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00005_En_Y24_Əyani_Yekun imtahan_HUM testinin sualları Fənn : 00005 Azərbaycanın tarixi

Determine compatibility
1- Zar cave a. Lerik
1. 2- Qazma cave b. Karabakh
3- Buzeyr cave c. Kalbajar
4- Taglar cave d. Nakhchivan

√ 1-c; 2-d; 3-a; 4-b;

• 1-b; 2-a; 3-d; 4-c;
• 1-a; 2-d; 3-c; 4-b;
• 1-c; 2-a; 3-b; 4-d;
• 1-d; 2-c; 3-a; 4-b;

2. A similar aspect of the Paleolithic and Mesolithic periods:

• using a bow and arrow

• occurrence of social divisions of labor
• agriculture being the main form of economy
√ making tools from stone
• using metal

3. Which of the caves had been in Azerbaijan during the Middle Paleolitic period

• Alikomektepe and Taglar;

• Qazma and Alikomektepe;
• Damcılı and Alikomektepe;
√ Qazma and Taglar;
• Buzeyr and Alikomektepe;

4. Where were the bones of domesticated horses discovered at the end of the 5th millennium BC?

• Gazma in Nakhichevan
• Zar in Kelbajar
• II Kultepe near Nakhichevan
• Taghlar in Garabagh
√ Alikomektepeh near Jalilabad

5. In which period Neanderthal men live?

• The Neolithic Period

• The Mesolithic Period
• The Upper Paleolithic Period
√ The Middle Paleolithic Period
• The Lower Paleolithic period

6. Which periods is the primitive community structure divided?

• The Stone Age, the Copper Age, the Eneolithic Age

√ The Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age
• Paleolithic, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age
• Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
• The Lower Paleolithic, The Middle Paleolithic, The Upper Paleolithic

7. In what period was the city of Nakhchivan city founded?

• Neolithic Period
• Stone Age
• Mesolithic period
√ Middle Bronze Age
• Upper Paleolithic period
8. Where were the bones of domesticated horses discovered at the end of the 5th millennium BC?

• Gazma in Nakhichevan
• II Kultepe near Nakhichevan
• Taghlar in Garabagh
√ Alikomektepeh near Jalilabad
• Zar in Kelbajar

9. What is called the Early Bronze age?

• Mousterian period
• Guruchay culture
• Neanderthlals
• Homo Habilis
√ Kur-Aras culture

10. What is characterized by the Lower Paleolithic period?

• Sharp stone tools

• Bows and arrows
√ Azykh cave
• Damjily cave
• Tribal community

Find compatibility:
1) Lower Paleolithic a. Neanderthal men
11. 2) Middle Paleolithic b. Azikhanthrop
3) Upper Paleolithic c. Homo Sapiens

• 1-b, 2-c, 3-a;

• 1-a, 2-c,3-b;
• 1-a, 2-b, 3-c;
√ 1-b, 2-a,3-c ;
• 1-c,2-a, 3-b ;

1. Separation of traders from craftsmen

2. Emergence of social inequality
12. 3. Existance of military democracy
The above applies to:

• the Copper Age

• The Neolithics
• the Early Bronze Age
√ The Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages
• the Epoch of Slavery

13. The first mechansm, invented by Humans in the Mesolitic period:

• axe
• wheel
√ bow and arrows
• plow
• cart

14. What does NOT apply to the Mesolithic period

• Laying the foundation of primitive agriculture

• The beginning of the domestication of animals
• Making stone tools in the form of geometric shapes called microliths
√ Start of using metal
• The invention of bow and arrows

Choose the features of the Middle Bronze Age:

1. Formation of the early urban settlements
15. 2. The emergence of patriarchy
3. The emergence of horticulture and viticulture
4. The transition from hoe to plow farming

• 1,2;
• 3,4;
• 2,4;
√ 1,3;
• 1,4;

16. An Early Iron Age bead found in Khojaly proves:

• Widespread cuneiform writing in Azerbaijan

• The spread of Sumerian culture in Azerbaijan
• The influence of the Akkadian kingdom on Azerbaijan
√ Contacts of Azerbaijani tribes with Assyria
• Highly developed crafts in Azerbaijan

17. The period, studied on the basis of materials found from the Azykh cave:

• Mesolithic
• Early Bronze Age
• Middle Bronze Age
√ Lower Paleolithic
• Neolithic

18. The term "prehistory" is used to mean a period of time:

• from the human appearance on Earth to the appearance of a bow and arrow
• from the use of the first stone tools to the formation of Homo Sapiens
• Between matriarchy and patriarchy
√ from the use of the first stone tools to the invention of writing systems
• from the appearance of Homo Sapiens to the emergence of the state

19. Which of the culture had been during the period of Middle bronza age?

• Mousterian
• Neanderthal men
• Homo sapiens
√ Nakhchivan and colourful plates
• Talish-Mugan

20. Which of the new areas was created during the middle bronze age?

• gardening and art

• agriculture and horticulture
• art
√ gardening and horticulture
• trade section

21. Complete the pattern for the rulers of Mannian state: Aza, ........., Ahsheri, .............

• Iranzu, Ualli
√ Ullusunu, Ualli
• Iranzu, II Sarqon
• Ualli, I Rusa
• Ullusunu, II Sarqon
22. In 719BC, a revolt broke out in Manna:

• Against Ahsheri’s independent foreign policy

√ Against Durducca’s successor
• Against Iranzu
• against the unification of the country
• Against Ullusunu’s independent foreign policy

23. Who was the ruler of the Scythian kingdom In the middle of the VII century B.C?

• Sargon II
√ Tugdamme
• Iranzu
• Rusa I
• Aza

24. When was Manna included in the Midia state?

• In 670 B.C.
√ In 590 B.C.
• In 603 B.C.
• In 690 B.C.
• In 673 B.C.

25. The reign year of Aza

• 716-680 B.C.
√ 718-716 B.C.
• 720-714 B.C.
• 730-710 B.C.
• 730-716 B.C.

26. Which are the oldest tribes inhabiting the territory of Azerbaijan?

• Albania, Manna
√ Lulluby, Kuti, Turrukk, Sub
• Lulluby, Manna, Kuti
• Seljuks, Albania, Turrukk
• Atropatens, Huns, Sub

27. When Atropatena joined the Sassanid state.

• in 222 BC;
√ in 227 BC;
• in 226 BC;
• in 290 BC;
• in 225 BC;

28. When State of Albania was established ?

• at the end of III - beginning of II centuries B.C.

√ at the end of IV - beginning of III centuries B.C.
• at the end of II - beginning of I centuries B.C.
• at the IV centuries B.C.
• at the III centuries B.C.

29. When happen battle between Rome and Selevkids

• 220 BC;
√ 190 BC;
• 320 BC;
• 191 BC;
• 450 BC;

30. Where was capital city of Atropatena ?

• Fraaspa
• Dehkhargan
• Erdebil
√ Qazaka
• Urmiya

31. First ruler of Manna in 740-719BC?

• Aza
√ Iranzu
• II Sarqon
• Asheri
• I Rusa

32. When Lulluby State Body existed ?

• in the II half of the 2nd millennium BC

√ in the II half of the 3rd millennium BC
• in the end of the 3rd millennium BC
• in the end of the 2nd millennium BC
• in the end of the 1st millennium BC

33. When The early state formations appeared in the southern Azerbaijan ?

• in the 1st millennium BC

√ in the 3rd millennium BC
• end of the 1st millennium BC
• half of the 2nd millennium BC
• in the 2nd millennium BC

34. The Gobustan inscription, left by Roman legionnaire mentions the name of:

• Alexander of the Macedon

√ Emperor Domitianus
• Emperor Octavian August
• Emperor Adrian
• Julius Ceasar

35. Indicate the capital cities respectively: Manna, Athropatene, the ancient Caucasian Albania

• Izitry, Qazaka, Barda

√ Izirty, Qazaka, Qabala
• Izirty, Verra, Barda
• Aganzana, Kabalaka, Adurgusnasp
• Zirta, Fraaspa, Qabala

1. Population worshiped different gods and goddesses 2. Country was located between the Caspian Sea and Iberia
36. 3. Starting from I century AD, population produced glass Above mentioned refer to:

• the Early Medieval Caucasian Albania

√ The ancient Caucasian Albania
• the Mannean kingdom
• the country of the Massagets
• the ancient Athropatene

37. In accordance to Strabon, the main worshiped Goddes in the ancient Albania:

• Ishtar
√ Lunar goddess Celena
• Anahit
• Artemida
• Inanna

Choose the chronological sequences:

1. Campaign of Alexander the Great
38. 2. Campaign of Roman commander Pompey
3. Subjugation of Athropatena by Antiox III

• 2,3,1;
√ 1,3,2;
• 2,1,3;
• 3,2,1;
• 1,2,3;

39. Religion of the Athropatenian population

• Idolatry
• Buddism
• Christianity
√ Zoroastrianism
• Paganism

40. Refers to the Albanian king Zober:

• Fought against Pompey

• Assisted Pompey during his attack on Iberia
• Won the battle at the Ganykh River
√ Defeated by Canidius Crass
• Alliance with the Seleucids

41. Refers to the Albanian king Orois:

• Alliance with the Seleucids

• Defeated by Canidius Crass
• Assisted Pompey during his attack on Iberia
√ Fought against Pompey
• Won the battle at the Ganykh River

42. In the 1st century AD Albanian rulers had diplomatic relations with:

• Assyria
• Seleucids
• Achaemenids
• Byzantium
√ The Roman Empire

Determine the correct sequence:

1. Reign of Ariobarzanes II in Atropatene
43. 2. The Battle of Magnesia
3. Anthony's campaigns in Fraaspa

• 3,1,2;
• 2,1,3;
• 1,2,3;
• 3,2,1;
√ 2,3,1;

Choose the missing name of the Mannean king:

44. Iranzu - Aza - Ullusunu - ... -Wally

• Erisinni
• Rusa I
• Sargon II
√ Ahsheri
• Udaki

The events, occurred during the reign of Iranzu (740-719 BC) in Mannae:
1. The riot against him was suppressed by Sargon II
45. 2. The alliance with Assyria was broken
3. Alliance with Assyria was strengthened.
4. The 22 Mannean fortresses were passed to Urartu

• 1,2;
• 2,4;
• 2,3;
√ 1,3;
• 1,4;

46. What led to the liberation of Mannean territories from the Urartian conquests at he second half of the 8th century BC?

• Ahsheri’s independent foreign policy

• The Scythian attacks against Urartu
• The fall of Urartu
√ Pro-Assyrian politics
• The Midian invasions

47. One of the ancient tribes of Azerbaijan in the 3rd -2nd millennia BC

• Scythians
• Sumerians
• Akkadians
√ Turukkeans
• Manneans

Typical for the ruler Lullubi Anubanini:

1. Capture of Mesopotamia
2. Building a strong state
48. 3. Description of victories in the "Stone Stele"
4. Victory over the Hittites
5. Capture of Babylon

• 1,2;
√ 2,3;
• 1,5;
• 3,5;
• 2,4;

49. During the centennial reign of the Gutians in Mesopotamia:

• Internal clashes intensified and trade was waned.

• Taxes raised and census conducted.
√ The administrative system of Sumer was retained.
• The Hittites were defeated.
• They eliminated the Sumerian city-states.

50. The first tribal unions in Azerbaijan emerged:

• in Nachkhivan
• on the Caspian Sea coast
√ around the Lake Urmia
• on the bank of the Kura River
• around the Lake Gokche

Complete the logical sequence:

51. Divan, Mulk, …..

• Xaraq;
• jizya;
• amir;
√ Vaqf;
• amil;

Determine compatibility:
1- Battle of Amid a. 488 year
52. 2- Battle of Dzirav b. 359 year
3- Aquen assembly c. 371 year

• 1-c; 2-b; 3-a;

• 1-c; 2-a; 3-b;
• 1-a; 2-c; 3-b;
√ 1-b; 2-c; 3-a;
• 1-b; 2-a; 3-c;

1. Spiritual and religious revival of Albania

2. Construction of new churches and monasteries
53. 3. Convocation of the Aghuen church cathedral
4. The last representative of the Albanian Arsacids dynasty
The above applies to:

• Vache II
• Esuagen
√ Vachagan III
• Urnair
• Vachagan II

54. Typical for the reign of Albanian king Esuagen:

• Declared Christianity as an official religion

• Built the Derbend walls
• Expelled the Huns from Azerbaijan
√ Creation of the Albanian alphabet with 52 letters
• Fought against the Sassanids

How did the official religion of population in the Northern Azerbaijan change?
55. Find the correct sequence:

• Zoroastrianism, Islam
√ Idolatry, Christianity, Islam
• Idolatry, Zoroastrianism, Islam
• Zoroastrianism, paganism, Islam
• Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam

Aranshahids ... Mihranids

56. Which Albanian dynasty is missed?

• Mazyadids
• Achaemenids
√ Arsacids
• Sassanids
• Atropatids

Determine the correct sequence:

1. Participation of Albanian ruler Urnayr in the battles of Amid and the Dzirav on the side of the Sassanids
57. 2. Emergence of the Albanian alphabet of 52 letters
3. The Council of Aghuen convoked by King Vachagan III

√ 1,2,3;
• 2,1,3;
• 2,3,1;
• 3,2,1;
• 3,1,2;

58. Choose the difference between the feudal systems of Azerbaijan and the Europe

• Existance of the unpaid works

• Existance of the land tenurs
• There were not the heridatory property in Azerbaijan.
√ There was no serfdom in Azerbaijan.
• Existance of the taxasion for the feudal lords

59. One land ownership during Arab rule not form

• divan
• icma
• iqta
√ gezit
• vaqf

60. Where did the battle between the Arabs and the Sassanids take place in 636?

• Barda
• Savalan Mountain
• Qabala
√ Cadisiya
• Girdiman

61. Which city was popular as “the main city of Arran” in the X century?

• Ganja
• Tabriz
• Nakhchivan
• Baki
√ Barda

62. What was the result of the battle near Ballenger in 653?

• The battle ended with the defeat of the Arabs

• The battle ended with the victory of the Albania
• The battle ended with the victory of the Arabs
• The battle ended with the defeat of the Khazars
√ The battle ended with the victory of the Khazars

63. When dis Christianity begin to be spread in Albania?

• at the end of III century

• at the beginning of the III century
• at the end of the V century
√ at the beginning of the IV century
• at the beginning of the VI century

64. What was the Khurram movement against?

• Khazar rule and feudal oppression

• Safavid rule and feudal oppression
• Ottoman rule and feudal oppression
√ Arab rule and feudal oppression
• Sassanid rule and feudal oppression

65. What did the “kharijilar” demand?

• To get lands
• To get money
• To increase taxes
• To decrease taxes
√ To elect the caliph by the people

66. Which caliph was called “father of money” according his greed?

• Abu Imran
• Javanshir
√ caliph al-Mansur
• caliph Ali
• Harun ar-Rashid

67. when was babek executed

• February 14 in 804
• January 20 in 810
• November 14 in 828
• September 27 in 840
√ March 14 in 838

68. When did Cavidan and Abu Imran kill each other?

• in 818;
• in 826;
• in 830;
• in 810;
√ in 816;

69. Who was appointed commander-in-chief of the Arab army in 835?

• Adin
• Safar
• Dashqın
√ Afshin
• Muhammad

70. What was the same result of the battles I Hasdadsar and II Hasdadsar?

• Khazars lost the battles

• Khurramits lost the battles
√ Khurramits won the battles
• Arabs won the battles
• Khazars won the battles

71. When did Babek begin to lead Khurram movement?

• 798;
√ 816;
• 820;
• 778;
• 808;

Which are the land ownership forms during the Arab domination?
1. Khums
2. Iqta
72. 3. Mulk
4. Zakat
5. Icma

• 1,3,4;
• 2,4,5;
• 2,3,4;
• 1,2,3;
√ 2,3,5;

73. When was Albania's internal independence canceled?

• In 690;
• In 710;
• In 708;
• In 651;
√ In 705;

74. What was the main provision of Mazdak training?

• To get new taxes

• To end the taxes
• To capture the lands
√ to create equality for property among people
• To end a just society

75. Who was called the patricks?

• Kings
• Slaves
√ Larger feudal lords
• Warriors
• Villagers

76. What happened 12 years before Dzirav battle?

• Roman troops defeated Sanaturk’s detachments

• The state of Sassanian sprang up
√ Amid battle began
• Albania was included into the membership of the Sassanian Empire
• Shapur 1st defeated the Roman army

77. Who put an end to the existence of the Sassanid state?

• Goyturks
• Ottomans
• Bizans
√ Arab state
• Umayyads

78. Which state joined the Sassanid state in 227?

• Albania
• Armenia
• Shirvan
√ Atropatena
• Valarshapat

79. When Feodal Relition started in Azerbaijan

• beginning of the III centuries

• half of the II centuries
√ III centuries
• II centuries
• I centuries

80. Which battle happened in 371 year ?

• Amid
• Girdiman
• Hamadan
• Nohavand
√ Dzirav

81. When Albania was included into the membership of the Sasanian Empire ?

• in 223;
√ in 262;
• in 230;
• in 279;
• in 269;

82. Albanian ruler who visited the Arab caliph and achieved a tax cut:

• Vache II
• Varaz Grigor
√ Javanshir
• Vachagan III Pious
• Varaz Trdat

1. The biggest victory of Babak over the Arabs

83. 2. The capture by the Khurramites of an important strategic route connecting Baghdad with Central Asia and the Caucasus
The above is the result of:

• The battle of Hamadan II

• The battle near Maragha
• The battle around Barda
√ The battle of Hamadan I
• The Hashdadsar battle

84. One of the result of the Khurramite movement against the Arabs:

• Contributed to the spread of Islam

• Put an end to the exploitation of peasants by feudal lords
• The central government of the Caliphate has strengthened
• Islamic positions in Azerbaijan are completely undermined
√ The central government of the Caliphate was weakened.

The results of the caliphate resettlement policy in Azerbaijan:

1. Arabization of the local population did not happen.
85. 2. Complete Arabization of Azerbaijani population.
3. Azerbaijanis were forced to leave homes.
4. The Arabs assimilated and mixed with the local population.
• 2,4;
• 3,4;
• 1,2;
√ 1,4;
• 2,3;

Consequences of the negotiations between Javanshir and Caliph Muaviya: 1. Caliph

declined tribute from Albania by one-third
2. Caliph recognized his sovereignty
86. 3. Caliph declined tribute from Albania by one-second
4. Caliph recognized him as a Albania and Iberia king
5. Javanshir was awarded the title patricius.

√ 1,2;
• 3,4;
• 1,2,5;
• 2,4,5;
• 1,3,5;

87. What cities were the capitals of the Sajis?

• Urmia, Shamakhi;
• Maraga, Beylagan;
• Tabriz, Shamakhi;
• Barda, Beylagan;
√ Maraga, Ardabil;

88. In what year did Yusuf Ibn Abu Saj refuse to pay tribute to the caliphate treasury?

• 988;
• 879;
• 909;
√ 912;
• 917;

89. Which years was the state of Shirvanshahs ruled by the Mazyad dynasty?

• 861-1538;
• 1027-1538;
• 861-1382;
• 1027-1382;
√ 861-1027;

90. In 1160, he took the title "Great Atabay".

• Alp Arslan
• Uzbek
• Abu Bakr
• Gold Arslan
√ Shamseddin Eldeniz

91. When and by whom was Ganja Gates built?

• 951,Muhammed Shaddad;
• 1027,Mahmud Gaznavi;
• 912,Abu Saj Divdad
√ 1063,Ibrahim Osmanolgu;
• 861,Heysam ibn Mazyad

92. İn which year Demetre attacked to Shirvan ?

• in 1125;
• in 1122;
• in 1124;
√ in 1117;
• in 1123;

93. The Renaissance of Azerbaijan belongs to architectural monuments:

• Barda tomb
• Blue mosque in Tabriz
• “Hasht-Behisht” palace complex
√ Maiden's Tower
• Shirvanshakh Palace

94. When did all men are enrolled in Azerbaijan?

• 1232;
• 1265;
• 1245;
• 1221;
√ 1254;

95. Which one wasn’t the capital of Eldanizlar?

• Tabriz
√ Tiflis
• Hamadan
• Nakhchivan
• Ganja

Determine the chronological sequence:

1. Establishment of Atabay state
96. 2. Establishment of Sajid state
3. Establishment of Seljuks state

• 3, 1, 2;
√ 2, 3, 1;
• 3, 2, 1;
• 1, 3, 2;
• 1, 2, 3;

97. Which state was established in the 30s of the XII century?

• Sassanids
√ Atabeys
• Ravvadis
• Sajids
• Shirvanshah

Determine the chronological sequence:

1. The collapse of the Sajids state
98. 2. The collapse of the Ravvadis state
3. The established Shirvanshah state
4. The coming to power of the Sassanids

• 3, 1, 4, 2;
√ 4, 3, 1, 2;
• 4, 3, 2, 1;
• 1, 3, 2, 4;
• 2, 4, 1, 3;
99. How many Mongols marched on Azerbaijan?

