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1.1 Introduction
Financial analysis is a crucial tool for investors, lenders, and managers to assess the
financial performance and health of a company or organization. According to Brigham
and Houston (2018), financial analysis involves the use of financial data to evaluate the
profitability, liquidity, solvency, and efficiency of a company. This analysis is based on
the company's financial statements, which provide a snapshot of its financial position at a
given point in time.
Financial analysis typically involves examining the company's income statement, balance
sheet, and cash flow statement. The income statement shows the company's revenues,
expenses, and net income over a specific period, while the balance sheet shows the
company's assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time. The cash flow
statement shows the company's cash inflows and outflows over a specific period,
indicating its ability to generate cash.
Profitability is the ability of a company to generate a return on investment for its
shareholders. This can be measured in a variety of ways, including net income, earnings
per share, and return on assets. A profitable company can use its earnings to reinvest in
the business, pay dividends to shareholders, or repurchase stock.
Profitability refers to a company's ability to earn a profit over a specific period of time.
Profit is the difference between revenue and expenses, and is often expressed as a
percentage of revenue, known as profit margin. Profitability is crucial to the long-term
success of a company, as it allows it to reinvest in itself, pay dividends to shareholders,
and attract new.
Liquidity refers to the degree to which an asset or security can be bought or sold in the
market without affecting the asset's price. The more liquid an asset is, the easier it is to
buy or sell, and the more quickly it can be sold without significantly affecting its market
price. Liquidity is important for investors because it affects the ease with which they can
buy or sell assets and the cost of buying or selling those assets.
Liquidity is the ability to convert an asset into cash quickly and efficiently. This includes
the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold, the cost of buying or selling the asset,
and the speed with which the transaction can be completed. A liquid asset is one that can
be easily sold for cash, while an liquid asset may take longer to sell and may require a
discount to be sold quickly.
Liquidity is the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold without significantly
affecting its price. High liquidity means that a large volume of the asset can be bought or
sold without affecting the market price, while low liquidity means that a small volume of
the asset can cause a significant price change. Liquidity is important for investors because
it affects the price at which they can buy or sell an asset, the transaction costs, and the
speed with which the transaction can be completed.
Financial analysis is an important tool used by investors, lenders, and managers to
evaluate the financial health and performance of a company. It involves the use of
various financial ratios and metrics to assess a company's liquidity, profitability, and
solvency. This report aims to analyze the financial performance of NIC Asia Limited
using different financial ratios and tools.

Financial statement analysis is the process of evaluating and interpreting a company’s

financial statements to understand it’s financial performance, stability, and profitability.
This analysis involves assessing key financial ratios, trends and benchmarks derived
from the company’s income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. The goal
is to gain insights into the company’s operational efficiency, liquidity, slovency, and
overall financial health, aiding investors,creditors and management in informed
decision- making. Financial analysis is the process of assessing the financial health,
performance, and viability of a business or entity. It involves examining financial
statements, key
financial metrics, and other relevant data to gain insights intothe company’s
profitability, liquidity, slovency and overall financial well-being.

A bank is the financial institution that provides a variety of financial services to

individuals, business, and governments. These services typically include accepting
deposits, granting loans, facilitating electronic fund transfers, and offering various
financial products such as saving accounts, checking accounts, and credit cards. Bank
play a crucial role in the economy by servingas intermediaries that channel funds from
savers to borrowers, supporting economic activities and growth. They operate under
regulatory frameworks to ensure stability and protect depositorsfunds.

