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"On the day of the broken engagement, I got married to the heir of a wealthy family"

Author: Overlord Flower

The relationship with my boyfriend for many years finally couldn't withstand the cruelty of reality
On the day of getting the marriage certificate, he revealed his true colors and escaped without
In order to repay her mother's kindness in raising her, Lin Yiran asked a security guard to get her
certificate at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau.
She had no hope for marriage, but after marriage she was spoiled by her cheap and arrogant
Any problem she encounters can be solved in minutes with just a wave of her cheap husband's
Until one day, a man's daily routine of doting on his wife was exposed by the media, and Lin Yiran
discovered that the Mrs. Huo, whom all the women in the city envied and were almost drooling
over, was actually her!

Chapter 1: We Are All Wanderers

It is a hot September and the sun is scorching hot.
Lin Yiran had been standing under the only shade tree in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau for more
than an hour. Although he was sweating profusely from the heat, his heart was as cold as winter.
"Yi Ran, look at how sick your mother is, and your sister is only in elementary school. My mother
thinks the burden is too heavy and doesn't agree to our marriage. She doesn't want me to raise
my sister with you. Let's just break up so that we don't bother each other."
The sound of the phone call that just ended is still ringing in my ears.
Unconsciously, tears slid down Lin Yiran's fair little face.
She and Li Tianhao got together in their sophomore year and got engaged to her when they
graduated. He also promised to work hard with her and to be together for the rest of their lives.
But now her mother has been diagnosed with advanced liver cancer and will not live for many
days. The only thing she is worried about is her and her sister, and she hopes to see her get
She was taken home from the orphanage by her mother when she was six years old. She could
not repay her mother for the kindness over the past decade, so she could only try her best to
fulfill her wish.
She thought marrying Li Tianhao was a natural thing, but she didn't expect that he not only stood
her up, but also broke up with her.
Just because you don't want to raise your sister with her?
But she never asked him for a penny.
All promises and vows become cruel reality in the face of real responsibilities.
"I don't want to go in!"
Suddenly, a sharp female voice was heard, interrupting Lin Yiran's helpless grief.
She couldn't help but turn her head and look over.
A woman in bright clothes and exquisite makeup was throwing a red velvet box in her hand at the
man opposite her.
"You are a liar. You are not even as good as me. You are a poor security guard. You took a broken
ring bought from a two-dollar store and told me it was an heirloom? You are kidding! I will never
get married to you even if I die!"
After she said that, she turned around and left. The smell of cheap perfume was choking even
from a distance.
Huo Jinlin snorted contemptuously and brushed off his collar that was stained with the cheap
fragrance with disdain.
Such a gold digger was actually worthy of her grandmother forcing him to go on a hunger strike.
She even threw away her ancestral emerald ring as if it were junk from a two-dollar store!
It's so ridiculous!
He was about to bend down to pick up the box, but a small hand handed the box to him before
he could.
The fragrant sweet-scented osmanthus scent dispelled the disgusting smell of perfume.
Huo Jinlin looked up at Lin Yiran, and his beautiful phoenix eyes narrowed coldly.
Lin Yiran was slightly nearsighted and had not seen Huo Jinlin's appearance clearly just now. But
when he saw the other's handsome face up close, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.
How can someone so beautiful be dumped in the street?
It seems that they are really poor.
She had no time to think.
When I saw a man being dumped, an extremely bold and absurd idea came to my mind.
She needs to get married, quickly!
And this person who came to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get married wearing only a security
guard's uniform must have been very anxious.
At the same time, maybe we can help each other as we are all wandering around the world.
"Hello, sir. My name is Lin Yiran. I'm 25 years old this year. I'm in good health and have no bad
habits. I opened a fried chicken shop with someone else and I earn about 8,000 yuan a month. I
have a seven-year-old sister to take care of and my mother is seriously ill. I hope I can get married
as soon as possible!"
Huo Jinlin stared at Lin Yiran. His identity often attracted a group of admirers, and he was not
surprised by all kinds of encounter tricks.
“This has nothing to do with me!”
Seeing him about to leave, Lin Yiran said anxiously, "I don't mind you being poor, and I don't want
a dowry. If you are worried about the heavy responsibility, I can sign an agreement with you. I will
bear all the expenses of my family. You... you just need to marry me, sir, can you reconsider it?"
Huo Jinlin's footsteps suddenly stopped.
He looked down at the security uniform on his body. How could someone propose to him when
he looked so shabby?
Out of some curiosity, he looked at the woman suspiciously.
Seeing that the other party did not refuse immediately, Lin Yiran quickly took a step forward,
stood in front of Huo Jinlin, and took out all the prepared materials in the bag.
"I'm not a liar. If you don't believe me, we can sign the agreement first and then go in to get the
The girl's eyes were clear and anxious, but the corners of her eyes were red from crying.
Huo Jinlin raised his eyebrows slightly, showing some interest.
My grandma has many tricks to force me to get married. This time, I was about to get the
marriage certificate but was broken off. If I want to have a quiet life in the future, finding
someone to marry is undoubtedly the best choice.
"My name is Huo Jinlin, I'm 30 years old, I work as a security guard at CK Group, I earn 5,500
yuan, and I get a 20,000 yuan bonus at the end of the year. I don't have a house or a car, my
family lives in an old house, and I have two children who are just in kindergarten to raise. Are you
willing to marry me?"
How much money you make depends on your ability, and this is difficult to change.
But he did not abandon the elderly and children to enjoy himself alone. At least this man is very
Unlike her adoptive father, who had an affair with a woman of questionable character and no
longer cared about the lives of his adoptive mother and sister after having a son, completely
exposing his bad nature of favoring boys over girls.
Lin Yiran hesitated for a few seconds, but soon nodded in agreement.
"I'll marry!"
Huo Jinlin was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the woman would be willing to marry
under such conditions.
Lin Yiran seemed to see Huo Jinlin's distrust, and she raised her smiling face.
"We are still young. As long as we work hard and endure hardships, we will be able to live a good
life. Don't worry, when my sister was born, I was already in high school. I basically raised her. I
have experience in taking care of children."
Not only did she not mind that he had two children, she also offered to help take care of them!
Is this woman not after money, but sex?
Huo Jinlin looked a little strange.
"I can marry you, but I have to make the agreement. As long as you treat my family well, I won't
ignore your family's expenses. But as for sex, I can't do it without an emotional foundation!"
Lin Yiran's face turned red instantly.
She and Li Tianhao had never even kissed each other.
Suddenly she found herself discussing her married life with a strange man in the street, and she
was so ashamed that she wanted to find a hole to crawl into.
"I...I agree!"
She suddenly felt hot and sweaty, and fanned herself with her hands awkwardly. Her mouth also
became dry. "Wait for me a moment, I'll be back soon."
After she finished speaking, she turned and ran. Her slender figure quickly disappeared at the
entrance of the supermarket at the corner. In less than five minutes, she came back and handed a
bottle of ice water to Huo Jinlin.
"The security uniforms are not breathable. Drink something to cool down and avoid getting a
heat stroke!"
As she spoke, she took out the paper and pen she had just bought, and began to write on the
curb nearby.
The back could not be covered by the shade of the tree, and the white shirt was soon soaked
with sweat.
Huo Jinlin looked down at the one-yuan Jinmailang in his hand, and a slight chill dispelled his
He stretched out his long legs and silently stood behind Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran was feeling blinded when a shadow suddenly fell. She looked back and saw the man
drinking water with his head tilted back. His cold and hard chin did not look friendly, but at this
moment, Lin Yiran felt inexplicably relieved.
She quickly wrote the agreement, and after the two of them signed it, they walked into the Civil
Affairs Bureau one after the other.

Chapter 2 Obtaining the Certificate

The central air conditioning in the Civil Affairs Bureau blew away the sweat on my body.
Lin Yiran straightened his shirt and looked up to see that there was a long queue at the divorce
The faces of men and women were filled with indifference.
Her steps suddenly stopped.
Huo Jinlin, who was following behind her, almost bumped into her. He moved to the side and
looked down to see that Lin Yiran's face was very gloomy.
The eyes that were bright and excited just now were now full of resistance.
He couldn't help but sneer in his heart.
"I haven't filled out the form yet, it's not too late to regret leaving now!"
Huo Jinlin reminded coldly.
Lin Yiran suddenly came back to her senses and turned to look at Huo Jinlin. Her little face was
tense, and even her body was tense.
“Can you stay faithful during your marriage?”
She didn't care whether he was poor or not, or whether he had children or elderly people to
But she couldn't accept extramarital affairs like her adoptive father did.
She had witnessed her adoptive mother's pain with her own eyes, and the fear in her heart could
never be dispelled.
Huo Jinlin was stunned. He didn't expect her to ask such a question, but he nodded
subconsciously. "Of course, even if I don't like you, I will respect my marriage."
Lin Yiran stared at Huo Jinlin, the tension in her eyes not relaxing.
"After we get married, I will do my best to live a good life with you. But after all, we don't have
any emotional foundation. If you meet someone you really like, you can tell me directly and we
can get a divorce, but I don't accept deception!"
Huo Jinlin thought of the blush in Lin Yiran's eyes from crying when he first met her. Combined
with these words, his expression couldn't help but become a little gloomy.
"Do you want me to record what I just said?"
The man raised his eyebrows with a haughty look in his eyes, "I can live a good life with you, but
you also have to be loyal to me!"
After that, he grabbed her wrist forcefully and said, "Come with me."
When he reached a corner, he took out his mobile phone and turned on the recording function.
"I, Huo Jinlin, promise to Ms. Lin Yiran that I will remain absolutely faithful during the marriage. If
there is any misconduct, I will automatically divorce her and leave the house with nothing. At the
same time, I will compensate Ms. Lin Yiran one million for mental damages!"
The man's voice was deep and firm.
That's it. Even if nothing was done, it seemed to slowly soothe Lin Yiran's worries.
"I, Lin Yin, promise Mr. Huo Jinlin that I will remain absolutely faithful during the marriage. If
there is any misconduct or any action that harms Mr. Huo Jinlin's family, I will automatically
divorce him and leave the house, and at the same time compensate Mr. Huo Jinlin one million for
mental damages!"
When Huo Jinlin heard Lin Yiran's extra words, his heart was warmed, but he pretended to be
She made not only a promise, but also a responsibility.
This woman seems a little different.
The two people put away their mobile phones, lined up to fill out forms, and completed the
sacred ceremony under the guidance of the staff.
Lin Yiran finally breathed a sigh of relief after getting the marriage certificate.
Huo Jinlin just glanced at it indifferently, put it casually into his trouser pocket, and walked out
with big strides.
Came here last minute to get married as a meeting had been delayed.
Seeing that he was walking fast, Lin Yiran quickly chased after him, and finally stopped him
outside the door.
"Mr. Huo, Mr. Huo, wait a moment..."
Huo Jinlin frowned, looking a little unhappy, "What's wrong?"
He only got married because he was forced to, and he doesn't like clingy women. His promise has
been recorded and the certificate has been obtained. His goal has been achieved. What else is
there to waste time on here?
His attitude made Lin Yiran a little flustered, and she couldn't help but tighten the marriage
certificate in her hand.
Now that they are a legal couple, visiting their parents should be part of their obligation.
"Mr. Huo, my mother knows that I'm going to the Civil Affairs Bureau today to handle the
paperwork. Can you accompany me to the hospital to see her and fulfill this wish? Maybe she..."
She can make it!
Lin Yiran's words were stuck in her throat. She felt a little stupid. With liver cancer in the late
stage, there was no chance of recovery.
Seeing her eyes red again, Huo Jinlin's heart was suddenly touched, and he finally nodded in
Then, he took out his cell phone from his pocket and sent a message to his assistant.
Lin Yiran thought he was asking for leave from his boss, so she pursed her lips and said, "Sorry to
bother you today! I will try not to delay your work time in the future!"
"Go, go!"
Huo Jinlin didn't say anything. He quickly walked down the stairs and prepared to take a taxi, but
was stopped by Lin Yiran.
"Use the mini app to take a taxi. There is a coupon today, so it's much cheaper!"
She pulled Huo Jinlin to stand in the shadows and began to operate flexibly.
Huo Jinlin hesitated to speak.
He could earn back a truckload of Mao Zedong's money by wasting time.
"Brother, happy wedding, buy a bouquet of flowers for your bride?" A childish voice suddenly
sounded, and a little boy in school uniform holding a dozen bouquets of roses came over. He
raised his little face and looked at Huo Jinlin expectantly.
Lin Yiran kept staring at the map on his phone, which showed that the driver was still two
hundred meters away.
"Mr. Huo, the car is almost here, let's go to the roadside..."
Seeing that the car was about to arrive, she looked up and was surprised to see Huo Jinlin stuffing
a bouquet of roses into her arms.
The fragrant aroma instantly hit her nose, and Lin Yiran was stunned for a moment.
A girl’s wedding is the most special day in her life. Even though there is no anticipation, Lin Yiran
still feels a little sweet and warm in her heart at this moment.
“It’s not easy for elementary school students to do internships during the summer vacation,
please support us!”
His expression was cold, and his sudden stern words interrupted Lin Yiran's immersion. After she
reacted, he chased after him again.
"Thank you, Mr. Huo. I like it very much. But next time, don't waste money. The money spent on
these flowers is enough to buy a few pounds of ribs. Children in kindergarten are in the growth
stage, so they must keep up with nutrition!"
She kept mumbling to herself, and her clear voice was clearly filled with the flavor of family
affairs, but it made people feel inexplicably comfortable when listening to it.
Huo Jinlin glanced at her arrogantly.
At the same time, he couldn't help but think of those two chubby children. They had no
impression of their parents' death, and every time they saw him, they would naively ask him for
their mother.
I just don’t know if they will be satisfied with this mother.
Huo Jinlin turned his head to look at the woman who was fiddling with roses from time to time.
The red earlobe looks like an attractive cherry.
Forget it, let’s wait.
If what this woman reveals is all false, it will cast a shadow in the child's heart.
"My parents and children all live in my hometown and will not move here for the time being. I am
living in a staff dormitory now, and I cannot bring family members to a four-person room. If I rent
a house..."
Lin Yiran withdrew her gaze from the roses and raised her head.
"You can move in with me. I rented a two-bedroom, one-living-room house. I cook for myself,
which can save a lot of living costs. If you bring your children over in the future, we can find a way
to rent a bigger one!"
Huo Jinlin frowned slightly when he heard this. He didn't expect that she would get into the role
so quickly and include him and the child's life in her plans.
The man seemed to have grasped some information from it, "You live alone?"
He is not used to living with too many people.
He only goes back to the Huo family's old house once a week.
Lin Yiran immediately explained: "My sister lives with me, there is enough room!"
When Huo Jinlin heard this, he actually felt an inexplicable expectation in his heart, and actually
started to report in advance: "I can't do housework!"
Lin Yiran didn't expect that a father wouldn't be able to do housework?
I guess it’s because there are elderly people at home to help out.
She thought for a moment and said, "It's okay. I can teach you. It's very simple. My sister can
wash her own clothes and cook instant noodles. You can definitely learn it too!"
Huo Jinlin had a frown on his forehead.
Did he mean to learn about housework?
Is this woman looking down on his intelligence by appearing to be encouraging him?
A seven-year-old kid can do it, so how could he not do it?
"Okay, I'll move there tonight!"
Huo Jinlin agreed with a cold face.

Chapter 3 Contact Information

Lin Yiran didn't notice Huo Jinlin's mood change. She took out her phone and said, "Let's add
each other's contact information. I only have one key. Call me when you move in, in case no one
is home!"
Huo Jinlin spoke indifferently and gave his personal phone number.
Lin Yiran called and after they saved each other's numbers, her phone suddenly rang again.
When she saw the caller ID, she immediately became a little nervous, took a heavy breath, and
picked up the phone.
The helpless cry of a little girl was heard from the receiver.
"Sister, I'm scared. Mom has fainted and was rushed to the emergency room. Does she want Yiyi
Lin Yiyi's crying made Lin Yiran's eyes red instantly. She tried her best to suppress her emotions.
Her hands involuntarily clenched the bouquet, and her knuckles turned white from the force.
"Be good, Yiyi. Sister will be back soon. Mom hasn't seen Sister get married yet. She will be fine!"
Her voice was unusually gentle, but her tears fell uncontrollably.
Huo Jinlin did not comfort him, but looked at the driver in front and said in a deep voice, "Please
hurry up!"
The car accelerated, but when it turned towards the street leading to the hospital, it quickly
"There's a traffic jam ahead! If you're in a hurry, it's faster to get off here and run over there than
to take a bus!"
Lin Yiran had already hung up the phone. Upon hearing this, he immediately opened the car door
and rushed out.
Huo Jinlin looked at the scorching hot weather outside with a look of disinterest on his face, and
could only accept his fate and follow.
Outside the emergency room on the sixth floor, Lin Yiyi was the only one waiting.
The thin figure huddled on the ground, head down and hugging his legs, his suppressed crying
revealed helplessness and fear.
Hearing the hurried footsteps, she raised her head in panic, and burst into tears the moment she
saw Lin Yiran.
"elder sister!"
She climbed up and rushed into Lin Yiran's arms, hugging him tightly, as if a drowning person had
grabbed the only straw.
She was afraid that her mother would never wake up again.
Lin Yiran coaxed her to sit on the chair, and Lin Yiyi held her hand tightly.
"Sister, if mom can't wake up, will you give me to that man?"
That man was Lin Yiyi’s biological father, Lin Tianhong.
In the second year after Lin Yiyi was born, Lin Tianhong had a son with someone else. He has
been living with the mother and son for all these years, but he is dragging his feet and refusing to
It was all for the old house left by Lin Yiyi’s grandmother.
The old house is within the school district planning area, and the documents for relocation were
just issued this year. Although the house is not big, the location is excellent, and I can get at least
two to three million in compensation.
Once his adoptive mother Xu Juan dies, Lin Tianhong will definitely take Lin Yiyi away forcibly for
the money.
That man has never fulfilled his responsibilities as a father. How can Lin Yiyi have a future with
But Lin Yiran was just an adopted daughter, and she had no chance of snatching her away. Seeing
Lin Yiyi's panic, she could only suppress the sadness in her heart and promised in a gentle voice.
"Sister, promise that you will never let him take you away, okay?"
After getting the assurance, Lin Yiyi felt much better. She also noticed Huo Jinlin standing beside
her and blinked her big eyes.
"Sister, who is he? Didn't you go to marry Brother Tianhao? Why didn't Brother Tianhao come?"
Lin Yiran hurriedly said, "This is Mr. Huo, the man who is getting married to my sister today. Li
Tianhao...didn't come!"
When this name was mentioned again, Lin Yiran's heart still ached, but she was not the kind of
person who would dwell on it. Some unworthy feelings should be thrown away just like that!
Huo Jinlin leaned over to look at Lin Yiyi, trying his best to smile gently.
"Hello, I am your legitimate brother-in-law. I will take care of you together with your sister. You
can tell me if you have any requests!"
Lin Yiran looked at Huo Jinlin in surprise. She didn't expect this man to make such a promise.
Whether she was acting on purpose to make Lin Yiyi happy or she really meant it, her heart was
filled with gratitude.
"Thank you, Mr. Huo!"
Huo Jinlin quickly glanced at Lin Yiran, and his expression returned to normal.
"Since we're married, there's no need to say thank you."
He paused, then asked uncomfortably, "What disease does your mother have?"
"Advanced liver cancer!"
Huo Jinlin's face darkened slightly. "Is it not possible to do a partial resection surgery?"
"It was too late when we found out. The doctor said it was meaningless to have the surgery or
not. The cancer cells were spreading. We could only do our best and leave the rest to fate!"
Lin Yiran's voice was slightly choked.
Lin Yiyi's mood also became depressed.
Huo Jinlin's eyes darkened, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "Jinguan Pharmaceutical
has introduced a new drug from abroad that has a very good effect on liver cancer, but it has not
been used clinically on a large scale in China. I heard from my friend some time ago that they are
recruiting clinical drug testers, and the requirement is that the liver cancer is in the late stage and
has progressed to the third stage. I heard that the effect is good, you can try it."
Lin Yiran and Lin Yiyi looked at Huo Jinlin at the same time, their two pairs of bright and clear
eyes filled with ecstasy after despair.
"Is it really effective?"
"It is said that the suppression rate can be as low as 30%!"
"Thirty percent?" Lin Yiran stood up suddenly and grabbed Huo Jinlin's hand. ", my
friend, can you help us sign up? I want to send my mother over."
The hospital has issued several critical illness notices, and the doctor told Lin Yiran very bluntly
that Xu Juan would not survive more than a week.
Whether or not this drug really works, at least it's a hope.
Huo Jinlin felt the softness and trembling of that little hand. The cold and hard lines on his face
instantly tensed up and he pulled back uncomfortably.
Lin Yiran also realized her impulsiveness and quickly let the person go, her face slightly hot.
At this time, Lin Yiyi suddenly tugged at Huo Jinlin's clothes.
"Brother-in-law, you just said that I can tell you anything I want. I want my mother to be alive. I
don't want to be taken away by that man."
Her big eyes were filled with tears, but she called him "brother-in-law" sincerely.
Facing the child's helpless plea, Huo Jinlin tried to reduce the sharpness in his eyes and spoke
gently, "I can't guarantee that your mother will be alive, but I will do my best to help."
Lin Yiran was afraid that Huo Jinlin would be embarrassed, so she quickly pulled Lin Yiyi over, but
she also said that it would be fine if it was embarrassing.
Like Lin Yiyi, she desperately needed Xu Juan to be alive.
Only if she is alive, Lin Tianhong will not get what he wants.
Huo Jinlin seemed to know her dilemma and took out his cell phone and said, "Stay here and I'll
call and ask if they need anyone else!"
Lin Yiran looked at his tall and straight back as he walked away, and that sense of security came
over her again.
Lin Yiyi suddenly said, "Sister, will my brother-in-law be like Brother Tianhao and never come
Lin Yiran was stunned, and inexplicably felt that it was not possible!
As Huo Jinlin walked out, he called his good friend Shen Qing.
"How is the development of your new drug going?"
Shen Qing was sorting data on the computer and turned on the speakerphone. He laughed when
he heard this.
"Oh my big boss, you are finally interested in the project you invested in? Aren't you afraid that I
will run away with more than 1 billion?"
"Stop talking nonsense. Were you bragging when you told me that the inhibition rate was 30%
last time?"
"Master Huo, you can question my character, but you cannot question my professionalism. Let
me tell you the latest progress. According to yesterday's data, the inhibition rate has soared to
142%. Isn't that amazing?"
Huo Jinlin's frown relaxed slightly, and he breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll send someone over, with
the best medicine, the best equipment, and the best treatment plan, to try to prolong her life!"
Shen Qing was stunned. "Master Huo, which nobleman actually invited this great Buddha like
"My mother-in-law!"

Chapter 4 She is not the kind of person who despises the poor and loves the rich!
Shen Qing was stunned. His hands trembled and he almost deleted the form he had just
prepared. It took him a long time to find his voice. "Mr. Huo, are you married?"
Huo Jinlin hummed.
Shen Qing's tongue was almost tied. "You...did you really marry that country woman you've never
Huo Jinlin had a childhood marriage. It was said that it was promised by Grandpa Huo to the local
village party secretary when he went to the countryside. No one took the verbal promise
But when Grandpa Huo passed away, he thought of this matter again and left a message that as
long as the other party was not married, Huo Jinlin must marry her as promised.
At that time, Huo Jinlin was only in his early twenties and his career was in full swing. Naturally,
Grandma Huo looked down on this marriage and delayed it.
Although Huo Jinlin was successful in his career, he was known as a Buddhist in the upper class
circle and there was no female around him.
Later, he brought his deceased friend's two children back home, looking very contented with
having children.
As she was about to turn thirty, Grandma Huo started to get anxious.
No matter how much you like other people's children, they are not the blood of the Huo family.
After Grandma Huo introduced several socialites to Huo Jinlin and was rejected every time, she
directly told him Grandpa Huo's last words.
From then on, she cried, made a fuss, and even threatened to hang herself, until she was forced
to get married.
Only a few of Huo Jinlin's good brothers knew about this, but no one took it seriously.
Huo Jinlin doesn't like so many beautiful and educated women, so how could he marry a strange
country woman?
But now...
Shen Qing tried to hold back his laughter and comforted him, "Master Huo, in fact, the old lady
just wants a child. If you turn off the lights and blindfold women, they are all the same. If that
doesn't work, I have some medicine here that will make sure you can't tell the difference
between a male and a female!"
"Get lost!" Huo Jinlin yelled angrily, briefly explaining the flash marriage, and then said, "Her
mother's condition is not optimistic. Judging from her condition, it will be very troublesome if her
mother dies. I don't want to run into trouble right after getting married."
"You arrange for someone to come over now and pick her up immediately after her mother
comes out of the emergency room!"
Shen Qing clicked his tongue twice.
Although Huo Jinlin is known as a son of Buddha, there are countless women who want to
dethrone Buddha, and no one has succeeded in all these years.
Now, he has fallen into the hands of a woman he picked up at the Civil Affairs Bureau. Who would
believe it if I told them?
"Master Huo, this is the first time I see you care so much about a woman. I really can't wait to
meet this little sister-in-law!"
Huo Jinlin was slightly stunned, and a light flashed in his eyes that he had not noticed.
However, it soon disappeared again.
Does he care?
Isn't this what a husband should do?
He didn't want his best friend to misunderstand that he had any interest in a woman he picked
up, so his voice became noticeably deeper. "This is a marital obligation, and it has nothing to do
with women."
"Also, I didn't tell her my identity. If you want to see her, you'd better change into security
uniforms. You can also carry a stretcher!"
"Pfft! A security guard carrying a stretcher? Master Huo, you're forcing me to play the role of a
security guard? Are you afraid that my appearance as a romantic nobleman will blind my sister-
"She is not the kind of person who despises the poor and loves the rich!" Huo Jinlin was surprised
after he said this, and then explained, "I just want to prove this point, if I can bring it to Dabao
and Erbao!"
"Master Huo, did you also tell me about the child?"
"Well, I said it was my child, and she accepted it and was willing to raise it with me!"
Shen Qing suddenly understood why Huo Jinlin agreed to marry Lin Yiran and was anxious to
send her mother to the research institute.
Shen Qing also knew Dabao and Erbao's parents. The father of the children had cancer, and was
diagnosed with late-stage cancer. He couldn't bear the blow and chose to commit suicide. When
the mother of the children learned the news, she went into premature labor and had
hemorrhage and could not be saved.
The seven-month-old twins had to be kept in an incubator for a long time before they survived.
It was because of this incident that Huo Jinlin invested in a research institute and introduced
many new drugs, spending billions of dollars. Now he has finally achieved some success.
"Master Huo, since my sister-in-law has accepted the children, why are you still hiding it? Just
take them back. Aren't the two children looking for their mother?"
"With my identity, if we can't get along and get divorced in the future, it will have a huge impact
on both of us, so it's best not to tell her right now. I don't want my first and second children to
lose their mother after they have one!"
When Huo Jinlin does things, he always takes all possible outcomes into consideration; he is used
to being in control.
Shen Qing did not persuade him any further, "I will arrange someone right away, but the
formalities at the hospital need to be completed!"
"Okay, I'll take care of it!"
Huo Jinlin hung up the phone after he finished speaking and looked at the time on the screen. It
was already past twelve o'clock.
He thought about it and walked out quickly, ready to buy some food to bring up.
The scene of him leaving was seen clearly by the two sisters who were standing on the windowsill
to catch their breath.
Lin Yiyi's lips pouted and she was about to cry again.
"Sister, my brother-in-law really ran away!"
Lin Yiran bit her lips tightly. She felt very uncomfortable, but she still comforted Lin Yiyi softly.
"No, we're married, he won't run away!"
Her voice was very soft, as if she didn't even believe it herself.
Although Lin Yiyi was young and didn't understand love, she knew how it felt to be abandoned,
and she immediately hugged Lin Yiran with her little hands.
"Sister, Yiyi will never run away!"
At this moment, the door of the operating room suddenly opened, and a nurse came hurriedly
with a piece of paper in her hand.
"Who is Xu Juan's family member? Come over and sign the critical illness notice!"
Lin Yiran's legs almost went weak on the ground, and she signed the contract with shaking hands.
The operating room door closed again.
The two sisters' hearts fell to the bottom again.
Huo Jinlin came back with two lunch boxes, glanced at the closed operating room door, and said
in a deep voice, "Eat first, the patient will need your care later. My friend at Jinguan
Pharmaceutical has already signed you up!"
Looking at the man who had come back, Lin Yiran mechanically took the lunch box.
Didn't he run away?
Lin Yiyi was a child after all. She smelled the delicious food and was already too hungry to care.
She immediately opened the box and started eating. While eating, she said incoherently,
"Brother-in-law, I thought you were not coming back!"
Huo Jinlin smiled when he heard this, "We are a family. How could I not come back when you are
Lin Yiran, who was originally dazed, suddenly burst into tears without warning, and her tears fell
on the lunch box. She felt both touched and sad.
Her boyfriend of many years left her, while this man whom she had just known for one day was
busy running around for her. She thought all her previous efforts were in vain, and she would
definitely be extra nice to Huo Jinlin in the future.
"I'm not hungry, you eat!"
She sniffed and handed over the lunch box.
Huo Jinlin raised his hand, opened the lunch box and put it back in her hand.
"Jinguang Pharmaceutical will send someone over soon. How can we have the energy to handle
the formalities if we don't eat?"
Lin Yiran thought of the critical illness notice and what the nurse had said, and her heart was so
heavy that she couldn't eat a single grain of rice.
"Mr. Huo, thank you so much. The doctor said my mother may not survive this time!"
Huo Jinlin couldn't help but frown.
If the person cannot be revived, there is no point in giving medication again.
He couldn't do anything about this, but seeing her giving up on herself due to the unknown
outcome, he said coldly, "If you don't believe your mother can make it, then where does her
desire to survive come from?"
Lin Yiran's heart trembled violently, and her red eyes lit up again. After hesitating for a moment,
she lowered her head and quickly scooped a large spoonful of rice mixed with vegetables into her
Yes, mom doesn’t even know she’s married, so how could she bear to leave!

Chapter 5 Where to Live

After waiting for another half an hour, the operation was over.
The doctor said that the patient had a strong desire to survive and he managed to pull through.
Lin Yiran and Lin Yiyi cried with joy. After sending Xu Juan back to the ward, Lin Yiran went to the
attending physician's office and told him about her request for transfer to another hospital.
In Xu Juan's case, it is normal for her family to give up treatment.
After all, no matter how it is treated, it will not last more than a few days. Being able to hold on
until now is already very filial.
"The transfer procedure is fine, but we have to wait until the patient wakes up! Your mother is
not a completely unconscious patient. Discharge requires her consent and signature. Otherwise,
if we agree to discharge her without permission from her family while she is in a coma, our
hospital will also be held responsible!"
After Lin Yiran asked about the time when Xu Juan woke up, she thanked him and returned to the
ward to tell Huo Jinlin what happened.
Huo Jinlin had no objection. He sent a message to Shen Qing and arranged for her to be
transferred to another hospital in the evening.
After the arrangements were made, Huo Jinlin had no intention of staying in the ward any longer.
He pretended to be a reasonable security worker and said, "I have already taken today's leave. I
didn't have full attendance when I went back in the afternoon. I will go back to the dormitory to
pack up and move. If the hospital needs you, you can call me!"
Lin Yiran nodded and handed over the key.
After Huo Jinlin took it, he paused.
"Which room do I stay in?"
When Lin Yiyi heard this, she suddenly raised her hand and said, "I want to live with my sister!"
Although this brother-in-law doesn't look bad, he is still a stranger to her after all.
The instinctive rejection and fear still cannot be dispelled all at once.
Lin Yiran hurriedly said, "Mr. Huo, summer vacation will be over in a few days. Yiyi has to go to
school and I have to get up early to cook. You will sleep better in a separate room."
Huo Jinlin's face was filled with black lines.
He didn't seem to ask to sleep with her.
A sharp gaze was fixed on Lin Yiran, "So, which room should I sleep in?"
Lin Yiran seemed to realize something and was a little embarrassed for a moment. He said
anxiously, "The one on the west side!"
She gave up her largest bedroom. To her, Huo Jinlin was not only her new husband, but also the
benefactor of their family.
"Okay!" Huo Jinlin didn't hesitate, took the key and turned to leave.
Lin Yiyi stared at his back and whispered, “Sister, does your brother-in-law want to sleep with
Huo Jinlin, who had not walked far, staggered and almost fell.
Lin Yiran's little face suddenly turned red, and she quickly covered Lin Yiyi's mouth.
"Children are not allowed to ask about adult matters!"
Huo Jinlin quickened his pace and walked out, while giving the bodyguard the location.
Soon a black Cullinan stopped at the intersection.
Huo Jinlin's security uniform was taken off, revealing a black custom-made short T-shirt. His
muscle lines were faintly visible under the black fabric, and his cold white skin was full of alluring
desire, but the aura emanating from his body exuded a kind of oppression that kept people at a
"Go back to Nanlinyuan!"
"Yes, Master Huo!"
Nanlinyuan is the old residence of the Huo family. The quaint courtyard has experienced a
hundred years of wind and rain.
At this moment, the atmosphere in the hall of the house was extremely tense.
The broken porcelain pieces on the ground showed that someone had just gotten quite angry.
Song Yuwan, who was wearing a noblewoman's cheongsam, signaled the servants to clean up the
broken porcelain pieces, and then she came to the sofa and sat down.
"Mom, she's just a country girl. Jinlin didn't want to get married in the first place. It doesn't
matter if it doesn't work out. Besides, it's the other party who broke off the engagement, so it
doesn't count as going against Dad's last wish."
The old lady became very angry when she heard this.
"My grandson is such a good person, good-looking and capable, why does she look down on him?
And she even broke off the engagement in the street? Doesn't my grandson have any face?
Doesn't my Huo family have any face?"
Song Yuwan...
Well, she was overthinking it.
No matter when or what happens, no one can compare to Huo Jinlin's status, and the old lady
will definitely protect him first.
"Yes, our Jin Lin just waved his hand and a bunch of women gathered around him. Mom, are you
still worried that he can't find a wife?"
The old lady's tone softened, but her expression was extremely resentful.
"What's the point of having a bunch of women around him? He doesn't want them! Yu Wan, do
you think Jin Lin really likes men as the outside world says?"
Song Yuwan choked again.
The old lady was anxious again, "No, no, you must quickly get back the information of those
noble ladies that you suppressed before. No matter what, you must let Jin Lin marry a wife. The
Huo family has been a single-line family for three generations. How can you let the incense be cut
off in my hands?"
As she was urging, the housekeeper hurried in.
"Madam, the young master is back!"
The old lady instantly became alert, "Daughter-in-law, there will be a bride-selection ceremony at
Nanlin Garden tonight. Don't just look at them one by one. Call them all and tell them that as
long as my grandson likes them, we will give them 900 million as a betrothal gift!"
Song Yuwan held his forehead with his hand.
The old lady really thinks whatever she wants. If this were to be made public, Huo Jinlin would be
eaten alive by a group of goblins tonight.
She couldn't persuade him and could only hope that Huo Jinlin could save himself.
Huo Jinlin got off the Cullinan and went straight into the front hall.
On the way, he called his assistant and went to the villa where he lived to pack some daily
necessities and prepare a few sets of security uniforms and a slightly broken suitcase.
He didn't live in Nanlinyuan permanently, he came here to tell the old lady about his marriage to
prevent her from making trouble again.
Huo Jinlin greeted the old lady, and his handsome face showed a bit more warmth.
The old lady quickly stepped forward, grabbed his arm and pressed him down on the sofa, then
shouted at the housekeeper, "Go and get all the bodyguards at Nanlinyuan to guard the door. No
one is allowed to let the young master go tonight. Also, drive all those cars outside and take away
the keys!"
Huo Jinlin...
He had an inexplicable illusion that he was under house arrest.
"Grandma, what are you going to do?"
The old lady smiled and said, "I'm going to do something big. I'll ask the cook to make you a bowl
of nourishing soup. Drink more. If you find someone you like tonight, we can go to the bridal
chamber and betroth the bride!"
Huo Jinlin almost vomited blood.
"Grandma, don't be impulsive. Actually, I..."
The old lady raised her hand to interrupt, "I'm not impulsive at all. I know you've been wronged
today. I've scolded that family so much. What kind of people are they? They even bully my
grandson. Don't worry, I'm here. I'll definitely choose the most beautiful daughter-in-law for
Huo Jinlin knew that no matter what the old lady said, it would be useless, so he simply took out
the marriage certificate from his pocket and handed it over.
The bright red book stunned everyone.
Song Yuwan was the first to react.
"Son, where did you get this marriage certificate?"
Huo Jinlin was speechless, "Of course it was obtained from the Civil Affairs Bureau!"
"Is this a marriage?" Song Yuwan shouted in disbelief.
"Married? With whom? A man or a woman?" The old lady's words almost choked Huo Jinlin to
At this time, Song Yuwan had already opened the marriage certificate, looked at the photo, and
handed it to the old lady.
"Mom, it's a girl, and she looks very cute!"
"Really?" The old lady immediately snatched the marriage certificate away. "Lin Yiran? Whose girl
is this? How old is she? How did you meet?"
"Twenty-five, picked it up at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau!"
Huo Jinlin's words once again stunned everyone.
Picked up?
Can you pick up a wife on the street now?
Chapter 6: Flash Marriage with Strangers
The old lady’s first reaction was that her grandson was lying to her.
She looked at the marriage certificate over and over for a long time and almost asked someone to
verify its authenticity.
Song Yuwan obviously knew her concerns, and took the marriage certificate and checked it again.
"Mom, this should be true."
Huo Jinlin was speechless. If he wanted to forge evidence to fool them, would he have to do it
"If you don't believe me, you can ask someone to check the household registration. The system
updates very quickly, and my marital status should have been changed to married!"
The old lady believed it then and asked for a long time about the incident of picking up his wife
from the Civil Affairs Bureau. After hearing it all, she didn't know what to say.
Although she was really anxious for Huo Jinlin to get married, except for the child marriage,
which she had not investigated thoroughly, she had carefully read the resumes of the other blind
date candidates.
At least the appearance and academic qualifications are not a problem.
But this little girl named Lin Yiran is obviously a little worse. However, she is not bad. She can
even accept the existence of Dabao and Erbao.
The old lady did not hesitate and immediately decided to acknowledge her grandson's wife.
"Since the marriage is already concluded, then hurry up and bring the couple back to meet their
parents. Yu Wan, go prepare the new house and let them have their wedding night at home
Song Yuwan looked at Huo Jinlin, feeling quite helpless as if he had dug a hole himself and was
jumping into it.
Huo Jinlin stuffed the marriage certificate back into his pocket with a calm expression, having
completely anticipated the old lady's assumptions.
"I have no plans to bring her back for now! Grandma, I came here today to tell you that I will
move into her rental house during this period. I am a security guard and I have no money or
power, so please don't make a surprise attack. If you scare her away, don't blame me for not
finding you a granddaughter-in-law!"
The old lady choked.
Song Yuwan's eyes revealed a hint of joy.
She knew her son very well. The fact that he could make such an arrangement showed that he
cared about this marriage.
She held back the old lady who wanted to persuade her again and said gently, "Jinlin, Mom
supports you. After all, you got married too suddenly and you don't have any emotional
foundation. It's only right that you live together and cultivate your relationship. Grandma and I
will not disturb your world of two."
As she spoke, she winked at the old lady again.
The old lady understood immediately.
Of course, the best place to cultivate feelings between couples is in bed.
She seemed to have seen her dear grandson running towards her with his chubby little hands
stretched out.
Her face immediately lit up with joy.
"Grandma supports you too! But that girl knows that you have both old and young, so it's not
appropriate to never see you. She'll be worried!"
She still couldn't help wanting to see her granddaughter-in-law.
You can't tell the quality of some people through photos. You have to see them in person to be
completely reassured.
"I told her that you and the two children live in my hometown, and when I find an opportunity, I
will ask grandma and mom to cooperate with me in a play!"
As long as they can see their grandson's wife, everyone would pretend to be poor!
The old lady and Song Yuwan both nodded in agreement.
At this time, two gurgling sounds were heard from outside.
The two chubby little guys rushed directly into Huo Jinlin's arms.
The smile on Huo Jinlin's face grew even wider, and he rubbed their little heads with his big
"Did you listen to the teacher today?"
The two little guys nodded in unison, chattered around Huo Jinlin and began to pester him for
their mother.
Huo Jinlin still used the same wording as before to get around it.
The old lady and Song Yuwan didn't dare to mention it.
After playing with the two little guys for a while, Huo Jinlin was ready to leave.
Song Yuwan deliberately sent him to the car, still looking a little worried.
"Jinlin, if you think that girl has good character, don't lie to her for too long, otherwise even the
best relationship will be alienated! Trust and support are very important between husband and
wife. You didn't tell your grandmother everything just now, did you? The girl was dumped by her
fiancé, but what really made her want to get married to a stranger was something else, right?"
Huo Jinlin knew very well that although the old lady was anxious for him to get married, she still
had strong concerns about family background, otherwise the childhood marriage would not have
been delayed until now.
He didn't tell you everything because he didn't want to cause any trouble.
"Mom, it's really difficult!"
He briefly described the situation at Lin Yiran's home, and Song Yuwan became even happier
towards this daughter-in-law whom he had never met.
"You are a good girl for never abandoning your family! Jinlin, as a husband, you have the
responsibility to protect them!"
"I know!"
Huo Jinlin smiled at Song Yuwan, got in the car and left the old house.
In the hospital ward, Lin Yiran helped Lin Yiyi wash her face and helped her tie up her crooked
"Promise your sister that you won't cry when mom wakes up, okay?"
The little girl nodded obediently. As the two sisters were talking, Guo Nuan, a partner of the fried
chicken shop, pushed the door and walked in.
"Yan'er, how is Auntie doing?"
Guo Nuan is three years older than Lin Yiran. Lin Yiran worked in her store before she graduated.
After graduation, she originally wanted to find a clerical job, but the salary was too low and she
could not support the family expenses at all.
Guo Nuan happened to be in need of staff to expand his store, so he asked Lin to continue
working with him. He did not ask her for a joining fee, but only deducted an extra 10% from her
monthly dividends.
This was a huge favor to Lin Yiran, so the relationship between the two became extremely close,
better than sisters. After Xu Juan fell ill, Guo Nuan came to see her many times.
"It's not too good, Sister Nuan, let's talk outside!"
Lin Yiran pulled Guo Nuan out of the ward and was about to tell her about sending Xu Juan to the
research institute to try out the new drug when she interrupted her.
"Yi Ran, what's going on between you and Li Tianhao? Today I saw him and a woman having a
blind date in the cafe across from our store. When they left, they were holding hands and looked
very intimate!"
Even though she had decided to forget, Lin Yiran still felt uncomfortable when she heard these
The first time Lin Yiran went to Guo Nuan's fried chicken shop to work part-time, it was Li Tianhao
who sent her there.
Over the past few years, the relationship between the two has been good, and Guo Nuan also
knew about Li Tianhao's proposal.
Now that she had seen the scene with her own eyes, there was no way she could keep the secret.
"Didn't you say you were going to get the marriage certificate with him today? Why is he still with
someone else..."
Lin Yiran suppressed her emotions and told the story of her flash marriage after the breakup.
Guo Nuan gritted his teeth.
"This Li Tianhao is so irresponsible. You have been so good to him over the years, but you spent
all the money you earned on him except for the money you gave to your family. What a bastard!"
Lin Yiran still felt a little pain in her heart, and just shook her head when she heard that.
"I don't want to talk about him anymore. I just hope my mother can get better."
Guo Nuan sighed, "Do you want to tell your aunt about your breakup with Li Tianhao? Your aunt
has always treated him like her son-in-law. If she knew that you were bullied by that bastard Li
Tianhao and got married to a stranger, would she be able to accept it?"

Chapter 7 Keeping Mood

Lin Yiran also had a worried look on her face.
The doctor had told her to keep the patient in a good mood. If not for this, she wouldn't be in a
hurry to get married.
But as Guo Nuan said, can my mother really accept a strange son-in-law?
Will it backfire?
Seeing that she was upset, Guo Nuan could only persuade her, "If it really doesn't work, keep it a
secret for now and talk about it later. What if... Well, there is no what if. Auntie will definitely get
better. I can't be away for too long. This is the income from the store in the past few days. Take it
for emergency use first!"
After she said that, she stuffed an envelope into Lin Yiran's hand and left in a hurry without
waiting for her to refuse.
Lin Yiran felt warm and guilty.
Ever since Xu Juan fell ill, she had to take care of Lin Yiyi and was too busy to do anything else.
The time she had to work in the store was significantly reduced. Guo Nuan not only did not
complain, but also helped her in every way. She kept this favor in mind and would definitely
repay it when she had the chance.
She held the envelope tightly and turned back to the ward. Just as she was about to let Lin Yiyi lie
down and take a nap for a while, Xu Juan suddenly woke up.
This is much earlier than the doctor expected. Does it mean that Xu Juan's physical condition is
better than the doctor said, and does it mean that the chance of recovery is greater?
Lin Yiran was overjoyed and immediately held Xu Juan's hand and asked her if she felt unwell
anywhere. Lin Yiyi also obediently held her other hand and rubbed it on her little face.
Xu Juan regained consciousness and looked at the two women, tears welling up in her eyes.
She knew that she was a burden to them, but she couldn't bear to leave like this!
"Yi Ran, Mom is fine. Thank you for your hard work! By the way, you and Tianhao..."
She was always thinking about Lin Yiran's marriage.
Lin Yiran's expression changed slightly. Just as she was thinking about how to explain, the door of
the ward was pushed open again.
Xin Caidie, who was beautifully dressed and wearing heavy makeup, walked in. The strong smell
of perfume made Xu Juan cover her mouth and cough.
Lin Yiran quickly handed her a glass of water to help her calm down.
Lin Yiyi hid next to Xu Juan again, her face puffed up with anger.
"Bad woman!"
Xin Caidie sneered, "Little girl, when your mother dies, you have to call me mom. Now you don't
try to curry favor with me, and you even dare to scold me. Believe it or not, I will beat you to
Lin Yiyi was so scared that her little body trembled.
Lin Yiran suppressed his anger and pointed at the door coldly, "You are not welcome here, please
leave immediately, or I will call security!"
Xin Caidie was not afraid at all. She raised her hand and pushed her away, looking at Xu Juan on
the hospital bed with contempt on her face.
"You are so sick but you are still dragging your feet and refusing to die. Are you trying to get
money from my husband? You are so shameless! My husband earns money for me and my son,
not for this money-loser born to you!"
Xu Juan was so angry that she was shaking all over.
Lin Yiran didn't want to argue with Xin Caidie in front of Xu Juan because he was afraid that Xu
Juan would be upset.
But this woman's mouth stinks.
Lin Yin couldn't bear it any longer and grabbed the teacup on the table and smashed it on the
ground as a threat.
“Get out!”
Xin Caidie, however, was fearless.
"Hey, you want to hit me? Come on, hit me in the face. If my husband sees you injured when I get
home, he'll come over with a kitchen knife and chop you into pieces!"
She came here today just to cause trouble, and it would be best if she could make Xu Juan angry
to death.
Her relative's daughter works as a nurse here and just reported that Xu Juan needs to be
transferred to another hospital for new treatment.
If she is really cured, she will be able to get that house in no time!
Seeing that Xin Caidie was playing tricks, Lin Yiran was about to go out and call for help, but was
grabbed by Xin Caidie.
As the two of them were struggling, the envelope in her pocket fell out.
When Xin Caidie saw the exposed money, she immediately let go of Lin Yiran, bent down and
grabbed it.
"What are you doing? That's our money!"
Lin Yiran reached out to grab it, but was pushed away by Xin Caidie and almost fell to the ground.
Xin Caidie raised the envelope proudly, "Your money is my husband's money, and my husband's
money is my money!"
Lin Yiran watched as Guo Nuan and her hard-earned money were embezzled, so she immediately
rushed over and slapped Xin Caidie in the face.
He snatched the money back as she screamed, and pointed at the door tremblingly.
"If you don't leave, I will really be rude to you!"
She had been in a tense state of mind the whole day, and now she impulsively hit someone. Her
body could not support herself at all, and she staggered back two steps and held onto the edge of
the bed.
Xin Caidie turned the tables and her true nature as a shrew was revealed.
"How dare you hit me, you bastard? I will teach you a lesson today, you bastard who was born by
a mother but not raised by one!"
As she said that, she swung the bag in her hand and threw it at Lin Yiran, who barely dodged it.
She didn't expect that Xin Caidie would actually pick up a chair and hit Xu Juan on the hospital
Lin Yiyi screamed in fright, and her whole little body subconsciously threw itself into Xu Juan's
Lin Yiran rushed over quickly, and all she could do was protect Xu Juan and Lin Yiyi under her
As for dodging the attack, that's simply impossible.
The expected pain did not occur.
Lin Yiran was gasping for breath. She turned around in shock and saw Huo Jinlin's tall and straight
back blocking her way. His long and powerful hands tightly grasped the chair legs and he threw
Xin Caidie out.
Lin Yiran was still horrified and immediately checked on Xu Juan. She was relieved to see that she
was just frightened and not unconscious.
Huo Jinlin put down the chair and looked at Lin Yiran with a frown, "Who is she? What
Before Lin Yiran could say anything, Xin Caidie sat down on the ground and started howling!
"God damn it, someone got beaten up, and no one is in charge!"
The noise was so loud that the nurse on duty rushed in soon.
"What are you doing? This is a hospital. If you want to make a scene, go outside. You are
disturbing the patients' rest. Can you afford this responsibility?"
Xin Caidie was not afraid at all. Instead, she covered her stomach and started to complain with
tears in her eyes.
"Nurse, I need a full body check-up. They beat me so hard that I can't even stand up!"
The nurse was not too daring to take it lightly and immediately prepared to call for a stretcher. At
the same time, she said to Lin Yiran and the others, "Bring someone over to pay the fee!"
Lin Yiran's face turned pale with anger. "She has nothing to do with us. She just rushed in and
started making a scene. My mother just woke up and she was so angry that she almost fainted!"
The nurse didn't care about that. She only cared about whether there would be any trouble
between doctors and patients in the ward under her jurisdiction, and she immediately scolded
with a cold face, "The injured are the most important. Check the injuries first. You two should
settle your grudges privately!"
Lin Yiran clenched her fists tightly, tears were forced down her face.
Huo Jinlin raised his hand and patted her shoulder, then walked straight towards Xin Caidie.
"Call the police before examining your injuries. You were holding a stool and trying to smash it
against the bed. I have reason to suspect you of premeditated murder. Everything in this ward is
physical evidence. Once the police have extracted fingerprints and determined the nature of the
case, I will pay for any medical examination fees!"
Xin Caidie panicked immediately.
"Why...why call the police? I was just joking with my sister! Doctor, I'm fine. I don't feel any pain
at all. No need to check. I'll just say a few words to my sister and leave. I won't disturb the
patient's rest!"
The nurse was also speechless. She told them not to make any more noise and then turned and

Chapter 8 Shameless
As soon as the nurse left, Xin Caidie's expression changed. She looked at Lin Yiran and others with
resentment, and suddenly raised her hand and slapped herself twice.
She was so ruthless that the finger marks soon became swollen.
Lin Yiran was so scared that she immediately stepped forward and pulled Huo Jinlin back a few
steps, her face full of vigilance.
"What do you want to do?"
She had experienced all the tricks this woman had.
Originally, after Lin Tianjun cheated on his wife, he knelt down and begged Xu Juan for
forgiveness, saying that he couldn't bear to leave this family and his children.
Although Xu Juan was heartbroken, she endured it because the child had just been born and
needed a father.
Although the relationship between the two people was not as good as before, it did not get to
the point of life and death.
But ever since Xin Caidie became pregnant, she started to make trouble in various ways and was
very good at pretending to be pitiful. In addition, when she found out that she was pregnant with
a son, Lin Tianjun never treated Xu Juan well again.
Later, he was instigated by Xin Caidie to rob all the family savings. He came to ask for money
every few days. When Xu Juan refused to give him money, he threatened Lin Yiyi and Lin Yiran.
After a few years, the situation has become like fire and water.
Lin Yiran knew very well that Xin Caidie was a person who never suffered any loss. Huo Jinlin had
just taught her a lesson, and now she was slapping herself in the face. There must be some
Huo Jinlin lowered his head to look at the little woman who was holding his wrist tightly and was
obviously afraid but insisted on protecting him. His eyes were slightly warm, but she did not
At this time, Xin Caidie pointed at the clock on the wall and smiled calculatingly.
Before Lin Yiran could figure out what was going on, Lin Tianjun rushed in.
Xin Caidie immediately fell to the ground, covering her face and crying.
"Sister, I just wanted to come and see you and give Yiyi some money to buy her a new schoolbag.
How could you let them hit me?"
Lin Tianjun is a big and strong man, and he is very intimidating just standing there. He is already
scary when he is not angry, and now he is furious and looks even more ferocious.
"You bastard, you dare to hit my wife, don't you want to live?"
He glared at Lin Yiran with his eyes wide open and swung his arm to hit her.
Lin Yiran and Lin Yiyi have been afraid of him since they were young and are not close to him.
The instinctive fear made Lin Yiran tremble like a sieve, and he didn't know how to hide at all.
Huo Jinlin grabbed her waist and pulled her to the side, his eyes suddenly becoming cold.
He was not sure who the other party was, so he didn't want to take action directly.
But he would never allow anyone to bully Lin Yiran in front of him.
The little woman in his arms was still shaking, her little hands subconsciously grasping the hem of
his clothes. Her soft body had a very sweet fragrance.
Not as disgusting as perfume.
Huo Jinlin did not release his hand that was around Lin Yiran's waist, clearly showing his
He did not notice that Xu Juan had been looking at him from time to time since he entered the
ward. At this moment, she was so shocked that her mouth opened slightly, and even the disgust
and fear she felt when she saw Lin Tianjun had dissipated a lot.
Lin Tianjun almost fell to the ground. Xin Caidie got up and supported him, pretending to be sad
and frightened.
"Hubby, please stop making trouble. They just threatened to call the police. You and I didn't get
married in the first place. They called me a mistress and called our son a bastard. What can I do?"
She cried so hard that Lin Tianjun was heartbroken. He immediately shouted in a hoarse voice,
"Xu Juan, I felt sorry for you and wanted to wait until you died before getting married to Xiaodie!
Since you can't wait, then get up and let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a divorce."
Xu Juan had wanted to divorce for a long time, and her eyes lit up when she heard this.
Lin Tianjun added, "Let's make it clear before the divorce. The house and the children belong to
me. You are a man who is about to meet the King of Hell, so you don't need these. Don't worry, I
will definitely raise Yiyi well. I also hope that she will get married in the future and exchange it for
the betrothal money for my son!"
Lin Yiyi burst into tears in panic.
"Mom, I don't want to go with him!"
Lin Tianjun immediately glared at him, "If you don't come with me, then go into the coffin with
your mother!"
Lin Yiran's eyes turned red with anger. She suppressed the fear in her heart and shouted angrily.
"If you want a divorce, go through the formal procedures. Yiyi is not a child, and the judge will ask
for her opinion on who should have custody of her. It is even more impossible to give you the
house. It was left to Yiyi by her grandmother. It is an inheritance and has nothing to do with you!"
Her words were firm and her rules were clear, so Huo Jinlin couldn't help but show some
When dealing with scoundrels, force is not the best way.
His new wife is quite smart!
Lin Tianjun had not read many books and was completely confused by what he heard.
Xin Caidie came up to him and said a few words, and Lin Tianjun was immediately overjoyed.
"You don't need to tell me so much useless stuff. You want to transfer your mother to another
hospital, but can you do it without the signature of your husband? Do you think the hospital
dares to release a adopted daughter who has no blood relationship with you? Wait until I kill her,
and the house will still be mine!"
Lin Yiran looked as pale as death.
She almost forgot that this scumbag was the key person who could legally decide whether Xu
Juan should continue treatment or be transferred to another hospital.
Huo Jinlin looked at Lin Yiran in shock.
For a biological daughter to be able to do this, she is considered to have excellent character.
He didn't expect that Lin Yiran was just an adopted daughter.
Could it be that she did all this just for the house she just mentioned?
Seeing that Lin Yiran was silent, Lin Tianjun laughed triumphantly.
"If you want to transfer her to another hospital, then agree to divide the property. Maybe if you
try hard, she can live a few more days."
"Also, your Aunt Caidie has found a good marriage for you. They've given you a dowry of 300,000
yuan and have already set a date. You should get married before your mother dies, so as not to
be contaminated by the dead person's bad luck!"
“Get out! Get out with me!” Xu Juan clutched the quilt tightly, panting and yelling at Lin Tianjun,
“If you dare to touch my daughter, I won’t let you go even if I become a ghost!”
"You've become a ghost, I won't be afraid of you!"
Lin Tianjun became more and more arrogant.
"I am not afraid to tell you that I will let Lin Yiyi get married as soon as she turns 18. By then, I will
be able to receive a large sum of money as a gift, and my son will have a house and a car."
Xu Juan was really mad to death.
Lin Yiran suddenly pulled Huo Jinlin and walked in front of Xu Juan with a calm expression.
"Mom, I'm married. His name is Huo Jinlin, and he's my husband!"
Xu Juan was stunned, pointing at the two of them with her mouth open, unable to speak, her
face full of disbelief.
Lin Yiran didn't plan to give her the chance to ask questions. She originally wanted to keep it a
secret and tell the story slowly, but now it seems there is no need.
She wanted to push Xu Juan a little further to make her completely ruthless.
"Mom, I have someone to rely on. Don't worry about what that bastard will do to us. Let's get a
divorce. If you are worried about your health, you can entrust the custody of Yiyi to me. The
house will be left to Yiyi forever. Let's sign a legal agreement! I will definitely take good care of
Huo Jinlin did not call Xu Juan, but he echoed her at this moment.
“I can sign it, too!”
Lin Yiran turned to look at Huo Jinlin in astonishment, tears welling up in her eyes but she dared
not let them fall.
Huo Jinlin smiled at her, and all his speculations were now reduced to nothing but heartache.
"Since we are husband and wife, we should share the burden!"
The tear fell and was wiped away by Huo Jinlin.
Xu Juan stared blankly at the interaction between the two. Although she still didn't understand
why her son-in-law had changed, she was very satisfied with this man who always protected her
Since she fell ill and was hospitalized, Li Tianhao came only once. He threw a bunch of bananas
and left, covering his nose in disgust.
At that time, she felt that he was not a good match for her daughter, but since her daughter liked
him, she could only pretend to be confused.
Now it seems that my daughter still has a very good eye for choosing people.
She held Lin Yiran's hand and patted it gently. The breath in her heart finally relaxed. She wanted
to say something but hadn't said it out loud yet.
Suddenly he vomited blood and fainted.

Chapter 9: In plain sight

Lin Tianjun, who was originally unhappy about Lin Yiren getting the marriage certificate, suddenly
became happy.
When the doctor came to check, he asked directly, "Is he dead?"
Lin Yiran's eyes turned red with anger.
"Lin Tianjun, are you still a human being?"
Lin Tianjun said with disdain, "What are you yelling about? Xu Juan was pissed off because you
didn't obey her and married a strange man! You unfilial thing!"
These words immediately dispelled Lin Yiran's anger, and the grievances and guilt in her heart
made her feel suffocated.
Huo Jinlin hurriedly helped her up, and said in a steady and powerful voice, "Let's listen to what
the doctor says first!"
Lin Yiran's cold little hand subconsciously grabbed Huo Jinlin's big hand. It had nothing to do with
love. At this moment, this man gave her enough sense of security and calmed her heart.
After the examination, the doctor did not rush the patient to the emergency room, but instead
performed emergency treatment on the spot.
More than ten minutes later, Xu Juan woke up faintly and quickly signed the discharge certificate
after Lin Yiran's explanation.
Seeing that there was no benefit to be gained, Lin Tianjun took Xin Caidie away cursing and did
not mention the divorce at all.
Huo Jinlin went out to make a phone call to arrange the transfer to another hospital, and Xu Juan,
mother and daughter were left in the ward again.
Xu Juan stopped Lin Yiran who was busy packing her luggage.
"Yan Yiran, did Li Tianhao bully you?"
Lin Yiran hurriedly shook her head, "Mom, he and I actually broke up a long time ago. After you
got sick, didn't you urge me to get married? I was afraid that you would be unhappy, so I asked
him to come over to pretend."
Xu Juan had an expression that said, "So that's what it is."
"No wonder he had such a bad attitude the last time he came to see me in the hospital. Mom has
been worried that you have put your trust in the wrong person."
Lin Yiran laughed at herself in her heart. It turned out that Li Tianhao had already shown his
disdain for her, but she foolishly thought that he was too busy with work to have time.
After asking about Li Tianhao, Xu Juan asked in detail about Huo Jinlin's situation.
Lin Yiran was afraid that Xu Juan would worry that she would become someone else's
stepmother, so she only told her about Huo Jinlin's age and occupation, and that his family was
urging him to get married.
Xu Juan became more and more satisfied with Huo Jinlin, and Lin Yiyi cooperated by making jokes
beside her. The atmosphere in the ward soon became extremely warm.
Huo Jinlin brought Shen Qing in and after a brief introduction, Xu Juan got on the ambulance of
Jinguan Pharmaceutical and quickly went to the special clinical inpatient department of the
Looking at the luxurious and high-end VIP room and the highly qualified special caregivers, Lin
Yiran was stunned.
She found an opportunity to pull Huo Jinlin and whispered, "Are you sure we don't have to pay
Huo Jinlin was also speechless. He had only asked Shen Qing to give the best treatment, but he
didn't expect that his arrangements were so exaggerated. Hearing this, he could only bite the
bullet and explain.
"Your mother's role here is not just a patient. She has to cooperate with the research of new
drugs. The research institute should want to eliminate all external factors that affect the effect of
the drugs. Accommodation and diet are all standardized!"
Lin Yiran breathed a sigh of relief, but then asked worriedly, "Will that mean we have to do a lot
of live experiments? Will that be painful?"
Shen Qing came over at some point, looking at Lin Yiran with a smile, which made Lin Yiran feel a
little uncomfortable, and she subconsciously moved closer to Huo Jinlin.
Shen Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at Huo Jinlin. Seeing that he had no intention of
avoiding him, he couldn't help but click his tongue in his heart.
Their Master Huo, who was not interested in women, finally came to his senses.
Huo Jinlin glanced over with a cold gaze.
Shen Qing tried to hold back his laughter. It wouldn't cost him anything to just look at him for a
few seconds, so why was he still protecting him?
Huo Jinlin ignored the ridicule in his eyes, asked for a document for participating in the new drug
tester research and handed it to Lin Yiran.
After Lin Yiran looked at it carefully, she was finally relieved and hurriedly took it to explain to Xu
Juan, fearing that she would be scared of the new environment.
Xu Juan didn't have much hope that the new drug would be effective, she just held Lin Yiran's
hand and gave her instructions.
"Find a lawyer. Mom needs to write a will. Before she dies, she must divorce Lin Tianjun. She
doesn't want to die with the Lin family's surname."
Lin Yiran agreed with red eyes.
When I returned to the rental house from the institute, it was already dark.
Lin Yiran cooked a meal neatly, with three dishes and a soup, both meat and vegetarian.
Lin Yiyi was a child after all. When she heard that Xu Juan had a chance to survive and that she
would not be taken away by Lin Tianjun, she immediately returned to her nature and cried for
"Sister, you actually made four dishes. I want to eat two bowls today."
Lin Yiran tapped her head lovingly, "Go and ask your brother-in-law to come and eat with us!"
Huo Jinlin was processing documents on the computer when Lin Yiyi pushed the door open and
walked in. Her little face was flushed with a bit of pride and shyness.
"You are such a grown-up, but you still need to be called when you eat. My sister cooks and
cleans the house when she comes home, but you are playing on the computer. This is not right!"
She said it in a serious tone, with a hint of criticism.
She had never lived with Lin Tianjun, so she actually didn't know what a real marriage and family
was like.
But she was on Lin Yiran's side in her heart, and naturally she was unhappy to see her working so
Huo Jinlin smiled and closed the computer, then walked over and rubbed the little girl's head,
"Brother-in-law is making money, and I will support you well in the future!"
Lin Yiyi was stunned for a moment, and pouted to retort, "But my sister also makes money!"
Huo Jinlin was stunned.
His life has always been taken care of by someone, including the food, clothing, housing and
transportation of his two children. He believes that he is very clear about the responsibilities of a
husband in the marriage.
Earn money to support the family, the man works outside and the woman works inside.
But at this moment, he was speechless because of the little girl.
Lin Yiran set the table and urges them to come.
"Wash your hands and eat. I was in a hurry today and didn't buy any new food. You'll have to
make do with what you have. If there's anything you want to eat or something you don't like, just
tell me!"
It was the first time that Huo Jinlin asked for food, and he felt a little ashamed.
"I'm not a picky eater, thank you for your hard work!"
Lin Yiran smiled, her bright eyes and white teeth made people feel very comfortable when
looking at her.
"You've helped us so much today, and I haven't thanked you properly yet. Come out quickly, or
the food won't taste good if it gets cold."
Huo Jinlin's heart moved slightly, and he followed Lin Yiran to the living room. Although the food
was simple, it tasted very good, and he ate it very comfortably.
After the meal, Lin Yiran immediately got up to clean up the dishes, and Lin Yiyi followed to help.
Huo Jinlin, who was about to go back to work, was stunned for a moment, then rolled up his
sleeves and went into the kitchen.
"You cooked, so I'll wash the dishes!"
Lin Yiran was about to refuse, but was pulled away by Lin Yiyi on the pretext of giving a lecture.
Huo Jinlin stared at the pool full of dishes and didn't know where to start. He couldn't open his
mouth to ask what to do, so he took out his cell phone to search the Internet.
Ten minutes later, Lin Yiran was frightened by a crackling sound and immediately opened the
door and rushed out.
Huo Jinlin's hands were covered in foam, and at his feet was a broken piece of porcelain plate.
He smiled awkwardly and said, "I'll clean it up right away!"
Lin Yiran sighed and quickly pulled him out.
"Let me wash it. If you beat it till there's nothing left, I'll have to pay for a new one tomorrow."
Huo Jinlin did not insist.
"I'm going to help Yiyi with her homework!"
As he said this, he quickly fled the scene and pushed the door into Lin Yiyi's room, but saw the
clothes that Lin Yiran had just moved over on the bed, and a pink and white underwear was
clearly visible.

Chapter 10: Depend on me from now on!

Huo Jinlin's face suddenly became hot, and he quickly looked away and walked to Lin Yiyi's desk.
Lin Yiran quickly cleaned up the kitchen. Just as she wiped her hands, she suddenly remembered
that her clothes were not packed yet and her underwear was still there...
She rushed back to the room in a hurry and saw Huo Jinlin sitting next to Lin Yiyi and explaining a
problem to her. He didn't seem to notice the things on the bed.
She quickly stuffed her underwear into the quilt with a red face, then coughed softly and said,
"It's late, go back to your room and rest, you still have to go to work tomorrow!"
The small bedroom, which was not spacious to begin with, now seemed even more crowded
because of Lin Yiran's appearance.
A faint fragrance wafted from the woman's body from time to time. Huo Jinlin felt uncomfortable
all over. He hummed and stood up to leave.
Only after closing the door again did Lin Yiran heave a long sigh of relief.
Lin Yiyi tilted her head and looked at her, "Sister, your face is so red!"
"It's hot!" Lin Yiran said perfunctorily, and walked over to continue tutoring Lin Yiyi, but when he
saw the problem-solving analysis left by Huo Jinlin, he was stunned.
With vigorous and powerful writing style, the author clearly organizes the knowledge points
involved in a question, the methods that can be applied, and the possible directions of this type
of question.
Although it was just a second-grade question, Lin Yiran was still shocked.
Lin Yiyi's little face is adored.
"Sister, my brother-in-law is amazing. He just talked to me for a while and sorted out all the
knowledge points I had gathered before. Can I ask my brother-in-law to help me with the
questions in the evening when he gets off work?"
Lin Yiran felt inexplicably disliked, and raised her hand angrily to scratch the little girl's nose.
"You were captured so quickly? Weren't you firmly on my side before?"
Lin Yiyi shrugged her nose and said, "I'm not captured. I'm just saying something very
Lin Yiran laughed, "I will tell your brother-in-law about this. If he has to work the night shift, there
will be nothing we can do."
She knew that security guards had to work in shifts.
Thinking of this, Lin Yiran prepared to ask Huo Jinlin about her duty schedule so that she could
adjust her working hours.
After quickly folding the clothes and stuffing them into the closet, Lin Yinyi asked Lin Yiyi to go to
the bathroom to wash up, and she knocked on Huo Jinlin's door.
"Come in!"
Huo Jinlin was in a multinational meeting. He replied casually and continued to focus on the
Lin Yiran had just thought about her words but before she opened her mouth, she was shocked
by Huo Jinlin's authentic English.
She was not a bad student. After all, she was admitted to a 985 university and passed the CET-4
and CET-6 exams. But at this moment, she didn't understand a single word.
Are security requirements so high now?
And you need to speak English?
Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran looked at each other. Huo Jinlin immediately raised his hand to turn off
the voice chat, threw the computer onto the bed, and thought of a lame excuse.
"I am self-studying and want to take the college entrance examination this year so that I can find
a decent job in the future!"
Lin Yiran's doubts disappeared in an instant, and she looked at him approvingly.
It’s okay for a person to be poor, but he must be motivated.
This man is indeed very responsible.
"Mr. Huo, I'm sorry to bother you. I just wanted to ask about your duty schedule. If you need to
work late at night, I can bring you food."
"I'm not on duty!" Huo Jinlin replied casually.
Lin Yiran frowned in confusion, "Aren't the security guards supposed to take turns to rest?"
Huo Jinlin...
"CK Group's security is divided into night shift and day shift. I work the day shift."
Lin Yiran had no doubts and then told her about Lin Yiyi's request.
Huo Jinlin showed joy on his face. Ever since he was speechless after being retorted by Lin Yiyi, he
has been thinking about the issue of how to devote himself to marriage life.
Now that I am being asked, I am naturally happy.
"No problem. I'm not good at housework. If you need anything else, just tell me!"
Lin Yiran felt warm at heart when she saw that his smile was sincere and not perfunctory or
"Mr. Huo, thank you so much. My family's affairs are a little bit bad, but don't worry, I will deal
with the matter between my mother and that person as soon as possible."
When Huo Jinlin heard her mention Lin Tianjun, his eyes darkened.
"What are you going to do about it?"
He wanted to know Lin Yiran's true thoughts and provide some ideas or help.
Lin Yiran was a little nervous because of his sudden serious aura, but she soon understood.
So many things happened on the first day of marriage.
It is rare for him to be busy without any complaints, and he has family and children behind him,
so naturally he should worry about being threatened by a scum like Lin Tianjun.
Thinking of this, Lin Yiran felt more and more guilty.
"I'm sorry, I will do my best to prevent Lin Tianjun from harassing you and your family. If he really
dares to do that, I will not consider our old friendship. I will call the police and send him to jail!"
Huo Jinlin didn't expect that this was what she was worried about.
Harassing his family?
With Lin Tianjun's abilities, he is not qualified enough.
However, the woman did not seem to have the heart to kill Lin Tianjun with one blow.
Are you kind?
Sometimes being kind to evil people is not a good thing.
"So, all you can do before harassing my family is get your mother to divorce him, right?"
Huo Jinlin's tone was a little cold.
He was not angry, but he naturally showed his usual demeanor when facing the unsatisfactory
Lin Yiran couldn't help but clench her fists. She didn't like Huo Jinlin's aggressiveness.
That year, Xu Juan was found to be infertile, so they went to the welfare home to adopt her.
When she first entered the house, although she was afraid that Lin Tianjun would not be close to
him, Lin Tianjun was not as bad to her as he is now.
Later, when he unexpectedly had Lin Yiyi, he became a hideous person.
Lin Yiran couldn't forget the kindness shown back then.
She was like a trapped beast, trapped in the marriage of Lin Tianjun and Xu Juan. She tried to
break free, but to little avail.
Huo Jinlin's provocation only made her see her embarrassment more clearly.
Fire started to rise in his chest, Lin Yiran clenched his fists tightly, and the corners of his eyes were
a little red.
"Mr. Huo, I have written it very clearly in the prenuptial agreement. My family affairs will never
implicate you. I will handle it myself!"
She was as stubborn as a blade of grass under a stone slab.
It is so fragile that it will break at any bend, but it refuses to bow even a little.
Huo Jinlin sighed, feeling inexplicably nervous, and then turned back to the bed and took out a
business card and handed it over.
"Whether it's a divorce or a property issue, you need a lawyer. This is my friend. Go find him and
he will help you with everything."
Lin Yiran was stunned, staring at Huo Jinlin blankly with misty eyes, " have a lawyer
Huo Jinlin raised his hand and touched the tip of his nose unnaturally, "Well, I met him when I
went out with the boss before. I helped him before, so he will be sincere because of the favor."
Lin Yiran held the business card, with a myriad of emotions surging in his heart. For a moment he
didn't know how to express himself. He lowered his head like a child who had done something
How could Huo Jinlin not know what she was thinking? He chuckled and said, "We are husband
and wife. From now on, you can rely on me!"

Chapter 11: Fanning the flames

As the night deepens, the deep blue sky is dotted with stars, like natural gems inlaid therein, and
the whole city is shrouded in silence.
Lin Yiran tossed and turned, with a lot of thoughts in her mind, and Huo Jinlin's words kept
echoing in her mind: "We are husband and wife, you can rely on me in the future!"
In just one short day, she had many problems, but Huo Jinlin did not complain at all. He ran
around and tried his best. How could Lin Yiran not be moved?
After tossing and turning all night without a sleep, the next day Lin still followed the address on
the business card and found Huo Jinlin's "friend" Lawyer Fang.
Huo Jinlin had already greeted Lawyer Fang in advance, so he was not surprised to see Lin Yiran.
The two met in a cafe, and Lin was still feeling a little uneasy.
"Lawyer Fang, I'm going to trouble you with my mother's affairs. Our family's situation is special,
and I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to get a divorce."
"It's okay, I'll do my best, don't worry."
Although he didn't know the relationship between Huo Jinlin and this little girl, since he had
specifically called to explain it, he didn't dare to slack off.
Hearing this, Lin Yiran felt warm in her heart and handed over the prepared materials in her
hand: "Lawyer Fang, this is the information I prepared. Please see if there is anything else you
need. I will try my best to prepare it."
The information was indeed incomplete, but Lawyer Fang roughly understood the ins and outs of
the matter, and he frowned slightly.
"The house is easy to handle. If your grandmother has made a will, then it can only belong to
your sister. But the issue of her custody is a bit tricky. After all, Lin Tianjun is her biological father."
When Lin Yiran heard this, he became a little emotional and stood up immediately: "No, Yiyi must
not follow him. He is worse than a beast and will ruin Yiyi."
Lawyer Fang didn't expect her to be so resistant to this matter, so he comforted her: "Don't
worry, I will do my best to fight for you. Now we are just analyzing the current situation
realistically. We still need to collect other evidence to succeed in one fell swoop."
"Well," realizing that she had lost control, Lin Yiran sat down awkwardly, with a bit of
embarrassment on her face: "I'm sorry, Lawyer Fang, I'm mainly worried about my sister, so I'm a
little excited."
"I understand. It's okay," Lawyer Fang smiled gentlemanly. "I will take these materials back and
study them carefully. In addition, we need to arrange a meeting with Lin Tianjun one day to see if
we can find any other clues."
“This…” Lin Yiran felt a headache when she thought about meeting Lin Tianjun, but after
hesitating for a moment, she agreed: “Okay, I’ll arrange it.”
Coming out of the cafe, Lin Yiran looked up at the clear sky, feeling relieved and letting out a long
A few days later, Lin Tianjun received a call from Lin Yiran and came to the cafe cursing.
Xin Caidie, who was standing by, took a close look at the cafe, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she
kept winking at Lin Tianjun.
Unfortunately, Lin Tianjun didn't notice it at all. He just kept cursing: "Lin Yiran, if you have
something to say, come on. I'm very busy and don't have time to waste here with you."
Lin Yiran had heard too much dirty talk, so she looked up without changing her expression: "This
is Lawyer Fang. My mother wants to divorce you and has given him full authority to handle the
matter. She asked you to come here today because she wants to discuss some details with you."
Lin Tianjun's face changed slightly. He knew that if a fight really broke out, he would not gain any
advantage. He was immediately furious, but he still pretended to be calm on the surface.
He looked at the two people opposite him shamelessly: "I said, divorce is fine, but the house
must belong to me, Lin Yiyi comes with me."
"Impossible," said Lawyer Fang firmly. "The house is a legacy gift, and you are not the donee. As
for custody, the court will consider it comprehensively, and you may not have much chance of
Lin Tianjun was so angry that his face turned green. Knowing that he really couldn't take
advantage, he angrily scolded: "As an adopted daughter, what qualifications do you have to
interfere in our family affairs?"
"That's right, I really don't know what Xu Juan was thinking at the time. She created such a
burden. Now that she has become powerful, she actually dares to hire a lawyer to deal with you."
Xin Caidie was already dissatisfied with Lin Yiran, and when she heard Lin Tianjun complaining,
she naturally followed suit and fanned the flames.
Lin Yiran was very angry. Xu Juan was her weak spot. If she could be praised, it would be okay, but
Xu Juan could not. Especially Xin Caidie, she was even less qualified.
"I have no right to say anything, and you, as an outsider, have even less right to say anything.
Don't forget, my mother is his wife."
"You little bitch, I think you deserve to be punished."
The issue of identity was a pain in Xin Caidie's heart. She could not tolerate anyone mentioning
this matter in front of outsiders. She was so angry that she picked up the coffee saucer at hand
and threw it at Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran was caught off guard and was hit directly on the forehead by the coffee saucer. The
sharp porcelain immediately cut a hole in her fair skin.
"What did you say?"
Xin Caidie swung the plate and wanted to hit someone again, but Lawyer Fang quickly grabbed
her raised hand.
"I'm a lawyer. If it's public injury, this can be used as evidence in court."
His words were obviously very intimidating. Xin Caidie withdrew her hand awkwardly, and the
two of them left cursing.
After a commotion and a mess, Lin Yiran picked up a tissue and gently wiped the blood off his
forehead, sighing helplessly.
"I'm sorry, Lawyer Fang, I'm causing you trouble."
"It's okay," Lawyer Fang had already packed up his things and stood up: "Let's go, I'll take you to
the hospital."
"Um, no need, Lawyer Fang, I won't bother you anymore. I can go home and take care of my
wounds by myself."
"The forehead is bleeding. If we don't go to the hospital for treatment, I'm afraid the wound will
get inflamed and leave scars. I have nothing to do this afternoon anyway, so let's go."
Lawyer Fang thought that Lin Yiran was really afraid of bothering him, but in fact she was worried
about the cost of going to the hospital.
"It's okay, it's okay. My mother is in the hospital these days. I'll just ask the doctor to take care of
it when I go to see her later. There's no need to go to the hospital specially."
Seeing that she refused again and again, Lawyer Fang could no longer insist and had to give up.
The two said goodbye and left.
Watching Lin Yiran's figure gradually disappearing around the corner, Lawyer Fang took out his
cell phone, called Huo Jinlin, and told him everything that had happened today.
Hearing that Lin Yiran was injured, Huo Jinlin frowned slightly: "Is her injury serious? Did she go
to the hospital?"
"No, Miss Lin refused."
"Well," Huo Jinlin probably knew the reason, and then asked, "What about Lin Tianjun? How
about this matter? Is there a chance of winning?"
"There is a chance of winning, but Lin Tianjun is tight-lipped and hasn't revealed anything. I think
he is trying to delay on purpose."

Chapter 12 Breakdown and Crying

"I understand. Find a way to get this done as soon as possible."
Huo Jinlin is decisive in his actions and doesn't like to drag things out, especially when faced with
helplessness like Lin Tianjun, he is too lazy to deal with him.
Lawyer Fang was originally from the company's legal department. Since Huo Jinlin had spoken, he
naturally understood the importance of the matter.
After hanging up the phone, Huo Jinlin drove home without hesitation. Lin Yiran had already
returned, and her little figure was busy in the kitchen.
Huo Jinlin had never experienced this kind of life before. Now, the rental house, which was full of
the atmosphere of fireworks, made him feel a warmth he had never felt before.
"Brother-in-law, are you back?"
Seven-year-old Lin Yiyi was sitting at her desk doing her homework, her little eyebrows wrinkled
like two caterpillars. The moment she looked up and saw Huo Jinlin, they immediately relaxed.
Lin Yiran, who was busy in the kitchen, heard this and stuck her head out: "You're back, come in,
why are you standing at the door?"
She was wearing an apron and holding a spatula in her hand. For the first time, Huo Jinlin felt a
strange feeling in his heart.
Huo Jinlin came back to his senses, changed his shoes and walked in. He saw that Lin Yiran's hair
was loose, and the wound on her forehead was covered.
He pretended not to know and asked casually, "How was your day? Did you see a lawyer?"
"Yes, I have looked for them," Lin Yiran came out of the kitchen carrying a plate of freshly cooked
dishes, "I have also met with the lawyers and met with Lin Tianjun and his team. Everything is
going on in an orderly manner. Thank you for recommending the lawyers."
To avoid worrying them, Lin Yiran did not mention the incident in which Xin Caidie and Lin
Tianjun made a scene in the cafe and that she was injured.
Huo Jinlin did not expose her, and said calmly: "We are husband and wife, your business is my
business, there is no need for us to say thank you to each other."
Lin Yiran felt warm in her heart, knowing her situation very well. If it were any other man, they
would probably think he was a burden. Only he still silently supported her.
"Let's eat," she brought the dishes and shouted towards the room, "Yiyi, come out and wash your
hands and eat."
Seeing that she refused to mention the truth about her injury, Huo Jinlin did not want to reveal
his identity as a lawyer, so he had to continue pretending to be ignorant.
After dinner, Lin Yiyi kept winking at Huo Jinlin, so Huo Jinlin had no choice but to bite the bullet
and offer to wash the dishes again. Lin Yiyan still felt a little painful when he thought of the
broken dishes, so he had to refuse awkwardly.
"You should go help Yiyi with her homework. I'll just wash the dishes. Otherwise, if you break
them, you'll have to pay for new dishes."
Seeing that he was being disliked, Lin Yiyi stuck out her tongue mischievously and pulled him to
the room.
Lin Yiyi's grades were not bad to begin with, and she could do most of the questions by herself, so
Huo Jinlin always accompanied her in writing, and only explained the questions she didn't
understand to her.
"Brother-in-law, how do I write this question? Brother-in-law..."
Realizing that he was distracted, Lin Yiyi called him a few times before Huo Jinlin came back to his
"Brother-in-law, what are you thinking about? I called you several times but you didn't respond.
Are you worried about something?"
"It's okay. If you don't understand a question, I'll teach you."
Huo Jinlin felt extremely uncomfortable being stared at by her, and quickly shifted his gaze to her
book. This girl was very mischievous.
Sure enough, Lin Yiyi secretly poked her head out and saw Lin Yiran was still cleaning the table
and didn't pay any attention to them.
She then whispered to Huo Jinlin, "My sister was injured. There was blood on her forehead.
When I came back this afternoon, she was treating the wound. She didn't want me to tell you
because she was afraid you would worry."
Huo Jinlin had known about this for a long time, but in order not to arouse the suspicion of the
two sisters, he pretended to be surprised and blamed Lin Yiyi.
"Is your sister seriously injured? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
Lin Yiyi looked aggrieved and pouted, "Sister didn't let me tell you that I've become a traitor now,
and you still scolded me."
"Do the questions yourself first. I'll go out and get her some medicine."
Huo Jinlin stood up suddenly and walked out. Lin Yiyi tilted her head to glance at him, then
continued to do her homework with a sly smile.
Lin Yiran didn't know that Lin Yiyi had betrayed her so quickly. When she saw Huo Jinlin coming
out of the room with a sullen face and going straight out the door, she felt puzzled.
Just when she was thinking of asking Lin Yiyi after she finished mopping the floor, Huo Jinlin came
back before she could do so, holding a large bag of medicine in his hand.
"Come and treat the wound quickly."
Huo Jinlin pulled Lin Yiran to sit on the sofa in a firm tone, and gently pushed the hair off her
forehead, revealing the long wound.
This was the first time they were so close to each other. Lin Yiran seemed to be able to smell the
special masculine scent on Huo Jinlin. She immediately felt a little embarrassed and prepared to
get up.
"It's okay, the wound isn't deep. I've already taken care of it this afternoon."
"Don't move," Huo Jinlin ignored her words, and forcefully pressed her shoulders down to sit
down. He took a cotton swab and treated her wound. He just looked at the long cut and couldn't
help but soften his tone. "How is it? Does it still hurt?"
Lin Yiran's eyes became sore after hearing his concerned tone. Her tense nerves relaxed instantly
and tears fell like beads on a string.
Ever since Xu Juan fell ill, she has become the pillar of the family. She has to worry about all the
big and small things, and has to endure the bad words from Lin Tianjun and Xin Caidie from time
to time. She feels very aggrieved in her heart.
Huo Jinlin had never been with a woman before, and this was the first time he encountered such
a situation. He was so scared that he didn't know what to do for a moment.
Lin Yiyi in the room heard the noise outside, stuck her head out to take a look, and met Huo
Jinlin's helpless expression. She quickly gave secret instructions, asking Huo Jinlin to comfort Lin
"Okay, okay, stop crying, I'll take care of everything!"
He took a tissue and gently wiped away Lin Yiran's tears, but he didn't know that Lin Yiran cried
even harder.
Huo Jinlin didn't know what to do, so he had to look up at Lin Yiyi, and under her instruction, he
took Lin Yiren into his arms and patted her back gently.
Lin Yiran's emotions exploded in an instant, and she lay directly in Huo Jinlin's arms, crying
At this moment, it has nothing to do with love, it’s just that the grievances and helplessness of so
many years have finally found a haven to vent.
Huo Jinlin kept patting her back gently, saying comfortingly: "Don't worry, no matter what
happens, I'm here for you!"
When Lin Yiren was tired of crying, she looked up and saw a large wet spot on Huo Jinlin's
clothes. She felt a little embarrassed.
"I'm sorry to make you laugh. Take off your clothes and I'll wash them for you."
There was an awkward atmosphere in the air, and Huo Jinlin felt a little uncomfortable: "It's okay,
just cry it out."

Chapter 13 Injury
At the same time, Xin Caidie returned home, feeling more and more angry and unwilling to
accept the situation.
"I'm so angry, I'm so angry, Lin Yiran, this bitch, actually dared to collude with outsiders to bully
me, it's too much."
Lin Tianjun was also a little worried. Lin Yiyi was her cash cow. If he couldn't get custody of her,
how could he make money from her in the future?
"This Lin Yiran is quite capable. She is willing to spend money to hire a lawyer. If this lawyer really
makes us lose the lawsuit, then the custody of Lin Yiyi will definitely fall into her hands."
Xin Caidie disagreed and said disdainfully: "Do you really think that Lin Yiran is so kind? She is just
eyeing the house in Lin Yiyi's hands. As the saying goes, you can't catch a wolf without sacrificing
a lamb. This little bitch is very smart!"
"How about... we hire a lawyer too?"
Lin Tianjun was a little hesitant. After all, he didn't know how much money it would cost. Xin
Caidie always valued money more than her life, so she would definitely not agree to it.
As expected, Xin Caidie got furious when she heard this: "No, you are her biological father. Her
mother is dead, so you are her guardian. Why should we spend that money?"
Lin Tianjun was helpless and wanted to say something else, but suddenly Xin Caidie seemed to
have thought of something. Her eyes lit up and she excitedly gave him an idea.
"She, Lin Yiran, has no blood relationship with Lin Yiyi. As long as we can prove that she abused
Lin Yiyi and ignored her, wouldn't it be a natural progression for us to fight for custody?"
Since Lin Yiran is unwilling to eat, then she will start with Lin Yiyi. In short, Xin Caidie is
determined to get this house and will never give it to Lin Yiran.
Lin Tianjun was puzzled: "But how can we find such evidence?"
Xin Caidie looked at him with a look of disappointment: "Since there is no evidence, we can find a
way to create evidence. We can find two people to stand in front of Lin Yiyi's school and pretend
to be the robbers who kidnapped her. Then you show up at the right time and sacrifice yourself
to save her. We will then take a video as evidence. In the future, in court, we can say that Lin
Yiran has no time to take care of Lin Yiyi and is not suitable to be her guardian!"
"That's a good idea, let's arrange it quickly!"
Lin Tianjun has always been a fool, and Xin Caidie's few words made him dizzy.
Lin Yiran has been busy taking care of Xu Juan recently and has no time to take care of Lin Yiyi.
Huo Jinlin has nothing to do, so he takes the initiative to take on the task of picking up and
dropping off Lin Yiyi from school.
Lin Yiyi admired Huo Jinlin very much. When she saw him coming to pick her up, she was very
excited and kept chattering to him.
In order to avoid arousing Lin Yiran's suspicion, Huo Jinlin did not drive. Fortunately, the school
was not far away, so the two decided to walk back.
But as soon as the two walked out of the school, Huo Jinlin keenly sensed that something was
wrong, as if someone was following them.
"Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you?"
Noticing that he looked back, Lin Yiyi also looked back, but saw nothing. However, Huo Jinlin was
obviously a little uneasy.
"It's okay," he smiled and rubbed Lin Yiyi's hair, saying lovingly, "Let's go, your sister has prepared
dinner for us at home."
The two walked forward a few more steps and when they passed an alley, two people suddenly
jumped out of the alley and blocked their way.
"Stop, put this little girl down."
Lin Yiyi had never seen such a scene before. She shrank back in fear, tugging at the corner of Huo
Jinlin's clothes with her little hands: "Brother-in-law, I'm scared."
"It's okay," Huo Jinlin pulled her behind him, "With my brother-in-law here, they won't dare to do
anything to us."
There were too many people at the school gate to make a big fuss, so it was not appropriate to
fight. Therefore, the two of them chose an empty alley, but they didn't expect to run into a
Huo Jinlin observed the two of them calmly, then curled his lips in disdain. There was no way they
could hide this little trick from him.
"Who sent you?"
The two men didn't expect that this man would remain calm and fearless. He just looked at them
straight, and the two men were a little scared.
"It... it has nothing to do with you. Hand the person over and we can let you go. Otherwise, don't
blame us for being rude."
"How shameless!" Huo Jinlin glanced at them with disdain, not taking them seriously at all.
"Based on you, it's too early to say that."
Now the two men were angry. They took out a small knife from their bag and swung it at Huo
Jinlin and Lin Yiyi.
Lin Yiyi screamed in fear: "Brother-in-law, they have knives, what should I do, I'm scared,
The little girl had never seen such a scene before, and she was scared and burst into tears
instantly. Huo Jinlin did not expect that these two people would carry knives with them, so he
hurriedly hid Lin Yiyi behind him.
During the fight, Huo Jinlin kept protecting Lin Yiyi and gradually lost the upper hand. The two
gangsters took the opportunity to swing their knives at him. Huo Jinlin was not careful and was
stabbed in the arm.
The two criminals were even more proud now, and said viciously: "If you hand over the person,
we can let you go, why are you so stubborn?"
"I think you are looking for death."
Huo Jinlin covered the wound on his hand and looked at them coldly, like a demon from Asura
Hell. They were so frightened that they couldn't help but take two steps back.
Huo Jinlin was now completely furious. He directly carried Lin Yiyi to the side and subdued the
two men with a powerful kick.
When the police arrived, Huo Jinlin was just subduing a gangster with one kick, and Lin Yiyi was
hiding in the corner, trembling with fear.
The two men were quickly handcuffed, and before leaving, they glared at Huo Jinlin viciously,
their eyes full of resentment.
Lin Yiyi dared to come out only after they were taken into the police car. Seeing Huo Jinlin's white
shirt stained red with blood, she burst into tears.
"Brother-in-law, how are you? You must not die. What will happen to my sister and me if you die?
Huo Jinlin: “…”
Lin Yiran finished cooking but still hadn't seen Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiyi come back. She called them
and found out that they had been sent to the hospital. After roughly understanding the ins and
outs of the matter, Lin Yiran was so nervous that her heart was in her throat.
She hurriedly changed her apron, ran downstairs, took a taxi, which was an unprecedented
luxury, and rushed to the hospital.
"Master, please hurry up."
Along the way, Lin Yiran was so nervous that she dared not breathe. She kept twisting the corners
of her clothes with her hands and praying in her heart.
When she rushed to the hospital, Huo Jinlin's wound had been bandaged, and Lin Yiyi's crying
face looked like a little kitten.
"elder sister……"
Seeing her appear, Lin Yiyi threw herself into her arms in fear and began to cry loudly.
Lin Yiran was sure that she was not injured, and she finally let go of her worries: "It's okay, it's
okay, my sister is here, it's okay."
Lin Yiyi cried out of breath: "Will my brother-in-law die? He lost a lot of blood."

Chapter 14 Gathering Evidence

Huo Jinlin was injured?
Lin Yiran was startled and looked up at him suddenly, only to find that his arms were wrapped like
dumplings, wrapped in a thick layer of gauze.
She quickly let go of Lin Yiyi and walked up to Huo Jinlin: "How is it? Has the doctor seen it? Are
there any broken bones?"
"It's okay, it's just a minor skin injury. The doctor has already taken care of it. Just go home and
change the dressing regularly."
Lin Yiran felt extremely guilty. She had caused him so much trouble just a few days after their
"Thank you. If it weren't for you today, I'm afraid of what would happen to Yiyi!"
"It's okay. Since we are married, she is my sister and I have the responsibility to protect her."
Huo Jinlin knew what Lin Yiran was thinking, and what he said was indeed from his heart. Since
they were married, he would choose to do his best to maintain this marriage.
Lin Yiran was filled with gratitude and decided to repay Huo Jinlin with practical actions in the
future. If he took the children in, she would treat them as her own and help take care of the two
"Let's go home."
This time Huo Jinlin was injured while saving Lin Yiyi, and the two sisters were very grateful to
The three of them returned home. On the table was the meal that Lin Yiran had prepared before
she went out, but it was already cold.
She hurriedly heated up the food, and the three of them ate a little, then Lin Yiyi went into the
house to do her homework.
Lin Yiran finished cleaning up the kitchen and came out. Huo Jinlin was processing the documents
sent by his assistant on his mobile phone.
Seeing her coming, he put away his phone calmly.
"No, just checking my phone."
Lin Yiran was not familiar with him and did not ask much. After all, everyone has their own
She just sat down next to him, looking at the wound on his arm, still feeling a little guilty.
"What happened to those gangsters today? And the wound on your arm, what did the doctor
Just now in the hospital, in front of Lin Yiyi, Lin Yiran didn't dare to ask too much.
"It's okay, just a minor injury." Huo Jinlin shook his head, his expression was a bit serious, "I guess
this is Lin Tianjun's trick. I will definitely find evidence to prove that all this is a play directed and
performed by them."
When Lin Yiran heard this, she was filled with resentment towards Lin Tianjun.
"As the saying goes, even a tiger won't eat its own cubs. I think this Lin Tianjun is completely
devoid of conscience and worse than an animal. He actually attacked his own daughter."
"Well, if we can find evidence, they won't dare to stir up trouble anymore. If we hand the
evidence to the lawyer, the divorce will be a done deal, with no room for maneuver."
Lin Yiran was a little worried: "Lin Tianjun is such a cunning person, I'm afraid he won't let you
find evidence."
"Don't worry, leave this matter to me."
His words were brief and to the point, but they made Lin Yiran feel at ease, even though she had
no hope for this matter at all.
However, a few days later, Huo Jinlin actually collected evidence for Lin Yiran that Lin Tianjun and
Xin Caidie directed and acted in this drama.
Lin Yiran looked at him in amazement: "How did you do that?"
She flipped through the thick leather bag and found surveillance photos and cell phone photos.
There was also a USB drive inside, which probably contained the video of the time.
Lin Tianjun annoyed Huo Jinlin. He did all this just because he was unhappy and did not consider
these things. When he was asked by Lin Yiran, he was a little confused for a moment.
Seeing that he didn't speak, Lin Yiran thought that he didn't understand what she meant, so she
asked again: "How could an ordinary person like you get so much information in such a short
time, and how could they give you these surveillance pictures?"
Huo Jinlin didn't know how to answer, so he made an excuse: "I asked a friend for help. He
happened to have some connections, so he helped me get the information."
Lin was still skeptical, but when he thought about how he had a friend like Lawyer Fang, it
shouldn't be surprising that he had a friend who could get the surveillance video.
Lin Tianjun and Xin Caidie were furious when they saw that their plan had failed, and they started
to make trouble again without giving up.
That day, Lin Yiran was delayed in the hospital for a while and was a few minutes late when she
went to pick up Lin Yiyi. Unexpectedly, as soon as she arrived at the school gate, she saw Lin
Tianjun arguing with Lin Yiyi and trying to take her away by force.
"Stop, what are you doing?"
Lin Yiran shouted loudly, and the two people who were struggling were stunned. Lin Yiyi quickly
broke free and ran to Lin Yiran while Lin Tianjun was not paying attention.
Lin Tianjun sneered and deliberately shouted loudly: "I am her biological father. Don't I have the
right to pick up my daughter from school? Who do you think you are? Why do you care about our
family affairs?"
"Bah, you can even say such a thing, isn't it disgusting? You are just doing this for my mother's
house, why are you pretending to be a loving father and a filial son?"
" wait for me."
More and more people gathered in the crowd, and Lin Tianjun felt a little embarrassed. He was so
angry that his face turned green, but he could only leave in shame.
Lin Yiyi was frightened and pulled her clothes: "Sister, let my brother-in-law pick me up next time,
otherwise I'm afraid they will come again and you won't be able to deal with it."
"It's okay," Lin Yiran rubbed her face and comforted her, "Don't be afraid, sister will protect you
no matter what."
She thought to herself that she should carry some self-defense weapons with her in the future.
These people were really despicable.
Unexpectedly, after that day, Lin Tianjun never went to Lin Yiyi's school again. As time went by,
Lin Yiyi gradually let down her guard.
As a result, when the two sisters returned home chatting and laughing, Lin Tianjun and Xin Caidie
were blocking their door again.
When Lin Yiran and Lin Yiyi saw them, their faces changed instantly.
"What are you doing here?"
Perhaps Xin Caidie gave him an idea, Lin Tianjun pretended to be kind, squatted down and looked
at Lin Yiyi: "Yiyi, Daddy is here to see you, stay with Daddy for a few days, okay?"
Lin Yiran pulled Lin Yiyi behind him and looked at him warily: "Stop pretending here. Everyone
knows that you are a playful person."
Lin Yiyi also looked at him with disgust. Lin Tianjun was completely enraged. His face suddenly
became ferocious and he glared at Lin Yiran and her sister.
"Little girl, you are so young, but you have such a vicious mind. You instigated your adoptive
parents to divorce, just to occupy the house in your adoptive mother's hands. Why are you
pretending to be noble here? Don't think I don't know that you probably hope she dies sooner
than I do so that you can inherit her estate as soon as possible!"
"You..." Lin Yiran was furious: "Get out of here. This is my home. What qualifications do you have
to say irresponsible things here? Take your mistress and get out of here quickly. Don't dirty my

Chapter 15 Forced Divorce

"What did you say? If you keep talking nonsense, I'll tear your mouth apart."
Xin Caidie walked forward angrily, took advantage of Lin Yiran's unpreparedness, and slapped him
hard. Lin Yiran was caught off guard and there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.
Lin Yiyi burst into tears in fear: " are not allowed to bully my sister."
Just when the situation was getting out of control, Huo Jinlin opened the door and came in.
When he saw the five bright red finger marks on Lin Yiran's face, he immediately became angry.
"Get out of here right now. If you don't leave, I'll call the police."
Lin Tianjun didn't know that Lin Yiran had already obtained the marriage certificate with him. He
stood up straight and argued confidently: "Why are you chasing us away? I am her biological
father. Don't I have the right to come and see my daughter?"
Huo Jinlin pointed to the surveillance camera in the corner and said, "What happened today can
be seen clearly on the surveillance camera. If you continue to make trouble, I will hand the video
over to the police and let them handle it."
Xin Caidie and Lin Tianjun looked at each other, fearing that Lin Yiran would hold them
accountable, and were too scared to speak another word.
"Oh, there's one more thing I forgot to tell you," Huo Jinlin smiled strangely, "We have collected
all the evidence of your kidnapping of Lin Yiyi last time. If you still don't agree to a divorce, I don't
mind presenting this evidence to the lawyer. If it's kidnapping and extortion, you'll probably be
sentenced to three to five years."
"I..." Lin Tianjun moved his lips and argued unwillingly, "It wasn't us."
These words were obviously not spoken with enough confidence, and they sounded pale and
powerless. Huo Jinlin did not say much to him, but walked directly into the room, took out the
cowhide bag containing the information and threw it on the table.
"See for yourself!"
The moment Lin Tianjun's eyes came into contact with the information, his face turned pale as
paper and his body uncontrollably collapsed to the ground.
Xin Caidie naturally saw it too, and glared at Lin Yiran with an unpleasant expression: "How dare
you, you little bitch, plot against me?"
Huo Jinlin curled his lips and said, "If you don't want others to know, then don't do it. If from now
on, I hear you say something insulting to the two sisters, or do something to hurt them, I will
definitely not let you go."
Lin Tianjun had already seen his methods, so how could he dare to provoke him? Naturally, he
behaved like a coward and agreed to divorce Xu Juan.
When the two left, they looked as dejected as dogs that had lost their homes. Xin Caidie's face
was full of reluctance, but she could do nothing about it.
The door was slammed shut, and the room finally returned to its former tranquility. Lin Yiyi
looked at Huo Jinlin with eyes full of admiration.
"Brother-in-law, you are so awesome. Now they definitely won't dare to come again, and mom
can get a divorce, which is great."
The little girl kept chattering and flattering Huo Jinlin, who was a little at a loss as to what to do.
Lin Yiran was also very grateful in her heart, and she also saw Huo Jinlin's embarrassment, so she
hurried out to help.
"Okay, okay, go do your homework!"
Lin Yiyi stuck out her tongue at her mischievously and skipped into the room.
With these evidences, the divorce went much more smoothly. Lawyer Fang took full charge of the
matter and the divorce was completed quickly. Lin Tianjun did not gain any advantage at all.
Huo Jinlin looked at the two small notebooks, and the heavy weight that had been hanging in his
heart finally fell down.
"Boss Huo, this Lin Tianjun is not a pushover. I'm afraid he won't let this go."
Huo Jinlin had already thought of this. He stopped what he was doing, looked up at the man in
front of him, and said fiercely, "If he is unkind, don't blame me for being unjust. Keep watching
them. If we have more evidence against them, they won't dare to act rashly again."
"Well, do I need to tell Miss Lin about this?"
Lawyer Fang shook the divorce certificate in his hand. Huo Jinlin made a great contribution to this
matter. It would be fine if he was the one to tell Lin Yiran.
"Don't tell them for now. Wait until I have investigated Lin Tianjun and Xin Caidie's background,
then I will give this thing to them."
Unexpectedly, the next day, the assistant in charge of investigating Xin Caidie brought Huo Jinlin
shocking news.
"The son born to Xin Caidie is not Lin Tianjun's biological child at all. Xin Caidie was with Lin
Tianjun in order to find a scapegoat. Who knew he was so gullible that he actually believed her
and has been raising someone else's son for so many years."
The assistant also found it hard to believe that there were such stupid people in this world who
were being cheated on and had no idea at all.
Huo Jinlin was also a little surprised: "If that's the case, then we don't need to go to great lengths.
We just need to go find Xin Caidie and tell her about this. From now on, she can whisper in Lin
Tianjun's ear from time to time, and no one will dare to cause trouble for Lin Yiran and her
daughter again."
This matter was resolved. Huo Jinlin opened the drawer, took out the divorce certificate, put it in
his pocket, and left with the car keys.
In order to avoid Lin Yiran's suspicion, he didn't dare to drive home during this period. He could
only park his car in a parking lot two intersections away from Lin Yiran's rental house, and then
walk back.
However, as luck would have it, Xin Caidie learned that Lin Tianjun succeeded in his divorce but
did not gain any advantage. She was unwilling to accept this and came to find trouble with Lin
Huo Jinlin happened to run into her on his way back: "What are you doing here again?"
Xin Caidie was also surprised. Why did this man always ask: "Who are you and what is your
relationship with Lin Yiran?"
"We are married, what is our relationship? Lin Yiran is my wife. If you come to cause trouble for
them again in the future, don't blame me for being rude to you."
"What, she secretly married you? Shameless little bitch."
Huo Jinlin frowned slightly as he spoke foul language. "Why can't we get married if we're both
unmarried? Besides, this is much more fair than you being pregnant with someone else's child
and looking for someone to take over, right?"
Xin Caidie's face suddenly turned pale: "What did you say?"
Huo Jinlin lowered his voice and moved closer: "Your son is not Lin Tianjun's. He doesn't know
about this yet, right? If you continue to be dishonest, I don't mind telling him about this for you."
Xin Caidie was so angry that she clenched her teeth, her whole body was shaking and she
couldn't speak, her face looked extremely ugly.
Huo Jinlin smiled sinisterly: "Of course, if you behave yourself and stop causing trouble, there is
no need for me to make this matter public, so you can do whatever you want!"
"Well, let's wait and see!"
Although she was angry, she did not dare to confront him head-on, so she had to leave angrily in
her seven-centimeter high heels.
She dared not let Lin Tianjun know her son's background, otherwise she would be finished.

Chapter 16: Personally in Charge

The sound of high heels gradually faded away, and Huo Jinlin turned around and went upstairs.
When he got home, he never mentioned anything about meeting Xin Caidie downstairs.
Lin Yiran had already prepared the meal. Huo Jinlin handed her the divorce certificate that
Lawyer Fang had helped to obtain. Lin Yiran was so surprised that she didn't know what to do
with her hands and feet.
"How come it's so fast?"
How could a scoundrel like Lin Tianjun get a divorce obediently? Lin Yiran is already prepared for
a protracted war.
"The evidence of his kidnapping of Yiyi was placed there last time, so he dared not leave."
Lin Yiran suddenly realized that Lin Tianjun had been causing trouble every other day recently,
but she had forgotten about it.
Lin Yiyi looked at Huo Jinlin with her big, clear eyes: "Brother-in-law, do I not have to go to my
father's place?"
That cautious look hurt Lin Yiran's heart a little. If Huo Jinlin hadn't intervened, she was afraid
that they would never be able to keep Lin Yiyi.
After spending some time together, Huo Jinlin also liked Lin Yiyi's innocence and cuteness. He
rubbed her hair lovingly.
"Yes, you don't have to go to your father's place. From now on, your sister will be your guardian. I
will raise you together with your sister."
"Oh yeah"
The little girl jumped excitedly in the living room. Her innocent and lovely look made Lin Yiran feel
even more grateful to Huo Jinlin.
Although these two simple words were pale and powerless, Lin still didn't know how to thank
him other than that.
Some families are happy while others are sad. While Lin Yiran and his family are celebrating Xu
Juan's successful divorce, Xin Caidie is worried that Lin Tianjun will know the truth about his son.
When she got home, Lin Tianjun was lying on the sofa playing with his mobile phone. He hadn't
changed his shoes and the floor was full of footprints. Xin Caidie suddenly felt unhappy.
"Why didn't you change your shoes when you got home? You made the floor muddy."
"My shoes are clean. Besides, isn't it always like this?"
Lin Tianjun didn't understand. He was always like this in the past. Xin Caidie never said anything
about him. Was she angry today?
Xin Caidie didn't say anything. She put down her bag and walked into the room, but saw that the
room was in a mess, with clothes and shoes scattered all over the floor. When she walked out,
the living room was full of cigarette ash. She felt uncomfortable and angry.
"You're idle all day long. Can't you clean up the house? I don't know why I was so blind to find
such a useless thing like you."
He had already been upset by Huo Jinlin, and when he came back and saw this mess, he felt that
Lin Tianjun was useless.
Lin Tianjun was also scolded for no apparent reason and was confused. Xin Caidie then went into
the house cursing.
At dinner time, her son was picking and choosing among the dishes again, and was scolded by Lin
Tianjun. Xin Caidie became even more worried, fearing that Lin Tianjun would discover that the
child was not his biological child.
The next morning, Xin Caidie asked Lin Tianjun to give her money, saying that her son's school
required information fees.
Seeing her empty her wallet, Lin Tianjun asked in confusion, "What information fee? Why do I
have to pay so much?"
Xin Caidie was afraid of being exposed, so she pretended to be normal and replied fiercely: "The
school asked me to hand it in, how would I know? If you want to know, go ask the teacher at
As soon as she finished speaking, she walked out of the door in her high heels. The moment she
closed the door, she heard Lin Tianjun mutter a few words of dissatisfaction, and she became
more determined to find the next buyer as soon as possible.
Xu Juan's condition gradually improved. Lin Yiran looked at her rosy face and was very happy.
Xu Juan was originally worried that Lin Yiran had just found someone to marry in a fit of anger,
but now seeing Huo Jinlin busying around for their family all day long, she finally felt relieved.
"Xiao Huo, thank you for your hard work during this period. There are too many trivial matters in
our family. You have been busy all the time since you got married."
Huo Jinlin's slender fingers were peeling an apple. Hearing this, he stopped what he was doing
and looked at her and said, "These are what I should do. We are all family, so don't say these
He was still a little awkward and didn't call Xu Juan, but Xu Juan didn't care. Now she liked this
son-in-law very much and was relieved.
A few people were talking and laughing when a crisp ring suddenly rang in the ward. Everyone
stopped talking and laughing, and Lin Yiran took out his cell phone and pressed the answer
However, hearing the voice coming from the other end of the phone, Lin Yiran's face suddenly
changed, and everyone looked at her.
"Sister Nuan's brother and sister-in-law went to the fried chicken shop to cause trouble. I have to
go check it out."
Guo Nuan has always taken good care of Lin Yiran, and Xu Juan knows this, so when she heard
this, she became a little anxious.
"Go quickly. She's a girl and she won't be able to handle it."
"I'll go with you!"
When Huo Jinlin heard that someone was causing trouble, he was worried that Lin Yiran would
not be able to handle it if he went there.
Lin Yiran glanced at him, wanting to say something but stopping herself. Finally, she turned to Xu
Juan and said, "Mom, you should have a good rest first. Huo Jinlin and I will go check on him."
"Well, go ahead and be careful."
Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran arrived at the fried chicken shop. The shop was in chaos, with tables,
chairs and plates smashed all over the floor. The outside of the shop was filled with people
watching the fun.
When Guo Nuan saw the two of them coming over, she felt like she had found a life-saving straw:
"Yi Ran, I'm sorry to bother you again."
Originally, Lin Yiran shouldn't have been bothered by this matter. In name only, the fried chicken
shop was still a partnership between two people. Now that they had destroyed the things in the
shop, Lin Yiran had the right to know about this matter.
Lin Yiran had already gotten used to the situation in the store. She comforted Guo Nuan, "Don't
worry, leave it to us."
When Guo Nuan's brother and sister-in-law saw the two of them appear, they did not hide their
greedy eyes at all, and instead looked even more ferocious than before.
"You little bitch, even if you find helpers, we won't let you go unless you give us the money
The two of them pulled up a chair and sat in front of the cashier counter. "That's right. We won't
leave until we see the money today."
Huo Jinlin curled his lips and said, "I've seen a lot of people like you, blackmailing people. I don't
mind sending you to the police station."
Guo Nuan's sister-in-law said unreasonably, "Who do you think you are? Why do you say that?
This store belongs to my sister. We raised her since she was a child. Now she should give us some
money. Isn't it right?"
Guo Nuan had already witnessed their rudeness and unreasonableness. Apart from crying non-
stop, she had no other way to deal with them.
But Huo Jinlin was not afraid of them at all. He said coldly, "You know, the store belongs to your
sister. She and Lin Yiran are the nominal partners now. You are not legal persons. If you continue
to make trouble, I have the right to sue you for provoking trouble and extortion. Don't blame me
for being rude then."

Chapter 17 Designing Dolls

His brother and sister-in-law were obviously a little scared, but Guo Nuan's brother still
pretended to be calm and glared at Huo Jinlin fiercely.
"Who are you? Don't scare me with these things. What qualifications do you have to ask about
our affairs?"
Lin Yin, who was standing by, couldn't stand it any longer: "He's my husband. Do you think he has
the right to ask about the things going on in the store? And if you don't believe what he said, you
can try it. The surveillance cameras in the store are all there anyway."
When Huo Jinlin heard Lin Yiran introduce him for the first time, it was as if a feather was gently
brushing across his heart, and a strange feeling arose spontaneously.
After hearing what Lin Yiran said, the two men looked at them half-believingly, then looked at the
surveillance cameras in the store. Seeing that Huo Jinlin was still sitting there with great
momentum, they knew they could not gain any advantage, and were afraid of being blamed, so
they had to leave in embarrassment.
When passing by Guo Nuan, her sister-in-law pointed at her fiercely and said, "You ungrateful
little girl, I'll find a chance to deal with you."
The two men finally walked away cursing at each other. This was the first time they didn't get the
upper hand over Guo Nuan. Watching them disappear around the corner, Guo Nuan felt relieved
and cried while lying on the table.
Lin Yiran didn't say anything, but just accompanied her silently, helped her wipe her tears, and
waited quietly for her to vent her emotions.
Fortunately, the fried chicken shop has always had a good reputation, and calm was quickly
restored after the storm. The three of them cleaned up the shop and resumed normal business,
and customers came in one after another.
Lin Yiran and Guo Nuan were soon very busy, but Huo Jinlin didn't understand any of this, so he
could only sit aside and play with his phone.
"Your husband is much more handsome than I thought, and he's considerate and caring. Where
did you find him? I want one too."
The two were in the kitchen together. Guo Nuan glanced at Huo Jinlin who was playing with his
phone, and bumped Lin Yiran's arm meaningfully.
When Lin Yiran looked up, she met Guo Nuan's teasing eyes. She blushed like a ripe apple and
spoke in a low voice.
"Sister Nuan, please stop making fun of me. Didn't I tell you last time that we met in front of the
Civil Affairs Bureau?"
Guo Nuan picked up a spoon and flipped the chicken fillet in the frying pan, teasing, "Are all the
chickens thrown in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau so good now? I'll go pick one up tomorrow."
Lin Yiran ignored her and went out with the meal blushing.
When Huo Jinlin saw her coming out, he asked in confusion, "Why is your face so red?"
"Oh? It's okay," Lin Yiran patted his face and said, "It's too hot inside."
"Really?" Huo Jinlin was skeptical, but didn't ask any more questions. He looked at the food in her
hand and suggested, "You can sell fried chicken in bundles with other snacks, and design some
meal packages. If you hold regular events, the effect should be much better."
Guo Nuan happened to come out, and her eyes lit up when she heard this: "I didn't expect you to
know all this. I think this suggestion is very good. What do you think?"
"Sure," Lin Yiran nodded, "Some of the items in the store are indeed quite simple. If we can
combine them and sell them together, I think the effect will be very good."
"Well, that's true. Your husband did make a good suggestion."
Guo Nuan was a few years older than Lin Yiran, and her personality was different from that of the
shy little girl, so she spoke more directly. But when she heard the word "husband", Lin Yiran
blushed and her heart beat fast, and she didn't dare to look at Huo Jinlin.
After finalizing the plan, the two packed up and left. Lin Yiyi was still in the hospital, so they had
to go and pick her up.
The store sold products according to Huo Jinlin's suggestion, and the results were as expected. In
just one week, sales increased significantly.
When Lin Yiran received her call, she was cooking in the kitchen. She looked up and saw Huo
Jinlin fiddling with something in the living room.
After hanging up the phone, Lin Yiran came out of the kitchen and saw Huo Jinlin writing and
drawing on a small notebook with a pile of messy materials on the table.
“Are you designing something?”
Huo Jinlin was busy with his own work, without even looking up: "I'm helping the fried chicken
shop design a cartoon doll. On weekdays, most of the customers in the store are with children. If I
can design a cartoon doll, it can not only represent the image of the fried chicken shop, but also
be given as a souvenir to the children."
When Lin Yiran heard this, he was surprised: "How come you have so many skills?"
After spending some time together, Lin Yiran discovered that living with Huo Jinlin was like
digging for treasure. How much was there about him that she didn't understand?
Huo Jinlin was afraid that Lin Yiran would get suspicious, so he said perfunctorily, "I'm just bored,
and sometimes when I come across these things during patrols, I learn a little bit by the way. I
only know the basics."
Lin Yiran was still somewhat curious: "So how many skills do you have that I don't know about?"
Watching his hands move, these ordinary materials were turned into a magical cartoon character
as if by magic, and Lin Yiran was amazed.
Huo Jinlin placed the things in front of her and said in a calm tone, "I don't know anything else, I
only know these."
As the days passed, Xu Juan gradually got better, and Lin Yiran was finally able to relax a little.
On the way to pick up Lin Yiyi from school, she kept chirping like a sparrow. Lin Yiyi was busy and
tired at the fried chicken shop, so she just smiled and said nothing.
Lin Yiyi grumbled in dissatisfaction: "You are too boring. I'd better let my brother-in-law pick me
up in the future. He will teach me a lot of things, unlike you. You ignore me when I talk to you."
Lin Yiran: “…”
Wasn't it always like this before? Why did she become boring after Huo Jinlin took her in a few
The two returned home in a depressed mood. As soon as they opened the door, they heard
crackling sounds coming from the kitchen. Lin Yiran thought a thief had broken in, so she picked
up the broom by the door and rushed in.
Their eyes met, and Huo Jinlin smiled awkwardly: "I originally wanted to learn how to cook, but I
didn't expect it to turn out like this."
The kitchen was a mess of pots and pans. Huo Jinlin's clothes were stained with egg liquid, and
he was holding a bowl of eggs mixed with egg shells in his hand. Lin Yiran couldn't help but burst
out laughing.
This was the first time she saw Huo Jinlin so embarrassed since they met, and she almost couldn't
straighten her back from laughing.
"If I don't come back, I'm afraid you'll blow up my kitchen."
Huo Jinlin was embarrassed and didn't say anything. He picked up the broom and dustpan beside
him and started cleaning.
Lin Yiran watched all this and knew that he was learning to take care of the family, and her heart
was pounding like a deer.
The man in front of me is not only diligent and hardworking, but also responsible for his family. If
I can find such a person in my life, what else can I be dissatisfied with?

Chapter 18 Asking for Money

Lin Tianjun successfully divorced and had no chance to own the house in Xu Juan's hands. In Xin
Caidie's eyes, he was a completely abandoned chess piece.
She was very cautious and secretly made appointments with other men, but she didn't expect to
be discovered by Lin Tianjun.
"You stinky bitch, I pay you to support you, and you dare to betray me and do such a despicable
Xin Caidie had just come back from outside when a thick stack of photos hit her hard and fell to
the ground, scattering everywhere. On the stack were photos of her and that man, arm in arm,
behaving intimately in the hotel.
When Xin Caidie first saw these photos, she was frightened, but then she thought that since Lin
Tianjun had investigated to this extent, she didn't want to live in fear anymore.
"Lin Tianjun, you are useless, yet you dare to vent your anger on me? It's obviously your own
fault, so why do you dare to scold me in the end?"
"Bitch, you still dare to be so stubborn."
Lin Tianjun was already furious because he was cuckolded, and now he was insulted by her. He
felt unhappy and slapped her in the face.
Xin Caidie felt like someone had stepped on her tail, and she instantly got furious. She picked up a
chair nearby and smashed it over. Lin Tianjun was caught off guard, and his forehead hit the
corner of the stool, causing him to bleed instantly.
Now both of them were so angry that they started fighting each other. In the end, both of them
were injured and sent to the hospital.
After examination, the doctor said that both of them needed to stay in the hospital for
observation, especially Lin Tianjun, who had multiple fractures and a mild concussion.
However, all the money on Lin Tianjun was taken away by Xin Caidie, not a penny was left. Now
he is so poor that he can't even pay for the hospital bills.
The two were arranged to the same ward. When Lin Tianjun saw Xin Caidie, he was furious, but
he had no money on him, so he had no choice but to ask Xin Caidie for money.
"No, if you want money, go ask your daughter. You and I are not related at all, why should I give
you money?"
Ever since the two of them got together, Lin Tianjun never dared to attack Xin Caidie, let alone a
fight like this, so this time, Xin Caidie had already decided to kick Lin Tianjun away, and naturally
would not care about him anymore.
In desperation, Lin Tianjun had to call Lin Yiran despite his injuries.
Lin Yiran was feeding Xu Juan in the hospital. When she saw the incoming call number on her
mobile phone, she hung up without hesitation.
Xu Juan was puzzled: "Who called? Why didn't you answer?"
“Nuisance call.”
Lin Yiran silently added Lin Tianjun's number to the blacklist, and the phone became quiet.
Unexpectedly, when she had put Xu Juan to bed and came out of the ward, Lin Tianjun was
waiting for her downstairs in the hospital.
The moment she saw him, Lin Yiran's expression immediately turned cold: "What are you doing
here? You and my mother have already divorced, don't even think about causing trouble for her."
She wondered who Lin Tianjun had offended. He was beaten all over, with a bruised face and
nose, and his whole body was wrapped in gauze. If it weren't for the part of his face that was
exposed, he would have looked a bit like a mummy.
"I'm not looking for her," Lin Tianjun's voice was a little hoarse: "I came to see you, I was injured,
the doctor asked me to be hospitalized, but I have no money."
The implication was that he was just here to ask for money, so Lin Yiran didn't say anything and
just picked up his bag and left.
Seeing that she was about to leave, Lin Tianjun became anxious and quickly ran over to block her:
"Lin Yiran, if you don't give me the money, I will follow you every day."
Lin Yiran ruthlessly pushed his hand away and said coldly: "What does it have to do with me? I'm
not your daughter. Why should I give you money?"
Lin Tianjun was speechless when asked, and the two finally parted unhappily. Lin Yiran didn't take
the matter to heart, and went out to pick up Lin Yiyi. The two sisters went home talking and
Just as she arrived at the door of her house, she saw Lin Tianjun, who had just blocked her in the
hospital, coming directly to her door.
Lin Yiyi had been frightened by Lin Tianjun several times in a row. When she saw her this
moment, she was so scared that she kept hiding behind Lin Yiran.
"What are you doing here again? Didn't I tell you? I won't give you any money, and I don't have
any money."
Lin Tianjun was clearly prepared. He deliberately blocked the two sisters in the corridor and
shouted, "I am your adoptive father. You have eaten my food and worn my clothes since you were
a child. Isn't it your duty to support me?"
Their quarrel was so loud that the neighbors all leaned out to watch. Some of the brave ones
even walked up to the corridor to watch.
"How shameless! I really don't know how you can say such a thing. Anyway, no matter what you
say, don't even think about taking a penny from me today."
Lin Yiran pulled Lin Yiyi back a few steps, preparing to go straight into the house, but was stopped
by Lin Tianjun's quick eyes and hands.
He deliberately made a lot of noise and said in a loud voice: "If you don't give me money today, I
will move into your rental house. Anyway, I am injured like this now, and I just need someone to
take care of me."
When the neighbors who were unaware of the inside story saw this scene, they all condemned
Lin Yiran for being too cruel. In addition, Lin Tianjun was covered in wounds and wrapped in
gauze, so everyone naturally sided with Lin Tianjun.
An elderly lady came over and saw Lin Tianjun squatting at the door wrapped in bandages. She
persuaded Lin Yiran earnestly, saying, "Girl, he is your elder after all. We dare not abuse the
elderly. Let's take him to the hospital as soon as possible."
"That's right, look at how badly he's injured. How can you be so cruel, girl!"
"Yeah, yeah, no matter what, you can't do this to him!"
There was a heated argument among the crowd, and Lin Yiran didn't know how to respond. He
held Lin Yiran and stood there, feeling a little uneasy.
Lin Yiran was speechless, but Lin Yiyi could not stand it any longer. She stood up from behind Lin
Yiran, looked at Lin Tianjun, and said with disdain: "You are not worthy of being a father. You have
done nothing for me and my sister. You are not qualified to ask my sister for money."
The little girl's words stunned everyone. How could a seven-year-old girl have such deep hostility
towards him? Is this man really so unforgivable?
Seeing that Lin Yiyi had spoken, Lin Yiran ignored everyone's gazes and stood up and said
confidently: "If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have done it in the first place.
Everything today is the result of your actions. No matter what you say, I won't give you any
money. If you don't want to leave, then I will have to call the police."
“You…you guys…”
Lin Tianjun was furious. He pulled Lin Yiyi over and said viciously, "If you don't give me money, I
will have to take her back. After all, I am her biological father."

Chapter 19 Shocking News

"I don't want to, sister, I don't want to go back with him, sister, save me, sister..."
When Lin Yiyi heard that Lin Tianjun was going to take her back, she immediately screamed in
fear and began to struggle with punches and kicks.
Lin Tianjun held her tightly and refused to let go. Although he was covered in wounds, he was still
incredibly strong. Lin Yiyi struggled to get free and had to ask Lin Yiran for help.
Lin Yiyi is Lin Yiran's weak spot. Seeing that he was serious and wanted to take Lin Yiyi away, Lin
Yiran hurried out to stop him.
"Let go of my sister, you have no right to touch her."
She wanted to rush forward to grab the person, but she didn't expect that Lin Tianjun grabbed Lin
Yiyi with one hand, while using his other hand to push Lin Yiran away steadily. He didn't act like a
patient at all.
Everyone around treated her coldly. Seeing that Lin Yiyi was about to be taken away, Lin Yiran
quickly asked everyone for help.
"Help me, please. This man is worse than a beast. My sister is so young, she can't be taken away
by him."
Everyone was indifferent, and acted as if it was none of their business. Lin Yiran tried hard to ask
everyone to save Lin Yiyi, but finally collapsed in despair because no one wanted to be involved in
other people's affairs.
Lin Tianjun seemed to have been certain of all this long ago, and was in no hurry to take Lin Yiyi
away. Instead, he looked at Lin Yiran's disheveled appearance and stopped to scold her.
"Lin Yiran, why are you pretending to be a good person? Do you dare to say that you did all this
not for the house in Xu Juan's hands?"
Everyone was confused, but when they saw Lin Yiran's attitude towards Lin Tianjun, they all
began to blame her.
"Girl, no matter what, it's wrong for you to treat your parents like this."
"Yes, no matter how wrong they are, as a daughter, you should be filial to them."
"That's right. It would be fine if you didn't care about your father's injury, but you actually said
such treasonous words. It's wrong for you as a junior."
Everyone was chattering in agreement with the old lady's words, and they all stood on the moral
high ground to kidnap her. Lin Yiran felt very desperate when she heard this, and she could only
watch Lin Tianjun take Lin Yiyi away, but she was powerless to do anything.
"Sister...Sister, I don't want to go back with him, sister..."
Lin Yiyi's howling echoed throughout the corridor. Instead of stepping forward to help, people
shook their heads, as if they all thought that kids nowadays are too rebellious.
Lin Yiran was helpless and could only collapse and shout: "Lin Tianjun, stop, let my sister go, I
won't let you take her away, Lin Tianjun..."
However, Lin Tianjun's plan had already succeeded. He would not listen to her and just took Lin
Yiyi away directly, smugly acting like a winner.
Lin Yiran still wanted to chase after her, but was stopped by the crowd. Just as Lin Yiyi was about
to disappear from her sight, a person suddenly appeared at the corner. It was Huo Jinlin.
He quickly waved at Lin Tianjun a few times, and Lin Yiyi was successfully rescued. Huo Jinlin
carried her back to Lin Yiran.
"Lin Tianjun, I think we have been too tolerant of you, so you never learn your lesson and come
to make trouble again and again. Do you really think we are all vegetarians?"
Lin Tianjun had fought with Huo Jinlin several times but never won, and he felt a little nervous.
Now when he saw him, he was a little scared, but because so many eyes were staring at him, Lin
Tianjun had no choice but to bite the bullet and curse a few words.
"This is my daughter. It's my right to do what I want. You are an outsider. How can you control
After hearing this, Huo Jinlin flew into a rage: "Lin Tianjun, don't forget that you are divorced. If
you don't get out of here quickly, I don't mind sending you to the intensive care unit."
Now Lin Tianjun didn't dare to act recklessly anymore. After all, Huo Jinlin was not as weak as Lin
Yiran. If he really started fighting, he would definitely not be able to win in his current state.
Everyone was shocked and were about to lament the violent nature of this family when Huo Jinlin
threatened Lin Tianjun with punches and kicks.
Fortunately, it had a deterrent effect. Lin Tianjun was still a little afraid and left embarrassedly.
"Just wait for me, little brat."
The people watching the fun wanted to say something, but Huo Jinlin glanced at them and
everyone obediently retreated back to their homes.
A few people opened the door and went in. Lin Yiran and Lin Yiyi were both sitting on the sofa in
fear. Lin Tianjun had been making trouble again and again, and they were already tired of dealing
with it.
"Don't worry, he won't come to make trouble with you again."
Huo Jinlin had something on Xin Caidie, and since Lin Tianjun liked to stir up trouble, he decided
to create some trouble for him to see if he still had the energy to come here and make trouble.
Lin Yiran was unaware of the situation and didn't take it seriously: "Lin Tianjun is extremely
greedy and won't let this go."
Lin Yiyi was also a little scared: "Sister, I have been sentenced to you, can he still take me away?"
"Don't worry, he won't do that. He doesn't dare to do that, and he doesn't have the time to come
looking for you again."
Huo Jinlin couldn't tell them the real reason, but since Lin Tianjun was unkind first, don't blame
him for being unjust.
The next morning, Lin Tianjun was awakened by a knock on the door. He dragged his aching body
and opened the door impatiently.
"Who is it, calling for help so early in the morning?"
"A courier."
express delivery?
Lin Tianjun opened the door with an unhappy look on his face. A man wearing a baseball cap was
standing outside the door, holding an envelope in his hand.
"It's not mine. I didn't buy anything."
It must be Xin Caidie’s things. Lin Tianjun was about to close the door again with a snap, but the
courier quickly reached out and grabbed him.
"You must be Lin Tianjun, right? The other party specifically mentioned your name and said that
this thing must be delivered to you."
Lin Tianjun was now half awake. He closed the door while cursing and tore open the envelope.
Unexpectedly, the moment his eyes came into contact with the contents of the envelope, Lin
Tianjun lost all his sleepiness and became instantly furious.
The envelope contained a photo of Xin Caidie, her son and another man, as well as a paternity
test of her and her son, the result of which showed that there was no parent-child relationship.
So he has been helping others raise their sons for all these years?
Lin Tianjun tightly grasped the photos in his hands, his eyes ferocious as if he wanted to eat
"Xin Caidie, you bitch."
He quickly washed up and went straight to the hospital with these things.
The two of them had a big fight that day, and Xin Caidie was seriously injured. She is still in the
hospital. Lin Tianjun rushed over angrily and threw the envelope in her face.
Xin Caidie didn't want to pay attention to him in the first place, and now she was being treated
like this by him, she was furious: "What the hell are you doing so early in the morning?"
Lin Tianjun was so angry that he wanted to kill her. He looked at her fiercely and said, "Just look
at it yourself, bitch. If you don't give me an explanation today, I will kill you."

Chapter 20: Trouble Again

The moment Xin Caidie saw the content of the photo, her face suddenly changed, and the more
she looked at it, the more nervous she became.
Needless to say, the two ended up fighting again in the hospital, and Xin Caidie, who was already
gradually recovering, was once again sent to the emergency room by the doctor.
What Huo Jinlin said was absolutely correct. After that day, Lin Tianjun was busy looking for
trouble with Xin Caidie and had no time to bother with the two sisters.
Lin Yiran was happy and comfortable, and got along well with Huo Jinlin, and their relationship
became closer.
That day, Huo Jinlin was at the company when he received a call from home. It was his
grandmother. The old lady asked about his grandson's wife in a mysterious way and tried every
way to get Huo Jinlin to take her back to the old house.
Huo Jinlin was tired of dealing with it, so he agreed on the surface. The old lady was secretly
happy at home for the whole afternoon, but when it was time for dinner, Huo Jinlin came back
"Dad, Dad is back."
The two little guys excitedly ran towards the door. Huo Jinlin hugged one of them with each hand,
and each of the little kids kissed him on the face.
The old lady and Song Yuwan stretched their necks to look behind him, but found nothing, and
both looked obviously disappointed.
"Jinlin, didn't grandma say you would bring my daughter-in-law back? Mom has prepared the red
envelopes, why didn't you bring her back?"
Huo Jinlin was speechless and could only make up an excuse: "She was delayed by something
today. She will come to see you another day when she has time."
"Could it be that you hid it secretly and didn't want to bring it back to us?"
The old lady grumbled in dissatisfaction, and looked at Huo Jinlin with some displeasure.
Song Yuwan also wanted to see Lin Yiran, so she asked, "Can you tell me the exact time when you
will bring the person back to us?"
The little guy was confused and looked at Huo Jinlin in confusion: "Dad, who are you talking
Now Huo Jinlin was a little unhappy. He didn't want to say this in front of the children.
"No one, you guys go down first, Dad will talk to grandma and the others for a while, and then he
will come to accompany you later."
"All right."
The two children have always been obedient and sensible. When they heard him say that, they
could only pout and get off him.
After the child walked away, Huo Jinlin looked at Song Yuwan and the old lady with a firm attitude
and said, "When there is a suitable opportunity, I will definitely bring her back to see you, but not
now. You must be careful, especially don't say these things in front of the child."
Seeing that he was a little angry, the old lady muttered: "I am just worried about you. The two
children are grown up and want to have a mother too."
The two little guys who were hiding quietly at the stairs heard what their grandma said, and they
both looked at each other with their mouths wide open, in surprise.
The distance was too far and they couldn't hear clearly, but the two children were sure they
heard the word "Mom", but the rest were not clear.
The atmosphere in the living room was a bit awkward. Noticing that Huo Jinlin looked strange,
Song Yuwan hurried out to smooth things over.
"Okay, okay, Mom, don't be too anxious. Since you're already married, you're a member of our
Huo family. We'll always be able to meet each other when we have the chance."
After that, she turned to look at Huo Jinlin and said, "Jinlin, you too, don't be angry with
grandma. Grandma is just old and worried about you."
At the same time, Huo Jinlin did not go home for dinner, so Lin Yiran just cooked something and
had dinner with Lin Yiyi. Then she gave the cartoon doll designed by Huo Jinlin to Guo Nuan.
"Yiyi, you watch TV at home and finish your homework. I'm going to go to Sister Nuan's fried
chicken shop."
Lin Yiyi was watching TV on the sofa. When she heard her say this, she didn't even raise her head.
Lin Yiran took the cartoon doll and went straight to Guo Nuan's fried chicken shop. It was getting
dark and the streets were deserted, but the entrance of the fried chicken shop was crowded with
She felt somewhat confused and had a bad feeling, so she quickly squeezed through the crowd
with difficulty. As expected, she saw a mess in front of her again.
The things in the fried chicken shop were smashed all over the floor. There were a few customers
watching there, but they just stood there and didn't dare to come forward.
She ran in quickly and saw Guo Nuan still wearing her apron, standing there awkwardly.
"What are you doing here again? If you don't leave, we will call the police."
Guo Nuan's brother and sister-in-law had dealt with Lin Yiran several times and were deeply
impressed by her sharp tongue and did not have a good impression of her.
Seeing that she came alone this time, the two men's attitudes changed immediately, and their
eyes became fierce: "What does it have to do with you? We ask my sister for money, what does it
have to do with you?"
During this period of time, Huo Jinlin helped Lin Yiran deal with such things too many times, so
she became bolder and refuted them loudly when she heard this.
"I also own this store. You broke in and smashed the things inside. This is illegal. I have the right
to sue you."
Guo Nuan's brother glanced behind Lin Yiran and made sure that Huo Jinlin did not follow him.
He pushed Lin Yiran fiercely.
"Who do you think you are to mind our business?"
Guo Nuan had remained silent when they were verbally insulting her, but now that they dared to
attack Lin Yiran, she was the first to disagree and stood up to protect Lin Yiran.
"What are you doing? This is none of Yiran's business. Don't make a move."
"Hey, you dare to speak now? I'm asking you, do you want to take out the money?"
The brother looked at Guo Nuan with such greedy eyes that it seemed as if he was looking at a
"I don't have any money, and I won't give it to you even if I did."
Guo Nuan had already seen through their greed, so he had already made up his mind to stop
caring about them.
"You are a heartless ungrateful bastard."
Unexpectedly, this sentence directly angered his brother, and he slapped Guo Nuan in the face.
Guo Nuan was not a pushover either, and he pushed back with a fierce palm, and the two of
them immediately started fighting.
When her sister-in-law saw Guo Nuan and her brother pushing each other, she rushed over,
grabbed her hair and started fighting with them.
The situation got a little out of control for a moment. Lin Yiran was afraid that Guo Nuan would
get hurt, so she reached out to push her sister-in-law away, but unexpectedly she accidentally
touched the tea bar machine.
Seeing that the scalding hot water was about to pour onto Lin Yiran's face, the guests who were
watching the excitement could not bear it anymore and quickly reached out to hold her, thus Lin
Yiran escaped the disaster.
The tea bar machine lost its balance and tilted to the other side with a bang. Everyone was
stunned. Lin Yiran and Guo Nuan were instantly frightened.
The two guests captured the brother and sister-in-law in no time, and the fight stopped. Seeing
that the situation was not right, the brother and sister-in-law ran away.
The rest of the people looked at each other in bewilderment. Lin Yiran then persuaded Guo
Nuan, saying, "Sister Nuan, why don't you call the police? Otherwise, they will definitely come

Chapter 21 Almost Got Exposed

Guo Nuan covered his injured arm in silence for a long time. Finally, he hesitated and shook his
head, saying, "Forget it, Yiran. After all, they have done me a favor. If I really want to send them
to the police station myself, I can't do it."
After all, blood is thicker than water. Lin Yiran couldn't say anything more and could only stop
talking helplessly.
"Your hand is seriously injured, go to the hospital immediately!"
Of the two men who were the only ones to help, the younger one pointed at Guo Nuan's arm.
Lin Yiran and Guo Nuan only then remembered to thank them. Looking at the two of them, Guo
Nuan said gratefully, "Thank you. If you hadn't been here today, I don't know how they would
have made a scene!"
"It's okay," another older man smiled naively, "My wife divorced me a few years ago, and now I'm
alone with my daughter. She likes the food in your store, so we come here often."
"Thank you, thank you for your support. Thank you very much today. Bring her over to play when
you have time. I'll treat her to a meal."
"Well," the divorced man nodded, then looked at his watch and said anxiously, "Then I'll leave
first if there's nothing else. My daughter is about to finish school."
"Take this to your little sister. Thank you, brother."
Lin Yiran picked up the cooked food that had been prepared on the bar. Maybe it had just been
prepared and had not been served to the customers yet when the troublemakers arrived, so it
was still there, just a little cold.
"No, no, it's just a small favor, not worth mentioning."
"It's okay, take it. It's not worth anything. If it weren't for you today, I'm afraid our troubles would
not be solved until now!"
The two pushed and shoved for a while, and finally the divorced man couldn't refuse anymore.
He thanked the man again and again and took the food and left.
The other man looked at the injuries on the two of them and said kindly, "Come on, I'm here to
drive you to the hospital."
Guo Nuan never liked to owe favors to others, so she quickly declined, "No, sir. You have helped
me enough today, so I won't waste your time."
The man was also stubborn and didn't care about Guo Nuan's rejection: "It's okay, I'm fine
anyway, let's go!"
Lin Yiran and Guo Nuan looked at each other and stood there without moving.
"I'm not a bad person. You can call me Lao Qin. Let's just treat it as making friends. I'm just
worried that you will continue to stay here. If they come back to cause trouble for you, you two
girls will definitely not be able to handle it."
The other person has already said so much, if they refuse again, it would seem that they don't
trust the other person.
"Well...well, I'll trouble you then, Lao Qin."
Lin Yiran was the first to agree, and Guo Nuan didn't say anything else. The three of them drove
to the hospital quickly.
It happened that Huo Jinlin got off work early, but when he returned home he found that Lin was
not there. Upon learning that she had sent the doll to the fried chicken shop, he immediately
called her and prepared to pick her up.
But when he learned that she was in the hospital, Huo Jinlin thought that Lin Yiran was injured.
He was so scared that he quickly put on his shoes and rushed to the hospital.
Lin Yiran was bandaging the wound when suddenly a shadow appeared in front of her. She
looked up and saw that it was Huo Jinlin.
"How come you're so fast?"
Less than ten minutes had passed since the call was hung up. Considering the distance between
her home and the hospital, this was clearly the speed at which the accelerator was pushed to the
Huo Jinlin avoided answering and instead nervously pulled her arm: "How are you? Where are
you injured? Is it serious?"
During this period of time together, Huo Jinlin had unknowingly developed feelings for Lin Yiran,
but he himself was unaware of it. But when he heard that Lin Yiran was in the hospital, his heart
immediately rose to his throat.
Guo Nuan watched all of this silently without interrupting, but just quietly cast a strange look at
Lin Yiran.
Facing her fiery gaze, Lin Yiran shook his head awkwardly: "It's not me, it's Sister Nuan who was
injured, I'm fine."
As soon as he finished speaking, before Huo Jinlin could say anything, he caught a glimpse of Lao
Qin who had just returned from paying Guo Nuan's fees. Their eyes met, and both of them were
a little confused.
"The fee has been paid, we..."
Lao Qin stopped talking halfway. When he saw Huo Jinlin, he was surprised and confused.
Huo Jinlin quickly interrupted him: "Is this the kindhearted person who saved you?"
"Yes," Lin Yiran nodded, "This is Lao Qin. He is the one who saved us. We are all thankful for him
today. By the way, Lao Qin, this is... my husband."
Even though the two of them had been married for such a long time, it was still the first time that
Lin Yiran formally introduced Huo Jinlin to others, and for a moment she was a little embarrassed
to say it.
When Huo Jinlin heard the word "husband", a strange feeling flashed through her heart.
Lao Qin is an engineer in the technical department of Huo Jinlin's company. Seeing that Huo Jinlin
seemed to be deliberately concealing his identity, he was puzzled, but he could only cooperate
with him and pretend not to know him.
Huo Jinlin nodded slightly: "Thank you, go and do what you want, I'll take them back later."
"Okay, I'll be leaving first then."
After saying that, Lao Qin tactfully left quickly, but Lin still felt something was strange and a little
"Do you know Lao Qin? Why do I feel like he's looking at you strangely?"
Huo Jinlin quickly denied it: "I don't know him."
Although they did not reveal any flaws, Lin Yiran always felt that there was something strange
between them, and Huo Jinlin seemed to be hiding something.
"I really don't know him. Why did I feel like Lao Qin wanted to say hello to you just now?"
She clearly saw Lao Qin had already spoken just now, but was interrupted by Huo Jinlin.
Seeing her suspicion, Huo Jinlin had to make up another excuse in order not to reveal his identity:
"Maybe he knows me, because I work in their company, but I don't know him."
"Well, that's possible!"
Lin Yiran nodded half-doubtfully. Huo Jinlin was a security guard and saw people coming and
going every day. He might not be able to remember them all, but people came and went in front
of him every day, so it was possible that they might actually remember him.
But for some reason, Lin Yiran always felt that Lao Qin's attitude towards Huo Jinlin was strange,
not like an ordinary friend.
"Yi Ran, I've bandaged it. The doctor has also ordered other tests. Please accompany me to check
it out. I have a wound on my arm, and it may not be convenient for me to go alone."
While she was still struggling with this, Guo Nuan had already come out with her wound
bandaged. As she was worried that she might have other injuries, the doctor suggested that she
go for a full body check-up.
"Okay," Lin Yiran nodded, then turned to Huo Jinlin and said, "Then I'll go with her. You wait here
for me."

Chapter 22: Testing

"Okay, go ahead, I'll wait for you here."
Huo Jinlin held the bags for them and sat down on a chair in the hospital corridor.
Unexpectedly, Guo Nuan and Lin Yiran walked away, and after a while, Lao Qin came back.
As soon as he saw him coming out of the elevator, Huo Jinlin looked nervously at the end of the
corridor not far away. Fortunately, Lin Yiran and the others had not returned yet.
"Didn't you go back? Why are you back again?"
There was a hint of reproach in his tone. Old Qin didn't understand why. He glanced around but
didn't see Lin Yiran and the others.
"They didn't know whose phone was left in my car, so I returned it to them."
Lao Qin was holding a cell phone in his hand, it belonged to Guo Nuan.
"Put it here, you can go back."
Huo Jinlin's tone was indifferent, which made Lao Qin even more confused.
"Boss Huo, what are you hiding? And when did you get married? How come I don't know?"
In addition to being a superior-subordinate relationship in the company, the two also get along
well in private. Lao Qin even jokes with Huo Jinlin occasionally, but no one has ever heard of him
getting married.
Huo Jinlin looked a little unnatural when being asked, but he didn't want to tell Lao Qin the truth,
so he could only criticize him secretly.
"Anyway, don't expose yourself. Just pretend you don't know me, and don't mention anything
about me."
Old Qin was puzzled and jokingly said, "Boss Huo, you...are you trying to cheat on me?"
"Go to hell," Huo Jinlin raised his foot and tried to kick his leg with an unnatural look on his face,
and said coldly, "I don't mind sending you to participate in the company's new South African
These words frightened Lao Qin so much that he quickly waved his hands: "No, no, no, I don't
want to go to that barren place. Mr. Huo, don't worry, I will definitely keep this secret for you."
The teasing look was obviously teasing him. Huo Jinlin was about to speak when he noticed that
Lin Yiran and the others had returned.
Guo Nuan was puzzled: "Hey, Lao Qin, didn't you just leave? Why are you back again?"
"Oh, one of you left your phone in my car. I heard it ringing, so I hurried to bring it back to you.
Please take a look. Maybe it's something urgent."
"Sister Nuan, it's yours."
"Well, I was in such a hurry to get off the bus just now that I didn't notice it. Lao Qin, thank you
for making this trip again."
Guo Nuan picked up her phone and saw that there were more than a dozen missed calls. They
were all from her sister-in-law. She must have been calling her an ungrateful person or something
like that. Guo Nuan didn't want to pay any attention to her and just pressed the power button.
Lin Yiran curled her lips calmly. She had been wondering about the relationship between the two
people just now. Now that Lao Qin was back, she decided to find out what they were up to.
"Huo Jinlin, please help Sister Nuan deliver this checkup form to the doctor's office. By the way,
ask the doctor if there are any precautions and see when we can leave."
Huo Jinlin had no idea of her little plan, and obediently took the check list and went upstairs.
Seeing his submissive look, Lao Qin suddenly smacked his lips, feeling a little uncomfortable. He
was used to his ferocious look like a wolf, and for a moment he was not used to his docile look
like a sheep.
Seeing that Lao Qin had been staring at Huo Jinlin, Lin Yinran had a hunch that there must be
something going on, so she deliberately asked Lao Qin indirectly.
“I heard you are from the same company?”
"Then why don't you say hello? We are all colleagues!"
"Um...we are not..."
Lao Qin didn't understand what Lin Yiran meant. Just when he didn't know how to answer and
was about to give himself away, Huo Jinlin came back in time.
"What are you talking about? You look so happy."
"Nothing," Lin Yiran said deliberately, "I just heard you say that you are from the same company,
so I asked for you. Since you will all work together in the future, you can take care of each other."
Old Qin was shocked. It turned out that he was testing him just now. Fortunately, he didn't get
caught. Otherwise, he would be exiled to South Africa, a barren place, by the big devil Huo Jinlin.
As smart as he was, Huo Jinlin had already guessed that Lin Yiran had deliberately sent him away.
He did not expose her, but simply said, "The company is so big, it is impossible for me to know
everyone. I don't have any impression of them."
Seeing that they were still hiding the truth and refusing to tell it, Lin Yiran did not continue to
press the issue. Given the relationship between her and Huo Jinlin, even if Huo Jinlin was
intentionally hiding something from her, she had no right to ask more questions.
"Well, now that we know each other, we are friends."
"Well," Huo Jinlin said calmly, then asked, "Are you feeling unwell anywhere? The doctor just
heard that you were injured in a fight, so he asked me to ask you if you feel any other discomfort
or if you have any internal injuries."
"I'm fine. Fortunately, Lao Qin and another big brother helped me in time, and Sister Nuan has
been protecting me."
"Oh my," Guo Nuan at the side couldn't stand it anymore, coughed lightly, and teased, "Yi Ran, I
always feel like you're not telling me the truth. Isn't this handsome guy in your family very nice to
you and very caring?"
"'s really not what you think."
Guo Nuan had always refused to believe that Lin Yiran met Huo Jinlin at the entrance of the Civil
Affairs Bureau. Now that she saw that their relationship was so harmonious, she naturally
became even more unconvinced.
Lin Yiran felt a little embarrassed by her teasing look, and her face turned red like a ripe apple.
"Hey, are you shy? You're hiding something really deep, girl?"
"I won't talk to you anymore. Let's go. We'll take you home. Yiyi is home alone, and I'm worried."
When Lao Qin heard this, he glanced at Huo Jinlin and said tactfully, "You guys go first. I'll take her
"Well, okay, then I'll trouble you, Lao Qin." Although she guessed that Huo Jinlin and Lao Qin
knew each other, and Huo Jinlin didn't say anything, Lao Qin shouldn't be a bad person, but after
all, they just met, Lin Yi was still a little worried, and instructed: "Sister Nuan, in this case, then
send me a message when you get home."
"Okay, okay, I got it, let's go home!"
Huo Jinlin saw all of this and was deeply moved. The girl in front of him was loyal and meticulous,
she was really special.
In fact, during this period of time, Huo Jinlin had already developed feelings for Lin Yiran, but he
was unaware of it.
The two of them were silent along the way. Lin Yiran was still thinking about what had just
happened. She always felt that Huo Jinlin was hiding something from her, and she felt uneasy.
As soon as he got home, he pulled Huo Jinlin to sit down and chat, and deliberately said: "At any
time, couples should not have too many secrets and hide things from each other. I will never lie
to you, but I also hope that you can be honest with me."

Chapter 23 Overdependence
Huo Jinlin knew what she meant, but he kept silent and said calmly: "I know, I will learn slowly."
"Well, you can tell me anything and I'll try to understand."
Lin Yiran was not blaming him. She had always known that communication and trust were the
most important things between husband and wife. Although they had no feelings for each other,
she also hoped that they could go a long way.
Huo Jinlin was silent for a moment before he spoke: "I do know Lao Qin, but we are not very
familiar with each other. We are from the same company. I am valued by the company's top
management and I am afraid I will be promoted, so I have bumped into Lao Qin a few times by
accident. But I don't want others to gossip behind my back, so I thought I would just pretend not
to know him."
"I see. Why didn't you tell me earlier? I wouldn't blame you."
Lin Yiran knew that he was afraid that others would say that he relied on connections to get to
the top, so it was normal for him to have such thoughts.
She did not doubt the truthfulness of Huo Jinlin's words at all. Instead, after listening to his
explanation, she was pleasantly surprised and very happy for him.
"Wait a minute, I'll cook something delicious for you so we can celebrate."
"No need for that. I'll just make do with what you left. Just eat whatever you have."
Lin Yiran didn't listen to him and took out all the delicious food in the refrigerator. "No, how can
we just eat it? This is a good thing, we must celebrate it."
Huo Jinlin was surprised. He didn't realize that a casual remark he made would cause Lin Yiran so
much trouble. However, it was impossible to take it back, so he had to let her go.
Lin Yiran, who has been independent since childhood, is an excellent cook. In a short while, she
made several delicious dishes. Lin Yiyi, who was doing homework in the room, came out when
she heard the sound. When she saw the delicious dishes on the table, she became unhappy
instantly and pouted.
"Sister, you are biased. Why do I eat the leftovers from lunch when I come back, but you make so
many delicious dishes for your brother-in-law when he comes back? You really forget about your
sister after you get married."
"Don't talk nonsense, little girl. Your brother-in-law is getting a promotion, and I wanted to
celebrate for him in advance."
Lin Yiran blushed at what she said and hurried to explain to her.
When Lin Yiyi heard this, she leaned forward with her big round eyes and asked Huo Jinlin:
"Brother-in-law, if you get promoted in the future, will you get more salary?"
Huo Jinlin knew what the little girl was thinking, but he still answered her question seriously:
"Yes, yes, your salary will definitely increase if you get promoted."
"Oh," the little girl clapped her hands in joy, "Then you can buy me more delicious food in the
When Lin Yiran heard this, his face darkened instantly: "Yiyi, don't let your brother-in-law buy
things for you. It's not easy for him to make money. You should be more frugal with your money."
Lin Yiyi dragged out her words and made a naughty face at Huo Jinlin. Fortunately, Huo Jinlin had
not told her sister about secretly buying things for her before, otherwise, she didn't know how
long he would have been nagging her in her ear!
I have to say that Lin Yiran is a great cook. The food she cooks is spicy and delicious. Huo Jinlin
has been eating it for a while, but now he can't get used to any other food.
But he remembered that he was going on a business trip soon and had to leave for a few days.
His stomach had become a little picky due to Lin Yiran's care for him during this period, and he
probably wouldn't be used to it if he went out.
"I may have to take shifts these days, and I need to work the night shift at night, so I won't be
back for the time being. I will just rest there during the day, which is more convenient."
He couldn't tell Lin Yiran that he was going on a business trip, so he could only find an excuse.
Lin Yiran was puzzled: "Didn't you say before that you didn't need to work the night shift? Why do
you want it now?"
"Oh, one of my colleagues has asked for leave for something, so we need the rest of us to take
over his shift."
After Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran got together, he got used to lying, and now he can tell lies without
blushing or feeling nervous.
"Okay, then take care of yourself. I'll pack some food and daily necessities for you later."
Lin Yiran has also become accustomed to Huo Jinlin's presence, and might feel uncomfortable if
he is suddenly gone.
In fact, the two of them gradually got used to each other's existence, but they were unaware of
"No need, my company has everything, you don't need to bring anything."
Lin Yiran was packing her things while nagging, "How can the things outside be as good as those
at home? You should bring some with you. It's not far anyway. Bring more so you can take a taxi
when the time comes."
Huo Jinlin watched her packing large and small bags for him, but he didn't feel annoyed at all.
Instead, he felt warm in his heart.
But seeing her packing more and more, Huo Jinlin couldn't help but remind her: "I'm only away
for a few days, I'm not not coming back, why are you packing so much?"
Lin Yiran felt like she had become a nagging old lady. She kept giving instructions tirelessly and
seemed to want to bring him everything.
"How can I have too much? I just brought some commonly used items. I still feel like it's missing!"
After packing up the gifts, Lin Yiran and her sister saw Huo Jinlin off together. Lin Yiyi was
obviously reluctant to see him leave.
"Brother-in-law, can you please not go? No one will help me with my homework when you are
not here."
"Yiyi, what are you talking about? My brother-in-law is going to work, not to have fun. How can
he not go if he wants to?"
Lin Yiyi pouted: "But I just can't bear to leave my brother-in-law."
Huo Jinlin asked the driver to drive a most ordinary car to pick him up, and lied that he found the
car online. Lin Yiran did not suspect anything.
He put the luggage in the trunk, touched Lin Yiyi's hair lovingly, and said, "Be good, your brother-
in-law will be back in a few days, you should listen to your sister at home."
"All right."
Even until the car disappeared around the corner, Lin Yiyi still had a gloomy face, not looking
happy at all.
Lin Yiran couldn't help but tease her: "You are too dependent on your brother-in-law, this is not
"Tsk," Lin Yiyi disagreed and pouted, "I don't think there's anything wrong with this. On the
contrary, you should rely more on your brother-in-law."
Lin Yiran stretched out his index finger and tapped her forehead, saying, "You are such a clever
The two sisters went upstairs chatting and laughing, but Huo Jinlin went straight to Nanlinyuan.
After all, he wouldn't be back for a few days, so Huo Jinlin came over to tell grandma and the
others so that they wouldn't worry, and he also came to see the two little ones.
Unexpectedly, the two little ones hiding in the dark overheard the news that he was going on a
business trip, and they danced with excitement. They wanted to secretly run to see their mother,
so the next morning, as soon as Huo Jinlin boarded the plane, the two children at home avoided
the servants and ran out secretly.

Chapter 24 Missing
The two children were usually so well protected that they rarely went out alone. So once they
went out and walked onto the street, they got lost in an instant.
"Erbao, do you know how to get there?"
Dabao pretended to be calm and took his brother around the street for a few circles, only to find
that he couldn't find the direction at all, and suddenly became a little panicked.
Erbao hadn't realized his brother was lost yet, and asked in confusion, "Didn't you say you knew
the way that day?"
"I seem to be lost."
"Ah?" Erbao opened his mouth wide and asked in surprise, "Can we still find mom?"
Dabao shook his head in bewilderment: "I don't know. I can't even find the way home now."
The two brothers had been walking along the street for a long time. They must be very far away
from home now. Erbao suddenly felt like crying.
"Brother, what should we do? I'm a little scared. How about we go find the police?"
Fortunately, the teacher said that if you encounter any problems, you can find the police.
"Well, let's go find the policeman."
As soon as they came up with an idea, the two little guys cheered again and walked forward
happily hand in hand.
But after walking for a long time, they didn't see any police officers and they didn't know where
to find them. They were in trouble again.
"Brother, how long will it take to find the police? I'm hungry."
He could hear his stomach rumbling. He was so hungry and tired that he didn't have the strength
to walk.
Dabao didn't know what to do, so the two brothers just sat down on a chair in the park, both of
them resting their hands on their chins, as if they were thinking deeply about what to do.
Just at this moment, Lin Yiyi came out on a scooter and saw two exquisite little dolls sitting at the
door. She couldn't help but take a few more glances.
"Are you twins? Why do you look exactly the same?"
"Yes," Dabao nodded proudly, pointing at Erbao and introducing him, "This is my younger brother,
and I am the older brother."
"Wow, this is amazing, they look exactly the same, this is the first time I've seen this."
The relationships between children were not as complicated as those between adults and they
soon became friends. However, just as they were chatting animatedly, Erbao's stomach started to
growl again.
"Are you hungry? I'll take you to my house. It's not far from here, and my sister cooks delicious
The two children were lost and didn't know how to get home. They were very hungry. When they
heard that Lin Yiyi had food at home, they immediately agreed.
The three children arrived home quickly. Looking at Lin Yiyi's small house, Dabao and Erbao were
very curious. The house was not even as big as their living room, but it was very cozy and they all
liked it very much.
Lin Yiyi greeted them like a little adult: "Don't be restrained, just play freely, my sister will be back
soon and will cook for you then."
The children all agreed in unison, and the three of them began to play happily in the room.
Little did they know that the adults in Nanlinyuan were almost going crazy with anxiety. The
servants searched inside and outside the house but couldn't find her. In desperation, they ran to
inform the old lady.
"What, lost?"
Song Yuwan knew that these two children were the apple of Huo Jinlin's eye. If they were lost by
them, Huo Jinlin would probably scold them to death.
When the old lady heard this, she was so anxious that she almost had a heart attack. She asked
them quickly, "When did you find out he was missing? Did you look for him nearby? Maybe he
just went out to play."
The maid who was in charge of the children was almost crying: "I have looked for them. I have
been to all the places they usually go, but I can't see them. I don't know where they went."
"Hurry up and send more people to look for him. I'll call Jin Lin right away."
Song Yuwan was also extremely anxious, and quickly took out her cell phone to call Huo Jinlin,
but Huo Jinlin was on a plane at the moment and could not be reached by phone.
"How's it going? Did you answer the phone?"
"No," Song Yuwan shook her head, "Maybe he's still on the plane, the phone can't get through."
The old lady's hands were shaking with anxiety. "Hurry up and send someone to look for him.
Send more people out. Then go to the police station and call the police. Ask them to help look for
Song Yuwan was worried about her health, and quickly helped her sit down on the sofa: "Okay,
okay, Mom, I'll let them go right away, don't worry about it, don't get yourself hurt."
For a while, the whole Nanlinyuan was in chaos, everyone was worried, and almost all the
security guards and servants in the house were dispatched.
The two brothers here were still unaware and were having so much fun playing at Lin Yiyi's house
that they were extremely happy.
When Lin Yiran returned home, she was shocked to see that there were suddenly two more
children in the house.
Originally the three children were having fun, but when they saw an adult coming back, the
eldest and second children immediately stood up a little uncomfortably and stood there looking
at her obediently.
Lin Yiran smiled at them gently: "You guys continue to play your own games. Ah, sister will cook
for you. Yiyi, come here and help me with this."
The two sisters entered the kitchen, and Lin Yiran quickly closed the door. She asked in surprise,
"Yiyi, is that your friend? Why haven't you mentioned him before?"
"No, I found them when I went to the park today. They seemed to be lost, and his brother was
hungry, so I brought him back."
When Lin Yiran heard this, she was shocked and quickly took Lin Yiyi out. She squatted in front of
the two children and asked them patiently.
"Hello, little friends. Welcome to my home."
Dabao and Erbao were very impressed by Lin Yiran's gentleness, but since it was their first
meeting, they felt a little reserved.
The two of them said crisply, "Hello, sister."
"Well, hello," Lin Yiran looked at them patiently, "Can you tell me where your home is? Or do you
remember your family's phone number?"
As soon as she finished speaking, the two children immediately looked at her warily and stood
there without saying a word.
Lin Yiran hurriedly explained, "Little boy, I'm not a bad person. It's just that you ran away like this,
and I was afraid that your family would worry. When your parents can't find you, they will
definitely be very worried. I just wanted to call them and tell them."
Now the two little guys understood, but they didn't want to go home until they found their
Erbao nodded, then shook his head: "Sister, we came out to look for Dad, but we got lost, and we
don't want to go home until we find Dad."
His answer made Lin Yiran feel like crying but had no tears. She could only look at Dabao, but she
didn't expect him to nod.

Chapter 25 Missing Person Notice

"Well, since you don't want to go back, then you can just play here. I'll go make you some food."
Lin was helpless. She didn't get any useful information, so she could only leave the two children
at home to be taken care of.
Seeing her frown, Lin Yiyi quickly followed her out and asked cautiously, “Sister, did I cause you
any trouble?”
Just now, Lin Yiyi was thinking that it was already hard enough for her sister to take care of her
alone, but she didn’t think so much before and just brought the two children back on her own.
"No," Lin Yiran touched her head gently and said with a smile, "No trouble, and Yiyi, this is also
your home. You have the right to bring your friends back to play. But if you bring other children
back, you must get their parents' consent. Otherwise, think about how worried their parents will
be if they can't find them."
"Yes, I understand, sister."
After she explained this, Lin Yiyi understood, because this is what Lin Yiren had taught her since
she was a child. She could go anywhere to play, but she had to explain it clearly to her so that she
wouldn't worry.
Lin Yiran glanced at the two brothers in the room and felt a little worried. Just as she was
hesitating whether to call the police, her phone suddenly rang.
It was Xu Juan calling. Lin Yiran didn't care about anything else and immediately pressed the
answer button nervously.
"Ran Ran, please come to the hospital immediately. There is a new situation here. The doctor
asked our family to discuss whether we should continue treatment here."
"Okay, Mom, I'll be right there."
Since it was about Xu Juan, Lin Yiran did not hesitate at all. He hurriedly cooked a meal for Lin Yiyi
and the other three, told them not to make trouble at home, and then hurried out.
At the same time, as soon as Huo Jinlin got off the plane, countless messages from his
grandmother and mother popped up on his mobile phone. Without hesitation, he immediately
called back.
The call was connected in a second, and the mother Song Yuwan's anxious voice came from the
other end of the phone: "Jinlin, the two children are missing."
"Gone? Maybe he sneaked off to play somewhere?"
Huo Jinlin was not too panicked. These two children were very clever and no one could have
tricked them away. It was possible that they had sneaked out on their own.
"I don't know. They disappeared after you left this morning. The servants have searched all the
possible places they might have gone, but couldn't find them. It's been several hours now. Could
something have happened?"
Song Yuwan was quite calm at first, but now after searching for such a long time and still not
finding it, she gradually became panicked and even started to cry as she spoke.
Huo Jinlin knew without thinking that the people at home must have been frightened. He
comforted them, "Mom, don't worry. I'll have someone find a way to find them safely."
"Well, we have called the police, but there has been no news so far. Grandma is also very
worried. The two children are still young and have never been out alone. What if something
"Okay, Mom, don't worry. Tell Grandma not to worry either. I'll find a way."
After hanging up the phone, Huo Jinlin made another call to his assistant, gave him a brief
account of the situation, and asked him to quickly arrange for the missing person notice to be
broadcast on TV.
In today's Internet age, such missing person notices are faster than anything else, and more
importantly, they are more likely to be seen by others.
Sure enough, after Lin Yiran discussed the follow-up experimental research and treatment with
Xu Juan, she saw the missing person notice on TV on her way out of the hospital.
She didn't care at first, but then she looked carefully and found that the two little guys on the
screen were the two in her family.
Lin still couldn't imagine how anxious this family must be, so much so that they didn't even have
to go on TV to seek help.
Now she could no longer let the two children do whatever they wanted. She looked carefully at
the address on TV and hurried home.
"Sister, are you back?"
When she got home, the three children were still playing with building blocks. When Lin Yiyi saw
her come back, she hurried over.
"Yeah, I'm back." Lin Yiran glanced at the two little guys behind Lin Yiyi while changing her shoes,
and said seriously, "My dears, I have to take you home now. Your parents have already posted a
missing person notice on TV."
Seeing her serious expression, the two of them had already played here for a whole afternoon
and wanted to go home, so they nodded their heads like rattles.
Lin Yiran sent the children to the address given on TV, only to find out that the two children were
actually from a wealthy family.
This yard alone can park at least dozens of cars, not to mention the indoor building area of the
house. It's really possible that their house is not even as big as other people's toilets.
The house has an antique architectural style, with a heavy wooden door in front and two smooth
large rings hanging on the left and right. The quiet and ancient atmosphere makes people feel as
if they are in the ancient times hundreds of years ago.
Lin Yiran still found it hard to believe: "Is this really your home?"
Dabao and Erbao were confused, so they pointed heavily and said, "It's here. We usually live here
with grandpa, grandma and great-grandma. Dad lives at the company most of the time, but he
comes back every two or three days."
"What about your mother?"
Dabao shook his head pitifully: "Mom doesn't live here. We went to look for her today, but we
got lost."
Lin Yiran: “…”
The three of them walked and talked for several minutes before they arrived in front of the old
wooden door. Lin Yiran raised his hand and knocked.
Song Yuwan and the old lady, who were sitting on the sofa sighing, heard the knock on the door
and their eyes lit up instantly.
"Could it be that the two little guys are back?"
The old lady, who usually had unsteady legs and feet, ran towards the door by herself this time,
and Song Yuwan hurriedly followed her.
The door was opened and a woman was standing outside. She looked somewhat familiar.
The two children seldom go out on weekdays, so they are used to following the old lady. When
they saw her at this time, the two children were very excited.
Song Yuwan, who was following behind, quickly glanced at Lin Yiran and was also surprised.
"Where have you two been? We were so worried about you. Why didn't you tell grandma before
you left?"
Seeing them return safely, Song Yuwan's heart finally settled down.
"Alright, alright," the old lady waved her hands and said, "Now is not the time to lecture them.
Since this lady sent them back, we should at least invite her in and sit down to thank her."
Chapter 26 Overzealous
"Yes, yes, girl, come in and sit down!"
Song Yuwan stared at Lin Yiran for a few closer looks, and confirmed that this was the girl on her
son's marriage certificate. She was overjoyed and enthusiastically pulled Lin Yiran into the house.
"Um, no, Auntie, I..."
Lin Yiran didn't want to go into the house at all. She just planned to send Dabao and Xiaobao to
the door. She never expected that she would be pulled in by the aunt in front of her.
Looking at the huge villa, as luxurious as a castle in a fairy tale, Lin Yiran felt very uncomfortable
and stood aside uncomfortably.
"Sister, sister, come in quickly!"
After spending a short while together, the two children liked her very much, and they pulled Lin
Yiran in, one on each side.
Lin Yiran smiled awkwardly and said, "Auntie, Grandma, since the child has arrived home safely, I
will go back first."
"No," the old lady stopped her when she heard she was leaving. "Girl, we are so grateful to you
today. Otherwise, we don't know when we will find these two children. So no matter what, you
have to stay for dinner. It's our way of thanking you."
"No, grandma, you're so polite. Don't bother. I'll leave first."
Seeing this, Song Yuwan stepped forward and persuaded: "Child, you are being so polite. We are
just grateful to you, so we want to keep you for dinner. If you refuse again, it means you look
down on us."
Lin Yiran had no choice but to agree reluctantly: "Okay then, Auntie, Grandma, thank you so
much for troubling you."
The old lady and Song Yuwan didn't realize that their excessive enthusiasm scared the other
person. They just looked at each other, confirmed that it was indeed their daughter-in-law, and
tried hard to keep her.
Seeing that she finally agreed, the old lady was so happy that she almost announced it to the
world immediately. She immediately rushed to the kitchen and told the servants to prepare
Song Yuwan held Lin Yiran's hand and sat on the sofa, chatting with her enthusiastically, as if they
were reuniting old friends, but Lin Yiran looked confused.
"I'm so sorry to bother you today. We found these two children missing and were so scared that
they lost their souls. Their father happened to be away on a business trip and the old lady was so
worried that she almost had a heart attack."
"Yes, yes. If a child is lost, it must be very worrying. So when I saw the news on TV, I immediately
sent the child back."
Lin Yiran was telling the truth. She had asked the two children at the beginning and had planned
to call their families, but the children didn't want to go home, so they refused to tell the truth.
"That's right, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid we wouldn't know when we
could find them!"
The old lady was also anxious and angry.
The old lady arranged dinner and told the servants to immediately prepare many expensive gifts
for Lin Yiran.
"Girl, where are you from? What do your parents do?"
Lin Yiran didn't know why Song Yuwan asked her these questions, but she still answered honestly:
"My parents are divorced, my mother is sick and in the hospital, and now there are only me and
my seven-year-old sister at home."
"Oh," Song Yuwan rubbed the back of her hand distressedly, "It must be very hard for you to be
This situation is exactly the same as what Huo Jinlin said. It seems that they are indeed not
wrong. Although Song Yuwan has been living a life of luxury since childhood, she is a soft-hearted
and emotional person. When she heard about Lin Yiran's situation, she felt mixed emotions.
The old lady didn't know the truth. She didn't expect Lin Yiran to be so pitiful, and she
immediately felt very sympathetic towards her.
"Girl, I'm sorry for the hardship you've suffered. What kind of job are you doing now?"
Lin Yiran was extremely uncomfortable with their excessive enthusiasm. She wanted to pull her
hands back but felt it was a bit awkward, so she had to let them hold her hands.
"I am taking care of my mother and sister now. I am not working for the time being. I run a fried
chicken shop with a friend and occasionally go to the shop to help out when I am free."
"Oh, then do you want auntie to help you find a job?"
Song Yuwan thought that Huo Jinlin's company had also been recruiting some time ago. If Lin
Yiran went to work there, the two of them would be together day and night, and wouldn't it
enhance their relationship?
"No, the fried chicken shop's current income is OK, barely enough to cover our family's expenses.
Besides, my mother is in poor health and my sister is still young, and both need my care. I really
don't have time."
Lin Yiran politely rejected Song Yuwan with an attitude that was neither humble nor arrogant.
The old lady saw it all and liked her granddaughter-in-law even more.
Soon, the servants prepared a delicious dinner. Lin Yin couldn't refuse and had to stay for dinner.
The old lady and Song Yuwan's passionate eyes made Lin Yiran not know where to put her hands,
and she felt very restrained throughout the whole meal.
"How is it? Do you like the food? We don't know what you like to eat, so we asked Auntie to cook
a few dishes at random."
Song Yuwan kept picking up food for Lin Yiran and didn't notice her nervous expression at all.
After Dabao and Xiaobao had eaten the food cooked by Lin Yiran, they found their own food
tasteless and were a little upset for a while.
The old lady was surprised: "What's wrong with you two? You are the most enthusiastic about
eating on weekdays, but today's food is not to your taste?"
Xiao Bao pouted and looked at her unhappily: "These dishes are not as delicious as my sister's."
"Haha, you little elf, you are used to eating in one meal."
Song Yuwan reached out her hand and scratched the tip of his nose lovingly, and in her heart she
was even more full of praise for Lin Yiran, a daughter-in-law who was both capable of housework
and housework.
Lin Yiran also liked them very much and said, "Since you like it, come to my house often in the
future and I will cook it for you again."
"Okay, okay," Dabao liked Lin Yiran to begin with, and upon hearing her invitation, he clapped his
hands and cheered, "It would be great if Sister was our mother, then we could eat such delicious
meals every day."
Everyone was stunned. Lin Yiran blushed with embarrassment, but Song Yuwan and the old lady
smiled at each other quietly.
Soon, after dinner, Lin Yinyin proposed to leave. The two little ones got along well with her and
were reluctant to let her go.
The old lady asked someone to bring the prepared gifts, and took her hand with a smile on her
face, being extremely kind.
"Girl, thank you for sending my two babies back today. This is a small token of my appreciation. I
hope you will accept it."
Looking at the pile of things she brought that were obviously very valuable, Lin Yiran quickly
waved her hands.
"Grandma, thank you for your kindness, but these things are too valuable. I can't accept them."
Song Yuwan had already guessed that she would refuse, and hurriedly persuaded her: "Girl, just
take it. This is a small gift from the old lady."
Lin Yiran resolutely refused: "I absolutely cannot accept this gift. I didn't send them back for these
reasons. If you don't mind, you can bring them to my house anytime, but I will not accept any

Chapter 27: Frequent Praise

"Well, since you insist on not accepting it, we can't force you."
She firmly refused, and Song Yuwan had no choice but to give up with the old lady and let her
leave empty-handed.
Lin Yiran smiled, pointed at the car in front of him, and said, "I've already troubled you enough."
The old lady insisted on sending a car to take her back. Lin Yiran thought about it and felt that if
she refused again, it would seem a little tactless.
Dabao and Xiaobao stayed with Lin Yiran for a day. When they saw her leaving in a car, they both
pouted and stared at the car unhappily as it disappeared into the darkness.
"What's wrong, are you unhappy?"
Song Yuwan squatted down to look them in the eye and found that both children seemed to have
tears in their eyes that were about to fall.
Dabao nodded and said, "Grandma, this sister is so gentle. It would be great if she could be our
They all liked Lin Yiran and got along very well with her, but Song Yuwan couldn't tell them the
truth for the time being and could only rub their heads with pity.
"Silly children, when dad comes back, you must ask him to work hard and find you a mother as
gentle as this sister!"
This was a good idea. The two children's gloomy faces instantly disappeared and they grinned
Huo Jinlin, who was thousands of miles away, had no idea what was happening at home. In the
evening, Song Yuwan sent him a message saying that the child had been found. He was in a
meeting anyway, so he didn't ask any more questions.
Now that I have finally finished a busy day's work, I finally remembered to call and ask.
When Song Yuwan saw the incoming call message on her phone, she smiled and pressed the
answer button unconsciously.
Huo Jinlin's handsome face instantly appeared on the screen. Song Yuwan was extremely
satisfied with Lin Yiran. Now seeing her son, she felt like she had seen a great hero.
"Do you know how these two kids came back today?"
Seeing her mysterious look, Huo Jinlin was puzzled: "Wasn't it sent back by the police?"
He asked his assistant to call the police. The police station would have to give face to the Buddha.
If it were an ordinary family, they would definitely wait 24 hours for the police to be dispatched.
But who would dare to mess with the Huo family?
"No," Song Yuwan said with a meaningful smile, "She was your newlywed wife, Lin Yiran sent her
When Huo Jinlin heard the news that the two children were sent back, he immediately thought
of the police station. He never thought that it was Lin Yiran who sent them back.
"How does she know these two children?"
Could it be that she knew her identity and had been deliberately hiding it before?
Huo Jinlin's heart tightened. Could it be that Lin Yiran was pretending before, so she deliberately
went to him to get the certificate at the Civil Affairs Bureau?
"It was a coincidence. The two children ran into Yiran's sister in the park. Later, Yiran saw the
missing person notice on TV and quickly sent the children back."
Seeing that he remained silent, Song Yuwan knew what he was thinking and reminded him, "It's
not what you think. What happened today was purely coincidental. She is still a good girl. She
didn't take the gift we gave her."
For a family like theirs, the fear is that they meet someone who is attracted to their money rather
than them as a person. In short, it is difficult to find someone who is sincere.
"I think she's still a good girl, good at housework and cooking, and very patient with the two
children. My grandmother and I like her very much, so you should bring her home as soon as
Huo Jinlin did not expect Song Yu to praise Lin Yiran so much at the party, but he still had to
consider whether to formally bring Lin Yiran back to the old house.
"I see."
Song Yuwan was dissatisfied with his perfunctory attitude and reminded him, "Don't hide your
identity for too long, otherwise she will find out and you will feel deceived. When she thinks you
don't trust her and becomes upset and ignores you, you will regret it."
"I understand. I'll find a suitable opportunity to tell her when I get back from my business trip."
Huo Jinlin was too tired to deal with it, so he agreed on the surface, but he didn't intend to tell
Lin Yiran the truth right away.
Seeing his impatient expression, Song Yuwan knew that he was just trying to fool her. She was
about to say something, but she caught sight of two children running over and swallowed the
words back.
"Grandma, is that Dad?"
The two children ran over and leaned over to look at Huo Jinlin. When they saw Huo Jinlin, they
were extremely excited and chattered non-stop.
When Huo Jinlin heard the children mention their sister who took them home during the day, he
immediately became interested.
"So do you like the sister during the day?"
The two children nodded their heads like chicks pecking at rice and said, "I like it. Sister cooks
delicious food and is very gentle."
Huo Jinlin curled his lips meaningfully, with a hint of arrogance in his eyes.
Xiao Bao propped his chin with his hands and looked eagerly at Huo Jinlin on the phone: "Dad, it
would be great if we could let that sister be our mother. She is so good to us. I miss her a little
Song Yuwan laughed: "Sister has only been back for a while!"
Huo Jinlin smiled and comforted her through the screen: "Be good, don't be unhappy. Dad will
come back from his business trip in a few days and bring you some delicious food."
Children's moods change quickly. As soon as they heard that there was something delicious, they
immediately forgot their previous unhappiness. Huo Jinlin and Song Yuwan gave them a few
more instructions and then hung up the phone.
The room fell silent for a moment. Huo Jinlin stared at the black screen of his phone, seeming to
be thinking about something.
After pondering for a moment, Huo Jinlin picked up his phone, opened the address book and
looked at it, then put the phone back on the table with hesitation.
He stood up and walked to the window, looking at the lights and nightlife outside, and suddenly
missed his little house with Lin Yiran.
Song Yuwan's words lingered in his mind, and Huo Jinlin was conflicted, not knowing whether he
should tell Lin Yiran the truth.
Just as he was hesitating, the screen of his cell phone lit up again and a vibration sound rang out
in the room. Huo Jinlin turned around and saw that it was Lin Yiran calling.
Lin Yiran didn’t know the identities of the two children today. She was still chattering about it to
Huo Jinlin, and thought that what happened today was very magical.
"You know what? Yiyi met two kids in the park today and brought them home. Later, their family
posted a missing person notice on TV. I was shocked when I saw the notice and quickly sent them
Although Huo Jinlin already knew what had happened, he did not expose her and listened to her
Lin Yiran sighed, "You don't know, their house is bigger than our entire village. I guess the toilet is
bigger than our room. I don't know how those two kids can get used to staying in our house."
Huo Jinlin heard her exaggerated tone but didn't expose her. He waited until she finished
speaking before asking curiously, "Do you like the two kids you met today?"

Chapter 28 Take Care of Yourself

"Yes, they are very well behaved and look super cute. You haven't seen them, but if you see
them, you will definitely like them too."
Lin Yiran originally wanted to invite them to his home after he returned from his business trip,
but he thought that since their family was financially special, they would definitely not allow their
children to come to a place like theirs to play.
"Well," Huo Jinlin was very pleased to hear her say that she liked Dabao and Xiaobao, "So do you
like children very much?"
Lin Yiran thought about it, nodded, and said, "Children are very cute and adorable, and much
more innocent than adults."
Adults have complicated minds, but children are different. Their joys, sorrows, anger and
happiness are all written on their faces, so there is no need to guess.
Speaking of this, she suddenly thought of Huo Jinlin's children in her hometown, and her face
suddenly became heavy.
"Whenever it's convenient for you, bring your child back home to live with you as soon as
Huo Jinlin was confused: "Why did you suddenly mention them?"
Lin Yiran sighed and said calmly, "Today, I saw these two children come out alone to look for their
father, and suddenly I was inspired. Although this family is wealthy, their father must be very busy
and has no time to accompany the children. That's why these two children thought of coming out
to look for him on their own."
Huo Jinlin remained silent. He really had too little time to spend with Dabao and Xiaobao. They
had been taken care of by the servants in the house since they were born. He only went back to
see them occasionally when he had time. He had hardly ever taken them out to play. He must
have felt that he owed them a lot.
Seeing that he didn't say anything, Lin Yiran thought he was hesitating, worried about their
current situation and that they wouldn't be able to afford two more children.
"Children should not be a burden. No matter how bad our current situation is, we should not
impose it on children. Accompanying them is the most important thing. Children's childhood only
lasts for a few years. After this stage, you can't accompany them even if you want to."
Huo Jinlin was really touched when he heard these words. He knew that Lin Yiran was always
thinking about him and his children, and he was deeply moved.
After spending some time together, Huo Jinlin also realized that Lin Yiran was a kind-hearted girl,
and he felt at ease leaving the children in her hands.
"I understand. I will find a suitable time to take them over after a while."
"Well," Lin Yiran looked at the time. It was already late and she was a little tired. "If there's
nothing else, I'll hang up first. You should go to bed early."
Huo Jinlin has always been a man of few words. Even when the two of them were sitting opposite
each other, they spoke very little, let alone on the phone. Lin Yiran was used to it, so he didn't
think much about it and hung up the phone directly.
Listening to the beeping sound coming from the phone, Huo Jinlin fell into deep thought, and
unconsciously began to think about telling Lin Yiran the truth and bringing the child to her
As the night deepened, Lin, who was exhausted after a day's sleep, fell asleep in the hazy
moonlight. She had a dreamless night and almost overslept when she woke up.
She got up in a hurry. Lin Yiyi had already gotten up and was washing up. When she saw her
standing at the door, she spit the toothpaste foam in her mouth into the sink.
"Sister, you're up. I was just about to call you!"
Compared to those six or seven-year-old children, Lin Yiyi is obviously much more sensible. She
knows how hard her sister works every day and feels sorry for her.
Lin Yiran hurriedly picked up the comb and started to tie her hair: "Hurry up and pack. I'll take
you out for breakfast later. I have to help out at the fried chicken shop later!"
The two sisters hurried out of the house. Lin Yiyi sent her to school, then bought some breakfast
for Xu Juan and fed her before hurriedly rushing to the fried chicken shop.
Just then some goods arrived at the store, and Lin Yiran immediately helped to receive them
without saying a word, sorting the items into categories and putting them away in the freezer.
By the time they finished all this, it was already noon. Everyone was exhausted and out of breath.
Guo Nuan made some simple home-cooked meals and everyone ate around the table.
"Yi Ran, you need to eat more. You've lost weight recently."
Ever since Xu Juan fell ill, Lin Yiran's body has been losing weight at a visible rate, and Guo Nuan
felt distressed when she saw it.
"Really? I don't think so!"
Lin Yiran pinched her face. It was still chubby. Did she not lose weight?
Guo Nuan rolled her eyes at her: "Don't you know how much you weigh? You can find out by
weighing yourself. Your collarbone is showing. You haven't lost weight yet?"
As soon as he finished speaking, Guo Nuan picked up a piece of meat for her and said, "Eat more!
Take care of yourself. The aunties all need you. If your health collapses, who will take care of
Her nagging did not annoy Lin Yiran, but instead made her feel warm inside. Apart from her
mother, no one had ever cared about her so much.
"Thank you, Sister Nuan, I understand. I will take good care of myself. Don't worry about me."
"Oh, there's one more thing." Guo Nuan looked up at her seriously, "Starting tomorrow, you don't
have to come to the store. It's not very busy recently, and a few of us can handle it."
Lin Yiran was confused by what she heard and didn't understand. She looked at Guo Nuan, not
knowing what she meant.
Guo Nuan added: "You usually have to take care of Auntie, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear
the running back and forth. Now that you are not busy, you can just stay at home and take care of
Yiyi and Auntie. We will take care of everything in the store!"
Another sister in the store also nodded and said, "You have to pick up your sister from school on
weekdays, which is very tiring. You don't have to worry about the store. We are all you need."
Their store has been open for a while, and everyone takes care of each other, so the relationship
in the store is very harmonious. The other sister is also an old employee here.
However, Lin Yiran never thought of using this privilege. She refused firmly, "No, I can handle it. I
appreciate your kindness, but there are so many things to do in the store, and you are also very
hard-working. I will come as long as I have time. This is also my responsibility."
Guo Nuan wanted to persuade her again, but Lin Yiran stopped her directly: "Sister Nuan, please
stop talking. I am also a member of the store. No matter what happens, I should come to the
store to help."
Seeing that she was determined to do so, everyone was reluctant to persuade her, so Guo Nuan
said, "Then take good care of yourself and get more rest. If there is anything you really need help
with, just let us know and we can all help."
Hearing this, Lin Yiran was deeply moved. Guo Nuan had always helped her a lot. She had
encountered so many things over the years, and it was thanks to their help that she was able to
get through it.
Chapter 29 "Something in Doubt
As the days passed, although Lin Yiran was physically exhausted, her heart was full of sunshine.
Xu Juan's health was getting better day by day, and those dark and gloomy days were gradually
fading away.
In a blink of an eye, Huo Jinlin had not returned for two weeks. Lin Yiran was surprised and called
Huo Jinlin during lunch break.
"Is your colleague not back yet? Why did the shift change take so long?"
Huo Jinlin was shocked and speechless when asked. He had to extend his business trip due to
work and had forgotten about Lin Yiran.
When she didn't hear any response, Lin Yiran took her phone and took a look. It was still on a
normal call. She asked curiously, "Huo Jinlin, are you still there?"
"Yes, still here," Huo Jinlin came back to his senses and made up an excuse, saying, "My colleague
had a family accident and went back to his hometown, so he can't come back for a while, and he
needs me to replace him for a while."
"Oh, okay then."
Lin Yiran was half-believing and half-doubting, feeling a little unhappy, but there was nothing she
could do.
She and Lin Yiyi had already gotten used to Huo Jinlin's presence, and suddenly he hadn't been
back for such a long time, so Lin Yiyi was still a little uncomfortable with it.
Huo Jinlin on the other end of the phone heard that her tone was wrong, thinking that she didn't
believe him, and hurriedly added: "Don't worry, I will switch to a normal shift as soon as he
finishes dealing with his hometown affairs and comes back."
Lin Yiran was not a person who would throw tantrums. After hearing what he said, the little
emotion in his heart disappeared instantly. Thinking that he had been on duty for two
consecutive weeks, he became a little worried.
"Can you handle it? You've been working the night shift for two weeks."
"It's okay." Hearing his caring tone, Huo Jinlin felt as if a warm current was flowing through his
heart, and his tone unconsciously became gentler: "I will take good care of myself."
Staying up late is the most harmful thing. Lin Yiran is worried that Huo Jinlin's body will be
broken, and she is also afraid that he will not be able to get used to the food prepared by the
"Forget it. How about I make you some food tomorrow and send it over, and buy you some daily
necessities. Your dormitory is definitely not as good as home. If you need anything, just tell me
and I'll send it to you."
Huo Jinlin was on high alert and did not expect Lin Yiran to actually make this request. He was
also afraid that she would be suspicious, so he had no choice but to agree.
After a brief exchange of greetings, Lin Yin hung up the phone. Huo Jinlin stared at his phone but
lost all desire to sleep. Unconsciously, he recalled Song Yuwan's words.
Lin Yiran is very dependent on him now, and Huo Jinlin can see that she really cares about him.
Huo Jinlin thinks it’s okay to tell her the truth. Maybe this is best for the two children.
Yes, that's right. Huo Jinlin secretly decided in his heart that he would tell Lin Yiran the truth after
returning from his business trip.
He had completely forgotten that Lin Yiran was going to send something to the company for him.
However, the next morning, he was woken up by the crisp ringing of his cell phone. Huo Jinlin
picked up the phone from the bedside table with sleepy eyes. The three words "Lin Yiran" were
clearly written on it.
He was so frightened that he quickly sat up and pressed the answer button.
"Huo Jinlin, please send me the address of your company. Yiyi doesn't have school today, so we'll
send the things to you when we get back from the hospital."
Um, he’s not in the company at all, how can I pretend now?
In order to prevent Lin Yiran from discovering the truth, Huo Jinlin had to find a lame excuse:
"Except for the company's internal employees, no one else can come in and out at will. Just help
me put my things with the security colleague on duty during the day, and I will come out to get
them when I am free."
"Well, okay, then you can send me the address. Remember to pick it up when it's empty. They are
all food. Don't let them go bad."
Judging from her tone, she didn't seem suspicious. Huo Jinlin breathed a sigh of relief and said,
"Don't worry, I'll go there as soon as I'm free. It won't be bad."
Lin Yiran didn't notice anything unusual. She gave him a few more instructions and then hung up
the phone.
Hearing the beeping sound coming from the other end of the phone, Huo Jinlin quickly dialed his
"Who is the security guard on duty today? A lady will bring me something later. Ask her to collect
it for me. If the lady asks about me, just say I am her colleague and I am covering for someone
else on the night shift."
"Ah?" The assistant was confused: "Boss Huo, what do you mean?"
Huo Jinlin felt a little embarrassed. This was probably because telling one lie required countless
lies to cover it up. He coughed lightly and said, "Just do as I say. Remember, don't let yourself get
"Okay, I'll do it right away."
The assistant didn't understand and didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he had to tell the
security guard on duty the truth.
The security guard naturally obeyed his words, so when Lin Yiran came with her things, the
security guard calmly sent her away without leaving any flaws.
Lin Yiyi looked at such a big company, her eyes lit up: "Sister, this building is so tall, sister, working
here, the salary should be very high, right?"
"Maybe, but he works very hard. Don't always ask him to buy things for you in the future."
Huo Jinlin gave his salary card to Lin Yiran, but she never touched the money in it, nor did she
check how much he actually earned every month.
Lin Yiyi knew that her sister would always scold her with a stern face, so she could only stick out
her tongue at her mischievously and not talk about this topic anymore.
The two sisters took the bus back, and walked for a while under the scorching sun after getting
off the bus. They were already exhausted, but unexpectedly they saw a familiar figure at the door
of their house, and the two sisters stopped at the same time.
The man turned out to be Lin Tianjun who had disappeared for a long time. Lin Yiran's face
darkened: "What are you doing here?"
Lin Tianjun was dirty and in a miserable state, but he stared at them fiercely: "What are you
doing here? Of course I'm here to ask you for money, you two losers."
Lin Yiyi nervously hid behind Lin Yiran, who angrily said, "Watch your mouth. Have you forgotten
the lesson I taught you last time? If you keep pestering me, I will never let you go."
"Lin Yiran, I am not afraid of those who wear shoes even though I am barefoot. If you don't give
me money this time, I will never leave."
This time, Lin Tianjun had been cheated of all his money by Xin Caidie and was now homeless. He
came to Lin Yiran with the determination to ask for money. If Lin Yiran didn't give him money, he
would definitely not leave.
Lin Yiran had roughly guessed this, but still refused firmly: "I have used all my money to treat my
mother's illness. I don't have a penny now. It's useless for you to follow me. It's not that I don't
want to give it to you, but I really can't afford it."

Chapter 30: Stalking

"Humph," Lin Tianjun sneered, obviously not believing Lin Yiran's words, and threatened her
relentlessly: "If you don't give me the money, I will never give up. Just wait and see!"
As soon as he finished speaking, he lay down at the door like a deadbeat, completely ignoring Lin
Yiran and Lin Yiyi.
The two sisters looked at each other with ugly expressions. Lin Yiran knew that this kind of person
was used to being shameless, so she was too lazy to pay attention to him. She just pulled Lin Yiyi
and carefully walked around him into the house.
After a long while, Lin Yiran finished cooking and quietly went to the window to take a look. He
was still lying there half-dead, without even moving.
Lin Yiyi was a little scared: "Sister, what should we do?"
In fact, Lin Yiran was also a little scared, but in order to comfort Lin Yiyi, she pretended to be
calm: "Don't be afraid, your sister is here, he won't dare to do anything to us."
Lin Yiyi nodded nervously, suppressed her fear and sat down to eat. The usually delicious food
seemed bland today.
The two sisters didn't dare to make any big movements the whole afternoon, as if they were
afraid of waking up the people outside the window. It was not until dinner time that Lin Yiyi stuck
her head out and found that Lin Tianjun was no longer outside. Only then did she finally feel at
She excitedly shouted to the people busy in the kitchen: "Sister, sister, that person is gone."
Hearing her voice, Lin Yiran knew she was talking about Lin Tianjun. The two of them seemed to
have resolved the crisis and sat down happily to have dinner.
Lin Tianjun did not show up for the next two days, but Lin Yiran did not dare to relax his vigilance
at all, and became even more nervous.
Sure enough, when she sent Lin Yiyi to school on Monday morning, she always felt that someone
was following them. Lin Yiran's heart skipped a beat and she had a bad feeling. That person must
be Lin Tianjun.
Sure enough, Lin Yiran blocked him on the way home from school.
"What on earth do you want to do? I've already told you that we have no money. Why are you
still pestering me?"
“Haha,” Lin Tianjun chuckled twice: “Lin Yiran, if you don’t give me money, not only will I not
leave, I will also keep harassing you until you are willing to give me money.”
Lin Yiran still wanted to use the same trick as before and threatened: "Lin Tianjun, you are
affecting my normal life. I can sue you."
Lin Tianjun had benefited greatly from Huo Jinlin's use of this trick before, but now he had
learned his lesson and was not afraid of Lin Yiran's words.
"Lin Yiran, this trick of yours won't work on me. I'm so far away from you, what evidence do you
have to prove that I'm following you? If you don't want this, then take out the money. Otherwise,
don't try to scare me."
In a nutshell, if you want to live a peaceful life, you have to spend money.
Lin Yiran didn't say anything. He turned around and walked away with Lin Yiyi, pretending that
the person behind him didn't exist. For a scoundrel like him, the best way is to ignore him.
They deliberately quickened their pace, but the people behind them obviously noticed it, so he
also deliberately kept up with their pace. In short, Lin Tianjun always kept a distance from Lin
Yiran and the others. When they quickened, he quickened, and when they slowed down, he
slowed down.
In short, he was like a piece of taffy that couldn't be shaken off. Lin Yiran had no choice but to
drag him along like this, hoping that Huo Jinlin would come back soon.
Lin Tianjun regards gambling as his life. This is a bottomless pit. No matter how much money he
has, it is probably not enough to lose.
Although Xu Juan's condition has improved now, she is still weak and needs nutritional
supplements, which also costs a lot of money.
She was the one who paid for all of Lin Yiyi's schooling expenses. She paid for all the expenses,
big or small, so she was really tight on money and had no money to give to Lin Tianjun.
And Lin Tianjun was just as he said. He would not give up until he saw the money. He followed Lin
Yiyi for several days and harassed them near the sisters' home. Lin Yiyi was still very troubled.
One day the fried chicken shop was too busy and Lin Yiran forgot the time. Lin Yiyi waited in front
of the school gate but didn't see Lin Yiran, so she had to muster up the courage to go back by
Lin Tianjun still followed her. Seeing that Lin Yiran didn't come and Lin Yiyi was alone, Lin Tianjun
wanted to take her away. But then he thought that he was extremely poor. If he took Lin Yiyi
back, there would be one more mouth to feed. It would be better to ask Lin Yiran for some
Lin Yiyi was always on guard against Lin Tianjun. She looked around along the way, hoping to
meet a kind person who could help her get rid of this big trouble behind her.
As a result, when I turned a corner, I didn't meet the kind-hearted person I had imagined, but I
accidentally caught a glimpse of a familiar figure.
Xin Caidie was actually taking her son, Lin Yiyi's nominal younger brother, on a date with another
man. The two were so intimate that Lin Yiyi couldn't help but feel sorry for Lin Tianjun.
She stopped and looked for a while, and the people behind her also stopped and looked in the
direction Lin Yiyi was looking, not knowing what was going on.
Lin Yiyi knew that Lin Tianjun would definitely have no time to take care of her at this moment, so
she walked straight back to Lin Tianjun.
"Can you still endure this?"
Lin Tianjun clenched his fists at this time, his face looked as ugly as Bao Gong. The emotions that
he had been able to hold back suddenly burst out at Lin Yiyi's words.
Lin Yiyi was still adding fuel to the fire, "Aren't you usually very impressive? Why are you so
cowardly in this critical moment? Why don't you hurry up and catch the adulterer? If you miss
this opportunity, it will be difficult next time."
Lin Tianjun, who had always been arrogant, didn't care about anything else when he heard this.
He rushed over with a gloomy face and slapped Xin Caidie hard in the face.
"You bitch, you actually dare to hang out with a wild man, I'll tear your mouth apart."
He was so strong that Xin Caidie struggled for a few times before she could get away. She
straightened her crooked clothes and felt a surge of anger in her heart.
"Lin Tianjun, do you really think of yourself as a human being? You and I have no relationship,
and the child is not yours. What qualifications do you have to say anything about me? Don't
forget that Xu Juan is your nominal wife. You only have the right to ask about her, not my affairs."
Both of them were furious and immediately started cursing at each other in the street. Lin
Tianjun was already feeling upset about being cuckolded, and at this moment Xin Caidie's words
were like a fuse, instantly arousing Lin Tianjun's emotions.
He suddenly raised his hand, ready to slap her, but in a flash, the pain Xin Caidie expected did not
"Lin Tianjun, who do you think you are? How dare you lay hands on my woman?"

Chapter 31 Ants
Lin Tianjun was stunned by the roar. He had no place to vent his anger, so he now blamed it all on
the middle-aged man.
"Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you touch my woman?"
The two men soon started fighting, wrestling and rolling on the ground. In a few seconds, their
faces were bruised and swollen. The scene was quite tragic.
Xin Caidie took her son back a few steps, feeling a little nervous and afraid that something might
happen, but she didn't dare to step forward to stop the fight.
When passersby saw this scene, they didn't know what was going on and hurried to call the
police for them. Lin Yiyi saw this scene from the side and a smug smile appeared on the corner of
her mouth.
The police arrived quickly, but Lin Tianjun and the middle-aged man were still wrestling with each
other, and they refused to stop even after being told to do so several times.
Finally, the police understood the situation and found out that it was Lin Tianjun who attacked
first, so they immediately handcuffed him.
Lin Tianjun was indignant: "Why did you arrest me? They are the adulterous couple. They
cheated on me. Why shouldn't I beat them up?"
The police looked at each other meaningfully and said, "We don't care about your family
disputes. You fought in public and it was you who started the trouble. Naturally, we have to take
you back for questioning."
"You..." Lin Tianjun was taken away by the police. His resistance was futile. He turned back angrily
and cursed at the two people: "Xin Caidie, you slut, you will die a horrible death, you bitch, you
have no shame..."
The cursing continued and Xin Caidie was shaking with anger. It was not until she watched Lin
Tianjun being pushed into the police car and the car drove away that she smiled with relief.
Glancing at Lin Yiyi in the crowd, she walked over with Lin Yiyi's nominal brother with a sly smile,
and said sarcastically: "Lin Yiyi, you are really great. At the age of seven, you can instigate your
father to cause trouble on the street and personally send him to the police station. You are really
Lin Yiyi herself knew that it was her little look at that time that completely aroused Lin Tianjun's
anger, which led him to fight with others.
But in her eyes, Xin Caidie was just a bad person. Lin Yiyi was too lazy to say more to her. She
rolled her eyes at her and walked away proudly with her schoolbag on her back.
Being despised by such a little kid, Xin Caidie's self-esteem was hit. Watching her small figure
walking further and further away, Xin Caidie clenched her fists and looked fierce.
"Xu Juan, this is the good daughter you gave birth to. Let's wait and see."
Lin Yiyi had just walked a short distance when she ran into Lin Yiran who came out to look for her.
The moment she saw her, Lin Yiyi felt a little scared.
"Sister, you're finally here. You scared me to death just now."
Lin Yiran's heart tightened: "Did Lin Tianjun do something to you?"
Lin Tianjun had been harassing the two sisters during this period, so when Lin Yiran saw the time,
she hurried out to find Lin Yiyi, fearing that something might have happened.
"No," Lin Yiyi shook her head, "He had a fight with someone else, and the police took him away."
Lin Yiran was puzzled: "Why would he fight with others when he was fine?"
Lin Yiyi pursed her lips and told Lin Yiran everything that had just happened.
After hearing all this, Lin Yiran felt a little scared and tapped Lin Yiyi's forehead with his index
"You are so bold that you dared to instigate him to fight. He was hot-headed at the time, but he
will inevitably realize later that you are plotting against him and come after you to settle the
score. What will you do?"
Lin Yiyi is young and doesn’t think so much. Hearing her say that, I was a little scared for a
"Sister, how long will he be locked up this time? Will he come to see me as soon as he gets out?"
Lin Yiran was helpless and said unhappily, "Are you scared now? What were you doing before?"
The child lowered her head after being scolded and didn't say anything. Lin Yiran looked at her
obedient appearance and felt both angry and amused.
"This is just the first time. Don't act on your own and irritate Lin Tianjun."
Lin Yiyi stuck out her tongue mischievously: "Got it."
Lin Tianjun was lucky this time. The middle-aged man's injuries were not serious, and there was
no surveillance evidence, so the police only reprimanded Lin Tianjun and detained him for a few
hours before releasing him.
So just after the Lin Yiran sisters had finished dinner, Lin Yiyi was doing homework in front of the
window when she saw Lin Tianjun limping towards her.
She ran to find Lin Yiran in fear: "Sister, he...he is here again. Is he here to see me?"
"Ah, who is it?"
Lin Yiran was washing dishes and was confused. She quickly put down her work and ran over to
follow her. It turned out to be Lin Tianjun.
"It's okay, it's okay. I'm here. I'll protect you."
The two sisters opened the door carefully and saw Lin Tianjun already walking to the door with a
large bag on his back.
"What are you doing?"
Lin Tianjun put down the bag, which turned out to be his bedding. It was obvious that he came
prepared and was going to live here directly.
"What do you think I should do? If you don't give me money, I will have to sleep on the floor
Lin Yiran was furious. She looked at the empty corridor and argued with him, "This is a public
place. How can you sleep on the floor here?"
"Oh my," Lin Tianjun quickly raised his hand and slapped Lin Yiran, angrily scolding, "You little
bitch, even you think I'm embarrassed, right? I'm furious, you'd better not mess with me."
"elder sister……"
A "pop" sound echoed in the corridor. Lin Yiran was caught off guard and five bright red finger
marks appeared on her face. Lin Yiyi screamed in fright.
He was yelling like a madman, making so much noise that the neighbors opened their doors to
see what was happening. They found it was the man from last time, and they all came to watch
with expressions as if they were going to enjoy a good show.
Seeing more and more people coming, Lin Tianjun was delighted and said quickly, "You unfilial
daughter, I am your father, and now you don't even give me money and want to shut me out. Has
your conscience been eaten by a dog?"
Everyone was in an uproar, pointing fingers at Lin Yiran without knowing the truth, and Lin Yiran
had no way to defend herself.
Just when the situation was at a stalemate, Huo Jinlin came back in time. When Lin Tianjun saw
him, he immediately became alert.
He had suffered at the hands of Huo Jinlin before, so when he saw him, he wanted to strike first.
However, Huo Jinlin was extremely vigilant and took the initiative, pinning Lin Tianjun to the
Everyone stared with eyes wide open. Before they could see the details, Lin Tianjun had already
been controlled.
"Brother-in-law, you're back!"
When Lin Yiran and Lin Yiyi saw Huo Jinlin coming back, they ran over happily. Seeing that he
subdued Lin Tianjun in just a few moves, Lin Yiyi's eyes were full of admiration.
Huo Jinlin looked at Lin Tianjun as if he was looking at an ant, and said coldly: "Lin Tianjun, I won't
do anything to you, but I will punish you with the law."

Chapter 32: Pursuing Dreams

Lin Tianjun didn't know Huo Jinlin's background and only thought he was an ordinary person.
Even though he was subdued, he still acted like a rogue: "I asked my daughter for money. Which
law does this violate? What ability do you have to let the law punish me?"
"Oh, then I'll show you."
Huo Jinlin looked calm and his eyes were icy cold. It didn't seem like an ordinary joke at all. Lin
Tianjun was frightened for a moment and remained silent.
Lin Yiran's fear and grievance were about to explode, and she hatefully vented out all the words
that had been hidden in her heart for so long.
"Lin Tianjun, I'm just an adopted daughter. From the day I stepped into the Lin family, you beat
and scolded me. Later, you raised a mistress outside. I took care of my sick adoptive mother and
young sister without asking for anything in return. In what way have I let you down? Now you
come to me every other day to make trouble. Do you still have any conscience?"
These words had been pent up in her heart for a long time, and now that they burst out, Lin Yiran
herself felt much more comfortable. She was not asking for anything from them, but simply
hoped that they could understand how difficult it was for her, and that was enough.
Now everyone finally understood the whole story. They also saw Lin Tianjun causing trouble
once, so they couldn't help but stand up for Lin Yiran and condemned Lin Tianjun's wrongdoings.
"Who are you? How dare you come to my house?"
"That's right, he looks like a decent person, why is he still having a mistress outside?"
"Yeah, I can't tell at all, how could he be this kind of person?"
"Who knows? In today's society, people only know their faces but not their hearts. There are so
many beasts in human form."
Accusations from the crowd came pouring in, and Huo Jinlin also held Lin Tianjun tightly. Lin
Tianjun looked as miserable as a stray dog, and dared not utter another word.
A police sirens sounded not far away, the sound was getting closer and closer, and soon several
policemen appeared in everyone's sight.
Lin Tianjun was already a frequent visitor to the police station. Several policemen who came
knew him and understood the whole story. When they learned that it was a family dispute, they
just said a few words to mediate.
"Don't cause trouble again. Find a decent job to make a living. Otherwise, the next time we come,
it won't be as simple as just mediation."
In this ordinary family dispute, the police had no right to detain Lin Tianjun and could only try
their best to mediate.
Huo Jinlin had plenty of ways to deal with him, but he didn't want to reveal his identity in front of
Lin Yiran, so he just threatened him a few words.
"Hurry up and get out of here! If you come to disturb the lives of these two sisters again, I, Huo
Jinlin, will be the first one to not let you off easily. If you don't believe me, you can try it."
Lin Tianjun had been forced to this point, so he had no choice but to believe it or not. He was so
frightened that he broke free from his restraints and ran away, not caring about anything else.
When the police saw that other people were still gathering around, they quickly dispersed the
crowd: "Everyone, please go home and stop gathering around."
Everyone had already seen the show, and when they heard the police speak, they closed the door
and went into the house, talking among themselves.
"You are the one who called the police, right? You need to cooperate with us and say a few
words. We need to write a police record."
Huo Jinlin nodded, then turned to Lin Yiran and said, "Take Yiyi in first. I'll be back soon after I say
a few words."
Lin Yiran nodded, and haggardly took Lin Yiyi into the house, but considerately left the door a
She had been harassed by Lin Tianjun every now and then during this period of time, and she was
already exhausted, especially this time. Fortunately, Huo Jinlin came back in time, otherwise the
consequences would be disastrous.
When Huo Jinlin came in, he saw Lin Yiran's petite figure lying on the sofa, lost in thought. The
softest part of his heart suddenly hurt.
"Why don't you go inside and sleep?"
His movements were so gentle that Lin Yiran didn't even notice him approaching until his voice
rang in her ears. Then she came to her senses.
"No, I'm not sleepy, I'm just a little tired. Let me lean here and rest for a while."
She sat up from the sofa, and Huo Jinlin sat down on the chair opposite her. Their eyes met, and
the atmosphere between them was a little special.
Lin Yiran felt that she was probably crazy. Even though Huo Jinlin did nothing in this family, she
felt very at ease and safe.
The two hadn't seen each other for a long time and never thought that they would meet in such
an occasion. Huo Jinlin felt sorry for Lin Yiran. Born in such a family, a girl had to bear so much.
The two looked at each other in silence. The living room was so quiet that you could hear a pin
drop. It was Lin Yiran who was the first to break the silence.
"Why are you back at this time? Is your colleague at work as usual?"
"No," Huo Jinlin shook his head and took out a bank card from his bag and handed it to her: "I
was spotted by the group's top management and was transferred to an administrative position.
From now on, I will just do some simple clerical work. My salary has also been raised. This is my
salary card. I'll give it to you to manage in the future!"
Lin Yiran was surprised and delighted. He sighed a few times but pushed his bank card back to
him: "Really? You are amazing, but I am not very good at managing these things. Besides, I have
my own money. If I need anything, I will come to you again!"
"Take it," Huo Jinlin forcibly pulled Lin Yiran's hand over and stuffed the card into her hand, "Just
take it. Since we are married and become a family, we have the obligation to build this little home
Lin Yiran wanted to refuse again, but seeing Huo Jinlin's firm attitude, if she refused again, she
would seem a little hesitant.
"Okay then, I'll keep it here for you. If you need it, just ask me."
In fact, what she was thinking in her heart was that Huo Jinlin still had two children. If he brought
them here in the future, the expenses would be very high. She would just think of it as saving
some money for him in advance.
Huo Jinlin didn't care about so many things. He didn't take that little bit of money seriously at all.
He just wanted to ease the doubts in Lin Yiran's heart.
But in order for Lin Yin to accept the card with peace of mind, Huo Jinlin had to make up another
lie, otherwise, with her shadow, she would never do that.
"It's okay, use it. You also have things you want to do. I will support you silently behind your back.
Just do whatever you want to do!"
Ever since they met, Huo Jinlin saw that Lin Yiran was always busy, as if she was living for others.
When Lin Yiran heard his words, her emotions fluctuated greatly. For so many years, she had
been supporting this family, and no one had ever asked her about her dreams.
Everyone just enjoyed everything she brought with peace of mind, but never asked about her
dreams, and no one ever cared about what kind of life she wanted...

Chapter 33 Promise
Dreams are too far away for her, and Lin Yiran has never desired them since she was old enough
to understand.
Listening to Huo Jinlin's words, she couldn't help but burst into tears, as if she wanted to vent all
the sadness and grievances she had felt over the years.
Huo Jinlin probably understood, and just patted her back silently, saying gently: "Don't be sad, I'll
take care of everything, and I'll never make you sad again."
As soon as he said this, Lin Yiran cried even harder, her emotions out of control. Before she knew
it, Huo Jinlin had already held her in his arms.
When she was tired of crying and calmed down, she found that there was a large wet area on
Huo Jinlin's chest, which was particularly conspicuous against the black coat.
Afraid that she would dislike him, Lin Yiran was a little embarrassed: "You...take it off, I'll help you
wash it."
"It's okay. Are you feeling better now?"
"Well, thanks, I'm much better."
Lin Yiran nodded awkwardly. She seemed to always make a fool of herself in front of Huo Jinlin,
showing her ugliest side to him every time.
Huo Jinlin thought of the topic just now and proposed again: "Whatever you want to do, you can
pursue it in the future. My salary has increased, so you can leave the responsibility of supporting
the family to me in the future."
In fact, he felt sorry for Lin Yiran, a girl who had to endure so much. He felt it was not worth it for
her. He hoped that she could choose to do what she liked when she was young.
Unexpectedly, Lin Yiran shook her head firmly and said, "No, I am also a member of this family. I
also need to make money to support the family. I can't put all the burden of life on you alone."
Over the years, she has become accustomed to this kind of life and has even forgotten her
dreams and the life she wanted many years ago. Now she feels that this is good and she just
wants to build her own little home.
"It's okay. My current salary is enough to support our family. Just go ahead and do what you like."
Lin Yiran has seen too much, Xu Juan is a good example, so she secretly swore in her heart a long
time ago that when she gets married and starts a family in the future, no matter how outstanding
the other party is, she must have a job and the ability to make money.
Only when both parties are good enough can the other party be attracted and the marriage will
have a sense of freshness.
"No, I won't agree to this. We have just started a family and there are still many problems to be
solved. No matter what, I have to build our little home first."
Knowing that she was a stubborn person, Huo Jinlin stopped trying to persuade her, but in his
heart he couldn't help but change his impression of Lin Yiran again.
This girl is really special. Maybe she is different from other girls. It is time to tell her the truth.
Speaking of this, Lin Yiran's mind flashed through the two children he had in his hometown. At
the moment, this is what Lin Yiran can't let go of.
"Why don't you take your children here earlier? I feel sorry for the poor two kids who came out
to look for their daddy that day. They have been at home and miss you a lot. Will they come out
to look for you too?"
Fortunately, the two children met Lin Yiyi and were brought back that day. If they had met other
bad guys, the consequences would have been unimaginable.
Huo Jinlin was puzzled: "Didn't you say that the two children's families are well off? They should
have no worries about food and clothing, so why do they look so pitiful? And you don't have to
worry, my children are in my hometown and are being taken care of by my parents and my
grandmother. They are doing well."
He thought Lin Yiran was worried about the poor living conditions in his hometown, but he
couldn't explain so much to Lin Yiran. He could only explain that the child was being taken care of
and would not suffer.
Unexpectedly, Lin Yiran refuted this statement: "Does it mean that you have a good life if you
don't have to worry about food and clothing and have someone to take care of you? Children
need company and need to grow up in a loving environment."
Huo Jinlin was powerless to refute. A shadow appeared under the corner of Lin Yiran's eyes. She
said, "I have been an orphan since I was a child. I understand that feeling very well. Without
parents by your side, no matter how good your living conditions are, they cannot fill the void
deep in your heart."
This topic is a bit heavy. Huo Jinlin has been living a life of luxury since he was a child. His parents
are always busy, and he once longed for these things, but as he grew up, he got used to them.
Now that he thought about it carefully, he was indeed too busy and had neglected his two
children. Huo Jinlin had hardly spent any time with them almost since they were born, and he
really felt guilty about it.
"I see. I'll think about it."
"Yes," Lin Yiran nodded and said, "You should bring the children to your side as soon as possible.
The conditions and teaching conditions in the city are better than in the countryside. At this
stage, their academic education is the most important."
Lin Yiran has no selfish motives. From the moment she agreed to marry Huo Jinlin, she truly
regarded his two children as her own responsibility, so she took these into consideration
Huo Jinlin was also very moved. The family environment in which he grew up made him
mistakenly believe that marriage was about two people living together, so the marriage partner
was not important to him, as long as he was good to the two children.
But he never thought that he would meet such a unique girl like Lin Yiran, which actually gave rise
to hope in his heart.
"Don't worry, I will treat the two children as my own and take good care of them. When our
conditions improve in a few years, we will move to a bigger house and bring your family over so
that it will be easier to take care of them."
Although Lin Yiran has never met Huo Jinlin's family until now, she has always regarded this as
her responsibility. When it is late at night and everyone is asleep, she is always thinking about
how to take good care of these people.
Huo Jinlin was deeply moved and didn't know how to respond for a moment.
Lin Yiran pouted in dissatisfaction: "Didn't you say it before? We are a family, no need to thank
me. Besides, you are also very good to my mother and Yiyi, so it is only natural for me to be good
to your family!"
Her pouting action actually looked particularly cute. It was as if a feather was sliding across Huo
Jinlin's heart, and a strange feeling came from the softest part of his heart.
Huo Jinlin liked the future she envisioned very much, and after this conversation, the two of them
became closer.
Hearing her mention Dabao and Xiaobao again and again, Huo Jinlin was curious and couldn't
help asking: "How were those two children that day? Were they naughty? Did they make trouble
at home? Did you get along well with them?"
Only my two children know clearly that they can do anything, and if no one stops them, they will
even dare to demolish a house.
"No, fortunately, they are both quite smart." Lin Yiran really liked them and said, "It's normal for
children to be naughty occasionally."

Chapter 34 The Truth

In Lin Yiran's heart, she thinks children are the most innocent, so no matter what they do, they
are releasing their nature. She thinks this should not be the standard for adults to judge whether
they are well-behaved or not.
Looking at her expression, she didn't seem to be lying. Huo Jinlin was sure that they got along
well, and that was enough.
The two started chatting as soon as they came back. Time had passed unknowingly. Lin Yiran was
still a little tired and couldn't help yawning.
"Are you sleepy? Go to bed!"
"Well, I am indeed a little tired. I will go to bed first. You should also rest early. Good night."
Lin Yiran stood up and walked towards Lin Yiyi's room.
Watching the door close gently, Huo Jinlin leaned his back against the sofa and rested his head on
the cushion in relaxation, with Lin Yiran's words just now echoing in his mind.
It seems that the children and Lin Yiran like each other. Since they can accept each other, there is
no need to hide it anymore. Next, I can slowly tell her the truth.
Huo Jinlin rushed back right after getting off the plane. He hadn't adjusted to the jet lag yet. As he
was thinking about something, he slowly fell asleep.
Lin Yiran got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. When she opened the door, she
saw Huo Jinlin sleeping on the sofa. She didn't have the heart to wake him up, so she walked over
quietly and covered him with a small blanket.
Unexpectedly, as soon as the blanket was picked up, Huo Jinlin's big hand grabbed Lin Yiran's
wrist sharply. She was startled and her feet were unsteady and she fell into the man's arms.
Huo Jinlin has always been very vigilant, and no one can get close to him even when he is asleep.
Only after hearing Lin Yiran's soft exclamation did he hurriedly let her go.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you. Did I hurt you?"
This was the first time the two of them hugged each other. Lin Yiran could even smell the unique
masculine scent of Huo Jinlin. Her face turned red and her heart was beating like a deer.
"," she stammered, "I...I just wanted to cover you with a blanket, afraid you would catch a
"Yeah, it's okay, I didn't know it was you."
Huo Jinlin was still somewhat calm. At this moment, Lin was still pressing heavily on him. The
girl's faint body fragrance lingered in his nose. He was already quietly changing.
"Can you...can you get up first?"
If he didn't stop it, Huo Jinlin was afraid that he would scare Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran finally reacted, as if she had been electrocuted. She stood up quickly, not daring to look
at Huo Jinlin, and ran back to her room as if escaping.
Huo Jinlin looked at his own body, shook his head helplessly, then stood up and walked towards
the bathroom.
Lin was still lying on the bed, listening to the sound of water coming from the bathroom. Her face
was still hot, and she could even hear her own heartbeat in the darkness.
I don't know how much time passed before her eyelids finally couldn't hold up anymore and
closed gently.
The next morning, when Huo Jinlin got up, Lin Yiran had already prepared breakfast. When he
opened the door, he saw Lin Yiran coming out of the kitchen with a plate in her hand. Their eyes
met, and the embarrassing scene of last night immediately came to his mind again. Lin Yiran
couldn't help blushing.
"Sister, are you hot? Why is your face so red?"
Children speak without restraint. When the child said this, Lin Yiran's face turned even redder.
She walked over with the plate and put it on the table, not daring to look at Huo Jinlin again.
"Eat your meal, little kid, don't talk too much."
Lin Yiyi was a smart little girl, so she naturally guessed what was going on. She didn't expose it,
but sticking out her tongue at Lin Yiran in a mischievous way.
Huo Jinlin finished washing up and came over and sat next to Lin Yiyi. As soon as he picked up a
piece of toast, Lin Yiyi immediately came over.
"Brother-in-law, are you and my sister hiding a little secret from me?"
"He's a little devil."
Huo Jinlin stretched out his index finger and tapped her forehead rudely. Lin Yiyi pouted
"Don't tell me, I'll know it sooner or later."
Lin Yiran felt extremely embarrassed during the breakfast. Fortunately, Huo Jinlin hurriedly
finished his breakfast and went out. She finally breathed a sigh of relief.
After being on a business trip for more than ten days, Huo Jinlin missed his children a little, so he
drove back to the old house in the afternoon. As soon as the two children saw Huo Jinlin, they
ran over excitedly.
"Dad, you're finally back."
Huo Jinlin squatted down, hugged the two children, and walked inside, holding one in each hand.
"Have you two been good at home recently? Have you listened to your grandma and great-
"Be obedient, we are very good!"
Dabao patted his chest proudly, and his proud little eyes seemed to be asking for credit.
Huo Jinlin stretched out his hand and scratched the tip of his nose, then pretended to be serious
and scolded: "Then why did you sneak out that day? Didn't you know that grandma and the
others were so worried? Why didn't you tell them that you were leaving?"
Xiao Bao was a little afraid that Huo Jinlin would be angry, so he explained anxiously, "We wanted
to go find Mom, we didn't mean to make Grandma and the others worry. I'm sorry, Dad, we know
we were wrong."
Upon hearing this, Huo Jinlin remembered Lin Yiran's words again. He felt guilty towards the two
children and could not bear to scold them anymore.
Seeing this, Song Yuwan quickly came out to smooth things over: "Okay, okay, it's all over, the
children know they were wrong, so don't teach them a lesson anymore."
The old lady also agreed, "Yes, yes, it's a good thing they ran into Yi Ran, that kid was really good,
she sent them back in time, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous."
Whenever Lin Yiran was mentioned, the old lady couldn't stop smiling and was extremely happy.
Song Yuwan also praised her: "This girl is really good, sensible, kind, hardworking and diligent.
You should bring her back as soon as possible!"
Even though she knew they had obtained their marriage certificate, Song Yuwan would not feel
at ease until Huo Jinlin brought her back.
When Huo Jinlin came back today, he was originally planning to discuss this matter with them.
Now that it was brought up, he turned around and asked the two children.
"Dabao and Xiaobao, do you like the aunt who sent you back that day?"
"I like her," Dabao said while counting on his fingers, "That sister can cook, she's pretty and
gentle, Xiaobao and I really don't want to leave her."
Sister... Huo Jinlin's face was full of black lines. After making sure that they really liked Lin Yiran,
he said, "She is your mother."
The two children were overjoyed and ran around the living room cheering and jumping for joy,
unable to stop being excited.
Seeing that he had revealed Lin Yiran's identity in front of the children, Song Yuwan asked, "When
will you bring her back so I can prepare a gift for them?"
"Yes, yes," the old lady echoed her words excitedly, and said, "How about holding a banquet
directly and discussing the wedding at the same time?"

