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ErffIfl qfe HIFT / Damodar Valley Corporation

Energy & Energv Efficiencv

rffiq:,Ut 3it{5cftmfCn/ Renewable
DVCTowers, VIP Road, Kolkata-700 054

N o. : DVC/RE & EEIP roie ct(G e ne ra ll I 202L'221 0 4


Efficiency (RE & EE) vertical under

pursuantto the creation of a new Renewable Energy & Energy
undertake RE & EE related activities in DVC,
certain provisions of earlier office order, issued
mentioning modarities and rore/responsibirity
of different concerned depaftments and functional
solar Projects of DVC, vide no' EDCON/ED(Sys)/D-
groups for successful implementation of proposed
in consurtation with concerned departmental
rxlg(4 dated 12.11.2020 (copy encrosed) is revised
Energy Efficiency Projects of DVC, are stated

ffi lnraEESection
conceptualization of Solar Project

Power House(PH)Civil For large Projects, if

(For PH area -Thermal& tendering is required for
Hydel Projects)/ RE & EE land surveY etc RE & EE
Section for other a reas Section will ProPose and
arrange the Contract'
2. Land Records Secretariat DePt. &
Respective Projects

3. Vegetation SurveY & tree

cutting ProPosal
Z. Power evacuation lnfrastructure SPE(Engs.) & TSC
study/ survey
RE & EE Section lnputs/suPPort bY
-eisibility StudY and DPR
respective dePa rtment.
prepa ration (including tendering to
engage external consultant etc', if

Preparation of ProPosal for RE & EE Section

internal aPProval of the Project

F inirrci. i M ;d rolect F in a nc ing Finance DePt., DVC Hq'

Sl.No. Activity Responsibility Remarks

5. Appllcation for external approvals, as RE& EE Section - lnputs/support by

req u i red. Coordinator respective depa rtment.

5. Co-ordination with MNRE/Mop/SECt/ RE & EE Section Inputs/support by

others for arranging Central Financial respective depa rtment.
Assistance (CFA), other approvals etc.

7. Project Engineering & Planning for lndent preparation:

1. Sola r Plant Solar System - RE & EE

Civil / Structural Design -
Engineering Section
2. Power evacuation/Connectivity SPE Engg., PH Engg.,
OS&U(PH & System)

3. Finalisation of Draft ppA & other Commercial & Legal Deptt

4. Finalisation of Draft Land RE & EE Section -
agreement (Right to Use) Preparation of Draft

Secreta riat ( LALO/DRLA &

Legal Sections) - Vetting &
finalization of agreement.

5. Finalisation of Draft Water cE(Civil)/Maithon &

agreement Secreta riat ( Lega I Section )

8. lndent finalization & placement RE & EE Section

9. Tendering & Award C&M

10. Registration of Project with SNA (if RE & EE Section


11. Tariff approval (from Regulator) Commercial Dept.

12. PPA Signing Commercial Dept.

13. Right to Use of Land Agreement Secreta riat/Respective Draft Land Agreement to
Project ln-cha rge/GO Mt) be submitted to
ln-charge Secretariat for vetting of
LALO/DRLA and Legal

14. Field Execution (Coordination for field Nodal Officer / Engineer l/C RE & EE Section to
execution work) (to be nominated by overall co-ordinate the
respective Head of Project / Project till
cOMD l/Cfor RE Projects in commissioning).
respective Project / GOMD

TSC (For new T&D

infrastructure for RE


Post commissioning Activities:

15. Metering & Operationa I co-ordination Respective Projects/Power


16. Billing & Payment Commercial and Accounts For Projects in Developer
Department mode

*Any Project specific requirement, not envisaged above, may be taken up on case-to-case basis by the
concern ed depa rtments.

Above mentioned modalities are to be followed by all concerned for successful implementation and

Chief Erfiineer (RE & EE)

Copy to :

1. The Addl. Secretary, DVC, DVCTowers Kolkata

2. The Executive Director (Finance), DVC, DVC Towers Kolkata
3. The Executive Director (System), DVC, DVCTowers Kolkata
4. The Executive Director (Commercial), DVC, DVCTowers Kolkata
5. The Executive Director (Projects), DVC, DVC Towers Kolkata
6. The Executive Director (C&M), DVC, DVC Towers Kolkata
7. The Executive Director (Operation), DVC, DVC Towers Kolkata
8. The Executive Director (Civil) & HoP, DVC, Maithon
9. The Executive Director (Engineering), DVC, DVC Towers Kolkata
10. The Chief Engineer & HOP, MTPS, Mejia
1L. The Chief Engineer-l& HOP, DTPS, Durgapur
12. The Chief Engineer & HOP, DSTPS, Andal
13. The Chief Engineer-l& HOP, BTPS, BokaroThermal
14. The Chief Engineer & HOP, RTPS, Raghunathpur
15. The Chief Engineer & HOP, CTPS, Chandrapura
16. The Chief Engineer & HOP, KTPS, Koderma

17. The Chief Engineer (Civil), DVC, Maithon
18. The Chief Engineer (Hydel), DVC, Maithon
L9. The Chief Engineer (TSC), DVC, Maithon
20. The Chief Engineer (Trans), DVC, Maithon
21. The Director (Soil Conservation), DVC, Hazaribagh
22. CE(M) and Office of Chairman, DVC, DVC Towers, Vtp Road, Kolkata-s4
23. Dy. CE(E) and TPA to Member Secretary, DVC, DVC Towers, VIP Road, Kolkata-S4
24. Dy. CE(M) and TPA to Member(Technical), DVC, DVC Towers, Vtp Road, Kolkata-54
25. Dy. GM(Finance) and TPA to Member(Finance), DVC, DVC Towers, VIP Road, Kolkata-54


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