• 2;
√ 3;
• 5;
• 1;
• 4;

100. Azerbaijani states, whose existence was abolished by the Seljuks:

• Sajis and Salaris

√ The Ravvadis and the Shaddadis
• Sajis and Shirvanshahs
• Ravids and Shirvanshahs
• Shaddadis and Shirvanshahs

101. When was the first Seljuk empire established?

• 1040;
√ 1038;
• 1039;
• 1033;
• 1043;

102. Who is Founder of Eldenizler State ?

• Muhammad Jahan Pahlavan

√ Atabey Shamsaddin
• Akhsitan I
• Manouchehr II
• Sultan Togrul II

103. The first capital of Shirvanshah state?

• Gabala
√ Shirvan
• Shamkir
• Ganja
• Darband

Choose the architectural monuments of 13-14th centuries in Shirvan:

1. Ramana Fortress
2. Maiden's Tower
104. 3. Alinja Fortress
4. The palace complex of the Shirvanshahs
5. The fortress of Nardaran

• 2,3;
√ 1,5;
• 1,3;
• 2,4;
• 4,5;

1. Appear trade ships in the Caspian Sea

2. Slavs made subsequent plundering campaign to Barda during their reign
105. 3. The capital was Ardebil
The above applies to:

• Sajids
√ Salarids
• Shaddadids
• Shirvanshahs
• Ravvadids

106. Choose the long-lasting Muslim dynasty of Azerbaijan:

• The Eldanizids
√ The Shirvanshahs
• The Safavids
• The Hulaguids
• The Atropatids

107. At the second half of 11th century, the lands of Azerbaijan were:

• Unified by Shirvanshahs
• Under rule of Byzantine
√ Part of the Seljuk Empire
• Under rule of the Khazar Khaganate
• included to the Mongol empire

Choose the 12th century monuments:

1. The Khudaferin bridge
108. 2. The Maiden Tower
3. The Zoroastrian temple in Surakhany
4. The tomb of Momine Khatun in Nakhchivan

• 1,2;
√ 2,4;
• 3,4;
• 1,4;
• 2,3,4;

1. Was the Hajib of the Seljuk Sultan

109. 2. Preceded by Shamsaddin Eldaniz as Atabek of Azerbaijan
The above applies to:

• Abu Bakr
√ Muhammad Jahan Pahlavan
• Qizil Arslan
• Shamsaddin Eldaniz
• Uzbek

110. The foundations of the Eldenizids (Atabeks) were laid:

• With the appointment of the ruler of all Azerbaijan

√ When the Sultan Masud granted Arran to Shamsaddin Eldeniz as an iqta
• As a result of the Seljuk campaigns in Azerbaijan
• As a result of the Mongol campaigns
• After the fall of the Shaddadids

111. Origin of the Mazyadis dynasty

• Turkic
√ Arabic
• Georgina
• Slavs
• Persian

112. Related with the 970s:

• The formation of the state of Sajids

√ Establishment of the Shaddadids rule in Ganja
• Campaigns of the Slavs
• Fall of the Dabil emirate
• Formation of the Shirvanshahs

113. When did Emir Teymur attack to Azerbaijan, but suddenly happen incident in Central Asia and he come back?

• in 1386;
• in 1388;
• in 1380;
√ in 1385;
• In 1393;

Belongs to the same year: 1- The occurance of the Bandar rebellion

2- Mongol invasion of Darband
114. 3- Mongol invasion of Ganja
4- The beginning of the 2nd march of the Mongols

• 1,2;
• 3,4;
• 1,3;
√ 1,4;
• 2,3;

115. The 50s of the XIII century are typical for the Azerbaijan history:

• The fall of the Atabey state;

• The attack of the Khwarazmshahs;
• The occurance of the 2nd march of the Mongols;
√ The establishment of the Hulaku state;
• The occurance of the 1st march of the Mongols;

116. The state that existed in Azerbaijan during the Second Mongol march:

• Shaddadis;
• Salaries;
√ Shirvanshahs;
• Atabeys;
• Ravvadis;

117. In which year the moving from one place to onether place was forbidden for peasants

• in 1300;
• in 1305;
• in 1302;
• in 1295;
√ in 1303;

118. Who was biult the Observatory in Maragha?

• Fazlullah Rashidaddin
• Amir Teymur
• Mahmud khan
√ Nasiraddin Tusi
• Qazan khan

119. During the Jalaladdin who was ruled in Azerbaijan?

• the vizier of Jalaladdin - Axsitan

• Amir Teymur
• the vizier of Jalaladdin - Fariburz III
• Jalaladdin
√ the vizier of Jalaladdin - Sharaf-al-Mulk

120. When Azerbaijan was included to the content of Jalayir state?

• in 1365;
• in 1366;
• in 1357;
• In 1393;
√ in 1359;

121. When Hulagu state was Collapse?

√ in 1357;
• in 1360;
• in 1351;
• in 1359;
• In 1393;

122. Reforms of Ghazan khan:

• tax,court,communication
• trade,tax,land
• land and tax
• court,land and tax
√ land,tax,court,communication and trade section

123. Who was founder of Hurufism?

• Qara Muhammad
• Qara Yusif
• Nasimi
• Amir Teymur
√ Fazlallah Naimi

124. One is not the khan of the Hulagu state?

• Qazan khan
• Hulagu khan
• Keyxatu khan
√ Ozbek khan
• Abaqa khan

125. What did Ghazan khan do in order to reinforcing contacts with local feudals

• paid land to them

√ converted to islam and changed his name to Mahmud
• attacked them
• took their lands
• paid money to them

126. Who received the tittle of the first sultan in Agkoyunlu?

• Ismail
• Abu Said
• Malik khan
• Sara khatun
√ Uzun Hasan

127. When mongol troops attacked to Azerbaijan second time ?

• In 1225-1231;
• In 1220-1222;
• In 1235-1239;
√ In 1231- 1239;
• In 1231-1232;

128. The dynasty, that rules the empire, using Hulaguid khans, as puppets

• the Timurids
• the Injuids
• the Jalairids
• the Mazyadids
√ The Chobanids

129. This state that overthrew the Hulaguids, but could not strengthen in the country:

• the Mazyadids
• the Shirvanshahs
√ The Golden Horde
• the Timurids
• the Jalairids

130. The dynasty, replaced the Hulaguids and established a new state:

• the Chobanids
• the Mazyadids
• the Shirvanshahs
• the Timurids
√ the Jalairids

131. A prominent Muslim astronomer, mathematician, philosopher and adviser of Hulagu Khan

• Mahmud Shabustari
• Muhammad Nakhchivani
• Oljaytu Khudabanda Muhammad
√ Nasraddin Tusi
• Hamdullah Qazvini

1. Implemented the monetary reform

2. Existed for 100 years
132. 3. The Maragha Observatory was built
The above applies to:

• The Atabeks
• The Golden Horde
• The Qaraqoyunlu
√ The Hulaguids
• The Akkoyunlu

Who was the most prominent doctor of his time and played a significant role in organizing and carrying out the reforms of Ghazan
133. Khan?

• Mohammed Nakhchivani
• Hindushah Nakhchivani
• Nasiraddin Tusi
• Mahmoud Shabustari
√ Fazlullah Rashidaddin

134. The land reform of Ghazan Khan of the Hulaguid included:

• Elimination of the tax tamgha

• Raising Islam to the official status
• Liberation of the peasants from personal dependence
√ Distribution of the land iqta to the Mongol warriors
• Installation of the tax tamgha

The tax reform of Ghazan khan of the Hukaguid included:

1. Tax collection by local rulers
135. 2. Abolition of tax collection by local rulers.
3. The method, amount and time of tax collection were determined.
4. When collecting taxes, the rules of "Boyuk Yasa" of Chingiz Khan were preserved.

• 3,4;
• 1,4;
• 2,4;
√ 2,3;
• 1,3;

136. When did Shah Ismail's grandfather Sheikh Junayd march to which cities?

• 1455, Qabala-Darband
• 1444 ,Dagestan-Tabriz
• 1462,Qazakh-Shirvan
√ 1460, Shirvan-Dagestan
• 1430, Tabriz-Qazakh

137. The battle between the Safavids and Akkoyunlu Alvand Mirza:

• the battle of Almaqulagi

• the battle of Koylihisar
• the battle of Jaldiran
√ the battle of Sharur
• the battle of Jabani

138. In 1400, surrendered to Amir Teimur:

• Gulistan castle
• Bugurd castle
• Javanshir castle
√ Alinja castle
• Bazz castle

139. How many years after the establishment of the Garagoyunlu state, the Aggoyunlu state was divided into two parts?

• 100;
• 75;
• 60;
√ 90;
• 76;

It belongs to the 70s of the XV century:

1- The occurrence of the battle of Malatya
2- The occurrence of Goyluhisar battle
140. 3- Conclusion of Yassicheman peace
4- Occurrence of the battle of Otlugbeli
5- Capture of Trabzon by the Ottomans

• 3,4;
• 2,3;
• 2,4;
• 1,2;
√ 1,4;
Happened in the same year:
1- Battle of Sardrud
141. 2- Battle of Alashkerd
3- Establishment of the Garagoyunlu state
4- The fall of the Jalairis state

• 2,3;
• 1,2;
• 2,4;
• 1,3;
√ 3,4;

142. In which of the year Jahanshah was declared king of Karakoyunlu state and a vassal of Timurids?

• in 1456;
• in 1450;
• in 1437;
• in 1447;
√ in 1436;

143. Which of the new cities was built in XIV century?

• Arran and Shirvan

• Mahmoudabad and Shabran
• Sultaniyya and Baku
√ Sultaniyya and Mahmoudabad
• Barda and Tabriz

144. Who was the last ruler of Kesranids dynasty?

• Akhsitan I
• Ibrahim
• Shaikh Uvais
√ Hushang
• Kavus

145. The reign year of Yagub Mirza?

• 1479-1491;
• 1480-1490;
• 1498-1500;
√ 1478-1490;
• 1479-1480;

146. Who was started revolt in Shiraz in 1474?

• Uzun Hasan
• Ghodek Ahmad
• Qara Muhammad
√ Ughurlu Muhammad
• Qara Yusif

147. Which of the year Caterino Zeno came to Tabriz Aqkoyunlu oalace?

• in 1456;
• in 1473;
• in 1479;
√ in 1472;
• in 1489;

148. Shah Abbas started a war with the Ottoman Empire:

• in 1608;
• in 1615;
• In 1605;
• In 1607;
√ in 1603;

149. Which of the year signed Yassychemen contract?

• 1468;
• 1500;
• 1469;
√ 1461;
• 1456;

150. Which of the battle was happened between Aqkoyunlu and Timurids in 1468?

• Mush
• II Shanbi - Qazan
• I Shanbi-Qazan
• Malatya
√ Abbasabad

151. Who was founded Aqkoyunlu supremacy in Diyarbakir?

• Qara Muhammad
• Uzun Hasan
• Qara Yusif
√ Kara Yuluk Osman bey
• Amir Teymur

152. When did happen chapakhcur battle?

• 1405;
• 1388;
√ 1387;
• 1394;
• 1392;

153. The years of power of I Ibrahim Darbandi

• 1389-1398;
• 1385-1405;
• 1390-1399;
√ 1382-1417;
• 1382-1415;

154. The state that existed in Azerbaijan in 1410-1468 :

• Jalaris
• Atabay
• Shirvanshahs
√ Karakoyunlu
• Aghkoyunlu

155. Which one was the first state in Azerbaijan that had extensive contact with European countries?

• Ravvadid
• Safavid
• Shirvanshahlar
• Karakoyunlu
√ Aqkoyunlu

156. Which battle ended Jalayirids power in Azerbaijan?

• Abbasabad
• Sardrud
• Shanbi-Ghazan I
√ Shanbi-Ghazan II
• Mush

157. Which event related to Muhammad Jahan Pahlavan?

• Got the title of "emir" from Sultan Togrul II

• Established Eldanizlar State
• Transfer the capital from Hamadan to Nakhchivan
√ Transfered the capital from Nakhchivan to Hamadan
• Took the title "Great Atabay"

158. Which of the area was given to Alvand Mirza?

• Iran , Bagdad
• Tebriz , Bagdad
• Tebriz , Iran , Iraq
• Azerbaijan , Bagdad , Iraq
√ Azerbaijan, Tebriz

159. When Agqoyunlu state divided into 2 part ?

• 1501;
• 1478;
√ 1500;
• 1477;
• 1473;

160. Where was the capital of Agqoyunlu state ?

• Gabala
• Darband
• Barda
√ Tabriz
• Shirvan

161. Who is last ruler of Qaraqoyunlu and Which era did around ?

√ In 1436-1467, Jahan Shah

• In 1436-1467, Pirbudaq
• In 1433-1461 , Pirbudaq
• In 1432-1463, Isgandar
• 1434-1463 , Jahan Shah

162. To whom and when did Kara Yusuf give the Sultan Title?

• In 1411 , Isgandar
√ In 1411 , Pirbudaq
• In 1420 , Pirbudaq
• In 1411 , Isfandiyar
• In 1431 , Isgandar

163. When happened II Shanbi Qazan battle and between which of the states
• In 1391 , Qaraqoyunlu - Ottoman
√ In 1410 , Qaraqoyunlu - Jalarids
• In 1440 , Qaraqoyunlu - Teymurids
• In 1410 , Teymurids - Jalarids
• In 1421 , Ottoman - Teymurids

164. Which year happened Baghdad battle ?

• In 1399;
√ In 1394;
• In 1397;
• In 1396;
• In 1393;

165. The Herāt treaty of 1459 was signed between

• Jahanshah Qaraqoyunlu and Timurid Shahrukh

√ Jahanshah Qaraqoyunlu and Timurid Abu Said
• Shirvanshah Ibrahim I and Timurlane
• Qara Iskandar and Timurid Abu Said
• Shirvanshah Khalilullah and Timurid Shahrukh

Define the chronological sequence:

1. Death of Qara Yusif
166. 2. the Qaragoyunlu state ceased to exist
3. Iskander attacked to Shirvan first time

• 2,1,3;
√ 1,3,2;
• 1,2,3;
• 3,2,1;
• 3,1,2;

167. Determine the importance of Trapezund for Aghqoyunlus

• Trapezund has been paying of annual tribute to Agqoyunlu

√ It was the main access road to the Black sea for the Azerbaijan merchants
• It was the main access road to the Caspian sea for the Azerbaijan merchants
• Trapezund Emperor was Turkic origins
• Trapezund was natural ally of the Agqoyunlus against Venetian Republic

Determine compatibility:
1)Hasan Sultan
2) Godek Ahmed
168. 3) Rustam Mirza
a) eliminated about 20 taxes and obligations
b) adobted Kanun-name
c) granted lots of soyurgals

• 1-b, 2-c, 3-a;

√ 1-b, 2-a, 3-c;
• 1-a, 2-b, 3-c;
• 1-a, 2-c, 3-b;
• 1-c, 2-a, 3-b;

Put in order Agqoyunlu rulers for their reign years

1. Sultan Yagub
2. Uzun Hasan (Hasan Sultan)
169. 3. Rustam Mirza
4. Sultan Ahmed (Godek Ahmed)
5. Baysungur

• 2, 1, 4,3, 5;
√ 2, 1, 5, 3, 4;
• 4,2,1,5,3;
• 4,1,2,3,5;
• 2,4,3,1,5;

Choose the missing name of the Qarakoyunlu rulers:

170. Qara Yusif – Qara Isgender- …….-Hasanali

• Baysunqur
√ Jahanshah Qaraqoyunlu
• Pirbudaq
• Qara Muhammad
• Huseynali

Define the chronological sequence:

1. Qara Yusif defeated the Timurids in the battle at Shanb-i Qazan
2. Qara Yusif defeated Sultan Ahmed Jalairid in the battle at Shanb-i Gazan
171. 3. At the battle at Sardrud Qara Yusif overwhelmed Timurids’ troops
4. Qara Yusif defeated Ibrahim I and his allies in the battle on the bank of Kura

• 1,2,3,4;
√ 1,3,2,4;
• 2,3,4,1;
• 1,2,4,3;
• 2,1,3,4;

172. Ally of the Shirvanshahs in the battle on the Samur River against Sheikh Junaid:

• Yaqub Akkoyunlu
√ Jahanshah Qaraqoyunlu
• Rustam Mirze
• Shahrukh Mirze
• Uzun Hassan

Determine the chronological sequence of events related to the Gyzylbashs:

1.Battle on the Samur River
173. 2. Battle of Shemesi
3. Battle on the Shahdagh

• 1,2,3;
√ 1,3,2;
• 2,1,3;
• 3,1,2;
• 2,3,1;

174. Favorable condition for the victory of Uzun Hasan over the Baharly (Qaraqoyunlu):

• Uprising of Topal Ahmed

• Defeat of the Qizilbashes
√ The intensification of feudal strife
• The union with the Ottomans
• The fall of the Trabzon empire

175. Uzun Hasan's "Kanun-name" provided for:

• Complete removal of soyurgals

√ Regulating the tax system
• Conducting urban reform
• Carrying out religious reform
• Distribution of new soyurgals
Define the chronological sequence:
1.The establishment of the power of the Baharli dynasty (Qaragoyunlu) in Tabriz
176. 2.The expulsion of the Timurids from the country by Qara Yusif
3.The victory of Baharly (Qaragoyunlu) over the Shirvanshah near the Kura River

• 2, 3, 1;
• 1, 2, 3;
• 3, 2, 1;
√ 2, 1, 3;
• 1, 3, 2;

1. Enthroned as a vassal of the Timurids

2. Fought against Akkoyunlu
177. 3. Signed the Herat treaty in 1459
The above applies to:

• Mehmet II
√ Jahanshah Qaraqoyunlu
• Ibrahim I
• Sultan Ahmed Jalayirid
• Qara Yusif

178. Under the pressure of Kara Yusif, Shirvanshah Ibrahim was forced to leave:

• Darband
√ Tabriz
• Baku
• Ardabil
• Shamakha

Terms of the peace treaty of 1639 in Gasri-Shirin:

1. Lands to the east of the Zanjir fortress remained with the Safavids
2. Iraq and Baghdad remained with the Ottoman Empire
179. 3. Azerbaijani lands divided between two states
4. Safavids pledged not to interfere with the Ottomans' intentions to destroy the Russian-built fortress on the Terek River
5. The Ottomans had to pay a huge indemnity

• 1, 2, 5;
• 2, 3, 5;
• 3, 4, 5;
√ 1, 2, 4;
• 2, 3, 4;

180. Results of the military operations, carried out by Shah Abbas I in 1603-1607 against the Ottomans:

• All territories, with the exception of Tabriz and Ordubad, remained in the control of the Ottomans
• The Safavids suffered a crushing defeat
• The Ottomans further strengthened in the occupied territories
√ All lands of Azerbaijan were returned
• No changes occurred on the front line

It belongs to 1501:
1- The occurrence of the Battle of Sharur
2- The occurrence of the Battle of Almabulagi
181. 3- Capture of Baku by the Gizilbashs
4- Declaration of the Safavid state
5- The occurrence of the battle of Jabani
6- Ismayil’s arrival from Lahij to Ardabil

• e). 1,3,6;
• b). 2,4,6;
• c). 1,2,3;
√ a). 1,3,4;
• d). 2,3,4;
182. When shah Abbas got back Iravan?

• in 1605;
• in 1599;
• in 1602;
√ in 1604;
• In 1607;

183. Who was established the troops of Ghulams?

√ Shah Abbas I
• Shah Ismail I
• Shah Tahmasp I
• Shah Muhammad Khudabende
• Shah Ismail II

184. Shah Abbas was changed the capital from Qazvin to?

• Abbasabad
• Tabriz
• Heart
• Bitlis
√ Isfahan

185. In 1578,1579,1580,1581 years Who did march to Azerbaijan?

√ Crimea tatars
• Ottoman imperia
• Monqols
• Georgia
• Iran

186. During 1508-1510 years except which of the territory all Iran and Irak captured by Safavids?

• Baku
• Tabriz
• Baghdad
√ Khorasan
• Heart

187. Lands belonging to muslim clergymen?

• mulk
• khass
• divan
√ vakf
• tiyul

188. When was signed Sarab treaty?

• in 1654;
• in 1613;
√ in 1612;
• in 1618;
• in1639;

189. Who was led the villages?

• shahs
√ kantkhudas
• feudals
• kalantars
• kingdom

190. Who was led the city?

• Shahs
• kingdom
• kantkhudas
• feudals
√ kalantars

191. Which is not the beglerbegi to which the Safavid empire was divided in the second half of the seventeenth century ?

• Karabakh
• Chukursad
√ Shakhi
• Shirvan
• Tabriz

192. During the reign of which state was the tamga abolished?

√ Safavi- I Tahmasib
• Karakoyunlu- Cahan shah
• Agkoyunlu- Uzun Hasan
• Atabaylar - Shamsaddin Eldaniz
• Safavi- I ismayil

193. Which of the year was happened Kochisar battle?

• 1519;
• 1565;
• 1514;
• 1515;
√ 1516;

194. Where was the “Qeysariyya” bazar located?

• Baki
√ Tabriz
• Barda
• Ganja
• Darband

Which taxes did people give in the the second half of the XVII century?
1. Bahra
2. Mulk
195. 3. Maljahat
4. Tiyul
5. Kharaj

• 1,2,3;
• 1,2,5;
• 2,4,5;
√ 1,3,5;
• 3,4,5;

196. Who established Azerbaijan Safavid Empire?

• Shaikh Haydar
• Shah Ismail II
• Shah Abbas I
√ Shah Ismail I
• Tahmasp I

197. When did collapse the first part of Agqoyunlu state ?

• 1505 , Jabani battle

• 1501 , Marv battle
• 1503 , Almaqulagi battle
√ 1501 , Sharur battle
• 1506 , Marv battle

198. Which era did Shah Tahmasib are around?

• 1514-1556;
• 1522-1574;
• 1518-1556;
√ 1524-1576;
• 1523-1546;

Terms of the peace treaty of 1639 in Gasri-Shirin:

1. Lands to the east of the Zanjir fortress remained with the Safavids
2. Iraq and Baghdad remained with the Ottoman Empire
199. 3. Azerbaijani lands divided between two states
4. Safavids pledged not to interfere with the Ottomans' intentions to destroy the Russian-built fortress on the Terek River
5. The Ottomans had to pay a huge indemnity

• 1, 2, 5;
√ 1, 2, 4;
• 3, 4, 5;
• 2, 3, 5;
• 2, 3, 4;

200. Results of the military operations, carried out by Shah Abbas I in 1603-1607 against the Ottomans:

• The Safavids suffered a crushing defeat

√ All lands of Azerbaijan were returned
• All territories, with the exception of Tabriz and Ordubad, remained in the control of the Ottomans
• No changes occurred on the front line
• The Ottomans further strengthened in the occupied territories

The further advance of the Ottomans during Sultan Suleyman's campaign into Safavid territory was stopped because of:
1. The severe winter conditions during the campaign
2. Mountainous terrain of Azerbaijan
201. 3. The Safavids defeated the Ottomans in the desicive battle.
4. Attack of the European countries into the western borders of the Ottomans.
5.Tahmasp masterly use of Fabian tactics.

• 1,2,4;
√ 1,2,5;
• 1,3,5;
• 1,2,3;
• 2,3,5;

202. Specify the relations between the Safavids and Ottomans during the reign of Bayezid II:

• aggressive relations
√ relatively peaceful relations
• There was no relationship: not friendly, not hostile
• The countries established alliance agaist the Western countries
• The enmity began with Ismail's rise to power
203. Who were called "men of the sword" in the Safavid court?

• The Iranian elements

• The term applied to all well-trained military
√ The qizilbashes
• The Kurdish officers in the palace

204. In 1512 Shah Ismail I captured

• Part of Iraq with Bagdad

√ Karahisar and Malatya in Anatolia
• Shiraz and Kirman
• Part of Iraq with Basra and Najaf
• Part of Khurasan with Merv, Heratand Balkh

Choose the battles of Safavid dynasty prior to the establishment of the state:
1. The Chaldiran battle
2. The Sharur battle
205. 3. The Shamasi battle
4. The Marv battle
5. The Synyq Korpu battle

• 1,4,5;
√ 2,3;
• 1,5;
• 3,5;
• 4,5;

Indicate the name of dynasty the below applies to:

206. 1. They constructed a dubious genealogy tracing the descent of the Twelver Imams, Musa al-Kazim
2. They proceeded with great tenacity of purpose to extend their influence using Shia Islam.

