator takes advan- treatments.
Girls as young as five years old tage of this situation and abuses 4. Quality of Life: The daily commute on this road is a
have died in these schools and them instead of guaranteeing source of stress and frustration for residents. The con-
shelters, infected with HIV/AIDS their care,” said Pioc, herself a stant wear and tear on vehicles due to the poor road
by their aggressors. member of the Awajún people. conditions lead to frequent repairs and additional ex-
Dormitory of indigenous girls of the Awajún people, in shelters where they live and receive intercul- penses for the community.
This is aggravated sexual vio- More than 500 rapes have tural bilingual education, in the province of Condorcanqui, state of Amazonas, in northeastern Peru.
lence against indigenous girls liv- been documented in the last 14 Credit: Courtesy of Rosemary Pioc
ing in poverty and vulnerability, years in this scenario. Appeal to the Concerned Departments
while sexual aggression against The leader explained that happen to me’, he warned me. and flaws in the investigation of the latest Condorcanqui will have Being a concerned citizen, I earnestly appeal to
minors is on the rise in this South these shelters are licensed by the And so it was. I was the one pros- sexual violence cases at the ad- a Gesell Chamber, a key means the concerned departments to take immediate action
American country of 33 million Ministry of Education, although ecuted”, she complains. ministrative level and in the pros- for the prosecutorial investigation to repair and upgrade the road connecting Kushiabill
inhabitants. they survive in very poor condi- A month ago, the indigenous ecutor’s office. in cases of sexual violence against Village to Puranabazar Highway. The following steps
According to the Ministry of tions and are left to their own de- women’s reports were widely In order to correct this situa- minors to avoid re-victimisation are urgently needed:
Women and Vulnerable Popula- vices. heard when the Minister of Edu- tion, her office has recommended through a single interview. The 1. Comprehensive Road Repair: A thorough assess-
tions, Peru registered 30,000 re- Pioc has been denouncing cation, Morgan Quero, and the “increasing the budget, strength- nearest one was in the city of Ba- ment of the road condition should be conducted, fol-
ports of sexual violence against sexual violence against her pupils head of Women’s Affairs, Teresa ening the Permanent Commis- gua Grande, a seven-hour car ride. lowed by comprehensive repair work to address all
children under 17 years of age in for years, but the Local Education- Hernández, justified the events sion for Administrative Proceed- The chamber consists of two the damaged sections. This includes filling potholes,
2023. al Management Unit (Ugel), the by attributing them to indigenous ings, which is responsible for rooms separated by a one-way resurfacing the road, and ensuring proper drainage.
However, many cases do not Amazonas regional government’s cultural practices. investigating teachers, and that viewing glass. In one room, chil- 2. Regular Maintenance: Establish a regular mainte-
reach the public authorities due decentralized body for education, The statements were roundly cases that are time-barred at the dren and teenagers who are vic- nance schedule to prevent the road from falling into
to various economic, social and has not addressed them in order rejected by various sectors, deem- administrative level should be re- tims of rape and other sexual as- disrepair again. This includes periodic inspections
administrative barriers, especially to prosecute and dismiss the ag- ing them racist and evasive of the ferred to the Public Prosecutor’s saults talk about this violence with and timely repairs to address any emerging issues.
when rural populations or indig- gressor teachers. government’s responsibility to Office because rape is a crime that psychologists and provide infor- 3. Improved Drainage System: Implement an ef-
enous communities are involved. “We are in the country of the sanction and prevent sexual vio- has no statute of limitations,” she mation relevant to the case. In the fective drainage system to prevent waterlogging and
Peru has 55 indigenous peo- upside down, because in 2017 a lence. explained. other, family members, lawyers erosion during the monsoon season. Proper drainage
ples, with a population of four colleague and I were reported for Pioc decried the ministers’ Gómez spoke to IPS as she and prosecutors observe without will significantly extend the lifespan of the road.
million, living in the national ter- denouncing and defending girls,” statements and expressed her travelled from Chachapoyas, also being seen by the victim. 4. Community Involvement: Engage with the local
ritory since time immemorial, ac- she said. disbelief at the announcements in the department of Amazonas Afterwards, the psychologist community to gather feedback and suggestions on
cording to the Ministry of Culture Pioc, as a native of Condorcan- of sanctions and other measures and the headquarters of her or- in charge asks them about aspects road improvement. Community involvement will en-
database. qui, knows her reality well. When ordered by the Education Office. ganisation, to Condorcanqui, to requested by the observers. Ev- sure that the repair work meets the needs and expec-
Four of these indigenous peo- she was a primary school teacher, “They are setting up technical take part in a meeting of the Co- erything is recorded and serves tations of the residents.
ples live in Andean areas and 51 she experienced terrible things. roundtables, but only when the ordination Body for the Preven- as valid evidence for the trial, and 5. Transparency and Accountability: Ensure trans-
in Amazonian territories, includ- “I’ve picked up abused, bloodied rapists are in prison and the girls’ tion, Attention and Punishment of the victim does not have to testify parency in the allocation of funds and the execution
ing the Awajún people, who live girls, and I’ve listened to their de- health has been taken care of will Cases of Violence Against Women in court. of repair work. Regular updates on the progress of the
in the departments of Amazonas, spair when their parents paid no we say they have complied,” she and Family Members, convened Gómez also stated that access project should be shared with the community to build
San Martín, Loreto, Ucayali and heed when told of the rapes”, she said. by the mayor of that municipality. to justice has many barriers and it trust and accountability.
Cajamarca. However, 96.4% of the said. The two ministers later apolo- The lawyer argued that the is up to the government to remove
indigenous population are Ande- She has left teaching to dedi- gised and said they had been mis- Awajún girls who have been sexu- them so as not to send a message The deplorable condition of the road connecting
an peoples, mainly Quechua, and cate herself completely to Co- understood, but they remain in ally assaulted will be hurt for life of impunity to the population, in Kushiabill Village to Puranabazar Highway Junction
only 3.6% are Amazonian peoples. muawuy, continue with the re- their posts, despite many calls for and that it is urgent to implement particular to the Awajún girls. is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention.
Although national and inter- ports and prevent impunity. their dismissal. mechanisms that guarantee jus- She also welcomed the pres- The safety, well-being, and economic prosperity of
national law guarantee their rights “A headmaster touched two tice, and emotional support for ence of representatives of the the community depend on a reliable and well-main-
and identities, in practice this is pupils. Their parents, with great Victims hurt for life them and their families. education sector in the area, but tained road. We urge the concerned departments to
not so for indigenous girls, while effort, reported him to the Ugel, Genoveva Gómez, lawyer “As a society we must be clear considered that this should not be prioritize this matter and take swift action to repair
poverty and inequalities in access but nothing happened. He car- heading the Amazonas Ombuds- that these acts violate fundamen- a reactive work for a determined and upgrade the road. The residents of Kushiabill and
to education, health and food per- ried on with his contract and then man’s Office, says her sector re- tal rights and should not go unno- period of time, but rather a sus- surrounding areas deserve a safe and efficient trans-
sist. raped his five-year-old niece. ‘Re- ported in 2017, 2018 and 2019 the ticed,” she stressed. tained and planned one that in- portation route that enhances their quality of life.
According to official 2024 fig- port me if you want. Nothing will deprivation of student residences Gómez said that by August at cludes prevention.

The Morung Express “Public Space” is to provide space for diverse opinions to be expressed and heard. The opinions in the “Public Space” do not reflect the views and position of the newspaper nor the editor.

