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B Baber

2 unseen

(Social Authority)

Rule of Law
Good Governance

(family type)

A fact of life (A Field of study)

Proportional Representation (PR)

Closed Party list

W.B Baber
English Tip

I. Write the questions to go with the answers.

1. ------------------------------- No, I often come here.
2. ---------------------------------- It is very comfortable. And close to the center!
3. -------------------------------- Terrible. The weather was bad.
4. ------------------------------ Theatre? Yes, I do. Very much.
5. ---------------------------- The Lion King? Yes, I would.
6. -------------------------- Only three days, unfortunately.
1. Is this your first time here?
2. How's your hotel?
3. How was your flight?
4. Do you like the theatre?
5. Would you like to see 'The Lion King'?
6. How long are you staying here?

II. Join the two parts of the sentences together.

1. How was A. where Mr. Brown is?
2. How is B. time in Paris?
3. Is this your first C. the hotel?
4. How long are D. your flight?
5. Do you E. do in the evening?
6. What should we F. you staying in Berlin?
7. I'll check G. like Italian food?

III. Match the two heaves to make sentences.

1. I'm responsible A. after visitors to the company.
2. My colleague makes B. my work mobile after 6 o'clock.
3. The receptionist looks C. to my emails.
4. I always reply D. my flight reservations.
5. I don't answer E. for my boss's appointments.
IV. Complete the sentences with information about your own work.
1. I’m a ……………………………………………...
2. I’m responsible for………………………………….
3. I look after…………………………………………
4. I reply to …………………………………………..
5. I deal with…………………………………………
1. I am a civil servant.
2. I'm responsible for office work.
3. I look afters the office letters.
4. I reply to phone.
5. I deal with office work.

V. Put the words in the sentences into the correct order.

1. to John meet Nice you,
2. is Diane colleague, This Kennedy my
3. meet to you Nice too
4. Carter see you've already my manager I John met
5. Ms to meet you, Pleased Goodman
6. Jasmine me call please
1. Nice to meet you, John.
2. This is my colleague, Diane Kennedy.
3. Nice to meet you too.
4. I see you've already met my manager, John Carter.
5. Pleased to meet you, Ms Goodman.
6. Please call me Jasmine.

Put the words in the sentences into the correct order.

1. Chairman It will an to our opportunity be for you meet
2. Thursday like to would invite you meeting to a on We
3. lunch to you like Would to come
4. hope able you We are to conference attend the
5. Are o’clock free at 6 meeting you for a
1. It will be an opportunity for you to meet our Chairman.
2. We would like to invite you to meeting on Thurday.
3. Would you like to come to lunch?
4. We hope you are able to attend the confrence.
5. Are you free at 6 o'clock for a meeting?

Put the words in the sentences into the correct order.

1. you for on invitation Thank the to Friday meeting the
2. hope goes everything We on Friday well
3. to Goodman a business Ms is attend unable trip to due
4. Mr invitation Rogers your pleased to is accept
1. Thank you for the invitation to the meeting on Friday.
2. We hope everything go well on Friday.
3. Due to a business a trip Ms Goodman is unable to attend.
4. Mr Rogers is pleased to accept your invitation.

Put the words in the sentences into the correct order.

1. Can for I Carter leave message a Mr
2. you me message like to leave him Would a
3. message read you the back I’ll to
4. take you Goodman a message Could for Jasmine
5. I information just check Can the
6. Roger want you leave a Do message for Mr to
1. Can I leave a message for Mr Carter?
2. Would you like me to leave him a message?
3. I'll read the message back to you.
4. Could you take a message for Jasmine Goodman?
5. Can I just check the imformation?
6. Do you want to leave a message for Mr Rogers?

VI. Put the sentences into the correct order to make the conversation.
1. ( ) Mr Kline OK, but it was a bit late taking off.
2. ( ) Diane Nice to meet you, Mr Kline.
3. ( ) Mr Kline Nice to meet you too. But please call me Mike.
4. ( ) Jasmine Diane, can I introduce you to Mr Kline?
5. ( ) Mr Kline Thank you.
6. ( ) Mr Kline No, thanks.
7. ( ) Diane So how was your flight ?
8. ( ) Diane And would you like some coffee?
9. ( ) Diane Of course. And I'm Diane. Would you like to take a seat?
1. ( 4 ) Mr Kline OK, but it was a bit late taking off.
2. ( 2 ) Diane Nice to meet you, Mr Kline.
3. ( 3 ) Mr Kline Nice to meet you too. But please call me Mike.
4. ( 9 ) Jasmine Diane, can I introduce you to Mr Kline?
5. ( 5 ) Mr Kline Thank you.
6. ( 8 ) Mr Kline No, thanks.
7. ( 6 ) Diane So how was your flight ?
8. ( 7 ) Diane And would you like some coffee?
9. ( 1 ) Diane Of course. And I'm Diane. Would you like to take a seat?

