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Altavas National School

Senior High School Department

Altavas, Aklan

Student Perceptions on the Influence of Household Responsibilities on School

Group Eight (8)

Princess Dianna Rose P. Pariñas
Alex Hyden D. Baula
Ashera Mae A. Deoroz
Jenesha O. Magdaluyo
Marinyl D. Lim
Tim Johann T. Bautista
Wyvette Dawn O. Ciervo

Chapter 1
Introduction of the study

Chapter 1 consists of five (5) parts, namely: (1) Background and Theoretical

Framework of the Study; (2) Statement of the Problem and Hypothesis; (3) Significance of

the Study; (4) Definition of Terms; and (5) Delimitation of the Study.

Part One, Background and Theoretical Framework of the study discusses how

household responsibilities affect the academic performance and personal growth of

students. It explores the relationship between these factors and how they impact student's

ability to effectively pursue their academic tasks while handling household duties, presented

the theoretical framework, which served as a backbone of this study, and presented the

conceptual framework, which discussed Important concepts and interrelationships among

variables considered in the study.

Part Two, Statement of the Problem and Hypotheses, states the general as well as

the specific problems and hypotheses statement.

Part Three, Significance of the Study, identifies the specific stakeholders of the study

and the benefits each can profit from the results of the study.

Part Four, Definition of Terms, provides the meaning or contextual information of the

concepts or terminology that will be used in the study.

Part Five, Delimitation of the Study, states the scope, in terms of research design,

variables, participants, research instruments, and statistical tools used in interpreting the

results of the study.

Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study

Most students struggle to affiliate student responsibilities with household obligations,

which influences their performance in personal activities and perception of obstacles.

Academic students strive to achieve higher classroom performance daily, which affects their

remaining ability to process at the end of the day. Students participate in an 8-hour session

that requires individual energy to function and participate in their obligations to their

households (either taking care of younger siblings, doing chores, and/or other obligations

such as continuing studying).

Most students face the enigma of balancing tasks and responsibilities. There are

individuals who strive for academic excellence by sacrificing time and effort that utilize a

self-made process to eliminate any wasted energy. And there are students who avoids both

responsibilities and academics, due to several specific reasons. External conflict is often

seen from the duties of Academic students inside a school campus, but none expatiates the

internal conflicts they have gone through. Student’s capabilities are affected by factors

which contribute to how they progress academically, whether they take it as an

advantageous experience or a conflicting obstacle; one of the biggest foundations of a

progressive nation is an educated population.

Ideas and motivations perceived by students from these factors are the essence of

individual growth. What makes them perceive importance, how they are important, and why
they are important. Students engage in an eight-hour (8) daily session in School. And most,

spends more time with the obligations and responsibilities they are assigned at home at the

end of the day. Having to balance these tasks proved to be difficult, which is why the way

they feel and perceive of school and academics also changes. Most see grades as

numbers, few sees them as a goal. Perspective plays a role of how someone evolves

individually with a fully equipped skillset to provide them for society. This study aims to

identify the factors and provide information in which increases or decreases the capability of

students to advance, while facing different obstacles that differ their idea of perception.

The conceptual framework for this study is found below. It contains a\ paradigm; the

first box contains the input which will be the enrolment data. The second box is the process

to be undertaken, and the way how data will be created. The Third box is the expected

output after conducting this study.

Input Process Output

•Profile of the respondents •Knowledge and

•Gender understanding of how
•Age household responsibilities
•Grade Level impact students' academic
•Perception of personal •Data accumulation performance, attendance,
liability •Assessment and participation.
•Methodological approach •Interpretation of data
they utilize
Figure 1. The factors that affect the academic performance of Grade 12 students, the

process the researchers utilized to gather this information, and the expected outcome of this


Statement of the Problem and the Hypothesis

The study aims to investigate student perceptions on the influence of household

responsibilities on school, particularly on academic performance, attendance, and

participation. This study investigates the relationship between household chores and

academic performance of students.

Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1.) How do household responsibilities affect students’ academic performance?

