02.TRUSSES I-1_022059

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4.1 Introduction

A truss is usually stationary, fully constrained structure designed to support loads. Truss consists
exclusively of straight members connected at joints located at the ends of each member. Members of truss
therefore are two force member i.e. members acted upon by two equal and opposite forces directed along
the member.

In general the members of truss are slender and can support little lateral load; all loads, therefore must be
applied to the various joints, and not to the members themselves.

The weights of the members of the truss are also assumed to be applied to the joints, half of the weight of
each member being applied to each of the two joints the member connects. Although the members are
actually joined together by means of bolted or welded connections, it is customary to assume that the
members are pinned together; therefore, the forces acting at each end of a member reduce to a single

4.2 Uses of trusses

The truss provides both a practical and an economical solution to many engineering situations, especially
in the design of bridges and buildings.

4.3 Simple truss

Any truss whose total number of members (m) is given by 2n-3, where n is the total number of joint is
termed as simple truss i.e. in a simple truss the total number of members is m = 2n-3,where n is the total
number of joints see fig 4.1(a) and (b) below

Fig 4.1 Number of members in a

simple truss

4.4 Types of member in simple truss

Structurally a simple truss consists of two types of member namely Ties and Struts
Struts are the members under compression stress caused by the loads acting on the truss.
Ties are the members under tension stress caused by the loads acting on the truss. See fig 4.2 below.

Under the action of load w in fig 4.2 the bottom joints move outward, putting the member C in tension,
and the members A and B in compression. Thus members A and B are termed as struts and member C is
termed as tie

Fig 4.2

4.5 The methods in which the simple trusses can be analysed.
There are several methods used to (analyse) determine the magnitude and type of force acting in each
member of simple truss but in our case only two will be discussed namely: -
(1) Analysis of trusses by method of joints
(2) Analysis of trusses by method of sections

4.5.1 Analysis of trusses by method of joints

The fact that the entire truss is a rigid body in equilibrium is used to write three equilibrium equations,
which are used to determine the components of the reactions at the supports.
The arrangement of pins (joints) and members in a simple truss is such that it will then always be possible
to find a joint involving only two unknown forces. These forces are determined and transferred to adjacent
joints and treated as known quantities at these joints. This procedure is repeated until all unknown forces
have been determined.

Example 4.1

Fig 4.3

Using the method of joints, determine the magnitude and type of force in each member of the truss in fig

Fig 7.3(a)

From the free body of entire truss we can write the following equilibrium equations
 M c  0 clockwise : E  1.8  2000  7.2  1000  3.6  0
2000  7.2  1000  3.6
E  10000 N
F x  0: Cx  0
F y  0: 10000  2000  1000  C y  0
C y  3000  10000  7000 N
Note: the force acting away from join is tie

the force acting towards joint is strut

Joint A: This joint is subjected to only two unknown forces

F y  0 :  AD sin a  2000  0
 2000  2000  2000
AD     2500 N or 2500 N compression(C )
sin a 4  5 0.8
 Fx  AD cos a  AB  0
AB   AD cos a   2500  (3  5)   1500 N Tension(T )

Joint D: This joint is subjected to only two unknown forces

F y  0 :  AD sin a  DB sin a  0
DB  AD  2500 N Tension(T )
F x  AD cos a  DB cos a  DE  0
DE  2 AD cos a  2  2500  (3  5)   3000 N or 3000 N Compression(C )

Joint B: This joint is subjected to only two unknown forces

F y  0 :  BD sin a  BE sin a  1000  0
 2500  (4  5)  1000
BE    3750 N or 3750 N Compression(C )
4  5
 Fx   DB cos a  BE cos a  BA  BC  0
BC  ( DB  BE ) cos a  BA  2500  3750   1500  5250 N Tension(T )
Joint C: This joint is subjected to only two unknown forces

F y  0 :  CE sin a  7000  0
 7000
CE    8750 N or 8750 N Compression(C )
4  5

Joint E: This joint is for check only

F y   EB sin a  EC sin a  E  (3750  8750)  0.8  10000  0

F x EB cos a  EC cos a  ED  (3750  8750)  0.6  3000  0
Thus our computed values are correct

Generally our solution will consist of the following steps

1.Draw a free body diagram of the entire truss; use it to determine reactions at the supports
2.Locate a joint connecting only two members, and draw the free body diagram of its pin; use it to
determine the unknown force in each of the two members.
3.Locate a joint where forces in only two of the connected members are still unknown. Draw a free body
diagram and use it to determine the two unknown.
4.Repeat this procedure until the force in all the members of the truss have been found.
5.Note that the choice of the first joint is not unique provided that there are several joints connecting only
two members

4. 5.2 Analysis of trusses by method of sections

The method of joint is most effective when the forces in all the members of truss are to be determined. If,
however, the force in only one member or the forces in a very few members are desired, another method,
the method of sections, is more efficient.
Consider the roof truss with vertical load in fig 4.4. It is required to determine the force in the member
marked BC, AF and BF.


10kN C 8kN
6kN 6kN
A 30˚ E
2m 2m 2m 2m


10kN C 8kN
6kN h3 h2 6kN
A 30˚ E
2m 2m 2m 2m
RA = 23kN RE = 22kN


M A  0 , Clockwise positive
10  2  15  4  8  6  6  8  8  RE  0
RE   22kN
 FY  0
22  RA  6  2  10  15  8  0
RA  45  22  23kN

 M E  0 , Clockwise positive
23  8  6  8  10  6  15  4  8  2  0 ok
Once the reactions at A and E, have been determined then, the force in members marked BC, AF and BF
can be determine by using the two possible approaches as indicated below

1st approach

h1  2 tan 30  1.1547  1.15m

h2  2  2sin 30  2m
h3  (2  2) sin 30  2m
M F  0 , Clockwise positive
23  4  6  4  10  2  h2 BC  0
23  4  6  4  10  2  2 BC  0
BC   24kN ( Strut )

M B  0 , Clockwise positive
23  2  6  2  h1 AF  0
23  2  6  2  1.15 AF  0
AF    29.43722944  29.44kN (Tie)

M A  0 , Clockwise positive
10  2  h3 BF  0
10  2  2 BF  0
BF   10kN ( Strut )

2nd approach

M F  0 , Clockwise positive
23  4  6  4  10  2  4 BC sin 30  0
BC   24kN ( Strut )
4 sin 30

M A  0 , Clockwise positive
10  2  4 BF sin 30  0
BF   10kN ( Strut )
4 sin 30

M B  0 , Clockwise positive
23  2  6  2  2 AF tan 30  0
AF    29.44486373  29.44kN (Tie)
2 tan 30

 Fy  0
23  6  10  BF sin 30  BC sin 30 ok
7  10  24sin 30  0
Note that, for determining whether members are struts or ties, the arrows as shown in the figure 4.4a
above must be considered as acting towards or away from the nearest joint in the portion of the truss that
remains after the cut has been made.

Tutorials: TRUSSSES
Determine the magnitude and type of force in
each member of the truss shown by section and
joint method .

30kN 20kN 10kN

2m 2m 2m
Q4Fig 4 A



Q5Fig 5

1.5m 2.25m


Q6fig6 C

2m 2m
30kN 30kN

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