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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Nueva Vizcaya

Municipality of Bagabag





WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 390 of the Local Government Code, the Sangguniang Barangay shall be the
legislative body of the barangay and shall be composed of the Punong Barangay as the presiding officer, the
seven regular Sangguniang Barangay members, the IPMR and the chairman of the Sangguniang Kabataan as an
Ex – Officio member;


maximum degree of efficiency during the deliberations of the Sangguniang Barangay, the following rules of
procedure as mandated by Section 50 of the Local Government Code, are hereby ratified and adopted:


SECTION 1: Composition – The Sangguniang Barangay shall be composed of the Punong Barangay as the
presiding officer, the seven regular Sangguniang Barangay members elected at large, the IPMR and the
chairman of the Sangguniang Kabataan as an ex – officio member.

SECTION 2: Term of Office – The term of office of the Sangguniang Barangay members shall be in
accordance with the Local Government Code and other existing laws.

SECTON 3: Oath of Affirmation – All Members of the Sangguniang Barangay shall, upon assumption to
office, take an oath of affirmation in the prescribed form, duly subscribed before a person authorized to
administer oath.


SECTION 4: Presiding Officer – The Punong Barangay shall be the presiding officer in all deliberations of
the Sangguniang Barangay. He/she shall vote only to break a tie. In the event of the Punong Barangay’s
inability to act as the presiding officer, the Sangguniang members present constituting a quorum, shall elect
from among themselves a temporary presiding officer. The temporary presiding officer shall certify within ten
(10) days from the passage of ordinances enacted and resolutions adopted by the sanggunian in the session over
which he/she temporarily presided.

SECTION 5: Powers and Duties of the Presiding Officer – The Presiding Officer shall:
a) Preside over the sessions of the Sangguniang Barangay.
b) Preserve order and decorum during sessions. In case of disturbance and disorderly conduct in the
session hall or within the premises, take measures as he may deem advisable or as the
Sanggunian may direct.
c) Call special sessions when public interests so demand.
d) Decide all questions of order subject to appeal by any sanggunian member in accordance with
these rules.
e) Sign all acts, ordinances, resolutions, memorials, writs, warrants.
f) To announce the business in the order in which it is to be acted upon by the sanggunian.
g) To entertain only one motion at a time and state all motions properly.
h) To recognize only member who is entitled to the floor.

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i) To appoint, with the approval of the sanggunian, the chairman of the standing and special
committees which may be authorized by the sangguniang barangay.
j) Exercise such other powers and perform such other functions as may be provided by law,
ordinance or regulation.

***The regular presiding officer shall not be a chairman of any standing committee, but shall have
voice and vote in all committee deliberations. He may, however, be elected as chairman of any
special or ad hoc committee which the sanggunian may organize for specific purpose.


SECTION 6: Appointment and Compensation – The Barangay Secretary shall concurrently serve as the
Sanggunian Secretary. His/her compensation, allowances and other emoluments shall be equated with that of
the sanggunian members. He/she shall be appointed by the Punong Barangay with the concurrence of the
majority of all the sangguniang barangay members and not be subject to attestation by the Civil Service

SECTION 7: Powers and Duties of the Secretary – The Secretary shall:

a) Attend the meetings of the Sanggunian Barangay and keep the minutes of its proceedings.
b) Record in a book kept in a purpose, all ordinances and resolutions enacted or adopted by the
sanggunian with the dates of their enactment and publication.
c) Forward to the government unit concerned for appropriate action on ordinances and resolutions
enacted or adopted by the sangguniang barangay which have been certified as such by the
presiding officer, within ten (10) days after enactment or adoption.
d) Keep and affix the barangay seal on all ordinances and resolutions signed by the Punong
e) Attest to all ordinances and resolutions approved by the sanggunian and signed by the Punong
f) Translate into the dialect used by the majority of the people of the barangay all ordinances and
resolutions immediately after their approval, and have the translation posted, together with the
original, at the main entrance of the Barangay Hall and in two other conspicuous places in the
g) Upon request, certify copies of all records and documents in his/her charges not otherwise
classified as confidential, upon payment to the barangay treasurer the appropriate fees prescribed
by ordinance.
h) Keep his/her office and all records therein which are not of a confidential character open to
public inspection during the usual business hours.
i) Act as custodian of the public library and archives, if any, and annually account for the
properties therein.
j) Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by
law or ordinance.


