10th Eng All Meanings_103602

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Chapter 1 – A Letter To God

1. Crest: Top of a hill

2. Dotted: Full Of
3. Downpour: Heavy Rain
4. Intimately: Closely
5. Regarded- Consider Or Think Of In A Specified Way
6. Draped- Adorn, Cover, Or Wrap (Someone Or Something)
7. Hailstones- A Pellet Of Hail
8. Resemble- Have A Similar Appearance To Or Qualities In Common With
(Someone Or Something); Look Or Seem Like.
9. Exposing- make (something) visible by uncovering it.; reveal
10. plague- a destructively numerous inflow or multiplication of a harmful animal,
11. locusts- Insects which fly in big groups and destroy crops
12. solitary: Existing alone; lonely.
13. conscience- an inner sense of right and wrong.
14. ox of a man- hardworking
15. daybreak- The time in the morning when daylight first appears
16. Pesos- the basic monetary unit of Mexico, several other Latin American
countries, and the Philippines
17. Amiable- Friendly And Pleasant
18. Correspondence- Communication by exchanging letters with someone.
19. goodwill- friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude
20. resolution- a firm decision to do or not to do something.
21. obliged- grateful
22. contentment- Satisfaction

Chapter 2 – Nelson Mandela – Long Walk to Freedom

1. Dawned- (of a day) began

2. Pleasantly- giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment; satisfying
3. Besieged- to be surrounded by
4. Dignitaries- a person considered to be important because of high rank or office.
5. Sandstone- sedimentary rock consisting of sand or quartz grains cemented
together, typically red, yellow, or brown in colour.
6. Amphitheatre- an open – air theatre
7. Supremacy- the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority,
power, or status
8. Deputy- Second in command
9. Sworn- given under oath; determined to stay in the role specified
10. Pledged- committed (a person or organization) by a solemn promise.
11. Assembled- (of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose
12. Confer- grant
13. Glory- honour
14. Outlaws- because of its policy of apartheid, many countries had earlier broken
off diplomatic relations with South Africa
15. On our own soil- in our own country
16. Possession- ownership
17. Dignity- the state or quality of being worthy of respect.
18. Emancipation- the fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political
19. Liberate- free; release
20. Bondage- the state of being a slave
21. Discrimination- being treated differently or unfavourably
22. Deprivation- the damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic
necessities in a society
23. Oppression- prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority.
24. Glorious- having, worthy of, or bringing fame or admiration.
25. Reign- rule; govern
26. Awe- amazed
27. Spectacular- beautiful in a dramatic and an eye-catching way
28. Array- an impressive display
29. Troop- soldiers or armed forces
30. Precision- accuracy
31. Bedecked- decorate
32. Unmindful- not conscious or aware
33. Chevron- a pattern in the shape of a V
34. Trail- series; chain
35. Symbolised- be a symbol of
36. Lyrics- the words of a song
37. Despised- hated, had a very low opinion of
38. Overwhelmed- have a strong emotional effect
39. Erected- build; construct
40. Racial domination- when people of one race have power over another race
41. Inhumane-cruel, brutal
42. Overturned- reverse.
43. Unimaginable- difficult or impossible to imagine
44. Patriots- a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to
defend it against enemies
45. Apartheid- a policy or system of segregation on grounds of race
46. Profound- very great or intense
47. Unintended- not planned or meant
48. Comrades- a colleague or a fellow member of an organisation
49. Resilience- the ability to deal with any kind of hardship and recover from its
50. Defies- refuse to obey
51. Triumph- great victory or achievement
52. Grimmest- very serious or gloomy
53. Glimmer- shine faintly with a wavering light
54. Pushed to our limits- pushed to the last point in our ability to bear pain
55. Reassure- say or do something to remove the doubts
56. Obligations- a duty or a commitment
57. Civil- courteous and polite
58. Inclination- natural tendencies of behaviour
59. Inevitably- unavoidably
60. Twilight- half-light, semi-darkness
61. Secrecy- the action of keeping something secret
62. Rebellion- the action or process of resisting authority, convention or control
63. Stream- a small, narrow river
64. Mealies- a maize plant
65. Abided- obeyed
66. Boyhood- the state or time of being a boy
67. Illusion- a false idea or belief
68. Transitory- not permanent
69. Yearned- have an intense feeling or longing for something
70. Curtailed- reduce; impose a restriction on
71. Dignity- the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect
72. Frightened- afraid or anxious
73. Monk- a member of a religious community of men typically living under vows
of poverty, chastity, and obedience
74. Virtuous- having or showing high moral standards
75. Indivisible- unable to be divided or separated
76. Prejudice- a strong dislike without any good reason

