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“Rich, what the hell is so important I trekked cross campus?” Joey rubbed his eyes.

doberman checked his phone; the time flashed 1:23 AM. The moon hung high in the night sky.
The few stars not snuffed out by light pollution flickered lazily above them and their college

The other canine stood in the building's door with a wide smile. Rich had been reclusive
as of late. A local occulte club on campus had promised free booze at their first meeting and like
any stereotypical college bro they had hooked the husky. Despite promising to ditch after the
first meeting Joey found his friend indisposed the same time each week. He stuck with him
though, having been friends since they were pups.

Joey was afraid he’d wake up one night, his window broken and a ceremonial dagger in
his chest. Instead the demons Rich talked about were…normal. Normal may have been the
wrong word for it. But when RIch dared to broach the topic at lunch or something they mostly
seemed strangely horny.

“I got something.” Was all Rich explained as he headed back into the hall. Joey waited
for more, when that didn’t happen he just trailed after him to his dorm.

The small concrete room looked like most dorms. Bed and desk to one side. Papers
strewn about it. Clothes shoved sloppy into a closet. Summoning circle sitting in the center of
the room. Unlit candles placed at each point of a pentagram.

Wait what.

“I know it's a mess but I just got it finished.” Rich explained as if the craftsmanship of the
Pentagram was the issue.

Joey took a step closer and noted the lines were a bit shaky. Not done in a practiced or
clean manner. Definitely done in a hurry. “What the hell is thi-” He turned around to see Rich
turned away from him. Mumbling coming from his general direction. Stepping closer he could
see the boy hunched over some kind of book. Thorough given the images inside, a tome may
be a better way to describe it.

“Hmm?” Rich turned around. “Oh right. We’re summoning a demon.”

Joey stared at him like he was speaking in tongues. Which wasn’t too far out of the
realm of possibility for the night. “Cool you’ve lost it.” He went to go leave but Rich caught his

“Hold on. I mean it. I’ve been going over it with the boys and I think I have just the
incantation.” He brought the tome over and showed a page. A sultry looking dog dreature
adorned the page. “Hell hound. Loyal to their master. If we do this right we have a hot Hellhound
babe at our beck and call.”
Joey watched skeptically as RIch lit the candles while muttering some incantation under
his breath. “And if it fails?”

“We get mauled by a spawn of hell. Which may damn our souls.” He explained as if it
was a natural outcome.

Joey just shrugged. “Beats paying back student loans.” He took one of the two chairs in
the room and watched Rich get to work. His eyes kept flicking between the page and the circle.
Words unsteady on his tongue as the room seemed to grow darker. The moon still shone high
above them but the light in the room dimmed as if another worldly force was at play. The candle
flames flickered and turned a deep crimson. The fire like pure rage shooting up.

Spreading out from the base of the melting wax, the pentagram matched the flames in
the same ruby glow. Winds blew from nowhere yet the sense of an oncoming storm filled the air.
With a clap of thunder a slender figure filled the center of the summoning circle. Joey's jaw
dropped, disbelief as something breached into their world.

Then the circle flickered.

The figure inside turned translucent. Rich’s voice got an octave higher, only making the
circle spiral out worse. With another clap of thunder the candles blew out and the lights came
back on.

“…Dude.” Joey said in wonder. Looking over at his friend in awe.

Meanwhile in the pits of hell, A young creature of the night was sitting in her bed. The
sheets soden with piss.

“What the fuck!” Loona shouted.


“So… you were just at home when you were abducted?” Octavia said. The bird girl
leaned on the shopping cart as she watched her friend scan the shelves.

“What else would you call it?” Loona shot back, her voice more tense than she expected.

“It’s a summoning Loona. You know. That thing people do with demons all the time.”

“Well it sucks! Bastards couldn’t even do that right. Caught glimpses of two dorks in a
dorm then boom. Back home. Lacking bladder control.” She pointed at the waistband peeking
out from her shorts.
“Were they hot at least?”

