The whole family was humiliated, I turned into the Shura of Hell

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"My whole family was humiliated, and I became the Shura of Hell" by: Xingchen Dahai

He fought bloody battles and defended his country with his life, but his brother was
crippled, his sister was humiliated, his parents died unjustly, and his daughter became a
blood slave...
At that moment, the God of War was furious, heaven and earth were weeping, anyone who
offends our country will be punished, anyone who disturbs my family will die!

Tags: City War God Son-in-law Invincible

Chapter 1: Humiliation of the whole family

Within the territory of Wolf Country, fifty miles outside Hulao Pass.
A million-strong army from the northern border of the Tianlong Kingdom is stationed here.
Northern High Command.
The head of the three gods of the Tianlong Kingdom and the supreme commander of the
North, the God of War Xiao Zhantian stood in front of a huge three-dimensional sand table
in a battle suit, looking up at the big screen in front of him from time to time.
The subordinates around him all stood with their hands behind their backs, holding their
breath and concentrating, not daring to make any sound.
At this time on the map, most of the Wolf Country has been covered by the red color that
symbolizes the Tianlong Country, and only five isolated cities are still gray.
The power of the God of War made all the countries on Blue Star tremble in fear. The
notorious Northern Wolf Country was almost destroyed by Xiao Zhantian in just two years!
In the Wolf Country, the name of Xiao Zhantian can make a child stop crying!
"Report to the commander!"
At this time, a muscular general walked in with a respectful look, clasped his fists and
"We have obtained the defense map of Hulao Pass. Our troops can march in at any time!"
Upon hearing this, Xiao Zhantian's eyes suddenly became as sharp as knives, and his voice
was as sharp as metal and stone:
"Pass the order down, the whole army is ready to destroy the Wolf Nation!"
"Destroy the Wolf Nation!"
"Destroy the Wolf Nation!"
As soon as the order was given, everyone stood up in unison, and the surrounding generals
were in high spirits.
Tianlong has been suffering from wolves for a long time, and the success of this battle
is destined to be a great achievement for generations to come.
Just as the generals in the headquarters were ready to go, one of their subordinates
rushed in, filled with anger and fear:
"Marshal! Something happened to you...your family!"
A chill suddenly burst out from Xiao Zhantian's body, the temperature around him dropped
suddenly, and everyone fell silent.
With trembling hands, he input a video on the big screen.
The moment the picture appeared, Xiao Zhantian's eyes turned red and murderous aura rose
to the sky!
In the video, in a dim room, a man of similar age and appearance to Xiao Zhantian was
tied to an electric chair. His body was covered in blood and there was not a single part
of his body that was intact.
The electric current passed through his body, and the man's face showed pain and he
screamed hoarsely.
A man as skinny as a monkey approached with a sharp knife in his hand and a wicked smile.
The knife slowly pierced the man's knee, and his heart-wrenching cry echoed throughout
the command center.
"Ah! No! The company is yours! Let me go! Please, let my family go!"
The knife was tilted upwards, and a bloody kneecap was suddenly picked up and hit the
camera lens amid the man's shrill cries, and blood covered the entire camera lens.
"younger brother!"
Xiao Zhantian's eyes were bloodshot and he let out a loud roar.
The unparalleled murderous aura surged like a raging tide, and the indestructible supreme
command was now crumbling.
Everyone's heart trembled.
Who is so bold as to attack the family of the God of War?
The video scene changed, and in an abandoned building, a woman with disheveled hair and
naked clothes looked at the camera in front of her with dull eyes and despair on her
She was bleeding between her legs and her body was covered in bruises and welts.
No one knows what happened to her.
"Brother... I can't wait for you any longer... revenge... revenge for me!"
After saying this, the woman's eyes were filled with hatred and she suddenly slammed into
the wall.
A large amount of blood immediately flowed from her forehead and the woman slowly fell
"younger sister!"
Xiao Zhantian burst into tears.
The iron-blooded god of war, who was the leader of the three gods of the Tianlong
Kingdom, commanded a million troops in the northern border and made the Wolf Kingdom
tremble in fear, was now crying like rain and in great pain.
The generals knelt on one knee with red eyes.
They were the family of the God of War whom they most respected and believed in!
Those guys deserve to die!
The scene changed again.
There was a loud thunder and heavy rain. In front of a low, old bungalow, an elderly
couple knelt on the ground and kowtowed to beg for mercy:
"Please, we can do anything, just let my granddaughter go, she's still young! Don't draw
her blood!"
But a bald man with a face full of flesh and a briefcase jumped down from the excavator
and spat viciously:
"It is an honor for you to draw the blood of that little bastard! You are so ungrateful!
Bury these two old guys!"
Several excavators roared forward and crushed the two old men directly.
“Crack, crack…”
The excavator tracks rolled over the legs of the two elderly people, and the sound of
bones cracking was shocking.
The two old men screamed in pain and bled profusely.
"Dad! Mom!"
Xiao Zhantian knelt on the ground and screamed, tears and blood flowed from his eyes, his
nails dug deep into his palms, and he pounded the ground frantically. He watched these
beasts commit crimes, but he could do nothing!
The excavator knocked down the bungalow, and bricks and tiles kept falling, hitting the
two elderly people and burying them in the blink of an eye.
Blood flowed from the ruins, washed by the rain and mixed with the soil. Thunder rumbled,
burying all the sins.
The video ends here.
The pairs of terrified eyes, the people being killed alive, the bloody living bodies, and
the miserable and soul-shaking cries in the video were deeply engraved in the minds of
the generals.
The Marshal risked his life for the safety of Tianlong Kingdom and was willing to fight
to the end for the hundreds of millions of people in Tianlong Kingdom, but his family was
subjected to such inhumane abuse!
Where is justice?
Where is justice!
These beasts are so arrogant and cruel to their compatriots. Where do they put the
millions of loyal border troops in the north who are fighting bravely?
Where should we place the commander-in-chief who has worked hard and devoted himself to
the Tianlong Kingdom?
As one of the five great generals in the North, Kuang Dao's face turned red and veins
bulged due to extreme anger, and he screamed ferociously:
"Marshal! Let's fight back! I'm going to kill those beasts!"
"Kill them back!"
"Revenge! Revenge!"
"Kill all those beasts!"
For a moment, the evil spirit was overwhelming.
Above the sky, the dark clouds were torn apart!
At this moment, Xiao Zhantian suddenly raised his head, his hair and beard were all wild.
The murderous intent that surged into the sky turned into substance, and the huge three-
dimensional sand table that was expensive to build and held the lifeblood of the Wolf
Nation could not withstand the pressure and collapsed.
"Come here, prepare the machine! I am going to massacre Dongzhou with blood!"

Chapter 2 Whoever stands in the way will be killed!

"how much longer?"
In the dark sky, a fighter plane roared through the clouds.
Xiao Zhantian's eyes were bloodshot and his face was filled with uncontrollable murderous
Those horrific scenes and the family members' desperate cries broke his heart.
If his daughter wasn't still being used as a blood slave and having her blood sucked, he
would have wanted to immediately lead his troops south, station them in the capital, and
hold Tiange Longyuan accountable!
Xiao Zhantian closed his eyes in pain, not daring to think about what kind of torture his
daughter was suffering.
My daughter must be almost four years old and she has never seen her father.
Five years ago, he, Xiao Zhantian, was the eldest son of the Xiao family, one of the top
ten wealthy families in the imperial capital, and the undisputed heir to the Xiao family.
But the Xiao family was suddenly accused of colluding with the enemy country and
intending to rebel.
Overnight, the Xiao family fell from grace.
The aristocratic families that had previously been on good terms with the Xiao family
stabbed them in the back, causing the Xiao family to fall into decline and be nailed to
the pillar of shame, unable to turn over.
Their family was exiled to Dongzhou, where they were looked down upon and abused.
In Dongzhou, he met the most important woman in his life, Jiang Qingqing.
She was a girl as warm and bright as the sun, who gave him meticulous care and love
during the darkest time of his life.
Then, they got married.
With his wife's encouragement, he picked up his life again.
However, his enemies refused to give up and forced him to disappear completely, otherwise
they would deal with his family.
In order to protect his family, he was forced to go to the northern border and has not
been heard from since.
Over the years, Xiao Zhantian fought bloody battles, made many military achievements, and
with the help of noble people, he became the leader of the three gods of the Tianlong
Kingdom and commanded a million-strong army in the northern border!
The three war kings, five generals, and eighteen blue dragon generals under his command
are invincible and victorious!
The ferocious Wolf Nation that made the other countries on Blue Star stay away could only
beg for mercy with its tail between its legs in front of Xiao Zhantian.
He originally wanted to reunite with his family after destroying the Wolf Kingdom, but
who would have thought that his family would suffer such inhumane abuse!
Xiao Zhantian's expression was cold and murderous:
"Pass my order to activate the King Execution Hall!"
Kuang Dao, who was driving the fighter plane, felt a tremor in his heart and said:
"Marshal...are you...sure?"
"Excuting an order!"
The King-Slaying Palace is the most mysterious and powerful force in his hands, and the
three war kings and five generals are just the tip of the iceberg.
He has realized that there must be a bigger conspiracy behind the murder of his family,
otherwise why would this happen when he is about to destroy the Wolf Kingdom?
Since there are people who are plotting something without knowing the consequences, let
them see what the consequences will be if they anger Xiao Zhantian!
Fighter planes arrived over Dongzhou.
The Dongzhou military airport was brightly lit at this time, and various radars, anti-
aircraft guns, and anti-aircraft guns were firmly locked on the fighter planes above. The
Dongzhou security forces were on high alert, as if facing a powerful enemy.
"Fighter aircraft number Longbei 0001, stop landing and return immediately! Otherwise we
will take measures!"
On the fighter plane, Xiao Zhantian sneered.
Before leaving, he had already notified Dongzhou to give up the airport. Now he dared to
threaten with opening fire?
Whose order is this? Whose attitude does this represent?
Xiao Zhantian's face was filled with madness:
"Let's see who dares!"
This fighter plane is the trump card of the North. It treats the airspace of other
countries as nothing. As long as it opens fire on the ground, the entire Dongzhou will
become hell!
Ten minutes later, the fighter plane landed successfully, and the airport authorities did
not dare to take action after all.
In a state of emergency combat readiness, the airport was filled with fully armed
But everyone's eyes were complicated, with fanaticism in their vigilance.
Because, he is the god of war of the time who can command millions of soldiers with just
a word!
A colonel in combat uniform trotted forward and saluted Xiao Zhantian with fear and
"Li Da, commander of the Dongzhou Security Force, greets the Northern War God!"
However, Xiao Zhantian's eyes were as sharp as knives, and a mighty pressure as majestic
as a mountain surged out.
"Whose orders are you taking?"
Xiao Zhantian's voice was icy cold.
The brutal and bloody murderous intent rose to the sky. The boiling murderous intent that
came from the endless abyss made people feel as if they were in a sea of blood and
All the lights at the airport broke down.
Li Da's body was shaking, his face was filled with fear, and finally he couldn't control
himself and fell to his knees.
"Tell the people behind you that I will personally wipe out his entire family!"
After saying that, Kuang Dao grabbed a military vehicle, Xiao Zhantian jumped on it, and
drove away with the roar of the engine.
Li Da stood up with difficulty, then dialed the phone, and said with trembling lips:
"Mission failed! The God of War is furious!"
There was a roar from the other end of the phone:
"Useless! Why didn't you follow orders and shoot the man down?"
Li Da did not answer.
Because he suddenly spit out blood and fell into coma due to serious injuries.
The power of the God of War is beyond the comprehension of mortals.

The military vehicle sped along the road, and the deputy Saber reported to Xiao Zhantian:
"Marshal, intelligence shows that the young master is now in the underground blood
village. There are armed forces in that place. Do we need to..."
"Go in and kill them."
Xiao Zhantian's tone was grim.
He only wants to rescue his daughter now, and will kill anyone who stands in his way!
at this time,
“Ding ding ding”
A rapid satellite voice prompt sounded.
"Xiao Zhantian, don't be impulsive! The overall situation is the most important! Return
to the North Territory immediately to take charge of the situation!"
Harsh words!
Xiao Zhantian's anger suddenly increased.
"Fuck the overall situation? Then my parents, brothers and sisters should die?"
"Don't worry about it. We will help you solve it. Go back to the North Territory
immediately. Dragon Academy will not hold you responsible!"
"Shut up, don't talk about your Dragon Academy. Even if Tiange comes, I will say the same
thing. Anyone who stands in my way will be killed!"
After the call was disconnected, Xiao Zhantian's murderous intent grew stronger.
Even Long Yuan is starting to get anxious?
Unfortunately, what Xiao Zhantian is least afraid of is threats!
Whoever touches his family will die!
The military vehicle stopped in front of a private hospital.
This is Dongzhou's underground blood farm, a place dedicated to those high-ranking
officials who will do whatever it takes to prolong their lives.

Chapter 3 Daughter
The hospital door was violently kicked open.
The tempered glass shattered into pieces.
Xiao Zhantian strode to the startled guard on duty and said in a deep voice:
"Where is my daughter Xiao Huanhuan?"
However, the fat guard on duty was just stunned for a moment, then he put his hands on
his hips, pointed at him and cursed:
"Who are you? How dare you come here to cause trouble? Are you tired of living?"
Xiao Zhantian continued, word by word:
"Where is Xiao Huanhuan?"
The fat guardian said unhappily:
"How do I know where that little bastard is? He's probably dead..."
But he hadn't finished speaking yet.
There was a loud sound of gas explosion.
, the fat guard was pinched by Xiao Zhantian's neck and lifted up forcibly. His face was
pale and he couldn't breathe.
"How dare you scold my daughter?"
Feeling the terrifying murderous intent coming from Xiao Zhantian, the guardian said in
"Come... someone... help..."
Before he could finish his words, a bald middle-aged man in a white coat rushed
downstairs angrily:
"Who the hell is causing trouble? I don't know..."
When he saw this scene, he looked surprised and suspicious.
The fat nurse grabbed a life-saving straw, struggling and shouting:
"Qi... Dean... he said... he is... Xiao Huanhuan's father!"
Upon hearing this, Dean Qi's eyebrows moved and his tone was perverse:
"Who gave you the courage to cause trouble here? Do you know where this place is?"
This private hospital has more than one big boss behind it, and it usually only serves
high-ranking officials, so Dean Qi is very confident. Especially after seeing Xiao
Zhantian wearing a military uniform, he is even more fearless.
What abilities can a lousy soldier have?
Without waiting for Xiao Zhantian to speak, Dean Qi stepped forward and said
"You are the father of that little bastard? Xiao Zhantian, the bastard of the Xiao
Xiao Zhantian's pupils were indifferent:
"You brought my daughter here?"
Dean Qi laughed wantonly:
"It's that little bastard's blessing to be able to provide blood for the adults!
Otherwise, she would have died long ago!"
But the next second, his smile completely froze on his face.
The fat guard had his neck twisted and was thrown aside, while he himself flew backwards
with his body bent, somersaulting several times on the ground before he stopped, with
blood gushing out of his mouth and nose.
Dean Qi was in unbearable pain and screamed in horror:
Hearing the noise here, a large group of security guards rushed out and surrounded Xiao
Zhantian and the other man.
But Xiao Zhantian was neither hurried nor slow, carrying the half-dead Dean Qi upstairs,
and said without turning his head:
"Kuang Dao, take care of them."
In an instant, the lobby on the first floor was shrouded in violent murderous intent.
At this time, on the third floor of the hospital, in the operating room.
A group of medical staff carefully sealed two bulging bags of blood and were about to
send them somewhere else.
On the hospital bed, a little girl curled up, her body covered with scabs and whip marks,
and her slender arms were covered with dark blue pinholes. Although she was unconscious,
she couldn't stop shaking, as if she was experiencing something terrible. All the vital
signs on the instrument were far below normal levels, and some were even at the critical
level, but the medical staff acted as if they didn't see anything.
A doctor ordered:
"Send it as soon as possible, don't let Madam Zhao wait anxiously!"
The two nurses took orders and just opened the door of the operating room when they saw a
man in military uniform carrying Dean Qi, who was bleeding from his mouth and nose,
appear at the door.
An exclamation.
The two guards were so frightened that their legs went weak and they were speechless.
"What are you doing?"
A doctor came over with a frown on his brow. Just as he was about to get angry, he saw
Xiao Zhantian, who looked like the devil from hell with bloodshot eyes, and Dean Qi,
whose face was covered in blood.
"What are you going to do?"
"Security! Security!"
The doctor appears to be powerful but is actually weak.
Xiao Zhantian said nothing, threw the bald dean towards the doctor, and strode into the
operating room.
Then, he saw the little girl lying on the hospital bed, her body full of needle holes,
and she was dying!
That's his daughter!
His heart was broken!
Xiao Zhantian picked up his daughter, roared to the sky, tears streaming down his face,
causing everyone present to tremble with fear.
Then, he turned his head suddenly, grabbed a doctor with his big hand, and growled in his
However, the doctor was not afraid:
"Do you know what you are doing? If you delay Madam Zhao's use of blood, you will all
Xiao Zhantian punched out without saying a word.
The doctor was suddenly covered in red and white.
"Mrs. Zhao has the support of the Dragon Court boss behind her. You can't afford to
offend her!"
Another person died and could not die again.
Now, the others were finally scared.
It is unknown whether Mrs. Zhao will blame them, but the soldier in front of them really
dares to kill them!
The medical staff hurriedly picked up the blood bags and prepared for blood transfusion.
However, at this moment, a middle-aged man with a gloomy temperament walked towards this
side with a group of bodyguards in black.
"I heard the commotion here from a long way away. It's just a blood draw. What are you
Someone cautiously reported:
"Governor Lin! That little bastard's father is here to save that little bastard!"
Governor Lin's face changed and he rushed into the operating room.
Just then, a cold voice sounded in his ears.
"You arrested my daughter?"
Governor Lin's face darkened when he saw Xiao Zhantian in military uniform.
The matter of the underground blood farm cannot be made public. This soldier is looking
for death, so he cannot be blamed.
He chuckled teasingly, his eyes narrowed dangerously.
"Soldier, your daughter's blood will be of great use to Madam Zhao. It is your daughter's
honor to serve Madam Zhao!"
"To tell you the truth, Madam Zhao is the daughter-in-law of Lord Zhao of the Dragon
Court. Madam Zhao is on the top floor right now. If you alarm her, both you and your
daughter will be dead!"
"I advise you to take care of yourself!"
As he uttered the last word, the smile on his face grew brighter.
Just then, there was a sound of breaking air.
This man's two bodyguards secretly moved behind Xiao Zhantian and then suddenly exploded.
He was about to knock the man down.
A cold light suddenly burst out!
This was followed by two horrific screams and two broken arms falling to the ground.
The saber is unsheathed, revealing its sharp edge.
"If you want to die, go ahead, regardless of life or death!"
Governor Lin was shocked and angry and gave the order.
Immediately, the bodyguards around rushed over.
But a cold light flashed in the hands of the God of War, and the white wall was
completely dyed red with blood.
The surroundings changed from angry noise to fearful silence.
At this time, Xiao Zhantian's whole body was soaked in blood, like a devil walking out of
He slowly walked towards Governor Lin, who was pot-bellied and had already collapsed on
the ground in fear.
The other party looked at him, who was covered in blood and looked like a demon from
hell, and retreated back like a worm with horror on his face:
"Who... who are you?"
At this time, the deputy Kuang Dao just dealt with the security on the first floor and
rushed over.
Xiao Zhantian's scarlet eyes only left one sentence,
"I leave this to you!"
Then he picked up the knife and walked to the top floor!
Kuang Dao came in front of Governor Lin, stared at this bastard who exploited the people,
and said hatefully:
"He is the supreme commander of the North, the God of War of the Tianlong Nation, Xiao
Upon hearing this, Governor Lin was suddenly struck by lightning. His eyes widened as if
they were about to pop out of their sockets. He was actually frightened to death!
On the top floor, in the luxurious ward.
A middle-aged woman wearing a hospital gown, gold belts and silver and heavy makeup was
lying on the hospital bed, surrounded by servants serving her.
"Where's the blood? Why hasn't it been delivered yet?"
The woman asked with dissatisfaction on her face.
Sun Hu, the butler and bodyguard leader, immediately flattered:
"Don't worry, Madam. Maybe too much blood was drawn. It's hard to supply the blood of
that little bastard."
The woman snorted coldly:
"Let her die. Anyway, I've used up enough of that little bastard's blood. Let's go find a
new blood source!"
Sun Hu quickly responded:
"Don't worry, Madam. We are already looking for new blood sources."

Chapter 4 It's Too Cheap for You

"Remember to do it cleanly. If you cause any bad impact on my father-in-law's reputation,
you know the consequences!"
Mrs. Zhao snorted coldly.
Sun Hu quickly apologized with a smile:
"Madam, don't worry. The people who knew about this little bastard have been dealt with.
We'll deal with this little bastard as well after we draw his blood this time!"
As the voice fell, a bone-chilling sound suddenly came into the ward.
"How do you want to deal with this?"
The aura of Sun Hu, who was smiling apologetically, immediately changed, becoming
dangerous and alert.
He immediately blocked the door, as if no one could get close.
At the same time, he signaled his other subordinates to be on alert.
But the next second,
The door of the ward was suddenly blown open, and Xiao Zhantian, dressed in blood-stained
clothes, appeared at the door. A surge of murderous intent instantly swept through the
entire ward. Madam Zhao couldn't help but scream, and her voice was particularly shrill.
When Sun Hu saw Xiao Zhantian covered in blood, his pupils shrank slightly.
Subconsciously sensing danger, his body tensed.
"Who are you? How dare you attack Madam Zhao?"
He thought that it was the enemies of the Zhao family who had come to visit him.
Xiao Zhantian did not answer, but looked at the frightened Madam Zhao in the ward, his
voice without any emotion:
"You were the one who had my daughter's blood drawn?"
Hearing this, Madam Zhao relaxed immediately, and even laughed out of anger, which was
very strange:
"Who was that? It turns out to be the father of that little bastard. It is a blessing for
your bastard daughter to be my blood slave! What are you doing here? You don't want to
supply blood to me, do you? Oh, I remember, your family seems to have been ordered to be
executed by me. Is that why you are here? You want revenge? Just you?"
Her voice was shrill and she laughed as she said the last sentence.
It was as if I had seen something ridiculous and stupid!
Xiao Zhantian listened to the shrill laughter beside his ears and shouted wildly in his
heart, "Mom, Dad, brothers and sisters, I will avenge you."
His eyes were like knives, and his voice plunged the entire room into an ice cellar.
"I want your entire Zhao family to be buried with you!"
"What did you say?"
Mrs. Zhao's voice rose several degrees, and her face turned cold:
"You ungrateful bastard! My father-in-law is from the Dragon Courtyard. How dare a lowly
person like you attack my Zhao family? Sun Hu, kill him!"
As soon as the words fell, Sun Hu, who had been watching with eager eyes, didn't waste
any more words. He attacked boldly, and his pair of iron fists swept through the air,
making a loud explosion.
However, Sun Hu's iron fist, which was powerful enough to kill an adult bull, couldn't
even touch Xiao Zhantian's figure.
A scream was heard, and Xiao Zhantian had already appeared behind Sun Hu. Sun Hu's
shoulders were empty and blood was gushing out.
Xiao Zhantian tore off Sun Hu's two arms at the first sight!
Sun Hu, who reacted quickly, screamed and rolled on the ground in pain, with blood
spilling all over the precious carpet.
“This…how is this possible!?”
Mrs. Zhao showed horror on her face. Sun Hu was a martial arts master who had won the
national championship for several consecutive years. He was also a retired fighter from
the imperial capital's special forces. He was very powerful, and his iron fists were
rarely rivaled. Otherwise, he would not have been her butler and head of the bodyguards.
But Sun Hu couldn't even last a single round against Xiao Zhantian!
Seeing Sun Hu's miserable condition with their own eyes, the other bodyguards turned pale
with fear.
Xiao Zhantian slowly walked towards Madam Zhao.
The woman screamed and roared at the other bodyguards.
"What are you still standing there for, you bastard?"
"Kill him, kill him!"
But these bodyguards didn't want to lose their lives, so they didn't dare to move.
Mrs. Zhao was instantly frightened.
He wailed and tried to hide backwards, but there was no way to escape.
"Let me go! Let me go!"
Mrs. Zhao begged for mercy loudly in fear. Her facial features were twisted together due
to fear, and a foul smell came from her lower body.
Xiao Zhantian spoke coldly, word by word:
"Let you go? Ridiculous!"
"eye for eye!"
Mrs. Zhao was so frightened that she was incoherent, but Sun Hu endured the pain and
smiled with a twisted expression:
"How can your family be compared with the lady? The lady only wanted your daughter's
blood to cure the disease, but those untouchables disagreed. They deserved it!"
Xiao Zhantian suddenly grabbed Sun Hu's neck, his eyes were red, as if he could spit
Sun Hu was choked so hard that he had difficulty breathing and his face turned red, but
he still said stubbornly:
"No matter how good you are at fighting, what can you do? If you offend the Zhao family
of Longyuan, you will have no way to survive. It's good for your family to be whole!"
As he spoke, he coughed and laughed, as if this was the only way to regain a little
psychological balance for his shattered pride.
Xiao Zhantian's eyes were stern:
"What is the Zhao family of Longyuan? He, Zhao Qingsong, is just a guard dog of Longyuan!
You are just an even lower-class dog. How dare you threaten me?"
As soon as he finished speaking, Sun Hu's entire right leg was torn off alive by Xiao
A shrill roar echoed throughout the entire top floor. Sun Hu wanted to struggle, but he
couldn't get free.
This was not the end. Sun Hu's only remaining leg was also torn off. Blood splattered
everywhere. Sun Hu was in excruciating pain and kept shouting:
"Kill me! Kill me!"
Xiao Zhantian said cruelly:
"Kill you? That's too easy for you!"
Three soul-calming nails as thick as fingers pierced Sun Hu's chest, preventing him from
dying quickly amidst the endless pain.
After dealing with Sun Hu, Xiao Zhantian looked at Madam Zhao again.
Being high-handed, arrogant and willful, she had never seen such a bloody scene and would
have fainted from fear.
When Mrs. Zhao opened her eyes again, she was awakened by the pain.
She was still in the original ward, but she was nailed to the wall and couldn't move.
"Don't you like blood? I'll let you watch your blood leave your body!"
As soon as he finished speaking, the blade slashed across Mrs. Zhao's arm, and a long
blood mark instantly appeared on her arm.
The blood slowly flowed out, first drop by drop, and then gathered into a trickle and
left her body.
The noble blood that she was so proud of flowed on the ground in front of her.
If this continues, she will die from excessive blood loss within half an hour.
"No! Please! Let me go! I can give you a lot of money! My husband's family is very rich!"
Mrs. Zhao cried and begged for mercy. She truly felt the approach of death.
However, no matter what conditions she offered, Xiao Zhantian remained unmoved.
"You are not a human! You are a demon!"
Mrs. Zhao fell into deep fear!
Just then, the phone rang urgently.
"It's my husband calling!"
Mrs. Zhao exclaimed, as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw.
Xiao Zhantian calmly picked up the phone and turned on the video.
When Zhao Deyan saw Xiao Zhantian's face, his expression darkened:
"The remnants of the Xiao family! Let my wife go!"

Chapter 5 Meet the Lord God of War!

Xiao Zhantian didn't say anything, but just pointed the camera at his wife's miserable
"you wanna die!"
Zhao Deyan roared wildly in the video.
As the only son of the Longyuan Zhao family, Zhao Deyan was admired by thousands of
people wherever he went. But now someone actually did this to his wife, how could Zhao
Deyan tolerate it?
Mrs. Zhao also shouted when she saw this:
"Husband! Save me! He is a lunatic! Save me!"
Xiao Zhantian cut the camera over, showing his white teeth:
"Don't worry, I won't let any of you Zhao family members go."
Zhao Deyan also gnashed his teeth:
"You have guts! My Zhao family will make you regret coming into this world!"
"Besides, your wife is still in my hands! You dare to do this to my wife, I will make you
pay the price! Your wife is really good-looking, I have a lot of men who have never
tasted the taste of women, how long do you think your wife can last? You are a useless
dog at the bottom, how dare you go against me?"
As he spoke, the video camera over there turned, and a familiar figure was hung on a high
platform, and below was a man like a mad dog.
At this moment, the murderous intent in Xiao Zhantian's eyes burst out like a mountain
The phone exploded immediately.
Mrs. Zhao was now confident and said disdainfully:
"Humph, you'd better let me go, otherwise your wife won't come back."
The woman's voice stopped abruptly.
Xiao Zhantian rushed out of the hospital with red eyes.

At the Dongshan Villa, by the swimming pool, Zhao Deyan looked at the disconnected cell
phone with a sinister look on his face, and then looked at the woman hanging on the
A group of shirtless desperadoes stood by the swimming pool, staring hungrily at the
hanging Jiang Qingqing.
Zhao Deyan walked over, looked up at Jiang Qingqing and said viciously:
"Your useless husband dared to use a knife on my wife, so I will let him see the
consequences of offending my Zhao family!"
Jiang Qingqing spat out a mouthful of blood and cried out:
"You Zhao family members have committed many evil deeds and brought harm to our family.
You will definitely be punished!"
Zhao Deyan drank the red wine in the glass and then threw the glass heavily to the
The rope suddenly dropped a section, Jiang Qingqing exclaimed, which made the men below
very excited.
Zhao Deyan looked at Jiang Qingqing, who was terrified, with satisfaction, and slowly
"My Zhao family has the support of the Dragon Courtyard and is an eternal noble family!
Who dares to bring retribution to our Zhao family? Could it be your useless husband?"
Jiang Qingqing kept her mouth shut and tried hard to avoid those dirty hands.
Zhao Deyan said nonchalantly:
"No matter how good he is at fighting, what can he do? I have already asked the big shots
of the Dragon Court to set up a trap here! How can you fight me? If your husband, that
loser, dares to come, I will make him suffer and never come back! I want him to see his
woman being taken by someone else!"
Jiang Qingqing's face showed pain and she kept struggling, praying in her heart that Xiao
Zhantian would not come to take danger.
The rope was extended, and the group of desperate criminals cheered excitedly, and were
about to touch Jiang Qingqing's body.
At this moment, the villa's stainless steel door suddenly flew into the swimming pool,
splashing a large amount of water.
Xiao Zhantian, dressed in a blood-stained robe, strode towards them with a sword flashing
with cold light in his hand. Surges of murderous intent surrounded him, stirring up a
circle of faint air waves.
Zhao Deyan was stunned at first, then he showed a ruthless look on his face and waved his
hand, saying:
"Everyone, come on! Whoever can catch him will be rewarded handsomely!"
As soon as he finished speaking, the group of desperadoes surrounding the swimming pool
rushed towards Xiao Zhantian with machetes and pistols in their hands, with evil smiles
on their faces.
Jiang Qingqing said in a sad voice:
"Zhan Tian, go! Go!"
Zhao Deyan smiled grimly:
"He can't leave! He must die! If he offends my Zhao family, I will tear him into pieces!"
However, the next moment, Zhao Deyan's smile froze on his face.
A cruel smile appeared on Xiao Zhantian's face, his eyes turned completely blood red, and
murderous intent swept out, blooming an eerie blood-red color in the night.
The saber in his hand kept buzzing, as if it was extremely thirsty for blood and killing.
As the first desperado rushed in front of him, Xiao Zhantian suddenly slashed with his
knife. The flashing silver light of the knife made it impossible for everyone to open
their eyes.
After a loud bang, the originally intact person turned into corpse pieces scattered on
the ground.
Xiao Zhantian took a normal step forward, and his figure suddenly flashed, appearing
among the crowd in an instant.
The knife flashed, the knife fell, blood splattered, screams were heard. One after
another, the desperate criminals fell to the ground with horror on their faces, and died
with their eyes open.
In less than a minute, there was no one standing in front of Xiao Zhantian anymore.
Blood, body parts, broken bones, and internal organs were scattered all over the ground,
staining the expensive grass and clear swimming pool in the villa red.
Xiao Zhantian walked slowly towards Zhao Deyan, and every step seemed to be trampling on
Zhao Deyan's heartbeat.
Zhao Deyan was completely panicked at this time. He had never expected that Xiao
Zhantian's strength had reached such a terrifying level. No one could stop him!
However, even so, Zhao Deyan still gritted his teeth and said:
"Stop! If you dare to take another step forward, I'll have someone beat you into a
Xiao Zhantian remained unmoved and moved forward steadily, with murderous intent growing
stronger and stronger.
Feeling this murderous intent, Zhao Deyan finally began to get scared.
He wanted to run away, but found that he was so frightened that his legs were weak and he
had no strength to run.
"No! Don't come over here! You can't kill me! I'm the only son of the Zhao family in
Xiao Zhantian said nothing and raised his saber.
At this moment, several military vehicles rushed into the Dongshan Villa, and the
searchlights illuminated the villa as bright as day. Three armed helicopters were
hovering above the villa, with their black muzzles pointed downwards.
Zhao Deyan was overjoyed, and quickly crawled to the side to stay away from Xiao
Zhantian's saber, then grinned and said:
"Your death is coming! No matter how strong you are, can you be stronger than General
"General Hong! Kill him now!"
However, his smile did not last long, as a man in a general's uniform jumped off the
military vehicle and walked towards him quickly.
Under Zhao Deyan's extremely shocked gaze, the man knelt down in front of Xiao Zhantian
with a plop:
"Hong Biao, the Supreme Commander of the Eastern Theater, greets the Lord God of War!"

Chapter 6: Someone You Can't Afford to Offend

"War...Lord God of War? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"
There was a hint of despair in Zhao Deyan's eyes, but he still looked at General Hong,
trying to find out the truth.
"General Hong, why do you call him the God of War? He is just an unknown person. Aren't
you here to save me?"
Hong Biao kicked Zhao Deyan directly, and he flew in a parabola and fell heavily to the
ground, splashing dust.
"Who do you think you are? How dare you offend the great God of War of the North!"
Hong Biao wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "My Lord, God of War, I am late! I
frightened the lady and made the young lady suffer. Please punish me!"
According to his position, he naturally did not dare to offend Zhao Deyan, but at this
time, Zhao Deyan offended the God of War in the North.
Not to mention the Northern Territory, even the entire Dragon Court would tremble when
this master stomps his feet.
Xiao Zhantian's face was solemn. "Call the Zhao family here. Today is the day the Zhao
family will be exterminated! Do you have any objection?"
Looking at Xiao Zhantian's eyes, Hong Biao couldn't help but feel his knees go weak.
"I dare not."
Who is he? How dare he comment on Xiao Zhantian's decision?
Putting away the saber in his hand, Xiao Zhantian flew up, cut the rope that tied Jiang
Qingqing and carried her down.
Jiang Qingqing was covered in wounds and was tortured to the point that there was not a
single good spot on her body.
Feeling this long-lost warm embrace, she couldn't help but burst into tears and raised
her hands to hug Xiao Zhantian.
"You're finally here, you're finally here! I thought I wouldn't be able to see you for
the last time."
Xiao Zhantian felt sad and patted her back gently to comfort her.
"Don't be afraid, I'm back. I will make those people pay back what they owe to the Xiao
family and you!"
Jiang Qingqing's body suddenly trembled, "Huanhuan! Our daughter has been taken away by
them to be a mobile blood source, poor Huanhuan!"
Xiao Zhantian hurriedly comforted her: "Don't worry, I have someone rescue her and bring
her for treatment."
He touched Jiang Qingqing's face distressedly, "I'll have someone treat you first."
"Wait a moment, I want you and Huanhuan to see with your own eyes how the entire Zhao
family is destroyed!"
Zhao Deyan was lying on the ground in the distance, feeling that his chest and ribs were
broken and he was in suffocating pain.
Compared to the physical pain, what surged like a tide was a deep fear.
He had not imagined that the man he thought was a nobody was actually the great God of
War in the North!
At this time, Zhao Qingsong of the Longyuan Zhao family had already received the news.
His face turned livid and he waved his hand to gather everyone in the Zhao family.
"Gather all the men and follow me to Dongshan Villa to deal with this little bastard!"
Dozens of armored vehicles started at the same time, and hundreds of armed men followed
Zhao Qingsong and set out for the Dongshan Villa.
The Dongshan Villa is destined to be restless tonight.
A dark cloud rolled down from the horizon, pressing down the entire sky.
Zhao Qingsong at the mountain pass looked up and vaguely saw military vehicles and armed
helicopters on the mountain.
After some investigation, his face was tinged with anger.
"Hong Biao is so bold that he dared to mobilize military resources here without
authorization and did not inform me in advance!"
"Call him immediately and ask him if he has captured the thief and rescued my son!"
Zhao Qingsong had just finished speaking when a powerful searchlight shone directly on
his face, making it impossible for him to open his eyes.
Then some people in military uniforms came over, pointing their guns at them.
"You are rebelling. Do you know who I am? I am Zhao Qingsong from the Zhao family of
Longyuan. How dare you point a gun at me!"
A figure walked out from the crowd and said in a deep voice: "Today we are looking for
Zhao Qingsong. Since Lord Zhao has come to us on his own initiative, then it is just in
time for us to come."
Seeing Hong Biao, Zhao Qingsong frowned, "Hong Biao, what do you mean, you secretly
gathered people here, isn't it to save my son?"
“You don’t have that much face, Lord Zhao. This time you have offended someone you
can’t afford to offend!”
Hong Biao shook his head slightly, then waved his hand and asked someone to bring Zhao
Qingsong over.
After going up the mountain, Zhao Qingsong smelled a strong smell of blood mixed with
some foul odor.
He looked into the distance and saw all the people from the Zhao family kneeling on the
Those people had horrific wounds all over their bodies, and some even had their pants wet
due to excessive fear.
There was a man with his back to him. Although he didn't see the man's face, the aura
emanating from him made Zhao Qingsong tremble.
The man seemed like a messenger of the dark night or the King of Hell, with a strong
murderous aura emanating from him.
That momentum crossed the entire night, tightly hanging over the sky, making everyone
"Are you Zhao Qingsong?"
Xiao Zhantian turned his head, his eyes revealing a sinister look like an eagle's.
"Dad, please save me!"
Zhao Deyan was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, but when he saw his father
coming, he became excited again.
"How dare you beat my son like this! Who do you think you are? Don't you even take
Longyuan seriously?"
Looking at Zhao Deyan’s bruised face, Zhao Qingsong felt distressed.
“Snap! Snap!”
A black shadow flashed by quickly.
Zhao Qingsong was slapped twice on the face, four teeth were knocked out of his mouth,
and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.
"It's the father's fault if he doesn't teach his son well. Since you don't know how to
educate your son, let me teach him a lesson for you today!"
Xiao Zhantian put his hands behind his back, and a murderous aura instantly spread from
"The Zhao family, you hurt my daughter and insulted my wife, the whole family should be
The soldiers surrounding the area raised their guns and pointed them at the people of the
Zhao family, including Zhao Qingsong.
Zhao Qingsong's knees went weak and he fell to the ground with a thud, his clothes soaked
with cold sweat.
"You... who are you?!"
He asked tremblingly.
"Then you will die knowingly."
Xiao Zhantian drew out his saber, which flashed with a strange light in the dark night.
"The Northland God of War, Xiao Zhantian!"
Zhao Qingsong's head was chopped off immediately. At this moment, his eyes were still
wide open, and he was muttering Xiao Zhantian's name.
The saber was so fast that he didn't even feel the pain.
Bright red blood dripped onto the ground along the tip of the knife, staining the ground
dark red.
Zhao Deyan roared heartbreakingly. He didn't expect that his father would be killed by
the man in front of him.
The other members of the Zhao family hung their heads and trembled in fear. They never
imagined that they would all die here today.
"Don't worry, I will never give you a hard time."
Xiao Zhantian, holding a saber in his hand, walked towards Zhao Deyan step by step.
"Today, I will let you experience the feeling of being tortured to death!"

Chapter 7 Resignation as God of War

" can't do this..."
Zhao Deyan stepped back as he spoke, but he only moved half an inch.
Fear and pain had long made his body no longer belong to him.
Looking at the saber in Xiao Zhantian's hand that was still dripping with blood, Zhao
Deyan swallowed.
His father's body was not far away, and he was even staring at him with his eyes open.
In addition to fear, Zhao Deyan felt more resentment at this moment.
It’s all my bad luck that this guy turns out to be the Northern God of War!
The saber was raised high and chopped down fiercely.
With a heart-wrenching wail, Zhao Deyan's thigh bled profusely.
As expected, Xiao Zhantian did not give him a happy ending, but instead tortured him to a
point where his life was worse than death.
Who made this guy's wife drag her own daughter into a blood slave? Now he is bullying his
own wife here.
"Spare his life!"
Suddenly a voice was heard from a distance, and then a man strode towards this side.
The man was wearing a military uniform, had a square face, and looked very serious.
Smelling the blood and looking at the scene around him, the man couldn't help but frown.
"Marshal Xiao, even if you are the dignified God of War in the North, you can't kill
others here, right?"
Xiao Zhantian couldn't help but sneer, "I killed someone else?"
"Is this the charge your cabinet has given me, or is this the verdict that Long Yuan has
given me?"
The other party wiped the sweat from his forehead, thinking that he was also a backbone
of the cabinet, but he was actually frightened by Xiao Zhantian.
If this gets known to others, how will their cabinet face people in the future?
"Even if you are the God of War, you cannot rely on your power to deprive others of their
lives. This is not a crime that the Cabinet Dragon Court has convicted you of, it is the
law of the Tianlong Nation!"
The man's voice was so resounding that Zhao Deyan's eyes lit up a little.
It seems that I am saved. People from the cabinet have come to save me!
He dragged his bleeding leg and crawled towards the cabinet members.
"Lord Li, please save me! I admit that the Zhao family did something wrong, but we were
forced to do so."
"My wife's life was in danger, so I asked his daughter to give her a blood transfusion.
But our Zhao family has never treated his daughter unfairly."
"Are you going to let me watch my wife die? No man would choose to do this if he had half
a chance."
"But Xiao Zhantian didn't say a word and directly tied up my wife to threaten me. I
really had no choice but to capture his wife to threaten me."
"Anyway, my father has nothing to do with this matter. He has worked diligently for
Dragon Academy over the years and has never done anything wrong!"
"But Xiao Zhantian chopped off his head without saying a word. Look, his body is still
lying there. He died with his eyes open!"
"If the cabinet believes that my Zhao family is at fault, I am willing to accept the
punishment, rather than letting Xiao Zhantian rely on his status as a god of war to carry
out lynching here!"
Zhao Deyan was crying with snot and snot in his eyes. If someone who didn't know the
truth saw it, they would really think that Xiao Zhantian was relying on the power in his
hands to do something to him.
Lord Li said righteously, "Don't worry! This time, I am here to make the decision for
He looked at Xiao Zhantian and said sternly, "The war in the north is still going on, and
the Wolf Country is watching us covetously!"
"As the Lord of the North, you returned without any orders. Do you know your crime?"
"I'm guilty?"
Xiao Zhantian raised his head and laughed twice.
“You were not present when my family was insulted and murdered, but now that I am
punishing those who harmed them, you are talking to me about the law?”
"Even if you are from the cabinet, so what? I, Xiao Zhantian, have been fighting for my
country for four years, just to protect my family!"
"Those who offend our country will be punished, and those who disturb our family will
The man's voice resounded through the sky, and the crowd was shocked.
He raised the saber in his hand, "Even if the king of heaven comes today, the Zhao family
will be destroyed!"
A flash of cold light passed by, and the long knife slashed Zhao Deyan's chest.
There was a hole directly in his chest, and blood sprayed onto the trouser legs of Mr.
"I, Xiao Zhantian, have risked my life and fought bloody battles for the Tianlong
"But my family was brutally harmed in the Tianlong Kingdom!"
"Today, I will resign from the position of God of War. If the cabinet wants to hold me
accountable for this, I have nothing to say."
"But I, Xiao Zhantian, must avenge my Xiao family!"
A muffled thunder struck from the sky, illuminating Xiao Zhantian's resolute face and
bloodshot eyes.
"I swear to follow the Lord God of War until death!"
Xiao Zhantian's subordinates all knelt on one knee and shouted loudly.
The raindrops fell in large drops, washing away the bloodstains on the ground.
Xiao Zhantian threw his badge on the ground and walked away.
Looking at his back, Lord Li's hands trembled, but he did not dare to stop him in the
It was already late at night, but the cabinet meeting room in Tianlong Kingdom was
bustling with people.
Everyone sat together with serious expressions.
"In just one night, Zhao Qingsong's family was wiped out!"
"What do you think about this matter?"
The Prime Minister of the Cabinet swept his sharp eyes over the faces of the people
"Sir, I think Xiao Zhantian is a little too arrogant. Even though he is the North
Territory God of War, he still belongs to the Tianlong Kingdom."
"Now that there is no transfer order, he has led a large number of troops to fight back.
Who knows what he is thinking and what he is up to?"
"What's more, when beating a dog, you have to look at its owner first. Zhao Qingsong is
from my Dragon Court after all. He slaughtered all the members of the Zhao family.
Doesn't that mean he doesn't even take Dragon Court seriously?"
Dean Longyuan had a solemn expression on his face, and he hated Xiao Zhantian's behavior
to the core.
Lord Li also said: "He is indeed arrogant. I'm afraid he thinks that without him, the
Tianlong Kingdom will not be able to survive."
"You actually ignored my orders and killed Zhao Deyan, the only son of the Zhao family,
in front of me!"
"And he also said that he would step down as the God of War. Isn't this a blatant threat
to us?"
The Prime Minister crossed his fingers and lowered his head. After a moment, he raised
his head and said, "I will report this matter to the Dragon Lord truthfully."
"If you all agree to remove Xiao Zhantian from the title of God of War, please write the
petition here. I will show it to the Dragon Lord."
The heavy rain was still pattering against the windows, gradually drowning out the voices
of the crowd.
The Tianlong Kingdom is destined to be restless tonight.
In a manor in Dongzhou, the lights are bright at this time.
Xiao Zhantian let go of all his hostility and looked at his daughter Xiao Huanhuan with a
little tenderness.
"Marshal, the young lady has been having her blood drawn for years, which has caused a
deficiency in her body. Even if I treat her, I'm afraid she only has three months left to
A long-haired woman sighed, her face looking somewhat solemn.
If someone saw this, they would be surprised. They would not have expected that the
world-famous medical genius was actually such a young woman.
"What did you say? Huanhuan, my poor daughter!"
Jiang Qingqing burst into tears immediately.

Chapter 8 Slandered
She held Xiao Huanhuan's hand. The little girl was almost four years old, but she looked
skinny, like a two-year-old child.
Her face was extremely pale, and her hands and arms were covered with needle marks from
drawing blood.
"Zhan Tian, our daughter is not even four years old yet! She has never gotten along with
you properly, and has never properly called you dad."
"It's all my fault. I didn't protect her well! I don't want anything, I just want my
Her tiny cries struck Xiao Zhantian's heart, making him so heartbroken that he almost
Even if he possesses supreme glory, he can command hundreds of thousands of people in the
But he can't even protect his parents, siblings, wife and daughter. What kind of man is
"No matter what method you use, you must cure my daughter! Even if you want water from
the sky, I, Xiao Zhantian, will help you get it."
Lu Mingyou sighed, "It's not that there is no way. If we can get those four magical
medicines, maybe there's still hope."
"Thousand-leaf root, Arhat bone, Starry night bamboo, and Frost Flower Soil, these four
things are the only rare and famous medicines left in the world."
"I have only heard of them but never seen them, but I am sure they exist."
"If I can find all four of these herbs, I can think of a way to prolong the young lady's
life. I can save her life first, and then slowly treat her. Maybe there is a glimmer of
Xiao Zhantian stood up, waved his hand, and looked at the people behind him.
"Did you hear what Doctor Lu said just now? Even if I have to go up to heaven or dig deep
into the earth, I must find these four things for me!"
"I will follow your orders, sir!"
The Lord of the Zhuwang Palace accepted the order solemnly and led his men to leave the
"Canglang, you must return to the North immediately and instruct the three great war
kings and the five great generals to guard the North!"
Canglang looked somewhat stunned, and said unwillingly: "Marshal, the people from the
cabinet and the Dragon Court treated you like this, why did you still do this?"
"Besides, you have just prepared to resign as the God of War. There is no need to
consider these things anymore."
He was speaking up for Xiao Zhantian.
The people in the Northern Territory knew very well how Xiao Zhantian had risen to this
position amidst piles of bones and with countless scars on his body in the past few
He was only thinking about the Tianlong Kingdom and never had any improper thoughts.
I didn't expect that those people from Helong Academy would treat Xiao Zhantian like
They were actually afraid that Xiao Zhantian would become more powerful than their
master, which was why they didn't take him seriously.
Xiao Zhantian shook his head slightly, "As long as I am in Tianlong Country, this is my
"I can't just stand by and watch the Wolf Country invade my homeland!"
"Even if I step down as the God of War, I still have to take responsibility for the
people of the North and the entire Tianlong Nation."
"Listen to my orders. Even if I am no longer the God of War, you must do your best to
protect the North!"
His eyes were firm and his tone was unquestionable.
Canglang sighed, "I obey your orders!"
After a night of violent storms, the heavy rain seemed to have washed away all the
surface filth.
The bodies in the Dongshan Villa had long disappeared and the bloodstains had been
cleaned up.
However, at this moment, a piece of breaking news shook the entire Tianlong Kingdom.
"The Northland God of War Xiao Zhantian put down the war and returned to Dongzhou without
permission. This is actually dereliction of duty!"
"The Dragon Lord has ordered him to resign as the God of War! Huo Longyi, the son of the
Regent, will take over the Northern Territory."
When this news was broadcast, the entire Tianlong Kingdom was in an uproar.
Naturally, many people don’t believe that Xiao Zhantian could do such a thing.
Some people raised objections online, but these comments soon disappeared without a
There was even a group of internet trolls who came out and said that Xiao Zhantian had
been exploiting the people in the North by relying on his status as the God of War in the
There are even many people releasing videos online, showing that the North is still not a
prosperous place.
The people there were all extremely poor, and Xiao Zhantian and the others were furious,
cursing them one after another.
"This is simply a false accusation. When did Lord God of War deprive these people of
their rights?"
"Back then, the Wolf Country invaded repeatedly, and the entire northern border was
extremely barren. It was the Lord God of War who protected them and made this place
increasingly prosperous."
"If Lord God of War really abandons the North, then I will quit!"
"Yeah! Who the hell is Huo Longyi? Why should we listen to him?"
At this time, the Northern Border military camp was also in an uproar.
The people in the northern border felt even more indignant for Xiao Zhantian.
Unfortunately, their words had little effect.
"Marshal, do you want to go to the palace to see the Dragon Lord? Ask him why he did
"Dragon Lord knows all too well what you have done for the entire Tianlong Nation over
the years!"
Xiao Zhantian's subordinates were furious and looked very unconvinced. They wanted to
rush into the palace immediately.
On the contrary, Xiao Zhantian was much calmer.
"Forget it. Since the leader doesn't understand my efforts, there is no point in saying
"Now I just want to spend time with my family and don't want to think about anything
Only at this moment did he realize that all his efforts over the years were in vain.
In the end, he couldn't even protect his own family.
The title of God of War is just an empty title, not to mention that he has been tired in
the past few years.
"Have you found the whereabouts of my brother? And the bodies of my sister and
Thinking of those scenes, Xiao Zhantian felt a pain in his heart again.
My sister is only eighteen years old now, which is the best time of her life.
She originally had a bright future, but now she was brutally murdered!
"We have found your sister, and her body is being transported back. Your parents' remains
have also been transported back."
"Your brother was thrown into the city of sin by those people. He must have suffered a
lot. I have asked someone to find out his exact location and bring him back."
Xiao Zhantian's eyes were about to burst, "Mobilize all forces to investigate! If you get
any information about the person behind this, pass it on to me immediately."
He couldn't figure it out. It's been four years. Who on earth still wouldn't let them go?
In the spacious and bright room, the little girl opened her big round eyes and looked
around with a bit of fear.
Hearing the sound, Jiang Qingqing quickly opened her eyes and saw her daughter woke up
and hugged her.
"My daughter, my Huanhuan, you finally woke up. Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"
Xiao Huanhuan shook her head, and then big tears fell.
"Mom, did they catch you too? Huanhuan won't cry anymore and will be obedient and let
them draw blood."
"If Huanhuan stops making trouble, will they let mom go?"

Chapter 9: Sin City

Hearing these words from her daughter, Jiang Qingqing felt heartbroken.
"Huanhuan, Mom wasn't captured by those bad guys. We are at home now."
"Your father is back. He is back to protect us. He will never let you suffer any
injustice again."
Xiao Huanhuan opened her mouth wide, with a look of surprise on her face.
"Dad... Dad? Is Dad really back? Will he protect Huanhuan and Mom in the future?"
Jiang Qingqing nodded repeatedly, "I definitely will!"
"From now on, I will never let you and your daughter suffer any injustice or harm again!"
Xiao Zhantian stood at the door with red eyes.
He heard everything his daughter said just now.
Xiao Zhantian, who had always been strong, almost burst into tears just now.
After calming down and hearing his daughter's question, he walked in.
Looking at the little person curled up in the quilt, Xiao Zhantian slowly walked over
there, trying to make his movements as gentle as possible for fear of scaring her.
Xiao Huanhuan blinked, "Are you really my father?"
She said carefully, "Mom and grandpa and grandma often cry when they look at your photo.
Dad, you are still alive, why don't you come back to see me?"
Xiao Zhantian couldn't hold back any longer and went forward to hug his daughter.
"I'm sorry Huanhuan, Dad only wanted to become stronger and come back to protect you."
"I will never be separated from you again. I will make everyone who has bullied the Xiao
family pay the price!"
Xiao Huanhuan's tears fell, wetting Xiao Zhantian's shoulders.
"Dad! Wuuuuuu...Huanhuan misses you so much!"
Jiang Qingqing also hugged the two of them, and the sound of their crying could be heard
throughout the room.
It took a long time for the family to calm down.
Xiao Zhantian held Jiang Qingqing's hand and carried Xiao Huanhuan downstairs to have
Looking at this magnificent house and the dazzling array of breakfast on the table, Xiao
Huanhuan's eyes were filled with surprise.
Lu Mingyou served the medicinal food, which did not smell bitter at all, but instead
exuded the fresh fragrance of medicine.
"I made this based on the lady's body. It can regulate her body."
Xiao Zhantian nodded, picked up the spoon and handed it to Xiao Huanhuan.
Her cracked lips opened slightly, and after taking a bite, her eyes widened in surprise.
"Dad, this soup is so delicious!"
"Then drink more. Tell dad what you want to eat next time and he will ask someone to make
it for you."
Xiao Huanhuan nodded, looking at the food on the table, feeling a little awkward.
Before, those people in the Zhao family didn’t give her a good meal, but just gave her
tonic medicine desperately.
She hadn't eaten normal food for a long time and couldn't believe that all this was true.
After breakfast, Lu Mingyou examined Xiao Huanhuan's body, and soon she went upstairs to
Downstairs, Xiao Zhantian held Jiang Qingqing's hand.
"You have had a hard time these years, right?"
Jiang Qingqing shook her head. "As long as we think about your betterment in the North,
we won't have to work hard."
"Chengtian is doing well in the company. Although there are still people who try to
sabotage it, the Xiao family is doing well."
"Mom, Dad, Chengtian, and Suisui were all captured by those people. Do you know how they
are doing now?"
Xiao Zhantian held her hand and couldn't help but tighten it a little. When he saw Jiang
Qingqing frowning, he quickly let go.
"Did something happen to them?"
Jiang Qingqing asked anxiously.
In the past few years, the Xiao family has never treated her unfairly.
Xiao Anhe and Mingxiu even treated her as their own daughter.
Xiao Chengtian respects his sister-in-law very much and loves Huanhuan very much.
Xiao Susu and her sister-in-law have a relationship like that of real sisters, and she
always thinks of her when she gets any good things.
"Sui Sui, the body is already being transported back. We'll hold the funeral together
with my parents. I'll give them a grand funeral!"
"Chengtian... I haven't found his exact location yet. Once I find him, I will bring him
back immediately."
Jiang Qingqing felt as if struck by lightning. Her red and swollen eyes were so dry that
no tears could flow out.
"Sui could this happen! Mom and Dad haven't seen you for the last time. They've
been looking forward to your return!"
Xiao Zhantian hugged her tightly into his arms.
"I will definitely avenge them and make those people pay with blood!"
After settling these people at home, Xiao Zhantian immediately drove towards the City of
This is the place in the entire Dongzhou that people are most reluctant to set foot in,
and it is also the most chaotic area in the entire Dongzhou.
All these people in the City of Sin are people who have been released after committing
crimes, or are guilty people who have fled here.
These people kill, rob, and do all kinds of evil.
There were official people who wanted to come here to suppress it, but the scale of the
rebellion had already been formed and there was no way to clear it out.
There was really no other way, so the authorities divided this area out.
As long as these people in the city of sin don't come out and affect the lives of normal
people, everything will be peaceful.
Over time, this place seemed to have become a cage of freedom.
There is no way for people here to go out, and each of them has been deprived of their
identity documents.
If anyone dares to leave here without a pass, the system will automatically issue a
wanted warrant and kill him immediately.
But there are still some wealthy people who often come to Sin City to spend money to get
things done.
I don’t know what those people were thinking to throw Xiao Chengtian here.
Their legs were broken and they were thrown into the city of sin. It is unknown whether
they are still alive at this time.
It is not easy to find out the information here, and Xuesha spent some effort.
Xiao Zhantian parked the car outside the City of Sin.
This place seemed to be surrounded by a strong smell of corruption. From a distance, one
could even see bloodstains and bullet holes on the road.
Not to mention at night, no one dares to pass by here even during the day.
As soon as Xiao Zhantian set foot in this area, four or five people immediately swarmed
out from around him.
“Hey! New face, since you dare to come to Sin City, you should know our rules.”
A man with a scar on his face looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
A shirtless, muscular man next to him turned his arms, revealing the tattoos all over
"Look at the way he's dressed. He's a wealthy man."
He raised his hand and was about to put it on Xiao Zhantian's shoulder.
Xiao Zhantian directly grabbed the man's wrist and twisted it backwards, and cold sweat
broke out on the man's forehead.
He reacted immediately, but not only could he not pull his hand out, it seemed as if he
was sucked into the whirlpool.
Even Xiao Zhantian dislocated his wrist with just a casual bend.
"I'm a germaphobe and don't like others touching me."
"We are here to check the whereabouts of two people. If you cooperate, we will be safe."
He let go of the man's hand and scanned the faces of several people with a cold look.
"If you have any little thoughts, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Chapter 10: Another Mastermind

Those men showed some fear on their faces, and they could naturally see that Xiao
Zhantian was not ordinary.
One of them nodded slightly, and the other immediately ran away.
"Sir, please come with us first!"
The tattooed man changed his previous domineering look and now looked cautious and timid.
Xiao Zhantian didn't say anything and followed them.
As it grew darker, they walked deeper and deeper into the city of sin.
It's different inside than outside, it's very lively inside.
Even gangs of all sizes can be seen gathering here to fight.
For a moment, people's shouting and the sound of sticks hitting flesh echoed in Xiao
Zhantian's ears.
At this moment, a man came towards them. He was wearing a suit and looked extremely
elegant. Under the guidance of someone, he walked towards Xiao Zhantian.
"I heard that you came here to look for someone?"
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "If you can bring this man to me alive and safe, you will
definitely get some benefits."
"If he makes any mistake here, I will make the person who hurt him pay the price!"
Hearing what he said, the man in the suit's eyes flickered. He could tell that Xiao
Zhantian was not joking.
He had once been released from the Devil's Prison, a place known as the most terrifying
prison in the world.
He met many people there, and even he himself was considered a small figure in that
But when he saw Xiao Zhantian for the first time, the man saw murderous intent in his
This is different from that of others. It is a kind of confidence that comes from
stepping on the corpses of millions of people.
Soon, Xiao Zhantian gave them Xiao Chengtian's information.
This place is too chaotic inside. Even if his people can come in easily and want to find
out the news, it is better to let the people in this place help him find out.
The reason why Xiao Zhantian dared to come here alone was naturally because he had his
confidence. At the same time, he also understood that these people were much smarter than
It is precisely because they are in danger that they can sense at a glance that danger is
The man had no doubt about Xiao Zhantian's ability, and quickly ordered his men to
People here call him Ango, and the man is different from those low-life thugs.
He was dressed very elegantly and looked like an upper-class man.
Only the hint of ruthlessness that occasionally flashed in his eyes made people realize
that he was not an ordinary person.
"I have asked someone to check it out, and it will be found soon."
An Ge nodded slightly at Xiao Zhantian.
"I remember I emphasized just now that you shouldn't play tricks in front of me."
Xiao Zhantian curled his lips slightly, revealing a hint of contempt and coldness.
"If my guess is correct, someone deliberately threw him here and sent you to torture
Xiao Zhantian's figure flashed, and he leaned forward slightly. He picked up the ashtray
next to him and smashed it on Ang's head.
An Ge did react, but he didn't expect Xiao Zhantian to be so fast and he had no chance to
He felt a sharp pain in his forehead. He gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Zhantian
with bloodshot eyes.
"Who on earth are you?!"
"If you don't obey, I will be the one who kills you."
Xiao Zhantian clapped his hands.
Just now, when he took out Xiao Chengtian's photo and said his name, he clearly saw this
brother's eyes flicker a few times.
As a dignified God of War, he must have interrogated countless people. How could such a
change in him escape his eyes?
I saw Ang pressed a button, and the next second more than twenty big men rushed in.
These guys have strong muscles and you can tell at a glance that they are martial artists
and have unusual identities.
The most important thing is that they all have scars and gunshot wounds on their bodies,
which shows that these people are not afraid of death.
"Tie this guy up and lock him up with the guy from before!"
Following Ang's order, the big men rushed towards Xiao Zhantian and surrounded him.
Those people didn't even give him a chance to breathe. They just took out the sticks in
their hands and smashed at Xiao Zhantian.
The space was already small, and with these people coming, it was already the limit. Xiao
Zhantian couldn't move at all.
Ango stood outside the door with a sneer on his face. They had already made preparations.
The people sent by Xiao Chengtian had already been instructed not to take his life for
the time being, but to torture him severely.
If someone dares to come to Xiao Chengtian at that time, he must be fully prepared
because this person has simple skills.
They had deliberately brought Xiao Zhantian here just now, intending to handle the matter
But An Ge didn't expect that Xiao Zhantian would actually see through their purpose and
take action first.
"Beat this brat up for me! How dare he fight me in this city of sin!"
"Bang! Bang! Bang!"
Accompanied by three loud bangs and the sound of windows shattering, several figures flew
over and landed at Ang's feet.
Xiao Zhantian took steps forward, each one filled with anger.
The aura he exuded made Ang unable to breathe.
The pair of sharp eyes looked straight at him, making him feel a little numb and he
subconsciously took a step back.
"How is this possible? How did you get out?"
You should know that the sticks in those people's hands are not simple, but have other
functions and can release high-voltage electricity.
Because others had reminded him before, Ang was fully prepared.
This amount of electricity could knock a pig unconscious, so how come Xiao Zhantian was
safe and sound?
"You want to hurt me, but you don't have the ability to do so."
Xiao Zhantian kicked his feet and rushed towards Ang like an arrow.
When he threw a punch, Ang felt like a cannonball was fired at him, and he flew two
meters away.
Then he fell heavily to the ground, his eyes rolled back and he fainted.
"Call out the person in charge here. If you only send a small minion here, don't blame me
for massacring this place today!"
This Brother An does have some skills, but he is not good enough in front of Xiao
Besides, he was just a forward. Xiao Zhantian didn't believe that he was the one in
charge of this city of sin.
Seeing that no one spoke, Xiao Zhantian looked around.
He kicked his feet and picked up a branch. The people who rushed out from behind the door
ran towards Xiao Zhantian again.
The branches swung through the air, and a strong smell of blood wafted out.
The man running in front lowered his head and saw that his chest was soaked with blood.
Only then did he feel the pain.
Chapter 11 Damn It
"Some people are very skilled. They can achieve the effect of a knife with just a branch.
This is enough to show that this person is not simple."
The footage from Xiao Zhantian and the others was transmitted to the screen through the
surveillance camera.
A man looked at the scene on the screen and nodded slightly.
"What a pity, such a capable person actually offended that person."
He waved his hand, and the person next to him nodded slightly and quickly stood up.
The empty field was filled with fallen people, and the air was filled with a strong smell
of blood.
The branch in Xiao Zhantian's hand was already stained red with blood.
However, what is surprising is that this thin branch has not broken after injuring so
many people.
He turned around with bloodshot eyes and saw a man walking towards him in the distance.
The person that the man was dragging was Xiao Chengtian.
Xiao Chengtian looked like a bloody man, with wounds all over his body, and not a single
healthy spot.
The face was unrecognizable, and his knee bone was turned outward, the wound was getting
worse and even had a tendency to get infected.
Xiao Zhantian shouted, squeezing out these two words from between his teeth.
At this moment, tremendous anger burst out from him, and the air around him seemed to
change in an instant.
An aura of murder filled the air. Every step Xiao Zhantian took was like the King of
Hell, stepping heavily on people's hearts.
"Did you cause his injury?"
The man was already under pressure from him, with beads of sweat on his head, but he
still pretended to remain calm.
"We are just doing our duty as entrusted by others."
"Sin City is not a place you should enter. You two brothers cannot leave today."
Xiao Zhantian smiled coldly, "Do you think you have such ability?"
Looking at the branch in his hand that was still dripping with blood, the man took a deep
"I don't have such ability, but now you and your brother are in our hands."
The next second, some men in black with guns appeared from all directions, with the black
muzzles of their guns pointing directly at Xiao Zhantian.
"Even if you have the ability, you can't dodge bullets. There are hundreds of guns
pointed at you around you."
After these men with guns came out, the man breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little
more secure.
Xiao Zhantian's eyes were bloodshot as he looked at his brother lying on the ground. He
wished he could kill all these people right away.
No one knows whether Xiao Chengtian is dead or alive. After being tortured like this, he
must be disabled.
When he left home, Xiao Chengtian promised him with a smile that he would protect his
family and wait for him to come back.
At that time, he was only 22 years old, full of vigor and vitality.
“You deserve to die!”
Xiao Zhantian let out an angry roar.
Suddenly the weather changed and there was a roaring sound in the air.
Xiao Zhantian laughed loudly, "I, Xiao Zhantian, have fought for my country and never
done anything wrong, but I am treated like this!"
"You, die!"
As soon as he finished speaking, a dagger suddenly appeared in his hand.
Although the dagger was short, it emitted a strange light, and the sharp blade almost cut
through the sky.
“Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!”
The voice came, and Xiao Zhantian disappeared.
In front of dozens of people, in full view of everyone, he simply disappeared out of thin
The man in front of the monitor couldn't help but curse.
His fingers were clicking rapidly on the computer, and only after slowing down the speed
ten times could he see Xiao Zhantian's figure clearly.
However, it was no use, Xiao Zhantian killed those people.
The dagger cut open one person's throat, and blood spurted a meter high.
After killing a man, Xiao Zhantian's figure disappeared like a ghost.
Seeing Xiao Zhantian disappear first and then kill people, these people felt panic in
their hearts even though they had guns in their hands.
They couldn't help but take out their guns and start shooting in all directions.
For a moment, the only sounds in the air were the sound of bullets flying across the air
and the thumping of gunfire.
It was by using the sound of their gunfire that Xiao Zhantian concealed his own
He had already hidden among these people and approached them quietly.
No matter what, he is also the dignified God of War in the North. He once went into the
enemy army alone and took the heads of thousands of enemies.
Even if these people have pistols in their hands, as long as they have weaknesses in
their hearts, they are still no match for Xiao Zhantian.
The people around him fell one after another, and the man realized that they had made a
If they had known this, they should not have brought Xiao Chengtian out directly.
I originally thought that this would become Xiao Zhantian’s weak spot, but he is not an
ordinary person at all, so where would his weak spot come from?
He looked around, ready to take advantage of the opportunity to leave here and go back to
find the boss.
But when he turned around, he found that Xiao Chengtian, who was tied up beside him, had
"Stop fighting, everyone stop it!"
Looking at those people over there who were in chaos and still shooting with guns, he
couldn't help but shout loudly.
In the monitoring room, a man widened his eyes and slowed down the video several times.
But he still didn't see Xiao Zhantian, he didn't even see how Xiao Chengtian disappeared.
"You want to find me so badly?"
A voice came from behind.
The man was stunned for a moment, then fell heavily back on the chair.
"Who are you?"
"Xiao! Kill! The sky!"
His figure was as fast as lightning, and when the cold touch was placed on his neck, the
man realized that he had no chance to fight back.
They were too arrogant and thought that even though Xiao Zhantian was powerful, he would
still have weaknesses.
"Who instructed you to do these things?"
Xiao Zhantian asked in a cold voice, his voice was devoid of any emotion, only
"I can't say."
If he dared to say it, he would surely die.
Xiao Zhantian smiled and said, "If you don't tell me, I can let you know what is more
painful than death."
He had tens of thousands of ways to pry open this man's mouth and let him know what
torture was.
The man's pupils flickered twice, and his throat moved slightly, but he felt a sharp
The dagger pierced directly into his thigh, leaving a bloody hole.
The man's body trembled uncontrollably, but he still clenched his teeth tightly.
But the next second, some powder was sprinkled on his wound.
Suddenly, he felt a bone-gnawing sensation, as if tens of thousands of ants were crawling
on his wound.
He tried to reach out to grab it, but his hand was fixed on the handle of the chair by
the dagger.
Then Xiao Zhantian pierced a bloody hole between his legs and hands and sprinkled
medicine powder on them.
The powder was magical, not only did it stop the bleeding, but it also made him itch so
badly that he scratched his head.
The man couldn't help but tremble, enduring the severe pain as he scratched around the
wound, bleeding profusely.
"Ah! I can't stand it anymore, I can't stand it anymore! Please let me go, let me go!"
"Tell me, who is the mastermind behind this!"

