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Document No: Ref/007





Reviewed by Approved
Particulars Prepared by Reviewed by
Client by Client


Quality Project
Designation Project Engineer Client Engineer
(site in charge) Manager



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Document No: Ref/007

Table of Contents
1. Method statement Revision History
2. Scope/Objectives
3. Reference Codes/Tender Specifications
4. Material & Equipment Requirements
5. Responsibilities
6. Procedures /Method to be Employed.
7. Health and Safety Provisions
8. Quality records/documents
9. PMC Approval

1. Method Statement Revision History

Revision Reviewed Approved Description of

Date Originator
No By By Submittal



2. Scope Objectives

The objective of this method statement is to outline the step-by-step procedure for false
ceiling work control while ensuring adherence to safety and quality standards.

3. References Codes /Specifications:

IS 2095 (Part 1) : 2011

4. Material and Equipment’s:

• Gyproc Board
• Gyproc Framing material like Channels, Studs etc.

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Document No: Ref/007

• Gyproc Finishing material like Pro fill/Easi fill 90/ Easi Fill TG60 as per specification
mentioned in WO.
• Right angle,
• Grinding Machine,
• Level Tube, jointing tape etc.
• Drills machines.
• Cut resistant hand gloves for knives working
• Screw drivers, Sand paper, Scrapers
• Scaffolding material to be used as per Safety norms.

Material to be used:

Relevant Indian
S.No. Gypsum
IS 2095 (Part 1) :
1 Gyproc Board
2 Gyproc- Expert Channel

5. Responsibility:

• Preparation of Procedure- Project Engineer

• Review of Procedure- Construction Manager
• Review of Procedure- Safety Engineer
• Approval Of Procedure- Project Manager
• Implementation- Execution Engineer

The Project Manager will be responsible for the delegation of work and to designate the
responsibilities to the concern persons.

6. Procedure/ Method of Application:

A. Preparation for work: -

1) Mark required level for false ceiling taking reference from FFL as per approved

2) start of suspended ceiling works the following works need to be completed and

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assessed by the QAQC engineer from all concerned parties.

• Plaster works to walls up to the required height

• Wall punning work should be done to the required height

• All M.E.P woks of first fix services should be completed

• Protection of flooring

3) Before starting of the first fix services of false ceiling clearance will be obtained from
the contractor, consultant, and MEP subcontractor as the first fix services of M.E.P
above the false ceiling to be completed and approved.

4) An area for mockup will be prepared for inspection and approval before proceeding
with the overall installation.

5) QAQC procedures shall be followed, WIR shall be raised, inspections shall be carried
out at different work tiers and clearances shall be obtained at progressive levels as
mentioned therein.

B. Fixing of Gypsum Board and Application: -

Mark 1) required level line marking for false ceiling taking reference from FFL
2) angles as per approved materials and section details of false ceilings will be fixed on level
markings with self-taping screws and royal plugs @every 600mm c/c and at 100mm near
the wall corners and joints of angles
3) Vertical support of primary channels with approved materials and section details will be
fixed to concrete slab @ 1000mm c/c and 300mm near the walls with 6mm dia concrete
plugs or rivets and extra supports should be provided near the A/C duct if required
4) Horizontal channels will then be fixed to vertical channels with self taping screw
5)For areas where the suspension height is much more than typical like the toilets, the C-
channels 38X10mm. shall be used as vertical support, the channels shall be fixed to the slab
with high screws from fisher supporting up to a weight of 50 kg per fix.
6) Suspension system of the gypsum board ceiling should not be in direct contact with
M.E.P. services especially A/C copper piping /ducts. be ready for painting.

Fixing of Gypsum Board:-

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o Before starting of the Gypsum Board fixing services of false ceiling clearance
will be obtained by the contractor, consultant and M.E.P sub contractor,
services of M.Ε.Ρ above the false ceiling to be completed and approved as well
inspection of the suspension frame of false ceilings should be carried out by
the consultant and should be rectified to comments if given by them.

o Gypsum plaster board sheet as approved should be fixed to furring channels

with self taping screws at every 150mm c/c and G.I angles @ the perimeter of

o Extra furring channels should be provided at the joints of Gypsum plaster

boards to its shorter lengths and cut piece joints if required.

o Extra supports should be provided around access panel/Trap doors.

• Finishing of Gypsum Board:-

• Before start of the finish works including filler and paint, services of false ceiling
marking will be made by M.E.P sub contractor as per approved shop drawings for all
the electrical points, A/C supply and return air diffuser position, sprinkler points and
position of access panel as per approved coordinated drawings and inspection by the
consultant and contractor to be obtained for final approval of cutting, gypsum boards
shall be cut mechanically
• Peel off the paper at the square edge of the boards
• Apply joint filler in all the joints to fill the gaps
• Apply joint filler over the mesh and screw positions in level of the boards and leave it
to get dry.
• The ceiling shall be finished with an approved paint, minimum two coats of paint on
approved dry wall primer. QAQC engineer will review surface preparation before start
of final finishing and painting works.
• The ceiling shall be paint finish, a primer-stucco-paint finish coat shall be done in
compliance with manufacturers standards, and the ceiling shall be properly cleaned
prior to start of paint finish.

7. Health and Safety Requirements:

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• Request for inspection and permit to work to be approved.

• Personal protective equipment to be worn by the workers.
• Toolbox Talk/ job specific training program to be conducted before start of activity.
• Safe working practices
o All activities shall be planned, supervised, and carried out in a safe manner
under the control of competent person, who knows the responsibility.
o Equipment operation and transportation shall be carried out in safe manner
by competent bank man/flag man.
o Working area shall be maintained good housekeeping and proper access.
o All equipment shall be suitable for the specified work.
o Proper area lighting and focus lighting during night operation.

8. Quality Records:

• Checklist for False ceiling work.

9. PMC / Client Approval:

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