STD code: Fire stations
03862 KOHIMA SOUTH: 0370-2222952/
101 (O); 9402003086 (OC)
Civil Hospital 232224
KOHIMA NORTH: 7085924114 (O)
Emergency DIMAPUR:03862-232201/ 101 (O)
Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. 229474
9856156876 (OC)
MH Hospital 295162 CHüMOUKEDIMA: 7085982102 (O)
248077 8732810051 (OC)
Faith Hospital 228846 WOKHA: 03860-242215/101 (O)
Game Number # 6421 Answer Number # 6420 Shamrock Hospital 228254 8974322879 (OC)
Zion Hospital 9366451969
MOKOKCHUNG: 0369-2226225/
101 (O); 8415830232 (OC)
PHEK: 8414853765 (O)
Police Control Room 228400 8413822476(OC)
Police Traffic 232106 ZUNHEBOTO: 03867-280304/ 101
Control (O); 9436422730 (OC)
East Police Station 227607 TUENSANG: 8414853766 (O)
9856163601 (OC)
West Police Station 232181
MON: 03869-251222/ 101 (O)
CIHSR (Referral 242555; 9862130954 (OC)
Hospital) 242533 Kiphire: 8414853767 (O)
Dimapur Hospital 224041; 248011 9436261577 (OC)
Apollo Hospital Info 230695/ PEREN: 7085189932 (O)
Centre 9402435652 9856311205 (OC)
District Hospital 03862-226041; LONGLENG: 7085924113 (O)
Dimapur 08794490031;
9862414264 (OC)
09366013602; WOMEN HELPLINE
Railway 131/228404
Airport 229366 STD code:
Indian Airlines 242441 TAHAMZAM 03871
Police Station 222246
Chümoukedima 282777
Fire Brigade Fire Brigade 222491
Nikos Hospital and 232032, CHILD WELFARE COMMITTEE
Research Centre 231031 Toll free No. 1098 childline
Nagaland Multi- 248302,
specialty Health & 09856006026 WE4 WOMEN HELPLINE
Research Centre
Eden Medical Centre 248722 08822911011
9615945510 KOHIMA STD code: 0370
Answer to Crossword 4953 Fire Brigade 2222952
Kohima DEF/PS/Mobile Contact No.
Patrol Units & officers Naga Hospital 2222916
SP 7005986001 Oking Hospital 2290080
ACROSS 48. Northerly 22. Open-minded 44. Rammed accuracy pearl Addl. SP
Bethel Nursing 2224202
1. A speech defect 50. Speech defects 24. Stone obelisk 45. Part of a baseball Home
5. Apart from this 54. Boundary 25. Detest game blood pilot SDPO (North)
Dy. S.P (Traffic)
7005986007 Northeast Shuttles 08974997923
9. Secret group 55. Downspout 26. Pee 46. Come up crazy pour O.C North P.S 9436009030 STD code:
14. Initial wager 57. Licoricelike 27. Took a chance 47. Muse of poetry 7005986008 MOKOKCHUNG
15. Anagram of "Dear" flavor 29. Rodent 48. One less than 10 diary promotion O.C South P.S 9436260589
Police Station 1 9485232688
16. Manila hemp 58. Europe's highest 30. Bay window 49. Leave out direct ridge O.C Khuzama P.S 9436012811 Police Station 2 9485232689
17. Move around volcano 31. One cent coin 51. Alone 7005986010 PS Kobulong 9485232690
19. Spiteful 59. Seaweed 33. Revelation 52. Short-muzzled everyone spell O.C Kezocha P.S 7085175062 PS Tuli 9485232693
dogs 7005986011
60. Doled response
20. Reef material
34. Head teacher 53. Immediately freak stage O.C Sechü (Zubza) 8575012885 PS Changtongya 9485232694
21. Tooth doctors 61. Motherless calf P.S 7005986012 PS Mangkolemba 9485232695
23. Sedimentary rock 62. Misplaced 37. On a leash 54. Escape future style O.C Chiephobo- 7005700738 Civil Hospital 2226216
25. Accounting examiner 42. What trains run on 56. No zou P.S 7005986013

geek tact O.C Tseminyu P.S 8974574316
Woodland Nursing
28. Beer Answer to Crossword 6425 7005986014
29. Swab 1. Nonclerical giant team O.C Women P.S 9436832115 Hotel Metsüpen 2226373/
7005986015 (Tourist Lodge) 2229343
32. Bold 2. Put ____ words
33. Consumed 3. Arouse great teat North P.S 7005986018
South P.S 7005986019
34. Minute opening 4. Punishes habitat thanks Khuzama P.S 7005986020
NOTES (Rs) (Rs)
35. Employ 5. Be mistaken US Dollars 81.37 84.78

36. Different 6. A person who rules humanity throat Kezocha P.S

Sechü (Zubza) P.S
7005986022 Sterling Pound 103.43 107.96
Hong Kong Dollar 10.34 10.96
38. Devastation 7. Satisfies insane toes Chiephobozou P.S 7005986023
Australian Dollar 55.51 58.22
39. 1 1 1 1 8. Lacking teeth Tseminyu P.S 7005986025
Singapore Dollar 61.65 64.12
40. Grassland 9. Dog introduce tourist Women P.S 7005986026
Canadian Dollar 61.57 64.56
I/C Mobile Unit 7005986036
41. Come to light 10. Degrade kitchen tray Mobile Unit (City-I) 7005986037
Japanese Yen 56.80 59.98

11. Strong fiber Euro 89.66 93.81

43. Bloodshot Mobile Unit (City-II) 7005986038
44. Morsel 12. Play parts marathon worse Mobile Unit (City-III) 7005986039
Thai Baht
Korean Won
45. In a silly way 13. Put down
18. Gentry
missionary Mobile Unit (City-IV) 7005986040 UAE Dirham (AED)
Chinese Yuan
21.77 23.50
46. Genuine Control Room 7005986046 11.11 12.16
monday 15•07•2024
6 india/world THE MORUNG EXPRESS

