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Cable is the medium through which signal or power moves from one device to another. There are several types of cable, which are commonly used. In some cases, a network/site will utilize only one type of cable, other networks will use a variety of cable types. The type of cable chosen for a network is related to the network's topology, protocol, size and also the application requirement. Understanding the characteristics of different types of cable and how they relate to other aspects of a network is necessary for the development of a successful network. Components of a Cable: a) Conductor: It is the innermost layer of a cable usually made of Copper or Aluminium. The conductor can be made of a single core or multiple cores. Each core can be made up of multiple strands of wire. The strands usually have a layer of tin above them and hence called tinned copper. This is to prevent oxidizing of copper, which will increase the resistance of the conductor. b) Insulation: The insulation usually made of PVC or Teflon and is the layer above the conductor. c) Inner Sheath: Inner sheath is the layer above the insulation and is usually made of unvulcanized rubber, thermoplastic materials or proofed tape. The inner sheath shall be so applied that it fits closely on the laid up cores. Inner sheath is not present in case of single core cables. d) Armouring: Armouring shall be applied over the insulation in case of single core cables and over the inner sheath in case of twin, three and multi core cables. When the calculated diameter below armouring does not exceed 13 mm, the armour shall consist of galvanized round steel wires. When the inner diameter is greater than 13 mm, the armour shall consist of either galvanized round steel wires or galvanized steel strips. In case of single core cables intended for use on a.c systems, the armouring shall be of nonmagnetic material. e) Outer Sheath: The outer sheath is applied over the insulation in case of unarmoured singlecore cables, over the inner sheath in case of unarmoured twin, three and multi core cables, over the armouring in case of armoured cables. It is usually made of PVC. The conductor is the layer thro which signal or power is transmitted. The Insulation layer is present to prevent shorting between adjacent cores. The Inner sheath, Armour and Outer sheath are used for providing a protective covering and also for strengthening the cable. There can be a layer of braided shield, which is present between 2 layers of Insulation. A braid is a mesh like structure of a metal. The shield is used to prevent RF and EM interference. The shield is physically connected to signal ground. The positioning of the braided shield depends upon the manufacturer and application requirement.

TYPES OF CABLES: Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable: Twisted pair cabling comes in two varieties: shielded and unshielded. Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) is the most popular.

The quality of UTP may vary from telephone-grade wire to extremely high-speed cable. The cable has N pairs of wires inside the jacket. Each pair is twisted with a different number of twists per inch to help eliminate interference from adjacent pairs and other electrical devices. The tighter the twisting, the higher the supported transmission rate and the greater the cost per foot. Unshielded Twisted Pair Connector: The standard connector for unshielded twisted pair cabling is a RJ-45 connector. This is a plastic connector that looks like a large telephone-style connector. A slot allows the RJ-45 to be inserted only one way. RJ stands for Registered Jack. The following is a picture of the RJ-45 connector.

Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) Cable: A disadvantage of UTP is that it may be susceptible to radio and electrical frequency interference. Shielded twisted pair (STP) is suitable for environments with electrical interference; however, the

extra shielding can make the cables quite bulky. Shielded twisted pair is often used on networks using Token Ring topology. Bureau of Indian standards (BIS) specification for PVC insulated electric cables: Thickness of Insulation: Nominal area of conductor Nominal thickness of Insulation Single core armoured cables Single core unarmored and Multi-core cables 1.1 mm 0.8 mm 1.2 mm 0.9 mm

1.5 mm 2 2.5 mm 2

Core Identification: Different colouring of PVC insulation shall identify cores by adopting the following scheme: a) b) c) d) e) 1 Core : red , black , yellow , blue or natural(non-pigmented) 2 Cores : red and black 3 Cores : red , yellow and blue 4 Cores : red , yellow , blue and black 5 Cores : red , yellow, blue , black and grey

General Formats of Cables: v 4 Core 14/34 screened shielded cables (Beldon/Excel) in 19-mm dia MS conduit. Here 14 represents the number of strands in each core. 34 represent the thickness of each strand in AWG. MS stands for Mild Steel. v 2R * 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated sheathed multistrand flexible FRLS copper wires, in 2 mm thick rigid 19 mm dia PVC conduit with accessories viz, junction boxes, bends, collars etc. Here 2R represents 2 Runs of single core cable. This is used because it is cheaper than a 2-core cable. The cross sectional area of each core is 1.5 sq. mm. v 2C * 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated, armoured copper conductor cable with accessories viz, junction boxes & brass glands etc. Here 2C represents 2 core each of which has a cross-sectional area of 1.5 sq. mm.