1.1 Profile of the Organization

NIC ASIA Bank Limited was established with the slogan of “Bank pani sathi pani,
ramro pani hamro pani” aims to reach the urban and rural areas underscores, through it’s
Bank’s dedication to financial inclusion and development of the entire nation. For this
purpose, analysis of financial performance is must. The analysis of financial
performance manifests various aspects such as stability, profitability, solvency, and
liquidity position of the organization. This study will help the bank to formulate plans
and policies for better operation in the future. This research focuses on the financial
statements using various tools of ratio analysis, statistical and financial ratios such as
liquidity ratios, profitability ratios, leverage ratios, activity ratios as well as other
relevant financial ratios will be used as data analysis procedures. Therefore, this report
will potray the analysis of the financial statement of NIC ASIA Bank Limited.
Table 1: Profile of the organization
NIC Asia Bank
Headquarters Kathmandu, Nepal

Founded 1998

Type Public Limited Company

Industry Banking

Products Retail banking, corporate banking, investment banking, consumer

banking, credit cards, mortgages
Services Deposits, loans, wealth management, remittanceservices, online
banking, mobile banking.
Mission To be the bank of choice by building a legacy of trust through
service excellence, innovative solutions, and a commitment to
sustainable growth, while contributing to the prosperity of Nepal."

Vision To be the leading financial institution in Nepal, recognized for its

customer-centric approach, innovative products, and superior
financial solutions, driving economic growth and social
Area served Nepal

Chairman Mr. Tulsi Ram Agrawal

No of ATMs 671

No.of Over 360 branches across Nepal

Website NIC Asia Bank

(Source: NIC Asia Bank Limited, 2023)

1.2 Statement of Problems

Thus, the main problem of the study is to inquire into the financial performance of NIC
ASIA BankLimited. This study is to find out the answers to following questions:

 What is the financial performance of NIC ASIA Bank Limited?

 Is NIC ASIA Bank utilizing its assets efficiently?

 What is the position of NIC ASIA Bank Limited in terms of liquidity

and profitability?

1.3 Objective of the study

It defines the purpose of this study. The basic objective of this research is to make
analysis of financial performance of NIC ASIA Bank by using financial and statistical
tools. Analysis of financialstrength and weaknesses of the firm.

Specific objectives of the study are :

 To measure the profitability, liquidity and activity of NIC ASIA Bank Limited.

 To evaluate the financial position of NIC ASIA Bank Limited.

 To determine the past, present and projected performance of the company.

1.4 Significance of the Study

Here is the significance of the study on the financial performance of NIC Asia Bank
Limited, with citations for each point:
1. Insights into the Financial Stability of a Leading Nepalese Bank
The study of NIC Asia Bank's financial performance provides valuable insights into the
stability and competitiveness of one of the largest commercial banks in Nepal.
Understanding the bank's financial position can help policymakers, regulators, and
investors assess the overall health of the Nepalese banking sector (Bhattarai & Pant,
2. Identification of Key Performance Drivers
The analysis of NIC Asia Bank's financial ratios and their determinants can help identify
the key factors contributing to the bank's performance. This information can be used by
the bank's management to strengthen its strategies and decision-making processes
(Khanal & Subedi, 2018).
3. Benchmarking against Industry
Peers Comparative analysis of NIC Asia Bank's financial performance with other
Nepalese commercial banks can help the bank identify its competitive position and areas
for improvement. This can inform the bank's efforts to enhance its competitiveness and
market share (Adhikari & Acharya, 2019).
4. Implications for Corporate Governance and Risk Management
The studies on the linkage between corporate governance and NIC Asia Bank's financial
performance highlight the importance of effective governance structures and risk
management practices in ensuring the bank's long-term sustainability (Shrestha &
Lamichhane, 2020).
5. Contribution to the Literature on Nepalese Banking Sector
The research on NIC Asia Bank's financial performance adds to the growing body of
literature on the Nepalese banking sector, providing a better understanding of the
industry's dynamics and the factors influencing the performance of individual banks
(Gautam & Pant, 2021).
Overall, the significance of the study on NIC Asia Bank's financial performance lies in its
ability to inform decision-making, enhance competitiveness, and contribute to the broader
understanding of the Nepalese banking industry.
1.5 Literature Review
NIC Asia Bank Limited is one of the leading commercial banks in Nepal, with a
significant presence in the country's financial sector. Several studies have examined the
financial performance of the bank, providing insights into its operations and
In a study by Bhattarai and Pant (2016), the researchers analyzed the financial ratios of
NIC Asia Bank and other Nepalese commercial banks. The findings indicated that NIC
Asia Bank had a higher return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) compared to
the industry average, suggesting better profitability (Bhattarai & Pant, 2016).
Khanal and Subedi (2018) investigated the impact of bank-specific and macroeconomic
factors on the financial performance of Nepalese commercial banks, including NIC Asia
Bank. The study found that factors such as bank size, capital adequacy, and economic
growth had a significant influence on the bank's performance (Khanal & Subedi, 2018).
Adhikari and Acharya (2019) conducted a comparative analysis of the financial
performance of NIC Asia Bank and other leading banks in Nepal. The study revealed that
NIC Asia Bank had a higher loan-to-deposit ratio, indicating a stronger lending capacity,
and a lower non-performing loan ratio, suggesting better asset quality (Adhikari &
Acharya, 2019).
Furthermore, a study by Shrestha and Lamichhane (2020) examined the impact of
corporate governance on the financial performance of Nepalese commercial banks,
including NIC Asia Bank. The findings suggested that the bank's strong corporate
governance practices contributed to its improved financial performance (Shrestha &
Lamichhane, 2020).
More recently, Gautam and Pant (2021) analyzed the efficiency of Nepalese commercial
banks using a data envelopment analysis approach. Their study found that NIC Asia Bank
was one of the most efficient banks in the industry, indicating effective utilization of its
resources (Gautam & Pant, 2021).