SECTION 8: Regular Sessions: The regular session of the sangguniang barangay shall be on every first (1 st)
and (3rd) Monday of the month at 8:30 in the morning at the barangay session hall, If in case there are five
Mondays in a month, regular session will moved on the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Mondays of the Month.

SECTION 9: Special Sessions: As often as may be necessary, the Punong Barangay and or the majority of the
members of the sangguniang Barangay may call a special session, provided, that a written notice to the
sangguniang Barangay members, stating the time, date and purpose of the session, shall be served personally or
left with a member of the household of the member at his usual place of residence or be written at the
information board at the entrance of the barangay hall one day before such special session. Unless otherwise
agreed upon by two-third (⅔) vote of the members present,

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there being a quorum, no other matter may be considered at a special session except those stated in the notice.

SECTION 10: Attendance in Sessions: Every member of the sanggunian shall be present in all sessions,
unless expressly excluded by it or necessarily prevented from doing so, by sickness or other unavoidable
circumstances duly reported to the sanggunian through the secretary viz: hospitalization, death, marriage of the
direct members of the family and being sponsor in baptismal and weddings.

SECTION 11: Open to Public: Sangguniang sessions or meetings of any committee thereof shall be open to
the public unless a closed session is decided by an affirmative vote of the majority of the members present,
there being a quorum, in the public interest or for reasons of security, decency of the sanggunian or any of its
members, or when confidential matters are being considered.

SECTION 12: Suspension and Adjournment: Sessions of the sanggunian shall not be suspended or
adjourned except by the discretion of the sanggunian itself, but the presiding officer may, in his discretion,
declare a recess of short intervals.

SECTION 13: Start and Adjournment: The exact hour of start and adjournment of a session shall be entered
in the minutes.


SECTION 14: Quorum: A majority of all the elective and appointive members of the sanggunian shall
constitute a quorum to transact official business. Should a question of quorum be raised during a session, the
presiding officer shall immediately proceed to call the roll of the members and thereafter announce the result.

SECTION 15: Absence of Quorum: Where there is no quorum in given session, the presiding officer may
declare a recess until such time a quorum is constituted or a majority of the members present may adjourn from
time to time and may compel the immediate attendance of any member absent without good cause by issuing to
the Bantay Bayan an order for the arrest and presentment of the absent member at the session. If there is no
quorum despite the foregoing, no business shall be transacted. The presiding officer, upon proper motion duly
approved by the members present, shall then declare the session adjourned for the lack of quorum.


SECTION 16: Order of Business: The order of business of the sanggunian for every session shall be:
a) Call to Order
b) Invocation
c) Roll Call
d) Reading and consideration of the minutes of the previous session.
e) First reading and referral to concerned committees of proposed ordinances, resolutions,
messages, communications, petitions, etc.
f) Special Report
g) Committee Reports
h) Calendar of Business
» Unfinished Business
» Business for the Day (2nd & 3rd Reading of Proposed
» Unassigned Business
i) Adjournment

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SECTION 17: Approval of Minutes: The minutes of each session shall be submitted to the sanggunian for

SECTION 18: Calendar of Business: The calendar of business shall consist of the following parts:
a) Unfinished Business – business being considered by the sanggunian at the time of its
adjournment. Its consideration shall be presumed until such
unfinished business is disposed of. Thereafter the presiding
officer shall call for the business for the day.
b) Business for the Day - proposed ordinances/resolutions and other measures set on the
calendar for consideration on that day, to be considered in the
in the order in which they are listed in the calendar.
c) Unassigned Business –proposed ordinances/resolutions, and other measures reported
out of by the committee but not calendared earlier. Any
business included in this part of the calendar may be set for
consideration on motion of a member with unanimous
approval of the sanggunian members present at a session,
there being a quorum.

SECTION 19: Distribution of Calendar: The calendar shall be distributed each day of session, unless there is
no addition to the one previously distributed, in which case a note to this effect of the order of business shall be


SECTION 20: Ordinances & Resolutions (Distinguished): Legislative actions of general and permanent
character shall be enacted in the form of an ordinance., while those which are temporary character shall be
passed in the form of a resolutions. Matters relating to propriety functions and to private concerns shall also be
noted upon by a resolution.

