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WRITING SESSION 8 – Discussion Essays

1. Task 1: Chép tay bài mẫu sau và chụp ảnh lại upload lên folder Writing Session 8:
2.1 Firstly, playing video games excessively can result in serious health problems. To illustrate, the
disproportionate amount of time spent in front of the screen promotes a sedentary lifestyle among
young people, leading to an accumulative rate in obesity and diabetic problems.
2.2 Firstly, providing free healthcare will contribute largely to public health enhancement. For example,
complementary vaccination was supplied to every single citizen in Vietnam during the Covid-19
pandemic, keeping the infection rate in this country among the lowest on a global basis.
2.3 Firstly, building houses in wooded areas is prone to severe deterioration in the ecosystem. To
illustrate, mass construction in green areas as a result of accelerating demand in accommodation can
heavily damage the natural habitat for countless flora and fauna species, which is the key factor
leading to biodiversity reduction.
2.4 Firstly, many historical sites are poorly maintained and hardly renovated. In fact, several museums
and cathedrals built in the 19th century in Vietnam have been left in the state of neglect due to
insufficient funds from the government.
2.5 Firstly, young children are likely to derive mental health problems from social network sites. More
specifically, widespread cyberbullying and toxic content from prevalent platforms such as Facebook
or TikTok have emerged as the leading cause of depression and even suicidal attempts among young
users, who are psychologically and cognitively immature.

3.1 There are several reasons why salary is the most important consideration for job seekers. Chief
among them is the financial stability that it ensures, providing employees with basic necessities as
well as upgrading their living standards. More specifically, workers with desired paychecks are able
to afford not only rent, education and healthcare but also holiday trips as a means of stress release.
In addition, a handsome package also acts as an employer’s recognition and evaluation of their
applicants’ competence and qualifications for the job. Candidates for senior positions, for instance,
have spent years of hard work to gain expertise as well as experience in their field, thus deserve
compatible offers from the organization to whom they will dedicate such values.

3.2 There are several advantages in assigning homework to students. Basically, this extra practice has
proven its efficiency in reinforcing and consolidating the previously provided knowledge for
students. Due to the limited span of time allocated for each subject in class, students are highly
likely to overlook what they have acquired if they fail to complete further excercises at home, where

they can have undivided attention. Another benefit that homework offers is the establishment of
self-study skills for students, which can pave the way to solid problem-solving skills later in their
life. To be more specific, meeting the given tasks after school without any guidance or assitance
from teachers constitutes the opportunity for children to practice goal setting, time management and
critical thinking skills – essential qualities for doing research in higher education.

3.3 There are several adverse consequences resulting from massive relocation to urban areas. Chief
among them is the degradation of the agricultural industry in rural areas due to insufficient labor
force. As a sector with labor-intensive nature, farming is likely to face productivity loss with fewer
farmers taking charge of planting, harvesting and tending to livestock. Moreover, urban areas are
prone to heavy pollution and traffic congestion due to the trend of unplanned urbanization. The
proliferation of private vehicles, to be more specific, is the key factor in slowing down the traffic
flow and alarming levels of gas emissions to the environment.

2. Task 2: Viết Introduction – mở bài cho các đề bài sau:

2.1 Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people say that this is a positive trend,
while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences.
Discuss both sides of this argument and give your own opinion.
2.2 Many people feel that students should learn from online materials while others feel that it is better
to use printed materials.
Discuss both views and give your opinions.
2.3 Some people think that schools should reward students who show the best academic
results, while others believe that it is more important to reward students who show improvements.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
2.4 Nowadays, many families have both parents working. Some working parents believe other family
members like grandparents can take care of their children, while others think childcare centres
provide the best care.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
2.5 Scientists agree that people are damaging their health by eating too much junk food. Some people
think that the answer to this problem is to educate people. Others think education will not work.
Discuss both views and give your opinions.

2. Task 2: Viết 1 bài essay hoàn chỉnh (tối thiểu 250 từ) cho đề bài sau dựa vào gợi ý phía dưới
Some people believe that more academic subjects such as chemistry, physics and history should be
taught in schools, while others believe that students will derive more benefit from studying practical
subjects such as motor mechanics and cooking.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Body 1: Academic subjects Body 2: Practical subjects

Main point 1: General knowledge Main point 1: Life skills
Kiến thức tổng quát chung phục vụ cho cuộc kỹ năng tự lập khi không có người lớn.

Main point 2: Academic + professional career Main point 2: Career orientation:

Kiến thức nền tảng làm tiền đề cho các bậc Nhiều lựa chọn cho học sinh có các sở thích và
học cao hơn hoặc ngành nghề tương lai khả năng khác nhau.

Main point 3: Essential skills: Main point 3: Creativity:

kỹ năng tìm kiếm thông tin, phân tích số liệu Tăng khả năng sáng tạo
hoặc tư duy phản biện.

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