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Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests that can
cause a lot of problems.
These insects are notorious for their ability to survive in almost any
environment and are known for their quick movement and disgusting
We will study cockroach under following heads:
1. Nomenclature (common & scientific)
2. General Information
3. External features (Morphology of Cockroach)
4. Internal features (Anatomy of Cockroach)
Anatomy will include;
Digestive System Respiratory System
Excretory System Nervous System
Circulatory System Reproductive System

as well as a brief note on fertilisation and development.

Common name : Cockroach

Scientific Name : Periplanata americana

Systematic Classification :
Phylum - Arthropoda
Class - Insecta
Order - Blattodea
Family - Blattidae
Genus - periplaneta
Species - americana (most common)

General Information:
Cockroaches are nocturnal omnivorous animals.
Male and female cockroaches can be differentiated by their size and
Typically, male cockroaches are smaller and have longer, more slender
bodies, while females are often larger and broad body designed for
carrying eggs .
Males typically grows upto 1/2 inch or 3/4 inch while females can grow
upto 1 inch or more.
Males usually have longer wings that extend beyond the tip of their
abdomen, whereas females have shorter wings that may not cover the
entire abdomen.
Additionally, males have a pair of cerci (sensory appendages) at the end
of their abdomen that are more pronounced than those of females.
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External Features (Morphology) of Cockroach
Colour - black or brown
Body division - The body of a cockroach can be divided into 3 parts:
1. Head 2. Thorax 3. Abdomen

Filiform antennae
Prothoracic leg Compound eye
Pronotum HEAD

Mesothorax Tegmina THORAX

Hind wing
Mesothoracic leg
Metathoracic leg

Anal cerci Stylus

External Features of a Cockroach

Head is triangular, made by fusion of six segments.
It is highly mobile due to its flexible neck.
A pair of compound eyes are present on the head.
In front of the eyes, membranous sockets are present, out of which two
antennae protrude out.
The antennae monitor the surrounding environment with the help of
the sensory receptors.
Mouth parts of cockroach
One of the most intriguing parts of a cockroach’s anatomy is its mouth,
which is used for feeding and survival.
It is of chewing and biting type and consists of labrum (upper lip)
labium (lower lip) and a pair of each maxillae and mandibles and a
hypopharynx (acting as tongue) PYQ 2021
Compound region
Ocellus eye Labrum

Mandible Mandible


Maxilla Maxilla

Parts of Head Region Parts of Mouth Region

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Thorax consists of three parts:
1. Prothorax 2. Mesothorax 3. Metathorax
Each of these thoracic segments bears a pair of walking legs.
Each leg consists of a series of segments or podomeres.
There are two pairs of wing forewings present on mesothorax and
hind wings present on metathorax.
Forewings are called the tegmina. PYQ 2022
They are dark and cover the hind wings, which are membranous,
transparent and used in flight.

Cockroaches are
eight legged insects!

Cockroaches have;
6 legs (3pairs) and 2 antennae (1 pair)

The abdomen is made up of 10 segments.
The 7th, 8th and 9th sterna (segments) form a genital pouch in
In males, the genital pouch is present at the hind end of the
abdomen. PYQ 2021
The male cockroach has thread-like anal styles, which are missing in
the female cockroach.
The 10th segment has a filamentous structure called the anal cerci, in
both male and female cockroaches. PYQ 2021, 2024

Exoskeleton of Cockroach
The entire body of cockroach is covered by an exoskeleton made of
The chitinous exoskeleton in cockroaches has hardened plates called
sclerites in each segment.
The dorsally placed sclerites are called tergites and the ventrally placed
sclerites are called sternites.
These are held together by a thin and flexible membrane called the
arthrodial membrane.
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Endoskeleton Exoskeleton
Inside the Body Outside the Body

Internal Structure (anatomy) of Cockroach

The anatomy of cockroach can be studied under the organ system of
cockroach. Cockroaches have well developed organ systems.
There organ systems involves:
1. Digestive system 2. Excretory system
3. Circulatory system 4. Respiratory system
5. Nervous system 6. Reproductive system

Digestive system PYQ 2019, 2024

It has a long and coiled alimentary canal divided into 3 parts:
1. Foregut 2. Midgut 3. Hindgut

Foregut or Stomadaeum:
Buccal Chamber - mouth
Crop - Sac like structure - stores food
Gizzard - also called the proventriculus which contains
6 highly chitinous plates called teeth
used for grinding food PYQ 2024

Midgut or Mesenteron:
It is a short, narrow and coiled tube.
At the junction of foregut and midgut 6-8 blind tubules called
hepatic caeca/gastric caeca are present, which secrete
digestive juices. PYQ 2021

At the junction of midgut and hindgut thin filamentous 100-150

malpighian tubules are present which remove excretory
products from haemolymph.
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Malpighian H2O
Waste K+(active (osmosis) Anus
(active transport) transport) Rectum
Ions and H2O

Malpighian Tubules

Hindgut or Proctodaeum
It is differentiated into ; ileum

Rectum has 6 rectal glands.

