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Title page

Title:Manufacture of nanocomposite scaffolds for bone repair

Student Number:
Project time: September 2019- February 2020
Year: 10
Word Count:3113
Table of Contents

What is a personal project?............................................................................................1
My project.....................................................................................................................1
Goal and Global context................................................................................................2
Prior knowledge:...........................................................................................................3
My research:..................................................................................................................3
Development of my plan and my self-management skills:...........................................4
Taking action...................................................................................................................5
My product:...................................................................................................................5
Making brochur:............................................................................................................5
My thinking skills:.........................................................................................................5
My communication and social skills:............................................................................6
Product evaluation:........................................................................................................6
What I did learn?...........................................................................................................6
My improvements as an IB learner:..............................................................................7

What is a personal project?

The Personal Project for the Middle Years Program is a project students must complete
during MYP 5 (Grade 10) while taking the International Baccalaureate course. It helps
improve skills, such as: information literacy skills, communication skills, and affective
skills, which are essential in DP and even life beyond it. ATL are deliberate
strategies, skills, and attitudes that permeate the IB teaching and learning
environment. ATL supports the IB belief that a student's education is largely influenced
not only by what is learned but how learning occurs.This ATL skills can be the key to
help students develop their personal interests and be ready for their future, which leads
us to act better in DP and provides us for our life beyond. It helps us discover our
interests and future choices like choosing a career. personal project is important
beacuase until that perfect world appears, personal projects are the ideal way to take a
subject you care about, produce work that pushes boundaries and grows you as an artist,
and connects to an audience through shared passion.
IB skills include:
1- Thinking. Critical thinking. Creative thinking. Transfer.
2- Metacognition. Reflection. Communication. Communication.
3- Social. Collaboration. Self-management. Affective.
4- Mindfulness. Emotional management. Self-motivation. Perseverance.
5- Resilience. Organizatio. n. Managing time and Tasks.
6- Goal setting. Research. Media, Information literacy.

My project
Although bone is considered the strongest tissue in the body, it is likely to be damaged
for various reasons, such as illness, accident, congenital problems, bone loss and
various cancers. From a long time ago, physicians around the world have always had
problems with skeletal tissue as one of the most important clinical problems ("‫ستاد ويژه توسعه‬
‫"فناوري نانو | اخبار | تکنیک جدید ساخت داربست متخلخل جهت ترمیم بافت استخوان‬, n.d.).

Today, the repair and replacement of damaged tissue is a very important issue in
orthopedic treatments worldwide and in recent years there has been a great deal of
progress in the area of organ and body replacement("Soft-Tissue Injuries", n.d.). Synthetic
prostheses are also used to remove defects in body tissues, especially bone tissue, or
improve organ failure, but finding the most appropriate materials and structures that can
be good substitutes for bone tissue and help bone cells grow better is difficult, It is
complex and requires extensive research. To date, many natural and synthetic polymers
have been used for bone tissue engineering, but all lack the integrity and robustness to
be used in the field of bone tissue. On the other hand, in recent years a great deal of
emphasis has been placed on the importance of carbon nanotubes in enhancing bone
growth because it has unique properties including mechanical, chemical and electrical

properties that can make it a very good enhancer for improving physical and chemical
properties("‫"تهیه داربست‌های استخوانی برای بافت‌های آسیب‌دیده‬, n.d.)


Goal and Global context

Bone is a vital component of the human skeletal body, and because of its stiffness, it
acts as a framework around which the soft tissues surrounding it allow it to
move(Hughes, Ghuman & Talal, 2010).
One of the reasons I chose this project was the limited resources of transplanted natural
bones and the increasing need for artificial bone substitutes that have biological and
physicochemical properties similar to normal bone (Burchardt & Enneking, 1978). My
project is about gelatin-chitosan-carbon nanotube scaffolds for tissue engineering and
bone repair applications. The method is to produce these biopolymer composite
scaffolds with a bioactive reinforcer, namely carbon nanotubes. The composite
provided, in addition to the highly desirable properties of biopolymer scaffolds, also has
unique properties of carbon nanotubes and can be a useful replacement for bone defects
and diseases.
The reason for choosing gelatin and chitosan is that both substances have unique
properties, for example:
Chitosan can be easily used in various forms such as fiber, seed, sponge and other
complex forms for orthopedic treatments. The high hydrophilicity of the gelatin allows
for better dispersion of the carbon nanotubes into the scaffold structure, which in turn
increases the scaffold strength.Also, the stabilizing properties of gelatin and chitosan
have made the two materials used in different contexts (Gautam, Chou, Dinda, Potdar &
Mishra, 2013). The project uses gelatin and chitosan to stabilize carbon
nanotubes.Nanocomposite scaffolds are biopolymer-based and capable of degradation
in the body, eliminating the need for subsequent surgery to remove the implant and can
be used simultaneously to release various drugs or growth factors to accelerate new
bone growth during the treatment process (Liu, Wu, Jiao, Xiong & Zhou, 2013).These
scaffolds can be manufactured and used by the Freeze Driving method in various forms
by adjusting the formulation and determining the various component ratios to achieve
the expected properties of intended use(Han, Menicanin, Gronthos & Bartold, 2013). As a
result of the end product of this invention, it can be used in all applications of bug fixing
and bone repair and hard tissue engineering(Appendix1).
I chose the global context scientific and technical innovations in this project, Because
my project is not limited to specific people and covers all patients worldwide who need
bone repair(Appendix2).

