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Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

Chapter ( 5 )

( Bus Bars )

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

1. Design Considerations
A. Introduction

B. Types of Busbar

C. Choice of Busbar Material

2. Alternating Current Effects in Busbars

A. Skin Effect

B. Condition for Minimum Loss

3. Effect of Busbar Arrangements on Rating

A. Laminated copper bars

B. Inter-leaving of conductors

C. Transposition of conductors

D. Hollow square arrangement

E. Tubular bars

F. Concentric conductors

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

G. Channel and angle bars

H. Comparison of conductor arrangements

I. Enclosed copper conductors

J. Compound insulated conductors

K. Plastic insulated conductors

L. Isolated phase busbars

4. Selection of Bas bars:

A. Comparison between two types of selections

B. Minimum clearance due to corona

C. Short circuit heating and Durating Time

D. Fault duration

1.Design Considerations
A. Introduction
B. Types of Busbar

C. Choice of Busbar Material

A. Introduction
The word busbar, derived from the Latin word omnibus ('for all'), gives the
idea of a universal system of conveyance. In the electrical sense, the term bus
is used to describe a junction of circuits, usually in the form of a small number
of inputs and many outputs. 'Busbar' describes the form the bus system usually
takes, a bar or bars of conducting material.

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

In any electrical circuit some electrical energy is lost as heat which, if not kept
within safe limits, may impair the performance of the system. This energy
loss, which also represents a financial loss over a period of time, is
proportional to the effective resistance of the conductor and the square of the
current flowing through it. A low resistance therefore means a low loss; a
factor of increasing importance as the magnitude of the current increases.

The capacities of modern-day electrical plant and machinery are such that the
power handled by their control systems gives rise to very large forces.
Busbars, like all the other equipment in the system, have to be able to
withstand these forces without damage. It is essential that the materials used
in their construction should have the best possible mechanical properties and
are designed to operate within the temperature limits laid down in BS 159, BS
EN 60439-1:1994, or other national or international standards.

A conductor material should therefore have the following properties if it is to

be produced efficiently and have low running costs from the point of view of
energy consumption and maintenance:

a) Low electrical and thermal resistance

b) High mechanical strength in tension, compression and shear

c) High resistance to fatigue failure

d) Low electrical resistance of surface films

e) Ease of fabrication

f) High resistance to corrosion

g) Competitive first cost and high eventual recovery value

This combination of properties is met best by copper. Aluminium is the main

alternative material, but a comparison of the properties of the two metals
shows that in nearly all respects copper is the superior material.

B. Types of Busbar
Busbars can be sub-divided into the following categories, with individual
busbar systems in many cases being constructed from several different types:

a) Air insulated with open phase conductors

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

b) Air insulated with segregating barriers between conductors of different


c) Totally enclosed but having the construction as those for (a) and (b)

d) Air insulated where each phase is fully isolated from its adjacent phase(s)
by an earthed enclosure. These are usually called 'Isolated Phase Busbars'.

e) Force-cooled busbar systems constructed as (a) to (d) but using air, water,
etc. as the cooling medium under forced conditions (fan, pump, etc.).

f) Gas insulated busbars. These are usually constructed as type (e) but use a
gas other than air such as SF6, (sulphur hexafluoride).

g) Totally enclosed busbars using compound or oil as the insulation medium.

The type of busbar system selected for a specific duty is determined by

requirements of voltage, current, frequency, electrical safety, reliability, short-
circuit currents and environmental considerations. Table 1 outlines how these
factors apply to the design of busbars in electricity generation and industrial

Table 1 Comparison of typical design requirements for power generation and

industrial process systems

Feature Generation Industrial Processes

1 Voltage drop Normally not important Important

2 Temperature Usually near to maximum In many cases low due to

rise allowable. Capitalisation optimisation of first cost
becoming important. and running costs.

3 Current range Zero to 40 k A a .c . with Zero to 200 kA a.c. and

frequencies of zero to 400 d.c.

4 Jointing and Usually bolted but high Usually bolted. Joint

connections current applications are preparation very
often fully welded. Joint important.
preparation very

5 Cross- Usually minimum. Usually larger than

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

sectional area Somewhat larger if minimum required due to

optimisation is required. optimisation and voltage
drop considerations.

