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Ching, Aubrey Hazel Ocampo




June 13, 2020

Final Examination

1. Why does the practicing engineer need a substantial knowledge of legal matters?

Answer: Practicing Engineer needs substantial knowledge or enough of legal matters to

follow and abide by the rules and regulations of the company where the engineer is

working, and also to be aware of the rights and privileges the engineer has.

2. What are some of the functions of the engineer in the performance of which a good

command of the English language is most helpful?

Answer: The field of engineering is very broad. The English language is most helpful

when it comes to interactions, task coordination, communications, and working with

customers, clients, partners, and co-engineers worldwide especially in the field of sales.

3. Why is it impossible to develop mature engineering judgment by engineering

college study alone?

Answer: It is impossible to develop mature engineering judgment by just relying only on

the knowledge learned from college. Maturity in engineering judgement comes from the

experiences gained from the colleagues and the works in the field.

4. What course of action should an engineer take when he feels that a job on which he

has just started is totally uninteresting?

Answer: Whether an engineer is feeling stuck in a job that doesn’t appeal to his/her

creative sensibilities, or simply can’t escape the feeling of monotony at work. If leaving

the current job is not an option at the moment, by implementing small changes such as

altering daily routine, taking on more responsibilities, or mastering new skills, one can

make a boring job more tolerable and interesting.

5. Assume that an engineer was an applicant for a certain position and was asked

concerning the standing and qualifications of another engineer for the same position,

concerning whom he has heard unfavorable reports. Should he give the information

he possesses? Why?

Answer: No, because engineers shall not intentionally falsify their qualifications nor

actively permit written misrepresentation of other engineer’s qualifications. But, one

can’t help but speak negatively about another engineer when comparing qualifications

in a circumstance like this. The engineer in this situation can discuss her qualifications

for the position but cannot ethically compare qualifications with other engineers applying

for the position. The other engineer can then discuss their qualifications, and the

employer can make the comparisons.

6. A manufacturer offered an engineer a commission of 10 percent on all the material

that might be used on a contract, provided his special brand of the material was

specified. If the engineer knew or believed that the material was equal to any similar

material on the market, would he be justified in accepting the offer, and why?

Answer: Yes, because it is not only in favor of the engineer receiving the 10 percent

commission, but also it is a way of helping the manufacturer to introduce their products

knowing that the quality of the material is equal or similar to any material on the market.
7. Assume that you are graduating from a university with a degree in Bachelor of

Science in Instrumentation and Control Engineering. Write to an industrial company

requesting employment.


June 13, 2020

Jayson Olarve

Head, Human Resources Department

Industrial Company

Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City

Dear Mr. Olarve,

I am aware of the reputation of your organization, and it would be a great honor to be

part of the success of your organization.

I, Aubrey Hazel Ching, a fresh graduate with a degree in Instrumentation and Control

Engineering, is interested in a position in your company. It would be a great help if I can

have a vital role in your organization.

I hope to speak with you soon about your needs for the position.

Best Regards,

Aubrey Hazel Ching

8. Why is some knowledge of international law important to an engineer who works in

a foreign country?
Answer: In order to abide by the rules and regulations of a company in a foreign country,

one must have knowledge about international law to avoid any inconvenience and

9. What essential conditions must exist before an agreement can become a legal


Answer: First is the acceptance, the person receiving the offer voluntarily agrees to the

conditions of the offer. Second is the considerations, consideration is considered

something of value and usually, it's a defined monetary amount. But if one offers to

provide knowledge and expertise to an employer, it would still be considered giving

consideration. The third is the legal intent, This requirement for a contract refers to the

intention of each party. There must be evidence that the parties intended the agreement

to be subject to the law of contract. If evidence of intent is found, the agreement gives

rise to legal obligations whereby any party in breach may be sued. Without this intention

to create legal relations, the contract will not be binding and the parties cannot enforce it.

Last is the competency, Those signing the contract and entering into the contract

agreement must be competent. This means that they are of legal age to sign a contract;

they have the mental capacity to understand what they are signing, and they are not

impaired at the time of signing – meaning they are not under the influence of drugs or

alcohol. Although "competent parties" is a requirement for any legal contract, it is highly

scrutinized in contracts dealing with senior citizens or disabled persons. A person

suffering from dementia might not be mentally competent to sign a contract to sell his

property to another party.

10. Why are the bidding procedures for the construction of public works more rigidly

fixed than are those for the construction of private works?