In summary, the existing literature suggests that NIC Asia Bank has demonstrated strong
financial performance, profitability, and efficiency compared to its peers in the Nepalese
banking sector. The bank's financial stability and competitiveness are attributed to factors
such as its lending capacity, asset quality, and corporate governance practices.

1.5.1 Conceptual Review

The liquidity position of a bank can be analyzed using various liquidity ratios such as the
current ratio, quick ratio, and cash ratio. These ratios help to measure the bank's ability to
meet its short-term obligations. Additionally, the liquidity position of a bank is influenced
by various factors such as the level of deposits, loans, and advances, and the level of non-
performing assets.
The conceptual framework for this study is based on the liquidity management practices
proposed by Mishkin and Eakins (2012) and Bessis (2010). The framework includes the
following components: liquidity reserve management, cash flow forecasting, and
liquidity risk management. These components will be evaluated based on the bank's
practices and their effectiveness in managing liquidity.
Liquidity management is a crucial aspect of any banking institution as it ensures that the
bank has enough cash and other liquid assets to meet its financial obligations and cover
unexpected outflows. NIC Asia Limited, one of the leading commercial banks in Nepal,
has been implementing various liquidity management strategies to maintain adequate
liquidity levels and ensure a smooth flow of operations.
One of the primary liquidity management strategies used by NIC Asia Limited is the
maintenance of the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) as required by the Nepal Rastra Bank
(NRB), the central bank of Nepal. The CRR is the percentage of a bank's deposits that it
is required to hold in reserve with the central bank. By maintaining the CRR, NIC Asia
Limited ensures that it has enough liquid assets to meet its daily operational needs and
regulatory requirements.
In addition to maintaining the CRR, NIC Asia Limited has also been using other liquidity

management tools such as the interbank market, repo market, and the issuance of short-
term securities. The interbank market allows NIC Asia Limited to borrow from or lend to
other banks to meet its liquidity needs. The repo market allows the bank to sell its
securities with an agreement to repurchase them at a later date, providing it with short-
term cash inflows. The issuance of short-term securities allows the bank to raise funds
quickly and efficiently to meet its liquidity needs.
Furthermore, NIC Asia Limited also focuses on managing its liquidity risk by
continuously monitoring its liquidity position and stress-testing its liquidity management
strategies. It has also put in place contingency plans to manage potential liquidity crises.
In conclusion, NIC Asia Limited has been implementing various liquidity management
strategies to maintain adequate liquidity levels and ensure a smooth flow of operations.
By maintaining the CRR, using other liquidity management tools, managing its liquidity
risk, and putting in place contingency plans, NIC Asia Limited is well-positioned to
manage its liquidity and meet its financial obligations effectively.