6 Kelvin's Law Not applied. Other forms Applies. Also other forms
of optimization are often of optimization and
used. capitalization used

7 Construction Up to 36 k V. Usually low voltage.

Individually engineered Individually engineered.
using basic designs and Standard products for low
concepts. current/voltage

8 Enclosures Totally enclosed with or Usually open. Enclosed or

without ventilation. protected by screens when
using standard products.

9 Fault capacity Usually large. Designed Usually similar to running

to meet system current. Standard products
requirement. to suit system short

10 Phase Normally 3 phase flat Normally flat but

arrangement though sometimes trefoil. transposition used to
improve current
distribution on large

11 Load factor Usually high. Normally Usually high but many

1.0. have widely varying loads.

12 Cost Low when compared with Major consideration in

associated plant. many cases. Particularly
is used.

13 Effects of Very serious. High Limited by low voltage

failure energies dissipated into and busbar size.

14 Copper type High conductivity. High conductivity.

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Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

15 Copper shape Usually rectangular. Tubular used for high current force-
cooled. Usually large cross section rectangular. Tubular used for some low
current high voltage applications and high current force-cooled.

C. Choice of Busbar Material

At the present time the only two commercially available materials suitable for
conductor purposes are copper and aluminum. The table below gives a
comparison of some of their properties. It can be seen that for conductivity
and strength, high conductivity copper is superior to aluminum. The only
disadvantage of copper is its density; for a given current and temperature rise,
an aluminum conductor would be lighter, even though its cross-section would
be larger. In enclosed systems however, space considerations are of greater
importance than weight. Even in open-air systems the weight of the busbars,
which are supported at intervals, is not necessarily the decisive factor.

Table 2 Typical relative properties of copper and aluminium

Copper(CW Aluminium Units

004A) (1350)

Electrical conductivity (annealed) 101 61 % IACS

Electrical resistivity (annealed) 1.72 2.83  cm

Temperature coefficient of 0.0039 0.004 /° C


Thermal conductivity at 20°C 397 230 W/mK

Coefficient of expansion 17 x 10–6 23 x 10–6 /° C

Tensile strength (annealed) 200 – 250 50 – 60 N/mm2

Tensile strength (half–hard) 260 – 300 85 – 100 N/mm2

0.2% proof stress (annealed) 50 – 55 20 – 30 N/mm2

0.2% proof stress (half–hard) 170 – 200 60 – 65 N/mm2

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

Elastic modulus 116 – 130 70 kN/mm2

Specific heat 385 900 J/kg K

Density 8.91 2.70 g/cm3

Melting point 1083 660 °C

Table 3 Copper conductors of rectangular cross section in

indoor installations.

 Ambient temperature 35ºC.

 Conductor temperature 65ºC.
 Conductor width vertical: clearance between conductors equal to
conductor thickness, with alternating current, clearance between
phases> 0.8 × phase centre line distance.
 Bare conductor partly oxidized, giving a radiation coefficient of 0.4
 Conductor painted (only the outside surfaces in the case of composite
bus bars), given a radiation coefficient of approx. 0.9.
Width Cross Material3 Continuous current in A bare
× Section a. c.up to 50 Hz No. of conductors per
MM2 Painted phase
No. of conductors per ph.

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

12× 5 59.5 E−Cu F 37 203 345 411 177 312 398

12 ×10 119.5 E−Cu F 37 326 605 879 285 553 811
20× 5 99.1 E−Cu F 37 319 560 728 274 500 690
20× 10 199 E−Cu F 30 497 924 1320 427 825 1180
30× 5 149 E−Cu F 37 447 760 944 379 672 896
30×10 299 E−Cu F 30 676 1200 1670 573 1060 1480
40×5 199 E−Cu F 37 573 952 1140 482 836 1090

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Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

40×10 399 E−Cu F 30 850 1470 2000 2580 715 1290 1770 2280
50×0 249 E−Cu F 37 697 1140 1330 2010 583 994 1240 1920
50× 10 499 E−Cu F 30 1020 1720 2320 2950 852 1510 2040 2600
60× 5 299 E−Cu F 30 826 1330 1510 2310 688 1150 1440 2210
60× 10 599 E−Cu F 30 1180 1960 2610 3290 985 1720 2300 2900
80 ×5 399 E−Cu F 30 1070 1680 1830 2830 855 1450 1750 2720
80 ×10 799 E−Cu F 30 1500 2410 3170 3930 1240 2110 2790 3450
100 ×5 499 E−Cu F 30 1300 2010 2150 3300 1080 1730 2050 3190
100 ×10 988 E−Cu F 30 1810 2850 3720 4530 1490 2480 3260 3980
120 ×10 1200 E−Cu F 30 2110 3280 4270 5130 1740 2860 3740 4500
160× 10 1600 E−Cu F 30 2700 4130 5360 6320 2220 3590 4680 5530
200 ×10 2000 E−Cu F 30 3290 4970 6430 7490 2690 4310 5610 6540

