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1. Such as

2. North Africa


24. Developing country


26. Historical building


28. Natural disasters


30. Looters

32. Successful

34. known


1. some markets …. A physical marketplace.

o Involves
o involve
o Is involved
o involving
2. Each food …. A unique set of sorption isotherms at different temperatures.
o Has
o Have
o Having
o Is had
3. …. The relatively low cost of this medium, nonwoven filter media is often replaced after pore
o Although
o Since
o Because
o Because of
4. Heat treatment remains one the most important methods … in food processing.
o Using
o Use
o Used
o Uses
5. Indonesia is ….. in the world, with more than 268 million people.
o The fourth most populous nation
o The most fourth populous nation
o The populous most fourth nation
o The most populous fourth nation
6. Products … at the refrigerated temperature until consumption.
o Should stored
o Should be storing
o Should store
o Should be stored
7. Flat plate system can be …. Plate-and-frame types or spiral-wound cartridges.
o Not only
o Neither
o Both
o Either
8. Worker….. to meet the standard eamed a lower rate of pay.
o Who were not able
o Who they were not able
o Whom they were not able
o Which were not able
9. Transportation …. Anything around during a production process, should be minimized.
o It moves
o Moving
o Is moving
o Which is moved
10. …… of settlements in riau also increases significantly.
o The number
o A number
o Numbers
o Number


1. This older the child, the greatest the differences compared with the WHO growth standards
o Child
o Greatest
o Compared
o growth
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. B


Question 1 of 4

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that is caused by bacteria, viruses, fungsi, or parasites. It is characterized
primarily by inflammation of the alveoli in througs or by alveoli that are filled with fluid. In a very serious
condition, pneumonia can make a person very sick or even cause death. Althougt the discase can occur in young and
healthy people, it is most dangerous for older adults, babies, and people with other discases or impaired immune
systems. In the United States, more than 3 million people develop pneumonia each year, and about 17% of them
receive treatment in a hospital. Most people with pneumonia recover, but about 5% will succumb to the condition.

Pneumonia treatments depend on the type of pneumonia and the severity of symptoms. Bacterial pneumonia are
usually treated with antibiotics, whereas viral pneumonia are

1. ( C )
2. ( D )
3. How to treat a person infected with viral pneumonia.
o Using antibiotics
o Using antifungal medication
o Having enough rest
o Having lung surgery
o Having therapy
4. What is NOT mentioned in the passage as the people who are at increased risk of developing
o Those without a spleen
o Those with chronic heart
o Those without a kidney
o Those with stomach disorders
o Those with lung disease
5. What would the paragraph following the passage likely discuss?
o How the pneumonia vaccines will be developed in the future
o How the vaccines work in preventing the pneumococcal disease
o How the severity of future pneumonia affects older adults
o How people with certain medical conditions react towrd pneumonia
o How to make the vaccines for preventing pneumonia
6. The word “recover” in the first paragraph can best be replaced by..
o Relapse
o Improverish
o Imflame
o Drop
o Recuperate
7. The word “it” in the first paragraph refers to..
o pneumonia
o bacteria
o Parasite
o virus
o lung
8. Where in the paragraph which tells about pneumonia symptoms?
o Paragraph 1 sentence 2
o Paragraph 1 sentence 4
o Paragraph 2 sentence 1
o Paragraph 2 sentence 4
o Paragraph 3 sentence 4
9. The following conditions are symptoms of pneumonia, except..
o Fever
o Aches
o Pains
o Blood vomit
o coughs
10. The word “ severity” in the second paragraph is closet in meaning to..
o Seriousness
o Sensitivity
o Fervency
o Tenacity
o Negligible
11. Pneumonia vaccines as a whole can treat people infected with this disease
o True
o False
o Not Given
12. Prevnar is given to every patient with pneumonia
o True
o False
o Not Given
13. People can be infected with pneumonia by direct contact with people infected with this disease
o True
o False
o Not Given
14. People infected with pneumonia are strongly encouraged to get adequate rest and consume pienty
of fluids.
o True
o False
o Not Given
15. Antibiotics should be always prescribed for every patient with pneumonis
o True
o False
o Not Given
16. Bacteria, Viruses, fungi, and parasites can ………. The lungs.
o Consideration
o Preventive
o Destroy
o Hospitalized
o Infect
o Injured
o Aggravate
17. One sign of this condition is information that occurs in the lungs these conditions can ………
health conditions and even cause death. The risks for patents who are old and have other diseases
wil increase.
o Consideration
o Preventive
o Destroy
o Hospitalized
o Infect
o Injured
o Aggravate
18. In the United States, more than five hundred thousand people who are infected are ……and five
percent of them cannot be saved every year.
o Consideration
o Preventive
o Destroy
o Hospitalized
o Infect
o Injured
o Aggravate
19. The causes and severity of pneumonia become…. In closing the method for its treatment.
o Consideration
o Preventive
o Destroy
o Hospitalized
o Infect
o Injured
o Aggravate
20. Pneumonia in treated according to the type of its causes generally, the patient is asked to have a
lot of rest and to consume a large number of fluds. As a … effort, two types of vaccines namely
prevnar and pneumonia are usually used.
o Consideration
o Preventive
o Destroy
o Hospitalized
o Infect
o Injured
o Aggravate


