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Journal of Robotics
Volume 2022, Article ID 6638104, 17 pages

Research Article
The Flight Mechanism of a Bird-like Flapping Wing Robot at a Low
Reynolds Number

Changtao Ding , Xiating Yao , and Chengyao Liu

Zhejiang Industry Polytechnic College, Shaoxing, Zhejiang 312000, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Changtao Ding;

Received 14 November 2020; Revised 13 March 2022; Accepted 30 March 2022; Published 18 April 2022

Academic Editor: Ramadoni Syahputra

Copyright © 2022 Changtao Ding et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The flight mechanism of a bird-like flapping wing robot at a low Reynolds number was studied in this study for improving the
robot performances. Both the physical model and the kinematic model were first established. The dynamic model of the robot at a
low Reynolds number was built with the RANS (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes) equations and the Spalart-Allmaras tur-
bulence model. The flight experiments were carried out and the results were discussed. Lift and drag coefficient curves show that it
generates upward lift and forward thrust in the phase that the wing flaps downwards, the rate of the coefficient curves is the biggest
when the flapping direction changes. Pressure contours indicate that small vortexes with high pressure values appear at the wing
edges. There are four velocity vortex groups in total at the front and back of the wing in the velocity contours. Some methods for
improving the robot flight efficiency and the robot strength as well as the stitching position of the robot skin have been obtained
from the above results. The methods provide the important guidance for the stable flights of the flapping wing robot with the
high efficiency.

1. Introduction of platform body and bat-inspired wings as well as SMA

(Shape Memory Alloy) wires, the wings were connected by
A bird-like flapping wing robot has many advantages flexible joints [12]. As shown in Figure 1(a), Chirar-
compared with a fixed wing robot and a rotary wing robot. attananon et al., designed a flapping wing robot that was
Due to “V” formation and some versatile flight modes, it is equipped with two piezoelectric actuators, and the rotational
possible for bird-like robots to fly in an energy-saving way motion of the wing was realized by a linear actuator and a
[1–3]. A bird-like flapping wing robot has been widely flexure-based four bar transmission [11]. As shown in
applied in aerial photography, disaster rescue, military Figure 1(b), Leys et al., designed a flapping wing robot, the
operation and the other fields. For example, due to simi- wing motion was imitated by an artificial wing, which can
larities between a bird-like flapping wing robot and a real generate harmonic strokes with a large amplitude and a high
bird, it becomes possible for the robot Robird to chase away frequency [13]. As shown in Figure 1(c), Grand et al.,
birds from runways by mimicking a predator [4]. Due to its designed a flapping wing robot whose wing can realize an
extensive applications, both models and experiments of the arbitrary trajectory with the high efficiency [14]. In spite of
robot have been widely studied [5–10]. In spite of the fact the fact that some flapping wing robots have been studied,
that some studies have been conducted in recent decades, there are less attention on the high flight efficiency and the
there are still some challenges from the air flow fields around robot strength as well as the stitching position of the robot
the robot, which are vital to reveal the flight mechanism of skin, and it is critical to design the mechanical model of the
the robot [6, 10, 11]. robot based on the above aspects [15].
Researchers have extensively studied the mechanical Researchers have established the kinematic model of
models of bird-like flapping wing robots. Bunget et al., bird-like flapping wing robots in recent decades. Bunget
designed a bat-like flapping wing robot which was composed et al., analyzed the joint data which were mainly from image
2 Journal of Robotics

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1: Several flapping wing robots. where (a) :the robot designed by Chirarattananon; (b) :the robot designed by Leys; (c) :the robot
designed by Grand.