2. Alternating Current Effects in Busbars

A. Skin Effect
B. Proximity Effect

C. Condition for Minimum Loss

A. Skin Effect
The apparent resistance of a conductor is always higher for a.c. than for d.c.
The alternating magnetic flux created by an alternating current interacts with
the conductor, generating a back e.m.f. which tends to reduce the current in
the conductor. The centre portions of the conductor are affected by the

greatest number of lines of force, the number of line linkages decreasing as

the edges are approached. The electromotive force produced in this way by
self-inductance varies both in magnitude and phase through the cross-section
of the conductor, being larger in the centre and smaller towards the outside.
The current therefore tends to crowd into those parts of the conductor in
which the opposing e.m.f. is a minimum; that is, into the skin of a circular
conductor or the edges of a flat strip, producing what is known as 'skin' or
'edge' effect. The resulting non-uniform current density has the effect of
increasing the apparent resistance of the conductor and gives rise to increased

The ratio of the apparent d.c. and a.c. resistances is known as the skin effect

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

where Rf = a.c. resistance of conductor

Ro = d.c. resistance of conductor

S = skin effect ratio

The magnitude and importance of the effect increases with the frequency, and
the size, shape and thickness of conductor, but is independent of the
magnitude of the current flowing.

It should be noted that as the conductor temperature increases the skin effect
decreases giving rise to a lower than expected a.c. resistance at elevated
temperatures. This effect is more marked for a copper conductor than an
aluminium conductor of equal cross-sectional area because of its lower
resistivity. The difference is particularly noticeable in large busbar sections.

 Copper rods
The skin effect ratio of solid copper rods can be calculated from the formulae
derived by Maxwell, Rayleigh and others (Bulletin of the Bureau of
Standards, 1912):

where S = Skin effect ratio

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

d = diameter of rod, mm

f = frequency, Hz

ρ = resistivity, ρ cm

μ = permeability of copper (=1)

where A = cross-sectional area of the conductor, mm2

 Copper tubes
Skin effect in tubular copper conductors is a function of the thickness of the
wall of the tube and the ratio of that thickness to the tube diameter, and for a
given cross sectional area it can be reduced by increasing the tube diameter
and reducing the wall thickness.

Figure 5, Figure 6, and Figure 7, which have been drawn from formulae
derived by Dwight (1922) and Arnold (1936), can be used to find the value of
skin effect for various conductor sections. In the case of tubes (Figure 5), it
can be seen that to obtain low skin effect ratio values it is desirable to ensure,
where possible, low values of t/d and (f/r). For a given cross-sectional area
the skin effect ratio for a thin copper tube is appreciably lower than that for
any other form of conductor. Copper tubes, therefore, have a maximum
efficiency as conductors of alternating currents, particularly those of high
magnitude or high frequency.

The effect of wall thickness on skin effect for a 100 mm diameter tube
carrying a 50Hz alternating current is clearly shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 Resistance of HC copper tubes, 100 mm outside diameter, d.c.

and 50 Hz a.c.

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

Figure 6 Skin effect for rods and tubes

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

 Flat copper bars

The skin effect in flat copper bars is a function of its thickness and width.
With the larger sizes of conductor, for a given cross-sectional area of copper,
the skin effect in a thin bar or strip is usually less than in a circular copper rod
but greater than in a thin tube. It is dependent on the ratio of the width to the
thickness of the bar and increases as the thickness of the bar increases. A thin
copper strip, therefore, is more efficient than a thick one as an alternating

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

current conductor. Figure 7 can be used to find the skin effect value for flat

Figure 7 Skin effect for rectangular conductors

 Square copper tubes

The skin effect ratio for square copper tubes can be obtained from Figure 8.