Chapter 3 – Two Stories about Flying – Part 1 – “His First Flight”

1. Seagull- a bird that lives near the sea and has short legs, long wings, and white
and grey feathers
2. Ledge- a narrow horizontal shelf projecting from a wall (or here) a cliff
3. Brink- the extreme edge of land before a steep slope or a body or water
4. Expanse- a wide continuous area of something
5. Flapped- (of a bird) move (its wings) up and down when flying or preparing to
6. Muster- gather
7. Plunge- jump or dive
8. Shrilly- with a high pitched and piercing voice or sound
9. Upbraiding- scold
10. Herring- a soft-finned sea fish
11. Devour- eat quickly
12. Cackle- laugh in a loud, harsh way
13. Cowardice- lack of bravery
14. Ascending the sky- the act of rising up through the air
15. Preening-to tidy and clean its feathers
16. Hump- a rounded raised mass of earth or land
17. Scrapped- discard
18. Derisively- in a manner expressing contempt or ridicule.
19. Plaintively- sad
20. Uttered- make a sound with one’s voice
21. Halted- stopped
22. Monstrous- horrible
23. Seized- grab
24. Headlong- with the head foremost
25. Soaring- flying or rising high in the air
26. Swooped- (especially of a bird) move rapidly downwards through the air
27. Curvetting- perform a series of jumps on the hind legs
28. Shrieking- making a high-pitched piercing cry or sound
29. Shrilly- loudly and forcefully
30. Ridges- a long, narrow hilltop, mountain range, or watershed
31. Cawed- utter a caw
32. Beckoning- gesture

Chapter 3 – Two Stories About Flying – Part 2 – Black Aeroplane

1. Compass- instrument for telling direction
2. Runway- a strip of hard ground along which aircraft take off and land
3. Frightened- terrified
4. Followed- chased
5. Obedient- one who obeys
6. Glad- happy
7. Radar- a system for detecting the presence, direction, distance, and speed of
aircraft, ships, and other objects, by sending out pulses of radio waves which are
reflected off the object back to the source
8. Strangely- in a strange manner

Chapter 4 – From the diary of Anne Frank

1. Musings- a period of reflection or thought
2. Listless- with no energy or interest
3. Brooding- engaged in or showing deep thought about something that makes one
sad, angry, or worried.
4. Prompted- provoke
5. Confide- to tell personal things privately to a person that one trusts
6. Liable- likely (here)
7. Enhance- intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.
8. Plunge- jump or dive quickly
9. Adorable- lovable, cute
10. Emigrated- leave one’s own country in order to settle permanently in another.
11. Plunked- to put down
12. Farewell- an act of parting or of making someone’s departure
13. Intended- planned
14. Solemn- characterised by deep sincerity
15. Dedication- commitment
16. Quaking- shake or tremble
17. Staked- bet, chanced
18. Pleading- to make an emotional appeal
19. Glances- take a brief or hurried look
20. Outbursts- a sudden release of strong emotion
21. Dummies- an object designed to resemble and serve as a substitute for the real
or usual one
22. Unpredictable- not able to be predicted; changeable
23. Not to lose heart- not be discouraged
24. Old fogey- an old fashioned person
25. Annoyed- slightly angry; irritated
26. Chatterbox- a person who likes to chatter; talkative
27. Jotted- write (something) quickly
28. Ramble- to talk or write at length in a confused or inconsequential ways
29. Convincing- capable of causing someone to believe that something is true or
real; powerful
30. Trait- quality
31. Inherited- derived genetically from one’s parents or ancestors.
32. Proceeded- to begin a course of action
33. Incorrigible- not able to be changed
34. Mistress- a woman in a position of authority or control
35. Roared- laughed (here)
36. Exhausted- completely used up
37. Ingenuity- the quality of being clever, original and inventive
38. Verse- writing arranged with a metrical rhythm, typically having a rhyme
39. Ridiculous- deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd
40. Contrary- opposite in nature, direction, or meaning