1. What is the main idea of the last paragraph ?

o Study of sea urchins by Paul Gross
o Fertilization of eggs
o Substances of morphogenetic determinants
o The location of morphogenetic determinants
o Some molecules act as morphogenetic determinants.
2. The following statements are true about morphogenetic determinants, except..
o It is located in the cytoplasm
o It is heterogeneously distributed
o It controls cells
o It is always active
o It is not distributed homogeneously
3. The word “ resolution” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to…
o Development
o Measure
o Bottom
o Answer
o Effort
4. What determines whether an embryo can form two whole embryos?
o The way the embryo is being cut
o The fertilization process
o The embryo activity
o Whether it is a sea urchin’s embryo or not
o The substances contained in it
5. The word “ govern” in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to ..
o Determine
o Assist
o Change
o Follow
o Enhance
6. The word “them” in the first paragraph refers to..
o Parts
o Stages
o Embryos
o Biologists
o Two normal embryos
7. Which the following statement is true according to the passage above?
o Embryos separated in their early life will develop into two normal embryos
o A hundred year ago, biologists belived that cells would evolve in different ways.
o Cell determination always start after the egg is fertilized
o In a fertilized egg the substance is evenly distributed within the egg
o The debate about cell division in the embyo started nearly a century ago.
8. What happenes if the egg is fertilized?
o Its substance will be spread evenly
o Its substance is not distributed homogeneously
o Its substance becomes active
o Its substance lies outside of the nucleus
o Its substance will be divided into active and inactive cells
9. The word “they” in the fourth paragraph refers to..
o Sea urchins
o Unfertilized eggs
o Subtances
o Morphogenetic determinants
o Biologists
10. It is stated in the passage that unfertilized egg..
o Has active substances
o Has substances distributed homogeneously
o Doesn’t have substances functioning as morphogenetic determinats
o Has substances located in the cytoplasm of the egg cell.
o Separated vertebrate animals would develop as two normal embryos
11. The verlebrate animal embyo will split into two parts as its early stage of life
o True
o False
o Not Given
12. Unfertilized egg sea urchins contains substances serving as morphogenetic determinants.
o True
o False
o Not Given
13. Recent discoveries in molecular biology found that cell determinant starts after an egg is
o True
o False
o Not Given
14. The substances functioning as morphogenetic determinants never become active in an unfertilized
o True
o False
o Not given
15. Morphogenetic determinants are located outside of the nucleus
o True
o False
o Not Given
16. The …. Distribution of substances in egg makes a difference in cell quality
o Moved
o Regulate
o Function
o Cleaved
o Unequal
o Distributing
o Are found
o Important
o acting
17. The substances functioning as morphogenetic determinants…. in unfertilized eggs in sea urchins
o Moved
o Regulate
o Function
o Cleaved
o Unequal
o Distributing
o Are found
o Important
o Acting
18. The substances that are active after fertilization ….. the behavior of genes interacting with them.
o Moved
o Regulate
o Function
o Cleaved
o Unequal
o Distributing
o Are found
o Important
o Acting
19. Unfertilized eggs contain subtances ……. As morphogenetic determinants located in the cell
o Moved
o Regulate
o Function
o Cleaved
o Unequal
o Distributing
o Are found
o Important
o Acting
20. A century ago scientists believe if the invertebrate animal cell embryo is….. it will produce two
well-developed cells.
o Moved
o Regulate
o Function
o Cleaved
o Unequal
o Distributing
o Are found
o Important
o Acting


