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SAP Solution Brief Objectives Solution Benefits Quick facts

SAP Solution Extensions |

SAP Archiving and Document Access by OpenText

Run automated,
document access
and archiving in
the cloud
Objectives Solution Benefits Quick facts

Store, manage, and access data

and documents with ease
Establish flexible, automated, and embedded archiving with the SAP Archiving and Document
Access application by OpenText, available in the cloud or on premise. Shrink data volumes and costs,
storing SAP and third-party data and documents in a more-secure, tamperproof form with anywhere
access in context and embedded within business transactions and processes.

Managing business content is an expensive, time-consuming SAP Archiving and Document Access changes all this.
task for any business. From structured transaction data to It supports secure storage of SAP and third-party data
unstructured content such as documents, e-mail, invoices, and other business-relevant content automatically while
orders, or even paper forms, information is piling up faster enabling fast and direct user access to that content in
than ever. And though the data is too important to throw its business context. You can off-load legacy data and
out, the sheer volume can easily overwhelm systems – still make it available long term, so you can confidently
causing information silos to build up and hampering your decommission legacy systems and even speed migra-
business with inconsistent, incomplete, and often inacces- tions, consolidations, and upgrades. And all this power-
sible information. ful archiving takes place in the cloud, so you can archive
and access content nearly anywhere and anytime across
the enterprise.

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Objectives Solution Benefits Quick facts

Archive data and documents

to improve operational efficiency
Traditional data-retention measures often result in extensive To maximize flexibility, you can use SAP Archiving and
manual processes and storage options that make the data Document Access to either schedule automatic archiving
less secure and hard to retrieve. That’s why SAP Archiving runs at defined intervals or archive data using ad hoc tools
and Document Access stores content automatically in a that adhere to your existing policies. You can also attach
durable, unalterable, and tamperproof format – thus low- documents from e-mail and desktop applications to SAP
ering the costs and risks associated with meeting your application transactions, leaving a comprehensive record
data-retention requirements. What’s more, off-loading data with pertinent information at your fingertips. And you can
speeds your transition to the cloud and reduces hosting scan and digitally store paper documents, thus eliminating
costs with a much smaller data and administrative footprint. paper archives and overcoming the inefficiencies associ-
ated with manual, paper-based processes.

Store your business content automatically while

enabling fast and direct user access in context
nearly anytime and anywhere.

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Objectives Solution Benefits Quick facts

Speed consolidations, upgrades, and migrations

Typical system consolidations, upgrades, and migrations This transition approach greatly reduces the time required
take a lot of time, especially because of the amount of sys- for document management tasks while allowing teams to
tem data that must be reviewed, cleansed, and migrated as prioritize optimization opportunities by leveraging more
part of the implementation. That’s why the RISE with SAP powerful analytics tools in the cloud.
solution is designed to help you modernize your mission-

critical systems and processes in the cloud with a more
simplified, disruption-free approach.

As a complement to the RISE with SAP offering, SAP Archiving

and Document Access can run with SAP S/4HANA Cloud to Faster document migration
shorten implementation time as well as reduce the amount to SAP S/4HANA Cloud1
of data that must be processed. For instance, if you are
migrating a single system “as is” (also known as “lift and
shift”) to SAP S/4HANA Cloud, you can use core data
archiving functionality from SAP together with SAP Archiving
and Document Access to reduce the database size before
the conversion.

1. “The Business Value of SAP Enterprise Content Management Solutions by OpenText
in the Digital-First World,” IDC White Paper, January 2022, IDC doc. #US4861702.
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Objectives Solution Benefits Quick facts

Permanently decommission legacy

systems with confidence
Are you still maintaining fragments of old legacy systems SAP Archiving and Document Access helps meet these
even after you’ve replaced them? Most often, this is challenges so you can retire legacy systems with confi-
because the historical data from the legacy system must dence. When used for system decommissioning with the
remain accessible for a variety of reasons – such as legal SAP Information Lifecycle Management component, the
requirements, tax audit preparedness, product liability application allows you to off-load legacy data and still
concerns, or business continuity efforts. This can result in make it available over the long term. Because the legacy
ongoing system administration responsibilities, lingering data is stored in the archive server, you don’t have to
application hosting costs, and continuity-of-operations risk migrate it to new production systems. This means that you
as the people who know how to run the legacy systems can avoid the time, effort, and cost associated with a com-
leave the company. plex data migration project.

Reduce your costs by quickly and permanently

decommissioning outdated systems while still
maintaining the data access you need.

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Objectives Solution Benefits Quick facts

Access archived, integrated content from almost anywhere

Today’s globally connected, agile economy requires that cloud and integrate content in business processes. Your
your people – and your processes – have complete, imme- business users can access content from almost anywhere,
diate access to your business data no matter where or how either transparently from a CMIS-enabled application or
they connect. That’s why the SAP Archiving and Document through My Archive – an intuitive Web-retrieval interface.
Access Core application by OpenText runs with the Content
Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) interface, an
SAP Archiving and Document
open industry standard for content management repositories.
Access Core lets users work with
You can store and retrieve content, and CMIS-enabled transparent access to archived
applications can leverage the archiving service in the files and folders, including
permissions and other metadata.

