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‫اﻟﺻرف اﻟﺻﺣﻲ اﻟﻣﺳﺗداﻣﺔ‬
‫اﻟﻣﻧﺎطق اﻟرﯾﻔﯾﺔ‬

‫مشروع اعمال الصرف الصحي لقرية ابوجريدة والطحان ‪-‬‬

‫تجمع قروي الرحامنه – مركز فارسكور – محافظة دمياط‬
‫طرﯾﻘﺔ اﻟﺗﻧﻔﯾذ ‪Statement Method‬‬
‫)اإلصدار الخامس (‬

‫اﻟرﻗم اﻟﻛودى ‪SRSSP-DAM-NW-04-‬‬

‫‪P2‬‬ ‫كود التقديم‬

‫إنفايروسيفيك و مكتب مصر للهندسة‬

‫مالحظات‬ ‫تاريخ االصدار‬ ‫رقم االصدار‬
‫االهتمام بطريقة التنفيذ و مراعاة‬ ‫‪22/5/2022‬‬ ‫األول‬
‫أصول الجودة و السالمة و المعدات و‬
‫عدم ارتباط الخطة بطبيعة العمل‬ ‫‪18/11/2022‬‬ ‫الثاني‬
‫وجود ملفات خاصة بخطط اخري‬ ‫‪18/1/2023‬‬ ‫الثالث‬
‫بدون التوضيح‬
‫تم إضافة اختبار تسريب المطابق و‬ ‫‪7/6/2023‬‬ ‫الرابع‬
‫االعمال الكهروميكانيكية‬
‫‪22/1/2024‬‬ ‫الخامس‬

‫التوضيح‬ ‫الرمز‬
‫أبو جريدة‬ ‫‪AB‬‬
‫طريقة التنفيذ‬ ‫‪MS‬‬

‫محتويات طريقة التنفيذ‬
‫الصفحة‬ ‫العنوان‬ ‫م‬

‫‪4‬‬ ‫معلومات عن المشروع‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫‪5‬‬ ‫أعمال خط الطرد‬ ‫‪2‬‬

‫‪10‬‬ ‫أعمال شبكات االنحدار‬ ‫‪3‬‬

‫‪16‬‬ ‫اعمال محطة الرفع‬ ‫‪4‬‬

‫‪18‬‬ ‫أعمال المباني‬ ‫‪5‬‬

‫‪19‬‬ ‫أعمال بياض التخشين الداخلي‬ ‫‪6‬‬

‫‪20‬‬ ‫أعمال بياض التخشين الخارجي‬ ‫‪7‬‬

‫‪21‬‬ ‫أعمال األرضيات‬ ‫‪8‬‬

‫‪23‬‬ ‫أعمال تركيب البردورات الخرسانية‬ ‫‪9‬‬

‫‪26‬‬ ‫أعمال العزل‬ ‫‪10‬‬

‫‪27‬‬ ‫االعمال الصحية‬ ‫‪11‬‬

‫‪28‬‬ ‫االعمال المعدنية‬ ‫‪12‬‬

‫‪29‬‬ ‫أعمال الميكانيكية‬ ‫‪13‬‬

‫‪30‬‬ ‫أعمال الكهربائية‬ ‫‪14‬‬

‫‪32‬‬ ‫اختبار تسريب المطابق‬ ‫‪15‬‬

‫‪35‬‬ ‫خطة تنفيذ االعمال الكهروميكانيكية‬ ‫‪16‬‬

‫معلومات عن المشروع‪:‬‬
‫اسم المشروع‪ :‬تنفيذ شبكات االنحدار ومحطات الرفع وخطوط طرد الصرف‬
‫الصحي لقرية أبو جريدة و الطحان ‪ -‬تجمع قروي الرحامنه – مركز‬
‫فارسكور – محافظة دمياط‬

‫‪ ‬الجهة المالكة‪ :‬الشركة القابضة لمياه الشرب‬

‫والصرف الصحي بدمياط‬

‫‪ ‬استشاري اإلشراف ‪ :‬مركز اإلستشارات للهندسة البيئية و المدنية –‬

‫إنفايروسيفيك و مكتب مصر للهندسة‬

‫‪ ‬الشركة المنفذة‪ :‬المكتب اإلسالمي للمقاوالت العامة‬

‫‪ ‬مدة التنفيذ للمشروع‪ 20 :‬شهر‬

‫أعمال خط الطرد‬
‫مرحلة ما قبل التنفيذ ‪:‬‬
‫استخراج التصاريح الالزمة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫التخطيط (التأكد من توافر الموارد البشرية الالزمة للعمل والمعدات والمواد الالزمة لألعمال)‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫التأكد من تطبيق اشتراطات السالمة والصحة المهنية والبيئة قبل البدء ألي من انشطة المشروع وإصدار تصريح‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫تواجد اللوحات التنفيذية المعتمدة من االستشاري‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫أعمال خط الطرد‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬الموارد البشرية‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬يلزم للتنفيذ جزء من خط طرد فرقة من العمالة الجاهزة للتنفيذ االعمال وتتكون هذه الفرقة من العماله‬
‫والمساعدين والسائقين للمعدات تحت اشراف ( مهندس التنفيذ‪ -‬مساح‪-‬المشرف)‬
‫‪ -‬المهام الوظيفية لكل مورد بشري مما سبق‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬مهندس التنفيذ كما هو مذكور بخطة الجودة ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬المساح كما هو مذكور بخطة الجودة‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬المشرف ‪ :‬تنفيذ تعليمات مهندس التنفيذ ومتابعة العمال وتنسيق وترتيب وتوزيع المهام على العمال‬
‫ومتابعة اداء المعدات‬
‫‪ -4‬رئيس العمال ‪ :‬متابعه تنفيذ العمال للمهام واستخدام االدوات المناسبة فى انجاز العمل‬
‫‪ -5‬عمال سباكة العمال تركيبات المواسير‬
‫‪ -6‬عمال حفر لحفر الخنادق وسند جوانب الحفر‬
‫‪ -7‬مساعدين للصنايعية لمناولة العدد واستخدام االدوات مثل الدكاك ‪...‬الخ‬

‫المواد المستخدمة‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫يتم استخدام العديد من المواد الالزمة اإلنجاز العمل (مواسير ‪ UPVC 10‬بار او حسب نوع المواسير‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫المعتمدة طبقا للمواصفات وكراسه المقايسة ‪ -‬جوانات ‪ 10‬بار – شحم نباتي – رمل – االكواع لزوم‬
‫تغير اتجاه المسار – خرسانه لزوم المصدات خلف االكواع – مياه لزوم االختبار)‬
‫المعدات واألدوات‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫يتم استخدام للفرقة الواحدة (حفار ‪ +‬لودر ‪ +‬خيط ‪ +‬جرار ‪+‬دكاك ميكانيكي او مندله يدوية ‪+‬ميزان‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫قامة ‪ +‬متر ‪ +‬أدوات االختبار من طبب واجهزه القياس ‪+‬ماكينة اللحام في حاله مواسير بولي ايثيلين)‬
‫اختبارات الجودة‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫داخل الموقع‪ :‬يتم عمل اختبارات الدمك الالزمة على الرمل وطبقات الردم عن طريق استخدام‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫المخروط الرملي ((‪ sand cone‬لتحديد الكثافة الجافة بطبقات الردم و الرمال و التي ال تقل نسبة‬
‫الكثافة لطبقات الردم المختلفة عن ‪ + %95‬اختبارات الضغط على ‪ 15‬بار‪.‬‬
‫خارج الموقع‪ :‬اختبارات على المواسير الموردة وقطع الزهر الخاصة بالموقع في مركز بحثي معتمد‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫‪+‬اختبارات على خرسانه مصدات االكواع‪.‬‬
‫إجراءات االمن والسالمة‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫يتم االلتزام اثناء تنفيذ العمل بتطبيق اجرأت االمن والسالمة‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫(وجود تصاريح حفر ‪+‬الشدة الخشبية سواء كانت مفتوحة او مغلقة طبقا لتقرير سند جوانب الحفر ‪+‬‬
‫ضرورة التنبيه على وجود شنطة اإلسعافات األولية داخل الموقع ‪ +‬ضرورة وجود ارقام الطوارئ‬
‫داخل الموقع ‪ +‬العزل الجيد لمنطقه االعمال ‪ +‬استخدام لوحات كهربية معتمدة لتوصيل الكهرباء‬
‫خطوات التنفيذ للبند‪:‬‬

‫التخطيط لمسار الخطوط‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫الجسات التأكيدية االستكشافية‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫عم ل التح ويالت للمراف ق المعارض ة لمس ار الخط وط (ان وج دت وفى حال ه التع ارض) بالتنس يق م ع الجه ه المالك ة‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫للمرفق المعترض لالعمال ‪.‬‬

‫يكون تنفيذ المواسير في خطوط مستقيمة ولذلك بعمل أوتار على جانبي الحفر وكذلك شد خيطان على جنب واعلى‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫الماس ورة اثن اء التنفي ذ و يجب عم ل التخطي ط بك ل دق ة قب ل ب دء العم ل والمق اول مس ئول عن ذل ك مس ئولية تام ة‬

‫يجب أن يتم الحفر على المناسيب المبينة بالرسومات باإلضافة إلى عمل طبقة األساس والمحافظة على الميول‪ ،‬كما‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫يجب أن يك ون ع رض الحف ر للخن دق واس عا بدرج ة كافي ة بحيث يعطى م ا ال يق ل عن ‪ 30‬س م من ك ل ج انب من‬
‫جوانب الماسورة أي يجب أن يكون عرض الخندق أكبر من القطر الخارجي للماسورة بما ال يقل عن ‪ 60‬سم‪ ،‬كما‬
‫يجب عمل حفرة مناسبة وكافية لرأس الماسورة في األماكن المتوقعة لزوم أعمال التركيب‪.‬‬

‫يجب أن يكون األساس للمواسير من التربة الرملية سمكها ال يقل عن ‪ 30‬سم فإذا صادف ذلك طبقة صلبة فيجب‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫إزال ة ه ذه الطبق ة واس تبدالها بطبق ة األس اس بنفس الس مك‪ ،‬ويجب على المق اول اعتم اد عين ة طبق ة األس اس قب ل‬

‫يجب أن يتم ال ردم بالرم ل النظيف حتى ‪ 30‬س م أعلى من ظه ر الماس ورة ويجب تجنب س قوط كت ل أو ص خور أو‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫أحجار ويتم الردم بأتربة نظيفة خالية من المواد الصلبة على طبقات سمك كل منها ال يزيد عن ‪ 25‬سم مع رشها‬
‫بالمياه ودكها دكا جيدًا‪.‬‬

‫يجب وض ع طبق ة األس اس وض غطها إلى أقص ى كثاف ة نس بة ال تق ل عن ‪ % 95‬م ع خلوه ا تمام ا من األحج ار‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫والنتوءات الصلبة حتى تصبح التربة متجانسة ومنتظمة ومطابقة للمناسيب التي تتماشى مع تركيب المواسير‪.‬‬

‫يجب على المق اول قب ل القي ام ب الحفر القي ام بتنظي ف الموق ع واألرض ض من ح دود المش روع من كاف ة المخلف ات‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫والحشائش وجذور األشجار إذا وجدت أو أي أساسات قديمة وتسوية الموقع طبقا للمناسيب الواردة بالرسومات‪.‬‬

‫أعمال الحفر ونزح المياه ألساسات المواس ير يجب أن تتم طبقا للمناسيب الموض حة بالرسومات لذلك يجب أن يتم‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫تس نيد ج وانب الحف ر س واء باألخش اب أو الس تائر المعدني ة إذا ل زم األم ر ويجب اعتم اد ن وع طريق ة تس نيد ج وانب‬
‫الحفر وطريقة ونوع نزح المياه من مهندسي االشراف قبل البدء في العمل‪.‬‬

‫يجب أخ ذ موافق ة المهن دس المش رف على ع رض تكس ير األس فلت من الش وارع والط رق الحالي ة على أن يتم اتخ اذ‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫كافة التدابير واإلجراءات الالزمة نحو القيام بإعادة الرصف مرة أخرى والمقاول مسئول وحده عن أي زيادة في‬
‫تكسير عرض أكبر من المطلوب وسوف ال يدفع له أي تكاليف إضافية نظير ذلك‪.‬‬

‫تجرب المواسير في الموقع بضغط المياه بضغط ال يقل عن ‪ 15‬بار‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫تغطى المواسير بطبقة من الرمل الناعم مع الرش والدك للوصول إلى كثافة نسبية ال تقل عن ‪.%95‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫يستكمل الردم حتى منسوب أسفل أساس الطريق بناتج الحفر الصالح للردم بشرط أال يحتوي على أحجار أو‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫مخلفات مباني أو مواد عضوية او رمال نظيفة مورده من الخارج حسب تعليمات جهة التصريح ويرش بالمياه‬
‫وتترك جيدا حتى يعطى كثافة نسبية ال تقل عن ‪.%80‬‬

‫غرف المحابس (غسيل وهواء)‪:‬‬

‫الموارد البشرية‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫يلزم للتنفيذ جزء من خط طرد فرقة من العمالة الجاهزة للتنفيذ االعمال وتتكون هذه الفرقة من العماله‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫والمساعدين والسائقين للمعدات تحت اشراف ( مهندس التنفيذ‪ -‬مساح‪-‬المشرف)‬
‫المهام الوظيفية لكل مورد بشري مما سبق‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫مهندس التنفيذ كما هو مذكور بخطة الجودة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫المساح كما هو مذكور بخطة الجودة‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫المشرف ‪ :‬تنفيذ تعليمات مهندس التنفيذ ومتابعة العمال وتنسيق وترتيب وتوزيع المهام على العمال‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫ومتابعة اداء المعدات‬
‫رئيس العمال ‪ :‬متابعه تنفيذ العمال للمهام واستخدام االدوات المناسبة فى انجاز العمل‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫عمال سباكة العمال تركيبات المواسير‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫عمال حفر لحفر الخنادق وسند جوانب الحفر‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫نجارين مسلح لشد نجارة الداخلية والخاريجة للحوائط والسقف واالرضيات‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫حدادين لتشكيل الحدادة لالساسات والحوائط والسقف ‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫مساعدين للصنايعية لمناولة العدد واستخدام االدوات مثل الدكاك ‪...‬الخ‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫المواد المستخدمة‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫يتم استخدام العديد من المواد الالزمة اإلنجاز العمل (محتويات الخرسانة (رمل ‪+‬زلط ‪+‬اسمنت مقاوم‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫للكبريتات ‪+‬مياه خلط) ‪ +‬حديد تسليح‪ +‬قطع خاصه زهر مرن (وصالت حائط ‪ +‬وصالت فك وتركيب‬
‫‪ +‬وصالت مرنه ‪ +‬مشتركات ‪ +‬محابس هواء ‪ +‬محابس قفل ‪+‬محابس عدم رجوع ‪ +‬مسامير مجلفنه)‬
‫‪ +‬مواد عزل داخلي ‪+‬مواد عزل خارجي ‪+‬درج سلم ‪+‬اغطية ‪)GRP‬‬

‫المعدات واألدوات‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫يتم استخدام للفرقة الواحدة (حفار ‪ +‬لودر ‪ +‬جرار ‪+‬ميزان قامة ‪ +‬متر ‪ +‬أدوات النجارة ‪+‬أدوات‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫الحدادة‪ +‬أدوات تجميع القطع الزهر المرن)‬
‫اختبارات الجودة‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫داخل الموقع‪ :‬يتم عمل اختبارات الضغط للقطع الخاصة ‪ +‬اختبارات موقعيه على الخرسانة ‪SLUMP‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫‪ + TEST‬قياس درجه حرارة الخرسانة‪.‬‬
‫خارج الموقع‪ :‬اختبارات على قطع الزهر الخاصة في مركز بحثي معتمد ‪+‬اختبارات مقاومه على‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫خرسانه الغرفة ‪ +‬اختبارات على االغطية ‪.GRP‬‬
‫إجراءات االمن والسالمة‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫يتم االلتزام اثناء تنفيذ العمل بتطبيق اجرأت االمن والسالمة‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫(وجود تصاريح حفر ‪+‬الشدة الخشبية سواء كانت مفتوحة او مغلقة طبقا لتقرير سند جوانب الحفر ‪+‬‬
‫ضرورة التنبيه على وجود شنطة اإلسعافات األولية داخل الموقع ‪ +‬ضرورة وجود ارقام الطوارئ‬
‫داخل الموقع ‪ +‬العزل الجيد لمنطقه االعمال ‪ +‬استخدام لوحات كهربية معتمدة لتوصيل الكهرباء‬
‫للمعدات ‪ +‬الخ ‪.)....‬‬
‫خطوات تنفيذ البند‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬استخراج تصريح من الجهة المانحة للتصريح حسب مكان الغرفة‬
‫‪ -2‬التخطيط لمكان الغرفة‪.‬‬
‫‪- 3‬الحفر مع سند الجوانب طبقا لعمق الغرفة وتعليمات تقرير سند جوانب التربة وتعليمات االستشاري‬
‫‪ -4‬شد نجاره الخرسانة العادية ‪ +‬الصب للخرسانة العادية‪.‬‬
‫‪ -5‬معالجة الخرسانة العادية جيدا‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 6‬شد نجاره اللبشة المسلحة للغرفة ‪ +‬تشكيل وتركيب حداده اللبشة ‪ +‬تركيب الواتر استوب مانع‬
‫التسريب مع اللحام الجيد لمنطقه الركوب وعمل الكيكر‪ +‬صب اللبشة المسلحة‪.‬‬
‫‪ -7‬شد نجاره الحوائط سواء من الداخل او من الخارج حسب التنسيق مع االستشاري ‪+‬تشكيل وتركيب‬
‫الحدادة للحوائط وتركيب البسكوت لزوم الغطاء الخرساني ‪ +‬شد الوجهة المتبقي من النجارة والتقوية‬
‫الجيدة ‪ +‬الصب للحوائط على اال يزيد ارتفاع الصب عن ‪ 2.7‬م وفى حاله غرف العدايات العميقة يتم‬
‫الصب على حطات ال تتدعى ‪ 2.7‬م للحطة الواحدة‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 8‬المعالجة الجيدة للخرسانة بعد الصب بالمياه او أي طريقه معالجه معتمده من استشاري االشراف‬
‫على التنفيذ‪.‬‬

‫‪ -9‬معالجة أي تسويس او تعشيش باستخدام مونه غير قابله لالنكماش (جراوت ‪+‬اديبوند) او ما‬
‫‪ -10‬يتم العزل الخارجي للحوائط عن طريق البيتومين البارد ‪ 3‬أوجه يسلم كل منها على حدي‪.‬‬
‫‪ -11‬يتم الردم حول الغرفة من الخارج والدمك الجيد لتربه الردم‪.‬‬
‫‪ -12‬يتم شد نجاره السقف وتشكيل وتركيب حديد التسليح مع تخطيط أماكن األغطية سواء ‪ GRP‬او‬
‫بالطات فك وتركيب طبقا للوحات المعتمدة‪.‬‬
‫‪ -13‬يتم االنتهاء من التركيبات الميكانيكية (القطع الخاصة)‪.‬‬
‫‪ - 14‬يتم تشطيب الغرفة من الداخل على خطوات (المعالجة الماكن الزراجين والتقويات بمونه غير‬
‫قابله لالنكماش وكذلك الفواصل وكذلك أماكن الشنايش للمواسير – عمل خرسانه الميول – ودهان‬
‫العزل الداخلي حسب االعتماد ايبوكسى إسمنتي او ما يماثله)‪.‬‬

‫أعمال شبكات االنحدار‬

‫(فرعيات ‪ +‬مطابق)‬
‫أعمال شبكات االنحدار‪:‬‬

‫مرحلة ما قبل التنفيذ‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬استخراج التصاريح الالزمة من الجهات المسؤولة عن (الطرق – الري – الصرف – الكهرباء الخ ‪.)...‬‬
‫‪ -2‬التخطيط (التأكد من توافر الموارد البشرية الالزمة للعمل والمعدات والمواد الالزمة لألعمال)‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬التأكد من تطبيق اشتراطات السالمة والصحة المهنية والبيئة قبل البدء ألي من انشطة المشروع وإصدار تصريح‬
‫‪ -4‬تواجد اللوحات التنفيذية المعتمدة من االستشاري‪.‬‬