VII. You are meeting a visitor to your company. Your colleague introduce you and compare
your conversation.
1. Colleague So here we are! I'd like to introduce Lee Toms from DPU.
2. You (Greet Mr Toms)
3. Lee Nice to meet you too but please call me Lee.
4. You (Tell him your first name and ask him to take a seat.)
5. Lee Thank you.
6. You (Apologize for being late.)
7. Lee No problem.
8. You (Offer coffee)
9. Lee No Thanks.
10. You (Ask about Lee’s journey.)
11. Lee It was fine. No problem.
2. Nice to meet you Mr Toms.
4. I'm Sue. Please take a seat.
6. I'm sorry. I'm late.
8. Would you like some coffee?
10. How was your journey/ flight?

Make small talk with a visitor from London. Read the instructions and talk to your visitor
while you are waiting for your boss to arrive.
1. You (Ask about the flight from London.)
2. Visitors Oh, not very good. The weather in London is terrible at the moment.It’s
nice to see some sunshine here.
3. You (Agree. Ask about her hotel.)
4. Visitor It is very nice. Thank you for organizing it.
5. You (Reply then ask if she has visited your town before)
6. Visitor Yes, this is my first time. What should I do in the evening?
7. You (Ask if she likes your country’s food.)
8. Visitor Very much!
9. You (Ask if she wants to try a local restaurant this evening.)
10. Visitor Oh, yes!Very much. Thank you.
11. You Reply. Then ask how long she is staying in your town.
12. Visitor Until Friday. Then I fly back to London.
13. You Offer to go to find your boss.
14. Visitor Thanks a lot.
1. How was your flight?
3. Yes, the weather is good here. How is the hotel?
5. My pleasure.Is this your first time here?
7. Do you like our country's food?
9.Would you like to try local restaurant this evening?
11. You are welcome. By the way, how long are you staying here?
13. Good well, I’ll find out where my boss is and let her know you’re here.

VIII. Complete the sentences with information from the box.

attend due free because of pleased success
1. Mr Carter is unable to----------the conference.
2. I wish you ---------with your workshop.
3. Ms Kennedy is -------------to accept your invitation.
4. This is ------------- to another appointment.
5. I’m ---------on May 3 and I’m looking forward to being there.
6. I can’t be there -----------a business trip.
1. attend
2. success
3. pleased
4. due
5. free
6. because of

IX. Invitation
Dear Mr Cao
I am writing on behalf of Diane Kennedy, Sales Director for Lowis Engineering. We would
like to invite you to our Lowis event on Thursday, May 3 from 12 pm to 6 pm, followed by
dinner, at the Anchor Hotel, London. At the event, we are presenting our newest products to our
major customers and partners. It will be an opportunity for you to meet and talk to our top
engineers and designers.
Please find attached an agenda for the day and the venue. We hope you are able to attend and
we look forward to meeting you on May 3.
Yours sincerely
Jasmin Goodman

(Informal )
Dear John
Diane asked me to write to you. On May 3 we are organizing a Lowis event for our major
customers and partners to present our latest products at the Anchor Hotel, London. It starts at
noon and there will be a dinner in the evening. Are you free on this date, and would you and
Paul like to come?
The agenda for the day and the location details are attached. I hope to see you on May 3.
Best wishes
Formal- Informal
I am writing on behalf of … . (formal) - X asked me to write to you. (informal)
We would like to invite you to … . (formal) - Are you free on this date / at this time /in
It will be an opportunity for you … . (formal)
We hope you are able to attend … . (formal) - Would you like to come? (informal)
We look forward to meeting you / seeing you- I hope to see you on …. (informal) there.

Rewrite the highlighted parts more formally.