processing and inverse kinematics, and established the ki- CFD method to analyze the laminar and turbulence flows of
nematic model of a bat flapping wing [12]. In [14], Grand a flapping wing robot, and obtained the aerodynamic effi-
et al., obtained the kinematic data from the wing movements ciency of some flapping wing motions [29]. In spite of the
to characterize the kinematic model of a robot. In [16], three fact that some studies have been carried out, the results
set kinematic equations were used to describe the motion of obtained with the CFD method are not systematic enough,
a flapping wing in the primary and secondary as well as third and the results do not include lift and drag coefficient curves,
feathers. Dadashi et al., established the kinematic model of a pressure contours and velocity contours at the same time.
bat-like robot in flight, and represented the kinematics of an Some prototype experiments of flapping wing robots
articulated flapping wing with the Denavit-Hartenberg have been performed in recent decades [30, 31]. In [32], the
convention method [17]. aerodynamic forces of a flapping wing robot were measured
For decades, many researchers have established the in experiments, the results showed that the strong thrust
dynamic model of bird-like flapping wing robots. In [18], the can be obtained by increasing the frequency and reducing
averaged dynamic model of a flapping wing robot was the flapping amplitude. Harmon et al., placed some re-
established with the force-moment method for describing flective markers on a flapping wing in experiments, and
the robot motion. In [19], the dynamic model of a bird-like used a Vicon measurement system to track the markers for
robot was established with the strip theory to calculate the analyzing the wing aerodynamics [33]. In [34], kinematic
aerodynamic force in the flight. Based on the Euler method, data in experiments were obtained by tracking small re-
Chirarattananon et al., established the dynamic model of a flective markers on two flapping wings, the data were used
robot to obtain the attitude dynamics, and calculated the to establish flapping membrane wing aerodynamics. In
total torques imposed on the robot joints [20]. Teoh et al., [35], the wing shape of a flapping wing robot was optimized
considered aerodynamic dampers to establish the improved by taking the overall power efficiency as a key objective, and
dynamic model of a RoboBee robot [21]. In [22, 23], some the experiments of a 17.2 g robot were used to verify the
other methods were also used to establish the dynamic conclusion effectiveness. To date, there are still some
model of a flapping wing robot. The above dynamic models challenges in the flight experiments. For example, it is
are mainly applied to the rigid bodies. It is difficult to analyze difficult to measure all the air flow fields in the robot flights
the complex air flow fields during the robot flight with the due to the lack of a huge equipment. The experiments are
above models. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a dy- usually carried out outdoors, so the environmental pa-
namic model that is closer to the real flight for obtaining the rameters usually have some interference to the experiment
robot flight mechanism. results.
The simulation experiments of flapping wing robots have The complex flight mechanism of a bird-like flapping
been performed with the CFD (computational fluid dy- wing robot is vital for improving its flight efficiency and
namics) method. In [24], air flow fields of a flapping wing service life as well as stability. It mainly includes two steps to
ornithopter were simulated with the CFD method, and the obtain the complex flight mechanism. The first step is to
simulation results were consistent with experiments. Su establish the physical model and the kinematic model as well
et al., divided the meshes of a bird-like robot and its air flow as the dynamic model of a flapping wing robot. The second
fields, and used the CFD method to analyze the ground effect step is to conduct simulation experiments and prototype
on the robot [16]. Moelyadi et al., obtained the velocity experiments at a low Reynolds number. The structures of
contours of a bird-like robot with the CFD method for this study are as follows: both the physical model and the
analyzing the robot motion characteristics [25]. In [26], air kinematic model of a bird-like flapping wing robot are
flow fields of a robot were simulated with the CFD method, established in Section 2. The dynamic model of the robot is
and the aerodynamic performances at a low Reynolds established in Section 3. In Section 4, the robot flight is
number were obtained. In [27, 28], the transient flow fields simulated with the CFD method, followed by the prototype
of flapping wings were analyzed with the CFD method based experiments. Section 5 and Section 6 give the discussion and
on an efficient dynamic mesh strategy. Ou et al., used the conclusions of this study respectively.
Journal of Robotics 3

2. The Physical Model and the Kinematic Model 2.2. The Kinematic Model. The movement of the bird-like
flapping wing robot is shown in Figure 4. The wings sym-
2.1. The Physical Model. The physical model of the robot is metrically flap with respect to a middle horizontal plane. The
shown in Figure 2(a). The robot prototype in Figure 2(b) was wings first flap upwards from position 1 (the horizontal
built with some outsourced components. The prototype plane) through position 2 to position 3. The wings flap
includes a body frame, two flapping wings and a tail as well downwards from position 3 through position 4,5,6 to po-
as driving mechanism and transmission mechanism, etc. The sition 7. In the following the wings flap upwards from
aerofoil of the robot is a flat plate. The mass of the robot is position 7 through position 8 to position 9 (the horizontal
nearly 600 g, and the maximum load is 220 g. The wingspan plane).
is 1.26 m and the length from head to tail is 0.5 m. In this study, the movement of the rigid wings is sim-
As shown in Figure 3, both the wings and the tail are plified into only up-down flapping. The kinematic model of
driven independently. The transmission mechanism of the the robot is given as follows [19, 25]:
wings is: motor - gear on the motor—gear A1—gear
A2—gear A3—connecting rod—wing bar. Both the gears α(t) � A sin(2πft), (1)
and the wing bar fix on the body frame with rotation. The
where α(t) is the flapping angle between the wing and the
above transmission mechanism drives the wings to flap
horizontal plane, A is the flapping amplitude, f is the
repeatedly with the high accuracy. The wing bar is made of
flapping frequency and t is the time.
carbon fiber spars, which are with high strength for resisting
strong impact forces. The transmission mechanism that
drives the tail to swing upwards and downwards is: motor 3. The Dynamic Model of the Robot
actuator B - connecting rod B1- connecting rod B2- con-
necting rod B3. The tail swings leftwards and rightwards by The Reynolds number of a bird-like flapping wing robot is
controlling motor actuator C. In addition, an electronic usually from 5 × 103 to 5 × 105 during its flights [36]. The
speed controller receives signals from remote controller to RANS equations have been used to simulate complex tur-
control the robot flight. bulence of the robot. The average flow can be calculated by
Table 1 is the components of the flapping wing robot. RANS equations due to less amount of calculation. The
Numbers 1.1–1.9 are components related to the wing Spalart-Allmaras model can be used to close the eddy vis-
movements. Numbers 2.1–2.9 are components related to the cosity models in RANS equations. In this study, RANS
tail movements. Number 3 is body frame. Numbers 4.1–4.4 equations can be written in the Cartesian tensor forms
are battery or control components. [37, 38]:

zρ z
+ ρui 􏼁 � 0, (2)
zt zxi

z z zp z zu zuj 2 zu1 z
ρui 􏼁 + 􏼐ρui uj 􏼑 � − + 􏼢μ􏼠 i + − δij 􏼡􏼣 + 􏼐−ρu′iuj′􏼑 ,
zt zxj zx i
􏽼√􏽻􏽺√􏽽 zx j zx j zx i 3 zx 1 zx j (3)
􏽼√√√√√√√√√􏽻􏽺√√√√√√√√√􏽽 􏽼√√√√√√√√√√√√√􏽻􏽺√√√√√√√√√√√√√􏽽 􏽼√√√√√􏽻􏽺√√√√√􏽽
(a) (b) (c) (d)

ui � ui + u′i(i � 1, 2, 3), (4)

where (a), (b), (c) and (d) are the inertia force, the pressure,
the viscous force and the external force acting on the air flow where ui denotes the mean velocity component, and u′i is the
respectively. u is the fluid velocity. ρ denotes the fluid fluctuating velocity component.
density. p is the pressure. μ denotes the dynamic viscosity. δ In this study, the Spalart-Allmaras model is used to close
is a delta function. −ρu′iuj′ is the Reynolds stresses. the RANS equations at a low Reynolds number. The Spalart-
The velocity component ui is given as follows: Allmaras model can be expressed as equation (5) [37]:

z z 1 z z􏽥v z􏽥v
(ρ􏽥v) + ρ􏽥vui 􏼁 � Pv + ⎡⎣ 􏼨(μ + ρ􏽥v) 􏼩 + Cb2 ρ􏼠 􏼡 ⎤⎦ − Dv + T􏽥v , (5)
zt zxi σ􏽥v zxj zxj zxj

where 􏽥v denotes the modified turbulent viscosity. Pv is the destruction. Both σ􏽥v and Cb2 are constants. T􏽥v is a user-
turbulent viscosity production. Dv is the turbulent viscosity defined source term.
4 Journal of Robotics

(a) (b)

Figure 2: A bird-like flapping wing robot. where (a): the physical model of the robot; (b): the robot prototype.

skin on tail rib in tail

rib in flapping

remote controller
skin on flapping


connecting connecting 12 bits 6 channel gear on the connecting wing bar

rod B2 rod B1 receiver motor rod

electronic speed controller

ball joint

tail plate

motor connecting motor body

actuator C rod B3 actuator B battery motor gear A1 gear A2 gear A3


Figure 3: The components of the flapping wing robot. where (a): the robot in global view; (b): the robot in bottom view.
Journal of Robotics 5

Table 1: The components of the flapping wing robot.

Number Component Quantity Descriptions
1.1 Motor 1 It drives the movement of two flapping wings.
1.2 Gear on the motor 1 It coaxially fixes with motor and meshes with gear A1.
1.3 Gear A1 1 It meshes with gear on the motor and coaxially fixes with gear A2.
1.4 Gear A2 2 It coaxially fixes with gear A1 and meshes with gear A3.
1.5 Gear A3 2 It meshes with gear A2 and rotationally connects with connecting rod.
It rotationally connects with gear A3 at one end, and it rotationally connects with wing bar by
1.6 Connecting rod 2
a ball joint at the other end.
1.7 Wing bar 2 It rotationally connects with connecting rod and fixes with ribs in flapping wing.
1.8 Rib in flapping wing 10 It fixes at wing bar to prop up skin on flapping wing.
1.9 Skin on flapping wing 1 It is propped up by wing bars and ribs in flapping wing.
2.1 Motor actuator B 1 It fixes in body frame and drives the tail to swing upwards and downwards.
2.2 Connecting rod B1 1 It rotationally connects with motor actuator B and connecting rod B2.
2.3 Connecting rod B2 1 It rotationally connects with connecting rod B1 and connecting rod B3.
2.4 Connecting rod B3 1 It rotationally connects with motor actuator B2 and connecting frame.
2.5 Connecting frame 1 It rotationally connects with connecting rod B3 and body frame.
2.6 Motor actuator C 1 It fixes in connecting frame and drives the tail to swing leftwards and rightwards.
2.7 Tail plate 1 It rotationally connects with motor actuator C, and fixes ribs in tail.
2.8 Rib in tail 4 It fixes at tail plate to prop up skin on tail.
2.9 Skin on tail 1 It is propped up by tail plate and ribs in tail.
3 Body frame 1 It is the robot body that fixes components.
4.1 Battery 1 It provides power for motor and motor actuator B as well as motor actuator C.
Electronic speed
4.2 1 It connects with battery and 12 bits 6 channel receiver as well as motor.
12 bits 6 channel
4.3 1 It connects with electronic speed controller and motor actuator B as well as motor actuator C.
4.4 Remote controller 1 It remotely sends signals to control the robot movements.