‫الموارد البشرية‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫يلزم للتنفيذ جزء من خط طرد فرقة من العمالة الجاهزة للتنفيذ االعمال وتتكون هذه الفرقة من العماله‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫والمساعدين والسائقين للمعدات تحت اشراف ( مهندس التنفيذ‪ -‬مساح‪-‬المشرف)‬
‫المهام الوظيفية لكل مورد بشري مما سبق‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫مهندس التنفيذ كما هو مذكور بخطة الجودة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫المساح كما هو مذكور بخطة الجودة‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫المشرف ‪ :‬تنفيذ تعليمات مهندس التنفيذ ومتابعة العمال وتنسيق وترتيب وتوزيع المهام على العمال‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫ومتابعة اداء المعدات‬
‫رئيس العمال ‪ :‬متابعه تنفيذ العمال للمهام واستخدام االدوات المناسبة فى انجاز العمل‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫عمال سباكة العمال تركيبات المواسير‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫عمال حفر لحفر الخنادق وسند جوانب الحفر‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫عمال لتركيب وتنظيف الفرم لزوم المطابق ‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫مساعدين للصنايعية لمناولة العدد واستخدام االدوات مثل الدكاك ‪...‬الخ‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫المواد المستخدمة‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫يتم استخدام العديد من المواد الالزمة اإلنجاز العمل (مواسير ‪ UPVC 6‬بار جساءة ‪ 8‬اقطار مختلفة‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫من ‪160‬مم وحتى ‪ 500‬مم ‪ -‬جوانات ‪ 6‬بار – شحم نباتي – رمل – مياه لزوم االختبار)‬
‫العدد واألدوات والمعدات‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫يتم استخدام للفرقة الواحدة (حفار ‪ +‬لودر‪ +‬جرار ‪ +‬خيط ‪ +‬ميزان قامة ‪ +‬دكاك ميكانيكي او مندله‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫يدوية ‪ +‬متر ‪ +‬اذمه ‪ +‬كوريك‬
‫‪ +‬عربة براويطة ‪ +‬خالطة نحله ‪ +‬الفرم بأنواعها ‪ +‬اخشاب سند اطوال مختلفة ومناسبه للعمق ‪+‬أدوات‬
‫االختبار القمع والمحابس والقائم)‪.‬‬
‫اختبارات الجودة‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫داخل وخارج الموقع‪:‬‬

‫اختبار الضغط الهيدروستاتيكي‬ ‫‪-1‬‬

‫اختبار الجساءة لتحديد نوعية المواسير المنتجة‬ ‫‪-2‬‬

‫اختبار الفحص الظاهري‬ ‫‪-3‬‬

‫اختبار الصدمات‬ ‫‪-4‬‬

‫اختبار امتصاص المياه‬ ‫‪-5‬‬

‫اختبار التمدد و االنكماش‬ ‫‪-6‬‬

‫اختبار المثيلين كلوريد‬ ‫‪-7‬‬

‫اختبار المواسير بعد التركيب اختبار القمع وكذلك تكرار االختبار بعد الردم‪.‬‬ ‫‪-8‬‬

‫تجربة المطابق‪:‬‬ ‫‪-9‬‬

‫يجب على المقاول أن يقوم على نفقته بتجربة المطابق كلما طلب منه المهندس المشرف ذلك وتجرى التجربة بضغط‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫الماء بعد سد فتحات المواسير الموجودة بالمطابق بالطبات وملئ المطبق بالماء إلى االرتفاع الذي يحدده المهندس‬
‫المشرف ومشاهدة تغيير منسوب الماء مدة ‪ 24‬ساعة‪.‬‬

‫تمرير البلف والمالس في الفرعات ومن ثم التصوير التلفزيوني‪.‬‬ ‫‪-10‬‬

‫إجراءات االمن والسالمة‪:‬‬

‫يتم االلتزام اثناء تنفيذ العمل بتطبيق اجرأت االمن والسالمة‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫(وجود تصاريح العمل ‪+‬الشدة الخشبية سواء كانت مفتوحة او مغلقة طبقا لتقرير سند جوانب الحفر –‬
‫ضرورة التنبيه على وجود شنطة اإلسعافات األولية داخل الموقع ‪+‬ضرورة وجود ارقام الطوارئ داخل‬
‫الموقع ‪ +‬العزل الجيد لمنطقه االعمال ‪ +‬استخدام لوحات كهربية معتمدة لتوصيل الكهرباء للمعدات‬
‫‪+‬وجود أجهزة قياس الغازات ‪+‬التزام العمالة بمهمات الوقاية الشخصية للعمالة)‪.‬‬

‫خطوات التنفيذ‪:‬‬


‫يجب عم ل التخطي ط بك ل دق ة قب ل ب دء العم ل والمق اول مس ئول وح ده عن دق ة ه ذا التخطي ط‪ ،‬ويجب علي ه المحافظ ة‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫على األوتار والثوابت والروبيرات وجميع األشياء األخرى المماثلة‪.‬‬

‫كما يجب عليه المحافظة على العالمات المساحية القائمة وعالمات الحدود والمسافات والمحاور ويتخذ ما يلزم لمنع‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫إزالتها أو تغيير مواقعها ويكون مسئوال عما يترتب على اإلزالة أو التغيير من نتائج وعليه إعادتها ألصلها‪.‬‬

‫أعمال الميزانيات والروبير‪:‬‬

‫يتم عم ل الميزاني ات على أس اس الروب يرات الموج ودة بالمنطق ة والمعتم دة ل دى المهن دس وعلى المق اول مراجع ة‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫مناسيب سطح األرض قبل البدء في التنفيذ فإذا وجد اختالف يرجى الرجوع للمكتب االستشاري‪.‬‬

‫استالم موقـع العمــــــــــــــل‪:‬‬

‫يقر المقاول بأنه قد عاين موقع العمل وتأكد من طبيعة التربة وأنه قد كون فكرة واضحة تماما من الظروف المحيط ة‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫بالموقع وطبيعة األرض وأنه قد حصل على أي معلومات أخرى الزمة ويعتبر أن المقاول قد تمكن من الوصول إلى‬
‫موقع العمل وأنه قد أخذ في االعتبار فتح أي طرق مؤقتة قد تكون الزمة لنقل المواد واآلالت‪.‬‬


‫الجسات التأكيدية االستكشافية‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫عمل التحويالت للمرافق المعارضة لمسار الخطوط (ان وجدت وفى حاله التعارض)‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫مســار الخطـــــوط‪:‬‬

‫‪ -‬قبل البدء في األعمال يقوم المهندس المشرف من قبل المالك باعتماد الرسومات التنفيذية التي سيتقدم بها المقاول‬
‫والمبنية على الرسومات التصميمية المرفقة بالعطاء وبحيث تكون هذه الرسومات التنفيذية مبينا عليها الطرق والمسارات‬
‫التي ستركب عليها المواسير مع البيانات المتاحة عن األعمال األخرى بمواقع األعمال مثل الكابالت والمجاري‬

‫تخطيط المحاور ووضع المواسير‪:‬‬

‫المقاول مسئول وحده عن تخطيط وتثبيت قضبان اللمحة بكل دقة وهو ملزم باستحضار األدوات والمهمات الالزمة لذلك‬
‫وعليه إخطار المهندس المشرف عندما يستلزم تقدم العمل تخطيط أي جزء أو تثبيت قضبان اللمحة بمدة ال تقل عن ثالثة‬

‫تركيب الـمواسيــر‪:‬‬

‫يراعى اتجاه التركيب للمواسير واستخدام شحم نباتي او ما يماثله ويراعى مقدام اللبوس للمواسير وتركيب الوصالت‬
‫القصيرة المرنة‪.‬‬


‫يتم اختبار خط مواسير االنحدار عن طريق اختبار القمع لتأكد من عدم وجود أي تسريب من جسم المواسير او‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫أماكن الوصالت ويتم اجراء االختبار طبقا للمواصفات والكود المصري‪.‬‬
‫يتم اجراء اختبار القمع مرتين مرة قبل الردم و مره بعد الردم‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫الردم حول وفوق المواسـير‪:‬‬

‫يتم الردم حول وفوق الماسورة بمسافه ال تقل عن ‪ 30‬سم برمال نظيفة مورده من الخارج ويتم الدك جيدا والغمر‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫بالمياه للوصول لكثافه دمك ال تقل عن ‪.% 95‬‬

‫يتم ردم باقي القطاع اما بناتج حفر او رمال نظيفة مورده من الخارج حسب تعليمات المواصفات الفنية او الجهات‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫المانحة للتصاريح‪.‬‬


‫االسمنت المستخدم في الخرسانة الخاصة بالمطابق وألي جزء من أجزاءها من االسمنت المقاوم للكبريتات‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫يتم تنفيذ المطابق على مسافات معينة وطبقا للرسومات المرفقة على خطوط مواسير صرف مياه المجاري إلمكان‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫صيانة هذه الخطوط‪.‬‬

‫األساسات واألرضية والحوائط‪:‬‬

‫تعمل األساسات واألرضية الخرسانية للمطابق من الخرسانة المصبوبة في الموقع أما الحوائط فيمكن أن يتم صبها‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫في الموقع وذلك كما هو مبين بالرسومات‪.‬‬


‫يركب بحوائط المطابق من الداخل ساللم مصنوعة من الحديد الزهر الرمادي وال يقل وزن درجة السلم الواحدة عن‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫‪ 7.25‬كجم وتكون الساللم على مسافات ‪ 35‬سم رأسيا وعلى مسافة ‪ 15‬سم أفقيا على األكثر ويجب اعتماد نماذج‬
‫الساللم من المهندس المشرف وتحديد اسم المصنع المنتج قبل التوريد والتركيب‪.‬‬


‫تعمل أغطية المطابق وإ طارات هذه األغطية من نوع البوليستر المسلح باألليـاف الزجاجية ( ‪ )G.R.P‬ويجب اعتماد‬
‫نموذج األغطية من المهندس المشرف و تحديد اسم المصنع المنتج لها قبل التوريد والتركيب ويركب إطار الغطاء فوق‬
‫المطابق بحيث يكون منسوب سطح الغط اء من أعلى في مستوى السطح النهائي لطبقة الرصف بالطريق أو حسب أي‬
‫منسوب يحدده المهندس المشرف ويكتب على أغطية المطابق باللغة العربية و بالخط البارز مشروع الصرف الصحي‬
‫للقرية ويجب التحبيش جيدا حول اإلطارات بخرسانة عادية نوع ( ج ) مع دهانها من الداخل والخارج بالبيتومين‬

‫غرف التفتيش‪:‬‬

‫يتم تنفيذ غرف التفتيش من الخرسانة العادية بأبعاد طبقًا لرسومات التفاصيل العامة‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫توريد وتركيب وتجربة واختبار غرف التفتيش والفئة تشمل األعمال األتية‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫الحفر في أي ن وع من أن واع الترب ة وإزال ه الم واد المختلف ة الزائ دة ال تي ال تل زم للردم في م دة ال تتج اوز ‪ 24‬س اعة من‬
‫وقت اس تخدامها من الحفر ونقل األترب ة مؤقتا للردم بها عند اللزوم إذا أمر بذلك كتاب ه وعمل الشدات الالزم ة لحماية‬
‫الحفر ونزح المياه‪.‬‬


‫تجرى عملية الردم حول المطابق برمال نظيفة مورده من الخارج طبقا للبند‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫اعمال محطة الرفع‪:‬‬

‫الموارد البشرية‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫يلزم للتنفيذ جزء من خط طرد فرقة من العمالة الجاهزة للتنفيذ االعمال وتتكون هذه الفرقة من العماله‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫والمساعدين والسائقين للمعدات تحت اشراف ( مهندس التنفيذ‪ -‬مساح‪-‬المشرف)‬
‫المهام الوظيفية لكل مورد بشري مما سبق‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫مهندس التنفيذ كما هو مذكور بخطة الجودة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫المساح كما هو مذكور بخطة الجودة‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫المشرف ‪ :‬تنفيذ تعليمات مهندس التنفيذ ومتابعة العمال وتنسيق وترتيب وتوزيع المهام على العمال‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫ومتابعة اداء المعدات‬
‫رئيس العمال ‪ :‬متابعه تنفيذ العمال للمهام واستخدام االدوات المناسبة فى انجاز العمل‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫عمال سباكة العمال تركيبات المواسير‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫عمال حفر لحفر الخنادق وسند جوانب الحفر‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫نجارين مسلح لشد نجارة الداخلية والخاريجة للحوائط والسقف واالرضيات‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫حدادين لتشكيل الحدادة لالساسات والحوائط والسقف ‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫سائقسن معدات ( حفار ‪-‬لودر‪-‬كباش ‪-‬جرار)‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫‪ -‬مساعدين للصنايعية لمناولة العدد واستخدام االدوات مثل الدكاك ‪...‬الخ‬
‫‪ -‬المواد المستخدمة‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬يتم استخدام العديد من المواد الالزمة اإلنجاز العمل (محتويات الخرسانة (رمل ‪+‬زلط ‪+‬اسمنت مقاوم‬
‫للكبريتات ‪+‬مياه خلط) ‪ +‬حديد تسليح‪ +‬واتر ستوب‪ +‬خسب لطزانه وموسكي وعروق & بالي وود‪+‬‬
‫بسكوت مناسب‪ +‬زراجين مائية‪ +‬خيطان ومسامير‪ +‬مواد عزل داخلي ‪+‬مواد عزل خارجي ‪+‬درج‬
‫‪ -‬المعدات واألدوات‪:‬‬
‫‪ -‬يتم استخدام للفرقة الواحدة (حفار ‪ +‬لودر ‪ +‬جرار ‪+‬ميزان قامة ‪ +‬توتال استيشن‪ +‬متر ‪ +‬أدوات‬
‫النجارة ‪+‬أدوات الحدادة)‬
‫‪ -‬المعدات المستخدمة في الصب من هزازو مضخة خرسانة وعربيات خرسانة‬

‫اختبارات الجودة ‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬

‫داخل الموقع‪ :‬اختبارات موقعيه على الخرسانة ‪ + SLUMP TEST‬قياس درجه حرارة الخرسانة‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫خارج الموقع‪ :‬اختبارات مقاومه الضغط على المميزة للخرسانة للغرف و البيارة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫إجراءات االمن والسالمة‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫يتم االلتزام اثناء تنفيذ العمل بتطبيق اجرأت االمن والسالمة ‪:‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫(وجود تصاريح حفر ‪+‬الشدة الخشبية طبقا لتقرير سند جوانب الحفر ‪ +‬ضرورة التنبيه على وجود‬
‫شنطة اإلسعافات األولية داخل الموقع ‪ +‬ضرورة وجود ارقام الطوارئ داخل الموقع ‪ +‬العزل الجيد‬
‫لمنطقه االعمال ‪ +‬استخدام لوحات كهربية معتمدة لتوصيل الكهرباء للمعدات ‪ +‬الخ ‪.)....‬‬

‫بيارة محطة الرفع‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬يتم اس تالم الخ نزيرة طبق ا لالتي‪( :‬ص افي ال وزن بم يزان البس كول – اس تالم ابع اد قطاع ات الزواي ا واالل واح طبق ا‬
‫للوحات التنفيذية المعتمدة)‪.‬‬

‫‪ -2‬يتم الحفر لمنسوب التأسيس طبقا لتقرير التربة المعتمد ووضع الخنزيرة في مركزها طبقا للوحات التنفيذية المعتمدة‬
‫ويمنع وضع الخنزيرة على سطح األرض حتى ال يحدث أي ميل مفاجأ اثناء الصب في البيارة وقبل التغويص‪.‬‬

‫‪ - 3‬يتم شد الفانوس الداخلي (النجارة الداخلية) للبيارة سطح أملس طبقا للمواصفات الفنية للمشروع‪.‬‬

‫‪ -4‬يتم تشكيل حديد التسليح للخنزيرة وللحطة األولى‪.‬‬

‫‪ -5‬يتم ش د النج ارة الخارجي ة م ع التقوي ة الجي دة طبق ا ألص ول الص ناعة وتعليم ات جه از االش راف من االستش اري ويتم‬
‫صب ‪2.7‬م طبقا لتعليمات الكود المصري‪.‬‬

‫‪ - 6‬المعالجة الجيدة للخرسانة بعد الصب بالمياه او أي طريقه معالجه معتمده من استشاري االشراف على‬
‫‪ -7‬معالجة أي تسويس او تعشيش او أماكن الزراجين بعد التخويش وقطع الزراجين باستخدام مونه غير‬
‫قابله لالنكماش (جراوت ‪+‬اديبوند) او ما يماثلهما‪.‬‬
‫‪ -8‬يتم العزل الخارجي للحوائط عن طريق البيتومين البارد ‪ 3‬أوجه يسلم كل منها على حدي‪.‬‬
‫الحفر التغويص للبيارة‪:‬‬
‫‪ - 1‬يتم عمل تدريج على جسم البيارة الخارجي ويتم تركيب شواغيل في أربع اتجاهات متعامدة على بعضها‬
‫‪ -2‬يتم التغويص عن طريق الكباش‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬يتم رصد منسوب التغويص باألجهزة المساحية وعن طريق التدريج والشواغيل‪.‬‬
‫‪ -4‬يتم ترحيل األتربة اول بأول‪.‬‬
‫‪ -5‬منع نزح أي مياه من البيارة اثناء التغويص‪.‬‬

‫صب الخرسانة العادية للديكوفيل‪:‬‬

‫بعد الوصول لمنسوب التغويص المطلوب طبقا للوحات التنفيذية المعتمدة يتم تسليم المنسوب لالستشاري‬
‫وصب الخرسانة العادية للديكوفيل في أسرع وقت ممكن عن طريق الغواص وال يتم نزح المياه من البيارة‬
‫اال بعد مرور ‪ 28‬يوم من تاريخ الصب‪.‬‬

‫الخرسانة اللبشة المسلحة للبيارة‪:‬‬

‫‪ ‬بعد معالجه الخرسانة العادية للديكوفيل يتم تشكيل وتركيب حديد التسليح لألرضية البيارة ويتم الصب‬
‫مع الدمك الجيد للخرسانة باستخدام الهزاز الميكانيكي‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬ويتم عمل خرسانة ميول الرضية البيارة بحيث يكون الميل ناحية طلمبات الرفع بالميل المرفق‬
‫باللوحات التنفيذية المعتمدة‪.‬‬
‫صب سقف البيارة والغرفة الملحقة‪:‬‬
‫‪ ‬يتم شد نجارة السقف والتاكد من منسوب ظهر سقف البيارة وعمل حدادة السقف والفتحات الموجودة بها‬
‫وكذلك فتحة السلم ومراجعة تفاصيل التسليح طبقا للرسومات االنشائية المعتمدة‪,‬ويتم صب خرسانة‬
‫السقف جيدا ويتم صب خرسانة السقف مع الدمك الجيد باستخدام الهزاز الميكانيكي وتترك الشدة لمدة‬
‫زمنية طبقا لطول البحر(طول البحر*‪)2 + 2‬ايام بحيث ال تقل عن اسبوع‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬ثم يتم انشاء غرفة عنبر التشغيل فوق سطح االرض بالمناسيب الموضحة بالرسومات االنشائية‬
‫معالجة الخرسانة‪:‬‬
‫‪ ‬يتم معالجة الخرسانة بوقاية السطح من اشعة الشمس والمطر والمياه الجارية او التلف الميكانيكي لمدة‬
‫‪ 7‬ايام في حالة استخدام االسمنت البروتالندي العادي و ‪ 3‬ايام في حالة استخدام االسمنت سريع الشك‬
‫ويتم المعالجة عن طريق الرش المستمر بالمياه‪.‬‬
‫اعمال العزل لالسقف الخرسانية المسلحة‬
‫‪ ‬يتم تنظيف سطح الخرسانة جيدا وازالة االتربة وبقايا الخرسانة المفككة ثم الدهان باول طبقة عازلة من‬
‫البيتومين المؤكسد الساخن ثم عمل طبقة حماية من الخرسانة العادية‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬بعد اتمام عملية العزل المائي يتم عمل طبقة من العزل الحراري باستخدام الواح فوم البولسترين المشكل‬
‫بطريقة البثق ذو مقاومة عالية االنضغاط‪.‬‬
‫‪ ‬يتم عمل طبقة الحماية النهائية ثم التغطية ببالط االسطح‪.‬‬