Chapter 35 Misunderstanding
Huo Jinlin: “…”
Seeing her son frowning, Song Yuwan hurriedly came out to persuade the old lady: "Mom, don't
be too anxious. They have already obtained the marriage certificate and they still can't run away.
Don't scare her the first time you meet her and never dare to come again."
"Grandma, don't worry. She is already a member of our Huo family. We will meet sooner or later.
You don't need to be so anxious."
Huo Jinlin put his hand on the old lady's shoulder and forced her to sit down on the sofa.
The old lady smiled so hard that all the wrinkles on her face came out. She gently patted his hand
on her shoulder and said, "Yes, yes, yes. I'll just prepare some gifts for the meeting. You should
bring her back earlier. Don't let grandma wait anxiously."
"Grandma, I understand. I will find a time to tell her the truth when I go back today. Then we will
come back to see you together."
“Okay, okay!”
Everyone in the house was happy, and everyone was laughing so hard that they couldn't stop.
The laughter echoed in the huge house, and no one noticed the middle-aged man standing at the
door of the living room.
Huo Nantian had a gloomy face. As he listened to the conversation between his mother, wife and
children, he became increasingly unhappy.
"Go find someone for me right now. I want to see her."
"Yes, Chairman."
Lin Yiran was unaware of all this. When she came back from picking up Lin Yiyi, she saw a middle-
aged man in a black suit standing at the door with a black Rolls-Royce parked next to him, as if he
was waiting for her.
Fortunately, the man had a pleasant expression on his face. When he saw the two sisters coming
over, he just nodded and didn't say much.
Lin Yiran knew that he was here to see her, so she sent Lin Yiyi into the house and told her to do
her homework quickly. She watched her room door close before opening it.
"Ms. Lin, please come with me. My master wants to see you."
"See me?" Lin Yiran looked at him doubtfully: "Are you mistaken?"
"Please, Miss Lin."
The middle-aged man didn't say much. He just walked forward and opened the car door, not
giving Lin Yiran any chance to refuse.
Seeing his expression, Lin Yiran was not afraid and said firmly: "If you are unwilling to tell me the
identity of your master, then I will definitely not go with you."
Seeing that he was determined to do so, the middle-aged man had no choice but to say, "He is
Mr. Huo's father. I am his driver."
"Mr. Huo?" Lin Yiran's mind was spinning. She only knew one person with the last name Huo:
"Huo Jinlin?"
But didn’t Huo Jinlin say that his family was not well off and that they even had to raise their two
children in their hometown?
This car looks very valuable and comes with a professional driver. It seems that his father is not
an ordinary person!
With a head full of doubts, Lin Yiran got into the car in a daze and was taken by the driver to the
door of a luxurious-looking coffee shop.
The driver politely got out of the car and opened the door for her: "Come in, Miss Lin, the master
is waiting for you inside."
Lin Yiran looked at the high-end coffee shop in front of him, hesitated for a moment before
walking in. It was empty inside, except for a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties sitting by the
window, dressed in a suit. It seemed to be him.
"Ms. Lin, nice to meet you."
Huo Nantian looked at the ordinary girl in front of him, but did not stand up. He simply raised his
hand to signal her to sit down.
Lin Yiran sat down without hesitation, with a head full of doubts, and asked politely but
respectfully: "Is it you who wants to see me?"
The man in front of him was wearing a black high-end handmade suit, and his temperament was
so elegant that it was impossible to associate him with Huo Jinlin.
"Yes, it's me," Huo Nantian said seriously, "I'm Huo Nantian, Huo Jinlin's father."
Lin Yiran was speechless, so who was lying between him and Huo Jinlin?
Huo Nantian knew her expression without even looking at it, and he didn't have time to waste
any more words with her, so he went straight to the point and stated his purpose.
"Don't be confused. Huo Jinlin lied to you. His real identity is the president of Huo Group."
To others, these words might be as exciting as winning the first prize, but Lin Yinyin has always
been serious. Hearing these words was like a bolt from the blue, and she couldn't recover for a
long time.
"Ms. Lin, you should have heard of the Huo Group. Our Huo family has been in business for
generations. Huo Jinlin is the only heir to our Huo family. His wife should be a good match for our
Huo family and help his career."
The implication was that as a girl from a humble family, she would be a burden to Huo Jinlin and
would not be of any help.
Lin Yiran had long suspected Huo Jinlin's identity, but she didn't expect the truth to be so hard to
accept. She sat there like a petrified woman, with Huo Nantian's words echoing in her mind. She
didn't even know when he left.
"Ms. Lin, do you think Huo Jinlin is sincere to you? He is just playing with you, you should give up
this thought as soon as possible!"
Lin Yiran sneered. Yes, what kind of woman did Huo Jinlin want? Why would he choose her?
Huo Jinlin, I am really disappointed in you!
Huo Jinlin, who was unaware of the situation, had just returned from Nanlinyuan and saw that
the living room was empty and Lin Yiyi was doing homework in the room.
Hearing the noise, he turned around and moved his lips silently: "Sister is in the room!"
Seeing her gloating expression, Huo Jinlin didn't know anything and walked in directly.
Lin Yiran knew it was him, and without even raising her head, her tone was the coldest Huo Jinlin
had ever seen: "Huo Jinlin, are you hiding something from me?"
Huo Jinlin was at a loss as to what was going on, but then his heart skipped a beat. He had a bad
feeling and wondered if Lin Yiran knew something.
But Lin Yiran saw his behavior and thought that he was unwilling to explain to her. She
immediately slammed the table in anger and said, "Huo Jinlin, let's get a divorce. I'm not worthy
of you."
She was extremely emotional, and it was obvious that something was wrong. Apart from this
matter, Huo Jinlin had nothing else to hide from her, so she hurried forward to explain.
"I will not agree to a divorce. I was indeed at fault in this matter. Please listen to my explanation. I
was planning to tell you the truth when I came back from my business trip, but I didn't expect
you to know it in advance."
Lin Yiran heard the clues and looked at him with disappointment, "Huo Jinlin, you really
disappoint me. So you are really the son of the Huo Group? It seems that I have hooked up with a
rich man without knowing it."
"No, Yiran, listen to my explanation. Things are not what you think..."
"Shut up, I don't want to hear your nonsense anymore."
Before he could finish his words, Lin Yiran interrupted him mercilessly. The scars left by her ex-
boyfriend were still vivid in her mind, and what Lin Yiran hated most now was deception.
The fierce quarrel between the two startled Lin Yiyi next door. There was a gentle knock on the
door: "Sister, brother-in-law, are you quarreling?"

Chapter 36 Forced to Live Together

Lin Yiran didn't want Lin Yiyi to see the two of them arguing, so she had to calm herself down, put
her arm around Huo Jinlin's arm with a smile, and pretended nothing had happened.
"No, we were just talking and our voices were a little loud."
Huo Jinlin knew her intention and cooperated with her: "Yiyi, go do your homework quickly, don't
worry, I won't quarrel with your sister."
Lin Yiyi nodded. Perhaps she didn’t believe Lin Yiran’s words that much, but she believed that
Huo Jinlin would never lie to her.
Seeing her sister turn and leave, Lin Yiran's face changed instantly. She pulled back her hand and
looked at Huo Jinlin coldly.
"Don't think that I will forgive you just because you helped me coax Yi Yi."
Huo Jinlin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I have never thought about it this way. Yiyi is also
my sister. I just hope she grows up healthy and happy."
The two came out of the room one after another, and Lin Yiran went straight into the kitchen.
Today was Lin Yiyi's birthday, and she planned to cook a table of her favorite dishes to celebrate.
Seeing her busy in the kitchen, the two people outside the house gathered together and
"Did you just have an argument with your sister?"
Lin Yiyi looked like a little adult, with her arms folded across her chest and a serious expression on
her face.
Huo Jinlin couldn't help but chuckle, "No, it's your sister who's angry. I'm trying to comfort her."
"Humph," Lin Yiyi deliberately showed a fierce look on her face and warned him fiercely: "It's
better to be like this, otherwise, I will not let you off easily."
Her sister raised her since she was a child, and Lin Yiyi would never allow anyone to bully her
sister, not even her most admired brother-in-law.
Huo Jinlin cooperated very well. She promised: "I will never bully your sister."
"It would be better this way."
Lin Yiyi turned around proudly and went back to her room to do her homework.
Huo Jinlin walked back to his room and took out the gifts he had prepared for the two sisters
when he was on a business trip. Lin Yiyi gave him an intelligent learning machine, and Lin Yiran
gave him a diamond necklace.
He didn't dare buy anything too expensive at that time, for fear of arousing Lin Yiran's suspicion,
so to him, these were all too ordinary.
But for Lin Yiran and her sister, this gift was too precious.
Knowing that Lin Yiran might not pay attention to him, Huo Jinlin directly gave the gift to Lin Yiyi.
Lin Yiyi has been coveting this learning machine for a long time, but now her mother needs
money for medical treatment, so she has never mentioned it. Unexpectedly, her brother-in-law
actually knew about it.
"Brother-in-law, you are so nice, how do you know I like this?"
"That day when I sent you home, I saw you lingering outside that window for a long time, and I
thought you might like this."
Lin Yiyi held the learning machine lovingly, smiling from ear to ear. Huo Jinlin took the
opportunity to take out the necklace he had prepared.
"Yiyi, since I gave you the learning machine, please help me give this gift to your sister so that she
won't be angry anymore."
A mischievous expression appeared on Lin Yiyi's face. She pointed at Huo Jinlin with a half-smile
and said, "Humph, so you have something to ask of me? Well, since you are so sincere, I will
reluctantly help you this time!"
Huo Jinlin shook his head with a smile. Children nowadays are just like little adults.
Lin Yiyi took the necklace and went into the kitchen. The table was already filled with delicious
dishes. Lin Yiran was still busy working, and she was a little confused.
"Sister, is today a special day? Why did you cook so many dishes?"
Hearing this, Lin Yiran reached out and tapped her forehead: "Silly girl, have you forgotten? Today
is your birthday!"
"Oh," Lin Yiyi suddenly realized and remembered her mission. She smiled foolishly and said,
"Okay, sister, did you have a quarrel with your brother-in-law? Your brother-in-law brought you a
gift when he was on a business trip. Don't be angry with him!"
Looking at Lin Yiyi who was pulling his arm and acting coquettishly, Lin Yiran took the gift and put
it aside with an expressionless face.
"So you are his lobbyist. What did he use to bribe you, you little traitor?"
Lin Yiyi stuck out her tongue, shook the learning machine in her hand, and said, "Sister, just
forgive him for the sake of my birthday today!"
She didn't know what happened between the two of them, and Lin Yiran didn't want her to know
about it, so she just agreed casually.
Taking a deep breath and trying hard to put these unpleasant things behind him, Lin Yiran forced
himself to squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying, and came out with the birthday cake
that he had prepared early in the morning.
The dining table was filled with delicious food, with a Peppa Pig birthday cake in the middle.
When three people were sitting around the table and getting ready to eat, the doorbell suddenly
“Who will come at this time?”
Lin Yiran got up and opened the door in confusion. When she saw Xu Juan standing at the door,
she almost dropped her jaw and was stunned for a moment.
"Mommy mommy……"
Seeing that there was no movement at the door, Lin Yiyi turned around and saw that the person
who came was her mother who was supposed to be in the hospital. She was very excited for a
Xu Juan took out a very cute doll and handed it to Lin Yiyi: "Happy birthday, baby."
"thanks Mom."
Seeing that Xu Juan's condition had improved, everyone was very excited. Her sudden return was
a big surprise to Lin Yiran and the others.
While Xu Juan and Lin Yiyi were chatting, Lin Yin pulled Huo Jinlin into the kitchen and gave him
some instructions under the pretext of preparing dishes.
"My mother is back. Can you cooperate with me in acting? Don't let her know about our quarrel.
She is not in good health now, and I don't want her to worry about me."
Huo Jinlin didn't say much, but nodded and said, "Don't worry, I know what to do."
He always makes people feel at ease when doing things. Looking at his back as he walked out, Lin
Yiran felt mixed emotions.
"Mom, when will you be back?"
After all, Lin Yiyi was only a seven-year-old girl. She also longed for her mother to be with her.
When she saw her mother come back, she was reluctant to let her leave.
Xu Juan naturally couldn't bear to leave her two children, but given her current health, it was
already very good that the doctor allowed her to be discharged from the hospital and go home
for dinner.
"I have to go back to the hospital tomorrow morning. My body has just started to feel better after
treatment. If I delay any longer, I will be giving up halfway!"
Lin Yiranyi was also clear about this. The credit went to Huo Jinlin. If it weren't for him, her
mother would probably be dead now, and she wouldn't be able to sit with them and have dinner
and chat.
"Yiyi, be obedient. Mom is not in good health now. Once she cooperates with the doctor and gets
cured, she can go home and accompany Yiyi every day."
Lin Yiyi pouted: "Okay, I get it."

Chapter 37 A Solemn Apology

The house that Lin Yiran rented had two bedrooms and a living room. When Xu Juan suddenly
came back, Lin Yiran was forced to move in and live in the same room with Huo Jinlin.
The atmosphere in the small room became awkward. Lin Yiran sat on the bed, at a loss as to what
to do.
Huo Jinlin took the quilt out of the closet and spread it on the floor: "You sleep peacefully, I'll
sleep on the floor."
Seeing him like that, Lin Yiran felt a little bit reluctant, but when she thought of what happened
before, she felt very uncomfortable and her anger had not subsided.
Huo Nantian's words echoed in her mind again and again. The only heir to the Huo Group was
reduced to sleeping on the floor here. If others saw him, they would probably feel sorry for him.
Huo Jinlin had no idea what Lin Yiran was thinking. He lay on the hard floor, feeling uneasy.
"Yi Ran, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to hide my identity from you. Although I don't know where
you knew it from, please believe me. I really intended to tell you the truth."
From the time Lin Yiran learned the truth until now, the two of them have not sat down and
talked properly, and Huo Jinlin doesn't even know that Huo Nantian came to see her.
Huo Nantian's words still deeply hurt Lin Yiran's heart. She said calmly, "Your father came to see
me this afternoon. He said that your wife should be someone who is well-matched with you and
can help you in your career, so it will definitely not be me."
Huo Nantian?
When Huo Jinlin heard that Huo Nantian was here, his face instantly turned ugly. He had
disagreed with Huo Nantian in all aspects since childhood, and he didn't expect that he would
now ask about his lifelong affairs.
Without Lin Yiran saying anything, Huo Jinlin also knew what Huo Nantian, who always attached
great importance to family background, would say to her.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know he would come to you. I didn't handle it well and you were wronged."
"It's okay. I don't care."
Lin Yiran actually doesn't care about all these. What she cares about is the fact that Huo Jinlin
concealed his identity. If there is not even the most basic trust between two people, how can
they move on?
Huo Jinlin knew that she was just saying this in anger, so he explained, "My dad is a workaholic.
From childhood to adulthood, he only required me to do well in my studies and never really
cared about me. He was very busy at work, and in my memory, he only had dinner with me a few
Outsiders saw him as a bright and handsome man, but who would have thought that his
childhood was so miserable.
Huo Jinlin turned his body to look at her and said, "So my attitude towards you has never been
just a joke. In my heart, marriage needs to be treated seriously. I have always wanted to find
someone who is truly good to our two children. That's why I thought about hiding my identity
when I didn't know you very well at the beginning."
The room was very quiet. Lin Yiran didn't say anything. Huo Jinlin continued to talk as if he had
opened a chatterbox.
"I don't want the two children to experience the feeling of loss and recovery, so I dare not let the
children see you before I am sure of your opinion. I hope you can understand that this is also a
father's love for his children."
Although these words were unpleasant to hear, Lin Yiran was not angry. From the way he took
good care of Yiyi on weekdays, it can be seen that Huo Jinlin is definitely a competent father.
He was also extremely serious about marriage. Although his caution made Lin still feel deceived,
when she thought about it carefully, wasn't this the man she was pursuing?
Huo Jinlin paused for a while, and when he didn't hear Lin Yiran's response, he said solemnly:
"Yiran, I'm sorry for hiding the truth from me, but I hope you can give me a chance. I think the
two of us can support each other and keep going."
His attitude was sincere and his words were genuine. Lin Yiran was quite moved, but she couldn't
bring herself to show her shame for the time being.
"Let me think about it!"
Hearing this, Huo Jinlin smiled silently in the dark. She knew that when Lin Yiran said she would
consider it, it meant that she had forgiven him, but she just needed some time to digest this
The two slept in the same room, but they tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. They stayed
awake all night, and only fell into a deep sleep at dawn the next day.
Lin slept soundly that night. When she woke up, she was the only one in the room, and Huo Jinlin
had disappeared.
All the bedding on the floor had been put into the cupboard, and there was no trace of anything.
When she got up and came out, she smelled a fragrant smell.
Xu Juan just came out of the kitchen carrying porridge. Seeing her standing at the door with
sleepy eyes, she quickly greeted her, "Are you awake? Go wash up and come over for breakfast."
Lin Yiran thought she was seeing things at first, but when she came to her senses she
remembered that Xu Juan had returned last night.
"Mom, you're not feeling well, why don't you take a rest for a while and get up so early to cook
for us!"
Xu Juan smiled, put the porridge on the table, and took a bowl to serve each of them.
"It's okay. I'm used to it. Besides, it's just some porridge. It's not tiring."
Huo Jinlin cooperated and drank two large bowls of porridge: "Mom, the porridge you made
tastes so good. No wonder Yi Jing's cooking is so delicious too."
"How can this kid be so talkative?"
Both of them were praised in one sentence. Xu Juan was so happy that she couldn't stop smiling.
The more she looked at Huo Jinlin, the more she liked him.
Lin Yiran looked at this heartwarming scene and didn't want to make them worry even more, so
she decided not to mention divorce to Huo Jinlin for the time being.
After breakfast, Xu Juan had to go back to the hospital to continue her treatment. Lin Yiyi couldn't
bear to leave her and followed her closely.
Xu Juan also couldn't bear to leave her little daughter, who was so young without her parents
around, and she couldn't help but give her a few more instructions.
"Yiyi, you must listen to your brothers and sisters at home, take good care of yourself, and cover
yourself with a blanket when you sleep alone at night."
"Mom, don't worry. I'm already a big kid. I can take good care of myself. And my sister always
accompanies me when I sleep at night. Don't worry, mom. Just take care of your illness!"
Lin Yiyi has grown up a lot since Xu Juan fell ill, but when she heard the last sentence, Xu Juan's
expression changed a little.
"Your sister and brother have never slept in the same room?"
The child didn't notice anything wrong and nodded, "Yes, my sister has always lived with me, and
my brother lives in another room."
Xu Juan was worried about Lin Yiran, so she squatted down and taught Lin Yiyi, "Yiyi, you are
grown up now. Your sister is married, and it is not right for her to always live with you. After I go
to the hospital, you have to learn to live by yourself, and don't let your sister live with you
Although Lin Yiyi didn't understand the reason, she was an obedient child and knew that what
her mother said was definitely correct.
"Mom, I understand."

Chapter 38 Resistance
On that day, Lin Yiran sent Xu Juan back to the hospital and took care of everything for her. She
confirmed with the doctor again and again that Xu Juan's return home yesterday would not affect
her condition before she left with peace of mind.
After hearing what Xu Juan said, Lin Yiyi was determined not to sleep in the same room with Lin
Yiran anymore, and shook her head like a rattle.
"Mom said that now that you are married, you must live with your brother-in-law, so I can't live
with you anymore."
These words came out of the mouth of a seven-year-old girl. Lin Yiran was so embarrassed that
her face turned red with shyness.
"Yiyi, my brother-in-law and I... Anyway, I'm going to live with you now, and when mom comes
back, I'll move in with my brother-in-law, okay?"
She really didn't know how to explain so much to a child, so she could only speak vaguely like
Unexpectedly, Lin Yiyi was as stubborn as her. She had promised Xu Juan and she had to keep her
promise, and she was determined not to let Lin Yiran enter the room.
"No, I have to listen to my mother. I don't want my brother-in-law to leave."
He even slammed the door shut after entering the room. Lin Yiran looked at the closed door in
front of him and could only shake his head helplessly.
Xu Juan must have told her that if she continued to live with her, Huo Jinlin would leave one day.
She liked Huo Jinlin very much, so she was so determined.
Out of desperation, Lin Yiran had to carry the quilt to the door of Huo Jinlin's room. Looking at
the milky white oak door that was also closed, she hesitated.
He raised his hand and put it down again and again, but he still couldn't knock. Time passed by
minute by minute, until Lin Yiran finally plucked up the courage to raise her hand, but the door of
the room was suddenly opened from the inside.
Their eyes met, and for a moment neither of them knew what to say. Huo Jinlin saw that she had
nothing in her hands and didn't know that she had been kicked out.
"What's up?"
"," Lin Yiran stuttered a little, with great embarrassment on her face: "I...was kicked out by
Yiyi. Before she left, my mother told me not to live in the same room with her anymore."
Huo Jinlin's expression was also unnatural for a moment, and then he stepped back and made
way: "Come in."
Lin Yiran walked in and sat on the bed, her hands nervously clasped together. She didn't speak or
move, just sat quietly by the bed.
Last night's bedding was still placed next to the cupboard. Huo Jinlin took it out skillfully and
began to spread it on the floor.
Lin Yiran felt a little guilty. Seeing him spread out the quilt, she took the initiative to ask, "How
about...I sleep on the floor tonight?"
Huo Jinlin fell directly onto the floor with his clothes on, and said calmly, "The floor is cold, just
sleep on the bed."
There was no emotion in his tone, but Lin Yiran felt warm inside, as if a warm current was flowing
through her heart.
As the night deepened, the lights in thousands of houses gradually went out. The room was quiet
and the only sound in the darkness was each other's gentle breathing.
Lin Yiran lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, but she was too uneasy to move,
fearing that the noise would disturb Huo Jinlin's rest.
So after a night, she slept with soreness all over her body, feeling very uncomfortable, but she
could only go to the hospital to bring breakfast to Xu Juan with huge dark circles under her eyes.
Xu Juan looked at her like that and was a little worried: "Didn't you sleep well last night?"
It would have been fine if she didn't mention it, but when she did, Lin Yiran remembered what
Lin Yiyi said, and couldn't help but ask, "Mom, why did you say those things to Yiyi? She's just a
kid, how could she understand these things?"
"So what's going on with you two? I heard from Yiyi that you guys have been sleeping in separate
Originally, Xu Juan shouldn't have worried about these things, but she was worried that Lin Yiran
was still thinking about that unreliable ex-boyfriend, which would affect her relationship with
Huo Jinlin.
In her heart, Huo Jinlin looked much more pleasing to the eye than the previous man. If she
hadn't been staying in the hospital, she would never have allowed them to stay in different rooms
for so long. Wouldn't this affect their relationship?
Lin Yiran didn't know how to explain it to her, so she just said, "This is what we both wanted. We
were not familiar with each other at the beginning, so we need some time to adapt."
Her reason was far-fetched. Xu Juan wanted to ask a few more questions, but the doctor
suddenly came in to check on her, so she had to give up.
Lin Yiran felt relieved.
Ever since the two were forced to share a room, the relationship between Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran
became strange, a little awkward and a little ambiguous, to the point that Lin Yiran would blush
and her heart would beat fast every time she spoke to him.
At night, Lin Yiran still slept on the bed, and Huo Jinlin slept on the floor next to the bed.
Lin Yiran was almost falling asleep in the darkness when she heard Huo Jinlin's magnetic voice
ringing in the room.
"Yi Ran, come home with me. Grandma and the others want to see you!"
Since the children have reached an agreement, Lin Yiran should go and meet them. After all,
there are grandma and the others. They are his elders after all, and he should visit them.
But Lin Yiran's mind was still echoing with what Huo Nantian said that day. She felt unwilling but
"Let's talk about this later, Huo Jinlin. I think you need to think it over carefully. There is an
unbridgeable gap between you and me."
Her background is a reality that she can never change. No matter how hard she tries, she can't
catch up. For Huo Jinlin, not only can she not provide any help, she may even become a lifelong
burden to him.
After he finished speaking, the temperature in the room seemed to drop a few degrees. No one
spoke, and Lin Yiran was tense and didn't dare to breathe loudly.
After a while, a series of intermittent sounds were heard, and Huo Jinlin suddenly sat up.
Looking at the direction of the bed with a serious tone, he said: "Yi Ran, if it is because of what
my father said, then you don't have to care, because in his heart, I am just a chess piece, but he is
him and I am me, I will definitely stick to my choice."
Huo Jinlin had never thought that his father would interfere in his marriage, so he was caught off
guard and was tricked. If it were any other time, the two of them would be evenly matched, and
Huo Nantian would not dare to come to find Lin Yiran.
Of course, it was impossible for Lin Yiran to say what Huo Nantian had said to her, but she still felt
somewhat resistant to Huo Jinlin's request to go home.
"Huo Jinlin, now is not the right time, wait a little longer!"
Although she didn't say it, Huo Jinlin could probably guess it. He had known Huo Nantian's
character for more than 20 years and had figured him out long ago, so that was why he was
unwilling to announce Lin Yiran's identity too early.
He would not force her to do something she didn't like, so he deliberately changed the subject:
"Well, since you don't want to, then think about it again. I'll go explain to grandma."
Lin Yiran turned her back to him, leaving behind a cold figure.

Chapter 39 Video Call

Huo Jinlin was originally at fault in this matter, so he didn't dare to ask Lin Yiran when she would
be willing to go back to Nanlinyuan with him. He could only drag it on day by day.
Time passed day by day, and another week passed in the blink of an eye. The old lady was waiting
anxiously, but Huo Jinlin still did not bring Lin Yiran back. She was so angry that she made a
special phone call to scold him.
"Are you going to torture my old bones to death before you stop?"
Even through the phone, Huo Jinlin could feel the helpless tone of this old child, but he couldn't
persuade Lin Yiran, so he was helpless and could only coax her.
"Grandma, I was wrong. Don't be angry. I'll let her video chat with you when I get back. I'll bring
her back to see you in a few days. Okay?"
"It will take a few more days... Well, you'd better keep your word, or I, an old woman, will come
after you."
Song Yuwan on the other end of the phone kept winking at the old lady, and the old lady finally
changed her tone. Otherwise, she would have insisted on arguing endlessly.
After hanging up the phone, Huo Jinlin breathed a sigh of relief and decided to do some
ideological work on Lin Yiran tonight.
However, when she heard that she had to video chat with them, Lin Yiran immediately shook her
head, nervously afraid that she would say something wrong.
"I'm not good at talking, and I haven't even met them, so I don't know what to talk to them
Speaking of this, Huo Jinlin just remembered what happened with the two children last time, and
she was still kept in the dark!
He smiled meaningfully at Lin Yiran and said, "When you sent those two kids home last time, did
their families give you gifts?"
"Yeah," Lin Yiran nodded. She didn't understand why he suddenly brought up this matter, but she
still told him everything: "Not only did he send me gifts, but he also sent me a lot of valuable
gifts. However, I didn't want any of them. Is there any problem with this?"
"No," Huo Jinlin leaned back on the sofa, "Why do you think they gave you so many things? Just
because you sent those two kids home?"
Lin Yiran was also puzzled by this. After all, even if they were rich, they wouldn't be so lavish.
Those things would probably be worth tens of millions at a random estimate.
But she was only confused for a moment at that time, and then she just thought that they were
rich and regarded the two children as priceless treasures, and didn't care about this at all.
Huo Jinlin curled his lips and said, "Because they are my grandmother and mother, and those two
children are my sons."
He had already prepared himself to be scolded when he said this, but Lin Yiran was petrified after
hearing this and just sat there without saying a word.
She was surprised at the time. How could such a powerful family allow such young children to go
out alone?
And it just happened to be picked up by Yiyi. It turned out that all this was Huo Jinlin's
She tried hard to suppress the anger in her heart: "Huo Jinlin, how many things are you hiding
from me?"
Seeing her cold eyes, Huo Jinlin knew that she had misunderstood. He was a little nervous for a
moment and hurriedly explained: "You misunderstood me. This matter is purely a
misunderstanding. I really didn't know that the child would sneak out and just happened to meet
you. This matter is a coincidence from beginning to end. Otherwise, would I have to go to the
trouble of posting a missing person notice on TV?"
This makes sense. If she really knew that the child was with her, she probably wouldn't be so
Afraid that she wouldn't believe him, Huo Jinlin continued to explain: "Believe me, no matter
what, there is no need for me to joke about the child. Besides, the Huo Group is under everyone's
attention. We will not easily announce any family affairs on the Internet platform."
Huo Jinlin loved children so much that she would not joke about their safety. However, she still
had one question in her mind: "Then how did your mother and grandmother know that I was
your marriage partner?"
Huo Jinlin rubbed his forehead helplessly: "They have seen our wedding photos."
Lin Yiran: “…”
When the truth came to light, her anger gradually subsided, but she couldn't help feeling a little
nervous when she had to face so many people at once.
But Huo Jinlin didn't give her a chance to hesitate. He directly made a video call to his
grandmother. The person on the other end seemed to be waiting next to the phone. The call was
connected as soon as he dialed.
"Hello, where is my granddaughter-in-law? Let her come over and let me see her."
The old lady's tone was cheerful, but Huo Jinlin felt a little sour when he heard it: "Grandma, do
you only want your granddaughter-in-law and not your grandson? I haven't seen you for several
days, and you didn't even come to see me?"
"Come on, you're already so old. We've been watching you every day, and we've already gotten
tired of it."
The old lady's temper was like that of a naughty child. She didn't give Huo Jinlin any face at all. Lin
Yinyin really couldn't help but burst out laughing.
Hearing the voice, the people on the other end of the phone all rushed to the camera. Lin Yiran
had no choice but to pick up the phone and greet everyone.
When the two children saw Lin Yiran again and learned of her identity from Huo Jinlin, they were
so excited that they couldn't stop chattering and calling her mother. Lin Yiran, an inexperienced
little girl, blushed instantly.
After this video call, Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin's family have become familiar with each other.
Unable to resist Grandma Huo's repeated invitations, Lin Yiran finally agreed to visit her home in
a few days.
The old lady excitedly put down the phone and told everyone to get ready quickly because her
granddaughter-in-law was finally going to show up.
Because of her grandmother and Song Yuwan's attitudes, Lin Yiran gradually became less afraid
and her tense nerves finally relaxed.
As soon as the two arrived at the gate of Nanlinyuan, the people in the house were already
prepared. When they saw Lin Yiran appear, the two children immediately ran over and hugged Lin
Yiran's legs, calling her mother happily.
Lin Yiran also truly loves and loves these two children. Even though the two children always stick
to her, Lin Yiran does not show any impatience and takes care of them wholeheartedly.
After the meal, Lin Yiran couldn't eat a single bite properly. Song Yuwan, who always loved her
grandson, couldn't help but change her mind.
"Yi Ran, just eat your meal and ignore them."
Xiao Bao pursed his lips and muttered, "Grandma doesn't care about us anymore now that she
has a wife. How pitiful."
As soon as these words were spoken, everyone at the table couldn't help laughing out loud, and
laughter filled the entire room.
Song Yuwan put a piece of braised pork into Lin Yiran's bowl, then said with a smile that couldn't
be closed: "Of course, look at how good my daughter-in-law is, she is hard to find even with a
lantern, so of course I like her."
Grandma also agreed and praised Lin Yiran's many good qualities in front of Huo Jinlin. Huo Jinlin
felt jealous when he heard it, not to mention the children.

Chapter 40 Abandoned
During dinner, the old lady also pulled Lin Yiran to sit next to her, holding her white and tender
little hand in her palm, unwilling to let go, and became more and more happy the more she
looked at her.
She even complained about Huo Jinlin: "I told you to tell Yiran the truth earlier, but you refused
to listen. If you hadn't deliberately concealed it, my grandson's wife and I would have met long
ago. Why would we have to wait until now?"
Huo Jinlin, who was inexplicably shot, couldn't even refute it. He glanced at Lin Yiran and said
awkwardly: "Grandma, you have seen it now, haven't you? What happened before is in the past,
why are you still talking about it?"
In fact, Lin Yiran has let go of what happened before. Now that they brought it up, she is no
longer angry at all, so her expression did not change.
Song Yuwan also noticed her son's embarrassment and quickly came out to smooth things over:
"Okay, okay, Mom, please don't mention the past anymore. We are reunited as a family and it's a
happy time. Why bring up those unpleasant things?"
"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it," the old lady picked up a piece of meat for Lin Yiran, smiling
from ear to ear, "Eat, Yiran, eat more, don't be polite."
The family was having a great time, talking and laughing, when Huo Nantian came back. When his
eyes fell on Lin Yiran, his face instantly darkened.
Song Yuwan was confused and didn't know why: "You're back. Have you eaten? Aunt Zhang, add
another set of bowls and chopsticks."
A cold snort came out of his nose, and he went upstairs without looking back, looking very angry.
"Who pissed him off again? This old man's temper is getting weirder and weirder."
Lin Yiran lowered her head, while Song Yuwan, who was unaware of the situation, was still
muttering to herself.
After dinner, the two children insisted on taking Lin Yiran to visit their room. Lin Yiran had no
choice but to go with them.
The old lady was old and was very tired after dinner, so she went upstairs to rest early. Only Song
Yuwan and Huo Jinlin, mother and son, were left in the living room.
"Mom, my dad doesn't accept Yi Ran. He had already secretly met Yi Ran before, so Yi Ran was
very resistant that day and didn't want to come back."
Huo Jinlin has always been arbitrary in doing things. He doesn't care whether Huo Nantian
accepts Lin Yiran or not, but if this knot is not resolved, Lin Yiran will feel uncomfortable.
Unexpectedly, Song Yuwan found out and was immediately displeased: "This old guy must have
brought out his feudal antiques again."
"I don't mind. I've gotten used to it since I was a child. I'm mainly worried that I still won't be able
to accept it."
Huo Jinlin leaned back on the sofa, rubbed his brows tiredly, and sounded somewhat helpless.
Seeing him like this, Song Yuwan felt very relieved. Her son had finally grown up and become
sensible and knew how to care for others.
"Don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter, you don't have to worry."
When Huo Nantian got stubborn, no one could persuade him. He only dared not refute Song
Yuwan's words. So, apart from her, no one else could persuade Huo Nantian in this matter.
"Thank you, Mom."
Song Yuwan looked at him with a bit of surprise in her eyes: "Jinlin, it seems that you really care
about Yiran."
Huo Jinlin was never like he is now. No matter how difficult the problem was, he could solve it by
himself without considering others.
As the mother and son were talking, Lin Yiran came down from the stairs. Song Yuwan quickly
stood up, took her hand and sat down on the sofa.
Lin Yiran was still a little uncomfortable and a little embarrassed: "Auntie took the children to
take a bath."
"Well," Huo Jinlin stood up, "Then you guys can chat, I'll go to the study to take care of
Song Yuwan waved her hand at him with a look of disdain: "Go ahead, let's talk for a while."
Huo Jinlin: “…”
Others forget their mothers after they get married, but why is it the other way around for them?
Now he feels like an outsider in this family...
When Song Yuwan turned to face Lin Yiran, she smiled brightly: "My son is like this. If he bullies
you in the future, just come and tell me. Mom will take charge of the matter for you."
"No, no, Mom, he...he's fine."
Lin Yiran lowered her head shyly. Huo Jinlin had just taken a few steps when she heard those
three words very clearly. She couldn't help but curl her lips into an arc and strode upstairs.
"Well, don't worry, Yiran, this kid is loyal and righteous. He has been very responsible since he
was young. He is definitely someone you can rely on."
Song Yuwan was not lying about this. During this period of time they had been together, Lin Yiran
also admired Huo Jinlin's character.
She didn't say anything, and Song Yuwan continued to talk: "That year, Dabao and Xiaobao's
father had an accident, and their mother died after giving birth to them seven months into the
pregnancy. Without saying a word, he brought the two children home and took good care of
them. From that day on, his first criterion for choosing a spouse was that he must be truly good
to the two children."
Lin Yiran was surprised. Huo Jinlin had never told her these things, and she didn't know that
Dabao and Xiaobao were not his biological children...
As they were chatting, Huo Jinlin came downstairs with the two children. The children liked Lin
Yiran and ran over to surround her from both sides.
After learning about their life stories, Lin Yiran felt very distressed and loved them even more.
"Dad, we want to sleep with Mom tonight."
When Song Yuwan heard this, his face immediately turned pale: "No, you go back to your own
room to sleep. You are such a big kid, how can you still sleep next to adults?"
If I let them do whatever they want, when will I be able to hold my first grandson?
The two children obviously didn't buy her trick. They ran over and acted coquettishly towards
Song Yuwan, one on the left and one on the right helping Song Yuwan to lower her shoulders and
massage her legs. She, who had always been tough on the outside but soft on the inside, couldn't
resist and quickly surrendered.
"Okay, okay, it's up to you guys."
The two children were very good at observing people's expressions and when Song Yuwan said
this, they immediately turned to Lin Yiran.
"Mom, mom, please, we want you to sleep with us and tell us stories."
Lin Yiran was also afraid of sharing a room with Huo Jinlin. The embarrassment made her unable
to sleep well every night. She wanted to take this opportunity to get away from him and have a
good sleep. Naturally, she nodded and agreed without hesitation.
"Okay, okay, mommy will sleep with you."
She glanced at Huo Jinlin, who said nothing. Lin Yiran suddenly felt a little guilty, as if he had been
"Oh yeah, oh yeah..."
The two children succeeded in their plan. They jumped around in the living room excitedly and
danced on the sofa. Huo Jinlin got a headache.
"You two little heartless guys, you've forgotten my kindness, haven't you?"
Hearing his jealous tone, everyone burst into laughter.

Chapter 41 Living in the Villa

Early the next morning, when Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran left, the whole family couldn't bear to leave
them. The two little guys even held Lin Yiran's arms on the left and right and refused to let go.
Huo Nantian sat on the sofa. Although he didn't say a word to them and didn't even want to look
at them, at least he didn't have a sullen face anymore.
It was probably because Song Yuwan did some ideological work for him last night, and the results
were remarkable today. Huo Jinlin couldn't help but give her an expression of appreciation. Song
Yuwan understood, and glanced back at the stubborn old man on the sofa, saying lightly He
smiled at her.
"Mom, I want you to stay with me all the time."
Xiaobao looked at her with a pitiful expression. Lin still couldn't bear it and could only comfort
him: "Be good, mom is busy with work and will come to see you in two days. You guys should
listen to grandma and grandma at home."
"All right"
The two little ones were also obedient and sensible, and seeing that they really wanted to leave,
they could only let her go reluctantly.
However, as soon as they got in the car, the two children turned around and lay in Song Yuwan's
arms and started crying. Lin Yiran glanced back and couldn't stop crying.
Huo Jinlin raised his hand and wanted to hug her in his arms, but felt that it seemed
inappropriate, so he had to awkwardly hand over two tissues.
"Don't be sad. If you can't bear to leave them, we can come back often in the future."
Lin Yiran was an emotional person. She just thought about the pitiful life experiences of the two
little ones and she couldn't bear to see them looking at her with eager eyes.
Dabao and Xiaobao also really like her and video call her several times a day. They are
occasionally scolded by Song Yuwan, but they still hide and call her secretly.
Huo Jinlin saw all of this. In order to take care of the children more conveniently, Huo Jinlin
discussed with her about moving back to Nanlinyuan.
But Lin Yiran couldn't get over it, so she made an excuse: "Yiyi is studying here now, it's not
convenient to live in the villa, it's too far, let's wait and see!"
All this was not a problem at all for Huo Jinlin, so he did not think that this was Lin Yiran's excuse
for delaying.
"It's okay. Leave Yiyi's schooling to me. I'll take care of it."
Lin Yiran was speechless and could only say, "Well... okay, let's talk about it after a while."
The Huo family is wealthy and powerful. She knew that if Huo Jinlin really dealt with this matter,
it would not take long to resolve it. But the longer it could be delayed, the better. If she moved to
Nanlinyuan now, Lin Yiran would feel a little uncomfortable.
That night they went to Nanlinyuan to see the child, but unexpectedly the old lady took the
initiative to bring up the matter.
"Yi Ran, you and Jin Lin should move back home. The children won't want to leave you, and it will
be easier to take care of you if you live at home. What do you think?"
Lin Yiran looked at Huo Jinlin with a headache, suspecting that they had colluded and brought her
back specifically to brainwash her, but she saw him shaking his head at her with an innocent look
on his face.
She had no choice but to decline, "Grandma, my sister's school is near my home. If we move
here, it will be too far from her school and a bit inconvenient."
"It's okay," the old lady smiled mysteriously and took out a piece of paper from the drawer of the
coffee table and handed it to her, "This is the transfer certificate. I have already arranged it for
her. You just need to take her to the new school to register."
Lin Yiran was speechless. Isn't this old lady's speed too fast?
Huo Jinlin pursed his lips but couldn't stop smiling. He really admired the old lady for coming
Helpless, things had come to this point, Lin Yiran had no choice but to follow the arrangements of
her grandmother and Song Yuwan and moved into the villa with Lin Yiyi.
It was the first time that Lin Yiyi saw such a magnificent place. She was so surprised that she
could fit an egg in her mouth. She stood at the door and didn't dare to move.
"Come in, Yiyi, come in quickly, come in quickly."
Seeing the two sisters standing at the door uncomfortably, Song Yuwan quickly and warmly
invited them in.
Lin Yiyi pulled the corner of Lin Yiran's clothes and asked carefully, "Sister, are we in the right
place? Is this really my brother-in-law's house? It looks like a castle in a fairy tale!"
Huo Jinlin smiled when he heard this, and tapped her forehead mercilessly with his index finger:
"Girl, where is your usual fearlessness?"
Everyone laughed when they heard this. Song Yu stepped forward and walked in kindly, holding
her hand.
"Come in, you've come to the right place, this will be your home from now on."
Although she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and grew up in luxury, she is extremely
gentle and not at all arrogant.
Lin Yiran felt warm at heart after hearing this. She followed them in and taught Lin Yiyi, "Yiyi, this
is your aunt, and this is your grandma."
Lin Yiyi called people one by one in a sensible manner. The more the Huo family saw her, the
more they liked her. Dabao and Xiaobao, who were also her age, obediently took her to the
children's room to play.
Seeing what they did, Lin Yiran was deeply moved: "Mom, thank you. We are sorry to have
caused you trouble by moving in."
"What are you talking about?" Song Yuwan took her hand and said with a smile, "From now on,
we are a family. Stop saying these polite words and settle down with Yiyi. This will be your home
in the future."
The old lady also smiled and said, "I am very happy that you can move in. Why bother talking
about whether it is troublesome or not?"
Lin Yiran's eyes felt a little sore. She felt so lucky to have met this family.
Life was back on track as time went by. Lin Yin still lived in the Huo family villa, and Huo Jinlin also
restored his identity and no longer had to hide it.
However, he recently discovered that Lin Yiran always avoided him intentionally or
unintentionally, and seemed unwilling to get close to him. Huo Jinlin thought that Lin Yiran was
still angry about her identity.
When he got home from get off work and was preparing to find a suitable opportunity to explain
everything to her, he saw Lin Yiran turn around and leave after seeing him. Huo Jinlin quickly
chased after her and stopped her.
"Yi Ran, why have you been avoiding me lately?"
"," Lin Yiran was a little embarrassed, and made up an excuse, saying, "Yiyi just came back,
I went to see how her homework was going."
She didn't mean to avoid him, but the gap between their wealth was too big, and Lin Yiran didn't
know how to get along with him for a moment.
Upon hearing this, Huo Jinlin directly exposed her lie and said, "Yiyi has always been sensible and
never let you worry about her homework. Didn't she do her homework on her own after school?
Why do you have to supervise her now?"
Lin Yiran was speechless and didn't know what to say. Ever since she moved into the Huo family,
she always used the two children and Lin Yiyi as an excuse to avoid being alone with Huo Jinlin.
She was even unwilling to talk to him. After so many times, even a fool could see the clues.

Chapter 42: Noble Gathering

Lin Yiran didn't know how to explain. He kept twisting his hands together and stood there feeling
a little uneasy.
Huo Jinlin didn't want to force her, but he couldn't bear to see her avoiding him like that.
"Forget it, since you don't want to talk about it, forget it."
As soon as he finished speaking, he strode upstairs, leaving Lin still standing there, watching his
determined back as he went upstairs, with mixed feelings in his heart.
Huo Jinlin lay alone on the bed, thinking that Lin Yiran was avoiding him because she had just
arrived and was not used to it yet.
So he thought, give her some time to adapt slowly.
Unexpectedly, Song Yuwan noticed something unusual, and waited until Huo Jinlin went to work
before he came to ask Lin Yiran mysteriously.
"Yi Ran, did you have a fight? Why do I feel like there's something strange going on between you
and Jin Lin recently? Did that kid bully you?"
Originally, Lin Yiran wanted to make things clear with Huo Jinlin and stop avoiding him, so she
shook her head.
"No, Mom, we've just been too busy lately and a little tired."
Although she moved to the Huo family, Lin still insisted on going to the fried chicken shop to help
out every day, so running back and forth was indeed tiring.
Song Yuwan didn't say much, just patted Lin Yiran's shoulder gently and said, "You still have to
pay more attention to rest and don't be too tired. Tell mom if you need anything."
"Thank you, Mom. I'm fine. I'll go see if the two kids are asleep."
Lin Yiran felt warm in her heart, and after she finished speaking, she turned around and went
When Huo Jinlin was planning to try a new way to get along with Lin Yiran, a problem arose in the
company's cooperation with a foreign country, and he had to go there in person to deal with it,
which might delay his return for a while.
When the old lady heard this, her face immediately became long: "You kid, you only know how to
work all day, leaving your new daughter-in-law alone at home, is this appropriate?"
Lin Yiran lowered her head in embarrassment and said nothing. In her heart, she actually hoped
that Huo Jinlin would go, so that the two of them could calm down for a while and adapt to each
Huo Jinlin is usually very majestic in the company, but he said nothing when he was scolded. Song
Yuwan came out in time to rescue him.
"Mom, a short absence is better than a new marriage. Men should still focus on their careers.
How can they indulge in love affairs?"
"Hmph," the old lady snorted unhappily, "Just let you go. Now that you have grown strong, I can't
control you anymore."
After saying this, she knocked her cane heavily on the ground and went upstairs.
No one in the room spoke. Song Yuwan smiled awkwardly: "Don't be angry, grandma is just old,
don't mind it."
She turned to look at Huo Jinlin and said, "Okay, go do what you need to do. I'm here with
grandma. Don't worry, just work hard."
The old lady is actually old and hopes that her children and grandchildren can be with her. Money
is no longer important to her now.
So when she heard that Huo Jinlin was going out, she became unhappy and lost her temper.
Lin Yiran breathed a sigh of relief, but was very conflicted. In the end, she said calmly, "Will you
be gone for a long time? I'll go pack your luggage for you later."
Huo Jinlin looked at her meaningfully with his inky black eyes. He swallowed the words that came
to his lips and said, "Take care of yourself."
"Well," Lin Yiran nodded, "Just focus on your work!"
She didn't say much, and didn't know how to say it. Just at this time, Lin Yiyi came to find her. Lin
Yiran left in a hurry as if she had received reinforcements.
When Song Yuwan saw how well-behaved and sensible Lin Yiran was, she couldn't help but look
at him with admiration.
"Son, you have good taste. She is indeed a good girl. Treat her well."
After spending some time together, Song Yuwan has truly come to regard Lin Yiran and her sister
as her own family. She also knows that the atmosphere between the young couple has been a
little off lately, but she didn't say much.
From her current perspective, it is no longer appropriate for her to interfere in young people's
affairs. She can just help them deal with it themselves.
Huo Jinlin looked up at the stairs, and when Lin Yiran's figure disappeared, he said, "Mom, I'm
sorry to trouble you during this period. I'll leave Yiran and the others to you now."
Although they were not a large family with many rules, there were many things that Lin had
never come into contact with, especially since she had just arrived. Huo Jinlin was afraid that she
would not be used to it for a while.
Song Yuwan understood his intention and nodded: "Don't worry, I'll take care of this matter."
The next morning, Huo Jinlin took the earliest flight away. Lin Yinyan was always a light sleeper.
When she heard the door opening and closing in the next room, she knew that Huo Jinlin had
left, but she did not get up in the end.
The situation between the two of them is already awkward now. If they meet, they won't know
what to say, so it's better not to meet.
As she was thinking about these things, she fell asleep again without realizing it. When she woke
up again, it was already daybreak.
When I went downstairs, I found that everyone had already had breakfast. Song Yuwan was
accompanying the two children in morning reading, and the old lady had gone out to exercise.
Song Yuwan looked up and saw her, smiled gently, her eyes curved into little crescents.
"Are you awake? There's breakfast left for you on the table, come and eat it."
Lin Yiran scratched her head in embarrassment. She was always very careful on weekdays, but
she still overslept today.
Song Yuwan seemed to see her embarrassment and comforted her, "It's okay. Young people have
a hard life. Just sleep a little longer. We don't have so many etiquettes in our family."
Lin Yiran was even more embarrassed now, her face was as red as an apple: "Thank you, Mom."
In fact, after spending some time together, Lin Yiran and the old lady got along very well. Song
Yuwan almost treated Lin Yiran as her own daughter. It was Lin Yiran herself who couldn't get
over it and always felt awkward.
"By the way, Yiran, the Lin family is having a birthday dinner tonight. Will you go with me to meet
The young mistress of the Huo Group will have to show up in front of everyone one day, and Song
Yuwan wanted to take her to get familiar with the place.
Unexpectedly, when Lin Yiran heard this, her scalp tingled instantly, and she said nervously:
"Forget it, Mom, I have something else to do in the store today, so I'll go over later. I'll go with you
next time if there's a chance."
Many people would love to have such an opportunity, so Song Yuwan didn't think much about it.
He just thought that she really had something to do and felt a little sorry for her.
"That's a pity. I can only go there next time if I have the chance."
"It's okay, Mom. There's still a chance. It will be the same next time we go."
"Well," Song Yuwan still smiled, not angry, but concerned about her and said: "Don't be too tired,
let the driver take you there!"
In fact, she also knew that Song Yuwan was doing this for her own good, but she still couldn't fit
into Huo Jinlin's circle. There were many things she had never seen or heard of, so she didn't
want to participate in such occasions.

Chapter 43 Worry
Hearing her asking the driver to take her there, Lin Yiran waved her hand without hesitation: "If I
ask the driver to take me there in a luxury car, my friends at the fried chicken shop will probably
be scared and may not want me to work there anymore."
Song Yuwan was confused: "What's the big deal? Our Huo family is also a well-known family. Why
don't you just tell them openly?"
Lin Yiran didn't know whether to laugh or cry. How could rich people like them know how poor
people like them, who lived at the bottom of society, felt when they saw these things?
She didn't know how to explain it to her, and was afraid that she would be angry, so she could
only say, "Mom, it's not what you think. My friends have never seen such a luxurious car. If I
rashly go in this car, they will probably be scared."
Now Song Yuwan finally understood. The real reason why Lin Yiran was like that was that she
couldn't overcome her inner fear and had no way of truly integrating into their family.
After noticing her thoughts, Song Yuwan discussed it with the old lady and secretly made a call to
Huo Jinlin.
Unexpectedly, Huo Jinlin was not surprised by this and said, "So this is another reason why I
concealed my identity in the first place. I was afraid that she would not be able to accept it for a
Song Yuwan sighed deeply and frowned a little worriedly: "When you finish your work, you
should come back earlier, spend more time with her, and take her out for a walk. Otherwise, if
this goes on for a long time, I'm afraid she will get sick from holding it in."
"That's right," the old lady also came over and said to the phone, "I told you not to go on a
business trip that day, but you didn't believe me. Now you know how serious it is, right?"
"Okay, okay, go do your work first. The two kids will be back soon. Call me back later if you have
Song Yuwan knew that if she didn't come out to save the situation in time, the old lady would
inevitably scold Huo Jinlin again.
Lin Yiran still took a ride to the fried chicken shop to help out every day, but the distance was far
now, so she was usually late and left early. Guo Nuan just thought she was taking care of Xu Juan,
so she didn't care.
After much hesitation, Lin Yiran decided to tell Xu Juan about Huo Jinlin's background. After all,
she was her mother and had the right to know.
But when he moved his lips, the words came to his lips but he didn't know how to start. It was
not until Xu Juan finally saw the clue.
"What's wrong? You are hesitant to speak today. What do you want to say?"
Xu Juan was very nice to her, and Lin Yiran had always been very close to her, but today she was a
little hesitant.
"Mom, Huo Jinlin..." Lin Yiran looked at her expression and said carefully, "He is the heir to the
Huo Group, with tens of millions of assets, and his family is a powerful and influential family."
Thinking that she also found it difficult to accept it that day, she secretly observed Xu Juan's
expression while speaking, fearing that she would not be able to accept it.
Unexpectedly, Xu Juan was a little shocked after hearing this, but not as exaggerated as Lin Yiran
"Did he tell you that?"
Lin Yiran nodded: "He took us back to the Huo family. Old Mrs. Huo insisted that we move back
and even helped Yiyi transfer to another school in private. Now she has sent Yiyi to an aristocratic
school near his home."
Thinking about it now, this matter was indeed a bit abrupt. She agreed to it without even
discussing it with Xu Juan that day.
Seeing that she was still silent, Lin Yiran was a little nervous: "Mom, I'm sorry, I made the decision
on my own, but their family members kept persuading us, and they were very kind to me and
Yiyi, so I really couldn't bear to refuse."
Xu Juan paused for a few seconds before saying, "From the first time he came to the hospital, I
knew he was no ordinary person. He also helped me get transferred to another hospital that day.
I thought he was from a high-ranking official's family, but I didn't expect his background to be so
After all, she had experienced more than Lin Yiran, so she guessed at that time that Huo Jinlin
might be lying, but seeing that he was indeed very nice to Lin Yiran, she didn't think much about
"Yeah," Lin Yiran nodded, "I didn't expect his family background to be so powerful."
Xu Juan looked at her with some concern: "Yi Ran, what do you think? This kind of family has
many rules and complicated thoughts. You have a simple mind. Can you live happily with him?"
She is different from those parents who value money more than anything else. All she cares
about is whether her daughter is happy.
Although she had never seen a family like that, Xu Juan knew that the situation would be very
difficult. Lin Yiran had been a straightforward girl since she was young, and she didn't know if she
could handle it.
Lin Yiran also knew her worries. Thinking about her life in the Huo family these days, she smiled
and said, "Their family treats me very well. Huo Jinlin is also very considerate of my feelings. He
doesn't force me to do anything I don't like, and he treats Yiyi as his own family."
"Really?" Xu Juan couldn't believe it and asked doubtfully, "How many people are there in their
She didn't know how powerful the Huo Jinlin family was, but when she heard about the tens of
millions of assets, her mind unconsciously thought of the big families in TV dramas.
A large family with various branches all live together. It takes some time just to recognize each
other, let alone get along with them.
"There weren't many people, just his parents, grandmother and two children."
Lin Yiran was also surprised by this. His father didn't even have any brothers or sisters. Huo Jinlin
didn't go back often before, and there were only a few of them living in such a big house.
"Oh, it's not so complicated with fewer people."
"Yes," Lin Yiran nodded, "and his family members are very nice to me. They are not arrogant at
all, especially his mother, who is very gentle."
Whenever Lin Yiran mentioned Song Yuwan, she couldn't help but smile. She didn't know how
lucky she was to have met such a gentle and virtuous mother-in-law.
Knowing that the Huo family treated her well and that she and Yiyi were not bullied in the Huo
family, Xu Juan felt relieved and did not ask any more questions.
Lin Yiran looked at the environment in the ward and said with some emotion: "And the drugs and
equipment you are using for treatment now are all because Huo Jinlin participated in the
investment, so you have the privilege of priority use."
Hearing this, Xu Juan felt mixed emotions. Although Lin Yiran was not her biological daughter, Xu
Juan had always treated her as her own.
Her feelings towards Huo Jinlin were very complicated, but she still said frankly: "Yi Ran, no
matter how your relationship with him will be in the future, don't consider me. If there really
comes a day when you need to rethink your future with Huo Jinlin, don't consider me. Mom
doesn't ask you to be rich, I just hope you can be happy and healthy, and then Mom will be
Lin Yiran's nose felt sore and he felt warm in his heart. He hugged her arm and said nothing.

Chapter 44: The Situation Is Good

In order not to make Xu Juan worry, Lin Yiran deliberately picked out the good situations to tell
her and did not mention a word about the situations that he was not used to.
After a period of observation, Xu Juan determined that Lin Yiran and her sister were indeed living
well in the Huo family. Her mood improved a lot, and her treatment was getting better day by
After staying in the Huo family for a while, Lin Yiyi's personality became much more cheerful.
When she visited Xu Juan in the hospital, she shared many anecdotes with her.
"Mom, you don't know, my brother-in-law's house has so many rooms, and the roofs are
magnificent, like a big castle in a fairy tale. Sometimes I get lost!"
Xu Juan felt sour in her heart, but she could only rub her forehead lovingly and warned her: "You
must not cause trouble for your brother-in-law at his house. You must be obedient, understand?"
"Got it, Mom."
This time Huo Jinlin also came along after returning from a business trip. There were some things
Xu Juan was reluctant to say in front of her, but seeing how harmoniously the three of them got
along, she felt much more relieved.
"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely treat Yi Ran well and won't let her suffer any injustice."
Huo Jinlin knew what Xu Juan was most worried about, so he answered her concerns directly and
to please her. He really wanted to live a good life with Lin Yiran, and in order to make her feel at
ease in the Huo family, he said this in front of Xu Juan. It was not only to give Xu Juan an
explanation, but also to give Lin Yiran a reassurance.
When Xu Juan heard what he said, she naturally couldn't stop smiling: "Okay, okay, as long as you
live well, Yiyan has been a sensible child since she was young. I hope you can cherish her."
It was not until this moment that Xu Juan truly let go of all her worries and accepted and blessed
the marriage between Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran's eyes were sore. She held Xu Juan's hand and said, "Mom, don't worry about us. Get
well soon. Then we can be together as a family and be happy every day."
The only thing that worried her was Xu Juan's illness. Although there had been some
improvement after such a long period of treatment, she still didn't know when she could be
discharged from the hospital!
Huo Jinlin saw the worry in her heart, came out of the ward, and took the initiative to take her to
see his good friend, who was also Xu Juan's attending physician.
It was a middle-aged man in his thirties. When he saw Lin Yiran, he immediately looked at Huo
Jinlin meaningfully: "Oh, you hid it well enough. You only brought it here today?"
"Why, do you have any objection?"
"No, no," the man in the white coat shook his head, put away the playful expression on his face,
and took out a stack of information from the drawer with a serious face: "This is your mother's
medical record. Her cancer cells have spread and are now in the middle and late stages. She can
no longer undergo radical resection surgery. Now, after a period of drug control, we have
temporarily controlled the spread of cancer cells. Now we have conducted comprehensive
research and decided to use systemic chemotherapy, local radiotherapy, immunotherapy and
other combined treatments. At the same time, we will use small molecule targeted drugs to
control the tumor. However, these are new treatment options. We are currently researching and
testing, so we dare not guarantee you the results 100%, but we will definitely do our best."
"Thank you, thank you, I believe you will be able to cure my mother."
Before this, Huo Jinlin had already told Lin Yiran that this place was specifically conducting
experiments on this disease, but Xu Juan's condition had been getting better over time, and Lin
Yiran believed that they would definitely be able to develop a method.
Now that he had a deeper understanding of Xu Juan's treatment plan and follow-up
arrangements, Lin Yiran could finally put his mind at ease.
The doctor exchanged a few more words with Huo Jinlin before they both came out of the office.
Huo Jinlin turned to look at her.
"Are you relieved now?"
"I'm relieved. Thank you, Huo Jinlin."
Lin Yiran looked at him gratefully, feeling indescribable emotions in her heart, and even a little
guilty for her previous behavior of distancing herself from him.
On the way, Lin Yiran told Lin Yiyi the news that Xu Juan's treatment was going well, and Lin Yiyi
was very happy to hear that.
"Really? Does that mean Mom will be able to come home soon?"
Looking at her innocent eyes, Lin Yiran couldn't bear to hurt her and said, "Yes, maybe mom will
be back soon."
Lin Yiyi's clear and transparent big eyes were shining, and she was dancing excitedly in the car.
As time went by, the fried chicken shop gradually entered its peak season, business was getting
better and better, and Guo Nuan was often very busy.
Lin Yiran had some free time during this period, and Lin Yiyi had someone to pick her up from
school, so she stayed in the fried chicken shop for a longer time.
But for a few days in a row, she found that Lao Qin came often, and occasionally when they were
too busy, he would even help greet the guests.
Guo Nuan looked at him strangely, and Lin Yiran soon discovered the clue and blocked Guo Nuan
in the kitchen when he was not busy.
"Tell me, what's going on with you?"
The relationship between these two people is obviously unusual. When Guo Nuan has free time,
she will occasionally pour some water for Lao Qin. Is this the treatment that an ordinary guest
can have?
"What's going on?"
Guo Nuan was still pretending to be stupid and asked her back deliberately.
Lin Yiran pretended to use her trump card, stretched out her hands and prepared to tickle her,
saying, "Would you like to tell me what's going on with Lao Qin outside? Why does he come here
every day now?"
"I... I don't know. Maybe they like to sit here. That's fine too!"
When Guo Nuan heard her mention Lao Qin, her face turned red instantly and her ears were like
ripe apples.
Lin Yiran suddenly realized what was going on and looked at her jokingly, "Come on, come here
every day and don't order anything, just sit in the corner and watch you? And look at your
blushing face, and you're still pretending to be stupid in front of me."
Guo Nuan was now even more embarrassed. This was her first time in love, and being exposed
made her blush and her heart beat fast, as if she had done something wrong.
"Well, we are in a relationship, and he..."
She said a few words and then couldn't say anything else. Lin Yiran didn't ask any more questions
and teased her, "Oh~ You actually wanted to hide such a big thing from the world and didn't even
tell me. How boring."
She deliberately dragged out the tone, and Guo Nuan blushed even more and lowered her head.
Just at this moment, a guest came in from outside and the topic between the two ended. Guo
Nuan felt relieved and ran out as if escaping.
Lao Qin looked up and met her blushing face and eyes full of love, which was seen clearly by Lin
Yiran who was following closely behind her.
"Sizzle... this sour smell of love..."
She deliberately whispered teasingly in Guo Nuan's ear, and looked at her blushing face with a
Guo Nuan rolled her eyes at her in annoyance: "You are already married, and you are still
pretending to be with me. Your Mr. Huo must be so jealous of you!"

Chapter 45 Troubles
The store gradually became busy, and the two of them no longer had time to bicker and hurried
to work. It took a long time before they could relax again.
"I'm so tired. I feel like I can hardly lift my arms. There are so many customers today."
The two of them sat in the kitchen to rest. The other workers had already gone off work on time,
but Lin Yiran and Guo Nuan were still slowly packing up.
Guo Nuan looked up and saw Lao Qin still sitting outside. She frowned and sighed.
Lin Yiran was puzzled: "Why are you sighing so loudly? Are you unhappy with Lao Qin?"
“No,” Guo Nuan shook her head and said, “I didn’t hide it from you on purpose before. I was just
afraid that my parents would find out, so I kept it a secret from everyone.”
"What if they find out? Don't you have the right to date at your age?"
"No," Guo Nuan shook her head like a rattle, and said worriedly, "You know they value money
more than anything else. No matter who I date, they will blackmail me endlessly. What's more,
Lao Qin has a high salary and good conditions. If they find out, what will happen?"
"Oh, so that's the case. This is indeed a bit troublesome."
Lin Yiran had never thought of this. Although she had seen Guo Nuan's brother and sister-in-law's
ability to cause trouble, they had only seen it a few times after all, so Lin Yiran had no idea what
the specific situation was.
However, when Lin Tianjun was pestering her, he was just like Guo Nuan's brother and sister-in-
law, so Lin Yiran could deeply understand that feeling, but she was powerless and could only
worry about her.
"Yes, if they knew, they would definitely harass Lao Qin."
Guo Nuan was also helpless. Born in such a family, she could do nothing about it. She could only
try her best to keep it a secret from them.
Lin Yiran felt the same way. She sighed, put her arm around her shoulders and comforted her,
"Don't be sad. There will always be a way to solve it."
"I'm afraid this problem will never be solved in my lifetime. Unless I never get married, no matter
who I find, I will never be able to escape their entanglement."
Since she was a child, Guo Nuan has been heartbroken countless times, but no matter where she
is, they can always find her, and she can't hide from them.
Lin Yiran was still a little worried and said, "It's not a solution to keep going like this. How about
telling Lao Qin the truth and see if he can do anything?"
During this period, no matter what happened to her, Huo Jinlin would solve it for her. Lin Yiran
has gradually learned to rely on others instead of bearing it all by herself.
But when Guo Nuan heard this, she quickly waved her hands and shook her head like a rattle.
"No, no, we must not let Lao Qin know."
She was very resistant to this, and even looked outside nervously to make sure Lao Qin didn't
hear it.
Lin Yiran was puzzled: "Why? Since you two want to be together, it's only a matter of time before
Lao Qin knows all this."
Guo Nuan frowned and said worriedly, "I don't want her to know this. I'm afraid that the more he
knows, the more he will be afraid. There's already a big gap between us, and by then it may no
longer be possible."
After all, everyone who knows her knows that she has such a big mess behind her. Why should
Lao Qin, such an outstanding man, help her deal with it?
Lin Yiran remembered that Huo Jinlin helped Xu Juan find a hospital and took care of Yiyi. She
tentatively asked, "Maybe Lao Qin is not such a man?"
Guo Nuan knew what she was thinking and sighed, "Who knows? After all, there are very few
good men like Huo Jinlin."
Lin Yiran was not quite sure about this. After all, she had only met Lao Qin a few times and didn't
know his personality very well.
But she had experienced Huo Jinlin hiding his identity, and she was deeply touched. She always
felt that it was better not to hide anything between two people, otherwise when the truth was
revealed one day, the other party would be very hurt.
"You should think about this issue carefully and explain it to him as soon as possible."
Guo Nuan responded indifferently, obviously not wanting to talk about this topic anymore, and
turned around to start cleaning the stove.
Lin Yiran noticed her displeasure and didn't say anything more, but he was worried about her and
felt a little depressed.
When the two of them finished packing and came out of the kitchen, it was deserted outside,
with only Lao Qin still there.
Apart from the last time when Lao Qin sent them to the hospital, this was the second time she
had such close contact with Lao Qin.
Although the atmosphere was a bit awkward, we had already met after all, and it seemed a bit
unreasonable not to say hello.
"Hello, long time no see, Lao Qin."
Lao Qin was also a little embarrassed. He didn't know whether Huo Jinlin had announced her
identity or not, and how to address her. He could only smile innocently.
Lin Yiran didn't think much about it. He just packed up his things and turned to Guo Nuan and
said, "Then you guys close the door. I'll leave first."
"Well, be careful on the road."
Guo Nuan was in a bad mood and did not notice that there was a black Rolls-Royce parked at the
door. Lin Yiran left the fried chicken shop and got into the car directly.
Old Qin saw this scene and guessed that Huo Jinlin had revealed his identity, but seeing that Guo
Nuan was busy, he didn't say much.
It was a pitch-black night, and a black Rolls-Royce was shuttling along the city's main roads, and
soon it came to a steady stop at the gate of Nanlinyuan.
"elder sister……"
When the three children of similar age saw Lin Yiran coming back, they all ran out excitedly to
greet her.
"Are you guys good at home?"
"Yeah, good!"
The three little rascals nodded in unison, their expressions were extremely cute, but Lin Yiran was
still thinking about Guo Nuan's matter. He just said a few words to them tiredly and went straight
into the room to wash up.
The old lady and Song Yuwan looked at each other and realized that Lin was still in a bad mood,
so they immediately went their separate ways.
Song Yuwan brought a cup of hot milk upstairs and knocked on Lin Yiran's door. She saw that she
was sitting at the head of the bed in a daze, looking like she was worried about something.
"What's wrong, Yi Ran, are you having any problems?"
Lin Yiran was so engrossed in her thoughts just now that she only came to her senses when she
heard Song Yuwan's words. When she saw that it was her, Lin Yiran's expression changed.
"Mom, I'm fine. Sorry to have worried you."
"Look at what you said. We are all family. Don't say such polite words."
Song Yuwan touched the milk in her hand and found it was just the right temperature.
"Drink the milk, then have a good sleep and all your worries will be gone."
"Thank you, Mom. I'm fine. I just had a little problem at work. I'll be fine after a night's rest."
Lin Yiran naturally saw her testing the temperature and was deeply moved. She took the milk and
took a big sip.
"Then you have a good rest. I'll go downstairs first."
After watching her drink the milk, Song Yuwan turned and left.

Chapter 46: Actively Seeking Peace

The old lady went to find Huo Jinlin, who was handling official business in his study at the time.
He was puzzled when he saw the old lady come in.
"Grandma, is there something wrong?"
Although the old lady was old and prone to childish temper, generally speaking, as long as Huo
Jinlin was in the study, no one in the family would come to disturb him.
"Jinlin, your wife seems to be in a bad mood today. Go and check on her and see what's wrong."
Song Yuwan just asked the old lady to give him a warning, but the old lady was too lazy to beat
around the bush and spoke directly.
Huo Jinlin was a little surprised. He put the contract aside and looked at the old lady in confusion:
"How did you know?"
The old lady was annoyed by his dithering and said, "Don't worry about it. Just go when I tell you
to. You're a grown man, can you be quick and efficient?"
Ever since Lin Yiran came, the focus of the family has shifted to her. Now the old lady just can't
stand Huo Jinlin.
Huo Jinlin was scolded for no reason, but he couldn't get angry, so he just said submissively:
"Okay, okay, I'll go after I finish the things I'm doing, okay? Don't worry."
The old lady banged her cane on the ground heavily. "Can't you go now? You're just like your
father, stubborn."
Huo Jinlin had no choice but to put down the work in his hands, got up and walked towards the
bedroom. Song Yuwan happened to come out of the room. The mother and son looked at each
other, and Song Yuwan said nothing.
The door of the room rang again, and Lin Yiran walked over to open the door. The person who
came was Huo Jinlin.
Lin Yiran was a little surprised: "What's the matter?"
Huo Jinlin pointed into the room and said, "You won't invite me in?"
Ever since they moved into the old house, the two children insisted on living with Lin Yiran. Plus,
Huo Jinlin was always on business trips these days, so the two of them were rarely together and
had been living separately.
Hearing this, Lin Yinyin took a step back awkwardly. Huo Jinlin walked in unceremoniously and sat
on the chair.
Lin Yiran, on the contrary, seemed a little restrained. She closed the door, walked over, and sat on
the edge of the bed, facing him.
"What's wrong with you? Grandma said you were in a bad mood today. Did something happen to
Lin Yiran kept her head down and said nothing. She didn't want to ask Huo Jinlin for help in
everything. There were already huge differences between their families. If she relied on Huo
Jinlin for everything, it would seem like she was taking advantage of him.
Therefore, she avoided answering Guo Nuan's question: "It's okay, it's just a small matter, I can
handle it myself."
Huo Jinlin knew that she was very stubborn and once she made up her mind, nothing could
change it, so he didn't ask any more questions.
Just by looking at her expression, Huo Jinlin knew that this matter was definitely not that simple,
and Lin Yiran must not be telling the truth.
But he knew that even if the two of them continued to remain in this stalemate, he would not be
able to get any results, so he chatted for a few minutes and then left.
Seeing him come out, Song Yuwan and the old lady hurried to greet him.
"How's it going? Did you find out?"
"It's nothing serious, don't worry."
Huo Jinlin knew that Song Yuwan and the old lady were both restless. If he let them know, they
would definitely be worried again.
"Oh, that's fine. You should pay more attention to her in the future. Yi'an's heart is still very
fragile. She has just arrived and is not used to it. Sometimes she can't help but have wild
"Okay, Mom, Grandma, you guys should go to bed early. I still have some things to deal with. I'll
go get busy first."
Huo Jinlin walked into the study, took out his cell phone and immediately called his assistant,
asking her to investigate Lin Yiran's recent movements to see if he really had encountered any
At the same time, the two children were still clamoring to sleep next to Lin Yiran, so when Lin
Yiran just finished cleaning up and came out, the two children were already waiting for her in
Lin Yiran lifted the quilt and sat in it. It was warm inside and the two children were already warm.
Dabao handed her the book in his hand: "Mom, we want to hear this story today. Can you tell us
Lin Yiran took the book, covered each of them with a quilt, and then began to tell the story
The children listened to the story, leaning on Lin Yiran's body, one on each side, and soon fell
Suddenly, Xiaobao seemed to remember something and instantly became energetic again,
looking at Lin Yiran with anticipation.
"Mom, can you take us to the amusement park on the weekend? Mom and I want to go to the
amusement park."
"Ah?" Lin Yiran stopped and looked at him, and said seriously: "For this matter, I need to discuss it
with grandma and the others. If they agree, mom will take you there, okay?"
"Well, then you mustn't forget it!"
The two brothers pursed their lips, seeming a little unhappy.
"Okay, okay, I won't forget it."
Although Lin Yiran treated the two children as her own, she still had to tell Song Yuwan and the
others if she wanted to take them out.
After all, the Huo family has a special status and is different from children from ordinary families
like theirs. If anything happens to them when they are taken out, she cannot take the
The next morning, as soon as Huo Jinlin arrived at the company, his assistant came to report on
his work. He had already investigated everything that Huo Jinlin had instructed him to do last
"How is it, is there anything unusual?"
"No," the assistant handed over a few surveillance photos. "Ms. Lin hasn't encountered any
problems recently. I also asked the driver at home. Miss Lin has only been running back and forth
between the fried chicken shop and home recently. She hasn't been anywhere else."
Huo Jinlin looked at the photo in his hand in confusion: "Maybe something is missing, I always
feel like there's something wrong with her."
The assistant shook her head firmly: "No, there are only a few people that Miss Lin has come into
contact with recently. She really hasn't been to other places."
"Okay, I get it, you go down first!"
Since he said so, Huo Jinlin didn't ask any more questions, and he didn't question Lin Yiran
anymore. Since the two of them were already husband and wife, he hoped that Lin Yiran would
take the initiative to tell him the details instead of asking him about everything.
As time went by, Guo Nuan's problem had not been resolved. Although Lin Yiran was worried,
she had not forgotten that the two children were going to the amusement park.
I wanted to discuss it with them a day in advance, but Song Yuwan was not at home because she
had a party on Friday night, so Lin Yiran did not find a chance to tell her and had to wait until the
next morning to bring up the matter.
While eating breakfast, Lin Yiran asked tentatively, "Grandma, Mom, it's the weekend today, can I
take the two kids out to play? They want to go to the amusement park. They told me about it two
days ago. After thinking it over, I decided to ask you first."

Chapter 47 Struggling to Adapt

The old lady was already very happy to see that she really liked the two children. How could she
refuse her request?
"Go ahead, go ahead. You can take this opportunity to enhance the relationship between mother
and child. You also need to spend more time with them to understand the two children."
"Well, thank you, grandma."
Lin Yiran also had the same idea. After all, she didn't know the children's true thoughts deep in
their hearts yet. By taking this opportunity to spend more time with them, perhaps she could
truly understand them.
Song Yuwan on the side suddenly suggested: "How about letting Jinlin go with you? It's a rare
opportunity for your family to go out and have fun."
Lin Yiran was naturally extremely unwilling in her heart, but she couldn't say it out loud. Her little
head quickly turned around before she organized the words to refuse.
"Forget it. I see he's been very busy with work lately, so don't bother him. If you're comfortable
with that, I can take the kids there myself."
She had said this to this point. If Song Yuwan still insisted on letting Huo Jinlin accompany them,
it would seem like she didn't trust her.
"Look at what you said. We are all family, how can I be worried? But these two children are very
naughty. You will have to worry more if you take them out."
"Don't worry, Mom, I'll take good care of them."
The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law exchanged a few more polite words before Lin Yiran took
Dabao, Xiaobao and Lin Yiyi out and asked the driver to go straight to the amusement park.
Huo Jinlin did not go to the company. After finishing the online meeting in the study, he came out
and found that the house was so quiet. Only Song Yuwan was sitting on the sofa watching TV.
"Mom, why are you the only one at home? Where are the others?"
Song Yuwan turned around and jokingly said, "What other people? Why don't you just ask Yi Ran
Huo Jinlin's speechless mouth twitched, he walked down the stairs and sat next to her, then
asked: "Where did they go?"
His face was cold and Song Yuwan pursed her lips. She gave birth to a boring son who had a stiff
face even when he was joking. Who could she blame?
"I still took the kids to the amusement park. Grandma is resting upstairs."
Huo Jinlin nodded slightly, said nothing, and turned to leave, but Song Yuwan quickly called him
"Don't always have a stern face. People still go to the amusement park without you. Why don't
you reflect on yourself? They are still estranged from you!"
Song Yuwan hit the nail on the head on this point. Although Lin Yiran was not very close to him
when they were in the rental house before, they were not so unfamiliar with each other. Now
that she lived in the Huo family, she was very cautious in everything, like a guest.
He hadn't spoken a word to her for ten days. It felt weird. They didn't seem like a couple, or even
ordinary people. Huo Jinlin didn't know the reason.
"I don't know why. We used to get along like this and it was quite harmonious. Why is it so weird
Song Yuwan is also troubled by her stubborn son. Are all men really stupid?
"That's because you thought you were equally matched before, but now there's such a huge gap
between you and her, so your mentality has naturally changed, right? Our circle is different from
the one she lives in, so it's normal for her to have trouble adapting for a while!"
Huo Jinlin finally understood and said, "I understand. I will spend more time with her when I have
Song Yuwan nodded in satisfaction and said, "But don't worry too much. Grandma and I will do
some ideological work on her and take her out more often when we have nothing to do."
"Okay, I understand."
As the mother and son were chatting, Song Yuwan's cell phone rang. She picked it up and saw
that it was Lin Yiran calling.
"Grandma, look, there are so many delicious foods here. My brother and I went on the Ferris
wheel. It's so high that my brother was a little scared."
"Tsk, who's scared? I'm not scared!"
"Hehe, I don't know who is holding mom's arm and saying he's scared!"
Several children stood in front of the tall Ferris wheel and called Song Yuwan. Xiaobao and Dabao
were chattering and were extremely excited.
"Yi'ran, thank you for your hard work!"
Taking care of several children alone, Lin Yiran didn't dare to blink, and a thin layer of cold sweat
appeared on his forehead.
However, she also enjoyed it. Although it was hard work, she was also very happy. The only thing
she was worried about was that the children would feel uncomfortable when they returned
home after eating food outside.
The sun was strong, so after playing for a while, Lin Yiran took the three of them home.
The three children were still not satisfied, so Lin Yiran had to promise them that she would bring
them to play again when she had time. Only then did Dabao and Xiaobao agree to go home with
Another week passed in the blink of an eye, and the two children gradually began to rely on Lin
Yiran. Lin Yiran did not feel tired, but felt a strong sense of presence, and gradually began to
adapt to the Huo family.
The old lady and Song Yuwan treated her better than before, and Song Yuwan gradually began to
want to bring Lin Yiran into their circle.
There was a birthday dinner for a rich lady on Saturday night, and the Huo family was invited.
Song Yuwan chose Lin Yiran to accompany her without any doubt.
Lin Yiran was a little hesitant. She looked at the clothes on her body and said unconfidently,
"Mom, I've never been to such a party. I don't know what to prepare. How about just forget it?"
This time, Song Yuwan was fully prepared before telling her. She took out an exquisite box from
the sofa behind her and handed it to her.
"Don't worry, Mom has already prepared everything for you. The evening dress and shoes are
prepared according to your size. You can change into them later. The hairstylist and makeup artist
will come to your house in the afternoon to do your makeup and hair. Don't worry, I'll take care of
This time, Lin Yiran had no reason to refuse. She thought about it and decided that after all, she
was already with Huo Jinlin. In the long run, she would have to take this step, so she gritted her
teeth and agreed.
Song Yuwan chose a burgundy knee-length evening dress, which suited Lin Yiran's skin tone very
well. When she changed into the dress and came out, Huo Jinlin happened to come out of the
study. When their eyes met, he was stunned.
As the saying goes, clothes make the man, and saddles make the horse. When Lin Yiran put on
this skirt, she immediately had an otherworldly beauty that made people unable to take their
eyes off her.
Song Yuwan, who was waiting for Lin Yiran to change clothes downstairs, was amazed when she
saw this scene. She exclaimed, "Yiran, I usually tell you to buy some nice clothes, but you don't
listen. You look so beautiful in this dress. You will definitely outshine the others tonight."
Lin Yiran gave a bitter smile. She didn't care about outshining all the other girls. She just hoped to
have a quiet corner where no one would notice her.
However, facts proved that Song Yuwan's words really came true. From the moment Lin Yiran
stepped into the hall, everyone's eyes were always on her.
Chapter 48 Suppression
Those people's eyes were focused on Lin Yiran. She felt uncomfortable all over and even couldn't
walk freely.
"Hey, who is this? Could it be the new young mistress of the Huo family?"
"He follows Madam Huo, so I'm afraid he is the one. I heard that he comes from a small family, so
it seems to be true."
"Tsk, a pheasant can't turn into a phoenix. Does she think that marrying into a wealthy family will
allow her to join the aristocratic circle? Look at her poor appearance. She will never change."
Many noble ladies were pointing and talking behind her back, and Lin Yiran's face was burning
with anger, and she wished she could find a hole to crawl into.
At first Song Yuwan didn't care, but the more they talked, the more she went too far. She couldn't
stand it anymore, so she stopped and looked at them angrily.
"Are you finished talking?"
The ladies never expected that Song Yuwan would actually stand up to defend Lin Yiran. The Huo
family is wealthy and powerful, and many people present have business dealings with the Huo
family. They dare not offend Song Yuwan easily, so they had to keep silent immediately.
Song Yuwan walked back in her clacking high heels, completely different from her usual attitude,
and looked at them angrily.
"This is my Huo family's daughter-in-law. You don't need to talk about her here. If I hear anyone
talking about her behind her back anywhere in the future, they will be enemies of my Huo family.
You should think about the consequences carefully."
Since she met Song Yuwan, Lin Yiran had never seen her so angry, and she was deeply moved.
"Mom, thank you for standing up for me. You don't have to do this. It would be bad if it hurts the
harmony between you two."
"You silly girl, you are a member of our Huo family. It is only right for your mother to stand up and
protect you. Anyone who dares to bully you is showing that they do not take our Huo family
After this commotion, the mood of both the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law was affected.
Before the banquet was over, Song Yuwan took Lin Yiran away.
The host of the banquet was the Huo family's largest partner, and his company was in need of
capital injection from the Huo family, so the host came out and apologized repeatedly. Although
Song Yuwan was angry, she did not vent her anger on him.
When the two came back, they were in a bad mood. Huo Jinlin happened to be sitting on the sofa
watching TV with Dabao and Xiaobao. He was puzzled when he saw the mother-in-law and
daughter-in-law come in with unhappy faces.
"What's wrong?"
As soon as Song Yuwan entered the house, his emotions completely exploded, and he angrily
complained about what had just happened at the banquet.
When Huo Jinlin heard this, an ugly look flashed across his face. He comforted Lin Yiran, "Don't
be unhappy. Evildoers will be punished by evildoers. Don't let other people's affairs affect your
Lin Yiran shook her head and said, "I don't want to participate in this kind of thing anymore,
Song Yuwan also felt very guilty. If she hadn't insisted on dragging Lin Yiran to the banquet, this
kind of thing wouldn't have happened. Now hearing Lin Yiran say this, she naturally felt
"Okay, okay, we'll never go there again. Don't be unhappy anymore, ah!"
Lin Yiran nodded and went upstairs in a depressed mood. In fact, she didn't care what they said.
What made her sad was that the gap between herself and Huo Jinlin was too big, so big that it
made her feel scared.
After what happened today, she was even a little afraid, wondering how she would deal with such
a situation in the future.
Seeing that Lin Yiran had finally taken the first step, but now had to shrink back because of these
people's gossip, Huo Jinlin was furious and an idea flashed through his mind.
A few days later, Lin Yiran came back from get off work at the fried chicken shop. Before she even
reached the door, she was stopped by two middle-aged men.
Her heart skipped a beat, thinking she had met a bad guy. Just as she was thinking about how to
ask for help, the two men suddenly knelt down in front of her, which really scared Lin Yiran.
"Ms. Lin, we are deeply sorry for what happened at the banquet. If you are a magnanimous
person and don't bear grudges, please don't bother with us!"
Lin Yiran's mind raced before he realized that these two people should be here to plead for those
But I didn't make a fuss about it. Besides, it was such a small thing that I would have almost
forgotten about it if they hadn't mentioned it. Was there any need to beg for mercy so severely?
She asked in confusion: "Why do you say that? I have never cared about this matter."
Hearing this, the two looked at each other and said with some fear in their eyes: "Ms. Lin, please
talk to Mr. Huo. We already know that we are wrong. If our capital chain is broken again, the
company will go bankrupt. If we watch the company destroyed, we will have no way to survive."
As soon as they said this, Lin Yiran instantly understood. This was what Huo Jinlin meant when he
said “every wicked man will be punished by his own wickedness” that day.
Her mood sank to the bottom, and she said calmly: "I can't control his mind. If you want to ask for
mercy, go and ask him!"
Lin Yiran did not expect that Huo Jinlin would take revenge on those people in business, but she
was not a saint and had no right to direct Huo Jinlin's business affairs.
"Ms. Lin, Miss Lin..."
The two men obviously didn't believe it, but Lin Yiyan didn't say anything more. He just walked
around them and walked aside.
But the gap between them is too big. No matter how hard Lin Yiran tries, she cannot change this
fact. Huo Jinlin can make these people live a life worse than death just by moving her hands, and
she will never be able to reach this level in her entire life.
She walked with heavy steps towards the strange villa where she found it difficult to integrate,
feeling as if a huge weight was pressing on her heart.
Perhaps from the very beginning, their marriage was too hasty. At that time, Lin Yiran felt that
she could bear any outcome, but now it seems that she was too naive.
At this moment, she suddenly had an idea that if Huo Jinlin was willing to let her go, she wanted
to file for a divorce with him and then leave this place.
Fortunately, she came back late today. The children were all asleep, the old lady had gone
upstairs, and Song Yuwan had gone out to meet up with her sisters. There was no one in the
living room, and no one noticed that she was in a bad mood, otherwise she would have kept
nagging and her ears would have become callused from listening to her.
Although she knew that everyone was doing this for her own good, Lin Yiran still found it difficult
to accept after so many times.
Before one crisis was over, another one arose. The next morning, Lin Yiran went to work at the
fried chicken shop. As soon as she walked in, she saw the room was full of people.
Old Qin was still sitting in that familiar corner, but opposite him sat a middle-aged couple. At
another table sat Guo Nuan's ferocious brother and sister-in-law, but today their attitude was
unusually gentle.
Guo Nuan was sitting aside, and her face was obviously not looking good. Lin Yiran took a glance
and guessed that Lao Qin's identity must have been exposed.

Chapter 49: Making Trouble

Judging from the situation, they should have just arrived. Guo Nuan's brother and sister-in-law
had met Lin Yiran several times and they had never gotten along well. When they saw her again,
they snorted coldly and looked away.
Lin Yiran didn't have much interaction with them, so she didn't take it to heart. She walked over
and sat next to Guo Nuan, patting her shoulder comfortingly.
"What do you do for a living, young man?"
Guo Nuan's mother was always good at observing people's expressions. When she saw Lao Qin
wearing a suit and tie, her eyes instantly lit up.
"Auntie, I work as an engineer in a company."
Lao Qin had only dealt with Guo Nuan's brother and sister-in-law. Seeing her parents' amiable
appearance, he never associated them together at all, little knowing that they were powerful
As expected, she was delighted when she heard it. She winked at Guo Nuan's father beside her
and praised him endlessly as if she had found a treasure.
"Look, you've become an engineer at such a young age, you're really outstanding. Our Nuan
Nuan is with you, it's really the blessing of our Guo family ancestors!"
Lao Qin didn't understand her messed up logic, frowned slightly, and said lightly: "Auntie, you are
too kind!"
When Guo Nuan's sister-in-law heard this, she was unhappy. As they were both from outside,
Guo Nuan's parents scolded her as worthless. She snorted coldly to express her dissatisfaction,
but did not say anything.
"Xiao Qin, who are the people in your family? What do your parents do for a living?"
"My family consists of me and my parents. My dad is a university professor and my mom is a
"Oh, the parents are so amazing, no wonder they raised such an outstanding son."
Guo Nuan's mother couldn't stop smiling. This was exactly her ideal condition. Both parents had
jobs and he was the only son in the family. He would make a fortune this time.
"So what are your plans for the future with Nuan Nuan?"
Lao Qin glanced at Guo Nuan in the corner and said solemnly: "Uncle and aunt, I really love Nuan
Nuan. I want to marry her. I hope uncle and aunt will agree to it."
Guo Nuan was deeply moved, her nose felt sore and tears welled up in her eyes. She had never
imagined that this was what Lao Qin was thinking. How could a weed like her deserve to own
such a towering tree?
When Guo Nuan's parents heard this, their true nature was immediately exposed. The couple
looked at each other greedily, and then Guo Nuan's father slowly spoke.
"Xiao Qin, you are very good. We are relieved to leave Nuannuan to you. However, as you can
see, our Nuannuan has been our precious daughter since she was a child. We have worked hard
to raise her. This kind of hard work is naturally not something that can be done easily."
He beat around the bush and said something with a hidden meaning, but Lao Qin heard it right
away. He nodded but deliberately remained vague: "Yes, yes, I understand, uncle and aunt, don't
worry, I will definitely treat Nuannuan well and will never let her down in this life."
Guo Nuan's mother lost her temper and said directly, "Xiao Qin, you can marry my Nuan Nuan,
but our family needs a gift of 500,000 yuan. After all, our whole family has spent so much effort
on her and it is not easy to support her in school. Is this request not too much?"
"Five hundred thousand, are you selling your daughter or marrying her off? What do you think I
am? A tool for you to make money? Are there any parents like you?"
Old Qin remained calm after hearing this, but Guo Nuan, who was standing next to him, lost her
temper. She stood up, rushed over, pointed at her parents and started cursing.
Guo Nuan's mother was also impatient. Seeing her daughter talking like that, she felt
embarrassed and started to speak without restraint.
"You're a money-loser. I've worked so hard to raise you. Now that you've become successful and
have grown up, you can point your finger at your parents and make a scene, right?"
Lin Yiran hurried over to comfort her. Lao Qin also pulled Guo Nuan to sit down and gave her a
look, telling her not to worry and that he would handle it himself.
Lao Qin used his hands to comfort everyone and asked them to sit down, then he slowly said,
"Uncle and aunt, Nuannuan is your treasure, no matter how much dowry you ask for, it's not
excessive. But she will also be my treasure from now on, so please consider her feelings. I don't
want you to say those unpleasant words again."
The old couple still wanted to get money from him, so they naturally didn't dare to offend him.
Guo Nuan's father immediately started acting and scolded Guo Nuan's mother in a stern manner.
The others did not try to stop them, as they all knew they were acting and just watched quietly
from the side.
After he finished scolding, Lao Guo looked at Lao Qin again and said flatteringly, "Xiao Qin, your
aunt is just a little impatient. She doesn't mean anything else. Don't take it to heart."
"Well, if you have any other requests, please tell me as well!"
After spending an hour together, Lao Qin had already seen through the true nature of Guo Nuan's
parents. He used to respect them quite a bit, but now he started to become casual with them.
The old couple were obsessed with money, so they naturally didn't pay attention to these things.
When they heard what Lao Qin said, they were naturally overjoyed and said hurriedly, "It's
nothing else, it's just that Nuannuan's brother and sister-in-law are now unemployed at home.
Since you have a job, Nuannuan will stay at home to take care of her husband and children, and
this store can be left to her brother and sister-in-law."
Wow, this is a very reasonable analysis, but this time Guo Nuan became even angrier and refused
"Impossible, don't even think about it. Forget about this fried chicken shop. I won't let him give
you a penny."
She had thought before that if they could negotiate properly, giving them an appropriate amount
of betrothal gifts would probably make them quiet down. But now it seems that she still
underestimated her family. They are a group of hungry wolves that can never be fed. The softer
she is, the more they will demand their way.
Guo Nuan's father stood up and kicked hard. His speed was so fast that everyone was caught off
Lin Yiran was next to Guo Nuan, and they both flew out together and hit a chair not far away.
Hiss... The pain made her eyes see stars.
Lao Qin quickly helped the man up. It was obvious that the kick was quite powerful and Guo
Nuan looked very unhappy.
"Nuannuan, how are you? Hang on, I'll take you to the hospital."
He looked fiercely at the family of four who were still standing there. His eyes were like a demon
from Asura Hell, and several people felt themselves trembling instantly.
Lao Guo wanted to argue, but Lao Qin said coldly: "Why don't you get out? From now on, if you
dare to cause trouble again, I will call the police and bring you to court for intentional injury. Then
you can spend your old age in jail!"
Guo Nuan's brother wanted to say something, but was pulled away by his parents who knew the
"Go, go, go, hurry up..."

Chapter 50: Being Cyberbullied

A group of people left cursing, and Lao Qin sent Guo Nuan and Lin Yiran to the hospital without
saying a word. After examination, it was found that the two were not seriously injured, with only
minor skin injuries. Lao Qin's face, which had been dark all the time, finally looked a little better.
"Old Qin, don't look so icy, it's ugly..."
Seeing that he still had a sullen face, Guo Nuan felt upset and reached out to tug at his sleeve.
Hearing this, Lao Qin's expression eased a little. He held her hand instead, feeling extremely
"I'm sorry, I didn't protect you just now!"
Seeing her being kicked to the ground and her face turning blue in pain, Lao Qin felt very guilty,
but it happened that the other party was her parents, so he could only suppress his emotions. No
one knew how sad he was.
Guo Nuan was supported by him, and her heart was warm. Her eyes, which had just cried, turned
slightly red again: "No one has ever been as good to me as you are."
"Silly girl"
Lin Yiran was listening to their conversation silently, and was enjoying the show, but she was also
happy for Guo Nuan in her heart. Finally, someone who knew how to love and care for her
appeared, and as a good friend, she felt relieved.
As soon as they got into the car, Guo Nuan said worriedly, "Yi Ran, how about I transfer the fried
chicken shop to your name!"
Just now in the hospital, she had been thinking about this problem. Her parents were greedy and
making trouble again and again was not a solution.
Lin Yiran was startled and said in a sharp voice, "Transfer it to my name? Why? Aren't you doing
“Ah,” Guo Nuan sighed heavily, “You know that my parents are like this. There’s no guarantee that
they won’t plot against the fried chicken shop again. If they are pushed to the limit, they might
even rob it. If they come to make trouble every few days, it will affect the business of the fried
chicken shop. If the business is transferred to your name, they will be afraid and won’t dare to
make trouble.”
"How can this be possible? This fried chicken shop is the result of your hard work and effort over
the years!"
When her family was in trouble, Guo Nuan did not ask for a penny and asked her to help at the
fried chicken shop so that they could share the profits. Now, even if she spent money to buy Guo
Nuan's shares, she would feel like she was taking advantage of someone in need.
Guo Nuan knew what she was thinking and said directly, "We both know what kind of people we
are. I can only feel at ease if the fried chicken shop is transferred to your name. You have feelings
for the fried chicken shop, and you don't want them to come and make trouble every few days,
affecting the business of the fried chicken shop and eventually causing it to close down, right?"
When you think about it this way, it does make sense. The fried chicken shop has been affected
by their repeated troubles. If they happen a few more times in the future, I'm afraid it will really
go bankrupt.
"Oh well!"
"Well, don't be unhappy. I know you're not that kind of person. This fried chicken shop is in your
hands, and you've definitely given me more than before, so no matter how you look at it, you're
the one who's at a disadvantage!"
Guo Nuan knew exactly what kind of person Lin Yiran was. She would definitely give her a little
more dividend based on her original shares. In short, she would never treat her unfairly.
"Tsk," Lin Yiran pouted. "You're trying to provoke me. I won't fall for it. After the fried chicken
shop is transferred to me, I will be the boss. Then you will have to listen to me in everything."
In order to ease the atmosphere, she deliberately said this in a proud tone. Guo Nuan was not
angry at all, but agreed with her: "Yes, yes, boss, I will listen to you in everything from now on."
The two girls were chatting and laughing in the back seat of the car, and Lao Qin in the driver's
seat also curled his lips unconsciously. The weather was good and the smoke disappeared.
The two agreed to go to the fried chicken shop to sign the contract early the next morning, so
Guo Nuan went out very early the next day. The security guard at the gate of the community
greeted her as usual.
"Good morning, Miss Guo. Why do you have to go out so early today? Doesn't your fried chicken
shop open at nine o'clock?"
Guo Nuan had lived here for a few years and was already somewhat familiar with the young
security guard, so he knew that she ran a fried chicken shop.
"Well, I have something to do today," Guo Nuan shook the paper contract in his hand and said, "I
have an appointment to discuss something today, so I have to go early."
"Well, good luck to you."
The young security guard watched Guo Nuan leave as usual, but suddenly he noticed a piece of
paper dropped on the ground not far away. It was the one Guo Nuan had dropped just now.
He walked over, picked it up and took a look, his eyes widened: A fried chicken shop transfer
When the security guard was about to call Guo Nuan, she had already ridden out on her electric
bike and disappeared at the gate of the community, so he had to give up.
When Guo Nuan arrived at the store, Lin Yiran had already arrived before her and was sitting
leisurely on a chair eating breakfast.
"This is a simple contract I drafted overnight. Take a close look at it after dinner. If there is
anything that needs to be modified or added, I will adjust it immediately."
Lin Yiran took a glance, put down the bun in his hand, wiped his hands with a piece of paper,
picked up the brush beside him and signed his name in two strokes.
"You are so careful in your work, there is no way you can go wrong."
As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sudden noise outside the door, followed by a group
of people pushing the door open.
"You are such an unfilial daughter. You are willing to transfer the store to an outsider rather than
leave it to your brother and sister-in-law."
Guo's father cursed first, and then Guo's mother began to howl like a ghost: "Oh my God, my life
is so miserable. How could I give birth to such a heartless daughter? She is so unfilial and doesn't
take us seriously at all."
Guo's mother's crying successfully attracted the attention of passers-by outside the door. The
scene of Guo Nuan arguing with her was filmed and posted online, and many people blamed Guo
The protagonist of this incident was still unaware of this, and her brother even accused her, "Guo
Nuan, don't forget how hard my family went through in order for you to study. Now that you
have made it through, you don't care about our lives anymore. Can you live with your
"Oh, why is it like this?"
"Yeah, that's a bit too much. It's a bit inappropriate to cross the river and destroy the bridge. The
other party is your parents."
"Young people nowadays are so accurate in what they say, so the elderly should keep some skills
to themselves, otherwise how can they live in old age?"

The onlookers looked at her and accused her of something. Guo Nuan felt exhausted and a little
overwhelmed for a moment. She staggered back a step. If Lin Yiran hadn't quickly supported her,
she would have bumped into the corner of the table behind her.
The two of them were outnumbered and had no way of defending themselves. Ultimately, the
store was not transferred successfully. Guo Nuan became the target of public criticism for a
while. The incident at the fried chicken shop was a hot topic in the city, and some people even
went to the shop to accuse Guo Nuan, making her physically and mentally exhausted and even a
little dazed.

Chapter 51 Psychological Counseling

After a few days, Guo Nuan simply locked himself up at home and didn't go anywhere. He lost
weight at a visible speed.
Lin Yiran looked at her with great heartache. She curled up in the corner, not talking or eating.
Knowing that if she continued like this, she would have physical and mental problems. Lin Yiran
discussed it directly with Lao Qin, and the two decided to take her to see a psychologist.
"Sister Nuan, cheer up, okay? Have you forgotten how you encouraged me at that time? No
matter how difficult the situation is, it will always pass, and life will get better day by day. You
must have confidence. Why are you so discouraged now?"
Guo Nuan buried her head deeply in her knees. No matter what Lin Yiren said, she didn't move at
There was no other way, so Lin Yiran had to persuade her: "Sister Nuan, I'll take you to see a
psychologist, okay? If we have anything that makes us unhappy, just tell the doctor, and it will be
fine after we say it out, okay?"
At this time, Guo Nuan moved and looked at her with a pair of lifeless eyes. Lin Yiran knew that
she had heard what he said, so she took her hand and stood up. Guo Nuan really moved, and Lin
Yiran was very pleased.
Guo Nuan didn't give up on herself when she encountered problems, but these things had been
pent up in her heart for too long, and now that they had completely exploded, she found it
difficult to face them for a while.
But she was also afraid. She was afraid that she would really have psychological problems and
become neither human nor ghost, so Lin Yiran suggested taking her to see a psychologist, and she
The two of them arrived at the hospital. Lao Qin had contacted the doctor early in the morning,
but he had a meeting in the morning, so he couldn't make it. When he finished his work and
showed up, Lin Yiran and the others were already preparing to go back.
Seeing him rushing over, Guo Nuan felt particularly uncomfortable. She turned her head away
and looked at Lin Yiran with red eyes.
"Yi Ran, I want to talk to Lao Qin alone for a while."
Seeing her like this, Lin Yiran didn't know what to say, so he could only say, "Okay, you guys chat,
Lao Qin, you can just send her home later. I have to pick up my sister from school, so I'll be back
Lao Qin didn't say anything. He raised his hand and made an OK gesture, then looked at Guo
Nuan seriously.
Ever since that incident, Guo Nuan has never spoken to him alone. She has been in a bad mood
recently and ignores everyone she sees, and Lao Qin doesn't care.
But she didn't expect that the first sentence Guo Nuan said would make him panic.
"Lao Qin, let's break up. I'm not suitable for you. With your conditions, you can definitely find a
girl who is a hundred times better than me."
In any case, Lao Qin never expected that she sent Lin Yiran away just to say this, and he was
immediately filled with anger.
"Guo Nuan, what do you think I am? A toy? You can take me if you want me, and throw me away
if you don't want me?"
As he spoke, Lao Qin, a grown man, began to choke up in sobs and took a step forward to hug
"There has always been only one thing I want, and that is you. No matter how good a girl in this
world is, I won't be moved if she stands in front of me, because she is not you. Don't ever think of
leaving me in this life."
His warm breath fanned against Guo Nuan's ears, and his words penetrated into her ears word by
word. As Guo Nuan listened, she gradually began to cry.
Lao Qin continued, "Nuan Nuan, you can't push me away when something happens. We said at
the beginning that we would share the hard times and happiness together. Now do you want to
be a person who doesn't keep your promise? If there is anything, let's face it together, okay?"
Guo Nuan's already fragile psychological defenses collapsed instantly after hearing his words. She
threw herself into his chest and sobbed.
Feeling the wetness on his chest, Lao Qin felt distressed. He asked for leave the next day and
began to stay by Guo Nuan's side day and night.
Huo Jinlin accidentally opened his phone during a meeting and saw the hot news on Weibo. He
randomly clicked on a picture and found that the person in it was Guo Nuan, and there was a
familiar figure standing in an inconspicuous place next to her.
He was surprised that such a big thing had happened, but Lin Yiran had never told him.
He has been busy with cooperation on a new project recently, leaving home early and returning
late every day, and he didn't even notice Lin Yiran's emotions.
So he canceled his evening schedule in the afternoon and returned to Nanlinyuan early, only to
find that Lin Yiran had not returned yet.
Huo Jinlin didn't dare to speak directly about the problems at the fried chicken shop. He could
only test them in a tactful way, fearing that his mother and grandmother would be idle at home
all day and would get anxious and angry when they heard about Lin Yiran's situation.
"Mom, has Yi Ran come home so late every day recently? Why hasn't she come back yet at this
"Hey, you must have taken the wrong medicine today. You're even trying to find out Yi Ran's
When the old lady heard her grandson asking about the whereabouts of his granddaughter-in-
law, she couldn't help but step forward and make some sarcastic remarks.
In her heart, she always felt that Huo Jinlin ignored Lin Yiran most of the time because of work.
Huo Jinlin was helpless. Ever since Lin Yiran came, her grandmother had never spoken to her
properly. It seemed as if he had become an unforgivable sinner overnight.
"Grandma, how could I not care about her? I am usually busy with work, and when I have free
time, I will come back to care about her."
"Work, work. You only know how to use work to pressure me. Is there no one in your company?
Do you really need to do everything by yourself and come in early and leave late every day?"
When Song Yuwan saw that the two were about to quarrel again, she quickly came out to smooth
things over: "Okay, okay, Jinlin, grandma is also worried about Yiran, worried that you two are not
living well and that it will affect your relationship. You must not take it to heart."
Huo Jinlin then gave up. The old lady snorted coldly, turned around and went upstairs with her
Seeing that his grandmother had left, Huo Jinlin didn't beat around the bush and asked his
mother directly, "Mom, is there anything wrong with Yi-Yin's condition recently?"
"Condition?" Song Yuwan thought about it carefully and said with a serious expression: "Indeed,
she has been leaving early and coming back late recently. She frowns every time she comes back.
She seems to be in a bad mood.
"Yeah, okay, I got it."
With just these words, he was about to go upstairs, but Song Yuwan stopped him in time with
"You are such a heartless person, you are leaving right after saying this, and I haven't even
finished what I am saying yet!"
Huo Jinlin, who had taken a few steps forward, stopped again in an instant, turned around and
looked at her: "Go ahead!"
Song Yuwan was almost vomiting blood in anger. He took a few deep breaths before he recovered
and said, "You are so embarrassed. It must be because you are often away and you are not used
to being here alone, so you are in a bad mood."
What this means is that you should spend more time with Lin Yiran when you have time.

Chapter 52 Apologize Again

Huo Jinlin's attitude remained calm: "Okay, I understand."
After saying that, he turned and went upstairs without even looking at Song Yuwan's expression,
leaving her alone standing there in a daze.
Lin Yiran has been going out early and coming back late these days, and she is really busy.
When Guo Nuan was not around, all matters big and small in the store were left to her to take
care of. Occasionally, when Lao Qin really couldn't take a leave, she had to take over, so she had
no time to take care of the family.
When she came back from the store, she found the lights in the living room were still on. Huo
Jinlin was sitting on the sofa with his arms folded across his chest, as if waiting for her.
There was a bit of awkwardness between the two of them, and Lin Yiran subconsciously wanted
to avoid it, but unexpectedly, Huo Jinlin heard the noise and stood up and walked towards her.
"Why are you back so late?"
His tone was neither salty nor bland. Lin Yiran thought he was scolding her, so she could only say
awkwardly: "The fried chicken shop was too busy these two days, and I forgot the time. I will pay
attention next time and won't come back so late again."
After hearing this, Huo Jinlin realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his tone,
which led her to misunderstand.
"No, that's not what I meant. I just think it's not safe for you to come back so late. Next time, if
something happens and you have to come back late, let the driver pick you up. It's not safe for
you, a girl."
Lin Yiran didn't expect him to explain so much, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.
She just nodded secretly, hoping that Huo Jinlin would stop talking and let her go.
Huo Jinlin handed her the hot water in his hand: "Drink some water. You must be a little cold after
just coming back from outside."
Lin Yiran felt warm at heart when she heard such caring words. She looked at the cup of hot
water handed to her, not knowing whether she should take it.
But she was a little thirsty, so she took the cup and drank it all in one gulp. Huo Jinlin then
reached out and took the cup away considerately.
Lin Yiran was so embarrassed that she wanted to run away, but Huo Jinlin obviously didn't think
so. Lin Yiran didn't want to stay with him any longer, so she quickly made an excuse: "I'm going to
go check on the two kids. I'm going upstairs first."
She would always use this trick in the past, so Huo Jinlin came prepared today: "The children are
already asleep. I have nothing to do at the company today, and I got home early from get off
work, so I coaxed them to sleep early."
The atmosphere between the two became increasingly awkward. Huo Jinlin took a step forward,
walked in front of Lin Yiran, and bluntly exposed the fact that she had deliberately avoided him a
few days ago.
"Every time you said you were going to see the kids, it was just an excuse to avoid me, right?"
Lin Yiran bit her lips tightly and said nothing. At this moment, she wished there was a hole in the
ground that she could crawl into.
Huo Jinlin continued to expose her: "Since moving into the villa, you have been trying every way
to avoid me. Is it because of my identity, or because we no longer have the courage to live
During those days, he had always been concerned about Lin Yiran's feelings, so he didn't dare to
mention these things at all and just let her go. He thought that if he gave her some time, she
would figure it out herself. Who would have thought that after such a long time, not only did she
not figure it out, but now it seemed that she was getting worse. Huo Jinlin could no longer
tolerate it.
"No," Lin Yiran's face turned the color of liver. "I just don't know how to face you. I feel that the
gap between us is too big. I can't fit into your life at all. Sometimes I even think that if I had
known everything at the beginning, we wouldn't have come to this point."
If she had known this earlier, Lin Yiran would never have dragged Huo Jinlin to get a marriage
Huo Jinlin didn't say anything. He pursed his lips, took her hand and walked towards the sofa. He
put the cup on the coffee table, pressed her shoulders and asked her to sit on the sofa.
Lin Yiran glanced at the place where their wrists were connected just now. The burning
temperature seemed to still be there, and a slight blush appeared on her face.
The house was quiet. There were only the two of them in the living room. A dim light was shining
above their heads, and the air was filled with an ambiguous atmosphere.
Huo Jinlin looked at her affectionately with his inky black eyes, his mouth opening and closing: "Yi
Ran, I was wrong about what happened before. No matter what, I shouldn't have hidden my
identity. Husbands and wives should trust each other. This is indeed my problem."
Lin Yiran shook her head and said softly, "This matter has passed, and you have apologized to me.
Don't mention it again in the future."
After knowing each other for such a long time, Huo Jinlin had a rough idea of Lin Yiran's
personality. She was a stubborn and self-reliant girl. So even though she said on the surface that
she didn't care about this matter, she still had a knot in her heart.
Huo Jinlin knew very well that if this knot was not untied, she would never be able to face herself.
"I know that since we moved into the villa, I have been so busy with work that I have neglected to
take care of you. This has made you feel strange in this home and unable to adapt to the current
life. These are all my problems, and I will definitely change them in the future."
His tone was serious and his eyes were sincere. From a distance it looked like he was confessing
his love, so much so that Lin Yiran didn't know where to look.
This was not enough, Huo Jinlin also solemnly promised: "I will definitely spend more time at
home in the future, take good care of the two children, and spend more time with you, Yi Ran,
give me another chance, let's live a good life together, okay?"
How could Lin Yiran, a girl who lacked love, resist his affectionate look? She had never thought
that one day she would receive love and that there would be someone who would be so
accommodating to her.
Her nose felt sour and her eyes suddenly turned red. Tears welled up in her eyes and were about
to fall.
"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong? Don't cry. If you don't like it, I won't say it again in
the future."
Seeing her tears, Huo Jinlin, a man who could remain calm even in the face of tens of millions of
projects, suddenly panicked and was at a loss for a moment.
Lin Yiran shook her head, her voice tearful as she complained, "It's all because of you. Who told
you to say these touching words? I couldn't help myself after I heard them."
She acted like a little girl and acted like a spoiled child. Huo Jinlin was caught off guard and didn't
know whether to laugh or cry for a moment.
"It's not your fault, actually. I have my own problems too. I have done some things wrong during
this period. You work so hard, and I threw a tantrum and made you worry. I'm sorry."
Huo Jinlin smiled silently when he heard this: "Silly girl, we are already husband and wife, we
should understand each other. You are also living here under such great pressure, so you must
feel uncomfortable. I understand."
Lin Yiran nodded. Even though the misunderstanding between them was cleared up, she felt
somewhat relieved.
Suddenly, Huo Jinlin remembered the news he saw online in the afternoon and asked casually,
"What happened to your fried chicken shop recently? I saw the news online today, and there was
a lot of news about Guo Nuan."

Chapter 53 The Fried Chicken Shop Was Acquired

When this was mentioned, Lin Yiran's brows immediately frowned into a " 川" shape. This matter
made her very worried.
Now that the news was all over the Internet, Lin Yiran had no intention of hiding it from Huo
Jinlin. Moreover, with the current popularity on the Internet, even if she wanted to hide it, she
was afraid she would not be able to do so.
So she told Huo Jinlin everything that had happened, but she didn't expect that after listening to
her, Huo Jinlin's face darkened and he looked even angrier than her.
"Why didn't you tell me you were injured?"
So that's what she was worried about. Lin Yiran waved her hand and said nonchalantly, "Those
are just minor injuries. Lao Qin has already sent Nuannuan and me to the hospital."
After hearing this, Huo Jinlin suddenly raised his hands, placed them on her shoulders, and said
seriously, "I am your husband. Remember, don't handle anything by yourself in the future."
Lin Yiran: “…”
Recently Huo Jinlin seemed not as gentle as before. This was Lin Yiran's first feeling at the
moment, but his expression was too serious, so she could only nod her head like a chicken
pecking at rice to deal with it.
After understanding the whole story, Huo Jinlin returned to the point and suggested, "How about
I buy the fried chicken shop? Then I can directly appoint Guo Nuan as the store manager. In this
way, even if Guo Nuan's parents come to cause trouble in the future, I can directly call the police
to deal with it. What do you think?"
"That's great, but will it be too much trouble for you?"
Lin Yiran didn't expect that he would help them deal with these things. If he could do it, even if
Guo Nuan's parents had great abilities, they would be helpless.
Huo Jinlin's face darkened, and he raised his index finger and pressed it against her forehead,
sighing heavily: "I just said that I'm your husband, so what's the use of talking about trouble or
Lin Yiran felt pain, covered her forehead and took two steps back, but when she heard the word
"husband", her face turned red unconsciously and she didn't dare to look at Huo Jinlin at all.
Seeing that she was still covering her hand, Huo Jinlin thought he had really hurt her by accident
and quickly tried to pull her hand away.
"Let me see if I hurt you."
Lin Yiran let go of her hand and met Huo Jinlin's nervous expression. They both suddenly turned
their faces away in embarrassment.
Huo Jinlin also felt a little uncomfortable. Her forehead was just slightly red. He didn't dwell on it
anymore, but turned to talk about the online explosion.
"Um... I asked Huo's public relations department to deal with the online comments this
afternoon. They should have been clarified by now."
"Clarified? You..."
Lin Yiran was surprised that Huo Jinlin had done so many things for her in private. It would be a
lie to say that she was not touched. She just stood there in a daze, not knowing what to say.
Seeing her exaggerated expression, Huo Jinlin knew that she was moved by him. He stretched out
his hand and waved it in front of her to bring her back to her senses.
"Why, are you touched? Go and get some rest, it's already late."
Lin Yiran then looked at her cell phone. It was almost eleven o'clock. She said thank you and
turned into the house.
Lying on the bed, Huo Jinlin's words were still echoing in her mind, and she felt sweet in her
The next morning, Lin Yiran called Guo Nuan and told her the whole story. After Guo Nuan heard
it, the gloomy expression on her face for days finally cleared up.
"Your Huo Jinlin is so awesome. I'm always available. You can bring him over and we can sign the
contract. But the sooner the better. If my parents find out, they'll cause trouble again."
Even though they have known each other for such a long time, Guo Nuan still doesn't know Huo
Jinlin's identity, so she has always called him by his full name.
Lin Yiran had never mentioned Huo Jinlin's identity to her. She didn't want to disrupt this peaceful
life, so only Xu Juan and Lin Yiyi knew about it.
Lin Yiran was aware of Huo Jinlin's strength. If he took action, Guo Nuan's parents would not have
the chance to cause trouble. In the past, he had concealed his identity, so he had never punished
"No, don't worry, he will take care of it."
When Lin Yiran said this, Huo Jinlin just pushed the door open. Hearing Lin Yiran's appreciative
tone, the corners of his mouth unconsciously curved into an arc.
After breakfast, Huo Jinlin brought Lin Yiran to the fried chicken shop. Guo Nuan happened to be
sitting at the door. When she saw the two getting out of a black Rolls-Royce, she rubbed her eyes
in disbelief.
"Sister Nuan, what's wrong with you? Are your eyes uncomfortable?"
Lin Yiran just pushed the door open and saw her rubbing her eyes.
Guo Nuan put down her hands and looked clearly at the people in front of her. It was indeed Huo
Jinlin and Lin Yiran.
"I thought I was seeing things. Who are you guys from? That car..."
At least I will never have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of my life!
Lin Yiran then realized that they were seen by Guo Nuan when they got off the car just now. Just
as she was hesitating about how to explain to her, Huo Jinlin took out a business card from his
suit pocket and handed it to her.
"This, this, this... Huo Group's president... Huo Jinlin..."
She suddenly jumped up from her seat, pointed at Huo Jinlin and stammered, unable to utter a
complete sentence for a long time.
Lin Yiran, who was standing by, hurriedly pulled her back awkwardly: "Sister Nuan, calm down!"
Guo Nuan was furious, pointing at Lin Yiran and saying, "You've kept it a secret for so long. You
really didn't tell me. It's really mean of you. If you had told me earlier that you were dating such a
rich man, why would I be so worried about you?"
Lin Yiran stroked his forehead, glanced awkwardly at Huo Jinlin who was sitting there as if nothing
had happened, and whispered in Guo Nuan's ear: "Sister Nuan, calm down, we'll talk about this
later, let's talk about the store acquisition first."
These words brought Guo Nuan back to his senses. He finally calmed down and sat opposite Huo
Jinlin, but he would glance at him from time to time with meaningful eyes.
Huo Jinlin turned a deaf ear to all this. He took out the acquisition contract that his assistant had
sent over early in the morning and handed it to Guo Nuan: "Take a look. If there is anything that
needs to be added or modified, I will ask the legal department to come over immediately. If there
is no problem, just sign it!"
Guo Nuan took it and took a look. Oh my god, this contract was so detailed that she was dazzled.
How could she find anything to add?
"No problem, sign it!"
Guo Nuan signed her name quickly before handing the contract to him. Huo Jinlin took out a
black signing pen from his suit pocket and signed his name fluently.
Looking at those lines of black and white words, Guo Nuan finally felt relieved. With Huo Jinlin's
help this time, her parents did not receive any news. The contract was finally officially signed, and
she finally let go of her worries.
"Huo... Huo Jinlin, thank you."
After Guo Nuan knew Huo Jinlin's identity, she couldn't talk to him normally.
Huo Jinlin's expression was as calm as usual: "It's okay, it's just a piece of cake."

Chapter 54: Going on a Business Trip Together

He has always been a man of few words, but Lin Yiran still feels warm in her heart. Huo Jinlin has
helped her so much.
Huo Jinlin looked around the fried chicken shop and frowned slightly: "There are still some areas
in your shop that need improvement. Do you mind if I give you some suggestions and you guys
make some changes?"
"No, no, I don't mind."
Guo Nuan shook his head like a rattle and said, "You are the boss of our store now, so we have to
do whatever you say."
Besides, Huo Jinlin has been working in the business world for many years and has managed to
run Huo's business successfully. I believe his ability should not be underestimated. Guo Nuan also
hopes that under his leadership, the fried chicken shop's business will get better and better.
Huo Jinlin nodded slightly, not paying attention to Guo Nuan's excessive flattery. The phone in his
pocket vibrated. It was a message from his assistant.
He glanced at them, and his handsome brows furrowed again: "Last time when you and Yi Ran
signed the contract, your parents were able to get here in time. It was the security guard in your
community who leaked the information."
"Community security?"
The two girls exclaimed at the same time. Guo Nuan said doubtfully, "I haven't brought anyone
else there since I moved in. How could he know my parents?"
"Yes, and how does he know Sister Nuan's whereabouts?"
Lin Yiran was also very confused. How could a small security guard have such great abilities?
Huo Jinlin couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat for the two naive little girls. If he hadn't
sent people to investigate this time, they would have been kept in the dark for who knows how
"Your parents have bribed him a long time ago. Every time you caused trouble, it was because he
was watching your movements and then told them."
Guo Nuan was horrified after hearing this. She couldn't believe that someone who looked
harmless on weekdays could be so sinister behind the scenes.
As they were talking, Lao Qin suddenly came. He felt a little embarrassed to see his boss was
there too.
"Mr. Huo"
Huo Jinlin nodded, not caring about his continuous leave during this period. He just patted his
shoulder and said, "Spend some time with her. Go back to work early in the next few days."
His management has always been humane. He knows a little about Guo Nuan and Lao Qin's
affairs. Just because Guo Nuan is Lin Yiran's best friend, he has to approve Lao Qin's leave!
"Okay, Mr. Huo."
Huo Jinlin nodded and looked at Lin Yiran again: "Now that the matter is settled, I will go back to
the company first. What about you? Do you need me to ask the driver to take you back?"
“No need,” Lin Yiran shook her head and said, “I still have things to do in the store. I’ll go back
"Okay, then be careful. When you're done, call the driver and ask him to pick you up."
After instructing Lin Yiran, Huo Jinlin stood up and left. Guo Nuan stared at him with her eyes
wide open. After making sure that he was far away and could not hear her anymore, she
pretended to be angry and crossed her arms over her chest while looking at the remaining two
"So you two both know his identity, and I'm the only one who's kept in the dark?"
Lin Yiran raised three fingers and said seriously, "I swear to God, I just found out about it not long
ago and haven't had time to tell you yet."
As soon as she finished speaking, she seemed to remember something, and together with Guo
Nuan, she pointed her spearhead at Lao Qin.
Lao Qin was terrified by the two of them looking at him, so he could only smile and say, "It has
nothing to do with me. I know nothing."
"Huh? Are you sure it's none of your business? Didn't you pretend not to know him last time in
the hospital?"
Afterwards, Lin Yiran asked Lao Qin alone, but he insisted that he did not know Huo Jinlin and
they just looked familiar.
Now Lao Qin was embarrassed and could only chuckle a few times to cover it up.
Just as they were chatting for a while, someone came in to order food. Lao Qin felt relieved and
looked at the customer in front of him like a savior.
The business in the store was affected by the online blast and has been a little slow these days.
There were basically no people in the afternoon, so Lin Yiran and Guo Nuan left, leaving the two
aunts in the store to take care of it on their own.
On the way back, Guo Nuan told Lao Qin how Huo Jinlin helped her and how the community
security guard leaked her whereabouts. Lao Qin was also very angry after hearing it.
"Don't take Mr. Huo's help to heart. This little thing is nothing to him. He is probably just afraid of
getting hurt again, so he helps you to avoid future trouble. But the security guard's matter must
be dealt with. Otherwise, wouldn't it be like letting him do whatever he wants? That would be
"So what are you going to do?"
Guo Nuan also knew the seriousness of the matter. Who knows how many secrets this young
security guard had revealed before. If he was not severely punished, who knows how many
people would be harmed in the future!
A dangerous light flashed in Lao Qin's eyes: "Don't worry about this matter, I will handle it.
Tomorrow I will personally go to your community's property management and ask them to deal
with this little security guard seriously."
"In that case, he might lose his job."
After all, the property has its own rules and regulations. The security guard leaked the residents'
information, so the most severe punishment would be direct dismissal.
Lao Qin looked at her in surprise: "He has hurt you to this extent, and you are still thinking about
Guo Nuan sighed: "I just remembered that when I first lived there, I worked several jobs by
myself. I had no friends or relatives in this city. He was the only one who greeted me with a smile
every day. Now..."
They have known each other for such a long time, but this is the first time he heard her mention
these things. Lao Qin held her in his arms with heartache.
"Don't think too much. I'll take care of everything in the future. I'll always be by your side."
"Thank you, Lao Qin"
Guo Nuan showed a comfortable smile. The situation of cyberbullying was getting better with the
help of Huo Jinlin, and her own condition was also getting better with the company of Lao Qin.
At the same time, the relationship between Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin also eased a little. However,
just when Lin Yiran decided to re-examine this relationship, she suddenly received news that Huo
Jinlin had to go on a business trip in person for business.
"How long will it take this time?"
The two previous business trips were both very long. Lin Yiran was worried that she had just
gotten used to this kind of life, and if he was away for a long time again, she would not be able to
Noticing the obvious disappointment in Lin Yiran's eyes, Huo Jinlin suddenly revealed an
unconcealable smile, and he deliberately dragged out a long tone to tease her.
"Maybe... a month, or maybe... a year."
"Oh my god," Lin Yiran didn't notice the smirk in Huo Jinlin's eyes at all, and said with
disappointment, "Why does it take so long?"
Huo Jinlin's smile deepened: "Then you can bring the two children with me, just like going on a
"Ah?" Lin Yiran said with some concern: "But you lost your job. If we go with you, will it affect
your work?"

Chapter 55 Dispute
She didn't want to be accused of being a femme fatale and be condemned by all the employees
of the Huo Group.
"You think too much. No one can influence my work."
Who is he? He is a prominent figure in the Huo Group. He wouldn't even blink an eye even if the
sky fell. How could his work be affected by taking his family on a business trip?
Lin Yiran looked at his arrogant expression and couldn't help but sneered, echoing his words:
"Yes, yes, Mr. Huo is amazing, I get it."
The two of them have always been serious when getting along with each other, and rarely joke
around like this. Seeing Lin Yiran's smile, Huo Jinlin would unconsciously curl his lips.
Finally, after getting Huo Jinlin's assurance that it would not affect his work, Lin Yiran agreed and
decided to take her two children with him on the business trip.
During dinner in the evening, Huo Jinlin casually mentioned his business trip. When the old lady
heard it, she immediately became angry again.
"You just came back a few days ago, why are you going again? Those people in your company are
all vegetarians. Do you, the president, have to do everything yourself now?"
Huo Jinlin was helpless and had to explain patiently: "Grandma, work is not as simple as you
think. There are some things that I have to handle personally."
Knowing that she was worried about the couple being separated again, Huo Jinlin quickly added,
"But this time I decided to take Yi Ran and the two children with me, and travel for a few days
after finishing work."
Sure enough, upon hearing this, the old lady's expression changed instantly and her eyes lit up.
"That's more like it. You've finally figured it out, little brat."
Song Yuwan also praised Huo Jinlin: "Sure enough, you have made progress during this period.
Now you know how to take care of Yiran's emotions."
"That's right," the old lady smiled from ear to ear and turned to Lin Yiran and said, "Yiran, have
fun this time. It's a rare opportunity to go out."
"Yes, don't think too much, just have fun when you go out. You got married too hastily and didn't
have time to go on a honeymoon, so just make up for it now."
Song Yuwan had always been worried that Lin Yiran was depressed, and now there was a chance,
so she asked her to go out and play with him for a few days to relax.
"Yeah, thank you grandma, thank you mom."
Seeing that the old lady and Song Yuwan had no objection, Lin Yiran finally felt relieved and went
upstairs to pack her luggage after dinner.
At the same time, Song Yuwan downstairs received a call from Huo Nantian, saying that he had
something to do and would not be back for dinner tonight.
When Song Yuwan heard this, she felt unhappy: "You're not coming back to eat again? How many
times have you eaten at home in a year? You really don't care about your wife and children
because of your job."
Huo Nantian on the other end was also unhappy when he heard this, and his voice was a little
angry: "Do you think I am willing? There are so many things to do that day, what can I do!"
The couple has been together for decades. Song Yuwan treats everyone gently except Huo
Nantian. They quarrel every day. Huo Jinlin is used to it, so he turns a blind eye to his parents'
"Love doesn't come back, it's better not to come back forever."
Song Yuwan looked a little impatient and was about to hang up the phone, but she didn't expect
Huo Nantian to suddenly mention Huo Jinlin again.
"Where's Huo Jinlin? Don't forget to remind him that the client on this business trip is very
important. Tell him not to mess it up with me."
The father and son have always had a bad relationship. Fortunately, Huo Nantian is a workaholic
and goes out early and comes back late every day. Otherwise, with Huo Jinlin's personality, he
would definitely not move back.
Song Yuwan glanced at Huo Jinlin, who was calmly sitting on the sofa drinking tea, and said in a
slightly impatient tone: "I know, don't worry, it won't mess up. I'll go with him this time, so there
will definitely be no problem."
"What? This brat, is he trying to piss me off to death? Just spoil him. A loving mother spoils her
son. You will regret it sooner or later."
Huo Nantian got furious when he heard this, and his tone suddenly became angry. Song Yuwan
was scolded for no reason and also got angry. Without waiting for him to continue, she hung up
the phone with a bang.
She glanced at Huo Jinlin and muttered to herself: What's wrong with my son? Why did I spoil
Because she didn't know how long she would be gone, Lin Yiran brought a few extra sets of
clothes and packed some common things for the children. After she finished all these, she felt a
little dry in the mouth and prepared to go downstairs to get some water.
However, as soon as she opened the door, she heard Huo Jinlin's very angry voice coming from
the study, as if he was arguing with someone. Lin Yiran was surprised and walked over gently.
"You are just fooling around, Huo Jinlin. Now that the company is in your hands, are you acting so
This voice... is it his father?
Huo Jinlin's cell phone seemed to be on loudspeaker, so Lin could hear it clearly. The voice
sounded familiar, like Huo Nantian.
"How am I irresponsible? What company affairs have I failed to complete? Have I made any
mistakes at work?"
Huo Nantian was speechless in response to his questioning. After all, his work ability was indeed
impeccable. However, Huo Nantian just couldn't understand why he had to be with such a
country girl, so he found fault with him everywhere.
"Just because there wasn't one before doesn't mean there won't be one in the future," Huo
Nantian's tone was a little unnatural, but he pretended to be calm and said, "What's so good
about Lin Yiran? She's just a wild girl who can't be on the stage. She's of no help to your career.
Now you want to mix public and private matters and make an exception to take her on a business
trip. There's no guarantee that it won't affect your work."
When Huo Jinlin heard him mention Lin Yiran, his tone instantly turned colder: "That's just what
you think. Yiran has countless advantages. How do you know that she can't help me? You are too
Huo Nantian was so angry that he went mad. Although he and Huo Jinlin had quarreled countless
times, this was the first time that it was over a woman.
"Ridiculous! You are really crazy. You have forgotten your principles for a woman. Anyway, no
matter what you say, I will never acknowledge her."
"That's your business," Huo Jinlin stood firmly on Lin Yiran's side: "Whether you recognize her or
not, she is my, Huo Jinlin's, only wife."
After he said this, there was no more sound from the other end of the phone. I guess the call was
hung up.
Lin Yiran turned and left with her fists clenched. She inadvertently heard the dispute between the
father and son, and she became hesitant again, wondering whether this marriage should
After all, the differences between the two families were so great that she couldn't fit in. Now
with the strong opposition from her elders, Lin Yiran really didn't have the courage to continue.
She was afraid that she would delay Huo Jinlin.
Just like Huo Nantian said, she is of no benefit to Huo Jinlin. If one day in the future, Huo Jinlin's
novelty wears off, how can they go on?

Chapter 56 Someone is protecting me

She walked back to her room with a heavy heart. She stayed awake all night, with the
conversation between Huo Jinlin and his son echoing in her mind.
The next morning, she appeared in front of everyone with two huge dark circles under her eyes,
and everyone was surprised.
Dabao and Xiaobao already knew that they would be accompanying their parents on the business
trip, and they were dancing with excitement. When Dabao saw Lin Yiran's expression, he thought
his mother was as excited as he was!
"Mom, are you also too excited to sleep because you're going out to play?"
Lin Yiran did not mention what happened last night, and followed Dabao's words and said, "Yes, I
was too excited last night, so I couldn't sleep all night."
There was no flaw in her expression, and no one became suspicious, so Lin Yiran successfully
brushed it off.
After dinner, she called Huo Jinlin to the bedroom alone and told him that she didn't want to
accompany him on the business trip. There were many people around and she didn't want to
make everyone worry, so she didn't say it.
"It's high-end, why don't you go again?"
Huo Jinlin was puzzled. Didn't he agree yesterday? Why did he change his mind after just one
"The fried chicken shop has been doing well recently. I'm afraid Sister Nuan can't handle it alone.
Besides, my mother is in the hospital alone. If she goes out for several days, I won't be able to
rest assured about her. So I've decided to give up and go again if I have the chance in the future!"
Lin Yiran's expression was a little unnatural, and she tried to explain calmly, but Huo Jinlin still
heard something and felt that something was wrong.
He asked, "What happened? You are not a person who does not keep his word. Why did you
suddenly change your mind?"
"No, it's just that I really can't leave. Mom is alone in the hospital. Even if I go with you, I'll be
worried about her all day. It's better to wait until her condition gets better and then go out and
have fun."
Huo Jinlin looked at her doubtfully: "Is there really nothing else? Tell me if there is anything and
we can solve it together."
Lin Yiran smiled and said, "What could be the situation? I just kept thinking about this problem
before I fell asleep last night. I just felt that it was not appropriate for me to go out and play now,
so I decided not to go."
What she said was flawless and she insisted that there was no other possibility. Huo Jinlin had no
choice but to give in and let her go.
But looking at her appearance, Huo Jinlin still felt that something was wrong, but he also knew
that he couldn't get anything out of her, so he had to send someone to follow her secretly.
Firstly, it was to protect her during the time he was away, and secondly, he wanted to see why Lin
Yiran broke his promise.
The two children were so excited to hear that they could go on a business trip with their parents
that they almost couldn't sleep all night. The two brothers stuffed their school bags full of snacks
and toys, each with a big bag as if they were going on a picnic.
When the two children heard Huo Jinlin say that Lin Yiren was not going again, they pouted and
looked unhappy.
"We clearly agreed to go, why aren't you going? My brother and I had a lot of plans!"
Xiaobao instantly became listless, looking unhappy, and started rummaging through the snacks
and toys in his schoolbag, taking them out all at once in a fit of anger.
The old lady was surprised and a little angry: "Jinlin, is it because you did something wrong that
made Yin unhappy, so I don't want to go with you?"
Huo Jinlin raised three fingers and made a bitter face: "Grandma, I swear to God, I didn't do
anything. Even I don't know what happened!"
He was really more wronged than Dou E. Every time Lin Yiran was unhappy, the old lady would
suspect that he was the culprit.
"Hmph, whether you are wrong or not is still a matter for investigation. I have to wait for Yi Ran
to come back and ask her. If you are wrong, I will show you how I will deal with you."
The old lady was quite capable when she was young. Old Man Huo was completely obedient to
her. She has always been a figure of influence and her word has always been final. No one in the
Huo family disobeys her. Even though she is old now, her words still carry weight.
"Okay, okay, if you don't believe me, just wait for her to come back and ask her. It's really none of
my business."
There was a silent smell of gunpowder in the air as the grandparents and grandchildren talked,
and Song Yuwan quickly stepped out to act as a peacemaker.
"Alright, alright, Jinlin, please stop talking. Grandma is old, so please be more considerate."
After scolding the younger one, she turned around and tried to reconcile the older one: "Mom,
please don't be angry with Jinlin. Be careful not to get sick from anger. Wait until Yiran comes
back and ask him, and you'll know."
After hearing this, the old lady gave up.
At this time, Lin Yiran was still in Guo Nuan's fried chicken shop. She didn't mention what
happened last night, but she was a little absent-minded the whole day, always distracted
intentionally or unintentionally, and almost made mistakes in the order several times.
But Guo Nuan didn't notice any of this. She just saw a few strangers across from her shop and
immediately became alert. She kept looking outside from time to time throughout the day.
It was not until the evening that she could not help but mutter to Lin Yiran: "Yiran, look at those
people across the street. Did they come here this morning? Why are they still there now? And
they always seem to be looking at our store. Could they be bad guys?"
Upon hearing this, Lin Yiran immediately stopped caring about other things and quickly looked in
the direction Guo Nuan pointed.
"Oh, it seems so! What are they doing there?"
Guo Nuan pulled Lin Yiran's sleeve and asked nervously, "Could it be that the last online explosion
has not yet passed and they are here to cause trouble?"
After hearing this, Lin Yiran's heart skipped a beat and she immediately thought of Huo Jinlin: "I'll
call Huo Jinlin and ask him to come over quickly. If they are causing trouble, we can't do anything
to them."
Although the two of them had some unpleasantness because of what happened in the morning,
when Lin Yiran encountered something she couldn't handle, she would still think of Huo Jinlin
"Yes, yes, yes." Guo Nuan became anxious when she heard this: "I have to call Lao Qin and ask
him to come over."
As a result, after making the call, Lin Yiran found out that those people were arranged by Huo
Jinlin to protect Guo Nuan and Lin Yiran near the fried chicken shop because he was worried that
Guo Nuan's parents would come to cause trouble again.
After listening to this, Lin Yiran was moved again, but she did not change her mind about not
accompanying him on the business trip.
Guo Nuan slapped her on the shoulder fiercely: "Sister, be content, this man is so good to you."
Lin Yiran smiled and said nothing!
When she returned home in the evening, her grandmother was still waiting for her in the living
room, just to talk about her business trip.
"Yi Ran, I heard from Jin Lin that you won't be accompanying him on a business trip again, what's
"Grandma, it's okay. I'm just worried about Mom. I think there will be plenty of opportunities in
the future, so I won't go for now."
"He's a filial child," the old lady took Lin Yiran's hand and said with distressed eyes, "If Jin Lin does
anything wrong, just tell grandma. Grandma will support you and will never let him off."

Chapter 57: Retreat Again

Lin Yiran knew that her grandmother truly cared about her and liked her, but she felt so warm
inside that she didn't know how to respond. Apart from saying thank you, she had no other
"Grandma, thank you."
Thank you for treating me like your own granddaughter, but unfortunately... I may disappoint
"Silly girl," the old lady patted her shoulder kindly and said, "Since you have entered my house,
you are a member of the Huo family. Grandma naturally hopes that you will live a happy life, so
no matter when, you must remember that grandma will always be your strong backer. If Huo
Jinlin dares to bully you, grandma will definitely kill her own relatives for the sake of justice."
Lin Yiran was now in her arms with a coquettish tone, her eyes were so moved that she almost
The old lady patted her on the back, her eyes full of vicissitudes and smiles.
Huo Nantian's words kept echoing in Lin Yiran's mind. Since that day, she became inferior again.
In daily life, the differences between her and Huo Jinlin were exposed from time to time, and
every time this happened, Lin Yiran felt lost.
After a long time, she felt like she had walked into a dead end and didn't know how to get out.
She could only step back step by step, getting stuck in a dead end.
Sometimes when she was quiet, Lin Yiran would think that she was like a timid turtle. When
something happened, she would hide her head in her shell and not want to come out.
What if she stood up bravely and stood with Huo Jinlin, not fearing those difficulties and
She didn't dare to think about it, nor could she think about it. Now, as soon as she closed her
eyes, she would hear Huo Nantian's scolding. Although those words were not directed at her, she
happened to hear them.
Guo Nuan noticed that she looked absent-minded recently and was dazed at every turn, and felt
a little worried.
"Yi Ran, what's wrong with you? You seem strange lately, has something happened to you?"
Sometimes she felt that the two of them were like poor people who shared the same suffering
and always encountered setbacks, so she felt a little more pity for Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran came back to her senses and looked at Guo Nuan, but she didn't know how to start for a
moment. She was already annoyed enough by herself with these bad things, and telling her
about them would only add to her troubles.
"Don't try to find a random excuse to fool me. There is nothing we can't talk about."
As if she knew what she was thinking, before Lin Yiran even opened her mouth, Guo Nuan
directly killed the idea she wanted to hide.
Helpless, Lin Yiran had to tell the truth: "It's about me and Huo Jinlin. That day, I accidentally
heard him arguing with his father. His father has never liked me and thinks I will drag him down."
"So what do you think?"
Guo Nuan had never experienced marriage, and had no idea about the complexity of this wealthy
mansion. She only knew that Huo Jinlin was really good to Lin Yiran, and she always felt that this
was enough.
Lin Yiran shook her head and said expressionlessly, "I don't know what to do. I just feel sad. The
gap between him and me is too big. I can't fit into his life at all. His family life makes me feel
scared. There are too many things I don't understand and need to learn. Every time I do
something, I am afraid that I will make a mistake and be laughed at."
Thinking of the scene when she accompanied Song Yuwan to the dinner party, Lin Yiran felt very
uncomfortable. In short, life in the Huo family was like an invisible big hand, strangling her neck
and making it difficult for her to breathe.
She said embarrassedly, "I once proposed a divorce, but Huo Jinlin rejected it. But now, I really
don't know whether I should continue."
She had been holding these words in her heart for a long time, and now that she had spoken
them out, she felt much better.
Guo Nuan thought about it seriously for a while before saying, "Have you ever tried to tell Huo
Jinlin about these things? Maybe if you tell him, he will tell you what to do?"
Lin Yiran shook her head. Ever since she moved into the old house, it was as if a string had been
tied between her and Huo Jinlin. She would hardly cross the line. Huo Jinlin had tried to cross
over countless times but was cruelly pushed out by her.
"Maybe I think you are wrong. You should change your mindset, think of yourself as a member of
the Huo family, and then slowly add some of their things into your habits."
Compared to Lin Yiran, Guo Nuan is a few years older, so she is much more rational when
analyzing problems. However, in many things, those involved are often confused while
bystanders can see things more clearly, especially on this issue.
It’s not that Lin Yiran doesn’t want to integrate with them, but she is afraid in her heart and she
can’t take the step that she wants.
"I have thought about all of what you said, but I really can't take the step. I just lack the courage."
"Then think about Huo Jinlin. He's so good to you, he really wants to be with you, he does so
many things for you, isn't it worth it for you to change for him?"
From Guo Nuan's perspective, Huo Jinlin was indeed very good to her. Otherwise, she wouldn't
be here trying to persuade her with all her heart.
"He is the high and mighty CEO of the Huo Group, but he helped you pick up and drop off Yiyi
from school before, and he even quarreled with his own father for you, standing by your side
regardless of everything. Isn't that enough?"
This is exactly what Lin Yiran was struggling with. Her face was wrinkled into a " 川 " shape: "I
know, but..."
She was speechless as soon as she opened her mouth. She didn't know how to express her inner
thoughts. The more Huo Jinlin was desperate to be with her, the more guilty she felt.
"Don't say buts. Think about it carefully. If he didn't really care about you, why would he help me
clarify public opinion without saying a word, help me buy the fried chicken shop, and send
people to protect us?"
These words one after another made Lin Yiran feel even more ashamed. She was like a primary
school student who had made a mistake, sitting there stupidly waiting for Guo Nuan to scold her.
Seeing her like that, Guo Nuan couldn't bear to continue talking. She sighed and persuaded her in
a different way: "I think you should hold on to Huo Jinlin. Although you feel you can't take this
step, think about it carefully. He is really good to you. And after you have been with him, your life
has been much better than before. Now you don't have to worry about your livelihood every day,
and you don't even have to worry about Lin Tianjun's harassment anymore."
Lin Tianjun?
If Guo Nuan hadn't mentioned it, Lin Yiran would have almost forgotten about this person.
"Lin Tianjun hasn't been here for a long time!"
"That's right," Guo Nuan said, "Just imagine how it would feel if he came to bother you and Yiyi
every other day. Now that you are living in the Huo family's house and Huo Jinlin is in charge, he
naturally doesn't dare to make trouble again."
Everyone has such a bad family, so Guo Nuan understands Lin Yiran's feelings even more. Now
that she has finally gotten rid of this predicament, Guo Nuan is happy for her from the bottom of
her heart.

Chapter 58 Getting Drunk Together

Suddenly thinking of Lin Tianjun, Lin Yiran became a little worried: "Last time Lin Tianjun came to
cause trouble, Huo Jinlin called the police and had them arrest him. Now he hasn't shown up for
so long, will something happen to him?"
Guo Nuan was already scared by her parents' quarrels, not to mention Lin Yiran and Lin Tianjun,
who were not related by blood. Who knows, if he was pushed into a corner one day, he might do
anything to Lin Yiran!
"Just ignore him. It's best if he doesn't bother you. Now you don't have to live in fear. Isn't this
If she could get rid of her family, she would have hoped to be like Lin Yiran, to be alone and not
be at their mercy.
Speaking of these unpleasant things, Lin Yiran suddenly thought of Guo Nuan's parents. Recently,
they were protected by Huo Jinlin's people, so they naturally didn't dare to make trouble.
But Guo Nuan is their biological daughter after all. Unlike her, they are still connected even if
their bones are broken. They will meet each other eventually. For example, regarding her and Lao
Qin, if her parents firmly disagree, Lin Yiran estimated that she would not have the courage.
"What do you think about your relationship with Lao Qin?"
If she and Lao Qin want to be together, they have to get past their parents. Now that they have
become like this, I am afraid that Guo's father and mother will never compromise unless they
make a huge profit.
Guo Nuan also hesitated a bit: "I don't know whether I should continue with Lao Qin. My parents
are vampires. If Lao Qin really stays with me, I'm afraid we will never be able to get rid of their
entanglement in this life."
He was so good, like the stars and the moon. Guo Nuan couldn't bear to drag him down, so she
began to back away.
Lin Yiran looked at Guo Nuan's timid appearance, which seemed somewhat familiar to her, and
she burst out laughing.
"why are you laughing?"
"I laugh at the fact that those involved are confused, but those who are on the sidelines can see
things more clearly. Just now you were trying to persuade me, but now it's your turn and you
can't see clearly either!"
Hearing this, Guo Nuan laughed and said, "Maybe that's the case, but I'm just worried about Lao
Qin and don't want his good life to be affected by me."
"How do you know Lao Qin doesn't want to?"
Lin Yiran recalled the relationship between Lao Qin and Guo Nuan in her mind, and felt that the
two were quite harmonious, and their relationship was even better than that between her and
Huo Jinlin.
She couldn't help but mutter, "Could it be that your relationship, which is so good, can't stand the
Guo Nuan shook her head: "It's not that I can't stand the test, but because of our good
relationship, I don't want him to step into the fire pit and live an unhappy life."
There were a few vampires who kept an eye on his life all the time, and would come and cause
trouble every few days, so he would never have peace.
"How do you know he's unhappy? Maybe he thinks being with you is the greatest happiness?"
Guo Nuan hesitated when asked this question, not knowing how to answer.
Seeing this, Lin Yiran continued to persuade him, "You didn't discuss this matter with Lao Qin, but
you made a conclusion on your own. I think it's unfair to Lao Qin."
Both of them were stuck in their own issues, and the more they talked about it, the more
uncomfortable they felt. Even Guo Nuan, who had always been stronger than Lin, couldn't help
but burst into tears.
Her voice was a little choked up. "I didn't dare to ask him, nor did I dare to talk to him about this.
I just felt very sad when I thought about the last time he saw my parents in such an embarrassing
Everyone has their own stubbornness. Guo Nuan has always been strong-willed and has a strong
sense of self-esteem. She tried her best to leave the best impression on Lao Qin, but she
happened to be the most unbearable.
Lin Yiran had known her for many years, so he naturally understood her personality and knew
that she was sad. Lin Yiran didn't say anything more, but just hugged her with heartache.
"Cry, it will be better if you cry."
The two of them were like sisters in distress. They got together and cried and both of them were
in low spirits.
In the blink of an eye, it was already evening. Lao Qin was working overtime today and Huo Jinlin
was on a business trip, so Guo Nuan suggested that they go out for dinner together.
Lin Yiyi now lives in the Huo family. Someone picks her up from school every day, which saves Lin
Yiran a lot of trouble as she doesn't have to go home to cook for her.
So the two of them came to a quiet little restaurant near the fried chicken shop. There were few
people here, and Guo Nuan chose a seat by the window on the second floor.
"Why didn't I find such a place before?"
This place is very close to the fried chicken restaurant, and mainly because Lin Yiran likes the
decoration style here. It is so antique that it makes her feel like she is in a scene from a TV drama.
"Maybe it's newly opened. Anyway, I haven't seen it before."
Guo Nuan also likes this place very much. If she had known there was such a place earlier, she
would have brought Lin Yiran here a long time ago.
The two of them had a very pleasant meal. The environment was quiet and there were not many
guests, so no one disturbed them.
Because they were in a bad mood, they ordered some wine, one glass each, and soon they were
tipsy. Lin Yiran was still drunk and his face had started to turn red.
"It's true that a drink can relieve all worries. I feel much better after drinking."
They both had troubles in their hearts, so they drank without restraint. Guo Nuan drank to drown
his sorrows and sighed: "As the saying goes, my hair is three thousand feet long, and my sorrow
is long!"
"Yeah, why do people have so many worries! What big family? I don't care. You actually said that I
am a sparrow flying to a tree. I am a phoenix."
When Lin Yiran got drunk, what happened at the banquet that day came to her mind, and she
suddenly felt aggrieved.
"Then give Huo Jinlin a call and tell him all the unhappiness in your heart."
"Can you do it?"
Lin was still a little hesitant, she was already dazed and a little unconscious.
"It's okay, don't be afraid."
Under the influence of alcohol and at Guo Nuan's instigation, Lin Yiran actually made the call. The
person on the other end was probably busy and took a long time to answer.
"Huo Jinlin, I'm telling you, I'm not a phoenix. I don't want your family's money!"
As soon as the call was connected, Lin Yiran yelled incoherently. Huo Jinlin took the phone and
took a look. It was indeed Lin Yiran who called, but in this state...
"Yan'ren, have you been drinking?"
"I'm not drunk," Lin Yiran seemed to be furious, and yelled at Huo Jinlin: "I'm not drunk, I'm
sober, Huo Jinlin, I know your father doesn't like me, I can't fit in with your life, the gap between
us is too big, Huo Jinlin, but I don't know what to do? You are so good to me, I don't want to
leave, but I feel that I can't adapt to your life. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to keep up
with your pace."
Due to the effect of alcohol, Lin Yiran's mind was a little unclear and her words were a little
incoherent, but Huo Jinlin still heard her concerns and worries and frowned slightly.

Chapter 59 Communicate Again

Lin Yiran had never said these words to him, and Huo Jinlin didn't know that this was what Lin
Yiran actually thought in his heart.
"I'm sorry, Yiran!"
After knowing her true thoughts, Huo Jinlin reflected on his past actions and felt extremely guilty.
He once arrogantly imposed his own ideas on Lin Yiran and never asked her whether she agreed.
Now that he thinks about it carefully, he has caused her so much harm.
Lin Yiran, who was holding the phone, was dumbfounded on the spot. She cursed a lot, but Huo
Jinlin was not angry at all and even apologized to her?
"What's wrong? Were you scolded?"
Seeing her standing there in a daze, Guo Nuan's first reaction was to think that she was scolded.
However, Lin Yiran shook her head and said in bewilderment, "No, he...he apologized to me."
There was a beeping sound on the phone. Huo Jinlin hung up the phone first and then called Lao
Lao Qin saw the incoming call on his cell phone and thought something must have gone wrong at
work, so he nervously picked up the phone.
"Mr. Huo"
"Yi Ran is still drunk. Ask Guo Nuan to see if they are together. Tell me the address and I will ask
the driver to pick her up."
"Okay, I'll call Nuannuan right away."
Old Qin frowned slightly, fearing that they must be together, and they must have made an
appointment to go out for a drink together.
He picked up the suit jacket on the chair and the car keys on the table, and called Guo Nuan as he
walked out.
Sure enough, when he arrived, the two girls were already drunk and unconscious.
"Why did you drink so much? It's not safe for two girls."
Lao Qin carried them and walked out, feeling a little scared. If Huo Jinlin hadn't called him, who
knows what would have happened to these two people tonight!
I didn't expect Guo Nuan to have such a bad temper when he was drunk. Hearing this, he was
displeased and scolded: "Even you want to control me, don't I even have the right to be drunk?"
As she spoke, tears were about to fall, and she cried loudly. Lao Qin knew that she was upset, so
he had to go along with her words and comfort her: "Okay, okay, I was wrong, as long as you are
Huo Jinlin was very efficient. The driver who was going to pick up Lin Yiran had already arrived.
After watching her get into the car, Lao Qin took Guo Nuan back.
Guo Nuan hung on him like a koala, muttering non-stop: "Lao Qin, you are so nice, Lao Qin..."
Lao Qin carefully put her in the passenger seat and looked at her blushing face, her eyes closed,
her long eyelashes fluttering like two dancing butterflies.
"Nuan Nuan, what should I do with you?"
The cherry lips were rosy and plump, looking somewhat tempting. Lao Qin couldn't help but lean
over and kiss her lightly.
Ever since her parents came to make trouble that day, Guo Nuan has always been distancing
herself from Lao Qin intentionally or unintentionally. He actually knows it all in his heart, but he
just wants to give her some time, hoping that she can figure it out herself.
At the same time, after Huo Jinlin finished his work, he immediately called Huo Nantian. Although
he knew that they were incompatible, for Lin Yiran, he was willing to bow his head again and
persuade Huo Nantian to accept her.
Looking at the caller ID on the phone screen, Huo Nantian was visibly stunned. His son hadn't
called him on his own initiative for many years. For a moment, he felt a bit complicated.
However, the moment he picked up the phone, Huo Nantian's expression changed instantly. He
didn't expect that his son would call him once in a century, and it was about that country girl.
Huo Jinlin didn't care whether he was angry or not, and continued: "Although Yi Ran and I got
married in a hurry, we are both serious about it. I have my own attitude towards marriage, and it
has never been just for fun."
The last time Huo Jinlin accidentally heard what Huo Nantian said to Lin Yiran, he never found a
chance to explain that he had always been serious about Lin Yiran.
Otherwise, he would not have brought her to the two children, let alone brought her back to the
old house.
Huo Nantian was stunned by his cautious attitude, but he immediately put forward his own point
of view: "You and Lin Yiran are completely different. The difference between you is too great.
Even if you are together, there will be all kinds of disagreements in your life in the future. What
will you do then?"
Huo Jinlin did not deny this point. After all, there would indeed be differences in living habits
between two people who grew up in different environments. However, he did not think this was
a reason for him to give up Lin Yiran.
"Everyone will get used to it slowly. We still have decades to adjust."
Huo Nantian was speechless after being rebuked, so he had to change the subject to work again:
"Then she has no background, so she will definitely not be of any benefit to your career, right?"
He has always attached great importance to family background, and always believed that if Huo
Jinlin could marry a lady from a wealthy family, it would be helpful to his career, and the Huo
family would also be able to develop better!
Huo Jinlin really disliked his innate sense of superiority and said bluntly: "Those are what you
think. Do you think people born in the Huo family are superior to others? I don't think so. I have
two children with me. I am lucky that they don't despise me. Do I have the right to be picky
He deliberately belittled himself, but Huo Nantian was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He
had a lot of high-sounding reasons for not letting him adopt the two children in the first place,
and now this has become another reason for him to be with Lin Yiran.
Huo Nantian didn't want to quarrel with him, and the two children were already so old, so he
didn't mention the adoption of the two children. Instead, he asked sternly: "So what? You are the
president of the Huo Group. Let alone two children, even if you have ten children, there will be
ladies from wealthy families all over the street, and young ladies from official families will rush to
marry you."
This is absolutely true. The Huo family does have the ability to do so. So when Huo Jinlin insisted
on adopting these two children, Huo Nantiancai did not care too much.
"That's just what you think. Now that I'm like this, do you still think I'm popular?"
But unexpectedly, Huo Jinlin didn't think so. Didn't the blind date arranged by his grandmother
dump him on the street?
He continued, "I just don't understand. What's wrong with Yiran? She's considerate, caring for the
family, gentle and filial. Why can't she catch your eye? Can you find any of those ladies from
wealthy families to live a sincere life with?"
When saying this, Huo Jinlin had been suppressing his inner anger. If he didn't hope that he could
truly accept Lin Yiran, Huo Jinlin would not bother to say a word to him.
He knew that Huo Nantian's thoughts were deeply rooted, but he really didn't want to see Lin
Yiran still be in such a dilemma and entangled.

Chapter 60 Going Home Overnight

Huo Nantian did not deny that what Huo Jinlin said made sense, but he could not force himself to
accept a woman with no family background into the Huo family.
He didn't want to argue with Huo Jinlin on the phone anymore, so he said directly in a tough
tone: "Those are just your thoughts, which doesn't mean I agree. In my mind, the best candidate
for daughter-in-law is definitely not her. You'd better divorce her as soon as possible and stop
making me unhappy."
Huo Jinlin was completely furious at this. The word divorce deeply hurt his heart. He shouted at
the person on the other end of the phone, "You'd better give up on this idea. Whether you agree
or not, I will never divorce her."
Neither the father nor the son was willing to give in. As expected, the phone call ended with both
sides being furious and parting on bad terms.
Hearing the beeping sound coming from the other end of the phone, Huo Nantian's face turned
pale and his expression was solemn. Finally, he picked up the phone and dialed another number.
At this time, Song Yuwan was coaxing the children to sleep. When she saw the incoming call, she
glanced at it indifferently and her face unconsciously stretched.
"Grandma, who's calling so late?"
"Your grandfather is an old stubborn man."
Song Yuwan picked up the phone unhappily and pressed the answer button.
"Why are you calling so late? Don't you want this family anymore?"
Huo Nantian has always been busy with work, and Song Yuwan is always apart from him, so she
can't help but feel resentful towards him.
Huo Nantian was wrong in this regard, so every time Song Yuwan complained, he would not say a
word and always silently endured her anger.
After she had vented, Huo Nantian said, "Where are you now? I want to tell you something. Is it
Song Yuwan didn't know what he was going to say, but she still glanced at the two children on the
bed and shook the phone in her hand.
"You two go to bed first, and grandma will go call grandpa, okay?"
The little guy nodded obediently, pulled the quilt over himself, closed his eyes and went to sleep.
Song Yuwan then took his cell phone and walked downstairs to the living room, where the old
lady happened to be sitting alone watching TV.
"Tell me, what's going on? Why are you being so mysterious?"
Huo Nantian said calmly, "Regarding that woman surnamed Lin, what exactly are your plans? Do
you really intend to let her enter the Huo family?"
Song Yuwan glanced at the old lady. Her cell phone was ringing very loudly, and she wondered if
she could hear it.
"So what are you going to do?"
Song Yuwan has been with her husband, this stubborn old man, for decades and is very clear
about his temper and character. She knows that he is always stubborn and once he makes up his
mind, nothing can change his mind.
"I don't agree," As expected, Huo Nantian said bluntly: "They are not suitable, I want them to
Song Yuwan knew this would be the result. She leaned back on the sofa, guessing that he must
have been frustrated by his son and came here to seek help, so she asked knowingly, "Since you
want them to divorce, why don't you just tell them no? What's the point of telling me?"
"You..." Huo Nantian was so angry that he said angrily, "I called you because I couldn't get
through to him. What's so good about that woman? She is of no help to the Huo family. If we
really let her in, we won't be a good match in the future. Wouldn't we be laughed at when we go
"If you can't even talk him out of it, what else can we do?"
Song Yuwan glanced at the old lady, who was looking at her seriously, as if listening to what they
were talking about. Song Yuwan took out her phone and turned on the speaker.
Huo Nantian had no choice but to reiterate the purpose of his call: "You don't need to do
anything, just form a united front with me and force them to divorce together."
Unexpectedly, the old lady was immediately displeased when she heard this and retorted: "You
are so stubborn and stubborn that you think she is still not good. We think this girl is smart and
capable, with a simple mind, and is no better than most girls. Are you trying to find us someone
who is not simple, the kind that will make the three women in the house a drama that can't be
finished every day?"
Huo Nantian was a filial son. Although he was harsh in his words, he did not dare to go against
the old lady's words. He was just very angry and was scolded by the old lady before he hung up
the phone embarrassedly.
The old lady was also very angry: "I really don't understand, how can a man of such age still be so
stubborn? When we were young, your father was not so stubborn either."
"Okay, okay, Mom, don't be angry. He has that temper. It's been decades. Don't you know it?"
Song Yuwan was also very angry, but she could only comfort the old lady first, fearing that she
would get sick from anger.
Unexpectedly, Huo Nantian, a stubborn person, who was on a business trip, actually rushed back
overnight just for this matter.
The morning light was dim, and a ray of light shone onto Lin Yiran through the gap in the curtains.
She opened her eyes sleepily and found herself lying on the bed in the bedroom.
Lin Yiran had no idea that a phone call she made last night would cause such a big stir. She had a
low alcohol tolerance, so after getting drunk she even forgot how she got home last night.
She had a terrible headache at the moment. She only remembered that she had a drink with Guo
Nuan last night, and she had forgotten everything that happened afterwards.
After tidying up briefly, she went downstairs to get a glass of water. As soon as she reached the
stairs, she ran into Huo Nantian who had hurried back. Lin Yiran instantly lost all sleepiness and
became highly focused.
"Mr. Huo!"
She knew that Huo Nantian didn't like her, so she never changed her way of speaking. Even after
she moved into Nanlinyuan, she still called him Mr. Huo.
And Huo Nantian really didn't like her. He didn't care how she addressed him and didn't even say
a word, as if he didn't see her.
Lin Yiran felt a little embarrassed, and it seemed inappropriate to continue standing there, so she
had no choice but to rush into the kitchen to help make breakfast.
When she has nothing to do on weekdays, she will cook for the children themselves, so the
servants in the kitchen are very familiar with her.
"Madam, you got up so early today?"
"Well, you've woken up so you can get up. Is the food on this plate ready? I'll take it out first!"
Lin Yiran simply greeted them, and when she saw the prepared breakfast on the plate, she took
the initiative to take it out.
Seeing Huo Nantian sitting at the dining table, Lin Yiran brought the plate over and placed it in
front of him, saying awkwardly: "Mr. Huo, you must be tired since you came back so early. Come
and have breakfast."
Huo Nantian remained silent in response to her words of concern. He sat down at the dining
table with a sullen face and began to eat without any hesitation.
Lin Yiran stood aside, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and there was an awkward
atmosphere in the air.

Chapter 61 Hiding the Truth

Huo Nantian obviously didn't appreciate her kindness. After he finished his breakfast, he
elegantly took out a piece of paper and wiped his mouth. Then he brought up the old matter in a
light and unceremonious tone, as if he had just seen Lin Yiran.
"Ms. Lin, I think you should know that I do not approve of your marriage with Huo Jinlin."
He did not shy away from the presence of servants. Lin Yiran's face turned red with shame, as if
she had come to the Huo family on her own initiative.
The servants were also a little embarrassed when they heard this. They all knew Huo Nantian's
temper and were afraid that Lin Yiran would lose face if they were present, so they all quietly left
Lin Yiran didn't have the courage to guarantee that she could satisfy Huo Nantian like in the TV
series, nor did she have the confidence, so she could only stand aside in silence.
Unexpectedly, when Huo Nantian saw her weak character, he became even more displeased and
the expression on his face became even colder.
"Ms. Lin, I hope you can think it over carefully. There is a huge gap between you and Huo Jinlin.
You two are really not suitable for each other. If you force yourself to stay in the Huo family, many
people will not be optimistic about your relationship. A marriage that is not blessed may be as
difficult as ascending to heaven to continue."
Lin Yiran agreed with his last words, and it was indeed the case between her and Huo Jinlin. If
one day they got tired of each other, then a random look or word from others would become an
unbearable fuse for their marriage.
Lin Yiran had indeed thought a lot these past few days, and she was indeed re-examining this
marriage. Now Huo Nantian's words seemed to have made her a little more sober.
"Mr. Huo, I will consider your words carefully."
"Well," Huo Nantian's expression softened unconsciously when he saw her give in. "If you take
the initiative to divorce Huo Jinlin, I can give you a compensation that is definitely more than
what you get if you stay in the Huo family. In addition, I know that Huo Jinlin transferred your
mother Xu Juan to Huo's medical research laboratory. Don't worry, even if you divorce, I will
maintain your mother's follow-up treatment. This will not have any impact, so you don't have to
" investigated me?"
Lin Yiran didn't expect that he had already investigated her background thoroughly. She suddenly
felt a little ashamed, and at the same time, the flame of anger gradually burned in her heart.
Huo Nantian said without hesitation: "Of course, Miss Lin, our Huo family is not a place where
good and bad people mix together. You and my son got the marriage certificate privately, so I
naturally need to know about your family background."
Now Lin Yiran was completely furious. She had been gentle in her attitude before because the
man in front of her was Huo Jinlin's father. Even if she didn't like him in her heart, she still had to
show him the proper respect.
But now it seems that he... is indeed not worthy of my respect.
"Mr. Huo, don't worry. I will carefully consider the issue of my marriage with Huo Jinlin. It's just
that I don't agree with your proposals. Sorry, I have something else to do. I'll leave first."
Lin Yiran directly rejected his proposal and left in a domineering manner. Looking at her stubborn
back, Huo Nantian felt for the first time that this girl had a bad temper.
The grudge between the two of them was completely formed. If they met at home in the future,
it would inevitably be awkward. So when she went to visit Xu Juan, she took a few sets of clothes
with her.
Xu Juan had never seen her bring clothes here before, and asked in confusion: "Yi Ran, aren't you
going to go home today?"
"Ah...yes, that's right. I've been too busy recently and haven't had time to spend time with you. I
just happened to have some time these few days, so I came to spend time with you."
Lin Yiran was afraid that she would worry, so he didn't mention anything about the Huo family
and made up an excuse to try to get away with it.
But Xu Juan was not so easily fooled. She stared straight at Lin Yiran's expression and saw that
she was obviously a little unnatural when she spoke. She knew that there must be something
behind this matter.
"Did you have a fight with Xiao Huo?"
Huo Jinlin was on a business trip recently, so he hadn't been here for a long time. Lin Yiran
happened to propose to come to the hospital to stay with her for a few days at this time. It was
hard for Xu Juan not to be suspicious.
"No, Mom, don't worry, we didn't have a fight. He was on a business trip these days, so he didn't
come to see you."
She did not say this, but Xu Juan was still a little skeptical and asked, "Really?"
"Really, Mom, I didn't lie to you."
Seeing her determined expression, Xu Juan sighed heavily. Although Lin Yiran was adopted by her,
she had treated her as her own daughter since she was a child and loved her sincerely.
Lin Yiran noticed that she looked a little sad, and thought that she still didn't believe what he said,
so he hurriedly said, "Mom, really, don't think too much. Huo Jinlin treats me well. I just miss you
and want to come and accompany you."
"Girl," Xu Juan said with red eyes, "You have been obedient and sensible since you were young.
You have been displaced with me and suffered a lot. Mom is ashamed of you. I know that you
always report good news but not bad news. You keep everything to yourself, but most of the
time, mom knows. Mom sincerely hopes that you can live a good life. Do you understand?"
The mother and daughter had never spoken such heart-to-heart words before. Lin Yiran's eyes
became sore and tears fell when she heard them.
She threw herself into Xu Juan's arms, and said in a thick nasal voice, "Mom, I know. Don't worry.
I will be happy."
Ever since Xu Juan fell ill and was admitted to the hospital, Lin Yiran has been the only one taking
care of the family. The mother and daughter haven't had such a personal conversation like this
for a long time.
That night, Lin Yiran used the excuse of greeting Xu Juan to call Song Yuwan and did not return to
the old house.
For the next few days, Lin Yiran stayed in the hospital with the same excuse and did not return to
the old house for several days.
Song Yuwan finally realized that something was wrong. In the past, Lin Yiran would go home at
night no matter what. But now, why did she stay in the hospital?
When they called again that day, Song Yuwan finally asked the question in her mind: "Yi Ran, have
you met Jin Lin's father in the past few days?"
Song Yuwan had been with her man for decades, so she naturally knew everything about him. He
must have said something to Lin Yiran, which was why Lin Yiran was hiding from them and
refused to go home.
Lin Yiran didn't want to make her worry, so she didn't tell the truth. She said, "No, Mom, don't
think too much. I just wanted to accompany my mother in the hospital. I was too busy during that
time, and I left her alone in this cold hospital."
The more she said this, the more suspicious Song Yuwan became. However, if Lin Yiran refused to
tell the truth, no matter how much she asked, it would be useless.
I could only persuade her, "Yi'ran, come back and live here. The children miss you and they are
not used to living in the hospital. Spend more time there during the day and come back to live
here at night!"

Chapter 62 Husband and wife quarrel

She was trying to persuade him gently, but unfortunately Huo Nantian just came back from
outside. He pushed the door open with an angry look on his face, and heard Song Yuwan calling
Lin Yiran. He became even more furious and slammed the door.
When Song Yuwan heard the noise, she was afraid that Huo Nantian would say something
unpleasant and be heard by Lin Yiran, so she quickly hung up the phone with a few words.
"What's wrong with you?"
The couple had been arguing constantly during this period, mostly because of matters concerning
Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin. When Song Yuwan saw his expression, she knew that he had come back
to scold them again, and she immediately lost her good mood.
"What your good son did was to offend so many partners for a woman. If Lao Lin hadn't told me
today, I would still be kept in the dark!"
"Old Lin?" Song Yuwan remembered what happened at the last banquet. She sneered, "So what
if he offended me? Why don't you ask him how Madam Lin humiliated our Huo family at the
Huo Nantian didn't know the ins and outs of this matter, but he knew without thinking that this
matter must have been caused by Lin Yiran.
"I don't know what kind of poison that woman has cast on you. You are all protecting her and
letting her stir up trouble in the Huo family. I tell you, I will never recognize her in my life."
Song Yuwan was also very angry after hearing this, and roared: "I don't care about you, whether
you recognize her or not, she has already obtained a marriage certificate with Jinlin. She is my
daughter-in-law, and I recognize her."
"You..." Huo Nantian angrily threw a teacup beside him to the ground, pointed at Song Yuwan
and said, "Then just wait and see, I will definitely find a way to make her divorce Huo Jinlin."
The two quarreled so loudly that the servants could only watch from a distance and did not dare
to step forward to persuade them to stop. Finally, the old lady was alarmed and she calmed them
"What are you guys arguing about? What's the point of yelling like that? Are you trying to make
others laugh at you?"
Her harsh questioning made the two people who were so arrogant just now suddenly become
deflated, and they both lowered their heads and kept silent.
"Nantian, your children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, just let them be. As the
old saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than to destroy a marriage. Why are you so
stubborn and insist on forcing them to divorce? Do you want to see your son be single for the rest
of his life and the Huo family be extinct before you are satisfied?"
No one knows a child better than his mother. The old lady knew exactly what was in Huo
Nantian's mind, but she usually pretended to be ignorant.
Huo Nantian was not happy to hear this and said, "Mom, why are you getting so confused? Our
Huo family is a great family. Huo Jinlin has all kinds of women he wants. How could the family line
be cut off?"
Song Yuwan pursed her lips when she heard this, but the old lady had no expression on her face
and retorted, "Then why do you think your son has been single for so many years? If he didn't like
her, would you force him to marry her?"
Huo Nantian did not deny this point. The Huo family was stubborn and once they made up their
minds, nothing could change them.
After the quarrel, Song Yuwan didn't talk to Huo Nantian for several days. It happened that the
company had a project to develop overseas markets and Huo Nantian needed to go abroad for a
while. Only then did Nanlinyuan become quiet again.
Lin Yiran originally wanted to stay in the hospital forever, but these days her two children and Lin
Yiyi kept calling her, asking her pitifully when she would go home.
In addition, Xu Juan was afraid that the relationship between her and Huo Jinlin would be
affected over time, so she refused to allow her to stay in the hospital anymore. Lin Yiran was
forced to return to the old house.
She had prepared herself mentally to face Huo Jinlin's father again, but after returning home she
found out that he would be living overseas for the time being due to a business trip.
"Auntie, please cook more dishes that the young lady likes tonight. She must not have eaten well
outside these days, so she needs to make up for it."
When Song Yuwan saw Lin Yiran come back, he happily gave instructions to the kitchen, then
took her hand and went upstairs to chat.
The two chatted for a while before Lin Yiran returned to her room. After not being back for a few
days, the room was still cleaned tidy by the servants.
Lin Yiran felt thirsty, so she wanted to go downstairs to get a glass of water. Unexpectedly, as soon
as she reached the stairs, she heard two servants whispering about her.
"Tsk, she is so lucky. The master and the mistress had a big fight over her, and now that she is
back, the mistress still treats her like a treasure again."
"That's right. I've been in the Huo family for more than ten years, and I've never seen the master
and the mistress quarrel so fiercely."
"Yes, it's all because of her. The master wanted her to divorce the young master, but it just so
happened that the mistress and the dowager lady were all around her."

Hearing their discussions, Lin Yiran learned that Huo Nantian had a big fight with Song Yuwan
when she was not at home, and she felt ashamed and guilty.
She felt more and more uncomfortable staying in this home, and subconsciously wanted to
escape. Sometimes she had to admit that what Huo Nantian said made sense. This home was not
suitable for her, and any slightest disturbance would make her uncomfortable and retreat.
"Yiran, what are you doing standing here?"
Song Yuwan's voice was heard suddenly, and several people turned around suddenly. The two
servants who were picking vegetables looked at each other and quickly fell silent, feeling a chill
on their backs.
Lin Yiran didn't mention what happened just now. She smiled and said, "Mom, it's okay. It's just
that the room is too stuffy. I was just about to go downstairs for a walk."
"Oh, I'll accompany you!"
Song Yuwan didn't suspect anything at all. She took Lin Yiran's hand and walked into the yard.
The two servants breathed a sigh of relief when they saw them leave.
When the children came back in the evening, they were very happy to see Lin Yiran. However, as
Lin Yiran was playing with them, Lin Yiyi's eyes became red.
"Sister, I thought you didn't want me anymore!"
"Silly girl," Lin Yiran felt extremely guilty. She had actually left Lin Yiyi alone at the Huo's house for
so many days. She kept apologizing, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I will take you with me
wherever I go in the future. I will never abandon you. Don't cry."
Lin Yiyi is a very insecure child. Now that her parents are not around, her sister is her only
Lin Yiran understood that although the food, clothing and other necessities were good now that
she lived in the Huo family, Lin Yiyi had become even more cautious and sensible, not even like a
seven-year-old child.
She felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, and held her hand distressedly: "Yiyi, let's move back
to the previous rental house?"
Lin Yiyi was stunned for a second. She didn't understand why her sister suddenly brought this up,
but she felt that her sister's state seemed to be wrong. She nodded obediently: "Sister, no matter
what happens, no matter where you go, I will always be with you."

Chapter 63 Creating Opportunities

Lin Yiran was deeply moved. He hugged Lin Yiyi in his arms, and his nose felt a little sour.
She felt mixed emotions, feeling both distressed and guilty towards the little sister in her arms.
How could this little person make her feel so distressed!
"Then I'll find a chance to tell grandma and great-grandma about this tomorrow, and then we'll
pack up and move back."
"Yeah," Lin Yiyi nodded and touched Lin Yiran's face sensibly: "Sister, I hope you are happy."
The childish voice struck directly into Lin Yiran's heart. She felt sad, knowing that Lin Yiyi was not
happy living in the Huo family. She just wanted to move back as soon as possible.
"Don't worry, I will be happy! I hope Yiyi can be happy every day."
The two sisters discussed moving back to the rental house, and Lin Yiran was full of anticipation.
She even planned what things she would bring back and what she would say when the time
Unexpectedly, things did not go as planned. Just when Lin Yiran mustered up the courage to find
the old lady, she was told that Huo Jinlin had returned from a business trip.
Seeing her standing there in a daze, Song Yuwan even teased her, "Why are you standing there in
a daze? Are you too excited?"
Lin Yiran came back to her senses and smiled awkwardly, but she was worried in her heart that
the matter of leaving might have to be put on hold temporarily because Huo Jinlin would
definitely not agree to let her leave.
The old lady, who had no idea about the situation, also echoed Song Yuwan's words and teased
her: "As the saying goes, a short absence is better than a new marriage. The couple haven't seen
each other for such a long time. They must be very surprised to hear that Jinlin is back."
Lin Yiran's face turned red like a ripe apple due to embarrassment: "Grandma, Mom, please stop
making fun of me."
“Hehehe…” The old lady was amused by her reaction: “Okay, okay, don’t tease her. You see she is
so shy. It will be unreasonable if you tease her again.”
Back in the room, Lin Yiran immediately put away her embarrassed expression, and then showed
a face full of unhappiness. Huo Jinlin was back, and her wish to move back to the old house was
completely shattered.
Huo Jinlin went to discuss a big project on behalf of the company this time. The contract has
been signed, but the cooperation is urgent, so he went to the company to discuss the details of
the cooperation as soon as he came back.
He didn't know that so many things had happened at home during the time he was away. Lin
Yiran was embarrassed and didn't know how to face him.
It just so happened that it was already midnight when Huo Jinlin came back. Lin Yin heard the
noise, but pretended to be asleep and didn't get up. After a few seconds, he heard the door of
the next room seemed to open again.
Just as she was wondering, she heard Huo Jinlin knocking on her door, just twice. When she was
about to get up in embarrassment, she heard the door next door close gently again.
Huo Jinlin originally wanted to say a few words to Lin Yiran, but was afraid of disturbing her rest.
He shook his head with a smile, wondering when he had become so cautious.
The two of them were each preoccupied with their own thoughts and tossed and turned, unable
to fall asleep. The next morning, Lin Yiran woke up a little late. When she awoke, she found that
no one was home and the living room was quiet.
There seemed to be breakfast left for her on the table. Lin Yiran walked over to take a look. It was
a double portion. Was there anyone else at home?
Just as she was wondering, she heard some noise behind her. She turned around and saw Huo
Jinlin coming down from the stairs.
Their eyes met, and Lin Yiran was still a little embarrassed: " came back last night? Didn't
you go to the company today?"
"Well, I came back too late last night. I have nothing to do this morning, so I just rested at home. I
haven't woken up yet."
The two of them kept silent about the knocking on the door last night. Lin Yiran acted as if she
had just learned that Huo Jinlin had returned. The two of them didn't speak again. Huo Jinlin sat
next to her and began to eat breakfast in silence.
He had been away on a business trip and hadn't seen him for such a long time. Lin Yiran
encountered his father again. He felt a little uneasy facing Huo Jinlin. He wanted to get up and
leave directly, but he felt that it seemed even more inappropriate. So he had to accompany him
to eat breakfast awkwardly. However, he didn't know that this was the opportunity created for
them by Song Yuwan and the old lady.
Knowing that Huo Jinlin would not be going to the company this morning, Song Yuwan and the
old lady went out early in the morning, thinking of giving the two a chance to be alone together
so that they could talk about the pain of missing each other for some time.
Unexpectedly, Lin Yiran did not understand their "good intentions" at all. After packing up, she
went straight to the fried chicken shop, leaving Huo Jinlin alone at home.
After Song Yuwan came back, she saw that Huo Jinlin was the only one at home. She felt very
disappointed. "You little brat, grandma and I created this opportunity for you, but you let Yi Ran
go. Don't you know how to take your relationship to the next level?"
Huo Jinlin looked at her helplessly: "Don't worry about it, just stay at home and do what you
need to do. We can handle our own affairs."
"Tsk," Song Yuwan rolled her eyes at her without any hesitation, "If you could handle it well, you
two wouldn't be so unfamiliar with each other until now. I, your mother, should have been
preparing to hold my first grandson a long time ago."
After saying this, Song Yuwan went upstairs angrily, still muttering to himself, feeling sad that
such a good opportunity was wasted.
But she still didn't give up. From that day on, Lin Yin found that Song Yuwan always intentionally
or unintentionally let Huo Jinlin be alone with her. Although she was unwilling in her heart, she
didn't want to offend Song Yuwan.
That night, Huo Jinlin was working overtime at the company, so Song Yuwan took the opportunity
to ask Lin Yiran to deliver lunch. She put the lunch box prepared by the servant in her hand and
looked at her with a smirk.
"Go ahead, Yiran, take this to Jinlin."
The two have known each other for such a long time. Although Lin Yiran knows where Huo Jinlin
works, she has never been to his company.
"Mom, how about I ask the driver to help take me there? I don't know the way, and it wouldn't
be a good idea for me to go there rashly. I'm afraid it would affect his work."
Song Yuwan knew that she was not confident enough, so she patted the back of her hand gently
and comforted her, "It's okay, go ahead, I'll ask the driver Xiao Song to take you there, and you
can go in directly when the time comes."
Lin Yiran's face was full of helplessness, but she also knew that this was an opportunity Song
Yuwan deliberately created for her. She resisted in her heart but on the surface she couldn't
refuse Song Yuwan's kindness, so she could only agree reluctantly.
"Oh well!"
She carried the lunch box out of the house reluctantly. The driver, Xiao Song, had already driven
over and was waiting for her with a smile on his face.
Seeing her coming over, Xiao Song glanced at the lunch box in her hand and said with envy: "The
young lady is so kind to the young master, and she even personally went to help her deliver the
Lin Yiran glanced at the lunch box in her hand and could only smile awkwardly, but her heart felt
like it was being scratched by a cat. Can't you see that I was forced to do this?

Chapter 64: Rejected

A black Rolls-Royce sped past on the city's main road and soon stopped in front of the Huo
Group's headquarters.
Xiao Song opened the car door for Lin Yiran and said respectfully, "Madam, I'll wait for you in the
"Okay, thank you."
Lin Yiran walked in carrying a lunch box. She was in a hurry to go out, so she didn't even have
time to change her clothes. She was only wearing a beige sweatshirt. No one would associate her
with the president's wife, especially the employee at the front desk who had never seen her
before and stopped her directly.
"Miss, who are you looking for?"
"I'm looking for Huo Jinlin."
Lin Yiran had never been to such a place before, so she didn't think so much about it. She just
told the truth when others asked her.
Unexpectedly, when the receptionist heard the name, her expression changed slightly and she
asked, "Excuse me, do you have an appointment?"
"I'm sorry, I can't let you in without an appointment."
The two front desk employees stopped her together, looking at her coldly as if they were afraid
she would sneak in.
Lin Yiran had never encountered such a situation before. He shook the lunch box in his hand
helplessly and said uncomfortably, "I'm just here to give him a meal and leave after that."
"Hahaha," the heavily made-up woman among the two suddenly seemed to have heard a joke.
After she finished laughing, she taunted Lin Yiran in a veiled manner, "Do you know? The women
who try to sneak in to see our CEO Huo under various pretexts can line up from here to the other
side. I've seen too many people like you. You'd better go back quickly. CEO Huo won't look down
on you with your slovenly appearance."
Lin Yiran was at a loss what to do after hearing what she said. She looked at her simple clothes
and didn't know what to do for a moment.
"With someone like her, Mr. Huo probably doesn't even look at her. It's like a toad wanting to eat
swan meat, but he's wasting his time on her!"
"Tsk, there are all kinds of people these days. You've been here for so long, haven't you seen
Not only that, the two employees were openly discussing her in front of Lin Yiran. Listening to
their intermittent sarcastic remarks, Lin Yiran was suddenly overwhelmed by a great sense of
This scene happened to be seen by Zhou Nuan, the female director of the public relations
department who happened to pass by. She was frank and a hardworking woman, but at the same
time, she secretly liked Huo Jinlin in her heart.
Zhou Nuan hated people who took advantage of the weak and immediately stepped forward to
reprimand them.
"What are you doing? The company invited you here to work, not to chat about gossip and family
"Minister Zhou"
The two men immediately fell silent upon hearing this. Zhou Nuan was a well-known female devil
in the company. She was fair and straightforward, and always said whatever she wanted to say.
The most important thing is that as the head of the public relations department, she can report
directly to the president, and the two of them cannot afford to offend her.
Zhou Nuan still had a cold face: "Openly discussing other people's appearance, is this your quality
and upbringing? Why don't you apologize to this girl quickly!"
The two men looked at each other, then looked at Lin Yiran, with no intention of apologizing at
Lin Yiran didn't want to make the situation so awkward, so she waved her hand and said, "Forget
it, don't embarrass them. No need, thank you!"
"It's fine if you don't want to apologize. I just have to report to the president right now. How
about reporting this matter as well?"
The two men were so frightened that their faces changed. They dared not not apologize and
immediately bent their waists like grandsons.
"I'm sorry, Miss. I'm sorry. I was wrong. I'm sorry, Minister Zhou. Please don't tell the president
about this. We won't dare to do it again next time."
"Remember, this won't happen again."
The two of them knew what was happening, so Zhou Nuan didn't bother to argue with them. If
this matter really got to Huo Jinlin's ears, they would probably lose their jobs.
"No, never again."
The two men felt relieved and stepped aside obediently, lowering their heads and not daring to
speak anymore.
At this moment, the elevator door dinged, and several people looked over at the same time, and
saw Huo Jinlin's assistant walking out.
"Hey, why is it so lively? What gossip are you talking about?"
Lin Yiran happened to be standing in the corner, blocked by Zhou Nuan. The assistant didn't see
her. He only saw them standing there, joking with them with a grin on his face.
Zhou Nuan was very familiar with him and knew his personality. He seemed to like talking and
laughing, but he was extremely serious about his work and was always meticulous in his work.
She smiled and echoed his words: "Yeah, do you want to join in?"
"No, that's an activity for you girls, I won't participate. I got an order from the president, saying
that the president's wife is coming, and asked me to come down to meet her. Hey, ma'am, you're
here already?"
Before Zhou Nuan had time to digest the first piece of news he brought, she was shocked by his
next words!
Several people turned their heads at the same time. The two employees at the front desk were
so scared that their legs went limp. The person in front of them was actually... the president's
It took Zhou Nuan a minute to recover. Not only was Huo Jinlin married, but his partner was
actually this ordinary girl in front of him!
Lin Yiran knew that their gazes seemed to want to burn a hole in her body. She was never good at
dealing with such situations and just smiled faintly at everyone.
"Just arrived for a while, let's go up!"
She didn't want to stay here for even a second. The monkey-like eyes they were looking at her
with made her feel extremely uncomfortable.
Zhou Nuan also happened to be going to report to Huo Jinlin, so the three of them entered the
elevator together.
"Mrs. President, just now..."
"Call me Lin Yiran," Zhou Nuan just started to speak, but Lin Yiran interrupted her. She felt a little
uncomfortable hearing that strange name. When she mentioned what happened just now, she
said gratefully, "Thank you for helping me out just now."
Zhou Nuan didn't expect that she was not angry even though she was bullied just now. She even
thanked her. What a special girl.
"It's okay, it's just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning." She looked at the lunch box in Lin
Yiran's hand and asked curiously: "Lin... Yiran, you have a good relationship with Mr. Huo, right?
You even came to deliver lunch to him in person."
Lin Yiran was a little embarrassed. This was the second person who asked her the same question
tonight, but it didn't seem so embarrassing when it was asked by a girl like Zhou Nuan.
She lifted the lunch box in her hand and waved it in front of her and her assistant: "It's my first
time, so I can't even find the way."
"What is Mr. Huo like when he is at home on weekdays? Does he always have a cold expression?"
Zhou Nuan's words were very direct. Lin Yiran blushed a little when asked, and could only shake
her head and said, "It's okay, he...he is a good person."

Chapter 65 The Gap is Too Big

The assistant, who was always good at observing people's expressions, noticed Lin Yiran's
unnatural expression and hurried out to smooth things over: "It's a private matter between
husband and wife. Why are you, an unmarried girl, asking so many questions?"
Zhou Nuan's personality was like that of a boy, so she realized something was wrong and quickly
changed the subject and talked about something else.
The elevator quickly reached the top floor, and the assistant took Lin Yiran into the president's
office. Zhou Nuan tactfully waited outside and did not follow them in.
Huo Jinlin's office is simply decorated. At a glance, there are only a few simple pieces of furniture.
There is nothing complicated about it. It is a good environment where one can work quietly.
He was concentrating on his work when his assistant knocked on the door. He looked up and saw
Lin Yiran following him. He quickly put down the documents in his hand.
"You came so quickly. Didn't mom just call and say she was going out?"
"Yeah, I've been here for a while."
At this moment, he was wearing a formal handmade high-end suit and a pair of gold-rimmed
glasses that made him look gentle and refined. He was more handsome than Lin Yiran had ever
seen him.
She took a step forward, placed the lunch box in her hand on the coffee table, opened it skillfully,
took out several dishes from the box and placed them one by one.
"The food is still hot, eat it quickly, this is all prepared by your mother with great effort."
She deliberately pointed out that it was Song Yuwan who prepared it to avoid misunderstanding
from Huo Jinlin. The other party also understood her intention and did not expose her.
When the assistant saw Huo Jinlin getting up and coming over to eat, he tactfully left, leaving the
space for the young couple.
I have to say that Huo Jinlin's eating movements were very elegant. His mouth didn't make any
unpleasant sounds. His slender fingers slowly picked up the chopsticks to pick up the dishes.
Every frown and movement was as graceful as if he had walked out of a painting.
The office was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. Lin Yiran waited quietly for him to finish
eating before going forward to clean up the lunch box.
"Just leave it there and ask the cleaning staff to come and clean it up later."
"It's okay," Lin Yiran packed up the lunch box, wiped the rice grains on the table with a tissue, and
said, "I'll pack up the lunch box and take it back directly. No need to trouble Auntie anymore."
She felt awkward being in the same room with Huo Jinlin, and as soon as she saw him finish
eating, she was about to run away, but was stopped by Huo Jinlin.
"I just have a little work to do here. Wait for me and we'll go back together later."
"Ah?" Lin Yiran immediately showed a bitter face when she heard this, and quickly made an
excuse: "Xiao Song is still waiting for me downstairs!"
Huo Jinlin pursed his lips and said nothing. Lin Yiran thought he was angry, but he directly pressed
the call bell on the table, and the assistant's knock on the door immediately sounded outside.
"Mr. Huo"
"Call Xiao Song and ask him to go back first. Madam will come back with me later, so there's no
need to wait for her. Also, take Madam to the lounge to rest for a while, and ask Zhou Nuan to
come in and report on the work."
"Okay," the assistant turned around and called Zhou Nuan in, then turned to look at Lin Yiran and
said respectfully, "Madam President, please follow me."
Lin Yin was unable to refuse Huo Jinlin in front of them, so she could only follow the assistant into
the lounge helplessly.
Watching Lin Yiran walk in, Zhou Nuan's eyes flashed with a strange light, and she glanced at the
expressionless Huo Jinlin meaningfully.
The so-called lounge is a small room separated from Huo Jinlin's office, which is fully equipped.
Lin Yiran found a sofa and sat down. From this position, she could see Zhou Nuan reporting to
Huo Jinlin outside, but she couldn't hear the content of their conversation clearly through the
She didn't intend to eavesdrop, but the position of the sofa happened to be opposite Huo Jinlin's
desk. It should be an intentional design so that she could observe the movements outside during
her rest time.
Soon the assistant came over with a cup of tea and some snacks and placed them in front of her:
"I don't know what you like to drink. It's late at night now, so I prepared a cup of milk for you. If
you don't like it, I'll go get you another cup."
"You are so thoughtful. Thank you. I am sorry for your trouble!"
"It's okay," the assistant said, seeing that she was looking outside, "Just sit still for a while. After
Minister Zhou finishes his work report, the president should be leaving get off work soon. I've
already contacted Xiao Song, so don't worry."
Seeing him complete the tasks Huo Jinlin asked him to do in an orderly manner in a short period
of time, Lin Yiran felt a little impressed.
"Okay, okay. Thank you."
The assistant left, and Lin Yiran was the only one in the lounge. She glanced through the window
and saw Zhou Nuan handing over a document, talking in a flurry of words with her lips moving.
Lin Yiran suddenly realized that she knew nothing about these things. Perhaps it was really like
Huo Nantian said, the two of them were not suitable for each other.
She had no say in Huo Jinlin's work matters, and she had never seen Huo Jinlin at work before.
The difference between him and herself was obvious. She was even inferior to the two
employees at the front desk. Maybe... she was really not suitable for him!
When she thought of this, Lin Yiran's deep inferiority complex arose again, and she began to sulk
in the lounge alone.
At the same time, Zhou Nuan was still reporting on the work at hand. After finishing her business,
she glanced in the direction of the lounge and found that Lin Yiran was still looking at them. Zhou
Nuan smiled politely and looked away.
"Any thing else?"
Huo Jinlin was busy reading documents. When he saw that she had not left yet, he looked up at
her in confusion.
" more," Zhou Nuan hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, and finally mustered up
the courage to ask, "Mr. Huo, are you...really married?"
Hearing this, Huo Jinlin stopped his work, looked up and glanced in the direction of the lounge,
and then frankly admitted: "Yes, I am married. The one you just saw is my wife. We have already
obtained the marriage certificate, but we didn't hold the wedding for some reasons."
Zhou Nuan felt a sharp pain deep inside and said in disbelief: "She..."
But when the words came to my lips, I couldn't ask them!
Huo Jinlin looked at her in confusion: "What happened to you today? What do you want to say?
You are usually a decisive person, why are you stuttering today?"
When it comes to emotions, Huo Jinlin has always been a careless person and never noticed Zhou
Nuan's feelings for him. He only regards her as a subordinate and friend and never thinks of
anything else.
Zhou Nuan had never expressed her feelings. She hoped that she would always leave the best
impression on Huo Jinlin, so she could only shake her head bitterly and said, "It's okay, Mr. Huo. I
wish you happiness."

Chapter 66 Make Her Happy

Before leaving, Zhou Nuan turned around and glanced at the lounge. To make sure that Lin Yiran
was still looking at them, Zhou Nuan greeted her specially.
Lin Yiran raised her hand awkwardly in response, but she always felt that Zhou Nuan's eyes held a
different meaning, and she couldn't describe the feeling.
Huo Jinlin came over and saw that she was still staring at the direction Zhou Nuan left. He asked
in confusion, "What are you looking at? Everyone has gone far away!"
"You don't think she likes you?"
With a girl's keen observation skills, Lin Yiran always felt that Zhou Nuan had that kind of
intention towards Huo Jinlin. At least Lin Yiran could tell it just by looking at her.
This straightforward and explicit question made Huo Jinlin feel a little embarrassed in front of her
for the first time. He half-clenched his fist to his lips and coughed lightly to cover up his
"No, you think too much!"
Zhou Nuan has been in the company for many years, but Huo Jinlin has never paid attention to
these things. In his opinion, Zhou Nuan is a modern new type of independent woman who is
always straightforward. If she was really interested in him, she would have confessed her feelings
long ago.
"You don't believe me?" Lin Yiran said firmly, "Girls' sixth sense, I won't be wrong."
Seeing her serious expression, Huo Jinlin mistakenly thought she was angry, and quickly
explained: "I really don't know, she never said anything, I have nothing to do with her."
Seeing how eager he was to explain, Lin Yiran couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Of course I
know you have nothing."
Because Zhou Nuan is obviously in a secret crush on him, and Huo Jinlin doesn't have any interest
in her at all.
Just seeing her, Lin Yiran couldn't help but feel inferior. If they really had to be compared, a girl
like Zhou Nuan who was so energetic when discussing work would probably be more suitable to
be with Huo Jinlin!
Seeing her obviously dim eyes, Huo Jinlin felt that he could no longer speak. The more he
explained about such things, the worse it would get. In the end, he would not be able to explain
himself even if he jumped into the Yellow River.
He tidied up the documents on his desk, took off his gold-rimmed glasses and put them in the
box, then stood up and picked up his suit jacket from the back of his chair.
"Let's go home."
Lin Yiran didn't say anything else. She lowered her head and followed behind Huo Jinlin. The two
went upstairs one after the other. Huo Jinlin's full-time driver was already waiting downstairs.
As soon as the two got into the car, the partition between the front and rear rows was
immediately closed. However, Lin Yiran was feeling unhappy at the moment and did not say a
word to Huo Jinlin.
The atmosphere was extremely awkward. Lin Yiran could even hear her own heartbeat. She
turned her face away awkwardly and looked at the dark road outside the window.
Song Yuwan originally thought that by creating an opportunity for Lin Yiran to be alone at the
company while delivering food, the relationship between the two would be much closer.
However, after that night, Lin Yiran seemed to become even more worried.
One day, Huo Jinlin learned by chance that Lin Yiran was harassed by the front desk staff when
she delivered food that night. He was very angry and immediately said that he would fire the two
people. Fortunately, his assistant stopped him.
"Boss Huo, Madam promised them that day that she would not tell you about the matter. If you
fire them in anger now, I'm afraid they will vent their anger on Madam, thinking that Madam was
the one who whispered in your ear."
His words made Huo Jinlin give up the idea. It was not because he was afraid that they would
bear a grudge and take revenge on Lin Yiran, but the three words of his assistant's whisper made
him feel instantly better.
After returning home, Huo Jinlin took the initiative to find Lin Yiran for the first time ever to talk,
trying every way to make her happy.
"I already know what happened at the front desk that day. It's all my fault. Our company has
shortcomings in selecting employees. Tomorrow I will give an order to the human resources
department. If they don't keep their eyes open during interviews in the future, the president's
wife will hold them accountable."
This was the first time he spoke in a less serious manner. Lin Yiran couldn't help laughing, but he
just responded calmly: "This is your company's business, what does it have to do with me?"
The more work issues were mentioned, the more unhappy Lin Yiran became. The only thing that
came to her mind was Zhou Nuan talking eloquently and in high spirits.
"Then if you are unhappy, I will ask them to pack up and leave tomorrow."
Huo Jinlin meant what he said. If Lin Yiran was unhappy, he would definitely not keep such a
"Don't do that," Lin Yiran glanced at him unhappily, "Do you want me to become the eternal
sinner of your company?"
If she really fired someone because of just a few words, then when the news got out, Huo
Nantian would probably say that she was a femme fatale.
For some reason, perhaps because Zhou Nuan's matter had been lingering in Lin Yiran's mind, she
always spoke with sarcasm, as if she didn't like Huo Jinlin. After the two of them said a few words,
Lin Yiran went upstairs directly under the excuse of coaxing the children to sleep.
Seeing that the two of them parted unhappily again, Song Yuwan hurried out to inquire about the
situation: "What did you say to Yi Ran? I think she is still a little unhappy."
Huo Jinlin felt overwhelmed: "I didn't say anything. I don't know why she was unhappy. She didn't
even want to communicate with me too much."
"You should talk to her about topics that she is familiar with and interested in. If you always talk
to her about work, she won't understand and won't be interested, then the conversation will be
Looking at this stupid guy in front of her, Song Yuwan really wished she could fight for him herself.
She was worried like an old mother.
Huo Jinlin also noticed this. The next day, Lin still came back from get off work, and Huo Jinlin
took the initiative to ask about the situation of the fried chicken shop.
"It's much better now. Thanks to you this time. Although the fried chicken shop's business has
been affected a little, it is gradually returning to normal now."
Lin Yiran was familiar with the affairs of the fried chicken shop, and fortunately with the help of
Huo Jinlin, they were able to get through this crisis smoothly, so Lin Yiran said a few more words.
"It's okay, just get back to normal. You'll be busy again during this period, and the two children
will stick to you."
Since she came, the two children would pester her to tell them bedtime stories every night, and
Lin Yiran still went to the hospital twice a day regardless of the weather, which was really hard.
But all this is a kind of happiness for her. Although it is hard work, she enjoys it.
"This is what I should do. It's my honor that they accept me."
Huo Jinlin was surprised. She was really a special girl, which made Huo Jinlin more determined to
be with her.
He remembered that he had not been to the hospital to see Xu Juan for a long time due to
business trips, and he didn't know how her treatment was going.
"How's mom? Has she been feeling better lately?"

Chapter 67 There are differences

"She's much better now. Her mental state is very different now. I went to see her a few days ago,
and the doctor said that maybe it won't be long before her illness is cured!"
Xu Juan's condition is what Lin Yiran cares about most so far, so when Huo Jinlin mentioned this,
Lin Yiran became very excited and her expression became much calmer.
"Well, let's take some time out some other day to go see her together. I haven't been there for a
long time because I was on a business trip before, and I'm afraid she will misunderstand."
It has to be said that Huo Jinlin has always considered these aspects more comprehensively than
a girl like her. No wonder Xu Juan likes him so much.
"Okay, thank you, Huo Jinlin."
Huo Jinlin curled his lips. What he wanted was not a thank you from her. If Song Yuwan hadn't
reminded him, he would not have found the right way to get along with her!
He pretended to be nonchalant and changed the subject to the two children, saying, "It's okay. I
should thank you for helping me educate the two children so well!"
Since Lin Yiran moved into the villa, she has been taking care of the children's daily life herself. It
must be said that over this period of time, there have been obvious changes in the two children.
They have become more polite and love cleanliness, which is indeed her credit.
"No," Lin Yiran said modestly, "This is the result of our joint efforts."
"But I think you should make some changes. You are too busy with work and spend too little time
with your children. The lack of fatherly love is also a big regret in their growth."
On weekdays, Huo Jinlin goes out early and comes back late, and sometimes the children haven't
seen him for almost a week. Perhaps this was their previous way of getting along, but since Lin
Yiran came, she could always see on the children's faces that they envied others for having a
father to accompany them.
Huo Jinlin did not deny this, and his tone was mixed with a bit of guilt: "I know, I will spend more
time with them in the future, but I always feel that since they are all boys, I am afraid they will be
too pampered!"
When he was a child, Huo Nantian was often busy flying all over the place, and Huo Jinlin seldom
saw him. Although Huo Jinlin had some complaints at that time, his personality became more
independent and stable, so Huo Jinlin didn't think there was anything wrong with it.
Lin Yiran couldn't help but roll her eyes at him. Didn't he understand the principle of not doing to
others what you don't want others do to you?
"They are in childhood now, which is a critical period for character development. Parents play an
indispensable role. How can this be considered pampering?"
The two grew up in different environments, so there are great differences in educating and
nurturing children. Lin Yiran had no choice but to discuss with him the future direction of the two
children's training, only to find that their ideas were very different.
Huo Jinlin firmly believes that his idea is correct: "Most families now adopt this kind of free-range
education. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. When children grow up, they can choose
what they like according to their own interests and hobbies. Isn't this great?"
"But the child is so young and has no judgment ability at all. How can he know what is right for
him? If his parents don't make choices for him now, will they wait until he enters society and has
no ability to survive before blaming his parents for not educating him well?"
"How could it be?" Huo Jinlin's voice was filled with obvious disdain. "A child of my Huo family
would never go this far."
His words left Lin Yiran completely speechless. Not knowing how to continue this topic, she just
said a few words and went upstairs.
It was obvious that this conversation ended with Lin Yiran's unhappiness. The next day, Lin Yiran
went to visit Xu Juan alone and was suddenly asked about Huo Jinlin.
"He hasn't been here for a long time. Did you really have a fight?"
During this period of time, Lin Yiran came alone, and seemed unhappy every time he came, so Xu
Juan had this doubt in her heart.
Lin Yiran didn't want her to make such a muddled guess, so she took a deep breath and shook her
head, "No, he was really just on a business trip some time ago!"
Xu Juan felt a little tired after sitting for a long time, so she put a pillow behind her and leaned
back. Only then did she feel a little more comfortable in her waist.
"Yan'er, Mom always feels that you are unhappy during this period. What's going on?"
After all, they are mother and daughter. Just by looking at her behavior, Xu Juan knew that she
was not happy in the Huo family.
"Mom," Lin Yiran's eyes were red. For the first time, she mustered up the courage to tell Xu Juan
what she was thinking. "The gap between Huo Jinlin and me is too big. We are different in many
aspects. I want to... divorce him."
After saying this, Lin Yiran didn't dare to look at Xu Juan. She always felt that she didn't know how
to face her. She didn't want to make her worry, but apart from her, Lin Yiran really didn't know
who to complain to.
Xu Juan didn't get angry after hearing this. She still looked at her with a smile on her face, her
eyes full of heartache.
"Yi Ran, you are still young, and sometimes you are impulsive and not thoughtful when making
decisions. In my opinion, Huo Jinlin is a good man, but I can only give you advice. In the end, you
are the one who lives your life."
Lin Yiran knew that Huo Jinlin was very outstanding, so many women were drooling over him.
She admitted that when she saw Zhou Nuan, who was on par with Huo Jinlin, in the company
that day, she was still a little flustered.
"Mom, it's true that he will meet many girls who are better than me. I am so different from them.
Besides, Huo Jinlin's father doesn't accept me. I don't want to see them quarreling with each
She has had this kind of personality since she was a child, willing to suffer losses herself in order
to make others happy. Xu Juan has always been afraid that she would suffer losses. Sure enough,
until now she still considers others everywhere and doesn't care about herself at all.
"Yi Ran, you actually have many advantages that others cannot match. Maybe others envy you, so
you should not compare yourself with others based on your own disadvantages. You should be
good at discovering your own advantages and learn to appreciate and love yourself."
Lin Yiran smiled bitterly: "What good qualities do I have? If I really have good qualities, how could
others not see them? Why would Huo Jinlin's father reject me so much?"
Her expression darkened a little: "And you don't know, last time because of our matter, not only
did Huo Jinlin have a big fight with his father, but even his mother had a big fight with his father."
Xu Juan sighed heavily: "Moreover, marriage is a process in which two people support each other.
If Huo Jinlin is willing to fight his father for you, then you should put aside your inferiority
complex and bravely stand by him and support him."

Chapter 68: Unexpected Confession

"I...I never thought about it."
As soon as these words came out, Lin Yiran instantly felt ashamed. When Huo Jinlin's father
forced them again and again, she only stepped back step by step and never thought about
fighting alongside Huo Jinlin.
Xu Juan is an experienced person, and you can tell from her expression that her feelings for Huo
Jinlin are not simple.
"So, everyone should learn to consider things from each other's perspective. Huo Jinlin has
already expressed his attitude, now it's up to you."
No matter the threats and inducements from his family, or Lin Yiran's cowardice, Huo Jinlin never
had the thought of giving up this marriage.
"Yi Ran, you have to understand that the reason why you unconsciously compare yourself to
Zhou Nuan is actually because you have gradually fallen in love with Huo Jinlin in your
subconscious mind. That's why you care about him and feel inferior to him. Do you understand?"
Matters of the heart are always unclear to those involved, but clear to those who are not. Lin
Yiran was deeply involved in it and had no idea about it at all. It was not until Xu Juan's
persuasion that she mustered up the courage to face up to the relationship between herself and
Huo Jinlin.
Thinking of the sour feeling in his heart when he saw Zhou Nuan and Huo Jinlin fighting side by
side, Lin Yiran knew that he really fell in love with Huo Jinlin.
But she had always been inferior since she was a child, and she still lacked confidence: "Mom, I
don't know if my choice is right, but now that I have recognized my feelings, I will never back
down again."
Xu Juan's eyes flashed with relief: "That's right, don't be afraid, just move forward boldly, mom
will always support you silently."
The mother and daughter had never talked about these things so heart-to-heart. Only then did
Xu Juan realize that she paid too little attention to her child in her daily life.
Through this illness, she also discovered that Lin Yiran's care and love for her was even better
than that of a biological child. Therefore, she secretly swore in her heart that she would care
about her even more in the future.
Lin Yiran looked outside. The sun was about to set, and it was almost time for her to go back.
"Mom, you should have a good rest first. I will come to see you another day. It's getting late
today. I have to go back."
"Well," Xu Juan's eyes were filled with mixed emotions. "Go back, be good, ah!"
She is now a middle-aged divorced woman, and only her two daughters still worry her. She only
hopes that they all live well.
Lin Yiran couldn't bear to see her sitting alone on the hospital bed, so she walked over and
hugged her gently.
"Have a good rest!"
Because of the treatment, Xu Juan has lost a lot of weight. Now, when she touches the spine on
her back, it feels a bit uncomfortable. Lin Yiran quickly ran out of the ward after saying
something, because she was afraid that Xu Juan would be sad when seeing her tears.
Walking out of the hospital gate, the golden afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the ground,
and the buildings not far away were covered with a layer of dim yellow coat. Lin Yiran looked up
at the sky and forced back her tears.
She looked up at the watch. Lin Yiyi was about to finish school, so it was just the right time to go
to her school from here.
When she arrived at the school gate, Xiao Song, the driver of Nanlinyuan, was already waiting at
the gate. Since moving into the Huo family, he has been picking up and dropping off Lin Yiyi to
and from school every day.
The Huo family has a total of three drivers, one is responsible for picking up Huo Nantian, one is
responsible for picking up Huo Jinlin, and the other is Xiao Song, who is specifically responsible
for the car use of the Nanlinyuan family.
"Madam, why did you come here in person today?"
When Lin Yiran heard the three-word address, she frowned awkwardly, fearing that someone
behind her might hear it.
"I came out of the hospital and saw that it was still early, so I took a taxi here and got a ride
Xiao Song opened the car door for her and said, "Call me next time and I'll come pick you up."
"Okay, thank you."
Perhaps because of Xiao Song's ordinary status, Lin Yiran could sometimes chat with him and felt
more at ease when she was with him.
When Lin Yiyi got into the car, she saw Lin Yiran sitting inside. She was immediately surprised and
happy, and she hugged Lin Yiran and refused to let go.
"Sister, how come you have time to pick me up in person today?"
Children express their emotions in a simple way, and their minds are not as complicated as
adults'. Their happiness, anger, sorrow and joy are all written on their faces.
She pouted to express her dissatisfaction: "You haven't come to pick me up for a long time."
Lin Yiran laughed and scratched her nose lovingly: "You are so old, and you still want to act like a
spoiled child!"
"Well, I want it, I want it."
The child made a noise and shrank into her arms. Lin Yiran was ticklish, so the two sisters
instantly twisted into a ball. Xiao Song couldn't help but laugh when she heard the laughter in the
rearview mirror.
After chatting with Xu Juan in the hospital, Lin Yiran felt a lot more relaxed, as if the huge stone
pressing on his heart had been removed.
"You're back? Dinner will have to wait a while!"
Song Yuwan was sitting in the living room watching TV. When she heard the two sisters talking
and laughing, she stood up and greeted them.
"It's okay, Mom."
"Jinlin has nothing to do at the company today, and he came back early. He's taking a shower
upstairs! You just happened to be back, go call him, it's time to get ready for dinner."
Her original intention was to create an opportunity for the two of them to be alone together, but
she didn't expect that Lin Yiran didn't refuse this time. She just responded lightly and went
Huo Jinlin didn't expect that Lin Yiran would come to him on her own initiative, and he was a little
surprised when he opened the door.
"Are you ready? Mom asked you to get ready for dinner."
"Yeah, I'll be right there."
Lin Yiran didn't say anything. She gently closed the door for him, turned around and went
downstairs. Huo Jinlin immediately opened the door and followed her downstairs.
When Song Yuwan saw the two people coming down one after another, her heart was filled with
After dinner, Lin Yiran took the initiative to ask to have a chat with Huo Jinlin. Huo Jinlin was
surprised, but very happy.
The two of them came to the chairs under the grape trellis in the garden and sat down. Lin Yiran
said with emotion: "I'm sorry, I've been thinking too much recently and caused you a lot of
"Don't talk about these things between husband and wife," Huo Jinlin looked at her expression
and said, "If you have anything to say, just tell me. Don't keep it to yourself."
Gradually, Huo Jinlin also noticed the changes in his emotions. He seemed to start paying
attention to Lin Yiran's every move and smile, and he actually felt a little distressed when he saw
her sad.
He wanted to speak frankly about this, but he didn't expect Lin Yiran to speak first.
"Since I found out about your identity, I have wanted to back off countless times, and I have
thought about giving up this marriage more than once. I'm sorry, but when I saw you and Zhou
Nuan talking about work, I felt so sad. On the one hand, I was jealous that she could help you
with your work, and on the other hand, I felt inferior because I was so far behind you."
"But Huo Jinlin," Lin Yiran paused and said, "I seem to have fallen in love with you."

Chapter 69 Assists
Time seemed to freeze at this moment. Huo Jinlin even doubted his own ears and stared at Lin
Yiran in disbelief.
After saying this, Lin Yiran felt her face turn red and her heart beat fast, but she couldn't take
back the words she had already said. She still gritted her teeth and solemnly promised: "Huo
Jinlin, I will never back down again. I will choose to face difficulties with you and move forward
side by side."
Huo Jinlin had never thought that Lin Yiran would confess her love to him, and even say such
words. The emotions in his heart instantly burst out like a mountain spring, and he could no
longer restrain himself and held Lin Yiran in his arms.
The two hugged each other for the first time. Lin Yiran felt the warm breath from Huo Jinlin, and
her heart suddenly began to beat like a deer.
It took a long time before she reached out and hugged him back. Huo Jinlin relaxed and leaned
his head on her shoulder. A muffled voice came out of his mouth.
"Yi Ran, I know I wasn't a competent husband in the past. I was always busy with work and left all
the household affairs and children to you alone. As a result, you felt insecure in this unfamiliar
environment, so you wanted to escape countless times."
Huo Jinlin held Lin Yiran's shoulders with both hands, his expression solemn: "Yiran, I know that I
concealed my identity at the beginning and made you feel uncomfortable. Maybe until now you
think that there is a lack of trust between two people, but from now on it will not happen again. I
promise you that I will never hide anything from you again."
Lin Yiran was indeed a little unhappy about this matter at the beginning, but now that time has
passed, she has seen the efforts Huo Jinlin has made for this family, and she has let it go.
"Let the past be the past, but from now on, no one is allowed to lie to each other. If there is
anything, we should discuss it together."
Lin Yiran has always been a free and easy-going person. She lets go of things when she should.
She has never been the kind of girl who is timid.
"Okay," Huo Jinlin looked at her, and was truly shocked by her. He knew how lucky he was to have
met such a special girl. "Yi Ran, I'm glad you think this way. From now on, I will work harder and
be a good husband and father."
After an in-depth analysis between the two, the barriers in their hearts were officially removed
from now on. Lin Yiran shed tears of emotion when she heard his assurance, and secretly decided
in her heart that she must work hard to maintain this marriage.
From that day on, the two of them got along much more naturally, and even the old lady and
Song Yuwan noticed the changes in their relationship.
"Daughter-in-law, do you think Yi Ran and Jin Lin have become closer recently?"
Song Yuwan was surprised: "Mom, you noticed it too. I thought I was seeing things!"
The old lady looked at the closed door upstairs and smiled from ear to ear: "Yes, seeing that the
young couple is living well, I feel relieved. I guess I will be able to hold my great-grandson soon."
She didn't know that Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran slept in separate rooms, and she was still looking
forward to having a great-grandson.
Song Yuwan was more cautious. When Huo Jinlin came back from the company in the evening,
she called him to her room alone and confirmed the matter with him in private.
"Jinlin, you and Yiran, you guys..."
When the words came to her lips, she suddenly didn't know how to say them. It seemed
inappropriate for the mother-in-law to inquire about the personal feelings of her son and
She didn't say anything, but Huo Jinlin knew why Song Yuwan asked him to come over, and said
directly: "Mom, the misunderstanding between Yi Ran and me has been resolved, and she has
decided to face her feelings. She will face the difficulties with me and will not choose to back
down again. Don't worry anymore."
Huo Jinlin knew that his mother was in a difficult position during this period of time because of
their affairs. On the one hand, she had to withstand the pressure from his father, and on the
other hand, she had to find ways to create opportunities for him and Lin Yiran.
Song Yuwan was also very pleased: "Yi Ran is a sensible child. He has educated the two children
very well during this period of time, and even you have grown a lot."
Hearing this, Huo Jinlin felt ashamed.
My mother continued, "She is still frank and rational. She dares to look directly into her heart and
takes her feelings seriously. You must not let her down."
"Mom, I know. I will treat her well. Don't worry."
Marriage has never been a joke to Huo Jinlin. Once he has made the choice, he will stick to it
firmly and manage it well, and will never be indecisive.
Song Yuwan nodded with satisfaction. Huo Jinlin had been an outstanding person since he was
young and rarely gave her any worries. Song Yuwan also believed in her son and believed that he
would be a qualified husband and a competent father.
After coming out of the room, Song Yuwan decided to do something important. At this time, the
two children and Lin Yiyi, who had just finished school, were playing games in the children's
playground at home.
Seeing her come in, the three children stopped what they were doing, and Dabao and Xiaobao
looked at her with confusion on their faces.
Lin Yiyi's voice was so thin that one might not even hear it if one was not careful. Even though
she had been in the Huo family for such a long time, she still felt very uncomfortable. She felt
more natural when she was with the two children, but when she saw the adults, she felt like a
mouse seeing a cat, and instantly became uncomfortable.
Song Yuwan closed the door gently and walked in with a smile, saying, "Are you playing games?
Grandma wants to interrupt you for a while, is that okay? Yiyi, can Auntie take up a bit of your
"Okay, Auntie, it's okay."
Lin Yiyi responded obediently, then retreated to a corner and sat down. Song Yuwan felt a little
distressed at her look.
"Big Treasure and Little Treasure, grandma wants to tell you that from today on, you can no
longer live with mom."
The two children are very dependent on Lin Yiran. It has been Lin Yiran who has been coaxing
them to sleep during this period of time. So when Song Yuwan said this, the two children felt like
they were struck by a bolt from the blue. They instantly looked at Song Yuwan with their eyes
wide open in surprise.
Song Yuwan sat down beside them and instilled in them softly, "Because mom and dad have to
live together. If they are separated for a long time, it will affect their relationship. Do you
"My mother also said this, so I don't sleep with my sister anymore. My mother said that my sister
and brother-in-law should live together because they are married."
After hearing what she said, the two children stopped pouting and nodded as if they understood,
but they were still somewhat reluctant in their hearts.
"Okay, then we won't live with mom anymore."
"Well, this is a good child." Song Yuwan touched the heads of the two children and said with a sly
smile, "But you must not tell mom that grandma taught you, otherwise mom will feel
embarrassed, understand?"

Chapter 70: Public Security Bureau Rescue

"Mmm Good."
I don’t know if they understood what Song Yuwan said, but the two children just nodded and said
firmly that they would never sleep with Lin Yiran again.
So when Lin Yiran learned about this that night, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Dabao
patted his chest and said seriously, "Mom, we have grown up. We can sleep by ourselves from
now on. You can move to the same room with Dad and don't have to take care of us anymore."
Lin Yiran's face was burning with embarrassment: "Did you kick me out?"
Lin Yiyi didn't say anything but smiled with her lips pursed. Lin Yiran understood instantly and
knew that it must be Song Yuwan who had done some ideological work on these two little ones.
But Dabao and Xiaobao did a very good job. No matter what Lin Yiran said, they would not let her
in. They also took the initiative to move all of Lin Yiran's things to Huo Jinlin's room. Lin Yiran had
no choice but to move in and live with Huo Jinlin.
Huo Jinlin came back late because of something at the company. He saw all this when he came
back. Seeing Song Yuwan secretly giving him a thumbs up in the corner, Huo Jinlin was speechless
for a moment and understood everything.
"I...I was kicked out!"
Lin Yiran sat in the room feeling uneasy. Although Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran had expressed their
feelings to each other, he still chose to respect Lin Yiran.
"It's okay. My mom is just a bit worried. Don't take it to heart. I'll make a bed on the floor and you
can just sleep on the bed."
When he said that, Lin Yiran became even more embarrassed. Her face turned red like a ripe
apple, and she said shyly, "It's okay. Just sleep on the bed!"
After she said this, her face turned red all the way to her ears, and her voice was so soft that Huo
Jinlin could hardly hear it.
"What did you say?"
Lin Yiran blushed and repeated her words shyly. Afraid that Huo Jinlin might misunderstand her,
she added, "I'm just worried that mom and the others might see it. Please don't misunderstand
In order to try to cover up the truth, Huo Jinlin curled his lips slightly and did not expose her
Lin Yiran considered that since they were husband and wife, it was only natural for them to reach
that step, so she rejected Huo Jinlin's proposal.
"Okay," Huo Jinlin picked up his pajamas and walked to the bathroom. "You go to sleep first. I'll
take a shower."
It was the first time that the two of them slept in the same bed in the true sense. Lin Yiran lay
down next to the bed, his body straight and stiff, not daring to move.
Listening to the sound of water coming from the bathroom, she felt shy and embarrassed. Her
mind was still wandering, but suddenly she found that the sound of water in the bathroom had
Hearing the footsteps getting closer, Lin Yiran's ten toes all curled up nervously.
Huo Jinlin has never been a person who would force others to do things against their will. He is a
well-behaved person.
I pulled the quilt on the other side and lay down, and in the darkness I could hear Lin Yiran's
He sighed helplessly: "Don't think too much, go to bed early!"
Lin Yiran was so embarrassed that she almost found a hole to crawl into, but after hearing these
words, she felt relieved. Her mind was hazy and she had a lot of random thoughts in her mind,
and in the end, she didn't know how she fell asleep.
When I woke up, Huo Jinlin was already out of bed. Lin Yiran's touch was icy cold. Did he get up
When she went downstairs, Song Yuwan was the only one left in the living room. She knew that
Lin Yiran was shy, so in order to avoid embarrassment, Song Yuwan did not mention a word about
what happened last night.
As the two began to live together again, the relationship between Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran
gradually eased, and they would occasionally laugh and play around like a normal couple.
As the days went by, Lin Yiran's mood gradually improved, and she slowly began to integrate into
the life of the Huo family.
That day, Lin Yiran was shopping in the mall with Song Yuwan when her cell phone suddenly rang.
She took it out and saw that it was a call from an unfamiliar number. Lin Yiran frowned in
"What's wrong? Who's calling?"
Lin Yiran shook his head blankly and pressed the answer button. A strange and serious voice
came from the other end of the phone.
"Hello, we are from the Public Security Bureau. Are you Lin Tianjun's daughter? He had an
argument with someone and is now with us. Please come over quickly!"
Lin Tianjun? It had been so long since she last heard this name that she almost forgot about him.
Song Yuwan learned a little about the Lin family from Huo Jinlin. Seeing that Lin Yiran was still
stunned, he said, "You should go over and take a look. Let Xiao Song take you there. I will go
shopping by myself for a while. He can come back to pick me up after he takes you there."
Song Yuwan wasn't quite sure about the specific situation, but she knew that it would be
somewhat inappropriate for Lin Yiran, as a daughter, not to go and see him.
Lin Yiran really didn't want to get involved, but she also didn't want Song Yuwan to see the mess
going on in the Lin family, so she nodded and agreed.
Along the way, Lin Yiran was still thinking secretly that people like Lin Tianjun should be kept in
the Public Security Bureau for a few more days so that he could learn a lesson, otherwise he
would cause trouble every other day.
However, when she arrived at the Public Security Bureau, she found out that Lin Tianjun was
fighting with Xin Caidie. Lin Yiran was still unclear about how they got along, but she knew that
they had fought several times, and the last time they had a fight, they were both hospitalized.
The people from the Public Security Bureau looked unhappy when they saw her coming. The
leading staff member said to Lin Yiran unhappily, "You are his daughter, right? Take him home and
give him a good education. He is already a frequent visitor here. If he is sent here again next time,
we will have to implement detention education."
"Okay, okay, sorry to trouble you."
Lin Yiran was also somewhat embarrassed. She turned around and looked at Lin Tianjun, who
was still arrogant, and was furious: "Don't you think about your two children? When they grow
up one day, they will feel ashamed to have a father like you."
"Bah," Lin Tianjun was furious when he mentioned the child, "Don't be so hypocritical to me, just
ask this shameless bitch what she did. I spent all these years raising a monster."
Lin Yiran didn't bother to care about the mess between them, but since she came here today, she
was still a little curious. Lin Tianjun had known for a long time that his son was not his biological
son, so why did he just reveal it today?
"Why are you fighting?"
"This woman is cheating on me, and she still doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut. She has
repeatedly mocked me for being useless, so I'm going to teach her a lesson."
Only then did Lin Yiran realize that it was Xin Caidie who deliberately mocked and belittled Lin
Tianjun when they met him, which was why Lin Tianjun attacked her in anger.
Unexpectedly, Xin Caidie was immediately unhappy when she heard this: "You incompetent
stinky man, you are so stubborn. It's obviously you who are incapable of supporting us, mother
and daughter, and you still have the nerve to criticize me?"