6 5
Figure 4: The movement of the bird-like flapping wing robot.

The turbulent viscosity production Pv is given as follows where both Cb1 and k are constants. l is the distance from the
[37]: wall. T denotes a scalar measure of the deformation tensor,
and λ ≡ 􏽥v/v.
􏽥 v,
Pv � Cb1 ρT􏽥 (6) The mean rate-of-rotation tensor ωij is modeled as
equation (10):
􏽥 ≡ T + 􏽥v fv2 ,
T (7) 1 zu zuj
k2 l2 ωij � 􏼠 i − 􏼡. (10)
2 zxj zxi
T ≡ 2ωij ωij , (8) The viscous damping function fv1 can be written as
equation (11):
fv2 ≡ 1 −
, (9) λ3
1 + λfv1 fv1 � 3 , (11)
λ + C3v1
6 Journal of Robotics

where Cv1 is a constant. Table 2: Some parameter values.

The turbulent viscosity destruction Dv is defined as Parameters Cb1 Cb2 Cw1 Cw2 Cw3 Cv1 σ􏽥v k
equation (12):
Values 0.1355 0.622 3.206 0.3 2.0 7.1 2/3 0.4187
􏽥v 2
Dv � Cw1 ρfw 􏼒 􏼓 , (12)
shown in Figure 5(a), unstructured triangular
where: meshes were established which can simulate the
1 + C6w3
1/6 robot movements within a short time, and the file
fw � g􏼢 􏼣 , (13) format was saved as.mesh. Details of “mesh” are
g6 + C6w3
shown in Figure 5(b) and 5(c).

g � r + Cw2 􏼐r6 − r􏼑, (14) (4) UDF (User-defined function) codes were pro-
grammed based on the kinematic model in Section2. The
􏽥v parameter values in equation (1) were set as follows: the
r≡ , (15) flapping amplitude A � π/6, the flapping frequency
􏽥 2 l2
Tk f � 50Hz. The fluid velocity u � 5m/s. The Reynolds
where Cw1 , Cw2 and Cw3 are constants. number was calculated as Re � 7.22 × 104 .
Cw1 can be calculated by equation (16): (5) The meshes in step (3) were imported to ANSYS
FLUENT software, and some options for the robot model
Cb1 1 + Cb2 􏼁 were set. In the simulation experiments, it is important to
Cw1 � + . (16)
k2 σ 􏽥v select the viscous model of the robot and set its parameters.
As shown in Figure 6(a), the Spalart-Allmaras model was
The parameter values Cb1 , Cb2 , Cw1 , Cw2 , Cw3 , Cv1 , σ􏽥v and
selected, and the parameters in Table 2 were set. Boundary
k are given in Table 2 [37].
conditions of velocity inlet were set as Figure 6(b). Velocity
Equations (2)–(4) are RANS equations which have been
magnitude was set as 5 m/s, X-component of flow direction
used to simulate complex turbulence in the robot flights.
was set as 0.9848, Y-component of flow direction was set as
Equation (5) is the Spalart-Allmaras model which is used to
0.17365, specification method of turbulence was selected as
close the RANS equations. Equations (6)–(16) are the details
modified turbulent viscosity, modified turbulent viscosity
of some variables in equation (5).
was set as 0.0001 m2/s. Some other options for the model
The Reynolds number is defined by equation (17)
were also set as follows: the type of solver was set as pressure-
[12, 39]:
based, the velocity formulation of solver was set as absolute,
ρuL wall motion of both head and tail was selected as stationary
Re � , (17)
μ wall, shear condition of both head and tail was selected as no
slip, roughness constant of both head and tail was set as 0.5.
where L is the chord length of the robot. The UDF codes in step (4) were imported in ANSYS
Thus, the dynamic model of the robot was established FLUENT software.
based on the RANS equations and the Spalart-Allmaras (6) The position of the flapping wing at each time step
model. was solved for obtaining the results in the transient state and
steady state. The post-processing to the results was carried
4. The Flight Experiments out in ANSYS FLUENT software and TECPLOT software.
Some results of the robot at a low Reynolds number are
Simulation experiments of the robot were performed at a low
shown as Figures 7–11.
Reynolds number in Section 4.1. Prototype experiments of
As shown in Figure 7, the lift and drag coefficient curves
the robot were carried out in Section 4.2.
are closed as the wing flaps periodically. Most coefficient
values are bigger than zero. The integral of the lift or the drag
4.1. Simulation Experiments. The steps of the simulation coefficients with respect to the flapping angle is much bigger
experiments are given as follows: than zero within a period, which makes the robot fly stably.
The upper parts of two curves describe the phase of flapping
(1) A solid model of the flapping wing robot was built in
downwards, which generate the effective aerodynamic
SOLIDWORKS software, and the file format was
forces. Moreover, the aerodynamic force coefficients become
saved as.xt or.step.
bigger while the wing flaps downwards, and they are op-
(2) The model file in step (1) was imported to ANSYS posite while the wing flaps upwards. From Figure 7, it can be
DM software on WORKBENCH platform, and the obtained that the integral of the lift coefficient is bigger than
calculation domains of both the robot and the air that of the drag coefficient within a period, which indicates
flow fields were set based on real flight situations. the lift is bigger than the drag. In addition, the rate of
(3) The meshes of both the robot and the air flow fields aerodynamic force curves reaches the biggest value at the
were divided in ANSYS MESHING software on upward-downward or downward-upward transition. An air
WORKBENCH platform. The moving meshes are exhaust mechanism should be designed for improving the
required to imitate the movements of the wing. As robot flight efficiency. The curve magnitude in Figure 7 is the
Journal of Robotics 7