Chapter 12 Enemies
The man trembled and said a name, "Can you let me go?"
Xiao Zhantian smiled and said, "Let me let you go!"
The dagger slashed across and the man died instantly.
There was some surprise in his eyes, as if he didn't expect Xiao Zhantian to be so
But Xiao Zhantian never said that he would let this person go.
What's more, you hurt your own brother and still want to have a good ending? You're
Taking Xiao Chengtian with him, he left here directly.
By the way, they took care of all the people in the building and took away the
surveillance video.
Although the people behind the scenes could definitely guess that this matter was
definitely related to Xiao Zhantian, his body movements could not be seen.
This is Xiao Zhantian's tactic. If it is slowed down, it will definitely be discovered.
All the way out of the city of sin, no one dared to stop him.
After returning home, Xiao Zhantian quickly called Lu Mingyou, "Help him!"
Although Xiao Chengtian was still breathing, it was very weak. Xiao Zhantian didn't know
whether he was still alive or whether he could survive.
After some inspection, Lu Mingyou's expression became somewhat serious.
"Most of them are just skin injuries and contusions, but my kneecap is completely broken.
I'm afraid I won't be able to stand up again."
"And his arm, a comminuted fracture. I'm not sure if he can recover. I'll treat him first
and see later."
Xiao Zhantian nodded and said nothing more.
When I went downstairs, I saw Jiang Qingqing and Xiao Huanhuan standing at the door.
"Will uncle be okay?"
Xiao Huanhuan's eyes were red. When she learned that Xiao Chengtian had returned, she
went downstairs immediately.
Seeing Xiao Chengtian's appearance, Xiao Huanhuan was shocked.
She has never seen her father before. To her, Xiao Chengtian is almost the same as her
"Don't worry, that sister is already receiving treatment, she will be fine."
Xiao Zhantian didn't know how to comfort her, so he was naturally even more worried.
"You wait here first, I'll go see my parents."
"I'll go with you!"
Jiang Qingqing followed him and said, "Huanhuan, go and rest first. Mom will tell you
when uncle wakes up."
After going downstairs, she held Xiao Zhantian's hand.
"Are you all right?"
Xiao Zhantian shook his head, "I found out who was behind this, they said it was the city
Jiang Qingqing frowned slightly, "But we don't have any intersection, so I shouldn't have
offended him!"
Although Xiao Chengtian's company was doing well, it was not enough to attract the
attention of the city lord.
And their company has always been law-abiding.
Xiao Zhantian didn't say anything. He knew in his heart that there was someone else
behind this matter.
At the door, Xuesha was waiting.
"Sir, the person has been brought back. Do you want to see him?"
These are his parents and sister. He must see them for the last time.
In the courtyard, three bodies were covered with white sheets.
The bodies of Xiao Anhe and Mingxiu were no longer complete, and it took a lot of effort
for the Xuesha people to dig them out.
Stepping over, Xiao Zhantian uncovered the white cloth with trembling hands, then knelt
on the ground with a plop.
Looking at his parents' wounded bodies, his eyes became red.
Once a bullet pierced through his heart, Xiao Zhantian didn't even blink, but now he felt
a pain in his heart.
"Dad, Mom, my son is back! I'm here to take you home!"
He leaned over them both, crying silently.
He hadn't cried for so many years that he had long forgotten how it felt.
Xiao Suisui's face turned pale, she closed her eyes tightly, and she would never call him
brother again.
Jiang Qingqing, who was standing by, had already burst into tears. It was clearly the
last time they met, and they were still discussing what to eat in the evening.
Xiao Anhe said that Xiao Zhantian would be back soon, and as long as they conquered the
Wolf Country, he would return home in glory.
"Are you ready for the funeral?"
"Everything is ready as you ordered."
Xiao Zhantian nodded and turned back to the house.
"He's awake, but still very weak. You can go in and check on him."
Lu Mingyou said.
Before entering the door, Xiao Zhantian took a deep breath.
"Chengtian, brother is back."
Xiao Chengtian slowly turned his head and looked over, opened his mouth and shed tears.
"Don't tell me, I know everything. I will cure you and avenge my parents and Sui Sui!"
Xiao Chengtian couldn't help but burst into tears, and Xiao Zhantian hugged him.
Four years.
Family is your strength and support.
He thought the family could be reunited.
City Lord, no matter who is behind him, Xiao Zhantian will not let him go!
Three days later, some people suddenly came to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.
They spread out wreaths and quickly set up a mourning hall here.
Some people came to disperse them, but no one paid any attention to them.
After a while, some people in black clothes came one after another.
"What are you doing? This is the City Lord's Mansion. What else do you think it is?"
Several bodyguards came over and prepared to drive the man away.
Before they could do anything, a strong hand grabbed them.
"If you want to live, get out of here!"
Xuesha said this coldly, his eyes revealing a hint of murderous intent.
"Who are you? How dare you run into the City Lord's Mansion and act like a wild beast!"
Although the men were afraid, they didn't think they dared to do anything at the gate of
the City Lord's Mansion.
He pressed the headset and said, "Be alert, there is someone making trouble at the
Before he could finish his words, Xuesha picked up the man and threw him out.
After receiving the news, Qing Xiangsong quickly came to the door.
Seeing this scene, he frowned immediately.
"How do you do things? Let others hold a funeral in front of your door!"
A bodyguard said, "Sir, I don't know where these people came from, they don't look
"They are all rubbish! Just say it's my order. If they don't leave, throw them all in
As soon as these words fell, another bodyguard ran in from the door.
"Sir, those people are at the door..."
He hesitated and dared not speak.
Qing Xiangsong snorted coldly, "I want to see who is so bold!"
He quickly came outside with his men, and these people were actually playing funeral
Paper money fell from the sky, looking a bit weird and scary.
Qing Xiangsong suppressed his inner uneasiness and directly asked the city guards to stop
"Who is the leader? Who asked you to hold a funeral here?"
Qing Xiangsong's face was serious and a little angry.
"Where else can the city lord's funeral be held if not here?"
A voice came.
Qing Xiangsong turned around and saw a man in black standing behind him.
When he met the man's eyes, Qing Xiangsong's heart trembled, and he felt that these eyes
looked familiar.
"who are you?"
"The one who wants you dead!"
Qing Xiangsong subconsciously took a step back and then glared at Xiao Zhantian.
"What a joke! Who do you think you are to take my life in front of the City Lord's
He sneered, "The mob should be suppressed! Activate level one alert!"
Xiao Zhantian narrowed his eyes, "I'm afraid you don't have a chance."
He drew out the dagger in his hand, and the next second it was at Qing Xiangsong's neck.
"Do you know who I am? Do you dare to kill me?"
"Wrong, I won't kill you, at least not now."

Chapter 13: Give Him a Taste of His Own

He still had things he wanted to know, and he wouldn't let Qing Xiangsong get away with
it so easily.
At this time, Qing Xiangsong had already been controlled, and the others certainly had no
room to fight back.
It didn't take long for the group to enter the City Lord's Mansion, and no one knew what
had just happened.
Xiao Zhantian had already sent people to set up checkpoints on the nearby streets. Now,
no one would set foot within a three-kilometer radius.
Seeing the door closed, Qing Xiangsong's eyes revealed a hint of despair.
Although he didn't know Xiao Zhantian's identity yet, for some reason, this young man
brought him an inexplicable pressure.
"I am the Lord of Dongzhou. If you dare to touch me, I am sure you will not be able to
leave Dongzhou, not even the City Lord's Mansion!"
Xiao Zhantian raised his foot and kicked him in the knee.
Qing Xiangsong couldn't help but fall to his knees with a thud, his knees aching from the
Just then, he heard the sound of a wheelchair.
Then a person appeared in front of him, and he was kneeling in the direction of this
"Xiao Chengtian! Why are you here?!"
Qing Xiangsong's face suddenly changed and he struggled to stand up.
But a huge force pressed down on him, making him unable to move at all.
Xiao Chengtian's eyes were bloodshot, and he wished he could eat him alive.
"I would like to ask you, what kind of hatred do my Xiao family have with you? Why did
you send someone to kill us?"
If Xiao Chengtian had not been unable to move at this moment, he would have pounced on
this man and beat him up.
After hearing what he said, Qing Xiangsong's expression calmed down a bit.
He turned his head and looked at Xiao Zhantian and asked, "Are you here to avenge the
Xiao family?"
"That's right."
Qing Xiangsong laughed twice, "I think you still don't know who the Xiao family
He shook his head slightly and said, "Young man, whether you are doing this for money or
for some other reason, I advise you to stop as soon as possible."
"If you are doing this for money, I can give you ten times more than what the Xiao family
agreed to give you. If you are doing this for power, that is even more nonsense."
"Everyone knows that the Xiao family is just a low-ranking family even in the Eastern
Zhou Dynasty. They can't give you what you want."
Xiao Zhantian narrowed his eyes, "Don't you know that the Xiao family has an older son in
the army?"
"Of course I know, but since he is in the army, it is impossible for him to come back
casually, not to mention that even if he gets a position, what does it matter?"
"In short, the Xiao family is going to be destroyed. This is a fact that no one can
After seeing Xiao Chengtian, Qing Xiangsong's original fear disappeared.
Xiao Chengtian's hands couldn't help but tremble, and he recalled the day when his
kneecap was dug out.
In addition, he was also hit hard by the news of the tragic deaths of his parents and
He suddenly struggled out of his wheelchair and grabbed Qing Xiangsong's collar, "How can
you be so nonchalant! Why do you do that? Why do you do that!"
"Your one order caused my parents to die tragically and my sister to be humiliated! Who
do you think you are?"
Seeing this, Xiao Zhantian hurried forward to comfort him, "Chengtian, don't get excited.
He will pay the price he deserves, and it won't be any less."
Xiao Chengtian had just recovered now, so it was not appropriate for him to be so
Seeing that his face was red and his expression looked a little strange, Xiao Zhantian
signaled Lu Mingyou with his eyes to take the man aside first.
Qing Xiangsong snorted coldly and spat, "You are such a loser and you still want revenge.
I think you should just go to bed!"
When he saw Xiao Chengtian at this time, he immediately felt confident. After all, he
knew who the enemy was.
"Xiao Chengtian, no matter where you found this guy to act, I advise you to get out of
"You are a cripple now, and your Xiao family's company is not in your hands. With this
person you hired, what qualifications do you have to fight against me?"
Qing Xiangsong climbed up from the ground directly, but he never expected that a pair of
big hands were placed on his shoulders at this time.
Those hands were so powerful that it was like a mountain pressing down on his head,
making it difficult for him to resist.
Qing Xiangsong couldn't help but bend his knees and kneel on the ground again.
Then three men in black came over, holding a tablet in their hands.
Qing Xiangsong gritted his teeth and said, "I think you are mistaken! Are you asking me
to kowtow to three dead people now?"
Xiao Zhantian kicked him on the back of the neck, and Qingxiang fell forward to the
ground with a snap.
His forehead hit the ground hard and turned red instantly.
Looking at the men in black around him, Qing Xiangsong gritted his teeth.
Who on earth did Xiao Chengtian hire? Why is he so reckless?
Not only did he break into the City Lord's Mansion, but he also took all his people under
Xiao Zhantian took a deep breath and said, "It seems that you won't listen if I talk to
you nicely."
He waved his hand, and the Blood Evil beside him walked over.
"Let him kowtow until I am satisfied."
Xuesha nodded, went straight up and grabbed Qing Xiangsong's hair.
He simply pressed Qing Xiangsong's head and knocked him to the ground.
Qing Xiangsong didn't have the strength to refute. His forehead kept hitting the ground
and he soon felt dizzy.
Not long after, blood began to flow from his forehead, but Xiao Zhantian on the other
side still refused to give in.
"I was wrong! Stop it now!"
Qing Xiangsong was knocking on the ground and shouting loudly.
Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhantian stood aside and didn't say anything.
After knocking for ten minutes, when Xuesha let go of his hand, Qing Xiangsong fell
directly to the ground.
"Tell me, who's behind you?"
Xiao Zhantian looked down at him, his eyes like a lion staring at the throat of its prey,
ready to tear him apart in the next moment.
"I...I don't understand what you are saying..."
Qing Xiangsong spoke tremblingly.
"Dad, save us!"
"Xiangsong, what's going on? Who are these people?!"
Suddenly, several voices were heard not far away. Qing Xiangsong looked up and was
immediately panicked.
Being controlled in the distance were his two children, his wife, and his parents.
"What are you going to do? If you have any problem, come to me and let my family go!"
Xiao Zhantian said sarcastically, "When you ordered those people to harm my family, did
you ever listen to their prayers?"
Qing Xiangsong's pupils suddenly dilated, and he asked with trembling lips: "Are you from
the Xiao family?"
"Didn't you join the military to give your family a better life?"
"I can help you. Just pretend that what happened today never happened and write off all
past grudges."
"I will support your Xiao family in the future and let you do business well in Dongzhou."
Qing Xiangsong started to bribe directly.
Xiao Zhantian didn't say anything, but put a little more force on his feet, and Qing
Xiangsong couldn't help but wail.
"Oh, my hand! My hand is broken!"
There was a piercing pain in my hand, and the sound of bones breaking.

Chapter 14 Clues
As the saying goes, the heart is connected to the fingers. At this moment, he felt his
scalp tingling and cold sweat soaked his clothes.
The excruciating pain even made Qing Xiangsong feel a little incontinent.
"I know someone in the military. If you stop today, I can help you rise to prominence in
the military camp!"
Xiao Zhantian put down his foot, and Qing Xiangsong's face lit up and he breathed a sigh
of relief.
As expected, people will only waver when they gain personal benefits.
Unexpectedly, the next second, what Xiao Zhantian said made him feel like he was falling
into an icy cave again.
"You'd better save your own life first!"
He sat on the chair behind him with an air of looking down on everything.
Qing Xiangsong clearly realized that the person in front of him might not be as simple as
he thought.
"Do it."
Xiao Zhantian opened his lips slightly and gave an order.
Soon, Qing Xiangsong's wife was hung up high with a rope.
There were steel spikes about one meter high placed below, with sharp points that were
enough to pierce a human body.
"What are you going to do? Let my wife go!"
"Who's behind you?"
Xiao Zhantian asked calmly.
Although he looked normal, he lowered his head and played with his fingers.
Xue Sha on the side knew that this was a sign that their God of War was getting angry.
Xiao Zhantian was naturally angry. Someone who brutally killed other people's family
members without hesitation actually cared about his own family.
Only then did he feel regretful, but how could his parents and sister have any chance of
Perhaps, they had prayed at that time to let those people let them go.
They still hoped that they could survive and see their son for the last time.
Qing Xiangsong just stood there in a daze without saying anything, or perhaps he simply
didn't dare to say anything.
The rope suddenly dropped, and the tied woman screamed.
When she was only a few millimeters away from the spikes, she was suddenly pulled by the
Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief, and the woman started crying.
A feeling of surviving a disaster made her heart pound as if it was about to jump out.
But before they could completely relax, the rope was pulled up again, and this time the
woman was hung even higher than before.
"My patience is limited. I'll give you a second chance."
Xiao Zhantian raised his head and looked straight at Qing Xiangsong.
At this moment, his whole body was shaking like a sieve and his face was pale.
When has the city lord, who was once so high and mighty, ever become so humble?
But Qing Xiangsong knew in his heart that if he bit himself to death, not only would his
entire family die.
If he dares to expose the person behind the scenes, I'm afraid that anyone in the Qing
family who has even the slightest connection with him will die a miserable death.
Even in death he could not rest in peace, his end was far worse than he had imagined.
And he couldn't say it, otherwise it would be all over.
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand, and this time the woman fell down at a faster speed.
And this time she was much closer to the spikes, as if her face was being scratched.
This repeated torture made the woman cry and laugh at the same time, as if she was crazy.
"Qing Xiangsong! Who did you offend? You might as well let me die!"
After she finished speaking, she burst into tears again, "I don't want to die yet! Please
let me go, I beg you!"
"Since it was Qing Xiangsong who offended you, why did you treat me like this? I really
don't want to die!"
Xiao Zhantian shook his head. "If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for being
unlucky to marry someone like this."
If you say you are innocent, then aren't your family members innocent too?
What's wrong with them?
Xiao Zhantian did not show any mercy and asked Qing Xiangsong for the third time.
"I'll give you some time to think about it. If you don't tell me, you'll see your wife
being pierced by thousands of arrows."
The relationship between the couple is still good. Moreover, they have been married for
more than 30 years, so naturally they have feelings for each other.
There was an obvious hesitation on Qing Xiangsong's face, and his pupils were flickering.
"Dad, are you going to watch Mom die?"
"Who the hell is this guy? Dad, please contact someone to save us! Are we all going to
die here today?"
Qing Xiangsong's son and daughter were shouting on the side.
Although the situation they were facing was extremely critical at the moment, they
actually didn't think from the bottom of their hearts that Xiao Zhantian would do
anything to take their lives.
"Puff puff!"
Dozens of sharp spikes pierced the woman's body directly, and she didn't even make a
final sound.
Suddenly, blood flowed all over the ground, and some pieces of flesh flew to the ground.
When Qing Xiangsong's parents saw this scene, they fainted.
Qing Xiangsong and his children started vomiting.
The whole air was filled with a strong smell of blood and filth, which made people feel
extremely sick.
Qing Xiangsong didn't expect that Xiao Zhantian would really dare to take action.
He knew he couldn't say anything, but if he just held on a little longer, the adults
would definitely save him!
Xiao Zhantian didn't wait at all and quickly pulled his son and daughter out.
"Let these two people taste the suffering my brother and sister have endured!"
Qing Xiangsong's son was placed on a chair and tied up tightly, while his daughter was
fed something.
"You beast, if you have the guts, just kill us! You Xiao family members deserve to die,
who made you so vicious!"
"Don't you see who you are? You still want to compete with our Qing family. Someone will
come to save us soon. Just wait for death!"
Qing Kaiyuan spoke outrageously, scolding Xiao Zhantian and cursing him.
The other party did not feel angry because of his verbal insults and continued to proceed
with their next action.
I saw a man in black standing next to him taking out an extremely sharp knife.
“Remember, the torture you are talking about today is all because of your father’s
After Xiao Zhantian finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the man with the knife
walked towards Qing Kaiyuan step by step.
Before he could do anything, Qing Kaiyuan had already wet his pants.
"Don't kill me! I saw my father in the study, talking to a man in black!"
Qing Kaiyuan said tremblingly, "I can take you to the study. There may be letters between
"shut up!"
Qing Xiangsong's face changed and he shouted loudly. He never expected that his son would
betray him.
Looking at his wife who had been stabbed like a sieve, he felt even more heartbroken.
Qing Kaiyuan looked at him, "I'm sorry, Dad, but I really don't want to die!"
His eyes were bloodshot and his face was a little distorted.
I am only in my twenties this year, and what does this have to do with me?
Although he knew that the Qing family could not afford to offend the man in black, if he
didn't tell them, he would die now!

Chapter 15: Return to the North

Just as Xiao Zhantian was about to leave with this person, his cell phone suddenly rang.
Seeing the caller ID, he frowned slightly.
"Go check with him."
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand to signal Xue Sha, then walked to the side and pressed the
answer button.
"Xiao Zhantian, report to the Northern Border Military Camp within 24 hours!"
The voice on the phone sounded a little anxious. Rather than an order, it sounded like a
Xiao Zhantian said coldly: "If I remember correctly, I have already resigned from the
position of God of War, and the Dragon Lord also agreed."
What he meant was that whatever happened in the North now had nothing to do with him.
"The previous incident was just a misunderstanding. Didn't you take the initiative to ask
to step down before the Dragon Lord agreed?"
"In fact, the Dragon Lord is still reluctant to part with a talent like you. Stop being
so petty and come back quickly!"
Xiao Zhantian found it funny. "Ma Diaolingyuan, as the commander of the entire army, you
should know what it means for the Dragon Lord to give the order personally."
What's more, when they asked me to leave, they said so many things against me.
Now he wants me to go back just because of a phone call. What does he think of me?
Although Xiao Zhantian was not in the northern border, everything happening there could
still reach his ears.
He already knew that the Wolf Country would attack again when he was away.
Huo Longyi was simply unable to command the soldiers in the Northern Army.
Even if he could give orders, he didn't understand these people, let alone implement
At the beginning, the people of Wolf Country did not know that the general of the
northern border had been replaced by Huo Longyi, and they still thought it was Xiao
But after a battle, they already knew that this general could not be Xiao Zhantian.
In recent days, the other party has been attacking aggressively and fiercely because of
At the beginning, everyone thought that the Wolf Kingdom had long been frightened by the
Tianlong Kingdom, and it was just a matter of recovering the remaining few places, which
would be very easy.
But they would never have thought that what the Wolf Nation feared was not the Tianlong
Nation, but the God of War in the North, Xiao Zhantian!
Ma Hanzhong knew that he could never call Xiao Zhantian back by himself.
He sighed deeply, "Zhanshen Xiao, some of the things you think are true may not be what
you think."
"As long as you know that the Dragon Lord has never erased your contributions, just
remember it!"
After hanging up the phone, Xiao Zhantian's eyes looked a little complicated.
He really didn't understand what Ma Hanzhong meant.
In Xiao Zhantian's opinion, he was only speaking nicely to him now because he was of use
to him.
If the Dragon Lord really remembered what he had done for the Tianlong Kingdom, he would
not have allowed those people to step on him after he stepped down as the God of War.
The North.
Huo Longyi looked haggard, and although he was wearing armor, he did not look like a
general at all.
"Did Xiao Zhantian not have any tactics when he led you into battle?"
"Of course there is, but only he can use the tactics of Lord God of War."
"In fact, there is no need for any tactics. Our commander-in-chief has already made the
people of Wolf Country unable to resist just by using force."
"Originally there were only five places left to be recovered, and now a few more have
been given away."
The people below kept talking, and their words were full of dissatisfaction and disdain
for Huo Longyi.
If Xiao Zhantian was here today, I'm afraid they would have already recovered the Wolf
Kingdom and returned home in glory one by one.
Huo Longyi took a deep breath and suppressed his anger.
"My fellow warlords, I asked you to come here to come up with ideas with me."
"As the people of Jianglong Country are already pressing forward, if we remain
indifferent, then perhaps Tianlong Country will also lose some land."
Huo Longyi is only in his twenties now, still a little too young.
At this moment, he was inevitably a little anxious, and his tone was threatening.
"If the Dragon Lord knew about this, you would still be held accountable if you don't
fully cooperate with me."
After he said this, Sabre stood up.
"I quit!"
He spoke word by word, stood up and walked out.
Huo Longyi was stunned and stepped forward to stop him, "Where are you going? Are you
going to be a deserter?"
"Deserter? You were wearing open-crotch pants when I was fighting on the battlefield!"
"Can you fight? Can you fight? What right do you have to come here and give us orders?"
Kuang Dao also stood up, "The injuries I've suffered in the past few days, damn, are more
than what I've suffered in the past few years following the Marshal!"
"I'm done with this, too. You can blame Long Zong for this, but I don't even know who to
tell about my grievances."
Looking at these people one by one, all with dissatisfied expressions on their faces, Huo
Longyi did not say anything, but stepped out and called his father.
"What a thing, all he knows how to do is rely on his father's status all day long."
The people in the room looked down upon Huo Longyi's actions even more.
"Do you think the Marshal will really come back?"
Kuang Dao sat down and sighed. It had been several days since he last saw him and he
really missed him.
"I think it's difficult. How did they insult the Marshal in the first place? If he
doesn't apologize, I support him!"
"The Marshal will never sit idly by and watch the Wolf Nation bully the Dragon Nation!"
They knew in their hearts that Xiao Zhantian was not someone who would sacrifice the
Tianlong Kingdom for the sake of face.
If in his heart the hatred was really greater than that towards the Tianlong Kingdom, he
would never have let Canglang come back to pass on the message.
If Canglang hadn't brought Xiao Zhantian's order, these people would not listen to Huo
Longyi now.
In the Dongzhou City Lord's Mansion, Xue Sha took these things and went straight to Xiao
"Sir, these are some useful things I found in the study just now."
This thing was placed in a secret compartment, and Qing Kaiyuan happened to know how to
open it.
In addition to some letters between Qing Xiangsong and others, there was also a token.
When Qing Xiangsong saw the token over there, his face turned completely pale. He knew it
was all over.
"You guys are biting your tongue really tightly."
"It turns out that there are quite a few people involved in this matter."
Only then did Xiao Zhantian realize that this enemy might be an old acquaintance.
The token from the eight major chambers of commerce in the imperial capital is enough to
explain everything.
Xiao Zhantian put these things away and waved his hand.
On the other side, Qing Xiangsong's daughter was twisting her body and pulling at her
clothes with her hands.
A knife was thrown in front of Qing Xiangsong, and Xiao Zhantian looked at him coldly.
"Since you are a sensible son, I can give you a quick death."
"You can kill your daughter yourself. If you can't do that, you can just watch her ask
for sex."
A dozen people with ugly faces and foul odors were brought over.
However, Qing Xiangsong's daughter did not despise them. Instead, she couldn't wait to
crawl towards them.

Chapter 16 Meeting the Dragon Lord

At the same time, there were some people nearby filming with cameras.
"In three minutes, the live broadcast will begin."
Qing Xiangsong's lips were bitten and bleeding, and he walked towards his daughter step
by step with a knife.
If he takes action today, he will kill his own daughter with his own hands.
But if he didn't take action, he would have to watch his daughter being humiliated in
front of him.
If this scene were broadcast, his daughter would also face death.
How can anyone survive under such circumstances?
"You are so vicious, you are so vicious!"
Qing Xiangsong shook his head repeatedly and stood in front of his daughter with a
somewhat painful expression.
But what he didn't expect was that Qing Yongning actually started tearing his clothes.
She had completely lost her mind at this point.
At the same time, a large pit had been dug in the distance and Qing Xiangsong's parents
were thrown into it.
"Since you can't make a choice, let me choose for you!"
Following Xiao Zhantian's order, people in the distance had already started filling the
pit with soil.
And Qing Xiangsong's daughter was also thrown into the group of ten people.
Looking at those people's dirty hands reaching out to his daughter, Qing Xiangsong
couldn't help but cry out in pain.
"Stop it! I'm telling you! Someone from the eight great families in the imperial capital
came and asked me to do this."
Qing Xiangsong knelt on the ground with tears streaming down his face. "They told me to
deal with the Xiao family. No matter what means I use, I will not let them have an easy
The answer he got from him was not surprising, and Xiao Zhantian did not let them go
easily either.
At this time, the entire City Lord's Mansion had become a hell on earth, and everyone was
trapped in pain and fear.
At this moment, the door of the City Lord's Mansion was suddenly pushed open.
Several people in military uniforms walked in, and the one leading them looked familiar.
Li Da, commander of the Dongzhou Garrison Force, walked in with his men.
Seeing them coming, Qing Xiangsong stood up quickly.
"You are all trash. Do you think you will come here only if I die here?"
Li Da glanced at him indifferently, then turned to look at Xiao Zhantian.
With a respectful expression, he said, "By order of the Prime Minister of the capital, I
invite the God of War of the North to return to the capital to report on his duties."
Xiao Zhantian snorted coldly. It seemed that Ma Hanzhong knew that he didn't have the
ability to get Xiao Zhantian back, so he sent someone to invite him.
This also means that they all know what is happening at this moment, and they will not
blame Xiao Zhantian.
Now they only hope that Xiao Zhantian can return to the northern border and suppress
those aggressive wolf tribe members.
Qing Xiangsong on the side was completely stunned, "You are the North War God? How is
this possible!"
Before the eight powerful families gave him the order to do such a thing, they never told
him that the eldest son of the Xiao family is now the God of War in the North.
If he had known the other party's identity earlier, how could he dare to do this?
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand and said, "I have already resigned from the position and am
no longer the Northern Territory God of War. I think you have invited the wrong person."
"Sir, please don't embarrass me. This is the Prime Minister's order, and it also conveys
the Dragon Lord's intention."
Li Da respectfully presented a secret letter. Of course, he did not have the courage to
forge a fake imperial edict.
At this moment, Xiao Zhantian's phone stopped ringing.
"Xiao Zhantian, what happened before was just a misunderstanding. As for the follow-up
affairs of your Xiao family, Tiange and Longyuan will definitely give you an
"Just focus on returning to the northern border to drive out the wolf tribe, and leave
the affairs here to the Tianlong Nation! We will definitely not let you, who have
sacrificed so much for the country, feel disheartened."
Prime Minister Tan Xianzhi expressed his position in a strong and powerful tone.
"Then let me see your sincerity first!"
After Xiao Zhantian finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Li Da asked the people he
brought with him to quickly step forward and surround all the people in the City Lord's
"Qing Xiangsong's crime of killing the family of the God of War is unforgivable. His
entire family will be thrown into jail immediately!"
No matter what, Qing Xiangsong can no longer be the city lord, and he will pay the price
for what he has done!
After returning to the villa, Xiao Zhantian took Xiao Chengtian, Jiang Qingqing and
others and immediately returned to the imperial capital.
"Everything that the Xiao family lost here will be taken back one by one!"
Xiao Zhantian made the promise.
Xiao Chengtian's face was filled with worry. "Brother, I'm afraid this incident was done
by someone I knew before."
"Besides, as the saying goes, serving a king is like serving a tiger. The Dragon Lord did
not show any intention of protecting you in the matter a while ago."
"It's just that the situation in the North is beyond their control, so they asked you to
go back. What if they abandon you again?"
Now he finally sees clearly that no one is trustworthy.
Xiao Zhantian patted his shoulder and said, "No matter what, I will definitely protect
the Xiao family. My oath will not change."
"Just stay here and recover from your injuries. Don't think about anything else. Drive
the Wolf Nation away, and I'll come back."
Xiao Zhantian made this promise solemnly, and at the same time he understood it in his
There was no doubt that what his brother said made some sense, but Xiao Zhantian believed
that as long as he had the power to overthrow everything, he would not be afraid of
Isn’t it the same now?
Those people still had to come back to beg him. If it weren't for Xiao Zhantian, they
would never have been able to take over the Wolf Country.
After arranging his family, Xiao Zhantian quickly arrived at the inner palace.
The Dragon Lord received him personally and was extremely enthusiastic when he saw him.
"Xiao Aiqing, thank you for your hard work over the past few years."
The Dragon Lord is not very old, only in his thirties.
Perhaps because he stayed in the inner palace all day, his face looked very pale, and he
even gave people a feeling of weakness.
Xiao Zhantian cupped his hands and said, "It is my duty to drive out the foreign enemies
for the Tianlong Nation."
The Dragon Lord sighed, "I was deceived by someone about what happened some time ago, and
I don't know the real situation."
"I never thought that Lord Xiao would suffer such a great injustice. I just found out
about it and have already sent them to deal with it."
"Don't worry, my dear minister. You fought bravely for the Tianlong Kingdom, and the
Tianlong Kingdom will never erase your contributions!"
Xiao Zhantian replied: "Thank you, Lord Long, for your sympathy."
Having said that, he actually knew in his heart that it was just talk.
Could it be possible that the Dragon Lord could deal with the people from the eight
powerful families for his own sake?
If the eight wealthy families in the imperial capital were gone, I'm afraid the entire
Tianlong Kingdom would fall into an economic crisis.
However, Xiao Zhantian felt puzzled. Five years ago, there were ten major wealthy
families in Kyoto. After the fall of their Xiao family, could it be that another family
was wiped out?
"After this matter is thoroughly investigated, I will announce it to the whole country
and clear your Xiao family's name!"
Xiao Zhantian raised his eyebrows. "It seems that the Xiao family has not done anything
wrong, so why should they be cleared of all charges? Or is the Dragon Lord referring to
what happened five years ago?"
Chapter 17: Turning Enemies into Friends
The Xiao family is still accused of colluding with the enemy and plotting rebellion to
this day.
If it weren't for Xiao Zhantian's killing for the Tianlong Kingdom, the Xiao family would
probably be in a miserable situation now.
The Dragon Lord looked slightly embarrassed, "What happened five years ago has not been
fully investigated yet, and there is no substantial evidence."
"However, your contributions in leading the army to kill the enemy in the past few years
have been remembered by everyone in the Dragon Kingdom. There is no need to clarify the
previous matters, and no one will misunderstand."
What he meant was that he would not announce it to the whole country to prove the
innocence of the Xiao family. To put it bluntly, one thing at a time would be another.
According to this, everything Xiao Zhantian is doing now is just to make up for his
However, their Xiao family was still slandered and accused of treason, and no one could
clear their name for this matter!
"If the Wolf Nation is expelled this time and agrees to a truce, I would also ask the
Dragon Lord to agree to my leaving the North!"
The biggest threat to Tianlong Kingdom today is Wolf Kingdom. If they agree not to attack
Tianlong Kingdom in the future, there is naturally no need for Xiao Zhantian to stay in
the northern border.
Besides, he is fighting outside and cannot even guarantee the safety of his family. How
can he feel at ease?
This matter must be related to the wealthy families in the imperial capital, so he has to
come back to find out.
The Dragon Lord let out a long sigh, knowing that Xiao Zhantian was determined to leave
and there was no way to keep him.
To be honest, Xiao Zhantian is naturally happy that he has such ability now.
The Wolf Kingdom and their Tianlong Kingdom have been entangled for more than ten years.
Xiao Zhantian was able to defeat him in just four years, which shows that he is a
talented person.
But the Dragon Lord had to be wary of someone like him who was more accomplished than his
Coupled with the Xiao family's affairs, it is ultimately a hidden danger.
"Okay, if you can completely drive out and defeat the Wolf Nation this time, I will
personally welcome you back to the imperial capital!"
"At that time, I will also give you supreme glory and let everyone know that you are the
eternal war god of Tianlong Country!"
"Thank you, Dragon Lord, but I don't want everyone to know and praise my contribution. I
am just willing to serve you loyally!"
Xiao Zhantian bowed to the man sitting in the upper seat. Knowing the fear in the other
party's heart, he also made his attitude clear.
"I did all this just to help the Xiao family prove that we did not collude with the enemy
country and betray the Tianlong Kingdom!"
"I don't want to embarrass Lord Dragon. I will personally investigate the Xiao family's
affairs. I just hope Lord Dragon will not blame me for being cruel."
He has already lowered his posture and made his attitude clear.
At the same time, he was also asking for a favor from this man, and the Dragon Lord had
no reason to refuse.
Xiao family, Xiao Zhantian had already taken back their former house.
He has always sent people to take care of this place, and it has long been restored to
its previous state as the Xiao family had.
When Xiao Chengtian saw this familiar place, filled with memories of his family, he
couldn't help but burst into tears and collapsed in the wheelchair.
"As long as Mom and Dad and Sui Sui hold on a little longer, they can go back to the Xiao
family, but why do they..."
At this moment, he felt heartbroken, as he and Xiao Zhantian were the only ones left in
the entire Xiao family.
Over the years, Xiao Chengtian has been working hard, hoping that one day they can return
to the imperial capital.
Now they have returned, but the family is incomplete.
Xiao Zhantian held his hand and said, "One day, I will make all my enemies kneel before
them and repent."
He looked at the tablets of his parents and sister and swore that this day would not last
After all, the imperial capital is their home, where they return to.
Xiao Zhantian buried the ashes of his parents and sister in the cemetery in the imperial
The tablet was brought back to the Xiao family, and Xiao Zhantian stroked their tablet
with a smile.
"Mom and Dad, Sui Sui, I'm taking you home!"
In the northern border of Tianlong Kingdom, smoke of war was rising.
In the military camp, Huo Longyi felt exhausted.
He really didn't know how Xiao Zhantian was able to drive out the Wolf Kingdom within
four years.
Through the fighting in the past few days, he clearly realized that the Wolf Country was
definitely not easy to deal with.
The people of Wolf Country are powerful, tough, and good at scheming. They are far from
being their opponents.
"The Lord God of War is back!"
Accompanied by shouts, the entire military camp soon became boiling.
Huo Longyi's eyes flickered slightly, and at this moment he felt that everyone in the
military camp seemed to come alive.
Before, these people were like a pool of stagnant water, mechanically carrying out
However, at this moment they were happy from the bottom of their hearts, and there was
respect for Xiao Zhantian in their eyes.
The news of Xiao Zhantian's return to the Northern Territory was not widely publicized.
But the people in the north are like people who are waiting for rain after a long
When they learned that he had returned, they all bowed in the direction of the military
Fortunately, Lord God of War did not give up on them!
The two armies were fighting again, and the people of the Wolf Country couldn't help but
change their expressions when they saw the familiar face standing above them.
Before Huo Longyi could even react, Xiao Zhantian had already commanded his subordinates
to repel the people from the Wolf Country.
At that moment he was like a god descending from heaven, and the people below seemed to
have become one with Xiao Zhantian and were cooperating with him in perfect harmony.
The tactics he used were so sophisticated that the people of Wolf Country were completely
helpless against their attacks.
Just the name Xiao Zhantian is enough to make the people of Wolf Country retreat.
But this time, Xiao Zhantian did not simply expel them as he did before.
He captured some prisoners and asked the King of the Wolf Kingdom to negotiate with him
in person.
This time, what Xiao Zhantian wanted was a truce, so that the people of Wolf Country
would never attack Tianlong Country again.
Even the second prince of the Wolf Kingdom, who led the troops into battle, was
transported across by Xiao Zhantian and taken prisoner.
This guy wasn't afraid at all. On the contrary, he chatted with Xiao Zhantian and tried
to get close to him, showing great interest in him.
"We are not strangers. Even though we are enemies, we can always become friends."
Xiao Zhantian looked at the young man who was tied up tightly and laughed coldly twice.
"If we have different positions, we can never be friends."
Yuwen Zheng shook his head, "That's not necessarily true. If you come to our Wolf
Country, can't we become friends?"
"Zhanshen Xiao, I think you haven't been treated as you should in Tianlong Country.
Didn't they send this brat to replace you some time ago?"
"I don't know about the humiliation you suffered in Tianlong Country. If you were from
Wolf Country, I would personally help you find your enemies."
"At the same time, in our Wolf Country, you will also receive honors second only to my
father, and can be on par with us princes and princesses!"
"We will receive you with the highest courtesy and allow you to fully display your
talents. Isn't that good?"
Xiao Zhantian smiled and said, "It sounds really good."
Yuwen Zheng was delighted, "If you agree, I will write a letter to my father

Chapter 18 Spare My Life

Before he could be happy for too long, he was kicked to the ground.
"My Xiao family will never be a traitor! I, Xiao Zhantian, will never do anything to
betray the Tianlong Kingdom!"
He waved his hand and had Yuwen Zheng taken away.
"If the Wolf Country envoy does not come today, we will hang this Second Prince on the
city gate and let the people of Wolf Country see him clearly."
The subordinates immediately obeyed the order, and Xiao Zhantian also returned to his
After a while, someone knocked on the door and a familiar voice came.
When he opened the door, it was Huo Longyi standing outside.
"Xiao, God of War Xiao."
He stuttered and looked a little nervous.
"As the son of the regent, I cannot bear the responsibility of being called the god of
Huo Longyi lowered his head. "I don't intend to replace you. I also know that I don't
have the ability to do so."
He has a clear understanding of his own abilities.
Xiao Zhantian moved aside to let him in. Someone had been reporting to him about the
situation in the northern border.
Including Huo Longyi, the people from the Zhuwang Palace had already investigated him
He is the youngest son of the Regent, and it is said that his mother is not the Regent's
wife, so he is not favored in the Huo family.
He has always wanted to prove his strength to the Regent.
This time when he came to the North, he performed quite well and did not put on airs.
However, it was impossible for him, a young man who had never been to the battlefield, to
convince the people of Wolf Country.
Just uttering Xiao Zhantian's name would make the people of Wolf Country tremble, that
was the deterrent power he gained by shedding his own blood and stepping on bones.
"After this peace talk with the Wolf Nation, I will leave and will not hinder your gilded
Huo Longyi's expression was somewhat bitter. Everyone thought the same as Xiao
Xiaozhantian, thinking that he came here just to gild himself.
"I really want to achieve something. Besides my father, I also want others to know that I
am not a loser."
Huo Longyi raised his head and looked at Xiao Zhantian with a determined expression.
"Master God of War, can I become your disciple? I want to learn tactics from you!"
Xiao Zhantian raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure you're not mistaken? Your father is the
regent. Sometimes even the Dragon Lord may have to listen to him."
Huo Longyi nodded, "I am serious, his rights are his, and that is just his ability, not
"I really want to learn from you. I can endure any hardship. I am not here to replace you
this time, but to truly experience it."
Xiao Zhantian was somewhat curious, "What did you experience? The cruelty of war?"
Huo Longyi said seriously: "I just want to know how you were able to turn the Xiao family
around in just four years and become the god of war praised by everyone in the North."
"Young man, you still have a long way to go. If you really want to stand up on your own,
you might as well start with the basics."
It’s not that Xiao Zhantian looked down on him. If he wasn’t the son of the Regent,
would he be able to come here directly to lead the army this time?
The people under him did not obey him, besides Xiao Zhantian, another reason was that
this kid simply had no ability.
The several great war kings under his command, or even any random small general, are more
capable than Huo Longyi.
He didn't know whether Huo Longyi understood what he said. Anyway, he left thoughtfully.
Night falls and it gets darker.
There was suddenly a commotion at the city gate, and several men in black prepared to
secretly rescue Yuwen Zheng.
But after they let the people down from the city gate, they realized they had been
"This man is not the Second Prince, leave!"
“Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!”
Several sharp arrows pierced the sky and shot directly at their feet, blocking their way.
"You come to my place and you can leave whenever you want. That's a bit too simple."
Xiao Zhantian stood on the city gate holding a longbow, looking down at the people below.
"I don't know where this villain came from, but he actually dared to break into Tianlong
Pass at night. I'll kill him immediately!"
Following his order, the guards on both sides drew out their long swords.
Seeing this scene, the men in black immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.
"Please, Lord God of War, spare our lives. We were sent here by the Wolf Country to
It is a rule that when two countries are at war, they do not kill envoys.
But it was obvious that Xiao Zhantian did not want to abide by such rules at this time.
"If you really came here for peace talks, you should have reported to us first instead of
trying to secretly rescue the people."
"Not only did you break into the Tianlong Pass at night, but you also lied and deceived
me. What do you think of my Tianlong Country and the Northern Territory?"
The long sword was raised and swung, and the head of one of them rolled to the ground,
while the other one collapsed limply.
"Go back and tell the monarch of your Wolf Country that if he doesn't come to negotiate
before dawn, the next head to fall will be his son's!"
Xiao Zhantian certainly has the ability to completely expel the Wolf Kingdom, but it will
take too long.
Now he no longer has the mind or energy to fight against the Wolf Kingdom.
During these four years, Xiao Zhantian's reputation had already spread, so he was
naturally not worried that no one would come from the Wolf Country.
In the water prison, Yuwen Zheng was tortured terribly.
He weakly called the guard nearby and said that he wanted to see Xiao Zhantian.
“But tell your Lord God of War that if you want to know why the Xiao family was wrongly
accused of treason five years ago, come and see me!”
When the guard heard that this was related to Lord God of War and his family, he thought
about it and did not dare to be vague, so he reported the matter to Xiao Zhantian.
There was only a faint light in the pitch-black prison. Only after Xiao Zhantian arrived
did the lights become brighter.
Yu Wenzheng curled the corners of his lips when he heard the familiar footsteps.
"You're here after all. It seems like it's been five years and you still haven't figured
out the real enemy."
Xiao Zhantian stepped forward and grabbed his neck with his hand. After a moment, Yuwen
Zheng's face turned purple and he had difficulty breathing.
After Xiao Zhantian let go of his hand, he coughed violently.
"I'm not surprised that you know this, but if you want to use this to threaten me, I can
kill you at any time!"
Yuwen Zheng coughed and said hoarsely: "You misunderstood, I don't want to threaten you,
I just want to save my own life."
A full half day had passed since he was captured, but there was still no movement from
the Wolf Country.
He knew in his heart that his father had more than one son.
The moment he failed to demonstrate his value, he might have been abandoned.
If he cannot return to the Wolf Country today, death will be waiting for him.
"If I tell you that I know who your real enemy is, will you spare my life?"

Chapter 19 Return to the Capital

Xiao Zhantian did not answer him, instead his eyes were filled with a bit of contempt.
It’s not that I look down on Yuwen Zheng, but I think this guy won’t be so obedient.
I am from Tianlong Country, and I have been investigating for such a long time, but I
still haven't found out anything.
He is a man from the Wolf Country, but he has the guts to say that he knows who his real
enemy is.
Either he is just making it up, or he is trying to use it to blackmail me into doing
Xiao Zhantian had been dealing with them for some time, and he knew that these people
from Wolf Country were very cunning.
He did not doubt the truth of what Yuwen Zheng said, but he just didn't want to be
plotted against.
What's more, he has now found out the mastermind behind the scenes, and he is related to
the eight wealthy families.
"I think you should think of another way to prove your worth! If you want to get some
convenience from me and let me let you go, that's impossible."
Xiao Zhantian always does things in a principled manner. If he lets a prisoner from the
enemy country go today because of his personal affairs, he would not be worthy of being
the God of War.
Yuwen Zheng looked a little confused, as if he didn't expect Xiao Zhantian to reject him.
"As far as I know, you left the North this time because your family encountered some
crisis. Don't you want to avenge them?"
Xiao Zhantian did not answer his question, "If you called me here just to ask these
boring questions, then you can shut up."
Seeing that he was about to leave, Yuwen Zheng quickly stopped him and said, "God of War,
perhaps the two of us can discuss a cooperation."
Yuwen Zheng's eyes were serious. He now understood that if he wanted Xiao Zhantian to
believe in him, he had to first tell him his weaknesses and ambitions.
Only by expressing your weaknesses first can you demonstrate your sincerity in
cooperating with him.
This time Xiao Zhantian did not leave. He turned around and sat down, and the two talked
for several hours.
Just at dawn, people from the Wolf Country arrived. It seemed that after much
deliberation, they were indeed unwilling to give up the brave and warlike Second Prince.
Before leaving, Yuwen Zheng assured Xiao Zhantian that he would persuade his father to
write a peace agreement.
"Marshal, didn't we release them too early? We haven't received the goods yet. What if
they deny our responsibility after we return?"
Kuang Dao frowned, thinking that he shouldn't let Yu Wen Zheng go so easily.
"The Wolf Country was defeated. This is a fact that both armies already know. If the Wolf
Country's monarch really refuses to surrender, he will only be laughed at by his people."
Since Xiao Zhantian had the confidence and courage to let them go back, he was not afraid
of any accidents.
Sure enough, not long after Yuwen Zheng returned, people from the Wolf Kingdom sent a
letter of reconciliation.
Although no one from the Wolf Country came this time, the envoy was very sincere.
The letter of surrender has been delivered, and it also represents the Wolf Country. This
time the war has come to an end.
When they heard that Xiao Zhantian was leaving, they felt reluctant to let him go.
"Marshal, now that you are back, why don't you continue to stay in the North?"
"I'm sure you've seen that, apart from you, no one else can pacify the North."
His subordinates spoke up one after another, trying to keep Xiao Zhantian, and at the
same time, their tone was full of distrust towards Huo Longyi.
Huo Longyi stood aside with his head lowered. He had no complaints about what they said.
After all, he did not have any merits.
If he were a warrior here today, he would still be dissatisfied with people like himself.
Xiao Zhantian patted their shoulders and said, "I still have some unfinished business at
"Besides, now that the war between the Tianlong Kingdom and the Wolf Kingdom has ended,
there is no need for me to stay here."
"If one day, Tianlong Kingdom still needs me for war, I will return if called!"
His words also caused some ripples in the hearts of others.
"Since you are leaving, Marshal, we will also leave here."
Kuang Dao Jun Dao and others spoke one after another. They were Xiao Zhantian's right-
hand men and were trained by him.
"Whether you want to go or stay is your freedom, I won't stop you."
"However, if you have nowhere to go, it would be a good thing to stay here and guard the
After a reluctant farewell, Xiao Zhantian finally left the Northern Territory.
After leaving here, he went straight back to the imperial capital.
After paying homage to the Dragon Lord, Xiao Zhantian finally gained his freedom.
Although the Dragon Lord also said that he would retain his position as the God of War
and would still summon him if there was a war in the future.
"You can do whatever you want with the Xiao family. As long as you don't go too far, I
won't pursue the matter."
After obtaining convenience from the Dragon Lord, Xiao Zhantian returned to the Xiao
family's old house.
It has been more than half a month since he last returned, and Xiao Chengtian has
recovered well.
Although he was still in a wheelchair, his complexion looked much better than before.
"Brother! You are finally back. I have something to discuss with you."
Xiao Chengtian has been thinking about it these days, but there is no one he can discuss
it with, and he is now a cripple.
If you want to take back all the assets of the Xiao family, you still have to rely on
Xiao Zhantian.
"Brother, I want to set up a company in the imperial capital and let everyone know that
our Xiao family is back!"
Xiao Zhantian asked, "So you don't want to give up the business you worked so hard for
for so many years in Dongzhou?"
"Of course, but they have already been taken away by others. It's not that easy to get
them back, right?"
Xiao Chengtian sighed deeply, feeling a little depressed.
He has put in a lot of effort over the past five years to build this company to this
"Qing Xiangsong has already fallen. Is there anyone in Dongzhou who is more powerful than
Xiao Zhantian took out a contract and said, "I have prepared everything. If you don't
want to run the business yourself, you can hand it over to someone else first."
Looking at what he took out, Xiao Chengtian quickly opened the contract and looked
excited after reading it.
"Brother, when did you do this? Why didn't you tell me in advance?"
If he had known earlier that Xiao Zhantian had already taken back the company in
Dongzhou, Xiao Chengtian would not have thought of setting up another one.
Xiao Zhantian smiled and said, "You founded this business and put in so much effort. How
could I let him give it to someone else?"
"Go ahead and do it. Whether you need human resources or financial resources, I will give
them to you."
He has gone through life and death and worked hard over the past few years, just waiting
for this day.
A week later, a company named Tiancheng was officially established.
Moreover, on the day the company opened, it invited celebrities from the entire imperial
capital in a very high-profile manner.

Chapter 20: Declaring War on the Imperial Capital

The imperial capital has been very lively in recent days.
The Dragon Lord personally presented the highest honor to the God of War in the North.
This incident not only made the news, but was also reported in newspapers for several
But because the Northern God of War is too low-key and deliberately hides his identity,
no one has ever seen his true face.
Another thing is that a company called Tiancheng has officially settled in the imperial
It is said that this company came from Dongzhou, and the owner of the company is very
Before the company was officially established, it had already won several major projects
in the capital.
Therefore, on the day of their company's opening ceremony, many people wanted to come and
take a look at who opened this company.
The five-star hotel was bustling with people coming and going, and all of them were
business celebrities from the imperial capital.
Many reporters also rushed here upon hearing the news. Naturally, they would not miss
such big news.
The boss behind Tiancheng Company has aroused the curiosity of the entire imperial
No one knows who is behind this. He made such a big move and entered the imperial capital
with such force, but now even his true identity has not been revealed.
"Miss Gong, I didn't expect you to be interested in such a scene."
A woman in a black dress attracted the attention of many people present. They all wanted
to come over and make friends with her, but they did not dare to do so because of the
woman's aura.
The man who came over to talk at this time was also the leader of the imperial capital's
Gong Wu glanced at the other party and said, "Mr. Liu can't sit still either, right?"
"As far as I know, this Tiancheng company's move into the imperial capital has also taken
away a lot of your business."
Liu Nan smiled awkwardly, "How can a small business like ours compare to a big family
like Miss Gong's?"
"Could it be that this Tiancheng Company has also taken away your Gong family's
Gong Wu snorted coldly, "They are not that capable yet."
After she finished speaking, she walked over and sat aside, tasting the fruit wine in her
mouth, seemingly having no intention of interacting with others.
Liu Nan felt that he didn't go. Although the other party was not so friendly to him, he
had no complaints at all.
After all, the Gong family is one of the eight great families in the imperial capital.
As the eldest daughter of the Gong family, Gong Wu can be said to be the pride of the
entire imperial capital.
The fact that she came here today was enough to show that Tiancheng Company had attracted
the attention of the eight wealthy families.
The guests arrived one after another and took their seats, but there was still no sign of
anyone from Tiancheng Company coming out.
Naturally, these people had complaints and felt that the people from Tiancheng Company
were putting on airs.
"It's just a newly opened company, what's there to pretend?"
"We are able to come here today to give them face. They have been slow to show up to
receive us. Could it be that they don't take us seriously?"
"You have to know that there are people from the Gong family over there. If they get
angry, it will be a problem whether they can stay in the imperial capital."
Just as everyone was talking, the door opened.
A young man in a wheelchair was pushed in.
Gong Wu also looked towards the door, but her eyes were on the person behind the young
This person is not ordinary.
“Everyone, thank you for waiting. I didn’t expect that our Tiancheng Company would have
such a big reputation.”
Xiao Chengtian spoke first, and then was pushed to the stage by Xiao Zhantian and picked
up the microphone.
"I am the person in charge of Tiancheng Company, Xiao Chengtian. Our Tiancheng Company
has officially settled in the imperial capital. I will trouble you to take care of us in
the future."
As soon as Xiao Chengtian finished speaking, a lot of voices were heard from below.
"What do you mean by Tiancheng Company? You just arrived in the capital and you don't
follow the rules. You are stealing our business!"
"I thought there was some big shot behind Tiancheng Company, but I didn't expect it was
just a disabled person."
One of the men spoke in a cold voice, with mockery in his eyes.
However, just as he finished his words, a man suddenly flew down from above and landed in
front of him, opening his hands and slapping him twice.
"Watch your mouth. If you can't speak, I can teach you."
Xiao Zhantian looked at the man with cold eyes. The other person suddenly collapsed on
the chair and spat out a mouthful of blood.
Seeing this scene, everyone around took two steps back, with a look of fear in their
Xiao Zhantian remained calm, returned to the stage and stood behind Xiao Chengtian.
Just now, Xiao Zhantian did only slap him twice. As for why this person vomited blood, it
was because he was scared by him.
Even if he was really dissatisfied and wanted to sue Xiao Zhantian, he couldn't sue him.
"I don't like people making rude comments, but I welcome friendly exchanges."
Xiao Chengtian spoke at the right time to ease the panic atmosphere.
Just then, someone seemed to recognize his identity.
"You are a member of the Xiao family!"
"Could it be the Xiao family who was exiled from the imperial capital to Dongzhou five
years ago?"
"How is this possible? The Xiao family is not..."
Some people wanted to say that the Xiao family was guilty of treason and had no right to
return to the imperial capital, but when they thought of Xiao Zhantian's aggressive look
just now, they still didn't dare to say it out loud.
"Yes, I am Xiao Chengtian from the Xiao family. Since I can stand here today, it means
that what happened in the past is nonsense."
"My Xiao family will take back what we have lost little by little! This is also my
original intention of returning to the imperial capital."
The purpose of Xiao Chengtian calling these people here was to explain the matter to
If the Xiao family had really been guilty of treason and now had returned to the imperial
capital, how could the Dragon Lord remain indifferent?
The fact that they are not only safe and sound but can also open a company here proves
their innocence.
Similarly, Xiao Chengtian was also declaring war on those who had taken advantage of the
Xiao family's misfortune and looked down on them.
They will not let go any of those who hid behind the scenes and harmed the Xiao family!
Gong Wu's eyes flickered, she had not expected that the Xiao family, once one of the
wealthy families in the imperial capital, had made a comeback.
This opening ceremony completely overturned the entire business community in the imperial
Many people speculated about Xiao Chengtian’s true purpose, and some people were afraid.
After all, the Xiao family was once one of the top ten wealthy families in the imperial
In the business world, they have extraordinary talents. Now that they are back in the
imperial capital, won't they get another piece of the pie?
After the opening ceremony, Xiao Chengtian, Xiao Zhantian and others prepared to leave.
"Xiao Chengtian! How dare you return to the imperial capital? Give me back my daughter!"
A ragged old man suddenly rushed towards him, roaring.
Xiao Zhantian frowned slightly and was about to take action, but he realized that this
person looked somewhat familiar.
He stepped forward and grabbed the man's hand, while Xiao Chengtian looked somewhat
"Sir, do you know me? What grudge do I have against you that makes you so excited?"
Xiao Chengtian looked at the man carefully and felt that he looked familiar.

