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A Study Presented to the Faculty of the College of Engineering & Architecture

University of Southern Philippines Foundation

Salinas Drive, Lahug, Cebu City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Subject CE413E CE Project 1

Adezer, Mailyn S.

Amad, Richel C.

Bustillo, Leonevi V.

Vaflor, Jessel C.

June 2024

This study is about enhancing the strength of permeable pavement using

glass reinforcing fibers. This is conducted by student researchers named Richel

C. Amad, Mailyn S. Adezer, Leonevi V. Bustillo, and Jessel C. Vaflor which is

under the supervision of Engr. Helbert Cabug-os. In this study, the researchers

have examined the impact of incorporating glass reinforcing fibers into

permeable pavement. Through a series of experiments and analyses, the

researchers have discovered that the fibers not only enhance the strength of the

pavement`s strength against compressive stresses and flexural bending but also

maintain the permeability, allowing the water to flow through efficiently. The

study explored various mixed designs and fiber concentrations to optimize the

performance of the permeable pavement. Results indicated that the addition of

glass reinforcing fibers led to significant improvements in both compressive and

flexural strength, surpassing traditional pavement materials. The enhanced

strength properties were achieved without compromising the pavement`s

permeability, a critical factor for effective stormwater management and

groundwater recharge. Thus, the study is offering engineers and urban planners a

versatile solution for sustainable infrastructure development.




Theoretical Background

Permeable pavements are capable of filtering and storing stormwater.

When compared to the traditional drainage system, they are sustainable and cost

efficient, being fully adequate for urban areas, bringing benefits such as reducing

stormwater runoff, as well as improving the quality of water infiltrated through

the pavement. Due to the consequent increase of floods in urban and lowland

areas, the inadequacy of drainage and sewage system is increasingly notable.

Flooding incidents and other issues with water resource recharge and pollution

are expected to worsen in the upcoming years because of global warming and

man-made changes. To improve surface permeability and restore the natural

hydrological cycle, it is increasingly important to use modern sustainable

drainage technologies. Hence permeable pavements are one of these systems

(Antunes et al., 2018).

Reinforced permeable Pavement could pave way for a sustainable system

of filtering stormwater. Based on the Sustainability theory developed by Herman

E. Daly in collaboration with Joshua Farley, it is important to emphasize

ecological sustainability alongside economic goals. The theory has significantly

shaped discussions on sustainable development, challenging traditional

economic models and fostering a broader awareness of the interconnectedness

between economic, social, and environmental systems.


Fiber-Reinforced Concrete theory, notably advanced by Surendra P. Shah,

encompasses the incorporation of various fibers into concrete to enhance its

mechanical properties and durability. This theory is often associated with the

development of high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete, which explores the

roles of the fibers in mitigating cracking and improving flexural strength. Shah’s

theory has contributed to the understanding of how different fibers interact with

concrete matrices, providing insights that have influenced construction practices

and structural engineering.

Brattebo and Booth in year 2003 studied the four permeable pavement

systems in the United States for their long-term effectiveness. The study found

that permeable pavements performed much better in terms of both stormwater

infiltration and water quality, which had reduced harmful levels. Nearly majorities

of the precipitation which was incorporated into the four systems. Alarming

quantities of copper and zinc were found in the water samples taken from the

typical asphalt-concrete discharge; in 97% of the test, dangerous concentrations

were attained. However, the amounts were below the detectable hazardous level

in 31 out of 36 water samples that that were infiltrated in permeable pavements.

According to the Composite Material Theory elucidated by Stephen W.

Tsai and H. Thomas Hahn, the integration of distinct materials to create a

combination with enhanced properties, surpassing those of individual

components. This theory encompasses a meticulous understanding of the

behavior of fibers and matrices within the composite, considering factors such

as load transfer, stress distribution, and failure mechanisms. This has been

instrumental in advancing the design and application of composite materials

across the industry.

Given its potential to reduce environmental issues including urban

flooding and groundwater contamination, permeable pavement, a relatively new

technique in the realm of road building, has attracted a lot of attention recently.

High-performance materials are needed to endure the large loads and frequent

abrasion, nevertheless, as traffic loads on roadways increase. A reinforcement

agent for permeable pavement, reinforcing fibers have been shown to improve

the mechanical properties of materials. For high traffic streets, this study intends

to investigate how permeable pavement with reinforcing fibers might be


Rationale of the study

Permeable pavement stands at the forefront of sustainable urban

development, offering a promising solution to mitigate stormwater runoff.

