R&W2 Lecture (2) Dentistry

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Reading and Writing (2)

For Dentistry
Lectures (2)
Making Inferences

An inference is an educated guess

about something that is not directly
stated in a text.

EFL Instructor: Naseem Al-Wazeer 2

How to make inferences?
1. Read for clues (put details in a text
2. Think about what you know.
3. Figure out what makes sense!

I can tell … because…
I infer … because…

EFL Instructor: Naseem Al-Wazeer 3

Infinitive of Purpose
The use of the “to” infinitive form of a verb is
answer to the implied question “why”?

e.g. I bout pen and some paper to write a note.

Infinitive (to + verb) that are used to explain the

purpose of an action are called infinitives of
purpose. They answer the question why?

We can also use the long form in order to + verb.

EFL Instructor: Naseem Al-Wazeer 4

Parallel Structure
Parallel Structure describes sentences
structure where the same pattern of
words is used to show that two or more
ideas have the same level of importance.

The words “and” and “or” are used in

parallel structure.

EFL Instructor: Naseem Al-Wazeer 5

Parallel Structure
Word Level
Mary likes hiking, swimming and to ride a bicycle.
Mary likes hiking, swimming and riding a bicycle.

Phrase level
Mary wants to go swimming, go hiking, and take a
Mary wants to go swimming, go hiking and go
EFL Instructor: Naseem Al-Wazeer 6
In the four sentences below, circle the correct word or phrase that gives
the sentence correct parallel structure

1. Justin was excited about inviting friends over, eating a good meal, and
___ .
a. …a game of cards.
b. …to play cards.
c. ...playing a game of cards.
2. I have always enjoyed reading the book more than __________________.
a. …I watched the movie version.
b. …watching the movie.
c. …to watch the movie.
3. When the weather outside is cold and ________, I like to be indoors.
a. …starting to get windy…
b. …windy…
c. …getting windy…
4. Running, lifting, and ____________ are three of Ashley’s favorite
a. …racquetball…
b. …a spinning class…
c. …bicycling…
EFL Instructor: Naseem Al-Wazeer 7
Generating Ideas for Writing

Writing either a paragraph or an essay requires organizing

ideas before the actual writing starts.

One way to generate ideas is to brainstorm bearing in mind

that the generated ideas need to be categorized into groups.

When the generated ideas are classified into different

groups, the writer can easily choose one dimension to
write about.

EFL Instructor: Naseem Al-Wazeer

Generating Ideas

To ensure that the

generated ideas are
organized, a topic needs to
be discussed from different

EFL Instructor: Naseem Al-Wazeer


Physical Educational
Dimension The Topic Dimension

Dimension Financial
EFL Instructor: Naseem Al-Wazeer
1. Social Dimension: any ideas about the topic that are related
to family, friends, and the society.

2. Educational Dimension: any ideas about the topic that are

related to education, intellectuality ,and learning in general.

3. Financial Dimension: any ideas about the topic that are

related to work , money (obtaining money, spending money,
prices etc.)

4. Psychological Dimension: any ideas about the topic that

are related to feelings, emotions, entertainment, etc.

5. Physical Dimension: any ideas about the topic that are

related to health, food, nutrition, medicine, diseases, etc.
EFL Instructor: Naseem Al-Wazeer
An outline is a plan for who you will write a

An outline is an ordered list of the main points

of your paragraph or essay.

Outlining helps you define and organize your topic

and subtopics so that you bring the reader on a
logical journey from your these, through your
supporting evidence, to your conclusion.

EFL Instructor: Naseem Al-Wazeer 12

Brainstorming or Outline
for an Argumentative Essay

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Should People Move to Mars?
Pros Cons
Social Social
1. Having more time to spend with family 1. Feeling of isolation from home
2. Few domestic problems 2. Having few people to communicate with
Physical Physical
1. Getting rid of obesity 1. Health hazards
2. Eating only healthy food 2. Malnutrition
Educational Educational
1. Learning more about the Mars & space 1. Children don’t enjoy in school
2. Spending more time reading & studying 2. Bad performance due to absence of
Psychological Psychological
1. Adventure 1. Boredom
2. Relaxation 2. Depression
Financial Financial
1. Getting higher salaries by working there 1.Living there is too expensive
2. Not spending money on unnecessary 2. Paying more taxes to fund the project
EFL Instructor: Naseem Al-Wazeer 14
Introductory Paragraph

• It introduces your topic.

• It includes a thesis statement that states

the main idea of the essay .

It is usually the last sentence in the paragraph.

Introductory Paragraph

1.word picture / proverb /intelligent question /


2. Facts Or Concrete details Or Explanation ( historical )

3. Thesis statement (purpose in writing the essay to

indicate major areas)
Body Paragraph (s)
Body (at least one paragraph)

• Each paragraph of the body starts with a topic

sentence that states a reason for your opinion.

• It is followed by details that support the reason for

your opinion.
Should People Move to Mars?
Argumentative Paragraph (Physical Dimension)

Topic Many scientists are now saying that people could possibly live on Mars,
Sentence but of course there are always two sides to a story. It is argued that the
Earth in the near future will be no more appropriate to live in because of
pollution. More and more countries use much oil as the main source of energy
Opposing which with no doubt damages the environment. In Malaysia, for example, in big
argument cities many people suffer from breathing problems. The smog emitted from the
factories and cars there has resulted in increasing lungs diseases, so finding
another planet such as Mars seems to be a good solution. However, many
researchers have demonstrated that living on Mars can cause health hazards.
My To clarify, the low gravity on Mars badly affects a human’s body. A good
illustration is what happens to the bones and muscles. The more a person stays
on Mars, the weaker their bones and muscles become. In addition, there is
harmful radiation on this planet that can cause serious illnesses such as cancer.
Concluding Therefore, I personally think that protecting the environment on our
Sentence Blue Planet is more fruitful than moving to the Red Planet.

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Writing an argumentative essay using the
brainstorming in this powerpoint

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EFL Instructor
Naseem Al-Wazeer

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