(a) (b)


Figure 5: The meshes of both the robot and the air flow fields. (a): unstructured triangular meshes; (b) and (c): details of “mesh”.

same as references [40, 41], but the curve shapes are different surface and below the lower surface, because the volume
with the above references. It expresses the relationship near the wing changed rapidly but the air did not escape in
between the aerodynamic force coefficients and the flapping time. There are the high pressure values at the wing edges
angle in Figure 7 more clearly than that in references [40, 41]. that form a small pressure vortex, which is wrapped by
It shows that the pressure contours of two wings are several big vortexes. In Figure 8(d), there are two pressure
symmetrical with respect to the middle plane from vortex groups with low values below the head connection
Figure 8(a) and 8(b). Most pressure values of the lower and tail connection. In Figure 8(e), the pressure value above
surface are higher than zero while those of the upper surface the wing is lower than that below the wing, which results in
are lower than zero. The closer to the head, the pressure an upward lift. As the pressure values are high, the strength
value becomes the lower in Figure 8(b). In Figure 8(c), there of the wing edges and the head connection as well as the tail
are several ellipsoidal pressure vortexes above the upper connection should be increased in order to resist the high
8 Journal of Robotics

(a) (b)

Figure 6: The settings of viscous model and velocity inlet in ANSYS FLUENT software. (a): the settings of viscous model; (b): the settings of
velocity inlet.

Drag and lift coefficients

1 flap rds
flap downwards s

flap upwards


-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
Flapping angle (deg)

drag coefficient
Lift coefficient
Figure 7: Lift and drag coefficient curves of the bird-like flapping wing robot.

pressure, which has not been mentioned in previous re- ring shapes, and the iso-surfaces in Figures 9(f )–9(h) and
search results. There are some similar vorticity contours in 9(j)–9(l) resemble the spherical shapes.
reference [24], but it has not mentioned vorticity contours of There are several arcs in Figure 10(a), and the air velocity
the robot surfaces, and the specific values of the vorticity below the wing is much lower than that above the wing. It
contours have not been given in reference [24]. also shows that the air velocity near the upper surface of the
The shapes of pressure iso-surfaces in Figures 9 are wing is low, which is attributed to the air adhesion to the
bilaterally symmetrical with respect to the middle plane. The wing. The air velocity gradually becomes lower from the
pressure iso-surfaces in Figures 9(a) and 9(b) are similar to inner layer to the outer layer. The robot is surrounded by
the smooth cylinders that are above the flapping wing. The velocity contours in Figure 10(b). From Figure 10(c), three
iso-surfaces in Figures 9(a) and 9(b) are nearly symmetrical velocity vortexes with high values appear above the front of
with those in Figures 9(d) and 9(c). The pressure iso-surfaces the wing, two velocity vortexes with low values locate below
in Figures 9(e)–9(h) are nearly symmetrical with those in the front of the wing. There are four velocity vortex groups in
Figures 9(i)–9(l) due to the opposite flapping direction. The Figure 10(d) when the wing flaps upwards. Two groups with
pressure iso-surfaces in Figures 9(e) and 9(i) resemble the low values locate above the front of the wing and below the
Journal of Robotics 9


Y 15 Z 15
10 10
-15 -10
-20 -15
-25 -20
-30 -25
-35 -30
-40 -35
-45 -40

(a) (b)

Y 1769.1
X 1580.8
X 1510.63
Z 15 Z 1488.71
10 1471.46
5 1448.77
0.446031 1445.4
-0.297458 1436.81
-1.08815 1339.49
-1.73317 1332.66
-5 -500
-10 -1000
-15 -1500
-20 -1540.86
-25 -2000
-30 -2500
-35 -3000
-40 -3500
-45 -4000

(c) (d)
Figure 8: Continued.
10 Journal of Robotics

X 3151.96
Z 2224.3


Figure 8: Pressure contours of the flapping wing robot. (a) and (b): the lower and upper surfaces of the robot in the steady state; (c): 3D view
along the symmetrical plane in the steady state; (d): 3D view in the transient state when the wing flaps upwards; (e): 3D view in the transient
state when the wing flaps downwards.