Chapter 71: Repent and Change

"You stinky bitch, it seems that the lesson I just gave you wasn't enough. You still want to taste
the power of my fist again, right?"
As Lin Tianjun spoke, he raised his fist again and looked at Xin Caidie ferociously, but was stopped
in time by the staff next to him.
"What are you doing? This is the Public Security Bureau. If you don't want to be detained, just
behave yourself."
The people at the Public Security Bureau didn't want to cause trouble for themselves, so they
called the families of both parties to discuss the settlement in the hope of reconciliation. But this
guy still bumped into them fearlessly.
Xin Caidie's family members were not happy when they saw this, and took the opportunity to
shout loudly: "Police comrade, look, look, this guy is still here and he wants to attack again. What
will happen if he leaves this place?"
"That's right. If you don't give us a satisfactory explanation this time, we will never agree to a
settlement. We will lock him up for a year or two and see if he can still act arrogantly."
Xin Caidie's family were habitual offenders. Seeing that Lin Tianjun wanted to strike again, the
family instantly had a reason to blackmail him, so they kept biting Lin Tianjun.
Lin Yiran felt sick to see the group of people trying to take advantage of others' misfortune: "How
do you want to deal with this?"
Xin Caidie's brother looked Lin Yiran up and down, then he held up a few fingers with a sinister
look on his face and said, "Fifty thousand yuan. If it's less than that, we will never let you go."
"You... such a minor injury is not worth 50,000 yuan. Aren't you blatantly blackmailing me?"
Lin Yiran knew that they would take the opportunity to ask for a huge amount, but she didn't
expect Xin Caidie's appetite to be so big that she dared to reveal this number right away.
"What do you think? Will you give it to him or not? If not, just keep him in prison. We don't care
Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. They have already prepared for
a fight to the death, so they won't care so much anymore.
Lin Tianjun began to feel a little scared at this time, fearing that Lin Yiran would be detained if he
didn't pay, so he hurriedly said, "Give them to them quickly, give them to them. I don't want to be
left in this godforsaken place."
Lin Yiran gritted her teeth and said, "If I had known this would happen, why did I do it in the first
place? Are you scared now?"
The situation was at a stalemate, and neither side was willing to compromise. Helplessly, Lin Yiran
had to endure the pain in her heart and take out all her savings accumulated over the years to
compensate the other party on behalf of Lin Tianjun.
Seeing this situation, Lin Yiran took out the money easily. The Xin family immediately had another
bad idea and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. Unexpectedly, Huo
Jinlin suddenly appeared with a lawyer.
Lin Yiran was surprised and delighted: "How did you know about this and bring a lawyer here in
He seemed to be a prophet. Every time Lin Yiran was in danger, he would appear in time. If Lin
Yiran didn't understand his personality, she would almost suspect that she was being followed.
"Silly girl," Huo Jinlin reached out and flicked her head gently, "Weren't you with mom just now?
She called me over because she was afraid that you might not be able to handle it."
"Oh oh," Lin Yiran felt the pain, covered her forehead and gave a dissatisfied look, her tone was a
bit coquettish, "Next time, don't tap my forehead again. I'm stupid to begin with, and if you tap
me a few more times, I'll be even more stupid."
Lin Tianjun saw the little movements of the two and thought they seemed to be flirting. He
couldn't help but secretly look at Huo Jinlin a few more times.
Xin Caidie has always been barbaric and has never suffered any loss. She doesn't care how many
helpers she brings with her and still maintains an unyielding attitude.
"Lin Yiran, since you have money, you can compensate me for my mental damages. Otherwise,
don't even think about taking him back today."
The lawyer standing next to Huo Jinlin pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on his nose, took a step
forward calmly, and looked at the Xin family with a very professional expression and movements.
"In a situation like yours, it can only be considered a fight, and both parties are responsible. Mr.
Lin did not commit the crime of intentional injury at all. According to the Law on Public Security
Administration Punishment, he can only be detained for less than five days or fined less than 500
yuan. On the contrary, you, Ms. Xin, just asked Ms. Lin for 50,000 yuan in medical expenses.
According to the provisions of the Criminal Law, you have committed the crime of extortion and
the amount is huge. You can be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years.
So are you sure you want Ms. Lin to compensate you for your mental damages?"
Xin Caidie was so frightened by the lawyer's words that her face changed drastically. She dared
not even mention compensation. After a few words, they left in disgrace.
Seeing this situation, Lin Tianjun became much more tough. He looked at the Xin family with
contempt and watched them leave before running to Lin Yiran.
"Yi'ran, it was Daddy's fault in the past. I shouldn't have been bewitched by that bitch and
ignored you three, but I already know I was wrong. From now on, I will definitely change my ways
and do my best to make it up to you. Please forgive Daddy, okay?"
Lin Yiran had lived for twenty years, but this was the first time she saw Lin Tianjun being so
humble to talk to someone, and it was to her. If it had not been for this kind of occasion, she
would have been so shocked that her jaw would have dropped.
Seeing her silence, Lin Tianjun was a little flustered: "Yi Ran, believe me, I really want to
compensate you three. I owed you too much before. Now that I have experienced these things, I
understand how important you are to me. Dad begs you to give me a chance to accompany and
take care of your mother during the last period of her life, okay?"
He cried bitterly and admitted all his previous mistakes. People who didn't know the truth would
be moved by this. However, Lin Yiran had completely given up on him. No matter what he did,
she only felt disgusted and would never forgive him.
"Lin Tianjun, I will never forgive you, and I will never believe anything you say. We will never
forget the harm you have done to me and my mother over the years. Now that Xin Caidie has
betrayed you, you want to come back to my mother. What do you think of us?"
It is difficult to change a person's nature. She had gone through so much trouble to get Xu Juan to
divorce him. If she asked him to come back now, wouldn't that be pushing Xu Juan into the fire
He put aside his dignity and begged for mercy in front of everyone, but was rejected by Lin Yiran
without any hesitation. Lin Tianjun was embarrassed and wanted to scold Lin Yiran, but he met
Huo Jinlin's warning eyes and had to withdraw his hand embarrassedly.
Lin Yiran didn't care what others thought of her, and said bluntly: "I've already solved the
problem for you, get out of my sight right now, but this is just this once, and it won't happen
again. Next time, please don't call me if you have something to do, I can't afford to lose face as a

Chapter 72 Fried Chicken Branch

"Lin Yiran, you are great. Wait for me."
Lin Tianjun was insulted in public and was so angry that he jumped up and down. In the end, he
just said a few words and left in a rage.
Seeing his desperate look, Lin Yiran suddenly felt uneasy and regretted that he should not have
said such a decisive thing just now.
"Did I just...go too far? Will he go on to harass Yiyi and my mother in anger?"
"It's okay," Huo Jinlin gave her a reassuring look, "With me here, he shouldn't dare."
Huo Jinlin can indeed give people a sense of security. Every time Lin Tianjun makes trouble, he is
the one who suppresses it, so Lin still habitually seeks help from him.
"Please help me deal with this matter. Don't let him harass my mother and Yiyi."
This was the first time she took the initiative to ask for his help. Huo Jinlin was very satisfied and
his mood instantly improved.
"No problem, don't worry. I will send someone to keep an eye on him during this period. I will
also increase the manpower at the hospital and the old house. I will definitely not let him take
advantage of any opportunity."
Huo Jinlin had originally thought of this. Now that Lin Tianjun was heavily in debt and had
nothing, if he was not on guard, he might give up and come pester Xu Juan again.
But now I can just go with the flow and do Lin Yiran a favor, and let her get closer to me, so why
not do it!
"Yes, thank you."
Lin Yiran was always at ease when Huo Jinlin was doing things. She was sure that Lin Yiyi and Xu
Juan would not be disturbed, and her heart finally settled down.
"We don't talk about this as a family," Huo Jinlin raised his wrist and glanced at it. "I'll take you
back after I finish dealing with things here. I have a meeting this afternoon."
"It's okay. I just happened to go to the fried chicken shop. If you have something to do, go ahead
and do it. I can take a taxi back by myself."
The three of them came out of the hall together, and Huo Jinlin's full-time driver was already
waiting at the door.
"Let's go. I'll take you to the fried chicken shop. If you want to go home later, call Xiao Song to
pick you up."
Seeing that Huo Jinlin insisted and the car had already stopped in front of them, Lin Yiran was no
longer stubborn and got in the car. The lawyer also tactfully sat in the passenger seat.
When Guo Nuan saw Lin Yiran coming in, she couldn't help but tease him, "You come to my small
fried chicken shop every day in a Rolls-Royce. Even passers-by can't help but take a second look.
I'm afraid no one would believe that you actually come to work."
Lin Yiran put her backpack into the closet, took out an apron and tied it on, tied her hair with a
rubber band, and said, "Don't make fun of me. No matter what car I take to work, I'm destined to
work for you, my boss."
"Oh, oh, oh, you may be forgetful. I am also an employee now. The boss is your husband, so I am
working for you!"
The two of them joked around for a while, and then another customer came in to order food.
After the evening rush hour was over, Guo Nuan almost forgot about his business.
Just before leaving get off work, he remembered it and quickly called Lin Yiran: "By the way,
Yiran, our fried chicken shop is doing very well now. I was thinking, should we prepare to open a
Guo Nuan had planned about this before, but the fried chicken shop's business was greatly
affected by the online exposure at that time. Now it has finally recovered, and the matter of
opening a branch has been put on the agenda again.
"Branch?" Lin Yiran was a little surprised. "Why haven't I heard you mention it before?"
"Business was not good some time ago, so I didn't dare to say anything. Besides, I wasn't in a
good state during that time, so I put this matter on hold for the time being."
Guo Nuan recalled the reason why the store's business was revived, and said with emotion:
"Speaking of which, your husband is the biggest contributor to our fried chicken shop! The dolls
he designed for us some time ago sold well, and the store's business was booming. Later, when
the online scandal came out, it was thanks to him that he helped us clarify it, and the store's
business was able to pick up again."
When Lin Yiran heard the name Guo Nuan gave her, her face instantly turned red and her heart
started beating fast, and she felt a little embarrassed.
“Will it cost a lot of money to open a branch?”
In fact, Lin Yiran knew nothing about these business matters, so she didn't know how much
capital it would take to open a branch.
Guo Nuan didn't know how Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin got along, and teased her, "Are you the only
one who's short of money?"
Lin Yiran smiled awkwardly. She didn't want anyone to know the relationship between her and
Huo Jinlin.
"No, I just asked so that I can have a budget!"
In fact, she was unwilling to ask Huo Jinlin for money. Although Huo Jinlin gave her a secondary
card when she revealed her identity, Lin still never used it once.
But after thinking it over, Lin Yiran still agreed with Guo Nuan's idea of opening a branch and
decided to ask Xu Juan.
During this period of treatment, Lin Yiran and her friends did not pay a penny. Huo Jinlin said that
their Huo family also contributed funds for this new medical facility, so anyone brought in by the
Huo family can receive treatment for free. Therefore, Lin Yiran guessed that Xu Juan might still
have some money on her.
As expected, when Xu Juan heard about the branch store, she immediately expressed her
"This is a good thing. Mom supports you. I have some money in my card. You can take it!"
Lin Yiran felt a little bad. If she hadn't been forced, she wouldn't have chosen to speak to Xu Juan.
"Mom, consider this money as a loan from you. I'll pay you back when the dividends from the
fried chicken shop come in."
Xu Juan's eyes were slightly red, and she said distressedly: "What are you talking about? I don't
want you to pay me back, but you know that I have almost used up all my money in the hospital
before. If you really want to talk about it, only mom owes you. You have almost spent all the
money on my treatment!"
When the mother and daughter talked about this, they were both a little emotional. Lin Yiran's
mind flashed back to those difficult days. She choked up and said, "Mom, neither of us is allowed
to mention the issue of not paying it back. We are a family, and things will get better day by day
in the future."
If she hadn't helped Lin Tianjun pay the 50,000 yuan in compensation, Lin Yiran's situation would
have been better. Fortunately, she got some money from Xu Juan, which was enough to open a
Guo Nuan didn't know that Lin Yiran had scraped together the money from all over, and when
the two of them had barely scraped together enough money, she began to prepare for the
Lin Yiran was busy outside every day, going out early and coming back late. Song Yuwan felt
distressed when she saw her increasingly thin body.
"Yi Ran, you don't have to work so hard. You've lost a lot of weight recently. Leave the money-
making to Jin Lin. You just need to rest at home peacefully."
Although Song Yuwan is open-minded, she has received a traditional conservative education
since childhood, and the idea that men should be the breadwinners outside and women should
be the homemakers has been deeply engraved in her bones.
However, she also understood the progress of the times, but she didn't want Lin Yiran to continue
to suffer so much.

Chapter 73: Managing Branches

Lin Yiran was very touched, but she wanted to stick to her own ideas: "Mom, thank you for
always thinking about me. Although I know Huo Jinlin is very capable and a person worth relying
on, I also want to have my own career."
The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were sitting on the sofa chatting. At this time, the old
lady came over with a cane and happened to hear what Lin Yiran said.
"Yan'er, grandma supports you. Women can rely on men, but they must have the ability to make
The old lady and the old man fought side by side at that time. They started from scratch and
created such a huge family business of the Huo family, so the old lady can be considered a
professional woman.
"Thank you, grandma."
"You should still pay more attention to rest. I see that you come back so late every day now, and
I'm worried that your body can't take it."
Although Song Yuwan did not stop it, she was still thinking about having a grandson. She felt that
since Lin Yiran was so busy every day, this matter might be a long way off.
Lin Yiran had no idea of what she was thinking and just thought she was concerned about him.
"Mom, it's okay. The fried chicken shop has been doing well recently. Sister Nuan is planning to
open a branch. She's been planning these days so she's a little busy. After a few days, she won't
be so busy once the branch is ready."
She had said so much, Song Yuwan couldn't say anything more, so she could only say: "Okay, then
take care of yourself. If it's too late, let Xiao Song pick you up. It's not safe for you as a girl."
"Yeah, thanks mom. I'll go upstairs first then."
"Go ahead and get some rest."
She was really a little tired these two days. After talking to them, she hurried upstairs. Huo Jinlin
had already returned and was sitting on the sofa in the room reading a book.
Seeing her push the door in, Huo Jinlin raised his eyes to look at her and put the book in his hand
on the table beside him.
"I heard from Xiao Song that Guo Nuan is planning to open a branch?"
He originally thought that the two of them had already spoken their hearts out a few days ago,
and that Lin Yiran would definitely take the initiative to tell him about this matter. However, after
waiting for several days, there was no response from Lin Yiran, so Huo Jinlin had no choice but to
ask her.
"Well, Sister Nuan said that now that the fried chicken shop is so popular, opening another
branch will definitely do very well."
Lin Yiran originally thought that Huo Jinlin already knew about this matter, so she never thought
of bringing it up to him. Unexpectedly, he was completely unaware of it and only heard about it
from Xiao Song.
"You don't have enough funds to open a branch, right? If you need it, I can help you prepare the
funds, just as if it were my investment."
She didn't ask Huo Jinlin for help because she didn't want to use his money. Unexpectedly, Huo
Jinlin would bring it up again.
"It's okay. I still have some money. Sister Nuan and I can pool it together to open a branch. I'll
come to you if I need anything in the future!"
Seeing her obvious refusal, Huo Jinlin didn't want to insist any longer. Although he really hoped
that Lin Yiran could still rely on him, this kind of thing still had to be done step by step and not
rushed for success, so he had to give up.
"Okay then, but don't force it. If you need anything, just tell me. We are a family, so don't be
polite to me."
Lin Yiran didn't know whether her persistence was meaningful, but she just wanted to prove
herself, so she stubbornly wanted to open a branch store on her own.
The two have been living together for a while, but Lin Yiran still can't let go and feels very
embarrassed. If Huo Jinlin is around, she will take her clothes to the children's room, take a
shower and then come back.
Huo Jinlin knew that she was thin-skinned and didn't care too much. As long as she was happy, he
let her do whatever she wanted.
However, Song Yuwan and the old lady didn't know that there had been no substantial progress
between the two, and they were still looking forward to having a grandson as soon as possible.
One morning, Huo Jinlin went out early, and while having breakfast, Song Yuwan asked her
"Yi Ran, are you and Jin Lin getting along well these days?"
Lin Yiran didn't understand what was going on, and said in confusion: "It's fine! Why did you
suddenly think of asking this?"
"Oh, it's nothing." Song Yuwan was also a little embarrassed. "I just saw that you looked a little
tired, so I asked if you didn't sleep well last night?"
As soon as she said this, Lin Yiran immediately understood, and her face instantly turned red like
a ripe apple. She stammered, "It's... It's okay. I was just working on some branch information
these two days, so I went to bed late at night."
The implication was not what you imagined. Song Yuwan was too embarrassed to ask more
questions, so the two of them had to stop talking about this.
Preparations for the branch were in full swing, and Guo Nuan didn't have the energy to take care
of it, so she let Lin Yiran take full charge of all matters concerning the branch.
"Ah? Can I do this alone? I have never done these things before. I have no experience!"
Lin Yiran was still a little nervous when he was suddenly handed over to be responsible for the
entire store. After all, he had never been involved in this kind of thing before. Moreover, it was
the beginning of the new store, so there would definitely be a lot of things to do. Lin Yiran was
afraid that he would not be able to cope with it.
"It's okay, just do it, I'm here for you if you need anything!"
The two have known each other for such a long time, and Guo Nuan is familiar with Lin Yiran's
personality. She thinks she is relatively careful in doing things, so she feels at ease to leave these
things to her. Moreover, nominally speaking, these two stores are considered to be partnerships
between the two of them, so it makes sense for each of them to be in charge of one.
"All right."
With Guo Nuan cheering her on, Lin Yiran also wanted to give it a try.
Unexpectedly, what she feared would come true. Lin Yiran was worried about making mistakes,
but something really happened.
There was a problem with the purchase of raw materials for the branch. In the catering industry,
raw materials are the biggest problem and we cannot be careless at all.
Lin Yiran was so anxious that she was about to cry. The shop assistants didn't know what to do
and could only watch Lin Yiran.
Helpless, she had to call Guo Nuan.
"Sister Nuan, are you busy now? Something happened at the branch. There was a problem with
the raw materials I ordered before."
She briefly described the problem here. Guo Nuan on the other end of the phone was silent for a
few seconds, and then came up with a solution.
"Don't panic. I'll contact Mr. Li, the buyer, to see if we can negotiate and minimize the losses."
Lin Yiran was feeling extremely guilty at this moment. She had just started managing a branch
store, and she had already caused such a big trouble.
"I'm sorry, Sister Nuan, I'm causing you trouble again."
"It's okay, Yiran," Guo Nuan comforted her while searching for Mr. Li's phone number. "Now is not
the time to talk about this. You should keep the store running smoothly first. I'll handle this
matter. I'll get back to you after I call Mr. Li."
Lin Yiran nodded. She also understood that the more she couldn't panic at this time, otherwise
the employees in the store would not know what to do.

Chapter 74 Opening Event

Guo Nuan's fried chicken shop has been open for many years. Although she has never
encountered such a thing, the buyers still have to give her some face, so the matter was quickly
handled with just one phone call.
"Thank you, thank you, Sister Nuan. I'm so lucky to have you today. Otherwise, I really don't know
what I would do if I encountered something like this."
Lin Yiran felt very guilty. Fortunately, Guo Nuan solved the problem. If she had caused such a big
trouble to the fried chicken shop on the first day, she really didn't know what to do.
"It's okay, don't think too much. It's normal for you to be unfamiliar with these things since this is
your first time. The matter has been resolved, so don't take it to heart."
Although a fried chicken shop may seem simple, things inside it are actually very complicated. It
took Guo Nuan a long time to get familiar with it when she first started.
"The most important thing right now is to quickly adjust the status and plan the subsequent
opening activities. This is the most important thing."
The opening event of every store is the most important. It is the most critical event to increase
the store’s popularity, so there are many things to prepare.
Lin Yiran knew this better than anyone else: "I understand. I will do my best to prepare for the
"Well, I'm sure you'll do well."
Guo Nuan was always afraid that she would get discouraged, so she kept cheering her up.
The branch prepared for a three-day trial operation. Lin Yiran went out early and came back late
every day. He recorded and made appropriate adjustments to the problems found during the trial
operation and areas that needed improvement.
Moreover, the trial operation period is when customers are most likely to discover problems, so
Lin Yiran actively communicates with customers in the store every day to discover and correct
problems in a timely manner. Guo Nuan is very pleased to see her progress.
"How is it going these days?"
The trial operation was soon over, and Gu Nuan and Lin Yiran began to discuss subsequent
opening activities.
Lin Yiran is very satisfied with the results of the trial operation in the past few days: "It's very
good. We also held free tasting activities for some items, which not only greatly increased the
popularity of our fried chicken shop, but also these items sold very well during the trial operation
Guo Nuan didn't expect that she could do so well in her first time, and she was very surprised.
Not only that, Lin Yiran also summed up his experience and proposed an interactive activity by
learning about the opening activities of some other stores.
"Some of our products are selling very well nowadays. We can take this opportunity to create a
fan interaction group and let customers who like our products to collect likes on their Moments.
Customers who reach a certain number of likes can receive a free copy of the product with their
Moments. In this way, we can not only easily achieve the purpose of publicity, but also greatly
increase the flow of customers to the fried chicken shop and let more people become familiar
with our store."
"This is a good idea," Guo Nuan's eyes lit up after hearing it. "I fully support this activity.
Nowadays, people are always using their phones, so this kind of promotional method will
definitely have an extraordinary effect."
"Well, I hope so!"
This was also the first time that Lin Yiran planned such an event, so she didn’t have too high
hopes. She just tried her best to do it well.
"Don't worry, the effect will definitely be very good."
Although it hasn't started yet, Guo Nuan has already anticipated that the result will definitely be
"In addition, in the early stage of the store's operation, we can adopt the model of distributing
vouchers to customers to attract customers to make secondary purchases. This is the method we
used when we opened the fried chicken store before, and the effect is still very good."
Lin Yiran wrote down everything Guo Nuan said in her notebook. When she finished writing, Guo
Nuan continued, "If the consumption reaches a certain amount, we can also give small gifts to
attract the customer's attention. We can buy some balloons and small accessories. This will make
the customer feel valued, especially those who come with children. They will definitely choose us
next time."
"Small gifts? What about those dolls from last time? Aren't those very popular with kids? We can
use those as gifts!"
Lin Yiran was puzzled. Since there were already some ready-made small gifts, why did Guo Nuan
want to buy other things?
Guo Nuan looked at her with a sly smile: "I know that thing is popular, but your husband is very
busy, how can I let him help me design this thing?"

Lin Yiran was ashamed. Although she felt that something was wrong, she still mentioned the
matter to Huo Jinlin when she returned home at night.
"No problem. I'll design a few more tomorrow when I'm free. You can give them as gifts when
you open your business."
Lin Yiran felt warm in her heart. She wanted to thank him but felt it was a bit cheesy, so she just
nodded silently and said nothing.
Huo Jinlin was very efficient and had the design drawings delivered the next day. Lin Yiran took a
look and found that these dolls were better than the previous designs. It seemed that Huo Jinlin
was helping her with this very attentively.
Guo Nuan also liked it after seeing it: "So cute, your husband is really a versatile person, sister,
you picked up a treasure."
She always spoke so bluntly, but Lin Yiran found it difficult to accept. She smiled awkwardly and
did not answer.
The opening day happened to be a Saturday, which was a day Guo Nuan had specially chosen. On
weekdays, both adults and children had no time, so the publicity effect would definitely not be
good. On weekends, popularity would be higher anyway.
Because several activities were carried out at the same time, the generous benefits attracted
many customers. Business was booming that day. Guo Nuan mobilized all the staff from another
store and hired a few extra temporary workers, but they were almost overwhelmed.
Lin Yiran was busy all day, and only when she had some free time did she realize that Huo Jinlin
had come with her two children and Lin Yiyi.
The children were even helping to distribute flyers at the door, and what surprised Lin Yiran and
Guo Nuan was that Huo Jinlin was actually helping to serve the food.
Lao Qin looked at the two of them with a look of astonishment and remained calm. He silently
reminded them with his mouth: "You just saw it. They have been doing it for a long time."
Seeing some flour on his neat and immaculate western-style coat, Lin Yiran suddenly felt a
strange feeling in her heart. He seemed to be different from those young masters of aristocratic
"You...when did you come? Leave these here, we'll pick them up later."
"It's okay. You guys seem to be busy. We've been here for a while, but we didn't call you because
we saw you were busy."
Huo Jinlin expressionlessly collected all the leftovers on the table into the plate, then took the
plate over and dumped it into the trash can, and placed the dirty plate on the washing table.

Chapter 75: Outing in the Countryside

"Wow, look, that guy is so handsome!"
"Oh my god, this is such a waste. You can make a living with your looks, why do you still have to
serve dishes here?"
"Why, are you feeling sorry for him? He's not your boyfriend!"
"No, no, you look so handsome, I have to go get a contact number."
Several college students were sitting at the table near the cashier counter. Lin Yiran heard all their
conversation. She glanced at Huo Jinlin with a sly smile, but saw that he still had a blank
expression on his face.
Old Qin, who was standing nearby, also heard this. The corners of his mouth twitched and he
obviously wanted to laugh, but Guo Nuan rolled his eyes at him, and he swallowed the words
back in an instant.
At this time, the people in the store had gradually dispersed, and there were not as many people
as at the beginning. A female college student, encouraged by her friends, came to Huo Jinlin with
gritted teeth.
But the man's powerful aura left her speechless, and she just stood there in a daze, holding her
Oh my god, his facial features are so handsome. I couldn’t see him clearly from a distance just
now, but now standing in front of him, I feel like I’m going to faint from his handsomeness.
"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"
Huo Jinlin, a thick-skinned man, didn't think about these things at all. He just saw her standing
next to him and staring at him, and he felt a little confused.
Damn, this voice is so charming, isn’t it so beautiful?
The female college student simply regarded Huo Jinlin as her idol and mustered up the courage
to hand over the QR code on her phone.
"Handsome guy, can you add me on WeChat?"
"I'm sorry, the boss lady is my wife. You can just add her WeChat and contact her directly if you
need anything."
Lin Yiran stood not far away, watching the girl's face turn from white to red, and then from red to
dark white, feeling quite touched.
Although Huo Jinlin's words were very tactful, his rejection was also very direct. The girl walked
back to her chair awkwardly and sat down, with an expression on her face that looked like she
was almost crying.
"Hey," Lin Yiran pretended to tease, "You offended my customers!"
Guo Nuan covered her mouth and laughed, then agreed, "That's right, add the contact
information quickly, otherwise if you offend them and they don't come next time, it's your fault."
Huo Jinlin: “…”
The jokes were made in a very low voice, so the girls didn't hear them. Perhaps they felt a little
embarrassed, so they quickly packed up and left.
Huo Jinlin was not good at dealing with such jokes from them. To be more precise, no one dared
to play such jokes on him under normal circumstances, so he simply kept silent and let them play
The children were usually not allowed to come to such places, so they were particularly excited
today. Lin Yiran specially made some food for them, and the three children ate with gusto.
Lin Yiran felt guilty when she saw how happy they were. She had been so busy with the store
recently that she had neglected them. She hadn't spent much time with them for a long time.
"What's wrong? You seem a little unhappy!"
Huo Jinlin noticed her mood change at a glance and was a little worried, thinking that Lin Yiran
was unhappy about the girl asking for her phone number just now.
"It's okay, I just feel like I owe the kids too much lately. I've been busy with the store, leaving early
and returning late every day. Sometimes I don't even see them for a few days."
Girls are more emotional by nature. After spending some time together, Lin Yiran has developed
feelings for these two children. She felt a little uncomfortable after not seeing them for a few
Huo Jinlin had originally planned to take them out for some fun over the weekend, and also to
strengthen his relationship with Lin Yiran, so he took the opportunity to offer his suggestions.
"Why don't we go for an outing this weekend? The weather has been great lately, perfect for
going out."
Lin Yiran felt guilty, so she agreed to Huo Jinlin's request.
The busy day was gradually coming to an end and everyone was a little tired. What surprised Lin
Yiran was that Song Yuwan and the old lady actually came over.
The two children ran over excitedly. When Lin Yiran saw them coming, she was so shocked that
she didn't know what to say for a moment.
"Grandma, Mom, you guys..."
Song Yuwan took the two children into her arms, glanced at Huo Jinlin, and said in dissatisfaction:
"Jinlin, you are too much. You secretly brought the children here without bringing me and
grandma. We almost forgot about it."
Huo Jinlin looked wronged: "How did I know you guys were coming too!"
"I'm too lazy to talk to you," Song Yuwan turned to look at Lin Yiran, and said apologetically,
"Yiran, I'm sorry, my grandma and I are late."
Lin Yiran was so moved that her eyes were red. She looked at her with a choked voice, "Mom,
what are you talking about? I'm already very happy that you and grandma can come in person.
How can it be late?"
Lin Yiran already found it incredible that Huo Jinlin could humble himself enough to come to the
store to help, but she didn't expect that Song Yuwan and the old lady would come in person.
Even Guo Nuan was surprised. When the two of them went to the kitchen to prepare tea for the
old lady, she said with emotion: "Sister, you really married the right person. Even your mother-in-
law treats you so well. You should be content!"
On the way home, Lin Yiran was still feeling restless for a long time. She had always been afraid
that Song Yu would oppose her working so hard, but she didn't expect that they would not only
support her spiritually, but also show their attitude with practical actions. How could Lin Yiran not
be moved? She secretly made up her mind to take good care of them in the Huo family in the
The branch got on track smoothly after its opening. Guo Nuan and Lin Yiran worked hard for a
while to train the several workers who were about to take up their posts. Lin Yiran finally didn't
have to go to work early and come back late every day. Only then did Huo Jinlin put his outing
plan on the agenda.
In order to create a better atmosphere and also to avoid being disturbed, Huo Jinlin decided to
drive there himself. Fortunately, the outing location was near his home and it wouldn't take long
to drive there.
However, when Lin Yiyi saw that Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran had been lukewarm for such a long time,
she couldn't help but worry about them at a young age, so she secretly taught Dabao and
Xiaobao at home to create opportunities for them.
The black Rolls-Royce was filled with things for the outing, and the group officially set off. It was
the first time for the two children to go out with them, and they were very excited looking at the
unfamiliar scenery outside the window.
Suddenly, Lin Yiyi coughed twice. Lin Yiran turned around and asked worriedly, "Yiyi, are you
wearing too few clothes? Although the weather has started to warm up, you still have to be more
careful and don't catch a cold."
"Ahem, I'm fine, my throat just feels a little uncomfortable, I'll be fine after drinking some water."
She looked at Dabao and Xiaobao again and gave them a secret look.

Chapter 76 First Kiss

Dabao and Xiaobao finally understood, and with their eyes wide open, they asked Lin Yiran
curiously, "Mom, are you and Dad really husband and wife? Why are you never close?"
"That's right, you don't look like a couple at all. My classmates' parents would hug each other
before leaving the house, but you never do that."
"how do you know?"
Xiao Bao said proudly: "Of course I know. Last time I went to their house, his parents were like
As the two children were talking, Lin Yiyi also joined in, and the three children began to have a
heated discussion in the car.
Lin Yiran blushed so much that she didn't dare to look at them or answer their questions.
After the three children finished their discussion, the car had already slowly driven to the foot of
the mountain. Huo Jinlin found a parking space and parked the car in, then said, "What do you
kids know? Stop talking nonsense."
"Why don't we understand? We are not children anymore. It is wrong for you to do this."
The three children were all staring at the two of them. Lin Yiran was sitting in the passenger seat,
her face flushed. Huo Jinlin simply took advantage of the situation, lifted her face with his hands,
and kissed her gently.
This was the first time they kissed. Lin Yiran was completely stunned. The scent of Huo Jinlin
lingered in her nose.
An ambiguous atmosphere permeated the air, and Lin Yiran felt that he must be like a cooked
shrimp at this moment, with his whole body red.
Unexpectedly, the three children were so excited when they saw this scene that they even
applauded in the back row, which made Lin Yiran feel even more embarrassed.
Seeing passers-by coming, even though he knew that there was an anti-peeping film on the car
window and people outside could not see what was happening inside, Lin Yiran still felt guilty and
quickly pushed Huo Jinlin away.
Huo Jinlin thought she was angry, but when he saw that she was just shy, he parked the car, took
the food and water he brought and started climbing the mountain.
The children quickly put on their backpacks and followed Huo Jinlin. Lin didn't exercise much, so
he felt exhausted after climbing a short distance and leaned against a big tree, gasping for breath.
"Mom, let Dad carry you!"
After listening to Lin Yiyi's words, Dabao tried his best to create opportunities for Lin Yiran and
the others. However, before Lin Yiran could refuse, he heard Xiaobao's voice coming from the
"Dad, Mom can't walk anymore, so I ask you to carry her on your back."
Lin Yiran: “…” Who taught these naughty kids?
Without saying a word, Huo Jinlin turned back, took off Lin Yiran's backpack and hung it on his
own shoulders.
"No, I can..."
"How is it, can you still walk?"
Lin Yiran was afraid that he would say that he would carry her on his back, so she nodded quickly:
"I'm fine, don't listen to their nonsense. I just haven't exercised for a long time, so I'm a little
uncomfortable for a while. I'll lean here and rest for a while."
"Well, as long as you can walk, hold on. There is a pavilion not far ahead. Let's go there to rest for
a while and eat something."
This place can almost be regarded as the Huo family's territory. Huo Jinlin often brings his
children here, so he is already familiar with the place.
"Well, let's go. I'm fine."
In order to prevent the kids from doing anything naughty again, Lin Yiran tried his best to keep up
with them.
Sure enough, after walking a few steps, a pavilion came into view. The three children had already
excitedly spread a tablecloth on the stone table and placed the things they brought on it.
"Sister, you are too slow, hurry up."
Lin Yiyi called Lin Yiran over. The three children had already reserved seats for her, and only the
seat next to Huo Jinlin was empty.
She shook her head and sat down on the stone bench. She hadn't exercised for a long time and
her legs were sore after just a few steps. Lin Yin sat down and tapped her legs lightly with her
The sharp-eyed Xiaobao soon saw it again: "Dad, please help mom's legs. Her legs hurt."
Lin Yiran sat up straight in embarrassment, quickly stopped Huo Jinlin's outstretched hand, and
said with a fake smile: "It's okay, my leg doesn't hurt."
All the food was packed by Song Yuwan and the servants with the help of the children. Lin Yiran
didn't even notice what they brought.
Lin Yiyi took out a few pieces of cake and gave one to each of them, but when it came to Lin
Yiran, the spoon was gone.
"Sister, I think I forgot a spoon. Why don't you let your brother-in-law feed you?"
Lin Yiran: "...It's okay, I don't like eating cake, you guys eat it!"
Having said that, she was feeling very angry inside. Seeing them eating one delicious bite after
another, her stomach started to growl.
Huo Jinlin hinted at the children's eyes and handed over a spoonful of cake. Lin Yiran finally
couldn't help it and ate the cake in one bite.
Seeing that their plan had succeeded, the children began to smirk again. Dabao said
mischievously, "Mom, Dad just kissed you. Now it's your turn to take the initiative."
Lin Yiran was still very embarrassed, but under the strong gazes of several children, she had no
choice but to do as she was told. She quickly kissed Huo Jinlin on the lips, as fast as a dragonfly
touching the water, so fast that it was almost unnoticeable.
The children were not satisfied. Dabao pouted and said, "It's boring. I think you are just a fake
couple. You won't even kiss me. What's the point?"
Lin Yiran felt that she had no way to defend herself, but Huo Jinlin seemed to be enjoying it and
sat beside her without saying a word.
Helplessly, under the instigation of the children, Lin Yiran had to kiss her again. Her unskilled
kissing skills made Huo Jinlin unable to hold back, and he couldn't help but hold her face to
deepen the kiss.
The warm touch instantly made Lin Yiran's heart beat faster, and she didn't even know what to do
with her raised hands.
The sweetness from her mouth made Huo Jinlin unable to stop. If he hadn't considered the
children around, he really wanted to kiss that cherry mouth hard and grab that sweetness.
Lin Yiran's heart was beating like a deer and she couldn't calm down for a long time.
The atmosphere between the two became extremely awkward, and an ambiguous atmosphere
filled the entire forest. Lin Yiran blushed and didn't dare to look at Huo Jinlin anymore. She
lowered her head and followed them up the mountain silently.
I thought it was just an ordinary hill, but I didn't expect there was a luxuriously decorated villa on
the top of the hill. Just by looking at the exterior, you can tell that the decoration inside must be
"Where is this? There's not even a speck of dust?"
Lin Yiran looked at Huo Jinlin in surprise as he took out the key, opened the door, and brought her
to the living room with ease.
There was a slight musty smell in the room, perhaps because it was in the mountains. Huo Jinlin
walked over and opened all the windows to let in some air.
"The Huo family's villa is specially used for vacation. I just asked an aunt to come and clean it two
days ago."

Chapter 77: Heavy Rain

Lin Yiran was speechless. How much wealth did the Huo family have that she didn't know about?
Although this villa is built in the forest, it has a unique flavor. It is surrounded by quiet bamboo
forests. In this spring season, you can even smell the fragrance of bamboo shoots.
Moreover, the house covers a large area, and there is a large lawn behind the house, like a small
golf course. There are several stone tables deep in the bamboo forest on the side of the house. It
is indeed a great place for vacation and leisure.
She couldn't help but muttered quietly, "These rich people really know how to enjoy
Huo Jinlin didn't hear clearly: "What did you say?"
"Ah... it's okay, it's okay," Lin Yiran shook her head awkwardly, and looked around again. She
didn't see the three children, so she asked in confusion, "Where are the children?"
"Dabao and Xiaobao should have taken Yiyi to play somewhere else. It's okay. They come here
often and are used to it."
Although Lin Yiran knew that these children must be very smart and wanted to give them a
chance to be alone together, this was after all in the deep mountains and forests, and the
children were not very old, so Lin Yiran was still a little worried.
"Let's go look for them before they get too far away."
"It's okay, let them go, it's safe here."
Huo Jinlin was not worried at all. He calmly took out a pot of tea from the cupboard, sat down
and started to boil water.
Lin Yiran sat down awkwardly, watching his slender fingers arranging the tea sets. She couldn't
help but think of the scene in the car just now. The warmth on his lips seemed to still be there,
and her face suddenly felt hot again.
"What's wrong? Are you hot? Why is your face so red?"
Lin Yiran was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a hole to crawl into. Could she tell him that
she was imagining the kissing scene just now?
She could only vaguely follow his words and said, "Uh... it's a little hot, I'll just go out and get
some fresh air."
The temperature is just right for this season. Huo Jinlin thought she was too tired from climbing
the mountain just now, so she had a fever, so he didn't take it seriously.
On the first night on the mountain, there was a rainstorm that happened only once in a century.
It was the first time for Lin Yiyi to spend the night in such a deserted mountain, and she couldn't
help feeling a little scared.
She had been prepared to live with the three children, but was unexpectedly kicked out. The
three children were so excited when they heard the crackling sound of rain hitting the awning
that they were determined not to let Lin Yiran sleep next to them.
Watching the rain falling from the eaves flowing in a straight line, Lin Yiran suddenly had a feeling
of "listening to the spring rain in the small building all night". Smelling the fragrance of green
grass coming from the soil, mixed with a bit of the smell of soil, she suddenly felt very relaxed.
"Dad, let's play a game!"
It was a rare opportunity for Huo Jinlin to have such relaxing time to spend with the children.
Several of the children were so excited that they kept pestering him to play games.
"Okay, so what do you want to play?"
"Uh..." Xiaobao looked up at the dark sky outside, his round eyes rolled a few times before he
said, "The eagle catches the chicken?"
As a result, Dabao rolled his eyes and tapped his forehead with his index finger, saying like a little
adult: "Are you childish? You are already a grown-up, and you are still talking like this. Let's play
rock-paper-scissors, and whoever loses will be punished."
"Tsk, isn't this even more childish? I don't want to play this!"
Seeing that the two children were about to quarrel over this, Lin Yiyi sensibly came out to smooth
things over.
"It's okay, sister and brother-in-law, why don't we just play all the games that Dabao and Xiaobao
want to play later? It's still early anyway."
Her understanding made Lin Yiran feel a little pain in her heart. Lin Yiyi was only one year older
than the two children, but she could not play and fight as recklessly as Dabao and Xiaobao.
When Dabao heard Lin Yiyi's idea, his eyes lit up instantly, and he said happily: "Okay, okay, Mom
and Dad, let's each choose a game to play, okay, okay?"
The two adults felt that they owed them during this period of time, so they naturally couldn't
bear to refuse them. They played games with them all night until everyone was exhausted. Only
then did Huo Jinlin force the three of them to go to bed.
The rain was still falling outside the window, and the sound from the mountains seemed
particularly loud, echoing outside the house.
Lin Yiran had no athletic talent to begin with, and after playing with the children for a while, she
was so tired that she slumped down on the sofa, not even wanting to lift her arms.
Huo Jinlin felt so distressed when he saw how tired she was: "Let me give you a massage. You
must be sore all over your muscles. These naughty kids are not easy to take care of."
Lin Yiran was just looking forward to it so she didn't refuse. She took a small pillow and placed it
behind her, then sat up straight and let Huo Jinlin massage her shoulders.
The pair of powerful hands gently kneaded Lin Yiran's neck with just the right amount of force,
which was very comfortable. Lin Yiran then leaned her head against the back of the sofa and
closed her eyes to take a nap.
The distance between the two was very close. Lin Yiran tilted her head back, and Huo Jinlin's
breath just hit her face lightly. A special and ambiguous atmosphere rose between them.
Lin Yiran was still in a daze and felt Huo Jinlin's kisses coming at her from all directions. She was
unable to bear it and was almost suffocated. She could only grab Huo Jinlin's strong and powerful
Everything happened naturally. The two of them had moved from the sofa to the bed without
knowing when. Lin Yiran was startled by the sudden coldness and took a breath, but the sound
was quickly swallowed back into her mouth.
The sound of rain outside the window gradually died down, strange noises in the house became
faint, and the lights in the room gradually turned off, leaving only a small dim light.
The temperature gradually rose, and the house was filled with beauty and then a mess.
The next morning, when Lin Yiran woke up, she felt sore all over, as if she had been crushed by a
truck. Her mind went blank for a second before she realized what had happened last night.
When she went downstairs, Huo Jinlin had already prepared breakfast. The three children were
sitting neatly at the dining table. She walked over awkwardly and sat down next to Lin Yiyi.
"Mom, did you sleep well last night? Dad said you had insomnia and asked us not to disturb you."

Lin Yiran bit her lip awkwardly, and Huo Jinlin quickly came out to rescue her: "Okay, let's eat
quickly. The weather is good today. After dinner, take Yiyi to the grass behind for a walk."
The air on the mountain was very fresh after the rain. Dabao and Xiaobao had been kept in
Nanlinyuan for a long time. Once they arrived at such a place, they were naturally like wild horses
running free. They were extremely excited. After receiving Huo Jinlin's instructions, they
immediately forgot about Lin Yiran.
"Yiyi, you don't know, there are so many interesting things on this mountain, hurry up and finish
your meal and we will take you to see them."
Lin Yiran gently used a spoon to stir the millet porridge in the bowl. It must be said that the
porridge cooked by Huo Jinlin, a young master who had never touched housework, was actually
quite fragrant.

Chapter 78 Deliberate Pressure

Since the two of them became husband and wife, their relationship has naturally become closer.
Occasionally, when she is happy, Lin Yiran will lightly kiss Huo Jinlin on the face.
Song Yuwan was very pleased to see that they finally had some normal ways of getting along with
each other as a couple.
"Yi Ran, it's been a long time since you and Jin Lin got married. Now is the time to put having
children on the agenda while you are still young."
Lin Yiran had actually never thought about this matter before. If Song Yuwan hadn't mentioned it
now, she would probably have been confused and not paid attention to it.
Huo Jinlin, who was eating at the side, paused, put the spoon on the plate, took a tissue and
wiped his mouth elegantly, then said: "Mom, we will arrange these things ourselves, so don't
worry about it."
"Why worry about nothing?" Song Yuwan looked a little unhappy. "I'm your biological mother. Is
it wrong for me to want to have a grandson?"
"Aren't there two of us? Are you not busy enough?"
Song Yuwan glanced at Dabao and Xiaobao who were eating, and lowered her voice and asked,
"Can this be the same?"
Seeing that the tension between the mother and the son was gradually growing, Lin Yiran was
afraid that they would say something else in a hurry, especially in front of the two children.
"Mom, don't worry. We will take this matter to heart. But you also know that such things cannot
be rushed. We can only let nature take its course."
After hearing this, Song Yuwan's anger subsided a little. She gently patted the back of Lin Yiran's
hand, then glanced at Huo Jinlin unhappily.
"Yi'ran, mom knew you were the most sensible, so it's no wonder people say a daughter is a
mother's sweet little cotton-padded jacket. Look, you know how to piss me off after giving birth
to a son."
Lin Yiran glanced at Huo Jinlin silently. He was so angry that his face changed. He ate the rice in
his bowl silently and ignored them. Lin Yiran could only cover her mouth and laugh awkwardly.
In the evening, Huo Jinlin took the initiative to find Lin Yiran and mentioned this matter. Lin Yiran
originally thought that he said those words to deal with Song Yuwan, but she never thought that
he really didn't want a child.
"Nowadays, Dabao and Xiaobao are both in trouble. If we have another one at this time, I'm
afraid we won't have enough energy to take care of him. So I don't have the idea of having
children for the time being. What do you think?"
"I'm fine with either. If you don't want it, then let's not have it for now. Anyway, everyone is very
busy now and may not have time to have a baby."
Now that he had said this, what else could Lin Yiran say? In fact, she didn't think too much about
it. If he didn't want it, she would respect Huo Jinlin's idea.
Moreover, now that the branch of the fried chicken restaurant is just getting on track, and Lin
Yiran is looking to make a big career, she also feels that it is better not to have children for the
time being.
The next day when going to work, Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin went out together. Xiao Song, the
driver of Nanlinyuan, took her child to school, so Huo Jinlin asked the driver to give her a special
When they arrived at the fried chicken shop, Lin Yiran gave Huo Jinlin a few more instructions.
When she came down, she saw Guo Nuan looking at her with a meaningful smile on his face.
"Zizizizi, you look so rosy-cheeked. Have you taken a step closer to Mr. Huo?"
Lin Yiran bent her finger and tapped her forehead: "Girls, you are asking about other people's
boudoirs in broad daylight. Aren't you afraid that your husband Qin will dislike you?"
Guo Nuan rubbed his forehead which was hurt by her beating, and asked unwillingly: "Just tell
me if it's what I said?"
There is nothing to hide about this. They were lukewarm before, but now they have suddenly
become so close. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that there must have been substantial
progress between them.
"Yes, yes, you guessed it right, okay?"
"Alas," Guo Nuan deliberately sighed deeply and said regretfully, "It seems that you will soon go
home to take care of your husband and children, and I will be left alone to fight alone again."
Lin Yiran was puzzled: "Who told you that I'm going home to take care of my husband and
Although there has been substantial progress between her and Huo Jinlin, it doesn't mean that
she can't continue working in the fried chicken shop!
"You're pregnant, so why do you want to come to the fried chicken shop to help out? Even if Huo
Jinlin agrees, will the rest of the Huo family agree?"
Lin Yiran rolled her eyes at her and said, "I'm not pregnant, and I don't have any plans to have a
baby for the time being."
"You don't want to have children?" Guo Nuan couldn't help but raise her voice and said, "You are
so young and don't want to have children. Do you want to wait until you are too old to have
children? Besides, the Huo family can afford to raise them."
Lin Yiran glanced at the people around him awkwardly and lowered his voice, "Keep your voice
down, everyone is looking at us!"
Guo Nuan also noticed this and lowered her voice to persuade him, "Why do you think so? Now
is the best time for you two to have a baby. In two years, you will be too old to recover after
having a baby."
"It's Huo Jinlin who doesn't want to have a baby. The Huo family already has two children, as you
When Lin Yiran mentioned this, her eyes were a little dim. Guo Nuan didn't know about the Huo
family's affairs, but she was so hot-tempered that she instantly got angry when she heard this.
"Silly girl, the Huo family is rich and powerful, and they can afford to raise another child. Besides,
you are so young, you should have a child of your own. No matter how caring those two children
are, they are not your own children after all, and they are different."
After hearing what Guo Nuan said, Lin Yiran felt a lump in her heart. Her words seemed to make
sense. No matter what, every woman has the right to choose to be a mother. If she doesn't have
a child of her own in this life, wouldn't that be a lifelong regret?
After returning from the fried chicken shop, Guo Nuan's words had been lingering in her mind,
but when she walked into the living room and saw the caring greetings from the whole family,
she quickly figured it out.
These two children have miserable life experiences and are still young. If they had their own
children, they would definitely neglect them.
Moreover, she and Huo Jinlin had just gotten married and their relationship was not stable yet. It
did not seem appropriate to have a child too early. If she wanted her own child, she could just
have another one after everything was stable.
"Yi Ran, what are you thinking about? It's time to eat. Jin Lin has something to do at the company
today so he won't be back for dinner. We won't wait for him."
Song Yuwan received a call from the father and son early in the morning. Huo Nantian was away
from home all year round, and she had gotten used to it. It was also normal for Huo Jinlin not to
come back for dinner occasionally, and she didn't take it to heart.
Lin Yiran didn't take it seriously, but for several weeks, Huo Jinlin went out early and came back
late, and basically every time he came back he looked tired, and most of the time he didn't even
come back, so the family began to feel strange.

Chapter 79 Adoption Information

"Jinlin, why do you come back so late every day recently?"
Seeing that the relationship between the young couple had just become a little more normal,
Huo Jinlin kept going out early and coming back late. Song Yuwan was afraid that it would affect
their relationship.
Huo Jinlin put down the spoon of porridge in his hand and pinched his eyebrows tiredly. He didn't
come back until after three in the morning last night, and he had a morning meeting at nine this
morning. Huo Jinlin was still a little groggy.
"There have been too many things going on in the company recently. My father created trouble
for me at the shareholders' meeting, so much so that the people on the board of directors saw
that he no longer fully supported me and started to make trouble for no reason in the company."
"Your dad?" Song Yuwan looked at him in disbelief. "Is it because of what happened between you
and Yiran?"
She suddenly remembered that Huo Nantian came back a few days ago, but when he saw that
Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran were getting along well, he immediately left with a dark face.
Huo Jinlin nodded helplessly, and said in a tired voice: "I have been developing new areas
recently. Otherwise, I can't gain a firm foothold in the company and will be controlled by him all
the time."
"Well, this old man is very stubborn. It's really chilling."
Before, Song Yuwan thought that Huo Nantian was just being weird and throwing a tantrum, but
she didn't expect him to be so excessive and so heartless to his own son. Song Yuwan was really
disappointed in him.
Neither the mother nor the son noticed that Lin Yiran had stood at the stairs at some point. She
heard everything they said, and she felt very uncomfortable.
A few days ago, she felt uncomfortable that Huo Jinlin didn't want a child, but now she realized
that Huo Jinlin had secretly endured so much for her.
Lin Yiran turned around and went back to her room silently. She knew that Huo Jinlin definitely
didn't want her to know about these messed up things, so she pretended to be unaware of them.
After a long while, Lin Yiran came down from upstairs only after making sure that Huo Jinlin had
left. Song Yuwan was sitting on the sofa resting, looking tired, with his brows furrowed into a
shape of a "川" (river) shape.
Seeing her coming down, Song Yuwan quickly put away the unhappy mood on her face: "Are you
up? Do you want to go to the store today?"
Lin Yiran was touched and sad: "It's okay, Mom, the store is not busy today, I'll go shopping with
After knowing the whole story, she knew that she was powerless to change the status quo, but
she still tried to do her best with her meager strength, even if it was just to make Song Yuwan
The two of them went to the mall and bought some daily necessities, and then went to the
supermarket to buy some food. Song Yuwan's mood finally improved.
As a result, on the way home, Lin Yiran suddenly received a call from the police station. She was
furious and guessed that Lin Tianjun must have caused trouble again. This time she didn't want to
care about him anymore.
"No, Ms. Lin, we hope you can come over. We want to know some information about your
adoption when you were a child."
"Adoption information? Okay, wait a moment, I'll be right over."
Song Yuwan had also heard that Lin Yiran was an adopted daughter, but she was a little worried
when this matter was suddenly mentioned: "Why do you suddenly want to know this? Could it be
that she met a scammer?"
"That shouldn't be the case. The call is from the police station. I'll just go over and take a look and
I'll know."
"Well, I'll go with you!"
The two of them went straight to the police station, where the staff were already waiting for her.
Lin was still a little surprised. She didn't expect this to be true.
"Hello, may I ask why you suddenly came to me to find out about this?"
Two staff members sat down opposite her. One took out a piece of paper to make a note, while
the other explained, "It's like this, Ms. Lin. The police have received news that your biological
parents have come to us. However, we still need to confirm your information before we can
conduct a DNA comparison."
"biological parents?"
Lin Yiran looked at Song Yuwan beside her in disbelief, then turned to look at the two staff
members in front of her. She felt as if she had suddenly won a multi-million dollar prize.
"Ms. Lin, we have only locked you based on the data in the database, but the final result still
needs to be verified."
They see a lot of missing person notices like this every year, and some of the scattered family
members are indeed found, but there are also many who are found not to be their family
members after the final comparison, so the staff have gotten used to it.
"Ms. Lin, what are the names of your adoptive parents?"
"My adoptive mother is Xu Juan, and my adoptive father is Lin Tianjun."
"Where were you adopted? How old were you when you were adopted? What details can you
No one has mentioned this matter for so many years. When asked about it for a while, Lin Yiran
was still a little confused. She tried hard to recall it in her mind, but could only remember some
incoherent fragments.
"My foster mother adopted me from an orphanage, but I can't remember where the orphanage
was or what it was called. I must have been very young when she brought me home, and I can't
remember exactly how old I was."
These things happened a long time ago. She seemed to be able to remember some of them when
she was a child, but now so many years have passed and she can no longer remember them.
"Well, is there any other information?"
Lin Yiran shook his head: "I really can't remember."
The staff member closed the notebook in his hand and said, "Okay, Miss Lin, you can go back first.
Your situation is quite complicated. We still have to go to the local orphanage to find out more
about the situation. If there is any new information, we will contact you in time."
"Okay, okay. Thank you."
After coming out of the police station, Lin Yiran felt her mood getting uneasy. She suddenly felt a
little expectant, wondering what her biological parents would look like.
Song Yuwan had been accompanying her silently without saying a word just now. When she came
out, she asked, "Yi Ran, are you eager to meet your biological parents?"
In fact, she had many doubts in her heart. Why didn’t Lin Yiran’s parents come to see her for so
many years, and now they suddenly appeared?
And since you want to get it back now, why did you throw it away back then?
But Lin Yiran was simple-minded and had never thought about these things for so many years.
She nodded happily: "Well, I really want to know what they look like. I have never seen them! No,
maybe I saw them when I was a child, but now I have forgotten everything."
Lin Yiran's mood was still a little complicated. She had wanted to mention this matter to Huo
Jinlin many times, but seeing that he had been busy with work during this period, she finally
didn't want to disturb him and said nothing.

Chapter 80 Father and Daughter Reunited

This incident was gradually forgotten until the day when Lin Yiran received another call from the
police station.
This time, Song Yuwan accompanied her again, but waiting for them at the police station were
not only two staff members, but also Lin Yiran's biological father.
Their DNA test report has come out. The middle-aged man in front of them, who is burly, has
sparse and messy hair and looks very experienced, is Lin Yiran's father.
" are Yaya?"
The man looked at the graceful Lin Yiran in front of him and his eyes suddenly filled with tears. He
wanted to go forward several times but stopped in his tracks. This moved everyone who saw him.
Lin Yiran looked at the strange man in front of her with mixed feelings. She had imagined the
scene of meeting her biological parents countless times and thought she would excitedly run over
and hug them, but when the moment really came, she found that she could hardly move her feet
when she stood there.
Behind the man, a girl who was about the same age as Lin Yiran was crying inconsolably. She ran
over and hugged Lin Yiran tightly, her voice choked with sobs.
"Yaya, you are finally back. We finally found you."
At this moment, Lin Yiran's tears fell like beads from a broken string, and she couldn't stop falling.
She hugged the girl in front of her without saying a word, crying like a tearful person.
The middle-aged man staggered over, his body trembling slightly: "Yaya... Yaya, my daughter..."
"Yaya, I'm your father. My name is Cao Junshan. This is your sister Cao Ling. Do you remember
The elder sister's eyes were red from crying. She looked at Lin Yiran with a distressed face and
said, "You definitely don't remember. Yaya was so young when she was lost. How could you
remember? Yaya, you have suffered so much over the years."
The scene of family recognition moved everyone to tears, and even the staff who were used to
seeing all this were deeply moved.
Lin Yiran wiped away her tears and said, "My adoptive mother treats me very well and treats me
like her own child. You don't have to worry. I'm doing very well."
She then remembered Song Yuwan behind her and introduced the man and the sister in front of
her: "I'm married, and this is my mother-in-law."
Song Yuwan nodded and smiled at the two of them symbolically: "Hello, you are welcome to
come to my house when you have time."
"Okay, okay, Auntie."
Cao Ling looked quite honest, but Cao Junshan was different. After Lin Yiran finished introducing
her, he looked Song Yuwan up and down with a gleam in his eyes.
Song Yuwan had a feeling that this matter was not that simple, but it was not easy for her to say
anything to Lin Yiran in front of them.
After leaving the police station, Cao Junshan proposed to take Lin Yiran back to the Cao family to
recognize her relatives. It just so happened that the Cao family was in the same city, not far away.
Lin Yiran was still immersed in the touching family recognition ceremony and did not think there
was anything wrong, but Song Yuwan felt vaguely uneasy, but she could not put it into words.
"Mom, you go back first. I'll go with my sister and the others and come back later."
"Do you want to call Jinlin?"
Song Yuwan still felt a little uneasy, but he had no way to stop Lin Yiran, so he had to pull Huo
Jinlin out, hoping that Lin Yiran would call him and then Huo Jinlin could persuade her.
Unexpectedly, Lin Yiran thought about it and said, "Forget it. He's been so busy with work lately.
I'll talk to him when I get home in the evening."
Song Yuwan wanted to say something else, but the astute Cao Junshan saw through her intention
and said straight to the point: "Don't worry, we are just taking Yaya back to let her uncles and
aunts meet her. It's okay. We will send her back in person later."
As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person. What's more, now that a DNA comparison has
been done, it has been confirmed that Cao Junshan is indeed Lin Yiran's biological father. How
can she, a non-blood-related relative of his, interfere too much in other people's affairs?
"Haha, you are joking. How can I be worried? She is still your daughter. Now that we have found
her after so much trouble, it is only natural for us to go back and get to know her family."
In the end, Lin Yiran still followed the Cao father and daughter. Song Yuwan felt that she was
probably overthinking it. After all, they were related by blood. No matter what the reason for
their separation was, it was natural for them to go home and recognize their relatives now that
they had been found.
When all the aunts and uncles of the Cao family heard that Lin Yiran had been found, they all sat
in the room together. Lin Yiran obediently called everyone one by one under Cao Ling's
The last one came from a young girl who was a few years older than them. She held Lin Yiran's
hand and wouldn't let go. She didn't say a word and just kept crying. Her tears rolled down the
back of Lin Yiran's hand, burning her skin.
"Aunt, this person has been found safely, don't be sad."
"Yes, Yingzi, today is such a happy day with Yaya coming back, why are you still crying? Hurry up
and wipe your tears, don't make us sad when we see you."
After several people around her persuaded her, the young girl finally stopped crying and smiled.
She touched Lin Yiran's hair, looked at her hand, and was filled with emotion.
"Yaya, you have suffered so much outside for so many years. It's my incompetence that I haven't
found you for so many years."
Lin Yiran guessed that Yaya might be her childhood name, but it sounded a little weird to her.
While everyone was there, she simply said, "My name now is Yiran. Please don't call me Yaya. It
sounds a little weird to me."
"Okay, okay, Yiran, it's a good name. When you were lost, you didn't have a real name yet, so
we've always called you by your nickname Yaya. We're used to it."
Cao Ling placed her hand on Lin Yiran's shoulder affectionately, and gently pinched Lin Yiran's
cheek with her other hand. Lin Yiran dodged to the side out of habit, and Cao Ling didn't care at
Lin Yiran didn't know how they managed to fit into the role so quickly. After all, so many years
had passed, and suddenly such a large family appeared. Although she knew that everyone was
related to her by blood, Lin Yiran still found it difficult to adapt for a while.
They had dinner at Cao's house. The aunt cooked a large table of dishes herself. Lin Yiran saw that
although the aunts and uncles were all expressing their longing for her over the years, it seemed
that they were just there to watch the show. After a while of playing around, they all went about
their own business and no one paid any attention to her.
Lin Yiran walked around and felt bored, so she went straight into the kitchen. Only her sister-in-
law and Cao Ling were busy in the kitchen, and no one else came to help.
Seeing her come in, the aunt quickly stood up and chased her out: "The kitchen is very fumy, so
don't come in. Go sit outside for a while, the meal will be ready soon."
"It's okay, aunt, they are all playing cards, it would be awkward for me to go out, so let me help
you here!"

Chapter 81 Renal Failure

Cao Ling stretched her neck and took a look outside. Sure enough, the group of people outside
were having fun. She seemed to have long been accustomed to this kind of life, and her
expression did not change.
"Forget it, aunt, let her talk to us in here. We haven't seen her for so many years."
The aunt gave up and returned to bring her a clean stool and placed it next to her: "Just sit here
and don't help us. We are used to doing these things and it will be done soon."
Lin Yiran could see that only her younger aunt and elder sister in the Cao family truly liked her.
The others didn't seem to be close relatives and they really didn't have any feelings for her.
Cao Junshan would bring some food to Lin Yiran from time to time. After greeting that group of
people, he would come over and say a few words to Lin Yiran. It seemed that he just wanted to
make up for the missing father of Lin Yiran.
But perhaps because they had not seen each other for so many years, Lin Yiran really couldn't get
close to him, so after staying in Cao's house for a day, she felt indifferent to this nominal father.
After dinner, Cao Junshan insisted on sending Lin Yiran back home, but Lin Yiran directly refused.
"I just called my friend and he will come to pick me up in a while."
Lin Yiran called Xiao Song, but did not say that he was the Huo family's driver, only that he was his
The sister-in-law already knew that Lin Yiran was married, and asked in confusion: "Yiran, where
is your husband? Why didn't he come to pick you up?"
"Oh, he is very busy at work and sometimes needs to work the night shift."
When Lin Yiran came, she had already thought of the lines in her mind. If they asked about Huo
Jinlin, she would tell them that he worked as a security guard in that company. This was the
excuse Huo Jinlin came up with when he first met her.
However, after hearing what she said, the Cao family didn't ask any more questions. Soon Lin
Yiran's phone rang. It was Xiao Song calling. He was already at the door.
"Yi Ran, come back and visit more often when you have time. This will be your home from now
"Okay, I will. Don't send me off. Go in. I'll go back first."
Cao Ling and her sister-in-law sent her to the downstairs of the community, and they exchanged
contact information. They watched her get on the car with their own eyes, and then turned back.
When they got home, Huo Jinlin had already returned. Lin Yin still couldn't hide his excitement
and told Huo Jinlin about this matter.
Huo Jinlin was a little confused: "Why haven't you mentioned it before? Did they just come here
"Well, the police station called me a few days ago and asked me to come over. They asked me
some questions about my childhood, but I was too busy with your company's work during those
days, so I didn't have time to tell you. Then they called me today and said that the results of the
comparison were out, confirming that they were my family members."
Lin Yiran didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Although she didn't seem to be close to
them, they were related by blood after all. Now that her family could be reunited, she felt happy
from the bottom of her heart.
Huo Jinlin looked at her happy expression and said nothing more, "It's good that you found it.
When I'm done with my work, I'll go back with you to have a look."
Lin Yiran was moved and threw herself into his arms: "Thank you, Huo Jinlin."
After Lin Yiran took her clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower, Huo Jinlin picked up
his cell phone, walked to the study, and called his assistant.
The matter is of great importance, and he must personally investigate the situation of Cao
Junshan's family. For some reason, he always has a feeling that there is something fishy about
this matter.
Since the Cao family lives in this city, and Lin Yiran was born and raised in this city for so many
years, it stands to reason that as long as the police were called, it would be impossible for such a
large area to not be found after so many years, right?
Unless they have never looked for her for all these years, why do they only think of looking for
her now that Lin Yiran has grown up and married?
I'm afraid they have other intentions!
The next morning, Lin Yiran went to see Xu Juan, still feeling very excited.
"Mom, I have shocking news to tell you."
"What news?" Xu Juan looked at her in confusion, then immediately looked at her belly, "Are you
Lin Yiran was afraid that she would say something even more outrageous, so she quickly
explained, "No, I found my father, my biological father, and we have already recognized each
"Really? How did you find it? Have you checked it carefully?"
Xu Juan's eyes also lit up. Ever since she fell ill, this matter has been on her mind. She also hopes
that Lin Yiran can find his family, so that even if she dies, Lin Yiran will have a relative to
accompany him.
"A DNA test has been done, and it is my family."
"Yeah," Xu Juan nodded happily, "That's great. I can rest assured that you won't be lonely even if
I'm gone."
Lin Yiran immediately became unhappy when she heard her discouraging words: "Mom, what are
you talking about? You will live a hundred years, don't talk nonsense. No matter whether I find
my family or not, you will always be my mother, no one can compare to you."
Xu Juan was deeply moved when she heard this. It turned out that all these years of love for her
were not in vain. She felt her nose sore.
"Silly girl."
As time passed, after they recognized each other, Cao Junshan called Lin Yiran every few days to
ask her to go to Cao's house to play. When her aunt and sister were not at work, they would also
stay at home to accompany her.
Lin Yiran just thought that they were trying to improve their relationship with her and didn't think
much about it.
After several contacts, Lin Yiran discovered that Cao Junshan seemed to be in poor health. With
Xu Juan's previous experience as a lesson, she was a little worried.
"Dad, do you feel unwell anywhere? Have you been to the hospital for a physical examination?"
"No, I'm in good health, why would I spend that money?"
"I think it's best to go see a doctor. People of your age sometimes don't bother to see a doctor for
a minor problem, which can turn into a big problem over time."
"No need. What could be wrong with my body?"
Cao Junshan deliberately hesitated, and Lin Yiran realized that he seemed to be hiding
something. She thought he was reluctant to spend money, so she forcibly took him to the
hospital for examination. Little did she know that all this was Cao Junshan's plan.
The two arrived at the hospital entrance, but Cao Junshan refused to go in. Only after Lin Yiran's
repeated questioning did he tell the truth.
"Yi Ran, I don't have much time left to live. The doctor said I have kidney failure. Your sister and
the others did some matching tests for me, but they all failed."
When Lin Yiran heard this, she stood there in disbelief as if struck by a bolt from the blue. It was
not until she took Cao Junshan to see a doctor and confirmed the matter from the doctor that
she came to her senses.
She had just met him, how could she accept such cruel news?
"Doctor, can you think of another way? Medicine is so advanced nowadays, please think of
another way. No matter how much it costs, as long as the disease can be cured, it doesn't

Chapter 82 Make Up for Regrets

The doctor stared at the medical record in his hand and said, "He is now in severe renal failure. If
the matching is successful, there is still a way. If there are other direct relatives in your family or
anyone willing to come for matching, you can ask them to come to the hospital and try."
Lin Yiran didn't even think about it and said, "Then can I? I'm his daughter."
"Of course you can. Immediate relatives have a higher chance of successful matching."
As soon as the doctor said this, Lin Yiran fell into deep thought. Direct relatives had a higher
chance of successful matching, and all other family members had failed to match. Would Cao
Junshan treat her so well just for the sake of matching, or even go to so much trouble to bring her
back just for the sake of matching?
Suddenly, Lin Yiran felt like a huge stone was pressing on her heart. The Cao family hadn't found
her for so many years, so how come they found her at this time?
Moreover, she had been to Cao's house so many times, why had no one told her that Cao
Junshan was suffering from kidney failure?
"Here, take it, fill out this form, go over there and pay the fee, and then you can go for the
The doctor handed over a piece of paper. Lin Yiran took it, but when he looked at the blank
spaces on it, he became hesitant.
Noticing her distraction, Cao Junshan was afraid that she might have some suspicion, so he
quickly snatched the form and tore it to pieces.
"Yi'ran, Dad has been so sorry for you all these years. I will never let you go for a matching test. It
is a gift from God that I can find you before I die."
He spoke sincerely, and Lin Yiran was also somewhat moved: "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely
find a way to save you."
She still needed to think carefully about the matching issue, but after all, the man in front of her
was her biological father, and Lin Yiran couldn't just ignore him.
Cao Junshan also pretended to be serious: "In short, I will never agree to you to do the matching.
I have left you alone and helpless for so many years. Now Dad only hopes to make up for what he
owes you. I don't ask for anything else."
Lin Yiran has always been soft-hearted. Hearing Cao Junshan's words, she felt mixed emotions
and was heartbroken.
"Dad, please stop talking. I'm doing fine and I've never blamed you."
Cao Junshan pretended to be ready to die: "Girl, life and death are determined by fate. Dad has
lived for decades, and now I am satisfied to find you back. I don't want to continue treatment. Let
us spend this last period of time well together!"
When the two came out of the hospital, Lin Yiran was in a very heavy mood. The words Cao
Junshan said kept echoing in her mind, and she was a little hesitant.
Guo Nuan also noticed that her mood was abnormal. Seeing that she was always absent-minded
recently, she thought that there was a problem in her relationship with Huo Jinlin again.
"What's wrong? Did you have a fight with your Mr. Huo? You seem distracted lately."
"No," Lin Yiran hesitated for a long time, but finally confessed to her, "I have found my biological
Her words were like a landmine, and Guo Nuan jumped up in shock: "Is this true? Isn't this a plot
from a TV series? How did you find each other? Did you recognize each other?"
"The police station helped find him, and we've already recognized each other," Lin Yiran's voice
revealed a bit of helplessness, "but he has severe kidney failure. Everyone in the family has gone
for matching tests, and I'm the only one left."
"Kidney failure? So what?"
Guo Nuan's voice was clearly somewhat unhappy: "Yan'an, this is not a simple disease, and
matching may not be successful. Even if it is successful, the success rate of transplantation is very
Lin Yiran was also helpless: "But if we don't do a matching test, there is no hope at all. He will
definitely die."
Although they didn't understand the disease, Lin still heard the doctor say that matching was the
only hope.
Guo Nuan shook her head and advised, "I still advise you to put your own safety first. Matching
carries a great risk. After all, you are a girl and have never given birth to a child. What should you
do if you have a disease in the future?"
In fact, when she heard what Lin Yiran said, she felt that the Cao family must have come prepared
and deliberately came to find Lin Yiran just to match them.
"Does Huo Jinlin know about this?"
Lin Yiran shook her head. Huo Jinlin had been troubled by his father recently and had been very
busy at the company. She had not had time to tell him about these things.
Seeing her like this, Guo Nuan was afraid that she would make a decision on impulse, so she
hurriedly tried to persuade her earnestly.
"Yi Ran, I know you are an emotional person, but you really need to be rational at this time. Don't
joke about your own safety. Think carefully about why the Cao family found you at this time.
Could it be for matching? Otherwise, why didn't they find you for so many years?"
Lin Yiran looked a little sad: "Yes, I have been thinking about this question, but my dad said that
he wanted to make up for his regrets about me before he died, so he decided to find me back."
The reason why she was so conflicted was because Cao Junshan's words had shaken her
Guo Nuan disagreed: "I think you should think twice. After all, people can tell any lie to survive.
Blood relationship is useless. Look at my parents. Isn't that the best example? Your own health is
the most important."
Lin Yiran nodded. This matter was indeed of great importance to her. Just as Guo Nuan said, if she
really wanted to make up for the regret in her heart, why didn't she ever think of looking for her
in all these years?
But before she could think of a final answer, people from the Cao family came to her again.
My aunt-in-law and Cao Ling asked her to go outside and talked to her seriously about this topic.
"Yi Ran, you know about Dad's illness. We have no other options now, so we came to you. We
have all done matching tests, and now you are his only hope."
Cao Ling also couldn't bear it, and her eyes were red when she looked at Lin Yiran.
The aunt sighed deeply: "Yiran, you were born very small and grew up by my side. You were
raised by my aunt and my sister, so we all really love you. But your father is your closest relative
after all. No matter what the matching result is, you have to give it a try, so as not to have any
In fact, after spending some time together, Lin Yiran could also see that her aunt and sister were
indeed very nice to her. At least they were much more sincere than other people.
Looking at the two women in front of him, Lin Yiran swallowed the words that were on the tip of
his tongue. It didn't really matter what the result of his question would be. It would only make
things more troublesome for him.
She finally sighed deeply and softened.
"Let me try!"

Chapter 83: Crossing the River and Destroying the Bridge

When Cao Ling heard this, she felt relieved. Although her aunt was very happy, there was a hint
of worry on her face.
Upon receiving the news, Cao Tianjun also rushed over quickly, as if he was afraid that Lin Yiran
would change his mind if he was a step late.
Several people quickly arrived at the hospital. Cao Ling took Lin Yiran to have blood drawn for
tests as if she was familiar with the procedure, and then they went to do tissue typing of the
kidney donor and recipient. The series of tests was very complicated. After finishing, Lin Yiran felt
a little weak and leaned on a chair in the ward to rest.
"Yi'ran, I'm sorry to have made you suffer. Dad didn't want you to do the matching, but your
sisters insisted on letting you try."
For some reason, Lin Yiran always felt that his smile was flattering. She was already a little tired
and suddenly felt a little upset. She responded faintly and leaned against the wall to take a nap,
not wanting to pay any more attention to them.
The aunt brought her some food, with a look of heartache in her eyes: "Yi Ran, eat something.
You need to replenish your nutrition now. You look so pale."
"Thank you," Lin Yiran took it but didn't open it. He looked at them and said, "I'll call my friend to
pick me up. Since there won't be any results today, I'll go back first."
Cao Ling also looked at her with some concern: "Don't let your friends come over, we will send
you back later, otherwise we will be worried about you in this state!"
The expression on her face didn't seem fake, but Lin Yiran just felt uncomfortable, so she politely
"It's okay. My friend is a sports car driver. I can just ask him to pick me up."
Although they had recognized each other, Lin Yiran had never mentioned the Huo family to them,
nor was she willing to let them know her address. Especially when she learned that Cao Junshan
might be looking for her just for a matching purpose, Lin Yiran naturally had no good feelings
towards them.
Seeing that she was determined to do so, the people in the Cao family could do nothing about
The news that Lin Yiran went to the hospital for matching soon reached Huo Jinlin's ears. He was
so angry that he slammed the table and cursed.
"Why are you so inefficient? You have only just discovered Cao Junshan's serious kidney failure.
Don't you want to do this anymore?"
He originally asked his assistant to investigate Cao Junshan's family. During the investigation, he
discovered Cao Junshan's illness. Unexpectedly, when he followed this line of investigation, he
found Lin Yiran's matching record, which made Huo Jinlin furious.
Everyone was afraid to speak, and could only lower their heads and listen silently. When Huo
Jinlin had scolded enough, the assistant raised his head cautiously and said, "Boss Huo, shall I
send someone to look at the hospital's test report right now?"
"You are talking nonsense, aren't you? If you mess this up again, you won't be able to do this
"Okay, Mr. Huo, I understand. I'll have someone keep an eye on it. Regardless of the result,
Madam will only receive an unsuccessful matching test report."
Huo Jinlin's expression improved a little after hearing that. He nodded slightly and waved his
hand to let them go out first.
He was burning with anger. Lin Yiran didn't even discuss such a big thing with him and just went
to the hospital to do it secretly. Could it be that things between the two of them had developed
to this point, and he was not worthy of her trust?
Three days passed quickly and Cao Junshan received a matching call from the hospital. He was
instantly ecstatic.
But then, his face immediately turned cold and he hung up the phone with a click.
"How was it, was it successful?"
Cao Ling also became anxious. After all, Lin Yiren was Cao Junshan’s last hope. If she failed, there
would be no hope at all.
The phone slipped from his ear and fell to the ground. Cao Junshan sat on the ground in despair:
"I have no hope at all."
When everyone heard this, their faces turned pale. They all understood that the hospital's
matching was like looking for a needle in a haystack, and there was little hope. Now even Lin
Yiran had failed, so there was no hope at all.
Cao Junshan didn't want to die. No one can understand the fear a person feels when facing
death. Only those who have experienced it know it.
Lin Yiran also received the news from the hospital. She suddenly had a strange feeling in her
heart. On the one hand, she was glad that she failed to match the test result, but on the other
hand, she was vaguely worried about Cao Junshan.
She hurried to Cao's house, intending to comfort Cao Junshan, but she didn't expect Cao Junshan
to suddenly turn against her and be extremely cold to her.
It was Cao Ling who opened the door. The two of them smiled faintly, and even Cao Ling was not
as enthusiastic as she was in the past few days.
Cao Junshan sat on the sofa with his back to the door without turning his head. Lin Yiran called
out softly, but Cao Junshan ignored her.
There were only the two of them in the living room, and the situation was a little awkward for a
moment. Lin Yiran stood at the door, not knowing whether to go in or not. In the end, it was Cao
Ling who came out of the kitchen to resolve the awkward situation.
"Come in, why are you standing at the door?"
Lin Yiran responded and slowly walked in and sat down opposite Cao Junshan. Unexpectedly, Cao
Junshan suddenly spoke at this time.
"If you have something to do, go back first. I have to go to the hospital for a checkup with Xiaoling
today, so I don't have time to accompany you."
Eviction order?
Lin Yiran originally thought that Cao Junshan was just in a bad mood because of the unsuccessful
matching, but she didn't expect his attitude to be so cold. It turned out that he was just doing it
for the matching.
Cao Junshan looked up in confusion. This was the first time he looked at Lin Yiran since she came
in today: "What are you laughing at?"
"If it wasn't for matching, you wouldn't have come to me at all, right?"
Cao Ling was a little surprised that Lin Yiran would ask this question, but she and Cao Junshan
looked at each other, and neither of them answered Lin Yiran's question.
Obviously, this is the correct answer.
After coming out of Cao's house, the scorching sun above her head baked her skin, but Lin Yiran
felt her heart as cold as water and she was exhausted both physically and mentally.
She walked a long way that day, and in the end she couldn't even remember how she got back to
But even though she was heartbroken, she just hid away and licked her wounds secretly, not
wanting Huo Jinlin to know.
Fortunately, Huo Jinlin was very busy during this period, going out early and coming back late, so
the two of them never met face to face.
The next morning, she put on some light makeup, trying her best to hide her red and swollen
eyes, but she didn't expect Guo Nuan to see through her at a glance.
"You're crying? What happened? Did Huo Jinlin bully you?"
"No, it's none of his business," Lin Yiran shook her head, her voice a little low, "It's the Cao family.
They really only came to me for matching. Now that the matching failed, they immediately
treated me coldly."
"Oh my god, they..."
Guo Nuan almost blurted out the habitual curse words, but then he remembered that he was Lin
Yiran's blood relative after all, so he took back his words in time.
"It's okay, don't be sad, you still have us!"

Chapter 84 Help Her

Guo Nuan gave her a comforting hug: "Think about how good your adoptive mother is to you,
and now you have a husband who treats you so well. In fact, it doesn't matter whether you
recognize them or not now."
In fact, Lin Yiran herself could think of this. In all those years when she had not met the Cao
family, she had never thought of taking the initiative to look for them.
But the reason why she was so sad now was that she felt like she was abandoned for the second
time, which was even crueler than if they had never come to find her.
This topic is very heavy. Both of them have been hurt by their loved ones, so Guo Nuan can
understand her feelings on this topic.
Lin Yiran sniffed and decided not to think about it anymore. She suddenly thought of Guo Nuan
and Lao Qin and suddenly became curious.
"Have you two settled your affairs?"
The topic suddenly turned to herself, and Guo Nuan was a little caught off guard. She nodded and
shook her head.
Lin Yiran didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What kind of answer is that? Have you dealt with
it or not?"
Guo Nuan sighed and shook her head, "We don't plan to get the marriage certificate, so they
won't have a reason to ask Lao Qin for money."
"But this..."
Lin Yiran felt a little sorry for her. This was really unfair to her.
Guo Nuan knew what she meant and said helplessly: "There is really no better way than this."
Although she knew that such an idea was ridiculous, it was the best solution at the moment. Even
if there would be regrets, as long as the two of them lived well, none of this mattered.
Lin Yiran patted her shoulder lightly without saying anything, but she felt a little unwilling for her
in her heart, and always felt that Guo Nuan had a better choice.
She returned home at night with a heavy heart. Huo Jinlin thought she was worried about the
Cao family's affairs and wanted to comfort her, but he didn't expect Lin Yiran to mention Guo
Nuan's matter to him.
Huo Jinlin was surprised for a moment, but he listened to her question calmly.
"You have many ways to solve this situation, is there any way to solve it?"
"This matter involves some legal issues. I am not sure about the details. I will arrange a lawyer for
you tomorrow. It may be more professional for you to consult him then."
Huo Jinlin had heard a little about the attitude of the Cao family and knew that Lin Yiran must be
hurt, but he did not expect that she was still worried about Guo Nuan at this time.
"Okay, thank you for your hard work."
She hesitated for a moment, but ultimately decided not to tell him about the Cao family's affairs,
so as not to let him worry about these bad things.
Huo Jinlin has always been very efficient at work. Guo Nuan received a call from the lawyer early
the next morning. She was confused at first, until the other party explained his purpose, Guo
Nuan immediately perked up.
The two met in a cafe near the fried chicken shop, and Lin Yiran accompanied Guo Nuan.
This lawyer was assigned by the Huo Group's Legal Department. He also knew that Lin Yiran had a
special status, so he did not dare to slack off at all.
He greeted the two people respectfully, then sat down opposite them, solemnly took out a
document from his bag and handed it to them.
"Mr. Huo called me last night. This is the agreement I drafted. Please take a look at it first. If there
are no problems, this matter may need to be discussed with your parents in person."
Lin Yiran and Guo Nuan looked at each other, both of them with obvious surprise in their eyes.
They didn't expect it to be so official, and Huo Jinlin was going to help her solve the problem once
and for all.
Guo Nuan took the agreement with great emotion. The contents were clearly listed item by item.
"Ms. Guo, is there anything else that needs to be added or modified?"
"No," Guo Nuan frowned slightly and said, "I'm just worried that they won't agree."
Guo Nuan knew better than anyone what kind of people his parents were like.
"It's okay. If you feel comfortable with it, you can entrust it to me and I will handle it."
Lin Yiran also comforted him: "Don't worry, there is a lawyer here, he will find a way."
Guo Nuan nodded and said to the lawyer, "Thank you. Thank you very much."
The lawyer also got a general understanding of some other aspects of the Guo family, and the
three of them agreed to find a time for Guo Nuan to negotiate the matter with her parents.
The result is self-evident. When Guo Nuan's parents saw the agreement, they were instantly
furious. Guo's mother was furious. She stood up and loudly insulted Guo Nuan, using obscene
language that was unbearable to hear.
"We worked so hard to raise you, and this is how you repay us? You want to send us away with
just a small amount of money. Do you think we are beggars?"
Father Guo also got emotional and followed Mother Guo in scolding: "You little bitch, I didn't
agree to spend so much money to send you to school in the first place, but now you've raised an
ungrateful person who teamed up with outsiders to bully us. You're really capable!"
The family chattered and cursed excitedly, but Guo Nuan kept his head down and said nothing. It
was not until they got tired of cursing and stopped that Guo Nuan put the agreement in front of
"Please take a good look at it. If you agree, I can give you some money. If you don't agree, then
you won't get a penny from me."
She has been completely disappointed with her family. If this approach doesn't work, Guo Nuan
will definitely not get married to Lao Qin and will never give them any chance to take advantage
of her.
When Father Guo heard what she said, he instantly became angry and pointed at her nose and
cursed: "Don't threaten me. I have lived for decades and have never been threatened by
Guo Nuan was too lazy to listen to their curses or their reactions. She put the agreement down
and turned away.
Before she came, the lawyer also told her that she had to take her time with them on this matter
and not be impatient. Anyway, she and Lao Qin haven't got their marriage certificate yet, so they
can't do anything to her even if they don't give her the money.
When Guo's mother saw that Guo Nuan was leaving, she collapsed on the ground and started
making a scene. Her loud crying immediately attracted the attention of the neighbors.
"Everyone, come and see, how could I have raised such a heartless daughter? Now that she has
grown up and grown independent, she doesn't want to care about us old couple anymore. She
even wants to draw a line between us and no longer have any contact with us. Oh, everyone,
come and give us your judgment..."
Guo Nuan had a headache and didn't want to pay any attention to them. She didn't care what the
neighbors said and just left with big strides.
"how's it going?"
As soon as they walked downstairs of the community, Lao Qin called. Guo Nuan, who had
remained expressionless in the house no matter how they scolded her, felt a lump in her throat
and couldn't hold back her tears when she heard Lao Qin's caring words.
She sniffed hard and said, "It's okay, don't worry, the lawyer Huo Jinlin hired is very capable, and
this matter should be resolved soon."

Chapter 85 Let It Go
Although she tried hard to hide it, Lao Qin could still hear the cry in her voice and his heart
tightened instantly.
"Are you crying? Did they bully you? Where are you now? I'll come right over."
Listening to his series of concerned words, Guo Nuan's tears, which she had just held back, burst
out again. When Lao Qin heard this, he immediately became anxious and drove to the fried
chicken shop immediately.
Only after confirming that Guo Nuan was really fine did Lao Qin feel relieved. At the same time,
he was extremely grateful to Huo Jinlin.
The next day, Guo Nuan's parents and their family came to the fried chicken shop again. Guo
Nuan knew that they would not let this matter go, so she was ready to fight at any time.
She still said nothing and remained indifferent even though they cried and made a fuss. The
scene was in chaos.
At this moment, the sister-in-law who was arguing the most fiercely suddenly fainted. Everyone
was shocked and the quarreling stopped immediately.
In the end, Guo Nuan was the first to regain her senses: "What are you still standing there for?
Send him to the hospital right away!"
"oh oh"
Guo Nuan's brother responded, and the family hurriedly sent her sister-in-law to the hospital.
The results of the examination surprised them. My sister-in-law was actually pregnant. She was
so excited that she fainted for a while.
Guo Nuan's parents were overjoyed and had no time to care about Guo Nuan at this time. While
everyone was surrounding his sister-in-law, Guo Nuan sneaked away.
When my sister-in-law woke up and saw that she was in the hospital, she suddenly sat up
excitedly and asked in confusion: "What happened to me? Why am I in the hospital?"
Mother Guo looked at her like a baby and quickly helped her sit down: "Don't get too excited. You
are pregnant. The doctor said that it has only been more than a month and the fetus is unstable.
You need to stay in bed and rest."
The woman on the bed was also shocked. She didn't expect that she was pregnant at this time.
She had always been a little overconfident and despised Guo Nuan's brother for having
accomplished nothing. Now she was pregnant at this time, and she absolutely could not keep this
"Yes," Guo Nuan's brother was also grinning from ear to ear, "It's been more than a month."
"No, I can't have this child."
As soon as these words were spoken, they were like a landmine, causing an uproar in the ward.
"What are you talking about? This is the first grandson of our Guo family. Why do you say you
don't want him?"
Guo's mother was the first one to get angry. Even Guo's father, who usually didn't talk much with
his daughter-in-law, found it unbelievable.
"You two are fine, why can't you keep the child?"
This was the first time Guo Nuan's brother gave a strong order: "I don't care what you think, but
you must keep this child for me. If anything goes wrong, I will punish you."
"Haha," the woman on the bed suddenly sneered and looked at them with disdain, "The child is
in my belly, this matter has no say over it."
Guo's father and mother were furious, but she didn't care at all. She turned to look at their son
and said word by word, "I want to divorce you. You can't keep this child. Look at you. You don't
even have a house. Why did you give birth to this child? Is he going to suffer with you?"
When Guo's father and mother heard this, they became anxious. The couple were still arguing in
the ward. They decided that they must find Guo Nuan and buy a house for their son no matter
After getting repeated assurances from the two old people, the sister-in-law stopped asking for a
divorce. So the Guo family brought people to block Guo Nuan's door, intending to lie on her and
suck her blood.
When Lin Yiran learned about this, she knew that they would not give up. She was worried that
Guo Nuan could not handle it alone, so she stayed by her side for several days just in case.
Sure enough, that day Guo Nuan's parents came again with a large group of people. They were so
imposing that they seemed to be there to collect debts.
"Guo Nuan, are you really going to be so cruel and leave me to die without helping? I am your
biological brother."
After a few days of struggling, they began to use both soft and hard tactics. After all, adults can
wait but cannot wait for children. Guo Nuan's sister-in-law was worried that her belly was getting
bigger and bigger but there was still no settlement on the house issue, so she could only keep
putting pressure on Guo's family.
Guo Nuan felt extremely disgusted by her brother's disgusting words, but at the same time, she
felt sorry for him from the bottom of her heart: "You are a grown man with healthy hands and
feet, but you don't go out and make money, but you come to bother a girl like me every day. Do
you have the nerve to do that?"
"You..." Guo Nuan's brother was so angry that he pointed at her nose and cursed: "Guo Nuan,
don't be so heartless. If my family hadn't spent all the money to support your school, would I be
like this now? If you hadn't read so many books, how could you live so well?"
Haha, what a bunch of shameless people. Guo Nuan used to feel a little guilty about this matter,
but now that they have brought it up so many times, she just feels disgusted.
She walked up to her parents and said solemnly, "Mom and Dad, check your conscience. When I
was in school, didn't you say that the family money should be kept for my brother to get married,
and you were unwilling to spend a penny? Later, I worked part-time to go to college. Why should I
be grateful to him now that I have graduated?"
Sometimes she really couldn't understand why there was such a big difference between their
biological children. Even if she tolerated them again and again, she couldn't get any sympathy
from them.
Now she was completely disappointed with this family. Looking at the man who was a head taller
than her, she said coldly, "Brother, this is the last time I will call you. From now on, I will not give
you a penny. I hope you will wake up in time and stop being a parasite. Only by relying on the
money you earn through your own hard work can you spend it with peace of mind."
These words completely hurt Brother Guo Nuan's heart. With hatred in his eyes, he raised his
hand angrily and slapped him.
Lin Yiran was standing next to him. Seeing that the slap was about to land on Guo Nuan's face,
she was extremely anxious and rushed over without thinking to protect Guo Nuan.
"Yan'ran, how are you?"
A burning pain instantly came over his face, and Guo Nuan's scream rang in his ears.
"'re bleeding?"
Lin Yiran's face was scratched by Guo Nuan's brother's nails, leaving several bloody marks. Her
already fair skin made her look particularly scary at this moment, and even the perpetrator was
"It's none of my business. You rushed over here on your own."

Chapter 86 Forgive Me
"Yi Ran, bear with it, I'll take you to the hospital right away."
Guo Nuan was so anxious that she almost cried. She didn't know what deep hatred her brother
had against her that he had to use so much strength!
The wound on Lin Yiran's face looked particularly creepy at this moment. Guo Nuan could hardly
imagine the consequences if it left a scar on her face.
Seeing that the Guo family members were still indifferent, Guo Nuan angrily scolded the culprit
who beat him up: "Why are you still standing there like an idiot? Go find a car! You are such a
Seeing her so anxious, Lin Yiran felt warm in her heart. She gently pulled Guo Nuan's sleeve and
comforted her, "Sister Nuan, I'm fine, don't worry."
She blocked the blow for Guo Nuan, who was anxious and made a big fuss. She said unhappily,
"How can you say it's okay? Such a deep bloodstain, I don't know if it will leave a scar. How are
we going to explain to Huo Jinlin then?"
"You've always been fearless, but you're afraid of him?"
Guo Nuan looked a little unnatural: "It's already this time, and you're still in the mood to joke?"
In fact, she was somewhat afraid of Huo Jinlin. She thought to herself, he was Lao Qin's boss, and
I was afraid that he would vent his anger on Lao Qin because of this.
But I didn't dare to mention this in front of the Guo family, these vampires who eat people
without leaving any bones.
Brother Guo Nuan stopped a taxi and Guo Nuan helped her get in, making her act like a critically
ill patient.
After a lot of trouble, they finally arrived at the hospital. The doctor examined Lin Yiran's injuries
and performed simple wound treatment.
"It's nothing serious, just take some time to heal. Don't let the wound get wet. Make sure to
disinfect it every day to prevent infection."
The weather is getting hotter, and the most feared thing about getting injured at this time is
wound infection.
Seeing the doctor turn around and leave, Guo Nuan asked worriedly, "Doctor, will it leave a scar?"
"It's hard to say. It depends on each person's physical condition. Only after the wound heals and
some special scar medicine is used, can we see the effect."
"Don't worry, it's okay."
Lin Yiran comforted her carelessly. Although she was also afraid of leaving scars, what had
happened had already happened and there was no point in worrying about it now.
Soon Huo Jinlin and Song Yuwan came rushing over after hearing the noise, and with them came
the old lady of the Huo family.
"How is it, Yi Ran, are you okay with your injury?"
Looking at the gauze on Lin Yiran's face, the wound had already been treated, and they didn't
know how serious the injury was, so they were very anxious.
"It's okay, Mom. The doctor said it's not serious. I'll be fine after resting for a while."
Huo Jinlin swept his cold eyes over the Guo family members. The arrogant and domineering
people were like eggplants hit by frost at this moment. They lowered their heads and did not
dare to look at him.
The old lady was also very distressed: "Girl, come on, let grandma see where you are hurt?"
Lin Yiran was touched and felt guilty. She took the old lady's hand and said, "Grandma, it's not a
big deal. Why did you come with me?"
The old lady was a prominent figure in the business world when she was young. At this moment,
she glanced coldly at the Guo family, and her eyes were particularly lethal.
"If I don't come with you, maybe they will think that no one is backing you up, and they will bully
you however they want! If they don't give an explanation for this matter, I, an old woman, will be
the first one to disagree."
The Guo family knew that they had run into a gun. The Huo family was too powerful, so everyone
kept silent.
These people are typical bullies who only bully others at home. Once they meet outsiders, they
immediately become cowardly.
Guo Nuan apologized with a smile: "Grandma, Auntie, Mr. Huo, I'm sorry, this matter was caused
by me, and that's why Yi Ning got hurt."
The Huo family had heard about her affairs long ago, and Song Yuwan could see that she was
indeed different from them. She patted her shoulder gently and comforted her, "This is none of
your business, so don't blame yourself. Auntie knows that you are also a miserable girl. Come to
our house and play with us when you have time."
"Yeah, thank you, Auntie."
Seeing that they did not mention the matter of compensation and were just chatting about family
matters, Guo's father took the opportunity to signal him to leave, and the Guo family members
prepared to take the opportunity to escape.
Unexpectedly, Huo Jinlin stopped them and said, "You guys go back first. I'll let my lawyer talk to
you about compensation."
The Guo family was a small family to begin with, and when they heard that they had to hire a
lawyer for such a small matter, they were so scared that their faces turned pale instantly.
However, due to Huo Jinlin's powerful aura, they did not dare to say anything.
The farce ended here, leaving some happy and some sad.
Lin Yiran had no intention of letting them go. She wanted to take this opportunity to demand
compensation from Guo Nuan's parents, and the end result would be that they would never dare
to cause trouble for Guo Nuan again.
"The Guo family originally relied on Sister Nuan for support. The family is extremely poor. They
definitely can't afford to pay the money."
Huo Jinlin had a cold face and said nothing. The temperature in the car was so low that it seemed
like it was going to freeze. Song Yuwan and the old lady did not interfere in the young couple's
The black Rolls-Royce parked steadily at the gate of Nanlinyuan. Huo Jinlin pursed his lips and
went upstairs without saying a word. Lin Yiran knew that he was angry and did not dare to
provoke him. She stuck out her tongue at them mischievously and followed Huo Jinlin upstairs.
Huo Jinlin actually agreed with Lin Yiran's proposal in his heart, but he felt that Lin Yiran
disregarded his own safety and put himself in danger, which made him angry, so he remained
Hearing the sound of a door closing behind him, Huo Jinlin turned around with a cold face and
said, "Lin Yiran, who told you to risk your life without regard for your own safety? If they had a
knife today, would you have rushed forward without caring about anything?"
Knowing that he was also worried about her, Lin Yiran was always flexible and quickly stepped
forward to apologize: "Okay, okay, I know I was wrong, and I won't dare to do it again next time."
"Do you dare to do it again?"
Huo Jinlin's sharp eyes swept over, making Lin Yiran feel creepy, and he quickly shook his head
like a rattle.
"I won't dare to do it again. Please don't be angry. I won't dare to do it again."
"Lin Yiran," Huo Jinlin suddenly called her name solemnly, "Do you know that you are scared to
death today? Next time something happens, remember to protect yourself first."
Unconsciously, Lin Yiran had become three words engraved in his bones. When he heard that she
was in trouble, Huo Jinlin felt as if his heart slowed down for a beat. It was not until he saw her
standing in front of him safe and sound that his heart finally settled down.
After being taught a lesson, Lin Yiran was not angry. Instead, she felt warm in her heart. She
immediately lowered her head and said, "I know. I will pay attention to it next time. Don't be
angry. Please forgive me for what happened today, okay?"
Seeing that she agreed obediently, Huo Jinlin's anger disappeared by half. He snorted lightly and
did not answer proudly.
He then called his assistant, briefly recounted the whole story to him, and asked him to arrange
for a lawyer to handle the Guo family's affairs.

Chapter 87 Signing an Agreement

The atmosphere between the two was so harmonious. After Huo Jinlin arranged everything, he
pulled Lin Yiran to sit on the sofa and gently pulled aside a corner of the gauze to check the
Seeing that there was nothing serious, his tense face relaxed a little.
The other person was so close that their breathing was disordered. For the first time, Lin Yiran
mustered up the courage to press his lips against the angular, sexy red lips in front of him.
The warm touch made Huo Jinlin dazed for a moment, but then he took the initiative, holding Lin
Yiran's slender waist to close the distance between them and deepened the kiss.
Lin Yiran's poor kissing skills soon forced her into a corner, and she finally fell directly into his
warm arms.
The temperature in the room gradually rose, and the air was filled with a strong sense of
The Guo family was worried about the lawsuit and had not received any news, so they found Guo
Nuan anxiously, hoping that she could help to mediate.
Guo's mother spoke to Guo Nuan with a rare earnestness: "Nuan Nuan, no matter what he does
wrong, he is still your brother. Can you bear to watch him do nothing?"
"That's right, Guo Nuan, you can't be so heartless!"
Seeing that he showed no remorse and still had an aggressive tone, Guo Nuan felt genuinely
"You have caused trouble yourself, and I can't do anything about it. Do you know who Huo Jinlin
is? He is the president of the Huo Group. He has built a kingdom for the Huo Group at a young
age. How can a person like that let you go so easily?"
Now that they knew Huo Jinlin's identity, the Guo family members were so shocked that their
jaws almost dropped. They had had several conflicts with Huo Jinlin before, and it would be
extremely difficult to reconcile now.
With the help of a lawyer, the Guo family rarely put away their arrogant attitude and even
wanted to negotiate with Huo Jinlin.
Several people met in a coffee shop. Guo Nuan didn't want to come, but couldn't stand their
repeated moral blackmail, so she came reluctantly. However, she sat with Lin Yiran. Guo's parents
immediately gave her an unhappy look.
"Tell me, what do you want me to do today?"
Huo Jinlin glanced at them sideways, sitting there like an emperor, with an aura so powerful that
it was intimidating.
Guo Nuan's brother hesitated and refused to step forward. In the end, Guo's father kicked him
hard on the calf. Although Guo's mother felt sorry for her son, she dared not say anything.
"Yes... I'm sorry, Mr. Huo, I'm sorry, Miss Lin, please forgive me, I won't dare to do it again."
Lin Yiran and Guo Nuan have known each other for such a long time, but this is the first time that
she has seen the Guo family suffer a setback and lose their arrogance.
"If you want to reconcile, it's not impossible, but this matter will definitely not be resolved so
easily, you should think it through."
A few little ants were not worth Huo Jinlin's attention at all. If it weren't for Guo Nuan, he
wouldn't have the time to sit here and chat with them.
Father Guo nodded with a flattering look on his face: "Yes, yes, yes, as long as you agree to settle
it privately, we will agree to any request."
"Okay," Lin Yiran saw that they had fallen into his trap, so he got straight to the point and said, "I
only have one request, and that is that you cannot harass Guo Nuan again from now on. If you
agree, this matter can be left unresolved, but if you disagree, we will have to see each other in
Several people looked at each other, obviously not expecting her to make such a request.
Guo Nuan was also deeply moved. She thought Lin Yiran was venting his anger, but she didn't
expect that it was actually for her.
"Yan Yiran, actually you don't have to..."
"Sister Nuan, don't worry about this matter. Huo Jinlin and I have already discussed it. We know
what to do."
Guo Nuan nodded, sat aside and said nothing more.
Huo Jinlin felt annoyed when he saw the Guo family members were hesitant. He looked at his
watch and said impatiently, "Have you discussed it? I don't have that much time to waste here
with you."
Mother Guo smiled flatteringly: "Boss Huo, don't you think your request is unreasonable?
Nuannuan is our daughter. We, as parents, come to see her. How can it be considered a
"Yes," Father Guo said cautiously, "Look, aren't you asking us to sever our relationship and never
have any contact with each other again?"
Huo Jinlin glanced over with an icy cold gaze: "What else do you think?"
Lin Yiran was used to their shameless behavior and was too lazy to bother with them. He
threatened directly, "It's okay. If you don't want to, just let your son go to jail for a few days. We
don't care anyway."
Her nonchalant attitude made Guo Nuan's parents feel panic. Are you kidding? Their son is their
lifeblood. They would rather give up their daughter than their son!
After a few people discussed it, they finally agreed to this matter, but at the same time, they also
had conditions.
Due to Huo Jinlin's identity, Guo's father was obviously lacking in confidence when negotiating
with them, but he still pretended to be calm and put forward their conditions.
"Guo Nuan, we can stop pestering you, but you have to pay the child support we paid you for all
these years. Otherwise, we won't agree to anything."
They are all smart people. If they don't ask for money now, they may never have another chance
to ask for money in the future.
This was exactly what Guo Nuan wanted. When she consulted a lawyer about this matter, she
had intended to use a sum of money to buy out the father-daughter relationship. As long as they
were willing to sign the agreement, with Huo Jinlin around, these people would not dare to cause
trouble for her again.
"Okay, I'll give you the money, but we must sign a legally binding statement."
Mother Guo looked at Guo Nuan with a calculating look in her eyes. This little bitch was
becoming more and more scheming.
Soon a lawyer arrived, and under his coordination, the couple signed the agreement in person,
and Guo Nuan transferred a large sum of money into the account they designated in person.
Looking at the arrival information on the mobile phone, Guo Nuan's parents revealed a hint of
greed in their eyes. The two looked at each other and understood each other secretly.
Broken bones are connected by tendons. Although the relationship is temporarily severed now, I
don’t believe that she will still turn a blind eye when they come to her when they are old. Even if
she really doesn’t care, the saliva of people around her can drown her.
However, it was obvious that Huo Jinlin had already seen this and strangled their idea in the
"Lawyer Zhou, please add one more thing to the statement. They voluntarily sever their
relationship with Guo Nuan. From now on, they will have no connection with each other in life or
death. From now on, Guo Nuan will no longer have the obligation to support them."
"Okay, Mr. Huo."
Lawyer Zhou wrote it in black and white on the back of the statement on the spot. Guo Nuan's
parents signed and put their fingerprints on it with embarrassment, but they felt as sick as if they
had eaten a fly.
But with Huo Jinlin personally guarding the place, they didn't dare not to sign.
Not only that, Huo Jinlin also personally warned them: "After this agreement is signed today, as
long as the Huo family exists, you will never make trouble again."

Chapter 88 Emotional Breakdown

After he said these harsh words, Guo Nuan's parents didn't dare to make trouble anymore. But
after all, they got such a large sum of money from Guo Nuan, so even though they were
unwilling, they still left in disgrace.
Guo Nuan was so moved that she didn't know how to thank the couple. She could only thank
them over and over again: "Boss Huo, thank you for your help with this matter. Yi Ran, thank
As she spoke, she was almost in tears. Looking at the statement with her handprint on it, she felt
mixed emotions.
Lin Yiran knew what she felt in her heart, so he stood up and put his arm around her shoulders:
"Don't be sad, no matter what, I will always be by your side."
Huo Jinlin was not good at speaking, but he comforted her, "It's okay, just come to my house
often to accompany me in the future."
Although he didn't say it explicitly, Guo Nuan knew that he wanted her to treat the Huo family as
her own home.
"Thank you. Thank you."
Guo Nuan was so moved that she called Lao Qin. He was also very happy and said on the phone
that he wanted to thank Huo Jinlin very much.
Unexpectedly, Huo Jinlin heard it and said directly: "You don't have to repay me, just dedicate the
rest of your life to the Huo family."
Several people laughed out loud, and Lao Qin agreed repeatedly. He and Huo Jinlin were good
friends, and as his immediate superior, Huo Jinlin had nothing to say about him. Lao Qin had
never planned to leave the Huo company.
The matter was finally settled, and everyone felt relieved. Only Lin Yiran was still a little
depressed because of the Cao family's affairs, but she forced herself to smile in front of everyone.
The wound on her face was not serious, but Huo Jinlin insisted that she stay at home to
recuperate. Even Song Yuwan and the old lady followed suit. She didn't want to offend everyone,
so she had to agree.
Guo Nuan felt very sorry for Lin Yiran, so she made delicious food for her and sent it to the Huo
family every day.
The first time she went there, the house was so big that Guo Nuan almost got lost. She smacked
her lips and said, "You live in such a big villa, but you go to work in my small fried chicken shop.
Why do I feel that it's a bit inappropriate?"
"What's wrong with that? I've been working so many hours, so it's okay, right?"
Guo Nuan shook his head seriously: "That's different. Now I know. Next time you go to the store, I
will bring a stool to worship you."
"Go to hell, do I have to provide you with a black and white photo so that you can burn some
paper in front of it during festivals?"
The two of them were joking recklessly, and Guo Nuan only realized belatedly that they were in
the Huo family. She immediately became alert, put her index finger to her lips, and looked around
Lin Yiran was puzzled: "What are you doing? Why are you suddenly so weird?"
Guo Nuan leaned close to her ear and lowered his voice, "I heard that these wealthy families
have all kinds of taboos. Don't make such jokes. If your mother-in-law hears it, I'm afraid she will
be angry."
Lin Yiran didn't notice so much. The Huo family was very nice and never made her feel
uncomfortable, except for Huo Nantian. But now Huo Nantian was sent abroad and couldn't
come back for a while.
"It's okay, it won't happen."
The two walked into the living room while talking and laughing. Song Yuwan came out from the
kitchen carrying some fruit. When she saw Guo Nuan, she greeted her warmly.
"Come on, come on, don't be so reserved, come and sit down!"
"Grandma, auntie, I'm sorry to trouble you."
Lin Yiran pulled Guo Nuan to sit down on the sofa. The old lady was also sitting there. Seeing Guo
Nuan coming, she and Song Yuwan were very happy.
"Don't say that, kid, come over and sit with me more often if you have nothing to do."
Song Yuwan brought her a glass of water, sat down next to the old lady, and said kindly,
"Nuannuan, you don't mind me calling you that, right?"
"It's okay, Auntie."
"Yes," Song Yuwan nodded and said, "When you have nothing to do, come and accompany Yiran,
and treat this place as your own home."
Her gentle attitude made Guo Nuan relax a lot. As Lin Yiran said, the Huo family members were
not arrogant at all and were easy to get along with.
Taking advantage of the time when she was not at work, Guo Nuan would come to see Lin Yiran
every few days, and soon became friends with the old lady and Song Yuwan.
She is more lively than Lin Yiran. Whenever she comes home, there is constant laughter and joy.
Song Yuwan likes her very much.
Now, if Guo Nuan didn't come over every two days, Song Yuwan would ask Lin Yiran to call her to
come over and play.
In fact, Song Yuwan also has selfish motives. She hopes that Guo Nuan can help Lin Yiran to open
up her heart and let her adapt to the life in the Huo family as soon as possible.
But at the same time, Song Yuwan discovered that Lin Yiran seemed to have not mentioned Cao
Junshan's family during this period, and even when they occasionally mentioned it, she avoided
answering the topic. She was very confused.
She found an opportunity to tell Huo Jinlin about this in private, and reminded him, "I think Yi
Ran is quite sensitive to these things. If you have time, you'd better pay more attention to her."
Huo Jinlin naturally knew the Cao family's affairs, but he didn't want to tell Song Yuwan and the
others about the reason, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble, so he just replied lightly: "Okay,
I know, I will find time to ask her."
"Well, you're a boy, so you should always take the initiative in relationships."
"I see."
Song Yuwan was furious when she saw Huo Jinlin's indifferent expression. The old mother was
really worried sick, but the person involved didn't take it seriously at all.
As time went by, Huo Jinlin's work gradually got on track. Lin Yiran had hardly been to the fried
chicken shop during this period, so both of them had some free time.
That day they went to pick up the children from school in person. Xiao Song was tactful enough
to raise the barrier after they got in the car, isolating them in that small space.
Huo Jinlin deliberately brought up the Cao family's affairs and said, "I'm not so busy these days.
Can I accompany you to the Cao family in a few days?"
Lin Yiran didn't expect him to bring up this matter so suddenly, and said evasively: "No need, I'll
go when I'm free later."
"Why? It's been so long, and I should go and visit. This is basic courtesy."
Lin Yiran was obviously reluctant to talk about this topic, and said impatiently, "It's okay. I said no,
and I'll tell you when I need you to go."
Huo Jinlin knew the reason, but he just didn't want to see Lin Yiran keeping it all in her heart like
this, so he wanted her to say it out loud.
"What's going on, Yiran? If you have anything on your mind, you can tell me. Don't keep it to
Under his questioning, Lin Yiran finally couldn't hold it in anymore and broke down crying.
She choked up and told the whole story, but the more she thought about it, the sadder she felt.
Her tears flowed like a dam breaking, and she couldn't stop them.
"Alright, alright, it's okay. You still have me. I will always be by your side."
Huo Jinlin held her in his arms with heartache. Lin Yiran leaned on his shoulder and cried loudly.
Feeling the warmth and wetness on his shoulder, Huo Jinlin silently curled his lips.

Chapter 89: Returning to China Suddenly

Lin Yiran's crying changed from loud wailing at the beginning to silent sobbing later. Huo Jinlin did
not disturb her and let her vent her emotions freely.
Sometimes crying doesn’t mean weakness, but it’s her way of letting out those emotions that
have been pent up inside her.
When she was tired of crying, Huo Jinlin gently handed her a tissue and patiently comforted her:
"These people are not worth your sadness. We are the people closest to you. No matter what
happens, you must learn to let us share your burden."
What Huo Jinlin was most worried about was that Lin Yiran could not open up to him and always
kept everything to herself.
Although several people from the Huo family had said this to her, Lin Yiran was still deeply moved
when she heard Huo Jinlin say it himself.
She said in a muffled voice: "Thank you, thank you for being so tolerant of me."
"Silly girl," Huo Jinlin looked at her red and swollen eyes and said distressedly, "We are a family.
No matter what happens, I will always be by your side."
As the two were talking, the car slowly arrived at the school gate. Xiao Song parked the car at the
place where he usually picked up and dropped off the children.
Lin Yiran quickly wiped away her tears and sorted herself out. She took a deep breath, forced a
smile, and then opened the car door and got out.
Dabao and Xiaobao rushed over from the crowd of children. When they saw Huo Jinlin and Lin
Yiran standing there, they were as happy as wild horses running all the way over to hug them.
"Are you happy?"
Lin Yiran squatted down to look the children in the eye and tightened their school uniforms for
The careful Dabao immediately noticed that his mother's eyes were red. He immediately looked
at Huo Jinlin vigilantly and asked silently: "Did Mom cry? Did you bully her?"
Huo Jinlin waved his hands silently and replied with his lips: "It's none of my business."
The silent communication between the two was seen by Xiao Song in the cab. Dabao quickly
raised his index finger to his lips and made a small "hush" gesture to him.
The two of them are in kindergarten, and Lin Yiyi is in elementary school, so their school dismissal
times are different. Usually, Lin Yiyi comes out half an hour later than them.
Seeing the four of them standing in the cold wind waiting for her, Lin Yiyi hurried over and said in
surprise and joy: "Sister, brother-in-law, why are you here together today?"
Huo Jinlin has always loved Lin Yiyi more. He handed over the hot water he had prepared for her
and asked with concern, "How are you? Are you happy?"
Lin Yiyi has grown a lot during this period of time. She nodded and said, "I'm happy. I'm happy
that someone is picking me up. We are also very happy that Uncle Xiao Song is here to pick me
"This kid is so sweet."
Xiao Song, who was called out, couldn't help but praise Lin Yiyi.
Lin Yiran was very touched. She could always take care of everyone's emotions perfectly. Such a
little person was so pitiful.
Perhaps influenced by her upbringing, Lin Yiyi is indeed much more sensible than other children.
She knows that Dabao and Xiaobao wait for her every day, so Lin Yiyi uses her pocket money to
prepare a small gift for them every day.
So Dabao and Xiaobao liked her more and more, and they were happy even if they had to wait
for her for a while at the school gate every day.
On the way home, there were three more children, and there was laughter all the way. Xiao Song
also put down the barrier. Listening to their chattering, his mood improved a lot.
Noticing that Lin Yiran was in a bad mood, the children actively started telling interesting stories
about their school, hoping to make Lin Yiran happy.
Lin Yiran was naturally aware of their little thoughts and was deeply moved. He suddenly felt that
it would be nice if he could continue like this with Huo Jinlin.
This kind of life is interesting and seems to be something to look forward to.
But just when she was trying to convince herself and decided to integrate into this big circle, the
Huo Nantian who frightened her came back.
Dabao and Xiaobao were also somewhat afraid of this serious grandfather. The two brothers,
who were always talking and laughing, suddenly fell silent when they saw Huo Nantian sitting on
the sofa.
They walked over obediently and called out in unison, "Grandpa."
Huo Nantian snorted coldly without saying a single unnecessary word.
Lin Yiyi followed him sensibly and called out, "Hello, Uncle Huo."
This time Huo Nantian even looked up and said in a gentle tone: "Are you back? Are you used to
He used to be indifferent to Lin Yiyi, but now he suddenly became warm. Lin Yiyi was a little
flattered and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yeah, I'm used to it."
Song Yuwan saw this scene from the side and walked over unhappily and scolded: "Look at you,
you have a stern face all day long, and the children don't dare to talk to you."
Huo Nantian had a clue, and looked at her with a hint of sarcasm: "A loving mother often spoils
her child."
The atmosphere became awkward for a moment, and the children quickly went upstairs, leaving
only the adults in the living room.
Huo Jinlin and he had never gotten along well, and they had some unpleasantness a few days ago
because of Lin Yiran's matter. At this moment, he simply took a long step and sat down opposite
him without saying a word.
The most embarrassed person was Lin Yiran. She followed behind Huo Jinlin and it was neither
right nor wrong to call him. Fortunately, Song Yuwan saw through it and hurried out to smooth
things over.
"Yi Ran, come and sit down. Are you tired?"
Lin Yiran hurried over and sat down next to Song Yuwan obediently: "I'm not tired, Mom."
Huo Nantian had a dark face and said nothing. He looked at Huo Jinlin with a look of
disappointment and said, "The Huo Group's overseas projects need to expand the market. During
this period of time, you should shift your focus to that area."
"Going abroad?"
Before Huo Jinlin could speak, Song Yuwan was the first to speak in surprise, looking at him in
"What else?" Huo Nantian looked at her and said coldly, "If he doesn't go out and gain some
experience at such a young age, how can I trust him to hand over the Huo Group to him in the
As soon as he said this, Song Yuwan immediately got angry and retorted: "I think you have
ulterior motives and deliberately sent him to such a far place. You have been unable to change
your arbitrary and bad temper for decades."
Huo Nantian's face darkened, and he immediately scolded unhappily: "What do you know as a
woman? Stay out of these business matters."
Both of them were stubborn, and Song Yuwan refused to compromise, saying firmly: "I don't care
so much, but I tell you, Huo Nantian, no matter how important your project is, I will never agree
to let my son go so far away."
Seeing that the couple was about to quarrel, Lin Yiran was sweating nervously.

Chapter 90 A dispute
Huo Nantian placed the teacup in his hand heavily on the coffee table, and the glass collided with
the marble table top, making a crisp sound.
The sound was a bit harsh, and one could clearly tell how angry the person who placed the cup
there was.
"That's not up to you."
Seeing that everyone was arguing, Huo Jinlin, who had been pursing his lips and not speaking,
spoke up at this time: "Dad, I don't agree with your idea."
Finally hearing him calling for help, Huo Nantian snorted, but then hearing his denial, his
expression darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.
Huo Jinlin didn't care about him and analyzed everything clearly: "Now the overseas market is
very different from the domestic market. You have been in contact with it longer than I have, so
you probably know the specific situation better than me. Given the current situation of our
group, I think it is better to stabilize the domestic market first."
"That's just what you think," Huo Nantian said angrily, "Everything depends on human effort. If
you don't even try to do it, how do you know you can't do it?"
Compared to Huo Nantian's impatience for quick success, Huo Jinlin has always preferred to win
by playing it safe. The personalities of the father and son are completely different, which is why
they have been incompatible for so many years.
Huo Jinlin shook his head in disapproval, frowning slightly: "According to my analysis, now is
indeed not the best time to enter the foreign market. I think you should consider my words
carefully and never affect the interests of the company for some personal reasons."
He knew that Huo Nantian was trying every means to separate him from Lin Yiran, but work
matters were no joke after all. There were so many employees in the Huo Group, and Huo Jinlin
had to be responsible for them all!
Song Yuwan also took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire: "I think what Jinlin said makes
sense. After all, you are old. Some people should be left to the young people to make decisions."
The three people each had their own opinion, but there was something else behind their words.
Lin Yiran, who was sitting at the side, was the most embarrassed and felt like he was sitting on
pins and needles.
Huo Nantian insisted on his own ideas and refused to listen to Huo Jinlin. He even scolded him,
"Don't make these high-sounding excuses. The reason you don't want to leave home is because
of the woman next to you. What kind of future can a man who is obsessed with love affairs
He spoke so bluntly that if Lin Yiran didn't understand, she would be a fool. Her face turned red
and white, and she looked at Huo Jinlin restlessly.
Perhaps knowing how she felt, Huo Jinlin reached out and held her hand, wrapping her small
hand in his warm big palm. Lin Yiran felt very safe for a moment.
Huo Jinlin angrily retorted: "You have always been arrogant and conceited. You always think that
your decision is right and everyone else is wrong. I can only obey you without questioning you.
Whether I go abroad or not has nothing to do with anyone. If this market is indeed valuable, then
I will fight for it at all costs."
The scene was a little awkward, the atmosphere was extremely tense, Huo Nantian was so angry
that the muscles on his face trembled. He pointed at Lin Yiran and said, " are a woman
who deceives people with your lies. If it weren't for you, how could my son become like this?"
Song Yuwan has always defended Lin Yiran. When she saw him like this, she was immediately
displeased. She quickly stood up to defend her and said, "Huo Nantian, why are you so tactless?
No matter what, you are the elder, how can you scold your daughter-in-law like this?"
She was a lady from a wealthy family, and her upbringing told her that she must not allow Huo
Nantian to be so outspoken again.
Unexpectedly, after Lin Yiran swallowed his saliva in fear, he actually had the guts to talk back to
him, saying, "Mr. Huo, I don't care what you say about me, but I believe Huo Jinlin is definitely not
what you say. If your project is really profitable, I believe Huo Jinlin would not be so reckless."
Lin Yiran is very confident about this point. Huo Jinlin is definitely not someone who treats his
work carelessly.
No one expected that Lin Yiran would actually stand up and speak. They were all stunned for a
moment. Song Yuwan had the most exaggerated expression.
Huo Nantian was outnumbered, so he could only point at Huo Jinlin and curse, "You useless
thing! You actually threw away your own future for a woman without any sense."
Huo Jinlin couldn't understand his stubbornness, so he just retorted: "Those are just what you
think. You don't understand the real truth, and you don't know what I really want."
Since childhood, he has been fed up with Huo Nantian's dominance and dictatorship. He just
knows that no matter what he does, it will not be in Huo Nantian's eyes.
Huo Nantian was so angry that he looked at Huo Jinlin with a firm attitude: "Huo Jinlin, think
about it carefully. If you don't want this woman to divorce, then I will never hand over the Huo
Group to you."
As soon as he said this, the scene suddenly became awkward, and the expressions on everyone's
faces became extremely ugly.
Song Yuwan looked at Lin Yiran who was standing beside him, and scolded Huo Nantian with a
stern face, saying, "You stubborn old man, what's wrong with Yiran that you have to break them
Huo Jinlin also looked at him coldly and said harshly: "No matter what you do, I will never divorce
her. Since I chose her in the first place, I am ready to live with her for the rest of my life."
"That's unreasonable," Huo Nantian slapped the table hard and angrily cursed, "You will regret it
sooner or later."
Lin Yiran had mixed feelings. Seeing the family arguing over her, she felt moved and sad.
The noise in the living room was so loud that the children upstairs heard it and ran out. They
were so scared that they hid in the corner and watched. Until they heard that Grandpa was going
to force Mom and Dad to divorce, Dabao and Xiaobao rushed out even though they were a little
afraid of him.
"Grandpa, Mom is very good to us. We won't allow you to drive her away."
"That's right," Xiaobao was so scared that he started to cry, his voice twitching as he said, "Mom
will make delicious food for us, tell us stories patiently, and take us out to play. We really like her,
please don't chase her away."
Lin Yiran has always felt that she owed these two children. Ever since she came here, she has
been busy with the fried chicken shop and has very little time to spend with them. She did not
expect that the two children would think so highly of her. She was so moved that she almost
Song Yuwan, who was always sentimental, couldn't help crying when she heard the two
children's tearful pleas, and accused Huo Nantian, "Look at you, you wasted decades of food, and
you're not as smart as the two children."
Everyone was blaming Huo Nantian. He was so angry that he was fuming and felt so disappointed
with them that no one was willing to stand by his side.

Chapter 91 Leaving in anger

The children were crying so loudly that even the old lady who was resting in the room was
alarmed and came out alone on crutches.
Seeing this, Song Yuwan quickly stood up and helped the old lady, scolding her, "Mom, you are so
old, why don't you pay attention? If you want to come out, please press the bell at the head of
the bed and we will come in to help you."
The old lady was old, and had some difficulty walking, so everyone was worried about her being
alone. However, everyone was concentrating on the quarrel and no one noticed her at all.
Seeing the chaotic scene, she frowned and asked sternly, "What's going on again? Why are you
quarreling so late at night? How can a family quarrel so loudly, and even involve the children."
No one spoke, only Song Yuwan smiled and said, "Mom, it's okay, we're just talking, don't worry,
I'll go in with you to rest!"
"Hmph." The old lady knocked her cane heavily on the ground and pointed at Huo Nantian
angrily. "It goes without saying that I know it was you who caused the trouble. You unfilial son, do
you really want to piss me off to death?"
Huo Nantian, who was called out by name, looked at her helplessly, his voice no longer as strong
as before: "Mom, how come you are getting old and confused? Marriage is a lifelong event, why
are you also confused?"
The old lady had talked to him about this matter alone before, but Huo Nantian's stubbornness
was beyond her imagination. If it wasn't in front of the children, the old lady really wanted to
raise her cane and hit him.
She was so angry that she cursed: "It's not that I'm old and confused, it's that you're too
stubborn. How could I give birth to a son like you? You really make me so angry."
Everyone looked at Huo Nantian. He stood among them, looking out of place. Everyone looked at
him with anger, as if he was the foreign invader. Huo Nantian was suddenly filled with rage.
"You are really crazy. My Huo family is a prominent family, but you want to marry such a country
woman with no background."
He received no support from anyone in his family, so he cursed angrily and went out with his
The air in the room suddenly became a little more relaxed, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
The two children even lay in Lin Yiran's arms like spoiled children, as if they were afraid that their
mother would be driven away.
Song Yuwan looked at Lin Yiran with some guilt, and comforted her: "Yiran, Jinlin's father is just
like this, don't take what he said to heart!"
Lin Yiran is also a stubborn person and is somewhat sensitive to these things. Everyone is afraid
that she will get stuck in a rut again.
The old lady also sat down, took her hand and patiently counseled her: "Yi Ran, grandma was also
born in a poor family. Later, she followed grandpa and started from scratch. After going through
untold hardships, she finally built up the Huo family's business. So don't listen to her nonsense.
You are a very smart child. To be honest, our Huo family is not worthy of you!"
Lin Yiran felt warm in her heart. She knew that everyone was trying their best to comfort her.
Although Huo Nantian's words were unpleasant, since she had chosen to stand shoulder to
shoulder with Huo Jinlin, she would never give up easily.
She nodded and said, "Grandma, Mom, don't worry, I know everything."
"Well," Song Yuwan held her hand and said, "Jin Lin's father has been in the business world for
decades, and the bloody storms there have already changed him completely. Now his desire for
control is too strong. The most important thing is that he has too high expectations for Jin Lin,
hoping that he can suffer less and take shortcuts."
How pitiful are the loves of parents in the world? How could Lin Yiran not understand this truth?
The farce ended unpleasantly, and everyone stopped talking about this topic after the servants
set the table for dinner.
As night falls, the cool moonlight pours down on the earth like water. Looking up at the starry sky,
it is dotted with stars, so beautiful.
Lin Yiran was leaning against the balcony railing, staring at the dark night sky in a daze. The dim
light shone on her face, and her flickering figure seemed to add some flavor to the scene.
Huo Jinlin walked over with a glass of milk and handed it to her, then put his arm around her
shoulders and watched the stars with her.
"What are you thinking about?"
“Thank you,” Lin Yiran took the milk and looked at the starry sky and said with emotion: “I was
thinking, compared with these vast stars, humans are so insignificant!”
Huo Jinlin increased the strength in his hands, and Lin Yinyin leaned on his shoulder. The two of
them snuggled together, forming a beautiful picture in an instant.
"Tao gave birth to one, one gave birth to two, two gave birth to three, and three gave birth to all
things. Man is just a floating grain in this myriad of worlds. Why should we live so tiredly? We
should think open-mindedly about everything. What do you think?"
Lin Yiran knew that he wanted to talk about what happened today. She paused for a moment,
and finally spoke tentatively: "Jinlin, you...what are your plans for the future? Is the overseas
project really as you said?"
Her dark eyes were full of anxiety, and she looked at Huo Jinlin cautiously, which made him feel
Huo Jinlin gently pulled her over, and when they stood facing each other, he said solemnly, "Yi
Ran, what I said is true. The foreign market is indeed not suitable for further injection of funds
now. It was he who insisted on going his own way and traveling thousands of miles to develop it."
Lin Yiran also had only a vague understanding of work matters. After all, she was an outsider and
didn't understand the twists and turns involved.
Huo Jinlin continued to look at her and said, "Don't worry, I don't care about what I said to him,
and I don't care about the inheritance rights of the group. I am looking for a wife to accompany
me for life, not a business partner."
The marriage between Huo Nantian and Song Yuwan was a marriage between two families. They
had been through ups and downs for decades. Although they respected each other, they were
really unhappy. Huo Jinlin had seen all of this since he was a child, so he didn't want to become a
person like that in the future.
Lin Yiran didn't expect that he could actually say these words. She was so moved that her eyes
turned red and her nose felt sore.
"Jinlin, thank you. I won't back down. As long as I know your true thoughts, I will walk side by
side with you."
Her voice was heavily nasal and her words were somewhat incoherent, but Huo Jinlin still
excitedly hugged her in his arms.
"Yan'ran, I'm so glad you think of me this way."
It has not been easy for this marriage to have come this far, and Huo Jinlin is afraid that Lin Yiran
will choose to back down again.
Lin Yiran rested her chin on his shoulder and said in a muffled voice: "Jinlin, if one day you get
tired of me, or if you have someone else in your heart..."
As soon as she said this, she was kissed by Huo Jinlin before she could finish her words, and the
rest of her words were blocked in her stomach.
Huo Jinlin's hot lips and tongue felt a sweet taste, and he greedily grabbed it in her mouth. After
the kiss, Lin Yin almost suffocated and breathed in fresh air in big gulps.

Chapter 92 Preparing for the Wedding

The next morning, the first ray of sunlight shone through the blinds. Lin Yiran opened her eyes
slightly and turned sideways to meet Huo Jinlin's ink-black eyes.
Huo Jinlin smiled gently and said, "Morning."
Lin Yiran shrank back shyly like a little girl. What happened last night was still vivid in her mind.
The air was even filled with the scent of love. The moment her face turned red, she wanted to
find a hole to crawl into.
Knowing that she was thin-skinned, Huo Jinlin couldn't help but tease her: "Why are you
blushing? Are you still thinking about what happened last night?"
"Aren't you ashamed to say this in broad daylight?"
The little woman shyly pulled up the cup to cover her face, but she couldn't help but reveal a pair
of eyes to secretly look at Huo Jinlin.
"This is called... daytime adultery."
Huo Jinlin was in a good mood. He reached out and scratched her nose, teasing her on purpose.
Lin Yiran's face turned even redder, and it felt hot. But Huo Jinlin suddenly waved his hand and
pulled her into his arms, letting her cheek touch his chest.
Listening to his strong heartbeat, Lin Yiran's heart also beat like a deer, but a happy smile
gradually appeared on her face.
As the saying goes, one's emotions are revealed on one's face. Lin Yiran is such a person who
cannot hide her emotions. Guo Nuan has been with her for a long time and can tell what is going
on just by looking at her expression.
"Why, did you sleep with me last night? You looked so happy and smiling."
Lin Yiran glared at her shyly: "How can a girl be so irrelevant all day long? Aren't you afraid of
being laughed at if it gets out?"
Their personalities are completely different. If placed in ancient times, Guo Nuan would be just
like a playboy wandering on the streets.
Guo Nuan stuck out her tongue mischievously, made a face at her, and went to do other things.
When she came back, she saw Lin Yiran standing in front of the bar in a daze.
"What's wrong with you? You were so cheerful just now, but now you're standing here with your
head down."
Lin Yiran suddenly remembered what Huo Nantian said last night, and she hesitated whether she
should tell Guo Nuan about this.
"What's going on? You can't keep things to yourself anymore. Just tell me what's going on. I'll
help you analyze it."
Seeing that she was hesitant to speak, Guo Nuan knew that she must have some doubts in her
Lin Yiran sighed helplessly and had to tell her the whole story.
After hearing this, Guo Nuan almost dropped her jaw in shock. She muttered in disbelief, "Huo
Jinlin's mother seems to be fine, why is his father like this?"
She had heard something about it before and knew that Huo Jinlin's father did not accept her,
but she did not expect the situation to be so serious that she had a quarrel with the whole family.
It is true that every family has its own problems.
"Yeah, I didn't expect things to turn out like this."
Talking about this, Lin Yiran was also helpless. She never knew that a person could be so stubborn
that he would insist on his own ideas even at the cost of making enemies with his entire family.
She felt very guilty towards the other members of the Huo family. If it weren't for her, things
wouldn't have come to this.
Guo Nuan didn't know that things would turn out like this. He patted her shoulder and comforted
her softly, "Don't be too sad. This matter has nothing to do with you."
Lin Yiran nodded, but she still had doubts about what Huo Jinlin said. She asked nervously, "Sister
Nuan, do you think there are really people in this world who are willing to give up the wealth that
is within their reach?"
Everyone has desires, and Lin Yiran still doesn't believe that anyone can refuse such a property.
She thinks that even if Huo Jinlin agrees to it now in a moment of confusion, he may regret it one
day in the future.
"Why don't you just ask him directly? I think if it's someone else, I might not be sure, but if it's
Huo Jinlin, I believe he will."
Although they didn't spend much time together, Guo Nuan saw all of Huo Jinlin's feelings for Lin
Yiran, and she absolutely believed in his character.
When this was mentioned, Lin Yiran remembered what happened on the balcony last night, and
her face instantly turned abnormally red again.
"I asked him last night, but I always feel that we have only known each other for such a short
time, how could we possibly be able to compare to the huge assets of the Huo Group."
She thought she was not outstanding, but she was not confident enough to think that she held
such an important position in Huo Jinlin's heart.
Guo Nuan tapped her forehead lightly: "You are too unconfident in yourself."
But in today's money-oriented society, Guo Nuan doesn't trust anyone. She advised Lin Yiran:
"But what you said does make sense. You two are the ones living your life. Just take it one step at
a time. Why think so much?"
Life is like this. Thinking too much will only add to your troubles. Lin Yiran nodded, and suddenly
became curious about the development of her relationship with Lao Qin.
"How far have you progressed? When are you planning to get married?"
"It's almost done. We're preparing now. I'm even planning to ask you to be a witness!"
Guo Nuan rarely showed a little girl's look. In her heart, Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin were their
benefactors. Without them, she and Lao Qin would never have been able to achieve a happy
Lin Yiran was surprised and delighted: "You hid it very well. You wouldn't tell me unless I asked!"
It is not easy for them. Seeing them together, Lin Yiran is really happy for them.
Speaking of the wedding, Guo Nuan looked a little shy: "Old Qin and I are still discussing it. We
were planning to formally invite you and Huo Jinlin once the date is set."
Lin Yiran pretended to be displeased and said, "You are being too formal. With our relationship,
why are you being so formal with me?"
Both of them suffered misfortunes in their original families, so they sympathize with each other
and regard each other as their closest people.
When the old lady of the Huo family and Song Yuwan heard that Lao Qin and Guo Nuan were
getting married, they were happy for them from the bottom of their hearts and expressed their
willingness to help her prepare a wedding gift. Lin Yiran was also very touched.
"Thank you grandma, thank you mom."
"Silly girl, why are you thanking us? We are all family. Guo Nuan is a good girl and we really like
When the two little ones heard that Lin Yiran was going to help Guo Nuan choose wedding gifts,
they all expressed their desire to go along and join in the fun.
"Mom, take us with you. We can help you with some advice."
Lin Yiran didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You guys still know how to choose gifts?"
"Yes, yes," the two children nodded in unison and begged, "Mom, please, take us with you!"
Looking at their passionate eyes, Lin Yiran finally couldn't resist their pleading and finally agreed.

Chapter 93 Wedding Scene

Lao Qin briefly told his parents about Guo Nuan's family situation. His parents were both well-
educated intellectuals. When they learned about this situation, they did not dislike Guo Nuan,
but felt sorry for her.
Everyone discussed not inviting Guo’s family to the wedding, and Guo Nuan agreed, fearing that
it would be embarrassing if her parents came.
Lin Yiran was worried that Guo Nuan would suffer in the future in Lao Qin's family without the
support of her mother, so she specially prepared a lot of dowry for her. Guo Nuan was so moved
that she cried like a tearful person.
"Yan'an, thank you for being so nice to me."
Lao Qin also raised his glass and looked at Huo Jinlin, saying, "Mr. Huo, thank you."
The way men communicate is very special. All they want to say is in the wine. Lao Qin picked up
the glass and drank it all.
It was the eve of the wedding, and in order to celebrate for Guo Nuan, Lin Yiran and the four of
them had a simple meal together.
Huo Jinlin raised his cup and clinked it with his, and said with his thin lips: "Happy wedding."
The two men smiled at each other, and a thousand words were expressed without words.
Guo Nuan had no extra relatives or friends, so Lin Yiran took on all the details of the wedding and
was very busy.
The wedding day finally arrived. Lin Yiran arrived at the hotel early in the morning and was busy
checking every task on site.
Everything was going on in full swing. Lin Yiran was satisfied and was about to go to the dressing
room to see the bride, but suddenly at this moment she met a group of uninvited guests.
Guo's parents and brother and sister-in-law heard from somewhere that Guo Nuan was holding a
wedding here, and a group of people came here in a mighty manner.
Everyone had already torn their faces apart. Lin Yiran looked at them with displeasure and asked
coldly, "What are you doing here? You are not welcome here."
"What a joke," Guo's mother stood up and pointed at Lin Yiran's nose, "What qualifications do
you have to chase me away? Today is my daughter's wedding day. As her family, shouldn't we be
"Haha," Lin Yiran sneered, "I have never seen such a shameless person. Didn't you guys cut off
your relationship long ago? Sister Nuan is alone, and I am her in-laws."
The quarrel among several people in the corridor startled Guo Nuan who was putting on makeup.
She came out holding up her skirt, and her face changed instantly when she saw the Guo family.
"What are you doing here?"
Wasn't it enough that he had harassed her before, and now he's even going to bother her at her
wedding, wanting to cause a huge commotion before he'd give up?
Guo's father angrily scolded: "You unfilial daughter, we are your family, but you hid your marriage
from us. You will regret it in the future."
Lin Yiran was completely stunned. It was the first time she realized that some people in this world
could make her so disgusted. It was as if it wasn’t them who had slammed the table and
threatened to sever ties with her.
When Guo's mother saw her daughter coming out, her attitude became even tougher: "Guo
Nuan, we are here to attend the wedding. If you don't let us stay, it might be inappropriate if it
gets out, right?"
She threatened him with her status. Guo Nuan looked at the scene outside and pulled Lin Yiran
aside with some worry, "Yiran, what do you think about this matter? If we don't let them stay, I'm
afraid it will be bad if there's a commotion and the guests outside know about it."
Lin Yiran shook his head firmly, pushed her into the dressing room, and comforted her: "Just put
on your makeup and leave it to me. I have a way and will never embarrass you."
After she finished speaking, she considerately closed the door of the dressing room for her. Guo
Nuan was tired of dealing with it and didn't want to look at the ugly faces of the Guo family, so
she agreed.
"Guo Nuan, come out here. What are you hiding for?"
When they saw Guo Nuan enter the room, they anxiously wanted to come over. Guo Nuan's
brother wanted to push her away, but Lin Yiran pointed directly at his face, and he was
immediately frightened.
Last time he was the one who walked away, but Lin Yiran had a special identity and was not
someone to be trifled with. He had learned from his mistakes and although he was angry now, he
would not touch Lin Yiran.
He pointed at Lin Yiran viciously and said, "You are cruel, but we will not leave no matter what
you say today."
"That's not up to you."
As soon as his harsh words came out, Huo Jinlin rushed over. His angry voice made the Guo
family members immediately lower their heads and keep silent.
He looked at everyone in front of him angrily and warned them, "You'd better behave yourself. If
you come to provoke Guo Nuan again, with my ability, I will definitely make sure you never get
back on your feet."
Looking at Huo Jinlin's broad back standing in front of her, Lin Yiran was deeply moved. He always
arrived in time.
The Guo family was driven away in embarrassment by the security guards. The security guards
were rude and did not take them seriously at all.
Although they were angry, they did not dare to confront Huo Jinlin head-on due to his identity.
The guests turned around when they heard the noise and were all surprised to see this scene.
Some of them gossiped and learned that these were Guo Nuan's parents, and they couldn't help
but start whispering.
When Lao Qin's relatives heard everyone talking about this, they felt a little embarrassed.
Everyone had some opinions about Guo Nuan, but because Lao Qin's parents were present, they
didn't dare to say much even though they were dissatisfied.
When Guo Nuan learned that her parents were kicked out, she felt relieved. She no longer had to
worry. Otherwise, if something went wrong today, how would Lao Qin's parents look at her.
Lin Yiran also knew the worries in her heart and comforted her: "It's okay, don't worry, those
people's opinions are not important, you and Lao Qin just need to live a good life."
Fortunately, Lao Qin's parents are reasonable people, and they have heard a little about the
attitude of Guo's parents, so they should not make things difficult for Guo Nuan.
Guo Nuan nodded thoughtfully and said, "I hope so!"
Seeing that she was lost in thought, Dabao and Xiaobao began to perform somersaults in public,
which made Lin Yiran and Guo Nuan burst out laughing.
Xiao Bao said happily: "Auntie Guo Nuan, you smiled, you look so beautiful today."
Guo Nuan felt warm in her heart, squatted down to meet them, and asked softly, "So you were
just trying to make me happy?"
"Yes, yes, mom said you must be the most beautiful in the world today. Boys are responsible for
making girls happy!"
The two adults were amused by them. Lin Yiyi said with a smile: "In the future, we won't have to
worry about you coaxing girls."
A few people were joking around, and the three children were attracted by the decorations of the
wedding scene. They ran around happily and laughed constantly.
Guo Nuan looked at this scene and suddenly turned to ask Lin Yiran, "Are you and Huo Jinlin
planning to have children?"
You said before that you didn’t want children, but now so much time has passed, it’s time for the
relationship between the two of you to be well established!
Lin Yiran did have some thoughts in her mind occasionally, but seeing how cute these two
children were, she no longer thought about them.

Chapter 94 Eavesdropping
She thought for a moment, looked at the cute children in front of her, and said, "Let's not do it for
now. We already have three children at home. If we have another one, I'm afraid we won't have
enough energy and time to take care of it. Wouldn't that distract us from caring for these
Guo Nuan also understood their special situation, but as a friend she felt sorry for her behavior of
sacrificing herself for everyone else.
There is no woman who doesn't want to have a child of her own. At least, life is incomplete
without experiencing that process.
"Don't be too hard on yourself. There are so many people in the Huo family. If you really give
birth to one, you don't have to worry."
If I really give birth to a child, I'm afraid the old lady and Song Yuwan won't have time to love her
enough, so why would they find it troublesome?
Lin Yiran smiled bitterly: "Let's talk about it later!"
The two were talking seriously and neither of them noticed the figure that appeared at the door
of the room. After hearing Lin Yiran's thoughts, Huo Jinlin strode away.
The wedding ceremony arrived as scheduled. Lin Yiran slowly led Guo Nuan to the stage, and Lao
Qin was already waiting for her there with a bouquet of flowers.
The two of them loved each other with difficulty. Looking at the beloved one slowly walking
towards him in a white wedding dress, tears welled up in the eyes of Lao Qin, a grown man.
"Nuan Nuan, I am so lucky to meet you. I will love you and cherish you for the rest of my life. I will
make you the happiest woman in the world."
The sparkling diamond ring was put on Guo Nuan's ring finger. This was the happiest moment in a
woman's life. Guo Nuan shed tears of emotion, and Lao Qin held her in his arms.
Although no one from the bride's family attended, the wedding was still very lively. Lin Yiran
stood in the corner and watched them finally get married, feeling very happy.
"Mom, why are you crying too?"
Xiaobao was very confused. Didn't grandma say that getting married was a happy thing? Why was
everyone wiping tears?
Lin Yiran was amused by him and explained, "Mom was so excited that she cried for joy."
Xiaobao opened his mouth wide and nodded, not quite understanding what was said.
Huo Jinlin fell into deep thought as he looked at the smiling faces on the stage. He looked at Lin
Yiran beside him, wondering whether he should give her a make-up wedding. As for having
children, it seemed that it should also be taken into consideration. He didn't want Lin Yiran to
have any regrets.
The wedding ceremony was coming to an end and the banquet officially began. Guo Nuan went
back to change her clothes accompanied by her makeup artist, and came forward with Lao Qin to
toast, holding wine glasses.
When they came to their table, Huo Jinlin held Lin Yiran's shoulder and said to Lao Qin in a
serious tone, "Lao Qin, you better be nice to him, or I won't forgive you."
Lao Qin smiled from ear to ear and assured everyone at the table: "Don't worry, I won't. I will
treat her well for the rest of my life."
Song Yuwan and the old lady also came and sat aside and echoed: "You have to keep your word,
we are all witnesses!"
Everyone burst into laughter. After three rounds of drinks, when most of the guests had left, Huo
Jinlin left with his whole family. Lao Qin and Guo Nuan saw them off to the door.
Song Yuwan and the old lady took one car, while Huo Jinlin took Lin Yiran and the three children
in another car.
The children were so excited today that they began to feel drowsy as soon as they got on the bus.
They staggered around and soon fell asleep.
Lin Yiran leaned his head against the window and looked outside, not knowing what he was
Huo Jinlin recalled what he heard at the door of the dressing room and asked tentatively, "Yi Ran,
have you ever thought about having children?"
"Child?" Lin Yiran looked at him in confusion. "Didn't you say before that you didn't want
children? Why are you suddenly asking this today?"
Huo Jinlin didn't mention her conversation with Guo Nuan, but said calmly: "I just want to ask
you what you really think in your heart. Have you ever thought about having a child of your
This question confused Lin Yiran. She subconsciously looked at Dabao and Xiaobao, thinking that
she had done something wrong.
"Aren't Dabao and Xiaobao our children? Wasn't I also adopted by my mother? They are like our
own children, but they are better than our own."
Xu Juan treated her and Lin Yiyi equally. If the Cao family hadn't suddenly come to her, Lin Yiran
would never have thought of looking for her biological parents.
She lowered her voice and said, "As long as we are sincere to them, they will treat us well in the
future. Does it matter whether they are our biological children or not?"
Huo Jinlin didn't expect that she would think this way. He was deeply moved and felt that he had
not misjudged her.
The two of them spoke in low voices, fearing that the sleeping children would hear them.
However, Lin Yiyi woke up as soon as they started talking, but she did not open her eyes and kept
eavesdropping on their conversation.
When Lin Yiyi heard that Lin Yiran didn't want her own child, she became worried for her.
The car slowly stopped at the gate of Nanlinyuan, and Lin Yiyi opened her eyes immediately. Lin
Yiran looked at Dabao and Xiaobao who were still sleeping, and quickly raised her index finger to
make a gesture to her to keep quiet.
"Young Madam, let me do it!"
Huo Jinlin picked up Dabao and went upstairs. Lin Yiran was also about to pick up Xiaobao, but
Xiaosong got there first.
After all, children of a few years old still weighed several dozen kilograms. It was indeed a bit
difficult for Lin Yiran to carry them upstairs, so she let him do it.
There were only two sisters left in the car. Lin Yiran was about to get out when Lin Yiyi suddenly
grabbed her sleeve.
Lin Yiran turned and looked at her: "What's wrong?"
Lin Yiyi was about to speak when Song Yuwan came out. Seeing this, Lin Yiyi quickly shook her
head and swallowed back what she was about to say.
Seeing her hesitant look, Lin Yiran felt a little guilty. She had paid too little attention to Lin Yiyi
As night fell, Lin Yiran knocked on Lin Yiyi's door with a glass of milk: "Yiyi, are you asleep?"
Hearing her sister's voice, Lin Yiyi, who was doing homework, hurried over and opened the door.
"What are you going to tell your sister today?"
Lin Yiran sat at her desk and watched her finish the milk before speaking.
Lin Yiyi glanced at the tightly closed door of the room, and said seriously like a little adult, "Sister,
why don't you want a child of your own?"
"Ah?" Lin Yiran was confused by her question and joked, "You are just a little kid, why are you
worrying about these things?"
"I'm not a child," Lin Yiyi said seriously, "I understand everything. I heard the conversation
between you and your brother-in-law, but I still think you should have a child of your own."
Lin Yiran looked at her with amusement: "Why?"
Lin Yiyi blushed and couldn't think of a good reason, so she could only explain: "Anyway, you have
to have a child of your own, otherwise you will be without relatives when you are old."

Chapter 95: Reflection

Lin Yiran was at a loss whether to laugh or cry. Children nowadays are not so easy to coax. A child
of seven or eight years old already has such mature ideas in his mind.
She touched her head helplessly and said with a smile: "Aren't Dabao and Xiaobao good?
Besides, you are still thinking, if we have our own children at this time, we won't be able to pick
you up from school, and we have to take care of the children at home when you want to go out
to play. Are you willing to do that?"
I thought the child would be scared away by these words, but I didn't expect Lin Yiyi to mutter in
dissatisfaction: "I'm not a child anymore. I don't need you to accompany me. Besides, doesn't
Uncle Xiao Song pick us up and drop us off every day? Isn't this good too?"
"It's Dabao and Xiaobao who want their parents to accompany them. They are still young, and
their mother hasn't been around since they were young. So now they naturally hope that their
mother can spend more time with them. They don't want another brother or sister to share their
This matter cannot be rushed, and Lin Yiran also wants to let nature take its course. Of course,
Dabao and Xiaobao are also the main reasons.
But Lin Yiyi was not willing to give in and objected, "Dabao and Xiaobao will grow up. They have
their own playmates in kindergarten now and don't need your company too much. Besides, how
do you know they don't want a brother or sister?"
She stared at Lin Yiran with her eyes wide open. These words completely stumped her, and Lin
Yiran had no idea how to refute it for a moment.
Huo Jinlin happened to pass by outside and heard the two sisters discussing this. He knocked on
the door, looked at Lin Yiyi tenderly and said, "Yiyi, can I come in?"
Lin Yiyi nodded, but perhaps she felt embarrassed and stopped bringing up the topic after Huo
Jinlin came in, but Huo Jinlin took the initiative to bring it up.
"Yiyi, I know you hope that your sister can have a child of her own, but this matter has to be left
to nature, you know? Now is not the right time, but we don't want it now, but it doesn't mean we
won't want it in the future. When the time is right, we will consider this matter, understand?"
What he said was a bit profound, and it was indeed difficult for a seven-year-old child to
understand. Lin Yiyi nodded as if she understood, but she didn't dwell on it anymore.
Lin Yiran struck while the iron was hot and deliberately teased her, "You are too young to help us
take care of the baby now. When you are older, we will give birth to the baby and you can help us
take care of it, okay?"
The child pursed his lips and nodded reluctantly: "Okay then!"
The two of them successfully worked together to coax Lin Yiyi, and Lin Yiran comforted her to
sleep. When they returned to the room, they both couldn't help but smile at each other. They still
had a tacit understanding with each other.
Huo Jinlin had already taken a shower and was lying on the bed, his chest bare. He waved his big
hand and pulled Lin Yiran over to him, and asked tentatively: "Yiran, do you feel insecure without
a child? And do you feel wronged if you don't have a child now?"
He asked two questions in a row. Lin Yiran was a little surprised. She looked up at him and asked,
"Why do you have such an idea? No, why should I feel wronged? Anyway, we are still young now.
When Dabao and Xiaobao are older, we can have a child. It's not like we can't have children."
In fact, everyone has been worrying about her about the child during this period of time, but
after so many times, Lin Yiran has come to terms with it. Her relationship with Huo Jinlin was not
very stable to begin with, so isn't it nice to just live in a world of two at this stage?
Huo Jinlin was a little surprised: "I always thought you wanted a child, but you only agreed
temporarily because of me."
Lin Yiran was speechless. She pulled his hand away, sat up and leaned against the headboard,
patiently explaining, "I have thought deeply about this period of time. I think having children is
something that needs to be done carefully. Moreover, my own life experience makes me even
more reluctant to let Dabao and Xiaobao feel wronged because we have our own children. At
their age now, they need their parents' company the most. I hope to make up for what I didn't
get myself."
She is actually not that great, she just wants to give her children a complete childhood as much as
Huo Jinlin felt mixed emotions. He looked at her for a long time, not knowing what to say, and he
felt more and more indebted to her.
He sighed: "Yi Ran, you will definitely be the best mother in the world."
The two reached an agreement on having children, and neither of them mentioned the topic
As time went by, the noise from the fried chicken shop gradually stabilized, and Lin Yiran
gradually shifted the focus of her life to her family.
She now enjoys the trivialities of life that she used to disdain.
After understanding Lin Yiran's true thoughts, Huo Jinlin felt more and more indebted to her. He
tried his best to cancel some unimportant work and spend more time with his family.
Lin Yiran was worried that it would affect his work. Huo Nantian already had feelings for her. If
these trivial matters increased the conflict between father and son, it would be a loss.
"It's okay, don't worry, I won't affect my work, and he won't say anything even if he knows."
After hearing what he said, Lin Yiran felt relieved.
The two were taking their three children to the supermarket at the moment. The children, who
seldom went to such places often, were like wild horses that had broken free from their reins.
They rushed in as soon as they got off the car, leaving the two adults far behind.
Huo Jinlin took out a card from his pocket and handed it to her, saying jokingly: "This is my salary
card, there is no password, you can take it!"
When the two of them had just gotten their marriage certificate, Huo Jinlin had given her a card,
but it was just an ordinary card that he had asked his assistant to apply for. He deposited 5,000
yuan into it every month, just to conceal his identity.
Lin Yiran didn't reach out to take it, pretending to be angry and said, "Sly man, he even prepared
the bank card in advance just to lie."
Huo Jinlin was afraid that she would be angry again because of this matter, so he looked a little
flustered and said quickly: "That was all in the past. Now I swear, I really have nothing to hide
from you."
"Hehe," Lin Yiran looked at him arrogantly and warned, "If you dare to lie to me again, I will tell
grandma and the others and let them help me punish you."
Except for Huo Nantian, everyone else in the family stood on Lin Yiran's side, and Huo Jinlin didn't
dare to provoke her easily.
He echoed her words and said, "Okay, okay, please don't do that. I can't handle it."
Just thinking about that scene, she would probably collapse, with the whole family, young and
old, coming to denounce him. Given the old lady's personality, she would probably even raise her
cane and hit him a few times out of anger. Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

Chapter 96 A Change of Normality

After a while of banter between the two, the children went in for a while and came out again.
Finally, Lin Yin took them to play in the playground in front of the supermarket for a while. The
three children were sweating profusely after playing, and then they went home laughing and
Unexpectedly, as soon as she reached the door of the living room, a gaze as cold as ice pierced
her. Lin Yiran's heart skipped a beat, and she saw Huo Nantian sitting coldly on the sofa.
The three children walked in properly in an instant. After all, they felt a little uneasy in front of
Huo Nantian.
Huo Nantian's expression was slightly restrained, and his tone was slightly softened: "You guys go
upstairs first!"
The more nonchalant his expression was, the more Lin Yiran felt that a storm was about to come.
The children went upstairs as requested, leaving only Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran. It seemed that they
had expected him to come back. Huo Jinlin pulled Lin Yiran to sit opposite Huo Nantian without
any surprise.
Lin Yiran was frightened but did not dare to resist, so she could only sit down opposite him.
Huo Nantian didn't even look at her, but looked at Huo Jinlin coldly and asked, "You didn't go to
the company today?"
As soon as these words came out, Lin Yiran's heart was instantly lifted again, but Huo Jinlin
frankly admitted: "There was nothing important today, so I didn't go. Is there anything wrong?"
"You are quite self-righteous," Huo Nantian angrily slapped the table and sneered coldly, "You will
never achieve anything great if you indulge in love affairs all day long."
Huo Jinlin did not back down and asked, "Then how much have you accomplished if you put work
first all your life and ignored your family and children?"
These words touched Huo Nantian's sore spot. If it weren't for Huo Jinlin's support over the past
few years, how could the Huo Group have reached such a peak?
Huo Nantian had been running the business for his entire life, but it was just a small business that
was neither good nor bad. It was only in recent years that Huo Jinlin took over the business and it
became prosperous, ranking first among the companies in the city.
The father and son were facing each other awkwardly. The air was filled with a strong smell of
gunpowder and silent smoke filled the air.
"Rebellious son... you rebellious son, cough cough..."
Huo Nantian was so angry that he was trembling all over and his face was pale. Lin Yin couldn't
bear it and reached out to pull Huo Jinlin's sleeve.
She lowered her voice and whispered in his ear: "Forget it, don't say anything. It won't hurt to let
him scold you. If you get angry and get yourself hurt, won't you feel guilty and sad?"
Upon hearing this, Huo Jinlin patted her hand gently to comfort her, pursed his thin lips and said
nothing more.
After a long while, Huo Nantian recovered and pointed at Lin Yiran and said to Huo Jinlin, "If you
insist on being with her, it's not impossible, but you must let her learn how to socialize and
accumulate connections for the Huo family. In the future, let your mother take her to any
celebrity gala."
Lin Yiran was delighted when she heard this. Although she was strongly opposed to this matter, if
it could make Huo Nantian change his attitude, she was willing to learn to attend these parties.
Just as she was about to answer, Huo Jinlin spoke before her, saying in a light tone: "I have
already promised her this matter before. If she is unwilling to participate in this, no one can force
Seeing how Huo Jinlin cared about Lin Yiran, Huo Nantian was furious: "Just indulge her. I want to
see how long you can hold out."
Lin Yiran couldn't bear to see Huo Jinlin being caught in the middle, so she took the initiative to
say, "It's okay. If something like this happens next time, I'll go with mom to see it, and just
consider it as a chance to broaden my horizons."
Now Huo Nantian's dark and gloomy face finally looked better. He snorted coldly and went
straight upstairs.
The depressing atmosphere in the living room dissipated instantly, and Lin Yiran breathed a sigh
of relief, feeling relieved.
Huo Jinlin looked at her with some distress: "Why did you agree to him? If you don't want to go,
don't go. No one can force you."
Once a word is spoken, it cannot be taken back. Since he has already promised Lin Yiran, he will
never regret it. If he can't even keep the simplest promise, how can there be trust between the
two of them?
Lin Yiran was deeply moved and shook her head, saying, "It's okay. I also hope that I can do my
best for your career. You have to learn to do these things."
Ever since they expressed their feelings to each other, Lin Yiran felt that she owed Huo Jinlin.
Compared to the sacrifices Huo Jinlin made for her, she had given nothing in this love.
Now there is such an opportunity to help Huo Jinlin, and Lin Yiran is willing to do it.
"Well, then, you decide for yourself. If you don't want to go, don't force yourself. Don't worry
about it."
As Huo Jinlin's woman, there is no need for her to compromise for others.
It was a rare evening when Huo Nantian was at home, so Lin Yiran asked Song Yuwan about his
preferences and cooked a table full of his favorite dishes herself, hoping to leave a good
impression on Huo Nantian.
Unexpectedly, Huo Nantian remained silent at the dinner table, and didn't even glance at Lin
Song Yuwan suddenly mentioned the socialite party midway through the conversation and asked
indifferently, "Why did you suddenly ask Yi Ran to attend the dinner? She's not interested in
those things, and she rarely attends those kinds of occasions. She won't be able to adapt to
"If you're not interested, you can cultivate interest. If you're not used to it, you can learn. It's
impossible to stay at home and deal with these things for the rest of your life, right?"
His words made Song Yuwan angry: "There's no rush. If she wants to learn, there will be plenty of
opportunities in the future. Why force her to do it now?"
Seeing the tension on the dinner table gradually rising, Lin Yiran was afraid that the couple would
quarrel again, so she quickly said, "It's okay, Mom, I am willing to do this. Since I have made up
my mind to be with Jin Lin, I have to learn to deal with these things."
Seeing that she said so, Song Yuwan didn't know what to say. Huo Nantian's attitude towards Lin
Yiran became better and his expression relaxed a little.
"If you want to learn these things, you should go out more often and see more. If you stay at
home all day, you won't learn anything."
This was the first time Huo Nantian spoke to Lin Yiran in such a long time. She was so moved that
she smiled and nodded quickly, as if she had won the lottery.
"I know. I'll go out and learn more."
Everyone was puzzled about Huo Nantian's attitude. Although they didn't know why he changed,
they were very happy to see that he was no longer targeting Lin Yiran.
The meal was finished in such an uneasy manner. Huo Jinlin left the table and wanted to go back
to his room, but was stopped by Huo Nantian.
"Come to my study later. I have something to discuss with you about work."
Huo Jinlin understood what was going on. He had heard about the problems in Huo's overseas
market. Huo Nantian was in a hurry at this time, so it was not surprising that he came to him.

Chapter 97 Falling into the Pool

Lin Yiran was still a little worried, but Huo Jinlin comforted her, "It's okay, don't worry, I can
handle the work."
The old lady and Song Yuwan also winked at her to tell her to be at ease, so Lin Yiran didn't ask
any more questions.
The father and son entered the study room one after the other. Huo Nantian looked a little
unnatural and asked, "What do you think about the foreign market?"
Someone had informed him of the company's affairs early in the morning, but Huo Jinlin had
never expressed his opinion.
Through this incident, Huo Nantian realized that he really didn't understand his son at all.
Compared to himself, he was too patient.
Huo Jinlin frowned slightly: "Haven't you always been in charge of the foreign market? Just make
the decision on that part. I don't know the specific situation!"
Huo Nantian was anxious, knowing that Huo Jinlin was trying to stop him with words. It was his
fault for making such harsh words in the beginning, but now he had no confidence in front of
him, and his words were obviously lacking in momentum.
The two of them confronted each other for a while, and Huo Jinlin finally spoke up, saying, "You
should withdraw your investment in this matter in a timely manner, and do not continue to invest
in the project for the time being. The most important thing is to stop the loss in time. There will
definitely be losses, but you must not lose the big picture for the sake of small gains. You must
take a long-term goal."
This is a simple truth that anyone can understand, but the most important thing is, as Huo Jinlin
said, Huo Nantian is reluctant to give up that little bit of profit for the time being, so his son's
words gave him peace of mind.
"You need to keep an eye on this matter in the future and pay more attention to the company's
affairs. The business world is like a battlefield. After all, you are inexperienced and you still have a
lot to learn."
It was rare for the father and son to sit down and talk so calmly. Huo Jinlin also rarely refuted
him, but replied calmly: "I have already made a plan for the overseas market. I will send it to your
email later. You can take a look first. If there is no problem, my assistant will follow up in time.
You don't have to worry about this matter."
After all, they are still a family, and Huo Jinlin couldn't just sit there and watch the company go
into trouble. He was prepared to deal with it the moment he got the news.
Huo Nantian nodded slightly, his old face was embarrassed and his expression was a little strange.
When the people in the living room downstairs heard the study door open, they turned around
and saw Huo Jinlin walking out calmly. Even Song Yuwan felt a little surprised, as they hadn't had
such a calm conversation between father and son for a long time.
Everything is going in the right direction. Lin Yiran hasn't been to the store much recently. In
order to better adapt to various dances, she began to learn various etiquette knowledge with
Song Yuwan's company and underwent some emergency training.
Time soon came to the weekend, and it happened that the daughter of a real estate boss in the
city was having a birthday, so Song Yuwan personally took Lin Yiran to attend the party.
With the previous experience as a lesson, Lin Yiran began to feel nervous as soon as she stood at
the door, and followed Song Yuwan in with trepidation.
Song Yuwan patted her hand that was holding her arm and comforted her, "It's okay, don't worry,
I'm here!"
Lin Yiran nodded with relief, straightened her back, and followed Song Yuwan with a confident
As soon as they entered the hall, a graceful lady came over with a flattering smile on her face:
"Mrs. Huo, this is your daughter-in-law, she is really elegant. I haven't seen her for a while, and
she has changed so much that I almost didn't recognize her."
Song Yuwan said with a fake smile: "No, no, you are too kind."
The two women exchanged some pleasantries before Song Yuwan led Lin Yiran to continue
walking inside. Lin Yiran looked back at the woman, feeling a little surprised.
She said uncertainly, "Last time at the banquet, she was among the gossiping crowd, right?"
Too much time had passed, and she didn't know these people, so she was a little unsure.
But Song Yuwan knew her. She nodded and said with a look of disdain, "She is the one who
always talks the most. I rarely talk to her and we are not very familiar with each other."
Lin Yiran was also familiar with her personality, which was intellectual and elegant, very different
from those women who only knew how to gather together and comment on others.
Lin Yiran thought of what happened last time and sneered, "Last time I remember she said that I
was a toad wanting to eat swan meat, how come she changed her tune so quickly? Did Jin Lin
teach them a lesson too harshly?"
If Huo Jinlin had not intervened afterwards, I'm afraid he would have ridiculed and mocked the
other party before he gave up.
Song Yuwan shook her head: "It's still not cruel enough. They should be completely disqualified
from entering such a place."
Although she is kind-hearted, she is not a saint. When it comes to such annoying people, she is
no less ruthless than a man. This is why Lin Yiran cooperates with her.
The banquet was in full swing. Perhaps because of the loss they suffered last time, although
many people at the scene were curious about Lin Yiran, they did not dare to discuss it in private.
Song Yuwan has attended countless such banquets since she was a child, and she can handle any
situation with ease. However, Lin Yiran felt a little overwhelmed after meeting a few people. The
depressing atmosphere made her very uncomfortable.
"Mom, I'm going to go out for some fresh air and I'll be back in a bit."
"Well, go ahead." Song Yuwan knew that she was not used to staying here, but she also reminded
her with some concern: "Go early and come back early, and be careful!"
There were many people at the party and they were all gossiping. Lin Yiran was weak and could
be bullied. Without her supervision, Song Yuwan was afraid that she would suffer a loss.
Lin Yiran nodded and walked out of the banquet hall carefully. The air outside was indeed a bit
fresher, and she breathed in deeply.
This dinner was held directly at home. There was a large swimming pool in the host's yard. Due to
the hot weather, many people sat by the pool and played.
With nothing to do, Lin Yiran walked over curiously to take a look. The people gathered around
the swimming pool were all strangers, and she didn't recognize any of them.
Lin Yiran found these rich people very strange. Even at a dinner like this one, men and women
were separated. The men were received in a special hall by the male host, while the hostess was
responsible for receiving the female guests.
She thought that the Huo family was a powerful family after all. If one day in the future she was
needed to take care of these things, how should she deal with it?
Just as she was thinking about it, she suddenly felt someone bumped into her from behind. Lin
Yiran was originally standing by the swimming pool, and was caught off guard, so she fell straight
into the pool.
The huge impact caused water to splash everywhere in the swimming pool. Lin Yiran couldn't
swim at all, so she subconsciously started to splash around. The noise was so loud that it
attracted everyone in the banquet hall.

Chapter 98: Not to be underestimated

Huo Nan came home from work and saw that everyone was there and looked unhappy. He
guessed the reason and curled his lips, deliberately asking knowingly, "What's wrong? Why are
you all so dejected?"
Song Yuwan said indignantly: "The people at the party were too much. They pushed Yi Ning
directly into the swimming pool. Fortunately, someone rescued her in time, otherwise she would
have been miserable today."
Lin Yiran sat aside with her head down, not daring to look at him. She had originally wanted to
increase his favorability towards her, so she reluctantly agreed to attend the banquet. But now,
she was completely embarrassed.
As expected, Huo Nantian's face suddenly turned cold when he heard it. He snorted sarcastically
and said, "Humph, I told you that you are not suitable for the life of the Huo family. You don't
believe me. You can't even handle a small banquet like this. How can I dare to let you attend large
and important occasions in the future?"
His words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Lin Yiran's heart hard. She twisted her hands
together, and buried her head even lower in uneasiness. She said in a somewhat annoyed tone:
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I will pay attention next time and won't let this happen again."
Huo Jinlin couldn't stand it anymore, so he pulled her up and said to Huo Nantian coldly, "In the
future, she can go if she wants to. If she doesn't want to go, no one can force her. People in the
Huo family don't have to be so servile to others."
After saying that, he pulled Lin Yiran upstairs without looking back. Song Yuwan was also
somewhat dissatisfied with Huo Nantian and complained, "How can you be so cold-blooded? Not
only did you not help your family member when she was wronged, but you even scolded her.
Yiran was already very sad, and you rubbed salt into her wounds like this. Is your heart made of
Huo Nantian glanced at her coldly: "Is she considered a member of the Huo family? I didn't admit
it. She has no self-awareness at all. Things have developed to this point, but she still shamelessly
wants to stay in the Huo family."
The old lady heard the clue, looked at him coldly, and asked: "What do you mean by this?"
She knew better than anyone how stubborn her son was. When he suddenly changed his mind
and agreed to let Lin Yiran stay that day, the old lady felt a little confused. When he said the same
thing again today, she suddenly became suspicious. Could it be that what happened at the
banquet was related to him?
Realizing that he had let something slip, Huo Nantian quickly pretended to be angry and said, "It's
nothing, I just think she has brought shame to our Huo family."
Song Yuwan had also witnessed Huo Nantian's cold-bloodedness and ruthlessness. She was now
very disappointed in him and did not want to argue with him any more, so she got up and went
The old lady had some doubts about this matter, but she did not expose it. She thought that if
she told it, the relationship between Huo Jinlin and him would become even more strained, and
she did not want to see the whole family in a mess.
Lin Yiran was shocked by the cold water. Although the weather was gradually getting warmer, the
night breeze was still a bit chilly. She developed a fever that night.
"Yan'ran, how are you, wake up?"
When Huo Jinlin woke up in a daze, he felt that the person in his arms was like a stove, even hot
to the touch.
No matter how he called, Lin Yiran didn't respond. He was so scared that he quickly got up and
called the family doctor.
Song Yuwan wasn't sleeping well to begin with, so when she heard the noise she quickly put on
some clothes and got up to take a look.
"What's wrong, Jinlin?"
As soon as she came over, she ran into Huo Jinlin who was going downstairs to fetch water and
asked in confusion.
Huo Jinlin looked a little worried and said, "He's still running a fever. The situation is very serious.
I was unconscious when I woke up. Now my face is as white as paper."
"Have you called a doctor? Or should we send him to the hospital? He must have caught a cold in
the swimming pool. These people are so abominable."
Song Yuwan got angry when she mentioned it, and followed Huo Jinlin in worriedly, only to see
Lin's thin body lying there motionless and lifeless.
Huo Jinlin put the water on the bedside table, helped Lin Yiran sit up, and said to Song Yuwan: "I
have already called the family doctor. Don't send her to the hospital. There are no good doctors
in the hospital at this time. Let the family doctor come and see her first."
As the two were talking, a middle-aged man in a white coat appeared at the door carrying a
medicine box.
"Mr. Huo, Madam"
This doctor is dedicated to serving the Huo family. He also works in the hospital on weekdays, but
his most important job is to serve the Huo family. He is on call 24 hours a day.
Song Yuwan quickly stepped back and said, "Old Zhang, please go and see the young lady. She
caught a cold tonight and is now terribly hot."
Old Zhang nodded, put the medicine box on the bedside table, flipped Lin Yiran's eyelids, took a
thermometer to measure her temperature, and said, "It's nothing serious, but we need to reduce
her fever immediately. As long as the fever goes down, she will be fine."
As he spoke, he took out a bottle of medicine from the medicine box, added some medicine into
the bottle, shook it, and gave Lin Yiran an IV.
"Boss Huo, it would be best if you could ask the servants to wipe the young lady's body. She is
sweating all over and must be feeling sticky and uncomfortable. Wiping her body can help
dissipate the heat as quickly as possible."
Huo Jinlin nodded slightly and went to the bathroom to get a towel and water.
Song Yuwan was used to it, but the doctor was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped. How
could the president of the Huo Group actually serve people personally?
"Jinlin, how about I do it!"
Song Yuwan always felt guilty about what happened today. Now Lin Yiran was sick again. She
blamed herself very much and thought that it was because she didn't take good care of her that
she got sick.
"It's okay," Huo Jinlin twisted the towel and wiped Lin Yiran's face, saying, "Mom, you're tired
today, go and rest first. I'll call you if there's anything later."
"Well, that's fine. If you need anything, just call me!"
Song Yuwan smiled politely at Dr. Zhang and went out first.
Doctor Zhang also looked embarrassed. He pushed the glasses on his nose and said tremblingly,
"Boss Huo, I'll go out first and wait in the living room downstairs. When the young lady's infusion
is finished, call me and I'll come up to remove the needle."
After saying this, he went out respectfully, thinking to himself that the status of the young lady of
the Huo family should not be underestimated, and he would not dare to provoke her casually in
the future.
Huo Jinlin carefully wiped Lin Yi's whole body and repeated the whole infusion process two or
three times.
The liquid was injected into Lin Yiran's body little by little, and her fever finally subsided. Feeling a
coolness coming from her body, Lin Yiran suddenly woke up, but met Huo Jinlin's pair of dark

Chapter 99 Early Morning Training

Lin Yiran felt a cool sensation on her body and then she realized the situation clearly. She was
lying naked on the bed, and Huo Jinlin was wiping her body with a towel.
Her face instantly turned red like a ripe cherry, and she wished she could find a hole to crawl into
right away. She had never felt so embarrassed before.
Seeing her wake up, Huo Jinlin explained with a smile: "The doctor said that you are prone to
catching a cold because your body is damp, so he asked me to wipe it off for you so that the heat
can dissipate faster."
Lin Yiran didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The president of the Huo Group condescended to
help her wipe her body. What could she say? Was she going to beat him up when she woke up?
She could only bite her lips and said in a weak voice: "Thank you, I can do it myself!"
"Don't move. You still have an IV drip on your hand." Huo Jinlin put the towel into the basin,
picked up the pajamas beside him and looked at her jokingly, "Let me help you put them on.
Anyway, I have seen every part of your body. What is there to be shy about?"
Lin Yiran rolled his eyes speechlessly and threw a pillow on his left hand over to him: "Rogue!"
She was sick and had no strength, so the pillow fell softly and didn't even touch Huo Jinlin's body.
After the two of them played around, Lin Yiran regained some strength. He propped himself up
and sat up, drank some water, and then he felt his hoarse throat better.
There was only a little liquid left. Huo Jinlin walked to the stairs and called the doctor up. He
looked at Lin Yiran and said respectfully, "Madam, how do you feel now? Are you feeling any
Huo Jinlin and Song Yuwan attached so much importance to the person in front of them, so he
naturally did not dare to neglect her.
Lin Yiran had no idea about this. She shook her head and said, "My throat is a little dry, and my
body feels a little sore and weak, but there's nothing else."
"Well," Doctor Zhang nodded, removed the infusion needle from her, and said to the two, "The
fever has subsided. It's normal to feel a little uncomfortable. Have a good rest. You'll be fine
Huo Jinlin frowned when he heard this: "Is there no way to prescribe some medicine to relieve
the symptoms?"
Doctor Zhang shook his head and said, "Yes, you can take some ordinary painkillers, but medicine
is poisonous. Generally speaking, I recommend doing this."
Having such a high fever would make one feel a little uncomfortable, which Lin Yiran knew. She
pulled Huo Jinlin's sleeve and said, "Forget it, it's not serious. I'll be fine after a good sleep."
Since both of them said so, Huo Jinlin didn't know what to say. He just nodded and let the doctor
go back first.
After a whole night of tossing and turning, the two people on the big bed fell into a deep sleep in
the dim morning light. Song Yuwan came to check on them at dawn, and seeing that Lin Yiran's
fever had subsided, he felt relieved and went back to sleep for a nap.
When the three of them got up, it was already noon. It was the first time that Huo Jinlin got up so
late. Huo Nantian didn't know what happened last night. When he saw that Huo Jinlin didn't
attend the meeting, he called him immediately.
"You are becoming more and more unruly now. You don't even come to the company's morning
Lin Yiran, who was having breakfast, heard this and looked at the person next to her with a guilty
look. Huo Jinlin was scolded again because of her.
Huo Jinlin's phone was ringing loudly. Song Yuwan, who was sitting opposite him, also heard it.
She pursed her lips in dissatisfaction and muttered softly, "Tyrant, I've never seen someone as
despotic as you."
Although he said it was a whisper, Huo Nantian, who had good hearing, still heard it. He angrily
scolded on the other end of the phone: "A loving mother often spoils her son. You just spoiled
him, and look at what he has become now?"
Huo Jinlin, who was in a dilemma, said nothing. He pursed his lips and silently hung up the
phone. When he put the phone on the dining table, he even slid it open to turn it off. Lin Yiran
was so shocked that he could fit an entire egg in his mouth.
Is this really possible?
Huo Jinlin picked up an egg from the plate, peeled it and handed it to her, as if nothing had
happened: "Eat it quickly, don't worry about him."
Before Lin Yiran could answer, Song Yuwan took the egg first and said, "She had a fever last night.
Don't eat eggs for the next few days."
Huo Jinlin, who obviously didn't have this common sense, felt a little embarrassed and said
helplessly: "Well, then you can only drink porridge."
Both mother and son were extremely calm, except Lin Yiran, who was a little worried. Huo
Nantian was not a good person and had already been dissatisfied with her. She was afraid that he
would get very angry again because of this incident.
Sure enough, after she was cautious for a few days, she was finally caught by Huo Nantian.
Lin Yiran came back from the fried chicken shop and found Huo Nantian sitting on the sofa. There
was no one in the living room and everyone was busy in the kitchen.
After thinking it over, she stepped forward and said, "Mr. Huo... Mr. Huo, you're back."
Because Huo Nantian had never liked her, they had never stopped addressing each other. Lin
Yiran was not bold enough to call him "Dad". She felt that if she did that, Huo Nantian's
moustache would probably fall off in anger.
Huo Nantian, who was reading a newspaper, pretended to have just noticed her. He looked up
and snorted coldly, with a cold face and said nothing.
Lin Yiran stood there frozen, not daring to breathe, not knowing whether he should go upstairs or
continue standing there like a wooden man.
It was not until she felt her legs and feet were a little sore that Huo Nantian closed the
newspaper in his hand and looked at her with a mocking expression: "Ms. Lin really has no self-
awareness at all. How can you feel so at ease after doing something wrong?"
Lin Yiran didn't understand what was going on and looked at him blankly: "Mr. Huo, I don't
understand what you mean."
She knew that Huo Nantian might have countless things she had done wrong in his mind, but she
didn't know which one he was referring to at the moment.
"Oh, I forgot." Huo Nantian's mocking expression became even more intense, and he looked at
her with disdain and said, "With Miss Lin's knowledge, it's normal that you don't understand
what I said."
Lin Yiran was somewhat embarrassed by his repeated ridicule, but the person in front of her was
Huo Jinlin's father, and Lin Yiran had no way to refute him. She could only lower her head and let
him vent his anger.
But seeing that she didn't say anything, Huo Nantian became more and more excited, and his
words became more and more unpleasant, and he even stopped beating around the bush.
"Ms. Lin, I'll be frank. The incident at the last banquet was actually a test for you, but obviously,
you didn't pass it."
Lin Yiran was startled and said carefully: "Mr. Huo, I'm sorry, this will never happen again next
"Next time?" Huo Nantian looked at her with a mocking expression, "Ms. Lin really thinks highly
of herself. I'll tell you the truth, Miss Lin, life in the Huo family is really not suitable for you. How
can you be so kind to such a small matter? How can you provide other help to Huo Jinlin in his

Chapter 100 The Truth Comes to Light

He spoke so bluntly, if Lin Yiran still didn't understand his hidden meaning, then she would be
really stupid. She rarely showed a hint of anger in front of him.
"Mr. Huo, what do you want to say?"
He went to so much trouble to say these opening remarks, probably just to drive her out of the
Huo family.
After spending some time together, Lin Yiran finally understood that Huo Nantian really found it
difficult to accept her, so no matter how hard she tried, she could not achieve his goal.
As expected, Huo Nantian spoke directly and coldly, "I hope Miss Lin can consciously file for a
divorce and leave the Huo family."
As soon as he finished speaking, a servant came out of the kitchen carrying dishes. He was
obviously startled when he heard what he said, as if he had done something wrong, and quickly
put down the plate and went back into the kitchen.
Lin Yiran stood there as if frozen. The emotion on her face was no longer just awkward; it was
extremely embarrassing.
If someone who doesn't know the situation saw her, they would probably think she was a
shameless sticky person who couldn't be driven away no matter how hard they tried.
Just when she was at a loss, a harsh voice came from behind them: "Huo Nantian, you are going
too far."
The old lady appeared behind them at some point and heard the conversation between the two
clearly. She was immediately furious and gnashed her teeth in hatred for her disappointing son.
She walked with great momentum on crutches, walked straight over and sat down next to Lin
Yiran, angrily scolding: "How could I give birth to such a disappointing son like you? Yiran is such a
good daughter-in-law, but you can't find her even with a lantern, and you even want to drive her
away. Do you want to piss me off to death?"
The old lady's attitude was so domineering that Lin Yiran was stunned. Huo Nantian's momentum
weakened instantly. He was like a frost-bitten eggplant, pursing his lips and saying nothing.
In this family, she was probably the only one who could control Huo Nantian. Even though she
scolded him harshly, Huo Nantian remained silent.
He was worried that the old lady couldn't bear it because of her old age, so he didn't dare to talk
back to her. Unexpectedly, the old lady thought he was guilty.
How could the events at the banquet escape her shrewd eyes? The old lady had long known that
things were not that simple. Now that Huo Nantian insisted on forcing Lin Yiran to leave, she
knew that he must be the mastermind behind this matter.
She said to Lin Yiran in a sarcastic tone, "Yiran, don't take the banquet to heart, and don't think of
it as a burden to Jin Lin. It's not your fault. Some people are cunning and deliberately plotting
against you. It's normal that you can't handle it at your young age."
With Huo Nantian's intelligence, it was impossible for him not to hear that the old lady was
making a veiled complaint. He looked at the old lady in surprise, not expecting that nothing could
be hidden from her eyes.
Lin Yiran was puzzled: "Grandma, how do you know that someone is plotting this?"
She had been thinking about it over and over again these past few days, always wondering if it
was an accident. She even wondered if Huo Jinlin was making a fuss by asking someone to
investigate the matter, which would be bad if it got out. She didn't expect the old lady to say such
things to her again.
The old lady snorted coldly, and her sharp eyes pierced Huo Nantian like a sword, and said with a
hint of sarcasm: "Can't you see? This is a play directed and performed by some people. Now that
things have come to this, I don't want to hide it for him anymore. It's really chilling."
The implication of her words was too obvious. Lin Yiran looked at Huo Nantian in disbelief, then
looked at the old lady, still unable to believe what she said.
Huo Nantian couldn't hold it in any longer. He looked up at the old lady and said angrily, "Mom,
look at what you are saying."
"Humph," the old lady knocked her cane heavily on the ground, "Huo Nantian, I am old, but I am
not senile."
The situation was a bit awkward. Huo Nantian didn't dare to contradict the old lady and could
only leave in anger.
In an instant, only the old lady and Lin Yiran were left in the living room. She looked at the still
angry old lady cautiously and asked, "Grandma, this matter should not be what you think, I
Before she finished speaking, the old lady interrupted her: "Girl, I'm his mother. I know his tricks
better than anyone else. He is the one who let you down. Don't take it to heart."
The old lady sighed deeply and said, "In fact, I had a rough idea the day you came back from the
banquet, but I was not sure and did not want to cause any more conflicts between the father and
son because of this matter, so I kept it to myself. I didn't expect that he would not give up and
even dare to come to you. It's really too much."
Lin Yiran didn't expect the truth to be like this. She knew that Huo Nantian was dissatisfied with
her and had always been targeting her, but she didn't expect him to do such an excessive thing.
However, even so, Lin Yiran was unable to make any comment, because this man was Huo Jinlin's
father after all. Since she chose Huo Jinlin, she had to learn to accept everything about him.
She was somewhat helpless, but she also said to the old lady solemnly: "Grandma, you should
keep this to yourself. I won't tell anyone. Just let it go!"
If everyone knows about it, I'm afraid that Huo Jinlin, Song Yuwan and the old lady will all have
ideas about Huo Nantian. Wouldn't this affect the relationship of the entire family?
The old lady was so smart that she would know what she meant. She took her hand and said with
relief, "Girl, Jin Lin was right about you. You are a sensible girl."
Unexpectedly, Song Yuwan had already heard their conversation, but she just didn't dare to face
it. She couldn't believe that her husband, with whom she had slept with for many years, would
do such a thing just to drive Lin Yiran away.
If she had been rescued a few minutes later that day, Lin Yiran might have drowned. She
witnessed the scene with her own eyes, so the fear in her heart is something that others cannot
That was a real human life. When did it become so cheap in his eyes?
Lin Yiran helped the old lady to stand up, and saw Song Yuwan standing there with a dazed look
on her face. The two looked at each other, and Lin Yiran asked cautiously, "Mom, when did you
come here?"
How long had she been standing here, and how much of their conversation had she heard?
Song Yuwan smiled faintly: "Yi Ran, I heard everything you said. I didn't expect him to be so
unscrupulous. I am so disappointed."
Lin Yiran knew that this would be the result. Given Song Yuwan's personality, she would definitely
not let it go after knowing this. That's why Lin Yiran had to hide it from them.

Chapter 101 Mother and Son Are Angry

She persuaded helplessly: "Mom, don't think about this matter anymore. No one should mention
it again. Don't quarrel with me and get angry. Let's just pretend it never happened!"
The old lady didn't want to see the couple grow apart, so she advised, "Yan Ran is right, this
matter has already passed, let it pass!"
Song Yuwan looked at her in disbelief: "Mom, why are you standing on his side? This matter is so
unfair to Yi Ran. If we just ignore it, who knows what more outrageous things he will do in the
The old lady was helpless: "Although it is true, what can you do to him? After all, we are a family,
and Huo Nantian is the head of the family. Even if you are unhappy, you can just sulk and ignore
him. What else can you do?"
The words were rough but the truth was there. If it were someone else, Song Yuwan would have
cut him into pieces, but this man happened to be her husband. What could she do?
But she was still angry and indignant for Lin Yiran, saying, "He really went too far. He made Yiran
suffer so much for nothing, and even made her suffer from being laughed at by the women at the
"It's okay, Mom. It's all over. Now that you and grandma are standing up for me, I don't feel
wronged anymore."
It has to be said that apart from Huo Jinlin, Song Yuwan and the old lady are the most important
spiritual support for her decision to stay in the Huo family. No matter when or what the situation,
these two people always stand by her side without question.
The old lady and Lin Yiran finally succeeded in convincing Song Yuwan that Huo Jinlin must not
know about this matter, otherwise, given his temper, he would probably have another quarrel
with Huo Nantian.
However, unexpectedly, before they could finish discussing it, Huo Jinlin called. Song Yuwan
sorted out her emotions, tried to force a smile, and pressed the answer button with a guilty
"Jinlin, what's the matter?"
Huo Jinlin's voice came coldly from the other end of the phone: "Mom, the truth about what
happened at the banquet has been revealed."
Everyone's hearts were immediately hanging in the balance. Their previous persuasion collapsed
in an instant. Huo Jinlin said in a cold voice, "You would never have thought that this matter was
directed by him. In order to drive Yi Ran out of the Huo family, he really did everything he could."
Although he didn't explain it, everyone knew that he was talking about Huo Nantian.
Song Yuwan didn't know what to say for a moment. They were both silent for a long time before
she said carefully, "Jinlin, don't be angry with him. I will talk to him about this matter again. Don't
argue with him. Let the past be the past."
There was a "bang" sound from the other end of the phone. Lin Yiran shrank her neck in fear.
Everyone knew that Huo Jinlin was really angry this time.
He asked coldly, "Mom, have you known about this for a long time? Or are you on his side too,
thinking that he is still not suitable for me?"
Song Yuwan was so angry that she was shaking all over. She didn't expect that she would become
such a vicious person in her son's eyes. She hung up the phone without saying a word.
The scene was a little awkward for a moment. What had been a happy family was thrown into
chaos by Huo Nantian. Lin Yiran felt guilty but didn't know how to comfort her.
The dinner table was unusually quiet. Everyone had different thoughts. Only three children
occasionally said a word or two. But probably because they noticed that everyone was in a bad
mood, they did not dare to make trouble. They finished their meal obediently and went upstairs.
Song Yuwan was very angry today. She ate a few bites casually and put down her bowl and
chopsticks: "I'm done. I'll go upstairs first."
Lin Yiran ate the rice in the bowl without any taste, always feeling that she was the culprit, and
the servants were all staring at her, making her feel very uncomfortable while eating.
After settling the three children, she returned to the bedroom. Huo Jinlin had not returned yet.
The room was quiet. Lin Yiran turned on the dimmest light and curled up on the bay window in a
This was the scene that Huo Jinlin saw when he pushed the door open. Lin Yiran was hugging her
legs, with her chin resting on her knees, looking out the window. The dim light shone on her
body, and her whole body had a hazy beauty.
He thought Lin Yiran was asleep, so he closed the door carefully and walked in. When he was
about to get close, Lin Yiran suddenly turned his head.
"Why are you back so late today? Have you eaten?"
They both had something on their minds. Huo Jinlin said gently, "You've eaten. What are you
thinking about? I thought you were asleep just now."
"Well, I'll go run you a bath."
Lin Yiran said as she came down from the bay window. Huo Jinlin liked to take a bath in the
bathtub when he came back late, so she would always fill the bathtub with water in advance.
Unexpectedly, Huo Jinlin suddenly grabbed her, put his hands around her waist, hugged her from
behind, rested his chin on her shoulder, and refused to let go like a little child.
His beard pricked Lin Yiran's neck and it was itchy. Lin Yiran laughed and pushed him away: "Stop
it, why are you still acting like a child? I'll go get you some water."
"No," Huo Jinlin's voice was muffled, sticking to her like a piece of taffy, "Yi Ran, I'm sorry. You
clearly promised that you would never let me suffer any injustice, but I didn't expect that I would
make you sad everywhere."
He didn't mention Huo Nantian, but Lin Yiran still knew what he meant. She shook her head and
comforted him, "Don't feel wronged. I'm very happy to be with you, really!"
With him protecting her everywhere and the old lady and Song Yuwan pampering her in every
way, Lin Yiran already feels very happy. How could she feel wronged?
Huo Jinlin put his hands on her shoulders and turned her around. They stood facing each other.
He asked carefully, "Yi Ran, if... I mean, if you fell into the swimming pool and I don't want to
pursue it anymore, will you be angry?"
Lin Yiran knew that he was upset, so she comforted him, "It's okay, this matter has already
passed, let's not pursue it. Anyway, I'm standing in front of you now, okay?"
Originally, she didn't want Huo Jinlin to continue pursuing the matter, but she didn't expect him
to be so efficient. He had already figured out the matter before she had the chance to tell him.
Huo Jinlin didn't expect her to be in such a good mood. He felt a little guilty and hugged her in his
arms with such force that he seemed to embed her into his body.
"Yan'ran, it's great to have you."
Sometimes the fate in this world is so wonderful. Two people who have nothing in common can
eventually get together. This is probably the destiny. In this vast world, everything is just right.

Chapter 102 Thoughtful

Lin Yiran thought about it and said frankly, "In fact, we knew the truth before you called today.
Grandma and the others had a big fight over it. We heard what you said to mom. She just didn't
want the relationship between you and your son to become more strained. You shouldn't have
said that to her."
Huo Jinlin's eyes trembled when he heard this, his expression was a little shocked, and he didn't
speak for a long time.
Lin Yiran sighed deeply and said, "Mom was already very angry when she heard about this
matter. Then you called again, and she was so angry that she went upstairs without even eating a
few bites of food. I saw that her eyes were red, and she must be very sad. You should go see her
Song Yuwan had a good temper. Lin Yiran had known her for so long, but this was the first time
she saw her so sad.
However, Huo Jinlin grabbed her hand in a panic and said, "Yi'ran, I apologize to you on behalf of
my father. Please don't take it to heart. I will never allow him to hurt you again."
Today was the first time he realized that he had unknowingly cared so much about Lin Yiran.
When he heard the assistant's words, he suddenly became nervous and didn't know how to face
The person who hurt her turned out to be her own relative. Huo Jinlin was afraid that Lin Yiran
would choose to leave in anger. How could he keep her and what reason could he use to keep
Lin Yiran didn't expect that what he was worried about was this matter. He laughed and said,
"Don't worry, I won't back down or get angry with him."
With Lin Yiran's words, Huo Jinlin finally felt relieved.
Lin Yiran was touched. She felt so lucky to meet a man who was so good to her.
She went into the bathroom to fill a tub of water for Huo Jinlin, and came out to find his spare
clothes, only to find that Huo Jinlin had actually sat in the place where she had just sat, in a daze.
"Go take a bath and stop thinking about it. I'll go downstairs to cook something. When you're
done, bring it to mom and apologize to her."
Taking a bath can make people relax. Huo Jinlin held her hand, and there were many complicated
emotions in his ink-black eyes.
She was clearly the victim in this incident, but in the end she had to comfort them one by one.
Huo Jinlin felt mixed emotions, as if his heart was being gripped by an invisible big hand, and the
pain made him feel suffocated.
Lin Yiran went downstairs. The servants in the kitchen were preparing ingredients for tomorrow's
breakfast. When they saw her come in, everyone had different expressions.
The servant who heard Huo Nantian's conversation with her in the afternoon was also in there. I
guess this matter has been spread to everyone, so everyone looked at her like that.
One of the servants, who was usually quite quiet, came forward politely and asked in confusion,
"Madam, what do you need? Do you want me to help you?"
Lin Yiran didn't care about other people's opinions, but seeing so many people gathered together
hindered her performance. She walked in directly, pointed at the servant just now, and said to
the others: "You go out first, she can stay and help me."
Although the Huo family offered very high salaries, everyone was only human and it was human
nature to be lazy. When they heard that they didn't have to work, they all went out with smiles
on their faces.
The main reason was that Lin Yiran was not very familiar with the things in the kitchen, and she
didn’t know where many things were placed, otherwise she wouldn’t have let her stay.
"What's your name and how long have you been here?"
Seeing that she was quick and hardworking, Lin Yiran thought of mentioning her to Song Yuwan
tomorrow, so that she could be given priority if there was an opportunity for a salary increase
next time.
Song Yuwan is in charge of all these matters at home. After all, Lin Yiran still has the fried chicken
shop to take care of, and she has no experience in these trivial matters at home and doesn't
know how to manage them.
The older sister was visibly stunned, then she calmly replied, "My name is Zhang Ying, and I've
been working in the Huo family for a year."
The Huo family’s welfare can definitely be considered among the best, but there are also strict
standards when selecting people, so people who enter the Huo family rarely leave.
Lin Yiran nodded and said, "You are quite good. You are hardworking and quick."
"Thank you." Zhang Ying was not so nervous when he saw that Lin Yiran was also very
approachable. "Young Madam, you are praising me. I am just doing my job. I should work hard
when I get paid."
As the two chatted, Lin Yiran put the noodles into the pot. Her hands and feet were quick and
skillful, and waves of delicious aroma wafted from the kitchen.
Zhang Ying watched her skillful movements. In a few seconds, a bowl of delicious noodles
appeared in front of them. She couldn't help but sighed, "Young Madam, you are amazing. No
wonder the old lady always tells everyone that you are good at cooking and managing the living
room. Now it seems that your reputation is well-deserved."
She was a rural woman from the countryside. She was not as arrogant as the other servants, so
she generally could not get along with them. So most of the time she always worked alone.
After finishing their work, the other servants liked to gather together and gossip. Zhang Ying was
not sociable so everyone basically ignored her.
But during this period of time, she always heard about the young lady from their mouths. They
said that the young lady had caused constant conflicts in such a large family since her arrival, and
that the young lady was not worthy of Young Master Huo but had no idea of it.
Now it seems that these words cannot be fully believed. Zhang Ying actually thinks she is pretty
Lin Yiran smiled and said, "Sister Zhang, you are teasing me too. I am not as good as you say!"
The two smiled at each other. Zhang Ying said nothing more. He helped her take out two bowls
from the sterilizer and divided the noodles into two portions.
"Madam, would you like me to bring it to you? It's too hot."
"It's okay," Lin Yiran took out a tray and put two bowls of noodles in it, saying, "It's not that
delicate. Go and have a rest. Thank you, I can bring it up myself."
Huo Jinlin had just finished taking a bath when Lin Yiran came in with noodles. The two smiled at
each other. Huo Jinlin teased, "We really have a tacit understanding. The timing is just right."
"Haha," Lin Yiran smiled and handed him the tray, "Hurry up and take it over. I cooked an extra
bowl. You can eat with her. Maybe the appetite will be better if there are two of us."
Huo Jinlin was so touched that he kissed her on the cheek: "Thank you, my dear wife, you are so
Lin Yiran's face suddenly turned red. Although they had done everything they should have done,
it was the first time that Huo Jinlin said such embarrassing words. Fortunately, he still carried the
noodles out and did not see Lin Yiran's embarrassed side.
Song Yuwan was leaning against the head of the bed looking at her phone. When she heard the
knock on the door, she thought it was Huo Nantian coming back and didn't want to answer it.
Unexpectedly, the man continued to knock. In order not to disturb others, Song Yuwan had to get
up reluctantly and open the door.

Chapter 103 Pretending to be Innocent

Unexpectedly, the person standing at the door turned out to be Huo Jinlin. What he said today
also made Song Yuwan a little angry. She turned around and walked into the house and said
unhappily, "Didn't you say today that your mother also plotted against you? Why are you here
No one, young or old, is worry-free. Song Yuwan is very embarrassed to be caught in the middle,
but Huo Jinlin's words really made her sad.
Knowing he was in the wrong, Huo Jinlin didn't dare to refute at all. Like an elementary school
student who had done something wrong, he walked into the room from behind her with the
noodles in his hand and placed the tray on the coffee table next to the sofa in the room.
Song Yuwan sat on the bed and looked at her phone, ignoring him like a child. Huo Jinlin had no
choice but to walk over and coax her softly, "Mom, don't be angry. I said that in a moment of
desperation. Now I know I was wrong. I'm here to apologize to you!"
The mother and son have always gotten along harmoniously, and Huo Jinlin seldom spoke to her
in such a tone. How could Song Yuwan be angry when a 1.8-meter-tall man lowered his head in
front of her?
She smacked her lips, walked over and sat down in front of the coffee table, and said unhappily,
"You still have some conscience."
Huo Jinlin laughed, walked over to sit next to her, and brought out the noodles from the tray for
her. After several twists and turns, the two bowls of noodles were already a little lumpy.
"Eat quickly. I know you were so angry that you didn't eat last night. You must be hungry now."
The aroma of noodles lingered in Song Yuwan's nose, and her stomach suddenly made a
rumbling sound. She hadn't eaten much at that time, and now she was hungry and was about to
go downstairs to get something to eat when Huo Jinlin came in with the noodles.
She ate two bites gracefully, her eyes lit up instantly, and she praised: "Yi Ran's cooking skills are
really good, the noodles are delicious."
Huo Jinlin hadn't eaten yet. He was shocked when he heard this and asked curiously, "How do
you know this bowl of noodles is still made?"
"Could it be that you made this?" Song Yuwan rolled her eyes at him unhappily. "The servants are
basically all on break at this time. How can a young master like you who has never done
housework make noodles like this?"
This question left Huo Jinlin speechless. He found that he had become stupid recently and could
not even think of such a simple truth.
Both mother and son were a little hungry, and Lin Yiran's noodles tasted really good, so they both
finished them all.
Huo Jinlin put down the bowl and asked cautiously, "Mom, are you not angry now?"
He did not forget the main purpose of his visit. If he did not coax Song Yuwan, he was afraid that
he would not be able to pass Lin Yiran's test when he returned.
Song Yuwan sneered and joked, "You are afraid sometimes, kid. After all these years, I finally
found someone who can subdue you."
She unceremoniously ordered him to leave, saying, "Go back quickly. I'm not angry anymore. I'm
your mother. Haven't you ever made me angry since you were little?"
Every time she said it, could she really be angry with her son in her heart?
"Thank you, Mom"
Huo Jinlin also knew that Song Yuwan would not be really angry with her, but what he said in the
afternoon seemed a bit too much now that he thought about it, so he followed Lin Yiran's words
and came to see her.
The misunderstanding between the mother and son was resolved. Huo Jinlin cleaned up the bowl
of noodles, but Song Yuwan stopped him and said, "You go back first. I'll take this down later. I
just want to go down and get a glass of water."
"How about I take it down and bring you a glass of water?"
Song Yuwan looked at the person in front of her in disbelief. If it weren't for the face that had
been worn for more than 20 years, she would have found it hard to believe that this was what
Huo Jinlin said. She couldn't help but praise him, "It seems that she is still the great contributor to
our family. I have to thank her tomorrow for teaching my son to be so sensible."
Huo Jinlin was speechless. How come this was clearly his achievement, but in the end it became
"Alright, alright, I won't tease you anymore. Go back quickly. Leave this to me. Yiran is not in a
good mood today either. Go back and accompany her."
Song Yuwan knew that it was actually Lin Yiran's credit that Huo Jinlin remembered to apologize
proactively. Otherwise, how could her son, with his stupid brain, think of this?
It's really hard for her to think of so much. She is obviously the one who was hurt the most, but in
the end she still comes to comfort them one by one.
Seeing that she was determined to do so, Huo Jinlin did not insist any more and stood up and
said, "Then you should go to bed early. I will go back first."
Song Yuwan nodded, stood up with relief, and followed him out with the tray. Little did she know
that as soon as she reached the stairs, she ran into Huo Nantian who was sneaking around and
trying to hide in the study. Their eyes met, and Huo Nantian felt guilty and didn't dare to look her
in the eye.
"You still remember to come back?"
There was a hint of anger in her tone. Huo Nantian gritted his teeth and pretended to be calm
and scolded: "What are you talking about? This is my home. Can't I come back?"
How can you still be so self-righteous?
Song Yuwan gave him a cold look, then went downstairs with the tray. Huo Nantian thought he
had passed the test, so he sneaked into the study while she was going downstairs.
Unexpectedly, a few minutes later, the study door was knocked open. Song Yuwan stood at the
door with a cold face and sneered, "Why, you did something wrong and now you don't dare to
face me?"
Huo Nantian looked a little evasive, but pretended to be strong and said: "I don't understand
what you are talking about. I just have work to do."
"Oh," Song Yuwan snorted coldly, walked in straight, and asked coldly, "Do you dare to say that
Yiran's actions were not done by you?"
The man was obviously feeling guilty, so he simply kept silent and pretended to turn his gaze to
the computer.
Song Yuwan closed his computer screen without giving up, and warned him in a cold tone: "Huo
Nantian, you are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of Jinlin and Yiran from now on. Yiran is my
daughter-in-law. If I find out that you are secretly doing something wrong again, don't blame me
for getting angry with you."
The disguise between the two was completely torn apart, and Huo Nantian no longer pretended
to be innocent. He stood up suddenly and looked at her, and said coldly: "Marriage is a matter of
parents' orders and matchmakers' words. He is my son, why can't I interfere?"
He was really curious about who Lin Yiran was, as she had bewitched them all and made them all
speak for her.
Song Yuwan also got angry for the first time in so many years. He slammed the table heavily and
said, "You have not fulfilled your duties as a father for so many years. Now you know that he is
your son? I tell you, Huo Nantian, it's too late. You are not worthy of asking about his affairs."
The two were married into aristocratic families and had lived a peaceful life for decades. Song
Yuwan was brought up by her family to be the mistress of an aristocratic family since she was a

Chapter 104 Curious Little Life

So since getting married, she has basically been living according to the standard pattern, and
there has never been a dispute between the two of them. But now they are quarreling again and
again because of a little girl, and Huo Nantian is also feeling angry.
So since getting married, she has basically been living according to the standard pattern, and
there has never been a dispute between the two of them. But now they are quarreling again and
again because of a little girl, and Huo Nantian is also feeling angry.
After a heated argument, Huo Nantian went straight back to his bedroom, packed up some daily
necessities, and prepared to move into the office to live for a few days.
Song Yuwan watched him leave resolutely. The bedroom door was slammed shut. She couldn't
stop crying. She felt heartbroken and exhausted both physically and mentally.
When Lin Yiran heard the sound of the door closing, her heart tightened and she quickly got up
and tiptoed out. The sound was indeed coming from Song Yuwan's bedroom.
At this time, Huo Nantian just came out carrying a small black suitcase. Seeing Lin Yiran standing
at the door at a loss, he glanced at her coldly, and left angrily without saying a word.
His eyes were a little creepy. Lin Yin still shrank her neck in fear, but in the end she stopped
herself from saying anything and watched him leave with his suitcase.
She glanced in the direction of Song Yuwan's room, thought for a long time, and finally closed the
door and went to sleep. After all, they were the elders, and no matter what the reason for the
quarrel was, it would not be good for her, a junior, to interfere.
The next morning, when Song Yuwan woke up, her eyes were indeed red and swollen. Even
though she put on light makeup, she still couldn't cover them completely. Anyone with a
discerning eye could tell that she had cried last night.
Lin Yiran thought about it and decided not to go to the fried chicken shop today. She wanted to
spend more time with Song Yuwan so that she wouldn't be alone at home with all her worries.
"Mom, let me go out with you today. It's not too cold or too hot now, so it would be nice for us to
go hiking."
Now that the hot summer has just passed, the annoying chirping of cicadas can be heard
occasionally from the trees outside the house. The weather now is the best of the four seasons.
Song Yuwan was still thinking about what happened last night. She really didn't feel like going
out, so she declined politely, "Yi Ran, Mom doesn't feel well today and doesn't want to go out. I'll
go with you another day!"
"No," Lin Yiran refuted her words in a rare move, saying, "Mom, I want to go today, so just go
with me. If you don't want to climb, we can just drive to the top of the mountain and get some
fresh air!"
Once she started to act coquettishly, Song Yuwan was completely helpless. In the end, he couldn't
persuade her anymore and had to nod and agree.
Seeing that she agreed, Lin Yiran buried her head in eating breakfast with peace of mind. While
eating, she suddenly thought of Zhang Ying from last night and mentioned it casually.
"Mom, there is a servant named Zhang Ying at home who does a pretty good job. She is quick
and hardworking, and she is not at all dishonest. If there is an opportunity to increase her salary
next time, you can give her priority."
"Zhang Ying," Song Yuwan was stunned. She didn't expect Lin Yiran to suddenly mention the
servant. After thinking about it for a while, she said, "Are you talking about the one who has only
been here for more than a year and is usually quite quiet?"
The servants' affairs are usually taken care of by the housekeeper, and Song Yuwan will not ask
about anything special. Zhang Ying is usually a quiet person, so it is difficult for everyone to notice
Song Yuwan was quite pleased that Lin Yiran could still take the initiative to participate in family
affairs. She said happily, "Great, she has been here for a year, so it's time to give her a salary
increase. Since you praised her this time, give her a reward red envelope. I'll ask the housekeeper
to do it later."
The Huo family is very wealthy, and this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket for them.
However, for ordinary families, a few hundred dollars is a week's living expenses. Zhang Ying was
so moved that he kept thanking Lin Yiran.
Every word of their conversation was heard by the fat aunt who was in charge of the kitchen
work. She immediately had many complaints about Lin Yiran. They were the ones who came first,
so why did Lin Yiran only give the reward to Zhang Ying? The fat aunt blamed it all on Lin Yiran.
Since you are so unfair, don't blame me!
The next morning, Lin Yiran arrived at the fried chicken shop early and started working. She had a
day off yesterday, so she came early today to clean.
On the contrary, Guo Nuan, who is always diligent and arrives early, was late today and looked
very tired, and it was obvious that she did not sleep well last night.
Now it was Lin Yiran's turn to tease her: "Why, your wedding should have been over. It's been
several months, and Lao Qin still doesn't know how to be restrained?"
Guo Nuan looked at her calmly: "Oh, you can make such jokes now, it seems that Huo Jinlin has
done a good job in training you during this period!"
After some banter between the two, Lin Yiran ended up being defeated miserably.
She looked at Guo Nuan's unhappy face and asked worriedly, "What's wrong with you? You don't
look well. Are you feeling unwell?"
Jokes aside, Guo Nuan's face was indeed as pale as paper, completely bloodless, and looked a
little scary.
"I'm fine," Guo Nuan said with a rare shy look, "Yan, the fried chicken shop will be handed over to
you from now on. I will find someone else during this period. You only need to run around the
two shops when you are free."
Now basically both of them no longer have to rely on the salary from the fried chicken shop to
make a living, but this is their hard work after all, and neither of them is willing to give up, so they
insist on doing everything by themselves.
Lin Yiran was surprised by her words and became a little flustered: "You...what do you mean?"
I thought Guo Nuan was going to quit!
There had been no problems with their partnership, and Lin Yiran thought that Guo Nuan didn't
want to continue working with her.
As a result, she turned around and saw Guo Nuan's eyes smiling meaningfully and occasionally
glancing at her belly. Lin Yiran understood instantly, looked at her in surprise and joy and said,
" are pregnant?"
"Yeah," Guo Nuan nodded shyly, looking like a happy little woman, "It's been more than a month.
Lao Qin said that the fumes from the fried chicken shop are too heavy, and he's afraid that the
children will be fume, so he won't let me do it for the time being."
Both of them were looking forward to the fruit of their love. Although Guo Nuan wanted to be a
professional woman, she was still afraid of hurting the child, so she finally compromised.
"Ah... this is too sudden!"
Lin Yiran was so excited that she was about to rush forward to hug her, but Guo Nuan nervously
pointed to her belly, and she quickly stopped and gently reached out to touch it.
"It's so magical. There's a little life growing here. I can't even imagine it. Can you feel her kicking
you in the stomach?"
Guo Nuan rolled her eyes at her: "How old is he now? Just over a month old. He's probably as big
as a grain of rice. How can he feel anything?"

Chapter 105 Let it be

"Oh, that's right," Lin Yiran smiled awkwardly and carefully helped Guo Nuan out. "You are a key
protected person now, so just sit here and don't move. I'll ask Lao Qin to pick you up later.
Starting tomorrow, don't come here again. I'll call you if there's anything."
It can be seen that Lin Yiran was very happy, and Guo Nuan was also very touched. She looked at
Lin Yiran and said, "You like children so much, why don't you have one yourself? Why don't you
get pregnant now? Then they can grow up together, how wonderful it would be!"
Lin Yiran knew that Guo Nuan was hinting at her, so she said speechlessly, "Do you think this is a
crop? You can get pregnant just by saying so. Having a child depends on fate!"
In fact, she and Huo Jinlin have been letting nature take its course during this period, but they
have not been able to get pregnant. Lin Yiran doesn't know if it is due to her own psychological
effects. She always said she didn't want it before, but now that she really wants it, she can't get
Guo Nuan didn't think much about it, she just smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll pass on my
experience to you after I give birth, and you can give birth again, it's also good this way."
Lin Yiran now has basically figured out everything about the fried chicken shop, so after Guo
Nuan returned home, she ran back and forth by herself. Although it was a bit hard, she enjoyed
Huo Jinlin had tried to persuade her several times after seeing how thin she was getting, but Lin
still wanted to keep running the fried chicken shop. After all, it was this fried chicken shop that
helped her get through her most difficult times, and she didn't want to give up just like that.
She smiled carelessly and comforted him, "It's okay. Sister Nuan is resting now. If I don't go over
to the store, I'm afraid everyone will slack off. If we don't do well, how can I report to Sister Nuan
when she comes back?"
This was just a casual remark. Even if she completely messed up the fried chicken shop, Guo
Nuan would probably not say a word against her.
Huo Jinlin couldn't help but tease, "Then you may have forgotten that I am the current owner of
your fried chicken shop!"
"Tsk," Lin Yiran pouted, "I didn't know it was you, but I'm the person in charge now. It's
impossible for you, the company's boss, to manage the store yourself!"
"You are getting more and more sharp-tongued, girl. I'm going to teach you a lesson."
As Huo Jinlin spoke, he kissed Lin Yiran's chattering little mouth. The temperature in the room
gradually rose and their breathing became heavier.
Lin Yiran gently pushed Huo Jinlin's chest and said in a coquettish tone: "Stop it, I have to get up
early tomorrow to discuss the ingredients!"
Although their ingredients come from fixed manufacturers, the prices of these things are
different at each stage, and the quantity required gradually increases, so the store manager
needs to personally discuss the price with the manufacturer's person in charge.
The strength in her hands was too weak, and Huo Jinlin directly pressed her hands under his
body, and said in an ambiguous tone: "It will only be for a while, it won't delay your work
tomorrow, don't worry."
There was a huge disparity in power between the two, and in the end Lin was still defeated.
The lights flicker, filling the room with charm.
The next morning, when Lin Yiran woke up, her whole body ached, as if she had been run over by
a truck, and she had no strength at all.
She reached out her hand dazedly and touched the other side of the bed, but it was already cold.
Huo Jinlin had already left.
After struggling hard to get the cell phone from the bedside table, Lin Yiran took a look and saw
that it was already half past eight. She sat up with a start.
Oh my God, she had agreed to meet with the person in charge at nine o'clock, and it's already
half past eight, she will definitely be late.
She washed up in a hurry and went downstairs. She didn't even have time to eat and went out
"Yan'ren, you don't want to eat breakfast?"
Song Yuwan had just gotten up and was just about to come out of the kitchen carrying breakfast.
Lin Yiran was putting on shoes at the entrance, and said without turning around: "Mom, I won't
eat yet. I have an appointment today and I'm almost late."
She changed her shoes and went out. Unexpectedly, Huo Nantian came down from upstairs.
Seeing her in a hurry, he couldn't help but frowned: "What a rush you are. You are not steady at
Song Yuwan rolled her eyes at him in dissatisfaction and replied coldly: "Do you think everyone is
like you, so old-fashioned?"
Huo Nantian was in a hurry and didn't bother to talk to her any more. He picked up his briefcase
and went outside.
Song Yuwan looked at the breakfast on the table and asked in confusion, "You're not going to eat
breakfast either?"
"If I don't eat, I'll be full of anger."
The door was slammed shut, and Huo Nantian's figure instantly disappeared at the door.
"Okay, I'll eat it myself." Song Yuwan looked at the breakfast on the table and shook his head. "I
don't think you are full of anger, but you are full of gunpowder early in the morning."
Lin Yiran rushed out of the door in a hurry, only to find that Xiao Song's car was not in the yard.
She should have sent the children to school at this time. She was immediately anxious and could
only run to the roadside to take a taxi.
However, Nanlinyuan is located in a remote area and there are basically no taxis available at the
door. There was no other way, Lin Yiran could only stand there and wave her hands, hoping that
some kind-hearted person would give her a ride.
Huo Nantian's driver drove out of the parking lot and saw Lin Yiran standing on the roadside
waving from a distance. He said awkwardly: "Mr. Huo, the young lady..."
Huo Nantian, who was reading a newspaper in the back seat, looked up when he heard this. His
face instantly turned cold when he saw the scene in front of him, but he still said in a deep voice:
"Stop the car."
The driver nodded and parked the car steadily in front of Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran was delighted that there was actually a kind person willing to give her a ride. However,
when she saw the dark face in the back seat, she waved her hands awkwardly: "No... It's okay,
you guys go first, I..."
Huo Nantian put down the newspaper in his hand and said in a cold voice: "You won't get a car
even if you wait here for a whole day."
She is always procrastinating and dragging her feet. The more I see her, the less I like her. I don't
know what kind of vision Huo Jinlin has. Why would he fall for a woman like this?
Lin Yiran saw that his expression had become even uglier. She was afraid of making him unhappy
again, so she had to purse her lips and forcefully open the passenger door.
"Young Madam, where are you going?"
"Just drop me off at Times Square, please."
The person she had made an appointment to meet was at Times Square, which was the only way
to get to the Huo Group, so it was convenient.
However, she didn't expect that Huo Nantian was going to the city for a meeting today and not to
the company.
The driver was stunned when he heard this and subconsciously looked towards the back seat.
"It's still early, send her there first."
"Yes, sir."
Lin Yiran was stunned. They were not going to the company?
She didn't expect Huo Nantian would actually take her there personally. For some reason, Lin
Yiran always felt a cold gaze cast at her from the back seat from time to time. Lin Yiran always felt
a chill on the back of her neck, and she felt very uneasy for a while.

Chapter 106 It's Him

Fortunately, the road was smooth and the car stopped steadily in front of Times Square ten
minutes later. Lin Yiran looked at the time and found that there were still five minutes until nine
She looked at the driver gratefully: "Thank you, I'm leaving first."
The driver nodded politely: "Goodbye, Madam."
Although she knew it was impolite, Lin Yiran still didn't dare to even look at Huo Nantian. She
opened the car door and got out as if escaping.
Unexpectedly, the marketing manager of food raw materials was replaced, and the other party
turned out to be the man who saved her at the banquet swimming pool last time.
"What a coincidence, why is it you?"
The man was also a little surprised: "It's you? Why are you doing this?"
The people who could appear in such an occasion last time were all extraordinary people. He
didn't expect that Lin Yiran was actually running a fried chicken restaurant.
Lin Yiran smiled and scratched his head: "The fried chicken shop is a partnership with my friend.
Now that she is pregnant, I am in charge of it myself. What about you? I remember that the
marketing manager of this company was someone else before."
When they opened their fried chicken branch, there was a problem with the raw materials, and
Guo Nuan was the person they went to find, and he finally solved the problem.
The man scratched his head awkwardly: "That factory is ours. I pissed off my dad, so he sent me
there. The factory director gave me this job."
Lin Yiran also smiled. After all, he was the boss's son, and the factory director probably only
dared to give him the easiest job in the whole factory.
The man handed over a business card: "Nice to meet you, my name is Yi Qingyun."
"Yi Qingyun?"
Lin Yiran looked at him in surprise. There was a hint of surprise in the man's eyes. He thought she
had remembered something.
He was instantly excited, but pretended to be calm and asked, "Yes, what's wrong?"
"Oh, it's nothing, I just think this name is very special," Lin Yiran said with a smile, "Hello, my
name is Lin Yiran."
What she didn't notice was that a trace of loss flashed across the man's eyes. Lin Yiran, since you
have forgotten me, let's get to know each other again!
He echoed her words and said, "My father is a rough guy from the countryside. When he was
young, he started his current company from scratch. So when he named me, he hoped that I
would be successful in the future, so he gave me this name."
"Haha," Lin Yiran couldn't help but laugh, "You're so humorous."
The two chatted for a while, even though they knew each other completely. Lin Yiran
remembered that he saved her at the banquet last time, and suggested: "Let's find a place to
discuss the details of future cooperation, and then have a meal together later. You saved me last
time, and I didn't have time to thank you properly!"
"Sure, no problem."
Yi Qingyun was more than happy about it, and his expression did not change.
The two of them got along very well. He had a humorous personality and it was especially easy to
get along with him. Lin Yiran was in a rare good mood.
Yi Qingyun signed the contract without even looking at it.
Lin Yiran was so shocked that she wanted to stop him, but he had already quickly written his
name in the signature section of the contract.
"Why don't you even look at it? This involves the interests of both parties. Even if this factory
belongs to your family, you can't be so willful, right?"
Yi Qingyun said nonchalantly: "It's okay, I believe you."
Lin Yiran was completely speechless, so he had no choice but to sign his name in the column
below, and did not forget to instruct: "Take the contract back and take a good look at it. If there is
anything unreasonable, we can negotiate and revise it."
Lin Yiran has understood since childhood that it is easy to suffer great losses if you try to gain a
small advantage, so she did not want to take advantage of Yi Qingyun and just honestly drafted
the contract according to the actual situation.
Seeing her serious expression, Yi Qingyun fell into deep thought. When he was in junior high
school, he was a person with severe social anxiety. His classmates always bullied him. At that
time, his father's business had just started to pick up, so he was still studying in an ordinary
school. His grades were not very good, and the teachers were always indifferent to him.
One night after self-study, a group of kids in the class cornered him and beat him up. Yi Qingyun
was stupid at that time and just endured it without saying a word. In the end, Lin Yiran passed by
and drove the kids away.
Yi Qingyun still remembers that Lin Yiran's small body stood in front of him, holding a thick stick
in his hand and shaking with fear, but he warned the group of children fiercely, "If you dare to
bully him again, I will beat you every time I see you."
In fact, the group of children only bullied the weak and feared the strong. They were frightened
by Lin Yiran's aura and dispersed in a noisy manner.
Lin Yiran took out a tissue from her bag and gently wiped the blood from his mouth. She
stretched out her hand and said, "My name is Lin Yiran. What's your name?"
Yi Qingyun was not good at socializing. He kept his mouth shut and said nothing. He just glanced
at her and did not shake hands with her. Lin Yiran had to withdraw her hand awkwardly.
Before leaving, she did not forget to remind him: "Good people are often bullied. Only if you are
stronger than them will they not bully you."
Yi Qingyun didn't say a word from beginning to end, but from then on he became Lin Yiran's little
follower. However, Lin Yiran never noticed that there was always someone following her. It was
not until Lin Yiran went to high school that he was transferred to an aristocratic school by his
nouveau riche father. They never met again, but he always remembered her in his heart.
"Yi Qingyun...Yi Qingyun, what are you thinking about?"
A hand waved in front of him, interrupting Yi Qingyun's thoughts. He said awkwardly, "Ah...
nothing, I just remembered some things from my childhood."
Hearing this, Lin Yiran burst out laughing: "You are really different!"
There was actually someone who could recall his childhood while discussing cooperation and
signing a contract with others. Lin Yiran didn't know how to evaluate him.
Yi Qingyun smiled gently and said, "We have discussed the cooperation, let's go eat!"
Lin Yiran didn't know what kind of place they should go to eat, so he threw the problem to him
directly: "You choose the place, and I'll pay the bill. I rarely go out to eat, so I don't know where
to go!"
"Okay," Yi Qingyun said, "Take my car and I'll take you to a unique place."
The two walked out of the coffee shop, and Lin Yiran smiled and said, "Okay, I'll follow your
The way they were talking and laughing attracted the attention of a person not far away. Seeing
Lin Yiran get into Yi Qingyun's car, the person in the distance immediately took a taxi to catch up
with them.
Lin Yiran didn't expect that the place Yi Qingyun brought her to was the small shop next to the
fried chicken shop where she and Guo Nuan had visited last time. What's more important is that
the owner was actually Yi Qingyun's friend.