Answer: The bidding procedures for the construction of public works is very formal and

it has existing rules and regulations that must be strictly followed in order to emerge with

the winning bid. While in bidding procedures for construction of private works is less

formal and not generally constrained by detailed government-imposed rules and

regulations. In the private sector, the owner or prime contractor requesting bids has

wide latitude in setting its own rules for soliciting bids, and in selecting among the

various bids submitted.

11. What information should an “Advertisement” for bids contain? Discuss each.


a. Invitation to Apply for Eligibility and to Bid (IAEB), serves as the notice to the

public and all interested parties of the procurement and bidding opportunities of

the Procuring Entity.

b. Instructions to Bidders (ITB), refers to the complete set of documents which

provides Bidders with all information needed and procedures to be followed in

the course of preparing their Bid

c. Bid Data Sheet (BDS), refers to such part of the Instructions to Bidders used to

reflect conditions of the tendering process that are specific for the requirements

of the ITB.

d. General Conditions of Contract (GCC), are the normal and standard methods

prescribed for how the Owner, Contractor, and Architect are to interact with

each other during the course of construction. It covers most of the normal

conditions that may arise during an ordinary job.

e. Special Conditions of Contract (SCC), contains instructions to the Contractor that

apply only to the particular job at hand. Specific information is also included

such as any particular arrangements for utilities to be used during construction,

and any similar information that might be applicable to the particular job.

f. Schedule of Requirements, means that part of the contract which identifies,

either directly or by reference, the Contractor Deliverables to be supplied or

carried out, the quantities involved and the price or pricing terms in relation to

each Contractor Deliverable.

g. Technical Specifications of the Goods and Services to be procured, A precise

description of the physical characteristics, quality, or desired outcomes of a

commodity to be procured, which a supplier must be able to produce or deliver

to be considered for award of a contract.

h. Sample Forms as annexed in the PBDs, or Any attachments and/or appendices

to the Bid including all those specified under the Bid Data Sheet.

12. What goals would you expect to achieve before you would class yourself as a


Answer: Having a stable job, complete and healthy family, and especially satisfied and

happy on what is offered in life are the goals expected to achieve to class myself as a


13. Name some classes of persons who are not competent to make contracts.

Answer: Classes of persons who are not competent to make contracts are minors or

those under the age of 18, a convicted person undergoing sentence, and persons with
mental incapacity such as senior citizens, persons with dementia, and persons under

influence of drugs and alcohol.

14. Why is it possible to let work with only one bid for private works, although several

bids are required on public works contracts?

Answer: Because before bidding for private works, a contractor who has been invited to

bid was evaluated by their previous work, experience, and reputation. These criteria are

factored in to see how the contractor handles their workload, and if they have proven to

the owner that they can finish a project in a timely manner. While public works are more

of a competitive process. By law, a large portion of federal, state, county, municipal, or

school district projects require competitive bidding. This process is set in place to

guarantee the lowest construction price for the public project. With these types of

projects, you usually see tax revenue or publicly issued bonds as the main source for

funding, whereas with private projects the owner is responsible for funding. The contract

is awarded to the lowest bidder is a long-standing practice in the construction industry,

because it indicates that public money is being handled in a responsible manner.

15. Realizations about the current pandemic that spread all over the world in terms of:

a. The importance of following health protocols

Answer: One of my realizations about the current pandemic is that health is our greatest

wealth. It took a pandemic to make the world realize that health matters more than

anything, therefore, we need to value it. We owe it to ourselves to look after our physical,

mental, and emotional well-being. In order for us to protect ourselves from this virus, we

need to follow safety and health protocols given by the government and medical

practitioners. If we don’t follow these protocols, we may end up in a hospital and we

might not able to see our families again. The best doctors cannot solve the COVID-19

pandemic by themselves, so we must help them stop spreading the virus by staying in

our homes.

b. Its effect to you as a graduating student

Answer: The knowledge gained from our studies does not exempt us from being

infected by the virus. The virus does not discriminate and no one is guaranteed with

immunity. Due to the nationwide lockdown, our quality of education has been impacted

as retention of knowledge is further reduced in a virtual environment. The quarantine

has also prevented us from finishing the testing phase of our thesis. Ultimately, this

situation has caused uncertainty for us students on how or if we are to graduate this

semester, or will there be an extension for our semester.

c. Your contribution to the community during the quarantine period

Answer: My most important contribution is by staying home (preventing the spread of

infection to others) during the entire quarantine period. I have also supported our local

businesses by purchasing their products and services. There had been many charitable

works and institutions that I have financially supported together with my family.

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