Hindgut is more pervious to water than foregut.

Salivary gland
Salivary reservoir

Hepatic caeca
Mesentron or midgut

Malpighian tubules Rectum


Alimentary canal of Cockroach

Excretory system PYQ 2024

The excretory system of a cockroach primarily consists of Malpighian
tubules, which are a series of small tubes that filter waste materials
from the hemolymph.
These wastes are then converted into uric acid, which is excreted
through the hindgut and finally eliminated via the anus.
Additionally, fat body cells, uricose glands, cuticle & nephrocytes
also play a role in excretion. PYQ 2023
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Circulatory System
Cockroaches have an open circulatory system, which means that their
circulatory fluid, known as hemolymph, doesn’t flow through enclosed
vessels like arteries and veins.
Instead, it is filled in a cavity (haemocoel) and tissues are bathed in it.
The circulatory system of cockroach is broadly classified under three
heads divided into three parts:
1. Heart 2. Hemocoel (body cavity) 3.Hemolymph (circulating fluid)

It is an elongated muscular contractile tube lying in the
mid dorsal line just beneath the terga.
Enclosed in a pericardial sinus, the heart has segmented bundles
of alary muscles and a dorsal fenestrated diaphragm.

A short narrow tube called aorta arises from heart continues

in forward direction and open into haemocoelic spaces.

There are 13 funnel shaped chambers in heart.

Chambers are connected through valves.

Ostia are minute lateral openings which prevent backflow of


The body cavity of a cockroach is not a true coelom but a
haemocoel filled with hemolymph.
Chambers Ostia muscles
of heart Anterior
Valves aorta
Dorsal Antenna

Perineural sinus Perivisceral sinus


Circulatory System ofsinus
Ventral Neck
diaphragm Pulsatory
Nerve cord ampulla

Circulatory System of Cockroach


Cockroach hemolymph serves both as blood and lymph.

It lacks hemoglobin and does not participate in respiration.

Hemolymph contains plasma and nucleated cells

called haemocytes.

Haemolymph directly contacts tissues while flowing in the

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Cockroaches do not
have blood

Cockroaches do have blood called hemolymph which may be

colorless, creamish, orange or yellowish, since they do not
have hemoglobin their blood is not red in color!

Respiratory system

Trachea to wing

Thoracic spiracles
1st abdominal spiracle
Lateral longitudinal trunk
tracheal trunk
Vertical longitudinal
tracheal trunk
8th abdominal Cercus

Respiratory System of Cockroach

Cockroaches have a unique respiratory system that sets them apart

from mammals.
Unlike mammals, they do not possess lungs for respiration.
Instead, their respiratory system primarily consists of a network of
tubes known as tracheae.
These tracheae open outside through spiracles, which serve as the
entrances and exits for air.
Mostly spiracles are closed but open to take in oxygen and give out
carbon dioxide.
The tracheae leads to smaller tubes called tracheoles.
Through the thin walls of the tracheoles, oxygen and carbon dioxide are
exchanged by diffusion with tissues throughout the body.
Cockroaches, being very active insects, ventilate their tracheae
mechanically through rhythmic pumping movements of the
abdomen, which help drive air through the network.
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Nervous system
The nervous system of a cockroach consists of;
1. Central nervous 2. Peripheral nervous 3. Sympathetic nervous
system system system

Cerebral Circum oesophageal connectives

Sub oesophageal ganglia
Thoracic ganglia

Abdominal Ventral nerve cord


Last abdominal

Nervous System of Cockroach

Central nervous system

It consists of the brain which is represented by
bilobed supra oesophageal ganglion. PYQ, 2024, Jhajjar

It supplies nerves to the antennae and nerve cord.

It also consists of sub-oesophageal ganglia and

circum-oesophageal, connectives in the head and a double
ganglionated ventral nerve cord in the thorax and abdomen.
On the ventral side of the body there are 9 ganglia
(3 in thorax and 6 in abdomen)

Peripheral nervous system

Nerves that extend throughout the body.

Sympathetic nervous system

Frontal ganglion and other ganglia connected with the
supra-oesophageal ganglion.

Amazing Facts! PYQ 2020

If the head of cockroach is removed, it still live for
few days.
The head of a cockroach holds a small proportion of its
nervous system, while the rest is distributed along the
ventral part of its body.
Therefore, even if the head is removed, some neural
functions can still be maintained for a few days.

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Interesting facts:

Compound Eyes are located dorsally and consist of 2000 hexagonal

Ommatidia which make up mosaic vision of cockroaches.
PYQ, 2024, Jhajjar

This type of vision is common during night and has more

sensitivity and less resolution.

