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Production of biodiesel by

mustard oil
(Mechanical engineering)

Submitted by
Archna Devi (2108400400006)

Shreyansh raj (2108400400029)

Shivani Singh




This is certified that the dissertation entitled “Production of Biodiesel

by Mustard Oil” Submitted by Archna Devi (2108400400006),
Shreyansh Raj (2108400400029) and Shivani Singh in partial fulfilled for
the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical
authentic record of student’s own work carried out by them under my
guidance and supervision. The content of this report in full or in parts
has not been submitted to any other institute/university for the award
of any degree or diploma.

Mr. Pankaj Mishra Dr. Avadesh Kr. Sharma

(Assistant Professor) (Head of the department)



It is said that gratitude is virtue this part is dedicated to special thanks
that we would like to deliver to the people who helped us in making the
fulfillment of this project possible.

First and foremost, we express our gratitude to our mentor Mr.

Pankaj Mishra (Assistant Professor) department of mechanical
engineering who has given us a chance to work under profound
guidance and have supported throughout our project with his patience
and knowledge.

We express our deepest gratitude to Dr. Avadesh Kr. Sharma

(Head of Mechanical Engineering Department). He always encouraged
us to keep in constant touch with our mentors. He is a source of great
knowledge and he is always working hard to do the best for his

Last but definitely not least, we would like to thanks all the staff of
workshop, fluid mechanics for their continuous help throughout the

Archna Devi (2108400400006)

Shreyansh Raj (2108400400029)

Shivani Singh

▪ Making Biodiesel
▪ Material Used
▪ Properties of Biodiesel
Calorific value
Flash point and ignition temperature
▪ Bomb calorimeter
▪ observation

Energy is understood to be a fundamental requirement for
humankind’s daily existence. However, the researcher’s interest has
shifted to renewable energy source in an effort to minimize the
dependence on fossil fuels due to the continuously rising energy
demand. Foremost, the harmful effects of these fossil fuels on the
ecosystem contribute to global warming. Biodiesels are the most
practical form of green energy in that situation.

The word bio stands for its natural origin, while diesel stands for its use
as fuel, as the name implies traditionally, transesterification is used to
create biodiesel. With the aid of a suitable heterogeneous or
homogeneous catalyst this reaction can take place, however amount if
fatty acid it contains determine the best catalyst to use. Recently,
heterogeneous catalyst has been preferred over homogenous catalysts
as it can be reusable and can be easily separated. Moreover,
homogeneous catalyst produces soap as by product and massive
wastewater, further increasing allowable discharge costs.

This paper reviews about biodiesel used as an alternative source

of energy and its various prospective this work review about the
various heterogeneous catalyst and also analyses its effects on the
thereafter biodiesel yield. This work also emphasis on the usage of
waste or non-edible materials as a feedstock as it would help to lower
the cost of production. This work reviews the advancements of
heterogeneous catalyst in producing biodiesel.

Natural resources of conventional (gasoline and diesel) are declining
due to industrialization and motorization of the world. Fossil fuel
availability constraints, ever increasing prices, and environment effects
due to extensive use of fuel are some of the concerns that lead to
search for alternative for such petroleum product. With this
perspective, considerable at tension has been drawn toward the
production of biodiesel as a direct substitute or blending option with
fossil fuel to increase its performance efficiency. Biodiesel is a diesel-
equivalent processed fuel derived from biological sources, which can be
used directly in IC-diesel engine. It is an attractive offer as continuous
renewable biomass easily available from plants, vegetables, and animal
fat coupled with environment benefit.

Moreover, it is biodegradable and nontoxic, and it possesses low

emission profiles. It also enhances the life of diesel engine b providing
more lubrication, resulting in reduced premature wearing of engine
components. A biodiesel in driven engine’s efficiency is also at par with
the IC-diesel engine running on conventional diesel. The term biodiesel
was coined by the national soy diesel Development Board (National
Biodiesel Board), U.S. in 1992. The board was the pioneer in the
commercialization of biodiesel in the U.S. chemically, biodiesel consist
of methyl or ethyl esters, produced as result if either transesterification
of triacyl glycerides (TG) or esterification of free fatty acid (FFAs). It is
ecological fuel because of its qualitative composition (carbon, 77%;
hydrogen, 12% oxygen, 11%; traces of nitrogen and sulfur).