Prior knowledge:
Bones in our body are living tissue. They have their own blood vessels and are made of
living cells, which help them to grow and to repair themselves. As well, proteins,
minerals and vitamins make up the bone. (Han, Menicanin, Gronthos & Bartold, 2013).
Before doing this project, I didn't have good medical information, especially about the
anatomy of the human body. But when one of my friends at a young age developed
osteoporosis and was unable to fully cure his illness due to medical limitations, I
became interested in helping save lives.
I closely monitored my friend's illness and understood the severity of the illness. And
that led me to study a lot of the disease and devote my project to studying osteoporosis
at the end of 6th grade. So I had a background in my study(Appendix1). Based on above-
mentioned criteria, I would rate myself as a “learner” ("Learner profile for IB students |
International Baccalaureate®", n.d.)( Appendix5). The lab and physics classes I have had over
the years PYP have helped me to easily provide the materials needed for my
experiment. As well as my drawing classes, I was able to design a brochure for my
project by attending drawing classes and familiarizing myself with a variety of design

My research:
Use of research skills: At first, I studied bone tissue as well as substances that can
cause bone loss. And due to the properties of gelatin and chitosan I used both.
After that, I started interviewing patients and doctors at several hospitals in Tehran. So
that I can answer all my mental ambiguities about this, and understand what the
symptoms of bone loss are, and most often after the age of thirty (Zerbini et al., 2016).
Before I started this project, I was able to get the information and knowledge I needed,
but I didn't have the media literacy skills to organize knowledge.
This project was a good experience for me to work on my media literacy skills by
taking essential notes and organizing my research in a short influential brochure.
In order to design my brochure and start developing my project I was supposed to gain
strong knowledge about my topic and work on achieving expertise in this particular
concept. I used my research skills to research and learn more about osteoporosis and its


Since every good project needs criteria to remind us of our core goals, I set out criteria
in this project that, given the importance of the subject and its role in people's health,
are quite accurate.

I used the personal project as an opportunity to encourage others to focus on their health
and prevent bone loss.

Audience Function Environmental Impact Size / Content Materials

The target The use Nanocomposit My goal Three types of In this
audience of gelatin e scaffolds for this samples with study,
for this and have a chitosan product gelatin / chitosan-
project is chitosan composite was to chitosan ratios: gelatin
all people can work background show an composite

in the best for that has interesting, scaffolds
communit composite biodegradabilit encouragin were used
y who are scaffolds y, g and for bone
missing and are biocompatibilit informativ tissue
out on used to y and e brochure. engineerin
osteoporos fill the antimicrobial g
is and bone activity. application
bone tissue lesions s as well
treatment. caused by as
Researcher the tumor scanning
s and in non- electron
students mechanic microscop
interested al y to
in bone positions. investigate
tissue the
research microscopi
need to c
know the properties
source of of
the study. composite

Brochure preparation should be very careful. And that creates a lot of problems and
challenges. With the supervision of my teacher, I was able to solve these challenges and
define criteria to better present my product brochure. Here are the criteria.
1) The brochure should be 1) effective 2) encouraging 3) informative and should
teach about Osteoporosis and its prevention methods.
2) This educational content should 1) raise audience awareness and 2) should talk
about Osteoporosis and repair of lost bones.

Development of my plan and my self-management skills:

I have good reflection skills because seeing the problems of osteoporosis patients in the
community, I tried to provide a solution to help improve their disease. While doing the
project, I recognized my strengths and weaknesses and was able to improve them.
Also, while I was doing this project, I was able to upgrade my organizational skills, I
received a lot of information through various media. I learned the basics of careful
planning so that I could plan for my long-term goals and serve my community. With the
scheduler, I was able to manage my time and prepare my project before the deadline.
I used the constructive suggestions and criticisms of my classmates in choosing the
subject of this project, and I was able to start this project consciously. In fact, I develop
my affactive skills(Appendix6).

Taking action

My product:
After defining my project topic, I set goals and started researching and studying
osteoporosis. Inadequate use of dietary sources of calcium and vitamin D in childhood
and adolescence can lead to malnutrition and may adversely affect one's physical and
mental state and reduce the ability to perform the functions and defects of the organs
that are involved in the disease in the elderly.
Osteoporosis is a hidden and mysterious disease that is becoming more prevalent today
in societies including Iran, with 70% of women and 50% of men over 50 years old,
according to the Ministry of Health and Medical Education ("Osteoporosis: Risk factors,
diagnosis, and treatment", n.d.). So I decided to design a brochure to increase my audience's
awareness so they could take care of their health. My brochure is associated with my
global context which is scientific and technical innovations. It focused on the interaction
between people and the natural world which is one of the strands of this global context.
A brief global context is that it explores the impact of scientific and technological
advances on communities and environments.