However, the structural integrity of these pavements poses a challenge,

prompting an exploration into the integration of reinforcing fibers. This study

delves into the potential enhancement of permeable pavement strength by

introducing reinforcing fibers, a variable that could revolutionize the

effectiveness and longevity of such eco-friendly infrastructure.

As urbanization intensifies and climate change impacts become more

pronounce, the need for resilient, environmentally conscious infrastructure is

undeniable. The findings of this research could unveil a groundbreaking method

to bolster the strength of permeable pavement, including the future of urban

planning and stormwater management. There is a great possibility that the

findings of this research could lead to establishing streets and walkways that not

only facilitate water percolation but also withstand the demands of heavy traffic.

Led by a team of researchers who are specialized under civil engineering

program, with the knowledge of infrastructures and how pavements are formed,

with the assistance of the adviser who has expertise on the field, the study will be

conducted successfully.

Statement of the problem

The utilization of permeable pavement holds great promise for

sustainable stormwater management. However, a critical challenge persists in

ensuring the structural robustness of these pavements. The following questions

underscore the problem addressed by this research:

1. What is the strength of the permeable pavement with reinforcing

fibers in terms of:

1.1 Compressive strength

1.2 Flexural strength

2. What will be the permeability of the pavement with reinforcing

fibers using saturation test?

3. How does the strength of reinforced permeable pavement differ

compare to the strength of the ordinary permeable concrete?


Significance of the study

The significance of the study on enhancing the strength of permeable

pavement using reinforcing fibers lies in its potential to address durability and

load-bearing concerns associated with permeable pavements. By investigating

the integration of reinforcing fibers, the research aims to benefit the following:

Students: This allows students to gain knowledge about the glass

reinforcing fibers as a useful tool to strengthen the permeable


Educators: This proposed study will help them to have an idea about

enhancing the permeable pavement using reinforcing fiber and use this

as a teaching guide to share to others which will be a helpful tool to

excavate the knowledge and concept about pavement.

School: The use of permeable pavements reduces the need for

traditional stormwater management systems, which often involve

impervious surfaces and drainage infrastructure. Strengthening the

pavement enhances their reliability, promoting a more sustainable and

environmentally friendly alternative for managing stormwater.

Civil Engineers: They may be able to use this concept to create an

advancement in designing roads for areas that are prone to flooding

which will promote sustainability.

Future Researchers: This study could excavate new knowledge and


discoveries which will benefit and help the future researchers and will

serve as their guide and reference towards any study that is relevant to

strengthening permeable pavement.

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to comprehensively examine the structural enhancement

achieved by incorporating reinforcing bars into permeable pavement systems.

Through laboratory testing and analysis, the researchers aim to quantify

improvements in key mechanical properties such as compressive strength and

its permeability. In addition to technical evaluations, this research will explore the

practical implications of these enhancements within an educational context.

Specifically, the researchers will investigate how the strengthened permeable

pavement can serve as a hands-on learning tool for students in Civil Engineering

and related disciplines. This includes in assessing its potential in demonstrating

sustainable construction practices.

The findings of this research will not only contribute to advancing the field

of civil engineering but will also provide valuable insights for educators seeking

innovative and practical ways to integrate sustainability concepts into their

curricula. By bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world

applications, this study aims to promote a holistic understanding of reinforced

permeable pavements and their benefits.


Scope and Limitations

The study will focus on analyzing the impact of various reinforcing fibers,

exploring their effectiveness in enhancing the strength of permeable pavement.

Comprehensive testing will be conducted to evaluate key mechanical properties,

including but not limited to the compressive and flexural strength of the material

and the permeability of the reinforced pavement will be determined as well using

permeability test. The scope of the study extends to assessing the educational

benefits, examining how the use of reinforced permeable pavement aligns with

and enhances learning outcomes in civil engineering and related programs.

This research will acknowledge that real-world conditions may vary, and

the findings may not fully encapsulate the impact of external environmental

factors on the long-term performance of the reinforced permeable pavement.

The study will be limited to a laboratory and educational context, recognizing that

the findings may not directly translate to large-scale, real-world construction

projects. Furthermore, this will acknowledge that the assessment period may

have limitations in capturing the long-term durability of the reinforced permeable


Definition of Terms

1. Compressive strength: The ability of a material to withstand compression,

measured as the maximum compressive load a material can bear without


2. Flexural strength: Also known as bending strength, it's the ability of a

material to resist deformation under bending loads, measured as the

maximum stress a material can withstand before breaking.