The Secret Service is investigating how a gunman

who shot & injured Trump was able to get so close
Michael Biesecker and Michael
The Associated Press
World leaders denounce political violence
The U.S. Secret Service is investi- after assassination bid against Trump
gating how a gunman armed with
an AR-style rifle was able to get
Washington, July 14 (PTI): World leaders, family.
close enough to shoot and injure "Together with all democracy-loving peoples
including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, French
former President Donald Trump around the world, we condemn all forms of politi-
President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime
at a rally Saturday in Pennsylva- cal violence. The voice of the people must always
Minister Keir Starmer, on Sunday denounced the
nia, a monumental failure of one appalling assassination bid on former US president remain supreme," he said.
the agency’s core duties. Donald Trump and asserted that violence has no New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Lux-
The gunman, who was killed place in politics and democracies. on expressed shock over the incident and said the
by Secret Service personnel, fired Trump, 78, survived an attempt on his life on "no country should encounter such political vio-
multiple shots at the stage from Saturday when a young shooter fired multiple shots lence.”
an “elevated position outside of at him at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, injuring Taiwan President Lai Ching-te wished him a
the rally venue,” the agency said. his right ear. The shooting left one person attending swift recovery.
An Associated Press analysis the rally dead and two others in serious condition. "Political violence of any form is never accept-
of more than a dozen videos and The 20-year-old suspected shooter was shot able in our democracies. I offer my sincere condo-
photos taken at the Trump rally, and killed by a member of the Secret Service. lences to the victims affected by the attack," he said.
as well as satellite imagery of the Prime Minister Modi expressed deep concern Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said
site, shows the shooter was able over the attack and said violence has no place in that the world must stand firm against any form of
to get astonishingly close to the politics and democracies. violence that challenges democracy.
stage where the former presi- Modi said on X, "Deeply concerned by the at- Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said it
dent was speaking. A video post- tack on my friend, former President Donald Trump. left him “sickened”.
ed to social media and geolocat- Strongly condemn the incident. Violence has no "It cannot be overstated — political violence
ed by the AP shows the body of place in politics and democracies. Wish him a is never acceptable. My thoughts are with former
a man wearing gray camouflage Police snipers return fire after shots were fired while Republican presidential candidate former President
Donald Trump was speaking at a campaign event in Butler, Pa. on July 13. (AP Photo) speedy recovery." President Trump, those at the event, and all Ameri-
lying motionless on the roof "Our thoughts and prayers are with the family cans," he said.
of a manufacturing plant just rally, according to two law en- vice for their swift action today,” those failures have implications of the deceased, those injured and the American Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
north of the Butler Farm Show forcement officials. The officials Mayorkas said. “We are engaged for the nation,” Torres said. people," he added. said he and his wife were praying for Trump.
grounds, where Trump’s rally spoke on condition of anonymity with President Biden, former Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, Starmer said he was “appalled by the shocking "Sara and I were shocked by the apparent at-
was held. because they weren’t authorized President Trump and their cam- a Democrat, posted on X that he scenes” at the rally. “Political violence in any form tack on President Trump," he said in a post on X,
The roof was less than 150 to discuss details of the investiga- paigns, and are taking every pos- and his staff are in contact with has no place in our societies and my thoughts are formerly Twitter. "We pray for his safety and speedy
meters (yards) from where tion. sible measure to ensure their security planning coordinators with all the victims of this attack,” he said. recovery."
Trump was speaking, a distance The heavily-armed counter safety and security.“ ahead of the Republican National Macron called the assassination attempt "a Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban was
from which a decent marksman assault team, whose Secret Ser- Calls for an investigation Convention set to begin Monday tragedy". also quick to offer his support to the former pres-
could reasonably hit a human- vice code name is “Hawkeye,” came from all sides. in Milwaukee. “We cannot be a "This is a tragedy for our democracies. France ident, who he met with only a few days prior at
sized target. For reference, 150 is responsible for eliminating James Comer, a Kentucky Re- country that accepts political vi- shares the shock and indignation of the American Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida.
meters is a distance at which U.S. threats so that other agents can publican who is the House Over- olence of any kind — that is not people," Macron said on social media platform X. "My thoughts and prayers are with President
Army recruits must hit a scaled shield and take away the person sight Committee chairman, said who we are as Americans,” Evers Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese @realDonaldTrump in these dark hours," Orban
human-sized silhouette to qual- they are protecting. The counter he contacted the Service Service said. said: "This was an inexcusable attack under the wrote in a post.
ify with the M16 assault rifle in sniper team, known by the code for a briefing and called on Di- The FBI said it will lead the democratic values that Australians and Americans Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
basic training. The AR-15, like the name “Hercules,” uses long- rector Kimberly Cheatle to ap- investigation into the shooting, share and the freedom that we treasure. These val- called the shooting unacceptable while also urging
shooter at the Trump rally had, is range binoculars and is equipped pear for a hearing. Comer said working with the Secret Service ues are ones that unite our two countries.” others to condemn it.
the semi-automatic civilian ver- with sniper rifles to deal with his committee will send a formal and local and state law enforce- Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said she “The attack against former president Don-
sion of the military M16. long-range threats. invitation soon. ment. was “following with apprehension” updates from ald Trump must be vehemently repudiated by all
The Secret Service didn’t have U.S. Secretary of Homeland “Political violence in all forms Attorney General Merrick Pennsylvania and wished Trump a speedy recovery. defenders of democracy and dialogue in politics.
anybody at a late-night news Security Alejandro Mayorkas is unamerican and unacceptable. Garland said the Justice Depart- She expressed her hope that “in the following What we saw today is unacceptable.”
conference where FBI and Penn- said his department and the Se- There are many questions and ment “will bring every available months of the electoral campaign, dialogue and Chilean President Gabriel Boric said violence is
sylvania State Police officials cret Service are working with law Americans demand answers,” resource to bear to this investiga- responsibility can prevail over hate and violence.” a threat to democracy.
briefed reporters on the shooting enforcement to investigate the Comer said in a statement. tion.” Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky said he "From Chile, I express our unqualified con-
investigation. FBI Special Agent shooting. Maintaining the secu- U.S. Rep. Ritchie Torres, a “My heart is with the former was appalled to learn about the shooting of Trump demnation of what happened today in the United
in Charge Kevin Rojek said it was rity of presidential candidates New York Democrat, called for President, those injured, and the at his rally in Pennsylvania. States," Boric wrote on X.
“surprising” that the gunman was and their campaign events is one investigating “security failures” family of the spectator killed in "Such violence has no justification and no place "We hope for the speedy recovery of former
able to fire at the stage before he of the department’s “most vital at the rally. this horrific attack,” Garland said anywhere in the world. Never should violence pre- President Donald Trump, the facts are clarified and
was killed. priorities,” he said. “The federal government in a statement. “We will not toler- vail. I am relieved to learn that Donald Trump is justice is served."
Members of the Secret Ser- “We condemn this violence must constantly learn from se- ate violence of any kind, and vio- now safe and wish him a speedy recovery," he said. Earlier, US President Joe Biden, Trump’s oppo-
vice’s counter sniper team and in the strongest possible terms curity failures in order to avoid lence like this is an attack on our Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr said nent in the November election, said everyone must
counter assault team were at the and commend the Secret Ser- repeating them, especially when democracy.” his thoughts and prayers are with Trump and his condemn political violence.

Pan india rollout of U-WIN Overconfidence hurt BJP's hopes in Lok Sabha polls: Adityanath at party meeting
to track routine immunisations Lucknow, July 14 (PTI): In “The opposition, which had ciety is scattered, it will easily fall, pandemic, hunger-related deaths he said.