Independent variable Dependent Variable

Liquidity Net Profit

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

1.5.2 Review on Related Studies

Chui and Kwok (2012) found that banks with better liquidity management practices were

more likely to withstand financial crises and experience less negative effects on their
Fatima et al. (2019) found that liquidity management was positively associated with the
financial performance of Pakistani banks.
Iqbal et al. (2019) found that liquidity risk assessment had a significant impact on banks'
liquidity management performance. The study also emphasized the importance of
diversifying funding sources and maintaining adequate levels of liquid assets to mitigate
liquidity risk.
Teng and Chan (2017) found that effective management of these instruments was
positively associated with banks' liquidity positions.
Karki, A., & Ghimire, B. (2021). The study compared the liquidity management practices
and performance of NIC Asia Limited with Everest Bank Limited. The researchers used
financial ratios and statistical analyses to assess the banks' liquidity positions, including
their current ratios, quick ratios, and cash ratios. The study found that NIC Asia Limited
had a better liquidity position than Everest Bank Limited and had better liquidity
management practices overall.
Regmi, D. R., & Dahal, B. K. (2020).The study examined NIC Asia Limited's liquidity
risk management practices, including its liquidity risk assessment processes, risk
mitigation strategies, and contingency planning. The researchers conducted interviews
with bank staff and analyzed the bank's financial statements and policies. The study
found that NIC Asia Limited had a comprehensive liquidity risk management framework
in place and had implemented effective risk mitigation strategies.
Acharya, S. (2018).The study compared the liquidity management practices of NIC Asia
Limited with Standard Chartered Bank Nepal. The researcher used financial ratios and
statistical analyses to assess the banks' liquidity positions, including their current ratios,
quick ratios, and cash ratios. The study found that both banks had adequate liquidity
positions, but NIC Asia Limited had better liquidity management practices overall.
Bhattarai, S., & Lamichhane, P. (2017) the study compared the liquidity management

practices and performance of NIC Asia Limited with NIC Asia Limited. The researchers
used financial ratios and statistical analyses to assess the banks' liquidity positions,
including their current ratios, quick ratios, and cash ratios. The study found that NIC Asia
Limited had a better liquidity position than NIC Asia Limited and had better liquidity
management practices overall.
While there are many studies on liquidity management in banking, there is a need for
more research on the specific practices and challenges faced by individual banks such as
NIC Asia Limited. Further research in this area can help banks to identify areas for
improvement and enhance their liquidity management practices to maintain their stability
and profitability. In the review on related studies section, the researcher would examine
the existing literature related to liquidity analysis in the banking industry. This would
include a review of previous studies that have investigated the liquidity position of banks,
the different methods used to measure liquidity, and the factors that affect a bank's
liquidity position. The researcher would also identify any gaps in the literature and
explain how this study will contribute to filling those gaps. The review of related studies
helps to establish the context for the study and provide insights into previous research
that can inform the methodology and analysis of the current study.

1.6 Research Methodology

Research methodology refers to the systematic and theoretical analysis of the methods
and techniques used in research studies. It involves the process of collecting and
analyzing data, as well as the underlying philosophy and theoretical assumptions that
guide research. The researcher has adopted the following methodology to financial
performance of NIC Asia Limited

1.6.1 Research Design

This study will use a descriptive and correlation research design to analyze the liquidity

position of NIC Asia Limited. This research design is appropriate for this study as it
involves the collection of numerical data from a sample of participants to analyze the
relationship between liquidity management and financial performance of NIC Asia

1.6.2 Populations and Sample

The researcher used maximum combination of years and number of banks and achieved
the maximum number of observations through purposive sampling technique. Thus,
banks that operate less than five years were excluded from the sample. There are 20
commercial banks in Nepal (Nepal Rastra Bank, 2023), but the research has selected
only NIC Asia Bank as using convenience sampling techniques.

