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This rental agreement, dated 03-05-2024, is between______________________

tenant and _____________________House owner for the rental unit located at

Under this rental agreement, the tenant agrees to rent the above-mentioned
residence on a month-to-month basis with a monthly rental amount of Rs\-
____________. The monthly rent will be due and payable on the ____________
day of each month, starting on the first day of ____________. The deposit is two
months advance i.e Rs\-___________. The electricity bill is as per the tenant
usage. The notice period for leaving the house is 2 months.

The tenant acknowledges reading and understanding this agreement and the rental
policy that is part of this agreement. The tenant’s signature below indicates
acceptance of all terma and conditions of this rental agreement and rental policy.

_____________________________ [HOUSE OWNER]. _________[DATE].

____________________________________[TENANT]. _________[DATE].

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