3. Glass fibers: Thin strands of glass used as a reinforcing material in

composites to enhance strength and stiffness.

4. Saturation test: A test conducted to assess the rate at which water

penetrates the ground, typically used to evaluate the drainage

characteristics of soils or the permeability of pavement systems.

5. Permeable: Allowing liquids or gases to pass through, typically describing

a material or surface that allows water to seep through.

6. Reinforced: Strengthened or supported, often by adding additional

materials which are the fibers to improve structural integrity.




Permeable pavement is used worldwide to mitigate surface runoff in

urban areas. Various studies have examined the factors governing the hydrologic

performance of permeable pavement. However relatively little is known about the

relative importance of these governing factors and the long-term hydrologic

performance of permeable pavement. Based on the event-based simulation

results, rainfall intensity, rainfall volume, thickness of the storage layer and the

hydraulic conductivity of the subgrade were identified as the most influential

factors permeable pavement runoff reduction. Over the long term, permeable

pavement performed significantly better in a relatively drier climate (e.g., New

York), reducing nearly 90% of runoff volume compared to 70% in a relatively

wetter climate (e.g., Hong Kong). The two designs of permeable pavement

examined performed differently, and the difference was more apparent in the

relatively wetter climate. (Liu, 2017).

Moreover, the use of permeable concrete can help promote rapid

infiltration of water. Permeable concrete also has several other advantages,

including the ability to reduce noise, reduce heat, conserve native ecosystems,

recharge groundwater, and protect tree development. Furthermore, beyond its

functional advantages, permeable concrete offers unique advantages in

architectural design. Architects are integrating permeable concrete into their

projects for its aesthetic appeal. The porous nature of permeable concrete

permits innovative designs that incorporate green spaces, such as rain gardens

and bioswales, into urban settings. (R. Zhong and K. Wille, 2015). Moreover, the

customizable color and texture options available with permeable concrete offer

architects a versatile material for creating distinctive and environmentally friendly

pavements, plazas, and facades. However, it has some shortcomings, such as

debris blocking the water pathway, thereby reducing the hydraulic conductivity.

The weak bond between aggregates also results in rapid deterioration due to

cracking, excessive wearing, and permanent deformation, i.e., creep could occur

due to cyclic and heavy loads. In addition, there are durability concerns due to the

infiltration of deleterious materials, reducing the concrete's structural integrity.

However, reported that permeable concrete has a higher durability of 30-50%

more than conventional concrete. (K. Oonta-on, 2023)

A developing country like Nigeria experiences intense rainfall compounded

by inadequate residential and industrial layout planning in most urban regions.

Implementing effective Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards makes

it difficult. The country is prone to perennial flooding occasioned by high surface

runoff and uncontrolled urbanization, which affects groundwater recharge. The

possibility of improving the safety of the road through reduced runoff is of great

importance to pavement engineers' hence, the use of permeable concrete can be

applied in this regard. The groundwater table is affected significantly because of

this. With a projection of about 2.5 billion population increase by 2050 due to

urbanization and population growth, there will be an expansion of urban areas

and impervious surfaces, which will consequently affect the groundwater table.

Permeable concrete will help maintain the groundwater level that would have

otherwise been significantly affected if, with growing urbanization, most areas

were covered with impermeable cement concrete. (AlShareedah et al., 2019)

Glass waste is one of the most valuable materials as regards the new

ideologies of reusing materials after their primary service life. This is because of

its applicability in partial or total replacement of concrete/ mortar constituents –

such as sand replacement in road infrastructure, as binder mixed with Cement,

and as coarse aggregate – due to its availability in different sizes ranging from a

few micrometers to few centimeters. In several European countries, the amount

of waste glass collected exceeds that produced by over 80%, and a considerable

fraction of this waste glass is recycled. Despite this, the waste glass that is not

reusable is a rising problem that needs to be curbed sustainably. Using this

waste glass in construction as building materials – either as a full or partial

replacement – is a sustainable solution as it reduces the demand for

conventional materials and clears the environment of non-biodegradable waste.