5 10 10
Y 4 9 9
X 3 8 8
2 X 7 Z 7
Z 1 6 6
0 5 5
-1 Z 4 X 4
-2 3 3
-3 2 2
-4 1 1
-5 0 0
-6 -1 -1
-7 -2 -2
-8 -3 -3
-9 -4 -4
-10 -5 -5
-6 -6

(a) (b) (c)

10 Y Y
Y 9 2000 2000
Z 8 X 1500 1500
7 1000 1000
X 6 500 500
5 0 0
4 -500 -500
3 -1000 -1000
2 -1500 -1500
1 -2000 -2000
0 -2500 -2500
-1 -3000 -3000
-2 -3500 -3500
-3 -4000 -4000
-4 -4500 -4500
-5 -5000 -5000

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 9: Continued.
Journal of Robotics 11

Y Y 5000
2000 2000 4500
1500 X 1500 4000
X Y 3500
Z 1000 Z 1000
500 500 3000
0 0 2500
-500 -500 Z 2000
-1000 -1000 1500
-1500 -1500 1000
-2000 -2000 500
-2500 -2500 0
-3000 -3000 -500
-3500 -3500 -1000
-4000 -4000 -1500
-4500 -4500 -2000
-5000 -5000 -2500

(g) (h) (i)

5000 Y 5000 5000
Y 4500 4500 Y 4500
4000 4000 4000
3500 X 3500 3500
3000 Z 3000 3000
Z 2500 2500 Z 2500
2000 2000 2000
1500 1500 1500
1000 1000 1000
500 500 500
0 0 0
-500 -500 -500
-1000 -1000 -1000
-1500 -1500 -1500
-2000 -2000 -2000
-2500 -2500 -2500
-3000 -3000 -3000

(j) (k) (l)

Figure 9: Pressure iso-surfaces of the flapping wing robot. (a), (b), (c) and (d):static pressure P � −4, −1, 1, and 4 (Pa) in the steady static; (e),
(f ), (g) and (h): static pressure P � 0, 1200, 1850 and 2000 (Pa) when the wing flaps upwards; (i), (j), (k) and (l): static pressure P � 0, 1000,
2000 and 3000 (Pa) when the wing flaps downwards.

7.5 7.5
7 7
6.5 Z 6.5
X 6 6
5.5 5.5
5 X 5
4.5 4.83111
4 4
3.5 3.5
3 3
2.5 2.5
2 2
1.5 1.5
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
-1.5 -1.5
-2 -2
-2.5 -2.5

(a) (b)
Figure 10: Continued.
12 Journal of Robotics

Y 7 60
X 50
6.5 Z
6 40
X 5.5 30
Z 20
4.5 12.5624
4 8.78818
3.5 1.24908
3 0.945573
2.5 0.658521
2 -1.66106
1.5 -1.86795
1 -3.92593
0.5 -4.46399
0 -10
-0.5 -20
-1 -30
-1.5 -40
-2 -50
-2.5 -60

(c) (d)

X 70
Z 60


Figure 10: Velocity contours of the flapping wing robot. (a), (b) and (c): right view, top view and front view of the robot in the steady state;
(d): front view in the transient state when the wing flaps upwards; (e): front view in the transient state when the wing flaps downwards.

back of the wing. The other groups with high values are nearly at the back of the wing in Figure 11(d). Figures 11(e)–
symmetrical with the above groups with respect to the wing. The 11(h) are velocity iso-surfaces when the wing flaps up-
centers of the above vortex groups are closed to the wing. There wards. The shape of the iso-surface in Figure 11(e) likes
are also four vortex groups in Figure 10(e) when the wing flaps two silkworms, which locate above the front of the robot
downwards, but the positions of the vortex groups are opposite and below the back of the robot. There is a very large iso-
to those in Figure 10(d). The robot skin where appears four surface in Figure 11(f ). The iso-surfaces in Figures 11(g)
velocity vortex groups should avoid stitching for preventing air and 11(h) also like silkworms, which locate above the back
leakages, which has not been proposed in other references. of the robot and below the front of the robot. The velocity
Some velocity contours were given in references [16, 42], but iso-surfaces in Figures 11(i)–11(l) like silkworms, which
there were few figures or lack of specific velocity values. appear when the wing flaps downwards. The iso-surfaces
In Figure 11(a), there is a long cylindrical iso-surface in Figures 11(i) and 11(j) locate above the back of the
above the front of the wing. The robot is wrapped by a robot and below the front of the robot. The iso-surfaces in
sphere iso-surface in Figure 11(b). The robot is covered by Figures 11(k) and 11(l) locate above the front of the robot
a flat iso-surface in Figure 11(c). There is a flat iso-surface and below the back of the robot.
Journal of Robotics 13