Chapter 21 The Eight Wealthy Families

"How dare you say that! If it weren't for you, Xue Qing wouldn't have gotten into
trouble. She became like that because of you, but you just walked away. You are not even
a human being!"
The man had a painful expression on his face and began to accuse Xiao Chengtian. At this
moment, he also recognized the man's identity.
"Uncle Nian? This is not the place to talk. Please follow me first."
Xiao Zhantian quickly took the man and pushed Xiao Chengtian into the car.
"It happened too suddenly. The Xiao family had no chance to resist and were directly
escorted to Dongzhou. But I have already written a letter to Xue Qing to let her know the
Nian Zhengsong's eyes were red, "It was because of your letter that Xue Qing was harmed!
You can leave if you want, why did you ask her to save you?"
"For you, she personally went to ask the president of the Chamber of Commerce and the
eight wealthy families for help, but she didn't expect that she would be given... How are
you going to pay back what you owe to my daughter and the Nian family?"
Xiao Chengtian frowned, "It's impossible that when I wrote to her, I told her not to wait
for me anymore and told her to protect herself now."
If all their electronic devices had not been confiscated, Xiao Chengtian would not have
written the letter.
Just after he sent the letter, they were completely under surveillance.
"In my opinion, there must be a misunderstanding. Is the letter still there? Perhaps we
can check whether it is Chengtian's handwriting."
Xiao Zhantian immediately thought of the key.
Nian Zhengsong said bitterly: "Because of your Xiao family, our Nian family was
completely ruined and removed from the top ten wealthy families."
"The Nian family no longer exists. How can we find a letter from five years ago?"
Xiao Chengtian asked anxiously, "What happened to Xueqing?"
In the suburbs of the imperial capital, this place and the place a few streets away are
like two completely different worlds.
It was an old, small house. Although it was shabby, it was quite clean.
After opening the door, a woman looked over here.
"Zhengsong, are you back? Was what happened today a misunderstanding? How could someone
from the Xiao family come back?"
Xiao Chengtian looked at the woman and opened her mouth, only to see her empty eyes.
"Aunt Liu, what's wrong with your eyes?"
"You, you are Chengtian? Are you really back from Dongzhou?"
She looked somewhat excited and groped her way towards this side.
Xiao Chengtian had complicated thoughts. He didn't expect the Nian family to be so
As soon as they returned to the imperial capital, they looked up news about the Nian
family, but they could only find out that they had left the imperial capital three years
Xiao Chengtian thought that this incident was caused by the Xiao family, and they left
here to avoid getting into trouble.
It’s not that I’m disappointed. After all, the Xiao family is gone, and there’s no
need to let other people be implicated.
But Xiao Chengtian didn't expect that not only were they in the imperial capital, but
they were also killed like this.
At this moment, a girl suddenly ran out of the room.
"Mom, did you just call Brother Chengtian's name? Is he coming to marry me?"
The girl looked around and her eyes fell on Xiao Chengtian.
But the next second, she passed Xiao Chengtian directly.
"Uncle Nian, what is going on?"
Xiao Zhantian frowned and asked in a deep voice.
Nian Zhengsong sighed and asked the two of them to sit down.
Once upon a time, the Xiao family and the Nian family were both among the top ten wealthy
families in the imperial capital.
Xiao Chengtian and Nian Xueqing had been engaged since they were young, and they were in
love with each other.
When something happened to the Xiao family, Xiao Chengtian naturally didn't want the Nian
family to be implicated, so he chose to cut ties with the family as soon as possible.
However, the Nian family received his letter for help, which said that the Xiao family
was wronged.
If Nian Xueqing wants to save Xiao Chengtian, she can go to the president of the Imperial
Capital Chamber of Commerce and other wealthy people.
At that time, Nian Xueqing was still young and had never been a shrewd person, so she
didn't think so much.
She firmly believed that the Xiao family would not commit treason, so she went to seek
help from these people as the letter said.
Unexpectedly, the Chamber of Commerce's president had such evil ambitions that he teamed
up with several other rich young men to play with Nian Xueqing.
She couldn't stand such stimulation and once attempted suicide but was rescued. After she
came back, she became mentally ill.
Of course Nian Zhengsong would not allow his daughter to be bullied like this, but how
could he resist the combined forces of several powerful families with his own strength?
Not only was their Nian family defeated, but even his wife was poisoned and blinded when
she was appealing for their daughter.
After being trapped in a desperate situation, Nian Zhengsong realized that his past glory
was only temporary.
After their Nian family fell, no one was willing to help.
Mrs. Nian was already in tears. They must have suffered a lot in the past few years.
Xiao Chengtian felt even more heartbroken when he looked at Nian Xueqing who was standing
there in a daze.
"Brother, can Dr. Lu treat Aunt Liu and Xue Qing?"
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "Okay, Uncle Nian, you guys don't need to live here for now, come
back to the Xiao family with me!"
"What happened before must have been a misunderstanding. I will investigate and give you
an explanation. The Xiao family has let you down over the past few years."
Nian Zhengsong glanced at him with a complicated look.
"What on earth is going on? Why are you able to return to the imperial capital again?"
He had some doubts in his heart, but the Xiao family had once suffered a fatal blow, so
this could not be false.
Xiao Zhantian pursed his lips, "As long as you know that the Xiao family now has the
power to compete with the people behind the scenes, it is enough."
"Whether they are the ones who bullied the Nian family or the former enemies of the Xiao
family, I will catch them all!"
After packing up, Xiao Zhantian took them and left the dilapidated house.
After returning to the Xiao family, Nian Xueqing suddenly ran to Xiao Chengtian, knelt
beside his wheelchair and started crying.
"Brother Chengtian, what happened to your leg? Does it hurt? It's all my fault. I don't
have the ability to save you..."
His expression was full of self-blame, and Xiao Chengtian grabbed her hand.
While she was still conscious, the two of them exchanged a few words.
On the other side, Lu Mingyou was already treating Madam Nian.
"It is true that someone poisoned him, but it has been a long time. Even if the poison is
removed, it is impossible for his eyesight to be fully restored."
Nian Zhengsong was a little excited, "You mean, she can see again?"
"Yes, but I can't restore my previous vision."
But this is already very good news for the Nian family.
Xiao Zhantian had someone arrange a house for the Nian family and take good care of them.
At the same time, he also began to investigate who did this to Nian Xueqing.
The president of the Imperial Capital Chamber of Commerce has retired, so it is easy to
find him.
What is not easy to find are the young masters of wealthy families hiding behind the
After all, it had been several years since the incident and there was no evidence left.

Chapter 22 Catch a Person

Although the president of the Imperial Capital Chamber of Commerce has retired, his
former majesty remains.
Xiao Zhantian found out that he was planning to hold a birthday banquet in a few days and
would invite many people.
He had already asked Lu Mingyou to examine Nian Xueqing.
Because she was so shocked, her five senses were temporarily closed, which is why she
became stupid and foolish.
Xiao Chengtian's heart was filled with self-blame and guilt. If it weren't for him, Nian
Xueqing wouldn't have become like this, and the Nian family wouldn't have suffered so
At the beginning, Nian Zhengsong did blame Xiao Chengtian and the Xiao family.
But now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, he actually comforted Xiao
"Uncle Nian, don't worry. I will be responsible for Xue Qing. If you don't mind that I am
disabled now, my marriage to her is still valid."
Nian Zhengsong's eyes were filled with tears. "I was right about you. If you are really
willing to take responsibility for Xue Qing, I will not refuse."
"Her biggest dream in life is to marry you. If she knew you were willing to marry her,
she would be very happy."
Mrs. Nian, who was standing by, held Nian Zhengsong's hand.
Nian Xueqing had no idea what they were talking about, and happily brought a piece of
cake over to give to them.
Seeing his daughter like this, Nian Zhengsong felt that it was a good thing that she
became stupid.
At least she can still smile now. If she were normal, knowing what she had experienced,
she would probably not be able to bear the blow.
Under Lu Mingyou's treatment, Mrs. Nian's eyesight improved a lot, and she could already
vaguely see some shadows.
Both Nian Zhengsong and Mrs. Nian were very excited about the news.
They originally thought that their eyes would never be restored in this lifetime.
Soon it was time for the birthday party of the former president of the Chamber of
Commerce. That day, the entire hotel was bustling with people coming and going.
Guan Quanyao was standing at the door receiving the guests, when suddenly his face froze.
"What are you doing here?"
He looked at Nian Zhengsong, who was wearing a suit, with an extremely displeased
"President Guan, although our Nian family has been defeated now, we have cooperated with
each other before."
"My Nian family also gave you a lot of benefits in the past. Could it be that President
Guan doesn't even recognize an old friend now?"
Guan Quanyao gritted his teeth and said, "It's been so long since the incident happened,
and the Nian family is now in tatters."
"If you're here to settle accounts with me because of something that happened in the
past, you'd better consider your own worth first."
Seeing his guilty look, Nian Zhengsong almost bit his teeth.
If Guan Quanyao wasn't guilty of this matter, why would he be afraid of seeing me now?
However, in order to get information from him, at Xiao Zhantian's suggestion, Nian
Zhengsong still suppressed his emotions.
"You misunderstood. I came here today to celebrate your birthday. President Guan will not
refuse my gift, right?"
Guan Quanyao leaned in and whispered in his ear: "You'd better not do anything you
shouldn't do, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you."
Then he smiled and shook hands with Nian Zhengsong.
"Thank you for coming to my birthday party. Please take a seat inside!"
Looking at his hypocritical appearance, Nian Zhengsong just felt like vomiting.
Soon they entered the hall, and Xiao Zhantian handed the box in his hand to the person
who was recording the gift accounts nearby.
After finding a seat and sitting down, Xiao Zhantian said, "Uncle Nian, you stay here and
watch. If you see anyone familiar, tell me and I'll have someone check it out."
Xiao Zhantian guessed that Guan Quanyao and those rich kids were in cahoots with each
other and conspired to bully Nian Xueqing.
He is holding a birthday party today, and those old friends from the past will definitely
Although Guan Quanyao has retired, he has made a lot of profits over the years.
What's more, those children of wealthy families are also smart people. They will not
hesitate if something can be solved with money.
I guess they have given Guan Quanyao a lot of good things over the years.
Not long after, Nian Zhengsong suddenly clenched his fists, his teeth gritted, and he
wished he could eat a man in the distance alive.
"It's him! He was the one who sent Xue Qing back home, and he even insulted the Nian
Xiao Zhantian followed his gaze and saw a young man talking to Guan Quanyao in the
Guan Quanyao nodded and bowed, his expression full of flattery and fawning on the other
On the other hand, the young man had a dull expression and seemed to look down on Guan
After saying a few words, he was about to leave, and Xiao Zhantian immediately asked
someone to follow him.
Within a few minutes, the young man's information was also transmitted to Xiao Zhantian.
He is from the Jing family, one of the eight wealthy families in the imperial capital,
and the illegitimate son of the eldest son of the Jing family.
Although he was just an illegitimate child, the eldest son of the Jing family truly loved
his mother.
Because of the sabotage by Old Master Jing, the eldest son of the Jing family did not
marry this woman. This has always been a hurdle in his heart.
Later, when he learned that this woman had given birth to a child for him, the eldest son
of the Jing family took her back.
Even though he was an illegitimate child, he was extremely doting on him.
However, because he is an illegitimate child, Jing Zhengheng has no real power in the
Jing family.
In his early years, he wandered around and developed the habits of a gangster, doing
things in an extremely arrogant and domineering manner without regard for the
In the past few years, the eldest son of the Jing family has been cleaning up his mess a
Old Master Jing is old and can no longer control these children. Although he knows what
Young Master Jing has done, he is powerless to do anything about it.
Xiao Zhantian found out that Jing Zhengheng had harmed many girls in the past few years.
Most of the time, money is used to solve the problem and shut people up.
Although there are some people who are dissatisfied, what ability do they have to go
against the wealthy families in the imperial capital?
They continued to stare for a long time, but to no avail.
Except for Jing Zhengheng, people from other wealthy families did not come to the
banquet, but they sent gifts.
After the banquet, Xiao Zhantian drove to a bar.
The bar was bustling at this time, with bright lights, wine and deafening music.
He immediately spotted Jing Zhengheng sitting not far away, and there were quite a few
young men sitting in that booth.
Of course, the most numerous were beautiful women, who were surrounding Jing Zhengheng at
this time.
The booth where Jing Zhengheng sat was the most luxurious and largest in the entire bar.
The minimum consumption for this booth is probably more than 100,000 yuan a night.
But for a rich young man, this money is nothing.
Just as Jing Zhengheng was drinking and having fun here, his cell phone suddenly
He opened his phone and took a look, then frowned instantly.
Not long after, Jing Zhengheng arrived at the bathroom corridor.
"Did you send the message I just received? Stop lying to me. Who else but you knows what
happened back then?"

Chapter 23: The Dead

Mixed with the sound of music, everything Jing Zhengheng said reached Xiao Zhantian's
"The Nian family has already fallen, and now you are using this matter to threaten me. Do
you think it's fun? I have already given you enough face."
"I'm telling you, if you send me these specious things again, I can..."
After hanging up the phone, Jing Zhengheng unbuttoned his shirt, licked his lips, and
felt his throat a little dry.
He was about to leave when he saw someone standing behind him.
"Who are you? Did you hear what I just said?"
Jing Zhengheng subconsciously felt that the man in front of him seemed to have bad
He immediately raised his guard, "Are you f*cking deaf? Didn't you hear me talking to
Seeing that the man didn't say anything, he just raised his fist and punched him.
Jing Zhengheng, who had always been a domineering person in the imperial capital, had
never been treated like this before.
What he didn't expect was that his punch was actually caught by the opponent.
Then the other person raised his head and looked straight at him, and that look made him
tremble with fear.
"Who are you? What are you going to do!?"
Jing Zhengheng felt scared at this moment, but the other party did not give him a chance
to hesitate.
He dragged Jing Zhengheng directly into the cubicle and beat him up with punches and
"You must know clearly what you have done."
After saying that, Xiao Zhantian walked straight away and left.
Jing Zhengheng crawled out of the bathroom and quickly called his bodyguard.
Not long after, the bar was surrounded and someone checked the surveillance footage.
It’s just that Jing Zhengheng was beaten in the bathroom, so of course there was no
surveillance there.
The only surveillance camera that could see people coming in and out was broken, and they
had already searched all the surveillance cameras in the bar, but did not see the person
Jing Zhengheng mentioned.
"I think you should stop opening this store. Anyone can break in. It's a joke!"
Jing Zhengheng was bruised and swollen at this time, and he started to scold the bar
After scolding the man, he went to the hospital to treat his injuries and asked someone
to investigate who had beaten him in the bathroom.
After Xiao Zhantian left, he asked his men to strictly monitor Jing Zhengheng.
Once you find out who he is contacting, especially when he mentions matters related to
the Nian family, you must tell me.
He had already placed a monitoring device on Jing Zhengheng.
But this thing is time-limited, and once Jing Zhengheng changes clothes, it becomes
He could only hope that after what happened today, Jing Zhengheng would feel a sense of
crisis and perhaps contact his previous accomplices.
Xiao Zhantian’s guess turned out to be correct. Jing Zhengheng inexplicably received a
threatening message and was beaten up. Of course he wanted to find out the truth.
He directly sent messages to those people who had bullied Nian Xueqing in the past and
asked them to meet.
These people had no idea that Jing Zhengheng had asked them to come over to ask about
this matter.
Normally, they are just bad friends and often collude with each other to do shameful
After receiving Jing Zhengheng's message, they thought there was something fun to come.
The next day, the men met at a hotel.
"Why did you call us here?"
"I heard that a new bar has opened in the capital recently. Do you want to go and have
some fun together?"
"Young Master Jing, why are your face and nose bruised? Did you drink too much and fall
into the water?"
These people were talking one after another, but everyone was very interested in the
wound on Jing Zhengheng's face.
Logically speaking, a man who cares so much about his reputation would not tell these
people that he was beaten.
But things have come to this point, and he has nothing to hide.
"Do you still remember Nian Xueqing from the Nian family? Someone sent me a threatening
message yesterday, saying that he knew about the things I had done before."
"Then I met a strange man in a bar who beat me up. I asked him about his identity but he
refused to reveal it."
"I have been looking for his identity information since last night, but I haven't found
anything. Don't you have received anything?"
Jing Zhengheng's expression was very serious, and he felt a bit indignant.
Why were there so many people involved in this incident in the first place, but now this
guy is only looking for himself?
Hearing what he said, the other people looked at each other with different expressions.
Two people stood up quickly and said, "Master Jing, you are not following the rules by
doing this."
The two of them looked dissatisfied. "Everyone volunteered to do that thing. Now they
have found you. Do you want to drag us into it?"
Jing Zhengheng snorted coldly, "You guys did that thing too. Isn't it a little late to
clean yourself up now?"
"Since they've come to find us, then we should all shoulder the responsibility and
consequences together. Why shouldn't I notify you?"
A person nearby saw this and said quickly, "Everyone, stop arguing. We are all in the
same boat now."
The two men looked unhappy. "Since the other party didn't come directly to find everyone,
it means that they don't have any information about everyone at all."
"By making such a fuss now, aren't we rushing to tell others that it was us? Besides,
didn't the Nian family leave the imperial capital a long time ago?"
After they finished talking, Jing Zhengheng seemed to remember something.
"If I remember correctly, the one from the Nian family. Was she engaged to the Xiao
After he said this, the remaining few people also reacted.
"I heard that Xiao Chengtian has returned to the imperial capital again, and he said that
he wanted to take back everything that the Xiao family had lost."
"It's simply a joke. The imperial capital is no longer the same as before. Where is there
any place for them?"
Jing Zhengheng stood up suddenly and said, "I have to go find Xiao Chengtian to find out
the truth. If he really did it, then it's no wonder I'm being rude to him."
The remaining few people also quickly responded and said that if they needed their help,
they could let them know at any time.
But from what he said, it seems that he has no intention of showing up in this matter.
But at this moment, Jing Zhengheng couldn't care less about that.
Here, Xiao Zhantian had just found out the whereabouts of these people when he suddenly
received a piece of news that surprised him.
"Sir, Guan Quanyao is dead, and the murderer has not been found yet."
Xuesha reported to him.
Xiao Zhantian frowned, "Wasn't it Jing Zhengheng who did it?"
"It shouldn't be. After you gave the order, sir, we have been keeping an eye on him, and
he has not done anything like this."
This surprised Xiao Zhantian a little. He didn't know who could move so quickly.
"What about the time of death?"

Chapter 24 I'll start with you

Xiao Zhantian suspected that perhaps the young masters of other wealthy families knew
about this, so they wanted to silence Quan Yao first.
"They didn't have time to commit the crime. Guan Quanyao was already dead before Yin
Zhengheng met these people."
If not for this, Xue Sha would not have come to Xiao Zhantian and reported the matter to
After this incident happened, he immediately felt suspicious.
However, no matter how hard we searched, we couldn't find his whereabouts, and the police
had already arrived at the scene.
"Forget it, let's leave it to the police first, but you keep an eye on that place, and
tell me if you have any new clues."
Xuesha nodded, "As for Jing Zhengheng, he went to the Second Young Master's company."
This person has bad intentions and I'm afraid he won't do anything good.
Xiao Zhantian nodded, not looking very anxious, as he had already arranged security
It was not convenient for Xiao Zhantian to show up at this time. He was not prepared to
let Jing Zhengheng know so soon that he was the person behind the scenes.
The way is to torture them slowly and make them live in fear, so that they can reveal
their true colors.
Soon Xiao Chengtian got the news that his secretary said someone was looking for him.
Before Xiao Chengtian gave the order to let the person in, the office door was pushed
"Master Xiao, I haven't seen you for so many years. How come you look even more miserable
and in a wheelchair?"
Jing Zhengheng walked in, and seeing Xiao Chengtian like this, he had a half-smile on his
face and a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
The moment he saw Xiao Chengtian, the doubts in his heart indeed faded by three points.
Now Xiao Chengtian is a disabled person and is in a wheelchair. What capital does he have
to fight with himself?
A few years ago, their Xiao family was able to be driven out of the imperial capital, and
the same can be done now.
Xiao Chengtian looked at him expressionlessly and was not angry at what he said.
"This person looks familiar. He seems to be from the Jing family. However, the Jing
family doesn't seem to acknowledge your identity. I don't know what to address you."
The other party started poking at his wound as soon as he opened his mouth, so Xiao
Chengtian naturally had to fight back.
Jing Zhengheng's face suddenly changed and he went over and grabbed him by the collar.
"Who do you think you are? The Xiao family has already been defeated. Who gave you the
courage to talk to me like this?"
Before he could make any move, two bodyguards in black came in from the door the next
second, grabbed his hands and put them behind his back.
"It hurts, it hurts, let me go!"
Xiao Chengtian waved his hand slightly, and the two bodyguards let go of Jing Zhengheng's
hands, but stood next to Xiao Chengtian.
"I advise Mr. Jing to behave properly. After all, this is not your Jing family. And even
if it is the Jing family, you can't do whatever you want, right?"
"Even though the Xiao family has fallen, I am still the legitimate son of the Xiao
family. As for you, it seems that the Jing family has not acknowledged you yet."
His words were basically poking at Jing Zhengheng's lungs.
He gritted his teeth, wishing he could go up and beat Xiao Chengtian up.
But looking at the two strong bodyguards on both sides, he still held back.
Xiao Chengtian naturally looked down on such an illegitimate child, of course not
entirely because of his background, but also because of his character.
As members of the top ten wealthy families, they were in the same circle and naturally
had some overlap.
To be honest, there are many people who look down on Jing Zhengheng?
After all, he was a little arrogant because he relied on his status as a member of the
Jing family.
However, it was because Young Master Jing took a fancy to him that he was able to be on
equal footing with the legitimate sons and daughters of the eight wealthy families.
However, his background is still a point of inferiority in his heart, and he doesn't want
others to mention it.
"What are you so proud of? Do you think that now that you have returned to the imperial
capital and opened a company, you can really take back your Xiao family's assets?"
Jing Zhengheng gnashed his teeth and threatened: "Whether your crappy company can
continue to operate in the capital depends on our attitude!"
"Then we'll just wait and see what happens."
Xiao Chengtian looked indifferent. Although he was sitting in a wheelchair, his aura was
still strong, as if he was still the high and mighty young master of a wealthy family.
Seeing him like this, Jing Zhengheng did feel a little inferior and unbalanced.
No matter how hard he tried, even if everyone had to look at his face, he still felt
He took a deep breath, slowly stepped forward, leaned forward slightly, and approached
Xiao Chengtian.
"Remember your fiancée? She tasted really good, but it's a pity that she has turned into
a fool now."
Hearing his words, Xiao Chengtian became excited and gripped the handle of the wheelchair
"If you have the guts, then stand up and hit me, you cripple!"
When Jing Zhengheng saw Xiao Chengtian like this, he felt a little relieved.
Without waiting for Xiao Chengtian to say anything, he burst into laughter, turned around
and left.
Of course Xiao Chengtian couldn't take action here. If he really beat him, it would give
the Jing family a handle.
But Xiao Zhantian had no worries, as he had been waiting here for a long time.
In the underground parking lot, Jing Zhengheng had just opened the car door and was about
to get in when someone suddenly grabbed his hair.
Not long after, the other party pulled him behind the wall.
Looking at that familiar face and thinking about the pain in his body, Jing Zhengheng
couldn't help but feel pain again.
"Who the hell are you? What do you want to do to me?!"
Xiao Zhantian did not answer, and was greeted by Jing Zhengheng with a beating.
This time he showed no mercy and directly crippled one of Jing Zhengheng's legs.
Jing Zhengheng's roars and wails almost spread throughout the entire parking lot, and the
echoes continued.
After finishing these things, Xiao Zhantian turned around coldly and left.
By the time someone from the Jing family came to pick up Jing Zhengheng, he had already
fainted from the pain.
This time, it was the eldest son of the Jing family who came to Tiancheng Company in
person to inquire about Xiao Chengtian.
He was aggressive and had more than a dozen bodyguards following him.
After entering the office, looking at Xiao Chengtian's familiar face, Young Master Jing's
expression became a little gloomy.
"My son was beaten up in your company. How do you deal with this?"
Xiao Chengtian raised his eyebrows, "Who is your son?"
"Stop playing dumb. Zhengheng has already told me why he came to your place. He was
beaten in the underground parking lot of your company. Do you still want to deny it?"
Xiao Chengtian shook his head. “I don’t know if Mr. Jing has any definite evidence. If
not, maybe I can sue you for defamation.”
Young Master Jing slammed the table, "Stop playing dumb! You didn't even leave your
parking lot and you got beaten up. Who else could have done this except someone from your
"Pull out your company's surveillance records for me. I want to see who has the guts to
do that!"
His tone was somewhat coercive, but Xiao Chengtian did not refuse.
"You can watch it, but if it has nothing to do with our company, will Mr. Jing be held
responsible for false accusations?"

Chapter 25: The Imperial Capital is in Terror

Hearing his words, Master Jing's face changed drastically, "Are you threatening me?"
"Of course not, I am just protecting my own legal rights."
"Besides, you are so sure that your son's accident happened in my company, so why should
you be afraid?"
Although Xiao Chengtian was sitting in a wheelchair, his aura was not weak.
He knew that no matter what happened, Xiao Zhantian would support him behind his back.
Besides, they were once on equal footing with the Jing family. Even if the Xiao family is
in decline now, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are inferior to others.
"Xiao Chengtian, do you think anything good will come of going against our Jing family?"
Xiao Chengtian raised his eyebrows, "Mr. Jing, you're overthinking it. I don't mean to go
against anyone."
Young Master Jing gritted his teeth and said, "If this matter really has nothing to do
with your company, I will naturally not cause trouble for you."
What this means is that even if this matter has nothing to do with their company, the
Jing family will not bear any responsibility.
Xiao Chengtian had no intention of continuing the quarrel with him, and soon had someone
bring the surveillance records over.
After checking carefully several times, he found that there was a blind spot there and he
couldn't see clearly who beat Jing Zhengheng.
Even though Jing Zhengheng remembered Xiao Zhantian's face, the imperial capital was so
big, where could he find this person?
Not long after, the news that Jing Zhengheng was beaten up spread throughout the imperial
The news of the death of former Chamber of Commerce President Guan Quanyao also spread
throughout the business circle.
People were all shrouded in a faint fear.
However, at this time, no one has linked this matter to the Xiao family.
After all, in their opinion, the Xiao family has left the imperial capital for so many
Even if they fight back now, they are still no match for the eight giants.
The only people who felt panicked because of this matter were the several rich young men
who were involved in the matter with Nian Xueqing.
Especially after Jing Zhengheng was beaten, the other people often worried that they
would encounter such a thing one day.
Compared with before, the Xiao family now has more lifelike atmosphere and is much more
Nian Zhengsong was also embarrassed to live in the Xiao family like this, after all, Nian
Xueqing and Xiao Chengtian were not really married.
"I'd better go out and find a job! It's not a good idea to live here forever."
Xiao Zhantian said directly: "Chengtian can't take care of the company by himself. It
would be great if you could go and help, Uncle Nian."
Nian Zhengsong looked a little surprised, "I'm already this old, is it appropriate for me
to work in a company?"
"Of course it's appropriate. After all, Uncle Nian, you were once a member of a wealthy
family in the imperial capital. I don't know how many industries have passed through your
Xiao Zhantian knew that if Nian Zhengsong went out to look for a job at his age, he would
definitely not be able to find a good one.
These people in the capital are used to flattering the powerful and bullying the weak.
Even though Nian Zhengsong used to run a big company, he is old now after all.
He used to be a man with billions of assets, but in the past three years he has been
working for others, even doing manual labor.
Xiao Chengtian also said: "It just so happens that my company has just moved to the
imperial capital and is short of manpower. Uncle Nian, come and help me!"
Hearing this, Nian Zhengsong's eyes turned slightly red.
"Thank you very much, thank you for your trust!"
He still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, as he had cursed the Xiao family many
times in the past three years.
After all, if it weren't for the Xiao family, he wouldn't have become so miserable, and
his daughter wouldn't have become stupid.
After dinner, Jiang Qingqing also found Xiao Zhantian and wanted to ask him if she could
go to work in the company.
"You haven't fully recovered yet, have you?"
Xiao Zhantian didn't disapprove, he was just worried.
"But I don't want to be idle. Besides, they are just some superficial injuries, and they
are almost healed."
Jiang Qingqing sighed slightly, "I know your identity, and I also know that you don't
want to be exposed in front of others."
"But this huge company is handed over to Chengtian, so he must be under a lot of
"Maybe I can't help with some big things, but at least I can help with some small
If the Xiao family wants to regain its former glory, they certainly have a long way to
Jiang Qingqing thinks that she is not the kind of person who likes to hide behind men and
rely on them.
"Okay, if you want to go, then go!"
Jiang Qingqing's eyebrows curved immediately, she raised a smile and kissed him on the
"Zhan Tian, thank you."
Holding a beautiful girl in his arms, this was the scene that Xiao Zhantian had been
dreaming about day and night for the past four years.
He put his arm around Jiang Qingqing and said, "You and I are husband and wife, why
should we be so polite?"
"I prefer practical actions to verbal thanks."
The next morning, after Xiao Zhantianxia went downstairs, Xiao Huanhuan suddenly ran
towards him.
"Dad, can I go out and play?"
After the recent recuperation, the little girl's complexion has become a little rosy and
a little plump.
But she still can't overwork, and is still a little different from ordinary children.
Looking at Xiao Huanhuan's expectant eyes, Xiao Zhantian couldn't say no.
I am an incompetent father and have been negligent in my duties for four years.
Now that he finally had the chance to be with his daughter, how could Xiao Zhantian
refuse such a small request from her?
"Can Huanhuan go out?"
Xiao Zhantian asked Lu Mingyou.
"It's fine as long as she doesn't overwork herself. Going out for a walk will also help
her strengthen her physique."
Hearing this, Xiao Huanhuan smiled and her eyes showed a hint of excitement.
"It just so happens that my family needs to do some shopping, so let's go shopping at the
supermarket together!"
Jiang Qingqing suggested.
She knew that Xiao Huanhuan just wanted to go out for a walk and didn't necessarily want
to play anything.
After breakfast, Jiang Qingqing took Xiao Huanhuan upstairs to clean up.
"How's the search for the four herbs going?"
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand and asked Xue Sha.
He didn't look very optimistic. "We're still looking. We've found some traces of Qianye
Root and Luohan Bone, but we haven't found the other two yet."
Xuesha even had some doubts as to whether the last two medicines actually existed.
He even mobilized all the connections in Zhuwang Palace to investigate, but up to now, no
clues related to the two medicines have been found.
The thousand-leaf root and arhat bone were indeed a reward. It was said that the treasure
of Baicaotang, the largest pharmacy in the imperial capital, was the arhat bone.
"I have contacted the people at Baicaotang and am negotiating with them to see if they
are willing to give this thing to us."
Xue Sha reported the clues he had found so far to Xiao Zhantian.
Xiao Zhantian frowned slightly, "Are you saying that Baicaotang has Arhat bones?"

Chapter 26 Whereabouts of the Medicine

"According to the information I found, that's true. However, this is their treasure, so
I'm afraid they won't sell it to anyone easily."
Xiao Zhantian breathed a sigh of relief, "If it is really Baicaotang, then this matter
can be easily resolved."
He took out his cell phone and quickly made a call.
The phone only rang twice before it was picked up. The person on the other end was very
"Mr. Xiao! Is it really you? I thought this phone might never ring again."
Xiao Zhantian pursed his lips, "Since I said I would contact you, I won't break my
The other party smiled and said, "Mr. Xiao actually called me because he needed my help
with something."
He was quite direct, so Xiao Zhantian naturally didn't beat around the bush.
"Does your Baicaotang have a treasure, the Arhat Bone?"
The other party was silent for a moment, "Mr. Xiao is indeed very capable. He can find
out such information."
This thing is indeed the treasure of their Baicaotang, but it has never been publicized
to the public.
After all, this kind of thing is hard to come by. If it is publicized and known to
others, if a thief gets interested in it, no one will know how it was lost.
After all, we are not afraid of thieves stealing, but we are afraid of thieves thinking
about it.
No matter how secretly they hide this thing, as long as someone sets their sights on it,
there will always be an opportunity to take advantage of it.
"I need this thing urgently now. If you, Baicaotang, can give it to me, I, Xiao Zhantian,
will owe you a favor."
The other side hurriedly said: "Mr. Xiao, you are embarrassing me by saying this. There
is no need to owe me any favor. If Mr. Xiao needs it, come and get it!"
Tang Boli is a grateful man. If Xiao Zhantian had not saved his life, he would have been
buried underground for who knows how many years.
After being rescued, Xiao Zhantian said nothing and didn't even need any gratitude from
It was Tang Boli who left his contact information and said in person that as long as
there was anything he could help with in the future, he would never refuse if Xiao
Zhantian asked.
Arhat bones are indeed valuable, but compared with his life, they are not that important.
After the two of them agreed, Xiao Zhantian made an appointment with him and told him
that he would be there on time in the afternoon to pick up the things.
"We can get it this afternoon. What about Chibagen?"
Xue Sha was still not able to react. Xiao Zhantian only made a phone call and he got the
Arhat Bone?
"According to the information we found, Chiba Gen once appeared at an auction about ten
years ago."
"It's just that it was bought by a mysterious buyer, and we are still investigating the
buyer's identity."
Xiao Zhantian took a deep breath and said, "Find out as soon as possible. We also need to
find out the whereabouts of the remaining two medicines."
Although Xiao Huanhuan looked much better, her damaged internal organs would never heal
in her lifetime.
After a while, Xiao Huanhuan came downstairs happily, skipping.
It can be seen that she was in a good mood today, and she quickly ran to Xiao Zhantian.
"Dad, we are ready, we can go out!"
Seeing his daughter so happy just because she went out, Xiao Zhantian felt a little sad.
Holding Xiao Huanhuan's hand, he quickly took the two of them into the car.
The car sped all the way and arrived at the largest shopping mall in the imperial
The mall is bustling with people today, just like usual, there are quite a lot of people.
In fact, Xiao Zhantian learned that Xiao Huanhuan wanted to come out, and he had an
impulse today and was about to clear out the place.
But he thought again, wasn't the reason why Xiao Huanhuan wanted to go out for a walk
just to have some fun?
"Huanhuan, if you feel uncomfortable anywhere in your body, you must tell daddy
Xiao Huanhuan nodded, as if she was afraid that she would not be able to stay outside,
and said, "Dad, I am very healthy today!"
The couple held Xiao Huanhuan's hand and quickly walked into the mall.
This is indeed the largest shopping mall in the capital, with everything on sale here,
almost overwhelming.
Xiao Zhantian took them directly to the counter selling gold and jewelry.
"What are we doing here?"
Jiang Qingqing looked at Xiao Zhantian with a puzzled expression.
"What else can you do in this place? Shopping, of course."
Xiao Zhantian took Jiang Qingqing's hand and said, "When I married you, I didn't even
give you a proper ring."
"You can choose! As long as it's something here that you like, we'll buy it, and also buy
a small bracelet for Huanhuan."
When Xiao Huanhuan heard that someone was going to buy something for her, she looked a
little surprised, but then she became cautious.
"Dad, the things here are very expensive, right? Huanhuan decided not to buy anything."
She said sensibly that in her heart, as long as her parents could accompany her, that was
Xiao Zhantian brought the two of them to the counter and said, "Bring out the rings and
bracelets that are suitable for them so I can have a look."
He had such a strong aura that the salesgirl at the counter responded without any
hesitation and quickly started to get things.
After taking it out, she introduced it to several people, thinking that she would
definitely be able to sell it today.
After all, Xiao Zhantian is obviously not an ordinary person, but the woman and the child
he brings with him seem a little petty.
Xiao Zhantian picked out a few rings and said, "Try them on and see if there is any style
you like."
Then he looked down at Xiao Huanhuan and asked, "Which bracelet does Huanhuan like?"
Xiao Huanhuan thought about it and pointed to one of the styles that looked very simple.
But her eyes were always fixed on the other one, and it was obvious that she liked that
one better.
Although this little guy is not very old, he is very thoughtful.
She thought that the one she was referring to would definitely be cheaper in relative
"Huanhuan, Dad is very rich. You don't have to help Dad save money. Just take whatever
you like."
He looked at Jiang Qingqing again, "It's the same for you, just pick the style you like."
His eyes and tone were firm, enough to prove that he was not lying.
The salesgirl looked at them with envy, "This gentleman really loves your wife and
children. It's rare to see someone as generous as you."
She has been selling things here for such a long time, so she has naturally seen all
kinds of people. She can tell at a glance whether a man is sincere or insincere.
The things here are simply too cheap for Xiao Zhantian.
After so many years of fighting abroad, he has indeed accumulated a lot of money and also
has his own business.
Of course, Xiao Zhantian was going to spend this money on his wife and children, so he
naturally wouldn't hesitate at all.
He directly picked out a ring with a strong sense of design for Jiang Qingqing, and chose
a bracelet that Xiao Huanhuan liked.
These two things were not cheap, costing more than 100,000 yuan in total, but Xiao
Zhantian didn't even blink.

Chapter 27 Jing Zhengheng Disappears

After buying things, they went upstairs to shop.
Several people didn't notice at all that they were being targeted.
As soon as Xiao Zhantian and the others left, Jing Zhengheng quickly caught up with them.
Looking at Xiao Zhantian's back, he frowned slightly, feeling that he looked familiar.
"Isn't that guy the one who beat me up before?"
Jing Zhengheng was a little hesitant, but after a moment's hesitation he finally
As a member of the Jing family, he had never suffered such injustice.
My wound is still aching. I finally met this guy, how could he let me go so easily?
Of course, Xiao Zhantian didn't notice that someone was staring at him from behind. After
all, there were so many people coming and going here.
If someone was deliberately following him, he would be able to sense it, but Jing
Zhengheng was still very far away from them.
This guy was also smart. He knew that Xiao Zhantian couldn't leave for a while, so he
wasn't so anxious.
Thinking back to the way Xiao Zhantian beat him before, he felt somewhat traumatized and
didn't dare to get too close, fearing that he would be discovered again.
"I didn't expect this kid actually has a wife and kids. He has family members and yet he
dares to offend me. He is simply asking for his life!"
He stared fiercely at Xiao Huanhuan who was following Xiao Zhantian, and felt that this
was simply God's help!
He had never suffered such a great injustice in the imperial capital.
I am lucky today that I can meet this guy.
Jing Zhengheng followed and dialed the phone, ordering: "Hurry to Tianhe Shopping Mall
now, there is something I need you to do."
"Dad, can I have that ice cream?"
Xiao Huanhuan looked at the ice cream seller in the distance with her eyes widened.
It was the first time she had seen such beautiful ice cream, but she didn’t know if it
would taste as good when eaten.
Xiao Zhantian had asked Lu Mingyou before. Although Xiao Huanhuan was a little weaker
now, he had no dietary restrictions.
On the contrary, because he is weak, he can eat whatever he wants.
Her body is in poor condition now and it is time to replenish it. It is of course a good
thing for Xiao Huanhuan to eat more.
Xiao Zhantian nodded, took her to buy two ice creams, and also bought one for Jiang
But before they could eat, a man suddenly came over and knocked the ice cream out of Xiao
Huanhuan's hand to the ground.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, it looks like you won't be able to eat it!"
Jing Zhengheng looked at Xiao Zhantian with a half-smile on his face. Seeing the flash of
surprise in the other's eyes, he just felt refreshed.
"You didn't expect to meet me here, did you? Weren't you very arrogant before? Hit me
again if you dare!"
Jing Zhengheng opened his mouth to provoke Xiao Zhantian, but he saw that he did not make
any move.
He breathed a sigh of relief and laughed coldly twice.
"I thought you were so powerful that you dared to touch me in the imperial capital, but
it seems that you are just that capable."
Jing Zhengheng squatted down and looked at Xiao Huanhuan in front of him, "What a lovely
little girl."
"Uncle just ruined your ice cream. I'm sorry. Can I treat you to another one?"
As he said that, he raised his hand and wanted to touch Xiao Huanhuan's face, but Xiao
Huanhuan took a step back in fear.
A figure suddenly fell to the ground.
Jing Zhengheng only felt someone kicking him on the shoulder, and then he flew up.
He fell heavily to the ground and was completely dizzy. Jing Zhengheng quickly looked
Many people retreated away, with fear in their eyes.
They didn't expect that someone would dare to cause trouble in the mall, and soon someone
went to call the security.
Jing Zhengheng also struggled to get up from the ground, "You are brave, kid, you still
dare to hit me at this time? Just wait!"
He clenched his fists, his eyes filled with sinister intent.
After a while, several bodyguards in black came running over, and Jing Zhengheng
immediately felt confident.
"Take this kid and his family away!"
Those bodyguards in black walked towards Xiao Zhantian.
"Don't be afraid, it's okay, Dad will protect you."
Xiao Zhantian picked up Xiao Huanhuan and spoke to comfort her, then nodded to Jiang
The three of them followed the black-clad bodyguards and quickly left the mall.
Then the group got on the car, and Xiao Zhantian put Xiao Huanhuan aside.
"Just take the person away and lock him up temporarily."
Hearing him speak, Jing Zhengheng's face was full of confusion.
"Who are you talking to, kid? Are you crazy?"
"If you dare to offend me, Jing Zhengheng, I will definitely let you know what regret
He spoke threateningly, his eyes fixed on Jiang Qingqing and Xiao Huanhuan.
Xiao Zhantian raised his hand and slapped him, "If you look at me like that again, I
won't mind digging your eyes out."
"What the hell are you guys just standing there for? Can't you see I'm getting beaten?"
Jing Zhengheng looked furious and scolded the men in black around him, but he didn't
expect that he had just finished speaking when he was slapped twice in the face.
Looking at the men in black who were fighting with him, Jing Zhengheng stood there in a
daze. Only then did he realize that something was wrong.
He pulled the door and tried to get out, but the men in black didn't give him a chance.
"Who are you? What are you going to do to me?!"
Xiao Zhantian pursed his lips and smiled, but it looked a little creepy.
"I will not allow anyone who can threaten my family to exist."
Jing Zhengheng felt a huge sense of fear in his heart. He thought he was so stupid for
getting into the other person's car.
But it was too late to think about it now, he had already been controlled by someone.
He should never, ever think of attacking Xiao Huanhuan. Xiao Zhantian would definitely
not let him go.
After giving the instructions, the three of them quickly got out of the car again.
When they re-entered the mall, they passed by the people Jing Zhengheng called.
These people were searching here and even called Jing Zhengheng, but unfortunately they
were destined to never be able to contact this person.
Unable to find Jing Zhengheng, they went directly to the area in charge of the shopping
mall and prepared to check the surveillance footage.
Unexpectedly, there was a problem with the mall’s surveillance and it is currently under
repair, so the surveillance records just now cannot be viewed.
They investigated further, but it was as if Jing Zhengheng had never appeared.
"When did you call your people over? You were so quick."
Jiang Qingqing asked Xiao Zhantian in a low voice, with a look of surprise and confusion
on her face.
After all, Jing Zhengheng came suddenly just now, and she didn’t see what phone call
Xiao Zhantian made.
"When I go out with you guys, of course I have to be fully prepared. That guy won't
threaten you."
Xiao Zhantian held their hands with a firm expression.

Chapter 28: Being mocked while eating

Only then did Jiang Qingqing realize that Xiao Zhantian might be even more powerful than
they had seen.
On the other hand, the bodyguards failed to find Jing Zhengheng's whereabouts, so after
much deliberation they decided to contact Young Master Jing.
After all, this situation was a little too weird. Ten minutes ago, Jing Zhengheng called
them and asked them to come to Tianhe Shopping Mall as soon as possible.
It took less than ten minutes before the person disappeared and we couldn't get in touch
with him.
Since he asked so many bodyguards to rush here, he must have encountered some danger.
Thinking of this, the bodyguards did not dare to hesitate, for fear that if something
happened to Jing Zhengheng, they would not be able to escape responsibility.
After they informed Mr. Jing, the other party also contacted Jing Zhengheng several
times. The call was connected but no one answered.
In desperation, he had to run to Tianhe Shopping Mall by himself to see if he could find
any clues.
When they arrived, Xiao Zhantian and the others had almost finished their shopping.
A family of three pushed a shopping cart and happily passed by Young Master Jing.
Jing Xinli never thought that the man who beat his son could have a wife and children and
be so happy.
He felt that the person who did such a thing must be a loner, otherwise he would not be
so courageous.
Just like that, he passed by the person who was most likely to find out the whereabouts
of his son.
Jing Zhengheng should never, ever, threaten Xiao Zhantian's daughter and wife in front of
For Xiao Zhantian, this is his weak spot and also his reverse scale.
Only after being locked in a dark, airtight and lightless room did Jing Zhengheng feel
"Let me out now! Is there no law? Do you know who I am? If my father finds out, he will
kill you all!"
He was shouting here, but there was silence all around, no response.
Jing Zhengheng shouted until his voice became hoarse, and he slid silently to the ground.
Jing Xinli led the Jing family to conduct a massive search, almost turning the entire
imperial capital upside down, but still failed to find the whereabouts of Jing Zhengheng.
At this time, Xiao Zhantian was taking his wife and children to eat.
They came to a five-star hotel near the shopping mall. The hotel had an elegant
environment, but another feature was that it was expensive.
Jiang Qingqing was still a little hesitant when she stepped in.
"Why don't we go eat somewhere else? This place is too expensive. There's no need."
Jiang Qingqing said in a low voice.
Xiao Zhantian showed a gentle smile, "As long as you like it, it's worth it."
"Don't save money for me. My money is spent on you and your daughter. If you like the
stars in the sky, I will pick them for you."
Xiao Zhantian said this very naturally, and it didn't make people feel he was
exaggerating, as if he could really do it.
"Dad, this place is so beautiful, the air smells good, and the music is great!"
Xiao Huanhuan was still young and had no concept of money at all. She just thought this
place was great and she liked it very much.
Seeing his daughter's happy face, Xiao Zhantian touched her hair.
"If Huanhuan likes, Dad will bring you here every day."
After saying this, he winked at Jiang Qingqing.
It seemed to be saying that since their daughter liked it so much, they should just eat
it here!
Jiang Qingqing certainly wouldn't let Xiao Huanhuan down. Moreover, since they had
already come in, there was no reason for them to turn around and leave.
After they sat down, Xiao Zhantian handed the menu to Jiang Qingqing and Xiao Huanhuan.
As a grown man, he naturally had no particular preferences when it came to food, and he
had already gotten used to it over the years in the North.
For Xiao Zhantian, no matter what the food is, as long as it can fill his stomach, it’s
Although Xiao Huanhuan is not even four years old, she knows numbers.
She was happy to see them coming to such a nice environment to eat before, but now after
seeing the prices, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.
"Dad, everything here is so expensive, why don't we go eat somewhere else!"
Xiao Huanhuan spoke in a low voice, with a bit of embarrassment on her face.
She only knew that they now lived in a big house, but she didn't know that Xiao Zhantian
was rich.
In the past, my second uncle and mother worked hard from dawn to dusk to make money. Xiao
Huanhuan knew that making money was not easy.
It was originally a considerate remark from a child to help his parents save money, but
it was overheard by someone behind him.
There was a harsh laugh from the woman, "If you can't afford it, get out now. You brought
your child here to embarrass yourself."
She curled her lips and looked a little disgusted. When the man sitting inside heard her
words, he quickly responded.
"Yeah! I think it's the kind of person who comes here with his wife and kids to make a
scene. He might order a family meal and take a 360-degree photo."
"After all, there are still very few people as rich as Miss Mei. It's really pitiful for
a child to follow such parents, and bring about a lot of poverty."
They were originally sitting next to each other not far away, otherwise they would not
have heard what Xiao Huanhuan said just now.
Even though she was young, she could still understand other people's sarcastic words.
Xiao Huanhuan's face suddenly turned red and she lowered her head, as if she had done
something wrong.
"If you don't know how to speak, you can just shut up. Don't you even know the basic
manners and respect of being a human being?"
No mother would tolerate anyone humiliating her child in front of her.
What's more, Xiao Zhantian was also there at this time, so Jiang Qingqing was even less
Jiang Qingqing held Xiao Huanhuan's hand, "Huanhuan, don't be afraid. The ones who should
feel ashamed are those who look down on others, not you."
Before the woman could say anything, the man sitting opposite her stood up first.
"What are you talking about? You are poor and you don't allow others to say that! You
don't look like people who can afford to spend money here, so get out of here!"
Xiao Zhantian raised his eyes and looked at him, and the man felt his scalp tingling
"How come I don't know when to have a meal, and you still make me feel noble? Judging
from your appearance, you don't usually come to this kind of restaurant often."
"I don't know who helped me, but I occasionally come here to eat. I really think this
place is so luxurious."
"To me, it's just a place to eat. Maybe only to you, it's a place to increase your face
and improve your status."
Xiao Zhantian's words could be said to have touched the man's heart and completely hit
his soft spot.
"Who are you talking about? If you have the ability, then show it. I want to see what you
will do if you can't pay by then!"

Chapter 29 Become a Grandpa

Xiao Zhantian directly took out a card and handed it to the waiter, "This card should be
enough to spend here."
The waiter took the card, was slightly stunned, and bowed to Xiao Zhantian.
"Sir, please wait a moment."
After saying that, he turned and left.
"That's hilarious! The waiter also thought you guys didn't look like people who could
afford to eat here. I'm afraid you went to check the balance on your card!"
The man spoke again in a despicable tone, but the woman opposite him just laughed
contemptuously and said nothing.
Many other people in the restaurant looked over here, but did not say anything.
In addition to looking down on Xiao Zhantian and his friends, some people also looked
down on the man and woman who took the initiative to cause trouble.
Even in high-end restaurants, it is just a place for people to eat, and most people who
come here to dine do not think that their status is noble.
Only those half-baked people who can barely meet the standards here and don't have much
money will think that coming here can improve their status and grade.
"Excuse me, sir, is this card yours?"
Not long after, another person came over. This time, this person seemed to be of a
slightly higher status than the waiter.
He was wearing a suit and looked very elegant.
Xiao Zhantian nodded slightly, but before that person could say anything, a voice came
from the back table again.
"Poor bastard, is it because you don't have any money in your card that they are kicking
you out?"
Xiao Zhantian curled the corners of his mouth slightly, a hint of coldness flashed across
his eyes, but he didn't say much.
At this moment, the man standing in front of him suddenly walked towards the back table.
"Hello, both of you. I am the manager of this restaurant. I will not charge you for your
meal today. Please leave now."
After he said this, the two men were stunned.
"What did you say? Why do you want us to get out?"
This time the woman was also angry and glared at the manager directly.
"This is our supreme VLP. I just heard you insult him, so we will not do business with
you anymore."
"And from now on, you two are not welcome to visit any of our chain stores."
The manager still spoke politely, but his words were extremely cold. To put it simply,
they were not very hurtful, but extremely insulting.
Looking at the two men standing there motionless, he simply waved his hand.
"In order to avoid causing unnecessary commotion, I will ask security to ask the two of
you to leave now."
After all, there were still quite a few people dining at the moment, and the manager was
naturally afraid of affecting the dining atmosphere for others.
Of course the most important thing was that he was afraid that these two people would say
something that would affect Xiao Zhantian's mood.
You have to know that this is the supreme card issued by his boss himself, and there is
only one in the world.
His boss once said that no matter which store they run, anyone holding this Supreme Card
must be treated as his grandfather.
After resolving the matter over there, the manager quickly came to Xiao Zhantian again.
"Sir, this location is not the best place for dining in our restaurant. Let me take you
to another place!"
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand, "No need to bother, I just came here to have a simple
"Yes, the food you ordered will be served soon. Do you need anything extra?"
Xiao Zhantian shook his head, "No, just let me eat here quietly."
The manager suddenly became a little panicked, "We were negligent this time. You can let
us know in advance next time you come to the store."
"We will clear the area for you to avoid unnecessary people disturbing your dining mood."
Xiao Zhantian didn't say anything more, just waved his hand, and soon the manager left
After a while, the manager came over personally with some desserts and ice cream that
children liked.
"This is the sign of our store, presented to you. And this bottle of red wine is made
from grapes picked by our boss himself at the manor."
After placing these things on the table one by one, the manager did not dare to disturb
them anymore and left quickly.
"Why do these people respect you so much? Is this Supreme Card so powerful?"
Jiang Qingqing looked a little puzzled. Xiao Zhantian had been staying in the Northern
Territory, so how come he had a VLP card for the restaurant here?
"A friend gave it to me before. He is in the catering industry and owns many restaurants.
He should be able to give me a lot of discounts."
Xiao Zhantian said this calmly, but Jiang Qingqing always felt that things were not as
simple as he said.
But she was quite happy to hear that there was a discount, otherwise this meal would have
cost tens of thousands.
They had a comfortable meal here, and the manager gave them a lot of gifts before
The manager also said respectfully that if Xiao Zhantian came early next time, he must
notify them.
After sending them out, the manager stood at the door for a long time without leaving.
Just as they came to the roadside and were about to take a taxi, a Mercedes-Benz suddenly
stopped in front of them.
The car window slowly rolled down, and suddenly a bottle of water was poured out and
splashed directly onto Jiang Qingqing.
"Hey, isn't this a poor guy? There's no car and you still have to wait for the bus!"
The other party laughed coldly twice, stepped on the accelerator and left, leaving them
standing there in embarrassment.
Who else could it be except the two uncultured people who were in the restaurant just
If they hadn't been driving fast, Xiao Zhantian would naturally not have let them go.
I just didn't expect these two people to be so shameless and play such despicable tricks.
"It's still early anyway, let's go shopping in the mall and buy you some clothes."
Xiao Zhantian saw that Jiang Qingqing was soaked and couldn't wear the clothes anymore.
Jiang Qingqing sighed and could only say that it was an unprovoked disaster. It was
obvious that they did nothing wrong.
They returned to the mall again, and Jiang Qingqing picked out a dress.
While she was trying on clothes, Xiao Zhantian made a phone call and checked the
identities of the two people.
He said how could there be such uncultured people in the imperial capital, it turned out
they were just taking advantage of the power of others.
That woman is from the side branch of the Mei family, and only has some blood
relationship with the eight wealthy families, but she is so arrogant and domineering.
Xiao Zhantian didn't have a good impression of the Mei family. The women in the Mei
family were always arrogant.
Speaking of which, the Mei family has always been ruled by women, and the chances of them
giving birth to boys in each generation are very small.
At the beginning, the Xiao family almost formed a marriage alliance with the Mei family,
but Xiao Zhantian felt that Miss Mei was really not suitable for him.
After he refused, the Mei family competed with the Xiao family in business for a long
It was just some minor conflicts, Xiao Zhantian wouldn't kill them all.
He just made a phone call and asked someone to target Mei Zhenzhen's family company.
Let her know clearly what it means that you should not mess with people you can't afford
to mess with.

Chapter 30 Direct Bankruptcy

On the other side, Mei Zhenzhen, who had vented her anger, was smiling.
"Don't you even know who you are? How dare you fight me!"
Zhang Xuefeng agreed repeatedly, "Yeah! Who knows where that guy got a vlP card? He might
have stolen it from someone else."
"But that man just now looked somewhat familiar."
Mei Zhenzhen frowned slightly and thought about it in her mind, but she couldn't remember
where she had seen it.
Just at this moment, there was a sharp ring from the phone.
She glanced down and picked up the phone.
"What's wrong, Dad?"
"Did you mess with someone you shouldn't mess with when you were out there?"
Yuan Jiwu's voice was very serious, and if you listened carefully, you could hear a
slight tremor in it.
"No...what's wrong?"
"Something happened to the company. Not only did we lose several big orders, but many
customers also stopped cooperating with us!"
"That's fine, but someone came to check just now. I think this is the end! Did you really
not offend anyone?"
Several faces flashed through Mei Zhenzhen's mind, but then she shook her head, thinking
it was unlikely.
"They don't have that much ability, and how can they be that fast..."
Hearing her words, Yuan Jiwu pressed on, "What's going on? Tell me now! Do you want to
watch the company go bankrupt?"
Mei Zhenzhen then told Yuan Jiwu about the conflicts that had occurred between her and
Xiao Zhantian and the others, but she did not take it to heart.
"I don't think that family is any big shot. I've never seen them in the imperial capital.
It should just be a coincidence."
"How could such a coincidence happen? You just offended them, and right after that, your
company was retaliated against by others!"
Yuan Jiwu didn't believe that such a coincidence existed. He felt that it must be Mei
Zhenzhen who offended someone she shouldn't have offended.
"Go back now and see if those people are still there. No matter what, apologize first!"
Yuan Jiwu ordered sternly.
"Dad, you asked me to apologize to them before we even figured out what happened. What if
that man didn't do it?"
"Just go if I ask you to! If something really happens to the company, our family will be
homeless. Do you think we can survive without the Mei family's help?"
Yuan Jiwu knew very well in his mind that if they had no value to the Mei family, the Mei
family would abandon them without hesitation.
After hanging up the phone, Mei Zhenzhen's face fell and her expression became gloomy.
"Turn around and go back to where we were just now."
"What happened?"
Zhang Xuefeng asked carefully, but unexpectedly he was slapped in the face.
"Just go back when I tell you to. Why are you so long-winded?"
In the mall here, Xiao Zhantian bought several sets of clothes for Jiang Qingqing.
"Mom, you look so beautiful in this skirt, like a fairy from heaven!"
Jiang Qingqing bent down and pinched Xiao Huanhuan's little face.
"You are such a sweet-talker, who did you learn this from?"
Xiao Huanhuan grinned, "Dad said that I should be a person who is good at building others
up and have eyes that can discover beauty."
Jiang Qingqing looked up and exchanged a glance with Xiao Zhantian, and they both smiled.
"How about we go to the 4S store and buy a car later?"
Jiang Qingqing shook her head. "Huanhuan can't go to school yet. I can just take the
subway to work. I don't have a driver's license anyway."
"It's better not to spend unnecessary money. The company has just opened and there will
definitely be many places where money is needed."
She thought that Xiao Zhantian was irritated by what the woman had just said.
Xiao Zhantian held her hand and said, "After all, you are now the boss of a company. It's
not right for you to go out without a car."
"Besides, it's not convenient for Chengtian to go to the company. Every car can be used
by you two and Uncle Nian. Isn't this great?"
After hearing him mention other people, and thinking that buying a car could be used by
three people, Jiang Qingqing felt that it was a good deal.
"But it's getting late today, so let's go and see it tomorrow! And call Chengtian along
to see what he likes."
Xiao Zhantian said: "I'm his brother, how could I not know his preferences? Let's just
choose together, don't worry about him!"
As for Xiao Chengtian, Xiao Zhantian had already made arrangements. He not only provided
him with a car, but also a full-time driver.
Now he said this just to deal with Jiang Qingqing.
Otherwise, given Jiang Qingqing's personality, she would definitely feel embarrassed to
waste money on buying a car just for her own convenience.
In fact, Xiao Zhantian has a lot of cars, but those are too high-profile and not suitable
for daily use.
He planned to buy a more comfortable one so that it would be convenient for his family to
go out and play.
The family of three walked out of the mall while chatting. Just a few steps out of the
door, two people suddenly rushed towards them.
Hearing the cold female voice, Jiang Qingqing frowned.
"Why are you guys here again?"
Mei Zhenzhen looked a little unnatural. She looked at Xiao Zhantian and asked, "Was it
you who did something to our company just now?"
"I don't understand what you're saying, so get out of the way."
Xiao Zhantian was too lazy to pay attention to the two of them. He naturally knew what
Mei Zhenzhen was here for.
However, having done something that offended others, it is a bit too simplistic to think
that you can withdraw the punishment just by saying sorry.
Mei Zhenzhen snorted coldly, "You really think you are such a big shot! Let me tell you,
I am from the Mei family of the imperial capital."
"I don't care whether you did it or not, withdraw those orders immediately! Otherwise, if
the Mei family comes after you, it won't be so easy!"
At this time, she is still giving orders to Xiao Zhantian. I really don't know whether
she is stupid or not.
Xiao Zhantian walked forward with his wife and daughter and ignored her.
Only Mei Zhenzhen was left, standing behind and shouting, insulting Xiao Zhantian all the
Before Xiao Zhantian's figure disappeared, Mei Zhenzhen received a call from Yuan Jiwu.
"What have you done? The company is completely ruined now! How could I have a daughter
like you who is so troublesome!"
"I've had enough. You and your mother are both idiots. I can't live like this for even
one more day!"
Yuan Jiwu scolded her directly on the phone and then hung up angrily.
The call had just been hung up when Mei Zhenzhen's mother called again.
"Mei Zhenzhen, you are such a sinner, what did you do? Why did your father want to
divorce me and the company went bankrupt!"
"I am so unlucky to have a useless daughter like you. Don't go home. Find a place to die.
I will jump off the building too!"
The continuous insults made Mei Zhenzhen stunned, and then she reacted.
She immediately ran towards Xiao Zhantian, but unfortunately they had already left in a

Chapter 31: Getting Medicine

Mei Zhenzhen turned around, took off her high heels and threw them at Zhang Xuefeng.
"Are you a dead man? Hurry up and drive after them!"
Zhang Xuefeng was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't understand what was going on,
he subconsciously did not dare to resist Mei Zhenzhen.
The taxi was driving slowly here, and suddenly it felt that the Mercedes behind seemed to
be chasing them, and it looked a little hesitant.
"Sir, do you recognize the car behind you? It seems to be chasing you!"
After all, the other person also has a Mercedes-Benz. As a taxi driver, he can't race
with the other person, right? And if there is an accident, he can't afford the
"I don't know them. Just keep driving your car and ignore them."
After hearing what Xiao Zhantian said, the driver breathed a sigh of relief and continued
Unexpectedly, after a while, the car suddenly floated in front of them and forced them to
Fortunately, the taxi driver was highly skilled and experienced and stopped in time,
otherwise who knows what might have happened.
He subconsciously wanted to roll down the window and curse at the person, but after
thinking about it, he felt that this was not someone he could afford to offend.
Mei Zhenzhen got out of the car quickly, and this time she was completely different from
At this moment, she put aside her arrogance and looked at Xiao Zhantian with a sincere
and guilty expression.
"Sir, I know I was wrong... I offended you without knowing the severity of the situation.
Please forgive me!"
Seeing that Xiao Zhantian was indifferent, she simply raised her hand and slapped herself
in the face.
Mei Zhenzhen did not dare to be vague about this slap and actually slapped herself until
her face turned red.
Jiang Qingqing was a little confused and turned to look at Xiao Zhantian.
"You don't have to beg me. The decision I made will never change."
If everyone came here to offend him and then pretended to apologize, Xiao Zhantian would
forgive them, and then his reputation as the God of War would not spread.
Mei Zhenzhen fell to her knees with a thud, but this time she did not beg Xiao Zhantian
for help. Instead, she looked at Jiang Qingqing.
"Ma'am, I was wrong before. I am willing to compensate you for the clothes. If you are
upset because of my previous words that offended you, you can hit me or scold me!"
Mei Zhenzhen looked anxious, "Please ask this gentleman to spare my family and not let my
company go bankrupt!"
"You must have made a mistake. My husband wouldn't do such a thing, and we don't have
that much ability."
Although Jiang Qingqing knew that Xiao Zhantian had indeed achieved remarkable results in
the Northern Territory in recent years, she did not know how capable Xiao Zhantian was.
In her opinion, Xiao Zhantian only had some military merits, which could offset the Xiao
family's previous crimes, so the Dragon Lord would not hold them accountable again.
But as for business matters, the Xiao family is gone now, so how could Xiao Zhantian have
such great ability?
Mei Zhenzhen was stunned for a moment, but apart from offending Xiao Zhantian today, she
had not offended anyone else.
What's more, Xiao Zhantian also admitted this matter in his words.
"You must have done this. I know I was arrogant and overconfident before, but now I
really realize my mistake!"
Jiang Qingqing looked a little conflicted, and for a moment she didn't know what to say.
"We are going home, get out of the way."
Xiao Zhantian still didn't give in and said coldly.
He came here to apologize, not to cause trouble, so Mei Zhenzhen certainly didn't dare to
continue to stop him.
After moving the car away, she looked at the taxi's back as it left, still feeling a
little unwilling to admit defeat.
"Miss Mei, what is going on?"
Zhang Xuefeng looked somewhat doubtful, wondering in his heart whether the Mei family was
in trouble.
I like Mei Zhenzhen just for the Mei family's money. If the Mei family is going bankrupt,
then what's the point of me being with her?
Mei Zhenzhen glared at Zhang Xuefeng, then raised her hand and slapped him again.
"If you hadn't made me look at them in the restaurant today, I wouldn't have ridiculed
them. Only poor bastards like you have such low manners!"
"Now, because of you, I have offended someone I cannot afford to offend. If anything
really happens to the Mei family, I will make sure you die without a burial place!"
There was a fierce look in her eyes, and Zhang Xuefeng trembled subconsciously.
As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Even if the Mei family went
bankrupt, he couldn't afford to offend them.
"Ms. Mei, I actually have an idea."
Zhang Xuefeng looks like a bootlicker.
In the taxi, Jiang Qingqing looked at Xiao Zhantian.
"What happened just now? Why did that girl say that you bankrupted her family?"
Xiao Zhantian shook his head, "I don't know either. Maybe she has mental problems!
Otherwise, why would she be walking on the street like a madman?"
Thinking of Mei Zhenzhen's appearance just now, Jiang Qingqing also felt a little
The man who was so arrogant before now kneeled down before them and begged them.
Anyway, it didn't delay them in the end, so Jiang Qingqing didn't think about it anymore.
After sending Jiang Qingqing and the others home, Xiao Zhantian prepared to go to
Baicaotang to get medicine.
"You and Huanhuan stay at home! I'll be back after I get her medicine."
Jiang Qingqing nodded, feeling somewhat excited.
Although Xiao Huanhuan looks like a normal person now, she still gets sick from time to
When the disease broke out, my whole body was cold and I kept crying out in pain.
But no matter how they checked, they couldn't find any symptoms in her body.
The sooner I can collect these medicines, the less suffering my daughter will suffer.
After Xiao Zhantian went out, he walked all the way to the entrance of Baicaotang.
Before he could take out his phone, an old man came hurried over.
"Mr. Xiao! I have already contacted them and asked them to prepare the things."
Xiao Zhantian nodded slightly, "Let's go!"
He also wanted to get this thing as soon as possible. Although only one medicine could
not completely cure Xiao Huanhuan, it could at least alleviate her pain.
After entering Baicao Hall, they were about to go upstairs when they were suddenly
stopped by someone.
"Who are you? Who allowed you to run around? Wait over there for treatment."
Xiao Zhantian tilted his head slightly, his eyes full of doubt.
Tang Boli's face was filled with embarrassment. He looked at the newcomer and shouted,
"You don't know me? Where's your boss?"
"It's useless to call anyone today. Don't try to get in touch with others through the
back door. Our boss is waiting to receive an important person and has no time to talk to
Xiao Zhantian couldn't help but laugh twice, thinking that the scene was a bit funny.
"Haven't you ever thought that we are the important people your boss is going to
The man looked them up and down. "Impossible! Stop making trouble and get out of here."
His boss has already told him that the founder of their Baicaotang will be coming today.