Glass is comparatively like conventional SCMs in chemical composition and

phase. With a silica content of over 70%, glass powder possesses pozzolanic

properties as much as traditional SCMs such as silica fume. Similarly, Kaolin is a

very reactive pozzolanic material that shows desired characteristics when

utilized in concrete alongside other SCMs. It improved the durability properties of

concrete in coastal/marine areas affected by sulphate infiltration. (Joshi and

Dave, 2022).

Due to the natural landscape changes in urban areas, Davao city’s

drainage system has been put into overload resulting in flooding. Green spaces

have had to be preserved as much as possible to reduce rainwater run-off to

maintain balance in the ecosystem. With the rainy season, the streets have

flooded and inconvenienced many people, so a proposed ordinance seeks the

solution of permeable pavements- a water management system that allows

water to move through porous spaces within the pavement and eventually

infiltrate into underlying soil. They are the sustainable alternative for low-traffic

roads, patios, plazas, parking spaces, driveways, bicycle lanes, pedestrian

walkways, and home garages. Many countries use permeable pavement for

multiple benefits, to reduce floods, reduce rising water tables, replenish aquifers,

reduce runoff volume, mitigate runoff peaks, and sequester many forms of

pollution. The result of the study confirmed the manifold benefits of permeable

pavement from reducing surface water runoff to trapping CO2 and surface

cooling. Permeable pavement has proven to be a technology seen to help reduce

floods in Davao’s urban centers and add more green spaces to the city (Amy,


The integration of reinforcing fibers in construction materials has been

extensively explored in the literature, revealing promising outcomes for

enhancing strength. Reinforcing fibers such as polypropylene, stee, and other

types of fibers improve the compressive and flexural strength of the concrete

providing a foundational understanding of the benefits that it could offer in

construction materials (Smith et al., 2018).


Turning to the educational dimension, a study contributes valuable insights by

exploring innovative approaches to incorporate sustainable construction

practices into engineering curricula. It emphasizes the significance of hands-on

learning experiences, paving the way for the investigation of the use of

permeable pavement can serve as practical and engaging educational tool

(Anderson & Greenfield, 2020).

To determine the compressive strength of the various pavement surfaces,

laboratory testing was conducted. Evaluation of field pavement performance was

performed by comparing the deflection basins using the falling weight

deflectometer test on permeable concrete with conventional impervious

concrete and asphalt pavements of similar layer profile and thickness,

respectively. With that, it is evident that permeable pavements should not be

used to withstand heavy traffic loading. They are mostly used in low traffic

volume areas such as parking lots, driveways, walkways, and some sub-divisional

roads (Ikenna, 2005).




Research Design

This research involves a comprehensive investigation into the

enhancement of permeable pavement strength through the incorporation of

reinforcing fibers, with specific focus on educational applications. The laboratory

phase will be implemented, involving the preparation of permeable pavement

samples with the reinforcing fibers. The sample will be brought to the testing

center to undergo testing protocols including its compressive and flexural

strength. Tests will be employed to quantify the mechanical improvements

achieved through fiber reinforcement. Additionally, assessments such saturation

test will be conducted as well to determine the permeability of the pavement.

This study incorporates experimental quantitative data allowing for a

comprehensive evaluation of the technical enhancement in permeable pavement


Research Environment

This study will encompass both laboratory and educational settings to

achieve a comprehensive understanding of the topic. The pavement with

reinforcing fibers will be made within the educational institution of University of

Southern Philippines Foundation-Lahug Campus and the saturation test will be

performed there as well. A sample of the reinforced pavement will be brought to

one of the testing centers in Cebu City where the mechanical properties such as

the compressive and flexural strength of the pavement will be determined.

Research Instruments

The tools for data collection include laboratory testing equipment. The

pavement testing equipment will include a load testing machine, deflection

testing machine, saturation test, to measure the pavement’s strength, durability,

and water permeability. The tools and the methods that will be used must be

valid and reliable to ensure accurate data collection. These research instruments

aim to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the study’s objectives.

Research Procedures

Gathering of Data

The data gathering process for this study involves a systematic and

structured approach. Initially, the experimental set up will be established,

detailing the specifications of the permeable pavement and the reinforcing fibers

selected for the study. Samples will be prepared in accordance with the defined

mixing ratios, and the curing conditions will be carefully controlled. Compressive

strength and permeability measurements will be conducted using appropriate

tools and equipment in the testing center, with a focus on ensuring accuracy and

reliability. The data collection phase will also include documenting the

performance of the reinforced permeable pavement under various conditions.