Loona shot her a look before turning back at the shelves. Rows and rows of adult
diapers lined the walls. Various brands flashed before her eyes as she scanned them. “Nothing
here works.”

“I mean if you’re looking for discrete then-”

“None of them are thick enough.” Loona cut her off.

Octavia stared at her, trying to process what she’d just heard. “Come again?”

“They're too thin.” Loona said again.

“Do I… want to know why that’s important… I figured you’d want something subtle.”

“Not with the way I would flood these things.” Loona said, tossing a pack back on the
shelf in exasperation.

The avian just stared at her in disbelief. No way she would just divulge all of this. “You
know this, how?”

“You think Blitz didn’t already run out to grab some when he saw what happened?”
Loona pointed out. “I’m just glad we don’t have carpets.”

Octavia couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Then again, this is the same woman who
shamelessly shit off a bridge…so…

“Alright. If I help you find something thicker, will you stop talking about it?” Octavia

“FIne.” Loona said dejectedly. Honestly upset that she wouldn’t be able to talk about this.

The bird girl nodded as she checked something on her phone. Her feathers moved deftly
as Loona watched her work. The hellhound could feel pressure building in her bladder. She
didn’t even bat an eye as she let out a sigh, filling the aisle with a loud and noticeable hiss.
Octavia’s eyes looked up from her phone in time to see Loona’s shorts struggle to contain it all.

The diaper hidden underneath absorbed the pee with gusto. Denim strained as the
plastic garment swelled. Dark spots bloomed around her legs, the material soaked through as
the seam grew weak. Threads snapped one by one as Loona’s shorts finally failed.

The pissing stopped. The diaper sloshed a bit from the weight resting between her
thighs. Loona let out a more content sigh as she just stood there in the store, blissed out. Her
sigh turned to a smile, tail lifting behind her. The brief quiet was interrupted by a loud fart as
she filled her diaper with poop. What tattered remains of her shorts had long since fallen on the

Octiva hit instant delivery on a pack of ultra thick diapers.


“Well the circle looks better than last time.” Joey looked over Rich’s newest pentagram
with mild admiration.

“Had to redo the lines like 50 times but this should do it. Plus I rehearsed the lines this
time. We’ll be rolling in demon puss!” Rich clutched the book with a flavored hunger. “You get
the candles?”

“Yeah” Joey held up a bag with the words YANKEE CANDLE on the side.

Rich looked at it with confusion. “Joey what the hell?”

“They’re candles.” he said. Voice filled with shame.

“Scented candles!”

“I got red ones!” He dug in the bag and pulled out an orange one. “Even got the
Halloween one to be safe!”

Rich pinched the bridge of his nose. “Ok… fine… But if something goes wrong I’m
blaming you.” He took the bag and placed candles of varying colors and scents around the
pentagram. Lighting the candles the smells grew stronger. Clashing with each other for olfactory

Reciting the incantation again things were going alright so far. The stuttering and
stammering was minimal, the demonic lights of the pentagram glowed a bright orange. Rich
noted the color but persisted on. Maybe the dominance of “Trick-or-Treat” was doing this.

The same figure reappeared. This time the waist seemed wider. Did she have a bigger
ass now? As the chanting grew more intense the candle scent turned sour. Apples turned rotten
and a twang of metal came from the halloween one. Someone was putting razor blades in the

With another bang the spell failed. The two were left once more in awkward silence.
Standing around the failed circle defeated.

“Damn it.” Rich said, looking over at Joey who was sporting a sheepish grin.
“Well at least you can take the take-out smell out.” He tried to laugh but that died out.
“So uh…. Where do I-”

“Just ask the lesbian who smokes outside the Bio building. She knows a guy.” Rich told

“Wanna go get some thai?” Joey asked.

Rich let out another sigh, tossing the tome on the bed. “Fuck I’m down.’ He said,
grabbing his keys as he followed his friend out.