SECTION 21: Essential Parts of Ordinances & Resolutions: Proposed ordinances and resolutions shall be in
writing and shall contain an assigned number, a title or caption, an enacting or ordaining clause and the date of
its proposed effectivity. In addition, every proposed ordinance shall be accompanied by a brief explanatory note
containing the jurisdiction for its approval. It shall be signed by the author/s and submitted to the sanggunian
secretary who shall report the same to the sanggunian at its next session.

SECTION 22: First Reading: The secretary shall report all proposed ordinances/resolutions to the sanggunian
members at least a day before a regular or special session. The first reading of a proposed ordinance/resolution
shall only be by title and thereafter, the same shall be referred to the appropriate committee concerned. An
erroneous referral may be corrected any time after the approval of the minutes. Only the chairman or vice
chairman of the committee to which the ordinance/resolution was erroneously referred, as well as the chairman
or vice chairman of the committee claiming jurisdiction, may move that the referral be declared erroneous, and
ask for its correction. However, the presiding officer may motu - propio rectify an erroneous referral.

SECTION 23: Period of Report: After consideration of the proposed ordinance, the committee concerned
shall submit its report to the ordinance committee. In case the report is favorable, the proposed ordinance as
recommended by the committee shall be calendared for discussion. If the report is unfavorable, the matter shall
be laid on the table for further study and revision by its sponsor.

SECTION 24: Urgent Measures: Any legislative matter duly certified by the local chief executive as urgent,
whether or not it is included in the calendar of business, may be presented and considered by the sanggunian in
the same session without the need of suspending the rule. The sanggunian, likewise, may, on motion made by
the chairman or vice chairman of the committee concerned, consider a proposed ordinance or resolution as
urgent and consideration thereof shall be scheduled according to a timetable.

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SECTION 25: Tax Ordinance: In the enactment of tax ordinance, it is mandatory that public hearing be held
wherein the views of the public may be heard. At such hearing, the reasonableness, if not the legality of the
impositions contemplated to be levied, may be thoroughly threshed out, a measure calculated to minimize
protests that invariably arise among taxpayers.

SECTION 26: Second Reading and Debate: No proposed ordinance/resolution shall be considered on second
reading in any regular session unless it has been reported out by the proper committee to which it has referred or
certified as urgent by the chief executive. On the day set for the consideration, the same shall be read in full
with the amendments proposed by the committee, if any, unless copies thereof have been distributed earlier and
such reading is dispensed with. Thereafter, the proposed ordinance or resolution shall be subject to debate and
pertinent motions.

SECTION 27: Five – Minute Rule: After the close of debate, the sanggunian shall proceed to the
consideration of committee amendments. A member who desires to speak for or against an amendment shall
have only five (5) minutes to do so. The five-minute rule shall apply, likewise in the consideration of an
amendment to an amendment, or of an amendment by substitution.

SECTION 28: Third Reading: Upon the third reading of a proposed ordinance/resolution, no amendment
thereto shall be allowed, and the vote thereon shall be taken immediately thereafter and the years and days
entered in the minutes.

SECTION 29: Approval of Resolutions: A resolution shall be enacted in the same manner prescribed for
ordinances except that it need not go through a separate third reading for its final consideration unless decided
otherwise by a majority of all the sanggunian members.

SECTION 30: Majority Requirement: No ordinance or resolution passed by the sanggunian shall be valid
unless approved by the majority of the members present, there being a quorum. Any ordinance or resolution
authorizing or directing the payment of money or creating a liability, shall require the affirmative vote of a
majority of all the sanggunian members for its passage. Upon the passage of all ordinances/resolutions, the
sanggunian secretary shall record the “AYES” and “NAYES”. Each approved ordinance/resolution shall be
stamped with the seal of the Barangay and recorded in the book kept for the purpose.

SECTION 31: Approval by the Chief Executive: Every ordinance/resolution passed by the sanggunian shall,
upon approval by the majority of all its members, be signed by the Punong Barangay. He/she shall affix his/her
initials on each and every page of the ordinance/resolution and the word “APPROVED” shall appear with
his/her signature on the last page thereof.