Chapter 5 – The Hundred Dresses Part 1

1. Scuffling of feet- noisy, dragging movements of the feet on the ground
2. Didn’t hang right- didn’t fit properly
3. Hopscotch- a game in which children hop into and over squares marked on the
4. Nudge- a gentle push
5. Incredulously- showing unwillingness to believe
6. Courteous- polite, respectful
7. Stolidly- calm, dependable, and showing little emotion and animation
8. Shrieks- scream
9. Exaggerated- overemphasise
10. Her eyes dull- having eyes wanting brightness, liveliness, and vivacity
11. Bullies- someone who hurts or frightens someone else, often over a period of
time, and forcing them to do something that they do not want to do.
12. Mistreated- to treat someone badly
13. Absentmindedly- distracted
14. Shuddered- shake, tremble
15. Disguise- to give a different appearance to conceal its identity
16. Scarcely- hardly; barely
17. Trimmings- decoration
18. Sash- a long strip or loop of cloth worn over one shoulder or round the waist,
especially as part of a uniform or official dress
19. Pretended- not genuine
20. Admiration- respect and warm approval
21. Drizzling- rain lightly
22. Hurried- quick
23. Gasped- catch one’s breath with an open mouth, owing to pain or astonishment.
24. Ledge- shelf
25. Windowsill- ledge or sill forming the bottom part of a window
26. Dazzling- extremely impressive, beautiful, or skilful
27. Lavish- gorgeous
28. Murmured- say something in a low or distinct voice
29. Admiringly- in a way that shows respect or warm approval
30. Assembled- gather together in one place for a common purpose

Chapter 6 – The Hundred Dresses – Part II

1. Listened closely- listened with attention

2. Damp and dismal- wet and sad (here, expressing a state of hopelessness)
3. Forbidding- Unfriendly or threatening in nature
4. (To) make amends- to show that one is sorry by doing something else
5. Picking on someone- criticising someone
6. Cornucopias- decorative containers (usually containing flowers and fruits)
7. Holly- a shrub having prickly dark green leaves, small white flowers, and red
berries. It is used in Christmas decorations.

Chapter 7 – Glimpses of India (Part 1) A baker from Goa

1. Reminiscing nostalgically- thinking fondly of the past
2. Loaves- (plural form of loaf) bread that is shaped and baked in a single piece
and can be sliced for eating
3. Vanished- disappear suddenly and completely
4. Moulders- a person who moulds dough into a shape
5. Furnaces- an enclosed structure in which materials can be heated to very high
6. Extinguished- cause a fire to cease to burn
7. Heralding- announcing
8. Pader- word for baker in Portuguese language
9. Companion- a person with whom one spends a lot of time
10. Jingling- make or cause to make a light metallic ringing sound
11. staff – stick
12. Rebuke- an expression of disapproval; a scolding
13. Fragrance- a pleasant, sweet smell
14. Parapet- railing, a low protective wall
15. bangles- here, refers to the bread in the shape of a bangle called ‘Kankon’
16. Feast- a large meal, typically a celebratory one
17. bolinhas – another name for coconut cookies
18. Plump physique- pleasantly fat body
19. Open testimony- public statement about a character or quality

Chapter 7 – Glimpses of India (Part 2) Coorg

1. Drifted from- been carried along gently by hair

2. Martial- having to do with war
3. Canopies- roof-like coverings made of trees that form a shelter
4. Prime- here, best
5. Invigorating- strong (here)
6. Mainstream- a tradition which most people follow
7. Tales of Valour- stories of courage and bravery, usually in a war
8. Descent- origin
9. Most decorated- having received the maximum number of awards for bravery in
a war
10. Mischief- playful behaviour
11. Ripple effect- a small wave or series of waves on the surface of water,
especially as caused by a slight breeze or an object dropping into it
12. Mahouts- a person who works with, rides, and tends an elephant
13. Laidback-relaxed, not in a hurry
14. Rafting- travelling in a river in a raft (a floating platform made by tying planks
15. Canoeing- travelling in a river in a canoe (a large, narrow boat)
16. Rappelling- going down a cliff by sliding down a rope
17. Trails- paths created by walking
18. Panoramic view- a view of a wide area of land
Chapter 7 – Glimpses of India (Part 3) Tea from Assam

