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AJP (3160707) Semester:VI

Apollo Institute of Engineering and Technology


Subject : Advance Java Programming (3160707)


1. What is a TCP/IP server socket?

2. What is Datagram socket? Explain it with example.
3. What is ServerSocket? Hoe it works in java? Explain with the help of example.
4. Write a java program to find an IP address of the machine on which the program runs.
5. Describe the URL and URLConnection class with their use in network programming.


1. Explain JDBC architecture.

2. Consider bank table with attributes AccountNo, CustomerName, Balanc, Phone and
Address. Write a database application which allows insertion, updation and deletion of
records in Bank table. Print values of all customers whose balance is greater than 20,000.
3. Give the use of statement, prepared statement and callable statement object and write the
code to insert two records in student table using prepared statement.
4. What is JDBC driver? What is its role? List the types of driver and explain working of
type-4 driver.
5. Difference between executeQuery(), executeUpdate() and execute().


1. Explain Life cycle of a Servlet.

2. Write a servlet which accept two numbers using POST methods and display the maximum
of them.
3. Explain ServletContext and ServletConfig Interface in java.
4. Explain Deployment Descriptor in java.
5. Difference between forward and include methods.
6. What is servlet filters? Give the necessary API for filters and explain their use.
7. What are Cookies? Write a servlet that reads and prints all the precious cookies and add a
cookie with your name.


1. Comparison between JSP and Servlet.

2. Explain the life cycle of JSP.
3. Draw and explain JSP architecture.

Apollo Institute of Engineering and Technology (121) CE Department

AJP (3160707) Semester:VI

4. Show the use of JSP page directive tag with its attributes.
5. Enlist and explain the purpose and use of action tag in JSP.
6. Explain the JSP implicit objects with their use.
7. Explain JSP Form Processing with suitable example.
8. Write a JSP page to display your semester marksheet.
9. Explain various tags in JSTL with example i) core ii) XML iii) SQL iv) Functions.

1. What is JSF? Explain advantages and disadvantages of using JSF.

2. Explain different phases of JSF Request Processing Life Cycle.
3. List and explain the purpose of at least five JSF standard components.
4. Explain the JSF facelet tags and their use.
5. Explain how validationLength tag is used in JSF.
6. Write a short note on – PrimeFaces.

1. Give the hibernate architecture and discuss each part in brief.
2. Explain Hibernate Architecture and Object Relation Mapping in Hibernate with Java Code and required XML files.
3. What is HQL? How does it differ from SQL? Give its Advantages.


1. Explain benefits of Spring Framework.

2. Explain Spring MVC framework with suitable block diagram. Also explain the advantages
of MVC architecture.
3. Explain spring framework architecture with suitable block diagram.
4. Write short note on IoC container.

Apollo Institute of Engineering and Technology (121) CE Department

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