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00118_En_Y24_Əyani_Yekun imtahan testinin sualları Fənn : 00118 Yumşaq bacarıqlar (Soft skills)

1. What problems may be observed during emotional blindness symptom?

• appreciating the intellectual meaning of events

• difficulty in self awareness
√ appreciating the emotional meaning of events
• diffuculty in analytical thinking

2. Erikson focused on the root of the problem in this treatment method.

√ Solution-Focused Therapy
• lifting the symptom
• the role of subconsiuos
• the use of brief theory

3. In which technique, Milton believed “lift the handle, a lot could be done with the pot”

√ lifting the symptom

• hypnosis
• the role of subconsiuos
• the use of brief theory

4. By this technique Erickson didn’t see insight as the cause of problem.

√ the role of subconsiuos

• erickson handshake
• the use of brief theory
• family therapy

5. Due to this techniques used by Erikson, psychologists could be fired.

• the use of brief theory

• erickson handshake
√ hypnosis
• family therapy

6. Some of the followings may not be implications of self awareness?

• know about your weaknesses

• better understand of a problem
• give directions to your efforts
√ decline the emotional intelligence

7. which way can we take in accepting our weaknesses?

• to show our weaknesses like our strenghts

• ignore the weaknesses
√ look for the advantages of our weaknesses
• look for the disadvantages of our weaknesses

8. What can you get by comparing yourself with others?

• 3. it gives information about our progress

• 2. it gives motivation
• 1. it may enable growth
√ Answers 1, 2, 3

9. In which case comparison with others is not considered true?

• if it helps you to realize yourself
• if it motivates you
• if it improves you
√ if it makes you feel jealous

10. When dealing with _______, we realize that some of our behaviors come from childhood.

√ self analysis
• self-observation
• self-comparison
• self-motivation

11. You don't need to do one of the following during the self-observation phase.

• be objective about yourself

• ask yourself some questions
• observe your reactions
√ judge yourself

12. Overall, why should people care about self-awareness?

• to live with excitement

• to become wealthy
• to please others
√ to manage the life better

13. What does it mean if we base our decisions on facts rather than emotions?

√ we have improved our external self-awareness

• we have improved our external self-evaluation
• we have improved our internal self-awareness
• we have improved our internal self-evaluation

14. If a person can empathize well and understand other people's points of view better, what is better developed in this person?

• external-self-evaluation
√ external self-awareness
• internal self-evaluation
• internal-self awareness

15. By improving __________ people may upgrade the quality of life and manage their problems easier.

√ self-awareness
• self-motivation
• self-education
• self-evaluation

16. Which of the following is a benefit of external self-awareness?

• It helps you become more aware of your own feelings and emotions
• It helps you be less empathetic towards others
√ It helps you recognize when someone else has similar personality traits
• It helps you make decisions based on assumptions rather than facts

17. Which of the following is a major component of practicing self-control according to the passage?

• Ignoring our inner self and acting without any thought or reflection
• Focusing on our thoughts, feelings and actions without any evaluation
• Comparing ourselves to others to judge our thoughts and behaviors
√ Using standards to evaluate and determine whether we are making the right choices
18. Why do you need to become more self-aware?

• To engage in meaningless activities

• To let situations lead you
√ To control your own life
• To be in unconscious states

19. What are the benefits of external self-awareness?

√ All of the above

• Better understanding of other people's experiences
• Improved ability to identify and understand our own emotions
• Improved decision-making based on facts rather than emotions or assumptions

20. What is external self-awareness?

• Knowing our own values, passions, aspirations, and impact on others

• None of the above
√ Understanding how other people view us
• Both a and b

21. What is internal self-awareness?

√ Knowing our own values, passions, aspirations, and impact on others

• None of the above
• Understanding how other people view us
• Both a and b

22. What are the two types of self-awareness?

• Physical self-awareness and mental self-awareness

• Emotional self-awareness and cognitive self-awareness
• Personal self-awareness and social self-awareness
√ Internal self-awareness and external self-awareness

23. What is the major component of practicing self-control?

• Using these standards as a way to judge the wrongness of our thoughts and behaviors
• Not caring about our standards
√ Using these standards as a way to judge the rightness of our thoughts and behaviors
• Following our standards blindly

24. What is self-awareness theory?

• The idea that you are your thoughts

• The idea that you are your actions
√ The idea that you are the entity observing your thoughts
• The idea that you are your feelings

25. What is the most important function of self-awareness?

√ To determine the quality of life

• To get a good job
• To make friends
• To become rich

26. What is self-awareness?

• Awareness of one's physical qualities only

√ Awareness of one's mind, needs, motives, feelings, thoughts, actions, and instincts
• Awareness of other people's mind and actions
• Awareness of one's mind and actions only

27. What is the purpose of the Wheel of Life?

• To help achieve a work-life balance

• To come up with fantastical and absurd ideas without any filter
• To incorporate the perspectives of the dreamer, realist, and critic in filmmaking
√ To assess and understand how areas in your life are currently balanced

28. Who is the originator of the Wheel of Life?

√ Paul J. Meyer
• None of the above
• Robert Dilts
• Walt Disney

29. What is the Wheel of Life?

• A method of conducting brainstorming sessions with three separate chairs

• A method of storytelling that involves creating fantastical and absurd ideas without any filter
√ A method of assessing and balancing different areas of life
• A method of filmmaking that involves incorporating the perspectives of the dreamer, realist, and critic

30. How can self-awareness improve job performance?

√ By increasing alignment between our actions and our standards

• By assessing and understanding how areas in our life are currently balanced
• By asking oneself "why" questions
• By understanding how others view us with regards to our strengths, weaknesses, values, etc.

31. What is the difference between a vision and a mission?

• A vision is individual-oriented, while a mission is organization-oriented

• A vision is the ultimate goal, while a mission signifies what people have to do to achieve that goal
• A vision focuses on long-term goals, while a mission focuses on short-term goals
√ A vision focuses on tomorrow and what the organization or a person wants to become, while a mission focuses on today and what the
organization or a person does

32. What is the ultimate goal of having a vision?

• To focus on today and what the organization or a person does

• To achieve work-life balance
√ To focus on tomorrow and what the organization or a person wants to become
• To improve communication, confidence, and job performance

33. What is the third phase of the Walt Disney Method?

• Dreamer
• None of the above
√ Critic
• Realist

34. What is the role of the realist in the Walt Disney Method?

√ To examine possible ways to achieve an objective from a practical perspective

• To represent how the end user will experience the plan or idea
• To come up with fantastical and absurd ideas without any filter
• To critically examine plans or ideas and filter out crucial mistakes
35. What is the Walt Disney Method?

• A method of storytelling that involves creating fantastical and absurd ideas without any filter
√ A method of filmmaking that involves incorporating the perspectives of the dreamer, realist, and critic
• A method of conducting brainstorming sessions with three separate chairs
• A method of assessing and balancing different areas of life

36. According to the passage, why do you need to discover yourself and become more self-aware?

• To become more successful in your career

• To avoid making bad choices based on emotions or assumptions
• To be more tolerant towards others
√ To have better control of your own life and engage in meaningful activities

37. What qualities does self-awareness improve in a person?

√ communication, confidence, and job performance

• creativity, decision making and research
• communicate, critique, and work performance
• communication, agility and research

38. What do Critics do according to the Walt Disney Method?

• criticizes the plan and filters and corrects all important errors.
• sees limitless opportunities
√ looks at a plan like an observer and filters out and removes all crucial mistakes.
• looks at aspects such as the available amount of means and time.

39. What do Realists do according to the Walt Disney Method?

√ looks at the practical possibilities to find out whether an idea is really feasible
• reads articles to find out if a realist idea is really interesting.
• gives probabilities to find out if the idea is related to the past
• is looking for ways to prove that the idea is meaningless.

40. What do dreamers do according to the Walt Disney Method?

• The dreamer sees endless problems

• The dreamer sees endless boundaries
• The dreamer sees endless failures
√ A dreamer is seeing limitless opportunities

41. What did Milton Erickson see as the therapist's first duty in lifting symptoms?

√ as easing or removing the unpleasant psychological complaint

• determine the interests of a person and direct him to them
• to normalize communication between people
• increase self-confidence and make it more bearable

42. What is the legendary "Erickson handshake"?

• This is Erickson's deep recognition technique

• This is Erickson's technique of understanding the social process.
√ This is Erickson's technique of sending a person into a deep trance
• This is Erickson's social environment learning technique.

