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Chap- Reproduction in Animals

1. Explain two modes of reproduction with examples.

2. Explain the process of fertilisation in brief.
3. What is internal fertilisation? Explain briefly.
4. Explain briefly the external fertilisation.
5. How is an embryo developed?
6. Explain what is foetus.
7. What are viviparous and oviparous animals?
8. What are sperm and ovum? Explain.
9. Explain briefly the life cycle of a frog.
10. Explain in short life cycle of silkworm.
11. What do you mean by reproduction? Describe various modes of reproduction.
12. What do you mean by metamorphosis? How does metamorphosis take place in frog? Explain
with a diagram.
13. Describe the male reproductive organs with the help of a labelled diagram.
14. Describe female reproductive organs with the help of a labelled diagram.
15. Explain with a diagram the development of an embryo.
16. What is cloning? Explain how first cloned mammal was born.
17. What is budding? Explain.
18. Explain how Amoeba reproduces?
Explain in brief the process of binary fission.
19. What is metamorphosis? Explain.
20. How are babies produced through IVF technique? What are such babies called?
21. Differentiate between asexual and sexual reproduction.
22. Explain how the reproduction takes place in humans.
23. What do you mean by fertilization?
24. Differentiate between external fertilization and internal fertilization.
25. Explain the process of In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)?
26. Differentiate between viviparous and oviparous animals.
27. Explain about fertilization in hens.
28. What is metamorphosis?