2)How do students balance their household responsibilities with their schoolwork?

3.) What are the challenges that students face in balancing their household responsibilities

and schoolwork?

4.) What are the specific household responsibilities that students perceive as having the

most significant impact on their academic performance?

5.) What household responsibilities do students think are the most detrimental to their

academic performance?
Significance of the Study

The findings that the study will reveal benefit certain groups and the benefits they

may be able to gain are the following:

The students. The study can help students understand the impact of household

responsibilities on their academic performance and provide them with strategies to manage

their time effectively. This study also guides students on how to deal with frustration when it

comes to their workload in school and at home. Furthermore, it will help them come up with

positive insights that household chores will help them be more responsible and help them

set their priorities.

The Parents. The study can help parents or guardians understand how household

responsibilities impact their child's academic performance and provide them with strategies

to support their child's education. This study will also help parents provide a supportive and

nurturing home environment that encourages their child's academic success and

encourages their child to communicate with teachers and school staff if they are struggling

to manage their responsibilities and schoolwork.

The Educators. The study can help teachers understand the challenges students face

with household responsibilities and provide them with insights on how to support their

students in managing their responsibilities outside of school. This study also aims for
educators to provide resources such as after-school programs, tutoring, and counseling to

help students manage their responsibilities and sustain their academic performance.

Additionally, educators should be flexible with deadlines and assignments, if possible, to

allow students with household responsibilities more time to complete their work.

The school. The study can help schools develop policies and programs that support

students with household responsibilities and improve students' academic performance.

Moreover, the insight they will gain concerning the topic will urge them to engage in more

comprehensive and considerate efforts to improve the academic performance of their


The Future Researcher(s). The study can contribute to the existing body of

knowledge on the impact of household responsibilities on students' academic performance

and provide a basis for further research in this area. Aside from that, the results or findings

of the study will help other researchers who wish to conduct a study with a similar topic to

expand their knowledge and serve as their groundwork or reference. This will also enable

them to apply appropriate methods in their investigations.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of the terms used in the study, both conceptual and operational

definitions were provided for the following terms:

Academics - Refers to work, school, college, or university that emphasizes studying

and reasoning rather than practical or technical skills.
In this study, academics is used because it can affect the students' overall behavior.

Grade 12 Students - Refers to a student's last year in high school, where they

attempt to finish meeting their graduation requirements. (

Twelfth grade (12th) students in all strands are the respondents of this study.

Household Responsibilities - Tasks performed inside a household to ensure that the

basic needs of its members are met.


This term is used in this study as an indication of one of the variables that can affect a

student's ability to manage their time since household responsibilities need to be done

during their free time.

Influence - A cause to someone to change a behavior, belief, or opinion or to cause

something to be changed.


In this study, influence refers to how the relation of responsibilities and academics can

influence the students and can impact their overall time management.

Management - The act or manner of managing; handling, direction, or control.

This term in this study is about how the students can manage both their household

responsibilities and academics in their free time. This shows how can control all of their

tasks in their only free time.

Perception - A way of understanding or thinking about something.


In this study, perception refers to how the students see or what are their insights about the

influence of the relation between responsibilities and academics on their time.

School - A place or institution for teaching and learning; establishment or education.


In this study, school is defined as a place designed to provide learning spaces, give tasks

and homework, and teach the students to expand their knowledge about the lessons that

they didn't or did encounter.

Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on the students' perceptions regarding the influence of household

responsibilities on their school performance.

The school included in the study was Altavas National School, a public school in

Altavas, Aklan, which served as the main school in the Altavas district. Two (2) sets of data

were provided in this study. The first (1 st) set was the Qualitative Data which was collected

through questionnaire and interview accomplished by the participants - which are thirty (30)

random students from the strands of Grade 12 Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics (STEM), General Academic Strand (GAS) and Technical-Vocational Livelihood

(TVL) strands. The other one was the in-depth discussion between ten (10) selected strand


This research will be conducted among the thirty (30) students from each strand, amounting

to ninety (90) respondents, and ten (10) selected strand advisers.

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