43. What does self-observation mean?

√ this is a completely objective assessment of yourself

• it is a regular assessment of your personal relationships
• it is an assessment of job opportunities
• it is an assessment of how others treat you

44. Choose an answer that does not relate to the benefits of external self-awareness?

• greater productivity
• job satisfaction
• higher-performing employees
√ personal and social control

45. What idea is the process of self-realization based on?

• you are your thoughts and the entity observing your thoughts;
√ you are not your thoughts, but the entity observing your thoughts;
• you are not the thinker, separate and apart from your thoughts
• you are your thoughts, but you are not an entity observing your thoughts;

46. Which answer is not about self-awareness?

√ to understand social processes

• To understand your feelings
• To understand your own thoughts
• To understand your needs

47. What must be done for a person to see himself objectively?

• don't think it could be wrong and do the things you need to improve in the future
• don't focus on what you are proud of or think about the achievements that really make a difference in your life.
• think about your childhood and what hurt you then
√ try to define your existing understanding by writing down what you think is good or what you need to improve

48. What is the basic concept of active listening?

√ you listen with the intent to understand instead of just pausing before you start talking again
• you rehearse before you start talking again
• you look at the material again instead of pausing before you start talking again.
• you take time to relax before you start talking again

49. What is the Walt Disney Method about?

• The Walt Disney Method is about the same thoughts

• The Walt Disney Method is about different flaws
√ Walt Disney Method is about different perspectives
• The Walt Disney Method is about different bugs

50. In addition to the therapeutic value of hypnosis, what did Milton Erickson show?

√ the central role hypnosis plays in creating and maintaining emotional problems
• the central role hypnosis plays in the formation of biological needs
• the central role hypnosis plays in the analysis of the psychological state
• the central role hypnosis plays in forming an individual vision of the future

51. Which answer does not apply to the proven benefits of Self-Awareness

• it leads to better decision-making

• self-awareness allows us to see things from the perspective of others (from multiple perspectives)
• it can make us more proactive
√ it does not give us a greater ability to regulate our emotions
52. Why is self-awareness important?

• self-awareness skills are important for learning and recognizing people,

√ self-awareness skills are important for learning about yourself and discovering your true capabilities,
• lf-awareness skills are important for studying developmental dynamics and understanding change,
• self-awareness skills are important for learning about society and discovering real opportunities,

53. Which of the following is not a Self-Awareness component?

• Self-observation
• Self-analysis
• Comparison
√ Self-assessment

54. Why do you need to discover yourself (to become more self-aware) at all?

√ because you need to discover yourself in order to better control your own life.
because you need to discover yourself in order
• to conduct more qualitative research
• because you need to discover yourself in order to understand the social processes taking place in society
• because you need to discover yourself in order to resolve conflicts between people

55. How many are there broad categories or types of self-awareness?

• three broad categories or types of self-awareness

• four broad categories or types of self-awareness
• five broad categories or types of self-awareness
√ two broad categories or types of self-awareness

56. What is the most important function of properly formed self-awareness?

• to identify the problems of society

√ it determines the quality of life
• give advice to people
• to form a vision for the future

57. What three roles did Disney use simultaneously to emphasize different perspectives?

critic, pissimist and

• realist
• pissimist, dreamer and realist
• pessimist, optimist and dreamer
√ critic, dreamer and

58. What is the mission?

• The mission tells people what to do to learn from their mistakes

• The mission tells people what needs to change
√ Mission signifies what people have to do to achieve the goal
• The mission outlines what people need to do to learn what they think

59. What is vision?

√ Vision is the ultimate goal

• Vision is an intermediate view
• Vision is the first goal
• Vision is the first step

60. What does Milton Erickson's principle of "change is inevitable" say?

√ we should not resist any kind of change
• we must not pay attention to every word spoken
• we must not do all the work assigned to us on time
• we must not go to every place called

61. Which of the answers does not apply to Ericsson's five principles?

• People do their best

• Every person has a positive intention
• Change is inevitable
√ People have insecurities

62. How did Milton Erickson treat people in family therapy?

√ He would view a person as part of a wider system, not just as an isolated individual
• He saw man as an innovative individual, not as a conservative
• He saw man as an isolated individual, not as part of a broader system.
• He saw man as a harmful individual, not a broader useful system

63. What questions should you not ask yourself during meditation?

• What can I do to change?

• What am I doing that is working?
√ What are people looking for in business today?
• What am I doing that is slowing me down?

64. What does external self-awareness (public self-awareness mean?

√ understanding how other people view us

• how clearly we see our own values
• how clearly we see our own aspirations
• how clearly we see our own reactions

65. What features do not belong to internal self-awareness (private self-awareness)?

• how clearly we see our own aspirations

• how clearly we see our own values
• how clearly we see our own passions
√ how clearly we see our research

66. Choose the correct one from the ones mentioned about emotional intelligence

√ Emotionally intelligent people understand other people's feelings (facial expressions, gestures, appearance, gait, behavior,
voice) and it is the ability to recognize and identify your own feelings
• Emotionally intelligent people pass on their negative energies to others
• Emotionally intelligent people are usually unable to adequately assess reality
• Emotionally intelligent people are always on the defensive

"Daniel Goleman's model argues that emotional intelligence consists of a ...... component." Instead of dots
67. determine the option in which the omitted number is recorded correctly.

• 6
√ 5
• 8
• 7

68. How many components does the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Model (Skill Model) consist of?

√ 4
• 7
• 6
• 5

father doesn't get angry with the child who spilled the ink of the pen at home. He remembers that he also experienced this situation in
69. his childhood and was very afraid. What trait does the parent reflect in this situation.

• simpathy
√ empathy
• endurement
• motivation

70. Our brain can give us wrong information in similar situations. What could it have a negative effect on?

• on our networking ability

• on our logical thinking
• on our analytical thinking
√ on our decision making

71. Which of the following is true about emotions?

• 1.emotions can lie

• 2.emotions cant lie
• 3.emotions may be irrational
√ 1,3

72. What is meant by fewer impulsive and irrational decisions?

√ all of them
• absurd decisions
• unreasonable decisions
• illogical decisions

73. Why logic is considered better than emotions in decision making?

• 3. The more you can think intuitively before making a decision, the more likely it will be the best decision for you.
• 1. The more you can think critically before making a decision, the more likely it will be the best decision for you.
• 2. The more you can think objectively before making a decision, the more likely it will be the best decision for you.
√ 1,2

74. Which of the following is false about intuitive thinking- that Daniel calls the first system?

• creates an image of the world around us

√ İt is slow, demanding and deliberate
• We simply do these actions without consciously thinking about how to do them
• allows you to perform various actions

When I was refereeing neighborhood football competitions, my close friend deliberately knocked down another football player. But I
75. ignored it and stayed silent to keep him out of the game. In this case, what factor influenced referee's decision?

• the existence of personal interest

√ negative emotional endearment
• misleading past experience
• Low IQ level

At my previous workplace, female employees were almost illiterate. that's why I don't hire female employees anymore. what is the
76. factor influencing this decision

• Low IQ level
• the existence of personal interest
• negative emotional endearment
√ misleading past experience

If a doctor prescribes a more expensive drug instead of more relevant drug ( in terms of price) to his patient, what factor influenced the
77. doctor's decision probably?

• negative emotional endearment

• misleading past experience
• Low IQ level
√ the existence of personal interest

78. One of the things written about IQ and EQ is wrong

√ IQ and EQ are opposite concepts

• The contribution of EQ to success in life is at most 80%
• Innate and learned emotional reactions are controlled by the limbic system of the brain.
• The contribution of IQ to success in life is at most 20%

79. The ability to remain positive in the face of setbacks is the indicator of _______

• empathy
• self control
• self awareness
√ self motivation

80. _________is skillful in building relationships and networking, the ability to find common ground and build close relationships

• self awareness
• self motivation
√ relationship management
• self control

81. In John Mayer and Peter Salovey's model of emotional intelligence,ühich step is followed by the conscious management of emotions?

√ A person's ability to understand and perceive their own or others' emotions

• The ability to regulate emotions as a driving force for emotional and intellectual development
• The ability to acquire emotions that help a person understand himself or others
• To fully and accurately express (describe), perceive and evaluate emotion

82. Which one is related to emotional intelligence?

• Being able to adapt to events encountered for the first time

• find connection between cause and effect
• understanding similarities and differences
√ all of them

83. Why do we react differently in stressful situations?

• brain blocks itself and it cant react normally

√ the cycle brain thinks in normal situations change during emotional cases
• it depends on the age of brain
• it depends on the shape of amygdala

84. What is the influence of emotions in decision-making processes?

√ Decisive
• Unimportant
• Negligible
• Non-existent
85. What is the three-component system of decision making in business life?