Different types of cables: Non screened Single pair cables

Multi-core non-screened cables

Multi-core screened cables

Overall screened Multipair cables

Multiscreened 2 pair cable

Twin Axial Screened Cable

Ribbon Cables

Multi-core cable

How to Calculate Voltage Drop for Long Paired Wire Runs: A primary concern when installing lengths of wire is voltage drop. The amount of voltage lost between the originating power supply and the device being powered can be significant. Improper selection of wire gauge can lead to an unacceptable voltage drop at load end. The following chart is designed to help calculate voltage drop per 100 feet of paired wire as a function of wire gauge and load current. By matching load current (in Amps) across the top of the chart with wire gauge (AWG) down the left side of the chart, one can determine voltage drop per 100 feet of paired wire run. NOTE: A paired wire run represents the feed and return line to the load. Therefore, a 500-foot wire pair is equivalent to 1000 feet of total wire.

V o l t a g e

D r o p P e r 1 0 0 f e e t

EXAMPLE ONE: Given a load current of 1 AMP, and using 18 AWG wire, how much voltage drop can we expect at the load end for a 350 foot run of paired wire? Using the chart, we match the row for 18 AWG and the column for 1 AMP and determine that voltage drop per 100 feet is 1.27 Volts. By dividing the paired wire length by 100, we get the factor by which we need to multiply voltage drop per 100 feet to determine total voltage drop. Therefore, 350 feet divided by 100 equals 3.5. Multiply 3.5 by 1.27 volts drop per 100 feet to get your total voltage drop. Thus the total voltage drop is 3.5 times 1.27, or 4.445 voltage drop for 350 feet. EXAMPLE TWO: Given a camera load of 2 Amps, that is 400 feet from the power source, which wire gauge should be selected to keep voltage drop at the camera to less than 3 volts?

To use the chart, we need to determine what the maximum voltage drop per 100 feet is. We calculate that 100 feet is 1/4 of 400 feet, thus the voltage drop allowed for 100 feet is 1/4 times 3 volts (which is the equivalent of 0.75 volts per 100 feet): Voltage drop per 100 feet = 3/4 = .75 volts per 100 feet. So, knowing that we can not allow anything greater than a voltage drop of .75 volts per 100 feet, we can now look at the chart and select the wire gauges that will give us lower voltage drops per 100 feet at a 2 AMP load current. In this case, wire gauges of 10 (.40 V), 11 (.50 V), and 12 AWG (.64) will all suffice, with 13 AWG (.80) being a possibility. Thus, in order to keep voltage drop at the camera to less than 3 volts given a camera load of 2 Amps and a 400 foot paired wire run, we need to use a wire gauge in the range of 10-13 AWG. FORMULA METHODS: These handy equations can be used to determine voltage drop per 100 feet or wire gauge as an alternative to the chart, even for values that are not on the chart. To arrive at total voltage drop, always divide paired wire run length by 100, and then multiply that number by voltage drop per 100 Feet: 1. To determine voltage drops per 100 feet given load current and wire gauge: VD = Voltage drop per 100 feet (Volts) IL = Current load (Amps) AWG = Wire gauge

2. To determine wire gauge necessary given paired wire length, load current, and desired voltage drop per 100 feet:

With these useful tools, voltage drop problems can be avoided before installation, saving time, money and ensuring a correctly working system.

Wire Gauge Standards: AWG (American Wire Gauge) is usually used for measuring nonferrous metals like copper and bronze. SWG (Standard Wire Gauge) is generally used for measurement of ferrous metals like galvanized steel. SWG is the standard used in India. Conversion Table AWG to mm:

Conversion Table - Standard Wire Gauge (SWG) to mm:

Gauge No. 0000 000 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Diameter inches 0.4600 0.4096 0.3648 0.3249 0.2803 0.2576 0.2294 0.2043 0.1819 0.1620 0.1443 0.1285 0.1144 0.1019 0.09074 0.08081 0.07196 0.06408 0.05707 0.05082 0.04526 0.04030 Diameter mm 11.68 10.40 9.206 8.252 7.348 6.543 5.827 5.189 4.620 4.115 3.665 3.264 2.906 2.588 2.305 2.053 1.828 1.628 1.450 1.291 1.150 1.024 Gauge No. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Diameter inches 0.03589 0.03196 0.02846 0.02535 0.02257 0.02010 0.01790 0.01594 0.01420 0.01264 0.01120 0.01003 0.008928 0.007950 0.007080 0.006305 0.005615 0.005000 0.004453 0.003965 0.003531 0.003145 Diameter mm 0.9116 0.8118 0.7229 0.6439 0.5733 0.5105 0.4547 0.4049 0.3607 0.3211 0.2845 0.2548 0.2268 0.2019 0.1798 0.1601 0.1426 0.1270 0.1131 0.1007 0.08969 0.07988

Coaxial Cables: Coaxial cabling has a single copper conductor at its center. A plastic layer provides insulation between the center conductor and a braided metal shield. The metal shield helps to block any outside interference from fluorescent lights, motors, and other computers.

Although coaxial cabling is difficult to install, it is highly resistant to signal interference. In addition, it can support greater cable lengths between network devices than twisted pair cable. The two types of coaxial cabling are thick coaxial and thin coaxial. The thin coaxial cables are called as thinnet. Thick coaxial cable is also referred to as thicknet. Thick coaxial cable has an extra protective plastic cover that helps keep moisture away from the center conductor. This makes thick coaxial a great choice when running longer lengths in a linear bus network. One disadvantage of thick coaxial is that it does not bend easily and is difficult to install.

Coaxial Cable Connectors The most common type of connector used with coaxial cables is the Bayone-Neill-Concelman (BNC) connector. Different types of adapters are available for BNC connectors, including a Tconnector, barrel connector, and terminator. Connectors on the cable are the weakest points in any

network. To help avoid problems with your network, always use the BNC connectors that crimp, rather than screw, onto the cable.

. Sheath and insulation codes for RG cables: PVC FEP LDPE PESS PEAS PEC PEF PTFE TFE Polyvinyl chloride Fluorinated Ethylene-Propylene Low Density Polyethylene Polyethylene-semi solid Polyethylene-air spaced Polyethylene-cellular Polyethylene foamed Polytetraflouroethylene Tetra flouro ethylene

Fibre Optic Cables: Fiber Optic cables consist of a core made of glass, which has the thickness of hair. Light travels through this core. Every data communications fiber falls into one of two categories: Single-mode Multi-mode In most cases, it is impossible to distinguish between single-mode and multi-mode fiber with the naked eye (unless the manufacturer follows the color coding schemes specified by the Fibre Channel physical layer working subcommittee -orange for multi-mode and yellow for single-mode). Single-mode (SM) fiber allows for only one pathway, or mode, of light to travel within the fiber. The core size is typically 8.3 m. Single-mode fibers are used in applications where low signal loss and high data rates are required, such as on long spans between two system or network devices, where repeater/amplifier spacing needs to be maximized. Multi-mode (MM) fiber allows more than one mode of light. Common MM core sizes are 50 m and 62.5 m. Multi-mode fiber is better suited for shorter distance applications like under 500 meters from transmitter to receiver.

Advantages of Fibre Optic Cables: v Transmission security is guaranteed because the fibre cant leak an electrical noise that can be tapped. v Any attempt to break into the run means stripping the cable to expose a single fibre then bending that fibre to cause it to spill some of the light within it. Taking any useful amount of light can be detected quickly by monitoring system power at the receiver. v A single isolated fibre would break if manipulated whereas coaxial cable can be tapped easily and without signal loss. v Picture quality is always superior using fibre optic transmission both fidelity and clarity are streets ahead of coax cable and wire. v Because fibre doesnt radiate energy it wont cause damaging interference to nearby cables in the form of RFI and EMI radiation. And equally, RFI and EMI interference do not cause any problem to data travelling on a fibre path. v Optical fibre weighs significantly less than other cables and its smaller in diameter too. Fibre weighs 8 pounds per 3300 ft, while the same length of coax would weigh 330 pounds. v Fibre optic cables can lie alongside each other without causing the painfully hard to locate crosstalk that plagues bundled data cables. v Using fibre optic cable means the power side of the system (PTZ, lens controller, housing heater, screen wipers) is completely isolated from the receiving component of the system (monitor, printer, and recorder). The advantage of this is that should a different power source be brought into a system theres no requirement for redesigning the system to factor out ground loops or ground voltage differences. v Fibre optic technology can be used in conditions that would prevent the use of copper wires due to corrosion.