The collected data will be organized and presented in a format suitable for

subsequent analysis, incorporating graphs and tables to enhance clarity. This

comprehensive data gathering strategy aims to provide a robust foundation for


the subsequent analysis and interpretation of results.

Treatment of Data

The collected data will undergo a meticulous process. Initially, raw data

encompassing measurements of compressive and flexural strength and

permeability of the pavement will be organized and entered a structured

database. To solve for the permeability of the pavement, the formula below is


K = QL/AHt


K= coefficient of permeability in cm/sec

L=length of specimen in cm

Q=Volume of the water in

A=cross sectional area of the specimen

H=constant head causing flow in cm

T= time that the water fully penetrates in the pavement


Theoretical and Conceptual Framework


 Permeable
 Add reinforcing
fibers to the
a. Sand Permeable
Pavement  Enhanced
b. cement
 Conduct tests.
c. Gravel Pavement with
d. Water Fibers
a. Strength tests
e. Reinforcing
fibers (Flexural and
(Glass) Compressive Strength)
b. Saturation test

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of Enhancing the Permeable Pavement using Glass

Reinforcing fibers.

The figure cited above is the conceptual framework that is utilized in the

study. The input are the materials needed to formulate the permeable

pavement which includes sand, cement, gravel, water, and reinforcing fibers. The

process is the mixing of materials with the designed mixing ratios, and the

conduction of tests to determine the compressive and flexural strength of the

pavement as well as its permeability. The output of the study are the samples of

permeable pavement with enhanced strength without compromising its




The researchers submitted four samples of permeable pavement in

Megatesting center and same number of samples in the Department of Public

Works and Highways-Cebu City District, one is without fibers while the rest

contain the same amount of gravel, sand, cement, and water, but of different

number of reinforcing fibers. The first sample contains 5.5 kg of 3/4 pea gravel,

1.8 kg of cement, 1.4 kg of sand, 1.2 li of water, and 150 grams of glass

reinforcing fibers. The second sample contains the same amount of variable,

aside from the fibers which is 250 grams. The same goes with the third sample

but has 350 grams of glass fibers.

Figure 2. Materials needed including gravel, cement, sand, glass fibers, and water.
The figure shown above are the necessary materials to formulate the The


The figure shown above are the materials necessary to form a permeable

pavement. The materials include a 3/4 pea gravel, high strength cement, sand,

glass reinforcing fibers, and water respectively. The pavement was formed based

on the designed mixing ratio stated above. The only variable that is changed or

omitted in the four samples is the amount of glass reinforcing fibers. The

researchers used a rectangular form to hold the pavement until the curing period

is completed.

Figure 3. Form utilized by the researchers to hold the pavement

The figure shows the dimension of the form used by the researchers to

hold the permeable pavement until the curing period is completed. It has a

dimension of 30 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm. The dimension was chosen with

accordance to the requirement of the adviser and testing center which will best

fit to hold the pavement until it reaches its strength within the given curing period.

Figure 4. Creation of forms for the sample pavement


The figure cited above displays the cutting of wood upon the creation of

formworks that will hold the pavement until it dries. This is based on the design

presented with a dimension of 30 cm x 15cm x 10 cm. To construct

formwork for a structure with a given dimension, the researchers begin by

measuring and cutting the wood and then attaching the sides, ensuring they're 30

cm long and 10 cm high, using nails or screws. This completed formwork can

now be used for casting the desired concrete structure.


Figure 5. Mixture of the dry materials

The dry materials, as shown, are being placed on a flat surface,

preparing them to be mixed together. To begin mixing the materials, start by

placing the 5.5 kg of gravel, then add the 1.8 kg of cement and the 1.4 kg of sand

to the surface. Then, carefully incorporate the desired amount of fibers into the

mixture, ensuring they are evenly distributed throughout.


Figure 6. Adding water to the mixture

The figure displays the placing of 1.2 liter of water to the dry materials on

a flat surface and preparing them for mixing. Slowly pour the water into the

mixture, ensuring even distribution across the surface. Using a shovel or mixing

tool, begin incorporating the water into the dry materials, gradually forming a

consistent paste-like consistency. It's essential to monitor the water addition

carefully, avoiding adding too much, which could lead to an overly wet mixture.