Chapter 107 Photo Controversy

What was even more incredible was that he recognized Lin Yiran at first sight and teased her,
"Little girl, you can drink quite well!"
Lin Yiran blushed when she heard this and said awkwardly, "Boss, it's been so long, how come
you still remember it?"
That time she and Guo Nuan came, both of them were drunk, and in the end they called Huo
Jinlin to scold him. This was probably the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to
her, no doubt about it, but she didn't expect that it would be remembered by others.
Upon hearing this, Yi Qingyun also asked curiously: "You can drink?"
"That's right," the boss answered for her, "You didn't see it. Last time she came with a little girl,
they drank so much that they lost their minds."
In fact, the boss was so impressed by them because the two girls cried loudly when they were
drunk and kept swearing at others, and they didn't say anything when asked.
Lin Yiran wanted to find a hole to crawl into. Yi Qingyun saw her embarrassment and came to her
rescue, saying, "Hey, hey, hey, you can't do business like this. This is the privacy of other people's
customers. How can you spread it around?"
"It's okay, it's okay. I just said it because I saw she came with you. I promise not to say it again in
the future. Girl, don't be angry. It was just a joke."
The boss was also a straightforward person, and Lin Yiran was not the shy little girl. She waved
her hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Just remember to give us a discount after we finish our
The few of them chatted and laughed, and the matter was over. The boss took the two of them to
a private room at the back, but they didn't know that everything was filmed by the people behind
An hour later, looking at the mess on the table, Lin Yiran asked, "Have you finished eating? Do
you want to order anything else?"
After all, she was the one who treated him to a meal, and he was her savior, so she was always
afraid of not entertaining him well enough.
Yi Qingyun smiled faintly: "No need, I've already eaten."
Lin Yiran nodded, then got up with her bag and went out to pay the bill, and asked the boss to
pack up a portion of the local specialty.
Looking at the things she brought back, Yi Qingyun was puzzled: "Why did you pack another
"Oh," Lin Yiran smiled happily and explained, "I think it's still early, so I'll pack one for my
Yi Qingyun was completely dumbfounded. After a few seconds, he recovered and asked in
disbelief: " are married?"
Seeing that he seemed to have suffered a blow, Lin Yiran was a little amused and teased: "Why, is
this weird? Or do I look like no one wants me?"
"Oh, no, no," Yi Qingyun's eyes flashed with disappointment, and he explained, "I'm just a little
When the two came out of the restaurant, his mood was obviously a little bad. He thought that
his reunion with Lin Yiran was an arrangement by God, but he didn't expect that she was already
But it’s okay, fortunately I knew the truth at the beginning, so I didn’t make a bigger joke.
Seeing that he was a little absent-minded, Lin Yiran didn't understand why, so she asked with
concern: "What's wrong with you? Did something happen? I see that you don't look well."
A bitter smile flashed across Yi Qingyun's lips: "Nothing, I just suddenly received some bad news,
and I feel a little sad."
"Okay." Although the two had met once before, they were not very familiar with each other after
all. Lin Yiran had no reason to ask about other people's private affairs. He could only comfort her:
"Don't be too sad, it will eventually pass."
"Yeah," Yi Qingyun nodded, pretending to be calm as he pointed at the lunch box in her hand,
and said, "I'm fine, it's not a big deal, you should hurry over, the food won't taste good if it gets
cold, do you want me to take you over?"
Lin Yiran waved her hand: "It's okay, it's okay, you go first, I can take a taxi there myself, it's very
convenient here."
Seeing her say this, Yi Qingyun did not insist any more, and the two separated at the restaurant
door. However, Yi Qingyun sat in the car and smoked for a long time.
At the same time, Huo Jinlin, who was reading documents in the office, suddenly received a
message. When his eyes fell on the content of the photo, he was shocked. The photo was taken
extremely clearly. Lin Yiran got into a strange man's car and went out to eat with the other party
while chatting and laughing.
He slid through several photos on his phone, and the last one was a picture of the two of them
entering the box. Their backs looked particularly harmonious, and Lin Yiran had a smile on her
face the whole time. Huo Jinlin admitted that he felt sour and uncomfortable.
He knew almost everything about Lin Yiran, but he had never heard that she had a friend of the
opposite sex, and that the two seemed to have a close relationship.
Since being with him, Lin Yiran has never had such a smile on her face. The person in the photo is
smiling like a flower, which looks particularly dazzling.
A surge of anger rose in his heart. Huo Jinlin clenched his fists and angrily threw everything on
the desk to the ground.
Lin Yiran, who was completely unaware of the situation, still thought that the food in this
restaurant was very unique. After eating, since it was still early, she packed up a portion and sent
it to Huo Jinlin.
The people at the front desk suffered a loss last time, so no one dared to stop her this time. Lin
Yiran took the president's special elevator and arrived at Huo Jinlin's office smoothly, but saw the
assistant standing at the door and looking inside cautiously.
Lin Yiran looked over with confusion and asked, "What's wrong? What are you looking at?"
The assistant was startled and turned around to curse, but he saw that the person behind him
was Lin Yiran.
"Mrs. President!"
"What's wrong, is Huo Jinlin here?"
Lin Yiran pointed at the tightly closed door, feeling somewhat confused.
The assistant nodded and said with a strange look, "Yes, yes, but Mr. Huo is angry!"
"Angry?" Lin Yiran was a little surprised. Huo Jinlin had always had a good temper, and she had
never seen him get angry before. She asked in confusion, "What happened?"
"I don't know." The assistant also looked confused. He shook his head and said, "It seems that
someone sent him a message, and Mr. Huo got angry after reading it."
The house was in a mess now, and he didn't dare to rush in recklessly, for fear of making Huo
Jinlin unhappy again, and then he would be sent directly to the African aid program in South
Lin Yiran knocked on the door gently, but no sound came from inside. She carefully pushed the
door open and poked her head in: "Jinlin, are you busy? Can I come in?"
Huo Jinlin was very angry at the moment. He didn't expect that the person who came was Lin
Yiran. Looking at the mess on the ground, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Chapter 108 Scratched

"Yi Ran, why are you here at this time?"
Lin Yiran smiled gently, trying to avoid stepping on anything on the ground, and carefully placed
the lunch box in her hand on the coffee table before saying, "My friend and I are having dinner at
a very unique restaurant. I thought it was still early and you probably haven't eaten yet, so I
packed a portion for you."
Huo Jinlin narrowed his eyes slightly, hiding the anger on his face, and asked casually, "Which
friend, Guo Nuan?"
"Oh, no," Lin Yiran explained as he took out the food from the thermos box and put it on the
table, "It's a friend I just met today, the supplier of raw materials for our fried chicken shop."
"Really? Male or female?"
In fact, it’s not that Huo Jinlin doesn’t trust Lin Yiran, but now that he has realized his feelings, he
still feels more or less uncomfortable when he sees her with other men.
"A man," Lin Yiran hadn't intended to hide it from him. She was even a little surprised when she
said, "And he happened to be the one who saved me in the swimming pool that night. I thought I
should thank him, so I offered to treat him to a meal."
She thought Huo Jinlin would be very surprised, but unexpectedly, Huo Jinlin just smiled faintly
after she finished speaking. Lin Yiran didn't think much about it and thought that he had
encountered some troubles at work.
"What's wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood today? Why are you so angry?"
Huo Jinlin looked a little strange. He squatted down and started to pick up the documents on the
ground. He said, "It's okay. I just have some problems at work."
Lin Yiran hurried over to help clean up, and even urged him to go eat: "The food here is delicious,
you should try it, maybe you will feel better after eating it."
She picked up everything on the ground and put them away, but unexpectedly there was a
broken glass on the ground. Lin Yiran reached out her hand and just happened to touch the
broken glass.
"What's wrong?"
When Huo Jinlin heard her scream, he nervously put down his chopsticks and came over. He
picked up her hand and took a look. He was instantly heartbroken.
Seeing his worried look, Lin Yiran was deeply moved: "I'm fine, it's just a minor injury."
"It was a minor injury, but it bleeds so much. The wound caused by glass is the most serious. It
looks like nothing, but the wound is very deep."
Lin Yiran had been used to a rough life since she was a child. She had suffered such injuries
countless times, and no one had ever been so nervous about her. Her nose felt sore and her eyes
turned red in an instant.
Huo Jinlin stopped eating and found a medicine box to disinfect her. Seeing her like this, he
thought he had hurt her and said quickly, "What's wrong? Does it hurt? Just bear with it. I'll try to
be gentle."
As he spoke, he blew gently for her, as if he was coaxing a child. Lin Yinyin couldn't help but burst
out laughing. Huo Jinlin was confused by her crying and laughing.
"What's wrong? What are you laughing at?"
Lin Yiran laughed and explained, "I just felt like you were coaxing a child just now."
After bandaging the wound, Huo Jinlin's face finally eased. When the assistant heard the laughter
coming from inside, he sighed silently in his heart that the president's wife was indeed a panacea
that could cure all diseases.
The two people in the office were sitting on the sofa affectionately at this moment. Huo Jinlin
held Lin Yiran in his arms, and finally felt a little more at ease.
"Yi Ran, if..." He turned Lin Yi Ran's body around, and the two looked into each other's eyes. He
asked somewhat unconfidently, "If one day in the future, you meet a better man, will you..."
He was halfway through his words when Lin Yiran directly stretched out two fingers to block his
lips: "You are the best. How can there be anyone better than you in the world?"
Huo Jinlin felt sweet at the words and scratched her nose lovingly: "Yi Ran, do you know that you
are really good at saying sweet words?"
I was clearly feeling uneasy, but I was comforted by her simple words.
Lin Yiran smiled and said jokingly, "What I said is not wrong. No matter how good other people
are, what does it have to do with me? Is it because you have been with me for a long time? You
have become insecure."
Huo Jinlin gave her a gentle kiss on the lips and said nothing more.
The office was quiet, but outside it was like a boiling pot. Everyone pricked up their ears to listen
carefully to the noise inside, and the work group was already boiling with excitement.
"The president's wife has been in there for a long time. Do you think the president is in a better
"You are talking nonsense, aren't you? With a beautiful girl in my arms, how can I be angry?"
"Ahem, that's enough, Assistant Liu is still in the group!"
Assistant Liu, who was lurking, suddenly popped up: "Don't worry, the president's wife hasn't
come out yet, I'll keep watch for you."
Upon hearing this, the discussion instantly became more intense, and the message in the entire
group was ninety-nine plus!
After lunch break, Lin Yiran took out the food garbage and threw it into the trash can at the door.
She said to Assistant Liu who was working at the door, "Assistant Liu, please make a cup of coffee
for Mr. Huo. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."
Assistant Liu quickly stood up and said, "Okay, okay, ma'am, I'll go right away."
After being comforted by the president's wife, the president's mood obviously improved. When
the assistant brought in the coffee, Huo Jinlin still had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. It
seems that the president's wife is indeed a magic medicine.
"Mr. Huo, the coffee you ordered."
"Well, leave it there!" Huo Jinlin handed over the paper in his hand. On it was the MMS he
received this morning. "Go check for me who sent this message, and the man in the photo. I want
all his information."
Someone deliberately took pictures of Lin Yiran having dinner with other men, just to sow discord
between them. Huo Jinlin just wanted to confirm whether this matter had anything to do with
Huo Nantian.
He also had to find out the identity of this man. Lin Yiran had already attended two banquets,
and many people in the circle probably knew her identity, so Huo Jinlin had to check everyone
who had contact with her to prevent anyone from secretly doing something bad to her.
To have reached this point, the Huo Group must have offended many people secretly, and it must
have many enemies. Although they are not as dark as underground organizations, it is always
better to be cautious.
"Okay, I'll do it right away."
The assistant was shocked. He didn't expect that someone would be so fearless as to provoke
Huo Jinlin. Fortunately, the lady came in time today, otherwise they would be in trouble.

Chapter 109 Misunderstanding

The relationship between Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin quickly heated up. Now even the people in the
company knew of her existence, and President Huo doted on her. For a time, Lin Yiran became a
hot topic among everyone in the company.
Manager Zhou from the Public Relations Department already admired Huo Jinlin, and she felt
very upset when she heard this, but as she was always free and easy, she could only silently wish
them the best.
After leaving Huo Jinlin's company, Lin Yiran went to the fried chicken shop. Now that Guo Nuan
was resting, she was busy running two shops by herself, which was a bit busy.
"Sister Nuan, why are you here?"
As soon as she walked in, she saw Guo Nuan sitting in front of the cashier counter. The two hadn't
seen each other for a few days, so Lin Yiran was still a little surprised.
But then she looked at Guo Nuan's flat belly, her face suddenly became serious, and she
pretended to be angry and scolded: "It smells so fumes in here now, why don't you rest at home
and come here?"
Guo Nuan was not angry even after being scolded. She knew that Lin Yiran was still concerned
about her. She touched her belly with a happy smile on her face.
"Okay, okay, don't be angry." Seeing that she was still frowning, Guo Nuan quickly explained, "I
just came here to get some things and came to see you. I'll be leaving in a while."
The two of them usually see each other every day, but now they haven't seen each other for a
while, and Guo Nuan can't help but want to come and see her.
Lin Yiran's expression relaxed, and he pulled Guo Nuan outside to the dining area away from the
kitchen, and then the two sat down to talk heart-to-heart.
"You should just stay at home and rest, or else Old Qin will be distressed when he sees you."
Guo Nuan has found the right person. Lao Qin treats you like a treasure. He holds you in his
hands for fear of dropping you, and holds you in his mouth for fear of melting you. Now that you
are pregnant, you are even more being taken care of at home without going out.
Perhaps because of her unstable emotions during pregnancy, Guo Nuan felt a little
uncomfortable. She burst into tears while talking to Lin Yiran, and she was so scared that she
didn't know what to do for a moment.
"You... don't cry, what's wrong, did Lao Qin bully you?"
Guo Nuan shook her head gently, but her tears continued to fall like beads from a broken string.
Lin Yiran was so anxious that she almost cried and almost took out her cell phone to call Lao Qin,
but Guo Nuan quickly held her hand.
"He won't let me go out when I'm alone at home, and won't let me look at my phone or
computer. He won't let me go out to play without someone to accompany me. He won't let me
eat from street vendors, and he says fried chicken shops have too much fumes. I'm starting to
doubt whether he loves me anymore."
After listening to her intermittent words, Lin Yiran couldn't help but burst out laughing: "You,
you've been alone at home for too long during your pregnancy, so you started to have wild
Guo Nuan picked up the tissue she handed over and said a little embarrassedly: "It's nothing, I
just feel a little uncomfortable. I feel much better after telling you."
Lin Yiran sighed and said, "Anyway, the fried chicken shop is now stable. I'll spend more time with
you in the future. Otherwise, you'll get sick from being alone."
After she comforted her, Guo Nuan finally calmed down. When Lao Qin came to pick her up, he
also brought some food. Guo Nuan immediately followed him home with a smile on her face.
Lin Yiran shook her head and laughed. This pregnant woman was too scary. She was really
The next morning, she made some time to go shopping with Guo Nuan, and picked out some
clothes for her unborn baby.
With someone to chat and laugh with, Guo Nuan finally felt much better.
The sun at noon was getting hotter and hotter, and Lin Yiran was afraid that she would get
heatstroke, so she quickly sent her home.
In order to make it convenient for him to work at the company, Lao Qin bought a small apartment
next to the Huo family. When Lin Yiran came out of their house, she simply went to the company
on the way.
At this time in the office of the Huo Group, the assistant was reporting the situation to Huo Jinlin.
"Mr. Huo, what happened that day has been confirmed. The person who sent you the photo was
Zeng Jiajia."
"Zeng Jiajia?"
Huo Jinlin searched his mind but had no impression of this name.
The assistant guessed that he had probably forgotten about this person, so he carefully reminded
her, "She is the daughter of the real estate developer we worked with a few days ago. You met
her at the banquet. She seemed to have fallen in love with you at first sight."
Zeng Jiajia clamored to marry Huo Jinlin, but was rejected in public by Huo Jinlin without any
mercy. Young girls are shy to begin with, and she must have been unhappy about being rejected,
so she was looking for revenge!
Huo Jinlin's face darkened a little: "You handle this matter. Tell her that if it happens again, the
cooperation relationship between Huo's Group and her family will be cancelled."
As Lin Yiran just walked to the office door, she heard Huo Jinlin's angry voice saying that he
wanted to cancel the cooperation. She was confused and knocked on the door gently.
"Why are you here?" Huo Jinlin's expression suddenly changed 180 degrees. "Come in quickly. It's
so hot outside. What are you doing out at this time?"
The assistant felt relieved. Lin Yiran was really his savior. She always appeared in time to save him
from dire straits.
"What's wrong? Who made you angry again?"
Looking at Huo Jinlin's expression, Lin Yiran knew that he was angry again!
Huo Jinlin pursed his lips and said calmly: "Nothing, just some work matters."
His evasive look made Lin Yiran feel that this matter must not be so simple. She turned to look at
the assistant: "What's going on?"
The assistant had been with Huo Jinlin for all these years for a long time, and he knew the
situation was not simple by looking at the situation. He hesitated for a long time and couldn't
explain what was going on. It was the first time that Lin Yiran's face turned black in front of him.
"What's going on? Will you tell me?"
Her tough attitude made the assistant shrink his neck. He glanced at Huo Jinlin cautiously before
saying, "It was someone else who took a photo of you having dinner with someone else a few
days ago and sent it to Mr. Huo."
have a meal together?
Yi Qingyun?
Lin Yiran thought about it for a while, and the only thing she remembered was that she had had a
meal with Yi Qingyun. But Huo Jinlin knew about this, so why was he angry?
“Who sent the photo?”
She has no grudges or hatred against anyone in the past or present, so who is so hateful as to
want to harm her?
The assistant wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "It's Zeng Jiajia. She met Mr. Huo at a
dinner a few days ago and wanted to pursue him but was rejected. Now she is seeking revenge!"
As soon as the words came out, the atmosphere in the office suddenly became a little stiff. Lin
Yiran looked at Huo Jinlin, who had a gloomy face, and asked in confusion: "So what are you
angry about? Did you believe the content in the photo? Or is it because of Zeng Jiajia?"
Chapter 110: Upset
Lin Yiran's tone was a little angry. She had also been there when she and Yi Qingyun had dinner a
few days ago, but Huo Jinlin didn't mention a word about it. What was the reason?
Huo Jinlin tried his best to keep it a secret. Could it be because of this girl named Zeng Jiajia?
"Yi Ran, listen to me, I..."
Huo Jinlin was about to explain when Lin Yiran suddenly turned around and left angrily, leaving
him and his assistant looking at each other in bewilderment.
After reacting, Huo Jinlin hurriedly chased after her. Lin Yiran was still waiting for the elevator, so
he grabbed her arm.
"Yi Ran, please listen to my explanation. This matter is not what you think. I don't disbelieve you.
I just learned about Zeng Jiajia's matter today."
"That's enough," Lin Yiran coldly shook off his hand and lost her temper with Huo Jinlin for the
first time. "Why didn't you tell me about the photo when we were having dinner that day? It's
because you already had some doubts in your heart. I don't care about your Jia Jia. The essence
of this matter is that you don't trust me."
Just at this moment, the elevator arrived. Lin Yiran didn't even look at Huo Jinlin, and walked into
the elevator angrily.
By the time Huo Jinlin reacted, the elevator door had already been closed. He looked at the
numbers above the elevator that kept decreasing and closed his eyes slightly.
The scene of the two people arguing at the elevator door was seen by the employees in the
lobby, and it became a hot topic again within an afternoon. Zeng Jiajia heard about it from her
friends. Not only did she not realize her mistake, but she felt that the relationship between Lin
Yiran and Huo Jinlin was not so indestructible, and she must still have a chance.
Lin Yiran was walking alone on the street with a heavy heart, and somehow she came to the door
of the fried chicken shop. She stood outside nervously for a long time before she took a deep
breath and walked in.
Guo Nuan is no longer in the fried chicken shop, and no one cares about her feelings. When the
employees in the shop see the boss coming, they will only work harder with displeasure in their
Looking at this once warm place, she suddenly felt sad. She wanted to call Guo Nuan, but was
afraid of disturbing her rest. After careful consideration, she gave up.
Another group of customers came in and the store started to get busy. Lin Yin tried hard to shake
her head, put aside all the negative emotions, and started to work with everyone else.
"Welcome, what can I do for you?"
Two stylishly dressed college students walked in, and Lin Yiran stood in front of the cashier
counter and greeted them warmly.
The two men looked at each other and began to look at Lin Yiran together.
Lin Yiran felt a little uncomfortable with their scanning gazes, so she patiently asked again: "Hello,
what can I do for you?"
The two men's thoughts were pulled back, and they ordered some food a little awkwardly, then
sat together with the large group of people who had just come in. Lin Yiran took the order and
went into the kitchen, not caring too much.
When the college students saw her come in, they were instantly excited.
"I'm sure this person is her. I went with my mother last time and saw her with Mrs. Huo at the
banquet with my own eyes."
"That's right. She also went to my cousin's birthday party last time, and Mrs. Huo publicly
admitted that she was the young lady of the Huo family."
"Ah? I don't think so. Mrs. Huo is wearing such simple clothes and selling fried chicken here?"
"You're stupid," the girl bent her finger and tapped the forehead of the girl next to her, "Maybe
this is her own shop!"
The girl touched her forehead in pain and said with some grievance in her heart: "How is it
possible? Even if it is her own store, this is too illogical, right? The wife of the president of Huo
Group came here to open a fried chicken shop. Who would believe it if I told anyone?"
This group of girls are all college students from nearby schools. Their families are either rich or
noble. Their innate sense of superiority makes them prejudiced against this greasy fried chicken
restaurant. They would never believe that this person could be Lin Yiran.
The more they talked, the more excited they became. In the end, they even started an argument.
The girl who was most certain of Lin Yiran's identity blushed and pointed to the inner room,
saying, "If you really don't believe it, let's go and confront her. Then you'll know whether what I
said is true or not."
"Let's confront her. Let's go and ask her."
Both girls are young and energetic, neither of them is willing to admit defeat, so when something
like this happens, they must fight to find out the reason.
Lin Yiran was just bringing something out for them, and the two girls quickly surrounded her.
"Sister, are you the wife of Huo Jinlin, the current president of Huo's Group? I think I saw you at
my cousin's birthday party last time."
Upon hearing this, Lin Yiran subconsciously looked around. The fact that she and Huo Jinlin had
married had been kept secret from everyone and had not been officially announced.
Another girl also echoed, "Last time I heard from my mother that the Huo family's young lady
announced in public that you are their Huo family's young lady! We shouldn't have recognized
the wrong person."
Lin Yiran was still a little embarrassed, but then she remembered what happened to Zeng Jiajia in
the morning, and she admitted angrily, "Yes, it was me."
As soon as these words were spoken, there was an uproar among the crowd, and the onlookers
also became interested instantly.
"I said it was her, but you still didn't believe me. Now it's confirmed!"
A girl asked in a loud voice, "Sister, I heard that your Huo family is very rich. The Huo Group's
businesses are all over the world. Small businesses like us can't compare. Why do you still have to
work hard to make money, and it's such a tiring job in a fried chicken shop?"
This is the question that everyone is most curious about. When passers-by heard the words "Huo
Group", they were all attracted and the fried chicken shop was crowded for a while.
Lin Yiran was still a little flustered, and explained: "There is no distinction between high and low
occupations. I just want to have my own career. This has nothing to do with my family's wealth.
Everyone, please stop watching!"
Unexpectedly, when everyone saw that she was willing to answer, they became more and more
excited and asked questions one after another.
"Sister, will President Huo support you in doing this? Will you have any disagreements because of
this job?"
"Sister, what does your family do? How did you get to know Mr. Huo?"
During the scuffle, someone accidentally touched the equipment on the cash register. With a
bang, everything on the cash register fell to the ground.
Now Lin Yiran was completely furious. She looked at the mess on the ground and suddenly felt
Several employees in the store also hurried out to help clean up the mess. Lin Yiran was annoyed
and loudly scolded everyone, saying, "I am indeed Huo Jinlin's wife, and I am also an employee of
this fried chicken shop, okay? All of you should stop standing around, look at how chaotic this
place is."

Chapter 111 Online Public Opinion

She usually has a good temper, but today she has encountered so many bad things in a row that
even the best temper she has can no longer hold on.
Seeing that she was angry, the college students didn't dare to ask any more questions. They could
only pick up their things and leave awkwardly.
Passersby gradually dispersed, and Lin Yiran accompanied the aunts to clean up the mess on the
ground, her eyes suddenly reddened.
These aunts were originally very close to her, but after hearing about her identity, they began to
distance themselves from her. Everyone was afraid of offending her. After all, her identity was
special and ordinary people could not afford to offend her.
Lin Yiran said a few words in a depressed mood, then left work and went home. She walked on
the street like a headless fly, feeling extremely uncomfortable.
I don't know how long I walked, but I finally arrived at Nanlin Garden. At this time, Lin Yi was still
listless from the sun, and his mood was already bad, so he really looked like an eggplant hit by
"What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?"
Seeing that she was in a bad mood as soon as she came back, Song Yuwan hurriedly brought her
a glass of water with concern.
"Thank you, Mom." Lin Yiran took the water and muttered unhappily, "I went to Huo Jinlin's
company today and heard the assistant say that the daughter of a real estate boss likes him."
Song Yuwan sneered and asked in confusion: "And then you got angry?"
Lin Yiran didn't want Song Yuwan to know about the photo, so she bit her lip and pretended that
her secret had been discovered, remaining silent.
"You are not such a stingy person on weekdays," Song Yuwan smiled, feeling very relieved, "This
shows that you have begun to care about Jin Lin, so you will be nervous and sad when someone
appears around him."
Lin Yiran's heart was exposed, and her face turned red with embarrassment. She sighed and said,
"Actually, I feel very sad. Just like Mr. Huo said, I am really of no help to Huo Jinlin, and I am only
holding him back."
She is the daughter of a real estate boss. How can she be compared with him?
Song Yuwan took her hand and comforted her gently: "Yi Ran, everyone in this world has his own
value. You think you are not important, but to Jin Lin, you are the most important person to him.
No one else can be compared with you."
Lin Yiran has always had an inferiority complex. Now that she has encountered such a thing, she
can't help but have a lot of wild thoughts in her mind.
Song Yuwan continued, "As for Jin Lin, he has to do his job. For the development of the company,
he often has to do things against his will. As the saying goes, it's lonely at the top. There are so
many people in the company watching him. He can't do whatever he wants without considering
everyone. Do you understand?"
Although he looks glamorous on the outside, he is actually much more difficult mentally than
ordinary people.
After hearing this, Lin Yiran fell silent. She was indeed being petty in this matter and did not take
Huo Jinlin's feelings into consideration.
At least Huo Jinlin never said anything like he disliked her from beginning to end. Regardless of
whether she was helpful to his career or not, Huo Jinlin treated her the same way as always.
"Mom, thank you. I understand. I was willful before. I will talk to him properly when he comes
Song Yuwan shook her head with red eyes, her voice choking a little: "It's okay, Mom has also
been through your stage, I can understand that feeling."
When she was young, she also longed for the days when they could be honest with each other.
However, because of their economic marriage, she could not cry and make a fuss as she pleased
like Lin Yiran. She could only stay at home quietly and wipe her tears, and did not dare to lose her
temper with Huo Nantian.
Later, as time went by, she got used to this kind of life and no longer mentioned it to Huo
Nantian. The two of them just maintained a respectful attitude towards each other and lived
their lives.
Lin Yiran had witnessed Huo Nantian's coldness and ruthlessness, so she naturally knew the pain
in her heart. She hugged her silently without saying anything.
After the two of them finished talking, Lin Yiran finally felt a little better. Thinking about what
happened in the fried chicken shop, she called Huo Jinlin with some trepidation.
Seeing the caller ID on his phone, Huo Jinlin was a little bit unbelievable. He pressed the answer
button in a gentle tone: "Yiran, about what happened this morning, I..."
Before he could finish his words, Lin Yiran interrupted him and said with some guilt: "Jinlin, I was
wrong about what happened this morning. I shouldn't have been so petty with you. I apologize to
you here."
She has always been able to let go of things. Since she was indeed wrong in this matter, she will
bravely admit her mistake.
"Jinlin, there is one more thing," Lin Yiran said hesitantly, "When I was at the fried chicken shop
earlier, two college students recognized my identity. I am worried that they will post this on the
Internet. Will it have any impact on you if it gets out?"
Just now in the store, she was so busy sulking with someone that she hadn't thought about this
matter yet. Only after she came back did she feel something was wrong. Young people nowadays
post on their Moments every little thing, so it's inevitable that they wouldn't post such big news
Huo Jinlin was silent for two seconds before he soothed her: "It's okay, don't worry, I will take
care of this matter."
The two talked for a few more words before reluctantly hanging up the phone.
The office returned to its previous tranquility. Huo Jinlin called his assistant in, told him about the
fried chicken shop, and asked him to check out the current situation.
It has been several hours since this incident happened, and there is no telling how it will develop
on the Internet.
As expected, the assistant checked and was shocked: "Mr. Huo, all major media networks are
spreading this information like crazy. Many media have even started contacting Huo's public
relations department. I'm afraid this matter is a bit tricky."
Once the fact that Huo Jinlin is in a secret marriage is exposed, everyone might be curious about
Lin Yiran's identity, which will inevitably cause an uproar.
"Find a way to suppress this matter."
No matter what, it must not be exposed under such circumstances, otherwise it will probably
have a great impact on Huo’s stocks.
The assistant reminded him with some embarrassment: "Boss Huo, this matter may not be that
simple. It may be impossible to suppress this news."
The main thing is that several hours have passed, and the Huo family is one of the leading
companies, so how many eyes are watching them!
At Nanlinyuan, after lunch, Lin Yiran was bored and picked up his phone to watch videos. As a
result, he saw that their quarrel in the fried chicken shop was posted online and has now become
a hot topic.
She shuddered instantly, sat up straight, and stared at the message on the mobile phone screen.

Chapter 112 Making an Impact

Seeing her overreaction, Song Yuwan looked at her with some confusion: "Yi Ran, what's wrong
with you?"
Lin Yiran bit her lip with some guilt, and said carefully: "Mom...I seem to have gotten into trouble.
Earlier at the fried chicken shop, two girls recognized my identity and they had an argument.
Unexpectedly, someone posted this incident online, and now all major online platforms have
Song Yuwan never paid much attention to the news. Only after hearing her talk about it did she
pick up her phone to check it out. Sure enough, all the major websites popped up news about Lin
Yiran in the fried chicken shop. The more she read, the deeper her frown became.
But this was not the first time she had encountered such a thing. Compared to Lin Yiran, she was
much calmer.
"It's okay, Yiran, Jinlin will take care of this matter, don't worry."
How could Lin Yiran not be anxious? She was so anxious that she almost cried. She looked at Song
Yuwan and said, "Will this incident have any impact on the company?"
Huo Nantian didn't like her in the first place, and if this matter now affects the interests of the
Huo family, I'm afraid he will have even more reason to criticize her.
"It's okay," Song Yuwan soothed, "It's not necessarily a bad thing. Let's see how public opinion
develops. The company's public relations department will do its best to recover the losses. It
won't help if you are anxious now."
After all, they are not professionals in these matters, so it is still the company's public relations
department that can make the correct judgment, and if possible, they will guide public opinion in
a good direction.
However, Song Yuwan was also an outsider when it came to these things. She had only heard Huo
Jinlin mention them briefly and had never actually encountered them.
Lin Yiran's heart was hanging for the whole afternoon. She sat in front of the TV watching the
news and paying close attention to the news.
When the sun was about to set, the three children came back from school. Seeing that Lin Yiran
was still in a state of anxiety, Song Yuwan wanted the three children to stay and accompany her.
The children also understood the look in their grandmother’s eyes, and immediately rushed
towards Lin Yiran with a smile: “Mom, we’re back.”
Lin Yiran was still in a depressed mood, but when she saw the children come back, she quickly
calmed herself down and took them to wash their faces and hands.
"Mom, did someone bully you? Are you unhappy?"
When Dabao saw Lin Yiran’s brows were furrowed into a shape of a “ 川” (river) character, he
immediately guessed the real reason why Song Yuwan asked them to come over.
Lin Yiran was in no spirit at all. She took a piece of paper to wipe his hands and said, "Mom is
At this time, Xiaobao, who was watching TV, suddenly ran over and shouted in surprise: "Mom,
mom, you are on TV. Is someone bullying you? I saw a lot of people in your fried chicken shop,
and they surrounded you."
When Dabao heard this, he quickly ran towards the living room: "No, no, let me take a look."
Seeing him rushing over, Song Yuwan was so scared that her heart was hanging in the air: "Slow
down, be careful not to fall."
At this time, the news broadcast was being broadcast on TV and everyone was staring at the
content. The children were young and didn't know what it meant. They thought that everyone
didn't like fried chicken, so they surrounded Lin Yiran.
The innocent Xiaobao asked in confusion: "Mom, fried chicken is so delicious, why don't people
like it?"
In fact, it seems that all children are like this, and they can't get enough of fried chicken and fast
But after listening to Xiaobao's words, Lin Yiran was suddenly deeply inspired. He did not steal or
rob, and earned money with his own hands. Why would he be criticized by these people behind
his back?
"Mommy mommy......"
Seeing Lin Yiran still in a daze, Xiaobao thought he had said something again. He stretched out his
hand and waved it in front of her, and asked in a childish voice, "Mom, what's wrong with you?
Wasn't what I said right? Fried chicken is obviously delicious, why don't those people like it?"
Lin Yiran was in a good mood at this time and explained, "Xiaobao, they didn't dislike it. They just
appreciate the fried chicken made by mom and think it tastes good, so they came to interview
Even though what she said was far-fetched, the child nodded as if he understood and believed
"Mom, kids, please watch for a while. I need to go to Jinlin's company. I have an idea about the
public opinion."
As soon as she thought of this idea, she couldn't wait to tell it to Huo Jinlin. Seeing her anxious
look, Song Yuwan nodded with a smile.
"Okay, okay, go ahead, leave the children to me."
Lin Yiran hurriedly went upstairs to change her clothes, then rushed out in a hurry. As a result,
when she reached the door, she bumped into Huo Jinlin who was coming in.
Her most vulnerable nose hit a wall of flesh, causing her eyes to sparkle with pain and she
couldn't help but let out a soft cry.
"What's wrong? Is something wrong? Is your nose hurt?"
Huo Jinlin stood firm and saw clearly that the person who rushed out was Lin Yiran. He looked at
her in confusion.
Lin Yiran kept covering her nose, which scared Huo Jinlin so much that he hurried forward to
check. Fortunately, it was just a bump and there was no bleeding.
After recovering from the shock, Lin Yiran remembered her previous idea. She ignored the pain in
her nose and pulled Huo Jinlin back to the TV.
"Jinlin, I think the news on the Internet should not be just negative. Xiaobao's words just now
reminded me that the work I do is not shameful. Instead of letting everyone speculate, it is better
to admit it openly and make a positive response. I am afraid it will increase my favorability."
Although most people would think this job is not presentable, as long as Lin Yiran accepts it in her
heart, there will always be people who will understand and agree with Lin Yiran's approach.
Huo Jinlin pursed her lips. If she could take the initiative to stand up, this matter could certainly
be resolved well, and even public opinion could be guided in a good direction.
"What's wrong? Is this method not feasible?"
Seeing that Huo Jinlin was slow to speak, Lin Yiran thought she was wrong again.
"No, your suggestion is very good," Huo Jinlin pursed his lips and said very seriously, "But Yiran,
there is one thing you need to think clearly. If you stand up and announce your identity in front of
the public, it means that you are confirming the fact that you are with me. In the future, such
things will inevitably happen frequently, and your identity will also cause a lot of heated
discussions. Have you thought about it?"
This is a problem that must be faced. The Huo family has always been the focus of attention. If Lin
Yiran admits her identity and continues to stay in the fried chicken shop, she will definitely be
frequently watched by interested people in the future, and she will probably be in the news
countless times.

Chapter 113 Just Relax

Lin Yiran was stunned for a moment. She had indeed not considered this, but now that Huo Jinlin
had made so many sacrifices for her, what reason did she have to continue to retreat?
"It's okay, let's make it public. We're married now, and we're not secret lovers. Why are we doing
this secretly?"
Her words were too blunt, and Song Yuwan couldn't help but burst out laughing, but then she
said solemnly: "Yi Ran, this matter does require you to be brave enough to face your own heart.
You will have to bear more attention and criticism in the future. In fact, it's nothing. Others have
their mouths, but you have to live your life yourself. What do you think?"
"Yes," Lin Yiran nodded heavily. With so many people supporting her, what was there to be afraid
of? "I will work hard and strive to play the role of the Huo family's daughter-in-law well."
Everyone was very happy that she could say this. Song Yuwan and the old lady were also very
relieved. Finally, all their efforts during this period were not in vain.
Huo Jinlin was also very touched. He didn't expect that Lin Yiran would choose to stand with him
at this time.
At this moment, a crisp cell phone ringtone rang out. Everyone looked over and found that it was
Lin Yiran's phone.
She picked it up and saw that it was Guo Nuan calling. Lin Yiran pressed the answer button
without hesitation.
"Yi Ran, are you okay? I just saw the news. There were a lot of people gathered in the fried
chicken shop. It was a mess. Are you okay?"
Guo Nuan had experienced this kind of thing countless times. Every time Guo's parents came to
make trouble, it was the same scene. She had already suffered a psychological trauma and now
she was scared when she saw a lot of people.
"I'm fine, Sister Nuan, don't worry, I'm home now."
Guo Nuan's voice was a little anxious, and he asked in confusion: "What happened? How could
this happen? Why are you suddenly on the news?"
This incident happened rather suddenly. Guo Nuan hadn't looked at her phone much recently,
and she only found out about it after seeing the news on the news broadcast. She was so scared
that she quickly called Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran knew that she was worried about him, and was deeply touched. He comforted her, "I'm
fine, and I'm not injured. Two college students came to our fried chicken restaurant to eat and
recognized me. We met at the banquet last time."
"Oh," Guo Nuan was relieved, "Then I guess the fried chicken shop's business will definitely be
very popular in the future. Maybe many people will come here just to see you."
Lin Yiran laughed: "It's already this hour, and you still have the mood to make fun of me. I'm
almost fed up with it."
She just said this casually, but Guo Nuan got anxious when she heard it, and quickly said, "Where
are you? I'm coming to see you now."
“No, no, no,” Lin Yiran was so frightened that she quickly stopped him, “Please don’t come. I’m
fine. If it’s inconvenient for you to come out at this late hour, then don’t come out. When I have
time, we can make an appointment to hang out together.”
"That's right, Yi Ran is right. It's late at night and it's about to rain. You shouldn't go now. I'll go
with you when the weather is better."
Lao Qin's voice came from the other end of the phone. After the two of them persuaded her, Guo
Nuan finally gave up the idea.
As night fell, there was a sudden flash of lightning and thunder in the sky. Soon a heavy rain came
down. Summer thunderstorms are always scary in size.
After coaxing the two children, Lin Yiran went to see Lin Yiyi. Seeing that all three children were
asleep, she pinched her tired shoulders and turned back to the bedroom.
The road downstairs was already flooded, and when a car passed by, circles of water were
splashed under the wheels. Lin Yiran stood in front of the window, feeling uneasy.
"What's wrong? Can't sleep?"
Huo Jinlin hugged her from behind, folded his hands on her belly, and rested his chin lightly on
her shoulder.
Lin Yiran didn't look back, and said nervously: "Jinlin, this is my first time facing the camera, I'm
so afraid that I will make a mistake!"
Huo Jinlin had already informed his assistant in the evening that the company's public relations
department had scheduled the live broadcast for early tomorrow morning, so Lin Yiran began to
feel very nervous.
"Don't worry," Huo Jinlin put his hands on her shoulders, dragged her to the bed, pressed her to
sit down, and comforted her: "It's okay, I'm here, nothing will happen."
Lin Yiran nodded gently and lay down on the bed, but she still tossed and turned and couldn't fall
asleep for a long time.
She could even hear her own heartbeat in the darkness. Huo Jinlin noticed this, and in order to
make her relax, he suddenly leaned over and kissed her lips.
The warm touch made each other's breathing hold. Lin Yiran put her hands on his chest, and the
air was filled with a sweet scent.
After a long time, when Lin Yiran was almost suffocating, Huo Jinlin finally let her go, and warned
her: "If you don't fall asleep now, I will have to use ruthless measures."
Lin Yiran naturally knew what he meant, and her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.
Fortunately, the room was pitch black and she couldn't see anything clearly.
She curled up obediently in Huo Jinlin's arms, not daring to move. Even though she couldn't sleep
and her eyes were wide open, she didn't dare move at all until her body became a little stiff and
she fell into a drowsy sleep.
The next morning, Lin Yin went to the company with Huo Jinlin with trepidation. It was the first
time for them to appear in public after being married for so long.
Yesterday's news is now known to everyone. The employees looked at her strangely. As soon as
they walked away, everyone gathered together and started discussing it.
Lin Yiran was already prepared for this. She smiled calmly, held Huo Jinlin's hand and went
straight to the office.
The public relations department has prepared all the equipment, and even the script for the
speech has been written by someone specially assigned to do the writing. Looking at such a
grand ceremony, Lin Yiran began to feel uncontrollably nervous again.
Huo Jinlin held her hand the whole time and encouraged her, "It's okay, Yiran, relax and just say
what's written in the script. If you're asked questions that aren't written in the script, you can
choose not to answer them. The people in the PR department will know how to handle it."
It was the first time that the people in the public relations department saw Huo Jinlin's gentle
side, and everyone almost dropped their jaws in shock.
Lin Yiran had met the female manager when she came to deliver food for the first time. She had
even vented her anger for her at the front desk. After thinking about it, Lin Yiran decided to greet
The other party had always admired Huo Jinlin, but she was a generous person. Ever since she
knew Lin Yiran's identity, she no longer had any improper thoughts and smiled frankly at Lin

Chapter 114 Something went wrong

The live broadcast started very quickly. With the help and support of so many people, the whole
process went smoothly. Lin Yiran's frankness and diligence also touched many people. Everyone
especially appreciated her humble character.
Seeing how she handled herself so well in front of the camera, Huo Jinlin's assistant couldn't help
but give her a thumbs up.
Little did people know that Lin Yiran was so nervous that she felt like she was sitting on pins and
needles the whole time, and her palms were sweaty all the time. Only Huo Jinlin, who was sitting
next to her, could feel all this.
After finally waiting for the live broadcast to end, the people in the public relations department
were still discussing some details with Huo Jinlin, so Lin Yiran tactfully came out.
"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back in a moment."
Huo Jinlin was busy and couldn't take care of her. He nodded and said, "Be careful!"
Lin Yiran nodded, opened the thick door of the office and walked out. When the employees in
the hall heard her voice, they all looked at her.
She was now accustomed to this kind of scene. She smiled faintly at everyone and walked
towards the bathroom.
She actually wanted to come out to breathe some fresh air, but now it seems that she was just
overthinking it. No matter where she went, someone was watching her, just like a 360-degree
surveillance camera. Lin Yiran held her forehead helplessly.
There happened to be a young girl in the restroom who came out of the cubicle at the same time
as her. When she saw her, she greeted her nervously, "Madam President."
Lin Yiran smiled faintly and then walked towards the sink, but she didn't expect that the girl
behind her was secretly looking at her.
"What's wrong? Any problem?"
The girl was caught peeking and was obviously stunned. She didn't expect Lin Yiran to ask her so
directly. She blushed in embarrassment and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito's hum:
"Nothing... nothing."
Lin Yiran knew it must be because of the live broadcast in the morning. She smiled and said, "It's
okay, don't be nervous. I just saw that you were curious, so I asked you."
As soon as these words were spoken, the girl suddenly felt embarrassed. She was so embarrassed
that she wished she could find a hole to crawl into, and her face turned as red as a monkey's butt.
But this made her like Lin Yiran even more. She felt that she was not only brave and motivated,
but also very kind and amiable in real life. She liked her very much.
Lin Yiran smiled and said goodbye to her, then returned to the office. The people from the PR
department had already left, and only Huo Jinlin was left inside.
"Are you done? Are you done?"
She saw Huo Jinlin still staring at the computer screen and walked over in confusion.
"It's done," Huo Jinlin said jokingly with a smile that was hard to conceal, "The president's wife
did a great job. The PR effect this time is better than expected."
Lin Yiran felt embarrassed by what he said. She raised her fist and punched him lightly, muttering,
"Even you are teasing me. I almost laughed my face off in order to play the role of Mrs. Huo well
In order to perform more perfectly in front of people, the smile on her face was adjusted by
people from the public relations department. She maintained the same posture throughout the
entire process, and now her entire cheeks are sore.
Huo Jinlin rubbed her apple cheeks distressedly, and smiled to comfort her: "It's okay, you will get
used to it in the future."
When this was mentioned, Lin Yiran complained bitterly: "I have to smile like this in the future.
It's so tiring. I'm afraid of bumping into people now."
Think about it, she would run into people wherever she went. Even though she didn't know
them, she still had to act like the president's wife. She couldn't lose face for Huo Jinlin! Lin Yiran
felt really exhausted.
Huo Jinlin thought for a moment and said to her, "This is just the beginning. You'd better not go
to the fried chicken shop for the time being, otherwise you might meet more people. I'll ask my
assistant to go over there and see how to add a few more people. Business will definitely be
booming during this period."
Lin Yiran felt like he had fallen into a trap. He smiled bitterly and said, "Then I won't even have
any freedom in my life these days. It would be so boring if I didn't have a job!"
She had been used to working since she was a child, and now that she was suddenly free, Lin
Yiran really didn't know what to do.
"You can take a look and learn something. This is also a good opportunity."
Huo Jinlin suggested to her that she should take advantage of this time to improve herself. Lin
Yiran thought it was a good idea, but she had no experience in this area and didn't know how to
"Should I hire a teacher?"
Although the Huo family's current conditions allow them to hire a private teacher, Lin Yiran has
never enjoyed such treatment and always feels a little uncomfortable.
"No need, it's up to you." While the two were talking, Huo Jinlin had already found a set of
courses for her from the Internet. "You can take a look at these when you have nothing to do. No
matter what knowledge you want to choose to learn, the content here is very comprehensive."
Lin Yiran has never been a good student since she was young. Looking at the densely packed text
on the computer screen, she felt a headache and instantly became hesitant.
"Forget it. I'll go back and take a look first. Once I understand it clearly, I'll decide which course to
"Okay," Huo Jinlin suggested without forcing her, "You can go home and ask my mom. She studies
these things every day when she has nothing to do. She must be more professional than me."
Song Yuwan has been a lady from a wealthy family since she was young. She can be said to be
proficient in almost all kinds of skills. She knows everything that a woman can learn.
Lin Yiran did not deny this. She nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go home and ask Mom. By the way, if
you have nothing else to do now, can I leave first?"
The live broadcast has been completed, so there is nothing for her to do if she stays here!
"Well, sure. I'll ask the driver to take you back." Huo Jinlin thought for a moment and looked at
her jokingly. "If you're willing to stay and accompany me to work, that's not impossible."
"Tsk, you're so beautiful!"
Lin Yiran snorted, picked up her bag and went downstairs. Sure enough, the driver was already
waiting downstairs.
The Huo family had good security measures. Although the paparazzi tried their best to dig out
more information from them, they obviously failed.
When Lin Yiran returned home, Song Yuwan just came down from upstairs. Seeing her, she
couldn't help but give her a thumbs up: "Yiran, you did a good job in the live broadcast this
morning. I watched it. You performed very well."
"Thank you, Mom." Lin Yiran smiled awkwardly, and then remembered what he had agreed with
Huo Jinlin in the office, and asked, "Mom, I can't go to the fried chicken shop for the next few
days. I want to learn some knowledge from you to improve myself."

Chapter 115: Meeting the Rival

"Sure, that's a good idea."
When Song Yuwan heard this, she nodded hurriedly. Due to a slightly different growing
environment, Lin Yiran indeed lacked some of the temperament of the young lady of the Huo
She thought for a moment and said, "There is a class at the Ladies Club. Do you want to go and
have a look? I go there occasionally. I can learn a lot there."
For a novice like Lin Yiran, it is indeed a good place. At least some simple etiquette knowledge can
be learned there in no time.
“Yes…..I can!”
Lin was still a little nervous; the incident at the banquet had left a shadow on her mind.
The next day, Lin Yiran came to this so-called socialite training class under the guidance of Song
Yuwan. What she saw was a whole wall of mirrors. Girls dressed in famous brands and covered
with jewels stood in front of the mirror, doing various elegant exercises led by the teacher.
The two people who walked in one after another immediately attracted everyone's attention. The
teacher who was teaching physical training saw Song Yuwan and smiled and nodded.
Then an elegant middle-aged woman came over. Although she looked over a hundred years old,
her charm was still there, and she even looked a little enchanting when she walked: "Mrs. Huo, I
haven't seen you for a long time. You have become a lot younger again."
The two of them seemed to be relatively familiar with each other. Song Yuwan smiled and
stepped forward to hold her arm, jokingly saying: "Your mouth is really as if it has been covered
with honey at any time."
The lady smiled slightly and said, "You haven't been here for a long time. We have to have a good
chat today."
Song Yuwan looked back at Lin Yiran, as if asking her opinion, Lin Yiran smiled and nodded to her.
After receiving her signal, the two of them walked into the VIP lounge arm in arm.
When Lin Yiran first came in, the other people in the club looked at her in surprise, and then
went on practicing their own things without even looking at her.
Bored, Lin Yiran wandered around the club alone. It must be said that although it looked like an
ordinary place from the outside, it was actually a different world inside.
She was just thinking that Guo Nuan was bored at home recently, so she decided to bring her
over to visit someday. At this moment, a pair of white dance shoes appeared in her sight.
Lin Yiran collected her thoughts and looked at the shoes online. In front of her was a girl with a
ponytail, but she looked a little angry.
"Are you the young lady of the Huo family?"
The girl's tone was somewhat unfriendly, and she looked her up and down with fierce and
disdainful eyes.
The obviously hostile look made Lin Yiran a little unhappy. She frowned slightly and said, "It's me.
Who are you?"
Since the last time she publicly admitted her identity, Lin Yiran had encountered countless people
asking her about her identity, but this was the first time she had encountered someone who
blatantly looked at her with tinted glasses like the one in front of her.
"I'm Zeng Jiajia, and I like Huo Jinlin too."
The girl met her eyes fearlessly, her strong and arrogant tone startling Lin Yiran.
She couldn't help but chuckle, "Ms. Zeng, Huo Jinlin doesn't like you, and I don't think he would
like a girl like you who secretly stirs up discord, so don't waste your efforts."
Lin Yiran thought she was a quiet girl, but she didn't expect her to be such a deep-minded
person. She was actually the person who took the photo of her having dinner with Yi Qingyun last
time. Such a vicious mind really wasted her beautiful appearance.
Zeng Jiajia was not frightened by her words and curled her lips in disdain: "Ms. Lin, my father
taught me since I was a child that I should fight for what I like. He has been cooperating with the
Huo Group for many years. I still have many opportunities to meet Huo Jinlin. There is a long way
to go!"
After saying this, Zeng Jiajia turned and left. Lin Yiran looked at her back and subconsciously
clenched his fingers.
The people in the club hall heard their quarrel and looked back, but then turned back as if
nothing had happened.
Everything seemed as if nothing had happened. Lin Yiran was feeling a little depressed. He
walked into another room alone. The window was filled with a dazzling array of collectibles and
countless cultural relics.
There was a blue and white porcelain vase placed in the middle of the room. It looked
particularly classical. Lin Yiran knew very little about these things, so he couldn't help but feel a
little curious.
Just as she was watching intently, someone suddenly patted her from behind, and a ghost face
suddenly appeared in the mirror in front of her. Lin Yiran was watching so intently that she was
caught off guard and was frightened.
With a subconscious wave of his hand, the bottle in front of him fell to the ground and shattered
into pieces with a snap.
Lin Yiran was completely frozen. She turned around suddenly and saw that the person standing
behind her was Zeng Jiajia.
Seeing this scene, Zeng Jiajia's eyes clearly flashed with a hint of pride, and she deliberately said
loudly: "Well done to you, you actually broke this antique. Let's see how you will explain this!"
Her voice successfully attracted everyone outside. Everyone was shocked when they saw the
debris on the ground. Lin Yiran once again became the target of public criticism.
Lin Yiran was now completely furious: "Zeng Jiajia, did you do this on purpose?"
"Tsk," Zeng Jiajia said sarcastically with a hint of disdain in her eyes, "Mrs. Huo, it's obviously your
own shortsightedness that caused you to accidentally break such an important cultural relic. It's
ridiculous that you still don't know the seriousness of the matter!"
As soon as she finished speaking, everyone was in an uproar, and they all cast strange looks at Lin
Yiran. For a moment, Lin Yiran felt ashamed and wished she could find a hole to crawl into.
But she had experienced this kind of thing twice before, and now she would definitely not just let
herself be slaughtered like that.
"Zeng Jiajia," Lin Yiran approached her step by step and said coldly, "This is not my fault. It was
obviously you who scared me. Otherwise, how could it be broken when it was there?"
The topic changed, and everyone's attention shifted to Zeng Jiajia. She glanced at everyone
coldly, a little angry and embarrassed.
"Lin Yiran, stop slandering me here. It's obvious that you didn't recognize this thing, so you picked
it up to have a look. Now that you accidentally broke it, you actually want to put the blame on
This woman is so unfashionable. Zeng Jiajia really couldn't understand what kind of vision Huo
Jinlin had. He would give up the daughter of a real estate tycoon and marry an uneducated
bumpkin from the countryside.
Lin Yiran naturally didn't know what she was thinking, but when she heard her say that, she
couldn't help but get angry and retorted, "Zeng Jiajia, you were swearing at me in the corridor
just now. I didn't care about you because you were young, but I didn't expect you to go even
further. Since you said I picked up the vase and broke it, and there are cameras everywhere here,
then let's turn on the surveillance camera and see what the truth is in front of everyone."

Chapter 116: Making a fool of oneself in public

"Don't try that on me," Zeng Jiajia had something to hide, so of course she didn't have the
courage to let everyone watch the surveillance video. She said arrogantly, "Who do you think you
are? Do you think you can reverse right and wrong by relying on your identity? You still want to
remove the surveillance video, but I'm afraid that when the truth comes, you will be embarrassed
and unable to save face."
"Really? Then tune it in and see who will be the one to lose face in the end!"
Suddenly, a fierce voice came from behind, and the onlookers quickly made way for her, and the
still charming Song Yuwan appeared in everyone's sight.
She curled her lips with a sneer, walked to Lin Yiran, put her arm around her shoulders, and said
sarcastically, "Ms. Zeng, if you want to interact with the Huo family as a partner, we will naturally
welcome you warmly, but if you have other intentions, you'd better not provoke us, otherwise
you will be in trouble."
Zeng Jiajia was so angry that she stomped her feet. Compared to Lin Yiran, Song Yuwan's
influence was much greater. As soon as she said this, everyone immediately stood on Lin Yiran's
side, and the way they looked at her was obviously more contemptuous.
Song Yuwan took the opportunity to introduce her to the crowd of onlookers: "I'm sorry to make
fun of you all. This is my daughter-in-law, but I believe this matter is definitely not what you see. I
believe in my daughter-in-law's character."
The owner of the club was also in the crowd. Now that things had come to this, she didn't take
sides and said, "If that's the case, let's check the surveillance footage and see who is
"That's right, everyone has eyes, and we can see who is right and who is wrong at a glance."
"Yes, we must not wrongly accuse any good person, but we will never let any bad person go."
"Some people like to play tricks, so let's just watch, there are surveillance cameras anyway."
The crowd gradually became chaotic, and everyone started to discuss the matter. Zeng Jiajia felt a
little embarrassed, and couldn't help turning around and trying to leave, but was stopped by the
aunt who had a good relationship with Song Yuwan in time: "Why, are you running away? No, the
matter has not been resolved yet, this bill can't be sent back to your home, right?"
"You..." Zeng Jiajia's face turned blue with anger, and she said angrily, "I haven't even watched
the surveillance video yet, how do you know that this is my responsibility!"
When the situation was at a stalemate, the owner of the club turned on the surveillance video.
The entire process of the dispute between the two people was clearly visible in the video. As the
surveillance footage played, Zeng Jiajia's face gradually became ugly.
When the progress bar reached the end, Song Yuwan was even more excited than Lin Yiran
herself. She walked over and stood in front of Zeng Jiajia, looking at her coldly: "Zeng Jiajia, how
do you explain this matter?"
"Yeah, didn't you just swear that it wasn't your fault? Why, now that the surveillance footage has
been retrieved, you're not going to keep making excuses?"
With Song Yuwan's support, everyone blocked Zeng Jiajia's way and gathered together to watch
her make a fool of herself. In the end, Zeng Jiajia reluctantly took out money to compensate for
the vase.
"Zeng Jiajia," Lin Yiran stepped forward and warned fiercely, "Don't think that my silence means
I'm weak and easy to bully. If you dare to do it again, don't blame me for being rude. No matter
whose daughter you are, I won't let you go."
When everyone saw Lin Yiran's expression, they couldn't help but shrink their necks. This little-
known young lady of the Huo family didn't seem to be as gentle as the rumors said.
Song Yuwan brought Lin Yiran back home. The two were still excited. Lin Yiran, who had never
been so strong before, finally released the anger that had been suppressed in his heart for many
"Where have you been? Why are you so excited?"
Before seeing the person, I heard their voice first. Huo Jinlin was sitting on the sofa drinking tea
when he heard the chattering of two women coming from the yard. He couldn't help but feel a
little surprised.
Song Yuwan came in first, and when she heard him asking the question, she couldn't help but
said proudly, "Yin finally got rid of her anger today. It's a pity that you didn't see it with your own
eyes. She used her divine power to subdue Zeng Jiajia, that shameless woman. At that time..."
She described the scene in vivid detail, but Huo Jinlin couldn't help but frowning slightly when he
heard the three words "Zeng Jiajia".
"How did you meet her?"
Lin Yiran was in a good mood and couldn't help but joked: "Why, you feel bad when you hear me
bullying her?"
Huo Jinlin was already worried about Zeng Jiajia's incident. When he heard Lin Yiran say that, he
immediately became anxious: "Yiran, listen to me, I really don't know anything about that
incident. As for her, it's up to you how you want to deal with her. Don't worry about me."
Seeing his anxious and angry expression, Song Yuwan and Lin Yiran couldn't help laughing, and
the old lady also started to joke.
"Haha, why are you so nervous? As long as you haven't done anything wrong, why would you be
afraid of Yiran?"
Huo Jinlin was speechless. This was indeed a drama involving three women. Was it now their turn
to join forces to bully him?
He said helplessly: "Grandma, why did you follow them to laugh at my joke?"
Several people laughed in the living room. The old lady couldn't help but praise him, "Yi Ran, you
did the right thing. Grandma is on your side. No matter what happens when you go out, don't be
afraid. Just deal with it boldly like you did today."
"That's right," Song Yuwan also nodded and agreed, "As the daughter-in-law of the Huo family,
you must show some aura of a mistress of the family, otherwise how can you shoulder the
burden of the Huo family in the future."
Lin Yiran was deeply moved. She had originally been a little hesitant, fearing that she would
offend the Huo family's partner, but she did not expect that everyone would stand on her side
now. She nodded with some guilt.
"I understand, Grandma, Mom, I will never let anyone bully me again. Sorry for making you
She was too gentle before, which was why she was bullied again and again by those people. Now
that she has shown her full strength, those people can't help but stand on her side.
As the night deepened, Lin Yiran came out of the bathroom after taking a shower and saw Huo
Jinlin standing by the window making a phone call.
"There is no room for negotiation on this matter. The Zeng family's cooperation will be
terminated immediately. From now on, they will be removed from the Huo family's cooperation
Do the women who dare to mess with Huo Jinlin really think he will be afraid of them?
Lin Yiran's eyes dimmed, and she came over and hugged Huo Jinlin from behind, and asked with
some guilt: "Why did you cancel the cooperation with the Zeng family? Is it because of me?"
She was deeply moved, but even though she hated Zeng Jiajia, she didn't want to affect their
cooperation because of her own reasons.

Chapter 117 Apologize

Huo Jinlin put away the angry expression on his face, turned around and looked at her gently: "Yi
Ran, I will not let anyone who bullies you go. I don't really want to stop cooperating with the Zeng
family, but I hope they can give you a reasonable explanation and apologize to you sincerely."
Lin Yiran was very touched. Huo Jinlin would always stand by her side and would even offend
anyone for her.
"No need, Jinlin, I just know your feelings. The company's business is more important. Don't
offend your partners because of me. It's not worth it."
Huo Nantian disliked her in the first place, and Lin Yiran didn't want him to catch her again
because of this matter, otherwise he would definitely bother Huo Jinlin again.
Huo Jinlin's expression flashed with a hint of ruthlessness: "If I don't let them know my feelings
for you, I'm afraid they will become even more unscrupulous in the future. Now that I, Huo Jinlin,
have stood up, they won't dare to bully you anymore."
In fact, this was originally a trivial matter, and Lin Yiran could have even kept it from him.
However, when she thought of Zeng Jiajia's ugly face, she became angry. She thought that if she
really nodded and apologized to her, she would still persuade Huo Jinlin about the cooperation.
Huo Jinlin's assistant was very efficient. Early the next morning, Zeng's father received a call
informing him that the cooperation had been cancelled. He was shocked beyond belief. The
cooperation with Huo's company had been going on for a number of days, so how could it be
cancelled just like that?
"Boss Zeng, Boss Huo said that if you have any questions, you can ask Miss Ling. She will
definitely know the reason."
"Jia Jia?" Zeng's father was confused. "Assistant Liu, is there any misunderstanding about this
matter? Jia Jia has never interfered in the company's affairs. How did she know about the
The polite but cold voice of the man on the other end of the phone came: "Mr. Zeng, I am just
delivering a message for Mr. Huo. I don't know much about what happened. Sorry."
Zeng's father wanted to ask something else, but there was a busy tone on the phone. He put
down the phone in surprise, thought for a moment, and then rushed home in a hurry.
Zeng Jiajia went out to play too late at night, and just came downstairs with messy hair. Seeing
Zeng's father rushing back with an angry face, she was also confused.
"Dad, what's wrong? Why are you back at this time?"
Zeng's father angrily threw a stack of contracts onto the coffee table and asked, "Did you offend
Huo Jinlin from the Huo Group? Why did he suddenly cancel the cooperation?"
"Huo Jinlin?" Zeng Jiajia was shocked and asked in disbelief, "He actually cancelled the
"What do you think? The breach of contract has been delivered to you, and you've been fooling
around outside all day. How did you offend him?"
Normally, Zeng's father doted on her, but this time he got angry with her. Zeng Jiajia shrank her
neck, but pouted her lips stubbornly and refused to admit it.
"This man is too petty. This matter is not my fault."
"Zeng Jiajia, I think you're not going to give up until you get to the Yellow River. Tell me the
Zeng's father roared angrily and slammed the table with his palm. His expression was so
ferocious that it looked like he wanted to eat someone.
Zeng Jiajia, who had been pampered since childhood, had never been treated like this before.
She pouted and started to cry, crying like a pear blossom in the rain, mumbling: "It must be that
bitch Lin Yiran. She has already embarrassed me in public, and now she is secretly whispering in
my ear. Isn't this too mean?"
"Lin Yiran? Huo Jinlin's secretly married wife?"
Apart from showing her face during the last live broadcast, Lin Yiran rarely appears on public
platforms, and her great-grandfather doesn't even know her name.
Zeng Jiajia nodded cautiously: "We had a little dispute in the club that day, and I didn't expect her
to be so insidious."
Zeng's father got even angrier when he heard this, and he angrily scolded, "Since you know her
identity, why do you bother to provoke her? Get ready immediately and go with me to the Huo
family to apologize."
"Apologize?" Zeng Jiajia shook her head stubbornly. "I won't go. That incident wasn't my fault.
Why should I apologize to her?"
She had already made a fool of herself in front of so many people that day, causing her to be
afraid to go out for the past few days. Now she was asked to apologize to that woman in a
humble manner again. How could she hold her head up in this circle in the future?
Zeng's father changed his usual amiable attitude and said sternly, "You don't have to go, but from
now on I will freeze all your cards and won't give you any pocket money. Think about it carefully!"
His fierce expression didn't seem fake. Zeng Jiajia had always been lavish in her spending, so
when she heard that her card was going to be suspended, she panicked instantly.
She wanted to argue a few more times, but Zeng's father's eyes swept over her fiercely. She was
so scared that she quickly shut up and said reluctantly: "Okay, then, I'll go and apologize."
If she is not given a penny to spend, how can she go out and play with her friends? She will not
have a penny on her then, which is so embarrassing.
That night, Huo Jinlin returned home for dinner, which was a rare occasion. The family was sitting
happily at the dining table when Zeng's father and Zeng Jiajia suddenly came.
As soon as Lin Yiran looked up, she saw Zeng Jiajia's angry expression. When she saw her, Zeng
Jiajia suddenly turned her eyes away.
"Mr. Zeng, what brings you here? Come and sit down."
Song Yuwan had met him once before, so she stood up first to greet him, and Huo Jinlin also
stood up.
Zeng's father licked his old face and said awkwardly, "You're too polite. I just heard that Mr. Huo
got married in a low-key manner, so I brought my daughter here to congratulate him and give him
a small gift."
As he spoke, he glanced at Zeng Jiajia and gave her a wink. Zeng Jiajia forced a bitter smile and
reluctantly put the several large bags of gifts in her hands on the coffee table.
Song Yuwan said with a fake smile: "Look at you, you are still so polite. We are really
Lin Yiran didn't know how to greet them, and she was indeed not very happy with Zeng Jiajia, so
she didn't stand up. But now that they had specifically stated that it was a wedding gift for them,
it seemed inappropriate not to step forward and say thank you.
Seeing her approach, Zeng's father immediately licked his old face and apologized to her in a
humble voice: "Young Madam, I have heard about what happened a few days ago. It was all
because my daughter was blind and did not recognize the great man. I offended Madam. I hope
you can forgive me and don't take it to heart."
Zeng Jiajia was very angry when she saw her father, who had always been so powerful, being so
cautious in front of a woman for the first time. However, at this point, she didn't dare to show her
unhappiness even if she did.
Lin Yiran didn't know how to respond for a moment. Before she could say anything, Song Yuwan
stepped forward and said, "Mr. Zeng, I'm sorry to make you laugh at this. Yiran in our family is
indeed gentle and does seem easy to bully. But after all, she is the young lady of our Huo family.
We just hope that outsiders can show her more respect."

Chapter 118 Pretending to Sleep Was Discovered

The implication is very clear, that is, she thinks Zeng Jiajia does not respect her, so she gives her a
slight punishment in the hope that she will remember it.
Zeng's father had been working in the business world for decades, so how could he not
understand her hidden meaning? He quickly pulled Zeng Jiajia over and said, "Jiajia, apologize to
the young lady and promise that you won't do it again."
Zeng Jiajia was naturally unwilling. She had long wanted to cut Lin Yiran into pieces, so how could
she sincerely apologize to her?
"I'm sorry, Madam. What happened that day was my fault. I won't do it again."
She spoke very reluctantly, with her head kept lowered, not even looking at Lin Yiran, and it was
obvious that she didn't take her seriously.
The faces of several people present were obviously unhappy. Zeng's father was embarrassed, but
he could only smile apologetically.
Huo Jinlin, who had been silent the whole time, glanced at Zeng Jiajia with a cold expression and
deliberately said, "Boss Zeng, I think this matter seems a bit difficult. Miss Zeng should not be
very willing to do it!"
Zeng Jiajia was so angry that her face turned pale. She looked up and met Huo Jinlin's eyes that
were like those from a devil. She instantly swallowed her rebuttal back into her stomach.
"I think so," Song Yuwan also said, "Since Miss Zeng is unwilling, we don't have to force her. It's
not a big deal. After all, we will have fewer opportunities to meet in the future, so it's okay."
Zeng's father's face turned purple. If he didn't meet in person, it would mean that the
cooperation was cancelled!
He was immediately furious, so he glared at his daughter and warned her with gritted teeth: "Jia
Jia, what did Dad tell you when he was at home? If you don't ask for the young lady's forgiveness
today, you don't have to go home."
Every word was full of warning. For the sake of her monthly pocket money, Zeng Jiajia had no
choice but to step forward again. She took a deep breath, looked at Lin Yiran and said, "Mrs. Huo,
I was wrong about what happened that day. I hope you can be magnanimous and not hold it
against me."
Those few short sentences seemed to take her life. The pampered young lady had never suffered
such humiliation. As soon as she finished speaking, tears started to fall.
Lin Yiran originally hated her, but seeing her tears, she felt a little bit reluctant. Zeng Jiajia was
much younger than her, and what happened that day was just a small prank. She also took out
her own pocket money to pay for the broken vase, so let it go!
She didn't want to pursue the matter any further, so she reached out and pulled Huo Jinlin's
sleeve, then looked at Zeng Jiajia and said, "I forgive you for this matter. I hope you can learn
from your mistakes in the future. There are always people better than you, so don't always think
you are superior to others."
That’s all I have to say. Whether she listens or not is her own business. After this period of
contact, Lin Yiran found that this circle is indeed very chaotic. If Zeng Jiajia continues to be so
arrogant and domineering, she will suffer a great loss sooner or later.
Zeng Jiajia didn't say anything. Instead, she felt that Lin Yiran's words were humiliating her, so she
ran away crying.
The cooperation had not been finalized yet. Zeng's father looked at his daughter awkwardly, then
at Huo Jinlin, not knowing whether to leave or stay.
Just as he was standing there at a loss, Huo Jinlin suddenly spoke up: "Mr. Zeng, if you are still
interested in cooperating, you can come to my company to discuss it tomorrow."
The father and daughter came here for this matter. When they heard what Huo Jinlin said, Zeng's
father burst into tears of joy and nodded hurriedly: "Okay, okay, I'll come over tomorrow
Huo Jinlin nodded slightly, and then said, "Mr. Zhang, we can talk about cooperation later, but I
have to remind you of one thing. If you can't educate your daughter well in the future, I don't
mind helping you educate her."
What he said was very blunt. Zeng's father's face turned red and white. He had no choice but to
nod in agreement, and then left the Huo family in shame.
Song Yuwan has always been a revengeful person, and seeing the Zeng family's father and
daughter leaving in such a mess, she felt relieved and couldn't help but nagging the old lady
about it.
When Dabao and Xiaobao learned about this, they all clamored to help Lin Yiran: "Mommy, if
anyone dares to bully you, we will help you beat him up."
Lin Yiran burst out laughing, feeling deeply moved. However, looking at the two brothers rolling
up their sleeves, he couldn't help but joked, "You are so young, who can you beat?"
Dabao felt embarrassed by her teasing. His face turned red, and he finally came up with an
excuse: "We will grow up, and we will beat him up when we grow up."
The children were innocent, but it was obvious that both of them were sincerely protecting her,
and Lin Yiran was deeply moved.
"Okay, okay, then Mommy won't be afraid of being bullied when she goes out in the future.
Thank you!"
After dinner, Huo Jinlin was working in the study while Lin Yiran was reading on the coffee table
nearby. They were all management courses recommended to her by Huo Jinlin. They were boring
and Lin Yiran felt sleepy as she read. She nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice.
"Sister, sister, my school badge is missing. Please help me find it. I need to bring it to school
Lin Yiyi came running over noisily, and Lin Yiran was instantly awakened from her doze. She
quickly pretended to be calm and said, "Isn't it in the drawer of your desk? I saw it a few days
I thought Lin Yiyi was leaving, but unexpectedly, when she saw Lin Yiran reading a book, she
couldn't help but come over to take a look out of curiosity. In the end, she moved all her books
over and said she wanted to study with her.
Now, Lin Yiran couldn’t sleep anymore. She didn’t want to leave a bad impression in front of Lin
Yiyi, especially when it came to studying, she should set a good example.
Huo Jinlin found it so funny to see her yawning but trying not to fall asleep that he couldn't help
but say, "Yiyi, go back to your room and do your homework. Otherwise, Dabao and Xiaobao will
definitely come over when they see you here. Then your sister won't be able to see you
"Oh, that makes sense. I'll go back to my room now."
Lin Yiyi has always been an obedient child, especially when it comes to what Huo Jinlin says, she
hardly ever refutes him, and she immediately takes her book back.
Lin Yiran woke up a lot from her sleepiness after being disturbed by this. When she looked up,
she saw Huo Jinlin wanting to laugh but trying hard to hold it back, which looked extremely
She couldn't help but said, "If you want to laugh, just laugh. Don't hold it in. You might hurt your
body if you hold it in."
Chapter 119 Training Class
Huo Jinlin suppressed his laughter and said, "You are seeing things. I am not laughing at all."
Lin Yiran rolled his eyes at him in annoyance: "All your expressions are written on your face, how
could I wrongly accuse you!"
She looked at the pile of books at hand, frowned and complained: "This economics book is too
boring. Who can learn it? The whole book is full of rules and regulations. It gives me a headache."
She has never been good at studying since she was young. She gets a headache whenever
anything related to studying is mentioned.
Huo Jinlin picked up a book at hand, flipped through a few pages, and began to explain it to her
Perhaps it was because a lover sees beauty in everything, Lin Yiran became interested instantly
when she saw Huo Jinlin's handsome face. His vivid and interesting explanation made it easy for
Lin Yiran to understand these questions. She jumped up excitedly and hugged Huo Jinlin.
"How come it's so hard for me to learn it myself, but it's so easy when you talk about it! It's
The physical contact made both of them feel a little excited. Huo Jinlin pulled Lin Yiran to sit on
his lap. Lin Yiran struggled to get up, but accidentally kissed his lips in panic.
The warm touch made Huo Jinlin's heart instantly hot. He grabbed Lin Yiran, forced her to sit on
his thighs, and kissed her deeply on her fiery red lips.
The temperature in the room gradually rose, and the two men's breathing became rapid.
Realizing that an accidental firing was about to occur, Lin Yinran promptly stretched out his hands
to push Huo Jinlin's chest, preventing him from taking the next step.
"Stop it, I'm still reading!"
But she had obviously found a poor excuse. Huo Jinlin reached out and took the book from her
hand, his hot breath hitting her ears: "Don't read it. Read it tomorrow."
"No," Lin Yiran shyly avoided his affection, blushing and said, "Let's finish today's work today. I
still have a lot of classes to watch today!"
"I'll study again tomorrow morning."
Huo Jinlin's tone was somewhat commanding. He took the book from her hand, pressed forward,
and forced her to sit on the desk.
A pile of books on the desk were pushed to the ground. The breathing of both people changed a
little, and an ambiguous atmosphere filled the air.
Lin Yiran didn't know what time Huo Jinlin had been tossing and turning. She almost fainted from
exhaustion. When she woke up, it was already dawn. She opened her eyes dazedly, and her
whole body ached as if she had been run over by a truck, especially her waist. She had no
strength at all.
"woke up?"
Huo Jinlin's voice was also a bit lazy, but it sounded very nice. Lin Yiran looked at his beautiful
face and suddenly felt particularly pleasing to the eye.
Their eyes met, and what happened last night flooded into Lin Yiran's mind like a tide. Lin Yiran's
face instantly turned red, and she said shyly, "It's all your fault. You made me stay up so late
today. Mom and grandma will definitely laugh at me later."
"What are you laughing at?" Huo Jinlin waved his hand, pulled her into his arms, and said
lovingly, "We are all experienced people, they are eager for this, how could they laugh at you!"
Lin Yiran was thin-skinned and became annoyed when she heard this. Just as she was about to
curse, Huo Jinlin quickly kissed her.
After the kiss, Lin Yiran's face turned red like a ripe cherry, and she said in a shy voice: "You are
affecting my studies."
Huo Jinlin laughed and soothed him, "Just study hard, don't take it too seriously, and don't make
it hard on yourself. Just have an understanding of those things."
She is the young lady of the Huo family. If she is willing, Huo Jinlin doesn't mind letting her be a
canary for the rest of her life. After all, the Huo family can afford to support her.
Lin Yiran struggled to get up and glanced at him with obvious displeasure: "What are you talking
about? How can you only learn the basics?"
Looking at her stubborn expression, Huo Jinlin was helpless and could only rub her hair lovingly.
The two of them packed up and went downstairs. The three children had almost finished eating.
Lin Yiran packed their schoolbags as usual and sent them to the car before turning in to have
"Mom, I've made up my mind. During this period of time, I plan to learn body training and some
simple etiquette knowledge first, and then slowly learn some economic management
Those cultural things are indeed difficult for her, and she probably needs to spend more time
studying them than others, so her focus for now is on external etiquette.
"Okay, that's a good idea." Seeing her excited look, Song Yuwan couldn't help but feel a little
worried, "But you still have to take care of your body and don't get too tired."
Lin Yiran has just come into contact with these things, and she is eager to become fat in one bite,
so she is inevitably a little excited. Song Yuwan is worried that this will affect her normal rest.
The old lady frowned when she heard this and said unhappily, "I think you're fine the way you
are. If you insist on doing something, you might end up hurting your body. That's not worth it. We
in the Huo family don't need to live for others. Just be yourself."
She really felt sorry for Lin Yiran. If she were the resolute and efficient person she was in her
youth, she would have cheered Lin Yiran on a long time ago and would never have said anything
to stop her.
Lin Yiran was touched and comforted her, "Grandma, Mom, I know you are all doing this for my
own good, but I have already made up my mind about this matter, and I will pay attention to rest,
it will not affect my health, don't worry!"
"Well, since you insist on learning, we can only support you. It's just...are you still going to the
Song Yuwan knew that Lin Yiran would still have some estrangement in his heart after what
happened last time, so she could only ask carefully.
"No, I'll find another place to study."
There was such a big commotion at the club that Lin Yiran didn't want to go there anymore, so
she secretly signed up for a class. However, she didn't tell anyone about this. But as luck would
have it, Zeng Jiajia ran into her.
"Lin Yiran, what is she doing here?"
She muttered something quietly and followed curiously.
Lin Yiran was carrying a bag of clothes in her hand and walking hurriedly. Zeng Jiajia always felt
that she must have some secret, so she quickly followed her.
Seeing her walk straight into a body training institution, Zeng Jiajia's expression instantly became
I didn't expect that she secretly signed up for a training course?
Lin Yiran, you've made me lose face in front of everyone, and I will never let this go.

Chapter 120 Astronomical Figures

She hid behind a tree with a ferocious look on her face and watched Lin Yiran standing at the
front desk to handle the procedures. Then she took out her mobile phone and scanned it. It
seemed that he was paying tuition. There was strong hatred in Zeng Jiajia's eyes. She clenched
her fingers and secretly had an idea in her mind.
Watching Lin Yiran follow a teacher into the small classroom, Zeng Jiajia took out a mask from her
bag, put it on, and walked in mysteriously.
"Hello, I would like to sign up. Can you please leave me your contact information?"
She took advantage of the time when Teacher Li, who taught Lin Yiran body training, came out to
get water and left his contact information. Not long after leaving the training institution, Zeng
Jiajia thought that Lin Yiran should have finished the get out of class, so she called and made an
appointment with Teacher Li.
The two found a cafe and sat down. Looking at Zeng Jiajia, who had an extraordinary appearance,
Teacher Li asked puzzledly, "Girl, what course do you want to study?"
Zeng Jiajia smiled without answering, took out a bank card from her bag and placed it on the
table, then pushed it in front of Teacher Li under his puzzled gaze.
"Teacher Li, there is 100,000 yuan in this card."
"What do you mean?" Teacher Li was puzzled. "What do you want to learn?"
"I'm not learning anything. This money is for you." Zeng Jiajia took out a photo of Lin Yiran from
her phone and said with a weird smile, "You remember this girl, the one you just taught. I just
need you to embarrass her a little bit when you teach her. You don't need to do anything else. I
have a lot of celebrity girls. If possible, I don't mind recommending all of them to your school."
Huo Jinlin had already taken action, and Zeng Jiajia did not dare to do anything blatantly to Lin
Yiran. However, she could not vent her hatred for making a fool of herself in public unless she did
something behind the scenes.
Upon hearing this, Teacher Li immediately shook his head and refused: "Our training institution
has always had the best reputation in this circle. How can we let these things affect our teaching
quality? If it gets out, how can we survive in this circle in the future?"
He could tell Zeng Jiajia's tone was extraordinary. If she really had a lot of resources, wouldn't it
affect her reputation if this matter got out? He would definitely not let this little profit affect the
future of his studio.
Seeing that he didn't agree, Zeng Jiajia's face darkened, and she said threateningly, "Teacher Li,
there is nothing I can't do if I want to. If you don't agree to this, then I can't guarantee whether
your studio can continue to gain a foothold in this circle."
Zeng Jiajia is not an ordinary person. If she is determined to destroy this studio, it will only take a
few minutes. However, Teacher Li is also a very experienced old man. He has been to many
countries and regions and taught countless officials and nobles. He will not be scared away by
Zeng Jiajia's words.
He patiently persuaded her, "Little girl, if you want to learn something, our institution welcomes
you very much, but if you want me to accompany you to do these things that are against the will
of heaven and earth, please forgive me for not having the time for it."
She wants to bribe him with just 100,000 yuan. This girl really thinks too highly of herself.
Zeng Jiajia didn't expect him to refuse. She chuckled and said, "Teacher Li, I am willing to give you
another 100,000 yuan after the matter is settled. But if you really don't agree, I don't mind being
the rat shit that stirs up trouble for your educational institution. I will definitely make your place a
This is naturally beyond doubt. For a powerful and wealthy lady like Zeng Jiajia, it would be easy
for her to do something if she really wanted to. Even if there would be no fatal harm, it would
probably be enough to give her a headache for a while.
Teacher Li didn't want to disrupt his circle, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "I
can help you, but you must not go beyond my bottom line."
"Don't worry," Zeng Jiajia curled her lips meaningfully when she saw that he agreed, "I just need
you to make her suffer a little bit during class, you don't need to do anything else."
After all, with the pressure from Huo Jinlin and her father, Zeng Jiajia would never dare to attack
her openly again. Making her suffer a little was the only thing she could do at the moment.
The deal was settled, but Lin Yiran was still foolishly kept in the dark. She had inquired before
coming here and knew that this teacher had good qualifications and many celebrities from the
upper class had studied with him, so Lin Yiran respected him very much.
When she came to class the next day, Teacher Li's attitude towards her had obviously changed a
little, but Lin was still unaware. Based on the first lesson, Teacher Li taught her many difficult
Lin Yiran had never been exposed to these things before, and her body flexibility was not very
good. The difficult movements were a bit difficult for her, and the pain from the pulling made her
gasp and scream out in surprise.
Teacher Li looked a little uncomfortable, and said, "It's okay. It's just that your body flexibility is
not very good. It is indeed harder than others at the beginning. Just practice more and it will be
Lin Yiran nodded half-believingly. She respected Teacher Li in her heart, and she didn't know
much about these etiquette things, so she was forced to practice despite the pain.
At the same time, in the office of the president of Huo Group, Huo Jinlin's assistant was standing
trembling in front of his boss, watching Huo Jinlin frowning as he flipped through the documents
in his hand.
"What happened to the money?"
Huo Jinlin knew who the problem was. The assistant reported carefully, "Boss Huo, this
money...was taken from the finance department by the old chairman using his power."
"My Father?"
There have never been any mistakes in financial matters. Besides, there is no need for money at
home recently. Why would he withdraw such a large sum of money all at once?
The assistant asked nervously, "Mr. Huo, so how should we deal with this matter?"
Huo Jinlin glanced at the huge number on the document thoughtfully, and said without
hesitation: "Go find someone to keep an eye on him and see what he's been doing recently?"
"Okay, Mr. Huo."
The assistant took the documents out and the office returned to silence. Huo Jinlin looked at the
documents and pinched his brows in annoyance. Although things seemed calm recently, he knew
very well that the conflict between Huo Nantian and Song Yuwan had not been resolved since
their last argument.
As a junior, it was not appropriate for him to interfere in the affairs between his parents. He just
hoped that Huo Nantian would not be too disappointing and do something irreparable.

Chapter 121 You Follow Me

Soon the results of the investigation came out. The assistant walked in quickly and said with an
unpleasant look on his face, "Boss Huo...Boss Huo, the person we sent to investigate has replied,
saying that the chairman has been appearing frequently in a high-end club called Dusk recently,
and he's in there right now!"
Huo Jinlin's face darkened when he heard this, and his expression was a little ugly: "Call the driver
and ask him to wait for me downstairs. I'm going out for a while, and the afternoon meeting will
be postponed."
He wanted to see what Huo Nantian was doing and whether he still wanted this family.
The relationship between father and son has always been tense, but Huo Nantian did not expect
that Huo Jinlin would send someone to follow him, and even chase him personally. The two
looked at each other, and there was a hint of unspeakable anger in each other's eyes.
"Huo Jinlin, are you following me?"
Huo Jinlin did not deny it. He sneered and said bluntly, "The truth will come to light sooner or
later. You did something like this yourself, so you should have known that this day would come
sooner or later."
"What have I done to cause such a thing?"
Huo Nantian's voice was a little sharp. He looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief. He
never thought that one day his own son would accuse him so harshly. Huo Nantian felt ashamed,
but more of it was anger in his heart.
He said in a cold voice: "Huo Jinlin, this is just normal communication. It's not as bad as you think.
As for my affairs, you don't have to worry about them in the future."
They were all men, and everyone knew what it meant to appear in such a place without having to
explain it clearly, so Huo Jinlin just looked at him coldly and ignored his explanation.
"What did you do with the money you took out from the finance department?"
That is not a small amount of money. If Huo Nantian had no legitimate reason and was just
spending his time in these places, Huo Jinlin would not turn a deaf ear to it.
When this matter was brought up, Huo Nantian seemed a little angry and asked coldly, "Huo
Jinlin, don't forget that although you are in charge of the company now, I am also a shareholder. I
don't think I need to report this matter to you, right?"
A dispute arose between the father and son again, and the air was filled with a strong smell of
gunpowder. People passing by in the corridor couldn't help but look back twice, but this man was
the dreaded Huo Jinlin, so everyone just looked at him and didn't dare to stay for long.
Huo Jinlin clenched his fists, but could only let go helplessly when he looked at the person in
front of him: "The company does not belong to you alone. I hope you remember that this kind of
embezzlement of public funds should not happen again, otherwise I will definitely follow the
"You..." Huo Nantian didn't expect that he would be so serious. He felt a little embarrassed. After
looking around to see if there was anyone around, he lowered his voice and warned, "Huo Jinlin, I
hope you also remember that I am your father. Please respect me."
Huo Nantian, who has always been strong, has never been so embarrassed. Fortunately, no one
saw this scene, otherwise how could he hold his head up in this circle in the future?
Huo Jinlin did not agree. He turned around and left without any courtesy, with a cold expression
on his face. He was like a moving iceberg. Everyone unconsciously made way for him, for fear of
accidentally stepping on a landmine.
Watching his determined back as he left, Huo Nantian pushed open the door of the box again
with a grim face. There were not as many beauties inside as Huo Jinlin had imagined, but several
business tycoons who had worked with Huo Nantian for decades, all of them were powerful and
A man in a suit and tie who was a few years older than him saw him coming in with a sullen face
and couldn't help but tease him, "Old Huo, I just heard that your son does have some of your
style, and now that he's in charge of the company, he's got you under his thumb."
"Yes, Old Huo's son is no ordinary man," another old man began to echo, "The disciple is better
than the master. We are indeed old, and now the world is ruled by young people."
"That's right, the younger generation always pushes the older generation forward. But Old Huo,
when you were young, you wouldn't dare to talk to your father like this. Your son is better than
Everyone was talking at once, and Huo Nantian's already irritable heart instantly became furious.
He stood up abruptly, picked up his coat and went out without saying a word.
Seeing that he was really angry, everyone present was stunned. They stopped what they were
doing and looked at each other. Even the ones who were joking just now stopped talking.
Huo Jinlin was also very angry when he came out of the club. He sat in the car irritably and
smoked a cigarette before going directly to where Lin Yiran was taking etiquette lessons.
Anyway, the afternoon meeting was postponed. He was in a bad mood at the moment and
couldn't handle anything if he returned to the company. He might as well take advantage of the
early time to go see Lin Yiran and pick her up from get out of class.
"Wow, isn't this man so handsome?"
"Oh my god, who is this person looking for? He is simply a god descending to earth!"
“Wow, this face is so cool.”
Most of the students taking classes in the club were a group of unmarried girls. When they saw
such a handsome man, they instantly became infatuated with him. There was a sudden
commotion in the classroom, and everyone came forward to surround Huo Jinlin.
Lin Yiran heard the noise and looked over, meeting Huo Jinlin's affectionate eyes. He was
surrounded by a group of girls, but due to their height, Lin Yiran could just see his head.
Lin Yiran didn't expect that Huo Jinlin would come to pick her up in person. She was so moved
that she was surprised and happy that she even forgot what she was doing.
"What's wrong with you? You still make mistakes with such a simple move. Haven't I taught you
several times?"
Teacher Li took Zeng Jiajia's money and had intended to make things difficult for Lin Yiran. Now
that he saw that she had made a mistake, he naturally couldn't avoid scolding her again.
Lin Yiran was so ashamed that he could only bury his head and apologize: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
Teacher Li, I didn't mean it. Try again, I will definitely do it well."
"Lin Yiran, your attitude is not acceptable. You should know that your foundation is worse than
others, so you naturally have to work harder than others."
His words were harsh, but Lin still respected him and felt that he had not done well, so he was
not angry. Instead, he admitted his mistake sincerely: "I'm sorry, Teacher Li, I understand, I will
pay attention next time."
Seeing her like this, Teacher Li couldn't keep scolding her, so he could only say unhappily, "Okay,
then practice it again. If there are no problems, you can leave the get out of class, but you must
practice hard after you go home. Your foundation is really too poor."
"Okay, okay, thank you, Teacher Li."
Lin Yiran nodded and bowed to thank him, then raised her head and glanced casually, and found
that Huo Jinlin was still surrounded by the crowd. She felt jealous and took a deep breath and
continued training.

Chapter 122 Declaration of Sovereignty

When the get out of class was over, the group of girls still refused to let Huo Jinlin go, and some
even boldly came forward to ask for his contact information. Their immature looks made Lin Yiran
feel a little uncomfortable.
"Excuse me, I have a wife," Huo Jinlin pushed through the crowd without hesitation, walked over
and took Lin Yiran's hand, and said as if declaring sovereignty, "If I add you on WeChat, my wife
will be jealous."
The girls were simple-minded and didn’t get angry when they were rejected. They just retreated
with a bit of disappointment and cast envious glances at Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran felt a little jealous, but she also felt safe because Huo Jinlin frankly admitted their
relationship. She said jokingly, "Who are you talking about who is jealous? I'm not jealous. If you
want to add them, it's not too late to go back now."
"Really?" It was rare to see Lin Yiran's feminine side. Huo Jinlin was in a good mood and couldn't
help but joked along with her, "Are you really not angry? Then I'll go back and add them all, and
then I'll ask them out one by one tomorrow."
He pretended to be serious, which made Lin Yiran laugh. She reached out and tapped his
shoulders twice, warning him coquettishly, "You're annoying. Add one and see!"
"Haha, didn't you say that just now? Why are you unhappy now?"
The two of them left talking and laughing. Zeng Jiajia happened to come to look for her best
friend and passed by them. However, Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin were immersed in their own world
and didn't notice her at all.
Zeng Jiajia felt sour in her heart. Her best friend Du Yunruo saw her absent-mindedly staring at
the direction where Lin Yiran and the others left, and couldn't help but teasing her, "Why, you
also like that man just now?"
If Du Yunruo was in the same class as Lin Yiran, she would have seen everything that happened
just now, but she remained calm and did not go forward. However, she could not help but feel a
little curious about Lin Yiran. Zeng Jiajia happened to be watching them, and her doubts were
aroused again.
Zeng Jiajia did not shy away from her joke and admitted it openly: "Yes, I do like him. I told you
the other day that I must find a way to get this man."
Zeng Jiajia was startled by her determined look, but then she reacted and looked at the black
Mercedes-Benz driving away in disbelief, stammering, "He...he is Huo Jinlin?"
The current president of Huo Group?
She knew that Zeng Jiajia liked Huo Jinlin, but she had never paid attention to the news or the
business circle, so she didn't know what Huo Jinlin looked like. She didn't expect to see him with
her own eyes today.
Du Ruoyun smacked her lips. "She does look pretty, but isn't she married? So what are you going
to do now? Who is that woman?"
They studied etiquette in the same class. Lin Yiran's foundation was indeed very poor, but she
had always been a low-key person, and Du Ruoyun had never associated her with the all-
powerful Huo family.
Zeng Jiajia shook her head thoughtfully: "I don't know either. I have only met her three times so
far. Judging from her daily behavior, she should be from an ordinary family. If she is from this
circle, we must have heard of her more or less."
"That's right," Du Ruoyun nodded in agreement, "She knows nothing about etiquette and it looks
like she has never been exposed to it."
At this point, Du Ruoyun's eyes lit up instantly, and an idea suddenly came to her mind: "You can
start with her background. There must be a reason why such a woman can be on the list of such a
big tree as Huo Jinlin. You will know if you investigate it, right?"
"Yeah," Zeng Jiajia also perked up immediately, "Maybe the Huo family was kept in the dark by
her. Besides, I heard that Uncle Huo always pays attention to the matching of family backgrounds.
He would definitely not be interested in such a girl."
After the two of them agreed on the idea, Zeng Jiajia forgot about the warning her father had
given her last time and secretly had bad ideas in her mind.
Huo Jinlin didn't want others to know that Huo Nantian went to the club, so he just asked the
driver to drop him off at the door and then left. So after picking up Lin Yiran, he acted as the
driver himself.
"Madam, today our driver Xiao Huo will be here to serve you personally. Where would you like to
Lin Yiran was amused by his serious expression. After thinking for a while, she said seriously, "I
haven't been to a fried chicken shop in the past few days. Why don't you go with me to have a
look while it's still early today?"
Huo Jinlin never refused any request she made. He stepped on the accelerator and drove towards
the fried chicken shop. The car soon stopped steadily in front of the door of the fried chicken
The fried chicken shop was operating as usual, with nothing unusual happening. There were a
few customers in the shop, and when they saw Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran coming in hand in hand,
they all opened their eyes wide and looked at them in disbelief.
During this period of time, many people had indeed come here after hearing the news, but no
one had ever seen Lin Yiran in person. They didn't expect that they would actually meet her
today. They were really surprised and happy.
"Wait here for a while. I'll go in and take a look at what's going on inside."
Lin Yiran was already accustomed to everyone's gazes. When she noticed that those people were
staring at them, she simply smiled faintly, put on an apron and walked into the kitchen.
Not long after, Lin Yiran took out another small notebook: "Jinlin, please help me take a look. This
is the management manual for a fried chicken shop that I made before."
She thought that there is no order without rules. Since she couldn't come here often, she might
as well just set some rules and regulations for them to follow. This way, there would be fewer
Unexpectedly, Huo Jinlin frowned as soon as he saw it, and pointed at the clauses above and said,
"This won't work. The rules are not clear, and there are many loopholes. For things like this, you
must consider the possible problems in every aspect, and clearly distinguish between rewards
and punishments, so as to stimulate employees' work enthusiasm..."
He explained it very carefully, and Lin Yiran also made corrections very seriously according to Huo
Jinlin's suggestions. After lunch, when it was the least busy, Lin Yiran organized a short meeting
and showed the employee handbook to every employee for review.
Everyone is very satisfied. The store’s reward and punishment system is clear, and everyone
instantly gained confidence and worked with great enthusiasm.
Seeing that there was no problem and the children were about to finish school, Lin Yiran
prepared to take Huo Jinlin home first. However, as soon as they walked to the door, they ran into
Yi Qingyun who came to write a letter.
The two hadn't seen each other for a while. Yi Qingyun's eyes flashed with joy, and he jokingly
said, "How come you, the big boss, have time to come here today?"

Chapter 123: Secret Competition

For some reason, Yi Qingyun always gave Lin Yiran a very familiar feeling. She smiled and said, "I
was wondering what the wind was that blew a young master like you here today?"
The two of them laughed at the same time. Their tacit understanding and intimacy made Huo
Jinlin feel a little angry, but he suppressed it in front of Lin Yiran.
Isn't this the man in the photo from last time? I didn't expect they were so familiar with each
Yi Qingyun then noticed that there was a man beside Lin Yiran. He had already investigated Huo
Jinlin's identity before, but he still asked knowingly: "Yiran, who is this?"
"Oh, this is my husband Huo Jinlin," Lin Yin pulled Huo Jinlin over and turned to introduce him,
"Jinlin, this is Yi Qingyun, the person in charge of the raw material supplier for our fried chicken
The two men stretched out their hands at the same time and shook hands at the same time. The
whole process seemed like a routine. However, only the two men who increased the strength of
their hands when shaking hands knew that this secret competition had just begun.
Huo Jinlin was dissatisfied with Yi Qingyun in his heart, but this was the first time he heard Lin
Yiran introduce him to outsiders. That title gave him a sense of satisfaction, and he looked at Yi
Qingyun provocatively.
Yi Qingyun was not to be outdone and deliberately brought up what happened that year in front
of Huo Jinlin.
"Yan Yiran, have you forgotten that our relationship is more than just a partnership?"
Lin Yiran looked at him in confusion, and then subconsciously glanced at Huo Jinlin. The photo
incident some time ago made both of them feel a little strange about this person.
Yi Qingyun didn't know the twists and turns in this, but he was immersed in deep memories: "In
fact, we met many years ago. I have been looking for you for so many years, but I didn't expect
that you didn't even remember it."
"Ah?" Lin Yiran was even more confused. She shook her head hard, but there was no memory of
Yi Qingyun in her mind. "Yi Qingyun, I really don't remember that we knew each other before.
Are you talking about meeting in the incubator in the hospital when you were just born?"
The two of them were used to joking with each other, so Lin Yiran thought he was joking. After
all, she had searched her memories of the past twenty years and really didn't have the slightest
memory of Yi Qingyun.
Yi Qingyun was not annoyed, and looked at her seriously: "I'm not kidding you, have you
forgotten? That year I was bullied and trapped in a corner, and later you saved me!"
Lin Yiran was no longer calm. She pointed at Yi Qingyun excitedly and said, " are the little
mute crying in the corner?"
Huo Jinlin had been feeling unhappy when he heard Yi Qingyun say that they had known each
other before, but when he heard Lin Yiran's evaluation, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.
"I..." Yi Qingyun's face was as dark as Bao Gong, "You are too much, you actually said that I am a
little mute!"
Lin Yiran almost couldn't stop laughing: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just can't help laughing when I
think about that scene. So many people bullied you, but you didn't resist. You just kept shrinking
in the corner and wiping your tears. The most important thing is that you didn't answer me when
I asked you questions. I really thought you were dumb at that time."
Yi Qingyun was not angry. No matter what, he was still very happy that Lin Yiran could recall what
happened so many years ago. Lin Yiran was also very excited. She didn't expect to meet him
"Let's have a meal together. I haven't had time to thank you for what you did back then!"
When the topic of eating came up, Lin Yiran thought of the incident with the photo last time, and
couldn't help but subconsciously turn her head to look at Huo Jinlin, fearing that he would be
Unexpectedly, all her little movements were seen by Yi Qingyun. He curled his lips and gave Huo
Jinlin a meaningful look in a deliberately provocative manner.
"What do you think, Mr. Huo? Yi Ran and I are just friends. You wouldn't disagree, would you?"
What this means is, will he control Lin Yiran and restrict her freedom?
How could Huo Jinlin not understand the deep meaning of this? Lin Yiran was also afraid that Huo
Jinlin would be angry, so she quickly explained: "Qingyun, you misunderstood, Jinlin is not..."
She was trying to explain for him, but unexpectedly Huo Jinlin directly denied it: "No, you worry
too much."
Huo Jinlin deliberately put his arm around Lin Yiran's shoulders and said provocatively, "Since
Yiran and I are already married, her friends are naturally my friends. It's just a meal, how could I
not agree?"
His action of declaring his sovereignty hurt Yi Qingyun's heart a little. He suppressed his
unhappiness and said with a frank smile: "Okay, Yiran, let's make a deal first. I'll treat you to this
meal as a thank you for saving me that year."
"No need to be so polite."
Lin Yiran noticed that the atmosphere between the two of them was not right, and was afraid
that they would fight while eating. However, she didn't expect that the two men would open the
car door first. Lin Yiran had no choice but to follow them.
Yi Qingyun opened the car door, but saw Lin Yiran got directly into Huo Jinlin's car. He withdrew
his hand awkwardly and closed the passenger door.
The place this time was chosen by Huo Jinlin. The restaurant had a unique decoration and there
was a waiter in the hall who specialized in playing the violin. The flowing sound of the violin
echoed in the hall. Lin Yiran felt a little embarrassed and secretly pulled Huo Jinlin's sleeve.
After all, someone else is treating us, wouldn't it be a bad idea to choose such an expensive
Unexpectedly, Huo Jinlin gently pulled down her hand and held it, and deliberately asked Yi
Qingyun: "Mr. Yi, I forgot to ask for your opinion, how about this place? Is it acceptable?"
What I mean is, do you have enough money with you?
How could Yi Qingyun not know? He smiled faintly and looked at Lin Yiran and said, "Yiran, how is
it here? Do you like it? Order whatever you like. Don't be polite to me."
He knew that Huo Jinlin was wealthy, but he was not so poor that he could not afford such a
small amount of money.
Lin Yiran was like a cookie sandwiched between two people, and was made very uncomfortable
by the two of them. She could only nod and said politely: "Qingyun, I'm sorry to have cost you
money today. Actually, what happened in the past is in the past. You don't have to be so polite."
"It's okay. It's rare for us to meet each other. Besides, this is the first time that Mr. Huo and I
meet. It's not impossible for us to have a meal together and get to know each other better!"
He deliberately looked at Huo Jinlin while talking. Now that things had come to this, Lin Yiran
didn't know what to say anymore and had to follow them into the box.
The dinner table was indeed filled with smoke. Lin Yiran sat between the two of them, watching
them secretly competing with each other. She could only awkwardly reduce her presence.

Chapter 124 Taste Change

"Yan'ren, do you like sweet or spicy?"
Yi Qingyun took a look at the menu, then turned to ask Lin Yiran.
Unexpectedly, before she could answer, Huo Jinlin snatched the menu from Yi Qingyun's hand
and said with a somewhat arrogant expression: "Let me order some, after all, you don't know
Yiran's taste."
"How come I don't know?" Yi Qingyun snatched it away calmly and said confidently, "Yi Ran, I
remember that you loved spicy food when you were in junior high school. At that time, you
would order chopped pepper fish head every time you ate, right?"
As he spoke, he quickly checked off several dishes on the menu. Lin Yiran, sitting in the middle,
could only smile awkwardly.
Huo Jinlin was not convinced and picked a few sweet dishes. He said, "That was many years ago.
Yiran's taste has changed a long time ago. She likes sweet food now and doesn't like spicy food."
Seeing the two of them secretly competing with each other and ordering a lot of dishes, Lin Yiran
held his head with his hand and stopped them: "There are only three of us, don't order too many
dishes. If you keep making trouble like this, you won't be able to eat this meal."
Seeing that she was really angry, the two of them didn't dare to continue doing whatever they
wanted and could only calm down. The controversy over ordering food was finally over, and a
strong smell of gunpowder slowly rose on the dining table.
Soon the dishes were served one after another, and two people on the left and right began to
pick up dishes for Lin Yiran. Looking at the dishes piled up like a mountain in the bowl, Lin Yiran
had no choice but to stop them.
"Can you two just be quiet for a moment? I'm not a child anymore. Why do you keep picking up
food for me? If I want to eat, I can pick it up myself."
Upon hearing this, Yi Qingyun and Huo Jinlin retracted their chopsticks at the same time, and Lin
Yiran finally got a moment of peace.
Then the two of them began to hypocritically chat about work. What a coincidence that they
both had their eyes on the same project. The smell of gunpowder in the air became even
stronger, and silent smoke spread among the three of them.
Lin Yiran saw that something was wrong and quickly stepped out to play peacemaker: "Can you
guys please finish your meal properly? Why are you talking about work while eating?"
If they continued talking, I was afraid they would start fighting on the table.
Yi Qingyun and Huo Jinlin glared at each other, disliking each other, but in front of Lin Yiran,
neither of them dared to do it again, for fear that Lin Yiran would be angry.
The dishes on the table brought together the characteristics of several major cuisines. Lin Yiran
used to love spicy food, but now she has gradually become accustomed to sweeter things.
Generally speaking, she only eats slightly spicy food when she goes out, so her tongue has
gradually become unable to accept too spicy food.
Yi Qingyun picked up a piece of boiled fish for her. Lin Yiran took a bite politely and instantly
sucked the chili into her esophagus. It was so spicy that she almost cried.
"Ahem...why is it so spicy?"
Yi Qingyun felt a little guilty and wanted to pat her on the back, but Huo Jinlin got there first. He
looked at Huo Jinlin who was patting Lin Yiran gently and handed her the cup of water without
showing any impatience. His eyes gradually dimmed.
After Lin Yiran recovered, Huo Jinlin did not forget to mock Yi Qingyun: "I just told you that Yiran's
taste has changed a long time ago. She doesn't like spicy food now. You didn't believe it. Are you
choking now?"
Yi Qingyun knew he was in the wrong, so he didn't refute him. Instead, he looked at Lin Yiran with
a distressed look on his face: "I'm sorry, Yiran, I didn't mean it. Are you feeling better?"
"It's okay, it's okay." Lin Yiran coughed for a while. Her throat still felt a little sore when she spoke.
She took another big sip of water and said, "Don't feel guilty. It's rare that you can still remember
my previous preferences after we haven't seen each other for so many years."
Yi Qingyun smiled awkwardly, watching her drink the water handed to her by Huo Jinlin so
naturally from his hand. The two of them got along so well with each other, and a trace of
imperceptible loss flashed in his eyes.
In fact, Lin Yiran didn’t know how Yi Qingyun knew all this. After all, the two of them had only
met once that year, and Lin Yiran couldn’t even remember his name.
But there are some things that Lin Yiran understands in her heart. She discovered it the last time
they had dinner. Yi Qingyun seems to be quite special to her. But now that she has Huo Jinlin, she
doesn't want him to misunderstand, so these things will make it a future problem. Let’s solve the
mystery. If the truth is revealed, it would actually not be a good thing for everyone.
After they finally finished eating, Lin Yiran breathed a sigh of relief. The three of them came out
of the restaurant. Yi Qingyun watched them leave, the expression on his face gradually darkened.
The car started slowly, and Lin Yiran sighed softly. She would never participate in this kind of
dinner party for three people again. The food was unsatisfactory after a meal, and she was
extremely tired.
Huo Jinlin looked like a winner, with a proud look on his face. Hearing her sigh, he couldn't help
but joked: "Why, you can't bear to let him go?"
Seeing her and Yi Qingyun joking so unscrupulously, and thinking of the memories between
them, Huo Jinlin felt really sour in his heart, and he wished they would never meet again in the
Lin Yiran was both amused and confused: "What nonsense are you talking about? You two are
too childish. He and I are just friends. Don't be jealous here."
"How can we be childish? That's a contest between men, do you understand?"
"Still competing?" Lin Yiran laughed. "What you did at the dinner table just now was like
something a kindergarten kid would do. Isn't that childish?"
Huo Jinlin held the steering wheel with one hand, and reached out with the other hand to hold
her hand, and said in a coquettish tone: "Yi Ran, you should meet him less often in the future,
"Why?" Lin Yiran was puzzled. "He is a partner of our fried chicken shop, and we are really just
friends. Don't get me wrong."
Huo Jinlin's expression suddenly became serious: "But Yi Qingyun doesn't just treat you as a
friend. He likes you. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that. If you..."
He was halfway through his words when he suddenly noticed that Lin Yiran's expression was a
little stiff, so he quickly took back the rest of his words. The atmosphere in the car suddenly
became awkward and neither of them spoke.
Lin Yiran leaned her head against the window, looking at the dark night sky outside. She was
thoughtful. What Huo Jinlin said was indeed true. Yi Qingyun's undisguised love for her did
indeed make her very upset, but Lin Yiran did not have much experience in dealing with feelings.
She always felt that avoiding was not a solution and they would see each other again sooner or
The two of them were silent all the way until the car stopped steadily at the gate of Nanlinyuan.
Huo Jinlin thought Lin Yiran was angry, so he carefully opened the car door for her.
"Yan'er, are you angry with me?"
Although what he said just now was true, Huo Jinlin didn't expect Lin Yiran to be angry. He was a
little at a loss for a moment.

Chapter 125 The child is jealous too

Seeing his timid look, Lin Yiran couldn't help laughing out loud: "Don't worry, I'm not angry. I'm
just wondering whether I should hand over the work in the store to someone else in the future."
What Huo Jinlin said was not without reason. Lin Yiran knew that as the young lady of the Huo
family, there were many eyes watching her on a daily basis, and Yi Qingyun's affairs were indeed
more likely to cause misunderstandings. Although the relationship between her and Huo Jinlin
was strong, Lin Yiran still did not want these things to affect them.
Hearing her say this, Huo Jinlin instantly smiled with joy and did not mention Yi Qingyun any
more. The two of them walked into the house chatting and laughing.
When the two children saw them pushing the door open, they greeted them with happy smiles.
However, the sensitive Dabao immediately smelled the strange smell on Lin Yiran, and he pouted
"Mom, did you guys go out on a date secretly? You didn't even take us with you to eat something
The two brothers deliberately clasped their hands in front of their chests in anger, looking at the
two of them like little adults. Lin Yiran was about to explain, feeling amused, but Lin Yiyi came
over first.
"Do you still want brothers and sisters? If they don't go out on dates, where will your brothers
and sisters come from?"
She educated Dabao and Xiaobao, who were one year younger than her, like a little adult, and
her tone made the adults present couldn't help but laugh out loud.
Dabao's eyes lit up immediately when he heard this: "Really? Mom and Dad, are you going to
give me a brother? I want a brother, so that I will have two little brothers when I fight in the
Fighting? What are these naughty kids thinking about all day long!
But before she could teach him a lesson, Xiaobao got angry and said anxiously, "Mom, don't give
birth to a brother, give birth to a little sister, she's so soft and cute."
"No, girls are so annoying. Xiaomei in our kindergarten cries every day like a slug."
"No, I want a younger sister. A younger brother is annoying and will take my toys away."
The two brothers started arguing in public, arguing back and forth. Lin Yiran had just had a
headache because of the quarrel between Yi Qingyun and Huo Jinlin when she was having dinner,
and now there were two children quarreling again. She suddenly felt overwhelmed.
Seeing that the two children were about to get out of control, Song Yuwan hurried forward to
persuade them: "Okay, okay, kids, go upstairs and go to bed quickly, don't make any more noise."
I had to coax and trick my aunt into taking the two children upstairs, and only then did the living
room finally quiet down and I had a moment of peace.
"Yi Ran, it's a good thing that you are planning to have a baby. Why didn't you tell me so that I
can prepare in advance and help you share the burden when the time comes!"
Lin Yiran was shocked. The misunderstanding had become bigger. She quickly explained, "No,
Mom, you misunderstood. We are..."
Song Yuwan didn't give her a chance to explain. Her eyes were so happy that they were all
smiling. "Okay, okay, you young people have a lot of things to do. I'll arrange everything in
advance. You don't have to worry about anything. Just give birth to the baby peacefully."
Lin Yiran was now even more embarrassed. The situation now developed as if she was already
pregnant. She really couldn't clear herself from the guilt even if she jumped into the Yellow River.
She was too lazy to explain, so she simply gave Huo Jinlin a look, found an excuse and hurried
Huo Jinlin knew that she wanted him to explain to Song Yuwan, but when he saw Song Yuwan's
expression, he understood what she was thinking. After all, her family still expected them to have
a child of their own.
Although Song Yuwan loved Dabao and Xiaobao very much, people of their generation still
wanted Huo Jinlin to have a biological child of their own, as they always felt that that was their
own bloodline.
The mother and son exchanged a few words indifferently. Huo Jinlin did not explain the matter
and turned to go upstairs.
After they finished bathing and lay on the bed, Lin Yiran just remembered this and asked, "Have
you explained this to mom?"
"No," Huo Jinlin shook his head and looked at her seriously, "Yan Ran, you haven't been to the
fried chicken shop recently, why don't we have a baby!"
Yi Qingyun's sudden appearance made Huo Jinlin feel a sense of crisis. It's not that he didn't trust
Lin Yiran, but he felt that if they had a child at this time, it would be icing on the cake.
Lin Yiran didn't know his little thoughts. She frowned slightly and refused: "I'm practicing body
training recently, and I still have a lot of difficult things to learn. I'm afraid this period is not
suitable for preparing for pregnancy!"
She didn't want to disappoint Huo Jinlin, but she really wanted to learn something. She had just
started and had made a little progress. If she gave up now, all her efforts would be wasted.
Although Huo Jinlin felt a little disappointed, he still agreed: "It's okay, just practice well. If you
don't want to have a baby, then don't have to for the time being. I will find a chance to explain it
to mom, don't worry!"
This matter really needs to be discussed with them. After all, the two have been married for so
long. If there is no child for a long time, Huo Jinlin is afraid that other people will think
Lin Yiran was deeply moved. She shyly turned her head and gave him a light kiss on the face, as
light as a dragonfly touching the water.
"You go to bed first. I'm going to read for a while. I came back late today and haven't read all
But looking at her rosy cherry lips, how could the aroused Huo Jinlin let her go so easily?
Lin Yiran had just stood up when Huo Jinlin waved his hand, picked her up by the waist and put
her on the bed.
Huo Jinlin's magnetic and charming voice rang in Lin Yiran's ears: "Don't watch it tonight, watch it
tomorrow, it's time to accompany me now."
"I really should read some books. Didn't I agree not to have children? I have to study now."
"I didn't say anything about having a baby!" Her resistance was like a tickle to Huo Jinlin. He held
the struggling little hands and whispered in her ear: "There's no rush to have a baby, but you
have to stay with me!"
The two of them were in a weird posture. Lin Yiran was restrained by him with a red face.
However, her resistance was futile. She could only let Huo Jinlin lead her. Her breathing gradually
became disordered.
The temperature in the air gradually rises, filling the room with beauty.
The next morning, Lin Yiran was late again. When she woke up, she felt sore all over again. She
couldn't help but complain, "Look at you. You made me sore all over again. I'm definitely going to
be late again."
Huo Jinlin was not angry at her complaint. Instead, he leaned over and gave her a kiss on the
face. Then the kisses came all over her. His short stubble made Lin Yiran feel itchy. She wanted to
avoid it unnaturally, but was restrained by Huo Jinlin.
The alarm on the phone rang again, and Lin Yiran screamed, "I'm going to be late, stop it, and
take me to class."

Chapter 126 Being Punished

"Don't move. I'll take you there in a minute. You won't be late."
The two of them pushed and shoved each other in bed for a while before they hurriedly packed
up and went out. The result was self-evident, Lin Yiran was naturally late.
The small class has already started. When Du Yunruo saw Lin Yiran coming late, a sneer
unconsciously appeared at the corner of his mouth.
As expected, Teacher Li, who already disliked Lin Yiran, was naturally very unhappy. With a sullen
face, he scolded Lin Yiran in front of everyone.
"What do you think this place is? Your foundation is weaker than others, and you don't make
progress. Do you expect so many people to wait for you?"
Teacher Li originally took Zeng Jiajia's money and secretly did something naughty, and he felt a
little guilty in his heart. But now seeing that Lin Yiran was still making mistakes everywhere, he,
who always pursued perfection, became even more dismissive of this girl in his heart, and thus
he naturally began to target her during class.
Lin Yiran had no idea of their little tricks. She just thought that she had made a mistake. Although
it was embarrassing to be scolded in public, she still accepted his punishment with her head
"I'm sorry, Mr. Li, it's my fault. I promise I won't be late again next time."
Although her attitude of apology was very correct, Teacher Li still felt angry and said coldly:
"Don't attend this class for now. Go to the corner and practice basic skills. I will come over to
check it later. If you pass, you can continue the class with everyone else."
When everyone heard the punishment, they all covered their mouths and laughed quietly. Lin
Yiran's face turned red in embarrassment, but after all, she was late first, so she couldn't refute it,
so she could only nod in agreement.
"Come on, everyone, continue to practice with me, one, two, three, four, two, two, three, four..."
The class continued, and Lin was still alone in the corner, practicing the basic movements from
yesterday, feeling very annoyed.
But she also knows that she still has many shortcomings, so she should take this opportunity to
practice hard!
During the break, Du Yunruo came over and saw Lin Yiran practicing very seriously, with a thin
layer of cold sweat on her forehead. She couldn't help but sneer and said sarcastically: "Lin Yiran,
you are really serious. You practice so hard here by yourself. It's a pity that Teacher Li still doesn't
like you."
Hearing her ridicule, Lin Yiran just glanced at her casually, turned his head to the other side, and
continued to do leg exercises, ignoring Du Yunruo at all.
Du Yunruo felt like she had punched cotton hard. The feeling made her feel very uncomfortable.
A sly smile appeared on her face and she stretched out a foot silently.
Lin Yiran was practicing very attentively. She tripped and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately,
she grabbed the railing in time to avoid injury.
"You deliberately?"
"So what?" Du Yunruo sneered and looked at her with disdain. "Lin Yiran, I heard that you are an
adopted daughter. How can a person who is not wanted by her biological parents be worthy of
Huo Jinlin?"
When Lin Yiran heard this, his movements froze, and he glanced over with a sharp gaze, and
asked in a cold voice: "Are you investigating me?"
Du Yunruo was not afraid at all and frankly admitted: "If you don't want others to know, then you
better not do it. For someone like you to be able to enter the Huo family, I'm afraid your
background problems have already been known to everyone."
She's probably not the only one who's curious. From the moment she and Huo Jinlin revealed
their identities in the live broadcast, countless people began investigating her background.
Lin Yiran suppressed his anger, smiled calmly, and said, "So what? You are of noble status, but it's
a pity that Huo Jinlin doesn't like you. I think you are jealous of me, so you use these despicable
Although the two of them were in a small class, they didn't have much interaction and were just
acquaintances. But ever since Huo Jinlin came to pick her up that day, this woman began to bully
her everywhere.
Du Yunruo sneered and denied: "You worry too much. I still don't like Huo Jinlin. My vision is too
poor. I am not Zeng..."
She swallowed the words in time when they were about to come to her lips, and almost exposed
her relationship with Zeng Jiajia. What would happen if Lin Yiran knew about it?
Lin Yiran heard the clue and frowned and asked, "Zeng what?"
"Nothing," Du Yunruo shook his head, "I just said it casually."
After she finished speaking, Du Yunruo walked away proudly. Looking at her arrogant expression
like a golden peacock, Lin Yiran always felt that something was wrong.
She took out her cell phone and wanted to call Huo Jinlin. The Huo family had a wide network of
contacts, so he might know who Du Yunruo was. However, as soon as the call was connected, Lin
Yiyan hung up nervously.
Du Yunruo didn't do anything extreme. The two of them just had a few words. If Huo Jinlin knew
about it, it would inevitably cause trouble for him. After thinking about it, Lin Yin decided to let it
Soon the bell rang again, and Teacher Li came over reluctantly to tell her to go back to class, with
an expression that showed obvious impatience.
"Be serious, don't make any more mistakes, and don't delay everyone's progress."
Although Lin Yiran felt uncomfortable, he still said respectfully: "Okay, teacher, I will study hard."
However, the result went against her wishes. The teacher taught too fast and it was already very
difficult for her as she had no basic knowledge. However, she still could not keep up with
everyone else's progress and soon made mistakes again.
"Why do you always do things inappropriately? What's going on?"
Teacher Li's voice was mixed with a hint of anger, and the decibel level rose unconsciously. The
other people in the classroom turned around and looked at them in unison.
Lin Yiran was a little angry for the first time, and his attitude was no longer as submissive as
before. He asked in a cold voice: "Teacher, didn't I come here to learn because I didn't
understand? If I didn't have any problems at all, why would I spend money to come here?"
"You..." Teacher Li was so angry that his face turned pale. He pointed at Lin Yiran and said, "I have
never seen anyone as stupid as you. I have taught you these movements many times. Others can
do them but you are the one making mistakes. Instead of looking for the reason in yourself, you
are still yelling at me."
Having said that, Lin Yiran was no longer afraid of falling out with him, and responded bluntly, "I
call you teacher out of respect, but look at yourself, do you act like a teacher? Since I got here,
you have been finding fault with me, and no matter what I do, I can't meet your standards. I now
seriously doubt your service attitude. Since you look down on me, I won't study here. Wait, I will
file a complaint against you. Your attitude is seriously problematic."
Perhaps because of the influence of Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran has gradually become more assertive in
her words. She gave in at the beginning, but would still resist when pushed into a corner.

Chapter 127 Falling Down the Stairs

After this long speech, everyone was shocked. Normally, Lin Yiran was quiet and never resisted no
matter how difficult it was for Teacher Li. But they didn't expect that she would get angry today
and even said she would complain about him.
Teacher Li was no longer calm. He was a well-known figure in the circle. If Lin Yiran complained
about him, his studio would deal with it seriously. Moreover, if the news got out, it would have a
great impact on him in the future.
In a panic, Teacher Li looked at Du Yunruo for help. After getting Zeng Jiajia's hint, Du Yunruo
naturally understood why Teacher Li was making things difficult for Lin Yiran, so in desperation,
she tried to stop Lin Yiran from leaving by provoking her.
"Lin Yiran, aren't you usually an indestructible cockroach? Why are you scared now?"
Although she didn't know much about her, Du Yunruo knew that Lin Yiran was such a strong-
willed person that she would definitely not be able to stand others saying that to her and would
grit her teeth and persevere. She gave Teacher Li a proud look.
Unexpectedly, she was caught by Lin Yiran. There must be something fishy going on between the
two of them. She sneered and said sarcastically, "I was wondering why so many people targeted
me. It turns out that you were instructed by someone. People like you really insult the profession
of teacher."
When Teacher Li heard her say this, his face turned pale and his heart was in suspense. But when
he saw her looking at Du Yunruo meaningfully, he immediately denied it.
"Lin Yiran, please don't talk nonsense. It's obviously you who always make mistakes. As a teacher,
I'm just giving you a lesson. How can I be ordered by others?"
Du Yunruo also saw that she doubted him, and said angrily: "Lin Yiran, don't look at me like that. I
don't bother to do such a thing."
Although both of them tried their best to deny it, Lin Yiran still knew that there was something
wrong between them. She sneered and said, "Whatever you say, I won't accompany you today.
Have fun by yourselves!"
She has a good temper but that doesn't mean she can be bullied. Since these two people are in
collusion with each other to make things difficult for her, she probably won't learn anything if she
continues to stay here. It's better for her to move to another place as soon as possible.
Seeing that she insisted on leaving, Du Yunruo became a little worried, fearing that the matter
would get out of hand. If she went out and talked nonsense, wouldn't he lose face?
Everyone was nervous, and in desperation Du Yunruo pushed hard with his palm, trying to sneak
attack Lin Yiran from behind.
However, Lin Yiran was unexpectedly prepared. Hearing the slight noise behind her, she quickly
dodged and stood at the stairs leaning against the wall. Du Yunruo was caught off guard and
rushed out due to inertia. She fell heavily on the stairs and rolled several times along the stairs
before stopping.
"Yun Ruo, how are you?"
Everyone exclaimed and rushed down to see her, but Du Yunruo had already fallen unconscious.
"Hurry, hurry, call 120 and rush to the hospital!"
"Don't call 120. Just drive there. This place is not far from the hospital."
A girl in the crowd who was a little more rational quickly organized everyone to send the person
to the hospital.
Fortunately, the people who come here to attend classes are all wealthy and most of them come
by car. When everyone heard her say this, a girl volunteered to drive over.
Teacher Li also hurriedly carried Du Yunruo into the car, and then called Du Yunruo's family and
asked them to go to the hospital immediately.
Everyone came in a hurry, and Du Yunruo was sent to the emergency room immediately. Lin Yiran
walked to the corner of the stairs calmly and called Huo Jinlin, telling him briefly about the
She knew that Du Yunruo's background must be complicated, and they were numerous and
powerful. If she didn't tell Huo Jinlin in advance, she might not be able to handle it alone.
After a while, people from the Du family rushed over in a hurry. When they saw that the light
above the emergency room was still on, they immediately became anxious.
"Teacher Li, my daughter was fine when she left home this morning. If anything happens to her
now, I will definitely not let you go."
The middle-aged man rushed over and grabbed Teacher Li by the collar. His ferocious look
showed that he was Du Yunruo's father. He was just as willful and capricious as his daughter.
Teacher Li reached out and pulled down his hand without changing his expression, and pointed at
Lin Yiran who was standing beside him without any hesitation: "This matter has nothing to do
with me. It was because of the dispute between the two of them that Yun Ruo accidentally fell
down the stairs."
Lin Yiran sneered at the way he tried so hard to avoid responsibility. She couldn't help but say
coldly, "Teacher Li, are you sure this matter has nothing to do with you? You are so anxious to
shirk responsibility. I really admire you!"
Her ridicule made Teacher Li embarrassed, but in front of Du Yunruo's parents, he couldn't argue
any more and could only glare at her fiercely.
Du Yunruo's parents were not good people. Seeing Lin Yiran standing there safely, they were
naturally angry. They rushed forward and wanted to slap her, but Lin Yiran held her hand firmly.
"Mrs. Du, you are taking action without knowing right or wrong. Isn't this a bit inappropriate?"
"Haha," the woman who was over fifty but still charming sneered, "Ms. Lin, you are probably
relying on Huo Jinlin's support to do whatever you want and bully our Yun Ruo, right?"
I didn't expect that she actually knew my identity, but Lin Yin still thought, I have already
appeared in public, there must be quite a few people who know her, so it's not surprising.
She coldly put down Du's mother's hand and explained, "I didn't harm your daughter. She
brought it upon herself. She wanted to attack me, but I dodged her. She didn't stand firmly and
fell down the stairs."
Unexpectedly, Du's mother didn't listen at all. Instead, she said with a firm face: "My daughter
told me yesterday that you are against her everywhere here. I am afraid you just can't stand her
and kill her, you vicious woman."
Lin Yiran was speechless. He pointed at the other people in the corridor and said, "There are so
many people here, and so many eyes are watching. Why don't you ask and see if I pushed her
Du Yunruo is usually willful and capricious, and it turns out that this trait is inherited from her
family members. Even her family members are unreasonable.
"Hmph," Du's mother snorted coldly, "Do you think I'm stupid? These people are taking classes
with you here, how can they tell the truth? Lin Yiran, don't try to evade responsibility. If anything
happens to my daughter, I will definitely not let you go. Just wait!"
Lin couldn't hold it in any longer and angrily scolded, "Like mother, like daughter. I was curious
about what kind of family could raise a daughter like this. Now I finally know."
Her ridicule made Mother Du feel unhappy, and she sneered: "Lin Yiran, who are you? How dare
you compare yourself with Yun Ruo?"

Chapter 128 Identity

"Identity?" Lin Yiran looked at her in disbelief. Although she didn't know who the Du family was,
the people of the Huo family probably wouldn't be afraid of them, right? She said coldly, "Since
you know my identity, you still dare to ask me to take responsibility. Aren't you afraid of
becoming an enemy of the Huo family?"
For so long, Lin Yiran had never used her status as the president's wife to intimidate anyone. To
be more precise, she had never put on the airs of a president's wife. This was the first time.
Unexpectedly, when the Du family heard this, they acted as if they had heard some funny joke.
Du's mother even looked at her with disdain: "Do you think that just because you are an
unknown little girl, the Huo family will risk offending our Du family to help you? I think you are
probably daydreaming."
"Really?" As soon as Du's mother finished speaking, a cold voice came from behind, "It seems
that Madam Du doesn't take my Huo family seriously!"
Everyone turned around to look at the sound. Mother Du's face turned pale instantly. She quickly
apologized with a smile and said in a flattering manner, "How could that be, Mr. Huo, you
misunderstood. Our two families have been partners for so many years. How could I not take you
Huo Jinlin?
Why did he come here in person?
Teacher Li had heard a little about this person, but he knew that the Huo family was very
powerful. He remembered what he had done against Lin Yiran and instantly became nervous.
Huo Jinlin walked directly to Lin Yiran's side, put his arm around her shoulders, and asked with
concern: "How are you? Are you not hurt?"
When Huo Jinlin heard that they came to the hospital, he became extremely nervous. Lin Yiran
was a weak person and he was afraid that these people would bully her.
"I'm fine," Lin Yiran shook her head, feeling touched, "Why did you come here in person? It's just
a small matter, I can just ask my assistant to come over."
"How can that be possible? How can I feel at ease if I don't come and see for myself? What if
someone takes the opportunity to bully you?"
Huo Jinlin's words were suggestive, and Du's mother was embarrassed. Seeing the intimate
movements of the two, she began to panic. But when she thought of her daughter who was still
in the operating room, Mrs. Du's hostility towards Lin Yiran slowly rose in her heart.
"Mrs. Du, this is my wife. I guess you haven't met her yet. I heard that Ling Qianjin and her had a
dispute today. This matter should have nothing to do with my wife, right?"
"This..." Mother Du was furious, but she did not dare to argue with Huo Jinlin in front of
everyone. She could only say awkwardly, "Boss Huo, we still have to listen to Yun Ruo on this
matter. After all, what happened between these two people cannot be explained by one person."
The implication was that she still felt that Lin Yiran was responsible. Huo Jinlin did not waste time
talking to her, and simply glanced at her coldly: "Madam Du, please be careful with your words. I
believe my wife would not tell lies."
The scene froze for a moment. Mrs. Du shrank her neck and dared not continue speaking.
Just at this moment, the light above the operating room went out, and a doctor in a white coat
came out. Du's mother hurried over and asked with a worried look on her face, "Doctor, how is
my daughter?"
"It's okay," the doctor took off the mask on his face, "most of the injuries are superficial. She just
fell from a height and her ligaments were strained. She may need to recuperate for a while."
"Okay, okay, thank you, doctor."
After hearing the news, Du's mother's heart finally settled down, but when she thought of what
Huo Jinlin had just said, she still felt very angry.
Unexpectedly, after learning the whole story from Lin Yiran, Huo Jinlin was even angrier than Mrs.
Du. He ran directly to the door of the ward to question Teacher Li and Du's mother and asked
them to give an explanation.
"Mrs. Du, I think your daughter should give my wife an explanation for this matter. Why do you
want to make things difficult for her for no reason?" He said coldly, and then turned to look at
Teacher Li beside him, "Teacher Li, and you, as a teacher, actually secretly teamed up with other
students to make things difficult for your own students. I will not let this matter go."
Teacher Li was already feeling guilty, and when he heard what he said, he became even more
frightened, and quickly explained, "It wasn't me. They forced me to do this. If I didn't agree, they
would find a way to force me to leave, so I had no choice but to reluctantly agree. But I was only a
little strict with Mrs. Huo during class, nothing else."
"Very good." Huo Jinlin nodded in satisfaction after hearing this, and said meaningfully, "Then
you just wait. I will not let anyone who dares to hurt me go."
Everyone was confused and could only look at each other, not daring to speak.
When Du Yunruo woke up, she saw the giant Buddha standing there. She was so scared that she
quickly closed her eyes. She didn't want to become the second Zeng Jiajia.
After Huo Jinlin finished saying this, she became so frightened that her face turned even paler,
and her hands under the quilt clenched unconsciously.
If he was so heartless as to terminate the cooperation with the Du family, I'm afraid her father
would not just freeze her card, but might even kick her out of the house directly.
Soon the principal and director of the training institution came over and kept smiling
apologetically in front of Huo Jinlin. Teacher Li's heart skipped a beat and he finally understood
what Huo Jinlin meant by what he had said just now.
"Boss Huo, I'm sorry. It was our mistake at work. We deeply apologize for the harm caused to
Madam. We will definitely deal with this matter seriously."
Seeing those leaders bowing and nodding in front of her, Lin Yiran was still a little uncomfortable.
She reached out and pulled Huo Jinlin's arm, and quietly shook her head at him, implying that he
should forget it.
Unexpectedly, Huo Jinlin, who was always a stickler for details, would naturally not agree. He
patted Lin Yiran's hand lightly, smiled gently at her, and then turned to look at the principal and
the director.
"Since you've come to this point, I won't beat around the bush. This teacher Li from your school
was oppressed by other students and caused mental and physical harm to my wife. He admitted
it himself. I've recorded it. Please handle it as you see fit!"
Lin Yiran subconsciously looked at Huo Jinlin's mobile phone, and sure enough, the screen was
When Teacher Li heard this, he immediately fell to the ground, frightened and at a loss what to
"Don't worry, Mr. Huo, we will definitely deal with this matter seriously. From now on, Teacher Li
is no longer a teacher here. I just hope that you, Mr. Huo, will be magnanimous and not make a
big deal out of this matter and affect the reputation of the school."
The principal is such a shrewd person. How could they afford to offend a big shot like Huo Jinlin?
They could only fire Teacher Li directly to distance themselves from the school. Otherwise, if Huo
Jinlin pursued the matter, their school would not be able to afford it. Wouldn't that be a case of
losing the big picture for the small?

Chapter 129 Private Tutoring

I have to say that this cunning old fox had a very good plan. Even a newbie like Lin Yiran
understood this trick and couldn't help but secretly smack his lips in amazement. Teacher Li was
the most miserable scapegoat.
Just like that, he lost his job. Teacher Li came to his senses and wanted to beg for mercy. He first
looked at the cold-blooded principal and begged bitterly: "Principal, please don't fire me. This job
is very important to me. Please, I promise I won't do it again in the future, Principal."
He begged with tears in his eyes, but all he got was a cold reply from the principal: "If I had
known this would happen, why did I do it in the first place?"
Helpless, Teacher Li had to bite the bullet and turn to Huo Jinlin and the others, saying in a low
voice: "Mr. Huo, Mrs. Huo, I'm sorry, I was bewitched. Please have mercy on me and let me go
this time. I won't dare to do it again."
Although Lin Yiran was somewhat moved, after all, the matter was not that serious. But since
Huo Jinlin had already come and had spoken, she would not interfere in the matter anymore. She
would give Huo Jinlin enough face and let him handle it.
"Teacher Li, you really don't deserve this title. Hasn't anyone told you that I, Huo Jinlin, am cruel
and ruthless? Isn't it useless to ask for mercy from me? I'm telling you, not only will I ask the
principal to expel you, I will also make sure you can't get into this circle in the future."
Teacher Li's face turned even paler now, and he fell to the ground, as if all his strength had been
drained away.
The principal and the director looked at each other and secretly wiped away the cold sweat.
After Huo Jinlin said this, his sharp eyes swept over again and finally landed on Mrs. Du.
Mrs. Du swallowed in fear, but still pretended to be calm and stubbornly refused to admit her
mistake: "Mr. Huo, I still think that we should wait until my daughter Yun Ruo wakes up to find
out what happened. My daughter would not bully others for no reason. There must be some
Lin Yiran snorted coldly. She really wouldn't cry until she saw the coffin. But Du Yunruo was
already lying in the hospital. Besides, Lin Yiran knew that she was definitely not the mastermind
behind the scenes.
After class yesterday, she saw Zeng Jiajia come to see Du Yunruo, so this matter must have been
Zeng Jiajia's idea. Du Yunruo was just an accomplice, and now she has been punished, so she
doesn't want to bother with her anymore.
"Forget it, Jinlin, she has learned her lesson by falling down the stairs, so let's forget about it."
She whispered in Huo Jinlin's ear, and no one else heard it. Huo Jinlin pursed his lips and said
The principal smiled and said, "Mrs. Huo, I will arrange a new teacher for you to see if there are
any adjustments to your learning progress. If you have any suggestions, you can let me know."
"No need, Principal," Lin Yiran smiled awkwardly and refused, "I just happened to have
something to do at home these days, so I don't want to go to school for the time being. I'll
contact you when I need you later!"
As soon as these words came out, everyone with a discerning eye knew what was behind them.
The principal was also a person who could read people's expressions, so he quickly said, "Okay,
okay. If you need anything later, just contact me. I will definitely find the best teacher to guide
Huo Jinlin held Lin Yiran's hand calmly and said, "Principal, if there is nothing else, we will go back
first. I will trouble you to take care of the rest."
"Okay, okay, Mr. Huo, you are too kind."
The principal let out a long sigh, bowed and nodded as he escorted the couple out. Lin Yiran felt
that the principal's face was probably about to freeze.
"What's wrong? Don't you want to learn anymore? Weren't you fearless before? Why are you
discouraged now?"
The two of them walked out and got in the car. Seeing her dejected look, Huo Jinlin asked her
with a teasing smile on his face.
Lin Yiran sighed: "I'm not afraid, I just feel very tired. Such a small training institution actually
hides so many intrigues and power struggles. I hate such places."
Huo Jinlin held her in his arms and tightened his grip. He didn't know how to comfort her.
Perhaps this was the trouble of everyone in the upper class. Almost no one in this circle was
clean. If there really were such people, they probably wouldn't last long.
I thought Lin Yiran would give up, but she quickly said with high morale: "But don't worry, I won't
give up studying. Even for the children, I will work hard to become better."
"Well, Yiran, I will support you no matter what you do."
Huo Jinlin was also very moved. He had always known that Lin Yiran was a person who would not
give up easily, so he believed that she would succeed in whatever she did.
The two drove back home. Huo Jinlin looked at his watch and didn't even get out of the car.
"Yi Ran, I still have things to do in the company, you should go home first!"
Lin Yiran then realized that she had delayed Huo Jinlin's work, and hurriedly said, "Go quickly, and
be careful on the road."
Song Yuwan heard the sound of a car in the yard. She came out and saw that it was Lin Yiran. She
was a little surprised: "Yiran, why did you come back so early today?"
She looked at the clock on the wall. It was not time for the get out of class to end yet!
Lin Yiran walked into the room with a tired face and said, "I won't go. The teacher of the training
class took other people's money and made things difficult for me during class. It hurt so much
during the training that I was dying."
“Who is this?”
"A girl named Du Yunruo," Lin Yiran thought for a moment and added, "But I think it should be
Zeng Jiajia. I saw them meeting mysteriously after class one day."
"Zeng Jiajia?" Song Yuwan was also a little surprised and sighed, "It seems that the lesson I gave
her last time was not enough. She actually dared to come again!"
Before coming back, Lin Yiran was a little worried that Song Yuwan would think she was making a
fuss and couldn't endure hardship, but she didn't expect that she actually agreed with Lin Yiran's
"I will help you contact a tutor tomorrow and have him teach you at home so that you won't be
disturbed by those messy people outside."
In fact, Song Yuwan had had this idea before, but she was afraid that Lin Yiran didn't want to be
treated specially, so she didn't bring it up.
Now Lin Yiran went out to feel it for a while, and felt very uncomfortable, so he simply accepted
Song Yuwan's advice.
"Mom, thank you for your hard work. You know a lot of people, but I'm not very smart. Please
help me find a teacher who is a little more patient."
I guess it's like this in all training classes outside. If you go to a place without all the gore, you
probably won't learn anything. So it's better to take classes at home, which is less stressful. You
don't have to rush to class every day, and you can sleep a little longer in the morning.

Chapter 130: Showing Off

When Song Yuwan heard her evaluation of herself, she smiled and comforted her: "Don't worry,
the tutor is only teaching you, so generally speaking, he should be more patient."
Lin Yiran scratched his head awkwardly and said uncomfortably, "It's mainly because when I went
to class before, Teacher Li always said that I had no basic knowledge and was stupid, and I
couldn't learn no matter how many times I taught."
If someone nags you like this every day, even the most confident person will become inferior.
"That's because he doesn't know how to teach," Song Yuwan stood by her side without hesitation
and comforted her, "Yan'ran, nothing is difficult in the world as long as you are determined. As
long as you are willing to learn, you will definitely be able to learn well."
Her words of comfort touched Lin Yiran: "Mom, thank you."
Only your family will always stand by you unconditionally. During this time, Lin Yiran has been in
the Huo family and has really felt a lot of love from her family.
At the same time, Huo Jinlin returned to the company with a gloomy face, and the first thing he
did was to stop the cooperation with Du Group.
"I'm not just talking about this one time. I will never cooperate with Du again. I'm going to spread
the word that Du will be on our company's blacklist from now on."
What this means is that no matter which company wants to cooperate with the Du family, it must
consider the consequences carefully and see if it can afford to offend the Huo Group.
The assistant was also shocked and couldn't help asking, "Boss Huo, what happened? This matter
is of great importance after all. Do you want to reconsider it?"
The Du Group is not a small company. If they sentence someone to death, some of the Huo
Group's shareholders will think that Huo Jinlin abused his power to settle personal grudges,
which would be useless in stabilizing the people's hearts.
Unexpectedly, Huo Jinlin insisted this time: "Don't think about it, let's do it this way. No matter
what happens, I will not change my decision."
The assistant had no choice but to do as he was told and draft a contract to cancel the
At the same time, Du Yunruo in the hospital pretended to wake up slowly when everyone had
left, and asked innocently about what had just happened.
Du's mother, who was guarding the bed, was still a little scared of Huo Jinlin, but she comforted
Du Yunruo and said, "It's okay, don't worry, your father will take care of it, but why are you
suddenly targeting Lin Yiran?"
The Du family and the Huo family have always lived in peace. Du Yunruo has also been law-
abiding and has almost no connection with Lin Yiran. Why did she suddenly think of targeting
her? This left Du's mother puzzled.
Seeing that things had come to this, Du Yunruo could only tell the truth carefully: "Actually, it was
because of Jiajia. She likes Huo Jinlin, and she had a dispute with Lin Yiran before, which caused
her father to scold her. So she held a grudge against me. Seeing that I was in the same class with
Lin Yiran, she asked me to teach this woman a lesson for her."
"Zeng Jiajia?" Du's mother's face suddenly became long, and she scolded angrily, "Child, do you
have any brains? Who is Huo Jinlin? You actually offended him just to help others. How can you
be so stupid?"
Du Yunruo didn't know that people were evil at this time. She tried to argue: "Mom, Jiajia is not
someone else. She is my best friend."
"You silly child, you treat them as friends, but they may not be sincere to you. Huo Jinlin might
even retaliate against us for this matter. If it affects our cooperation, your father will not let you
Like Zeng's father, Mr. Du is a very career-oriented man. No matter when, work always comes
before family. If Huo Jinlin really takes this opportunity to take revenge, I'm afraid he will
definitely grab Du Yunruo in anger and apologize to Huo Jinlin.
"No way?" Du Yunruo felt a little scared at this time. She asked cautiously, "Our Du family is not a
small family. We may not be afraid of the Huo family."
She didn't know much about business, but in her opinion, the Du Group was also a well-known
company, so how could it not compare to the Huo Group?
Upon hearing this, Du's mother remained silent.
At this moment, the door of the ward was violently kicked open, and Father Du walked in angrily,
coldly questioning: "What on earth did you two do behind my back? Now the Huo Group wants
to cancel the cooperation with us, and will never cooperate with us again in the future."
"What?" Du Yunruo looked at her mother in disbelief. Both of them were shocked. She asked
tremblingly, "Did Huo Jinlin say what the reason was?"
Now she completely believed what her mother said. She didn't expect that he would actually
cancel the cooperation just because of this matter.
Du's mother was also stunned, and then she told Du's father the whole story. The other party's
face instantly became as dark as Bao Gong.
"You must go and apologize to the young lady of the Huo family right now. If we don't resolve this
cooperation issue today, I will show you how I will deal with you!"
Du Yunruo was the only daughter of the Du family. Her parents had never said anything harsh to
her. But her father's cold attitude made her tears of grievance instantly flow down her cheeks.
"Dad, I fell down the stairs and now I'm covered in wounds. How can you bear to ask me to
She pouted and tried to act like a spoiled child, but Father Du said bluntly, "Now you know it
hurts, why didn't you consider the consequences at the beginning? I can't understand why you
offended Lin Yiran? Everyone in this circle knows that she is Huo Jinlin's darling. How dare you
offend her?"
After the cold reprimand, Du Yunruo felt even more aggrieved. She just kept crying but didn't
dare to say anything more.
Seeing that she remained silent, Father Du said angrily: "Are you going or not? Do you know that
the Huo family's business is now all over the world? If they don't cooperate with anyone, I'm
afraid many companies will not dare to cooperate with us in the future. At that time, I will see
whether you want face or the development of the family company. Think about it carefully!"
"But I didn't do anything wrong, and I got hurt because of her. Why should I apologize to her?"
She has always been a high and mighty golden peacock. She is obviously the center of attention.
Asking her to humble herself and apologize to Lin Yiran would be more difficult than asking her to
"Do you think the Huo family is so easy to mess with?" Father Du said angrily, "You are really a
newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. You have nothing better to do than to mess with Huo
Mother Du sighed deeply and began to persuade: "Yun Ruo, just listen to your father. We can't
afford to offend the Huo family. If all cooperation is really cancelled in the future, what should
our Du family do then? Have you thought about all this?"

Chapter 131 Refusal to Accept

Du's mother's earnest persuasion made Du Yunruo repent. With tears in her eyes, she said
reluctantly: "Okay, I'll go apologize to him."
Seeing her pursing her lips and looking aggrieved, Du's mother felt very uncomfortable, but for
the development of Du's enterprise, she could only put up with her for the time being.
The three of them drove to the Huo Group in a hurry and parked the car steadily downstairs.
However, Du Yunruo suddenly hesitated and was reluctant to get out of the car.
Seeing her like this, Father Du was furious again and scolded: "Are you waiting for me to invite
you out of the car? You made a mistake and now you are afraid. If you had known this would
happen, why did you do it in the first place?"
Du Yunruo knew that her father, who always valued his career, was feeling angry at the moment.
She did not dare to refute him and could only pout to express her dissatisfaction.
Mother Du looked at the endless high-rise building and said with emotion: "This matter is
obviously Zeng Jiajia's responsibility. Even if someone needs to apologize, it should be her. Why is
it our Yun Ruo's turn?"
"How dare you say that?" As soon as this matter was mentioned, Father Du was very angry at Du
Yunruo's big-breasted and brainless behavior. He scolded, "If it weren't for the stupid behavior of
the two of you in the hospital, how could this matter have been so bad? Now you have the nerve
to shirk responsibility? We must apologize for this matter, and then find a way to clear our
suspicion, otherwise the cooperation will be lost."
After he started to curse, Du Yunruo and his mother kept silent and dared not say anything. Du
Yunruo, covered in wounds, limped to the front desk of the Huo Group with the support of his
The three of them came excitedly, but the front desk staff ignored them. Seeing that they did not
have an appointment, they were asked to wait downstairs for notification. No matter what Mr. Du
said with his eloquent tongue, the girl at the front desk refused to let them in.
In desperation, the anxious father Du had to call Huo Jinlin privately, and his attitude was
extremely flattering: "Hello, Mr. Huo, I brought my daughter here, but I can't get up to the front
While he was talking on the phone, he secretly glanced at the employees at the front desk. Just
then, a person passed by them. It was none other than the assistant that Huo Jinlin had sent to
discuss cooperation with the Du Group. Du's father's eyes instantly lit up.
He covered the phone with his hand and lowered his voice, "Assistant Liu, this is Du Wenlin. I
have something I want to talk to Mr. Huo about. Can you take us upstairs?"
Du Wenlin was afraid that Assistant Liu would not agree, so he pointed to the phone in his hand
and whispered, "I'm still on the phone with Mr. Huo!"
Assistant Liu also glanced at it casually. It was indeed Huo Jinlin's number. Not knowing why, he
nodded and said, "Come with me!"
Du Wenlin gave a wink, and Du's mother and Du Yunruo hurriedly followed behind him. Seeing
that Assistant Liu was leading the way, the front desk staff naturally did not dare to stop them,
and the family of three arrived at Huo Jinlin's office smoothly.
Before they knocked on the door, Du Wenlin's old face was already smiling extremely flatteringly.
Assistant Liu informed Huo Jinlin, and the three of them were invited in.
"Mr. Huo, how are you? This is just a small gift. It's not a token of respect, but I hope you will
accept it."
As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person. Du Wenlin had thought about this before he came.
He first took the gift box in his hand and placed it on the coffee table.
Huo Jinlin glanced at him nonchalantly and said calmly, "Mr. Du, you're too polite."
After a fake greeting between the two, Du Wenlin licked his old face and told them the reason for
his visit: "Boss Huo, I know everything about my daughter and Mrs. Huo. This matter is indeed my
daughter's fault. I have already taught her a lesson. Now let her come here to apologize to you
with her injuries."
"Haha," Huo Jinlin chuckled and said jokingly, "Boss Du, that's too much. Madam Du said that this
matter was not Miss Du's responsibility. How could it be her turn to apologize?"
Du Wenlin was feeling very embarrassed, his face was as dark as Bao Gong. He turned around
and glared at Du's mother fiercely, but he couldn't say anything in front of Huo Jinlin.
Huo Jinlin continued to speak lightly: "The most important thing is that the victim of this incident
is my wife. It is not reasonable for her to apologize to me!"
What this means is, if you really want to apologize for this matter, then go and apologize to Lin
Mrs. Du had just had an argument with Lin Yiran in the hospital, so she was naturally unwilling to
apologize to Lin Yiran at this moment. After hearing what Huo Jinlin said, she was so angry that
she was about to explode. Seeing this, Du's father hurriedly stopped her.
He looked at Huo Jinlin with a flattering look on his face and said, "Boss Huo, this matter is indeed
our fault. I will take my daughter to apologize to Madam Huo right now. I hope you can show
mercy and let the Du Group go."
The cunning old fox finally told you the purpose of his visit!
Huo Jinlin looked at him with a look of embarrassment: "Let's talk about work later. I have
something else to do today. Please go ahead."
Du's mother had turned pale with anger. It was hard for Du's father to keep apologizing to Huo
Jinlin with a servile look on his face. Du Yunruo clenched her fingers tightly, and her hatred for Lin
Yiran grew stronger.
Coming out of the Huo Group's office, the three of them had different expressions on their faces,
and walked down the stairs aggressively.
"Dad, you're not really going to take us to find Lin Yiran, are you? I don't want to apologize to
Thinking of Lin Yiran's face, Du Yunruo was filled with hatred. It would be better to take her life
than to ask her to apologize to that woman.
"Do you think this matter is up to you?"
Du Wenlin looked at his disappointing daughter, and the love and care he once had in his eyes
was no longer there. If he was not outside at the moment, he would have wanted to slap her
hard in the face.
Seeing his angry look, Du's mother added fuel to the fire: "It is obvious that Huo Jinlin went too
far in this matter. Why should we bow to them?"
Although the Du family is not the most powerful, they don't have to live such a servile life. Du's
mother is used to a life of luxury, so how could she tolerate such humiliation and being
humiliated by a young boy.
But Du Wenlin, who was very career-oriented, didn't care about all that. He just wanted to
apologize to Lin Yiran as soon as possible. Resolving this matter would restore the company's
cooperation. He didn't care even if his wife and daughter suffered a little.
He said calmly, "Do you think it's that simple? Power is everything. Can you afford to offend the
Huo family? If you completely anger him, the future cooperation with the Du family will be in
vain. How will the company survive at that time?"
This question made Du Ruoyun and her daughter speechless. After all, their life of having
everything they need is all earned by Du Wenlin's company. If the company can't survive, how
can they live their current life?
Thinking of this, Du's mother could no longer hold on to her stubbornness.

Chapter 132 Momentum

The two of them followed Du Wenlin awkwardly, especially Du Yunruo, whose superior aura
disappeared in an instant, and he looked wilted like a frost-bitten eggplant.
Song Yuwan was very efficient and the tutor arrived in less than two hours. This time, to be
cautious, she and Song Yuwan interviewed the tutors together and selected the ones they
thought were most suitable from the many candidates.
Every profession has its own specialties. Lin Yiran thought that he should focus on learning
etiquette and some business management knowledge first, so he selected two teachers who
were more outstanding in these areas.
"Teacher, we will call each other later during class. That's all for today. You guys can go back first!"
After everyone exchanged contact information, Lin Yiran asked them to go back first. After all,
everyone still needed an adaptation process and it was impossible to get straight to the point
right away. Moreover, several teachers had already tried the class today, and Lin Yiran was
exhausted and had no energy to study anymore.
Several people responded in unison, and then they packed up and left one after another. The
huge living room suddenly became quiet. Just as Song Yuwan and Lin Yiran were about to sit
down and rest for a while, the arrival of several uninvited guests disrupted the tranquility.
"Mrs. Huo, I'm sorry. The training class incident was my Du Yunruo's fault. I'm sorry for causing
you trouble. I'm sorry."
Du Wenlin spoke first, and Mrs. Du was embarrassed. Women all like to compare with each other.
Song Yuwan would usually greet her at banquets, but it was particularly awkward for them to
meet each other now.
"Mrs. Huo," she said, walking over to play the emotional card in a self-righteous manner, "My
daughter is indeed wrong in this matter. Even tongues and teeth can fight each other sometimes,
let alone two young people. Please consider our past friendship and stop arguing with her as a
"Haha, you're joking," Song Yuwan said bluntly, "This is something that happened between her
and my daughter-in-law. I don't understand the reason, so you still have to tell my daughter-in-
law. Besides, I'm old now, and I won't be in charge of the matter now that my son is married, so
I'm afraid my words won't be of any use now."
She deliberately belittled herself, but made her position very clear, implying that she had no say
in the matter. If she wanted Lin Yiran to forgive them, she would have to apologize to Lin Yiran in
Being cleared of any connection in public, Du's mother felt embarrassed and her expression
turned ugly!
Seeing this, Du Wenlin hurried out to smooth things over in order to prevent things from getting
worse: "Mrs. Huo, I'm really sorry to have caused you trouble. We have prepared a small gift. I
hope you can help to speak to Mr. Huo and let our Du family go."
Du Wenlin has been a powerful figure for many years, so he still has some foresight. The Huo
family is determined to deal with them this time. If he doesn't lower his stance, there's no way
this matter will be resolved.
Song Yuwan was so angry that she wanted to take this opportunity to vent for Lin Yiran: "Boss Du,
Madam Du, you may not know much about my daughter-in-law's personality. She is relatively
quiet, so she looks like a soft persimmon that can be trampled on by others at will, but we in the
Huo family treat her as a treasure, and we will never allow anyone to bully her so arrogantly!"
Lin Yiran was deeply moved. She knew that Song Yuwan was protecting her. She was so lucky to
be born into such a family. No matter what time, her family would stand behind her and support
her unconditionally.
Madam Du was somewhat dissatisfied with Song Yuwan's words: "Madam Huo, there may be a
misunderstanding in this matter. In fact, the real mastermind behind the scenes is Zeng Jiajia, not
my Yun Ruo. My daughter is also young and was bewitched to do such a thing. Now she has
realized that she was wrong."
The implication is that Song Yuwan blamed the wrong person. It has to be said that a loving
mother often spoils her son. Lin Yiran chuckled inwardly. If it weren't for Madam Du who spoiled
Du Yunruo like this in the past, a scene like today would probably not have happened.
She refuted coldly, "Mrs. Du, this is wrong. How old is Du Yunruo this year? She is already over 18
years old. How can she still be called a child? She is not stupid. She has her own judgment. She
was instigated by Zeng Jiajia completely voluntarily. She should pay the price for her behavior."
Lin Yiran's words were merciless, and Du Yunruo and her mother were so angry that they
gnashed their teeth.
Du Wenlin's old face had never been so ashamed. He could only say awkwardly, "Mrs. Huo, what
you said is true. This matter is indeed Du Yunruo's fault. I sincerely apologize to you on her behalf.
I'm sorry."
He bowed deeply to Lin Yiran with a sincere attitude. Du Yunruo was angry and annoyed, and felt
extremely regretful. She was so ignorant that she made her father, who had always been so high
and mighty, suffer such humiliation with her. She felt very sorry.
"Du Yunruo, why don't you apologize to Madam Huo!"
With a roar of anger, Du Yunruo dared not disobey anymore, so she could only reluctantly lower
her head and said, "Mrs. Huo, I'm sorry."
A great humiliation surged into her heart, and Du Yunruo stubbornly refused to look up at her.
She looked at the tip of her shoes, and the anger in her heart could not be suppressed.
Seeing Du Yunruo's submissive look, Lin Yiran didn't want to embarrass her. The expression on
her face softened a little, and she said in a cold tone, "I won't bother with you about this matter
anymore, but I hope you can learn from your mistakes and stop harming others in the future."
What she said left no room for negotiation. Although her words were harsh, the Du family was
unable to refute them and had to accept them while suppressing their anger.
Du Wenlin's brows relaxed, and he couldn't help but flatteringly said, "Mrs. Huo, you are really
kind-hearted. So what do you think about this cooperation?"
"Don't worry, I will talk to Jinlin about this matter, but the final result still depends on the results
of his discussion. After all, I don't really understand work matters."
Lin Yiran knew that they came for this matter, but after all, she didn't understand much about
Huo Jinlin's work. In the end, whether to continue the cooperation or not, she really didn't dare
to give Du Wenlin a 100% guarantee.
But with her words, Du Wenlin felt reassured, and finally left with Du Yunruo and Mrs. Du,
thanking them profusely.
Before leaving, Du Yunruo looked back at Lin Yiran nonchalantly, with strong hatred in her eyes,
but in the end she could only reluctantly follow Du's father and mother away.
Song Yuwan was tired of dealing with it. The expressions of this family were just like those of
Zeng Jiajia and the others. She was even unwilling to come over to see them off when they got
up. Seeing the Du family leave in disgrace, her mood instantly improved, and she couldn't help
but complain to Lin Yiran.
To be honest, she really lost all her good feelings towards this girl. She thought she was quite
well-behaved at the party before.

Chapter 133 Don't Like

"Look at her daughter, she is so willful and capricious, narrow-minded and brainless. What will
she do when she enters society?"
Lin Yiran laughed: "Mom, do you really dislike them?"
She seldom comments on others behind their backs. Even when Zeng Jiajia and the others came
over last time, she greeted them with a smile. It is rare for her to talk about others behind their
backs as coldly as she did today.
"Of course I don't like it," Song Yuwan looked towards the door, and a black Mercedes-Benz
slowly drove out. She smacked her lips and said, "I just don't understand what these girls are
thinking. They have to make their lives like this and go to great lengths to trick others. What's the
point of doing this?"
The old lady also witnessed this incident and couldn't help but sigh: "Yi Ran, you are too easy to
talk to. You forgave her so easily. Who knows what trouble she will cause next time!"
"That's right. You shouldn't have given in so quickly. They did something wrong, so let them pay
the price. It's better not to discuss cooperation with people like them."
Song Yuwan was also somewhat dissatisfied with Lin Yiran for forgiving them too quickly. Seeing
Du Wenlin's cunning look, she couldn't help but get angry.
Seeing the two of them looking indignant, Lin Yiran said calmly, "This matter was not a big deal to
begin with. Du Yunruo also suffered a great loss because of it and was injured in many places. I
think this punishment is enough."
"You are too kind," Song Yuwan sighed and said, "That was her own fault. If she hadn't done
anything evil, how could she have been injured?"
Lin Yiran frowned slightly when she heard this: "Mom, that's true, but the final result is that she
was indeed hurt. And I think that although the Huo family has great power, they can ask them to
apologize or even do anything for cooperation, but there has been the Zeng family incident
before. If they abuse their power for personal gain, it will inevitably affect the social image of the
Huo family."
More haste, less speed. The Huo family has always been the focus of everyone's attention. If this
matter gets out, the paparazzi will inevitably associate it with the previous incident with the Zeng
family. When that happens, it will give people a reason to talk about it and become a topic of
conversation after dinner. That would not be worth it.
Song Yuwan and the old lady looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise and admiration. They
didn't expect that the seemingly ordinary Lin Yiran would be so sensible and consider the overall
situation. They were both very pleased.
"Yi Ran, you are so sensible and broad-minded. Your vision and pattern make mom admire you
very much."
Lin Yiran was a little embarrassed by the compliment. She scratched her head and said, "Mom,
what are you talking about? I still have a lot to learn. These are the principles you taught me after
I came to the Huo family."
It has to be said that Song Yuwan has indeed learned the ways of dealing with people very well.
After Lin Yiran moved into the Huo family, she also learned a lot from him.
The old lady also smiled from ear to ear and praised: "Yi Ran, if you study a little more, with your
knowledge, it won't be a problem for you to go to the company to help Jin Lin run the business.
Grandma is optimistic about you."
"Thank you, grandma."
Although Lin Yiran didn't want to go to Huo Jinlin's company, she secretly vowed in her heart that
she must learn the business methods well.
When the three members of the Du family came out of the Huo's house, Father Du kept a gloomy
face, looking as if a storm was about to come. Du Yunruo sat huddled in the corner and didn't
dare to look at him.
"Look at the trouble you've caused. Don't go around showing off and offending people
indiscriminately. Otherwise, I won't let you go so easily."
Mother Du also realized how powerful she was this time. She changed her attitude and taught
her earnestly, "Yun Ruo, you really need to learn a lesson from this incident. You should think
twice before doing anything in the future and don't act recklessly again."
Du Yunruo listened to the old couple's scolding but said nothing. She didn't dare to refute at all.
At the moment, her parents were very angry because they had suffered such a great humiliation.
She didn't dare to provoke them.
Father Du was so angry that his beard was shaking. Thinking about the scene just now, he wanted
to beat Du Yunruo up severely, but because they were in the car, he finally did not do it.
"Du Yunruo, Zeng Jiajia and you are not the same kind of people. Look at yourself. You were taken
advantage of and still helped others count money. It's best to stay away from her and stop
associating with her."
The Zeng family and the Du family do not have a very close relationship. The parents of both
sides do not have much contact with each other on a daily basis. Zeng Jiajia only became familiar
with Du Yunruo because they studied in the same school.
Zeng Jiajia came to Du's house to play several times, but Du's mother didn't like her very much.
She always felt that the girl was quirky and had a lot of tricks up her sleeve.
"Yun Ruo, your father and I won't harm you. You really can't have any more contact with Zeng
Jiajia. She's just using you and she never really cares about you. If you don't believe me, call her
and tell her that the cooperation with Du Group has been terminated because of Lin Yiran's
incident. You'll know if she'll help you or not!"
Du Yunruo was instantly enlightened by her mother's words. It was true that she had always
taken a lot of blame for Zeng Jiajia, but those were all trivial matters and did not affect the
family's interests, so Zeng Jiajia would come to coax her afterwards and let it go.
The car stopped steadily at the door of the Du family. Du Yunruo got out of the car angrily and
rushed back to his room. He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Zeng Jiajia.
She pretended to be sad, and Zeng Jiajia on the other end of the phone immediately showed that
she was very concerned about her and said that she would come to see her soon. Du Yunruo did
not stop her at all.
Soon Zeng Jiajia arrived at Du's house. Fortunately, Du's father had returned to the company, and
only Du's mother was still at home. The moment she opened the door, her face instantly became
very ugly, but she still didn't say much and welcomed her in with a faint expression.
"Yun Ruo, how are you? I heard you said you were injured. Is it serious?"
Her series of caring words made Du Yunruo a little dazed, and she even thought for a moment
that her parents might have misunderstood her.
"Jia Jia, I'm fine. I just have some superficial injuries. It's just that Lin Yiran discovered the truth.
Now the Huo Group has stopped all cooperation with our company and wants to ban our
company. Do you think you can help?"
"Ah?" Zeng Jiajia didn't expect Huo Jinlin to make things so serious this time. She shook her head
and said, "Yun Ruo, I don't have such great ability. Even if I want to help you with this matter, I am
She frowned and looked helpless, but Du Yunruo didn't give up and continued, "Jia Jia, you can go
and beg your father. He must have a way. Let him help our family!"
Zeng Jiajia shook her head subconsciously when she heard this: "Yun Ruo, you don't know that
the last time I offended Lin Yiran, the Huo family also stopped our cooperation. If my father knew
about this again, he would definitely beat me to death."

Chapter 134 The Child is Missing

Zeng's father scolded her severely for what happened last time, and repeatedly told her not to
provoke Huo Jinlin again. If he knew about this incident, he would just kick her out of the house.
Zeng Jiajia didn't have the courage to tell her father.
Seeing her hesitant expression, Du Yunruo's heart instantly became clear as a mirror. She said
indifferently, "Jia Jia, don't forget that I became like this because of you. Now you are turning
your back on me. Don't you feel guilty for crossing the river and destroying the bridge?"
Du Yunruo had refused to believe the truth her mother told her before, and she didn't expect
that she was actually such a person. This time, Du Yunruo saw her true face completely, and
secretly decided in her heart that she would never associate with her again.
Zeng Jiajia, who didn't know what was going on in Du Yunruo's mind, gathered an excuse in her
mind and said, "Yunruo, my dad wouldn't let me out, so I sneaked out. Now it's almost time, I
have to go back quickly."
As soon as she finished speaking, she fled in a hurry, leaving Du Yunruo with an angry face. She
looked at Zeng Jiajia's hurried back thoughtfully. Her eyes were red and tears fell down.
She once thought that her best friend was just treating her like a pawn. Du Yunruo regretted her
reckless behavior of standing up for her. Thinking of the scene where her parents apologized to
Lin Yiran in a compromising manner, she felt sad.
As the days passed, Lin Yiran's study of business management was gradually put on the agenda.
Since he had no foundation, he found it very difficult to learn even with individual tutoring from
the teacher.
Just when she was having a headache that day, Lin Yiyi suddenly called her. She sounded very
anxious and claimed that Dabao and Xiaobao were lost at school. When Lin Yiran heard this, she
almost dropped her phone to the ground.
"What's going on, Yiyi, are you sure they are lost? Could it be that they are naughty and have
secretly hidden in some corner?"
These two children have always been very naughty, but with so many teachers watching them in
the kindergarten, they shouldn’t get lost. They may have hidden themselves on purpose so that
they can’t be found.
"No, I've looked everywhere, but I can't find them," the young Lin Yiyi had already burst into
tears, and said in fear and anxiety, "The teachers have helped to look for them, but they can't be
found. They are simply lost. Wuwuwu, sister, what should I do?"
The usually calm child was frightened when he encountered something like this, and now he is at
a loss as to what to do.
Lin Yiran hurried downstairs with her phone in hand, and comforted her, "Yiyi, don't be afraid,
your sister will be here soon. It's okay. There are surveillance cameras everywhere now, and no
one dares to take them away."
After hanging up the phone, she hurried to the yard and called Song Yuwan in. Seeing her anxious
look, Song Yuwan was very confused.
"What's wrong, Yiran, what happened?"
"Mom, Yiyi just called from school and said that Dabao and Xiaobao are missing. I'm going out to
look for them right now."
"What? I'll go with you," Song Yuwan also hurriedly put down the tools for watering the flowers,
picked up the phone while changing shoes, and called, "I'll notify Jinlin right away."
Several people set off at the same time. When Song Yuwan and Lin Yiran arrived at the
kindergarten, the teachers were already in a mess. You have to know that this is an aristocratic
kindergarten, and the children who study here are either rich or noble. If something happens, it
will not be a problem that can be solved with money.
Song Yuwan was so worried that she almost cried. She pulled a teacher and asked, "How is it?
Have you found the child? When and where was the child lost?"
Compared to the others, Lin Yiran still maintained a trace of calmness. She looked at the cameras
in every corner and asked, "Have you checked the surveillance?"
Logically, there are surveillance cameras in every corner here, and there are almost no blind
spots. If the child is in school, he will know where he is by looking at the surveillance cameras.
"Yes, let's go check the surveillance now."
When the teachers heard this, they rushed to the monitoring room. Everyone was so anxious that
they didn’t think of checking the surveillance first.
Everyone rushed to the monitoring room and checked the surveillance footage from all over the
kindergarten, but there was no sign of the two children. The surveillance footage at the door
showed that the two children had already run out.
After school, the teachers stood at the door waiting for parents to pick up their students. A little
girl walked up to the teacher holding something. While the teacher bent down to talk to her,
Dabao and Xiaobao slipped out through the gap. No other people were seen in the surveillance
Lin Yiran's heart instantly rose to her throat: "This street is too dangerous. I don't know where the
two children will run to."
The teachers also became anxious, especially Dabao and Xiaobao's substitute teacher, who
looked at Lin Yiran and said, "Why don't we call the police and ask them to help us find the
person. There is strength in numbers."
Dabao and Xiaobao had run away several times. Although Song Yuwan was anxious, she still
insisted, "Why don't we wait for Jinlin to come over? These two kids have been naughty since
they were young. They often ran away before. Maybe they were just playing around somewhere
and would go home when they had enough fun."
After all, if you go to the police station to report a case, it will take 24 hours to file a case. Besides,
the ability of those policemen is not as good as Huo Jinlin's who can just use some connections to
find the person.
Lin Yiyi cried anxiously and blamed herself, "Sister, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of them,
please scold me!"
Seeing her sobbing, Lin Yiran knew that she was frightened, and comforted her: "Yiyi, it will be
fine, don't be afraid, sister will go out to look for them now, Uncle Xiaosong's car is at the door,
you go home with him first, sister will definitely bring Dabao and Xiaobao back safely, okay?"
After hearing her words, Lin Yiyi finally felt relieved. She followed Lin Yiran obediently, carrying
her schoolbag on her back.
After watching Xiao Song take Lin Yiyi away, Lin Yiran finally felt relieved and walked along the
road in front of the school gate to look for the two naughty kids.
At this time, Huo Jinlin rushed to the school and saw Song Yuwan standing at the door with the
headmaster. He strode over and asked, "Mom, what's wrong?"
Song Yuwan shook her head and said worriedly, "The surveillance camera saw the child run away
from here, but no one else was seen. We are still looking for him along the way."
"Okay, I get it, don't worry, it'll be fine."
Huo Jinlin looked up at the camera on the corner of the street, then quickly took out his phone
and made a call: "Please help me check the surveillance camera at the entrance of the
kindergarten. The children are missing."
Song Yuwan didn't know who he called, but a few minutes later, the surveillance video on the
road was sent to him. From the video, it seemed that the two children left with a strange woman,
whom Huo Jinlin didn't know either.

Chapter 135 There is a clue

"Mom, do you know this woman?"
Seeing how familiar she was with the two children in the video, they must have met each other
before, but the two children never mentioned this matter when they returned home.
Song Yuwan looked at it carefully for a while and shook her head: "I don't know him, and I've
never heard the two children mention him."
Everyone hurriedly looked around, and Huo Jinlin called Lin Yiran while walking, telling her that
there was a clue about the two children.
The few of them quickly reunited and found the strange woman eating on the roadside with
Dabao and Xiaobao at a street corner not far from the kindergarten.
Huo Jinlin looked at the two naughty kids who had caused such a mess in the kindergarten, and
instantly became furious. He scolded them, "What's wrong with you two? You sneaked out
without telling anyone and made everyone anxious and worried. Is this how I teach you?"
It was the first time that Lin Yiran saw Huo Jinlin get so angry at the two children in all the time
she had been at the Huo family. She was about to step forward to persuade him, but the two
children stepped forward and apologized very consciously.
Perhaps because they were afraid that Huo Jinlin would get angry, the two children lowered their
heads and said in unison: "Dad, we know we were wrong and we will never do it again. Please
forgive us!"
Seeing how sincere they were, Huo Jinlin didn't have the heart to blame them anymore. He
glanced coldly at the woman standing beside him and asked angrily, "Who are you? Why did you
secretly take the children away? What is your purpose?"
The woman met Huo Jinlin's eyes without any fear: "I'm sorry, I was wrong about this matter. I
took the two children away without telling you in advance."
Although she apologized, everyone could see that there was no guilt on her face. Instead, she still
looked superior and arrogant.
"Mr. Huo, my name is Jiang Yunyi. I think you may not know me, but I am the biological mother of
these two children. I hope you can return my children to me."
After she finished her light-hearted remarks, everyone present except Huo Jinlin was speechless
with surprise, especially Song Yuwan. She didn't expect that the mother of Dabao and Xiaobao
was still there, and would actually come back to look for the children.
"Why?" Huo Jinlin looked at her calmly, "If you say it is, then it is. How can you prove it? Besides, I
have raised the children for so many years. Now you want them back, so you have to come and
ask for them? They are not objects. Why didn't you think about today when you lost them?"
"Jinlin, stop talking."
Seeing that he was about to say these words in front of the two children, Lin Yiran quickly spoke
out to stop him. With a look, Huo Jinlin reacted and subconsciously looked at the two brothers
who were standing obediently beside him, and did not say anything else.
Jiang Yunyi was not annoyed. She looked at them and said, "Mr. Huo, my children and I were
forced to separate because of some special reasons. Now I am back, hoping to find them. I know
you have raised them for many years. Even if you have not worked hard, you have contributed. I,
Jiang Yunyi, will never forget it. You are the lifesaver of the three of us in this life."
She made a very reasonable argument, but Song Yuwan could not listen any more and angrily
refused, "It is impossible to give the child to you. You have not shown up for so many years. Now
that the child is grown up, you think of coming back to look for him. I am afraid you are thinking
too simply."
Although she had always wanted a grandchild of her own, she had been the one who personally
raised these two children from the moment they were brought home to the Huo family. It was
not that easy to take them away now.
Seeing that no one was giving in, Lin Yiran even hid the two children behind her. Jiang Yunyi saw
that she was outnumbered, glanced at the crowd around her, and instantly had an idea in her
Her eyes were suddenly filled with tears. She looked at them with a pitiful look, and complained
tearfully, "Mr. Huo, I know you may have misunderstood me, but for so many years, I have never
given up looking for my children. Children are a piece of flesh that has fallen from their mothers.
Madam, you are also a mother. Can't you understand the feeling of a mother missing her
children? Do you know? In order to find these two children, I have gone through so much
hardship. Why don't you return my children to me?"
People are always accustomed to sympathizing with the weak, so when Jiang Yunyi said this, the
onlookers were instantly in an uproar, and the eyes looking at the Huo family changed, as if they
were all standing up for Jiang Yunyi.
Dabao and Xiaobao had met Jiang Yunyi several times. Perhaps because of their blood
relationship, both of them were very obsessed with Jiang Yunyi. Seeing her crying so hard, the
two brothers also started crying loudly.
Seeing the two children sad, Song Yuwan also felt distressed and comforted them: "Don't be
afraid, children, grandma will definitely take you home and won't let her take you away."
"But, grandma, she is our biological mother!"
Dabao felt distressed when he saw Jiang Yunyi's appearance. If he was not afraid that Song
Yuwan would be sad, he would have wanted to go over and comfort her.
Song Yuwan didn't expect him to say that. Children speak without restraint, and she couldn't be
angry with the two of them. However, everyone started to watch the fun.
"This is someone's biological son, why don't you give him back?"
"That's right, this woman is so pitiful. She went through so much trouble to find her son but still
can't bring him back. I guess her heart must be broken!"
"Yes, parents all over the world are so pitiful!"
Everyone was discussing this matter at once, and Jiang Yunyi instantly gained the upper hand,
with an even more proud look in his eyes.
She continued to act pitiful and said, "My poor children, ever since your father passed away, I
really had no other choice. I couldn't live with you alone. I saved money and finally found you, my
As she spoke, she began to cry loudly. The hardship and helplessness of her previous life made
everyone stand on her side again, and they began to condemn the Huo family.
Song Yuwan was so angry that her lungs were about to explode. She wanted to jump up and
argue with her immediately. How could this shameless woman do this?
Among all the people present, Lin Yiran was the calmest at this time. Seeing that the situation
was not right, she quickly said, "Ms. Jiang, since you are the mother of Dabao and Xiaobao, would
you be willing to come to our house and sit down? We can talk about the children's issue then.
What do you think?"
If these onlookers were to take pictures of the president of the Huo Group fighting with a weak
woman on the street for the custody of a child, and the woman is the child's biological mother,
I'm afraid that the Huo Group will be the number one hot search topic again tomorrow.

Chapter 136: A Wrong Thought

When Jiang Yunyi learned that her son was adopted by Huo Jinlin, she had evil thoughts in her
mind. The Huo family was wealthy and powerful, and even if she just took advantage of her son
to get some benefits, she would probably never have to worry about food and clothing in her life.
Hearing Lin Yiran's invitation, he naturally nodded and agreed without saying anything. He was
secretly happy in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be very generous and said, "Mrs.
Huo, I was inconsiderate and embarrassed you by making a fool of myself in the street. Don't take
it to heart. Let's go home and talk!"
What she said was so flawless that she looked like an innocent victim, and she even seemed to be
thinking about the Huo family in every way.
But Song Yuwan was very angry in her heart. Seeing her pretentious expression, she felt
extremely disgusted. She wanted to open her mouth to stop her, but was held down by Lin Yiran
in time.
"Mom, let's talk about it when we get home. If someone sees us on the street, it will affect the
company tomorrow."
Lin Yiran, who has always been sensible, was not affected by Jiang Yunyi's affairs. She was even
able to calmly analyze these things to Song Yuwan, and Song Yuwan's impetuous mood gradually
calmed down.
Seeing Jiang Yunyi get into Huo Jinlin's car without any courtesy, Song Yuwan's anger rose again,
and she muttered in dissatisfaction: "She is really rude. She raised her son for so many years, but
she didn't even say a word of thanks. Now she comes back whenever she wants. What kind of
person is she!"
Listening to her endless complaints, Lin Yiran could only comfort her: "It's okay, it's okay. This is
human nature. After all, mother and child are connected by heart!"
Song Yuwan was still unhappy after hearing this, but she finally muttered and got into Xiao Song's
car with Lin Yiran, who came back to pick them up.
The car soon stopped in front of the Huo family's gate. It was the first time that Jiang Yunyi had
been to a place like Nanlinyuan since she was a child. Looking at this high-end and luxurious
community, her heart instantly began to beat with excitement.
Perhaps out of their desire for maternal love, or perhaps because of their blood relationship,
Dabao and Xiaobao always had an innate closeness to Jiang Yunyi. As soon as they got out of the
car, they excitedly pulled Jiang Yunyi into the house.
"Mommy, look, these are the toys Dad bought for us."
Children's minds are always very innocent. Xiaobao showed off all his toys in front of Jiang Yunyi.
He was in such a good mood that he forgot about the people who came in behind him.
Seeing the mother and son being so affectionate, Lin Yiran still felt a little sour in her heart. She
shook her head hard and put all the unpleasantness behind her.
"Ms. Jiang, please take a seat!"
She acted like a hostess and sat down on the sofa with everyone. Huo Jinlin stared at the woman,
pursed his thin lips and said nothing.
When Jiang Yunyi saw the luxurious furnishings in the house, she was already overjoyed and
started to make her own plans.
But she is a smart person. Seeing that everyone's eyes were on her, Jiang Yunyi immediately
began to tell her past with tears in her eyes: "For so many years, my life has been very difficult.
You must think that I am an incompetent mother, but I have no choice. I am also helpless. My
marriage life is not happy. I just divorced my husband not long ago. I am all alone. I really miss my
children so much. I miss them day and night and can't even sleep well. That's why I came back to
find them regardless of everything."
She was very good at acting. Tears started to flow as she spoke. Her tearful look made Dabao and
Xiaobao feel even more distressed for her. They hugged her arms, one on each side, and also
Song Yuwan was so angry that she thought to herself that it was you who wanted to abandon the
two children in the first place, and that it was your own karma that you were having a bad life
now: "What do you mean by this? We are not..."
Before she could even utter the word "philanthropist", she was interrupted by Lin Yiran. She
looked at the two people clinging to Jiang Yunyi not far away and said helplessly, "Mom, the
children are still here, stop talking."
No matter what, the grudges between adults should not be spoken in front of children. This is Lin
Yiran’s consistent principle.
"I'm really sorry. I had no choice but to do that. Honey, can you forgive me now?"
Jiang Yunyi observed Song Yuwan's expression and saw that he really didn't like her, so she could
only turn to the other side, hoping to gain the sympathy of the two children.
It turned out that this trick was really effective. When the two children saw her like that, they felt
very sorry for her and comforted her: "Mom, don't worry, we won't blame you, don't be sad."
Before Lin Yiran came, they always wanted to find their mother. Later, when Lin Yiran came, they
liked her very much. But now that Jiang Yunyi is back, they are even happier. After all, this is their
biological mother.
Huo Jinlin frowned slightly when he saw this scene, but finally asked patiently: "Ms. Jiang, you are
here to take back the two children now, so are you able to take good care of them?"
Even though he was reluctant, if she was really the mother of Dabao and Xiaobao, there was
nothing he could do and he had to return the children to her. Men tend to be more rational in
considering things.
Jiang Yunyi stopped crying immediately after hearing this and said to Huo Jinlin, "Don't worry, Mr.
Huo, I will work hard and give them the best of everything."
Seeing this, Huo Jinlin was about to compromise, but Dabao and Xiaobao suddenly started crying.
Dabao looked at him pitifully and asked, "Dad, don't you want us anymore? We don't want to be
separated from mom and dad."
Xiaobao even ran over with tears in his eyes and hugged Lin Yiran's thighs, wiping all his snot and
tears on Lin Yiran's trouser legs.
She looked at the little guy with a mixture of laughter and tears, and had to squat down and pick
him up with great effort, comforting him: "Baby, mommy and daddy won't abandon you, it's just
that your biological mommy is back and wants to take you to live with her. Don't you like your
biological mommy too?"
"Yes," Xiaobao nodded, looking at her with pure eyes, "Although we like mommy, we also like
you. We don't want to be separated from you. We want to be with all of you forever."
Dabao also agreed with his brother's words and nodded his head like pounding garlic: "That's
right, let Mommy live with us!"
Children’s ideas are very simple. They feel that the house is big enough and it doesn’t matter if
one more person lives in it, as it does not mean there is not enough space.
Seeing the pitiful appearance of the child, Lin Yiran felt very distressed, but she knew that she
could not just agree to Jiang Yunyi's stay. This matter still required everyone to think carefully
before giving an answer.
Otherwise, we are in this mood now. If we agree to it, it will be difficult to talk about other things

Chapter 137 Late Arrival

Seeing that she was unmoved, the two children shook her arms and said coquettishly, "Please,
Mommy, just agree to us, please."
Just at this moment, the servants in the kitchen came out with the food, and Lin Yiran hurriedly
said, "Let's eat first, and then we'll talk after dinner, okay?"
Huo Jinlin and Song Yuwan also knew what Lin Yiran meant. Song Yuwan echoed indifferently,
"Let's eat first, and then we'll talk after dinner."
The children's attention was instantly drawn to the things on the table. The two children
immediately ran over. Lin Yiran felt relieved and also invited Jiang Yunyi to join the table.
Everyone had their own thoughts and the meal was tasteless. Lin Yiran felt uncomfortable
watching Jiang Yunyi interacting with the two children.
After dinner, it was getting dark, and Jiang Yunyi was too shameless to leave. Song Yuwan had no
choice but to nod and let her stay for a while. Dabao and Xiaobao happily hugged Song Yuwan
and acted coquettishly.
"Grandma, you are so kind. Mommy can finally stay. Thank you, Grandma."
The two children even kissed her cheeks, one on the left and one on the right. The smile that
Song Yuwan was trying to hide immediately changed the moment she saw the two children
hugging Jiang Yunyi's arms. The coldness in her eyes made people feel a little creepy.
"Mommy, mommy, we can stay with you tonight, okay?"
Jiang Yunyi was naturally happy that the children were close to her. She scratched the tips of the
two children's noses lovingly and said, "Of course that's good. Mommy also wants to spend more
time with you."
Looking at the ugly expressions of the Huo family, Jiang Yunyi curled her lips in satisfaction. The
first thing she had to do now was to build a good relationship with the two children. When the
time came and the children were caught in the middle, Huo Jinlin couldn't really be so cold-
blooded as to drive her out.
No one knew about her vicious intentions yet. Lin Yiran sighed with some jealousy. Ever since she
came to this family, Da Bao and Xiao Bao had always been close to her. Now she actually felt a
little lost.
Hearing her sigh, the two children looked at each other sensibly and hurried over to comfort her:
"Mom, don't worry, although our mommy is back, we two will always be with you."
Lin Yiran was deeply moved by the children's words and felt warm in her heart. She felt that all
her love for them for so long was not in vain.
Song Yuwan and Huo Jinlin both felt upset. They stopped asking about Jiang Yunyi and went back
to their rooms. Lin Yiran was left awkwardly taking her to her room and settling her down before
coming out.
The old lady sat on the sofa and watched Lin Yiran come out. She asked in confusion, "Yiran, who
is she?"
Although everyone tacitly agreed not to mention it in front of her, the shrewd old lady could see
that her daughter-in-law and grandson were unhappy with this woman, and there were even ice
chips on the table during the meal.
Lin Yiran looked at the closed door helplessly and said in a low voice: "She is the biological
mother of the two children."
"What?" The old lady was shocked when she heard it, and asked worriedly, "Could she be here to
ask for the children? Do you want to give the two children to her?"
She has raised her for so many years, and even though she is not her biological daughter, she has
developed feelings for her after all. If she really comes to ask for her back, the old lady will be
reluctant to let her go.
Lin Yiran shook his head and said in confusion: "I'm not too sure about this. It seems to be the
case, but I don't know what Jin Lin is thinking."
"Ah, fate is such a cruel trick!" The old lady sighed and said, "When Jin Lin brought them home,
the two children were only the size of a palm, without a father or a mother. They looked so
pitiful. Now that I have finally raised them to this age, why do you want to bring them back
When talking about what happened back then, the old lady's eyes were filled with tears. She
watched her two children grow up and she really loved them from the bottom of her heart.
When Lin Yiran returned to her room, the old lady's words were still echoing in her mind. Huo
Jinlin should be the most upset about this matter, but she had never encountered such a thing
before and didn't know how to comfort him.
As expected, Huo Jinlin was standing alone by the window with only a dim light on in the room.
His loneliness instantly made Lin Yiran feel distressed.
"What are you thinking about?"
She walked over quietly and hugged him from behind.
Huo Jinlin's tall body suddenly shook, and he turned around and took her into his arms, sighing
and saying, "I'm thinking about how to deal with Jiang Yunyi's matter."
Lin Yiran opened the balcony door, pulled him to sit on the small swing, and sighed, "Children are
like this. When they are naughty, I feel upset, but if I really let her take him away, I really can't
bear to let her go."
"Don't worry, I won't let her take the children away."
Huo Jinlin's tone was very sure, with a certain unquestionable majesty. Lin Yiran was stunned
when she heard it. From his tone before, Lin Yiran thought he was going to return the child to her.
As a woman, Lin Yiran actually sympathized with Jiang Yunyi. She advised, "But she is the
biological mother of the children after all. And the children leaving doesn't mean they are no
longer close to you. No matter where they are, we can always visit them!"
After all, she is their biological mother. It would be fine if they didn't know the truth. But now
that she knows and she won't let them reunite, I'm afraid the children will resent Huo Jinlin in
their hearts.
Seeing his dark eyes staring straight at her, Lin Yiran quickly explained: "I'm not saying I want to
drive them away, don't get me wrong, I'm just afraid that the children will be sad."
A relationship like theirs is quite complicated. Lin Yiran was afraid that Huo Jinlin would
misunderstand that she didn't like Dabao and Xiaobao, so she tried her best to support Jiang
Yunyi to take them away.
Huo Jinlin already knew her character well. He pulled her into his arms and sighed, "Silly girl,
don't I know you? I was just thinking about what you said. This is a serious matter, so we need to
think about it carefully."
Jiang Yunyi's identity and financial situation have yet to be confirmed, and Huo Jinlin cannot
make an immediate decision on whether to give the child to her.
Lin Yiran also understood this. She yawned tiredly and pulled Huo Jinlin into the house, saying as
they walked, "Well, go to bed early and we'll talk about it tomorrow. Anyway, like you said, this
matter can't be resolved in a day or two."
In fact, she was not so worried about Huo Jinlin. What she was most worried about was that Song
Yuwan and the old lady would not be able to accept this matter. Compared with other people in
the Huo family, she had spent the shortest time with the two children, so naturally her feelings
were not as deep as theirs.
The two of them lay in bed, but Huo Jinlin tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. His tossing
and turning made Lin Yiran unable to sleep either. She reached out and hugged him like a child,
comforting him, "Don't think about it. Go to sleep. I'll sing for you."

Chapter 138 Passing the Interview

After she finished speaking, she began to hum a lullaby, the trick she usually used to coax Dabao
and Xiaobao to sleep. Unexpectedly, the effect was so good that Huo Jinlin fell asleep in a short
Listening to the light and shallow breathing sound, Lin Yiran carefully tucked the corner of the
quilt for him, and fell asleep in this position.
The next morning, they both woke up slowly at the same time. Huo Jinlin had slept almost the
entire night with his head resting on her arm, and by this time Lin Yiran's arm was already numb.
"How was it, did you sleep well?"
"Yeah," Huo Jinlin nodded, "This is the best night's sleep I've ever had."
The two smiled at each other, and after a while of being together, Lin Yiran packed up and went
Everyone downstairs was having breakfast. The two little ones, who were about to go to school,
were still clinging to Jiang Yunyi. She was enjoying it, as if to make up for the absence of so many
years. She took care of the two children personally and had breakfast.
Song Yuwan, who was sitting opposite her, snorted with disdain. Looking at her pretentious
appearance, he felt even angrier.
"Grandma, what's wrong with you?"
Seeing her unhappy expression, the two children didn't understand the reason and felt a little at
a loss.
Song Yuwan said coldly, "Nothing, I'm just upset."
Jiang Yunyi knew what she was upset about, so she quickly asked the two children to go over, and
pretended to be sensible and told them: "Go, go and give grandma a hug."
The two children came over obediently, but Song Yuwan remained unmoved. She ignored them
with a cold face. Lin Yiran, who was standing on the stairs, became a little anxious when he saw
this. When he was about to walk over, he saw Lin Yiyi coming down.
"Sister, what are you doing here?"
Lin Yiyi came back early yesterday and didn’t know what happened. Lin Yiran quickly grabbed her
and told her, “Go and comfort Auntie. Dabao and Xiaobao made her angry.”
"Well, I'll go right away."
Lin Yiyi, who has always been sensible, didn't think much about it and walked straight towards
Song Yuwan.
"Auntie, good morning. Can I help you peel the eggs?" She walked over to Song Yuwan and sat
down, saying mischievously, "Dabao and Xiaobao stay with their mommy. I'll stay with you,
The child's coquettish tone softened Song Yuwan's heart. Seeing Lin Yiyi trying to please her, she
could no longer get angry. She couldn't help but scratch her nose with her hand and said with a
hint of meaning, "You are sensible. You don't want them to be so heartless. They don't want
grandma anymore after having mommy."
She said this deliberately, and Dabao and Xiaobao knew she was talking about them, and they
quickly said with a smile: "No, no, grandma, you think too much, we will always love you."
The haze on Song Yuwan's face finally dissipated gradually. With Lin Yiyi by her side, a smile
slowly appeared on her face.
Soon breakfast was over and it was time for the three children to go to school. Xiao Song drove
the car to the door and Lin Yiran took the three of them in the car. They watched the car drive
away and the atmosphere in the room became tense again.
Seeing Jiang Yunyi staying at the Huo family without any courtesy and being too affectionate with
the two children, Song Yuwan couldn't help but say, "Jiang Yunyi, can you be a little more self-
aware? Although you gave birth to two children, you have never fulfilled your responsibilities for
a day. We, the Huo family, have no obligation to take care of your children. Why do you take it for
granted to stay here now?"
Lin Yiran also knew that she was angry now, and was about to persuade her, but a crisp ringtone
sounded around them. It was Jiang Yunyi's cell phone ringing.
She glanced at the number on it, smiled proudly at the two of them, then pressed the answer
button and deliberately turned on the speakerphone.
"Hello, is this Miss Jiang Yunyi? I'm from the Human Resources Department of the Huo Group.
You have been interviewed for the assistant position here and have been accepted. If you have
time, you can come over to complete the onboarding process."
After hanging up the phone, Song Yuwan looked at her in disbelief and asked coldly, "You went to
the Huo Group for an interview? What on earth are you thinking?"
She only showed up yesterday afternoon, but before that she had already gone to the Huo Group
for an interview. Song Yuwan couldn't help but suspect that she had ulterior motives, and
perhaps she had some purpose in approaching Huo Jinlin.
Lin Yiran also asked with some confusion: "Ms. Jiang, since you have already been to the Huo
Group, you must have been back here for more than a day or two. Why did you only remember
to come and see the child yesterday?"
If a mother really misses her child, she will definitely see her child first when she arrives at this
place, because at that time nothing else matters to her.
Jiang Yunyi looked at their anxious expressions, smiled calmly, and explained, "You
misunderstood me. I was just worried that Mr. Huo would not allow me to get close to the child,
so I thought about working at Huo's so that I could find a chance to see the child."
"Really?" Song Yuwan looked at her doubtfully and warned her coldly, "You'd better not have any
evil thoughts, otherwise, I will never let you go."
She didn't believe a word Jiang Yunyi said, but now she had no evidence to prove anything, so she
could only warn her.
Just at this moment Huo Jinlin came downstairs. Looking at the three people who were
confronting each other, he suddenly felt a headache again.
"Mr. Huo, I passed the interview at Huo's Group. Would you mind giving me a ride to the
company with you?"
She knew that Huo Jinlin didn't like her, but he would look at girls who worked hard differently.
Jiang Yunyi had already inquired about this before coming here, so in order to achieve her goal,
she decided to become a professional woman.
As expected, Huo Jinlin did not refuse and said two words lightly: "It's up to you."
Lin Yiran didn't think much about it, but Song Yuwan was immediately unhappy when she heard
this. She pulled her out and said to Huo Jinlin, "Jinlin, Yiran is learning about business
management recently. It's a good opportunity for you to take her to the company to learn. After
all, practice makes perfect. Her nitpicking at home is too slow to produce results."
"Me?" Lin Yiran pointed at her nose in disbelief. Her scalp was numb for a moment. She refused
without hesitation, "Mom, I'd better wait a while. I haven't learned the theoretical knowledge
yet. Let's talk about it later!"
Song Yuwan winked at her and then said, "Silly child, what effect will you get from studying at
home every day? You should go to the company to gain some experience."
Jiang Yunyi knew what Song Yuwan meant. She shrugged indifferently and even followed her
words and persuaded her: "Miss Lin, you can go with us. If you want to learn these things, it is
faster to practice them yourself."
Although she was extremely reluctant, Song Yuwan still pushed her to go out with Huo Jinlin and
the others. Lin was helpless and had to bite the bullet and get in the car with Huo Jinlin.

Chapter 139: Attitude is Important

While driving, Huo Jinlin reached out and held Lin Yiran's nervous hand, comforting her: "Don't
think too much. Since you are already learning these, come with me to the company to take a
look. Just think of it as a training."
Lin Yiran sighed and said, "I'm worried that if I run over there without knowing anything, I won't
know anything when they ask me. Wouldn't that be embarrassing for you?"
"It's okay, don't think too much, I'll make arrangements."
Jiang Yunyi, who was sitting in the back seat, listened to their conversation and curled her lips
"Boss Huo, please drop me off at an intersection earlier to avoid being seen and gossiped about. I
don't want people to misunderstand that I got into the company because of your relationship.
That won't have a good impact on you either."
Upon hearing this, Lin Yiran couldn't help but feel quite fond of Jiang Yunyi's sensible behavior,
and couldn't help but praise her: "Ms. Jiang, you are really thoughtful. We didn't even think of
this problem."
Jiang Yunyi smiled calmly: "Young Madam, you are too kind."
Huo Jinlin didn't say anything. When they were almost at the company, he quietly parked the car
on the side of the road. Jiang Yunyi greeted Lin Yiran and got out of the car quickly.
"She actually has a hard time. I think she is a pretty good person."
Although Lin Yiran felt uncomfortable about the matter of the child, putting all that aside, Jiang
Yunyi was indeed a pretty good person.
"You can't judge a person by his appearance. Don't be fooled by her appearance."
Huo Jinlin was very resistant to her. Although he admired her hard work as a professional woman,
his preconceived notions made him feel more disgusted with this woman.
Lin Yiran knew that Jiang Yunyi was a sensitive topic right now, and she had already gone far
away, so she didn't continue discussing this topic.
The car drove forward for a while and Huo Jinlin drove the car directly to the underground
parking lot. Lin Yin twisted his hands together nervously and was actually a little timid when
getting out of the car.
Seeing that she was not moving, Huo Jinlin looked at her in confusion: "What's wrong? We are
already here, come down quickly!"
Lin Yiran said anxiously, "I... I don't know anything, what can I do in the company?"
Probably except for the cleaning position, there is probably no other position she can fill.
Huo Jinlin rarely saw her so timid, so he joked, "Don't worry, I won't ask you to clean the house."
"You still have the time to joke around! I'm almost dying of nervousness."
She really had no preparation at all. If she had known the news a day in advance, she might have
been able to prepare. As a result, Song Yuwan pushed her into the battle early this morning. Lin
Yiran was really at a loss, and her mind was blank at this moment.
As expected, after the last live broadcast, almost everyone in the company knew her. The Human
Resources Department received a notice and after much deliberation, they could only arrange
her, because of her special identity, to Lao Qin's team.
The Engineering Department is a relatively easy department, and more importantly, everyone
knows her identity, so they probably won't assign her heavy work.
"Old Qin?"
Lin Yiran came to the new department under the guidance of her assistant. When she saw Lao
Qin holding a meeting with the employees, she was stunned for a moment.
"Mrs. Lin...Mrs. Huo, why are you here?"
The two of them had a close relationship, and Lao Qin was used to calling the other's name, and
he almost blurted it out in front of so many employees. Fortunately, he reacted in time.
Lin Yiran raised the employment form in her hand awkwardly, and said with a somewhat
unnatural expression: "I... I'm here to work, please take care of me in the future."
"You come to work?" Lao Qin looked at her in disbelief, smacking his lips, "Isn't it a shame for my
small place to condescend to you?"
Are you kidding? This is the president's wife. If she works under him, will he still be alive in the
future? If she is not careful, will President Huo, who dotes on his wife, directly assign her to the
company's aid to Africa program?
Normally, the two of them were used to joking around when they were alone, but this time Lao
Qin suddenly did this, and Lin Yiran felt very uncomfortable.
She comforted him, "Old Qin, don't think too much. Just treat it normally. It's just that I have no
experience and there are too many things to learn. You have to spend more time teaching me."
Make the best of it. Having come all the way here, Lin Yiran has learned to accept it calmly.
Sooner or later, she will have to come out and learn anyway, so just treat it as an advance
Lao Qin no longer put on that unfamiliar air, and said with a smile: "Then you must be mentally
prepared. I am the strictest teacher in the Huo Group."
It has to be said that his rigorous attitude towards work is indeed obvious to all, so relatively
speaking, his requirements for each employee are indeed stricter.
The two were chatting and laughing when Jiang Yunyi, who followed closely behind, came over
with a report form. Seeing Lin Yiran was also there, the two looked at each other in surprise, but
in order to keep a distance from her, Jiang Yunyi pretended not to know her, and Lin Yiran did not
expose her.
Lin Yiran's workstation was arranged next to the window with the best lighting. Since her entry
procedures were handled by the human resources department, Lao Qin had nothing else to do
and simply threw a stack of information to her.
"Take a look at this first. If there's anything you don't understand, I'll come back and explain it to
you later."
Lin Yiran took the pile of information and flipped through it casually. The bunch of professional
terms gave her a headache and she was completely confused.
Lao Qin brought Jiang Yunyi to his office and after a brief introduction, he arranged for her to
work in the project department.
Seeing that Lin Yiran was frowning but still studying the professional terms seriously, Lao Qin was
very pleased and answered her questions very seriously.
Perhaps it was because his explanations were very serious, after a morning of study, Lin still felt
that these things were not as difficult as she had imagined.
She rubbed her aching neck, got up with the cup and went to the tea room, where she happened
to meet Jiang Yunyi again.
Seeing that no one was around, Jiang Yunyi greeted her and said excitedly: "Mrs. Huo, you don't
know, I am so happy that I can work in Huo's. Thank you for speaking for me on the issue of the
child. I was afraid of causing misunderstanding in the manager's office just now, so I didn't say
hello to you. Don't mind it!"
The smile on her lips revealed her excitement. She had originally been thinking of giving it a try,
but she had not expected to actually pass the interview. Now that she had completed the
employment procedures and become a member of the Huo Group, Jiang Yunyi dared to secretly
rejoice in her heart.
"It's okay," Lin Yiran waved her hand and said nonchalantly, "Mother and child are connected by
heart, it's human nature, it's nothing, as for the job, it's obtained by your own ability, mainly
because you are really excellent."

Chapter 140 Be Careful

"Thank you, you are so kind," Jiang Yunyi smiled faintly and took this opportunity to ask,
"Madam, can you tell me what the children like to eat? And Mr. Huo and his wife's habits and
hobbies, so that I can have a better understanding of them."
As the saying goes, only when you know yourself and your enemy can you win every battle. Jiang
Yunyi is a person who never admits defeat. The more Song Yuwan and Huo Jinlin dislike her, the
more she wants to rely on her own efforts to make them look at her with admiration.
Lin Yiran didn't really want to tell her all this, so she just said a few brief words. These things were
relatively private, and she didn't want to tell this woman she had just met.
"Ok, thanks."
Jiang Yunyi didn't expect that she was so easy to talk to. With just a few short sentences, the two
people who were originally arguing with each other actually reconciled. Seeing that her goal was
achieved, she didn't stay any longer, picked up her water cup, turned around and left in a cool
The two people's greetings were seen by Lao Qin who came out of the office. When Lin Yiran
returned to her workstation, Lao Qin called her in time.
"Do you know that person just now?"
Lin Yiran nodded: "I know him, but not very well."
Although Lao Qin was an acquaintance of them, Jiang Yunyi coming back to fight for the child was
not a glorious thing after all, so Lin Yiran did not tell him.
Old Qin nodded and reminded in a low voice, "She also just joined the company this morning and
has been assigned to Yu Wei's group. You'd better keep your distance from her and don't get too
close to her, because our two groups are competitors. Don't let her trick you into saying
something to you."
Lin Yiran was new to the place and obviously didn't understand these things. Lao Qin was afraid
that she would be taken advantage of by others and would happily help others count money.
After all, he was accustomed to the intrigues in the workplace.
As expected, the new players didn't understand these things. Lin Yiran calmly replied, "It's a fair
competition. Everyone relies on their own abilities. How can there be any clichés?"
Lao Qin was helpless. Yu Wei was a smooth person. They had worked together for many years
and Lao Qin knew his character very well. He was definitely not the kind of person who was
diligent and down-to-earth and relied only on his own efforts.
But just as he was about to tell Lin Yiran about Yu Wei's working style, he caught a glimpse of
Jiang Yunyi coming over, and Lao Qin had to swallow the words that were on the tip of his
Everyone is in the same office and they see each other every day. After a long time, Lin Yiran will
eventually understand. If someone with ulterior motives hears what he says now, they might
think he has ulterior motives.
After casually glancing at Lin Yiran's computer screen, Lao Qin said calmly, "Okay, then, just do
your work first. If you have any questions, ask me. I'll get busy now."
He turned to leave, and Jiang Yunyi came over and asked with concern: "How is it, are you used
to it? Is there anything you need help with?"
"No," Lin Yiran smiled faintly, "Thank you for your kindness. I'm still familiar with these things, so
there's nothing I don't understand for now."
Jiang Yunyi nodded, looked at her with a smile and said, "It's okay. If you need anything in the
future, just ask me anytime."
In just half a day, Jiang Yunyi laid a good foundation in Lin Yiran's heart. This woman didn't seem
as annoying as she had imagined.
Yu Wei saw that Jiang Yunyi had a good understanding. She finished a job that others needed a
day to complete in just half a day, and there was basically nothing wrong with it. So he decided to
take Jiang Yunyi out to meet clients in the afternoon.
Lin Yiran heard every word of their conversation. She subconsciously raised her head and looked
in that direction. Jiang Yunyi noticed her gaze, turned around and smiled faintly at her.
She is neither arrogant nor impatient, and if you put aside the issue of her children, she is really a
nice person.
The two men packed up their documents and left. Lin Yiran pouted, but had no choice but to
continue working hard, delving into the information that was extremely difficult for her.
She was so focused that she forgot the time. Her cell phone happened to be on silent mode and
she didn't hear anything. Huo Jinlin called several times but no one answered, so he had to ask
Assistant Liu to go to the project department to see what was going on.
"Madam President, Mr. Huo asked you to have lunch in his office."
He spoke suddenly, and Lin Yiran was watching so intently that she was startled. She looked up
and saw that the person was Assistant Liu.
"It's noon already? How come it's so fast?"
Lin Yiran took out her cell phone and took a look. It was indeed past twelve o'clock. Several
missed calls flashed on the screen, all from Huo Jinlin.
Knowing that she was not arrogant, Assistant Liu habitually joked with her: "You are so serious
about your work that you don't even think about what time you get off work."
Lin Yiran smiled and said, "I am dumber than others, so I have to spend more time."
The two chatted for a while before Assistant Liu left. Lin Yiran then packed up and went to Huo
Jinlin's office.
The company has a cafeteria, so Huo Jinlin usually doesn’t go back home for lunch and just eats
something in the company cafeteria.
Of course, it was impossible for him to squeeze in with others. In most cases, Assistant Liu would
go downstairs in advance to bring him the meal. So when Lin Yiran went in, two hot meals were
already on the coffee table, and Huo Jinlin was sitting on the sofa waiting for her.
"How is it? Are you used to it on the first day? Did anyone give you any trouble?"
Lin Yiran laughed: "You must be kidding. My identity is known to everyone in the company. Who
dares to bully me? And you deliberately assigned me to Lao Qin's group. Can he still embarrass
Huo Jinlin placed her favorite food in front of her, and then said, "I'm worried about you. I'm
afraid you won't be used to other departments, and you won't know anyone there, so I specially
arranged for you to go to his group."
"Don't worry, no one dares to bully me."
As they ate and talked, Lin Yiran suddenly thought of Jiang Yunyi and couldn't help but sighed,
"Jinlin, you don't know, Jiang Yunyi is quite amazing. I heard that she finished a day's work for
others in just two hours. In the afternoon, Manager Yu even took her out to meet clients!"
Huo Jinlin didn't like this person, and frowned slightly when he heard her name, but he didn't
want to spoil Lin Yiran's interest, so he just said lightly: "Let's eat, the food will get cold soon."
Seeing that he was in low spirits, Lin Yiran knew that he didn't want to mention this person. She
quietly stuck out her tongue and buried her head in eating without saying anything else.
The two finished their meal quickly. Lin Yiran quietly cleaned up the dishes and prepared to go
back to her workstation to rest, but was stopped by Huo Jinlin.
"Don't worry about it. Leave it here and the cleaner will come to clean it up when they come to
work in the afternoon. You can stay with me and rest for a while."

Chapter 141 Joke

He applied a little force with his big hand, and Lin Yiran lost her balance and sat directly on his
thighs. Her face turned red instantly, and she nervously glanced in the direction of the door.
Fortunately, the office door was closed.
"Don''s not good to be seen by others later."
"It's okay," Huo Jinlin pressed her on his knees and comforted her, "Just take a nap here in peace,
no one will come in."
Knowing that Lin Yiran was also inside, anyone who was so blind as to dare to run in would be
risking his life.
Lin Yiran was still worried, but her struggle was futile, so she had to let him go.
But suddenly some questions from this morning came to my mind, some of which were difficult
to ask in front of Lao Qin, so I took the opportunity to ask Huo Jinlin.
He patiently answered Lin Yiran's questions one by one in a very detailed and easy-to-understand
manner. Lin Yiran understood them immediately.
"Thank you. I understand."
Huo Jinlin scratched her nose meaningfully and said sinisterly, "Then how are you going to thank
me? Just a verbal thank you?"
His smirk made Lin Yiran instantly on guard, and she swallowed shyly: "So...what do you want?"
The man leaned over and responded to her directly with action. The warm touch on his lips and
the sweet and mellow taste made Huo Jinlin unable to stop. He frantically grabbed and explored
her mouth.
Lin Yiran was like a primary school student cheating on an exam. She was so nervous that her
whole body was tense, afraid that someone would suddenly push the door in and see Huo Jinlin
frantically asking for a kiss.
Unexpectedly, her performance greatly irritated Huo Jinlin's nerves. For the first time in his life,
he didn't want to let go and really enjoyed this sneaky feeling.
The temperature in the office gradually rose, and when Lin Yiran was almost suffocated, Huo
Jinlin let her go and gently stroked her slightly swollen lips with his big hands.
Lin Yiran licked her lips uncomfortably, stretched out her hand to push his chest and said, "Don't
do this, it would be so bad if someone saw us!"
Her unconscious action made Huo Jinlin's body tremble. It was simply a different kind of
temptation. He couldn't help but lean over and kiss her again.
"It's okay, no one will come in."
His confident tone made Lin Yiran half-believing and half-doubting, and the words she spoke
before she could even say them were swallowed up by Huo Jinlin.
When the two were feeling awkward, the short-sighted Assistant Liu pushed the door open and
came in. Upon seeing the eye-catching scene, he quickly turned around.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Huo. I thought my wife had gone back."
Huo Jinlin, who was interrupted, was like an angry lion at this moment. He said coldly: "Don't you
know how to knock on the door? Get out."
Assistant Liu had an innocent look on his face, as if he was accusing someone wrongly. "I never
knock when I enter your office. Didn't you tell me not to knock before?"
But he didn't dare to refute, so he had to flee with the documents in his arms, not forgetting to
close the door.
After hearing the door slam, Lin Yiran poked her head out from Huo Jinlin's arms. After making
sure that the person had left, she stood up angrily: "It's all your fault. I just said that someone
would see us, but you didn't believe me. Now look what's going on. You're so embarrassed."
She stood up in anger and shame, her face red like a ripe apple as she ran away from Huo Jinlin's
office. The people at the door were surprised. Assistant Liu lowered his head and didn't dare to
look at Lin Yiran.
When she ran to the project department, she ran into Jiang Yunyi and Yu Wei coming back.
Seeing her like this, Jiang Yunyi asked in confusion: "Yi Ran, what's wrong with you? Why is your
face so red? Are you feeling unwell?"
It goes without saying that Lin Yiran went to Huo Jinlin's office. They were all adults, so Jiang
Yunyi naturally knew what had happened, but she pretended to be ignorant and asked even
though she knew the answer.
Lin Yiran's face turned even redder: "Nothing... nothing."
Jiang Yunyi curled her lips and pretended to be casual and said deliberately: "You have never
been exposed to these things, so it may be harder at the beginning, but you still need to pay
attention to rest and don't be too tired. I went out to discuss a project with Manager Yu today,
and I have to sort out the materials now. If you need any help, just ask me at any time."
She said it so nicely that outsiders who didn't know the truth really thought she was concerned
about Lin Yiran. However, only Jiang Yunyi herself knew that she deliberately let Lin Yiran know
that she had won a project.
She has analyzed the situation of the Huo family clearly. Lin Yiran plays a very important role in it.
Almost everyone listens to her. If she can always say a few good words for her in front of
everyone, then her plan will be accomplished soon.
As expected, Lin Yiran was so surprised when she heard the news that her jaw dropped. Is this
the difference between people? When she couldn't even understand the project information,
others had already negotiated the project and returned.
She exclaimed from the bottom of her heart: "Miss Jiang, you are really amazing."
"No way," Jiang Yunyi shook her head modestly, and then did not forget to comfort her intimately,
"Don't think too much, you are so diligent and hardworking, you can do it in time, come on."
Yu Wei, who was standing by, didn't know the truth. Seeing that Jiang Yunyi was so kind to Lin
Yiran from the rival group, he couldn't help but like her more.
After lunch break, employees returned to their workstations one after another. Yu Wei brought
Jiang Yunyi out and introduced her formally, "Everyone, excuse me for two minutes. This is our
new colleague Jiang Yunyi. She is very outstanding and capable. She has thoroughly understood
the project in just one morning and has already won a big project. Everyone should learn from
her in the future and strive to improve our team's performance."
Everyone was shocked after hearing this, and their eyes towards Jiang Yunyi were instantly filled
with admiration. They all praised her highly, especially the single male colleagues in the group,
who immediately gathered together to discuss this young and beautiful new colleague.
In response to the unanimous praise from colleagues, Jiang Yunyi still said modestly: "No, no, I
still have a lot to learn. I hope everyone can give me more advice in the future. We can learn and
improve together."
Who can resist a beautiful, kind-hearted and capable person? Jiang Yunyi instantly became the
object of worship in the group. Yu Wei seemed to notice Lin Yiran's gaze, and he pretended to
cast a proud look at her casually.
It was very lively over there, and the members of Lao Qin's team felt very uncomfortable. Some
of them even started chattering with disdain.
Chapter 142 Talking about her behind her back
But gradually, Lin Yiran fought back and played better and better, even defeating Jiang Yunyi. The
atmosphere in the venue gradually became more lively, except for Jiang Yunyi, who looked very
unhappy, but it only lasted for a moment.
She had to maintain her perfect image in front of everyone. Even if she lost miserably, Jiang Yunyi
tried hard to keep that awkward smile on her face.
A female colleague saw Lin Yiran's progress and couldn't help but praise her: "Yiran, you are so
smart. Not only did you learn it so quickly, but you also played it so well!"
"That's right, look at all of us, none of us can beat you."
"Haha," Lin Yiran smiled faintly and said modestly, "Not really, you guys are definitely better than
Jiang Yunyi felt a little uncomfortable, but couldn't get angry in front of him, so she could only
compete secretly and deliberately asked indirectly: "Yi Ran, have you played this trick before? Are
you trying to catch us off guard now?"
In order to win, she pretended not to know how to do it, so that everyone would let down their
guard against her. As a result, everyone present was killed without a single soldier left. Then
everyone praised her highly. Isn't her thinking too deep?
"Ah? No way, Yiran, you've played this before?"
Everyone also heard the hidden meaning in Jiang Yunyi's words, and they all turned their eyes to
Lin Yiran, their eyes full of doubt.
"No way, this is really my first time playing this, I'm not lying to you."
Jiang Yunyi had brought up the topic, and seeing that everyone's eyes had changed, she quickly
stepped out and pretended to be a good person: "Oh, okay, okay, everyone stop guessing, I was
just saying it casually, maybe Yiyan really is just more talented, so don't doubt her."
Lin Yiran was also helpless. She actually just suddenly understood the rules of the game, but
seeing everyone's doubtful eyes, she suddenly lost interest.
It was just a game, and she didn't understand why everyone was taking it so seriously. Seeing that
Jiang Yunyi was willing to stand up and speak for her, Lin Yiran smiled at her gratefully.
"You guys keep playing, I'm going to the bathroom."
His colleagues didn't think much about it. Lin Yiran got up, took his cell phone and went out,
feeling suddenly a little heavy.
She walked into the bathroom, washed her face with cold water, and then looked at herself in the
mirror. Perhaps because of the alcohol, a slight blush appeared on her fair skin, which made her
look quite charming.
The bathroom was empty, so Lin Yiran took out her phone and took a picture of herself in the
mirror. She opened WeChat and Huo Jinlin's chat box and clicked send without hesitation.
Less than a minute after the picture was sent, Huo Jinlin called. Lin Yiran pressed the answer
button with a little impatience: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"
Perhaps because she had been drinking, she became a little impatient, but her voice sounded full
of temptation. Huo Jinlin immediately heard something strange and asked nervously, "Have you
been drinking?"
"Yeah, I drank a little bit," Lin Yiran nodded at the mirror. As if she was afraid that he wouldn't
believe her, she said very confidently, "I really only drank a little bit."
Huo Jinlin hesitated for two seconds, and said with a barely perceptible anger: "Yi Ran, you've
been drinking, so you should come back early. Those places are not safe."
In fact, with Lao Qin around, Huo Jinlin knew that he would definitely send Lin Yiran back, but
when he thought of Lin Yiran's slightly drunk look, he felt full of temptation, and he didn't like
other men seeing her like this, even for a glance.
Unexpectedly, Lin Yiran grumbled in dissatisfaction: "Why is it unsafe? I know you just don't want
me to play with my colleagues."
She yelled angrily and hung up the phone without waiting for Huo Jinlin to react. Hearing the
busy tone coming from the phone, Huo Jinlin's face instantly turned as dark as Bao Gong.
He threw his phone on the coffee table, sat down heavily on the sofa, and rubbed his eyebrows
Seeing him lose his temper, Song Yuwan asked in confusion: "What's wrong? What happened?"
Huo Jinlin pursed his lips tightly, too angry to speak.
"Did you quarrel with Yiran?" Seeing this, Song Yuwan knew without thinking that it must be
because of Lin Yiran. She advised: "Everyone has their own social circle. Since you let Yiran go out
to work, you should give her a certain amount of private space and an opportunity to develop her
career. Yiran is not an ignorant person. She will know her limits. Don't worry."
That was true, but when Huo Jinlin thought of Lin Yiran's drunken appearance, he got angry for
no reason and said angrily, "It's okay for her to go out and play, but why is she drinking for no
Although Song Yuwan didn't quite agree with girls drinking, she was always reasonable and knew
that some things were unavoidable in the workplace: "Jinlin, we are all colleagues in the same
department, it's okay to drink a little. Besides, Yiran just got there today, so she probably didn't
want people to think she was unsociable or putting on airs, so she drank out of helplessness."
After all, she has a special status, so no one would dare to urge her to drink. But based on Song
Yuwan's understanding of her, Lin Yiran must be afraid that others would think she is acting like
the president's wife, so she made an exception and wanted to mingle with everyone.
Dabao also understood the meaning of their conversation and couldn't help but lecture Huo Jinlin
like a little adult: "Dad, Mom doesn't go out to play often, and you go out for social events every
other day. Why does she need your permission to go out to play occasionally?"
The child's question left Huo Jinlin speechless. Xiaobao also grumbled in dissatisfaction, "Mom is
also a free person. Dad, don't control her like you control us. How uncomfortable would that
make her?"
Huo Jinlin: “…”
Song Yuwan couldn't help but burst out laughing when listening to the two children's scolding.
She never expected that Huo Jinlin would be taught a lesson by the two children one day, and
they spoke so convincingly that even she didn't know how to refute them.
At the same time, Lin Yiran leaned against the wall outside the bathroom for a while, still feeling
a little dizzy, but the cold wind outside made him feel a lot more energetic, and then he turned
around and returned to the box.
Unexpectedly, as soon as she reached the door, she heard two colleagues sitting near the box
door discussing her. Lin Yiran's hand that was pushing the door paused, and she stood stiffly in
"I told you, but you still don't believe me. These rich people are so hypocritical. In order to
establish a good image for themselves, they even condescend to work as a clerk in the company."
"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that when she revealed her identity in the live broadcast
before, I felt that she was quite nice, but I didn't expect that she would be this kind of person."

Chapter 143: In Full Swing

"Are you stupid? I tell you, you can't judge a person by his appearance. Just look at what you did
just now. You obviously know how to play that game, but you still say you can't. Aren't you really
good at pretending?"
"That's right, it's hard to imagine that she is this kind of person!"
The two people in the room were discussing enthusiastically and didn't notice Lin Yiran standing
at the door. She took a deep breath, pretended not to hear anything, and casually pushed the
door open and walked in.
When the two men saw her come in, they immediately fell silent and swallowed their words. Lin
Yiran smiled at them calmly, but she was very sad in her heart.
Sometimes it's just like this between people. No matter how hard you try, you can't get
everyone's approval. Lin Yiran suddenly felt a little tired.
Jiang Yunyi, who was sitting next to her, witnessed it all and naturally knew why Lin Yiran was
unhappy. She patted her shoulder gently and pretended to comfort her, "Don't be sad. I saw what
happened just now. They just said that because they don't understand everything about you.
Don't bother with them."
Her "consideration" made Lin Yiran feel warm in her heart. She nodded and said, "I'm fine. Thank
you, Miss Jiang."
"Well, it's okay," Jiang Yunyi smiled friendly and said gently, "Don't keep calling me Miss Jiang, it's
weird, just call me Yunyi!"
After the two of them spent a day together, Lin was still confused by Jiang Yunyi's appearance
and always felt that she was not as annoying as he had imagined.
As night fell, Lin Yiran had been feeling uneasy ever since she heard her colleagues' discussions,
and she had lost interest in playing games. She found an excuse and left. Due to her special
status, no one dared to stop her.
Seeing that she was not in good condition, Lao Qin chased after her with some concern and
called her from behind: "Yi Ran, how are you? Let me take you home!"
"It's okay," Lin Yiran stopped, looked back at him and said, "Go back, they are all waiting for you,
don't let them down, I'll call the driver at home to pick me up."
Hearing her say this, Lao Qin did not insist. After all, it was a department dinner, and it would be
inappropriate if he left early.
Lin Yiran was still angry about what Huo Jinlin had just said. After she came out, she did not call
Xiao Song. Instead, she found a car on the side of the road in a fit of anger.
Jiang Yunyi noticed Lao Qin taking his seat, and waited for a few minutes but still didn't see Lin
Yiran come back. After confirming that she had really gone home, she quietly moved to the side
and got closer to the two colleagues who had just said bad things about Lin Yiran.
"Did you two just say something bad about the president's wife? I saw her standing at the door
for a while after she came back from the bathroom, and she kept looking at you after she came
"Ah?" One of the female colleagues looked at her in disbelief and said nervously, "What should
we do? Will she make things difficult for us and ask CEO Huo to fire us?"
Jiang Yunyi shook her head and said firmly, "That shouldn't happen. But you should be more
careful in the future. I'm afraid she will cause you other troubles."
Another colleague was a little annoyed: "We just said it casually just now, but we didn't expect
that she would hear it. Oh, our future life will be miserable."
"Oh, it's okay, it's okay. We didn't say anything too extreme just now. She wants to maintain her
own image, so she probably won't do anything to us."
Things have already happened, and the two of them have no other way except to comfort
themselves in this way. Jiang Yunyi achieved her goal, and a meaningful smile appeared on the
corner of her mouth.
Lin Yiran was drunk and in a daze, so she got off the car at an intersection early. When the cold
wind blew, she realized she had got off at the wrong place. The taxi had already sped away,
leaving her alone in the wind.
With no other choice, she had to walk towards Nanlinyuan in her several-centimeter-high heels,
taking one deep step and one shallow step.
“Woof woof woof…”
When she was almost at the door of her house, a stray dog suddenly jumped out from the side of
the road and barked at her like crazy. Lin Yiran was caught off guard and was frightened.
"Hey, what are you doing? You scared me, are you crazy?"
The dog naturally didn't understand her language, but looking at her ferocious expression, the
little animal knew that Lin Yiran was scolding it, so instead of stopping, it raised its voice and
barked at Lin Yiran.
This really pissed Lin Yiran off. Under the intoxication of alcohol, she began to argue with the dog
in a confused state, with her hands on her hips, cursing: "Even you look down on me, and you yell
at me, what gives you the right to bully me, what gives you the right?"
She thought of her colleague's words and felt very upset. She started to yell at the dog with tears
in her eyes. Her voice was so loud that Zhang Ying, who was taking out the trash from the Huo
family, noticed her. She quickly ran back and told Huo Jinlin about this.
After listening to Zhang Ying's description, Huo Jinlin walked out with a dark face and big strides.
Lin Yiran was already tired of scolding and was now sitting on the side of the road with his knees
hugged to rest.
Seeing a pair of black high-end leather shoes appear in his sight, Lin Yiran looked along the
straight suit pants and met Huo Jinlin's ink-black eyes.
Looking at her pitiful little eyes, Huo Jinlin no longer had the heart to scold her. The anger in his
heart had long since disappeared. He sighed, bent down, picked her up and walked into the
The sudden feeling of weightlessness made Lin Yiran subconsciously hug Huo Jinlin's neck.
Looking at the handsome face in front of her, Lin Yiran suddenly felt warm in her heart.
This sweet scene of the two happened to be seen by Jiang Yunyi who had just returned from a
party. She stood there angrily, clenching her fingers, feeling both envious and jealous.
Lin Yiran was hanging upside down on Huo Jinlin like a well-behaved child at this moment, and
she kept mumbling, "I obviously don't know how to play that game, but they insisted that I could.
They also said that I went to work in the company just to establish a persona. How could I do
that? I obviously worked very hard, but they actually said that I relied on your relationship. It's
really too much..."
She kept talking about what happened at the banquet. She was very sad about her colleagues
gossiping about her behind her back. Feeling the wetness and heat on her chest, Huo Jinlin felt
distressed and his hands around her tightened unconsciously.
"If you feel unhappy, then don't go, just stay at home!"
Originally, Huo Jinlin didn't want her to go to the company. He had seen a lot of intrigues in the
business world, and Lin Yiren's simple personality would definitely not be able to adapt to it, and
it was impossible for him to take care of her everywhere.
Unexpectedly, although Lin Yiran was drunk, she became sober as soon as Huo Jinlin mentioned
work. She shook her head and said firmly, "Impossible. I won't be defeated by this."