Loona shook her head. Her surroundings became clearer as her attention snapped back
to her. Looking around she tried to take note of the office. The door next to her, the sparse
chairs for clients, the window looking out on hell. She pressed down on her crotch, the diaper
crinkling loudly in her ears.

“You ok there Loona?” Millie asked her coworker. The imp watched the hell hound stare
at her own crotch.

“I’m fine.” She responded half-heartedly. Her usual bitter tone was gone, the hellhound
instead transfixed on rubbing her diaper. Loona could tell the imp wasn’t buying it. Her husband
Moxxie shared the same expression.

“Well alright hun, just let us know if you need anything.” She said going back to polishing
her axe.

Loona looked back down at her diaper. Fascinated by how thick it was. How much space
it took up. If she wanted to stand up she was going to have to strain a bit to get out of the seat.
Octavia had outdone herself.

“Sir, question: Why is Loona wearing a diaper?” Moxie asked his boss.

“FIrst of all buster I don’t ask about where you shit.” The larger imp jabbed a finger in his
face. “Second, they are protective undergarments. And she is wearing them because some
dumbass has been trying to summon her with the IKEA equivalent of a summoning ritual.”

“Why her though?” Moxie looked over at Loona with concern; the wolfgirl was staring off
into space with a dreamy smile on her muzzle. “Our history aside, she’s not… important enough
to summon.”
Blitzo opened his mouth as if to speak, standing there while Moxxie waited for a
response. “Well you got me there. I love my widdle woony, but she's not top tier demon
material….Oh well! Anyway daddy’s out of bullets so Imma head down to the bad side of town
to pickpocket some of the slow corpses who couldn’t draw fast enough. Just make sure she
stays clean, ok?” The head imp quickly explained as he headed for the office door. Slamming it
shut before Moxxie could say anything.

The neurotic imp turned to his wife who just shrugged at him. Loona for her part was
texting on her phone, giggling to herself. Her finger movements were slower than normal but the
two imps wouldn’t have picked up on that. Her texts were also riddled with spelling errors. A
small trial of drool caressed the corner of her muzzle; combined with the brain fog it was evident
that something was going on.

Loona stopped texting as a familiar pang in her gut came back. By now the girl knew
what it meant. Forcing fherself out of the chair with a soft *pop*, she closed her eyes tightly as
she grunted. A few farts escaped her ass. Moxie and Millie watched in vile fascination as her
diaper expanded, the tapes straining against the weight of her mess. A sickening stench soon
filled the room as Loona relaxed and let the soft poop fill out her seat. A moment later, she
finally stopped. The diaper sagged against the back of her thighs. There was no way she would
have been able to sit back down. Instead she moved to the nearby couch. She laid down on her
tummy, letting a paw smack against her diaper with a wet squelch as she went about checking
her phone.

Millie and Moxxie exchanged a look. One of disbelief at the fact the woman who just
yesterday called Moxxie a fucking sigma bitch, was now stewing in a shitty diaper like it was

“Should we…” Millie started to ask.

“Loona do you, uh, need a change?” Moxie asked.

“Uh yeah dude. This look like a clean diaper to you?” She spread her legs letting the
messy padding settle a bit.

“Noooooo.” Moxie looked around. “Where are the clean ones?”

“Under the desk.” She pointed to them without looking up.

Finding the pack already open Moxxie took one out and looked it over. The thing was
maybe six inches thick, designed to hold back the content of anyone's bowels. But looking over
at the Hellhound he had to admit she had put them to the test.
Walking over to the girl he glanced up at her disinterested face. Eyes still locked on the
phone as he changed her. He only gagged twice but the deed was done. Leaving him with a
balled up diaper bigger than his head.

“Yo, could I get that?” She asked.

“Suuuuure?” Moxie handed the oversized pamp over, watching with disgust as Loona
face planted in it, taking deep inhales of the stink. She stayed like this for a good while. After
several minutes Moxie thought she died, until the hound came up for air. Her muzzle had left a
deep imprint in the plastic.

