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NAME: B. cotton. D. mangoes.

SECTION A: Objectives
Instruction: Choose the correct answer by
circling. 9. Identify food crops from the options below:
A. Cereals. C. Roses.
1. The following are products of sisal crops
B. Rubber. D. Tobacco.
A. ropes. C. bags. 10. Agricultural products that are cultivated
majorly for their flavourings are referred to
B. kernels. D. food.
2. Maize belongs to the group of crops called A. fibre crops. C. spices.
A. Legumes. C. root and tubers. B. legumes. D. root and tubers.
B. Cereals. D. spices.
11. Beans, lentils, peas, groundnuts, soybeans,
3. The following are obtained from agricultural
and bambara groundnuts are generally
tree products except
known as
A. charcoals. C. dyes.
A. cereals. C. tubers.
B. gums. D. wool.
B. fruits. D. legumes.
4. Oil crops include all the options except 12. Identify the Agricultural product which is
A. Coconut. C. groundnut. very useful in building construction from the
B. yam. D. palm kernel. options below
5. Identify a cereal from the following crops A. coconut tree. C. cassava.
A. cowpea. C. groundnut. B. timber. D. rubber.
B. soybeans. D. maize. 13. Which of the following will supply calcium
6. One of the following is a fibre crop to human diet?
A. cassava. C. kenaf. A. root and tubers. C. ornamental
B. guinea corn. D. groundnut. crops.
7. The raw material cocoa is used to B. stimulant crops. D. Legumes.
manufacture 14. The following are leguminous crops except
A. detergent. C. sugar. A. groundnuts. C. soya beans.
B. chocolate. D. margarine. B. cowpea. D. rice.
8. The following are examples of Agricultural 15. From the options below identify a specie of
products that are used directly except parasitic worms, some of which live in the
A. yam. C. beans. soil.
A. Fungi. C. Bacteria. with the help of a very powerful and special
B. Nematodes. D. Viruses. microscope called the electron microscope.
16. An example of a fibre crop is B. _______ are necessary for the good growth
A. cassava. C. cowpea. of our bodies and those of livestock. They
B. jute. D. groundnut. also supply energy when carbohydrates or
fats are absent.
17. Which of the following groups represents a C. The nutrient which yields twice the energy
true product of oil ? of carbohydrate is _______?
A. Groundnut, jute, and cotton.
D. ____________________ crops are those
B. Melon, coconut and sisal hemp
C. Coconut, cotton and groundnut. crops grown to decorate our homes, our
D. Oil palm and sunflower. surroundings, our schools, towns and
18. The following crops are NOT roots and offices.
tubers except
E. Herbaceous plants that have edible parts
A. groundnuts and apples.
B. potatoes and yams. which are usually eaten fresh and green,
C. cocoyam and millet. and they supply vitamin to the body are
D. rice and sorghum.
19. Which of the following pathogens enter into
plant tissues through wounds or holes made
in plants when insects and other pests feed 2. In Nigeria research has shown that most
on the plants
children in rural areas are suffering from
A. Fungi. C. Bacteria.
B. Nematodes. D. Virus. kwashiorkor, scurvy, dry rashes and

20. Identify the pathogen with a body known as marasmus.

mycelium, which consists of many tiny,
delicate, branching threads called hyphae. List and briefly explain five groups of food
A. Fungi. C. Virus. crops according to their essential nutrients (10
B. Bacteria. D. Nematodes. marks)

SECTION B: _______________________________________
INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions. (30 _______________________________________
1. Fill in the gaps with the correct answers. (2 _______________________________________
marks for each question) _______________________________________
A. ________ are a group of organisms that _______________________________________
are so minute that they can only be seen _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ V_____________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________

3. Outline five food crops and briefly SECTION C: Answer any two (2) questions:
explain with at least two examples of
each. (10 marks). 1(a) Define crop disease (2 marks)
I _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ ____
1(b). Explain the following:
II. _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
III____________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ Pathogen:
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Parasite: _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ ____________________________

_______________________________________ _______________________________________
(8 marks) _______________________________________
2. Define agricultural products (2 marks) _______________________________________
2.(a) Explain and outline two examples of
3. Discuss the following (10marks)
i. Cereals ii. Legumes 1. Latex Crops:
iii. Roots and tubers iv. Vegetables
(8 marks) _______________________________________
_________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _
_______________________________________ 2. Forage Crops:
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
___ _

3. Sugar Crops:

4. Ornamental Crops:

5. Stimulant Crops:

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