likely by August end

the first major meeting of the Uttar earlier accepted defeat, is again but if it is united, even the biggest and suicides did not happen and it Praising the law and order in
Pradesh BJP unit after the Lok Sab- jumping around today,” the chief powers will fall in front of it,” he was eradicated successfully under the state, Adityanath said, “After
ha poll debacle in the state, Chief minister said at the concluding said. the leadership of PM Modi, he said. the 2022 (UP assembly) elections,
New Delhi, July 14 (PTI): The U-WIN portal, a replica- Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sun- session of the day-long meeting “We have to use social media He said the BJP, however, does the opposition started jumping
tion of the Covid-19 vaccine management system Co-WIN, day said “overconfidence” hurt the at Ambedkar Auditorium of Ram platforms as much as possible. Us- not have to “go on the backfoot” around and resorted to violence.
is set for a pan-India launch likely by the end of August, aim- BJP's hopes in this year's elections. Manohar Lohia National Law Uni- ing social media, the opposition since they have done good work. But with your support in our gov-
ing to maintain an electronic registry of routine immunisa- Addressing the BJP's UP work- versity in Lucknow. and foreigners were involved in a Addressing party workers, he ernment's 'mafia-free UP' cam-
tions, official sources said. ing committee meeting here, Ad- Adityanath's remarks comes af- conspiracy and were successful in said, “When you were in the oppo- paign, we succeeded in freeing the
Currently, U-WIN is in pilot mode across all states and ityanath said while the BJP man- ter a day after the BJP-led NDA's dis- it,” the chief minister said. sition, you used to fight for the is- state from goons and mafia.”
Union Territories, except for West Bengal, which is yet to aged managed to maintain its mal performance in by-elections in The BJP, however, has a nation- sues of the people. When you were Adityanath urged party leaders
start uploading data, the sources told PTI, adding that it is vote share of previous elections, seven states. INDIA bloc members alist vision, he added. in government, you saw the secu- to gear up for assembly bypolls and
still under consideration in the state. there was a “shifting of votes”, and won the bypolls to 10 of the 13 as- INDIA bloc leaders had at- rity environment in UP. Remember, the 2027 assembly elections.
The U-WIN platform captures every vaccination event now the “defeated” opposition is sembly constituencies, while the tacked the BJP saying it wanted to roads used to be empty during Mu- “Everyone will have to be ac-
for pregnant women and children under the Universal Im- “jumping around” again. BJP managed to bag two and an In- end reservations during the Lok harram, and today, it is being held tive from now on for the assembly
munization Programme (UIP). The chief minister said, “Un- dependent pocketed one seat. Sabha poll campaign. without attracting any attention.” by-elections to be held on 10 seats
Minister of Finance Nirmala Sitharaman had an- der the leadership of PM Modi, we In the recently concluded Lok Adityanath said, “BJP workers Adityanath said he had met in the state and the 2027 assembly
nounced in the interim Budget for 2024-2025 that U-WIN, had maintained constant pressure Sabha polls, the BJP won 33 seats, will have to see what is going on in party leader JP Nadda -- who was elections. Lok Sabha and Rajya
along with intensified efforts under Mission Indradhanush, on the opposition in UP, achieving down from 62 it clinched in 2019. social media. We will have to im- present at Sunday's meeting -- to Sabha MPs, MLAs, MLCs, zila pan-
will be rolled out nationwide for managing immunisation. great success in 2014, 2017, 2019 The Congress won six seats, while mediately refute the rumours. We eradicate encephalitis from eastern chayat chairmen, mayors, block
“The U-WIN will ensure timely administration of vaccine and 2022 (national and state elec- its INDIA bloc ally Samajwadi Par- have to talk about the BJP's views UP. Nadda, who is the Union health pramukhs and councilors, every-
doses by digitally recording every vaccination event under tions).” ty bagged 37 seats from UP, which about the great men of Scheduled minister, held the same portfolio in one should start preparing for the
the Universal Immunisation Programme among all pregnant “The percentage of votes that sends 80 members to the Lower Castes. In 2019, we had defeated the first term of PM Modi. 2027 assembly elections from to-
women and children aged 0-5 years,” an official told PTI. BJP had in its favour in 2014 and House of Parliament. the biggest alliance in the state.” “When JP Nadda ji became the day itself,” he said
“The portal will target 2.9 crore pregnant women and subsequent elections, BJP has In a veiled attack at opposition “We do not discriminate on country's health minister, I met “We have to hoist the flag of BJP
2.6 crore infants (0-1 years) annually by providing 11 vac- parties, Adityanath warned against the basis of caste, religion or creed. him as an MP. Our government in the state once again,” Adityanath
been successful in getting the
cines against 12 vaccine preventable diseases -- diphtheria,
same number of votes in 2024 as the “sin of dividing” people along Eighty crore people are not getting gave priority to encephalitis and added.
measles, rubella, and tetanus through more than 1.2 crore
vaccination sessions across the country,” the official added. well, but shifting of votes and over- caste lines, which he said was com- free ration on the basis of caste or we completely eradicated the dis- The Election Commission is yet
The platform generates a uniform QR-based, digitally confidence have hurt our hopes,” mitted during the elections. religion,” the chief minister said. ease which had been terrorising to announce the schedule for the
verifiable e-vaccination certificate, similar to Covid vaccina- he said. “The world knows that if our so- Even during the COVID-19 Purvanchal for more than 40 years,” assembly bypolls in Uttar Pradesh.
tion certificate, which can be accessed anytime by the citi-
zens through a single click.
Vaccination records under UIP are being maintained
manually as of now. So this will do away with the hassle of
keeping a physical record, the officials explained.
Climate change disrupting education outcomes, increasing learning loss: UNESCO
It will enable the digitisation of session planning, and New Delhi, July 14 through its displacement of 1.5 fewer years of schooling India found that they nega- creases the likelihood of Noting that there are in-
updating vaccination status on a real-time basis, they added.
“Also, there is no mechanism of individual tracking. There (PTI): Climate related people and the effects on than children experiencing tively affected vocabulary at displacement and is one of creasing calls to improve the
is also lack of awareness among beneficiaries about session stressors like heat, wildfires, people’s livelihoods and average temperatures. age five and mathematics the reasons why internal ability of school infrastruc-
location and date especially in urban areas and iniquity in im- floods, droughts, diseases health,” the report said. “High temperatures re- and non-cognitive skills at displacement has reached ture to absorb shocks and
munisation coverage in states and UTs,” another official said. and rising sea levels affect “Over the past 20 years, duced high-stakes test per- age 15. the highest levels on record. adapt to stresses and chang-
“Besides, another major issue is that immunisation at education outcomes and schools were closed in at formance in China and led “The effects were more During 2022, 32.6 million es brought about by climate
private health facilities is not recorded,” the official added. threaten to undo education- least 75 per cent of the ex- to reductions in both high severe for boys and chil- were internally displaced change impacts, the crucial
The U-WIN is going to be the single source of informa- al gains of recent decade, treme weather events, im- school graduation and col- dren of parents with a lower due to disasters. Analysis report claimed that the ef-
tion for immunisation services which will record pregnancy according to the Global Ed- pacting five million people lege entrance rates. In the educational attainment. An of five countries – Bangla- forts remain insufficient.
details and outcome, newborn registration and immunisa- ucation Monitoring Report or more. Increasingly fre- United States, without air analysis of disasters expe- desh, India, Indonesia, Tu- “Planning and funding
tion at birth. It will update vaccination status, and delivery (GEM). quent natural disasters, in- conditioning, a school year rienced early in life by over valu and Vietnam – finds for climate impact risks and
outcome, among others, on real time, the official said. The global report com- cluding floods and cyclones, hotter by 1 degree Celsius, 140,000 children in seven five displacement patterns: adaptation remain inad-
As of July 9, 2024, the pilot has registered 5.33 crore ben- piled by UNESCO, Monitor- have led to the deaths of stu- reduced test scores by 1 per Asian countries found a neg- temporary displacement, equate Analysis of country
eficiaries on U-WIN. Over 83.55 lakh vaccination sessions ing and Evaluating Climate dents and teachers and have cent. ative association with school permanent migration to submissions for the mid-
have been digitally conducted, and 18.15 crore vaccine dos- Communication and Edu- damaged and destroyed “Very hot school days enrolment, especially for urban settlements, govern- term review of the Frame-
es have been recorded. cation (MECCE) project and schools. disproportionately impact- boys, and with mathematics ment-planned relocation, work for Disaster Risk Re-
The platform aims to reduce zero-dose and left-out chil- University of Saskatchewan “Exposure to heat has ed African American and performance, especially for cross-border migration and duction found risk levels are
dren through a name-based tracking mechanism and em- in Canada has pointed out significant detrimental ef- Hispanic students, due to girls, by the time they reach trapped populations. rising much faster than the
power citizens with anytime, anywhere access to vaccina- that most low and middle- fects on children’s educa- poor infrastructure condi- 13 to 14 years,” it said. “These displacement resilience of the education
tion services, particularly benefiting migratory populations, income countries are ex- tional outcomes. An anal- tions, accounting for rough- Climate-induced educa- scenarios lead to different sector in most countries,
the official said. periencing climate-related ysis linking census and ly five per cent of the racial tion vulnerability is found barriers to education, related despite recognition that di-
“The U-WIN portal is likely to be launched pan India in school closures every year, climate data in 29 countries achievement gap. In the to be worse for marginal- to a lack of financial resourc- saster risk resilience is key
August end,” the official stated. increasing chances of learn- between 1969 and 2012 most disadvantaged munici- ized populations. Of the 10 es, documentation or resi- for preventing hazards from
Citizens can self-register for vaccinations via the U- ing loss and dropout. showed that exposure to palities in Brazil, which were countries most affected by dency requirements,” it said. becoming disasters
WIN web portal or its Android mobile application, select
“Climate change related higher than average tem- also amongst those most ex- extreme weather events in The report noted that “Yet awareness is low.
preferred vaccination centres, and schedule appointments.
Automated SMS alerts inform citizens about registration impacts are already disrupt- peratures during the pre- posed to heat risk, students 2019, eight were low or low- dealing with direct and in- In a recent survey of 94 edu-
confirmations, administered doses, and upcoming dose re- ing education systems and natal and early life period is lost about one per cent of er-middle-income coun- direct effects of climate cation policy makers in 28
minders, ensuring timely and age-appropriate vaccinations. outcomes. Direct effects associated with fewer years learning per year due to ris- tries. Of the 33 countries change-induced disruptions low- and middle-income
It also facilitates the creation of Ayushman Bharat Health include the destruction of of schooling, especially in ing temperatures,” it said. identified as bearing ex- requires a comprehensive countries, only about half
Account (ABHA) IDs for comprehensive health record education infrastructure as Southeast Asia,” it added. Elaborating about im- tremely high climate risks focus on climate adaptation, believed that hotter temper-
maintenance. well as injuries and loss of The GEM report noted pact of climate change on for children, where nearly including multi-sectoral atures inhibited learning.
The U-WIN also supports the frontline workers to digi- life among students, parents that a child experiencing education in India, the cru- one billion people live, 29 are planning, curriculum re- About 61 per cent viewed cli-
tally record all vaccination events for children and pregnant and school staff. Climate temperatures that are two cial report pointed out that a also considered to be fragile form, teacher training and mate change among the bot-
women for complete, accurate and easy record mainte- change has a negative im- standard deviations above study of rainfall shocks over states. community awareness and tom three out of 10 priorities
nance, the official said. pact on education indirectly average is predicted to attain the first 15 years of life in “Climate change in- engagement. in education,” it said.
monday 15•07•2024
entertainment 7