Figure 8 Skin effect ratio for hollow square conductors

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

B. Condition for Minimum Loss

Both skin and proximity effects are due to circulating or 'eddy' currents caused
by the differences of inductance which exist between different 'elements' of
current-carrying conductors. The necessary condition for avoidance of both
these effects (and hence for minimum loss) is that the shapes of each of the
conductors in a single-phase system approximates to 'equi-inductance lines'.
Arnold (1937) has shown that for close spacing, rectangular section
conductors most closely approach this ideal. Such an arrangement is also
convenient where space is limited and where inductive voltage drop due to

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

busbar reactance must be reduced to a minimum. In the case of heavy current

single-phase busbars and where space is slightly less restricted, the single
channel arrangement gives the closest approximation to the equi-inductance
condition, the channels of 'go' and 'return' conductors being arranged back-to-
back, while for wider spacing a circular section is preferable.

3. Effect of Busbar Arrangements on Rating

A. Laminated copper bars

B. Inter-leaving of conductors

C. Transposition of conductors

D. Hollow square arrangement

E. Modified hollow square

F. Tubular bars

G. Concentric conductors

H. Channel and angle bars

I. Comparison of conductor arrangements

J. Enclosed copper conductors

K. Compound insulated conductors

L. Plastic insulated conductors

M. Isolated phase busbars

The efficiency of all types of heavy current busbars depends upon careful
design, the most important factors being:

a) The provision of a maximum surface area for the dissipation of heat.

b) An arrangement of bars which cause a minimum of interference with the

natural movements of air currents.

c) An approximately uniform current density in all parts of the conductors.

This is normally obtained by having as much copper as possible equidistant
from the magnetic centre of the busbar.

d) Low skin effect and proximity effect for a.c. busbar systems.

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

To meet these requirements there are many different arrangements of copper

busbars using laminations, as well as copper extrusions of various cross-

Figure 9 Busbar arrangements

A. Laminated copper bars

To obtain the best and most efficient rating for rectangular strip copper
conductors they should be mounted whenever possible with their major cross-
sectional axes vertical so giving maximum cooling surfaces.

Laminations of 6 or 6.3 mm thickness, of varying widths and with 6 or 6.3

mm spacings are probably the most common and are satisfactory in most a.c.
low current cases and for all d.c. systems.

It is not possible to give any generally applicable factors for calculating the
d.c. rating of laminated bars, since this depends upon the size and proportions
of the laminations and on their arrangement. A guide to the expected relative
ratings are given in Table 8 below for a 50 Hz system. The ratings for single
bars can be estimated using the methods given in Section 3 and Section 4.

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

Table 8 Multiplying factors for laminated bars

Table 13 (Appendix 2) gives a.c. ratings for various configurations of

laminated bars based on test measurements.

For all normal light and medium current purposes an arrangement such as that
in Figure 9a is entirely satisfactory, but for a.c. currents in excess of 3000 A
where large numbers of laminations would be required it is necessary to
rearrange the laminations to give better utilisation of the copper bars.

The effect of using a large number of laminations mounted side by side is

shown in Figure 10 for a.c. currents. The current distribution is independent of
the total current magnitude.

Figure 10 Alternating current distribution in a bar with ten laminations

This curve shows that due to skin effect there is a considerable variation in the
current carried by each lamination, the outer laminations carrying
approximately four times the current in those at the centre. The two centre
laminations together carry only about one-tenth of the total current.

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

The currents in the different laminations may also vary appreciably in phase,
with the result that their numerical sum may be greater than their vectorial
sum, which is equal to the line current. These circulating currents give rise to
additional losses and lower efficiency of the system. It should also be noted
that the curve is non-symmetrical due to the proximity effect of an adjacent

For these reasons it is recommended that alternate arrangements, such as those

discussed in the following sections, are used for heavy current a.c. svstems.

B. Inter-leaving of conductors
Where long low-voltage a.c. bars are carrying heavy currents, particularly at a
low power factor, inductive volt drop may become a serious problem with
laminated bars arranged as in Figure 9a. The voltage drop for any given size
of conductor is proportional to the current and the length of the bars, and
increases as the separation between conductors of different phases increases.
In the case of laminated bars the inductive volt drop can be reduced by
splitting up the bars into an equivalent number of smaller circuits in parallel,
with the conductors of different phases interleaved as shown in Figure 9b.
This reduces the average spacing between conductors of different phases and
so reduces the inductive volt drop.