1. Chai- Tea
2. Garam- hot
3. Sa’ab- Sahab or Sir
4. Steaming- extremely hot
5. Exclaimed- cry out suddenly in surprise
6. Paddy fields- a field where rice is grown
7. Backdrop- lie behind or beyond; serve as a background to
8. As far as eye could see- for a long distance until something is so far away and
small it cannot be seen anymore
9. Dwarfing- cause to seem small or insignificant in comparison
10. Sturdy- strong
11. Amidst- in the middle of
12. Billowing- moving or flowing outwards
13. Concentration- cluster
14. Ascetic- characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of
indulgence, typically for religious reasons.
15. Banished- get rid of
16. Clattered- (loud noise made by the train brakes)
17. Veered- change direction
18. Gravel- small, rounded stones often mixed with sand
19. Pruned- cut away from a tree
20. Sprouting period- when a plant sends out new growth (second harvest of tea
leaves in a season)
Chapter 8 – Mijbil the Otter
1. Crossed my mind- (a thought) came into my mind
2. A stone’s throw- a very short distance
3. Otter- a semi aquatic fish-eating mammal of the weasel family, with an
elongated body, dense fur, and webbed feet
4. Eminently- highly; very
5. As common as mosquitoes- easily found
6. Tamed- domesticate (an animal)
7. Cabled- sent a message by telegraph (an old method of communication)
8. Breakdown- a mechanical failure
9. Squatting- crouch or sit with one’s knees bent and one’s heels close to or
touching one’s buttocks or the back of one’s thighs
10. Squirmed- twisted about
11. Thraldom- (old fashioned) being under the control of
12. Fixation- a very strong attachment or feeling
13. Medievally conceived- an imagination of the middle ages
14. Christened- named
15. Hostile- unfriendly
16. Aloof and indifferent- keeping a distance
17. Apathy- absence of interest
18. Crook of my knees- soft inside part where you bend your knee
19. So as to speak- as it were (one could say this)
20. Provoking- causing anger or some other reaction
21. Plunging- falling; sinking
22. Sploshed- splashed
23. Static- motionless
24. Fumbling- trying to do something in a clumsy manner
25. Trickle- flow in a small stream
26. Chittering- make a twittering or chattering sound
27. chromium- a hard white metal used to make taps
28. Flick- a quick, light movement
29. Shuffling- dragging (here)
30. Dribble- repeated hits on a ball to make it go ahead
31. Pastime- distraction; entertainment
32. Accustomed- familiar
33. Dreaded the prospect- was in great fear of something that would happen in the
34. An appalling spectacle- a shocking scene
35. Whipped off- quickly took off
36. Trickled- drip, flow
37. Shreds- pieces
38. Ricocheting bullet- a bullet with changes direction after hitting a surface
39. Infuriated- very angry
40. Took her into my confidence- here, shared with her my experiences or secrets
41. Portly- stout
42. Craning- stretch out one’s body or neck in order to see something
43. Distressed- troubled
44. Recognition- identification; acknowledgement
45. Nuzzle- to rub gently with the nose
46. Bounded on to- climbed up quickly
47. Terrapin shell- the shell of small turtle found in North America
48. Engrossed- completely interested in
49. Ambush- to attack suddenly from a hidden position
50. Crouching- squat; adopt a position where the knees are bent and the upper body
is brought forward and down, typically in order to avoid detection or to defend
51. Trot off- to leave
52. compulsive: irresistable
53. rituals: a religious ceremony
54. tug: pull
55. gallop: run fast
56. Barrage of conjectural questions- a stream of questions filled with guesses
57. affront: insult
58. spat: past tense of spit