QR Code, colour-coded wristbands, standby medical

teams secured year’s most extravagant wedding
ntry based on a QR certs from the Backstreet Boys,
code messaged on Pitbull, and David Guetta, and a
p e rs o na l mob il e performance by Katy Perry at a
phones, colour-coded masquerade ball at the Château
paper wristbands for de la Croix des Gardes in France.
access to different zones, and a DJ David Guetta played at a toga
medical response preparedness party at sea. The cruise ended in
reserved for heads of state helped Italy’s Portofino, where tenor An-
Asia’s richest man Mukesh Am- drea Bocelli serenaded the party
bani wed his youngest son Anant in the town square.
to pharmaceutical heiress Rad- Last week, Justin Bieber per-
hika Merchant in the year’s most formed at the ‘Sangeet’ or musi-
extravagant wedding. cal night.
Global celebrities, business The Ambanis have not re-
tycoons, cricketers, filmstars and vealed how much Anant’s wed-
politicians of all hues attended ding is costing. But the gala scale
the wedding at Ambani-family- of the celebration included a Rs
owned Jio World Centre at Mum- 5-6 lakh per piece select invita-
bai’s BKC on Friday and a ‘bless- tion box and three Falcon-2000
ing ceremony’ for friends and jets being rented to ferry wedding
family members titled ‘Shubh guests to the event.
Ashirwad’ on the following day. Anant Ambani gifted friends
A wide range of guests - from Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Per-
employees to business associ- petual Calendar limited edition
ates - were invited for another re- watch.
ception, titled ‘Mangal Utsav’, on It was rumoured Rihanna
Sunday at the same venue. had been paid USD 7 million for
Prime Minister Narendra her performance and Bieber USD
Modi visited the venue on Satur- 10 million (close to Rs 84 crore).
day to bless the couple. An email sent to Reliance re-
Three different invitations mained unanswered.
were sent out for the wedding Mukesh and Nita in the past
and the receptions with top-run The QR codes messaged to cated routes to the nearest hos- The guest list includes former watching the Wimbledon semi- renewable and green energy ex- had lavish weddings for their
guests being sent a large red box the mobile phones and emailed pitals which had been primed in British Prime Ministers Tony final in London and Virat Kohli. pansion while the bride, Radhika other children too -- Beyonce
that contained an intricate chest were scanned to allow entry into advance for dealing with any sort Blair and Boris Johnson, Saudi Politicians who attended the Merchant, also 29, is the daughter performed at daughter Isha Am-
incorporating a mini silver tem- the venue where different co- of medical emergency. Aramco CEO Amin H. Nasser, re- wedding included Maharashtra of pharmaceutical tycoon Viren bani’s 2018 nuptials that boasted
ple featuring gold idols of various loured paper wristbands were “The Ambanis did not want ality TV star Kim Kardashian and Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, his and Shaila Merchant and is the guests like Hillary Clinton and
Hindu deities, including Lord tied on the wrist of all the guests to leave anything to chance,” a her sister Khloe, Nigerian rap- deputies Devendra Fadnavis and marketing director for his com- John Kerry, and a year later Cold-
Ganesh, Radha-Krishna, and that gave them access to different source revealed. per Rema, and footballer David Ajit Pawar, RJD chief Lalu Prasad pany, Encore Healthcare. play’s Chris Martin performed at
Goddess Durga. zones depending on the colour. Another source said the time Beckham. Yadav, West Bengal Chief Minis- The three-day wedding ex- Aaksh’s pre-wedding bash in St
The invitation revealed differ- Several film stars and crick- between the QR Code being sent Business tycoon Gautam Ad- ter Mamata Banerjee, Samajwadi travaganza is the final stop in a Moritz, Switzerland, and Maroon
ent cards for each wedding func- eters as well as business tycoons and the actual event was cut this ani came to the wedding holding Party President Akhilesh Yadav, string of lavish parties the family 5 at his wedding in Mumbai.
tion with one crafted from silver like Korean electronic giant Sam- time as in the previous Ambani hands of his little granddaughter his wife Dimple and Shiv Sena has hosted since March. The cou- The 2018 wedding of Isha was
and resembling the main gate of sung Electronics Chairman Lee wedding some had “sold” the ac- with his son Karan and wife Pre- (UBT) head Uddhav Thackeray. ple got engaged in January 2023 billed as the most expensive wed-
an ancient temple. It included Jae-yong and his wife sported a cess to non-invited people. eti in tow. Kumar Mangalam Birla NCP (SP) supremo Sharad and the Ambanis have hosted ding in India to date with some
several keepsakes, such as an pink wristband on their wedding The dress code for all the too came with his family. Pawar, Congress leaders Kamal three lavish pre-wedding parties. estimates putting the cost up to
embroidered cloth with the ini- day and a red one on Saturday. events was Indian and interna- Almost the entire top rung Nath and Sachin Pilot and Kar- First a three-day pre-wedding USD 100 million.
tials ‘AR’ for Anant and Radhika, Employees, security and ser- tional guests too wore designer Bollywood actors -- from Amitabh nataka deputy chief minister D K celebration was held in March in Mukesh Ambani, 67, is at
a blue shawl and a silver box filled vice staff wore different coloured traditional clothes such as em- Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan and Shivakumar were also among the the group’s refinery township of present the world’s 11th richest
with more gifts. wristbands. broidered sherwanis and band- Salman Khan to Ajay Devgn, Ran- attendees at the event. Jamnagar in Gujarat that hosted man with a net worth of USD 119
The simplest invitation was Ushers and a multi-layer se- hgalas. John Cena paired a pow- bir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Tiger Shroff Shankaracharya of Dwarka tech billionaires Mark Zuck- billion, according to Bloomberg
in a laptop-sized box with silver curity cover secured the sprawl- der-blue sherwani with white and Varun Dhawan -- were pres- Peeth Swami Sadananda Saras- erberg and Bill Gates, Ivanka Billionaire Index. He spent the
statues of three Gods and invita- ing venue, two sources aware of pants while Nick Jonas wore a ent, most with their families, while wati and Shankaracharya of Jy- Trump and Jared Kushner in the last two decades in transforming
tion cards. the matter said. pink sherwani and white pants. superstars Rajinikanth, Ram otirmath Swami Avimuktesh- 1,200-strong guest list, and had Reliance Industries, founded by
The guests were asked to con- Detailed fire and other emer- Samsung head too came dressed Charan and Mahesh Babu led the waranand as well as yoga guru an exclusive performance by Ri- his father in 1966 as a stodgy oil
firm their presence through an gency plans were worked out in a sherwani for the event. entourage from down south. Ramdev too attended the event. hanna. David Blaine did magic and petrochemicals giant, into
email or Google Form. while an elaborate medical re- Most guests wore different Indian cricketers, including FIFA President Gianni Infan- tricks and the festivities also in- a global empire spanning tele-
Those confirming their pres- sponse preparedness resembled clothes for the ‘baraat’ or wed- icons Sachin Tendulkar, Mahen- tino, Andhra Pradesh Chief Min- volved a trip to Ambani’s ‘animal coms, retail, financial services,
ence received a message that one reserved for heads of state. ding procession and the actual dra Singh Dhoni, Jasprit Bumrah, ister N Chandrababu Naidu and rescue centre’ housing exotic ani- cricket and luxury fashion.
read: “We have received your The medical response pre- wedding on Friday. The Satur- Hardik Pandya and Suryakumar his deputy Pawan Kalyan, too, mals. Anant Ambani is the young-
RSVP and we look forward to paredness included doctors and day event featured all the guests Yadav, too were present. were in attendance. In May, the Ambanis set off est of his three children, all of
welcoming you... the QR codes paramedical staff with all emer- invited for the wedding as well The notable persons miss- The groom, Anant, 29, over- on a four-day Mediterranean whom are on the board of Reli-
will be shared 6 hours prior to the gency equipment at the venue. as some additional important ing were T20 World Cup winning sees the oil-to-telecom conglom- cruise starting in the Italian city of ance Industries.
event.” Ambulances had clearly demar- people. captain Rohit Sharma who was erate Reliance Industries Ltd’s Palermo, featuring on-deck con- Source: PTI