“That’s the good stuff.” Loona waddled back to her desk. Placing the used diaper in the
center and just lying on it face down like a pillow. A small pool of drool formed as her tongue
slipped out...


Every other night Loona was awoken by red lights blaring in her face and the distorted
sounds of voices. And every night she fell back on her bed. Each time another small piece of
her was lost to the world between worlds.

The sensation was akin to a migraine if only for an instant. Afterwards she’d be hard
pressed to recall the pounding sensation that accompanied her neurons dying.

Most of it was small change. A forgotten word here. Lost train of thought there. But
without doubt what was once thought to be solely physical changes had become mental.

Loona awoke to the sound of her body flopping on her bed. Staring blankly at the ceiling
her head was practically empty. Any thoughts, if they could be called that, were more akin to
“bed soft” and “Diaper warm”. Looking down she saw she had pooped in her sleep again.
Giggling dumbly she kept pressing down on her crinkly retard pants, enjoying the warmth and

Her phone buzzed.

Looking over lazily to her side she saw Tex calling. Ever since reading comprehension
was erased he’d thought she’d been ignoring her texts. Really she couldn’t even decipher HMU,
much less actual words.

Picking it up she accidentally pressed the green button. “Hewwo?”” She answered.

“Loona girl where you been?” Tex asked. Genuinely surprised she picked up.

“Uh been home.” She said, squishing her diaper again.

“Well you wanna come out to a party? They’re pretty kinky guys though. I’ll text you the

“Party sound fun.” She mumbled. Tex said something else before hanging up. A few
seconds later an address flashed on her screen. Her eyes looked at it with zero recognition
before it fell into her messages.

Loona continued to rub her paw against her diaper, enjoying the carnal sensation of
warm soft padding against her sex. She shuddered as she bucked her hips, finally letting out a
howl with her filthy climax. Several minutes later she remembered something about a party.
She liked those! The girl got up, nude aside her protective underwear bulging out with shit. The
sagging diaper between her legs held on tight by the strength of four sets of high quality tapes.
It wasn’t going anywhere. She went right by her closet and waddled out of the apartment, not
caring in the slightest about clothes. Any passerby that would have stared at her tits had a far
more pungent distraction…


“OK, one last time.” Rich pleaded with his friend. Joey sat hunched over a pile of
printouts on the arcane. The room was a mess. The scent of melted wax permeated the air. The
pentagram was burned into the carpet.

“Dude we’ve been at this for weeks.” Joey said. “I don’t care how hot she is, this isn’t
worth it.”

“Look, we keep getting so close dude. Plus I’m gonna end up losing my deposit anyway.
Might as well say I did it.”

“Sunk cost fallacy isn’t a good thing. You know that right?”

“Get that philosophy 101 out of here.” Rich said as he lit the candles.

“It’s Psych.”

“Whatever.” Rich began chanting. The book lay open in his hands to act as a conduit.
Repetition had seared the incantation into his mind; he didn't need to look at the words. Joey sat
disinterestedly as the room flickered with arcane evils.

The figure once more showed up in the center. This time though something clicked. The
solid form became furry. Details emerged in the red light as they became more real. Joey’s
mouth dropped while Rich had to concentrate to keep from breaking the chant.
WIth a small -pop- the spell finished. Sitting before them sucking on her foot paw was a
newly retarded hell hound. Loona started rocking back and forth on her diaper, drool dribbling
down onto her tits. The two college bros stared at her flabbergasted.

“Dude…” Joey said.

“I didn’t mess up… did I?” He looked through the book.

“Guuuh poopy diaper. Stinky!” Loona popped the foot out of her mouth and giggled.

“Well uh… What now?” Joey asked. “Do we fuck her?”

Rich looked over the tard. The girl was reaching into her diaper and eating her own
poop, happily babbling something about going to a party. “Yeah no, that's… that’s… I’m not into

“Same. Can we… Try another one? Or are we stuck with this one?”

“Poopoo?” Loona tilted her head with a smile, another fart rumbling into her retard pants.