Dear Mr Hunter
Thanks a lot for the invitation to your sales conference on September 12. (1)
Unfortunately, I am unable to attend due to a business trip.
But my colleague, Jasmine Goodman, is free and will be there.(2)
I hope everything goes well.(3)
Regards (4)
1. Thank you for the invitation to your sale conference on Sptember 12.
2. My colleague, Jasmine Goodman, is pleased to accept your invitation.
3. We wish you success with your conderence.
4. Your sincerely

The Beginning
- capture interest
- relate subject to them
- give purpose
- be brief

The Middle
- have 3 or 4 main points (they will not remember more than 4 points)
- take 80% of the time
- have signposts and summaries

The Ending
- summarize main points
- relate conclution to them
- don't present new ideas
- be interesting
- be brief

- Rehearsal is the most important part of preparing.
- Run through your presentation at least twice.
- Check timing

- Nerves are normal (even good presenters)
- Change into energy

Choice day and time

1. If you have a choice, avoid Monday, Friday, Early morning, Just before lunch, After lunch and
End of the day.
2. Best times is Tuesday to Thursday and from 10 to 12.

Which of the following statements do you agree with? Yes, No

At the beginning of a presentation you should:
1. Apologize if the subject is complex. (No)
2. Apologize if you have not had time to prepare. (No)
3. Introduce yourself by giving relevant professional details. (No)
4. Tell the audience not to interrupt you with questions. (-)
5. Relax everyone by telling a joke. (No)
6. Say how long the presentation will last. (Yes)
7. Tell the audience whether there will be any handouts. (Yes)
Presenter's Jobs (8)
- To simplify, not to apologize
- To have enough time for preparation
- To keep it relevent to the presentation and audience
- To encourage interruptions (small audience)
- To keep questions until the end of presentation (large audience)
- To avoid telling jokes
- To tell the length of time
- To prepare handouts

Use the verb in the box to complate the sentences.

[ stop, give, make, focus, have, do, want, hesitate, take]
1. What I want to do this morning is to.......
2. My talk will take about 30 minutes.
3. I'll be giving out copies of my overhead transparencies at the end.
4. If you have any questions, or comments you'd like to make, please don't hesitate to stop me.
5. During my presentation, I'm going to be focusing on four main areas. Firstly....

Which of the following statements do you agree with?

1. When you have a large vocabulary, you should use it. (No)
2. Knowing and using the jergon shows you are competent. (No)
3. Simple words are the best. (Yes)
4. Long, elaborate sentences are a sign of a good speaker. (No)

Which of the following statements do you agree with?

At the end of the presentation you should: Yes or No
1. Summarize what you have said. (Yes)
2. Only answer one or two questions. (No)
3. Apologize for taking up the audience's time. (No)

What is a presentation?
A presentation is a prepared talk given by a speaker to one or more listeners at a specific venue.

Preparing the presentation

1 Why (Purpose)
2. Who (Audience)
3. What (content or subject)
4. How (Way)
5. Where and When (Place and Time)
ICT Notes
1. A GUI is a human interface that make heavy use of graphics to present information visually.
2. Small, stand-alone screen provided within the operational screen is called Window.
3. Menu bar display menu names.
4. Text and number data is entered here using the keyboard, it is called text box.
5. One item is seleted form a list of several, it is called Radio buttom.
6. Pull-down menu displays the selected menu by opening downward on the screen from the
menu heading.
7. There are four types of interface design.
8. The five multimedia elements are text, image, audio, video, and animation.
9. Multimedia is used in Web content, hypermedia, streaming and other media.
10. Multimedia may be broadly divided into two categories.
11. Linear multimedia is not interactive.
12. JPEG file type supports 24 bit full color images.
13. GIF file type supports 8 bit color images.
14. PNG file type supports 48 bit color images.
15. AVI file type is a file format for video.
16. MP3 file type is a file format for audio.
17. Decompress refers to returning compressed data to its original state.
18. Two types of compression are lossy and lossless.
19. Three primary colors are Red, Green and Blue.
20. When Red and Green are mixed, Yellow is produced.

e-Government Notes
True Or False
1. e-Government provides public service to their citizen by means of electronic way.
2. e-Government can give the services to public through over the internet.
3. Data Processing is the process of transformation from data into valuable information.
4. Individual and every organization may be the information consumer.
Choose the word
1. There are four main types of e-government Sectors.
2. There are five steps in developing for e-Government.
3. A bit is the smallest unit of information a computer can process.
4. One byte consists of eight bits (binary digits)
5. RAM temporarily stores information inside a computer.