C-Edge College Tetso College celebrates Beginner Piano Workshop in Kohima

celebrates 12th 30th Salvete Freshers’ Day
freshers meet Kohima, July 14
(MExN): A one day ‘Begin-
ner Piano Workshop’ was
held at Heiwa Music Home,
M Kohima on Saturday with
Y Zeu Libemo Enieo, Piano In-
K structor at Symphony Acad-
emy of Music & Music Direc-
tor of VCOAN Kohima as the
resource person.
In her welcome note,
Heiwa Music Home pro-
prietor Aosenla Longchar
highlighted that the main
objective of the workshop
was to instill the essence of
discipline as a musician, to
practice a balance approach
to learning music and the
importance of a firm musi-
cal foundation amongst the Resource person Zeu Libemo Enieo and others during the Beginner Piano Workshop
young upcoming pianists. held in Kohima on July 13.
The workshop was later
divided to three sessions on Kohima, July 14 (MExN): A one day proach to learning music and the impor-
Music Reading & Effective ‘Beginner Piano Workshop’ was held at tance of a firm musical foundation amongst
Strategies, Performance and Heiwa Music Home, Kohima on Saturday the young upcoming pianists.
Exam Preparation, Anxiety with Zeu Libemo Enieo, Piano Instructor The workshop was later divided to three
& Memorization which was at Symphony Academy of Music & Music sessions on Music Reading & Effective
effectively elaborated and Director of VCOAN Kohima as the resource Strategies, Performance and Exam Prepa-
demonstrated by the re- person. ration, Anxiety & Memorization which was
source person Zeu Libemo. In her welcome note, Heiwa Music effectively elaborated and demonstrated by
The workshop was Home proprietor Aosenla Longchar high- the resource person Zeu Libemo.
chaired by Molungnenla Kivika K Achumi and Ritsala Thonger were crowned Mr lighted that the main objective of the work- The workshop was chaired by Molung-
Longkumer who later gave Fresher and Ms Fresher 2024 respectively during the 30th
Salvete Freshers’ Day of Tetso College held on July 12.
shop was to instill the essence of discipline nenla Longkumer who later gave the con-
the concluding remarks. as a musician, to practice a balance ap- cluding remarks.
C-Edge College Mr Fresher Hoto I Assumi and Ms Fresher
Bendangsenla Alinger during the 12th freshers meet held

ZSUD prepares for ‘Inter Tribal Cultural Dance Competition’

on July 12.
Chümoukedima, dents not to be dependent
July 13 (MExN): C-Edge on the government alone.
College, Naga United Vil- He encouraged the students Dimapur, July 14
lage, Chümoukedima cel- to change their mindset and (MExN): The Zeliang Stu-
ebrated its 12th freshers start their own venture and dents’ Union Dimapur
meet, after a week of vari- also gives employment to (ZSUD) along with its apex
ous events cumulating to others. bodies and subordinate
the fresher’s day on July 12 C-Edge College, Prin- units, held an extensive de-
A press release received cipal, Dr Chubatola Aier liberation at Tourist Lodge
here stated that the fresh- presided over the College Dimapur, in preparation for
ers meet was graced by Awards. She mentioned that the upcoming ‘Inter Tribal
Advisor, Youth Resources due to the clash of the dates Cultural Dance Competi-
& Sports, S Keoshu Yim- with the result declaration tion’. The meeting focused
khiung. In his speech, the and the freshers meet, Lau- on finalising arrangements
Advisor reminded the stu- rel Awards and other merit and ensuring that every as-
dents about the rise of edu- awards will be presented pect of the event reflects the
cated unemployed in Na- in a separate felicitation rich cultural heritage of the
galand where opportunity programme. The Star and Nagas.
is less in the government the Best Star Attendance According to a press re-
sector and only students awards were given out. lease received here, the ‘Inter Zeliang Students’ Union Dimapur executives with its apex bodies and subordinate units.
who gives extra efforts has Mr & Ms Freshers were Tribal Cultural Dance Com-
the chance to succeed. bagged by Hoto I Assumi of petition’ is set to take place tapestry of the region. ervation of cultural heritage the rich cultural diversity of ZSUD President, Asap identity and heritage. We
He stressed on the im- BBA I Semester and Ben- in the month of September, The discussion covered through the competition. the tribal communities. The Zeliang highlighted the sig- aim to bring together differ-
portance of standing on dangsenla Alinger of BA I promising to be a vibrant various critical aspects, in- Leaders and members of the deliberation also addressed nificance of the competition, ent tribes, fostering mutual
their own and to start enter- Semester respectively. Sub display of traditional danc- cluding the coordination of ZSUD emphasised the im- the need for ensuring a stating, “This event is more respect and understanding
prises or become entrepre- titles for Best Ethnic and Tal- es, music, and costumes, re- participants, logistical ar- portance of this event in fos- seamless experience for all than just a cultural show- through the universal lan-
neurs. He requests the stu- ent were also declared. flecting the unique cultural rangements, and the pres- tering unity and showcasing attendees. case; it is a celebration of our guage of dance.”
MonDAY 15•07•2024