v There is no need for the installation of in-line repeaters or amplifiers because the signal is transmitted more efficiently. That means the system is easier to install and maintain. v Last, but not the least, fibre optic cable will never cause a fire in the course of its normal operation. There is no possibility of a short circuit and no sparks if a cable is broken or torn open. Installing Cable - Some Guidelines: When running cable, it is best to follow a few simple rules: Always use more cable than you need. Leave plenty of slack. Test every part of a network as you install it. Even if it is brand new, it may have problems that will be difficult to isolate later. Stay at least 3 feet away from fluorescent light boxes and other sources of electrical interference. If it is necessary to run cable across the floor, cover the cable with cable protectors. Label both ends of each cable. Use cable ties (not tape) to keep cables in the same location together. COAXIAL CABLES FOR CCTV APPLICATIONS: A CCTV video signal is comprised of both low frequency components (horizontal and vertical sync pulse information), and high frequency components (video information). In order to transmit this full spectrum of frequencies with little distortion or attenuation, it is important to select the correct cable that meets the specifications for CCTV transmission. However, choosing the incorrect coaxial cable can degrade the overall signal transmission and/or allow outside EMI/RFI interference to be introduced into the signal causing high noise levels. This in turn can result in poor picture quality.

a) Center Conductor: Center conductor material made of bare copper is recommended for optimum performance in CCTV signal transmission. Because a CCTV video signal is a baseband composite video with fairly low frequency components, the low D.C resistance that copper provides will greatly improve the video signal transmission.

Coaxial cable is also available with a copper-covered steel center conductor. A copper-covered steel conductor has a much higher D.C resistance than bare copper and greatly attenuates the lower frequency components of a CCTV video signal. If a cable is chosen with copper covered steel the sync pulse information will be attenuated causing distortion in the video signal.

If the cable is going to be used on a CCTV camera that will be in a fixed position, then a solid conductor is acceptable. However, if the cable will be used in a pan and tilt application, then you should choose a standard conductor because a solid conductor construction will eventually break under the constant strain being placed on the cable at the same point. b) Dielectric material: It is recommended to choose a dielectric with excellent electrical properties such as polyethylene or FEP. Such material will give you lower capacitance and a higher velocity of propagation. This results in cable with low-loss characteristics and reduced attenuation of the signal. To improve the electrical properties even further, a foamed or cellular composition of these materials is recommended.

c) Braided Shield: Braided shield is the proper type of shield for CCTV and has two key purposes. One is to provide a low D.C resistance ground path and the second is to provide shielding of outside interference from distorting the video signal. To provide increased shielding in the RFI range, a construction of an aluminium shield is acceptable as long as a high percentage copper braid is used to provide the low D.C.R return path. A cable with a combination aluminium foil shield and low coverage aluminium braid is not acceptable, because aluminium shields have a much higher D.C resistance return path. d) Jacket: The cable jacket provides two major functions. One is to provide protection from the elements a cable may be subjected to and the second is to provide solid termination. PVC is a good choice for most applications located inside a building. Plenums rated cables are required for use in ducts, plenums and other space used for environmental air without conduit as per NEC. Polyethylene is recommended for outdoor applications where the cable may be subjected to a high degree of moisture, sunlight, and abrasion resistance. Do not install indoor- rated cable in aerial, direct burial or underground pipe. An indoor-rated cable is not

designed for these harsh environments and the electrical and mechanical characteristics will degrade over a period of time and will need to be replaced. e) Coaxial Cable Parameters: Coaxial cable parameters vary depending on the type of coax construction. All coax cables have characteristic impedance. The impedance of CCTV equipment is a 75 ohms; therefore in order to have minimum losses, it is important to choose a cable with matching impedance of 75 ohms. If a coax cable of another impedance (50 ohm or 93 ohm) cable is choosen, then you will experience signal loss and reflection resulting in short distance transmission and poor picture quality. Coaxial cables are also available in different RG types. RG stands for Radio Guide and is a term used when sending Radio Frequency (RF) signals down a coaxial cable. 75-ohm coaxial cable comes in several sizes with the most common types being RG 59, RG 6 and RG 11.