Chapter 144 Jealousy

Knowing that she was always stubborn and now she was drunk, Huo Jinlin didn't say anything
more to her. He said lovingly, "Okay, okay, whatever you want is up to you. As long as you are
happy, that's all."
But Lin Yiran immediately leaned her head on his shoulder again and muttered in a muffled voice:
"But I feel uncomfortable again. I keep thinking about the bad things they said about me behind
my back."
She always naively thought that her sincerity would be rewarded with the same treatment from
others, but who knew that she was just overthinking. No matter how well she did, others would
never truly look at her as an equal.
Huo Jinlin felt a little distressed, and he kissed her gently on her red lips, and comforted her: "It's
okay, don't be unhappy, just think that they are jealous of you, don't let those bad things affect
your mood."
Lin Yiran obediently nodded her head like a chick pecking at rice. Huo Jinlin thought she was so
adorable. The way she pouted and acted coquettishly under the influence of alcohol was an
irresistible temptation to Huo Jinlin.
The big bed in the room shook slightly, and Lin Yiran was brought back to her senses by the cold
touch on her body. The two of them were already lying on the bed in a strange posture.
Her eyes were a little blurry, and she looked at Huo Jinlin as ignorantly as a newborn baby: "What
are you doing? Don't bully me!"
"Still, I love you."
"Well, let me go..."
Huo Jinlin swallowed her voice, leaned forward and expressed his love with actions.
A shameful sound escaped from Lin Yiran's mouth. The two of them were entangled in a
passionate way and it took a long time for them to stop. The air was filled with the scent of love.
The result of the hangover was that Lin Yiran woke up with a splitting headache the next
morning. However, what was even more terrifying was that she felt sore all over her body, which
reminded her of the madness of the two of them last night.
Huo Jinlin on the side looked at her leisurely, mentally prepared to be scolded, and stared at her
with ambiguous eyes.
Lin Yiran was furious and her eyes shot out coldly like sharp swords, but Huo Jinlin did not get
angry but laughed instead, and the rage in her heart deepened.
"You are the culprit, how dare you laugh?"
She picked up a pillow and threw it at him, but the force she used was like playing house and
there was no lethality at all.
Huo Jinlin grabbed the pillow and said jokingly, "Why can't I laugh when I'm happy? Besides,
what I'm doing is legal. Why do you act like an underground party member?"
As the two of them spent more time together, Huo Jinlin became more and more outspoken,
daring to say anything when no one was around. Apart from blushing and scolding him a few
words without any effect, Lin still had no other tricks.
The eye contact between the young couple seemed like flirting to Jiang Yunyi, and she was
extremely envious. However, as all the people from the Huo family were present, she could only
eat in silence. However, her clenched fist in her left hand showed her unwillingness.
Song Yuwan, who is like a spirit, only took one glance and realized something was wrong. This
little bitch must be planning something secretly. If she continues to stay in the Huo family, I'm
afraid there will be a bigger commotion.
She put down the spoon in her hand and said with a serious expression: "Ms. Jiang, after much
thought, I still think we can buy you a smaller apartment nearby. This will be more convenient for
As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned. Jiang Yunyi immediately asked in
horror: "Madam, I'm sorry, did I do something wrong to make you hate me or even drive me
Lin Yiran had a good impression of Jiang Yunyi yesterday, and was a little surprised when Song
Yuwan said that. He was about to ask why, but Huo Jinlin saw her intention and directly held
down her hand to signal her not to speak.
When Dabao and Xiaobao heard that their biological mommy was going to be driven away, they
were terrified and begged for mercy: "Grandma, we just reunited with mommy, please don't
drive mommy away, don't let us be separated, okay? Please."
The two children's words made Jiang Yunyi's heart ache. Tears welled up in her eyes immediately
and she touched their hair with emotion.
"Ms. Jiang, I think you misunderstood. We bought you a house so that you can have your own
private space. After all, it would be a little inconvenient for you to live with us all the time. And
the house is not far from here. The children can go there anytime they want. It won't have any
impact. Isn't that good?"
Song Yuwan's explanation left Jiang Yunyi and the two children speechless, and they were forced
to agree.
Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran looked at each other and couldn't help but sigh in their hearts that the
old ones are the wisest. Song Yuwan solved this problem that had troubled them with just one
After breakfast, Lin Yiran and Jiang Yunyi followed Huo Jinlin directly to the company. This time
she did not get off the car at an intersection in advance. Huo Jinlin drove the car directly to the
door of the company.
When some employees saw Jiang Yunyi getting out of Huo Jinlin's car, they couldn't help but start
speculating about the relationship between the three of them, and soon a heated discussion
broke out in the office.
Those employees who already disliked Jiang Yunyi became even more dissatisfied with her. It
seemed that they were more indignant with Jiang Yunyi than with Lin Yiran.
"I was wondering how a newcomer could be so capable and easily win such a big cooperation
project. It turns out that he has a backer behind him!"
"That's right. Didn't you see how proud she was yesterday? She really thinks she's so great!"
"Hey, who do you think she is? Why is she coming to work with Mr. Huo and the president's
"Do you think she is the biological mother of the two children in the president's family?"
"Oh no?"
"Why not? The president's family also happens to have two twin sons. If not, why would the
president bring her to work in the company?"
Everyone's imaginations ran wild, and after some guessing, they had already revealed Jiang
Yunyi's identity. It was not until the elevator opened with a "ding" sound and the two familiar
figures walked in that everyone stopped discussing.
Jiang Yunyi is such a smart person that she only needs to glance over and she knows that these
people in the office must be gathered together to discuss them. Jiang Yunyi doesn't care about
these gossips and even feels a little secretly happy in her heart.
The simple-minded Lin Yiran was completely unaware of all this. He even greeted his colleagues
with a smile before sitting down at his workstation, not noticing the disdain in those people's
eyes at all.
With yesterday's basic learning, Lin Yiran made rapid progress and produced a planning proposal
in one morning. Although there were many flaws in it, for Lin Yiran at his current level, being able
to achieve this was already a huge improvement.

Chapter 145 Visiting Customers

"Not bad, not bad. It is beyond my expectation that such an effect can be achieved in just two
Old Qin looked through the plan and was still happy for Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran couldn't believe his praise and even said, "Lao Qin, don't be tolerant of me just because
we are friends. If there is anything I do wrong, you must point it out to me in time so that I can
make changes as soon as possible."
She really wants to make progress and hopes to learn more knowledge, but she is not willing to
just listen to flattery.
"What are you thinking? Am I that kind of person?" Lao Qin pointed at the plan speechlessly. "I
have already marked the problematic parts for you. Do you think I would be afraid of your
identity and lie to you?"
"That's not possible," Lin Yiran stuck out her tongue mischievously and said teasingly, "With your
picky personality, you can't be that kind of person."
"That's good to know," Lao Qin retorted without any hesitation, not treating her as the
president's wife at all, and urged, "Go back and correct the places I marked for you. I'll take you
out to visit clients in the afternoon."
Lin Yiran complained bitterly, feeling panic in his heart: "Do I have to go out and fight in person so
soon? I'm not ready yet!"
Lin Yiran's scalp tingled at the thought of facing those difficult customers. She didn't want to be
dumbfounded and say nothing when sitting in front of them. That would be so embarrassing.
Old Qin was so angry at her useless appearance that he could not help but scolded her: "Look at
how cowardly you are. Now you are afraid even if I accompany you. If I let you go to the
battlefield alone in the future, it will be like going to the guillotine."
She was still a little hesitant, but Lao Qin interrupted her unceremoniously: "Don't say buts, go
back and prepare. This is the client's information, take it back and study it."
Lin Yiran wanted to say something, but seeing Lao Qin's determined expression, she swallowed
the words back. Jiang Yunyi had already placed an order yesterday, but she still didn't dare to take
the first step today. Wouldn't the gap between her and him get bigger and bigger as time went
"Okay then, I'll go back and take a look."
"Well," Lao Qin looked at his computer screen, his hands kept typing on the keyboard, and
nodded in response to Lin Yiran's words, "Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win
every battle. You should first take a good look at the information and study the client's interests
and hobbies."
Lin Yiran came out of Lao Qin's office with a bitter face and holding the documents. She
happened to run into Jiang Yunyi. Seeing her expression of being ready to die, Jiang Yunyi asked
in confusion: "What's wrong with you? Why is your expression so ugly?"
"Nothing," Lin Yiran shook her head. Suddenly, she remembered that Lao Qin said that they were
competitors, so naturally, these materials could not be shown to Jiang Yunyi. So she said lightly,
"It's just that there are big problems with the plan, and Lao Qin asked me to take it back for
Hearing that she didn't do well, Jiang Yunyi couldn't help but secretly rejoice, but on the surface
she still pretended to care and comforted Lin Yiran: "It's okay, everyone can't do well at the
beginning, just take it slowly."
Seeing her leave, Jiang Yunyi looked at her back thoughtfully. Yu Wei also came over at this time
and reminded her in a low voice: "Lao Qin is a person who never follows the ordinary path. When
you have nothing to do, you should think of ways to get more out of her, so that you can know
what their plan is!"
The workplace is like a battlefield. No one can be clean, especially in a company with fierce
competition. On the surface, everyone seems to be at peace, but in fact, there are hidden waves.
Jiang Yunyi naturally understood this truth: "I know, I will keep a close eye on them, don't worry!"
Since Lao Qin assigned her a task, Lin Yiran didn't take a break at all. She spent the whole
afternoon reading the planning proposal and client information. After lunch, she followed Lao Qin
out the door.
The two had just walked downstairs when they suddenly ran into Huo Jinlin coming out of the
president's private elevator.
Lao Qin was the first to greet: "Boss Huo, are you going out?"
"I have an appointment," Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran looked at each other before asking Lao Qin,
"Want to go out?"
"Well," Lao Qin nodded and reported honestly, "Go out and visit some clients."
Huo Jinlin was very confident in Lao Qin. He knew that Lin Yiran would definitely learn a lot by
following Lao Qin, because Lao Qin was probably the only one in the company who would teach
her seriously.
When the three of them talked about it, they realized they were going to the same place, so they
decided to just drive there in one car. Lao Qin drove Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin there.
As the saying goes, a day without seeing is like three years. Huo Jinlin missed Lin Yiran terribly
after not seeing her for a long time. At this moment, seeing that Lao Qin was concentrating on
driving, he put his big hand on Lin Yiran's soft hand and rubbed it gently. Coincidentally, Lao Qin
looked up and saw this scene in the mirror, and he quickly looked away uncomfortably.
Lin was still angry when someone saw this embarrassing scene again, but she didn't dare to say
anything. She could only use her eyes to warn Huo Jinlin to restrain herself, but the other party
gave her a arrogant look, and her hand movements were completely indifferent. reduce.
After finally arriving at their destination, the three of them were a little embarrassed, but they
were on the same page and no one mentioned it.
The three of them went in separately. Huo Jinlin made an appointment with a boss to talk in a
private room. Lin Yiran took the information and silently followed Lao Qin into another private
Because they were focused on cooperation, no one noticed that there was a camera in the corner
that quietly captured the scene.
Sitting in the box was a middle-aged man with a big belly. Perhaps he had worried too much. He
was already bald in his forties, and the few remaining hairs were almost turning gray.
Lao Qin greeted him familiarly: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."
"Manager Qin, that's not what you said. We don't talk about this between us."
Mr. Chen seemed to be easy to talk to, and Lin Yiran's tense nerves relaxed a little.
After a few pleasantries, they quickly got down to business. Lin Yiran took out her revised plan
and carefully explained it to Mr. Chen. In the end, Mr. Chen was convinced by her novel planning
concept and decided to sign a long-term contract with the Huo Group.
The cooperation was finalized, but Lin Yiran obviously didn't expect it to be so smooth. She was
so excited that her heart was about to fly out. She got up happily and went to the bathroom, but
she met someone she hated, Du Yunruo!
The conflict between them made Lin Yiran dislike her. He pretended not to know her and ignored
her, and was about to walk around her, but was suddenly stopped by Du Yunruo.

Chapter 146 Being followed

Lin Yiran didn't have a good look on her face. She looked angrily at the hand that was holding her
and asked coldly, "What do you want to do?"
Du Yunruo had been bewitched by Zeng Jiajia and really hated Lin Yiran to the core, but ever
since she went to the Huo family to apologize and Lin Yiran forgave them and stopped harping on
the Du family over this matter, she inexplicably developed a little affection for Lin Yiran.
At this moment, he couldn't help but risk his life and lowered his voice to remind her in her ear:
"Be careful, it seems that there is a tail that has not been shaken off."
When Lin Yiran heard this, she was instantly frightened. She looked around in panic and found
that someone was really following her.
She uttered two words lightly, then quickly left the bathroom and followed the man's trail.
Unexpectedly, the man was very cunning. After realizing that he was exposed, he dodged and hid
in the crowded crowd.
Just at this moment, someone came out of a large private room, and Lin Yiran was swept in
without noticing. He was squeezed by people and accidentally broke into another private room.
The door of the box was suddenly opened, and everyone was dumbfounded. They all looked
over. Lin Yiran was also completely dumbfounded. Not only did she lose the person, but she also
disrupted other people's party. How should this end?
Jiu Ye, who was sitting in the main seat, looked at the woman who suddenly broke in. He could
not suppress his anger and asked in a stern voice, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"
Jiu Ye is the boss of this club. He has managed to run this club successfully by relying on a variety
of means. His identity and background has always been a mystery, and he has frightened many
people in the industry.
Lin Yiran didn't understand all this, but the bloodthirsty look in his eyes scared her so much that
she took two steps back.
This man was too scary, like a hungry wolf with green light coming out of his eyes. Lin Yiran got
goose bumps all over his body when he saw him.
Seeing that she was so frightened that she couldn't speak, the people beside Master Jiu couldn't
help but scold her fiercely: "Tell me, who sent you? You dare not answer Master Jiu's questions. I
think you are really tired of living."
Just when Lin Yiran was scared and at a loss, she suddenly caught a glimpse of Huo Nantian sitting
in the corner. She looked at Huo Nantian for help as if she had found a life-saving straw.
Unexpectedly, the other party's face was full of dark clouds, his expression was extremely ugly,
and he asked in a cold and emotionless voice: "How did you get here? Who brought you here?"
Huo Nantian suddenly had a bad feeling. Lin Yiran suddenly appeared in such a place, so Huo
Jinlin was most likely here as well. If he was discovered by him, things would become difficult.
When Master Jiu saw Huo Nantian asking her, he was also confused: "Old Huo, do you know each
Huo Nantian was about to speak when the door of the box was suddenly pushed open again, and
Huo Jinlin's figure suddenly appeared at the door. Seeing him appear, Lin Yiran felt relieved.
The situation became even more awkward. The others recognized Huo Jinlin and looked at each
other in silence.
"I brought her here."
Huo Jinlin pulled Lin Yiran over and was about to leave with her without even saying hello to
anyone, but was suddenly stopped by Huo Nantian who came rushing over.
"Huo Jinlin, can you come and go as you please in this place?"
There was a strong smell of gunpowder between the father and son. Huo Jinlin looked at him
with a dark face and asked, "What do you want?"
In front of so many people, Lin Yiran was afraid that they would lose control and start fighting, so
he quickly reached out and pulled Huo Jinlin's sleeve: "Jinlin, if you have anything to say, go home
and talk about it. It would be bad if you start a fight in front of so many people and it gets out."
Who would have thought that this time Huo Jinlin was ready to listen to Lin Yiran and give up, but
Huo Nantian refused to give up and stopped him, saying, "Are you going to approve the
development funds for the new project?"
His overseas projects suffered heavy losses and he now had no money in his account. If he saw a
new project he wanted to invest in, he could only ask Huo Jinlin for funding.
"Give up on this idea. I won't approve this project."
Huo Jinlin read the project plan carefully and found too many loopholes in it. If Huo Nantian
invested money in it, it would be like throwing meat buns at a dog and never get any return.
However, the relationship between them was too strained and he did not say it explicitly, so Huo
Nantian always thought that he was unwilling to give him money.
The atmosphere was tense, the two men confronted each other head-on, and the situation was
somewhat out of control. Lin Yiran looked at the confrontation between father and son, and was
a little at a loss for a moment.
"Hey, Lao Huo, if you have anything to say, just say it nicely and don't get angry with the child."
Jiu Ye was a smart man. He could tell at a glance that there was discord between the father and
son. He knew that if he didn't step out to smooth things over, the situation would be out of
control today.
But I didn't expect Huo Nantian to be so stubborn that he wouldn't listen to Jiu Ye's words. He
kept reminding him stubbornly, "Huo Jinlin, I'm your father. If you don't respect me like this,
aren't you afraid of being laughed at if it gets out?"
He was extremely disappointed. He never thought that one day he would end up in such a
miserable state. Even his own son did not take him seriously.
"Oh," Huo Jinlin sneered, not giving him any face, and said sarcastically, "Have you ever respected
me? You have always been arbitrary and unwilling to listen to other people's opinions since you
were a child. Why should others listen to you now?"
After he finished speaking, Huo Nantian's entire body began to tremble uncontrollably. He was
about to start cursing in anger, but Huo Jinlin suddenly straightened his back and left.
Looking at the determined backs of the two men, Huo Nantian could do nothing but clench his
fists until his joints crackled, and watch them leave.
After coming out of the club, the air pressure around Huo Jinlin was frighteningly low, and his
face was as cold as an iceberg, freezing Lin Yiran to the point of almost suffocating.
She felt a little guilty and said carefully: "Jinlin, I'm sorry, it was because I accidentally broke into
the box that caused you to quarrel."
Huo Nantian didn't like her in the first place, so she just happened to be caught in the crossfire.
The conflict between the father and son could have been avoided today, but who would have
thought that because of her, the fuse was successfully ignited.
"It's none of your business," Huo Jinlin's expression softened a bit, "He was at fault first, it has
nothing to do with you."
If he hadn't behaved recklessly, Huo Jinlin wouldn't have wanted to ask about his affairs at all.
Regardless of whether Lin Yiran had broken in today or not, a battle between Huo Jinlin and him
was inevitable. It's just that Huo Jinlin couldn't tell Lin Yiran about the twists and turns in
However, as smart as she was, how could Lin Yiran not see it? She was just going with the flow
and wanted to give the father and son a way out.

Chapter 147#Two People's World

Seeing that he was still frowning, Lin Yiran deliberately took the responsibility on herself in order
to distract him: "Oh, okay, don't be angry, this matter is all my fault, okay?"
Since ancient times, heroes have been unable to resist the temptation of beautiful women. Lin
Yiran apologized in a tender voice, and Huo Jinlin surrendered instantly. No matter how angry he
was, it gradually subsided.
"It's indeed your fault, so how are you going to compensate me?"
Huo Jinlin's tone was a little ambiguous, and Lin Yiran naturally heard the hidden meaning. She
blushed and asked, "Then how do you want me to compensate you?"
"Girl, how about a lifetime of love?"
This time, Lin Yiran's neck turned red with shame, and she punched him shyly: "How can you say
that in broad daylight?"
Seeing her shy and cute appearance, Huo Jinlin was in a good mood and rubbed her hair lovingly:
"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Why don't you take this opportunity to go out with me
and play for a while? It seems that we have never had a world of two people before. Let's not go
back today!"
This little girl is so cute, and her pink and tender skin makes anyone want to take a bite. Huo Jinlin
feels that he likes her more and more.
"Ah? Is this not good?"
Lin Yiran was still a little hesitant, thinking that the children would be disappointed when they
came home from school and saw that they were not there, but she didn't want to spoil Huo
Jinlin's fun, so she hesitated for a moment.
"It's okay, don't worry," Huo Jinlin knew what she was worried about and comforted her, "Don't
worry too much, the children are taken care of by others, it's okay for us to not go home for a day
Anyway, before Lin Yiran went to the Huo family, Huo Jinlin only returned to Nanlinyuan once
every few days, and the two children were well taken care of by Song Yuwan.
Lin Yiran also thought the same thing as him. She nodded shyly: "Okay, I'll listen to you."
He had just had a quarrel with Huo Nantian, and he must be very angry at the moment, and if
they met again when they got home, the scene would be ugly again.
The two drove off, but Huo Jinlin went straight to the hotel. Lin Yiran thought he was just passing
by at first, until the car stopped steadily in front of the hotel and a doorman came forward to
open the door for them, she was sure that Huo Jinlin was really taking her out to get a room.
It was actually Lin Yiran's first time to come to such a high-end place. Looking at the complete
decoration and furnishings in the room, the comfortable environment made her feel very relaxed.
She actually felt a little bit of anticipation for some reason.
Looking at the flawless white bed sheets, Lin Yiran even imagined the messy wrinkles in her mind,
but Huo Jinlin just sat on the sofa beside her and even opened a bottle of red wine leisurely.
"Come and sit down, what are you doing standing there?" Huo Jinlin glanced at Lin Yiran who was
standing at the door in a daze, and immediately realized something was wrong. "Your face is so
red, is the temperature in the room too high?"
"," Lin Yiran patted her red face and explained nervously, "I'm just a little uncomfortable."
Huo Jinlin laughed, stood up and pulled her over. Lin Yin fell into his arms unexpectedly, her
heartbeat accelerating instantly.
The man's slender fingers gently slid across her face, and he said with a sinister smile: "Are you
imagining some scenes that are not suitable for children?"
His voice was bewitching, but Lin Yiran still reacted immediately and jumped up from his arms: "I
didn't, do you think everyone is like you, then..."
Lin Yiran's voice gradually became quieter, and she completely forgot the last few words.
Huo Jinlin was amused by her reaction. After being together for so long, it was the first time he
discovered that Lin Yiran was so interesting. This was so funny!
The two of them joked around for a while, and finally, seeing that Lin Yiran was really about to get
angry, Huo Jinlin let her go and stopped saying such shameless words.
He sighed deeply, his expression becoming somewhat serious: "I'm just upset and don't want to
go home. He has been like this since he was a child. That home is too depressing and makes
people feel uncomfortable."
The relationship between father and son has always been bad since Huo Jinlin could remember.
Huo Nantian's dictatorial behavior made the rebellious Huo Jinlin in his teenage years eager to
break free from his constraints, so he tried desperately to carve out a world of his own.
In this atmosphere, Huo Jinlin suddenly brought up those old stories, and Lin Yiran didn't know
how to comfort him for a moment.
The family she grew up in was very different from his, but both of them were equally miserable,
and overall, they had a similar childhood to varying degrees.
Apart from hugging him, Lin Yiran didn't know what to do.
As the two were talking, Huo Jinlin's phone suddenly rang. It was Song Yuwan calling.
"Mom, what's wrong?"
Song Yuwan's voice sounded a little worried: "Jinlin, you and Yiran haven't finished get off work
yet? Why haven't you come back so late?"
Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran looked at each other before saying, "Mom, it's okay. We're off work. Yiran
and I won't be back tonight. Please take care of the kids and let them go to bed early. We still
have to study tomorrow morning!"
Lin Yiran still felt a little uneasy, but unexpectedly Song Yuwan's hearty laughter came from the
phone: "Okay, okay, have fun. Don't worry, I will take good care of the children."
Even through the phone screen, Lin Yiran could still feel her grinning from ear to ear. Before she
had time to think about it, the voices of several children came through the phone.
"Mom and Dad, don't worry, we will be good."
"That's right, we will listen to grandma and won't make any trouble."
The call was quickly hung up, and Lin Yiran instantly understood their intentions. She looked at
Huo Jinlin beside her with a helpless look.
Several people in Nanlinyuan were so excited that they almost jumped up. Jiang Yunyi was filled
with envy as she watched Dabao and Xiaobao trying their best to bring Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran
Song Yuwan was puzzled. She couldn't help but whispered, "Why don't they come back for no
reason? They have never stayed out all night before!"
Although Huo Jinlin had been away from home before, she knew Lin Yiran well. If there was
nothing special, she would definitely come back.
Just when she was puzzled, Huo Nantian suddenly called. Looking at the string of numbers on the
phone screen, Song Yuwan's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees. She pressed the answer
button and asked unhappily, "Why, you're not going home either?"
Huo Nantian was already full of anger, and when he heard her say this, his rage deepened.

Chapter 148: Great Merit

Lin Yiran felt warm in her heart and chatted with Lao Qin for a few more words before walking
out. As a result, as soon as she returned to her workstation, a group of colleagues surrounded
"Yi Ran, I heard that you won the project yesterday. How is it? You have made a great
contribution just after arriving. Are you happy?"
"Exactly. You are really amazing. You know nothing, but you managed to negotiate the contract in
just one day."
"You have a high level of comprehension and learn things very quickly. We old employees have to
feel inferior to you."
Everyone was talking at once, and Lin Yiran felt a little embarrassed. She shook her head in
shame and said, "Thank you for the compliment. This is the result of our joint efforts. How about
this, I'll buy you all some coffee, okay?"
As soon as these words were spoken, everyone cheered excitedly, and Lin Yiran's popularity in
this small team was refreshed again.
Everything in the office was as usual. The delivery guy soon came up with a basket of coffee. Lin
Yiran gave everyone a cup. After receiving the coffee and expressing his gratitude, everyone
returned to their workstations.
Since Lin Yiran and Jiang Yunyi both signed the order at the same time, the top leaders
unanimously decided to let the two of them go around the factory first to take a look at the
product delivery issues so that they could arrange priority delivery.
When Lao Qin saw the work notice, he called Lin Yiran over with some concern: "How is it, is this
thing going to work? If not, I'll go and tell the leader in person."
He didn't question Lin Yiran's work ability, but he was a little worried about the poor external
conditions at the factory. He didn't know whether she could cope with it. Moreover, if Huo Jinlin
knew that she was sent to such a place, he didn't know whether he would be beaten to death!
Unexpectedly, Lin Yiran patted his chest and said confidently: "Don't look down on me, this is not
difficult, I promise to complete the task for you well."
"Don't be so stubborn, I can talk about it easily."
Lao Qin was still a little worried.
"It's okay," Lin Yiran smiled and consoled, "You may have forgotten that our fried chicken shop
used to go to those raw material factories frequently, right? The conditions there were much
more difficult than these."
Seeing that Lao Qin's brows were wrinkled like a caterpillar, Lin Yiran didn't know whether to
laugh or cry. She did a lot of ideological work on him before following Jiang Yunyi out the door.
Jiang Yunyi felt sad. Everyone protected Lin Yiran everywhere, but no matter what she did, she
didn't get any concern from anyone, especially the people from the Huo family.
She remembered that the two of them did not return home last night, and could not help but ask
carefully: "Yi Ran, what happened to you last night, where did you stay?"
Lin Yiran was simple-minded. Even though she knew that Song Yuwan and the others didn't like
Jiang Yunyi, she still told her everything that happened last night.
She sighed and said, "Jinlin lacked fatherly love since he was a child. In fact, he is very lonely. I
really regret not meeting him earlier."
She had always been soft-hearted and felt sorry for Huo Jinlin. It was not until now that she was
completely sure of her feelings for Huo Jinlin.
Looking at Jiang Yunyi who was alone, she couldn't help but ask curiously, "Yunyi, do you and
Dabao's father also have a beautiful love story?"
In fact, sometimes she feels sorry for Jiang Yunyi. If that man were still alive, their family of four
should be living a very happy life now.
But eight out of ten things in this world are not as we wish, so who can say for sure?
Jiang Yunyi's thoughts went back to the past. Her eyes were a little moist. Finally, she sighed
softly and shook her head, saying, "There is nothing to say between him and me. It's all in the
Lin Yiran slapped her mouth awkwardly, feeling a little regretful. The person had obviously passed
away, but she still brought it up on purpose. This was like rubbing salt into her wounds!
The two of them arrived at the factory in silence. Upon learning that they were coming, the
factory manager was notified early in the morning and sent two skilled old employees to receive
"How is the production progress?"
Once the cooperation is signed, the goods must be delivered on time, otherwise there will be a
penalty for breach of contract. That is why the company asks people to work overtime, just to
deliver the goods to the partner as soon as possible.
Jiang Yunyi and Lin Yiran came here for this matter. She looked around the factory as she walked,
and only felt relieved when she saw that there was nothing unusual.
Seeing Jiang Yunyi's proficiency in the job, the old employees were a little nervous, fearing that
they would be found to have some faults, so both of them were respectful in their attitudes.
"Ms. Jiang, don't worry. We have added more people to work day and night. I believe it will be
completed before the delivery date."
"Ah That's good."
Jiang Yunyi nodded in satisfaction, and the few of them continued to move forward. Since it was
Lin Yiran's first time in such a place, there were many things she didn't understand, so she asked
a few more questions.
However, seeing that Lin was still asking questions everywhere, it was obvious that she knew
nothing about the production procedures of these factories. Therefore, the two guys who looked
down on her spoke to her in a rather unfriendly tone, and did not even want to pay attention to
her. Their attitude and tone were obviously perfunctory.
Jiang Yunyi, who was walking in front, saw this scene and finally curled her lips in satisfaction, but
did not speak for Lin Yiran.
If it were anyone else, they would have been furious, but Lin Yiran remained silent and didn't take
their words to heart.
After the inspection of the assembly line, all production was proceeding in an orderly manner,
and several people began to prepare to arrange the shipment. However, due to the large volume
of cargo orders, the workers were now in a dilemma and the situation was a bit stiff for a while.
Just when Lin Yiran was having a headache, Jiang Yunyi's phone suddenly vibrated twice. She took
it out and looked at it, frowning slightly, and then said to Lin Yiran: "Yiran, I have something to do
and need to leave first. Let's come back in a few days. Anyway, there are not so many goods now,
and we have to give them some time to prepare."
Lin Yiran couldn't handle this matter alone, so she had no choice but to say, "Okay, let's go back
The two staff members breathed a sigh of relief and respectfully escorted them to the door.
"You guys go back and do your work. I'll contact you in advance next time we come over."
"Okay, okay."
Seeing Jiang Yunyi's skilled appearance, Lin Yiran couldn't help but sigh: "Yunyi, you are really
amazing. I have never dealt with such a thing before. I am completely confused."
"It's okay," Jiang Yunyi smiled faintly and comforted him, "You'll get used to it after a while. It's
always like this at the beginning. Don't be afraid."
The two of them came out of the factory talking and laughing. Suddenly, Jiang Yunyi's sight
caught sight of someone not far ahead. She panicked and hid behind a telephone pole.

Chapter 149 Lying

"What’s wrong with you?"
Lin Yiran looked ahead in surprise, but there was nothing there. However, she saw Jiang Yunyi's
panicked expression, as if she had seen something terrifying, so she hid behind the telephone
“Ah… no, no,” Jiang Yunyi panicked for the first time in front of Lin Yiran. She looked ahead as if
frightened, then breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Nothing, let’s go!”
Lin Yiran looked again and confirmed that there was nothing unusual ahead. Although she was
confused, she still followed Jiang Yunyi back.
But what she was sure of was that Jiang Yunyi had lied. Her evasive look just now definitely
showed that she was hiding something from her. However, that was her private life after all, and
Lin Yiran would not rashly expose her.
The two walked back to the company. It was almost twelve o'clock. Jiang Yunyi looked at the
watch and said to Lin Yiran, "Yiran, it's almost twelve o'clock. You go find Mr. Huo first. I'll go
directly to eat and won't go up."
"Okay, then you go first!"
As the two were talking, before Jiang Yunyi pushed the door open, she saw a woman standing at
the front desk talking to the employees. She looked closely and saw that the back figure looked
so much like Lin Yutian.
Her heart instantly rose to her throat, and she nervously hid at the door, not daring to go in.
Lin Yiran was puzzled. Jiang Yunyi was really strange today. She looked at the front desk, then
looked at her, and asked in confusion: "What's wrong with you? Do you know that girl?"
Just now on the street, Lin Yiran seemed to see this girl. Could it be that Jiang Yunyi was really
avoiding her and that was why she was acting so strangely?
“No… I don’t know him,” Jiang Yunyi waved her hands hurriedly, hesitating, “You… go up first, I’m
going to eat.”
After saying that, she left in a hurry. Lin Yiran looked at her thoughtfully before stepping in. She
happened to hear the girl mentioning the Human Resources Department to the front desk staff.
She thought she was here for an interview.
She didn't think much about it. After running for the whole morning, her stomach was already
growling. Lin Yiran took the elevator and went straight to Huo Jinlin's office. Sure enough, the
coffee table was already filled with delicious food.
She sat there without any image at all, mumbling, "I went out for a run all morning today, and I'm
so hungry that I don't have any strength left now."
Now that time has passed, she is no longer restrained in front of Huo Jinlin, and she no longer
feels nervous as before when they are alone.
Huo Jinlin put down the pen in his hand, walked over with a doting smile and said, "Then hurry
up and eat, these are all your favorites."
"Well, I'll eat first!"
Lin Yiran was already starving, and could not resist the temptation of delicious food. She didn't
care about Huo Jinlin and just started to eat.
Seeing her wolfing down the food, Huo Jinlin felt both amused and distressed. He took out a
tissue and gently wiped the corners of her mouth: "Eat slowly, no one is going to snatch it from
After hearing what he said, Lin Yiran felt a little embarrassed. He slowed down his eating and said
a little embarrassedly: "I'm just too hungry. I went to the factory with Jiang Yunyi in the morning
and worked all morning."
"How is it, are you adapting to the new job?" Huo Jinlin asked with concern: "You just got here,
and you really need to learn a lot of things, but if you feel you can't adapt, ask Lao Qin to help
you reduce the workload, don't be too tired."
She had never done this before, so Huo Jinlin was worried that she might not be able to handle
such high-intensity work, but he couldn't intervene directly for fear of causing gossip among
company employees.
"It's okay," Lin Yiran waved his hands while eating. "I'm just talking to you, but it's okay. This little
job won't be difficult for me."
Lao Qin knew her identity and was already taking extra care of her. Besides, the workload was not
that heavy. If she continued to be pretentious, it would seem a bit hypocritical.
However, when talking about going out, Lin Yiran suddenly remembered Jiang Yunyi's strange
behavior in the morning. She murmured in confusion: "Jinlin, how much do you know about Jiang
Yunyi? When we went out today, she seemed to see an acquaintance, but her face was panicked.
I don't know what happened."
In fact, it seemed that she had a hard time living alone. Lin Yiran was always kind-hearted and
sympathetic towards her, so she couldn't help but mention her in front of Huo Jinlin.
But when Huo Jinlin heard the name Jiang Yunyi, his handsome face instantly became long, and
his tone was a little cold: "Don't worry about her affairs. She will tell you if there is anything. If
she doesn't say it herself, then we shouldn't care about her affairs."
Lin Yiran wanted to say that after all, she was the mother of Dabao and Xiaobao. If she really
wanted to take the two children away in the future, they had to understand these things clearly
in advance!
But seeing Huo Jinlin's unhappy expression and knowing that he didn't like her mentioning this
matter, Lin Yiran swallowed back everything she wanted to say.
At the same time, Jiang Yunyi, who had separated from Lin Yiran, did not go to eat immediately,
but secretly followed Lin Yutian and saw her go to the personnel office.
Jiang Yunyi was startled and stood in the corner for about ten minutes before she saw Lin Yutian
walking out with a spirited look on his face. She was startled and immediately had a bad feeling.
Sure enough, after confirming that Lin Yutian had taken the elevator downstairs, Jiang Yunyi
pretended to be calm and walked into the personnel office. Although the two had not met each
other before, Jiang Yunyi had already thought of an excuse.
"Hello, I'm Jiang Yunyi, a new member of the project department. I have a colleague who wants
to apply for a job, so he asked me to help check if our company is still hiring."
The HR employee was also stunned, but although Jiang Yunyi had only been there for a few days,
she had already shown her talent and was well-known throughout the company.
"Oh, we are hiring. Yes, a candidate just left. I have to give this resume to the manager for review
to see if it meets the requirements."
"Really?" Jiang Yunyi picked up the resume nonchalantly. It was indeed Lin Yutian's. But in order
not to reveal any clues, she still pretended to smile and said, "Then I'll tell my friend and ask her
to send in her resume first!"
"Okay, let her submit her resume."
She had only been in the company for a few days, but she was already doing very well. The HR
staff were afraid that she would ask for a backdoor to bring in her friends, but when they saw
Jiang Yunyi take the initiative to ask her friends to submit resumes, they breathed a sigh of relief.
Jiang Yunyi put Lin Yutian's resume down, then pretended to frown and said, "I don't think this
person is suitable for our company. You should reject him!"

Chapter 150 Interview Rejected

As she spoke, she took out a thick red envelope from her pocket and put it into the man's palm.
The HR employee was also a smart man. He glanced at Jiang Yunyi, shook the weight of the red
envelope, and then quietly put it into his pocket.
"Don't worry, our company won't accept people like this. I'll call her now and tell her to go
somewhere else as soon as possible."
Everyone is here to make money, no one would go against money. She is not a fool, she is just
someone who came to the company for an interview, she still has the right to make the decision.
Seeing that the matter was settled, Jiang Yunyi was afraid of being seen by others, so she
hurriedly exchanged a few words with her and hurried out of the HR office.
She touched her hungry stomach and walked towards the restaurant in a good mood.
Before Lin Yutian even walked downstairs to the company, she received a call from the Human
Resources Department. She was overjoyed and thought she had gotten an interview opportunity,
but unexpectedly, it was a bucket of cold water poured over her head from head to toe. She
murmured in disbelief: "How could I fail? I was so satisfied just now!"
For others, this was just a small interview, but for her, it was a bolt from the blue.
Lin Yutian walked on the street in a daze, like a walking corpse. She had tried every possible
means and was now alone. How could she survive?
As she was walking on the road, Lin Yutian suddenly saw a cake shop nearby. She was overjoyed,
and she adjusted her appearance in front of the glass window, forced a slightly forced smile, and
then walked in.
"Hello, are you hiring here? I saw a job posting on the door."
The boss was busy at the moment, and glanced at her impatiently: "No need to look for her
anymore, we have enough people here now."
Lin Yutian's expression was a little lost. After two seconds of silence, she humbly pleaded, "Boss, I
can take a little less salary. I really need a job. Please let me stay, okay?"
Seeing her say that, the profit-seeking boss immediately stopped what he was doing, looked at
her carefully, and then said with embarrassment: "Let me think about this matter!"
Lin Yiran, who was working on a plan in the office, happened to come down to buy some things.
She stopped here to buy a cake and happened to hear the conversation between Lin Yutian and
the boss. She knew that the boss was exploiting Lin Yutian and wanted to keep her here with the
lowest salary.
She frowned slightly, thinking about how she had encountered many setbacks when looking for a
job before. If Guo Nuan hadn't been kind enough to take her in at the fried chicken shop, Lin
Yiran didn't know how she would have survived.
When Lin Yutian came out of the cake shop, Lin Yiran took the initiative to greet her and asked
with some concern: "Girl, are you willing to work in a fried chicken shop? I can find you a job. The
salary will definitely be higher than here."
"No." I thought Lin Yutian would be very happy, but unexpectedly she shook her head and
refused, "Sister, thank you for your kindness, but I just want to find a job nearby."
Lin Yiran was puzzled. There were office buildings all around here, and small restaurants like this
usually had very low wages. She asked in disbelief, "Why? Don't you believe me? Don't get me
wrong, I just want to help you, I don't mean anything else."
Although the fried chicken shop is a little far away, I have already told you the address clearly, so
there shouldn't be any concerns, right?
Unexpectedly, Lin Yutian shook his head firmly: "Thank you for your kindness, but I am only
looking for a job in this area. If there are any better jobs nearby, you can tell me."
“Why only around here?”
Lin Yiran couldn't understand why someone would make such requests if the purpose was to find
a job. Isn't it most important to have the right job?
Lin Yutian obviously didn't know the current situation of the person she was looking for, but
when she heard Lin Yiran say this, hope immediately rose in her eyes, and she asked: "Sister, do
you know if there is a single mother with two children nearby? She should be working nearby."
Lin Yiran shook her head and said awkwardly, "I just started working here too."
But even if there is one, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. How long will it take to
find it? "
But this is someone else's business after all. Lin Yiran is now confused by the plan and has no
time to pay attention to these things for the time being.
She had no idea what to do, but Jiang Yunyi completed the task quickly. Seeing Lin Yiran frowning,
she couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Yiran, do you need help?"
Lin Yiran thought about what happened in the morning and the little girl she saw downstairs. She
felt something strange in her heart and became a little unfamiliar with Jiang Yunyi.
"It's okay. This is my job. I'll do it."
As the two of them were talking, Yu Wei came out of the office with the plan that Jiang Yunyi had
just submitted in his hand.
"Jiang Yunyi, I have to say that you are really capable. Not only did you complete this plan in just
half a day, but you also completed it so well."
After being praised by him, Jiang Yunyi just smiled faintly: "Leader, you are too kind. I still have a
lot to learn."
Yu Wei turned to look at Lin Yiran and asked with pretended concern, "Lin Yiran, you and Jiang
Yunyi did this together. When will your copy be available?"
Although what he said was extremely obscure, Lin Yiran still knew that he came here deliberately
to suppress her, and she said without showing any weakness: "Manager Yu, don't worry, I have an
idea now, and I will be able to come out tomorrow at the latest."
A few people were talking and laughing when there was a sudden commotion coming from the
finance office outside. During the quarrel, Lin Yiran seemed to hear Huo Nantian's voice. A few
people walked out in confusion.
Lin Yiran took a closer look and saw that the troublemaker was indeed Huo Nantian. He pointed
at the girl in the finance office and said sternly, "I'm asking you one last time, can you transfer the
money to me today?"
Although the girl in the finance office was trembling with fear at his behavior, she still shrank her
neck and said, "Boss Huo, my words really don't count in this matter. Our finance department
must follow the rules and regulations. You have the guts to not even sign or stamp the document,
so how dare I debit your account?"
Huo Nantian was now completely furious. He threw all the things on the table in the finance
office to the ground and started to lose his temper. The employees who were watching the
excitement around him were so scared that they couldn't help but take two steps back.

Chapter 151 Thunder Rage

"I have worked hard for decades to build up the Huo Group, but I didn't expect that it would
breed a bunch of parasites like you. Now I can't even have a say in the company."
He pointed at the girl in finance with an extremely cold tone, as if he wanted to dig two holes in
her body.
When everyone in the project department heard the noise, they all ran over to check the
situation. Lin Yiran was among them. Seeing that something was wrong, she was about to take
out her cell phone to call Huo Jinlin, but she saw a pair of long, straight legs appear in front of
The situation was urgent. Huo Jinlin glanced at her calmly and walked straight to Huo Nantian.
The father and son looked at each other, and a silent war was about to break out.
"What on earth are you going to do?"
In the past, Huo Jinlin only thought that Huo Nantian was very stubborn, but he didn't expect
that he would become even worse and more unreasonable. He made a lot of noise in the
company like this. How was he different from those people who had no manners at all?
Seeing his son looking at him with disappointment, Huo Nantian's anger grew even more intense.
He deliberately slandered Huo Jinlin in front of everyone, saying, "Huo Jinlin, don't think that you
can disrespect me just because you are the company's president. I am your father, and I built this
company. If you don't want to, I can take back everything you have at any time."
The thing he regretted most now was handing the company over to Huo Jinlin so early, which
resulted in him having no say in the company at all.
What Huo Jinlin was most reluctant to do since he was a child was to have his achievements
linked to Huo Nantian. His face instantly turned cold, and he asked unhappily, "What
qualifications do you have to make a fuss in the company? You never reflect on your own
problems, and always just know how to push the responsibility onto others."
If he hadn't made a mistake in judgment, would the overseas project have suffered such a serious
loss? Huo Jinlin also knew that family disgrace should not be made public, so he did not bring this
matter up in front of everyone in the company.
But unexpectedly, Huo Nantian was not only ungrateful, but also blamed Huo Jinlin even more:
"Huo Jinlin, why do you look down on me? If it weren't for me, how could you be where you are
The two of them were on edge, and the atmosphere was tense and out of control. The hearts of
the onlookers were in their throats, but no one dared to step forward to persuade them.
Finally, it was Director Cao of the company who couldn't stand it anymore, so he stepped forward
to speak for Huo Jinlin and persuaded Huo Nantian, "Old Huo, you are also a veteran of the
company, and President Huo is doing this for your own good. The father and son should go home
and talk about what's going on. Don't make a fool of yourself in front of so many people."
"Humph," Huo Nantian snorted coldly and retorted unhappily, "This is my fault. He wanted to
make a fool of himself. This is not my fault. I just asked the finance department to transfer some
money to me, but he stopped me. Isn't it obvious that he doesn't take me seriously?"
What actually made him most angry was that no one in the company paid any attention to him
when he spoke. Everyone only listened to Huo Jinlin and did not take him seriously at all.
Director Cao had no choice but to speak frankly: "Old Huo, I'm telling you the truth. Don't you
really know the reason? Why do people in the company avoid you? Because you have been
stubborn many times before, causing the company to suffer heavy losses repeatedly. Now you
are unpopular and have lost your reputation in the company, so everyone treats you like this."
He subconsciously lowered his voice, but many people in the company still heard it. Everyone
looked at each other, and no one dared to speak.
Huo Nantian felt embarrassed and angrily argued: "I have explained everything before. It was just
a mistake. I didn't do it on purpose."
He was a man who had dominated the business world for decades, but now he was accused of
talking nonsense in public. Naturally, he felt embarrassed and yelled at Director Cao on the spot:
"Also, this is a matter between me and my son. You, an outsider, don't need to butt in on it."
As soon as these words came out, everyone froze for a moment. Director Cao also felt very
embarrassed. Huo Jinlin stepped forward at the right time and accused him, "Uncle Cao is doing
this for your own good. Look at what you are saying. I really don't understand why you have
become like this now."
Although Huo Nantian was often away from home since he was a child, in Huo Jinlin's eyes, his
father was still a very capable person worthy of his admiration. But since when did he become
this disgusting person?
Fortunately, Director Cao was not the kind of petty person. He quickly stepped forward and
grabbed Huo Jinlin, patiently asking, "Old Huo, what happened to you? Why do you suddenly
need such a large sum of money? Business is not easy to do now. If you have any ideas that you
don't want to tell us, you can talk to Jinlin in private. He is a good kid and very outstanding."
Unexpectedly, under their repeated questioning, Huo Nantian actually said slowly: "It's nothing, a
friend just told me that there is a Rose Harbor project, which can only be obtained by large
companies with strong strength. This project has good prospects, and I want to give it a try."
When these words were spoken, Director Cao and Huo Jinlin were shocked. They looked at each
other and cast strange glances at Huo Nantian.
The Rose Harbor project is now the largest project in the city. Many eyes are watching it. In order
to build the best and most luxurious entertainment venue in the city, many groups are trying to
make Rose Harbor into the future economic and trade center.
Director Cao said hesitantly, "Old Huo, the Rose Harbor project is a big piece of fat meat now. So
many eyes are staring at it. How can you take it down so easily?"
And even if he did take it down, given his ability, he would probably be powerless and it would
become a mess again.
Although the cunning Director Cao looks honest on the surface, he has actually been secretly
coveting the company for a long time. He has a lot of evil intentions in his heart and wishes to
make Huo Jinlin and his son quarrel.
With the previous experience, Huo Jinlin didn't want him to fall flat on his face again. He looked
at his father who was over 50 years old and patiently persuaded him, "Dad, this matter is not as
simple as you think. If you really want to do this project, the company will hold a shareholders'
meeting and obtain everyone's consent. At that time, we will concentrate the company's financial
and material resources, and this matter will naturally be accomplished easily."
The Huo Group is now one of the largest projects in the city. If they take action, it will be
extremely difficult for others to get a piece of the pie.
But unexpectedly, Huo Nantian, who has always been a stickler for details, felt that his previous
behavior was a great shame to himself. In order to restore his information, he did not hesitate to
issue a military order.
"Just trust me on this matter. I'm really optimistic about it this time. There won't be any mistakes
again. Don't worry!"

Chapter 152 Approval of Funding

Seeing that he insisted on doing so, everyone present was a little nervous for a moment,
wondering how Huo Jinlin would handle this matter.
Director Cao secretly curled his lips. Seeing that the father and son were in a stalemate, he
quickly stepped forward and pretended to be embarrassed to suggest: "Jinlin, in my opinion, why
don't you give him a chance to redeem himself. This project itself should not have any problems.
As long as he tries his best, I believe there will be no problem."
On the surface, he seemed like a conscientious peacemaker, but in fact he had ulterior motives. If
this matter was successful, he would have left a good impression in front of Huo Jinlin and Huo
Nantian, but if it failed, in his opinion, this matter was also Huo Nantian's responsibility and had
nothing to do with him.
The onlookers also started chattering, but most of them also started whispering, everyone was
talking at once, and the general meaning was that they needed a chance with Huo Nantian.
Everyone's eyes were focused on Huo Jinlin. He hesitated for a moment, and finally said, "I will
trust you once more, but I hope you won't let me down again this time."
He was not really cruel and ruthless, he just didn't want Huo Nantian to go too far and turn the
company into a mess that everyone would despise.
"No, don't worry!"
Seeing that he finally gave in, the dark clouds on Huo Nantian's face suddenly disappeared, and
he said with a smile: "Don't worry, don't worry, it won't happen. I will definitely do it well, and I
will definitely not let you down this time."
The finance department looked at Huo Jinlin in disbelief, but seeing Huo Jinlin nodded
affirmatively, she had no choice but to take the list and transfer the money according to the
The farce ended here. Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Director Cao exchanged a few fake
words with Huo Jinlin and left quietly.
Huo Jinlin looked thoughtfully in the direction where his father left, and silently dismissed
everyone, but his mood was still a little heavy.
Jiang Yunyi and Lin Yiran stood aside without moving. Looking at Huo Jinlin's serious expression,
Jiang Yunyi even said firmly, "Yiran, whether you want to believe it or not, Mr. Huo will definitely
fail in this matter. I think you should tell Mr. Huo as soon as possible so that he can be mentally
"You've thought too much," Lin Yiran looked at her confidently, "Don't worry, I believe Jin Lin will
not fight an unprepared battle. If he is not fully prepared for this matter, he will not agree to it,
don't worry!"
The two people have been getting along for a long time, and Lin Yiran naturally trusts Huo Jinlin
in his heart. He is not a person who can act on impulse. As long as he makes this decision, it must
have his reasons. In this regard, Lin Yiran Believe him without a doubt.
Jiang Yunyi was silenced and saw Huo Jinlin glance at her slightly displeasedly, so she had no
choice but to leave angrily.
Seeing that Huo Jinlin was still there, Lin Yiran walked over and asked with concern: "Jinlin, are
you okay?"
This incident was like a thorn in his throat. In addition to being uncomfortable, Lin still knew how
he felt, but could not do anything for him.
"It's okay," Huo Jinlin shook his head, "I hope he can do well this time!"
Lin Yiran sighed helplessly and could only comfort him: "Don't worry, it should be successful."
As the two were talking, Du Yunruo walked into the project department's office. Lao Qin didn't
know about the feud between the Du family and Lin Yiran, so he just treated her as a partner and
received her very patiently.
"Boss Qin, I'm here today to discuss the contract renewal with the Huo Group on behalf of my
Although Du Yunruo is very young, he is often taken by his father to attend business meetings all
year round, so whenever he sits here, he has an extraordinary aura.
Old Qin was somewhat flattered, and said with a smile: "Miss Du is really a student who is better
than her teacher. Today I have seen that she is indeed worthy of her reputation."
Du Yunruo had learned from the previous experience and did not dare to act rashly this time.
When facing Lao Qin, his attitude took a 180-degree turn and he no longer had the arrogance and
domineering aura of the past.
"Boss Qin, you are too kind. I still have a lot to learn. I hope that if I have any shortcomings, Boss
Qin can correct them in time."
"No, no," Lao Qin also smiled, "I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation."
After a brief greeting, Lao Qin stood up and walked to the door, calling in Lin Yiran, who was
writing a plan. As soon as she came in, she was met with Du Yunruo's familiar face, and they both
felt a little awkward.
"Ms. Du, this is our company's..."
Just as he was about to introduce Lin Yiran to her, Du Yunruo simply waved her hand and
interrupted Lao Qin: "No need to introduce, Mr. Qin, we are old acquaintances."
Lao Qin didn't think much about it. It was not surprising that the two knew each other through
various banquets and social circles in the celebrity society. Moreover, it would be much easier to
discuss cooperation.
"If that's the case, then it will be much easier. Yiran, I'll leave this cooperation project with the Du
family to you. Stop the work on hand for now and take care of the cooperation project first.
There's still a lot of preliminary information that needs to be sorted out."
Although Lin Yiran was surprised for a moment, she still reluctantly agreed: "Okay, I'll do my
Knowing that she had just come into contact with these things and needed a period of
adaptation, Lao Qin did not force her. He just nodded slightly and reminded her: "It's okay. If you
don't understand anything, just ask me."
"Yeah," Lin Yiran has learned a lot in the past few days. She still feels a little confident and said,
"Don't worry, I will do a good job on this matter."
Du Yunruo turned to look at Lin Yiran and said with a smile: "Long time no see, Madam Huo,
please give me more advice in the future."
Although she had offended him before, the last time she reminded him that he was being
followed was still fresh in his mind. Lin Yiran was still somewhat grateful to her, so his attitude
was a little better than usual.
"Ms. Du, thank you for helping me last time. I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation."
After this matter was finalized, Du Yunruo began to stay in Huo's company and discuss some
cooperation matters with Lin Yiran. Perhaps because of their different mindsets, the two of them
got along particularly well.
Seeing her big change and her personality was not as good as before, Lin Yiran had some
realizations and said with emotion: "Ms. Du, thank you for what happened that day. You have
changed a lot during this period of time. You are a completely different person now."
This reminded Du Yunruo of the first time she went to the Huo family to apologize. She felt a little
unhappy and said proudly, "Mrs. Huo, I didn't do that to help you. I just couldn't stand those
people secretly following others. Don't think too much about it."

Chapter 153: Find Him Privately

Seeing her saying one thing and thinking another, Lin Yiran couldn't help but burst out laughing,
and said jokingly, "Okay, okay, I get it. Miss Du just passed by and reminded me. I get it."
Being teased by her, Du Yunruo was a little annoyed, and arrogantly brought the topic back to the
cooperation: "Lin Yiran, stop being sarcastic, and settle the cooperation first."
Lin Yiran also put away the playful smile on his face, shifted his thoughts to the cooperation, and
carefully studied the cooperation materials from previous years.
Seeing her clumsy appearance, Du Yunruo was angry and anxious, and squeezed her: "Look at
you, your professional ability obviously needs to be improved. You can't even figure out such a
simple question. Look at this place, it should actually be like this. Your markings here are all
Although she kept talking about herself, she also kept giving Lin Yiran some advice, so Lin Yiran
just listened to her quietly.
"I see. I'll redo these later."
Lin Yiran took the information. Du Yunruo had already marked everything for her, so it was
basically easy to understand for Lin Yiran.
She looked at Du Yunruo in shock and praised, "You are amazing. You know so many things at
such a young age, and you do them so well."
The relationship between the two of them was so awkward that Du Yunruo did not feel happy
when she was praised by her. Instead, she felt a little embarrassed. She smiled awkwardly and
changed the subject.
"You need to keep an eye on the cooperation, especially the delivery time and quality. If there are
any problems, let me know in advance. When you have nothing to do, go to the factory more
Although she is very young, a few years younger than Lin Yiran, she speaks and acts with
maturity. Through this brief contact, Lin Yiran's impression of her has changed greatly.
After explaining these details, Du Yunruo left. Although the relationship between the two was not
harmonious, out of courtesy, Lin Yiran still stood up and walked her to the elevator.
The moment the door closed, she saw Jiang Yunyi walking towards her through the reflection of
the elevator. Lin Yiran remembered the delivery time of the goods and turned to discuss it with
"Yunyi, I have an urgent cooperation here. Look at the last cooperation case, the goods..."
Unexpectedly, Jiang Yunyi, who was always easy to talk to, rejected her directly this time: "Yi Ran,
it's not that I won't help you, but the delivery time of my goods has been set a long time ago, and
I'm afraid there is no way to delay it. You have to think of other ways."
"ok, I get it."
What Jiang Yunyi said was indeed true. Lin Yiran felt embarrassed and had no choice but to say
no more and turned back to the office.
Lao Qin watched her come back dejectedly and asked with concern: "Yi Ran, what's wrong? Is
there any problem with the cooperation?"
"No," Lin Yiran shook his head, looking at him with some embarrassment, "It's just that the
delivery time is tight, and the factory may not be able to make it in time."
If the delivery time is delayed, then there will be a penalty for breach of contract. Although Lin
Yiran doesn't know much about it, he also knows that the current production of that factory will
definitely not be able to keep up.
Lao Qin thought for two seconds and comforted him, "It's okay, I understand. I will apply for
permission for another project for you and give it to you to manage, so that you can make
arrangements in advance."
"Okay, OK, then there won't be any problem."
This matter was resolved, and Lin Yiran's brows suddenly relaxed, and the clouds on his face
disappeared in an instant.
At the same time, Jiang Yunyi took advantage of everyone's inattention and sneaked into Huo
Jinlin's office by elevator. She smiled and greeted Assistant Liu at the door. When she heard a
pleasant man's voice coming from the inner room, she naturally pushed the door open and went
People outside saw this scene with their own eyes. The employees who were already suspicious
of the relationship between Huo Jinlin and Jiang Yunyi now had a new topic to talk about, and the
atmosphere instantly became chaotic.
Huo Jinlin raised his eyes slightly when he heard the door close. Seeing that it was her, he
lowered his head silently and focused his eyes on the documents in front of him.
"What's up?"
Jiang Yunyi was not annoyed by his cold attitude, but went straight to the point and said, "Mr.
Huo, I want to ask you if you need help with the Rose Harbor project. I was fortunate to meet a
few people when I was working before, and I happen to be in charge of this project this time. If
necessary, we can sit down and have a meal together some other day."
She looked determined to get it, and was sure that Huo Jinlin would definitely ask him for
something this time. After all, she had witnessed the situation that day with her own eyes, and in
the eyes of anyone, Rose Harbor was a big piece of fat meat, and no one would be able to resist
its temptation, let alone the Huo family, who had always been far ahead, and would not want to
miss it.
But unfortunately, she guessed Huo Jinlin's thoughts, but she didn't understand Huo Jinlin's
personality. He said lightly: "Miss Jiang, thank you for your concern, but my father is in charge of
this matter at the moment, and I won't interfere."
How could I be rejected?
This was something Jiang Yunyi had never expected. She felt as if a basin of water was poured
over her from head to toe, and her whole mood became a little bad.
Seeing that Huo Jinlin started to look at the documents without moving after saying this, it was
obvious that he really didn't need her help. Jiang Yunyi suddenly became a little anxious.
"Mr. Huo, I think you really need to think about this matter carefully. You don't have to rush to
reply to me."
She narrowed her eyes and explained, "For this cooperation project, your father and Fu
Tingxiang's people from the Fu family have been secretly contacting this target company. I think
you can really think about what I said."
Huo Jinlin's attention was now drawn to her. He put down the pen in his hand and was silent for
two seconds before he asked in confusion, "How do you know so much?"
If these things are really as she said, then they are extremely confidential. How did she, a small
company employee with no background, know about them?
Seeing his suspicion, Jiang Yunyi was startled and explained, "I just went to the club to meet a
friend that day and happened to meet him."
Huo Jinlin was half-believing and half-doubting, and he dispelled his doubts about Jiang Yunyi,
but he was still unwilling to accept her suggestion and started to drive people away directly.
"You go ahead and do your work. I know about this matter."
"Boss Huo," Jiang Yunyi was a little anxious when she saw that he was stubborn and refused to
listen to her advice. "Boss Huo, please think about this matter carefully. I am really thinking about
the interests of the company. I have no other intentions."
Unexpectedly, even though she was extremely anxious, Huo Jinlin remained calm and composed.
His expression did not change at all. He said calmly, "I understand. You can go down first!"
Things had come to this point, and in order to avoid causing his displeasure, Jiang Yunyi could
only leave awkwardly.

Chapter 154 Taking the opportunity to raise the price

As she walked into the office, Yu Wei just came back from a business trip. Jiang Yunyi's eyes
suddenly lit up and she called out to him.
"Boss Yu, have you heard about the Rose Harbor project? I wonder what Boss Huo's plan is. Will
he participate in this project?"
Yu Wei has worked with Huo Jinlin for many years and knows his temperament and character
very well. Maybe he can find out some gossip from him.
Unexpectedly, he just shook his head and said, "I don't know either. Mr. Huo's actions are always
unpredictable. Why are you interested in this project?"
"Well," Jiang Yunyi nodded disappointedly, "It's a pity that if Mr. Huo is unwilling to participate in
this project, then we will have no chance to get in touch with it."
Yu Wei didn't know that she had just gone to see Huo Jinlin, so he comforted her, "Don't worry,
although Mr. Huo is moody, he won't let go of a project like Rose Harbor."
After hearing what he said, Jiang Yunyi felt relieved. She walked back to her seat with a heavy
heart, looking at the chat history on her phone and fell into deep thought.
She has already contacted the project manager of Rose Harbor privately. As long as Huo Jinlin
agrees, this matter will be a sure thing.
However, while she was still feeling depressed, Yu Wei had already received a notice from Huo
Jinlin. Perhaps after Jiang Yunyi left, he figured it out, so he sent Yu Wei a notice about the project
"Jiang Yunyi, weren't you just asking about the Rose Harbor project? The notice has come down,
you can come up with the plan!"
Yu Wei valued Jiang Yunyi very much. He told her the news immediately and directly assigned her
the task of writing the plan. Jiang Yunyi jumped up from her seat excitedly.
She looked at the plan in her hand and said excitedly, "Okay, okay, I will definitely do a good job
on this."
"Well, I believe you."
Her abilities are obvious to all, Yu Wei values her very much, and Jiang Yunyi has been coveting
this project for a long time. Now that Huo Jinlin has agreed, she is determined to get this plan.
Time passed by minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, the morning was over. Lin Yin got
Lao Qin's permission and went to the designated factory alone in the afternoon.
With the experience from last time, she learned her lesson this time. The workers did not dare to
act rashly and answered her questions honestly.
But after she understood all the circumstances, Lin Yiran calculated that, based on the current
construction period, there was no way to complete delivery within the time specified in the
She frowned and said to the factory manager, "Manager, you may have to work harder during this
period. Why don't you let the workers work overtime and try to get this order out."
The factory manager looked around, frowned helplessly, and explained: "The factory is already
short of manpower, and it is midsummer now. I guess many workers may not be willing to do
The working environment in the factory is already bad. If we ask everyone to work overtime at
this time, everyone will definitely have objections. By then, there will be a lot of complaints and
everyone will go on strike. Then this order will not be completed.
Lin Yiran also knew the factory director's concerns, but she was a little embarrassed as she held
the contract in her hand: "This order is indeed urgent, but we have no choice but to ask the
workers to work harder. Talk to everyone and see how to coordinate the time. We must get the
goods out before the deadline."
"Well, okay," the factory manager shook his head helplessly, and said as he led Lin Yiran to the
workshop, "We still need to discuss this matter with everyone. I guess many people may not be
willing to do so. The current working environment is too bad."
As expected, as soon as Lin Yiran walked into the workshop, a wave of heat hit her in the face,
and she felt like she was enveloped by a big fireball. Although everyone did not stop their hands,
sweat was dripping from their faces.
The factory manager's prediction was correct. As soon as he mentioned Lin Yiran's request,
everyone immediately complained and started to grumble about the working environment in the
Lin Yiran was helpless. He exchanged glances with the factory manager and finally said helplessly,
"Factory Manager, please discuss this with us. If it doesn't work, you can subsidize the processing
fee appropriately. Then, you need to control the processing time and don't let the workers spend
too much time on processing."
Under the current circumstances, workers must not be allowed to work too long, otherwise
something might happen in the workshop. Not only will the orders not be completed, but
unnecessary trouble will also be caused.
With this promise, the factory director agreed with great reluctance. When Lin Yiran came out of
the factory, he was still feeling upset. He kept thinking about this matter in his mind. If the order
really could not be delivered on time, what would be the consequences?
It is the hottest time of the year now. When I came out of the air-conditioned room, I felt like I
was being roasted. Lin Yiran looked at the time and it was already noon.
This place is farther from the company, and if she rushes back it will probably be very late. After
thinking it over, she decided to go to a nearby shopping mall to rest for a while and eat
Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked into the mall entrance, she heard a fierce quarrel between
two people not far away. She looked in the direction of the sound and saw a young clerk arguing
with a hunchbacked old lady.
"You broke something, why don't you pay for it?"
Her voice was a little sharp, and the old lady seemed frightened, and explained tremblingly: "No,
no, I just don't have any money."
After saying this, she wanted to sneak away, but the clerk grabbed her sleeve and said
unyieldingly: "Want to leave? If you don't give me the money today, I won't let you go. If it
doesn't work, call the police!"
Upon hearing these two words, the old lady was frightened even more. She trembled like a sieve
and waved her hands, saying, "I don't know, I don't know anything..."
People are used to sympathizing with the weak. Seeing her like this, Lin Yiran felt a little sorry for
her, so he took out his cell phone and said, "Don't make things difficult for her. I'll give her the
money and let her go!"
"Well, then come with me!"
After hearing what she said, the clerk let go of the old lady and took Lin Yiran to the cashier
Seeing that no one cared about her, the old lady took the opportunity to slip away. When Lin
Yiran paid the bill and came out, she saw that the door was empty. Where was the old lady?
The clerk escorted her out. Seeing this, he couldn't help but frown and mutter, "This old lady is
really cunning. She shouldn't have let him go just now."

Chapter 155 Encounter

"It's okay, let her be!"
Lin Yiran didn't want to dwell on it any more, especially since she was just an old lady who was
powerless. Just give her the money!
The young clerk casually glanced at Lin Yiran's clothes and couldn't help but sigh: "You are really
kind-hearted, but this old lady doesn't deserve sympathy. Look at her, she is wearing gold and
silver all over her body, she doesn't look like she is poor."
She was still chattering about the old lady, and Lin Yiran was too lazy to say anything more. To
her, that little bit of money was just a small amount of money. She smiled faintly and said, "It's
okay. I'll leave first."
The young clerk was extremely grateful to her and kept thanking her as he escorted her out the
door, because if the old lady didn't give the money, the clerk would have to consider herself
unlucky, as her boss would probably deduct the money from her salary.
The sun was still scorching outside. As soon as Lin Yiran walked out, she felt so hot that sweat
broke out on her forehead. She quickly ran into the shopping mall next door.
She was dazzled by the strong sun and suddenly found a cool place. She was a little dizzy for a
moment. Before she could react, she bumped heavily into someone.
"Hey, how do you walk?"
Lin Yiran recovered and looked up, only to find that the man looked familiar. She subconsciously
called out, "Fu Tingyi?"
The man in front of him turned out to be the boss of Huo Jinlin's rival company. The two were
evenly matched and had been competing secretly for many years. However, Fu Tingyi was an
extreme person who did things by any means necessary and liked to take unconventional
measures. He had always been incompatible with the upright Huo Jinlin.
However, she had only heard Huo Jinlin mention these things in a few words, and she didn't know
the specific situation. Huo Jinlin didn't like to talk to her about these dirty things.
Fu Tingyi calmed down before recognizing her. He curled his lips meaningfully and said, "Mrs.
Huo? You have such a good memory. If I remember correctly, we should have only met once."
They had met once at a special banquet last time, but Huo Jinlin had never gotten along with
him, so at that time he only introduced this person to Lin Yiran and did not stay for long. He did
not expect that Lin Yiran could still remember him.
The assistant who was cursing just now was stunned for a moment when he heard Fu Tingyi's
address, but they have always been arrogant and would not take the initiative to apologize to Lin
Yiran because of her identity.
"Thank you." This man had a special relationship with Huo Jinlin, and Lin Yiran didn't want to get
too involved with him, so she just smiled faintly, "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."
Fu Tingyi did not stop them. She nodded slightly, smiled politely and stood aside, making way for
Lin Yiran. She was not polite either, and walked between the two of them with her things in her
This woman has quite a personality.
Fu Tingyi stared at her leaving back thoughtfully and fell into deep thought.
Seeing this, the assistant reminded him at the right time: "Boss Fu, let's go quickly. We still have
to look for the old lady. The weather is so hot now. She must not get a heat stroke. Hey, why did
she come out in such a hot day?"
He was still complaining non-stop. Lin Yiran, who had just walked a few steps out, suddenly
stopped, looked back at them, and asked tentatively: "Are you looking for an old lady with gray
hair and a pair of reading glasses?"
"have you seen?"
Fu Tingyi looked at her in disbelief. He didn't expect that she had actually met his old lady.
Lin Yiran pointed to the mall next to him and said, "I just met an old lady over there. She broke
some food and the clerk wouldn't let her go. I've already paid for her."
When the two heard this, Fu Tingyi's attitude changed slightly, and he said gratefully: "Thank you,
I'll transfer the money to you!"
"It's okay, it's okay," Lin Yiran waved her hand and said, "Just go find her. Don't give me the
money. I don't even know if that person is the one you're looking for!"
In fact, no matter whether that person was the one they wanted to leave or not, Lin Yiran didn't
want to have any relationship with Fu Tingyi, so after telling them the address, she turned around
and left.
She randomly found a place to eat something, and after a good rest, she started to rush back.
When she returned to the company, it was just the afternoon working time. As soon as she
walked into the office, Lao Qin came out with a pen and notebook.
"Yi Ran, you're back just in time. Hurry up and take your pen and paper to the conference room
for the meeting."
"Oh well."
Everyone in the office had left, leaving only the two of them. Lao Qin stood at the door waiting
for her to get her things, and then the two of them went to the meeting room.
Lin Yiran has been in the company for a long time, but this is the first time to attend such a
company meeting. Huo Jinlin sat at the top of the conference room, standing out in the crowd.
The two looked at each other tacitly, and Lin Yiran sat down next to Lao Qin.
The content of the meeting was about the Rose Harbor project, and Huo Jinlin finally decided to
compromise and fight for the project.
"The content of this meeting is very simple. It's about the planning proposal for the Rose Harbor
project. Starting tomorrow, you should focus on preparing this plan!"
He had not planned to participate at the beginning, so it was a bit late to start now and the time
for the planning proposal was tight, so everyone was asked to stop all the projects they were
working on.
Everyone agreed, especially Jiang Yunyi's group. Everyone including Yu Wei was very excited and
seemed ready to try.
Lao Qin is the type who is slow to warm up, and so does all the employees in his team. Although
everyone wants to win the project, they don't show it at all.
Just as the meeting was over and everyone was about to leave, a crisp cell phone ring suddenly
sounded. Lao Qin walked out with a notebook and answered the phone: "Hello, wife...what?
Don't worry, I'll be right over."
Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin, who were walking at the end, were planning to say a few words, but
when they heard Lao Qin calling, they instantly became nervous.
"What's wrong? Did something happen to Sister Nuan?"
Now the only important thing in Lao Qin's family is Guo Nuan. She is about to give birth, so Lao
Qin is always worried.
He hung up the phone and said tremblingly, "Xiao Nuan...Xiao Nuan gave birth prematurely."
"Go quickly, go to the hospital first."
Huo Jinlin was still relatively calm. He quickly took the pen and notebook from his hands and gave
him a break.
Lao Qin was extremely anxious and ran faster than a rabbit, disappearing in a flash.
The work had just been arranged and everyone hadn't yet divided the work when Lao Qin
suddenly left, and the office instantly became a mess.

Chapter 156: Stay Calm in the Face of Danger

It was not until Huo Jinlin and Lin Yin appeared that the restless crowd calmed down. Everyone
stopped what they were doing and greeted Huo Jinlin.
"Hello, Mr. Huo!"
"Yes," Huo Jinlin nodded slightly, walked to Lao Qin's seat and sat down, and said to everyone,
"Boss Qin has some family matters, so you may have to work harder during this period. When the
time comes, you should take care of your own matters and write the planning proposal well. If
you have any questions, you can directly contact me or Assistant Liu."
"Okay, Mr. Huo."
Everyone agreed and started to get busy at their own posts. The planning matter was urgent and
everyone wanted to draw up the plan quickly.
Everyone left, leaving only Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin in the office. Huo Jinlin thought of the orders
she had on hand and asked with some concern, "How is it, can you handle it by yourself? If there
are any problems, I can arrange for someone to come over and help you?"
After all, she was handling these things on her own. Before, Lao Qin was there to help, so Huo
Jinlin was relieved. But now that Lao Qin was not around, she had to do everything on her own.
Huo Jinlin was worried that she would be too late.
Lin Yiran thought for a moment and said, "It's okay. Let me try it myself. If I can't solve it in the
end, I'll ask you for help!"
She didn't want to be a canary, protected in the greenhouse by Huo Jinlin forever. She would
never make any progress like this. Besides, Lao Qin was not going to come back. She could
arrange all the things that needed to be done in the early stage now. If there were any problems
in the later stage, she could adjust them herself when Lao Qin came back.
Huo Jinlin knew that she didn't want others to think that she depended on him for everything, so
he didn't force her. He just said lightly: "Okay, then you do it first, and we'll talk about it if there
are any problems later!"
After the two of them decided on this matter, Huo Jinlin left first. Lin still did not dare to slack off
and began to devote himself to the planning of the case nervously.
After all, she was not skilled and it was her first time to do these things. She worked until it was
getting dark and people in the office had slowly left, but Lin Yiran still hadn't finished.
She was really too slow. Jiang Yunyi had already finished it. Seeing that she was still frowning, he
couldn't help but kindly said, "Do you want help, Yiran? I see you've been working on it for a long
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Lin Yiran waved her hand and said, “I only have a little bit here and it’s almost
done. You can go first, I can do it myself.”
Jiang Yunyi raised her wrist to check her watch, a hint of impatience flashed across her face, and
she said, "But you're too slow. Mr. Huo has been waiting for you. When will you be able to go
home? The children will be waiting anxiously by then."
Although she was disdainful in her heart, she still pretended to be calm in her tone, and Lin Yiran
did not hear anything wrong.
It was indeed getting dark, and the neon lights outside had begun to flash non-stop, with dim
lights filling the entire street. Lin Yiran rubbed his sore eyes, saved the things on the computer,
and got up to start packing.
"Let's go, let's go home first. It's really too late today. I'll continue working on it when I get home
Sure enough, when she packed her things and came out, Huo Jinlin had been waiting for her on
the sofa in the public area at the door for who knows how long.
Seeing her come out, Huo Jinlin closed his computer, put his notebook into his briefcase, stood
up and walked towards her.
"Well, let's go, I'll go home and continue."
The two of them walked away arm in arm, chatting and laughing. Jiang Yunyi followed them
silently. She was ignored by the two of them, like a transparent person, and felt very unhappy.
The car stopped steadily at the gate of Nanlinyuan. Three children rushed out excitedly and
surrounded the two of them. The happy and warm appearance of the family of four deeply hurt
Jiang Yunyi's heart, but she could only follow them silently.
Song Yuwan asked the aunt to bring out the food while muttering, "You came back so late today,
the children are hungry, and they ran to the door several times in the night.
Lin Yiran felt a little guilty when she heard this. She lowered her head and looked at the two
children, apologizing, "Kids, I'm sorry. Mom was too busy today and forgot that you were still
waiting for me at home."
"Mom, let's eat first. You will tell us a story later."
"Okay, okay," Lin Yiran dotingly scratched the noses of the three of them, and said happily, "Mom
will agree to any request you make, okay?"
The family looked very happy, except for Jiang Yunyi who looked out of place like an outsider. She
pursed her lips and sat at the farthest seat at the table.
After dinner, Lin Yiran helped the three children with their homework, while Song Yuwan and Huo
Jinlin sat beside them and chatted in low voices.
But Lin Yiran's mind was still thinking about the planning case, and her obvious absent-
mindedness was noticed by the three children. Dabao asked, "Mom, are you worried? Why do
you look so worried?"
Xiaobao also asked considerately: "Mom, has anyone bullied you? If someone bullies you in the
company, tell me and my brother, and we will help you beat him up."
Although the child was just talking, his words directly warmed Lin Yiran's heart, and she was very
Song Yuwan turned around in surprise when she heard this and asked worriedly, "Yi Ran, what's
wrong? Is your work not going well?"
"No," Lin Yiran shook her head calmly, "Mom, I'm fine, don't worry."
"Dabao and Xiaobao, do your homework first. I'll let Yiyi check it for you later. I'm going to take
mom upstairs. I have something to tell her."
Huo Jinlin knew what Lin Yiran was thinking, so he came over, prepared something for the three
children, and took Lin Yiran upstairs.
Watching the couple go upstairs, Song Yuwan was a little worried and asked in confusion, "What's
wrong with them? They both seem weird."
Now there were only Jiang Yunyi and her two adults in the living room. Naturally, this question
was directed at Jiang Yunyi, but Song Yuwan had never gotten along with her, so she still felt a
little awkward.
Jiang Yunyi was quite open-minded. She replied calmly, "Nothing serious. It's just a planning
proposal. She spent the whole afternoon writing it and still couldn't finish it. She must still be
worrying about it now!"
I thought Song Yuwan would think Lin Yiran was stupid after she said this, but unexpectedly, after
hearing what Jiang Yunyi said, Song Yuwan immediately stood up and said, "Writing this must be
very brain-intensive. I have to go make some nourishing soup with Yiran. She didn't eat much for
dinner today, so she can drink some in a while."
Watching her back as she walked into the kitchen, Jiang Yunyi's face turned pale with anger. How
could Lin Yiran be so lucky to marry such a good man like Huo Jinlin and to meet such a good

Chapter 157: Ferocious Face

Thinking of this, Jiang Yunyi became more and more indignant. She looked at Song Yuwan who
walked into the kitchen and was about to go forward to help her get closer to him when the cell
phone in her pocket suddenly rang. She glanced at the unfamiliar caller ID, turned around, picked
up her cell phone and left the living room.
"Hello, who are you?"
There were rarely any missed calls on her phone, as she had saved the phone numbers of
everyone she knew, so it was impossible for a strange number to call her, especially so late at
After confirming that it was her voice, Lin Yutian on the other end of the phone suddenly became
excited: "Jiang Yunyi, where are you? What happened to those two children? Don't keep hiding
from me."
Now that her brother has passed away, these two children are her only relatives in this world. Lin
Yutian will definitely find them at all costs.
When Jiang Yunyi heard the man's voice, her expression changed instantly. She looked at the
flowers in the yard with a ferocious face and warned fiercely: "Lin Yutian, my child has nothing to
do with you. I warn you, you'd better stay away from the three of us, mother and son, otherwise I
will make you pay for it."
"Jiang Yunyi, how dare you!" After hearing what she said, Lin Yutian was even more certain that
she had found the two children. He shouted excitedly on the other end of the phone, "Jiang
Yunyi, you need to understand that those are not just your children. They are also the blood of
our Lin family. If you dare to do anything to them, I will not let you go."
Jiang Yunyi never liked being threatened. The more Lin Yutian said this, the angrier she became.
She shouted at her angrily, "Lin Yutian, who do you think you are? Why are you threatening me?
They are my children. As long as I don't want you to, you won't have the chance to see them."
After saying this, she hung up the phone with a snap, but when she turned around, she saw Lin
Yiyi standing at the door, staring at her nervously, her clear and transparent eyes filled with fear.
Jiang Yunyi didn't know how long she had been standing here, or how much of the conversation
between the two people she had heard, but the expression on her face at the moment had
already made her realize that something was wrong. She must not let her tell Huo Jinlin and the
others about this.
In order to prevent her from telling this matter to others, especially not to let Dabao and Xiaobao
know, Jiang Yunyi simply made up a lie. She immediately put on a pitiful expression and even
squeezed out a tear.
"Yiyi, can you keep this a secret for your aunt? Dabao and Xiaobao's aunt wants to take them
away. If I'm not a little harsh on her, you may not be able to play with them in the future. You
don't want them to go to a faraway place with their aunt, so you won't be able to see them in the
future, right?"
She is the best at manipulating people's hearts. For a child like Lin Yiyi, if you just talk to her and
try to coax her, once she hears that she won't be able to see the two treasures again in the
future, she will definitely be scared and won't dare to tell anyone.
As expected, when the little girl heard that Dabao and Xiaobao were going to be taken away, she
was so scared that she became silent. She just stood there obediently, not daring to say anything.
Seeing that it had worked, Jiang Yunyi immediately struck while the iron was hot and continued,
"Yiyi, I heard that your mother has been living in the hospital now. You must miss your mother
very much. Auntie knows that you are a smart child. Dabao and Xiaobao and I have been
separated for six years. It took a lot of effort to find them. I don't want these things to affect their
lives. Do you understand?"
She described it vividly. Lin Yiyi thought of her mother lying on the hospital bed. She felt sad.
Finally, she nodded with a pursed mouth. It was obvious that she had listened to Jiang Yunyi's
words with her eyes.
Seeing her turn around and go back to the house with a look of disbelief, but that expression
clearly explained everything. She would never tell anyone else. Jiang Yunyi's heart finally settled
In the room upstairs, Lin Yiran was sitting dejectedly at the desk, staring at the documents on the
computer screen in a daze. Huo Jinlin was standing beside him and knew what was going on
without having to think.
"You really don't need my help?"
Overall, she has made great progress. For someone who has never been exposed to these things,
her performance is already very good, but many professional things are still a bit difficult for her.
Lin Yiran shook his head stubbornly: "It's okay, I'll do it myself!"
Huo Jinlin sighed after hearing this and sat down next to her: "Look here, this is obviously wrong,
this place shouldn't be done like this..."
Her work was actually pretty good, but it was still a little bit behind those professionals. Some
parts were a little imperfect and needed to be adjusted.
Seeing that he sat down to tutor her personally, Lin Yiran no longer refused. She listened
patiently to Huo Jinlin's guidance and modified the plan bit by bit. The distance between the two
of them became closer and closer.
Lin Yiran is actually quite opinionated. She has her own ideas. When she saw that her ideas were
different from those of her client, she hesitated and didn't know which one she should follow.
"What should I do about this? Actually, I want to follow my own ideas, but I don't know if it's
Huo Jinlin took a look and said, "Just do it according to your own ideas. If the plan is really
successful, the customer should be satisfied."
Sometimes what the client considers is not perfect, so we need to add something in it ourselves,
so that a successful plan can attract other people's attention!
Lin Yiran frowned slightly, not quite understanding what he meant. Huo Jinlin explained, "A
successful plan requires you to constantly improve it, to figure out the client's thoughts, and to
come up with a plan that satisfies him."
These things were indeed difficult for Lin Yiran, who had never come into contact with them
before. She frowned and asked incomprehensibly: "I am not in their hearts, how can I know their
Even a psychologist probably wouldn't be able to figure out other people's thoughts, let alone
Huo Jinlin laughed and guided them, "There are many ways to figure out their thoughts, such as
studying their interests, ways of thinking, daily habits, etc. In short, if you want to make a perfect
plan, you need to put in more effort than others."
After listening to his words, Lin Yiran benefited a lot. She nodded with satisfaction and said
gratefully: "Okay, I know what to do."
Fortunately, Lao Qin gave her all the information about the client's behavioral habits in advance,
otherwise she wouldn't know how to start. Thinking of this, Lin Yiran couldn't help but sigh that
Lao Qin still had a way.

Chapter 158 Hospital Visit

She was studying so hard that she didn't notice it was already too late. She kept burying her head
in studying the document until Huo Jinlin couldn't stand it anymore and ran over to remind her.
"Yi Ran, it's late. Go to bed early. You don't have to finish this today. Let's do it tomorrow!"
Lin Yiran was still immersed in it at the moment and didn't want to stop at all. She didn't even
raise her head and said to the person behind her: "You go to sleep first. I still have a little bit here.
I'll come over when I'm done."
She has never been a person who procrastinates when doing things. Now she just wants to finish
this task quickly so that she can sleep well.
Huo Jinlin hugged her from behind, rested his chin on her shoulder, and said in a muffled voice:
"Do you want to take a rest? If you still don't agree, then I will start teaching you!"
"Attend class?"
Lin Yiran turned around in surprise and saw Huo Jinlin looking at her with meaningful eyes. She
was no longer a shy girl who had never experienced anything in life. Lin Yiran naturally saw the
deep meaning of his eyes at a glance.
Huo Jinlin explained: "Do you want to go to bed early tonight, or do you want to stay awake
tomorrow morning? Choose one!"
Looking at his expression, Lin Yiran knew that she couldn't escape. If she didn't agree, she was
afraid that she would not be able to get out of bed in a while.
After taking a shower, they lay on the bed. Lin Yiran's mind was still in a mess. He had been
worrying about the planning proposal the whole afternoon. Only now did he finally remember
Guo Nuan's matter.
She suddenly turned over and sat up from the bed, reaching for the cell phone on the bedside
table, which scared Huo Jinlin.
"What's wrong? What happened?"
Lin Yiran said with a worried look on her face: "Sister Nuan is still in the hospital, I have to call and
ask, I don't know if the baby is born yet!
"It's okay," Huo Jinlin put her phone down and soothed her, "Just go to sleep. I called Lao Qin this
afternoon and he said there's no response yet. We'll probably have to wait until tomorrow. If you
call him now, you'll disturb their rest."
"Okay then, let's go to the hospital to see her tomorrow."
Lin Yiran pursed her lips. Although she was still a little worried about Guo Nuan, she thought it
was already so late, so she had no choice but to listen to Huo Jinlin and go to bed early.
Maybe she was too tired during the day. Not long after she lay down, Huo Jinlin heard her light
and shallow breathing beside her. It seemed that she was really exhausted.
They had a dreamless night and were awakened the next morning by the crisp ringing of a cell
phone. Lin Yiran picked it up in a daze and heard Lao Qin's joyful voice on the other end of the
"Yi Ran, Xiao Nuan gave birth, I..."
Being a father for the first time, he was so excited that he couldn't even utter a complete
sentence. He excitedly picked up the phone and couldn't wait to share the news with everyone.
Lin Yiran lost all sleepiness in an instant and jumped up from the bed: "Are you serious? We'll be
there right away."
Huo Jinlin was awakened by her voice. He rubbed his sleepy eyes, sat up and asked, "Is it Lao
Qin's call?"
"Yeah," Lin Yiran still had some disbelief, and nodded, "Sister Nuan has given birth, shall we go
and see her?"
The two got up from the bed without saying a word. Lin Yiran took out the gift she had prepared
for Guo Nuan from the cabinet. The young couple also went to a flower shop near their home to
buy a bouquet of flowers before rushing to the hospital.
Lao Qin arranged a luxurious single room for Guo Nuan. There were only three of them in the
entire ward. When Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran arrived at the hospital, Lao Qin was lying beside the
crib, staring at his child without blinking.
It was Guo Nuan who was lying on the hospital bed who saw them first. She was still a little weak
after having just given birth, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito's hum.
"Yan'ren, you are here."
When Lao Qin heard Guo Nuan's voice, he turned around and saw the two people standing at the
door. He quickly greeted them, "Boss Huo, Yi Ran, come in and sit down."
Lin Yiran took the flowers and placed them on the bedside table. She couldn't wait to see the
pink and tender baby in the crib. At the moment, the baby was sleeping soundly with a wrinkled
face, like a little old man.
She frowned and said, "Sister Nuan, is this a boy or a girl?"
Guo Nuan didn't answer, but Lao Qin looked at her with a smug look on his face: "She's my little
The young couple had been looking forward to having a daughter since she became pregnant.
They didn't expect that their wish would come true. In the past two days, Lao Qin has quickly
turned into a crazy father who dotes on his daughter. Even Guo Nuan is a little jealous.
Lin Yiran's heart skipped a beat, and she said worriedly, "That's it. She seems to look more like
you, with a wrinkled face."
Because they were already very familiar with each other, Lao Qin was not angry. Guo Nuan
couldn't help but burst out laughing.
At this moment, Lao Qin immediately turned into a doting demon, pretending to be dissatisfied
and saying: "No way, my daughter will definitely be the most beautiful girl of the century in the
Huo Jinlin, who usually kept his mouth shut, couldn't help but smile. He walked to the crib,
scratched Lin Yiran's nose, and said lovingly, "Babies haven't grown up yet. They're all the same.
They'll look good in a few days."
As they were talking, the baby in the crib suddenly started crying. His eyes were still closed, his
little face wrinkled even more, and his voice was as small as a cat's.
Lin Yiran instantly became nervous and asked Guo Nuan at a loss: "Sister Nuan, what should we
do? Why is she...why is she crying?"
Guo Nuan, a new mother, was surrounded by the aura of maternal love and jokingly said, "Maybe
she saw you coming and wanted you to hug her."
"Ah?" Lin Yiran looked at the little one in the crib in disbelief, "How do I hold this baby?"
Old Qin was obviously well practiced. He walked over and picked up the child skillfully. The soft
child, perhaps feeling his father's deep love, stopped crying instantly.
Just at this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Lao Qin's parents were smiling
from ear to ear, holding thermos boxes and fruits in their hands.
"Hello, uncle and aunt."
Over time, the two families have become very familiar with each other. Mother Qin has always
liked Lin Yiran. She greeted the two of them warmly: "Come and sit down."
The old couple pulled a chair over and asked Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin to sit down. While arranging
the chairs, they couldn't help but glance at Lao Qin and scolded him, "You kid, you didn't even ask
them to sit down. They came to see Nuan Nuan early in the morning, how come you don't
understand at all."
Old Qin, who felt more wronged than Dou E, holding the child, could only helplessly look towards
Guo Nuan for help. The couple had a very good understanding between them, and Guo Nuan
understood instantly.
"Mom, please stop talking about him. He's been tired these past two days and probably didn't
get enough rest."

Chapter 159 A Happy Family

As soon as she opened her mouth, Mother Qin immediately became gentle: "Just spoil him. If he
bullies you when we don't listen in the future, I won't be able to do anything about it."
"Haha," Guo Nuan also smiled and comforted him, "No, he doesn't dare to bully me."
Everyone in the ward laughed. The happy family made Lin Yiran happy for Guo Nuan. The
misfortune of her original family finally met a family that could heal it.
Old Qin saw that Lin Yiran was still chatting with his parents. Huo Jinlin was standing alone
nearby. He walked over with his daughter in his arms and asked, "Hug?"
"Ah?" Huo Jinlin, who could remain calm even when faced with a cooperation worth tens of
millions, looked at the child blankly. He stretched out his hands with some trembling to take the
soft child and asked nervously, "How do I hold this child?"
Guo Nuan smiled and joked: "You should learn quickly, otherwise you won't know how to hold
her in the future. Practice now."
Mother Qin also stood up with a smile, stuffed the soft child into his arms, and patiently guided
him: "The child's neck is weak now, you should put your hand a little higher to support her head,
and this hand should hold her waist. Don't be so nervous, it's okay."
Seeing that he was a grown man, his whole body was tense with nervousness, Qin's mother
quickly pulled a chair for him to sit down and hug him.
When he was standing, the child was hanging in the air. After he sat down and held her against
him, Huo Jinlin finally relaxed a little. But looking at the child sleeping soundly in his arms, he still
didn't dare to breathe.
The rich aroma of milk filled the air, and Huo Jinlin's expression was exceptionally gentle. He
looked at the baby with great fondness. Seeing that he was holding the baby tightly, Lin Yiran
became a little jealous and ran over to grab the baby's arms.
"Give me a hug!"
It was the first time for the couple to interact with such a small newborn. They were so nervous
that they didn't dare to use too much force. Their movements were unfamiliar and stiff, and
everyone couldn't help but burst into laughter.
Seeing how much they liked children, Guo Nuan couldn't help but joked, "I think you should have
one soon. You like children so much. If you have one, we can take care of it together."
Lin Yiran glanced at Huo Jinlin subconsciously. Neither the couple spoke. Huo Jinlin turned his
head away silently. In order to ease the awkwardness, the two of them continued to entertain
the child.
Lao Qin and Guo Nuan knew about the problem between them, and they tacitly agreed not to
mention the matter again. They just chatted with each other here and there.
Although newborn babies do not open their eyes and cannot smile, they will subconsciously
smile when they hear someone teasing them.
Lin Yiran couldn't let go of the gift, so she took out a red envelope that she had prepared early in
the morning from her pocket and put it in the child's swaddling clothes.
"Here, Auntie will give you a small red envelope. You must grow up healthy and well."
Although no small gifts were prepared for the first meeting, red envelopes were still required.
Everyone was familiar with each other, and Mr. and Mrs. Guo Nuan knew that they were not
short of the money, so there was no excessive politeness.
Of course, the baby in the cradle didn't understand anything at the moment and just kept
sleeping. Seeing her fall asleep again, Mother Qin carefully put her in the stroller beside her, and
the adults could then sit down and talk for a while.
"How are you, are you feeling better now?"
Guo Nuan, who was lying on the hospital bed, was still very weak. She shook her head and said,
"I'm fine, but I don't have much strength yet. I'll be fine after a rest."
Seeing her like that, Lin Yiran couldn't help but sigh that being a mother is really a great thing. A
girl who was once so weak is now not afraid of giving birth to a child.
She looked at her with some distress, then turned to look at Lao Qin, and said with a hint of
warning: "Lao Qin, you have to be nicer to them and their daughter in the future. Sister Nuan has
suffered so much in order to give birth to a child for you!"
Although she smiled and said it didn't hurt, as a woman, Lin Yiran knew that this matter was not
that simple. It is said that when a woman gives birth, up to ten ribs may break at the same time.
Lao Qin also knew this. He valued Guo Nuan more than his own life, so naturally he felt
distressed. In fact, seeing her like this, Lao Qin felt sadder than anyone else.
"Don't worry, I will treat them well without you telling me."
Huo Jinlin also said: "Don't worry about the company's affairs for the time being. Just take care of
them. I will take care of the affairs in the department."
The implication was that there was no need to worry about the holidays. Seeing that Huo Jinlin
was so easy to talk to, Qin's father and mother looked at each other with relief in their eyes.
As they still had to go to work, the two exchanged a few casual greetings and left the hospital in a
hurry. Lin Yiran was reluctant to leave her little baby, but the plan was not ready yet, so she had
to go to work first.
But Lin Yiran was still very excited along the way, with the image of the little child still echoing in
her mind, and she chattered with Huo Jinlin.
Seeing how much she liked the child, Huo Jinlin couldn't help but joked, "Since you like it so
much, why don't we have one right away?"
Perhaps because he saw that Lao Qin had his own child, Huo Jinlin's originally firm heart was
shaken at this moment, but he still insisted on his own idea.
"Now is not the best time to have children. Although I also want to have my own children, I hope
I can set a good example for them and let them know that moms are also great."
All maternal love is the greatest in the world. As long as you have children, you will have a soft
spot and always want to do your best to give them the best of everything.
Huo Jinlin respected all her choices and decisions. He said calmly, "It's okay. I'm just talking. If you
don't want to, we can wait."
Lin Yiran smiled at him happily. Huo Jinlin was always like this, always indulging her willfulness
without limits and tolerating everything about her.
The two of them came to the company. When Lin Yiran arrived at the office, she found that Jiang
Yunyi's seat was still empty. It seemed that she had not arrived yet.
She paused and asked her colleague next to her: "Xiao Zhou, why hasn't Jiang Yunyi come today?
Do you know where she went?"
Ever since she had seen her strange behavior before, Lin Yiran had told them that Jiang Yunyi was
hiding something from them. When she didn't come, Lin Yiran was worried that something had
happened to her.
Xiao Zhou shook his head: "I don't know either. She is usually the first one to arrive. I don't know
what happened today."
After hearing what she said, Lin Yiran became even more worried. She couldn't help but take out
her cell phone to call Jiang Yunyi, but no one answered. Her brows furrowed even more tightly.
Fortunately, when she decided to call for the last time, the call was finally connected, and Jiang
Yunyi's familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.
"Yan Yiran, what's wrong? I didn't hear the phone call just now."

Chapter 160 A wonderful fate

After a moment of silence, Lin Yiran spoke bluntly: "What's going on? Is there anything wrong?
Why didn't I see you in the company today?"
Considering her strange behavior during this period, her sudden disappearance today is too much
of a coincidence, isn't it?
After saying this to Lin Yiran, Jiang Yunyi immediately panicked.
There have been a few such incidents before, but without exception, everything was safe and
sound and not damaged.
What's more, I have always been one of the first employees to arrive at the company, so others
will not have any objections.
But if this person is Lin Yiran.
That's different.
Lin Yiran's identity was different, and there were many things involved, so the atmosphere
suddenly became cold. The phone was hung, but no word was heard.
"Why? If you have something to say, just say it. What's the point of not saying anything?" During
Jiang Yunyi's silence, Lin Yiran's suspicion grew even stronger, and he said with a frown.
This is the second time I asked myself this question.
If you don't give an explanation.
That would be troublesome.
An idea suddenly struck Jiang Yunyi. She coughed twice and pretended to be sick. Her tone
became aggrieved. "Yi Ran, I'm really sorry. I was busy processing information last night. When I
drove to the company this morning, I had a severe headache. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I
came to the hospital. I'm downstairs at the company now. I thought it would only take a few
minutes, so I didn't tell you. It's all my fault..."
Halfway through his words, Jiang Yunyi suddenly fell silent.
after all.
This was just a small matter, and with such an explanation, Lin Yiran would definitely not lose his
Thinking of this, Jiang Yunyi coughed even more violently. Listening to the coughing on the other
end of the phone, Lin Yiran felt more and more that something was wrong.
It's normal to be sick, and it's okay to come a little later, but he was fine just now, but suddenly he
started coughing, and his speech was stumbling and intermittent. If there is no problem, then
that would be the biggest problem.
Jiang Yunyi's self-righteous cleverness did not interrupt Lin Yiran's thoughts, but instead
backfired. The next second, Lin Yiran deliberately said, "It's okay, it's okay. How serious is it now?
If it's serious, take a good rest at home today and come back tomorrow."
This sentence is the best temptation.
If he was really sick, he would definitely agree to it with a righteous indignation, or he would
make excuses and continue working.
But obviously.
Jiang Yunyi didn't notice these details.
I just felt that Lin Yiran was simply caring about me.
She laughed twice, and then said intermittently: "No... It's okay... It's just a small problem, no big
deal. I'm already downstairs at the company. I'll come up now. Yiran, thank you for your concern."
The two chatted casually for a few minutes and then hung up the phone.
The answer was so awkward that anyone could tell at once that it was clearly a lie. He didn't
know whether he believed what she said or not.
The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Jiang Yunyi's behavior had
been too strange during this period. When he returned to the office, Lin Yiran began to think
about it.
Jiang Yunyi must have something hidden in her heart when she did this. It would be boring to
expose it directly, and it would be bad if it was revealed.
But things like this kept happening one after another, and the more he thought about it, the
more suspicious Jiang Yunyi seemed to him. He picked up the phone and gave the order.
"Xiao Zhang, Jiang Yunyi has been very busy recently. Please keep an eye on her for me. If she
goes somewhere or has anything to do, please tell me the first time. Do you hear me?" After the
call was connected, Lin Yiran said calmly.
I know it’s Lin Yiran.
Xiao Zhang, who was in the same position as Jiang Yunyi, did not dare to delay. He nodded and
agreed immediately without thinking: "Okay, okay, I know, I'll listen to you! Boss, is there anything
else you want to say?"
Lin Yiran smiled faintly and said, "Nothing, just tell me if there is anything."
After receiving a positive answer, Jiang Yunyi’s matter came to a temporary end.
Next, Lin Yiran had more important things to do. A few days ago, Du Yunruo proposed to have a
good talk about the planning proposal. Lin Yiran had never forgotten it in the past two days. It
just so happened that he had nothing to do today, so the two of them could have a good chat.
Du Yunruo's voice soon came from the other end.
"Oh, you're willing to call me. What's the matter? Do you miss me or do you want to talk to me
about something?"
Du Yunruo is just like this. He is very serious in front of strangers, like an iceberg. People who
don't know him would think he is a workaholic. But in front of familiar people, he becomes more
and more unrestrained. As soon as the phone was connected, a teasing voice came out.
"Yes! Of course I have something to do! On the one hand, I miss you, and on the other hand, I
feel that the plan today is almost done. Coincidentally, there is no expert around me who is good
at planning. I am here to borrow your light and ask for your opinion. Come on, stop talking
nonsense, and make an appointment." Lin Yiran said jokingly with the same smile.
On the other end of the phone, Du Yunruo's eyes lit up!
After waiting for such a long time, how could he possibly have any reason to refuse? Du Yunruo
raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay, I'll go to the coffee shop downstairs. The food there is pretty
good. You go downstairs and wait for me. I'll be in front of you in ten minutes."
Agree on a location.
After packing up briefly and taking the plan, Lin Yiran went to the coffee shop.
The distance between the two companies is not very far, ten minutes is enough.
Coming downstairs, Lin Yiran ordered a cup of mocha and ordered a cup of macchiato for Du
Yunruo opposite: "Wait a moment, I have a friend who hasn't arrived yet. The coffee will be
served in about ten minutes. Sorry for bothering you, thank you!" Lin Yiran said to the clerk.
With his head down, the clerk wrote down the request in detail, then stood up to leave. At this
moment, Lin Yiran suddenly remembered a detail. Du Yunruo's blood sugar has been high
recently and he can't eat sweets. Standing up, Lin Yiran waved forward: "Sorry, wait a moment, I
have a small request here."
The clerk turned around.
The next second, Lin Yiran was stunned for a moment, and then laughed heartily: "Why is it you?
What a coincidence."
The clerk's eyes lit up and he ran towards Lin Yiran with wide eyes. When he came to Lin Yiran,
Lin Yutian smiled and said, "What a coincidence. I just came here to work today. This place and
the cake shop next door are chain stores. On weekdays when there are no customers in the cake
shop, I come here to help. Thank you so much. Thank you for encouraging me last time. If it
weren't for you, I don't know how long I would have been depressed." Looking at Lin Yiran, Lin
Yutian said sincerely.
"Please sit down! This world is really wonderful. I just happen to have a lot to talk to you about."
Lin Yiran said, greeting him.
Meetings are always wonderful. You can run into acquaintances even when you go down for a
cup of coffee.

Chapter 161 His face turned black

"I won't sit down. I still have work to finish later. What a coincidence."
What Lin Yutian said makes sense.
After all, I'm working now, and it's not easy to have time to chat with Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran was not shy and stood up, and the two of them had a pleasant conversation.
What kind of people did you meet during this period and why did you come to this place to work.
Lin Yiran was curious about all these questions. Lin Yutian responded generously: "Haha, this is all
because of you. Ever since you enlightened me last time, I felt that finding the child is important,
but we should also have our own lives. We should stabilize our lives first and stop being
depressed. I also decided to reach out to more people, on the one hand for the child and on the
other hand for myself. Really, I'm very grateful to you!" As he spoke, the man's eyes became
slightly moist.
Reaching out her hand, Lin Yiran gave her a big hug. It was a gratifying thing to have such a big
"That's great, this is really a good thing, congratulations!"
The two chatted for a while, and then someone called out from outside the door: "Hello, is
anyone there?"
Looking at Lin Yutian, Lin Yiran smiled and waved: "Go quickly, let's finish the work first, and we
must have a good chat when we have time in the future."
Nodding slowly towards Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian returned to his work.
Looking at the time, the two chatted for about eight minutes in total. It was almost time and Du
Yunruo should be here too.
Speak of Cao Cao and he will appear.
Just as I was thinking this, a beautiful figure walked in from outside the door. It was Du Yunruo.
Du Yunruo was wearing casual clothes and had short hair, looking heroic. As soon as he entered
the door, he noticed Lin Yiran's direction and waved to her happily, but when they were still some
distance apart, he said, "What's wrong, little darling? Are you anxious after waiting for so long?"
Fortunately, she is a girl.
Otherwise, what would others think when they hear such words?
Looking at Du Yunruo helplessly, Lin Yiran stood up to welcome him.
The two returned to their seats.
Joking aside, when it came to serious matters, Du Yunruo was not vague at all.
Du Yunruo put away his lively and cheerful personality and his expression became serious, as if
he had become a different person in an instant.
Looking at Lin Yiran, she said calmly, "Then let's deal with the planning issue first."
Lin Yiran was not vague either. After hearing what she said, he immediately handed over the plan
in his hand.
They each held a copy and began to read in silence.
As he looked at it, Du Yunruo shook his head and expressed different opinions on one of the
"I personally think there are some issues with the allocation, with too many people left behind
and too few marketing staff."
"This needs to be changed. As you know, the current situation requires not only good ideas and
good products, but also good marketing. These are all essential and key things. I think the focus is
a bit wrong."
After Du Yunruo finished speaking, Lin Yiran nodded silently.
Du Yunruo is still Du Yunruo. She is an expert in these things and immediately pointed out the
But in fact, this is just a small problem. Huo Jinlin’s meaning is very clear. If you want to satisfy
others, it is not necessary to be perfect, but to jointly propose solutions and solve them together.
The reason for coming here to discuss today is because I want to hear Du Yunruo's opinion. I have
to see what she says first. Du Yunruo focuses on marketing, which is nothing wrong. However, in
response to this point, Lin Yiran began to analyze on this basis.
The market is indeed not very peaceful now, with new companies launching new products every
Creativity and marketing are certainly important, but they also require good ideas and good
technology to support them.
Otherwise, no matter how many people there are, if the product is not well made, all the efforts
will be in vain.
Marketing and products are both indispensable. Lin Yiran first affirmed Du Yunruo's plan, and
then he adopted the method taught by Huo Jinlin yesterday and continued: "Yes, your analysis is
correct, but we need to incorporate more ideas and creativity into it. For this foundation, I will
add more people, but the final plan needs to be reviewed by both of us."
"If there are any problems, we need to stop the loss and make corrections in time. We still need
to put a lot of effort into the plan before it is launched. What do you think? I respect your opinion
and I also want to hear what you have to say."
After saying this, Lin Yiran remained silent and just looked at Du Yunruo silently.
What Du Yunruo will do and how he will solve this problem all have to do with the direction of
this plan.
Any mistake in this cannot be tolerated.
After listening to what Lin Yiran said, Du Yunruo felt that it made sense and accepted Lin Yiran's
He nodded and smiled: "Hahaha, you are really getting better and better. If you say so, then I
have no problem."
"The rest of the plan will be carried out according to the plan you envisioned, and I will assist you
from the side."
Hearing her say this, Lin Yiran stretched out his hand and said, "Okay, then I wish us a happy
"Yes, happy cooperation!" Du Yunruo said, pointing at Lin Yiran.
The planning project was successfully completed, and then the relaxed and happy atmosphere
between the two of them returned.
Looking at Lin Yiran, Du Yunruo was generous: "Lin Yiran, you have been getting better and better
recently. Teach me when you have time. I am not teasing you. You really have something. I like
Lin Yiran's face turned red instantly. She didn't care about other people's slander or praise, but if
it was someone around her, it would be completely different.
Looking at Du Yunruo in front of him, Lin Yiran showed a proud expression and responded: "You
are not bad either!"
at this time.
A voice called out from the side: "Miss, please move aside for a moment. Your food is ready. We
also have cakes and various desserts from our store. You two can have a taste first."
Du Yunruo was so focused on talking to Lin Yiran that she didn't hear clearly and thought she was
asked to stand up.
She stood up suddenly.
Something unexpected happened. The position of the plate and the position where he stood up
formed an angle, which could not be seen when he raised his head. Du Yunruo did not notice this
detail, and it was too late for Lin Yutian to give in.
With a bang.
The plate in Lin Yutian's hand fell to the ground. Even though he dodged it with all his strength, it
still caused some irreversible consequences.
The coffee spilled and landed heavily on Du Yunruo. Fortunately, it was a cup of iced coffee,
otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.
Without caring about the remaining plate in his hand, Lin Yutian leaned over and asked anxiously:
"Miss! How are you? Are you okay?"
The good mood of the day was ruined. Du Yunruo looked ugly and his face darkened, with a
nameless anger surging in his heart.

Chapter 162 Strange Relationship

Whether it is Lin Yutian or Du Yunruo.
No one wants this to happen.
But it had already happened, and there was no point in saying anything. Realizing that something
was wrong, Lin Yutian checked and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this is all because of my
negligence. Miss, how do you feel now? Are you feeling unwell?"
"Don't worry, I will try my best to be responsible!"
Lin Yutian had a melancholy look on his face and could not say anything. He could only apologize
Encountering such a thing, Du Yunruo found it difficult to control her emotions. She stretched out
a finger and pointed at Lin Yutian, seeming to want to say something but stopping herself several
Seeing this happening, Lin Yiran quickly stood up and stood between the two of them.
Pulling Du Yunruo over, Lin Yiran comforted her, "You're not injured, are you? How do you feel
now? Are you feeling unwell?"
Du Yunruo would not bother to pay attention if others said such things, but the person in front of
her was Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran didn't do anything and was kind enough to comfort himself. After thinking about it
carefully, Du Yunruo shook his head helplessly.
Indicate that he is fine.
However, no matter who encounters such a thing, there will always be some resentment in their
At the same time, Lin Yiran also knew Du Yunruo's temper. If Lin Yutian continued to stay, he
would not be able to help, but would make Du Yunruo more and more resentful. He winked at Lin
Yutian and deliberately put on a fierce look: "Be more careful next time. It's not easy for
everyone, but since we're here, we still have to drink. Please prepare a new portion for us, and I'll
get it myself later." After that, Lin Yiran winked at Lin Yutian frantically.
After a moment's silence, Lin Yutian gave Lin Yiran a grateful look and quickly left the place.
This was the best solution she could think of at the moment.
Just a little bit.
What Lin Yiran said just now was too obvious, and on top of that, the two of them had
undisguised eye contact.
Du Yunruo immediately guessed something. Looking at Lin Yiran, Du Yunruo's anger subsided a
little. She slowly sat down and said with a little helplessness: "Lin Yiran! You can't be related to
that clerk, right?" Du Yunruo deliberately spoke in a fierce tone.
The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.
This is already her best effort. After all, Du Yunruo is the victim. If she really wants to lose her
Even if there were ten more Lin Yirans, they wouldn't be able to stop him. Lin Yiran's brain was
working frantically, thinking about how to get the best solution. However, a sigh came from the
front: "Stop, stop, stop. You were very smart before. Why are you so hesitant and stupid now?
Don't worry, I've calmed down. It's just a pity that my clothes were wasted." Du Yunruo said.
On the one hand, it was just because he was very angry just now. Now that everyone has left,
there is no point in getting angry. On the other hand, and more importantly, it was because of Lin
You can tell just by looking at the sneaky look on their faces.
It is more or less related.
If she keeps calculating, it will be difficult for Lin Yiran to do her job. Since things have already
happened, what can she do?
Du Yunruo was very open-minded about this: "Hahaha, I thought about it carefully. In fact, this
matter is mainly my fault. It seems that I have to be more careful in the future. Lin Yiran, you may
have to pull me faster in the future! Otherwise, I will explode next time."
Hearing her say this, Lin Yiran nodded quickly. The humorous and teasing tone already explained
the current situation.
But the problem has to be solved.
Being wet is not only physically uncomfortable, but just looking at it will inevitably make you have
all sorts of wild thoughts.
Suddenly, Du Yunruo covered his chest with his hands, took a step back, and his eyes became
alert: "What are you doing!"
The reason for doing this was very simple. Lin Yiran suddenly became like a different person. He
smiled lewdly at Du Yunruo and looked like a gangster, with his saliva almost flowing out.
Before Du Yunruo could continue speaking.
This time, Lin Yiran took the initiative: "So beautiful! I didn't expect you to be so secretive, I like
it! Do you want to go with me?"
"Let's go. I didn't have a pleasant time with my brother today, so I must make it up to you. Let's
go upstairs and go back to the company."
"I personally picked the clothes for you. Your figure is similar to mine. How about you wear my
clothes first? Okay?" Lin Yiran looked at Du Yunruo with an expectant look.
Du Yunruo's tense heart suddenly relaxed. It turned out that he was going to change clothes. If
you didn't know, you would think he was doing something else!
Facing Lin Yiran, Du Yunruo said with a complicated expression: "Of course you can, but can you
please restrain your gaze? It's scary."
Looking at each other, they smiled.
After solving Du Yunruo's emotional problem, the next step was naturally to hurry upstairs and
change clothes first.
He pulled Du Yunruo's hand and the two of them walked towards the door.
At this time, Lin Yutian still felt guilty. He looked at the two of them, but couldn't say anything.
I hesitated to speak several times.
Seeing this scene, something unexpected happened. Du Yunruo put on a smile, took the initiative
to walk to Lin Yutian, and comforted her: "It's okay, we should be more careful next time. Now I'll
go change my clothes, then we'll leave first, there is one more important thing!"
Lin Yutian raised his head nervously.
What exactly is this point?
How come he suddenly stopped talking in the middle of his words? His heart, which had just
relaxed a little, immediately tensed up again.
"Miss, may I ask if you still have any questions?"
Before she finished speaking, Du Yunruo pointed to the coffee not far away and said, "This is very
Lin Yiran couldn't hold it in any longer and laughed out loud: "Now that I'm not angry anymore,
let's quickly take our things and leave."
Lin Yutian seized the opportunity and handed the remaining things to Du Yunruo.
The two went out.
I arrived at the company and entered the elevator. There were only two people in the elevator.
Du Yunruo felt relieved, exhaled a breath of foul air, and rubbed his forehead with his hand. At
the same time, he couldn't help but feel curious.
"Lin Yiran! Be honest with me and tell me why you care about her so much. There must be a
As he spoke, Du Yunruo even began to make associations on his own, with all kinds of thoughts
popping up in his mind.
Seeing that her talk was getting more and more outrageous, Lin Yiran interrupted her and told
her how she met Lin Yutian.
As they were talking, the elevator arrived, and Du Yunruo burst out laughing.
"You, you are always so kind. You will suffer if you do this. Don't do this again in the future."
Lin Yiran responded with a faint smile, some things do not need to be explained.

Chapter 163: People with Interests

The scene shifts to an office not far away.
Because Yu Wei had to pay his salary and could not process the report in time, Jiang Yunyi helped
to hand the report to Huo Jinlin for signature.
At this time, after receiving the report, Huo Jinlin was busy signing it, while Jiang Yunyi was
enjoying it.
His eyes were fixed on Huo Jinlin.
Facing Du Yunruo's undisguised burning gaze, Huo Jinlin was somewhat helpless and raised his
eyebrows and said, "Just tell me if you have something to say."
During this period of time, Jiang Yunyi became more and more direct. Whenever the two were
alone together, her eyes looked as if she wanted to eat Huo Jinlin.
Jiang Yunyi was a little embarrassed.
She didn't expect Huo Jinlin to be so direct. Looking at Huo Jinlin, she pretended to be clueless
and scratched her head, saying, "Boss, I have nothing to do. I just think the scenery over there is
nice, so I want to take a closer look."
After saying that, Jiang Yunyi still felt it was not enough and chuckled twice at Huo Jinlin.
This little trick is definitely enough to deal with other people.
But if this person is Huo Jinlin.
There's nothing much to say about that.
Noticing the changes in Jiang Yunyi during this period, Huo Jinlin turned his head and said lightly
while processing the report: "Jiang Yunyi, you are still very young and have many opportunities to
choose. As for me, you also know my situation. I hope that we can maintain a clean relationship
between superiors and subordinates. If there is anything in the future, I hope you will take the
initiative to avoid it and don't force me to say something too embarrassing. Do you understand?"
The next second, Jiang Yunyi's expression froze.
What she didn't expect was that Huo Jinlin's tone of voice was so direct that it rejected all her
possibilities from the root.
After hesitating, Jiang Yunyi forced a bitter smile: "Boss, please stop teasing me. I don't have any
such idea." Jiang Yunyi said this deliberately in order to retreat. She wanted to see what Huo
Jinlin's attitude towards this matter was.
Huo Jinlin's expression suddenly darkened when he saw Jiang Yunyi's little trick.
Compared to the awkward coexistence between the two of them, some things must be made
Both at work and personally.
He asked in a cold voice: "You have seen enough after watching for so long. Anyway, I have said
what I need to say. I will not be so polite next time. I hope you can keep your distance from me.
There is only a clean superior-subordinate relationship between us. Go out. I will hand over the
report here to others. You are not needed. Think about it carefully."
Jiang Yunyi opened her mouth to explain.
However, Huo Jinlin did not give her a chance to explain: "No need to say anything, get out now."
Jiang Yunyi cursed secretly in her heart, knowing that if she stayed any longer, she would only end
up making things worse.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, she said nothing, nodded silently, and walked out the door with a lost look
on her face.
I just took a few steps.
There were footsteps ahead.
Jiang Yunyi perked up instantly and listened carefully. Not far away, Lin Yiran's hearty laughter
came, and Jiang Yunyi's mood immediately became bad.
It’s all this damn Lin Yiran’s fault. If it weren’t for Lin Yiran, then the one standing next to Huo
Jinlin would definitely be me.
I had thought that I could take advantage of the opportunity when they were alone to take a
good look at Huo Jinlin a few more times.
Take the relationship between the two to the next level.
It would have been fine if Huo Jinlin had spoken harshly, but as soon as he went out, he ran into
Lin Yiran, and a strong hatred surged in his heart.
at the same time.
Jiang Yunyi also knew that now was not the time to fall out.
Jiang Yunyi straightened her clothes, straightened her back, and walked out with a smile as if
nothing had happened.
Just like that, a chance encounter that had been prepared in advance occurred.
Seeing Jiang Yunyi coming not far ahead, Du Yunruo's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.
She didn't have a good impression of Jiang Yunyi.
Lin Yiran and Jiang Yunyi smiled and nodded to each other as a greeting, and then the two passed
each other.
Then, Lin Yiran and Du Yunruo came to the work cubicle. It was called a work cubicle, but in fact it
was Lin Yiran's private room, a place specially for Lin Yiran to rest, relax and change clothes. After
entering, Du Yunruo exclaimed: "Wow! It seems that Huo Jinlin is really thoughtful and reserved
such a big room for you in the company. I am really envious. By the way, what do you think of
Jiang Yunyi?" Du Yunruo said.
When it comes to his friends, Du Yunruo likes to be direct and doesn't like to hide too much.
Everyone must have had this feeling in their heart, that is, they feel that they don’t like someone
at the first sight.
This is Du Yunruo's opinion about Jiang Yunyi, and she also expressed her own thoughts.
"If you ask me, she has a really good mental state. You are really not afraid. Jiang Yunyi and Huo
Jinlin are in the same company every day. Their feelings are all written on their faces. Huo Jinlin
has no interest in Jiang Yunyi, but I can't guarantee that everyone has no interest in him."
Looking at Lin Yiran, Du Yunruo said with heartache and helplessness.
This look seems to be saying, you should control your husband as soon as possible, otherwise,
your husband will run away with someone else.
Lin Yiran was stunned at first, then responded with a smile while choosing clothes for Du Yunruo.
"It's okay, I believe Huo Jinlin."
"I can't control what others do, but my attitude towards others is to trust people when you
employ them, and don't employ them if you don't trust them. I can't change everyone's ideas,
but I can ensure that the people around me won't do anything out of line. You also know who
Huo Jinlin is."
Hearing Lin Yiran's words, Du Yunruo felt helpless. No, to be more precise, she felt a little
disappointed. Her eyes became distressed, and she said lightly, "How silly. You're prepared for the
worst. But this is a matter between you two after all. I believe you will handle it. Oh, right, where
were you just now! Right, right, right! You haven't finished telling Lin Yutian's story yet."
When it comes to relationships, I can only provide some advice; what to do is up to others.
Excessive interference would not benefit either himself or Lin Yiran. Du Yunruo changed the
subject and brought up Lin Yutian.
Little did they know.
Jiang Yunyi, who was outside the door, heard everything the two were talking about.
After passing each other, Jiang Yunyi noticed the look Du Yunruo gave her, which was an
expression of displeasure.
This time I came here to eavesdrop specifically to listen to their conversation, but unexpectedly, I
got an unexpected gain!
When Lin Yutian was mentioned, Jiang Yunyi was shocked, and her first thought was that it was
But as he listened to more and more of the conversation and Du Yunruo's description, Jiang Yunyi
couldn't help but accept this fact.
In the room.
The more Du Yunruo spoke, the more interested she became: "Yes, then she is really a poor
person. It's just that you have done so much, I hope she won't let you down." Du Yunruo's
captain Lin Yiran said.
Jiang Yunyi realized that Lin Yiran had contact with Lin Yutian, and she was no longer interested in
listening to the rest.

Chapter 164 No Good Intentions

It happened at this time.
Du Yunruo changed her clothes. There were still some things to deal with in the company. After a
brief chat, Du Yunruo left and Lin Yin continued to work.
In order to further confirm the authenticity of the matter, Jiang Yunyi went downstairs privately
to check.
After searching inside and outside the company building, Jiang Yunyi found nothing. She even
began to doubt whether she had heard it wrong.
at this time.
A voice came from the cake shop nearby: "Welcome to visit next time!"
There was absolutely no way this voice could be wrong. At that moment, Jiang Yunyi felt her
heart collapse. A strong electric current surged through her body, and she didn't know what to
Unexpectedly, the world is so small. I thought I would never meet Lin Yutian again in this life, but
what I didn’t expect was that she actually worked downstairs from my company. What’s more
terrible is that Lin Yutian seems to have a relationship with Lin Yiran.
After the huge shock, Jiang Yunyi came to her senses instantly.
Everything I'm doing now is just my own guess.
I haven't finished listening to their conversation just now, so maybe I missed something.
There is something more important to do right now.
That is to determine whether there is any relationship between Lin Yiran and Lin Yutian.
If so, the problem becomes complicated; if not, everything done before can be canceled.
Realizing the key point of the problem, Jiang Yunyi suddenly had an idea in his mind.
It's a good opportunity to test the current situation.
Coming to a nearby supermarket, Jiang Yunyi pleaded, taking out some cash under the pretext of
going to the toilet.
"Boss, can you do me a small favor? I'll give you a hundred dollars as a tip. Go buy me some cakes
now. I'm running out of time. I have something important to do later. Please!"
Everything else is not the point.
When I heard there was a tip of a hundred dollars.
The boss patted his chest and made a promise.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it!"
that's all.
With the help of the supermarket owner, Jiang Yunyi completed her plan unknowingly. With this
thing, it was equivalent to having a topic to talk to Lin Yiran.
Five minutes later.
The boss came back in great prosperity with a pile of cakes.
Jiang Yunyi stood at the door and took the cake from the boss with a smile.
Before leaving, he smiled and said, "Thank you, boss. We'll add your contact information next
To be honest, Jiang Yunyi is definitely a standard beauty. Not only did he earn a hundred dollars,
but he also got to hear a beautiful woman say this.
The boss immediately smiled foolishly.
By the time he reacted, Jiang Yunyi had already walked away with a pile of cakes.
Bring the cake back to your work department.
Jiang Yunyi shouted loudly.
"Come on, come on, everyone has a share. You've all worked hard during this period. These are
some small gifts I bought for everyone."
"Everyone come and try it, the cake shop downstairs just opened not long ago, it's delicious!"
Hearing this, the office colleagues could no longer sit still. They put down what they were doing
and ran towards Jiang Yunyi.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Yunyi said intentionally or unintentionally.
"Such a delicious cake, I wonder if Yi still has eaten it, can you guys keep an eye on it for me? I'll
go and deliver a portion of the cake."
After hearing what she said, her office colleagues agreed on the spot.
"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it for you. I'll call you if anything happens. Go ahead, you're
really thoughtful."
"Yeah, I'm so envious of you for still having such a good friend."
Amid the envious gazes of everyone, Jiang Yunyi got on the elevator.
Inside the elevator.
After taking several deep breaths, Jiang Yunyi adjusted her state and came up with an idea in her
Boom boom boom.
There was a knock on the door.
"Who is it? The door is not closed. Come in. If you have anything to say, come in and talk."
At this time, Lin Yiran was busy with work and didn't think too much about it. He shouted at the
Next second.
Jiang Yunyi opened the door and walked in.
In order to show her sincerity, Jiang Yunyi specially picked a big cake and packed it in an exquisite
gift box.
"Dangdang, come on, this is for you. A cake shop has opened downstairs. Everyone has been
working hard during this period."
"I bought it specially to reward everyone."
"How about it? This is something I prepared just for you. I've been walking all the way here, and
it's so heavy. I'm almost dying of exhaustion."
Before Lin Yiran opened her mouth, Jiang Yunyi had already figured it out, found a suitable
excuse, and quickly walked to Lin Yiran's side.
After hearing what she said, Lin Yiran let down his guard.
Smile and praise.
"You are really thoughtful, wow! It smells so good and looks delicious. What about you? Have you
eaten it?"
Jiang Yunyi shook her head.
Everything is going according to plan.
After chatting for a few words, Jiang Yunyi sat aside, picked up a document, and fanned herself
with a simple fan. While fanning, she said, "I'm so tired. You eat first, I'll eat later. By the way, Yi
Ran, on the way to buy a cake, I encountered an interesting thing. A new employee came to the
cake shop. The service was so enthusiastic that he talked to me for a long time."
As they were talking, Jiang Yunyi took the initiative to change the topic to the cake shop.
You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a lamb. I spent so much money today, not just to talk
about the cake shop.
It is to confirm the issues regarding Lin Yutian.
As they were talking, Jiang Yunyi took the initiative to bring the topic to Lin Yiran.
"She also told me that she knows you and that you have helped her a lot. Is that true?"
Jiang Yunyi asked with a deliberate smile.
Unknowingly, Lin Yiran fell into Jiang Yunyi's trap. He mentioned Lin Yutian intentionally or
Later, he even took the initiative to talk about the relationship between Lin Yutian and himself.
Inadvertently, Lin Yiran leaked the news that they knew each other. Looking at Jiang Yunyi, Lin
Yiran chuckled twice, and then said without any defense: "Yes, I have known her for a while, and I
think she is a good person."
At this point, the doubts that had been bothering me were completely resolved.
After getting what she wanted, Jiang Yunyi quickly found an excuse for herself.
"That's great. It seems like we are destined to be together. Yi Ran, I still have some things to deal
with now. Enjoy your meal. I'll leave first."
"I have indeed been a little careless about work recently, but don't worry, I will definitely adjust
as soon as possible."
It must be said that through this wave of operations, Jiang Yunyi not only grasped Lin Yutian's
situation, but also established a good image for herself.
But not everyone can do it.
As soon as Jiang Yunyi left, Lin Yin came upstairs with the cake.

Chapter 165 Things Get More Complicated

A new batch of goods is about to be produced, and the goods production cost table needs to be
submitted to Huo Jinlin for approval.
Came to Huo Jinlin's office.
Lin Yiran smiled: "How is it? Are you surprised to see me? I came here to tell you good news
Shaking the production cost table in his hand, Lin Yinyi jumped up to Huo Jinlin.
As long as the production costs are settled, it means that the company will produce a new batch
of goods.
That’s one of the good news.
There is another natural thing, which is what happened today regarding Du Yunruo.
Using his theoretical knowledge, Lin Yiran successfully convinced Du Yunruo, and the two sides
joined forces and successfully reached a cooperation.
Looking at Lin Yiran's smiling face, Huo Jinlin nodded silently.
No wonder I laughed so happily today, it turns out there were so many good things happening.
Ever since Lin Yiran joined the company to help, he has shared a lot of the company's affairs, big
and small.
Along the way, Huo Jinlin felt a lot less pressure, and the two of them worked hand in hand and
overcame many difficulties together.
Seeing Lin Yiran happy, Huo Jinlin also became happy. He touched Lin Yiran's hair and was silent
for a moment. Then Huo Jinlin said seriously.
"This is all thanks to you!"
"My dear wife, I congratulate you in advance. You don't have to be polite with me. Do you want
any gifts this time? Just ask me if you want anything. When I'm done with this busy period, I'll
take you out for a good trip so you can relax."
After hearing what Huo Jinlin said, Lin Yiran began to think quietly.
As for anything material, I don't need any of that. Lin Yiran is not very interested in that kind of
But there is one thing I need to ask Huo Jinlin.
"Okay! I have a wish recently. I met someone some time ago. I think she has strong personal
abilities, but something happened. Now she works in the cake shop downstairs from our
company. If one day she can't make it and can't adapt to the work in the cake shop, can you let
her come to our Huo's to do administration!"
"Are you talking about Lin Yutian?" Huo Jinlin raised his eyebrows slightly.
Lin Yiran had mentioned this person to me before.
When Lin Yiran said this, Huo Jinlin immediately remembered it.
Looking at Lin Yiran, Huo Jinlin nodded silently.
Lin Yutian's life story is indeed quite miserable. If he is really capable, staying in the company
would also make it easier for him to find his relatives.
It can be considered a win-win situation.
This is only for Lin Yutian. For Huo Jinlin, facing such a request, Huo Jinlin is somewhat
Huoshi has been able to get to where it is today thanks to everyone’s joint efforts.
Every person has been carefully selected and has sufficient strength and confidence to stay.
Although it is just a matter of words, if such a person is included without permission.
What will other employees think?
By then, the employees and Lin Yutian would be unhappy, and even Lin Yiran would be
State the pros and cons.
Huo Jinlin rested his elbows on the table, raised his head and looked at Lin Yiran, curling the
corners of his mouth, wanting to hear Lin Yiran's answer.
You can, but you have to think carefully before doing anything.
Lin Yiran lowered his head, frowned slightly, and said nothing.
I really hadn't thought about the impact in this regard before.
It’s a significant impact.
How to balance the relationship between them and how to achieve a result that everyone is
satisfied with?
For a while.
Lin Yiran really couldn't say it.
Seeing Lin Yiran like this, Huo Jinlin found it cute. He stood up and hugged Lin Yiran from behind.
"Then do you want to hear my opinion?"
Lin Yiran's face turned red.
He was just talking, but suddenly he put his face so close to me in broad daylight, which was
bound to make people feel a little shy.
This was not enough. Knowing that Lin Yiran was shy, Huo Jinlin took Lin Yiran's hand, pressed it
against Lin Yiran's face, and said with a smile, "You are already an old married couple, why are
you so nervous about taking photos? Then I will tell you directly."
Let’s get back on track.
If Lin Yiran is willing, he will naturally be willing to give Lin Yutian a chance, but at the same time,
an assessment is also needed.
If Lin Yutian is really that capable and can really complete this task, there is no problem with him
If you can take on the job and complete the work successfully, and do well, then you will have a
chance. If you don’t do well, then sorry, you still need to leave.
Rules are made by people.
There will inevitably be some emotion involved.
But at the same time, we also need to consider everyone.
Lin Yiran nodded thoughtfully.
Yes, when I mentioned this meal, I didn’t think too much about it. I just wanted to help Lin Yutian.
But forget to consider other aspects.
If she cannot adapt and is placed in such an environment, it will be a pure disaster for Lin Yutian.
This is the biggest concession Huo Jinlin can make.
It is also for the overall situation.
Holding Huo Jinlin's hand tightly, Lin Yinyan turned around, stood on tiptoe, and kissed him gently
on the forehead.
"Okay, I'll listen to you. I'd like to thank Mr. Huo in advance for giving me this opportunity."
Lin Yiran joked.
After a brief chat, Lin Yiran said goodbye to Huo Jinlin's office. Along the way, she thought about
what happened today and also thought about Lin Yutian.
The smile on Lin Yiran's face grew wider.
At this moment, a voice called out from behind Lin Yiran: "Yiran! Wait for me, you look so happy
today, let's go together."
Lin Yutian ran over quickly and walked to Lin Yiran's side. It seemed like just a chance encounter,
but in fact it was all planned for a long time.
After leaving Lin Yiran's office, Jiang Yunyi had been observing in the dark and had been following
him all the way.
I heard the conversation between Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran.
Jiang Yunyi doesn't care about other things, but if it's about Lin Yutian.
Then she must figure it out. If Lin Yutian is allowed to enter the company, it will be troublesome.
As they chatted, the topic came to Lin Yutian again. Lin was still unprepared and told his plan
"I want to give her a better platform and a chance if possible."
Jiang Yunyi's face changed drastically.
Before it could be said to be just speculation, but now coming from Lin Yiran’s mouth, it can
basically be said to be confirmed.
Looking at Lin Yiran, Jiang Yunyi had a complicated expression. After a long while, she began to
"Yan'an, I think it's okay to give it a chance. It's a good thing. I am very sure of your approach."
"It's just that, after all, there are so many people in our company. Even if no one says anything,
they must have seen it. I think this is not an easy thing to do."
The meaning is very simple. Jiang Yunyi said that such behavior is unfair to ordinary people.
Lin Yiran sighed.
Yes, that’s what she thought when she was kicked out, and she felt a little resentful.
Later, after thinking carefully, she realized that there is no such thing as absolute justice. She just
wanted to help Lin Yutian.
As long as you can pass the assessment, it doesn’t matter. Lin will still handle the rest of the
rumors and problems.
If it doesn’t pass, that’s another matter.
After listening to what Lin Yiran said, Jiang Yunyi suddenly fell silent. It seemed that she was
determined to bring Lin Yutian in.
Things are more complicated than you think.

Chapter 166 Internal Situation of the Company

Jiang Yunyi looked grim and unwilling as she finally asked, "Still, why don't you think about it
again? I'm afraid it will have a bad impact on you."
At this moment, Lin Yiran didn't know that Jiang Yunyi and Lin Yutian had a past.
I just simply think that Jiang Yunyi did this for herself.
Letting out a sigh, Lin Yiran said calmly.
"It's okay. I have my own thoughts. You don't need to persuade me. I will still try my best to do
what Lin Yutian wants."
It’s just a position, it can be a big or small matter, as long as it is handled well, Lin Yiran believes
that no one will have too many comments.
At this point, the conversation between the two came to an end.
Lin Yiran still had other things to deal with: "Yunyi, I have made up my mind. The cake you sent
today is delicious and I like it very much. But don't say anything about Lin Yutian. I have
something else to do and I have to leave first."
Lin Yiran turned around, stopped talking, and walked forward quickly.
Looking at Lin Yiran's receding back, Jiang Yunyi felt complicated, thinking that this time Lin Yiran
was really determined.
If he wanted to successfully stop all this, he had to do it before Lin Yiran. Thinking of this, Jiang
Yunyi came up with an idea.
the other side.
After Lin Yiran left the company, he rushed to the new factory without stopping. Just now, the
factory manager and the factory director sent messages at the same time, saying that there were
big problems in the new company and the entire company has been suspended. They couldn't
make up their minds and needed Lin Yiran to come and see it in person.
The matter was of great importance, so Lin Yiran did not delay. Soon, ten minutes later, Lin Yiran
arrived at the new company.
Just arrived at the door.
The person in charge and senior management went out to greet them at the same time.
Holding a parasol, the person in charge walked quickly to Lin Yiran's side, held out the umbrella
for him, and then said cautiously, "Boss, I can't tell you the details. It's very complicated. Let's talk
while we walk. You'll know what's going on when you see it."
She rubbed her forehead and nodded slightly.
This is the first time such a big thing has happened since the new company was founded.
From the person in charge's introduction, Lin Yiran roughly understood the whole story of the
The production of goods requires not only manpower and management, but also a large amount
of water to play a role in cooling and dust reduction. Only in this way can the produced goods
meet the requirements. However, in the past few days, the water supply has been intermittent,
and half an hour ago, it was completely gone.
Hearing this, Lin Yiran frowned.
Before the person in charge could continue speaking, Lin Yiran raised his hand to interrupt.
"Stop for a moment and talk later. I didn't expect to see an old friend here. I have to go over and
say hello."
Zeng Jiajia's figure came into view next to the cargo box not far ahead. It was obvious that she
had noticed Lin Yiran early in the morning, and her eyes had been looking at Lin Yiran
intentionally or unintentionally. Ever since Zeng Jiajia did something wrong last time, her
relationship with Lin Yiran became tense.
I didn't expect to see you here.
Walking forward, Lin Yiran took the initiative to greet him: "I didn't expect you to be here too.
How are you? Have you thought about it carefully during this period of time?"
After hearing what Lin Yiran said, Zeng Jiajia looked at Lin Yiran. She said nothing, snorted coldly
at Lin Yiran, and her face darkened.
The eyes don't lie.
She showed no remorse at all and instead gave Lin Yiran a very dark look.
There was no response to Lin Yiran's question. Zeng Jiajia pretended not to hear and continued
talking to herself: "The weather is really good today. The sun is rising from the west."
"I'm very busy today and don't have time to play around. I'd better go take care of my business
Zeng Jiajia walked away, talking to herself.
Lin was still helpless.
In broad daylight, Zeng Jiajia didn't want to talk to me, so I couldn't just pull her aside, right?
It's no big deal if he's gone. The most important thing right now is the new factory.
Skipping the episode involving Zeng Jiajia, Lin Yiran had a detailed discussion with the person in
During this process, good news came.
"Engineer Wang! The factory's water supply has been restored, go check it out!"
The restoration of water use means that the problems of the new factory have been successfully
But before Lin Yiran could feel relieved, what she got was a sigh from the person in charge: "Okay,
OK, I got it, let's get on with the work."
Lin Yiran was puzzled. Isn't recovery a good thing? Why is he speaking in such a tone?
The person in charge only said: "Boss, go to the scene and take a look. The situation here may not
be as simple as you think."
He did what he said and brought the person in charge with him to work in the factory.
Seeing that it was Lin Yiran who came, the workers were very happy, and their faces were filled
with joyful smiles. Lin Yiran was gentle and generous, and spoke in a soft tone, which made her
very popular among the workers. In addition, Lin Yiran had an easy-going personality, and she had
already become friends with the workers.
I went inside the factory and took a careful look around.
no problem.
Same as usual.
Just recently, a new batch of orders had just arrived. The delivery time for this batch of goods was
urgent and the quality requirements were also high. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin
Yiran struck while the iron was hot and passed on the news: "In the next ten days, I'm sorry to
trouble everyone. This batch of goods is very important to our company. If the task is successfully
completed, everyone will get a share. I'll give everyone a big red envelope." Lin Yiran said directly.
The situation was different from what Lin Yiran had expected. The workers looked unhappy and
Looking at each other, they were silent for a long time. Finally, they decided to tell the truth.
"Boss, we have seen and remembered how you treat us, but we cannot guarantee the delivery of
the goods this time. The reason is very simple. The factory next door has cut off our water supply.
Sometimes we don't even have water for daily life, let alone the factory. This has caused our
production speed to slow down and the quality of the goods to become uneven."
"Since you are here today, as the captain here, I will tell you directly that I hope you can negotiate
with the boss next door and have a good chat about the use of water. We have tried many times,
but without exception, all have failed."
Hearing this, Lin Yiran was shocked.
If this is the case, then it means that the entire new factory has been greatly affected.
It has even become serious enough to affect everyone's lives.
Once it involves a factory, it is no trivial matter. In order to allow Lin Yiran to feel the changes
more intuitively and to investigate the matter thoroughly, under the leadership of the captain, Lin
Yiran came to the water treatment center.
The situation is more serious than imagined.
The water flow is very unstable. Sometimes it can be barely maintained, but most of the time the
water flow is intermittent.
Seeing is believing, what everyone says is absolutely right.
In this case, production is indeed not an easy task.
The captain complained: "Damn it, the water usage of the company next door has always been
good. I have told them many times, but they just won't do it. They are obviously doing it on
The company next door?

Chapter 167 The two people who broke down in the negotiation
Lin Yiran suddenly realized.
Isn’t this so-called neighboring company the company controlled by Zeng Jiajia?
She ran so fast that I thought she just didn't want to talk to me, but I didn't expect her to do such
a bad thing.
Lin Yiran's face darkened.
"Come on, person in charge, come with me for a special trip. I want to see how thick-skinned
Zeng Jiajia is."
It would be fine if they did something wrong, but now they are deliberately targeting each other
like this. The two companies are so close, why not try to cover it up?
at this time.
The screen shows Zeng Jiajia.
Back in the company, Zeng Jiajia made a statement in advance.
"Remember, if someone from the company next door comes to see me later, tell them I'm out.
Don't tell them I'm in the company."
"Especially someone named Lin Yiran came to see me!"
Whatever you fear will come to you!
The two companies were not far apart, and were just an upstream and downstream relationship.
In less than five minutes, Lin Yiran arrived at the door of Zeng Jiajia's company. After receiving the
order from above, the security brother was particularly alert. When he saw that it was not a car
from his company, he immediately stopped the person.
He said righteously.
"Excuse me, you need approval to enter our company. May I ask what you are doing here?"
Upon hearing this, Lin Yiran couldn't hold it back anymore and burst out laughing on the spot.
How could such a childish trick possibly deceive Lin Yiran? What's more, there was no approval
three days ago, but it is now.
There must be a reason for everything being unusual.
Give Zeng Jiajia a little face.
Lin Yiran didn't want to make the matter too awkward.
Looking at the security guard, Lin Yiran said seriously, "Then please tell your boss Zeng that a
friend is looking for her."
"My name is Lin Yiran. Since you've done something like this, don't be afraid of me coming to
your house. I want to sit down and talk with her face to face."
The security guard was in a very awkward position and looked reluctant, but under Lin Yiran's
money and tough attitude, he gave in.
He still called Zeng Jiajia.
As soon as the call was connected.
Zeng Jiajia's voice of disappointment came out: "Then what do we need you useless people for!"
"Okay, she's here. How can I be afraid of her? Bring her in. I'll be waiting for her in the office."
Lin Yiran came to the office.
Zeng Jiajia had one and only one request, which was that they could meet, but only alone.
Outside the door.
The person in charge was nervous and stopped Lin Yiran: "Boss, why don't we go back and
prepare well? You are alone, and I am afraid that something bad might happen to you." The
person in charge said worriedly.
The surrounding space is wide and it is broad daylight.
A man of integrity fears no crooked shadow.
Compared with the concerns of the person in charge, Lin Yiran's attitude is very clear.
Lin Yiran stepped forward and patted the person in charge on the shoulder, and said with a smile:
"You're already here, are you afraid of her at the door?"
"This is a fight for our rights. Don't worry, leave the problem to me and I will solve it."
Boom boom boom.
Lin Yiran knocked on the door.
"Come in, the door is not locked."
A voice came from inside the door.
After opening the door, Lin Yiran walked in. Zeng Jiajia was the only one in the room. There was a
cup of coffee in front of Zeng Jiajia. She crossed her legs and looked leisurely. When she saw that
it was Lin Yiran who came, she raised her eyebrows and asked deliberately.
"It's you. You're looking for me so anxiously. Is there something wrong?"
"Whatever it is, let's talk about it quickly. I'm very busy and don't want to waste my time on trivial
Lin Yiran was not polite either. She quickly walked to the opposite side of Zeng Jiajia and took
over the seat. She sat down and rested her elbows on the table. Lin Yiran frowned slightly: "What
do you say?"
Just a few simple words.
The two already knew the purpose of each other's visit.
Lin Yiran asked, "As far as I know, this has been going on for quite some time, not just one or two
days. I know your excuse."
You don't have to think about what Zeng Jiajia is going to say.
She would definitely say that her own company is not easy either.
Can't help.
That doesn't matter.
Lin Yiran had already done some research before coming here, and there were indeed some
difficulties in this regard, but they were only minor.
Being located upstream, Zeng Jiajia's company has a superior geographical location, so such
troubles can be completely ignored.
"Then how about this, you name a number, I won't waste time talking to you, I'll give you the
money, and then we'll implement a reasonable segmented water use."
"Miss Zeng Jiajia, you've been making trouble for so long, it's time for you to calm down."
After listening to what Lin Yiran said.
Zeng Jiajia fell into deep thought.
His thoughts were completely opposite to Lin Yiran's. Anyway, his position was already here, and
it was his business whether he agreed or not.
He raised his head and glanced at Lin Yiran.
Zeng Jiajia smiled and said, "You are really smart. You have even thought of what I am going to
say. But if I say no, what can you do?"
"To tell you the truth, I don't have any such worries here at all. Even if I give you water, that's no
problem, but I don't want to."
"Even if I waste the water, I won't give it to you. What can you do to me?" Looking at Lin Yiran,
Zeng Jiajia said arrogantly.
Zeng Jiajia suffered a loss at the hands of Lin Yiran some time ago, and she couldn't swallow this
Now that she had such a good opportunity, she naturally would not let it go.
This answer was far beyond Lin Yiran's expectations.
I didn't expect Zeng Jiajia would do something so harmful to herself and others just for her own
Clenching his hands, Lin Yiran frowned: "Have you thought about it?"
Zeng Jiajia said, "If I could see Miss Lin Yiran lower herself and come to me to discuss a deal, and
change her tone of voice, maybe I would give it some serious consideration. After all, you need
help right now. I'm a little sleepy today, and we don't have much to talk about. You can go now."
After saying that, Zeng Jiajia shouted to the outside of the door.
"Someone, show the guests away!"
The two had an argument and the talks eventually broke down.
When they returned to the company, everyone knew what was going on as soon as they saw Lin
Yiran's face, and the workers were also in a difficult situation.
Wanting to produce but having no water source is a fatal problem. Far water cannot quench near
Even if there is a new water source, it will take at least a month to complete the connection.
In the crowd.
Everyone was whispering to each other.
"This is really troublesome. I have encountered a scoundrel."
"Who said it wasn't? We could have a good chat, but the other party just didn't want to."
"This kind of thing that hurts others and does not benefit oneself is very helpless for anyone who
encounters it. The boss must be feeling very complicated right now."
At this moment, Lin Yiran shook his head, clearing away the gloom. Emotions cannot solve the
current problem. The most important thing now is the factory.
After exhaling several times, Lin Yiran calmed down. Since Zeng Jiajia's method didn't work, there
was another way.
The factory's affairs have gone through layers of approval, and the relevant departments are very
supportive of this development.
There is not enough water at the moment, and the relevant departments will definitely send
people to solve the problem.
Thinking of this, Lin Yiran changed his mind and went to the relevant department. After learning
of Lin Yiran's identity, the relevant department attached great importance to it.
The deputy director met with Lin Yiran in person.
Chapter 168 Let’s Eat
In the conference room.
A man was wearing formal clothes, with a pot of hot tea in front of him, and his every move was
dignified. This was the deputy director of the relevant department, Wang Yumeng.
Lin Yiran had a detailed discussion with the deputy director and told him everything that had
happened during this period.
Regarding the water source issue.
The deputy director was very straightforward.
"Okay, now we have understood the situation here and will send someone to deal with it as soon
as possible."
"The water problem is indeed a big issue for the development of the factory. I can understand
how you feel now."
"Give us three days, and we will mediate between the two parties. If we can use the original
water source, that would be the best. If not, we will try to find a new water source and fully
support development."
Standing up, Lin Yiran squeezed the deputy director's hand tightly and said, "Thank you so
"Wherever there is, there is. Being able to do things for everyone is the meaning of our
After getting an accurate answer, the air on the way back became sweeter.
Back to the factory.
Regarding the issue of water sources, Lin Yiran did not hide anything and openly told everyone
the answer he got today.
at the same time.
Lin Yiran really considers everyone and specially dispatches company personnel to deliver water
for daily use, which really brings benefits to everyone.
On the high platform.
Lin Yiran expressed his true feelings: "The crisis has passed, and it won't be long before the
problem is solved. This month, on top of the original salary, I will personally give everyone an
extra subsidy of 1,000 yuan. Thank you for your support of our company. You have all worked
hard during this period!"
After Lin Yiran finished speaking, the audience became excited.
Heaps of praise on Lin Yiran.
"This is my favorite boss, down-to-earth and capable. This is the first time I've met such a good
person in my life."
“Thank you so much, boss!”
"It's nothing. It's not hard at all. I've seen every step of the way."
After comforting the workers, Lin Yinyan left the construction site.
the other side.
Jiang Yunyi was afraid that Lin Yutian would cause trouble for her, so she met with the cake shop
owner alone.
Inside a high-end hotel.
The two of them toasted each other, and the cake shop owner naturally knew that Jiang Yunyi
had something to ask him this time.
After three rounds of drinks, he opened his mouth and asked, "Miss Jiang, I am a straightforward
person. I like to speak my mind. This time you invited me to such a high-end restaurant like Nine
O'clock. I believe you must have something to say. I am just the owner of a small shop. If there is
anything I can help you with, just ask!"
After listening to what the boss said, Jiang Yunyi was not in a hurry.
Reaching into the bag at her waist, Jiang Yunyi took out a file bag: "It's just a small token of my
"Boss, I'll just say it straight. Actually, it's nothing. It's just that when I came to your store today, I
met a person whom I disliked a long time ago. His name is Lin Yutian. You should have an
impression of him..."
Jiang Yunyi told her plan, which was simple and clear: she asked her boss to deliberately create
an accident to frame Lin Yutian.
Then, drive Lin Yutian away.
After hearing this, the boss hesitated: "Ms. Jiang, if something unexpected happens and
someone gets hurt by mistake, it will not be a small matter. I think..."
Before the boss could finish his words, Jiang Yunyi took out another file bag and said, "Is this
This time, the boss no longer hesitated and agreed immediately.
"The boss is really a man of character. I'll drink this cup!"
The scene comes to the cake shop.
After receiving Jiang Yunyi's money, the boss acted quickly and immediately called his cousin
from home and asked him to pretend to be a customer.
After all, this is not a glorious thing. The boss gave me many instructions and explained the
details over and over again.
"Xiao Zhang, when the food is delivered later, you must stand up quickly and knock it over no
matter what."
"There is one more thing you need to pay special attention to. The boss has requested that the
hot coffee be directed towards Lin Yutian. Do you understand?"
Xiao Zhang nodded repeatedly.
"Brother! Don't you trust me in what I do? I promise."
After finalizing the plan, Xiao Zhang walked into the store.
Seeing a new customer coming, Lin Yutian was very enthusiastic and took the initiative to go out
to greet the customer. He asked with a smile: "Hello, what would you like to order? We have a lot
of coffee in our store, and we have also added a lot of new desserts. You can try them all."
Xiao Zhang ordered a cup of hot coffee and some ordinary desserts as planned.
Lin Yutian moved quickly. Five minutes later, holding a tray in his hand, Lin Yutian was ready to
serve the meal.
"My dear guest, your order is ready. Oh, by the way, I don't know if you like sugar. Here are two
sugar cubes I prepared specially for you. You can add some according to your personal taste.
Thank you!"
Upon hearing this, Xiao Zhang was moved.
What's wrong with this world? Why is it so difficult to be a good person? Why do we need to
torture them like this?
Looking up, Xiao Zhang seemed to want to say something but stopped himself.
Lin Yutian's details made him a little at a loss. At this moment, the boss at the door gave him a
look and urged him in a low voice.
"Hurry up! Stop wasting time."
After gritting his teeth, Xiao Zhang stood up and deliberately bumped into him. At this moment,
Lin Yutian was holding a plate in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. With the sudden
collision, the plate in his hand fell with a snap, and the things in his hand were knocked over.
Even though his arm was burned by coffee, Lin Yutian still cared about Xiao Zhang first.
"My dear guest, I am so sorry. Are you okay?"
Xiao Zhang lowered his head in shame.
The boss has been waiting for a long time.
Hearing the noise inside, he rushed out immediately, and before Lin Yutian could explain, he
started scolding him.
"What are you doing? This is the nth time today!"
"I didn't bother with you the last time, but now you're doing it again. You're really a guy who is
always causing trouble. You did something like this on your first day at work. Get out of my
Confusion, helplessness, all kinds of emotions flooded into Lin Yutian's mind, and he stood there
in a daze.
The boss didn't care and started yelling, "What are you still standing here for? Get out of here."
Lin Yutian couldn't bear it anymore and left crying.
After making sure the person had gone far away, the boss quickly came to Xiao Zhang and praised
him: "You are worthy of being my cousin, you are really talented!"
Xiao Zhang couldn't utter a word.
At this time, Jiang Yunyi's figure appeared outside the door. She was watching in the shop next
door just now.
After seeing Lin Yutian leave crying, Jiang Yunyi finally felt relieved.
"Well done. Thank you for your help today. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."
The goal was achieved and Jiang Yunyi returned to the company.

Chapter 169 Work Matters

The scene returns to Lin Yiran.
Today was a very busy day. I went to the factory and the relevant departments. Fortunately, the
problem was solved smoothly.
I was so busy dealing with documents at noon that I didn't even have a bite of food, and I even
forgot to eat the cake that Jiang Yunyi sent me.
On the way back to the company, his stomach growled. Lin Yiran smiled helplessly, but he already
had a good idea in mind.
It just so happened that Lin Yutian was still working in a cake shop, which not only sold coffee,
but also a variety of small desserts.
Take a bite first and chat with Lin Yutian.
It’s not far from the company, just a few hundred steps away. Thinking of this, Lin Yiran adjusted
the direction and drove the car to the door of the cake shop.
I originally thought that with Lin Yutian's enthusiasm for work, I would definitely be discovered as
soon as I came in.
The result was to pour a bucket of cold water on Lin Yiran.
There were no service staff, only a cold shop. After a long while, a waiter walked out of the room.
"Hello, young lady. What would you like to eat?"
Lin Yiran frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong. Where was Lin Yutian?
After looking around carefully, Lin Yiran still couldn't find Lin Yutian anywhere. He had a bad
feeling in his heart.
Eating is not important now. Looking at the clerk in front of her, Lin Yiran said softly, "Miss, is
there a clerk named Lin Yutian here? Why can't I see her? Where is she?"
After hearing what Lin Yiran said, the clerk sighed.
He started talking to himself.
"Oh, what a pity! It would be better if Lin Yutian was here."
After finishing his own words, the clerk briefly told Lin Yiran what happened today.
Lin Yiran was shocked.
Unexpectedly, something like this would happen. After ordering some simple and quick desserts,
Lin Yiran quickly went out.
I left a phone number with Lin Yutian before, but I don’t know if I can get through.
Lin Yin opened his phone, found Lin Yutian's number, and pressed it.
No one answered the phone.
Beep, beep, beep…
This happened to two or three calls in a row. Lin was already very anxious, and now he is still
feeling very upset.
But just then, Lin Yutian called.
Although she tried her best to hide her crying, Lin Yiran could still hear it vaguely.
Lin Yutian sobbed softly, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"
This was the first day at work when I encountered such a thing. I could imagine how upset Lin
Yutian was today even through the screen.
Lin Yiran said to comfort her: "Where are you now? I'm here to find you. I've heard about your
situation. Please give me a place."
"Today was just an accident. I know your character. Don't worry, even if others wrongly accuse
you, I won't."
The strength that he had accumulated with great difficulty was completely shattered by Lin Yiran
in this instant.
Lin Yutian covered his face and cried, and his crying became louder and louder.
Lin Yiran urged: "Send me your location first. Where are you? I'll come find you!"
"I'm downstairs from your company, in the community park not far away..."
Without much time to hesitate, Lin Yiran got in the car and rode quickly towards Lin Yutian.
When we arrived at the park, we could hear Lin Yutian crying from a long distance. Half squatting
on the ground, Lin Yutian buried his head deeply in his hands, crying non-stop.
Lin Yiran walked forward with a distressed look on her face.
After some consolation, she finally controlled her emotions. Her face flushed, and she looked at
Lin Yiran with some shame: "Miss Lin Yiran, I really trouble you too much. You even made a
special trip just for me. Now everything is fine. Thank you, you can go back."
Lin Yiran shook his head.
He understood Lin Yutian's situation very well. Just because he was emotionally stable now, it
didn't mean he would be stable when he was alone later.
Now that he has no job and lives far away, Lin Yiran took this opportunity to propose: "How
about this, since you can't go back to work now, why don't you join me? I've already said in
advance that with your expertise, it's no problem."
"Don't worry, I won't cause any trouble for you. Just say the word and we'll go back to the
company right now."
Lin Yutian clenched his hands and seemed to want to say something but stopped himself several
At a time like this, being able to have such a good opportunity is undoubtedly the greatest
support for myself.
But if you think about it carefully, doing so will definitely bring a lot of trouble to Lin Yiran.
It will definitely be complicated.
I'm already in this situation, I can't continue to implicate Lin Yiran. Thinking of this, Lin Yutian
forced a smile and smiled at Lin Yiran, pretending to be strong and said: "It's okay, I'll take a rest,
and then I'll find a job."
"You already care about me enough, how can I continue to trouble you."
Lin Yiran grabbed Lin Yutian's hand and walked towards the company regardless of whether she
agreed or not.
What's the point of procrastinating like this?
You've said it yourself, so just do it.
Along the way, Lin Yiran made his attitude clear: "Don't worry, you are fully capable of doing the
job. Just think of it as giving you a good platform to develop better. I will tell you about any
situation, and I will try my best to teach you if there is anything you don't understand."
"Don't worry, if you feel it's a bother to me, then just work hard in the company. It's no big deal."
With mixed feelings in her heart, Lin Yutian hesitated for a long time, then said lightly: "Thank
you." Then she lowered her head again.
Seeing this, Lin Yiran laughed and teased: "You can be so shy with me, but you can't be so shy at
work. Our work requires connecting with others. If you are so shy, I can't help you all the time.
Xiaoxiao, there is nothing to cry about."
"Well, I've already notified the HR department in advance. It's just about the seventh floor. I'll go
up and get a document. You just take the elevator to report. Call me as soon as there's anything
going on."
As she spoke, Lin Yiran patted Lin Yutian on the shoulder. Before Lin Yutian could react, the
elevator door had already opened and they arrived at the seventh floor.
"Go ahead!"
Lin Yiran encouraged with a smile.
Lin Yutian walked out of the elevator.
Lin Yiran walked all the way up to the top floor of the company and came to Huo Jinlin's office.
Seeing Lin Yiran's tired face, Huo Jinlin quickly stood up and hugged Lin Yiran from behind: "How
is it? You look very tired. Let's sit down and have a good rest first."
Lin Yin sat down close to Huo Jinlin and told him everything that happened today.
The scene turned to Lin Yutian. He had just arrived and didn't know where exactly he was. After
asking several employees, he found out the location of the Human Resources office. As he
walked, Lin Yutian narrowed his eyes and looked at Qing in disbelief.
The more he looked at the man in front of him, the more familiar he felt. To confirm further, Lin
Yutian quickly walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder: "Hello! May I ask..."

Chapter 170 The Two Meet

Looking back, Jiang Yunyi was horrified.
I didn't expect that Lin Yutian would actually stand in front of me like this.
Looking at each other, both of them were stunned.
Lin Yutian widened her eyes, unable to believe what she was seeing. She collapsed and felt
All the past events came to his mind. Lin Yutian was so excited that he grabbed Jiang Yunyi's
"Tell me! Where is my child? Give my child back to me."
The chair moved back and Jiang Yunyi stood up.
This is not any other place, this is the company. If Lin Yutian continues to make trouble like this, I
will lose my job.
Moreover, this was not a glorious thing. Grabbing Lin Yutian's hand, Jiang Yunyi threatened in a
low voice: "Don't mess around. This is about something between us. Let's talk about it properly.
Don't make a scene."
The second before Lin Yutian's emotional outburst.
Jiang Yunyi pulled Lin Yutian away from the place.
The two came to a corner.
Unable to suppress the long-pent-up emotions any longer, Lin Yutian broke down and cried, while
crying, he held Jiang Yunyi tightly.
He said angrily: "Where is my child? Give my child back to me! I only want my child!"
"Please, I don't know how I got through this period of time. I just want my child, I don't want
anything else."
Jiang Yunyi knew that even if there was no one in this corner for the time being, if she continued
to make such a fuss, she would be discovered by others sooner or later.
She took over the role.
After simply calming Lin Yutian down, Jiang Yunyi collapsed to the ground, admitted her mistake
and started crying.
"Sister, listen to me first. I have been looking for my child for so many years. I have felt guilty for
so long. In fact, I am just a victim. My husband betrayed me and wanted to leave me. He also
took my child away."
"Do you know how I got through these years? I begged for help but to no avail, and was
eventually driven out. When I returned to China, my husband had passed away, and my child was
missing. I've been looking for them for such a long time, and now I've found them!"
"Don't get excited. If you want, I can tell you everything I know. We should have a good chat now.
We should have a good talk now!"
After this set of operations, Lin Yutian's emotions instantly stabilized a lot.
Does she know the whereabouts of the child?
Holding Jiang Yunyi's hand, as if he had grabbed the last straw, Lin Yutian's eyes were full of
Jiang Yunyi said with some disgust: "Don't be like this. People who don't know would think I'm
bullying you. If you want to know the clues about the child, then let go of your hand now. Let's
have a good chat. I'll confess something to you."
Jiang Yunyi confessed frankly that the child is now in Lin Yiran's hands.
Hearing the words "Lin Yiran", Lin Yutian's whole world seemed to collapse. She shook her head
desperately. She couldn't believe it: "Impossible, how could it be Lin Yiran? Lin Yiran is such a
good person, how could she take my child away."
At this time, Jiang Yunyi also realized that she had let the cat out of the bag.
If you want to enter the company, you must have someone to lead you. As for who that person is,
it must be Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran and Lin Yutian have a special relationship, and he wants to sow discord between them in
order to get the desired effect.
That requires adding more fuel to the fire.
Jiang Yunyi pretended to understand.
"Sister, don't be so excited. Listen to me first. Lin Yiran is a good person. I have known her for
such a long time. Don't I know her? The child is not what you think. Lin Yiran adopted the child."
As she spoke, Jiang Yunyi began to cry.
He just made up a bunch of nonsense to Lin Yutian.
He said that it had not been easy for him over the years and he finally found clues about the
child. He had asked Lin Yiran before and talked to Lin Yiran about the custody of the child, but Lin
Yiran's attitude was very firm, so he stayed in the company and got close to Lin Yiran.
Lin Yutian came today.
Jiang Yunyi's attitude is very clear.
Help to the end!
As she spoke, Jiang Yunyi herself was immersed in the emotion and cried miserably: "Sister, I have
some relationship with this child. I can understand your feelings. I also know that it has not been
easy for you all these years. As a mother, my only hope is to get custody of this child, but we can't
be anxious now."
"Lin Yiran's attitude is very firm. She will not hand the child over to you."
Lin Yutian suddenly stopped.
The more I listen, the more something seems wrong!
According to Lin Yutian's understanding of Lin Yiran, Lin Yiran is a very easy to talk to person and a
very reasonable person.
Regarding the children, if we can have a good chat, if both parties can communicate well.
She believed that Lin Yiran was not that kind of person and would give up custody of the child.
He wouldn't be as shameless as Lin Yutian said.
Realizing that he had said the wrong thing, Lin Yutian hurriedly said, "Listen to my explanation."
"Your child is a very good child. After raising him for such a long time, Lin Yiran has feelings for
the child. If you don't believe me, let's make a bet. As long as you don't reveal your identity and
don't say that the child is yours, then you can ask Lin Yiran about his attitude and you will know
the answer naturally."
In these few short minutes, Jiang Yunyi's mind was working very fast.
She knew that Lin Yiran loved the child very much. If she made her attitude clear, Lin Yiran might
really hand the child over.
But if he didn't make his attitude clear and was just asked casually, Lin Yiran would definitely not
say anything nonsense.
Before Lin Yutian could react, he had already fallen into the trap.
She nodded in agreement and decided to give it a try.
The problem here has come to an end for the time being. Jiang Yunyi's nervous heart is about to
jump out. Leaning against the wall, she is thinking about what to do next. Lin Yutian is still
immersed in the emotions just now. He squats aside, his eyes are dazed, and he mutters to
"My child, my child!"
A brand new plan emerged in Jiang Yunyi's mind.
Since Lin Yutian wanted the child so much, it would not be a problem to make good use of Lin
Yutian with the child as a relationship, but first of all, she had to make one thing clear. When she
came to Lin Yutian, Jiang Yunyi gave her a big hug: "Sister, don't be too excited, let's go back first,
and we can talk on the way."
On the way back, Jiang Yunyi emphasized one point to Lin Yutian.
"Sis, if you want a child, we can slowly figure it out, but you can't say you have a relationship with
me, otherwise, she will be alert."
Lin Yutian didn't have time to think about so many things at this moment. Her only thought was
about her child. She nodded silently.

Chapter 171 Know each other before?

Seeing Lin Yutian looking at a loss, Jiang Yunyi was secretly delighted.
She was always thinking about one thing.
It just so happened that Lin Yiran had been acting a little strange recently, and had been staring at
him the whole time.
If Lin Yutian is there, he can distract Lin Yiran's attention to a great extent, and can be used as a
chess piece when necessary.
She doesn't care about the child's affairs. The most important thing now is to stabilize Lin Yutian.
But Jiang Yunyi still overlooked one thing despite all her calculations.
Lin Yutian was brought to the company by Lin Yiran personally. He just went to get a document
and talked to Huo Jinlin by the way.
The whole process doesn’t take more than a few minutes.
Just now, Jiang Yunyi was only concerned with comforting Lin Yutian and didn't pay any attention
to the time.
The scene is given to Lin Yiran.
When they arrived at the human resources department, Lin Yiran planned to take Lin Yutian there
personally to simplify the procedures.
As a result, I searched in various places and asked people in the human resources department.
The results are the same.
“I haven’t seen such a person.”
After searching in vain, Lin Yiran couldn't help but become anxious.
Taking out his cell phone and finding Lin Yutian's contact information, Lin Yin pressed the dial
As luck would have it, at this moment, a bell rang at the corner.
As soon as Lin Yiran heard it, she knew that this was Lin Yutian’s phone.
It's no use looking for something after searching for it everywhere.
Finally found it.
He strode forward, and when he looked back, Lin Yiran was shocked.
At this moment, Jiang Yunyi and Lin Yutian were holding hands, looking very intimate. The two of
them lowered their heads and discussed in low voices along the way.
Looking at them like this, Lin Yiran had a question in his mind.
Could it be that the two of them know each other?
Lin Yiran was about to speak when Jiang Yunyi, who was not far ahead, suddenly looked up. The
two of them looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward. Realizing that
something was wrong, Jiang Yunyi let go of Lin Yutian's hand and walked up to him in a
pretentious and enthusiastic manner: "Yiran, why are you here?"
"By the way, is this the person you mentioned to me before? Just now, I saw that she couldn't
find the place, so I brought her here to familiarize herself with the environment. I didn't expect
you to take it so seriously and come here in person. Just leave this little thing to me."
The moment Jiang Yunyi saw Lin Yiran, her heart was shocked, but she immediately thought of a
Anyway, I have almost finished discussing it with Lin Yutian.
Lin Yutian's impression of Lin Yiran also changed a little.
What I said was perfect and there was nothing wrong with it.
Lin Yiran didn't say anything. He glanced at Jiang Yunyi, then at Lin Yutian, thinking back to what
had just happened. The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.
It doesn't look like someone we just met on the first day.
Instead, they seemed like a pair of old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time.
"Do you know each other?" Lin Yiran asked in an uncertain tone.
Upon hearing this, Jiang Yunyi was immediately thrown into disarray. She had said so much to Lin
Yutian all along the way just to deny the relationship between the two and not to drag herself
into it. She immediately denied it: "No way, isn't this the first day we met?"
Her tone was flustered and revealed a sense of weirdness, and it was obvious that she was hiding
something from him.
Turning around, Lin Yiran pretended not to care and aimed at Lin Yutian: "How could you run
around? You definitely wouldn't be able to find it on your first day at the company. It's also my
fault for not thinking it through. How do you feel about the environment here now?" Lin Yiran
stepped forward and asked lightly.
Silence spread between the two. When Jiang Yunyi reacted just now, she grabbed Lin Yutian and
stopped suddenly, causing Lin Yutian to look up. It was impossible for her not to see Lin Yiran.
After a moment of silence, she responded, "The atmosphere in the company is great. I like it here
very much."
After getting the answer, Lin Yiran nodded with relief.
She asked Lin Yutian the same question again.
But this time, Lin Yiran changed his tone and deliberately teased: "Just now I saw you two holding
hands, what's going on, did you know each other before, it seems like you have a very good
Lin Yutian was in a bad mood and didn't want to think too much right now, so he just nodded
She asked, "I've seen it before."
Jiang Yunyi's heart finally settled down slowly.
It seems that what I said did work. If I continue to stay here, it will only arouse suspicion.
Walking to Lin Yiran's side, Jiang Yunyi leaned close to Lin Yiran's shoulder, looked at Lin Yutian in
front of her, and said with a smile: "Yes, we had a little fate before. This world is really wonderful.
She is a nice person. Since you are here, I will leave this to you. I will go back to work."
As he spoke, Jiang Yunyi stepped back and gave Lin Yutian a look before leaving.
Lin Yutian?
Lin Yiran called out softly.
Since I came here just now, I have always felt that Lin Yutian seemed to be out of shape. He was
always listless and couldn't listen to anything.
Lin Yiran was worried and took the initiative to ask, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong? If
there is anything, please tell me."
Glancing at Lin Yiran and thinking about everything Jiang Yunyi had said today, Lin Yutian's eyes
were cold and he shook his head lightly.
The pile of things were always immersed in his heart. Looking at Lin Yiran, in just a moment, Lin
Yutian was very confused.
She is so good to me, but why does she have to get involved with the child?
Frowning, Lin Yutian said in a trance: "It's nothing, I'm sorry to bother you today, then let's go to
work first."
Lin Yiran nodded in agreement.
She took Lin Yutian all the way to the induction room.
Jiang Yunyi does things flawlessly. As soon as she got back, she greeted her colleagues and
informed them in advance.
Knowing that Lin Yiran was coming, the employees were very enthusiastic and took the initiative
to come to the door to wait. They greeted Lin Yiran from a distance: "Boss, all the information has
been prepared, just come over and sign."
When they arrived at the induction room, seeing that Lin Yutian's condition still seemed a little
strange, Lin decided to go in person. He still had to go through the necessary procedures and
briefly introduce the situation. The two of them started a brief chat about this.
"You have already filled in your name and address, right? Have you ever worked in this field
before?" Lin Yiran said with a smile.
Lin Yutian responded indifferently: "I have done it before and have always been engaged in this
field, but something went wrong."
"As for other situations, they are currently divorced and had a child before, but the child later
went missing."
Taking this opportunity, Lin Yutian cleared the haze and took the opportunity to inquire about Lin
Yiran: "Actually, you should know my situation. I told you a long time ago. Boss, I have a question.
What about you? Do you have any opinion on children?"
Lin Yutian raised his head and his eyes became expectant.
Chapter 172 Who to Listen to
Now there are only Lin Yiran and Lin Yutian in the room. Lin Yutian was selected by herself. Lin
Yiran has always treated her as her friend without any suspicion. Before this, Lin Yutian's
condition was not very good and gloomy.
Now suddenly asking himself such a question, looking at Lin Yutian's expectant face, Lin Yiran
didn't think much about it and answered it openly.
"As for me, my husband and I are still in the honeymoon period, so we haven't thought too much
about having children and don't plan to have any for now."
"Let me tell you, I already have a child at home. I adopted him a while ago. He's very well
behaved and cute!"
When it comes to the topic of children, Lin Yiran's face gradually smiles more.
As she was talking, she took out her mobile phone and took the initiative to share a recent photo
of her child with Lin Yutian.
Looking at the child's smile in the photo, Lin Yutian's eyes turned slightly red, the corners of his
eyes bent unconsciously, he pursed his lips slightly, and tears were about to come out.
See this situation.
Lin Yiran put down the phone in his hand and began to comfort her.
"It's okay. I believe you will find your child one day. Then I will go with you to find him."
"It's all my fault. I forgot about it. You can tell me anything that's on your mind."
In the business world, Lin is still eloquent and quick-witted, and can talk about everything, but
when it comes to comforting people.
Lin Yiran really has no experience.
She didn't know what to do and could only hug Lin Yutian tightly.
Lin Yutian had a lot of grievances in his heart.
My child is right in front of me, and everything is within reach.
Yet it feels so far away.
If there had been no hope, if I had not known all this.
Maybe it wouldn't be so cruel.
On one side is Lin Yiran, and on the other side is Jiang Yunyi.
Her thoughts were confused.
I don’t know who to trust or what to do. I’m very confused.
Wiping the moisture from his eyes, Lin Yutian took a deep breath and pulled himself together
None of this matters now. As long as my child is healthy, I have hope.
She just wanted to know one thing.
That is Lin Yiran’s attitude.
Looking at Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian asked seriously, "Yiran, I have one last question. If the biological
mother of this child comes looking for this child, would you be willing to return the child to her?
After such a long time, you must have feelings for this child, but I still want to hear your
For a moment, Lin Yiran fell silent.
This is a very cruel question, which I have never thought about before.
With the child around, Lin Yiran always thought about treating the child well and giving her the
greatest care.
But what if one day the child’s biological mother really comes to the door.
What would that scene be like?
Thinking of this, Lin Yiran was unable to recover for a long time.
Finally, Lin Yutian patted Lin Yiran on the shoulder and asked with a smile, "What would you do?"
Lin Yiran smiled gently.
After thinking about it for so long, I have finally figured it out. If the child's biological mother is
capable and willing to take the initiative to look for her, I'm happy to do so.
Although I am reluctant to let go, the child is someone else's after all, and we are related by
blood, so it is better after all.
Lin Yiran said: "To be honest, I really can't bear to let go. Forget it, let's change the topic. This
topic is too heavy..."
Just a little bit, Lin Yiran was about to cry.
Some words are too cruel to say. Lizhu has carefully considered this issue and figured it out. If the
child is willing, she is willing to return the child to the family. It can be regarded as returning the
child to a complete family, which is a good thing.
In the end, these words were never spoken.
After hearing Lin Yiran's answer, Lin Yutian was completely panicked.
I was hoping to get the answer, but unfortunately one of them didn't continue asking and the
other didn't continue speaking.
What's even more coincidental is...
At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Assistant Lin Yiran shouted outside the door:
"Sister Yiran, a client is looking for you!"
"She seems to be in a hurry. She specifically asked to talk to you. She's already in the conference
room. Do you want to go over now?"
Upon hearing this, Lin Yiran quickly stood up, opened the door, and walked towards the entrance.
Before leaving, he did not forget to give some instructions.
"Stay here, I'll be back soon."
After Lin Yiran left, Lin Yutian felt like her whole world had collapsed and she couldn't hold on any
longer. She lay on the table and burst into tears.
After a while, the door was suddenly opened.
Jiang Yunyi's voice came from the door.
As soon as she saw Lin Yutian's expression, Jiang Yunyi knew that they had just talked about
something they shouldn't have talked about, and she definitely didn't get the answer she wanted.
Walking to Lin Yutian's side, Jiang Yunyi suppressed her smile and pretended to comfort him:
"Okay, don't be so sad. Some things are destined and we need to fight for them ourselves. Now
you know Lin Yiran's attitude, I think you are sure of it."
"That's it! Why don't you just listen to me? I have a solution!"
When it comes to taking advantage of every opportunity, Jiang Yunyi has mastered it to
While Lin Yutian is still unconscious, I will grasp the key points of the problem and tell her the
answer. She will definitely agree.
For the sake of her child, Lin Yutian didn't even hesitate. She grabbed Jiang Yunyi's hand and
begged, "Please, I'll do anything as long as you can get my child back. I just want my child now."
"If you want a child, then you must listen to me from now on. You must do whatever I tell you to
do. Do you hear me?"
Jiang Yunyi said.
Lin Yutian was completely overwhelmed by the child and kept nodding.
Understand the relationship between the two, in order to better deceive Lin Yutian, and even to
use her.
Jiang Yunyi proposed a plan.
Lin Yutian redoubled his efforts, and gradually got close to Lin Yiran and became Lin Yiran's
assistant, so that he could get information better.
After thinking about it carefully, what does this little bit of suffering matter in order to get my
child back?
Lin Yutian compromised again.
The scene then shifted to Lin Yiran. The client who specifically asked for Lin Yiran was actually the
person in charge of the new company.
Come to the meeting room.
Seeing Lin Yiran coming, the person in charge couldn't hide his excitement: "Boss, something
happened, something big happened!"
She talked about the reason why she came to the company this time.
Since Lin Yiran came to the company last time, the relevant departments quickly came to visit the
company. The person in charge told them the situation truthfully, and the two factories also had
a simple communication. It was thought that the problem would be solved smoothly, but
unexpectedly, the factory was completely cut off from water just one hour after the water supply
was restored. There was some water intermittently before, but now there is nothing at all.
The person in charge has already gone to Zeng Jiajia's company to look for her.
Zeng Jiajia’s company’s response was simple.
"I'm sorry, we have tried our best to solve your problem, and we don't know the reason."
However, after a brief investigation, things took a huge turn.

Chapter 173: Drag into the Water

It was obvious that they did this on purpose.
Previously, they controlled the water flow by maliciously controlling the gates of the water
source, and now they directly blocked the valves.
The lines in the middle are already broken, so how could there be water?
The valve is located within their company, so it is obvious who made it.
Lin was still furious.
I originally thought that since the relevant departments had been found, this matter could be
resolved smoothly, but Zeng Jiajia's shamelessness was beyond imagination.
As he spoke, the person in charge burst into tears.
"Boss, they've already said that if people from the relevant departments come to investigate and
test, then they'll release the water. If not, then they'll keep the water shut off and turn it on every
time they come. They've also said that it's impossible for others to take care of everything all the
Lin Yiran was shocked and angry.
Others certainly wouldn't dare to do this, but as the boss of the company, this matter is definitely
related to Zeng Jiajia.
To further confirm, Lin Yiran and the person in charge went to the factory again.
The situation is more serious than imagined.
The operation of the factory is inseparable from water at all times. Previously, the water flow
could not keep up, which had already caused serious impact.
The company's goods production speed has slowed down a lot, and many defective products
have appeared.
Now, the entire company is in a state of stopping production.
The workers groaned.
Seeing that it was Lin Yiran who came, everyone rushed over.
Everyone was talking about their grievances.
"Boss, we have tried our best, but you have seen the current situation."
"We have the will but not the power right now. We don't even have the chance to do what we
want. Can you think of a solution for us?"
"These people are so abominable. If the problem is not solved, it will be impossible to deliver on
Listening to the workers' reminders, Lin Yiran was overwhelmed.
During this period of time, Lin Yiran has been working diligently and honestly to run the new
factory's business.
Zeng Jiajia's appearance disrupted everything.
The company's goods are different from other things. Once any integrity issues arise, we will
never cooperate again.
Coincidentally, this time he is the company's largest old customer, accounting for 20% of the
company's goods.
The impact caused by this can be imagined.
In front of the huge factory, everything seems so small.
Lin Yiran still had a terrible headache.
Just then, a man came hurriedly from a distance. It was Huo Jinlin.
He happened to pass by the new factory and heard about what was happening there. He knew
that Lin Yiran would definitely be there, so he came over to help.
The new factory has always been in the charge of Lin Yiran, who has always been in charge of it.
Huo Jinlin rarely cares about things here.
I briefly asked the workers and learned about the situation here.
Huo Jinlin quickly came to Lin Yiran's side and said, "It's okay. I can help you find a solution to the
"Let's not think too much about it now, otherwise we will get even more upset."
But this time, Lin Yiran did not agree. Looking at Huo Jinlin, she stepped into Huo Jinlin's arms.
Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin came to the meeting room.
After entering the conference room and taking more than ten deep breaths, Lin Yiran finally
calmed down a little.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran smiled and said, "It's okay. You don't have to worry about things
Huo Jinlin frowned.
I wondered if I had done something wrong, so I quickly asked, "What's wrong? Is there a
"I'm your husband, don't do everything by yourself. We can discuss it properly."
Seeing Huo Jinlin's anxious look, Lin Yiran came to Huo Jinlin and hugged him.
Gently kissing Huo Jinlin on the forehead, Lin Yiran began to explain: "No, you can help me, which
is of course a good thing. I am very grateful to you. I know that you will help me without saying
much because of our relationship, and I know your character. But now it is really not possible. For
so long, I found that I have been too dependent on you. You have to help me solve any problems.
If this is the case, I will never grow up."
"This is a private matter between Zeng Jiajia and me. I will handle the problem. As for you, just
trust me for once. Just give me a chance to prove myself. The company is very busy and still
needs you!"
Upon hearing this.
Huo Jinlin couldn't stop laughing at that time.
He patted Lin Yiran's head lovingly: "You have really grown up!"
"Okay, since you've already said that, why should I refuse? If there's anything you can't solve,
then just call me again."
After a brief and tender moment, Huo Jinlin agreed with Lin Yiran's point of view and left the
matter here to Lin Yiran to handle.
The problems at the factory cannot be solved in a short time. After returning to the company, Lin
Yiran started thinking about it.
As soon as I returned to the company, Lin Yutian came up to me. Although there was some
estrangement between him and Lin Yiran regarding the child, their relationship was still very
good. It was a pity that they now communicated too little.
In front of familiar people, Lin Yiran couldn't hide her worries. Seeing her worried look, Lin Yutian
asked curiously.
"Yi Ran, what's wrong? You don't look very happy."
Lin Yiran reluctantly told everyone what happened today.
After listening, Lin Yutian raised his eyebrows and had an idea in his mind.
When involved in something, it is often the case that those involved are confused while those
who are watching can see things more clearly. Everyone has different ideas.
This time, Lin Yutian grasped the key point of the problem first.
Gave Lin Yiran an idea.
Since the factories of both parties are so close, the conflict arises because of problems related to
the factories.
Maybe if we magnify this matter a little bit and look at more, we will gain new insights.
According to Lin Yutian's idea, Lin Yiran provided Lin Yutian with a map with the locations of the
two factories marked in detail.
Upon seeing this, Lin Yutian discovered the highlight!
The sewage pipes of Zeng Jiajia's factory are very close to Lin Yutian's factory, and most of them
are even inside the factory. Since Zeng Jiajia can do something about the water source problem,
then Lin Yiran can naturally do something in these aspects as well.
Before the other party's interests are interfered with.
She wouldn't care.
Only by dragging the other party into the water can the other party realize the importance of the
problem, truly empathize and solve the problem.
As long as Zeng Jiajia's sewage pipe is blocked, it won't take long for both factories to stop
operating and become unable to operate.
When that time comes, someone will naturally come to solve the problem.
After listening to it, Lin Yiran suddenly understood and praised loudly: "My vision is right! This
plan is simply great! Let's do it as you say!"

Chapter 174 How to deal with scoundrels

After the joy, worry came to my mind.
Looking at Lin Yutian in front of him, Lin Yiran had a helpless look in his eyes and let out a long
"I have one last question. This plan is good, but it is not a normal method after all. I don't know if
it is the right way to do it."
Lin Yiran said worriedly.
She was very confused, and her whole body became quiet. Her eyes moved slightly as she stared
ahead, hoping to get a satisfactory answer from Lin Yutian.
This is indeed a problem.
After taking several deep breaths, Lin Yutian exhaled, looked at Lin Yiran's worried face, and took
Lin Yiran's hand.
Lin Yutian said: "Yi Ran, I know you are a good person and don't like to use these means, but for a
rogue, we should also change our minds. She has already done such a disgusting thing, so why
should we reason with her?"
"Put yourself in her shoes. She is the one who is wrong in this matter. If she doesn't pay the price,
how can she realize the seriousness of the problem?"
"You can't use normal methods on such an abnormal person. If she comes, at worst we will just
give her a taste of her own medicine."
Lin was still successfully persuaded.
I was too restrained before and never thought about this aspect of the problem. I just wanted to
do business honestly.
There is a very good saying, "I turned my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon turned
into the ditch."
When the idea changes, the whole thing changes as well.
Nodding, Lin Yiran agreed: "Yutian, it depends on you, then I will do it now."
After solving Lin Yiran's problem, Lin Yutian felt very satisfied and couldn't help but smile with
at the same time.
Lin Yutian thought of a new problem.
Jiang Yunyi mentioned before that she hoped Lin Yutian could become Lin Yiran's assistant so that
she could get the child back better and observe better.
As for other matters, Lin Yutian can handle them like a duck in water and can put forward his own
ideas and suggestions.
But if this matter involves children.
That's completely different.
Being in the situation, Lin Yutian was also confused by the current predicament.
Now is a good opportunity.
I just proposed a plan to Lin Yiran, and she is very happy. If I can strike while the iron is hot,
maybe she will agree to it?
Mustering up his courage, Lin Yutian grabbed Lin Yiran who was about to leave.
"Yi Ran, don't leave yet. We don't need to be so anxious. I have something to say to you alone."
He let out a soft "oh".
Lin Yiran stopped and looked at Lin Yutian with a smile on his face: "Why, if you have any
questions, just tell me directly."
"Really? Then I'll just say it straight."
"Yan'er, I just thought about it carefully. I hope to be your assistant so that I can be with you
Lin Yiran looked her up and down, raising his eyebrows.
I made such a request on my first day at the company.
to be honest.
Especially unreasonable.
The company is not a joke. You have to be assigned a certain position. If it is agreed upon at the
beginning, then everything will be easy.
Others certainly can't.
But if this person was Lin Yutian, after thinking about it carefully, Lin Yiran agreed in his heart.
Lin Yutian has a lively mind and her own ideas. If you encounter any problems in the future, you
can ask her and get a lot of opinions.
Very suitable for the position of assistant.
At this moment, Lin Yiran's evil taste came out. Looking at Lin Yutian in front of him, Lin Yiran said
"Then can you tell me about your advantages? If you can, I will give it some consideration for
Hearing this, Lin Yutian's face twitched slightly and he muttered softly.
"If I can, I'd like to try it."
The distance between the two was very close. Lin Yutian lowered her head, looking at a loss.
Seeing her like this, Lin Yiran found her particularly cute. These questions were just unnecessary
questions. Lin Yutian's answer just now had already conquered Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran has already accepted her in her heart.
A teasing voice was heard.
"Since you want to be my assistant, you must not be so shy in the future. I agree. So, since it is
you who proposed the plan, I will leave this matter to you to handle. I will leave the business in
my hands to you. The new factory is up to you."
As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yiran's eyes became expectant and he reached out and put
his arm around Lin Yutian's shoulders.
Lin Yutian returned to normal.
That's how the matter was explained.
Lin Yutian's business ability is even better than expected. After taking on this task, she was not in
a hurry. She immediately collected supply chain information and various customer documents,
organized things in an orderly manner, and then the plan was successfully launched.
At Lin Yiran's signal.
The factory temporarily shut down the sewage pipeline of the upstream company.
An hour later, the factory called.
After seeing this, the two of them had already guessed something in their minds. They looked at
each other and smiled knowingly.
Lin Yiran answered the phone.
As soon as I answered the phone, the person in charge's secretly delighted voice came out:
"Boss! It's bad, it's bad, Zeng Jiajia came to our door in person, and now she is making trouble at
the door of our company. Don't mention how funny she looks, come and see!"
"No, no, no! I mean you come over here and take care of it."
Lin Yiran understood clearly.
After hanging up the phone and lying back, she couldn't help but sigh.
"As expected, I still have to listen to you. Dealing with such a person is tantamount to being
unethical. Now I finally understand how a scoundrel feels. It feels so good!"
After the teasing, they took Lin Yutian with them and rushed to the new factory.
Just as I walked out of the door, Huo Jinlin passed by. There was a big commotion in the factory.
Although Lin Yiran said that she would handle everything herself, Huo Jinlin had already made
arrangements behind the scenes. Once there was any abnormal situation, he would be notified
immediately. Zeng Jiajia showed up in the factory, and this matter was naturally no exception.
Huo Jinlin approved of Lin Yiran's approach, but after all, his opponent had done some terrible
things before, and there was no guarantee that he would do something extreme. He quickly
came to Lin Yiran and said, "Are you going to the factory? I'll go with you."
Lin Yiran felt a warm current in her heart.
But then, she still shook her head. She had said before that she didn't want to rely on Huo Jinlin
for everything. She looked down at her watch. Lin Yiran smiled and responded, "How silly! Don't
worry, I know my limits. I will handle this matter well."
"It's fine for you to go with me, but the board meeting will start in less than 20 minutes. It would
be bad if we were delayed. So, just trust me this time. I will handle this matter well."
The company has recently expanded and has encountered many problems that need to be
handled personally by Huo Jinlin.
It's a bit too unnecessary to go on such a small trip.
What Lin Yiran said made sense, but she was still worried: "Okay! I'll ask someone to accompany
Before he finished speaking, Yu Wei came out with a serious face: "Come on, I'll go with you."

Chapter 175 Weighing the Pros and Cons

Lin Yiran couldn't help laughing out loud.
This was clearly prepared in advance, otherwise how could Yu Wei come so quickly.
Knowing Huo Jinlin's intentions, Lin Yiran had no reason to refuse.
One more person means more strength.
Yu Wei's ability to get things done is well known.
He has always been Huo Jinlin's right-hand man.
With him by her side, Huo Jinlin felt relieved, and Lin Yiran also had an extra layer of security,
which was the best thing that could not be better.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran raised his eyebrows and said, "Then I can't refuse. The factory is
very urgent about this. Don't worry. I'll go over and take a look now. I'll contact you as soon as
there is any situation. I'm leaving first."
Having said that, Lin Yiran brought two more powerful people with him.
Accelerating all the way, the three of them soon arrived at the new factory.
After receiving the news, the person in charge came to the door to greet us personally.
As soon as we met.
He couldn't stop smiling.
"Boss, this trick of yours is really useful. You don't even know how funny it was when they were
"Now that I have invited the person in, I will leave the rest to you."
The person in charge led the way as he spoke, and in a blink of an eye they arrived at the meeting
In the meeting room, Zeng Jiajia had an unpleasant look on her face. As soon as she entered, she
looked gloomy and said in a gloomy tone, "Hey, isn't this our Lin Yiran? I thought you were too
embarrassed to come, but this coward finally showed up. I don't need to tell you what you did,
do I?"
As soon as I opened my mouth, problems arose.
Zeng Jiajia couldn't bear to listen any more, so he stood up and prepared to refute.
At this time.
Lin Yiran stopped her first.
"Look at what you said. I have always been brave enough to take responsibility for my actions. I
am not like some people who said they were not there and ended up getting caught."
"Stop talking nonsense. You and I both know what went wrong this time. I'm very sorry about
your company's problems. The sewage pipes did have a big impact. We don't know what
happened. He suddenly became like this."
"How about this? We can't come up with anything by just chatting here. Let's go get the relevant
department to do a thorough inspection. It might have fallen into disrepair over the years, so
don't let any misunderstandings arise."
Looking at Lin Yiran's playful expression.
Zeng Jiajia was furious.
The meaning is obvious enough.
I did it, what can you do to me?
When we contacted the relevant departments before, Zeng Jiajia kept trying to evade the matter
and made various excuses.
Even just being perfunctory in person.
Give someone a taste of their own medicine.
Why was Zeng Jiajia angry?
With a loud bang, Zeng Jiajia slammed her hands on the table and stood up suddenly.
Pointing at Lin Yiran, her eyes were full of coldness.
"You are still playing dumb now, aren't you? I wonder how long you will keep playing dumb."
"I'm here today to solve the problem, not to play with you. Tell me, how do you want to solve it?"
How to deal with it?
Upon hearing this, Lin Yiran laughed.
Why are you so anxious now? What did you do before?
Taking the seat, Lin Yinran sat down slowly, looking at Lin Yutian with disdain.
We are all here to do business, and everyone has seen others yelling and shouting. How could
such a small trick scare Lin Yiran?
Lin Yiran's contemptuous behavior made Zeng Jiajia even angrier.
She raised her head, said nothing, and stared straight ahead with her eyes, wishing she could eat
Lin Yiran alive.
"Don't you like to use these despicable means the most? Why are you so angry now that this kind
of means has come to you? Do you know how much loss my factory has caused recently? Do you
know what the shutdown of the factory means to the workers and to me? Now, if you are willing
to talk, then I will give you this opportunity. We can have a good chat, but you have to give me an
explanation first. Give me a statement first."
As a result, Zeng Jiajia kept silent.
She knew she was in the wrong.
It would not be a good idea for the two factories to continue to waste time like this, so she came
here today to solve the problem.
After a long silence, seeing that Zeng Jiajia still had no reaction, Lin Yiran continued, "Come on,
don't you want to solve the problem? Tell me your solution."
This time.
Zeng Jiajia snorted coldly.
She was worried that Lin Yiran's anti-pollution campaign would affect her own interests.
"Then I'll be frank with you. Solve the problem today and restore the sewage pipes. Otherwise, I
will sue you. I have already found a professional team of lawyers. If you are not convinced, you
can sign it."
"See you in court."
Hearing this, Lin Yiran could no longer hold it in and burst out laughing.
I've seen shameless people before, but I've never seen such a shameless person. She only cares
about her own interests and doesn't mention anything about Lin Yiran. She's really good! In this
case, the two generals around him can be sent out for use.
Lin Yiran signaled with his eyes.
Yu Wei immediately stood up and took the initiative to get entangled with Zeng Jiajia.
"In this case, my boss doesn't want to bother with you either. If you have any questions, just tell
On the other side, Lin Yiran and Lin Yutian started a slow discussion. After a minute, Lin Yiran took
out a document.
At this moment, Zeng Jiajia finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and she looked at Lin
Yiran with a tired face.
The original ruthlessness is no longer there.
She was helpless: "What do you want?"
Lin Yiran didn't say anything. He threw the file in front of Zeng Jiajia, and then he said, "Take a
look first. I believe that you have some ability to get to this point step by step. You should be able
to understand a file. For the past hour, we have been analyzing the losses of both sides. At
present, our losses are greater, but we calculated that your factory is much larger than ours. It's
okay for you not to release the water. At most, we can open up a new water source, which is only
a small matter of several million. But if it were you, you would have to open up a new sewage
pipeline and connect it to a new sewage project, which would cost at least tens of millions."
"You don't know the pros and cons and the price difference, do you? Since you've come to me
today, it proves that this matter has had a great impact on you. How about this? I don't have time
to accompany you to make trouble, and I don't want to cause any more losses. I just need your
guarantee. If you restore our water supply, we will also restore your sewage discharge. Both sides
will cooperate and win."
"Besides that, you can sue whatever you like and do whatever you like."
Zeng Jiajia fell silent for a long time.
I read the document carefully and it clearly stated all the pros and cons.
If the trouble continues, the losses will be huge. Isn't the purpose of doing business and opening
a factory to make money?
No one needs to go against money, and reconciliation between the two parties is the best
Zeng Jiajia compromised: "Okay, then let's do as you say. I agree."

Chapter 176 This Benefit

Zeng Jiajia's face looked terribly gloomy.
If it weren't for the benefits involved, according to Zeng Jiajia's personality, she would never
agree even if she died.
Lin Yutian came close to Lin Yiran and gave her a kind reminder.
"Yan'an, I think we should relax a little and slow down now. She looks a little off."
Lin Yiran nodded.
There was no communication between the two parties. Zeng Jiajia got up and left, leaving the
factory manager to clean up the mess.
Fortunately, the problem was finally solved. Half an hour later, the water supply on Lin Yiran's
side was restored, and Lin Yiran also successfully fulfilled his agreement and restored Zeng Jiajia's
sewage pipe.
Do all this.
Everyone returned to the company.
On the way, not only Lin Yutian kept reminding people, but Yu Wei also stood up after careful
He kindly reminded.
"Still, this matter has been resolved, but I don't think it's that simple. Zeng Jiajia's attitude is very
clear. If things continue like this, there will be trouble sooner or later. The two factories are too
close to each other, and it's easier to resolve a feud than to create one."
"If possible, I hope you can listen to me and try to solve this problem."
"It's just a personal issue. After understanding it, I don't think it's a big deal. It's just a matter of
who bows their head first."
"I know you must feel bad, but we should really think about it carefully."
Lin Yiran has truly witnessed Zeng Jiajia's character.
You can do this kind of thing without saying a word.
Even if it's revenge again using other methods.
That's not it either.
Lin Yiran let out a long sigh.
Everyone understands the logic behind this, but if you really want to solve it, it doesn’t seem so
Communication between people is sometimes useless.
Lin Yiran wanted to resolve this issue with Zeng Jiajia, but it was very clear what Zeng Jiajia's
attitude was.
After returning to the company, Yu Wei was not in a hurry.
Huo Jinlin had already explained in advance that if the problem needed to be solved, it should be
solved in the best possible way.
After returning to the company, there were only Yu Wei and Lin Yiran here.
Yu Wei used indirect and roundabout tactics to find out what happened between Lin Yiran and
Zeng Jiajia.
This is deeper than I thought.
Before, I only knew that it was a personal grudge, but now when I think about it, it makes me feel
sad and funny.
On the way, Yu Wei also investigated Zeng Jiajia.
How to say it?
There are both good and bad comments about Zeng Jiajia, but most of them are good. She is just
impulsive and sometimes has a childish temper. Yu Wei spoke again: "Yi Ran, I can understand
your feelings, but we should also think about it carefully. If we can have a good chat with Zeng
Jiajia, then we can also communicate with him and resolve this grudge."
"By the way, I've been the one doing all this talking, and I haven't asked for your opinion. Do you
have any ideas?"
Yu Wei's hint was obvious enough.
He thought that this matter could be resolved, so he resolved it well.
Lin Yiran also expressed his understanding of this.
Although it may sound a bit harsh, isn't this how friends should behave?
If there are any problems, they can be pointed out on the spot. This is what Lin Yiran likes most
when facing Wei's sincere questions.
Lin Yiran was grateful in her heart, and at the same time, she expressed her inner thoughts.
Anyway, they are just some trivial matters, not something that will necessarily cause you death.
Lin Yiran had thought about it a long time ago.
At first, I just wanted to have a good talk with Zeng Jiajia, but Zeng Jiajia's attitude was really bad.
If possible, Lin Yiran also thought it through: "Yu Wei, I'll have to trouble you for this matter. Zeng
Jiajia feels annoyed when she sees me now, and I feel the same way. I hope you can act as a
middleman. I will think about it carefully. Please find a way to contact her recently. I want to meet
her and have a good chat."
Yu Wei nodded and agreed.
The scene comes to Zeng Jiajia's side.
After returning to the company, Zeng Jiajia became more and more angry. Naturally, the person in
charge stood on Zeng Jiajia's side.
Seeing Zeng Jiajia's current condition and thinking about the company's losses during this period,
the person in charge became more and more angry.
He started to add fuel to the fire.
"Boss, I think Lin Yiran just couldn't find any other way, so he resorted to this despicable
"I know this matter must be very annoying to you. In fact, it is the same for me. I can feel your
emotions right now, but please rest assured that this is only temporary. We can deal with Lin
Yiran slowly and gradually in the future."
"Boss, what do you think?"
Hearing what the person in charge said, Zeng Jiajia was happy and agreed with a smile: "Then I'll
listen to you."
On the other hand, after returning to the company, Lin Yutian devoted himself to work again.
I always thought that the job of an assistant was very easy and simple.
But it is not really like that. Only by experiencing it can you know. As Lin Yiran's assistant, Lin
Yutian needs to do a lot of things.
A lot of documents need to be received every day.
While he was busy here, Lin Yutian's phone lit up, and there was a message on it, sent by Jiang
"Please send me Lin Yiran's documents. This bidding is very important to me. I want to know the
other party's company information in advance."
When Lin Yutian saw this thing, he was overwhelmed.
This involves company secrets. If something goes wrong, who will be responsible?
That is something you need to be responsible for.
After hesitating for a long time, Lin Yutian still couldn't make up his mind. At this time, Jiang Yunyi
sent another message: "This is not only for me, but also for the child. Only if we work hard to
make money and only if we know the information of the rival company, can we do better and get
closer to the child more conveniently. How can you not understand such a simple truth?"
"I know you are watching. Don't hesitate so much. For the sake of the children, you should think
about it."
In the end, Lin Yutian chose to compromise.
After returning to the company and chatting with Yu Wei, Lin Yiran felt much better and figured
out many things.
Isn't the main purpose of life to be happy? Why should we be so obsessed with so many things
and think so much?
There is no use thinking too much, more needs to be done.
After adjusting his mindset, Lin was still in a good mood.
Today's problem was solved successfully. Such good news must naturally be shared with Huo
There’s just one problem!
Chapter 177 Refund Event
As a middleman, Yu Wei has a hard time.
As soon as he said goodbye to Lin Yiran, he went straight to find Huo Jinlin and told him all the
content of their conversation and what happened today.
Huo Jinlin praised it highly.
"I knew these things would have to be handed over to you, kid. You really lived up to my
expectations of you!"
Upon hearing this, Yu Wei deliberately turned his head away and said jokingly, "You two are
happy as a couple, but it's hard on me. Don't worry, I have solved all the problems here, and I will
also contact Zeng Jiajia. You should just live your sweet life together. Hey, if you have children in
the future, you must let me attend. I want to be the godfather, understand?"
Huo Jinlin replied.
"screw you!"
After a while of joking, Yu Wei continued to be busy. As for Huo Jinlin, he had just finished
processing a large number of documents and was planning to have a good rest, but then he got
such good news. He made up his mind and planned to find Lin Yiran to have a good chat.
I was thinking about that.
The door was opened.
Immediately following.
Lin Yiran walked in with a smile on her face.
Huo Jinlin knew at a glance that Lin Yiran must have come to report good news to him.
Lin Yiran came to the door to greet him and gave him a passionate kiss.
The two came to the sofa.
In Huo Jinlin's arms, Lin Yiran happily recounted what happened today.
"Oh, and the most important thing is, thanks to Yu Wei today, otherwise I don't know how to
solve it."
"Although he seems quite frivolous on weekdays, he is really good at handling these things."
"I know he is a good helper you found, you have to reward him well!"
If Yu Wei said this, Huo Jinlin would definitely smile and make a joke.
But if this person was Lin Yiran.
That's completely different.
Huo Jinlin agreed without even thinking about it.
"You're great too! I've already dealt with Yu Wei. I plan to give him a long vacation after he's done
with this. Didn't he say he wanted to go to an island for vacation? It just so happens that we've
been very tired during this period. I'll go with you after I've dealt with it."
Fortunately, Yu Wei was not there to listen.
He had to vomit blood on the spot.
This damn young couple, this is not the way to show off their love!
Back to the topic.
After Lin Yiran finished speaking, Huo Jinlin reviewed everything that had happened today.
Although it has been handled very well, there are still many details that have not been handled
Lin Yiran's growth during this period is obvious to all.
But in the process of growth, mistakes are inevitable and obstacles are inevitable.
At this moment!
Huo Jinlin's importance is reflected.
Running his fingers through Lin Yiran's hair, Huo Jinlin reached out and touched Lin Yiran's head.
He said lovingly, "In fact, I have seen all your performance during this period. There is one
obvious problem, which is that you care too much about certain things. If you want to manage
well and be sensible, you don't need to know a lot yourself, but you need to choose your people
"Lin Yutian is a good person. Yu Wei has already told me about it today. It was she who proposed
the plan. If possible, you can keep her by your side as your assistant. When the time comes, you
can train her well. She will be both a sister and a good helper to you!"
"Did you hear that?"
The scene arrives at the door.
Just now, Lin Yiran had just stepped into Huo Jinlin's office. Because there were some things to
deal with, Lin Yutian came to the door of the office. But after thinking carefully, he realized that
the young couple was being affectionate and it would be bad to go in and disturb them.
Lin Yutian was waiting at the door.
As Lin Yutian listened, he became more and more interested; the topic even turned to himself.
Lin Yiran’s praise was so sincere.
You don't need to look to know what a sweet scene it is inside.
Lin Yutian clenched his fists and felt regretful.
Lin Yiran cherishes me so much, why did I do so many things that let her down?
Without waiting for Lin Yutian to think more.
The office became lively again.
Lin Yiran laughed playfully: "Okay, I will think about it carefully. Lin Yutian is indeed a very good
helper. What do you think? I have already told you before that my judgment of people is never
"We are still in the company after all. You continue to process the documents and I will go back as
soon as possible. Otherwise, I will feel uncomfortable staring at others and making fun of them."
Regarding Lin Yiran’s current thoughts.
Huo Jinlin expressed his deep understanding.
But it’s not that easy to leave!
Huo Jinlin hugged Lin Yiran and held her in his arms, and then the two began to kiss.
Just now, Lin Yutian couldn't stand the inner torture anymore, so she chose to return to her job
She owed too much to Lin Yiran for this relationship.
Boom boom boom!
There was a knock on the door.
Lin Yiran whispered, "Quick, quick, quick, it will be disgraceful if others see me, put me down
Huo Jinlin smiled and let go.
After simply tidying up his clothes, Huo Jinlin said coldly, "Come in."
Upon hearing this, the person outside the door hurriedly pushed open the door, and Yu Wei
rushed in anxiously.
He just left and rushed back the next second.
Seeing Lin Yutian's nervous expression, Huo Jinlin realized something was wrong and took the
initiative to ask, "What's wrong?"
Yu Wei quickly expressed that he didn't want to destroy the warmth between the two of them,
but what happened today was no trivial matter.
Holding a large number of documents in his hands, Yu Wei poured them all out in one go.
After finding a seat and sitting down, Yu Wei introduced the current situation.
As soon as he reached the door, people from the company stopped Yu Wei. Orders had been
canceled one after another recently, and the same situation had occurred for two or three days in
a row. The front desk was full of orders, but there had been no opportunity.
I saw Yu Wei coming.
All of it was handed over to Yu Wei.
Moreover, all the order information above is about Lin Yiran.
The more Lin Yiran listened, the more she felt something was wrong.
"What on earth is going on?"
Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Yu Wei said helplessly, "I'm already investigating this matter,
but I haven't received any news yet. It's not just one person who's returning the goods, it's a lot
of people, and there are quite a few old customers. There must be something wrong."
"Boss Wang took a big share of the profits. I think he has something to do with this matter."
He took out several documents in succession, all of which had the same name written on them:
Wang Ming.
Lin Yiran was shocked: "I don't understand. We have been cooperating well all along. Why did this
happen suddenly?"
Yu Wei shook his head.

Chapter 178 Anxiety

this is the key of the problem.
As if it had been discussed in advance, nearly half of the orders were returned, and all of them
happened within two or three days.
Seeing Lin Yiran's anxious face, Yu Wei spoke up and expressed his thoughts.
"There must be someone behind this. I have investigated and found that these goods are
necessities. Even if they need to be replaced, they need to find suitable buyers to succeed. But I
don't know the specific situation. These are just my guesses."
"We need to do more to understand the reasons behind this."
"The entire list is here. Now that both of you are here, take a good look at it. If you need any
help, just ask."
At this time, Huo Jinlin also walked towards Lin Yiran and took a quick look. Huo Jinlin and Yu Wei
had the same idea.
After a long silence, Lin Yiran's pent-up emotions burst out.
Things have been going badly recently, and all kinds of troubles have come one after another.
The factory issue has just been resolved, and now such a big problem has arisen with the order.
Lin Yiran bit her lip and said, "Well, since it's related to Boss Wang, I'll go visit him and see what's
going on. Don't misunderstand him. Even if we cancel the cooperation, we should figure it out."
"I know you're worried about this, but I want to handle it myself now."
"How about it?"
Upon hearing Lin Yiran say this, Huo Jinlin and Yu Wei looked at each other.
After a while, Huo Jinlin took the lead in speaking out.
"Since you think so, just do it generously. It's no big deal. If you have any questions, just contact
me as soon as possible."
"Take this list with you on the way and have a look at it. I'll keep a backup copy here too. How
about Yu Wei come with you?"
Yu Wei: “???”
But just thinking about it, everyone is so familiar with each other, what can I say? Yu Wei said
with a righteous look: "Yes! What's the big deal? Since there is a problem, it is my problem. I will
go with you!"
"I want to see what's behind this."
Looking at Yu Wei's confident look.
Huo Jinlin was still trying to hold back his laughter.
Lin Yiran couldn't bear it anymore.
He burst out laughing.
The tension was also relieved. Looking at Yu Wei, Lin Yiran said with a smile: "You have been busy
enough recently. I know you don't want to go. Just take a good rest here. I will call you if there is
any situation. It just so happens that you two brothers haven't been together for a long time.
Have a good chat and relax. I will give you some private space."
"I already have a plan in mind."
After saying that, Lin Yiran dialed Lin Yutian's number.
Lin Yutian agreed.
All the way down to the seventh floor, Lin Yutian was packing up, and Lin Yiran stood at the door
and waved: "Let's go!"
Putting down the work in his hands, Lin Yutian sat in the passenger seat of Lin Yiran's car.
The two walked towards Wang Ming's company.
After Lin Yiran left, the atmosphere in the office became weird again.
Yu Wei lay back and said seriously: "Brother, for so many years, you and I have traveled all over
the country for so long. I think you have seen through these things. There must be a reason for
this. It is definitely not as simple as an accident. I suspect someone is behind this. What about
you? What do you think?" Yu Wei looked at Huo Jinlin and asked.
at this time.
Huo Jinlin also became serious, raised his eyebrows, folded his hands across his chest, and said
thoughtfully: "No matter who is behind this, since it has endangered Lin Yiran's interests and the
interests of our company, I will investigate it."
"As for who to give it to, it must be given to a handsome guy like you!"
Upon hearing this.
Yu Wei originally wanted to refute a few words, but finally swallowed his words back.
It is not easy to get praise from Huo Jinlin.
At the same time, Yu Wei ruthlessly exposed Huo Jinlin.
This is not for the company's sake, it is clearly for Lin Yiran's sake.
"Tsk tsk tsk, stop showing off your affection in front of me. I'll take a rest and then I'll go
investigate. The new company is just yours, just for fun. You wouldn't care so much. The one you
care about is Lin Yiran."
Huo Jinlin's face darkened.
Yu Wei quickly changed his words.
"I understand, I understand. You are doing this for the greater good. Go to hell! I'm going now.
You are doing this for your wife!"
As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Wei fled the scene at high speed.
Looking at Yu Wei's leaving back, Huo Jinlin felt helpless and wanted to laugh, but at the same
time, he sent out more people.
It is true that he hopes Lin Yiran will grow, but along the way, Huo Jinlin also hopes to do
something for Lin Yiran.
The scene turns to Lin Yiran.
Twenty minutes later, Lin Yiran brought Lin Yutian to Wang Ming's company.
When he arrived at the front desk, Lin Yinyin revealed his identity and asked to see the boss of
their company.
"Hello, I'm Lin Yiran, one of your boss's partners. We've had some minor problems recently, and I
want to talk to your boss. Please let me know!"
After listening to what Lin Yiran said.
The receptionist politely replied, "I'm sorry, miss, you've come at a really bad time. Our boss was
out of town yesterday and is not in the company right now. If there's anything, you can give him a
call first."
"He didn't tell us where he went or when he would be back."
"I'm so sorry."
After this series of operations, Lin Yiran fell silent. Could this have been prepared in advance?
He had always been in the company before, but now that there were problems in the
cooperation here, he left the company immediately.
Think of these.
It is inevitable that people will have some wild thoughts.
At this time, Lin Yutian spoke up: "Let's go to the hall and wait for a while. I just happen to have a
few words to say to you."
Coming to the side, Lin Yutian spoke quickly: "Yi Ran, I feel that this matter is not that simple. The
receptionist was obviously stunned for a moment. Although it was very short, his expression
definitely changed. It must have been arranged in advance. Why don't you give him a call and
Lin Yiran deeply understood what Lin Yutian said.
Taking out her cell phone, she called Wang Ming.
Unfortunately, the result remained unchanged and no one answered the phone.
At this moment, a feeling of tiredness suddenly surged into his heart, and Lin Yiran sat down
"What else can I do? Just wait here for a while. I'll try to contact him again."
Lin Yiran smiled bitterly helplessly.

Chapter 179 Lao Wang's Escape

Although he looks calm on the surface, Lin is actually more anxious than anyone else.
The so-called method is nothing more than endless waiting and constant phone calls.
Fighting and fighting.
Lin Yiran spoke to himself.
"It's really difficult. I've encountered a lot of problems recently. I'm really upset."
Listening to Lin Yiran's complaints, Lin Yutian was deeply moved.
There's no point in just wasting time here now.
Lin Yiran was still stubborn and unwilling to leave.
In order to enlighten Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian started chatting with Lin Yiran.
As they chatted, Lin Yutian felt more and more that something was wrong.
Before, Jiang Yunyi and I had requested a batch of orders and a batch of documents, which
recorded the details of the new factory.
At that time, I thought it was no big deal, it was just some cash flow, and it was nothing to see.
Such a big thing broke out today.
"Is this a mistake? Yiran, don't be so anxious. We should consider the consequences now."
"How about this? Anyway, there are no outsiders here now. Tell me the truth. If the order is really
refunded, if all the orders are cancelled, how much loss will it cause now?"
Lin Yutian asked tentatively.
Lin Yiran has always been completely open with Lin Yutian.
Especially at a time like this.
She smiled and said, "Although the money is not much, it is still about four or five million. Our
new factory and new company are just starting out, and this amount of money is very important
to us, so I came here in person."
"If possible, I hope our orders can continue and increase. After all, it doesn't matter if I work a
little harder, but I really don't want my efforts to go to waste."
Four or five million?
Hearing this, Lin Yutian felt conflicted and uneasy.
Although I tried my best to control my emotions and always thought that it was not caused by
But as their conversation gradually deepened, Lin Yutian slowly discovered a horrible fact.
It was because he had handed the file to Jiang Yunyi before that things turned out like this.
Jiang Yunyi's purpose is not simple at all.
He said it nicely at the time.
I just want to take a look, I just want to know more, so that I can get closer to Lin Yiran.
The truth is that Jiang Yunyi took these things and gave them to another group of people, gaining
a lot of benefits for himself.
Among them, the biggest victim is Lin Yiran.
Once they know all the information, who would talk to you openly?
Of course, we would choose a cheaper option, and of course, we would choose other
manufacturers. This kind of situation is no exception.
Lin Yiran felt uncomfortable, and Lin Yutian felt uncomfortable too.
She saw how Lin Yiran treated her.
On the first day of his job, Lin Yiran was afraid that Lin Yutian would not have a good place to live,
so he specially gave one of his own houses to Lin Yutian. He also gave Lin Yutian a salary that no
one else could give him, and he never cared about Lin Yutian.
It can be said that he gave himself 100% of his trust.
But he did something so disgusting.
Lin Yutian was confused and uneasy, and his emotions were difficult to express in words.
She clenched her hands and wanted to confess everything to you, Lin Yiran. After being silent for
a long time, she decided to face it.
Since all this was caused by my own fault, I should naturally bear the responsibility myself.
Just when Lin Yutian was about to speak.
Lin Yiran suddenly became excited.
"Go, go, go! I found something!"
Regardless of anything, Lin Yiran pulled Lin Yutian forward.
Just now, Lin Yiran saw a familiar figure next to the elevator. Wasn’t that Wang Ming?
Wang Ming obviously noticed Lin Yiran. He stayed for a very short time and quickly got up and
Entered a corner.
But it was still seen.
The phone call was not connected and the front desk said there was no one there. Now suddenly
seeing Wang Ming, Lin Yiran was excited and ran over anxiously.
The scene turns to Wang Ming.
Wang Ming cursed secretly in his heart.
This damn woman, she has already expressed her opinion like that, why did she still come to the
company? What a coincidence that we ran into each other.
Now Wang Ming has only one thought in his mind, which is that he hopes the elevator can be
the other side.
Lin Yiran didn't care about her image at all and ran quickly to Wang Ming.
He walked and she chased him.
Wang Ming couldn't escape even if he had wings.
Finally, an embarrassing scene appeared. One second before the elevator arrived, Lin Yiran's
voice came from behind Wang Ming.
"Mr. Wang! Hello, I'm your partner. Do you remember me? My name is Lin Yiran, and I came to
see you today for something."
Lin Yutian had already complained during the running process.
This damn Wang Ming clearly doesn’t want to meet me, it’s clearly intentional.
He had received the notice and the news a long time ago.
I just turned away deliberately, trying to pretend that I knew nothing.
But he looked disgusting, and it was already apparent.
Why are you still pretending?
Some things are not convenient to say in person, so Lin Yutian finally chose to suppress his
Let’s meet and solve the problem first.
After hesitating for a long time, Wang Ming slowly turned around.
As soon as he turned around, he smiled greedily: "Oh! Boss Lin, I remember you!"
"Is there anything you want to talk to me about today? If there is anything, how about we talk
about it another day?"
"I'm busy attending a meeting right now and really don't have much time."
"Well, go to the front desk. I have specifically told her to notify me immediately if anything
"I'm so sorry, I'm really busy. I'll leave now."
Speaking of.
Wang Ming put the grease on his feet and prepared to run away.
Lin Yiran really couldn't bear it any longer.
Lin Yiran is not a fool, so she naturally knows what he is thinking. Isn't he just thinking about
The person is already in front of me, but I can still let him go. I just have a good temper, I'm not a
It's better to make some things clear.
Lin Yiran said seriously.
"Boss Wang, although I really don't want to expose you, you have to bring some documents to
the meeting, and you have to bring an assistant. You have nothing with you, just yourself. It's hard
for me to believe what you say. Let's talk about our problems first."
“Why did you cancel the order suddenly?”
"I need you to give me a reasonable explanation!"
Now, even if Wang Ming wanted to leave, he couldn't. The next second, his attitude changed 180
He sneered and mocked mercilessly: "I have already given you face, why don't you want any face
at all?"
"Oh! Well, since you haven't been wanting an answer, I will tell you today that I don't like your
goods. The quality of your goods is not up to standard. It's that simple. There is nothing to say."

Chapter 180 The body is more tired than the mind

It's that simple?
When he heard these words, Lin Yiran could no longer bear the anger that had been pent up in
his heart for a long time.
To be fair, from the very beginning when the two of them started working together, Lin Yiran had
repeatedly emphasized that if there were any problems with the goods, they could come to Lin
Yiran to discuss, and every partner of Lin Yiran held the same attitude.
Even if you make less money, the quality of the goods must be guaranteed.
These days, Lin has been traveling between the company and the new factory, solving problems
while also taking care of quality.
Now you come out and talk about quality issues?
He really has no shame at all.
After hearing what Lin Yiran said, Wang Ming was obviously stunned. He didn't expect that Lin
Yiran had this trick.
Stop pretending, let’s get real.
Wang Ming became thick-skinned and tore off this relationship completely. He took a step back,
his eyes became fierce, and pointed at Lin Yiran: "Why, returns are returns, what's the big deal?
As a company, do you still have the right to choose? On the surface, it's a two-way choice, but
now I have a better choice, and you have been abandoned. I regret working with you now, what
can you do?"
"I'm telling you the truth. The quality of your goods is not good. They haven't passed my
inspection. If there is any problem, let's not talk about it anymore. Let's not waste each other's
time. If you have any questions, please talk to my assistant."
"This is my assistant's business card. Take it and go."
As he spoke, he took out a business card from his pocket.
And then.
Wang Ming threw the business card forward and it fell to the ground, and the relationship
between the two parties was completely broken.
I had long imagined that this would be a scene, but I didn't expect it to come so soon.
Faced with Wang Ming's actions, Lin Yiran felt calm.
Since he has turned his back on me.
Then it’s not Lin Yiran’s fault.
Taking out the cooperation documents, Lin Yiran followed suit and threw it back in the same way.
With a click, the documents fell to the ground. Lin Yiran said in a tough tone, "Boss Wang, it's
okay to cancel the cooperation, but I still have to remind you of the spirit of the contract. I have
said before that if either party regrets and fails to deliver the goods or cancels the cooperation
temporarily, they will need to pay three times the compensation. If you don't want to save face
for me, then I won't save face for you either. Just give me the money."
Listen to Lin Yiran saying this.
Wang Ming was obviously stunned.
Raising his head, he looked at Lin Yiran with a bad expression and threatened.
"This is my company, Lin Yiran. I advise you not to go too far. If you still don't understand, then I'll
tell you the truth. I think your stuff is too expensive. I've found cheaper stuff with guaranteed
quality. Stop bothering me and get out of here."
Lin Yiran had already guessed the result.
But the compensation that should be paid cannot be less.
Faced with such ridicule, Lin Yiran responded firmly: "Oh, then you are really capable."
"The cooperation has been cancelled, so just remember to pay the money when the time comes.
I advise you to do less bad things."
"I, Lin Yiran, am not an unreasonable person, but think about what you have done."
"From now on, we'll never see each other again. Just pass the check to me."
"Yutian, let's go."
By the time Wang Ming reacted, Lin Yiran had already left the company with Lin Yutian.
On the way.
Lin Yiran became angrier the more he thought about it.
I couldn't help but complain.
"These people really have no sense of contract at all, but fortunately the documents have been
signed and some losses can be recovered."
"But for the long-term development of the company."
“It’s also bad news.”
When we reached cooperation with these companies before, they required millions of goods at
one time. In order to keep up with the pace, the factory adopted the method of early production.
Now that the cooperation has been cancelled, if we can't find new people to take over, the goods
produced before will become a pile of waste.
Lin Yutian felt guilty.
"Yi Ran, this is too serious. I..."
Before Lin Yutian finished speaking, Lin Yiran laughed first. She interrupted him and said, "It's
okay. I'm just a little touched. I'm already very satisfied that you can have this heart to
accompany me on this trip. Don't think too much. This is just the first customer. Maybe other
customers have their own reasons. We can go and see."
Lin Yiran simply thought that Lin Yutian was upset and took the initiative to comfort him.
But the more Lin Yiran acted like this, the more speechless Lin Yutian felt.
In the end, Lin Yutian decided to continue observing and suppressed what he wanted to say.
The two soon arrived at a new company.
Compared to before, this time it went much more smoothly.
The company boss was very enthusiastic and took the initiative to invite the two to his office.
He admitted.
"Boss Lin, I'm really sorry. The shareholders have already decided on this matter in advance, and I
can't change it. We will compensate them when the time comes. They said they have found
goods at a lower price. This is how the business world is. I can't make a final decision. I'm really
Lin Yiran said nothing more, just smiled and nodded.
After a brief chat, the two went to the next company.
I met with several clients in a row. Although everyone's attitude was different, the results of the
final inquiries were basically the same.
They all chose to cooperate because of the lower prices.
It makes sense.
This is also an understandable category.
When starting a company, everyone wants to get higher profits at lower costs, which is
Along the way, Lin Yinan noticed something was wrong.
If only one customer regrets the order, that is normal, as the price is not something that Lin Yiran
can decide unilaterally. But if so many customers regret their order at the same time and choose
to cancel their orders at the same time, then it may not be as simple as the price of the goods.
Keep busy until dark.
Today's trip can be said to be fruitless.
Faced with such a problem, Lin Yiran was curious and thinking about how to deal with it.
It was getting close to evening, and now it was time to get off work. They had been walking and
stopping along the way, and they were so busy that they even forgot to eat. Turning around, Lin
Yiran looked at Lin Yutian in the co-pilot seat, and she forced a smile: "Yutian, you've worked hard
today. I was so busy just now that I didn't pay attention to the time. Thank you for accompanying
me on this trip. I haven't even eaten yet. You pack up and go back to eat. Today's work ends here.
I'll transfer you one thousand yuan privately, just as a treat for you. I'll pay you three days' salary
"I'm so tired. You should go home first. I want to calm down."
After spending the whole day with Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian saw all of Lin Yiran's hard work.
She shook her head. "What's the big deal? I usually eat late, so I'm not hungry now. I feel like
you're not in a good mental state right now. How can I feel at ease if you go back alone? I'll take
you home first."
Although she knew it was for her own good, Lin Yiran really didn't want to trouble her anymore.
She shook her head in refusal.

