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Bosco Tribunal

Petitioner : Good Afternoon to all the members of the jury

and to the members of the opposition. May it please all the
court , my name is Hredaan Chakraborty, the counsel for the
prosecution .

Without wasting any time, I would like to draw your attention

towards the first issue on behalf of the prosecution:

ISSUE 1: Violation of Copyright law-

On the 25th of June , 2024, The World wide known and
renowned artist Music Man has filed a high profile case on the
famous company – RGBeatz’s newly composed AI
for copying Music Man’s “Nightmares” song , renaming it as
The core issue here is the infringement of Music Man’s
copyright . Under the Indian Copyright Act of 1957, states
that these laws were created to protect the original content of
an artist, ensuring the recognition of the artist. Which clearly
violate the laws of the Indian Copyright Act of 1957
– Section 13- This section specifies the type of work in which
copyright subsists including the musical works. Since
“Nightmares” by Music Man falls under the category of
musical work, my client’s work falls under and is protected
by this copyright. -Section 14- This section defines and
emphasizes on the exclusive rights to the owner of the
copyright, including the right to reproduce the work, issue
copies of the work to the public , and make any adaptation of
said work. Music Man accuses RGBeatz to do unauthorized
reproduction of the work and adaptation of the chorus from
his song “Nightmares”. -Section 51- This section outlines
what constitutes copyright infringement . According to this
section , copyright is infringed when any person without a
license does something that only the owner of the copyright ,
my client “Music Man” has the right to do, or when any
person is accused in the importing infringed copies into the
country of India, among other scenarios. RGBeatz’s
“Houdini” is found to have been copied from “Music Man’s”
song “Nightmares”, It would mean that my client has the in
fact the right to accuse RGBeatz. -Section 55- This section
provides legal remedies available to the owner of the
copyright, in case of infringement, including injunctions,
damages, and accounts of profits. Music Man can seek
remedies if RGBeatz has infringed his copyright. -Section 63-
This section deals with the criminal liability for copyright
infringement, and this section can be invoked for penalizing
the company, including imprisonment and fines. -Section 64-
This section grants the police the authority to seize copies of
the infringed work, if the court rules in favor of Music Man ,
this section can be used to prevent further distribution of the
infringing track “Houdini”.

ISSUE: 2: Unethical use of Artificially Intelligent Technology

While AI can be a powerful tool for innovation and

development, the use in context is what raises questions
significant to ethical concerns, the immoral plagiarism of
RGBeatz’s has fully exploited Music Man’s globally
famous and unanimously loved “Nightmares”, this act of theft
, has not only given sufficient financial loss to Music Man ,
but it has also negatively impacted his flourishing career.
Music Man was a prominent and a recognized figure of the
music industry globally , an artist who was unmatched in
comparison, but this instance of exploitation that has been
done by RGBeatz , has proved to violate and challenge legal
frameworks that protect artistic works, “Houdini” is solid
evidence that Artificial Intelligence has the potential to end
the flourishing career of a globally renowned artist, and many
others. The chorus of “Houdini” bears an uncanny
resemblance to that of “Nightmares” the hymn , beat and the
rhythm of “Houdini” bears the theft of RGBeatz. This is not a
case of inspiration or influence; it is a direct appropriation of
Music Man’s creative output. Such actions are a clear
violation of his rights and cannot be justified under any legal
or ethical framework. No authorization or provide any credit
to the true artist, intellectual property rights are fundamental
to protecting artists, and this blatant disregard for these rights
by RGBeatz must be addressed. The integrity of the music
industry depends on the enforcement of these laws.

Conclusion: In conclusion, we urge the court to recognize

the infringement of Music Man’s copyright by RGBeatz and
to uphold the principles of intellectual property law that
protect the rights of artists. This case is a proof that
technology is a very delicate matter , and should not fall in the
wrong hands , the point of concern is that the audience that
has quickly gathered around RGBeatz’s unlawfully copied
“Houdini” , is a curse to Music Man’s “Nightmare”, as it
directly attacks Music Man’s Original content , and acts as a
curse to his well founded career. Hence for all of these grave
offences, I would request the court to punish the guilty for
their immoral infringement of the mentioned patent and also
to take a permanent injunction and grant my client the
necessary compensation present under section 108 if the
Indian Patents Act.

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