Users can quickly retrieve content with customizable vir-

tual folders that provide the documents in context to the
relevant business process and transactions. For example,
you can create a customer folder with the contract and
order-to-cash history, or a supplier folder with the con-
tract, purchase, and pay history.

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Objectives Solution Benefits Quick facts

Help enable secure document storage

Your business content is generated by a wide variety of disk-based storage platforms from leading storage-platform
sources: from SAP and Microsoft software to Lotus Notes, vendors is supported to safeguard against accidental and
custom applications, and digitalized paper documents. intentional deletion or alteration.
SAP Archiving and Document Access can help you man-
age and store all of it with greater security and flexibility. You can achieve recovery after disasters with content rep-
The application supports secure archiving in the cloud or lication and distribution with remote standby, and mitigate
on premise, with a robust set of enhanced security fea- system failures with active-active cluster load balancing.
tures, including encryption, digital signatures, and other
functionality to help prevent unauthorized access.
Cloud or on premise, help secure a
In the cloud, customer-side encryption and SEC-compliant high level of protection for the
cloud storage are provided. Content is replicated to a twin most important documents in your
data center for additional security. With the on-premise
edition, you store and protect data on a local archive
server with equal security protections. A wide range of

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Objectives Solution Benefits Quick facts

Reduce your risk with adaptive compliance processes

Although regulations vary around the world, they all require Keep everything at your fingertips
you to track, manage, and retain a lot of business information
to constantly meet changing regulatory
– so you’re always ready to present any of it to regulators
and auditors on demand. Developing and implementing demands – and shift time and money
best practices for compliance not only minimizes your risk to more-strategic activities.
and helps you better address emerging regulations but
also allows the compliance process maturity to streamline
and automate compliance as you move to the cloud.

With SAP Archiving and Document Access as part of a com-

prehensive strategy for corporate and regulatory compliance,
you can maintain long-term storage of documents and data
compliantly while providing the fast accessibility regulators
demand. The application’s automated, rule-based retention
functionality enables you to quickly meet constantly chang-
ing compliance and regulatory requirements. At the same
time, you can improve productivity and further streamline
operations by eliminating manual compliance burdens that
your IT and line-of-business staff must constantly address.

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Objectives Solution Benefits Quick facts

Assure long-term, transaction-level access to financials

Storing financial documents for extended periods is stan- Finance solution. For instance, by integrating with the
dard practice for virtually any business. However, today’s SAP Invoice Management application by OpenText, you
businesses often have additional requirements for financial can digitalize and automate accounts payable with stream-
compliance, beyond record retention. Not only may you lined invoicing and ordering while supporting compliance
need to present financial records on demand, you may also with national and international regulations. So when an
have to show how each record was used or identify other auditor requests a specific invoice, you can quickly pull up
records that contributed to a specific process or transaction. supporting documents to confirm its accuracy and use.

SAP Archiving and Document Access meets the ready-to-
audit, transaction-specific document-retention require-
ments that financial compliance demands.

The application links scanned and electronic documents More efficient auditing teams2
with related information that originates from other sources
such as the SAP ERP application or the SAP S/4HANA

2. “The Business Value of SAP Enterprise Content Management Solutions by OpenText
in the Digital-First World,” IDC White Paper, January 2022, IDC doc. #US4861702.
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Objectives Solution Benefits Quick facts

Speed transformation and innovation

with automated archiving
SAP Archiving and Document Access brings document • Reduce IT hardware and maintenance costs by decom-
archiving and accessibility together. Your archived content missioning legacy systems while helping secure legacy
is integrated and accessible within your SAP transactions data and reducing your database footprint
and business processes. The application helps you: • Provide direct access to content within SAP user inter-
• Speed and simplify your migration to SAP S/4HANA faces – nearly anytime and anywhere – to increase
Cloud with an integrated solution that helps make process efficiency and user productivity
secure document archiving and robust document • Improve compliance and minimize operational and legal
access simultaneously available risks, with more-secure storage of archived content that
• Improve application performance and resource effi- remains accessible for legal and financial audits
ciency by off-loading older data and documents from
production systems to minimize database growth

With automated archiving of business content,

IT and business teams can focus on innovation
and process optimization.

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Objectives Solution Benefits Quick facts

Summary Solution

How do you minimize growing data volumes while assuring long- • Support for secure, long-term storage of SAP and third-party
term retention and in-context access to your critical SAP and third- data and business documents
party documents and data? The SAP Archiving and Document • Scanning, capture, and view of desktop documents, e-mails,
Access application by OpenText enables automated archiving that notes, and annotations
can speed cloud transformation and free up your IT and business • Online or offline views of archived data in context across appli-
teams to focus on innovation and process optimization. cations and processes
• Ability to run with SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP Business Suite
Objectives software
• Support for 15 languages covering more than 100 countries
• Manage enterprise content cost-effectively on premise or in
the cloud
• Reduce IT infrastructure complexity, resource consumption,
and costs • Improve process efficiency and user productivity
• Obtain higher process efficiency and user productivity • Eliminate paper archives and manual inefficiencies
• Efficiently decommission legacy systems • Lower the amount of IT landscape hardware and ownership
• Enable more-secure, compliant archiving and fast, in-context costs
retrieval of financial records • Reduce operational and compliance risk

Learn more
To find out more, call your SAP representative today or visit us online.

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