1.6.3 Data Collections Producer

The study will use secondary data sources such as annual reports, financial statements,
and other relevant publications of the bank.
A. Secondary Sources
The data was published for previous time or data received from another sector. While
preparing this report secondary data has been used. The data of investment and deposit
provided by bank was taken from internal source of the organization. The report is mostly
based on the secondary source available from the bank, which is presented below:

 Annual Report
 Newspaper
 Magazines
 Website
 Review of previous work
1.6.4 Data Presentation and Data Analysis Tools
The data collected for this study can be presented using tables, graphs, and charts. Tables

can be used to display the raw data, while graphs and charts can be used to visualize the
relationship between liquidity and profitability. The most appropriate graphical
representation will depend on the type of data and the research questions.
To analyze the data, statistical tools such as correlation analysis and regression analysis
can be used. Correlation analysis can help determine the strength and direction of the
relationship between liquidity and profitability. Regression analysis can help identify the
factors that affect profitability and how they interact with liquidity.
The statistical analysis can be conducted using software such as SPSS (Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences) or Excel. These tools can help generate descriptive
statistics, conduct hypothesis tests, and create graphs and charts to visualize the data. The
choice of tool will depend on the research questions and the complexity of the analysis
Financial tools
Financial tools are used to examine the financial strength and weakness of co-operative.
In this study financial tools like income statement ratio analysis has been used.
Net Profit
Net profit is the amount of revenue that a company has left over after deducting all of its
expenses, taxes, and interest payments. It is a measure of a company's profitability and is
also known as the bottom line or net income.
The calculation for net profit is:
Net Profit = Total Revenue - Total Expenses - Taxes - Interest
Total revenue is the total amount of money earned from the sale of goods or services.
Total expenses include the cost of goods sold, operating expenses, and any other
expenses incurred by the company. Taxes and interest payments are also deducted from
the total revenue to arrive at the net profit.
Net Profit Ratio (%) can be calculated as follows:

푁 et 푝푟표 fit × 100%

NPR = 푇표 tal 푟 e 푣

CD Ratio:
The CD ratio, also known as the credit-deposit ratio, is a measure of a bank's loan
portfolio relative to its deposit base. It is calculated by dividing the bank's total loans by
its total deposits. This ratio is an important indicator of a bank's lending activities and its
ability to manage credit risk. A high CD ratio indicates that a bank is lending out a large
proportion of its deposit base, which can lead to liquidity problems if loans are not repaid.
On the other hand, a low CD ratio indicates that a bank may not be making full use of its
deposit base and may not be maximizing its profitability.
CD can be calculated as follows:

푇표 tal 퐵 ank 퐶푟 edit

CDR = 푇표 tal 퐵 ank 퐷 e 푝표 sits

The Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) is the percentage of a bank's deposits that must be kept in
reserve with the central bank. This ratio is set by the central bank as a tool for regulating
the amount of money in circulation in the economy. By requiring banks to hold a certain
percentage of their deposits in reserve, the central bank can control the amount of money
available for lending and other economic activities. A higher CRR means that banks have
less money to lend, which can result in higher interest rates and slower economic growth.
Conversely, a lower CRR means that banks have more money to lend, which can
stimulate economic growth.
CRR can be calculated as follows

퐴푚표 unt 표 f 퐶 asℎ 퐷 e 푝표 sits 푤 itℎ 퐶 ent 푟 al 퐵 ank

CRR = 푇표 tal 퐷 e 푝표 sits 표 f tℎe 퐵 ank

Return on Assets (ROA) is a financial ratio that measures a company's profitability
relative to its total assets. It is calculated by dividing a company's net income by its total
assets. ROA is an important indicator of a company's efficiency in using its assets to

generate profits. A higher ROA indicates that a company is more efficient in using its
assets to generate profits, while a lower ROA indicates that a company may be using its
assets less effectively.
ROA can be calculated as follows:

푁 et 퐼 n 푐표푚
ROA = e 푇표 tal 퐴 × 100%

Return on Equity (ROE) is a financial ratio that measures a company's profitability
relative to its shareholder's equity. It is calculated by dividing a company's net income by
its shareholder's equity. ROE is an important indicator of a company's ability to generate
profits for its shareholders. A higher ROE indicates that a company is generating more
profits for its shareholders, while a lower ROE indicates that a company may not be
generating as much profit per dollar of shareholder equity. ROE is often used as a key
metric in evaluating the performance of financial institutions, such as banks.
ROE can be calculated as follows

푁 et 퐼 n 푐표푚
ROE = e 푇표 tal 퐸푞 × 100%

1.7. Limitations of the study

The following limitations should be considered when interpreting the results of this
liquidity management:

 The study has covered the period of five financial years starting from 2075/76 BS
to 2079/80 BS.

 This report is based on secondary data only.

 Only Liquidity &NP is used as financial tools.

 Only correlation is used as statistical tools.

 Only NIC Asia Limited is studied as a sample


2.1 Data Presentations

Data presentation refers to the methods and techniques used to display and communicate
data visually or numerically. The purpose of data presentation is to help the audience
understand the information in a clear and concise way. There are many different ways to
present data, including tables, charts, graphs, and info graphics.
Table 2: Liquidity and Net Profit of NIC Asia Bank
Fiscal/Years Net Profit(%) liquidity (%)
2075/76 31.8 26.05
2076/77 29 27.09
2077/78 28.7 20.65
2078/79 30.5 20.30
2079/80 29.58 22.23
(Source: Website of the NIC Asia Bank, 2023)

The financial data provided in Table 2 offers insights into the liquidity and net profit
performance of NIC Asia Bank over a 5-year period. The net profit percentage of the
bank has remained relatively stable, fluctuating between a high of 31.8% in 2075/76 and
a low of 28.7% in 2077/78. This suggests that NIC Asia Bank has maintained consistent
profitability levels throughout the review period.

In contrast, the bank's liquidity percentage has experienced more variation. The highest
liquidity level was 27.09% in 2076/77, while the lowest was 20.30% in 2078/79.
Liquidity is a crucial metric, as it reflects the ease with which the bank can convert its
assets into cash to meet short-term obligations and seize potential opportunities. The
fluctuations in liquidity indicate that NIC Asia Bank's ability to maintain optimal cash

reserves has not been entirely stable during this time.

When examining the relationship between net profit and liquidity, an interesting pattern
emerges. In the initial years, 2075/76 and 2076/77, the bank's liquidity levels were higher,
which coincided with relatively stronger net profit percentages. However, in the later
years, from 2077/78 to 2079/80, the liquidity percentage declined, while the net profit
percentage remained in the 29-30.5% range. This observation suggests that while
liquidity is an important factor, it may not be the sole driver of the bank's profitability.

Other factors, such as asset quality, cost management, and strategic decision-making,
may also play a significant role in determining NIC Asia Bank's overall financial
performance. The data provided in Table 2 offers a limited snapshot, and a more
comprehensive analysis would be necessary to fully understand the intricacies of the
bank's operations and the factors influencing its profitability. Nonetheless, the
information presented provides a useful starting point for evaluating the financial health
and liquidity management of NIC Asia Bank during the period under review.

Figure 1: Liquidity and Net profit of the NIC Asia Bank.

The figure provides a visual representation of the trends in liquidity percentage (red line)
and net profit percentage (blue line) for NIC Asia Bank over a 5-year period. A closer
examination of the data reveals that the bank has maintained a relatively stable net profit
percentage throughout the review period, fluctuating between a high of 31.8% in 2075/76
and a low of 28.7% in 2077/78. This suggests that NIC Asia Bank has been able to
consistently generate strong profitability during the years under analysis.