Chapter 32 Jiang Qingqing Car Accident

The other party is almost seventy years old, so naturally he can't be a man as young as
Xiao Zhantian.
As for Tang Boli, he was wearing an ordinary white T-shirt, three-quarter trousers, and a
pair of cloth shoes.
He looks like an old man taking a walk in the park, or like he just came back from
The man thought that these two people just came here to cause trouble, and he would never
associate them with the important person he was going to receive today.
Tang Boli said nothing more, walked to the side and made a phone call.
After a while, a man came down from the stairs in a hurry.
After seeing him, the man who had just stopped Xiao Zhantian and the others immediately
ran towards him.
"Boss, is an important person coming? Why are you coming down to receive him in person?"
The other party glared at him with gritted teeth, "You are really incapable of achieving
anything, but always capable of causing trouble!"
After he finished speaking, he smiled and walked towards Tang Boli.
"Tang Lao, it's all because I didn't discipline my subordinates strictly. I actually made
such a mistake."
Tang Boli waved his hand, "Forget it, he is also doing his job conscientiously, hurry
upstairs to get the things!"
When the man heard that Tang Boli was the important person they were going to receive
today, he was stunned.
Seeing that the other party did not blame him, he hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you,
thank you!"
They went upstairs quickly, and the man said seriously, "Mr. Tang, I have just sent
someone to get the things as you ordered."
"It's just that this thing has a special preservation method and can't stay outside for
too long."
The boss never thought that Tang Boli wanted to give this thing to Xiao Zhantian, and
thought he was here to visit.
After all, this thing is the treasure of their store, and it is said that it has been
passed down in Baicaotang for a hundred years.
"It's okay. I know what I'm doing."
Tang Boli didn't say much.
After entering the house, the boss asked the bodyguards who were guarding nearby to
"You get out too!"
Tang Boli waved his hand.
He and Xiao Zhantian were the only ones left in the room, so he opened the box and walked
Inside the box, something that looked a bit like grass and a bit like a tree was lying
"I didn't expect that the legendary Chiba root doesn't look like anything special."
Xiao Zhantian thought that this thing should be shining with golden light, and it would
look unusual at first glance.
Tang Boli smiled and said, "This tiny herb is something that many people cannot buy even
if they spend money on it. It is hard to find in the world."
After he finished speaking, he felt that what he said was a little inappropriate, and
added: "I don't mean to take credit from you."
"This item is extremely difficult to preserve. It requires some precious medicinal
materials to be ground into powder and then soaked in water. In order to maintain it over
the years, Baicaotang has also spent a lot of money."
"Giving it away now can relieve some of the pressure on Baicaotang. I will officially
hand it over to you."
Xiao Zhantian took it and said, "Will it affect the efficacy of the medicine if I keep it
alone today?"
This is something I got with great difficulty. I wonder if I can find a second one.
He didn't want it to be useless when he brought it back, which would have been a waste of
Tang Boli nodded, "It's okay. This box looks simple, but it has been soaked in medicine
for decades and is also contaminated with the smell of medicine."
"If you hold it alone for just one day, it won't affect the medicinal properties. If you
don't use it, you must soak it within ten hours."
After asking all these questions, Xiao Zhantian did not waste any time and immediately
rushed back without stopping.
He was just halfway there when he received a call from Xuesha, and there was some tension
in his voice.
"Sir, it's all my fault for not taking good care of her. My wife was in a car accident
just now and has been sent to the hospital."
Xiao Zhantian frowned, "How could this happen? Which hospital is it? I'll be there right
Xuesha briefly told him the cause of the incident and reported the address of the
It turned out that Jiang Qingqing went out to buy vegetables, but unexpectedly was hit by
a car, and the car directly fled the scene of the accident.
Fortunately, there were two kind people on the road who sent Jiang Qingqing to the
hospital in time and contacted them.
In the hospital, Xiao Zhantian saw Mei Zhenzhen as soon as he entered the ward.
He frowned, "Why are you here?"
"Just now, thanks to her, she helped me and sent me to the hospital afterwards."
Jiang Qingqing had gauze wrapped around her forehead and some scratches on her body.
Seeing Xiao Zhantian's unfriendly expression, she began to explain.
Xiao Zhantian frowned. He didn't think there would be such a coincidence in this world.
"If I find out that this matter is related to you, your Mei family will disappear from
the imperial capital."
Xiao Zhantian's eyes were as dark as ink. Looking at his eyes, Mei Zhenzhen's legs
suddenly went weak.
"Sir, I don't understand what you mean. How does this matter have anything to do with
She forced a smile, "I just happened to see the madam, and saw a car hit her."
Originally, she wanted to ask Xiao Zhantian if he could spare the Mei family because she
had saved Jiang Qingqing.
But looking at Xiao Zhantian's eyes, she didn't dare to say this out loud.
Jiang Qingqing tugged at Xiao Zhantian's sleeve and said, "That car was involved in a
hit-and-run accident. We've called the police and they came over to take your statement."
"I think this girl must have really passed by by chance and saved me. If it weren't for
her, I'm afraid my injuries would be more serious."
Jiang Qingqing witnessed it all with her own eyes, and the police also came over to
inquire and conduct an investigation.
According to the police, the driver who caused the accident has been caught.
It is said that this person was driving under the influence of alcohol, which caused him
to be confused and almost hit Jiang Qingqing.
Jiang Qingqing felt that no one would help others at the cost of breaking the law.
Xiao Zhantian didn't say anything else, just waved his hand and told Mei Zhenzhen to
leave quickly.
"You are just too trusting. Don't cook for yourself in the future. I will hire a nanny."
Jiang Qingqing sighed, "Do you think I'm a little too stupid?"
Xiao Zhantian explained: "That's not what I meant. Aren't you going to work in a company
all day? You won't have time to cook at home."
He carefully checked Jiang Qingqing's injuries again and asked, "Are you feeling any pain
anywhere else? Apart from some superficial injuries, are you not injured anywhere else?"
"No, did you get what you wanted?"
Xiao Zhantian nodded.
Jiang Qingqing said hurriedly: "Then let's go back quickly! Don't waste time here. I can
go back and heal my injuries."
They immediately returned to the Xiao family, and Lu Mingyou opened the box.
"No, the stuff in here isn't Chiba root at all!"
Lu Mingyou frowned tightly, "I have seen Qianye roots before when I was young, but they
didn't look like this, and the taste of this thing is not right either."

Chapter 33 The medicine is fake

Xiao Zhantian quickly stepped forward and took a look. The box did contain the things he
had taken from Baicaotang before.
Tang Boli would never do that, nor does he have the courage to use a fake thing to deal
with himself.
"Are you sure this thing isn't Chiba root?"
Lu Mingyou nodded, "I'm sure, the skin of the thousand-leaf root is brown with a hint of
purple, and this thing looks similar."
She picked up the herbs while speaking, "But judging from the roots, the purple color it
exudes is not natural, but looks like it was made by humans."
Xiao Zhantian observed carefully and found that it was indeed as she said.
"I'll contact Tang Boli and ask him now."
Xiao Zhantian felt that there was something wrong with this matter, but he couldn't tell
what was wrong.
Tang Boli was also extremely shocked when he received the call.
"That's absolutely impossible. This thing is tightly secured. There's no possibility of
it being replaced by someone!"
This is the treasure of their store, and nothing has gone wrong with it for hundreds of
And they will send people to check regularly to ensure that its medicinal properties are
still there and there will be no accidents.
Xiao Zhantian pondered for a moment, "Let's talk about it when we meet. I'll send you the
address, come over."
He originally wanted to think that maybe the people at Baicaotang didn’t know Qianye Gen
at all, so they made a mistake from the beginning.
However, Tang Boli is also well-known in the medical field, and their Baicaotang is a
medical family.
For a family that has been engaged in medicine for a hundred years, it is unlikely that
they would not know about this thing.
As for Lu Mingyou, Xiao Zhantian absolutely believed in her abilities.
After receiving the call, Tang Boli rushed to the Xiao family without stopping.
After chatting with Lu Mingyou, all the possibilities they had previously speculated
seemed to be overturned.
But if this thing hadn't been replaced by someone, how could it have changed
Lu Mingyou looked at Xiao Zhantian hesitantly and said, "Could it be that someone
replaced you on the way back?"
Tang Boli knew Qianye Gen, so what he showed Xiao Zhantian must have been true.
Since it was a real thing when Xiao Zhantian took it away, how come it became a fake when
it came back?
The only possibility is that this thing slipped out of Xiao Zhantian's hands while he was
bringing it back, and something went wrong.
Lu Mingyou did not doubt Xiao Zhantian's ability, but this was the only possibility at
the moment.
"Did something go wrong in the hospital?"
Jiang Qingqing asked.
Xiao Zhantian took a deep breath and said, "I'll go check it out!"
He thought about it and decided that the thing was indeed in his hands, so the
possibility of problems was greatest.
Although he was always vigilant and would not make such a mistake, he was still confused
due to his concern.
When I entered Jiang Qingqing's ward, I had indeed let this thing go.
At that time, Mei Zhenzhen was the only one in the ward besides the two of them, and she
was the only possibility.
At this time, Mei Zhenzhen was still scolding Zhang Xuefeng, "What kind of bad idea did
you come up with? Not only did you not make him remember my kindness, but you even
suspected that I staged this incident myself!"
Today's car accident was indeed just a coincidence.
Originally, Zhang Xuefeng wanted Mei Zhenzhen to wait and see if there was a chance to
make Xiao Zhantian remember her kindness.
This car accident just happened, and Mei Zhenzhen felt that God was helping her.
But she never thought that the coincidence would arouse suspicion.
The door of the hotel was suddenly kicked open and several men rushed in.
They said nothing, picked up Mei Zhenzhen and Zhang Xuefeng and walked out.
"What do you want to do? Who are you?"
Mei Zhenzhen's face changed drastically and she struggled, and Zhang Xuefeng was so
scared that he didn't dare to say a word.
But the men in black did not answer them, but stuffed them into the car.
Soon the two men were taken back to the Xiao family and thrown out of the car.
"Tell me what you did, and maybe I can let you go."
Xiao Zhantian did not directly mention the matter of Qianye Gen, in case these two guys
were not honest and he could still trick them.
At this moment, Xiao Zhantian's aura was unleashed, and Mei Zhenzhen fell limply to the
ground with a thud.
"Sir, I admit that I did want you to remember my kindness and spare the Mei family, but I
swear, this car accident really has nothing to do with me!"
Zhang Xuefeng on the side lowered his head, trying to reduce his presence as much as
possible, and dared not say a word.
Xiao Zhantian raised his foot and kicked him on the shoulder.
He had long seen that there was something fishy about this guy.
The kick dislocated Zhang Xuefeng's shoulder, and he grimaced in pain.
"Don't hit me, I'll tell you! I'll tell you! I arranged that car just to make you
suspicious. Mei Zhenzhen did it on purpose."
"Zhang Xuefeng, what did you say? I think you don't want to live anymore. You actually
plotted against me behind my back!"
Mei Zhenzhen immediately started cursing, and Zhang Xuefeng on the side finally gave in.
"If you didn't have some filthy money, I wouldn't bother dealing with you. You always
order me around like your dog!"
"Your Mei family deserves to go bankrupt. I just want to borrow this gentleman's knife to
kill your Mei family's arrogance!"
He is a grown man, and even though he is a gigolo, how can he not feel resentment when he
is scolded and beaten by her all day long?
Soon, the two men started arguing with each other.
Xiao Zhantian was confused. These two people didn't even know the existence of Qianye
Root, and judging from the situation, they didn't have the ability to switch it.
The person who can do this right under his nose is definitely not an ordinary person.
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand, and the two people fighting over there were directly thrown
out by Xuesha.
At this time, Xiao Zhantian had no intention of caring about the Mei family.
After a while, he looked at Tang Boli.
"Go back to Baicaotang and investigate to see if there are any problems within your
Except when I was in the hospital, this box never left my hands.
Xiao Zhantian didn't think that someone could come and go without a trace and replace the
medicine in the box right under his nose.
At this moment, Tang Boli slapped his forehead hard.
"Evil son! Evil son!"
He didn't even bother to say hello to Xiao Zhantian and ran away in a hurry.
Xiao Zhantian looked at Tang Boli's departing back and recalled what happened when he
left Baicaotang just now.
Just as they were about to leave, they met Tang Boli's son.
He said he knew that Tang Boli was going to give their store's most valuable treasure to
someone else.
"Dad, this thing has been in our Baicao Hall for hundreds of years, and I have never seen
it before! Can I take a look at it before I give it to others? What does it look like?"
The other party's expression was very sincere, and he was Tang Boli's son, so Xiao
Zhantian didn't suspect anything.
He hadn't thought about this matter at all just now and completely excluded this person
from suspicion.

Chapter 34 Finding Chiba Root

Although Xiao Zhantian had no responsibility for this matter, Qianye Gen did.
I don’t know if Tang Boli can get the things back. If not, it will take more effort.
"Xue Sha, check again to see if there are any other places with Qianye roots besides
Although there is no definite answer at this time, Xiao Zhantian feels that he should
still make preparations for both situations.
Xue Sha naturally understood that this thing was not easy to find, otherwise he would not
have taken so long to search for it.
But now that Xiao Zhantian had spoken, he certainly had no room for refusal.
Here, Tang Boli called his son in a hurry, but the call was not connected.
He cursed a few times in anger, but the matter still had to be resolved.
After calling his family, he still couldn't find out his son's whereabouts, so he called
some of his son's friends.
This thing is the treasure of their Baicaotang, so it's fine to give it to Xiao Zhantian
as a way of repaying his kindness.
But now the things have not been delivered, and I have still owed a favor to Xiao
The key point is that no one knows where this thing has gone. Tang Boli's face turned red
with anger.
His cell phone suddenly vibrated and he picked up the phone immediately after checking
the caller ID.
"Mr. Xiao, the whereabouts of Qianyegen has been found, but it's a bit troublesome to get
it back. Can you help me?"
Xiao Zhantian suddenly received a call from Tang Boli, and there was a hint of
embarrassment in his words.
Naturally, he was too embarrassed to speak up. He had originally thought that he could
repay Xiao Zhantian's kindness this time.
Unexpectedly, after all this going back and forth, I owed one more person.
"Send me your location and I'll come find you now."
Xiao Zhantian didn't say much and immediately asked about his location.
As long as he could find Chiba Root, he certainly wouldn't hesitate.
The sooner these things are collected, the sooner my daughter will stop suffering.
Soon Xiao Zhantian met Tang Boli. Besides him, there was a young man with some wounds on
his face.
"This is my good-for-nothing grandson. If it weren't for him, Qianye Root wouldn't have
been taken away today."
Tang Boli sighed and glared at Tang Boxin, "Why don't you quickly explain the matter to
Mr. Xiao?"
Tang Boli was also miserable when this happened.
Just when he was searching for his son's whereabouts, he suddenly received a call from
Tang Boxin.
It turned out that Tang Boxin had met a friend some time ago, who claimed to be from a
wealthy family in the imperial capital.
He hung out with other people all day long, and even talked about making some
investments, but he never expected that he was actually cheated out of some money.
Baicaotang can be considered a medical family and has considerable strength in the
imperial capital, but it is still inferior to the eight great families.
In fact, this money was not defrauded, but those people plotted against Tang Boxin.
Not only did he lose the money he invested, but he also owed others money.
The other party said that if the money could not be repaid, they would ask the Tang
family to pay it back.
Tang Boxin naturally didn't want others to know about such a shameful thing, but he
couldn't pay it back with his ability.
After thinking it over, he told his father about it.
Yesterday was the deadline, and Tang Qianyang had no choice but to meet those people in
He originally wanted to write an IOU and repay these people on time, but the other party
did not agree.
They even took control of Tang Boxin and asked Tang Qianyang whether he wanted his son or
the money.
If they can't pay the money today, Tang Boxin will be in trouble.
Those people looked ferocious and didn't seem to be lying. They put the knives directly
on Tang Boxin's legs, and even caused bleeding.
Tang Qianyang is also a cultured person, how could he have seen such methods?
He was frightened at the moment and begged them to spare his son with tears.
When the other party saw that he had already controlled the two men, he immediately
proposed a second-best method.
They did not ask Tang Qianyang to pay back the money, but asked Tang Qianyang to give
them their store's treasure.
"We were originally trying to find a solution, but we didn't expect that you would give
this thing away, so... those people just released me, but my dad is still under their
Tang Boxin also knew that he had made a mistake, and he lowered his head, not looking
like his usual young master.
They thought that since this thing could be given to others, it would be better to help
their own family pay off their debts.
Tang Boli slapped him in the face, "You two are the most stupid of all!"
"Okay, the most urgent thing now is to get Qianyegen back as soon as possible. Where are
those people?"
Xiao Zhantian looked calm, but in fact, a storm was brewing secretly.
He could see that today's incident was deliberately planned by someone.
Tang Boxin quickly gave an address, and Xiao Zhantian waved at Tang Boli.
"Don't go. I will get this thing back, and I will save your son."
He is so old, not only can he not be of any help if he goes, but Xiao Zhantian also has
to take care of him.
Xiao Zhantian contacted his men and drove to Fengyun Mountain.
Fengyun Mountain, Songping Manor.
The Fei family is one of the eight great families in the imperial capital.
The manor occupies almost the entire hilltop, with no end in sight.
Xiao Zhantian drove the car directly to the gate of the manor and was stopped by
"Open the door."
Xiao Zhantian uttered two words coldly, and the two bodyguards at the door were stunned
for a moment.
But they looked around and didn't recognize Xiao Zhantian.
Seeing Xiao Zhantian's momentum, they did not dare to neglect him and asked respectfully,
"Who are you?"
Xiao Zhantian reached out and grabbed the man by the collar, then knocked him to the
ground with just one punch.
He raised his eyes and looked at the other bodyguard next to him, "Open the door, don't
make me say it again."
The bodyguard dared not resist and pressed the button tremblingly.
Soon the gate slowly rose, and Xiao Zhantian stepped on the accelerator and drove
straight in.
As soon as the rear of his car disappeared, the bodyguard immediately notified the
"Someone broke in by force and has gone up the mountain."
Inside the villa, Tang Qianyang was beaten and was tied up tightly in the corner.
He could tell that these people didn't seem to intend to let him go back.
They didn't want anyone to know who took the Qianye root, and he begged these people to
leave a descendant for their Tang family.
He also said that he would volunteer to be a hostage here, and if necessary, he could
tell Tang Boli that he had done all these things.
Those people seemed to have thought about it and felt that Tang Qianyang's proposal was
more beneficial to them, so they agreed.
Suddenly the door opened and a bodyguard strode in.
"Master, the people at the door said that someone broke in by force and is heading this

Chapter 35 Entering the Manor

The expressions of several people in the room suddenly changed, and they turned to look
at Tang Qianyang.
"What's your trick?"
Tang Qianyang shook his head repeatedly, "No! If I really had such great ability, why
would I stay here as a hostage?"
Those people thought about it and felt that what he said made some sense, but they still
did not dare to neglect it.
"Be on alert, gather all the people in the manor around the main house, and bring
The young man in the lead smiled coldly. He wanted to see who had such courage.
If you trespass into Songping Manor without permission, you will not get out alive.
They waited here for a long time, but there was no movement outside.
Long Kaicheng stood up, his eyes filled with impatience.
"Where did you get the news just now? It's been such a long time and there's no movement.
Could it be that they are deliberately teasing me?"
He quickly stepped out of the house. At this time, there were many bodyguards guarding
around him.
Long Kaicheng glared at them. "You're all standing here like wooden stakes. Didn't you
see anyone coming over here just now?"
The bodyguard captain said, "Master, we have been guarding here and have not seen any
suspicious people."
"Okay, some people stay here to guard, and a few more people go to the door to see what's
going on, and the rest of you go back to your original positions."
Long Kaicheng gave the order and the bodyguards dispersed.
"what's the situation?"
Seeing Long Kaicheng enter the room again, the others asked hurriedly.
Long Kaicheng shook his head. "Who knows? If I knew who deliberately spread the false
news to tease me, I would definitely kill him!"
After saying this, he revealed a sinister smile.
It seemed that for him, killing a person was like crushing an ant.
Even to Long Kaicheng, this was as interesting as a game.
"Master Long is in a good mood."
Suddenly a voice came from the balcony, and it was obviously not from one of them.
Long Kaicheng turned his head and looked over, only to see a man standing there quietly.
There are so many people here, but no one noticed his movements just now.
"what are you?"
Long Kaicheng looked at Xiao Zhantian coldly and did not take him seriously.
"The one who wants you dead."
After Xiao Zhantian finished speaking, the young men over there all laughed at the same
"Mr. Long, is this guy a lunatic?"
"Do you know where this place is? How dare you say you want to kill me?"
Long Kaicheng laughed so hard that he couldn't even straighten his back.
"That's hilarious, that's the funniest joke I've heard this year."
After laughing, his expression gradually became gloomy.
"You should first check whether you can get out of here alive!"
Long Kaicheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the next second he rushed towards Xiao
Zhantian, pulling out a dagger from his waist.
The people around him couldn't help but get excited when they saw his actions.
"Mr. Long, don't kill him so quickly. It's not easy to find such an interesting guy.
Torture him first!"
"First show him some color, let him know how powerful Young Master Long is!"
Those people stood aside and looked at Xiao Zhantian as if they were a dead person.
They also felt that Xiao Zhantian must have been frightened, otherwise why would he stand
there motionless?
It seems that this guy is really a lunatic, barging in here alone.
The dagger slid past quickly, and the tip of the blade brought out a cold light.
It seemed that Xiao Zhantian’s throat was about to be cut.
He suddenly disappeared.
Long Kaicheng widened his eyes, wondering if he was hallucinating.
The next second he suddenly felt a pain in his wrist, and the dagger in his hand was
snatched away.
Then he felt a slight pain in his neck.
Before Long Kaicheng could see clearly what was happening, he was already controlled by
Xiao Zhantian.
When those bad friends saw this, they immediately fell silent.
Xiao Zhantian's men exerted a little strength and Long Kaicheng felt blood flowing.
"Do not impulse!"
He quickly opened his mouth to dissuade him.
"Why, now you believe what I just said?"
Xiao Zhantian's voice sounded coldly in his ears.
For the first time, Long Kaicheng felt that having his life held in someone else's hands
was such a painful thing.
"I believe it, I believe it. Who are you and what do you want?"
As Long Kaicheng spoke, he looked around carefully, trying to see if he had any chance of
But obviously not. He was also a martial artist, so he understood that Xiao Zhantian was
not a simple person.
At this moment, he controlled his own movements, making himself almost powerless to fight
It was indeed his negligence just now, and he did not expect Xiao Zhantian to be able to
enter here openly, which was enough to show that he was not a simple person.
"I don't want anything but your life."
Xiao Zhantian naturally would not say that he came to find Qianye Gen, otherwise that
would become a handle for these people to negotiate with him.
"I don't seem to know you, and I don't have any grudge against you, right?"
Long Kaicheng rolled his eyes and looked at Tang Qianyang standing beside him.
"You came here for him?"
This guy does have some brains, but Xiao Zhantian did not admit it.
Tang Qianyang also quickly said: "I don't know him. I have never seen this person
At this time, several brothers from Long Kaicheng's side directly mentioned Tang
They raised the black muzzles of their guns and pointed them at Tang Qianyang.
"Since you're not here for this man, then it doesn't matter if we kill him, right?"
The corner of Long Kaicheng's mouth curled up in a half-smile, but Xiao Zhantian did not
give him any reaction as he had imagined.
His tone didn't even fluctuate.
Long Kaicheng frowned slightly and gave those people over there a look.
After the muzzle of the gun was removed from his forehead, Tang Qianyang breathed a sigh
of relief. Only then did he realize that his body was soaked with sweat.
"Let's sit down and talk it over, okay? All of these people are mine. If you kill me
today, you won't be able to leave."
"Besides, I want to die with a clear conscience, right? You must have some purpose, so
why don't we be frank and speak frankly."
Long Kaicheng could also see that Xiao Zhantian was not an easy person to deal with.
Xiao Zhantian didn't expect that the Long family had some courage and brains, at least
much better than the Jing family.
But it is also true that these eight wealthy families are ranked one, two, three, and
four, and the Long family can be considered one of the top few. The younger generations
they train are naturally extraordinary.
Xiao Zhantian loosened the dagger in his hand, "My hand just got tired."
He slowly walked towards the sofa, and Long Kaicheng relaxed.

Chapter 36 Retrieve the Medicine

Suddenly, he heard a whistling sound of wind in his ears.
He froze in place for a moment. After a moment he heard a click and then he dared to turn
around and look.
The dagger was stuck in the wall behind him, and Long Kaicheng's limbs were a little
He raised his hand and touched it, and found that his ear was bleeding.
Fortunately, he didn't move just now, otherwise the knife would probably have pierced his
I don’t know where this guy came from. He was able to stick a dagger into the wall from
such a long distance.
Long Kaicheng took a deep breath, and the people in the distance also stood where they
were, not daring to move.
Xiao Zhantian was like the owner of the villa. He went straight over and sat on the sofa,
and even poured himself a cup of tea.
"sit down!"
He said to Long Kaicheng.
Long Kaicheng walked towards this side and suddenly realized that he had obeyed Xiao
Zhantian's orders for some reason.
He still gritted his teeth and went over to sit next to Xiao Zhantian.
"Sir, I don't think you are an ordinary person. You should know the eight great families
in the imperial capital, right?"
Long Kaicheng took a piece of paper and wiped the blood from his ear.
"As one of the eight great families, the Long family has power beyond your imagination.
Instead of going against us, why don't we become friends?"
A smile appeared on his lips. "I don't care who sent you here. I can offer you ten times
more than they do."
Xiao Zhantian leaned against the back of the sofa and looked at him coldly.
At this time, their roles were completely reversed. Long Kaicheng was unconsciously in a
lower position and had no ability to resist.
Not to mention the people around him, they didn't even dare to breathe.
"I heard that Young Master Long just got some good stuff."
After a long time, Xiao Zhantian finally spoke.
Long Kaicheng was relieved instead. He was not afraid of Xiao Zhantian making requests,
he was just afraid that he would not make any requests.
"Are you the one who sent this?"
Long Kaicheng asked cautiously, but the other party did not give him any response.
Xiao Zhantian was thinking in his heart at this time, it seems that there may be someone
else behind the eight wealthy families.
The air fell silent for a moment. After a moment, Long Kaicheng stood up and took a
wooden box.
"I originally found this for my Lord. If you are my Lord's man, you can take it."
Xiao Zhantian didn't bother to be polite with him and directly reached out to take the
After getting this thing, he had no more worries.
After all, the Chiba Root is too important. Xiao Zhantian is afraid that they will use
this thing to threaten him after knowing his purpose.
Xiao Zhantian stood up and walked straight towards Tang Qianyang. Seeing that he was
about to untie the rope for Tang Qianyang, Long Kaicheng realized something was wrong.
"Who are you? If you were sent by the Lord, there is no way he would let you take him
Xiao Zhantian snorted coldly, "When did I ever say that I was sent by the so-called
master you mentioned?"
"Stop! Even if you are good at martial arts, can you dodge bullets?"
Long Kaicheng raised his gun, and the black muzzle was pointing at Xiao Zhantian.
"You can try. You only have one chance. If you can't kill me, it will be my turn."
Xiao Zhantian was not afraid and looked normal. He was even still untying the rope for
Tang Qianyang.
Seeing that his ropes were untied, Long Kaicheng did not shoot.
He admitted that he hesitated and did have concerns.
The pressure Xiao Zhantian brought to people was too great, and Long Kaicheng really
didn't dare to gamble with his own life.
Tang Qianyang, who was standing aside, didn't dare to speak even more.
He felt that he couldn't afford to offend any of the people present.
However, judging from the current situation, Xiao Zhantian seemed to have no intention of
killing him.
Just after Xiao Zhantian untied the rope, Long Kaicheng suddenly had an epiphany and
seemed to recognize him.
"Are you from the Xiao family?"
"It seems that you can't stay today."
Xiao Zhantian flashed to the wall and pulled out the dagger.
Long Kaicheng watched the dagger flying towards him, but he had no ability to dodge.
Before he could even pull the trigger, he felt pain in his neck.
The next second, he felt as if his throat had split open, and a lot of blood was rushing
When the people around saw this, they knelt down towards Xiao Zhantian with a plop.
"Have mercy! Please spare us. I don't know you, and I will pretend that I didn't see what
happened today."
"Sir, big brother, grandpa! I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, please don't
kill me!"
Those people cried bitterly and kowtowed on the ground continuously.
Soon, their foreheads were stained with blood.
Xiao Zhantian remained indifferent. Since Long Kaicheng didn't take human life seriously,
it meant that he had done this many times before.
As his accomplices, how could these people have clean hands?
Soon the room became quiet, and Tang Qianyang stood there in a daze.
His hands were shaking, and he didn't know whether he should beg for mercy or what else.
"Let's go!"
Xiao Zhantian only said two words, without even any tone.
But for Tang Qianyang, it was like an amnesty, like the sound of nature.
"You won't kill me?"
"I'm here to save you."
Xiao Zhantian walked towards the door, and Tang Qianyang followed him.
After leaving the house, Xuesha quickly walked towards this side.
"My Lord, everything that needs to be cleaned up has been cleaned up."
"Just finish the work and you can go."
After Xiao Zhantian finished speaking, he got into the car.
The car sped all the way and soon arrived at the Tang family.
After getting off the car and seeing his son and father, Tang Qianyang burst into tears.
No one knew what he had experienced today, but Tang Qianyang never wanted to experience
such a thing again in his life.
"Mr. Xiao, thank you, thank you so much! I owe you another favor."
When Tang Boli saw his son coming back, he was so happy that he didn't know what to say.
He knew that if it weren't for Xiao Zhantian and if he had offended the Long family, his
son would never have returned safely.
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand, "Now that the Qianye root has been taken back, all the
favors from the past are written off."
He doesn't need the Tang family to remember any favors, and likewise, he doesn't feel
like he owes the Tang family any favors.
After all, this thing is the treasure of their store, and it has been passed down for
hundreds of years. These two lives can be regarded as Xiao Zhantian returning them.
This time he opened it and let Tang Boli carefully confirm its authenticity.
After making sure that there was nothing wrong with the things, Xiao Zhantian rushed
Lu Mingyou didn't say anything this time and quickly went to prepare the medicine.
She only used a part of it, but this part of the Thousand Leaf Root could also
temporarily suppress the symptoms in Xiao Huanhuan's body.
Due to the deficiency caused by excessive lack of blood, and the fact that he had not
been replenished, Xiao Huanhuan now often feels cold, as if he had fallen into an ice
Chapter 37 The Whereabouts of Xingyezhu
After taking Qianye root, Xiao Huanhuan's cold symptoms were indeed alleviated.
Of course, if you want to cure her completely, you need to collect all five medicines.
Now, apart from the cold, she has no other symptoms, but this still cannot change the
fact that she will not live long.
Xiao Zhantian and Jiang Qingqing had just taken care of Xiao Huanhuan until she fell
asleep when they suddenly received a call from Tang Boli.
"Mr. Xiao, besides Qianye root, are you looking for other medicinal herbs?"
Xiao Zhantian did not deny it. "My daughter is ill and needs these medicines to treat
her. I am indeed still looking for the other three medicines."
"I know the whereabouts of Xingyezhu. If it is convenient, I hope to meet Mr. Xiao and
treat you to a meal as a token of my gratitude."
What he was referring to was naturally the time when Xiao Zhantian saved his son.
If Xiao Zhantian hadn't been in such a hurry to leave, Tang Boli would definitely be very
grateful to him.
He also knew that Xiao Zhantian did not need these illusory gratitudes, and it would be
better for him to do something practical, so in recent days, he has been helping Xiao
Zhantian to find the whereabouts of other medicines.
After a lot of effort, Tang Boli finally found out the whereabouts of Xingyezhu.
He did not dare to delay and immediately told Xiao Zhantian the news.
"Do you really know the whereabouts of Xingyezhu?"
Xiao Zhantian was somewhat excited.
Now Qianye Gen has been found, and Luohan Gu and the others have also found out his
If all the star-leaf bamboos are collected, there will only be one last medicine left.
Tang Boli hurriedly said: "I dare not deceive you about such an important matter."
"Okay, send me the address and I'll come find you right away."
At this time, Xiao Zhantian was busy looking for medicine for his daughter, but he was
unaware that some disturbances had already arisen among the wealthy families in the
imperial capital.
And he was the main person who caused this turmoil.
The Long family, looking at Long Kaicheng's body, all the members of the Long family fell
into collective silence.
The head of the Long family looked livid. "The other party broke into the Long family's
territory and killed the Long family's people. Now there is no news about him at all."
"I think the Long family should be disbanded now that they have done this. They can't
even catch the culprit for such a big incident. What are you all doing?"
Someone below said carefully: "Master, I think this matter must have been planned by
someone else. Jing Zhengheng of the Jing family also disappeared some time ago."
"Jing Xinli released the news and even issued a wanted order, offering a reward of 500
million to anyone who can find his son."
"But several days have passed since this happened, and there has been no news. It is
unknown whether he is alive or dead."
After he said this, the people below immediately began to whisper.
The head of the family slapped the table and said, "Be quiet! You can't find the murderer
if I ask you to, but you are very good at catching shadows here."
"Can the Jing family's affairs be compared with the Long family's? We are helping that
person, and you all know Kai Cheng's abilities."
The head of the Long family took a deep breath, feeling a little heavy.
Now the task has not been accomplished, and the Chiba root has been taken away by
someone. Until now, he still doesn't know how to explain to that person.
Long Kaicheng is considered a leader among the younger generation of the Long family. He
started practicing martial arts when he was very young.
What's more, the security in Songping Manor is very tight, no one can go in and kill
someone and then run away.
The other party was quite capable. He sneaked in quietly and even killed all the people
in Songping Manor.
This matter is completely declaring war on their Long family and also a provocation to
"I'm putting this on hold. If there's no explanation for this matter within three days,
and that person blames us, our Long family won't be able to escape the blame."
At this time, someone suggested, "Since this matter is related to Baicaotang, why don't
we go to Baicaotang to check the situation?"
The head of the Long family glanced at the faces of those below.
"Third brother, you go and handle this matter. You can put some pressure on Baicaotang.
No matter what, you must get to the bottom of this matter."
"I just don't believe that they don't know the whereabouts of Qianye Root, the treasure
of Baicaotang."
While the Long family members were discussing enthusiastically, Xiao Zhantian had already
met Tang Boli.
"Mr. Xiao, although you said before that there is no need to be grateful for this matter,
you have been of great help to my Tang family."
Tang Boli looked very serious. "My Tang family is not the kind of family that doesn't
repay a favor. From now on, Mr. Xiao's affairs will be Baicaotang's affairs."
"I have compiled the information about the Starry Night Bamboo here. As far as I know,
this thing is an heirloom of the Gong family, one of the eight great families."
“Although not many people have heard of the Starry Night Bamboo, those who know about it
think it is a decoration.”
"Legend has it that it is a piece of stone. The stone is completely black with starlight,
just like the starry sky at night. Inside the stone is a green bamboo."
"It's made of a special material, more precious than jade and the like, so it's very
valuable. The bamboo in it actually has cracked patterns."
"Because of the unique and clever way the pattern is cracked, plus its color, it looks
like a bamboo is standing in it."
"There are relevant records that starry night bamboo can also be used as medicine, but
this thing is not easy to come by and is very valuable, I'm afraid few people would use
it as medicine."
Xiao Zhantian nodded. Although he didn't show it on his face, he was actually a little
Before Tang Boli said that, he only thought that this thing was a medicine and never
thought that it was actually a stone.
From his description, it seems that this thing is indeed more like a decoration than a
If he were asked to look for it, there is a high possibility that he would be confused.
"This is all I can find out at the moment. A senior in the medical field once had the
honor of seeing Xingyezhu when he went to the Gong family to treat a patient."
"I also got the news from him, so I can confirm that this thing is now in the Gong
family, but if you want to get it, I can't help you much."
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand and didn't pay much attention to it.
"It doesn't matter. It's good enough that you can help me find this information."
It seems that the Gong family does not want this news to be leaked, so they have never
revealed anything.
Otherwise, Xiao Zhantian would have mobilized the entire Zhuwang Palace and would
definitely find out his whereabouts.
Although it sounds like this thing is really hard to get now, at least we know where it
At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open.
A man in a suit walked in and locked his eyes on Tang Boli.
"Mr. Tang, you are so arrogant! My Long family has tried to contact you many times but

Chapter 38 The Long Family

Hearing the name of the Long family, Tang Boli instantly became alert and looked a little
Not to mention Tang Qianyang and Tang Boxin who were standing by, the two of them just
froze there.
Tang Boli forced a smile, "I'm so sorry, sir, I'm entertaining guests today, so I won't
let anyone disturb me."
"I don't know why the Long family has come to visit us. I'm sorry for not welcoming you.
I wonder what you want to talk to me about. If you want to cure an illness, can you wait
until I finish the banquet?"
Tang Boli also has some roots in the imperial capital, but they are engaged in the
pharmaceutical industry, which is still a little bit different from the outright wealthy
families in the imperial capital.
If he were facing someone else, perhaps he could rely on his age and seniority and not be
overly polite.
But after what happened before, Tang Boli was always a little scared when facing the Long
He had already heard what Tang Qianyang had told him, and although some details were only
mentioned briefly, Long Kaicheng of the Long family was indeed dead.
Even if this matter is only indirectly related to Tang Qianyang, they cannot escape
responsibility if the Long family pursues the matter.
Mr. Long sneered twice, "So, Mr. Tang is ordering us to leave?"
Tang Boli broke out in cold sweat, "I dare not. Since Mr. Long is anxious to see me,
please sit down first!"
As he finished speaking, he heard the harsh sound of a chair being pulled.
After Mr. Long sat down, the oppressive aura on him still did not diminish.
He scanned the faces of everyone present and finally locked onto Xiao Zhantian's face.
"This person looks like a stranger. He doesn't look like someone from the imperial
In fact, Xiao Zhantian is very different from what he was five years ago, not only in his
figure and appearance, but also in his aura.
Five years ago, he was just a young master in the imperial capital, and he did have some
noble airs.
However, standing among the eight great families in the imperial capital, he does not
stand out from the crowd.
Now, after several years of bloody battles, the tremendous aura he exudes is so great
that even the leaders of the wealthy families in the imperial capital would be three
points weaker than him.
Coupled with the experience on the battlefield, his physique has become taller and
To be honest, no one would associate him with the former wealthy young master of the Xiao
family at first sight.
"This person is not a stranger, but a friend of mine. You can tell me what you are here
for, Mr. Long."
Tang Boli spoke up.
Mr. Long did not respond. He kept his eyes on Xiao Zhantian for a while before looking
He had a vague feeling in his heart that the man sitting here was not an ordinary person.
Even he didn't dare to stare at Xiao Zhantian for too long, as he always felt it was a
bit intimidating.
"Among the younger generation of our Long family, a man named Long Kaicheng died."
Tang Boxin accidentally knocked over the teacup and spilled the liquid, and quickly wiped
it up.
"You are so clumsy. Tell the waiter to clean up. What are you wiping here?"
Tang Qianyang scolded his son and hinted that he should leave here quickly.
Of course, he also knew that if the Long family had really found out about them, they
would not be able to escape even if they tried.
However, Xiao Zhantian had already said that as long as they refused to admit it, no one
would have any evidence for this matter.
The Long family is indeed powerful, but the Tang family is not someone that can be
bullied by others.
Mr. Long just stared at Tang Boxin for two seconds and quickly looked away.
Although he felt that Tang Boxin was indeed a little panicked, he did not think that such
a young boy would be able to kill Long Kaicheng.
He just felt that Tang Boxin was frightened by the powerful aura of their Long family.
Tang Boxin stood up hurriedly and ran out quickly.
After going out, he was so scared when he saw the bodyguards standing outside the door,
almost unable to walk.
Tang Boxin ran all the way to the bathroom and gasped for a long time.
He thought that the Long family came to them now because they found out that he had had
some connection with Long Kaicheng before.
But it is true. Mr. Long in the private room also asked this question.
"I wonder where Mr. Tang's grandson was two days ago?"
Tang Boli replied calmly: "My grandson was ill two days ago and has just recovered a
little, so he lost his composure just now."
"These things can be checked. If Mr. Long is worried, he can find a doctor to check his
Tang Boli comes from a medical family, so he can naturally do such things.
Even if the Long family really noticed something was wrong, they could not do anything
without evidence.
As expected, Mr. Long did not delve into the matter further.
"It is said that Baicaotang has a treasure called Qianye Root. I wonder if we have the
honor to take a look."
His tone was not a question, but an order.
Tang Boli did not give in this time. "Mr. Long also said that this is our store's
treasure, so we can't show it to outsiders casually."
"This thing has been circulated in Baicaotang for a hundred years. It is very important
to us and we never show it to others easily."
"So that's how it is. Sorry to bother you then."
Mr. Long quickly stood up and walked towards the door.
His hand was already on the door handle, but he suddenly stopped and turned to look over.
"By the way, we also found something at the scene of the accident in Longkai City that
seems to be related to the Tang family."
"If it's convenient for Mr. Tang, you can take some time another day to check and see if
it's yours."
Tang Boli smiled and said, "I think Mr. Long has misunderstood. Our Tang family has
nothing to do with that Young Master Long. How could something end up with him?"
Mr. Long smiled and said, "Really? So this thing doesn't belong to your Tang family
As he spoke, he took out a necklace from his arms.
This necklace was given to Tang Boxin by Tang Boli. It was specially made for him and
even had his name on it.
He also spent a lot of time thinking about this thing. It is made of precious medicinal
materials. Wearing it for a long time has the effect of strengthening the body.
He dared to say that there would not be another one like him in the entire empire.
Originally Tang Boli thought that Mr. Long was just misleading them, but he didn't expect
that the other party actually took out something.
Looking at the necklace dangling in Mr. Long's hand, they all felt a little tingling on
their scalps.
"Mr. Tang went out just now. When he comes back, we can see if he has the same necklace
and we will know whether it is his or not."
Tang Qianyang moved his hand on his leg. He wanted to take out his cell phone to send a
message to Tang Boxin, but he didn't have the courage to do so.
Time passed by minute by minute, and the door was suddenly pushed open.
The Tang family members turned their heads to look over, and a bodyguard in black walked

Chapter 39 Xiao Zhantian is found

The bodyguard in black whispered a few words into Mr. Long's ear, and then the other
party frowned.
"This matter is not over yet. I will come to visit again when I have time."
Soon they left, and Tang Qianyang collapsed completely in his chair.
"Dad, this matter..."
"Mr. Tang, you just said you wanted to help my daughter get treated. Why don't you come
to my house now? My daughter's illness can't wait."
Xiao Zhantian raised his hand and stopped Tang Qianyang from saying anything.
Tang Boli immediately understood what Xiao Zhantian meant and said, "Rescuing people
can't wait, so let's go!"
Soon, they also stood up and left the private room.
When they walked out of the hotel, Mr. Long had not left yet.
A few people passed by each other, and Mr. Long pursed his lips and smiled.
"I didn't have time to ask you just now, what is this gentleman's name?"
"I am just a nobody, not worth mentioning. We have more important things to do."
Xiao Zhantian did not tell him, nor did he give him this face.
Looking at their departing backs, Mr. Long said, "See you again if we are lucky."
After getting in the car, as it slowly drove away, a person slowly climbed up from the
back seat.
"Dad, Grandpa, what happened just now? Did the Long family already know that this matter
is related to us?!"
Tang Boxin was in the bathroom at that time, when suddenly someone rushed in and covered
his mouth.
The other party said that he was Xiao Zhantian's man, and asked him to go with him if he
didn't want to die so soon, and then took him into the car.
“Mr. Xiao, thank you very much today. If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid the Long
family wouldn’t let us off so easily.”
Xiao Zhantian snorted coldly, "In fact, you don't have to be so submissive. The Long
family doesn't dare to confront you head-on."
"As far as I know, Baicaotang has trained many great Chinese medical experts. As long as
there are living people in this world, there is no one who is not sick."
"No matter how powerful the Long family is, do they dare to offend the doctor? Just
relax. As long as you refuse to admit it, they won't do anything to you."
Xiao Zhantian never leaves any evidence behind when doing things, and Songping Manor has
been completely cleared up.
If the Long family really had some substantial evidence, they would not have come here to
test them. Instead, they would have directly held the Tang family accountable.
Tang Boli took a long breath, "Mr. Xiao is right. If there is only one person from the
Long family, we at Baicaotang are certainly not afraid."
"Although the Long family is one of the eight great families, if Baicaotang tries its
best, it may not lose to them."
"It's just that these big families are more or less connected to each other nowadays, and
one move can affect the whole body."
"If several powerful families unite at the same time to suppress Baicaotang, we will have
no power to fight back. We have no choice but to be afraid."
Xiao Zhantian said: "A few years ago, weren't these wealthy families competitors to each
other? How come they are connected now?"
Tang Boli replied: "It's just that they gathered together because of their own interests.
In recent years, the tension between the major wealthy families is not as tense as
"There are even some collaborations between them, and several of them have formed
marriages. It can be said that the eight major families are now gradually becoming one."
The Imperial Capital Chamber of Commerce was jointly established by several wealthy
Among the eight major families, each has someone working in the Chamber of Commerce.
Xiao Zhantian thought of the person Long Kaicheng had mentioned before, which meant that
there were other people behind the eight wealthy families.
No wonder these people are now united as one. The person who can gather these wealthy
families together and make them obey him must not be an ordinary person.
Xiao Zhantian touched his fingers and said, "Since we are all gathered together because
of interests, we will disperse because of interests sooner or later."
The car sped past, kicking up a cloud of dust.
The green grass on both sides was slightly stained, and the leaves were covered with dust
and lost their luster.
Although just now, Xiao Zhantian asked them to leave here before talking just as an
excuse, but now that they were already in the car, he naturally couldn't let them go
Therefore, they all came to the Xiao family, and naturally, Xiao Zhantian's identity was
Seeing that this matter was related to the former Xiao family, to be honest, the Long
family did not take it seriously.
"They are just a down-and-out family. I don't believe they have the ability to come back
and seek revenge on us!"
"But something happened to the Jing family a few days ago. It is said that this incident
is also related to the Xiao family. It's just that Jing Xinli, that loser, didn't find
any evidence."
"Why do I feel like what Second Brother said is meant to imply something?"
Long San saw that Long Er looked somewhat unhappy, and he had not found any evidence on
his side, so he could not do anything to the Tang family for the time being.
Therefore, it was hard for Long Er not to feel that his words were a veiled attack.
"Okay, you haven't done what you should do, why are you all fighting here?"
The head of the Long family looked gloomy. "Let's investigate the Xiao family and find
out what they are doing and what plans they have."
The Xiao family, Tang Boli and the others did not stay here for too long.
"Although Mr. Xiao said that we can just deny this matter, but now they still have Bai
Xin's necklace in their hands."
"I think the Long family will not give up if they can't find any evidence. I'm afraid
they will come back to me after a while."
Xiao Zhantian thought for a moment and said, "Perhaps you can make another one. Anyway,
only people in your Tang family know what this necklace looks like."
"I think it won't be a problem to make a fake one based on this. Besides, the Long family
can't keep an eye on you all the time."
Tang Boli sighed, "This sounds simple. I made the necklace with some precious medicinal
"Since it has been worn for many years, it is naturally different from the new one.
Moreover, if we want to make an identical one now, we can't find those medicinal
materials at all."
Xiao Zhantian didn't know much about these things, so naturally he couldn't help much.
"It doesn't matter, after all, I did it. If the Long family really finds out, I will come
out and won't let them wrongly accuse you."
Tang Boli quickly said: "Mr. Xiao misunderstood, that's not what I meant. This matter is
for our Tang family, and it can't be said to be an injustice."
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand, "I also have some personal grudges in this matter, so it's
not all because of you. Don't worry about what happens next."
"No matter what happens, as long as the Tang family doesn't admit it, just get out of
Xiao Zhantian doesn't have the habit of making others scapegoats, and he did it on

Chapter 40 Attracting the Gong Family's Attention

If it weren't for his own personal grudge with the eight wealthy families, he wouldn't
have taken Long Kaicheng's life directly.
If the Long family were to investigate the responsibility for this matter now, Xiao
Zhantian would naturally take responsibility for it on his own.
Seeing his firm attitude, Tang Boli didn't say much.
He would not let Xiao Zhantian bear all the responsibility, but he also knew that he did
not have the ability to take on all the responsibilities.
After they stayed at the Xiao family for a while, Xiao Zhantian asked someone to send
them away.
Now we know the whereabouts of Starry Night Bamboo, but it is much more difficult to get
Among the eight wealthy families, the Gong family is considered to be a relatively low-
key and mysterious family.
Xiao Zhantian wasn’t very familiar with them before and they didn’t have much dealings
with each other.
Although he had sent people to investigate, the information they found was not as much as
he knew himself.
Xiao Zhantian thought about it and felt that this matter might not be so direct.
I still have to think of a roundabout way. First, contact the Gong family and then see
how they deal with this matter.
"Chengtian, does the company have any idea of cooperating with the Gong family?"
Xiao Zhantian found Xiao Chengtian.
He was a little surprised when he heard this, "Brother, are you kidding me? Even if I
want to cooperate with the Gong family, I'm afraid they won't agree."
"That's true, but what if you have something they want?"
Xiao Chengtian's eyes widened. He knew that since Xiao Zhantian said that, he must have
already made up his mind, otherwise he wouldn't have kept him in suspense.
"Have you heard of the name Xi Liu?"
Xiao Chengtian nodded, "Anyone who works in the jewelry industry knows this name, and no
one would not want to cooperate with it."
"An internationally renowned jewelry designer, and currently the most valuable, but he is
very secretive and never shows up."
"So far no one knows what he looks like, or whether he is a man or a woman. Can you
contact him?"
Xiao Zhantian pursed his lips and said, "Not only that, I can let him work at Tiancheng
Company. You can spread the news that new jewelry designed by him will be launched next
As soon as these words came out, Xiao Chengtian suddenly became excited.
"Brother, you are kidding me, right? If Xi Liu really comes to Tiancheng, I'm afraid our
company will be completely famous next."
"Not to mention the major domestic jewelry companies, I'm afraid there are many foreign
jewelry companies that want to cooperate with us."
After all, the name Xi Liu is too attractive, and he is well-known in the entire design
He is not only good at jewelry design, but also clothing design.
The design world calls him a genius, and the things he designs are always at the
forefront of fashion.
Xiao Chengtian has also seen the jewelry he designed many times. It is different from
those designed by others and has a very personal style.
But strangely, his style encompasses the aesthetic tastes of many people.
"When have I ever lied to you? You just need to do a good job of publicity and make sure
everyone in the imperial capital knows about it."
Xiao Chengtian nodded, "No problem, our company has been open for a while, and now we
have established a firm foothold in the imperial capital."
"But just now, brother, you said you wanted to cooperate with the Gong family. What new
ideas did you come up with? Could it be that the Gong family also has a hand in Xue
Qing's affairs?"
Thinking of Nian Xueqing, he couldn't help but clench his fists.
It’s a pity that he has become a disabled person now and can’t even walk, let alone
avenge Nian Xueqing.
Xiao Zhantian saw what he was thinking and patted him on the shoulder.
"I have already arranged for Xue Qing's revenge. I have been preparing for it. Once those
people are gathered, I will naturally let you take action."
"I'm not sure whether the Gong family has any involvement in this matter, but the reason
why I cooperated with them is because of other things."
Xiao Zhantian told Xiao Chengtian about Xingyezhu's matter. They were brothers and there
was nothing they couldn't keep secret.
"Since this is for Huan Huan, then it is my natural responsibility to do it. I will
definitely succeed in cooperating with the Gong family no matter what."
Xiao Chengtian's expression was very firm. To him, Xiao Huanhuan was almost the same as
his own daughter.
Thinking of Xiao Huanhuan, he couldn't help but sigh.
"Huanhuan is still so young, but she has to endure such pain. It is really too difficult
for her."
"Although the person who made her like this has been punished, it is still difficult to
change her illness. I just don't know who is behind it."
Xiao Zhantian's eyes were firm. "I'm still investigating. Anyway, it must be related to
the eight wealthy families. There must be someone behind them."
After hearing this, Xiao Chengtian was also a little surprised.
"The combined power of the eight great families is already considerable, but I didn't
expect there are people behind them."
He looked a little worried, "Brother, do you think it's right or wrong for us to come to
the imperial capital rashly?"
Xiao Zhantian patted his shoulder and said, "I know you are worried, but just go ahead
and do it. I will take care of anything that comes up."
Since Xiao Zhantian already has an idea, Xiao Chengtian will naturally cooperate with him
He immediately instructed the company's people to make every effort to promote the
Before long, everyone in the imperial capital knew that the internationally renowned
designer Xi Liu would join Tiancheng Company.
In addition, all new products launched by Chengtian Company in the new quarter were
designed by Xi Liu.
For a time, Tiancheng Company received more and more orders, and many people called to
want to cooperate with them.
The Gong family naturally knew about this matter. At the Gong Group, Gong Wu sat in the
office with a slightly serious expression.
"We have received accurate information. Will Xi Liu indeed take up the position at
Tiancheng Company?"
The secretary nodded and turned the tablet over to her.
"Based on their current propaganda efforts, this matter should not be false."
Gong Wu fumbled with the tablet computer, a thoughtful look in her eyes.
"We've been planning for a long time, but we can't even see Xi Liu. They actually have
the nerve to let people go to their company."
The secretary also sighed, "Xi Liu has a weird personality and his whereabouts are
erratic. We haven't been able to get him down for three months."
"President, what should we do about this matter? Should we cooperate with Tiancheng
Company or wait and see first?"
Gong Wu stood up slowly and said, "Prepare the car and make an appointment with the
people from Tiancheng Company."
In recent years, the eight major families have gradually risen, and they have also been
tied together to become a community of interests.
Although it seems to outsiders that the eight giants are of one mind, they all have their
own affiliations after all, so how can there be no competition?
The Gong family made their fortune in jewelry design, and now they can be considered the
leading company in the country.
In the jewelry industry, they dare to say they are second, and others dare not say they
are first.

Chapter 41: The Gong Family's Test

Even though they are somewhat famous in China, they are still nothing in the
international arena.
The reason why the Gong family wanted to cooperate with Xi Liu was just to gain a
foothold in the international arena.
But they have been searching for each other for several months, but the other party has
never paid any attention to them.
I've sent emails everywhere and made countless phone appointments. I can only say that
this person is really arrogant.
Even so, they had to surrender.
Xi Liu, with his Chinese face, is able to gain international fame and have absolute
voice, which shows that he is not an ordinary person.
His designs have their own unique style and are almost immediately sold out once they are
And I heard that Xi Liu is not very old, but many of his works have been sold for tens of
millions at auctions.
In the future, this person's future is simply unimaginable.
Although Gong Wu wanted to cooperate with the other party, she now had to doubt whether
the news released by Tiancheng Company was true or false.
When the assistant in the company came to report the news, Xiao Chengtian turned and
looked at Xiao Zhantian.
"Brother, do you think we will meet this time or not?"
"not see."
Of course we can't meet so soon, otherwise it will be difficult to control the Gong
He knew why Gong Wu came this time, nothing more than to get some information.
This woman is quite cautious. If she finds out the news is true, she will probably have
to cooperate with their Tiancheng Company next.
However, there are too many people who want to cooperate with Tiancheng Company now, and
the Gong family is naturally not the only one. Many well-known international jewelers
have also extended olive branches to them.
He just wanted to make Gong Wu anxious so that he could see how urgent they were about
this matter.
If the Gong family really wanted to cooperate with Xi Liu, they would naturally find a
way to find them.
"President, Tiancheng Company said that their president doesn't have time to meet with
you today."
The assistant glanced at Gong Wu with a somewhat indignant expression.
"I think that Tiancheng Company has a high opinion of itself and cannot fully understand
its own status and position."
"He is just a rising star who wants to develop in the imperial capital, but he dares not
give face to the Gong family."
Gong Wu waved her hand and said, "Forget it. Now we are the ones who need help. It is up
to them to decide whether to see us or not."
"Since the other party doesn't want to see us, we can't force him. Moreover, if Xi Liu is
really going to join Tiancheng Company, I'm afraid their company's status will be close
to Gong Group."
The assistant said, "I don't think so. They are just a small company that has just
settled in the capital not long ago."
"Our Gong's Jewelry has a history of a hundred years in China. Which jewelry company in
China doesn't want to catch up with us?"
"Even if Xi Liu really joins their company, they will definitely have some
considerations. Do they really think highly of a small company like them?"
Gong Wu turned her head and glanced at the gate of Tiancheng Company, her eyes filled
with depth.
Seeing that it was almost noon, Xiao Chengtian took his assistant out for lunch.
Just as he walked out the door, a beautiful woman walked towards him from a distance.
This woman has a beautiful appearance, which attracts a lot of people's attention. At the
same time, she also looks cool and brave.
"Mr. Xiao, I'm so sorry to have to use this method to meet you. I've already reserved a
table. Since it's time for lunch, I wonder if I can treat you to a meal?"
Gong Wu strode towards Xiao Chengtian and spoke directly, stating her purpose.
"I'm sorry, I have an appointment too, I'm afraid I don't have time to eat with you."
Gong Wu looked a little regretful, "I didn't expect Mr. Xiao to be so busy."
Xiao Chengtian just smiled and didn't say much. His assistant pushed the wheelchair past
"Boss, he really doesn't give you face. We have been waiting for him here for such a long
time and came to invite him in person, but he refused."
Gong Wu's assistant spoke in a low voice, and Xiao Chengtian still heard it, but he said
"Be careful with your words. This is not your company. You can't say whatever you want."
Gong Wu gave the assistant a warning look and he quickly shut his mouth.
After Xiao Chengtian and the others walked away, Gong Wu instructed her assistant,
"Follow him and send someone to find out where he went to eat."
In a restaurant not far from Tiancheng Company, Gong Wu looked at Xiao Chengtian who was
dining alone in the distance.
"Boss, he just made up an excuse to reject us. Do we want to go over now?"
Gong Wu looked at Xiao Chengtian's figure in the distance and shook her head.
"Since they have already refused, there is no need for us to be so tactless."
She frowned slightly and thought to herself.
The fact that Xiao Chengtian had the confidence to reject their official request was
enough to prove that what Xi Liu said was true.
"What a coincidence! I actually ran into Miss Gong here. I tried to invite Miss Gong to
dinner several times before, but failed."
A man suddenly stood next to Gong Wu.
Gong Wu looked up and slowly stood up.
"Mr. Long, it's really a coincidence that I meet you here today."
Long San followed her gaze and looked not far away, "It seems that today, the two of us
still have the same goal."
"In that case, please take a seat, Mr. Long! As far as I know, your Long Group is not in
the jewelry industry. Why do you want to get a piece of the pie now?"
Long San smiled and said, "Miss Gong, you misunderstood. We have no intention of stealing
your business. We are just interested in Tiancheng Company."
He leaned back in his chair and took a sip of water.
"It seems that Miss Gong has been rejected. This is really rare. For a company developing
in the imperial capital, especially in the jewelry industry, there would be people who
refuse to cooperate with you."
Gong Wu sneered, "Mr. Long, why do you have to ask when you already know the answer? Xi
Liu has already announced that she will join Tiancheng Company, so they naturally have
the confidence to do so."
"What a pity! If we talk about the leader in the domestic jewelry industry, it should be
your Gong family. This Xi Liu is really ignorant."
Long San looked regretful, but whether he really felt sorry or just said that on purpose,
only he knew.
Of course, Gong Wu was not led into a ditch by him. "It is his freedom to cooperate with
whomever he wants. The Gong family has no right to stop him."
Long San leaned forward slightly and looked straight at her.
"That's what you say, but if Xi Liu really joins Tiancheng Company, won't the Gong family
feel it's a pity?"
Gong Wu chuckled. "It's a pity, but what can we do? We can't just tie him up and bring
him to our company, right?"
"I have an idea here, I wonder if Miss Gong is willing to listen to it."
Long San was finally going to tell him his real purpose, and Gong Wu looked like she was
all ears.