‫أعمال التشطيبات لمحطة الرفع‪:‬‬

‫أوال‪ :‬أعمال المباني‪:‬‬

‫المسئول عن التنفيذ‬
‫مالحظات‬ ‫المعدات المطلوبة ومواصفاتها‬ ‫خطوات تنفيذ البند‬ ‫اسم البند‬ ‫م‬
‫(مقاول – ذاتي)‬
‫التأكد من توافر‬
‫الموارد البشرية‬
‫اعتماد مصنع وعينة طوب‬
‫والمعدات والمواد‬
‫الالزمة لألعمال‬
‫التأكد من تطبيق‬
‫اشتراطات السالمة‬
‫تصريح العمل‬
‫والصحة المهنية‬

‫مقاول باطن (مصنعيات)‬

‫نظافة وزنبره اماكن‬
‫مسطرين بناوي ‪ +‬قروانة‬
‫صندوق عيار ‪ +‬سطح مناسب‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫قد المدماك االول‬
‫لعمل المونة‬
‫ميزان خيط شاغول ‪ +‬ميزان‬
‫استكمال المباني‬
‫كحل عراميس المباني‬
‫شريط مقاس ‪ +‬خيط‬
‫(عند الطلب)‬
‫مراعاة أصول المباني‬
‫رمل ‪ +‬أسمنت ‪ +‬براميل مياه‬ ‫من حيث تداخل‬
‫مراعاة المناسيب ‪-‬‬
‫الفتحات ‪ -‬االعتاب‬

‫ثانيا‪ :‬أعمال بياض التخشين الداخلي‪:‬‬

‫المسئول عن التنفيذ‬ ‫المعدات المطلوبة‬

‫مالحظات‬ ‫خطوات تنفيذ البند‬ ‫اسم البند‬ ‫م‬
‫(مقاول – ذاتي)‬ ‫ومواصفاتها‬

‫التأكد من توافر الموارد البشرية‬

‫والمعدات والمواد الالزمة لألعمال‬
‫التأكد من تطبيق اشتراطات السالمة‬
‫تصريح العمل‬
‫والصحة المهنية والبيئة‬
‫نظافة االسطح المراد بياضها وازالة اي بروة محارة ‪ +‬مسطرين‬
‫مونة ‪ +‬قروانة‬ ‫رايش‬
‫ميزان خيط (ثقل)‪+‬‬
‫رش االسطح بالمياه‬
‫ميزان مياه ‪ +‬زاوية‬

‫مقاول باطن (مصنعيات)‬

‫عمل الطرطشة (رمل ‪ +‬اسمنت) طبقا‬
‫قدد الومنيوم أطوال‬

‫تخشينه‬ ‫رش الطرطشة بالمياه‬


‫اكسسوارات البياض‬ ‫عمل البؤج واالوتار‬

‫تركيب الحلوق الخشبية ومساواتها مع‬

‫تركيب علب الكهرباء (مخارج ‪+‬‬
‫بواطات) مع عمل النزالت والدوائر‬
‫ومساواتها مع االوتار‬
‫مرحلة الملو وال تقل عن ‪ 2‬سم والتزيد‬
‫عن ‪ 3‬سم ودرعها وتخشينها‬

‫نظافة االرضية من السواقط‬

‫ثالثا‪ :‬أعمال بياض التخشين الداخلي‪:‬‬

‫المسئول عن‬
‫المعدات المطلوبة‬
‫مالحظات‬ ‫التنفيذ‬ ‫خطوات تنفيذ البند‬ ‫اسم البند‬ ‫م‬
‫(مقاول – ذاتي)‬
‫التأكد من توافر الموارد البشرية والمعدات‬
‫تصريح العمل‬
‫والمواد الالزمة لألعمال‬
‫التأكد من تطبيق اشتراطات السالمة والصحة بروة محارة ‪ +‬مسطرين مونة‬
‫‪ +‬قروانة‬ ‫المهنية والبيئة‬
‫نظافة االسطح المراد بياضها من االخشاب‬
‫ميزان مياه‬
‫وخالفه ورش االسطح بالمياه‬
‫مقاول باطن (مصنعيات)‬
‫قدد المونيوم أطوال ‪ -‬ميزان‬ ‫عمل الطرطشة (رمل ‪ +‬اسمنت) طبقا‬
‫خيط (ثقل) وخيط‬ ‫للمقايسة ورش الطرطشة بالمياه‬
‫طبقة البطانة (رمل ‪ +‬اسمنت) طبقا للمقايسة‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫تخشينه‬ ‫مع الدرع والتخشين أو على حسب نوعية‬
‫البياض المطلوب‬

‫زاوية حديد كبيرة‬ ‫الرش بالمياه‬

‫طبقة الضهارة (سواء طرطشة أو حجر‬

‫سقالة على الواجهة‬ ‫صناعي او‪( ).....‬المون حسب المواصفات‬
‫الدق بالبشاردة مع التقسيم حسب طلب العميل‬
‫اكسسوارات البياض‬
‫(في حالة الحجر الصناعي)‬

‫رابعا ‪ -‬أعمال األرضيات‬
‫الموارد البشرية‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ -1‬مهندس تنفيذ‬
‫‪ -2‬مشرف تنفيذ‬
‫‪ -3‬مهندس ضبط جودة‬
‫‪ -4‬عمالة ماهرة‬
‫‪ ) -5‬عمال تركيب البالط (محاجر ‪ -‬الجرانيت ‪ -‬السيراميك ‪-‬البورسلين ‪ -‬الرخام ‪-‬الموزاييك‬
‫العدة المستخدمة‪- :‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ -1‬سكينة قطع البالط‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2‬قدة‬
‫‪ -3‬خيط‬
‫‪ -4‬ميزان مياه‬
‫‪ -5‬مسطرين‬
‫‪ -6‬شاكوش من المطاط‬
‫‪ -7‬قروانة‬
‫‪ -8‬بلطة‬
‫المواد المستخدمة‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ -1‬أسمنت بورتالندی عادی‬
‫‪ -2‬أسمنت أبيض‬
‫‪ -3‬رمل‬
‫‪ -5‬شريحة من الحديد الذي ال يصدأ‬
‫‪ -6‬بالط‬
‫تعليمات تشغيل أعمال األرضيات‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫‪ -1‬التشوين‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1.1‬يشـون البالط األسمنتي مقاس (‪ )۲ × ۲۰ × ۲۰‬سم وجهًا لوجه في رصات متساوية‪.‬‬
‫‪ -1.2‬تكون الرصات رأسية على سدايب من خشب بغدادي بين كل رصه وأخرى‪.‬‬
‫‪ -1.3‬يجب رش البالط رشًا غزيرًا بالمياه قبل استعماله مباشرة‪.‬‬

‫‪ -2‬إعداد األسطح‪:‬‬
‫‪ -2.1‬يجب أن تكون جميع األسطح مستوية خالية من الكتل الخرسانية‪.‬‬
‫‪ -2.2‬يجب أن تكون جميع األسطح بها فرشة من الرمال الخالي من المواد الطينية‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬المونة‪:‬‬
‫تتكون المونة من ‪ 300‬كجم من األسمنت البورتالندي العادي مضافة إلى واحد متر مكعب من الرمل مضافًا إليها كمية المياه‬

‫أعمال تركيب البالط اإلسمنتي لألسطح‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫توضع طبقة من الرمل النظيف بسمك (‪ )3:7‬سم فوق سطح الخرسانة ويرش سطحه العلوي بالمياه‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫يتم عمل ترابيع من بداية السطح إلى نهايته مع ضبط الشرب المطلوب بواسطة ميزان الخرطوم وأخذ لقطة للشرب على الحائط‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫توضع مونة اللصق وتفرش جيدًا مع التوزيع بالمسطرين ومالحظة الخيط لفرد المونة بالسمك المطلوب‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫يغمر البالط جيدًا بالماء قبل عملية التركيب‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫يركب بالط األرضيات جيدًا خدام مع طرق باستخدام الدقماق وطرد الفراغات أسفل البالط مع استخدام ميزان الماء لضبط ميزان‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫أفقية البالط‪.‬‬
‫ًا‬ ‫ًا‬
‫تركيب الخوص النحاسية في األماكن المخصصة طبق ألصول الصناعة ويراعى أن يكون منسوب سطح البالط مساويا ومتناسق ‪،‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫يجب اال يزيد سمك اللحامات (العرانيس) عن ‪ 4‬مم‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫تمأل العرانيس بمونة سميكة من األسمنت األبيض لمليء العرانيس طبق للون بالط األرضيات ويالحظ أن يكون محتوى الماء في‬ ‫‪.8‬‬
‫المونة مناسبًا إلتمام عملية التشريب‪.‬‬
‫تمشط المونة (مونة مليء العرانيس) جيدًا لضمان مليء جميع العرانيس (تكحيل العرانيس)‪ .‬تتم عملية المعالجة بالرش بالمياه لمدة ‪3‬‬ ‫‪.9‬‬
‫أعمال األرضيات السيراميك‪ /‬البورسلين‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫يتم تجهيز وفرش األرضيات الخرسانية برمال نظيف مع تقديم عينات من السيراميك لالعتماد‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫يتم لصق السيراميك بمونة األسمنت والرمل وطبقًا للشرب المحدد للوحدة مع عمل اللحامات والترابيع وضبط أفقية السيراميك‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫بالميزان وإتمام األعمال طبقًا للمواصفات الفنية‪.‬‬
‫يتم مليء اللحامات بلباني األسمنت األبيض والتأكد من جودة التشريب وإتمام العمل طبقًا للمواصفات وأصول الصناعة‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫أعمال تكسيات الحوائط بالسيراميك‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫يتم تجهيز سطح المباني وتنظيفها تماما مع تقديم عينات من سيراميك الحوائط لالعتماد‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫يتم لصق السيراميك بمونة األسمنت والرمل مع الضبط التام لرأسية التكسيات باستخدام الميزان المائي وملو المونة أسفل السيراميك‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫وعمل ترابيع الحائط لألركان والنواصي ومراعاة فتحات الصحي والكهرباء‪.‬‬
‫يتم ملئ اللحامات بجراوت أسمنت أبيض تنظيف وتكحيل السيراميك جيدًا بعد السقية‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫‪‬أعمال تكسيه رخام لدرج الساللم‪:‬‬

‫يتم تحديد المناسيب المختلفة وعالقتها ببعضها مع أخذ لقطة من شرب من مدخل المبني‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫يتم فرش مونة نصف جافة (مفلفلة) باستخدام ‪ ٢٥٠‬كجم أسمنت ‪/‬م‪ 3‬رمل بالسمك المطلوب وال تزيد عن ‪ 7‬سم‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫يتم وضع لباني األسمنت قبل لصق الدرج سواء القائمة او النائمة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫يتم لصق الدرج طبقًا للشكل المعتمد مع ضبط أفقية الرخام وانف السلم باستخدام ميزان الماء طبقًا للمواصفات الفنية والرسومات‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫التنفيذية المعتمدة‪.‬‬
‫يتم تركيب التلبيسة للدرج بمونة األسمنت والرمل مع تجليخ أطراف التلبيسة جيدًا بالصاروخ ثم السقية وإتمام العمل طبقًا للمواصفات‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫الفنية وأصول الصناعة‪.‬‬

‫الخرسانية‪:‬‬ ‫خامسا ‪ -‬أعمال تركيب البردورات‬

‫يتم تشوين البردورات الخرسانية بأبعاد (‪ )150*300*500‬مم أو حسب المقاس والشكل المطلوب مع تقديم عينة لالعتماد‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫يتم حفر المسطح وتخطيط األماكن المطلوبة طبقًا للوحات التنفيذية المعتمدة ثم تسوية السطح والدمك الجيد للوصول للمنسوب‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫يتم عمل دكة من الخرسانة العادية بسمك ال يقل عن ‪ ٢٠‬سم مع ضبط منسوب سطح الخرسانة باستخدام جهاز الميزان والقامة مع‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫عمل المنحنيات المطلوبة طبقًا للرسومات التنفيذية المعتمدة‪.‬‬
‫يتم رص وتركيب البردورات بمونة االسمنت والرمل بنسبة ‪ 350‬كجم ‪ /‬م ‪ 3‬رمل مع عمل تقطيع وشطف للبردورات عند‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫الدورانات حسب طول القوس المطلوب باللوحات‪.‬‬
‫يتم عمل نظافة للبردورات ثم الرش بالماء وإتمام العمل طبقًا للمواصفات الفنية وأصول الصناعة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫‪‬أعمال تركيب بالط إنترلوك‪:‬‬

‫يتم تشوين بالط االنترلوك طبقًا للون والشكل المعتمد من جهة االستشاري‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫يتم حفر الموقع وتسويته ثم يتم الدمك الجيد للوصول لمنسوب أقل من منسوب سطح البالط ب‪ ٢٠‬سم ثم تتم اعمال تركيب البالط‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫بعد تركيب بردورات الموقع‪.‬‬
‫يتم عمل دكة من الخرسانة العادية بسمك ال يقل عن ‪10‬سم مع ضبط سطح الخرسانة حسب المنسوب المطلوب باستخدام جهاز‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫الميزان والقامة‪.‬‬
‫يتم فرش طبقة من الرمل بسمك ‪ 5‬سم مع عمل دمك لهذه الطبقة جيد ‪ً.‬ا‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫يتم عمل شعرة ميول ناحية بلوعة صرف المطر أو في اتجاه األسفلت طبقًا للوحة الموقع العام‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫يتم رص وتركيب بالط االنترلوك بالشكل المطلوب على الرمل المدكوك مع ملئ الفواصل بالرمل‪.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫ثم يتم تنظيف سطح البالط من الرمل الزائد وإتمام العمل طبقًا للمواصفات وأصول الصناعة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫‪‬تنسيق الموقع العام واعمال النجيلة‪:‬‬

‫مرحلة اإلعداد‪ :‬اعتماد الخامات الالزمة والرسومات التنفيذية من السيد المهندس االستشاري‪.‬‬

‫مرحلة التنفيذ‪:‬‬
‫توفير المعدات الالزمة لتنفيذ أعمال الزراعة طبقًا للمعدالت والتواريخ المحددة بالبرنامج الزمني المعتمد من استشاري المشروع‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫يتم أعمال الحفر الالزم باستخدام البلدوزر حتى المنسوب المحدد بالرسومات التنفيذية المعتمدة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫توريد النجيلة من مشاتل معتمدة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫توريد وتنفيذ أعمال تنسيق الموقع طبقًا لرسومات الورشة التنفيذية‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫سادسا‪ -‬أعمال العزل‬

‫الموارد البشرية‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫مهندس تنفيذ‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫مشرف تنفيذ‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫مهندس ضبط جودة‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫عمالة مدربة للعزل‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫العدة المستخدمة‪:‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫فرشة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫دلو‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫مكنسة يدوية‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫المواد المستخدمة‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫مادة العزل المعتمدة‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫مياه‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫أعمال التجهيزات‬
‫يتم البدء في أعمال العزل بعد تصلد األسطح الخرسانية وكذلك المونة األسمنتية لقصية الردم‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫يتم تنظيف وكنس األسطح من األتربة وإزالة الزراجين وبقايا الخرسانة جيدًا‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫إذا كان العزل ألسطح المباني يتم عمل خرسانة الميول لضبط ميول األسطح لتصريف مياه األمطار للجرجوري‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫اعمال التركيب‬

‫أ‪ -‬بالنسبة لعزل األسطح‪:‬‬

‫يتم تركيب الطبقة العازلة للرطوبة من البيتومين المؤكسد على الساخن مع فرش طبقتين من الخيش المقطرن مع ثالثة‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫اوجه من الدهان وال يقل طول الركوب بين الطبقات المتجاورة عن ‪ 10‬سم عند االلتقاء بالحوائط يتم حماية الغشاء‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫المثبت على األسطح الرأسية من التلف باستخدام ألواح من الهاردبورد سمك ‪ ١٢‬مم تلصق بمادة مناسبة أو بناء حائط من الطوب‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫بسمك ‪ ١٢‬سم‪.‬‬

‫يتم عمل طبقة حماية من الخرسانة العادية سمك ‪5‬سم مع عمل اختبار نفاذية المياه‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫يتم تركيب ألواح العزل الحراري فوق الطبقة السابقة مع عمل طبقة لياسة (حماية) أسمنتية ناعمة بالميول المطلوبة‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫يتم تركيب البالط األسمنتي (‪ )۲۰۰ × ۲۰۰‬مم فوق طبقة اللياسة مع تركيب البالط األسمنتي على الحوائط وبميل حتى ال تسمح‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫بتسرب مياه األمطار من على الجوانب‪.‬‬

‫ب‪ -‬بالنسبة لألسطح المدفونة‪:‬‬

‫يتم مد طبقة من األساس البتومينى الساخن المناسب على أسطح الخرسانة بواسطة فرشاة أو بالرش بمعدل ال يقل عن كيلو جرام‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫ونصف لكل متر مسطح بحيث تتكون طبقة منتظمة موحدة‪.‬‬
‫يتم مد الطبقة الثانية بعد مرور ‪ ٢٤‬ساعة فوق الطبقة األولى وباتجاه عمودي عليها‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫سابعا‪ -‬األعمال الصحية‬

