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ISE (4340702) Semester - IV

Apollo Institute of Engineering and Technology

Question Bank
Branch : CE
Subject : Introduction to Software Engineering(4340702)
Unit : 1 : Software Process Models

1. What are Software Application Domain ?

2. Define software engineering. Draw and explain software engineering layers.
3. Discuss all Generic Framework Activities.
4. Discuss Umbrella activities.
5. Discuss Incremental Process Model with its diagram and compare with Waterfall Model .
6. Explain in brief the Prototype Model and Spiral Model.
7. What is Scrum in software engineering?
8. What is the difference between Agile and iterative waterfall model?
9. List and explain types of Software.

Unit : 2 : Software Requirement Analysis and Design

1. What is requirement engineering and its steps?

2. List five requirement of Library management system.
3. How to write Software Requirement Specification (SRS)?
4. What are the Characteristics of good software design explain?
5. What is Cohesion & Coupling describe with its Classification?
6. What are the four major components of a Data Flow Diagram (DFD)?
7. Design use case diagram for user interaction with ATM system.
8. What is class diagram in software engineering?
9. What is the purpose of sequence diagram in UML?
10. Design Activity diagram for Order processing.

Unit : 3 : Software Project Estimation & Scheduling

1. What are the responsibilities of software project manager?

2. What are metrics for size estimation?
3. How do you estimate a project using COCOMO model?
4. What is the difference between a Gantt chart and a flow chart?
5. Burndown Chart: What Is It & How to Use One for Agile?
6. What is risk management including risk identification assessment and control?

ISE (4340702) Semester - IV

Unit : 4 : Software Coding and Testing

1. Explain the various coding standards and guidelines.

2. What is software documentation in software engineering?
3. What is software testing? Compare Black box and White box testing.
4. Explain the following: (i) Alpha testing (ii) Beta testing
5. Explain the following : (i) Unit testing (ii) Integration testing
6. How do you write a test case documentation?

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