• Ignorance, intention, and action

• Personal interests, negative emotional endearment, and cognitive biases
• Self-awareness, empathy, and relationship management
√ Evaluation of available options, selection of preferred option, and evaluation of result

86. What are cognitive biases according to the field of behavioral psychology?

• The influence of emotions in decision-making processes

• The ability to understand and control one's emotions
√ Errors in judgment caused by incomplete information or irrelevant facts
• The ability to solve complex problems

87. What are the three factors that encourage bad decision-making from past experiences?

• Self-awareness, empathy, and relationship management

• Ignorance, intention, and action
√ Personal interests, negative emotional endearment, and cognitive biases
• Misleading past experiences, self-control, and self-motivation

88. What is relationship management according to Goleman's theory of emotional intelligence?

• The ability to motivate oneself

• The ability to control or direct one's emotions
• The ability to understand and accept one's own moods, emotions, and images, as well as their impact on others
√ The skill of building relationships and networking with others

89. What is empathy according to Goleman's theory of emotional intelligence?

• The ability to control or direct one's emotions

• The ability to motivate oneself
√ The ability to understand the emotional states of other people and treat them accordingly
• The ability to understand and accept one's own moods, emotions, and images, as well as their impact on others

90. 6 вопросов

√ The ability to understand and accept one's own moods, emotions, and images, as well as their impact on others
• The ability to build relationships and network with others
• The ability to control or direct one's emotions
• The ability to motivate oneself

91. What is emotional intelligence according to Daniel Goleman?

• A fixed trait that cannot be learned

√ The ability to understand and control one's emotions
• The ability to read and understand other people's emotions
• The ability to solve complex problems

What is the name of the guiding principle recommended by Goleman that suggests learning is more effective when people shape and
92. direct their learning programs according to their needs, circumstances, and motivations?

• Self-awareness
• Self-motivation
√ Let the change process manage itself
• Self-control

93. According to Goleman, what can motivate people to acquire or change a skill?

• If they are threatened with job loss

• If they are told to do so by their boss
• If they are offered a promotion
√ If they perceive a skill as important to improving their performance

94. What is the fourth level of readiness to acquire any skill or change an existing bad habit?

• Ignorance
• Action
√ Preparation
• Intention

95. Why is it important to choose an appropriate technique when giving feedback about a person's strengths and weaknesses?

√ Because inappropriate technique can discourage change

• Because inappropriate technique can make a person feel overconfident
• Because feedback is not related to emotions
• Because it is not necessary to provide feedback about weaknesses

96. What needs to be assessed to determine an individual's strengths and limitations?

• Work performance
• Physical abilities
√ Personality
• Intelligence quotient

97. What is the name of Daniel Goleman's book that introduced new ideas related to emotional intelligence?

• Self-motivation
• Self-awareness
• Self-control
√ Emotional Intelligence

98. Which of the following is a skill related to relationship management, as recommended by Goleman?

• Ability to understand and accept one's own moods, emotions, and images
• Ability to motivate oneself
√ Skillful in building relationships and networking
• Ability to control or direct one's emotions

99. What is the fourth guiding principle recommended by Goleman to strengthen emotional intelligence?

√ Empathy
• Self-motivation
• Self-awareness
• Self-control

100. Which of the following is NOT a guiding principle recommended by Daniel Goleman to strengthen emotional intelligence?

• Self-awareness
• Self-motivation
√ All of the above are guiding principles recommended by Goleman
• Self-control

101. Which of the following is true about emotional intelligence?

• It cannot be acquired later in life

√ It can be learned and developed
• It is not important for personal and business success
• None of the above
102. Which of the following is not true about Emotional Intelligence and IQ - Intelligence Quotient?

• Intellectual intelligence accounts for 20% of success in business life, while emotional intelligence accounts for 80% of success.
IQ is all the intellectual, analytical, logical and rational abilities of an individual, while Emotional intelligence is the harmony of mind
• and heart.
• IQ and EQ are not mutually opposite, they are separate abilities.
√ Emotional intelligence is all the intellectual, analytical, logical and rational abilities of an individual.

103. Which of the following is true about Emotional Intelligence and IQ - Intelligence Quotient?

• Both of them are the same

• Intelligence Quotient is the harmony of mind and heart.
√ IQ is all the intellectual, analytical, logical and rational abilities of an individual, while Emotional intelligence is the harmony of mind
and heart.
• Intellectual intelligence accounts for 80% of success in business life, while emotional intelligence accounts for 20% of success.

What to do to strengthen emotional intelligence according to Daniel Goleman? 1. Measure the level of readiness. 2. Always delegate
104. work.3. Motivate people. 4.Repeat old habits regularly. 5. Encourage.

√ 1,3,5
• 2,3,4
• 1,2,4
• 3,4,5

105. Which of the following statements about emotional intelligence is correctly mentioned?

• A person is born with Emotional Intelligence, it cannot be acquired or strengthened later.

• Emotions have no influence on decision-making processes.
• IQ and EQ are the same abilities
√ It is possible to say that people with high emotional intelligence will be more successful in evaluating alternatives, observing and
interpreting internal and external changes in a problem-solving or decision-making situation.

106. Choose the correct one from the ones mentioned about emotional intelligence

• People with high EQ are insecure and outspoken

• People with high EQ are self-confident and self-contained
• People with high EQ are confident and have a negative aura
√ People with high EQ are confident and open-minded

107. Choose the correct one from the ones mentioned about emotional intelligence

√ Emotionally intelligent people recognize the existence of emotion, distinguish their feelings and their formation and have the ability to
understand the reasons
• Emotionally intelligent people pass on their negative energies to others
• Emotionally intelligent people are usually unable to adequately assess reality
• Emotionally intelligent people are always on the defensive

108. Choose the correct one from the ones mentioned about emotional intelligence

• Emotionally intelligent people are usually unable to adequately assess reality

• Emotionally intelligent people are always on the defensive
• Emotionally intelligent people pass on their negative energies to others
√ Emotional intelligence is the ability to maintain such hope and a positive attitude in difficult situations

109. One of the things about emotional intelligence is true.

• Even if you don't do what you need to do on time, these feelings will not tire your mind and body
√ When we hide our feelings and emotions, they accumulate over time and cause tension, stress and anxiety.
• Your emotional intelligence is more in the face of a problematic situation after an event will help you behave in control.
• When we hide our feelings and emotions, they do not accumulate over time and cause tension, stress and anxiety.
Identify the correctly interpreted version of "Social Skills", one of the components of the model of emotional intelligence created by
110. Daniel Goleman.

the ability to empathize with other people, as well as other people's feelings when making decisions
• is the ability to take into account
is the ability to strive to achieve a goal. This ability is especially true when difficulties arise or
• useful when things go wrong. A self-motivated person, without giving up in the face of adversity
finds the strength to continue and becomes stronger
Recognize your feelings, motivation in decision-making, strengths and weaknesses, goals and
• is the ability to set your life values.
√ the ability to relate to people, to manipulate people, to draw them in the direction they want

111. Choose the correct one from the ones mentioned about emotional intelligence

√ People with emotional intelligence are flexible, can adjust their feelings, thoughts and have the ability to quickly adjust their beliefs and
• Emotionally intelligent people pass on their negative energies to others
• Emotionally intelligent people are usually unable to adequately assess reality
• Emotionally intelligent people are always on the defensive

112. Choose the correct one from the ones mentioned about emotional intelligence

• Emotionally intelligent people are usually unable to adequately assess reality

• Emotionally intelligent people pass on their negative energies to others
√ Emotionally intelligent people are able to test their thoughts and feelings with objective external reality
• Emotionally intelligent people are always on the defensive

113. Choose the correct one from the ones mentioned about emotional intelligence

√ Emotional people have the ability to feel happy with themselves, others and life in general
• Emotionally intelligent people pass on their negative energies to others
• Emotionally intelligent people are usually unable to adequately assess reality
• Emotionally intelligent people are always on the defensive

114. Choose the correct one from the ones mentioned about emotional intelligence

• Emotionally intelligent people pass on their negative energies to others

• Emotionally intelligent people are usually unable to adequately assess reality
• Emotionally intelligent people are always on the defensive
√ Emotionally intelligent people is capable of recognizing, being aware of and understanding the feelings of others

115. Choose the correct one from the ones mentioned about emotional intelligence

• Emotionally intelligent people are usually unable to adequately assess reality

• Emotionally intelligent people pass on their negative energies to others
√ Emotionally intelligent people have the ability to self-reliant and emotionally independent
• Emotionally intelligent people are always on the defensive

Identify the correct interpretation of "Empathy", one of the components of the model of emotional intelligence proposed by Daniel
116. Goleman.

is the ability to strive to achieve a goal. This ability is especially true when difficulties arise or
• useful when things go wrong. A self-motivated person, without giving up in the face of adversity
finds the strength to continue and becomes stronger.
• the ability to relate to people, to manipulate people, to draw them in the direction they want.
√ the ability to empathize with other people, as well as other people's feelings when making decisions
is the ability to take into account.
• the ability to control your emotions, to stop impulses

Identify the correctly interpreted version of "Motivation", one of the components of the model of emotional intelligence created by
117. Daniel Goleman.
√ the ability to strive to achieve a goal. This ability is especially useful when difficulties arise or things go wrong. A person who is able to
motivate himself finds the strength to persevere in the face of adversity and becomes stronger.
• the ability to control your emotions, to stop impulses
• the ability to empathize with other people, as well as other people's feelings when making decisions
• the ability to relate to people, to manipulate people, to draw them in the direction they want.