Chapter 42: Trade-offs

She knew that Long San had other intentions today, and it was certainly not a coincidence
that he met her here.
Although the eight wealthy families are competitors in private, no one would quarrel with
them in public.
"In fact, our two families can definitely cooperate."
Long San's expression was somewhat meaningful. If the two companies joined forces,
Tiancheng Company might not be able to withstand it.
"Although the Long family is not engaged in the jewelry industry, we are still ranked
among the best in the imperial capital's business."
"If we cooperate, I don't believe that he, a rising star, would dare to compete with the
two companies."
Gong Wu did not respond to his question and asked, "What is Mr. Long San's purpose?"
He himself said that they were not developing in this industry, but now they are joining
hands with him to deal with Tiancheng Company.
"Ms. Gong is a smart person. We naturally have our own goals, but as long as your goals
are achieved, this cooperation will not be a loss."
To be honest, Long San looked down on the Gong family.
Although they are all wealthy families, their strengths and backgrounds are different.
When it comes to Gong Wu's generation in the Gong family, she is the only one who can be
It is really not an easy task for a woman to support such a big palace family.
The Long family had previously thought about forming an alliance with the Gong family,
but they were unexpectedly rejected by them.
Long San knew that this woman was no ordinary person, but he felt that no matter how
powerful Gong Wu was, she was just a woman.
Don't we still have to ask them for help now?
The Gong family has always wanted to have a place in the international arena.
However, foreign jewelry has already formed a certain scale, and it is not easy for a
foreign company to rush in.
This is an opportunity for their Gong family right now. If they miss it, they might even
be overtaken by others.
Gong Wu's eyes were burning. "So what Mr. Long San means is that we cannot ask about your
Seeing Long San's noncommittal expression, her eyes deepened and a cold light flashed
across them.
"If I'm not mistaken, the Long family must have other things to do, and they just want to
push us out as the vanguard."
In other words, they were waving the flag in the front, and the Long family was
manipulating behind the scenes, completely treating the Gong family as tools.
"If Mr. Long San's purpose is not convenient to disclose, then I'm afraid we cannot agree
to this cooperation."
They are all from wealthy families, why should they ask the Gong family to help them?
Gong Wu stood up and left.
"Third Master, do you want to stop her?"
A man following Long San asked, and Long San waved his hand.
"I didn't expect this little girl to have such a temper, but her temper is worth
Ever since the Xi Liu incident broke out, Tiancheng Company's market value has increased
by several hundred million.
Of course, there are indeed many companies that want to cooperate with them, but most
companies are still waiting and watching.
At this moment, Xi Liu posted a message on his personal social networking site.
He announced that he would join Tiancheng Company, and all his works would be represented
by Tiancheng Company.
The news he sent made their cooperation completely certain.
Those who had previously been on the sidelines now came one after another, all wanting to
cooperate with Tiancheng Company.
"I really don't know what ability this company has to allow Xi Liu to come to their
"As far as I know, Xi Liu just sold a series of his own works to a certain brand. It was
just a cooperative relationship."
"Yes, he already has his own studio. Why would he agree to join a small domestic jewelry
company now?"
In the meeting room of Gong Group, everyone had different opinions.
Although he has doubts, Xi Liu has already made the news public on his personal account,
which shows that it is neither fake nor false propaganda.
"President, I'm afraid that jewelry companies both large and small at home and abroad
want to cooperate with Chengtian Company. If we don't take action now, we will have no
"Whether we can gain a place in the international arena depends on this time. If we can
reach a cooperation with them, wouldn't it be much easier for us to enter the overseas
Those shareholders threw the pressure onto Gong Wu.
She thought for a while and took a deep breath, "Contact Tiancheng Company and show the
utmost sincerity to see what they say."
She was willing to lower her posture, and now her posture was low enough.
If Tiancheng Company still does not agree to cooperate with them, Gong Wu will have to
think of some other ways.
"President, they agreed and said they would meet you at Tiancheng Company this
The assistant looked a little surprised.
You know, I was turned down when I went there today, but I didn't expect that the other
party would agree at this time.
Just when Gong Wu was about to meet the people from Tiancheng Company, she received a
call from the Long family.
"Miss Gong, I think you have achieved your goal, right?"
"What does Master Long San mean? Are you behind this?"
Long San smiled and said, "As expected of the head of the Gong Group, Miss Gong is indeed
smart. I have already said that if you don't cooperate with the Long family, you will
have no chance."
"In fact, you can consider my proposal. If Miss Gong still insists on refusing, there is
no need for you to leave."
Hearing what he said, Gong Wu couldn't help but clench her fists, feeling that the other
party was going too far.
"Different trades are like different mountains. I think the Long family still doesn't
know much about the jewelry industry. I won't bother you to help with this matter."
She decisively rejected Long San and called the people from Tiancheng Company directly.
"This invitation to Tiancheng Company is only on behalf of Gong Group, and it is not a
joint collaboration with anyone else."
"If Tiancheng Company still has doubts about this cooperation, then I will not go there
for the time being."
There was a brief silence from the other side, and soon there was a reply.
"Miss Gong, you misunderstood. Our president only wants to meet with people from the Gong
Group. He has no other reasons."
After hanging up the phone, Xiao Chengtian turned and looked at Xiao Zhantian.
"Brother, what do you mean by the people from the Long family? They also want to get a
piece of the pie."
"If I'm not mistaken, they should have already found me."
Regarding the previous incident with the Tang family, he had not deliberately concealed
his whereabouts, so of course he knew it would be easy for the Long family to find him.
The reason why Xiao Zhantian did this was that he wanted to monitor him and see if he
could dig out information about the mysterious man behind the scenes from the Long
If I were to attack the Long family, would that person help me or would he remain
If he takes action, Xiao Zhantian will definitely know who he is.

Chapter 43 Going the other way

In the conference room, Gong Wu looked at the two people sitting opposite her, her eyes
"I didn't expect that our meeting again would be in this form, Xiao Zhantian."
She called out her own name accurately, and Xiao Zhantian looked a little surprised.
"Miss Gong has good eyesight."
Gong Wu pursed her lips, "After all, we were almost engaged, so we are not strangers
after all."
As soon as she said this, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little awkward.
Gong Wu said directly: "Since Mr. Xiao is from Tiancheng Company, why bother me?"
"Ms. Gong, what are you saying? Regardless of whether I am from Tiancheng Company or not,
even if I am, I have no reason to embarrass you."
Xiao Zhantian did not directly admit his identity, but Gong Wu did not necessarily
believe it.
She smiled and said, "Mr. Xiao is really modest. It's okay that he didn't recognize you.
Since you are the eldest son of the Xiao family, don't you have a share in Tiancheng
"I know you are not an ordinary person. You must have a hand behind this matter. I just
don't know what you want."
Gong Wu was indeed a smart person. She could see at a glance that Xiao Zhantian must have
other intentions and purposes.
After all, they had been avoiding her before and never wanted to see her.
But to put it bluntly, this matter was just to whet her appetite.
Now she was anxious about the cooperation, so they met her, and Xiao Zhantian did not
hide his identity.
This was enough to show that Xiao Zhantian must have something to ask me.
Since she has already said it, there is no need for Xiao Zhantian to hide anything. After
all, he really needs help from the Gong family.
"Miss Gong, have you ever heard of this thing called Starry Night Bamboo?"
Gong Wu's mind moved, and her eyes flickered slightly, "You want the Starry Night
She breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in her chair. The look she gave Xiao
Zhantian was somewhat different from before.
"I have indeed heard of this thing, but it is not easy to come by. If Mr. Xiao really
wants it, I am afraid it will take some effort."
Xiao Zhantian pursed his lips, "Could it be that Miss Gong doesn't know where this thing
The two of them tested each other and fell silent after a moment.
Gong Wu laughed twice, breaking the silence.
"It seems that Mr. Xiao has already known that Xing Yezhu is in the Gong family, which is
why he asked me so confidently."
Her eyes became slightly sharper, "Since Mr. Xiao knows about this thing, he should know
its value."
"Although our Gong Group really wants to cooperate with Xi Liu, Mr. Xiao, do you think
it's appropriate to use cooperation with Xi Liu in exchange for our Gong family's
She said bluntly, "Mr. Xiao is also a businessman. I think even if you were to do this
business, you might not agree."
Before, she didn’t know what the Xiao family’s purpose was, so she was naturally the
passive party.
But now she knew that the Xiao family needed her help, so of course she would not let
them control her like before.
Xiao Zhantian couldn't help but fall silent. He didn't expect Gong Wu to be so smart and
knew their plan right away.
It would be fine if they just knew about it, but they even thought of using it to
blackmail them.
Although this was not an outright threat, it was clear that he was prepared to bargain
with them.
If Xiao Zhantian said now that he wanted the Starry Night Bamboo, he would be at a
disadvantage immediately.
But if I don't say it, I really want it.
If Xiao Huanhuan could gather all the Starry Night Bamboos now, she would suffer less.
This is his own daughter. There is no reason for Xiao Zhantian not to love her, not to
mention that he has not been with her and her for the past four years, which makes him
feel very guilty.
No father can bear to watch his daughter suffer.
After thinking for a moment, Xiao Zhantian decided to tell her his purpose.
Even if the Gong family would borrow it and ask for something from him, it didn’t
matter, Xiao Zhantian could afford it.
"You can make any requests you want. As long as it's something I can do, I will do my
best to help. But I'm determined to get Xingyezhu, too."
Gong Wu's eyes brightened a little, revealing a hint of appreciation.
"I didn't expect Mr. Xiao to be so open. I knew you wouldn't be the kind of person who
would hide things. You act openly and honestly."
"Since you've said it so bluntly, there's no need for me to beat around the bush. I can't
really make the decision on this matter."
"Although the Gong family's company is now in my hands, I don't have the ability to take
charge of the entire Gong family."
"Especially since I'm a woman, there are still many people in the Gong family who are
dissatisfied with me, and I have never been able to secure my position."
"If I say now that I want to give the Gong family's heirloom to others, I'm afraid those
people in the Gong family will gang up on me and no one will agree."
Gong Wu's words were indeed sincere and there was no exaggeration in them.
It is true that she was complaining and explaining how difficult it was for her, but what
she said was also true.
Xiao Zhantian asked directly: "Do you want to secure your own position, or do you want
the Gong family to secure the first place in the imperial capital?"
Now that she has already spoken, the knowledge she wants to know must be related to these
two things.
In order to get the Starry Night Bamboo, Xiao Zhantian could also help them with this
matter, not to mention that helping the Gong family is also helping himself.
Now that the eight great families have united together, it will take some effort for him
to defeat them one by one.
If there was someone standing on his side now and helping him as an insider, how could
Xiao Zhantian refuse such a good thing?
Gong Wu's eyes flashed. She didn't expect Xiao Zhantian to be so direct. And from his
tone, it seemed that he could do both of these things.
"There are many people in the Gong family who are against me now. Even if I want to help
you get the Starry Night Bamboo, I am unable to do so."
Xiao Zhantian said directly: "I can help you secure your position in the Gong family."
But what he didn't expect was that Gong Wu smiled and waved her hand.
"Mr. Xiao, you misunderstood. I am not asking you to help me gain a foothold in the Gong
family. On the contrary, I hope you can use all your abilities to suppress the Gong
Now even Xiao Chengtian beside him was puzzled, "What does Miss Gong mean?"
Gong Wu's expression suddenly turned cold, but she didn't explain why.
"This is my own business. As long as you can do this, I can consider helping you get the
Starry Night Bamboo."
Xiao Zhantian originally thought that she might ask for too much and make some requests
that he could not meet.
But what he never expected was that Gong Wu would actually let him attack the Gong

Chapter 44: Destroying the Gong Family

"If this is indeed what Miss Gong has in mind, I can naturally help you."
Even she, a young lady from the Gong family, had no objection to this kind of thing and
even took the initiative to ask for it. Of course, Xiao Zhantian would not refuse.
After discussing this matter, Xiao Chengtian did not forget the original purpose of Gong
Wu coming here.
"Since Miss Gong has already made such a plan, is your Gong Group still planning to
cooperate with Tiancheng Company?"
"We need to cooperate, but not with the Gong Group. Since I have already asked you to
attack the Gong family, how can I help it to move to the next level?"
She quickly gave the name of a company, which was quite famous in the imperial capital.
"Miss Gong, you are so capable. I didn't expect that this company is also yours. Although
this company is not large in scale, it is very famous."
Xiao Chengtian was not stingy with his praise and he admired Gong Wu very much.
Since he wanted to expand his company in the imperial capital, he had of course already
inquired about the leaders in various industries before that.
The Gong Group has indeed been in the limelight in recent years, and all this is thanks
to Gong Wu.
However, she didn't expect that after she had paid so much for the Gong Group, in the
end, these people in the Gong family were still dissatisfied with her.
No wonder she wants to deal with the Gong Group, after all, she has the ability to do so.
After Gong Wu left, Xiao Chengtian saw Xiao Zhantian and asked, "Brother, what do you
think Gong Wu is planning?"
"Originally I thought she was going to use this as a threat. If she could secure the
position of the head of the Gong family, it would be a good thing for her."
"If the Gong family really falls, who will respect her as the eldest daughter of the Gong
family? Wouldn't that mean she will lose another supporter?"
Xiao Zhantian shook his head, "I don't know what she is thinking, but based on what she
just said, she harbors hatred towards the Gong family."
"Maybe there are some things we don't know about this, but since she has already said it,
just help her do it."
Now Xiao Zhantian only wants to get the Starry Night Bamboo. As long as it can help him
get this thing, he doesn't mind doing anything.
What's more, he originally wanted to deal with the wealthy families in the imperial
capital, and it would be much easier for him if the Gong family was overthrown.
After thinking for a moment, Xiao Zhantian said, "Don't get involved in this matter. I
naturally have ways to deal with the Gong family."
Xiao Chengtian nodded and said, "Do we need to consider other companies for cooperation?"
"You can handle these things as you wish! As long as it is beneficial to the company."
Xiao Zhantian did not intend to interfere. Xiao Chengtian had been in business for so
many years, and he knew all about these things.
Turning around, Xiao Zhantian asked Xue Sha to check Gong Wu.
Although he had some understanding of the people of the eight wealthy families, there
were naturally some secrets between these wealthy families that were not convenient to
reveal to outsiders.
What's more, there are more things going on between these wealthy families, and each
family has some things that are not known to outsiders.
He mobilized the power of the King-Slaying Palace, so it was very easy for him to find
out the truth about the Gong family.
After seeing the information handed over by Xuesha, Xiao Zhantian finally understood why
Gong Wu hated the Gong family so much and was even willing to destroy the Gong family.
Although she is the eldest daughter of the Gong family, the Gong family does not attach
much importance to her.
The reason why she has so much say in the Gong family now is only due to her own personal
Earlier, Gong Wu's father had an affair with another woman outside and even designed to
cause trouble for her mother.
She was still young at that time, but I guess she remembered this incident.
Even because her mother only gave birth to her, while the other gave birth to a boy.
The old lady and the old man of the Gong family both agreed to let Gong Wu's father bring
the illegitimate child into the Gong family.
It's just that this child seems to have a bad luck. He had an accident when he was young
and became an idiot.
Xiao Zhantian felt that such a misfortune would not happen for no reason. Sure enough,
according to investigation, this matter was related to Gong Wu.
This woman was smart and cruel enough. She was only a teenager when she did this.
When she was young, she watched her father and the other woman plotting to harm her
And seeing that everyone in the Gong family was so cold and indifferent, no one wanted to
get to the bottom of the truth. Instead, they took the murderer and her child into the
Gong family.
Gong Wu naturally has hatred in her heart, so it makes sense that she now wants to see
the Gong family destroyed.
Although she was cruel, Xiao Zhantian understood and admired her for this matter.
If you always repay evil with kindness, you will not get good results. On the contrary,
if you repay evil with evil and revenge with revenge, you will live a carefree and happy
Anyway, Gong Wu is capable and has established a company, which is enough to support
Xiao Zhantian put the information aside and said, "Notify the people in the Zhuwang
Palace to start with the Gong family."
"Yes, but I don't know how far you are going to go?"
Xuesha asked carefully.
If they dispatched the King-Executing Palace, it would only take a moment to destroy the
small Gong family.
"Let's teach them a lesson first so they don't go too far. After all, we'll need them in
the future."
After receiving the order, Xuesha immediately went to do the work.
In just two days, the Gong family, one of the eight great families in the imperial
capital, suffered a devastating blow.
Problems were found in several of their companies, and official personnel directly issued
notification orders.
This means that there is no room for maneuver in this matter.
Soon after that, their stock price plummeted, people from the bank came to demand
payment, and those partners simply withdrew their investment and no longer cooperated
with them.
Gong Wu didn't expect that Xiao Zhantian had such great ability. In his opinion, the Gong
family might be just an empty shell that would fall down with a slight blow.
She knew that Xiao Zhantian certainly had not used his full strength, but what he had
done now was already a devastating blow to the Gong family.
Although Gong Wu's inaction was one of the reasons, even if she and Xiao Zhantian
resisted, it would not necessarily come back to life.
"It seems that not making an enemy of him is a wise choice."
Since such a big thing happened in the Gong family, of course they would look for Gong
"I have no other options right now. If I can't get cash flow, I will go bankrupt soon."
Gong Wu shrugged, looking like a woman who could not do anything without the right
"How could this happen? The Gong family has been safe and sound all along, but now so
many loopholes have been discovered in one sitting, and we were caught off guard!"
The old man of the Gong family looked a little deeper, "Could it be that you did
something behind my back, or offended someone?"

Chapter 45: Mutual Calculation

Gong Wu sneered. As expected, when something like this happened, they did not forget to
put the blame on themselves.
"If I had such great ability, I wouldn't have worked for the Gong family for so many
To outsiders, she is a glamorous young lady from the Gong family.
But in reality, he never had any real power. To put it bluntly, he was just working for
the Gong family.
Gong Wu did not forget the cooperation she had reached with Xiao Zhantian, and soon got
down to business.
"If we want to maintain the operation of the Gong family now, there is a way. We just
need to get some funds to operate it."
She took out a document and said, "As far as I know, some people are asking for high
prices for Starry Night Bamboo, and some even offer prices of more than 1 billion yuan."
"If we can get this amount of funds, we can temporarily solve the current crisis. At
least the Gong family will not go bankrupt."
"Only after the company stabilizes will we have a chance to investigate who is the
mastermind behind this incident."
Seeing her take out the document, the old man's eyes flickered a few times and he
couldn't help but look gloomy.
"You are so scheming. How did you know that the Gong family has this thing?"
Gong Wu laughed coldly, "Grandpa, I know the government has been on guard against me for
so many years, but I'm not a fool."
"As a member of the Gong family, how could I, who can easily find out about this kind of
thing, know nothing about it?"
"Besides, I am just proposing it. It is up to you whether you can do it or not."
In short, I have already given them some advice, and now it depends on whether they are
willing to follow it.
The people from the Gong family did not give her an immediate answer, saying that they
needed to think about it first.
It's understandable that they want to think about such a big thing.
As soon as Gong Wu left, the old man called his sons over.
"Now that it has come to this, I believe you all know why I called you here."
The eldest brother immediately said, "Dad, do we really want to consider that little
girl's suggestion and sell the Starry Night Bamboo to someone else?"
The second wife pursed her lips and said, "I think this is not a bad idea. If something
really happens to the Gong family, what's the point of keeping this heirloom?"
"You're not right. Do you know how much this thing is worth? You're just offering a few
billion yuan and want to buy it. That's a bit too much."
Hearing the third brother's rebuttal, the eldest brother snorted coldly.
"Isn't it your daughter who is the instigator of all this? It's also our Gong family's
bad luck that we have no one to carry on the family now."
When the boss talked about this matter, he just felt angry.
Almost none of their children can be relied upon.
Those who are in good health are all playboys who have no talent for business. If you
hand the company over to them, you will only lose money.
In addition to those who are in poor health, there are also several who have had
Speaking of it, in this generation of the Gong family, the only person they can rely on
is Gong Wu.
Although several other companies were dissatisfied with this matter, to put it bluntly,
they were just feeling unbalanced.
There is no doubt that in the few years since the company was handed over to Gong Wu, its
market value has increased several times.
At first, their Gong family was at the bottom among the eight wealthy families, but now
they can be ranked among the top few.
"Okay, stop arguing. I didn't call you here to talk about these things."
Following the old man's scolding, the few people stopped arguing.
"Recently, several wealthy families have encountered accidents one after another. First,
the son of the Jing family disappeared, and then the young master of the Long family
The old man sighed deeply, his face showing a bit of sadness.
"I had already guessed that this would happen to us sooner or later, but I didn't expect
that this day would come so soon."
After he finished speaking, the eldest brother asked, "Dad, do you already know who did
"If we know who is the mastermind behind this, we can tell him the news. Then, will we
still be afraid of the Gong family going bankrupt?"
The second branch also echoed, and a smile appeared on the faces of the two people, as if
they felt that the crisis of the Gong family could be resolved.
The old man shook his head, looking somewhat disappointed.
"You guys think things are a little too simple. The reason why he unified all the wealthy
families in the imperial capital was to make it easier to manage."
“But in fact, it is also a process of screening. Only those who can bring him value are
worthy of his help.”
"If someone like us goes to him for help when we're broke, do you think he'll help us?"
The old man hardly dared to think that if he approached the other party, they would
probably not even have to go bankrupt before the other party would make their Gong family
For a moment, several people looked worried.
"What should we do? We can't just watch the Gong family get into trouble!"
The old man snorted coldly, "I have known for a long time that Gong Wu is not a simple
girl. I have been on guard against her for so many years, but I didn't expect that I
still couldn't prevent her."
"But she can't do it by herself. We have to find out the person behind her."
The other three people looked at him, as if waiting for the old man to come up with the
final solution.
"It seems that we have to use Starry Night Bamboo this time, but this is an adventure."
Gong Wu soon received a call from the old man, who said that they were willing to sell
the Starry Night Bamboo, but just wanted to meet the buyer.
"Grandpa, did you misunderstand something? I just gave you a suggestion, but I can't
contact this buyer."
Gong Wu rejected them directly and said that if they wanted to sell them, they would have
to figure it out on their own.
After hanging up the phone, Mr. Gong looked a little hesitant.
Originally, he thought that it was Gong Wu who had joined forces with the person who
wanted Xingye Bamboo to plot against the Gong family, but he didn't expect her to say
that she didn't know the buyer.
"Dad, are you overthinking it? Gong Wu is just a little girl, how can she have so many
The boss was talking on the side, and naturally wanted to take the opportunity to put
down Gong Wu.
Mr. Gong snorted, "I don't believe there are such coincidences in this world. Since she
said she doesn't know the buyer, then sell the item to someone else."
He threw the phone to Gong Lao San, "You tell me about this."
Not long after, Xiao Zhantian received a call from Gong Wu, saying that the plan did not
go as they imagined.
"I didn't expect the old man to be so suspicious. He must still be suspecting that I have
some connection with the person behind the scenes."
"They said they have found a new buyer, and the price they offered is higher than yours."
Xiao Zhantian snorted coldly, "Then let them sell it to that person!"
Gong Wu was stunned for a moment, "But... don't you want this thing very much?"

Chapter 46 Jiang Qingqing is missing

For this thing, he could even help himself suppress the Gong family and cause it to go
Although she didn't know where Xiao Zhantian got such great ability, Gong Wu knew that he
was determined to get Xingye Bamboo.
Seeing that he is about to get this thing, he is willing to give it up. It is really
Xiao Zhantian did not explain, but only said: "It is their freedom to sell it to whomever
they want, but the Gong family may not be able to keep it."
If the Gong family could still come up with money now, they could indeed hold on for a
while, but Xiao Zhantian did not intend to let them do so.
Anyway, his ultimate goal is to get the Starry Night Bamboo. As for whether the Gong
family will go bankrupt in the end, what does it have to do with him?
Gong Wu's expression was a little hesitant. "It has come to this point. I'm afraid they
don't have the ability to find a buyer quickly."
"I think they are testing me, or they want you to raise the price a little bit."
Xiao Zhantian didn't care about it. "It doesn't matter. Just tell them what I said."
The other party's attitude was so firm and his words were very clear, Gong Wu didn't know
what to say.
After she left, Xue Sha said, "Sir, I also think that the people from the Gong family are
just testing us."
"But the purpose of their probing is to find out whether Miss Gong knows you, the so-
called buyer, or is there another reason?"
Xiao Zhantian snorted, "Anyone who can reach this position in the imperial capital is not
a simple person. This old man Gong is probably very cunning."
"He not only wants to test Gong Wu to see if she is under my orders, but also wants to
take this opportunity to test the extent of my interest in Xingyezhu."
Xiao Zhantian knew very well what the old man of the Gong family was planning behind the
He wanted to see what Mr. Gong would do if the last thing didn't go as he wished and
developed according to his wishes.
Gong Wu quickly conveyed Xiao Zhantian's intentions to the Gong family as he said, and
then completely stopped caring about the Gong family's affairs.
The Gong family endured it for less than a day before Gong Wu's father came to see her in
"You are really unfilial. Now that such a big thing has happened to the Gong family,
aren't you worried at all?"
Gong Wu raised her eyebrows. "I didn't do these things. Why should I worry about it?"
The worst that could happen is that the Gong family would go bankrupt. I have long
stopped relying on the Gong family for a living.
"But the Gong family encountered this kind of thing because of you. If it weren't for
you, they might still be fine now!"
This was simply an unfounded accusation. Gong Wu said coldly, "Why do you come to me to
say this?"
"If you want to hold me responsible just for this matter, then there is no need. You know
what is right and wrong in these matters."
Mr. Gong took a deep breath and said, "You have really grown up now. You have become so
powerful that you dare to join forces with outsiders to harm the Gong family!"
No matter what, he is Gong Wu's father, and the young master of the Gong family, so of
course he has some aura.
When Gong Wu heard this, her heart was slightly shocked, but she did not admit it.
"No need to lie to me. What do you think I came to see you for? The person behind you
should be here for Xingyezhu!"
Mr. Gong's eyes deepened. "Tell the other party that if he wants to know the whereabouts
of Xing Yezhu, he should come to the Gong family to discuss it in person."
After saying this, he walked straight away.
Gong Wu was trying to digest what he said and didn't understand what it meant.
It sounds like the Gong family already knows that there is someone behind them, and they
also know his identity.
But the purpose of their guess was wrong, or was it that the person they guessed was not
Xiao Zhantian at all?
Although she was confused, Gong Wu still found Xiao Zhantian and told him the words
Hearing these words, Xiao Zhantian also felt a little confused.
Even he himself didn't know what the Gong family meant by these words.
He felt that the Gong family was being too clever and were trying to use these words to
reveal their whereabouts.
After thinking about it, he decided to leave it alone. When the Gong family was
completely out of ideas, they would naturally come to him in person instead of playing
these tricks on him behind his back.
Of course, Xiao Zhantian didn't completely ignore the Gong family. It would be bad if
they got desperate and did something to harm Xing Yezhu.
He asked the Xuesha Sect to secretly keep an eye on the people from the Gong family, and
inform him in time if there were any unusual movements on their side.
Within a few days, Xuesha came to him to report.
"Sir, in the past few days, we have discovered that there are several very strange people
entering and leaving the palace."
He showed Xiao Zhantian what he had filmed. Those people were indeed very strange. Their
clothes and appearance did not seem like they were from the Tianlong Kingdom.
Moreover, these people kept their faces hidden. After filming for several days, they
still couldn't capture what these people looked like.
"Are these people here to help the Gong family?"
Xue Sha shook his head when he heard Xiao Zhantian's question, "It's not clear yet. The
Gong family hasn't made any moves."
If these people were really helpers of the Gong family, the Gong family would not be on
the verge of bankruptcy now.
Without financial support, the Gong family is now having difficulty functioning, and in a
few days even the house they live in may be auctioned off.
The two of them were still studying these things when there was a noise at the door, as
if someone had fallen.
"Uncle, what's wrong with you!"
Hearing Xiao Huanhuan's voice, Xiao Zhantian quickly opened the door and looked out, only
to see Xiao Chengtian falling to the ground.
He quickly stepped forward to help Xiao Chengtian up and checked if he was injured. "What
happened? Why are you in such a hurry?"
"Oh no, brother! My sister-in-law is missing!"
Xiao Chengtian looked a little nervous, holding his arm tightly, and spoke with a pale
"What did you say?"
Xiao Zhantian frowned immediately, and a surge of momentum burst out from him.
Seeing this situation, Lu Mingyou consciously took Xiao Huanhuan back to the house.
After she left, Xiao Chengtian hurriedly explained: "Recently, I have cooperated with the
Gong family's company. I handed this matter over to my sister-in-law."
"She was supposed to go discuss cooperation with Miss Gong today, but I couldn't get
through to her when I called her just now."
"My sister-in-law has never been in such a situation before. She always carries her cell
phone with her during work hours."
"I also called Miss Gong, but still no one answered. I don't think this is a
"Something must have happened to the two of them. They were in some danger!"

Chapter 47 Mysterious Man

"Xuesha, mobilize all the people in the Zhuwang Palace, and quickly check it out for me!"
Xiao Zhantian gave the order immediately.
"You stay at home first. I'll go to the company to investigate. I'll tell you if there's
any situation. Take good care of Huanhuan!"
Xiao Zhantian left here in a hurry. Looking at his back, Xiao Chengtian felt a little
If I were not a disabled person now, I would still be able to help Xiao Zhantian.
But now, he can only become a burden to Xiao Zhantian.
Xiao Zhantian came to Tiancheng Company and investigated it carefully.
There is nothing special recently. Jiang Qingqing did go to discuss cooperation with Gong
Wu this morning.
She has always been in charge of this cooperation, which has been going on for several
days and has never encountered any problems.
Then she checked the surveillance cameras around the company and indeed found something
Gong Wu was being followed by someone, and it was not known whether these people were
business enemies or enemies of the Gong family.
At the same time, Xuesha and the others also made new discoveries, and he sent the video
directly to Xiao Zhantian’s mobile phone.
"Sir, according to our investigation, Miss Gong was kidnapped, and the wife was taken
away along with her."
No one knew who Gong Wu had offended, but the other party kidnapped her near the company.
Jiang Qingqing was discussing business with her at the time, so those people took her
away as well.
For Jiang Qingqing, this was truly an unexpected disaster.
However, Xiao Zhantian also breathed a sigh of relief. As long as they were not targeting
her, at least she was safe.
Once we found the car that took them away, we could follow the clues and naturally find
out the information and addresses of these people.
In a basement in the imperial capital, the lighting was dim, cold and damp.
Gong Wu and Jiang Qingqing were both here, but their hands and feet were tied.
After they were taken into the car, the other party covered their faces directly, so at
this time, they didn't know where they were.
"Miss Jiang, are you still awake?"
"I'm here. Who are these people? Did Miss Gong offend anyone recently?"
Jiang Qingqing's voice sounded relatively calm, and she was analyzing things rationally.
After hearing her words, Gong Wu also started to think. However, if you count the people
she has offended, there are indeed quite a few, but there are not many people who can do
such a thing.
"I'm so sorry. I've got you in trouble this time. I'll try to persuade those people to
let you go after they come in."
As soon as Gong Wu finished speaking, there was a noise at the door.
Hearing the footsteps, the two of them immediately shut up and stopped talking.
After all, at this moment we still have no idea who these people are or where they are.
After the person came in, he stopped in front of the two of them.
The other party remained silent and said nothing, which made the two of them even more
nervous and their hearts were at stake.
Gong Wu took a deep breath and said, "I don't know what grudge you have against me. Do
you know that what you are doing now is against the law?"
"If you are coming for me, since we were covered with masks, we can't see the road
clearly, and we don't know your identities. It's better to let the lady next to me go
"She is innocent. There is no point in keeping her. If something happens, it will just be
an additional crime."
Gong Wu talked for a long time, but there was no response from the other party. Just when
she was feeling a little annoyed, she heard the other party sneer.
"You're already in a situation where you can't protect yourself, but you're still
thinking about others. Miss Gong is really kind."
When Gong Wu heard the other party calling out her name, she knew that this person knew
Jiang Qingqing didn't say a word from beginning to end, mainly because she didn't know
what was going on.
She just tried her best to listen to see if she could hear any clues.
Suddenly, the scene in front of them turned white, and the masks on their heads were
taken off. For a moment, their eyes could not bear the strong light.
Jiang Qingqing blinked several times before she could vaguely see what was in front of
There was a person standing in front of each of her and Gong Wu, and there was also a man
standing in the middle of the room.
These people were wearing half an iron mask on their faces, so it was impossible to see
what they looked like.
Jiang Qingqing subconsciously felt that these people were not good people.
"Miss Gong, don't bargain with them at this time. Ask them what their purpose is first!"
Jiang Qingqing couldn't help but speak, prompting Gong Wu.
She knew that Gong Wu felt that she had done nothing and wanted to let her go, but this
was obviously impossible.
When these people tied them up before, they didn't see clearly what they looked like.
If the purpose was to conceal the truth, there was no need to tie up Jiang Qingqing as
The masked man in the middle of the room smiled and said, "This lady is quite a smart
"Ms. Gong, we don't intend to make things difficult for you, but you just keep not
Gong Wu suddenly thought of something, "Are you sent by the Gong family?"
She was completely disappointed. She never expected that her family would be so cruel as
to send people to kidnap her.
"What exactly do you want to know?"
After seeing clearly the true face of the Gong family, Gong Wu's heart was dead, but she
became calmer.
"Who is the person behind you who is interested in Xingyezhu?"
Jiang Qingqing's heart skipped a beat when she heard the masked man's question.
Although she didn't know much about what Xiao Zhantian and Gong Wu talked about, she knew
that Xing Yezhu was very important to Xiao Huanhuan.
So, these people are actually looking for Xiao Zhantian?
If this is true, then he has implicated Gong Wu.
Jiang Qingqing bit her lips tightly, feeling somewhat at a loss.
"Since you were able to catch me here, I think you have almost finished investigating my
Gong Wu raised her head and looked directly at the masked man. "Since you have already
investigated me, it shouldn't be difficult to find out who is secretly cooperating with
As soon as she finished speaking, the masked man slowly walked towards her, then suddenly
raised his hand and slapped her.
"Ms. Gong, I have no patience. I don't like others playing tricks on me."
The slap he gave Gong Wu caused half of her face to swell up, and blood slowly flowed
from the corner of her mouth.
"It's someone from Tiancheng Company. I thought you had already found out."
Gong Wu saw that things had come to this point and she had nothing to hide anymore.
Although she and Xiao Zhantian are partners, her own life is more important at the
Unexpectedly, even after she said this, the other party still slapped her.
Gong Wu was hit so hard that she turned her head to the side and gritted her teeth and
said, "It's a man named Xiao Zhantian who wants to get the Starry Night Bamboo."

Chapter 48 Xiao Zhantian is threatened

The masked man nodded, "You're fine."
Because his face was covered by a mask, their expression could not be seen clearly, and
they did not know whether the man's words were a compliment or an insult.
"I've told you what you wanted to know. Can you let us go now?"
The masked man stretched out his index finger and waved it left and right. "Of course
"You mean, in this matter, from the beginning to the end, it was the man named Xiao
Zhantian who cooperated with you, and there was no other person behind it?"
Gong Wu nodded, "Things have come to this point, there is no need for me to lie to you."
The other party then smiled and said, "It's really interesting that they sent so many
people this time!"
He ignored Gong Wu and turned to look at Jiang Qingqing.
"This lady is quite smart, but it's a pity that you are the wife of Xiao Zhantian."
The man waved his hand, and the person standing in front of Jiang Qingqing immediately
raised her head.
Then, Jiang Qingqing was slapped several times on the face, and her face was swollen like
a steamed bun.
After receiving this video, Xiao Zhantian crushed his phone.
The hard cell phone turned into powder in his hand in an instant.
"Go to this place."
He handed Xuesha an address. Xuesha didn't ask anything, stepped on the accelerator and
drove towards the place quickly.
At this time, Xiao Zhantian no longer cared about many things. Although Xingyezhu was
very important to him, Jiang Qingqing was equally important.
The two of them had been separated for four years, and now they had finally met, and it
hadn't been long since they last met. He would definitely not let anything happen to
Jiang Qingqing.
"Sir, we're here."
Xuesha stopped the car and looked outside.
I'm afraid Gong Wu would never have thought that the place where they were being held was
exactly the basement of the Gong family.
She had never known that there was such a person in the Gong family, so naturally she
would not recognize him at this time.
What's more, their faces were covered after they were tied up in the car, so their sense
of direction was very weak.
Gong Wu just felt that this road was somewhat familiar, as if she had walked somewhere
before vaguely, but when she thought about it carefully, she could not remember anything
at all.
The door was kicked open and Xiao Zhantian walked straight in, only to see the people
from the Gong family sitting on the sofa.
"Are you the son of the Xiao family who disappeared from the imperial capital five years
Someone from the Gong family quickly recognized Xiao Zhantian, and their expressions were
extremely surprised, as if they had seen something extraordinary.
"What's there to pretend? Since you all already know my identity, why are you still
Xiao Zhantian's face turned cold, "Hurry and bring my wife here. Maybe we can still give
your Gong family a chance to survive."
After he finished speaking, one of them suddenly laughed.
"Mr. Xiao, you think it's a bit too simple. Do you think our Gong family still has a say
in this matter?"
"Someone else has kidnapped your wife, but don't worry. This incident is not directed at
her. She will be released later."
The other party had just finished speaking when there was a noise behind him and the door
to the basement opened.
Several masked men came out. They didn't notice Xiao Zhantian at this time and directly
gave orders to the people from the Gong family.
"There is a man named Xiao Zhantian. Go find out where he came from and bring him here."
After saying this, the people from the Gong family turned to look at Xiao Zhantian
standing aside, and he sneered.
"It's really interesting that the people who kidnapped my wife don't even know my
The masked man then looked at Xiao Zhantian and realized that this person was indeed not
a member of the Gong family, but a stranger.
"You came just in time, saving us from wasting time looking for you."
He waved his hand, and the masked men next to him immediately took Xiao Zhantian to the
Thinking that Jiang Qingqing was still in their hands, Xiao Zhantian did not fight with
them but just dodged.
"If you have anything to say, just talk about it here. Why go to that kind of place? I
already know where this place is anyway."
He knew what these people's purpose was, but their purpose had already been exposed.
He simply wanted to take them to the basement, where they didn't know where they were,
and use the cold and dark environment to scare him.
However, Xiao Zhantian didn't buy it. If Jiang Qingqing was not still in their hands,
Xiao Zhantian would have taken action long ago.
"Since you are so straightforward, let's not beat around the bush. Who is the person
behind you?"
The masked man said coldly: "If you know what's good for you, tell me everything about
this matter, and both you and your wife will be fine."
"If you are up to any tricks, I'm sorry, but I'll have to let you suffer first."
Xiao Zhantian frowned. He had no idea what these guys meant.
"Who told you that there is someone else behind me?"
"It has come to this, and you still want to hide it. It seems that Mr. Xiao is not a
person who likes to be straightforward and tell the truth."
The masked man waved his hand, and the two people following him quickly went into the
basement and brought Jiang Qingqing up a moment later.
"Zhan Tian! Why are you here? These people are coming for you. You shouldn't be here!"
Xiao Zhantian pursed his lips, "They tied you up here, how could I remain indifferent?
Don't be afraid, I'm here."
He comforted Jiang Qingqing and felt relieved in his heart. Since they had brought the
person to him, he had nothing to worry about.
The masked man turned around and was about to say something to Xiao Zhantian, but he
flashed and came directly in front of the masked man's face.
Then the masked man felt a pain in his abdomen. He looked down and saw that the short
blade in Xiao Zhantian's hand had pierced his skin.
"It's best to tell your people not to act rashly, otherwise, you will soon become a
Xiao Zhantian slowly raised the short blade in his hand until it stopped on the man's
The masked man wanted to resist, but he was so frightened by Xiao Zhantian's aura that he
forgot to move.
"what you up to?"
The masked man asked with forced calmness.
Just as he said this, the dagger in Xiao Zhantian's hand suddenly flew out.
Then several gunshots were heard in the house.
The people of the Gong family were so frightened by this sudden change that they huddled
The masked man watched the room with his eyes wide open, when suddenly a few strange
people broke in.
There was an inexplicable aura about those people. One could tell at a glance that they
were stained with blood and were not afraid of death.
The two people who were controlling Jiang Qingqing over there had been shot down, and now
only the masked man was left in the room.
"Keep this guy first, take him back and interrogate him thoroughly to find out where he
came from."
Xiao Zhantian threw the man to Xue Sha. He knew that Xue Sha had the means to force him
to tell him where he came from.

Chapter 49 Questioning
Everyone in the Gong family was terrified and didn't know what was going on with this
sudden change.
"This matter has nothing to do with us. We were also threatened!"
"Yes! They were responsible for all these things. Besides, we didn't hurt your wife."
Seeing Xiao Zhantian turning his head and staring at them, the people from the Gong
family felt a chill on their necks.
One after another, they started explaining, and the argument was very loud.
Xiao Zhantian frowned and picked up the short blade in his hand to play with it.
Seeing his action, those people quickly shut up.
Soon, Gong Wu was also brought out of the basement.
Although she didn't know what had just happened, she could roughly guess it by looking at
the situation before her.
What surprised her the most was that she never dreamed that the place where she was
imprisoned was actually the Gong family.
Gong Wu looked at the faces of those people and couldn't help but look up and laugh, with
a faint trace of tears sliding into her hair.
"I thought I was kidnapped by some enemy, but I didn't expect that I was kidnapped by the
Gong family."
Gong Wu took a deep breath and said, "Grandpa, no matter what, I have worked hard for the
Gong family for so many years and have made some contributions."
"I can understand that you don't want to put the position of the head of the Gong family
in my hands, but there is absolutely no need for you to join forces with others to harm
me, right?"
At this moment, Old Master Gong looked guilty. Thinking about how fierce Xiao Zhantian
had been just now, he felt that she and Gong Wu must have a close relationship, so he
didn't dare to say anything.
"I believe you have nothing to do with this matter. I will let you handle the Gong
family. You should have no objection, right?"
In order to show respect, Xiao Zhantian asked Gong Wu a question.
"You can kill me or chop me up as you wish. From now on, I will have no contact with
anyone in the Gong family."
Gong Wu's expression was very determined.
Seeing her like this, Jiang Qingqing couldn't help but feel a little sympathy.
Ask someone to come and check Gong Wu to see if she is injured.
The Gong family here were a little nervous, not knowing how Xiao Zhantian would deal with
"If I'm not mistaken, those people should be the ones behind you, right?"
As soon as Xiao Zhantian said this, the old man of the Gong family immediately looked up
at him, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.
"If you are willing to tell me who the person behind this is, I can spare your lives."
Xiao Zhantian looked at their faces. He could conclude that some people in the Gong
family knew the existence of the person behind the scenes.
However, there are some people who are not aware of this matter.
Seeing that they didn't say anything, Xiao Zhantian knew that he had to use some means.
These people really won't cry until they see the coffin. When he asks them, they refuse
to answer. After he takes action, they come to beg for mercy.
"Xuesha, you know what to do."
Xiao Zhantian leaned on the back of the sofa, and saw Xue Sha and a few others directly
grabbing the old man of the Gong family.
"What are you going to do? My dad is already so old, he can't stand your torture."
Xuesha kicked him away, and the head of the Gong family immediately curled up on the
ground with a painful expression.
They didn't say anything. After taking the old man of the Gong family over, they tied him
to a chair.
At this time, Mr. Gong's face showed some panic, and his eyes were filled with fear.
"I know that the person behind you is not simple, but you are still hiding it for him
even though you are in such a state. You are really loyal."
Xiao Zhantian had a cold expression, with a hint of sarcasm in his smile.
When the old man of the Gong family heard his words, he was vaguely shaken, but he still
gritted his teeth and didn't say a word.
Xiao Zhantian had guessed that this would be the result long ago, and the reason he said
that was just to let these people make their own decision.
He just didn't believe that everyone in the Gong family was not afraid of death and was
willing to die to protect the person behind them.
Xue Sha took out a short blade and slashed the old man of the Gong family on the thigh.
Mr. Gong suddenly let out a sound like a pig being slaughtered, and beads of sweat
dripped down his forehead.
Then Xuesha took out some powder and sprinkled it on his wound.
The wound stopped bleeding immediately, but Mr. Gong's expression slowly twisted.
Even his eyes were filled with red bloodshot and his face turned purple.
Any normal person could see that he was in great pain at this moment and had reached his
The pain just now could have made him scream out, but now he was in so much pain that he
lost his voice.
"Who are you? What qualifications do you have to do this? Do you know that this is
against the law?"
Hearing this, Xiao Zhantian laughed.
"What a joke. The guy who just kidnapped two people here is actually talking to me about
the law?"
Gong Lao San looked at Gong Wu and cursed: "Your conscience has really been eaten by a
dog. The Gong family has raised you for so many years, and this is how you repay us now?"
"We are suffering here but you are indifferent. I knew you are an ungrateful person. Gong
Wu, you will be punished for doing this!"
Gong Wu took a deep breath and couldn't help but clench her fists.
The insults continued to ring in her ears, and she stood up suddenly and looked at Xiao
Xiao Zhantian raised his hand and signaled her with his eyes that she could do as she
Anyway, this is in their Gong family, so she can do whatever she wants.
"Why are you staring at me? Why don't you find a way to release us? Isn't this man your
Seeing Gong Wu walking towards him, Gong Lao San was still scolding her and asking her to
think of a solution.
Gong Wu raised her hand and slapped him hard in the face, then smiled after a moment.
She had wanted to do this for a long time. After her mother died, Gong Wu wanted to beat
up the man in front of her all the time.
She endured humiliation and hardship in the Gong family over the years, but she also paid
a lot.
Gong Wu really hated the Gong family, but she also felt a little unwilling to admit
She always felt that if she became a little better, perhaps these people in the Gong
family would be nice to her.
Although she knew in her heart that this was a luxury, she also knew that these cold-
blooded people only cared about their own interests. Even if they were nice to her, it
was because she brought benefits.
However, having lacked maternal and paternal love since childhood, she still has some
desire for family affection.
Gong Laosan was stunned by the slap. After a moment, he looked at Gong Wu as if he wanted
to eat her.
On the other side, under torture, Mr. Gong was already dying.
Although his body was in extreme pain, his mind was extremely clear.
Xiao Zhantian took a few looks and directly pulled out the head of the Gong family.
"My patience is limited. I will only ask once who is behind this."
Mr. Gong opened his mouth, but finally decided to grit his teeth and shut up.
Blood splattered on his face. He felt despair as he watched his son die without saying a
Chapter 50: Targeted When Buying a Car
"Although I don't know why you are afraid of that person, your Gong family will soon
disappear from this world."
Xiao Zhantian kicked the body of the Gong family boss aside, and his eyes were still
When the people around saw this situation, they couldn't help but show some fear.
But fear cannot save their lives. Xiao Zhantian is like a devil at this moment.
He still did not stop his actions and soon pulled out another person.
"Don't kill me. I am willing to tell you, but I don't know much. I only know that they
are an organization."
After one night, many people from the Gong family disappeared.
Those who stayed behind followed Gong Wuma's lead, and it could be said that there was a
complete reshuffle, and they became a new force.
Although this matter was not spread outside, several other wealthy families still knew
about it.
The Long family was the first to know the news. Long San, who had dealt with Gong Wu
before, felt more and more that he could not see through this little girl.
"It seems that she is indeed not simple. There must be other forces behind her. Shouldn't
this matter be reported to that person?"
The head of the Long family frowned, "Distant water cannot quench a nearby fire. Even if
that person sends someone over, it will take some time."
"Besides, he may not necessarily lend a helping hand. He is just using and controlling
"If we are of no value and we have to trouble him, do you think he will help?"
After hearing what the Long family's patriarch said, everyone else fell silent, feeling
somewhat mixed emotions.
At the Xiao family, Xuesha came to Xiao Zhantian with a guilty look on his face.
"Sir, that man is dead. It was all my fault that I let him commit suicide because I was
not careful enough. But I found a pattern on his body."
Xue Sha put the thing in front of Xiao Zhantian. He took a look at it, frowned and pushed
it aside.
"I understand. Don't worry about this matter for now."
Xue Sha nodded, and then asked doubtfully: "Since they have already said that this is an
organization, and we have also received some information, don't you plan to strike while
the iron is hot and investigate it?"
"No need, let's deal with these wealthy families in the imperial capital first."
Xiao Zhantian was staring at the pattern just now, and he always felt that something was
wrong. While looking at it, he felt that his eyes were a little unsteady.
This thing seems a little weird, not to mention that the organization behind it can
control the eight major families, which is enough to show that it is not a simple
Xiao Zhantian decided not to touch them for the time being and to deal with the eight
powerful families first.
Regardless of whether there is someone else behind them, the Xiao family’s affairs at
the beginning are inseparable from them.
He had touched someone from a wealthy family, but the person behind the scenes did not
take any action.
Either he felt it was not worth it, or he felt that Xiao Zhantian could not sway him at
Perhaps in addition to the eight major families in the imperial capital, the other party
has some other trump cards and forces.
In this way, things are very favorable for Xiao Zhantian.
Jiang Qingqing was also a little frightened this time, so Xiao Zhantian decided to
personally take her to and from get off work in the future.
"Didn't I say before that I would buy you a car? I'll be your driver then, and that will
also ensure your safety."
Xiao Zhantian decided to take advantage of today's free time to take Jiang Qingqing out
to buy a car.
Jiang Qingqing was still frightened by what happened before, so she didn't refuse.
The two of them took a taxi to the 4S store, and soon a salesperson came to greet them.
"Since you're the one driving it, you can choose it!"
Jiang Qingqing didn't know much about cars, so when she saw Xiao Zhantian, she took the
initiative to speak.
When the salesperson heard this, he looked at Xiao Zhantian with a meaningful look.
"I wonder what your budget is? Do you have a car type you like? I can introduce it to
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand, "No need, let's take a look first and tell you when we're
When the other party heard him say this, he stopped following him.
I saw this person hurriedly running to other salesmen and spreading gossip.
After a while, Xiao Zhantian and Jiang Qingqing felt that the salesmen around them seemed
to look at them from time to time.
Xiao Zhantian came to a Bentley Mulsanne. For daily driving, this car is okay.
The comfort is good and the car looks good.
Xiao Zhantian went up to try it, and asked Jiang Qingqing to come up as well.
"Although I'm the driver, the car is still yours. Come in and try it out to see if it's
comfortable. If you think it's okay, then book this one!"
A salesperson nearby snorted coldly when he heard what he said.
"Another gigolo!"
His words reached the ears of Xiao Zhantian and Jiang Qingqing directly.
Jiang Qingqing frowned, "How do you talk?"
"How can you be afraid of what others will say when you dare to do it? Besides, the mouth
is on my body, so I can say whatever I want."
Just as a quarrel was about to break out, a man came running over in a hurry from a
The man looked at the salesperson and said, "You go over there first!"
After urging the person away, he finally smiled at Jiang Qingqing.
"Miss, don't bother with him. He is just a newcomer and doesn't know anything."
Jiang Qingqing thought the man was quite polite, so she waved her hand and said nothing
"Let's try this car."
Xiao Zhantian had just finished speaking when the salesperson came running over again.
"I've reserved this car. I'm not selling it today. Let's look for something else!"
The manager's forehead was covered with beads of sweat. "Master, please stop making
trouble here."
The salesperson snorted, "Why, are you afraid that I will default on your payment? When
these few months are over, I will get my card back, and of course you will get some
Xiao Zhantian and Jiang Qingqing finally understood what had been said. It seemed that
this man was not an ordinary person. No wonder he was so arrogant and domineering.
"Since you are just a salesperson, just do your sales job well."
Xiao Zhantian turned and looked at the man with cold eyes.
"We have already reserved this car. If you can't come up with the cash to buy it, you'd
better do something else as soon as possible!"
It would have been fine if he didn't say this, but after he said it the man seemed to be
instantly enraged.
"What do you mean? Do you know that this store is owned by me? Not to mention that I
won't sell you this car, I won't do business with you in this store today!"
Xiao Zhantian laughed sarcastically, "Do you, a salesperson, have such great power?"
He turned to look at the boss and asked, "Are you going to sell this car today or not?"
The boss looked embarrassed, "We must do this business..."
"Shut up right there. I'm telling you, if you dare to do this business today, you'll just
get out of this store!"

Chapter 51: Domineering Young Man

The manager frowned and looked troubled, not knowing what to do.
"Master, wait a moment. I'll call the president for instructions."
The manager was about to leave when he was stopped by the man.
"Stop right there! Don't think that just because I'm working here, you can disobey me."
He looked around and took out a fire axe from not far away.
"Either you don't sell this car today, or I smash it now and you will bear the
Jiang Qingqing shook her head slightly, feeling that the person in front of her was
really inexplicable.
"Forget it. There's more than one store in the capital anyway. Let's go buy it from
another store."
She felt that the young man in front of her was a little mentally abnormal and was
particularly excited at this moment.
They came here just to buy a car today and had no intention of causing conflict with
Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhantian seemed to be in conflict with this person.
"They open their doors to do business. We come here to buy a car. Why should we leave?"
He walked straight towards the young man, dodged the fire axe in his hand, and kicked him
in the knee.
The young man knelt on one knee with a thud. He turned around and saw Xiao Zhantian
glaring at him fiercely. He wanted to stand up but couldn't move.
"Let me go! Do you believe that I will make sure you can't leave this store today?"
"I really don't believe it. There are so many people around looking at you. Do they think
you're running a shady shop?"
Xiao Zhantian threw the axe in his hand to the manager, then retracted his foot.
He had just pulled his foot back when the young man suddenly pounced on him.
Xiao Zhantian dodged sideways and fell directly to the ground, but he refused to admit
Seeing this, Xiao Zhantian didn't let him go. He simply raised his hand and hit him on
the arm with his fingers.
He took a few steps back and shook his arms, feeling sore, numb and powerless.
The young man looked at him viciously, as if he was an enemy.
"You are really a sick person. It seems like we are strangers to each other."
The young man snorted and said viciously, "I just can't stand men like you who live off
others. What's wrong with that?"
Xiao Zhantian shook his head helplessly, "How can you tell that I'm a gigolo?"
The young man gritted his teeth and said, "Not only are you a gigolo, but you're also
destroying the relationship between a couple. You're simply shameful!"
"You are a scum among scums, a complete scum. I will never do business with someone like
Xiao Zhantian was scolded for no reason. If it had been any other time, based on his
personality, he would definitely not have let this person off easily.
Although he is not someone you can easily mess with, he won't kill innocent people
indiscriminately or massacre them at will.
He could tell that the guy in front of him had clearly misunderstood something, which was
why he was so emotional.
Jiang Qingqing rushed directly in front of him and said, "You look young, but how can you
be so uncultured and curse people so casually?"
"We are a legal couple, and he is not a gigolo. I advise you to get the facts straight
before you curse at him."
Normally, she had a good temper, but this young man was really annoying at this moment.
Plus, with so many people watching around, Jiang Qingqing naturally had to explain
everything clearly.
The young man was stunned for a moment, but then a hint of doubt flashed across his face.
"That's absolutely impossible. He must be a gigolo. He just said he was your driver, and
he doesn't have a ring on his hand."
He observed very carefully. He had just seen that Jiang Qingqing was wearing a wedding
ring, but Xiao Zhantian was not.
Therefore, it can be inferred that they are not husband and wife.
In addition, Xiao Zhantian looked like he wanted Jiang Qingqing to make the decision,
which made him look like he was trying to please her.
He is a driver and yet he behaves like this. Isn't he a gigolo and destroying the
relationship between husband and wife?
Xiao Zhantian shook his head, speechless.
"You have a very rich imagination."
Even if they had an improper relationship, it is not a reason for this person to accuse
But his behavior at this moment really makes people speechless.
Xiao Zhantian raised his hand and said, "Did you see the mark? It just happened that I
didn't wear it today."
"Besides, we two shouldn't need to prove to you that we are husband and wife, right?"
Both of them have proved their relationship at the same time, and there are so many
people watching, which is enough to prove that they are not lying.
The young man hesitated for a moment, then looked at Jiang Qingqing to confirm again,
"Are you two really a legal couple?"
Jiang Qingqing nodded, "Of course, but who are you and why are you questioning us like
The anger on the young man's face gradually faded, he took a deep breath, and bowed to
the two of them.
"If what happened just now was all a misunderstanding, then I apologize to you. Can I
give you a 20% discount on this car?"
He was flexible, but Jiang Qingqing still felt a little uncomfortable.
"I think I'd better forget it and buy it from another store! I think the people in this
store are a little bit mentally ill."
When the young man heard her words, he looked a little unhappy, but he didn't say
Since she said so, Xiao Zhantian didn't say anything more.
The two turned around and left quickly, but when they reached the door, Xiao Zhantian
suddenly stopped.
He looked into the distance and saw a man in a suit walking towards the store.
"Old Zhuo?"
Xiao Zhantian called out, and the man stopped.
There was a hint of hesitation on his expression, and then he strode towards Xiao
He opened his mouth, as if he didn't know how to address Xiao Zhantian.
"Shouldn't you be in the North? Why are you back? Did something happen?"
Xiao Zhantian's eyes flickered. "Didn't you say before that your hometown is in Jiangbei?
When did you come to the imperial capital?"
Lao Zhuo smiled bitterly, "Just run around and develop while you still have energy. Don't
talk about it here. Let's go in first!"
Looking at Xiao Zhantian's eyes, he said, "I own this store. Someone just told me
something, so I came to take a look."
"Could it be your son, working as a salesperson here?"
Lao Zhuo was stunned for a moment, "How do you know?"
"I was the one who had a conflict with him just now. We came here to buy a car, but he
scolded us."
Xiao Zhantian didn't mean to blame him. "What on earth have you been through in the past
few years? Why did you become a deserter back then?"
The man in front of him was once his teammate who fought alongside him.
At that time, the two of them had a good relationship. When Xiao Zhantian first arrived
at the military camp, many people knew his identity.
Because of his identity, he was often looked down upon by others. Lao Zhuo was his first

Chapter 52 Sudden Death

Xiao Zhantian could see that he was not cut out for this. He had already become the
commander-in-chief in the military camp, but he was neither up nor down.
But Lao Zhuo worked really hard, and of course he valued his life very much, so people
often teased him at that time.
Xiao Zhantian knew that he had a wife and children at home, and the reason he joined the
military camp was because his family encountered difficulties, so he came here to seek an
If he had not left at the beginning, according to Xiao Zhantian's status, it would be
easy for him to be promoted.
Lao Zhuo sighed, "These things are all in the past, they are just some family matters."
"We finally meet, so I won't pollute your ears by telling you these things. Have you
explained the misunderstanding just now?"
"My son has a bad temper and is quite rebellious, so I sent him here to temper him so
that he won't be in trouble when he goes out into society."
Xiao Zhantian smiled and said, "You seem to be a good and responsible father now, but you
have lost all your pride because of being tortured by your son, right?"
Although Lao Zhuo was very careful about his life at the beginning, he was also a very
stubborn and proud person.
Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to persist in such a harsh place as the
North for so many years.
Moreover, when he first had a good relationship with himself, others would often bully
him, but Lao Zhuo did not stay away from Xiao Zhantian because of this.
Later, Xiao Zhantian made several military achievements and his status and position rose
rapidly, so naturally other people started gossiping about him.
Some people said that Lao Zhuo saw that Xiao Zhantian would become capable in the future,
so he deliberately tried to curry favor with him.
He ignored what these people said and was full of vigor and vitality at the beginning.
Now he looks much older, and even has white hair on his temples.
As people who once fought side by side, the relationship between them is naturally
Lao Zhuo shook his head slightly, looking somewhat helpless, and didn't say much.
"It's almost time for lunch. I'll treat you to a meal! And by the way, go in and call my
son out, and have him apologize to you."
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand, "Forget it. It doesn't matter if a young child has some
temper and personality. Besides, he apologized after the misunderstanding was explained."
In fact, Xiao Zhantian didn't feel disgusted with this kind of young people.
It's not a bad thing to have a personality, as long as you know how to apologize when you
do something wrong.
But Lao Zhuo's attitude was firm. He repeatedly asked Xiao Zhantian not to leave, and he
went in to call his son.
"Is this someone you know? It seems to me that you two have a pretty good relationship,
but he seems to have some respect and fear for you."
Jiang Qingqing asked Xiao Zhantian puzzledly, feeling that the way they got along was
indeed a bit strange.
However, it was the first time she saw Xiao Zhantian being so polite to someone.
"All the warriors in the North respect me when they see me, but I just have a good
relationship with him."
Xiao Zhantian did not sound arrogant when he said this. On the contrary, the aura he
exuded at this moment was so impressive that people could not help but be impressed.
Not long after, Lao Zhuo came out with his son beside him.
Although there seemed to be some awkwardness between the two people, the young man was
quite polite to Xiao Zhantian.
"I'm really sorry for what happened just now. Because of my personal emotions, I wasn't
very friendly to you and my words were very harsh. Please forgive me."
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand, "Forget it, since it's over, it doesn't matter."
The young man turned to look at Lao Zhuo, "You heard it too, they said this matter is not
important, so I'm going back first."
"Stop, I just want you to have a meal with me, do you think it will cost you your life?"
Xiao Zhuo gritted his teeth and seemed to be struggling with him, "It's working hours
now, I haven't gotten off work yet, and you are the boss and I am the employee, how can I
have dinner with you?"
Hearing this, Lao Zhuo took a deep breath in anger.
"I sent you here for your own good. You should temper your temper. Otherwise, you might
offend others in two days."
Xiao Zhuo snorted coldly, "You are really a good and responsible father. Thank you very
much. I will go back to hone my skills first."
After saying this, he turned around and prepared to go back.
Lao Zhuo took a quick step forward and grabbed his shoulders.
Xiao Zhuo was also very agile. He slipped under his arm and raised his hand to hit his
“They are…”
Jiang Qingqing looked a little confused.
It was the first time she saw a father and son fighting like this. Besides, Old Zhuo
looked quite old. What if they got into a fight?
This thought had just flashed through her mind when she saw Lao Zhuo groaning, taking a
few steps back and falling to the ground.
"Stop pretending. I didn't even try hard. What do you mean?"
When Xiao Zhuo saw him fall to the ground, his eyes panicked for a moment, but he quickly
After he said this, the other party still didn't respond.
"Okay, can't I go to dinner with you? There's no need for you to pretend."
Xiao Zhantian frowned slightly, strode forward, raised his hand and placed it on his
"Something is not right."
He just lifted the person up and was about to leave.
Xiao Zhuo quickly stopped him, "What are you going to do?"
"If you don't want your father to die, let go!"
Xiao Zhantian shouted loudly, and Xiao Zhuo took several steps back. How could he
withstand his momentum?
He was seen running hurriedly into the distance, and a moment later he drove a car and
stopped in front of them.
"Get in the car, I'll take you to the hospital!"
After Xiao Zhantian got in the car, he gave him an address.
The car sped all the way and soon arrived at the Xiao family.
"Help him find out what's going on."
Xiao Zhantian handed the man over to Lu Mingyou, who examined him and said, "He has
"You said this is impossible. He has always been in good health. How could he have
Xiao Zhuo, who came along, had a somewhat surprised expression on his face and found it
hard to accept what was happening before his eyes.
Lu Mingyou didn't say much. Whether he admitted it or not, the disease existed.
At this moment, Lao Zhuo also slowly woke up.
He took a look at the environment in front of him and looked at Xiao Zhantian.
"I'm sorry to bother you again."
"Do we need to be so polite to each other? How did you get cancer? It must be very
serious from your condition."
He just stopped breathing, and Xiao Zhantian felt that the hospital might not be able to
save him, so he had to take him back to the Xiao family first.
Lao Zhuo looked at Xiao Zhantian and suddenly said, "I don't have cancer. I was
"This poison is similar to your daughter's, which means it won't be long before your
daughter becomes like me."

