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Document No: Ref/ Civil/001





Reviewed by Approved
Particulars Prepared by Reviewed by
Client by Client


Quality Project
Designation Project Engineer Client Engineer
(site in charge) Manager



Table of Contents

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Document No: Ref/ Civil/001

1. Method statement Revision History

2. Scope/Objectives
3. Reference Codes/Tender Specifications
4. Material & Equipment Requirements
5. Responsibilities
6. Procedures /Method to be Employed.
7. Health and Safety Provisions
8. Quality records/documents
9. Free service Guarantee
10. PMC Approval

1. Method Statement Revision History

Revision Reviewed Approved Description of

Date Originator
No By By Submittal

MS for Ant termite

R0 Client

2. Scope Objectives

Providing pre-constructional Anti-termite treatment to the Floor at Top Surface of RCC

& ACC Blockwork of flat, waste pipes surroundings, in the flat as specified in Contract
Document and code provisions.

3. References Codes /Specifications:

IS6313 (Part - II)- (Code of practice for anti-termite measures in building part 3
treatment in existing buildings.)
4. Material and Equipment’s:

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Document No: Ref/ Civil/001

• Imidacloprid 30.5 SC [ ATT chemical]

• Water can, Drums
• Hand operated pressure pump
• Spraying Equipment
• Measuring jar for chemical dose.
• Crow bars, pickaxe

Anti-Termite- Chemical Material to be used:

Relevant Indian Concentration

S.No. Chemical
Standard By Volume
1 Imidacloprid 30.5 SC IS 6313 12.5 ML in 6 Liter

5. Responsibility:

• Preparation of Procedure- Project Engineer

• Review of Procedure- Construction Manager
• Review of Procedure- Safety Engineer
• Approval Of Procedure- Project Manager
• Implementation- Execution Engineer

The Project Manager will be responsible for the delegation of work and to designate the
responsibilities to the concern persons.

6. Procedure/ Method of Application:

Time of Application:

Spraying equipment’s, a pressure pump shall be used to carry out spraying operations to
facilitate uniform spraying and penetration of chemical into the earth. The chemicals,
concentration and dosage for horizontal and vertical surfaces are based on the IS code of
practice for Anti-Termite measures in Buildings. IS 6313 Part II.

Below are the stages where the Anti-termite treatment shall be carried as per the IS code.

• Inside Area of flat.

• Floor, walls & ceiling.

7. Health and Safety Requirements:

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Document No: Ref/ Civil/001

• Request for inspection and permit to work to be approved

• Personal protective equipment to be worn by the workers.
• Tool Box Talk/ job specific training program to be conducted before start of activity.
• Safe working practices

o All activities shall be planned, supervised, and carried out in safe manner under
the control of competent person, who knows the responsibility.
o Equipment operation and transportation shall be carried out in safe manner by
competent bank man/flag man.
o Working area shall be maintained good housekeeping and proper access.
o All equipment shall be suitable for the specified work.
o Proper area lighting and focus lighting during night operation.

8. Quality Records:

• Checklist for anti-termite treatment.

9. Free Service Guarantee:

The above anti-termite treatment work is subject to a free service guarantee from the
date of completion of the treatment. The contractor shall give an undertaking in writing to
the effect that during the guarantee period any infestation of subterranean termites will be
eradicated, and necessary treatment carried out to prevent infestation, free of cost to the
employer. The guarantee shall allow a minimum period of - 5 (five) years for pre-
constructional treatment.

10. PMC / Client Approval:

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