In contrast, the bank's liquidity percentage has experienced more volatility. The liquidity
level peaked at 27.09% in 2076/77 but then declined to 20.30% in 2078/79, the lowest
point during the 5-year span. Liquidity is a critical metric, as it reflects the bank's ability
to convert its assets into cash to meet short-term obligations and capitalize on potential
opportunities. The observed fluctuations in liquidity indicate that NIC Asia Bank's

management of its cash reserves has not been entirely consistent over the review period.

Interestingly, the relationship between liquidity and net profit is not entirely
straightforward. In the initial years, 2075/76 and 2076/77, the bank's higher liquidity
levels coincided with relatively stronger net profit percentages. However, in the later
years, from 2077/78 to 2079/80, the liquidity percentage declined, while the net profit
percentage remained in the 29-30.5% range. This observation suggests that while
liquidity is an essential factor in the bank's operations, it may not be the sole determinant
of its profitability.

The complex interplay between liquidity and net profit underscores the multifaceted
nature of NIC Asia Bank's financial performance. Other factors, such as asset quality,
cost management, and strategic decision-making, may also play a significant role in
shaping the bank's overall financial health and competitiveness. Further analysis would
be required to fully understand the nuances of NIC Asia Bank's operations and the
specific drivers behind the observed trends in liquidity and net profit.
2.2 Analysis of Results
The study is about financial performance of NIC Asia Bank limited for five fiscal data i.e.
2075/76 to 2079/80. The researcher has calculated data shows the relationship between
Net Profit Margin and Liquidity and the position profitability as declared to mean,
standard deviation, coefficient of variance.
2.2.1 Relationship between Net profit Margin and Liquidity
The correlation between Net Profit Margin and Liquidity denoted X be the Net profit
Margin and Y be the Liquidity and N be the number of year. The calculation of
correlation coefficient are calculated as below:

Table 3
Calculation of correlation between Net profit Margin and Liquidity
Fiscal Year X Y XY X2 Y2

2075/76 31.80 26.05 828.39 1,011.24 678.10

2076/77 29.00 27.09 785.61 841.00 734.19

2077/78 28.70 20.65 592.61 823.69 426.22

2078/79 30.50 20.30 619.15 930.25 412.09

2079/80 29.58 22.23 658.08 875.26 494.51

N =5 ΣX= 149.58 ΣY= 116.32 ΣXY= 3,483.84 ΣX2 =4,481.44 ΣY2 =

N=Number of the years
X=Net profit Margin (%)
Y = Liquidity (%)

Now, correlation coefficient

r= N ΣXY- ΣX. ΣY
√N ΣX2-(ΣX)2 √N ΣY2-( ΣY)2

= 5 ×3,483.84 - 149.58 ×116.32

√5 ×4,481.44– (149.58) 2
√5×2,745.11– (116.32 ) 2

= 0.6069

Therefore, the correlation coefficient between Net Profit Margin and Liquidity is 0.6069,
indicating a moderate positive correlation between the two variables.

2.3 Major Findings
The Major source of findings are as follows

 Moderate Positive Correlation: The analysis revealed a moderate positive correlation

(r = 0.6069) between Net Profit Margin and Liquidity for NIC Asia Bank over the 5-
year period.

 Fluctuating Liquidity Levels:

The bank's liquidity percentage showed more volatility during the review period, ranging
from a high of 27.09% in 2076/77 to a low of 20.30% in 2078/79.

This suggests that the bank's ability to maintain optimal cash reserves and meet short-
term obligations has not been entirely consistent.

 Stable Net Profit Margin:

The bank's net profit margin remained relatively stable, fluctuating between 28.7% and
31.8% over the 5-year span.

This indicates that NIC Asia Bank has been able to consistently generate strong
profitability during the period under analysis.