C. Transposition of conductors
The unbalanced current distribution in a laminated bar carrying a.c. current
due to skin and proximity effects may be counteracted by transposing
laminations or groups of laminations at intervals. Tappings and other
connections make transposition difficult, but it can be worthwhile where long
sections of bars are free from tappings. The arrangement is as shown in Figure

D. Hollow square arrangement

To obtain a maximum efficiency from the point of view of skin effect, as
much as possible of the copper should be equidistant from the magnetic centre
of a bar, as in the case of a tubular conductor. This can reduce the skin effect
to little greater than unity whereas values of 2 or more are possible with other
arrangements having the same cross-sectional area.

With flat copper bars the nearest approach to a unity skin effect ratio is
achieved using a hollow square formation as shown in Figure 9c, though the
current arrangement is still not as good as in a tubular conductor. The heat

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

dissipation is also not as good as the same number of bars arranged side by
side as in Figure 9b, due to the horizontally mounted bars at the top and

E. Modified hollow square

This arrangement (Figure 9d) does not have as good a value of skin effect
ratio as the hollow square arrangement, but it does have the advantage that the
heat dissipation is much improved. This arrangement can have a current-
carrying capacity of up to twice that for bars mounted side by side, or
alternatively the total cross-sectional area can be reduced for similar current-
carrying capacities.

F. Tubular bars
A tubular copper conductor is the most efficient possible as regards skin
effect, as the maximum amount of material is located at a uniform distance
from the magnetic centre of the conductor. The skin effect reduces as the
diameter increases for a constant wall thickness, with values close to unity
possible when the ratio of outside diameter to wall thickness exceeds about

The natural cooling is not as good as that for a laminated copper bar system of
the same cross-sectional area, but when the proximity effects are taken into
account the one-piece tube ensures that the whole tube attains an even
temperature - a condition rarely obtained with laminated bar systems.

Tubular copper conductors also lend themselves to alternative methods of

cooling by, for example, forced air or liquid cooling where heat can be
removed from the internal surface of the tubes. Current ratings of several
times the natural air cooled value are possible using forced cooling with the
largest increases when liquid cooling is employed.

A tubular bar also occupies less space than the more usual copper laminated
bar and has a further advantage that its strength and rigidity are greater and
uniform in all deflection planes. These advantages are, however, somewhat
reduced by the difficulty of making joints and connections which are more
difficult than those for laminated bars. These problems have now been
reduced by the introduction of copper welding and exothermic copper forming
methods. Copper tubes are particularly suitable for high current applications,
such as arc furnaces, where forced liquid cooling can be used to great
advantage. The tube can also be used in isolated phase busbar systems due to
the ease with which it can be supported by insulators.

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

G.Concentric conductors
This arrangement is not widely used due to difficulties of support but has the
advantage of the optimum combination of low reactance and eddy current
losses and is well suited to furnace and weld set applications. It should be
noted that the isolated phase busbar systems are of this type with the current in
the external enclosure being almost equal to that in the conductor when the
continuously bonded three-phase enclosure system is used.

H.Channel and angle bars

Alternative arrangements to flat or tubular copper bars are the channel and
angle bars which can have advantages. The most important of these shapes are
shown in the diagrams below.

These are easily supported and give great rigidity and strength while the
making of joints and connections presents no serious difficulty.

The permissible alternating current density in free air for a given temperature
rise is usually greater in the case of two angle-shaped conductors (diagram
(a)) than in any other arrangement of conductor material.

For low voltage heavy current single-phase bars with narrow phase centres,
single copper channels with the webs of the 'go' and 'return' conductors
towards one another give an efficient arrangement. The channel sizes can be
chosen to reduce the skin and proximity effects to a minimum, give maximum
dissipation of heat and have considerable mechanical strength and rigidity.
Where high voltage busbars are concerned the phase spacing has to be much
larger to give adequate electrical clearances between adjacent phases with best
arrangement being with the channel webs furthest apart. For high-capacity
generators which are connected to transformers and allied equipment by

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

segregated or non-segregated copper busbars, the double angle arrangement

gives the best combination with the copper bar sizes still being readily
manufactured. The current ratings of these arrangements are given in Table 15
(Appendix 2). The ratings given are the maximum current ratings which do
not take the cost of losses into account and hence are not optimised.