• The Qaraqoyunlu
√ The Safavids
• The Timurids
• The Shirvanshahs
• The Akkoyunlu

207. Strengthening of the Safavid state at the end of 1590 - in the first quarter of 1600s is associated with the name of:

• Shah Muhammad Khudabende

• Shah Ismail I
• Shah Tahmasp I
√ Shah Abbas I
• Shah Ismail II

Relates to the battle of Qochisar:

1. Victory of the Ottomans
2. Harput and Mosul passed to the Ottomans
208. 3. Victory of the Safavids
4. Transition of Bitlis to the Ottomans
5. Transition of control over Eastern Anatolia to the Safavids

• 2, 3, 4;
√ 1, 2, 4;
• 3, 4, 5;
• 1, 3, 5;
• 1, 2, 5;
Reforms of Shah Abbas I include:
1. Transfer of the capital from Tabriz to Qazvin
209. 2. Providing opportunities to serve in the army for the representatives of non-Turk ethnic groups
3. The statement of heredity in the appointment of the heads of the Qizilbash tribes
4. Creation of the regular regiments, armed with firearms

• 1, 2;
√ 2, 4;
• 1, 4;
• 2,3;
• 1, 3;

Indicate the chronological sequence:

1. The Battle of Sharur
210. 2. The battle on the Jabani field
3. Battle of Chaldiran

• 1, 2, 3;
√ 2, 1, 3;
• 2, 3, 1;
• 1, 3, 2;
• 3, 2, 1;

Choose the events, related to the reign of Shah Tahmasp I:

1.Elimination of the tamgha
211. 2. Elimination of the local ruling dynasties of the Shirvanshahs and the Sheki principality
3. The battle of Almaqulaghi near Hamadan
4. The battle with the Ottoman army on the banks of the Ganikh River (Alazani)

• 1, 3;
√ 1, 2;
• 2, 3;
• 3, 4;
• 2,4;

212. What is not related to the reign of Shah Abbas?

• Return of the Ormuzd Port from the Portuguese

• Conclusion of the Istanbul peace treaty with the Ottomans
√ Incorporation of Shirvan and Sheki to the Safavid empire
• Moved the empire's capital from Qazvin to Isfahan
• The creation of a new type of corps of tufenkchi

213. Similarities between the Chyldyr, “Torchlight” and Sufiyan battles:

• The Qizilbashs defeated their opponents

√ Occurred between the Ottomans and the Safavids
• Rebels against central authority were defeated
• The Shirvanshahs were defeated
• Occurred between Timurids and Qaraqoyunlu

Indicate the events that took place in the reign of Shah Ismail I:
1. Conclusion of the Amasya peace treaty
2. Victory over the Sheybanids at the Battle of Marv
214. 3. Capital of the empire was transferred to Isfahan
4. Victory at the Almaqulaq near
Hamadan over Murad Aggoyunlu

• 1,4;
√ 2, 4;
• 1,3;
• 3,4;
• 2,3;
Choose the main goals of Shah Ismail I's European policy:
1. to enlarge silk trade
215. 2. to purchase firearms
3. to obtain an ally in the West against Ottomans
4. to gain access to Black Sea

• 1,4;
√ 2,3;
• 2,4;
• 3,4;
• 1,3;

216. During the reign of Shah Ismail I, the Portuguese fortified themselves in:

• Khorasan
√ Persian Gulf
• On the basin of the lake Van
• Kirman
• Iraqi Arab

217. As a result of which battle the province of Khorasan was incorporated into the Safavid Empire?

• The Sufiyan Battle

√ The Marv Battle
• The Battle of Gochisar
• The Battle of Almagulaghi
• Battle of Synyq Korpu

218. The Safavids lost lands in Eastern Anatolia as a result of:

• Alishaban battle
√ Chaldiran battle
• Battle of Synyq Korpu
• Battle of Abbasabad
• Battle of Marv

Indicate the correct sequence:

1. Defeat of Farrukh Yassar in the Jabani battle
219. 2. Earthquake in Shamakha during the reign of Akhsitan I
3. Elimination of the Shirvanshah’s power by Tahmasp I
4. Alliance of Ibrahim I with Timur

• 1, 2, 4, 3;
√ 2, 4, 1, 3;
• 4, 1, 2, 3;
• 2, 3, 4, 1;
• 2, 4, 3, 1;

220. Which one is the result of Qasri-Shirin peace treaty?

• Tabriz was captured by Ottomans

• Ottomans shouldn’t prevent the order of shah about destroying Terek tower
• Azerbaijan was captured by Ottomans
√ Safavid empire officially recognized that, Weastern Georgia, as well as Eastern Anatolia belong to Ottoman empire
• Confirmed the terms of Amasya peace treaty

Choose the features of Suleyman I Safavid's reign:

1. He left political decision-making to his grand viziers or to a council of harem.
2. Devastating attack of the Ottoman army cosed the deep economic crisis.
221. 3. Corruption became widespread and discipline in the army was dangerously lax.
4. Revenues increased by the imposition of new taxes and higher taxes.
5. Being despotic in character, he never listened any advise.
• 1,2,3;
• 2,3,5;
• 2,3,4;
√ 1,3,4;
• 3,4,5;

222. When was the battle of Chaldiran happen and between whom?

• In 1565 between Shah Ismail and Tokhtamish;

• Between Sultan Salim and Bayazid in 1514;
• Eldash Mirza and Shah Ismail in 1765;
√ On August 23, 1514 between Shah Ismail and Sultan Selim;
• Between Sultan Suleiman and Shah Ismail in 1679;

223. It is not one of the types of troops organized during the reign of I Shah Abbas:

• Artillery;
• Gunners;
• Gizilbashs;
• Gulams;
√ Cherik;

224. A portion of the lands which owned by religious institutions called ……

• Iqta
√ Vagf
• Mulk
• Baj
• Tiyul

225. What was paid especially with products and productions of agricultural industry - wheat, barley, rice, silk and etc

• Toyju
• Tamga
• Bahra
√ Maljahat
• Baj

226. The reign year of Nadir shah ?

• In 1721-1747;
• In 1731-1745;
√ In 1736 -1747;
• In 1744-1754;
• In 1762-1764;

227. When kicik Gaynarcha contract was signed ?

√ 1774;
• 1755;
• 1775;
• 1777;
• 1787;

Choose the terms of 1732 peace treaty was signed between Safavids and Ottomans:
1. Irevan, Ganja, Shamakhi, Shirvan areas were given to Safavids
2. Araz river had to be border between the states
228. 3. Hamadan, Kirmanshah, Ardabil and Tabriz were given back to Safavids
4. Irevan, Ganja, Shamakhi, Shirvan areas were given to Ottomans
5. Hamadan, Kirmanshah, Ardabil and Tabriz were given back to Ottomans
• 1,4,5;
• 3,4,5;
• 2,3,4;
√ 1,2,3;
• 1,3,5;

229. The 30-50s of the 19th century belong to the agriculture of North Azerbaijan?

• Construction of a copper plant

• Establisment of Salyan treaury
√ Application of money tax
• Application of preferential trade tariff
• Complete abolution of the tax

230. At the end of the 18th century, in contrast to the north of Azerbaijan, in Iran:

• The British had seized power.

• There was no single state.
√ The establishment of a centralized state is over.
• It was occupied by Russia.
• Feudal disintegration reigned.

231. Typical for the 80s of the XVIII century:

• The march of the Tsar of Kartli-Kakheti to Cara

• Fatali khan of Guba defeated Amir Hamza
• Subordination of Sheki to the Gajars
• The end of dual power in the Shamakhi khanate
√ Defeat of Agha Mohammad khan Gajar by Zands

Determine the chronological sequence

1. The construction of a new copper plant in Kedabek by the Company of Siemens brothers
232. 2. The elimination of the lease system (otkup) in the oil industry
3. The foundation of “Nobel Brothers Company.”

• 1,3,2;
• 2,1,3;
• 3,1,2;
• 3,2,1;
√ 1,2,3;

Indicate the chronological sequence:

1. The Rasht treaty
233. 2. The Saint-Petersburg treaty
3. The Nabur treaty

• 3,1,2;
• 1,2,3;
• 3,2,1;
√ 2,3,1;
• 2,1,3;

234. What taxation was cancelled by decree of Nadir Shah from 1736-1739 from non-Muslim?

• Chobanbeyi
• Chopbashi
• Maljahat
• Kharaj
√ Jizya
1. Attempted to create a naval fleet in the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea
235. 2. Attempted to provide religious reform and to put an end to enmity between Shia and Sunni Muslims.
The above applies to:

• Shah Tahmasp I
• Shah Ismail I
• Shah Husein I
• Agha Muhammad Shah Qajar
√ Nadir shah Afshar

Choose the features of the Safavid empire's economy in the late 1600s - early 1700s:
1. The financial and monetary system and the budget of the country were on the verge of collapse.
236. 2. The financial and monitory system was blossoming.
3. The commodity-money turnover was completely disrupted.
4. The main caravan routes linking the East and the West preserved their importance.

• 3, 4;
• 2,3;
• 2,4;
√ 1,3;
• 1,2;

237. The crisis of Safavid empire in the late 1600s - early 1700s created advantages for:

• European countries such as France and Britain

• Tsarist Russia and Britain
• Indian Moghol Empire and China
√ Neighboring Russia and the Ottoman Empire
• Timurids and Sheybanids in Central Asia

What language was used in the 1630s during a reception for foreign representatives in the Safavid palace in Isfahan, in accordance to the
238. German traveler Adam Olearius?

• Persian
• Kashkai
• Arabic
√ Azerbaijani Turkish
• Azeri

239. Under the terms of the Rasht treaty:

• The lands to the north of the Kura River were returned to the Safavids
√ The lands to the south of the Kura River were returned to the Safavids
• Shirvan was given to Russia
• The lands to the north of the Kura River were passed to the Ottomans
• The Caspian regions were given to the Ottomans

Complete the logical chain:

1. The Petersburg Treaty
240. 2. The Rasht Treaty
3. ...

• The Istanbul Treaty

√ The Ganja Treaty
• The Kermanshah Treaty
• The Qasri-Shirin Treaty
• The Baghdad Treaty

241. Replacing Shah Tahmasp II on August 22, 1732 with his 3-month-old son Abbas III, Nadir Afshar justified this action that

• Tahmasp II is terminally ill.

√ he did not agree with the Kermanshah treaty
• Tahmasip II is in conspiracy with the Afgans
• He did not agree with his internal policy
• Tahmasp II claimed his approval of this action.

242. What does not apply to the reasons for the economic decline of the Safavid state?

• Bribery and fraud in the state apparatus reached a high level

√ Decrease in demand in Europe for products manufactured in Azerbaijan
• Mass outflow from cities of merchants and craftsmen
• Continuous wars and palace coups
• Decreased sown area and poor water supply

243. The Caspian lands from Derbend to Gilan were transferred to Russia under:

• The Istanbul Treaty

√ The Petersburg treaty
• The Ganja Treaty
• The Nabur Treaty
• The Resht Treaty

1. Almost the entire territory of Azerbaijan, with the exception of the Caspian regions, passed under the authority of the Ottomans
244. 2. Secured the semi-dependent position of Shirvan from the Ottoman state
The above applies to:

• The Petersburg Treaty of 1723;

√ The Istanbul Treaty of 1724;
• The Amasya Treaty of 1555;
• The Merand Treaty of 1618;
• The Qasri-Shirin Treaty of 1639;

245. Russian Tsar Peter I's decree of 1724 provided:

• Development of trade in the Caspian regions

• Creation of a new city on the banks of the Kura River
√ Relocation of Armenians to the Caspian region
• Declaration of emergency in Baku
• Establishment of a navy in the Caspian Sea

Choose the goals of the Peter the Great’s Caspian campaign in 1722-1723:
1. Capture of the Caspian regions
246. 2. Expulsion of the Ottomans from Shirvan
3. Lay hands on the natural wealth and trade routes of the region
4. To provide support to the Safavids in the fight against the Afghans

• 1, 2;
√ 1, 3;
• 2, 4;
• 2, 3;
• 1, 4;

According to which agreement, all Azerbaijan and Georgia, including Yerevan, were considered the sphere of influence of the Ottoman
247. state, and the Caspian regions were considered the sphere of influence of Russia:

• Petersburg
√ Istanbul
• Ganja
• Kars
• Rasht

248. The shah of Savafids, who was taken in captive by Gilzayi Afqans in Isfahan

• Safi II
√ Shah Sultan Huseyn
• Abbas II
• Safi I
• Suleyman I

Specify the reign of Abbas II:

1. A new started with the Ottomans.
249. 2. It was relatively peaceful.
3. It was significant for being free of any Ottoman attack.
4. The Caspian campaign of Peter the Great started.

• 1,4;
√ 2,3;
• 2,4;
• 3,4;
• 1,2;

250. When shah Abbas got back Iravan?

• in 1605;
√ in 1604;
• in 1602;
• in 1599;
• In 1607;

251. Who was led the villages?

• kalantars
√ kantkhudas
• shahs
• kingdom
• feudals

252. Who was led the city?

• kantkhudas
√ kalantars
• Shahs
• kingdom
• feudals

253. Where was the “Qeysariyya” bazar located?

• Darband
√ Tabriz
• Barda
• Baki
• Ganja

Which taxes did people give in the the second half of the XVII century?
1. Bahra
2. Mulk
254. 3. Maljahat
4. Tiyul
5. Kharaj

• 1,2,3;
√ 1,3,5;
• 2,4,5;
• 1,2,5;
• 3,4,5;
255. Which one is the result of Qasri-Shirin peace treaty?

• Ottomans shouldn’t prevent the order of shah about destroying Terek tower
√ Safavid empire officially recognized that, Eastern Georgia, as well as Eastern Anatolia belong to Ottoman empire
• Azerbaijan was captured by Ottomans
• Tabriz was captured by Ottomans
• Confirmed the terms of Amasya peace treaty

Determine the chronological sequence of events in Northern Azerbaijan.

1. Abolition of the internal independence of Tsar-Balakan
256. 2. Abolition of the guidance system
3. Establishment of the "Supreme Muslim Silk"
4. Abolition of the commandant's control system


257. In which province and who created the Shaki khanate ?

• 1751,Panahali khan
• 1743,Fatali khan
• 1748,Amiraslan khan
√ 1743,Haji Chalabi
• 1784,Haji Chalabi

258. Indicate the main reasons for the establishment of Azerbaijani khanates:

• Weakening of the Iranian state;

• Expansion of trade relations.
• Russian aggression;
√ Existence of natural economy, dominance of political retail;
• Azerbaijan's independence;

259. During the khanates in Azerbaijan, the deputy headed:

• rural communities
• To the city administration
• financial affairs
• craft workshops
√ the supply of the army

260. Whom was the between Treaty of Turkmanchay agreement?

• Armenia and Persia

• Russian empire and Azerbaijan
• Nakhchivan knate and Guba khanate
√ Persia and Russian empire
• Georgia and Persia

261. Haji Chalabi was founded of which khanates?

• Karabakh khanate
• Guba khanate
• Urmia khanate
√ Shaki khanate
• Tabriz khanate
262. Who was the founder of Urmia khanete?

√ Fatali Khan Afshar

• Haji Chalabi
• Huseynali khan
• Amiraslan khan
• Dunbulu Ahmed khan

263. Joint result of Kurakhchay agreements for Karabakh and Sheki khanates

• The khans came to independent power

• Free from paying taxes to Russia
√ They pass to the Russian government
• Giving control of the khans to the Russians
• The entry of Russian troops in the khanates

Find it
1. He captured the Azerbaijani khans during the Shiraz feast
264. 2. Establisment of the Kazakh sultanate
3 .Establishment of Erivan khanate

• Khaxetiya cari irakli

• Fatali khan afshar
• Huseynkhulu khan
• Ibrahimkhalil khan
√ Karim khan Zand

Determine the chronological sequence

1.When Fatali khan began to lead the Quba Khanate
265. 2.Salyan merged in Quba
3.Javad merged in Quba

• 1,2,3;
• 2,3,1;
• 3,2,1;
√ 2,1,3;
• 3,1,2;

266. Find the tax reform of Fatali khan of Guba

√ Every kandkhuda (person) who leader of village) had to pay taxes to the treasure of khan by himself
• Reduce the tax on artists
• Exemption of the army from taxes
• Put an end to feudal arbitrariness
• Reduce population taxes

Choose what does not apply to Haji Chelebi of Sheki?

1. Participated in the Shiraz feast.
267. 2. Nadir Shah appointed him vekil of Shaki.
3. Incorporated the sultanates of Qabala and Arash.
4. In the Battle of Ghavdushan defeated Fatali Khan of Quba.

• 1, 2;
• 3,4;
• 2,4;
√ 1, 4;
• 2, 3;

1. Bordered on the Ottoman Empire and the Nakhchivan khanate

268. 2. Was attacked by Aga Muhammad Qajar
The above applies to the khanate of:

√ Irevan
• Ganja
• Karabakh
• Javad
• Nakhichevan

1. Sent two embassies to Russia

2. Tried to maintain statehood by moving under the aegis of Russia
269. 3. In return, the khanate was ready to cede Derbend to Russia
The above applies to the khanate of:

• Baku
• Shaki
• Karabakh
• Shirvan
√ Quba

270. The Southern Khanate, which made an attempt to unite the Azerbaijani lands in a single state:

• Quba
• Tabriz
• Shaki
• Karabakh
√ Urmia

271. Choose the khanate, united the northeastern lands of Azerbaijan.

• Baku
√ Quba
• Karabakh
• Shirvan
• Shaki

Deteremine the chronological sequence

1. Gizilgaya betrayal
272. 2. Shaki khanate founded
3. Haji Chalabi attacked to the Shamakhi(Shirvan)

√ 2,1,3;
• 1,3,2;
• 3,1,2;
• 3,2,1;
• 1,2,3;

Find it
273. 1.Susha tower 2.Sahbulagi tower 3.Bayat tower
A )1751 b) 1748 c) 1750

• 1-a,2-c,3-b;
• 1-c , 2-b , 3a;
• 1-b ,2-c, 3-a;
√ 1-c , 2-a , 3-b;
• 1-b , 2-a, 3-c;

Which khanate are we talking about?

1 .It was founded in the 18th century
274. 2. This khanate founded by Fatali Khan Afshar
3. It was bordered the Ottoman Empire

• Karabagh khanate
• Ardabil khanate
√ Urmia khanate
• Gilan khanate
• Sarab khanate
275. The result of the battle of Bayat

• Ibrahimkhalil khan won Haji Chalabi

• Panahali khan Mahamadhasan khan won Qajar
√ Panahali khan won Haji Chalabi his allies Shamakhi khan
• Panahali khan won Fatali khan from Urmia
• Panahali khan died in battle

Determine the chronological sequence

1. Garacaman battle
276. 2. Fatali khan afshar’s attack on Karabakh
3. Gamsa battle

• 2,1,3;
• 1,2,3;
• 1,3,2;
• 3,1,2;
√ 3,2,1;

277. What was the result of signing the “Yassi peace” agreement?

• Russia undertook to protect the interests of Turkish trade.

• Russia
• Anapa was taken from Turkey
√ The area between the Bug and Dniester rivers passed to Russia
• The terms of the "Kiçik-Qaynarça" peace agreement have been canceled

278. Which khanate did the Gabala sultanate depend on?

• Ganja khanate
• Irevan khanate
• Maku khanate
• Guba khanate
√ Shaki khanate

279. Which fortress was built by Panahali khan khanate in 1748 in Kabirli district to protect it from attacks?

• Shahbulagi tower
• Maidan tower
• Bughurt tower
√ Bayat tower
• Shusha tower

280. What were the khanates bordering the Ottoman Empire in the middle of the 18th century?

• Urmia and Sarab

• Tabriz and Garadagh
• Khoy and Maraga
√ Maraga and Urmia
• Sarab and Tabriz

Determine the chronological sequence.

1. Inclusion of Gazakh, Shamshaddil and Borchali districts in the Georgian-Imereti province
281. 2. Abolition of the Car-Balakan community
3. Abolition of the Albanian Catholicosate in Northern Azerbaijan
4. Rebellion against the colonial oppression of Tsarist Russia in Lankaran


Determine the chronological sequence of events related to the Sheki khanate.

1. Salim Khan's expulsion of Russian troops from Sheki
282. 2. Signing of the Kurakchay agreement
3. Establishment of a temporary administration consisting of pro-Russian gentlemen
4. Recognition of the annexation of the Sheki territory to Russia by the Gajars

√ 2, 1, 3, 4;
• 1, 3, 4, 2;
• 3, 2, 1, 4;
• 2, 1, 4, 3;
• 1, 2, 4, 3;

283. "… With the subjugation by the Russians, it became easier to capture all the northern territories of Azerbaijan"
Determine the area where the dots will be written instead:

• Sheki khanate
√ Shamakhi khanate
• Guba khanate
• Derbent khanate
• Karabakh khanate

Choose the khanates that Fatali khan of Guba made dependent

284. 1) Karabakh; 2) Shamakhi; 3) Urmia; 4) Lankaran; 5) Shaki

• 1,2,5;
√ 2,4,5;
• 2,3,4;
• 1,3,5;
• 1,2,3;

285. Those who have made unsuccessful marches to the Karabakh Khanate cannot be shown inside.

• Fatali khan from Guba

• Agha Mahammad Khan Gajar
• Haji Chalabi Khan
√ Fatali Khan from Urmia
• Muhammed Hasan Khan Gajar

286. Which Khanate is the main occupation target of Tsarist Russia after capture of Ganja Khanate:

• Karabakh Khanate
• Baku Khanate
√ Iravan Khanate
• Nakhchivan Khanate
• Shamakhi Khanate

287. Does not belong to Haji Chalabi Khan

√ Dependence of Shamakhi Khanate.

• Unification policy.
• Establishment of relations with Ottoman State.
• Establishment of alliance with Shamakhi Khanate.
• Defeat in " Bayat war.

288. The main reason why Aga Muhammad Khan Gajar turned a blind eye to the occupation of Tiflis by Russia:

• seizure of the North Caucasus.

• the emergence of the threat of war with Sweden.
• objection of European states.
√ to seize the western coast of the Caspian Sea.
• the beginning of a new war with the Ottoman Empire.

289. The territory of the first enterprise in Russia to refine copper:

• Sheki
• Surakhani
• Baku
√ Galakend
• Nakhchivan

290. Refers to the Iravan khanate:

• Iravan was captured by Irakli II in 1779 was held

• participated in the "Shiraz party"
• It was founded in 1747 by Mir Mehdi khan Gajar
• In 1757, a palace coup took place in the khanate
√ In 1795 he became dependent on the Qajars

291. The main reason why Tsarist Russia sought peace with the Qajars after the capture of the Khanate of Guba and Baku:

• Defeat at the battle of sultanbuld

• Creation of the danger of war with France
• British military and economic support to the Gajars
√ The inevitability of war with the Ottoman state
• The encounter with the power of the Qacar state

292. It is not connected with the history of khanates who participated in the”gizilgaya betrayal":

• It was created in the territory of chukhursad baylarbayli.

• For some time the dual power has existed.
• Carried out the policy of unification of Azerbaijan's lands.
√ In the XVIII century it was considered the richest Khanate.
• It was put an end to its existence by the Allied forces.

293. The event that occurred in the year of departure of the weight, size and monetary units used during the period of khanates:

• Albanian Catholicism was abolished.

• Commandant management method was abolished in Northern Azerbaijan.
√ Agha and Beyler began to be called "Ali Muslim silki".
• Decree called "Gulkhana line-Sharifi" was signed.
• Caucasus viceroyism was created.

294. Identify the invalid from the views given in relation to the period of khanates:

• There was no general rule in collecting taxes

• He was considered the closest assistant to Khan in management
• Tiyul was given to certain persons for duties and service
√ The Council of the Khan with consultative votes functioned next to all Khans.
• The management system was based on the system of Safavid and Afshars

295. Which of the ideas given about Ganja khanate is correct?

• Pursued the policy of unification of Azerbaijani lands.