SECTION 32: Special Provisions on Budget Ordinance: The sanggunian shall in no case increase the
appropriation of any project or program submitted by the Punong Barangay in his/her proposal. However, the
sanggunian may decrease the amount of such appropriation. After the Punong Barangay shall have submitted
the annual general appropriation measures, supplemental appropriation measures shall be considered only if
supported by actually available funds as certified by the Barangay Treasurer or by funds to be raised by
corresponding revenue proposals included therein. The Punong Barangay shall have no veto power over any
particular item or items of an appropriation ordinance, and ordinance/resolutions adopting a local development
plan and public investment program, or an ordinance directing the payment of money or creating a liability.

SECTION 33: Review of Brgy. Ordinances by the Sangguniang Bayan: Within ten (10) days after its
enactment, the Barangay Secretary shall furnish copies of all barangay ordinances to the sangguniang bayan for
review as to whether the ordinance is consistent with law or municipal ordinances. If the sangguniang bayan
fails to take action within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof, the same shall be deemed approved. If
inconsistent with law or municipal ordinances, the sangguniang bayan shall, within thirty (30) days from receipt
thereof, return the same with its comments and recommendations to the sangguniang barangay for adjustment,
amendment, modification, in which case, the effectivity of the ordinance is suspended until such time as the
revision called for is affected.

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SECTION 34: Effectivity of Ordinance/Resolution: Unless otherwise stated in ordinance/resolution, the
same shall take effect after the lapse of ten (10) days from the date a copy thereof s posted in a bulletin board at
the barangay hall and in at least two other conspicuous places.


SECTION 35: Manner of Addressing the Chair: When a member desires to speak, he/she shall raise his/her
hand or rise and respectfully address the chair “MR. CHAIRMAN” or “MR. PRESIDING OFFICER”.

SECTION 36: Recognition of a Member to Speak: When two or more members rise at the same time, the
presiding officer shall determine and recognize the member who is first to speak.

SECTION 37: Time Limit for Speeches: No member shall occupy more than ten (10) minutes in debate on
any question or speak for more than once on any question, except as herein provided. The period of
interpellation shall not be counted against the time of the member speaking.

SECTION 38: Sponsor to Open and Close the Debate: The member reporting a measure under consideration
from a committee may open and close the debate thereon.

SECTION 39: Decorum to Open and Close the Debate: In all cases, the member who shall obtain the floor
shall confine himself to the question under debate, avoiding personalities. He/she shall refrain from uttering
words or performing acts which are inconsistent. If it is requested that a member be called to order for words
spoken in debate, the member making such request shall indicate the words expected, and they shall be taken
down in writing by the secretary and read aloud. The member who uttered such words shall not be held to
answer, nor be subject to censure by the sanggunian if further debate or other business has intervened.

SECTION 40: Conduct During Session: During sessions, the members shall be in proper attire and observe
proper decorum. Casual clothes are accepted. While the presiding officer is addressing the sanggunian or
putting a question, no member shall walkout or cross the session hall.

SECTION 41: Smoking and Spitting: Smoking and spitting shall be strictly prohibited within the premises of
the session hall.

SECTION 42: Discipline of Members: The sanggunian may punish its members for disorderly behavior and
with concurrence of two-third (⅔) of all of its members, may suspend or exclude member/s from the session. If
the penalty is suspension, this shall not exceed sixty (60) days.


SECTION 43: Recording: The sanggunian shall keep the minutes of its proceedings which shall comprise a
succinct and exact account of the business transacted and the action taken thereon. The minutes must clearly
show the following; nature of meeting, whether regular or special, and if special, a copy of the call of such
meeting; date, time and place of the meeting; names of members present and absent; whether the minutes of the
previous meeting were read and approved, citing corrections, if any ; every ordinance/resolutions in full, if the
ordinance/resolution was not approved unanimously, a brief statement of the minority opinion; all main
motions, except those withdrawn; points of order and appeal; time of adjournment.

SECTION 44: Reading and Approval: The minutes of every session shall be read and approved by a majority
of the members present there being a quorum at the session they are read, and if necessary, corrected or
amended by simple majority or by general consent.