Continue mixing until all the dry ingredients are thoroughly saturated and a

uniform texture is achieved. This process ensures proper hydration of the

cement and optimal bonding of the materials for the intended construction


Figure 7. Thoroughly mixing the materials together

Thoroughly mixing the materials together is a crucial step in ensuring the quality

and integrity of the final permeable pavement mixture. Continuously work the

mixture, ensuring that all dry pockets are eliminated and the water is evenly

distributed throughout. Pay close attention to achieving a uniform consistency,

avoiding any lumps or dry spots. Throughout the mixing process, periodically

scrape the sides and bottom to ensure all materials are fully incorporated. Once

a perfect mixture is achieved, with no visible dry patches or excess water, the

concrete is ready to be manipulated for the intended construction project.

Figure 8. Putting the mixture in the form


The next step is carefully placing the mixture into the prepared forms.

Begin by scooping the concrete mixture with a shovel pouring it into the

formwork. Distribute the mixture evenly throughout the form, ensuring all corners

and edges are adequately filled. Compact the concrete, removing any air pockets

and ensuring proper consolidation. Pay close attention to maintaining a

consistent level of the concrete within the formwork to avoid irregularities in the

final structure. Periodically check the formwork for alignment as you fill it,

making adjustments as necessary. Once the form is filled to the desired height,

smooth the surface of the concrete to achieve a uniform finish.


Figure 9. Curing the sample

Curing the sample pavement is essential to ensure its strength, durability,

and resistance to cracking.. This step is crucial in maintaining adequate

hydration within the concrete for proper curing. During the curing process,

protect the pavement from extreme temperatures to prevent rapid evaporation

and thermal cracking. Monitor the curing conditions regularly. After two days,

remove the covering and allow the pavement to air dry before subjecting it to

tests. Proper curing is critical for achieving the desired strength and longevity of

the sample pavement, ensuring its performance in real-world applications.

Figure 10. Samples taken of the Permeable Pavement with Glass-Reinforcing Fibers

These are the samples taken of the ordinary and enhanced permeable

pavement with the incorporation of glass reinforcing fibers. Four of these

samples were submitted to the Megatesting center to undergo Load Machine

Test in order to identify the maximum compressive strength and maximum load

that the pavement could carry. The same number of samples were submitted to

the DPWH to determine its flexural strength. The researchers have utilized

saturation test to determine the permeability coefficient of the pavement. The

results from the tests are presented below:

Compressive Strength
Age Maximum Maximum
Sample Dimension (Days) Load (N) Strength (PSI)

Ordinary Permeable Pavement

(without fiber glass) 12 x 5.50 x 7
 5.5 Kg of Gravel, 4.25 180 000 613
 1.8 Kg of Cement,
 1.4 of Sand,
 1.2L of water

Mixture 1:
 5.5 Kg of Gravel, 12 x 5.50 x 7 200 000 681
 1.8 Kg of Cement, 4.25
 1.4 of Sand,
 1.2L of water,
 150g of reinforcing glass

Mixture 2:
 5.5 Kg of Gravel,
 1.8 Kg of Cement, 970
12 x 5.50 x 7 220 000
 1.4 of Sand,
 1.2L of water, 4.25
 250g of reinforcing glass
Table 1. The Compressive strength of the Permeable Pavement
Mixture 3:
 5.5 Kg of Gravel,
 1.8 Kg of Cement, 12 x 5.50 x 7 230 000 1 014
 1.4 of Sand, 4.25
 1.2L of water,
 350g of reinforcing glass

Table 1 presents the compressive strength of the permeable pavement. For

the ordinary permeable pavement, it attains a maximum strength of 613 psi, for

mixture 1 with 150g of glass reinforcing fiber attains 681 psi, for mixture 2 with

250g of glass reinforcing fiber achieves 970 psi while mixture 3 with 350g of

reinforcing fiber achieves 1014 psi.

compressive strength (psi)





150 250 350

Figure 5. Graphical presentation of the relationship between the amount of glass

fibers and compressive strength

The figure shows that there is a direct relationship between the amount of glass

reinforcing fibers being incorporated in the pavement and its compressive

strength which indicates that glass reinforcing fibers are highly effective in

enhancing the strength of permeable pavement, making it more resilient to heavy

loads and environmental stresses. Glass reinforcing fibers have been

demonstrated to improve the compressive strength of the pavement, providing

enhanced durability and resistance to cracking (Smith et al., 2018).