An RG 59 cable is the most commonly used coax because it is smaller in diameter and easy to work with. The RG 11 cable is the largest in diameter and harder to work with. The RG 6 size is between the two. FRLS CABLES: Smoke. FRLS stands for Flame Retardant Low Smoke or Fire Resistant Low

FRLS Cables have better characteristics over conventional cables like Higher oxygen index & temperature index Lower smoke emission and acid gas generation Better fire resident and flame-retardant characteristics

OXYGEN INDEX : This determines the percentage of oxygen required for just supporting burning of cable at room temperature. The normal atmosphere contains about 21% oxygen and if the oxygen index for a material at room temperature is below this level it will catch fire and keep burning. For any material to keep on burning, certain amount of oxygen is required at a given temperature. In case of ordinary PVC Insulated Cables the critical oxygen index is 23%, whereas in case of Flame Retardant Cables it is more than 30%. TEMPERATURE INDEX : This determines the critical temperature at which air oxygen content of 21% just supports the combustion of cable. The temperature at which the oxygen required for burning is less than 21%, then at this temperature; the combustion can take place with atmospheric oxygen. This temperature is the Temperature Index of that material. In case of ordinary PVC cables, the temperature index is 150deg.C, whereas in case of Flame Retardant Cables it is more than 250deg.C. Disadvantages of using PVC sheath: Because of its majority chlorine content, when PVC burns in fires two extremely hazardous substances, hydrogen chloride gas and dioxin are formed which present both acute and chronic health hazards to building occupants, fire fighters and surrounding communities. In addition, when PVC burns, some 100 different toxic compounds are produced. The natural fire retardancy of PVC is a double-edged sword in that building materials may smolder for long periods of time giving off hydrogen chloride gas long before visible signs of fire appear. Hydrogen chloride gas, is a corrosive, highly toxic gas that can cause skin burns and severe longterm respiratory damage. Produced unintentionally during PVC fires, dioxin is one of the most toxic substance known, and has been found to cause cancer and reproductive disorders. PVC fires produce hundreds to thousands times more dioxin than other common materials including wood or other plastics. As dioxin persists in soil for long periods of time, a single fire can lead to long lasting health impacts. Glossary: CAT 3: A performance classification for twisted pair cables, connectors and systems. Specified to 16 MHz. Suitable for voice and data applications up to 10 Mbps. CAT stands for Category. CAT 5: A performance classification for twisted pair cables, connectors and systems. Specified to 100 MHz.Suitable for voice and data applications up to 155 Mbps (possibly 1000 Mbps). CAT 6: A performance classification for twisted pair cables, connectors and systems. Specified up to 250 MHz.

Backbone Cabling: Cabling between floors in a building or between buildings in a campus Ethernet: The most common network protocol in use. A protocol is a set of rules enabling data communications. Based originally on a bus topology. 10BASE2: Also called Thinnet.10 Mbps Ethernet on thin (RG58) coaxial cable. 10BASE5: Also called Thicknet.10 Mbps Ethernet on thick coaxial cable. 10BASE-T: 10 Mbps Ethernet on twisted-pair (Category 3) cable. 100BASE-T: The twisted pair version of 100 Mbps Ethernet.Requires Category 5 cabling. 1000BASE-T: A recent LAN standard for implementing 1000 Mbps Ethernet on Category 5 cable FEXT: Far End Crosstalk. Unwanted noise coupled onto a receive pair from a transmit pair at the far end of the system. NEXT: Near End Crosstalk.The unwanted noise coupled into a device's receive circuit from its transmit circuit. IDC: Insulation Displacement Connector.A style of connector that slices through the cable insulation to make a connection. Eliminates the need to strip insulation Jumper: Usually unjacketed twisted pair wire used to make a cross connection. MAC: Moves Adds and Changes: When data and voice services (to include: outlets and cabling, patching, etc.) of a given location are moved to a new location or removed completely. Zone cabling: An architectural concept, which splits the horizontal, cabling into two sections. Eliminates the need to replace the entire horizontal cable in moves, adds and changes Patch cord: A cable assembly with (usually) a plug on each end, used to make a cross connection. Modular jack: The standard female connector for twisted pair cable. A "telephone jack". Modular plug: The standard male connector for twisted pair cable. A "telephone plug".


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