• Gubali became dependent on Fatali Khan.
• A delegation of envoys was sent to the Ottoman palace in 1755.
√ In the 50s of XVIII century it became dependent on Karabakh Khanate.
• Haji Chalabi's ally in the "Bayat war".
Choose Azerbaijani khanates, occupied by Russia in 1806:
296. 1. Baku 2. Irevan 3. Quba 4. Nakhichevan 5. Derbend

• 3,4,5;
• 1,2,3;
• 2,3,4;
√ 1,3,5
• 1,4,5;

1. The khanate lost the right to conduct foreign policy

2. The deployment of the Russian army of 500 people in the center of the khanate
297. 3. The annual payment of 8,000 chervonets to the royal treasury
The above refers to:

√ The Kurekchay treaty

• The Georgievsk treaty
• The Rasht treaty
• The Gulistan treaty
• The Turkmenchay treaty

298. Since the mid-1790s, the main goal of Aga Mohammed Khan Qajar has been:

• Attack against the Ottomans

• Restoration of the Safavid dynasty in power
• Expanding trade relations with Russia
√ Establishment of power within the borders of the former Safavid empire
• Declare himself the shah of Azerbaijan

a) Came to power in 1786

b) At first, he was forced to pay tribute to Heraclius II and Ibrahim Khalil Khan
299. c) Used the campaign of Aga Muhammad Khan Qajar to Tiflis to settle accounts with the Kartli-Kakhetian king
The following applies to:

• Haji Chelebi
• Melik Muhammad of Baku
• Fatali Khan Quba
• Fatali Khan of Urmia
√ Javad Khan of Ganja

1. Located on the territory of the Karabakh Khanate

2. Carried out a separate policy
300. 3. Undermined the foundations of the state
The above applies to:

• The elats
• The aghalars
√ The malikates
• The jamaats
• The sultanates

301. As a result of the "Treason in Gyzylgaya," the Shaki khan Haji Chelebi:

• Captured the Karabakh Khanate

• Punished the Iravan Khan
• Captured Nakhichevan Khanate
• Put an end to the Ganja Khanate
√ Defeating the Georgians freed Azerbaijani khans

The purposes of Fatali Khan's resettlement policy

1. To increase the number of taxable population
2. Strengthen the borders of the khanate
302. 3. Put an end to internecine wars
4. Strengthen in Shirvan
5. Organize a campaign against the Karabakh Khanate
√ 1, 2, 4;
• 3, 4, 5;
• 1, 4, 5;
• 2, 4, 5;
• 1, 2, 5;

303. Refers to Haji Chelebi:

• Signed the Kurakchay Treaty

• Alliance with the Karabakh Khanate
√ Campaign to Tabriz
• Participation in the “Shiraz feast”
• Victory in the Battle of Bayat

304. Refers to Fatali Khan of Quba:

• A successful attack to the Karabakh Khanate

• The unification of all Azerbaijani lands
• Participation in the Battle of Bayat
• Participation “in the Qizil Qaya treason”
√ Implementation of the tax reform

305. The Karabakh Khanate was established by:

• Panahali Khan with the permission of Nadir Shah for his active participation in his coronation
• Ibrahimkhalil Khan after the death of Nadir Shah
• Panahali Khan after the Baytat Battle
• Ibrahimkhalil Khan after “Shiraz feast”
√ Panahali Khan after the death of Nadir Shah

306. The lands that Fatali Khan of Quba failed to unite:

• Javad and Salyan

• The Shamakha and Derbend Khanates
• Baku and Shamakha Khanates
√ The Karabakh Khanate and South Azerbaijani lands
• Lankaran and Sheki Khanates

Indicate the chronological sequence:

1. The Ghavdushan Battle
307. 2. The Bayat Battle
3. The Khatin Arkhi battle

• 3, 2, 1;
• 2, 1, 3;
• 1, 2, 3;
• 3, 1, 2;
√ 2, 3, 1;

Select the features related to the agrarian laws of 1847 implemented by Tsarist Russia in Northern Azerbaijan
1. Confirmation of all lands belonging to nobles and lords as their inherited property
2. Retaining the right of entrepreneurial villagers to move to other entrepreneurs
308. 3. Provision of 5 desiatin of suitable land to each male villager who has reached the age of 15.
4. Giving the name of "landlord's subordinate" to entrepreneurial villagers
5. The villagers have to pay the garbage fee instead of using the entrepreneur's pasture

• d)1,4
• e)1,2,3
√ a)2,3,5;
• c)4,3,2
• b)2,4
309. What happened as a result of the "Andlı ohdelik" signed on April 12, 1803?

√ Jar-Balakan was included in Russia

• Kazakh became a Russian colony
• The Caspian Sea became Russia's internal sea
• Security of Russian traders in the Caucasus was ensured
• The city of Derbent was united with the Guba khanate

Determine the chronological sequence:

1. Opening of the Azerbaijan branch of the Gori Seminary
310. 2. Foundation of the national theater
3. Foundation of the national newspaper

• 3,2,1;
• 1,3,2;
• 2,1,3;
• 1,2,3;
√ 2,3,1;

Under the conditions stipulated by law of April 10, 1840:

1. The commandant ruling system was eliminated
311. 2. The Erivan governorate was established
3. The territories of Northern Azerbaijan were divided between the Caspian oblast and the Georgian-Imeretia governorate
4. The Elisabethpol governorate was established

• 1, 2;
√ 1, 3;
• 1,4;
• 2,4;
• 3, 4;

Choose events, which opened the way for widespread use of wage labor:
1.Abolishing of the forced labor of the peasants attached to Balakhani oil fields in 1864
312. 2. Introducing “the Rural Regulations” of 1847
3.Abolishing of the forced labor in the factories of Nakhchivan and Zaylik salt mines in 1864-1868
4. Introducing the Tsar's prescript of December 6, 1846.

√ 1, 3;
• 1, 4;
• 1, 2;
• 2, 4;
• 2, 3;

The terms of the Turkmenchay peace treaty include:

1. Irevan and Nakhichevan khanates become part of Russia;
313. 2. Iran pledges to pay Russia an indemnity of 20 million rubles in silver;
3. Iran confirmed the transition under the authority of the Russian Empire of Dagestan and Eastern Georgia
4. The Irevan and Nakhchivan khanates remain part of Iran.

√ 1, 2;
• 3, 4;
• 1,4;
• 2,4;
• 1, 3;

314. On the basis of the Gulistan Treaty, Russia agreed to establish the power of Iran in:

• Lankaran and Karabakh

• Karabakh and Iravan
• Nakhchivan and Lankoran
√ Nakhchivan and Iravan
• Shaki and Shamakha
Refers to the Gulistan Peace Treaty:
1. The annexation of the Irevan and Nakhchivan khanates to Russia;
315. 2. Iran's obligation to pay Russia a contribution of 20 million rubles in silver
3. on the payment of 5% of the one-time customs duty by Russian merchants trading in Iran;
4. The Karabagh, Ganja, Sheki, Shirvan, Derbent, Quba, Baku, Lenkaran (Talysh) khanates become subjects of Russian Empire.

• 2, 4;
• 1,4;
• 1, 3;
• 1,2;
√ 3, 4;

Determine the chronological sequence:

1. Gulistan peace treaty;
316. 2.The murder of Tsitsianov;
3. Occupation of Jar-Balakan by Russian troops

• 3,1,2;
• 2,3,1;
• 1,2,3;
√ 3,2,1;
• 2,1,3;

317. Who had been ap- pointed the first successor of Caucasian (1844-1854).

• Qribayedov
• Axundov
• Velinski
√ Graf Vorontsov
• Sisianov

318. When was created Caucasian successorship’s

• 1846;
• 1864;
• 1861;
√ 1844;
• 1870;

319. When was published first newspaper and who was published it ?

• In 1876 , M.Nagiyev
• In 1870 , M.F.Akhundzadeh
√ In 1875 , Hasan Bay Zerdabi
• In 1880 , S.M.Qanizadeh
• In 1878 , S.A.Shirvani

320. Which one is the last battle between Russia and Persian ?

• “ Qamarli ” Battle
• “ Darband ” Battle
• “ Chaldiran ” Battle
√ “ Aslanduz ” Battle
• “ Uchmadzin ” Battle

321. When Kurekchay contract sighned ?

• In 1820;
• In 1801;
• In 1810;
• In 1806;
√ In 1805;
According to the new tax system introduced in Northern Azerbaijan in 1852, how did the state peasants have to pay taxes to the
322. treasury?

• Working for free to the state

• They did not pay taxes
• With grain
• With animals
√ With money

323. In what year was the Sheki uprising suppressed by Russian troops?

• 1837;
• 1839;
• 1833;
√ 1838;
• 1835;

324. In what year did the Lankaran uprising take place?

√ 1831;
• 1832;
• 1835;
• 1833;
• 1834;

325. In 1805, the Sheki khanate, which voluntarily became a Russian citizen, renounced Russian patronage:

• Salim khan's side with the Iranian prince Abbas Mirza

√ The assassination of Ibrahimkhalil khan of Karabakh
• Uprisings in Yukhari and Ashagi Koynuk villages
• Salim khan's alliance with Mir Mustafa khan against Russia
• Continuous raids of Tsarist officers on Sheki

The Baku Soviet tried to achieve by committing a national massacre:

1) To take control of the Dashnaks
326. 2) To weaken the social base of the Musavat party
3) To subjugate Baku to Armenia
4) To support the Azerbaijani national movement

• 3,4;
• 1,2;
• 1,3;
√ 2,3;
• 1,4;

. Choose the correct variant.

1. Judical reform a. İn 1868
327. 2. Abolition of Darband provinces b. İn 1860
3. Establishement of Yelizavetpol provinces c. İn 1866

• 1b, 2a,3c;
• 3c, 2b, 1a;
• 1c,2a,3b;
• 1c,2b,3a;
√ 1a,2b,3c;

328. In which year did the Russian government carry out urban reform in northern Azerbaijan?

• in 1838;
• in 1888;
• in 1887;
√ in 1878;
• in 1978;

329. On 29 November in 1803...

• Iran commonded to the Russian troops leave the South Caucasus

• Signed a Kurekhcay contract
• Imperator Aleksadr 1 signed a manifesto about Eastern Georgia’s to join Russia
• Baku was occupied
√ Russian troops entered to the Shamkir

330. Which city is Yelizavetpol?

• Baku
• Iravan
• Guba
√ Ganja
• Nakhchivan

331. Which provinces belong to the chief of the “ Muslim states”?

• Shirvan, Baku, Guba, Shusha

• Guba, Shaki, Shusha,Lankaran
• Kazakh, Guba, Karabakh, Baku
√ Lankaran, Shirvan, Shaki, Karabakh
• Shaki, Guba, Shirvan, Baku

Find compatibility:
1) in 1819 a. Karabakh khanate was abolished
332. 2) in 1820 b. Shaki khanate was abolished
3) in 1822 c. Shamakhi khanate was abolished

• 3-a, 2-b,1-c;
• 2-b, 1-b, 3-a;
√ 1-b, 2-c, 3-a;
• 3-b, 2-c, 1-a;
• 1-c, 2-b, 3-a;

4. Choose the terms of Gulustan peace agreement:

1. Ganja, Garabag, Shaki, Shamakhi, Quba, Baku and Lankaran khanates‘ territories were given to Russia
333. 2. Eastern Georgia and Dagestan had been given to the Russia
3. Irevan and Nakhcivan khanates allowed staying under the Russian power
4. Russians’ were given a right to keep a fleet in Caspian Sea

√ 2,4;
• 1,3;
• 3,4;
• 1,2;
• 2,3;

334. Which region had been changed and called Yelizavetpol?

• Shamaxi
• Barda
• Kharabagh
√ Ganja
• Sheki

Determine compatibility
1. Published Ziya newspaper
335. 2. Published Keshkul newspaper
3. Published Ekhinci newspaper
a)1879 b)1875 c)1880
• 1-c 2-a 3-b;
• 1-c 2-b 3-a;
• 1-b 2-a 3-c;
• 1-b 2-c 3-a;
√ 1-a 2-c 3-b;

Determine compatibility
1.Balakhani the first oil well drilled
336. 2.Forced labor of peasants was abolished
3.Pirallahi island the pharmacist Vitte of tbilisi a)1861 b)1871 c)1864

• 1-b 2-a 3-c;

• 1-c 2-a 3-b;
• 1-c 2-b 3-a;
√ 1-b 2-c 3-a;
• 1-a 2-c 3-b;

337. It belongs to 1859

• Eravan abolution
• Abolution of Zaqatala qubernion
• Abolution of Darband qubernion
√ Establishment of Baku qubernion
• Establishment of Quba qubernion

338. It was stated in the decree of October8, 1821

• Abolution of mining production

• Appliction of the guide
• Aboliton of the Albanian Catholic Church
• Withdrawal of local money from circulation
√ 5% customs duty on foreign goods imported to the South Caucaus

339. In 1805 he signed a contract with Russia

• Khuba khanate
• Ganja khanate
• Baku khanate
√ shaki khanate
• Jar Balakan

340. Aslanduz battle result?

• Russians troops were defead by Iran

• The Lankaran khnate collapsed
• Lankaran khanate won
• Sadiq khan was killed
√ Russian troops won

341. A peace contract ending the Russian Ottoman war which began in 1828?

• Turkmanchay contract
• Buxarest contract
• Gulustan contract
√ Edirne contract
• Kurakchay contract

342. Who fought the Gumru battle in 1807?

• Between Russians and Qajarlar
• Between the Russians and Nakhchivan khanate
• Between the Russians and Eravan khanate
√ Between the Russians and Ottoman Empire
• Between Russians and Georgians

343. The name was changed after the Russian occupation

• Shusha city
• Eravan city
√ Ganja city
• Shaki city
• Baku city

344. Signed an Andli Ohdelik to Russia?

• Ganja khanate
• Kharabgh khanate
• Shaki khanate
• Baku khanate
√ Jar-Balakan

345. According to reform in 1878, who was given the right to be elected to the Baku Duma?

• Only workers in the oil industry

• Women
• Only christians
√ Only to those who have certain property
• To the entire urban population, regardless of property

346. What was the reason for the rebellion in Zagatala region in 1863?

√ The colonial policy of tsarism

• Dissatisfied with the German resettlement policy
• In 1847, the lack of "peasant rules" in the circle
• Arbitrariness of clergy
• Arbitrariness of commandants

347. What was the most important change in the management of the Caucasus in 1844?

√ The Caucasian substitute was created

• Commandant control method was created
• Caucasian substation was restored
• The South Caucasus Chief Justice was established
• The Caucasus substation was abolished

348. Why was Shamakhi declared the center of the Khazar region?

• After the tsar’s decree on the establishment of the Caucasian successor

• After the earthquake in Shamakhi
√ From the administrative-judicial reform of April 10, 1840 then
• According to the “Regulations on cities” in Azerbaijan
• By a special decree of 2nd Alexander

349. When and by whom was the first Azerbaijani reading room organized in Baku?

• In 1897 by Hasan bey Zardabi

• In 1883 by Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev
√ In 1894 by N.Narimanov
• In 1883 by Harrat Kulu
• In 1882 by Chernayevsky

350. What did the statute, signed on May 14, 1870, say?

• The old silk courts were abolished

• Feudal relations were abolished
√ Each villager over the age of 15 was given land
• "Silki" restrictions have been removed
• The land boundaries of the villagers were determined

351. What is the name of the world's first oil tanker?

• Aframax
• Capesize
√ Zoroastr
• Suezmastr
• Handysize

352. To whom did the imperial government give the oil lands?

• Representatives of Russian and foreign capital

√ To retired high-ranking servicemen and officials
• To H.Z. Tagiyev
• To permanent auctions
• To local capitals

353. The resettlement of sectarian Russian peasants to the South Caucasus took place:

• Decree issued on October 20, 1830 based on

• On the basis of the Ganja agreement
• Article 15 of the Turkmenchay Treaty based on
√ On the basis of the decree of Nicholas 1st dated April 10, 1840
• On the basis of Rasht agreement

354. When and where was oil first extracted by drilling in the world?

• In Yerevan in 1849
• In 1855 in Gadabay
• In 1843 in the city of Nukha
√ In 1848 in Bibiheybat
• In Zanjan in 1850

355. What is stated in clause 15 of the Turkmenchay agreement?

• Most of the South Caucasus came under the rule of the Russian Empire
• The rule of the Caucasus was restored
• Return of captives
√ Resettlement of Armenians from Iran to northern Azerbaijan
• Russian merchant ships have the right to sail freely in the Caspian Sea

356. What happened as a result of the peace of Edirne?

• Tabriz escaped the siege

• A false "Armenian province" was created
• The Ottomans maintained their position in the Ahalsikh government
• Iran has denied claims to north Azerbaijan
√ The Ottoman Empire recognized the Russian occupation of the South Caucasus

357. What happened as a result of the Gulustan agreement?

• The right of the Russians to maintain a fleet in the Caspian Sea was abolished
• East Georgia and Dagestan joined Iran Empire
• The Lankaran khanate came under the control of the Russian Empire
• Khoy, Maraga and Tabriz khanate joined Russia Empire
√ Most of the South Caucasus came under the rule of the Russian Empire

358. What happened as a result of the Bucharest peace?

• Anapa fortress was given to Russia

• Ottoman ships were allowed to sail on the Danube
√ The Ottoman state had to recognize the Russian occupation of the South Caucasus
• The Ottoman Empire took over the security of its southern borders
• The Ottoman state recognized the right of Serbs to autonomy

359. What were the khanates that were not subject to Russia in late 1806?

√ Lankaran, Nakhchivan, İravan

• Baku, Ganja, Kharabagh
• Naxchivan, Darband, Guba
• Shaki, İravan , Shamakhi
• Kharabagh, Baku, Ganja

360. What was the main condition of the 14 May Kurekchay contract?

√ Accession of the Karabakh Khanate to the Russian Empire

• The Karabakh khanate gained independence
• Russian troops withdrew from İravan khanate
• The Iravan khanate joined Russia
• Sheki khanate joined Russia

Not related to the agrarian reforms of 1846-1847:

1. Establishing the right of state peasants to use their descendants on community lands
361. 2. The peasants living in the lands of the Bey are subject to obedience, ranchbar, elat and so on. abolition of division into groups
3. Giving villagers the right to buy their share of land
4. Approval of the inherited property rights of the nobles and masters of Azerbaijan on the land

• 4.3;
• 4.2;
√ 1.3;
• 1.4;
• 2.1;

Complete the logical sequence.

1. The first Russia - the beginning of the Gypsy War
362. 2. Signing of Kurakchay contracts
3 ...

• The occupation of the Tsar-Balakan community and the Ilisu sultanate by Russia
• Defeat of the Russians in the Battle of the Moon
• Defeat of the Iranian army in the Karabakh war
• Abolition of Ganja khanate
√ Annexation of Karabakh and Sheki khanates to Russia.

363. It showed the beginning of the process of monopolization in the non-ferrous metallurgy industry in Azerbaijan:

• H.Z.Tagiyev built a textile factory.

√ Establishment of the "Copper" syndicate
• Opening of the first kerosene plant in Surakhani.
• Construction of a copper plant in Gadabay.
• Establishment of "Oil" monopoly union.

364. Not one of the factors hindering the development of oil and other industries in Azerbaijan in the 50s and 70s of the XIX century:
• The existence of feudal-dependent relations.
• Low demand for oil products.
• There are few oil refineries.
• The system of discipline and the introduction of forced labor.
√ The excess of foreign capital over local capitalists

365. Identify the misconceptions about the history of the khanates that signed the Treaty of Georgievsk:

• They were occupied by Russia during the First Russo-Gajar War.

• After the death of Nadir Shah, he began to pursue an independent policy.
• It was subdued by Agha Muhammad Shah Gajar.
√ In the first quarter of the XIX century, the khanate was abolished
• They were formed in the northern part of Azerbaijan.

Define a chronological sequence:

a)the first centralized telephone exchange was launched in Baku;
366. B) the first women's Charity Society was established in Azerbaijan;
c) the creation of The Gori Teachers Seminary;
d) the construction of the first theater building in Northern Azerbaijan

• d,a,b,c
√ c,d,a,b
• d,a,c,b
• c,a,b,d
• b,c,d,a

"General Glazenap wrote to the tsar in May 1806: how much that ..... not received, until then, achievements in Shirvan and Karabakh
367. will always be in danger." - Determine the area to be written in place of the dots:


√ Baku
• Iravan
• Derbent
• Lankaran

368. Choose the cultural events of the 1870s:

• Opening the first school in Azerbaijani and gymnasium

√ Foundation of the national theatre and press
• estalishment of the military school for the Muslim boys and the school for the Muslim girls
• Realese of the newspaper "Kashkul" and the magazin "Molla Nasreddin"
• Opening the first copper melting plant and oil-refinary plant

369. In the mid of 1860s the Russian authorities allowed to open

• the first secondary school- gymnasium in Ganja

√ the first secondary school- gymnasium in Baku
• the first national university
• the first school for the Muslim girls
• the first national theatre

370. A handful of young intellectuals led by the Baku gymnasium teacher Hasan bay Zardabi in March of 1873 established

• the national press

√ the national theatre
• the first school for the Muslim girls
• the magazin "Molla Nasraddin"
• the first school in Azerbaijani
At the end of the 19th century in patriotic activities of the leading national intelligentsia the main directions:

1. Enlightenment of the people

2. Formation of the national parties
371. 3. Formation of the national consciousness
4. The development of the national language
5. Convening of the national Majlis

• 1,2,5;
√ 1,3,4;
• 2,4,5;
• 1,2,3;
• 1,2,4;

372. Choose the first foreign capital, emerged in Azerbaijan:

• The Moscow capitalists Alekseev and the Voronin brothers in 1861

√ The Germans Siemens brothers in 1850s
• The Rothschild’s in 1880s
• The British Wishaw in 1890s
• The Nobel brothers in 1879

373. One of these is NOT related with the Tsar's prescript of December 6, 1846:

• Confirmed full ownership of hereditary beks

√ Each man, older than 15 years, received 5 acres of land.
• Khans, beks and other landowners could transfer their land from generation to generation
• Consisted of 12 articles, 10 of which were determined the land rights of beks
• rayats, ranjbars, nukers, akers were united under a single name, “mulkadari tabelisi"

Determine the chronological sequence

1. Georgian-Imereti province and the Caspian Oblast were eliminated.
374. 2. The Tsarist government has created the viceroy system
3. Elisabethpol gubernia (province) was created.

• 1,2,3;
√ 2,1,3;
• 3,2,1;
• 3,1,2;
• 1,3,2;

In accordance with the Act of 10 April 1840:

1. “Armenian Oblast” was eliminated
2. Mahals (Maghals) were eliminated
375. 3. Gubernia and oblast were divided into uezds (county) and uezds on uchastok (district).
4. “Armenian Oblast” was established
5. The viceroy system was created

• 3,4,5;
√ 1,2,3;
• 1,3,5;
• 2,3,5;
• 1,2,5;

376. One of the mentioned points is not related with the Quba uprising of 1837:

• heavy taxes
√ Introduction of tax-payment for the maafs, who were tax-exempt during khanates
• rebels contacted Sheikh Shamil
• Military Council was created to lead the movement.
• The recruitment of 36 horsemen
Choose the consequences of uprisings against Tsar Russia in the 1830s:
1. The Tsarist government was forced to change its policy in Northern Azerbaijan
2. The Tsarist government created the commandant ruling system
377. 3. The Tsarist government forgave all participation of uprisings
4. The Tsarist government recognizing the need to abolish the commandant ruling system
5. The Tsarist government began to carry out administrative-judicial and agrarian reforms in the region.