Chap- Reaching the Age of Adolesecnce

1. What do you mean by the term puberty?
2. Define Adolescence.
3. What are the primary and secondary sexual characteristics? Explain with the examples.
4. How the characteristics in the age of puberty different in boys than girls?
5. How are changes at puberty regulated?
6. What are hormones? How are they helpful in reproduction?
7. What are the functions of testosterone?
8. What are the functions of oestrogen?
9. Explain briefly about the reproductive phase.
10. Define the terms:
(a) Menopause
(b) Menarche
11. What is menstrual cycle?
12. How is sex of the baby determined?
13. Which are the hormones other than sex hormones? Explain their functions.
14. What is the role of hormones in other organisms?
15. What do you mean by reproductive health? How it can be achieved?
16. Why do boys have a hoarse voice at puberty?
17. Why do many young people have acne and pimples during adolescence?
18. Why are endocrine glands also called ductless glands
19. What is a pituitary gland?
20. What are sex hormones? How do they work in the human body?
21. What is the role of hormones in completing the life history of insects and frogs?
22. Mention different types of glands, their functions and hormones secreted by them.
Chap- Force and Pressure
1. Define pressure.
2. How do fluids exert pressure?
3. A force of 100 N is applied on an area of 4 m2. Compute pressure being applied on the area.
4. Which force is responsible for downward movement of a parachutes? Will he come down with
the same speed without the parachute?
5. How does an applied force changes the speed of an object?
6. Name the forces acting on the car sticking to an electromagnet in a Junkyard. Which one of them
is larger?
7. What is the similarity between electrostatic and magnetic forces?
8. What are the effects of force on an object?
9. What is force? State the difference between contact force and non-contact force.
10. Define the different types of forces.
11. Why it is easier to walk on soft sand if we have flat shoes rather than shoes with sharp heels (or
pencil heels)?
12. What is pressure? What is the relation of pressure with area on which it is applied?
13. How can you explain that liquids exert pressure?
14. How can you explain that gases exert pressure?
15. What do you mean by atmospheric pressure?
16. What is barometer? How does it work?
17. A blacksmith hammers a hot piece of iron while making a tool. How does the force due to
hammering affect the piece of iron?
18. Double tyres are provided at the rear wheels of truck. Explain why?
19. Explain why the cutting instruments are sharpened?
20. Does the gravitation exist between two astronauts in space?
21. Mountaineers usually suffer from nose bleeding at high altitudes. Explain why?
22. Determine the pressure when a force of 200N acts on area
(a) 20 m2 (b) 8m2
23. Briefly explain whether the liquid molecules show compressibility or not.
24. Briefly explain the concept of variation of atmospheric pressure.
25. It is much easier to burst an inflated balloon with a needle than by a finger. Explain.
26. It is difficult to cut cloth using a pair of scissors with blunt blades. Explain.
Chap- Friction
1. What is friction?’
2. What are the causes of Friction?
3. What are the factors affecting friction?
4. What is a spring balance? How does it works?
5. Explain the types of friction with the help of examples.
6. Why is rolling friction lesser than static and sliding friction?
7. Why is friction a necessary evil?
8. What are the advantages of friction?
9. What are the disadvantages of friction?
10. State the methods of increasing friction.
11. State the methods of reducing friction.
12. What is the role of ball bearings in reducing friction?
13. Explain about fluid friction? How it can be overcome?
14. What are the disadvantages of fluid friction?
15. What are the methods of reducing fluid friction?
16. Explain why sportsmen use shoes with spikes?
17. Explain why sliding friction is less than static friction?
18. Explain why objects moving in fluids must have special shapes?
19. Explain the reason of rubbing the hand in winters.
20. Is it possible to walk on a frictionless surface? Explain.
21. The handle of cricket bat or a badminton racquet is usually rough. Explain the reason.
22. Explain why
(a) A pencil will write on paper but not on glass
(b) Climbing a greasy pole is very difficult
23. Explain in brief, how does the friction get affected by the nature of surface.
24. What is drag?
25. There is more drag on an object when it moves through air. Explain with the reason.
26. Explain with the help of an example that heat is produced by friction.
27. Show with the help of an experiment that smoothness of surfaces reduces friction.
Chap- Sound
1. How is sound produced?
2. Explain how sound is produced by humans?
3. Why does sound need a medium to propagate or travel?
4. Briefly explain the working of human ear.
5. What is amplitude of sound?
6. What is time period of sound?
7. Explain about the frequency of sound.
8. What is the relation between time period and frequency of sound?
9. What are the characteristics of sound? Explain with the help of examples.
10. Differentiate between audible and inaudible sounds.
11. What is the difference between noise and music? Can music sometimes become noise.
12. What are the harms of noise pollution?
13. Write the measures to limit noise pollution.
14. What do you mean by hearing impairment?
15. Draw a well labelled diagram of human ear.
16. Sketch larynx and explain its functions in your own words.
17. Lighting and thunder take place in the sky at the same time and at the same distance from us.
Lighting is seen earlier and thunder is heard later. Can you explain why?
18. The sound from a mosquito is produced when it vibrates its wings at an average rate of 500
19. Two astronauts are floating close to each other in space. Can they talk to each other without using
any special device? Give reasons.
20. Explain the process, how bat sure ultrasonic waves to catch a prey?
21. A stretched string on being set into vibration, produce the audible sound. Explain how?
22. Explain why the sound produced by every vibrating body is not heard by us?
23. How is sound produced and how it is transmitted and heard by us?
24. Explain in brief about eardrum. Also explain how does it play an important role in hearing.
25. Differentiate between infrasonic and ultrasonic sounds.
26. Why are the voices of men and women different?
27. Mention the frequency of sound produced when the vocal cords are (a) tight and thin, (b) loose
and thick.

Chap- Chemical Effects of Electric Current

1. Define good conductors and poor conductors or insulators.
2. How is the conductivity of liquids tested?
3. Show with the help of a diagram that lemon juice and vinegar are good conductors of electricity.
4. What is an LED? Why is it preferred to other type of bulbs?
5. Explain the conductivity of water.
6. What is electroplating? What are its uses?
7. Give an example of chemical effect of the electric current.
8. What happens when electric current is passed through the copper sulphate solution?
9. How does a bulb glow in liquid? Explain.
10. What is the magnetic effect of electricity? Explain.
11. Why is magnetic compass needed to test the conduction of electric current?
12. What happens when an electric current is passed through a cut potato for a considerable time?
13. Why is chromium used for electroplating? Why the objects have chromium plating are not made
of chromium itself?
14. Which metals, except chromium, are used for electroplating other metals?
15. Current does not flow in a circuit if there is a gap between the two wires. Does it indicate that air
is a poor conductor of electricity? Does air never conduct electricity? Explain.
16. On what factors thickness of the electroplated items depend?
17. With the help of a suitable diagram, explain electrolytic refining of copper.
18. Does water conduct electricity? Show with the help of an activity.
19. Show the conductivity of water with the help of an activity.
20. What is electroplating? On which effect of the electric current is it based? Why is it done?
21. What are the advantages and disadvantages of electroplating?
22. Define the following terms:-
(a) Electrolyte
(b) Electrode
(c) Electrolytic cell
(d) Electrolysis
23. How can you explain the heating effect of electric current?
24. What are the uses of electroplating?
25. How can you detect the weak electric current through a liquid?
26. What happens when salt is added to distilled water?

