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Carefully read all the instructions in each respective section
Duration: 2 hours
SECTION A: Multiple choice (Answer all questions) 15 Marks
1. Sociology is a science because
(a) It relies on verified evidence
(b) It uses experiments and observations
(c) It uses a vigorous methodology
(d) All of the above

2. Mark Ndanji is a newly recruited male police officer who was recently posted to
Kamununga rural police post in Muchinga province. Mark started judging the behavior
and way of life clients using standards of his own culture. Mark’s behavior is a typical
example of:
(a) Cultural lag
(b) Cultural relativism
(c) Cultural variability
(d) Cultural shock
(e) Cultural ethnocentrism

3. Which scholar was against the use of the same methods used in the natural sciences in
studying social sciences?
(a) Emile Durkheim
(b) Auguste Comte
(c) Karl Marx
(d) Max Weber

4. According to the functionalist perspective, the fact that diseases implicitly help to control
the population represents a latent function of diseases in society
(a) True (b) False
5. All of the following are social dynamics EXCEPT:
(a) Climatic conditions
(b) Political Action
(c) Division of labour
(d) Race

6. .................. are so strong such that their violation is considered unthinkable.

(a) Mores
(b) Norms
(c) Taboos
(d) Customs

7. After school, Mary reported to her mother that she was subjected to teasing, laughing and
ridicule by her friends for failing to comb her hair. What type of social sanction is applied
in this instance?
(a) Formal positive sanction
(b) Formal negative sanction
(c) Informal positive sanction
(d) Informal negative sanction

8. Gecko Jacko was a renowned millionaire in his Town. In May 2022, he invested all his
money in gambling and suddenly lost everything and fell into poverty. Three days later,
he committed suicide and left a note saying he felt that rules regulating his conduct
suddenly ceased to apply and control his actions. This is a typical example of:
(a) Altruistic suicide
(b) Egoistic suicide
(c) Fatalistic suicide
(d) Anomic suicide

9. Which of the following perspective emphasises the idea that people learn attitudes and
roles through shared language and meaning?
(a) Psychoanalytic theory
(b) Differential association theory
(c) Symbolic interactionism
(d) Social exchange theory
10. According to Hebert Spencer, a major factor in the development or evolution of human
society is;
(a) Survival of the fittest
(b) Division of labour
(c) Population growth
(d) Alienation

11. If a mother tells her child not to play with certain other children, fearing that her own
child might learn another child’s negative behavior, the mother is adhering to which of
the following theories?
(a) Modelling theory
(b) Differential socialisation
(c) Labelling theory
(d) Differential association

12. Which sociological perspective argues that society’s inequalities along social class,
ethnicity and gender lines are reproduced even in our health and health care delivery
(a) Conflict perspective
(b) Symbolic interactionism
(c) Structural functionalism
(d) Sociological imagination

13. In Max Weber’s theorisation, the ability of researchers to put themselves in other people’s
shoes or situations is commonly known as:
(a) Sympathy
(b) Empathy
(c) Vesterhen
(d) Alienation
(e) Natural selection

14. Suicide is a result of two factors according to Emile Durkheim. What are these factors?
(a) Social facts and social stigma
(b) Social statics and social dynamics
(c) Social integration and social regulation
(d) Anomie and altruism

15. Lisa Mbewe is a newly recruited rural sociologist who was recently posted to Mugobodo
rural community in Eastern Province. Lisa found that despite the distribution of over
4000 condoms during the N’cwala traditional ceremony and the provision of free
contraceptive pills, very few locals utilized them because of their beliefs about how sex
should be enjoyed. This is a typical example of:
(a) None-material culture
(b) Ideal culture
(c) Atavistic
(d) Cultural shock
(e) Cultural lag

SECTION B: Write brief notes on 10 of the following concepts (2 Marks each)

a) Social stratification
b) Formal vs. Informal deviance
c) Ideal vs. real culture
d) Social facts
e) French revolution
f) Karl Marx
g) Dependency theory
h) The organic/biological analogy
i) Verstehen
j) Subculture vs. Counterculture
k) Socialisation
l) Sanctions
m) Folkways vs. Mores
n) Crime
o) Symbol
p) Cultural universals vs. cultural variability
SECTION C. Write an essay on any ONE of the following (15 Marks)

1. Sociologists use theories such as biological determinism, differential association and

ecological theory to explain ideas relating to deviance. Explain the main ideas behind
each of these theories as they relate to the causes of deviant behavior. In your opinion,
which one offers a better explanation of the existence of deviance in our society?

2. What is cultural ethnocentrism and cultural relativism? With clear examples, discuss the
beneficial and harmful effects of cultural ethnocentrism. Why is it important to view
behavior in other societies from the point of view of cultural relativism?

3. Emile Durkheim argued that high suicide rates are indicative of collective breakdown of
society. With a clear understanding of what suicide is, explain the four types of suicide. In
your view, what should be done to curb the current increase in suicide rates in Zambia?
Use clear examples.

END OF THE TEST-Go back and check your work for errors!

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