• 1,2,5;
√ 1,4,5;
• 2,4,5;
• 1,2,3;
• 1,2,4;

Determine the chronological sequence of rebellions against Tsar Russia in the 1830s:
1. The Shaki Uprising
378. 2. The Quba Uprising
3. The Lenkoran uprising
4. The Jar-Balakan uprising

• 2,3,1,4;
• 1,2,3,4;
√ 4,3,2,1;
• 2,1,4,3;
• 4,2,1,3;

379. They were resettled to Northern Azerbaijan by Tsarist Russia in the first half of the 1800s:

• Germans, Russian nobility families, Armenians

√ Germans, sectarian Russian families, Armenians
• Germans, Armenians, Jews
• Germans, Armenians, Polish
• Germans, Armenians, Georgians

380. Indicate the main results of “the Rural Regulations” of 1847:

• They provided exemption for six years from payment of taxes.

√ They formalized and legalized the relationship between the Muslim upper class and peasantry.
• All rights of the upper class were eliminated.
• Tiyul lands of Azerbaijani beks were confiscated.
• The commandant ruling system was eliminated

The Tsarist agrarian reform of 1870 in Azerbaijan included:

1. The elimination of personal dependence of privately held peasants
381. 2. Allocation of a land allotment of 5 acres to each male peasant over 15 years old
3. Peasants were exempted from all taxes and duties
4. The peasants were provided with mortgage loan.

• 3, 4;
√ 1, 2;
• 1, 4;
• 2, 3;
• 1,3;

Privileges, provided by Tsarist government for the relocated Armenians:

1. Exemption for six years from payment of taxes
382. 2. Higher education at public expense
3. Placement on fertile lands
4. Relocation only on the territory of Shirvan

• 1, 2;
√ 1,3;
• 2,4;
• 3, 4;
• 2,3;
The Tsarist judicial reform of 1866 in Azerbaijan was of a colonial nature since:
1. Sharia court retained
383. 2. Only Russians could be appointed to the Judge position.
3. Litigation is conducted in Russian
4. Only the Russified beks appointed as judges.

• 1,4;
√ 2, 3;
• 3,4;
• 2,4;
• 1,2;

384. In accordance to the Tsar's prescript of December 6, 1846:

• All rights of the upper class were eliminated

√ The tsarist government officially recognized the rights of Azerbaijani beks to land
• A heavy blow was inflicted on the private property rights of Azerbaijani beks
• The land rights of the Qazakh, Shamshaddil and Borchali agalars have been eliminated.
• Tiyul lands of Azerbaijani beks were confiscated

385. The decisive battle of the second Russo-Persian war:

• the Shamkir battle

√ The Ganja battle
• the Javanbulaq battle
• the Qarababa battle
• the Lenkoran battle

The khanates that had been signed the treaties and become the Russian subjects in 1805:
1. Shaki
2. Karabakh
386. 3. Shamakhi
4. Quba
5. Baku

• 3,4,5;
√ 1,2,3;
• 2,4,5;
• 1,3,4;
• 1,3,5;

Determine the chronological sequence:

1. The battle of Aslanduz
2. Battle that took place near Echmiadzin
387. 3. The Manifesto of Emperor Alexander I
4. The battle of Qarababa

• 3,2,1,4;
• 2,3,1,4;
• 2,1,4,3;
√ 3,2,4,1;
• 1,2,3,4;

Determine the chronological sequence:

1. Capture of Nakhchivan by Russians
2. Capture of the Iravan fortress by the Russian troops
388. 3. Shamkir and Ganja battles
4. The battle for the fortress Sardarabad
5. Capture of Urmia by the Russian troops

• 4,2,1,5,3;
• 3,1,4,5,2;
• 3, 1, 2,4, 5;
√ 3,1, 4, 2, 5;
• 4,1,2,3,5;

Determine the chronological sequence:

1. Quba khanate was turned into province
2. Elimination Karabakh khanate
389. 3. Eliminating Shaki khanate
4. Elimination Lenkoran khanate

• 3,1,2,4;
• 1,2,3,4;
• 3,2,1,4;
√ 1,3,2,4;
• 2,1,4,3;

Choose the missing battle during the second Russo-Persian War:

390. Shamkir-……..- Javanbulag- Sardarabad

• Echmiadzin
• Qarababa
• Aslanduzu
√ Ganja
• Gumru

391. The name of Ganja had been changed, and renamed to Elisabethpol:

• As a result of the second Russo-Persian War

• During the reign of Javad khan
• In the 1850s
• During the reign of Peter I
√ After the occupation of Ganja Khanate

392. The common in the terms of the Gulustan and Turkmenchay treaties:

• Qajarid Iran accepted to pay to Russia an indemnity

• population of the Qajarid Iran granted the right to move freely to Russia
√ Only Russia has the right to navigate on the Caspian Sea
• Iran loses sovereignty over Irevan and Nakhichevan khanates
• both treaties consisting of 11 articles

393. Resettlement of Armenians in northern Azerbaijan was officially executed in accordance to:

• The Gulistan and Turkmenchay treaties

√ The Turkmenchay and Andrianopol treaties
• Results the first Russian-Iranian war
• The St. Petersburg Treaty
• The Kurekchay and Georgievsk treaties

394. How many Azerbaijanis were killed during the March genocide?

• More than 30 thousand

• More than 10 thousand
√ More than 50 thousand
• More than 40 thousand
• More than 20 thousand

395. The place that suffered the most in the March 1918 genocide?

• Shamakhi
• Gabala
√ Baku
• Salyan
• Lankaran

396. March 31 was started to marked as the day of genocide of Azerbaijanis?

• Since 1988;
• Since 1919;
• Since 2000;
√ Since 1998;
• Since 1992;

397. At the meeting of the Baku Soviet on March 15, 1918, who ordered the genocide of Azerbaijanis?

• Arsen Amiryan
• Suren Osepyan
• Ivan Gabishev
√ Stepan Shaumyan
• Baghdasar Avakyan

398. World War I deepened the crisis in this area of the Azerbaijani economy?

• In the copper industry

• In the production of salt
• In the field of fishing
• In the field of cotton
√ In the oil industry

399. For the first time among Azerbaijanis , he was awarded the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union ?

• Idris Valiyev
• Gafur Mammadov
• Huseynbala Aliyev
• Hazi Aslanov
√ Israfil Mammadov

400. The Transcaucasian Seym began its work:

√ Discussion of peace talks with the Ottoman state

• Discussion of peace talks with the Russia
• Discussion of peace talks with the Entente
• Discussion of peace talks with the Germany
• Discussion of peace talks with the Armenia

401. It is one of the important products for the needs of the front produced in Azerbaijan during the war:

• Silk
• Copper
• Wine
• Salt
√ Cotton

402. During the first World War this sector of the Azerbaijani economy deepened

• In the field of cotton

• In the oil industry
• In the field of fishing
√ In the copper industry
• In the Salt production
403. Which one is true?

• In 1903 under the leadership of M.A.Rasulzadeh established ‘Musalman Ganjlik Taskilati’ ( Muslim youth organization)
• ‘Difai’ party’s program was published-in ‘Heyat’ newspaper
• During 1904-1905 years the ‘Hummet organization’ published ‘Irshad’ newspaper
√ Founder of the ‘Difai’ party- A.Agayev
• In 1905 the ‘Hummet’ party was formed

404. Under whose leadership the ‘Mudafie’ was established.

• H.Z.Tagiyev
• M.A.Rasulzadeh
• Murtuza Mukhtarov
• A.Huseynzadeh
√ I.Ziyadkhan

405. Who occupied the ‘Caspian’ shipping society and established his shipping company?

• Shamsi Asadullayev
• Murtuza Mukhtarov
• Musa Nagiyev
• H.Zerdabi
√ H.Z.Tagiyev

406. What happened as a result of increased production in the oil industry?

• Statred to use the first tanker-type ships.

• The oil industry started to flow Russian and foreign capital.
• The oil and carry passangers a railway station was taken.
√ Stregthening the process pf centralization of capital and appeared monopolies.
• The union of Baku white oil plants created

407. When was the first private capitalist ‘Congress of the oil industry’?

• in 1874;
• in 1865;
• in 1854;
√ in 1884;
• in 1848;

408. The village of Lahij was famous in the field of...

• Agriculture
√ Metallurgy
• Horticulture
• Carpets
• Gardening

409. On August 1, 1918 Menshevik dashnak was called power he created?

• Baku people soviet

• Workers soviet
• National Council
• Azerbaijan Democratic Republic
√ Sentrokaspi Dictatura

Determine compatibility
1.Tbilisi-Baku railway stations startedbto work
410. 2. Baku-Tbilisi telegraph lines into operation
3.Establishment of H.Z Tagiyev K company a) 1868 b) 1900 c) 1883
• 1a 2b 3c;
• 1-a 2-c 3-b;
• 1b 2-c 3-a;
√ 1-c 2-a 3- b;
• 1c 2b 3a;

Determine the chronological sequence

1.Eravan governorship
411. 2.Yelizavetapol governorship
3.Baku governorship

• 1,2,3;
• 2,3,1;
• 3,1,2;
√ 1,3,2;
• 3,2,1;

412. In1891 the Shah government gave the British capitalist Talbot South Azerbaijan?

• Textile industry
• Silk industry
√ Tobacco production
• Mining industry
• Oil production

413. According to the December 6 1846 rescript a duty imposed on a Muslim proprietors

• Raising the amount of tax

• To use the villagers
√ To serve in the army
• To give up one’s property
• Pay taxes

414. What was the condition of the Mudros reconciliation?

• Troops of the four member states were to enter Baku

• The state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan was to be recognized by the participants of the Paris Peace Conference
• The Ottoman state had to provide military assistance to the Republic of Azerbaijan
√ The Ottoman army had to leave Azerbaijan
• The Ottomans were given control of the South Caucasus railway

415. Which of the following applies to the content of agrarian laws implemented in Northern Azerbaijan in 1912-1913?

• Transfer of water ditches to the private property of the villagers

• Starting to collect maljahat tax from the villagers
• Giving villagers the right to buy pastures
• Payment of debts of entrepreneurial peasants to the state treasury by landowners
√ Free transfer of lands unsuitable for agriculture to the ownership of villagers

416. What happened as a result of the battle of Sarıkamış?

• Ottoman troops entered the territory of Kars-Batumi

• Kars province was given to Russia
• Ottoman troops occupied the South Caucasus
• The Russians retreated and, with the help of the British, saved their lives
√ The Ottoman troops were defeated

417. What was the reason for the protest of the population in Tabriz in 1898?
• Granting special privileges to Russian merchants
• Government adoption of a law banning entrepreneurship
• New taxes on artisans and merchants putting
√ Grain speculation of big feudal lords and clergy
• Granting a tobacco monopoly to the British

418. What was said to the administrative person who organized the distribution of irrigation water?

• Forgiveness and Obedience

• Ingiloy and Mughal
• Keshkel and Priests
√ Mirab and Juvar
• Vizier and Assistant

419. Where is the cotton-cleaning plant built?

• Baku
• Yelizavetpol
• Nukha
• Shamakhi
√ Nakchivan

420. Which newspaper's journalists were wounded by the Azerbaijani army?

• Daily Herald
• The Times
• L'Humanité
• Gazette de France
√ Le-Monde

421. Similarities in the history of Azerbaijan for the 40s and 80s of the XX century:

• Signing a peace agreement with the Republic of Turkey

• Adoption of the Constitution
• İntroduction of a new alphabet
√ Mass expulsion of Azerbaijanis from the Armenian SSR
• Being an autonomous republic within the Russian Empire

422. The Provisional National Council was formed by:

• Members of the Musavat and Ittihad parties

√ Deputies of the Azerbaijani faction at the Transcaucasian Sejm.
• Azerbaijani deputies of the III and IV State Dumas
• Representatives of the Musavat and Ahrar parties
• Representatives of Azerbaijani oil magnates and mulkedars

423. One of the activities the Baku Commune under leadership of Shaumyan

• establishment of the first university in Baku

√ nationalization of the Baku oil-fields
• to start negotiations with the Musavatists
• to release a newspaper in Azerbaijani
• to create friendly atmosphere between Azerbaijanis and Armenians

1. A Russian pilot of Azerbaijani ancestry

2. A participant in World War I
424. 3. Posthumously awarded the Fourth Class Order of St. George
The above refers to

• Tarlan Aliyarbekov
√ Farrukh Agha Qayibov
• Ali Agha Shikhlinskiy
• Huseyn Khan Nakhchivanskiy
• Samad Bek Mekhmandarov

1.The organization was established by the oil barons in Baku in 1884

2. It was directed by Ludvig Nobel for six years.
425. 3.It created its own magazine, "Neftyanoe Delo" (Oil Business), a library, school, hospital, and pharmacy.
The above refers to:

• BroNobel
√ the Oil Extractors Congress Council
• Royal Dutch Shell
• De Rothschild Frères
• Kavkaz & Merkuriy

1. This city produced more than half of the world's oil in 1901
426. 2. In 1903, 12 English companies with capital of 60 million rubles were functioning in this city
The above refers to

• Grozni
√ Baku
• Mexico
• Qatar
• Kuwait

427. Choose how Azerbaijani leaders changed their main goal after the March massacres in Baku:

• from the national gubernia within the Russian empire to the autonomy
√ from an autonomy within the Russian domain to the total independence
• to separate from Russia and to unite with Iran
• from the cultural autonomy to the territorial autonomy
• to separate from Russia and to unite with the Ottoman Empire

Choose the correct sequence:

1. Establishment of the Russian Provisional Government
428. 2. The Bolsheviks under the leadership of Stepan Shahumyan proclaimed the Baku Commune
3. The Bolsheviks and Left Socialist-Revolutionaries (SR), archiving majority in the Baku Soviet, proclamed the establishment of the
Soviet power.

• 1,2,3;
√ 1,3,2;
• 2,1,3;
• 2,3,1;
• 3,2,1;

Choose the organizations, founded in Ganja on the initiative of some local notables in the early 1900s:
1. Musavat
429. 2. Hummat
3. Difai
4. Mudafie

• 1,2;
√ 3,4;
• 1,4;
• 1,3;
• 2,4;

430. The party that became the largest political force in Azerbaijan after the overthrow of the monarchy in Russia in February 1917

• the Ahrar
√ the Musavat
• the Birlik
• the Baku branch of the Bolshevik party
• the Hummat

431. The immediate cause for the first outbreaks of Muslim-Armenian violence in Baku in February of 1905:

• the murder of an Armenian by the Musavatist

√ the murder of a Muslim by the Dashnakists
• the murder of H.Z. Taghiyev's son
• the arrest of general Talishinski
• Disarmament of the officers in the ship "Evalina"

432. During the World War I the Emperor Nicholas II entrusted the artillery defense of the imperial capital of St. Petersburg to

• Gen. S. Mehmandarov
√ Gen. A. Shikhlinsky
• Gen. I. Vekilov
• Tarlan Aliyarbekov
• Gen. H. Nakhchivansky

433. The event that took place in the cultural life of Azerbaijan in 1908:

• The release of the first Azerbaijani film;

√ The first production of the opera Leyli and Majnun;
• The first production of the opera “Ashyg Garib”;
• Edition of the newspaper "Shargi-Rus"
• The beginning of the activity of the first Azerbaijani female singer Shovket Mammadova;

434. The event that took place in the cultural life of Azerbaijan in 1916:

• The beginning of the activity of the first Azerbaijani female singer Shovket Mammadova;
√ The release of the first Azerbaijani movie;
• The first production of the opera Leyli and Majnun;
• Edition of the newspaper "Shargi-Rus"
• The first production of the opera “Ashyg Garib”;

435. An architect who played an important role in laying the Baku Seaside Boulevard in the 1909-1910s.

• Architect Goslavsky
√ M.H. Hajinsky
• Hajibababekov
• Qambar Qarabagly
• Rashid bek Ismailov

Choose the chronological sequence;

1. Edition of the magazine "Molla Nasraddin"
436. 2. Construction of the first theater building in Baku
3. Construction H.Z. Tagiyev's school for Muslim girls in Baku
4. Creation of the Musavat party

• 1, 2, 3, 4;
√ 2, 3, 1, 4;
• 4, 3, 2, 1;
• 2, 1, 4, 3;
• 3, 2, 1, 4;

Events, took place in Azerbaijan in 1905-1907:

1. Armenian-Muslim massacre;
437. 2. Holding the second and third All-Russian Muslim congresses;
3. The elections to the Fourth Duma;
4. The conclusion of the first collective agreement between workers and oil magnates.

• 1,3;
√ 1,2;
• 2,3;
• 2,4;
• 1,4;

The results of the general strike in Baku in December 1904:

1. The conclusion of the first collective agreement between workers and oil magnates, called the "Fuel Oil Constitution";
438. 2. Loss of previous concessions by the government
3. The working day was reduced, wages increased, workers were granted the right to a day off and vacation;
4. Increased working day, reduced wages.

• 1, 2;
√ 1, 3;
• 1, 4;
• 2, 4;
• 3, 4;

Choose the press, released at the end of 1800s:

1. Akinchi (Ploughman)
2. The magazin Molla Nasraddin
439. 3. Ziya and Ziyai-Kafkasiyya
4. Shargi-Rus
5. The magazine Kashkul

• 1,4,5;
√ 1,3,5;
• 2,4,5;
• 1,2,3;
• 1,3,4;

1. A translator in the Chancellery of the viceroy of the Caucasus

2. The author of the first plays in the European style in the Azerbaijani language
440. 3. Viceroy Vorontsov called him as "Tatar Moliere"
The above refer to:

• Najaf Bey Vazirov

√ Mirza Fathali Akhundzada
• Mirza Alakbar Sabir
• Jalil Mammadquluzada
• Farrukh Agha Qayibov

441. The authority of the Baku City Duma did not include:

• Urban management
√ Foreign policy
• Fire protection
• Health and public education
• Local trade

Azerbaijani officers participating in the World War I:

1. Hazi Aslanov
442. 2. Farrukh Aga Gaibov
3. Huseyn Khan of Nakhichevan
4. Mehdi Huseynzade

• 1,2;
√ 2, 3;
• 1,4;
• 2,4;
• 3,4;

443. As a result of the concentration of capital and production in the oil industry in the late 1800s and early 1900s appeared:

• Workshops
√ Monopolies
• Guilds
• Factories
• Manufactory

444. Indicate the content of the law of December 20, 1912

• The liquidation of feudal-dependent relations of state peasants

√ Privately held peasants were exempted from the duties in favor of landlords
• The state peasants were denied the right to move from one place to another
• State peasants were obliged to redeem land plots
• The liquidation of feudal-dependent relations of peasants of the Zakatala district

Indicate the chronological sequence:

1. Abolishing of the leasing revenue (otkup) system in the oil industry
445. 2. Construction of a weaving factory by H.Z. Taghiyev
3. Construction of the copper smelter in Gadabay

• 1, 3, 2;
• 2, 1, 3;
√ 3, 1, 2;
• 3, 2, 1;
• 1, 2, 3;

446. The main reason for the concentration of production in the oil industry during the economic crisis of 1900-1903:

• Reduction in the foreign capital investment

√ The bankruptcy of small and medium enterprises
• The weakening of local capital investment
• Oil production growth
• Increasing the foreign capital inflows

447. When did Establish Azerbaijan Democratic Republic ?

• On 21 May 1919;
• On 12 April 1918;
• On 20 May 1919;
• On 31 May 1917;
√ On 28 May 1918;

448. How many months did the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic function?

• 16 months
• 12 months
• 28 months
√ 23 months
• 24 months

449. According to the decision of ADR on June 27, 1918:

• Baku State University was to be opened

• educational institutions had to be nationalized
• free trade within the country was allowed
√ Education in schools was to be conducted in Turkish
• The Baku bond had to be created

450. According to the decision of the Popular Front on August 28, 1918:

• a new customs service was to be established

√ educational institutions had to be nationalized
• fiscal policy had to be updated
• the land issue had to be reconsidered
• social policy had to be implemented on the basis of a new program

451. The Azerbaijani parliament has begun its work

• November 16, 1918;

√ December 26, 1918;
• December 7, 1919;
• November 16, 1919;
• December 7, 1918;

452. The Azerbaijani parliament has established

• December 7, 1919;
• December 26, 1918;
• November 16, 1918;
√ December 7, 1918;
• november 16, 1919;

453. On March 20, 1920, the ADR signed a "peace and friendship" agreement with which country:

• With Georgia
• With Russia
• With Turkey
• With Armenia
√ With the Gajar state

454. Treaty signed by Soviet Russia and Germany on March 3 in 1918:

• Gars
• Erzincan
• Bukharest
√ Brest-Litovsk
• Edirne

455. What time bolsheviks in baku declared founding Azerbaijan soviet socialist republic?

√ On 28 April 1920
• On 2 April 1921
• On 3 May 1920
• On 12 May 1920
• On 18 May 1921

456. April 28, 1920

• Abolution of the Revolutionary committee

• The military indusry was created
• Holding a congress of Eastern khanates
√ Bolsheviks in Baku declared founding ASSR
• Adoption of the Constitution

457. By decree on 17 may 1921

• Food stalk
• Having an administrative system
• Abolition of the Chanaq tax
• Food stalk was abolished
√ Abolition of food tax
Determine compatibility
1.Baku was held first congress of Azerbaijan SSR
2.Zagatala against the Soviet regime happened a strong rebellion
458. 3.Nationalization of the Caspian merchant fleet
a) on 6 june in 1920
b) June 1920
c) On 6 may 1921

• 1-a 2-b 3-c;

• 1-b 2-c 3a;
• 1-a 2-c 3-b;
• 1-c 2-b 3-a;
√ 1-c 2-a 3b;

459. 5 Government cabinet has resigned?