Chapter 53 Behind the Scenes Organization

He smiled bitterly, "This is already the final stage. After falling into a coma several
times, I will die completely."
Xiao Zhantian frowned, "How do you know about my daughter's situation?"
He turned to look at his son, and then felt that at this point, there seemed to be
nothing to hide.
"I was once a blood slave. In order to ensure that the blood in my body can be produced
continuously, they used some drugs."
"But these drugs can cause diseases in the human body. Now I don't have many days left to
live. There is nothing to hide about these things."
Xiao Zhuo standing aside frowned tightly, looking puzzled.
"What do you mean? What is a blood slave? Why do you do this?!"
Lao Zhuo held Xiao Zhantian's hand and said, "Behind you, there is a very powerful
Xiao Zhantian's eyes flashed, and he took Lao Zhuo directly to the study.
"How much do you know about these things? I knew that meeting you today might not be a
Lao Zhuo looked determined, "But I said I'm here to help you, do you believe me?"
Xiao Zhantian didn't say anything. He felt that Lao Zhuo didn't have much to say to him.
"Are you sure you really became a blood slave?"
Lao Zhuo's expression froze for a moment. "You are too smart. Nothing can be hidden from
your eyes."
"Since you knew, you shouldn't have lied. You should know that I can kill you at any
Lao Zhuo slowly closed his eyes. "If you really do this, I have nothing to say. I am also
involved in your daughter's affairs."
He uttered these words slowly, as if they had consumed a huge amount of his strength, but
unexpectedly, Xiao Zhantian did not move him.
"Compared to killing you, I want to know the truth of the matter."
Lao Zhuo could have stayed away from coming, but instead of coming here, he took the
initiative to reveal the truth.
At that time, because of his own illness, he had no choice but to go to the north.
Although the work here is tough and one could lose his life if he is not careful, the
rewards are huge.
But what he didn't expect was that his wife actually cheated on him and betrayed him, and
even took away the money for their son's medical treatment.
At that time, his son's life was in danger, and it was difficult to contact him.
It is also for this reason that Xiao Zhuo now hates improper relationships between men
and women.
"I was on a mission at that time. Do you remember the time I was captured?"
When he said this, Xiao Zhantian immediately understood, "Is the person behind this the
Bama Kingdom?"
Lao Zhuo shook his head, "I don't know, but I am sure there are others behind them."
"When I was captured, I admit that I was indeed scared. I wanted to return to Tianlong
"My son's life was in danger at that time. If I didn't go back, he would definitely die."
Everything Lao Zhuo did was for his son. If he couldn't go back now and his son was dead,
what was the point of him coming here?
Xiao Zhantian took a deep breath. He couldn't imagine that his comrade who had fought
side by side with him would actually do such a thing.
"At that time, they gave me two choices. One was to betray the Tianlong Kingdom, and the
other was to join their organization and help them do something."
"I absolutely would not betray the Tianlong Nation. After learning that their
organization would not endanger the safety of the Tianlong Nation, I chose the second
It was after that battle that Lao Zhuo applied to leave.
He left even before Xiao Zhantian agreed, so Xiao Zhantian said he was a deserter.
At that time, in order to thank him for helping him before, Xiao Zhantian helped him
settle the matter.
They all thought that Lao Zhuo was frightened. After all, he was a man who valued his
life, but he was taken prisoner by the other side.
At that time, Xiao Zhantian never thought about why he, a prisoner, would be released
without paying any price?
"That organization is looking for people who are suitable to be blood slaves all over the
world, and then sending them to the homes of high-ranking officials and nobles."
"I became one of them. I don't want to defend myself. I also thought about not listening
to them, but they were too powerful."
"I have no chance of leaving this organization. I can only help the evildoers. Everything
I have received now may be my retribution."
Xiao Zhantian did not criticize him for anything. If he were in his position, he would
not necessarily do better than him.
Didn't he give up everything in the North and come back for his family without saying a
The only difference between the two of them is that Xiao Zhantian has the ability to
decide his own actions.
"So what about the poisoning you just mentioned?"
Lao Zhuo seemed to recall some painful experiences and closed his eyes involuntarily.
"I couldn't follow them and harm others, so I became a medicine man. The medicine they
used on those blood slaves was tested on me."
"I once came across your daughter's information by chance, but I thought I had seen it
"Later, my body was completely broken and I could no longer be of any use to them, so
they released me. At that time, I also found out that I had cancer."
"I know all this was caused by the drugs I took at the beginning. It's a good thing that
I didn't die directly."
"But for so many years, I have been tortured by pain and my life is worse than death. If
it weren't for my son, I might have died a long time ago."
"I know that you helped me with what happened back then. Otherwise, I would never have
been able to leave the Northern Territory and would have been captured and taken back
He looked at Xiao Zhantian with a sincere look of gratitude.
"I came to the imperial capital to express my gratitude to you and to find an opportunity
to leave something for my son after I die."
Xiao Zhantian's expression was very complicated at this time and he didn't know what to
"Anyway, you're a good father."
Because he has a daughter, Xiao Zhantian can empathize with her.
Lao Zhuo smiled bitterly and said, "I know your daughter is in pain now, but her
condition will get worse."
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "That's true, but I'm now looking for drugs to treat her, and I've
already found the whereabouts of three of them."
"Those are fake. They can only temporarily alleviate her condition, but they can't
completely cure her. And it's impossible for you to collect all four."
Lao Zhuo shook his head slightly. "Arhat bones don't exist at all. Even if they are
found, they are all fake."
Xiao Zhantian's expression changed drastically. "This is impossible. I have already found
out the whereabouts of this thing."
"Believe me, maybe this cure was actually released by them. It gives people hope, but
also despair."

Chapter 54 Jing Zhengheng escapes

"However, I know they have the antidote. It's not easy to get it, but I think you can
give it a try with your strength."
Lao Zhuo knew that Xiao Zhantian didn't completely believe him, so he said nothing, stood
up and drew a picture for Xiao Zhantian.
"This is the topographic map of that place. I did nothing during the years I was there. I
only remembered this thing. The antidote is hidden here."
"If you don't believe me, that's understandable, but a dying man speaks well. I can't be
saved, but I hope you can save your daughter."
Xiao Zhantian took the item, looked at it for a few seconds, and asked, "Is this
organization in Bama Country?"
"No, on the contrary, they are in Tianlong Country. You can probably imagine that they
killed people from Tianlong Country."
As soon as these words came out, a surge of anger suddenly rose in Xiao Zhantian's heart.
For so many years, I have been fighting foreign battles to protect the Tianlong Kingdom,
but I didn't expect that someone would sneak into the country.
What they did was extremely abominable. Even if it wasn't for Xiao Huanhuan, Xiao
Zhantian couldn't just stand by and watch.
If he does nothing, perhaps there will be more children like his daughter in the future.
"Although I joined this organization, I have never forgotten that I am from the Tianlong
Kingdom. That's why I wrote down the map."
No matter what, Lao Zhuo had been in the military before, especially in the north.
He joined this organization out of necessity, but he would not lose his conscience.
"I understand. I will do it. But are these people they selected randomly?"
"They have investigated in advance. I'm sure you know why they targeted you. In addition,
your daughter's physique is suitable for being a blood slave."
Xiao Zhantian gritted his teeth. He didn't expect that in the end he would end up harming
his own daughter.
He had offended many people while fighting abroad over the years, so these people
targeted his family.
The eight wealthy families in the imperial capital are just a cover.
However, the incident that happened to the Xiao family in the past was definitely related
to them.
After all, at that time, Xiao Zhantian was not yet the God of War in the North.
As the saying goes, there is gain and loss. If those people had not forced the Xiao
family into a desperate situation, a god of war would not have been cultivated.
All of this is also a cause and effect relationship. It was because of this incident that
Xiao Zhantian went to the northern border, which led to his family being targeted again.
The two of them came out of the room, and Xiao Zhuo ran towards his father with a nervous
look on his face.
"What the hell is going on? Haven't you always been in good health? All that was just a
joke, right? You were lying to me on purpose!"
Lao Zhuo smiled bitterly and said, "You are not young anymore, you are an adult, and now
you are in good health, you can take care of yourself."
He turned to look at Xiao Zhantian, "Maybe it's not appropriate to have dinner with you
today. I will contact you in person another day!"
My son is in this condition. If he stays here, who knows what kind of trouble he might
get into.
Lao Zhuo felt very guilty because he was not by his side when he was suffering from
At that time, his wife treated her son like that, causing him to suffer from illness.
Thinking back on all that had happened, Lao Zhuo felt extremely heartbroken.
Xiao Zhantian gave him his contact information and said, "If you need any help, feel free
to tell me."
After sending them away, Xiao Zhantian immediately found Lu Mingyou and told him what had
"This... Based on my research on these medicines, they shouldn't cause any side effects,
but I can't say for sure."
"After all, these herbs are extremely rare. There are only some records of them in
ancient books, but I have never actually used them."
Lu Mingyou did not speak too absolutely, after all, there are exceptions to everything.
"Don't use it for now. I'll take some time to go to that organization and get the
antidote back for comparison."
Xiao Zhantian thought about it carefully and decided that it would be safer not to take
these medicines for the time being.
At this time Gong Wu also contacted him. She had been searching the Gong family in recent
days and finally found Xingye Bamboo.
Although she didn't know why the people in that organization valued the Starry Night
Bamboo so much, at least for her, this thing had no meaning.
She personally delivered the thing to Xiao Zhantian, and it was indeed very beautiful.
Just one look at it and you will be attracted by its mysterious and holy feeling.
It is hard to imagine that such a decorative item can be used as medicine.
"Those people seemed to think that someone else was looking for this thing."
Gong Wu reminded Xiao Zhantian that perhaps there were some other things behind this.
Of course Xiao Zhantian did not forget that those people seemed to be very afraid of the
person behind them.
They thought that Xiao Zhantian was using this thing to investigate the whereabouts of
It’s a pity that no information was obtained from the people in that organization later
After getting the Starry Night Bamboo, he asked Lu Mingyou to check it, but naturally he
didn't find anything wrong.
"Just as it is recorded in ancient books, this thing can indeed be used as a decoration,
but it also can be used as medicine."
"I will do more research and experiments recently. You should also go to the laboratory
as soon as possible and find the antidote!"
Xiao Huanhuan's condition is indeed getting worse day by day, and there is no time to
After taking that medicine, her symptoms had been slightly relieved.
Xiao Zhantian called Xue Sha, gave him the map he had obtained before, and asked him to
investigate first.
Xiao Zhantian must do this matter personally, as he will not tolerate any changes in his
Moreover, if they didn't find the antidote directly, it would be absolutely impossible
for them to go a second time, and the other party would also be on guard.
As soon as Xuesha left, people from the Zhuwang Palace brought news that Jing Zhengheng
had escaped.
Naturally, he didn't dare not tell Xiao Zhantian about this matter, even though he knew
that he would most likely be punished.
"Go find someone first."
Xiao Zhantian did not blame them.
Even if I want to blame him, now is not the time. I must catch Jing Zhengheng first.
This kid is quite capable, he was able to escape.
Xiao Zhantian didn’t think that his people were so useless. There must be someone
helping him.
Suddenly he received a call from Xiao Chengtian, who sounded anxious.
"Brother, is Xueqing still at home?"
After he said this, Xiao Zhantian realized that he seemed to have really been negligent.
The Xiao family is very safe, so he has never paid special attention to Nian Xueqing's
Now that I think about it, it seems like I haven't seen her for some time.

Chapter 55 Found the whereabouts

"She should have been taken away by Jing Zhengheng. I just received a message from them."
Xiao Chengtian's tone was a little panicked, and although he was trying to calm himself
down, his voice couldn't help but tremble.
He simply couldn't imagine what these people would do to Nian Xueqing after taking her
If something really happens by then, it will be too late to regret.
Nian Xueqing has not yet recovered from the pain she suffered before, and now she is
suffering a second injury.
"Don't worry, I've already sent someone to look for Jing Zhengheng and the others. I'll
let you know as soon as there's any news."
After hanging up the phone, Xiao Zhantian could no longer sit still. Such a big thing had
happened, and he was also responsible for it to a certain extent. Of course, he could not
remain indifferent.
"How's it going over there? Have you found Jing Zhengheng's whereabouts?"
He called Xuesha over and asked.
"We have checked. Someone is helping him this time. We initially suspect it is someone
from the Mei family. I have already sent someone to keep an eye on them."
"After Jing Zhengheng escapes, he will definitely return to the Jing family. They are now
being monitored by our people. If there is any news, please inform me at any time."
Xiao Zhantian took a deep breath. "He was imprisoned and guarded. How could he escape
Due to his natural sensitivity, Xiao Zhantian felt that this matter was very problematic.
He was afraid that in addition to someone outside assisting him, there might also be an
Xuesha also knew what he meant, "I will send someone to investigate."
Xiao Zhantian stood up and said, "No need to investigate. I will go and check it myself."
There was a villa in the imperial capital. After Xiao Zhantian entered, Xuesha led him to
open a mechanism and then came to the basement.
This is their branch in the imperial capital. It is surrounded by their people and there
are surveillance cameras covering 360 degrees.
Seeing Xuesha coming here, those people stood up to greet him.
Xuesha came to an office. Before they opened the door, the people in the room came out to
greet them.
"Pavilion Master."
Amin called out "Xuesha" with a slightly guilty look on his face.
He secretly looked at Xiao Zhantian and had already made some guesses about his identity.
People of his level had never seen Xiao Zhantian, but from his aura one could tell that
this person was of extraordinary status.
"Amin is in charge here. He has been in the King Execution Palace for seven or eight
years. He should not make such a low-level mistake."
Xuesha couldn't help but speak for Amin, firstly because he was his subordinate and was
appointed by Xuesha himself.
Secondly, Amin was brought into the King's Palace by Xuesha, and he rescued Amin in a
At that time, Amin was just a teenager, but he was killing people in the crowd.
However, he was no match for four hands with his two fists and was eventually controlled
by the opponent. Xue Sha saw that he had some courage and saved him.
Amin is a very grateful person, and Xuesha saved his life, so he feels that Amin will not
betray him.
"Go inside and talk."
Xiao Zhantian stepped in, and the two men quickly followed him.
After closing the door, Xiao Zhantian sat on the sofa.
Naturally, neither of them dared to sit down and stood stiffly in front of him.
Even though they were standing and Xiao Zhantian was sitting, their momentum did not
diminish in the slightest.
"Master, this incident was all my negligence. I will let you handle it as you wish."
The young man lowered his head and did not make any excuses for himself.
"Since you are the person in charge here, you should know the people here very well.
There must be an insider in this matter. Do you have any guesses about who it is?"
After Xiao Zhantian finished speaking, A Ming's eyes brightened a little, and a hint of
gratitude flashed across his face. He knew that Xiao Zhantian said this to mean that he
did not doubt himself.
"I conducted a comprehensive investigation as soon as the incident happened. Those people
are indeed very familiar with the terrain here."
"There must be a traitor among us, but I don't know who leaked the information, and I
can't investigate on a large scale."
There are so many people here. If he suspects them all and interrogates them one by one,
it will definitely discourage some people.
"You have to figure out how to deal with these things. No matter what, you have to find
out the culprit."
Xuesha spoke and gave him some advice.
Of course he knew that trying to pull out a traitor was a very troublesome task, but he
couldn't let Xiao Zhantian find a way, right?
He did not doubt Amin because of his trust in Xuesha. If Amin could not show his
strength, he would be punished.
"Master, rest assured. I will find a way right now. Give me ten minutes and I will find
the traitor!"
Amin walked out of the house, and Xiao Zhantian slowly stood up.
"What are the developments of the Jing family and the Mei family?"
Xue Sha shook his head. "I haven't received any news yet. Once they find out where Miss
Nian is, they will notify me immediately."
As soon as he finished speaking, his cell phone vibrated.
"Sir, we found Jing Zhengheng! He showed up in a club outside the imperial capital, but
that place is full of good and bad people..."
Xue Sha was also a little confused and didn't know why Jing Zhengheng suddenly appeared
in this place.
Logically speaking, since he just ran away, shouldn't he hurry back to the Jing family,
or think about how to deal with the follow-up matters?
"We had someone keep an eye on him, but we only found his whereabouts? Where is Nian
Xue Sha shook his head, "For now, we don't know where Miss Nian is. There's no movement
from the Mei family."
"Let's go now and see what's going on."
It is important to pull out the traitor, but it is more important to protect Nian Xueqing
at the moment.
If something really happened to Nian Xueqing, Xiao Zhantian couldn't imagine how guilty
and upset Nian Zhengsong and Xiao Chengtian would feel.
Before they could go out, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Amin fell directly to
the ground holding a man.
"This guy looks sneaky. I just spotted him. If nothing goes wrong, he should be the
He took a painting from the man, lifted up the man's hand, and shone the light on it.
"I've just checked. His duties will not involve anything like files, so there is no such
thing as writing."
"The paper and pens we use in our building are special. They leave marks on your hands
after you write. There was a lot of residue on his hands."
"Since his identity and status are not high enough to touch this thing, it means that he
used it secretly. He is most likely the traitor."
Xiao Zhantian didn't expect that they actually had such an invention.
"Xuesha, you stay here and find out who sent him to do these things. I'll go to the
Xiao Zhantian ordered Xuesha to make sure to get the real truth out of this traitor.
On the outskirts of the city, there is an underground club where a boxing match is going

Chapter 56 Xiao Zhantian Makes a Rage

This club may seem unremarkable, but in fact it has the best bodyguards in Shanhai City
and even mercenaries.
The reason why Jing Zhengheng came here was naturally to save his own life first.
He managed to escape with great difficulty, but he didn't dare go back to the Jing
He suffered inhuman torture these days and even thought that he might die there.
He took out all his savings just to hire a personal bodyguard from here.
Jing Zhengheng has quite a bit of savings, but they can't be ranked here.
The other party just asked him to wait here and someone would come to find him later.
Suddenly Jing Zhengheng noticed that the temperature around him was a little different.
He raised his head and looked into the distance, and was immediately stunned.
After realizing what was happening, Jing Zhengheng immediately stood up and ran away.
But how could he run faster than Xiao Zhantian? Suddenly, he felt a pain in his knee and
fell to the ground.
Xiao Zhantian walked towards him and picked up the stone that had fallen on the ground.
"Your Excellency is very skilled, but this is not a place for you to cause trouble, not
to mention that this gentleman is our client."
Before Xiao Zhantian could say anything to Jing Zhengheng, a voice came from behind him,
and a man with several bodyguards walked towards him.
Xiao Zhantian grabbed Jing Zhengheng by the back of his neck and lifted him up.
"Where is Nian Xueqing? Who let you out?"
Before Jing Zhengheng could answer, the man in the distance suddenly raised his fist and
hit Xiao Zhantian.
Xiao Zhantian stretched out a hand, lightly blocked his attack, and pushed him back.
"Who the hell are you? How dare you come to our club and cause trouble!"
"I didn't mean to cause any trouble in your club. I just wanted to take him away."
Xiao Zhantian didn't want to get entangled with them, so he opened his mouth to explain,
but he didn't expect that the man didn't listen to him.
"I've already said it before, he's a client of ours. There's no way he could be taken
away right under our club's nose!"
The man was quite professional, and he felt that Xiao Zhantian's behavior was simply a
provocation to them.
"If you can save me this time, I will double the money I gave you before!"
Jing Zhengheng spoke quickly, and at the same time used his hands and feet to crawl
behind the man.
The man just waved his hand, and soon everyone in the club looked towards Xiao Zhantian.
"I advise you to leave as soon as possible. I won't do anything to you."
The man looked at Xiao Zhantian coldly, his eyes full of confidence.
After all, this is their territory, and everyone here belongs to them.
Xiao Zhantian shook his head. "You should say this to yourself. If you insist on saving
him, don't blame me for being rude to you."
The man snorted, "Do you think you can make trouble here just by yourself?"
At this moment, the man suddenly felt a huge oppressive force all around him.
Xiao Zhantian, who was standing in front of him, suddenly changed his aura. The majesty
he released made everyone present dare not step forward easily.
The next second, Xiao Zhantian rushed directly towards Jing Zhengheng.
The man who hadn't reacted quickly pushed the people around him forward, trying to stop
Xiao Zhantian.
But Xiao Zhantian's movements were extremely swift, like a leopard at this moment.
He was extremely fast and knocked down the people in front of him in no time, then rushed
straight towards the man.
As the man gave the order, people from the entire club surrounded Xiao Zhantian in three
"I just don't believe it. Can you resist so many people by yourself?"
"Today I will never let you take these people away just like that!"
Xiao Zhantian's eyes darkened a little, and he took out a short blade.
"If any of you don't want to live anymore, just stop me."
After hearing what he said and seeing his current posture, many people's expressions
relaxed a little.
Although they were members of the club, they did not receive any money at this time.
These people are somewhat hesitant about risking their lives for others.
After Xiao Zhantian finished speaking, he rushed directly towards Jing Zhengheng without
Along the way, he carried the momentum of killing anyone who stood in his way.
He swung the short blade in his hand forward, and the people who stood in front of him
were cut by the short blade and fell to the ground.
Xiao Zhantian thought about it and decided not to take these people's lives. He was just
taking money to help them get rid of disasters.
What's more, these people in front are just minions who follow orders from others and
have no autonomy of their own.
Seeing that Xiao Zhantian really dared to draw his knife, and that he was so powerful
that they couldn't stop him at all, the people in front became a little hesitant.
Their hesitation naturally gave Xiao Zhantian an opportunity. He jumped high, stepped on
those who fell to the ground, and came in front of Jing Zhengheng.
“Ahhh, don’t kill me! This incident has nothing to do with me. It was the Mei family
who rescued me, and Nian Xueqing was also taken away by them.”
Only then did Jing Zhengheng feel the taste of death. Of course he did not dare to
hesitate and quickly told Xiao Zhantian the truth.
Xiao Zhantian didn't say anything. He kicked him to the ground and stepped on his chest.
The club leader's expression changed and he looked at a man next to him.
"What are you standing there for! Please invite Master Yan out!"
If they let Xiao Zhantian take the people away today, then there would be no need to open
their club. Who would trust them in the future?
Here, Xiao Zhantian was still questioning Jing Zhengheng, but it was obvious that he
didn't want to say anything.
Naturally, he noticed the movements of the man behind him, so he tried to delay time
Xiao Zhantian sneered, thinking that this guy would not cry until he saw the coffin.
The short blade in his hand pierced directly into Jing Zhengheng's hand, nailing his hand
to the ground.
Jing Zhengheng let out a heart-wrenching howl of pain.
At this moment, a knife in the distance flew towards Xiao Zhantian with the momentum of
cutting through the sky.
He stood up and took a few steps back, avoiding the knife, and looked at the person
coming from the distance.
"How dare you cause trouble here!"
A middle-aged man strode towards here with big strides. Every step he took was full of
momentum, and it could be seen that he had some strength.
The man looked very young, but his hair was slightly gray.
"Master Yan, you are finally here. This kid has caused a commotion in our club by
himself. I think he wants to turn the tables!"
"Please take action to suppress him, otherwise where is the dignity of our club?"

Chapter 57 Please Spare My Life

"Don't worry, he's just a poor boy with barely grown hair. I thought he was some powerful
That old man Yan looked at Xiao Zhantian coldly.
"I've seen many young people like this who don't know their place. Boy, I'll let you have
three moves first."
Xiao Zhantian laughed loudly twice, "Let me have three moves? You are exaggerating a
little too much."
His eyes turned colder, "If you really let me take three moves, then I won't have a
chance to fight back."
He raised his foot and kicked Jing Zhengheng up.
"I only want this person. The rest has nothing to do with you. If any of you try to stop
me, don't blame me for being rude."
Elder Yan was also a little angry, "I want to see what you are capable of. At this time,
you still dare to speak nonsense."
He just took a step and rushed towards Xiao Zhantian.
This old man Yan does have some skills, but it's a pity that he is not good enough.
Xiao Zhantian held Jing Zhengheng in one hand and a short blade in the other, and fought
back and forth with him with just one hand.
At the beginning, Old Yan felt that Xiao Zhantian didn't take him seriously enough, but
after a moment he understood that the other party had his reasons for doing so.
Xiao Zhantian turned his palms inward and struck Old Yan directly on the heart with the
back of his hand, knocking him back several steps.
Old Yan spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Xiao Zhantian in shock.
"Since you are just taking money and being loyal to others, I will spare your life today.
Get out of the way!"
Xiao Zhantian shouted loudly, and Old Yan couldn't help but step back a few steps to make
way for him.
The middle-aged man was still a little unconvinced and was about to step forward, but was
stopped by Old Yan.
"We are no match for him, let him go!"
Jing Zhengheng's eyes were filled with despair, "I'll double the price for you! No, as
long as you can keep him from taking me away, you can make whatever price you want!"
Although some people were a little moved, they also understood that they could not defeat
Xiao Zhantian at all.
Even if they want to get the money, what's the point of spending it until they lose their
Xiao Zhantian took Jing Zhengheng away from the club. After getting into the car, he tied
him up and threw him in the back seat.
"I only give you five minutes. If you can't tell me the whereabouts of Nian Xueqing, then
go to the Lord of Hell and tell him!"
At this time, Jing Zhengheng's hand was still bleeding, and the severe pain made him
"I...I said that this matter was done by the eldest daughter of the Mei family. She
couldn't stand Nian Xueqing at the beginning, and the two of them never dealt with her."
"She was the one who planned the bullying of Nian Xueqing. I sent her a message before
the incident."
"She was afraid that this matter would be exposed, so she had been investigating my
whereabouts. She was also the one who rescued me, but I really don't know where she took
Miss Nian!"
He kept begging Xiao Zhantian, hoping that he would spare his life.
But why should Xiao Zhantian let someone like him, who can easily bully others and
doesn't care about other people's lives, forgive him?
Xiao Zhantian raised his foot and stepped on his knee. There were a few cracking sounds
and Jing Zhengheng fainted from the pain.
Xiao Zhantian had previously promised Xiao Chengtian that he would personally deal with
these people.
He just crippled Jing Zhengheng's legs, making it harder for him to escape.
He thought that the people from the Long family and the Jing family were the masterminds
of that incident, but he didn't expect that the real mastermind behind the scenes was
actually someone from the Mei family.
The eldest daughter of the Mei family is truly a vicious person.
They are both women, but she could allow someone to do such a thing to Nian Xueqing. She
definitely does not deserve sympathy!
Xiao Zhantian notified Xue Sha and asked him to take the people from Zhuwang Palace to
the Mei family.
Now three of the eight wealthy families have been ruined. He wants to see how the Mei
family can compete with him!
Xiao Zhantian arrived at the Mei family first, so he naturally didn't notice some
irrelevant people.
Mei Zhenzhen only saw the side profile of Xiao Zhantian. Just in case, she contacted the
eldest daughter of the Mei family directly.
"Miss Mei, I'm Mei Zhenzhen. Nian Xueqing's people are here to look for her. They've
already gone to the Mei family. You'd better be careful."
The person on the other end of the phone didn't care about her instructions at all and
was even a little annoyed.
"Only someone like you would be so timid and scared. A young master from a poor family
would scare you like this."
She hung up the phone directly without taking Mei Zhenzhen's advice to heart.
Mei Zhenzhen clenched her fists. They were all members of the Mei family, so why could
she step on her head and show off her power?
This world is so unfair. She was born into the Mei family, but it is just a side branch
and insignificant family.
If it weren't for her mother's good relationship with the Mei family, she might not even
be able to enter the Mei family.
Thinking of how the eldest daughter of the Mei family usually bossed her around and
looked down on her, Mei Zhenzhen took a deep breath.
At the gate of Mei's house, Xiao Zhantian was about to get out of the car when someone
knocked on the car window.
He frowned when he saw the people standing outside.
"Sir, I know you are here for Nian Xueqing. If I can help you, can we write off the
offense our Mei family has committed against you?"
Xiao Zhantian raised his eyebrows, "Do you know where Nian Xueqing is?"
"She was taken away by Mei Yuting. I can help you find out their current location from
Mei Yuting."
Mei Zhenzhen also helped Mei Yuting and did many shameful things. Of course, she just
treated Mei Zhenzhen as her dog.
Now Mei Zhenzhen is tired of the days of agreeing with her. She wants to see how Mei
Yuting can still be so arrogant if the Mei family goes bankrupt.
She knew what Xiao Zhantian was capable of, and she was not even afraid that she was from
the Mei family, which was enough to show that she did not take the Mei family seriously.
"If you can help me find Nian Xueqing's whereabouts and wipe out the past, I can even
send you to the position of the head of the Mei family."
Hearing Xiao Zhantian's words, Mei Zhenzhen's eyes lit up instantly. She could hardly
imagine that such a thing would happen to her.
Soon she called Mei Yuting again, and the tone on the other end was clearly impatient.
"You clearly know that I have important things to deal with right now. If you dare to
interrupt me again to teach that little bitch a lesson, you will be the next one to be
taught a lesson!"
Mei Zhenzhen flinched, and then a trace of resentment flashed across her eyes.
"Ms. Mei, I just want to remind you that the place you are in is not safe and you may be
found by that person."
The other party laughed twice, "What a joke, if Villa No. 1 is not safe, then there is no
safe place in the world."

Chapter 58 Clear the Field Directly

Seeing that she had already found out the location, Mei Zhenzhen didn't dare say anything
more. She agreed with a few words and hung up the phone.
Xiao Zhantian didn't expect that she had some brains and could actually find out their
However, this also indirectly shows that Mei Zhenzhen may also be their helper in some
Of course, this was not within Xiao Zhantian's consideration. He has always been a man of
his word.
Since Mei Zhenzhen helped him in this matter, he will definitely fulfill his promise.
"Mr. Xiao, they are in Villa No. 1. Do you need me to accompany you?"
"No need, you did a great job this time, I will do what I promised you."
Xiao Zhantian contacted Xue Sha and asked him to send a group of people to the Mei family
to look after the place first.
Even if this incident was done by Mei Yuting alone, the Mei family would naturally bear
joint liability.
What's more, his enemies are the eight wealthy families in the imperial capital, and Xiao
Zhantian will not let any of them go.
Villa No. 1 may sound like a residential area, but in fact it is a place similar to a
party house.
This place covers a large area, has beautiful surroundings and many entertainment
facilities inside.
Usually, the second-generation rich in the capital like to come to this place, so it can
be said that there is a mix of good and bad people here.
Xiao Zhantian had often come here for entertainment before, so he was not unfamiliar with
this place.
There are many rooms here, and Xiao Zhantian doesn't know where Mei Yuting and the others
are at this time.
He called the person in charge of Villa No. 1 directly and told him that he wanted to
rent the entire place.
"You're kidding me, right? Are you saying you want to book all the rooms here?"
The other party was a little surprised and didn't seem to react to what Xiao Zhantian
You have to know that there are dozens of private rooms here. If he wants to book the
whole place, it would be impossible for him to spend tens of millions in a day.
"I called you directly. Do you think I would deliberately trick you?"
Xiao Zhantian didn't say much, which made his words seem more real. Of course, he was not
Villa No. 1 can afford to open such a large place, and all the equipment here is top-
notch, so the boss is naturally not an ordinary person.
If he rashly came here and said he wanted to look for Mei Yuting and the others, Xiao
Zhantian was afraid that not only would the other party not reveal their whereabouts, but
he would also alert them.
This is the only solution I can think of right now, find the person first.
Although the boss made a lot of money every day, it was the first time he encountered a
customer who wanted to rent out the entire place, which was somewhat novel.
Besides, it’s just about making money, no one would complain that they make too much
"I still have some guests here. If I ask them to leave directly, I'm afraid they won't be
happy with it. I'll have to make some compensation."
This boss was actually a profiteer. He did not directly reject Xiao Zhantian, but instead
raised the price.
"These are minor issues. I can double your price. I need you to clear everything here
within an hour."
Although this matter sounded a little strange, Xiao Zhantian's tone was firm.
The boss did not doubt the truthfulness of his words. Just like Xiao Zhantian said, no
one would call him specifically to tease him.
"Then come over here first! I will solve this matter for you as soon as possible."
Everything has to give way to money, not to mention that the boss himself is a person of
I opened the door to do business, so these people naturally come to have fun, but there
are special circumstances and there is nothing we can do.
What's more, I am willing to make some compensation to them, so I believe they will not
make too much of a fuss.
It took Xiao Zhantian just over ten minutes to get here. He came to the office, but the
people here were busy dealing with clearing out the guests and didn't care about him at
Many people expressed dissatisfaction and called in person to ask what was going on.
After searching for it everywhere, I finally found it without any effort.
During these phone calls, Xiao Zhantian accurately identified the room where Mei Yuting
and the others were.
"Go and clear out the others first. The people in this room are my friends, let them stay
here for now!"
After Xiao Zhantian finished speaking, he paid a part of the deposit to the boss, then
got up and rushed to Mei Yuting's room.
Since he paid the deposit, the boss didn't say much. After all, he didn't lose anything
with the money.
In the bright living room, a woman with flaxen brown curly hair sat on the sofa with an
impatient look on her face.
"I don't know what this place is doing today. They just called us and said we need to
leave within half an hour. All the expenses we spent today will be waived."
"Does he think I can't afford the money? I really won't leave today. I want to see what
he is going to do."
After Mei Yuting finished speaking, a man next to her said, “Little sister, your temper
is still as bad as ever.”
"Actually, no matter what, this is outside after all. Let's go back to the Mei family to
feel at ease. Or should we take the person over there?"
Mei Yuting snorted, "Third brother, when did you become so timid? Besides, it would be
bad to go back and mess up your own house."
She raised her eyes and looked at Nian Xueqing who was kneeling on the ground in the
distance. "I was just having fun, but I didn't expect that she would really become a fool
She slowly stood up, walked towards Nian Xueqing, and raised her chin.
At this time, Nian Xueqing was covered in scars and her clothes were torn. Seeing Mei
Yu's eyes full of fear, she couldn't help but shiver.
Mei Yuting raised her hand and slapped her in the face. Her already red and swollen face
looked even more terrifying.
"The dignified Miss Nian has turned into a fool now, but she is much more obedient than
"Don't you claim to be the most beautiful woman in the capital? I think you are just so-
so now. I'm afraid you would be despised if you were thrown among a group of beggars."
Nian Xueqing's eyes were red and swollen, and filled with tears. Although her face was
swollen, she still looked pitiful, which made people feel pity for her.
Just when Mei Yuting was about to teach her a lesson to make herself happy, there was a
knock on the door.
"Take the person into the room first. The boss here may come to talk about checking out."
Mei Yuting's external image has always been that of a gentle and generous lady from a
wealthy family, well-educated and well-mannered. Of course, she cannot be seen like this
in front of others.
After she finished speaking, she laughed coldly twice.
Chapter 59 Torture
"But I've almost had enough fun. I'll leave her to you guys first. I'll still have time
to play with her later."
After those people brought the person into the room, Mei Yuting walked towards the door.
She opened the door and looked at the man standing in front of her. She frowned slightly,
with a puzzled expression.
Before she could say anything, the man had already squeezed into the room and turned
around to lock the door.
"Who are you? I don't seem to know you. Did my brother and the others call you over?"
Xiao Zhantian didn't say anything and walked straight into the house.
After seeing the things placed aside, he frowned slightly, with a gleam in his eyes.
There were some bloodstains on the ground, and the whole house looked a bit messy.
"Where is Nian Xueqing?"
When she heard him ask about Nian Xueqing, Mei Yuting frowned and walked over.
"Who asked you to come here? You're such a big mouth. I've already told you that I have
to teach her a lesson this time."
"I can't hand her over to you today. After I teach her a lesson, my brothers will have to
play with her first, and then it will be your turn."
Just as she finished speaking, she suddenly felt the aura around her suddenly change.
Suddenly, Xiao Zhantian turned around and slapped her in the face.
Mei Yuting was knocked flying and fell heavily to the ground. Half of her face swelled up
quickly and there were five finger marks on it.
"Are you crazy? How dare you hit me!"
She spat out a mouthful of blood and spoke incoherently.
Xiao Zhantian picked up a whip on the ground and said, "Since you like to torture others
so much, why don't you enjoy it yourself?"
Before Mei Yuting could dodge, the long whip rushed towards her like a snake.
The whip hit her body and immediately split her flesh. Mei Yuting wailed and dodged
But how could Xiao Zhantian let her dodge so easily? He swung the whip fiercely, bringing
out a sharp wind that overturned the surrounding air.
I saw Mei Yuting running around in the room like a mouse.
Fortunately, not long after, several brothers of the Mei family heard the noise here and
hurried downstairs.
“Who are you to have the guts to break in here and hit my sister?”
The eldest brother of the Mei family cursed and rushed towards Xiao Zhantian.
The whip changed direction and hit him directly in the face, knocking the boss to the
The bright red bloodstains on his face caused him great pain, and he covered his face and
"When you tortured others like this before, you seemed to be unable to feel the pain."
There was a cold look in Xiao Zhantian's eyes. He didn't give these people any time to
speak. He swung his long whip and beat them all until their skin was torn.
Those people ran around the room in panic, even crawling under the table.
Xiao Zhantian stopped after a moment. He saw Nian Xueqing hiding in the corridor upstairs
at the stairs with half of her head sticking out.
Xiao Zhantian put away his anger and felt a little distressed when he saw Nian Xueqing's
miserable condition.
He had just informed Xue Sha to take control of the place and bring Xiao Chengtian here
as well.
Although this scene does seem a little hard to accept, Xiao Chengtian still has to face
it in the end.
What's more, this was the pain that Nian Xueqing had suffered before, and he should know
"Xueqing, I'm here to save you, don't be afraid."
Xiao Zhantian spoke to comfort Nian Xueqing, his dark eyes filled with a hint of fear.
"I'm in so much pain. They've been bullying me and beating me. I was wrong. I was really
wrong. I've already apologized to them..."
Nian Xueqing muttered to herself, and seemed to be complaining to Xiao Zhantian.
After hearing what he said, Xiao Zhantian felt that these people from the Mei family were
even more hateful.
"Are you here for Nian Xueqing? Do you know that we are from the Mei family? What you did
today is simply courting your own death."
Mei Yuting stuck half of her head out from under the table. Seeing Nian Xueqing's
appearance at this moment, she felt a surge of anger in her heart.
She has become a fool and has been tortured, but now there are people who are willing to
help her and feel sorry for her.
"I think you should first think about whether you can survive today!"
Xiao Zhantian brought Ning Xueqing down and sat on the sofa.
"Tell me everything about how they bullied you just now."
Although Nian Xueqing was traumatized and her mind was a little unclear, it didn't mean
she was a fool, and her memory was fine.
Soon she told Xiao Zhantian all the ways Mei Yuting had tortured her.
Looking at the determination in Xiao Zhantian's eyes, Mei Yuting was really a little
scared, and the wounds on her body were all painful at this moment.
Not to mention the brothers of the Mei family. They are used to showing off their power
and are always followed by bodyguards wherever they go.
But when the ordinary people heard that they were from the Mei family, they would never
dare to fight with them like Xiao Zhantian, who was so desperate.
"If you dare to do this to us, I swear the Mei family will kill you!"
The eldest brother of the Mei family looked at Xiao Zhantian viciously. However, when he
stood in front of others, those people would feel scared, but now facing Xiao Zhantian
was like a mayfly trying to shake a tree.
He didn't have any aura at all, and even his threatening words sounded a little funny.
Xiao Zhantian ignored him, picked up a pair of handcuffs from the ground and handcuffed
him to the table.
He raised his foot and kicked Boss Mei in the heart.
Boss Mei felt that he couldn't breathe and thought he was going to die.
After he came to his senses, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Even breathing pulled at
his chest, making him feel like he was about to faint.
This is just an appetizer. Xiao Zhantian will certainly not let them die so easily.
Naturally, she has to be tortured slowly to be worthy of Nian Xueqing's painful
experience over the years.
After being tortured for a while, the eldest brother of the Mei family was breathing out
more than breathing in, and looked like he was dying.
At this time, his body was covered with wounds and blood was oozing out.
The pepper spray was sprayed on his wound, and the eldest brother of the Mei family let
out a heart-wrenching howl, like a pig being slaughtered.
"It seems that your ability to bear is not very good. This is just a part of you bullying
others, and you can't stand it."
Xiao Zhantian laughed coldly.
It seems that torturing them really works. If I just take their lives directly, it would
be a great relief for them.
The people nearby couldn't help but tremble when they saw their boss being tortured like
this, and they began to think about themselves.
"Who the hell are you? Why are you doing this to us?!"
They looked at Xiao Zhantian in pain, knowing that begging for mercy was useless, so they
simply didn't ask for mercy.
"I've already told you that I'm the one who wants you dead."

Chapter 60 Xiao Chengtian's Guilt

There was a knock on the door, and the eyes of the Mei brothers and sisters suddenly lit
Mei Yuting's reaction was even faster. She rolled and crawled to the door.
He hurriedly opened the door and started calling for help without even looking at who was
"Help us, call the police! There is a psychopath in this house, and he wants to kill us!"
Mei Yuting burst into tears, "I am the daughter of the Mei family. If you help me, the
Mei family will definitely repay you!"
But what she didn't expect was that the other party actually raised his foot and kicked
her in again.
Xuesha waved his hand, and several men in black entered the room, and Xiao Chengtian was
also pushed in.
After seeing him, the third son of the Mei family seemed to recognize him.
"Are you Xiao Chengtian? He is Xiao Chengtian, a member of the Xiao family."
Logically speaking, they would not be afraid of the fallen Xiao family, but when they
thought of the methods Xiao Zhantian had just used, they couldn't help but tremble.
"Chengtian! You are finally here! I knew you would come."
When Nian Xueqing saw Xiao Chengtian, she immediately ran towards him.
Looking at the wounds on her body, Xiao Chengtian felt heartbroken.
"I'm sorry, I'm late."
He simply couldn't imagine what kind of inhuman treatment Nian Xueqing would have
suffered next if Xiao Zhantian hadn't found her.
"The people are already here, you can do whatever you want with them."
Xiao Zhantian walked towards Xiao Chengtian and patted him on the shoulder.
"I was negligent in this matter, otherwise these people would definitely not have taken
Xue Qing away."
Xiao Chengtian shook his head and said, "I am useless. I can't protect her."
"However, the ones who deserve to be punished the most are these bad guys. Why do they
treat Xue Qing like this?"
Xiao Chengtian looked at those people with a bit of hatred in his eyes.
Four years ago, he had already made Nian Xueqing suffer once, and this time he almost
made the same mistake again.
It seemed that seeing that the situation was irreversible, the people in the Mei family
simply gave up.
"Xiao Chengtian, you are just a disabled person now. Do you really think you have the
ability to do anything to us?"
The third son of the Mei family sneered twice and looked at Nian Xueqing.
"I forgot to tell you before, your fiancée tastes really good, it's a pity that even you
haven't tasted it, right?"
Xiao Chengtian's eyes were bloodshot. Xue Sha stepped forward, grabbed Mei Lao San by the
collar, and threw him in front of Xiao Chengtian.
"Do whatever you want, bro is here."
Xiao Zhantian handed him a knife.
Then, in the room, the only sound heard was the painful howls coming from Mei Lao San.
The three men were tortured so badly that Mei Yuting was scared half to death.
Suddenly, a voice shouted from outside the house, "Xiao Chengtian, if you don't want your
Xiao family to be destroyed again, stop it now!"
The head of the Xiao family stood outside the door, but before he could go in, he was
stopped by the people outside.
The people I brought with me were only enough to confront those people outside.
He never thought that Xiao Chengtian was so capable that he not only controlled his own
children, but also kept himself out of the door.
He only has a few children. If they all get into danger, who will inherit the Mei family?
What's more, the Xiao family is a declining family, but they are so bold. He doesn't
believe that the Xiao family has no scruples.
"If you harm the lives of my son and daughter, I will dig up all the ancestral graves of
your Xiao family!"
The door slowly opened and Xiao Zhantian walked out step by step.
"Master Mei is so arrogant. His own children did something that was against the will of
heaven and earth, but instead of blaming them, he threatened others here."
Seeing him coming out, the head of the Mei family hurriedly said, "Let my son and
daughter out, otherwise I will be rude to you!"
Xiao Zhantian sneered and waved his hand, and the people around him surrounded him
"Don't even mention them. You won't be able to protect yourself next."
Xiao Zhantian stepped forward, grabbed him, brought him into the house, and threw him to
the ground.
"It's your daughter's turn next. You will see with your own eyes how she is humiliated.
How she treated others in the past is how she will be treated."
Xiao Zhantian gave an order and several men were brought in quickly.
"Don't worry, I won't let your daughter die. I'll just make her sick. On the contrary,
she will live well."
Xiao Zhantian asked Xiao Chengtian to take Nian Xueqing out first, so that she would not
be upset by what she saw next.
Watching the men walking towards her step by step, Mei Yuting couldn't help but step
back, her eyes filled with fear.
"No! You can't do this, you can't do this to me!"
Seeing her in pain, Xiao Zhantian remained indifferent.
"The same goes for those three people. Don't let them go."
Since they like to bully others, Xiao Zhantian will let them feel the feeling of being
These people were those infected with the disease that he had specially found. They would
surely make the Mei family very happy.
The head of the Mei family looked at everything in front of him and thought that Xiao
Zhantian was crazy.
Xiao Zhantian did not take their lives, but instead filmed everything that happened.
I will not take the lives of the Mei family. If I kill them directly, it will be a relief
for them.
He wanted to see what the Mei family would do next.
"How is Xueqing? I'll have someone check her out when we get back later."
Xiao Zhantian came into the car and saw that Nian Xueqing was not too frightened.
"She seems to be fine, and I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing."
Xiao Chengtian smiled bitterly.
She was such a good person, yet she became so insane. It was all her own fault.
"Brother, it's a good thing you found her in time today, otherwise I can't imagine what
would have happened."
Xiao Chengtian's face was filled with some pain. "I am too useless. I am unable to
properly deal with those people today."
He pounded his crippled leg and felt that he would become a useless person for the rest
of his life.
"Chengtian, don't be like this, you've done very well."
Xiao Zhantian held his hand. Although his leg was fine now, it was not completely healed.
"What's wrong with you? Is your leg hurting? Then let's go back quickly and find a doctor
to treat you."
Nian Xueqing looked at Xiao Chengtian with concern.
The innocent look made Xiao Chengtian's eyes red.
"Xueqing, do you blame me? If I could have come to save you four years ago like I did
today, you wouldn't have become like this."
Nian Xueqing smiled at him, "Chengtian, I have never blamed you."
Xiao Chengtian was stunned when he saw her like this, "You, have you regained
"What are you talking about? Haven't I always been fine?"

Chapter 61 Obtaining the Antidote

Just when everyone was rejoicing, Nian Xueqing said the next second: "Let's go back
quickly! Don't let Uncle Xiao and Aunt Xiao wait anxiously."
Xiao Chengtian's eyes dimmed a little, and when he was about to say something, Xiao
Zhantian shook his head at him.
Nian Xueqing was already unconscious, sometimes lucid and sometimes confused.
Although she looks like a normal person now, she is actually still unclear. There is no
need to stimulate her anymore.
They had just returned to the Xiao family when Nian Zhengsong hurried over.
"Xueqing, are you okay?"
Seeing his daughter covered in wounds, his eyes couldn't help but turn red.
"I'm sorry, Uncle Nian. I didn't protect Xueqing well."
When Xiao Chengtian saw the father and daughter like this, he felt filled with guilt.
Mrs. Nian’s eyesight hasn’t recovered yet, and they didn’t dare tell her about this.
"Since someone has set their sights on her and intends to harm her, it is naturally
impossible to prevent this."
Nian Changsong sighed deeply, with a hint of worry in his eyes, but he did not blame Xiao
Chengtian and the others for this matter.
"After I deal with those people, Xue Qing will no longer be in danger. I will also send
bodyguards to keep an eye on her."
Xiao Zhantian knew that it was the Xiao family that was sorry for the Nian family, and it
was his duty to take care of Nian Xueqing.
"Uncle Nian, if it hadn't been for the accident, Xueqing and I would have been married by
"If Uncle Nian doesn't mind that the Xiao family is now in decline, I am willing to marry
Xue Qing, and we can get married on a chosen date."
Nian Zhengsong's eyes trembled slightly, "Are you really willing to marry Xueqing?"
There is no need to dislike them now. After all, their Nian family is not as good as
Besides, he also knew that Nian Xueqing had been insulted by others, and no matter if she
married someone else, she would definitely be despised by others.
This was his own daughter, so of course he felt sorry for her, so he didn't ask the Xiao
family for anything because of this matter.
"Of course I am willing. I have missed Xue Qing all the time in the past few years. If it
weren't for our Xiao family, she wouldn't be like this now."
"But I am willing to marry her, not because of guilt or responsibility, but because I
love her from the bottom of my heart and want to protect her and spend the rest of my
life with her."
When Mrs. Nian, who was coming downstairs, heard what Xiao Chengtian said, her eyes
couldn't help but turn red.
Nian Xueqing on the side also stared at Xiao Chengtian blankly, and after a moment she
burst into tears.
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand and said, "I will give you a grand wedding! This will also
be a happy event for our Xiao family."
It’s a pity that his parents and sister can’t see Xiao Chengtian get married, otherwise
they would definitely be very happy.
Xiao Zhantian sent the video he had shot before to Mei Zhenzhen, as a reward for her help
this time.
Naturally, he would not directly support Mei Zhenzhen to the top position. After all, it
all depends on the abilities of the Mei family themselves.
Mei Zhenzhen was ecstatic after seeing this video, and she gave the thing directly to
Yuan Jiwu.
"Dad, now is the time for our family to turn things around. With this thing, won't the
Mei family be at our mercy?"
Yuan Jiwu looked shocked, "Where did you get this thing from?"
"Someone gave it to me. Anyway, don't worry. The Mei family has offended someone they
can't afford to offend. This time, it will be difficult for them to turn things around."
"The other party will not be angry with us because of this. If we can take this
opportunity to strike the Mei family, we can also get in touch with them."
Yuan Jiwu immediately understood, and looked at Mei Zhenzhen with some admiration in his
"Okay, you are worthy of being my daughter, Yuan Jiwu. This time I want to see what the
Mei family can do!"
On the other hand, Mei Yuting was severely traumatized after suffering such an incident.
She no longer looked like the eldest daughter of the Mei family.
She stayed in the room and hadn't come out for several days.
The cell phone suddenly vibrated. When she saw a video appear in front of her, Mei Yuting
screamed and threw the phone to the ground.
Hearing the noise, the head of the Mei family hurried in.
"Yuting, are you okay?"
Mei Yuting's hands were shaking, she covered her head and trembled all over.
Just then, there was a knock on the door.
"Master Mei, I got some good stuff here a while ago, so I came here specially to show
The head of the Mei family turned around and saw Yuan Jiwu, frowned immediately, stepped
forward and slapped him.
"Who do you think you are? How dare you enter the Mei family without permission?"
Yuan Jiwu covered his face and smiled coldly, with a sinister look in his eyes.
"If I'm not mistaken, the people in this video should be your son and daughter!"
Watching the video he released, the head of the Mei family's eyes widened with anger.
"How did you get this? Who gave it to you? Where did it come from?"
Yuan Jiwu snorted coldly, "If this video is released, the Mei family will be completely
finished. No matter what, I am the son-in-law of the Mei family. I can't just watch the
Mei family fall."
"I have done a lot for the Mei family. If the head of the family is willing to give me
some opportunities, this video will naturally not be seen by others."
At the Xiao family, Xiao Huanhuan suddenly fell ill again.
Her whole body quickly turned cold and her temperature dropped rapidly.
Jiang Qingqing panicked when she saw this. Lu Mingyou quickly found a needle and started
treating Xiao Huanhuan.
After a while, her condition eased and Lu Mingyou's expression became a little more
"Sir, the young lady's illness is getting worse and worse. If she doesn't get effective
treatment, it will probably become more serious."
Xiao Zhantian's expression changed, "I understand. I will help her find the antidote as
soon as possible."
He took out the map that Lao Zhuo had given him before. During this period of time, he
had been asking Xue Sha to investigate the whereabouts of this organization.
In the study, Xiao Zhantian looked at the map in front of him.
"Have you understood what I asked you to investigate before?"
Xuesha nodded, "We have already found out the exact location of that organization, but
the security there is very tight."
"I have had people secretly monitoring you during this period, but I haven't found any
useful information. If you want to go, we can think of a way."
Xiao Zhantian said seriously, "It's not about finding a way, but about making sure it's
done. Notify the people in the King Execution Palace and gather the troops there."
"We must get in there today and find the antidote. No matter what method you come up
with, you must bring it out for me."
The night was silent. A factory on the outskirts of the imperial capital looked pitch
black from the outside, but was brightly lit inside.
The people inside didn't know that hundreds of people outside had surrounded the place.
There are eight floors in total here. The lower five floors are ordinary office
buildings, while the upper three floors are the real core.

Chapter 62: Breaking into the Interior

Xiao Zhantian brought Xue Sha and disguised himself as a security guard and successfully
entered here.
Everyone has weaknesses. They have bribed the security team in advance and obtained the
credentials to enter.
"This certificate only allows you to move below the fifth floor. Above the fifth floor,
you need higher authority, which we don't have."
One man had a somewhat nervous look in his eyes; it was the first time he had done such a
thing, and if he was found out, he would be finished.
"Don't worry, you won't be implicated. Even if the matter is exposed, the responsibility
will be borne by me alone."
Xiao Zhantian saw his uneasiness and took the initiative to speak, handing him a bank
"The money here is enough for you to spend for the rest of your life. If you are worried
that this matter will be exposed and implicate you, you can leave now."
Xiao Zhantian knew that only if he made the other party feel at ease would they not
betray them.
Otherwise, if they were reported by this person right after they entered, all their
efforts would be in vain.
He did not completely trust this person and had already secretly sent people to keep an
eye on him.
If he shows any abnormality, Xiao Zhantian's men will take action immediately.
Although it sounds like a bit of a betrayal, Xiao Zhantian has to be cautious about this
This concerns Xiao Huanhuan's life, and he will not allow any accidents to happen.
After receiving the bank card, the other party checked the balance and then a smile
appeared on his face.
"Don't worry, sir. I will definitely help you enter here successfully without being
He handed Xiao Zhantian a copy of the shift roster.
This building appears to be used for pharmaceutical production, but only they themselves
know what goes on behind the scenes.
If they were honest enough, there would be no need to send so many security personnel.
There are more than a hundred security personnel below the fifth floor, and every floor
and every checkpoint is guarded by someone.
These people are divided into five groups and patrol the building every hour, almost non-
After Xiao Zhantian and his companions mixed in with the security personnel, they went
directly to the fifth floor.
These security personnel did not communicate with each other, and the entire floor was
extremely quiet.
Just after Xiao Zhantian and the others reached the fifth floor, they suddenly heard an
A moment later the elevator door opened and some people poured out.
Those people looked at their security team and frowned.
"All of you follow me upstairs. Once you're up there, don't look around or walk around
randomly. Otherwise, I won't be responsible for any danger that might arise."
The man took them into the elevator, and Xiao Zhantian saw that this elevator had double
protection, which required not only fingerprint input but also facial verification.
After the man passed a series of verifications, the elevator slowly rose.
Soon they arrived at the sixth floor, and when they came out they saw a long corridor.
The corridor was very narrow and extremely dark, and both sides seemed to be blocked by
"Follow me and don't get separated, otherwise your lives may be in danger. But don't
worry, I will give you five times the salary today."
After the man finished speaking, he took the lead and walked out of the elevator, and the
people behind him followed him one by one.
After they stepped into the corridor, the scenes on both sides suddenly changed.
I didn't expect that there were traps set up here, it was like a maze.
Although Lao Zhuo had given Xiao Zhantian a map before, the map only recorded the terrain
As for these mechanisms and the like, there is no record of them. I don’t know if they
were newly added or if Lao Zhuo simply does not have the authority to see them.
After passing through the secret passage, they finally entered the laboratory.
This laboratory is very large, with many small rooms on both sides. Many people are busy
coming and going through the transparent glass.
"Something unexpected happened here just now. You will patrol here today and guard the
safety. Don't let anyone in."
The man began to give orders, and the members of the security team responded one after
another, not daring to be negligent.
This noise was naturally caused by Xiao Zhantian. He originally intended to use the
opportunity to divert these people's attention and let his own people see if they can
come in.
But this place is completely airtight. Even if they could come in from the outside, they
would probably only enter the previous corridor and could not reach this laboratory at
The man divided them into areas, and the five of them were divided into three groups.
Xiao Zhantian was divided into groups of one person, and the man gave them several
laboratories and asked them to guard them.
"If any emergency occurs, press the alarm immediately!"
The man repeatedly warned them.
The security team here is also divided into levels, and the higher the floor, the more
capable the security personnel are.
If they didn't have a batch of medicine that needed to be produced and shipped today, the
man would not have allowed the security personnel on the fifth floor to come up at all.
But what is more important right now is to ensure the safety of this batch of medicines,
so he let these people in here.
Anyway, this place is airtight, and there is a signal jammer to block their contact with
the outside world. They can only talk through the internal intercom.
If there is any abnormality among these people, someone will notice it immediately.
After instructing them all these, the man walked away, leaving the place to them.
The people in the laboratory were not disturbed by what was happening outside and were
still working hard on their products.
Xiao Zhantian looked at the situation in the laboratory, thinking about the map he had
memorized in his mind.
He had just observed that an authorization card was also required to enter the
So even if there was only a layer of glass separating him from these laboratories, he
couldn't get in.
Xiao Zhantian also realized that the glass here was bulletproof glass, which was very
strong and could not be broken at all.
Those people in the laboratory didn't need to come out at all. After their medicines were
produced, they were placed in transport bags and no one knew where they were transported.
In addition, Xiao Zhantian also observed that there were cameras everywhere, monitoring
the entire laboratory at 360 degrees.
It seems that getting the antidote and escaping from here completely is not an easy task.
The laboratories under his charge did not include the rooms where Lao Zhuo Biao stored
the antidotes for him.
However, they were not very far from the room, and Xiao Zhantian's expression was
extremely natural, without any abnormality.
As he walked here, he looked around, trying to see if there was any other way to help
He already knew that there was no way for the upstairs people to contact the outside
world, so he notified his people in advance to deal with the situation improvisationally.
Just as Xiao Zhantian was searching here, he suddenly heard a loud rumbling sound coming
from not far away.
After a while, the man who had been looking for them before came out again, looking a
little hurried.

Chapter 63 Everyone Escaped

This time his expression was very serious. He saw Xiao Zhantian from a distance and waved
at him.
"come here!"
Xiao Zhantian knew that this was an opportunity.
"Something happened in Laboratory No. 6 just now, and it suddenly caused an explosion. Go
check the situation."
Xiao Zhantian nodded in response. The antidote he was looking for was in Laboratory No.
He quickly arrived at the laboratory, only to see that experiments were being conducted
in an orderly manner, with no sign of an explosion.
The next second, the man appeared behind him.
With an expected expression on his face, the muzzle of a black gun in his hand was
pointed at Xiao Zhantian.
"I was wondering if something was a little strange today. Sure enough, some inexplicable
people sneaked in here. I didn't even tell you where Lab No. 6 is. How did you find me
He stared straight at Xiao Zhantian, as if he could see through him.
There had never been any accidents here before, and they had long suspected that the
noises outside were caused intentionally.
“So these are all tests.”
"Of course. If we didn't have this much vigilance, this place would have been destroyed
long ago."
He waved the gun in his hand and asked Xiao Zhantian to hand over what he had.
Xiao Zhantian reached to his waist and took out the weapons they had given him.
"Put it on the ground and kick it here. You'd better not play any tricks, otherwise the
bullet will not have eyes."
Xiao Zhantian did as he said and slowly put the thing on the ground.
"When did you realize that something was wrong with me?"
The man sneered, "Do you really think a security captain has that much power? Everyone
who enters here will be investigated."
"We have several rounds of inspections every day. You can see that there are cameras
everywhere. Once a strange face is detected, an alert will be issued."
He was quite honest and told Xiao Zhantian everything, but it sounded more like he was
showing off.
Xiao Zhantian curled his lips, "You are cautious enough, but your only weakness is that
you underestimate my strength."
As he spoke, his figure flashed and he was already in front of the man.
When talking to Xiao Zhantian just now, this man had relaxed his guard and did not notice
Xiao Zhantian's actions at all.
Or maybe he felt that he had Xiao Zhantian under control and did not take him seriously.
He did not think that one person would dare to resist a gun.
He never expected that Xiao Zhantian would not take a gun seriously at all. Even if the
bullet was shot at him, he could endure the pain and move forward.
When the gun was turned and pointed at himself, the man knew he was finished.
"Take me to find antidote number seven."
Xiao Zhantian pointed his gun directly at the man and was ready to attack at any time,
while he himself was on guard.
Even if this man wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to do something, he had no
chance at all.
"If you're here for Antidote No. 7, there's no need to make such a fuss. We have plenty
of that stuff."
He raised his hands and tried to slow down his tone to prevent Xiao Zhantian from yelling
at him in a panic.
"Don't talk too much. I want to see the antidote within five minutes, otherwise you will
go to hell!"
A hint of cold air passed by, and the man felt his scalp tingling.
At this time, he also wanted to inform his companions about the situation here.
But Xiao Zhantian was watching all his movements, so he had no such opportunity at all.
The man had no choice but to take Xiao Zhantian to Laboratory No. 6. The moment the door
opened, he suddenly ran in and locked Xiao Zhantian outside.
Then the man sounded the alarm, and the entire building was filled with a shrill sound.
Xiao Zhantian looked at the people inside through the glass as if he was looking at a
dead person.
There is really no need for these people to continue living. After all, what they are
doing are against the law of nature.
Two minutes had passed since the alarm sounded, but there was still no movement in the
The people inside were a little panicked, and now they realized that something must have
gone wrong.
At this moment, he saw Xiao Zhantian pressing the pistol tightly against the glass.
The glass remained motionless as the gunshot rang out, and the man inside smiled.
"This is bulletproof glass. I think you should just give up! It won't be long before my
people notice something is wrong."
Xiao Zhantian ignored his words and fired a few more shots.
I saw that cracks had appeared on the glass where he fired the shot.
The man panicked a little, but before he could do anything, Xiao Zhantian kicked the
cracked glass.
With a crackling sound, the glass shattered on the ground.
"Your people haven't come here for such a long time, don't you notice anything unusual?"
The man forgot for a moment, and his expression changed instantly. He was full of
"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"
Xiao Zhantian kicked the man in the chest, knocked him to the ground, and then stepped on
his leg.
There was only a crackling sound, and the man's legs were crushed to pieces by him.
He lay on the ground, roaring, his face distorted and sweat covering his forehead.
"Where is the antidote number seven? I'll give you one last chance."
Things had come to this point, and the man naturally did not dare to resist, so he
pointed to a box.
Xiao Zhantian walked towards the box. After he opened it, he saw only some blood inside.
I have been deceived.
When he turned around again, the man had disappeared.
"Sir, the people in this place suddenly disappeared. They should have another way here."
Xuesha also hurried over, it seemed that the situation on his side was the same.
"Have you found antidote number seven?"
Xuesha shook his head, his face slightly pale.
"After controlling them, the men destroyed the drugs."
Xiao Zhantian suddenly became angry. A powerful aura exploded from his body, and the
people around him found it difficult to breathe.
"Destroy this place for me!"
Even if he couldn't find the antidote, he couldn't let such a place continue to exist.
Xuesha nodded, and at this moment a man ran over from a distance.
"Sir, we found several children here."
Following the instructions of their subordinates, Xiao Zhantian and his companions came
to a room.
This room is located on the top floor. It looks like an ordinary room from the outside,
but it is like a cage inside.
There were four or five children locked in the room, all of them looked like Xiao
Huanhuan before.
Seeing someone coming in, they huddled together and knelt down to beg for mercy.
"Are you the blood slaves captured here?"
Xiao Zhantian looked at a child who was a little older.
He nodded and said in a trembling voice: "Please spare us!"