Chapter 181 Escape is useless

The two men have similar personalities and one thing in common: they are both extremely
stubborn. The two men argued back and forth, but neither could convince the other.
at this time.
Lin Yiran's cell phone rang.
Looking at the name displayed on the screen, she stopped what she was doing.
It’s Huo Jinlin.
As soon as the call was connected, Huo Jinlin's concerned voice came from the other end of the
"Yi Ran, it's already so late, we have to work separately. Where are you? I'll come find you and
we'll go home together."
Upon hearing this, Lin Yutian said quietly: "Then you can't continue to fight with me now. Wait
until Mr. Huo comes, and I will watch you go back. This way I will feel at ease. How about it?"
Lin Yiran felt helpless yet warm in her heart.
Looking at Lin Yutian.
Remembering what Huo Jinlin had said, she nodded and agreed.
"Okay! I'll do as you say!"
Soon, Huo Jinlin drove to the location sent by Lin Yiran, which was not far from the company. Huo
Jinlin had just finished a day's work and arrived in less than five minutes. Seeing Lin Yiran's tired
face, Huo Jinlin opened his arms.
Lin Yiran didn't hesitate and plunged in.
As the third person, Lin Yutian's face turned red.
It would be better to leave early!
After a few brief instructions, Lin Yiran even left his car behind to make it easier for Lin Yutian to
go home.
As the sky gradually darkened and darkness enveloped the land, the two men waved goodbye.
"Yi Ran, then you guys go first, I'm going to go buy something, you don't have to worry about
Lin Yutian said.
Even though we have been sent thousands of miles apart, we will have to say goodbye one day.
What’s more, we will meet again tomorrow. Coming to the passenger seat, Lin Yiran said, “Okay,
be careful on the road.”
As the car engine started, the distance between the two sides grew farther and farther.
Watching Lin Yiran gradually go away.
Lin Yutian raised her head slowly and followed carefully.
On the way.
Seeing that Lin Yiran was not happy, Huo Jinlin took the initiative to ask: "How was your work
today? You seemed unhappy. What did they say?"
Lin Yiran spoke truthfully.
A lot of things have happened recently, but if I really have to count them, today is definitely the
most complicated day.
With Huo Jinlin by his side, Lin can still talk without worry.
She smiled bitterly: "There is no other way. They chose to cancel, so we can only try to recover
the losses."
"Take a look at the list. I've already seen most of them. There are still some that I'll look at
Hearing her say this, Huo Jinlin looked distressed.
I have been running all the way to now today.
There is not even a moment to rest.
At work, Lin Yiran has always been a workaholic, but Huo Jinlin doesn't want her to be like that.
Reaching out and touching Lin Yiran's head, Huo Jinlin said calmly: "It's okay, there's no need to
trouble you with this little thing. I'll send my assistant to take care of it tomorrow. You've done a
great job today. Let's go home first."
In the blink of an eye.
The two returned to the door of their home.
Lin Yiran's eyes suddenly lit up!
Following Lin Yiran's gaze, Huo Jinlin slammed on the brakes. This was the happiest thing that
happened today.
The twins looked at the door with a smile, and when they saw the two people coming, they ran
The family hugged each other.
Lin Yiran reached out and touched their heads: "Why are you so well behaved today!"
Dabao made a face, then hugged Lin Yiran tightly and said with a smile: "I am so happy because I
saw my parents."
There are always many ups and downs and many setbacks in life.
But with the company of my family, all of this is nothing.
The whole family is happily together.
That's enough.
The scene comes to Lin Yutian.
She hid stealthily behind a wall.
Looking at the happy scene in front of her, Lin Yutian had mixed feelings. For her at the moment,
even though she was just watching the child from afar, it could be regarded as the happiest thing
in her life. At this moment, Lin Yutian made up her mind.
I want my child back!
But all of this was, after all, just Lin Yutian's inner thoughts. No one could possibly understand her
grandiose thoughts. In the eyes of others, Lin Yutian's behavior was stupid, even
Just thinking about it.
A call came from behind Lin Yutian.
"Hello, may I ask what I can do for you? If so, I can come over and talk to you."
Hearing this, Lin Yutian was startled and turned around quickly, and Lin Yiyi's figure came into
Lin Yutian frowned, thinking, who is this person, why did he suddenly appear and say such words
to me?
Lin Yiyi was the first to break the awkwardness.
"I've been watching you for a long time just now. I originally thought you were here to do
something bad, but then I looked carefully and saw that every time you were smiling, you looked
kind. You must be looking in the right direction! It must be the Huo family!"
"Are you Sister Yiran's friend?"
Lin Yutian said nothing.
How to explain this awkward relationship? Faced with such a situation, she could only flee.
Lin Yutian simply said a few perfunctory words and ran quickly into the distance.
Before leaving.
Lin Yiyi was even more puzzled: "Are you sure or not?"
With such doubts, Lin Yiyi quickened her pace and came in front of Lin Yiran.
Seeing that it was Lin Yiyi who came, Lin Yiran smiled and said, “Yiyi!”
Lin Yiyi was so exhausted from running all the way here that she was out of breath. Before Lin
Yiran could continue speaking, she said in panic, "Sister Yiran, there was someone peeking at me
from the corner just now. She didn't answer me when I asked her questions. I feel something is
After listening to Lin Yiyi, Lin Yinan quickly looked towards the corner.
The result was nothing.
The two of them now live in a villa area in the city. There are often various staff members coming
and going, and they may also be neighbors. Lin Yiran didn't take this matter to heart and simply
thought it was just a misunderstanding.
"Okay, let's not overthink it. Maybe they were just passing by."
"Come on! I'm starving today. Let's eat and talk."
He pulled Lin Yiyi over and the two of them walked into the room.
It has been a hard day today and Lin Yiran just wants to have a good rest.
As for the rest! It doesn’t matter!
At this moment, Lin Yutian's brain raced and she thought of a good idea. The best way to clear
her suspicion was naturally to find witnesses. Where would the most effective witnesses be? That
would naturally be the company. Even if Lin Yiran really asked about it tomorrow, she would have
an excuse.
Thinking of this, Lin Yutian entered the company.

Chapter 182: All About Children

I looked down at the time and realized that half an hour had passed since I entered the company.
Colleagues came and went in the company, and many of them saw me.
The time now is enough to clear suspicion.
Standing up, picking up some documents, Lin Yutian prepared to go home.
During this half hour, Lin Yutian seemed to be working, but he was always thinking about his
Although the two sides were far apart, she could still clearly see the smile on the child's face.
If all this had not happened, if I could have sat down and had a good talk with Lin Yiran, would
the result still be like this?
Thinking of this, Lin Yutian felt mixed emotions. She stood there for a long time before she finally
chose to accept it.
Lin Yutian thought, it’s okay, now that I have seen the children, they are living happily and in good
health, that is enough.
As for what happened later.
We still have to keep working hard.
After a while, Lin Yutian said to himself: "Let's go home first, and then think about it carefully
after returning."
As he spoke, Lin Yutian slowly walked towards the door.
As soon as he walked out of the door, Lin Yutian was stopped by a voice: "Yutian!"
Looking back, Lin Yutian had a complicated look in his eyes. Today had been annoying enough,
but now Jiang Yunyi came up to him again. He didn't want to pay attention to her, but after
thinking about it carefully, he realized that Jiang Yunyi was on his side after all, and had a great
relationship with the child, especially when he thought of the child.
Jiang Yunyi is the only person he knows in the entire company besides Lin Yiran.
It is also closely related to this matter.
Turning around, Lin Yutian said calmly: "Why, what's the matter?"
After a tiring day, she no longer had any energy to care about other things, and her tone of voice
was very cold. Jiang Yunyi noticed this keenly. She thought to herself, this is really strange.
Although there had been some misunderstandings between her and Lin Yutian before, she had
always been very enthusiastic about herself since she had the child as a medium. Now it suddenly
became like this, and she still felt a sense of gap in her heart.
"What a coincidence! I didn't expect to see you in the company. Aren't you off work?" Lin Yutian
asked with concern.
"Get a document."
"Is there anything else? If there is anything, please tell me now. I am very tired now. I haven't
eaten for a day. Now the only thing I want to do is to have a good meal and rest after I go back. If
you have anything to say, please tell me now."
Upon hearing this.
Jiang Yunyi was even more concerned: "Well, I've been busy working overtime and haven't eaten.
I want to talk to you about the child."
"Let's go, I know there's a delicious western restaurant nearby, we can go and try some."
Before Lin Yutian could react, Jiang Yunyi grabbed Lin Yutian's hand and reluctantly led him into
the restaurant.
As soon as I heard the word "child".
Lin Yutian's expression was obviously different.
She was anxious: "Is there something wrong with the child? Tell me what's wrong!"
Jiang Yunyi sneered in her heart. She thought that Lin Yutian was out of her control. Today she
wanted to test him, but she didn't expect that he was still the same as before. He was always so
stupid. He completely lost his mind when it came to children.
Jiang Yunyi really has a few words to say.
First, the issue of the child was expanded, and then Jiang Yunyi slowly expressed her inner
thoughts: "I heard a long time ago that she wanted to formally adopt the child. When the time
comes, even if you take the paternity test, it will be useless. I think we should adjust our strategy
as soon as possible. Regarding the matter of the child, I have the same idea as you, the sooner
the better!"
“But we can’t just rush for success.”
"It should be in the company's documents, right? How about this, you give me the company's
documents so I can analyze the current situation of the company. Then it will be easier for you to
secure your position. Wouldn't it be easier for you to have children later?"
Sit firmly in your assistant's seat and take the child down.
If it were before, Lin Yutian would have agreed without hesitation.
But after what happened to Lin Yiran today.
She is no longer the same Lin Yutian.
Jiang Yunyi said it nicely on the surface, but she knew better than anyone what was done with
those documents.
Lin Yutian said frankly.
"Do you know what it means to leak company documents?"
"The company has been severely affected, and partners have cancelled orders one after another.
She has launched an investigation."
"I think you know better than me how much benefit this will bring, but this matter is no longer
within my control. Let's stop here and don't go on. If you need money, we can work properly and
think of other ways."
"What should we do when the investigation is completed?"
Lin Yutian said seriously.
She didn't expect that things would come into Lin Yiran's sight so quickly.
So who else knows about this?
With such doubts, Jiang Yunyi asked again.
Lin Yutian sighed: "Now besides Yi Ran, Huo Jinlin also knows about this. According to my guess,
most of the company's senior executives have already known this news. This is no joke. I still say
the same thing, stop here, we still have a chance!"
Although she was shocked when she heard the news, after thinking about it carefully, Jiang Yunyi
It's no big deal.
Once you know it, you know it. It’s nothing more than that the company’s raw materials and
various sources of goods have been leaked.
Jiang Yunyi has secretly sent people to reach an agreement with all the partners.
If something really goes wrong, it won’t be my fault.
Looking at the hesitant Lin Yutian in front of him, Jiang Yunyi had a new idea. It had already been
done, and now he wanted to distance himself from it.
It’s not that simple.
This is not all bad news. At least for now, everything has not been investigated yet. Even if it is
investigated, what can it do? After this incident, Jiang Yunyi alone gained 500,000 yuan in
Pure profit!
What does this mean? This can be considered Jiang Yunyi's salary for three or four years.
Once she had a taste of it, she couldn't refuse it anymore.
When she saw Lin Yutian hesitate, Jiang Yunyi had already prepared a new set of words: "You are
so stupid!"
"Yutian, for how long have you not believed in me and kept some distance from me?"
"I know you want a child now, but have you thought about the future? Even if you really get the
child back now, how will you raise the child in the future? I don't care, but the child is different.
The child has long been accustomed to a life of luxury. In the future, without financial support
and a good growth environment, are you willing to accept that?"
"Well, I don't know how to tell you this, but you should think about it carefully."
"Think about it carefully. This is not only for me, but also for the child!"
Children, children, he always talks about children, but after this incident, Lin Yutian’s attitude
became firm.

Chapter 183 Silence

She refused to go on.
Continuing to help Jiang Yunyi would undoubtedly be tantamount to aiding and abetting the evil,
although he still had some bad thoughts about Lin because of the child.
But she saw everything how Lin Yiran treated her.
A person needs to have his own bottom line.
Instead of hurting others for your own benefit.
"Don't you understand? This is hurting the company and hurting Lin Yiran!"
"Now you have touched the edge of the law. There will be no next time!"
It’s such a simple truth.
Why doesn’t Jiang Yunyi understand?
After hearing what Lin Yutian said, Jiang Yunyi felt a headache. He didn't expect that he would be
out of his control so quickly, but the benefits contained in it were not something Jiang Yunyi could
Everyone understands the truth.
But if it really happens, what does it matter as long as you are a vested interest?
I know there's no way to convince her now.
Jiang Yunyi changed her strategy.
Since being direct doesn't work, then try to change her mind, use indirect methods, and take it
step by step.
Of course, the core focus should still be on children.
Jiang Yunyi spoke up to remind him.
"Yutian, I've known you for such a long time, and I've always thought you were a person with a
very clear bottom line, but that's not right. Sometimes we have to change our bottom line,
especially when it comes to the people around us."
"Think carefully, is the child's life now the same as what I will say in the future?"
"Even if you really bring the child back, what can you do? You can't give him a rich life, nor can
you provide him with anything else."
"This is the cruelest thing to do to a child. How about this? You might as well just give up."
"I think it's not a bad idea to be with Lin Yiran. Let's stop here."
Jiang Yunyi said this while taking a step back to advance.
This trick worked.
Hearing what Jiang Yunyi said, Lin Yutian felt as if his heart was being cut by a knife and he began
to doubt himself.
Even if I bring the child back, what would that mean? I can't give you what Lin Yiran can give me.
Jiang Yunyi took advantage of the victory to pursue the opponent.
"How about this, let's give up now and assume that all the efforts I made before and all the
efforts you made are not worth mentioning. You are really too stupid. You are just an ordinary
worker. I want to share the benefits behind this with you. Even if we lose those partners, so
what? It's not like we lose everything. I'm just helping Lin Yiran to screen them."
"Have you forgotten one thing? Behind Lin Yiran is Huo Jinlin. That's just a shabby little company.
It's just for Lin Yiran to practice and play with. Something like that will happen sooner or later.
Why can't we get some benefits from it?"
"If you don't consider the child, then I should also consider it carefully!"
Using her eloquent tongue, Jiang Yunyi turned right into wrong in front of Lin Yutian.
Under normal circumstances, Lin Yutian would definitely refuse without hesitation.
But now, after thinking carefully about the child, Jiang Yunyi's twisted logic seems to make some
Only the last step remains.
Jiang Yunyi cursed angrily in a tough tone.
"What? If you can't even make up your mind, what else can you say?"
"If you don't care about the child, then don't worry about it. You are just a selfish person. From
now on, you live your own life and I live mine. Let's not bother each other anymore."
"No matter what happens to Lin Yiran, she won't be any worse off than you. If you feel sorry for
her, then just leave the child alone."
"I'll ask you one last question. Do you agree?"
A strong feeling of suffocation surged into his heart, and Lin Yutian felt as if everything around
him was turned upside down.
What is wrong with this world?
Why is it so difficult for me to just get my child back?
Thinking about this, Lin Yutian became paranoid and chose to accept Jiang Yunyi's statement.
"Then I'll do as you say!"
"I only have one condition. You must give priority to the child when the time comes. Do you
Jiang Yunyi nodded repeatedly.
The planned goals were successfully achieved. Jiang Yunyi added tea and water, picked up the
dishes herself, and personally escorted her home after the meal.
It's already ten o'clock in the evening.
Lin Yutian successfully returned to his residence, and Jiang Yunyi's plan was successfully
Before leaving.
Jiang Yunyi gave instructions again.
"Don't let your imagination run wild. Think carefully about yourself and your children. That's
"For other people, that is not our concern. We should just live our own lives."
"You don't have to give me any documents during this period. We can exchange some
insignificant things for some money. It will be good for you and me."
Hearing this.
Lin Yutian nodded in a daze.
After entering the room, physical and mental fatigue came over him at the same time. Lying on
the bed, Lin Yutian fell asleep.
the other side.
Lin Yiran was in a dilemma.
Just now, Lin Yiyi suddenly remembered something. There was a parent-child activity being held
within the school and parents were required to accompany their children. No one else could
replace them. Either they didn't go, or both of them had to go. This event required Huo Jinlin and
Lin Yiran to participate together.
If it were under normal circumstances, Lin would still agree without hesitation.
Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran's educational philosophies are highly compatible. On the road to growth,
money is important, but every companionship and every experience together are the most
important. However, too many things have happened recently, the company has a lot of things to
do, and the work is complicated.
Every time he thought of it, Lin Yiran felt hesitant.
"Okay, I'll think about it carefully."
Seeing Lin Yiran's melancholy, Huo Jinlin slowly walked forward.
Indeed, too many things have happened recently. Even if Lin Yiren didn't say anything, Huo Jinlin
still saw it. The matter at the new factory has just been completed, and there are a large number
of order cancellations. Even if it is handed over to Huo Jinlin, it will take some time to deal with it,
and it will take some time to resolve it.
Not to mention Lin Yiran who is just starting out.
There is always a dilemma between work and children.
You will regret whatever you choose.
But now, the significance of Huo Jinlin's appearance is to give Lin Yin more choices.
Grabbing Lin Yiran's hand, Huo Jinlin said gently, "Let's put work aside for now."
"As long as the children want to participate, we have no problem with that. We just need to
accompany them as they grow up and not let them have any extra thoughts!"
At this moment, Lin Yiran's heart melted and she threw herself into Huo Jinlin's arms. This was an
incomparable sense of security.
Except for Lin Yiyi who was standing beside him.
Everything else is good.
Seeing this scene, Lin Yiyi couldn't hold it anymore. She complained, "Stop showing off! Can't you
show off after I leave?"
At this time, Huo Jinlin's words became a killer move: "No."
Chapter 184 Don't Be Afraid of Me
Lin Yiyi left angrily.
"How can you do this to Yiyi? We should be more careful in the future. It would be bad if we
teach her bad things."
Looking at Lin Yiran in front of him, Huo Jinlin hesitated for a moment. Just when Lin Yiran
thought he was going to nod and agree, the next second, Huo Jinlin silently shook his head: "No,
you are my wife, I don't care what others think."
This sentence.
Lin Yiran's face turned red instantly.
Huo Jinlin is always like this, and he can always say such things in a very serious tone.
"Bad guy!"
"Then I won't be polite!"
Leaning close to Lin Yiran, holding up Lin Yiran's face, Huo Jinlin kissed her mercilessly. This
sudden scene made Lin Yiran unable to retaliate. Her whole body became stiff and she was at a
loss, with her hands suspended in the air. Seeing this scene, Huo Jinlin's evil taste instantly came
out, forcing Lin Yiran to retreat until she was in the corner.
Grabbed Lin Yiran’s hand with one hand.
Huo Jinlin said seriously.
"You have such a sweet mouth!"
Then, Huo Jinlin leaned against the wall.
The second before closing his eyes, Lin Yiran would never forget Lin Yiyi's melancholy look.
This lasted for half a minute. When Lin Yiran reacted, Huo Jinlin had already stood aside with a
serious look on his face.
Looking at Lin Yiran, he said calmly, "Let's go. I'm going to find Dabao and Xiaobao first to
"This isn't just between the two of us, this is about our whole little family."
Lin Yiran lowered her head shyly.
All the way to the second floor, at this time, the lights in the room were still on. After knocking on
the door, Dabao's voice came from inside: "I'm coming!"
When he opened the door and saw Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran, Dabao immediately rushed over
Huo Jinlin picked up Dabao and deliberately teased him, "Why don't you just call me properly?"
Dabao immediately changed his words.
The two entered the room.
It's still more than ten minutes before bedtime.
Huo Jinlin opened his mouth to confirm.
"How about it, do you have any plans for tomorrow? But if you have thought about it and want to
participate, mom and dad will go with you!"
"If you haven't thought it through, then let's think about it carefully."
Upon hearing what Huo Jinlin said.
The two of them spoke immediately.
"I was just planning to talk to you about this! But I'm afraid of disturbing you. Go, go, go! I'll
definitely go!"
"Yes, it's not easy to get such a good opportunity, we must seize it and go out and have fun."
"Raise your hands in support!"
Looking at each other, everyone smiled at the same time.
After everything is settled, it's time to take a break.
Lin Yiran said gently.
"Okay! Since we are going, we must study hard and maintain good physical strength."
"You're all good boys, so we'll leave first!"
"See you tomorrow!"
Dabao and Xiaobao waved goodbye.
Return to your room.
Lin Yiran still had a doubt in his mind.
Although Huo Jinlin had already talked about the work, just leave everything to him.
But I still feel very guilty.
It is clearly his own business but Huo Jinlin is always asked to interfere and it is always Huo Jinlin
who does it.
This time.
Lin Yiran wanted to have a good chat with Huo Jinlin and talk about work.
Taking a deep breath, Lin Yiran prepared to speak.
Huo Jinlin interrupted first: "Okay, let's not think too much. I know you must be worried about
your work, so let's have a good chat now and think about it carefully. Is there anything you want
to say? The more you encounter such things, the more you must not panic. Once you panic,
nothing can be solved. We should be calm."
Lin Yiran exclaimed immediately.
"Awesome! You already knew it before I even said it."
Huo Jinlin once again became a hooligan: "Because I have a heart and I like to communicate
deeply with you, so it is natural that we have a spiritual connection, what do you think?"
"Be serious!" Lin Yiran said blushingly.
It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.
Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran thought alike. Huo Jinlin's goal was very clear. Because Lin Yiran's problem
was in his hands and he couldn't get a good solution, he couldn't stay calm. However, there were
precedents for this, whether it was a new factory or an order problem in the company.
The company has been in business for so long, and we have encountered all these problems to
some extent.
But every time I got through it safely.
As they chatted, Huo Jinlin took the initiative to tell Lin Yiran about the previous solution and
recounted everything that had happened in the past.
It was late at night.
Lin Yiran seemed to be thinking about something, and became more and more excited as the
conversation went on.
Huo Jinlin was really sleepy!
If I continue to stay with Lin Yiran, I will definitely lose my life.
Looking at Lin Yiran, Huo Jinlin said seriously: "To run a company well, many aspects are needed.
Not only do we need to be able to handle them, but we also need to be able to foresee them in
advance. You have heard the general plan. Now I only have one thing to say!"
"keep Calm!"
“No matter when or where you are, you must not be dominated by emotions, keep your own
thinking and your own ideas.”
"The problem will naturally become simpler. If it still doesn't work, you can come to me."
"I'll help you with that."
Facing Huo Jinlin.
Lin Yiran praised loudly, and was completely convinced by Huo Jinlin's idea: "Awesome, you are
worthy of being like me. How many things do you have that I don't know? You must teach me
well when you have the chance in the future. So what should I do now!"
Huo Jinlin's answer was concise and clear.
As he said that, Huo Jinlin hugged Lin Yiran tightly.
Time passed quickly and it was the next day.
After Huo Jinlin’s guidance yesterday, Lin Yiran suddenly felt relieved.
After thinking about all the problems carefully, the two of them started discussing them again.
Lin Yiran is still showing his talent.
"I found it!"
"The problem is the list got leaked."
Huo Jinlin clapped his hands and cheered.
"How smart! As long as you find the right direction, everything will be fine."
"We should think carefully about how and why the list might have been leaked."
“These are all very important points.”
Lin Yiran nodded.
Then, Lin Yiran thought about everything carefully, but the more he thought, the more confused
he became.
Her emotions unconsciously got caught up in other things.
Whenever Lin Yiran thought about what happened during this period, she felt upset.
Although I tried hard to forget, the final result was still not good.
Seeing Lin Yiran looking serious, Huo Jinlin stepped forward to comfort her.
"It's okay. Many things cannot be answered in a short time."
"Let's think about it carefully. It won't be too late to think about it when we have some clues."
"Let's go back to the company together later. I'll make some simple arrangements, and you can
also arrange your things."
"Don't be afraid, I'm here."
Huo Jinlin hugged Lin Yiran tightly and said.

Chapter 185 Collision

The scene comes to the company.
Before going to bed last night, Huo Jinlin had arranged everything.
Lin Yiran no longer needs to continue to participate in the company.
Now the whole company.
The only thing Lin Yiran cares about is Lin Yutian.
After returning home last night, Lin Yutian didn't send me a message, thinking that he hadn't
eaten the whole day yesterday.
Lin Yiran still felt guilty.
After simply packing up some documents, Lin Yiran called Lin Yutian alone.
In the future, I may not come to the company often, and I will start working officially after solving
my child’s problems.
On the way here, Lin Yiran kept thinking about one thing.
Still about the company!
This time I found Lin Yutian on the one hand to show my concern for him, and on the other hand I
also wanted to hear his opinion.
Lin Yutian is a maverick and has his own ideas.
There is a high chance that you will gain something new from communicating with her.
Boom boom boom!
There was a noise outside the door.
Knowing that it was Lin Yutian, Lin Yin went to the door and opened it.
Seeing Lin Yutian's gentle complexion, Lin Yiran felt relieved: "Thank you for your hard work
yesterday. How do you feel today?"
"Next time you go back, remember to send me a message, otherwise I will start to get
"I'll be very worried about you!"
"I can't control other people's affairs, but you are my good sister. If something happens to you, I
will regret it!"
Lin Yiran said sincerely.
Upon hearing this, Lin Yutian felt as if there were a thousand needles in his heart.
"I... I'm fine!" Lin Yutian paused and responded.
"Okay, next time I won't just send you a message when I get home. I'll send you a message
immediately if there's anything going on."
"You are the first one who cares about me so much."
As he spoke, Lin Yutian's voice became softer.
Thinking about what happened yesterday, Lin Yutian felt more and more sorry for Lin Yiran.
The more I thought about Jiang Yunyi's theory, the more unreliable it seemed.
This is clearly a criminal act.
For the sake of the child, Lin Yutian had no choice. Lin Yiran treated him better and more
The feeling of guilt became stronger and stronger.
After caring about Lin Yutian.
Lin Yiran took the initiative to bring up the document leak.
Lin Yutian pretended to be confused and tried to brush it off: "Ah! Has the document been
leaked? I haven't heard about this before. I only heard that President Huo had arranged
everything and was planning to give you a short vacation. I was so envious at the time. I wish I
had a husband like this!" Lin Yutian said deliberately.
But she underestimated Lin Yiran's persistence in this matter.
Lin Yiran smiled gently.
"Yes, I may not be in the company during this period, but I think the matter of this document is
still very important."
"Yutian, let me tell you the truth. In this company, the relationship between me and everyone is
basically very simple. It's just a relationship between superiors and subordinates. I don't have
anyone to confide in or talk to, and I can't trust anyone at will."
"I asked you to come here today because I want your help."
"Let's think about it together and see if we can find some clues to see who leaked it."
"This matter is very important to me personally. If you can provide any clues, I will treat you to a
big meal!"
Upon hearing this.
Lin Yutian felt guilty.
Her face turned pale.
If things continue to develop in this way, if Lin Yiran really finds out some clues, if Lin Yiran really
discovers that it was me who did it.
Then how should I face Lin Yiran at that time?
The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became. Lin Yutian's face changed and
turned pale, without a trace of blood.
See this scene happen.
Lin Yiran quickly stopped the topic.
Take the initiative to care.
"Yutian! I didn't notice it just now, why do you look like this?"
"Isn't it possible that I have a cold?"
"How is it? Do you feel any discomfort in your body now? Is it serious?"
"How about this? I'll give you two days off. I won't be in the company during that time, so you can
take this opportunity to relax."
"Get some rest, your health is the most important thing!"
Lin Yiran said with concern.
These words of concern came from the heart to Lin Yiran.
But for Lin Yutian it was obviously the opposite.
The guilt in my heart grew.
Lin Yutian really didn't know how to answer.
I could only bite my lip and shake my head: "It's okay, just some minor problems, nothing
"You don't have to care about me so much!"
Lin Yutian said guiltily.
Upon hearing this, Lin Yiran immediately changed her tone and became very serious. Then, she
said, "You are the only person I trust in this company. You are also the person I brought in
personally and you are my good sister. You are being too polite to me!"
"I'm telling you, if there is any situation in the future, tell me immediately, don't handle it alone."
"You've already had a hard time, and now you have to act so strong. Do you know how hard it will
be for me?"
Lin Yutian felt even worse!
Fearing that something might happen to Lin Yutian, he took the documents and personally took
Lin Yutian to the hospital.
After examination, it was found that Lin Yutian did not have any serious health problems, but
because the weather had turned cooler recently, he still had a minor cold. The doctor prescribed
some medicine, and as long as he took it regularly, he would be well again soon.
Lin Yiran is more concerned than the doctor.
That was the instruction along the way.
"Yutian! Remember to take your medicine. I will take you home later. When you feel better, we
will go to work. I have some things to deal with later. I can't be with you. It's a pity to think about
Lin Yutian was completely silent.
Putting herself in his shoes, Lin Yiran can be said to have poured out her heart to herself.
Yet he did so many things that made Lin Yiran worried.
Grabbed Lin Yiran's hand.
Lin Yutian said, "Yi Ran! You are so nice!" But this is just a small problem.
"How about this, when you send me back to the company, you can go and deal with your
business. I will investigate this matter thoroughly."
Under Lin Yutian's repeated requests, Lin Yin had to compromise.
Downstairs of the company.
Lin Yutian stood up to leave, but Lin Yiran stopped her gently: "Don't run so fast! You forgot to
take your medicine!"
"If it gets more serious, you must not force yourself to hold on. Call me immediately, okay!"
Lin Yutian felt heartbroken.
Lin Yiran's feelings were so sincere and passionate, but he took advantage of her kindness and
did such a thing.
No way! No matter what, I must solve Lin Yiran's problem today!
After saying goodbye to Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian rushed back to the company without stopping. This
time he came back with only one goal, Jiang Yunyi.
After entering the company, Lin Yutian took the elevator all the way to Jiang Yunyi's office.

Chapter 186: Sad Face

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yiran looked worried.
Seeing this scene, Lin Yutian spoke to comfort her.
"Yi Ran, it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Besides, it's not your fault. Don't be
upset. I see that you are not in a good condition right now. Let me drive and we will go back first.
With your ability, this little thing will definitely not be a problem."
Lin Yiran nodded helplessly.
House seemingly endless rain.
This is exactly what Lin Yiran is facing now.
Just when the problems with the new factory had been somewhat alleviated, another heavy
blow came.
This is Lin Yiran’s personality.
It's done, and since the problem occurred in my hands, I should take responsibility for it.
They rushed all the way at lightning speed and returned to the company in less than ten minutes.
Just entered the company.
Lin Yutian heard the discussion at the front desk nearby.
"Have you all heard about this? I heard that Sister Yiran got into big trouble this time. Even the
chairman of the board is here!"
"Alas, now all of this has not come to a conclusion. Let's just be spectators and don't think too
much. Who is behind Lin Yiran? Have you all forgotten that her treatment is different from that of
ordinary employees like us?"
"That's right, just watch another joke. Anyway, we have President Huo too."
Upon hearing this, Lin Yutian, who had a bad temper, became unhappy.
It's fine to say that, but it's during working hours and you're still saying this in the company.
What do they know?
The only thing they know is that Lin Yiran made a mistake, but they didn't see the efforts Lin Yiran
made behind the scenes.
The more he thought about it, the angrier he got, and Lin Yutian angrily stepped forward to
Lin Yiran stopped her.
"Yutian, I know you're doing this for my own good, but this incident really happened. The most
important thing for us is to solve the problem instead of taking our anger out on others. Everyone
is already in the office. Let's go to the seventh floor first and then make a decision."
"Go get the documents, and then we'll go see the chairman."
In this company, besides Huo Jinlin, there is another director.
However, for various reasons, Chairman Cao has always been dissatisfied with Lin Yiran and has
always disliked Lin Yiran.
Of course he would not let go of such a good opportunity now.
Come to the seventh floor.
The situation here is more serious than at the front desk.
Before I even walked in, I could hear the loud laughter inside.
"I think Sister Yiran did something wrong this time. How could such an important company
document be handed over to someone you don't trust? How could it be leaked out? From my
professional point of view, if Director Cao really insists on this matter, it will be a question
whether Sister Yiran can continue to lead the company."
"Yeah, but I think this is a good thing. The gun hits the bird that sticks out, but luckily it didn't hit
Hear this.
Lin Yiran's heart was calm.
Whatever you want to say or evaluate, feel free to do so.
The most important thing now is to solve the problem.
After a slight cough, Lin Yinyan walked in.
The cough woke everyone up.
Everyone fell silent immediately.
Lin Yiran greeted with a smile.
"It's okay. These are just some small things. Don't worry about them. I will solve the problems
that need to be solved. But there is no result for what I am doing now. I hope everyone will not
spread rumors. When the time comes, the company will give me an explanation and will also give
an explanation to everyone."
After saying that, Lin Yiran walked straight into Lin Yutian's office without even looking back.
Picking up a document, Lin Yiran left quickly.
Looking at Lin Yiran’s determined back.
Everyone felt mixed emotions.
There is an indescribable feeling.
When I arrived at the elevator door, Lin Yutian had been waiting for a long time.
Approaching Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian once again spoke up for the injustice: "These people are always
like this. For a little entertainment, they can casually perfunctorily clear others' innocence. Some
even say that you were the one who spread these documents. Sigh."
Listening to Lin Yutian’s sigh.
Lin Yiran smiled faintly.
Lin Yiran didn't care about the rumors in the company. The most important thing now was to
solve Director Cao's problem first.
When we arrived at the top floor, Director Cao and Huo Jinlin had been waiting for a long time.
In front of Huo Jinlin, Director Cao didn't dare to make any other moves.
But since I’m here to see Lin Yiran today.
That's completely different.
Seeing Lin Yiran coming, Director Cao immediately stood up and took out the evidence she had
collected during this period. She questioned: "Ms. Lin Yiran, our company has encountered a lot
of runaway orders recently. I have seen it. Whether it is confidential documents or these
handover processes, they are all your personal problems. Why did such a serious problem arise,
and why didn't you say anything?"
"I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation today."
Director Cao couldn't wait to speak.
Huo Jinlin said calmly: "Director Cao, this is just part of the evidence. It cannot completely prove
that Lin Yiran did it. Anyway, we have to be reasonable. If we only take responsibility when
encountering a problem, if we only cause trouble for others, will this problem be solved
smoothly? I don't think you are here for this matter."
"Well, I know you are not satisfied with this matter, but we need to discuss how to solve it before
we can get a satisfactory solution. What is your real demand this time?"
Huo Jinlin's words.
Director Cao was speechless.
This time I came to see Lin Yiran specifically, and the reason I brought these evidences with me
was just to give myself more confidence.
Huo Jinlin's answer was flawless.
Director Cao couldn't find any loopholes either.
In fact, Director Cao was not only targeting Lin Yiran, but more importantly, Huo Jinlin.
He wanted to use Lin Yiran's incident to pressure Huo Jinlin.
"Lin Yiran, actually, I'm not targeting you, but this matter has already come out, and no one is
satisfied with the result. After all, as a manager, I think we should set a good example. The
emperor is guilty of the same crime as the common people, and this principle also applies to our
"Look at me! Although I am not in the company all year round, I will take the initiative to
understand any situation in the company. No matter what, I will take the initiative to check it out.
The purpose is to minimize some losses and set an example as much as possible."
"What do you think? I want to hear what you two think."
"There always needs to be a solution. You can speak freely about what you think. I am a very
easy-going person."

Chapter 187 The Trouble Gets Bigger

After listening to what Director Cao said, Huo Jinlin sneered in his heart.
It's complete bullshit!
If it weren't for Director Cao's previous contributions and some connections, Huo Jinlin would
have kicked him out long ago.
Now he says that he has been observing the company and watching the company, but he doesn't
know whether he believes it or not.
But the problem of employees does exist. Everyone knows the relationship between Huo Jinlin
and Lin Yiran, so it is normal to have some gossip.
Huo Jinlin had only one attitude towards Lin Yiran: "Director Cao, I have understood what you
said, and I understand your feelings. Why don't you listen to my opinion?"
Director Cao became interested instantly.
"But it's okay."
The employees are not convinced, right?
Do you really want an explanation today?
Okay, this is not a difficult task for Huo Jinlin. Huo Jinlin has a clear position and will always stand
on Lin Yiran's side.
Looking at Director Cao, Huo Jinlin crossed his arms over his chest, raised his eyebrows and said.
"Director Cao, I have come up with a solution. Since everyone is dissatisfied, let's investigate the
entire company. If there are any loopholes, I will report them to you immediately. After the
investigation is complete, I will handle the matter personally."
"As for Lin Yiran's situation, you are very clear about the relationship between Lin Yiran and me.
There is no point in saying more. Let's talk about it now. I will also investigate her thoroughly, and
I will definitely be more strict than others. Just like you said, the emperor is guilty of the same
crime as the common people. I agree with your point of view. Director Cao, do you have anything
else to say?"
Since he wants to listen.
So what if Huo Jinlin just follows his wishes today?
Director Cao never wanted a result. As for how much loss the entire company had suffered, as
long as it did not affect his own interests, he would not care so much. What he wanted was to be
superior and to get an explanation.
There is a statement and an attitude.
Director Cao was very satisfied.
"Huo Jinlin, over the years, you are still the person I like dealing with the most. You always speak
with such depth."
"Hahaha, since you've said that, I don't have much to say. I'm very satisfied with the result. I hope
you can really give me a satisfactory feedback. Then I'll leave first."
After saying.
Director Cao stood up and left.
Faced with Director Cao's challenge just now, Lin was still a little at a loss.
For a moment, Lin Yiran was very confused. She had done nothing, so why was she being
slandered so much?
At this moment, two warm big hands came over, and Huo Jinlin reached out and touched Lin
Yiran's head.
"It's okay, I'll take care of it."
"Everyone is arguing fiercely about things in the company. I'm going to wash my hands, and then
we'll go downstairs and take a look."
Just as Huo Jinlin expected.
The whole company was in complete disarray.
From small security guards to management level.
Everyone was discussing Lin Yiran's leak of information.
Talking and talking.
There are various versions.
Some people say that Lin Yiran has already formed an alliance with other companies in advance,
so he wants to undermine the main company.
Some people also say that Lin Yiran is simply too stupid.
But if we really have to count them all, we have to talk about the most outrageous version.
Some people imagine that Lin Yiran had a hard time living after marrying into a wealthy family
and had no disposable funds, so she needed to seek extra subsidies.
Listening to these various rumors.
Lin Yutian felt uneasy.
For a moment, Lin Yutian even wanted to stand in front of Lin Yiran and admit his mistake in
But after thinking carefully about the child, she had no choice but to give up.
"Yan'an, we shouldn't care what others say, as long as we know the truth."
"We've been very tired recently, let's take a good rest for a while and adjust ourselves."
Lin Yutian said this, but in her heart she could actually imagine how Lin Yiran felt.
Anyone can act magnanimous if they stay out of it, but if this incident really happens to them.
That would be a completely different result.
the other side.
Huo Jinlin was not idle either.
Going to the bathroom was just a cover, his purpose was to check the news.
According to the information obtained by the assistant's investigation, there are more and more
rumors now, and there is even a tendency for them to spread gradually outward.
By that time, it would be so easy to spread rumors that it would be difficult to refute them.
To prove Lin Yiran's innocence.
Huo Jinlin made a public statement.
Inside the meeting room.
All the company's personnel, big and small, arrived at the scene.
Huo Jinlin stood on the stage and announced: "I called everyone here today because I have
something to inform you. Recently, there has been a lot of noise about Lin Yiran's matter. I will
definitely give you a satisfactory answer. I will personally investigate the leak of the list. Our
company is a collective, and it is also the result of everyone's joint efforts."
"The results haven't come out yet, so we can't just spread rumors or talk nonsense. Before the
results come out, if you're discussing this matter, no matter what level or position you're in, we'll
treat everyone equally."
"That's all I have to say, and please give me some time."
“The truth will come out.”
Under Huo Jinlin's tough attitude, the company calmed down from top to bottom.
the other side.
In order to let Lin Yiran relax and better solve the company's problems.
Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran were divided into two groups. Huo Jinlin was responsible for the
investigation full-time, while Lin Yiran went out to visit clients.
There is a requirement in the company's regulations that once such a loss occurs, the customer
needs to be recovered within a short period of time, and the amount needs to be doubled.
Therefore, the task of finding customers is now handed over to you, Lin Yiran. See you one after
another. many customers.
The results were unsatisfactory.
In today's transparent era, if there are any clues, they will be noticed immediately by others.
Lin Yiran's company is very large, and the goods they produce are absolutely first-class, but this
does not prevent them from lowering prices.
What's more, some even reduced the original price to less than half.
He even called it all for Lin Yiran.
"Boss Lin, I like your company very much, and I hope to reach a cooperation with your company,
but your price is indeed a bit too expensive. We should adjust the price. How about half the
Lin Yiran still has his own persistence in his heart.
Faced with such an unreasonable request, she refused to back down and the deal ended in a bad
After a busy day and with nothing, Lin Yin returned home, unable to bear it any longer and began
to cry sadly in Huo Jinlin's arms.
Huo Jinlin comforted her: "It's okay. Even if no one believes you, I will always stand by you."
"I know you don't like to go looking for clients, nor do you like to talk to them. You will suffer a lot
of grievances in the process, but now before we find out the results, we can only arrange it this
way for the time being. Don't worry, I will take care of everything."

Chapter 188 Company Affairs

With a lover like Huo Jinlin by your side, no matter what situation you encounter, no matter what
setbacks you encounter.
As long as he is there.
Everything will be fine.
After Huo Jinlin's comfort, Lin Yiran felt much better. At the same time, the company also
received new punishment results.
A strict investigation was conducted on all personnel, including Lin Yiran, and some people were
actually found among them.
The treatment of these people.
Huo Jinlin is strict in everything.
The minimum compensation is double the amount, and in serious cases, you may be sent directly
to jail for tea.
After saying this result.
Huo Jinlin's grip tightened a little: "It's okay. I have investigated the people on your side, including
you. Most of them do have some problems. Some are caused by other companies, and some are
even more outrageous. They have been abusing the company's information and have been
leaking information to me. Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that any problems arise.
At present, I have already explained to Director Cao. As for the internal affairs of the company, I
will continue to conduct strict investigations. Don't worry, I will take care of everything."
Lin Yiran gave her a passionate kiss.
Time passed quickly and it was the next day.
Under Huo Jinlin's guidance, Lin is still ready to complete his task.
If you think about it carefully, you can recover the company's losses, broaden your horizons, and
attract new customers.
No matter from which perspective, this is an absolute benefit to Lin Yiran.
Adjust your mindset.
Calling Lin Yutian, the two set out again.
Along the way, Huo Jinlin seemed to be a little worried. Just last night, Jiang Yunyi called Lin
Yutian in the middle of the night and said a lot of things to Lin Yutian, most of which were about
the problems of this company. Although Lin Yutian's side was not investigated, Jiang Yunyi
decided to stop for the time being and asked Lin Yutian to keep it confidential. As for other
people, Jiang Yunyi did not disclose the specific results.
Just leave one sentence.
"It's all for the sake of the child, Yutian. I know you're a very good person, but we must not
expose this matter to the public. Otherwise, I will be at most an accomplice, and you will be the
mastermind. You should think carefully about this situation."
"I have something else to do here, so I'll hang up first. You should have a good rest."
Before Lin Yutian could answer.
The phone has been hung up.
In the car.
Lin Yiran was humming a little tune along the way, and was obviously in a good mood. Lin Yutian
asked tentatively.
Lin Yiran has always been like this. She would never hide anything like this from her friends, let
alone from the people around her.
What's more, these are all insignificant little things.
Huo Jinlin has already said that all the results will be made public today and everyone will be
given a satisfactory answer.
As they were talking, Lin Yiran took the initiative to change the topic to the new company.
"As for the new company, it has indeed caused considerable losses recently, but fortunately, we
have already stopped the losses in time. It's just a pity that the turnover in the second half of the
year will be lost. Most of the profits in the second half of the year will be used to continue to
make up for the losses. It can be said that we are running a loss-making business."
“Every time I think about this, I still feel annoyed.”
“I don’t know how to evaluate it.”
When I heard Lin Yiran say this.
Lin Yutian felt so ashamed that he became more and more anxious as he spoke, and his speech
became somewhat incoherent.
"Well, yes, yes, this is really not good news. These people are really bad."
"I don't know what to say. If it were me, then I, I..."
Listening to Lin Yutian's incoherent answer, Lin Yiran thought that she was simply concerned
about him and was a little overwhelmed.
Instead, he took the initiative to comfort her.
"It's okay. As long as we keep working hard and keep moving forward, it's no big deal. We will
have many opportunities in the future!"
"Hahahaha, I know you care about me, but now we should go find more clients. Clients are the
most important thing."
"Don't let your imagination run wild. If you have any questions, just tell me directly. If you have
any difficulties, you can also tell me directly."
"It's okay, you are my best sister, I will always believe in you."
Lin Yutian chose to nod silently.
She was silent.
The two of them went all the way to the client's company.
There are only a few clients to meet today, only two in total, but both of them are big clients.
Lin Yiran had read their information every day and had made an appointment in advance last
The journey was smooth, and Lin Yiran brought Lin Yutian all the way to the meeting room.
The first customer was named Wanting.
They had worked together once before and both parties knew each other well, so Lin still felt that
there would not be any big problems.
As soon as he entered the meeting room, Wanting immediately stood up to greet him.
There were a lot of documents in front of him.
Obviously he has done his homework.
Wanting is full of enthusiasm.
Take the initiative to greet.
"Boss Lin, you are finally here. I have always wanted to continue cooperating with your company,
but I have always been suffering from a lack of supply and the lack of this opportunity. Now, I
have seen some of the things that have happened in your company recently. I think, since we
know each other well, there is no need to ask too much. How about this, in one word, I will sign a
one-year order with you first."
"As for the price, we'll calculate it based on the previous price. I believe you."
Lin Yutian, who was standing by, was afraid that something was wrong.
Open your mouth to remind.
"Yi Ran, there shouldn't be any problem, how come it went so smoothly? I feel like there's some
trap here!"
Lin Yiran smiled faintly.
To be honest, this is indeed a bit of a problem, but it is a positive problem. When this boss
reached a cooperation with Lin Yiran before, he had some dealings with Huo Jinlin. He can be
considered a friend of Huo Jinlin, and he is also the person that Huo Jinlin specifically mentioned
to cooperate with.
The clues in this.
It becomes clear if you think about it carefully.
Lin Yiran likes cooperating with such clients the most. They don't have any schemes or tricks, and
they just say whatever they want openly. These are the people Lin Yiran likes the most. As for the
issue of orders, Huo Jinlin has explained it. Wanting is able to step forward at this time and help
the company. Putting himself in their shoes, Lin Yiran took out another document.
"Boss Wan, I wish us a pleasant cooperation. As for the documents, I have made some minor
changes. Our company has indeed encountered some problems recently, but for a good friend
like you, we will always maintain the same attitude and be sincere."
"I've considered this price. I'll give you a 95% discount on all the goods. I wish us a pleasant
cooperation and a lasting friendship." Lin Yiran said, stretching out his hand.
Upon hearing what Lin Yiran said.
Wanting immediately put his hand up, the two sides shook hands, and the cooperation was

Chapter 189 The Differences Between the Two

Until the moment he walked out of the company, Lin Yutian was still confused.
In Lin Yutian’s understanding, friends are friends and partners are partners.
This is a very clear matter.
I used to think that these were plots that only appeared in novels.
But now I've seen it with my own eyes.
It really gives people an indescribable feeling.
Looking at Lin Yiran.
Lin Yutian asked with some uncertainty.
"Can we really talk about feelings when it comes to business? I still don't quite understand."
Lin Yiran smiled faintly and replied, "Of course, everyone has feelings. For example, I may be a
more emotional person. The people around me, for my friends around me, no matter who they
are, as long as they give me true feelings, I will also give them true feelings. Business may be cold,
but people are warm."
"I'm really happy to meet Boss Wan today. Let's go! Let's go to the next one first."
"Hahahaha, the next company is one we've cooperated with before, so today should be
Having said this, Lin Yiran took Lin Yutian to the next destination.
The next partner’s name is Cai Ke.
The same thing happened before.
But there is one obvious difference from Wanting.
As for Cai Ke, there were big disagreements before because of the goods and the price.
There were even big conflicts.
But just yesterday.
Cai Ke contacted Lin Yiran personally.
No matter what, we must meet.
He also said that since it was Lin Yiranyi's trouble, he would come out to help her today no matter
The price is negotiable.
Upon hearing this.
Lin Yutian frowned even deeper.
"No way, this is beyond my expectations, but why do I feel that this matter is not that simple!"
"Before sending the package, there was a disagreement over the price. Now, because of the
price, it can be said that it doesn't matter. Still, for such people, we should be vigilant and we
should think about it carefully. We will take a closer look later."
"What do you think?"
Lin Yiran nodded silently.
After listening to what Lin Yutian said, Lin Yiran also felt that it made sense, but after all, it still
needed to be taken out for a walk to see whether it was a mule or a horse.
It was basically the same process, but this time, Cai Ke's attitude was obviously more perfunctory.
Just left a message for the front desk.
The attitude of the front desk was even more perfunctory.
"Boss Lin Yiran, right? Well, just take the employee elevator all the way to the top floor. Then you
can call my boss. My boss has already told you guys to have a good chat about this matter."
Lin Yutian felt something was wrong when he heard it.
If one really has this intention, how could one have such an attitude?
The more I thought about it on the way, the more I felt something was wrong.
Lin Yutian gave instructions.
"Yi Ran, I admit that I am sometimes too cold-blooded and ruthless, but sometimes being cold-
blooded and ruthless can also avoid many conflicts and problems. We should try to separate the
work a little bit and not confuse the previous interactions. Some people are born unworthy, just
like now. Let's go in and evaluate the specific situation."
"Come on, I'll negotiate for you properly this time. If there are any problems, I won't bother you
The more Lin Yiran thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong.
This is completely different from the attitude on the phone.
It is clearly two completely different attitudes. Given the situation, what else is there to say?
Enter the meeting room.
The two waited for ten minutes in total.
The door then opened.
Cai Ke staggered out of the door with nothing in his hands. When he saw Lin Yiran, he
immediately walked towards her.
"Boss Lin, I finally get to see you today!"
"I was really too busy just now and didn't take good care of you. Next time I will definitely take
you to the best hotel and treat you well!"
"Have you brought the documents about our cooperation? I think we have a lot to discuss."
"I'm not going to say anything. I like to be straightforward. As for the price, do you understand
Do you understand what I mean?
Thinking back to this sentence, Lin Yiran felt more and more that something was wrong.
Didn’t we agree before that Lin Yiran would decide everything about the price?
Now he says such words again.
Lin Yiran deliberately said in a confused tone, "Boss Cai, I understand that you are very busy, but I
am also a person who is sometimes too stupid and has no idea. We should sit down and have a
good chat about the price. If you want to discuss it, then of course there is no problem."
After listening to what Lin Yiran said.
Cai Ke showed an expression of success.
It seems wrong no matter how I look at it!
Cai Ke sat down slowly, crossed his legs, and lay back with a nonchalant look.
The tone also became casual.
"Boss Lin, since we have come to this point, and we both know each other well, I know that you
and I are the same type of people, and making money is not shameful. It just so happens that you
have goods and I have demand for them. As for the price, I'll give you a number!"
"Give me a 70% discount."
"If you can do it, I'll place my company's order with you now."
"Don't hesitate, this is enough for you to make a fortune!"
Lin Yutian had a bad temper and he couldn't hold it back any longer.
He opened his mouth and said something back.
"The price is 70% off. Are we going to keep the remaining 70% for you? You're dreaming!"
"You're having such a beautiful daydream in the broad daylight?"
Lin Yiran also noticed something was wrong.
70% off?
Being able to give up part of the profits is Lin Yiran's biggest weakness. As for the price, as long as
you compare, there will always be a lower price, but whether you can guarantee the quality of
this customer, and whether you can guarantee that everything is normal.
But it’s hard to say.
Now he opens his mouth with such a big bomb.
There is still some profit.
It’s good enough if you don’t pick up trash.
But thinking about what happened just now, Lin Yiran felt something was wrong. Her face
gradually turned cold and she asked a question: "Boss Cai, where did you get this information?
The price can indeed be negotiated, but it's not negotiated this way."
Cai Ke heard this.
I was confused for a moment.
And speak frankly.
"No, Lin Yiran, you are here to act dumb, right? Everyone knows that you have your own
channels. People have said that you have Huo Jinlin as your big backer. You don't need to be
punished no matter what happens. This is your personal profit field. It's none of your business
whether the factory makes a loss or not. You make your money and I make mine, isn't that
enough? Are you sure?"

Chapter 190: Each one has his own charm

Lin Yiran had heard a lot of rumors from the outside world before.
There are all kinds of versions.
Some are even so absurd that they are hard to imagine.
But I didn't expect it.
Today, I really encountered one. Facing Cai Ke’s unreasonable request, if it were before, Lin Yiran
would have been angry a long time ago, but now after thinking about it carefully, this matter
must have a perfect solution, and this matter must be explained to others.
Everyone has the idea of being cheap.
If it is really as Cai Ke said, then it is actually correct.
It's just a personal profit-making place, there's no need to care so much about it. Anyway, you'll
make a fortune and leave when the time comes.
Lin Yiran is not that kind of person.
After taking several deep breaths, Lin Yiran adjusted his emotions a little, and then stood up.
"Boss Cai, I am very grateful that you contacted me in difficult times and wanted to reach a
cooperation with me. However, some things are not just as you heard. I tell you the truth, you
have been completely deceived. There have been many rumors before, but our company has
always been true to itself. If Boss Cai is willing, then we can still have a good chat, but you can't
buy it at this price. This is not my personal profit difference, but the joint efforts of all our
employees. It is impossible for the price to be lowered because of me, Lin Yiran. The price can be
negotiated, but it is not negotiated in this way."
"Listen to me, it's my honor that Boss Cai found me. I also hope that you can think about it
carefully. We can talk about cooperation again today. To be honest, I am very happy to be able to
talk to such an open-minded person like Boss Cai."
After this wave of operations.
Cai Ke was completely stunned.
The version I got before was totally different.
Didn’t we agree that Lin Yiran could do anything for her money?
I originally wanted to lower the price to 20%, but now after hearing this.
Suddenly I felt it was a little unbelievable.
With a puzzled look.
Cai Ke confirmed it several times.
The answer is the same every time.
After a while, he was really puzzled and finally asked a question: "But you obviously have the
ability to do this, so why don't you do it? Isn't it good for you to make a profit?"
Lin Yiran smiled.
It is precisely because Lin Yiran’s position is special and because Lin Yiran’s management direction
is different from that of others.
Some people misunderstand you, some people don't understand you.
This is all normal.
Do you have to do what others say?
If they only think about themselves and not others, what will happen to the workers in the
factory? What will happen to the rest of the employees?
Lin still made his position clear.
Her position was simple and clear: "Boss Cai, I am not that kind of person, and I will never do
that. Everything that was said about our company before was just a misunderstanding. I will
explain it to you in person in the future. I will give you an explanation in person in the future."
"As for now, if we can chat, then we will continue to have a good chat. If we can't chat, then we
will bother you today. I just want you to say one word."
Lin Yiran first backed down, then took a tough stance.
This was something Cai Ke never expected.
at the same time.
Lin Yutian was also surprised by Lin Yiran's actions.
In just a few days, Lin Yiran's solution was completely different from the previous one.
He was very thoughtful and spoke in a generous and appropriate manner.
If Lin Yutian really were to do it.
Even Lin Yutian himself didn't dare to say that he could achieve this level.
Looking at Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian smiled at her, then silently gave her a thumbs up.
Cai Ke was silent for several times.
This is not what I expected, but for some reason, after listening to what Lin Yiran said, I became
even more excited. What's going on?
After a long time.
Cai Ke pursed his lips and said, "Boss Lin, I admire you as a heroine. So! I can't decide on other
things, but with my personal name as a guarantee and my personal love for you, I decide to order
a year's worth of goods for your company. I will transfer the deposit and guarantee to you today.
Just leave me an account. As for the rest, we can cooperate in the long term in the future."
"I hope you can achieve better results after this year."
Lin Yiran smiled and complimented, "I'm not a female hero at all. Boss Cai is the greatest hero."
The two sides shook hands and made peace.
Some misunderstandings, once resolved, are more useful than anything else.
Lin Yutian was even more stunned by Lin Yiran's actions.
This is absolutely amazing.
After listening to what Cai Ke said just now, Lin Yutian almost couldn't hold back and went up to
beat him up.
But at the critical moment, Lin still stood up and turned everything around at the critical
This kid completely embodies Lin Yiran’s personal charm.
The contract is signed.
He put his arm around Lin Yutian's shoulders, and Lin Yiran walked out humming a little tune.
On the way.
The more Cai Ke thought about it, the more confused he became.
"Yi Ran! How did you do all this? I could teach you some things before, but now I feel like you
want to teach me!"
"I really like your personality!"
Lin Yiran smiled proudly. She didn't care about other people's praise or compliments.
What if this person is someone close to you?
That's different.
Looking at Lin Yutian, Lin Yiran smiled and said, "It's okay. We will work together, learn together,
and make progress together in the future!"
"We have finished with today's clients, so let's go back to the company now."
"This is good news. I'm going to have a good chat with Mr. Huo."
Lin Yiran rushed back to the company in a hurry.
After Huo Jinlin's reorganization over this period of time, the company has returned to normal
and the atmosphere is no longer so tense.
Seeing Lin Yiran coming, everyone felt mixed emotions, and some even wanted to avoid him.
Seeing everyone's evasive eyes.
Lin Yiran expressed it generously.
"Hahaha, everyone, you don't have to be like this. I came here this time because I have good
news to tell you. We have almost resolved the company's affairs. After tomorrow, the next list of
names will be announced. You may have some opinions about me, Lin Yiran, but I will use facts to
prove everything I have done, and I will recover all the losses of the company and never let your
interests be harmed in any way."
"I, Lin Yiran, hereby promise that from now on, the company will become better, and so will I and
everyone else."
"It is better to do one thing than to say a thousand words. Next, give me some time and I will
prove myself to everyone."
Lin Yiran came quickly and left quickly. After he finished saying all this in a hurry, everyone looked
at each other in surprise.
Discussing quietly aside.

Chapter 191 Looking for Aya’s Husband

"After listening to what Sister Yiran said, to be honest, I chose to believe her."
"Hey, we don't want any misunderstandings, and we don't want to frame others, but I really hope
to get a satisfactory answer."
"It's nothing. It's no big deal. Everyone makes mistakes. Besides, the results and details of this
investigation have been clearly listed. Everyone knows Sister Yiran's character. Now I only believe
in the results."
"I know what kind of person Mr. Huo is better than anyone else, and I believe it."
Be brave in life.
Why do we have to be afraid every time? Why do we have to be afraid of so many things that
don't exist?
Before you know it.
After Lin Yiran generously expressed his thoughts.
Everyone's thinking has also changed accordingly.
At the door.
Listen to everyone's discussion.
Lin Yutian felt very relieved.
My heart is filled with Lin Yiran.
As luck would have it, this time the company's efforts were so great that many problems were
cleared up.
This includes issues that seriously affect the company's interests.
Whether it is company documents or matters big or small.
All of them got a reasonable solution.
I have to mention this.
Jiang Yunyi is really an old hand when it comes to this matter.
Not only did they fail to find any clues, but they also cut off all connections.
Whether it is Jiang Yunyi or Lin Yutian.
There is no impact at all.
The scene returns to Lin Yiran.
Arriving at Huo Jinlin's office, Lin Yiran happily talked about what he had done today. In less than
two hours, he had completed all the tasks for the day. Huo Jinlin's eyes lit up at the result and he
praised loudly.
"You are truly worthy of me!"
"I have to reward you well. If there is anything you want, as long as you ask for it, I will satisfy
Huo Jinlin said.
Others may say that this sentence is just a simple flattery, perhaps just to make people happy.
But if this person is replaced by Huo Jinlin.
It can be said like this.
As long as it is a question raised by Lin Yiran, as long as it is something Lin Yiran wants, 90% of it
can be solved by him.
But this is not what Lin Yiran wants.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran's face showed a trace of worry: "I'm not stupid!"
"I know you are doing this for my own good, and I know you are trying to make me happy, but I
have been keeping this matter at the bottom of my heart. On the surface, it seems that
everything has been resolved, but this is all because of you. I want to solve this matter with my
own ability. I came to you today because of this matter. Next, I will go find Aya's husband. I want
to have a good chat with him."
"What do you think?"
After listening to what Lin Yiran said, Huo Jinlin's face became serious.
did not expect.
Lin Yiran handled these matters without any ambiguity, with a clear mind and well-reasoned
That's true.
Looking at Lin Yiran.
Huo Jinlin put his elbows on the table and raised his eyebrows: "It's getting more and more
"Okay, then I'll help you contact Aya's husband now, no problem, but I have to tell you in advance
that we are not only related in the company, we are more related in real life. I know you want to
grow faster and for the better of the company, but you can't ignore my feelings as your husband.
If you have any questions, you must tell me, okay?"
"I want to be with you for a long, long time. I also want to solve problems with you and make
progress together. When we have time in the future, we can go to many places together. Now, we
must not keep anything to each other in our hearts, do you understand?"
Lin Yiran's eyes turned red.
If I hadn't been trying hard to hold back my tears, they would have fallen long ago.
Damn it!
This is so touching.
Looking at Lin Yiran, Huo Jinlin stood up and hugged her in his arms.
"It's fine."
Half an hour later, Huo Jinlin had already helped Lin Yiran contact Lin Yutian in advance.
Lin Yutian has always been very professional in dealing with these issues and has always handled
them very well.
You can consult him.
It is indeed a good suggestion.
Lin Yiran and Aya Lao agreed to meet in the same cafe.
After meeting.
Aya's husband had roughly guessed what Lin Yiran wanted to say.
Looking at Lin Yiran, his expression was very serious: "This is no small matter!"
“Has the problem not been solved yet?”
Lin Yiran smiled awkwardly: "I... Mr. Huo has almost solved this problem some time ago, but I still
feel very guilty. I still feel very sorry for everyone, because I also know that this is not a small
matter, and I know that this matter has a great impact on the company. I came to you today
because I want to have a good chat with you and talk about what problems we will encounter."
"If I want to get back to the way it was before, what do I need to do?"
The conversation between the two became serious.
I found the right person today.
As soon as the problem was raised, Aya's husband responded to Lin Yiran.
It is hard to say whether it is difficult to go back to the past, but it is also not difficult. It mainly
depends on personal ability.
In order to recover the company’s losses, it must at least get back twice as many customers as
before, and it also needs to connect them well.
If you fail to do so, as an ordinary employee, you will be punished with at least one year's salary
or be fired.
The majority of these were dismissals.
After listening to this.
Lin Yiran muttered softly.
"This damn Huo Jinlin, really, if I didn't come to find him today, I would have been fooled!"
Upon hearing this, Lin Yiran realized the seriousness of the problem.
Huo Jinlin is Huo Jinlin, and he always handles these problems so well.
Now it's your turn to deal with it.
After listening to Lin Yiran's request and the answer to this question, Aya's husband thought
deeply about it.
If we really do this now, it would be better if we don’t do it. This matter will pass quietly and no
one will take it to heart.
At most, there is some estrangement, and at most there are some comments about Lin Yiran.
But if you are really determined to do it, you must complete it within a short period of time.
This is difficult!
If you fail to do well, the final result will be firing.
Aya’s husband was very worried: “Why don’t we just forget about it? Let me remind you, the best
thing to do is not to do it!”
"If we want to do it, we need to make all the results public, and we need to make all the causes
and consequences public."
"This is not nice! Especially for you!"
After hearing this, most people would definitely consider the pros and cons and would have given
up long ago.
Lin Yiran has one and only one answer.
"It's okay! Just do as you say!"

Chapter 192: Firm Belief

A big question mark arose in Aya’s husband’s mind.
I must have heard it wrong!
How could someone be so stupid that they insist on doing something that is obviously over?
From the perspective of Aya's husband, Lin Yiran's behavior is very stupid.
Most of the adult world is based on interests.
Lin is still like this.
That would be equivalent to losing one's own interests, and one might even have to pay more
It's not worth it!
Looking at Lin Yiran, Aya's husband broke out in a cold sweat. Thinking of Huo Jinlin's scary face, if
there was no good explanation for what happened today, it would be terrible. After a moment of
silence, Aya's husband confirmed again and again, and asked in an uncertain tone: "Do you really
want to do this?"
"Since you've come to see me today, let me tell you my personal opinion. I personally think that
doing this is not a good idea. There are some things that you don't need to care about so much.
When you go out, it's inevitable that there will be people gossiping about you behind your back.
No matter what the situation is, there will always be people pointing fingers. There's no need to
be so absolute. There is no absolute right or wrong in this world."
"Why don't you take a closer look at it? We can think about it carefully."
Lin Yiran shook his head firmly.
Just one question.
When can these be announced? When can these be sent to the company?
It seems that Lin Yiran has made up her mind.
Aya’s husband knew that Lin Yiran was stubborn and would make decisions on her own, no
matter what others said, the result would be the same.
If you think about it carefully, in this age where profit is paramount, there are still people who
insist on being themselves.
Still choose to do it this way.
This is a rare and valuable performance.
Thinking like this.
Aya’s husband gave a firm answer.
The discussion is over.
Next it was time to do it. After it was done, we came into the company and Aya’s husband
gathered everyone together.
Aya’s husband told everything about Lin Yiran’s actions in front of everyone.
The punishment result is the same as that of ordinary people.
Lin Yiran has to deduct wages from clients like everyone else. The wages have already been
deducted, and this deduction is one year's salary. If Lin Yiran can complete the task, then these
wages can still be given to Lin Yiran. If the task is not completed, the money will be wasted.
More importantly.
This is the last one behind it!
Aya’s husband said in a serious tone.
"After careful consideration by Mr. Huo and I, Lin Yiran's case has affected everyone. Everyone
has been very controversial and questioning about this result. In front of everyone, I will tell you
the truth today. In the next period of time, I will give Lin Yiran two weeks of observation time. If
there is a difference of one client, the company will expel Lin Yiran."
"That's all for today's conversation. Does anyone have anything to say?"
After saying that, Aya’s husband asked everyone with a serious face.
Everyone was surprised.
Start discussing on the side.
"No way, I wouldn't even dare to joke like that. If I really leave this company, where will I go in the
future? This is a very serious matter. If I don't handle it well, I won't be able to find a good job in
my life. If I were Sister Yi Ran, I would never do this."
"Isn't this just a play?"
"I think the punishment is too severe. Twice as many clients and required to complete the task
within two weeks is very difficult and it is hard for ordinary people to accomplish it."
As a party involved.
Logically speaking, with such a result, the person who should be most panicked is Lin Yiran.
But Lin still remained calm.
In front of everyone, Lin Yiran bowed deeply.
"Because my personal matter has caused some confusion and doubts to everyone, today is the
final chapter of this matter. At the same time in two weeks, I will continue to stand in this
position. Please monitor my results. Everyone in the company is a fair and just monitor this time.
At the same time, our company will continue to increase the intensity of this punishment. If you
encounter such problems at work in the future, I will be your best example."
As soon as these words came out.
There was applause from the audience.
Being truly responsible and truly capable is not just something you can say with your mouth.
You need to experience it personally and do it personally.
Lin Yiran really did it!
On the other hand, Jiang Yunyi had to deal with some things and left the company early in the
morning, just missing the meeting. When she came back, the company was in an uproar again,
and the result this time was completely opposite to the previous one.
We are not just supportive.
Even encourage it.
I strongly agree with Lin Yiran's approach.
"This is incredible. Some people doubted it before, but now I wonder how anyone can still doubt
"If it were me, I wouldn't have the courage to do that. It's true that only Lin Yiran could do it."
"I know that Sister Yiran is the best."
I heard the news about Lin Yiran.
Jiang Yunyi didn't dare to delay.
Immediately rushed forward to inquire.
Originally, Jiang Yunyi still had a glimmer of hope in her heart, thinking that this was just a joke
between everyone.
It can't be that serious.
But after listening thoroughly.
Jiang Yunyi froze.
I was horrified.
When the company encountered problems before, people from top to bottom were always
unwilling to accept the punishment even when they were punished.
But now, Lin Yiran has set an example personally, so what can everyone say? Even if it is true,
they can only swallow their anger. It doesn't matter. What's important is that it concerns Jiang
Yunyi herself. The reason why she was so lucky last time was, on the one hand, because Jiang
Yunyi handled it very well and did not leave any clues, and on the other hand, because this
matter was rather hasty, Jiang Yunyi was lucky to escape, but if it continues to develop in this way,
the follow-up will not be under her control.
It would be fine if nothing goes wrong, but if anything happens, Jiang Yunyi will not be able to
bear it.
As Jiang Yunyi thought about it, he came up with an idea.
It is true that Lin Yiran has a stubborn personality, but this matter is not a trivial matter after all.
Huo Jinlin will definitely take care of it.
Under the guise of concern.
Then the plan can be successfully completed.
Jiang Yunyi finds Lin Yiran.
As soon as they met, Jiang Yunyi showed a worried look on her face: "Yi'ran, are you okay? I had
something to do just now and didn't pay much attention to the company's affairs, but when I
came back, I heard about your affairs in the company. This matter is not a trivial matter. Let's
make a big thing small. Don't take these things too seriously. How about this, you go to ask for
mercy from President Huo, I think! If it's you, then President Huo will definitely not refuse."
Chapter 193 Search
It is true that he cares about her, and what he says now is quite sincere, as if every word is made
with Lin Yiran in mind.
But upon hearing this.
Lin Yiran frowned slightly.
I started to have doubts in my heart.
What is going on? Those who know think they are doing what they are supposed to do, while
those who don’t think they have violated the laws of heaven and are beyond redemption and
must turn back at this point.
Everyone stood up to give advice.
But everyone has different ideas.
Aya’s husband had said this once before.
Lin Yiran chose to remain firm.
The same is true now.
Lin still denied it.
"Why should we let President Huo handle it? This is just a small matter. I have already considered
it, and he already knows about it. I know you are doing this for my own good, but I have made up
my mind about this matter. Needless to say, I can't control what others do, but I want to do what I
want to do. I want to give everyone an explanation. This is what I can do, just some small things
within my ability." Lin Yiran looked at Jiang Yunyi and said.
Jiang Yunyi can't miss a single word now.
Every word was carefully analyzed.
Lin Yiran doesn't have so much time to play with her.
What matters now is to deal with it as soon as possible.
Aya’s husband had already notified Lin Yiran in advance, so she went back to the company and
then went to find Aya’s husband as soon as possible.
It’s getting late.
Lin Yiran has made up her mind.
Looking at Jiang Yunyi, Lin Yiran sighed and said, "Okay, no problem. I know what I should do."
"Well, I'll go take care of my business first, and we'll talk about anything else later."
Speaking of.
Lin Yiran got up and left.
Watching Lin Yiran's back getting farther and farther away, Jiang Yunyi felt mixed emotions and
carefully recalled what Lin Yiran had just said.
I can't control what other people do?
When I think about this.
Jiang Yunyi comforted herself in her heart.
It’s okay, it’s okay. This is just Lin Yiran’s own approach. The huge cost and experience involved
are not something that everyone can afford. Most people will still choose to accept the status
As for Lin Yiran's affairs.
It's all an unknown.
In just two weeks, that’s twice as many customers as requested.
No matter how I think about it, it seems impossible.
As he thought about it, Jiang Yunyi felt relieved and began to talk to himself: "Lin Yiran, Lin Yiran,
you really think you are smart. I believe it won't be long before you pay the price for your
the other side.
Lin Yiran came to the newly opened company of Aya’s husband.
The company is not big and was recently renovated.
The opening ceremony will be held in a while.
Aya's husband was busy preparing at this time.
I didn't even notice Lin Yiran coming.
Thanks to Lin Yin for taking the initiative to say hello.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!"
"What's wrong? Why did you call me over so anxiously just now? Is there something wrong?"
Thinking of Aya’s husband’s performance on the phone just now, Lin Yin asked anxiously.
Just now he kept asking to come over by himself.
Say nothing.
Just said one very important thing.
Then Aya’s husband hung up the phone in a hurry.
The more I think about it, the more suspicious it seems. Generally speaking, when this happens,
there are only two options.
Either there is some very good news and they are very anxious, or there is a very excessive
As he was thinking about it, Lin Yiran's thoughts were in a mess.
Recently, even drinking cold water can cause my teeth to get stuck.
He called me here in such a hurry just now.
The more Lin Yiran thought about it, the more she felt that it was not a good thing.
Things turned around too quickly.
Next second.
Aya's husband handed over a file bag.
Just as Lin Yiran took it, Aya’s husband spoke.
"Yan'er, after returning to the company, I thought about it carefully for a long time. You are right.
Sometimes I may not be as brave as you, and I cannot bear so much. There are always too many
interests in my world, and I forget what I really want."
“And you!”
"You are very brave, but this road is bound to be difficult. I can't help you with too many other
things. All the documents here have my customer information. The customer needs of our two
companies are basically the same, and the goods are basically the same. As long as you are
willing to have a good chat with them, I believe there will be unexpected gains."
Aya’s husband said sincerely.
Upon hearing this.
Lin Yiran remained silent.
I've seen enough bad guys of all kinds over such a long time, and suddenly someone cares so
much about me.
He even gave up his company's customer resources.
Lin Yiran had mixed feelings.
The reason for my silence was, on the one hand, because I was really moved, and on the other
hand, because I was thinking seriously.
Aya’s husband has made it very clear.
The goods between the two parties are similar.
The essence of our business is profit.
After thinking for a long time, Lin Yiran said worriedly: "No! This thing is also very important to
you. I can't take advantage of you at this time, and I can't damage your interests because of my
personal reasons. I will feel guilty for the rest of my life! If I take away your order, what will you
do with your company's orders in the future? I reject your proposal!"
Everything Lin Yiran said made sense.
Aya’s husband nodded.
Doing so is likely to harm the personal interests of Aya's husband. As a good friend, Lin Yiran
cannot do this.
But there is always an exception.
Aya’s husband was very satisfied with Lin Yiran’s answer.
Huo Jinlin has explained it.
As long as Aya's husband can really help Lin Yiran, it doesn't matter even if he steals customers.
After all, Huo Jinlin will give him subsidies.
There is no need to worry about money matters.
Talking and talking.
Aya’s husband laughed and teased.
"You two are really becoming more and more alike. You think about each other all the time, but
you two are just two taciturn people. You don't say anything in front of us. That really makes me
exhausted, but it's okay. It's making money, it's not shameful!"
Aya’s husband said with a laugh.
Upon hearing this.
Lin Yiran was thinking silently in her heart, and then something happened that Aya’s husband had
never expected.
Even after saying this, Lin Yiran still chose to refuse.
He felt warm in his heart, knowing that he had a friend who cared about him, and Huo Jinlin
could silently support him from behind.
Everything seems so perfect and so good.
But later, Lin Yiran figured it out.
You can't rely on Huo Jinlin for everything. That's why ordinary employees attack Lin Yiran and
why they have so many estrangements with Lin Yiran.
That's all a rumor.
As the saying goes, it takes only one mouth to spread a rumor, but it takes a lot of effort to refute
it. Everyone has been attacking Lin Yiran because they feel that they have been treated unfairly
and that Huo Jinlin will always support Lin Yiran.
Huo Jinlin is able to plan and control things from a distance; nothing can escape his eyes.
With the help of my boyfriend.
Lin Yiran's side will naturally be smoother.
Even complete the task ahead of schedule.
But if this is really agreed to, doesn't it mean that this point has been completely confirmed?
What does it matter if it is really solved? The problems in employees’ minds will never be solved.
Instead, it is getting worse and worse.

Chapter 194 Beyond Expectations

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at each other.
They looked at each other and no one spoke.
According to their normal logic, with so many people gathered together, even if Lin Yiran
disagreed, he should have thought about it carefully, at least not so directly. But everything that
happened now was beyond everyone's expectations.
Lin Yiran's meaning is very clear.
This price has dropped too much.
But everyone can only increase the price by 75% at most.
There was a long silence.
A representative stood out from the crowd.
Standing up, the man introduced himself: "Boss Lin, my name is Li Yun. This is also the first time
I'm working with you. Your answer is very frank, and I like it very much. But now we are having a
little problem with the price. What is the maximum you can reduce the price to? If it's 80%, we
will consider it. This is our lowest price. We can negotiate."
Li Yun speaks softly and in a polite tone.
The starting point for both sides is wrong.
The last incident still had a lot of impact on Lin Yiran.
The news has spread, and everyone has more or less some understanding of the situation of Lin
Yiran's company. They don't want to take advantage of the opportunity to make some profits.
After hearing Li Yun's answer, Lin Yiran originally thought about refusing and leaving a way out for
themselves so that they can meet again in the future. If the two sides can't reach an agreement,
it would be a good thing if they could have a good chat. Maybe they can develop into potential
customers in the future.
Thinking like this.
Lin Yiran smiled and refused.
"I'm sorry, the maximum discount here is 95%. I will consider giving you a 10% discount later."
"Our company is currently in the process of continuous development. I believe that if everyone
joins our company, we will all have better benefits in the future. However, the price you
mentioned is really not acceptable."
Lin Yiran answered.
At this time.
There were complaints from the crowd.
Two people on the side sneered and mocked.
"It's already this late, why are you still pretending to be so noble? The price we give you is already
very fair. We are all in the same circle. Whoever has a good source of goods will have a good
price. Don't we know this? Others say you are only doing it for your own pocket. How much can
you put in yourself? Don't be too greedy. Our price is like this and it will not change."
"Haha, you really take yourself too seriously. There are many people who offer lower prices than
you. Today we are willing to give you a favor, but you are not willing to give us a favor. Everyone
knows what kind of person you are, Lin Yiran. If you are not convinced, then give me an
Lin Yutian got angry when he heard this.
I know what kind of person Lin Yiran is better than anyone else.
What Lin Yutian hated most in his life was being framed by others, let alone his friends.
With a frown on his face, Lin Yutian rushed forward.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm telling you guys, stop spitting blood at me all the time. If my boss really did something like
this, then you should show me the evidence."
Lin Yiran let out a long sigh.
There's nothing I can do.
Good news doesn't travel far, but bad news travels a thousand miles. Everyone is willing to
believe what they see, just as they say,
This circle is very big and very small. Before making a selection, everyone will definitely choose
what they believe in, and the manufacturer will definitely choose the cheaper one. It is just a
matter of weighing the pros and cons. Everyone will do this, and it is a very normal thing.
It left a bad impression before.
Some people are willing to believe Lin Yiran while others are unwilling to believe him.
It's hard to say in this situation.
Lin Yiran would definitely explain what he said before to them one by one.
but now.
Lin Yiran thought it through. Since they thought so, it didn't matter. Facing these false
accusations, Lin Yiran had only one attitude.
In that case, let’s have a good chat today, and also say something to everyone in the circle.
Clearing his throat, Lin Yiran stopped Lin Yutian who was angry.
There is no point in saying anything now. Getting angry will not solve this problem. Instead, it will
have a bad impact on everyone.
Looking at everyone, Lin Yiran said sincerely: "As things have developed to this point, I think we
no longer have a chance to cooperate, but I hope everyone can listen to me and have a good chat
with me instead of just listening to the one-sided words on the Internet."
"You may think my goods are expensive, but you are willing to stay here today and meet me,
which is already a great honor for me. I am very grateful for your support. If you do not trust me,
our prices can be checked online, and our goods are absolutely first-class. The previous
misunderstanding has been resolved, and I hope you will not continue to misunderstand me."
"Okay, thank you all again. I have some things to do here, so I'll be leaving first."
Having said that, Lin Yiran stood up and left without looking back.
Lin Yutian followed Lin Yiran silently.
All the way to the car.
The more Lin Yutian thought about it, the angrier he became.
Considering everyone's expressions just now, it was clearly a mockery, clearly a deliberate
What's the point of this?
Lin Yutian felt very regretful.
I regret why I didn’t do it earlier, and I regret not scolding him a few words just now.
After telling Lin Yiran all these ideas.
Lin Yutian thought he would get Lin Yiran's support, but Lin Yiran just smiled faintly.
Looking at Lin Yutian, Lin Yiran pursed her lips and raised her head and said, "Yutian, as things
have developed to this point, I understand a lot of problems. I know that this matter has a lot to
do with me and my personality. There is nothing wrong with being bold in love and hate, but in
the workplace we should be more tactful, we should be more considerate of each other and
better understand each other's thoughts."
"You see the misunderstandings people have about me, but you don't see the deeper things."
"Okay, don't be too angry, let's just laugh it off."
"As for the rest, we'll go back and discuss it carefully. We'll think about it carefully."
The two returned to the company.
On the way back, Lin Yutian reflected deeply on himself and thought a lot.
Maybe two people will really change each other when they get along with each other. Lin Yutian
is really becoming more and more like Lin Yiran. He always has emotional advantages for the
people around him, and he is always able to make a lot of sacrifices for the people around him,
even for his own interests.
But saying more won't solve the problem.
There has to be a correct solution.
This matter is of great importance and concerns Lin Yiran's future. After thinking about it, Lin
Yutian became even more worried.
If the standard is not met, there will be only one result. After thinking about it, Lin Yutian took
the initiative to suggest: "Yi Ran, why don't we really think about it carefully? Many people have
already talked about the price. I think it is indeed a problem."

Chapter 195 Different Phone

Hearing these two words, Lin Yiran recalled carefully that within the past half month, he had lost
previous customers due to price issues, and now it has caused everyone's dissatisfaction. If a
good company wants to go further and last longer, it cannot work in isolation.
Listen more to the outside world.
What Lin Yutian said makes a lot of sense.
Lin Yiran nodded.
Lin Yiran smiled and took the initiative to ask.
In most cases, those involved are often confused while those who are not involved can see things
clearly. It is precisely because she knows this that Lin Yiran always brings Lin Yutian with her.
After realizing this.
Lin Yiran's questions came one after another like cannonballs.
"So how much do you think we should change the price to?"
"If you were a customer, what would you need?"
“If we just compare prices, will we always win?”
These questions are not just being asked to Lin Yutian.
I am also asking myself more.
Regarding these.
The two discussed it in detail.
After three hours, the discussion finally came to an end.
After the chat, Lin Yiran was a completely different person. She was so happy and excited that she
hugged Lin Yutian.
As for Lin Yutian, he was really tired. If he hadn't been in the company, he would have fallen
asleep just now.
The joys and sorrows of people are not shared.
Faced with Lin Yiran's enthusiasm, after being overworked, Lin Yutian could only force a bitter
But to be honest, Lin Yutian was really happy from the bottom of his heart.
Make a brief summary.
Starting from today, Lin Yiran decided to attract more customers and select better and higher-
quality products. At the same time, he could negotiate with the suppliers on the price. Once the
supplier's price comes down, his own price will naturally come down as well. At the same time,
Lin Yiran is determined to make better products. The reason why everyone is so hesitant and
entangled, in addition to the price, is because of the goods. Everyone thinks that everyone's
products are the same.
If you want to win, you must make high-quality differentiation.
There is still a long way to go.
It is still in an experimental stage.
Lin Yiran dares to think and act. After finishing chatting with Lin Yutian, he stood up and walked
all the way to the window.
It's quieter here.
Lin Yiran has something to say to the person in charge.
Beep beep beep.
After a while, the person in charge answered the phone.
During this period of time, the person in charge has seen everything that Lin Yiran has been
through. Before, the person in charge would report any situation to Lin Yiran as soon as possible,
but recently, knowing that Lin Yiran is very busy, the person in charge has taken on the
responsibility alone.
He was inside the factory at this time.
The rumbling sound of the machines made it impossible to hear clearly.
Rush all the way to the door.
The two of them then began to communicate properly.
The person in charge thought that Lin Yiran wanted to learn about the factory's affairs.
As soon as he opened his mouth, he assured confidently: "Boss, there haven't been any problems
with the factory recently. I'm all ears. If there's anything you want to know, I'll prepare a
document and send it to your office right away."
Lin Yiran was very pleased.
It’s great to have such a person in charge.
That really saved a lot of trouble.
Let’s get back to the topic.
Lin Yiran came here today with only one request.
"Can our company make more precise and delicate parts? Can we have more suppliers to choose
The person in charge nodded and said, "Of course!"
And then.
The two chatted about this issue.
In order to make more sophisticated instruments and find new sources of supply, huge costs will
be incurred.
Just made a rough estimate.
The person in charge gave Lin Yiran a string of numbers.
thirty million.
This money is enough to renovate the entire factory and meet all requirements.
But think about it carefully.
Lin Yichang changed his strategy.
Because everyone's choices are different, some people can pay a lot more for better quality, but
they also need to consider market demand. In the market, people still prefer cheaper goods as
long as the quality is guaranteed. Now the new factory can perfectly meet this requirement.
There is nothing wrong with expanding the market.
But if you walk too fast, you may fall easily.
Lin Yiran has a new strategy in mind.
Another new problem.
"So if we sell all the old equipment and buy half of the new machinery, how much will it cost?"
Upon hearing this, the person in charge did not dare to delay and immediately started to
calculate carefully.
The person in charge estimated that this plan would require at least six million in start-up capital.
This number is a huge number for ordinary people, but for Lin Yiran.
That's not bad.
It is still within an acceptable range.
For the future of the company.
Lin Yiran was resolute and decisive.
"Well, I'll give you three million first. This is all the money I have available for activities at the
moment. The sooner the better. You start this project first, and I'll continue to follow up and
invest in it. After it's done, I'll personally give you fifty thousand as a reward for your hard work.
Come on! Let's work hard together!"
Upon hearing this.
What else is there to say?
The person in charge is definitely not doing this for the money, but for the entire company.
He agreed immediately.
"Boss, I'll do whatever you say!"
As the funds were deposited, the person in charge immediately began the practical operations.
He gave Lin Yiran a deadline, and there would be results within three days at the earliest.
the other side.
Lin Yutian also called.
However, compared to Lin Yiran, the situation on Lin Yutian's side is not optimistic.
The person on the other end of the phone was crying.
"Xiaoyu, Auntie has already paid all the money, but it's still not enough. You know your grandma's
condition. If possible, I really hope you can come back to see her. She may not make it. This
surgery will cost another 200,000 yuan. Now I can only take out 20,000 yuan at most. You should
think of a solution."
Hearing this, Lin Yutian’s eyes went dark and he felt like the whole world was collapsing.
I'm just starting out now and things are just getting a little better.
The elderly in my family encountered such a serious thing.
My grandmother raised me since I was a child and she can be said to be the closest person to me.
However, ever since Lin Yutian left, grandma's health has been getting worse day by day, and now
it is even difficult for her to move around.
Gritting his teeth, Lin Yutian agreed firmly: "Okay, it's okay, just leave it to me, money is not a
problem, I will find a way."
Upon hearing this, the tone of the person on the other end of the phone became cheerful: "Okay,
Xiaoyu, I know you are the most capable child. When grandma gets better, I will bring her to see
you. You have worked so hard..."
Listening to the cautious answer from the other end of the phone.
Lin Yutian felt very uncomfortable.
After chatting for a while, Lin Yutian hung up the phone with a heavy heart.
Two hundred thousand was an astronomical figure for Lin Yutian. Although he agreed to it
verbally, he didn't have that much money.

Chapter 196 There is no such thing as who owes whom

This is a very realistic problem.
People can be without money, but when they encounter certain situations, they really have no
For Lin Yutian personally, she can be more harsh on herself, but she cannot do that to the people
around her.
If I had more money now, maybe I wouldn't be so conflicted, maybe I wouldn't be so hesitant.
But there aren't actually that many ifs.
Grandma is in the hospital, this is a very realistic problem.
We need to think of a solution.
Lin Yutian was no longer sleepy, and was only filled with endless confusion.
After thinking for a long time, I still didn't get a good solution.
In the entire company, the only two people Lin Yutian knew were Lin Yiran and Jiang Yunyi.
Just now.
Lin Yutian has already sent a message to Jiang Yunyi.
The response I got was disheartening.
Jiang Yunyi said casually, "I don't have much money here, and I can't withdraw my money at all.
How about this, since you have a problem, as your good friend, I must take good care of you. I'll
give you 500 yuan, and you can buy some gifts to express your condolences. Maybe it's not that
serious. We should be optimistic."
five hundred?
When Lin Yutian saw this number, his heart skipped a beat.
After the document was leaked, Lin Yutian roughly calculated that the loss of customers last time
was small, and he said that it caused a loss of four million to the company. As for Jiang Yunyi
personally, the personal profit he earned was basically more than one million.
What you said before sounded very nice.
But now that the situation has really happened, this is the response I got.
And then.
Jiang Yunyi chose to ignore it.
Not even 500 yuan was given.
For a moment, Lin Yutian was completely in despair.
Everything seemed to be going in the right direction, but suddenly there was a huge downhill
Lin Yutian was unable to bear such a blow.
Confusion, hesitation, helplessness, all kinds of emotions surged into my heart.
For a moment, Lin Yutian even wanted to end his life.
But just at this moment.
Lin Yiran came over.
When she just finished the call, Lin Yiran came over to look for her, but she didn't see her. She
heard a faint sob and realized something was wrong. Lin Yiran immediately came over and asked,
"What's wrong? What's going on?"
Lin Yiran asked with concern.
Lin Yutian didn't know how to express his emotions.
No matter how much suffering or hardship she endured, she could bear it all alone.
But a word of comfort always makes people feel so helpless.
Looking at Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian said nothing, and a line of tears slowly flowed from the corners of
his eyes.
Then she collapsed to the ground, completely losing hope in life.
In the next half hour, Lin Yutian didn't even know how he got here.
The only thing I remember clearly is that after I woke up, Lin Yiran was always by my side.
She has always cared about herself.
"What's wrong, what's wrong, Yutian, what happened?!"
Lin Yiran was so anxious that she almost cried.
Seeing Lin Yiran like this, Lin Yutian felt really bad. Wiping away the tears from the corners of his
eyes, Lin Yutian smiled and shook his head, trying to use this method to let Lin Yiran not worry
about him anymore: "It's okay, it's okay." Lin Yutian said pretending to be strong.
Lin Yiran immediately became angry.
It's already this late, why are you still so confused? Why are you still so irrational?
If you have any questions, you should speak up.
Lin Yiran was really worried.
Thinking of this, Lin Yiran's tone became excited and she asked, "What is going on? If you really
regard me as your good sister, if you really regard me as your friend, then you should tell me
clearly today, otherwise, I will never talk to you again."
Knowing that Lin Yiran was doing this for his own good, he understood even more clearly what
kind of person Lin Yiran was.
Lin Yutian burst into tears again.
In the intermittent process, Lin Yutian told everything.
As she spoke, she could no longer hold on.
He collapsed again.
"Oh my God, why do you have to treat me like this? Why can't you be better to me?"
"I really think it's so unfair. Why is it that just when things are starting to get better here,... "
But there are not so many whys in this world.
After listening to Lin Yutian’s narration.
Lin Yiran was still confused.
I can really feel Lin Yutian's emotions from her body.
Lin Yiran began to think carefully.
Two hundred thousand?
For Lai Wenya, this may be an astronomical figure, but for Lin Yiran, it is not a lot.
Looking at Lin Yutian, Lin Yiran smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay. I'm still here. Since you regard
me as your best sister, I will be sincere to you today. Please wait!"
As he spoke, Lin Yiran picked up his phone and started operating it.
Next second.
Lin Yutian's phone lit up.
After doing all this, Lin Yiran slowly said, "Okay, I just transferred 250,000 to you. 200,000 is for
the treatment. You can use the remaining 50,000 first. If something happens, you can also deal
with it in an emergency. If the money is not enough, don't be polite to me, just contact me as
soon as possible. Don't worry, just think of it as a loan from me."
Lin Yutian was completely stunned.
He refused to take the money no matter what.
"Yan Yiran, I know you're doing this for my own good, but such a big situation has happened in
your company recently."
"I can't accept this."
"Your life is hard enough, and I know you do it all for me, but..."
Lin Yiran interrupted her first: "It doesn't matter who owes whom among friends. Otherwise,
what are friends for? What do you think?"
"Yutian, I feel very lucky to have met you. I know what kind of person you are. I know you are a
very hardworking and motivated person. If you have money in the future, you can slowly pay me
back. If you don't have money, just consider it as a small help from me. You don't have to pay it
back. Why think so much? The most urgent thing now is to go to the hospital first and send the
money over. Then, we can think about it carefully."
There is no need to care so much between friends. If you really have to care so much, then what
is the point of having friends?
In order to allow Lin Yutian to handle it better.
Lin Yiran also did one extra thing.
"How about this, it just so happens that you haven't had a rest recently. Our company has two
days of rest every week. I counted them for you and gave you a total of eight days of rest. When
the time comes, you can come back after you have dealt with it. I have already booked your flight
ticket, so go!"

Chapter 197: Thought 198: Found it

It really is like a dream.
If it weren't for Lin Yiran, how would I get so much money and how would I get help?
Looking at Lin Yiran.
Lin Yutian had mixed feelings.
There are so many things I want to say, but when the words come to my lips, nothing comes out.
He didn't know how to express his emotions. He could only look at Lin Yiran with tears in his eyes.
Grabbing Lin Yiran's hand, Lin Yutian thanked her sincerely: "Yiran, thank you. You really helped
me a lot. I will definitely repay you in this life."
Lin Yiran didn't say anything, but reached out and touched Lin Yutian's head.
The person who might be suffering the most is Lin Yutian.
I’ll express my gratitude later. The key point is the current plane. I’ll go over and take a look at the
situation first.
Saying this.
Lin Yiran brought Lin Yutian downstairs.
"Come on, come on. I'm worried about your current condition. The plane will take another hour.
Let's go over there and wait for it. Don't think too much. If I didn't have other things to deal with
in the company, I would definitely go with you in person."
As he spoke, Lin Yiran drove Lin Yutian to the airport.
Just stopped the car.
Lin Yiran's phone rang.
It’s Huo Jinlin.
After answering the phone, the concerned voices of a man and a woman came from the other
end of the phone: "Just now a colleague said that he saw you leaving the company. It seemed
that you were in a hurry. Did you encounter any situation? If you encounter any situation, you
can tell me as soon as possible."
Nothing escapes my boyfriend's eyes.
As long as it is about Lin Yiran, Huo Jinlin's attitude is very clear. As long as it is Lin Yiran's
business, it is his own business.
Lin Yiran was also unambiguous.
"Yutian is taking care of something here. I'm sending someone to the airport. She's in a bad mood
today. I'll wait here for a while. When you get off work later, if you want to come find me, just
come to the airport and I'll send you the location."
Huo Jinlin hummed softly.
The phone was hung up.
Lin Yutian felt more and more ashamed.
This has already troubled Lin Yiran enough times. Now Lin Yiran even has to make a special trip to
the airport for himself.
Lin Yutian refused to do anything.
"Yi'ran, don't worry. I'm not in any serious condition now. I'm fine now. Go back and have a good
rest. You're already very tired today. Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know
what I should do. I beat people up without any repayment. If you encounter any situation in the
future, if you encounter any problems, just contact me as soon as possible. I will definitely help
you if I can. Thank you very much, thank you very much!"
Lin Yutian said gratefully.
Lin Yiran still said the same thing.
"Nothing, just some small things."
at this time.
Huo Jinlin already has the latest investigation results. Just now, the surveillance content showed
that Lin Yutian broke down and cried. Lin Yiran took Lin Yutian away, probably because of this
matter. Lin Yiran has been very busy recently. Except for the time after get off work, the two
rarely stay together. Looking at the surveillance video, Huo Jinlin made a decision.
Since you are going.
Then I will go and accompany you well.
Then leave work early and head to the airport.
Huo Jinlin found Lin Yutian and Lin Yiran in the airport lobby.
After Lin Yiran's comfort, Lin Yutian's mood had obviously improved a lot.
But Lin still felt it was not enough.
Just now, Lin Yiran gave Lin Yutian another 50,000 yuan, which required a lot of things along the
The cost of follow-up treatment may only be 200,000, but if it continues to get worse, it will
continue to get worse.
Then it's not just as simple as two hundred thousand.
Lin still said regretfully: "It's okay. I believe grandma will recover soon. You can take the money
"If it's not enough, just contact me as soon as possible. So what are you going to do now?"
Looking at Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian lowered her head dejectedly, with a melancholy look on her face:
"I don't know."
"After this incident, I even doubted myself. I was really confused about the future."
"I really don't know what I want. Maybe my only thought right now is children."
"Ah, things will be too difficult in the future. I really want to be alone, but I have so many
Lin Yiran deeply understands.
Being in such an environment, it seems like there are endless things to do every day, and people
always feel confused.
This is normal.
But we can't give up on ourselves because of our confusion, and we can't do something because
of our momentary emotions.
I looked at the time and it was almost time to board the plane.
Standing up, Lin Yiran stretched lazily, and then said optimistically: "It's okay, all of this will pass. If
we encounter any situation in the future, we must not hide it in our hearts. Let's go, the plane is
about to take off, let's go and take a look first."
He pulled Lin Yutian’s hand.
Lin Yiran continued running forward.
At this moment, Lin Yiran felt that her other hand was also pulled up. She turned her head and
saw Huo Jinlin's face. "It's okay. It's no big deal. I'm here for you. Let's send her to the plane first
and then we can have a good chat."
And then.
Under the gaze of Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian boarded the plane.
Do all this.
Lin Yiran felt relieved.
The fatigue of the day also showed at this time. With Huo Jinlin here, he can finally relax a little.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran forced a smile: "I'm so tired, let's go back first. If you have
anything to say, we can talk when we get back."
Huo Jinlin did not refuse.
After getting in the car, Huo Jinlin drove and Lin Yiran sat in the passenger seat, and the two
started chatting.
As they were chatting, Huo Jinlin took the initiative to bring the topic to the new company.
"How was the situation today? Were you satisfied with the talks with these customers? Did you
encounter any problems?"
Lin Yiran knew very well that if he really told Huo Jinlin about the problems he encountered, Huo
Jinlin would be very anxious and would definitely come out to help him solve them. He had been
busy enough recently and could not continue to trouble Huo Jinlin.
Lin Yiran is introverted and stubborn. She always reports good news but not bad news. Looking at
Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran smiled and shook her head: "Fortunately, today went smoothly and the
situation is not bad."
Huo Jinlin suddenly fell silent.
This was not right, Lin Yiran understood, perhaps Huo Jinlin had noticed his change from the
beginning. After all, Lin Yiran was not good at lying, especially in front of people around him.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran scratched his head awkwardly: "Uh..."

Chapter 198 Question

Huo Jinlin smiled faintly.
He opened his mouth and ruthlessly exposed her: "Xiao Ran, your face turns red when you lie.
Now your face is as red as an apple. Are you really okay?"
Lin Yiran was completely confused. No one had ever reminded her of this before.
Subconsciously glancing at the rearview mirror, Lin Yiran was still unwilling to believe it, but as
the distance got closer, Lin Yiran was completely dumbfounded.
To be honest, I never noticed this little detail before. Now looking at it, my face is indeed very red,
an abnormally red color.
The atmosphere in the car became extremely awkward.
Looking at Lin Yiran.
Huo Jinlin was slightly shocked, and then he laughed and teased: "What is your relationship with
me? If you can't even tell me about our relationship, then I guess it must be a big deal. I have
been following your progress silently recently, and I have seen what happened. But I still hope
you can have a good chat with me. We should have room for communication with each other."
"Xiao Ran, I know that you are upset because of recent events, but you don't have to hide it in
your heart. You are great, and you can become stronger, but I can also accompany you along the
way and grow together. I hope you can understand."
Speaking of.
Huo Jinlin silently placed his hand in Lin Yiran's hand.
All the little details about Huo Jinlin are telling one thing.
it does not matter.
We can face any problem together and solve any problem together.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, there was a moment when Lin Yiran was completely stunned. She felt that
all this was so unreal and confusing. As she watched, Lin Yiran became fascinated. She just
watched quietly, saying nothing and doing nothing.
Huo Jinlin smiled and touched his head.
“It’s beautiful today, too.”
"Okay, it's okay, let's talk about the company."
And then.
Huo Jinlin instantly became serious.
Even though Huo Jinlin seems to be a frivolous person in front of Lin Yiran, he is very considerate
when it comes to work.
Huo Jinlin has always taken things very seriously and has always been very serious.
Lin Yiran nodded silently.
And then.
The two gradually started talking about what had happened in the company recently.
Especially today.
It's not without reason that everyone thinks this product is expensive.
If you are a manufacturer, you naturally want more profits and you naturally want better things.
However, there is often a price difference between the two. If you want good quality, that's fine,
you'll need more money, but if you want to gain more from it, you'll need to lower the other
party's price.
Talking and talking.
Lin Yiran let out a long sigh.
Talking to himself.
"It's great to have you. I feel better after I said that."
Huo Jinlin nodded slightly.
What Lin Yiran said made a lot of sense. Everyone would compare. With so many customers and
so many people, there would always be some who were willing and some who were not. It just
depended on how they made the choices. As for what Lin Yiran said later, Huo Jinlin's eyes lit up
and there was more joy in his eyes.
That’s amazing.
Whether it is work or love, what Huo Jinlin likes most is Lin Yiran's character. Although she is very
stubborn sometimes, no matter what kind of problems she faces, Lin Yiran will rise to the
challenge and take the initiative to solve the problems. Since they are not satisfied, she will make
corrections immediately, which not only ensures that the original operation can also ensure the
continued production in the future.
Every step touched Huo Jinlin's heart.
Looking at Lin Yiran.
Huo Jinlin smiled and praised, approving of Lin Yiran's plan: "Great!"
"Then I'll do as you say. Tomorrow I'll have my assistant check in with you. If anything happens, it
will be convenient for us to check it out together later. At that time, the power of two people will
always be greater than that of one person."
Lin Yiran’s follow-up step was great.
But if you want to go further, you want to think more carefully.
This is far from enough.
What you want requires more.
After the encouragement, Huo Jinlin took the initiative to analyze.
The current market situation is like this. Once there is any profit space, there will always be
people who show up. Some will engage in price wars, some will compete on quality, and the
directions are different. Although everyone is heading towards the market, they also need to
maintain their own opinions and maintain their own rationality. Blindly following the crowd will
not make a lot of money. Instead, it will be a double-edged sword. While protecting yourself, you
may also hurt yourself. Huo Jinlin has his own unique explanation for the plan that Lin Yiran
You can leave.
But Lin was obviously walking too fast.
It's not impossible to be able to run from birth.
It just depends on whether you have the ability.
The current development trend is still uncertain, and even Huo Jinlin cannot see what is hidden
behind this calmness.
As you improve, your opponents will also surely improve.
Ever since Lin Yiran got into trouble, Huo Jinlin has been thinking about this matter.
Now that we've come to this.
Then Huo Jinlin should also make a statement.
Laughing, Huo Jinlin said, "Yi Ran! Listen to my opinion. I have already analyzed the general
situation of the market with you, but I don't think this is a completely bad thing. Everyone,
including us, is developing in the traditional sense, but now we not only have to face their needs,
but also the needs of customers. While choosing the old traditions, customers will be more
inclined to choose new things and new designs. We can use more innovative thinking to deal with
problems and follow the logic of customers. This is the fastest way to get back the investment in a
short period of time. It's okay to cater to the public in a short period of time, especially under
special circumstances."
"I've even found the person!"
"I will report to your office tomorrow morning. Both of you are top foreign design talents and
have won many awards. I have always wanted to innovate, but due to various reasons, I have not
been able to realize it."
"I have never had anyone I can trust, but if that person is you!"
"Then I think you can."
Huo Jinlin seems to be a non-confrontational person, but in fact he has always been the master
strategist and chess player in the company.
No one else would ever receive such good treatment, but this person is Lin Yiran!
Finding few people in advance doesn't mean that I don't believe in Lin Yiran's ability, but I want to
help Lin Yiran achieve his goal as soon as possible.
According to normal logic, if Lin Yiran changes according to his own inherent methods, there will
still be big problems at that time. With Lin Yiran's personal ability, 150% of the people are
enough, but this time 200% is required. Otherwise, if the order volume cannot be completed, Lin
Yiran can only leave the company with regret. Huo Jinlin doesn't want this, and Lin Yiran doesn't
want it even more.
"That's amazing, why didn't I think of it before!"
Lin Yiran exclaimed.

Chapter 199 Are you shy?

I have discussed this issue with others before.
But except for Lin Yutian, the suggestions given by others were very speechless.
Either it's too bland or it doesn't work at all.
but now.
Huo Jinlin's few simple words not only brightened up Lin Yiran's eyes, but also changed his
Before, I was always thinking about the issue of partners, and never considered what everyone
really needed.
What kind of new products do people need? What kind of fancy things do they need?
Lin Yiran’s new factory is fully capable of producing many new products, enough to meet
everyone’s short-term needs.
By doing this, after satisfying most of the customers, new partners will naturally be satisfied.
As she spoke, Lin Yiran became more and more excited and began to praise profusely.
"That's really amazing. If I ever have such a leap of thought, I probably won't be fooled in the
"Hahaha, I have to learn from you. I don't believe in anyone else!"
Huo Jinlin's face was filled with a proud expression.
As they chatted, Huo Jinlin slowed down the car, and his previous arrogance turned into full of
Today, I was busy visiting clients and dealing with Lin Yutian's issues.
I'm already very tired.
As she was talking, Lin Yiran's voice became lower and lower, and then she fell asleep in the car.
He stopped the car, took out a blanket from the back, and Huo Jinlin gently covered her with it.
The two of them returned home slowly.
Huo Jinlin stopped the car and whispered softly in Lin Yiran's ear, "Okay, hurry up, we'll go home
soon. Have a good rest. You can't rest now. Now is the time for us to fight! Get up quickly."
After saying.
Lin Yiran opened and closed her eyes in a daze. She rubbed her forehead and yawned.
If she hadn't heard Huo Jinlin's voice, Lin Yiran probably wouldn't have woken up.
I slept so well just now.
After waking up, Lin Yiran's memory was still in the car. Before he even opened his eyes, he said,
"I'm still very sleepy. Let's go quickly. Don't worry about me. We'll go home later. Have a good
rest. I'm really exhausted today."
Next second.
After undoing the safety buckle, Huo Jinlin carried Lin Yiran down like a princess.
At this moment.
Lin Yiran finally realized that something was wrong.
what happened!
Woke up instantly.
When he opened his eyes and looked at everything around him, Lin Yiran only felt his face
blushing and his mind went blank.
Huo Jinlin didn't care about other people's opinions at all.
Speak gently.
"Silly boy, we are already home." Huo Jinlin looked at Lin Yiran tenderly.
If there is no one around, an old couple might be happy just to be sweet to each other.
But there are people.
And they were two young and ignorant children.
Feeling the burning gazes of Dabao and Xiaobao.
Lin Yiran was eager to find a place to crawl into underground.
What’s even worse is.
Dabao kept asking about this. Looking at Lin Yiran, Dabao asked curiously, "Mom, why do you
need to be hugged like a little kid? And why don't we get the same treatment? Why doesn't Dad
hug me like this?"
Huo Jinlin: "Uh..."
Although he had prepared himself mentally in advance, Huo Jinlin was also quite thick-skinned.
Whether facing the business world or facing all kinds of storms.
Huo Jinlin doesn't care.
The main theme is to face life with a smile, not caring about anything, but feeling the sincere
eyes of the two little guys.
Huo Jinlin was really speechless for a moment.
Damn it!
I didn’t expect Huo Jinlin to be like this?
Hugging Huo Jinlin tightly, Lin Yiran laughed softly, "Hahahaha, it turns out that my Master Huo
can be shy! Rare!"
Next second.
Lin Yiran almost screamed out loud.
Huo Jinlin smiled evilly and replied to Lin Yiran in the same way: "If you keep talking nonsense, I
don't know where you will be next time. Watch your words, otherwise, it will not be good."
The dream returns to the beginning!
Lin Yiran was really panicked.
My legs were almost in pain after being twisted by Huo Jinlin. No, if I continue to stay by his side,
I will be doomed.
Lin Yiran made a prompt decision: "Quick, quick, quick! Put me down!"
"I sprained my leg today, so daddy held me like this. Don't think too much. I'm so tired. I'll drink
later. Just take a good rest. I'll accompany you tomorrow. Okay?"
Lin Yiran reached out and touched Dabao and Xiaobao's heads.
Huo Jinlin smiled helplessly and shook his head.
Although Lin Yiran’s dubbing is also great, she really reacts quickly when encountering these
He made up an excuse in just a few seconds.
When Dabao and Xiaobao saw Lin Yiran running upstairs at great speed.
There was still a hint of doubt in my mind.
Huo Jinlin smiled and took the two aside.
"It's okay. Mom is very tired today. I'll play with you guys."
Although they felt something was unusual, Dabao and Xiaobao were very considerate of Lin
Xiaobao looked serious.
"Mom is tired, so we can play but we have to be quiet so as not to disturb her."
Dabao agreed: "Yes, yes, then let's be careful, I will shut up now."
After saying that, Dabao and Xiaobao covered their mouths at the same time. Huo Jinlin's heart
melted at this scene.
But just at this moment.
Xiaobao reminded in a low voice.
"Dad, just now an aunt said she came to see you. She is in the living room now. Do you want to
go and see her?"
Dabao then added: "It was Aunt Jiang Yunyi who said she had some important documents to give
you. Grandma originally wanted to call her, but she refused and insisted on waiting for you to
come back. It seemed like it was something very important. How about we go over there and
take a look first?"
What is Jiang Yunyi doing here?
Huo Jinlin was puzzled.
But just at this moment.
Jiang Yunyi's voice came from the door.
"Boss Huo!"
"The branch's transfer contract came in today. This matter is of great importance, and I think I
must hand it to you personally."
"Come on, come and take a look."
After listening to what Jiang Yunyi said, Huo Jinlin nodded silently.
Some time ago, Huo Jinlin not only built a new factory, but also planned many other plans behind
the scenes, including a branch.
Transferring a contract is a very important matter, and it is indeed safer to do it in person.
It is a solution.
Huo Jinlin still left two words.
"Then you wait a little longer and play by yourself for a while or go back first. I will discuss any
problems with you tomorrow."
"It's time to get off work now. I need to spend time with my children."
Jiang Yunyi was obviously stunned, then smiled awkwardly and sat down quietly: "Mr. Huo, it's
okay, I can wait."

Chapter 200 Inner Thoughts

Huo Jinlin said that he did it for the child, but deep down he was actually thinking more about Lin
Lin Yiran needs to have a good rest now, as this is the time when children are the most lively and
If you play in the room, it's easy to make some small noises.
It would be bad if it affects Lin Yiran.
In a blink of an eye.
Time came half an hour later.
With Huo Jinlin's company, Dabao and Xiaobao had a lot of fun.
But after all, he is just a child. If he really compares endurance with Huo Jinlin, he will be no
match for him at all.
Dabao laughed and panted: "Dad! We had so much fun today, but I'm so tired."
"I'm tired too. Why don't we have a good rest?" Xiaobao said.
Upon hearing this.
Huo Jinlin nodded immediately.
not to mention.
Now there are work matters to deal with.
Things always have to be prioritized.
Huo Jinlin held Dabao in each hand, one on the left and Xiaobao on the right, and carried them
into the room.
He gave instructions patiently.
"Mom is very tired today, so we need to keep our voices down later. Let's take a shower first, and
then we can have a good rest."
After looking at each other, Dabao and Xiaobao nodded at the same time.
Amid the laughter of the two brothers, they went to take a shower together, and when the time
was right, Jiang Yunyi immediately came down.
Huo Jinlin put his finger to his mouth and made a hushing gesture, then he took Jiang Yunyi to
the study room nearby.
Unlike his treatment of his children, Huo Jinlin has always been rigorous and serious about his
Look at Jiang Yunyi.
Huo Jinlin said coldly.
"Thank you for your hard work today. It's already late, and it's not safe for you to go back alone.
I'll arrange a guest room for you later."
"Dabao and Xiaobao both gave you very good comments. Thank you for your hard work today. I
will give you a performance increase and bonus at the end of this month."
"How is the transfer contract going? Show me the document."
Upon hearing this.
Jiang Yunyi didn't dare to delay and immediately handed over the documents in his hand.
have to say.
When it comes to these kinds of work, Jiang Yunyi is considered a talent, and many people
cannot reach the level where she is a little more serious.
Jiang Yunyi carefully marked out every regulation, every direction, and every key point.
There is not much content in it, it only took about five or six minutes, and Huo Jinlin read it all.
After reading it.
Huo Jinlin smiled more and nodded with satisfaction.
"Jiang Yunyi, your work attitude has been very good recently. Thank you for your hard work."
"Then the next step in the connection of this document will be handed over to Director Wang."
"You've worked hard. If you have any requests, just let me know. I'll grant you three days of
vacation so you can relax."
When Jiang Yunyi heard these two words, her eyes lit up and a million thoughts flashed through
her mind.
Jiang Yunyi came here today with one and only one purpose. When it comes to work, Jiang
Yunyi's attitude has always been cold and perfunctory.
If it weren't for his strong personal abilities, it would have collapsed long ago.
Be able to let her go out in person.
That can only be Huo Jinlin!
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Jiang Yunyi began to fantasize in her mind. She thought that she would be
the owner of this house in the future, that everything Huo Jinlin gave to Lin Yiran would be hers,
and that the two of them would snuggle happily together. Just thinking about it made people
linger in it, but dreams are just dreams after all, and it's time to wake up.
After a moment of silence.
Jiang Yunyi smiled and shook her head: "It's not hard, this is what I should do. Mr. Huo, you have
been working overtime recently, you must be very tired, I agree to take a rest, as for the rest, we
will talk about it later, you take a good rest first, I should also go to rest."
Don’t get carried away! Don’t get carried away!
Important things should be said twice.
Jiang Yunyi is already very satisfied with her current situation. Many things cannot be achieved in
one step, especially in terms of feelings.
As a veteran in the love field, Jiang Yunyi naturally understood this.
The rapids will always recede, and you can make the right decision at the critical moment. Only in
this way can you have more possibilities with Huo Jinlin.
Huo Jinlin hummed softly.
Standing up, Huo Jinlin turned and left.
Looking at Huo Jinlin's receding back, Jiang Yunyi curled the corners of her mouth.
It is true that we have taken some steps back temporarily, but there is more to do today.
the other side.
After a simple wash, Huo Jinlin went upstairs to look for Lin Yiran.
Slowing down his pace, Huo Jinlin walked upstairs carefully.
At this time, Lin Yiran had fallen asleep.
When he opened the door, he saw Lin Yiran's face was hazy and her cheeks were slightly red. Huo
Jinlin's heart melted.
She was very tired today, which he could understand. In order not to disturb her, Huo Jinlin
decided to go to the guest room next door to rest for a while and wake Lin Yiran up early
tomorrow morning.
Thinking of this, Huo Jinlin prepared to step back and leave.
at this time.
Huo Jinlin stopped.
He called out softly to the back: "Who?"
As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Yunyi walked towards Huo Jinlin carefully, holding a glass of water
in her hand. Looking at Huo Jinlin, Jiang Yunyi's face was full of heartache: "Boss Huo, it's me. I'm
here to bring you honey water. You've been working overtime recently and you've been very
tired. After get off work, you still have to accompany Dabao and Xiaobao. This is a small gift from
me. I hope Boss Huo can accept it."
What a warm and sweet scene.
The final result was something Jiang Yunyi never expected.
Turning around, Huo Jinlin looked at Jiang Yunyi coldly, with a hint of anger in his tone: "You have
your freedom, but when did I ever say that you are allowed to enter our bedroom? I'm telling
you, don't walk around in places where you are not allowed to live in the future. Get out now."
Jiang Yunyi was numb.
She had already used the most gentle tone, and it was obvious that a cup of warm honey water
could warm people's hearts.
But the response was this.
Jiang Yunyi suddenly had an idea.
Now that they were already here, Huo Jinlin was afraid of disturbing Lin Yiran's rest, so he could
be a little more unrestrained. Opportunities were created by people. So what if Huo Jinlin had a
cold face? It didn't affect the performance at all. The next second, Jiang Yunyi pointed forward
and kept backing away. Then, he quickly covered his mouth with his hand, tried his best to
control himself and said, "Something! There is something there!"
After taking several steps back, Jiang Yunyi suddenly lunged forward and fell towards Huo Jinlin.
Huo Jinlin reacted quickly, hugging Jiang Yunyi with one hand and catching the rapidly falling cup
of water with the other hand.
"It's just a doll, no need to be so nervous."
"Get up and get out now."
Huo Jinlin clearly refused.
Jiang Yunyi was unhappy. Why was Huo Jinlin always so cold to her? As long as Huo Jinlin took a
step towards her, she would agree to whatever she wanted to do today. She raised her head and
showed a pitiful expression: "Boss Huo, no... I'm sorry, I'm too timid and didn't see it clearly. I'll
get up now, thank you."
"Yiyi, why are you here too?"
Looking at the door, Huo Jinlin said.

Chapter 201 This is intentional

Upon hearing this, Jiang Yunyi was in disbelief, but when she turned around and saw Lin Yiyi
Jiang Yunyi was completely depressed.
She was pale and looked embarrassed.
Jiang Yunyi could be a little more relaxed towards Huo Jinlin. After all, only the two of them knew
about him. Even if he really rejected her, it would be a good thing for her to take advantage of
Huo Jinlin. However, Lin Yiyi's identity was different from that of others.
If I really tell others what happened today.
Then don’t even think about having any relationship with Huo Jinlin in the future.
You will be laughed at by others for the rest of your life.
The more chaotic the situation was, the more anxious people became. Looking at Lin Yiyi at the
door, Jiang Yunyi's legs suddenly relaxed and he was no longer afraid.
Walking to the door, Jiang Yunyi forced a smile.
"Yiyi, it's so late, why aren't you sleeping yet?"
"Sister, Mr. Huo was just joking, don't take it to heart."
"Oh, are you kidding? Why did you hug each other? Why did you take the initiative to jump
Lin Yiyi raised a soul-searching question.
Upon hearing this.
Jiang Yunyi felt her scalp tingling.
Could it be!
Lin Yiyi had seen everything that had just happened. If that was the case, she would really have to
lose her face.
Looking at Lin Yiyi, Jiang Yunyi hesitated, and after a long while, he asked uncertainly: "Did you
see everything?"
Lin Yiyi nodded without hesitation.
"Yes, when you brought the water just now, I wanted to come over and take a look. I just
happened to have a few questions to ask. I have seen everything you just said. Why did you do
Children speak without restraint.
This may be the current situation.
The more direct it is, the more confusing it is.
Especially in a situation like this.
Jiang Yunyi couldn't openly admit that she was seducing Huo Jinlin just now.
You have to find a suitable excuse.
Although the two have now distanced themselves from each other, the more they explain, the
more confusing it becomes.
Seeing this scene, Huo Jinlin's expression did not change. Instead, he looked at everything in front
of him with interest.
How could he not know what Jiang Yunyi was thinking?
I was just about to have a showdown with Jiang Yunyi.
Lin Yiyi appeared.
That would make things even more interesting.
The more she explained, the more confused she became. In the end, Lin Yiyi fled in panic: "This is
really just a misunderstanding. I'm so sleepy now. I'm going to have a good rest. Yiyi, just treat
this as a little secret between us. Don't tell anyone else."
After listening to what Jiang Yunyi said.
Lin Yiyi stood there in a daze.
At this moment, Huo Jinlin walked up to Lin Yiyi with a smile and looked at the confused Lin Yiyi in
front of him.
Huo Jinlin reached out and touched her head. "Yiyi, do you believe me?" Huo Jinlin asked.
The innocent are innocent, there is nothing to explain.
Lin Yiyi saw the whole process, and she knew right from wrong better than anyone else.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiyi rolled her eyes and said, "Hahaha, then I definitely believe you!"
"But why it has become like this, I always don't understand, it seems very complicated."
"I don't know how to say it either. Do you need me to help you hide this secret?"
Upon hearing this, Huo Jinlin was overwhelmed.
If you don’t know, you would really think that there is some illegal relationship between him and
Jiang Yunyi.
I am a married man.
Even if Lin Yiyi really told this matter to others, it wouldn't matter.
on the contrary.
Huo Jinlin actually hoped that Lin Yiyi would stick to her own ideas and talk about this matter
with Lin Yiran.
If Jiang Yunyi continues to play the game this way, it would be even worse if I get involved.
After listening to Huo Jinlin's narration.
Lin Yiyi nodded, not quite understanding.
"Then I'll go talk to grandma!"
Huo Jinlin raised his eyebrows slightly: "Then you better not exaggerate!"
After getting Lin Yiyi's accurate answer, Huo Jinlin's tense heart relaxed, as long as she didn't
That's easy.
When she came to Song Yunuan's side, Lin Yiyi didn't waste any words and immediately opened
her mouth to tell her everything she had just seen.
As she listened, Song Yu Nuan's brows furrowed deeper and deeper. Is there such a thing?
If Lin Yiran knew about this, it would not be a good thing!
Song Yu Nuan was more concerned about the relationship between Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran, so
there were many things that could not be said casually.
You can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want. This has been the truth
since ancient times.
Looking at Lin Yiyi, Song Yu Nuan said earnestly.
"Is this true?"
"If this is true, then it's fine. I'm just afraid there may be some misunderstanding."
at the same time.
The more Jiang Yunyi thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong.
I did such a thing and was seen by others. If Huo Jinlin was the only one there, it would be fine.
It doesn't matter even if I'm exposed in public.
But if it gets out.
That's completely different.
Especially now we are at Huo Jinlin’s home.
She changed her strategy.
Lin Yiyi trotted all the way to the front of the two people. Looking at Song Yunuan in front of her,
Lin Yiyi's tears of grievance were about to fall: "Aunt, please listen to my explanation. This is just a
misunderstanding. The truth of the matter is not like that. I just accidentally fell at that time. I
didn't expect it to develop like this in the end. Please listen to my explanation. I will be more
careful in the future. This situation will never happen again. Aunt hopes you can give me a
Facing Song Yu Nuan.
Jiang Yunyi lowered her proud head and chose to apologize continuously.
But how could this matter be solved in a few words? Once any mistake occurs, it is unbearable.
Under normal circumstances, Song Yunuan will definitely be furious and even drive the person
out directly. However, the result is completely opposite to what she imagined. Not only is Song
Yunuan not angry, but she also expressed understanding: "Xiao Lin's room is quite dark, and he
was afraid of disturbing Yi Ning's rest, so he must not have turned on the light. He is not familiar
with the environment and accidentally bumped into it. That's normal. As long as we are fine,
there is no need to explain the rest."
"I believe you!"
Song Yu Nuan said to Jiang Yunyi.
She expressed her understanding.
Song Yu Nuan turned around and asked Lin Yiyi for more details.
The door in the room was indeed not open at the time, and the lighting was indeed not good. All
these reasons indicate that this was just a misunderstanding.
After hearing what Lin Yiyi said, Jiang Yunyi finally felt relieved.
And then.
Song Yu Nuan showed concern and consideration.
"Xiao Yi, I know what kind of person you are. I believe you would not do those things. It's already
late, so let's go back and have a good rest. We can talk about it later and have a good chat
"Come on, come on, you've worked hard all day, the most important thing is to have a good rest
As she spoke, Song Yunuan took the initiative to bring Jiang Yunyi to the room.
After briefly chatting with Jiang Yunyi, Song Yu Nuan turned and left.
See this scene.
Lin Yiyi was completely dumbfounded! No! According to the scene she saw at that time, this
could not be a misunderstanding.
This is clearly intentional!

Chapter 202: Notice

The reason why I didn't tell him the truth just now was because Jiang Yunyi was present, and now
Jiang Yunyi has gone to rest.
Just now.
Lin Yiyi figured out a lot.
People should be honest and say what they have to say on the spot.
She thought about telling Lin Yiran about this.
Even if Song Yu Nuan's consent is not obtained, an explanation should be given.
Song Yu Nuan's attitude made Lin Yiyi a little dazed.
what happened!
I've only been alone with Jiang Yunyi for a minute or two. Has it changed so quickly?
Looking at Song Yunuan in front of her, to be honest, she felt a little strange from the bottom of
her heart.
Song Yu Nuan expressed her understanding.
"Hahaha, silly child, listen to me explain to you."
"This matter is of great importance. It concerns the happiness of my brother and sister. We can
speak frankly now, but if something really goes wrong, how should we be responsible? Don't
worry, I will give you an explanation for this matter, and I will also give them an explanation. You
should have a good rest later. If others ask you, just say that they bumped into each other
unintentionally, and then, let me do the talking."
"Do you understand?"
This is perhaps what people often call the ways of the world.
After hearing these words, Lin Yiyi acted confused and half-understood. She seemed to
understand, but also seemed unable to comprehend.
On the road of life, you need to experience many things.
Some things need to be experienced before you can understand them.
For example this.
Before, Song Yunan had always felt that Jiang Yunyi's feelings towards Huo Jinlin were not right. If
there was any work that could not be solved at the company, she had to bring it to the family to
solve it. She even wanted to go to Huo Jinlin's bedroom. This series of things revealed weirdness,
but for Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran, and even more for her own family, Song Yunan needed to think
carefully and give a suitable explanation.
He said a lot in a row.
Lin Yiyi understood a little bit, her eyes widened, and she said expectantly: "Okay, I'll listen to you,
but you must not lie to me. If you lie to me, I will never trust you again. You must tell your sister
about this matter, and you must give me a solution, okay!"
When Lin Yiyi acts coquettishly, she is truly invincible.
Song Yu Nuan agreed immediately.
"Okay, okay, I'll do as you say!"
After comforting Lin Yiyi, Song Yunan found Huo Jinlin immediately. At this time, Huo Jinlin was
preparing to take a rest. Seeing that it was Song Yunan, Huo Jinlin showed great importance.
After such a long time, he also vaguely heard some noises, which must be about Jiang Yunyi.
It will come sooner or later.
Huo Jinlin knew better than anyone what kind of personality Song Yu Nuan had.
Looking at Song Yunuan, Huo Jinlin smiled slightly: "Mom, let's go out and talk."
Huo Jinlin said in tacit understanding.
Song Yu Nuan raised her eyebrows and whispered, "Stinky boy, even if you still have a conscience,
let's go out and have a good chat, let's go to the rooftop."
After simply putting on a piece of clothing, Huo Jinlin and Song Yu Nuan came to the rooftop.
The breeze blowing at night gives people an exceptionally comfortable feeling, but it still makes
people feel a little cold.
Sighing and looking into the distance, Huo Jinlin spoke first: "Mom, I know you are worried about
my relationship with Yi Ran, but I know in my heart that it is absolutely impossible for Jiang Yunyi
and I to be together. I will think carefully about this matter today, but considering our current
relationship, I think it is better for you to talk about this matter. I will have the right attitude, and I
will never do things that I shouldn't do."
In life, Song Yu Nuan often not only plays the role of a mother, but also a close friend. She is one
of the few people, along with Huo Jinlin, whom I can truly face with ease.
If you don’t say it, how can the other person understand what you are thinking?
Listening to Huo Jinlin's affirmative answer.
Song Yu Nuan started to praise.
"As expected of my son, he has always behaved so well."
"Okay! No problem. I'll talk to Yiran about this tomorrow."
"As for Jiang Yunyi, if we can get along well and serve as superiors and subordinates, then it's
fine. But if you still want to cross the line, then I think we should think about it carefully and think
about how to deal with it. Do you understand?"
Time flies and it is the next day.
Early the next morning, Jiang Yunyi felt she had no face to stay any longer, so she ran away very
At 5:30 in the morning, Jiang Yunyi and Song Yunuan bumped into each other as soon as they
opened their eyes. Looking at Jiang Yunyi's messy hair, Song Yunuan still expressed her
understanding: "Xiaoyi, I was just like you when I was young. I was very particular about my bed
and couldn't get used to sleeping in other people's homes. Aren't you going to rest today? Then
let's go back and have a good sleep. It's great to be young. You can go to bed early and get up
early. What a great body!"
Hearing her say that.
Jiang Yunyi could only smile bitterly and said, "Aunt, I'll leave first. I'll come visit you again when I
have the chance."
At seven o'clock in the morning, Lin Yiran turned over and took out his mobile phone in a daze,
opened the screen, yawned, and opened his eyes to get up.
As soon as I opened my eyes, Huo Jinlin immediately hugged me and said, "You're awake! How
did you sleep last night? Are you okay?"
Lin Yiran scratched his head somewhat embarrassedly.
Huo Jinlin said softly, "It's okay. We'll take a good rest when we're tired. Let's go wash up first.
Mom wants to talk to you about something. Go find her downstairs later."
Lin Yiran nodded and agreed.
After a quick wash, Lin Yiran began to recall that Song Yunuan had come to her to talk as soon as
she woke up. This was not uncommon, but it rarely happened unless there was something
important to say. The more she thought about it, the stranger it seemed. Recently, apart from
what happened at the company, nothing seemed to have happened at home. But Song Yunuan
never mixed work with family.
what is that?
With doubts, Lin Yiran came to the living room. Seeing Lin Yiran coming down, Song Yu Nuan
walked up to her enthusiastically.
"Hurry up and sit down. I have something to tell you."
This was all discussed last night. Song Yu Nuan had already sought Huo Jinlin's consent and also
had a good chat with Huo Jinlin.
What needs to be said must be said. Holding Lin Yiran's hands tightly with both hands, Song Yu
Nuan told her everything that happened yesterday.
"Last night Jiang Yunyi walked into the wrong room and accidentally fell, and happened to fall
into Xiaolin's arms."
"Yiyi saw it. I wanted to tell you last night, but after careful consideration, I think this is just a
misunderstanding. You are my favorite, no doubt about it, so I don't intend to hide it from you.
This is probably the case."
Looking at Lin Yiran.
Song Yu Nuan still felt it was not enough.
Once again added.
"Yi Ran, don't let your imagination run wild. You must know better than me what kind of person
Xiao Lin is."
"As a parent, I just hope that you two can be together well and be happy together."
"That's enough."
"Now, do you have any ideas?"
Originally, Lin Yiran was still a little sleepy, but after hearing these words, she became alert.
She immediately shut up and took the initiative to move closer to Song Yu Nuan: "Mom! Then I
have something to tell you!"

Chapter 203: Adding drama to yourself?

Lin Yiran knows what kind of person Huo Jinlin is better than anyone else.
He is responsible, capable, and handsome. Sometimes Lin Yiran even wonders why Huo Jinlin
likes her.
But since this thing has already happened.
Lin Yiran was also full of bad intentions.
I don’t know how to evaluate Jiang Yunyi, but the most important thing now is to solve Huo
Jinlin’s problem.
The distance between the two is getting closer.
I can't hear it at all.
Huo Jinlin looked down at all this, his expression becoming increasingly grim.
No matter how you look at it, it feels like something is not right with Song Yu Nuan's complexion,
as if it is getting paler and paler.
Could it be that he heard some bad news?
This idea just popped into my mind.
Lin Yiran started to speak.
"Huo Jinlin!"
"get down!"
What is going on? Why are they calling me by my name now? Is this possible?
Without time to think about it, Huo Jinlin smiled and nodded in agreement: "Okay, I'm coming, I'll
be down right away."
Huo Jinlin took the elevator to the first floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, Lin Yiran
looked angry and Song Yu Nuan looked ugly.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Song Yu Nuan winked at him frantically.
The general meaning is to say.
No! The situation is bad now, get as far away as you can, leave now!
Huo Jinlin was even more confused.
Logically speaking, hasn't this matter been explained clearly? Could it be that Lin Yiran has started
to have other ideas?
Before Lin Yiran could speak, Huo Jinlin took the lead.
Looking at Song Yu Nuan in front of him.
Huo Jinlin pretended to be attentive and said, "Mom, didn't you say you would bring me lunch
today? I've been waiting for you for a long time!"
"Let's put it this way. We can talk about it later. Now that things have come to this, let's eat first.
I'm starving."
With such an excuse, Huo Jinlin pulled Song Yu Nuan aside.
Song Yu Nuan's expression became even more grim.
Look around carefully.
Song Yu Nuan's heart finally relaxed a little.
There is a situation where nothing needs to be said, just a look between each other is enough.
Song Yu Nuan's eyes told Huo Jinlin that things were getting bad.
He just picked up something for Huo Jinlin.
Song Yu Nuan took it and said, "Xiao Lin, I have already talked to Yi Ran about this matter, but her
attitude is very bad. After all, it is your own problem. I think you should adjust your attitude. We
will talk about it later. I can't do anything about it. The rest of the way depends on you. You have
to be more careful and pay more attention to Lin Yi Ran's mood. Do you understand?"
Huo Jinlin is so confused!
There is such a thing?
If that's the case, then this matter is more serious than I thought.
Lin Yiran was already impatient, and there was still obvious anger in his tone: "Huo Jinlin, I have
something to talk to you alone. Let's go. It's about the company and also about things between
us. Let's talk while walking. If there is anything, let's get in the car first and have a good chat after
getting in the car. We haven't had a good chat for a long time."
Song Yu Nuan showed a sympathetic look.
He also did not forget to give instructions.
"Xiao Lin, it's your fault. Please don't be angry. We should have the right attitude. Go quickly.
Good luck will come to you. I believe there won't be any big problems. There must be a good
explanation for this matter, otherwise, it will be more troublesome in the future. Go, come on!"
Huo Jinlin swallowed secretly and felt heavy-hearted.
This is the first time I’ve seen Lin Yiran so angry in all the time I’ve known her.
When it comes to emotions, there cannot be any taint, otherwise the result will be the same as it
is now.
Huo Jinlin felt like a fish in water when handling the company's affairs, without any pressure.
But if converted to Lin Yiran.
That's completely different.
On weekdays, he can still coax Lin Yiran, and even thinks that Lin Yiran is really cute, just like a
little child.
But now the atmosphere seems wrong no matter how you look at it!
Maybe giving an explanation on the way to the company would be a good option.
Thinking like this.
Huo Jinlin nodded and agreed.
"Okay, I'll get ready here, and then we'll go to the company now."
After packing up briefly, Huo Jinlin drove with Lin Yiran.
After getting in the car, Lin Yiran sat in the passenger seat without saying a word. She said
nothing, did nothing, and did not make any strange moves. She simply kept silent. Huo Jinlin
chose to break the silence by himself: "Yiran, how is it, has the company's problem been solved?"
"I think Mom has told you everything about Jiang Yunyi."
"Do you have any ideas?"
The more Lin Yiran listened, the more she felt something was wrong.
It feels like I'm handling company affairs.
Hahaha, you really are worthy of being Huo Jinlin.
The scene goes back to when the two were chatting just now.
In fact, from the very beginning, this was just a show for Huo Jinlin. If she didn't pretend, how
could she possibly attract attention? Lin Yiran chose to believe Huo Jinlin, but she still had to have
the right temper. As a woman, Song Yu Nuan could understand Lin Yiran's feelings and chose to
stand on Lin Yiran's side. Next, Huo Jinlin's solutions and various problems were the key points.
We can talk about the company's matters later.
Let’s deal with the emotional issues first.
Looking at Huo Jinlin.
Lin Yiran said deliberately.
"Why, now you know how to make me happy, then what were you doing before?"
"I choose to believe you about this matter, Jiang Yunyi, but I don't want it to happen again next
"People should keep their distance from each other. Do you have any explanation for this
“Is there any reason for this?”
Lin Yiran said jealously.
Although he tried his best to hide his emotions, he still revealed a lot.
Upon hearing this, Huo Jinlin shook his head helplessly. If he really had to give a reason, he
couldn't give one.
But if you change the topic and ask what he thinks about Jiang Yunyi, Huo Jinlin has his own
answer in his mind.
I don’t know why, maybe it’s really my sixth sense, but Huo Jinlin has never liked Jiang Yunyi since
he met her.
There is even always an urge to stay away.
I can’t tell why.
But it really does exist.
Finally two words were given.
Hearing this, Lin Yiran felt a little amused: "Maybe it's just a misunderstanding. It seems that
nothing excessive happened between you two last night, otherwise I wouldn't have talked to you
properly! You are prejudiced against others! If there is any problem, we should also observe it
carefully and not make a decision casually. That's what you said before!"
Hearing Lin Yiran’s example.
Huo Jinlin chuckled.
That's for other people to say.
Huo Jinlin has his own code of conduct regarding his words.
"You are always so stubborn! So silly. We can't be so prejudiced against others in the future. Do
you understand?"
Lin Yiran said to Huo Jinlin.

Chapter 204 Weird Behavior

Huo Jinlin smiled and shook his head.
"Okay, it's okay. We must not do it on purpose next time."
"I will give your proposal some careful consideration."
In front of others, Huo Jinlin is a domineering president, seemingly overbearing, cold and
emotionless, but in fact, Huo Jinlin is a person with very delicate feelings. He will listen carefully
to the suggestions of people around him, not to mention Lin Yiran's.
Grow up quickly.
In this way, I won’t have to worry so much in the future. I just hope that Lin Yiran can encounter
fewer thorns on the road to growth.
You can do more of what you can do.
While the two were chatting, the car drove all the way to the downstairs of the company.
There is one thing that the two of them are very similar.
That is the attitude towards work.
At the end, Huo Jinlin did not forget to tease: "Yi Ran, then you do your best! From now on, I will
count on you to support me."
Lin Yiran's old face turned red.
Damn it!
It would be fine if I said these things at home on weekdays, but now I dare to say them in the
I'm really not afraid of others hearing it.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran's eyes widened and he smiled helplessly: "Okay, then you wash
yourself and wait for me."
When she finished speaking, Lin Yiran finally realized that she had said the wrong thing.
There was no chance to explain now.
A second before the elevator closed, Huo Jinlin gave him a teasing look, and continued to tease,
"Scary! I'll leave first. Special treatment is required during special times. If you miss me, come to
my office."
Not serious at all!
In different scenarios, everyone plays different roles. After entering the company, Lin Yiran
returned to her strong woman status. Except for yesterday, things have been going smoothly for
the new factory recently. Lin Yiran plans to strike while the iron is hot and strive to create more
value within a limited time.
the other side.
To help my girlfriend achieve her goals better.
After discussion, Lin Yutian and Aya temporarily reached a cooperation and went out to look for
cooperative manufacturers.
You know, although Huo Jinlin will definitely not ignore Lin Yiran's matter, it is not very difficult. If
Lin Yiran is alone, it will be difficult to accomplish. Even if everything goes well every day, he may
not be able to achieve the goal.
The two of them spontaneously united.
As the saying goes, three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang, let alone three company elites.
Just yesterday, after Lin Yutian got off work, he was planning to come to the company to pick up a
document and leave, but he happened to meet Aya.
After a brief acquaintance, the two had a preliminary understanding of each other.
In addition, Lin Yutian had been talking about Lin Yiran, and as they chatted, Aya and Lin Yutian
reached a common goal.
Determined to help Lin Yiran together.
Early in the morning, the two went out together to contact customers, but the final result was
Even though the price has dropped to the lowest point, the customer still has something to say.
"I'm sorry, your price is too high. If you are really interested in cooperating, then you can lower
the price a little bit. We also want to make a profit."
The two had no choice but to leave.
Just before I was about to go out, something even more speechless happened.
Because the ones Lin Yiran is committed to cooperating with are all middlemen. Lin Yiran gives
the goods to them, and they act as a mediator and then sell the goods. There will be a certain
profit in the process, and everyone makes their own money without affecting each other. But
today, the two of them have seen it.
It was an ordinary person who came to buy the materials.
Because my family needs to renovate the whole villa and the venue, I came here to buy goods.
However, the boss directly raised the original price of the goods to three times.
The price was too high, which led to a conflict between the two.
They kept complaining about this matter along the way.
Aya stopped talking while chatting. She reminded quietly: "Yutian, we can talk about it later. Shut
up first."
Lin Yutian was so angry at the moment that he didn't react at all. He just thought Aya was simply
reminding him, so he couldn't help but complain: "Aya, you don't have to persuade me. The more
I think about it, the angrier I get. How could these people be like this?"
"It's understandable that they want to make money, but they started a price war privately. Other
industries have lowered the price, but this industry has raised the price. It's really hard to
understand. As long as they sell one, they can make 300% profit, which is more profitable than
robbing a bank!"
"It makes me angry just thinking about it."
Aya was really helpless.
Unexpectedly, Lin Yutian was a little nearsighted, and her vision was blurry when she looked into
the distance with glasses on. In addition, she had been walking with her head down today, and
did not notice Lin Yiran who was waiting by the elevator. When she heard the movement at the
door just now, Lin Yiran had already turned her head. Aya reacted quickly and immediately shut
up, but Lin Yutian was another matter.
As they chatted, Lin Yutian realized something was wrong. She raised her head and asked, "Aya,
what's wrong? Why don't you talk?"
It all happened by chance.
It just so happened that Lin Yiran was waiting for the elevator today, and happened to run into
the two of them chatting nearby.
Now, Lin Yiran could hear everything clearly.
The more Lin Yiran thought about it, the more outrageous it became.
It would be the strangest thing if Lin Yutian and Aya were not hiding something from me.
Looking at Lin Yutian, Lin Yiran gave him a death stare, the smile on his face more suppressed
than AK's. He said angrily, "Ahem, I think you two need to explain things to me."
Aya responded quickly.
This matter was done by him and Lin Yutian. Although the original intention was not bad, if Lin
Yiran found out, the nature of it would be completely different. Pulling Lin Yutian over, Aya made
an excuse: "Yiran, it's such a coincidence that I can meet you here today, but now we have
something to deal with. Yutian said she has a stomachache, let's go to the bathroom first."
Hearing this.
Lin Yutian immediately cooperated.
With one hand covering his stomach, and the other hand not idle, fanning himself, Lin Yutian's
expression became painful, and he spoke incoherently: "Yes... yes, I had a stomachache last night.
We can talk about it later. Now I'm going to the toilet first."
After saying.
The two men wanted to run away.
This really treats Lin Yiran as a fool.
Although Lin Yiran has always trusted the people around her, if you can't see it so obviously, then
there is nothing I can do.
Looking at the two of them, Lin Yiran's tone turned cold: "Stop, give me an explanation." Lin Yiran
said coldly.
They looked at each other and Lin Yutian stood up. Well, since that’s the case, let’s not pretend
Besides, I really should talk to Lin Yiran about today's incident.
Thinking of this, Lin Yutian said, "Then let's change places. Let's go to the office and talk."

Chapter 205 Business and Practice

The reason why I didn't tell Lin Yiran before was because I was afraid that Lin Yiran would worry,
and I wanted to solve some problems for Lin Yiran in secret.
But now that everything has been seen through, there is nothing to hide.
This relationship between everyone.
Just say it directly.
If you don't say something, others may easily misunderstand what you mean.
It's a thankless job.
When he arrived at the office, Lin Yutian took the initiative to tell everything he had seen and
heard that day.
At the same time, in order to ensure the rigor of the matter, the two also went to other markets.
The results are the same.
It’s just that the degree of premium is different, one is 300% and the other is 400%.
In comparison, each one is more outrageous than the other.
Upon hearing this.
Lin Yiran started to inquire seriously.
Judging from the information searched online and the evidence obtained by the two, this is
indeed a big problem.
Because the goods and materials we produce are different.
The final product is different.
There are crude products and refined products. The market has no unified management and
lacks unified pricing.
Knowing this clearly, almost all merchants will raise their original prices a lot, resulting in a
serious premium.
Chatting and chatting.
Lin Yiran suddenly fell silent.
Next second.
Lin Yiran took out a piece of paper and a pen and did some careful calculations.
Since I own the factory and am now involved in goods for almost the entire industry, doesn’t this
Lin Yiran spread his hands.
"Isn't this a very simple question? If they come directly to me, I can still give them a lower price
than these merchants while ensuring our own interests. Why doesn't anyone come to me?"
The speaker may not mean it, but the listener may take it seriously.
Upon hearing this.
Lin Yutian suddenly had an idea in his mind. If he could really take over this vacant market and set
a unified price, wouldn't that mean he could complete more orders? Even if everyone wanted
less goods, considering the quality and various demands, a little bit would add up to a lot, and it
would be a considerable gain.
Think about it carefully.
This is indeed a feasible solution.
Aya also provided her own suggestions.
"Yes, it's not easy to do anything in the current market. As long as you have an idea, others will
rush to get it first. But many things on the market have not yet been fully priced. Different regions
and different goods have different prices. There are all kinds of things. If we can unify the prices,
it will definitely attract a lot of people."
The three of them hit it off immediately.
But it's no use just talking.
The most important thing is to conduct on-site inspection and practice.
All three of them are action-oriented and will do what they think immediately.
With just one look, the three of them immediately understood each other's feelings.
Lin Yiran was driving, Lin Yutian was on the passenger seat, and Aya was continuing to formulate
a plan in the back.
In order to achieve the absolute effect, the three of them first went to the previous market and
observed for a while.
The facts are indeed as they said.
There is no harm without comparison.
Lin Yiran suggested again: "Then let's go look somewhere else."
I have investigated before and found that there is a city outside this city that is also responsible
for the production and sales of this kind of parts. Even Lin Yiran's factory is involved in this part of
the goods. Some of the merchants are from here. If calculated by price, this place is relatively
authoritative. When you enter the market, the surrounding view suddenly becomes vast, and
various kinds of goods are clearly divided into different areas.
Lin Yiran was filled with emotion.
Even the manufacturers didn't think there would be so many categories.
There are even some things that I have never seen before.
Before this, Huo Jinlin also reminded himself that if he had time, he needed to go to the market
more often.
But it was delayed at that time, and I never thought that such a thing would happen later.
Now look at it this way.
It really makes people feel refreshing.
Lin Yutian has an open-minded personality.
He held Lin Yiran with his left hand and Aya with his right hand, one for each of them, and then
the three of them walked forward in a mighty manner.
The shop has just opened and there are many merchants coming and going, including many
If it is just a small place, the total amount of goods will be relatively small and there will be fewer
In today's age of advanced Internet, everyone has their own set of criteria for judgment.
Adhere to the concept of saving as much as possible.
Everyone is willing to take a trip in person.
There is a big shop right in front of you, with people coming and going. The skin care products
here are basically the same as those produced by the new factory. If you spend more time in this
place, you will definitely achieve unexpected results.
As people come and go, many stop here.
Some succeed, some fail.
But Lin still managed to summarize a set of rules from it.
If we calculate based on what we have seen before, this is indeed a pretty good deal, with only
200% profit.
But if you really look at the actual price of this product.
That's just too much of a rip-off.
If you sell one, you'll make a ton of profit.
Many of the people who come here are individual vendors, and there are also many retail traders
from various places.
They treat this place as a wholesale center, and if you order a lot, the price can be lowered
But the final transaction price is still around 180 percent profit.
As she watched, Lin Yiran's eyes lit up.
At this moment, a quarrel was heard on the side. The reason was that when an ordinary
customer came to pick up the goods, the price rose again. Because the goods were larger, even if
the price increased slightly by a percentage, it was still much more expensive than the previous
price. The ordinary customer was very dissatisfied.
Opening theory.
"Boss Tan, although I know you also want to make a profit and I can understand you, you have
raised the price four times in just three months. I admit that your products are good, but we as
human beings must have a moral bottom line. In order to make money, you have no conscience
at all. Now the price fluctuation is already 20% more than before. I am already a regular
customer, and you still treat me like this. Do you think it is appropriate?" A middle-aged lady said
Upon hearing this, the boss showed a sneer on his face: "So what? Anyway, even if I raise the
price here, it is still the lowest. If you are not satisfied, go somewhere else and don't bother me. I
just want to say one thing. If you want, then you can take these goods away today. If you don't
want, then I will work harder and pack these goods back. Anyway, you have already paid the
deposit, and I will deduct your deposit."
The atmosphere between the two sides was tense and conflict was imminent.

Chapter 206 Chaos in the Industry

Lin Yiran was stunned.
Before entering this industry, Lin Yiran had heard a saying that conscience is of no use in this
industry. As long as you are conscienceless enough, you can make a lot of money. Although Lin
Yiran already feels that he is very conscienceless, in comparison, he is completely a clown.
This still requires a profit. The price of the goods is already 200%. Even if half of the goods are
lost, it is still possible to make a lot of money. Not to mention that these goods do not have any
losses at all.
The chaos in this market is far beyond imagination.
Lowest price?
Really laughed.
Looking at the shop in front of him, Lin Yiran shook his head helplessly. The boss mistakenly
thought that Lin Yiran was in cahoots with this older sister.
He started cursing as soon as he opened his mouth.
"Why? You seem quite unconvinced. Let me make this clear today. If you are willing to cooperate,
then we will work together. If not, you can find someone else. At most, I will return the deposit to
you. It's only tens of thousands of dollars. Look how distressed you are. You are so distressed,
right? Then don't come to me in the future. Get lost!"
Although everyone has been joking that customers are God, even if we don’t really do so, we will
still have some basic respect for our customers.
Now things are different.
The opposite of Tiangang!
Even a customer would be scolded like this, not to mention that Lin Yiran was just an innocent
Passersby also curse?
This is totally lawless.
Faced with such unreasonable demands, the middle-aged woman could only apologize
continuously. After all, she was responsible for many retail investors. If there were problems with
the mobile supply chain, perhaps everything would be on the verge of paralysis. At that time, it
would not just be her own problem.
Along the way, this is not the first time that prices have risen, nor is it the first time that prices
have fallen. The boss is aware of this, so he dares to do this.
Listening to my elder sister's complaints.
The boss's attitude became even worse.
"Then what's the point of you telling me? I'm telling you, I'm putting my words here today. If you
want it, take it. If you don't want it, get out."
"The price is this, what can you do to me?"
The middle-aged woman sighed helplessly.
In the course of everyone's life, there will always be some people who, after experiencing the
trials and tribulations of life, will become more sophisticated and have more things to consider.
So what can we do? There is no way out except compromise.
Lin Yutian couldn't help it.
She rushed to the side of the middle-aged sister.
"What? Is this your attitude towards doing business?"
Lin Yutian yelled at his boss.
Boss Zhang is a typical bully who only bullies the weak and fears the strong. When he knew he
had met a tough guy, he immediately backed away.
But his words are still unforgiving.
"Then you should step up. There will always be times when you are not around, right?"
"Haha, I really laughed. I don't know how many people you have hurt with your self-
righteousness. Do you know that it is she who needs me, not me who needs her? It is the same
to me whether she is there or not. But if you put yourself in her shoes, you won't say such
Lin Yutian had mixed feelings.
have no choice.
Strange emotions intertwined in my heart always make me feel powerless.
There is always a big gap between ideal and reality, and there are always many problems to face
in real life.
A penny makes a pound, and the same principle applies here. Both parties cannot reach a price
that satisfies both parties.
It depends on who has a stronger need. Whoever has the need will be the hurt party.
Except compromise.
Is there any other solution?
Don’t say!
That’s true!
On the way here, Lin Yiran had already said that if possible, Lin Yiran was willing to try to contact
more people and use these relationships to push his goods further. He had been hesitating about
one thing before, which was the fear of disturbing the rules of the market.
after all.
Some things look easy but are difficult to do.
Especially Lin Yiran's direct supply model will offend many middlemen.
But now seeing what happened to the middle-aged sister, Lin Yiran made up his mind and
decided to rectify all of this.
Don’t you just want the goods?
No matter how large the quantity is, Lin can still satisfy it easily.
not to mention.
While chatting just now, Lin Yiranjiao had been observing the situation of the goods here.
It's not a good thing at all. At most, it's a relatively fine product, but it still has many minor flaws.
There are a lot of this kind of stuff in Lin Yiran’s factory, and it’s even the lowest grade.
To offer better products at the same price or at a lower price.
So how should Mr. Tan deal with this?
Think of this.
Lin Yiran stood up.
"Boss Tan Zongze, right? I think you are really unusually arrogant. Let me introduce myself. I am
Jialin Yiran."
"The section I am in charge of is dedicated to the research and production of these goods."
"As for things like you, I have as many as you want. It doesn't matter if you have heard of my
name or not, but I will tell you today that I will sell it at the same price as you offered before. I
will have as many as you want and I will never run out of stock. Big sister, don't be so sad, just
follow me."
Lin Yiran is full of momentum, and Lin Yiran also revealed his name.
These two points combined made Tan Zongze feel uneasy.
Lin Yiran?
It seemed like I had heard this name somewhere before, but I couldn't remember it for the
Tan Zongze fell into deep thought.
the other side.
Lin Yiran arranged Aya to be responsible for comforting the eldest sister. At the same time, she
also learned the eldest sister's name. The eldest sister's name was Wang Yuezhi, and she was one
of the persons in charge elected by everyone.
Thinking and thinking.
Tan Zongze suddenly realized.
Looking at Lin Yiran, his eyes were full of shock: "You are the Lin Yiran who made so much noise a
while ago!"
"What are you doing? This is not the place for you. I'm telling you, this is our free market, not for
suppliers like you. Get as far away from me as possible and don't interfere with the market, or I'll
deal with you first."
So scary.
Lin Yiran sneered: "Don't tremble yet, you are so afraid of me and want to deal with me, are you
overthinking it?"
"As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. I, Lin Yiran, don't think I'm a big shot, but
I think I've done enough to deal with you. I've seen everything you did to this big sister today.
How about this? I'll take a step back, and you take a step back too. You don't want to do business
with this big sister, so I'll do it."
"Hmph, let's go!"
After saying that, Lin Yiran led his men away.

Chapter 207: In-depth Study

Why did the boss have to find Lin Yiran when there were so many people he could cause trouble
for? Today, the boss finally hit a wall.
the other side.
As they got further and further away from the market, Wang Yuezhi couldn't help but become
After all, she came here with a target today, not only her but everyone else also had tasks to
Although I learned from the conversation just now that Lin Yiran is very powerful, some things
are not as simple as that. Everyone can tell things by hearsay, but what is most important is
whether there is something and whether it can help you achieve your goals.
Looking at Lin Yiran.
Wang Yuezhi asked cautiously.
"Mr. Lin...Mr. Lin? Mr. Lin, can I ask you a question first? Do you really have the goods I need?"
"I really appreciate your help today. If you have any, I can buy from you in the future. But we
should really discuss the price. We can't do the same thing as Boss Tan. Otherwise, I don't know
what to say most of the time."
Talking and talking.
Wang Yuezhi began to choke up.
It's not easy for everyone. Lin Yiran also climbed up step by step from the bottom. She
understands everyone's psychological activities and what everyone really needs. For the sake of
price, everyone can compare prices. Even if they really encounter some problems, they will try
their best to overcome them, just like today.
Think about it carefully, what would the scene be like if Lin Yiran hadn’t appeared?
There is no doubt that Wang Yuezhi had no other choice except to compromise.
But today!
Wang Yuezhi really asked the right person.
Without absolute certainty, Lin Yiran would not stand up and speak, as that would only cause
trouble for others.
After taking a quick look at Wang Yuezhi's purchase list just now, Lin Yiran was full of confidence.
But after all, I just took a quick look at the specific requirements, specifications and quantities.
That's still uncertain.
Turned around and looked at Wang Yuezhi.
Lin Yiran showed a determined look.
"Sister Wang, it's okay. Since I'm here to help you today, I'll help you to the end. Let me see the
"We can talk about it later if you have any questions. I'll solve your problem first."
As he spoke, Lin Yiran took the initiative to extend his hand.
Lin Yutian showed a joyful smile on her face and took the initiative to praise: "Sister Wang, you
don't have to worry so much. Yi Ran is our boss here. You can just tell her about the employees'
requests. I have seen everything you asked for before. There is no problem."
Wang Yuezhi was moved to tears.
Entering into a high-end restaurant.
Both sides understand each other and discuss together.
at the same time.
As the conversation deepened, Lin Yiran smiled more and more, and her eyes became brighter.
The reason is very simple. Lin Yiran had thought about it before that if he could develop these
retail investors, it would be a good choice.
But after all, we only had a general guideline at the beginning, and we didn’t really understand
how to implement it.
After hearing everything Wang Yuezhi said, Lin Yiran suddenly understood.
There are many managers like her in this area. They are all responsible for various retail investors.
Although there is still a big gap compared with customers, if five or six are added together, it is
still about the same as the total amount of a customer. The key point is that no one has explored
this resource before. Everyone does not have the ability and there is not enough supply chain to
do it.
The opposite of.
People at the factory have also been following basic rules.
No one has yet stepped into this uncharted territory.
After some negotiations, Lin Yiran gave a price that satisfied both parties.
Since the cheapest price before was calculated at 200%, Lin Yiran will sell it at 150%.
Lin Yiran was satisfied, and Wang Yuezhi was also satisfied.
Now there is only one last question.
That is the time and quality of delivery.
Seeing Wang Yuezhi's eager eyes, Lin Yiran laughed: "Big sister, let's go to the factory in person
later. I will prepare all the goods for you before five o'clock tonight, and I will deliver them to your
door, and you can pay for them on delivery!"
Five o'clock tonight?
Upon hearing this, Wang Yuezhi burst into laughter.
If we calculate according to the merchants' requirements before, the novel will have to be
published in two or three days. After all, they do not have such a large total production volume,
nor so many resources. It is impossible to supply all the resources to one person, and they need
to maintain a stable supply. But Lin Yiran's situation is completely different. Lin Yiran has a large
family and a large business, and has his own production factory. Even if there are any special
requirements, as long as it can be designed and a model can be switched, mass production can
be started quickly.
These are all advantages.
at the same time.
Wang Yuezhi's words awakened Lin Yiran.
Seeing Lin Yiran, Wang Yuezhi sighed in his heart: "Yanran, you are really the best boss I have ever
met. Nowadays, the market is getting more and more chaotic. Everyone feels that they don't
make enough money. Many places don't even have a manager. The chaos is unbridled. It's not
only hard for us who are in charge and want to make money, but also for ordinary people. The
higher the price we get, the higher the selling price will be. It was okay in the first two years, and
everyone tacitly abided by the market rules, but recently it has become more and more
"If there were a few more bosses like you in the market, we would feel relieved!"
Listening to Wang Yuezhi's sigh, Lin Yiran felt sad.
It is obvious that the things produced are not particularly expensive, but the things sold are
extremely expensive.
Which step went wrong?
To thank Lin Yiran for his help and also to further deepen the cooperation.
Wang Yuezhi didn't just want to reach a cooperation agreement with Lin Yiran, he was afraid that
other local leaders would also be called together.
Everyone gets together to communicate.
During the chat, Oasis keenly grasped the key points and had a deeper insight into everyone's
needs. Now with the expansion of the market, although more and more people are joining in,
they are basically caught off guard by those who came first and find it difficult to gain a foothold.
These partners are in great demand, so they can only cooperate with stable merchants, but
sometimes their cooperation does not meet the requirements.
Lin Yiran had an idea in his mind.
If we bypass the middlemen and supply goods directly to these persons in charge, or supply small
quantities to customers.
If this is the case, if the demand is high, we can lower the price to place an order, and if the
demand is low, we can still give a better price and still guarantee the quality.
A win-win situation for both parties!
After the chat, Lin Yiran repeated the idea to the two of them.
After listening.
Both of them expressed their agreement.
Lin Yutian gave a thumbs up and said, "Yi Ran, it depends on you! If you can really do this, it
would be great."
"I support it. This is a good idea, but it's not a trivial matter after all. I think we should still discuss
it with Mr. Huo."
When she heard Huo Jinlin mentioned, Lin Yiran's lips curled up into a smile.
That's exactly what she thought.

Chapter 208: Do what you say, rush

Do what you say.
The call was connected quickly.
But before Lin Yiran could speak, Huo Jinlin spoke first: "Why, baby, you miss me so soon?"
Lin Yiran directly called it carelessness!
If they can form a group themselves, they can say anything. Now there are two spectators around
them. Although they didn't say anything, their expressions have exposed their true purpose.
Lin Yutian was slightly embarrassed and lowered his head helplessly.
As for Aya.
Aya knew Lin Yiran too well. Looking at Lin Yiran, Aya teased, "I didn't expect that you two old
married couples can still have such fun. It seems that we are disturbing you! Yiran, let's wait for
you over there so you can have a good chat."
Cough cough cough!
Hearing Lin Yiran coughing.
Huo Jinlin then became a little more serious.
The hands-free mode was on just now, and the two people next to him could hear everything
Huo Jinlin said clearly.
But then, something even more frustrating happened. Huo Jinlin was not shy at all, but admitted
it generously.
"Yes, it's generally quite interesting."
"Why are you calling me so early? Yiran, if you have something to say, just tell me directly."
Lin Yiran became serious again.
He explained everything that happened today in detail, and then Lin Yin got to the point.
"I think that we can step into this field first while the market is not yet fully saturated and no one
has stepped forward to become the leader. Even if we fail, it is better than doing nothing. Once
we succeed, the profits behind it will be huge!"
"What do you think?"
After listening to what Lin Yiran said.
There was a long silence on the other end of the phone.
Obviously, the fact that Lin Yiran could say such words was far beyond Huo Jinlin's expectations.
Lin Yiran always has a lot of wonderful ideas on weekdays, but most of them are still far from the
actual situation.
But today!
What was said today was completely different, and it even overturned Huo Jinlin's cognition. He
had never considered this issue before. Although he had always encouraged Lin Yin to actively
participate in the market, Huo Jinlin had never thought so much about the changes in the market
and these directions.
after a long time.
There was a slight hum from the other end of the phone.
Huo Jinlin expressed his approval of Lin Yiran.
"I've thought about it carefully for a long time, and I think your idea is beyond my expectations,
but it's indeed a good idea!"
"Yiran, if possible, I hope to have a good chat with you about this matter."
"How about this, we can discuss more details and more plans for this matter."
"I agree. If you need any help, I will do my best to help."
Huo Jinlin's tone became sharper as the subject changed.
It is a good thing to have ideas, and now everyone has the ability and resources to do so.
But you need to think carefully before doing anything. It's not something that can be done in just
three minutes.
Perhaps someone had already thought of this plan in advance, but due to their personal abilities
and various issues, it was ultimately not implemented.
But that's not the point.
The key point is that there are too many people taking this path. If they really do this, it will easily
affect the interests of the middlemen.
It will definitely be blocked by many people.
Speaking of this.
Huo Jinlin sighed: "It's a good idea, but have you considered these?"
Lin Yiran suddenly felt disappointed.
Before talking about this matter with Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran thought that he had considered it
carefully enough, but now, Huo Jinlin's words undoubtedly poured cold water on Lin Yiran.
Competitors, the difficulty of achievement, and various minor problems that arise in the process,
Lin Yiran only took some of them into consideration and did not take them all into consideration.
If he really thought about it this way, perhaps it was just a pipe dream.
After listening to Huo Jinlin's analysis.
Lin Yiran had already decided in his heart that this was something that could not be done.
The tone became helpless.
"Okay, let me think about it again. This is indeed a big risk. It's my fault for not thinking it
Lin Yiran said.
What Huo Jinlin said next was completely opposite to Lin Yiran's thoughts.
Everyone has ideas, but when you actually take action, you have already surpassed most people.
There will be all kinds of troubles and worries no matter what you do.
So we're not going to do it?
It is a good thing to have such an idea. After careful consideration, Huo Jinlin considered the risks
and benefits: "Don't be so discouraged. This is a good idea. We can try it. It won't hurt to try it."
"As for the many details and plans, I will sort them out a bit and give you some suggestions.
Please pay attention to the document later. I will send all the sorted information to the document
for you to see. At the same time, we really should have a good communication. Even if this
matter is not completed later, considering your current special situation, it is no problem to help
you temporarily overcome the difficulties in front of you. Come on, let's work together."
Huo Jinlin said.
After listening to what Huo Jinlin said, Lin Yiran was excited and decided to give it a try.
at the same time.
This further shocked the two people standing by.
Before this, the two of them still viewed their relationship as that of a sweet couple and a
superior-subordinate relationship. Perhaps in the eyes of the company and themselves, this did
indeed cause some small thoughts, but now after listening to what Huo Jinlin said, looking at the
happy expression on Lin Yiran's face.
They both understood it in their hearts.
They found the right person for each other.
Having each other, having such a partner, is already beyond the vast majority of people.
Lin Yutian swallowed and said, "Yi Ran, you guys are amazing. I really like your relationship."
Aya encouraged him: "Hahaha, that's really amazing. I'll have to let my kid learn from me when I
get home."
Upon hearing this, Huo Jinlin's face was filled with pride. He smiled and said, "It doesn't matter.
Everyone will meet a good partner in the future. I wish all of us will become better and better. I
will be relieved to have you by my side."
They say the beginning is always the hardest.
But today, Lin Yiran seemed to be on a roll, and everything was going smoothly.
Especially in the first step.
With Wang Yuezhi's introduction, plus Lin Yiran's own hard power.
As soon as Huo Jinlin hung up the phone, Wang Yuezhi called again.
As soon as the call was connected, Wang Yuezhi's face was full of joy.
"Yi Ran! I have some really good news for you. Just now after I went back, everyone found me.
They are all very interested in you and hope to reach a cooperation with you. I roughly counted
and found that there are about seven persons in charge. If you have time, you can come and have
a look. As for the price, I have also negotiated it for you. It's based on the price you gave me.
What do you think?"

Chapter 209 Eternal Safe Haven

The combined strength of the seven partners is roughly equal to that of three individual
This means that if things really develop in this way, it would be equivalent to today, in just one
day, Lin Yiran has reached cooperation with three individual merchants, and it is still the
minimum amount. If this can continue every day, it won’t take long, let alone doubling the
turnover, even if it is multiplied several times, there will be no problem.
After the surprise.
Lin Yiran agreed immediately.
at the same time.
There's even better news.
Since learning about Lin Yiran from Wang Yuezhi, everyone gathered the clues after returning.
Investigated it carefully inside and out!
After knowing that Lin Yiran was really the boss of a big company, everyone became enthusiastic
and the minimum order quantity started from one and a half years.
It is frustrating to say this. Over the past period of time, the prices of goods accepted by everyone
have been getting higher and higher. The market lacks unified management, and these merchants
have united. It is just a matter of their words to decide how much the price will increase. They
will also regret signing the contract.
But if this person is replaced by Lin Yiran.
As the saying goes, the monk can run away but the temple cannot. He is the boss of such a big
company. He is steady and reliable. There is no reason for him to run away.
With layers of insurance and this price, there is nothing to hesitate about, just go for it.
When I heard these words.
Lin Yiran was helpless.
Lin Yiran has always been a very direct and honest person. The reason why people do business is
to make money, of course, but they should also make some money with a conscience. One
hundred and fifty percent profit, this was a number that Lin Yiran had never dared to think about
before. He originally thought of selling it at a lower price, but now he sees that his most
unscrupulous industry has become the most conscientious industry!
It's just too ridiculous.
But now that it has developed to this point, what else is there to say.
Both parties were satisfied and willing to sign the contract, so Lin still did the deal!
Agree on the delivery time and price.
Lin Yiran made another special trip.
I have to say that Lin Yiran really likes this kind of business that satisfies both parties! In just half
an hour, Lin Yiran signed seven contracts in succession. Except for Wang Yuezhi, the earliest batch
of goods was scheduled for the morning of the day after tomorrow, which was no problem at all.
Do all this.
Lin Yiran held Aya in his left hand and Lin Yutian in his right hand, and the three of them returned
to the company happily.
In order to further help Lin Yiran improve his subsequent goals, the two of them got together
quietly as soon as they returned to the company.
Their eyes were fixed on Lin Yiran, both Lin Yutian and Aya smiled strangely and looked her up
and down.
Lin Yutian took the lead in launching an attack: "Ahem, Yiran, your CEO Huo must have missed
you a lot. Didn't you just tell us that you were going to report on your work? Don't worry, we will
take care of other things. Just go and report on your work. We are waiting for you!"
"That's right. It's normal to report work. Don't worry, is three hours enough? If three hours is not
enough, we can understand. You tell us a number and leave the rest to us." Aya added.
Treat Lin Yiran.
They were both really rude.
The most annoying thing is when Jiang Yunyi acts like a hooligan. Lin Yiran's cheeks are hot and
she knows without thinking that they are red again.
But before Lin Yiran could explain.
The two had already teamed up and quickly fled the scene.
"Yi Ran, then we won't disturb the good things between you and your wife. Come on!"
The two of them smiled strangely.
What do you think about every day?
I really want to call the police and have them arrested, but when I think about it carefully, Lin still
feels warm in my heart.
With the two of them around, Lin Yiran has less pressure. Although it's just a joke, what needs to
be said must be said.
Entering the elevator, Lin Yiran went all the way to the top floor.
"Come in."
Huo Jinlin said softly.
Lin Yiran opened the door and walked into the office. In her busy life, Huo Jinlin's office had
unknowingly become Lin Yiran's safe haven. It was one of the few small places in her life where
she could take a break. When she saw Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran's tense heart suddenly relaxed.
Lin Yiran quickly came to Huo Jinlin's side, raised her eyebrows, snuggled in Huo Jinlin's arms, and
began to tell Huo Jinlin something.
Compared to the past, today is truly the happiest day.
Not only did new customers join, but new paths were also discovered.
After listening to Huo Jinlin's advice, Lin Yinyan thought a lot alone.
At first, I didn't think it was a big deal, but if I think about it carefully, I can still feel the heaviness
of it.
Huo Jinlin once said that no matter what situation you encounter, no matter what kind of
setbacks you encounter, there will always be someone standing behind you to support you.
For ordinary people, this may just be a pie in the sky and will not be realized.
But if this person is Huo Jinlin.
Lin is still willing to believe him.
I could see that Lin Yiran was tired.
Huo Jinlin hugged her tighter.
Lin Yiran has completed his work goals ahead of schedule today, so he can have a good rest in the
remaining time.
Huo Jinlin knew about Lin Yutian and Aya from the very beginning, and they were able to stand
up and help Lin Yiran at this time.
Huo Jinlin felt very relieved.
In the embrace, Lin Yin fell into a deep sleep.
Huo Jinlin has been taking care of work matters and is basically aware of the progress. Knowing
that it is not easy for Lin Yutian and Aya, Huo Jinlin has given them substantial rewards. With a
phone call, Huo Jinlin gave each of them a bonus of 50,000 yuan, with only one request, which is
to help Lin Yiran well and keep the bonus confidential for the time being.
When I heard the news.
Both of them were stunned.
What a perfect boyfriend!
But before he could say a few words, Huo Jinlin hung up the phone in a hurry: "Stop talking, let's
talk about it later, or you'll bother Yi Ning."
Two hours passed in the blink of an eye. As soon as Lin Yiran opened her eyes, Huo Jinlin gently
picked her up.
For a moment, Lin Yiran thought she was at home and hugged him.
It wasn't until she opened her eyes completely that she came to her senses.
This is not at home, this is clearly at the company. I remembered everything. I was talking to Huo
Jinlin just now and fell asleep in Huo Jinlin's arms. I picked up my phone and saw that two hours
had passed since the beginning. I guess Lin Yutian and Aya must be very anxious. Thinking of this,
Lin Yiran stood up quickly: "Oh no! Yutian and Aya are still waiting for me. I have to go down
Huo Jinlin chuckled.
"It's okay. I've already arranged it. Now we just need to continue to rest."
As he spoke, Huo Jinlin slowly walked to Lin Yiran and reached out to touch her head.
After learning what happened, Lin Yiran felt relieved, but he also lost his sleepiness.
They are all helping me, I can't just sit here and do nothing while they are working hard.
The work that needed to be done still needed to be done. She happened to have a planning
proposal that had not been written, so she got busy again.

Chapter 210 Complex Triangular Relationships

In addition to the people around Lin Yiran, there is another person in the company who is
particularly concerned about Lin Yiran's movements.
This person is Jiang Yunyi.
Recently, Jiang Yunyi seemed to be at peace with the world, but he had been secretly
investigating the heroine.
I even noticed someone was following me.
After learning what Lin Yiran did today.
Jiang Yunyi started to have more bad thoughts.
Why did Lin Yiran's incident continue to ferment until now? Jiang Yunyi's support was
On the one hand, it is for his own interests, and on the other hand, it is for Huo Jinlin.
No matter from which angle you consider it, Jiang Yunyi has reasons to deal with Lin Yiran.
The most crucial thing among these is naturally the information in Lin Yiran's hands.
Who has the information that Lin Yiran has?
That's very obvious.
With his own intentions, Jiang Yunyi found Lin Yutian again.
Seeing that it was Jiang Yunyi who came, Lin Yutian was obviously startled, but Jiang Yunyi was
not in a hurry: "Yutian, I forgot a document some time ago. Can you come and help me take a
look? This document is very important to me, maybe you should know it."
Having said that, Jiang Yunyi took Lin Yutian out politely.
Regarding Jiang Yunyi.
It’s hard to say how much Aya hates her, nor how much she likes her.
The performance was rather bland.
"Oh, go ahead, then come back as soon as you're done with it."
"do you know?"
Aya instructed Lin Yutian.
Lin Yutian nodded in agreement.
After arriving at the door and making sure there was no one around, Lin Yutian shook off Jiang
Yunyi's hand.
His tone became cold: "What on earth are you going to do?"
In fact, from what Jiang Yunyi said just now, Lin Yutian had already caught some clues. This time,
he was probably here for those documents. The lesson from the last time was still fresh in his
mind. Lin Yutian would never do it again. Looking at Jiang Yunyi, Lin Yutian was firm in his attitude
and spoke first: "If it is a private matter, then I can still have a good chat, but if this matter
involves the company and Lin Yiran, then you don't have to speak up. There is no need for us to
continue chatting. Isn't the lesson from last time enough?"
Lin Yutian has always had complicated feelings towards Jiang Yunyi.
The two seemed to be very close, yet also distant, as if they had no relationship at all.
On weekdays, Jiang Yunyi seldom comes to see me, but once she needs something, she will come
to me first.
Lin Yutian was tired of hearing the child being used as an excuse every time.
After listening to what Lin Yutian said.
Jiang Yunyi was obviously stunned.
This was completely different from what he had expected. According to his original plan, he
thought Lin Yutian would agree readily.
I never expected such an outcome.
Forced a wry smile.
Jiang Yunyi's tone softened.
"Look at what you said. Aren't we in the same boat? You are so cold to me now, how will you
treat me in the future? I came to you today because I have some company matters to discuss
with you, but you should listen to me first, right? We can make a decision after listening to what I
have to say. There is no need to be so cold to me, and there is no need to lose your temper with
me. Aren't we in the same group?"
"Think about it carefully. Apart from me, who in this company really knows your past and who is
truly on your side? Don't think too much. I also thought about the company's affairs last time. I
seriously thought a lot about it."
Saying this.
Jiang Yunyi unconsciously moved closer to Lin Yutian.
Unconsciously, the conflict between the two people was transformed.
Lin Yutian nodded silently.
"Well, that's good. Just tell me what you want to say, and then we can make a decision together."
Lin Yutian said cautiously.
Although I have relaxed my guard a little, I still need to be vigilant.
Especially after knowing the relationship between Jiang Yunyi and his girlfriend, Lin Yutian is not
stupid, and his insight is better than most people.
I have long noticed that Jiang Yunyi is interested in Huo Jinlin. Every time when Lin Yiran is not
around, Jiang Yunyi always complains to me.
If not a love rival, what is he?
If you think about it this way, it seems that what I did to Lin Yiran before can be understood.
If he still wants to use himself to deal with Lin Yiran, that is absolutely impossible.
Seeing this.
Jiang Yunyi misunderstood.
Jiang Yunyi naively thought that Lin Yutian had completely believed what she said.
He stated his purpose very directly: "Yutian, I heard that Lin Yiran's database has been updated
recently, and I just need to use this information to do something. Don't worry, the same thing as
last time will never happen again. I will not buy any information again. I was just confused before,
but now I understand. But this thing is really important to me. If I get the information and files
inside, then I will be able to rise to the top. If I become better, then you will also become better,
don't hesitate, just send me the information when you go back."
Need a database again?
Hearing this.
Lin Yutian was obviously stunned for a moment.
He really is playing himself as a fool. Even if the information was not leaked, it would be unfair to
others. Lin Yutian had already seen clearly Jiang Yunyi's behavior of taking the elevator through
the back door. As for what he said, it was not credible at all.
It would be easy to implicate yourself then.
Figured it out.
I feel relieved too.
Lin Yutian shook his head and refused to speak out his inner thoughts.
"Yunyi, no matter what you want to do with these things, it has nothing to do with me, but you
still give me this position, so I need to be responsible for this position. I can't give you any more
information. As for what you said, I believe that you can complete it with your personal ability.
Why do you have to ask me to do this?"
"I have thought about what happened last time very clearly. When the child's problem is solved, I
will turn myself in. I promise not to involve you, but my conscience is against it."
Jiang Yunyi was struck by lightning.
Lin Yutian could say such words, which totally surprised him.
After several attempts, Lin Yutian's attitude remained the same and he refused to say anything.
That being the case.
Then I had no choice but to send out this last trump card.
"Ahem, Yutian, don't be so excited. Listen to what I have to say before you make a decision."
"I know what you are most worried about. Aren't you always worried about the child? Although I
don't know what kind of magic potion Lin Yiran has given you during this period, you should
consider yourself and the child more, right?"
"I won't force you. If you are willing, then hand over the information. We will still be in the same
boat. If you are not willing, then you will have to deal with the child's matter yourself. I can't help
you. It's that simple. I'll give you two days to think about it. Think it over clearly before you

Chapter 211 Inner Struggle and Confusion

Originally, he thought that these things would no longer cause any waves in his heart, but when
the moment really came, Lin Yutian was so helpless. The result was the same every time. Jiang
Yunyi would always talk to him about the child, and he had no way to do anything.
If possible, Lin Yutian would even be willing to exchange his life for the child, but the reality of
powerlessness is often stronger. Looking at the collapsed Lin Yutian in front of him, Jiang Yunyi
showed a hint of disgust in his eyes, and turned away without looking back.
Leave one sentence before leaving.
"Think it over carefully. You might as well worry about yourself instead of Lin Yiran. I've told you
before that the child is the most important. You don't have money, so how are you going to give
the child a better life in the future? Think it over carefully before you speak. Don't force me to say
anything too harsh."
"I'm going to tell you one thing today. Without me, Jiang Yunyi, your child will never come back. I
have more information and news than you think. It's really troublesome that you're so nagging
about such a small request."
After saying these harsh words.
Jiang Yunyi left angrily.
Standing at the door, Lin Yutian felt like the sky was falling.
She felt pain in her heart, as if something was really missing from her heart.
After a moment of silence, Lin Yutian chose to go to the bathroom.
This is the only place in the company where I can relax a little.
But even though I had already reached the bathroom.
Lin Yutian could only helplessly cry silently.
the other side.
Seeing that Lin Yutian had not returned yet, Aya became anxious and rushed to the door, just in
time to bump into Jiang Yunyi.
Aya asked.
"Where is Yutian? Wasn't he with you just now?"
Jiang Yunyi rolled her eyes and said, "How would I know? She just went in the direction of the
toilet. She must have gone to the toilet. If there is nothing else, I will leave first. I am very busy. I
have my own work to do. We are all adults. Why are you so worried about her? I advise you to
take care of yourself first."
Jiang Yunyi said to Aya.
at this time.
Lin Yiran walked towards Aya.
Just now, Lin Yiran had completed the planning proposal in Huo Jinlin's office and was planning to
come over to share it with the two of them.
Seeing Aya's anxious look, Lin Yiran was worried and asked as he walked, "Aya, what's wrong?"
Seeing Lin Yiran coming, Jiang Yunyi didn't hesitate and turned around and walked towards Lin
The two people passed each other.
Feeling Jiang Yunyi's strange expression, Lin Yiran suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.
After coming to Aya and understanding the situation.
Lin Yiran sighed.
"It's okay. I just happen to want to wash my hands right now. I'll go over and take a look."
"Don't worry. Yutian is so powerful, how could anything happen? I think it might just be a small
conflict between Yutian and Jiang Yunyi. We don't need to take it too seriously. Okay, okay, it's
okay. You go in with the information first, I'll be there soon."
After calming Aya down.
Lin Yiran turned and walked towards the bathroom.
Just walked in the door.
Lin Yiran felt that something was wrong.
Although Lin Yutian tried his best to hide his emotions, he still couldn't control himself.
In the compartment, the sound of sobbing could be faintly heard. Lin Yiran had always been very
sensitive to sounds.
Now there was only one voice, and there was no doubt that it was Lin Yutian's voice.
Realize something is wrong.
Lin Yiran walked quickly to the cubicle.
"Yutian, it's me, don't cry. If there is anything, we can discuss it properly. You don't have to keep it
in your heart."
"Come on, come out first. It's been a long time. Aya is worried about you, and I am worried about
you too."
Hearing Lin Yiran's voice coming from outside, Lin Yutian held back tears: "Okay, I get it."
When she opened the cubicle, Lin Yutian's eyes were bloodshot. She tried desperately to control
her emotions, but the more she did so, the more difficult it became.
Pursing his lips, Lin Yutian shook his head: "I'm fine, don't worry about me, I'll go back first." Lin
Yutian said in a low voice.
It has become like this, are you okay?
How could Lin Yiran possibly believe it?
Under Lin Yiran's guidance, Lin Yutian's mood eased a lot, but when he thought about the fact
that this matter was related to Jiang Yunyi, Lin Yiran felt that something was even more wrong.
Looking at Lin Yutian, Lin Yiran asked, "Yutian, what's going on? Is it related to Jiang Yunyi?"
"If you have any questions, just tell me clearly. Did Jiang Yunyi bully you?"
After waking up, Lin Yutian thought a lot.
The Lin Yiran in front of him is the most correct choice for him.
But now is not the time to reveal the truth.
She nodded: "Well, it does have something to do with Jiang Yunyi, but this is also my personal
reason. I am too fragile. I feel that my own ability cannot keep up with you. Many times I can't
help you. Yi Ran, I am really sorry."
This matter between Lin Yutian and Chen Liang was related to Jiang Yunyi, but he still focused on
himself. Yes, if he was really capable, perhaps Jiang Yunyi would not come to find him, and he
could help Lin Yiran more.
Think of this.
Tears flowed down my face again.
Looking at Lin Yutian in front of her, Lin Yiran felt distressed and helpless. She took the initiative
to comfort him and explained patiently.
"It's okay! You're already great. What I like most is your personality. If there's anything you don't
understand, Aya and I will help you in the future. Don't worry too much about it. If you don't
understand anything about the recent problems, I can also explain it to you. Many times I'm not
very mature. There will always be people who go faster and further than us on this road. We just
need to do our best."
Return to the office.
The three of them got together and talked a lot.
Not only Lin Yutian, Aya also often felt helpless. Many times, there were many details and many
words that everyone did not communicate or say to each other, so they had no idea what the
other person was thinking. After the chat, they felt relieved, and they both had a deeper
understanding of what happened to the company and Lin Yiran.
Clench your hands.
Aya said sincerely: "Yi Ran, it's okay, I will go with you from now on."
"Yes, and me too." Lin Yutian said.
the other side.
Huo Jinlin received a new notice that the bidding for Rose Harbor had begun and Huo Jinlin was
invited as a special guest. Upon hearing the news, Huo Jinlin immediately found Lin Yiran. The
three of them were chatting excitedly when Huo Jinlin appeared at the door with a smile.
He leaned against the door and waved hello inside.
"Is Miss Yiran here? I have something to tell you."
Huo Jinlin said.

Chapter 212 The Worm in Your Heart

Huo Jinlin's smile deepened, and he added, "Miss Yiran, you are very anxious. Let's go home and
For some reason, Lin Yiran always felt that something was wrong with what Huo Jinlin said, but
she couldn't put her finger on it. In the company, Huo Jinlin was usually quite shocked, except for
individual cases. Of course, this was an individual case.
Lin Yiran stood up quickly.
Because she didn't know what obscene words Huo Jinlin would say next!
Especially in front of two Jiang Yunyis who have bad intentions, it is even more unacceptable to
mention it.
After listening to Huo Jinlin's question, Lin Yutian and Aya turned around at the same time, both
staring at Lin Yiran.
Plus that weird smile.
Even if you don't say anything, you have made the choice in your heart.
Lin Yiran's eyebrows jumped and his eyes widened: "One is worse than the other! You two should
behave yourself. I'm going to leave for a while and I'll be back soon."
Before leaving.
Aya didn't forget to make a joke.
"Yi Ran, please don't fail to come back again. Ahem, young people should pay more attention to
their health and wear more clothes."
Lin Yiran fled quickly.
Seriously! On one side are the two perverted Jiang Yunyi, and on the other side is the erotic Huo
Whenever these people meet, it will be a disaster for Lin Yiran.
Arriving at the door, Huo Jinlin's tone softened and became more serious: "Yi Ran, let's go to the
office to talk. It's very important."
As they spoke, Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran came into the office.
Enter into it.
Huo Jinlin hugged Lin Yiran into his arms, leaning close to Lin Yiran's ear, Huo Jinlin softly said:
"Come with me, the Rose Harbor auction is about to begin. We will go home and change clothes
and get ready. Do you remember? The auction I mentioned to you before."
Lin Yiran nodded silently.
Huo Jinlin had been planning this matter half a month ago.
He had already said at that time that this auction with Rose Harbor was very important to Huo
If it can be successfully acquired, it will be equivalent to obtaining at least half a year's worth of
company profits in the short term.
This is not a small number.
Before this, Huo Jinlin had already made preparations. Although he was a special guest, his real
identity was actually one of the bidders of Rose Harbor. After layers of elimination, there were
only ten people left, and Huo Jinlin was among them.
Turning around, Lin Yiran had a slightly confused look in her eyes and said with her eyes wide
"I...can I not go?"
"I'm worried about things in the company. Yutian and Aya have been working very hard. If I leave
again, they will definitely be in more trouble. Recently, things have just improved a little. I think I
should work harder."
This answer was beyond Huo Jinlin's expectations.
Normally, Lin Yiran would listen to him more, and they would discuss any problems together, but
today Lin Yiran refused bluntly.
Huo Jinlin frowned.
Things in the company?
I guess you are talking about the recent developments in the new factory.
The new factory has suffered losses of nearly five million yuan in a row. Lin Yiran had already set
a goal of two weeks. Now three days have passed. For Lin Yiran personally, every minute and
every second is very important. This is true, but after thinking about it carefully, Huo Jinlin smiled
and shook his head. He and Lin Yiran interlocked their fingers, with a gleam in his eyes. He smiled
and said, "It's okay. Recently, their business capabilities have become more and more proficient.
If you really want to stay, it's not impossible, but I still hope you can go with me. Things have to
be prioritized. I came to you after considering it."
"Well, let me talk to you about the relationship."
The new company's loss of five million is a thing of the past, and Huo Jinlin has never let it go.
After this incident, the company underwent a thorough reshuffle, which will bring better
prospects for future development. In addition, with the various measures taken by Lin Yiran
during this period, the company's profitability has been improving, and there is actually no need
for him to continue to devote himself to it.
Compared to auction.
There is really no comparison.
The bidding this time is easily over 100 million, and that is the lowest price. All the bidders are
trying their best. Even Huo Jinlin may see such a scene at any time. It is a rare experience. If you
miss this opportunity, you will never see it again.
The new factory thing is only temporary.
It's enough to leave it to the two of them to solve.
Whether Lin Yiran stays or not, it doesn’t really matter in essence.
But if I could go out with Huo Jinlin and participate in the auction together, it would always be
good to see more of the world.
The more you see, the more you think, especially about this type of giant.
Huo Jinlin didn't know what Lin Yiran was thinking. He lowered his head and looked at Lin Yiran
with a smile as beautiful as a flower. His eyes seemed to be saying don't refuse.
After thinking about it carefully in her heart, Lin Yiran felt that what Huo Jinlin said made sense,
but now, there is still a problem!
Before Lin Yiran could say anything, Huo Jinlin pulled Lin Yiran downstairs.
The two returned to the office on the seventh floor.
Holding Lin Yiran with one hand, Huo Jinlin's other hand was not idle either. He waved inside:
"Yutian, Aya, come out for a moment. I have something to tell you. It happens to be what Yiran
wants to say as well."
After listening to what Huo Jinlin said, Lin Yiran was still worried.
It’s not because Huo Jinlin said the wrong thing, but because Huo Jinlin’s words were too direct.
If there really is a worm in Lin Yiran's stomach, it must be Huo Jinlin.
He turned his head and glanced at her awkwardly. The next second, Huo Jinlin's eyes were as soft
as water: "It's okay, it's just a small problem. Let's talk about it together. Everyone is here, so let's
discuss it properly. It's okay. By the way, your eyes are really beautiful. I like them very much."
Huo Jinlin said.
Aya couldn't help complaining.
"Hey, you guys really don't treat me as a human being. This is not the way to show off your love!
You have such beautiful eyes! Hehehehe!"
Listening to Aya's half-joking words, Lin Yiran once again looked up at Huo Jinlin, his fingers
moving slightly, his eyes speaking: "Stop, stop, stop, let's let go now. It's not a good thing in the
Huo Jinlin didn't think so. He could see it, but he didn't want to do it.
Instead, he smiled evilly.
After circling along Lin Yiran's elbow, Huo Jinlin sat back and hugged Lin Yiran.
This scene.
Both of their eyes almost popped out!
No way, buddy, this is getting more and more outrageous, are we going to be able to survive?
Lin Yiran blushed.
It’s fine to show affection, and Lin Yiran also likes this feeling, but if it’s in front of her good friend
Jiang Yunyi, it’s simply amazing.
She felt that something was not right and tried to break free, but the next second, Huo Jinlin
came close to her again, close to Lin Yiran's ear, and whispered softly, "I'll kiss you if you move
again. Just be quiet." Huo Jinlin said calmly.

Chapter 213: Other Agenda

How on earth did he manage to say such erotic things in such a nonchalant tone?
One thing that is 100% certain is that Huo Jinlin still showed mercy.
Otherwise, based on Lin Yiran's understanding of Huo Jinlin, he is not just a talker.
The scene continues to Lin Yiran.
Although it feels very abrupt now, it has already happened after all, and there are no outsiders
here now, so just make the best of it. By being around Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran has also learned
something, that is, super adaptability. Otherwise, facing Huo Jinlin every day in her original state
would be really unbearable. Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran said almost at the same time.
"I'm sorry, I may have to trouble you two for a while from now on."
Upon hearing this.
Aya reacted immediately.
Before this, Aya had already been notified, and Aya's family also participated in this auction, but
unfortunately, because there were too many competitors and its own strength was not very solid,
Aya was also eliminated.
After calculating the time and thinking about what Huo Jinlin had just said, Aya had roughly
guessed it.
Looking at Huo Jinlin.
Aya sends congratulations.
"Boss Huo, congratulations again in advance. Don't worry, we will take care of things here, you
can just go ahead."
Hearing what Aya said, Lin Yutian also echoed: "No problem, Aya and I have just discussed it, the
problems here are not big problems. Regarding these ordinary retail investors and these persons
in charge, we have already developed a complete plan in our minds. Even if there are problems,
we can complete 80% of the original plan, which is enough. Isn't it just a 200% profit? We are
confident that we can get 300%!" Lin Yutian said proudly.
Hear these words.
Then Lin Yiran will feel relieved.
Being brothers in their hearts, Lin Yiran still believes that they are fully capable of doing so.
While in the elevator, Lin Yiran had already confirmed with Huo Jinlin that although the final time
has not yet been determined, the matter should be resolved within three days. After that, Lin
Yiran will continue to invest in it.
As for now.
Everything has been explained.
Then it's time to go.
Putting Lin Yiran down, Huo Jinlin crossed his arms over his chest, moving his fingers slightly, and
said, "Thank you for your hard work on this matter. You should work harder during this period. If
there is any problem in the future, just tell me. I will try my best to help. Yiran's friends are my
friends. I believe in you. Come on, let's work hard together."
After saying.
Huo Jinlin stretched out his fist to meet his opponent’s.
The same is true for Lin Yutian and Aya.
"Come on, then you guys keep working hard and leave the company's matters to us." Lin Yutian
"Boss Huo, you have to take Yiran out to have some fun. She's been very tired recently. You don't
have to worry about the company's affairs. Don't worry, if there are any problems, we will solve
them as soon as possible. Hahaha, it's okay!"
Completed the explanation.
Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran returned home to prepare.
The auction party is scheduled for the evening, and all the major bidders are already gearing up
for the event. However, Huo Jinlin doesn't care about other opponents at all. The only person he
cares about is one person, and the answer will be revealed soon.
the other side.
Through various channels, Jiang Yunyi learned about this auction.
Both the content and energy contained therein are enormous.
If I could join them and go with Huo Jinlin, the mere thought of it would make me excited.
Thinking of this, Jiang Yunyi began to ponder in his heart.
After screening it over and over again in her mind, Jiang Yunyi finally got the final solution.
That’s Lin Yiran.
Just based on his and Huo Jinlin's identities, no matter how hard he tried, Huo Jinlin would never
let him go.
But if this person is replaced by Lin Yiran, and then a good excuse is found, the success rate of
this matter will increase a lot.
It's useless to just think about it. Jiang Yunyi acted quickly and arrived at Lin Yiran's house an hour
At this time, Huo Jinlin was busy preparing everything needed for the evening auction.
The butler had met Jiang Yunyi before, and after knowing that Jiang Yunyi was looking for Lin
Yiran, he brought her in directly.
"Ms. Lin, a friend is here to see you."
As soon as the housekeeper finished speaking, Jiang Yunyi stood out with a smile on her face.
Jiang Yunyi was holding a lot of gifts in her hands. When she saw Lin Yiran, she immediately took
out the gifts in her hands: "Dangdangdang! This is a gift I prepared specially for you. What do you
think, Yiran? Do you like it?"
Although there had been some conflicts with Jiang Yunyi before, they were all insignificant little
things. Jiang Yunyi has always been good-looking. In the company, except for a few individuals,
Jiang Yunyi is definitely the closest person to Lin Yiran.
Unless there is a special situation, Lin Yiran usually has a simple mind towards the people around
"You're here, but why do you bring so many gifts? We must not do this next time!" Lin Yiran said
with a smile.
Taking over the topic, Jiang Yunyi simply exchanged pleasantries: "Hahaha, no way, I just thought
that you've been very busy recently and I don't have much time to accompany you properly, so I
thought of coming to chat with you and get closer to you."
And then.
Jiang Yunyi and Lin Yiran started chatting.
As they chatted, Jiang Yunyi took the initiative to bring up the topic of today's auction party. She
said in an exaggerated tone: "Yi Ran, have you heard about it? The Rose Harbor auction party is
said to be the largest party in recent years. It's so luxurious. It just so happens that I have a lot of
time recently, but I don't know how to get in. It's really a pity. What about you? Have you heard
about this?"
Rose Harbor Auction Party?
When he heard these words, Lin Yiran nodded without hesitation.
The reason why I left work early today and gave myself a day off was all because of this party.
"I know. We are going to attend it tonight. What a shame. Should we think of another way?"
Lin Yiran spoke.
Just what I wanted!
Jiang Yunyi was waiting for this sentence. The gifts and meetings today were all fake. The most
important thing was that Jiang Yunyi wanted to join the party and wanted to go with Huo Jinlin.
In fact, she had already got the tickets, but who to be with and how to go were the most
important. Looking at Lin Yiran, Jiang Yunyi pretended to be surprised: "Hehehe, that's great. I
came here specifically to ask you about this today. In fact, I have already got the tickets, and I
happen to be free. How about we go together in the evening?"
"Well, if we go together, we can look after each other, right?"
Jiang Yunyi said.

Chapter 214 Hook Up

This is indeed quite reasonable.
Lin Yiran didn’t think too much about it. Since everyone was going, going together would save
some trouble.
She nodded.
But then after thinking about it carefully, Lin Yiran shook her head helplessly: "Yunyi, it's not that I
don't want to go with you, but after all, I'm just a guest. I think I have to talk to my husband about
this matter. If he is willing, there is no problem on my side. What do you think?"
This is what I've been waiting for!
to be honest.
Jiang Yunyi doesn't care about Lin Yiran. The only person she cares about besides herself is Huo
If she could stay with Huo Jinlin and find an excuse, everyone would think that Huo Jinlin and
Jiang Yunyi were related. This would be a big improvement for Jiang Yunyi. After laughing twice,
Jiang Yunyi put on a amiable smile: "Okay, okay, if that's the case, then you go and have a good
chat with Mr. Huo. It would be best if we could go together. I..."
Before Jiang Yunyi could finish her words.
A voice came from upstairs.
"I'm sorry Miss Jiang, we can't go together."
"This is a big deal. Since you've already got the admission ticket, let's split up. Too many people
will affect me. If so many people go together, someone who doesn't know will think we're going
to the supermarket."
Huo Jinlin flatly refused.
In fact, Huo Jinlin had already received the notice since Jiang Yunyi came in. Lin Yiran's simple-
mindedness does not mean that Huo Jinlin is the same. After the previous events, Huo Jinlin is
very vigilant towards Jiang Yunyi. If she is a good person, she would not do those things. What's
the point of keeping such a person by his side?
If it wasn't for the consideration of giving Jiang Yunyi some face, Huo Jinlin would have asked Lin
Yiran to cut off all contact with her long ago. Let's forget about what happened last time, but now
she wants to go with him. What's her status?
The steps have been given to you.
As for whether to go down or not, that is your own business.
After hearing Huo Jinlin's answer, Jiang Yunyi felt a little embarrassed, but she wanted to save her
only face.
Jiang Yunyi just said with a slight regret.
"Well, since Mr. Huo doesn't want to, I won't force you. Then we'll go our separate ways and
meet again if the time comes."
Speaking of.
Jiang Yunyi grabbed Lin Yiran's hand, her eyes full of regret: "Yiran, I'm so sorry that we don't
have a chance to go together. Let's do it next time. If there is a chance next time, I will definitely
go with you. I'm leaving now, you guys chat first."
After saying.
Jiang Yunyi left in a hurry.
Huo Jinlin's attitude of refusal was extremely firm.
Plus Huo Jinlin's expression of indifference.
Lin Yiran is not a fool. He can see Huo Jinlin's special treatment and realize Huo Jinlin's impression
of Jiang Yunyi.
Let out a sigh.
Lin Yiran came upstairs.
"How is it, are the things ready?"
Lin Yiran said with concern.
Huo Jinlin smiled and nodded, then took the initiative to bring up the matter about Jiang Yunyi:
"Yi Ran, you are silly. Many things are not as simple as you think. We should think about it
carefully and must not be impulsive. Jiang Yunyi didn't come earlier or later, but at this time. We
should keep some distance from her in the future. Do you understand?"
Lin Yiran nodded helplessly.
I was just about to talk about Jiang Yunyi.
Lin Yiran couldn't help but feel curious.
What on earth happened that made Huo Jinlin so cautious towards Jiang Yunyi?
Once there is a question in mind, curiosity is also aroused.
Staring at Huo Jinlin with both eyes, Lin Yiran asked the question that had been buried in his
heart for a long time: "Is there any reason?"
"Why do I feel like you don't have a good impression of Jiang Yunyi? In fact, your attitude is
getting colder and colder."
"Give me a reason!"
When he heard these two words, Huo Jinlin shrugged helplessly.
If he really had to give a reason, Huo Jinlin couldn't say it for the time being.
Or in other words.
Huo Jinlin didn't want to say something so harsh, nor did he want to speak out his thoughts so
We still have to continue observing.
He smiled and shook his head.
"There's no reason. It's just my intuition. My sixth sense tells me that Jiang Yunyi is a very
dangerous person. We should remain rational and never get close to such a dangerous person. As
for you, if you want to get close, then we can get close. Don't you still have me? It's okay! With
me here, no one will hurt you."
While blushing.
Lin Yiran also hasn't forgotten about Jiang Yunyi.
Looking at Huo Jinlin.
Lin Yiran spoke again with great earnestness.
"Comrade Xiao Lin, I think your ideological awareness needs to be improved. Jiang Yunyi has
always been a good person. Although sometimes her words are harsh, she is not that bad overall.
We should think carefully and observe more. We should not be prejudiced against anyone. Don't
you think so?"
Huo Jinlin was stunned.
This looks like a teacher educating children.
If it were an ordinary day, Huo Jinlin would just nod silently in response to Lin Yiran's words.
But not today.
Huo Jinlin would never give in on matters of principle, especially in this situation, it really
shouldn't happen!
But Huo Jinlin would not change. He said stubbornly, "That can't be helped. I am really prejudiced
against her! Hahaha!"
The two started fighting.
As he spoke, Huo Jinlin suddenly felt a surge of evil amusement in his heart.
Although I had already told Lin Yiran about the last incident with Jiang Yunyi, I could clearly feel
Lin Yiran's emotions at that time.
It had only been a few days when Jiang Yunyi came to visit her, but Lin Yiran didn't care at all.
Although they are an old couple, sometimes they have to joke around, otherwise how can they
maintain their relationship!
He moved closer to Lin Yiran and they began to kiss. After the kiss, Huo Jinlin let go slightly,
leaned back slightly, and his lips touched the tip of Lin Yiran's nose. He deliberately said, "Why,
my dear wife, do you trust me so much? I'm not someone who can stand the test. If someone
hooks up with me, I might cheat on you. You have to be careful. This is all for your own good. If I,
such a good person, get seduced by someone else, you'll cry, don't you think?"
Clenching her fist, Lin Yiran punched him lightly: "Asshole! How dare you! If you dare to do this, I
will be the first to divorce you, and you will see if I can run away!"
"No way." Huo Jinlin tapped Lin Yiran's forehead gently, then moved closer to Lin Yiran and said,
"Don't worry, I will only love you in my life. No matter when or where, no one can replace you in
my heart. Don't worry, I will always be yours."
"Bastard!" Lin Yiran curled the corners of her mouth, a hint of pink appeared on her face, and she
smiled sweetly.

Chapter 215 Fu Tingyi's Appearance

Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran were playing and fighting all the way. They had been really busy recently.
Apart from the time they spent at home, they seldom had the chance to spend time together.
The time they had together was always short, so they cherished it especially.
Before the auction started at the venue, Huo Jinlin took Lin Yiran to many places. One was a
domineering president and the other was an urban beauty. They were a beautiful scenery
wherever they went. They played all the way and came to the venue.
As soon as I entered.
Huo Jinlin's attention was attracted by a familiar figure in front of him.
As expected, Huo Nantian was also there.
There was just one thing that Huo Jinlin hadn't expected, and that was the time. He thought he
had to wait until the venue officially started, but he encountered it as soon as he entered. He
didn't know whether to be thankful or helpless.
Many stories happened between Huo Nantian and Huo Jinlin. Huo Jinlin had a complicated
feeling for him. Today's identity was very special. Huo Jinlin didn't want to stay too long. He took
Lin Yiran's hand and said gently, "Come on, I'll take you over to have a look."
Just when the two were about to turn around and leave.
Huo Nantian turned around suddenly.
Everything is so coincidental and yet so embarrassing.
Seeing that Huo Jinlin was still holding Lin Yiran's hand, Huo Nantian snorted coldly and started
coughing from a distance.
"You two are not serious at all. What kind of occasion is this? If you want to talk about love, why
do you have to do it now?"
"Huo Jinlin, I haven't seen you for so long. Why are you becoming more and more immature?"
Looking at Huo Jinlin.
Huo Nantian began to teach him a lesson.
At this moment, Huo Jinlin could no longer suppress his anger. He originally wanted to stay away
from him, but he didn't expect Huo Nantian to come closer to him. Facing his own affairs, Huo
Jinlin had a clear attitude and refuted on the spot: "Why, what does it have to do with you?"
"I advise you to stop meddling in other people's business and just do your own thing."
It was hard to imagine that this was something the usually calm Huo Jinlin could do. All this
happened so suddenly and so absurdly.
Especially on an occasion like this.
Those who can enter here are basically high-ranking officials and dignitaries. Even the lowest
level admission ticket is not something that ordinary people can have. However, among them,
Huo Jinlin has changed his usual demeanor. What kind of hidden story is behind this?
Father and son confront each other.
It's outrageous no matter how you look at it.
But if you are really familiar with the past between the two, then perhaps all this is not
There are many things involved in this, including the interests of the two people and their family
Seeing Huo Jinlin's disobedient look, Huo Nantian became even more furious and shouted
angrily: "Huo Jinlin, are you rebelling?"
"You are my son. Even if you don't want to admit it now, you are still my son. I advise you to shut
up now. I am a father for your own good. If it were someone else, I would not bother to care.
Don't lose your temper with me all day, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you."
Is this really something a father could say?
next to.
Lin Yiran seemed a little at a loss.
This is what happened between them father and son. Huo Jinlin talked a lot about it on the way
The conflict between the two of them is deep-rooted and cannot be settled in a few words.
Having thought that this might happen, Huo Jinlin had told Lin Yiran from the beginning that if
anything really happened, don't worry, he would handle it.
But now see this scene happening.
Lin Yiran still felt uncomfortable.
Coming to Huo Jinlin, Lin Yin tentatively pulled Huo Jinlin's hand and whispered, "Jinlin, why don't
we go? There's no point in staying here. I don't want to see you lose your temper. Also, look, the
person you mentioned before is here. Let's go first."
Lin Yiran was not joking, but spoke very seriously.
On the way.
Huo Jinlin gave instructions for two things in total.
The first thing is about Huo Nantian, and the other thing is about the organizer of this venue, Fu
Among the crowd not far away.
Surrounded by a group of bodyguards, Fu Tingyi was getting closer and closer. Seeing Fu Tingyi
coming, Huo Jinlin calmed down a little.
Today is the Fu family's home game. Although I am very angry, I cannot disrupt other people's
After a few seconds of silence, Huo Jinlin said apologetically, "Yi Ran, I'm really sorry for letting
you see my not-so-good side. I will give you an explanation about my father's matter later. Let's
leave it at that for now. I don't want to continue."
Huo Jinlin said.
There should have been a pause here.
But what is hard to understand is that as soon as he entered the venue, Fu Tingyi seemed to have
discovered something precious and walked straight towards Huo Jinlin. Seeing Fu Tingyi coming,
Huo Nantian also snorted coldly: "Stinky boy, don't be disrespectful to me all day long. I think you
deserve to be punished. Today, for Mr. Fu's sake, I won't bother with you, but I advise you to
think it over carefully. After all, our relationship is here, and I don't want to make things too
awkward with you."
After listening to what Huo Nantian said, Huo Jinlin was speechless for a moment. Looking at his
arrogant face, Huo Jinlin felt indescribable and extremely bad.
What are you doing!
After taking several deep breaths, Huo Jinlin adjusted his emotions slightly.
Huo Jinlin bent down and put his hand close to Lin Yiran's forehead: "It's okay, it's okay." He said,
and it seemed as if he was talking to Lin Yiran, but also to himself. Lin Yiran did not say anything,
and chose to hug him silently.
Fu Tingyi was getting closer and closer.
I thought he was coming for Huo Jinlin, and Huo Jinlin was already prepared, but what Huo Jinlin
never expected was.
It's broken! It's coming for Lin Yiran!
You heard it right, it is indeed true.
As the distance got closer, Lin Yiran frowned slightly. She felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity,
as if she had seen her somewhere before, but couldn't put her finger on it for a moment. She
waved in the direction of Lin Yiran, and Fu Tingyi took the initiative to greet her: "Ms. Lin!"
Huo Jinlin was stunned.
So ridiculous?
What the hell is this bastard doing.
Huo Jinlin and Fu Tingyi had dealt with each other before. They were in the same circle and had
some friendship, but it was not very deep.
As for why he came directly to Lin Yiran today, Huo Jinlin was puzzled. He frowned and lowered
his head to confirm with Lin Yiran: "Yiran, do you know him?"
Lin Yiran smiled and shook his head.
I really can't recognize it.
Perhaps the answers to all this can only be revealed when we get closer.
It only took a short while.
Fu Tingyi came in front of the two of them and looked at Huo Jinlin. Fu Tingyi simply said hello. As
for Lin Yiran, it was completely different. Fu Tingyi was very enthusiastic and looked very happy:
"Ms. Lin, what a coincidence! Seeing you again, this is really our fate!"
Not only Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran was also confused.
This is?

Chapter 216 Winning the Championship

Fu Tingyi saw the confused expressions on their faces. He covered his chest as if frustrated and
pretended to be sad.
"Ms. Lin, have you forgotten me?" Fu Tingyi asked unwillingly.
Seeing Lin Yiran squinting his eyes and looking at him for a long time, he still shook his head
under Fu Tingyi's expectant gaze.
Seeing Fu Tingyi being so enthusiastic, Huo Jinlin couldn't help but feel jealous.
What's going on between the two of them?
Fu Tingyi sighed in disappointment and solemnly introduced himself to the two of them: "My
name is Fu Tingyi. We have met before. I thought you would have a very deep impression of me."
"Sorry, I can't recognize people sometimes. I have face blindness."
Lin Yiran spoke apologetically, his brain working rapidly, trying to find any trace of knowing Fu
After a long while, she suddenly looked into Fu Tingyi's eyes, frowned and thought: "I seem to
have seen your face before, but I can't seem to remember it."
"Ms. Lin, your words have hurt my heart, but since you can't remember it, I can't blame you.
After all, we only met a few times." Fu Tingyi didn't force Lin Yiran to remember, and said in a
self-abandoning manner.
Lin Yiran laughed dryly twice and didn't respond.
Huo Jinlin felt bad seeing the two of them singing the same tune and leaving him aside, so he
moved closer to Lin Yiran, trying to increase his presence.
Fu Tingyi seemed to be unable to see Huo Jinlin, and helped Lin Yiran recall: "You helped me find
my grandma before, and I thanked you for it. Don't you remember?"
After listening to this, Lin Yiran looked at Fu Tingyi carefully again, and after a long time, he shook
his head and said, "Sorry, I really can't remember."
"Well, this is the first time I've met Miss Lin who can forget me after seeing me once. But it's hard
for others to forget me after seeing me once." Fu Tingyi shrugged, spread his hands and said
Lin Yiran stroked his forehead, and couldn't help twitching when he heard his words: "It seems
that you are a very confident person."
"Of course people living in this world need to be more confident, and I have the capital to be
confident." Fu Tingyi proudly accepted Lin Yiran's evaluation and said confidently.
Huo Jinlin suppressed his anger and put his arm around Lin Yiran's waist and led her towards him.
Lin Yiran turned his head in surprise and looked over. Her eyes met his and she shivered from the
"So Mr. Huo is still standing here. I was so engrossed in my conversation with Miss Lin. I hope you
didn't take it to heart?" Fu Tingyi said in surprise and stretched out his hand towards Huo Jinlin.
Huo Jinlin curled his lips and shook her hand back, but with a little more strength in his hand. He
said calmly: "How could it be? After all, sometimes people who don't know the limits are often
seen. I'm used to it."
Fu Tingyi could tell that Huo Jinlin had something to say, but he was not angry: "Mr. Huo is very
generous. If it were someone else, they would have complained about me behind my back."
Lin Yiran quietly grabbed the corner of Huo Jinlin's clothes, signaling him not to go too far.
Huo Jinlin lowered his eyes and glanced at her, then carefully pinched the soft flesh with the hand
on her waist. Lin still couldn't help but let out a soft cry.
Fu Tingyi looked at Lin Yiran in confusion, tilted his head and said, "Miss Lin, are you okay?"
"No, no, I just choked accidentally." Lin Yiran waved her hands quickly, not forgetting to glare at
Huo Jinlin.
Fu Tingyi nodded to himself, and suddenly smiled at Huo Jinlin and said, "In this case, I won't
bother you two anymore. There are a few people over there I need to go over and greet. Miss Lin
and Mr. Huo, please do as you please."
Huo Jinlin nodded calmly and waited for Fu Tingyi to leave before letting go of Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran kept rubbing the place he had just pinched, complaining quietly: "Why are you still
pinching me?"
Huo Jinlin folded his hands in front of his chest and said dissatisfiedly: "How did you get to know
him? His enthusiastic attitude towards you is very unusual."
"Actually, I didn't remember it at first, and was a little surprised. It was only after he mentioned
that I helped him find his grandmother that I remembered it." Lin Yiran explained after tidying up
her clothes.
Seeing that Huo Jinlin was slow to speak, Lin Yiran realized that he most likely did not believe it.
Lin Yiran let out a long sigh and added, "It was just as he said. I can't remember anything else. If
you want to know the whole process, you might as well ask him."
"Forget it, I'm not going to meet him." Huo Jinlin waved his hand to reject her suggestion.
Just when the atmosphere between the two reached freezing point, the host suddenly
announced the start of the bidding.
Lin Yiran naturally put her arm around Huo Jinlin's shoulders and gently tapped the back of his
She moved her red lips and whispered, "Don't do anything excessive later, there are so many
people here."
"I got it." Huo Jinlin felt much better as she held his arm affectionately, and his anger just now
A group of people entered the venue and sat down in order. The host then began to deliver the
opening speech.
After the process was completed, the host began to introduce their respective plans.
Lin Yiran stared at the host on the stage intently, and heard Huo Nantian's name.
She glanced towards Huo Nantian's seat, only to see him calmly curling his lips towards Lin Yiran,
then staring straight at the stage.
Huo Jinlin couldn't help but frown when he saw this, and he covered his mouth with his hand and
started coughing lightly.
"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?" Lin Yiran came back to his senses and asked with
Huo Jinlin shook his head, his expression indifferent: "I just want to cough."
“…” She couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
Then the host on the stage called out Fu Tingyi's name and enthusiastically introduced his plan.
Amid everyone's intense anticipation, Fu Tingyi's proposal finally won the first prize.
Huo Nantian turned to look at Fu Tingyi in shock, only to see him clapping with an expressionless
Feeling Huo Nantian's gaze, Fu Tingyi smiled and whispered, "Thank you."
Although Huo Nantian was unwilling, now that things had become a foregone conclusion, he had
no choice but to bite the bullet and congratulate him.
After a round of introductions, the organizing committee began the discussion.
Lin Yiran heard the people behind her whispering, so she pricked up her ears to listen.
"It seems like Fu Tingyi is very likely to win the bid this time, right?"
"I don't think so. Aren't there several companies that are gaining momentum right now?"
"It must be said that his plan is indeed very good and is indeed worth learning."
Lin Yiran withdrew his thoughts and stopped eavesdropping on what others were saying. Huo
Jinlin turned around and asked, "Are you nervous?"
"I'm not nervous." Lin Yiran smiled and nodded firmly.
Huo Jinlin raised his eyebrows slightly, waiting quietly for the final decision of the organizing

Chapter 217 Questioning

After a long wait, the organizing committee finally decided on the final winning company.
The host took the card handed over by the organizing committee, paused slightly when he saw
the words on it, then smiled and announced the final victory.
"The winner of this bid is Haitian Company, congratulations."
The host's words reached everyone's ears. Everyone was stunned when they heard the unfamiliar
name, and then they applauded to congratulate him.
Lin Yiran was also very shocked and turned to look at Huo Jinlin.
"Have you heard of this company? Why didn't Fu Tingyi's company win the bid? I think his
proposal is very good."
"It should be a small company. The fact that this small company was able to win the bid should
not be underestimated. It is impressive that they won by relying on their strength."
"I just noticed this company's proposal. It's really well written, but I still prefer Fu Tingyi's. It's a
pity that he didn't win the bid."
Lin Yiran felt tired listening to the discussion behind her. She didn't want to eavesdrop on other
people's conversations openly, but she couldn't cover up the sound of their conversations.
Huo Jinlin cast an admiring look at Lin Yiran, then calmly stood up and walked towards the stage.
According to the procedure, Huo Jinlin needed to present the trophy to the winning company, so
Lin Yiran was naturally not surprised.
The host saw Huo Jinlin coming on stage, smiled and handed the trophy to him, then took the
microphone and said, "Now please let Mr. Huo announce the owner of Haitian Company."
Everyone was also curious about who owned Haitian Company and stared at Huo Jinlin without
Huo Jinlin took the microphone and said calmly, "Haitian Company belongs to Miss Lin Yiran."
Lin Yiran looked at Huo Jinlin on the stage in astonishment. Only when she saw him smile at her
did she calm down.
She suddenly felt everyone's burning gazes and nodded to them.
After the bidding was over, everyone walked towards Lin Yiran, congratulating her one by one.
The smile on Lin Yiran's face was stiff, but she could only force it.
"Thank you all for your blessings, but Miss Lin and I are leaving now, so please go away."
Huo Jinlin walked through the crowd and came to Lin Yiran's side. He naturally took her hand and
walked outside.
When everyone saw the two of them leave, they also left the venue together.
Huo Nantian sat in his seat without moving, and all he could replay in his mind was the winning
company just announced by the host.
He clenched his fists tightly, still unable to believe that Huo Jinlin had bid privately behind his
The host saw that there were still people in the venue, so he walked over and kindly reminded
them, "Sir, the show is over now, please leave early."
Huo Nantian ignored the host's words, but turned around and rushed into the stage. He wanted
to find Huo Jinlin and ask him about it on the spot.
However, when he arrived at the hall, there was no one there. Just as he was about to run out to
continue looking, he heard someone calling him from behind.
Huo Nantian turned his head and saw Fu Tingyi walking towards him.
"There were so many people here just now, and I was embarrassed to say anything that would
embarrass you." Fu Tingyi saw that he was sweating all over, and pretended to be surprised and
asked, "Are you going to look for Huo Jinlin?"
"Why did he bid privately?" Huo Nantian couldn't hold back his anger and vented the question he
wanted to ask.
Fu Tingyi frowned slightly, then suddenly smiled and said, "It's Miss Lin's company that won the
bid this time. Isn't it inappropriate for you to blame Huo Jinlin?"
Huo Nantian looked at him fiercely for a few times and did not reply.
"Besides, your proposal didn't match mine, so it's reasonable for them to win. Your strength is
not as strong as Huo Jinlin's. If he doesn't win this time, he will still win next time."
Fu Tingyi explained to him without paying attention to Huo Nantian's expression.
However, Huo Nantian was unwilling to listen to his reason and just walked away with a wave of
his sleeves.
Fu Tingyi saw him leaving and called him hurriedly, but he didn't move a step.
As soon as Huo Nantian walked to the gate, he saw Huo Jinlin standing not far away, and he ran
towards him like crazy.
Huo Jinlin naturally noticed him, and after settling Lin Yiran down, he walked towards him.
There was only a fist's distance between the two of them, and neither of them spoke first.
"You clearly knew that I was going to bid, so why did you continue to bid privately?" Huo Nantian
asked in a dry voice.
Huo Jinlin didn't say anything and continued to wait for Huo Nantian's next words.
"You clearly don't want to trust me!" Huo Nantian finally couldn't help but roar at his calm
expression, "You clearly knew everything, why did you do this?"
"If you want us to trust you, you need to present the facts to me instead of questioning me here
and now why I do this." Huo Jinlin patted his shoulder, trying to comfort him.
Huo Nantian shook off his hand and was unwilling to listen to his reason.
Seeing him like this, Huo Jinlin knew that he couldn't listen to anything now, so he turned around
and ignored him, walking towards Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran stood not far away and took the whole scene in. When she saw Huo Nantian's
expression, she felt heartbroken.
Huo Jinlin also noticed her expression and asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"
"It's nothing. I just feel sorry for him. He must be sadder than anyone else right now." Lin Yiran
told the truth.
But Huo Jinlin didn't understand what she said. He frowned and looked at her for an answer.
Lin Yiran did not hide it and explained, "You have been very capable since you were young, and
you are very good at doing these things. But some people are destined not to be good at the
things they like, and this is the saddest thing."
"And he happens to be this type of person. He is either angry with you or feels guilty about his
own lack of ability. At least that's what I think."
After listening to Lin Yiran's explanation, Huo Jinlin suddenly laughed: "If he is really like what you
said, he should find his own shortcomings and make up for them instead of questioning others."
Lin Yiran nodded obediently and did not respond.
"I won't give this project to you. You are not very good at this, and I don't think you will accept
it." Huo Jinlin changed the subject.
Lin Yiran was still nodding like a chick pecking at rice, and Huo Jinlin subconsciously touched her
head and patted it twice.
He said calmly: "I thought you would be angry, but I didn't expect you to say a word."
"I know you are doing all this for my own good. You are paving the way for me. I will not question
anything you do." Lin Yiran raised her bright eyes and looked at him.
When the two of them drove back to the company, a board meeting happened to be held and
they happened to attend it.
When they pushed the door open, they heard everyone having a heated discussion, complaining
that Huo Nantian missed the project because of his lack of ability.

Chapter 218 Meeting Matters

The door opened and Huo Jinlin walked in with Lin Yiran.
As soon as the two of them stepped in, the voices of discussion around them suddenly died
After all, we can chat, but we have to choose the right occasion. After all, Huo Nantian is Huo
Jinlin's biological father. If we accidentally offend Huo Jinlin, it will be a big problem.
Everyone shut up.
But there are exceptions.
That’s Director Cao.
Seeing Huo Jinlin coming, Director Cao, with a playful smile on his face, took the initiative to
come to the door and took Huo Jinlin to his side.
"Sit, sit, sit!"
"Huo Jinlin, you are really good. I thought you had no chance, but I didn't expect you to have the
upper hand."
"Sure enough, I knew it was the right thing to leave the company to you!"
After praising him, Director Cao glanced around and his tone became somewhat helpless: "What
annoys me most is you bastards. What are you guys still pretending to be? Who is Huo Jinlin? It's
like he has four ears. Doesn't he know that he has super hearing? He has heard what you said a
long time ago. Now that he has just come in, why don't you stop chatting? It's boring, really
Everyone's expression twitched noticeably.
Damn it!
I've seen direct ones, but I've never seen one as direct as this.
Everyone was shocked and kept thinking about one thing.
Director Cao has a special status. Although he only holds a portion of the shares in the company,
he is still the chairman in name and is on an equal footing with Huo Jinlin. He can make jokes and
Huo Jinlin will definitely not blame him too much, but if it is everyone else, that may not be the
On the other hand, Lin Yiran also felt that something was wrong.
She frowned slightly, subconsciously wanting to remind Director Cao, but Huo Jinlin didn't feel
anything about it. I found it particularly interesting, so I raised my head and glanced at Director
Cao. Huo Jinlin smiled and said, "Oh, Director Cao, what do you think?"
"To be honest, you will anger a lot of people if you talk like that, but I do like your speaking style,
hahahaha. Regarding the matter of my father, I had already thought about it on the way here.
There is no need to be particularly hostile to our relationship. Just treat him as a normal
competitor. There are always winners and losers in the business world. I was lucky this time and I
won. We should all be happy, right?"
The opposite of.
Huo Jinlin was still very encouraging.
Regarding the incident in Rose Harbor this time.
Huo Jinlin also wanted to hear everyone's ideas.
Waving his hand, Huo Jinlin said in a carefree manner: "It is an honor for our company that you
are all gathered here today. We have all come this far, don't you know who I am, Huo Jinlin? I
have never been a person who throws water in front of others. Today is a day worth celebrating.
We should all be happy. In the past two years, the company has been growing exponentially. I am
very grateful for your help. As for what happened today, Huo Nantian is Huo Nantian, and I am
me. I hope everyone can speak freely and tell us what is in your heart."
They looked at each other.
Everyone was eager to say something, but they held it back.
What if this is a trap?
With this in mind, everyone decided to choose the safest method, which was to remain silent and
say nothing.
Seeing this, Director Cao smiled bitterly: "You guys! I think you have been doing too much
business. Everything can be related to your business. President Huo has already said that he
doesn't want you to discuss other people's family matters, but to discuss the future development
of this company and the subsequent plans. Can silence solve the problem?"
After listening to what Director Cao said, Huo Jinlin smiled and nodded.
Lin Yiran was deeply shocked!
No wonder.
Director Cao's previous actions had always been directed at Huo Jinlin, and were very aggressive.
People who didn't know would have thought that the two were mortal enemies.
But Huo Jinlin always warned Lin Yiran not to argue too much with him and not to take things too
seriously in most cases.
Whenever she thought of this, Lin Yiran always found it somewhat unbelievable.
According to Huo Jinlin's personality, he shouldn't think like this.
But today.
Lin Yiran's thoughts underwent a complete change.
Don't judge a book by its cover, and don't judge the depth of the sea by its depth. This saying also
applies to Director Cao.
Don't be fooled by his crazy behavior on weekdays, as if he is a lazy person kept by the company.
But at the critical moment, the words spoken and the actions taken were all on Huo Jinlin's side.
The relationship between the two is not that of enemies, but more like brothers who are more
than friends.
that's all.
With the joint encouragement of Director Cao and Huo Jinlin, everyone spoke freely again.
This time, the depth of the conversation was more inclined towards the development of Rose
"Boss Huo, you know me, Old Li. I have already made the plan you asked me to make. We have
already studied the reform and redesign of Rose Harbor and have been waiting for you.
Congratulations today!"
"Yes, Mr. Huo, we all know it as soon as you make a move. I have already sent people over to
Rose Harbor, and the engineering team can start work immediately. Just say the word and
everything will be in place!"
Hearing this.
Director Cao’s eyes widened.
Has this guy already prepared everything from the very beginning?
Turning his head to look at Huo Jinlin, Director Cao showed an expression of disbelief. Several
times, words came to his lips but he didn't know how to start. He was silent for a long time, and
finally he said: "You even hid it from your brothers! You are really unkind!" Director Cao said in
Upon hearing this, Huo Jinlin stood up and patted Director Cao on the shoulder, saying with a
smile: "It's not that I don't want to tell you, the person I trust the most is you, don't let your
imagination run wild. As for you, who do you think is the developer of the Rose Harbor project?"
Director Cao pointed at himself in disbelief.
Huo Jinlin nodded silently.
This time, Director Cao really couldn't hold it in any longer. His originally gloomy mood instantly
improved and his mouth almost split from laughing.
Holding Huo Jinlin in his arms, Director Cao began to praise him: "As expected of you, kid. I knew
you had a conscience. Don't worry. If you can get this project today, I have the confidence to run
it well. As for Huo Nantian, I can only say that he is one step behind you. After all, I can't beat
you. Mr. Huo, if you hand over such a big project to me, I have to treat you to a meal!"
Cough cough cough.
As soon as Director Cao finished speaking, a cough was heard at the door.
A bad premonition suddenly came to his mind, and Director Cao frowned, thinking, No way, could
it be?
That’s right, it was Huo Nantian. After pushing open the door, Huo Nantian walked in with a
gloomy face.
Glancing at Director Cao, he snorted coldly, "Director Cao, do you mean to say that I'm not

Chapter 219: Becoming Enemies

Let me digress here.
Why can Director Cao and Huo Jinlin trust each other so much and achieve this?
The reason is very simple. When they were very young, they were old friends and grew up
together. However, they were separated for a short period of time due to various reasons. This
caused a gap in everyone's memory and made people think that Huo Jinlin and Director Cao had
just an ordinary relationship.
There is a kind of suppression from the blood
It makes people unable to resist.
Director Cao lowered his head and showed a rare embarrassed expression.
He said in a low voice.
"Uncle, how could I possibly mean that?"
"What I just said was just a misunderstanding. I sincerely apologize to you, uncle. I hope you
don't take it to heart."
After hearing this, Huo Nantian still refused to give in. Instead, he became even more aggressive
and gradually approached Director Cao.
"Hmph, then I'll trust you just this once."
"Xiao Cao, you know the relationship between your father and I. I advise you not to go too far.
You should know what to do and what not to do. You should have some sense of your own at
your age. Don't always act like a child. Do you understand?"
Huo Nantian scolded.
Faced with such a situation, Director Cao could only nod and agree helplessly.
When he first came in, he had already seen that Huo Nantian's target was never him. He targeted
him to make an example of him and deliberately did it for Huo Jinlin to see. If he had a better
attitude and endured more, maybe Huo Jinlin wouldn't have to endure so much. Thinking of this,
Director Cao forced a smile on his face: "Uncle, it's our honor to have you here today. Please take
a seat. Come, I'll personally pour you tea and water. I'm sorry for offending you just now. I hope
you won't take it to heart."
As he spoke, Director Cao took the initiative.
Director Cao's bowing of his head had no effect. Huo Nantian's purpose of coming here was for
Huo Jinlin.
Huo Nantian's shares in the company are neither large nor small, but he can barely be considered
a major shareholder.
But due to various reasons, Huo Nantian never attends these meetings.
There must be a reason for everything being unusual.
Come today.
He came here to cause trouble for Huo Jinlin.
The more Huo Nantian thought about the Rose Harbor incident, the angrier he became. He
couldn't swallow the resentment in his heart. He was unwilling, indignant, and furious!
Next second.
Huo Nantian was furious when he took the cup from Director Cao. With a loud bang, the cup
smashed to pieces. He angrily scolded Huo Jinlin and said, "Little Cao, do you understand the
rules? You should be extra careful when dealing with your elders. It's so hot, who are you trying
to burn to death?"
"You don't even know this little bit of etiquette, right? If you don't know etiquette, then get out
of here right now. Get out now!"
He looked up at Huo Jinlin.
Director Cao's eyes were full of helplessness.
Pulling Huo Jinlin's sleeve, Lin Yiran's eyes were full of worry. She moved closer to Huo Jinlin,
frowned slightly and said, "Jinlin, we have to think of a solution today. Otherwise, I don't think
this matter is that simple. I know you are also very angry. Why don't you leave it to me? You can
have a good rest. I will handle this matter. Don't worry, just leave it to me." Lin Yiran said gently.
She didn't want to see father and son become enemies.
I don't want to see this matter continue to ferment.
Especially on occasions like this.
The sudden riot frightened everyone at the scene. Although no one said anything, their eyes
could not lie.
I believe everyone must have a lot of questions in their mind now.
This includes the relationship between the two.
And then there is the next treatment plan.
Knowing that Lin Yiran was doing this for his own good, Huo Jinlin responded in a gentle tone:
"Silly, it's okay. I can handle my own affairs. How could I possibly trouble you? Just stay here and
don't move. I'll take care of it."
Having said that, without giving Lin Yiran time to react, Huo Jinlin stood up with a stern face.
The atmosphere in the room became strange and extremely cold. Everyone around held their
breath and dared not make any sound.
After a moment of silence, Huo Jinlin took the lead in breaking the deadlock: "Why, you are here
to see me, right? If you are here to see me, then be more direct. You haven't attended the
meeting for such a long time. I don't think you suddenly showed up today just to get angry."
There are two kinds of relationships between people.
One is an emotional relationship, and the other is a relationship of interest. In terms of level, Huo
Jinlin and Huo Nantian should have some emotions at least, and it wouldn't have developed to
this point. But that's just from the level. The two have been through a lot, and even though they
are biological father and son, they still have a lot of conflicts. It's just that these have never been
put on the table.
What is Huo Nantian doing?
On the one hand, it was because of the anger in his heart.
On the other hand, it is definitely for profit.
Huo Jinlin had already made plans in his mind.
Hearing what Huo Jinlin said, Huo Nantian taunted softly, "Oh, it seems that my precious son has
really grown up and has seen through my thoughts so quickly. Tsk tsk tsk, don't you want to know
why I'm here? Then I'll be direct today. I declare that from now on, you and I will completely
sever our father-son relationship. I want all my shares in Huo's to be cashed out. From now on,
you and I will have no relationship at all. Do you understand?"
As soon as these words came out.
Everyone at the scene couldn't sit still anymore.
If it was just a minor quarrel between father and son before, now things have become too
The issue of shares not only concerns the Huo family, but also concerns everyone's interests.
Playing such a big game?
"Brother Huo, I have known you for so many years. I think this is no small matter. We should think
about it carefully. This is too sudden. You should at least give us some time to prepare, right?"
"Quit? This is ridiculous. We should think about it carefully."
"Don't be like this. Let's sit down and have a good talk. Brother Huo, we have been watching Huo
Jinlin. He is actually a good person. If you are willing to discuss it, I think we can still have a good
Facing these words.
Huo Nantian completely ignored it.
Didn't even give me a glance.
His tone was cold, and he looked at Huo Jinlin coldly: "Why, when is it their turn to speak? I
remember that you are the largest shareholder, Huo Jinlin, from now on, you and I have no
relationship anymore, I want all my shares to be cashed out, you have worked hard for the
company for so many years, even if you have no credit, you have worked hard, I just want one
word from you today, will you give it to me or not!"
Huo Nantian said in a tough tone.