• On 21 march 1920;
• 2 may 1919;
√ On 30 march 1920;
• 11 january 1920;
• On 23 January 1920;

460. On november 17 1918 military units arrived in Baku

• Soviet Russia
• Germany
• Ottoman
√ Great Britain
• France

Determine compatibility
1. Creation of new army
2. Azerbaijan language was declared is main language
461. 3.Caucaus Islam army decisive attacked to the Baku
a) 27 june in 1918
b) 15 september in 1918
c) 26 june in 1918

• 1-a 2-c 3-b;

• 1-a 2-b 3-c;
√ 1-c 2a 3-b;
• 1-b 2-c 3-a;
• 1-a 2-b 3-c;

Determine compatibility
1.Baku SPC collapse
2.Establishment of the ADR( Az democratic republic)
462. 3.Batumi contract
a) 28 may in 1918
b) 31 july in 1918
c) 4 june in 1918

• 1-a 2-b 3-c;

• 1-a 2-c 3- b;
• 1-b 2-c 3-a;
√ 1-b 2-a 3-c;
• 1-c 2-a 3-b;

Determine the chronological sequence

1. Azerbaijan Democratic Republic removed from Ganja to Baku
463. 2. Signed a contract friendship between Iran and Azerbaijan
3. Accepted by V.Vilson meeting Azerbaijan Republic introduced memorandum

• 3,1,2;
• 2,1,3;
• 1,2,3;
√ 1,3,2;
• 3,2,1;

464. According to the decision of the ADR of June 22 1918

• The oil industry was abolished

• The National Assembly was abolished
• A muslim eastern society was established
√ transporting abroad grain, cattle and other food products
• The Ministry of Labor was established

465. Which newspaper's journalists were wounded by the Azerbaijani army?

• The Times
• Gazette de France
• L'Humanité
√ Le-Monde
• Daily Herald

466. What was the first international organization to which the Republic of Azerbaijan joined?

• The Council of Europe

• UN
√ Organization of the Islamic Conference
• Commonwealth of Independent States

467. What was the "chanag" tax called?

• The tax that villagers pay to the state to market their products
• Mandatory tax that villagers keep only for food and seeds when buying grain
• The villagers hand over a third of the harvest to the state
• The food tax that the peasant uses as much as he wants from the product at his disposal
√ Voluntary payment of products paid by Azerbaijani peasants

468. What was said De-facto?

• The defeated state pays the victorious state

• Legal recognition of a state
• Actual confirmation that the supreme power is in the hands of one person
√ Actual recognition of the state or government
• Granting autonomy to a state

469. What was the main goal of the Bolsheviks in committing the massacre in Baku?

• Implement the USSR's plan to occupy Baku and seize oil resources
• To further strengthen the power of the Baku SSC
• To unite the Mensheviks with the Bolshevik
√ To turn Baku into a Russian-Armenian city
• To create conditions for the development of national political forces

470. What was the socio-economic measure implemented by the People's Republic of Azerbaijan in 1918?

• Issuance of the law "On citizenship"

• Adoption of the tricolor state flag
• Opening of the State Bank
√ Prohibition of export of food products from the republic
• Opening of "Istiglal" museum

471. What was the main content of the military-defense agreement signed between Azerbaijan and Georgia in 1919?
• To join forces against the USSR
• To prevent the combined forces of the Germans and the Russians in the South Caucasus
• Eliminate the British threat
√ Join forces against Denikin's threat
• Not to allow Armenia to help Denikin

472. Which of the following does not apply to the "Declaration of Independence" adopted on May 28, 1918?

• Azerbaijan is a full-fledged and independent state

• All citizens of Azerbaijan are granted full citizenship and political rights
• The form of political structure in Azerbaijan is the People's Republic
• The supreme power belongs to the people of Azerbaijan
√ The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic will establish relations only with neighboring nations and states

473. When was the "Tatar cavalry regiment" consisting of Azerbaijanis formed?

• During the Second World War

• In the years of the 1st Russian Revolution
• During the battle around Goychay
√ During the First World War
• During the Russian-Japanese War

474. Does not belong to the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic:

• Establishment of the Karabakh Governor-Generalship

• Signing agreements with the Republic of Georgia
• Establishment of the Caspian Navy
• Establishment of Nakhchivan Governor-General's Office
√ Signing a military agreement with the Gajars

Choose those that belong to the period of activity of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.
1. The end of the First World War.
2. Exposure of Azerbaijanis to the March genocide
475. 3. The rise of the central Caspian dictatorship.
4. The withdrawal of the Ottoman army from Azerbaijan.
5. Disarmament of the ship "Evelina".

√ 1, 3,4;
• 3, 4,5;
• 1, 2,4;
• 1, 3, 5;
• 2, 3, 4;

The fate of the Azerbaijan National Army of ADR after the emerging of Soviet regime:
1. Soviet government seized their weapons and uniforms 2. Azerbaijani soldiers formed the national units within Red Army
476. 3. Azerbaijani generals were arrested and shot
4. Azerbaijani officers and soldiers were transferred to the subordination of the Red Army by preserving their National corps

• 2,3;
√ 1,3;
• 1,4;
• 3,4;
• 2,4;

477. In accordance to the “war communism” policy implemented in Azerbaijan in August of 1920:

• Peasants had to pay a light tax, chanaq

√ Peasants had to pay a heavy tax, prodrastvestka
• Peasants were granted land plots
• Peasants were granted tax exemption
• Peasants had to pay a tax, prodnaloq
Choose what US president Wilson advised Azerbaijan on May 28, 1919:
1. To develop a spirit of confederation
2. To impove democracy in the country
478. 3. To create a military alliance with Georgia
4. A confederation of all the peoples of Transcaucasia could receive the protection of some Power on the basis of a mandate granted by
the League of Nations.

• 2,4;
• 2,3;
√ 1,4;
• 1,3;
• 1,2;

479. The Ottoman military forces was replaced by

• by the British whose forces arrived in Baku in December 1918

√ by the British whose forces arrived in Baku in November 1918
• by the US officers whose forces arrived in Baku in November 1918
• by the US officers whose forces arrived in Baku in December 1918
• by the French whose forces arrived in Baku in December 1918

Upon its arrival, the Azerbaijani delegation addressed a note to U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, making the following requests:
1. The independence of Azerbaijan be recognized
2. The US government be a mediator between Azerbaijan and Armenia
480. 3. Wilsonian principles be applied to Azerbaijan
4. Diplomatic relations be established between the United States of America and the Republic of Azerbaijan
5. Creation of the South Caucasus Confederation be promoted by US

• 1,2,3;
√ 1,3,4;
• 1,3,5;
• 2,3,5;
• 2,3,4;

481. The last Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was:

• Fatali Khan Khoyski

√ Nasib Bey Yusifbeyli
• Nasan Bey Aghayev
• Ahmed Bey Aghayev
• Alimardan Bey Topchubashov

The following events happened in the ADR history in 1919:

1. Baku State University was established
2. The Turkish troops left Azerbaijan.
482. 3. The British troops left Azerbaijan.
4. The Caspian Navy was created.
5. The tricolor state flag was adopted.

• 1,2,3;
√ 1,3,4;
• 2,3,5;
• 1,3,5;
• 2,3,4;

The Azerbaijani parliament, according to M.E. Rasulzade, had the following functions:
1. Possessed absolute power.
2. Did not have absolute power.
483. 3. The government could start military actions and conclude treaties without parliament.
4. Military actions did not start without parliament, not a single treaty was concluded.
5. The government remained if it had the confidence of parliament, and was dissolved if it lost it.

• 2,3,5;
√ 1,4,5;
• 1,3,5;
• 3,4,5;
• 2,3,4;

Indicate the purpose of signing the agreement on November 23, 1919 in Tiflis between Azerbaijan and Armenia: eliminate the armed confrontation between Azerbaijan and Armenia in Yerevan
484. eliminate the armed confrontation between Azerbaijan and Armenia in Zangezur
3. to establish good neighborly relations between the two countries
4. Create the Caucasian Confederation at the suggestion of the Entente countries.

• 1,3;
√ 2,3;
• 2,4;
• 3,4;
• 1,4;

485. With the mediation of which country was the agreement signed between Azerbaijan and Armenia on November 23, 1919 in Tiflis?

• Turkey
• Great Britain
• France
• Russia

486. Ottoman troops had to leave the territory of Azerbaijan:

• As a result of negotiations with the ADR government.

√ According to the Mudross Agreement of October 30, 1918, signed with the Britain.
• According to the Batumi Treaty, it was signed on June 4, 1918 between the ADR and the Ottoman Empire.
• As a result of the creation of the national army of Azerbaijan and its strengthening, the fraternal country withdrew its troops.
• According to the Treaty of Sevres, signed with the Entente.

487. The Caspian military fleet was created based on:

military equipment and warships transferred to the Azerbaijani government by the British leaving Baku on September 14, 1918, under
• the command of Gen. Densterville.
√ military equipment and warships transferred to the Azerbaijani government by the British leaving Baku in the summer of 1919.
• military assistance to Italy, which has agreed to sell weapons and military clothing to Azerbaijan
• military equipment and warships transferred to the Azerbaijani government by the Russian Volunteer Army of General A. Denikin
• military equipment and warships abandoned by the Bolsheviks leaving Baku in the summer of 1918.

488. The country that agreed to sell armaments and military clothing to ADR:

• Turkey
√ Italy
• Great Britain
• France

The following relates to ADR activities in the field of education:

1. Publication of the newspaper "Hummet"
2. Opening of Baku University
489. 3. Nationalization of educational institutions
4. Creation of a teachers' seminary in Gazakh
5. Alphabet reform

• 1, 4, 5;
√ 2, 3, 4;
• 1, 2, 4;
• 3, 4, 5;
• 2, 3, 5;
490. The Arzincan armistice was concluded between:

• The Transcaucasian Federation and the Ottoman Empire

√ The Ottoman Empire and the Transcaucasian Commissariat
• Soviet Russia and "Council of Four"
• The Republics of the South Caucasus
• Transcaucasian Sejm and Soviet Russia

491. According to the "Declaration of Independence" on May 28, 1918, the power in the Azerbaijan state belonged to:

• Muslims
√ Azerbaijani people
• Members of the Musavat party
• The oil magnates
• Turkic-speaking peoples

Indicate the chronological sequence:

1. Opening of the ADR Parliament
492. 2. Decree on the establishment of the National Army
3. Declaration of the Azerbaijani Turkic language as state

• 1, 2, 3;
√ 2, 3, 1;
• 3, 1, 2;
• 2, 1, 3;
• 3, 2, 1;

493. Related to the treaty signed with Georgia on June 16, 1919:

• Approval on a joint struggle against Russia

√ Approval on a joint struggle against Denikin's danger
• To restore relations with Armenia
• To work together in recognition of independence
• The restoration of viceroyalty in the Caucasus

Define the main directions of foreign policy of ADR:

1. to achieve recognition of ADR independence in the international arena
494. 2. to overcome the consequences of the March genocide
3. to create friendly relations with neighboring states
4. to interrupt diplomatic relations with Iran.

• 1,2;
√ 1,3;
• 1,4;
• 2,3;
• 3,4;

The significance of the Batumi Treaty concluded between the ADR and the Ottomans:
1. The Ottoman state was the first to officially recognize ADRs
495. 2. Ottoman troops introduced to Azerbaijan
3. As a result, Azerbaijanis did not receive military assistance
4. Azerbaijani faction withdrew from the war with Ottomans

• 1,3;
√ 1,2;
• 1,4;
• 2,4;
• 3,4;

496. When was national government was accepted law “About Language”?

• on 26 January 1945;
• on 12 July 1941;
• on 16 January 1944;
• on 26 May 1942;
√ on 26 January 1946;

497. When was Tabriz University founded?

• May in 1941;
• June in 1945;
• July in 1943;
√ June in 1946;
• June in 1942;

498. Which of the newspaper on 5 September the part of ADP started to publish in native language.

• “For everyone”;
• “For lands”;
• “Irani news”;
√ “Azerbaijan”;
• "Hummat"

499. When was held the first conference ADP founders?

• On 23 November 1941;
• On 13 Decemberf 1942;
• On 20 May 1947;
√ On 13 September 1945;
• On 13 October 1940;

500. When started the second phase of the movement of democracy in South Azerbaijan?

√ In summer 1945;
• in spring 1941;
• in autumn 1947;
• in winter 1944;
• in summer 1946;

501. When did happen first phase of the movement of democracy in South Azerbaijan?

• 1941;
• 1944-1945;
• 1941-1942;
√ 1941-1945;
• 1941-1944;

502. Azerbaijani officers and soldiers in Tabriz was published a newspaper ……

• “For us”
• “Irani news”
• “For lands”
• “For everyone”
√ “For motherland”

503. was a big support to the Iran revolution

• F.Qayibov;
• S.Mehmandarov;
• M.Nagiyev;
√ H.Z.Tagiyev;
• T.Qayibov;
504. When did Shah issued a decree on constitutional after that announced elections to the parliament.

• On 5 August 1909;
• On 5 June 1910;
• On 5 July 1908;
√ On 5 August 1906;
• On 15 May 1907;

505. The center of the revolutionary movement in Iran, which began in 1906, moved to Tabriz:

• In 1910;
• In 1911;
• In 1907;
• in 1909;
√ in 1908;

506. Which stage of Azerbaijan's struggle against Turkish and Iranian oppression is typical:

• The period of khanates;

• the end of the XVII century;
• the second half of the XVIII century;
• the beginning of the XIX century;
√ the first half of the XVIII century;

507. After which contract the Iran government had to keep one of the 4 provinces in South Azerbaijan ?

• Contract of the century

• Turkmenchay contract
√ Gulustan contract
• Kurekchay contract
• Gaynarcha contract

508. When and how was the Special South Caucasus Committee overthrown

• As a result of the March 1918 genocide

• After the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty in March 1918
• After the Treaty of Erzincan in December 1917
√ After the October Revolution of 1917
• After the establishment of the South Caucasus Seym in February 1918

509. What was "Anjuman" called?

• An armed group formed during the years of the constitutional movement

• A widespread form of protest in northern Azerbaijan
• The beginning of an armed uprising
• The form of struggle for the adoption of the constitution in Southern Azerbaijan
√ Democratic government body established in Southern Azerbaijan

510. What caused the revival of trade to some extent in Northern Azerbaijan in the 1920s?

• The end of the industrial revolution in Russia

• Restoration of transit trade routes
• Prevention of import of European goods purchase
√ Application of preferential trade tariffs
• Abolition of domestic customs duties

511. What did Iran do under the agreement signed in 1891?

• The national bourgeoisie was formed

• The regulations were signed
• The first new union was formed
• A common market was created
√ Iran has given Talbot a monopoly on tobacco

512. What happened in the "Zeynab Pasha" uprising?

• Taxes have been abolished

• The government has changed
• State-owned lands were seized
√ Grain warehouses were seized and distributed among the poor
• Factories and plants were burned

513. Which lands were called "Khalisa"?

• Privately owned lands

• Lands belonging to farmers
• Lands belonging to religious figures
√ State-owned lands
• Lands belonging to the caliph

514. It is typical for the history of South Azerbaijan in the 80s-90s of the XIX century:

• The beginning of the transfer of "residential" lands to the feudal lords in exchange for services to the state.
• Permission to sell Tiyul lands.
√ Issuance of a shah's decree "On the sale of Khalisa lands".
• Liquidation of foundation land ownership.
• Establishment of the first land ownership called "Khirdamalik".

The followings relate to the post-Stalin era, led by N.S.Khrushchev:

1. The softening of the political atmosphere in the soviet republics
2. Massive repressions of the intelligentsia
515. 3. Veli Akhundov became the first secretar of AC (b) P
4. Rehabilitation process had started
5. For the first time after the Soviet occupation Novruz holiday began to be officially celebrated

• 1,2,3;
• 2,3,4;
• 1,3,5;
√ 1,3,4;
• 3,4,5;

The following acts refer to the existing period of the National Government led by Sayyed Jafar Pishevari:
1. Azadistan was proclaimed
516. 2. Azerbaijani Turkish was officially declared a state language
3. Tabriz State University was opened
4. A national currency- manat was released

• 1,2;
• 1,3;
• 3,4;
√ 2,3;
• 2,4;

517. Choose the victim of mass repressions during the Stalin’s purge:

• Nariman Narimanov
• Uzeir Hajibekov
• Samed Vurgun
√ Huseyn Javid
• Afrasiyab Badalbeyli

518. The autonomic territories in Soviet Azerbaijan:

• Nakhchivan and Lankaran
• Nagorno-Karabakh and Shirvan
• Nakhchivan and Shaki
√ Nagorno-Karabakh and Nakhchivan
• Karabakh and Ganja

Choose the chronological sequence:

1. Production of the ballet "Maiden Tower"
519. 2. Establishment of the Conservatory, the first higher educational musical institution in the Muslim East
3. Production of the opera "Koroglu"
4. Establishment of the Academy of Sciences in Az. SSR

• 4, 3, 2, 1;
• 1, 2, 3, 4;
√ 2, 3, 1, 4;
• 3, 2, 4, 1;
• 2, 3, 4, 1;

Related to the New Economic Policy (NEP):

1. Abolition of the tax prodrastvestka
520. 2. Elimination of prodnalog (food tax)
3. Elimination of all forms of food monopoly
4. Implementation of the free trade ban

• 2,3;
• 1,4;
• 2,4;
√ 1,3;
• 3,4;

521. The territory of Azerbaijan, passed to Soviet Armenia, under pressure from Soviet Russia:

• Qazakh
• Nakhchivan
• Nagorno-Karabakh
√ Zangazur
• Goranboy

522. Choose the uprising against collectivization

√ Shaki uprising under leadership of Molla Mustafa Sheikhzade

• Ganja uprising on May 1920
• Lankaran uprising in 1920-1921
• Zagatala uprising under the leadership of Hafiz Efendi
• Karabakh uprising under the leadership of Nuru Pasha

Choose the results of mass violent collectivization:

1. Due to the lack of a passport, collective farmers could not go to other places and fell into the position of serfs
523. 2. The situation of peasants improved as a result of voluntary unification into collective farms (kolkhoz)
3. Collective farms resembled labor camps
4. There was no violence in the creating collective farms

√ 1,3;
• 1,2;
• 1,4;
• 2,3;
• 3,4;

Spheres of economy, covered by industrialization in the second half of the 1920s in Soviet Azerbaijan:
1. instrumentation
524. 2. oil industry
3. electrification
4. metallurgy
• 1,4;
• 1,2;
• 3,4;
√ 2,3;
• 2,4;

Results of the creation the Transcaucasian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (TSFSR):
1. Azerbaijan began to use economic resources of Armenia and Georgia
525. 2. Weak economies of Georgia and Armenia began to use Azerbaijan’s rich natural resources
3. Armenia and Georgia gained the opportunity for rapid growth.
4. Azerbaijan gained opportunity to transfer its oil resources via Armenia and Georgia.

√ 2,3;
• 1,3;
• 3,4;
• 2,4;
• 1,4;

526. Decision of the Caucasian Bureau of Communist Party on July 5, 1921 about Nagorno-Karabakh:

• To keep Nagorno-Karabakh within Armenia

• To transfer Nagorno-Karabakh from Azerbaijan to Armenia
√ To keep Nagorno-Karabakh within Azerbaijan
• To established an autonomy of Nagorno-Karabakh within Azerbaijan
• Transfer Nagorno-Karabakh from Armenia to Azerbaijan

Immediate reasons for the Ganja anti-Soviet uprising in May of 1920:

1. Replacement of officers, serving in the national army units in Ganja, with the Bolshevik commanders under the pretext of
reorganizing the army
527. 2. Nuru Pasha's arrival to Ganja and his agitation to start the revolt
3. Demand for the national army units in the western regions of Azerbaijan to operate under the Bolsheviks' rules
4. Replacement of officers, serving in the national army units in Ganja, with the Armenian commanders

• 1,2,3;
• 2,4;
√ 1,3;
• 3,4;
• 1,2,4;

Steps taken in the late 80s and early 90s of the twentieth century to separate Nagorno-Karabakh from Azerbaijan and unite it with the
Armenian SSR.
1. Deputies of the Council of People's Deputies of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic of Armenian origin voted in favor of the proposal to
unite the region with the Armenian SSR
528. 2. Decision of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian SSR to "include" Nagorno-Karabakh in the Armenian SSR
3. Abolition of the autonomous status of Nagorno-Karabakh by the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR
4. Announcement of the establishment of the so-called "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic"
5. Neutrality of the OSCE Minsk Group in resolving the conflict

• 2.3.5;
√ 1.2.4;
• 1.3.4;
• 1.3.5;
• 2.4.5;

529. When did in Baku is the first place for cargo turnover compare the Russian’s sea port cities.

• in 1921;
• In 1911;
• in 1916;
• in 1909;
√ in 1912;

530. When was Heydar Aliyev appointed head of the Azerbaijan SSR?
• 1970;
• 1968;
• 1974;
√ 1969;
• 1978;

531. In which districts did the first Azerbaijani refugees take refuge?

• Shirvan
• Qazakh
• Karabakh
• Qabala
√ Gapan and Mehri

They are national Azerbaijani divisions formed in 1941. A) 77th Division. B) 402nd Division. C) 416th Division. D) 223rd Division. E)
532. 271st Division

• a.b;
• a.b;
• d.e;
√ b.d;
• b.c;

533. “ Simferopol Division ” was given an honorary title ?

• 223rd Division
• 442nd Division
√ 77th Division
• 271st Division
• 416th Division

534. It was called Hitler`s plan to attack the Caucasus?

• “ Vilvet “
• “ Barbarossa ”
• “ Baqration ”
√ “ Edelweiss “
• “ Weiss ”

535. “ Garaman- Naftalan” joint-stock company operated?

• Lankaran district
• Javad district
√ Ganja district
• Shamakhi district
• In Guba district

536. The deportation from the lands of Western Azerbaijan in 1948-1953 is not one of the regions where our relatives were settled?