I. Comparison of conductor arrangements

The extent to which the a.c. current rating for a given temperature rise of a
conductor containing a given cross-sectional area of copper depends on the
cross-section shape. The approximate relative a.c. ratings for a typical cross-
sectional area of 10 000 mm2 are shown in Figure 11. For cross-sectional
areas greater than 10 000 mm2 the factors are greater than those shown, and
are smaller for smaller cross-sections. In the case of double-channel busbars,
the ratio of web-to-flange lengths and also the web thickness have a
considerable effect on the current carrying capacity.

Figure 11 Comparative a.c. ratings of various conductor arrangements

each having a cross sectional area of 10,000 mm2 of HC copper

J. Enclosed copper conductors

In many cases busbars are surrounded by enclosures, normally metallic, which
reduce the busbar heat dissipation due to reduction in cooling air flow and
radiation losses and therefore give current ratings which may be considerably
less than those for free air exposure. Ventilated enclosures, however, provide

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Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

mechanical protection and some cooling air flow with the least reduction in
current rating.

The reduction in rating for a given temperature rise will vary considerably
with the type and size of bar and enclosure. The greatest decrease in current
rating occurs with bars which depend mainly on free air circulation and less
on uniform current distribution such as the modified hollow square
arrangement (Figure 9d). In these cases the rating may be reduced to between
60 and 65% when the conductors are enclosed in non-magnetic metal
enclosures. In the case of tubular conductors or those of closely grouped flat
laminations, which are normally not so well cooled by air circulation, the
ratings may be reduced to about 75% of free air ratings for normal
temperature rises.

Where the busbar system is enclosed in thick magnetic enclosures, such as in

metal-clad switchgear, the reduction is approximately a further 15%. The
effect of thin sheet-steel enclosures is somewhat less. These additional
reductions are due to the heat generated by the alternating magnetic fields
through hysteresis and eddy current losses. Besides the derating caused by
enclosure conditions, other limitations on maximum working temperature are
often present, such as when the outside of enclosures should not exceed a
given safety value. These deratings are affected by the electrical clearances
involved and the degree of ventilation in the enclosure. The above figures and
the curves shown in Figure 12 should only be taken as a rough guide to the
required derating; an accurate figure can only be obtained by testing.

All parts such as conductor and switch fittings, enclosures and interphase
barriers may be subject to appreciable temperature rise due to circulating and
eddy current losses when close to the heavy current bars and connections.
These losses can be reduced to a minimum by making these parts from high
conductivity non-magnetic material such as copper or copper alloy.

Figure 12 Comparison of approximate current ratings for busbars in

different enclosures

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Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

K.Compound insulated conductors

The current rating of copper immersed in oil or compound depend upon a
number of factors which may vary widely with design, and can normally only
be confirmed by carrying out temperature rise tests on the complete assembly.

The ratings of enclosed bars are nearly always much lower than the free air
ratings. The temperature rise is dependent on the rate at which heat is
conducted through the insulating media and dissipated from the outside casing
by radiation and convection. There is nearly always a closer phase spacing
between conductors giving high proximity effects and higher heat losses in the
magnetic outer casings and so giving rise to higher temperature rises.

Proximity effect is often more important for insulated bars than those in air.
Laminated bars have fewer advantages when immersed in oil or compound
and circular copper conductors either solid or hollow though are often
preferred particularly for high-voltage gear and high current generators,
transformers, etc., where more effective cooling such as water cooling can be

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Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

employed to improve conductor material utilisation and hence reduce the

overall size of plant.

L. Plastic insulated conductors

There is a widening use of plastic continuous insulation as the primary
insulation for low current and voltage busbars. This insulation is usually of the
shrink-on P.V.C. type though wrap-on tape is sometimes used. This method is
used for voltages up to about 15 kV, though much higher levels can be
attained when specialised insulation systems such as epoxy resin or similar
based tapes and powders are employed. These systems are particularly useful
where high atomic radiation levels, or high temperatures (up to 130°C) are
encountered, although account must be taken of the possibility of halogen
gassing from P.V.C. insulations at temperatures around 100°C. Modified
P.V.C. materials with improved high-temperature performance are available.

M. Isolated phase busbars

solated phase busbars consist of a metallic enclosed conductor where each
individual phase or pole is surrounded by a separately earthed sheath which is
connected at its ends by a full short-circuit current rated bar. The sheath is
intended primarily to prevent interphase short-circuit currents developing.
They have the further advantage that the high magnetic fields created by the
conductor current are almost completely cancelled by an equal and opposite
current induced in the enclosure or sheath with reductions of 95% or better in
the external magnetic field being possible. An important result is that the
likelihood of steelwork overheating when adjacent to the busbar system is
considerably reduced except where the sheath short-circuit bars are located.
This current flowing in the enclosure makes the method of estimating the
performance of the busbar system much more complicated and can only be
resolved by obtaining a heat balance between conductor and enclosure using
an interactive calculation method.

