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2022/2023 SESSION


Week 1. Reviewing last term work , Resumption test and copying of scheme of work

Week 2. Simple equations involving Fraction

Week 3. Word problems leading to simple equations involving Fraction

Week 4. Simultaneous linear equations (i) compilations of table values (Ii) Graphical solution
of simultaneous linear equations in two variables

Week 5. Simultaneous linear equations cont’d (i) solution of simultaneous linear equations
using elimination method (Ii) solution of simultaneous linear equations using substitution

Week 6. Similar shapes (i) similar shapes (Ii) enlargement and scale factor

Week 7. Midterm test / break

Week 8. Similar shapes cont’d (i) length, area and volume of similar figures

Week 9. Trigonometry (i) the sine ,cosine and tangent

Week 10. Trigonometry cont’d (i) Application of Trigonometric ratios

Week 11. Revision

Week 12. Examination

Week 13. Closure



1. Revision of last term's work, copying of the scheme of work and resumption test.

2. A. Comprehension : "Patriotism for our Country " Page 104 of New Excellence Textbook.

B. Adjectives

C. Consonant sounds / ts/ and / s /

3. A. Comprehension "Sport" Page 112 of New Excellence Textbook 3.

B. Comparison of Adjectives

C. Consonant sounds /f/ and /v/

D.Narrative Essay

4. A. Comprehension :"The Media" page 122 of New Excellence Textbook 3.

B. Adverb

C. Vowel sounds /u/ and /u:/

D. Descriptive Essay.

5. A. Comprehension : "School Subjects " Page 130 of New Excellence Textbook 3.

B. Question tags

C. Consonant sounds /n/ and /m/

D. Expository Essay

6. A. Comprehension : " Consumer Rights " Page 136 of New Excellence Textbook 3.

B. Conjunctions

C. Sounds /D/ and / ) : /

D. Formal letter of invitation.

7. Mid term test and break

8. A. Comprehension: "The Right To Education " Page 145 of New Excellence Textbook 3.

B. Summary Writing
C. Consonant sounds /3/ and / d3/

D. Formal letter

9. A. Comprehension: "Drugs" Page 155 of New Excellence Textbook 3.

B. Preposition

C. Consonant sounds /w/ and /j/

D. Expository Essay

10. A. Comprehension : " Jobs providing services " page 163 of New Excellence Textbook 3.

B. Direct and Indirect Speech

C. Consonant sounds /l/ and /r/

D. Report writing.

11. Revision and Examination.



1. Cleaning and Resumption Test.

2. Computer aided farm-records and it's benefits.

3. Book keeping - definition and sources of documents, sales, invoice, purchase invoice.

4. Book- keeping- Return inward and return outward.

5. Journal preparation - Sales journal.

6. Journal preparation - Purchase journal.

7. Meaning of Stock Exchange and people involved in stock exchange.

8. Importance of stock Exchange in Agriculture.

9. Meaning of Export Promotion.

10. Revision.

11. Examination.

12. Closure.


1. Resumption test/ compound cleaning
2. Processing of materials (timber)
3. Metals
4. Clay, ceramics and glass
5. Plastics and rubber
6. Isometric drawing
7. Midterm test/break
8. Oblique drawing
9. Orthographic projection
10. Revision
11. Examination
12. Closing.


Week 1. Transportation : Meaning of transportation and importance of transportation in

commerce; types of transportation such as road and rail, air ,water , pipeline

Week 2. Advantages of each type of transportation; disadvantages of each type of transportation

Week 3. Communication of communication; means of communication ; importance of

communication in business.
Week 4. Services produced by communication agency; postal and telegraphic service; telephone
services; internet; courier services

Week 5. Balance sheet, meaning of balance sheet;content; uses of balance sheet; classification of
items :Assets, Capital, Liabilities, preparation of balance sheet.

Week 6. Personal finance, meaning of personal finance; source of finance for individual; Scale of

Week 7 Mid -term test and break

Week 8 Modesty , meaning , Attributes, simplicity, living within ones means. Contentment

Week 9 Modesty, Effect of living modest; self control ;low tendency to corrupt; practices;
prudence; linl between Modesty and extravagance and preparation of individual budget

Week 10 Business letter, Meaning of business letter; letter and letter layout and style; parts of a
business letter:heading, opening,body , closing ,layout.printing of assignments.

Week 11 Revision

Week 12 Examination

Week 13 Closing


Wk1) Review and correction of first term exam questions.

Wk2) Some of Paul's teaching.

nce to constituted authority. Rom.13 : 1-7, Eph. 6 :5-8.

Love. 1Cor. 13, Rom. 13:8-10.