Wimbledon 2024 final: Carlos Alcaraz Uruguay beats Canada for

3rd place in Copa America
defeats Novak Djokovic to retain crown

CHARLOTTE, JULY 14 (AP): Luis Suárez thought they’d be at this time.

still has a knack for big plays. “The players are disappointed in the
The 37-year-old Suárez, Uruguay’s ca- way that we gave the match away,” Marsch
reer scoring leader, tied the score two min- said. “But I was very positive with them. We
utes into second-half stoppage time, and have been together for about six weeks and
Uruguay beat Canada 4-3 on penalty kicks to play against one of the best teams in the
after a 2-2 draw on Saturday night to finish world and dominate the match — we were
third in the Copa America. too much for them for most of the match —
Uruguay goalkeeper Sergio Rochet saved is pretty good.”
Ismaël Koné’s weak penalty kick after the He said his team simply gave the ball
shooter’s stutter step on Canada’s third at- away too often in the final minutes.
tempt, and Alphonso Davies put Canada’s “We should have be able to shut that
fifth and final kick off the crossbar. game down,” Marsch said. “But that savvi-
Federico Valverde, Rodrigo Bentancur, ness of how to handle those situations, we
Giorgian de Arrascaeta and Suárez con- need to develop that — and we will.”
verted Uruguay’s attempts past goalkeeper Bentancur put Uruguay ahead in the
Dayne St. Clair while Jonathan David, Moïse eighth minute but Canada built a 2-1 lead
Bombito and Mathieu Choinière made their on goals by Koné in the 22nd and David in
kicks for Canada, which went first in the the 80th.
shootout. St. Clair was given an unusual yellow
“Uruguay is one of the three best teams card as Rochet was preparing for Bombito’s
of this tournament and taking into consider- penalty kick, possibly for trying to distract
Carlos Alcaraz of Spain reacts after receiving his trophy from Kate, Princess of Wales after defeating Novak Djokovic of Serbia in the men’s singles ation that the tournament included Central, the goalkeeper.
final at the Wimbledon tennis championships in London on July 14. (AP Photo) North and South America, and we finished The game was played on the same field
third, allows us to be optimistic,” Uruguay where Uruguay players entered the stands
LONDON, July 14 (AP): Carlos up to par on my side,” said Djokovic, ing interest. Alcaraz’s big groundstrokes fly past coach Marcelo Bielsa said through an inter- and fought with Colombia fans following a
Alcaraz defeated Novak Djokovic whose two children were in his guest All told, that game consisted of without giving chase. preter. 1-0 semifinal loss on Wednesday night.
6-2, 6-2, 7-6 (4) in the Wimbledon box. “He had it all today. I tried to seven deuces and 20 points across Djokovic missed volleys he usu- But Bielsa clearly wasn’t happy with his This game was much more subdued than
men’s final Sunday to collect his push him. ... It wasn’t meant to be.” a hair shy of 14 minutes, contain- ally makes and won just 27 of 53 team’s effort, and added that he may have the heated semifinal, with an announced at-
fourth Grand Slam title at age 21. It was only when Alcaraz was ing brilliant moments by both men. points when he went forward. misjudged how tired his team was after play- tendance of 24,386, compared to more than
It was a rematch of last year’s right on the brink of victory that Sprinting, sliding, stretching defense After netting a volley to close one ing on just two days rest. 70,000 — the overwhelming majority rooting
championship match on the grass of things finally became a tad more in- by Djokovic. Return winners by Al- early 11-stroke exchange, Djokovic “The draw was barely deserved,” Bielsa for Colombia — on Wednesday night.
the All England Club, which Alcaraz triguing, as some spectators offered caraz. When he slapped a strong re- sighed and walked to his sideline said. Bielsa praised Suárez’s “physical skills Defending champion Argentina and Lio-
won in five sets. chants of Djokovic’s two-syllable ply to a 125 mph (202 kph) serve and seat to grab a purple-and-green and mental aptitude” after the match fol- nel Messi play Colombia for the title on Sun-
This one — played in front of a nickname — “No-le! No-le!” — while drew a wide forehand from Djokov- towel for dabbing at sweat. His fa- lowing his 69th international goal on a quick day night at Miami Gardens, Florida. Argen-
Centre Court crowd that included others replied with choruses of “Let’s ic, Alcaraz cashed in his fifth break cial expression was giving: “Come attack following a centering pass from José tina and Uruguay are tied for the most Copa
Kate, the Princess of Wales, in a rare go, Carlos! Let’s go!” chance. on, Carlitos, pick on someone your María Giménez. titles with 15 each.
public appearance since announc- Alcaraz was up 5-4, 40-love in That, it turned out, was the most own age.” “It is very well known what he has done Uruguay took the lead when Sebastián
ing she has cancer — was much the third set when the occasion got competitive portion of the proceed- Alcaraz was outstanding in throughout his career and having shared this Cáceres headed a corner kick to Bentancur,
easier for Alcaraz, at least until he the better of him. He frittered away ings until the third set. pretty much every way, from the ba- time with him, I believe he is a top-notch who took a touch and spun as Luc de Foug-
stumbled while holding three match his first championship point with a Not to say there weren’t hints of sic to the sorts of shots no one else player and a great teammate,” Bielsa said of erolles reacted slowly, then kicked the ball
points as he served for the victory at double-fault, beginning a run of five brilliance the rest of the way. Just would even try, much less pull off. Suárez. over St. Clair for his third international goal
5-4 in the third set. mistakes by him that donated points the outcome never really seemed Once, he leaped and wrapped his Canada, which hired American Jesse and his second of the tournament.
Still, Alcaraz regrouped and — and that game — to Djokovic. in dispute. racket all the way around his back Marsch as coach in May, will consider the Canada tied the score 14 minutes later
eventually picked up a second ma- There was a backhand that went Djokovic double-faulted to hand to get the ball over the net, although tournament one of its best performances since when Bombito won a header duel with Gi-
jor trophy in a row after last month’s awry. A forehand volley. A forehand. over a two-break, 5-1 lead in the firstDjokovic did put an overhead away winning the 2000 CONCACAF Gold Cup. The ménez and the ball popped up toward goal,
triumph on the clay at the French Another forehand. That was the only to get that point. Alcaraz ran wide of
set. He put a volley into the net to fall Canadians reached the World Cup for the sec- and Koné‘s bicycle kick went over Rochet for
Open. time all match that Djokovic broke behind by a break to begin the second, the doubles alley for forehand win- ond time in 2022, the first since 1986. his third international goal.
The Spaniard won his first Slam Alcaraz. then double-faulted to end that one. ners. Claimed points via drop shots. Canada made six changes for its starting Facundo Pellistri slid the ball past St.
title at the 2022 U.S. Open as a teen- Suddenly, it was 5-all. Suddenly, This was not the body-contort- Smacked serves at up to 136 mph semifinal lineup and Uruguay made two. Clair in the 23rd minute but was ruled off-
ager, and no man ever has collected Alcaraz appeared rattled. Suddenly, ing, get-to-everything Djokovic ev- (219 kph). Accumulated 14 break Davies, Canada’s top player, entered in the side. Canada went ahead when Rochet par-
more Slam hardware before turning Djokovic could hope. eryone is accustomed to seeing, points, converting five, while facing 62nd minute after leaving the semifinal with ried Koné’s initial shot and the rebound went
22 than he has. He improved to 4-0 in But in the ensuing tiebreaker, Al- just three, despite going up against
mind you. There’s his age, first of all, a leg injury. to David, who tucked a right-foot shot shot
major finals. caraz earned his fourth match point and the matter of his knee, which Djokovic, considered many the Marsch said his players made a “state- just inside a post for his 28th international
The 37-year-old Djokovic, wear- and stayed cool as can be this time. raised serious questions about greatest returner there’s been. ment” and are well ahead of where he goal. David had entered in the 67th minute.
ing a gray sleeve on his surgically re- Soon he was climbing through the whether it would be possible to even What can’t Alcaraz do?
paired right knee, was denied in his stands to hug his coach, Juan Carlos participate at Wimbledon. Two days before the final,
bid for an eighth Wimbledon title
and record 25th major overall. He
tore his meniscus at Roland Garros
Ferrero, and others.
Just under 2 1/2 hours earlier,
at the outset, the opening game ap-
By his account, Djokovic felt free
of pain and able to move with his
usual verve by only his third or fourth
Djokovic paid Alcaraz quite a com-
pliment, saying: “I see a lot of similar-
ities between me and him, in terms
FAPD plea for installation of Astro
on June 3 and had an operation in
Paris two days later.
Less than six weeks later, Djokov-
peared to portend an engrossing,
back-and forth contest — and a long
one, perhaps worrying some folks
match of the fortnight. On this partly
cloudy afternoon, with the tempera-
ture at about 70 degrees Fahrenheit
of ability to adapt and adjust to the
surface. That’s probably his biggest Turf Football Ground in Phek dist
trait. ... He’s got skills to play equally
M ic was hardly at his best on Sunday — about getting to a pub or a couch in (20 Celsius), Djokovic occasionally well on any surface and to adapt to a Our Correspondent adding “priority is given to petitive at any level.
Y and Alcaraz certainly had something time to see England face Spain in the hopped awkwardly when he landed given opponent that particular day. Kohima | July 14 infrastructural development FAPD aims to propose
to do with that. men’s soccer European Champion- after serving or stepped gingerly — So he’s a very all-around player, very at the grassroots level. Many the installation of an Astro-
K “Especially in the first couple of ship final in Germany on Sunday as if barefoot on a beach’s hot sand — complete player.” The Football Association such developments have Turf football ground within
sets, the level of tennis wasn’t really night. Alcaraz, of course, had a root- between points or watched some of So true. Phek District (PDFA) has been witnessed across the our district to enhance our
put forward a proposal to the state, yet our district has not sports facilities and support
state government for instal- seen any progress in this re- community health and en-