‫مرحلة اإلعداد‬
‫تقديم رسومات الورشة طبقًا لرسومات المشروع التنفيذية لكل من (فرش الحمامات وشبكات الصرف والتغذية داخل وخارج المباني)‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫العتمادها من االستشاري‪.‬‬
‫تقديم كتالوجات للمواد التي سيتم تركيبها لالعتماد من المهندس االستشاري‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫مرحلة التنفيذ‬
‫يتم تركيب المواسير الالزمة داخل السليفات الالزمة ألعمال الصرف والتغذية في المباني والخرسانات طبقًا للوحات التنفيذية المعتمدة‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫وتحديد مسار كل من خط مياه التغذية والصرف الصحي للربط مع المصدر أو غرفة التفتيش وإتمام العمل طبقًا للمواصفات واصول‬
‫تنفيذ شبكة مواسير التغذية الداخلية من مادة البولي بروبلين بالقطر المطلوب وملحقاتها من محابس الدفن واألكواع والجلب وكل‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫الملحقات الخاصة بالتوصيل وإجراء اإلختبارت الالزمة طبقا للمواصفات الفنية وأصول الصناعة وتسليمها إلى المهندس االستشاري‪.‬‬
‫بعد انتهاء أعمال عزل الحمامات يتم تنفيذ شبكة الصرف الداخلية مع ضبطها وارتفاعات األجهزة من مرحاض ارتفاع مانيجة الكرس‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫ي عن السيراميك ال تزيد عن ‪ 16‬أو خالط دوش أو خالط حوض غسيل أيدي ال تزيد عن ‪81‬سم مع ضبط االرتفاعات من أخذ‬
‫لقطة من شرب معتمد وإجراء اإلختبارت الالزمة طبقًا للمواصفات الفنية وأصول الصناعة وتسليمها إلى المهندس االستشاري‪.‬‬
‫بعد االنتهاء من التشطيبات الداخلية ل حمامات من أعمال السيراميك لألرضيات والحوائط يتم تركيب األجهزة والنواكل من مرحاض‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫أفرنجي بصندوق طرد مع تجربة ماكينة الكومبينشن مع محابس صندوق الطرد والتأكد من تثبيت المرحاض جيدًا من مسامير من‬
‫النحاس المطلي بالكروم‪.‬‬
‫يتم تركيب حوض حمام بواسطة مسامير فيشر في الحائط ويثبت على رجل قائم كما يتم تركيب خالط المياه بمشتمالته من محابس‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫زاوية ساخن وارد بالم النيكل والبد من اعتماد عينات لهذه األجزاء طبقًا للمواصفات المطلوبة واالعتماد من جهة االستشاري‪.‬‬
‫يتم تركيب شبكة الصرف الخارجية بالميول المناسبة وكذلك تركيب جاليتراب من البالستيك ويراعي أال يقل مقدار العازل المائي به‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫‪ 75‬مم ويكون قطر مخرجه ‪100‬مم مع تقديم عينة لالعتماد قبل التركيب – يركب الجاليتراب بجوار المبني على مسافة نحو ‪٢٠٠‬‬
‫مم ويكون مرتفعا عن سطح األرضية المجاورة بمقدار ‪ 150‬مم ويركب على فرشة من الخرسانة العادية بأبعاد (‪ )30 × 30‬سم‬
‫وارتفاع ‪ ٢٠‬سم ويتم تركيب غطاء للجليتراب وكل ما يلزم ونهو العمل طبق للمواصفات الفنية أصول الصناعة‪.‬‬
‫يتم بناء غرف التفتيش في األماكن المحددة على الرسومات باألبعاد واألعماق المطلوبة وحسب المطلوب في دفتر البنود‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫ثامنا‪ -‬األعمال المعدنية‬
‫أعمال االلوميتال‬
‫تركيب الشبابيك االلوميتال‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫يتم توريد شبابيك االلوميتال بكامل اإلكسسوارات فرز أول وتشمل جميع القطع الالزمة لتحريك الضلف وتشغيلها وقطع القفل‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫والتثبيت مع جميع القطع الخاصة للتركيب والتثبيت في الحلوق أوالضلف مع تقديم اللوحات التفصيلية العينات لالعتماد من جهة‬
‫يتم توريد وتركيب حلق من الخشب (حلق زفر) باألبعاد واألشكال المبينة بالرسومات مع ضبط رأسية الحلق اخذ لقطة من شرب‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫معتمد وتثبيت الحلق بواسطة الكانات بحيث ال تقل عن ‪ 3‬كانات لكل جنب بالميزان مع ثم يتم التثبيت مع المباني بمونة األسمنت‬
‫والرمل ومع الحلق بمسامير برمه بالطول المناسب‪.‬‬
‫يتم تركيب الشبابيك االلوميتال مع الحلق الخشب بالمنسوب المطلوب وضبط زوايا الشباك مع الحلق االلوميتال مع تجربة فتح وغلق‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫الشباك والتأكد إتمام العمل طبقا للمواصفات الفنية وأصول الصناعة والحصول على الدقة المطلوبة حتى ال تتعرض للرفض من قبل‬
‫تركب الواح الزجاج داخل مجري من المطاط الطري على شكل (‪ )U‬وبالمقاسات المناسبة للقطاعات المعدنية‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫تركيب البوابات الحديد المشغول‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫يتم توريد البوابات الكريتال بكامل اإلكسسوارات والخردوات مع تقديم عينات تفصيلية لالعتماد من االستشاري‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫يتم تركيب البوابات الكريتال بواسطة كانات حديد بطول ال يقل عن ‪15‬سم مثبتة في العمود الخرساني على األقل ‪ 3‬كانات لكل جنب‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫مع ضبط رأسية البوابة مع أخذ شرب معتمد عند تركيب البوابة والتثبيت الجيد بلحام الكانات حلق البوابة والتحبيش الجيد حول‬
‫يتم التأميم حول حلق البوابة ونهو االعمال ثم يتم دهان وجه ببوية مانعة للصدأ برايمر ثم يتم تلقيط معجون حديد لألجزاء المطلوبة‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫(اللحامات) ثم عمل وجهين ببوية الكريتال (طبقة الكية) باللون المطلوب باستخدام الكوميروسر ونهو األعمال طبقا للموصفات الفنية‬
‫وأصول الصناعة‪.‬‬
‫ب‪ -‬أعمال (‪)STEEL STRUCTURE‬‬
‫أعمال تركيب مظلة من الحديد المجلفن‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫يتم تثبيت بالتة من الحديد المجلفن مع شبكة الحديد المسلح للقواعد والتي تكون بمقاس (‪ )٢ × 40 × 40‬سم أو بالمقاس الموضح‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫بالرسومات التنفيذية والتي بها ‪ 4‬جاكات لربط قاعدة العمود الحديد عليها بواسطة انكربول (صامولة التثبيت) حسب المقاس المطلوب‬
‫‪ 40‬مم‪ 60/‬سم ‪/‬عدد ‪ 4‬مع ضبط افقية البالتة مع مركز القاعدة المسلحة عند سطح القاعدة‪.‬‬
‫يتم ربط كمرات التغطية مع األعمدة الحديد حسب المقاسات واألبعاد الموضحة باللوحات التنفيذية‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫يتم التجميع باللحام مع المحافظة على وضع األجزاء التي سيتم لحامها في أماكنها تمامًا أثناء عملية اللحام والتي سوف يكون لحامها‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫‪ Filet Welded‬لذا البد أن تكون متالصقة تمامًا‪.‬‬
‫يجب تجنب وجود فراغ ناشئ نتيجة المصنعية الرديئة أو عدم ركوب األجزاء مع بعضها وإذا حدث فراغ كبير في مكان ما فيجب‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫زيادة اللحام ‪ Filet‬في هذه األماكن بمقدار هذا الفراغ‪.‬‬
‫يكون اللحام بطريقة القوس المعدني بحيث يوافق متطلبات المواصفات القياسية وأصول الصناعة ورشة اللحام والمهمات‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫يتم عمل التقويات الالزمة (‪ )bracing‬لألعمدة الحديد طبقًا للقطاعات الواردة باللوحات وكذلك عمل التغطيات (‪)sheet steel‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫بالمقاس المطلوب مع تركيب نظام تصريف المطر واللحام الجيد للقطاعات طبقا ألصول الصناعة‬
‫يتم دهان وجهة بمادة مانعة للصدأ (بريمر) ثم الدهان بوجهيين ببوية الكريتال (الكيه) مع استخدام المعجون الحديد في أماكن‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫اللحامات ورش بوية الكريتال باستخدام الكومبروسر وذلك حسب اللون المطلوب ونهو األعمال طبقًا للمواصفات الفنية وأصول‬

‫أعمال الكهروميكانيكية لمحطة الرفع‪:‬‬

‫أوال‪ :‬أعمال الميكانيكية‪:‬‬

‫المسئول عن‬
‫المعدات المطلوبة‬
‫مالحظات‬ ‫التنفيذ‬ ‫خطوات تنفيذ البند‬ ‫اسم البند‬ ‫م‬
‫(مقاول – ذاتي)‬
‫اعتماد‬ ‫التأكد من توافر الموارد البشرية والمعدات‬
‫الكتالوجات‬ ‫والمواد الالزمة لألعمال‬
‫السالمة والصحة‬ ‫التأكد من تطبيق اشتراطات‬
‫تصريح العمل‬ ‫الطلمبة‬
‫المهنية والبيئة‬
‫دليل من خيط وميزان‬
‫اعتماد طراز وكتالوج الطلمبات‬
‫وشريط قياس‬

‫تحديد اماكن قواعد الطلمبات‬


‫مفاتيح وونش بالنكو‬ ‫تثبيت الطلمبات على شاسيه وتركيب خطوط‬
‫ومسامير‬ ‫السحب والطرد‬

‫عمل كراسي أسفل المحابس بغرف المحابس‬

‫اعمال تركيب المصافي‬

‫اعتماد‬ ‫اعمال تركيب اوناش الطلمبات والمصافي‬

‫اعتماد كابالت‬ ‫اعمال توصيل كابالت الكهرباء للطلمبات‬
‫الكهرباء‬ ‫واالختبار‬

‫أعمال الفحص واالختبارات‬

‫ثانيا‪ :‬أعمال الكهربائية‪:‬‬

‫المسئول عن التنفيذ‬
‫المعدات المطلوبة‬
‫مالحظات‬ ‫خطوات تنفيذ البند‬ ‫اسم البند‬ ‫م‬
‫(مقاول – ذاتي)‬
‫التأكد من توافر الموارد البشرية والمعدات‬
‫والمواد الالزمة لألعمال‬
‫التأكد من تطبيق اشتراطات السالمة والصحة‬
‫مقاول باطن (مصنعيات)‬

‫تصريح العمل‬
‫المهنية والبيئة‬
‫اعتماد المخطط للوحات الضغط المنخفض‬
‫اعتماد المورد‬ ‫مهمات لوحات الكهرباء‬
‫توريد مهمات لوحات الكهرباء‬

‫يتم التركيب اللوحة على شاسيه من حديد في‬

‫المكان المخصص للتركيب‬

‫أعمال الفحص واالختبارات‬

‫استخراج التصاريح الالزمة‬
‫مقاول باطن‬

‫التأكد من توافر الموارد البشرية والمعدات‬

‫تصريح عمل‬
‫والمواد الالزمة لألعمال‬
‫اعتماد المصنع‬ ‫التأكد من تطبيق اشتراطات السالمة والصحة‬
‫المهنية والبيئة‬

‫توريد الكابالت‬ ‫استالم الكابالت مع شهادة اختبار من المصنع‬

‫حفر مسار الكابل حتى العمق المطلوب من‬

‫رمال نظيفة‬
‫منسوب التشطيب‬
‫حامل بكرة كابالت ‪-‬‬
‫وضع طبقه من الرمال النظيفة سمك ‪ 10‬سم‬
‫ووسيلة جر‬

‫طوب وشريط تحذير‬ ‫تحميل البكرة على حامل الكابالت‬

‫فرد الكابل وفحصة‬ ‫الجهد‬

‫الردم برمال نظيفة ‪ 25‬سم ثم وضع بلوكات من‬ ‫المتو‬
‫معدات للردم‬
‫الطوب (عدد‪ / 8‬متر)‬
‫ردم طبقة من ناتج الحفر ثم وضع شريط التحذير‬
‫واستكمال الردم من ناتج الحفر‬ ‫والمن‬
‫أعمال الفحص واالختبار‬ ‫خفض‬

‫استخراج التصاريح الالزمة‬

‫التأكد من توافر الموارد البشرية والمعدات‬

‫والمواد الالزمة لألعمال‬
‫التأكد من تطبيق اشتراطات السالمة والصحة‬
‫تصريع عمل‬
‫المهنية والبيئة‬
‫مقاول باطن (مصنعيات)‬

‫اعتماد جهة التوريد ‪-‬‬

‫اعتماد المورد‬
‫رسومات تصميمية‬
‫تقديم الرسومات التصميمية ‪wiring design‬‬
‫من المورد واعتمادها‬
‫عمل االختبارات الروتينية في المصنع في‬
‫حضور جهة االشراف‬

‫النقل للموقع والتركيب‬

‫الفحص الظاهري للتركيب وعمل اختبارات ما‬

‫قبل إطالق التيار‬

‫إطالق التيار‬

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‫إجراءات الجودة‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫يتم عمل محضر باالختبار مرفق لوحة موضح عليها أماكن المطابق‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫وفي حالة حدوث فشل لالختبار يتم عمل تقرير عدم مطابقة للمطبق الفاشل في االختبار ‪.‬‬

‫معايير القبول الختبار التسريب‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫يتم تقييم نجاح االختبار من عدمه عن طريق مهندس االشراف علي التنفيذ وتقييمه لحالة المطبق‬ ‫‪-‬‬
‫والعوامل المؤثرة علي االختبار مثل ‪:‬‬
‫عمر خرسانة الطبة ‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫عمر خرسانة تشكيل مجاري القاع ‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫معالجة الفواصل ‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬
‫البيئة المحيطة بالمطبق ( رطبة ‪ /‬جافة ) ‪.‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫صور توضيحية ارشادية لالختبار‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫محضر اختبار تسريب مطابق‬

‫اسم المشروع ‪ :‬مشروع الصرف الصحي لقرية أبو جريدة و الطحان‬

‫اسم القرية ‪:‬‬

‫انه ف يوم ‪ ................‬الموافق ‪ ........... / ........... / ...............‬اجتمعت اللجنة المشكلة من كال من ‪:‬‬

‫االستشاري المشرف (مكتب إنفايروسيفيك و مكتب مصر للهندسة)‬ ‫م ‪.................................. /‬‬

‫المكتب اإلسالمي للمقاوالت العامة‬ ‫م ‪.................................. /‬‬

‫تم المرور علي المطابق الموضحة بالجدول للمشروع سالف الذكر وتم ملئ المطابق بالماء بتاريخ ‪........... / ........... / ...............‬‬

‫وبعد اكتمال ملئ المطابق تم تركيب غطاء المطبق والتقفيل والتحبيش علي الغطاء بخلطة مونه وجبس وترك المطابق لمدة ‪ 24‬ساعة‬

‫وبعد ذلك تم كشف الغطاء بتاريخ ‪ ........... / ............ / .................‬والنتائج طبقا للبيان التالي وطبقا للصور المرفقة ‪-:‬‬

‫المالحظات‬ ‫الحاله‬ ‫المطبق‬ ‫رقم الخط‬ ‫م‬


‫التوقيعات ‪- :‬‬

‫مهندس االستشاري ‪:‬‬ ‫مهندس المقاول ‪:‬‬

‫‪...........................................‬‬ ‫‪..........................................‬‬

‫‪............................................‬‬ ‫‪..........................................‬‬

Method Statement –

Sewage Network –Abu garida &

Tahan Village

Electrical Works
















 This procedure to clear the method of the supply, installations of Transformer for the project.
 This document details Transformer Installation:
1. Preparation of work.
2. Delivery and inspection upon arrival of material at site.
3. Installation of the system.

PQP : Project Quality Plan

PSP : Project Safety Plan

QCP : Quality Control Procedure

HSE : Health, Safety and Environment

MS : Method Statement

ITP : Inspection Test Plan

QA/QC : Quality Assurance / Quality Control Engineer.

WIR : Inspection and Test Request

MIR : Material Verification Record.


 Strictly followed as per the manufacturer's Health and Safety recommendations for handling and
use of the materials.
 Ensure all involved personnel shall be aware of the same.
 Specific safety measures have to follow as applicable, and all the safety measures are covered
separately in the project safety plan.

 Material:

 Material used will be as approved by the Engineer.

 The sizes and routes routing will be as per the approved Shop Drawings.

 Storage and Protection:

 Deliver components parts to site, completely identified in accordance with shop and
certified CAD Drawings prepared for this work.
 Store in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, above ground, properly protected
from the weather and construction activities.


 Off-Loading:
 Use Fork Lifts or Mobile Crane to off-load the transformers.
 Make sure that the capacity of the fork lifts or mobile crane can carry the weight of the
 Off load the transformer on the designated off loading area.
 Proper care must be observed during off loading to prevent unnecessary damage or dents on
the transformers.
 Ensure that the transformers are properly protected and covered with tarpaulin.

 Pre-Installation:
 All materials and documentation relevant to this particular section of works shall be checked
by the Construction Department prior to the commencement of works ensuring that these are
correct and approved type.
 Before any permanent works will continue, pre-inspection on all materials, tools and access
for installation to be carried out.

 Installation:
 Before the transformer will be delivered to site, ensure that the transformer railing is fixed as
per approved drawings and comply on municipality requirement.
 Move the transformers from the designated off-loading area or storage area using fork lift and
set them in position near to the transformer room.
 Make sure that the orientation of the transformer with regards to the position of cable entries
is correct.
 Push in the transformers inside the transformer room. Set the transformer on their final
positions and make sure that they are properly secured and protected.
 Raise Request for Inspection for Transformer Installation.
 Conduct on site test for the transformer.
 Test shall include winding insulation resistance test and shall conform to manufacturer’s
recommendation and specification.
 All tests must be recorded and conducted in the presence of Consultant by manufacturer
testing engineer.

 Dress and terminate the incoming and outgoing cables on the transformers.
 Ensure that the cables were supported properly.
 Cable glands, lugs and termination kits shall be approved type.
 After termination works has been completed, clean the transformer cable box and ensure
that it is free from foreign materials and excess openings must be sealed off and ensure that
all the connections are properly tight and torque.
 Raise Request for Inspection for the cable terminations and dressing.

 Commissioning:
 Cover the cable boxes.
 Bolts and nuts must be tightened properly.
 Make sure that the transformer room is clean and free from foreign materials.

 Technical Assistance:
 The installation supervising technician for the system trade shall instruct the
CONSULTANT Engineer, and Construction Site Manager on the programming and correct
operation of the system after the installation is completed.
 This instruction shall be scheduled at the convenience of the staff.
 All such instruction shall be properly recorded.
 WIR will be issued for Consultant approval upon making sure that the installation of the
system equipment’s done as per approved shopdrawings and specs and manufacturer


1. To ensure that all the preparation and application works are carried out according to
the Contract Specification and with the approved drawings.

2. To ensure that the progressing of works is carried out according to the planned
program and as per the approved method of statement.

3. To ensure that all the equipment and material required executing the work are
available according to the planned construction program.

4. To co-ordinate with the Main contractor, MEP coordinator, Safety Officer for a safe
and proper execution of the works.


1. To ensure that the works are carried out according to the Contract Specification,
approved method statement and the shop drawings.

2. To provide all necessary information and distribute responsibilities to his construction.

3. To monitor the progress of work in relation with the work program and to report to the
Project Manager.

4. To co-ordinate with the safety officer and to ensure that the works are carried out in
safe practicing method.

1. The foreman will carry out his duties by maintaining continuous coordination with the
site engineer on daily basis, and ensure proper distribution of the work force on the
required and planned locations.

2. To ensure that his assistant foreman/ charge hand are aware of the job requirements
and they have enough information to carry out their duties properly.

3. To ensure that the daily work is progressing as planned and advice the site engineer
of any requirement for additional resources.

4. To ensure in consultation with the site engineer that the manpower involved in the
works are moving as agreed and planned for the work.

5. To control disposal of waste materials according to the instructions received from the
site engineer.

6. To ensure full coordination with the safety officer to maintain safe working and proper
house keeping of the site, following the proved safety measures and further ensure
that all his working team are aware of the same to prevent accident and losses.

7. To inform the site engineer regarding areas ready for inspection.

8. Foreman and the storekeeper are responsible for the distribution and control of

1. Ensure the implementation of all the safety measures in accordance with the HSE plan
and everybody aware of it for it’s proper implementation.

2. Ensure all the implemented safety measures are adequate to maintain safe working
on the site.

3. Inspect all the site activities and train the person to prevent accidents and it’s proper

4. Ensure that the site is maintained clean and tidy.


1. The carrying-out of work and the proper distribution of all the available resources in
coordination with the sub-contractor Site Engineer on a daily basis.
2. Daily reports of the works are achieved and coordinated for the future planning with
the Site Engineer.
3. Complying with the sub-contractor basic design practices, particularly those related
to safety and engineering
4. Meeting with any type of unforeseen incident or requirement and reporting the same
to the Site Engineer immediately.

1. Responsible for overall Store operations in making sure to store the material
delivery to the site and keep it in suitable area that will keep the material in safe
from rusty and damage.
2. One who will acknowledge the receiving of materials at site in coordination with
QA/QC and concerned Engineer.

 Charge hand and Experienced Technicians

 Transformer Components and Accessories

 The Equipment that will be engaged for Transformer Installation will be as follows:

1. Hand Tools

2. Power Tools (if required)

3. Diagonal-Cutting Pliers

4. Wire Stripper/Cutter with Spring

5. Side-Cutting Pliers

6. Shank Screwdriver/Flat screw driver

7. Compression lug crimp tool

8. Necessary conduit for System Cabling

9. Knock out set (for conduit)

10. P.P.E. – Personal Protective Equipment (safety helmet, Boots, gloves & safety vest )


 The Rubbish which would be created from our scope of works will be disposed to the designated
dumping ground.


 The following general control measures against Safety, Environment and Quality shall be
required for our scope of work and special control measures are not applicable for us :

 Proper PPE must be worn at all time

 Permit to work at height > 2m where applicable
 Lifting operation permit (using crane) where applicable.
 Confined space permit where applicable.
 Approved work method statement and risk assessment will be made available to site.
 All workers doing the work shall be briefed on this method statement and risk assessment.

 This method Statement should be read in conjunction with the below referenced

 ITP for Anti – termite Treatment.

 Insulation Resistance and continuity Test Report.

 Copy of this method statement shall be issued to the following for information / action /

1. Project Manager

2. Site Engineer

3. Foremen

4. Safety Engineer

5. Technician From Supplier

6. Store Keeper
















 This procedure to clear the method of the supply, installations of Electrical PanelBoards for
the project.
 This document details the Electrical PanelBoards Installation:
4. Preparation of work.
5. Delivery and inspection upon arrival of material at site.
6. Installation of the system.

PQP : Project Quality Plan

PSP : Project Safety Plan

QCP : Quality Control Procedure

HSE : Health, Safety and Environment

MS : Method Statement

ITP : Inspection Test Plan

QA/QC : Quality Assurance / Quality Control Engineer.

WIR : Inspection and Test Request

MIR : Material Verification Record.


 Strictly followed as per the manufacturer's Health and Safety recommendations for handling and
use of the materials.
 Ensure all involved personnel shall be aware of the same.
 Specific safety measures have to follow as applicable, and all the safety measures are covered
separately in the project safety plan.

 Material:

 Material used will be as approved by the Engineer.
 The sizes and routes routing will be as per the approved Shop Drawings.

 Storage and Protection:

 Deliver components parts to site, completely identified in accordance with shop and
certified CAD Drawings prepared for this work.
 Store in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, above ground, properly protected
from the weather and construction activities.