Table 2. The Flexural strength of the Permeable Pavement

Flexural Strength
Age (Days) Maxi-mum Maxi-mum
Sample Dimension Load (N) Strength (PSI)

Ordinary Permeable
Pavement (without
fiber glass)
 5.5 Kg of Gravel,
 1.8 Kg of
Cement, 12 x 5.50 x 7 8 850 30.14
 1.4 of Sand, 4.25
 1.2L of water
Mixture 1:
 5.5 Kg of Gravel,
 1.8 Kg of
 1.4 of Sand,
 1.2L of water,
 150g of
reinforcing glass 12 x 5.50 x 4.25 7 8 900 30.32

Mixture 2:
 5.5 Kg of Gravel,
 1.8 Kg of
 1.4 of Sand,
 1.2L of water,
 250g of 12 x 5.50 x 4.25 7
reinforcing glass 10 650 36.28

Mixture 3:
 5.5 Kg of Gravel,
 1.8 Kg of
 1.4 of Sand,
 1.2L of water, 12 x 5.50 x 4.25 7 14 600 49.7
 350g of
reinforcing glass

Table 2 presents the flexural strength of the permeable pavement. For the

ordinary permeable pavement, it attains a maximum strength of 30.14 psi, for

mixture 1 with 150g of glass reinforcing fiber attains 30.32 psi, for mixture 2 with

250g of glass reinforcing fiber achieves 36.28 psi while mixture 3 with 350g of

reinforcing fiber achieves 49.7 psi. The findings indicate that glass reinforcing

fibers increases the strength of permeable pavement.


Flexural Strength (psi)







0 150 250 350

Figure 6. Graphical presentation of the relationship between the amount of glass

fibers and flexural strength

The graph indicates a direct relation between the flexural strength of the

pavement and the amount of glass fibers mixed in it. The incorporation of glass

reinforcing fibers into pavement mixtures leads to a significant enhancement in

flexural strength. This demonstrated a notable increase in flexural strength when


glass fibers were added to concrete mixtures. This improvement is attributed to

the ability of glass fibers to distribute bending stress more evenly throughout the

pavement. It has been confirmed that glass fibers are effective in improving the

flexural strength of pavement under real-world conditions (Lee et al., 2019).

Table 3. The Permeability coefficient of the Permeable Pavement

Sample Permeability



Ordinary Permeable Pavement (without fiber glass)

 5.5 Kg of Gravel,
 1.8 Kg of Cement,
 1.4 of Sand,
 1.2L of water

Mixture 1:
 5.5 Kg of Gravel,
 1.8 Kg of Cement,
 1.4 of Sand,
 1.2L of water,
 150g of reinforcing glass fibers

Mixture 2:
 5.5 Kg of Gravel,
 1.8 Kg of Cement,
 1.4 of Sand,
 1.2L of water,
 250g of reinforcing glass fibers
Mixture 3:
 5.5 Kg of Gravel,
 1.8 Kg of Cement,
 1.4 of Sand,
 1.2L of water,
 350g of reinforcing glass fibers 0.24

Table 3 presents the permeability coefficient of the pavement. For the

ordinary permeable pavement, it attains a permeability of 0.51 cm/s, for mixture

1 with 150g of glass reinforcing fiber attains 0.30 cm/s, for mixture 2 with 250g

of glass reinforcing fiber achieves 0.26cm/s while mixture 3 with 350g of

reinforcing fiber achieves 0.24cm/s. The findings indicate that as the number of

glass reinforcing fibers increases, the permeability coefficient decreases.

However, the permeability coefficient of the sample pavement still falls under the

range of a permeable pavement which is 0.05 cu. cm/s to 4

The researchers used the formula of k = QL Aht upon obtaining the

permeability coefficient of the pavement. It is obtained by multiplying the volume

of water which is 1000 cubic cm with the length of the pavement which is 30 cm.

The product of the volume and the length will be divided by the product of the

cross-sectional area of the pavement and the head difference which is 5 cm that

is constant all through out, and the time that the volume of water will pass

through the pavement. For the ordinary pavement, it takes 26 seconds, for the

sample with 150 grams of fibers, it takes 45 seconds, for 250 gram of fibers, it is

51 seconds, and for the 350 grams, it takes 55 seconds.