Chapter 64: Meeting a Classmate

"Do you know where the antidote number seven is?"
Xiao Zhantian just asked tentatively, but saw the child's expression change.
He was just a child, how could he escape Xiao Zhantian's eyes.
"You know where the antidote is. I need it to save my life. If you can give it to me, I
won't treat you unfairly."
This child is probably about ten years old, so he must know what I mean.
It was naturally impossible for Xiao Zhantian to threaten a child, but this was implied
in his words.
If he could give the thing to himself, he would not treat him unfairly, but if he didn't
give it to him, Xiao Zhantian would certainly not remain indifferent.
The little boy took a deep breath and then pointed at a girl in the corner.
"My sister, she is the antidote."
A huge laboratory was razed to the ground overnight.
No one knew about this, and the people in the laboratory did not dare to make it public.
At the Xiao family, Jiang Qingqing was somewhat surprised when she saw the two children,
one big and one small, that Xiao Zhantian brought back.
Especially after hearing him say that these two children could save Xiao Huanhuan, she
didn't know what to say.
Although they are now eager to save their daughter, it does not mean that they can
sacrifice another person.
"Zhan Tian, I know that what I said may sound a bit insensitive, but look at that child,
he is still so young."
"I don't know if she is a few years older than Huanhuan or the same age as her. The only
thing I can confirm is that she must have suffered the same torture as Huanhuan."
"Huanhuan is my daughter. I want to save her more than anyone else. But I can't use this
child's blood to save Huanhuan."
Xiao Zhantian's face was somewhat heavy and he let out a long sigh.
"I know what you mean, but I can't let Huanhuan suffer like this, and I will treat her
"I can raise them both and let them live a life without worries about food and clothing.
After I find the antidote, if they are willing to leave, I will give them a good home."
Xiao Zhantian watched Xiao Huanhuan getting thinner day by day, and her face became pale
and bloodless.
Every time the disease occurs, I would curl up and cry out in pain.
She is his own daughter, and in the past four years, Xiao Zhantian has not fulfilled his
responsibilities as a father. How can he bear to watch his daughter suffer from such an
The antidote was clearly right in front of her. Even though the little girl was not much
older than Xiao Huanhuan, it was enough that she was able to save her own daughter.
Xiao Zhantian swore that he would never treat these two people unfairly.
He seemed to have made up his mind, and Jiang Qingqing let out a long sigh.
It's not that she is a saint, but as a mother, she has more compassion and kindness.
Somewhere at this time.
"Sir, the laboratory in the imperial capital was destroyed, but they did not get the
antidote No. 7. Only a few blood slaves there were taken away."
A man was reporting to a masked person sitting opposite him. It was impossible to tell
whether the other person was happy or angry, but one could feel that the air pressure
around them seemed to have changed.
The masked man laughed, "Xiao Zhantian, very good."
In recent days, Lu Mingyou collected some blood from the child and prepared to study it
to see if there was any difference.
Ever since what Lao Zhuo said before, they no longer dared to give Xiao Huanhuan any
medicine casually.
Although those herbs did relieve her pain, they could also cause other lesions.
When Xiao Zhantian stepped out of the door, he saw Xiao Huanhuan playing with the little
The little boy stood behind them, silently guarding them.
Even though they were not in good spirits, they were just kids after all. Especially
after getting to know each other over the past few days, there was almost no distance
between them.
Xiao Zhantian felt satisfied when he saw his daughter's smiling face.
No matter what happens next, he will do his best to protect Xiao Huanhuan.
"I've sent you the address. How about you come to the hotel and take a look?"
Jiang Qingqing called him.
Xiao Chengtian’s wedding has been put on the agenda, and Xiao Zhantian has already
agreed to help them prepare a wedding.
As Xiao Chengtian's brother, of course I have to do it myself.
However, what Xiao Zhantian meant by doing it personally did not mean that he would visit
these places himself.
Originally he was planning to let Xue Sha do it, but when Jiang Qingqing found out about
it, she felt that her brother was not serious enough.
Such important matters should be done by oneself to show one's true intentions. If others
do it, what's the point?
Therefore, after she sent the address, Xiao Zhantian hurried over without delaying at
In the hotel, Jiang Qingqing was waiting for Xiao Zhantian in the lobby.
This hotel is one of the best in the capital, and it has a special wedding showroom.
The two wedding halls were decorated extremely uniquely. Jiang Qingqing once dreamed of
getting married here one day.
Their two halls are divided into two themes, one is a dreamy Western-style wedding, and
the other is an antique classical wedding.
These places all require reservations, and the schedule is already booked until the
Chinese New Year.
But as the saying goes, money makes the world go round. Xiao Zhantian said that there is
no need to consider the money aspect, just look at what Xiao Chengtian and the others
Jiang Qingqing was still thinking about which exhibition hall she should decide on when
someone suddenly stood in front of her.
"Qingqing? You must be Jiang Qingqing! Why are you in the imperial capital?"
The man looked at her with some excitement, and Jiang Qingqing looked up.
She frowned, her eyes a little confused, and she didn't seem to recognize the man in
front of her.
"I'm He Liang! We were college classmates, have you forgotten?"
When Jiang Qingqing heard the name, she felt it was somewhat familiar.
"Captain He! What a coincidence! I didn't expect to meet you here."
Seeing that she recognized him, the man suddenly became excited, "Qingqing, it just so
happens that several classmates in the capital want to get together this week."
"I didn't expect to be so lucky to meet you here. After graduation, you haven't been in
touch with us since then."
Jiang Qingqing lowered her eyes when she heard what he said. The reason why she didn't
contact anyone was naturally because there was no one for her to contact.
Secondly, she later met Xiao Zhantian, who was at the lowest point in his life at that
Jiang Qingqing accompanied him every day, helping him get rid of the desperate and dark
mood little by little. How could he care about frequent contact with other people?

Chapter 65 No Place
He Liang was still looking at her expectantly. Now that they had already met, Jiang
Qingqing couldn't refuse.
"Then let's exchange contact information, and you can send me a message when the time
He Liang nodded repeatedly, took out a business card from his wallet and handed it to
"By the way, Qingqing, where are you working now?"
At that time, Jiang Qingqing was a well-known figure in the entire school. Not only was
she beautiful, but she was also a top student and a talented girl.
If those classmates knew that she got married early and had children, they would
definitely be surprised.
"I'm working at Tiancheng Company now."
He Liang nodded. "I heard that the company just moved to the capital from Dongzhou. Are
you an old employee who followed from Dongzhou?"
He knew quite a lot. Jiang Qingqing nodded, "I guess so!"
He Liang sighed, "You've worked so hard. Actually, for a girl as outstanding as you,
there's no need to make yourself so tired."
"Have you ever thought about finding someone to rely on? With your looks, if someone
could marry you, they would definitely not let you work hard."
Jiang Qingqing smiled politely and replied, "I am willing to work. Do I have to be a
housewife after getting married?"
"Yes! Work is so tiring. Isn't your dream as a woman to marry a rich man and be a
housewife at home?"
He Liang said this as if it was a matter of course, and then chuckled twice.
"If I were lucky enough to marry you, I would definitely not let you go out to work. I
would just let you stay at home and serve me every day."
"You look ugly, but you have beautiful thoughts. If you want to be served so much, you
can just find a nanny."
Suddenly a voice was heard. He Liang turned around and saw a handsome man with a powerful
aura walking towards him.
Xiao Zhantian stood beside Jiang Qingqing and put his arm around her shoulders.
"Where did this person come from, giving orders to my wife?"
Jiang Qingqing turned and looked at him, her eyes full of love.
"This is my class monitor from my university. I just happened to meet him here. He is the
manager here!"
Xiao Zhantian raised his eyebrows, "What were you talking about with my wife just now?"
"Qingqing, why didn't you tell me that you were married?"
"As if you didn't ask, I actually already have a four-year-old child."
Jiang Qingqing looked up at him and told him everything.
It’s not that I didn’t tell him, but he never gave me such an opportunity.
As soon as he saw her, he hurriedly expressed his thoughts, leaving Jiang Qingqing no
chance to say anything.
He Liang looked a little embarrassed. "I didn't expect you to get married so early. It
seems that you have just graduated and you are already in the marriage graveyard!"
It is not known whether he said this intentionally or unintentionally, but it made the
listeners feel uncomfortable.
Xiao Zhantian said: "We still have some things to do. If you don't have anything
important to say, we will leave first."
If it weren't for the fact that he was Jiang Qingqing's classmate, Xiao Zhantian would
definitely not have been so polite to him.
One can tell what he is thinking at a glance. Of course, this also indirectly proves
Jiang Qingqing's excellence. Xiao Zhantian will not do anything to the other party
because of this matter.
"Qingqing, don't forget the class reunion I just told you about. Everyone has been very
interested in you over the years."
He turned his head and glanced at Xiao Zhantian. "If everyone knew that you got married
so early, it would definitely be a pity."
Xiao Zhantian's eyes darkened, "I think it's a pity for you right now."
Perhaps his words were too straightforward, and He Liang shouldn't have said anything.
She smiled at him twice and said awkwardly: "Qingqing was our goddess back then, so you
can be considered our love rival."
Xiao Zhantian found it funny, "I have already captured the heart of a beautiful woman and
have a four-year-old child. Didn't you hear me?"
He was too lazy to waste time with He Liang.
"We're leaving first, see you later."
Looking at the two of them leaving, He Liang secretly took a photo.
After he posted it in the class group, the entire group suddenly became excited and it
became much more lively than usual.
"Who is this? Why does he look familiar?"
"Fuck, isn't this our former school beauty Jiang Qingqing?"
"It's over. Jiang Qingqing already has a boyfriend. My dream is shattered."
Seeing these words on the screen, He Liang felt a little bitter in his heart. This was
exactly what he was thinking.
"I just happened to run into Jiang Qingqing and invited her to our class reunion, but she
is already married and has a four-year-old child."
"I thought she was a campus goddess back then, but I didn't expect she is so miserable
now. She gave birth to someone else's child right after graduating from college and still
has to work."
"I don't think this man is a good person. Let's treat him well at the class reunion!"
After he said this, many people echoed him.
Here, Xiao Zhantian and Jiang Qingqing have already arrived at the dream exhibition hall.
The decoration style of the entire hall is like that of a princess in a fairy tale. I'm
afraid most girls will like it.
When Jiang Qingqing saw this, she stared intently, feeling that everything in front of
her was a little too dreamy.
She didn't even go to see the other exhibition hall. "I think we should just book this
one. Xueqing will definitely like it."
Nian Xueqing's current personality is very suitable for this place, and Jiang Qingqing
thinks she will like it here too.
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "It's up to you. Since you think this place is good, then let's
choose this place!"
They quickly called someone over, and when the other party heard that they wanted to book
it here, they gave a date, which turned out to be the beginning of next year.
"Isn't this a bit too long? We want to order it this month."
Hearing Xiao Zhantian's words, the other party shook his head: "This is impossible. Most
wedding exhibition halls need to be booked half a year in advance."
"Besides, we have a lot of people making reservations here every year. We are fully
booked all year round. Even if you want to book for the beginning of next year, you have
to pay a 20% deposit first."
"I can raise the price even higher, maybe even five times higher than the full price.
Please try to help me coordinate it!"
After hearing what Xiao Zhantian said, the other party still shook his head and said,
"That won't work either. I really don't have the time."
Their hotel is most famous for its two wedding halls, and no one knows how many people
make reservations there every year.
Strictly speaking, they are not short of money. Although they also want to earn Xiao
Zhantian's money, they cannot offend others for this.
Hearing these words, Xiao Zhantian turned to look at Jiang Qingqing and said, "Then let's
not book it for now. I'll take you to another place."

Chapter 66: Worship as an Ancestor

The place is not big, but it is quite grand. Such a big hotel only has two wedding halls,
so naturally others need to grab them.
Of course, money doesn't make the world go round. Since they don't want to earn Xiao
Zhantian's money, Xiao Zhantian has no reason to force them.
Although Jiang Qingqing looked a little regretful, I knew there was nothing that could be
done about it.
After leaving the hotel, Xiao Zhantian drove Jiang Qingqing towards the city center.
"It doesn't matter, actually. We can look at other hotels. With the money we paid for
this place, we can renovate other places to suit our needs."
Jiang Qingqing took the initiative to comfort him, but Xiao Zhantian seemed not to care
about the matter at all.
She didn't say anything else and kept searching on her phone along the way to see if
there was a more suitable place.
The car soon stopped in the city center, a place where every inch of land is valuable.
“Get out of the car!”
Jiang Qingqing raised her head and looked at the building in front of her with a somewhat
surprised expression.
"You don't want to book this place, do you? From what I know, the seats here are even
more in demand than the previous place. If the previous place is booked until the
beginning of the year, then this place may be booked until three years from now."
Besides, this place doesn't work just by paying money. If they had added a little more
price, perhaps the people in the banquet hall would be tempted.
But this is the city center where every inch of land is valuable. Anyone who can come
here to get married is not a wealthy person.
The reason why Jiang Qingqing didn't settle here was because he felt that their current
net worth and capital were not high enough.
It is said that if you come here to hold a wedding, they can design it exactly as you
want, but the price can range from one million to tens of millions.
"Let's go in and take a look first! Instead of spending money there just now, it's better
to come here. It's completely customized and can be designed to your exact
Xiao Zhantian took Jiang Qingqing out of the car without saying anything and went into
the building.
Seeing the situation inside, Jiang Qingqing clicked her lips.
Their entire building has more than ten floors, all built for weddings.
Each floor has a different style and theme.
In addition, for customized weddings, they will arrange and decorate them completely
according to your requirements.
I'm afraid there is no woman who would not be moved by such a luxurious wedding.
They went straight to the top floor. As soon as Xiao Zhantian got out of the elevator, he
saw a man standing at the elevator entrance waiting for him.
"Excuse me, is this Mr. Xiao?"
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "Where's Zheng Guangfeng?"
"I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao, Mr. Zheng has gone home and can't get away now, so I came to
receive you first."
Hearing this, Xiao Zhantian immediately understood and raised his eyebrows.
"Let's go!"
The other party took them into the office respectfully, while Jiang Qingqing looked at
Xiao Zhantian with some confusion.
"When did you contact these people? I didn't see it."
Xiao Zhantian pursed his lips, "The boss of this place used to be my subordinate, and I
didn't want to cause any trouble."
Jiang Qingqing nodded, "It's true that for such a large place, if we use favors, it will
probably cost a lot."
She sighed. This day and age is truly a society based on personal relationships!
If they knew the boss there, that person would definitely not have refused so decisively.
Xiao Zhantian glanced at Jiang Qingqing and didn't explain anything further.
The trouble he was talking about was actually his own trouble.
This guy Zheng Guangfeng can be said to be his fanatical fan.
His family lived in the imperial capital and he had considerable wealth. It could be said
that he went to the North to experience life.
Everyone took his family background into consideration and didn't dare to do anything to
him, but Xiao Zhantian never gave him any face.
On the contrary, because of this, this guy was completely obedient after being dealt with
by himself, and after returning to the imperial capital, he often contacted Xiao
It is said that the people in the Zheng family knew that it was all thanks to Xiao
Zhantian that Zheng Guangfeng was able to get back on track, and they were very grateful
to him for a time.
The man welcomed them into his office and served them some tea and snacks.
"Someone will take notes in a moment. You two can tell him the themes and styles you
want. We will issue a rendering in three days."
Jiang Qingqing was a little surprised. Isn't this too simple and direct? It doesn't even
require any procedures. Just say it directly?
"Don't we need to discuss the price first, or the time or something?"
The man smiled and said, "Ma'am, you are joking."
"As long as it is the effect you want, we will achieve it before the time you want."
This was an order given personally by their boss, who told him to treat the two guests
well and treat them like grandfathers.
Although their boss did not come in person today, he did respect Xiao Zhantian very much.
Jiang Qingqing felt a little emotional. The difference was too big. She had made a
reservation in advance at the hotel, and they waited for a long time before they saw the
She described to them the style she imagined, combined with some of Nian Xueqing's
personality traits.
Jiang Qingqing was discussing over there, and Xiao Zhantian stood up and turned around.
The door suddenly opened, and a figure rushed towards Xiao Zhantian like a gust of wind.
Before he could get close, he was blocked by Xiao Zhantian. Then he grabbed the
opponent's arm and captured him.
"Boss! Let go, I give in. I didn't expect that after so much time, I still can't get
close to you."
From a distance, seeing the situation here, Jiang Qingqing and the person who was
recording looked over here.
"Hello sister-in-law, my name is Zheng Guangfeng. As long as it's the style you want, I
will let everyone work hard to prepare for your wedding."
Jiang Qingqing blushed, "We have been married for a long time, this is not the time to
prepare for our wedding."
Zheng Guangfeng smiled and said, "Anyway, sister-in-law, tell them the style you want. No
matter how outrageous it is, you said we will definitely do it."
Then he waved his hand, "You guys continue, Brother Xiao and I will go over there."
He brought Xiao Zhantian to the meeting room next door, and as soon as he entered, he
looked like he was asking for help.
"Brother Xiao, I will help you once, and you help me once. I am really in a big trouble
Xiao Zhantian raised his eyelids and glanced at him calmly, "Your big problem is that
your family is urging you to get married?"
Zheng Guangfeng sighed, "You also know that they have never been very supportive of my
business, but I don't know what they were thinking, to let me meet the eight wealthy
"I don't have a good impression of them, let alone marrying them, but you also know that
although the Qi family is engaged in business, they also have some special backgrounds."
Hearing him mention the Qi family, Xiao Zhantian's eyes flashed.

Chapter 67 Visiting the Zheng Family

If it was any other family, he might not say anything, but when it comes to the Qi
family, he can't help but think of someone.
Although the relationship between the Xiao family and the Qi family cannot be said to be
very good, it has always been pretty good.
At that time, the Qi family could be regarded as the only family that did not take
advantage of others' misfortune.
Xiao Zhantian knew that Qi Yunqing’s contribution was indispensable.
She has always liked Xiao Zhantian, and Xiao Zhantian doesn't dislike her, but that's
"If you want to talk about other things, maybe I can help, but I really can't help you
with this big matter of marriage."
Zheng Guangfeng quickly said: "That's not necessarily true. My family has always been
very grateful to you. You can always have a say in front of them."
Xiao Zhantian was helpless. "Forget about other things, but now you want me to stop your
marriage? Even if your family has some good feelings towards me, I'm afraid they will
think that I'm meddling too much."
Of course he didn't want to get involved in these things. It wasn't that he didn't want
to help Zheng Guangfeng, but he had to solve these problems himself.
Not to mention that I am just an outsider. Even if I have a say, can I still dispel the
Zheng family's idea?
Even if it wasn't the Qi family, they would probably arrange someone else.
After Xiao Zhantian finished speaking, he saw Zheng Guangfeng with a bitter face.
"Could it be that you already have someone you like? If you really have someone you like,
wouldn't they stop forcing you if you brought them back to show them?"
"Boss, please stop teasing me. I don't have anyone I like. I just want to focus on my
career now."
Xiao Zhantian asked, "The person they asked you to meet is Qi Yunqing from the Qi
Zheng Guangfeng looked puzzled, "Who is Qi Yunqing?"
"The eldest lady of the Qi family, she had already worked in the Qi Group before the
marriage was completed. Isn't she the first candidate considered for the marriage?"
Zheng Guangfeng shook his head. "I don't know about that, but I've never heard of Qi
After he finished speaking, Xiao Zhantian fell silent. But that was true, Zheng Guangfeng
had been studying abroad before.
After returning to China, because he had always wanted to do business, his father sent
him to the north.
It was normal that he didn't know Qi Yunqing since he had only been back to the capital
for a short time.
But no matter what, she is the eldest daughter of the Qi family after all, and she is not
an unknown person.
And she is not young anymore, is she married?
"What's up, Boss? Do you know the young lady from the Qi family?"
"It's just that we have had some interactions before. I thought it was her that your
family asked you to meet this time."
"If it's her, it's fine to go and meet her. I can vouch for her character and
personality, but since it's not her, I won't say anything more."
Zheng Guangfeng sighed, and looked at him with a hint of pleading in his eyes.
"Are you sure you really can't come to my house? Can you help me explain it?"
Xiao Zhantian shook his head. "I'm afraid I really can't help with this matter. After
all, this is your Zheng family's business."
What's more, it is his lifelong event, and Xiao Zhantian has no relationship with the
Zheng family.
Although Zheng Guangfeng felt a little regretful, he didn't say much about this kind of
thing. After all, it can't be forced.
"That's fine, but it's my old man's idea to invite you to my house for dinner. I hope he
can give me this honor."
The two of them had almost finished their chat, and Jiang Qingqing had also finished
The Zheng family lives in the old house.
This place looks quaint. Although it is not in the city center, it seems more historic
compared to those luxurious buildings in the city center.
Jiang Qingqing was a little nervous and turned to look at Xiao Zhantian, "After all, we
are visiting someone else's house, so we shouldn't take anything, okay?"
"It doesn't matter. This time, the Zheng family took the initiative to invite me here to
thank me. If I bring them gifts, they will be upset."
After a while, they had entered the main house. The people from the Zheng family seemed
to have known that Xiao Zhantian was coming, and were waiting in the living room to greet
Seeing him coming, the old man of the Zheng family was the first to stand up.
"Zhanshen Xiao, I didn't expect you to come to visit our Zheng family. Today our Zheng
family is truly honored!"
He looked slightly excited, and there was some admiration in his eyes as he looked at
Xiao Zhantian.
Although he had never met Xiao Zhantian, he had heard a lot about Xiao Zhantian.
You have to know that this is the dignified God of War in the North. Now that he can
visit their Zheng family, it is a great honor for them.
The people from the Zheng family greeted Xiao Zhantian one by one, and then took their
At the dinner table, Zheng Guangfeng asked about the Qi family members he was going to
meet this time.
"I heard that there is a Qi Yunqing in the Qi family. Why don't you meet her this time?"
After he asked this question, the old man of the Zheng family changed his expression
"If you meet the Qi family, you must not mention this name. This is a taboo in the Qi
When Zheng Guangfeng heard this, he turned and looked at Xiao Zhantian.
Then he looked at his grandfather and asked, "Why? I heard that she was the eldest
daughter of the Qi family. Did something happen to her?"
The reason why he asked these questions was naturally for Xiao Zhantian. After all, Xiao
Zhantian had never cared about other people.
Hearing this name from his mouth now means that he still wants to find out information
about this person.
Zheng Guangfeng was just doing something that went with the flow, but the result he got
was not what he had imagined.
The old man of the Zheng family looked serious and said, "Don't ask about these things
anymore. Just listen to me. If you meet someone from the Qi family, don't mention this
Seeing his secretive look, Xiao Zhantian began to think in his heart, could it be that
something had happened to Qi Yunqing?
Although it was impossible for anything to happen between him and her, she had helped the
Xiao family a lot before.
Xiao Zhantian is not the kind of ungrateful person. The most important thing is that he
is worried about Qi Yunqing, which may have something to do with the decline of the Xiao
If he was in trouble in the Qi family because he was trying to help the Xiao family, then
Xiao Zhantian couldn't just ignore it.
"Mr. Zheng, to be honest, I have some friendship with Qi Yunqing, the eldest daughter of
the Qi family. Guangfeng asked because of me."
Hearing his words, the old man's face changed, "So, the eldest daughter of the Qi family
and Mr. Xiao are friends?"
Xiao Zhantian nodded slightly, "You could say that. What happened to her?"
Although Xiao Zhantian returned to the imperial capital, he did not contact Qi Yunqing.
Firstly, she is already married and there is no need to contact them. Secondly, the Xiao
family’s affairs could easily implicate her.
However, looking at their current state, I'm afraid that even if I investigate myself, I
may not be able to find it.
Mr. Zheng sighed and shook his head slightly.

Chapter 68 Intelligence
"What a pity! I don't know the exact situation. I just heard it from outsiders. But I see
that the Qi family doesn't seem to want to talk about her affairs."
"Outsiders say that Qi Yunqing has been expelled from the Qi family because she offended
the old man's majesty. I don't know where she is now."
"But this is just an external statement. It's a pity indeed. It is said that Miss Qi is
very talented."
"Perhaps it was an internal conflict within the Qi family, and she became a victim! After
all, it is not a good thing for a woman to be too talented in business."
After Mr. Zheng said this, Xiao Zhantian had some guesses in his mind.
Although Qi Yunqing is indeed very talented, the Qi family will never hand over the power
of the head of the family to her. If she does so, she will definitely block the way for
In addition, she is already old enough, and if she insists on refusing the marriage
proposal, the current head of her family will inevitably suspect that she has ulterior
After all, she is just a woman. If she has no one to rely on in the Qi family, it is
reasonable for her to be suppressed by others.
"Looking at Mr. Xiao, he seems to have a good relationship with Miss Qi. If you want to
know, I can help you find out."
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand and said, "Thank you for your trouble, old man, but it's not
If he really wanted to know, he could check it himself.
What's more, Jiang Qingqing was sitting aside. Although she was not the jealous type, it
was inappropriate for her to pay so much attention to another woman.
After returning to the Xiao family, Jiang Qingqing went to talk to Xiao Chengtian about
their wedding.
Xiao Zhantian called Xue Sha to go to the study.
"Go and help me find out what happened to Qi Yunqing, the eldest daughter of the Qi
family, and where she is now."
Xuesha took over and helped him find out the truth in just half an hour.
Looking at the information displayed above, Xiao Zhantian's face became serious and his
brows were furrowed.
He didn't expect that Qi Yunqing, who was once so capable, would be harmed like this by
And all this was because she spoke for the Xiao family.
After being kicked out of the Qi family, she was framed by some people. Not only was her
face ruined, but she is also living a miserable life now.
Those people in the Qi family who were jealous of him would often pick on her, causing
her to be unable to find a normal job now.
"Sir, do you need our help?"
Xue Sha has been with Xiao Zhantian for so many years. Even if he doesn't say it, he can
see what Xiao Zhantian is thinking.
"No need for now, I will go find her myself tomorrow."
At the beginning, Xiao Zhantian was against the wall and everyone pushed him down. Even
if the Qi family alone did not stab them in the back, it would not have any effect.
However, Xiao Zhantian could not forget this kindness.
What's more, if it wasn't for helping him, Qi Yunqing wouldn't be remembered by others.
"By the way, sir, someone from the Gong family came and said they have some news to tell
you. They hope to meet you sometime."
Xiao Zhantian raised his eyes and looked at him, "Gong family, isn't it Gong Wu?"
Xue Sha shook his head, "It was the son of her second uncle, the one who leaked the news
to us from the Gong family before."
After he said that, Xiao Zhantian also had an impression.
To be honest, he was just a coward who was afraid of death, but he actually dared to come
to me.
"Didn't he tell me what he wanted to talk to me about?"
Xiao Zhantian looked down on this kind of person and naturally didn't want to see him. He
didn't think he had anything important to say at all.
"He just said it was about Starry Night Bamboo."
Xuesha explained: "The Gong family is now the head of Gongwu. The people before them have
fallen from grace under your suppression, sir."
"Before, they were one of the eight great families in the imperial capital. They were all
noblemen who had lived a good life. Now, anyone who comes can step on them."
"I'm afraid he came to ask you to let him go, so the news I told you is probably true and
cannot be false."
It has come to this point. If he made up some lies to deceive Xiao Zhantian, it would
mean he simply doesn't want to live.
Besides, the Gong family has always favored boys over girls, and Gong Wu didn't know a
lot of news, even though most of the public companies were controlled by her and she was
the one who made the money.
Judging from the current situation, these men in the Gong family know much more than she
Now, I'm afraid the only information they have is from the people behind the scenes,
which is beyond their reach at this level.
Xiao Zhantian could naturally force the information out of them, but he felt that it
would not have any effect.
Those people are extremely good at hiding their identities, and perhaps the people in the
Gong family don’t even know about it.
"Take some time to ask him to come over!"
Now the Starry Night Bamboo is still placed in the villa. After Lao Zhuo finished
speaking, Xiao Zhantian did not dare to give it to Xiao Huanhuan.
If anything happens, it would be his daughter's life that would be taken away.
It’s a pity that he didn’t get the antidote No. 7 last time. Now, he can only rely on
those children who serve as blood slaves to help him.
Every time Jiang Qingqing saw those children, she felt a little bit sorry for them, but
for Xiao Huanhuan, she had no choice.
This is not a long-term solution after all. Xiao Zhantian's own daughter had suffered
such pain before, so how could he bear to let others suffer such pain again?
If we could get some information out of this young master of the Gong family, it might be
of some help.
The next afternoon, Xiao Zhantian met the young master of the Gong family at Tiancheng
Compared with their previous high spirits, they now look extremely down and out.
He didn't even dare to meet Xiao Zhantian in private, perhaps because he was afraid that
Xiao Zhantian might do something to him.
"My men reported that you have something to tell me about Xingye Bamboo?"
Young Master Gong nodded repeatedly with a smile on his face.
"Mr. Xiao, we have all been kicked out of the Gong family and can't find a job. If I can
give you some useful information, could you help me?"
Xiao Zhantian did not answer him immediately. He looked at the other person with a smile
on his face and a fawning look.
After a moment, he said, "That depends on how much the information you provided is
"If it's useful information, I can let you go and stop suppressing your family, but if
you tell me something to trick me..."
Looking at his eyes, the young master of the Gong family couldn't help but shudder.
He quickly assured: "Don't worry, Mr. Xiao, I'm sure this information will be useful."
"From what I know, those people behind the scenes seem to be very afraid of someone. They
heard that Mr. Xiao was looking for Xing Yezhu and rushed here in a hurry. This is also
the reason."
"It is said that it was a very large and ancient family. The Starry Night Bamboo once
belonged to their family, but it was lost later."
"They are afraid to find this thing. They are from that family. That's why they are
trying so hard to find out your identity."

Chapter 69 Mysterious Family

It cannot be said that his information is useless, and it may be of great use to Xiao
If there is someone more frightening in the organization behind him, perhaps Xiao
Zhantian can use this to take revenge.
"Is there any other information? The only thing that can contact the people of that
family is the Starry Night Bamboo?"
The second young master of the Gong family shook his head and said, "I don't know any
more specific information. I only heard the basics from my grandfather and the others."
"What's more, we don't even know if that ancient family still exists, but once they
appear, those people will definitely not be able to resist them."
"Now they are only famous for their reputation. We haven't heard of this family for a
long time. It is not easy to find them."
His information sounds useful, but it actually doesn't bring any value.
"Okay, you can go now. I can let you go for what you do next and won't suppress you
Xiao Zhantian made the promise, but of course it was just what he said.
If they want to find a job, I will not stop them, but if they want to make a comeback and
start their own business, that is impossible.
Xiao Zhantian would never allow them the possibility of reviving again, not to mention
that he and Gong Wu are now in a cooperative relationship.
If other members of the Gong family rise again, it will inevitably have an impact on Gong
"By the way, it is said that Xingyezhu can find the heir of that mysterious family. This
heir disappeared a long time ago."
The second young master of the Gong family told Xiao Zhantian another thing, and seemed
to be afraid that his previous bargaining chips were not enough.
Xiao Zhantian didn't say much, just waved his hand and asked him to leave.
Now that I have agreed not to suppress them, I am already being extremely tolerant
towards them.
After the man left, he called Xuesha in and told him what had just happened.
"You can ask the intelligence network of Zhuwang Palace to check and see if they can find
any relevant information. It would be even better if they can find out about the
mysterious family behind this."
After instructing Xue Sha about this matter, Xiao Zhantian stood up and prepared to
It would have been fine if he didn't know before, but now that he knew Qi Yunqing's
predicament, he naturally couldn't remain indifferent.
Of course, I still have to talk to Jiang Qingqing about this matter.
Now that they are husband and wife, Xiao Zhantian is afraid that she will mind this
When he walked over, Jiang Qingqing was busy working. After finishing the tasks at hand,
she put down her pen and looked at him.
As soon as Jiang Qingqing raised her head, she saw Xiao Zhantian staring at her with
tenderness on his face.
"You need me for something?"
"I want to explain to you about Qi Yunqing. We can't really be called friends, we just
have some interactions."
Jiang Qingqing waved her hand, "You don't have to tell me. I absolutely trust you on
these matters."
She knew Xiao Zhantian's character; he was a very responsible person.
Now that he has married me, he will never have any improper relationship with other
Xiao Zhantian breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm glad you're not worried."
Although he said this, for a moment he didn't know whether he should be worried about it
or happy about it.
As if she had seen through his thoughts, Jiang Qingqing said, "First, I believe in your
character, and second, I'm not such a stingy person."
"I don't understand what you mean. Are you planning to go find Miss Qi to check on the
situation? I know you want to help her, but you'd better think about it carefully."
"Perhaps Miss Qi didn't contact you because she didn't want you to see her current
predicament, nor did she want you to help her."
Jiang Qingqing did inadvertently speak the truth.
Xiao Zhantian said: "She became like this because she wanted to help the Xiao family. I
can't just remain indifferent."
Seeing that he had made up his mind, Jiang Qingqing didn't say anything more.
After all, he didn't know Qi Yunqing, so Xiao Zhantian naturally knew this person's
character better.
"Then let's go together! I'm going to discuss cooperation later."
After the two people reported the address, they found out that the purpose of their visit
was the same.
"That's perfect. When you're done talking about your business, wait for me and we can go
back together."
Jiang Qingqing nodded, "That Miss Qi, does she work at Zhongtu Company?"
"She works as a cleaner there. She is the president of Zhongtu Company and now seems to
be dating her second uncle's sister, so I'm afraid she will quit again."
Xiao Zhantian's tone was somewhat emotional. When he first knew Qi Yunqing, she could be
said to be a domineering president.
She is neat and neat, and does things decisively. The Qi family has developed very well
under her leadership.
Even if she really did something to offend someone because of helping the Xiao family,
she wouldn't have ended up like this.
The only possibility is that someone disliked her before and is now deliberately making
trouble for her.
When Qi Yunqing was the president of Qi Group, many people in their family were jealous
of him.
After hearing what Xiao Zhantian said, Jiang Qingqing was a little hesitant.
"So what you mean is that the president of Zhongtu Group allowed his girlfriend to bully
his sister?"
"Whether they are biological sisters or not, they are blood relatives after all. If the
president of Zhongtu Group is so lax, then I'm afraid we need to reconsider our
Jiang Qingqing believes that the character of a person who can do such a thing needs to
be considered.
Xiao Zhantian did not comment on this matter.
"Let's talk about it when we get to the company! If you are not satisfied with their
performance during the cooperation negotiation, you can terminate the cooperation at any
"If they don't do anything out of line and don't harm their interests, there won't be any
problems as long as there is a contract."
Xiao Zhantian didn't know much about doing business, but he understood Xiao Chengtian's
What's more, since they chose to cooperate with Zhongtu Company, it must mean that this
company still has its merits.
The two chatted all the way and unknowingly arrived at the entrance of China National
After getting off the car, the two of them entered the company together.
Xiao Zhantian naturally followed Jiang Qingqing in, "I am grateful to you for this."
"Even without me, you will definitely find a way to get in. It's just a little easier. Go
and do your thing!"
Jiang Qingqing waved at him and entered the elevator, but before she could stand firmly,
someone seemed to push her from behind.
She threw herself forward, and seeing this, Xiao Zhantian hurried forward and hugged
Jiang Qingqing.
"Are you blind? Didn't you see this lady? How dare you bump into her? I see you don't
want to do this anymore!"
A shrill female voice was heard, and the person she accused lowered his head.
Xiao Zhantian recognized it at a glance. That person was the once high-spirited Qi

Chapter 70 Qi Yunqing's Downfall

Jiang Qingqing frowned slightly, "It's nothing serious for me, you don't need to blame
her like this."
I was just pushed a little and I'm not hurt now.
What's more, seeing the arrogant and domineering look of that woman, she couldn't tell
the truth about what had just happened.
The woman snorted coldly and looked at Qi Yunqing and said, "What are you standing there
for? I have forgiven you out of mercy, why don't you apologize to me right now!"
"I'm sorry, miss."
Qi Yunqing lowered his head and bowed quickly to Jiang Qingqing.
"It was clearly not you who pushed the person just now, why don't you tell the truth."
Xiao Zhantian really couldn't stand it.
Hearing his voice, Qi Yunqing raised her head suddenly and her eyes quickly turned red,
then she lowered her head after a moment.
Compared to before, her head seemed to be lowered even lower.
"Oh! There are still people who stand up for the weak! Qi Yunqing, you are quite capable.
Now you are disfigured and become an ugly freak, and yet you still seduce men."
Only then did Jiang Qingqing realize that the woman in front of her was the person Xiao
Zhantian was looking for this time.
The woman was still slandering him smugly when she was suddenly slapped in the face.
"You look like a decent person, but what you say is so disgusting. You really deserve to
be beaten!"
The woman looked at Jiang Qingqing in surprise. She didn't expect that she would hit
Jiang Qingqing raised her eyebrows, "What should I say now? Should I say that she seduced
She clapped her hands, "People with a bad heart see everything as dirty, not to mention
that you pushed me and wronged others just now, so I'll take this slap as my return to
Xiao Zhantian looked at Jiang Qingqing and smiled gently.
If he had used force, it might be uncertain whether the woman would be alive or dead.
What's more, it would be inappropriate for Xiao Zhantian to beat a woman in public.
If Jiang Qingqing were to handle this matter, there would be nothing impossible about it.
I guess she also thought of this and saw Xiao Zhantian's hesitation, so she took action.
Although Jiang Qingqing is a gentle person, it does not mean that he does not have temper
or sharpness.
What's more, we are all women. The woman just now spoke so aggressively and slandered and
insulted others in every way. She really deserves to be beaten.
Seeing Jiang Qingqing's extraordinary appearance and full of momentum at this moment, the
woman didn't dare to say anything more.
He cursed his bad luck and then pressed the elevator button, ready to leave.
Xiao Zhantian naturally wouldn't let her go so easily, and he directly picked her up.
"Since you were the one who pushed me just now, and you are wrongly accusing and
insulting others here, aren't you going to apologize?"
The woman glanced at Xiao Zhantian. He had a high nose, thin lips, sword-like brows, and
eyes. There was a kind of aura between his eyebrows that even the president of their
Zhongtu could not compare to.
This must be a big shot. She immediately smiled and was not angry.
"Sir, you only know one side of the story. You don't know who he is at all. You'd better
not speak for her."
"This woman is not a good person. Although she is just a cleaner in the company, she
stole things before. It was our president's fiancée who spoke for her and kept her."
"I didn't expect that he would not only not be grateful, but also repay kindness with
hatred, shamelessly seducing our CEO without even looking at what kind of person he is!"
"For someone like her, our president wouldn't care even if she was offered money. He just
feels sorry for her. Otherwise, if he kicked her out of the company, she would end up
living on the streets."
Qi Yunqing couldn't help but clench her fists, unable to bear it any longer.
"It's easy to find excuses to accuse someone of something. Do you have any evidence for
these things? They are just hearsay!"
She slowly raised her head and looked at the woman. The aura that burst out from her eyes
at this moment actually made the woman take a few steps back.
"Everyone has their own aspirations. You guys are just trying to get close to the CEO and
flirt with him. It's not necessarily rare for you to hug others."
Hearing her words, the woman sneered.
"You really know how to save your dignity. Stop looking at me with that ugly face of
yours. I'm afraid I won't be able to eat today."
Qi Yunqing shook her head. "I'm quitting. A company like yours that can't tell right from
wrong and relies on bullying others is not worth existing."
She turned around and strode away. Jiang Qingqing and Xiao Zhantian looked at each other
and quickly followed her.
Things have come to this point, and Jiang Qingqing is no longer interested in cooperating
with this company.
Just as Qi Yunqing said just now, what is the need to cooperate with such a company?
The woman behind was still cursing, as if she was saying that if Qi Yunqing left here,
she would be in trouble.
"Don't follow me anymore, I'm grateful for your help just now, but as you can see, I'm
broke and have nothing to repay you."
"Qi Yunqing, don't you know me?"
Xiao Zhantian called her.
"You shouldn't be like this. I know you're not someone who will be easily defeated. I can
help you."
Qi Yunqing paused for a moment but did not look back.
"I think this gentleman has mistaken you. I really don't know you."
Xiao Zhantian was about to follow, but was stopped by Jiang Qingqing.
"She doesn't seem to want to see you right now. If you rush after her like this, it will
only backfire. It's better to understand why she's like this first."
Xiao Zhantian stopped and sighed, feeling a little emotional.
"You haven't seen her five years ago. She is completely different from now, like two
different people."
Xiao Zhantian was indeed very curious about what the Qi family had done to her.
He had investigated it before, but the Qi family seemed to have completely blocked the
"You're not going to discuss cooperation?"
Jiang Qingqing shook her head. "It's better not to talk about cooperation with this kind
of company, but maybe we can get something out of them?"
Looking at Xiao Zhantian, she changed her mind again.
"Qingqing, thank you for not only not caring about this matter but also helping me."
Xiao Zhantian held her hand, his eyes filled with deep tenderness.
Jiang Qingqing pursed her lips and smiled, "You are too polite to say that. What's more,
you and I are husband and wife, how can I not know your personality?"
"She helped you before, so you should repay her kindness. I know you are a person who
will repay a favor, and there is no other emotion involved."
Xiao Zhantian shook his head. "I just have some feelings. If it is because of the Xiao
family that she became like this, it will be difficult to repay this favor."
Jiang Qingqing comforted her, "Don't worry too much. I don't think Miss Qi is that kind
of person, otherwise she wouldn't have pretended not to know you just now."
Her eyes were filled with inquiry. "If I'm not mistaken, she should like you, right?"
Jiang Qingqing is also a woman, so she naturally understands Qi Yunqing's psychology very
If she wasn't interested in Xiao Zhantian, she wouldn't have left in such a hurry with
such inferiority complex when facing him.

Chapter 71 Five Years Ago

Xiao Zhantian looked embarrassed. "That's all in the past. Besides, she and I have always
been friends. I haven't crossed the line, and I don't have any other intentions."
"Okay, you don't have to explain. I just said that. I believe you."
Jiang Qingqing pushed her and said, "You should go find Miss Qi first, to prevent someone
from retaliating against her and putting her in danger."
"I'm going back to Zhongtu Company. After all, I've already made an appointment with
their president today. I'll see if I can get some information about Qi Yunqing from him."
After Jiang Qingqing left, Xiao Zhantian turned around and walked out of the company
In fact, Jiang Qingqing is a very strong person inside, otherwise Xiao Zhantian would not
have been pulled up step by step by her when he was at his lowest point.
After he went out, he looked around and soon received a message.
Xiao Zhantian had asked someone to keep an eye on Qi Yunqing before, and the information
was to tell him where Qi Yunqing had gone.
He quickly found the address according to the message.
At this time, Qi Yunqing did not walk too far. In a small alley not far away, she sat
there in dejection and cried bitterly.
Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhantian couldn't take a step forward.
Qi family, very good.
Originally, because of Qi Yunqing, Xiao Zhantian didn't intend to do anything to them,
but now they took the initiative to run into the trap.
"Where did you come from, you ugly freak? You scared me. Are you blind?"
There was a burst of curses from a distance. Xiao Zhantian looked over and saw a burly-
looking man holding Qi Yunqing's collar.
He slapped Qi Yunqing hard on the face and said, "Don't go out if you look so ugly. I'm
afraid I'll be too scared to sleep at night when I see you."
He was about to fight again when someone suddenly grabbed his wrist.
Then the big man felt a piercing pain in his wrist.
A clearly audible sound rang in my ears, accompanied by the big man's howling.
Xiao Zhantian kicked the man against the wall and said, "You are a social scum like you,
so you don't have to go out. I will beat you up next time I see you."
He pulled Qi Yunqing away and saw that Qi Yunqing seemed to have not recovered from what
had just happened.
"Qi Yunqing, I know it's you. Are you willing to be bullied like this? This is not your
character at all."
"What happened back then? Why did the Qi family expel you from the family tree and treat
you like this now?"
Xiao Zhantian's eyes were full of incomprehension. He didn't understand what Qi Yunqing
was afraid of.
The two of them stood in silence on the street corner. After a long time, Qi Yunqing
raised his head.
"Do you think I am qualified to fight against them now? Even if I go out, people will
avoid me when they see me."
"And the Qi family has been suppressing me over the past few years. No matter what job I
look for, they will sabotage it."
"It seems like they are deliberately humiliating me, making me do the most menial job in
the world, and letting everyone bully me."
Qi Yunqing's eyes were red and filled with hatred.
How could she not hate herself? She had gone from being a dignified young lady to being
someone that even dogs disliked.
"This is not the place to talk. I'll take you to clean up first."
Xiao Zhantian went back and drove the car, sent a message to Jiang Qingqing, and took Qi
Yunqing to the Zhuwangdian branch.
"This is my place. It's absolutely safe. You can say whatever you want. What happened
five years ago? Why did you become like this?"
Qi Yunqing seemed to be lost in memories, and these memories made her very painful.
She had had some business contacts with Xiao Zhantian before, and she really admired him.
Such a thing happened to the Xiao family, it can be said that a lot of changes happened
Everyone tried to avoid them as much as possible, and some people even stabbed them in
the back for fear that the Xiao family would implicate them.
Qi Yunqing didn't believe that the Xiao family would do such a thing. She and Xiao
Zhantian had known each other for such a long time. If the Xiao family really did
something like colluding with the enemy country, then Xiao Zhantian would not be so
She worked on this matter for a while. On the one hand, she asked the people of the Qi
family not to speak out. After all, the Xiao family had been deprived of power, and there
was no point in bullying them.
On the other hand, she went to investigate the truth of the matter.
"During the course of the investigation, I ran into some people who seemed to be
deliberately trying to stop me from getting to the bottom of the matter."
"Later, my face was destroyed overnight and became what it is now. The Qi family also
severed ties with me and kicked me out of the Qi family."
"I don't know whether the Qi family has been instructed by someone or they don't want me
to make a comeback, so they have been taking the opportunity to suppress me over the
"Now that things have come to this, I think it's better to follow their wishes. The more
I resist, the more they will bully me."
Xiao Zhantian was in a complicated mood. He didn't expect that Qi Yunqing became like
this because of him.
This also indirectly shows that the person who harmed their Xiao family was indeed not a
simple person.
It is possible that Qi Yunqing had touched upon their interests, which is why she was
harmed by them.
"Have you found out anything before? Everything that happened to you now is very likely
the work of those people."
Qi Yunqing sighed, "It would be great if they really found out something. Even if they
are powerful, this would still be a handle. The worst that can happen to me is that both
sides will be destroyed."
"I only found out that someone made an anonymous report and collected some materials and
handed them over to the Dragon Lord. On them was evidence of your Xiao family's treason
and collusion with the enemy."
"It is said that there were letters exchanged, and some things that were unfavorable to
the Dragon Nation. I think if they forged it very similarly, the Dragon Lord would not
believe it."
After all, the Xiao family is just a group of merchants, and they have no ambition for
the throne of the Dragon Lord.
If this evidence had not threatened the Tianlong Kingdom, the Dragon Lord would
definitely not have immediately ordered them to be exiled to Dongzhou.
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand, "Forget it, let's not talk about this for now. I have a
doctor over there, I can ask her to take a look at your face first."
"If it suddenly became like this, maybe you were poisoned. It should be possible to cure
it. And as for the Qi family, you have to take back what you lost."
Xiao Zhantian's eyes were firm and his tone was calm, without any sign of pressure.
"You must have made great progress in Dongzhou in the past five years, otherwise you
wouldn't have come back, right?"
Qi Yunqing asked, she absolutely believed in Xiao Zhantian's strength.
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "I came back this time for revenge. Although I don't know who the
enemy behind the scenes is, this matter is closely related to the eight wealthy
"I will deal with them one by one. By then, the people behind the scenes will be unable
to sit still and will naturally reveal their true colors."
Qi Yunqing's eyes brightened a little, he knew that Xiao Zhantian would never be defeated
so easily.
"Is that yours?"

Chapter 72: Everything Will Be Taken Back

"It's my wife. I was extremely depressed during those few years when I came to Dongzhou.
She accompanied me step by step to get out of it and encouraged me not to give up."
Xiao Zhantian did not hide anything, and when he talked about Jiang Qingqing, the
expression on his face was different from usual.
Seeing his appearance at this moment, Qi Yunqing showed a bitter smile.
After all, she missed it. She knew that although Xiao Zhantian did not tell her on
purpose, he certainly did not want him to have any more illusions about her.
"She's very good, and you two are a good match. I'm convinced that someone like her is
standing by your side."
Xiao Zhantian then remembered something, "I'm sorry, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't
have become like this and suffered so much."
"I will never be able to repay you in this lifetime, but I will make the Qi family pay
you back for what they owe you over the years."
Qi Yunqing nodded and smiled.
"Then I'll trouble you from now on. If I resign rashly like that today, Qi Yunwen will
definitely come to me and humiliate me."
Qi Yunwen is her cousin. When Qi Yunqing was working at the Qi family company, she
followed him around like a lackey.
But these days, the person who bullied her the most was Qi Yunwen.
She couldn't find any job because all her failures were ruined by the Qi family.
Qi Yunwen pretended to be kind and asked Qi Qi Yunqing to go to Zhongtu Company, but in
fact it was just to torture her more conveniently.
In the past few years, she has been constantly creating scandals about Qi Yunqing, and
everyone in the company is avoiding her.
Moreover, Qi Yunwen has already made an engagement with the president of Zhongtu Company.
Even if those people in the company want to curry favor with her, they will definitely
bully Qi Yunqing.
Xiao Zhantian called Lu Mingyou over and checked and found that Qi Yunqing's face looked
like this because she was poisoned.
"This poison is not difficult to cure. I will prepare the antidote first, and then use
the external medicine. You will recover in about a week."
Qi Yunqing looked at the young woman in front of him and couldn't help but be a little
It has been nearly five years since her face became like this. A centipede-like, winding
purple scab now covered half of her face.
Because of this scar, Qi Yunqing has been called a monster by many people in recent
years. It was only then that she realized that appearance could also be the reason for
others to bully you.
It's not that she didn't think of a solution. At first, Qi Yunqing still had some money,
but later she spent it all on medical treatment, but her complexion didn't improve at
"Girl, it's not that I don't trust your medical skills, but my face is so seriously
injured, are you sure it can be cured in about a week?"
Lu Mingyou nodded, "It just looks serious, but it's actually nothing, just ordinary
"If you want to get better faster, I can combine herbal baths and acupuncture. Your face
will be back to normal in less than three days."
Xiao Zhantian said: "Although she is very young, there are few diseases in this world
that she cannot cure. People call her the Ghost Doctor."
Even Xiao Zhantian said so, Qi Yunqing no longer had any doubts. No one wanted her face
to return to its original state more than she did.
"I'm afraid those people from the Qi family will come after you again. It's not safe for
you to live alone. Move to my place first."
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand and said, "Take her back first, I'll go get Qingqing."
He instructed Lu Mingyou, who nodded and said nothing.
"Don't worry about staying there. The Xiao family has many guest rooms. My brother should
be home soon. I will tell him when I get back and ask him to arrange something for you."
He saw that Qi Yunqing still had concerns, "Don't worry, it's just sponsorship. After
all, your face needs treatment. I will help you take back the Qi family as quickly as
The Xiao family was becoming more and more lively. When Jiang Qingqing and the others
returned, they found Nian Xueqing and Qi Yunqing were chatting.
The two of them seemed to be very familiar with each other, and when Nian Xueqing talked
to her, she didn't seem to have any mental problems at all.
However, Nian Xueqing has gotten much better recently and is staying awake longer and
"Mrs. Xiao, I'll stay here for a few days and will leave as soon as possible."
Qi Yunqing saw Jiang Qingqing, stood up and talked to her.
"It's okay. We are usually busy at work, and Xueqing is really bored at home alone. It's
a good opportunity for you to accompany her."
Jiang Qingqing didn't mind this, besides, Xiao Zhantian had already told her about it.
Jiang Qingqing also felt very sad when she heard what happened to Qi Yunqing.
Not to mention that these things were caused by Xiao Zhantian.
Maybe it was because the house had become lively with the coming of guests in recent
days, or maybe it was because Xiao Huanhuan's health had indeed improved a lot, she was
obviously much more lively.
"Zhongtu Company will hold a banquet in three days. Do you want to go together?"
Jiang Qingqing felt that since she wanted to take revenge on the Qi family, then starting
with Zhongtu Company might be a good starting point.
"Can we?"
Qi Yunqing really wanted to go.
In the past five years, Qi Yunwen has been constantly suppressing her and stepping on
In addition to relying on the Qi family, all this was also partly due to relying on her
It’s not that Qi Yunqing is being too arrogant. After he left, the Qi family is no
longer as good as before.
Naturally, they also have to find ways to seek help, otherwise it won’t be long before
they can’t even reach the eight major clubs.
As a rising star in recent years, China National Library does have some capabilities.
During the five years that Qi Yunqing worked at Zhongtu Company, although she was just a
cleaner, she had heard a lot of things.
What's more, there is no absolutely clean company. The only difference is how dirty it
If Qi Yunwen and her fiancé broke up, it would be a good thing.
"Of course, they sent an invitation letter to Tiancheng Company, but Chengtian will not
Although generally speaking, only one person of the opposite sex can be brought to a
dinner party, since they are a company group, it doesn't matter if they bring a few more
"Thank you, Miss Jiang."
Qi Yunqing pursed her lips.
Although they had not been together for a long time, she could feel that Jiang Qingqing
was likable.
"Didn't I already tell you? You don't have to be so polite. If you think highly of me,
you can call me sister."
She only found out in the past few days that Qi Yunqing was younger than her. Thinking of
her experiences, she felt even more regretful.
"Sister Qingqing, actually, when Xiao Zhantian and I first met, I thought about it many
times about what kind of wife he would marry in the future."
"After meeting you, I realized that maybe there are no standards or conditions for you to
stand by him."
Jiang Qingqing smiled and said, "Don't flatter me. You don't know what he was like when
you first met him."
She told Qi Yunqing about Xiao Zhantian when they first met.
At that time, he was down and out, very miserable, and even lost hope in life at one

Chapter 73: Riding a Donkey to Find a Horse

It can be said that Xiao Zhantian’s current success is indeed inseparable from Jiang
Jiang Qingqing was completely worthy of him. After all, Xiao Zhantian had nothing at that
time and was a criminal.
No one could have expected that he would receive all this glory now, and who could have
predicted the future?
All the signs clearly show that Jiang Qingqing is not greedy for anything from Xiao
After hearing about the hardships they had gone through in the past, even if I did feel a
little jealous in my heart, it has now disappeared.
What's more, Qi Yunqing is not the kind of person who would do anything out of jealousy.
"I'm glad you were there for him during his difficult time."
Qi Yunqing said it subconsciously, and then quickly said: "Sister Qingqing, don't
misunderstand, I don't mean anything else."
"Don't worry, I'm happy that I like him, you don't have to worry about what I might
Qi Yunqing blushed. She didn't expect that she actually knew about this.
After the two of them talked it out, they didn't seem to feel so awkward anymore.
Since Qi Yunqing has decided to change, she is naturally determined. Besides, she is not
the kind of person who can't bear to persevere.
Seeing that the Zhongtu Group's banquet would be held in a few days, she directly asked
Lu Mingyou to treat her as quickly as possible.
Lu Mingyou had already given her an antidote. If she wanted her face to recover as
quickly as possible, she needed acupuncture and some external medications.
After the first acupuncture treatment, a lot of stuff came out of Qi Yunqing's face, and
she even felt a little nauseous when she saw it.
"Auntie, are you in pain? Mom bought some candy for Huanhuan. She said that if you eat
one when you feel uncomfortable, you will feel much better."
Xiao Huanhuan put a candy in Qi Yunqing's hand. Looking at the child's clear eyes, she
felt somewhat moved.
The purpose of China National Library Group holding this dinner is to entertain its
partners and build good relationships with potential partners.
The people who were invited here today can be regarded as the connections of their
Zhongtu Group, and many of them have high status.
Gong Wu was also among those invited. After seeing Xiao Zhantian and Jiang Qingqing, she
nodded slightly at them and greeted them.
Although the Gong family has now been defeated, Gong Wu's name still resounds throughout
the imperial capital.
After the Gong family went bankrupt, her own companies were also put on the table.
However, no one knows about the private cooperation between Gong Wu and Xiao Zhantian
"That's Qi Yunqing's sister?"
Jiang Qingqing looked at the woman who was standing next to the president of Zhongtu
Group in the distance and asked Xiao Zhantian.
"Qi Yunwen, I've seen her a few times before at the Qi family, but she looks completely
different now."
At that time, Qi Yunwen kept her head down all day, didn't talk much, and she looked a
little inferior.
Being overwhelmed by Qi Yunqing's halo, she actually felt very uncomfortable.
But in fact, the Qi family has quite a few daughters. In addition to Qi Yunqing, there
are many outstanding people.
Qi Yunwen was just trapped by her own inferiority complex, but she insisted on blaming Qi
Yunqing for everything.
"Ms. Jiang! Thank you for coming. I hope I didn't neglect you today."
Fang Qin walked towards them, smiled at Jiang Qingqing, and stretched out his hand to
shake hers.
"President Fang, you are too polite. Is this Mr. Fang's fiancée?"
Jiang Qingqing looked at Qi Yunwen. The woman held her head high and looked a bit
She seemed to be using this method to prove her status and identity, and also to prove
that she was a confident person.
Little did she know that a truly confident person is also a humble and gentle person, and
would never be like her.
Jiang Qingqing is a generous person, so of course she wouldn't bother with her. Moreover,
she could see through Qi Yunwen's inner thoughts at a glance.
Fang Qin said: "Miss Jiang has good eyesight. This is my fiancée, Qi Yunwen, the eldest
daughter of the Qi family."
"Oh? I heard that the eldest daughter of the Qi family is Qi Yunqing. I don't know when
she changed her name."
After Xiao Zhantian said this, Qi Yunwen could no longer hold back and started scolding.
"What nonsense! There has never been anyone named Qi Yunqing in our Qi family!"
Xiao Zhantian's eyes turned colder. "Some news about Qi Yunqing is still online. Could it
be that this person has disappeared from the face of the earth?"
"A few days ago, I went to Fang's head office to discuss cooperation, and I seemed to
have met someone named Qi Yunqing."
Jiang Qingqing also spoke.
After hearing these words, Qi Yunwen's expression became even worse.
Fortunately, Fang Qin was a man who knew his limits. He secretly glared at Qi Yunwen.
"These things involve the Qi family's family affairs, so it's not convenient to explain
to you two. Qi Yunqing is just an ugly freak who is incompetent and shameless and
daydreams all day long."
He shifted his gaze to Xiao Zhantian and changed the subject calmly.
"Who is this?"
"my husband."
Jiang Qingqing's tone was very calm and generous.
Hearing her words, Fang Qin's eyes showed a bit of regret, as if he didn't expect Jiang
Qingqing to get married at such a young age.
The most important thing is that she is such a capable person, but she found such a
husband. She has never seen such a person in the imperial capital.
Also, I was a little rude in what I said just now.
"I haven't heard that Miss Jiang is married before. I was thinking of introducing some
young talents to you."
Fang Qin said such things in front of Xiao Zhantian, which made it clear that he did not
take him seriously.
"President Fang can say this in front of me, his husband. Could it be that President Fang
often does this kind of thing, looking for another partner while he already has one?"
Xiao Zhantian had a half-smile on his face, and Fang Qin was naturally a little angry
after he said this.
But he was the one who provoked Xiao Zhantian first, so what could he do if he just
replied to him?
Fang Qin said: "This gentleman is joking. My fiancée is still here. Isn't it
inappropriate for you to say that?"
"That's right. I should warn Miss Qi, otherwise your fiancé might suddenly say he's with
someone else. You'd be dumbfounded."
Qi Yunwen's expression suddenly changed, and she asked with her eyes wide open: "What do
you mean by that?"
"It's nothing, just a reminder."
Xiao Zhantian didn't say anything more and took Jiang Qingqing somewhere else.
If they were not the protagonists here today, Xiao Zhantian would have given these people
a hard time after saying those words just now.
"Fang Qin, could it be that you really did something behind my back?"
Qi Yunwen's inferiority complex came up again and she asked subconsciously.
"What do you mean? Even if your Qi family is shameless, my Fang family still has it. I
can't do such a thing!"

Chapter 74: Marriage Announcement

The two of them parted on bad terms. Qi Yunwen looked at Fang Qin's angry face and
quickly came to her senses.
Smiling, he took Fang Qin's arm and said, "I was just joking with you. How could I doubt
"But we've been engaged for several years. Do you think we should put marriage on the
"Aunt came to me a few days ago and said she wanted to have a grandson soon! If our Fang
and Qi families marry, our strength will be further enhanced."
Fang Qin pursed his lips and said nothing, and Qi Yunwen tried to please him for a long
He then said, "Then in a few days, call your family and my family together to discuss
"There are so many people here today. Isn't this a good opportunity? Why not announce it
to them in advance? Anyway, neither of our two families has any objections."
Qi Yunwen felt more and more uneasy. She and Fang Qin had been together for three or four
years, but he had yet to mention getting married.
He finally agreed today, and Qi Yunwen naturally wanted to make a decision on this matter
right away.
By that time, she could marry into a wealthy family and become a rich wife.
As for Qi Yunqing, after getting married, I have plenty of time to play with her.
Fang Qin frowned. "We haven't discussed this with the parents of both families yet. It
would be disrespectful to make it public. Let's discuss it with them first!"
He was really annoyed by Qi Yunwen's pestering, so he went to the balcony under the
pretext of talking business with others.
Jiang Qingqing sent a message to Qi Yunqing, and then went aside with Xiao Zhantian to
wait and see the show.
Here, Fang Qin was taking a breath on the balcony when the door was suddenly pushed open
and a woman walked in.
At first, he was a little displeased when he saw someone breaking in here, but after
seeing the woman's face, Fang Qin suddenly fell silent.
Although Qi Yunwen is the daughter of the Qi family, her appearance is just so-so.
Especially on her, she always unconsciously reveals an air of inferiority and has no
temperament at all.
The woman in front of him was different. Her eyes and eyebrows were even somewhat similar
to Qi Yunwen, but the feeling they gave people was completely different.
The woman in front of me was wearing a well-cut black evening gown, which made her look
even more noble and mysterious.
The slender neck and fair skin look like bright pearls in the dark night.
As if she realized someone was looking at her, she turned her head with a look of
surprise and astonishment.
"I'm sorry, I didn't notice anyone was here just now."
"It's okay. You also feel a little too stuffy in there. Do you want to come out for some
fresh air?"
Fang Qin took the initiative to talk to him, and the other party walked towards him with
a pleasant smell, which was the smell of his favorite perfume.
The two chatted here for a while, and Fang Qin felt that this woman made him feel a
little moved.
This should be my ideal wife!
She is graceful, well-educated, gentle and thoughtful.
Even if she is talking to herself about business matters, she can still chat with
Unlike Qi Yunwen, she felt a headache when she heard him talk about business matters. She
said she didn't understand and it was too boring, so she asked him to change the topic.
The reason why Fang Qin has never married Qi Yunwen is that he is indeed dissatisfied
with her in his heart, but he cannot give up the background of the Qi family.
"Sorry, I'm a little cold. I'll go back first."
Qi Yunqing gave Fang Qin a faint smile.
"Wait a minute, we've been talking for so long and I still don't know your name."
Fang Qin took off his suit jacket very gentlemanly and put it on her.
He didn't take into account at all that he already had a fiancée.
Qi Yunqing lowered his head, glanced at his suit which still had a little body
temperature, and curled the corners of his lips.
"You will find out."
She said nothing and walked away.
There was still some nostalgia in Fang Qin's eyes, as if he was reluctant to let her go.
After a moment he remembered that today was his home court!
Wouldn't it be possible for me to just check and find out who this woman is?
Moreover, those attending the banquet today are all business celebrities. Judging from
the temperament of this woman, she is definitely not an ordinary person.
If his family also has a strong background, then Qi Yunwen...
When Fang Qin thought of this, he could no longer sit still.
If he were to spend his whole life with Qi Yunwen, it would be torture for him.
If he were allowed to be with the woman just now, she could still help him with his work
in the future.
He quickly stepped out of the hall and looked around. Before he could find someone to ask
something, Qi Yunwen grabbed him.
"Where did you go? I've been looking for you for quite some time. The party has already
started. It would be a shame if you, the protagonist, didn't show up!"
Fang Qin felt a little guilty, "I went to the room to talk to someone, is there anything
Qi Yunwen said coquettishly: "Are you still angry with me because of what happened just
now? Don't be so petty!"
"The banquet has already begun. As the protagonists, you and I should say something,
right? Everyone is waiting for you to give the opening speech!"
Fang Qin looked cold and said nothing, then quickly followed her onto the stage.
Everyone looked over and he said a few business pleasantries.
Unexpectedly, Qi Yunwen also took the microphone and said directly: "I think everyone
knows me. I am President Fang's fiancée."
"We have been engaged for several years and have always had a good relationship, so we
decided to pick a date to get married. Everyone is welcome to come!"
As soon as she said this, the people in the audience immediately applauded and
congratulated her.
"Congratulations, President Fang. You're about to marry the beauty!"
"The marriage between the Qi and Fang families will surely take Zhongtu Company to a
higher level. Congratulations in advance to President Fang."
"Mr. Fang has kept it a secret so well. He's getting married soon, but he hasn't even
made an announcement yet."
Fang Qin turned to look at Qi Yunwen and felt a surge of anger in his heart.
Of course, he didn't expect that this woman would be so bold that she dared to tell this
matter in front of everyone without even discussing it with him.
Qi Yunwen had a smile on her face and held Fang Qin's hand tightly. Although she knew
Fang Qin would be unhappy, so what?
At this moment, Qi Yunwen suddenly saw a familiar figure appear in the audience.
She was startled and dropped the microphone in her hand.
The piercing sound made all the guests present cover their ears.
"No, that's absolutely impossible. Who are you? Who are you?!"
Qi Yunwen looked at Qi Yunqing and muttered something. After a moment, she rushed
directly towards Qi Yunqing.
"Why did you come here? Why did your face become better again? What happened?!"