 Pre-Installation:

 All materials and documentation relevant to this particular section of works will be checked
and verified ensuring that these are correct and approved type.
 Prior to the commencement of works, ensure that the areas for permanent installation are
ready, accessible and in suitable condition.

 Installation:

 All the switchboards shall be fabricated at the manufacturer’s works.

 Before beginning installation in any area, examine all parts of the adjoining works into
which applicable work is to be placed. Should any condition be found which will
prevent the proper execution of the work, installation shall not proceed in that area
until such conditions are corrected by the contractor.

 Fix all equipment independently of wiring system. Use cadmium of zinc electroplated
bolts, nuts, washers and screw.

 Mount single DB at 1800mm from finish floor level to top of equipment, unless shown
otherwise on drawing / schedules.

 Ensures that clearance in front of switchgear is not less than 1m, or as indicated.

 Number terminals, cables and component parts to correspond with manufacturer have
certified drawings.

 Terminate PVC, SWA PVC and MICS cables inside enclosure by securing cables to
switchboards with gland bracket; and enclosure with glanding plates or fabricated
steel extension boxes.

 For flush installation, DB’s all conductors shall terminate behind the board in an adaptable
box. For surface mounting, trunking shall be fixed between the board and ceiling or floor
level, or conduit run directly into Trunking which prevent correct installation of the Trunking
lid. Adequate earth continuity shall be made between the various components.

 Technical Assistance:

 The installation supervising technician for the system trade shall instruct the
CONSULTANT Engineer, and Construction Site Manager on the programming and correct
operation of the system after the installation is completed.
 This instruction shall be scheduled at the convenience of the staff.
 All such instruction shall be properly recorded.
 WIR will be issued for Consultant approval upon making sure that the installation of the
system equipment’s done as per approved shopdrawings and specs and manufacturer


1. To ensure that all the preparation and application works are carried out according to
the Contract Specification and with the approved drawings.

2. To ensure that the progressing of works is carried out according to the planned
program and as per the approved method of statement.

3. To ensure that all the equipment and material required executing the work are
available according to the planned construction program.

4. To co-ordinate with the Main contractor, MEP coordinator, Safety Officer for a safe
and proper execution of the works.


1. To ensure that the works are carried out according to the Contract Specification,
approved method statement and the shop drawings.

2. To provide all necessary information and distribute responsibilities to his construction.

3. To monitor the progress of work in relation with the work program and to report to the
Project Manager.

4. To co-ordinate with the safety officer and to ensure that the works are carried out in
safe practicing method.

1. The foreman will carry out his duties by maintaining continuous coordination with the
site engineer on daily basis, and ensure proper distribution of the work force on the
required and planned locations.

2. To ensure that his assistant foreman/ charge hand are aware of the job requirements
and they have enough information to carry out their duties properly.

3. To ensure that the daily work is progressing as planned and advice the site engineer
of any requirement for additional resources.

4. To ensure in consultation with the site engineer that the manpower involved in the
works are moving as agreed and planned for the work.

5. To control disposal of waste materials according to the instructions received from the
site engineer.

6. To ensure full coordination with the safety officer to maintain safe working and proper
house keeping of the site, following the proved safety measures and further ensure
that all his working team are aware of the same to prevent accident and losses.

7. To inform the site engineer regarding areas ready for inspection.

8. Foreman and the storekeeper are responsible for the distribution and control of

1. Ensure the implementation of all the safety measures in accordance with the HSE plan
and everybody aware of it for it’s proper implementation.

2. Ensure all the implemented safety measures are adequate to maintain safe working
on the site.

3. Inspect all the site activities and train the person to prevent accidents and it’s proper

4. Ensure that the site is maintained clean and tidy.


1. The carrying-out of work and the proper distribution of all the available resources in
coordination with the sub-contractor Site Engineer on a daily basis.
2. Daily reports of the works are achieved and coordinated for the future planning with
the Site Engineer.
3. Complying with the sub-contractor basic design practices, particularly those related
to safety and engineering
4. Meeting with any type of unforeseen incident or requirement and reporting the same
to the Site Engineer immediately.

1. Responsible for overall Store operations in making sure to store the material
delivery to the site and keep it in suitable area that will keep the material in safe
from rusty and damage.
2. One who will acknowledge the receiving of materials at site in coordination with
QA/QC and concerned Engineer.

 Charge hand and Experienced Technicians

 Electrical PanelBoards Components and Accessories

 The Equipment that will be engaged for Electrical PanelBoards Installation will be as follows:

1. Wire cutters

2. Measuring tape

3. Drill machine

4. Wooden hammer

5. Flat file

6. Screw drivers

7. Open and box spanners

8. Crimping tool


 The Rubbish which would be created from our scope of works will be disposed to the designated
dumping ground.


 The following general control measures against Safety, Environment and Quality shall be
required for our scope of work and special control measures are not applicable for us :

 Proper PPE must be worn at all time

 Permit to work at height > 2m where applicable
 Lifting operation permit (using crane) where applicable.
 Confined space permit where applicable.
 Approved work method statement and risk assessment will be made available to site.
 All workers doing the work shall be briefed on this method statement and risk assessment.

 This method Statement should be read in conjunction with the below referenced

 ITP for Anti – termite Treatment.

 Insulation Resistance and continuity Test Report.

 Copy of this method statement shall be issued to the following for information / action /

1. Project Manager

2. Site Engineer

3. Foremen

4. Safety Engineer

5. Technician From Supplier

6. Store Keeper
















 This procedure to clear the method of the supply, installations of Diesel Generator for the
 This document details Diesel Generator Installation:
7. Preparation of work.
8. Delivery and inspection upon arrival of material at site.
9. Installation of the system.

PQP : Project Quality Plan

PSP : Project Safety Plan

QCP : Quality Control Procedure

HSE : Health, Safety and Environment

MS : Method Statement

ITP : Inspection Test Plan

QA/QC : Quality Assurance / Quality Control Engineer.

WIR : Inspection and Test Request

MIR : Material Verification Record.


 Strictly followed as per the manufacturer's Health and Safety recommendations for handling and
use of the materials.
 Ensure all involved personnel shall be aware of the same.
 Specific safety measures have to follow as applicable, and all the safety measures are covered
separately in the project safety plan.

 Material:

 Material used will be as approved by the Engineer.
 The sizes and routes routing will be as per the approved Shop Drawings.

 Storage and Protection:

 Deliver components parts to site, completely identified in accordance with shop and
certified CAD Drawings prepared for this work.
 Store in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, above ground, properly protected
from the weather and construction activities.


 Off-Loading:
 Use Mobile Crane to off-load the Generator Sets. Capacity of crane shall be capable to carry
the weight of the generator set. All safety precaution shall be adhered during off loading.
 Ensure the safety of equipments and workers.
 Off load the Generator sets on the designated off loading area. Make sure that the Generator
Set will seat on pipe rollers or wooden flanks.
 If the Generator Room is not ready for generator set installation, proper protection of
Generator set shall be provided and cover it

 Pre-Installation:
 All materials and documentation relevant to this particular section of works shall be checked
prior to the installation.
 Make sure that the plinth is completed and painted and ready for final installation of
 Make sure that the generator room is clear and free of debris and foreign materials.
 Ensure that the access for generator set installation is free from obstructions.
 Make sure that supporting flanks, pipe rollers, chain blocks, hydraulic jacks and other tools
required for installation are in place.

 Installation:
 Lift the Generator using mobile crane or portable hydraulic crocodile jack. Place pipe rollers
under the generator skid. Make sure that the pipe rollers are properly set.
 Once the generator set will sit on the pipe rollers, push in / pull in the generator set inside the
room. If required, use chain block to pull the generator set. Make sure that the chain block is
properly anchored and properly set to the direction of generator position.
 Where in a generator set crosses a trench or unequal elevation, use steel channels or I-
beams to support the pipe rollers. Make sure that the steel channels or I-beams are properly

supported to carry the weight of the Generator set.
 Set the Generator set in proper location. Lift the Generator set using portable crocodile
hydraulic jack and let it sit on elevated flanks or I-beams.
 Fix the spring vibration isolator. Ensure that it is fixed and aligned properly.
 Lift the Generator set and install the spring vibration isolator. Bolt and tight properly the
Generator base on to the spring vibration isolators.
 Associated work related to the Generator set such as generator exhaust system, fuel system,
acoustic lining etc, will commence.
 After completing all associated works related to the Generator set, raise a Request for
Inspection for Generator Installation.

 Commissioning:
 Test the Generator in accordance to specification and manufacturer recommendation.
 All testing will be carried out in the presence of Consultant.
 Test shall be carried out by the manufacturer’s testing engineers.
 All test sheet shall be certified by the manufacturer representative.

 Technical Assistance:
 The installation supervising technician for the system trade shall instruct the
CONSULTANT Engineer, and Construction Site Manager on the programming and correct
operation of the system after the installation is completed.
 This instruction shall be scheduled at the convenience of the staff.
 All such instruction shall be properly recorded.
 WIR will be issued for Consultant approval upon making sure that the installation of the
system equipment’s done as per approved shopdrawings and specs and manufacturer


1. To ensure that all the preparation and application works are carried out according to
the Contract Specification and with the approved drawings.

2. To ensure that the progressing of works is carried out according to the planned
program and as per the approved method of statement.

3. To ensure that all the equipment and material required executing the work are
available according to the planned construction program.

4. To co-ordinate with the Main contractor, MEP coordinator, Safety Officer for a safe
and proper execution of the works.

1. To ensure that the works are carried out according to the Contract Specification,
approved method statement and the shop drawings.

2. To provide all necessary information and distribute responsibilities to his construction.

3. To monitor the progress of work in relation with the work program and to report to the
Project Manager.

4. To co-ordinate with the safety officer and to ensure that the works are carried out in
safe practicing method.

1. The foreman will carry out his duties by maintaining continuous coordination with the
site engineer on daily basis, and ensure proper distribution of the work force on the
required and planned locations.

2. To ensure that his assistant foreman/ charge hand are aware of the job requirements
and they have enough information to carry out their duties properly.

3. To ensure that the daily work is progressing as planned and advice the site engineer
of any requirement for additional resources.

4. To ensure in consultation with the site engineer that the manpower involved in the
works are moving as agreed and planned for the work.

5. To control disposal of waste materials according to the instructions received from the
site engineer.

6. To ensure full coordination with the safety officer to maintain safe working and proper
house keeping of the site, following the proved safety measures and further ensure
that all his working team are aware of the same to prevent accident and losses.

7. To inform the site engineer regarding areas ready for inspection.

8. Foreman and the storekeeper are responsible for the distribution and control of

1. Ensure the implementation of all the safety measures in accordance with the HSE plan
and everybody aware of it for it’s proper implementation.

2. Ensure all the implemented safety measures are adequate to maintain safe working
on the site.

3. Inspect all the site activities and train the person to prevent accidents and it’s proper

4. Ensure that the site is maintained clean and tidy.


5. The carrying-out of work and the proper distribution of all the available resources in
coordination with the sub-contractor Site Engineer on a daily basis.
6. Daily reports of the works are achieved and coordinated for the future planning with
the Site Engineer.
7. Complying with the sub-contractor basic design practices, particularly those related
to safety and engineering
8. Meeting with any type of unforeseen incident or requirement and reporting the same
to the Site Engineer immediately.

3. Responsible for overall Store operations in making sure to store the material
delivery to the site and keep it in suitable area that will keep the material in safe
from rusty and damage.
4. One who will acknowledge the receiving of materials at site in coordination with
QA/QC and concerned Engineer.

 Charge hand and Experienced Technicians

 Diesel Generator Components and Accessories

 The Equipment that will be engaged for Diesel Generator Installation will be as follows:

1. Hand Tools

2. Power Tools (if required)

3. Diagonal-Cutting Pliers

4. Wire Stripper/Cutter with Spring

5. Side-Cutting Pliers

6. Shank Screwdriver/Flat screw driver

7. Compression lug crimp tool

8. Necessary conduit for System Cabling

9. Knock out set (for conduit)

10. P.P.E. – Personal Protective Equipment (safety helmet, Boots, gloves & safety vest )


 The Rubbish which would be created from our scope of works will be disposed to the designated
dumping ground.


 The following general control measures against Safety, Environment and Quality shall be
required for our scope of work and special control measures are not applicable for us :

 Proper PPE must be worn at all time

 Permit to work at height > 2m where applicable
 Lifting operation permit (using crane) where applicable.
 Confined space permit where applicable.
 Approved work method statement and risk assessment will be made available to site.
 All workers doing the work shall be briefed on this method statement and risk assessment.


 This method Statement should be read in conjunction with the below referenced

 ITP for Anti – termite Treatment.

 Insulation Resistance and continuity Test Report.

 Copy of this method statement shall be issued to the following for information / action /

7. Project Manager

8. Site Engineer

9. Foremen

10. Safety Engineer

11. Technician From Supplier

12. Store Keeper
















 This procedure to clear the method of the supply, Installations and Pulling of MV Cable .
 This document details Installation and Pulling of MV Cable :
10. Preparation of work.
11. Delivery and inspection upon arrival of material at site.

12. Installation of the system.

PQP : Project Quality Plan

PSP : Project Safety Plan

QCP : Quality Control Procedure

HSE : Health, Safety and Environment

MS : Method Statement

ITP : Inspection Test Plan

QA/QC : Quality Assurance / Quality Control Engineer.

WIR : Inspection and Test Request

MIR : Material Verification Record.


 Strictly followed as per the manufacturer's Health and Safety recommendations for handling and
use of the materials.
 Ensure all involved personnel shall be aware of the same.
 Specific safety measures have to follow as applicable, and all the safety measures are covered
separately in the project safety plan.

 Material:

 Material used will be as approved by the Engineer.

 The sizes and routes routing will be as per the approved Shop Drawings.

 Storage and Protection:

 Deliver components parts to site, completely identified in accordance with shop and
certified CAD Drawings prepared for this work.

 Store in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, above ground, properly protected
from the weather and construction activities.


 Pre-Installation:
 All materials and documentation relevant to this particular section of works will be checked
and verified ensuring that these are correct and approved type.
 Prior to the commencement of works, ensure that the areas for permanent installation are
ready, accessible and in suitable condition.

 Excavation:
1. Permit to Work (PTW) shall be raised for the excavation clearly mentioning the location of
work, size of excavation and levels.
2. Excavations area shall be surveyed and marked to the lines and levels as shown on the
3. The area of excavation will be cordoned off using safety devices.
4. Ensure the working area at any confined space is free from any Hazardous Gas by proper
Gas testing using the Gas testing instrument.

 Materials:
1. Not necessary for the construction shall be removed carefully and stored neatly for
reinstating after the construction works.
2. The material received from the client shall be stored in designated area of store.
3. Arrangements shall be made to protect against effects of weather and environment.

 Pulling:
1. Insulation resistance of the cables shall be checked before laying cables.
2. After the test, the end of the cable shall be sealed to prevent the ingress of moisture.
3. Location of the panels / equipment shall be identified.
4. Cables shall be lubricated if bends in conduits are encountered in a run to facilitate drawing
5. Cables must not be bent to a radius of less than 12 times the overall diameter of the cable.
6. Rollers must be used where cables are installed in an open trench using a pulling rope and
eye; cable rollers are to be used at frequent intervals to support the cables and must never
be more than 3 meters apart.
7. The rollers are to be placed securely to prevent movement.
8. The pulling rope must be equipped with a swivel and be attached to the cable by a stocking
grip with pulling eye.
9. The cable drum intended for cable pulling shall be identified as per that indicated in the drum

10. The cable drums shall be un-packed and placed on a cable roller, as required.
11. Cable laying will generally start from one end of the route length or at any suitable point, as
12. Depending on the weight and size of the drum, suitable size of the cable rolling shaft
(Spindle) shall be placed inside the central axis of the drum.
13. Suitable jacks shall be placed firmly on the ground and jackedup to allow clearance from the
ground depending on the size of the cable drum.
14. The drum shall be lifted by required equipment and placed on the jacks.
15. The cable drum will be correctly positioned and the direction of cable pulling as indicated by
arrow on the drum shall be complied.
16. The cable shall be drawn into the trench smoothly with a minimum of stops and at an
average speed of between 9-12 meters per minute, to avoid irregular movement.

 Termination:
1. Termination point inside the panels / equipment shall be considered for suitable spare length
to be left available during pulling of cable termination.
2. After cutting the cable to the required length the termination work will be conducted as per
ADDC Standard.
3. Jointing and Termination will be carried out as per ADDC standards. All jointing and
termination work will be carried out by trained technicians, experienced in such work for the
operating voltage concerned.
4. Proper crimping tools shall be used compression type lugs. All cables are to be terminated
used glands of proper type and size as per area classification.
5. The gland shall be assembled strictly in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction,
particular attention being paid to ensure good mechanical and electrical contact between part
without excessive strain or distortion of cable.
6. The entire body of the cable must enter the gland. The cable shall be on a straight axis from
a point at least six diameter before entering the gland. Seals shall be checked for correct size
at the point of application.
7. Unused cable entries shall be closed with plug suitable for the degree of protection
8. After completion of indoor and outdoor termination the cable is ready for Testing.

 Commissioning:
1. The following calibrated testing instruments will be used:
 1 KV / 5 KV IR Test Kit - 1 no.
 Multi Meter - 1 no.
 Continuity Tester - 1 no.
 Continuity Tester - 1 no.
 Torque wrench - 1 no.
 VLF - Test Kit.
2. Before starting the test, the corresponding Circuit Breakers at

both ends of the cables are racked out and earthed properly.
3. Test will be conducted at the MV panel end. The opposite end of the cable termination will be
secured & protected. Testing engineer will be at the end where high voltage is applied and
another Engineer to monitor at the opposite end of the cable.
4. Insulation Resistance will be done first: (a) between termination lugs; (b) Phase, Neutral and
Earth termination lug; (c) conductor to termination lug. This will be done one minute each at
5kV, and the results are noted as per approved test report format.
5. The continuity test and phase sequence tests would be carried out and results would be
recorded for records and future reference.

 Technical Assistance:
 The installation supervising technician for the system trade shall instruct the
CONSULTANT Engineer, and Construction Site Manager on the programming and correct
operation of the system after the installation is completed.
 This instruction shall be scheduled at the convenience of the staff.
 All such instruction shall be properly recorded.
 WIR will be issued for Consultant approval upon making sure that the installation of the
system equipment’s done as per approved shopdrawings, approved specs and
manufacturer recommendations.


1. To ensure that all the preparation and application works are carried out according to
the Contract Specification and with the approved drawings.

2. To ensure that the progressing of works is carried out according to the planned
program and as per the approved method of statement.

3. To ensure that all the equipment and material required executing the work are
available according to the planned construction program.

4. To co-ordinate with the Main contractor, MEP coordinator, Safety Officer for a safe
and proper execution of the works.

1. To ensure that the works are carried out according to the Contract Specification,
approved method statement and the shop drawings.

2. To provide all necessary information and distribute responsibilities to his construction.

3. To monitor the progress of work in relation with the work program and to report to the
Project Manager.

4. To co-ordinate with the safety officer and to ensure that the works are carried out in
safe practicing method.

1. The foreman will carry out his duties by maintaining continuous coordination with the
site engineer on daily basis, and ensure proper distribution of the work force on the
required and planned locations.

2. To ensure that his assistant foreman/ charge hand are aware of the job requirements
and they have enough information to carry out their duties properly.

3. To ensure that the daily work is progressing as planned and advice the site engineer
of any requirement for additional resources.

4. To ensure in consultation with the site engineer that the manpower involved in the
works are moving as agreed and planned for the work.

5. To control disposal of waste materials according to the instructions received from the
site engineer.

6. To ensure full coordination with the safety officer to maintain safe working and proper
house keeping of the site, following the proved safety measures and further ensure
that all his working team are aware of the same to prevent accident and losses.

7. To inform the site engineer regarding areas ready for inspection.

8. Foreman and the storekeeper are responsible for the distribution and control of

1. Ensure the implementation of all the safety measures in accordance with the HSE plan
and everybody aware of it for it’s proper implementation.

2. Ensure all the implemented safety measures are adequate to maintain safe working
on the site.

3. Inspect all the site activities and train the person to prevent accidents and it’s proper

4. Ensure that the site is maintained clean and tidy.


9. The carrying-out of work and the proper distribution of all the available resources in
coordination with the sub-contractor Site Engineer on a daily basis.
10. Daily reports of the works are achieved and coordinated for the future planning with
the Site Engineer.
11. Complying with the sub-contractor basic design practices, particularly those related
to safety and engineering
12. Meeting with any type of unforeseen incident or requirement and reporting the same
to the Site Engineer immediately.