Chapter 220: A life-and-death struggle

Compared to the panic of others, Huo Jinlin looked calm.
To some extent, this can be considered a good move. Huo Jinlin has just won the auction for Rose
Harbor and is now financially strapped. Standing up to take advantage of the situation at this
time would be like adding fuel to the fire.
Why choose this time when you can do it at any other time? Why be so impulsive?
The question of interests has already been answered.
Huo Nantian felt that Huo Jinlin had affected his interests, so he would make Huo Jinlin pay some
That’s wonderful!
In this regard, Huo Jinlin could only comment: "Okay, no problem, but your approach really
impressed me."
"You want to break up with me, right? No problem, I'll do as you wish. If you have any requests,
just ask."
Huo Jinlin replied.
Although I have prepared myself mentally for this, I still feel a little helpless when such a situation
really happens.
Facing the decision made by Huo Jinlin.
Everyone clenched their hands and looked extremely unhappy.
Huo Nantian's shares in the company account for about 16%. If all of them were converted into
money, plus various industries, the company would at least lose hundreds of millions in a short
period of time. At the same time, this also means that everyone's net worth will also fall. The
more shares a person holds, the higher the price will fall. Some people can even reach tens of
millions, which is not a small amount.
Now that the situation has developed to this point, it is no longer something that anyone can
have a say in.
Obviously, now is not a good time to talk.
Especially considering the relationship between Huo Jinlin and Huo Nantian.
Everyone can only swallow their anger.
At this moment, an abrupt voice broke everything: "Uncle, I know you may need money in a short
period of time, but this is not a small amount after all. This affects not only Huo Jinlin, but also all
of us. It is normal for you to have tempers. I can understand it, but you are already so old, and
you only consider yourself and not the development of the company at all. Don't you think this
grudge is a bit too much?"
"I personally participated in the Rose Harbor incident. I have been paying close attention to it.
Even if my own company was rejected, I have no complaints. So why are you like that? Can't you
accept even a small failure?"
"Uncle, in my heart, you have always been a good role model, but what you did today chilled my
heart. I advise you to think it over carefully. If you really want to do this, fine! Then I will always
stand by Huo Jinlin, and I will fight you to the end."
"As things have developed to this point, we should all reflect on each other, think carefully, and
not be too impulsive."
Director Cao tried to persuade them.
We are all adults, not children. Don't we want benefits? Even if he takes so much benefits now,
what will he do in the future? Benefits are never huge profits, what is needed is a long-term flow.
Over the years, although Huo Jinlin and Huo Nantian have always had conflicts, Huo Jinlin has
always been very strict about money and has never been harsh. There are dividends for
shareholders every year. When has Huo Nantian ever been less? When has he ever treated him
Looking at Huo Nantian, Director Cao felt mixed emotions. He just hoped that Huo Nantian would
listen to his sincere words and not make the relationship too rigid. If it really developed to that
point, it would not benefit anyone.
Anyone with a brain knows what to do.
But now Huo Nantian had completely lost control, and after hearing what he said, he became
even angrier.
Swearing loudly.
At this time.
Huo Jinlin stood in front of Director Cao.
"Don't talk nonsense. Director Cao is my good brother. You have already said that we will have no
relationship after today. I advise you to stop. You just want benefits. Come on, tell me a number
today. How much do you want? Just say it directly."
Upon hearing this.
Huo Nantian sneered.
"Hahahaha, according to the market price, it should be more than 90 million. Let's put it this way,
don't you like to be the first? I also have a lot of investments in Director Cao's company. For you,
the money may not be a big deal, but for him it's completely different. Not only Director Cao, I
also have a lot of investments in your little wife. You should know this, right?"
Of course Huo Jinlin knew.
But these happened a long time ago.
That's fine too.
It seems that he really wants to settle these things today.
Those who should have stood on Huo Jinlin's side are now standing against Huo Jinlin. This is a
feeling that is difficult to describe. Even if Huo Jinlin appears to not care, he still feels very
uncomfortable deep down. Things have developed to this point, but there is no room for
redemption. He can ignore the shareholders of the company and anyone else.
Huo Jinlin can't do it.
I know he's going to ask for a huge sum.
Huo Jinlin just replied coldly: "Again, just tell me the price."
"I want 200 million. Mr. Huo, that should be no problem, right?" Huo Nantian said with a sneer.
When Huo Nantian said the price, everyone was really shocked.
This is not just a matter of asking for too much. At least 50 million has been added to the original
This is not a small amount!
Especially for Huo Jinlin at the moment, in recent times, Huo Jinlin has been committed to
opening up new industries and bidding in various places.
Compared with other times, this year can be regarded as the fastest developing year for the
company, but also the most difficult year, especially in terms of funding.
It makes sense.
Everyone felt it was inappropriate.
The top board members stepped up again.
Director Cao was the first to be blamed. "Uncle, I call you uncle out of respect for you, but don't
go too far, Huo Nantian. You are trying to rob me, right? You are a complete bastard. I advise you
to get out of here as far as you can. If you want to play like this, then call your lawyer over. I have
plenty of time to play with you. Get out of here as far as you can!"
"This number is a bit too much, why don't we discuss it carefully."
"Yes, yes, it's a bit too shameless for Mr. Huo to bear all the money at once."
To this.
Huo Jinlin held Lin Yiran's hand tightly.
Knowing that he was coming for me, it would be better to be decisive when dealing with
someone like him.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Huo Nantian started to make things difficult again: "Oh, then how about we
do the math again? It just so happens that many of you shareholders were brought up by me.
How about this, if you want to play, then I will play with all of you, hahaha." Huo Nantian laughed

Chapter 221 The Storm in the Company

Two hundred million?
This is a large amount, but in order to solve this problem and to solve it once and for all in the
future, Huo Jinlin thought for a while and nodded slightly: "Okay, no problem, but I need some
time here. Just ask your assistant to come over tomorrow. I need to do some handover
procedures. Enough of the trouble, huh? Enough of the trouble, let's go."
Huo Nantian was not at all surprised by Huo Jinlin's behavior.
He had thought about it a long time ago.
Without saying anything, Huo Nantian got the benefits he wanted and left satisfied, without even
saying a word or looking away.
After Huo Nantian left.
The board of directors was in chaos.
Everyone was very worried.
Each expressed a different opinion.
"I think this matter is a bit too impulsive. How about we have a good talk about it? After all, there
is nothing that cannot be discussed. If we really want to make this deal, we should think it
through carefully. It is too much of a loss for us."
"Boss Huo, it's not that I don't trust you, but in such a short period of time, you have to
personally come up with 200 million yuan. Can you really come up with it? If you have any
difficulties or problems, just tell me. I can also share some of the shares."
"This is simply too much. Even if he really doesn't care about family affection, he should at least
consider our company. He doesn't respect our efforts at all. I will never look down on such a
person in my life."
Hear this.
Huo Jinlin just watched silently.
Most of the time it is difficult for people to empathize.
Huo Jinlin doesn't care about money, he cares about other things.
It is difficult to evaluate and it is also difficult to express my feelings.
But they are all real.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Director Cao walked up quickly and came to Huo Jinlin's side. His eyes were
full of helplessness and heartache: "Are you okay?"
Huo Jinlin smiled and shook his head.
After all these years, I really have to thank Huo Nantian.
I've gotten used to it a long time ago and don't have any special feelings about it anymore. The
only thing is to deal with the remaining meetings.
While everyone was worried about Huo Jinlin, they were more worried about themselves.
Huo Jinlin could also understand.
Look at everyone.
Huo Jinlin spoke up to make a promise.
"Over the years, under my painstaking management, our company has been thriving and getting
better every day. This is inseparable from everyone's efforts. Don't worry, after this incident, I will
take out a part of the funds to continue to appreciate our shares so that everyone can have more
benefits. At the same time, I hope that everyone will not be affected by this little thing. From now
on, we will work hard together to move forward."
After saying.
Huo Jinlin dissolved the meeting.
Huo Jinlin carefully reviewed the situation and content of this meeting. He could do the rest of
the things slowly. The most urgent thing was to deal with Huo Nantian's matter first, and the
other things could be dealt with later.
As for what will happen inside the company.
Huo Jinlin had also thought about it.
Let them be confused for a while. At the same time, this is also a good opportunity to test
people's hearts, isn't it?
Since Huo Jinlin has already promised to give him 200 million today, Huo Jinlin will not regret it.
Judging others by one's own mean character, caring only about money and without any feelings,
what is there to be nostalgic about in such a person?
After leaving the company, seeing Lin Yiran's worried look, Huo Jinlin opened his arms and smiled
gently, "It's okay, don't worry about me. As long as you are by my side, I feel good. Don't be
afraid, I will handle all the problems."
"If you have anything to say, if you have been wronged, just tell me."
After Huo Jinlin finished speaking, Lin Yin could no longer control her emotions and threw herself
desperately into Huo Jinlin's arms.
Tears welled up in my eyes.
I’m so tired. Even if I’m just next to Huo Jinlin, I can feel his tiredness.
I have to deal with so many things every day, and now the father and son have become enemies.
At this moment, Lin Yiran didn't want anything and couldn't say anything. She just wanted to hug
Huo Jinlin silently.
Huo Jinlin hugged her tighter.
"Silly child, I'm here."
Time passed quickly and it was evening.
The picture is given to the company.
Just as Huo Jinlin expected, the matter was leaked, especially within the company. It had already
caused an uproar in the company. At first, no one was willing to believe it. It was absolutely
impossible for such a ridiculous thing to happen. But later, as more and more evidence came out,
everyone changed from being on the sidelines at the beginning to being complete spectators.
Various news are emerging one after another.
"Have you heard that President Huo and Huo Nantian have completely fallen out? They were in
the same business, and now their relationship has turned into this. Just thinking about it makes
me suffocate. I don't know how to comment on it. I heard that many media outlets have heard
about this matter. I believe it won't be long before this matter becomes even more publicized."
"Not really. I don't think Mr. Huo would be that kind of person no matter what. I know very well
how he treats us. No matter what others say, I will always stand on Mr. Huo's side."
"It's too outrageous, even TV dramas wouldn't dare to write like this!"
After returning home, Huo Jinlin patiently processed various documents, and Lin Yiran assisted
him at the side.
As for the things in the company, the two of them were running around all day long for Huo
Nantian's matter. Huo Jinlin even cut off all contact with the outside world and just wanted to
have a good rest. All of this had not yet reached the ears of the two.
We all belong to the same company, and Jiang Yunyi is an excellent gossiper. People in the
company are talking about it, so this matter is inevitable.
If Lin Yiran had encountered such a situation today, Jiang Yunyi would at most pretend to care
and put on an act. But if the person who encountered this situation today was Huo Jinlin, it would
be completely different. Listening to everyone's discussion, Jiang Yunyi was upset. She could
ignore other people, but Huo Jinlin was the white moonlight in her heart, and she would not
allow anyone to slander Huo Jinlin.
Jiang Yunyi is a person of her own in the company, and she takes the initiative to win over others
to speak for Huo Jinlin.
But such actions are just a drop in the bucket.
Everyone will continue to say what they need to say.
Under the control of emotions, Jiang Yunyi gradually lost control. She no longer just wanted to
speak for Huo Jinlin, but also tried to stop others from talking.
As a senior manager, Jiang Yunyi can indeed do it to some extent when facing his subordinates.
But with so many people in the company, gossip is inevitable.
As soon as Jiang Yunyi entered the publicity and promotion department, she heard the discussion
"I think Mr. Huo is in big trouble now. If he doesn't handle it well, he might even be ruined. It's
really sad and lamentable."
"Who says it's not true? But I think it has developed to this point only for the sake of profit. There
is nothing much to say."
Hearing this, Jiang Yunyi stepped forward and said, "What are you doing? You all have nothing to
do, right? What are you gossiping about?"

Chapter 222: Making Trouble

This sudden movement made everyone stunned.
Put yourself in their shoes. If you were chatting with a colleague and suddenly a manager from
another department walked in and started swearing like a shrew, how would you feel?
That's right.
Everyone did stop, but the look in their eyes was genuinely filled with disgust.
The Publicity and Marketing Department is the department with the most well-informed
information. Not to mention the big and small things within the company, even the company's
internal affairs have to be announced and spread by them. What kind of person is Jiang Yunyi,
and why would she say such a thing? Everyone thought about it and figured out the answer. They
looked at each other, and there was obviously a playful smile on their faces.
Really interesting!
It is normal to like Huo Jinlin. After all, Huo Jinlin is handsome, rich, and has a good personality.
No matter where he is, he is the absolute focus. He is a shining figure in the crowd and the kind
of person who cannot be ignored at all.
Jiang Yunyi is not the only one who has such a dream.
To be honest.
Even though everyone knew it was impossible, they still maintained a glimmer of fantasy about
Huo Jinlin.
Those were the most ideal scenarios. Huo Jinlin already had Lin Yiran, and they were both
married. They joked around with each other on a daily basis, but when it came time to keep a
distance, that was always the case. On the contrary, Jiang Yunyi had made some jokes with Huo
Jinlin before, but considering the particularity of the matter, everyone chose to keep it in their
hearts and not tell anyone. Now, she came directly to him.
This silence did not last long.
After all, it is a publicity and promotion department. If they can't even solve such a small
problem, then there is no point in their establishment.
Looking in Jiang Yunyi's direction, the team leader stood up.
Get up.
He said with a smile on his face.
"Ms. Jiang, calm down. It was indeed our fault today. We shouldn't have said these things in the
company. You are right!"
"Don't worry, I will give you an explanation for the problem here."
"If Miss Jiang has anything else to say, just let me know."
Anyone with a discerning eye can see that, although it looks enthusiastic on the surface, it is
ultimately just to ease the situation. There is no practical content in it, and it cannot solve the
problem. To sum up, it is just a compliment.
The main purpose is to provide a step.
We all belong to the same company.
I don't want things to be too awkward.
Generally speaking.
Jiang Yunyi has a pretty good IQ, so she can naturally hear what's going on in such a situation.
I've already given you face, just take advantage of the situation.
But today was different. The matter concerned Huo Jinlin, and Jiang Yunyi lost her mind. Hearing
such words not only did it not have any effect, but made Jiang Yunyi even more aggressive.
Pointing her finger forward, Jiang Yunyi started swearing at everyone.
"You bastards, you don't think about creating profits for the company all day long, you don't think
about working hard, you just slack off every day, you just talk nonsense every day, what do you
think you are?"
"I'm telling you, from now on, if anyone dares to say anything bad about Mr. Huo, I'll tear your
mouth apart."
The words fell.
The scene was deathly silent.
The atmosphere around them suddenly became cold. Looking at each other, question marks
almost appeared on everyone's faces and their eyes became complicated.
What are you doing?
Do you really think that her loud voice is right?
If that's the case, then no one in this company will have to work. What does it have to do with
If we really dig deeper into this, even if everyone said it, so what? We all have mouths, and we
didn't say anything excessive, and it didn't affect the company. You are a manager, but you are
not our manager here. You come up and say such threatening words. Who can be happy?
Until now.
The captain is still trying to resolve this matter as peacefully as possible.
He could only smile awkwardly.
I was careless.
What else can I do when I meet such a brainless person today? Of course, I will continue to say
nice things. Otherwise, if there is a commotion here, I am just a small captain, and it will be
troublesome. Thinking of this, the captain came directly to Jiang Yunyi, and his comfortable tone
became lower again, and he said very gently: "Miss Jiang, I know you must be angry now. If I hear
others talking nonsense like this, I will be really unhappy in my heart. I can understand your
feelings. Let me sincerely apologize to you on behalf of everyone. I hope you can forgive me and
don't take this matter to heart. It's all our fault!"
"Let's go, Miss Jiang. Although I am only the team leader of a team, I will still do what I should do.
Let's go to the side and have a good rest. If you have any questions, just ask them."
The captain said.
You have already lowered your head to this extent, so it is not a big problem. You will see them
when you raise your head.
It's time to calm down.
Jiang Yunyi has absolutely no brains.
He heard such bad news as soon as he entered.
Thinking back to what just happened, my mood became more and more complicated.
Thinking of what everyone had said, Jiang Yunyi angrily shouted, "Haha, so you also know that
you are just a small team leader. I think your apology alone is not enough. Everyone, roll over
here. I want you to apologize in front of me one by one."
Now, even the good-tempered team leader couldn't hold it anymore.
Give me some face, she really thinks of herself as an important person. After thinking for a while,
the team leader said in a deep voice: "Miss Jiang, now is our work break time, it is not a good
idea to do this. I think I should go back first. I will visit you in person and give you a good
explanation. As for everyone, I think I should forget about the apology. It's not necessary.
at this time.
A sneer came from the side.
An unfriendly voice came out: "Jiang Yunyi, are you crazy? I advise you to go somewhere else if
you want to go crazy, don't come to me. Don't you know that what I hate most is you coming to
my place? I still remember the conflict I had with you before. We are in the same company, and I
don't want to make things too stiff, but you actually come to trouble my men today. They are my
people. I give you two choices. Either you leave now, or we fight to the end and see whether Mr.
Huo will help you or me. Do you want to try?"
"How come you don't understand your position at all? There is no possibility between you and
Mr. Huo. You are from two different worlds. If you want to leave, leave now. Don't get in the way
here. Let's go. Why are you still standing there?"
The person who spoke was Wang Zian, the head of the publicity and promotion department.
He used to be in the same department with Jiang Yunyi. At that time, he was bullied by Jiang
Yunyi and was always suppressed. Later, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he took the initiative to
transfer and came to the current publicity and promotion department. Relying on his own
abilities, he climbed up step by step to where he is now. When the enemies meet, they are
extremely jealous of each other.

Chapter 223 The aggrieved intern

But after all, since they are in the same company, Wang Zian usually avoids her if possible and is
too lazy to deal with Jiang Yunyi.
Today is different.
It would be bad enough if he bullied me, but he even dared to bully the employees in his own
Although it is a company, the necessary hierarchy still exists.
If he doesn't stand up and speak for his men now, he will be the one being talked about in the
Wang Zian knew very well what to choose.
Wang Zian's arrival obviously made Jiang Yunyi feel much more sober, but also quite unhappy.
Looking at Wang Zian in front of him.
Jiang Yunyi put her hands on her hips.
Snorted coldly.
"Okay, I'll give you this face today, but I also want to tell you that you will always be the one
under my feet. Don't think that you can show off to me just because you are the department
manager. Don't I know what level you are at? Do you want to tell all your embarrassing past
stories to your so-called subordinates? Do you dare?"
"Why are you so angry? If you don't agree, come and hit me. You are such a clown."
Jiang Yunyi said.
Everyone at the scene was stunned.
I've seen people who can cause trouble, but I've never seen anyone who is so good at causing
trouble. Faced with such a situation, Wang Zian really couldn't stand it anymore.
He cursed loudly.
"Get out! Get as far away from me as possible. Is that what you mean? Then I'm going to tell you
one thing today. There is no possibility for you and Huo Jinlin to be together in this life. Stop
dreaming every day. If you are not convinced, then go and cry by yourself. Hahahaha, it's
As soon as the words fell.
Wang Zian was too lazy to pay attention to it and turned around and left.
Jiang Yunyi was left alone, disheveled in the wind.
Now she was filled with rage, and everyone stepped aside and watched her make a fool of
How about it!
Very angry, right?
Just be angry, everything I said is true anyway. If you are not convinced, then you can turn the
facts upside down.
With Jiang Yunyi's ability, she will never win Huo Jinlin's heart in this life.
The two of them came over, talking and laughing.
"Yeah, I didn't expect that Mr. Huo's incident would cause such a big stir. I personally think he did
nothing wrong, but the way he handled it is indeed difficult to evaluate. If it were an outsider's
opinion, Mr. Huo would definitely not be a very filial person. Now the latest batch of news has
come out, all talking about this incident, and the headlines are all about money, completely
disregarding family affection, and the rift between father and son!"
"That's not the case. Before this matter has a result, I'll just wait and see. Maybe our department
will be needed in a while. This internship is really tiring. I have to do everything. I'm exhausted.
As for Mr. Huo, let him do his best. We just need to do our own thing."
This is just great.
Unknowingly, the two interns touched Jiang Yunyi's sore spot.
Everyone is willing to remind.
But it was still a little late.
Filled with rage, Jiang Yunyi rushed to the two men frantically, before they could figure out what
was going on.
One curse after another had already spread out.
Hear these words.
The two of them immediately became angry, and one of them asked back on the spot: "Sister,
you are mistaken, right? Which department are you from? Which department am I from? Stop
meddling in other people's business, okay? Get as far away from me as possible!"
Fortunately, the other intern was calmer.
He grabbed him.
The situation is different.
The trouble started again!
Through the one-way window, Wang Zian took it all in. He sighed and opened the door again.
This time, Wang Zian's eyes were full of helplessness. He walked up to the two interns and
patiently began to comfort them.
"Xiao Zhang, Xiao Li, don't take it personally. Manager Jiang is in a bad mood today, but it's not
targeting you. How about this, after today, you two take a good rest. I'll give you three days off,
just as a way for you to adjust your mood. I'll give you a private red envelope. Don't take it
personally, don't take it personally. Anger is harmful to your health."
There is no harm without comparison.
Wang Zian said this.
The anger in the two of them immediately subsided a lot.
Look at Wang Zian.
There was more grievance in his eyes than anger.
Why can she vent her temper on others? The more she thought about it, the angrier she became.
But after all, Wang Zian was still there, so they didn't say it out loud. Looking at Jiang Yunyi in
front of them, they turned their heads away silently. Turning around, Wang Zian's eyes were
about to spit out flames. Looking at Jiang Yunyi in front of him, he stopped his prediction several
times, and finally chose to make it clear: "Jiang Yunyi, stop it. It's our fault today. We shouldn't
gossip about others. You keep doing this again and again. I'm tired, and you're tired too. Let's go
back and have a good rest. I'll pretend that what happened here never happened. I will manage
everyone in the future. Is that enough?"
This is the best solution Wang Zian can think of.
If it still doesn't work.
There's really nothing we can do about it.
After several consecutive outbursts, Jiang Yunyi gradually realized her problem.
She raised her head and gave Wang Zian a vicious look. She snorted coldly: "That's better!"
"Okay, then I'll give you this favor today, but before I leave, I have to tell you something. Don't
think that you interns can be so arrogant. I've written down everything you two did and said
today. Don't let me run into you in the future, or you two won't even make it through your
internship. Humph, keep your mouths shut, or you won't be so lucky next time."
There will be a next time?
Let me digress again.
Why did Wang Zian come out in such a hurry and be willing to admit his mistake?
That's because he knows the personalities of these two interns too well. Although they are
interns on the surface, they come from wealthy families and are never short of money. They just
want to gain some experience in society. Apart from anything else, they are also cousins of
Director Cao. They are always serious and hardworking in their work. Their only shortcoming is
that they have a bad temper. On weekdays, everyone treats each other with respect, but that
doesn't mean they don't have any temper at all.
It's just a small internship.
I’m quitting today!
Next second.
Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang got angry at the same time, pointing their fingers at Jiang Yunyi and
yelling, "Who do you think you are? Stop giving me orders!"
"I really give you face, don't I? Apologize to us now, or you will suffer the consequences."
This sudden change caught Jiang Yunyi off guard.
But Jiang Yunyi wasn't a person with a bad temper. They were just two interns. How could they
dare to talk to her like that?
Neither side is willing to give in to the other.
Jiang Yunyi chose to confront it head-on.
"I'm talking about you guys, so what can you do?"

Chapter 224: Stop it

It's all such a coincidence.
As soon as Jiang Yunyi finished speaking, the lights inside the office suddenly turned off. The next
second, Jiang Yunyi felt a burning sensation on her face.
After all this, the lights inside the office returned to normal.
Look at everything around you.
Jiang Yunyi was confused.
She had never suffered such injustice since she was a child.
It's easy to tell what she had just experienced, but everyone's attitude was clear.
Everyone around was acting crazy and taking photos, cooperating with Jiang Yunyi's performance.
Some people even took the initiative to make fun of it.
"Hahahaha, it's normal to have a lot of mosquitoes in recent weather. Did you hear the sound of
someone swatting a mosquito just now?"
"I heard it, I heard it too, but I don't know what it is. Sigh, maybe this is what everyone has to do
with their lives. Some people just talk in a way that's unpleasant to the ear and easily attracts
Looked up.
Jiang Yunyi's tears of grievance suddenly burst out.
Thinking about it carefully, Jiang Yunyi kept her eyes on the two interns who beat her.
Look at them.
Jiang Yunyi glared at him: "This is too much, how can you not respect others at all, how can you
do this to me casually!"
The attitudes of those two people were also very clear.
They've started a fight and they've blamed you, so what can you do about it?
You have no evidence anyway.
What's more, after Jiang Yunyi's commotion, the two had already made up their minds about
why to keep the company. After all, they were still young and there would be plenty of
opportunities in the future. Once this idea came into their minds, their attitudes were completely
Look at Jiang Yunyi.
The two of them laughed aside.
"I'm sorry, but respect is for people, not for people like you. I advise you to be careful and not talk
nonsense every day. Otherwise, what can you do if I teach you a lesson today? You want
compensation, right? Then go talk to my lawyer."
"Okay, at worst we won't be in this company anymore. Let's just treat today as a lesson for
ourselves and for you. If you have any questions, just tell us now. Don't think that you and Mr.
Huo can have any relationship. I advise you to stop thinking about it. It's really embarrassing."
It's already unfair enough.
Now the pain on my face and the emotions in my heart burst out together.
Jiang Yunyi couldn't hold it in any longer, she couldn't say anything, tears kept flowing down her
face, she covered her face and cried bitterly.
“What are you doing!”
at this time.
A voice came from the door.
Lin Yiran walked over from the door, because there were some things in the company that
needed Huo Jinlin to deal with. Now Huo Jinlin was busy dealing with financial matters, so he
temporarily handed this matter to Lin Yiran. Originally, he thought about just coming to get a
document, but after thinking about it carefully, he still needed the publicity department,
especially after hearing about Huo Jinlin's affairs on the way.
Lin Yiran was in a complicated mood.
The media is always like this, as long as it can attract eyeballs and gain attention.
They can tell anything.
Just like now.
The outside world is already in an uproar.
They said that Huo Jinlin betrayed his father for profit.
Some even said that Huo Jinlin had even assaulted his father.
What do these things count for in the eyes of outsiders?
Maybe Huo Jinlin doesn't care about these things psychologically, but every time he sees these,
Lin Yiran feels particularly sad.
I came here today to resolve this matter.
Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the door and before I found anyone, I heard a cry.
After seeing the person clearly, Lin Yiran quickened his pace and quickly came to Jiang Yunyi's
side, and Lin Yiran spoke.
"What's wrong? What's the problem?"
Seeing that something was not right, Wang Zian immediately stood up. He had to be more
obscure about the matter between Jiang Yunyi and Huo Jinlin, but after all, the problem was in
his department and it was Lin Yiran, so he had to give an explanation for the solution: "Sister
Yiran, I don't know what the problem is. Jiang Yunyi seemed to have a little problem with the
intern just now. I have already taught them a lesson, but we don't know what happened
specifically. Why don't you ask Jiang Yunyi?"
Wang Zian set his sights on Jiang Yunyi.
According to Jiang Yunyi's personality, she knows the price of speaking casually.
Other people might not care so much, but Lin Yiran is completely different. The only thing Jiang
Yunyi can do is to swallow her anger.
Raising his head and giving Wang Zian a fierce look, Jiang Yunyi finally chose to remain silent.
At this time.
Two interns standing by expressed their opinions.
"Sister Yiran, we met once before, and I have a good impression of you, but the conflict today is
not between us. From now on, we will no longer stay in the company, and we also hope that your
company can become better. As for Jiang Yunyi, you should have a good talk with him yourself. I
"Me too. Even if there are really good people in the company, a bad apple can spoil the whole
thing. Anyway, I really can't accept such behavior. We'll meet again if we're destined to. I hope to
see Sister Yiran again in the future."
There is a huge contrast between the attitudes before and after.
It wasn't because the two interns were arrogant.
It's because of their attitude towards people.
We should treat different people with different attitudes, otherwise, how can we give a good
Having said this.
Lin Yiran could only shake his head helplessly.
"Okay, okay, I will learn more about your situation. I hope you can cooperate with me. If you don't
want to stay in our company, that's fine. I will sign your internship certificate and the company
will pay your salary. Thank you for your contribution to the company during this period. Now that
everyone has a conflict, let's go down and calm down and have a good rest. Don't worry, I will
never favor anyone."
After saying.
Lin Yiran took the initiative to ask the two to leave.
Now that the matter has not been thoroughly investigated, jumping to conclusions will only make
the matter worse.
It would be better to calm down.
At this moment.
Wang Zian stood up again.
"Sister Yiran, why don't you go and take a rest first? I'll take care of Jiang Yunyi's situation. After
all, she is the victim. I think it's necessary to let Jiang Yunyi calm down. If anything happens, I'll
call you first, okay?"
Lin Yiran said nothing and shook his head silently.
Although I haven't figured out what's going on, I can vaguely feel that something is wrong.
Everyone in the company has different ideas, and it is normal to have conflicts, but it is rare for
them to become so serious.
After thinking it over carefully, Lin Yiran decided to handle the matter himself. He pulled Jiang
Yunyi up and led everyone away from the scene.

Chapter 225 How Does She Know

After arriving at his office, Lin Yiran checked everything first, and then asked patiently.
"Yunyi, what is going on? I hope you can adjust your mood and tell me everything from beginning
to end. I still have some things to deal with now. Please hurry up. I will definitely give you a
satisfactory answer to this matter."
Feeling Lin Yiran's sincere gaze.
Jiang Yunyi lowered her head silently.
Is he feeling embarrassed for causing trouble to Lin Yiran?
No no no!
Jiang Yunyi was simply feeling guilty.
Compared to the grievance on her face, Jiang Yunyi understood that compared to what happened
today, it was just child's play.
Jiang Yunyi can ignore everyone in the company, including Huo Jinlin.
To put it mildly, speaking for Huo Jinlin might just mean taking sides, but if it were to be taken
seriously, and everyone really poured out Jiang Yunyi's thoughts and told Lin Yiran everything,
then things would be completely different.
Think of this.
Jiang Yunyi changed her words while crying.
"It's okay, it's just some minor conflicts between us." Jiang Yunyi sobbed silently, and then she felt
it was not enough, so she added: "Yi'ran, thank you for speaking for me today, but this is just a
small matter after all. I think we should not take it too far. The situation is probably about Mr.
Huo. I have always believed in my heart that Mr. Huo and you are not that kind of person, but
everyone in the company has fallen out. Everyone is discussing this matter and disagrees. In
addition, the tone of our conversation may be quite intense, and everything has developed into
this. You don't have to worry too much about me. I will handle this matter myself."
Listen to Jiang Yunyi's words.
Lin Yiran felt warm in her heart.
I didn't expect that even at this time, Jiang Yunyi was still willing to stand on the side of Huo Jinlin
and myself.
What is the highest level of lying? It has been mentioned before, and that is mixing truth and lies
It's totally hard to tell the difference.
Let’s continue with this topic.
Jiang Yunyi changed the subject.
Instead, he continued to ask.
"Yi Ran, how is this matter going now? I saw you were very anxious just now. I think you came
here for this matter, right?"
"If that's the case, then I have some suggestions, including my personal opinion and everyone's
opinion. What do you think?"
After regaining her sanity, Jiang Yunyi's tactics were no longer ordinary. With just a few words and
her own thoughtful observation, Jiang Yunyi keenly grasped Lin Yiran's point.
I heard Lin Yiran sigh.
Jiang Yunyi understood it in her heart.
That’s right!
Absolutely right!
Lin Yiran must have come here just for the matter of Huo Jinlin.
And then.
Jiang Yunyi gradually mastered the rhythm of speaking, and slowly, Jiang Yunyi shaped himself
into a different image.
"Yi Ran, don't worry, I will always believe in you and stand by your side no matter what!"
"Whoever goes against you is my enemy. Let's split up. I'll go to the company to continue to
dispel the rumors, and you go do what you should do. Maybe I won't be of much use, but even if
there is anything I can do for you, I'm willing to do it!"
After listening to what Jiang Yunyi said.
Lin Yiran was indescribable.
Holding Jiang Yunyi's hand tightly, Lin Yiran nodded heavily.
The two men acted separately.
Inside the company, everyone was arguing about this matter.
"Well, it's hard for me to make an evaluation of this matter anyway. You can't trust everything
that happens in the upper echelons."
"Before this incident comes out, I'd better maintain a neutral attitude. After all, we have all seen
what kind of person Mr. Huo is. Since we are from the same company, it's better to say less."
the other side.
Because of the company's financial problems, a document alone could not solve the problem.
After sending a message to Lin Yiran, Huo Jinlin came to the company in person.
As soon as I entered.
All kinds of rumors reached Huo Jinlin's ears.
As soon as I turned on my phone.
The assistant's messages filled the entire screen.
Most of what was said above are about Huo Jinlin’s problems.
"Boss Huo!!! Please come out and clarify. I have already prepared the information for you!"
"Brother, please take care of me, or everyone will come to your house."
After turning off the screen, Huo Jinlin came to the seventh floor where Jiang Yunyi was.
Before I even entered, I could hear Jiang Yunyi's voice coming from inside.
After all, it was their own department. Under Jiang Yunyi's management, everyone had obviously
relaxed a lot on this matter. But Jiang Yunyi still felt that it was not enough, and gave instructions
again: "Well, I have said everything I should say today. I hope everyone can know what to do.
Before the result of this matter comes out, we should all look at it rationally. I also know that you
must not be happy to say so much suddenly. Don't worry, I am not the kind of person who only
asks everyone to do things. After today, I will treat everyone to a meal, and everyone can come to
me to receive a bonus of 300 yuan. We can't control other departments, but we have to manage
ourselves. Do you understand?"
"Jin Lin."
Suddenly, someone patted Huo Jinlin on the back. As soon as he turned around, Lin Yiran's figure
came into view.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran's face was full of confusion, his eyes blinking, as if to say, "Ah! Why
are you here?"
Lin Yiran came to the company, always thinking about trying to handle the matter on his own.
I don't want to bother boys anymore.
But now Huo Jinlin appeared in front of her. Lin Yiran was still hesitating whether to tell him
about the company's affairs. Huo Jinlin took the lead and said, "Silly, there are so many things
going on in the company. I was just taking a break. We have to solve the problems now."
Looking at Lin Yiran's dazed look, Huo Jinlin smiled and touched Lin Yiran's head.
Lin Yiran, this silly child, is always so silly. After the incident with Huo Nantian, Huo Jinlin had
already expected such a day to come.
There are so many people in the senior management. Even if they are restrained, they will still
leak it out accidentally. What's more, there are secretaries and all kinds of people. It is not
surprising that such a big thing is leaked. Looking at the documents in Lin Yiran's hand, Huo Jinlin
knew in his heart that she must be running around for her own affairs. With Lin Yiran here, all this
does not seem so difficult.
Come today.
There is one more thing! And this matter is related to Lin Yiran!
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran stared blankly for a long while, then said to himself: "It turns out
that I have known it all along..."

Chapter 226: One Hundred Million More for No Reason

It would be fine if he just talked to himself, but the key point was that he always spoke so loudly.
If things went as expected, it wouldn't take long for Lin Yiran to find him again, then raise his
head and say stupidly, "Jinlin, you're great. Nothing can escape your eyes."
Everything was going according to Huo Jinlin's plan. Looking at Lin Yiran's silly look, if possible,
Huo Jinlin wanted to keep everything at this moment. With Lin Yiran here, all the hard work
would be worth it.
After being stunned for a moment, Huo Jinlin immediately recovered. Now there were more
important things to deal with. Even though the time they spent together was wonderful, there
were still many things to do for a better future.
Come today.
There is really something important to discuss with Lin Yiran.
Taking Lin Yiran back to the office and sitting aside, Huo Jinlin said in a slightly more serious tone:
"Yiran, please sit down first. I have something to tell you."
After taking a closer look at Huo Jinlin and thinking of what Huo Jinlin had just said, Lin Yiran
knew that Huo Jinlin must have encountered something very important. As long as she could
help, she would do it no matter what. Thinking of this, Lin Yiran clenched Huo Jinlin's hands and
raised her head. Lin Yiran's eyes were full of tenderness, and then: "Jinlin, I know you must be
very angry now, and your mood must be very complicated. It doesn't matter. I will be by your side
no matter what. Let's talk about it now. Don't worry, I will always be by your side."
Originally, he did have some such worries, but after hearing what Lin Yiran said, the worries in his
heart disappeared. Holding Lin Yiran's hands tightly, Huo Jinlin did not forget to smile and tease:
"Okay, you know I'm handsome and you have me in your heart, but let's talk about business first.
What do you think, beautiful lady?" Huo Jinlin said with a smile. This was not enough. After he
finished speaking, Huo Jinlin added: "Here are the documents for you to see first."
Now it seems that Huo Jinlin is still so sinister.
Hearing his relaxed and humorous tone, Lin Yiran felt relieved.
It's okay, it's okay!
However, this document is very special. Although it is the same packaging as used in the
company, it is sealed with layers of seals on the outside and no information can be seen. If you
just look at the packaging, you can't see anything. It's rare to see Huo Jinlin being so mysterious.
After nodding slightly, Lin Yi opened it and checked.
It would have been fine if she hadn't looked at it, but when she did, Lin Yiran was stunned on the
The above content is unbelievable.
"Jinlin, this..."
Lin Yiran said.
Feeling Lin Yiran's silence, Huo Jinlin's tone became more serious: "Yes, it's just as you thought.
Our relationship has been going on for so long. Today I want to formally inform you that from
now on, you and I are joint debt bearers. Understand!"
"Don't be so serious! You almost scared me to death!"
"If other people heard it, they would think we were getting divorced."
Lin Yiran said with a pout.
The contents of the file bag were indeed about two people, but the information written on it was
truly surprising.
Unknowingly, Huo Jinlin had already given half of his property to Lin Yiran.
Today, Huo Jinlin came to find Lin Yiran to sign, because the huge amount requires two people to
sign together and bear it together, so if he wants to resolve the matter of Huo Nantian, Lin Yiran
is the only one.
Before, everyone had always thought that Huo Jinlin had been increasingly strapped for cash
recently and needed to invest in various areas, so the funds would definitely not be able to keep
up. However, little did they know that shortly after the two officially confirmed their relationship,
Huo Jinlin had already divided out half of his property, which was originally under Lin Yiran's
name. Huo Nantian's move was indeed quite clever. If there was only this little asset in total, it
really could not withstand his efforts.
That was just his unilateral idea.
After saying this, the corners of Huo Jinlin's mouth rose unconsciously, and he laughed wildly:
"Hahaha, you are really my good father. You are scheming against me like this. Well, well, since
you want to play with me like this, then I will accompany him to have enough fun today. I will
have as much as he wants. Even if I acquire his company, it will be enough. Yi Ran, you sign, and
then, I will deal with the rest of the negative news. It's okay, you have me." When he said the
latter, Huo Jinlin's tone was full of tenderness. Just looking at Lin Yi Ran quietly, he felt that it was
I finally understood what was going on.
Lin Yiran slowly calmed down from shock.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, she suddenly became very serious: "Why, boy, you trust me so much, right?
Well, I will make you suffer a loss today. This is more than 5 billion. If I run away now, you will
probably cry!" Lin Yiran said deliberately.
Listening to Lin Yiran’s words.
Huo Jinlin frowned visibly.
Next second.
Lin still felt a pain in his buttocks.
She felt aggrieved, almost crying. Looking at Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran wanted to open his mouth to
condemn him, but Huo Jinlin got there first: "Oh, really? I really believe in my little Lin. Even if the
sky falls, I don't believe you will run away. As for the slap just now, it was just a small lesson for
you. Be honest and sign quickly. My money is your money. You can use it as you want."
He rolled his eyes at Huo Jinlin.
Lin Yiran quickened his movements and signed quickly.
After completing this procedure, Huo Jinlin gently embraced Lin Yin in his arms. Ten minutes later,
the funding problem would be solved.
As for the company's internal affairs.
Huo Jinlin saw Lin Yiran's efforts.
Lin Yiran was already very tired during this period. Huo Jinlin said, "Yiran, I have seen everything
you have done. I will handle the matters within the company. You should have a good rest today.
It won't be long before I will accompany you well."
Although the pain from the slap had not yet subsided, Lin Yiran was already very content to be
held in Huo Jinlin's arms like this.
A few minutes later, Huo Jinlin made a phone call to the outside world.
Hasn't Huo Nantian always wanted money? Now that the money is ready, let him take the money
and leave.
He moved quickly, and after more than ten minutes, Huo Nantian appeared in Huo Jinlin's office.
As soon as they met, the atmosphere instantly became cold and full of gunpowder. Looking at
Huo Jinlin, Huo Nantian laughed and said, "As expected of my son, you brought me the money so
quickly. Tsk tsk tsk, you are a filial son. So what are you still standing there for? Give me the
money first."
Huo Jinlin didn't say anything, but silently took out a black bank card from his waist.
After seeing this thing.
Huo Nantian immediately reached out his hand.
A second before he was about to touch the bank card, Huo Jinlin slowly withdrew his hand.
Huo Nantian was angry: "What are you doing? Are you unwilling?"

Chapter 227: A Big Argument

Respect is reserved for the right people.
If it weren't for this relationship, based on what Huo Nantian did, Huo Jinlin would definitely not
have a good chat with him.
You're already here.
Then why are you in such a hurry?
Looking at Huo Nantian, Huo Jinlin sat back and returned to his seat silently.
One of them was standing and the other was sitting, and their eyes were filled with
dissatisfaction with each other.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Huo Nantian said coldly: "Oh, it seems that you are still angry with me.
Why, do you realize your mistake now?"
Huo Jinlin shook his head with a smile.
I've never seen anyone so shameless.
The reason why Huo Nantian was so angry was very simple, because Huo Jinlin had hit his sore
spot unknowingly.
In fact, Huo Nantian knew very well from the beginning that he was completely taking advantage
of this matter. If he used his means well, Huo Jinlin was fully capable of delaying this matter again
and again. Moreover, the amount of money obtained this time was almost doubled from the
original amount.
The relationship between the two parties had already reached an irreversible point. Huo Nantian
knew this better than anyone else. He was also very clear about what he had done. It didn't seem
strange that Huo Jinlin had such a reaction.
You want to chat, right?
Then let’s sit down and have a good chat today.
Lying back, Huo Nantian also sat down.
There was still a smile on his face.
Don't forget to make fun of me.
"My dear son, why do you treat your father like this? Also, I, your daughter-in-law, am not filial.
When I came, you didn't entertain me properly, but just stood beside you silently. As expected,
you two really don't know how to respect others."
Take a deep breath.
Lin Yiran said, "Uncle, we don't need to be so sharp. We have already discussed the issue of
money, and we will definitely give it to you in full. But before that, we still have a few words to
say to you about the matter between you and us."
"First of all, we respect you very much, but the conflicts between us have already happened.
Broken mirrors cannot be mended. We respect your choice and hope you can respect our choice.
Secondly, everything that happened today is the first time and the last time. I hope you can think
about it carefully. It's not convenient for me to talk about the rest, so let Jinlin talk to you."
Then Lin Yiran continued.
Huo Jinlin spoke in a cold tone.
"There is no relationship between you and me anymore. I'll let you go this time because you
caused trouble, but there won't be a next time."
"If you have any problems in the future, they will be your own problems. I will not help you solve
them privately."
"As for now, take your money and leave this place."
As he spoke, Huo Jinlin flicked his hand and took out the bank card again.
Huo Nantian sneered.
He had thought that there might be some minor mistakes, but now everything was obviously
beyond Huo Nantian's expectations.
to be honest.
Even if he really had no feelings for Huo Jinlin in his heart, they had once had a cooperative
relationship in this company.
I felt an inexplicable chill in my heart.
He didn't know what words to use to express his emotions.
He hasn't thought it through yet.
Huo Jinlin had already started calling people.
"Go ahead, grab your things and leave my office. We will never meet again. If we do, we will be
"The faster we go, the better."
Huo Jinlin said coldly.
From now on, Huo Jinlin will no longer have any feelings for the man in front of him.
Pick up the bank card.
Huo Nantian left the scene dejectedly.
Feeling Huo Nantian's lost back, Lin Yiran sighed heavily.
"Ah, if I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have done it in the first place. But now that it
has come to this, there is nothing more to say."
After stretching, Huo Jinlin lay back, closed his eyes, and began to think seriously.
Three seconds later, Huo Jinlin opened his eyes again.
Lin Yiran was stunned.
Isn't the speed of adjusting emotions a bit too fast?
Looking at Lin Yiran.
Huo Jinlin did the opposite.
"Yi Ran, okay, I know you are a person with a lot of emotions and a delicate mind, but this thing
has already happened, so we should bravely deal with it positively. Now it's all over, it's okay, let's
go, let's deal with the company's affairs now, and don't worry about Huo Nantian's matter. I'm so
tired, let's go eat first, and then we can discuss it properly after dinner."
Perhaps the greatest weakness of human beings is having too many emotions.
Huo Jinlin’s idea is very simple.
Since we have all left, there will be no more interactions in the future.
So why are there so many emotions?
Emotions should be reserved for those who deserve them.
Thinking like this.
He felt relieved.
In order to facilitate the next work, Huo Jinlin took Lin Yiran to the company cafeteria. It was said
to be for a meal, but more importantly, it was to understand the situation within the company
and at the same time, to take a look at the specific developments in the media.
A digression.
As the matter with Huo Nantian developed to this point, Lin Yiran had already understood in her
heart that there was no possibility of easing the relationship between the two sides.
However, Huo Nantian is involved with many people, including Song Yu Nuan.
As far as Lin Yiran knows, it is normal for Huo Jinlin and Huo Nantian to have a bad relationship,
but what should Song Yunuan do?
After raising this question.
Lin Yiran couldn't help but become worried.
Because of this incident, Song Yu Nuan had some other ideas.
That's different.
After listening to what Lin Yiran said, Huo Jinlin smiled and shook his head, denying Lin Yiran's
inference: "Don't worry, I told mom about Huo Nantian's affairs as soon as possible. It's okay. We
have seen it clearly over the years."
"Well, how's your analysis of the information in your phone going?"
Huo Jinlin asked.
Just now, Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran acted separately, Huo Jinlin focused more on the internal affairs
of the company, while Lin Yiran focused more on public resources.
Been watching for so long.
It's time to draw a conclusion.
Turning around, Lin Yiran shook her head helplessly. Just now, Lin Yiran discovered that this
matter had become a hot topic.
Almost all platforms are promoting this matter, and audiences are arguing about it, and the
comment section is buzzing.
The ones at the top are all negative comments about Huo Jinlin.
"I used to have a good impression of Huo Jinlin, but even his own father could do such a thing.
What kind of person is he? I will never be a fan of Huo Jinlin again. I have turned from a fan to a
hater. Is there anyone who feels the same way as me?"
"There's nothing much to comment on. Huo Jinlin is just so-so. He only cares about money, so
how could he care about anything else? Is there anyone who supports me? If everyone hates Huo
Jinlin, then please give me a thumbs up."
Look at these comments.
Huo Jinlin narrowed his eyes slightly.
Lin Yiran sighed helplessly: "Jinlin, what should we do now?"

Chapter 228 Settled

Bad reviews!
Full of bad reviews!
After listening to what Lin Yiran said, Huo Jinlin smiled slightly. He had already thought about it
like this. As for the company, there have been obviously fewer rumors in the company since Huo
Jinlin appeared. Moreover, Huo Jinlin has arranged for his assistant to mobilize surveillance.
Doesn't everyone want an answer? Then make the truth of the matter public today.
Things on the Internet are too unreal. Some people do not have their own judgment, and
everyone will follow the direction of public opinion. This is a very normal thing.
In today's fast-paced world, most people just watch it for fun, so why would they think so much
about it?
Huo Jinlin cannot change the current state of society.
The only thing that can be changed is the direction of public opinion.
You all want to play like this, right? The first step is that Huo Jinlin is going to take those who
spread rumors about him to court. If they have a good attitude, then today will be a lesson for
them. If they are stubborn, then send them inside to sit down. The second step is that Huo
Nantian has not spoken yet. Both sides are in a state of not speaking. I just contacted Huo
Nantian and the money has been given to him. He has no face and no reason to do that. The third
step is to publish some information that can be published, implement the plan, and use the plan
to change the status quo. If all these three steps are done smoothly, the company's problems will
naturally be solved.
Among these, planning became the top priority.
Regarding prosecution.
Huo Jinlin had already silently called his assistant.
Huo Jinlin's analysis was well organized.
After hearing this, Lin Yiran suddenly became enlightened and his eyes lit up.
Huo Jinlin is worthy of being Huo Jinlin. He stays calm at all times and has his own thoughts.
Things that are difficult for ordinary people are just a piece of cake for Huo Jinlin. As for the
planning of the plan, Lin still took the initiative to volunteer.
"Jinlin, let me plan the plan, and I'll finish it for you within two hours."
"For the things you mentioned, some of them can be handed over to the assistant, but some can
be further improved."
"This matter has both advantages and disadvantages. If it is used well, it will not only let
everyone know the truth of the matter, but also allow our company to enter the field of vision of
more people. How about this, you can release a clarification video. I have been quietly running an
account within our company. Now it has millions of fans, which will still have some influence. As
long as we work hard together, we will definitely get through this difficult time safely."
Do what you say.
With the joint efforts of Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran, two hours later, numerous online videos and
lawsuits were all posted on the Internet.
In the video, Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran stood together hand in hand and said it together.
"Recently, the things about me and my wife have caused some bad influence on everyone on the
Internet, but we also hope that everyone can maintain their own judgment and rationality.
Regarding the relationship between Huo Nantian and me, it is indeed the same as everyone said,
but we have severed the father-son relationship before, and now we are just ordinary partners.
Everyone may think that I am cold-blooded, but if everyone has a deeper understanding of this
matter, then everyone will definitely change their views on this matter. Regarding the rumors on
the Internet, we have already launched a lawsuit against those media figures. We will tell
everyone the results of the lawsuit as soon as possible. I hope that everyone will not be deceived
by lies. At the same time, I also hope that everyone can recognize our company. I sincerely thank
everyone here!"
There are many stickers behind.
What he said was well-reasoned and he was able to provide substantial evidence.
Plus the internet’s water army.
For a while.
The hot searches changed again.
[Huo Jinlin, the slandered president! ]
[The couple joins hands to overcome difficulties and tear apart all rumors! 】
【Justice is in the heart of man. 】
More and more media have joined in the trend.
Everyone spoke up.
"Next, we have our exclusive interview. Thank you very much, Mr. Huo, for appearing on camera
and cooperating with us. Regarding many of the previous questions, I believe everyone has a new
understanding now. If you have anything else you want to say or ask, or other questions, you can
leave a message here, and we will let Mr. Huo answer them one by one."
"Mr. Huo, what is your philosophy since you founded the company, and what is the direction you
have been working on? Why has your company never appeared in the public before? I heard that
you are very low-key and your company has been helping poor children. Is this true?"
It's not just Huo Jinlin.
There is also an exclusive interview with Lin Yiran.
When Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin stand together, they are a beautiful sight no matter when and
Especially in this Internet age, the first thing people look at when they see someone is basically
their face.
It is clear.
Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran have passed the test.
The first step has already won everyone's recognition. Then, with the two of them appearing in
the camera, Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin have attracted countless fans at the same time. Facing the
interview, Lin Yiran was calm and composed, "Thank you all for your support for me and my
husband. At the same time, I also hope that everyone can pay more attention to the
development of our company. If there is any follow-up, we will release it as soon as possible. In
the face of rumors and false accusations, I share the same philosophy as the company and use
my own strength to break all doubts."
After doing all this.
The comment section immediately changed.
There was a lot of cursing before, but now it has turned into a harmonious state.
Like the top few, everyone has the same attitude.
"Really, I cried my ass off, okay? Sisters, the story of Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran really touched me.
How many companies are not doing anything, and how many people are unwilling to take on
their responsibilities? Not only do they sponsor poor children, but their company is also thriving,
and the two of them have a harmonious relationship. This is simply my ideal life. I give them a big
thumbs up. If anyone dares to speak ill of them, I will be the first to disagree."
"That's great. I finally got everything back. I believed in them a long time ago, but I was scolded
by a bunch of brainless people at that time. Now it's okay. I was right. If everyone is willing to
support Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran with me, then let's all give a thumbs up and cheer together!"
"It's a good company and good people, so why shouldn't we support them? Anyway, I'm going to
say this today. From now on, I will continue to be a fan. I will strongly support Huo Jinlin and their
products. Hahahaha, this is really cause for celebration!"
It was late at night.
After a tiring day, Lin Yinan collapsed completely as soon as he got home.
Nestled in Huo Jinlin's arms, she read the comments online with Huo Jinlin and felt the beauty of
this comeback.
Looking at each other, they smiled.

Chapter 229 Online Store Planning

When a husband and wife work together, they can achieve great things. With the joint efforts of
the two, not only did the company successfully overcome the difficulties, but also the things that
happened between the two before were also dug out by netizens, including the new factory.
During this period of time, the new factory has been handed over to Aya and Lin Yutian for
management. Aya is very smart and predicted it one step ahead. Everyone praised the new
factory as soon as they touched it.
"Family, really, I have never admired anyone in my life. The only person I admire is Lin Yiran.
Although he is the same age as me, Lin Yiran can handle these things with ease. Although there
were some problems with the new factory, after Lin Yiran's improvement, it is completely
different from before. It's amazing. I really like Lin Yiran's style of doing things."
"That's right, I feel the same way. If I could meet Lin Yiran in real life, I would be so lucky."
"I heard that the parts from this factory are cheaper than other places. The quality is good and
the price is cheap. Do you understand what I mean?"
For a time, Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran were extremely popular.
Nestled in Huo Jinlin's arms, Lin Yiran came up with a brilliant idea in her mind.
Didn’t I mention it before that Lin still wants to cooperate with retail investors? However, for
various reasons, this plan has never been implemented.
Now, the problems with the new factory have been solved successfully. Moreover, Aya is sharp-
eyed and has already registered the next site for Lin Yiran in advance. As long as Lin Yiran is
willing, another new factory will be built in a short time.
By that time, the two factories will work together to produce.
In math problems, one plus one does equal two.
But if applied to real life, one company plus another company may have a greater effect than
But publicity is definitely indispensable. If you want to get more resources, you need to work
harder than everyone else. After this incident, the number of fans of Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran
skyrocketed, and they instantly had five million fans. If you make good use of them, these are all
resources. Looking at Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran became serious.
She said, "Jinlin, I think we should strike while the iron is hot, take advantage of everyone's
attention to us during this period, and let everyone gradually move closer to our new factory.
Didn't I say before that the market price is disordered now? As long as we are sincere enough and
offer a suitable price, many people will find us. My meaning is very simple. I hope you can give
me a chance, give me a day, and I will give you a satisfactory plan. At that time, if there is no
problem, we will consider the new factory carefully. If there is a problem, how about we talk
about it again?"
Lin Yiran said seriously.
After listening to what Lin Yiran said, Huo Jinlin straightened his back and his eyes became
Huo Jinlin is a man of meticulous mind and sharp eyes, and no small detail escapes his eyes.
He could see that what Lin Yiran said today was definitely not an answer he got today, it must
have been planned for a long time.
Give a chance?
When he heard this, Huo Jinlin couldn't help but burst out laughing on the spot.
Huo Jinlin could not believe anyone else, except Lin Yiran.
In Huo Jinlin's heart, he had already regarded Lin Yiran as a part of his inner self.
With ideas, innovation, ability and the courage to do it, Lin Yiran has surpassed many people from
the very beginning.
Moreover, these are only superficial advantages. In Lin Yiran's heart, they are even more delicate.
Since Lin is still willing to do it, what else can I say?
Looking at her, Huo Jinlin leaned over and kissed her: "Yi Ran, it's okay. I know you care about my
feelings in your heart, but there is something I must tell you, and I want to emphasize it. From the
beginning of the two of us being together, no matter what you do, I will stand by your side
unconditionally and without reason. I know you are a great person. If you have any ideas, just do
it. If you are tired, I will always be your strong harbor. It doesn't matter if you fail. Since you have
already proposed it, do you have any plan for this?"
Huo Jinlin said sharply.
The next plan is the most important.
Lin Yiran knew very well in her heart that Huo Jinlin was not joking with her. Even if things really
turned out to be a mess from the beginning, Huo Jinlin would not have any complaints.
However, as a strong woman, Lin Yiran's heart is always stubborn. As for this plan, Lin Yiran really
has one.
After listening to what Huo Jinlin said, Lin Yiran nervously took out his online store planning and
marketing plan. When problems arose at the new factory, Lin Yiran had already prepared it in
advance, but he had never had a suitable opportunity.
The reason why I didn't take it out just now was because Lin Yiran also found some small
problems in it.
after all.
Time is always moving forward, and the gaze then may be the same as the gaze now, or it may be
Looking at Huo Jinlin.
Lin Yiran said nervously, "Jinlin, just treat this as a reference. Don't take it seriously. If you have
any other questions, just ask me first. Anyway, my general idea is the same as above."
Upon hearing this, Huo Jinlin's evil thoughts suddenly came to the fore.
Seeing Lin Yiran's nervous expression, Huo Jinlin deliberately put on a stern face and said calmly,
"Well, I'll have to take a closer look. This matter is very complicated and difficult to say. Let me
first see your general ideas and thoughts, and then we can make an evaluation."
After saying that, Huo Jinlin's eyes became sharp and he stared at the plan given by Lin Yiran.
Feeling Huo Jinlin's cold gaze, Lin Yiran's heart couldn't help but skip a beat.
This lasted for three minutes, which seemed like a short time, but this tension lasted for a whole
Lin Yiran even had an illusion that she had turned into a little child, waiting for the teacher to
correct her homework.
After reading it, Huo Jinlin slowly closed the computer. The next second, Huo Jinlin clasped his
hands across his chest and raised his brows.
Lin Yiran asked impatiently.
"how is it going!"
Huo Jinlin did not respond immediately, but shook his head at Lin Yiran.
This is a denial of Lin Yiran.
After reading it, I found that there are no major problems with the general content above, but
some aspects are outrageous, too idealistic, and difficult to implement. If they are really put into
real life, it will not only consume a lot of manpower and material resources, but also fail to
achieve the ideal results. This point needs special criticism. Business is business, and you still
have to be realistic when it is time to be realistic.
Listening to Huo Jinlin's comments, Lin Yiran lowered his head silently.

Chapter 230 Company Group Chat

The result was the same as he expected. At that time, Lin Yiran felt that this aspect was too
unrealistic, and there were other aspects as well.
The treatment of characters and various arrangements are not written in great detail, which will
have a great impact on everyone in the actual process. Moreover, this is just the result at the
beginning. If it continues to grow wildly in this way, it will not only fail to play a leading role, but
will instead monopolize the market, leaving others with no way to survive and will easily be
attacked by the crowd.
Speaking of this.
Huo Jinlin couldn't help but shook his head.
He deliberately said: "Yi Ran, that's about all the questions. If you have anything else you want to
say, then we can talk about it now. This issue is very important, and I hope you can take it to
Lin Yiran nodded silently.
She is not someone who cannot take criticism.
Having such a good person standing by your side can also illuminate the direction for you to
move forward.
Lin Yiran felt particularly honored.
According to what Huo Jinlin said, it seems that this plan was really a failure.
Lin Yiran smiled with relief.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran smiled gently and said, "Jinlin, thank you for your comments on
Huo Jinlin hadn't finished speaking yet.
After pointing out the wrong plan, Huo Jinlin then expressed his approval of the remaining plan
proposed by Lin Yiran.
The overall development scale and subsequent space leave a lot of imagination. Even if Lin still
relies on the current resources to integrate and do it, you should be able to get very good results
from this plan. Continue to invest in production and continue to expand the scale. The effect will
become better. This is beyond doubt.
As long as the details are optimized again and some ideas are added in various aspects, this will
definitely be a very good solution.
At the same time, what Huo Jinlin said was also recognized by Lin Yiran.
The two chatted a lot, and time passed quickly and it was the next day.
The next morning, Lin Yiran got up early. After talking with Huo Jinlin yesterday, Lin Yiran decided
to optimize his plan. Lin Yiran had already thought of his best candidate, and that was definitely
Lin Yutian without a doubt.
Lin Yutian's thoughts were jumping. He could always give Lin Yiran a suitable suggestion for any
situation the cruise ship encountered, including this matter. Thinking of this, Lin Yiran contacted
Lin Yutian in advance. At 7 o'clock in the morning, Lin Yiran and Lin Yutian arrived at the company
an hour earlier. Inside the office, Lin Yutian realized the seriousness of the problem. She took the
initiative to speak: "Yiran, why did you suddenly call me here? If you have any questions, just tell
me. We are talking to each other."
Listening to Lin Yutian's words, Lin Yiran felt warm in his heart and told everyone about the plan
without hesitation.
The plan involves a large scale, not only including the new factory, but also the linkage between
the new factory and the company.
The fewer people who know about it, the better.
After understanding the seriousness of this matter.
Lin Yutian was shocked.
If there was any mistake, it would be enough to put Lin in deep trouble.
Feeling Lin Yutian's gaze.
Lin Yiran smiled slightly.
"What's the big deal? I've never trusted anyone in my life. The only person I trust is you. I will
always be tolerant and trustful of the people around me. Your ability is more than just an
assistant. We should have a good chat and look at more distant places. If you perform well, I can
hand over the new company to you in a while. It just so happens that we are going to open a new
company here. With you here, I will feel relieved."
Lin Yutian felt like his inner world had collapsed.
In such a moment, tears can no longer be stopped. The sudden trust catches people off guard.
Lin Yutian cried with joy, but when she thought about what she had done to Lin Yiran before, she
felt extremely guilty.
After a long silence, Lin Yutian didn't know how to face Lin Yiran.
Right here.
Lin Yiran put her hand on hers: "Hahaha, why are you crying? I'm still here. Aren't good sisters
supposed to help each other?"
"Don't cry, it's embarrassing. We will make money well in the future. I came to you now to modify
this plan, and also to explain something to you. It's just you and me here, we can have a good
chat. Yutian, I came to you for this plan, I hope you can understand the seriousness of this matter,
we should have a good chat here."
And then.
Lin Yiran reminded.
Lin Yiran chose to believe Lin Yutian, which was undoubtedly a huge test for Lin Yiran, but Lin
Yiran had also thought about it. Even if something really went wrong, it didn't matter. Everyone
should be responsible for their own actions. Lin Yutian had strong business capabilities. After
making some simple modifications, Lin Yiran gave Lin Yutian new instructions.
Next, in order to ensure the progress of subsequent arrangements, Lin Yutian needs to contact
the product exhibition venue and other matters within two days.
This has to be done quietly. No matter what arrangements are made, no matter who joins in, the
matter of the new factory is the most important thing now. During these two days, Lin still hopes
that Lin Yutian can devote himself to it wholeheartedly.
Feeling Lin Yiran's sincere gaze.
Lin Yutian nodded.
"Okay, leave it to me!"
After the discussion, the two were extremely happy, but gradually, Lin Yiran felt that the
atmosphere on the scene was becoming increasingly wrong.
Lin Yutian hesitated to speak, as if something was holding him back.
Noticing this, Lin Yiran took the initiative to communicate with Lin Yutian. She asked, "Yutian,
what's wrong? Is there anything wrong? I see that you don't seem very happy. Have you thought
of something? If so, tell me."
Seeing that Lin Yutian was still hesitating, Lin Yiran urged again: "We are all good sisters, and you
don't even want to talk to me, right?"
"Say it!"
Nodding, Lin Yutian then said that he had found a family to adopt the child, but that family was
very rich and he was worried that if he went to ask about the situation, it would easily cause
dissatisfaction among others. He was very conflicted, so he wanted to ask Lin Yiran's opinion from
a distance: "Yiran, am I being selfish? If I really do this, will the other party return the child to
me? I want to hear your opinion."
This question came too suddenly, and Lin Yiran was caught off guard for a moment.
Children's matter!
Lin Yutian has always had a clear goal, which is to work hard for his children. Now the children's
affairs are finally going well, which is a cause for celebration. If you really ask him about his
attitude, Lin Yiran is very cheerful: "What's the big deal! The child is your child, there is no need
to be selfish. If I encounter such a situation, although I would be very unhappy, I also respect the
other party's choice. It is better for the child to stay in his original family. The key still depends on
the child's choice. What do you think?" Lin Yiran said.

Chapter 231 A Critical Moment

Lin Yiran’s answer was exactly the same as the perfect answer in Lin Yutian’s mind.
After listening to what Lin Yiran said.
Lin Yutian was so overjoyed that he forgot to suppress his joy for a moment and showed it
completely to Lin Yiran.
Looking at Lin Yutian's silly smile.
Lin Yiran shook his head helplessly.
Whispered aside.
"Hahahaha, why are you so happy? Don't worry! Things will definitely get better and better."
"So is there anything else we want to talk about now?"
Lin Yiran said to Lin Yutian very seriously.
There was silence for a long moment.
Lin Yutian's expression suddenly became serious again, she narrowed her eyes, and then let out a
long sigh.
The words were clearly on the tip of his tongue, but he swallowed them back.
Looking at Lin Yiran.
Lin Yutian scratched his head.
"That's good, that's good. With your answer, I feel relieved."
Feeling the changes in Lin Yutian's emotions and her body language.
Lin Yiran was still keenly aware that something was wrong.
According to Lin Yiran's understanding of Lin Yutian over such a long time, Lin Yutian has always
put the matter of children first. Now the two were chatting happily, but he suddenly shut up.
Perhaps there is another hidden story.
Thinking like this.
Lin Yiran gradually penetrated into Lin Yutian's heart.
Grabbing Lin Yutian's hand, Lin Yiran comforted him: "Yutian, I know you must have a lot of
concerns in your heart, but we should be brave. I don't know what happened specifically, but I
am willing to listen to your thoughts. You must have something to say. Let's not rush. We have
plenty of time now. Let's have a good chat. What do you think?"
Before Lin Yutian could finish her words, Lin Yiran interrupted her and said that things could not
be rushed, and it was better to do it too late or too early, so she should think it through first.
The strength in my hands increased a little more.
Lin Yiran's face was still full of tenderness.
"It's okay, you don't have to make a decision so quickly. We should think about it carefully. You
and I are us!"
"If you have anything to say, then think about it carefully and we can have a good chat."
Who understands!
Today, Lin Yiran seemed to have a bug installed in her heart.
It touches Lin Yutian's heart all the time.
These are the words Lin Yutian has always wanted to hear, but no one has said them.
In this world, everyone's pace is always too fast, and it is easy to overlook many things.
If you force others, it would be too selfish.
I am so happy to have a close friend like Lin Yiran, and a good sister like Lin Yiran.
That is a blessing that cannot be acquired in several lifetimes.
Think of these.
At that moment, Lin Yutian suddenly felt relieved.
I had talked with Lin Yiran about the topic of children before, but for some reason, we didn't
continue to explore the topic in depth.
After their last chat, she even felt a sense of alienation towards Lin Yiran for a while.
But as time goes by.
Lin Yiran's character is becoming more and more apparent.
Spend money to help yourself at critical moments.
I've only been working for a few days and I'm already trying to help myself get promoted.
Treat it this way.
If he did anything to let her down again in the future, Lin Yutian would feel sorry for himself.
After thinking for a long time, Lin Yutian made up his mind.
After taking several deep breaths and adjusting his breathing, Lin Yutian asked a question
"Yan'er, you may not like the topic I'm going to talk about next, which is about children. I like your
children very much, but I also have to think about my children. As a mother, can you understand
this feeling?"
Lin Yiran nodded heavily.
A mother must be strong, this is not just a joke.
Since adopting Dabao and Xiaobao, Lin Yiran feels that the trajectory of his life has changed a lot.
There are good and bad things in this, but there are more good things. After having a child, Lin
Yiran slowly learned more.
It was Lin Yutian who said this today.
Lin Yiran can really understand.
He let out a heavy breath.
Lin Yutian curled his lips and smiled.
At this pace, Lin Yutian would say what was in his heart in the next second.
But everything is such a coincidence.
Just a minute ago, Jiang Yunyi arrived at the company, and coincidentally, the floor they were on
was the one where Jiang Yunyi worked.
After hiding at the door and eavesdropping for a while, Jiang Yunyi felt something was wrong the
more he listened.
damn it!
Lin Yutian is such a complete idiot!
If the child's affairs were really leaked out, would other things be far behind?
This is not only about the children, but more about one's own interests.
At this critical moment.
Jiang Yunyi knocked on the door.
"Wow, you guys got up so early and are already in the company so early!"
"You guys are awesome!"
"I heard you guys talking at the door just now. I was thinking, why is this voice so familiar? Then I
barged in without permission. I hope I didn't disturb you guys?"
Jiang Yunyi appeared at the door and said.
Seeing Jiang Yunyi coming, Lin Yutian swallowed back what he wanted to say.
Mentioning those things in front of Jiang Yunyi would not be good for either her or Jiang Yunyi.
When it comes to other things, Lin Yutian is a cold-blooded and decisive person, without any
emotions, but once this matter involves children.
Then they become two completely opposite states.
Lin Yutian was hesitant and had a dull expression.
Because of Jiang Yunyi's careful planning all along, Lin Yiran didn't know what had happened
between Jiang Yunyi and Lin Yutian.
I just think they are just ordinary colleagues.
Didn't think much about it.
Seeing Jiang Yunyi coming, Lin Yiran greeted her warmly: "Yunyi, you're here early! Come quickly,
there's no one in the company right now, let's sit down and have a good chat. Yutian happens to
know you too, let's have a good chat together."
Jiang Yunyi was delighted.
I was originally thinking about what excuse I could find to sit next to Lin Yiran.
Now things are different.
Lin Yiran took the initiative to invite.
This made Jiang Yunyi's actions instantly become much smoother.
Looking at Jiang Yunyi in front of her, Lin Yutian lowered her head silently. She thought to herself,
Jiang Yunyi showed up at a really bad time. What should she do now? Should she continue with
the matter about Dabao and Xiaobao? When should she have a good talk with Lin Yiran again?
Now that she showed up, would it be awkward?
These problems suddenly appeared one after another, leaving Lin Yutian at a loss.
On the other hand, Jiang Yunyi.
Jiang Yunyi has one attitude towards Lin Yiran and another attitude towards Lin Yutian.
In a corner where Lin Yiran couldn't see, Jiang Yunyi had a sinister expression and eyes full of
resentment as she stared at Lin Yutian.
Lin Yutian felt uneasy and even more uncomfortable when being stared at.

Chapter 232 Psychological Warfare

"Yan Ran, I..."
Mustering up his courage, Lin Yutian prepared to resolve the matter with Jiang Yunyi alone.
Lin Yiran can’t be involved anymore.
That would implicate her.
Just right.
What Lin Yutian wants to do is not exactly the same as what Jiang Yunyi wants to do.
Jiang Yunyi took the lead again.
"Yi Ran, how about we stop for a while? I'll have a good chat with you later. What happened last
time is fine. I've already dealt with the company's affairs. Don't worry, I'm here for you!"
"Oh, right, Yutian is here too. I still have something to deal with. The last time I was with her, I
had a file that I hadn't processed. I came here today just to deal with it. I have to deal with it
sooner or later anyway. Now that we all have time, let's deal with it right now. Yi Ran, what do
you think?"
With the guise of work.
Then everything became natural.
Lin Yutian is not only Lin Yiran's assistant, but also the one who is responsible for many
documents in the company.
Jiang Yunyi said this.
Not surprising at all.
After listening to Jiang Yunyi, Lin Yiran nodded silently, agreeing. However, it was still early and
the documents in the company were basically follow-up documents, so there was no need to
rush. Looking at Lin Yutian, Lin Yiran smiled and said, "You two are really workaholics. Let's ask
Yutian for his opinion first. If you want to deal with it, we can deal with it now. If you don't want
to deal with it, let's do it at 1 pm, or you can leave it to me."
The scene turns to Lin Yutian.
This was originally a good opportunity, but Lin Yutian chose to compromise for the sake of his
Stand up.
Lin Yutian acted anxious.
"Yes, yes! Originally, there was no rush, but I've been busy with other things during this period
and almost forgot. We need to deal with it the day after tomorrow morning, right? Then, while I
have time now, let's go in and take a closer look. There are too many documents, and I don't
know which document you gave me. Come on, let's go in and talk."
"Yi Ran, let's go and solve the problem about work first, and I will come back to accompany you
As he spoke, Lin Yutian took Jiang Yunyi's hand, and the two of them trotted all the way to Lin
Yutian's office.
Enter the office.
Jiang Yunyi walked to the back and slowly closed the door.
Leaning against the door, Jiang Yunyi spread his hands and couldn't help rolling his eyes.
I didn't want to endure it just now, if I hadn't considered that Lin Yiran was there too.
It happened right then.
Looking at Lin Yutian in front of him, Jiang Yunyi spoke in an impatient tone.
"Lin Yutian, you really know how to cause trouble for me. The last matter hasn't been dealt with
yet, and now you want to cause trouble for me again, right?"
"Let me solve this problem first. You want a child, right? Then tell me what you think today."
"Don't waste time on me. I don't have much time to waste with you. Lin Yiran will get suspicious
later. The sooner you speak, the better."
This all took less than a minute.
The speed of changing faces is comparable to turning pages of a book!
Lin Yutian has also gotten used to it.
Jiang Yunyi has always seemed to be in a bad mood towards herself, especially in these aspects.
You want to chat, right?
Well, Lin Yutian also wants to have a good chat today.
Lin Yutian spread his hands and became excited: "It's been so long! Didn't you always say that
you would help me solve the problem of the child, but I didn't see your efforts at all. I am really
anxious. Can you understand my feelings?"
Jiang Yunyi nodded impatiently.
This is what happens on the surface, but deep down I have another idea.
Do you still understand?
It’s not her own child, so why should she try to understand? Jiang Yunyi’s idea is very simple
anyway, just to deal with Lin Yutian first.
Dabao and Xiaobao can.
But don't let the matter of children disrupt your plans.
Then don't blame yourself for turning your back on me.
Before Lin Yutian could finish his words, Jiang Yunyi became even more aggressive and started to
lecture him.
"Lin Yutian, are you mentally retarded or what? I know you are very anxious, but can you solve
the problem?"
"Don't use the incident with Dabao and Xiaobao to apologize. If Lin Yiran is really that kind, then
you can try to bring the child back after some time. Then you can see if it is true. Use your actual
experience, not your idealistic description."
"You've been in the company for such a long time, how come you don't even have this little bit of
common knowledge?"
"It's just what others say, but you really take it seriously. I know Lin Yiran is a good person, but
she also has her bottom line. If you touch her bottom line like this, then if something goes wrong,
can you take the responsibility? Can you raise these two children now? Don't think that I didn't
do anything on the surface, but I really made a lot of efforts behind the scenes."
Jiang Yunyi is really amazing.
In order to fool Lin Yutian.
After chatting with Lin Yutian before, Jiang Yunyi secretly asked someone to do a lot of forgeries.
Opening the photo album, Jiang Yunyi took out one fake screenshot after another, which also
included photos of Dabao and Xiaobao's daily life.
The time, date and location are all clearly marked.
See here.
Lin Yutian's whole body was stiff.
She didn't know what to do.
When seeing these photos, Lin Yutian felt as if he had fallen into an icy cave. He really felt as if
something was missing in his heart.
When others are emotionally agitated, that is the best time to act.
Seeing that the time is ripe.
Jiang Yunyi strikes while the iron is hot.
"Yutian, I admit that my tone just now was a bit bad, and I also admit that this matter has a lot to
do with me, but think about it carefully, if I don't care about you at all, if I don't pay attention to
you at all, then would I still come here?"
"The reason I can come here today and have a good chat with you is for the children."
"You can say I didn't do anything, but the evidence is right in front of you, you should have
nothing to say."
"Don't think too much. Just be yourself around Lin Yiran and don't mention the child too much. If
you are still not satisfied, you can investigate with me and we can deal with it together then."
"Now stop imagining things, just give me a document, and then we'll sign it and get out of here,
Jiang Yunyi said while holding Lin Yutian's hand.
Who can understand the helplessness in my heart?
Lin Yutian was completely heartbroken.
I no longer have the energy to resist.
For children.
Lin Yutian muttered to himself.
Then, Lin Yutian picked up a document in a trance and handed it to Jiang Yunyi silently.

Chapter 233 Psychological Change

In the end, under the pressure of reality, Lin Yutian made his own choice.
Seeing this scene, Jiang Yunyi laughed so hard that she was numb.
With an unbridled smile on her face, she took the initiative to walk over to Lin Yutian and comfort
"It's okay. If anything happens in the future, just tell me as soon as possible. I will give you a
satisfactory answer about the matter of Dabao and Xiaobao. I have sent all the information to
your phone. You can take a closer look. After you go out, act a little more normal. If Lin Yiran asks
you, just say it's because of work. Do you understand?"
Listen to Jiang Yunyi's words.
Lin Yutian could only choose to bear it alone in silence.
After adjusting her mood briefly, Jiang Yunyi smiled and pulled Lin Yutian behind her, and the two
of them walked towards the door.
open the door.
Jiang Yunyi took the initiative to walk to Lin Yiran's side.
She acted quite calmly and took the initiative to communicate with Lin Yiran: "Yiran, the problem
has been solved. It's getting late now, so I'll go back to my job. If there is anything, just call me as
soon as possible. You guys chat, I'll leave first."
I have already got the answer I wanted, and there is no point in staying in this place.
Walking out the door, Jiang Yunyi waved goodbye.
After Jiang Yunyi left, Lin Yiran noticed Lin Yutian standing beside her.
Lin Yutian had been silent just now, with his head down silently. When he turned his head to look
at him, Lin Yiran suddenly felt that something was not right.
It's just a matter of signing a document, why are you so unhappy?
Is there anything wrong?
Looking at her, Lin Yiran asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Yutian, what's wrong with you?
Why are you so sad?"
"By the way, didn't you keep wanting to talk to me just now, but something delayed you for a
while, so let's have a good chat now."
"How about it?"
Want to have a good chat?
After listening to what Lin Yiran said, Lin Yutian couldn't help but feel bitter.
Life seems to be prosperous, but at the critical moment there will always be someone standing
up to hinder your happy life.
Before it was because of her husband, and now it’s because of Jiang Yunyi.
After listening to Jiang Yunyi's words, Lin Yutian had a lot of thoughts in his mind.
Jiang Yunyi is indeed doing it, there is no doubt about it.
Think of this.
Lin Yutian smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It's okay, it's okay. I just suddenly thought of the
child just now, but it's nothing. I forgot what we were talking about just now. I need to think
about it carefully. When I remember it, we can talk about it again. Yi Ran, what do you think?" Lin
Yutian said with a forced smile.
Lin Yiran finally got to see it today.
I always thought it was fake that smiling is uglier than crying.
Now look at it this way.
Yes! It is indeed true!
Lin Yiran couldn't help but think more about it.
It seemed like Jiang Yunyi would suddenly appear every time they talked, like a worm in Lin
Yutian's stomach.
More importantly.
Every time Jiang Yunyi appears, Lin Yutian's mood becomes very bad.
What exactly happened here?
Think of the previous times.
Lin Yiran asked a question.
"Yutian, what is your relationship with her? I have always felt that the relationship between you
two is not simple."
"Can you tell me what you talked about just now?"
Lin Yiran said bluntly.
These sudden words made Lin Yutian suddenly at a loss, and for a moment, he forgot everything.
But then, thinking of his child, Lin Yutian suddenly came to his senses again.
Jiang Yunyi made it very clear that their relationship could not be revealed and nothing could be
Jiang Yunyi would no longer help with the child's affairs.
Facing Lin Yiran's question, Lin Yutian returned to normal and simply passed it over.
"We knew each other before, but we didn't have much interaction. After coming to this company,
we gradually became more familiar with each other, but we should be just ordinary friends. I was
unhappy just now because I suddenly thought about the child. I have also read Jiang Yunyi's
documents. There won't be any big problems. Yi'an, I am really sorry. I always have a lot of
emotions because of the child. I will change little by little."
Lin Yutian said.
After what happened today, Lin Yutian seriously reflected on his thoughts. He had to take care of
the children, Jiang Yunyi, and Lin Yiran even more!
I've long been fed up with being led around by the nose.
Now there is one more important thing to do, which is to deal with this matter first.
Using the clues given by Jiang Yunyi, Lin Yutian planned to investigate carefully and no longer
wanted to count on Jiang Yunyi.
You have to rely on yourself for everything.
Looking at Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian said silently in his heart: "Yiran, forgive me, this is the last time, I
will definitely give you an explanation next time."
After she finished speaking, she took the initiative to move closer to Lin Yiran.
It is already lucky enough to be able to stay with Lin Yiran, not to mention that Lin Yiran’s cell
phone is now lighting up.
In order to facilitate the conversation, Lin Yiran had set her phone to silent mode just now. Lin
Yutian had already noticed it when Jiang Yunyi came.
But I didn’t think much about it at the time. I was only focused on solving the child’s problem and
didn’t remind him.
Now it's lit up again, with the same name.
Wang Yuezhi.
Wang Yuezhi is the client who had contacted Lin Yiran before.
Let’s talk about the children later, let’s deal with work first.
"Yan Yiran! Look!"
Lin Yutian reminded gently.
Hearing what he said, Lin Yiran reacted instantly and picked up his phone to check.
Picking up the phone, Lin Yiran put it to his ear and answered it.
"Yi Ran, you finally answered the phone. I have something very important to tell you. The new
goods will be shipped soon. Many retail investors have come to me. They hope to meet you and
take a look at the quality of the goods. Do you have time? If you do, you can come and take a
look. If you don't, I can handle it myself."
"Please think about it."
After Wang Yuezhi said this, Lin Yiran instantly remembered it.
Lin Yiran had said before that if there were any new customers, he could promote them to
himself vigorously.
Wang Yuezhi was very serious about his work and always kept Lin Yiran's words in mind.
A customer came today and immediately contacted Lin Yiran.
Not only Lin Yiran, but Lin Yutian was also thinking quietly.
Things have stabilized at the new factory.
Lin Yiran even handed the plan to himself.
Lin Yutian feels that what is more important now is to develop steadily and try to rely on the
About these customers and these retail investors.
Lin Yutian gave his own opinion.
"Yan'ran, why don't I go and take care of it, and you should stay in the company to deal with
other things."

Chapter 234: Receiving Customers in Person

Everyone has different ideas. Lin Yutian can think this way and is willing to share some of the
burden with Lin Yiran, which makes Lin Yiran very happy.
But he refused with a smile.
This is a very good thing!
Lin Yutian is right. We should indeed focus on the new factory, but we also need to understand
the basic logic.
Without everyone's support, what good will it do no matter how well the new factory runs?
The essence of doing business is to make a profit.
There is nothing wrong with this.
After Lin Yutian's reminder, Lin Yiran actually saw a farther level.
For example.
If we can deal with all these customers, we can then sort out these retail investors.
That is equivalent to having the first batch of supporters and the first batch of exposure. When
there is subsequent progress, you can ask everyone to help a little, let everyone talk about their
true psychological feelings, and reassure the remaining potential customers.
Lin Yiran was busy communicating with Lin Yutian.
For a moment, I even forgot about Wang Yuezhi.
After a moment of silence, Wang Yuezhi raised his voice: "Yi Ran! Are you still there? Are you still
"Now I have something more important to tell you. It's a big client. There are not only many retail
investors, but I also contacted a very large client this time, and he is also among them. You should
make a decision quickly. If you haven't made up your mind, then I will go."
Hearing what Wang Yuezhi said.
Lin Yiran responded instantly.
"I'm coming, I'm sorry for what happened just now. We were just discussing this matter. Is it a
new big customer?"
"I'm ready here. Send me a location and I'll bring people over right away. I'll also contact the
With just a few words, Lin Yiran settled the matter.
After Wang Yuezhi sent the address, she hung up the phone.
Lin Yutian was still thinking about what Lin Yiran had just said.
The more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong.
I am not at Lin Yiran's level at all.
In the past, it was always Lin Yutian who gave advice to Lin Yiran, but in recent times, Lin Yiran's
progress has been too fast.
At one point it even reached a point that made people feel surprised.
It took a long time to slow down.
Lin Yutian asked uncertainly: "So what should we do now? Should we go over there?"
Lin Yiran smiled and nodded: "Of course, we can't let down the elder sister's kindness. What's
more, she said there is a new big customer. We haven't discussed it clearly for a while. I also want
to go and take a look to see what it is like."
"You don't have to be so surprised. Why have I changed so quickly? Why have I become like this?
It's all because of Huo Jinlin. He taught me a lot of things. One of the most important things is to
personally contact customers, especially when a new company is just starting out. Only by
integrating into everyone's lives and getting in touch with everyone can you understand them
more thoroughly."
"If you understand what they really want and combine it with the real market sentiment, it will
be hard not to make money. Do you understand?"
Lin Yiran explained patiently.
Lin Yutian felt relieved.
Rubbing her forehead, she nodded. She probably understood what Lin Yiran meant. What's more,
Lin Yiran had already agreed. The two of them have always been a team of two, helping each
other. Now that everything has been agreed upon, what else is there to say?
Lin Yutian was just about to say this.
Lin Yiran had already arrived at the door with the car keys in hand.
"Come on, let me drive!"
Lin Yiran waved.
Lin Yiran's current state is like he is full of chicken blood. Everything has been going well recently.
God is helping Lin Yiran. While there are still many opportunities now, Lin Yiran wants to give it a
good try.
Today's struggle is for future comfort.
Lin Yutian laughed and joked, "Hahahaha, your ideological awareness is much higher than mine.
Well, then let's be tired today, but we should have fun when we should be tired, and we
shouldn't be tired when we shouldn't be tired. You are like a strong woman. You can be a rich girl
at home, but you still work so hard. You have to make sure you have a good rest, okay?"
"The same to you!"
Amidst the laughter and joy of the two, the vehicle soon arrived at its destination.
This time the meeting place was not in the new factory or in any hotel.
It's on a roadside that couldn't be more ordinary.
As a retail investor, Wang Yuezhi has a lot to do every day, and as she is the person in charge,
there is even more to do.
The main purpose of our visit today is to check out the goods on the roadside. They have already
arranged new trucks here in advance.
Because there are goods in two adjacent urban areas, even if the goods are loaded and unloaded
in the middle and a car is changed, it will not delay too long.
more importantly.
Today we need to show our attitude so that we can attract everyone's attention.
Speaking of this.
Wang Yuezhi smiled proudly at Lin Yiran: "Yiran, Yutian, how about it, do you feel anything after
listening to me?"
"Hahahaha, I'm already prepared to break up. I've been waiting for you guys. Don't worry, I've
already arranged everything. As long as you can come and take a look today and meet me, I'll be
very happy."
Lin Yiran gave a thumbs up.
I really didn't expect that Wang Yuezhi's ability would far exceed Lin Yiran's imagination.
At this time.
The customers around Wang Yuezhi also gathered around. Everyone was dressed simply, some
even in work clothes, but without exception, everyone had a warm smile on their face, stretched
out their hands, and greeted everyone politely.
"Boss Lin, I didn't expect to see you here today. It's really our honor."
"I've heard that Boss Lin is a good boss and that he is very promising at a young age. Seeing this
today, it's true."
Lin Yiran was not at all arrogant. She listened to everyone's teasing, blended in and became one
with everyone.
"Hahaha, no way, no way, I'm just being flattered by everyone."
"Then let's take a closer look today. If you have no questions about the contents of our contract
and our goods, I will be waiting for you at any time. We are open 24 hours a day. From now on,
we will create a better future together!"
Taking a step forward, Lin Yutian came to Lin Yiran's side.
Looking at Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian echoed: "Yes, let's all create a better future together!"
As soon as he finished speaking, there was applause from the audience.
After a burst of excitement, Wang Yuezhi suddenly became mysterious.
Cautiously approaching Lin Yiran, Wang Yuezhi whispered, "Yiran, I have something to tell you."

Chapter 235 The Mysterious Visitor

I've known Wang Yuezhi for so long, but that was the first time I saw her like this.
Wang Yuezhi's face was filled with excitement and anticipation. This was obviously a good thing.
He glanced around and urged again, "Yi Ran, let's go. The client has specifically told me that he
hopes I can have a good chat with you, alone. What do you think?"
"If you think it's okay, let's talk alone."
"Yi'ran, just rest assured. Don't you trust the person I'm looking for?"
Wang Yuezhi said.
Hearing this, Lin Yiran's eyes lit up and he became very interested.
When she came here just now, Lin Yiran discovered that the so-called customer was nowhere to
be found, and she was confused.
Wang Yuezhi stood up.
What else is there to say?
About these new partners.
Wang Yuezhi has been in charge of all of this.
Although Wang Yuezhi is older, he has always been serious and responsible in doing things and
has never made any mistakes.
What makes Wang Yuezhi so excited.
That is also extremely rare.
"Okay! Since you want to have a good chat with me, then let's have a good chat. I couldn't ask for
"Sister Yuezhi, I'm too stupid. I still need you to teach me a lot of things. Let's not keep you in
suspense today. If you have anything to say, just tell me now. Don't worry, I will definitely listen to
your opinions."
Lin Yihan is retreating to advance.
With this said, Wang Yuezhi was happy, and the problem could be solved as soon as possible.
A good thing that kills two birds with one stone.
After laughing twice, Wang Yuezhi finally reacted. It seemed that he was interested in this matter.
It's not good to keep others in suspense.
not to mention.
The customer has already explained it specifically.
"Yi Ran, this actually has a lot to do with you. The big client said that he came to cooperate with
you because of your face. Do you know how much is the share of this cooperation?" Wang Yuezhi
looked at Lin Yi Ran and asked.
how many?
This is a difficult question that is difficult to answer. Although Lin Yiran has been dealing with
Wang Yuezhi all this time, he does not particularly understand Wang Yuezhi's psychological
expectations and hopes. Now suddenly saying such words makes people feel even more
After all, Lin Yiran has been running the new company for a long time and has seen all kinds of
Before Lin Yiran could answer.
Wang Yuezhi once again kept the secret.
"Guess, just feel free to make a bold guess. I'll tell you this, the total demand of that customer is
many times that of ours."
"What do you think!"
After a moment of silence, Lin Yiran said with a friendly smile on his face: "Then I guess five
Wang Yuezhi disagreed, and shook his head: "It's more than that!"
"Guess again."
This time.
Lin Yiran could no longer sit still. Although everyone was a retail investor, if they were really
added together, it would basically be equal to seven or eight partners. In the previous month, the
maximum number was this much. Lin Yiran had already guessed high, thinking that five or six
times would be the limit. Unexpectedly, Wang Yuezhi's expression seemed to tell her something.
Too shallow!
You are looking at it too superficially!
Walk forward.
Lin Yiran held Wang Yuezhi's hand and said, "Sister Yuezhi, I don't have that much imagination, I
can't guess it at all. Why don't you just tell me directly, otherwise I will have to spend the whole
day here with you. Didn't you already say that the big customer came for my sake? What's his
name? Would you mind telling me?"
Feeling Lin Yiran's urgency.
Wang Yuezhi stopped playing.
Her tone turned serious.
"Yi Ran, who is the boss behind this? I can't reveal it to you, but he has said that it won't be long
before he comes to you in person to have a good chat about this matter. As for the amount, I'll
give you an accurate number today: twenty-three times."
"He said that if you are willing, you will have a long-term cooperation in the future."
"It just so happens that your major is suitable for this. You can be responsible for the production
and the big customers can re-process it."
“It’s an absolute win-win situation!”
"Okay, that's all I have to say today. Let's go back now. The answer will be revealed soon."
He stood there in silence for a long time.
Lin Yiran was stunned.
I thought about it over and over in my mind, but I never imagined that there would be such a
person around me.
Most of the people around Lin Yiran are familiar partners, and the only one who is really involved
in these businesses is Aya. However, Aya has her own industry to run. Both parties belong to the
same process, but produce different goods. Even if there are orders, it is impossible for the order
volume to be so large.
But think about it again.
The person Wang Yuezhi was talking about was definitely a man, not a girl.
Who could that be?
Not far ahead, Wang Yuezhi sensed something was wrong with Lin Yiran and waved to her: "Yiran,
stop thinking about it. Let's go back now. If there's anything, let's discuss it with everyone. It
won't be long before you can meet with the client. There's no need to be so worried."
At this point, Lin Yiran really couldn't think of anything.
The expression on his face changed from curiosity to helplessness.
To sum up, the person behind the scenes does not want to show up, but he is someone I know,
and he also said that it will be revealed soon.
Whatever happens.
This is all good stuff.
The company is in need of orders right now. The larger the order quantity, the happier Lin Yiran
will be.
There will be no results if you delve too deeply into many things, so it is better to let nature take
its course and let things develop slowly for a while.
Figure this out.
That's completely different!
Lin Yiran ran forward happily.
Beep beep beep.
Lin Yiran had just run a few steps when her cell phone rang. She saw the note on it: Husband.
Just by looking at the happy expression on Lin Yiran's face, Wang Yuezhi already knew it.
The person on the other end of the phone must be someone very important to Lin Yiran.
I won't stay here and spoil the fun.
Looking at Lin Yiran.
Wang Yuezhi smiled and joked: "Yi Ran, then you answer the phone carefully. I will go over first
and won't disturb you."
After Wang Yuezhi left, Lin Yiran picked up the phone with a smile.
As soon as I answered the phone, Huo Jinlin's gentle voice came from the other end: "Yi Ran, how
are things going now? Is everything going well for you?"
On the way here, Lin Yinyin sent a concise and clear message to Huo Jinlin.
Lin Yiran was standing on a wide roadside.
In order to facilitate loading and unloading of goods, the current distance is a little far from the
city, next to a warehouse. Lin Yiran reported his location and situation. Huo Jinlin said worriedly:
"It sounds so troublesome and so far. How about this, I happen to have nothing to do now, I will
send you the location and come to find you later."

Chapter 236 Grandma

Wang Yuezhi has always been a mature and steady person, and she would never say such things
The market is full of all kinds of people, and everyone has different ways of making their fortune.
Although we now live in a society ruled by law, it is inevitable that some people have bad
This is a very normal thing.
After listening.
The expression on Lin Yiran's face gradually stiffened.
If you think about it carefully, it is natural for the boss to hold a grudge because of what
happened last time, but what about the person behind it?
When hearing this, Lin Yiran couldn't help but murmur in his heart.
Think of the recent period.
It seemed that apart from the boss, Lin Yiran had never offended anyone else.
In order not to worry Wang Yuezhi in front of him, Lin Yiran laughed twice and pretended to be
"Okay, it's okay. If anything really happens, I'll come to you first."
“Sister Yuezhi, I know you’re worried about me, but I’ll be more careful here.”
"If this is true, I'll have to trouble you a lot."
Wang Yuezhi nodded heavily.
"Well, okay, I will investigate this matter as soon as possible. Now that everyone has seen
enough, how about this, I will take you back."
It's better to be safe than sorry.
After finishing this story, Wang Yuezhi sent the two of them all the way to the gate of the
Because Grandma Fu Tingyi had said before that she wanted to have a good chat with Lin Yiran
about something today.
Lin Yiran did not go home, but came to the community where Fu Tingyi lived.
Before leaving.
Wang Yuezhi gave special instructions.
"Yi Ran, you have just entered our circle, and there are many things you haven't figured out yet.
Don't worry, after I go back today, I will send someone to protect you. I will also deal with their
problems, but we have to be careful, understand?"
Wang Yuezhi is like a warm older sister and takes great care of Lin Yiran.
Listen to what she said.
Lin Yiran felt warm in her heart.
After a brief chat, Wang Yuezhi had some other things to deal with, so he left temporarily.
Only Lin Yiran and Lin Yutian were left in the car.
After listening to what Wang Yuezhi said, Lin Yutian's performance was much more intense than
Lin Yiran's.
Looking at Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian's eyes said it all, but this time, Lin Yiran said it first.
"Yes, this is indeed a problem. I will contact specialized personnel to handle it."
"As for now, let's just wait here for a while. I'll go and take a look at Grandma Fu Tingyi."
"Then, we'll go right back, how about that?"
After talking to Lin Yutian, Lin Yiran called Huo Jinlin again.
It was already agreed upon before.
Please contact us as soon as you return to the city.
After answering the phone, Huo Jinlin said in a very gentle tone: "Yi Ran, are you back? I'll come
to you now, please wait."
Huo Jinlin is now completely dependent on Lin Yiran. Since they got married, the feeling of
mutual dependence has not decreased, but has become more and more intense as they spend
more time together. The relationship between the couple is getting better and better.
After hearing what Huo Jinlin said.
Lin Yiran responded just as gently.
"Okay, then drive slower on the way, remember? Some time ago you said you wanted to eat at
that restaurant we are familiar with. I have already reserved a table. Come over later, and then
we can go and have a look together."
The two had a sweet conversation.
very good.
The world in which only Lin Yutian was injured was achieved.
Whenever he saw Lin Yiran talking on the phone, Lin Yutian would try to keep some distance
from them. On the one hand, it was for privacy, and on the other hand, he really didn't want to
hear their sweet little love words!
This is a huge harm to a single person!
It's more painful than stabbing yourself with a knife.
"Hey, the relationship between you two old couple is getting better and better, hahahaha, it really
makes people envious and jealous."
She teased.
As expected, Lin Yiran's face turned red again.
But today Lin Yutian intends to let Lin Yiran go.
Lin Yutian moved closer to Lin Yiran and whispered, "Yiran, please teach me! When I find a
husband next time, I will also learn how you two get along with each other. Tell me, tell me
There are so many things involved.
If it really gets out.
Do you still want this face of yours?
Thinking of this, Lin Yiran coughed slightly, and then changed the subject at lightning speed.
A light bulb suddenly lit up her mind, and she pretended to be deep and said, "Yutian, do you
"There is no shortcut to love. Sincerity is the key. When you meet someone you like and he likes
you, you will naturally make these changes. Everyone's way of getting along is different. What
suits me may not suit you. The road of love is long and you still have a long way to go!"
After saying.
Lin Yiran pretended to be serious and patted Lin Yutian's shoulder.
Lin Yutian couldn't help but roll his eyes!
The two of them started fighting on the side.
During the fight, Lin Yiran called Fu Tingyi's grandmother.
Knowing that Lin Yiran had arrived at the door, Grandma Fu Tingyi insisted on coming out to greet
On the way here, Lin Yiran took some time out to buy gifts. He still had to be polite.
After getting off the car, Lin Yiran took Lin Yutian and walked into the community.
The old lady is already old, how can we trouble her?
After walking only two steps, Lin Yiran and Fu Tingyi's grandmother met each other as both of
them ran towards them.
As soon as he saw Lin Yiran, the old man immediately showed a kind smile.
She walked towards Lin Yiran while smiling.
"Xiao Yiran! I'm coming, I'm coming!"
He doesn't look like an old man at all; he looks like a passionate child.
Attitude determines everything.
Grandma Fu Tingyi always kept this truth in her heart.
Coming to Lin Yiran's side, Grandma Fu Tingyi took Lin Yiran's hand and said, "Yiran, you've lost
weight. It's been a long time since we last met. How are you? Do you miss me?"
Last time?
Think about it this way!
Wasn’t the last time just two days ago?
At the critical moment, it all depends on Lin Yutian. Holding Lin Yiran's other hand, Lin Yutian
smiled and joked, "Yiran, how come you don't understand this? Grandma really likes you, so you
feel that these few short days have passed so long."
"Grandma, these are some small gifts from Yiran and me. Take them and don't be polite to us."
"If there's anything, let's go back to the room and talk about it. Come on, grandma, take care of
yourself. I'll support you."
Lin Yutian said considerately.
"Hahahaha, you guys are really thoughtful, but I'm not old enough to walk yet."
"Let's go, let's talk while we walk."

Chapter 237 Embarrassing and Wanting to Pick My Feet

Led by Grandma Fu Tingyi, the three of them gradually moved towards the villa.
The distance was not very far, only about a hundred meters. On the way, Fu Tingyi's grandmother
couldn't help but complain: "Fu Tingyi is getting more and more disobedient. I asked him to come
with me, but he said he must prepare well. What a fool! Sometimes it's really helpless, Yi Ran! I
asked you to come today because I want to thank you. It was all thanks to you that I was able to
help last time, otherwise I would be in trouble."
"I've heard about your story. You're a down-to-earth person and reliable. I like little girls like you
the most!"
The old man speaks sincerely and simply, giving people a particularly friendly feeling.
But gradually.
The more Lin Yiran listened, the more she felt something was wrong.
The topic seemed to gradually develop in another direction.
Grandma Fu Tingyi's eyes were full of love.
Looking at Lin Yiran.
She said seriously: "Yi Ran, you are in your prime now, how do you feel about Fu Tingyi?"
"I think that boy is smart, speaks well, and looks good, except that he is a bit playful."
"I came here today not only because of my intention towards you, but also because of that brat's
"I know that sometimes you young people tend to be shy when you meet someone you like."
“I’m not very comfortable expressing my inner emotions.”
"It doesn't matter. I'm already this age, so I speak more directly. Yi Ran, what do you think?"
Lin Yiran suddenly woke up.
From the first sentence, Lin Yiran already felt something was wrong. It seemed like someone was
trying to bring Lin Yiran and Lin Yutian together.
This is really a huge misunderstanding!
Because Grandma Fu Tingyi had never seen Huo Jinlin before.
I don’t know the truth that Lin Yiran is already married.
Looking at Lin Yiran, Grandma Fu Tingyi said generously: "Yiran, it's okay, as long as you say yes, I
will give you whatever you want in the future, how about it!"
The domineering president falls in love with me?
No no no!
Such a scenario had already happened to Lin Yiran.
On the other hand, look at Lin Yutian standing aside.
Lin Yutian really couldn't hold it in any longer, so he just kept chatting. As they were chatting,
grandma stopped.
At that time, Lin Yiran still thought that something was wrong, but now everything is being talked
An awkward atmosphere immediately filled the scene.
Leaning close to Lin Yiran's ear.
Lin Yutian said seriously while laughing and joking.
"Yi Ran, you are really lucky! On one side is Mr. Huo, and on the other side is Fu Tingyi. No matter
who it is, they are the objects of others' dreams. You are really blessed. If I can also have such a
beautiful dream, then my life will be worth it."
"Ahem, but then again, I always think that love should be faithful to one person. No matter what
the situation is, no matter who you meet, you should stick to the principle of having only one
person in your heart."
"The old man didn't mean it. He just wanted to bring you two closer together. You mustn't take it
"But we should refuse properly when we should. Love doesn't allow for anyone else to appear!"
"Do you understand?"
Such a simple truth, not to mention Lin Yiran, even a three-year-old child can understand it.
With the rapid development of the times, everyone's concepts have changed a lot. People
nowadays have become much more enthusiastic and open-minded, and seem to have a lot of
new understandings of love, but Lin Yiran's concepts have always been relatively traditional. Yes,
love should be faithful.
Next second.
Lin Yiran became serious: "Grandma, I have something to tell you, I hope you can be mentally
prepared." As he spoke, Lin Yiran grabbed Fu Tingyi's grandmother's hand and continued to add:
"Grandma, I'm already married! Regarding this matter, I'd better not consider it. I've also met
your grandson, he is a very good person, but I'm already married, do you understand?"
Lin Yiran also realized the weight of this sentence. After saying it, Lin Yiran scratched his head a
little embarrassedly.
I felt something was wrong at the time, but Lin Yiran kept making excuses.
But I really couldn't resist the old man's enthusiasm.
The main thing is that it’s not good to be too direct when talking to the elderly.
I hope Grandma Fu Tingyi can understand the hidden meaning of my words.
But if it continues till the end, I will have no choice but to confess.
The atmosphere was already awkward to begin with, and now after what he said, it became even
more awkward.
Grandma fell silent.
Seeing this.
Lin Yutian quickly rushed to the center of the two people: "Grandma, don't be angry, aren't we
thinking about not lying to you?"
"We have many beautiful women around us. If your grandson is interested, we can recommend
them to you."
“But this is really not possible.”
After listening.
Grandma Fu Tingyi was completely stunned.
Now the misunderstanding has become a big deal.
Originally, I was thinking of finding a good wife for my grandson.
I didn’t expect to find a married woman!
If this matter were to spread like this, I guess no one would believe it.
With a sigh, Grandma Fu Tingyi's eyes became helpless. Looking at Lin Yiran, she nodded to show
her understanding: "Yeah, Yiran is such a good person, it's normal for other people to like you. It
only means that you came too late and didn't get her! Hahahaha!"
"Fu Tingyi! You bastard, have you seen enough? If you have, come out now."
Grandma Fu Tingyi spoke to the side.
Fu Tingyi stood up and stayed where he was. As expected, the old ones are still the most
experienced. He was discovered even though he was hiding well.
I thought it was simple at the time.
If I had really shown up just now, it would have been so embarrassing that I would have wanted
to find a hole to crawl into!
Fu Tingyi said nothing. After glancing at his grandmother, he lowered his head and walked
towards everyone.
Damn it! If something goes wrong later, how should I explain it?
When walking out of the door, Fu Tingyi glanced at the mirror next to him. It would have been
fine if he hadn't looked at it, but after looking at it, his brows immediately frowned.
Just at the corner not far behind, a group of burly men were waiting there. I took a quick look and
from time to time one of them would stick his head out to observe. It would be strange if there
was no problem!
I cursed inwardly.
Fu Tingyi waved towards the corner.
"Who are you? Now that you are here, why don't you come out? It's no use hiding like this."
Just as he finished speaking, there was a commotion in the corner behind him.
A group of burly men filed out.

Chapter 238: Sudden Troublemaking

There were six people in total, with fleshy faces and all kinds of tattoos all over their bodies.
Among them, a bald man was particularly eye-catching, as his face was covered with tattoos.
When he heard what Fu Tingyi said, the bald man laughed instantly.
"Hahaha, this brother is really humorous. We are just here for a walk. What's the matter?"
"What do you want us to do?"
The bald man said indifferently.
Hearing this, Fu Tingyi felt sick.
We have observed it just now. The target they have been looking at is Lin Yiran.
It's already this time, and you can still say such shameless words.
That's really unique.
The area they are in is special, and Fu Tingyi doesn't want to make a big deal out of this. They
must have come here for a purpose, but today, with him here, no matter what their purpose is,
Fu Tingyi will not be polite to them: "Brother, I don't like to beat around the bush. Who asked you
to come? Did Lin Yiran do anything? I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation today."
Upon hearing this.
The bald man glanced back, his eyes full of disdain.
Seems to be saying.
Are you kidding me? Don't you see there are so many people around me?
He narrowed his eyes, looked in the direction of Fu Tingyi, and looked him up and down.
After a while, the bald man's eyes narrowed a little, raised his eyebrows, and walked up on his
own initiative.
at the same time.
The rest of the people followed the bald man.
It was a huge contrast to encounter such a group of people in the villa area.
Grandma Fu Tingyi frowned.
"Who are you anyway?"
"I warn you, this is not an illegal place. If you have anything to say, say it quickly. If you still want
to stay here today without an explanation, don't blame me for being rude to you."
He glanced at the house next door, then looked at Fu Tingyi.
The bald man smiled, stretched out his hand to block in front of him, and took a step back.
"Old lady, although I don't know who you are, judging from the way you are dressed, you are
definitely not an ordinary person. I will tell you the truth today. I am not here for you. I am here
for Lin Yiran."
"Lin Yiran angered our boss and accidentally offended someone he shouldn't have offended. This
matter has nothing to do with you. We are here today not to take the initiative to cause trouble,
but to have a good chat with Lin Yiran and talk to him about the rules."
Can you please talk about the rules?
After hearing this, Lin Yiran couldn't bear it any longer.
Taking a step forward, Lin Yiran instructed, "Yutian, I'll leave grandma to you. Since you're here
for me, I'll go and have a chat."
Coming to Fu Tingyi's side, Lin Yiran crossed her arms across her chest, with a hint of anger in her
Considering what Wang Yuezhi said today, Lin Yiran has guessed that these people were most
likely sent by the merchants in the market.
How arrogant.
But until things are clear, the best solution is not to be too impulsive.
Looking ahead, Lin Yiran asked, "Why? Do you have anything to say?"
"I have always been upright and honest. I have nothing to fear. You don't have to play tricks on
me. I, Lin Yiran, have never been scared since I was a child. If there is anything, I will just speak
directly. So how do you want to solve it today?"
Lin Yiran said with a heroic look on his face.
All the way to where she is now, what kind of people has she not met?
Just relying on this little trick, he wanted to scare Lin Yiran.
It's really too childish.
After listening to Lin Yiran's words, Fu Tingyi raised his eyebrows, turned his head and looked at
Lin Yiran, his eyes full of disbelief.
This is completely different from the Lin Yiran that he knew.
Lin Yiran's toughness also made the bald man in front of her at a loss.
After a short pause, the bald man started to cough: "Ahem, from what Boss Lin said, you
obviously already know our purpose. Yes, this is a society ruled by law now, who would still
engage in violence? How about this, let me handle the negotiation with my boss, and as for you,
you can pay some money and we can settle the matter peacefully. Think about it carefully, if you
hadn't taken away my boss's business, if you hadn't taken away his customers, how could he have
done this?"
"Boss Lin, do you think it's appropriate for you to smash the pot just because you're full?"
The bald man said to Lin Yiran.
Before this, Lin Yiran's expression had always been very serious, and he wanted to deal with this
matter properly.
But after hearing what the bald man said.
Lin Yiran burst out laughing.
Moral kidnapping, right?
Today, Lin Yiran wanted to see how much more this bald guy could say. Looking at the bald guy,
Lin Yiran deliberately said, "Yes, I have realized my mistake, but I still don't quite understand this
matter. I hope you can give me an explanation, brother. I am a girl and I can't do anything. If you
have anything to say, let's have a good talk. I'm really scared." Lin Yiran said pretending to be
This was originally just to test the other party's attitude.
At the same time, take a look at what they do.
Who would have thought.
Lin Yiran just tried a little, and the bald man revealed all his cards.
Looking at Lin Yiran, he said with a helpless and melancholy expression: "Hey, Boss Lin, I'm really
happy that you can chat like this today. Since you have asked this today, I will answer your
question well." The bald man said, and as soon as he finished speaking, he added to his own
There are several reasons. First of all, Lin Yiran's appearance in the market has disrupted the
balance of the market and affected the interests of others. Second, Lin Yiran has inadvertently
provoked their boss, and their boss wants to save face and give an explanation. The last point is
also the most threatening point of the bald man: "Boss Lin, each place has its own area. What we
do is our business. As for today, I didn't intend to take action against you. I just came here to
scare you, but you have to pay the appearance fee for the brothers, right?"
"As long as you withdraw from the market from now on and give us brothers 500,000 yuan as
hard work fee, then this matter will be over."
"Think about it, five hundred thousand can buy your peace and allow you to live the rest of your
life in peace. Isn't that a good deal?"
Didn’t you make money?
Lin Yiran has been carefully pondering these words in her heart.
At first I thought there was some bullshit in it, but the more I thought about it the angrier I got.
And made a profit!
What a profit!
Before this, Lin Yiran may have had some reservations in his heart, thinking that it appeared too
suddenly and was not fair to other businesses, but later, Lin Yiran figured it out.
Their products are just so-so, and their methods are beyond criticism.
You think bad money can drive out good money just by trying to scare Lin Yiran? You’re

Chapter 239: Fake Gang

After giving a look to Lin Yutian next to him, Lin Yiran spoke slowly.
"I have 500,000 yuan, which is a small amount of money for me personally, but I have another
Hearing Lin Yiran say this.
The bald guy next to him had red eyes.
In less than an hour, he made half a million dollars!
Even robbing a bank doesn’t make that much money!
Suppressing his excitement, the bald man nodded slightly, pretending to be very generous: "Boss
Lin, just say whatever you want. I am the most open-minded person. If you have any questions,
just ask. One request is not enough, how about three?"
The bald man said.
I originally thought that the five hundred thousand would arrive in my account soon.
But something that Baldy didn't expect happened at this time.
Lin Yiran suddenly changed his tone.
Started to curse.
"Who are you?"
"The reason why the market is so chaotic now is because of the existence of parasites like you!"
"I'm telling you, tell your boss to get out of here as soon as you can. Do you think you can deal
with me with just him?"
"I've called the police, get out of here now."
"Go back and tell your boss that I'm not only going to challenge him, I'm going to challenge him
to the bottom. I want to see if he has the guts to play with me."
This sudden change left the bald man at a loss.
It took a long time to slow down.
The bald man clenched his fists.
A nameless anger rose in my heart.
damn it!
Not only did he not get the money, but he was also scolded by Lin Yiran. How could he survive in
the future after returning home in such a disgrace?
Isn't it just a woman?
With so many brothers on his side, anger surged in his heart. The bald man could not control his
emotions and cursed: "Lin Yiran, since you are shameless today, don't blame us for being rude to
you. Let's go to another place to have a good chat."
Speaking of.
The bald man was about to rush to Lin Yiran and pull her away.
See this scene happen.
Fu Tingyi couldn't bear it anymore.
Since I saw that they didn't take any action before, I didn't take it too seriously.
it's good now.
He dared to act at will in the villa area and even wanted to take Lin Yiran away in front of him.
This really means you don't take yourself seriously.
Flying forward, Fu Tingyi kicked the bald man's hand away.
The next second, the bald man retracted his hand. He was sweating profusely and looked at Fu
Tingyi in front of him with bared teeth.
Fu Tingyi was not in a hurry.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I have won a Taekwondo championship and a Sanda championship
before. Although I just played around with them, I think they are more than enough to deal with
you. Do you have any other tricks? If you have any tricks, use them all together."
"Besides, we have real-time network monitoring here. It won't be long before security personnel
arrive. It's not too late to get out now."
"This is my last chance for you. Get as far away from me as possible. Do you understand?"
Hearing this.
The younger brothers behind the bald man immediately looked at each other.
A few seconds passed.
One of the younger brothers knew what to do and fled the scene, even saying that he was going
to find help: "Boss, you guys hold on here for a while, I'm going to find help now, don't worry, I
will never abandon you, you just wait for me here, I'll be back soon."
Before the bald man could say anything, the man had already disappeared without a trace.
The remaining few people rushed to the bald man.
They gave kind advice.
"Boss, a wise man never suffers a loss in front of him. I feel that this kid does have some skills and
we are no match for him. How about we go first?"
"Yes, yes, if we continue to come to this place, we will not be their opponent. Don't be too
"Boss is impulsive and is the devil!"
After hearing these words, the bald man's expression changed completely.
The anger in his heart had been pent up for a long time, and he was determined to get an
explanation today. Thinking of this, the bald man cursed.
"Are you the boss or am I the boss?"
"Get as far away as you can, or follow me, or get out now, do you hear me?"
Upon hearing this.
Two more younger brothers looked at each other and briefly glanced at each other. They had
already understood each other's thoughts from each other's eyes.
Apply oil to the soles of your feet.
The two younger brothers ran away immediately.
There were originally six people, but now there are only three left including this bald guy.
Fu Tingyi couldn't help but yawn.
"What now?"
The bald man was obviously panicked, but he still wanted to save face and endure the
consequences. He raised his head, gritted his teeth, and rushed towards Fu Tingyi.
"I'll deal with him, and you guys go deal with Lin Yiran!"
After saying that, the bald man led his two younger brothers to attack.
Grandma Fu Tingyi was very flustered. She pulled Lin Yutian to hide aside and shouted, "Yi Ran,
hurry up, you are no match for them!"
With a crackling sound!
Everyone looked back.
Before the two brothers could react to what was happening, a man got out from the driver's seat
of a Porsche.
It’s Lin Yutian.
Lin Yutian didn’t see Lin Yiran at the door just now, so he rushed in directly and saw them from a
Just now, they were planning to attack Lin Yiran. Seeing this, Lin Yutian sped up and finally arrived
at the last moment.
He opened the car door and unbuckled the safety buckle. The whole set of movements was done
smoothly and effortlessly. As soon as he got out of the car, Huo Jinlin's eyes were cold and his
face was intimidating without anger. He kicked out, and the younger brother who wanted to get
close to Lin Yiran just now was kicked over instantly, and the other younger brother was stunned
on the spot.
Damn it!
What the hell is this.
He evaluated his own combat capabilities and then evaluated Huo Jinlin's.
He couldn't help but swallow secretly.
There's no fun.
If I continue to stay in this place, there is basically no other possibility except being treated as a
clown by others.
After realizing this, he retreated while begging for mercy: "Brother, brother, don't do it!"
"I'm just here to help, don't take it to heart, I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now."
Speaking of.
The young man fled the scene, tumbling and crawling.
The bald guy was also feeling uncomfortable.
Pulling out the dagger from his waist, the bald man stabbed Fu Tingyi in the chest with all his
But just before the two sides were about to touch, Fu Tingyi kicked upwards and the dagger fell
to the ground.
At the same time, taking advantage of the force of the bald man's attack, Fu Tingyi used the force
to his advantage, pulled his hands forward, and tripped.
The bald man fell to the ground.
The weight of more than 100 kilograms came into close contact with the asphalt road.
Only this bald guy can understand the feeling.
Realizing that something was wrong, the bald man wanted to get up and leave, but unfortunately,
he had no chance now.
Fu Tingyi half-knelt and grabbed his hair: "Don't worry, someone will come to deal with you."

Chapter 240 The Small Group Behind the Scenes

Two minutes later, security personnel and police arrived at the scene at the same time.
Adhering to the principle of leniency to those who confess, Baldy quickly confessed to his crimes.
After a simple record was made, the police team withdrew and left.
At this moment.
Huo Jinlin's eyes were full of heartache. Looking at Lin Yiran, his tender eyes were filled with
Lin Yiran was busy dealing with things just now.
Now they look at each other.
Lin Yiran lowered his head like a child who had done something wrong.
Coming to Huo Jinlin, Luzhou wanted to explain what happened just now, but Huo Jinlin only had
one question: "How is it, are you okay?"
Thousands of words came to my lips, but at this moment, I couldn't say them.
Lin was still at a loss.
I originally thought that Huo Jinlin would scold me, but I didn't expect that Huo Jinlin would
always be so gentle.
See this scene.
Fu Tingyi deliberately turned his head away, trying to cover up the embarrassment with his smile.
What are you afraid of? Whatever comes!
Seeing Fu Tingyi like this, Fu Tingyi's grandmother said angrily: "When will you grow up for me,
little brat?"
"Look at you. You didn't seize such a good opportunity before. Now you have no chance!"
"Hey, I really don't know what to say about you. With your bad temper, when will you be able to
find a good granddaughter-in-law for me? I don't know if I can hold my eldest grandson in my
arms in my lifetime."
Upon hearing this.
Fu Tingyi blushed immediately.
Old people speak very frankly and never hide anything.
Especially when it comes to your own affairs.
Fu Tingyi also knew that his grandmother was doing this for his own good.
But after all, there are still so many people here.
Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin pretended not to hear, but Lin Yutian didn't think too much about it and
laughed on the spot.
Listening to Lin Yutian's silver bell-like laughter, Fu Tingyi tried to change the subject: "No, no, no,
stop laughing. Isn't this a very normal thing?"
"I only pursue one thing in my life, and that is true love. Do you understand pure love?"
In order to cooperate with Fu Tingyi, Lin Yutian nodded reluctantly.
Hearing this.
Lin Yiran laughed immediately.
After patting Lin Yiran's head, Huo Jinlin turned around and thanked Fu Tingyi: "Thank you for
what you did today."
"This happened suddenly. I will investigate it thoroughly after I return. We still have some things
to do here, so I will take my people away first."
"We will meet again if we are destined to."
Huo Jinlin spoke.
Upon hearing this.
Fu Tingyi's tone suddenly became serious.
Could it be!
The next scene is a fight between the rivals?
Although Fu Tingyi liked Lin Yiran very much, after knowing Lin Yiran's identity, he treated Lin
Yiran with respect and did not have any thoughts about the relationship between the two of
them. The reason why he called them was because Fu Tingyi had something to discuss with
Grandma wanted to meet Lin Yiran, but that was only one reason.
More aspects are about their cooperation.
Speaking of the word cooperation.
Lin Yiran was instantly enlightened.
Wang Yuezhi had mentioned it before, there is a big client behind him, and they are doing the
same business. Thinking about it carefully, Fu Tingyi fully meets these conditions, and this
amount of goods is nothing to Fu Tingyi.
Speaking of this.
Everything is clear.
Invite three people into the room.
Fu Tingyi instantly turned into a cold CEO: "Ms. Lin, regarding our cooperation, I have been
investigating for a long time. I have not only investigated you and your factory, but also
investigated the people around you. I am very satisfied with both aspects. I have prepared the
documents today, and you only need to sign."
After listening to what Fu Tingyi said.
Lin Yiran nodded happily.
At this moment.
Lin Yutian, who was standing by, couldn't sit still any longer. Seeing Fu Tingyi's indifferent
expression, he asked a question, "Did you do this on purpose?"
As soon as these words were spoken, Fu Tingyi started coughing instantly, a smile suddenly
appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but glance at Lin Yutian.
Isn’t it obvious!
After coughing several times, it obviously didn't work. Lin Yutian could only smile awkwardly:
"Haha, Miss Lin, look at what you said. Although our project is not a big one, we still have to have
the right attitude."
"Just sign it. Don't worry, I'll be back to normal soon."
Lin Yutian's expression suddenly became complicated.
This kid!
Things went smoothly, both parties had no problems with each other's treaty, and after a brief
delay of a few minutes, the contract was officially established.
At this point, Lin Yiran had already completed twice the amount she had previously expected.
Touching Lin Yiran's head, Huo Jinlin said lovingly, "Miss Lin, it's all right now. All the problems
have been solved. You can have a good rest now. Are you happy?"
Lin Yiran always says what he thinks.
Of course Lin Yiran was very happy after completing this task.
at the same time.
Grandma Fu Tingyi standing by felt even more regretful.
Looking at Fu Tingyi in front of them, even with just a glance, everyone knew what she was going
to say.
The old man didn't care about so many details, but if he continued talking, Huo Jinlin was also
here, and the relationship became complicated.
Lin Yiran stood up and said goodbye to the two of them: "Grandma, we will come to visit you
again when we have time. We will leave now."
"I'm very tired today. I want to go back and have a good rest. If you miss me, please call me,
"You need to take care of your health..."
After listening to what Lin Yiran said, Grandma Fu Tingyi's brows were filled with joy and she
nodded continuously.
Delivered all the way to your door.
Grandma Fu Tingyi still felt that it was not enough, and almost sent everyone home: "Yi Ran!
Yutian! Then you have to be careful, be careful on the road!"
As Lin Yiran's assistant, if we were to ask who eats the most dog food around Lin Yiran, it would
naturally be Lin Yutian.
When they got into the car, Lin Yiran took the initiative to invite Lin Yutian, but Lin Yutian smiled
and shook his head: "Yiran, then you guys go back first, I'll drive your car to the company, and I'll
go back to get a document."
Lin Yutian said.
Lin Yiran nodded slightly.
The scene then shifted to the car. After entering, Lin Yiran was afraid that Huo Jinlin would
misunderstand, so he explained today's events in detail.
At the end, Huo Jinlin couldn't hold it in any longer and slowed down the car. He turned his head
and glanced at Lin Yiran, and deliberately said, "It seems that my little beautiful Lin has grown up.
She is afraid that I will have wild thoughts. Don't worry. What kind of person are you? Don't you
believe me?"
"You have finished telling your story, but I still have a question." Huo Jinlin said.

Chapter 241 Work and Life

The particularity of Huo Jinlin's problem far exceeded Lin Yiran's imagination.
Until he said it, Lin Yiran was still a little dazed.
"What! Yutian?"
Lin Yiran said in disbelief.
Hearing this, Huo Jinlin nodded silently.
That's right.
What Huo Jinlin was going to say next was about Lin Yutian, and whether it was for Lin Yiran or
Lin Yutian.
That's all very good.
This time.
Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran thought of the same thing.
After observing for a period of time, I found that Lin Yutian is serious about his work and has a
clean background. The key point is that Lin Yutian does not have any improper thoughts about
Huo Jinlin. Every time he sees him, he just treats him as an ordinary superior or a friend. The
assistants around Lin Yiran have had such problems more than once before. Taken together, plus
Lin Yutian's personal ability.
Huo Jinlin gave high recognition to Lin Yutian.
Speaking of this.
Huo Jinlin couldn't help but laugh.
"Oh, there's nothing I can do. I'm just thinking about finding a good person by your side!"
"Yi Ran, I changed so many assistants in a row before, and you kept asking me, didn't you? Later, I
felt that a male assistant was better. Maybe I am naturally more attractive to women, what do
you think?"
Hearing such words.
Lin Yiran burst out laughing.
She admitted that Huo Jinlin was indeed quite pretty, and with her background, she was a top
star. No matter where she was, she would be a very special person, and she would definitely be
the protagonist! But wasn't this confidence a bit too much?
Cough cough cough.
He coughed several times in succession.
Lin Yiran became more serious.
"Okay, Mr. Huo!"
"Okay, okay, of course I know you're the most handsome, of course I know you're the best, but
let's talk about that piece of film now."
"What do you think?"
Huo Jinlin’s view is very simple.
For the right talent, just being an assistant is not enough. The new factory is in urgent need of
manpower, and it needs people who can be completely trusted.
The key point is that he is someone around Lin Yiran who can be completely trusted.
There is no one like this except Aya.
Basically equivalent to nothing.
Or the individual's ability does not meet the standards that Huo Jinlin wants.
Comprehensive evaluation of all aspects.
Lin Yutian is the most suitable choice among them, no doubt about it.
Saying this.
Huo Jinlin gave a solution.
If Lin Yutian was promoted directly, it would be a torture for him.
Further testing is needed in life to see if Lin Yutian can be competent for the job.
But Huo Jinlin was still very detailed in handling this matter.
Why do we work? Why do we come to the company to fight?
For love?
Everyone is here to make money.
It is too unreliable to talk about those empty things. Huo Jinlin has also made big promises
before, but he is still very generous to his employees.
"I will continue to investigate Lin Yutian. I just happen to have another thing to tell you."
"Let's increase Lin Yutian's salary first. We can double it on the original basis. What do you
Huo Jinlin asked Lin Yiran for her opinion.
After listening to what Huo Jinlin said, Lin Yiran immediately laughed. Lin Yutian is a good sister to
Lin Yiran.
My good sister can become better and get the recognition of Huo Jinlin.
That is certainly a very good thing.
Lin Yiran nodded and agreed without thinking.
But what is the other thing?
Think of this.
Lin Yiran took the initiative to ask, "Jinlin, what's going on? Is it related to Yutian?"
Speaking of this, a smile appeared on Huo Jinlin's face.
In fact, Lin Yutian could talk about this matter today or tomorrow, Huo Jinlin was not in a hurry at
It is mainly to pave the way for the following matter.
Knowing that Lin Yiran would be curious, Lin Yiran would take the initiative to ask about Lin
Yutian's situation.
That's the point.
It turned out that grandma's birthday was coming soon. In previous years, birthday parties were
organized by family members, and the person assigned to do so was different every year. This
year, it was assigned to Huo Jinlin, and it was reasonable for Huo Jinlin to organize it. In addition,
it was a special day, her 65th birthday, so Huo Jinlin wanted to invite the company's senior
executives as well as important members of each family.
At present, Lin Yutian has obtained this qualification.
Lin Yiran was shocked.
No wonder you say that!
Turning his head to look at Huo Jinlin, Lin continued to ask in detail.
When, where and what should be done?
I asked about everything inside and outside.
Huo Jinlin answered patiently.
The time is the day after tomorrow, and the banquet will be held in the villa area. It is a private
banquet, and the people invited are the same as what Huo Jinlin said.
But I am saying all this today just to have a good chat with Lin Yiran, and more importantly, I want
to see Lin Yiran’s opinion.
Huo Jinlin’s idea was simple. It would only take a few days anyway, and Lin Yiran’s problems had
already been solved during this time.
He hoped that Lin Yiran could give him some vacation and work with him to prepare gifts.
As for things within the company.
Huo Jinlin has basically arranged everything.
Hearing this, Lin Yiran had some doubts in his heart and was still somewhat reluctant to let go of
the new factory.
Lin Yiran completed the order volume, but the work at the factory naturally increased a lot.
Plus, the promotional content that Huo Jinlin and I had planned to do has also been completed,
and the time happens to be the day after tomorrow.
One is about going to the company, and the other is about grandma.
After thinking for a while, Lin Yiran smiled and shook his head.
I am really confused.
How can you confuse family and work?
My grandmother is old now. Although she has always been in good health, time is still moving
The things in the company can be done later and can be continued later, but how can the things
on grandma's side be continued?
After thinking it through, Lin Yiran still thinks that grandma is more important.
Looking at Huo Jinlin.
Lin Yiran said seriously.
"Jinlin! Don't worry, I've already thought about it. I'll be with you."
"As for grandma's problem, there is nothing much to say. I have no choice but to help her."
"But I also hope you can give me some time. This matter came a little too suddenly. I need to
make some arrangements."
"Tomorrow! I will definitely arrange everything by tomorrow. What do you think?"
Upon hearing this.
Huo Jinlin nodded with satisfaction.
Things happened a little suddenly, and Lin Yiran turned around and went back to the company.
Since it has to be arranged, it must be arranged today. As for Huo Jinlin, Huo Jinlin chose to
accompany Lin Yiran.
"Okay, then just go ahead and do it. I'll wait for you in the office."
Huo Jinlin said gently.

Chapter 242 Bad Taste

Return to the company.
Lin Yiran had a face full of resentment and indifference.
Put your hands on your hips.
Lin Yiran fought his way to Lin Yutian's department.
Seeing Lin Yiran coming with the same expression, the people in the department instantly
became alert.
As soon as I entered.
Lin Yiran's tone became extremely serious.
"Where is Lin Yutian?"
"Call her out now. I need to talk to her alone."
"Not only that, I want all of you to come over and watch."
"Gather all the people in the department and put aside the work at hand. I am here to settle
accounts today."
“Go quickly!”
Feeling Lin Yiran's anger, everyone started to get busy.
It took a short while.
A large crowd gathered at the scene.
Lin Yiran didn't say anything either, he just sat quietly at the side.
See this scene happen.
Everyone felt even less confident.
They began to associate it with each other.
There were bursts of discussion.
"What the hell is going on? Did one of you offend Ms. Lin? This is the first time I've seen her so
"I don't know either. It seems like it's for Lin Yutian, but I remember the relationship with Lin
Yutian. Hasn't it always been good?"
"Who knows? Anyway, this is the first time I've seen such a scene. It's really scary. When Lin Yiran
gets angry, it's really not something that ordinary people can resist. Where is he? Where is he?
Now I'm more concerned about where Lin Yutian is."
With a face full of doubts.
Lin Yutian came to the center of the crowd.
Seeing Lin Yutian coming, Lin Yiran immediately stood up.
"Lin Yutian, come here, I have something serious to tell you."
"And you too!"
"Listen to me, everyone. I am here today to give you an explanation."
"Everyone, be serious. Don't take it so seriously. Why are you still laughing?"
Lin Yiran said.
A moment.
The atmosphere on the scene became extremely cold.
Although no one says it, suspicion is inevitable in their hearts.
Looking at Lin Yiran's expression, Lin Yutian also became much more serious, which was rare for
"Yan'er, that's not right, Mr. Lin. Did I do something wrong? If I did something wrong, I hope you
can tell me directly. I don't want people to have wild guesses."
Everyone was stupidly kept in the dark by Lin Yiran.
Come today.
Of course, it was to reward Lin Yutian well, and of course it was to tell everyone about Lin Yutian’s
The reason why he behaves so seriously.
That was completely out of Lin Yiran's bad taste.
I have endured for so long.
Looking at Lin Yutian's guilty look, Lin Yiran couldn't bear it any longer.
Hugging Lin Yutian, Lin Yiran's eyes turned teasing: "Oh! Little girl?"
"I'm here today to give you some benefits. Everyone listen to me. From today on, Lin Yutian will
be in charge of this department, and his salary will be doubled."
"At the same time, I also saw everyone's hard work during this period, and everyone will receive
an additional 500 yuan on top of their original basic salary."
"Does anyone have any comments?"
"If you have any opinions about Lin Yutian, or about the salary in the company."
"Then everyone, just speak up."
After a brief moment of daze.
There was a burst of warm applause at the scene.
Isn't it good to get money?
But at the same time, when Lin Yiran was joking, he also hoped that everyone could really talk
about this transfer.
If everyone is not satisfied with their arrangements, if everyone has any opinions about Lin
Resolve the issue face to face, that would be the best solution.
Return to normal state.
Lin Yiran stretched lazily.
Look at everyone.
Lin Yiran's eyes were full of sincerity: "Don't be afraid, I'm a very easy-going person. You may have
some doubts about Lin Yutian, but Lin Yutian has always been by my side. I recognize her
personal abilities. You may think I have some selfish motives or other ideas, but I'm doing this for
the entire company and for everyone."
"Our department has never had a supervisor. Since Supervisor Zhang left, everyone's work status
and distribution have changed to some extent. I also know that as assistants in various personnel
departments, you still have your own jobs and publicity work. Your daily life alone is already very
busy. Today, I will increase your salary to reward everyone for their hard work during this period."
"If you have anything to say, let's talk about it openly and share your opinions."
Lin Yiran said.
What is the ultimate secret to interpersonal communication?
Lin Yiran thought it was sincere.
Everyone in the company is working towards a common goal, which is to make money.
If everyone is in a good working condition, they will be able to do a better job.
It is a very good thing for the development of the company.
Regarding everyone’s salary and benefits.
Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin have always spent a lot of money.
other companies.
other people.
Lin Yiran doesn't care.
The only people she can manage are those around her.
The picture is given to the crowd.
After everyone hesitated, someone in the crowd stood up.
Everyone has seen how Lin Yiran treats everyone, and facts cannot deceive anyone.
If this happened in a previous company, everyone would definitely think that this was just a test
for everyone.
I don't want to have a nice chat with you all.
after all.
In today's market, most companies are unscrupulous companies.
I wish I could squeeze an employee to death.
Since Lin still wants to listen.
Then the previous deputy manager also started chatting.
"Sister Yiran, I agree with your decision. I am very clear about my abilities, but everyone will
definitely have some opinions. I have seen Yutian's work ability. I hope I can give everyone some
time to adapt this time."
"Can you give me a trial period?"
"If we are all satisfied after the probation period, then naturally no one will have any objections."
"Yes, yes, there is no problem on my side. I choose to trust Sister Yiran's decision, but we also
have to wait and see."
Chatted for a while.
Lin Yiran absorbed everyone's opinions and nodded in agreement.
After talking about their feelings, it was time for actual action. According to everyone's opinions,
Lin Yiran gave Lin Yutian a half-month probation period. At the same time, Lin Yiran also gave
everyone a chance to compete fairly.
In the next half month, Lin Yiran unified the indicators and determined the final level based on
the number of indicators completed by everyone.
As soon as these words came out.
Everyone couldn't sit still any longer! Their eyes became hot!

Chapter 243: Like a Shadow

"Today I'm telling you the truth from the bottom of my heart. After working in the workplace for
so many years, this is the first time I've met such a good boss in my life!"
"Great! I thought I had no chance before, but now I have to try my best!"
"Sister Yiran said it well. This way, everyone can compete fairly, and there will be nothing to say.
Thank you, Sister Yiran."
Listen to everyone's praise.
Lin Yiran smiled and waved.
If the salary increase before was just to stabilize Lin Yutian, then what we will do later will be a
test of everyone's abilities.
That’s what I want to say today.
If you have the ability, then you should do it bravely. Whoever has better performance will have
the right to speak.
Including Lin Yutian.
The most important thing is to give Lin Yutian a chance to show himself.
Got this.
Lin Yutian was even more grateful to Lin Yiran.
Looking at Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian's eyes were wet. If he hadn't considered that there were so many
people at the scene, he would have probably burst into tears on the spot.
When things have developed to this point, all problems have been solved perfectly.
Then what's next.
Lin Yiran’s arrangements naturally became a guide in everyone’s minds.
Looking at everyone, Lin Yiran clasped his fingers together and gave a sincere blessing: "I know
everyone is very motivated now, so let's work hard together!"
"Don't worry, I, Lin Yiran, will definitely admit what I said. I will do what I said now."
"But don't be too hasty about anything. I'll give everyone a good rest today. For fifteen days, shall
we start from tomorrow?"
"What do you think?"
As soon as these words came out.
There was thunderous applause at the scene and everyone expressed their agreement.
"I support!"
"Then what else is there to say? I will definitely choose to support Sister Yi Ran!"
"That's right, then let's work together starting tomorrow to see who is the most capable one."
Do all this.
Lin Yiran waved.
"Since everyone agrees, let's take a good rest now and make some plans in our hearts."
"How about this, Lin Yutian is not familiar with the content about supervisors yet, so I will
introduce it to her in detail."
"Just keep working, everyone."
As he spoke, Lin Yiran waved at Lin Yutian and took the initiative to walk towards Lin Yutian's
independent office.
Enter into it.
Lin Yiran relaxed instantly.
"Quick, quick, close the door!"
Lin Yiran urged Lin Yutian.
Hearing this, Lin Yutian laughed and joked: "Yi Ran, you were not like this just now! How come
you changed your expression so quickly now!"
Lin Yiran couldn't help but roll his eyes.
Giving Lin Yutian a promotion is only one aspect.
What is more important is the arrangement of the banquet.
Huo Jinlin had mentioned this before, because of the nature of the work, plus family reasons on
Huo Jinlin's side.
A lot of people will definitely be invited to this banquet.
This includes the management department of the company.
If the company is further divided, there are more than twenty departments in total, and the
threshold is just the supervisor.
The reason why he was so anxious was because he wanted to give Lin Yutian a suitable identity.
I heard Lin Yiran’s invitation.
Lin Yutian was delighted, his eyes full of disbelief.
"I...can I really?"
By now.
All of this seems like a beautiful dream.
Looking at Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian said in disbelief.
This little look!
Sighing, Lin Yiran responded unhappily: "Can I still lie to you?"
"We have been good sisters for such a long time. Even if you don't have this status, I will
definitely come and invite you in person."
"This banquet is very important. You should prepare for your work tomorrow. We will put it aside
for now."
"We'll talk about work later. Let's go to the banquet first."
"There are a lot of arrangements for the banquet. I can't meet the standards by myself. Is there
anyone around me who I can trust?"
"You understand me?"
Lin Yiran raised an eyebrow at Lin Yutian and said.
Those who didn't know would think she was being naughty.
The awareness couldn't be more obvious.
Having said this, even a fool would understand.
Lin Yutian nodded solemnly and agreed to this matter very seriously.
The situation is rather special, except for the nobles and company insiders invited by Huo Jinlin.
Basically no one else will attend.
As of now, the number of people who have received this news will definitely not exceed fifteen
very lucky.
Lin Yutian is one of them.
Lin Yiran believes in herself so much, how could Lin Yutian let her down?
Facing Lin Yiran, Lin Yutian patted his chest and responded confidently: "Yiran! If there is such a
good thing, then you should have said it earlier!"
"Don't worry, there's no problem on my end. I'll finish all the work in the company early
tomorrow morning. I'm already very grateful that you can give me such an opportunity. As for
whether I can defeat the others and win in the end, that's my business."
After listening to Lin Yutian's answer.
Lin Yiran couldn't help but laugh and said, "It seems you are still very confident!"
"Of course!"
All the things that needed to be explained had been explained. Lin Yiran stood up, chatted briefly
and said goodbye to Lin Yutian.
Lin Yiran still has to go to Huo Jinlin to discuss the details.
As for the internal affairs of the company, we will arrange it as we wish.
Even though Lin Yiran had kept this matter a secret from the beginning and only told Lin Yutian.
But it is inevitable that some villains will remember it.
Lin Yiran had just left when Jiang Yunyi jumped out from the door the next second.
Her target is not Lin Yiran, but Jiang Yunyi.
Jiang Yunyi investigated everything about Huo Jinlin clearly, and also arranged people around Lin
Just by guessing, Jiang Yunyi had already guessed the content of the conversation between the
Now this is going to be interesting.
Hearing this, Lin Yutian was stunned for a moment, and froze in place.
When Lin Yutian heard Jiang Yunyi's voice before, he would definitely come to find her as soon as
But now it's different.
Lin Yutian thought a lot and decided to solve the problem between them in the near future.
Every time Jiang Yunyi appears, nothing good happens.
This time is definitely no exception.
But he still had to face what he had to face. He clenched his fists and turned around calmly: "Oh!
Yunyi, it's you."
"What's the matter? Come on, if you have anything to say, just go to my office. I still have some
documents to deal with now."
Lin Yutian said to Jiang Yunyi.
She is very tactful.
The steps are already here, it's up to you whether to go down or not.
Chapter 244 Inner Role
About Jiang Yunyi and Lin Yutian.
People in the office have seen enough.
In the eyes of others, Jiang Yunyi and Lin Yutian are good friends and they also maintain
It's no surprise that it happens so often.
The opposite of.
On the contrary, everyone likes Jiang Yunyi quite a bit.
When it comes to interpersonal relationships, Jiang Yunyi handles it very well. Every time she
comes, she always brings small gifts for everyone.
Walking along this way.
From time to time, voices of greeting could be heard from the side.
"Sister Yunyi, there's a new barbecue restaurant that's opened recently. Can we go and eat
together when we have time?"
"I haven't seen you for a long time, Yunyi. What have you been busy with recently? You're here to
see Yutian again. Your business ability really depends on you."
Facing everyone's praise, Jiang Yunyi covered it up with a fake smile.
I can tell.
The effect is still very good.
But the more everyone acted like this, the more uncomfortable Lin Yutian felt.
She really knows Jiang Yunyi too well. Although Jiang Yunyi often pretends to be doing good for
others, in the end it is all for herself.
I saw Jiang Yunyi's face clearly.
Lin Yutian became much more serious.
Now is not the time to show your cards, we should have a good chat.
After entering the room, Jiang Yunyi's expression changed immediately. Looking at Lin Yutian in
front of her, Jiang Yunyi had an unfriendly look.
"Lin Yutian, what's going on with you?"
"Haven't I already given you the previous information? Why are you treating me like this?"
"I came here today because I have something to tell you. Don't look so gloomy. It's about Lin
Yiran. Do you understand?"
By now.
Before Jiang Yunyi could react, the relationship between the two of them had quietly undergone
a major change.
Still think of yourself as the superior one.
Lin Yutian doesn't think so.
Looking at the arrogant Jiang Yunyi in front of him, Lin Yutian said in a very cold voice: "It's about
Lin Yiran, what's the problem?"
"Jiang Yunyi, I plan to have a good talk with you about the child in the near future. You should
prepare well. If the talk goes well, then we will be good partners. If the talk goes badly, it will
easily involve you. Do you understand?"
"Also, I don't really like people talking to me in such an impolite tone, do you understand?"
Lin Yutian said in a cold tone.
After listening to this.
Jiang Yunyi felt like she was falling into an icy cave.
For a moment I didn't know what words to use to answer.
After a long while, Jiang Yunyi realized that something was wrong, and her tone became much
softer: "Yutian, look at what you said. Regarding the problem with the child, you can ask me
anytime and anywhere. I admit that my tone was a little bad, I will change it!"
"It just so happens that you want to talk about the child's problem. Today I'm talking about Lin
Yiran's problem, so I'll mention it to you. I heard that Lin Yiran is going to hold a banquet recently.
What's the specific time? What's the location? Are there any arrangements?"
"Do you have any clues?"
Jiang Yunyi said directly.
Sensing Lin Yutian's emotional changes, Jiang Yunyi chose to play a straight ball.
This method is indeed useful.
He took a quick look at Jiang Yunyi.
Lin Yutian said truthfully.
"Yes, that's true, but the details haven't been arranged yet. But the banquet has been confirmed.
The time is the day after tomorrow and the location is at Lin Yiran's home."
"There's nothing much to talk about with the child. I've done some research and the child is
mostly related to Lin Yiran. You can't help much either. If you have anything to say, just say it."
This time.
Jiang Yunyi felt even more helpless.
She cursed silently in her heart.
This damn Lin Yutian.
The problem would have happened earlier or later, but it happened at this time.
In this case, wouldn't my plan become even more troublesome?
Jiang Yunyi's plan was very simple. There were many people at the banquet, and Jiang Yunyi
would be able to do something to Lin Yiran at that time.
By then.
Now that Lin Yiran, the huge hidden danger, has been solved, won't it be easy for Huo Jinlin to be
Thinking of this, Jiang Yunyi's face couldn't help but curl up.
Right now.
Lin Yutian sneered in his heart.
It was obvious enough that Jiang Yunyi was troubled. She had been used against Lin Yiran time
and time again, and she was fed up with this kind of life.
It is better to take advantage of the situation, understand the matter thoroughly first, and then
make a good decision.
Based on Lin Yutian's understanding of Jiang Yunyi, she would not act rashly before being
adequately prepared.
This is when the problem arises.
Lin Yutian patiently and persuadingly.
"Yunyi, I know your situation best."
"How about this, I know you want to deal with Lin Yiran, and I also know you are really doing this
for the good of the child, so why don't we discuss the plan properly? You may have seen the
change in me today. I have been waiting for a long time regarding this matter of the child. I want
to take advantage of this banquet to solve this problem properly. Do you have any other ideas?"
Whether it was intentional or unintentional before.
Lin Yutian caused harm to Lin Yiran many times.
As the two got to know each other better, Lin Yutian liked Lin Yiran more and more, and became
more and more clear about what kind of person Lin Yiran was.
Jiang Yunyi is about to launch a new action.
I did it wrong before.
Now there is still a chance to correct it.
Thought of this.
Lin Yutian's tense mood gradually relaxed, and he slowly mastered the rhythm of their
As she spoke, Jiang Yunyi told everything without reservation.
"In fact, I have long disliked Lin Yiran. I have thought about the issue of the children for a long
time. Huo Jinlin is not interested in the two children. As long as we can successfully deal with Lin
Yiran, the children will come back in no time. Do you understand?"
"I will make arrangements for you before the banquet. Just follow the route I arrange."
"Yutian, you are the person I trust the most!"
After listening to what she said.
Lin Yutian just nodded silently.
What exactly is in her mind, perhaps only Lin Yutian herself knows.
The scene is given to Lin Yiran.
Come to the top floor.
Lin Yiran opened the door and entered Huo Jinlin's office.
As soon as he entered, Lin Yiran observed Huo Jinlin's condition.
At this moment, Huo Jinlin was deeply attracted by the content on the screen. He took a closer
look and found that it was about the banquet plan.
Seeing Lin Yiran coming, Huo Jinlin hugged Lin Yiran and said, "Look! This is the part I specially
prepared. Do you like it?"
Look at the screen in the direction of Huo Jinlin's finger.
Next second.
Lin Yiran laughed like a silver bell.
"What the hell is this! Grandma is already so old, she won't like these, but I like them, they are
very creative."
This is?
As the picture zooms in and Huo Jinlin explains, the truth gradually comes to light.

Chapter 245: The Degree of Darkness

My grandmother has never suffered any hardship in her life. She grew up with a silver spoon in
her mouth. She has seen all kinds of gifts. If it was just money, I’m not ashamed to say that my
grandmother herself has assets worth at least tens of billions.
As the saying goes, a true man never reveals his true face.
Judging from birthday parties in previous years.
Huo Jinlin knew very well that what the old man wanted was not material things, but more of a
token of his heart and an expression of his love.
The solution on the computer is simple.
A homemade cake tutorial, made by two people, can be put together in advance, and I just
happen to have time today.
Speaking of this.
Huo Jinlin turned around and glanced at Lin Yiran.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Lin Yiran smiled and teased: "You are really tricky, but your idea is exactly
the same as mine!"
"Then why don't we do this? If we are going to do it, we have to do it better. What's the point of
just watching a tutorial on the Internet?"
"Let's find a physical cake shop and learn some skills. We still have plenty of time. Ahem, isn't this
a thoughtful and professional idea?"
Just finished teasing Huo Jinlin.
Huo Jinlin teased back.
"As expected of my Miss Lin, you have unique ideas and a tricky angle. I like it!"
Lin Yiran's old face turned red.
It's really unbearable that this old couple still uses this kind of tricks.
After thinking about it carefully, he realized that just one cake would be too monotonous. Lin
Yiran had a clear idea.
You still have to maintain the proper appearance and face.
The two are husband and wife, and they are very familiar with Huo Jin and Lin Lin.
The company has many needs for funds recently, and Huo Jinlin generally does not use the
company's funds casually.
I had also paid a lot of compensation to Huo Nantian before I left it for myself.
It just so happened that Lin Yiran’s new factory had just opened and there was a lot of room for
I can’t say I’m poor, but I’ve spent a lot of money recently.
Think about it carefully.
Lin Yiran opened his mouth and made a suggestion.
"Jinlin, we have never cared much about money, but since it is grandma's birthday party and it is
held at our home, we still have to show our respect. How about this! You and I each pay half of
the money, what do you think?"
Upon hearing this.
Huo Jinlin gave him a look as if he was looking at a child.
If asked what he likes most about Lin Yiran, Huo Jinlin really couldn't tell the answer right away.
But if you ask Huo Jinlin what kind of state he likes Lin Yiran the most.
That must be the same childish state as it is now.
Lin Yiran is always so pure and lovely, and always very considerate of herself.
Huo Jinlin agreed immediately.
As soon as he finished speaking, Huo Jinlin immediately contacted his personal assistant.
Regarding the assistant, Huo Jinlin's tone was completely different from Lin Yiran's. His tone was
very serious, and a bit cold in his indifference: "Xiao Wang, go and transfer the engineering assets
of me and Mr. Lin. Prepare more quota for me in the near future. It will only be one or two days.
Make sure the quota is sufficient. I think you know what will happen, so just make the
arrangements as you see fit."
"Okay, okay, boss."
Xiao Wang's voice immediately came from the other end of the phone.
But that’s not enough.
"One more thing! In these three days, even if the sky falls, you have to hold on well. If anything
really happens, I will come to you first to make sure nothing goes wrong and that you don't
bother me. Do you understand?"
Xiao Wang thought.
Hiss hiss hiss!
This is really like putting yourself on the fire.
But since it was Huo Jinlin who said it, I could only nod and agree.
Feeling Xiao Wang's hesitation, after watching for so long, Lin Yiran couldn't help but roll his eyes
at Huo Jinlin: "Hahaha, Xiao Wang, you don't have to care too much about this. We have already
arranged the company's affairs. President Huo is just teasing you. You also have to come to the
banquet, got it?"
Lin Yiran explained with a smile.
After listening to what Lin Yiran said.
Xiao Wang's scalp was tingling.
Damn it!
Is Huo Jinlin even a human being? He can even joke with me about such a serious matter.
How come this black-bellied index is getting more and more excessive day by day?
But there is nothing we can do about it, it’s Huo Jinlin’s fault for giving so much.
hang up the phone.
Turning around, Huo Jinlin looked at Lin Yiran with a joking look on his face: "Oh, it seems that my
little wife really likes to meddle in my affairs. Then how about you take care of other aspects of
my life? It just so happens that there is one aspect that I particularly need you in now..."
Before he could finish his words, Huo Jinlin moved close to Lin Yiran. Their faces intertwined, and
their noses touched each other. Leaning on the sofa, Lin Yiran had no way to avoid it. The next
second, Lin Yiran blushed.
It's noon now.
No way!
Yes, that's right. Huo Jinlin came here specifically to urge Lin Yiran: "Let's go. Didn't you say you
wanted to learn how to make cakes?"
"We still have time, so of course we should go as fast as possible. I have just contacted another
assistant and the car is ready. Our destination is the Pattari Cake Shop."
After hearing this.
Lin Yiran remembered it instantly.
Although the name sounds old-fashioned, this is the cake shop that was nominated for a five-star
There was a black swan cake that was very popular before, but it was just an imitation.
Huo Jinlin brought Lin Yiran to the door of the cake shop.
As soon as we arrived at the door, a warm waiter came over and asked, "What would you like to
Upon hearing this, Huo Jinlin waved his hand and said, "Call the manager here. I need to talk to
him and your kitchen staff."
The waiter nodded politely and then quickly left the place.
At this time, Lin Yiran suddenly realized something.
There is something wrong with one out of a hundred points!
Huo Jinlin's tone and style of speaking are indeed very cool and casual.
But you don't have an appointment, do you?
The two of them looked at each other, and as soon as they saw the expression on Lin Yiran's face,
Huo Jinlin chose to take the initiative: "Ahem, I was busy dealing with company matters before.
The appointment time here is relatively early. I was too busy at the time and forgot. Don't torture
me, then I'm trying to find a solution."
I didn’t expect that Huo Jinlin, who has always been so powerful, has this side to him.
Thinking of this, Lin still felt helpless but also a little cute.
at this point.
It is most important to solve the problem first.
After a while, the manager and the pastry chef walked towards the door together.
If you think about it carefully, Huo Jinlin's face and the way he is dressed make it obvious that he
is not an ordinary person.
We still need to have due respect.
The guests here are either rich or noble, and if any problem occurs, it will be handled quickly.
Arriving at the door, the manager glanced at Huo Jinlin, frowned slightly, and bowed deeply: "Sir,
you look familiar to me."
"Excuse me, what are your needs today? Is there anything we can help you with?"
Huo Jinlin said bluntly: "Yes."
"I'm here to learn the skills. My wife and I are planning to come here and make a cake. I think it
would be better to communicate with the pastry chef."

Chapter 246 Add Money

A big question mark arose in the minds of the three people at the scene.
Is this a street challenge?
I have never heard of such an excessive request in my life.
There was silence for a moment.
It depends on the manager.
Looking at Huo Jinlin's clothes, the manager still had a smile on his face: "Sir, we do have
enhanced services here, but we are not recruiting apprentices at the moment. Even if we are
apprentices, we need to obtain a professional pastry qualification certificate. Do you
"If you just happen to want to come to our store to take a look at the cake, we welcome you."
"But if you are here to learn, our store does not provide such services for the time being. You can
go to other stores to ask. Also, our masters don't like to teach others, right?"
Speaking of this.
The manager winked frantically at the pastry chef in the back.
The pastry chef is a foreigner who has been here for many years and pays special attention to
these small details.
He understood what the manager meant.
He coughed twice softly.
The pastry chef introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Harry, and I'm the person in charge in the
"I really don't have any plans in this regard at the moment. Sir, why don't you look somewhere
Hearing this.
Lin Yiran showed a hint of disappointment on his face.
If the other person doesn't want to do it, you can't force him or her to do it.
There are only about ten branches of Badali Cake Shop in the country now, and the distribution
area is not very wide. If you want to go to other places to ask, you basically have to go a long
distance. However, it is difficult to verify whether the cake shops in other places have such high
Thinking of this, Lin Yiran couldn't help but feel a hint of bitterness on his face.
Having said that, everything is clear.
Since they are unwilling, then try somewhere else.
After saying that, Lin Yiran came to Huo Jinlin's side and said, "Let's go, let's go to another place
and have a look."
Huo Jinlin shook his head at this time.
Just see.
Huo Jinlin gave a strange smile towards the front.
He took over the host and pulled Lin Yiran over. Huo Jinlin introduced himself to the three people
in front of him enthusiastically: "Since Mr. Harry has already done a self-examination, how can I
not do it? My name is Huo Jinlin, and this is my wife, Lin Yiran. Actually, we came here today not
only to learn technology, but also to invest in your store. I have seen it on the way here. Your
current market share is worth about 30 million. I think such a good store like yours should not be
bound by the crowd and should have a larger market space. Do you have any intention in this
Upon hearing this.
The manager woke up instantly.
It is normal that the pastry chef and the waiter don't know Huo Jinlin's identity.
But if you don’t know either.
That would be embarrassing.
Huo Jinlin's companies are widely distributed, even abroad, and he can be considered a well-
known entrepreneur. Because the service population is classified differently, the professionals in
each store need to learn a lot of knowledge, one of which is identifying people.
Glancing at Huo Jinlin.
The manager woke up instantly.
This is a big shot who you cannot afford to offend.
Thinking of this, the manager became even more enthusiastic: "Mr. Huo Jinlin, Ms. Lin Yiran, this
is not the place for us to talk, so how about we go somewhere else to talk in detail?"
Huo Jinlin nodded.
Can we play like this?
Just as Lin Yiran was wondering, Huo Jinlin stretched out a finger and tapped Lin Yiran's head.
"Let's go, why are you being so stupid again!"
"Let's go in and discuss any problems first. At least we should give it a try to see if it will work."
"dont you agree?
All the way to the exclusive VIP lounge.
The manager's tone became particularly serious.
Even customers like Huo Jinlin need special attention. No matter what their needs are and if they
can be met, we will try our best to satisfy them.
Huo Jinlin remained indifferent to the manager's advances.
His purpose had been made clear from the beginning.
Huo Jinlin is here to learn technology today.
The identity has been revealed, plus what Huo Jinlin said before.
The manager couldn't help but think about it carefully.
"Mr. Huo Jinlin, as far as I know, your industry does not involve our cake industry. It is a
particularly bad thing to invest rashly. Of course, I personally support your idea, but we should
also consider the things that should be considered. What do you think?" The manager replied
It is indeed a famous cake shop.
Their service is worthy of their prices.
If ordinary people heard that Huo Jinlin wanted to invest, they would want Huo Jinlin to join in on
the spot.
Be able to keep your sanity and analyze things yourself in the face of money.
That is a rare thing.
As for real investment, Huo Jinlin really has no thoughts on this.
There is no doubt that he is rich.
But Huo Jinlin is rich, not sick.
The subject suddenly changed.
Huo Jinlin changed his mind and said, "How about this! I just happen to want to study hard
recently. I also know that a shop like yours is very busy with people coming and going every day,
plus there are also pre-ordered cakes, but we won't take up too much of your time."
"I can't give you too much, but I can pay you one month's salary today. How about that?"
"Just consider it a favor."
Huo Jinlin said sincerely.
After these words were spoken, Harry on the side became a little restless.
Cough cough cough!
Even if Huo Jinlin really wanted to invest, when the time came to share the profits, he would not
have any substantial shares and would not have much money.
But this month's salary is real.
This includes the manager's share.
In just less than a day, you can earn a month's salary.
What’s the difference between this and pie in the sky?
But the manager was not so anxious. He thought about it carefully, thinking about Huo Jinlin's
identity and status.
Seeing that the manager was wavering.
Harry stood up immediately.
"no problem!"
"This is just a small matter for me. It's just a simple teaching. I just happened to be free today.
What I like most is to discuss and communicate with others. Anyway, I have agreed to it."
Hearing this.
The manager turned a blind eye and nodded silently.
With their approval, funding will naturally not be a problem.
Next second.
Everyone’s monthly salary has arrived.
Although there were some minor setbacks today and some minor problems along the way, they
were successfully solved.
Everyone was very happy, except for Lin Yiran who was standing aside with a puzzled look on his
face. There were two words written all over Lin Yiran's face.
Having money really makes you so willful!
Looking at Huo Jinlin, even Lin Yiran couldn't help but tease him: "It seems that there is nothing
you can't do with money. If there is, it must be that you don't have enough money!" Lin Yiran said
with emotion.
Huo Jinlin smiled slightly: "Don't be so joking, haven't we succeeded?"

Chapter 247 Enemies Meet Again

Under the guidance of Huo Jinlin, the two of them entered naturally.
As soon as she entered the store, Lin Yiran's eyes brightened. Looking around, every place
seemed to be tailor-made for her.
The decoration style of the cheongsam shop is high-end, elegant and full of charm.
The shop is very big.
It's the kind that looks ordinary from the outside, but you can only see its true colors once you
Looking at Lin Yiran's expression, Huo Jinlin's gentle voice echoed in Lin Yiran's ears: "As long as
you like it."
"Don't worry, I've sent someone to check out this store in advance, and everyone has given it
very high praise."
"Even if there's nothing you like, we can always go somewhere else and have a look."
"I'm yours all day today."
"Then you take a look first. I'm going to take a call here. Then, I'll hand over the rest of the
content. Don't run around. Got it?"
Huo Jinlin spoke directly to Lin Yiran.
When Lin Yiran heard this, he couldn't help but ask a question in his heart.
"Why do I feel like you treat me like a child?"
Lin Yiran said.
Huo Jinlin did not answer, but just touched Lin Yiran's head lovingly.
In his heart, hasn't Lin Yiran always been a child?
Walking to the door, Huo Jinlin did not forget to call out: "Yi Ran, then you look around first, don't
run too far, I'll be back soon."
Lin Yiran said with a hint of helplessness.
After Huo Jinlin left, Lin Yin still followed Huo Jinlin's instructions and walked around the area to
take a look. It didn't matter if he didn't look, he liked everything as soon as he saw it!
Each has its own rhyme.
Light colors are elegant and dignified, while dark colors appear mysterious and intellectual.
It is worthy of being something passed down from our ancestors.
With this thought in mind, Lin Yiran looked at everything around him, as if everything was filtered
through a natural filter.
Makes people linger in it.
Just at this moment, a familiar voice came from the corner ahead.
Just now, Zeng Jiajia had heard the shop assistants discussing in a low voice.
"Look, there's so much dirt on this clothing. It looks so dirty."
"That's right, this is a high-end custom shop. How about I go out and talk to her?"
Hearing such words.
With the mentality of watching the fun, Zeng Jiajia inadvertently glanced to the side.
It’s better not to watch this.
I laughed as soon as I saw Zeng Jiajia.
I really didn't expect that we would meet again in a narrow road. I met Lin Yiran in this mall last
time, and I met him here again this time.
But it was very different from last time. Last time, Lin Yiran was with Lin Yutian and even
threatened himself severely.
At that time, for the sake of interests, Zeng Jiajia could only settle for the second best and bow
her head temporarily.
But in the girls' hearts, the hatred between the two grew deeper and deeper.
Lin Yiran has sent people to look for him before.
But Zeng Jiajia's attitude is very clear.
"Regarding the people from Lin Yiran's side who came to see me, if they ask, then I'm not here. If
they keep pestering me, just tell them to get lost. I don't want to see them for even a second!"
Time goes back to the present.
Looking at Lin Yiran's outfit and the clerk's tone.
A plan gradually formed in Zeng Jiajia's mind.
"Hey, my luck is really bad today. How come I see such a person?"
"This is the kind of people I dislike the most. They have no idea of their own status and dare to go
into any kind of store."
"What are you talking about? Tell me."
Zeng Jiajia walked away, pretending to be just arrived. Hearing the clattering footsteps behind
her, the two shop assistants immediately turned around.
I saw it was Zeng Jiajia.
The two people's attitudes changed drastically.
There was no longer any disdain left in his look at Lin Yiran.
On the contrary, it is extremely flattering.
"Ms. Zeng! Weren't you trying on clothes inside just now? Why are you here? If you were here,
you should at least call me, and I would definitely come over and pull you over as soon as
"Ms. Zeng, how about it? Do you like the new styles in our store?"
Looking at the two people's flattering faces.
Zeng Jiajia chose to remain silent, her eyes always staying on Lin Yiran not far away.
After looking at it for a long time, Zeng Jiajia deliberately made a helpless expression and said,
"Your management is really bad. Why don't you just forget it? Look at her clothes. Why are they
so dirty? There will definitely be many problems when she consumes the things in this store. Why
don't you go and communicate with her? I'll continue to try on the clothes."
Zeng Jiajia said without further ado.
Her meaning was clear.
If you judge a person based on his clothes alone, then today, Lin Yiran is obviously not qualified
because of various reasons.
In addition, Zeng Jiajia said before that this is the type of people she dislikes the most.
Next second.
The two of them walked over to Zeng Jiajia.
"Sister Zeng, look at what you said. Don't worry, I will go out and solve the problem now."
"No, no, no, how can you trouble Zhang Xi with such a small matter? Leave it to me!"
As they talked, the two of them prepared to go out in order to please Zeng Jiajia.
As soon as I saw this.
Zeng Jiajia called them immediately!
How could this be possible? Although this matter would be easily exposed in the end, Zeng
Jiajia's meaning was very clear.
They can go, but they shouldn't make it so obvious.
If both of them go, it would be strange if others don't become suspicious.
Came to the two of them.
Zeng Jiajia laughed and said, "Don't be like that. Even if I really can't afford it and I don't like this
thing very much, we still have to show the right attitude. Just one of you can go. Don't worry, it's
okay. I will cover all your sales today. What I hate most is people who affect my mood. As for who
will go, you can decide freely."
Zeng Jiajia said.
Upon hearing this, the two of them immediately looked at each other, neither of them wanting to
miss this opportunity to express themselves.
Just at this moment, Lin Yiran asked, "Excuse me, is there a clerk here? Come over here, I'm very
interested in this dress, can you show it to me?" Lin Yiran said calmly.
At this time, Zhang Xi took a step forward and walked out: "Sister, leave it to me!" Zhang Xi said
to Zeng Jiajia before leaving.
Zeng Jiajia stepped aside and prepared to watch the show.
Zhang Xi came to Lin Yiran.
Zhang Xi's attitude was very cold. She looked at Lin Yiran without even a hint of explanation and
shook her head silently: "Miss, I see you are new here, right? We have already reserved the dress
you saw in advance. I'm really sorry. How about you take a look at other ones?"
At this moment, Lin Yiran didn't think much about it. She simply thought that since the clothes
had already been reserved, the worst that could happen was to look at other options.
The fun has just begun.
Coming to Lin Yiran's side, Zhang Xi observed her expression and looked her up and down.

Chapter 248 Distorted Concepts

After watching for about half a minute, Zhang Xi couldn't help sneering in his heart, thinking that
he had already got it almost certain.
The clothes Lin Yiran was wearing were ordinary, apart from the high-quality fabric, there was no
other excellence about them.
At least that's what Zhang Xi thinks.
In addition, there was the time when Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin made a cake together.
The clothes were slightly dirty.
Zhang Xi became more determined.
As long as he could please Zeng Jiajia today, his future would be smooth sailing.
Thinking like this.
Zhang Xi quickly walked in front of Lin Yiran, with a fake smile on his face and an extremely cold
tone: "Miss, why don't we go out for a walk? There is also a nice cheongsam shop to our lower
right. I think we should go there and take a good look."
Having said that.
Lin Yiran didn't know how to answer for a moment.
This was the first time he encountered such a thing, but at this moment Lin Yiran didn’t think too
much about it. He just simply felt that there was another hidden story.
Looking at Zhang Xi in front of him, Lin Yiran asked in confusion: "Why do you say that?"
"I think this place is pretty good. I like many of the designs. There's no need to go anywhere else."
Lin Yiran answered sincerely.
Sincerity is the ultimate skill, and this sentence is fully reflected in Lin Yiran.
Zhang Xi was also confused by the scene before him.
Could it be that my movements were too small just now, and Lin Yiran didn't realize that I was
being sarcastic?
That being the case.
Zhang Xi decided to do something big.
Before that, Zhang Xi turned around and glanced at Zeng Jiajia who was hiding in front or behind,
and received an affirmative look from Zeng Jiajia.
Zhang Xi nodded heavily.
Success or failure depends on what he says next. This is also the time to test Zhang Xi.
After all, it is such a big store, and I am just an ordinary employee.
The guests were kicked out on the spot.
If this gets out, my life will be difficult in the future.
Zhang Xi is very smart.
With a sudden inspiration, Zhang Xi started making crazy hints.
"Miss, we should use our wealth within our reasonable range, what do you think?"
"I've just taken a quick look at your outfit, and I think you look prettier in casual clothes."
"Miss, let's put it this way. There are always many choices in life. Why should we stick to us?"
"We only have high-end products here, so the prices are naturally high. If you like them, we can
look around more, but I'm about to go on break. How about you take a look and see if there's
anything you want? I'll give you a discount. If you still think the price is too high after the
discount, then I can't do anything about it. I hope you can think about it carefully."
Zhang Xi went straight to the point.
Today in this shop, she only wanted to deal with one thing, which was to deal with Lin Yiran.
"Miss, make a decision quickly. Look at the clothes you are wearing. Even I wouldn't dress like
that. I know you are more easy-going, but we can't be so easy-going. In certain occasions, we still
have to be more dignified. Do you understand?"
Perhaps it was because she saw Zeng Jiajia with a slightly frowning look when she turned around
just now.
Or perhaps Zhang Xi already felt that he had complete control of the situation.
all in all.
The implication of his words is that he hopes Lin Yiran can leave as soon as possible.
This was not enough. In order to make Lin Yiran leave quickly, Zhang Xi did everything he could.
He took out a card from the cabinet behind him and handed it to her politely: "Miss, this is our
ordinary shopping card. Although the price is a little expensive, it is only a few hundred yuan. You
can get a 20% discount with this card. Thank you for your patronage today. You should leave
This time.
Even if Lin Yiran was really not satisfied, it was clear what was going on.
The reason is very simple. Zhang Xi probably saw how miserable Lin Yiran was now.
That's why I deliberately make things difficult for you.
Looking at Zhang Xi in front of him.
Lin Yiran felt both sad and amused.
Before today's incident happened, Lin Yiran always felt that the world around him was relatively
beautiful. He had never met anyone who was overly unreasonable. Except for special
circumstances, his rest time was basically spent resting well and exploring the beauty of the
But today Zhang Xi really taught Lin Yiran a lesson.
To the end.
Just stop pretending and come clean.
Looking at Lin Yiran in front of him, Zhang Xi showed a slightly contemptuous look, and then
couldn't help but rolled his eyes.
After doing all this, it still feels like it’s not enough.
Zhang Xi said in a tone full of arrogance.
"Miss, we have a membership system here. Even our most ordinary employees have
memberships. If ordinary people want to buy things from us, they need to make an appointment
in advance, and our store manager needs to confirm it in person."
"You're not following the rules."
"Can you understand?"
Originally, Lin Yiran just thought it was a little ridiculous. Why has it developed to this point?
While the market is choosing customers, customers are also choosing the market. Even if it is
true, it should be written clearly in black and white, instead of just anyone coming to make
Zhang Xi's words implied something: What I meant was that I dislike Lin Yiran and think that Lin
Yiran has no money, right?
I'm sorry.
I'm afraid Zhang Xi will be disappointed today.
the other side.
Zeng Jiajia was completely relaxed.
In Zeng Jiajia's opinion, as long as someone can deal with Lin Yiran, it would be the best show.
As things have developed to this point, Lin Yiran has only two choices: either leave quickly or fight
to the end.
But Zeng Jiajia had already thought it through in her heart from the very beginning.
Judging from Lin Yiran's personality.
It is impossible not to fight to the end.
as expected.
Next second.
Lin Yiran said in a dissatisfied tone: "Well, since it is your store manager's rule, I will have a good
talk with your store manager."
"Today you are targeting me for no reason, because you think I have no money?"
Zhang Xi shook his head and said no, but he had already started sneering in his heart.
If not because of this, what else could it be?
Because of the environment he grew up in, Zhang Xi formed a vicious mindset.
As long as you have money, you are a kind person, a good person. If you have no money, you will
be bullied.
The democratic routine has come to this store, and Zeng Jiajia is unhappy. So what should she
choose and what should she do?
Zhang Xi has his own scale in his heart to make judgments.
Facing Lin Yiran’s request.
Zhang Xi's voice changed, becoming even colder: "Miss, our store manager is very busy. If you like
anything, just hurry up and pay for it. Then I will look at you with more respect. If you act like a
shrew today, I'm sorry, please leave."
"We formulate the rules here according to the membership level system. In fact, it does not
involve the content of ordinary people. Don't you understand?"
This time.
Lin Yiran really couldn't stand it anymore!

Chapter 249 The Customer is God

The customer is God.
Generally speaking, Lin Yiran doesn't agree with this statement. Whether the two parties choose
to buy or not is a two-way choice. But this sentence can also reveal one thing. If they spend
money, then the withdrawal request is naturally normal. Everyone knows that money is hard to
make, but there is one thing! Lin Yiran will never do it!
We all have our own lives, and life is already difficult enough, so why make things difficult for
each other?
You can say whatever you want.
Being unreasonable.
Special targeting.
These are the things that Lin Yiran hates the most, no doubt about it.
Zhang Xi stepped on all these thunders.
Looking at Lin Yiran, Zhang Xi was very dissatisfied: "Are you going to leave or not, sister? Please
don't waste our time. Your time is not valuable, but my time is very valuable. Today I will tell you
clearly that I dare to be so arrogant because I have someone behind me. Do you know what
others will think if you enter our store dressed like this?"
"Just by looking at your clothes, I know you are a poor person. It's okay to pursue good things,
but we also need to see if we have the ability to do so. Let's go. The longer you stay here, the
more disgusting I will be."
Grit your teeth.
Lin Yiran exploded instantly.
"Is this how you talk?"
Lin Yiran's voice suddenly increased.
This sudden sound startled Zhang Xi.
At the same time, it also attracted all the attention around.
Next second.
Everyone's eyes were focused on the two of them.
Polar reversal!
It is impossible to impress someone who has no respect at all.
To deal with such people, you must take a tough attitude.
Do you really think Lin Yiran is a little sheep that can be bullied?
Looking at Zhang Xi, Lin Yiran narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyebrows and eyes were full of
coldness: "Really? If you think I can't afford it, then there is no way I would come in. Do you need
to see my bank account balance?"
"Normally I don't like to talk to others in such a tough manner, because it makes everyone seem
rude. But for what you did today, I can only say one thing to you: I'm a customer and you're a
clerk, so why should I be nice to you? It would be fine if I didn't ask you to, but you're making
things difficult for me, right?"
"I'm telling you, all the clothes that look ordinary in front of you are my custom-made ones. I'm
going to call your store manager over today. I want him to give me an explanation. And you!
Remember what you just said. I recorded everything. I want to see how arrogant you are."
As soon as these words came out.
Zhang Xi was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat.
The reason couldn't be simpler, because Zhang Xi himself knew very well that this was not a good
thing. If it really got out of hand, he would definitely be fired. In order to get this position, Zhang
Xi worked hard for three years.
In this moment, Zhang Xi was completely confused. He felt dizzy and began to doubt himself.
Was I wrong from the beginning?
In Zhang Xi's opinion, it is very easy to bully a customer who looks easy to bully. Generally
speaking, not only will others not say anything, but they will leave in despair.
During this process, Zhang Xi's vanity was greatly satisfied, making her forget her identity.
If a person does not know his own identity.
That would be dangerous.
The louder the noise became, the happier the onlookers became. Gradually, more and more
people gathered and the discussion was endless.
"No way, I heard before that there is a clerk here with a very bad attitude, and today we had a
"Oh my god, why does this girl in front of me feel so familiar?"
"I think so, I think so too!"
Talking and talking.
Gradually, people in the crowd recognized Lin Yiran's identity.
After learning about Lin Yiran’s true identity.
Zhang Xi became even more panicked.
She couldn't stop shaking all over, and she had lost her initial arrogance. She stood there unable
to say anything.
Things are getting worse and worse.
Zeng Jiajia nodded with interest.
"Interesting, this is interesting!"
Hearing the noise inside, Huo Jinlin quickly hung up the phone and rushed back to Lin Yiran.
Huo Jinlin arrived, and Lin Yiran's identity was confirmed once again.
"Yan'ren, are you okay?"
"What happened!"
Huo Jinlin asked with concern.
Lin Yiran is still angry now, and coupled with Zhang Xi's performance just now, it really makes
people speechless.
Dare to do but not dare to take responsibility. Have your own personality and temper, but cannot
bear the consequences.
I will always choose to solve problems with silence.
Is that right?
Facing everyone, and Huo Jinlin, Lin was still calm and composed, telling everyone everything
that had just happened.
In order to prevent any misunderstandings, Lin Yiran continued to explain while playing the video.
The onlookers were once again outraged.
Discussions are endless!
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, luckily I don't like cheongsams, otherwise, as a small boss with a net worth of
hundreds of thousands, I would probably be ridiculed by others when I go in. I really don't
understand, don't employees nowadays need training before they take up their posts?"
"Wasn't he quite arrogant just now? Why are you silent now? I want to see what explanation he
will give today."
"That's amazing! I'm just an ordinary clerk, why do I have to act so high and mighty?"
"The greatest ugliness of human nature is to embarrass others within the scope of one's own
rights. It is really disgusting."
After hearing these words, Zhang Xi could no longer sit still.
Zhang Xi is the only daughter in the family. She has been spoiled since she was a child. In
addition, her environment is not very good, and she has a group of flatterers around her, so she
has never suffered any grievances.
She stood up, glared at him, her eyes seemed to be spitting fire, clenched her fists, and was
about to curse.
But before she could finish the first word, Lin Yiran interrupted her: "Zhang Xi, right?"
"Oh! That's really interesting. I believe it's not easy for you to get to where you are now. If you
have a temper, just vent it. I don't plan to call the police yet, but I may not be sure about that
later. Today I just need you to give me an explanation, but if you dare to speak with the same
attitude as before, it will be more than just an explanation."
Lin Yiran said calmly.
One is a calm and peaceful scene, the other is a volcanic eruption. There is no need to compare
them. You can see the difference between the two just by looking at them.
the other side.
After hearing what happened, Huo Jinlin became furious: "Give me an explanation." Huo Jinlin
said in an extremely cold tone.
Feeling the coldness in Huo Jinlin's eyes, Zhang Xi's legs went weak and he fell to the ground.
It was at this time.
A voice came from a distance: "What happened? I'm the store manager here, please make way!"

Chapter 250: Unable to Live

Almost at the same time, all the enthusiastic crowd looked back at the same time.
The store manager also realized the seriousness of the problem at this time.
The Internet is so developed nowadays that once something happens, it will definitely appear in
the public eye.
If it is not handled well.
Then should I still run this shop?
Along the way, the store manager had imagined many scenes, but when he rushed in front of
Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran, he couldn't help but frown.
What the hell is going on!
Compared to Zhang Xi, the store manager is obviously more mature and looks very young,
probably in his early twenties. He wears high heels, a cheongsam, a Chinese hairstyle, and three-
dimensional and dignified facial features. At first glance, he looks like a very gentle person.
The store manager had something urgent to do and was away for a while.
It's not clear what exactly happened.
He glanced at Zhang Xi lying on the ground, and then glanced at Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran.
The store manager said apologetically.
"My two guests, if you have anything to say, can we go in and talk?"
"Don't worry, before I figure out what happened, I will definitely consider things from your
As she was speaking, Zhang Xi suddenly raised his head.
I saw the store manager coming.
Zhang Xi seemed to have seen his savior.
Her thoughts are simple and pure.
Since the store manager is here, he will definitely stand on your side. While there is someone
around you to take responsibility, you should definitely tell him about your grievances. After all,
this is not the first time you have lied since you were a child. As long as you can achieve your
goal, anything is fine.
Grabbing the store manager's sleeve, Zhang Xi burst into tears out of grievance.
Keep your head down.
Zhang Xi kept crying.
She cried and said, "Manager, you are finally here. You don't know how wronged I was just now.
This customer just made trouble for me for no reason. You know me best. I have always had the
best temper. How could they treat me like this!"
"If you don't believe me, they have the video. They talked about me first, and then I talked about
"You must do justice for me!"
Zhang Xi said aggrievedly.
One word can cause a thousand ripples.
As soon as she finished speaking, the onlookers at the scene began to waver again.
"Why don't we think about it carefully? Before we figure this out, let's have a good chat and don't
take sides. Otherwise, it will be easy to suffer a big loss."
"Hmm? If things are really as she said, then it doesn't seem to be her problem."
At this time.
The store manager leaned over and comforted him: "Don't worry, I will investigate this matter
thoroughly and will definitely give you a satisfactory answer. It will also be a satisfactory answer
for everyone. My two guests, why don't you tell me the story yourself?"
"Let me introduce myself. My name is He Yun. I am currently in charge of this cheongsam shop. I
will take responsibility for anything that happens. If it causes any inconvenience to you, I hope
you can point out our mistakes in time." After saying that, He Yun bowed deeply.
How is this possible!
Zhang Xi was afraid of being exposed, so he rushed to He Yun first.
But the more this happens, the more people will see the flaws.
"No, forget it, forget it, it's just a small matter, I don't want to argue with them."
"Today's matter has been made clear enough. I don't want to continue discussing it. Please leave
Hearing this.
It was the first time that Lin Yiran knew that a person could be so shameless.
It was clearly her fault, but she chose to point the finger at you.
Full of lies.
Now, Lin Yiran finally understood. For such an immoral person, she could not be defeated by
normal means. She liked playing this way, right? Then today she could only be more extreme than
Zhang Xi. Looking at Zhang Xi in front of her, Lin Yiran asked, "While there is still a chance and you
can change your words, I advise you to say whatever you want to say quickly. Otherwise, it will be
a different matter."
I could hear Lin Yiran's seriousness.
It makes people feel speechless.
Zhang Xi finally shook his head: "I... I just want to give everyone a way out..."
"I admit that it was my fault today, but don't you guys have any fault at all?"
"Look at you guys. I just don't think you have the ability to enter our store to make purchases.
This is for your own good. This is to save you money. I'll just apologize to you, okay?"
"I'm sorry, I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have caused you trouble. What else do you want?"
Every time Zhang Xi opened his mouth, he was able to shatter Lin Yiran's three views.
Did she realize the problem?
That is simply wanting to escape from the past and find an excuse to cover up one's mistakes.
After this incident, she will become even worse.
When you meet someone like this, you can't even control your own emotions and your heart is
always being swayed by others. What's the point?
I am confused about my own identity.
Then let her see herself clearly today.
Huo Jinlin was furious.
If such a scum appeared in his company, Huo Jinlin would definitely tell her to pack up and leave
at the same time.
He Yun also gradually heard the contradiction in the problem.
The reason why I stood on Zhang Xi's side at that time was because I was able to have a good
chat with Zhang Xi.
That’s because Zhang Xi has always been a very gentle and shy person at work.
Just looking at it gives people a very simple feeling.
But what Zhang Xi did today was totally disproportionate to what she said.
This is a typical case of treating people differently based on their status.
In this industry where both parties make the choice and others still have the initiative, this is an
absolute taboo!
Compared to Zhang Xi, He Yun's approach was much more rational. Today's matter must be
resolved well, not only to satisfy Huo Jinlin and Lin Yinran, but also to satisfy everyone present.
Turning around, He Yun's expression changed instantly: "Shut up!"
"When is it your turn to speak?"
"As a consumer, you should not encounter such things in our store. That's my problem, but also
yours. You pretended to be so nice before, how could I not see it? You kept calling me sister.
Whether you have me in your heart or not is another matter. I will pay you your salary as usual,
but I will never forgive you for what you did. I will go to get your salary and then leave. Do you
He Yun scolded loudly.
After hearing this, Zhang Xi no longer had the persistence in his heart.
She was completely scared.
After working hard for three years to learn this industry, although she is just an ordinary clerk,
she earns tens of thousands of yuan a month. Zhang Xi knows very well that if she leaves this
industry, her future will be uncertain. She always thought that Zeng Jiajia would stand up to help
her at the critical moment, and she wanted to struggle, but until now, Zeng Jiajia has not
responded at all.

Chapter 251: Be responsible for what you do

Zhang Xi is not stupid at all, he is just evil. Now all the problems are put on his shoulders.
Zeng Jiajia, who was behind him, was having a good time.
I lost my job.
Zeng Jiajia suffered no loss at all.
The more he thought about it, the more unfair it seemed. Turning around and looking at Zeng
Jiajia behind him, Zhang Xi changed his attitude: "I hope you can give me a chance! We can have
a good chat if you have anything to say. This is not actually my problem. Someone behind the
scenes asked me to do this."
"I'm just an innocent victim!"
After she said that, Lin Yiran finally remembered.
When Zhang Xi was arrogant and domineering, he said that he had someone behind him.
Lin Yiran still thought it was He Yun, but after thinking about it carefully, she realized that she was
not a suspect at all. She was so busy being angry with Zhang Xi that she completely forgot about
the matter.
Is there someone behind this?
Then this matter will become even more exciting!
The onlookers on the side enjoyed watching the fun.
Encouraging from the side.
"It's already this late, you have to think about yourself, why don't you tell me who's behind you?"
"That's right, I want to see who is behind this disgusting thing."
Just finished.
Zhang Xi regretted it.
After having been in contact with Zeng Jiajia for such a long time, Zhang Xi knew very well that
Zeng Jiajia was a very generous person when it came to money. As long as he kept trying to
please her, it would be easy to cheat some of Zeng Jiajia's money. But at the same time, Zeng
Jiajia was also a very vengeful person. If he did this today, it would be equivalent to offending
Zeng Jiajia in the future, and his life would become even more difficult.
Think of this.
Zhang Xi shook his head like a rattle.
"No, no, I was just joking with you guys. In fact, I did it by myself. I just wanted to ease the
atmosphere. Give me the money quickly. At worst, I can leave now!" Zhang Xi said hurriedly.
He Yun was so angry that he couldn't even speak.
She could just leave, but what should she do?
The remaining problems still have to be borne by He Yun.
All the pressure was put on He Yun.
This is something she absolutely will not allow!
People need to pay the price for what they do.
Grabbing Zhang Xi, He Yun's tone became tougher: "You must give us an explanation today."
“Who on earth is it!”
Just at this moment, Zeng Jiajia, who was watching the show in the back, could no longer sit still.
Lin Yiran had just given her a look that clearly showed that she was suspicious of her.
If I continue to fish in troubled waters like this, I will only add a lot of pressure to myself.
Zhang Xi is such an idiot.
I'm not good at doing anything.
Not only did he fail to solve the problem, but he gradually brought the problem upon himself.
To this.
Zeng Jiajia was also speechless.
Standing up, she took the initiative to walk in front of everyone.
Looking up at Zeng Jiajia in front of him, Zhang Xi was so scared that he trembled all over and
didn't even dare to make eye contact.
The answer is already apparent.
Lin Yiran also guessed it.
"This is really a coincidence. I just entered this cheongsam shop today and saw you again, Miss
Zeng. That's really interesting."
Lin Yiran spoke to Zeng Jiajia calmly.
Zeng Jiajia is quite straightforward.
She glanced at Zhang Xi and showed a look of disappointment: "Why are you so cowardly? If you
have something to say, say it quickly. If you don't have anything to say, get out of here and don't
embarrass yourself here. You don't even understand such a simple truth. No wonder you can't do
anything well." Zeng Jiajia said to Zhang Xi.
Zhang Xi no longer had any temper.
She just wanted to leave quickly.
I thought that by helping Zeng Jiajia, I could at least gain her favor. Unexpectedly, in the end, I
ended up becoming a clown.
Zhang Xi felt that expulsion was the greatest punishment for him.
He Yun doesn't think so.
The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. What Zhang Xi did today would have a huge
impact on his store. Quite a few people had already recorded videos, and some busybodies even
started a live broadcast. He had a lot of goods, and in the end he was just going to leave like this?
It's ridiculous to say it!
We are all adults now, and we must be responsible for what we do.
You can leave if you want, but this problem must be resolved today.
Standing in front of Zhang Xi, He Yun put his hands on his hips and glared at him: "Stop!"
"I have no right to interfere with where you want to go, but there is one thing I must inform you.
Since you were my employee before, and you did something so unfair to me, you should solve
the problem for me. Otherwise, we will call the police directly, or you can figure it out yourself.
You did what happened today, and you are my employee. No matter what others say or how they
look at me, I will accept it. Except for you, I will be more strict with others. If there is nothing
wrong, I will encourage them. If there is something wrong, I will correct it. Do you want to call the
police or tell me who is behind it? Give me an explanation now!"
At this moment.
Zhang Xi's world completely collapsed.
Like a frightened little white mouse.
Zhang Xi collapsed completely to the ground.
She still tried to struggle.
Gain everyone's sympathy.
Obviously, no one was going to give her this opportunity.
Thinking back to Zhang Xi's disgusting expression before, everyone's opinions were surprisingly
"Why should we feel sorry for such a person? There must be something hateful about pitiful
people. Although I don't quite agree with this statement, it is indeed correct at certain times.
Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you are weak. If I were the store
manager, I would have called the police a long time ago. I am willing to give him a chance today. If
he doesn't want too many details, then I will give him three more minutes. Once the three
minutes are up, even if others don't call the police, I will!"
"That's right. Wasn't he quite arrogant before? How did he become like this now? Can't you just
tell me who the last person was? I think this is probably just an excuse. He is causing trouble here
now, so who knows what he will do in other places in the future."
"That's right! Although this cheongsam shop is not big, it is still quite famous abroad. If this gets
out, I don't know how it will continue to operate. I still say that if you do something, you should
take responsibility. To deal with such a scoundrel, you can only be tougher than him or her."
Hearing this.
He Yun on the side suddenly came to his senses.
Although this is just a branch, it is the result of everyone's hard work for such a long time. We
can't let a single bad apple spoil the whole thing. If we go to work somewhere else in the future,
it may still affect the cheongsam shop.
To this.
He Yun’s handling was simple and straightforward.
"Say it or not? From now on I will ban you from the industry and make sure you never have any
job opportunities. If you say it today, maybe we can have a good chat. I'll give you a deadline. If
you don't say it and insist on doing it, then I'm sorry, you need to look at my phone."
As he spoke, He Yun handed over his cell phone.
The three-digit number is clearly displayed on it.

Chapter 252 Heart to Heart

Things have now developed to the point where Zhang Xi can no longer control them.
then what should we do?
As a selfish person, Zhang Xizai was unable to hold on and was constantly wavering in his heart.
Zhang Xi blurted out.
"It's not me, it's not me. The person behind me is Zeng Jiajia! It was Miss Zeng who told me to do
As soon as these words came out.
Everyone's eyes were focused on Zeng Jiajia.
If Zhang Xi were faced with such a situation, he would definitely not know where to start and
would not know how to deal with it.
But if this person is replaced by Zeng Jiajia.
That's different.
Don’t be fooled by Zeng Jiajia’s usual carefree appearance, which makes her act like a
domineering young lady.
But if you really want to make it real.
Zeng Jiajia can definitely crush a large group of people.
Hearing this.
Zeng Jiajia neither denied nor refused. She walked into the crowd and asked a question calmly, "Is
it me?"
"Okay, it's been a long time since I've been affirmed like this. I was just passing by, how could I be
slandered like this!"
"Ah, the world is really going downhill, people's hearts are not as good as they used to be. You
have a basis for your claims, right? Then tell me the evidence."
"What did I tell you? How did I talk to you?"
"We have to give an explanation for falsely accusing someone. I just chatted with you for a few
minutes. If you are not convinced, we can check the surveillance."
Zeng Jiajia said lightly.
The more so.
Zhang Xi became more and more confused.
From the beginning, Zeng Jiajia did not give any obvious hints and just chatted with Zhang Xi for a
few words.
Even if the situation was really brought to light, it would just be Zhang Xi's wishful thinking.
That's the clever part.
Don't say anything final.
Always leave room for maneuver.
When Zeng Jiajia saw Lin Yiran, she had already thought of many possibilities, including this one.
At that time, two people were scrambling to go, and Zeng Jiajia thought Zhang Xi was very
capable, but now it seems that he is just so-so.
I heard Zeng Jiajia say this.
He Yun added on the side.
"Yes, we have high-definition cameras on duty 24 hours a day, and they also have voice functions.
If everyone really talked about something, I can investigate it now and give everyone a
satisfactory explanation."
It's completely over!
At this time.
Huo Jinlin also stood up from the side, his tone still with a hint of anger: "No matter what the
result is, I want to get the whole day's surveillance video today. As a consumer, we are treated
like this by others. This has never happened in my life. Regarding this matter, I must get a
satisfactory explanation, otherwise, I will definitely fight to the end."
He Yun and Huo Jinlin both spoke.
The crowd at the scene naturally started a new round of discussions.
Because we all stand on the same side.
In addition, everyone has seen clearly from the beginning that this is entirely Zhang Xi's personal
have nothing to say.
Public opinion is one-sided.
Everyone's trend is also leaning towards one side.
So many people united together.
Even if one person said one sentence, it would be enough to defeat Zhang Xi.
"What else is there to talk about? People like this are born to think they are self-important, but in
fact they can't do anything. As for how to deal with such people, I suggest calling the police. He
slandered Lin Yiran before, and he doesn't admit his behavior at all. I really don't think there is
anything to say. Even if it's just a few days of detention, I will send him to jail!"
"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that I really misunderstood a good person in the beginning. How can people
nowadays be so superficial? They can arbitrarily speculate about others based on a few pieces of
their clothes. They can arbitrarily speculate about others. Such people only think about
themselves. It's disgusting every time I meet them."
"Call the police!"
When the wall falls, everyone scatters.
What's more, this is a completely certain situation.
The discussion of the crowd just ended.
Zeng Jiajia on the side stood up again.
The longer this situation lasts, the more likely it is to arouse suspicion from others.
Zeng Jiajia has enough evidence to get away, so there is no point in staying here.
He turned his head and glanced at Zhang Xi.
Zeng Jiajia's eyes were full of disgust.
"Stop talking nonsense. If you have evidence, then show it. If you don't have evidence, then
there's no need for us to talk."
"Do you understand?"
"I don't like people accusing me casually. If you have evidence, show it now. I won't admit
anything you said. Do you understand?"
Zeng Jiajia asked back.
He Yun was stunned and couldn't say anything.
Zeng Jiajia turned her gaze to Lin Yiran again, and after glancing at her, He Yun took the initiative
to complain: "Ms. Lin, I feel very lucky to meet you in this place, but today this matter has
developed to this point, so what should we do now? Recently, I have dealt with all the affairs of
my company, and I happen to be quite free. If you want to play, then I will play casually, and I will
wait for you here."
It was obvious that the woman was still angry about what had happened in the new factory.
It was just a small matter.
If both sides hold on to this thing.
It's easy to be criticized.
Recently, Lin Yiran is busy with development and there cannot be any flaws.
not to mention.
People like Zhang Xi are often found in life. They are not satisfied with their lives and are always
Like to bully others.
There are many people like this in the world.
If he cared about every person he met, Lin Yiran would not have to work all day.
I don't want to make a big deal out of this.
Adhering to this principle.
Lin Yiran's tone was calm.
"Ms. Zeng, since you've said so, we naturally don't need to delve into this matter."
"It's been such a long time since we last met. How about this? You're tired today, and so am I. Go
back and have a good rest. I'll pay for all your expenses. I'll come to visit you in person some
other day when I have time."
Zeng Jiajia nodded impatiently.
There are so many onlookers at the scene, and Lin Yiran has already provided the stairs, so going
down the stairs is the best solution.
After doing all this, Zeng Jiajia suddenly felt bored again. She yawned and turned to leave: "Ms.
Lin, thank you for your kindness today. You don't have to pay me for the things. I would also like
to have a good chat with you when I have time. I'll leave first, and you guys continue to play."
Looking at Zeng Jiajia's back getting farther and farther away, Lin Yiran felt mixed emotions.
The originally intense scene gradually became dull due to Zeng Jiajia's departure.
Lin Yiran was very open-minded. She knew that this matter had nothing to do with He Yun. She
walked into the crowd and took the initiative to disperse them.

Chapter 253 The Cheongsam Incident Ends

The parties involved.
Everyone is still very tactful.
"Thank you very much for your attention to this matter. What happened today was just a small
accident. I'm sorry for taking up everyone's public resources and precious time. We will discuss
the remaining matters with the store manager. I will give you a satisfactory answer in my personal
account at that time. As for what happened today, it was just a personal reason. I hope you don't
hold it against this store. I personally like that store very much! Thank you again for your
attention and support!"
After saying.
Lin Yiran bowed deeply.
If only Zhang Xi could have the same understanding as Lin Yiran.
Then today's events would definitely not have turned out like this.
But there are not so many ifs in the world.
After listening to what Lin Yiran said.
Everyone nodded.
"Okay, okay, you are worthy of being my favorite Yi Ran. Don't worry, we won't bother you here. I
will support you in the future."
"Well done, when will I ever have a personality like yours? It's so cool!"
"That's right. We don't have anything to say now. The problem has been solved, which is what we
all like most. Let's go. We will leave now. I hope I didn't disturb you."
"how could be."
Lin Yiran said with a smile.
at the same time.
Huo Jinlin stood silently beside Lin Yiran: "I'm sorry that you all saw my not-so-good side today.
I'm just an ordinary person. My attitude towards the people around me is always so tough. Thank
you for your support. Next, please give us some private time and we will solve this problem."
With the joint efforts of Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran, the surrounding onlookers quickly left.
He glanced at Zhang Xi who was lying on the ground.
Lin Yiran felt very complicated.
If I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have done it in the first place.
Things have developed to this point and it's time to resolve them.
The screen shows He Yun.
Everything that happened today was beyond He Yun's expectations.
It was like a nightmare.
After a long while, He Yun didn't know how to express his feelings and was still a little dazed.
Until Lin Yiran patted He Yun on the shoulder.
"I'm sorry to have caused trouble to your store today."
As soon as these words came out.
He Yun came to his senses instantly.
"No, no, our store still has some problems. It is our greatest honor that you can point out our
"Zhang Xi, please get up. Everyone has left now, but we should also resolve this matter. I'd better
see Miss Lin whether you want to report in to handle this matter. From now on, you are no longer
my employee. Do you understand?"
There was a long silence.
Zhang Xi nodded stiffly.
As for the solution to this matter, the result that Lin Yiran wanted was very simple.
As long as everyone is satisfied and Zhang Xi can leave this place, that's enough.
If you can't even meet such a simple request, then there's nothing to talk about.
After listening to this.
Zhang Xi was no longer calm.
She burst into tears.
Regret everything I have done.
With a thud, Zhang Xi fell to his knees. "Ms. Lin, please don't do this. I got this job with great
difficulty. I hope you can give me a chance. Who can guarantee that they won't make mistakes in
the process of work? If you give me a chance today, I will double compensate you in the future
and thank you very much. This will never happen again!"
Zhang Xi could see that Lin Yiran was a soft-hearted person with many emotions.
As for He Yun, there is no possibility anymore.
Zhang Xi could only place all his hopes on Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran shook his head.
Indeed, in most cases, Lin Yiran is a very emotional and delicate person. Seeing what Zhang Xi is
doing and his current situation, Lin Yiran still feels a little uncomfortable in his heart, as if there is
suddenly a void in his heart, and even doubts whether what he is doing is right.
But at the same time.
Lin Yiran is also a very principled person.
What the man did today has already violated Lin Yiran's principles, no matter how pitiful she is,
no matter what.
Just do it.
the other side.
He Yun saw the complex feelings in Lin Yiran's heart.
"Ms. Lin, how about this? I will definitely fire Zhang Xi today, but if she is really banned, then her
skills of all these years will be useless. We still have to punish her, but just think of it as a favor to
me. I promise that she will not be able to enter this industry within six months, and she will never
appear in any of our stores again. What do you think?"
Half a year is a long time, but it is also a short time.
For Zhang Xi, this is a relatively appropriate solution.
Lin Yiran nodded silently.
Lin Yiran had just nodded when He Yun spoke again: "Ms. Lin, I'm really sorry that this happened
today. Our store does have a membership system, but whether we are members or ordinary
customers, we should give the same care. From today on, I will actively make changes and
definitely improve the quality of our store staff to ensure that such things don't happen again. In
order to compensate you, I will personally give you the only black card membership rights in my
life. Please accept it."
As he spoke, before Lin Yiran could agree, He Yun had already sent someone to get his
membership card.
Lin Yiran originally wanted to refuse, but Huo Jinlin was not polite.
Today's case against Zhang Xi has concluded.
Then the next time would naturally be for him and Lin Yiran.
Reached out and took He Yun's card.
Huo Jinlin smiled and said, "You don't even want the things I give you for free! You are such a silly
"Since you don't want it, I'll take it for you. I've seen what kind of person the store manager is. I
like her very much and I approve of her!"
Huo Jinlin successfully solved the problem in a half-joking way.
He Yun nodded repeatedly.
at the same time.
What Huo Jinlin hopes more is to be with Lin Yiran.
When he came here just now, Huo Jinlin observed a very interesting phenomenon. It was true
that Lin Yiran was very angry, but it was also true that she loved these cheongsams. Just now, Lin
Yiran had been browsing various cheongsams, and her original intention remained unchanged.
Take the membership card.
Huo Jinlin pulled Lin Yiran up and said, "Manager, I'm sorry to bother you with this matter today.
My wife and I will go take a look next."
"How about it, my dear wife? What do you think?"
Huo Jinlin smiled.
Lin Yiran's face turned red: "Okay! I'll do as you say!"

Chapter 254 Some Things Are Priceless

In the following process, Lin Yiran browsed all the way, and felt that every glance was so precious.
Every few steps she took, she would come across a style she liked. Seeing Lin Yiran's thoughts,
Huo Jinlin waved back and called He Yun over.
To be honest.
It would be a difficult task for Huo Jinlin to learn all about these cheongsam styles in a short
period of time.
Leave professional matters to professionals.
Came up to the two of them.
He Yun was extremely enthusiastic and accompanied us all the way, talking as we walked.
"The development of cheongsam has a long history, and the characteristics of different places are
different. Our store has always put customers first and gathered the best of all."
"Whether it's witty or elegant, it shows a unique oriental charm. In today's society, people always
think that cheongsams need to be worn in formal occasions, but this is actually just a fixed
concept. Whether it's daily life or important occasions, we have corresponding clothing here.
Miss Lin, take a look!"
"This light green one exudes a sense of tranquility, and it makes people feel relaxed and happy
just by looking at it. This deep red one makes people feel like a blooming flower. If you like it, I
can give it to you to try right now. With your figure, there is no clothes that you can't wear!"
"If our model room is not full, I would definitely invite you to join us today and show you off!"
He Yun is worthy of being the store manager.
Just a few words.
Not only did he introduce the cheongsam, he also casually praised Lin Yiran.
What is language art?
This is language art!
Before, when they were still in a fond relationship, Lin Yiran particularly liked He Yun's
personality. Now, after hearing this, Lin Yiran's favorability towards He Yun has further increased.
The two of them hit it off immediately and had a very pleasant conversation.
He Yun basically accompanied me throughout the rest of the trip.
Go all the way to the end.
Lin Yiran's eyes lit up!
Not far ahead, near the ceiling, there is an extremely simple cheongsam. It looks ordinary, but
the drama always attracts people's attention at the first moment. If you look closely, the faint red
color reveals a very tranquil feeling, like the first little apple to turn red, which looks so unique
and surprising in the green, making people unable to take their eyes off it.
For the cheongsam in front of me, it is like meeting my beloved one in a vast crowd. Even though
everything around is so unique, even though there are many beautiful sights around, my eyes are
still fixed on it.
It's a feeling that's hard to describe.
Having walked with Lin Yiran for such a long time, and seeing many beautiful sights along the
way, Huo Jinlin was still stunned when he saw this scene. However, it was different from Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran's gaze temporarily stayed on the cheongsam, while Huo Jinlin's gaze stayed on Lin Yiran.
Knowing Lin Yiran's love in his heart, Huo Jinlin quickly stepped forward, facing Lin Yiran, he
lowered his head and smiled lightly, his eyes full of love: "Yiran, so beautiful!"
He frowned, then quickly turned around, his eyes full of expectation, looking at Huo Jinlin. Lin
Yiran didn't even know how to describe his inner feelings. He could only keep pointing his finger
forward, and was rarely at a loss for words.
After a long while, perhaps thinking of what Huo Jinlin had said, Lin Yiran echoed: "Yes, it's really
"..."Huo Jinlin.
It seems that Lin Yiran misunderstood what he meant.
The clothes were indeed beautiful, but Huo Jinlin's eyes were always on Lin Yiran.
Looking at her, Huo Jinlin held her wrist and gently embraced Lin Yiran in his arms: "I mean, you
are so beautiful!"
"Do you like it? I like it too, but what I like more is you. Manager, please pack it for me. We want
this dress."
Feeling Huo Jinlin's tenderness and falling into Huo Jinlin's tenderness, Lin Yiran's cheeks turned
slightly red.
Before, Lin Yiran had always been worried that after the two of them were really together and
got married, would their feelings become weaker and weaker as time went by, until they finally
started to hate each other.
But as time goes by.
Lin Yiran deeply understands one thing: people who love each other will only drift further and
further apart, and will cherish each other more and more.
Looking at Huo Jinlin, Lin Yin was about to speak, but Huo Jinlin hugged her even tighter.
"Hahaha, not only this, I have written down all the clothes you have seen before, look!"
Speaking of.
Huo Jinlin handed over the notebook in his hand.
There are more than thirty pieces of clothing densely written on it.
As soon as she raised her head, Lin Yiran lowered it shyly again: "Actually, you don't need that
much!" Lin Yiran said in a low voice.
Seeing this scene, He Yun's eyes were filled with envy.
If only I could meet such a good person.
This life is worth it!
Everything else is fine.
But there is only one problem.
That is the one that Lin Yiran likes the most.
When He Yun came to Lin Yiran, he shook his head for the first time and said, "Ms. Lin, I want to
talk to you about this dress. I'm really sorry, but this dress was designed by me personally. It is a
priceless treasure. If you look closely, you should have noticed that there is no label on this dress.
It is a unique souvenir left by me."
"I can see from your eyes that you like this dress, but some things can never be measured by
"Can you all express what I mean?"
Hearing this, Lin Yiran was still very excited and felt at a loss.
Falling from the peak to the bottom.
This only takes a second.
Lin Yiran is not an unreasonable person.
What He Yun said makes a lot of sense. There are always some things in life that are more
important than money.
This dress has extraordinary commemorative significance for He Yun.
A gentleman does not take away what others like.
Even if he really got it, it would be a bad thing for He Yun.
Think of this.
Lin Yiran felt relieved.
Adjust your emotions in your heart.
Looking at He Yun in front of him.
There was a sense of relief in Lin Yiran's helpless smile. Until the very end, her eyes were still
reluctant to stay on the cheongsam, but in the end, Lin Yiran chose to shake her head: "It doesn't
matter. If that's the case, then I'll go look at other styles."
However, the development of things was not at all what Lin Yiran had imagined.
He Yun's words took a 180-degree turn: "Ms. Lin, don't be so anxious. This is the first time in such
a long time that I feel that someone is worthy of this dress. Many things are indeed priceless, but
I have been waiting for a destined person. When I saw your figure and your eyes just now, I knew
very well in my heart that this dress belongs to you!"
"But before that, I have one more request. I hope you can satisfy me..."
Reverse! Reverse! Reverse again?
Chapter 255 The Power of Children's Words
It was only less than a minute, and He Yun's words made Lin Yiran stunned twice.
The first time it was understandable.
So what is this for now?
After so many years in the workplace, you have seen all kinds of people, but when you encounter
a situation like this, you still feel caught off guard.
It’s like you are walking on the side of the road and suddenly someone slaps you in the face, and
then he comes to you and tells you there is a reason.
The key is that you really can’t get angry!
But I really, really like this cheongsam.
On the other hand, Huo Jinlin.
Normally, if Lin Yiran encountered such a situation, Huo Jinlin would definitely step forward to
solve the problem as soon as possible.
And today.
Huo Jinlin's solution was to stand aside quietly.
Huo Jinlin had seen it from the beginning. Although most of his vision was on Lin Yiran, it did not
mean that Huo Jinlin could not pay attention to the surrounding situation. When Lin Yiran was
looking at clothes, He Yun had been looking at Lin Yiran, which made Huo Jinlin feel a little
But then consider He Yun's gender.
Huo Jinlin still chose to bury this matter quietly in his heart.
We both have feelings for each other.
Lin Yiran likes this dress so much and He Yun also likes Lin Yiran so much.
Can you still run away?
as expected.
What happened next went according to Huo Jinlin's expected script.
He Yun finally expressed his inner thoughts at this time.
The idea is simple and pure.
He Yun hoped that Lin Yiran would put on the dress himself and show it to her before taking it
I don’t know when we will meet next time.
Whether it is this dress or Lin Yiran.
She really likes them from the bottom of her heart.
Hearing such a request.
At first I thought it was a joke, but then when I looked at He Yun's eyes, the more I thought about
it, the more I felt something was wrong.
This is real!
Knowing He Yun's seriousness, Lin Yiran's attitude also changed. Looking at He Yun in front of
him, Lin Yiran nodded heavily.
"Of course that's no problem!"
that's all.
With the help of He Yun, Lin Yiran quickly put on the cheongsam.
For a moment, Huo Jinlin even felt a little inferior in his heart. It was the first time he had such a
feeling in such a long time.
Perhaps, when you meet someone you like, you really feel particularly inferior!
But before Huo Jinlin could think more.
Lin Yiran took Huo Jinlin's hand and muttered softly, "Does it look good? Does it look good?"
Huo Jinlin and He Yun answered at the same time.
"I really like you now, including you before and after. After you put on this dress, you are really
beautiful. I like it so much!"
Huo Jinlin said.
Emotions do not require so many words to express, and even if there are so many words, they
can never be expressed.
After listening to what Huo Jinlin said, Lin Yiran walked forward and hugged Huo Jinlin tightly. Huo
Jinlin just let Lin Yiran hug him quietly.
The little things in life, the beautiful details in life, can only be reflected in the process of two
people getting along with each other.
The two of them were calm inside, but huge waves had already risen in their hearts, like ripples
on a calm sea, growing little by little.
Cough cough!
How many times will I show off in this day!
He Yun was devastated.
While running this shop, I have met almost all kinds of people, but it is never such pure love, such
That is a very small number.
Looking at the two people in front of him.
For the first time, He Yun felt so lost in his life.
It was as if my heart was impacted by them.
"He Yun."
With a smile on her face, Lin Yiran expressed her gratitude as if she was chatting.
He Yun was a little overwhelmed by Lin Yiran's sudden gratitude and didn't know how to express
But He Yun knew very well that Lin Yiran was speaking from the heart.
That's enough.
Huo Jinlin bought more than 30 sets of clothes in the store in one go.
As for Lin Yiran’s favorite one.
He Yun just said one sentence.
"A priceless treasure! A free gift!"
"Ahem, thank you so much today. You two are truly the nobles in my life. We must come here
often if we have the chance!"
Lin Yiran nodded.
"Okay, got it. I've put the invitation on your desk. Remember to come to the party then."
"Then we'll leave now."
He pulled Huo Jinlin's hand.
The two returned to the car.
On the way.
Thinking of what happened today, Lin Yiran was filled with emotion.
"He Yun is really amazing. I love chatting with her!"
Hearing what Zang Lin Yiran said, Huo Jinlin smiled and teased: "Yes, He Yun is really a great
person, but my Yiran is also great, and you are also a great person, and! Today, I thought a lot
about Zeng Jiajia. Since we are all in the same industry, we should sit down and have a good chat.
I don't know her very well, but there is one thing I know very well!"
"She's really not as good as me!"
Even though there was a part of this that praised her own happiness, Lin Yiran was still very
happy when she heard Huo Jinlin say this.
Taking this topic as an example.
Lin Yiran expressed his thoughts about Zeng Jiajia.
To say she is a bad person, she is not that bad. She is just a simple, arrogant and domineering
young lady.
But as the two people's contact became deeper and deeper, conflicts seemed to be gradually
The new factory’s electricity supply has been getting better and better recently, so we are looking
for a partner.
After thinking about it for a long time.
The answer Lin Yiran finally gave was Zeng Jiajia.
It is true that he has a temper, and it is also true that he has the ability. Lin Yiran plans to finish
the banquet and then go to visit in person.
By the time.
If both parties can resolve their previous conflicts, they will be the best partners and it will be a
win-win situation. However, if the talks between the two parties fail because of this incident, Lin
Yiran will no longer bother with her and will choose to ignore her directly.
Talking about these, the two chatted a lot.
In life, you will always meet all kinds of people, good or bad. Every day is a new day, and every
day has new possibilities.
Lin Yiran has his own opinions and plans on these, and his ideas are becoming clearer and clearer.
This is what Huo Jinlin has always wanted to see.
Lin Yiran is really amazing!
In Lin Yiran's growth process, Huo Jinlin saw a rising star, but at the same time, Huo Jinlin was
thinking more about Lin Yiran herself: "Yiran, don't worry, no matter what you want to do, I will
support you. Having you is the greatest blessing in my life. I am not good at saying sweet words,
but I will always be by your side."
The love is deep.
Lin Yiran was ready to give her a passionate kiss.
At this time.
The vehicle slowly stopped.
Lin Yiran stepped forward without waiting.
A laugh came from the side: "Dad! Mom! Are you going to kiss?"

Chapter 256 Family is more important than anything else

The main point is sincerity!
Hearing this, Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran quickly distanced themselves from each other and instantly
pretended nothing had happened.
Dabao seemed to be thinking about something.
"Is it because I disturbed Mom and Dad?"
Look at the two of them.
Dabao said.
Hearing this, Huo Jinlin showed a helpless expression to Lin Yiran. This was simply too absolute!
If anyone else dared to speak to Huo Jinlin like this, Huo Jinlin would definitely fight back without
But this person happened to be Dabao.
It has to be handed over to Lin Yiran.
Reaching out and touching Dabao's head, Lin Yiran said calmly: "Silly child, this is a very normal
behavior between parents, but if there are people around, we will try to restrain ourselves in the
future. You children don't understand yet, but you will understand in the future. Do you
Dabao nodded, not quite understanding.
after awhile.
They both returned home.
As soon as I entered the door, Lin Yiyi came over with a wry smile on her face: "You are finally
"You don't know how violent the fight between Dabao and Xiaobao was just now. I'm telling you,
I won't be able to take care of any of the children from now on!"
Lin Yiyi complained helplessly.
I can tell.
She really wanted to die.
On the other hand, look at Dabao and Xiaobao standing aside.
After hearing what Lin Yiyi said, the two children looked at each other and lowered their heads at
the same time.
"Oh, this is not loving mom very much!"
"That's right, we did go a little too far just now, but we shouldn't have been so drastic. We will
slowly clean up the mess."
"That's good, that's good!"
After this little episode.
Huo Jinlin and Lin Yin still focused the issue on the banquet.
As she grew older, Song Yunan's memory gradually faded. She couldn't remember many things
and didn't pay much attention to her birthday. Many times, she would even forget it if no one
reminded her. After all, this matter was related to Song Yunan, so the details that needed to be
discussed still needed to be discussed. After the discussion, Huo Jinlin and Lin Yinyan found Song
Yunan together.
Boom boom boom!
Song Yu Nuan opened the door from inside.
When she opened the door and saw Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran, Song Yu Nuan's face was full of joy:
"You are finally back!"
"You little brat, you and your granddaughter-in-law have been busy with work lately and have no
time to come and see me."
Song Yu Nuan's words were always plain, but very tolerant. She clearly sounded like she was
blaming, but she really was reluctant to do so.
Everyone has their own life. Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran are always busy with work, and Song Yu Nuan
can understand that.
Song Yu Nuan heard a lot about the company.
The outside world was in an uproar.
The two of them came today, and Song Yu Nuan wanted to take this opportunity to have a good
chat with them.
He grabbed Lin Yiran with his left hand and Huo Jinlin with his right hand.
Three people entered the room.
As if she had thought of something, Song Yu Nuan shouted, "It's a good thing that you young
people are energetic. I like it very much, but we can't just pursue work blindly. To be honest, I am
actually a very selfish person. I have always hoped that everyone can stay together in peace and
quiet. That would be good enough. But there are still many things in the company, and I
understand that. I have heard a lot recently. I think we should have a good chat. Yi Ran, have you
solved the problem here?"
Lin Yiran stopped handing over the fruit.
Hearing such words.
Lin Yiran couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart.
We always ignore too much in our daily lives, including the people around us, but when we look
back, we feel really sad.
The reason why I work so hard is that I hope everyone can have a better life in the future, but my
current life is already very good.
Song Yu Nuan is already so old.
Still caring about myself.
This kind of psychological emotion and guilt is hard to express in words.
Holding Song Yunuan's hand tightly, he looked at her gradually aging face: "Grandma, don't
worry, I have already dealt with the things in the company, you don't have to worry about me,
Jinlin and I have thought a lot during this period, and your birthday is coming soon, so I will plan
it this time, and then you can be your birthday girl happily, how about it?"
"We haven't been together for a long time. We can have a meal together, and then we can invite
more people to come to our house in the evening to have some fun. Grandma, what do you
After a while.
Song Yu Nuan shed a tear.
What do older people need most?
You don’t need a lot of money, you just need someone who can truly care about you and
accompany you.
That's enough.
Song Yu Nuan saw all the details about Lin Yiran, and when she heard what she said, she couldn't
hold back her tears.
Handing over a tissue, Huo Jinlin gently wiped Song Yunuan's tears. The old lady couldn't stand
too much emotion. Huo Jinlin said gently: "Grandma, there's nothing to cry about. Don't worry.
When we have time in the future, I will definitely spend more time with you. Don't worry, we will
be happy from now on. It's your birthday soon. You won't be beautiful if you cry! Right?"
Turning around, Huo Jinlin looked at Lin Yiran and said.
Listen to what he said.
Lin Yiran hurriedly echoed.
"That's right, this is a happy day for all of us, how can you cry like this!"
"Grandma, look, these are some small gifts we just bought for you. We will have even bigger
surprises for you later!"
As he spoke, Lin Yiran silently handed out the gift he had carefully prepared.
See this scene.
Tears want to fall again.
After wandering for half a lifetime and working hard for half a lifetime, isn’t it just to have a
family like this?
After realizing this, Song Yu Nuan stopped crying and started laughing happily.
Under the guidance of the two, the topic gradually moved towards the banquet.
At this time, Song Yu Nuan expressed her thoughts: "In fact, we have already reached my age, so I
don't think there is anything to say. I personally don't care much about these things. I only have
one request, that is, when the time comes, we can get together happily as a family and have a
good meal. As for the banquet, an old lady doesn't understand these things, so let's leave it to
"I just want my family to be happy, that's enough, isn't it?"
Song Yunuan said.
Huo Jinlin nodded in agreement.
The reason why I asked this question today is because Huo Jinlin had thought about separating
these two things from the very beginning.
Grandma's birthday is the most important thing, and the party is just a subsidiary.
I finally have some time to rest.
Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin spent the rest of their time with their family.
Before I knew it, it was already late at night.
Looking at the two of them, Song Yu Nuan's face was full of distress: "You are all very tired
recently, we need to have a good rest, do you understand?"
"I'm so sleepy. We can talk about it tomorrow. Let's go, let's go to bed!"