Identify the variant in which "Self-control", one of the components of the model of emotional intelligence created by Daniel Goleman,
118. is correctly interpreted.

is the ability to strive to achieve a goal. This ability is especially true when difficulties arise or
• useful when things go wrong. A self-motivated person, without giving up in the face of adversity
finds the strength to continue and becomes stronger.
√ the ability to control your emotions, to stop impulses
the ability to empathize with other people, as well as other people's feelings when making decisions
• is the ability to take into account
• the ability to relate to people, to manipulate people, to draw them in the direction they want

Identify the correctly interpreted version of "Self-awareness", one of the components of the model of emotional intelligence created by
119. Daniel Goleman.

• the ability to control your emotions, to stop impulses

is the ability to strive to achieve a goal. This ability is especially true when difficulties arise or
• useful when things go wrong. A self-motivated person, without giving up in the face of adversity
finds the strength to continue and becomes stronger
the ability to empathize with other people, as well as other people's feelings when making decisions
• is the ability to take into account
√ Recognize your feelings, motivation in decision-making, strengths and weaknesses, goals and
is the ability to set your life values

120. Empathy, one of the components of a Daniel Goleman's model, is defined as a variant that is correctly interpreted

√ is the ability to take other people's feelings into account when making decisions.
• the ability to control your emotions, to stop impulses.
• is the ability to strive to achieve a goal.
• the ability to relate to people, to manipulate people, to draw them in the direction they want

Identify the variant in which "Stress management strategies", one of the components of the model of "Development and Testing of the
121. Concept of Psychological Happiness"developed by Reuven Bar-On, is correctly interpreted.

• The ability to feel and express happiness

• Accurate assessment of the current situation
√ Ability to cope with stress and manage strong emotions
• Understanding your own self

Identify the variant in which "Motivation and general mood", one of the components of the model of "Development and Testing of the
122. Concept of Psychological Happiness"developed by Reuven Bar-On, is correctly interpreted.

• Accurate assessment of the current situation

• Recognizing and understanding the feelings of others
• Understanding your own feelings. The ability to express one's feelings and thoughts
√ The ability to feel and express happiness

Identify the variant in which "Adaptability skills", one of the components of the model of "Development and Testing of the Concept of
123. Psychological Happiness"developed by Reuven Bar-On, is correctly interpreted.

• Recognizing and understanding the feelings of others

• Understanding your own feelings. The ability to express one's feelings and thoughts
• Being an optimist
√ Accurate assessment of the current situation

Identify the variant in which "Interpersonal skills", one of the components of the model of "Development and Testing of the Concept of
124. Psychological Happiness"developed by Reuven Bar-On, is correctly interpreted.

√ Recognizing and understanding the feelings of others

• Accurate assessment of the current situation
• Understanding your own self
• The ability to feel and express happiness

Identify the variant in which "Personal skills", one of the components of the model of "Development and Testing of the Concept of
125. Psychological Happiness"developed by Reuven Bar-On, is correctly interpreted.

• Recognizing and understanding the feelings of others

• Accurate assessment of the current situation
• Ability to cope with stress and manage strong emotions
√ Understanding your own feelings. The ability to express one's feelings and thoughts

126. One of the following is a component of the John Mayer and Peter Salovey's “Four Levels of Emotional Intelligence” model.

• Ability to care for people in general and build emotionally close relationships
√ The ability to fully and accurately express (describe), perceive and evaluate emotion
• Being an optimist
• Ability to cope with stress

127. One of the following does not component of the John Mayer and Peter Salovey's “Four Levels of Emotional Intelligence” model.

• The ability to fully and accurately express (describe), perceive and evaluate emotion
• The ability to acquire emotions that help a person understand himself or others
• A person's ability to understand and perceive their own or others' emotions
√ Ability to care for people in general and build emotionally close relationships

128. One of the following does not component of Daniel Goleman "Emotional Intelligence" model.

√ Sympathy
• Empathy
• Self-awareness
• Self-motivation

129. Which of the following is not a model of emotional intelligence?

• "Development and Testing of the Concept of Psychological Happiness" model

√ "Self-awareness" model
• “Four Levels of Emotional Intelligence”
• "Emotional Intelligence" model

130. By whom was the term emotional intelligence first used?

• Howard Gardner
• Edward Thorndike
• Daniel Goleman
√ John Mayer və Peter Salovey

131. Which of the following does not common characteristics of emotions?

• Emotions appear spontaneously, involuntarily.

• When you are in any emotion, you feel excitement at the same time.
• Emotions can sometimes be pleasant and sometimes not.
√ Emotions can not affects the person's desires, actions and goals.

132. Choose the correct one from the ones mentioned about emotional intelligence

√ The ability of emotionally intelligent people to express their feelings and thoughts clearly and constructively
• Emotionally intelligent people pass on their negative energies to others
• Emotionally intelligent people are usually unable to adequately assess reality
• Emotionally intelligent people are always on the defensive
133. Choose the correct one from the ones mentioned about emotional intelligence

• Emotionally intelligent people are usually unable to adequately assess reality

• Emotionally intelligent people are always on the defensive
• Emotionally intelligent people pass on their negative energies to others
√ Emotionally intelligent people have the ability to understand and evaluate themselves

134. Choose the correct one from the ones mentioned about emotional intelligence

• Emotionally intelligent people are usually unable to adequately assess reality

√ Emotionally intelligent people have the ability to stimulate thinking
• Emotionally intelligent people are always on the defensive
• Emotionally intelligent people pass on their negative energies to others

135. Choose the correct one from the ones mentioned about emotional intelligence.

• Emotionally intelligent people are usually unable to adequately assess reality

• Emotionally intelligent people are always on the defensive
• Emotionally intelligent people pass on their negative energies to others
√ Emotionally intelligent people tame their feelings and the feelings of others to achieve their goals, to
have the ability to do, awaken and direct

136. Choose the correct one from the ones mentioned about emotional intelligence

√ Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, be aware of, and understand the feelings of others
• Emotionally intelligent people pass on their negative energies to others
• Emotionally intelligent people are always on the defensive
• Emotionally intelligent people are usually unable to adequately assess reality

137. What are the benefits of six thinking hats?

√ all of them
• 3. helps you to weigh up the information you obtain efficiently
• 1. More organized thinking
• 2. You can be confident that you've considered every angle

_____________ is a useful tool when you want to understand the perspectives of key stakeholders, in order to incorporate them in your
138. plans.

• Constructive Controversy
√ Empathy mapping
• Six thinking hats
• The Reframing Matrix

139. One of the following ideas is not correct about six thinking hats?

√ It is useful only in professional areas

• he is also the inventor of lateral thinking
• It first appeared in his book in 1985
• It was created by Edward de Bono

140. One of the following is not correct about conflicts

• It is possible to manage conflicts

• Conflicts may occur between any groups of people
√ Conflicts happen only between 2 people.
• One way to manage conflict is to avoid it
141. What needs to be done to develop explanatory skills?

• 1.gauge interest level

• 2. improve storytelling ability
√ 1,2
• 3. talk fast

142. One of the following is a definition for feedback.

• a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.

• the expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes
√ information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement
• an expression of opinion or attitude in speech or writing

143. Why is it important to be open to feedback?

• It is important to know the opinion of others

• to learn the opinion of others and apply it
√ feedbacks have a positive effect on development
• to make ourselves look good to others

What kind of feedback does the company manager use if he takes notes on the wrong numbers in the report and gives feedback to the
144. employee about it?

• Sandwich model
• Destructive feedback
√ E2C2 approach
• all of them

145. Which is not the cons of Hamburger method?

• Including positives may undermine the criticism involved, thus rendering that criticism ineffective
• The method trains people to distrust praise, as they will begin to anticipate the criticism that comes along with it
√ May ease the sting of hearing difficult comments
• The method detracts from praise when it is truly due

146. Which is not the pros of Hamburger method?

• Can be useful for managers who find it difficult to engage in criticism

• Enables meetings to end on a positive note
√ It may give people a diluted or inaccurate understanding of their work performance and what changes are required of them
• Allows people to increase their receptiveness to criticism

147. One of the followings about feedback is true

• there are 5 types of feedback

• feedback judges individuals
√ giving feedback is not as easy as it seems
• Using third party during feedback is necessary

148. Why elevator pitch is considered important?

• people think differently in elevator

• people don’t pay attention details in this case
√ People are too quick to judge others
• all the variants are right

149. When building relationships in networking, one of the things written is not true.

• It is very important to offer something before asking for help

• To build a network of professional friends, you need to be open, honest
√ recognize them as source of help first and people second
• Be more concerned with their needs than your own

150. Which statement is true about networking skills?

• knowing networking skills is enough, you dont need to mention it in your CV

• networking skills are valuable only in professional environments
√ it is desired by employers because almost all successful businesses depend on networking
• networking skills are valuable only in personal environments

151. One of the following cannot be considered an important stage of communication.

• Thinking about what to say

• finding the best way to say it
√ to stand up before speaking
• finding the right words

152. What should you do before asking for help?

• Offer something first

• Offer something after
√ Not offer anything
• Ask for help immediatelNone of the above

153. What is the key to business and a successful job hunt?

• Building strong interpersonal relationships over time with people

• Getting more social media followers
√ Applying to as many jobs as possible
• Using job search websites

154. Which skills are particularly coveted by employers?

• Communication, active listening and social skills

• Writing skills
√ Mathematics skills
• Artistic skills

155. Which skills are particularly coveted by employers?

• Writing skills
• Mathematics skills
√ Communication, active listening and social skills
• Artistic skills

156. Why are networking skills important?

• They are not important

• They are important for personal environments
√ They are important for both personal and professional environments
• They are important for professional environments

157. What do paralinguistic features provide in spoken communication?

• Words
• Grammar
√ Meaning beyond the words and grammar used
• Sign language
158. What is prosody?