5th T20I: Sanju Samson & Mukesh Kumar star as

lation of Astro Turf Football gard till date,” the FAPD stated. gagement, it stated.
Ground in Phek district. Currently, our district The Association main-
The proposal was made team cannot compete with tained that the increasing

India beat Zimbabwe by 42 runs; win series 4-1

to the chairman of District other districts in terms of popularity of football and
Planning & Development quality, stamina, and skills, other sports in Phek district
Board (DPDB), Phek in May as all major tournaments are has highlighted the need for
this year. conducted on AstroTurf foot- high-quality, durable play-
Harare, July 14 (IANS) ing Muzarabani, but the pac- “The sports scenario in ball grounds, of which our ing surfaces.
Vice-captain Sanju Samson er bounced back by having the state has seen significant district has none, it stated. Additionally, FAPD stat-
smashed his second T20I fif- the left-handed batter nick changes in recent years, with In this, FAPD put forth ed, the facility can attract
ty through a 45-ball 58, while behind an angled across de- the state government plac- the proposal to the state gov- regional tournaments and
fast-bowler Mukesh Kumar livery to Madande. ing much importance on ernment, for consideration, events, boosting local tour-
picked his career-best figures Shubman Gill didn’t look development and providing keeping in mind the welfare ism and the economy, in
of the younger generation addition to building confi-
in the format through 4-22 much fluent in his stay at the platforms for the young gen- and their need for facilities to dence and motivating a foot-
eration to pursue sports pro-
as India beat Zimbabwe by crease, and was dismissed fessionally,” the FAPD stated, stay physically fit and com- ball culture in young minds.
42 runs in the fifth and final by Richard Ngarava when he
game at the Harare Sports tried to top-edged a pull to
Club to win the series 4-1. mid-on. In rebuilding India’s
Samson was at his lan- innings, Samson dealt ma-
guid best, hitting a four and jorly in boundaries – striking
four sixes in his knock, while three wonderful sixes with his
sharing a 65-run stand off beautiful bat-swing, includ-
56 balls for the fourth wicket ing a monstrous 110m hit.
with Riyan Parag, to bail In- Brandon Mavuta gave
dia out of trouble after los- Zimbabwe the breakthrough
ing their top three batters in when Parag miscued his
power-play. loft to long-off. But Samson
Dube’s quick cameo of marched forward by smash-
26, along with some lofty hits ing boundaries to get his fif-
at the end from Rinku Singh ty, before pulling straight to
took India to a competitive deep mid-wicket and fall for
167/6, as 30 runs came off 45-ball 58 off Muzarabani.
the last two overs. In reply, Dube hit four cracking
Mukesh struck twice with Players of India celebrate a dismissal during the fifth T20 cricket match between India and boundaries in his 12-ball 26
the new ball to put Zimba- Zimbabwe at Harare Sports Club, in Harare on July 14. (IANS Photo) before a miscommunication
bwe in early trouble. ing hard at outside the off- Sharma for a four and six to ing two scalps to finish with a with Rinku led to his run-
Dion Myers and Tadiwa- stump and was caught by keep Zimbabwe on track, four-fer in another convinc- out in the final over. Rinku
nashe Marumani kept Zim- third man. He could have but Dube took him out in the ing win for India. lofted Faraz Akram down
babwe in the hunt, but a col- got his third wicket if he 13th over with a short ball Earlier, Yashasvi Jaiswal the ground for six, as 14 runs
lapse saw the hosts’ go from hadn’t overstepped while cramping the batter for room gave India a blistering start came off the final over.
85/3 to 94/7 and be even- castling Myers. and was caught off a leading by swatting Raza for consec- For Zimbabwe, Blessing
tually all out for 125 in 18.3 Myers and Marumani hit edge by backward point. utive sixes on the first two Muzarabani was the pick
overs, as India got a strong seven boundaries between Sikandar Raza being run balls of the innings, includ- of bowlers with 2/19 in his
series win after losing the themselves to lead Zimba- out in a mix-up with Johna- ing off a no-ball. But Raza four overs, while their field-
opening match by 13 runs. bwe’s fight with a 44-run than Campbell by a direct hit struck back by getting the ing, despite good catches
Mukesh gave India a bril- stand off 36 balls for the third from Dube, who took out the ball to come in late and go being taken, had some
liant start in their defence of wicket. But Washington Sun- latter in the next over was a past Jaiswal’s attempted on- lapses – three dropped
168 when Wesley Madhevere dar broke the partnership by jolt Zimbabwe couldn’t re- drive to send the leg-stump chances, along with some
chopped on to his stumps in trapping a sweeping Maru- cover from. From there, Ab- on a walk. fumbles, an aspect which
the opening over. The pacer mani lbw with a slower de- hishek and Tushar Desh- Abhishek was lucky to hurt them throughout the
came back in the third over livery in the ninth over. pande got a wicket each, have been dropped by Ben- series apart from their fee-
to have Brian Bennett flash- Myers hit Abhishek while Mukesh took remain- nett at cover-point off Bless- ble batting returns.

Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari. Published & Printed by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Tajen Ao Road, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at the Themba Printers and Morung Publication, Padum Pukhuri, Dimapur, Nagaland.
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