• Imishli
• Goychay
• Kurdamir
√ Yevlax
• Saatli

537. Created SSRI collapses ... year later

• 80 year
• 60 year
• 65 year
√ 70 year
• 79 year

538. By Hitler's decree of December 22 in 1941…

• Decisive battles for Moscow began

• The attack on the USSR began
• The Edelweiss plan was abandoned
√ Special national military units consisting of Caucasian Muslims began to be established
• The parliament and government of the emigrant Azerbaijan were established

539. Which countries openly helped Azerbaijan during the war ?

• Pakistan , France , Poland

• Iran , Georgia , Afghanistan
• Gemany , France , Iran
• Ukraine , France , Georgia
√ Turkey , Israel , and Pakistan

Determine of chronological sequence

1.OSCE’s summit which held in Istanbul
540. 2. OSCE’S Minsk group and through Russia between Armenia and Azerbaijan Ceas
Ceasefire agreement
a)On 12 may 1994 b) on november 1999 c) 1996 semptember D) 2000 E) 23 june 1998

• 1-a 2-d;
• 1-c 2-a;
• 1-a 2-b;
• 1-c 2 e;
√ 1-b 2a;

541. What happened on november 9-10 , 2001

• The 500th anniversary of M.Fuzuli was celebrated

• The Silk Road Conference was held
• The anniversary of Dada Gorgud epos was celebrated
√ Baku was held the first congress of world Azerbaijans
• The 90th anniversary of ADR was celebrated

Determine compatibility
1. Occupation of SHUSHA
542. 2. Occupation of AGHDAM
3. Occupation of LACHIN
a) 23 July 1993 b) 18 May 1992 c) 8 May 1992

• 1-a 2-b 3-c;

• 1-b 2a 3-c;
• 1-a 2-c 3-b;
• 1-c 2-b 3-a;
√ 1-c 2-a 3-b;

Determine the chronological sequence

1. Yenikend-Shamkir hydroelectric power station into operation
543. 2. Was created as the executive body committee TURKSOY
3. Created GUAM organizaation

• 1,2,3;
√ 2,3,1;
• 2,1,3;
• 3,2,1;
• 1,3,2;
Determine compatibility
1. Baku metro station put into operation
544. 2.The head of the Azerbaijan SSR was appointed
3. Gas procesing plant put into operation
a) 1961 b) 1967 c) 1969

• 1-c 2-a 3-b;

• 1-a 2-b 3-c;
• 1-a 2-c 3-b;
• 1-b 2-a 3-c;
√ 1-b 2-c 3-a;

Determine the chronological sequence

1. Aghdam , Barda , Yevlakh railroad was put into operation
545. 2. Azerbaijan state television began to operation
3. Was held the next currency reform

• 3,2,1;
• 1, 2,3;
√ 2,3,1;
• 1,3,2;
• 2,1,3;

Determine compatibility
1. In the world the first established open sea oil field piers
546. 2. Absheron DRES founded
3. MTS in the collective farms were abolished
a) 1954 b) 1958 c) 1948

• 1-b 2-a 3-c;

√ 1-c 2-a 3-b;
• 1-a 2-c 3-b;
• 1-b 2-c 3-a;
• 1-a 2-b 3-c;

547. What was wrıtten in Hitler’s decree of december 22 , 1941

• Occupation of Baku
• Establishment of a Turkish division
• Abolished of the Velvet plan
√ Creation of special military units of the Caucasian Muslims
• Liquidation of Baku oil fields

Determine compatibility
1. Edelweiss
2. Velvet
3. Barbarossa
548. 4. Legion
a) Military unit
b) Military plan
c) Profits
d) Perennial flowers

• 1-b 2-c 3-d 4-a;

• 1-c 2-a 3-d 4-b;
• 1-b 2-c 3-a 4-d;
√ 1-d 2-c 3-b 4-a;
• 1-a 2-c 3-b 4-d;

549. He took part in the capture of Berlin

√ 416 division
• 271 division
• 77 division
• 223 division
• 402 division

1926 belongs to Soviet Azerbaijan

1. Opening of the theater for young spectators
2. The first Congress of Turkic Alliance
550. 3. Writing the Maiden tower ballet
4. Was created the first film studio
5. Opening of the Musical comedy theater

• 2,5;
• 1,3;
√ 2,4;
• 3,5;
• 1,2;

551. The action taken by the Bolsheviks after the October coup.

• The temporary committee of Muslim Public Societies was abolished in Baku.

√ They announced the establishment of the Soviet government in Baku.
• In Baku, they began to define the powers of the Transcaucasian Commissariat.
At a meeting of the Baku Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies, they adopted a resolution on the establishment of a "democratic
• government".
• Restricted the activities of the "Musavat" party.

552. Despite serious obstacles of the USSR and the Republic’s leaderships, on July 21, 1990 Heydar Aliyev

• was elected Deputy Chairman of the Nakhchivan Supreme Majlis

√ came back to Baku and headed to Nakhchivan
• he was elected Deputy of the Azerbaijan Milli Majlis
• was elected Deputy of the Nakhchivan Supreme Majlis
• was elected Chairman of the Azerbaijan Milli Majlis

553. After 29 years of Heydar Aliyev's election as the First Secretary of the Central Committee of Azerbaijan

• he was elected President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the first time
√ he was elected President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the second time
• he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Nakhchivan Supreme Majlis
• he was elected Chairman of the Azerbaijan Milli Majlis
• he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Azerbaijan Milli Majlis

554. The purpose of Heydar Aliyev to open the republican secondary specialized boarding school named after. J. Nakhichevan in 1971:

• For training specialists in space exploration

√ To train national military specialists
• To train military specialists for the countries of Eastern Europe
• To train officers for the Republic of Turkey
• To train personnel devoted to the Soviet regime

The first reaction to the claims sounded in November 1987 by Gorbachev's adviser Abel.G.Aganbegiyan over Karabakh and
555. Nakhchevan was:

• M.S.Gorbachev removed A.G. Aganbegiyan from his position

√ Poet Bakhtiyar Vahabzade and Prof. Suleiman S.Aliyarli published the "The Open Letter" in the magazine "Azerbaijan" where all
arguments were denounced with the historical facts.
The USSR Soviet of Ministers denounced the Armenian claims of NKAO by bringing the statistic data and did not approve to annex the
• oblast to Armenia.
The first secretary of Сentral Committee of Azerbaijan Communist Party Kamran Baghirov and the first secretar of Сentral Committee
• of Armenian Communist Party Karen Demirchiyan lost their positions with the order given by Moscow.
• The USSR Soviet of Ministers passes a resolution calling for faster "socio-economic development" of the NKAO as part of Azerbaijan

556. He invented the strategic high-octane jet fuel B-78 during the Second World War:
• Mehdi Huseynzade
√ Yusif Mammadaliyev
• Mirali Kashkay
• Shamil Azizbekov
• Mustafa Topchubashov

The two Azerbaijani secretaries were represented in the leadership of AC (b) P in 1926:
1. Aliheydar Garayev
557. 2. Mirza Davud Huseynov
3. Nariman Narimanov
4. Huseynbala Aghaverdiyev

• 1,3;
√ 1,4;
• 1,2;
• 3,4;
• 2,3;

558. He was a director of the Azerbaijan Central Oil Administration (Azneft') in 1920:

• I.V.Stalin
√ A.P. Serebrovsky
• Mir Jafar Baghirov
• Sergo Orconikidze
• Nariman Narimanov

559. This state official was a Plenipotentiary Representative of Azerbaijan in Russia in 1920s:

• Chingiz Ildirim
√ Behbud bey Shahtakhtinsky
• Levon Mirzoyan
• Nariman Narimanov
• Mirza Davud Huseynov

560. The Newsweek's cover on 25 December 1989 by the statement "Standing up for freedom People of the Year" implied:

• Rallies of millions Armenian people for freedom in the center of Yerevan

√ Rallies of millions Azerbaijan people for freedom on Azadliq Square (then named after Lenin)
• Rallies of millions Russian people for freedom in the center of Moscow
• Rallies of millions Ukrainian people for freedom in the center of Kiev
• Rallies of millions Georgian people for freedom in the center of Tbilisi

561. Refers to the political activities of Heydar Aliyev in the Soviet period:

• Withdrawal of Soviet troops from Azerbaijan

√ Resignation from the high position of the Soviet leadership
• Azerbaijan’s entry into the CIS
• Abolition of the death penalty in Azerbaijan
• Presidential election for the first time

Indicate the chronological sequence:

1. Establishment of the Popular Front
562. 2. Adoption of the Constitutional Law “On Sovereignty”
3. Destruction of border facilities on the Soviet-Iranian border

• 2, 1, 3;
√ 1, 2, 3;
• 3, 2, 1;
• 1, 3, 2;
• 2, 3, 1;

563. What accelerated the collapse of the Soviet Union?

• The huge cost of space research
√ The unsuccessful perestroika policy of Gorbachev
• Accumulated environmental problems
• Creation of a new party instead of the CPSU
• Gorbachev's secret negotiations with Western leaders

Complete the logical chain:

564. 1. Mikayil Abdullayev; 2. Sattar Bahlulzade; 3. …

• Fikret Amirov
• Malik Dadashov
• Uzeir Hajibekov
• Qara Qarayev
√ Toghrul Narimanbekov

Complete the logical chain:

565. 1. Uzeir Hajibekov; 2. Qara Qarayev; 3. Arif Melikov; 4. …

• Sattar Bahlulzade
√ Fikret Amirov
• Tahir Salahov
• Nasiba Zeynalova
• Samed Vurgun

Choose the acts that relate to the Soviet period:

1. Collectivization
2. Liquidation of Illiteracy
566. 3. Great Purge
4.Commandant ruling system
5. Formation of Viceroyalty in the South Caucasus

• 2,3,4;
√ 1,2,3;
• 1,2,4;
• 1,3,5;
• 1,3,4;

"We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in 10 years, either we do it, or they crush us" -
567. this phrase said by Stalin refers to this policy:

• Collectivization
√ Industrialization
• Korenization
• Russification
• Cultural revolution

568. The aim of Korenization or Nativization policy conducted by the Soviet Union in some soviet republics, including Azerbaijan was:

• To eradicate the national pecularities of the local people

√ To integrate the non-Russian nationalities into the local government, bureaucracy, and nomenclatura of their own republics
• To promote the Russian identity culture and language in non-Russian territories
• To purge all local nations from the national state institutions
• To carry out Great-Russian Chauvinism and prevent the native population to hold the administrative positions

569. The last stage of the elimination of the Formal Independence of the Azerbaijan SSR:

• Formation of TSFSR (Transcaucasian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic)

√ Formation of USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
• Elimination of the Azerbaijani embussies in the foreign countries
• Formation of the CIS
• Invasion by the 11th Red Army
570. Choose the new industrial centers, created in the Azerbaijan SSR in the 1945-1960s:

• Baku
√ Dashkesan
• Quba
• Bilasuvar
• Ganja

1. New oil and gas fields, “April 28”, “Bahar”, “Azeri” and “Guneshli”, were discovered in the Caspian Sea.
2. With the participation of German specialists, new equipment for processing primary crude oil was installed in the New Baku
571. Refinery.
The above refers to:

• Economic development of Azerbaijan Republic in the 1990s.

√ Economic development of Azerbaijan SSR in the 1970s
• The results of “Contract of the Century”
• Development of the oil industry in the 1950s
• Economic development of Azerbaijan Republic in the early 2000s.

Choose the events, related to the development of culture in the 1950s:

1. Launch of Azerbaijani Television
572. 2. The establishment of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences.
3. Rehabilitation of cultural figures, victims of mass repression
4. The beginning of work in Baku of the scientific and production association of Space Research.

• 1,4;
√ 1,3;
• 2,3;
• 2,4;
• 1,2;

573. The problem raised by the USSR authorities in the 1970s:

• Construction of new plants in Sumgait

√ Relocation of Kalbajar dwellers to another place, dividing the area into pastures between the republics.
• Transferring the border regions of Qazakh to Armenia
• Liquidation of the Lachin region, transfer of its territory to Armenia
• Elimination of the Nagorno-Karabakh's autonomy

574. What does not apply to Heydar Aliyev's leadership of Azerbaijan in 1969-1982:

• Adoption of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR

√ Launch of the Baku metro
• Construction of the Murovdagh road in Kalbajar
• Creation of housing districts Badamdar, Ahmedli, Guneshli, Hovsan
• Construction of the Baku plant of domestic air conditioners

575. The declaration of the Azerbaijani language as the state language is reflected in:

• The Constitution of the USSR of 1924

√ The Constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR of 1978
• The Constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR of 1937
• The Constitution of the USSR of 1921
• The Constitution of the USSR of 1936

Applies to the activities of Imam Mustafayev, who led Azerbaijan SSR in 1954-1959:
1. Achieved the actual use of the Azerbaijani language as the state language
576. 2. Increased subordination of the republic to the center
3. The plan for direct subordination of Baku to the center-Moscow fell through
4. The role of the Russian language in state affairs has intensified

• 1,2;
√ 1,3;
• 1,4;
• 2,4;
• 2,3;

577. Choose the new industrial centers, created in the Azerbaijan SSR in the 1945-1960s:

• Barda
√ Sumgait
• Baku
• Quba
• Jalilabad

Relates to Azerbaijan SSR of the 1945-1960s:

1. Construction of the oil flyover on the high seas
578. 2.Construction of the Baku plant of domestic air conditioners
3. Construction of the Mingachevir hydroelectric station
4. Construction of the Baku deep-foundation plant

• 2,4;
√ 1,3;
• 3,4;
• 2,3;
• 1,2;

579. Relates to 1948-1953:

• The implementation of industrialization policies

√ Mass deportation of Azerbaijanis from Armenia
• Rehabilitation of the repressed
• The transition to a new economic policy
• The implementation of collectivization policies

580. N.Narimanov was the head of these two organisations after Soviet regime established in Azerbaijan

• Baku Committee and Azerbaijan Communist (Bolshevik) Party

√ Azerbaijan Provisional Revolutionary Committee and Chairman of People's Commissars
• Azerbaijan Provisional Revolutionary Committee and The Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal
• The Emergency Commission and Azerbaijan Communist (Bolshevik) Party
• The Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal and the Emergency Commission

An Azerbaijani enlightener of the 19th century, who was accused of idealism, fanaticism, protection of khans and beks during the Stalin
581. mass repressions:

• Molla Panah Vaqif

√ Abbasqulu A. Bakikhanov
• Mirza Jafar Topchubashev
• Mirza Alakber Sabir
• Mirza Kazem Bek

582. The main fuel supplier of the USSR during WWII:

• Grozny
√ Baku
• Tumen
• Kazan
• Siberia

1. Was the chief of the headquarters at the partisan unit "Dyadya Kolya" (Uncle Kolya) in Belarus.
583. 2. Was appointed commander of the Suvorov partisan detachment in 1944.
• Ismail Aliev
√ Alekper Aliyev
• Ahmadiyye Jabrailov
• Ali Babayev
• Mehdi Huseynzade

The US and UK plan “Vilvet” associated with the Caucasus included:

1. The allies had to act as a united front in the fight against German intelligence in Iran.
584. 2. The Soviet troops should be withdrawn from the Caucasus and sent to Stalingrad.
3. The deployment of American and British armed forces in the Caucasus against the Germans was envisaged.
4. The Soviet army had to open the Caucasian Front against Turkey.

• 1,2;
√ 2,3;
• 3,4;
• 1,3;
• 2,4;

Indicate the appropriate names of the awarded Azerbaijanis the WWII, in the following order:
585. the first hero of the Soviet Union; twice Hero of the Soviet Union; guerrilla hero

• Ahmadiyye Jabrailov, Hazi Aslanov; Farrukh Qaibov

√ Israfil Mamedov; Hazi Aslanov; Mehdi Huseynzade
• Israfil Mamedov, Mehdi Huseynzade, Hazi Aslanov
• Israfil Mamedov, Samed Mehmandarov, Mehdi Huseynzade
• Hazi Aslanov, Israfil Mamedov, Mehdi Huseynzade

In which of the year the Mubariz İbrahimov (after

586. his death) was awarded the name of the national hero?

• "Azerbaijan Popular Front"

• "Social Democratic Party"
• "National Salvation Organization"
• "Azerbaijan Resurgence Party"
√ In 2010 at the Karabakh wars

587. When did the library of M.F. Akhundov received the status of a National library

• In 2003 June
• In 2002 May
• In 2002 July
√ Since 1998 April
• In 1993 May

588. When Azadlig stations were opened

• 2021;
• 2008;
• 2010;
√ 2009;
• 2020;

589. When Nasimi stations were opened

• 2020;
• 2021;
• 2007;
• 2010;
√ 2008;

590. When Dernagul stations were opened

√ 2011;
• 2009;
• 2008;
• 2020;
• 2021;

591. When was accepted Azerbaijan Republic State program on socio-economic development of regions.

• On 11 February 2006;
• On 11 May 2008;
√ On 11 February 2004;
• On 20 April 2011;
• On 19 February 2009;

592. When did in Baku was held The IV Islamic Solidarity Games.

√ In May 2017
• In May 2018
• In May 2016
• In May 2021
• In May 2020

When did the agreement was signed to extend the “Contract of Century” and tis agreement was extended the time of the explotation of
593. the Azeri – Chirag – Guneshli field by 2050.

• On May 5, 2018
• On May 6, 2017
• On May 4, 2020
√ On May 4, 2017;
• On May 4, 2019

594. Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum railway was laid…..

• in 2009;
• in 2009;
• in 2010;
√ in 2007;
• in 2011;

595. When was the fours congress of world Azerbaijanis held?

• 2007;
• 2006;
√ 2016;
• 2005;
• 2011;

596. When was the third congress of world Azerbaijanis held?

• 2001;
• 2010;
• 2006;
√ 2011;
• 1978;

597. Haydar Aliyev Died:

• On 4 November 2002;
• On 22 September 2005;
• On 12 March 2001;
√ On 12 December 2003;
• On 8 February 2006;

598. On October 16, 1992, the appeal of 91 well-known intellectuals of Azerbaijan to H. Aliyev was published?

• In "Azadlig" newspaper
• In the "Azerbaijan" newspaper
√ In the "Voice" newspaper
• In the "People's Newspaper"
• In the "Musavat" newspaper

599. It was established on November 21, 1992;

• Motherland Party
√ New Azerbaijan Party (NAP)
• Musavat party
• Justice Party
• Azerbaijan Popular Front Party

600. On September 24, 1993, Azerbaijan joined?

√ To the CIS
• To the Organization of the Islamic Conference
• To the UN
• To the Council of Europe
• to the GUAM

601. Municipal elections were held in Azerbaijan for the first time:

√ March 2, 1998;
• March 15, 1994;
• December 12, 1999;
• September 16, 1996;
• November 12, 1995;

602. What time was opened Azerbaijani Higher Diplomatic Academy?

• in 2001;
√ in 2006;
• in 2011;
• in 2009;
• in 2005;

603. Azerbaijan was the first to recognize state independence:

• Pakistan
√ Turkey Republic
• Russian Federation
• Iran
• Germany

604. Choose the movement that began in the second half of 1992

• National revival movement

√ National Independence Movement
• Salvation movement
• National revival movement
• Freedom movement
605. An event that went entered in history that day as 'National Salvation Day':

• Abulfaz Elchibey went to Kalaki village of Ordubad region

√ Heydar Aliyev was elected chairman of the Supreme Soviet
• Heydar Aliyev came to Azerbaijan from Nakhchivan
• Heydar Aliyev was elected President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
• The Azerbaijani citizen war was stopped

606. On what time was Heydar Aliyev elected chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Azerbaijan?

• On June 9 in 1993;
√ On June 15 in 1993;
• On August 27 in 1993;
• On July 15 in 1993;
• On November 12 in 1993;

607. On September 24 in 1993 Azerbaijan also entered:

• United Nations organization

√ CİS (Commonwealth of Independent States)
• NAP (New Azerbaijan Party)
• To the Organization of the Islamic Conference

608. Which belongs to 1996

• Declarring manat the only means of payment

√ Accepted the law on land reform
• Holding an ombudsman organization
• The established GUAM
• Appointment of Ilham Aliyev as Prime Minister

Determine compatibility
1.Independence day
609. 2. National Revial day
3. Day of National Salvation
a) 18 october b) 15 june c) 17 november

• 1-c 2-b 3-a;

√ 1-a 2-c 3-b;
• 1-a 2-b 3-c;
• 1-c 2-a 3-b;
• 1-b 2-a 3-c;

Determine compatilibility
1. Karakand tragedy
2. Azerbaijan adopted declaration about restoration state indepence
610. 3. Azerbaijan made a decision about self defence forces
a) On 9 October 1991
b) On 30 August 1991
c) On 20 November 1991

• 1- b 2-a 3-c ;
√ 1-c 2-b 3-a ;
• 1-b 2-c 3-a;
• 1-c 2-a 3-b;
• 1-a 2-b 3-c;

611. Which countries openly helped Azerbaijan during the war?

• Ukraine, France and Iran

√ Turkey, Israel and Pakistan
• Pakistan, India and Turkey
• Iran, Georgia and Afghanistan
• Georgia, Hungary and Russia

612. When did Armenia surrender?

• October 25, 2021;

√ November 10, 2020;
• December 20, 2020;
• October 25, 2020;
• November 10, 2021;

613. What happened on March 2, 1992?

• The "Contract of the Century" was concluded

√ The Republic of Azerbaijan became a member of the United Nations
• Heydar Aliyev was elected President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the first time
• The name of the state was changed to "Republic of Azerbaijan"
• The Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan was adopted

614. On November 10, 2020:

• The Azerbaijani flag was hoisted on Khudafar's bridge.

√ A declaration on the cessation of military operations in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone was signed.
• The victorious Azerbaijani Army liberated the settlement of Sugovushan from the enemy.
• The Azerbaijani Army liberated the city of Shusha from the Armenian occupiers.
• Peacekeeping forces were deployed in the territory of Karabakh.

Determine the chronological sequence of the 2020 Patriotic War.

1. Signing a temporary humanitarian ceasefire for the second time
615. 2. Liberation of Lachin and Kalbajar districts
3. Liberation of Agband settlement of Zangilan
4. Liberation of Sugovushan settlement

• 1,2,4,3;
√ 4,1,3,2;
• 3,2,1,4;
• 3,1,2,4;
• 1,3,2,4;

616. "The first “smart village” project will be implemented in

• Qubadli district
√ Zengilan district
• Fizuli district
• Lachin district
• Jabrail district

617. The Southern Gas Corridor does not pass through the territory of this state:

• Greece
√ Kazakhstan
• Albania
• Azerbaijan
• Italy

618. The name of the military operation during the 44-days Karabakh War:

• Steel blow
√ Iron fist
• Karabakh is Azerbaijan!
• Free Karabakh
• Free Shusha

Choose the districts of Azerbaijan, freed non-military way

1. Agdam
2. Hadrut
619. 3. Suqovushan
5. Lachin

• 1,3,5;
√ 1,4,5;
• 1,4;
• 2,5;
• 1,2,3;

Define the chronological sequence of the freed cities in the Karabakh War II:
1. Shusha
2. Fizuli
620. 3. Jabrail
4. Qubadli
5. Zangilan

• 1,2,3,4,5;
√ 3,2,5,4,1;
• 1,3,5,2,4;
• 3,2,4,5,1;
• 5,4,3,2,1;

Choose the Azerbaijani cities with car factories:

621. 1. Shamakhi 2. Ganja 3. Nakhchivan 4. in Lankaran 5. Qusar

• 1,3,5;
• 1,2,5;
• 2,3,4;
√ 1,2,3;
• 2,4,5;

Choose the events, which refer to 2015:

1. The year was declared the “Year of Agriculture” in the Republic of Azerbaijan
622. 2. Oghuz-Qabala-Baku water supply system was commissioned
3. A referendum on amendments to the Constitution was held
4. The first European Games in the world in Baku were held.

√ 1,4;
• 2,3;
• 2,4;
• 1,3;
• 3,4;

623. Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline

√ became part of the energy security system of Turkey and Europe

• provides gas to Georgia, Turkey and Greece
• provides gas to all countries of Europe
• in its capabilities is the second such pipeline
• is the part of the American energy security system

624. The Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) project provides

√ gas delivery from the Shahdeniz-2 field to Western Europe

• gas delivery from Central Asia and Azerbaijan to Europe and USA
• connecting Eurasian energy supply systems
• gas delivery from Central Asia to Europe and USA
• connection of all power supply systems

625. The Trans-Anatolian Gas Pipeline (TANAP) project provides

• delivery of Turkish gas to Europe

• delivery of Azerbaijani gas to Europe and USA
• delivery of Turkmen gas to Europe and USA
√ delivery of Azerbaijani gas to Europe
• updating the world's gas pipeline systems

The main principles of the treaty, signed on 12 August 2018 in the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea, in general, can be
626. conclude in following way:

• The parties could not reach consensus

• The parties could only define sectors for fishery
• the body of water and seabed were divided as a sea
• the body of water and seabed were divided as a lake into sectors
√ the body of water was divided as a sea and the seabed was divided as a lake into sectors

627. Relates to the Azerbaijan Caspian Navy:

• It is ahead of the Gulf countries in terms of equipment and capabilities

• It was created after Azerbaijan entered the CIS
• in terms of equipment and capabilities, it is the first in the Caspian Sea
√ In terms of equipment and capabilities, it is the second in the Caspian Sea after the Russian Navy
• It is ahead of the Iranian navy in terms of equipment and capabilities

628. Choose the main essence of the Madrid principles.

• a “package” approach, since in both cases the parties are agreeing to this approach.
• a “swap deal” approach, since in both cases the parties are agreeing to this approach.
• a “common” approach, since in both cases the parties are agreeing to this approach.
√ a combination of both approaches: “step by-step” and a “package”, since in both cases the parties are agreeing to a package to be
implemented in phases.
• a “step by step” approach, since in both cases the parties are agreeing to this approach.