Chapter 257 Shocking Plan

The more Jiang Yunyi acted like this, the more Lin Yutian felt something was wrong.
No matter what happened before, he would have revealed some things to me.
Now things are different.
No matter what I say, he won't listen, and it's still like this.
The more I think about it, the more outrageous it seems.
Want to attack Lin Yiran.
So what level of action is this? What level?
Thinking of this, Lin Yutian slowed down his tone, slowly began to counsel and comfort Jiang
"Yunyi, I was too impulsive just now. I hope you don't take it to heart. I have been watching this
matter about the child. I have seen the sweat and effort you have put in. To be honest, as long as
it is about the child, I am willing to do anything, even if it means sacrificing my life!"
"I just thought about a lot of things carefully, and then I figured it out. Only you and I are on the
same front. The others are nothing. As long as I can successfully get the child back, I will do
whatever you want me to do."
"You blamed me before, I hope you can give me a chance!"
Lin Yutian said pitifully.
As he was speaking, he was thinking of his own children, and as he thought, Lin Yutian's eyes
became moist.
When the emotions come out, it's really helpless.
Looking at Lin Yutian.
Jiang Yunyi was delighted.
This is the Lin Yutian that he needs most.
With her, wouldn't it be easy for An Ran to implement his plan?
Think of this.
Jiang Yunyi relaxed her nervous mood and took the initiative to come to Lin Yutian to comfort
Little did they know.
Lin Yutian did all this on purpose.
Looking at her, Lin Yutian asked the question that he had buried in his heart for a long time:
"Yunyi, it's already like this, is there anything left to hide in our relationship? Today I hope you can
give me a definite answer as to what to do. If so, you can talk to me in advance. Since I can help,
as long as I can do it, I will try my best to do it and will definitely not let you down!"
He first affirmed Jiang Yunyi, and then said that he could help.
This is a combination of punches.
Jiang Yunyi was stunned by what she had done.
Next second.
Jiang Yunyi laid out her plan in full.
After listening.
Lin Yutian was completely stunned.
Before Jiang Yunyi spoke, Lin Yutian had already had many thoughts in his mind, thought about
many possibilities, and made adequate preparations.
But even so.
After truly understanding the specific situation and hearing Jiang Yunyi's real plan.
Lin Yutian couldn't help but be stunned. He felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. He was
completely frozen in place and couldn't utter a word.
On the other hand, let’s look at Jiang Yunyi.
Jiang Yunyi didn't notice Lin Yutian's abnormality at all, and simply thought that Jiang Yunyi just
couldn't accept it for a while.
Holding Lin Yutian's hand, Jiang Yunyi said in a positive tone: "What's the big deal! Don't worry, I
have arranged everything. We just need to wait until the time is right, then we can take action
anytime and anywhere. To be honest, I have disliked Lin Yiran for a long time. When the child
incident started, I always felt that Lin Yiran was not a good person. Yutian! Tell me! Why didn't
Huo Jinlin choose me, such a good person, but chose Lin Yiran, who is useless? If it were you,
would you be willing?"
"If I could, I would love to kill Lin Yiran right now. I will create some problems at the banquet and
make the scene chaotic. Then, we can fish in troubled waters. You do your thing and I do mine.
You take the child back, and then I will deal with Lin Yiran's situation. I really want to kill her. Just
thinking about it makes me excited. What do you think? What do you think?"
Jiang Yunyi said crazily.
The joys and sorrows of different people are not the same.
Lin Yutian had never really understood this sentence before, but now he truly understood it.
This guy is simply a lunatic!
Jiang Yunyi talked more and more.
Tell him everything that happened before.
The reason why Lin Yiran's files were stolen was to deliberately target Lin Yiran. It didn't matter
whether there was money or not, the only thing was to embarrass Lin Yiran!
Now that we finally have such a good opportunity, there will definitely be a lot of people joining
the banquet when it starts.
Then the time comes!
That’s when Jiang Yunyi realizes her lofty ambitions.
Now that Lin Yiran has been dealt with, will Huo Jinlin be far behind?
As he spoke, Jiang Yunyi pulled up Lin Yutian's hands and laughed wildly: "Yutian, we have been
patient for so long, and our good days are finally here!"
After a long silence, Lin Yutian reluctantly nodded.
Originally, I was thinking of exposing Jiang Yunyi in front of her, but after thinking about it
carefully, I realized that that would be the stupidest thing to do.
If Jiang Yunyi is really determined to do so, then even if she doesn't consider Lin Yiran, she has to
consider herself.
Lin Yutian finally understood.
If I hadn't deliberately given in to her today, I might have become Jiang Yunyi's scapegoat!
What should I do then?
But if things continue to develop in this way, then I will be an accomplice no matter what.
Lin Yutian chose to stay out of it.
This matter has nothing to do with me. Jiang Yunyi can do it on her own anyway.
It would be better to put it another way.
Hold Jiang Yunyi's hand tightly.
Lin Yutian acted embarrassed: "Yunyi, I know you are doing this for my own good, but I didn't
expect that you would still think about me and my child at this time. I will remember your
kindness in this life, but I have thought it through. Regarding the matter of the child, I will wait
until the banquet is over, but I will still stay by your side and help you do your things first, and
then I will do the things of the child. There is no rush, what do you think?"
"We can put the matter of the child aside for now. I have thought a lot about Lin Yiran. She really
deserves to die!"
"What do you think?"
Having said that.
Jiang Yunyi was completely stunned.
I never expected that one day Lin Yutian would even give up his child for his own sake.
At that moment, the emotions in his heart suddenly surged, Lin Yutian's nose felt sore, and a tear
almost fell.
But at this moment, Jiang Yunyi changed her mind and agreed immediately!
"Okay, you have this intention, that's enough, that's all I have to say today, so keep up the good
work, I'm leaving first!"
"If you have time tonight, we can have a good chat. You are truly the best person I have ever met
in my life!"
"Yutian, don't worry. Once you solve Lin Yiran's problem, I will definitely help you solve the child's
After hearing Jiang Yunyi's plan, Lin Yutian felt paralyzed.
But thinking that Jiang Yunyi might be causing trouble, Lin Yutian could only nod and coax her:
"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Chapter 258 No Brain

Lin Yutian finally discovered it.
It turns out that I was so sick when Jiang Yunyi looked at me.
Whenever I mention children, I must be like a brainless person.
Now things are different.
Everything is reversed.
Now it has become Jiang Yunyi.
Jiang Yunyi would be stupid if she had anything to do with Lin Yiran. If it weren't for her identity
as an undercover agent, wouldn't she be suspected by Jiang Yunyi today?
"I've kept everything you said in mind. We can discuss the details tonight, and then we'll
implement your plan tomorrow. Don't you have something else to do? Then let's go now. Don't
worry, I'll be waiting for you. Just come find me in the evening."
Lin Yutian said.
Taking a step back, Jiang Yunyi rarely looked Lin Yutian in the eye, her eyes full of trust.
How should this be described?
It was like watching a life-or-death encounter.
But it is true.
If Jiang Yunyi really did this, he would probably have to spend the rest of his life in jail.
It's a friendship of life and death.
With a helpless smile in his heart, Lin Yutian walked the person all the way to the door.
Make sure Jiang Yunyi is far away.
Lin Yutian then returned to his office exhausted.
Jiang Yunyi will come to see me again tonight.
Until then.
I can only try my best to get Jiang Yunyi to talk.
Hopefully, we can stop all of this before it happens.
The consequences of this are disastrous.
Watching Jiang Yunyi leave all the way and looking at her receding back, Lin Yutian talked to
himself in his heart.
"Why bother?"
"Many things are destined to be unattainable. Even if you really solve the problem of Lin Yiran,
Huo Jinlin will not like you."
"It's so simple, why don't you understand?"
The scene suddenly turned to Lin Yiran.
Just after parting ways with Lin Yutian, Lin Yiran received news from Fu Tingyi's grandmother.
Before this call.
Lin Yiran didn't even know that Grandma Fu Tingyi had a past with Song Yunuan.
The other end of the phone.
Grandma Fu Tingyi said a lot and expressed a lot of emotion.
"I didn't expect that so many years have passed. I can be considered an old friend of hers, but we
have never properly entered each other's lives. We even had some conflicts due to business
matters. Thinking about it now, it's really confusing."
"Life is only a few decades long, and considering the relationship between you and me now, I've
made up my mind!"
"I will be there in person tomorrow to congratulate you!"
"Yan'ran, do you feel good?"
Hearing what Grandma Fu Tingyi said, Lin Yiran was genuinely happy from the bottom of his
The original misunderstanding no longer exists.
The two of them can have a good chat.
Untie the barriers in each other's hearts.
Isn't that a good thing?
After talking about Song Yu Nuan, Grandma Fu Tingyi gradually turned the topic to Lin Yiran.
The one who was talked about the most among them was Fu Tingyi.
"Yi Ran, what a pity! If that brat had met you earlier, you would definitely be my granddaughter-
"Hahaha, you really don't know. That brat actually likes you, but you're already married. We can
understand each other. Although we don't say a lot of things, it's enough to know it in our hearts.
I hope you don't create too much estrangement with that brat because of this matter. He told me
a lot and said that he wanted to have in-depth cooperation with your company."
"How about this! It just so happens that the brat can't come back no matter how hard I try to call
him. He has a gift I prepared for you. You will definitely be very busy tomorrow and won't have
time. So while we still have time, let's go get it. What do you think?"
Grandma Fu Tingyi said to Lin Yiran.
These are words from the heart.
It penetrated deeply into Lin Yiran's heart.
most of the time.
There is just a lack of communication between us and we don’t understand what each other is
thinking deep down.
Lin Yiran could also sense that something was wrong with Grandma Fu Tingyi.
I even had the feeling of wanting to stay away from it before.
Now that I say this.
All misunderstandings will be cleared up.
That's the best outcome.
After thinking about it, the fact is indeed the same as Fu Tingyi's grandmother said. Tomorrow
will be very busy and she will not have time. It's just right to call Fu Tingyi.
"Okay, grandma, I got it. I'll be back soon. Thank you in advance today!"
"If I have time tomorrow, I will definitely accompany you."
"Hahahaha, that's good, that's good."
Just a quick chat.
The two hung up the phone.
Then, Lin Yiran quickly called Huo Jinlin. Huo Jinlin didn't say anything about matters related to
the opposite sex, but he had always been a jealous person.
It's not just girls' emotions that need to be taken care of, boys' emotions too.
Especially after marriage.
Both parties should be more honest with each other.
After listening to Lin Yiran’s story about Fu Tingyi’s grandmother.
It's not just Lin Yiran.
Huo Jinlin also felt relieved.
Loyalty in a relationship is absolutely essential. Everyone can sit down and have a good chat and
make things clear.
That's enough.
"Okay, you really are my good wife. Be careful on the road. I'll pick you up later."
"I just got some new news about Fu Tingyi."
"I never expected this guy to be so lucky. I heard that he is being pestered by his childhood
sweetheart recently."
"If you see someone, you have to share it with me. Do you hear me?"
Lin Yiran asked a key question: "Do you want to eat melons?"
Huo Jinlin answered simply and clearly without hiding anything.
It seems that there is something complicated behind this to the extent that even Huo Jinlin is
interested in it.
After a brief chat, Lin Yiran learned more about Fu Tingyi.
Not only his childhood sweetheart, Fu Tingyi has been hiding recently, but it seems that he can't
hide at all.
Don’t even mention how clingy he is!
As he spoke, Huo Jinlin couldn't help but laugh.
He did not forget to add: "Go quickly, if there is anything, you must show it to me as soon as
For a moment, Lin Yiran even suspected that Huo Jinlin had been replaced!
When did this become so curious?
At this moment.
Lin Yiran's curiosity was completely aroused.
What's there to say?
If there is something that can interest Huo Jinlin, then I must go and see it in person.
Spent some time with Huo Jinlin.
Lin Yiran hung up the phone.
Taking a deep breath and adjusting his state, Lin Yiran made the call in his calmest tone.
Beep beep beep.
Fu Tingyi's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Yi Ran! Grandma has already told me
about the gift, but I am really in a hurry now. I have someone around me. If it is convenient for
you, how about you come over now?" Fu Tingyi said in a voice as low as a mosquito.

Chapter 259 Situation

Regardless of the performance of Huo Jinlin or Fu Tingyi, at least one thing can be confirmed,
that is Fu Tingyi's current situation.
I can tell.
Fu Tingyi’s current situation is indeed not very good.
After all, Fu Tingyi is a business tycoon and a leader among young people, but now he even has to
speak in such a low voice.
If this happened because of a woman, then the reason behind it is really sad.
But this thought only appeared in Lin Yiran's mind for a moment.
how could it be possible!
He is the famous Fu Tingyi.
But if it’s not because of this reason, could it be because Fu Tingyi is in some danger now?
Thinking of this, Lin Yiran started to show concern from a friend's perspective: "What's going on
over there?"
"Is there anything wrong? If you can, please tell me quickly. I will help you as soon as possible."
"This is not like your character, at least speak louder!"
While showing concern, Lin still complained helplessly.
Faced with such a situation.
Fu Tingyi could only smile bitterly.
Before he could answer.
A woman's voice came from the other end of the phone.
"Who is it? Who is it? Who is it?"
"Brother Fu, you lost the bet with me. We agreed that today is mine. How could you just call
someone else?"
"Hang up your phone now, and play with me properly later, don't you understand this?"
A beautiful female voice came.
The sound is crisp and bright, and it sounds particularly lovely.
Lin Yiran immediately had a picture in his mind.
It was at this time.
Huo Jinlin sent new message to Lin Yiran.
The above content is very simple.
"I have already found out who he is. His name is Wen Jiujiu. Here is his photo. You can take a
good look at it later when you have time."
"Remember what I said. When you find Fu Tingyi, send me his location and I'll come pick you up."
Attached below is a picture.
The content of the picture was completely opposite to what Lin Yiran had imagined.
I originally thought it was a pure, cute and adorable girl, but I didn’t expect that the person in the
picture was a mature lady with a sexy body.
She has a high ponytail, bright eyes, a natural temperament, an imposing look, and is graceful
and elegant.
If you really associate such a person with the voice on the other end of the phone.
Lin Yiran really couldn't figure it out.
Not only Lin Yiran fell into silence, Fu Tingyi also fell into silence.
It took a long time.
Fu Tingyi said with full of guilt: "Yi Ran, I'm really sorry. I just had a small problem to deal with.
How about this, I will send you the location directly, and then you come to find me. When you
arrive, you can send me a message, otherwise, I may not be able to leave, understand?"
Lin Yiran nodded and agreed: "Okay, then just send a location."
Fu Tingyi didn't waste any time and immediately sent the location of his location.
Click on navigation.
Lin Yiran went there quickly.
The screen temporarily turns to Fu Tingyi.
After hanging up the phone with Lin Yiran, Fu Tingyi finally had some free time. The next second,
Wen Jiujiu jumped directly in front of Fu Tingyi.
Looking at Fu Tingyi in front of him.
Warm wine changes the tone.
Became very serious.
"Who is this person?"
"Fu Tingyi, I advise you to be honest. If you dare to ask someone to find you in front of me, then
this person must be very important to you."
"I heard when I came here before that you have a lot of partners here. Will it be the same when I
come back?"
"If that's the case, according to our bet, I won't let you go."
Hearing this.
Fu Tingyi was in tears.
If I had known this day would come, I would never have agreed to the bet.
The meaning of warming the wine is very clear. If we want to compare, we can compare the
persuasiveness of each other.
Wen Jiujiu and Fu Tingyi's grandmother joined forces and were of the same mind from the very
beginning. Before Fu Tingyi could react, everyone's reaction was one-sided and they were
completely on the opposite side of Fu Tingyi.
The scene was so embarrassing.
Sitting in the high-level conference room, Fu Tingyi's eyes almost popped out.
To this.
Everyone's explanation is very consistent.
"Mr. Fu, since grandma has already said this, there is nothing much to talk about between us. You
know, the old lady is old and can't stand the tossing. In fact, we don't want to do this, but we
have to compromise for the sake of reality. Wen Jiujiu is such a good person, so just agree to it!"
"Yeah, we have no choice. Otherwise, the old lady has said that if any of us dare not agree, she
will be the first to target us. If it is you who targets us, we are not afraid at all. After all, we have
known each other for so many years. But if it is the old lady, then she will really do it. It's not
worth it, not worth it!"
"Uh, you guys will all be bought out in advance?"
Fu Tingyi could only say this with a wry smile.
Everyone nodded helplessly.
in the corner.
Assistant Fu Tingyi raised his hand silently: "Ah, have all of you been bribed in advance, and I am
the only one who simply wants to watch the fun?"
Hearing these words was undoubtedly like another sharp stab in Fu Tingyi's fragile heart.
The result remains unchanged.
The votes were one-sided, and a man of his word kept his word. During this week, Fu Tingyi
belonged to Wen Jiujiu alone.
Whenever he thought of this, Fu Tingyi felt heartbroken.
Warm wine doesn't matter.
"Tsk tsk tsk, looking at you like this, you are not going to regret it, if you do, I will tell everyone
everything about you."
Fu Tingyi lost his temper instantly.
The two grew up together. If anyone else dared to threaten Fu Tingyi like this, Fu Tingyi would
definitely slap him without thinking, but if the person was Wen Jiujiu, he would not dare to hit
Faced with such a threat, Fu Tingyi, you can only smile helplessly.
"Yes Yes Yes!"
That's what he said.
Whether you think so in your heart is another matter.
When Fu Tingyi was completely confused, Lin Yiran's appearance was like a ray of light entering
his life.
There is no reason for other people to get close to me, but Lin Yiran is completely different. Lin
Yiran has a very good relationship with her grandmother.
If anything really happens, grandma will be there.
Life needs some little lies.
When Lin Yiran arrives at the scene later, Fu Tingyi will follow Wen Jiujiu's thoughts and say and
do what she wants, and ask Lin Yiran to help admit that she is his partner. Isn't that enough?
Think of this.
Fu Tingyi was full of energy and couldn't help but smile.
That’s it for today!

Chapter 260 Object

In the end, things did not develop as Fu Tingyi had planned.
Time flies and it's ten minutes later.
According to the address given by Fu Tingyi, Lin Yiran arrived at the scene one step ahead of time.
Who exactly is Wen Jiujiu? Who could make Fu Tingyi do this?
This deserves a careful look.
Come to the corner.
Lin Yiran observed quietly.
the other side.
Not far ahead, Fu Tingyi and Wen Jiujiu were facing each other, and Fu Tingyi's fingers were
stained with various colors.
Wen Jiujiu was still enjoying it.
See this scene.
Lin Yiran was completely stunned.
I've seen outrageous things, but I've never seen anything this outrageous.
Which domineering CEO plays with nail polish?
But this was just the beginning. As Lin Yiran watched, she was completely stunned. Wen Jiujiu
was even more beautiful than she had imagined. She was more beautiful than anyone else. She
was obviously a girl, but she had a masculine appearance. She was so handsome!
"How is it? Isn't this new color I picked for you more beautiful?"
As soon as you open your mouth.
Lin Yiran was even more stunned.
I originally thought that at least one of the intelligence I had received before was false.
But based on the current clues, all the information is true, the mature woman's voice, the loli's
voice, this really exists!
Faced with the problem of warm wine.
Fu Tingyi could only nod helplessly.
"Yeah, yeah, it's really beautiful, really beautiful, but this incident today must not be spread out."
"do you know!"
Wen Jiujiu nodded with a smile.
It was at this time.
As Lin Yiran watched, he became more and more absorbed in the reading, not noticing at all that
his feet were loose.
My foot slipped.
Lin Yiran's position moved slightly to the side, and the sundries placed nearby fell down.
With a loud crash.
Fu Tingyi and Wen Jiujiu looked in Lin Yiran's direction at the same time.
Time was too short and Lin Yiran had no time to react. He could only face the two of them in an
extremely awkward state.
Wen Jiujiu was fine, her eyes were full of Fu Tingyi and she didn't pay attention to anything else.
Fu Tingyi is different!
When Fu Tingyi saw Lin Yiran coming, he felt as if he had seen the noble person in his life. He was
very excited and stood up immediately.
"I've been looking forward to seeing you for so long. I've already told you that you must send me
a message when you come. Why don't you send me a message now? But it doesn't matter. Now
that we're here, let's sit down and have a rest. I've already prepared your gift for you and I'm
waiting for you."
Ignoring the gaze of Wen Jiujiu beside him.
Fu Tingyi stood up and walked towards Lin Yiran.
He came to Lin Yiran.
An awkward atmosphere spread across the scene. Lin Yiran seemed to be petrified and could
only stand there at a loss.
There was silence for a long moment.
Lin Yiran scratched his head, trying to ease some of the embarrassment in this way.
But before Lin Yiran could speak.
Wen Jiujiu's questions followed one after another.
"Who are you?"
"Fu Tingyi, I advise you to be honest. Our previous bet is still in place. For my consent, you are not
allowed to talk to anyone. You are not the unknown person of Fu Tingyi, right? It just so happens
that you are here today. I also have a few questions for you."
"First question, what's your name?"
Hearing this.
Lin Yiran opened her eyes wide, and then said her name generously: "My name is Lin Yiran." After
that, Lin Yiran also expressed the question in her mind: "So that's not how you speak! You speak
normally, then why what I heard from the other end of the phone was not normal!" Lin Yiran
Wen Jiujiu was obviously a little angry.
In Wen Jiujiu's knowledge, there is only a playboy like Fu Tingyi.
Don’t even mention how many objects there are.
When making the bet, Wen Jiujiu had already cleared out some people, but there were inevitably
some who slipped through the net.
Having grown up together as childhood sweethearts, Wen Jiujiu has always assumed that Fu
Tingyi is her partner.
Now I am back from studying abroad.
There is only one purpose, and that is Fu Tingyi.
No matter who the other opposite sex is, as long as they are not related to Fu Tingyi by blood,
they are his competitors.
at the same time.
Something even more elusive happened.
The time has come and it is now!
Fu Tingyi acted quickly and walked around to the side of Wen Jiujiu. Fu Tingyi gave Lin Yiran a
The meaning in his eyes is very clear, help me.
Seeing Fu Tingyi's eyes, Lin Yiran did not agree immediately.
Instead, it looks lively from the side.
Fu Tingyi mistakenly thought that Lin Yiran had understood what he meant.
Coming to Lin Yiran's side, Fu Tingyi tried every possible means to get rid of Wen Jiujiu.
Wen Jiujiu has always been very concerned about the issue of her partner.
But in fact, after all these years, I am still single. I look dissolute, but I am a pure love god in my
But when he thought about his own freedom, Fu Tingyi really gave it his all.
“That’s right!”
"It's just like what you thought. This beautiful woman in front of me is my partner. We have been
together for five years. This time you came back, and I wanted to inform you properly, but
because everything was too hasty, there were many misunderstandings between us. Let's put it
this way. I also understand your feelings for me, but it is impossible for us to be together. After
five years of relationship, how can I do it!"
"Wen Jiujiu, I have listened to you and I have made it very clear what I should say today. My
partner is right here. Do you have anything else to say?"
Wen Jiujiu frowned slightly, unable to say anything, and just looked at Lin Yiran silently.
Fu Tingyi once again looked at Lin Yiran for help.
There is one thing Fu Tingyi forgot!
If you are single, there is nothing wrong with pretending to be his partner.
But Lin Yiran is already married now, and Huo Jinlin is already on the way.
If any misunderstandings are caused in this episode, they will never be cleared up even if you
jump into the Yellow River.
Fu Tingyi wanted Lin Yiran to admit it.
Wen Jiujiu was also observing Lin Yiran's every move.
Lin Yiran made his own choice.
Looking at Fu Tingyi in front of him, Lin Yiran shook his head: "What nonsense are you talking
about! I came to get the gift my grandma gave me tonight, you little brat. Whether it's about love
or other aspects, we have to be sincere. I'm not your partner. I'm already married. You can't make
jokes like this, do you understand?"
The strategy that I had worked so hard to plan failed.
Fu Tingyi's face flushed, and he said to Lin Yiran: "Help me!"
Lin Yiran shrugged helplessly: "I can consider everything else, but I'm sorry I can't comply with
your request on this one."
Chapter 261: Rumor Refutation
If this gets out, the relationship will be complicated in the future. As the saying goes, it takes only
one mouth to spread a rumor, but it takes a lot of effort to refute it. Lin Yiran has suffered greatly
from this before, and her heart is as clear as a mirror.
Many things may seem simple, but if someone really uses them and remembers them, it will be
completely different.
Lin Yiran saw it as soon as she arrived.
The relationship between Fu Tingyi and Wen Jiujiu is quite complicated.
If she said she didn't like him, Fu Tingyi would definitely refuse decisively and not give her any
chance. Now the two of them can still stick together and he cares so much about Wen Jiujiu,
which means there must be something fishy going on.
As for warming the wine, there is even less to say.
The three words "Fu Tingyi" were almost written in Wen Jiujiu's eyes.
After looking carefully for a while, Lin Yiran took two steps back. The more he looked, the more
they looked like a couple. As soon as Wen Jiujiu finished listening to what Lin Yiran said, she
immediately walked up to Fu Tingyi and pulled his hand, like a child showing off his trophy.
He is mine, he is mine!
The meaning is concise and clear.
Seeing this scene, to be honest, for a moment, Lin Yiran felt envious, jealous and hateful in her
heart. They were childhood sweethearts and they were just beginning to fall in love!
This adjective is quite good.
Then, Lin Yiran gave a standard auntie smile, looked ahead and nodded silently.
Fu Tingyi was in mixed emotions. He lowered his head, looking very lonely, and started talking to
"Damn it! We have to hold on for several more days, then I'm going to be tortured to death
during this time!"
Upon hearing this.
Wen Jiujiu beside him suddenly became unhappy. She turned her face and her eyes became
complicated. She examined Fu Tingyi from the bottom of her heart. In the end, all her emotions
were combined into a simple sentence: "Are you regretting it?"
Hearing this.
Fu Tingyi quickly waved his hands and forced a smile: "No way!"
"If that were the case, I would have run away long ago. How could I have waited until now? Haha,
this must be your misunderstanding of me."
After saying that.
Fu Tingyi was about to continue with the next sentence when Wen Jiujiu unconsciously tightened
her grip on Fu Tingyi's hand, smiled and shook her head.
"It's okay, no need to explain, I will always believe in you."
Fu Tingyi neither admitted nor denied it, he just watched silently.
The air was filled with the sour smell of love.
Lin Yiran was completely numb.
I originally thought that there would be some minor conflicts between the two of them, and then
Fu Tingyi would come out to solve the problem.
I originally wanted to be a spectator and take a good look at Fu Tingyi's solution.
But I didn't expect to be fed so much dog food today.
Open your eyes wide.
Lin Yiran was stunned.
Seeing that his plan had been exposed, Fu Tingyi stopped pretending. Now that things had come
to this, everyone should just be honest.
Looking at Lin Yiran.
He carefully explained the cause and effect.
The two made a bet that lasted for half a month, and Fu Tingyi lost miserably. In order to fulfill his
promise, the two of them had been getting along as a couple for this half month. On the other
hand, with the help of Fu Tingyi's grandmother, Fu Tingyi had no choice but to agree even if he
didn't want to.
All misunderstandings are cleared up.
Lin Yiran suddenly realized.
No wonder even Huo Jinlin, who has always been rational, has become a spectator. It turns out
there are so many hidden stories behind this.
Hear this.
Lin Yiran felt helpless and amused.
But things that need to be explained still need to be explained clearly, otherwise it would be bad
if misunderstandings are caused.
Look ahead.
Lin Yiran smiled.
"My name is Lin Yiran, I am Fu Tingyi's partner and also his friend. I hope you don't have any wild
thoughts. I'm already married, you see!"
As she spoke, Lin Yiran shook the wedding ring in her hand with pride.
"How about now? Is it okay now? Actually, I just came here today to get a gift. Our banquet is
about to start, and Fu Tingyi has been invited. If you are interested, you can come with Fu Tingyi.
I like your personality very much. If you are willing, we can have a good chat and exchange ideas.
How about it?" Looking at Wen Jiujiu's half-confused expression, Lin Yiran added.
This time.
Even a fool would know what's going on.
He turned around and gave Fu Tingyi a fierce look.
Then, Wen Jiujiu threatened: "Master Fu, in just two days, you have played tricks on me five or six
times. I advise you not to use these useless tricks anymore, otherwise I will be the first to deal
with you. You don't want grandma to know about this, right?"
"This is a secret between the two of us, understand?"
"If you dare to involve some innocent people again, I will be the first to deal with you. Do you
hear me?"
Can you pretend you didn't hear this?
To this.
Fu Tingyi nodded repeatedly.
at the same time.
When he turned to look at Lin Yiran, there was clearly a hint of anger in Fu Tingyi's eyes, the kind
of helpless anger.
If I had made up an excuse for myself at that time, I would not have been exposed in public by
Wen Jiujiu.
Look ahead.
Fu Tingyi's eyes sank slightly and he forced a smile, which made Lin Yiran feel helpless and
At such a critical moment, it all depends on Wen Jiujiu.
Grabbed Fu Tingyi's ear.
Wen Jiujiu threatened.
"Master Fu, I advise you to be honest. This sister has a good personality and I like her very much.
Don't try to play any tricks on me. If everyone can be as sincere as this sister, the world would
have become a better place long ago. Do you understand what I mean?"
Fu Tingyi thought, damn, this is not just a knock, it's almost naming names.
What else is there to say?
"Yes, yes, you are right."
So far.
The previous misunderstanding has come to an end.
After thinking about it carefully, after all, what happened just now was too absurd for a married
girl, so it was better to refuse. For Fu Tingyi, Lin Yiran might be a bit of a fool to watch him die,
but if you convert the person behind Lin Yiran into Huo Jinlin, then I believe that 100% of men
will like Lin Yiran's personality.
"Lin Yiran, what a nice name. You look a little older than me, so I'll call you Sister Yiran." She
suddenly said.
Afterwards, Wen Jiujiu came to Lin Yiran and held her hand. On weekdays, apart from Yutian, no
one else would be so enthusiastic. Lin Yiran was stunned and didn't react. But at this moment,
Wen Jiujiu started to praise her: "Sister Yiran, don't be so reserved. Let's relax a little. Can I do
anything bad to you? I really like your personality!"

Chapter 262 Torture

In the end.
Wen Jiujiu didn't forget to roll her eyes at Fu Tingyi.
At this moment, Fu Tingyi was like a helpless elementary school student. He could only scratch his
head helplessly and turn his head away silently.
Along with the resolution of misunderstandings.
The online atmosphere was no longer tense and returned to normal in an instant. Wen Jiujiu was
so enthusiastic that Lin Yiran felt a little uncomfortable.
After all, all these changes happened too quickly. It had only been a few minutes, and Lin Yiran
could still see the change on Wen Jiujiu's face.
As long as it has nothing to do with Fu Tingyi, Wen Jiujiu treats you sincerely and is very
optimistic and cheerful. She is definitely a very easy person to get along with.
But once it comes to the issue of Fu Tingyi.
That's another matter.
He is clearly a top-notch love-brained person!
Looking at the two people in front of her, Lin Yiran felt helpless, but what she felt more was
Fu Tingyi is just being stubborn and cannot admit this identity for the time being. One day, Fu
Tingyi finds out that there is someone who likes him. If something really goes wrong, won’t he be
anxious to death?
Thinking of this, Lin Yiran felt relieved. She smiled slightly: "Okay, I believe you will get better and
better in the future. It's getting late now. You can come with Fu Tingyi tomorrow. I will definitely
treat you well then. Jiujiu, I like your character too." Lin Yiran said frankly.
Misunderstanding resolved.
Lin Yiran and Wen Jiujiu had a thorough chat.
Time passed in a flash and it was twenty minutes later.
She spoke, she teased.
Instead, Fu Tingyi became the odd one out. The more he thought about it, the more he felt
something was wrong. Fu Tingyi even began to doubt himself.
Logically speaking, shouldn't Wen Jiujiu want to be by my side all the time? Now that she meets
Lin Yiran, why does she abandon me?
One hundred and twenty points out of one hundred are wrong!
Just thinking about it.
There was a call from afar.
Huo Jinlin quickened his pace and jogged towards Lin Yiran. Seeing that it was Huo Jinlin coming,
Fu Tingyi was a little at a loss for a moment, and walked aside silently, as if afraid that Huo Jinlin
would discover something. At this moment, Huo Jinlin suddenly changed direction and walked
straight to Fu Tingyi's side. Everything was so embarrassing and coincidental.
Look at him.
A smile appeared on Huo Jinlin's lips.
"Master Fu, what a coincidence today. Why are you here too? Why aren't you talking? Is there
something on your mind?"
"Who is this beautiful lady? Why don't you take the initiative to introduce yourself to me? Come
on, come on, you have to have a good chat with me."
Pointing at Wen Jiujiu, Huo Jinlin pretended to know nothing and took the initiative to ask.
After hearing this.
Fu Tingyi suddenly came to his senses.
Good job.
It turns out that it was directed at me from the very beginning.
According to Huo Jinlin's character, if he really didn't know Wen Jiujiu's identity, he would never
ask such a question.
I understand. I understand.
This is directed at myself!
But think about it, Fu Tingyi was too impulsive before. If Lin Yiran was not married, he might have
launched a crazy pursuit. Huo Jinlin did not remember these little things in his heart, but it was
impossible to say that he did not remember them at all.
not to mention.
The person in front of him was still Fu Tingyi.
Then shouldn't we have some fun?
"Brother Huo, please stop teasing me. This person is my partner, but only temporarily. Do you
understand what I mean?"
As soon as these words came out.
Before Huo Jinlin could answer, Wen Jiujiu rolled her eyes.
Wen Jiujiu quickly walked to Fu Tingyi's side.
Fingers work together!
Twist it hard like this!
Fu Tingyi's face changed slightly, but he still pretended nothing happened and quickly changed
his words: "No, no, no, this is my girlfriend, her name is Wen Jiujiu."
Only then did Wen Jiujiu let go.
Seeing this scene, Huo Jinlin’s eyes went dark.
I've seen absurd things, but I've never seen anything so absurd. If what happened today gets out,
Fu Tingyi will probably never be able to hold his head up in his life.
Looking at Fu Tingyi's pitiful face, for a moment Huo Jinlin really felt pity for Fu Tingyi from the
bottom of his heart.
But finally thought about it carefully.
Huo Jinlin smiled.
fair enough.
Although the matter between Lin Yiran and Fu Tingyi has come to an end, there will still be some
small impact.
It may not be a big deal between the two parties, but for someone with ulterior motives, it is
another matter.
It's for Lin Yiran's own good, for my own good, and also for Fu Tingyi's good.
The emergence of Wenjiujiu is definitely a good thing.
Look ahead.
Huo Jinlin suddenly sighed.
"Okay, okay, this is your blessing, Brother Fu!"
"When I saw you just now, I knew that you two are a perfect match. Standing together, you are a
perfect match. To be honest, if you don't stay together for a long time, I will look down on you in
my life. Don't I know you? You look like a playboy, but you are actually a very sincere and pure
person. You are lucky to meet such a good partner today, so you should cherish each other and
stay together, okay?"
Fu Tingyi didn't say anything and became extremely serious. Although he could tell that Huo
Jinlin was teasing him, he was still thinking about the matter in his heart.
After all these years, there is finally someone who understands me.
If a woman suddenly said such words to him, then Fu Tingyi would definitely be the one for him
in his life.
But what he didn't expect was.
The person who knew him best turned out to be Huo Jinlin.
It is quite touching.
This was not just a joke. Huo Jinlin knew very well what kind of person Fu Tingyi was.
As long as Fu Tingyi wants, nothing can stop him.
There is no need to say more about such a small thing as love.
Fu Tingyi’s thoughts were also very simple.
No matter it is a bet or they really want to be together, I have known Wen Jiujiu for such a long
time. At least during the bet, I still have to treat Wen Jiujiu well. I have to treat her the same way
as I said before. Otherwise, where will I put my face if it gets out?
Think about it this way.
Fu Tingyi felt that he had become taller and more majestic.
But before he could be happy for a while, Fu Tingyi's eyes went dark as well.
Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin were really rude. When she saw Huo Jinlin coming, Lin Yiran immediately
walked to his side.
The two held hands in front of him, with tenderness in their eyes. Then, Huo Jinlin gave him
another soul-crushing blow.

Chapter 263 There Will Come a Day

"Well, in fact, it's better to get married early. If you meet the right person, get married as soon as
possible. As for the good things that you haven't experienced yet, let me experience them for
everyone first. Let me tell you, since getting married, I feel that my life is getting better and
better. I wonder if you have the same feeling." Huo Jinlin said proudly.
It was obvious that these words were meant for Fu Tingyi.
This was clearly a major critical blow to Fu Tingyi on top of the original foundation.
What can I do then!
Please don't be so bullying, okay?
It was at this moment that Lin Yiran noticed a very subtle detail.
Turning her head to look at Fu Tingyi standing beside her, Wen Jiujiu suddenly lowered her head
After this bet, what kind of identity do I have?
Looking at the sweetness between Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin, I can't help but feel emotional.
I was really confused at that time.
Why did I regard Lin Yiran as a competitor? Was I really too emotional?
Think about it.
The thousands of words in Wen Jiujiu's heart were summed up in the final simple sentence.
"Fu Tingyi, listen to me. Starting tomorrow, let's be normal. I have things to do. If we have time,
we can spend more time with each other. If we don't have time, we can just have a good chat. Do
you understand?"
"When I'm not around, you can't do anything to let me down, understand?"
Look back.
Fu Tingyi was stunned at first.
Nodded silently.
When he suddenly heard these words spoken to him, Fu Tingyi actually felt that something was
At first I felt suddenly relaxed, but then I thought about it carefully, the more I thought about it,
the more I felt something was wrong.
But I haven't waited to figure it out yet.
Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin planned to say goodbye first.
We have been delayed here for nearly half an hour.
Don't even mention taking a gift.
Even if it's just a company's half an hour, it would be enough.
Next, let them be alone together for a while.
As for what the final result was, Lin Yiran could only say one thing.
Leaving it to fate, things may not go as planned, and in the end it is up to them to decide.
Bring a gift.
Lin Yiran got on the passenger seat of Huo Jinlin's car.
Before leaving.
I am reluctant to give up the warm wine.
"Sister Yiran, you have to accompany me tomorrow. I just came back and I don't have many
friends here. If you have any questions, you can try to contact me. As long as I can help you, I will
definitely help you. Today I admit that there are some small misunderstandings between us, but I
hope you don't take it to heart. I really want to be your friend, do you know?"
Wen Jiujiu spoke to Lin Yiran with tenderness in her eyes.
Sincerity is the secret weapon.
When hearing these words, Lin Yiran's heart trembled.
No one has ever said such things to me in my life, it's like it was said in childhood.
It's so naive, yet so sincere.
"We will definitely be good friends in the future. Parting is for the sake of getting along better. I
will definitely accompany you well tomorrow."
"Now you should stay with Fu Tingyi. If you have any questions or if you don't understand
something, you can call me and we'll have a good time tomorrow." Lin Yiran said, holding Wen
Jiujiu's hand tightly.
Even if you are thousands of miles away, we will eventually part.
After a five-minute farewell.
Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin turned around and went home.
Looking at the backs of Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin as they left.
Wen Jiujiu said this from the bottom of her heart.
“I’m so envious.”
Sensing that Wen Jiujiu was in a bad mood, Fu Tingyi immediately walked towards her. He made a
face and deliberately frightened her, "Don't sigh. I just speak harshly these days. I'm not dead.
What's the matter? Didn't you say you were my partner? Why did you suddenly say you wanted
to leave me? What's going on? Tell me."
"screw you!"
Wen Jiujiu cursed with a smile.
Fu Tingyi said he didn't understand.
No matter what it is that I can never figure out, it must be a woman's heart.
But since Wen Jiujiu has already said so, Fu Tingyi still chooses to respect Wen Jiujiu's choice.
Just right.
I also need to prepare well for the banquet tomorrow.
The scene is given to Lin Yiran.
When they got in the car, Lin Yiran kept talking about what he saw and heard today. Huo Jinlin
was happy to listen, and he listened carefully and nodded silently.
Ten minutes later.
Lin is still satisfied.
"I am getting old now, maybe because I still feel the sweetness of my love with Wen Jiujiu and Fu
Tingyi. If they can keep it this way, it would be a good marriage. Wen Jiujiu is a good person, I like
Ended the topic between the two of them.
Huo Jinlin changed his tone and became very serious. He braked slowly and parked the car on the
side of the road.
While listening to Lin Yiran speaking just now, Huo Jinlin had been brewing something in his heart
for a long time.
at this point.
Problems that need to be solved will be solved sooner or later.
Although I don't want to face it, simply avoiding it won't solve anything.
Song Yu Nuan has made it very clear that the matter concerning Dabao and Xiaobao can no
longer be delayed.
If they stay with the two of them, Dabao and Xiaobao will indeed be well taken care of, but they
will also lose a lot.
Whether it is Dabao, Xiaobao, Huo Jinlin or Lin Yiran.
It's time to say goodbye.
Jiang Yunyi has also been talking about this matter.
This time, Huo Jinlin wanted to hear Lin Yiran's opinion.
After these words were spoken, the atmosphere in the car suddenly became heavy.
I have always thought that this day would come, but when it came, it was still hard for Lin Yiran to
accept, and it still made Lin Yiran feel like a heavy blow to his heart.
It's hard to describe the feeling.
There was a long silence.
Lin Yiran asked a question.
"According to my thoughts, I have actually already acquiesced in my heart. I know they also need
this kind of life, and I know they also need to stay with Jiang Yunyi, but doing this is not a small
matter after all. I still hope to listen to Dabao and Xiaobao's opinions. They are still young, and
this is not wrong, but people have feelings, and we all need to think it over carefully."
"how about you?"
"What do you think?"
Huo Jinlin answered seriously, "There will be such a day eventually, but I have thought about it a
lot. Next, I will have a chat with them and let Dabao and Xiaobao make their own choices. If they
don't want to leave with Jiang Yunyi, then they can stay by our side for the time being, but they
will still have to leave in the future. If they are willing to go with Jiang Yunyi, then we can meet
more often in the future and have more contact with each other. There will still be a lot of
company. Do you understand?"

Chapter 264: Making Trouble

Lin Yiran was just not used to her sudden enthusiasm, and she didn't feel disgusted.
So he just stiffened his body, didn't push the person away, nodded and said, "Okay, let's both
relax a little and be honest with each other. It just so happens that I also told you about your
personality, and I like it very much."
Fu Tingyi didn't know what to say for a moment. How come they just got along? Why were the
two of them acting like real sisters, even holding each other's arms in intimacy?
Looking at Fu Tingyi's confused expression, Lin Yiran raised her eyebrows. He always liked to play
tricks on him, and this time he made him at a loss.
Then, she took a big step, took Lin Yiran's arm, and went to another place.
How could the eye contact between the two people escape Lin Yiran?
She had known that there was something unusual between the two, so she immediately
explained her relationship with Fu Tingyi. Now seeing that both of them were awkward and
didn't dare to face their feelings, Lin Yiran chuckled.
Her sudden laughter made Lin Yiran a little dazed. He looked at her blankly, "Did you see
something interesting?"
Or maybe the way she disguised herself just now was really funny, so she couldn't help laughing
out loud.
Lin Yiran looked at Lin Yiran with curved eyebrows and eyes, "I just felt a little happy suddenly, so
I laughed out loud, don't think too much about it."
Then she clapped her hands and said, "I won't disturb you two happy enemies anymore. I have
some things waiting for me to deal with in the company, so I'll go back first."
Of course, she couldn't disturb them about their work, so she waved goodbye.
Just after sending the person away, she looked at Fu Tingyi standing next to her with a face full of
resentment. She reluctantly returned to the car with him and prepared to go eat.
The misunderstanding between the two people was resolved, but Guo Cheng's situation was not
much better.
Being in a bad mood, he planned to let loose today and find a place to have some fun.
But he was not familiar with the bustling area, so he didn't know where to go, so he randomly
picked a place that looked more luxurious.
He touched his head and walked forward awkwardly.
He hadn't been standing there for two seconds when someone greeted him warmly, "It hasn't
been long since the start, please go in quickly."
Although what he said made Guo Cheng a little confused, he still went in with the others
It was only after he was brought to the place and the door was closed that he realized how mixed
up the crowd was.
Many people were crowded into one room, some of them were wearing expensive clothes, while
others were wearing tattered clothes.
Although they have different identities and statuses, they are all doing the same thing. They put
their money on the table one by one and use the money to make a big bet.
When he saw someone lose all his money in ten minutes and wanted to bang his head against
the wall to death, he was a little scared.
However, when he saw those who won money, his eyes became much more eager again, and
finally he couldn't help but took out all the money in his pocket and put it on the table.
His gamble lasted just five minutes.
Within these five minutes, he thought he could win a considerable amount of money, but in the
end he lost everything.
Seeing his money go into other people's pockets, he felt like someone was eating his flesh, and
he said unwillingly, "I want to play another round."
But the people in the gambling room thought that he had no money left and if he continued
gambling he would be causing trouble, so they just got angry and kicked him out.
Having lost all his money outside the gambling house, he became very irritable and went straight
But when he got home, his mother asked, "Why didn't you bring back anything I asked you to
bring me?"
When Guo Cheng heard this, he smashed a vase in anger. "Things, things, you just want this and
that all day long. I just went out to gamble and lost all my money. I'm also in debt. What else can I
When the vase fell to the ground, Guo Nuan happened to come in and almost hurt her.
Everyone was shocked when they heard that he had lost all his money in gambling.
Guo Yu pointed his finger at his nose and asked, "Do you know what's going on? You actually
dared to go gambling. The most hateful thing is that you still have the nerve to lose your temper
Guo's mother was angry at first, but after hearing Guo Yu's accusation, Guo Cheng said, "Alright,
the money is gone. If you scold him a few more times, will the money come back? I'll go find Guo
Nuan and ask him to help pay off the debt."
No one had any objections to someone being the scapegoat. Guo's mother sighed and rode out
on her bike.
When she arrived at the fried chicken shop, she looked for Guo Nuan.
When he saw her, he grabbed her arm, told her about Guo Cheng's current situation, and asked
her for two hundred thousand yuan.
Guo Nuan said with a dark face, "He went to gamble on his own. Why should I pay him back? I
can't give you that much money."
He thought that Guo Nuan's fried chicken shop was doing so well, how could she not come up
with 200,000 yuan? He just sat on the ground with a painful look on his face, and then pretended
to cry. Come and see, everyone, I am such an unfilial daughter. I am sick and need 200,000 yuan
for treatment, but this daughter is not willing to pay a penny. How can the food made by such a
person be good? You might get sick after eating it.
Since she was unwilling to give her the money, she would tarnish the reputation of her store and
prevent her from earning a penny, unless she was willing to give her the money now.
The people who were still queuing to buy fried chicken looked a little unhappy when they heard
She felt that her antics had worked, and in order to get the money faster, she added fuel to the
fire and stood up, smashing everything in the store, and even threatened that if Guo Nuan didn't
pay the money today, her store would close down tomorrow.
Her mischief did affect many guests.
Guo Nuan looked at the nonsense Guo's mother and reluctantly talked about the money. "Let's
talk about it after I get off work. Can you please don't delay my work now?"
Guo's mother's eyes lit up, but she still didn't plan to leave. She sat on the ground and said, "I
don't care. Give me the money now, or I won't leave here today."
Guo Nuan was a little sad to see that his mother was willing to lose all her face for Guo Cheng.
From the moment I was born, I knew that I was not loved, but when I grew up, I treated Guo's
mother with all my heart. As a result, today she was willing to break up with me and save all my
Lin Yiran and Fu Tingyi discussed for a long time but couldn't come up with where to eat.
Looking at the navigation on the phone, Lin Yiran said angrily, "I won't eat. Guo Nuan's store
happened to be right in front of us. Please drop me off. I'll go help out in her store for a while."

Chapter 265: Chasing People Away

Looking at the stubborn expression on her face, Huo Jinlin sighed and obeyed her, driving the car
to Guo Nuan's store.
Then Lin Yiran ruthlessly drove Huo Jinlin away and was about to enter Guo Nuan's fried chicken
shop, but she saw an old figure inside, smashing pots and pans.
The frail-looking woman was pointing at Guo Nuan and cursing, "Give me the money quickly. If I
don't, I will die in your store today, and you will have to compensate me a large sum of money
Their lives had already been threatened, and the customers in the store really couldn't stand to
stay any longer. They were afraid that if they left a step later and someone really died, it would
implicate them, so all the customers rushed out.
Looking at the person who had already left, Guo Nuan sighed. She knew that she couldn't do
business today, but taking the money from her was not as easy as she thought.
Guo Nuan looked at the person who was making trouble unreasonably and said, "If you want to
smash everything in the store, the compensation I will have to pay will be much more than what
you asked me for."
Lin Yiran still didn't understand what was going on, he just knew that someone was making a fuss
in the store.
When Guo Nuan, who was arguing with her, saw Lin Yiran coming over, it was like she saw a
Lin Yiran nodded at her, then grabbed Guo's mother's hair with all her might and said, "Just tell
me what you want and how much money you want. Maybe I can afford it."
Guo's mother, whose scalp was pulled so hard that it hurt, made a "Puh" sound.
"You vixen, the money you take out must be dirty. I don't want it."
Lin Yiran let go of her hair, pushed her forward hard, knocked her to the ground and said, "Since
you don't want my money, then get out of the store."
If you don't leave, I will retrieve the store's surveillance footage and post the video of you doing
whatever you want online. Your entire family will be falsely accused, and the police will be here
When she heard the police were coming and thought of her son, who owed money due to
gambling, Guo's mother didn't dare to stay any longer. She thought that she would come to ask
Guo Nuan for money when no one was around, so she left the fried chicken shop in shame.
No one made trouble anymore. Guo Nuan's eyes were red. "Thank goodness you came here
Lin Yiran looked at her best friend who was about to cry with heartache, and went up to hug her.
Instead, I sent a message to Huo Jinlin, saying, "Anyway, I'm not planning to have dinner with
you. There are still so many things to be dealt with in your company. You should go back to the
company soon. I won't go back to accompany you today. I want to spend more time with my best
After saying that, regardless of whether Huo Jinlin agreed or not, he pulled Guo Nuan to the
coffee shop across the street.
Huo Jinlin felt something was wrong. Why did Guo Nuan need Lin Yiran to accompany her? So she
sent her assistant to investigate what happened in the fried chicken shop today. After knowing
this, Huo Jinlin was also angry.
Tell Lin Yiran directly, "It's because of you today that the woman didn't dare to make trouble. If
you're not here someday, she will immediately take advantage of the situation, so I suggest you
close the fried chicken shop first and reopen it after things calm down for a while."
Then he gave Lin Yiran a black card and said, "You're not in a good mood anyway, so why don't
you go out traveling with Guo Nuan first? When I've settled this matter, you two can come back."
Someone gives money to go out and play, and someone helps to solve problems. How could Lin
Yiran not be happy to take Huo Jinlin's black card with a smile.
That night, Lin Yiran packed her luggage and went on a trip with Guo Nuan.
However, as expected, Guo's mother did come to the door.
She was ready to make a scene today. She looked at the tightly closed door and cursed, "What
kind of ungrateful person did I give birth to? She won't even give me any money when I ask her
for it."
"What's the use of closing the door to such a big store? I don't believe you will never open the
door. I will stay here from today until you come back."
After he finished cursing, he sat down at the door.
Passersby just thought she was strange, but no one came forward to ask if she had encountered
any difficulties.
Huo Jinlin sent someone to guard the door of the fried chicken shop, so as soon as she arrived at
the fried chicken shop, someone called Huo Jinlin.
After signing a document in his hand, Huo Jinlin looked at his assistant and said, "Go check the
residence of the woman sitting in front of the fried chicken shop, and tell her family that if she is
still here, all evidence of their crimes will be handed over to the police."
If Guo's mother didn't handle the matter properly, Lin Yiran would not have a good life either, so
Huo Jinlin took it very seriously. Naturally, the assistant did not dare to slack off and immediately
went to Guo Cheng's house.
Just threatening was not enough. After all, Huo Jinlin was always very decisive in doing things, so
she immediately called Guo Cheng's brother.
"I remember that there were big problems with your company's cash flow and a batch of goods a
few years ago. If they were discovered now, what impact do you think it would have on your
Guo Cheng's brother didn't understand what he said and asked directly, "Did I offend you in any
Huo Jinlin snorted coldly, "Go investigate Guo Cheng and the trouble your mother has made
recently, and you will know why I am threatening you like this."
He has been very busy at work recently, so he basically lives in the company. He doesn’t know
what’s happening at home, and he doesn’t know that his younger brother owes a lot of money
because of gambling.
After hanging up the phone, he immediately contacted his family, learned the cause and effect of
the matter, and angrily scolded Guo Cheng. After scolding him, he said, "If you dare to go to the
fried chicken shop to cause trouble again, then your whole family will have a hard time."
Guo Cheng has always been afraid of his brother. He said tremblingly, "I know. I'll call mother to
come back right away."
After giving his brother a lecture, Guo Yang was sad again in the company.
Things at the company haven't been resolved yet.
Now Huo Jinlin has the evidence against him from a few years ago, and his family is in debt of
hundreds of thousands. What should he do?
Although he was a little angry, Guo Cheng was his younger brother after all, and he couldn't just
stand by and watch him die.
But given the company's current situation, it is impossible for him to immediately take out
hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay off his brother's debts.
He didn't know what to do and his temper became more and more irritable in the company.
When someone came to inform him of the meeting, he almost didn't recognize the person and
smashed the cup on the person's forehead.
Everyone had their own troubles, and Lao Qin, who had been out for a short while, came back.
After coming back, he immediately rushed to the fried chicken shop.
After coming over here, he saw that the entrance of the fried chicken shop was in a mess and the
door was closed. He knew that something had happened.

Chapter 266 The Pain of Missing

Then he immediately called Guo Nuan, but the call was not connected.
Anxious, he immediately drove to Huo Jinlin's company. Before he even had time to warm up his
seat, he asked Huo Jinlin, "Do you know where Guo Nuan went? I just called him and Lin Yiran but
couldn't get through. It's like they used a magic to disappear."
Although he was anxious, he was not afraid.
Because Lin Yiran also disappeared with Guo Nuan, if an accident really happened, Huo Jinlin
would not be able to sit calmly in the office.
Huo Jinlin took a look at the sweaty man, and he handed him the surveillance video inside the
fried chicken shop.
"I have a meeting to attend later, so I don't have time to argue with you. Once you watch these
videos, you will know what happened in the fried chicken shop a few days ago."
After saying this, Huo Jinlin returned to his aloof attitude and continued to deal with the matters
at hand.
Lao Qin clicked on the video anxiously. Seeing Guo Nuan being bullied like this, he was very angry.
Where was that woman? He wanted to catch her and beat her up to vent his anger.
Then Huo Jinlin took a few minutes to explain her solution to him in detail, and told him that Guo
Nuan and Lin Yiran were both traveling.
Hearing that the two of them were traveling, Lao Qin couldn't sit still.
"In that case, I will go find them first. Once they feel more relaxed, I will come back with them to
deal with the old witch."
It was absolutely impossible for him to go and accompany them. After all, he couldn't even see
Lin Yiran, so why should he let this stinky thing see her.
Then Huo Jinlin pretended to say, "I'm not deliberately making things difficult for you this time.
You really can't go."
Lao Qin was a little confused. "Why can't I go? It's just a matter of buying a plane ticket."
Huo Jinlin looked down at the documents in her hand and said, "You've been out for too long,
and a lot of work has not been dealt with. If you don't resolve it, you can pack up and leave."
After saying that, he called his secretary and picked up his documents to go to the meeting.
Looking at Huo Jinlin's proud steps, Lao Qin didn't know what to do.
He really wanted to go and accompany Guo Nuan, but in the blink of an eye, Huo Jinlin assigned
him a lot of work. He really hated it.
However, there was nothing he could do, as he was a hard-working worker. After being sad for a
while, he quickly picked up the documents and caught up with Huo Jinlin, ready to go to the
meeting room together.
The two of them were working hard in the company, while Lin Yiran and Guo Nuan were in a
good mood, taking beautiful photos at the scenic spots.
Lin Yiran struck a very seductive pose, and Guo Nuan started taking a lot of photos. Afterwards,
the two of them found a coffee shop to appreciate the beautiful photos, and both posted them
on their Moments.
When Lao Qin saw Guo Nuan's circle of friends, he felt even more miserable. He seldom saw Guo
Nuan smile so happily. Now he saw her, but she was not around.
Huo Jinlin, who was saying this, saw Lao Qin's crying expression, coughed, and signaled him to
stop distracting.
After being warned, he had no choice but to put away his phone and focus on his work.
And the person she was thinking about continued taking photos in the cafe.
Just when Lin Yiran was about to take a picture of Guo Nuan's inadvertently revealed beauty, she
heard a mocking voice, asking what kind of country bumpkin dared to enter this place.
She took so many photos, could she be pretending to be a socialite and fishing in her circle of
Lin Yiran frowned. Who was this person? Why was he looking for trouble with her again?
After mocking her, the people who looked at Lin Yiran again realized that she was wearing all
branded clothes and drank high-end drinks.
The other party then realized that Lin Yiran was no longer the same level as before.
But she would never think that it was Lin Yiran's own efforts that gave her all the power and
wealth she has now. She thought that she must have used her beauty to hook up with some
older men and that was why she had no worries about food and drink.
Her gaze made Lin Yiran feel a little disgusted. It took her a long time to remember that this was
her old classmate who also liked to go against her.
Lin Yiran, who didn't want to have too much communication with her, pretended not to know
"You may have recognized the wrong person. I have never seen you before. Also, you said
something you shouldn't have said just now. Shouldn't you apologize to both of us?"
Although I don't want to get involved in too many issues, I still have to seek justice. Otherwise,
others will keep bullying you for the rest of your life.
Gu Qiqi was furious. Did Lin Yiran mean for her to say sorry to her in front of so many people?
Don't you look at yourself and see what kind of person you are? Do you think that by hooking up
with an old man you can become a phoenix?
Then she looked at Lin Yiran's smug look and felt that he was provoking her.
Looking at her face that was so beautiful that one could not take his eyes off it, Gu Qiqi
impulsively wanted to destroy it for a moment.
But she didn't dare, because she didn't know who Lin Yiran was hooking up with. What if the
other party had great power?
Although she is now working as a shopping guide for a luxury brand, if she offends someone she
shouldn't offend, her whole life will be ruined.
We must wait and see what happens. Maybe if we can please Lin Yiran, we can even be
promoted to store manager.
After the idea came into her mind, her expression turned flattering. "Old classmate, I don't know
if you remember me. I was so excited when I recognized you just now that I said something that I
shouldn't have said. Don't bother with me."
Don't argue with me about a few words. Do you think that's enough to justify an apology? That's
impossible. Lin Yiran snorted coldly, "People who like to provoke others will make others feel
disgusted no matter what they say."
"If you really want me to stop arguing with you, then you can just say sorry."
Gu Qiqi felt a little embarrassed because Lin Yiran's topic kept revolving around apologies, so she
had to swallow her pride and said the three words "I'm sorry" in a wronged manner.
After saying that, he felt relieved and easily sat down next to the two of them.
She said generously, "How about you two just put your expenses on me today? We are old
classmates and we didn't add each other's contact information at the beginning. How about we
add one today?"
When Gu Qiqi took out her cell phone, Lin Yiran knew what she was up to.
But since I was made unhappy just now, I won't give her this opportunity.
She said directly, "We didn't keep in touch or have a good relationship when we were in school.
Now we are estranged. What is there to keep in touch with?"
His attitude that he would not have any contact with her made Gu Qiqi want to slander Lin Yiran
even more.
However, looking at Lin Yiran, who was wearing all branded clothes, she really didn't dare to
offend her, so she had to take back her phone.
"What are you saying, old classmate? I didn't have the chance to get to know you back then."
As he spoke, his eyes turned red, as if he had suffered some great injustice.
Chapter 267: Dislike
Lin Yiran didn't want to see her pretending here so he called the waiter over.
Because we are in a high-end cafe, everyone is well-trained.
Seeing that their customers were disturbed by outsiders, they immediately made a gesture to
invite them in.
"Miss, if you are not their customer, please do not stay here. If you continue to disturb others, we
will ask you to leave the cafe."
The words were very nice and they even made a gesture of invitation, so Gu Qiqi really couldn't
yell at them.
She had to explain carefully, "I met my old classmates and wanted to catch up with them. But it's
my fault that she didn't remember me. I came here too abruptly."
Then she picked up her bag, sat very close to Lin Yiran, and ordered a cup of coffee to cover up
her embarrassment.
She behaved herself obediently as a customer and the waiter had no choice but to make things
difficult for her.
The two of them kept some distance between themselves, but the smell of Gu Qiqi's perfume
was so strong that Lin Yiran almost vomited.
He no longer wanted to continue drinking coffee here, so he said to Guo Nuan, "Huo Jinlin called
last night and said that she had booked a restaurant for us. Why don't we go check it out now?"
Before Guo Nuan knew who Gu Qiqi was, Lin Yiran pulled her out of the coffee shop.
Guo Nuan was a little furious because he hadn't even gotten close to Lin Yiran yet and ended up
paying for another cup of coffee. After all, a cup of coffee here costs several thousand yuan.
When paying the bill, the waiter was a little scared when he saw her murderous expression.
Reluctantly, after paying the money, Gu Qiqi immediately chased after him.
But Lin Yiran had already gotten into the car and sped away. She sat in the taxi feeling a little
annoyed, wondering why she didn't seize the opportunity just now.
Especially after she recognized the brand of clothes Lin Yiran was wearing, she became even
more certain that the rich man Lin Yiran was dating must be of extraordinary status.
Looking at herself on the phone, she still felt a little resentful.
If I had the beauty of a fairy, maybe I could climb into the bed of a big boss as easily as Lin Yiran,
and I wouldn’t have to work hard for others every day.
The driver looked at the listless face of the little girl and kindly said, "Girl, please don't sigh.
Sighing will make your good luck go away."
“It’s normal to have stress in life. As long as you work hard, you will have everything you want.”
But Gu Qiqi, who had been in the luxury clothing store for a long time, had already been led
astray by some unhealthy trends.
She said sarcastically, "What's the point of working hard? It's better to just bend your fingers to
those pretty people and get everything you want."
Just like Lin Yiran whom I met today, she is more beautiful than before, and as for myself, due to
long-term work pressure, she has become even more mediocre, having already been mediocre to
begin with.
Seeing this, the driver didn't say much.
Lin Yiran, who had shaken Gu Qiqi off, was in a very good mood.
She said very politely, Huo Jinlin gave me a black card, "After dinner, if you want to buy anything,
we can use her card to max it out, no problem."
Guo Nuan frowned. It was impossible to max out Huo Jinlin's card, not only because she was
embarrassed, but also because this was a black card with unlimited credit. How could it be maxed
Thinking of Lin Yiran's disdainful look in the coffee shop, she asked, "Who was that just now? Was
he your old classmate?"
Although Lin Yiran had said that she didn't know her, Guo Nuan believed that no one would
mistake someone for no reason.
Moreover, she also looked like she really hated her. If she really admitted her mistake, she would
just say sorry or something. She would never act like she did just now, almost making personal
Lin Yiran sighed, "I do know her."
Those words that belittled her in the coffee shop were also said on purpose.
Guo Nuan believed that she would not attack someone for no reason. It must be because the
woman had done something wrong to her, so after meeting her, she would target her like this.
Especially the greedy look in the woman's eyes just now, she also saw it, and it was obvious at
first glance that she was not a good person, and the way she was trying to curry favor with Lin
Yiran was too obvious.
Seeing how curious she was, Lin Yiran glanced at the driver in front and shook his head, "I'll tell
you when we get to the restaurant."
It's not just because it's inconvenient to talk about it now, but also because her mood has finally
improved a little. She doesn't want to bring up that bad woman again and make herself upset
before she's even happy for two seconds.
Guo Nuan nodded. She wanted to find out about that woman. Not because she wanted to gossip
about anything, but because she wanted to know what that woman had done in the past to hurt
Lin Yiran.
Maybe she could be of some help in punishing that woman.
Just like yesterday when she found out that her mother came to bully her, she stepped forward
fiercely and retaliated against her.
The two of them were getting along peacefully here, but Gu Qiqi, who had returned to her
workplace, began to sigh again.
"If I had known earlier, I would have pestered Lin Yiran for her contact information. This way,
maybe we could have improved our relationship."
"She was so happy that day that she would introduce me to a chance to hook up with a rich
second-generation boyfriend."
This period of time is the busiest time in their store, and the manager saw that Gu Qiqi was
She immediately scolded him, "If you don't serve customers well, or if today's sales are not up to
standard, just get out of the store and don't work here. Anyway, our store can't accommodate a
big Buddha like you."
The other shop assistants saw this but didn't offer to plead for her. Instead, they made fun of Gu
Qiqi and scolded her.
"Manager, you should have made this decision a long time ago. Don't you see how lazy she is and
how many customers she has caused us to lose."
Gu Qiqi became more and more angry as she looked at them.
She decided in her heart that sooner or later she would find Lin Yiran and coax her into
submission, and then make these people who laughed at her kneel on the ground and polish her
But she never imagined that Lin Yiran's current achievements were all due to her own efforts.
And no one would help her realize her foolish dream.
However, seeing such a great Lin Yiran today, Gu Qiqi was completely lost. She thought she would
definitely be successful, so when she saw the unconvinced store manager, she took a day off in
anger and prepared to find a way to find Lin Yiran.
The store manager was too lazy to pay her any attention, so she asked for a day off and was not
going to be paid anyway so he let her go.
I don’t know if Gu Qiqi’s luck was really good, but she ran into the person she wanted to meet as
soon as she left the store.

Chapter 268 A Thankless Job

Gu Qiqi was scolded so harshly that it was embarrassing to even appear in front of her, let alone
fight back.
Looking at the arrogant Guo Nuan, she gritted her teeth and said, "What happened in the past is
in the past, and we were all children at that time. Why bother with a child in the past?"
After saying that Lin Yiran was petty, he continued to taunt, "You can live such a glorious life by
hugging me. If your sponsor knew everything that happened to you before, and knew that you
were such a bad woman, what would he do? Will I keep you again?"
I believe that any dazzling man will care about the past of the woman who is by his side.
If he knew that Lin Yiran had been bullied like this before, he would definitely feel ashamed of
her and stop supporting her as a canary.
She relied on men to get to where she is today, how could she not know?
Lin still found Gu Qiqi's confusing remarks ridiculous, but there was no need to explain to such a
So if you really misunderstand that you are being kept, just let her misunderstand.
And when she flattered herself so much just now, she probably wanted to rely on herself to cling
to his so-called thighs.
But how could Guo Nuan bear to see Lin Yiran being slandered? She said on behalf of Lin Yiran
viciously, "Which eye of yours saw that there was a sponsor? Believe it or not, we will sue you for
"And I can tell from the clothes you're wearing that you work in sales, right? If your store
manager knew you loved to spit bloody words, would he still keep you in the store?"
This will definitely not happen.
People who talk nonsense outside will definitely scold others if they encounter difficult
customers during the service process. Who would want to keep such a person who likes to offend
customers in the store?
Gu Qiqi had nothing to say, so she stamped her feet and walked away.
Seeing that the man was being bullied away, Guo Nuan raised his eyebrows proudly, "With such
little skill, he still dares to come and offend you."
Lin Yiran smiled and said, "When did you become so eloquent?"
Whenever the two of them went out and encountered difficult people, Guo Nuan would usually
hide behind and confront them, leaving others speechless.
Guo Nuan patted his chest and said, "I don't want to see you being bullied by her. Even if I am
nervous, I have to stand up and vent your anger for you."
Lin Yiran was very moved by her good sister's unhesitating support. She took the black card given
to her by Huo Jinlin and said, "Let's not think about the people who are affecting our mood. Let's
go shopping quickly."
After coming out with great difficulty, he had to buy a lot of things to bring back. What's more,
Huo Jinlin also gave him a black card. Before coming here, he was so angry that he was half dead.
This time, he must get it back.
Both of them forgot about Gu Qiqi.
The humiliated Gu Qiqi was very unconvinced. She went home and looked at herself in the
mirror. She felt deeply that she was quite pretty, so why couldn't she climb into someone else's
Feeling more and more infuriated, she secretly formed a plan in her mind.
Two different people, with two different mentalities, can never reach the same peak.
In the evening, Lin Yiran and Guo Nuan walked on the street carrying large and small bags, which
was very attractive.
The boys were so amazed by their beauty that they couldn't take their eyes off.
While the girls envied their looks, they also felt that they were rich.
People like them who are beautiful and rich don't need to rely on men at all and will definitely
live a very happy life.
They were already used to other people's strange looks, so it didn't stop them from finding other
places to play.
After leaving all the things they bought in one place, the two of them came to the amusement
Lin Yiran opened his arms and said happily, "We must let loose today and try out all the facilities
Guo Nuan nodded. Due to her mother's long-term favoritism, she had basically never had the
chance to come to places like this.
It’s not easy to get here today, so I must have a good time.
Then, the two of them held hands and prepared to walk into the amusement park, but they were
interrupted by a very loud phone call.
When she saw that it was Huo Jinlin calling, she thought that Huo Jinlin was here to harass her,
and was about to hang up the call, when suddenly a message popped up.
After reading it, her face looked very ugly.
Guo Nuan thought something serious had happened, so she immediately asked, "What
happened? Who called you?"
Although she felt unhappy, she couldn't bring her bad mood to Guo Nuan. She forced a smile and
said, "I'm afraid our trip will have to end early."
Guo Nuan exclaimed after hearing this. They were just having fun, but now they had to go back.
No one was happy.
But he is not a child anymore. He knows that if he goes back now, something must have
happened at home or at work, so he said, "Next time we have time, let's make an appointment to
travel together."
Lin Yiran hugged her comfortingly and called Huo Jinlin again, "Tell me what happened first?"
Huo Jinlin immediately replied, "You have a company under your name that is expanding its
business, but suddenly something went wrong with a batch of goods. Losing money is a small
matter, but I'm afraid that all your efforts for so long will be in vain."
Speaking of business expansion, she knew which company it was and also realized the
seriousness of the situation, so she and Guo Nuan quickly packed up their bags and bought the
nearest flight back.
On the way, although Lin Yiran looked very calm, Guo Nuan still worriedly comforted her, "Huo
Jinlin is here. Even if the sky falls, he will hold it up."
Lin Yiran had just finished reading the company information sent by her assistant, and she pouted
and said, "What do you mean he's here? If he was really capable, he wouldn't have called me
back to the company in such a hurry."
Actually, there was nothing wrong with what she said, but she had been having a quarrel with
Huo Jinlin recently and couldn't stand anyone praising him.
Guo Nuan laughed immediately after hearing this, "It's common for couples to quarrel at the
head of the bed and make up at the foot of the bed. You two have been doing this for so many
days, at least give others a way out."
Lin Yiran shrugged, "It depends on how he performs."
Guo Nuan, who was so familiar with her, had long noticed that the two had reconciled, but she
was unwilling to admit it because she could not overcome the awkwardness in Lin Yiran's heart.
The next morning, the two arrived at their destination. After arranging for someone to send Guo
Nuan home, Lin Yiran hurried back to the company.
Huo Jinlin guessed that the first thing she would do when she returned would be come to the
In order to see her earlier, he didn't even have breakfast and went straight to Lin Yiran's company.
As soon as he arrived at the office, Huo Jinlin was ready to say a few words of greeting.
As a result, Lin Yiran said, "Notify all departments of the company to hold an emergency meeting
in the conference room."

Chapter 269 Tracking

Huo Jinlin, who was left alone in the office, looked a little embarrassed.
But everyone was busy with the meeting and no one paid attention to him.
After wandering at the door of the conference room for more than ten minutes, knowing that
this meeting might last for several hours, I finally had to go back to my company.
Lin Yiran, who is now busy and flustered, could not have imagined that after Gu Qiqi was driven
away by them, she did not give up on Lin Yiran and planned to hook up with the rich man.
What they could not have imagined was that Gu Qiqi had already installed a micro surveillance
camera on Guo Nuan while arguing with them.
When she first knew that they would appear in the amusement park, she followed them there.
When she heard that Lin Yiran was about to leave, she was anxious.
So in order to catch up, I spent a lot of money to buy a plane ticket, and now I am in the same city
as them.
Looking at this strange yet prosperous city, she felt restrained.
All your things are a hundred times more luxurious than anything he has seen before. It is simply
indescribable. He is afraid to sit on the chairs on the roadside for fear that others will dirty them.
After finding a place to live, he took out his cell phone and thought happily that as long as he
could rely on Lin Yiran to hook up with a rich man, he could survive in this big city.
Then I wanted to check the surveillance footage to find out where Lin Yiran and Guo Nuan were
But I never expected the picture inside to be so dark.
After some thought, she felt that she might have been discovered, and she was so scared that she
threw her phone away.
After taking a few deep breaths, she comforted herself, "It's okay. Even if she is discovered, two
people can't come to intimidate her."
At this time, in the sewer near Lin Yiran’s company, a small micro surveillance camera was lying
Gu Qiqi, no longer worried about being discovered, felt that she should take the initiative to find
Lin Yiran's whereabouts.
When he was trying to maintain a good relationship with Lin Yiran, Guo Nuan was the only one
who argued with him, and Lin Yiran didn't seem to dislike her very much.
In Guo Nuan's absence, it was easy for her to fool Lin Yiran, the big fool.
After all, when Lin Yiran was in school, he didn’t look very smart.
She is not that smart now. If you give her a little sweetness, she will still listen to the words of the
big sister.
Then she went out and wandered aimlessly around the city.
When her legs were so sore that she could hardly walk anymore, she found that it was already
very dark. She sighed and thought that in such a big place, she might not even be able to find her
back even if she searched for her whole life.
Just when Gu Qiqi was about to become discouraged, a familiar person appeared again.
After a busy day, Lin Yiran really didn't want to drive home, so she had to send a message to Huo
Jinlin, asking him to come and pick her up.
Huo Jinlin was naturally happy to do so. "I'm afraid it will take half a month to deal with the
company's affairs. During this time, I will be responsible for picking you up and dropping you off
at get off work."
Tired Lin Yiyan didn't want to say anything and walked quickly to the car.
Huo Jinlin put his arm around her waist and used his other hand to massage her shoulders to
make her feel more comfortable.
The two people are so intimate, and the man is still so noble.
Gu Qiqi immediately thought that the man was Lin Yiran's financial sponsor.
She originally thought that Lin Yiran had found a very greasy old man, but it turned out that he
was so rich and handsome.
How could she not be envious and jealous? Even if this kind of man didn't give her money, she
would be willing to take off all her clothes and lie on his bed.
The ugly duckling, who was once an ordinary person, did not expect to have such strong capital
and come into contact with such upper-class people.
If they had thought earlier that she could rise to the top and become a phoenix, they wouldn't
have bullied her so badly during school.
Instead, he made good friends with her. Now he would definitely be happy to lend her a hand
and send her to such a distinguished man.
Thinking back to when they were in school, she beat Lin Yiran into that state and even teamed up
with everyone in the school to bully her.
Gu Qiqi was so regretful.
The two people in the car had just fastened their seat belts when the assistant called.
"The president just checked and found that there is a problem with the bill in the finance
department. You must come over to review it. Otherwise, the information cannot be transferred.
Do you think it is convenient for you to come over?"
The assistant spoke carefully because he knew that Huo Jinlin had gone to pick up Lin Yiran at this
Lin Yiran loosened his seat belt and replied, "Get out of the car and wait for my assistant to pick
you up. I'll drive home by myself."
Having said that, he pushed Huo Jinlin out of the car, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed out.
He was a little annoyed, but he also understood that Lin Yiran was too tired.
I didn't want to waste my rest time going to the company with him, so I just waited obediently for
my assistant to pick him up.
Gu Qiqi was about to go back to the rental house, but saw Huo Jinlin being driven out.
With a gleam in her eyes, she looked down at the test line of this person, pulling her clothes
down again and again, wishing she could take them off directly.
Then, he ran to Huo Jinlin's side without thinking.
When she was about to miss his shoulder, she immediately pretended to sprain her ankle and
wanted to lie in Huo Jinlin's arms.
Although Huo Jinlin's brain didn't have time to react, the smell of Gu Qiqi's perfume was too
When the two of them were a little bit apart, he felt like he was about to be vomited by the
smell, so he backed away again and again.
As a result, even if he didn't deliberately avoid her embrace, Gu Qiqi still missed her and fell to
the ground.
After they fell heavily to the ground, both of them heard the sound of clothes being torn.
Huo Jinlin didn't dare to look down. Although Gu Qiqi was a little embarrassed, he saw that there
was no one here, so he tore off his clothes with a red face.
She wanted to hug Huo Jinlin and said coquettishly, "Look, my clothes are torn. Why don't you
take off yours and lend them to me?"
The man felt disgusted and lent her his clothes. Wouldn't the clothes also smell like bedbugs?
Thinking of this, he kicked the woman who wanted to hug him away.
"There are so many surveillance cameras here, don't embarrass me. Besides, I don't even know
you, why should I give you the clothes?"
After he finished speaking, Huo Jinlin's assistant arrived and the two of them went to the
No one cared about Gu Qiqi who was lying on the ground without any clothes on.
After returning home, Lin Yin fell asleep immediately.
And the child who was taken away from her was now being held by Jiang Yunyi.
Jiang Yunyi wanted very hard to please Huo Jinlin, so she had no idea how to start, so she had to
start with the two children.
She has been doing her best during this period, and the two children get along well with him.
But she is not his biological mother after all.
While Jiang Yunyi was preparing dinner for them, Dabao called Huo Jinlin and said, "I miss my
mother. When will you pick us up?"

Chapter 270 Blood is Thicker than Water

It is quite inconvenient now, but we can’t stop the two children from seeing their mother.
Huo Jinlin said, "Mom is tired now, so I won't accompany you for now. We will come to see you
early tomorrow after we finish our company work."
Dabao also hung up the phone very obediently.
After dealing with company matters, Huo Jinlin returned home and told Lin Yiran that he would
go to meet Dabao and Xiaobao the next day.
Lin Yiran also slept very soundly because she was about to see her child.
I just arrived at the company the next day.
She was very motivated and took care of all the work in advance, and went to pick them up with
Huo Jinlin before four o'clock in the afternoon.
When Dabao and Xiaobao saw their mother, they immediately abandoned Jiang Yunyi, who had
been with them for a long time.
The two men held their mother tightly.
Although she had never given birth to a child, Jiang Yunyi had deeply experienced from these two
people what it meant to be an ungrateful person.
She pretended to be very virtuous and busy herself.
Dabao lay on Lin Yiran's body and took a breath, "Mom's body smells so good, better than
anyone else's."
After saying that, he arched his furry head into her neck.
Xiaobao saw her inserting her hands angrily and said, "Mom, I want a hug too. Hug me quickly."
Seeing that his little mouth was pouting, Lin Yiran immediately hugged him in her arms.
The family sat on the sofa and chatted, enjoying themselves.
Huo Jinlin felt a little unhappy when he saw that two people were monopolizing Lin Yiran.
Although they are his own children, every time Lin Yiran sees them, there is no place for himself
in his heart. If he had known earlier, he would have thrown the two little kids away.
Then, Jiang Yunyi brought them a fruit plate and asked, "Are we going to have dinner here
When asking, he never looked at Lin Yiran, obviously wanting to know whether Huo Jinlin would
stay here.
As a result, Huo Jinlin picked up Dabao and Xiaobao and said, "You haven't brought the two little
brats home to show grandma yet, so you won't keep them here. This is a good opportunity for
you to have some peace and quiet for a while."
After saying that, he carried the two children and Lin Yiran back to the car and headed to the Huo
family together.
After they left, Jiang Yunyi picked up the fruit plate on the table, threw it to the ground, and tore
all the toys of the two children into pieces.
When they returned to the Huo family, the two old people hugged the child affectionately when
they saw him.
Having been flatterers since childhood, they lived up to expectations and made the two old men
laugh heartily.
They just wanted to chat more with the two funny guys, so Huo Jinlin's mother and grandmother
didn't eat much and kept picking up food for the two children.
But the CK Group’s arch-enemy is not living such a happy life.
Huo Jinlin used a lot of manpower to threaten Guo Nuan's family, and he would find out
We knew about this and sent people to investigate that same day to find out why Huo Jinlin
would threaten a group of insignificant people.
He also got the detailed information that day. He sneered when he saw the description on the
information, "I thought something big had happened, but it turned out to be just a headless fly
losing hundreds of thousands in the casino."
However, this headless fly provided him with a great opportunity.
He called his assistant and said, "This fried chicken shop seems to be near our company."
The assistant nodded, not understanding why the president would pay attention to a fried
chicken restaurant.
When he was confused, Feng Song said, "Drive me to this place now, I will go to meet the owner
of this store."
This made the assistant even more confused, so he just did as the president asked and took the
assistant to the fried chicken shop. However, the assistant just sat there for an hour and then
came out.
After coming out, Feng Song called the leader of the Guo family.
Guo's mother picked up the phone and yelled, "Whoever calls randomly, if they want to scam
you, call another number right away. We don't have any money to give you."
After mocking the other party as a liar, he was about to hang up the phone, but Feng Song said, "I
can give you 200,000 yuan, but you have to do me a favor."
Guo's mother was shocked by the number he said. This was two hundred thousand yuan. If they
really gave it to them, they wouldn't have to worry about their son's gambling debts.
Even though he wanted the money badly, he didn't agree to it immediately, as he was worried
that it was a trap set by someone else.
She deliberately pretended to be in a state of confusion, "We will not do anything that is against
the will of heaven and earth, and don't try to sell dog meat under the guise of sheep."
Feng Song sneered and said, the money has already arrived in your account. If you don’t believe
me, you can check my phone number.
When Guo's mother heard that the money had been received, she no longer hesitated and said,
"Tell me, what kind of favor is worth spending two hundred thousand yuan on?"
She looked like she would complete any task he asked her to do.
Feng Song said slowly, "Your daughter and Lin Yiran have a good relationship. Think of a way to
use their relationship to steal the confidential documents of CK Group."
Guo's mother was unwilling to take such a huge risk to steal confidential documents, and said,
"Take back the money."
When she heard him reject the man, she did not get annoyed, but continued to raise the stakes.
"After you finish, I can give you another sum of money so that your family won't have to worry
about money anymore, and I can also provide a job for Guo Nuan's brother."
After much persuasion, Guo's mother was finally seduced.
After the call ended, Guo's mother went to Guo Nuan's fried chicken shop.
When Guo Nuan didn't see his mother, he said directly that he didn't have the money to pay him
back, and then he wanted to close the store. But Guo's mother held his hand and said, "You are
my daughter. If you can't pay me back, can I take your life to pay it back for him? So I'm not here
to ask you for money this time. I have something to discuss with you."
I'm not here to ask for money. Could it be that my mother has figured it out?
Suddenly, Guo Nuan rekindled her hope in maternal love, but her mother poured a bucket of cold
water on her.
Guo's mother said, "Today I received a call from a stranger who was willing to help our family pay
back the money, but we had to help him steal the confidential documents of CK Group."
As he spoke, he pressed his eyebrows with a worried look on his face.
"I also know how huge it is. You have a good relationship with Lin Yiran, so you can easily get the
documents. As long as you help, he will never come to you for money again."
With a bang, Guo Nuan's brain was about to explode. She came to him not to take into account
their mother-daughter relationship, but to let her betray Lin Yiran. This was absolutely
Guo Nuan pushed Guo's mother directly and said, "I don't have a mother like you, so don't even
think about asking me to help steal the files."
She only has Lin Yiran, her best friend who is like a family member. How could she do such a
shameless thing?

Chapter 271 Rescue Failure

Mother Guo was pushed and slapped her in the face. "I'm not here to discuss with you. If the file
cannot be stolen today, then you can just give me the money."
Both choices seemed to cost her life.
Looking at Guo's mother who never treated her as her own daughter, she was heartbroken and
said, "Are you qualified to be a parent? How can there be such a biased mother like you?"
"For the sake of your son, you really don't care about anything. If I agree to you, I simply don't
deserve to be a human being. And have you considered the consequences of being caught?"
Guo's mother didn't care whether she deserved to be a human being or not. She sat in the fried
chicken shop and said impatiently, "If you are caught, you will stay in there for a few years. The
money they give us is enough for us to live for most of our lives. When you get out, you will have
this money to enjoy your life."
In fact, this was just words to coax the little girl. If they were really caught, it would be none of
their business. Guo Nuan would not be able to take a single cent of the money allocated to them.
Guo Nuan knew very well that her mother was very stingy with her, and she had been in prison
for several years, so how could she possibly be generous enough to help her?
She shouted at Guo's mother, "Since you are not worthy of being my mother, then just sever the
relationship and don't sit in my store."
After pushing the man to the door, she closed the shop directly to prevent anyone from coming
in and disturbing her mood.
Guo's mother was furious and pointed at the door of the fried chicken shop and said, "Whether
you agree to this or not, you must do it for me. If the confidential documents of CK Group are not
delivered to me within a week, you will suffer the consequences."
Guo Nuan, who was being cursed by her, squatted in the fried chicken shop, crying in depression
but did not even mention calling Lin Yiran to cry to her heart.
An hour later, she calmed down and saw that Guo's mother was no longer at the door of the fried
chicken shop.
After sitting there for a few more minutes, she decided that it was time to get away from these
Because as long as they are given the opportunity to touch me, they will lie on my body like a
blood-sucking worm and suck my blood non-stop.
After a while, I got in touch with someone and rented a house very close to the fried chicken
She didn't want to stay at home for a second, so after paying the bill, she went back home to
pack the clothes in her room.
As soon as he entered the house, Guo's mother scolded him again, "How dare you go home, you
ungrateful bastard? Remember what the fried chicken shop told you, go steal the documents for
me tomorrow."
Guo Nuan ignored her and walked out with her suitcase.
Guo's mother also knew something was wrong and quickly grabbed his suitcase, "You ungrateful
bastard, what are you going to do? Now that you've made money, you want to abandon our
family and run away, right?"
Seeing that he was still pestering her, Guo Nuan grabbed her things and said, "I didn't remember
anything you said this morning, but you better remember what I said. I want to completely break
up with your family."
After all, he is an old man. Even though he is very skilled in fighting with others, his health is not
He was pushed to the ground in a few seconds, and Guo Nuan pulled the suitcase into a taxi and
Seeing how flustered she was, the driver drove very fast.
After she left, Guo's mother was still cursing, and Guo Cheng, who had been out for a day, also
came back.
Seeing his parents lying on the ground, he asked, "Who did you have a conflict with again?"
Before Guo's mother could say anything about Guo Nuan, the debt collectors showed up at the
A man who looked like a big man knocked on the ground with a stick in his hand, "When are you
going to pay me back as agreed? If you don't, I'll send your whole family to jail."
Guo Cheng was still somewhat arrogant, so he said to the debt collector, "We will be able to
collect the money soon, why are you rushing us? Do you think people like you can be good
If they talk it over nicely, it might help to slow down the process for a few days.
In the end, not only did I not get the money, I was also scolded. The debt collector just waved his
"Young man, if you don't have any skills, you have to learn to be humble. Didn't your parents
teach you that?"
Then he looked at his men, holding the sticks in his hands and said directly, "Since your parents
didn't teach you well, I will use these sticks today to let you experience what it means to be a
filial son under the stick."
As he said this, he raised the stick in his hand, which was thicker than his arm, and hit him on the
Frightened and dazed, Guo's mother lay on the ground and dared not try to stop their sticks.
Instead, she cried and begged for mercy, "Stop hitting me. If you want to hit me, hit me as his
mother. After all, you just said that we parents didn't teach him well."
She said to hit them with the stick, but in her heart she didn't dare to take any responsibility for
Guo Cheng, because if the stick fell on her, her bones would definitely fall apart.
They stopped beating the man to death, and the leader spat and said, "Return the money within
a week, or it won't be sticks that fall on you."
Guo's mother nodded quickly and promised that the money would be paid within a week, and
then they left.
After everyone left, Guo Cheng wiped the blood from his mouth and asked, "How is the theft of
documents that you told me about this afternoon going?"
When thinking of the documents, Guo's mother thought of her disappointing daughter and said
angrily, "If Guo Nuan was willing to steal the documents, she would have gotten them tomorrow
morning. But I never thought that when I went to find her today, she not only refused but also
kicked me out."
And there was an explanation as to why they were sitting on the ground when they returned
from Guocheng.
"She just came back, packed her clothes, and left, pushing us to the ground."
He was very angry about Guo Nuan's escape. "She is indeed an ungrateful person. Our family
cannot survive with the 200,000 yuan, and she just watched."
But the person had already run far away and he couldn't catch him, so this time he had to take
action alone.
At night, he disguised himself as a white-collar worker and came to the door of CK Group.
He was a little nervous about the work badge in his hand. He bought it from someone else at a
high price, and he could only hold it for one day.
If he fails to get the documents out today, his life will be over.
With a deep breath, he entered the CK Group.
Huo Jinlin, who had just returned to the company late at night after spending time with Lin Yiran,
happened to run into him.
Seeing that he was so nervous that he didn't even dare to look up, Huo Jinlin began to doubt
Is he not clear about the rules he has given to his subordinates? When did such a cowardly
person appear in the company?
Thinking about it, she looked at him a few more times in the elevator. When he was about to
walk out of the elevator, she saw his legs shaking like a sieve, and Huo Jinlin became suspicious of
his identity.
When he got to the office, he called his assistant and said, "Call a few people over here and turn
on all the company's surveillance cameras."
Chapter 272 Giving Up Family Ties
The assistant hadn't seen Guo Nuan yet, so he didn't know what had happened, but he quickly
turned over all the surveillance footage.
Huo Jinlin pointed at Guo Cheng in the surveillance video and said, "Today, we will monitor all of
you from all directions. Just keep an eye on this person."
The assistant was also watching the people in the surveillance video. Guo Cheng's sneaky look
made him realize that there must be something fishy going on.
The observer asked, "If he does something bad, should we stop him?"
Huo Jinlin shook his head. "Let him go. I want to see what he wants to do in the company."
With his words, Guo Cheng progressed very smoothly in CK Group. After he entered the
database, he was very proud, "It seems that Huo Jinlin's company is not strictly guarded."
At the top of the company, Huo Jinlin kept the evidence of his theft and then called the police.
Guo Cheng in the database was planning to leave, but he was arrested as soon as the door was
He asked in a panic, "Why did you arrest me?"
No one answered him, and Huo Jinlin directly gave the evidence to the police.
After the two arrived at the interrogation site, Huo Jinlin said directly, "The confidential
documents you stole this time are worth hundreds of millions. Let's see how you compensate
The figure of hundreds of millions was a bolt from the blue for Guo Cheng.
After a while, he finally thought of a rebuttal, "You have no evidence, so how can you say that I
stole your confidential documents?"
Huo Jinlin sneered and put the evidence he had kept in front of him.
"I have nothing to say now. I will not accept your apology or financial compensation. I will sue you
Guo's mother, who received the call, also rushed over and said, "Why did you arrest my son? Let
him go quickly."
But when he saw Huo Jinlin, he realized that the secret had been leaked, which was why he was
arrested, and he no longer dared to shout.
When Guo Cheng saw his parents, he shouted, "Huo Jinlin wants to sue me? Hurry up and plead
for me."
When the two heard this, they almost knelt down and begged Huo Jinlin, "It's not easy for us old
people. We only have our son to take care of us in our old age. That useless daughter is an
ungrateful person. Please be kind and let our son go."
Huo Jinlin moved away from the two of them, "Don't beg me for mercy if you don't have the
intention to let go."
Then Huo Jinlin left, and they could only ask Feng Song for help. "My son was arrested for doing
something for you. You need to find a solution quickly."
Upon hearing that the person had been arrested, Feng Song decided to give up this chess piece
and the call was hung up directly.
Knowing that they were abandoned, Guo's mother kept regretting why she agreed to do things
for him.
In order to successfully rescue her son, she immediately thought of Guo Nuan.
If Guo Nuan was willing to ask Lin Yiran for help, Huo Jinlin would definitely let them go.
Eager to save her son, she immediately called Guo Nuan.
After leaving the police station, Huo Jinlin went to Lin Yiran's company and happened to meet Gu
Qiqi again.
She was still waiting to hook up with a rich man, so she hooked up with Huo Jinlin as soon as she
saw him.
She kept pulling her collar down, trying to rub against him.
Lin Yiran saw it as soon as she got downstairs.
She grabbed Gu Qiqi's hair and said, "You are really capable. You even chased me here."
She dares to be so presumptuous to her man on her own turf.
Gu Qiqi pushed Lin Yiran angrily and said, "Why, are you so afraid that I will seduce your sponsor
Her words made Huo Jinlin unhappy. "I just sent someone to the police station. You want to go to
the police station with me by slandering him like this?"
Then he called the security guard and asked him to take Gu Qiqi away.
Gu Qiqi didn't want to give up, but when she heard Huo Jinlin say that he would send her to the
police station, she had no choice but to leave obediently.
While walking on the road, she kept thinking about how Lin Yiran had hooked up with Huo Jinlin
and become the one who was superior to him.
Feng Song saw everything that happened at the entrance of the group. He drove his luxury car
and stopped in front of Gu Qiqi, "Get in."
Gu Qiqi, whose mind had long been confused, didn't care what the man wanted her to do when
he asked her to get in. She only knew that the man was very rich, so she got into his car
Feng Song looked at the woman in a normal posture and asked, "You like Huo Jinlin, but he
humiliated you so much, don't you want to retaliate?"
Gu Qiqi shrugged, "I don't have that much ability."
Seeing that she had taken the bait, the man took advantage of the situation and said, "I will help
you become the only woman around Huo Jinlin, but you also have to help me deal with people."
But he didn't know that Gu Qiqi had already changed her mind.
She said, "I see you are quite rich and a better person than Huo Jinlin, why don't we give it a try?"
The man chuckled, "Okay."
Anyway, he has plenty of money, so if the woman asks for some, he is willing to give it to her.
Besides, he doesn't suffer any loss by having someone helping him and accompanying him for
The two of them naturally confirmed their relationship, and Gu Qiqi also did her best to help her
deal with Lin Yiran.
She lurked in the places where Lin Yiran appeared every day. Seeing that Lin Yiran took a different
car every time, she took pictures viciously.
As there were more photos, she immediately posted them online, just like she did in school,
slandering Lin Yiran.
However, when he was in school, he united all his classmates, but this time she united everyone.
Photos of Lin Yiran sitting in different luxury cars were posted online. She also said underneath
that Lin Yiran was being kept by an old man and was taken to work by different men every day.
People who are living in frustration like to express their opinions when they see this kind of
pictures and texts, and more and more people agree that Lin Yiran is being kept by someone.
Within two or three days, all of Lin Yiran's privacy was exposed.
Huo Tian also knew about this matter, and he also made reckless and fearless comments on the
"She is our daughter-in-law, but I never approve of her. I think she is not a good woman."
This statement caused more heated discussions among people online. If a person’s family
members do not approve of him/her, they will think that he/she is not a good person.
And someone with ulterior motives revealed the identity of Huo Jinlin's father that day.
They love this kind of wealthy family drama the most, so many people watch it every day.
While enjoying the show, they did not forget to belittle Lin Yiran.
In addition, many of Lin Yiran's schoolmates came forward and told all of Lin Yiran's dark history.
Soon, as time went on, the fried chicken shop was surrounded by people.
But none of them came here to buy food, but to learn about the incident.
Guo Nuan looked at the customers coming into the store with a headache, and kept explaining,
"Don't believe what's on the Internet. It's obviously to discredit Lin Yiran."
"As her best friend, I know her best. She would never play two girls at the same time. Besides,
her status is very noble. She can afford a few luxury cars."
Although Guo Nuan was annoyed now, she still explained to everyone on behalf of Lin Yiran,
hoping that these people would stop talking nonsense.

Chapter 273 Public Opinion Shift

After dealing with the people who came to her to inquire about Lin Yiran's affairs, Guo Nuan
closed the fried chicken shop.
The staff in the store asked, "Boss, more and more people come here every day to ask for gossip,
causing us to have almost no customers in the store. If this continues for a week, the store will be
closed down."
Guo Nuan knew that the store was about to go bankrupt.
However, this luxury car incident is really difficult to resolve. However, she doesn't care about the
situation her store will face, but is more concerned about Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran also experienced being misunderstood as being kept by someone when she was a child.
She must have had a huge trauma in her heart, and now it has been brought out again.
Moreover, the classmates who bullied her in the past also came forward one by one to accuse
the man of sponsoring her, which made the people who heard the gossip believe it to be true
even more.
Guo Nuan sighed and said to all the staff in the store, "We will close the store for the next few
days. You can take a week off. After a week, there will probably be no more rumors on the
Internet, and we can work normally."
Closing the store actually has a huge impact, but compared to the impact on the number of
customers, Guo Nuan now wants to see Lin Yiran more.
Guo Nuan glanced at the paparazzi still standing outside and left through the back door of the
fried chicken shop.
After making an anonymous phone call, Guo Nuan learned that Lin Yiran was in a meeting at the
company, so she took a taxi to her company. When she arrived at the company, she had just
finished the meeting and took her to the office.
Seeing that she was still the strong woman she was and was not affected by the rumors, Guo
Nuan breathed a sigh of relief.
She looked at the busy Lin Yiran and said, "You have seen the rumors on the Internet, but the
truth will soon be revealed. You must not let it affect your normal life."
Lin Yiran twirled the pen in his hand briskly, "Don't worry, the truth will be revealed soon. I'm
busy with company matters right now, and I don't have time to deal with rumors on the Internet."
Then, the two stopped discussing the rumors and started chatting about family matters.
That afternoon, Huo Jinlin learned that his father was also spreading rumors online.
At that time, he simply left behind the company's senior executives who were waiting for a
meeting and returned home unhindered.
Father Gu said calmly, "You are really getting cocky. The company's top executives are calling me.
Hurry back and attend a meeting."
Huo Jinlin untied his tie and threw it on the sofa. "You don't even care about your family, so why
should I care about those executives?"
At this moment, even if the company went bankrupt, it would not shake his determination to
argue with Gu's father.
The incident caused quite a big uproar, and everyone in the Gu family knew that Gu's father had
taken the lead in mocking Lin Yiran.
The whole family rushed over in a hurry. Grandma raised her hand and slammed the table a few
times. "You are really old and your mind is confused. Lin Yiran is like a family to us now. Not only
do you not help her, but you even dare to shout at her and look down on her."
Now she is the elder in the family and she is the one who can really make the decisions. If she
gets angry, she will just kick Gu's father out of the house and see if he dares to look down on Lin
After all, she is the elder. Gu Fu sighed, "Lin Yiran can be with Huo Jinlin, which means she is
marrying above her station. No matter whether she drives a luxury car because she has someone
close to her, I don't accept this daughter-in-law from the bottom of my heart."
Grandma snorted coldly, "If you don't accept her, I won't accept you either. In that case, why
don't you sever your relationship with me and get out of the Gu family directly, so that she won't
have to suffer as your daughter-in-law."
Now that the old lady had spoken, Father Gu really didn't dare to say anything.
Grandma took Huo Jinlin's hand and said, "Little girls are soft-hearted. When she saw your father
say this online, she must be very sad. Invite her to our house today so I can talk to her."
But we can't let the emotional connection that all of them have built up with her be hurt and
destroyed just because of the behavior of one person, Gu's father.
Huo Jinlin said yes, "He originally wanted to make time to visit you two old people today, but he
was afraid that some people would hate her and end up not being able to have a meal."
Grandma knew that he was still worried about Gu's father, so she decided to go out for dinner
tonight. Don't your old friends always invite you to get together? Have a good time with them
today, and no one will call you back tomorrow morning.
Mr. Gu said they were simply confused. "Are you really going to put aside the friendship between
our families just for a little girl?"
They continued to use silence to prove that, indeed, Father Gu's position in their hearts was not
as important as Lin Yiran's.
In the end, he was completely suppressed and did not dare to post any comments online that
showed contempt for Lin Yiran.
In the evening, the man was brought to the old lady.
Grandma held Lin Yiran's hand warmly and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time. You are
getting more and more beautiful."
Lin Yiran was very happy with all the compliments. It was obvious that the reason why these
people asked her to come over this time was because of Gu's father's matter.
But if the enemy doesn't move, I won't move either. It depends on them whether the topic can
be brought up.
After finishing the meal, grandma was indeed a little impatient. She said with an apologetic look
on her face, "We old people don't go online very often. I didn't know until today that he was
slandering you so maliciously on the Internet."
"But don't worry, our whole family is on your side, and the Huo family will definitely protect you.
All the rumors on the Internet will disappear before tomorrow morning."
This is the best way to protect her.
Lin Yiran was very touched by her grandmother's defense. "Don't worry, grandma. He was the
one who said bad things about me on the Internet. I will definitely not let his personal behavior
affect our relationship."
Then, that evening, CK Group stood up to clear Lin Yiran's name.
At the bottom of the video about the rumor of afforestation, the comment with the name of
Peugeot CK Group caught people's attention.
"Lin Yiran and I have been partners for a long time. How could such an outstanding person like
her be kept by someone else? It's more like she is keeping someone else."
For a moment, everyone who was paying attention to this matter suspected that CK Group had
made the wrong comment.
So they didn't believe it that night, but decided to take a nap and come back to check tomorrow.
As a result, when I woke up the next day, this sentence was still at the top. CK Group’s statement
made many people realize that they had misunderstood Lin Yiran, and they all apologized to Lin
However, Gu Qiqi, who arranged this event, bought a lot of internet trolls.

Chapter 274 Taking Advantage of the Issue

However, they did not say it impulsively to deliberately cover up.
Instead, he took advantage of this topic and said, "Everyone, come and see. I said that Lin Yiran
has a sponsor. The president of CK Group is also one of her sponsors, so he is speaking for her."
"So it's the sponsor. I almost believed that they were really partners."
The operations staff of CK Group found these comments ridiculous and responded to them
"Do you know CK Group? Do you know what kind of person our president is? How could he allow
a woman to climb into his bed?"
Then, all the staff of the group stood up and said, "You just don't know how unkind our CEO is. If
it's not a woman he doesn't like, he will never allow her to stand within one meter of him."
The direction of public opinion changed quickly again, but more people just wanted to join in the
Just when they finally chose to believe that Lin Yiran was being kept, Huo Jinlin personally
stepped in and said, "Lin Yiran and I are indeed just partners. There is absolutely no such thing as
a kept woman."
The president personally stepped in, and everyone felt that there was more melon to eat.
When they wanted to find out more about CK Group and Lin Yiran, Huo Jinlin disappeared.
Huo Jinlin sat in his office, frowning, "Go get some reporters. I'm going to hold a press
The assistant was very quick and within half an hour, the company's conference room was filled
with reporters.
Looking at one of the people involved in this incident, the reporter asked, "Mr. Gu, are those
things you said online true? But you obviously have better partners to choose from, why did you
choose Lin Yiran?"
After they had asked all the questions they wanted to ask, Huo Jinlin answered, "First of all, we
do have a clean partnership. I only work with her because of her outstanding business ability."
"Besides, I have a fiancée. If you keep making up rumors about us, it will be hard for me to end
up with my fiancée."
Huo Jinlin admitted in public that he had a fiancée, and everyone was shocked. The reporter who
caught the explosive information immediately asked, "Then can you please tell us who your
fiancée is?"
Huo Jinlin frowned and uttered three words, "Warm wine."
Then within an hour, all the information obtained in the conference room was publicized by
Especially when it was revealed that Wen Jiujiu was Huo Jinlin's fiancée, more and more people
came in to watch the show.
Wen Jiujiu was very proud when she saw that her identity was recognized by Huo Jinlin in public.
She was Huo Jinlin's fiancée, an identity that many people could not match.
After being happy for a while, she immediately confirmed her identity as Huo Jinlin's fiancée
In less than ten minutes, tens of millions of people were following her.
After following Wen Jiujiu, some people began to dig out the identity behind her.
They wanted to know how outstanding a person must be to become Huo Jinlin's fiancée.
When I first saw her photo, although she wasn't stunningly stunning, she was pretty, so I won't
say much about her appearance.
Then they started to talk about her status. When they learned that Wen Jiujiu was also a rich
second-generation, they were all surprised.
Then, many people said, "It turns out that outstanding people are only worthy of being with
outstanding people, but they can be considered a marriage of equal status and wealth."
As soon as he finished talking about the marriage, someone refuted him, "It seems that you
didn't dig deep enough. I just found out that they are childhood sweethearts."
As soon as they finished speaking, the two of them were forced to be together and said
"Since they grew up together, they would have a very good relationship and it would be natural
for them to fall in love and want to get married. It's definitely not like they got married for
business advancement."
Such love is beyond the reach of many people.
Not long after, those who had completely uncovered Wen Jiujiu's identity came to send her their
"Wen Jiujiu, your status and position are comparable to Huo Jinlin's. You two must be happy
together and no one else can interfere."
The person who said this was also a member of the navy who was sent there.
Wen Jiujiu said perfunctorily, "Thank you for everyone's blessings. We are very much in love. If
someone wants to break up our relationship, I will never let her succeed."
Her domineering speech, coupled with the fact that she is the daughter of a wealthy family,
makes everyone like her even more.
Huo Jinlin was still paying attention to the rumors about Lin Yiran, so he didn't care what Wen
Jiujiu said online.
Back in the office, he felt that holding a press conference alone was not enough to prove Lin
Yiran's innocence, so he decided to start a live broadcast after the incident had fermented
Huo Jinlin was going to hold a live press conference, which was directly posted under their
group’s account, attracting thousands of people to watch.
Lin Yiran was also called over by him.
When the two people appeared in the live broadcast room at the same time, everyone held their
breath when they saw Lin Yiran's beauty.
Then, people flooded the screen with comments like, “Why is she a hundred times more
beautiful than the person in the video? If I knew she was so pretty, I would have been gentler
when attacking her.”
Everyone was regretting why they used such malicious words to talk about a beautiful person.
Lin Yiran was not embarrassed by their compliments. When everyone was getting more and more
excited about her appearance, she said, "I notified everyone an hour ago about the purpose of
this live broadcast."
"The person sitting next to me, the president of CK Group, also confirmed for me that I am no
longer a kept man, so I don't want to see any inappropriate comments about me online,
otherwise I will send you a lawyer's letter."
Lin Yiran spoke calmly and composedly, and everyone exclaimed that her domineering side was
even more charming.
She noticed that everyone's attention was always on her face, so she turned her eyes to Huo
Huo Jinlin received the signal.
He then focused the camera on himself. "I would like to say here that as the president of CK
Group, I have to protect the rights of my partners. If anyone spreads rumors that she is being
kept, then our CK Group will pursue the matter to the end."
I don't know who suddenly mentioned in the comments that the two of them look like a good
match, and they are even more of a match for Wen Jiujiu, who announced this morning that she
is his fiancée.
"They are indeed a perfect match. I don't care, even if he already has a fiancée or is married, I will
still support this couple."
Then within two or three minutes, they came up with the names of the two people's CP.
Soon someone announced in the comments, "From now on, the two of them will be called Yi Jin's
Love. I've also set up a fan club. Everyone, come join us."

Chapter 275 This Love

Lin Yiran just glanced at their comments and turned off the live broadcast.
However, the popularity of their CP has been rising at a skyrocketing rate.
Many netizens immediately went to Wen Jiujiu's account and informed her, "Madam, your
husband is about to be snatched away by someone else. The couple has been revealed. Why
don't you break up the couple quickly?"
Wen Jiujiu of course knew that the two of them had just held a press conference, and some
people said that they were a perfect match.
And there's also the story of Yi Jin's love, which is so ugly to listen to.
That group of people is really something. They just said in the morning that they were a perfect
match, but in the afternoon, they couldn't wait to get married.
Then he opened his phone and refuted all the good comments about Lin Yiran.
People who are busy with work and rarely go online, when they open their phones, see the
sudden emergence of a CP and click in out of curiosity.
When seeing Lin Yiran’s beauty, they all marveled at how there could be such an outstanding and
beautiful person in the world.
More and more people paid attention to this incident, and Lin Yiran also won a lot of favor from
the public, which also increased a lot of popularity for their company.
At the same time, Huo Jinlin also gained some benefits.
Everyone was attracted by his domineering image and his protection of Lin Yiran, and CK Group
began to pay more attention to him, which directly pushed CK Group's shares to a new high.
There are many companies willing to cooperate with Huo Jinlin. Huo Jinlin was holding a meeting
with many companies in the conference room. As a result, someone yelled, "All the products we
just made have been sold out, and we have received an urgent order of 10 million. Everyone,
hurry up and get busy."
In the conference room, when other companies heard that the order had been expedited again,
they no longer argued with Huo Jinlin about profits and signed contracts with him directly.
Even though their share is not very large, the profit this time will definitely be much greater than
in previous years.
Feng Song was furious as he watched the CK Group's shares continue to rise.
He pointed at Gu Qiqi and cursed, "This is how you do things for me. Don't even think about
bankrupting their company. I don't think you can even make it fall in value."
Gu Qiqi didn't beg Feng Song to do things for her, and he wouldn't be happy if things weren't
done well, because now Lin Yiran's fame had been raised again, and their relationship had
become even stronger, and Lin Yiran wasn't even the one being kept.
She looked at Feng Song and said, "If you think I am not capable of accomplishing anything, but
am more likely to cause trouble, then you should deal with Huo Jinlin's group yourself. If you
were more capable than him, you wouldn't be so scheming and using cheap means to bring
down their company."
He was angry when he was told that he couldn't compare to Huo Jinlin, but since he had already
been scolded so many times, he calmed down.
He still needs the help of Gu Qiqi to bring down the CK Group, and he absolutely cannot let his
capable assistant get angry and leave.
Then, he pulled out the most inconspicuous ruby necklace from the drawer and put it around Gu
Qiqi's neck.
Gu Qiqi knew it was worth a lot of money just by touching the ruby necklace. Feng Song saw that
she was happy and said, "I just said it in anger. You are my girlfriend, and I will never break up
with you because of CK Group."
She had given him so much money that she could no longer tell whether Feng Song was sincere.
Gu Qiqi looked at the necklace in the mirror and smiled, "I know, I was just impulsive when I said
that you are not as good as Huo Jinlin. Your abilities have not been fully utilized yet. Once we join
forces to bring down Huo Jinlin's group, you will be the overlord of this area."
Now she also understands that she is Feng Song's girlfriend.
If Feng Song's group develops, she will get more and more benefits, so she must help Feng Song
Seeing her vain look, Feng Song sneered. Cheap is cheap. She can be appeased with the cheapest
She also said something impulsive. The reason she chose to be his girlfriend was because she
couldn't make any money from Huo Jinlin, and even Huo Jinlin didn't even give her a glance.
However, both of them used each other.
She didn't need to care that all she wanted was his money. After he brought down Huo Jinlin's
group, he would dump Gu Qiqi immediately anyway.
Both of them wanted to bankrupt Huo Jinlin's group, but in the end they all made their own
decisions about their future.
Because a CP fan club has been established online, there are people shouting under Lin Yiran’s
company every day, asking Lin Yiran to come out and chat with them.
At first, Lin Yiran asked the company’s account to block them, but the calls were so loud that Lin
Yiran had to step in.
However, it just so happens that their company now has a batch of goods that are difficult to deal
with. If the price can go up this time and their company's popularity increases, then the goods
will be easier to deal with.
That night, Lin Yiran started her personal live broadcast.
As long as he was crazy about it, Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran's people would immediately squeeze in
the first second after he started the live broadcast.
"Immediately, people started commenting on my sister's appearance. She is really beautiful.
Today is another day that I am attracted by my sister's appearance."
"If I had such a pretty face, I would immediately find a good family to marry instead of working so
hard here. But my sister is a strong woman. I admire her so much."
With compliments coming one after another, Lin Yiran felt a little embarrassed.
She works hard just to earn more money, which is definitely not as inspiring as they say.
As for her appearance, she thinks she looks just average and cannot compare to those big stars.
So if you really want to see her face, you might as well watch more TV dramas and feast your
After reading all the comments, Lin Yin still felt that he couldn't just listen to what they said, he
had to say a few words himself as well.
She started to say, "Aren't you all urging me to start a live broadcast and chat with me? Then tell
me what questions you want to ask and I will answer you."
But unexpectedly, no one asked her questions, but instead everyone praised her voice in the
comments section of the live broadcast room.
This time Lin Yiran was really embarrassed. When he was about to inform everyone that the live
broadcast room was closed, someone started asking questions.
"Sister, you are so busy, what do you use to take care of your skin?"
As soon as this question came out, more people talked about their skin problems in the
comments instead of praising Lin Yiran.
Lin Yiran felt a little relieved when she saw that it was a normal question, but she couldn't answer
She said awkwardly, "When I'm busy, I just wash my face with water. When I'm not busy, I apply
something. The things I use are similar to everyone else's. There's really no special method."
The person who asked the question said dejectedly, "Sure enough, beautiful people won't have
any skin problems even if they wash their faces with plain water."

Chapter 276: Popularity Soars

I had just finished praising Lin Yiran for her excellent foundation, but some comments attacking
Lin Yiran appeared in the comment section.
"How can simple skin care achieve this effect? We are all normal people. She has the usual skin
problems. She must have spent a lot of money on her face."
The appearance of this person made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room very awkward.
Lin Yiran was too lazy to cause trouble and directly kicked the person out of the live broadcast
Then he answered some questions in the live broadcast room and turned off his phone.
Huo Jinlin also knew that Lin Yiran was doing a live broadcast, so he wanted to find her and
participate in the live broadcast with her. However, the live broadcast was closed as soon as he
arrived at her place.
Looking at her lying on the sofa, the man pinched her shoulders sadly and said, "The reason why
this rumor has such a big impact is mainly because my father made inappropriate remarks."
She waved her hand and said, "I told you that what your father said will not involve you, so you
don't need to apologize."
Huo Jinlin hugged her with relief, "I will make it up to you."
After finishing his words, he would treat Lin Yiran well, and did not forget to praise her for the
benefits she brought to the group this time.
"Originally, CP Group also had a lot of goods that it couldn't handle. Since you attracted a lot of
fans this time, the popularity of CK Group has also increased. More and more people are paying
attention to the group and buying products."
In order to express more intuitively how much impact Lin Yiran's popularity has brought to CK
Group, she was told the group's product sales.
"This time, all the accumulated goods have been cleared out, and some people have already
placed a lot of pre-orders. The popularity of CK Group will continue to rise next quarter, all thanks
to you."
Huo Jinlin succeeded, and Lin Yiran felt that this live broadcast was also effective. "Wouldn't it be
good to clear out all the goods?"
"However, if the popularity of CK Group continues to grow, there will definitely be a lot of people
looking for you to cooperate with them. Why did you come to me when you are so busy?"
He reached out and rubbed his ears. "Yes, I'm busy, but I also need to rest. It's already early
morning. If I continue to be busy, I'm afraid tomorrow's attention will be about me, the president
of the group."
When he said something bad, Lin Yiran punched him directly and said, "If you are tired, go and
rest first. I just used the time I had to spare from a meeting to do the live broadcast, so I have to
contact the company's senior management later."
They were all very sweet and happy, but Lin Yiyi didn't know about the press conference until
after school.
After coming out of school, she could see Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran on the visible screen.
Then she went to find out what had happened between the two of them. When she saw that
there was a fan club for their CP on the Internet, she quickly showed it to her mother.
Xu Juan looked at the people on the Internet who had stopped attacking Lin Yiran, and she felt
happy for Lin Yiran.
"I was still thinking about whether I should meet her in a couple of days, but the trend on the
Internet has changed."
When she learned about the rumor, she, as a mother, was really distressed. Who could sit still
when she saw her daughter being said to be kept by someone?
Lin Yiran's matter has come to an end, and Lao Qin has been busy with a series of things, so after
Guo Nuan came back from her trip, the two of them didn't even have a chance to meet.
While Huo Jinlin was away, he grabbed him and went to work, then quickly drove to the fried
chicken shop.
As a result, he didn't see anyone in the fried chicken shop, only two or three people working
there. He stopped a staff member and asked, "Where is your boss?"
The staff recognized Lao Qin, so he told him more about what had happened in the fried chicken
shop recently.
And also told him, "Now they are not asking the boss for money, but it seems that they are
threatening the boss to do something. The boss is unwilling to do anything for them, so he has
been avoiding them."
"He even moved to a new place a few days ago. He only comes to the fried chicken shop
If he continued to hide, Lao Qin knew that he would not be able to see him if he waited for Guo
Nuan to come back at the fried chicken shop, so he asked him where he lived now.
The staff directly told him where Guo Nuan lived now.
Then, Lao Qin rushed to the house that Guo Nuan rented.
Guo Nuan, who was unwilling to go out, heard someone knocking on his door. He thought it was
a bad guy, so he picked up a stick and walked to the door.
I made a lot of mental preparation before opening the door. When I was about to knock it with a
stick, Lao Qin hugged me.
Lao Qin hugged him and took a deep breath, "It's been so long since we last met, and it's fine if
you don't miss me, but you came up and wanted to hit me with a stick."
Seeing that the person coming was not a bad guy, Guo Nuan put down the stick and asked, "How
did you know I moved to a new place?"
Lao Qin chuckled, "Of course we have a telepathic connection. I can find where you live by
Guo Nuan, who was in no mood to joke, just thought he was being glib.
Guo Nuan took Lao Qin to the living room, "I just rented this house, and many places haven't
been tidied yet. It's a bit messy. Just find a place to sit for a while."
Lao Qin smiled and said that wherever he was, it was the best place. How could he possibly
dislike the mess?
Then, Lao Qin hugged Guo Nuan on the sofa and told him how much he missed him after not
seeing him for a few days.
Guo Nuan pushed his hand and said, "If you miss me, why don't you just come to the fried
chicken shop to find me."
Lao Qin said in distress that Huo Jinlin had assigned him too much work, and it was only because
of his desperate work that he had time to come to the fried chicken shop to find Guo Nuan today.
As a result, the person had already rented a house outside before he even met him.
Lao Qin looked at the house where Guo Nuan lived alone and asked pitifully, "How about letting
me stay here with you today?"
If he lives here, it won’t be just an ordinary residence. Guo Nuan got up from the sofa and said, “I
rent a house for one person, so I won’t take you in.”
Lao Qin was helpless because his girlfriend was not giving him any sympathy.
Then, he pulled Guo Nuan back again, "If you don't want to live here, then don't live here.
Anyway, we will be a family in the future, and we will live in the same room sooner or later."
Looking at Lao Qin, who was as stubborn as a dog-skin plaster, she wanted to kick him out of the
rental house right away.
Whenever everyone is living a peaceful life, there are always some restless people who want to
jump out.
Feeling that her relationships with Dabao and Xiaobao were stable, Jiang Yunyi wanted to seize
the opportunity to move into the Huo family.
She called Huo Jinlin in the evening and said, "Dabao and Xiaobao are used to being taken care of
by me. Now they are staying at Huo's house. They must miss me a lot. Why don't I go live with
Regardless of whether her intentions were good or not, Huo Jinlin would never let her live in his

Chapter 277 Using Children

"I gave you a lot of money, right? If you have no place to live, so you want to use the hard work of
the two of them to live in the Huo family, then why don't you just take the money and rent a
house outside?"
Being refused to move in, Jiang Yunyi realized that Huo Jinlin would not let her live in the Huo
family just by talking.
After hanging up the phone, she contacted Dabao and Xiaobao.
"You two have been living at the Huo's for so long, and you didn't even say you would come back
to accompany me."
Dabao said softly, "We want to stay with our family for a while. If you feel bored sitting in an
empty room, you can take a few days off and come back to work after we come back."
Jiang Yunyi gritted her teeth and gave them the opportunity to express that they missed her and
wanted to come back to live with her, but Dabao asked her to take a vacation instead.
She took a sip of water and continued, "But I really miss you two. It would be great if I could go
with you and take care of you."
Dabao and Xiaobao didn't know that Jiang Yunyi was using them, so they just believed what she
So, when Jiang Yunyi said that if they could come to the Huo family together, Dabao clapped his
hands and said, "Then let Dad pick you up tomorrow."
But the woman sighed again, "I also told your father that I can't leave you and see if it's
convenient to go there to see you, but he said that he wouldn't even let me get close to the
Dabao didn't expect his father to be so cruel, so he said, "I'll talk to Dad about this, you can just
come tomorrow."
Then, he put the phone back to its place and went to find Huo Jinlin who had just returned.
Lying in Huo Jinlin's arms, Dabao began to talk about how uncomfortable he was without Jiang
Yunyi's care.
Jiang Yunyi had just told him on the phone that he wanted to come and live at the Huo family,
and now his son started saying that he missed him. Huo Jinlin saw through this trick at a glance.
Just coax Dabao to go to sleep.
Unsuccessful, he went to Song Yuwan and said, "My dear grandson, why don't you go to bed? I
just went to see Xiaobao and he was already asleep."
Dabao said pitifully, "Jiang Yunyi always takes care of us outside, and she also prepares our food
herself, so we are not used to her not being around to take care of us now. Why don't we bring
her over?"
When Song Yuwan wanted to say directly that bad women were never allowed to come over, the
door was opened and Xiaobao walked into the room with bare feet.
He also pleaded for Jiang Yunyi, "Without her care, I really can't get used to living in the Huo
family. You can bring Jiang Yunyi to the Huo family."
The two children were pleading for her. What kind of poison had been cast on them when they
were outside? A woman who only knew how to use bad means became a good person in their
And if we take her in, will Lin Yiran still be willing to come to the Huo family in the future?
In the end, should they choose Jiang Yunyi or Lin Yiran? Don’t these two kids have any sense of
That question couldn't be asked, so Song Yuwan was very annoyed and asked them to go back to
The next day, I took them both to the amusement park. When happiness fills the heart, they will
forget about the people they shouldn’t think about.
But before going out, Dabao and Xiaobao told Jiang Yunyi that they were going to the amusement
Jiang Yunyi also arrived early, and he followed them every time they changed a ride.
When Song Yuwan was really tired, she took her two children to a place to eat.
Just when I was about to ask them what they wanted to eat, Dabao and Xiaobao started begging
again, "If Aunt Jiang Yunyi comes with you, you won't have to be so tired taking care of the two of
us, so take her to the Huo family."
The topic was about Jiang Yunyi again. Song Yuwan, who was originally tired and just wanted to
eat, put the menu directly on the table.
She was very proud to see that both children were pleading for her.
Even if they really didn't want to take me back, as long as the two children kept clamoring for me
to return to the Huo family, they would eventually take me back in a grand manner.
So he sat at the dining table next to him, waiting for Song Yuwan to agree to take him into the
Huo family.
Even with two children begging for mercy, she was still very disappointed.
Song Yuwan patted the menu on the table and said, "If you don't want to eat, then go to the
amusement park and continue playing. But if you mention Jiang Yunyi again, I will ask your father
to pick you up. Anyway, I will not let her enter the Huo family no matter what."
Finally, he added, "Don't even think about asking your father for help. I am the head of the Huo
family now. I don't agree to let that woman live in here. If your father agrees, your father will
have to leave as well."
Dabao and Xiaobao both knew that they shouldn't mention Song Yuwan again, so they just took
the menu and looked at what they wanted to eat.
Jiang Yunyi was angry. She had been trying to build a good relationship with the two little ones
just to be able to return safely.
But the old witch didn't listen to her grandson at all, and didn't care about the two of them,
because she felt uncomfortable without her around to take care of them.
Seeing Dabao and Xiaobao eating obediently, Song Yuwan also began to think seriously about
their dependence on Jiang Yunyi.
They have been together for a long time. It's okay not to let them see each other for a short
period of time, but after another month or two, they may really not be used to it.
In particular, they both said that they were used to Jiang Yunyi's care. If they let her take care of
the child for a while longer, wouldn't she be able to replace Lin Yiran's position?
Not only can she not be brought to the Huo family, she can't be allowed to appear around Dabao
and Xiaobao.
Song Yuwan looked at them and said, "You two should eat first, but you can't run out of this
Then she asked the waiter to look after them and went to the bathroom.
When she got to the bathroom, she contacted Huo Jinlin, "From last night to today, the two of
them have been saying that Jiang Yunyi is a woman that can't be kept anymore. If you don't want
to affect your relationship with Lin Yiran, get rid of her quickly."
Huo Jinlin had already lost his patience when Jiang Yunyi dared to use her wits on the two
If we keep it, even if Dabao and Xiaobao are well-behaved now, they will be led astray by her.
He said to the phone, "We have already arranged where to send her. You just need to take care of
the two children. Don't let Dabao and Xiaobao have any contact with her anymore."
If she knew that she would be sent away, she would definitely ask Dabao and Xiaobao to plead
for her.
Song Yuwan hummed, "I will always be with them, just rest assured and take care of them."
Then, Huo Jinlin called his assistant and asked, "Didn't you send someone to investigate Jiang
Yunyi some time ago?"
"Yes, the information has been collected, but you didn't read it because I had to deal with the
fried chicken shop."
Huo Jinlin suddenly mentioned Jiang Yunyi again, it must be that she had made something wrong

Chapter 278 Covering up the evidence

Huo Jinlin said he wanted evidence, so there is no time to lose.
He returned to his office and took the preserved evidence intact.
The assistant put the evidence on Huo Jinlin's desk. "Everything about her abandoning the child is
in there."
After watching it, the assistant also felt that Jiang Yunyi was really cruel.
Dabao and Xiaobao were such young children at the time. If they had been left there, they would
most likely have lost their lives.
Looking at the information bag, I know that if I give the evidence directly to them, it might upset
the two children.
So I called Lin Yiran first.
Huo Jinlin said in a dull voice, "Dabao and Xiaobao are still outside. I guess they haven't played
enough. Why don't you go to the playground and play with them for a while."
Lin Yiran was of course willing to play with the two children. Now she put down her work and
headed to the playground classroom. Huo Jinlin probably didn't just want to relax herself, so he
asked, "What happened?"
There was nothing to hide from Lin Yiran about Jiang Yunyi.
Since Lin Yiran asked why, I told her.
"A few days ago, Jiang Yunyi called and said she wanted to move into the Huo family, and she has
already targeted the two children. She is now ready to completely eliminate Jiang Yunyi."
But I have to consider the two children first, so I want Lin Yiran to take them to the playground to
play for a while to calm down, and then give the evidence to Dabao when they come back in the
Lin Yiran also hated people who would take advantage of children just to enjoy wealth and glory,
so she said to Huo Jinlin, "I'll postpone the meeting notice and go to the amusement park to find
them later."
The person who came to inform Lin Yiran of the meeting squeezed her anxiously when he heard
that she wanted to postpone the meeting.
He quickly came up with a clever idea and said, "President, this meeting is related to whether our
future operations will be normal. If you postpone it, the other party may think that we are not
sincere in discussing cooperation and will leave."
Huo Jinlin frowned, "If it's inconvenient for you, you can go after the meeting."
He didn't want to trouble Lin Yiran. What these two children lacked was the love of their mother,
so Lin Yiran was the only first choice.
Lin Yiran smiled and said, "I am very confident about this contract. I just need to talk to them
before I leave."
After the call was hung up, Lin Yiran's subordinates were notified, and then she went to the
amusement park.
Depressed Dabao and Xiaobao were sitting in the playground, and their eyes lit up when they saw
Lin Yiran.
She touched the two children and said, "There are so many fun things to do. Why are you sitting
here instead of playing?"
Then she took the two children and played with them all the things she hadn't had time to do the
last time she and Guo Nuan went on a trip.
Dabao and Xiaobao were quite relaxed with her, and they forgot about Jiang Yunyi who was still
waiting to enter the Huo family.
In the evening, Lin Yiran took them to have another big dinner.
After eating and drinking, she asked again, "Are you satisfied?"
The two people said "satisfied" in unison.
Seeing this, Lin Yiran happily carried them into the car and said, "I see you are tired from playing,
so let's go home first."
Dabao and Xiaobao really stopped playing around and sat in the car obediently. Not long after Lin
Yiran started the car, they both fell drowsy.
Finally, they arrived at the Huo's house before falling asleep. Huo Jinlin had been waiting for
them on the sofa with the evidence in his hand for a long time.
Dabao fell into Lin Yiran's arms, and all his sleepiness disappeared when he saw Huo Jinlin who
had rejected him a few days ago.
The children were still feeling upset, so Dabao and Xiaobao pouted and wanted to tell Lin Yiran
that they wanted to go to their room to sleep.
But Huo Jinlin took the two people in her arms and said, "I allowed you to play so wildly outside
all day, and I didn't urge you. I just wanted to wait until you were happy before telling you the
Dabao didn't understand the truth, but he still sat obediently on the sofa and looked at the
information Huo Jinlin gave him.
Every time he turned a page, Huo Jinlin carefully explained what Jiang Yunyi had done to hurt
After learning that Jiang Yunyi had abandoned her and Xiaobao, Dabao and Xiaobao almost cried.
They held the information in disbelief. Even though it was hard to accept, they never doubted
that Huo Jinlin would use false evidence to fool them.
Lin Yiran looked at the two sensible children and felt very distressed. She asked him softly,
"Perhaps we should wait until they grow up a little before telling them the truth. It's too much
pressure for them to accept all this now when they are still young."
Huo Jinlin held her in his arms and said, "They are strong enough now. Look, when I told them
the evidence, neither of them cried."
Dabao held the evidence in his arms, feeling lost, and said, "My brother and I will go to bed first."
Without caring about the hand Lin Yiran extended to him, he quickly went upstairs.
She wanted to comfort the two children, but she failed to hold either of them. Seeing the two
weak figures, she felt really distressed.
“Ah, but fortunately, they have been taken into the Huo family a long time ago, and now they all
know the truth. It will be difficult for Jiang Yunyi to use them again.”
Didn't she want to take advantage of the fact that they still had some friendship and lie to the
two children, saying that she was reluctant to leave them and wanted to take care of them, so
that the children could plead for her and then she could come back into the Huo family?
The two children hate her now, it’s too late, how could they possibly let her take care of them?
Huo Jinlin touched her shoulder and said, "Dabao and Xiaobao, I will protect them in all aspects."
He then explained the purpose of sending the evidence here today.
"I gave them the evidence because I was afraid that they would be too attached to Jiang Yunyi.
Now all the roots have been eradicated. She will never be able to appear in front of the two
children again."
Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin stood in the living room, looking towards Dabao and Xiaobao's rooms
After Dabao and Xiaobao returned, they did not cry like little children, but calmly took out their
mobile phones. Jiang Yunyi's contact information was pinned at the top of their lists.
Dabao gritted his teeth and dialed the number.
Just as I was complaining in the room about the two kids who were always causing trouble but
could not accomplish anything, the phone rang.
But I still have to use the two children, and I can't take out all my disappointment today on them,
so I pretended to be enthusiastic and said, "I haven't had any appetite since you were taken
After she told him about her longing for him, she asked, "Have you convinced them to let me live
in the Huo family?"
When the question was asked, Dabao felt cold all over and then read out the evidence in his
hand word by word.
When Jiang Yunyi heard her talk about what she had done in the past, her blood froze.
", Dabao, what are you talking about?"
Hearing her voice, Dabao asked with a sobbing voice, "Is what it says here true?"
Jiang Yunyi didn't dare to answer. Maybe Huo Jinlin was with him right now. If he said something
wrong, it would be even harder to make up for his mistake.

Chapter 279 Continuous Utilization

Dabao also understood that it would be impossible to get the answer clearly over the phone, so
he hung up.
In the living room, Huo Jinlin was about to send Lin Yiran back when Dabao came out again.
He begged, "I want to ask in person, can you take Xiaobao and me with you?"
Since it was just a matter of convenience, Huo Jinlin asked the housekeeper to bring coats for
both of them and drove to Jiang Yunyi's residence.
Dabao hung up the phone. Jiang Yunyi was in a state of confusion on the sofa. Half an hour later,
the door rang.
Hearing the voices of Dabao and Xiaobao, she didn't dare to open the door, but she knew that
Huo Jinlin must be there to eat with them, so she took a deep breath and finally greeted them
with a smile.
As soon as the door opened, he threw the documents in his hand to the ground, "Is what I said
on the phone true?"
Jiang Yunyi picked up the information and said, "Is it true? Are you here because you miss your
mother? I went out and bought some clothes for you two today. Come in and take a look."
Children are easy to deceive. If you give them a sweet date, their attention will be diverted, so
she threw the information into the trash can.
But Dabao grabbed her clothes and said, "I don't want to see your new things. I just want to ask if
you have ever abandoned me? And Xiaobao."
Jiang Yunyi hugged Dabao and Xiaobao awkwardly and whispered, "They are all lying to you. They
just want to take you two away from me, so they forged the evidence."
Seeing their confused expressions change, Jiang Yunyi continued.
"Don't tell the two people outside the door the truth I told you. If they hear it, they will really
take you away."
Just when I was happy that I had fooled the two kids, the door was kicked open by Huo Jinlin.
"You are still stubborn even when you are about to die, right? Even if you can deceive the young
ones, when they grow up, they will understand and know that you have deceived them again and
again, and they will only hate you as a mother even more."
Jiang Yunyi was exposed again and pushed the two children out directly, "Yes, you are right, I am
a bad mother, and I gave birth to these two children just to use them."
Then, he laughed like a mad woman, "Also, you care about the two children, but if you want to
take them away, you have to marry me, their mother."
She thought that if she didn't want to use them to get to the top, she would be doing a pretty
good job as a mother.
So she touched her conscience and said, "There are many benefits to marrying me. Not only can
you get the support of two children, but you can also have a good wife and a good mother, isn't
that good?"
She looked at Lin Yiran and said, "I think I am better than Lin Yiran in every way, and I can be a
better mother than her. Since you married me and there are so many benefits, why do you still
make things difficult for me?"
In Jiang Yunyi's world, no one can compare to her.
Dabao looked at his crazy mother and was completely disappointed.
Even though she lost her original intention and lost her two children.
But so many years have passed, and she is still taking advantage of her two children. It is obvious
that she will not be a good mother.
Now, in front of Huo Jinlin, she pretends to be a good mother, but it is still all for fame and
Huo Jinlin was not interested in the person who offered himself to him, especially since he
already had Lin Yiran. He refused immediately, "Even if I don't marry you, with my current status,
I can easily get the custody of the two of them."
Then, he picked up the two children and left Jiang Yunyi's place with Lin Yiran. Finally, he
threatened, "If you try to use the two children again, then get out of here."
Looking at their backs who looked like a family, her heart was filled with hatred.
This time, she was too anxious to move into the Huo family, which resulted in more harm than
Her heart was filled with hatred, but Huo Jinlin now had tremendous power, so for the time
being, she didn't dare to contact Dabao and Xiaobao.
Looking at the newly bought clothes for the two children in the room, she angrily threw them all
into the trash can.
She sat on the sofa and cried for a while. All her living expenses recently were sent to her by Huo
Jinlin. Now that her two children were taken away, she had no source of income. It was time for
her to find a job outside.
Thinking of this, she tidied herself up, put on some light makeup the next day, and went to
various major companies to look for jobs.
Huo Jinlin had already thought about her situation, and after throwing the evidence in Jiang
Yunyi's face, he notified his assistant to issue orders to various companies.
Anyone who dares to recruit Jiang Yunyi as their employee should not discuss cooperation with
her anymore.
So, no matter where she went for an interview, she was turned down.
Jiang Yunyi was walking on the side of the road holding the interview materials and said
distressedly, "Why is it that my resume is still very good, but I was kicked out of the company
without saying a few words during the interview?"
With a sigh, she joined another company.
After reading her resume, the other party was also helpless. "We are very happy if someone like
you can come to work in our company, but the risk of using you is too high. You should try other
Jiang Yunyi, who was kicked out of the interview venue again, also realized that she was
suppressed, so no one dared to hire her.
Her face was distorted with anger and she threw the interview materials into the trash can.
Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran took Dabao and Xiaobao out for a trip early this morning.
Their company is quite busy.
But after coming back from Jiang Yunyi's place last night, the two children seemed to be afraid of
being abandoned again, and they became particularly attached to them.
In order to relieve the psychological pressure on Dabao and Xiaobao, Lin Yiran suggested going
out for a trip today.
They had fun and shopping the whole day.
At night, Huo Jinlin suggested that the two of them stay in a room alone.
Dabao and Xiaobao started crying. He said, "The bed in the room is so big, can't you sleep with
us? You don't want to abandon us while we sleep, do you?"
Huo Jinlin quickly comforted her, "Why would I abandon you two?"
Dabao and Xiaobao didn't listen at all. They hugged Huo Jinlin's thighs and said, "We are very
obedient and can eat very little. Just don't abandon us."
They burst into tears and Huo Jinlin clenched his fists.
It seems that Jiang Yunyi has caused a great psychological trauma to them. He feels that the
punishment of making Jiang Yunyi unable to find a job is simply too light.
She even dares to abandon her own child. Not only is she not worthy of being a mother, she is
not even worthy of being a human being.
Then, he looked at Lin Yiran, "If they want to sleep with me, then let them sleep with me. I'm
going to call my assistant now. Please help me coax them first."
Lin Yiran smiled slightly, then gently carried Dabao and Xiaobao into the room and cleaned them.
In order to completely protect the two children, Huo Jinlin notified his assistant to hold a meeting
with the company's legal team overnight.
That night, Jiang Yunyi was prosecuted.

Chapter 280 Fight for Custody

Jiang Yunyi, who couldn't bear to survive at all, smashed the entire house.
She looked at the lawyer's letter stating the crime of abandonment, then looked at the top
lawyer. She gave up the fight within two days and finally gave custody to Huo Jinlin. She didn't get
a single cent of Huo Jinlin's money.
She couldn't find a job in the province, Huo Jinlin couldn't give her any money, and her two
children had completely abandoned her as a mother. They even blocked her on the phone. She
felt helpless.
Finally, she gave up on trying to get to the top through unfair means and decided to go to other
provinces to make a good living.
Half a month later, she bought a train ticket and left the city completely.
After Huo Jinlin knew that she was gone, he did not tell Dabao and Xiaobao, for he was worried
that the two children still had feelings for her. What if they knew and cried and went to other
provinces to look for her? So he kept it a secret for the time being.
But he had never talked to Dabao and Xiaobao alone, so he had no idea that after they learned
that they were abandoned by their biological mother, they completely severed the mother-son
relationship with them in their hearts.
They didn't know that Huo Jinlin had already dealt with Jiang Yunyi. They were afraid that Jiang
Yunyi would use her mother's identity to sue Huo Jinlin. Huo Jinlin thought it was troublesome to
take care of these two little burdens, so he returned them to Jiang Yunyi.
Therefore, their first step was to establish good relationships with everyone in the Huo family, so
that even if Jiang Yunyi came to snatch them away, they would try their best to keep them.
In the morning, Dabao got up before dawn and no one knew what he was doing.
Because Huo Jinlin has to do morning exercises every day, he wakes up earlier than anyone else
in the Huo family.
Just as he was about to go out for a run, he heard the sound of pots and pans hitting the floor in
the kitchen.
Thinking that a thief had broken in, he frowned and went to look, but what he saw was Dabao
sitting on the ground with a dirty face, picking up a plate that had just been broken onto the
Fearing that he might get his hand pricked, Huo Jinlin quickly picked him up and called the
housekeeper to clean up the kitchen.
She carried Dabao to the sofa and said, "Next time if you want to cook, find a few servants to
accompany you."
Dabao said "oh" dejectedly, and stopped thinking about cooking. He decided to please his family
in other ways.
Suddenly, it started to rain heavily outside, foreshadowing that the day would not be peaceful.
On the street, Gu Qiqi complained, "Why is it raining so heavily?"
He is going to attend a banquet with Feng Song today, and he has dressed up beautifully. Now it
is raining, and he is in a bad mood.
Feng Song looked at the company's stocks and said nonchalantly, "We will stay at the banquet all
day today. When we come out, the rain will have stopped. What's there to be upset about?"
Gu Qiqi pouted, not even looking at the weather outside, and kept taking pictures of herself with
her phone.
Soon they arrived at the banquet. She was amazed at its splendor, but in order to hide her rustic
appearance, she pretended to be calm, as if she attended such banquets frequently.
At the banquet, everyone was surprised by the strange female boss that Feng Song suddenly
brought with him. They thought she was a daughter of some aristocratic family, and they all
wanted to be on good terms with her.
Because she has been working in sales for many years, she can handle challenges from different
people with ease, and everyone looks up to her.
Gu Qiqi held Feng Song's arm and walked around.
I stopped in front of a greasy CEO and was about to toast with the person opposite me when I
heard him ask, "Feng Song, when did you get such an outstanding young lady by your side? Why
don't you tell everyone about it?"
"If there wasn't a party today, we might not have seen you until you all had children."
Gu Qiqi felt a little guilty, because she didn't have the background of a rich second-generation.
The other party praised her so highly, obviously wanting to find out her worth.
At the same time, she also understood that if she continued to follow Feng Song to deal with
various men, she would hear all kinds of difficult questions. It would be better to talk to that
group of brainless women.
So, when Feng Song changed the subject, she let go of Feng Song and made friends with that
group of young ladies.
The daughters of various noble families gathered together, and they all agreed that Gu Qiqi's
identity was not simple, so they didn't make things difficult for her when they talked to her.
After getting along with them, Gu Qiqi heard a lot of gossip, including that many girls liked Huo
Jinlin, and that all the family businesses had been taken away by Lin Yiran, so they all had
resentment towards Lin Yiran.
Hearing them all talking bad about Lin Yiran, she suddenly had a good idea to deal with her.
Gu Qiqi shook the red wine in her hand and looked at Yun Mengya, the most distinguished
daughter of the family.
Although she never said anything bad about Lin Yiran, she felt that she hated her the most.
He drank the red wine in his hand and whispered in Yun Mengya's ear, "How about we deal with
Lin Yiran together."
Before the other party could answer, they saw a newcomer coming to the banquet.
Gu Qiqi looked over and saw Lin Yiran whose clothes were more gorgeous than hers. She was
very jealous, and then she heard Yun Mengya say okay.
The two reached a consensus. Gu Qiqi looked at the daughter of a wealthy family who was still
talking bad about others, and deliberately praised Lin Yiran to make them hate Lin Yiran even
There is an arrogant woman in the center, holding red wine and wanting to attack.
When Lin Yiran wanted to talk to someone else, she splashed it on Lin Yiran's face, "Didn't you
come to this party? Why do you still see this kind of lowly creature?"
Gu Qiqi was secretly happy when she saw this, and was about to instigate others to bully her, but
she saw Lin Yiran pour the red wine back at her.
Lin Yiran pinched the man's face domineeringly and said, "You are quite right, so get out of the
party before I call the security over, so that you, a lowly creature, won't offend everyone."
After being ridiculed, she wanted to tear off Lin Yiran's clothes.
As a result, Lin Yiran's clothes were not touched, and she was kicked away directly.
Everyone sighed, but when they saw that it was Huo Jinlin who kicked her, none of the staff
members tried to please the woman.
He looked at her and said, "Don't you say that people who are not of the right kind shouldn't be
here? Then crawl out of this party."
Then he urged the staff to monitor the woman and took Lin Yiran away.
At the same time, Huo Jinlin took note of those who wanted to bully Lin Yiran, or called their
parents after Lin Yiran returned, warned them over the phone, and threatened that if they dared
to bully her again, he would unite with various companies to suppress them.
That night, the daughters of several noble families were all punished and warned that they would
no longer be recognized if they dared to attack Lin Yiran again.
The next day, they all agreed to come and apologize to Lin Yiran.
At the company gate, Lin Yiran looked at the tough people who wanted her to accept an apology
and sneered, "Go back and tell your parents that I don't accept any of your apologies."
After the banquet, not only the daughter of the noble family but also Gu Qiqi was scolded.

Chapter 281 Unite

When Feng Song knew that she had joined forces with Lin Yiyi, the daughter of an aristocratic
family, he thought she had some brains, but in the end, she was counter-attacked in the same
old-fashioned way.
Back in the car, looking at the woman huddled aside, she felt that Gu Qiqi was useless.
He asked the driver to stop the car and said, "I can't handle any small things well. All I do is spend
money like crazy every day. You'd better get out of here."
But since becoming Feng Song's girlfriend, she has become accustomed to living a pampered life
and doesn't want to go back to the miserable rental house.
She knelt down at Feng Song's feet and said, "Don't you want the confidential documents of the
CK Group? I can steal the documents smoothly, but you can't drive me away."
He frowned, "Then I'll give you another chance. If you can't drag out the documents, you won't
come to see me."
The next day, Gu Qiqi caught Yun Mengya without delay.
Yun Mengya was sitting in the coffee shop and said impatiently, "You didn't come up with another
bad idea, did you?"
Yesterday, I thought I could really humiliate Lin Yiran, but in the end, I won so much favor for Lin
Yiran. Fortunately, she was not the one who went, otherwise she would have been the one to
crawl out of the banquet in disgrace.
Gu Qiqi stirred the coffee and said, "I really thought of a good idea this time, so I asked you out."
Then, he showed her the plan she had drawn up.
That afternoon, Yun Mengya found Huo Jinlin.
She asked him out to discuss the contract. When Huo Jinlin arrived, he said, "Show me your
contract. If it makes sense, I will sign it."
But Yun Mengya did confess her love to him with eyes full of affection.
"Huo Jinlin, what is it about me that makes me unworthy of you? We are old friends, can't you
see that I have special feelings for you?"
When the man heard that it wasn't about discussing a contract, he stood up and said, "Your
status is quite noble, but I like Lin Yiran. If you use the excuse of discussing a contract to ask me
out again, then our two companies don't have to cooperate anymore."
On the other hand, Gu Qiqi asked Lin Yiran out under the pretext of wanting to live in peace with
Knowing that she had bad intentions, Lin Yiran came with a purpose.
However, the person I met when I arrived at the agreed place was not Gu Qiqi.
She frowned, "Who are you? Call Gu Qiqi out."
The man sneered and took out a pocket watch. "You won't be able to see her. As for me, of
course I'm here to hypnotize you."
When the pocket watch dangled in front of Lin Yiran, she felt a little drowsy.
She wanted to interrupt the man, but she fainted on her seat.
Gu Qiqi came out after seeing her fainted, "You just need to hypnotize her and make her think
that the man she loves the most is her biggest enemy. After that, you can take away the 200,000
in Kali."
The hypnotist took the card and hypnotized Lin Yiran.
When Lin Yiran's memory was about to be tampered with, Yun Mengya, whose confession was
rejected, laughed at Huo Jinlin.
"So what if you love her the most? She is almost dead now. Is it possible that you can chase her
and become a pair of mandarin ducks with her?"
Huo Jinlin lost his composure, "You asked me out on purpose."
She raised her head proudly, "It's too late to find out now. She died ten minutes ago."
He slapped her angrily, "Where did you take me?"
Her neck was almost broken, but with her last breath, Yun Mengya told her the location.
Huo Jinlin abandoned the person and hurriedly went to find Lin Yiran.
He knew that Lin was still lucky, so he would definitely be able to save the person if he worked
Lin Yiran was under the hypnotism of the hypnotist, and her consciousness began to become
confused. When she had a headache and wanted to stabilize herself, the confusion was
Huo Jinlin picked up the stick on the ground and threw it at the man who was hypnotizing Lin
Yiran from a few meters away.
The comatose woman's mind stopped racing, and she opened her eyes after a few minutes.
Huo Jinlin stomped Gu Qiqi to the ground, "Hurry up and tell me what memory you want to
tamper with and what you want to do."
What he learned from Yun Mengya was that they wanted to kill Lin Yiran.
But when she came here to save Lin Yiran, she saw that someone really wanted to tamper with
her memory.
Gu Qiqi lay on the ground and kept vomiting blood from her mouth.
She begged for mercy, "No, I am Feng Song. How can I, a person with no identity or status, get in
touch with Lin Yiran? It was he who gave me the right to find someone to hypnotize Lin Yiran, just
to get Confidential documents of CK Group.”
Gu Qiqi knew current affairs. If she couldn't complete the task of stealing confidential documents,
Feng Song would not keep her. And if she didn't tell her why she wanted to hypnotize Lin Yiran,
Huo Jinlin would kill her.
Between having no money and losing her life, she would definitely choose to betray Feng Song.
When Feng Song's name was mentioned, Huo Jinlin remembered that he was his mortal enemy.
"No wonder his company has never made any progress. All his thoughts are on these conspiracies
and tricks. Naturally, he has no intention of improving their products."
Originally, they wanted to take Gu Qiqi away, but before Huo Jinlin arrived, Lin Yiran had already
been hypnotized, so they had to take her to the hospital first.
He threw Gu Qiqi aside for the time being. Since she couldn't escape from his control anyway, he
carried Lin Yiran to the nearest hospital.
Lin Yiran had just woken up, and his mind had been confused. He needed some time to recover
before he could have a complete mind.
While the experts were testing Lin Yiran, the assistant called.
"President, we have an agreement. The company's product will be launched today and you have
to come back. Only in this way can you show your seriousness."
The assistant is helpless. There have been a lot of problems recently and the president hasn't
taken work seriously for a long time.
Even the company's senior executives have written letters of dissatisfaction to him.
Just when he was expecting Huo Jinlin to say that he would be back soon to cut the ribbon, he
was rejected. "Lin Yiran has some health problems here, I am accompanying her. I will leave the
company's product launch to you for now."
Huo Jinlin, who didn't want to listen to his nagging, said domineeringly, "I remember that you
haven't had a vacation for a long time. After the company's products are stably launched on the
market, I will give you a month's vacation and your annual salary will be increased by another
one million."
For a moment, the assistant swallowed all his complaints, because the company's stable listing
would only take a day or two, and after a month's vacation, he could spend more time with his
What made her happy was that Huo Jinlin increased his bonus by one million, so he could enjoy
life with his girlfriend.
After hanging up the phone, before waiting for the results of the examination, Huo Jinlin began to
observe the company's stock, because as long as the new products are launched on the market,
the stock will definitely fluctuate greatly.

Chapter 282 Great Comfort

Just as they expected, the product received a great response.
As soon as a small number of products were tried on the market, they were sold out.
Those who didn't get the product posted their complaints online, "I've been looking at this
product online for a long time. You have to give me a VIP channel so that I can get the product
Someone said to him, "Don't compete with others here. Everyone has been buying CP for a long
time and waiting to buy the product. You can't blame others for your poor hand speed."
Seeing the good response, the assistant immediately promoted all the products.
Those who failed to grab the lottery will naturally start a new round.
Those who have already grabbed the product started to brag, "It's only been an hour since I
purchased it and it's already been shipped. This is really fast. I believe this product is also top-
"Of course. Don't you see what their backgrounds are? And our couple is so sweet."
Huo Jinlin casually liked the comments praising him and Lin Yiran as a good match, then turned
off his phone. The doctor also brought Lin Yiran out.
The doctor gave Huo Jinlin the medical report. "She is just not feeling well mentally right now.
She will fully recover if she rests for a few days and doesn't use her brain."
If her brain is not in good condition, that would be a big deal. He immediately asked, "Why don't
we go get her brain checked?"
We have to ensure that her body is healthy and intact in the hospital before we can take her
away with peace of mind.
The doctor smiled and said, "It's just that her memory has been tampered with. She wasn't
beaten or anything. There's no need for any examination. She can recover if she rests well and
has a good mental state."
Huo Jinlin sighed, but after returning to their home, he let Lin Yiran sleep first. After she woke up,
he decided to take her to the best hospital in the city to check her brain.
A week later, Lin Yiran recovered. The products she and Huo Jinlin's company jointly produced
received very good sales, and she was very happy.
She was planning to find Guo Nuan to celebrate, but it turned out that her best friend had
already been asked out by her boyfriend.
Guo Nuan held Lin Yiran's hand apologetically, "You know, he is assigned a lot of errands every
day. He finally got a day to date me, so I had to go and accompany him."
As a good friend, if she meets someone who truly loves her, she will naturally not hinder her
relationship, so Lin Yiran said, "Then when you come back from your date, make it up to me."
Then, Guo Nuan went out and met up with Lao Qin.
As soon as I fastened my seat belt, Lao Qin said, "Because the sales of this product are so good,
Huo Jinlin is happy to give me a month's vacation. See if there is any place you want to go, and
we can go traveling together."
The corners of Guo Nuan's mouth twitched. She had just told Lin Yiran that Lao Qin would only
be with her for one day, but this guy informed him that he would have a full month's vacation.
But never mind. Lin Yiran will definitely understand her. After all, Lao Qin didn't inform her in
After thinking about it, she said to Lao Qin, "It takes too long to travel. My fried chicken shop is
doing pretty good business. I took a break from my busy schedule to date you today. Let's just
find a place to eat."
After she said that she couldn't go out to travel, Lao Qin felt more and more lonely physically and
mentally, so she had to say.
"If I have time, I'll go out on dates instead of traveling."
Lao Qin sighed, "Okay, but we can't just eat casually on a date. Haven't you always wanted to go
to West Street? Then let's have fun there all night long."
After saying that, he touched the bulging thing in his trouser pocket. Feeling more and more at
ease, she involuntarily turned her head towards Guo Nuan.
The heating was so tense that she thought something was going to happen, and her skirt was
almost wrinkled by her.
But Lao Qin just combed her hair and was so excited that he couldn't do anything. He forced
himself to put his hands on the steering wheel.
Then, he started the car.
Guo Nuan was a little disappointed about what happened. She turned her head and looked out
the window. She said angrily, "I have to go to work at the fried chicken shop tomorrow. How can I
play with you all night? You can only take me home in two hours at most."
There was a traffic light ahead, so Lao Qin stopped immediately.
He panicked and said, "No, your boyfriend has time. Just hand over all the work to the store
employees tomorrow. Can you stay with me for two more days, please?"
Seeing that she still looked unhappy, he immediately took out the surprise he had prepared.
"Nuannuan, I don't know what happened to make you unhappy."
Before he could explain the reason clearly, he quickly brought the surprise to Guo Nuan.
Guo Nuan looked at the ring on her hand and tears instantly burst out.
Lao Qin was at a loss, "Nuannuan, don't cry, did I do something wrong again?"
He carefully held her in his arms and patted her shoulder, but he didn't dare to use any strength,
for fear that he would hurt Guo Nuan if he used a little strength.
Guo Nuan had cried enough and pushed his shoulder, "You big fool."
Then, he kissed her passionately.
Lao Qin was so excited that he almost jumped up, but in fact, he was like a piece of wood and
dared not move at all. It was Guo Nuan who took all the initiative.
Finally, Guo Nuan let him go, and he really dared to hug her tightly in his arms.
"Nuan Nuan, I swear I will treat you well. I just received a bonus of one million yesterday, and it's
all in this card. I'll give it all to you. I'll also put my salary card into one card and then give it to
Guo Nuan was so angry that she laughed. She pointed to the road ahead and said, "The traffic
behind us will soon be congested. Let's drive away quickly."
She was not joking, because the two of them had been gambling for almost seven or eight
minutes, and someone immediately called the traffic police to deal with them.
Lao Qin nodded and started the car.
Lin Yiran failed to make an appointment with his best friend, so he wanted to go deal with the
company's matters, but Huo Jinlin came to see him with Dabao and Xiaobao.
Looking at the two children who kept dozing off, she said, "Why bother them so much at night by
not letting them sleep?"
Huo Jinlin pinched their faces to cheer them up.
With a smile on his face, he said to Lin Yiran, "There is no reason to ask you out for dinner, so I
have to bring them both with me. This way, you don't have to make excuses saying you have to
work all the time."
Because Lin Yiran would definitely not refuse two children.
Lin Yiran clicked his tongue, said hello to the two little guys, and sat in the passenger seat.
Finally, he urged Huo Jinlin, "Didn't you say you would take me out to dinner? Why don't you
start the car?"

Chapter 283 Going Smoothly

Lin Yiran was physically and mentally exhausted after dinner with them. Just when she was about
to have a good sleep, her best friend called.
The other party didn't say anything, just kept screaming. It seemed that her date with Lao Qin
went quite smoothly.
But if she didn't stop her from screaming, she would almost go deaf, so she stopped her best
friend in time who was about to go crazy.
She asked, "Did something good happen to make you so excited? I heard Huo Jinlin say that he
gave Lao Qin a bonus of one million. He can't have transferred all of it to you."
Guo Nuan on the other end of the phone looked at the gift Lao Qin gave her, snorted and said,
"We are almost at the stage of discussing marriage, why are you still talking about money?"
The hint was obvious, and Lin Yiran also understood the purpose of her call this time,
"Congratulations, you two are going to be married soon."
Guo Nuan smiled shyly, "We are planning to hold the wedding next month, can you come?"
As her best friend, Lin Yinyin will definitely not miss her wedding.
But her first sentence was, "Next month, it takes almost a year for people to prepare for a
wedding, how can you so hastily set it to next month?"
Lao Qin is a person worthy of entrusting one's life to, so marriage is an important matter and
should not be treated lightly. Besides, there is only one wedding, and it is impossible to prepare a
good wedding in one month.
Guo Nuan smiled and said, "We both want to finish the wedding as soon as possible."
The main reason was that Lao Qin's work was still on the rise, and a one-month vacation was
hard-earned, so they wanted to take advantage of this month to get married quickly.
Lin Yiran hummed, "It just so happens that I'm almost done with my work at the company, so I'll
accompany you to pick things out during this time."
She has to accompany her best friend throughout the wedding, especially when it comes to
choosing a wedding dress, she must not be careless.
Guo Nuan felt very sweet in her heart.
The next day, they made an appointment to go to the most luxurious bridal shop in the city to
Huo Jinlin and Lao Qin actually came with them.
Seeing all the gorgeous wedding dresses, Lin Yiran was amazed.
Soon, Guo Nuan found a suitable wedding dress. Looking at Lin Yiran who had never taken off her
wedding dress, she suggested, "Why don't you try one on? I think the one you have is quite
beautiful, right, Huo Jinlin?"
Looking back at Huo Jinlin, the man domineeringly took off the wedding dress for Lin Yiran and
said, "You two can go in and try it together."
She happily entered the fitting room holding the wedding dress.
More than ten minutes passed before I finally got it changed.
Lao Qin rubbed his hands excitedly and blurted out the word "wife".
Guo Nuan blushed, "We haven't even got the marriage certificate yet, so don't yell."
The man hugged her shamelessly and said, "I don't care, the wedding is about to take place, and
you are my wife."
Lin Yiran was also very pleased to see how loving they were.
She looked at herself in the mirror in her wedding dress, then looked at Huo Jinlin. The man
didn't say anything, so he went to the dressing room with an expressionless face and took off his
wedding dress.
Finally, she took Guo Nuan to try on a few more before deciding on the wedding dress.
In the car, Guo Nuan hugged Lin Yiran excitedly and said, "I didn't expect that we were able to
progress so quickly. We should be able to select the hotel and invitations this afternoon."
With a plan, the long day was no longer boring. Before it was completely dark, they had selected
the invitations and filled them out.
Guo Nuan patted his shoulders and said, "You guys go back first. I'll write a few more for my
childhood playmates and send them over."
Since escaping from the Guo family, her life has been getting better and better.
However, when she sent the invitations to her childhood playmates, she was still very cautious,
fearing that the whole family would find out. When he came back, he took the opportunity to ask
Lin Yiran to plead for mercy.
Only after delivering all the invitations did he return to the rental house with peace of mind.
On the other side, Guo's mother also just got home and saw the wedding invitation from the
neighbor. She asked curiously, "Which relative of yours is getting married at this time?" The
neighbor didn't know that their family had broken up a long time ago, so he said, "Of course it's
your daughter. He just sent this invitation. Don't you know that your daughter is getting
Guo shouted guiltily that my daughter was getting married. Of course I knew about that, but I
thought it was given to you by other relatives, so I asked.
Then, they got the time and place of Guo Nuan's wedding from the neighbors.
Then, he closed the door and started making a fuss again, saying that the ungrateful woman
married herself off without even telling us, her parents.
After scolding the ungrateful guy at home, he began to plan how to make a big scene at the
wedding so as to get his son out.
It was a busy month, all spent preparing for the wedding so it went by very quickly.
On the day of Guo Nuan's wedding, Lin Yiran felt that it was a bit shabby to marry out of the
rental house, so she chose to stay at his house and wait for Lao Qin to pick her up.
In the room, two children were surrounding Guo Nuan.
Dabao looked at her belly and asked, "Aunt, will you give birth to a little sister for us after you get
Guo Nuan, this person hasn't even gotten married yet, but she's already been asked to have
children. She feels a little embarrassed.
But she felt that she would be happier if she had Lao Qin's child, and she nodded with a rosy face.
Dabao and Xiaobao both clapped their hands and said happily that they would soon have a little
Lin Yiran held the two children back and said, "She's getting married today, so the facilities in the
room can't be messed up."
Then, several people waited in the room for the bride to come.
Twenty minutes later, Guo Nuan got on the car heading to the hotel.
Everyone thought the wedding would go smoothly, but Guo's mother brought her family to the
Lin Yiran frowned and didn't inform the family at all how she found the hotel.
Then they brought a group of security guards and pulled Guo's mother away from the car.
"How can we allow you to make trouble at a wedding? If you don't get out of the hotel, we will
call the police."
Guo's mother was afraid that the police would come, but she was more worried that her son
would not be able to leave the police station.
And they must be afraid that she would make a scene at the wedding, so she threatened Lin
Yiran, "Unless you go and negotiate with the police to have my son released without charge, I will
definitely make a scene at the wedding today."
He won't allow any wedding pranks to happen.
Guo Nuan had long since given up her family ties with them, so Lin Yiran had the security guards
tie them all up without mercy.
"We drove them out, throwing them as far as possible."
Inside the hotel, Guo Nuan and Lao Qin had already exchanged rings, and Guo's mother never
had the chance to come in and disturb their wedding.
Back at the wedding scene, Lin Yiran looked at them putting rings on each other and was very
envious. Huo Jinlin also noticed the envy in his eyes.

Chapter 284 Bankruptcy

Everyone's life seemed to be getting better slowly, and ever since Gu Qiqi was caught by Huo
Jinlin trying to hypnotize Lin Yiran, she was also driven away by Feng Song.
Ever since Huo Jinlin's products came into the market, Feng Song's company has gradually
Especially after their sinister tactics were exposed, they were boycotted by the whole society.
Within a week, his company was completely declared bankrupt.
A few days before the bankruptcy, Gu Qiqi was very smart. She got some money from him again
and ran away with everything that Feng Song gave her that could be exchanged for money.
During the month they were preparing for their wedding, Gu Qiqi lived a life of luxury every day.
Feng Song, who hated her so much, looked for her all over the city.
One day, he passed by the bar he often went to and saw Gu Qiqi.
He rushed forward angrily and beat Gu Qiqi up, "How dare you use my money to support these
pretty boys."
And the so-called pretty boy kept by Gu Qiqi would never watch Feng Song beat his financial
sponsor like that.
They all raised their bottles and threw them on Feng Song's head, "You stinky beggar, can you
afford this bar?"
"That's right, security, quickly kick out this stinky beggar who is disrupting order in the bar."
The pretty boy punched and kicked Feng Song.
Guo Nuan was most excited when Feng Song was beaten and knelt down.
"Didn't you like to pay me back with money before? Now your company is bankrupt, and you are
like a stray dog, and you still dare to come and cause trouble for me."
Then she took out a pile of banknotes and said, "Consider this as a treat from me, take this
money and kneel on the ground to pay it out."
Feng Song stood up and spat at the banknotes he threw on the ground.
Gu Qiqi sneered, "If he doesn't want the money, then I'll give it to you as a reward."
The pretty boy nodded and bowed quickly to pick up the money.
Since the security guard came over, the salesperson left the bar first.
Anyway, Gu Qiqi will definitely come out of the bar before the hotel closes. Then I will let her
know that a fallen phoenix is bigger than a chicken.
With no one to disturb her mood, Gu Qiqi was having a great time drinking in the bar again.
The fawning pretty boy next to her saw that she was drunk and reached into her bag.
When Gu Qiqi was woken up, the pretty boy was no longer by her side.
She wanted to leave the bar with her bag, but found that her bag had been rummaged through
and all the money inside had been taken away.
Naturally, I wanted to talk to the hotel manager about the money I lost in the bar.
But the bartender said, "You were drunk and gave all the money to the male model you ordered,
or you didn't bring any money at all."
Gu Qiqi kept saying it was impossible and she wanted to check the surveillance footage.
But the bar staff kicked him out of the bar.
When Feng Song saw someone coming out of the bar, he covered his mouth.
After punching the woman several times in revenge, he said, "Give me all the money you have."
The other party cried and said, "All the money was stolen by the gigolo I ordered just now."
Not a penny of the money embezzled from Feng Song was left.
The last bit of value was gone, and Feng Song directly broke the man's bones.
"You bastard, you were yelling at a pretty boy to beat me up in the bar just now. Now you don't
have a penny and you're still a lowly thing."
Gu Qiqi was filled with hatred, but if she dared to stand up and hit Feng Song, she would only be
punished even more severely.
After beating the man to a pulp, Feng Song quickly ran away.
The bar staff called the police for fear of getting into trouble, saying that they saw a disabled
person on the roadside.
Gu Qiqi was sent to the hospital by the police, and the police came to investigate her only when
she was able to speak.
"Who knocked you out on the side of the road? Do you two have any grudge against each other?"
She whispered Feng Song's name.
Seeing that he was still a little unconscious, the police asked the doctor to treat him first and then
come back to investigate after he recovered.
When Feng Song returned, he thought that it was impossible for the money to be stolen so easily
by the pretty boy, so he found a way to go to the hospital where Gu Qiqi was staying.
He pinched her neck and said, "You can stay in such a good hospital, which means you still have
some money. Tell me quickly, where did you hide the money?"
A tear rolled down Gu Qiqi's eyes. After being rejected by Huo Jinlin, she should not have
provoked Feng Song. Even if Feng Song went bankrupt, he would not come and beat her up.
She regretted saying, "They really stole all the money. The police paid for my hospital stay. If you
insist on taking the money for my hospital stay, you should ask the police."
Feeling that she still wasn't telling the truth, Feng Song beat her again.
The hospital is not on the roadside, so he couldn't just run away after beating someone up. This
time, he was caught by the police.
The police asked, "Did you beat her both times?"
Feng Song pouted, "What's the harm in beating a woman with such a dirty mind? A scum like her
doesn't deserve to lie on a hospital bed."
What he said was so harsh that the police were afraid of upsetting Gu Qiqi who was still lying on
the hospital bed, so they took him back to the police station for questioning.
Finally, the police found out that Feng Song’s company had done many evil things before, and he
had assaulted people twice, so he was sent to jail.
When Gu Qiqi was almost recovered from the hospital, she had no money and no way out. In
desperation, she scratched her face with a piece of glass.
Seeing the ugly scar on her face, she became crazy.
The police reluctantly called a psychiatrist to examine her, and finally concluded that she was
mentally ill.
The person was sick and could not be released from the hospital easily. The police contacted the
mental hospital directly and sent her in.
Guo Nuan's wedding came to an end only after Gu Qiqi was lying on the bed in the mental
After everyone was sent out of the hotel, Xu Juan and Lin Yiyi arrived.
They took out the wedding gift they prepared for Guo Nuan, "It's a little gift from us, mother and
Guo Nuan accepted it and happily thanked them both.
After Xu Juan and Lin Yiyi gave their blessings to Guo Nuan, they looked at Lin Yiran. She and Huo
Jinlin standing together looked such a perfect match.
They also saw the jewelry they jointly created, which also received a very good response. They
were all happy for Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin.
They were even happier to see how loving the two of them were.
However, he had attended many people's weddings, but he had never attended his own
daughter's wedding, which was a pity for her.
Xu Juan said to Lin Yiran, "Your sister has to go to school tomorrow, and we can't delay the
newlyweds, so I will take your sister home first."
Lin Yiran wanted her and her sister to stay at her place first, but in the end she told them to be
Before leaving, Lin Yiyi also gave Lin Yiran the gift she had prepared for him.

Chapter 285: Parting Ways

After the wedding, everyone went their separate ways. Lin Yiran and Huo Jinlin were sitting in the
car, and before they could express their thoughts on today's wedding, the assistant called.
"President, I was sick today, didn't I ask for leave from you to go to the hospital? I just came out
of the hospital, guess who I saw in the hospital?"
Who exactly did she meet? This question still needs to be posed to her.
Lin Yiran said decisively, "Anyway, it wasn't me that was seen."
I was accompanying Guo Nuan at the wedding, so it was impossible for her to see me in the
The assistant sighed, "Well, you've been tired all day, and you probably don't have the energy to
speculate about these things. So I'll tell you directly, the person I saw in the hospital was Gu
When Gu Qiqi followed Lin Yiran to this city, her assistant went to investigate Gu Qiqi.
So when I saw her in the hospital, I didn't even bother to check on her illness and I immediately
reported it to her.
"I thought you met some important person, but it turned out to be her. From now on, whether
you see her dead on the side of the road or hooking up with an important person, you don't have
to report to me."
Lin was still worried that Gu Qiqi would team up with others to deal with the company, so he
asked his assistant to pay more attention to her. Now that the product has been successfully
launched, there is no need to continue to pay attention to her movements.
Let go of the abuse that Gu Qiqi caused her when she was young.
Now she has reached the top and has reconciled with her past self.
After the wedding, Guo Nuan and Lao Qin returned to their new home.
Lying on the bed, Guo Nuan felt nervous when she heard the sound of running water in the
bathroom, but what she thought more about was Lin Yiran's lonely expression when she left the
wedding scene.
As soon as Lao Qin came out of the bathroom wiping his hair, she put on her shoes and said, "You
should stay alone in the empty room tonight. Lin Yiran lives alone. I am worried about her, so I
will go and accompany her first."
He cried bitterly in his heart. Today was their first day of marriage, but his wife left him to be with
another woman.
Lao Qin blocked the door with grievance, "I'll call Huo Jinlin to go with her, can you stay at
At this moment, Guo Nuan, who was full of love for her best friend, pushed him away and said,
"Let Huo Jinlin go. What if Huo Jinlin does something bad to her?"
The man wanted to say that they had an ambiguous relationship now and if something
happened, it wouldn't be considered a bad thing, but Guo Nuan had already run out with the car
As soon as Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran got off the car, they saw the woman who was supposed to be
with Lao Qin standing at their door with clothes in her hand.
Guo Nuan ran over and hugged Lin Yiran, "You've been tired today, how about I sleep with you as
a reward for being a good friend?"
The man holding the car keys called Lao Qin and said, "Today is your wedding day, and you dared
to let your wife run away. Aren't you too cowardly?"
Lao Qin was helpless because his wife ran away and he was scolded by his boss.
But who can blame him for being a henpecked man? He was reluctant to tie Guo Nuan up and
bring her back so that they could enjoy their wedding night.
Although they couldn't live in the same room, they absolutely couldn't be five meters away from
him, so Lao Qin also ran to Huo Jinlin's house.
He smiled and packed out his clothes, "I'll leave it to you today."
In the end, Lin Yiran and Guo Nuan slept in the same bed, while Huo Jinlin and Lao Qin slept
No, after asking her best friend for help, Lin Yiran also devoted herself to her career.
Song Yuwan has given her a lot of guidance in her career. With the right direction, Lin Yiran has
developed rapidly.
In just half a year, she became famous. While running her main company in full swing, she also
opened several branches.
Fu Tingyi looked at the growing company and sighed, "She is truly a strong and decisive woman."
She also found that Lin Yiran had a strong sense of business and would not hesitate once he
figured out what could make more money.
Even if someone resists her.
She will also run her business under great pressure.
While developing herself, she also did not forget to take care of her bestie.
During the period when her career was stable, she and Guo Nuan jointly opened a food company.
Since she also has her own main business, basically all the affairs of the food company are left to
Guo Nuan.
Although she had made great progress in her career, Guo Nuan could never forget her fried
chicken shop, so after the food company went public, she immediately incorporated the fried
chicken shop under the company.
Everyone can see Lin Yiran's progress. Many people in the circle who admire Lin Yiran call her
Chairman Lin.
Even some people who don't like her have to admire Lin Yiran.
After all, there are very few female businessmen, and even fewer who can develop their
companies to an unrivaled level.
Guo Nuan is now on a roll, and Guo's mother doesn't dare to provoke her anymore.
Their family was destitute due to the blow. Guo Nuan's sister-in-law couldn't stand it anymore
and could only eat one meal a day.
At night when everyone was asleep, she secretly took out the key hidden by Guo's mother,
opened the cabinet lock at home, and stole all the remaining money.
Originally, they could barely make ends meet with that money, but now Guo Nuan's sister-in-law
has taken away all the money, and their family is now completely penniless.
Later, Guo Nuan heard her mother's name again from a neighbor.
She heard that after all the money was taken away, her family had no choice but to beg for food
under the bridge.
However, facing her family who had always regarded her as an ungrateful person, Guo Nuan
didn't want to hear any more about it. She said hello to her neighbors and returned to the food
But when the assistant was about to put the company's new food on the table, Guo Nuan
vomited all over the floor.
"President, is there some strange smell on this food that irritates your nose?"
I didn't think about anything else. I thought that maybe Guo Nuan was very sensitive to some
smells and couldn't smell them, so she spit it out.
Guo Nuan waved her hand, "Take the book away first. My stomach is churning when I see these
She thought that it might be because she went home every day and was stuck to by Lao Qin, and
when she got back to the company she had to deal with the documents brought to her by her
assistant, so she didn't get enough rest.
At this time, Lao Qin happened to catch up and said, "Take something away."
When Lao Qin came in, he saw the food thrown on the ground by the assistant. "This looks
delicious. Why did you throw it on the ground? And this is your CEO's office. Hurry up and call a
cleaner to clean it up."
The assistant nodded and called the cleaner, then told Lao Qin, "The president vomited when she
saw the food. I thought she was feeling unwell, so I threw the food on the ground in a hurry. I
asked someone to clean it up."
When Lao Qin heard that his wife was not feeling well, he quickly threw away the food he had

Chapter 286 Vomiting

"You didn't even call me when you were feeling unwell. If I hadn't come to bring you food today
and hadn't seen the food thrown on the ground, would you have not planned to go to the
After asking this question, Lao Qin threw away all the documents that Guo Nuan was handling.
"The main thing now is to go to the hospital with me for a checkup. Why did you vomit?"
After saying that he would take her to the hospital, Guo Nuan was still looking at the documents
that he had thrown away, so he continued.
"You can do it anytime. If you can't finish the work, I can work overtime to help you in the
evening, or ask Huo Jinlin for a day off to work with you."
Anyway, it doesn’t matter whether she works or not. In Lao Qin’s eyes, his wife is his heaven. He
has to ensure that his wife is healthy before allowing her to come to work in the company.
Lao Qin's attitude was very tough, and Lao Qin loved himself too much, so even vomiting would
be a big fuss, so Guo Nuan had to make time to go with him.
On the way, she kept saying that she was really fine.
But after the doctor examined her, she didn't know whether to be happy or pleased.
Seeing that she was a little dazed, Lao Qin patted her shoulder to comfort her, "No matter what
serious illness you have, I will spend all my money to cure it for you. Don't let your illness affect
your mood."
Guo Nuan laughed and cried, "What kind of incurable disease have you thought of for me? Let
me take a look at the medical report first."
The man saw her crying and laughing, and wondered what was wrong with the medical report, so
he looked at it carefully. He really couldn't understand the doctor's flamboyant handwriting, and
could only recognize something like, "pregnancy."
A minute later, a man and a woman were squatting at the doctor's door, hugging each other,
crying and laughing.
People passing by thought they were crazy.
Tired of crying, Lao Qin quickly took out a cup of water for Guo Nuan to drink.
"You are pregnant now. Your emotions are very important. I will cry. Go sit on the chair. You didn't
eat lunch and you have a baby in your belly. Are you two hungry? I will take you two to eat some
delicious food."
Lao Qin wanted to hold her waist and lead her to sit on the chair.
But I felt that if I put my strength on her waist, it would press on the baby in her belly.
He was like a helpless child, trying to figure out how to make his wife feel more comfortable
without hurting the baby in her belly.
Guo Nuan smiled, "The baby in my belly has a strong vitality, so there is no need to worry about
the consequences."
"As long as we don't do anything to hurt him, he will definitely be born safely."
Lao Qin cried and nodded, "Sit on the chair first. I'll go ask the doctor about the precautions first.
After the doctor has given all the necessary instructions, I'll take you two to eat."
Then he ran back into the consultation room.
Sitting on the chair, Guo Nuan, crying with joy, told Lin Yiran about her pregnancy.
After Lao Qin came back from the doctor, he immediately called female Huo Jinlin.
Huo Jinlin sneered, "You've already sneaked away from your post for three hours. If you don't
come back, I'll have to cancel my promise to find you a job when you're young."
But Lao Qin boasted, "If you don't want to raise my annual salary, then don't raise it. I'm the one
who wants to ask for leave from you now."
"Now I solemnly tell you that my wife is pregnant. During her pregnancy, I have to be with her
every minute, so please give me leave quickly."
He doesn't care about the one million anymore, his wife is the most important person now.
If Huo Jinlin fired him directly because he took too long leave, he would quit anyway, since he had
already made a lot of money from Huo Jinlin.
He also learned a lot from Huo Jinlin, but the money he earned from Huo Jinlin was enough for
him to start a company on his own.
Huo Jinlin didn't want to quit his job, but gritted his teeth and said, "Since your wife is my wife's
best friend, I'm approving your leave. After your child is born safely, you should get back to
At the end he corrected himself, "No, it's after our children are born safely."
Lin Yiran and Guo Nuan are from the same family, so I can be considered half the godfather of his
As a godfather, he must treat the baby in Guo Nuan's belly well.
After hanging up the phone, Lao Qin jumped up and said to his wife, "I have just asked Huo Jinlin
for leave. From the moment you become pregnant, I will stay by your side until you give birth to
the baby."
The woman thought he was a little childish. She had just become pregnant and her belly was not
very obvious yet. It was not easy for her to stumble and hurt the baby in her belly.
And if he took a leave, who would help him share Huo Jinlin's work?
Looking at Lao Qin who was so sticky to him, he finally swallowed his words.
She said, "Although I'm not hungry now, if I don't eat well, the baby in my belly will be
malnourished, so let's go eat quickly."
Lao Qin now obeyed her orders. When he heard that she wanted to eat, he quickly booked a
table at the restaurant and took her there.
Lin Yiran is the only one working in the company now, and Fu Tingyi also often comes to visit.
As Fu Tingyi's fiancée, Xiao Ming often comes to the company to learn how to help them process
some documents.
What was more concerning was Lin Yiran, who saw the two of them quarreling in the office like a
pair of bickering lovers.
Every time I see them quarreling, I don’t feel annoyed or have a headache, but I think they are
very sweet.
She looked at the half-signed document in her hand and realized that Huo Jinlin had not shown
up for many days.
Because of his busy work, Huo Jinlin would come to the company every night to accompany her
until the early morning, but in the past week, she had hardly seen Huo Jinlin and had no contact
with him.
She opened her phone and looked at the time they sent the message.
It seemed like they had lost contact for a long time.
Looking at the two people bickering, Lin Yiran sent a message to Huo Jinlin, "Would you like to
have lunch together today? I just finished all the meetings and documents."
Huo Jinlin only replied one message, saying that he had already asked his assistant to order food
for him and would not eat with her.
Lin Yiran was puzzled.
Is there something wrong with the company, or is there another woman next to him and he is
being held back by another woman? Is that why he cannot come to her company?
But if Huo Jinlin's company encountered big trouble, the news would definitely come out
immediately, so he must have met another woman.
Xiao Ming looked at Lin Yiran and asked, "Today is Valentine's Day. We have already booked a
couple's restaurant. We won't stay in the company with you to deal with boring documents.
Anyway, Huo Jinlin will come to spend a sweet time with you in the future."

Chapter 287 Urge

Huo Jinlin looked at his phone and Wen Jiujiu urged him.
"Hurry up and report all these signboards over there and have the assistants hang them all up."
Wen Jiujiu was arranging order for everyone. Seeing Huo Jinlin always distracted, she wanted to
cut him into pieces.
Huo Jinlin threw his phone onto the lawn and took the light board away. Wen Jiujiu muttered,
"Today is the day you proposed to Lin Yiran. If you don't decorate it beautifully, how can you
leave a perfect memory for others?"
The entire Huo family was looking forward to this proposal, but they had been looking forward to
it for a long time.
Huo Jinlin, this wooden man, finally couldn't sit still anymore after Guo Nuan got married. He
prepared for half a year before deciding on the scene and time for the proposal.
Now he doesn't make good arrangements. Does he not want to marry Lin Yiran anymore? If so,
she doesn't want this son anymore.
The whole family spent another afternoon preparing for the meal. Huo Jinlin checked his phone
in the middle of the day and found that there was no message from Lin Yiran for more than ten
times. When he told Lin Yiran that they could not have dinner together, he actually revised the
sentence dozens of times before he dared to send it out.
When he saw the message, he wanted to leave his whole family behind and let them decorate
the place, and then go to Lin Yiran's company to have dinner with her. But he wanted to leave the
most beautiful memories for Lin Yiran, so he wanted to do all the decorations on the scene
Because of Huo Jinlin's bad attitude, Lin Yiran didn't think about Valentine's Day anymore and just
kept working like crazy.
In the evening, Huo Jinlin picked her up from the company, but Lin still said with a sullen face, "If
you want to break up, don't waste time."
The man almost pulled the steering wheel off. "Even if I have to be your lover in secret for the
rest of my life, I will never break up with you."
Then he took Lin Yiran to the proposal scene.
Well, when Huo Jinlin proposed to her and took out the ring and put it on her hand, Lin Yiran
burst into tears.
She cried and said, "I thought you didn't want me this morning."
"How is that possible? You've already agreed to my proposal, and I've almost finished decorating
the wedding. The wedding dress is the one you wore last time. Let's try it on tomorrow. Let's get
married as soon as possible within a week, okay?"
Lin Yiran was even more moved. It turned out that the man had prepared a grand wedding
behind her back.
She said "OK", and all the people who had been hiding came out and applauded.
After Valentine's Day, their relationship heated up rapidly. Just when the wedding was about to
start, Dabao and Xiaobao suddenly fell ill.
Lin Yiran quickly woke Huo Jinlin up, "Don't sleep any more. Dabao and Xiaobao's temperatures
haven't been normal all night, and they haven't opened their eyes once. Take them to the
hospital quickly."
The two of them each held one child in their arms, and in the middle of the night, Dabao and
Xiaobao woke up on their hospital beds.
They hugged Lin Yiran and cried. Dabao opened his mouth as if to call out the word "Mom".
No one noticed his mouth shape, and everyone in the Huo family breathed a sigh of relief.
The doctor said, "They are just cold. They ate too much and their resistance is low, so they have a
Song Yuwan looked at Dabao and Xiaobao apologetically, "Because Huo Jinlin's proposal was
successful, I was also very happy, so I allowed them to have more ice cream in the evening."
Now that the cause has been found, no one is blaming anyone. As long as the two children are
healthy, that's enough.
Lin Yiran said, "I'll just take care of Dabao and Xiaobao in the hospital. You guys go home and rest
After the Huo family had left, she told the two children, "Don't eat so much ice cream in the
The next day, Huo Jinlin came to pick up the two children from the hospital, and she also went to
the company.
Yun Mengya, who failed to kidnap Lin Yiran last time, was jealous when she saw that Lin Yiran
was already a hundred times better than her peers.
Although no one joined forces, they still secretly spent a lot of money to find someone to kidnap
Lin Yiran.
This was the idea she had after learning that the two had successfully proposed. She was going to
find the ugliest man on the black market and violate Lin Yiran.
As long as she's dirty.
Her company's performance will soon decline, and the Huo family will not accept a woman who
has been defiled by a man.
Yun Mengya spent money to bribe Lin Yiran's assistant and lied to her that a big CEO wanted to
cooperate with them and asked her to come out to meet him. Lin Yiran naturally believed in the
assistant, so she went home in the afternoon even though she wanted to After resting, I still met
with the CEO who was described by his assistant.
But in the end he was kidnapped.
She woke up in a fully enclosed car.
"Dirty man, take your hands away from me."
Lin Yiran calmly insulted the man who wanted to take advantage of her, but the man touched her
slippery face and kidnapped you, and I have sold you to me.
Lin Yiran's eyes darkened. When the man tried to untie everything on her body, she used the
escape knowledge she had learned before, untied the rope, pulled out the hairpin in her hair, and
inserted it into the man's chest.
When she was in pain, she jumped out of the car.
Having escaped death, she knew that if she continued along the route back home or to the
company, she would definitely be ambushed, so she had to take the opposite route.
Finally, after walking a long way, he hid in a secluded bush.
Huo Jinlin brought Dabao and Xiaobao to Lin Yiran's company at noon, wanting the two children
to thank her.
But the assistant said vaguely, "The president didn't come to the company today."
Huo Jinlin went directly to have someone adjust the surveillance system, and found out that the
assistant had taken Lin Yiran out. After questioning, he learned that it was Yun Mengya who
asked him to do it.
The man found Yun Mengya and said, "Where have you deceived Lin Yiran?"
Yun Mengya grabbed his tie and said, "How about you take off all your clothes and I'll answer
your question?"
But Huo Jinlin kicked him away, "If Lin Yiran's position is not revealed, then your company will
Thinking of her father who had been beating and scolding him recently, Yun Mengya still reported
her position, but she said happily.
"In that remote and closed car, an hour ago, the kidnapper should have torn off all her clothes
and violently possessed her."
Yun Mengya said that Lin Yiran was about to be violated, and everyone from the Yun family came
"It was Yun Mengya who was ignorant before, so she bullied Lin Yiran. We have already
disciplined her and did not let her go out again. Now you are young and want to destroy our Yun
family because of the mistakes she made before?"
When Huo Jinlin came over just now, he thought he wanted to discuss the contract with her, so
he was asked to come to Yun's house. But when he came in, he ran to Yun Mengya's room, locked
his daughter in, and almost beat her up. .
Huo Jinlin looked at him and said, "My wife was kidnapped by someone sent by your daughter,
and she was probably bullied by bad guys. Do you want me to come find your daughter?"
But the man really thought that Huo Jinlin was here to cause trouble. Although his daughter was
naughty, she would never kidnap and have Lin Yiran violated.
Chapter 288 Kidnapping again
"Stop being so messy. Even if you have great power, you can't bully my daughter in the Yun
Huo Jinlin said, "I have just recorded that your daughter admitted to kidnapping my wife. If you
don't report her exact location to me, your Yun family will disappear from this city in the next
After listening to the recording, the man knelt down and begged Huo Jinlin, slapped his daughter
and said, "You are too young to learn well. Please tell me Lin Yiran's position quickly."
Yun Mengya suddenly hugged Huo Jinlin's legs as if she was possessed, "I do this because I like
you. As long as you marry the Yun family, I will call the person who wants to violate Lin Yiran."
"You can make a phone call faster than you can rush over, and you can prevent this bad news."
Yun Mengya thought Huo Jinlin would agree.
But the man didn't even bother to give her a look.
Everyone in the Yun family is threatening Yun Mengya, "If you cause the Yun family to go
bankrupt, my Yun family will never recognize you as their daughter."
After insulting her from top to bottom, Yun Mengya finally revealed Lin Yiran's exact location.
Huo Jinlin arrived there with everyone he could bring.
All the perpetrators were still there, and there was a bleeding man in the car.
Huo Jinlin knew that he was the person sent by Yun Mengya to violate Lin Yiran, so when he
pulled him out of the car, he grabbed his wound.
"Where did the people go?"
The man, who was already paralyzed by fear, kept saying that he didn't know where the woman
had gone.
"I came here to do this business only after I got paid. I didn't succeed. I didn't even take off his
clothes, but he left a big wound on my body."
Huo Jinlin treated him coldly and sent the man to where he should be. Before leaving, he
deliberately had someone leave a few more wounds on him.
"Lin Yiran must have escaped from the car and was afraid that someone would drive him back, so
he hid himself. Everyone, split up and try your best to bring him back safely."
"Whoever finds the person first and ensures that the person is not hurt at all will be rewarded
two million immediately by me."
Huo Jinlin announced the rewards, and all the people, whether they were brought by Huo Jinlin
himself or asked for from others, were carefully gathered together.
At night, it was completely dark.
Lin Yiran made sure that the person who wanted to violate her would not be on this street before
she dared to come out of the bushes.
When I walked to the uncovered place again, she heard the footsteps of many people.
Thinking that the man had driven over and walked over again, she already had thoughts of
committing suicide.
But when she heard Huo Jinlin calling her name in the crowd, Lin Yiran stopped herself from
committing suicide.
"Huo Jinlin, are you here to see me?"
After both parties confirmed it, they immediately hugged each other.
"You don't know that I was tricked today. I was kidnapped right after we were talking."
Lin Yiran didn't tell Huo Jinlin about the incident of being almost raped, for fear that Huo Jinlin
would think too much.
Huo Jinlin hugged her lovingly, "I have already caught the mastermind behind this. Tomorrow you
and I will go meet him in person."
If the Yun family thought that as long as they told them the location where Lin Yiran was
kidnapped, they would let her go, then all those years of their careers in the business world
would have been in vain.
He almost caused his wife to be violated, and in order to retaliate, he would make the entire Yun
family disappear from the business world.
Lin Yiran was still in the car and only saw people who wanted to violate him.
She thought the man had seen her by chance at a meeting and was attracted by her beauty and
kidnapped her.
Turns out there was someone behind the scenes.
Now she has a say in the entire business world. She doesn't need Huo Jinlin's help, but she can
make it impossible for the mastermind behind the scenes to survive in the business world.
Lin Yiran asked, "So who is behind all this? It can't be that my company is developing too fast and
has already developed a mortal enemy."
But invading her wouldn't bring down her company. He would have to plant a right-hand man in
her company to steal her company's confidential documents.
Huo Jinlin said, "Do you have a rival? I don't know yet, but this time it was an unrelated woman
who did it."
If it was a woman who did it, then Lin Yiran would understand.
She hit Huo Jinlin's chest, "The girl who likes you must have sent someone to violate me."
Huo Jinlin was sorry, even though he had no involvement in the whole incident.
But when Lin Yiran was involved, it was indeed because Yun Mengya liked him.
"Okay, tell me your name first."
Then, Huo Jinlin revealed the name of the person behind it, "Yun Mengya did it. She seemed to
have teamed up with Gu Qiqi at the last banquet."
She had been bullied time and again, so she had to be taught a lesson this time. Lin Yiran said, "If
I unite the power of the company and bring down their company, you wouldn't feel bad for your
secret admirer, would you?"
Huo Jinlin hugged her in his arms and said, "You are my wife, how can I feel sorry for others? On
the contrary, I will join forces with you to make their company go bankrupt as soon as possible."
Then the car arrived home.
Lin Yiran is missing, and Huo Jinlin has contacted many people, so basically everyone knows that
Lin Yiran was abducted by someone during the day today.
They all waited at the Huo's house because they wanted to see her safely when she was found.
When Wen Jiujiu saw Huo Jinlin’s car outside the villa, she knew that Lin Yiran had been found
"Your disappearance for a day scared us to death."
Several people were talking to each other about how worried they were.
Finally, when he saw that none of Lin Yiran's hair had fallen out, his mood relaxed.
Huo Jinlin sent someone to kidnap the eldest lady of the Yun family, and Lin Yiran told everyone
in the Huo family.
Warmly drinking, he hammered the sofa with his hand, "I have seen this crazy woman at a
banquet before. She is a bit pretty. There are so many young men from aristocratic families
pursuing her, so it's okay if she doesn't contact others. Since she wants to Get involved in your
Especially those who dare to use such dirty methods.
Huo Jinlin added some jealousy to it, but did not say it out loud that Yun Mengya wanted
someone to invade Lin Yiran.
Song Yuwan stood up and said, "The daughter-in-law who bullies our Huo family really thinks that
the Yun family is lawless."
"Even if Lin Yiran didn't lose a single hair, it was because she was too smart. If she hadn't learned
how to escape or hadn't had a hairpin in her hair, she wouldn't have been able to escape from
the kidnappers."
Huo Jinlin looked at Song Yuwan and said, "I have sent people to investigate the Yun family's
company. Their company will definitely go bankrupt within two days."
He knew that the Yun family was an aristocratic family with a strong foundation, and that just one
wrong thing would not bring down their company.
But now, his and Lin Yiran's company has a lot of influence in the city.
If they discovered the mistake they had made and then joined forces with other small companies
to isolate the Yun family, their funding chain would soon be cut off.

Chapter 289 Bullying

"I'll leave it to you."
"If you can't do it well, and outsiders know that the Yun family dared to bully our Huo family's
daughter-in-law, they shouldn't mistakenly think that we are not protecting our Huo family, or
that the relationship between you two is not good."
Now Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiyan are a powerful combination. Some people want to break up their
marriage, so once they find that their relationship is not going well, many people will be sent to
In order to avoid the appearance of a third party, you must be vigilant at all times.
Lin Yiran patted Song Yuwan on the shoulder and said, "I won't sit idly by either. Not only do I not
want others to affect our relationship, but I also want justice for myself."
She was bullied a lot when she was a child, but she never dared to resist.
Now that she has grown up, she can't make up for her childhood self. Now if anyone dares to
bully her, she will definitely fight back.
Guo Nuan knew more about Lin Yiran’s experience. She was already very emotionally sensitive
due to her pregnancy, so she burst into tears.
Seeing his wife crying, Lao Qin was immediately filled with righteous indignation, "President, I will
apply to go back and help you move to the Yun family. After the Yun family is completely out of
this city, I will go back to take care of my wife."
He often helps Huo Jinlin investigate this company and that company. He has a lot of resources at
hand, so it is indeed easier for him to discover the mistakes of the Yun family than for a new
Guo Nuan pouted, "Then you have to do your best. If I see the Yun family again in this city within
two days, neither you nor the baby in my belly will be needed."
The man raised his hands in surrender and promised, "As long as I can make you happy, I will do it
no matter how hard it takes."
Guo Nuan was amused by him.
Because it was already early morning, all the people who came here to guard Lin Yiran were
arranged to stay at the Huo family.
The next day, Xu Juan also came.
"My daughter is missing. Why didn't you tell me yesterday?"
They were all very anxious, but Xu Juan lost her own daughter, so her tone was not good even
though they were in-laws.
The Huo family knew how to be tolerant of others, so they said to Xu Juan, "We want to find Lin
Yiran first, and then tell you."
Then, Lin Yiran came out, "Mom, the Huo family has mobilized everyone to look for me. They
didn't want to tell you first because they were worried that you wouldn't be able to rest assured."
Seeing that her daughter was safe and sound, Xu Juan no longer complained about the things
that were kept from her.
All the people staying overnight in the Huo family woke up. They were all dressed up and ready to
go to the company. They quickly dealt with the Yun family within two days.
That day, more than half of the Yun family's capital chain was broken.
Father Yun smashed the vase directly on his daughter's head, "You don't know how to appreciate
someone. You are ugly and don't show off, are you worthy of Huo Jinlin?"
Yun Mu also accused her, "I gave birth to a disaster. Why did you kidnap Lin Yiran? Do you think
that if you found someone to violate Lin Yiran, he would marry you."
"Now the company owes a huge debt because of you. What can you give me to repay it, you
white-eyed wolf?"
A big hole had been made in her head by the vase, but Father Yun and Yun Mu kept beating and
kicking her.
Yun Mengya regretted endlessly. Why did she kidnap Lin Yiran? If she hadn't sent someone to
invade her, she would still be a superior little princess.
Now her parents are at odds with her, and after her family goes bankrupt, she will become a little
beggar who beats and screams at others.
She begged her parents, "I will kneel on the ground and apologize to Lin Yiran, asking him to stop
putting pressure on the Yun family. You must not abandon my daughter."
Yun Mu spat at Yun Mengya, "You are worthy of calling me mother, you pickled thing. I have
packed all your things into the suitcase for you. I have also written the letter of severing our
family ties with you. Take it with you. get out."
She was kicked out of the Yun family, and the matter has spread online.
Many people who like Lin Yiran expressed dissatisfaction, "If they do such shameless things, why
is their company still on the market?"
"Not only do they do dirty things, but their products are not very good either. I bought a watch
last year and it was scrapped after only two or three days of use. When I found the merchant,
they said I threw it into the water myself, so The watch will be scrapped.”
The upward wind direction is not biased towards the Yun family at all.
Soon, Yun's father couldn't support it any longer, and the Yun family collapsed.
But netizens’ pursuit of Yun Mengya has not stopped yet.
When the excitement about Yun Mengya sending people to kidnap Lin Yiran was almost dying
down, someone suddenly said something.
"The two of them used to go to the same school, and their grievances are quite big."
"When we were in school, we were all children. At most, you would push me and I would hit you,
so what grudges could there be?"
The person who made this comment online was Yun Mengya's former best friend.
She couldn't give Yun Mengya any relief today, but she didn't want to see people on the Internet
criticizing her friends about Lin Yiran.
It was someone from their school who answered her, "Yun Mengya was a female gangster before.
Just because Lin Yiran was beautiful and knowledgeable, she made a lot of rumors about Lin
Yiran, and linked up with many people in the school. People bully her, just like she said on the
Internet that someone was supporting Lin Yiran, and then linked up with netizens to continue
bullying Lin Yiran. "
Everyone was lamenting that they had learned to bully others even when they were in junior high
school. No wonder they dared to find someone to violate Lin Yiran.
Someone immediately retorted, "There is no bullying or bullying, and there are rumors or
"Why do you dare to stand up now? I think Taxi took advantage of this time to spread rumors
about Yun Mengya on the Internet by using Yun Mengya to bully Lin Yiran, a sailor whose family
collapsed and was bought by Lin Yiran."
This person is still Yun Mengya's good friend.
She thought everyone would be confused and felt that Lin Yiran was just using the topic as an
As a result, the person who was criticizing Yun Mengya just now criticized her directly, "If you
think our negative remarks are wrong, then you should quickly exercise justice and give all your
family's money to Yun Mengya."
"Her family is already bankrupt and she is living on the street. With your family's money, she
shouldn't become a beggar."
Huo Jinlin had been browsing the comments on the Internet. When he saw that she had been
speaking for Yun Mengya, he investigated her and dumped the evidence that she and Yun
Mengya had a good relationship online in three minutes.
"No wonder you always want to be the messenger of justice and the bad guy. Yun Mengya turned
out to be her good friend when she spoke. Then you should have had a hand in bullying Lin Yiran
back then. Bullies like you should go into the police station and squat. ”
In the end, anyone who spoke for Yun Mengya online was eliminated by Huo Jinlin.
People who had bullied Lin Yiran before also came forward, "Because we didn't take the initiative
to bully Lin Yiran in junior high school, Yun Mengya got someone to beat us up on the way home.
In order not to be bullied by Yun Mengya every day, we To bully, we have to bully Lin Yiran every

Chapter 290 Chapter 275: Rat crossing the street

In this era where people are most vocal on the Internet, if the word bullying appears on
someone's body, everyone will be disgusted.
So Yun Mengya is now like a street rat that everyone is shouting to beat. Not only his biological
parents don't want him, but people on the Internet are also making comments asking him to die
She couldn't stand it anymore and felt that she was about to collapse. When she really jumped
off the building, she quickly stayed away from these bad things.
Lin Yiran saw that the Yun family fell quickly and stopped paying attention to Yun Mengya's
But if Yun Mengya kidnaps her again to get Huo Jinlin, she won't let those bullied by her take
action next time.
Just when she thought the matter was over, her assistant said, "President, don't you know how
big a fuss this matter is?"
"Originally, the Yun family has collapsed, but there seems to be a driving force behind it. All the
bad things their family has done have been thoroughly investigated. Those who have been bullied
by Yun Mengya have also risen up to resist one by one and personally punished them. She was
sent to jail."
Hearing that the person who bullied him would not end well now, Lin still didn't think much.
Thinking of Gu Qiqi, who had harmed her last time and went crazy, Lin Yiran only lamented that
bad guys get bad rewards.
It’s just that, back then, no one had the ability to resist, so they were bullied. Now, the injustice
has been redressed, which has comforted a lot of people.
She stood up and wanted to go to the conference room for a meeting, but her lower abdomen
began to hurt.
"Boss, do you have stomach discomfort?"
Lin Yiran said, "Maybe the food we ate at noon was a bit cold. I'll just drink some hot water later
to suppress the cold."
Then, he took the report that the assistant had just delivered and left the office.
Huo Jinlin had bribed his assistant a long time ago. Even though Lin Yiran said it was because of
the lunch, the assistant told her financial sponsor that she was not feeling well.
Finally, the assistant said, "I think we need to take our CEO to the hospital for a checkup. After he
was almost hypnotized last time, he has been feeling uncomfortable here or there. I guess it's
because the hypnosis hasn't been completely lifted yet."
Then he went on to talk about how Lin Yiran almost fainted in the office.
After the two of them had discussed everything on the phone, Huo Jinlin anxiously called Lin
The woman answered the phone and said, "I have a meeting at the company. I'll call you back
The man didn't even have the chance to ask her if she was feeling well before the call was hung
up. He looked at his new assistant.
It's a pity that fate plays such a trick on people. Lao Qin and Guo Nuan both have children now,
but they just got engaged.
Thinking about it, I told my new assistant, "All the meetings that the company will handle later
will be changed to online, and I will hold a meeting for them in the early morning."
The new assistant, President Muran, changed the meeting time more than once or twice. The
first time everyone thought Huo Jinlin was abusing his employees, but Huo Jinlin gave them a
bonus of several million.
In the end, everyone said that it was okay for the president to hold a meeting all night.
When notifying the senior executives to change the meeting time schedule, the new assistant
kept sighing that money makes the world go round.
Huo Jinlin went straight to Lin Yiran’s company from CK Group.
After entering, he interrupted Lin Yiran's meeting without delay.
"Come with me to the hospital now."
The people of Lin Yiran Group were at a loss as to what to do and could only watch as their
president was taken hostage.
The senior executives asked, "Can this meeting continue today?"
Lin Yiran's assistant knew that they would also have complaints, so he did as Huo Jinlin said and
gave them a bonus of several million and let them return to their positions.
The woman sitting in the passenger seat felt warm in her heart, "I'm in a meeting at the
company. You openly reported me and made me lose face as the president."
Then, the two went to the hospital.
It was a week later when Lin Yiran came out of the hospital.
Guo Nuan shouted on the phone that she wanted to pick up Lin Yiran from the hospital.
"During the days you were in the hospital, Huo Jinlin refused to tell anyone about your
hospitalization. It made me very anxious."
"If I didn't know she wouldn't joke with your body, I would have threatened to die to get her to
hand over your location information."
Lin Yiran was amused by her words, but she also knew that she was not joking. If someone really
threatened her life, her best friend would do whatever it takes.
"Okay, you're pregnant now, and I'm afraid you'll get emotional when you see me. What if I hurt
the baby in your belly?"
Lin Yiran was packing her luggage in the hospital while joking with her.
Finally, when Huo Jinlin came to urge her, Guo Nuan said, "You have packed all your things. I
asked Lao Qin to drive me to the hospital to pick you up."
"Why don't you stay in the hospital and wait for me to come over."
Then, I heard the voices of Guo Nuan and Lao Qin talking on the phone.
"Huo Jinlin will take her back to the Huo family. Let's stop worrying about it and just stay at home
and take care of the baby, okay?"
Guo Nuan said directly, "Okay, now you have learned to restrict my freedom, right? If you don't
take me with you, I won't let you see your own son after the baby is born."
Lin Yiran was very happy to see their love, but if they continued to quarrel, it might affect their
mood, so she said, "I'm going back to the Huo family directly. I don't have time to reminisce with
you, so there's no need to come to the hospital again."
The bestie pouted in grievance, "Then I'll listen to you and stay at home to take good care of the
baby. Huo Jinlin, you have to protect Lin Yiran in all aspects, otherwise your future godson will
not recognize you."
They all worshipped women as their little ancestors, but Huo Jinlin was 100% doing this because
of Lin Yiran. He immediately looked at Lin Yiran affectionately and promised, "I will never let
anyone kidnap you again."
Then the two of them returned home from the hospital. After this, Huo Jinlin hired a large
number of bodyguards to protect Lin Yiran.
He made such a big noise just to warn those who have evil intentions.
The person is now well protected. If someone attacks again because of him, just go after him
directly and don't touch his wife.
Lin Yiran thought that there was no need to make such a big scene. "There are only a few women
who want to attack me. Now they have all been arrested and imprisoned. How could they hurt
me again? So the bodyguards should withdraw."
Everyone in the Huo family refuted Lin Yiran, "Your company is developing rapidly and you have
many mortal enemies. It would be safer to hire more bodyguards to protect you."
Then he arranged for Huo Jinlin, "I think these bodyguards are not enough, how about finding a
few dozen more? These new ones will secretly protect Lin Yiran."
They all agreed that more protection was a good thing. If they made another mistake and Lin
Yiran was captured, they would feel extremely guilty.
Lin Yiran was very touched that everyone was concerned about his own safety.

Chapter 291 New Products

In the end, she agreed to have a large group of bodyguards following her, but she also stopped
them from finding more bodyguards to protect her secretly.
After Lin Yiran went through the cyberbullying incident, many people saw Lin Yiran again.
Especially her college classmates, seeing how successful Lin Yiran is now, they all regret not
clinging to the powerful people in front of them.
Soon, everyone found an opportunity to make friends with Lin Yiran.
While Lin Yiran was busy with the documents, he received a message from his college classmates,
"There will be a class reunion tomorrow, do you want to come?"
Lin Yiran thought about it and decided to attend the party.
Although she didn't have any very good friends, they had been together for several years after all.
She also wanted to see those people who often bullied her in college.
Because she was busy with work, she was a little late when she arrived at the class reunion and
everyone was waiting for her.
In the past, when she was in school, if she was late, some people would say bad things to her, but
now everyone is very warm to her, and some people even took out gifts to give her.
"Lin Yiran, this is the red wine I brought back from abroad. My family's rough man can't taste it,
so I took the liberty of bringing it to you."
"And mine. You know my family has been in the jewelry business for generations, and I have
accepted my family's business. This is my latest jewelry. It hasn't been launched on the market
yet, so I brought it to you first."
It seemed as if this class reunion was specially held to give her gifts.
Finally, the person who came over to give her something was her roommate, one of the few
friends she had in college.
A few of them had always been good friends in college, but not very close. After graduation, they
had not bothered each other.
Looking at the overly enthusiastic people in the class, Lin Yiran felt that everyone had changed.
In the past, they were like cold machines. Even if they were emitting light all over their bodies,
they would not melt her. Until today, all these lights seemed to be focused on her.
Sitting next to a strange classmate, Lin Yi still felt uncomfortable, knowing that Liu Hui had
"I thought you wouldn't be attending the class reunion today, so I came so late because I didn't
want to come."
Liu Hui sat down next to her warmly, and a few more people came one after another. They were
all people that Lin Yiran had been good friends with in college.
She felt somewhat at ease, and formed a small group with them, chatting happily.
The class reunion in the evening was completely over, but Liu Hui and Lin Yiran made an
appointment to go shopping together.
Lin Yiran had originally planned to attend a class reunion, which lasted until the early morning, so
she had nothing to do in the company today. If she went home now, it would take a long time
before she could go to bed, so she agreed.
The three of them held hands and walked on the road like they did in college.
When they arrived at the door of a store, Lin Yiran felt that the necklace inside was very suitable
for Luo Qiao, so she bought it with a wave of her hand.
Luo Qiao looked at the sparkling necklace and said, "The boss is worthy of being the boss. He
bought a necklace worth hundreds of thousands of dollars just like that."
At the same time, Lin Yiran did not forget to pick out a piece of jewelry for Liu Hui.
Big and small, they spent millions in this store in one night.
Lin Yiran could earn back the money within a day, so she didn't feel that she spent a lot on them,
but the two of them were amazed at Lin Yiran's generosity.
"There are still many bad people in society. If they see you spending so much money on others
casually, they will pretend to be your good friend and spend your money under the name of your
good friend."
Luo Qiao just wanted to remind Lin Yiran to be careful of bad people.
But she asked, "Could you two be the ones who are after my money?"
The two held up the gifts in their hands, "We just wanted to go shopping with you, but we didn't
mean to accept your gifts."
"I know you two are not after my money. Okay, I've called a taxi for you two. Go back as soon as
the taxi arrives."
The three people who had finally met each other ended up like this.
Huo Jinlin also drove over at that time, "Dabao and Xiaobao both wanted to see you, so I had to
bring them both out."
After saying that, the window lowered and the two little kids showed their heads out.
Luo Qiao and Liu Hui both thought that this was their child, so they touched the child's head and
said how cute it was. Then they gave the child a big red envelope before getting in the car and
Lin Yiran also wanted to follow Huo Jinlin back, so Dabao and Xiaobao quickly pulled Lin Yiran to
the back seat.
"I haven't seen you two for just one day. Why are you so clingy?"
After making fun of them, I found out that they were just like little babies, liking to cling to me, so
I held them both in my arms.
Dabao whined and said, "He is still a baby."
Huo Jinlin looked in the rearview mirror and said, "You two have gained a lot of weight recently."
He hinted to the two children to get out of Lin Yiran's arms quickly, but they were clingy and held
onto Lin Yiran's arms tightly.
"I will use very little strength when I sit on her, and will definitely not tire her out."
Looking at the two children in her arms, she thought of her former good friend.
Today on the street, they didn't seem to have any topics to talk about, as Liu Hui kept talking
about her children.
Apart from children, she had no other topic to talk about.
Everyone has changed. Perhaps life really can change a person's personality.
Huo Jinlin noticed her change and asked, "Did you have a scene at the class reunion and get
Thinking of her classmates who were trying to please her, Lin Yiran said, "There's nothing to be
unhappy about. It's just that everyone has changed a lot. Maybe their youth is gone, and life has
crushed their backs."
After lamenting the changes in others, she was glad that she stayed true to herself. Apart from
changes in her age and mentality, she has been making progress.
With a sigh, Lin Yiran went to bed.
The next day, Guo Nuan, who was supposed to stay at home and take care of her pregnancy,
came to the company.
"Why did Lao Qin let you come to the company without even keeping an eye on you?"
She said that Lao Qin failed to keep an eye on the person, but she also knew that if Guo Nuan
insisted on coming, she would have no choice but to send her to the company.
"Don't mention him. He kept me at home all day and didn't let me get out of bed."
"I came to you this time because I thought of a new delicacy specially developed for pregnant
Lin Yiran smiled and said, "Okay, your pregnancy has greatly improved your food development."
It hasn't been long since then, and a new formula has been provided, and it is specifically
targeted, so it is sure to sell well.
Then, Guo Nuan quickly brought over the new food she had developed, and Lin Yiran came over
to taste it.
“These delicacies taste very good.”
After hearing that Lin Yiran approved of the taste of these foods, he began to tell Lin Yiran, "They
are not only delicious, but also very nutritious."

Chapter 292 Intangible Cultural Heritage Spokesperson

"These foods are all made of traditional Chinese medicine. Ordinary people can eat them to
regulate their bodies, and pregnant women can eat them to nourish the fetus."
Even though it is specifically targeted, ordinary people can also eat it, so it will definitely get a
great response.
Lin Yiran said, "I'll go to the company to make the arrangements right away. You can go home and
take care of your baby first."
Knowing that Yun Mengya came to her company so anxiously just to get this delicacy appraised
and then recommend it to the market, she quickly made arrangements.
Lin Yiran was thankful that a new product had come out, and the food company also called.
The manager said that they had also developed a new product and wanted Lin Yiran and Guo
Nuan to go over and try it.
Looking at Guo Nuan who was eager to try, she said, "You are pregnant now. Even if the food they
develop is healthy, you can't eat it randomly, so I just go and taste it. If you have to follow, then
you can only have a look."
She really couldn't stop Guo Nuan's actions, but if he ate randomly, Lin Yiran wouldn't allow it.
"Okay, I promise, no matter how delicious the food they develop is, I won't eat it."
It was not until they arrived at the food company that they found out that the new foods they
developed were all Chinese medicine.
Before tasting the new product, Lin Yiran handed the formula developed by Guo Nuan to the
manager and said, "First, you should do a safety certification for this product, and then we will
develop it in the company."
The manager put the recipe away and Lin Yiran started to taste the food.
But compared with Guo Nuan's product, the taste of the one developed by the company is not
good enough. "Its taste can be improved. You can add some other ingredients to see if it can
taste better."
But the manager said, "There are too few Chinese medicine masters now, and this is the best we
can research at present."
Lin still wanted to achieve perfection and was still not satisfied with this new product, so he
refused to allow her to be listed in the company.
"I'll keep the formula for this product for now. I'll see if I can find some Chinese medicine masters
to come and remix the formula."
After visiting other places in the company, he sent Guo Nuan home.
Because everyone's company was implicated, Xiao Ming soon found out that Lin Yiran was in
I hurried to Lin Yiran's company that day and said, "I heard that you are looking for a Chinese
medicine master. I have a candidate here."
Then let Zhang Nan come in.
With the cooperation of several people, they finally modified the formula to a level that Lin Yiran
was satisfied with.
After seeing her strength, Lin Yiran is ready to hire Zhang Nan to their company with a high salary.
Because their company's development of traditional Chinese medicine is not yet comprehensive,
and they lack a lot of talent in traditional Chinese medicine.
Finally, an important matter is approaching and I must stay in the company.
There are not many people willing to develop the traditional Chinese medicine business now.
Seeing that Lin Yiran was also interested, Zhang Nan agreed to stay in the company.
Gradually, the company grew and became stronger.
But Lin still feels that it is far from enough. If he wants to develop stronger, he must attract some
talents in traditional Chinese medicine.
Nowadays, all traditional Chinese medicine practitioners are hidden from the world, so she had
no choice but to post her current wish on the Internet.
I hope that those talented Chinese medicine practitioners will come to their company after
seeing this.
In the end, as expected, most of the inheritors of traditional Chinese medicine found Lin Yiran
and wanted to join their company.
With the influx of countless inheritors of traditional Chinese medicine, Lin Yiran’s company grew
even stronger and was soon noticed by people in the country.
The intangible cultural heritage organization quickly sent people to find Lin Yiran.
I want Lin Yiran to become the spokesperson for intangible cultural heritage.
"Don't worry, you are also a businessman. I will not treat you unfairly in terms of endorsement.
Besides, you are doing good things for the country."
Lin Yiran did not immediately agree to become their spokesperson, but it was not because she
did not want to agree. Instead, she kept thinking about the hardships she had gone through along
the way.
Because she also understands that inherited culture is being lost more and more, and everyone
must be encouraged.
So after thinking about it, she agreed, "You don't have to pay me, I volunteer to be your
spokesperson because it can also be considered as contributing to the country."
They are willing to contribute to the country, so how could they dare to accept money from
others? Moreover, it will be beneficial to their company if she becomes a spokesperson, allowing
more people to know about their food company.
The sales of gourmet products will also be far ahead.
The people who came to negotiate with Lin Yiran were very happy. "We are lucky to have found a
spokesperson like you. We will still pay the fees that should be paid."
"After all, you are the president now. If you work non-stop in the company all day, you can run
hundreds of millions of operations in a minute."
Lin Yiran said that she was not worthy of it, but she was thinking in her heart that if she really
gave the money to her, she would do charity work.
Soon, Lin Yiran started shooting for this endorsement, and her endorsement of the intangible
cultural heritage organization quickly spread on the Internet.
Lin Yiran is becoming more and more popular. Not only does she bring a lot of profits to her
company, but the food company has also received a lot of attention.
More and more people come to buy their products, and Lin Yiran's development is almost
catching up with Huo Jinlin.
At dinner that night, everyone in the Huo family was saying, "Look at how successful Lin Yiran is
now. I don't think anyone would dare to say that she is not worthy of Huo Jinlin. On the contrary,
I think it is Huo Jinlin who is not worthy of Lin Yiran."
They all felt that letting Lin Yiran marry Huo Jinlin was an injustice to her, and they all wanted to
find her another husband.
Huo Jinlin also had a vague sense of crisis, so he worked hard to improve the company's business
for a long time.
But he could never catch up with Lin Yiran's development speed.
Since Lin Yiran became the spokesperson for intangible cultural heritage, he has also learned
more about its culture.
We felt that it was very necessary for her to be passed on, so we held a large charity event to
raise funds for this intangible cultural heritage.
Huo Jinlin naturally supported it. Many businessmen also wanted to accumulate some virtue for
themselves, so when they heard that Lin Yiran wanted to set up a charitable foundation, they all
signed up.
Lin Yiran is becoming more and more famous, and people on the Internet who initially liked her
just because they were amazed by her beauty have now begun to accept her.
"She is someone I thought had great potential right away. Fortunately, when everyone was
spreading rumors about her, I was one of the few people who supported Lin Yiran."
When many people were creating rumors about Lin Yiran, she was one of the few who supported
Now not only has the truth been revealed, but Lin Yiran is also doing better and better.
Not only is he highly capable, he's also a very nice person.
While having a career in mind, I also don’t forget to work for the development of the country.
With her great support, the country's intangible cultural heritage has been recognized by many
people around the world. Many people are also interested in intangible cultural heritage and are
willing to let their children inherit it.
For a while, Lin Yiran became the spokesperson for truth, goodness and beauty.

Chapter 293 Grand Wedding

Huo Jinlin was very happy to see that his wife's career was developing well and more and more
people were praising her online.
He felt that it was time to give Lin Yiran a grand wedding, a wedding that would be watched by
the whole world.
Huo Jinlin was missing all day because he had to prepare for the wedding.
However, because of the blow he suffered some time ago, Huo Jinlin continued to develop his
So Lin Yiran couldn't see him, thinking that he was struggling with his work again, so he didn't go
looking for him.
However, when Lin Yiran woke up yesterday morning, Huo Jinlin said to her while she was still
half asleep, "Hurry up and come with me to the bridal shop to buy the wedding dress you chose."
When Lin Yiran regained consciousness, she had already returned to the Huo family with the
wedding dress she had bought.
"No, we're not having a wedding, why would we bother buying a wedding dress?"
Huo Jinlin tapped her head and said, "You agreed to my proposal before, and we had to hold the
wedding right after I asked you. Are you going to cheat?"
"How could that be? I've been so absorbed in work lately that I forgot about the wedding date
you set."
Tomorrow is their wedding day, but Lin is still very busy.
Because when Guo Nuan got married, she personally selected the wedding dress and invitations.
Now she only went to buy a wedding dress with Huo Jinlin and did nothing else. She was also
looking forward to what the wedding scene would be like tomorrow.
Lin Yiran snorted, "If I'm not satisfied with the layout of the wedding scene, I'll run away from the
wedding tomorrow."
Huo Jinlin held the man in his arms and said, "I guarantee you'll be satisfied."
The next day, Huo Jinlin invited all of Lin Yiran's good friends, personally put on the wedding
dress for her, and then held the wedding with Lin Yiran in the presence of all witnesses.
Everyone in the Huo family approved of the new couple.
When they exchanged rings, their eyes were full of each other.
The internet was full of blessings for them, "Finally the lovers have finally gotten married, their
wedding was so grand."
"If I was interested in having such a grand wedding, I would never divorce my damn husband in
my life."
This netizen's words were very sad, so the people commenting below thought that she was
unhappy in her marriage and had divorced her husband, so they were congratulating Lin Yiran
while also comforting her.
"Sister, there are many good men in the world. Rich men like them still exist. Maybe you will
meet one someday and have a grand wedding like him."
"Since you've already divorced your four husbands, don't think about him anymore."
Soon the netizen replied to her, "Sister, thank you for your comfort, but I haven't graduated from
high school yet, and the dead husband I mentioned is the one in the future."
The person who had just comforted her laughed a few times and didn't dare to say anything.
After all, it was too embarrassing to misinterpret someone else's marriage.
The person who was speaking also knew that she was embarrassed, so he said, "Although we are
not married yet, thank you for your kindness, sister. I believe that with your blessing, I will find
someone who can give me a grand wedding in the future."
After the wedding, everyone was tactful and did not disturb Huo Jinlin and Lin Yiran from their
sweet time. Although they already lived together, today was their wedding day after all, so they
could do it differently from the usual days.
The two of them spent the night in a very good atmosphere.
The next day, Lin Yiran went to the company while rubbing her aching waist. This had happened
between them before, but this was the first time she saw Huo Jinlin like this.
After getting married, Lin Yiran devoted herself to work as usual, which made Huo Jinlin complain
a little.
"After Lao Qin got married, he even knew to ask me for a few days off so that he and his wife
could go on a honeymoon. But you came to work directly at the company the next day."
I thought Lin Yiran had already arranged his work at the company and would stay at home with
her for a few days, but it turned out that I had to arrange everything myself. When I woke up,
there was no one in the bed.
Lin Yiran didn't want to let talking about her relationship affect her career, so she worked even
harder. A few months later, Lin Yiran launched several new products.
Just when he was about to hold a press conference, he suddenly fainted on the road.
The assistant supported Lin Yiran and was so anxious that he quickly called Huo Jinlin.
"You'd better come to the company soon. My wife fainted on the way to the press conference."
After everyone knew that Xiaolin was still fainted, they all went to the hospital.
The people of the Huo family were extremely anxious.
"Is it because you have been working in the company recently and have no time to eat, resulting
in malnutrition and fainting?"
This is the best result they can think of, because if it is just malnutrition, it can be cured by
supplementing. If it is a serious problem, they will be very worried about Lin Yiran.
Finally, after examining Lin Yiran, the doctor came out with a heavy face.
"Doctor, what's wrong with my wife's health? I can give you money and invest in medical
equipment for your hospital, as long as you can cure my wife as soon as possible."
Huo Jinlin now looks like he would rather donate his kidney to Lin Yiran.
The doctor said, "It's not like you think it's an incurable disease. It must be caused by the
"Because you know that pregnant women need to absorb a lot of nutrition and she looked very
tired recently. She didn't eat well either, so she fainted."
This is mainly because supply is not met.
Huo Jinlin was relieved when he heard that it was not because of his health problem.
Just as I was about to go to the ward to see Lin Yiran, I realized that the doctor was talking about
"Doctor, tell me again, why did my wife faint?"
The doctor frowned and said, "It's because of the pregnancy that you fainted because your body
couldn't get enough nutrition. If you don't understand, I'll write you another medical
Huo Jinlin excitedly said "no need" and ran into the ward. Lin Yiran was still lying on the bed with
pale lips.
He really wanted to share this joy with Lin Yiran, but he didn't want to wake her up, so he held
her hand beside the bed.
Everyone in the Huo family was outside laughing happily. "That's great. Seeing how much of a
workaholic Lin Yiran is, I didn't dare to push them to have a baby. But by chance, I'm already
It's not that they are feudal and insist that Lin Yiran give birth to a child for them, but they think
that their relationship will be more stable only if they have a child of their own.
Especially now that they are older, they want to find a child to look after them.
Now that they finally got the news that Lin Yiran was pregnant, they were so happy that they
wanted to throw money all over the streets.
"Okay, when Lin Yiran wakes up, she will definitely need to replenish her nutrition. I will go back
and prepare some nutritious food for her."
"Just take care of her in the hospital. If you need anything, call me immediately."
After Song Yuwan finished making arrangements, she went home.
She strolled happily in the hospital, and everyone's happiness revolved around this moment.
The door to happiness is also completely open to them.

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