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Lectures 5 & 7

Careers of the Future

1. Obsolete (adj): unnecessary
2. Freelancer (n): independent workers
3. Strategy (n): plan
4. Sustainable (adj): likely to continue
5. Security (n): protection from change
6. Outsource (v): move jobs to another place
7. Prospect (n): possibility
8. Entrepreneur (n): person with a new idea
9. Expert (n): a knowledgeable person
Making Inferences

Recognizing Irony

Writers sometimes use irony in this way. Is

the writer being serious? Or is the writer
being sarcastic, exaggerating, joking, or even
saying the opposite of what he or she means?
Is the idea something that you would expect to
read, or is it surprising?
What is Irony?

A contrast between what is
expected and what actually
Types of Irony
1. Situational Irony: Something happens that we wouldn’t expect to
A fire station burns down.

2. Dramatic Irony: the reader knows something the characters do

Example: Home Alone- We know that Kevin has planted traps
every where, but the thieves don’t!

3. Verbal Irony: what is said is different than what is meant

You tell someone to break a leg but you mean for them to have
good luck
Making Inferences

In the text, the author offers suggestions of what to do if your job

becomes obsolete, but none of these strategies is realistic:

Work hard? Here the author is being sarcastic; you might be a very hard
worker, but it’s hard to work hard when your job is gone. Win the
lottery? Here the author is exaggerating because very few people
win the lottery.

Hope for the best or pray? And here, he is being humorous. Everyone
knows that getting a new job requires more than hoping and

After reading the text closely, we can recognize that the author is
using irony (sarcasm, exaggeration, and humor), and we can infer
that he is not being serious and wants to surprise
Predicting content From title
and Subheadings

One way to predict the content of a text is

to look at its title and subheadings:

• A good title is a brief summary of the main

idea of the whole reading.

• A good subheading is a brief summary of

the content of a section of the reading.
Predicting content From
title and Subheadings
Look at the title and subheadings of Reading
two and read the explanations.
• The title (“Great Jobs for the Twenty-first Century”)
indicates the main idea of the reading.

• The subheadings give you more specific

information about that topic: the names of several
kinds of jobs. By reading the subheadings, you can
find the group of jobs that you are interested in and
focus your attention quickly on those.
Writing CV
Education teaches people how to
think and prepare them for a
particular job.

I graduated from Ar-Rasheed

Smart University Faculty of
Undergraduate : a student at college or
university, who is working for their first degree

Graduate: someone who has completed a

university degree, especially a first degree

Postgraduate : someone who is studying at

university to get a master’s degree or a PhD
When the applicant for a
job does not have
experience, he receives
training for that job.
The Right Person
Adjectives Used in CV

1. Self-starter / Procative / Self-motivated / Self driven

This person is good at working on their own.

2. Methodical / Systemic / Organized

This person can work in a planned, orderly way.

3. Computer-literate
This person is good with computer.
The Right Person
Adjectives Used in CV
4. Numerate
This person is good with numbers.

5. Motivated
He is very keen to do well in their job.

6. Talented
This person is naturally very good at what they do.

7. Team player
This is the person who works well with other people.
Cell phone number ( …………..….… )

Date of Birth: ………………… Nationality: ………….……….

Personal Profile

Education and Qualifications

Month /Year …………………………………………………………………………………………….


Work Experience

Month / Year …………………………………………………………………………………………….




Interests and Activities

Writing a Cover Letter
(Job Application)
Job Application
(Cover Letter)
This letter responds to a job advertisement;
it includes the
background of the writer and asks for an
Writing a Cover Letter
The term “ job application" makes people

Many people with English as a second language

worry that their writing is not advanced enough
for writing.

This is not the case.

Writing a Cover Letter

An effective letter uses short, simple sentences

and straightforward vocabulary.

The easier a letter is to read, the better.

You will need to use smooth transitions so

that your sentences do not appear too
Writing a Cover Letter
Writing Tips

•Use a conversational tone.

•Ask direct questions.
•Double-check gender and spelling of
•Use active voice whenever possible.
•Use polite modals (would in favor of will).
Cover Letter Format

The five parts of a cover letter format are:

1.your address,
2.the date,
3.the inside address,
4.the greeting,
5.and the closing.
Cover Letter Format
• Your address should be placed on the upper
right-hand side of the paper or document.
Include your email address after the phone
number. Leave one space and put the date.

• Leave one space, and put the inside address at

the left-hand margin.

The inside address is the name, position,

address, phone number, and email address of the
person you are writing to.
69 Milk Street, LONDON SW7 6AW, UK
Tel: +44 20 123 4567

Sep-9. 2022

Ms Andrea Philips
Dreamtime Movies Universal Ltd
54 Oxford Road

• The greeting (also called the salutation) is the

opening to the letter.