YX 6 5 6
5.8 Y X 4.85 Y 5.8
5.6 4.7 5.6
Z 5.4 4.55 5.4
5.2 Z 4.4 Z 5.2
5 4.25 5
4.8 4.1 4.8
4.6 3.95 4.6
4.4 3.8 4.4
4.2 3.65 4.2
4 3.5 4
3.8 3.35 3.8
3.6 3.2 3.6
3.4 3.05 3.4
3.2 2.9 3.2
3 2.75 3
2.8 2.6 2.8

(a) (b) (c)

Y Y 60
X 6
5.95 50
5.9 40
Z X 30
5.85 Z
5.8 20
5.75 10 60
5.7 0 50
5.65 -10 40
5.6 -20 30
5.55 -30 20
5.5 -40 10
-50 Y
5.45 0
5.4 -60 -10
5.35 X -20
5.3 Z -30
5.25 -40
5.2 -50
(d) (e) (f )
Y Y Y 80
50 70
X 40 X X 60
Z 30 Z 60 50
50 Z 40
10 40 30
0 30 20
-10 20 10
-20 10 0
-30 0 -10
-40 -10 -20
-50 -20 -30
-60 -30 -40
-40 -50
-50 -60
-60 -70
(g) (h) (i)
80 80 Y 80
Y 70 70 70
60 60 X 60
X 50 50 50
40 40 Z 40
Z 30 30 30
20 20 20
10 10 10
0 0 0
-10 -10 -10
-20 -20 -20
-30 -30 -30
-40 -40 -40
-50 X -50 -50
-60 -60 -60
-70 -70 -70
(j) (k) (l)

Figure 11: Velocity iso-surfaces of the flapping wing robot. (a), (b), (c) and (d): air velocity v � 6, 5, 4.8 and 3 in the steady state; (e), (f ), (g)
and (h): air velocity v � 0, 5, 6 and 10 in the transient state when the wing flaps upwards; (i), (j), (k) and (l): air velocity v � 0, 4, 6 and 10 in the
transient state when the wing flaps downwards.
14 Journal of Robotics

