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Temperature and Heat

Prepared By: Dr. Alexis John M. Rubio

Learning Objectives
After this module the student will be able to:
Differentiate between temperature and heat.
Understand the various temperature scales.
Use temperature and heat formulas.
Implement the various mechanisms of heat
Understand specific heat and heat energy.
Understand coefficients of linear and volumetric
Humans make extensive use of temperature
measuring devices for maintaining and
controlling temperature for comfort, almost all
industrial processes require accurately
controlled temperatures.
Physical parameters and chemical reactions are
temperature dependent, and hence
temperature control is of major importance.
Basic Terms
Temperature is a measure of the thermal energy
in a body, which is the relative hotness or
coldness of a medium and is normally measured
in degrees using one of the following scales:
Fahrenheit (F), Celsius or Centigrade (C),
Rankine (R), or Kelvin (K).
Basic Terms
Absolute zero is the temperature at which all
molecular motion ceases, or the energy of the
molecule is zero.
Fahrenheit scale (F) was the first temperature
scale to gain acceptance.
Celsius or centigrade scale (C) was proposed in
mid 1700s by Celsius (Sweden).
Rankine scale (R) was proposed in the mid 1800s
by Rankine.
Kelvin scale (K) named after Lord Kelvin was
proposed in the late 1800s.
Basic Terms
Basic Terms
Basic Terms
Basic Terms
Heat is a form of energy; as energy is supplied to
a system the vibration amplitude of its molecules
increases and its temperature increases. The
temperature increase is directly proportional to
the heat energy in the system.
Basic Terms
A British Thermal Unit (BTU or Btu) is defined as
the amount of energy required to raise the
temperature of 1 lb of pure water by 1°F at 68°F
and at atmospheric pressure.
A Calorie unit (SI) is defined as the amount of
energy required to raise the temperature of 1 g
of pure water by 1°C at 4°C and at atmospheric
Basic Terms
Joules (SI) are also used to define heat energy
and is often used in preference to the calorie,
where 1 J (Joule) = 1 W (Watt) × s.
Phase change is the transition of matter from the
solid to the liquid or the liquid to the gaseous
states; matter can exist in any of these three
states. However, for matter to make the
transition from one state up to the next, it has to
be supplied with energy, or energy is removed if
the matter is going from gas to liquid to solid.
Basic Terms
Basic Terms
Basic Terms
Specific heat is the quantity of heat energy
required to raise the temperature of a given
weight of a material by 1°.
Thermal conductivity is the flow or transfer of
heat from a high temperature region to a lower
temperature region.
Basic Terms
Basic Terms
Conduction is the flow of heat through a material.
Convection is the transfer of heat due to motion of
elevated temperature particles in a material
(liquid and gases).
Radiation is the emission of energy by
electromagnetic waves that travel at the speed
of light through most materials that do not
conduct electricity.
Basic Terms
Basic Terms
Linear thermal expansion is the change in
dimensions of a material due to temperature
Volume thermal expansion is the change in the
volume per degree temperature change due to
the linear coefficient of expansion.
Basic Terms
What temperature in K corresponds to 115°F?
Heat Transfer
The amount of heat needed to raise or lower
the temperature of a given weight of a body
can be calculated from:
What is the heat required to raise the
temperature of a 2.5 kg mass by 120°C if the
specific heat of the mass is 0.37 cal/g°C?
Heat Conduction
Heat conduction through a material is derived
from the following relationship:
A furnace wall 12 ft2 in area and 6-in thick has a
thermal conductivity of 0.14 BTU/h ft°F. What is
the heat loss if the furnace temperature is 1100°F
and the outside of the wall is 102°F?
The outside wall of a room is 4 × 3 m and 0.35-m
thick. What is the energy loss per hour if the
inside and outside temperatures are 35°C and
−40°C, respectively? Assume the conductivity of
the wall is 0.13 W/mK.
Heat Convection
Heat convection calculations in practice are
not as straight forward as conduction. However,
heat convection is given by:
How much heat is transferred from a 25 × 24-ft
surface by convection if the temperature
difference between the front and back surfaces
is 40°F and the surface has a heat transfer rate
of 0.22 BTU/h ft2 °F?
Heat Radiation
Heat radiation depends on surface color,
texture, shapes involved, and the like. The
radiant heat transfer is given by
The radiation constant for a furnace is 0.23 × 10−8
BTU/h ft2 °F4, the radiating surface area is 25 ft2. If
the radiating surface temperature is 750°F and
the room temperature is 75°F, how much heat is
What is the radiation constant for a wall 5 × 4 m,
if the radiated heat loss is 62.3 MJ/h when the
wall and ambient temperatures are 72°C and
Thermal Expansion
Linear expansion of a material is the change in
linear dimension due to temperature changes,
and can be calculated from the following
Thermal Expansion
Volume expansion in a material due to changes
in temperature is given by:
Thermal Expansion
In a gas, the relation between the pressure,
volume, and temperature of the gas is given by:
Calculate the length and volume for a 200 cm
on a side copper cube at 20°C, if the
temperature is increased to 150°C.

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