These busbars are used normally for operating voltages of between 11 kV and
36 kV though equipment using much lower voltages and higher voltages are
increasingly changing to this system. Examples of such equipment are exciter
connections, switchgear interconnections, generator to transformer
connections, high voltage switchgear using SF6 (sulphur hexafluoride) gas
insulation (this gas having an insulation level many times better than air). The
current flowing in the conductor ranges from as little as 1000 A to in excess of
40 kA. To obtain the higher currents forced cooling is used, the most
commonly used cooling media being air and water though other cooling gases
or liquids can be used. The use of these cooling systems usually creates much

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

increased heat losses and so their use must be justified by benefits in other
areas, e.g., reduced civil costs, reduced physical size where space is at a
premium or reduction in size to enable normal manufacturing methods be
used both for the basic busbar material and also the complete busbar system.

Another factor which influences the method chosen for forced cooling is the
naturally cooled rating of the busbar system and also its ability to sustain
overload conditions. The busbars are usually manufactured in single-phase
units of transportable length and consist of a central conductor usually tubular
of round, square or channel cross-section, supported by porcelain or epoxy
resin insulators. The insulators are located by the external metallic sheath
through which they are normally removed for servicing.

4.Selection of Bas bars:

Bus bar connected each transformer and main distribution board.

For each transformer
Total KVA = 800 KVA
Total current = 1215.5 A
Total length = 5 m
From this data, we can use copper conductor in door installation at
ambient temperature 35ºC, conductor temperature 65ºC painted bus bar
From tables above for copper conductor (E-Cu F30)

K1 = 1 correction factor for load variations relating to conductivity,

K2 = 1 correction factor for other air and / or busbar temperatures
(65ºC for Cu )
K3 = 0.85correction factor for thermal load variations due to differences
in layout.
K4 = 1 correction factor for electrical load variations (with alternating
current ) due to differences in layout ,
Current carrying capacity = 1215.5/0.85 = 1430 A

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

A.Comparison between two types of selections:

One conductor per

Two conductor per
phase (bare,
phase(bare, rectangular)
1490 1720
Current (A)
Width ×
100 * 10 60 * 10
Cross section
988 599 *2
Resistance (Ω) 1.054*10^(-4) 8.695*10^(-5)
Weight Kg/m 8.89 5.33 * 2
Power losses (W) 215.6 177.8

From table above select one conductor per phase (bare, rectangular)

B. Minimum clearance due to corona : W

The minimum distance between conductor centers (s) is

estimated from: h

V = 125 * m * δ * log (S/r)


V = Rms voltage to neutral in KV
M= sursace factor = 0.96
δ = air density factor = (3.9 * Pair)/(273+θair) , For Pair = 76 cm Hg
, θair = 45 º C ,
δ = 0.95
r = 1.25 (w/2) = 1.25 * (w/2) = 1.25 (100/2) = 62.5 mm
V= (.38/√2) KV
S= 63 mm

C.Short circuit heating and Durating Time:

Zfault = ZIB. + ZMVcable + Z Tr. +ZB.B.
= 0.0395+j0.07925+ 1.5*10^(-5) +1.187*10^(-4) = 0.0395+j0.0794

Project – P1
Chapter ( 3 ) Bus Bars design

║ Zfault ║= 0.0887 pu
MVAs.c = 1 / ║ Zfault ║= 11.3
Is.c = 11.3/(0.38*√3) = 17.14 KAmp.

D.Fault duration:

For cu bas bar we have

Iscpeak = 22*10^(4) *(a /√t)*√[log((θf+233)/(θi+233))]

o Θi = initial conductor (B.B) temp. before fault
o Θf = final B.B temp. after fault.
o a = area in inch2
o t= duration of fault in sec.
o Iscpeak = peak short ciruit current = 2*√2 * Isc = 48.48 KA
o Θi = 55ºC ( allowing 15ºC temp. rise at normal condition)
o Θf= 85ºC (allowing 45ºC temp. rise during s.c)
o a=1.513 in2

t= 2 sec

Project – P1

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