• The aspects of spoken communication that do not involve words

• Communication that involves body language
√ The rhythm, pattern, stress, rate, volume, inflection and intonation of a person's speech
• Communication that involves written communication

159. Which of the following is a form of paralanguage?

• Inflection
• Intonation
√ Laughter
• Words

160. Which of the following is an example of paralinguistic features?

• Sign language
• Written communication
√ Pitch
• Speech

161. What are paralinguistic or paralanguage features?

• The aspects of written communication that involve words

• The aspects of verbal communication that involve sign language
√ The aspects of spoken communication that do not involve words
• The aspects of spoken communication that involve grammar

162. What is non-verbal communication?

• Communication that involves words

• Communication that involves grammar
√ Communication that involves body language
• Communication that involves sign language

163. Which of the following is NOT a paralinguistic feature?

• Pitch
• Inflection
√ Words
• Rate

164. What do paralinguistic features add to verbal communication?

• Words
• Grammar
√ Meaning beyond the words and grammar used
• Sign language

165. Which of the following is an example of non-vocal verbal communication?

• Written communication
• Braille
√ Sign language
• Speech

166. What are the two main forms of communication?

• Vocal and nonverbal

• Verbal and written
√ Verbal and nonverbal
• Oral and aural

167. there are tips you can use when faced with people who can't resolve their own conflicts. Which is wrong?

• Determine underlying need

• Let individuals express their feelings
√ Determine what you'll do if the conflict goes solved easily
• Acknowledge that a difficult situation exists

168. Which of the following is not a strategy to improve your professional networking skills?

• Keeping in contact
• Leverage on influential connections
√ Work on your hard skills
• Work on your communication skills

169. Which of the following is not a strategy to improve your professional networking skills?

• Building relationships
• Keeping in contact
√ Building Career
• Leverage on influential connections

170. Which type of the feedback does this example belong to: "You're disorganised"?

• Directive
• Contingency
√ Attribution
• Impact

Which type of the feedback does this example belong to: "If you do a lot of mistakes in your assignment, you will not be able to pass the
171. exam"?

• Directive
• Attribution
√ Contingency
• Impact

Destructive criticism_______________ 1. Diminishes room for discussion with people, 2. Tends to be general rather than specific, 3.
172. Emphasizes results, 4. Sticks to facts, 5. Often makes judgments, accusations, and exaggerations, 6. Can involve yelling, condescension
or threats.

• 1, 3, 5, 6
• 1, 2, 4, 6
√ 1, 2, 5, 6
• 1, 2, 4, 5

Constructive criticism_______________ 1. Emphasizes results, 2. Tends to be general rather than specific, 3. Discusses specific
173. problem areas that require a change, 4. Sticks to facts, 5. Can involve yelling, condescension or threats.

• 1, 2, 4
• 1, 3, 5
√ 1, 3, 4
• 1, 2, 3

174. Which of the following is NOT the positive consequence of the Hamburger Method?

• Allows people to increase their receptiveness to criticism

• Enables meetings to end on a positive note
√ It may give people a diluted or inaccurate understanding of their work performance
• May ease the sting of hearing difficult comments

175. Which of the following is the positive consequence of the Hamburger Method?

• Enables meetings to end on a positive note

• Encourages specificity in the feedback process
√ All of the above
• May ease the sting of hearing difficult comments

176. Which of the following is the negative consequence of the Hamburger Method?

• Including positives may undermine the criticism involved, thus rendering that criticism ineffective
• It may give people a diluted or inaccurate understanding of their work performance and what changes are required of them
√ All of the above
• The method detracts from praise when it is truly due

177. Which of the following is NOT the negative consequence of the Hamburger Method?

• The method detracts from praise when it is truly due

• It may give people a diluted or inaccurate understanding of their work performance and what changes are required of them
√ Allows people to increase their receptiveness to criticism
• The method trains people to distrust praise, as they will begin to anticipate the criticism that comes along with it

178. Which approach of E2C2 does this example belong to: "Your last assignment had several mistakes"?

• Effect
• Change
√ Evidence
• Continue

Which mistakes should be avoided in giving feedback? 1) The feedback speaks for others. 2) The feedback balance the content. 3) The
179. feedback is too vague. 4) The feedback is exaggerated with generalities. 5) The feedback concentrates on the behaviour, not the person.
6) The feedback goes on too long. 7) The feedback is specific and realistic. 8) The feedback uses inappropriate humour.

• 1, 2, 4, 6, 7
• 1, 3, 4, 7, 8
√ 1, 3, 4, 6, 8
• 1, 3, 4, 5, 8

There are basically three elements in any face-to-face communication. Fill the gaps. ____________ account for 7%; ____________
180. accounts for 38% and ____________ accounts for 55% of the message.

• Body language, Tone of voice, Words

• Tone of voice, Body language, Words
√ Words, Tone of voice, Body language
• Tone of voice, Facial expressions, Words

181. Which of the following is NOT considered a mistake in providing feedback?

• The feedback is a question, not a statement.

• The feedback judges individuals, not actions
√ The feedback offers continuing support
• The feedback contains an implied threat

182. By using E2C2 method, you start giving feedback with ________

• Effect
• Change
√ Evidence
• Continue
183. Which of the following is considered to be a mistake in providing feedback?

• The feedback is timely and specific

• The feedback balance the content
√ The feedback judges individuals, not actions
• All of the above

184. What does the E2C2 model stand for?

• Evidence, Evaluate, Choice, Change

• Earth, Eclipse, Cosmos, Cloud
√ Evidence, Effect, Change, Continue
• Education, Efficiency, Career, Choice

185. ________ feedback informs the receiver about the effect their actions have had on other people or on the organization.

• Directive
• Attribution
√ Impact
• Contingency

186. Which type of feedback describes someone or their actions in terms of a quality or label?

• Directive
• Contingency
√ Attribution
• Impact

187. Which type of feedback tells someone what to do, even if you’re phrasing it “nicely"?

• Attribution
• Contingency
√ Directive
• Impact

188. Which type of feedback gives a future consequence?

• Attribution
• Directive
√ Contingency
• Impact

189. Which one is NOT a type of feedback?

• Attribution
• Directive
√ Contractual
• Impact

190. Which of the following is the three elements of any face-to-face communication?

• Words, tone of voice, context

• Gesture,tone of voice, body language
√ Words, tone of voice, body language
• Words, movements, body language

191. Destructive criticism_______________

• Makes negative assumptions about people or their intent

• Can be unrestrained
√ All of the above
• Can involve yelling, condescension or threats

192. Constructive criticism_______________

• Is offered in calm, unthreatening vocal tones

• Only discusses behaviors that are changeable
√ All of the above
• Makes room for discussion with people about the benefits of changed behavior

____________features employed by a speaker provide hint to the meaning, communicate the speakers’ attitudes and convey their
193. emotion.

• Verbal
• Non-verbal
√ Paralinguistic
• All of the above

194. _____________ features add emphasis or shades of meaning to what people say.

• Verbal
• Non-verbal
√ Paralinguistic
• All of the above

195. Rhythm, pattern, stress, rate, volume, and intonation of a person's speech is a form of_________.

• Verbal
• Non-verbal
√ Paraverbal
• All of the above

196. Which type of communication employs gestures and body language?

• Verbal
• Paraverbal
√ Non-verbal
• All of the above

197. __________ communication involves using speech to exchange information with others.

• Non-verbal
• Paraverbal
√ Verbal
• All of the above

198. Meetings, interviews, conferences, speeches, phone calls are __________communication.

• Non-verbal
• Paraverbal
√ Verbal
• All of the above

199. What is the contingency or situational approach to leadership?

• The theory that effective leaders can be created based on learnable behavior
• The theory that leaders possess the right stuff, which is not equally present in all people
√ The theory that leadership effectiveness depends on the situation
• The theory that great leaders are born, not made
200. What are the advantages of the behavioral approach to leadership?