Chap- Some Natural Phenomenon

1. What is an electric charge?
2. How is charging of an uncharged body is done by rubbing?
3. Explain the types of charges.
4. How charges can interact each other?
5. What is an electroscope? How does it works?
6. How can you detect charge with the help of an electroscope?
7. What is Earthing? Give an application of earthing?
8. What is the story of lightning?
9. What are the lightning safety measures you can take inside your house?
10. What are the lightning safety measures you can take outside the house?
11. What is lightning conductor? How does it works?
12. What is the physical meaning of Earthquake?
13. What is tsunami?
14. Explain the structure of the Earth briefly.
15. What are the causes of Earthquakes?
16. What are seismic or fault zones?
17. What is the use of Ritcher scale?
18. What are the protection measures against Earthquakes?
19. Sometimes, a crackling sound is heard while taking off a sweater during winters. Explain.
20. Explain, why a charged body loses its charge, if we touch it with our hand?
21. List three states in India where earthquakes are more likely to strike.
22. Explain the electric discharge occur in clouds.
23. Explain the concept of lightning rod. Also, explain how it protects the buildings.
24. Explain why it is safer to use a wireless telephone instead of a landline telephone during
25. If the metal clip used in the electroscope is replaced by an ebonite rod and a charged body is
brought in contact with it, will there be any effect on the aluminium strips? Explain.
Chap- Light
1. Why light is known as source of energy?
2. How do we see objects?
3. Differentiate between luminous objects and non luminous objects.
4. What is reflection of light?
5. State and explain the laws of reflection.
6. Draw the ray diagram of image formed by plane mirror.
7. State the characteristics of image formed by plane mirror.
8. Differentiate between regular and irregular reflection.
9. How can you say that reflected light can be reflected again?
10. What is periscope? What are its uses?
11. How are multiple images formed?
12. What is the use of kaleidoscope? How it can be made?
13. Why is sunlight called white light?
14. What is the working of human eye?
15. Draw and explain the structure of human eye.
16. Explain the functions of following:
(a) Iris
(b) Pupil
17. What is aqueous humor and vitreous humor?
18. Differentiate between rods and cones cells.
19. What do you mean by persistence of vision? What is its importance?
20. What is the normal range of vision of human eye?
21. What are the defects of vision?
22. How can you take care of your eyes?
23. Can you explain how different animals have different eyes with the help of examples.
24. What is Braille system? Why is it used?
Chap- Pollution of Air and Water
1. What are air pollutants?
2. How air pollution is caused?
3. What are the sources of air pollution?
4. What are the causes of air pollution and their harmful effects?
5. Name all the greenhouse gases and explain their harmful effects and their origin.
6. How is acid rain caused?
7. How can you explain the greenhouse effect?
8. What are the reasons for greenhouse effect?
9. What is global warming? What are the effects of global warming?
10. What are the preventions of air pollution?
11. When was van mahotsav celebrated and why was it celebrated?
12. What are the types of water pollutants?
13. What are the sources of water pollution?
14. What are the causes of water pollution and their harmful effects?
15. When and how was ganga action plan launched?
16. What is potable water? Is it safe to drink potable water?
17. How can you prevent water pollution?
18. What is eutrophication? How can it result in water pollution?
19. Describe the threat to the beauty of the Taj Mahal.
20. Explain the differences between pure air and polluted air.
21. Industries cause water pollution, describe its effect.
22. The level of air pollution is higher at a busy traffic intersection. Why?

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