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SECTION 45: Signing: The original copy of the minutes shall be signed by the members of the sanggunian
present at the session, showing those who voted for and those who voted against its approval. Each copy of the
minutes must be signed by the present members, the Punong Barangay and the Secretary.


SECTION 46: Who May Move: When a motion, report or proposed measure is adopted or lost, it shall be in
order for a member who voted with the majority to move for the reconsideration thereof on the same or
succeeding session day.

SECTION 47: A Tie On An Appeal: A tie on an appeal from the ruling of the chair sustains the decision of
the chair.

SECTION 48: Recording of Motions: Every motion shall be entered into the minutes with the name of the
member making it, unless, it is withdrawn on the same session.

SECTION 49: Reading and Withdrawal of Motions: When a motion is made, the presiding officer shall state
it before being debated. Except as herein otherwise provided, a motion may be withdrawn any time before its
approval or amendment.

SECTION 50: Precedence of Motions: When a motion is raised and under debate, no motion shall be
entertained except adjourn, raise a question of privilege, declare a recess, lay on the table, or postpone to a
certain day (which motion shall be decided without debate), refer, amend, or postpone indefinitely (which
motion shall be decided subject to the five – minute rule). Said motions shall have precedence in the foregoing

SECTION 51: Amendments: When a motion or proposition is under consideration, a motion to amend and a
motion to amend that amendment shall be in order. It shall also be in order to offer further amendment by
substitution, but it shall not be voted upon until the original motion or proposition is perfected. Any of said
motions/amendments maybe withdrawn before a decision is made thereon.

SECTION 52: Motion to Cover One Subject Matter: No motion shall be covered more than one subject

SECTION 53: Amendment of Title: Amendment to the title of a proposed ordinance/resolution shall not be in
order until after the text thereof has been perfected. Amendment to the title shall be decided without debate.
SECTION 54: Call to Order: A motion to read any part of these rule is equivalent to a call to order and take
precedence over any motion other than adjourn.


SECTION 55: Standing Committee: The sangguniang barangay shall elect the chairman and members of the
following standing committees, the general jurisdiction of which shall be as hereunder provided.
a) Ethics, Laws and Rules – All matters pertaining to expropriation and legality of donations;
lease or exchange of government properties; naming of streets and public places; legal orders
from court; proposed ordinance/resolution whether regulatory or tax ordinance, except
appropriation ordinance ( which is cognizable by the committee on Finance, Budget and
Appropriation ); codification of ordinances; sangguniang rules and violation thereof;
disorderly conduct and privileges of members; legal aspect of action taken by or submitted to
the sanggunian.
b) Finance, Budget and Appropriation – All matters pertaining to local taxes, fees,

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charges, and other sources of local revenues; annual and supplemental budgets;
appropriation ordinances; taxation, monetary and other fiscal matters.
c) Infrastructure, Transportation and Communication – All matters pertaining to planning,
construction, maintenance, improvement and repair of public buildings, roads, bridges, parks,
monument and other public edifice, drainage, sewerage, flood control and protection;
irrigation and water utilities; land and air transportation; telecommunication services.
d) Public Order, Safety and Security – All matters pertaining to the maintenance of public
order, safety and security; police works and services; prevention of crimes; protective
services; traffic rules and regulations; fire prevention and control measures; implementation
and enforcement of national laws and local ordinances; liaison with the PNP and
maintenance of tanods and home defense forces; investigation of charges of malfeasances;
protection of the conduct, rights, privileges, safety, dignity, integrity and reputation of the
sanggunian and its members.
e) Agriculture and Natural Resources – All matters pertaining to agriculture, food production
and agri – business; agricultural education and extension services, agricultural economics and
research; soil survey and conservation, animal industry and livestock quarantine farm credit;
fisheries and aquatic resources; exploration, development, utilization and conservation of
natural resources.
f) Education and Culture – All matters pertaining to education and culture, local schools, non
– formal and community adult education, technological research, development and
advancement, moral and religious formation of the community.
g) Health, Sanitation and Other Social Services – All matters pertaining to public health and
hygiene; medical centers and quarantine services; effective system of solid waste
management; strengthening of family life; women’s welfare and ameliorative services;
housing and resettlement; relocation, labor employment and manpower development; day
care services; socio – economic planning, programming and development.
h) Trade, Cooperative and Industry – All matters pertaining to trade; consumer protection;
development of cooperatives and cottage industry.
i) Sports and Youth Development - All matters pertaining to sports and youth development
and all others relative thereto.
j) Purok Affairs (Special Committee) – All matters pertaining Purok.