• If you know the name of the person, write

Dear Mr. Smith,

Dear Ms. Smith,

Here are some common ways to address the
•Dear Mr Powell,
•Dear Ms Mackenzie,
•Dear Frederick Hanson:
•Dear Editor-in-Chief:
•Dear Valued Customer
•Dear Sir or Madam:
•Dear Madam
•Dear Sir,
•Dear Sirs
69 Milk Street, LONDON SW7 6AW, UK

Tel: +44 20 123 4567


Sep-9. 2022

Ms Andrea Philips
Dreamtime Movies Universal Ltd
54 Oxford Road

Dear Ms. Armstrong:

Writing a Cover Letter

A cover letter has three parts: an

introduction, supporting points, and
a conclusion. The specific content for
each part is particular to the job you are
applying for, but the basic content is the
same for all cover letters.
Structuring a Cover Letter

Introductory paragraph
In this paragraph, you should introduce
yourself and express interest in a specific
position in the company. Be clear in your
purpose for writing, and be brief.
Introductory paragraph

In most types of business letter it is common to use a friendly greeting

in the first sentence of the letter. Here are some examples:

•I hope you are enjoying a fine summer.

•I came across an ad for your hospital in The Star today.

•I hope this letter finds you well.

•I hope you are doing well.

•I hope you are having a great week.

Introductory paragraph

After your short opening, state the main point of your

letter in one or two sentences:

•I'm writing to enquire about...

•I'm interested in the job opening posted on your

hospital website.

•I’m writing in regards to the job position in

your hospital.
69 Milk Street, LONDON SW7 6AW, UK

Tel: +44 20 123 4567


Sep-9. 2022

Ms Andrea Philips
Dreamtime Movies Universal Ltd
54 Oxford Road

Dear Ms. Armstrong:

I hope you are enjoying a great week. I am writing in response to your advertisement in the December issue of
Publishers Monthly Journal, in which you announced an opening for a dentist.
Supporting paragraph(s)
In this paragraph, you need to focus on your
experience and how it will meet the needs
of the company. If you can, give specific
examples of how you have completed
projects and solved problems. Do not write
more than two paragraphs. Since employers
have to read many cover letters, being brief
is important.
Concluding paragraph

This paragraph should sum up your interest

in the position. Include a reference to the
résumé that you have enclosed and your
availability for an interview. Be sure to thank
the employer for reading your letter with a
phrase like “Thank you for your attention.
69 Milk Street, LONDON SW7 6AW, UK

Tel: +44 20 123 4567


Sep-9. 2022

Ms Andrea Philips
Dreamtime Movies Universal Ltd
54 Oxford Road

Dear Ms. Armstrong:

I hope you are enjoying a great week. I am writing in response to your advertisement in the December issue of Publishers
Monthly Journal, in which you announced an opening for a dentist

I have five years of retail experience in the book industry. For the past three years, I have managed Books for Us, an
independent bookstore located in Rolling Hills. I am familiar with the products that you publish and believe my experience as a
retailer and with the buying public would benefit your company. As the manager of an independent bookstore, I have
demonstrated my ability to set goals and complete projects in a timely and thorough manner.

In my current job, I am responsible for buying both new publications and backlist inventory as well as analyzing sales trends
using a computerized inventory system. I have a B.A. in English literature, and I am an active participant in local writers’
workshops. I have enclosed a copy of my resumé for your review.

I would like to meet with you and will contact your office the week of April 27 to determine if an interview may be arranged. If
you wish to contact me before that date, please call 33445555.



Frances Hatcher

Cover Letter Format

• The closing is a short phrase followed by

your signature.


Respectfully yours,
Concluding paragraph

.Your last paragraph should include requests,

reminders, and notes on enclosures.

.If necessary, your contact information should

also be in this paragraph.
Concluding paragraph
Here are some common phrases used when
closing a business letter:
•Please respond at your earliest convenience.
•If you require more information...
•Feel free to contact me by phone or email.
•I look forward to...

•For further details...

Here are some common ways to
close a letter.

•Yours truly, •Yours sincerely, •Sincerely, •Sincerely yours ,

•Thank you, •Best wishes •All the best, •Best of luck

•Warm regards,
Writing a Business Letter

.Use a comma between the closing and your handwritten

name (or typed in an email).

.If you do not use a comma or colon in your salutation,

leave out the comma after the closing phrase:
Writing a Cover Letter
Writing Tips
•Always refer to yourself as "I".
•Don't use "we" unless it is clear exactly who the pronoun refers
•Rewrite any sentence or request that sounds vague.
•Don't forget to include the date. Day-Month-Year is conventional
in many countries; however, to avoid confusion, write out the
month instead of using numbers (e.g. July 5th, 2007)
Structuring a Cover Letter
Introductory Paragraph:
❏ introduce self
❏ identify job
❏ state purpose
Supporting Paragraph:
❏ discuss experience
❏ relate experience to the position/company
❏ describe specific example(s)
Concluding Paragraph:
❏ summarize your interest
❏ refer to enclosed résumé
❏ indicate availability for interview
❏ thank the employer
ESL Instructor
Naseem Al-Wazeer

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