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1.Some bacteria thrive in extreme environment conditions such as absence of oxygen,high salt
concentration,high temperature and acidic pH .Name them…
(a) Cyanobacteria
(c )Archaebacteria
(d) Streptococcus

2.All the bacteria fix nitrogen except …

( b) E Coli
( c)Azotobacter
( d) Cyanobacteria

3.The region where bacterial genome resides is termed as

( a) Nucleus
(b ) Cytoplasma
( d) Ribosome free region

4.Fungi which grow in dung are termed as

( a)Caprophilous
( b)Tericolous
( c)Sacxicolous

5. All fungi are

( a) Autotrophs
( b) Saprotrophs
( c) Heterotrophs
( d) Parasites

6.Which of the following is included in five kingdom classification .

( a) Monera, Protista, Animalia, Plantae, Algae
( b) Monera,Protista,Fungi,Animalia,Plantae
( c) Virus,prokaryotes,Fungi,Plantae,Animalia
( d) Algae,Fungi,Bryophyta,Pteridophyta,Gymnosperms

7.Who is the father of Taxonomy among the following

(a) Linnaeus
(b) Aristole
(c) Maheshwari
(d) Birbal sahani

8. Halophiles is also called …..

(a) Eubacteria
(b) Actinomyce
(c) Cyanobacteria
(d ) Archaebacteria
9.By how many criteria ,living organisms have been classified into five kingdom.
( a) Two
(b) Four
(c) five
(d) Three

10.Prokaryotes are included in the kingdom ….

(a) Monera
(b) Protista
(c) Protozoa
(d) Basidiomycetes

11.Viroids were discovered by …

( a) Diener
( b) Woese
( c) Pasteur
( d) Iyengar

12.The name virus was given by …

(a)Ivanowsky ( b) Pasteur( c) Diener( d) Hershey
13.Virus have….
( a) DNA core,Lipid coat
( b) DNA or RNA core ,protein coat
( c) DNA or RNA core,plasma membrane
( d) DNA containing nucleus ,lipid envelope

14.A virus contains

( a) DNA
( b) RNA
(c ) DNA or RNA
( d) DNA and RNA

15. The main structural component of virus is …

( a) nucleic acid
( b ) protein
( c) nucleic acid and protein
( d) nucleic acid or protein

16.Protista include…
( a) Paramecium,Euglena ,Dinoflagellates
( b) Hydra,Amoeba,Paramecium
( c) Yeast ,Euglena,Dinoflagellates
( d) Mushroom,Paramecium ,Euglena

17. The study of fungi is …

(a) Cytology
(b ) Mycology
( c) Virology
( d) Algology
18. Fungus cell wall is made up of…..
( a) Cellulose
( b) Protein
( c ) Chitin
( d) carbohydrates

19. In Fungi reserved food materials are …..

( a) Glycogen and lipid droplets
( b) Starch
( c) Protein
(d ) Lipid

20. Study of lichens is called …..

( a) Algology
( b) Mycology
( c ) Lichenology
( d) Cytology

21. In lichens fungal component is known as …..

( a ) Mycobiont
( b ) phycobiont
(c) A & B
( d) none of these
22. The plant cell without chloroplast is ….
( a) Algae
( b) Fungi
( c) Bryophytes
(d ) Pteridophytes

23. Symbiotic relationship is found in ….

( a) Algae
( b) Fungi
( c ) Bryophytes
( d ) Lichens

24. Plant of this group possess naked seed

( a) Pteridophytes
( b) Angiosperms
( c) Gymnosperms
( d) Bryophytes

25. Which sentence is true for Bryophytes ?

a) They are autotrophic
( b) vascular tissues are absent
(c ) Fertilisation take place in the presence of water
( d) All of the three

26.In which plant ,gametophytic phase is main and sporophytic phase is subsidiary.
(b) pteridophytes
(c) gymnosperms
(d) angiosperms

27.The first land plant on earth was…………..

(a) Bryophytes
(b) pteridophtes
(c) gymnosperms
(d) angiosperms

28. The tallest living tree in the world is …………..

(a) Zamia sp.
(b) Eucalyptus sp.
(c) Wolffia sp.
(d) Sequoia sp.

29. The smallest gymnosperm is ………

(a) Zamia sp.
(b) Eucalyptus sp.
(c) Wolffia sp.
(d) Sequoia sp.
30. Xerophytic characters are present in ……………………..
(b) pteridophytes
(c) gymnosperms
(d) angiosperms

31. Microsporophyll :stamen then Megasporophyll:……………

(a) Anther
(b) Gynoecium
(c) Pollen grains
(d) Ovule

32. Which of the fossil member?

(b) bennettites
(c) thuja

33. The biggest and dominant group is……

(b) pteridophytes
(c) gymnosperms
(d) angiosperms

34.pre-fertilized endosperms is characterstics of ……

(a) pteridophyte
(c) gymnosperms
(d) bryophytes
35. Class dicotyledon is divided into….
(a)7 sub-classes
(b) 5 sub-classes
(c) 3 sub-classes
(d) 2 sub- classes

36. Who classified angiosperms into two classes,…

(b)bentham and hooker
(d) Linnaeus

37. Presence of rigid cell wall is characterized by kingdom…

(a) Protista
(b) plantae
(c) monera
(d) Animalia

38..The tallest living tree of angiosperm is …

(a)wolffia sp.
(b)Zamia sp.
(c) Eucalyptus sp.
(d) sequoia sp.

39. If the seeds are formed from the megasporophylls and not enclosed in a fruits the plant belongs
(a) pteridophyte
(b) bryophytes
(c) angiosperm
(d) gymnosperm

40.Embryo is not formed in …

(a) Bryophytes
(c) gymnosperm
(d) pteridophytes

41.which classification system had been given whittaker ?

(a)3 domain classification
(b) binomial classication
(c) 5 kingdom classification
(d) artificial classification

42. A: lichen shows symbiotic relationship between algae and fungi

R: algae absorb water and mineral nutrients from environment and provide to fungi
(a)both A and R true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) both A and R true but R is not correct explanation A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false and R is true
43.African sleeping sickness is caused by
(a) Giardia intestinalis
(b) Leishmania
(c ) Trypanosoma
( d) Entamoeba

44.Extra chromosomal,circular ,double stranded ,self replicating DNA molecule in bacteria is called
( a) Cosmid
( b) Plasmid
(c ) Phasmid
( d) Phagemid

45.Membranous infolding in bacteria that initiate DNA replication is

( a) Mesosomes
( b) Carboxysome
( c)Magnetosome
( d )Nucleosome

46.Example of blue green algae is in

(a) Fungi
(b) Monera
(d )Plantae

47.TMV virus was discovered by

(a ) Pasteur
(b) S L Miller
(c) Ivanowsky
(d) W M Stanley

48.The study of algae is called

(a) Mycology
(b )Algology
(d) Lichenology

49.On the basis of structural form lichen are..

( a) Crustose
(b) Foliose
( d) All of three

50.Fruiting body is characteristic of…

(a) Algae
(b) Lichens
(c) Bryophyta
(d) Pteridophyta
Answer Key
1.C 2.B 3.C A.4 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.A

11.A 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.C

21.A 22.B 23.D 24.C 25.D 26.A 27 B 28.D 29.A 30.C

31.B 32.B 33.D 34.C 35.D 36.B 37.C 38.D 39.D 40.B

41.C 42.C 43.C 44.B 45.A 46.B 47.C 48.B 49.D 50.B

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