Note: Whenever a measure covers a subject matter falling within the jurisdiction of more than one
committee, said measure shall be referred jointly to the committees concerned.

SECTION 56: Membership, Officers and their Election: Each standing committee shall have a chairman, a
vice chairman and at least one member who shall be elected by a majority vote of the sanggunian from among
its members. The regular presiding officer shall not be a member of any regular committee but maybe
designated by the body as chairman of a special committee created for special purposes but not involving policy
making. The regular presiding officer and the representative of the opposition shall likewise have a voice and
vote in all committees.

SECTION 57: Limitations: No sanggunian member shall have a chairmanship of more than two committees.
No member of a committee shall act upon or participate in any matter in which he/she has a special, direct and
substantial interest. The regular presiding officer, members of the sanggunian, and the representative of the
opposition shall have a voice and vote in all the committees.

SECTION 58: Special Committees: The sanggunian may organize special committees as it may deem
necessary. The officers and members shall likewise be elected by the majority vote of the sanggunian members.
The presiding officer may be elected as chairman of special committees.

SECTION 59: Vacancy: Whenever a vacancy occurs or is declared to exist in any committee, the same shall
be filled by election of the sanggunian. In the event that temporary vacancy occurs, the members of the
committee affected shall choose from among themselves a temporary chairman.

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SECTION 60: Committee Hearings/Meetings: The committee shall determine the frequency of their
hearings/meetings. Committee hearings/meetings shall be held only in public buildings. A majority of all the
members shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION 61: Committee Reports and Orders: Committee reports/orders on any ordinance/resolution shall
be considered in formal meetings and shall not be submitted to the sanggunian unless accompanied by the
minutes of the hearing/meeting of the committee which adopted them. When a committee submits a report, the
members thereof shall be present to have concurred in the report and shall be precluded from opposing the same
unless they have entered their objection thereto during the committee hearing/meeting.


SECTION 62: Who Can Move: Only the chairman and vice chairman of the committee on rules can move for
the suspension of the rules.

SECTION 63: Vote Required: No rule shall be suspended except by a vote of two – third (⅔) of the
sanggunian members present, there being a quorum.

SECTION 64: Interruption of Motion: When a motion to suspend the rules is pending, one motion shall be
entertained until the vote is taken on the motion to suspend.

SECTION 65: Effect of Suspension: If the sanggunian votes to suspend the rules, it shall forthwith proceed to
consider the measure. A two – third (⅔) vote of the members present shall be necessary for the passage of said
measure, a quorum being present.


SECTION 66: Official Seal: The official seal of the sanggunian as well as the barangay shall be the one
designed and drawn below.


SECTION 67: Communal Work: The regular communal work of the sanggunian members shall be every
second and last Saturday of the month. No communal work shall be scheduled unless concurred by the majority
vote of the sanggunian members.

SECTION 68: Flag Ceremony, Refreshing of Activities, etc.: Flag ceremony, refreshing/reminders of
scheduled activities and other important matters, signing of documents if there may, shall be done every
Monday at 7:30 o’clock in the morning.

SECTION 69: Officer of the Day: A daily officer of the day shall be established and scheduled from among
the sanggunian members and the SK Chairman. Duty starts at 8:00am to 11:30 am and 1:00pm- 4:30pm. The
OD shall make sure that the barangay hall is clean and make sure that the flag has been lowered before going
home in the afternoon. The OD shall render duty the whole day to accommodate visitors/clients coming to the
barangay hall for assistance and services. A logbook shall be maintained/kept at the OD’s desk for entries of
activities/ businesses transacted with the barangay, etc.

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SECTION 70: General Assembly Meeting: The sanggunian members as well as the barangay secretary and
treasurer are hereby required to attend the scheduled quarterly general assembly meeting set every second ( 2 nd )
Sundays of every quarter at 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon.