• It suggests that great leaders are born, not made

• It focuses on situational variables that might moderate the relationship between leader traits and measures of leader effectiveness
√ It allows leaders to be flexible and adapt based on their circumstances
• It offers limited leadership styles, which can lead to inflexibility

201. What is the great-man approach to leadership?

• The theory that effective leaders can be created based on learnable behavior
• The theory that leadership effectiveness depends on the situation
√ The theory that leaders are born with a set of personal qualities that made them effective leaders
• The theory that leaders possess the right stuff, which is not equally present in all people

202. What is the main difference between the trait approach and the behavioral approach to leadership?

• The trait approach focuses on how leaders behave, while the behavioral approach focuses on the traits of effective leaders.
The trait approach focuses on situational variables that might moderate the relationship between leader traits and measures of leader
• effectiveness, while the behavioral approach focuses on personal characteristics.
√ The trait approach suggests that leaders are born, while the behavioral approach suggests that leadership is a learned behavior.
• The trait approach is more flexible than the behavioral approach, which offers limited leadership styles.

203. According to the information provided, what is the primary motive of a leader?

• Creating confidence
• Co-ordination
√ Initiating action
• Motivation

204. What is the basic premise behind trait theory?

√ Effective leaders are born, not made

• Effective leaders are not needed in an organization
• Effective leaders are made, not born
• Effective leaders possess no traits

205. What is the focus of the trait theory?

• The actions of a leader

• The situation of a leader
√ The traits of a leader
• The attitude of a leader

206. What are the advantages of the behavioral theory of leadership?

• Leaders can learn and decide what actions they want to implement
• It suggests anyone is capable of becoming a leader
√ All of the above
• It allows leaders to be flexible and adapt based on their circumstances

207. What is the focus of the style theory?

• The traits of a leader

• The situation of a leader
√ The actions of a leader
• The attitude of a leader

208. What does the behavioral leadership theory focus on?

• How leaders are born
• How leaders are created
√ How leaders behave
• How leaders are hired

209. What is the great-man approach to leadership?

• Leaders can be created based on learnable behavior

• Leaders should be intellectually genius or omniscient prophets to succeed
√ Leaders are born and not made
• Leaders can be anyone in an organization

210. What is the basic premise of trait theory?

• Effective leaders are made, not born

• Effective leaders possess no traits
√ Effective leaders are born, not made
• Effective leaders are not needed in an organization

211. What is the significance of optimism in leaders?

• It helps them to plan ahead

• It helps them to take action
√ All of the above
• It helps them to work towards a better future

212. How can leaders motivate employees?

• By criticizing them
• By punishing them
√ By giving economic and non-economic rewards
• By firing them

213. What is the most important motive of a leader in an organization?

• Maintaining a distance from subordinates

• Micromanaging every task
√ Reconciling personal interests with organizational goals
• Avoiding co-ordination

214. How can a leader create confidence in subordinates?

• By not sharing work efforts

• By not giving guidelines
√ By explaining their role and giving guidelines
• By not expressing work efforts

215. What is the primary responsibility of a leader in an organization?

• To make decisions for subordinates

• To micromanage every task
√ To provide clear and compelling direction
• To maintain a distance from subordinates

216. The contingency approach classifies leader behaviour into ___broad classes.

• three
• five
√ two
• four
217. In which leadership approach puts emphasis on the importance of professional knowledge or technical expertise?

• Trait approach
• The great-man approach
√ Contingency approach
• Behavioural approach

218. In which leadership approach focuses attention on the person in the job and not on the job itself?

• The great-man approach

• Behavioural approach
√ Trait approach
• Contingency approach

219. In which stage of team development the team implements a plan for transitioning roles and recognizing members' contributions?

• Norming
• Storming
√ Adjourning
• Performing

220. In which stage of team development members people realize that they can achieve work if they accept other viewpoints?

√ Norming
• Adjourning
• Forming
• Storming

221. In which stage of team development members are treated as strangers?

• Norming
• Storming
√ Forming
• Performing

222. Disadvantages of democtaric leaderdsip style?

• leads to satisfied
• leads to motivated
√ time-consuming
• more skilled employees

223. Which one is storming stage in team development?

• People feel part of the team

• The team implements a plan for transitioning
√ Team members still view themselves as individuals rather than part of the team

224. Which one is norming stage in team development?

• Team acquaints and establishes ground rules

• The team works in an open and trusting atmoshpere
√ People feel part of the team
• The team conducts an assessment of the year

225. Which one is leader-centered decision making style?

• Decision are made with consensus of team members

• Decision are made base on previous experience
√ One person make decision and direct other members
• Decision are made with team members

226. Which one is the self-directed type of team?

• Team members come from various departments

• Team is a group of workers who communicate and work together using digital tools
√ Teams are autonomous and don't need the same supervision
• Teams include members of the same department

227. Which one is the functional type of team?

• Team members come from various departments

• Team is a group of workers who communicate and work together using digital tools
√ Teams include members of the same department
• Teams are autonomous and don't need the same supervision

228. Which one is the cross-functional type of team?

• Teams include members of the same department

• Teams are autonomous and don't need the same supervision
√ Team members come from various departments
• Team is a group of workers who communicate and work together using digital tools

229. Without________ the role of leadership is meaningless.

• the right people

• support
√ the goal
• trust

230. Which one of these can not be interpreted as leadership?

• Getting others to follow

• Getting people to do things willingly
√ Depends on authority
• The use of authority in decision making

231. Leader___________________.

• takes credit
• commands
√ develops people
• drives employees

232. Manager_________________.

• generate enthusiasm.
• fixes the breakdown
√ takes credit
• gives credits

233. Which one is not related to the approaches to leadership?

• Trait
• Behavioral
√ Autocratic
• Contingency

234. Leader with Paternalistic leadership style says?

• Make your own decision to achieve the goals!
• Do what I tell you! You MUST do this NOW!
√ Do this as I do! This is how it must be done! Watch ME!

235. Leader with Laisser-faire leadership style says?

• Do what I tell you! You MUST do this NOW!

• Do this as I do! This is how it must be done! Watch ME!
√ Make your own decision to achieve the goals!
• You should respect and follow me.

236. Leader with Autocratic leadership style says?

• Make your own decision to achieve the goals!

• Do this as I do! This is how it must be done! Watch ME!
√ Do what I tell you! You MUST do this NOW!
• Follow me. I know everthing.

237. All of the following types of language not acceptable in public speeches EXCEPT

• slangs
√ idioms
• jargons
• bad grammar

238. Almost all cultures have an equivalent of the English word “__________” to designate someone with special skills in public speaking

• lecturer
• talker
• speaker
√ orator

Here are some tips on how to persuade others effectively:

a. Focus on trust
239. b. Be aware of your surroundings
c. Find common interests
d. Use facts and feelings

√ a.b
• all of them
• c.d
• a.d

240. Which answer is wrong?

• Make eye contact with the audience to help establish a connection.

• Ask questions and invite participation.
√ Don't use examples, and humour
• Learn from the Pros

241. Which answer is wrong?

√ Try read your talk, word-for-word, from a paper.

• None of them
• More practice standing and speaking before your speech.
• To be a positive state of mind and a confident attitude.
1. Does the person seem flat, cool, and disinterested, or over-the-top and melodramatic?
2. Is the person making eye contact? If so, is it overly intense or just right?
242. 3. Is there any physical contact? Is it appropriate to the situation?

Evaluating nonverbal signals select the right matching.

• 1. Intensity 2. Posture and gesture 3. Touch

√ 1. Intensity 2. Eye contact 3. Touch
• 1. Facial expression 2. Eye contact 3. Timing and place
• 1. Facial expression 2. Eye contact 3. Tone of voice

243. Why eye contact is important?

√ The way you look at someone can communicate many things, including interest, affection, hostility, or attraction.
• all of them
• Because eye contact is not important in maintaining the flow of conversation
• Because when you speak, other people “read” your voice in addition to listening to your words

244. Which are the facial expression?

• sadness, gestures, noise

√ happiness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust
• only fear, and disgust
• None of them

"In some instances, what comes out of your mouth and what you communicate through your body language may be two totally different
245. things. " do you agree?

• Not everywhere
• Disagree
• Confused
√ Yes, agree

246. What includes to body language?

• only gestures
• your voice and eye contact
• your words and voice
√ the gestures, your posture, your tone of voice, eye contact

247. Which are the components of the transactional model ?

√ the encoding and decoding processes, the communicator, the message, the channel and noise
• None of them
• the Sender, the Receiver and the Channel
• the channel and noise, transformer

Which are the part of Linear Model of communication?

1. Sender
2. Receiver
248. 3. Transformer
4. Speaker
5. Channel

• 2.3.4
• 1.2.3
• 2.4.5
√ 1.2.5

"Listening and critical thinking allow you to understand public dilemmas, form an opinion about them, and participate in resolving
249. them. " this statement is about……

• Personal
• Ethics
√ Public
• Professional

"Effective speaking skills make you more attractive to employers, enhancing your chances of securing employment and later advancing
250. within your career. " this statement is about……

• Public life
• Personal
• Ethics
√ Professional

"It may be for a special event, such as a toast at a wedding. We may be asked to give a eulogy at a funeral for a friend or loved one. "
251. this statement is about……

• Public life
• Professional
• None of them
√ Personal

252. One of the 1st task of a speaker is to

√ Gain the listeners attention

• Motivate the audience to action
• Secure or reinforce good will or respect from the speaker
• Prepare the audience for the discussion to follow

253. which are the tips on how to persuade others effectively?

