Kiran Thakare

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MAN Energy Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.

Name: Kiran Nimba Thakare

Job Profile: 1D Dyn. Simulation

1. Why did you choose to pursue a Master’s degree in your field? How do you think it has prepared
you for this position you applied?

I pursued an M.Tech in Automotive Technology after my Bachelor's in Automobile Engineering to

gain specialized knowledge in advanced areas like vehicle dynamics, alternate fuels, and
automotive electronics. During my studies, I participated in the Formula Student motorsport
event, where I learned a lot and encountered fascinating concepts that sparked my curiosity. This
program allowed me to deepen my understanding in these areas. Additionally, my Master's
program emphasized practical learning through lab experiments, engine testing, and the use of
advanced facilities. These experiences have prepared me to contribute effectively to your team
and drive innovation in the automotive industry

2. What are the key technical skills you have gained during your academic term?
I have proficiency in qualitative and quantitative research methods, including experimental
design and statistical analysis. I'm skilled in CATIA, SolidWorks, AutoCAD, MATLAB Simulink, and
Ansys Workbench, crucial for automotive and mechanical engineering. I excel in project
planning, resource management, and problem-solving, with strong presentation,
communication, team-building, and manufacturing skills and a good relation with people

3. Describe a technical project you worked on that you are particularly proud of? What motivated
A project I'm particularly proud of is my involvement in the motorsport team SUPRA, where we
built a student formula car. Coming into the project, I encountered new software and
terminology which posed significant challenges. Despite the straightforward nature of tasks like
designing the intake system, the entire process—approach, methodology, and execution—was
entirely new to me. This project sparked my interest and provided a compelling learning
opportunity, motivating me to explore more technical projects in the future.

4. How do you keep up with the new technology trends? Have you come across a scenario where
you had to quickly learn a new technology or tool for a project?
I stay updated with new technology trends by regularly reading industry publications, attending
webinars, and participating in professional forums and conferences like SIAT automobile expo.
Recently, while working on a project, I encountered a scenario where I needed to quickly learn a
new tool for data analysis. I immersed myself in tutorials, sought guidance from experts, and
practiced extensively to effectively integrate the tool into our project workflow, ensuring its
successful implementation.

5. How do you handle working in a team with diverse technical abilities? Give an example of a
successful team project you were involved in and your role in it?
I was part of motorsport team, we had diverse technical abilities with multiple software
platforms like CATIA, SolidWorks, and ANSYS for 3D modeling and analysis. To optimize our
workflow and meet deadlines, we divided tasks based on expertise and allocated time for skill
MAN Energy Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.

Name: Kiran Nimba Thakare

Job Profile: 1D Dyn. Simulation

development. During downtime, we collectively learned unfamiliar software to enhance our

In my role within the intake manifold department, I focused on designing various restrictors and
analyzing results. I ensured thorough interpretation of findings and collaborated closely with the
team captain for feedback and adjustments. Our approach fostered a cohesive team
environment where everyone contributed effectively, leading to successful project outcomes
and overall satisfaction.

6. What attracted you to this particular company and position? How does it fit to your long term
carrier goals?
I'm attracted to this company for its pioneering work in advancing technologies for new liquid
and gaseous fuels, which aligns perfectly with my career goal of specializing in renewable energy
technologies and reducing carbon emissions. The focus on sustainability and cutting-edge
research here offers an ideal platform for me to contribute meaningfully to impactful projects
addressing global energy challenges

7. How do you ensure effective communication when explaining technical concepts to non-technical
stake holders? Describe a situation where your communication skills made a significant difference
in the project (good/or bad).
the basic and simple aproach is i will make a presantation in such a way any small guy could
understand put pictures, graphics rather than more therotical way, also i explain the design reports
in supra event design presentation and got rank 22

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