SECTION 71: Activities: No activities other than those provided herein shall be undertaken unless otherwise
considered and concurred by a majority vote of the members present during sessions, there being a quorum. In
the event that other activities was done without prior consideration during session or otherwise not entered into
the minutes, the absent member during such activity shall not be subject to penalty. In case of situations needing
prompt action, the members shall be notified immediately. The duly forwarded/sent notice which receipt was
acknowledged by the member or his/her members of the household shall be the basis for the imposition of
penalty on the absent member.


SECTION 72: Penalties/Fines – There is hereby authorized the collection of penalties/fines for the following
offenses committed by any members of the sangguniang barangay.
a) Absent During Sessions ( Reg. or Special ) --------------- P 300.00
b) Absent During Comm’l. Work ( Reg. or Special ) --------- P 300.00
c) Absent During Ass. Meetings ( Reg. or Special ) ---------- P 300.00
d) Absent During Duty --------------------------------------------P 300.00
e) Absent During Flag Ceremony ------------------------------- P 300.00
f) Not in proper attire during session and General
Assembly Meeting; casual clothes is acceptable------------ P 300.00
g) Smoking and Spiting inside the barangay hall
during session --------------------------------------------------- P 300.00
h) Liquor Intoxication during session --------------------------- P 300.00
i) All phones shall be in silent mode during meetings to avoid disturbance
j) No Accomplishment Report, No Honoraria

*** Any member who is fifteen (15) minutes late during sessions shall be considered absent and
therefore, be subject to the corresponding penalties. Official time clock for the determination of tardiness shall
be the wall clock at the barangay hall.

*** For the imposition of paragraph (h), liquor intoxication shall be those which calculated to cause
alarm as concurred by the majority of the members present.

SECTION 73: Exemption from Attendance and Penalties: Any member shall be exempt from attendance
and penalties when he/she is under the following circumstances; provided that the concerned member shall
notify the sanggunian of the same and the proof thereof is being satisfied.
a) Sickness
b) Sponsor of Baptism and Weddings
c) Wedding of direct members of the family
d) Death of direct members of the family
e) Some other unavoidable and inevitable circumstances

SECTION 74: Mortuary Aid: There is hereby authorized the collection of contributions from among the
sanggunian members for mortuary aid to the following:
a) Member of the sanggunian; his/her direct members of the family; members of his/her
household including parents and parents-in-laws. To be considered a member of the
household, six months of residence shall have preceded thereof------- P 500.00
b) SK Kgds, SK Purok Presidents, Purok Leaders, Bantay Bayan, Nursery Caretaker,
BNS/BHW/Daycare Teacher, BAFC, Lupon, BHRAO ----------------- P 500.00
c) Direct family members of those stated in paraghraph ( b ) ------------- P 500.00
d) All Others -----------------------------------------------------Voluntary Contribution

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*** The chairman on Finance, Budget and Appropriation is hereby deputized to collect
fines/penalty from any violator and shall act as custodian of funds collected which shall accrue as sinking fund
of the sangguniang barangay. He/she is likewise deputized for the collection of mortuary aids.


SECTION 75: Amendments: Any portion of these rules maybe amended by a majority vote of all the
sangguniang barangay members.


SECTION 76: Effectivity and Transitory Provision: These rules shall take effect on the date of their
adoption and shall continue during the term of the approving sanggunian. However, pending the adoption by the
succeeding set of sanggunian of their Internal Rules of Procedure, these rules shall take effect.

ADOPTED: This 20TH day of November 2023.



Hon. Maribel V. Thiam Hon. Gracia C. Sevillena Hon. Ramon S. Madriaga

Barangay Kagawad Barangay Kagawad Barangay Kagawad

Hon. Ernanie L. Sioco_ Hon. Eden G. Castro Hon. Rodrigo C. Marzan

Barangay Kagawad Barangay Kagawad Barangay Kagawad

Hon. Maria Cristina C. Singh Hon. Annabelle P. Alcantara Hon. Kyan Marie V. Cairo
Barangay Kagawad IPMR SK Chairperson



Barangay Secretary Presiding Officer/Punong Barangay

Page 11
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Nueva Vizcaya
Municipality of Bagabag


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