1. Matter - Workbook

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World Around Us

I. Matter
Workahe:et I

Give reasons for the following.

1. Steam Is released when water Is put in a pan and heated.

h'beo we hto.1:. Nol.es ft charwe 5

-f1S from trn;na ~-
2. Clothes dry faster in summer season than In winters .

.To .&1crn:mec ihe .Jiio .eh"1.oe~ 'or~hte.r heru

_.D-~ ratio a L£ fus±, ..
3. Sheena wanted to drink chilled Juice, so she kept the':juice in the freezer. But
after a few hours, she found it was impossible to drink it.

Ibe fceeu.r LlllS below 06 1tfJ Lt }/t11.e2 e U

Lba.D~i,a to s£oljd ..
4. After you have bathed with hot water in winter, you find droplets of water on the
bathroom mirror.

The bat water to uc~ --the =i1.trfo.rA oE

llio. rm.lrco r ~ con du1sed
S. The pond near Payal's house dries up during the summer season.

Tue waFz :,n -&ea so a ~o ca.~ vapourLu

:Ue wa.b .

••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• •
: Learning outcome: Explaining • Teacher's remarks:
: the reasons for the changing
•• states of matter ••••

• •
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••

Wo,.,h..1 J o,,, ~ }5r l"½

l H,,.. •r• • ftw 1t1t1m1nt1 related to ,alld1, llquld• and 1••••• Write ••ch of th "

under th, C'orrect column In the t1bl1. '"'
• The)' t11n be crushed 1ruo Ono powdec ,
• Tht1y can be poured.
• Thcfr shape can bf rhangcd by npplyfng pressure .
• •• ·,·11ey can not flow.
• They do not have a flxed shape.
• They can o,ccupy all the space available. \
• They h,1ve a nxed shape.
• They can expand a lot.
• They take the shape of the contc1lner.



Work1haat l

observe the picture and answer the que

stions tha t follow.

1. Which of these describes the Ice crea

m tha t the chil d Is eating?
a. It Is a solid.
c. It can change Its state.
b. Its par ticle s are packed
d. All of these
ver y close to each other.
2. What Is hap pen ing to the ice cream?
a. It is eva por atin g. c. It Is cha ngin g its stat e because
b. It is cha ngin g from solid
to gas. ,..
of heat.

d. It is free zing .
3. If the chil d collects the mel ted ice crea
m in a bow l, will she be able to brin g it
back to its earlier state?
a.N o c. Yes, by put ting It In the free zer
b. Yes, by keeping it at room d. Yes, by boi ling it
tem per atu re

•••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •

•• Lea rnin g out com e: Kno wing •
•• Teacher's rem ark s:
•• abo ut the diffe rent ways mat ter
• ••
• can change its state •


•••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • •

t C

Solve the crossword using the clues I

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D l)
R [ E z_
~ N ~
N 0 Down
' 1. In this process, a gas turns
s s into a liq uid on cooling.
2. They ca n easily flow and
take the shape of the
It containe r.

'f 3. The parti des of this state of
M ( L- T t- l\J ~ matter are tightly packed.
4. A liquid t urns into a solid
0 upon coo ling. This process
is called I..,.p r 'Z ; V\1
Lss a so,I'd
5. In this proce
N substance changes into a
•••••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••
••• Learnin • '.
g outcome; Listing •• • Tucher's remarks:
: the correct state of matter and
• :
• identifying the processes for •
•• changing the states of matter


••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••

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