5. Responsible for overall Store operations in making sure to store the material
delivery to the site and keep it in suitable area that will keep the material in safe
from rusty and damage.
6. One who will acknowledge the receiving of materials at site in coordination with
QA/QC and concerned Engineer.

 Charge hand and Experienced Technicians

 MV Cable Components and Accessories.

 The Equipment that will be engaged for Installation and Pulling of MV Cable will be as follows:

1. Cable Rollers
2. Cable Pulling Grip
3. Hand Cable cutter
4. Manual Cable Crimpers
5. Hacksaw blade
6. Power Tools

7. Tool Box
8. Measuring Tape
9. Ladders / Scaffoldings/Platform
10. Hand tools Hilti Drill Machine
11. Hilti Concrete Bit (6mm to 16 mm)
12. Anchor Bolt/Screw
13. Screw Driver
14. Adjustable Spanner
15. Hammer
16. Electrician’s Knife
17. Multi Meter
18. 1 KV / 5 KV IR Test Kit
19. Continuity Tester
20. Torque wrench
21. VLF – Test Kit


 The Rubbish which would be created from our scope of works will be disposed to the designated
dumping ground.


 The following general control measures against Safety, Environment and Quality shall be
required for our scope of work and special control measures are not applicable for us :

 Proper PPE must be worn at all time

 Permit to work at height > 2m where applicable
 Lifting operation permit (using crane) where applicable.
 Confined space permit where applicable.
 Approved work method statement and risk assessment will be made available to site.
 All workers doing the work shall be briefed on this method statement and risk assessment.


 This method Statement should be read in conjunction with the below referenced

 ITP for Anti – termite Treatment.

 Insulation Resistance and continuity Test Report.

 Copy of this method statement shall be issued to the following for information/ action/ comments:

13. Project Manager

14. Site Engineer

15. Foremen

16. Safety Engineer

17. Technician From Supplier

18. Store Keeper
















 This procedure to clear the method of the supply, installations of Wires and Cables for the
 This document details Wires and Cables Installation:
13. Preparation of work.
14. Delivery and inspection upon arrival of material at site.

15. Installation of the system.

PQP : Project Quality Plan

PSP : Project Safety Plan

QCP : Quality Control Procedure

HSE : Health, Safety and Environment

MS : Method Statement

ITP : Inspection Test Plan

QA/QC : Quality Assurance / Quality Control Engineer.

WIR : Inspection and Test Request

MIR : Material Verification Record.


 Strictly followed as per the manufacturer's Health and Safety recommendations for handling and
use of the materials.
 Ensure all involved personnel shall be aware of the same.
 Specific safety measures have to follow as applicable, and all the safety measures are covered
separately in the project safety plan.

 Material:

 Material used will be as approved by the Engineer.

 The sizes and routes routing will be as per the approved Shop Drawings.

 Storage and Protection:

 Deliver components parts to site, completely identified in accordance with shop and
certified CAD Drawings prepared for this work.

 Store in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, above ground, properly protected
from the weather and construction activities.


 Pre-Installation:
o All materials and documentation relevant to this particular section of works will be
checked and verified ensuring that these are correct and approved type.

o Prior to the commencement of works, ensure that the areas for permanent installation are
ready, accessible and in suitable condition.

 Excavation:
 No wiring be carried out until the appropriate tests required or in the electrical testing
section have been done and the consultant has given his clearance for wiring to
 A loop in form of wiring shall be used as far as practicable or unless otherwise indicated.
Joints in conductors shall be made using insulated terminal blocks complying with
requirements of this specification.
 At expansion joints adequate slack shall be left in the cable.
 Where Conduits are installed for wiring by others, a draw wire shall be provided between
each draw in position.
 Where three-phase circuits comprising single-core cables are installed in trunking, all
cables of a shall be tied together at intervals not exceeding 200mm.
 Cables forming part of alarm, control, communication or monitoring circuits shall have
identification sleeves at their terminations. Identification shall be consistent with the
relevant wiring diagrams.

 Pulling:
 Make sure that all conduits and boxes in both ends are free from
damages and blockages etc and installation is approved.
 Blockage shall be checked by inserting the draw wire and checking
that it reaches to the other end without any disturbance.
 Once the conduit is not blocked the wires shall be pulled using the
draw wires while ensuring no damage occurs while pulling.
 Pulling compound or lubricant shall be used for pulling the wires
where required.
 Use soap based pulling compound for short runs i.e. less than 20
meters for semi conductive insulated wires.
 Use wax based pulling compound for the runs greater than 20
meters for semi conductive insulated wires.
 While pulling the wires care should be taken to not insert the pull tension greater than the
manufacturer allowed limits.

 Termination::
 Erect scaffolding where required as per the site requirements.
 Cable rollers shall be placed under the cable during pulling over
longer distances and standoff rollers for acute bends, to ensure that
the cable is pulled with minimum effort and the cable outer jacket is
free of scouring lines.
 The cable shall be pulled by using pulling means such as fish tape, rope and basket
weave wire/cable grips so as not to damage cable or its containment system. Care will be
taken to ensure that the maximum pulling tension of all the cables is not exceeded at any
 Cable should be free of any static load i.e. to be places side by side parallel on the cable
tray or ladders. Any kind of dead weight on the cable shall be avoided.
 The cables shall be secured to the containment system using approved cable ties for
horizontal runs and cable cleats for vertical
 Termination shall be done by using the approved termination
materials that include glands, lugs and other accessories part of
termination kit, by using proper crimping tools. Matching colour gland sheaths shall be

 Commissioning:
 Set the Meggar meter to 1000 volts DC for cables and 500 volts DC for wires.
 Take reading between phase, phase and neutral, phase and earth neutral and earth.
 Note that resistance reading must not exceed 2 megaohms(MΩ).
 Check and record the resistance readings as per specification on
the approved insulation resistance test forms.

 Technical Assistance:
 The installation supervising technician for the system trade shall instruct the
CONSULTANT Engineer, and Construction Site Manager on the programming and
correct operation of the system after the installation is completed.
 This instruction shall be scheduled at the convenience of the staff.
 All such instruction shall be properly recorded.
 WIR will be issued for Consultant approval upon making sure that the installation of the
system equipment’s done as per approved shopdrawings and specs and manufacturer


1. To ensure that all the preparation and application works are carried out according to
the Contract Specification and with the approved drawings.

2. To ensure that the progressing of works is carried out according to the planned
program and as per the approved method of statement.

3. To ensure that all the equipment and material required executing the work are
available according to the planned construction program.

4. To co-ordinate with the Main contractor, MEP coordinator, Safety Officer for a safe
and proper execution of the works.

1. To ensure that the works are carried out according to the Contract Specification,
approved method statement and the shop drawings.

2. To provide all necessary information and distribute responsibilities to his construction.

3. To monitor the progress of work in relation with the work program and to report to the
Project Manager.

4. To co-ordinate with the safety officer and to ensure that the works are carried out in
safe practicing method.

1. The foreman will carry out his duties by maintaining continuous coordination with the
site engineer on daily basis, and ensure proper distribution of the work force on the
required and planned locations.

2. To ensure that his assistant foreman/ charge hand are aware of the job requirements
and they have enough information to carry out their duties properly.

3. To ensure that the daily work is progressing as planned and advice the site engineer
of any requirement for additional resources.

4. To ensure in consultation with the site engineer that the manpower involved in the
works are moving as agreed and planned for the work.

5. To control disposal of waste materials according to the instructions received from the
site engineer.

6. To ensure full coordination with the safety officer to maintain safe working and proper
house keeping of the site, following the proved safety measures and further ensure
that all his working team are aware of the same to prevent accident and losses.

7. To inform the site engineer regarding areas ready for inspection.

8. Foreman and the storekeeper are responsible for the distribution and control of

1. Ensure the implementation of all the safety measures in accordance with the HSE plan
and everybody aware of it for it’s proper implementation.

2. Ensure all the implemented safety measures are adequate to maintain safe working
on the site.

3. Inspect all the site activities and train the person to prevent accidents and it’s proper

4. Ensure that the site is maintained clean and tidy.


13. The carrying-out of work and the proper distribution of all the available resources in
coordination with the sub-contractor Site Engineer on a daily basis.
14. Daily reports of the works are achieved and coordinated for the future planning with
the Site Engineer.
15. Complying with the sub-contractor basic design practices, particularly those related
to safety and engineering
16. Meeting with any type of unforeseen incident or requirement and reporting the same
to the Site Engineer immediately.

7. Responsible for overall Store operations in making sure to store the material
delivery to the site and keep it in suitable area that will keep the material in safe
from rusty and damage.
8. One who will acknowledge the receiving of materials at site in coordination with
QA/QC and concerned Engineer.

 Charge hand and Experienced Technicians

 Wires and Cables Components and Accessories

 The Equipment that will be engaged for Wires and Cables Installation will be as follows:
o Measuring tape

o Cutting plier

o Box spanner set

o Bending spring

o Pipe Wrench

o Drilling Machine

o Crimping tool

o Screw driver

o Pulling spring

o Hammer

o Common tools


 The Rubbish which would be created from our scope of works will be disposed to the designated
dumping ground.

 The following general control measures against Safety, Environment and Quality shall be
required for our scope of work and special control measures are not applicable for us :

 Proper PPE must be worn at all time

 Permit to work at height > 2m where applicable
 Lifting operation permit (using crane) where applicable.
 Confined space permit where applicable.
 Approved work method statement and risk assessment will be made available to site.
 All workers doing the work shall be briefed on this method statement and risk assessment.


 This method Statement should be read in conjunction with the below referenced

 ITP for Anti – termite Treatment.

 Insulation Resistance and continuity Test Report.

 Copy of this method statement shall be issued to the following for information / action /

19. Project Manager

20. Site Engineer

21. Foremen

22. Safety Engineer

23. Technician From Supplier

24. Store Keeper
















 This procedure to clear the method of the supply, installations of Earthing System for the
 This document details the Earthing System Installation:
16. Preparation of work.
17. Delivery and inspection upon arrival of material at site.

18. Installation of the system.

PQP : Project Quality Plan

PSP : Project Safety Plan

QCP : Quality Control Procedure

HSE : Health, Safety and Environment

MS : Method Statement

ITP : Inspection Test Plan

QA/QC : Quality Assurance / Quality Control Engineer.

WIR : Inspection and Test Request

MIR : Material Verification Record.


 Strictly followed as per the manufacturer's Health and Safety recommendations for handling and
use of the materials.
 Ensure all involved personnel shall be aware of the same.
 Specific safety measures have to follow as applicable, and all the safety measures are covered
separately in the project safety plan.

 Material:

 Material used will be as approved by the Engineer.

 The sizes and routes routing will be as per the approved Shop Drawings.

 Storage and Protection:

 Deliver components parts to site, completely identified in accordance with shop and
certified CAD Drawings prepared for this work.

 Store in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, above ground, properly protected
from the weather and construction activities.


 Pre-Installation:
 All materials and documentation relevant to this particular section of works will be checked
and verified ensuring that these are correct and approved type.
 Prior to the commencement of works, ensure that the areas for permanent installation are
ready, accessible and in suitable condition.

 Installation:
 Coordinate installation of earthing system system with installation of other building systems
and components, including electrical wiring, supporting structures, metal bodies requiring
bonding to earthing system, and building finishes.
 Install conductors with direct paths from ground pits to ground connections.
 When different metal to be connected, a bimetallic clamp shall be used.
 Bond roof vents, flashing and any other metal masses projecting through the roof to the grid.
 Thermo weld all connections between cables and ground rods. Compression type connectors
may be used where approved by the Consultant.
 Measure the resistance of the complete installation and submit for review to the Consultant.
 Test clamps shall be provided in each inspection pit to allow for testing and commissioning.
 Concrete inspection pits with cover shall be installed flush with finished floor level and be fully
 The complete installation shall be tested and inspected to ensure that it complies with the
requirements of the Specification and the Local Authorities. The tests shall be carried out in
accordance with the Regulations and to the satisfaction of the Consultant.

 Commissioning:
 The inspection and tests shall be carried out in the same sequence as set out in the
Regulations, Local Authorities and the Consultant requirements and in such time as to allow
any remedial work to be completed prior to Practical Completion.
 All instruments necessary for inspection and testing shall be supplied and shall be properly
calibrated and operated by personnel skilled in their use.
 Allowance shall be made for disconnection or similar operations to satisfy the requirements
for testing, etc., and the reinstatement of the installation.
 Measure earth resistance not less than two full days after the last trace of precipitation and
without the soil being moistened by any means other than natural drainage or seepage and
without any chemical treatment or other artificial means of reducing natural earth resistance.

 Where resistance to earth exceeds specified values, notify the Consultant the same and
include recommendations to reduce earth resistance and to accomplish recommended work.
 Restore surface features at areas disturbed by work of this section.
 Restore areas disturbed by trenching, storing or dirt, cable laying, and other activities to their
original condition..

 Technical Assistance:
 The installation supervising technician for the system trade shall instruct the
CONSULTANT Engineer, and Construction Site Manager on the programming and correct
operation of the system after the installation is completed.
 This instruction shall be scheduled at the convenience of the staff.
 All such instruction shall be properly recorded.
 WIR will be issued for Consultant approval upon making sure that the installation of the
system equipment’s done as per approved shop drawings, approved specs and
manufacturer recommendations.


1. To ensure that all the preparation and application works are carried out according to
the Contract Specification and with the approved drawings.

2. To ensure that the progressing of works is carried out according to the planned
program and as per the approved method of statement.

3. To ensure that all the equipment and material required executing the work are
available according to the planned construction program.

4. To co-ordinate with the Main contractor, MEP coordinator, Safety Officer for a safe
and proper execution of the works.


1. To ensure that the works are carried out according to the Contract Specification,
approved method statement and the shop drawings.

2. To provide all necessary information and distribute responsibilities to his construction.

3. To monitor the progress of work in relation with the work program and to report to the
Project Manager.

4. To co-ordinate with the safety officer and to ensure that the works are carried out in
safe practicing method.


1. The foreman will carry out his duties by maintaining continuous coordination with the
site engineer on daily basis, and ensure proper distribution of the work force on the
required and planned locations.

2. To ensure that his assistant foreman/ charge hand are aware of the job requirements
and they have enough information to carry out their duties properly.

3. To ensure that the daily work is progressing as planned and advice the site engineer
of any requirement for additional resources.

4. To ensure in consultation with the site engineer that the manpower involved in the
works are moving as agreed and planned for the work.

5. To control disposal of waste materials according to the instructions received from the
site engineer.

6. To ensure full coordination with the safety officer to maintain safe working and proper
house keeping of the site, following the proved safety measures and further ensure
that all his working team are aware of the same to prevent accident and losses.

7. To inform the site engineer regarding areas ready for inspection.

8. Foreman and the storekeeper are responsible for the distribution and control of


1. Ensure the implementation of all the safety measures in accordance with the HSE plan
and everybody aware of it for it’s proper implementation.

2. Ensure all the implemented safety measures are adequate to maintain safe working
on the site.

3. Inspect all the site activities and train the person to prevent accidents and it’s proper

4. Ensure that the site is maintained clean and tidy.


17. The carrying-out of work and the proper distribution of all the available resources in
coordination with the sub-contractor Site Engineer on a daily basis.
18. Daily reports of the works are achieved and coordinated for the future planning with
the Site Engineer.
19. Complying with the sub-contractor basic design practices, particularly those related
to safety and engineering
20. Meeting with any type of unforeseen incident or requirement and reporting the same
to the Site Engineer immediately.

9. Responsible for overall Store operations in making sure to store the material
delivery to the site and keep it in suitable area that will keep the material in safe
from rusty and damage.
10. One who will acknowledge the receiving of materials at site in coordination with
QA/QC and concerned Engineer.

 Charge hand and Experienced Technicians

 Earthing System Components and Accessories.

 The Equipment that will be engaged for Earthing System Installation will be as follows:

1. Hand Tools

2. Power Tools (if required)

3. Diagonal-Cutting Pliers

4. Wire Stripper/Cutter with Spring

5. Side-Cutting Pliers

6. Shank Screwdriver/Flat screw driver

7. Compression lug crimp tool

8. Necessary conduit for System Cabling

9. Knock out set (for conduit)

10. P.P.E. – Personal Protective Equipment (safety helmet, Boots, gloves & safety vest )


 The Rubbish which would be created from our scope of works will be disposed to the designated
dumping ground.


 The following general control measures against Safety, Environment and Quality shall be
required for our scope of work and special control measures are not applicable for us :

 Proper PPE must be worn at all time

 Permit to work at height > 2m where applicable
 Lifting operation permit (using crane) where applicable.
 Confined space permit where applicable.
 Approved work method statement and risk assessment will be made available to site.
 All workers doing the work shall be briefed on this method statement and risk assessment.


 This method Statement should be read in conjunction with the below referenced

 ITP for Anti – termite Treatment.

 Insulation Resistance and continuity Test Report.

 Copy of this method statement shall be issued to the following for information/ action/ comments:

25. Project Manager

26. Site Engineer

27. Foremen

28. Safety Engineer

29. Technician From Supplier

30. Store Keeper

















 This procedure to clear the method of the supply, installations of Fire Alarm system for the
 This document details the Fire Alarm system Installation:
19. Preparation of work.
20. Delivery and inspection upon arrival of material at site.
21. Installation of the system.

PQP : Project Quality Plan

PSP : Project Safety Plan

QCP : Quality Control Procedure

HSE : Health, Safety and Environment

MS : Method Statement

ITP : Inspection Test Plan

QA/QC : Quality Assurance / Quality Control Engineer.

WIR : Inspection and Test Request

MIR : Material Verification Record.


 Strictly followed as per the manufacturer's Health and Safety recommendations for handling and
use of the materials.
 Ensure all involved personnel shall be aware of the same.

 Specific safety measures have to follow as applicable, and all the safety measures are covered
separately in the project safety plan.

 Material:

 Material used will be as approved by the Engineer.
 The sizes and routes routing will be as per the approved Shop Drawings.

 Storage and Protection:

 Deliver components parts to site, completely identified in accordance with shop and
certified CAD Drawings prepared for this work.
 Store in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, above ground, properly protected
from the weather and construction activities.


 Pre-Installation:

 Make sure that civil clearance done prior to start the installation.
 Installation will be carried out as per manufacturer recommendations Approved shop
drawings and project specifications.

 Installation:

 Verify that hardware and devices are NRTL listed for use with fire-alarm system before
making connections.
 Make addressable connections with a supervised interface device to the following devices
and systems.
 Install the interface device less than 3 feet (1 m) from the device controller.
 Make an addressable confirmation connection when such feedback is available at the device
or system being controlled as follows :
1. Alarm-initiating connection to smoke-control system (smoke management) at fire-fighter
smoke-control system panel.
2. Alarm-initiating connection to stairwell and elevator-shaft pressurization systems.
3. Smoke dampers in air ducts of designated air-conditioning duct systems.
4. Alarm-initiating connection to elevator recall system and components.
5. Alarm-initiating connection to activate emergency lighting control.
6. Alarm-initiating connection to activate emergency shutoffs for gas and fuel supplies.
7. Supervisory connections at valve supervisory switches.
8. Supervisory connections at low-air-pressure switch of each dry-pipe sprinkler system.
9. Supervisory connections at elevator shunt trip breaker.
10. Supervisory connections at fire-pump power failure including a dead-phase or phase reversal
11. Supervisory connections at fire-pump engine control panel.

 Installation of Components:

 The devices/peripherals (Smoke detectors, heat detectors, break glass, duct detectors, beam
detectors, control and monitoring modules) are connected in Class A circuit with the Control
 The speakers & speaker with strobes are connected in Class A circuit with the Control
 2 Core 1.5mm2 FP 200 cable to be used for cabling the Initiating Device Circuits (IDC) to the
panel, additional 2c x 2.5mm2 FP200 cable is required for the smoke detector with sounder
base for the activation of the sounders units.
 2 core 1.5mm2 FP 200 cable to be used for cabling the Speakers with the panel, additional
2c x 2.5mm2 FP200 cable is required from the FACP for the speaker with strobe for the
activation of the strobe unit allied in vertical walls the run of conduit will be kept straight.
 Comply with NFPA 72 for installation of fire-alarm equipment.