Wk3) Paul and his trials.

i. Paul's arrival at Jerusalem and his arrest. Acts 21: 7-40.

ii. Paul before the Jewish council. ( Sanhedrin) and the plot to kill him. Acts 22: 21 -
Wk4) Paul before Roman governors.

i. Felix, Festus and Agrippa and his appeal to Rome

ii. Felix. Act 24 :1-27).

iii. Acts 25, 26: 1-32).

Wk5) The growth of the church.

- The great commission. Matt.28: 19-20, Mk 16: 15-16.

-Orthodox church, e.g, Roman Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian, ECWA, etc.

Wk6) Indigenous church eg, Cherubim and Seraphim, Celestial church of christ CAC, etc.
Pentecostal church eg. Deeper life, Redeemed church of God.

Wk7) i. Winners chapel, church of God mission, Grace of God.

ii. of growth in the church, eg. Organizing crusade, revivals, vigils, prayer meeting, miracles
etc. Acts 21.

Wk8) Unity among christians.

Christian Organizations in Nigeria, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN).

Wk9) i. Definition of interdenominational and their activities.

ii. Christian giving. Phil. 4 : 4-20, 2Cor. 8: 3-5, 2Cor. 9: 6-15.

Wk10) Revision.

Wk11) Examination.

1. Resumption test

2. Sewing machine: types and parts of the sewing machine

3. Functions of different parts of the sewing machine

4. Factors and guidelines influencing the choice of sewing machine

5. Garment construction processes

6. Making a simple baby’s dress

7. Mid – term test and break

8. (a) preparation, packaging and marketing of food items

(b) difference between snacks and drinks available in the society

(c) duties of a food vendor

9. Revision

10. Revision

11. Examination

12. Closure


1. Revision of the first term's work

2. National value: Right attitude to work
• Meaning of right attitude to work
• Attributes of right attitude to work
3. Importance or reward (as right attitude to work)
• Progress
4. Consequences of not having the right attitude to work
5. Negativity behavior
• Meaning of negativity behavior
• Types of negativity behavior (dishonesty, excess love of money)
6. Types of negative behavior
• Cultism
• Examination malpractice
• Drug trafficking
8. The effect of negative behavior in society
• Value re-orientation
• High crime rate
• Inefficiency
9. Promoting positive behavioural changes
• List various meaning of positive behavioural
• List various organizations that promote positive behavioural changes in Nigeria
10. Promoting positive behavioural changes
• Discuss strategies for promoting acceptable behavioural changes
11. Revision
12. Examination
13. Closure


1. Resumption test, review of last term work, copying of scheme of work.

2. Meaning, types and importance of peace.
3. Meaning of conflict
4. Attributes required for conflict management and resolution
5. Meaning of cultism and causes
6. Consequences of cultism and solutions to cultism
7. Midterm test and break
8. Meaning of drug trafficking, reasons for drug trafficking
9. Consequences of drug trafficking and preventive measures on drug trafficking
10. Common crimes and associated punishment
11. Revision
12. Examination
13. Closure



1. Resumption Exercise: Revision and copy of scheme of work

2. Uses of search engine
3. Digital divide , concept of digital divide, features of old economy
4. Features of New economy
5. Limitations of old economy, benefits of New economy .
6. Database/ database terminologies, field, records, primary key e.t.c.
7. Mid term test and Break
8. Database II , forms , flat , hierarchical and relational
9. Database III , definition of database management system, features
10. Application of database management, flight reservation, hospital e.t.c.
11. Practical
12. Examination
13. Closure


1ere semaine/ week1. Révision de l'examen passé

2eme semaine/ week2. Dire l'importance d'hygiène

3eme semaine/ wk3. Parler des professionnels de la santé

4eme semaine/ wk4.Parler de la pharmacie et le hôpital.

5eme semaine/ wk5. Décrire ce qu'on fait tout les jours

6eme semaine/ 6wk. Raconte le passé.

7eme semaine/wk7 Mid term test/break

8eme semaine/ wk8. Écrire une lettre d'ami

9eme semaine/ wk9. Te-le-phone

10eme semaine/ wk 10. L'examen

11eme semaine/ wk11. Clôture.


WEEK 1: Compound cleaning and resumption test

WEEK 2: British colonization of Nigerian territories

WEEK 3: Significance of treaties, waging of wars

WEEK 4: British system of colonization

WEEK 5: indirect rule system in Nigeria, reasons for the introduction of indirect rule, indirect
rule in Northern Nigeria

WEEK 6:Why indirect rule in Nigeria succeeded in Northern Nigeria

WEEK 7:Mid term test/mid term break

WEEK 8: Indirect rule system in southern and western Nigeria, why it failed.

WEEK 9: Feature/Characteristics of indirect rule system in Nigeria, merits and demerits.

WEEK 10: Direct rule/ assimilation




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