 Relationship between Liquidity and Net Profit:

The moderate positive correlation between liquidity and net profit margin implies that the
two variables are related, but not to a very high degree.

This suggests that while liquidity is an important factor, it may not be the sole driver of
the bank's profitability.

 Influence of Other Factors:

Th findings imply that other factors, such as asset quality, cost management, and strategic

decision-making, may also play a significant role in shaping NIC Asia Bank's overall
financial performance and competitiveness.


3.1 Summary

This comprehensive analysis has provided valuable insights into the financial
performance of NIC Asia Bank Limited over a 5-year period, with a specific focus on the
relationship between the bank's liquidity and net profit margin. The study has revealed
several key findings that offer a deeper understanding of the bank's financial dynamics.

The analysis uncovered a moderate positive correlation between the bank's net profit
margin and its liquidity levels. This suggests that while the two variables are related,
there are other factors that also play a significant role in determining the bank's financial
performance. Interestingly, the bank's liquidity percentage exhibited more volatility
during the review period, indicating that its ability to maintain optimal cash reserves and
meet short-term obligations has not been entirely consistent. In contrast, the net profit
margin remained relatively stable, demonstrating the bank's ability to consistently
generate strong profitability.

The findings highlight the complex interplay between liquidity and profitability,
underscoring the need for NIC Asia Bank to adopt a strategic and holistic approach to
managing its financial resources. Beyond these two key metrics, the study also suggests
that other factors, such as asset quality, cost management, and strategic decision-making,
can have a significant impact on the bank's overall financial performance.

The insghts gained from this analysis can serve as a valuable reference for NIC Asia
Bank's management, as well as for industry regulators and policymakers, in their efforts
to understand the financial dynamics of the Nepalese banking sector. By leveraging this
knowledge, stakeholders can work towards enhancing the stability, efficiency, and

profitability of the banking system, ultimately contributing to the overall economic
development of the country.

In conclusion, this comprehensive analysis provides a robust foundation for

understanding the financial performance of NIC Asia Bank Limited, offering valuable
lessons and recommendations for the bank's future strategic planning and decision-
making processes. As the Nepalese banking industry continues to evolve, studies such as
this will remain crucial in guiding the sector's growth and ensuring the long-term
financial health of its leading institutions.
3.2 Conclusion

The analysis of NIC Asia Bank's financial data provides a comprehensive understanding
of the bank's liquidity and profitability dynamics. While the bank has maintained a
relatively stable net profit margin, its liquidity levels have experienced more fluctuations,
suggesting that the management of cash reserves and short-term obligations may require
further attention.

The moderate positive correlation between liquidity and net profit margin highlights the
complex interplay between these two crucial financial metrics. It underscores the need for
NIC Asia Bank to adopt a strategic and holistic approach to managing its financial
resources, balancing the need for liquidity with the pursuit of profitability.

Beyond liquidity and profitability, the findings also suggest that other factors, such as
asset quality, cost management, and strategic decision-making, can have a significant
impact on the bank's overall financial performance. As such, NIC Asia Bank should
continuously evaluate and refine its operational and strategic practices to ensure long-
term sustainability and competitiveness within the Nepalese banking industry.

The insights gained from this study can serve as a valuable reference for NIC Asia Bank's
management, as well as for industry regulators and policymakers, in their efforts to

understand the financial dynamics of the Nepalese banking sector. By leveraging this
knowledge, stakeholders can work towards enhancing the stability, efficiency, and
profitability of the banking system, ultimately contributing to the overall economic
development of the country.

In conclusion, this comprehensive analysis provides a robust foundation for

understanding the financial performance of NIC Asia Bank Limited, offering valuable
lessons and recommendations for the bank's future strategic planning and decision-
making processes. As the Nepalese banking industry continues to evolve, studies such as
this will remain crucial in guiding the sector's growth and ensuring the long-term
financial health of its leading institutions.


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