 Smoke-Detector OR Heat-Detector
 Comply with NFPA 72, “Smoke-Sensing Fire Detectors” & “Heat-Sensing Fire Detectors”.
 Smooth ceiling spacing shall not exceed 30 feet (9 m).
 Fire-Alarm Control Unit: Surface mounted, with tops of cabinets not more than 72 inches
(1830 mm) above the finished floor.
 Annunciator: Install with top of panel not more than 72 inches (1830 mm) above the finished


 Install the semi-recessed Back box provided at the location as per the approved shop
 Power supply for the FACP shall be through an un-switched SPUR outlet located above the
FACP concealed above false ceiling. The un-switched SPUR switch shall be a separate
branch circuit.
 The back box must be dust free and clean before dropping all the field cables inside the back
 Install the recessed recommended 2” x 4” back box at the locations as per the approved
shop drawings.
 Install and terminate the Manual call point as per the manufacturer instructions.


 Water-Flow Detectors and Valve Supervisory Switches: Located near each sprinkler valve
station and / or water flow detector that is required to be supervised. The module shall be
mounted inside recommended 2” x 4” back box and wired to the sprinkler valve station and /
or water flow detector via GI flexible conduit.

 AHUS’, FAHU’S, Lifts, Access Controlled Doors, Public Address System etc.. Which is
required to be controlled in case of a fire situation, the Control module shall be mounted
inside recommended 4” x 4” back box and wired to the equipment to be interfaced.
 Install and terminate the Monitor and Control modules as per the manufacturer instructions.


 Ceiling-Mounted Smoke and Heat Detectors: No less than 100mm from a sidewall to the near
edge. For exposed solid-joint construction, mount detectors on the bottom of joists. On
smooth ceilings, install Smoke detectors not more than 9m apart in any direction and Heat
detector not more than 7m apart.


 Install the recessed recommended 4” x 4” back box at the locations as per the approved
shop drawings.
 Install and terminate the Sounders as per the manufacturer instructions.

 Faults Finding For Emergency Battery System:

Battery Charger Faults:

 Battery Charger Faults that can arise during the operational lifetime of a panel. You may
observe one of the following Faults; Charger 2% out of range Battery Charger Supply
incorrect to correctly measure the output voltage you will need to follow the steps below:
1. To prevent damage to the system, disconnect the batteries & power down the system,
disconnect the power & harnesses from the Power Supply.
2. Connect the Multi-meter to the battery leads (with batteries disconnected), power up &
measure the voltage.
3. Calculate the difference between the measured voltage & 27.6v.

Positive/Negative Earth Ground Faults:

 Fire Panels have the ability to detect positive or negative Earth Ground Faults. An Earth
Ground Fault occurs when an electrical circuit is shorted to ground.

 Installation of Wires:

 Install cables in raceways and cable trays except within consoles, back boxes, desks, and
counters. Conceal raceway and cables except in unfinished spaces.
 Using CAT-6A type cable the maximum length of the cable not exceeds more than 90
mtrs. Of manufacturer recommendation, which will provided from structural cabling system
 Comply with requirements for raceways and boxes specified in Division 26 Section
"Raceways, Boxes, Cable Tray, Cable Ladder and Trunking".
 Conceal conductors and cables in accessible ceilings, walls, and floors where possible.

 Wiring within Enclosures:

 Bundle, lace, and train cables within enclosures.
 Connect to terminal points with no excess and without exceeding manufacturer's
limitations on bending radius.

 Grounding:

 Comply with requirements in Division 26 Section "Grounding and Bonding for Electrical
Systems." for grounding conductors and connectors.
 Comply with ADDC Electricity Wiring Regulations, Sections.
 Bond metallic equipment to the system grounding bus bar, using not smaller than the
specified equipment grounding conductor by ADDC Electricity Wiring Regulations,

 Identification:

 Identify system components, wiring, and cabling complying with ADDC Electricity Wiring
Regulations. Comply with requirements for identification specified in Division 26 Section
"Identification for Electrical Systems."

 Programming

 After making sure all the system installed in correct way from Subcontractor and
supplier, programming of the system must take place before final testing and
commissioning accourding to Consultant requirement and senario of the system.
 Testing and commissioning of the system submitted separetly for this system
mentioned all the procedure of Testing of the system and commissioning it.

 Technical Assistance:

 The installation supervising technician for the system trade shall instruct the
CONSULTANT Engineer, and Construction Site Manager on the programming and correct
operation of the system after the installation is completed.
 This instruction shall be scheduled at the convenience of the staff.
 All such instruction shall be properly recorded.
 WIR will be issued for Consultant approval upon making sure that the installation of the
system equipment’s done as per approved shop drawings approved specs and
manufacturer recommendations.



1. To ensure that all the preparation and application works are carried out according to
the Contract Specification and with the approved drawings.

2. To ensure that the progressing of works is carried out according to the planned
program and as per the approved method of statement.

3. To ensure that all the equipment and material required executing the work are
available according to the planned construction program.

4. To co-ordinate with the Main contractor, MEP coordinator, Safety Officer for a safe
and proper execution of the works.

1. To ensure that the works are carried out according to the Contract Specification,
approved method statement and the shop drawings.

2. To provide all necessary information and distribute responsibilities to his construction.

3. To monitor the progress of work in relation with the work program and to report to the
Project Manager.

4. To co-ordinate with the safety officer and to ensure that the works are carried out in
safe practicing method.

1. The foreman will carry out his duties by maintaining continuous coordination with the
site engineer on daily basis, and ensure proper distribution of the work force on the
required and planned locations.

2. To ensure that his assistant foreman/ charge hand are aware of the job requirements
and they have enough information to carry out their duties properly.

3. To ensure that the daily work is progressing as planned and advice the site engineer
of any requirement for additional resources.

4. To ensure in consultation with the site engineer that the manpower involved in the
works are moving as agreed and planned for the work.

5. To control disposal of waste materials according to the instructions received from the
site engineer.

6. To ensure full coordination with the safety officer to maintain safe working and proper
house keeping of the site, following the proved safety measures and further ensure
that all his working team are aware of the same to prevent accident and losses.

7. To inform the site engineer regarding areas ready for inspection.

8. Foreman and the storekeeper are responsible for the distribution and control of

1. Ensure the implementation of all the safety measures in accordance with the HSE plan
and everybody aware of it for it’s proper implementation.

2. Ensure all the implemented safety measures are adequate to maintain safe working
on the site.

3. Inspect all the site activities and train the person to prevent accidents and it’s proper

4. Ensure that the site is maintained clean and tidy.


21. The carrying-out of work and the proper distribution of all the available resources in
coordination with the sub-contractor Site Engineer on a daily basis.
22. Daily reports of the works are achieved and coordinated for the future planning with
the Site Engineer.
23. Complying with the sub-contractor basic design practices, particularly those related
to safety and engineering
24. Meeting with any type of unforeseen incident or requirement and reporting the same
to the Site Engineer immediately.

11. Responsible for overall Store operations in making sure to store the material
delivery to the site and keep it in suitable area that will keep the material in safe
from rusty and damage.

12. One who will acknowledge the receiving of materials at site in coordination with
QA/QC and concerned Engineer.

 Charge hand and Experienced Technicians

 FAS Components and Accessories.

 The Equipment that will be engaged for Fire Alarm System Installation will be as follows:

1. Power source
2. Drilling machine
3. Tool Box
4. Measuring Tape
5. Calibrated Ohm Meter / Multi meter
6. Ladders / Scaffoldings
7. Hammer
8. Safety requirements tools such as safety shoes, safety helmet, safety glasses, fluorescent
vest, and safety gloves to ensure maximum ability of safe work and dust mask when


 The Rubbish which would be created from our scope of works will be disposed to the designated
dumping ground.


 The following general control measures against Safety, Environment and Quality shall be
required for our scope of work and special control measures are not applicable for us :

 Proper PPE must be worn at all time

 Permit to work at height > 2m where applicable
 Lifting operation permit (using crane) where applicable.
 Confined space permit where applicable.
 Approved work method statement and risk assessment will be made available to site.

 All workers doing the work shall be briefed on this method statement and risk assessment.


 This method Statement should be read in conjunction with the below referenced

 ITP for Anti – termite Treatment.

 Insulation Resistance and continuity Test Report.

 Copy of this method statement shall be issued to the following for information/ action/ comments:

31. Project Manager

32. Site Engineer

33. Foremen

34. Safety Engineer

35. Technician From Supplier

36. Store Keeper
















 This procedure to clear the method of the supply, Installations of Street Lighting .
 This document details Installation of Street Lighting :

22. Preparation of work.
23. Delivery and inspection upon arrival of material at site.
24. Installation of the system.

PQP : Project Quality Plan

PSP : Project Safety Plan

QCP : Quality Control Procedure

HSE : Health, Safety and Environment

MS : Method Statement

ITP : Inspection Test Plan

QA/QC : Quality Assurance / Quality Control Engineer.

WIR : Inspection and Test Request

MIR : Material Verification Record.


 Strictly followed as per the manufacturer's Health and Safety recommendations for handling and
use of the materials.
 Ensure all involved personnel shall be aware of the same.
 Specific safety measures have to follow as applicable, and all the safety measures are covered
separately in the project safety plan.

 Material:

 Material used will be as approved by the Engineer.

 The sizes and routes routing will be as per the approved Shop Drawings.

 Storage and Protection:

 Deliver components parts to site, completely identified in accordance with shop and
certified CAD Drawings prepared for this work.
 Store in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, above ground, properly protected
from the weather and construction activities.


 Pre-Installation:
 All materials and documentation relevant to this particular section of works will be checked
and verified ensuring that these are correct and approved type.
 Prior to the commencement of works, ensure that the areas for permanent installation are
ready, accessible and in suitable condition.
 All building wiring related works shall be complete, tested and sign-off by the Consultant.
 Areas where in to start permanent works shall be checked ensuring that they are ready for
the said installation.
 Make sure that hand holes, cable underground ducts are completed.
 Make sure that the concrete bases are completed and their dimensions are suitable to each
light fitting type.

 Installation of Street Lighting Poles:

 Raise the street lighting poles by crane and put it on its concrete base and make the rods in
the concrete base entering the holes in the pole’s base.
 Ensure that poles are fixed squarely and properly aligned. Make sure that manufacturer’s
recommendation for street lighting poles installation shall be adhered.
 Terminate power cables to the isolator/circuit breaker inside the pole hole. Ensure that they
are terminated properly. Street lighting pole shall be earthed.
 Fix lamps housing on the poles. Check the type and colors of the lamps and make sure that
they are correct and approved type.
 Fix the light fixture reflectors and diffusers. Ensure that they are aligned and properly fixed.
 Temporary power connection shall be made to check the proper operation of light fittings.
 Raise Request for Inspection of light fittings installation.

 Installation of Flood Light:

 Fix flood light mounting brackets. Ensure that they are fixed rigidly and properly.
 Fix the flood light on the brackets. Connect power cables on the fittings and ensure that the
body of the flood lights is properly earthed.
 Fix lamps on the fixtures. Ensure that the lamps are correct and approved type.
 Connect temporary power supply to check the proper operation of the flood lights.
 Raise Request for Inspection of light fittings installation.

 Installation of Indirect Light:

 Install mounting holder / bracket of indirect lights to their designated location. Make sure that
it is fixed rigidly.

 Install indirect light fittings on the bracket / holder.
 Connect power cables to the light fittings. Ensure that all connections are correct and the
fittings shall be earthed.
 Fix lamps on the light fittings. Make sure that the type and color of the lamp are correct and
approved type.
 Connect temporary power supply to the light fittings to check for proper operation.
 Raise Request for Inspection of indirect light installation.

 Technical Assistance:
 The installation supervising technician for the system trade shall instruct the
CONSULTANT Engineer, and Construction Site Manager on the programming and correct
operation of the system after the installation is completed.
 This instruction shall be scheduled at the convenience of the staff.
 All such instruction shall be properly recorded.
 WIR will be issued for Consultant approval upon making sure that the installation of the
system equipment’s done as per approved shopdrawings, approved specs and
manufacturer recommendations.


1. To ensure that all the preparation and application works are carried out according to
the Contract Specification and with the approved drawings.

2. To ensure that the progressing of works is carried out according to the planned
program and as per the approved method of statement.

3. To ensure that all the equipment and material required executing the work are
available according to the planned construction program.

4. To co-ordinate with the Main contractor, MEP coordinator, Safety Officer for a safe
and proper execution of the works.

1. To ensure that the works are carried out according to the Contract Specification,
approved method statement and the shop drawings.

2. To provide all necessary information and distribute responsibilities to his construction.

3. To monitor the progress of work in relation with the work program and to report to the
Project Manager.

4. To co-ordinate with the safety officer and to ensure that the works are carried out in
safe practicing method.

1. The foreman will carry out his duties by maintaining continuous coordination with the
site engineer on daily basis, and ensure proper distribution of the work force on the
required and planned locations.

2. To ensure that his assistant foreman/ charge hand are aware of the job requirements
and they have enough information to carry out their duties properly.

3. To ensure that the daily work is progressing as planned and advice the site engineer
of any requirement for additional resources.

4. To ensure in consultation with the site engineer that the manpower involved in the
works are moving as agreed and planned for the work.

5. To control disposal of waste materials according to the instructions received from the
site engineer.

6. To ensure full coordination with the safety officer to maintain safe working and proper
house keeping of the site, following the proved safety measures and further ensure
that all his working team are aware of the same to prevent accident and losses.

7. To inform the site engineer regarding areas ready for inspection.

8. Foreman and the storekeeper are responsible for the distribution and control of

1. Ensure the implementation of all the safety measures in accordance with the HSE plan
and everybody aware of it for it’s proper implementation.

2. Ensure all the implemented safety measures are adequate to maintain safe working
on the site.

3. Inspect all the site activities and train the person to prevent accidents and it’s proper

4. Ensure that the site is maintained clean and tidy.


25. The carrying-out of work and the proper distribution of all the available resources in
coordination with the sub-contractor Site Engineer on a daily basis.
26. Daily reports of the works are achieved and coordinated for the future planning with
the Site Engineer.
27. Complying with the sub-contractor basic design practices, particularly those related
to safety and engineering
28. Meeting with any type of unforeseen incident or requirement and reporting the same
to the Site Engineer immediately.

13. Responsible for overall Store operations in making sure to store the material
delivery to the site and keep it in suitable area that will keep the material in safe
from rusty and damage.
14. One who will acknowledge the receiving of materials at site in coordination with
QA/QC and concerned Engineer.

 Charge hand and Experienced Technicians.

 Street Lighting Components and Accessories.

 The Equipment that will be engaged for Installation of Lighting Fixtures will be as follows:

1. Screw drivers
2. Hacksaw
3. Needle nose pliers
4. Electrical drill and drill bits (only for surface installation works)

5. Diagonal-Cutting Pliers
6. Wire Stripper/Cutter with Spring
7. Side-Cutting Pliers
8. Level
9. Shank Screwdriver
10. Electrical tape
11. Voltage tester
12. P.P.E. – Personal Protective Equipment (safety helmet, Boots, gloves & safety vest )


 The Rubbish which would be created from our scope of works will be disposed to the designated
dumping ground.


 The following general control measures against Safety, Environment and Quality shall be
required for our scope of work and special control measures are not applicable for us :

 Proper PPE must be worn at all time

 Permit to work at height > 2m where applicable
 Lifting operation permit (using crane) where applicable.
 Confined space permit where applicable.
 Approved work method statement and risk assessment will be made available to site.
 All workers doing the work shall be briefed on this method statement and risk assessment.


 This method Statement should be read in conjunction with the below referenced

 ITP for Anti – termite Treatment.

 Insulation Resistance and continuity Test Report.

 Copy of this method statement shall be issued to the following for information/ action/ comments:

37. Project Manager

38. Site Engineer

39. Foremen

40. Safety Engineer

41. Technician From Supplier

42. Store Keeper


Scope of Work:
The method of statement is to describe the procedures involved in the installation of Pumps
including the preparation plan, Health and safety plan in accordance with the project
specification, drawings and standards.

Personal Roles and Responsibilities

o The Site Engineer shall be responsible to ensure that all works comply with the project
specifications, drawings and standards. He shall ensure that the work is ready for inspection.
He shall raise the internal RFI to the QC Engineer and report to all concerned personnel.
o The QC Engineer shall be responsible for surveillances and inspections of works. He shall
document all inspection records and reports. He shall review all documents, certificates and
nonconformance reports. He shall receive and review the internal (Request for Inspection
(RFI) and conduct internal inspection as required. He shall raise the RFI, with the required
checklist, and liaise with the Consultant representative during the inspections.
o The Site Engineer shall be responsible for inspections and tests of all materials in close
coordination with the QC Engineer, material suppliers and the Consultant Engineer. He shall
ensure that all materials and test procedures comply with the applicable standards and
o The Safety officer shall be responsible for the safety of personnel, materials and equipment
in the area. He shall ensure that works are executed in a safe manner observing all safety
precautions at all times. He shall be responsible for securing all safety and environmental
permits prior to the start of works.

Safety plan prior to the work

o Safety plan requires that proper regard is given to occupational and environmental safety
during all activities.
o Follow health safety & Environmental precautions in the execution of work.
o Ensure that personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be worn during working period.
o Medic should be available at all times in case of any injuries arise at the work site for first aid.

o During working period responsible site supervisor and safety officer should be full time.
o Demonstration, training & awareness guideline to all employees.
o Minimizing the dust exposure to avoid pollution and any bad effect to the health of the
community and the workers also.
o The responsible person should ensure the security and safety of work area at all times.
Appropriate warning tapes, barricade should be use to communicate hazard.
o Workforces and staff will be provided with safety training and orientation prior to commencing
to work and it’s mandatory.
o Tool box meeting will cover awareness and recognition of potentially dangerous and unsafe
conditions of tapping of new sewer line at main sewer line at the site.
o Safety warning and signage’s will be post visibly were it is necessary especially
o Proper enough access should be made for equipment moving.

Work Instructions
Pre-Installation Stage
o Prior to the commencement of the works inspect the areas for safe access and confirm they
are in a suitable condition for the works to commence.
o All Materials and documentation relevant to this particular works shall be checked by the site
engineer to confirm adequacy and compliance to the requirements prior to the
commencement of works.
o The site supervisor shall instruct concerned workmen regarding the execution of the works,
and will ensure that necessary approved drawings are available at site.
o The supervisor will also check that necessary tools and equipment are available and correct
for the works to be carried out.
o Check the readiness of site for installation
o Only approved materials shall be issued by the Stores for all site works.
o After satisfactory completion of above steps works shall commence in the respective areas.

Installation stage

o Ensure the Pumps should be as per Approved Shop Drawings, Approved Material
Submittals & Project Specification.
o Ensure all details is available on the Pump for verification:
 Manufactures Detail
 Pressure Rating
 Voltage Detail
 Serial No, Part No, Made etc
o Ensure the Installation of the Pumps shall be as per Manufactures recommendations.
o Ensure the Pump panels shall be interfaced with BMS operations as per Approved Shop
Drawings & Project Specifications.
o Ensure Electrical power supply for pump panel shall be as per Approved relevant Shop
o Ensure the location of Pumps, valves and accessories shall be in accessible locations for
future ease of repair and maintenance.

o Approved shop drawings.
o Approved materials submittal
o Material test certificates.
o Material inspection report.
o Project Specification.


Scope of Work:
The method of statement is to describe the procedures involved in the installation of Air
blowers including the preparation plan, Health and safety plan in accordance with the project
specification, drawings and standards.

Personal Roles and Responsibilities

o The Site Engineer shall be responsible to ensure that all works comply with the project
specifications, drawings and standards. He shall ensure that the work is ready for inspection.
He shall raise the internal RFI to the QC Engineer and report to all concerned personnel.
o The QC Engineer shall be responsible for surveillances and inspections of works. He shall
document all inspection records and reports. He shall review all documents, certificates and
nonconformance reports. He shall receive and review the internal (Request for Inspection
(RFI) and conduct internal inspection as required. He shall raise the RFI, with the required
checklist, and liaise with the Consultant representative during the inspections.
o The Site Engineer shall be responsible for inspections and tests of all materials in close
coordination with the QC Engineer, material suppliers and the Consultant Engineer. He shall
ensure that all materials and test procedures comply with the applicable standards and
o The Safety officer shall be responsible for the safety of personnel, materials and equipment
in the area. He shall ensure that works are executed in a safe manner observing all safety
precautions at all times. He shall be responsible for securing all safety and environmental
permits prior to the start of works.