Currently, most of the biodiesel is produced by transesterification
under alkaline catalysis condition. However, high consumption of
catalysis, formation of soap, and low yields make biodiesel an
expensive product compared to petroleum fuel. The common
processes of biodiesel production from low–cost raw material used
mineral acids as catalysts. Literature cites two approaches for the
production of low–cost biodiesel fuel. The first approach is two-step
process, which requires an initial acid catalyzed esterification of
triglyceride. The second approach dealt with a one–step process that
uses an acid catalyst that simultaneously promoted both esterification
and transesterification reaction. The molar ratio of alcohol, reaction
temperature, catalyst that amount, reaction time, water content, and
free fatty acid are the process variable that effect acid-catalyzed
transesterification. Major drawbacks included reactor corrosion,
substantial by –product generation, and salt formation due to mineral
acid neutralization, resulting in negative virtually unsurmountable
aspects for the mineral acid catalyzed process. In fact, the alternative,
approach is still a method of choice and in common use.

Biodiesel production plant. Various issues- sources, opportunities,
challenges, plant design, an evaluation etc. are discussed related to the
Biodiesel production. Important contribution of the presented work is-
it discusses the important issues concerned with the Biodiesel
production plant design, it provides the fundamental details required
for the formulation of Biodiesel plant design problem, also it presents
possible approach for the mathematical model to evaluate the
Biodiesel plant design. Gulab N. Jam et al. (2009) research on wild
mustard (Brassica juncea L.) oil is evaluated as a feedstock for biodiesel
production. Biodiesel was obtained in 94 wt.% yield by a standard
transesterification procedure with methanol sodium methoxide
catalyst. Wild mustard oil had a high content of erucic (13(Z)-
docosenoic; 45.7 wt.%) acid, with linoleic (9(Z), 12(Z)- octadecadienoic;
14.2 wt.%) and linolenic (9(Z),12(Z),15(Z)-octadecatrienoic; 13.0wt.%)
acids comprising most of the remaining fatty acid profile. The cetane
number, kinematic viscosity, and oxidative stability (Rancimat method)
of the methyl esters was 61.1, 5.33 mm2 s-1 (40 _C) and4.8 h (110 _C),
respectively. The cloud, pour and cold filter plugging points were 4, -21
and -3C, respectively. Other properties such as acid value, lubricity, free
and total glycerol content, iodine value, Gardner color, specific gravity,
as well as sulfur and phosphorous contents were also determined and
are discussed in light of biodiesel standards ASTM D6751 and EN 14214.
In summary, wild mustard oil appears to be an acceptable feedstock for
biodiesel production.

Making Biodiesel: -
Biodiesel is made using three main components: mustard oil, methanol
and potassium hydroxide.

Biodiesel is an alternative fuel that is made from vegetable and animal

fat. it can be used directly in diesel vehicles or blended with traditional
petroleum diesel. You will discover during this lab how easy it is to
make and store biodiesel.

Material used: -
Using potassium hydroxide (in solid form) and methanol Mustard oil
(200ml), thermometer

The chemical reaction to produce biodiesel as follows:

Oil (mustard tri- Easter) + Alcohol (Methanol) = Alkyl esters (biodiesel) +

Glycerin (component of soap)

Once the reaction is complete, to major products exists: glycerin in

biodiesel. Each has a substantial amount of the excess methanol that
was used in the reaction. The reacted mixture is sometimes neutralized
at this step in needed. The glycerin phase is much denser than biodiesel
phase and the two can be gravity separated with glycerin simply drown
off the bottom of the settling vessel. In some cases, a centrifuge is used
to separate the two materials faster.

Calorific value: -
Calorific value is the amount of heat energy present in food or fuel and
which is determined by the complete combustion of specified quantity
at constant pressure and in normal conditions. The calorific value of
biodiesel is about 37.27MJ/ KG.

Density: -
Density is an important biodiesel parameter, with impact on fuel
quality. Predicting density is of high relevance for a correct formulation
of an adequate blend of raw materials that optimize the cost of
biodiesel fuel production while allowing the produced fuel to meet the
required quality standards the aim of this work is to present new
density data for different biodiesel and use the reported data to
evaluate the predictive capability of models previously proposed to
predict biodiesel of fatty acid methyl easter density.