Permeability Coefficient (cm/sec)






0 150 250 350

Figure 7. Graphical presentation of the relationship between the amount of glass

fibers and the permeability coefficient

The graph shows that as the amount of glass reinforcing fibers in

pavement mixture increases, there is a notable decrease in the permeability

coefficient. This reduction in permeability coefficient is attributed to the ability of

glass fibers to create a more tightly packed matrix within the pavement, which

effectively restricts the movement of water through the material (Chen et al.,


The data cited above shows that, as the amount of glass

reinforcing fibers added in the mixture increases, both the flexural and

compressive strength of the pavement also increases which indicates that glass

reinforcing fibers are highly effective in enhancing the strength of permeable

pavement, making it more resilient to heavy loads and environmental stresses.

This enhancement in strength can be attributed to the ability of glass fibers to

distribute loads more evenly within the pavement structure, thereby reducing

cracking and increasing resistance to deform.

Saturation testing of the glass-reinforced permeable pavement showed

that the incorporation of glass fibers did significantly affect the pavement’s

permeability. However, with the reinforcing fiber glass, the permeability of the

pavement will not be compromised because the infiltration rate of the sample

still falls under the category of a permeable concrete. The permeability values

within the acceptance range for permeable surfaces, indicating that the addition

of glass fibers does not compromise the pavement’s ability to infiltrate water.

The compatibility of glass reinforcing fibers with the permeable pavement

system underscores their value in enhancing pavement strength without


compromising the infiltration ability of the pavement. This makes glass-

reinforced permeable pavement an attractive solution for sustainable urban

infrastructure development, offering both structural resilience and effective

stormwater management capabilities.

In comparison with the ordinary permeable pavement standards, the

study revealed that the glass reinforced permeable pavement surpassed the

required compressive and flexural strength thresholds. Specifically, the

reinforced pavement demonstrated strength values that exceeds by 68 psi

(compressive) and 0.18 psi (flexural) for the first mixture, 357 psi (compressive)

and 6.14 psi (flexural) for the second mixture, and 401 psi (compressive) and

19.56 psi (flexural) for the third mixture.

The superiority of glass-reinforced permeable pavement over the

ordinary permeable concrete pavement highlights the effectiveness of glass

fibers in enhancing pavement strength. This suggests that glass reinforcing

fibers offer a viable alternative to conventional reinforcement materials for

pavement construction, providing enhanced durability and load-bearing capacity.

This has significant implications for infrastructure development, as it opens

opportunities for the widespread adoption of permeable pavement systems in

urban environments, contributing to sustainable and resilient city planning





The study demonstrates that adding glass fibers boosts both the

pavement`s ability to withstand compression and its resistance to bending, all

while maintaining its permeability. This means the pavement becomes stronger

and more durable without sacrificing its ability to drain water effectively.

Incorporating glass reinforcing fibers presents a promising solution for

improving the performance of permeable pavement systems. The incorporation

of glass reinforcing fibers have enhanced the ability of the pavement to resist

compressive stresses and flexural bending. This idea will become an avenue for

engineers to design pavement that are porous in areas that are prone to flooding.

The incorporation of glass fibers does not compromise the permeability

of the pavement. There is also a great difference between the strength of an

ordinary permeable pavement and the pavement with reinforced fibers. This

innovative approach addresses the common challenge of balancing strength and

drainage efficiency in pavement design. This advancement not only improves the

longevity and performance of permeable pavement system but also contributes

to the broader goal of creating more sustainable and resilient urban

environments. Overall, the study underscores the potential of glass reinforcing

fibers to not only enhance pavement performance but also promote


environmental sustainability and economic efficiency in infrastructure



The researchers recommend to used proper mix design to ensure that mix

design meets the desired permeability and strength requirements. In line with

that, for aggregate selection: use coarse aggregate with minimal fines to

maintain permeability (may use 3/8 size gravel for smoother surface) and

consider using admixtures like air-entraining agents or superplasticizers to

improve workability and enhance durability. On the other hand, for placement and

compaction: proper placement and compaction techniques are crucial to

achieving desired porosity and strength and the researchers recommend

implementing appropriate curing methods to promote hydration and strength


In line with this, the researchers also recommend to use the enhanced

permeable pavement in areas that are prone to flooding or incorporate the

establishment of the pavements in designing subdivision pathways to avoid

flooding and water runoff in the drainage. The permeable pavement with

enhanced strength could not only be utilized in plazas, parking spaces, driveways,

bicycle lanes, pedestrian walkways, and home garages, but also in the roads with

an average load that the pavement can carry.


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