Safety plan prior to the work

o Safety plan requires that proper regard is given to occupational and environmental safety
during all activities.
o Follow health safety & Environmental precautions in the execution of work.
o Ensure that personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be worn during working period.
o Medic should be available at all times in case of any injuries arise at the work site for first aid.

o During working period responsible site supervisor and safety officer should be full time.
o Demonstration, training & awareness guideline to all employees.
o Minimizing the dust exposure to avoid pollution and any bad effect to the health of the
community and the workers also.
o The responsible person should ensure the security and safety of work area at all times.
Appropriate warning tapes, barricade should be use to communicate hazard.
o Workforces and staff will be provided with safety training and orientation prior to commencing
to work and it’s mandatory.
o Tool box meeting will cover awareness and recognition of potentially dangerous and unsafe
conditions of tapping of new sewer line at main sewer line at the site.
o Safety warning and signage’s will be post visibly were it is necessary especially
o Proper enough access should be made for equipment moving.

Work Instructions
Pre-Installation Stage
o Prior to the commencement of the works inspect the areas for safe access and confirm they
are in a suitable condition for the works to commence.
o All Materials and documentation relevant to this particular works shall be checked by the site
engineer to confirm adequacy and compliance to the requirements prior to the
commencement of works.
o The site supervisor shall instruct concerned workmen regarding the execution of the works,
and will ensure that necessary approved drawings are available at site.
o The supervisor will also check that necessary tools and equipment are available and correct
for the works to be carried out.
o Check the readiness of site for installation
o Only approved materials shall be issued by the Stores for all site works.
o After satisfactory completion of above steps works shall commence in the respective areas.

Installation stage

o Ensure the air blowers should be as per Approved Shop Drawings, Approved Material
Submittals & Project Specification.
o Ensure all details is available on the air blowers for verification:
 Manufactures Detail
 Pressure Rating
 Voltage Detail
 Serial No, Part No, Made etc
o Ensure the Installation of the air blowers shall be as per Manufactures recommendations.
o Ensure the air blowers panels shall be interfaced with BMS operations as per Approved Shop
Drawings & Project Specifications.
o Ensure Electrical power supply for panel shall be as per Approved relevant Shop Drawings.
o Ensure the location of air blowers, valves and accessories shall be in accessible locations for
future ease of repair and maintenance.

o Approved shop drawings.
o Approved materials submittal
o Material test certificates.
o Material inspection report.
o Project Specification.
















 This procedure to clear the method of the supply, installations of Lighting Control Panels for
the project.
 This document details Lighting Control Panels Installation :
25. Preparation of work.
26. Delivery and inspection upon arrival of material at site.
27. Installation of the system.

PQP : Project Quality Plan

PSP : Project Safety Plan

QCP : Quality Control Procedure

HSE : Health, Safety and Environment

MS : Method Statement

ITP : Inspection Test Plan

QA/QC : Quality Assurance / Quality Control Engineer.

WIR : Inspection and Test Request

MIR : Material Verification Record.


 Strictly followed as per the manufacturer's Health and Safety recommendations for handling and
use of the materials.
 Ensure all involved personnel shall be aware of the same.
 Specific safety measures have to follow as applicable, and all the safety measures are covered
separately in the project safety plan.

 Material:

 Material used will be as approved by the Engineer.
 The sizes and routes routing will be as per the approved Shop Drawings.

 Storage and Protection:

 Deliver components parts to site, completely identified in accordance with shop and
certified CAD Drawings prepared for this work.
 Store in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, above ground, properly protected
from the weather and construction activities.


 Pre-Installation:
 All materials and documentation relevant to this particular section of works will be checked
and verified ensuring that these are correct and approved type.
 Prior to the commencement of works, ensure that the areas for permanent installation are
ready, accessible and in suitable condition.

 Installation:


 Site Engineer and supervisor shall co-ordinate regarding the location of installation i.e.
clearances with other services, like coordinate with civil contractor for completion of structural
works, and make sure installed services are coordinated with other services and complied as
per approved drawings, local regulations and manufacturer recommendation.


 The installation of Lighting control Panel installation will be carried out strictly in accordance
with this document / specifications / approved material submittal/approved shop drawings /
approved load schedule & local regulations .
 All materials and documentation relevant to a particular section of works shall be checked by
project engineer prior to the commencement of work ensuring that these are the correct type
as reviewed by the consultant /client engineer.
 Prior to commencement of Lighting control Panel installation works, areas and access shall
be checked and confirmed by safety officer, that they are in a suitable Condition for
installation works.
 All Lighting control Panels shall be new / unused, as required configuration is indicated in the
approved drawings and load schedule.
 Materials shall be moved to the work place in safe manner and shall not block access/ egress
from the site.
 Make sure delivered Lighting control Panel are complied with approved make, and
Lighting control panel system manufactured identification and standards are marked

 Make sure the configuration of delivered Lighting control Panels is accordance with drawing
and the authority regulations.
 Make sure prior to installation, deliver Lighting control Panels are properly packaged in
factory packed or fabricated containers.
 Make sure LCP are stored in a dry area, and protect from weather,fumes, water, debris, etc.
 Care shall be taken to ensure that no other foreign material ingress to the installed Lighting
control Panel , and make sure installed services are sealed, covered and protected to avoid
any damage during civil works.


 Ensure the Lighting Control panel to be neat & clean.
 Check the panel for any exterior damages.
 Compare the drawing schedule of the Lighting Control panel with approver details.
 Check the panel configuration and arrangement of components and wiring.
 Temporary protection is in place for floor penetration if applicable.
 Adequate temporary lighting to be provided.
 Temporary power source is available in the locality and protection setting is correct.
 Setting out dimensions shall be marked out on the floor in accordance with the approved
coordinated equipment location drawing.
 Ensure the data cabling is complete and properly marked by using ferrules to identify ends.
 Check the tightness of the cable terminations.
 Earthling of components and related connections.
 Check Cable ends are properly identified.
 Terminate the data cable into the Lighting control device, as per the specified colour codes.
 Complete panel shall be thoroughly vacuumed to remove any foreign matter.
 All incoming and outgoing feeder cables and wires will be terminated as per the specification
 From DB/ field to LCP internal wiring carried out during production based on latest load
 Product wise installation details are provided in the submittal.

 Technical Assistance:
 The installation supervising technician for the system trade shall instruct the
CONSULTANT Engineer, and Construction Site Manager on the programming and correct
operation of the system after the installation is completed.
 This instruction shall be scheduled at the convenience of the staff.
 All such instruction shall be properly recorded.
 WIR will be issued for Consultant approval upon making sure that the installation of the
system equipment’s done as per approved shopdrawings and specs and manufacturer


1. To ensure that all the preparation and application works are carried out according to
the Contract Specification and with the approved drawings.

2. To ensure that the progressing of works is carried out according to the planned
program and as per the approved method of statement.

3. To ensure that all the equipment and material required executing the work are
available according to the planned construction program.

4. To co-ordinate with the Main contractor, MEP coordinator, Safety Officer for a safe
and proper execution of the works.

1. To ensure that the works are carried out according to the Contract Specification,
approved method statement and the shop drawings.

2. To provide all necessary information and distribute responsibilities to his construction.

3. To monitor the progress of work in relation with the work program and to report to the
Project Manager.

4. To co-ordinate with the safety officer and to ensure that the works are carried out in
safe practicing method.

1. The foreman will carry out his duties by maintaining continuous coordination with the
site engineer on daily basis, and ensure proper distribution of the work force on the
required and planned locations.

2. To ensure that his assistant foreman/ charge hand are aware of the job requirements
and they have enough information to carry out their duties properly.

3. To ensure that the daily work is progressing as planned and advice the site engineer
of any requirement for additional resources.

4. To ensure in consultation with the site engineer that the manpower involved in the
works are moving as agreed and planned for the work.

5. To control disposal of waste materials according to the instructions received from the
site engineer.

6. To ensure full coordination with the safety officer to maintain safe working and proper
house keeping of the site, following the proved safety measures and further ensure
that all his working team are aware of the same to prevent accident and losses.

7. To inform the site engineer regarding areas ready for inspection.

8. Foreman and the storekeeper are responsible for the distribution and control of

1. Ensure the implementation of all the safety measures in accordance with the HSE plan
and everybody aware of it for it’s proper implementation.

2. Ensure all the implemented safety measures are adequate to maintain safe working
on the site.

3. Inspect all the site activities and train the person to prevent accidents and it’s proper

4. Ensure that the site is maintained clean and tidy.


29. The carrying-out of work and the proper distribution of all the available resources in
coordination with the sub-contractor Site Engineer on a daily basis.
30. Daily reports of the works are achieved and coordinated for the future planning with
the Site Engineer.
31. Complying with the sub-contractor basic design practices, particularly those related
to safety and engineering
32. Meeting with any type of unforeseen incident or requirement and reporting the same
to the Site Engineer immediately.


15. Responsible for overall Store operations in making sure to store the material
delivery to the site and keep it in suitable area that will keep the material in safe
from rusty and damage.
16. One who will acknowledge the receiving of materials at site in coordination with
QA/QC and concerned Engineer.

 Charge hand and Experienced Technicians

 Lighting Control Panels Components and Accessories

 The Equipment that will be engaged for Lighting Control Panels Installation will be as follows:

1. Hand Tools .

2. Power Tools (if required) .

3. Diagonal-Cutting Pliers .

4. Wire Stripper/Cutter with Spring .

5. Side-Cutting Pliers .

6. Shank Screwdriver/Flat screw driver .

7. Compression lug crimp tool .

8. Measuring Tape .

9. Multi Meter .

10. Necessary conduit for System Cabling .

11. Knock out set (for conduit)

12. P.P.E. – Personal Protective Equipment (safety helmet, Boots, gloves & safety vest )


 The Rubbish which would be created from our scope of works will be disposed to the designated
dumping ground.


 The following general control measures against Safety, Environment and Quality shall be
required for our scope of work and special control measures are not applicable for us :

 Proper PPE must be worn at all time

 Permit to work at height > 2m where applicable
 Lifting operation permit (using crane) where applicable.
 Confined space permit where applicable.
 Approved work method statement and risk assessment will be made available to site.
 All workers doing the work shall be briefed on this method statement and risk assessment.


 This method Statement should be read in conjunction with the below referenced

 ITP for Anti – termite Treatment.

 Insulation Resistance and continuity Test Report.

 Copy of this method statement shall be issued to the following for information / action /

43. Project Manager

44. Site Engineer

45. Foremen

46. Safety Engineer

47. Technician From Supplier

48. Store Keeper


Scope of Work:
o The method of statement is to describe the procedures involved in the installation of piping
including the preparation plan, Health and safety plan in accordance with the project
specification, drawings and standards.

Personal Roles and Responsibilities

o The Site Engineer shall be responsible to ensure that all works comply with the project
specifications, drawings and standards. He shall ensure that the work is ready for inspection.
He shall raise the internal RFI to the QC Engineer and report to all concerned personnel.
o The QC Engineer shall be responsible for surveillances and inspections of works. He shall
document all inspection records and reports. He shall review all documents, certificates and
nonconformance reports. He shall receive and review the internal Request for Inspection
(RFI) and conduct internal inspection as required. He shall raise the RFI, with the required
checklist, and liaise with the Consultant representative during the inspections.
o The Site Engineer shall be responsible for inspections and tests of all materials in close
coordination with the QC Engineer, material suppliers and the Consultant Engineer. He shall
ensure that all materials and test procedures comply with the applicable standards and
o The Safety officer shall be responsible for the safety of personnel, materials and equipment
in the area. He shall ensure that works are executed in a safe manner observing all safety
precautions at all times. He shall be responsible for securing all safety and environmental
permits prior to the start of works.

Safety plan prior to the work

o Safety plan requires that proper regard is given to occupational and environmental safety
during all activities.
o Follow health safety & Environmental precautions in the execution of work.
o Ensure that personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be worn during working period.
o Medic should be available at all times in case of any injuries arise at the work site for first aid.
o During working period responsible site supervisor and safety officer should be full time.
o Demonstration, training & awareness guideline to all employees.
o Minimizing the dust exposure to avoid pollution and any bad effect to the health of the
community and the workers also.

o The responsible person should ensure the security and safety of work area at all times.
Appropriate warning tapes, barricade should be use to communicate hazard.
o Workforces and staff will be provided with safety training and orientation prior to commencing
to work and it’s mandatory.
o Tool box meeting will cover awareness and recognition of potentially dangerous and unsafe
conditions of tapping of new sewer line at main sewer line at the site.
o Safety warning and signage’s will be post visibly were it is necessary especially
o Proper enough access should be made for equipment moving.

Work Instructions
Pre-Installation Stage
o Prior to the commencement of the works inspect the areas for safe access and confirm they
are in a suitable condition for the works to commence.
o All Materials and documentation relevant to this particular works shall be checked by the site
engineer to confirm adequacy and compliance to the requirements prior to the
commencement of works.
o The site supervisor shall instruct concerned pipe fitters regarding the execution of the works,
and will make available necessary approved drawings on site.
o The supervisor will also check that tools and equipment available are correct for the works to
be carried out.
o Check the availability of necessary openings wherever required as per approved drawings.
o Check the readiness of site for installation.
o Co-ordination with other services to be checked and ensured.
o Only approved materials shall be issued by the Stores for all site works
o After satisfactory completion of above steps works shall commence in the respective areas.

Installation stage
o Mark the route of the Water piping on the surfaces and soffit of slab.

o Pipe support, spacing, location, installation of valves and pipes shall be as per approved
standard detail drawing.
o Determine the position of supports, then drill & fix the approved type of supports as per
approved drawings & Material Submittal.
o The pipes shall be cut to the required lengths as per the layout / site condition.
o The pipe & fittings shall be cleaned prior and after making thread.
o For pipes up to 50mmф the joints shall be threading method, 65mm and above shall be
welding / grooved method.

For Welding Joints:

o Apply the cleaning of pipes ends with grind cut pipe to be beveled.
o After Joining and Fixing, Check straightness and alignment of the pipes & Start welding with
the appropriate welding rods.

For Threaded Joints:

o Threaded joints should be made by applying Boss White / Shellac over the pipe thread
portion and wrapping jute along the pipe threads.
o After Joining and Fixing, Check straightness and alignment of the pipes.
o Install the branches as per the locations in the approved drawing.

o Pipes shall be tested in sections or floor wise as per the site conditions and requirements.
o The whole network which is going to be tested shall be filled with the water by means of
testing pump. All open ends should be plugged /blinded.
o Any air traps should be removed completely by venting at highest point.
o The test pressure shall be as per specifications. There shall be no leak observed for the
system to be approved.
o Prepare the (IR) inspection request in the approved format for submission.

o Approved shop drawings.
o Approved materials submittal
o Material test certificates.
o Material inspection report.
o Project Specifications.


Scope of Work:
o The method of statement is to describe the procedures involved in the installation of Supply
& Exhaust Fans including the preparation plan, Health and safety plan in accordance with the
project specification, drawings and standards.

Personal Roles and Responsibilities

o The Site Engineer shall be responsible to ensure that all works comply with the project
specifications, drawings and standards. He shall ensure that the work is ready for inspection.
He shall raise the internal RFI to the QC Engineer and report to all concerned personnel.
o The QC Engineer shall be responsible for surveillances and inspections of works. He shall
document all inspection records and reports. He shall review all documents, certificates and
nonconformance reports. He shall receive and review the internal (Request for Inspection
(RFI) and conduct internal inspection as required. He shall raise the RFI, with the required
checklist, and liaise with the Consultant representative during the inspections.
o The Site Engineer shall be responsible for inspections and tests of all materials in close
coordination with the QC Engineer, material suppliers and the Consultant Engineer. He shall
ensure that all materials and test procedures comply with the applicable standards and
o The Safety officer shall be responsible for the safety of personnel, materials and equipment
in the area. He shall ensure that works are executed in a safe manner observing all safety
precautions at all times. He shall be responsible for securing all safety and environmental
permits prior to the start of works.

Safety plan prior to the work

o Safety plan requires that proper regard is given to occupational and environmental safety
during all activities.
o Follow health safety & Environmental precautions in the execution of work.
o Ensure that personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be worn during working period.
o Medic should be available at all times in case of any injuries arise at the work site for first aid.
o During working period responsible site supervisor and safety officer should be full time.
o Demonstration, training & awareness guideline to all employees.
o Minimizing the dust exposure to avoid pollution and any bad effect to the health of the
community and the workers also.
o The responsible person should ensure the security and safety of work area at all times.
Appropriate warning tapes, barricade should be use to communicate hazard.
o Workforces and staff will be provided with safety training and orientation prior to commencing
to work and it’s mandatory.
o Tool box meeting will cover awareness and recognition of potentially dangerous and unsafe
conditions of tapping of new sewer line at main sewer line at the site.
o Safety warning and signage’s will be post visibly were it is necessary especially
o Proper enough access should be made for equipment moving.

Work Instructions
Pre-Installation Stage
o Prior to the commencement of the works inspect the areas for safe access and confirm they
are in a suitable condition for the work to commence.
o All Materials and documentation relevant to this particular works shall be checked by the site
engineer to confirm adequacy and compliance to the requirements prior to the
commencement of works.
o The site supervisor shall instruct concerned workman regarding the execution of the works,
and will make available necessary approved drawings on site.

o The supervisor will also check that tools and equipment available are correct for the works to
be carried out.
o Check the readiness of site for installation.
o Only approved materials shall be issued by the Stores for all site works
o After satisfactory completion of above steps works shall commence in the respective areas.

Installation stage
o Prior to installation the coordination with other MEP services should be ensured.
o Location, capacity and types of the fans should be checked with the approved shop drawing
and name plate of fans should be ensured for the same.
o Roof mounted fans are installed on the concrete with plinths with isolators as shown in
approved shop drawings and manufacturer’s recommendation.
o Orientation of fan with respect to duct work should be checked and ensured as per approved
o All ceiling suspended fans should be supported properly with spring isolators, channels and
threaded rods, if any.
o All fans should be connected to ducts with flexible duct connectors as shown in the standard
detail drawings.
o All electrical connections should be made as per approved shop drawing and manufacturer’s
o All fans shall be protected from dust and damages by proper covering till the commissioning

o Approved shop drawings.
o Approved materials submittal
o Material test certificates.
o Material inspection report.
o Project Specification


o Ensure that panel type, dimensions & IP's are according to approved specification &shop
o Ensure that panel components are identical with approved specification and layout drawing.
o Determine the location, coordinates for fixation as per approved shop drawing.
o Panel fixation should be in the best & safety location with observation inputs, outputs& site
conditions (if any obstacle exists).after agreement and approve to change due to new issue
o Dismantle the internal and external mirrors which contained components to prevent from
break (in case of internally fixation obstacle).
o Fix the panel enclosure after determine fixation holes and using suitable anchor bolts.
o Return the internal mirror and any other internal components with observation the enclosure
protection degree (IP).
o Determine & organize the input& output conduits on input/output plate with observation the
enclosure protection degree (IP).
o Connect the internal wires and feeder cable with suitable& organize way.
o Ensure that all wires and cables have identification labels.
o Reinstall the outer mirror with observation the movable parts.
o Earthed the panel enclosure, flexible glands and flexible conduits.
o Doors components & other the movable parts should be fixed with flexible wires.
o Clean the enclosure from remaining wires and dust.
o Check and test all fuses and indication lamps to ensure it's validity.
o Touch up the scratch parts with observations the primary color.
o Keeping working area safety & clean during installation.
o Apply insulation resistance test for internal wiring and bus bar, if any.
o Caution: Do not carry out insulation resistance test on the control circuit, CT and PT


o Excavation trench and / or conduits according to dimensions are appropriate based on the
approved drawings and the number of cables to be lay.
o The intersection of roads is made according to duct bank drawings using U.P.V.C pipes.
o The trench route is according to drawings.
o Ensure that the trench is clear from stones and the lower sand layer thickness is according
to the designs.
o Put the cables drums in suitable place and ready to be used.
o The cables are lifted on cable drum lifting jack.
o Cables pulling are being done using a suitable number of labors.
o Cables are laid in correct configuration as per the drawings.
o In case of shortage in medium voltage cable length make a joint with enough spare length
and indicate its location in as built drawing.
o Cables is covered by suitable thickness of sand according to design.
o For medium voltage cable put continuous longitudinal bricks over cable route as per
approved drawings
o The warning tap is putting in accordance with the designs.
o Trenches are back filled completely.
o The not used excavated soil to be transferred outside the site.
o Apply continuity & insulation resistance tests for cables.

‫بعض الصور التوضيحية لخطوات وبنود التنفيذ من بعض المشاريع السابقة في مصر والخارج‬


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