Viscosity: -
Biodiesel viscosity is usually higher than that of diesel, and this higher
viscosity level result in longer liquid penetration times and worse
atomization compared to the case with diesel fuel. It has been
concluded that higher alcohols have lesser reactivity so need more
catalyst and higher temperature to speed up the reaction.

Flash point and ignition temperature:

The flash point is the lowest temperature at which application of a test

flame causes the vapor of a sample to ignite under specified test
conditions. The flash point measures the tendency of a sample to form
a flammable mixture with air under controlled laboratory conditions.
Flash point data are used in shipping and safety regulation to define
flammable and combustible materials as well as to indicate the possible
presence of highly volatile and flammable material in a relatively non-
volatile or non-flammable material. The flash point should not be
confused with auto-ignition temperature that measures spontaneous
combustion with no external source of ignition.

Bomb calorimeter: -
A bomb calorimeter is a type of constant volume calorimeter used in
measuring the heat of combustion of a particular reaction. Electrical
energy is used to ignite the fuel.

Procedure: -

We obtained water and placed it in the bucket that is with the

calorimeter. Then we obtained a small sample of Benzoic acid measure
its mass, made it into pallet and measured it mass again. Then we
placed the bucket into the calorimeter and the pallet into the dish of
the bomb calorimeter. Then we inserted a nichrome wire in to the

metal tubes suspending the dish and made sure it touched the Benzoic
acid pellet as well. Then we attached the dish to the lid and inserted the
contraption into the calorimeter and inserted the calorimeter into the
bucket of water, which was in an electrical measuring device. We flow
oxygen into the calorimeter and once the combustion occurred and the
data was provided by the device, we recorded the data.

Sample of biodiesel (x) = (2𝑚𝑙. )

Mass of water (W) = (2000𝑔𝑚. )

Initial temperature (T1) = (22.1℃)

Final temperature (T2) = (29.9℃)

Water equivalent of calorimeter, stirrer (w) = (503.76𝑔𝑚)

Calorific value = (𝑊 + 𝑤) (𝑇2 − 𝑇1)/𝑥

= (2000 + 503.76) (29.9 − 22.1)/2

Calorific value = 40.855 𝑀𝐽/𝑘𝑔


All the chemical and performance parameters were evaluated. The

properties such as density-, viscosity- 34mm2/sec at 400C, flash point
and ignition temperature -, calorific value – 40MJ/KG

Properties of biodiesel Actual value of Generate biodiesel

Calorific value 37.27MJ/Kg 40.59MJ/Kg
Density At 150c – 7.3
Viscosity At 400c – 36.16 34.23
Ignition temperature

Offers high degree of integration and decrease of environmental

impacts compare to individual production of biodiesel. Of the several
methods available for producing biodiesel, transesterification of natural
oils and fats is currently the method of choice. The purpose of the
process is to lower the viscosity of the oil. Although blending of oils and
other solvents and micro emulsions of mustard oils lower the viscosity,
engine performance problems, such as carbon deposit and lubricating
oil contamination still exist pyrolysis produce more bio gasoline then
biodiesel fuel.

The government has decided to step up domestic manufactured of
biofuels by 10 percent every year and has advanced the target of
blending 20 percent ethanol in petrol to 2025 from 2030.

Imagine a fuel with no harm to the environment and which is safe to

burn. Yes, with biodiesel, this could be a reality. As an alternative fuel
similar to petrol and fossils diesel, biodiesel is an advance form of
biofuel produced renewable fuel. This revolution is helping several
countries overcome their dependence on diesel, as biodiesel has the
combustion properties which are very similar to those of petroleum
diesel. If we have an option of an alternative fuel, which least harms
the environment, then why not use it.

1. Zheng. S., Kate’s, M., Dube, M.A, and Mclean, D.D., 2006, “acid-
catalyzed Production of biodiesel from mustard oil,” biomass
bioenergy. 30 pp.267-272.
2. Gulab N. Jam (2009) research on wild mustard oil.
3. M.J. and Peg M.J., 2006,” properties of biodiesel, blends at low
temperature, fuel”.


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