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PPS (3110003) Semester - II

Apollo Institute of Engineering and Technology

Assignment/Question Bank
Branch : CE
Subject : Programming for Problem Solving (3110003)
Unit : 1 : Introduction to computer and programming

1. Name the major components of computer system and give their function.
2. What is software and hardware? Explain different types of software.
3. Give the comparison between high-level language and low-level language.
4. Give the comparison between compiler and interpreter.
5. Compare algorithm and flowchart.
6. What is algorithm? Explain its advantages and disadvantages.
7. What is flowchart? Explain different symbols of flowchart.
8. Write algorithm and draw a flowchart to find area of a triangle.
9. Write algorithm and draw a flowchart to find whether the number is odd or even.
10. Write algorithm and draw a flowchart to find factorial of given number.
11. Write algorithm and draw a flowchart to print first N Fibonacci snumber.

Unit : 2 : Fundamentals of C

1. What are the features or characteristics of C language?.

2. Write C program that reads radius of circle and calculates its area.
3. Classify “C” tokens and give one example of each.
4. Define keyword and identifier. Gives the example and write the rules for declaring identifier.
5. What are the differences between constant and variable?
6. Describe various data types in C.
7. Explain Arithmetic Operators with an example
8. Explain Relational Operators with an example
9. Explain Logical Operators with an example
10. What is type conversion?
11. Explain Unary and ternary Operators with an example

Unit : 3 : Control structure in C

1. Explain Switch Case Statement with example.

2. Explain need of decision making and difference between break and continue statement.
3. Explain if else ladder with example.
4. Explain goto statement with example.
5. Draw flow chart and write syntax for if –else statement.

PPS (3110003) Semester - II

6. Give difference between switch case statement and if else statement.

7. Write Syntax of do.. while loop and explain it with example.
8. Write Syntax of while loop and explain it with example.
9. Write Syntax of for loop and explain it with example.
10. Write syntax for nested for loop. Give any one example.
11. Write a C program to display first 100 numbers using for loop and while loop.
12. What is the difference between while and do...While loop explain with example.
13. Write a Program to print following pattern.

Unit : 4 : Array and String

1. What is Array? How to declare it? Write a program to print sum and average of 10 element
integer array.
2. Write a program to find minimum element in the array.
3. Differentiate Array declaration and Array initialization.
4. Write example code to declare two dimensional array.
5. What is string? Explain at least 4 Built-in string functions with example.

Unit : 5 : Functions and Unit : 6 : Recursion

1. What is user defined function?

2. What is function? Explain the function definition, function prototype and function call with
relative example.
3. Briefly discuss about scope of variable.
4. Describe local and global variable with example.
5. Explain call by value and call by reference.
6. What is recursion? Explain a recursive function with suitable example. Write a recursive
function to find the factorial of a number.
7. What do you mean by actual parameters and formal parameters?
8. Write a program to print fibonacci series in c.

Unit : 7 : Pointers

1. What is pointer? How is pointer variable accessed?

2. Write a program to read n different integer numbers from keyboard and calculate the sum
using pointer.
3. What is pointer to pointer? Write suitable example to demonstrate the concept.
4. Explain array of pointers with suitable example.

PPS (3110003) Semester - II

Unit : 8 : Structures and Unit : 9 : Dynamic Memory Allocation

1. What is structure? Explain with example how to declare a structure and how to initialize it.

2. Explain array of structure with example.

3. Give an example for nested structure and explain how the structure members are accessed in a
nested structure with suitable example.

4. Specify the use of typedef.

5. Explain pointer to structure with suitable example.

6. Explain dynamic memory allocation.

7. Compare arrays and structures.

Unit : 10 : File Management

1. Describe file management. Recall various file modes.

2. Explain fopen() and fclose() file handling functions.

3. Explain the working of getc() and putc() function with example.

4. Explain the need of feof() function.

5. Write syntax of fseek() function and explain it with suitable example.

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