Making brochur:
My brochure, can be categorized into 5 parts: a short introduction about bone tissue, a
short text about " What is Osteoporosis? " and " Symptoms of Osteoporosis? ",
Summary about my project,Goal and Conclusion. ( See Appendix 9 -my product)

My thinking skills:
I was expected to use my creative thinking skills to to identify the problems of
osteoporosis patients and to evaluate the challenges in the treatment of this disease. I
have developed this skill by interviewing patients and doctors. This review has enabled
me to identify weaknesses and develop critical thinking skills. I also used creative
thinking skills in my brochure design to create a beautiful and stimulating brochure that
was accessible to the audience.

My communication and social skills:

Before I started the project, I didn't have good communication and social skills. I
couldn't ask my classmates and teachers how I could improve my communication skills.
But when I started doing this project, I was able to talk to physicians and patients
outside the school environment as well as my supervisor about the progress of my
project. They also helped me improve my speech techniques. I shared my idea with my
classmates and they gave me good feedback with suggestions. In order to increase
audience awareness and help patients, I developed a brochure and improved my
communication and social skills(appendix7).


Product evaluation:
After making my brochure, I considered it an excellent product for my personal project
because my audience and supervisor enjoyed it and they thought that my brochure was
very effective and encouraging.
My main goal was to provide a solution to cure bone loss and help improve my
community's patients. So I made a product that everyone could use, depending on the
political situation in my country. With the creation of this brochure, I reached my goal
in a global context. I think if I can present my product with a website I can play a role in
informing all people around the world. However, I think I can persuade my audience to
focus on their health so that everyone around the world is happy and healthy.

Original criteria Did I reach the criteria?

my brochure should raise audience Yes, my brochure raise audience awareness
awareness and should talk about and talk about Osteoporosis and repair of
Osteoporosis and repair of lost bones. lost bones.
It has to be encouraging. Yes, My brochure is beautifully designed and
is encouraging with helpful information.
It has to be easy to effective. Yes, It is quite effective with short and
comprehensive information.

What I did learn?

When I started producing my product, I analyzed all the information I had obtained, as
well as tested the materials needed with different weights and analyzed the results of my
experiments. During this project, I was able to improve my creative thinking skills.
Through this project I realized that I have a great ability to understand the needs of the
community and I can help by trying to meet the needs of the community. After
completing my brochure, I obtained useful skills and knowledge. For example, before
doing this project I didn’t have media literacy skills but by doing this project I
had located, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and use a different variety of
sources and make a connection between them. Also, while completing this project, I
have developed my creative thinking skills so that I can create a product that my
community can use to promote people's health. I was able to overcome my weaknesses
by strengthening my communication and social skills. This project also taught me other
skills, including communication skills, organizational skills, and reflection skills. With
these skills, I was able to plan carefully for this project. Completing my project has
taught me a lot and expanded my knowledge of the global field I chose, "scientific and
technical innovation" and helped me to know more about my interest. It also helped
me to know how to prevent diseases that damage my bones. There were a lot of
challenges in doing this project that helped me develop my skills. One of the most
important challenges I may have encountered was the exact size of the material used in
my project(Appendix5). For the first time, I had chosen a large amount of gelatin,
which, after many trials and errors and scalability testing, I found out the exact amount
of material. After my project was completed, I gained a lot of information about my
anatomy as well as ways to take care of my health. I believe that after completing the

project, I have become a knowledge expert and can do more research in various medical
I greatly improved my skills and knowledge during this project, so I succeeded in
achieving my goals and being diligent and capable. Specifically, my field of choice was
scientific and technical innovations that examined the impact of scientific and
technological advances on society. In addition, the skills that I developed were research
skills, because I had to make a connection between a variety of sources to find the best
solution and inform others. I was able to improve my critical thinking skills with the
many challenges I faced in doing this project. Infact I have improved my ATL skills in
this project. ATL skills are five:Thinking skills,Communication skils,Research
skils,Social skils,self-management skils.

My improvements as an IB learner:
The IB learner profile is the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning
outcomes. It is a set of ideals that we use as inspiration, motivation and focus for our
teaching and work in general. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and
research and show independence in learning ("IB Learner Profile | International Schoolof the
Stockholm Region", n.d.).The major IB learner profile that helped me in my personal
project was reflectivity. I strived to be a reflective learner through exploring and
contemplating on a crucial problem my community was facing in order to solve it. This
positive attribute helped me a lot in discovering my project and my interest. As I said in
the previous sections, Before doing this project, I didn't have good communication skills
and couldn't communicate with my surroundings because I had a cowardly personality
that prevented progress in different aspects of my life.
While doing this project, I had to overcome my fear of communicating with others
because this attitude prevented me from expressing my thoughts and feelings.
Therefore, I decided to involve my community in this project in order to overcome my
weakness. This personal project helped me grow as a confident learner and taught me
lessons that are going to be advantageous for my future. I was able to find my interest
and choose my future career. I would like to work in the field of medical engineering in
the future and get acquainted with a variety of medical devices. I feel that by helping
patients I can feel happy and hopefully play an important role in curing my ailments and
bring happiness back to life.

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