1. What do honey bees do in the winter ?

o Storing a lot of food for the summer
o Clustering together with bumblebess
o Staying active like the wasps
o Hibernating
o Producing honey as usual
2. How much honey can be produced by a hive ?
o 60lb
o 6lb
o 20lb
o 25lb
o 55lb
3. The following statements are NOT TRUE according to the passage, except…
o The need for honey the summer is greater than that for thr winter
o Honey made by the bees has the same type
o In making one pound of honey, bees should fly over the world
o Nectar is produced by the flowers
o The bees will feel faint hunger since the honey produced by them is taken.
4. What is meant by “hive” according to the passage?
o A place where the queen bee lives alone
o A place where bees live
o A place where honey is made
o A big number of bees in one colony
o A box used by the beekeeper to take honey from bees
5. What is the name of the tools used by the beekeepers to extract honey from the comb?
o Spin dryer machine
o Supers
o Queen excluder
o Spinner
o Comb
6. What in the plant that produces hard honey ?
o Wild heather
o Clover
o Oil-seed rape
o Orange blossom
o Garden flowers
7. The word “exuded” in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to..
o Implode
o Absord
o Dematerialize
o Release
o Worsen
8. The word “it” in the third paragraph refers to…
o Hard honey
o Oil-seed rape
o Garden flower
o Bee
o crop
9. What do the bees do after taking nectar in the process of making honey?
o Keeping the capped honey until the can be harvested
o Capping over it whit a thin layer of wax to seal it
o Mixing the nectar with enzymes from glands in their mouth
o Storing the nectar in a hexagonal wax honeycomb
o Waiting until the water content of the nectar has been reduced to around 17
10. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text?
o Every year, the bees produce different types of honey
o Romans used honey and gold to pay their taxes in the past
o Honey produced by the garden flowers is also known as the king of honey
o The honeycomb that is safe for eating was found in the tombs of the pharaohs
o Honey can also be made as sugar syrup to be used a supplement.



1. Direction : find the best paragraph that discusses the following points.
Bacteria fight back
o Paragraph 1
o Paragraph 2
o Paragraph 3
o Paragraph 4
2. Alternative to antibacterial soap
o Paragraph 1
o Paragraph 2
o Paragraph 3
o Paragraph 4
3. The proper way of hand washing
o Paragraph 1
o Paragraph 2
o Paragraph 3
o Paragraph 4
4. Levy’s statement that breaks the existing myth
o Paragraph 1
o Paragraph 2
o Paragraph 3
o Paragraph 4
5. How the chemical contents in actibacterial soap work against the viruses and gems
o Paragraph 1
o Paragraph 2
o Paragraph 3
o Paragraph 4
6. Directions: complete the sentences below by choosing on the available options.
People use antibacterial soap mostly to prevent the disease from ………
o Actively
o Kitchenware
o Number
o Quantity
o Skincare
o Substitute
o Scrupulously
o Spreading
o Transmitter
7. The residue of antibacterial contents in the dish soap may stay on …
o Actively
o Kitchenware
o Number
o Quantity
o Skincare
o Substitute
o Scrupulously
o Spreading
o Transmitter
8. Bacteria may build up resistance to soap if we do not use a huge ….. of chemicals.
o Actively
o Kitchenware
o Number
o Quantity
o Skincare
o Substitute
o Scrupulously
o Spreading
o Transmitter
9. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer can be the …… if soap and water are not available.
o Actively
o Kitchenware
o Number
o Quantity
o Akincare
o Substitute
o Scrupulously
o Spreading
o Transmitter
10. Washing …. Is vital in the attempt to bring germs to a halt.
o Actively
o Kitchenware
o Number
o Quantity
o Skincare
o Substitute
o Scrupulously
o Spreading
o Transmitter

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