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English Classroom Session assignment

Instruction: This form takes very basic inputs from the learners on the Enguru Classroom
session. Please note that every week after the Enguru IDs is created, students need to complete
the assigned Enguru App levels and once in a week, the students need to attend the Enguru
Classroom session. Each day post the session, this form should be filled up based on the
information from that specific classroom activity session. This Form fill up should be done only
after the classroom activity session. There may be an orientation session on the very first day of
the batch. This form fill up is not applicable for that.

Q.Were you present in the first week classroom activity session?

Ans: -

If you were not present in the session, do not fill up the remaining form.

1) Provide the date of the first week classroom activity session: -

Ans: -

2) Provide the time slot of the classroom session: -

Ans: -

3) Faculty member’s name: -

Ans: -

4) How many levels you completed before this classroom session?

Ans: -

5) How many activities were completed in the classroom session?

Ans: -

6) Give name of two activities that you have done in the classroom session.

Ans: -

7) How many students were present in this classroom activity session?

Ans: -

After filling up the responses, save the document and upload it to the Enguru “1st Week ILT
assignment” segment.

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