4.2. Prototype Experiments. The robot prototype experi- wing edges. There are four velocity vortex groups in total at
ments mainly include the following steps: (1) Before the the front and back of the wing in the velocity contours. With
flight experiments of the robot, the mass center of the robot some results in this study, some methods have been obtained
was adjusted for ensuring the balance between left part and for improving the robot flight performances.
right part, and the tail was kept upwards 30°. (2) When the Referring to references [19, 37–39], the physical model,
robot took off, the wing flapped with the highest frequency, the kinematic model and the dynamic model were separately
and the robot flied against the wind to generate the maxi- established in this study. The 3D physical model with the
mum aerodynamic force for taking off successfully. (3) same parameters as the robot prototype was built in this
When the robot flied stably in the sky, the flapping frequency study, which is much nearer to real robots compared with
of the wing turned to 1/2 or 2/3 of that in taking off phase. 1D or 2D model in references [14, 39, 43, 44] The same as
The robot flied towards different direction by adjusting its references [17, 19, 40, 41], the kinematic model of the robot
tail. The robot would turn left or right when the tail turned was established in this study. The dynamic model was
left or right. (4) The robot floated down freely at the end of established based on the RANS equations and the Spalart-
the flight for avoiding severe impacts with the ground. Allmaras model in this study, which can effectively describe
The flight experiments of the robot are shown in Fig- the air flow fields around the robot. The strip method was
ure 12, the robot flied stably and freely in the sky at a low used to establish the dynamic model of flapping wing robots
Reynolds number. During the flight, the robot repeatedly in references [19, 34, 40, 41, 45, 46], by which the aerody-
flapped its wings to generate enough aerodynamic forces, namic forces have been approximately calculated, but the
and the robot turned left or right by turning its tail left or results are less accurate than that in this study. In references
right. [20, 43, 47, 48], the dynamic model of flapping wing robot
The Reynolds number is mainly determined by ρ u, L, μ was established with the moment equilibrium method,
from equation (17). Both the fluid density ρ and the dynamic which can approximately analyze the complex dynamic
viscosityμ depend on the external environment. A sunny characteristics, but it is difficult to simulate the air flow fields
environment was chosen in the prototype experiments. An around flapping wings in realities. In summary, both the
anemometer was used to measure wind speed and tem- physical model and the dynamic model are developed in this
perature. The flight velocity of the robotu was kept at 5 m/s study compared with the previous research results.
by adjusting the remote controller. The chord length of the The simulation experiments were carried out in this
robot L is a constant. The parameters ρ u, μ had no big study. The lift and drag coefficient curves within a period
deviation in spite of the fact that there were some small were obtained to describe the aerodynamic forces, both the
changes of the external environment, therefore the robot pressure contours and the velocity contours were used to
flied at a low Reynolds number. analyze the complex flight mechanism in this study. Some
The remote controller controlled the robot flight by simulation results in this study are similar to those in ref-
sending signals to the electronic speed controller at the erence [24]. The aerodynamic forces of the robot were
ground station. The motor drove the movements of the obtained with some non fluid simulation methods in ref-
wings. The motor was controlled by a handle on the remote erences [19, 34, 40, 41, 45, 46, 49], which have not described
controller to realize the robot flight in a straight line. The the air flow fields and been less accurate than the results in
faster the motor, the faster the robot flied. The motor ac- this study. In addition, some experiments were performed in
tuators drove the movements of the tail. The motor actuators references [16, 42, 50] but which did not study steady sit-
were remotely controlled by another handle to realize the uations and transient situations as well as prototype ex-
robot turning. The faster the motor actuators, the faster the periments together. The simulation experiments were
robot turned a corner. explored more in this study compared with the previous
The robot flight effects were mainly qualitatively eval- research results.The prototype experiments were carried out
uated due to the limitation of experimental conditions. It in this study similar to references [32, 33, 35], and the robot
was considered that the robot flight effects were good when flied stably at a low Reynolds number. However, the air flow
the robot realized stable flight, otherwise it was considered fields around the robot have not been measured in the
that the flight effects were poor. prototype experiments, and the robot has not flied in some
complex situations, e.g., severe weathers. Some methods for
5. Discussion improving the robot flight performances have been pro-
posed in this study, which have not been given in the
It is important to obtain the complex flight mechanism at a previous research results.
low Reynolds number for realizing the stable flights of the In spite of the fact that the complex flight mechanism of
robot. Some interesting results have been obtained from the the robot has been analyzed in this study, the following
flight experiments. For example, most values of aerodynamic challenges should be further explored: (1) A bird-like robot
force coefficient are bigger than zero that generate the prototype should be further optimized with bionics and
upward lift and forward thrust. The effective aerodynamic biomimetics, and a more complex kinematic model includes
forces mainly generate in the phase that the wing flaps the relative incidence angle should be established for imi-
downwards instead of flapping upwards. The pressure tating the movement of real birds. (2) Some flight experi-
contours show the big vortexes wrap the small vortexes, ments should be improved with advanced instruments and
which are usually with high pressure values and closed to the methods, e.g., a camera measurement or a wind tunnel
Journal of Robotics 15

Figure 12: Prototype experiments of the robot.

should be used to measure the air flow fields in prototype Some methods for improving the robot flight per-
experiments. A quantitative measurement method should be formances have been obtained from the flight experi-
adopted to accurately evaluate the robot flight effects. (3)The ments. (1) As the upward or downward lift mainly
complex flight mechanism of the robot under severe generates in the phase that the wing flaps downwards or
weathers should be further studied in the future. upwards, an air exhaust mechanism should be designed
for improving the robot flight efficiency. (2) The strength
of the wing edges and the head connection as well as the
6. Conclusions tail connection should be increased for resisting the high
The complex flight mechanism of a bird-like flapping wing pressure. (3) The robot skin where appears four velocity
robot at a low Reynolds number was studied in this study. vortex groups should avoid stitching in order to prevent
Both the physical model and the kinematic model of the air leakages.
robot were first built, and the dynamic model was also
established based on the RANS equations and the Spalart- Data Availability
Allmaras turbulence model.
The flight experiments of the robot were performed. The figures and estimation results data used to support the
Some important results have been obtained from the flight findings of this study are included within the article.
experiments: (1) The robot flies upwards and forwards
mainly because aerodynamic force coefficient is bigger than
zero within a period. It is the upward lift and forward thrust
Conflicts of Interest
when the wings flap downwards. The rate of the coefficient The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest re-
curves reaches the biggest value when the flapping direction garding the publication of this paper.
changes. (2) There are several pressure vortexes near to the
flapping wing, the big vortexes wrapped the small vortexes,
which are with the high pressure values and usually appear at Acknowledgments
the wing edges. The above pressure vortexes make the robot
This research was supported by the Joint Funds of the
fly forwards. (3) It indicates that the air velocity below the
Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China
wing is much lower than that above the wing in the steady
under Grant No. LTY22E050001 and the Scientific Research
state. When the wing flaps downwards or upwards, there are
Project of Zhejiang Provincial Education Department under
four velocity vortex groups in the transient state.
Grant No. Y202043810.
16 Journal of Robotics

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