Refers to the third term of Ilham Aliyev's presidency:

1. The third referendum on the Constitution of AR
629. 2. The declaration of the Year of Multiculturalism
3. Azerbaijan become a member of non-Aligned Movement
4. The Heydar Aliyev Center, Zaha Hadid's pearl, was opened in Baku.

• 1,4;
√ 1,2;
• 1,3;
• 3,4;
• 2,4;

630. One of the main directions of Azerbaijan's foreign policy:

• to become an EU member
• Achieve a conviction in the international court of Hague for the conviction of Khojaly war criminals.
• to become a NATO member
√ It bases on the idea of balancing the interests of major international actors.
• to create alliance against Armenia

631. One of the main economic goals of Azerbaijan is:

√ to reduce the dependence of the Azerbaijani economy on revenues from oil and natural gas exports
• to integrate to the euro-zone
• to increase per capita income to the level of developed countries
• to become an EU member
• to become a NATO member

"Choose the pipelines that building was started in the 21st century:
1. Baku-Supsa
2. Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
632. 3. TANAP
4. TAP
5. Nabucco"

• 2,4;
• 1,2;
• 1,5;
√ 3,4;
• 2,3;

Choose the pipelines that building was started in the 20th century:
1. Baku-Supsa
2. Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
633. 3. TANAP
4. TAP
5. Nabucco

• 1,5;
√ 1,2;
• 3,4;
• 4,5;
• 2,3;

634. In 2005, its the 60th anniversary was solemnly celebrated in Azerbaijan

• Operas "Layli and Majnun"

• Baku State University
• Magazine "Molla Nasreddin"
√ Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
• Sumgait city

"After the establishment of the Order of ""Heydar Aliyev"" by Milli Majlis in 2005 they were the first to be awarded:
1.Muslum Magomayev
2.Ilham Aliyev
635. 3.Turgut Ozal
4 Ihsan Dogramachi
5 Suleiman Demirel"

• 1,4;
√ 2,4;
• 2,3;
• 3,5;
• 2,5;

636. In 2002, 2009 and 2016 in Azerbaijan:

• presidential elections were held

√ referendums were held on amendments to the Constitution
• gas pipelines were built
• municipal elections were held
• elections of Milli Majlis were held

637. The Heydar Aliyev Mosque in Baku was built:

• in the style of the Nakhchivan architectural school

√ in the style of the Shirvan-Absheron architectural school
• according to the traditions of the Turkic world
• Caliphate style
• in the style of modernism

Choose architectural buildings of the 2010s:

1. Heydar Aliyev Center;
2. Museum of the History of Azerbaijan;
638. 3. Crystal Hall;
4. Flame Tower;
5. Gulistan Palace

• 1, 3, 5;
√ 1, 3, 4;
• 3, 4, 5;
• 1, 2, 3;
• 2, 3, 4;

639. Event, related to 2003:

• Azerbaijan’s entry into the CIS

√ the election of Ilham Aliyev as president
• election of Heydar Aliyev as president
• elimination of censorship
• the capture of Shusha by Armenians

Choose countries, Azerbaijan negotiated with, on dividing the Caspian bottom into sectors and signing of agreements in January and
640. November 2001:

• Iran and Kazakhstan

√ Russia and Kazakhstan
• Turkmenistan and Russia
• Iran and Russia
• Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan

641. Choose the correct description of oil transportation via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline

The oil is pumped from the Neftchala Terminal, via Tbilisi the capital of Georgia, to Ceyhan, a port on the south-eastern Mediterranean
• coast of Turkey.
√ The oil is pumped from the Sangachal Terminal near Baku, via Tbilisi the capital of Georgia, to Ceyhan, a port on the south-eastern
Mediterranean coast of Turkey.
• The oil is pumped from the Sangachal Terminal near Baku, via Tbilisi of Georgia, to Trabzon, a port on the Black Sea coast of Turkey.
The oil is pumped from Qobustan near Baku, via Tbilisi the capital of Georgia, to Ceyhan, a port on the south-eastern Mediterranean
• coast of Turkey.
The oil is pumped from the Sangachal Terminal near Baku, via Batumi in Georgia, to Ceyhan, a port on the south-eastern Mediterranean
• coast of Turkey.

The below applies to:

1. It start to operate on July 13, 2006
642. 2. It transports crude oil 1,760 km (1,090 mi)
3. It delivers oil from the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli oil field on the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean.

• The Baku-Supsa pipeline

√ The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline
• the Baku- Novorossiysk pipeline
• the Baku- Qrozny pipeline
• the Baku- Tbilisi Arzurum pipeline

643. Define the problem that existed after signing the Contact of Century:

• the low prise for oil and gas

√ how to deliver the oil to European markets
• the technical and technological backwardness of the sector
• reduction of fuel consumption in the world
• the political turmoil and instability
1. This consortium was organized in 1995
2. It was composed of eleven major international companies
644. 3. Then Exxon, now ExxonMobil (U.S.); ITOCHU (Japan); And INPEX (Japan) have joined the consortium
The above refers to:

√ the Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AIOC)
• British Petroleum

645. Choose what characterize the situation in the country in the June 1993

• the stabel socio-economic situation

√ absolute chaos and governance gap emerged throughout the republic
• Former president Ayaz Mutallibov's supporter rose a riot
• Rahim Qaziyev and Isgandar Hamidov rose a riot
• The war with Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh ended with the ceasefire

1. The legal basis for the formation of a market economy in Azerbaijan has been created.
646. 2. Laws on land and agrarian reform, privatization, business development, taxation, financial and banking systems were adopted.
The above refers to:

• Economic development of Azerbaijan Republic in the first decade of the 2000s.

√ Economic development of Azerbaijan Republic in the 1990s.
• Economic development of Azerbaijan SSR in the post-war era.
• Economic development of Azerbaijan during the Tsarist Russian colonial period
• Economic development of Azerbaijan SSR in 1970s

647. One of the reasons for the formation of the union of the post-Soviet states of GUAM - Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova

• attempt to get assess to the Black Sea

√ attempt to circumvent the Russian monopoly on the transportation of Caspian oil
• attempt to provide Europe with Azerbaijani agriculture product
• attempt to great alternative to CIS
• attempt to gain support in the Karabakh war

648. What pipelines had importance before the launch of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline for the transportation of the Baku oil?

• The Baku-Krasnovodsk and the Baku-Novorossiysk

√ The Baku–Novorossiysk and The Baku–Supsa pipelines
• The Baku-Batum and the Baku-Novocherkask
• The Bau-Batum and the Baku-Supsa
• The Novocherkask and the Baku-Supsa

649. Choose the treaty on joint development of three oil fields - Azeri, Chirag, Guneshli

• The Madrid agreement

√ Contract of the Century
• The Istanbul treaty
• The London treaty
• The Moscow treaty

650. The Baku-Supsa pipeline was established as a result of:

• Negations between President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of Georgia Saakashvili in Tbilisi and then in Baku
√ Negotiations between President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev and President of Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze in Tbilisi on March 8,
• Negotiations between members of GUAM in 1999
Negotiations held between President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev and President of Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze on September 20,
• 1994 in Baku
• Negotiations between representatives of Azerbaijan and Georgia in the Lisbon summit
1. It was signed between 13 large companies
651. 2. 8 countries of the world were represented.
The above applies to:

• The Istanbul treaty

• Bishkek protocol
• The Minsk treaty
√ Contract of the Century
• The Lisbon treaty

Refers to the political crisis in the country in June 1993:

1. Former presiden A. Muttallibov's supporter revolted in Baku and suburban villages
2. A group of sadvalists, organizing some sabotages in Gusar, held several uprisings against government.
3. Alikram Humbatov overthrew the legal government in Lankaran
4. A military riot was started in Ganja by Suret Huseynov
652. 5. Isgandar Hamidov started mutiny against president A.Elchibey

• 1,2,3;
√ 2,3,4;
• 2,4,5;
• 2,3,5;
• 1,3,5;

On November 17, 1990, considering Heydar Aliyev's suggestion, at the session of the Supreme Soviet of the Nakhchivan ASSR
1. To change the name of the Nakhchivan ASSR as the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan
653. 2. To elect Vasif Talibov the Chairman of Nakhchivan Supreme Mejlis
3. To celebrate May 28 as the Day of Independence
4. To accept the Republic’s three-colored flag as a State banner in Nakhchivan

• 1,2;
√ 1,4;
• 1,3;
• 2,4;
• 3,4;

654. One of results of the Istanbul Summit in November 1999:

• It has been made a decision, giving guarantees to foreign investments and creditors
√ Singing a contract on the Baku-Tiflis-Ceyhan main oil pipeline
• It was decided to create special units for conflict resolution.
• A flank document on the reduction of conventional arms in Europe was discussed
• The Minsk Group the OSCE was formed.

Events, which occurred in 1998:

1. Abolition of the death penalty in Azerbaijan
655. 2. Admission of Azerbaijan to the Council of Europe
3. Conclusion "Contract of the Century"
4. Creation of the Constitutional Court in Azerbaijan

• 1,2;
√ 1,4;
• 3,4;
• 1,3;
• 2,3;

656. What options were proposed by the OSCE Minsk group for resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict since 1997?

• Swap deal and peace negotiations

√ Package and step-by-step
• Two state resolutions
• Swap deal and step-by-step
• Swap deal and package

657. One of the liberal decisions during the first presidency of Heydar Aliyev

• Singing the Contract of the Century

√ Abolition of censorship in Azerbaijan
• Establishment of GUAM
• Establishment of the Azerbaijani language and Alphabet Day
• Singing the peace treaty with Armenia

658. International conference on the restoration of the historic Silk Road, held in Baku on 8 September 1998, ended with:

• no result
√ the signing of a multilateral agreement to develop an international transport network along the Europe-Caucasus-Asia corridor
• the signing of a multilateral agreement to develop an international transport network along the Eurasia
• the decision to sign the agreement at the next conference
• the signing of an agreement to develop an international transport between Azerbaijan and China

659. August 1, 2001 is:

• Independence Day
√ Day of the Azerbaijan alphabet and the Azerbaijani language
• Day of Solidarity of all Azerbaijanis in the world
• Day of knowledge
• Republic Day

According the Decree on December 11, 1993, manat was declared the only means of payment in the country from date January 1, 1994.
660. What was the main reason for the release of this decree?

• The Soviet ruble was used in trade

• Prior to this, there were no funds for issuing the national currency
• Having no national currency, the population trusted the dollar in trade
• The national currency has not yet been issued
√ Widespread use in the trade of foreign currency instead of national

661. The main result of the OSCE Lisbon Summit for Azerbaijan:

• The signing of the ceasefire agreement

√ Supporting the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
• Expansion of trade relations
• Improving relations with Turkey
• Azerbaijan became a member of the Partnership for Peace program

Related to November 12, 1995:

1. The first Constitution of the independent Azerbaijan
662. 2. Parliamentary elections
3.Municipal elections
4. Presidential elections

• 1,3;
√ 1,2;
• 2,3;
• 3,4;
• 1,4;

1. Sadarak-Turkey highway have been constructed.

2. “the Bridge of Hope” – Sadarak-Diluju Bridge was launched.
663. 3. Turkey and Iran started to supply electricity to Nakhchivan.
What was the result of the above-mentioned measures?
√ Transportation and energy blockade of Nakhchivan was broken
• These measures developed the recovery process of the historical Silk Road.
• Azerbaijan's economic ties with neighboring states expanded.
• These measures prevented the capture of Nakhchivan by Armenians
• These measures intensified the trade in foreign goods in Nakhchivan.

664. The first award "National Hero of Azerbaijan" was given to

• Allahverdi Bagirov
√ Alif Haciyev
• Ramiz Qambarov
• Albert Agarunov
• Chingiz Mustafayev

665. The law on the creation of the award "National Hero of Azerbaijan" was signed by

• Ayaz Mutallibov
√ Yaqub Mammadov
• Heydar Aliyev
• Ilham Aliyev
• Abulfaz Elchibey

The military operation, held against Armenian terrorists in Karabakh by the Azerbaijani OMON and Soviet Army detachments in May
666. 1991:

• "Operation Dashalti"
√ "Operation Ring" or "Operation Chaykend"
• "Operation Hasangaya
• "Operation Agdere"
• "Operation Goranboy"

667. The direct access between Armenian separatists in Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenian State was emerged after:

• occupation of Shusha by Armenian military forces in May of 1992

√ occupation of Lachin by Armenian military forces in May of 1992
• occupation of Fizuli by Armenian military forces in May of 1992
• The conquest of Karkijahan, Malibayli and Gushchular villages
• the Khojali genocide

668. One of the reasons for the loss some Azerbaijani territories during the summer-fall of 1993:

• lack of weapons and fuel supplies

√ disobedience some military detachments to the orders of Supreme commander-in-chief and the Ministry of Defense
• non-recognition of the elections of Elchibey as valid
• sabotage of the Armenian agents inside the Azerbaijani units
• the small size of the army due to the lack of men of military age

1. Some part of the Soviet army and weapons and equipment of navy were granted to Azerbaijan
2. The first aviation regiment of Azerbaijan was formed
669. 3. The delivery of 25 percentage of soviet navy in Caspian Sea to the republic, created an opportunity for Azerbaijan to establish its own
The above applies to the results of:

• The Bishkek protocol

√ The Tashkent Treaty
• The Lisbon summit
• The Contract of the Century
• The Minsk negotiations
Indicate the chronological sequence:
1. The coming to power of the tandem Musavat-PFA
670. 2. The declaration of the tricolor state flag
3. Election of Abulfaz Elchibey (Aliyev) as President

• 1,2,3;
√ 2,1,3;
• 3,1,2;
• 1,3,2;
• 3,2,1;

Military operations, held by Azerbaijani military troops in order to cut through siege of Shusha in January and February of 1992:
1. “Dashalty Operation”
671. 2. Operation of Baghanis-Ayrim village
3. The battles for the Karkijahan, Malibayli and Gushchular villages
4. Operation at Karki village of Nakhchivan

• 1,2;
√ 1,3;
• 3,4;
• 1,4;
• 2,3;

World countries, recognized Azerbaijan’s state independence in 1992 were:

1. Turkey
672. 2. Russia
3. USA
4. Pakistan

• 1,4;
√ 2,3;
• 2,4;
• 3,4;
• 1,2;

World countries, recognized Azerbaijan’s state independence in 1991 were:

1. USA
673. 2. Russia
3. Switzerland
4. Iran

• 1,2;
√ 3,4;
• 1,3;
• 2,3;
• 2,4;

Choose the decisions the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan accepted on December 25, 1991:
1. Celebrating December 31 as the Solidarity Day of the Azerbaijanis;
2. Elimination of the Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous
674. 3. Transforming from Cyrillic alphabet to Latin alphabet;
4. Holding university admission examinations on a test basis
5. The adoption of the tricolor state flag

• 2,3,5;
√ 1, 3, 4;
• 1,2,4;
• 1,3,5;
• 2,3,4;

675. With participating at the referendum of preserving the USSR on March 17, 1991 Mutalibov's government was hoping:

• To get some support of Russian-speaker Azerbaijanis for preserving the USSR

√ To get some support from Moscow in Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict in favor of Azerbaijan
• To get some support of population, against Sosial-Democratic Party
• Mutalibov was hoping to get high rang position in Moscow
• To get some support of population, against Popular Front of Azerbaijan (PFA)

676. What event did force president Mutalibov to resign?

• The bloody January 20 tragedy

√ His failure in Nagorno Karabakh and Khojaly tragedy
• Request from Moscow authorities
• He ended the presidency term
• His order to shoot the demonstration

In 1992, Azerbaijan became member of:

1. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
677. 2. Treaty on Security and Cooperation in Europe
3. World Tourism Organization
4. Organization of Islamic Cooperation

• 1,3;
√ 1,2;
• 2,3;
• 3,4;
• 1,4;

678. In 1992, Azerbaijan was admitted to membership:

• European Union (EU)

√ United Nations (UN)
• Organization of the Economic Commonwealth (ECO)
• European Council
• The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

The below applies to:

1. It was created as a main organization of the national movement for freedom in 1980s.
679. 2. Abulfaz Aliyev, a scholar of Academy of Sciences was its chairman
3. Later it was divided because of internal disagreements

• The Musavat Party

√ The Popular Front of Azerbaijan
• The Students' organization "Yurd Birliyi"
• The Chanlibel gatherings
• The New Azerbaijan Party

680. The first chairman of Azerbaijan Popular Front was:

• Etibar Mammadov
√ Abulfaz Aliyev (Elchibey)
• Rahim Gaziyev
• Sabir Rustemkhanli
• Isa Gambarov

The events happened before Azerbaijan regained its Independence in 1991:

1. Armenians started construction in the Topkhana nature preserve
681. 2. Azerbaijan Popular Front was registered as a legal organization
3. The treaty was signed on the formation of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
4. Azerbaijan joined Organization of Islamic Cooperation

• 2,3;
√ 1,2;
• 1,4;
• 2,4;
• 3,4;

682. After invasion of Nagorno-Karabakh and seven districts, attached to it, Armenia strived:
• To give autonomy status within Armenia
√ To give Nagorno-Karabakh a status of an independent nation for further annexation it to its own territory.
• Joining with Russia
• To return in these territories to Azerbaijan in exchange with other territories
• To make a territorial exchange and achieve the creation of a common border with Russia

683. Ceasefire was reached between Azerbaijan and Armenia in accordance to:

• The Minsk treaty

√ The Bishkek protocol
• The OSCE resolution
• The Lisbon summit’s decision
• The UN resolution

Choose the bloody events of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in 1990:

1. The Khojaly massacre
684. 2. Tens of civilians were murdered in Qushchu village of Khanlar district by the Armenian armed groups
3. Civilians were murdered in Baghanis-Ayrim village of Kazakh by the Armenian agressive groups
4. “Dashalty Operation”, held by Azerbaijani military troops

• 1,4;
√ 2,3;
• 1,3;
• 2,4;
• 1,2;

685. Situation, that furthered for advance of the Armenian forces in Karabakh in the 1990s:

• Economic superiority of Armenia

√ Political chaos and struggle for the power in Baku
• Armenian superiority in natural and territorial capabilities
• Economic stability in Armenia
• Armenian superiority in the number population

686. One of the results of the April Battles is:

• The liberation of Shusha

√ The liberation of the Lalatapa hill
• Signing of the peace treaty
• Creating a security system
• The end of military clashes between the parties

687. The main content of Section 907 of the United States Freedom Support Act, passed by the US Congress:

• Prohibition of US Assistance to Armenia

√ Banning any kind of direct United States aid to the Azerbaijani government
• Recognition of Armenia as an invader country
• US Recognition of Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan
• Recognition of Russia as an aggressor

688. Countries, with permanent representatives in the OSCE Minsk Group:

• Turkey, Russia, USA

√ Russia, USA, France
• Russia, USA, UK
• France, Turkey, Russia
• USA, UK, France
Choose the chronological sequence:
1. National Day of Revival
689. 2. First refugee Azerbaijanis were forced to flee Armenia
3. The Khojaly tragedy
4. Sumgait provocation

• 1, 2, 3, 4;
√ 2, 4, 1, 3;
• 4, 3, 2, 1;
• 3,1,2,4;
• 4, 3, 2, 1;

690. Peaceful regulation of the Karabakh problem was carried out by:

• Members of the UN Security Council

• The special commissions created by Azerbaijan and Armenia
• Special committee established by the UN Security Council
• The Minsk Group of the UN Security Council
√ OSCE Minsk Group

691. Choose the goal of the OSCE Minsk Group:

• Coordination of economic relations of the CIS countries

√ Regulation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict
• Monitoring the conditions of the oil "Contract of the Century"
• Developing conditions for the reduction of conventional weapons in Europe
• Support of the resistance movement

Determine the chronological sequence of the occupation of Azerbaijani territories by Armenia:

1. Invasion of Kelbejar
692. 2. Invasion of Shusha
3. Invasion of Lachin
4. Invasion of Khojaly

• 1,2,3,4;
√ 4, 2, 3, 1;
• 4, 3, 1, 2;
• 3, 2, 1, 4;
• 2, 3, 1, 4;

693. The U.N. Security Council Resolution 822, adopted unanimously on April 30, 1993, demanding…

• the immediate withdrawal of Armenian occupying forces from Lachin.

• the immediate withdrawal of Armenian occupying forces from Shusha.
√ the immediate withdrawal of Armenian occupying forces from Kalbajar.
• the immediate withdrawal of Armenian occupying forces from Aghdam.
• the immediate withdrawal of Armenian occupying forces from Zangilan.

694. This state organ in Baku was led mainly by Armenians in the early years of Soviet regime:

• Azerbaijan Provisional Revolutionary Committee

√ Baku Committee of the Azerbaijan (bolshevik)Communist Party
• The Council of People's Commissar
• Azerbaijan (bolshevik) Communist Party
• The Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal

Indicate the chronological sequence:

1. Start of A. Vezirov's governance in Az. SSR
695. 2. Start of Gorbachev’s perestroika
3. Establishment of Democratic Block, which replaced the Supreme Soviet

• 2,3,1;
• 1,2,3;
• 3,2,1;
√ 2,1,3;
• 3,1,2;

696. On November 20, 1991, the Nagorno Karabakh peace mission failed as a result of:

• Armenia's refusal to negotiate

√ Helicopter shooting, carrying state representatives, along with representatives from Kazakhstan and Russia
• Blockade of Nakhchivan by the armed Armenian groups
• Gorbachev’s intervention in the negotiations
• Permanent meetings in Baku with demand of the people to terminate the negotiations

697. Indicate the main goal of the Soviet military units' entry in Baku the night of January 19 to January 20, 1990:

• Eliminate the Popular Front

• Punish the culprits of Sumgait
• Suppress religious freedom movement
• Arrest the leaders of meetings in Baku
√ Suppress the national liberation movement of Azerbaijan

In 1991, the following happened:

1. Adoption of the constitutional act "On state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan"
698. 2. Sumgait provocation
3. Declaration of emergency in Baku
4. Election of Heydar Aliyev as Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of the Nakhichivan Autonomous Republic

• 3,4;
√ 1,4;
• 1,2;
• 1,3;
• 2,3;

699. When the first private secondary schools Modern Educational Complex started its activity.

√ In 2001;
• In 2009;
• In 2007;
• In 2004;
• in 2011;

700. When was created National Scientefic Academy’s (NSA) Nakhchivan branch.

• In 2010 August
• In 2007 April
√ In 2002 August
• In 2004 August
• In 2006 May

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