Chapter 9 – Madam Rides the Bus

1. Curious- eager to know or learn something
2. Wistfully- longingly
3. Kindle- set alight (fire), here, feelings
4. A slang expression- informal words, often used within a close group
5. Discreet questions- careful questions
6. Commandingly- in a controlling tone
7. Slack time-a time when there is not much work
8. Devoured- read quickly and eagerly (here)
9. Canvas- a coarse fabric
10. Blind- a partition
11. Haughtily- proudly
12. Repulsive- causing strong dislike
13. Curtly- rudely brief or abrupt
14. Drivel- silly nonsense
15. Thriftily- spend money carefully
16. Resolutely stifled- suppressed/ controlled with determination
17. Ventured out- went cautiously, courageously
18. Hamlet: a small settlement with a few houses.
19. Gobbling up: to swallow or eat hastily
20. Glee- happiness and joy
21. Thoroughfare- a busy public road
22. Merchandise- things for sale
23. Railroad crossing- an intersection where a railway line crosses a road or path
24. Spreadeagled- spread out
25. Haunted- returned repeatedly to her mind; was impossible to forget
26. Pokes her nose- takes an interest in something that doesn’t concern her
Chapter 10 – Sermon at Benaras
1. Sacred- embodying the laws or doctrines of a religion
2. Scriptures- the sacred writings of a religion
3. Befitted- be appropriate for; suit
4. Chanced upon- came across by chance
5. Alms- money or food given to poor people; charity
6. Enlightenment- a state of high spiritual knowledge
7. Wandered- to move without a fixed course
8. Vowed- solemnly promise to do a specified thing
9. Preached- deliver a religious address to an assembled group of people
10. Sermon- a talk on religious or moral subject
11. Holy- sacred
12. Dipping places- bathing
13. Inscrutable- something which cannot be understood
14. Kinsmen- a man who is one of a person’s blood relations
15. Lamenting- express regret or disappointment about something
16. Slaughter- killing of animals for food
17. Afflicted- affect adversely
Chapter 11 – The proposal
1. Farce: a comic dramatic work
2. Privilege- advantage
3. Shan’t- shall not
4. Pardon- forgive or excuse (a person, error or offence)
5. Awfully- very; extremely
6. Assistance- the action of helping someone
7. Go round and round- not coming to the main point
8. Spit it out- speak out
9. To seek the hand of a girl in marriage- to propose
10. By Jove- By God
11. Desire- a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something
to happen
12. Idiotic- very stupid; silly
13. Consent- agreement to do something
14. Egad- exclamation (expressing surprise, anger, or affirmation)
15. Lovesick- longing, yearning or desiring
16. Trembling- shaking or quivering, typically as a result of excitement, anxiety or
17. Hesitate- pause in indecision before saying or doing something
18. Housekeeper- a person who manages a household
19. Palpitations- a noticeably rapid, strong or irregular heartbeat due to agitation,
exertion or illness
20. Twitch- a sudden quick moment or feeling
21. Lunatic- a person who is mentally ill (not in technical use)
22. Neglige- form of nightgown
23. Inherited- received as an heir at the death of the previous holder
24. Affectionate- readily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness
25. Oxen meadows- a land full of grass for animals to graze in
26. Birchwoods- a wood of birch trees
27. Perpetuity- the state or quality of lasting forever
28. Reckoned- established by calculation
29. Implore- Beg someone earnestly to do something
30. Gypsies- a group of nomadic people who travel from one place to another
31. Impudent- not showing due respect for another person
32. Carafe- an open-topped glass flask used for serving wine or water in a restaurant
33. Mowers- a person who cuts grass with a mower
34. Hoarse- sounding rough and harsh
35. Restrain- prevent from doing something; keep under control or within limits
36. Excruciating- intensely painful; sever; acute; extreme
37. Palpitation- heartbeat
38. Pettifogger- an inferior legal practitioner, especially one who deals with petty
cases or employs dubious practices
39. Embezzlement- theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one’s trust or
belonging to one’s employer
40. Lunacy- the state of being a lunatic; insanity (not in technical use)
41. Drunkard- a person who is habitually drunk
42. Hump- A rounded protuberance found as an abnormality on the back of a
43. Guzzling- greedy (here)
44. Gambler- a person who gambles; speculator
45. Intriguer- someone who tricks, deceives or cheats
46. Malicious-intending or intended to do harm
47. Numb- deprived of the power of physical sensation
48. Rascal- devil
49. Impudence- audacity
50. Lame- unable to walk without difficulty as the result of an injury or illness
affecting the leg or foot; limping
51. Patridge- a short-tailed game bird with mainly brown plumage, found chiefly in
Europe and Asia

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