“We’ll try later.” Rich said.

“Great…” Joey looked around the room. “How do we send her back?”

Rich checked the book. “Says here if we break the circle the spell breaks.”

“So wait even if we did this right and she wasn’t,” He gestured over to Loona as she
grunted out another load, diaperseat growing browner. “We’d only be able to do it in that?”

“Well now that you say it it sounds dumb.” Rich defended. “Sides you could still like, get

“You promised hot demon sex! Head is not sex!”

“Hehd?” Loona asked, flopping down onto her back and spreading her legs. Her tail
wagged, intensifying the stink wafting from her ruined diaper.

“God, fine!” He walked over to the circle and with a swift motion of his foot broke the
spell. Loona was sent back to god knows where as the two stood alone.

“Ramen?” Joey asked. “I know a place.”

“That sounds good.” Rich agreed as he grabbed his coat.


Loona blinked her eyes and was greeted with the crimson overcast of hell's sky. Cheers
and moans surrounded her. Stumbling onto her hands and knees she looked around. Hell
hounds of varying genders were engaging in sexual acts. Making out, groping, straight up sex, it
was all here. If she had her wits about her she would see there were more speciallized sex acts
going on around her.

She didn't care though. All she knew is she needed to suck something bad. There was
one hell hound standing around with his dick in his hand. Looking down at Loona he
immediately noticed her massive diaper, wrinkling his nose at the smell. He weighed his
options. On the one hand, she was drooling on herself with what appeared to be shit smeared
around her muzzle. Whatever this bitch was into, he wanted none of it. On the other hand…

“Hehd?” Loona asked. She remembered that one word from before.

That settled it. His lust won as he removed the paw from his shaft moving it closer to
her. Opening wide Loona took the cock with stride. The hound thrusting in her mouth with a loud
grunt. As she sucked another fart filled the air. Her diaper was reaching the breaking point as it
took another of her massive loads.

With a final thrust the hound came in her mouth. Cum splattering out the sides of the
dopey dog's lips. Patting her head he left her alone to wander the party.

After afew minutes of random crawling the gal just sat down in the middle of the crowd
and dug a paw into her diaper. Munching away on her own crap until a familiar voice called out.

“Loona?” Tex asked unsure. “That you?”

She gave him a literal shit-eating grin.

“Damn girl. Didn’t know you were into that. Let’s get that diaper changed, I’m sure
someone here has a spare.” He smiled as he spent the rest of the night hanging out with the
Come morning he let himself into her apartment, giving her one last diaper change
before tucking her into bed. “Woof,” Tex grumbled, pinching his nose. “You sure are into some
weird shit. Sweet dreams, Loony.”


Once Blitzo realized his widdle wolf pup was a moron he did what any father would do:
Market the crap out of it.
“Blitz, where do you want these plushies?” Millie asked, holding a box of Loopy Loona ™

“In the corner next to the skin mags.” He said. Not taking his eyes off his daughter as he
scooped up poop from her used diaper and fed it to her with a spoon.

Moxxi found himself unable to look away. “Sir…what the fuck?”

“Saves on baby food. Not that she eats it.” He fed her more.

“Gross, sir. That’s just gross.”Moxxi said as he went back to cleaning his gun.

“Gets us more business with this cutie on the billboards. She wants to eat shit? Shit she
will eat!” Blitzo exclaimed.

Loona simply giggled as she grunted. Her diaper filled with more filth, a glob or two
slipping out past the leakguards on her thighs. “Loona went poopy daddy!” She exclaimed.

“You sure did sweetie. Millie it’s your turn for this right?” The other imp nodded. “Good.”

The day went on as the crew took clients and cared for their new pup mascot. Once she
got over the shock of seeing Loona happily shitting herself in diapers, Octavia volunteered to
babysit when she could. Most of the time though the hellhound would be whored out to suck
cock. It was good money. Tex was certainly willing to pay.

In the end, Rich and Joey were wrong. It was surprising just how many people want to
fuck a tard.

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