• Focus on your feelings, Be aware of your interests

• Use facts and feelings, don't look at your listener
• With body language, hiding emotions.
√ Focus on trust, Find common interests

254. The ironic feature of public speaking is that ___________ .

• it has been formally taught for dozen of years.

√ while we recognize that it is an important skill to have, many of us do not like or want to give speeches.
• Only involves the audience
• Is a personal involvement

255. What are some examples of analytical research skills?

• Data interpretation, judgment, process management

• Problem sensitivity, active listening, teamwork
• Budgeting, restructuring, strategic planning
√ Investigation, metrics, data collection

256. What is data analysis?

√ The ability to examine a large volume of data and identify trends

• The ability to evaluate and organize complicated issues
• The ability to collect data and research a topic
• The ability to think creatively and outside the box

257. What is critical thinking?

• The ability to analyze a large volume of data and identify trends

√ The ability to evaluate information and make a decision based on findings
• The ability to collect data and research a topic
• The ability to think creatively and outside the box

258. Which of the following is NOT a type of analytical skill?

• Creativity
• Communication
• Critical thinking
√ Strategic planning

259. What is an example of using analytical skills to solve a problem?

• Coming up with a creative solution to a problem

• Asking others for their opinions and following their advice
• Following a set of rules and procedures without deviation
√ Reviewing data from different sources, integrating new information, and making a decision based on observations

260. What are some ways in which analytical skills can be used?

√ Detecting patterns, observing, interpreting data, making decisions

• Auditing, benchmarking, correlating
• Brainstorming, collaborating, optimizing
• Reading and understanding information, communicating findings, conducting presentations

261. Why do employers value employees with analytical skills?

• Because they are always right

• Because they are good at memorizing information
• Because they are good at following orders
√ Because they can help solve a company's problems and improve its overall productivity and success

262. What are some behavioral indicators of analytical thinkers?

• Creativity, optimism, enthusiasm

√ Data collection, critical examination, identification of logical outcomes
• Decision-making, problem sensitivity, written communication
• Deductive reasoning, strategic planning, teamwork

263. What is analytical thinking?

• The ability to think creatively and outside the box

• The ability to criticize and find flaws in others' ideas
• The ability to empathize and understand others' perspectives
√ The ability to evaluate and organize complicated issues

264. What are the four main types of "thinking skills"?

√ Convergent, divergent, critical, creative

• Rational, objective, subjective, moral
• Logical, analytical, intuitive, emotional
• Critical, convergent, creative, ethical

265. What is body language?

• The use of physical behavior, expressions, and mannerisms to communicate verbally.

√ The use of physical behavior, expressions, and mannerisms to communicate nonverbally.
• The use of words to communicate nonverbally.
• The use of silence to communicate nonverbally.

266. Which model of communication is seen as an ongoing, circular process?

• The linear model of communication.
• The nonverbal model of communication.
• The contextual model of communication.
√ The transactional model of communication.

267. What is the linear model of communication?

√ It is a model of communication proposed by Shannon and Weaver for radio and television transmission.
• It is a model of communication that emphasizes the importance of context.
• It is a circular model of communication proposed by Barnlund.
• It is a model of communication that emphasizes the importance of body language.

268. Which of the following is NOT a type of the visual aids for presentations?

• Graphs
• Flip charts
√ Audio recording
• Images

269. How do you ensure that your delivery is clear?

√ All of the above

• Make sure only important points are outlined on the slides
• Speak at an appropriate pace and volume
• Practise

270. Which of the following is NOT a technique for effective delivery of the presentation?

• Voice
√ Walking style
• Pace
• Volume

271. How to deliver a successful introduction in your presentation?

√ All of the above

• State your presentation's purpose
• Introduce your general topic
• Explain your topic area

272. What to say in the Introduction?

• This graph shows…..

√ Hello everyone…..
• To sum up……
• Are there any questions?

273. Which of the following things you should not do if something goes wrong during your presentation?

• Remain calm
• Apologise and move on
• Don't panic
√ Don't smile

274. What are the effective ways to engage your audience?

• Eye contact
• Body posture
• Gestures
√ All of the above
275. In which section do you need to capture the attention of the audience and give them a good reason to continue listening?

√ Introduction
• Conclusion
• All of the above
• Main body

276. In which part of the presentation you should greet the audience and introduce yourself?

• At the end of the presentation

• All of the above
• In the middle of the presentation
√ At the beginning of the presentation

277. In which section do you show a preview of the organisation of your presentation?

• All of the above

• Conclusion
√ Introduction
• Main body

278. In which section of the presentation you should thank the audience for listening and invite questions?

• All of the above

• Introduction
• Main body
√ Conclusion

279. In which section of the presentation are you going to restate the topic and purpose of your presentation?

• Introduction
• All of the above
• Main body
√ Conclusion

280. Sums up important points and repeats the main message in the section of ___________

√ Conclusion
• Main body
• Introduction
• All of the above

281. In which section main points should be addressed one by one with supporting evidence and examples?

• Introduction
• All of the above
• Conclusion
√ Main body

282. Introduce your general topic in the ______________section of your presentation.

• All of the above

√ Introduction
• Main body
• Conclusion

283. In which section do you state the purpose of your presentation?

• All of the above

• Main body
• Conclusion
√ Introduction

284. The__________ of the presentation is where you can share the details of your main message and any other important points.

√ Main body
• Conclusion
• Introduction
• All of the above

285. What is the important section of any presentation?

• Introduction
√ All of the above
• Conclusion
• Main body

286. What happens when your verbal and nonverbal messages are mixed?

• The listener will believe your nonverbal message.

• The listener will believe your verbal message.
• The listener will not be affected by the mixed messages.
√ The listener will be confused and have to choose which message to believe.

287. What is the difference between verbal and nonverbal communication?

• Verbal communication involves words while nonverbal communication involves silence.

• Verbal communication is conscious while nonverbal communication is unconscious.
• Verbal communication is more important than nonverbal communication.
√ Verbal communication and nonverbal communication are both important and work together.

288. What is the importance of space in communication?

√ We all have a need for physical space and invading someone's space can make them feel uncomfortable.
• It is important in maintaining the flow of conversation and for gauging the other person's interest and response.
• It can communicate interest, affection, hostility, or attraction.
• It is a natural, unconscious language that broadcasts your true feelings and intentions.

289. Which type of nonverbal communication involves communicating through touch?

• Facial expressions.
• Body movement and posture.
• Gestures.
√ Touch.

290. Why is it important to be careful of how you use gestures?

• Because they are woven into the fabric of our daily lives.
√ Because the meaning of some gestures can be very different across cultures.
• Because they are a natural, unconscious language that broadcasts your true feelings and intentions.
• Because they can communicate many things, including interest, affection, hostility, or attraction.

291. Which type of nonverbal communication is especially important because the visual sense is dominant for most people?

• Facial expressions.
• Body movement and posture.
• Gestures.
√ Eye contact.
292. What type of nonverbal communication includes your posture, bearing, stance, and the subtle movements you make?

√ Body movement and posture.

• Eye contact.
• Gestures.
• Facial expressions.

293. Which of the following is NOT the hack to eliminate distractions from your life?

• Turn off all notifications on your phone

√ Keep your office door open
• Use “Do Not Disturb” functions on chat systems
• Don’t browse social media at work at all

294. Which of the following is NOT a good example of time management?

• Breaking Down Big Tasks

• Prioritizing
• Working From the Calendar
√ Not distinguishing between work and rest, mixing them

295. What does task prioritization mean?

√ Sort things by order, starting with the most important

• All of the above
• Comparison of works
• Finding the least important things

296. What is usually done after the end of a pomodoro in the Pomodoro technique?

• sleep more
• take a long trip
√ take a 5-minute break
• work harder

297. Good time management enables you to _____________

√ achieve greater levels of performance

• do whatever you want
• sleep more
• work harder

298. Which tasks are the "Plan" quadrant of the Eisenhower Matrix intended for?

• Tasks that are urgent, but not important

√ Tasks that are important, but not urgent
• Tasks that are neither important nor urgent
• Tasks that are both urgent and important

299. Which tasks are the "Delete" ("Eliminate") quadrant of the Eisenhower Matrix intended for?

√ Tasks that are neither important nor urgent

• Tasks that are urgent, but not important
• Tasks that are both urgent and important
• Tasks that are important, but not urgent

300. Which tasks are the "Delegate" quadrant of the Eisenhower Matrix intended for?

• Tasks that are both urgent and important

√ Tasks that are urgent, but not important
• Tasks that are important, but not urgent
• Tasks that are neither important nor urgent