Cockroaches don’t see any object as one single object but they
see it as parts and all parts then assemble to form a single image.

Each Ommatidium forms a single image

of a small part of the object seen.

The image is formed as scattered dots

which are assembled to form a complete
image. PYQ, 2019

Reproductive system

Cockroaches are dioecious, sexes are separate.

Male Female

Cockroaches exhibit sexual dimorphism which refers to the distinct

differences between males and females.
Here are some key features that help differentiate them:

1. Anal Styles:
Males have a pair of thread-like anal styles at the tip of their abdomen.
Which is absent in females.
2. External Genitalia:
Male cockroaches have visible external genitalia male (gonapophysis or
phallomere) which is not very distinctly visible in females.
3. Body Shape:
Males are generally thinner than females. Females tend to have a
broader abdomen.
4. Eyes:
Male cockroaches have larger eyes compared to females. PYQ 2023
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Male reproductive system

The male reproductive system of a cockroach includes:

1 - Pair of testes 2 - Vasa deferentia 3 - Ejaculatory duct
4 - Utricular gland 5 - Phallic gland 6 - External genitalia

These components are involved in the

production, storage, & delivery of sperm during reproduction.

Phallic gland
Small tubules
Long tubules
Seminal vesicle
Vas deferens
Ejaculatory duct
Right phallomere
Ventral phallomere
Anal cercus
Male Left
Caudal style
Reproductive phallomere Pseudopenis
System Titillator

1 - Testes
It is located in 4th to 6th abdominal segments.
It is 3 lobed and consists of numerous whitish transparent follicles.
2 - Vasa deferentia
Vas deferens arises from testes and opens into the ejaculatory duct
through seminal vesicles.
3 - Ejaculatory duct
Ejaculatory duct opens into male gonopore.
4 - Utricular gland
A characteristic mushroom shaped gland also known as the utricular
gland is present in the 6th to 7th abdominal segment help in
nourishing the sperms and also contributes to the formation of the
spermatophore’s covering. PYQ 2019
5 - Phallic Gland
The phallic gland, also known as the conglobate gland, is a large
club-shaped gland located below the ejaculatory duct and is mainly
responsible for secreting and forming the outer layer or covering
of the spermatophore.
6 - External Genitalia
The external genitalia are represented by male gonapophysis or
(chitinous asymmetrical structure surrounding the male gonopore).
Sperms are stored in seminal vesicle & are glued together in the
form of bundles called spermatophores which are discharged during
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Female reproductive system
The female reproductive system consists of;
1. A pair of ovaries 5. Collateral glands
2. A pair of Oviducts 6. Vestibulum
3. Vagina 7. Spermatheca
4. Genital chamber 8. External genitalia

Terminal filament

Germarium Ovariole

Ovary Oviduct

Spermatheca Common oviduct

or vagina
collateral gland Left collateral gland

Female Genital chamber
genital pore Genital
Female Reproductive System

Ovaries lie in the 2-6th abdominal segment.
Each ovary is made up of a group of 8 ovarian tubules or ovarioles.
They contain a chain of developing ova.

Oviducts and Vagina

Oviducts arise from each ovary and unite to form a single median
oviduct called vagina which opens into genital chamber.

Collateral glands
The collateral glands are two highly branched tubular glands which
open at the back of the genital chamber and produce secretions that
form the oothecal case around the eggs, aiding in the formation of
egg cases or ootheca.

Genital Chamber and Vestibulum

The vestibulum is a short, conical chamber that acts as an entrance
to the genital chamber.
It receives the male’s spermatophore during mating and leads to the
genital chamber where eggs are fertilized.

A pair of Spermatheca present on the 6th segment which is a
specialized organ that stores sperm after mating.
It ensures that sperm availability for fertilizing eggs long after mating
has occurred.
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External genitalia
External genitalia or female gonapophyses consist of a pair of
appendages called valvulae.
These structures play a role in the laying of eggs, helping to guide
the ootheca as it is being formed and deposited.

Fertilization and development:

Fertilization in cockroaches is internal.

During mating, the male deposits a spermatophore into the female’s
The sperm then move to the spermatheca, where they are stored until
the eggs pass through the oviducts.
As the eggs pass by, they are fertilized by the sperm from the
spermatheca before being encased in an ootheca and laid.
Ootheca is dark reddish to blackish brown capsule, about 8mm long.

They are dropped or glued to suitable surfaces usually in cracks/crevices

with high relative humidity with food source.
On an average female produces 9-10 ootheca each containing 4-16 eggs.
The development is paurometabolous which means adult cockroaches
are formed through the nymph stage. PYQ, 2024, Jhajjar

The nymph grows to adulthood by moulting 13 times to reach the adult

Nymphs look very much like adults but they do not have wings.

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