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Hormones are chemical messengers sent in the blood
Hormones are carried inside the blood plasmas they only affect particular
Cells that are called the target cells.

Secreted from top of the kidneys adrenal gland.
Role: readies the body for fight or flight responses.
Effects increase heart rate, blood flow to muscles and blood sugar level.

Secreted from the pancreas, helps control the blood sugar level of your
Body. Stimulates liver to turn glucose into glycogen.

Secreted from the testes, main male sex hormones. Promotes male
Secondary sexual characteristics. For example, growth of hair and Adam’s

Secreted from ovaries, it supports pregnancy, it maintains the lining of
The uterus.

Also secreted from the ovaries, female sex hormones, promotes
Female secondary sexual characteristics such as enlargement of breast
Also control the menstrual cycle.

All three below are secreted from the pituitary gland in brain
ADH: controls the water content
FSH: cause an egg to mature and it stimulus the ovaries to produce
LH: stimulus the release of an egg from an ovary

The main three differences between nerves and hormones is that nerves
is very fast message that travel through the CNS and it act for short
periods of time, while hormones travel slower but acts for a longer
periods of time, nerves only act towards precise area of your body.
Hormones can cover a wider area of your body and different organs.

Homeostasis is the process of balancing body internal environments.
The reason we need homeostasis because conditions in our body need to
be kept in order for the cell to function properly.
For example, body temperature and water content in our body.

Body temperature is kept at about 37 degrees, because this is the best

temperature, for enzymes to functions, to control the body temperature,
a part of our brain will receive the message from skin as receptors and
then send it to the effectors.

On hot day when you exercise you will sweat a lot also breath much
quicker so you already lost water by lungs and skins, therefore, you urine

will be more concentrated than working out during a cold day since you
already lose a great amount of water.

More on Homeostasis:

The skins plays a important role in maintaining the body temperature.

When you are too hot the skin will sweat to lose energy, and the blood
vessel that are near the surface of your skin widens also to lose energy
and this is called vasodilations. Hairs also lies flat.
When you are too cold the skin will not produce a lots of sweat Blood
vessels near the surface of your skin contracts so less blood flowing
through the surface of your skin so less energy is lost. This is called
vasoconstriction. You shiver because basically doing any kinds of exercise
will makes you respiration faster to produce more heat. Also the hairs on
surface of your skin stands up to trap insulating air, to keep the body

Surface area to volume ratio:

smaller surface area means gain or loss heat slower because the surface
area for heat to transfer is small, larger surface area gain or loss heat
faster because there is more area for heat to conduct leave or enter your

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