301. Which tasks are the "Do" quadrant of the Eisenhower Matrix intended for?

• Tasks that are neither important nor urgent

• Tasks that are urgent, but not important
• Tasks that are important, but not urgent
√ Tasks that are both urgent and important

302. With the Pomodoro method, you set a timer for __________ minutes.

• 10
• 15
• 5
√ 25

303. According to what principle can you prioritise tasks in the Eisenhower Matrix?

√ Importance and urgency

• Importance and impression
• Productivity and passion
• Urgency and productivity

304. Which of the following is considered a time management technique?

• Pareto Analysis
• Eisenhower Matrix
• Pomodoro Technique
√ All of the above

305. Which of the following is NOT considered a time management technique?

• Eisenhower Matrix
• Pareto Analysis
√ Correlation Matrix
• Pomodoro Technique

306. What enables good time management to achieve?

• bigger and better results in less time

√ All of the above
• productivity
• greater levels of performance

307. What is the right percentage of the Pareto Analysis?

• 50/50 rule
• 70/30 rule
• 60/40 rule
√ 80/20 rule

308. Who developed the Pomodoro technique?

√ Francesco Cirillo
• David Dwight Eisenhower
• Vilfredo Pareto
• Edward de Bono

309. Who created the 80/20 method?

• Milton Erickson
• Edward de Bono
• David Dwight Eisenhower
√ Vilfredo Pareto

310. One of the guiding principles of time management, in general, is the ______ principle, also known as the 80/20 rule.

• Pomodoro
√ Pareto
• Eisenhower
• All of the above

311. What is the Eisenhower Matrix?

• A technique created by Francesco Cirillo to help you prioritize tasks

• A tool to automate repetitive tasks
• A method to eliminate distractions from your life
√ A time management tool to help you organize your tasks into four separate quadrants, sorting them by important vs. unimportant and
urgent vs. not urgent

312. How long should the Pomodoro cycle be?

√ 25 minutes of work, 5 minutes of break

• 60 minutes of work, 30 minutes of break
• 52 minutes of work, 17 minutes of break
• 90 minutes of work, 10 minutes of break

313. What is the goal of Pareto analysis?

• To set a timer for 25 minutes, work on a single task with your full focus, then take a 5-minute break to get up
√ To help you prioritize tasks that are most effective at solving problems
• To automate repetitive tasks
• To organize your tasks into four separate quadrants, sorting them by important vs. unimportant and urgent vs. not urgent

314. How can you eliminate distractions from your life?

• Leaving your phone in odd places that prevent you from immediately finding it
• Turning off all notifications on your phone, computer, and tablet
• Working with headphones as people are less likely to approach you with a non-urgent
√ All of the above

315. What are some examples of tasks that can be automated?

• Setting reminders on Google Calendar so you never forget anything

• Creating spreadsheet templates for reports you have to do weekly/monthly
• Automatically filling online forms using LastPass, saving all your passwords in one place
√ All of the above

316. What is the key to working smarter?

√ Using technology to automate daily repetitive tasks

• Planning your day the night before
• Having no distractions in your life
• Working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break, repeatedly

317. What is the benefit of planning your day the night before?

• There won’t be any room for procrastination in the morning

• You'll be better prepared mentally for the challenges ahead before waking up
• You'll work faster and smoother than ever before
√ All of the above

318. What is the Eisenhower Matrix?

• A technique that consists of working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break, repeatedly
√ A method to organize tasks into four separate quadrants
• A time management technique developed by Francesco Cirillo
• A hack to eliminate distractions from your life

319. What is the Pomodoro Technique?

• A technique created by Francesco Cirillo that says 20% of actions are responsible for 80% of outcomes
• A method to organize tasks into four separate quadrants
• A hack to eliminate distractions from your life
√ A technique that consists of working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break, repeatedly

320. What is the 80/20 rule?

√ It's a technique created by Vilfredo Pareto that says 20% of actions are responsible for 80% of outcomes
• It's a hack to eliminate distractions from your life
• It's a method to organize tasks into four separate quadrants
• It's a time management technique developed by Francesco Cirillo

321. Which actions below that can you used to reduce your stress?

• Expending conscious effort to look for another stress

√ Reducing the negative emotional with emotional focused coping
• Sharing the problem with your boss for long time
• Seeking to master for adding kind of stress or conflict

322. What you can do in order to adapt to the stressor?

• Express your feelings instead of bottling them up

• Try to view stressful situations from a more negative perspective
• Procrastinate
√ Reframe problems

323. Which is not related to the 4A's of stress management?

√ alignment
• adapt
• avoid
• alter

324. What you can do in order to boost low self-esteem?

• Think about something you are not good at

• Spend time with people who make you feel dreadful about yourself
• Stay physically inactive
√ Let go of negative thoughts

Chooses behavioural effects of stress

1) headaches
2) anxiety
325. 4) overeating
5) underrating drug
6) alcohol abuse
7) sleep disturbances
8) social withdrawal
• All of them
√ 4,5,6,8
• 2.30
• 1,7,8

Choose psyhological strains of stress

1) confusion
2) anxiety
326. 3) depression
5) underrating drug

• All of them
• 4.50
• 2,3,4
√ 1,2,3

Choose phsyical conditions of stress

1) headaches
2) anxiety
3) depression
327. 4) overeating
5) underrating drug
6) alcohol abuse
7) sleep disturbances

• 2.30
• 1
√ 1.70
• 4,5,6

What you may feel when you are stressed?

1. anxious
2. afraid
328. 3. restless
4. irritable
5. focused or unmotivated

√ 1,2,3,4,6
• 1,2,4,6
• all of them
• 1,2,3,6

329. How we can avoid stress in the workplace?

√ Look for opportunities for self-development

• Choose unrealistic goals and move towards them gradually
• Don't learn from failures or mistakes
• Don’t accept support from colleagues or friends.

330. High levels of stress in the workplace can not lead to:

• Poor decision-making by individuals

• Increased sickness and absence, with ongoing costs to the organisation.
• An increase in mistakes, which in turn may lead to customer or client complaints.
√ Superior employee/workplace relationships

331. Stress narrows your ability to ______

√ enjoy life
• think uncertain
• function ineffectively
• think unclearly
Physical exercise helps to improve_______
1) sleep quality
332. 2) improves emotional well-being
3) increase stress
4) reduces stress

• all of them
• 1,2,3
√ 1,2,4
• 1.20

333. What is stressors?

√ workload
• physical exercise
• social activities
• prioritization

334. Which statement is incorrect about the stess

• some stress is actually beneficial

• Stress affects us all
• a little stress is OK
√ too much stress can motivate you

335. Please select stress management techniques

• procrastination
• minimize social activites
√ meditation
• say "yes" to every offer

336. Which one is not related to the symptoms of stress?

• anxiety or feeling of panic

• weight loss
• easily frustrated
√ decresed irritability

337. Which is not related to the prolonged stress effects?

• physiological
• behavioural
• psychological
√ motivational

338. Physiological effects of stress

√ digestive issues
• depression
• social withdrawal
• anxiety

339. Psychological effects of stress

• sleep disturbances
• underrating drug
• alcohol abuse
√ depression

340. Behavioral effects of stress

• anxiety
√ overeating
• depression
• headaches

341. What is corporate culture?

• The physical structure of a company's office

• The dress codes and working hours of a company
• The customer satisfaction of a company
√ the beliefs and behaviors that define the interaction and management of a company's employees and management with external

342. What is the purpose of a vision or mission statement in a company?

√ To guide a company's values and provide purpose

• To invest in people
• To provide guidelines for employee behavior
• To serve customers and adhere to professional standards

343. What are the core of a company's culture?

• The turnover rate of a company

√ The values of a company
• The dress codes and working hours of a company
• The customer satisfaction of a company

344. What is the importance of experiences in a company's culture?

• To serve customers and adhere to professional standards

• To invest in people
• To provide guidelines for employee behavior
√ To reinforce company values in daily life

345. Why is recruitment important for building a coherent culture in a company?

• Recruitment ensures a diverse workforce

• Recruitment helps to establish company values
• Recruitment increases customer satisfaction
√ Recruitment ensures that people share the core values of a company

346. What is the importance of narrative in creating a company's culture?

√ To turn a company's history into a story that is part of its sustainable culture
• To provide guidelines for employee behavior
• To invest in people
• To serve customers and adhere to professional standards

347. How does location influence a company's culture?

• Location affects the technology used by a company

• Location determines the dress code of a company
• Location affects the turnover rate of a company
√ location influences the values and behaviors of people in the workplace

348. Which of the following is NOT a component of a great culture?

• Vision
√ Technology
• Values
• People

349. What is the first step in reviving or reshaping a culture in a company seeking change?

• Establishing a vision or mission statement

• Creating a unique history and turning it into a story
• Investing in people
√ dentifying and understanding the six components of a great culture

350. What are the benefits of a strong corporate culture?

√ It determines an organization's commitment to high ethical standards

• It decreases customer treatment
• It eliminates employee benefits
• It improves customer satisfaction

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