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1.Statement: Only pizza are pasta

Some pizza are burger
All burger are Fries
I.some pizza are fries
II. No pasta are fries

A.Only conclusion I follows

B. Neither conclusion I nor II follow
C. Both conclusion I and II follow

2. Statements: All weight are heavy

All heavy are Tough
No heavy are light
I.No weight are light
II. Some tough are not light
III. All tough are heavy

A.Only conclusion II follows

B. Only conclusion III follows

3. Statement: Only a few red is blue

Some blue are pink
All pink are yellow
I.Some blue are yellow
II. Some red are yellow
III. All pink are red

A.Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows

4. Statement: Only box are floor

No box is shelf
All shelf are puzzle
I.No puzzle is floor
II. Some box are puzzle
III. Some shelf are floor

A.Only conclusion I follows

B. Only conclusion II follows

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5. Statements: Only a few starts are race

Some race are ends
All ends are close
I.All ends can be starts
II. Some race are ends
III. All starts can be race

A.Only conclusion III follows

B. Only conclusion II and III follows

6. Statements: Only a few cups are books

Some slates are mugs
All books are slates
A.Only I follows
B. Only II follows
C. Either I nor II follows
D. Both I and II follow

7. Statements: Only a few addition is multiplication

All multiplication is division
All division is subtraction
I.Some division is addition
II. Some subtraction is multiplication

A.Either I nor II follows

B. Only II follows
C. Only I follows
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follow

8. Statements: Only a few balls are bats

All bats are helmets
Only a few helmets are wickets
I.All balls being bats is a possibility
II. All bats can be wickets

A.Either I or II follows
B. Only II follows
C. Neither I nor II follows

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9. Statements: All one are six

All seven are five
No six is five
I.Some one are not five
II. Some seven are not six
III. All seven are six

A.Only conclusion III follows

B. Both conclusion I and II follow

10. Statements: Some cars are buses

Some buses are trains
No train is a tram
I.No car is a train
II. Some tram is car

A.All follow
B. Only I follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. None follow

11. Statements: Some medicines are tablets

Some medicines are not effective
I.Some tablets are effective
II. No effective is a tablet

A.If only conclusion I follows

B. If only conclusion II follows
C. If either conclusion I nor II follows
D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. If both conclusions I and II follows

12. Statements: Some mocks are exams

Some exams are banks
No bank is local
I.Some mocks are local
II. No local is a mock

A.If only conclusion I follows

B. If only conclusion II follows
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C. If either conclusion I or II follows

D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. If both conclusion I and II follows

13. Statements: All home is park

No park is work
All work is office
I.Some office is park
II. No office is park

A.Only II follows
B. Both I and II follows
C. Only I follows
D. Either I or II follows
E. None follows

14. Statements: Only a few laptop are wireless

Only a few internet are wifi
All wireless are wifi
I.All wireless are internet
II. Some wireless are not internet

A.Only I follows
B. Both I and II follow
C. Noly II follows
D. Either I or II follows
E. None follows

15. Statements: Only father is brother

Some father is mother
Some mother is son
I.Some son is father
II. No son is father

A.Only I follows
B. Both I and II follow
C. Only II follows
D. Either I or II follows
E. None follows

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16. Ten persons sit in two parallel rows i.e., row I and row II. Five persons A,B,C,D and E
sit in row II and face towards the south direction. Five persons P,Q,R,S and T sit in row I
and face towards the north direction. Persons in row I sit opposite to the persons in row
II. Row II is to the north of row I. the distance between any two adjacent persons in a row
is same.
C sits second to the left of A. the one, who sits immediate left of C, sits opposite to S.
only one person sits between S and R. D sits opposite to the one, who sits immediate left
of T. D doesn’t sit adjacent to C.P doesn’t sit opposite to D and E doesn’t sit opposite to
Who among the following persons sits third to the right of Q?

17. Seven persons Kiya, Raj, Piya, Richa, Puja, pema and Mita study in three different
schools among DAV, DSP and BVM. At least two and at most three persons study in the
same school.
Mita studies in DSP , piya and Kiya study in different schools. Kiya doesn’t study in DAV
and piya doesn’t study in DSP. Raj studies with only one person. Raj studies neither
with piya nor with mita. Richa and pema study in the same school but not in DAV. Puja
doesn’t study with piya.
_______________and_________study in BVM.

18. Eight boxes are placed one above the other in a stack. Not more than two boxes are
placed above box Q. three boxes are placed between box Q and T. two boxes are placed
between box U and S, which is placed below box T. box U does not place immediate
above box T. box P is placed immediate above box V. box R is placed above box W but
does not place above box V.

19. Directions: Eight persons – A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H sit around a circular table at equal
distances, but not necessarily in the Same order. Some persons are facing towards the
centre of the table and some persons are facing away from the centre of the table.
D sits third to the right of H. four persons sit between A and D.E, who is neighbour of A,
sits immediate to the right of G. C sits second to the left of B, who faces the same
direction as H. immediate neighbours of C face inwards. Not more than two adjacent
persons face in the same direction. E does not face in the same direction as D.
Person C sits____of_____
I.Second to the left, E
II. Third to the right, F
III. Immediate left, D

20. Eight persons M,N,O,P,Q,R,S and T work in same company. Each of thm has
designation in the order of precedence i.e. CEO, CTO, Manager, product manager,
assistant manager, content manager, SME and HR such that the post of CEO is better
than CTO, which is better than manager and so on.

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P is the SME. At least two persons have better post than Q, who has better post than M,
who is the Assistant Manager. Q has better post than S and T. neither S nor T is the Hr.
O has better post than N, who has better post than S.
Who among the following is CEO?

21. Certain number of persons sit in a linear row facing north direction. Equal number
of persons sits to the right and left of M. M sits 7th to the left of K. only three persons sit
between M and A. equal number of persons sit between P and K as between A and G.
Two persons sit between K and D. d sits 2nd to the right of F, who sits 5th to the right of
S. equal number of persons sit between F and D as between S and P, who sits to the left
of S. S doesn’t sit adjacent to A. No one sits to the left of G.
How many persons are sitting in the row?

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