Network notes
1. A network is at least two computers are connected.
2. Internet is a global system of interconnected networks comprising of LANs and WAns.
3. Cable provides a connection for computers and equipment that connect to a LAN.
4. Computers and peripherals branch off from and connect to single transmission path called a bus.
5. TCP provides reliable end-to-end data transfer services.
6. SMPT provides sends or transfers e-mail to a mail server.
7. Application layers is the top layer of the network model use by OSI model.
8. Ethernet was jointly developed by DEC, Inel, and Xerox, and wad later improved by the
IEEE 802.3 Committee.
9. A DNS server provides services for translating domain name requests from clients into IP
10. Domain names are generally used to access servers over the internet.
11. Wireless LAN is a technology for building networks using radio waves or infrared rays.
12. A protocol is a set of rules for data communication between computers over a network.
13. IP is a protocol that corresponds to the network layer (Layer 3) in the OSI model.
14. A network is a from of using multiple computers by connecting them with a cable.
15. A private IP address connects to an individual network and connot be used to directly connect
to the Internet.
16. ADSL is an asymmetric service that is capable of high-speed data communication.
17. In order to build a network, it is necessary to understand the typical network architectures
and components.
18. TCP/IP is a set of protocols for data communication over the Internet.
19. Star topology is easy to add and move computers.
20. Twisted pair cable comprised of several pairs of wires with copper cores.

Hardware Notes
1. Early computers are huge in size, because large amount of electronic bulbs are used.
2. Software is a set of electronic instructions that tell a computer what to do.
3. Open source software allows distribution of the source code.
4. RAM is a volatile type of memory.
5. The storage capacity of CD is 700 MB.
6. RAM is a volatile type of memory in which stored content is lost when the power is turned off.
7. Computer require various type of software to make them useful.
8. Two types of application software are common application software and specific application
9. Second generation computers used transistor technology.
10. OS manages and controls the hardware and application software.
11. Computer is an electronic device, so it can only understand binary number system.
12. ROM is a non-volatile type of memory.
13. Software is a set of electronic instructions that tell a computer what to do.
14. ROM is a non-volatile type of memory that retains stores content after the power is turned off.
15. Third generation computers used IC technology.
16. Flash memory is a non-volatile type of rewriteable memory that retains stored content after
the power is turned off.
17. Input/ output interfaces used for data transmission are divided into "serial interfaces", "parallel
interfaces", and "wireless interfaces".
18. Fourth generation computers are using CPU technology.
19. Hard disk is the example of storage device.
20. The storage capacity of DVD is 4.7 GB.
21. CPU throughput means processing speed of a computer.
22. Conputer is a critical device that can be considered the brains and nucleus of a computer.
23. The clock frequency is indicated in "Hz (Hertz)
(Levels of Management)
Final line
General Management Resources
1. Finical-
2. Physical-
3. Human-
4. Information-
5. Technology- (FPHIT)

Co-ordinating and Controlling
Decision making
Problem solving

Managerial Skills 7 Types

1. Technical Skill
2. Analytical Skill
3. Decision Making Skill
4. Computer Skill
5. Human Relation Skill
6. Communication Skill
7. Conceptual Skill
1. Formal-
2. Informal-
(Genetic Theory)
( Posture Theory)
(Trait Theory)
(Situation Theory)
(Muti- dimensional Theory)

(Genetic Theory)

(Leaders are born, it cannot be made.)

(Trait Theory)

(Leader can be
made, not born.)

(to accomplish the mission)

(to look after the wel-
fare of his men)
(Esprit de corps)
Discipline is the backbone of the army.

(Autocratic Leadership)
(Paternalistic Leadership)
(Democratic Leadership)
(Laissez-Faire Leadership)

(Sources of Power)
(Position Power)
(Legitimate Power)
(Reward Power)
(Coercive Power)
(Personal Power)
(Expert Power)
(Referent Power)

(Intellectual Skill)
( Social Skill)
(Emotional Skill)
(Planning) (Strength) (Weakness)
(Opportunity) (Threat) (S.W.O.T)
(Mutual Interest)
(Individual Difference)
(Human Dignity)

Sheldon and Stevens


Way Communication)



Per captia)

1. Two fields of Statistics are Descriptive Statistics and Inductive Statistics.
2. A subset of the population of interest is called a sample. (S to S)
3. Graphical presentation is the most popular way of presenting statistical data.
4. The first hand data is known as raw data.
5. A qualitative data cannot be measured numerically.
6. A numerical measure calculated for sample data is called a statistic.
7. Much more information can be obtained by sampling collection.
8. The mode can have more than one value. (X)
9. The difference between the lower limit and upper limit of a class is known as class interval.
10. Descriptive Statistics are procedure for summarizing and describing data.
1. The sources of data collection.
-Observation (4-marks)

2. The advantages of sampling collection.

-Reduced costs and times
- Greater speed
- Greater scope
-Greater accuracy (4-marks)

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