Chapter 75: Chaos in the Qi Family

Seeing her going crazy, Fang Qin also noticed Qi Yunqing.
He didn't even think about it, he subconsciously ran over and grabbed Qi Yunwen, standing
in front of Qi Yunqing.
"This Young Master Fang changes really quickly. He is indeed not a good person."
Jiang Qingqing shook her head and spoke softly.
However, they did this deliberately, and now their goal has been achieved.
"There are so many people watching here, what are you going to do?"
Fang Qin frowned and scolded Qi Yunwen. Her behavior at this time deeply hurt Qi Yunwen's
"Do you know who she is? Are you helping her instead of me now?"
Fang Qin said coldly: "Everyone who comes here today is naturally a guest of my Zhongtu
Group. You are disrespectful to the guests. As the president of Zhongtu Group, shouldn't
I stop you?"
Seeing that the time was almost right, Xiao Zhantian and Jiang Qingqing walked over.
"Miss Qi, I reminded you just now, but you didn't believe it. Are you dumbfounded now?"
Xiao Zhantian's half-smiley words made Qi Yunwen feel that this matter was even more
She rushed directly towards Qi Yunqing and reached out to hit her.
"I don't care who you are, you can never take away everything I have!"
Fang Qin grabbed her hand and said, "What do you want to do? I've already said this
before, this is not the place for you to make trouble."
"Sister, I was very happy to hear that you were getting married. I came to congratulate
you. Why are you doing this to me?"
Qi Yunqing spoke calmly, which confirmed her identity.
At this moment, the whole scene couldn't help but boil over. This was going to be a good
Of course the main reason is that Qi Yunqing was very famous in the imperial capital
Although she was expelled from the Qi family in the past few years, and the Qi family
also deliberately blocked the news related to her.
But there are so many people in the capital, how can they shut everyone's mouth?
Naturally, there are still people who know Qi Yunqing.
"This must be the eldest daughter of the Qi family. She is indeed beautiful."
"It is said that she is not only beautiful, but also very accomplished in business. I
don't know why such a capable person was expelled from the Qi family."
"What a pity! The eldest daughter of the Qi family should be the most outstanding
daughter of the Qi family. I wonder what the Qi family is thinking."
These words continued to stimulate Qi Yunwen's eardrums, and she became a little crazy.
"Shut up, all of you! You idiots were just as fooled by her face!"
"Qi Yunqing climbed to the position of CEO by sleeping with men. What ability does she
Her words were too vulgar. There were so many people present, whose status was not much
lower than theirs. How could they be willing to listen to him slandering them?
At that time, some people were angry and looked sullen, while Fang Qin was confused and
had not figured out the current situation.
"She is your sister Qi Yunqing? But isn't she very ugly? There is a big scar on her face.
How could she be like this now..."
Qi Yunqing said aggrievedly: "Those things that happened before were just stopgap
measures to save lives."
She carefully pulled the corner of Fang Qin's clothes and said, "President Fang, since
you are my sister's fiancé, you will be my brother-in-law in the future."
"Can you tell my sister that I really have no intention of taking anything from her? Tell
her to stop targeting me. Now I've been kicked out of the Qi family and have nothing."
How could Fang Qin remain indifferent when seeing the beauty looking so aggrieved?
Qi Yunwen was so angry that she was about to go crazy and rushed towards Qi Yunqing.
But for some reason, his footing was unstable and he actually scratched Fang Qin's face,
leaving a bloody mark.
This farce is almost over, and I believe Qi Yunqing can handle the next thing.
Xiao Zhantian and Jiang Qingqing didn't stay long. They just gave her a look and left.
Not long after, the incident between China National Library Group and the Qi family made
The entire imperial capital was in an uproar, and Fang Qin became a joke.
Qi Yunwen felt guilty and ran away, while Qi Yunqing accompanied Fang Qin to the hospital
to see his wound.
In contrast, although Fang Qin has only known Qi Yunqing for a short time, his heart has
already leaned towards her.
Before long, the news that Fang Qin and Qi Yunwen had broken off their engagement and
wanted to marry Qi Yunqing became known to everyone in the imperial capital.
Fang Qin felt that he had lost nothing, and what he gained was even better than before.
However, he never thought about whether he had been promised or not.
What Xiao Zhantian didn't expect was that the Qi family was so bold that they went
straight to the company to find Jiang Qingqing.
They blocked Jiang Qingqing directly at the company gate, looking unwilling to give in.
"It's all your fault that you and your husband didn't say anything nice. That's why my
daughter's marriage was ruined. And I also found out that you were with her a few days
Qi Fuqiang glared at them fiercely, wishing he could beat them both up.
"Mr. Qi seems to have misunderstood something. Why don't you ask the person who broke off
the engagement, but instead ask us why?"
Jiang Qingqing said this in a cold voice, feeling that Qi Fuqiang was just as
unreasonable as his daughter Qi Yunwen.
The other party didn't come to reason with her at all, so how could he listen to her?
"In short, this matter is your responsibility. You ruined my daughter's marriage! Our Qi
family will never let you go!"
His eyes were bloodshot and he glared at Jiang Qingqing fiercely.
Suddenly, Xiao Zhantian stood in front of him, bringing a huge momentum like a mountain
pressing down on his head, making it even difficult for him to breathe.
"What a big tone! I want to hear how capable your Qi family is to not let my wife go."
Qi Fuqiang raised his hand and pointed at his nose, "It was you who cursed my daughter!"
He looked at the bodyguards behind him and ordered, "Teach this kid a lesson, and don't
let their company continue to operate!"
Several bodyguards responded and rushed towards Xiao Zhantian, but how could ordinary
people like them be Xiao Zhantian's opponents?
But in just a moment, all those people were dealt with.
Qi Fuqiang looked at the situation and ran away without saying anything.
"I thought he was here to do something, but he came to make us happy."
Xiao Zhantian's eyes revealed a hint of sarcasm, and he thought this person was really
They didn't take the Qi family seriously at all, not to mention that the Qi family was in
a state of panic now, so how could they care about this matter.
But what Xiao Zhantian didn't expect was that Jiang Qingqing had already passed her get
off work deadline last night but had not returned yet.
"My sister-in-law said she was going out to discuss business today, and we'll have dinner
outside. Didn't I already tell you that?"
When Xiao Chengtian received the call, he didn't take it seriously.

Chapter 76 Jiang Qingqing was taken away

He didn't think the matter was serious, he just felt that Xiao Zhantian was a little too
worried about Jiang Qingqing.
"Brother, don't worry! My sister-in-law is very experienced in business negotiations,
nothing will go wrong."
Xiao Zhantian frowned, "Where did she go to discuss cooperation, which company did she
have dinner with, please send me the detailed information."
Seeing Xiao Zhantian say this, Xiao Chengtian also realized that something was wrong.
"what happened?"
Xiao Zhantian took a deep breath and calmed himself down.
"I just called her but couldn't get through. I installed an emergency rescue system on
her phone before."
"Just three minutes ago, the system was activated. Her position has been moving and is
now heading towards Dongshan."
Xiao Chengtian hurriedly said, "That's not right! She was discussing cooperation in the
city center today. Why would she go to such a far place like Dongshan?"
"Today's cooperation is basically set in stone. We just need to have a meal with the
other party, sign a contract and have a chat."
He quickly told Xiao Zhantian the other party's detailed information. Before Xiao
Zhantian started investigating, Xiao Chengtian called him again.
"I have just asked Mr. Liu, and he said that my sister-in-law did not meet him today. He
thought she would be a little later, but she has not been there until now."
When Xiao Chengtian called, Mr. Liu on the other end was a little angry, thinking that
Jiang Qingqing was not punctual.
But when he heard Xiao Chengtian's nervous tone, he did not hide anything and told him
Knowing that some accident had happened actually comforted him.
"Mr. Liu said that his sister-in-law called him half an hour ago and said she would be
there soon, so he waited a little longer."
"But now it's past the agreed time, and my sister-in-law hasn't arrived yet, but I sent
the driver to take her there!"
Xiao Chengtian was also panicked now. If something really happened to Jiang Qingqing, how
would he explain to Xiao Zhantian and Xiao Huanhuan?
"Okay, I'll look into this matter, don't worry and take care of yourself."
It was naturally impossible for Xiao Zhantian to blame Xiao Chengtian for this matter.
He felt that this incident happened a little too suddenly, and someone must have been
keeping an eye on them for a long time.
But Xiao Zhantian has offended too many people recently, and for a moment he couldn't
figure out who did this.
Seeing that the location was moving and finally reached Dongshan, Xiao Zhantian directly
asked Xuesha to call the people from Zhuwang Palace and rush there with him as quickly as
It was still very cold on the mountain at night. It was pitch black all around and the
only sound I could hear was the rustling of tree branches in the wind.
The range of this navigation system is not completely accurate. At this time, Xiao
Zhantian can only be sure that Jiang Qingqing has arrived at Dongshan, but he does not
know the specific location.
These people from Zhu Zhuwang Palace were divided into several groups and searched in
Dongshan, while not revealing their tracks.
After all, Jiang Qingqing was taken away by bad guys. If her whereabouts were exposed and
discovered by those people, they would most likely do something to hurt her in a hurry.
I don’t know how long it had passed, the moon was hanging quietly in the sky, only a
little brighter and brighter, illuminating the silent forest.
"Sir, we have found the lady's trace, the coordinates are..."
Soon someone contacted Xiao Zhantian and gave him an address.
Xiao Zhantian immediately took a few people around him and rushed over there.
From a distance, he could only see that the surroundings seemed to be a private cemetery.
Following the address given by those people, he came to a tombstone.
This tombstone should have been erected not long ago. Right next to these things, Jiang
Qingqing was having her hands and feet tied up.
"You're finally here, but you seem to be a little slower than I thought."
A strange woman turned around and looked at Xiao Zhantian with eyes full of resentment.
Xiao Zhantian frowned, "Who are you? If I have offended you in some way, you could just
come after me, why bother to tie up my wife?"
The woman laughed coldly twice, "I know you have some abilities, and I just want you to
have a taste of the pain of losing your loved one."
She glanced down at her feet and said, "I have buried something underneath here. It's
sensitive. If you dare to cross this area and come here, we will both be blown to dust."
Jiang Qingqing's mouth was blocked. She looked at Xiao Zhantian and whimpered as if she
wanted to say something, shaking her head continuously.
You have to know that they have a daughter, and Xiao Huanhuan is still young. Jiang
Qingqing can't let both of them die here.
She saw with her own eyes that the woman was buried here, which meant that they couldn't
get out today.
But Xiao Zhantian can still leave. As long as he doesn't save himself, he can leave here
Even if Jiang Qingqing didn't say anything, Xiao Zhantian could understand what she
wanted to express. He shook his head slightly.
"Don't be silly. I won't leave you here alone to face the danger. I will definitely save
The strange woman chuckled twice. "The love between husband and wife is really touching.
It's a pity that you don't have such an opportunity."
"If you have the guts, just come in. I'll let you two reunite underground and become a
ghost couple. I'll be very merciful."
Xiao Zhantian looked at her coldly, "Who are you? I don't know how I offended you to make
you do this."
Just now he caught a piece of information between the woman's words, it seemed that he
had hurt the person she liked.
Things are indeed a bit difficult now, and Xiao Zhantian cannot bet that the woman is
lying and that the things she buried are fake.
And even if the people he brought could deal with this thing, once they showed any
abnormality and the women came over, this place would still explode, and they would not
Unless he can bring Jiang Qingqing out or go in himself and control this woman.
Xiao Zhantian was talking to the woman while looking for her loopholes, but the woman
just stared at him without moving her eyes away.
Seeing this, Xiao Zhantian snorted, "Since you don't dare to say it, I'm afraid this
person is not a good person either."
"I, Xiao Zhantian, never kill nameless people. I only punish those who do evil. If he
does too many evil things, he will be punished by heaven."
"Now you come here indiscriminately and say you want to avenge him, but in fact you want
to sacrifice someone else's life. Who would like someone as cruel as you?"
Although it was obvious that he was furious, the woman was indeed irritated by his words.

Chapter 77 Broken Hand

"Shut up! What qualifications do you have to say that about him? He is the best person in
the world!"
The woman took a deep breath and then took out a knife.
"You were able to come here so quickly from such a long distance, which is enough to
prove that you care about her very much. So if you kill you directly, it would be a
bargain for you."
She slowly walked towards Jiang Qingqing with the knife in hand and placed the blade
directly on her face.
"It would be interesting to see such a beautiful face destroyed, right? Even if I go to
hell, I won't let you have an easy life."
Seeing that she had cut Jiang Qingqing's face, blood was dripping down her chin like
At the critical moment, Xiao Zhantian took the risk, picked up a stone from the ground
and smashed it towards the woman's wrist.
The woman felt a pain in her hand and the knife fell to the ground.
After waiting for a while, Xiao Zhantian did not hear any explosion, but of course he did
not take it lightly.
He clearly noticed that the soil on the ground showed signs of loosening, which meant
that the woman was not lying.
The most likely possibility is that the sensing mechanism she set up can only sense
people, but not a stone.
Or even if it is induction, it has a range.
When Xiao Zhantian saw the trees around him, he immediately had an idea.
He reacted quickly. When the woman lowered her head to look for the knife, she suddenly
noticed someone falling beside her.
When she raised her head, Xiao Zhantian was already standing beside her.
Soon the woman was tied up, and Xiao Zhantian then called his men to dig out the things
on the ground.
What he didn't expect was that the thing buried underground was real, but it was very
I'm afraid that if she digs the hole a little deeper, this thing won't even be able to
break through the soil layer, and there is no sensing system. The woman is holding a
remote control in her hand.
Xiao Zhantian was just worried and confused, but now he thought that this woman didn't
have any deep hatred with the person buried here.
When the explosion happens, wouldn’t the coffins of these people be blown away as well?
"You are quite interesting. I don't know what grudge you have against these people. You
actually came to their cemetery to bury explosives."
Xiao Zhantian turned his head and looked at the woman, whose face was still filled with
resentment and deep hatred.
"You're talking nonsense. How could I have a grudge against him? This time I just wanted
him to witness it in person. I helped him get revenge!"
Xiao Zhantian sneered twice, "It's a pity that you didn't do it. Since you have no grudge
against him, if you don't tell me who you are, I'm afraid their tomb will not exist
He was not a kind-hearted person. Jiang Qingqing's face was still bleeding. The glaring
red color made Xiao Zhantian want to kill her immediately.
However, in order to prevent someone from seeking revenge on him later, he naturally had
to do things thoroughly and without leaving any roots.
This will prevent someone from coming here next time and asking me to take revenge on
It would be fine if he was the one who came directly, but this time it was Jiang
Qingqing. What if it was Xiao Huanhuan's turn next time, or even Xiao Chengtian's?
Seeing that she seemed determined not to speak, Xiao Zhantian pointed to the tombstone
next to her.
"Dig up the grave and throw this thing in."
He was talking about the thing that was just dug out. Although its power was smaller, it
was not very harmful but extremely insulting.
Xuesha and his men were very quick and dug a pit in no time.
"Stop it right there! You can't do this! You've already killed him. What else do you
want? If the Long family finds out, they will definitely not let you off!"
Seeing that the grave had been dug up, the woman couldn't help but shout loudly, but what
she said made Xiao Zhantian even more confused.
"Are you from the Long family? I don't think I have any grudge against you."
The woman looked at him viciously, "Didn't you kill Long Kaicheng? You still dare to say
that you are a good person. Then I want to ask you, how did he offend you?"
The hatred in her eyes didn't seem to be fake.
Xiao Zhantian said directly: "Long Kaicheng and his group of friends wantonly bullied
women and made her lose her mind. Can you say he is a good person?"
"That's absolutely impossible. Kai Cheng would never do such a thing. He has always been
a clean person, and his mind is full of business matters."
"He also said that we would get married after I returned from studying abroad. How could
he do what you said? You must have taken advantage of his death to say these things to
frame him!"
Seeing her miserable appearance, Xiao Zhantian shook his head and said, "I think you have
made a mistake. Many people know about this matter. You can go check it out."
"Since you were deceived, I will cut off one of your hands today. I hope you won't do
these things again, or I will kill you next time."
Xiao Zhantian acted very quickly and efficiently. For a moment, the echo of the woman's
painful howls could be heard from the mountain.
He treated the wound on Jiang Qingqing's face and said, "I'm sorry, if I had gone to see
you off today, this wouldn't have happened."
Jiang Qingqing shook her head, "Don't blame you, it's me who didn't ask you to send me
off. I'm an adult now, I can't keep pestering you about everything all day long!"
"Besides, this was just an accident. No one expected it to happen. Don't tell Chengtian
and Huanhuan when you go back, so they don't worry."
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "I let that woman go today, you won't blame me, right?"
Jiang Qingqing said: "She was extreme in her actions. If something really happened to me
today, even killing her would not be enough to pay for it."
"But nothing has happened to me now. Besides, from what she said, it seems that I was
deceived. But one of his hands is already the price."
Jiang Qingqing is not the kind of person who will never give up. As the saying goes, it
is better to forgive others when you can.
If you do things too extreme, it may lead to the opposite effect.
Xiao Zhantian has already sent Xue Sha to investigate the whereabouts of this woman.
She is Long Kaicheng's fiancée and had been studying abroad.
The two of them grew up together as childhood sweethearts, so she believed that Long
Kaicheng would not do such a thing.
Originally, she was going to marry Long Kaicheng when she returned to China this time,
but she didn't expect to attend his funeral.
This woman is a mixed-race of Tianlong Country and other countries. Her father is a
businessman in another country and is very rich.
Although Long Kaicheng is dead now, their friendship over the years still exists, and the
Long family does not want her to know the truth.
They directly pushed all these things onto Xiao Zhantian, but they didn't expect that
this woman was also so naive that she came directly to take revenge on Xiao Zhantian.
"Keep an eye on her. If there is any unusual movement from her side, inform me at any
time. If necessary, you can kill her directly even without notifying me."

Chapter 78 The identity is not simple

As for what the special situation he was talking about was, Xuesha also knew it.
After they returned home, Xiao Chengtian rushed over immediately. Seeing the wound on
Jiang Qingqing's face, he was a little nervous.
"Sister-in-law, what happened to you? It's all my fault that I asked you to go and
discuss cooperation with others so late. If you hadn't gone, this wouldn't have
Xiao Chengtian's tone was also full of guilt. When he was waiting just now, he was like
an ant on a hot pan.
Fortunately, nothing happened to Jiang Qingqing now, otherwise he would be uneasy for the
rest of his life.
"Don't worry, Chengtian, nothing happened to me, just some accidents."
Xiao Zhantian also said: "This matter is not your responsibility. Since others came
prepared and deliberately targeted us, how can we easily avoid it?"
"Brother, what the hell is going on!"
Xiao Chengtian's eyes were full of worry, fearing that something similar would happen
"It's no big deal. It's been resolved now. Don't worry!"
He patted Xiao Chengtian on the shoulder and said, "My sister-in-law and I haven't eaten
yet. If you haven't eaten either, let's go eat together."
"Don't ask any more questions, or you will only cause more trouble."
Since he said so, Xiao Chengtian didn't say anything else.
What Xiao Zhantian didn't expect was that the next day, the woman from yesterday would
come to see him.
Her hand was still in a cast, and the look she gave Xiao Zhantian lacked the same hatred
she had yesterday.
"I seem to have said it before. If you do anything that touches my bottom line again, I
will take your life this time."
The girl was not frightened by his threat.
"I came to you today to discuss cooperation. Perhaps you will be interested."
Her expression was very calm, yet at the same time a bit sinister.
"What kind of cooperation can we discuss between you and me?"
"Destroy the Long family. I have a special identity and it is not convenient for me to do
such a thing. Otherwise, if someone with ulterior motives suspects me, my family will be
in danger."
"But I really can't swallow this anger. I can't let the Long family have an easy time! I
know you have the ability to do this. If you can do it, I can give you a lot of money!"
Her tone was very decisive, and she was even ready to write a check to Xiao Zhantian.
Xiao Zhantian stopped him, "You should know that some things cannot be accomplished with
money. The Long family is one of the eight great families in the imperial capital.
Compared with money, they have more power."
"If I target them, on the bright side, they can indeed be destroyed, but will the others
whose interests are affected let me go so easily?"
"If the matter is not accomplished, the Long family will certainly fight back with all
their strength. At that time, how can I resist?"
The woman frowned slightly, "But don't you have a grudge against them? If you kill Long
Kaicheng, won't they take revenge on you?"
The woman just felt that Xiao Zhantian didn't want to cooperate with her, or maybe he
wanted something more.
"If you want something other than money, I will satisfy you as long as I can."
This is what Xiao Zhantian wanted him to say, "From what I know, your father is very
rich, and he has a big business in Bama Country."
"You want to cooperate with him?"
This woman was not stupid and she guessed Xiao Zhantian's intention at once.
"That's right. I just need you to act as a go-between and mediate. I need shares in his
The reason why Xiao Zhantian cooperated with this person was naturally to better
investigate the Bama Kingdom and have a normal identity.
The people in Bama country are all Westerners. If I run over there, they will stare at me
Although Xiao Zhantian didn't know whether he would go there one day, he made
preparations in advance to be prepared.
After all, we didn’t find the antidote when we went to that laboratory before, and the
current method is just a drop in the bucket and can only barely get by.
After hearing Xiao Zhantian's proposal, the girl was a little hesitant.
"It's not impossible to do this, but I have to discuss it with my father and let him
decide it personally. I can't say whether it will succeed in the end."
Xiao Zhantian immediately asked her to go and inquire, and she called back about ten
minutes later.
"He refused. He said he had never heard of you and that you were not qualified to work
with him."
This woman is quite honest. Xiao Zhantian's face stiffened.
"Go tell him that Dingtian Group is my asset. Will he be interested?"
This time the woman did not go out, but made the call directly in front of Xiao Zhantian.
After a moment, she frowned, her eyes showing some surprise, and handed the phone to Xiao
"My father wants to tell you in person."
Seeing her serious expression, Xiao Zhantian raised his eyebrows.
It seems that the name Dingtian Group is still useful, and it is worth it after working
so hard for so long to rise to this point.
Soon the two of them reached an agreement, and the strange woman looked at Xiao Zhantian
with surprise.
"You can actually speak our language so fluently. Who are you?"
Xiao Zhantian did not answer her question, "You can tell me what you are going to do to
the Long family."
Originally, Xiao Zhantian had not planned to do anything to the Long family so soon.
After all, he had just dealt with Long Kaicheng before.
These things need to be done slowly, like boiling a frog in warm water.
Otherwise, if all the people from the eight wealthy families were killed at once, where
would we find these people in such a short time?
It didn't take long for the two of them to come up with a countermeasure. It was called a
countermeasure, but in fact it was not difficult.
Speaking of which, the Long family does deserve some targeting. Xiao Zhantian doesn't
believe that they didn't notice these things when they recommended these things before?
It was obvious that he was deliberately trying to divert hatred, wanting to make himself
fight with this woman so that their Long family could reap the benefits.
It’s a pity that his plan did not come true. Not only did he offend Xiao Zhantian, but
he also offended this woman.
The people of the Long family never thought that this woman would have such a strong
desire for revenge that she would directly join forces with Xiao Zhantian to seek revenge
on them.
The first person to notice something was wrong was Mr. Long San. He found that the
company's business had some problems recently, but he couldn't find anything when he
He asked people in the company to be more careful, but others said he was being too
Especially Long Da and Long Er, they both felt that he was relying on his business acumen
to come here and give orders.
"We are all in the company, and we all have different positions. Just do your own thing.
You don't need to worry about this."
What those people said was very absolute, so Master Long San didn't bother to care.

Chapter 79 Secret Surprise

Originally, Long San thought that he was just being targeted by someone else, and these
idiots didn't even notice it.
Since they didn't let him take care of it, Long San simply didn't care about it.
Anyway, now Long Jia’s company is mostly controlled by Long Da and Long Er.
The brothers seemed to be in harmony on the surface, but they were competing with each
other in private.
Long San was hoping that something would happen at this moment. When they were no longer
able to do it, he would naturally be able to show his importance.
Although he did not tell Long Da and Long Er about the company's incident, he planned to
investigate it privately.
After all, I am prepared, so if anything happens, I can respond in time.
But the more he investigated, the more frightened he became. He always felt that there
was an unknown force behind it, and that this matter seemed beyond their ability to
Xiao Zhantian handed over all the matters here to the girl.
Anyway, she just wanted to use Xiao Zhantian's name. She was an outsider after all. If
she touched people from Tianlong Kingdom on Tianlong Kingdom's territory, it would be
difficult to explain.
Both of them have other intentions. Xiao Zhantian was going to attack the Long family
anyway. Now that he has handed it over to someone else, he doesn't have to do it himself,
which can be said to be more trouble-free.
In recent days, Zheng Guangfeng has been preparing for the wedding scene of Xiao
Chengtian and his family.
Although Nian Xueqing couldn't be said to have completely recovered to normal, her mind
was basically no longer as confused as before.
Of course, things like this at the wedding scene must be kept secret from the bride.
Xiao Zhantian specially took Xiao Chengtian over and let him see the finished product.
"If there is anything you are not satisfied with, you can always change it."
Zheng Guangfeng followed beside and talked happily.
He mobilized all the manpower and material resources of his company to complete all this
in such a short time.
Of course, this is all out of Xiao Zhantian's consideration. Otherwise, even if they had
enough money, it would take them at least a month to make these.
Xiao Chengtian didn’t know much about these things, but even he thought this dreamy
wedding scene was beautiful, and he was sure that Nian Xueqing would like it too.
I owe her five years, now it's time to pay her back.
"Thank you, brother."
He looked at Xiao Zhantian solemnly.
"Alright, do we brothers need to be so polite to each other? Besides, I need your help
with something here."
Xiao Zhantian's expression was slightly mysterious.
At Tiancheng Company, Jiang Qingqing was called to Xiao Chengtian's office.
Seeing that there was another woman in the office besides him, Jiang Qingqing looked a
little confused.
"Manager Jiang, this is our company's chief designer, Ms. Xi Liu, who officially takes up
the position today."
Jiang Qingqing looked at the young woman sitting on the sofa and couldn't help but be a
little surprised.
Her long black hair was tied up with a hairpin, and her clothes were somewhat Chinese
style. She exuded a sense of classic elegance.
It is indeed hard to believe that such a young woman is an internationally renowned
jewelry design master.
Her works are all very personal and even fashionable. Jiang Qingqing thought she would
have a similar image.
"Hello, Miss Xi. I am the manager of Tiancheng Company, in charge of the entire design
The other party smiled and said, "Madam, you don't need to be so polite. Just call me by
my name."
She was not as unapproachable as Jiang Qingqing had imagined, and even seemed unusually
"Madam, in addition to simply meeting you today, there is one more thing I need your help
Xi Liu's words were very polite, but Jiang Qingqing was a little confused and didn't know
how she could help her.
"Since I am the manager of the company, it is my duty to help you. I would be happy if I
could help you."
Soon, Xi Liu brought her to the workshop and asked her in detail about the type of
jewelry she liked.
"If I were to design a set of wedding jewelry, ma'am, what would you imagine it would
look like?"
Xi Liu's words made Jiang Qingqing a little confused, "Wedding jewelry, but you don't
just design this, right?"
“Everything requires innovation. Although I have been mainly designing other types of
jewelry, I think I should also explore this aspect.”
"After all, many people are getting married these days. I plan to design a complete set
of wedding jewelry. It would be great if Madam could give me some inspiration."
Since this is for work, Jiang Qingqing will naturally cooperate.
She told Xi Liu about her ideal appearance, and he quickly drew a design.
Almost as soon as Jiang Qingqing finished her description, she drew the picture.
Although it was just a rough sketch, it could be seen that it was very similar to what
Jiang Qingqing said.
Jiang Qingqing couldn't help but be a little surprised. This time she finally saw what a
real top designer was.
"You are so amazing! I just described it with words, but the picture you drew is almost
exactly the same as what I imagined."
Xi Liu looked at her with a smile, "Madam, you described it in detail. You can also tell
me any other ideas you have."
Not long after, Xi Liu handed the design drawing to Xiao Zhantian.
"She didn't doubt it?"
"No, I just said I wanted to design a new series of jewelry for weddings, and the lady
didn't doubt it at all."
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "There will be a public auction for gambling stones in the next few
days. I will take her there then. You can make the stones after you find good materials."
That’s right, Xiao Zhantian wanted to prepare a wedding for Jiang Qingqing as well.
When the two of them got married, it wasn't very simple, but it wasn't very grand either.
Jiang Qingqing's wedding was a regret for Xiao Zhantian.
When he was at his lowest point in his life, she accompanied him all the way. Without
Jiang Qingqing's encouragement, there would be no Xiao Zhantian today.
He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of Xiao Chengtian and
marry Jiang Qingqing again.
Everyone knew about this except Jiang Qingqing herself.
Jiang Qingqing just thought it was a work matter and didn't think about it in that way at
"Brother, I'm going to trouble you again for this gambling stone auction. I think I won't
Xiao Chengtian lowered his head and looked at himself sitting in the wheelchair. He
really didn't want to be a burden to others anymore.
"Come together! Bring Xueqing along, it will be more meaningful to make jewelry with the
jade you picked out yourself."
Xiao Zhantian was naturally not afraid of trouble, especially since this was his own
younger brother.
Marriage is a major event that only happens once in a lifetime, so why be afraid of the

Chapter 80: Northern Territory Gambling Stone Auction

There is a gambling stone auction in the North every year, and it is also very grand.
They are engaged in the jewelry industry, so of course they have to deal with places like
this frequently. This time, in addition to their Tiancheng Group, the Gong family also
When they were on the plane, they met Gong Wu. They greeted each other but didn't say
Although Xiao Zhantian and Gong Wu are now in a cooperative relationship, they do not
have much interaction either in public or in private.
This is also a good thing for them. Naturally, the fewer people who know about the
cooperative relationship between Xiao Zhantian and Gong Wu, the better.
If their relationship were made public, some people would inevitably be wary of the two
families when doing things.
Now that no one knows about their relationship, someone else will have the opportunity to
take advantage.
Xiao Huanhuan was left alone at home, and Xiao Zhantian was worried, so this time all the
staff were mobilized.
It just so happened that Xiao Zhantian also wanted to bring Xiao Huanhuan to this place
to see a doctor.
There are still many strange people and strange places in this world.
Maybe someone can find a way to cure Xiao Huanhuan's disease.
The plane landed quickly in the northern border, and someone came to greet us after we
got off the car.
This is Xiao Zhantian's home ground, but he had already instructed those people in
advance not to make things too complicated.
Therefore, the only people who came to pick him up this time were Kuang Dao and Cang
Lang, and the car was not too luxurious, but an extremely comfortable nanny car.
The interior space of this nanny car is very large, enough to accommodate several of
them, and the facilities inside are also very complete.
After getting on the bus, drinks and some snacks were immediately served to them.
Canglang and Kuangdao looked at Xiao Huanhuan and liked her more and more.
This is the daughter of their god of war!
It was also the first time they saw Xiao Zhantian being so gentle, and he even lowered
his voice when speaking to his wife and daughter.
"Sir, we have arranged the most luxurious hotel here. We all miss you very much. If it is
convenient, can we have dinner together tonight?"
When he said this, Kuang Dao felt a little emotional for a moment, and his eyes became
In the past few years, they have been inseparable from Xiao Zhantian.
The feelings that everyone has developed through life and death are certainly not
comparable to those of others.
"Okay, then you can ask them to come together!"
After getting Xiao Zhantian's approval, the two of them seemed very excited.
They dropped off a few people at the hotel and then hurried back to the barracks.
Such a big event as the return of the God of War must naturally be made known to all the
Although Xiao Zhantian said before that he wanted to keep a low profile, in reality the
news of his return to the Northern Territory could not be kept secret at all.
The northern border is vast and sparsely populated, and the various resources here are
relatively scarce. Only gambling on stones can be regarded as the largest source of
economic income here every year.
Previously, there was no public auction for jadeite in the North, and most of the jade
materials were bought by several other countries along the border.
They said it was sold, but in fact the other party offered them a very low price, so they
couldn't make much money at all.
After Xiao Zhantian arrived in the northern border, he discovered the jade resources
here, and then he protected them and allowed them to start a public auction here.
At the beginning, there were indeed people from other countries who came here to cause
But Xiao Zhantian's methods were ruthless, and after a few times they dared not come
Nowadays, the public jade gambling auction in the north has gained some fame, and the
jade materials here are all of the best quality.
Every year, not only does the number of people coming here to participate in the public
auction increase, but the prices for jade materials purchased here from other places have
also increased a lot.
For the people here in the North, Xiao Zhantian is their God.
After Canglang and others returned to the military camp and told the news that they could
meet Xiao Zhantian today, all the brothers in the camp were excited.
They all got busy, naturally preparing gifts for their sister-in-law whom they had never
met before, and Xiao Zhantian's daughter.
The hotel where Xiao Zhantian and his friends were staying was not only the most
luxurious five-star hotel in the area, but even the presidential suite they were staying
in was of the highest standards.
The same went for the others, so almost the entire top floor was occupied by them.
"This is my first time in the North. I didn't expect this place to be so nice."
Jiang Qingqing looked at the presidential suite they were staying in with surprise and
thought it was too luxurious.
It's just a place for their family to live in, and it has everything including bedrooms
and living room, just like a normal house.
The bathroom is very large and has an extra-large jacuzzi that looks very comfortable.
There is a storage cabinet in the room with a bunch of snacks, and various fruits and
wines are also free.
"I'm sure the guests are tired from traveling all the way. Do you need me to arrange a
full body massage for you to relax?"
The private butler stood by and asked them after helping them pack their luggage and
showing them around the house.
Xiao Zhantian turned his head and glanced at Jiang Qingqing, "What do you think?"
"That's fine. I'll go get Xueqing and Aunt Nian, and you take Chengtian and Uncle Nian
with you."
She arranged it directly.
However, Jiang Qingqing was indeed a little curious. Since this hotel was so luxurious,
their massage area should be no less impressive.
They originally thought they were going to someplace else, but they didn't expect the
massage area was on the same floor.
After the massage, several people felt refreshed, and all the fatigue from the journey
was swept away.
Even Xiao Huanhuan seemed to be in better spirits, but at this moment the masseur stepped
out and kept Xiao Zhantian.
"Sir, has your daughter been poisoned?"
Xiao Zhantian frowned, his eyes showing a hint of surprise. He didn't expect that he, a
masseur, actually knew all this.
"what do you mean?"
Of course, he did not admit it directly, in order to prevent someone with ulterior
motives from taking advantage of this incident to do something.
Although he has absolute power in the North, people from several nearby countries are not
on good terms with him.
At the public gambling stone auction in the North, it is not only people from their
Tianlong Country who come here, people from other countries also come here to join in the
If this news leaks out, Xiao Zhantian cannot afford the consequences.
The masseur looked around and said, "Don't worry, God of War. I know who you are. There
is no one else around here except the two of us."
"Lord Canglang saved my life. I learned the news after you arrived at this hotel."
"I just didn't expect that I would have the honor to take care of you personally. Just
now when I was massaging your daughter, I noticed that her internal energy was stagnant."
"This is clearly a symptom of poisoning, which is why her qi and blood are blocked, and
her blood vessels are blocked. There is also coldness in her body."

Chapter 81: Crazy Gift Giving

Xiao Zhantian didn't expect that he could actually say all of this, and it was almost the
"Do you know medicine?"
"My master knows. I once studied under him. Although I only learned a little bit, I can
still see it."
Xiao Zhantian asked: "Who is your master?"
"The descendant of the Fengmai family, An Yuandao."
Xiao Zhantian had heard of this person, but it was said that he had been living in
seclusion for many years.
"Can you find your master?"
The masseur shook his head. "I haven't seen him for a long time. It was just a
coincidence that I learned from him for a while."
"Although I have always regarded him as my master, he has never really accepted me as his
apprentice. He only taught me some medical skills."
"Although I have only learned the basics, I have made some progress. However, I can see
that your daughter's disease cannot be cured."
"But I can contact my master's daughter. If she is willing to come, she may be able to
help you treat your daughter."
Xiao Zhantian hurriedly asked: "Where is she now? Can you help me contact her?"
The other party nodded and said, "I can make the call for you, or give you her address."
Xiao Zhantian really didn't expect that by chance today, he would be able to know the
whereabouts of the An family.
He has always known An Yuandao, but he is extremely mysterious and has not shown up for
almost twenty years.
His story is a legend, but with so many talented people emerging in the world today, he
is gradually not mentioned by many people.
Lu Mingyou is called the ghost doctor because compared to medical skills, she is better
at using poison.
The An family can be called miraculous doctors. It is rumored that they can bring the
dead back to life and turn bones into flesh.
What they are best at is saving people who are dying or even dead.
The masseuse made a phone call for Xiao Zhantian, but the other party did not answer.
"Miss An is just like her father, her whereabouts are uncertain. I will continue to help
you fight."
"Give me her address and I'll try my luck. Maybe I can meet her in the North."
After getting the address, Xiao Zhantian was planning to let Canglang and the others
investigate, but then he changed his mind and was afraid that the other party would find
Although the An family members are only doctors, they must be cautious people and do not
want their whereabouts to be known by outsiders.
If they rashly go to investigate, it would be bad to disturb the other party. It would be
better for them to go there in person to show their sincerity.
He returned to the room, and Jiang Qingqing looked at him with a hint of curiosity.
"Why did you come back just now? I saw that the masseur kept you here just now and seemed
to have said something to you."
"She saw what was wrong with Huanhuan, and said she knew someone who could save her. She
gave me the address."
Jiang Qingqing stood up excitedly, "Are you telling the truth? Then what are we waiting
for? Let's go find her right away!"
"I think so, but her whereabouts are erratic. I may not be able to see her this time, and
it's too late today."
"This place is in two directions from where we are right now. Beijing covers a huge area.
If we want to go there from here, it will probably take two days."
"The whole process of going back and forth will definitely delay the public auction of
gambling stones. Of course, I also know that my daughter's illness is very urgent, and I
also want to cure her as soon as possible."
"However, why not let the masseuse contact them first? If they can get in touch with her,
it would be best to confirm the whereabouts of Miss An."
"After the gambling stone auction is over, I can call for a plane and we can fly directly
there. It will only take about two hours."
Although Xiao Zhantian was eager to find An Jinxiu, he knew that he might not be able to
see her this time.
Besides, if you see it, it will definitely take time to treat the disease.
At this time, the matter of the gambling stone public auction has not been settled yet,
so it would be better for them to wait until it is over before going. This way they don't
have to worry about other things and can feel more at ease.
Jiang Qingqing sighed and didn't say much. She knew that what Xiao Zhantian said made
sense, and he hoped more than anyone else that Xiao Huanhuan's illness could be cured.
Although they couldn't go find Miss An at this time, at least they had one more hope.
Overall, Jiang Qingqing was still happy.
Before nightfall, the brothers from the barracks arrived.
Canglang and Xuesha contacted each other and directly booked the largest banquet hall
When Xiao Zhantian and his group went there, the place was already crowded with people,
and of course there were also gifts piled up so high that they were almost reaching the
Seeing them coming, everyone stood up and saluted towards Xiao Zhantian.
"Lord God of War!"
This scene and the situation stunned everyone else.
Even Jiang Qingqing did not expect that Xiao Zhantian would be so powerful in the
Northern Territory.
"Sir, this is our gift to the lady and young lady."
Kuang Dao stood up and pointed at a pile of things behind him.
"When did you start doing these formalities?"
Xiao Zhantian looked at the pile of things and didn't know what to do for a moment.
Regardless of whether these things are to be worn, used, or have other purposes, there
are so many of them that I'm afraid it will take more than ten years to use them all up.
Kuang Dao scratched his head and smiled, "This is all our intention. This is the first
time we meet the Madam and the Young Lady. It is our honor."
Xiao Huanhuan stood behind, blinking her big eyes at the uncles.
Xiao Zhantian held her over and said, "This is a gift from your uncles. Go and see if you
like it."
After saying this, without waiting for Xiao Huanhuan to go over in person, those people
surrounded her as if they were presenting a treasure.
"Look, young lady. I found a piece of black fox skin by chance a while ago and made a
small scarf for you."
"Your prize is nothing. Take a look at mine! This is the best prize of Fu Lu Shou in the
public auction in the past ten years."
"Then this is nothing, it's just a bracelet made of Axash diamonds."
The group of big men were unusually gentle. Although they all had smiles on their faces,
they looked even more terrifying.
Xiao Huanhuan was surrounded by them, and looking at their expressions, she couldn't help
but laugh.
"Uncle, thank you for the gifts you gave Huanhuan, but I can't use up all of these
She tapped her chin cutely, "Why don't you just pick a few, and you guys take the rest
As soon as these words were spoken, the big men immediately became anxious, fearing that
their things would be returned to them in the same state.
"Miss, please keep this thing of mine! It is a treasure. If you sleep with it as a pillow
all year round, it can prolong your life and is good for your health."
"I can't return this either. It took me three months to find it."
Xiao Zhantian coughed lightly, and they immediately quieted down.
Chapter 82: The Northern God of War
"Okay, take back what you should take back. Otherwise, there is really no point in
keeping so many of these."
Once Xiao Zhantian gave an order, these people naturally dared not disobey, but their
expressions showed a hint of regret.
Finally, he let Xiao Huanhuan pick a few items by herself. Those who were chosen looked
extremely excited, as if they had won the jackpot, while the rest were dejected.
They were chatting and laughing in the hall when the door was suddenly pushed open.
"Who allowed you to stay in this banquet hall? Get out now!"
A man strode in, looking extremely arrogant.
After he finished speaking, Kuang Dao smiled coldly, went over to grab the man, raised
his foot and kicked towards the door.
"Who the hell are you? How dare you act so rudely here?"
The crowd was not bothered by this episode and threw the man out of the hall.
After the man went out, he stood up, took out his cell phone and made a call.
"Brother, this hall has been occupied by someone. I just came in and asked them to leave,
but they beat me up."
The person on the other end of the phone was also furious. "Who is so bold? Don't you
know that I have already booked this room in advance?"
"I'll get someone over there right now. You keep a close eye on them and don't let those
guys in here get out. Since they don't want to leave, I'll let them stay in there!"
After hanging up the phone, the man limped to the corner and stared at the door of the
Xiao Zhantian naturally noticed the farce just now, and he called Kuang Dao over to ask
about it.
"Don't worry, sir! We have already arranged everything here. I have already told the
owner of the hotel here that we will reserve this hall for today."
Xiao Zhantian frowned and said, "You should know that I don't like to use my power to do
anything. You must have booked this hall through legitimate means, right?"
"Of course. Long before I knew you guys were coming, I had already informed the hotel
owner several days in advance and asked him to reserve this place for me."
"And I also gave him a certain amount of money. If we don't come at that time, the money
will be given to him."
Xiao Zhantian had some understanding of his subordinates and knew that they would not be
the kind of people who would rely on their own reputation to do anything behind the
Before their party was over, the door of the hall was kicked open again and a man walked
in aggressively.
Seeing so many people in the room and all of them were strong men, the man in the lead
swallowed and a little hesitation flashed through his mind.
This time, Canglang, Xuesha and others all stood up.
"Who are you? Why do you keep disturbing us?"
They looked a little annoyed. It would have been fine if it happened once, but these
people actually ran in again and again.
The leading man licked his lips and said with all his strength: "That's because this
place doesn't belong to you in the first place."
"I'll give you two minutes to get out of here quickly, or else you'll be in big trouble
if you delay my plan!"
As soon as he said this, Kuang Dao and the others found it a little funny.
"You are quite arrogant. Do you think you are that capable?"
Canglang and the others walked towards the man, "If you have anything to say, go outside
and don't bother our boss here. We want to see what good fruit will come out of this."
In the northern border, they have never been threatened by anyone, so naturally they want
to see what these guys rely on to dare to be so arrogant here.
The man snorted coldly, "If you tell me to leave, I will leave. Wouldn't that make me
lose face? If I tell you my origins, I'm afraid you will be scared to death."
He forced himself to remain calm, then raised his eyebrows and said, "My boss is the God
of War in the North!"
As soon as he said this, everyone turned their eyes to Xiao Zhantian, as if wondering why
they didn't know when Xiao Zhantian had accepted such a little brother?
"You said you were from the Northern God of War?"
Xiao Zhantian himself couldn't help but wonder, so he opened his mouth to ask, only to
see the other party nodded with a very confident expression.
The younger brother following behind the man snorted coldly, "If you are scared, get out
quickly. This place of ours was reserved for the God of War in the North."
"If you don't know what's best for you, be careful or the God of War will knock you all
"I'm giving you a chance to get out of here right now. I won't bother with you for
offending my eldest brother just now."
Those people were talking to each other in a very serious manner, as if the matter was
Xiao Zhantian asked again: "What is the name of this Northern War God you are talking
The leading man's eyes widened with anger. "I can tell from the looks of it that you're
from outside. Who in Beijing doesn't know Xiao Zhantian, the God of War?"
Unexpectedly, it was really him. Xiao Zhantian was puzzled. When did he accept this
younger brother?
"You said your boss is the God of War Xiao Zhantian, so what did he send people here
The man frowned. "Do you think you are qualified to ask these questions?"
He waved his hand and said, "Alright, it's almost time. I advise you to leave quickly,
otherwise when the God of War comes, you will be in trouble."
Xiao Zhantian pursed his lips and said, "I really want to meet this God of War you
mentioned and see what kind of person he is."
The man was a little surprised. "Boy, are you looking for death? If the God of War comes
and finds out that you are occupying his place and refuse to leave, he will definitely
not let you go!"
Seeing that Xiao Zhantian and the others had no reaction, the man got angry.
"Since you are eager to die, don't blame me for not advising you. I have already called
and the God of War will be here soon!"
Now everyone looked towards the door with anticipation.
When those people saw them like this, they couldn't help but be surprised.
I didn't expect these guys to be so brave. Shouldn't normal people run away when they
hear Xiao Zhantian's name?
"Well, well, you have guts. Since you have made up your mind to make things difficult for
Lord God of War, then don't regret it!"
After saying this, the man walked to the side and dialed the phone again.
"Lord God of War, I have already told them your name, but they didn't believe it and even
mocked me!"
"Okay, I'll wait for you here. I won't let them leave, don't worry!"
He said a few words in a serious manner, hung up the phone, and looked at Xiao Zhantian
and the others fiercely.
A younger brother stepped forward cautiously and said, "Brother, don't you think they are
important people? Besides, I think they have quite a few people. If we really fight, can
we defeat them?"

Chapter 83 True and False God of War

As soon as he finished speaking, the man slapped him on the head.
"How can you boost others' morale and destroy your own prestige? Just stand here and show
your might. Don't be weaker than them."
Following his order, his younger brothers quickly straightened their backs, crossed their
arms over their chests, and angrily scolded Xiao Zhantian and the others.
Unexpectedly, they ignored them and started a party soon.
Just then the door was kicked open and a man wearing sunglasses walked in, followed by
several people.
Seeing him coming, the servile man hurried over.
"Sir, you are finally here! Just now, these guys were so arrogant and didn't take you,
the God of War of the North, seriously at all."
Hearing what he said, Xiao Zhantian and the others put down the cups in their hands and
turned to look over.
The man was about 1.9 meters tall, and his figure looked quite similar to Xiao Zhantian.
Judging from his appearance, he really doesn't look like an ordinary person, and he has
this kind of aura all over him.
However, when comparing him with Xiao Zhantian, the man immediately fell behind.
The aura of Xiao Zhantian was honed on the battlefield over so many years. How could
those random people imitate him?
When the two looked at each other, the man's heart was shocked and he felt that Xiao
Zhantian was not an ordinary person.
"Sir, these guys are from other places. They don't know your reputation in the North, so
they are so arrogant."
The man felt slightly relieved when he heard his younger brother's words.
"My little brother told you that I have booked this place, but you didn't listen?"
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "That's true, but who said this place is reserved by you?"
The fake god of war sneered, "Don't be so stubborn. I can be merciful and give you one
more chance. Get out now."
"If you are willing to leave this time, I will forgive you for what happened just now.
Otherwise, don't blame me, Xiao Zhantian, for turning my back on you!"
He simply took off his sunglasses and threw them aside. There was a gleam of brilliance
in his eyes, and it seemed that it was the truth.
However, none of the people present were afraid of him, and no one moved because of his
words. The man suddenly felt even more embarrassed.
At this moment, the door opened again.
A man in a suit walked in and said, "Everyone, we are all one family. How come the flood
washed away the Dragon King Temple?"
The manager just heard someone say there was a commotion here, so he came here in a
hurry, but he didn't expect it was them.
What no one expected was that he actually walked towards the fake god of war.
"Master Xiao! Why did you come to our hotel today without informing me in advance so that
I could arrange a seat for you?"
After saying this, he looked at Cang Lang standing beside him, "Master Cang! What a
coincidence! Since you all know each other, why don't you squeeze in?"
"What are you talking about? Who knows them?"
Canglang frowned and started scolding.
The manager was dumbfounded, "Master Cang, aren't you a subordinate of Master God of
"Yes, it's genuine. This is my War King Order."
Canglang directly took out his own token, and now the fake god of war and his group
looked a little strange.
The manager didn't notice anything unusual yet, he clapped his hands and said, "That's
right, isn't this the younger brother of your Xiao Zhanshen?"
Canglang and the others looked at Xiao Zhantian, "Sir, how do we deal with this man?"
"How dare you pretend to be the brother of the God of War? I think you are really tired
of living!"
Kuang Dao also clenched his fist, making a crackling sound.
The manager took a look and found that something seemed to be wrong.
"You go out first! We can handle the things here by ourselves."
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand with just a look, but the aura he exuded made the manager
subconsciously obey him.
Not only did he go out obediently, he also closed the door.
In such a confined space, the impostor felt that it was difficult to breathe and beads of
sweat fell from his body.
He swallowed, "Who...who are you?"
Kuang Dao snorted coldly, "You pretended to be the God of War, and then you pretended to
be the God of War's brother. You really have so many identities."
He strode towards the man, grabbed him by the collar, and kicked him in front of Xiao
"Now that the Lord God of War is in front of you, you should tell me where you came from
and what kind of relative are you?"
They looked so aggressive and it didn't seem like they were faking it. In addition, the
names of Canglang Kuangdao and others were well-known in the North.
The man stood up and kowtowed to Xiao Zhantian.
"Lord God of War, please spare my life! I have never done anything bad to you. I just
took advantage of your name to enjoy some convenience."
Xiao Zhantian looked at him coldly, "Who gave you the courage to pretend to be me here?"
He swallowed and said, "I forgot too. Anyway, one day I heard someone say that no one in
the Northern Territory had ever seen Xiao Zhantian's true appearance."
"But every time people mention this War God Xiao, they are very respectful. So why not
use his name to travel in the North?"
"At the beginning, we were just experimenting, but we didn't expect it to work. We
usually pretend to be Xiao Zhanshen, and if we are discovered, we pretend to be his
relatives or his subordinates."
Their plan is quite comprehensive, but it is too bold. Aren’t they afraid of being
Hearing Xuesha's questions, they quickly took out some documents.
"If anyone questions it, we show them this, and usually no one questions it."
Looking at the War King Orders they took out, Xiao Zhantian and others fell into deep
They are so bold that they dare to pretend to be themselves here. They are already very
brave, but there are still people who dare to give them false certificates.
"Where did you make this stuff from?"
The man shook his head. "We didn't do it ourselves. The person who gave us the idea
before gave it to us."
Xiao Zhantian immediately sensed a hint of conspiracy, it seemed that there was something
fishy behind this matter.
"Let's take these people back and investigate them carefully. I think the people behind
them have other purposes."
When they heard that Xiao Zhantian was going to take them back, they were almost scared
to tears.
"Lord God of War, please let us go. We are first-time offenders and have never done
anything to harm you!"
"I have parents and children to take care of. I was just bewildered by evil this time.
Please don't kill me!"
Those people knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, as if Xiao Zhantian was some
murderous demon who wanted to take them back and tear them into pieces.
"You seem to be afraid of me? If so, why are you pretending to be me?"
Chapter 84 The Man Behind
The expressions of those people showed that they wanted to cry but had no tears.
"We were just obsessed for a moment, so we did such a thing, but...but it was all because
of you!"
It seemed that he thought that they would surely die after leaving with Xiao Zhantian's
men this time, so the man became a little desperate.
"You, Xiao Zhantian, are not a good person. You relied on your status to do evil in the
North Territory. If that's the case, why can't we learn from you?"
"At least what we did was much better than what you did. We didn't rape women, nor did we
force them into prostitution, nor did we accept bribes!"
"Everyone knows that you, Xiao Zhantian, are a powerful local tyrant in the Northern
Territory. You are also a murderous demon. You secretly built a private prison and
tortured countless people who didn't get along with you!"
He looked extremely excited, and the people behind him seemed to agree with what he said.
Their expressions all showed the same deep disgust, which could not be faked. It seemed
that the people who did something wrong at this moment were not them, but Xiao Zhantian.
"Sir, don't listen to their nagging. I will take them back to investigate. The truth will
soon come to light."
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand and asked Canglang to take these people back first.
Just as they were about to go out, these people suddenly struggled and ran, shouting
"murder" as they ran.
Many people outside were attracted by this and turned to look over. Xiao Zhantian and the
others did not expect that these people would have the courage to run.
"Help! The North God of War is killing people! Xiao Zhantian is relying on his title as
the God of War to kill people here!"
After he mentioned Xiao Zhantian's name, more people came looking over here with
Seeing that more and more people were gathering here, Canglang and the others couldn't
take action directly, for fear of bringing any bad influence to Xiao Zhantian.
The hotel manager came back and hurried forward to mediate.
"Hey guys, why are you guys making a scene here? Aren't we all family?"
Canglang looked at him coldly, "Not only are these guys pretending to be from our
Northern Border Army Camp, they are also slandering the reputation of our God of War!"
"We wanted to take them back to receive the punishment they deserved, but we didn't
expect these guys to be so ignorant."
There was a burst of discussion among the crowd.
The manager's forehead was covered with cold sweat. "This shouldn't be the case! We have
checked the documents they produced, and it is indeed the War King's Order."
Canglang didn't bother to talk to them and directly took out the real War King Order.
"You can tell which is real and which is fake just by comparing them. Although their
certificates are extremely realistic, the numbers are wrong."
Even if we want to take these people back, we have to convince the public first.
At this moment, Xiao Zhantian also heard a few people talking in his ears.
It seemed that he was saying that he was just as the rumors said, and that he was indeed
a tyrannical person.
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand, and Xue Sha beside him immediately understood and brought
those people over.
"Where did you hear the things you just said?"
Those people looked a little panicked, and their eyes were full of fear when they looked
at Xiao Zhantian.
Seeing that he was stuttering, Xiao Zhantian said, "Just say whatever you want to say. I
won't do anything to you."
"I, Xiao Zhantian, am here in the northern border to protect the safety of the people.
How could I rely on the power in my hands to bully others?"
"Besides, I usually only fight on the battlefield and have no time to come to these
places. Where do you get the news that I oppress the people?"
Xiao Zhantian never appears in any news. In fact, even if he is reported, his true
appearance will not be revealed.
This resulted in the fact that although these people in the North worshipped him as the
God of War, many of them had actually never seen him.
Seeing Xiao Zhantian at this time, he seemed indeed a little different from what was
rumored, so those people bravely told the truth.
All the information they learned came from a marketing account.
Xue Sha searched quickly and handed the phone to Xiao Zhantian.
As expected, all the reports here were about Xiao Zhantian, but most of them were
Xiao Zhantian's face darkened. It had only been a few months since he left Beijing, and
already someone was so anxious to ruin his reputation?
It seems that this matter really needs to be thoroughly investigated, otherwise he will
unknowingly become hated by these people in the North.
By that time, he himself didn't know what was going on. These people no longer regarded
him as a god of war, but instead thought he was a killing god who took advantage of his
power to bully others.
Xiao Zhantian solemnly stated that he would investigate the matter and find out the
truth, and then asked everyone to disperse.
Things had come to this, and they were no longer in the mood to continue the banquet.
After returning, Xiao Zhantian ordered Xuesha, Canglang and others to investigate what
was going on.
They split into several groups. Canglang went to interrogate the people who were caught
today and who pretended to be Xiao Zhantian, while Xuesha went to investigate the people
who spread the news behind the screen.
You wouldn't know if you didn't check, and once you checked, you found out a lot of
It turns out that there are more than just this group of people impersonating Xiao
Recently, there have been many incidents in the North Territory where people used Xiao
Zhantian's name and used their identities to oppress ordinary people. All of these people
were responsible.
"Sir, after preliminary investigation, they all came from a place called the Sunshine
After Canglang finished speaking, Xuesha also nodded.
"I also found out that the people behind the screen spreading the news are also from the
Rizhao Society."
Xiao Zhantian frowned, "What kind of organization is this? How come I have never heard of
it before?"
Such a thing had never happened in the few years he had been in charge of the North.
Xuesha said: "It has not been clearly investigated yet, but they should be from an
underground organization."
Xiao Zhantian frowned, "Hurry up and check it out. Before I leave, I must find out the
truth about this matter."
If his guess was correct, it must be the person behind the scenes who did it.
Now that I have left the North, I am trying to discredit his reputation here.
If Xiao Zhantian had not come back by chance this time because of the gambling stone
public auction, he probably would not have known that someone was doing such a thing in
his name.
At night, he also checked on the Internet and found that his reputation in the North was
indeed very bad in recent times.
Most of the news that was unfavorable to Xiao Zhantian came from the place called
These people not only fabricate news, but also have videos and photos that look very
People who have never seen Xiao Zhantian naturally would not doubt these things.
Moreover, they also choose people with a purpose, and those who pay attention to them are
all dissatisfied with Xiao Zhantian.

Chapter 85: Grabbing Waste Stone

I don’t know who has the guts to do something that would defame his reputation.
He may not have a very high status in the North, but at least he has protected the safety
of the people there.
Even if these people do not all respect him from the bottom of their hearts, at the very
least they should not do such a thing as slandering him behind his back.
What's more, if Xiao Zhantian hadn't been fighting outside, the Northern Territory would
not be so peaceful and tranquil now.
Early the next morning, Canglang and his men arrived early.
"Sir, after yesterday's investigation, we have almost found out where the Rizhaohui came
"It's just that they are not from Tianlong Country. Some of the masterminds are from
When he said this, Xiao Zhantian understood.
"I know that the people of Tianlong Country cannot, or at least should not, do such a
Xiao Zhantian's expression became more serious. "Where did this person come from? Have
you investigated clearly?"
"Wolf Country, but we haven't figured out who is behind this yet. It will probably take
some time to figure it out."
Canglang quickly took out some information, and after seeing the content displayed on it,
Xiao Zhantian had a better idea of what was going on.
But he didn't expect that the people of Wolf Country would be so bold.
We couldn’t defeat them in a face-to-face battle before, so now we’re playing dirty
tricks behind their backs.
In the past few years, he has fought against people from the Wolf Country many times.
Xiao Zhantian has killed many of their people openly or secretly. It is normal for them
to hate Xiao Zhantian.
"I will be here during the few days of the gambling stone auction. You should investigate
this matter carefully and make sure it is thoroughly investigated."
When the time comes, Xiao Zhantian will return to the imperial capital. The mountains are
high and the waters are far away, so it is impossible for him to keep an eye on what
happens in the northern border all the time.
After receiving the order, Canglang and his men did not stay here for long and left
Today is the first day of the public auction of gambling stones, which can also be
regarded as an opening ceremony, so not many people come.
This gambling stone auction will be held here for a total of five days, and the third and
fourth days will be the busiest time for people.
Xiao Zhantian was quite familiar with this place. Although he had never participated in a
public auction before, he had more or less seen the news.
Soon, he brought Xiao Chengtian and others to the place.
"Let's go shopping outside first. These are all scattered properties. I heard there are
great chances of finding bargains in these places."
Of course, this is just what I said. The chance of finding a bargain may be great, but
the probability is not high.
Otherwise, if anyone can just spend a little money to dig out jade worth hundreds of
millions, then this public auction would be a huge loss.
All the jade in this place was dug out from a mine in their northern border. This thing
should also be limited, so I don't know how many years this public auction can last.
The prices at this public auction are still very fair, and there are no dark secrets like
in other places.
In some places, some outsiders come here and dig up stones whose value has increased
dozens of times, but it is not so easy to take them away.
Xiao Zhantian knew that the Northern Territory was already poor, and it was a rare
opportunity to have such a method to make money.
He issued a clear ban, requiring all transactions in this place to be open, fair and
just, and not to allow any violation of the rules for personal gain.
Although they are just scattered plates, they are arranged very neatly and the stones on
them look quite beautiful.
"Brother, it's still early, why don't we go shopping first, and if there's anything
suitable outside, we can pick it up."
"By the way, let sister-in-law and Xueqing pick a piece too. Who knows what good things
might come out of it. Just think of it as a lucky draw and a win."
The stones sold in scattered trays outside are not very expensive, and the highest price
does not exceed one million.
Most of them are around 100 or 200 thousand, and there are some things that clearly tell
you that the chance of winning is very small.
The price of these stones is even lower, only tens of thousands of yuan, but of course
there are people buying them.
Since this thing has something to do with gambling, it all depends on luck. There are
always people who think they are lucky.
Xiao Huanhuan looked at it privately. She didn't understand any of this and treated it as
a treasure hunt mission.
"Dad, don't you think that stone is beautiful? Why don't we buy it?"
Xiao Huanhuan tugged at Xiao Zhantian's sleeve and pointed at a stone in the distance.
Seeing this situation, Nian Zhengsong frowned slightly.
"That rock is a big white rock, clearly waste rock! I'm afraid nothing can be mined out
of it."
He looked at Xiao Zhantian and Xiao Chengtian and spoke in a low voice.
Although he is now a member of Tiancheng Company, he must of course consider the
interests of the company.
It’s still worth a reminder, but whether they want to buy it or not is their business.
After all, Xiao Huanhuan is just a child. For Xiao Zhantian, spending tens of thousands
of dollars to please a child is not something worth minding, and Nian Zhengsong can't say
"It's okay, Uncle Nian. An expert knows the ins and outs of this, but it's not guaranteed
that they'll get good stuff."
"For an outsider, it's purely a matter of luck. I think Huanhuan is pretty lucky, and she
likes it, so let her give it a try."
He looked generous and went straight over to pay.
At this moment, he was stopped by someone, who said, "I'm sorry, we also like this
The man took out a card and handed it to the boss, "I'm willing to pay twice the price."
Xiao Chengtian frowned. He didn't expect that there were other people like them who had
to pick things out of the rubble pile.
"Sir, I don't think you are an amateur. You should know something about gambling on
stones. To put it bluntly, this pile is just waste stones."
"We just bought them for children to play with. We hope you can part with them and stop
fighting with children for them, right?"
Xiao Chengtian thought that his tone was already very polite and that he had made his
words very clear.
The young man snorted, "Everyone knows that this is waste stone. Besides, you are allowed
to buy it, but why can't I be allowed to buy it?"
"Anyway, the highest bidder wins. If you don't like it, you can double the price. I have
no objection."
Xiao Chengtian couldn't help but frown. He didn't expect this person to be so determined.
Jiang Qingqing whispered to Xiao Zhantian, "Could this be a hired helper from their
stall, deliberately raising the price?"
"No, this is obviously just a pile of waste rock. There is no need for the boss to do
this and even spend money to hire someone like him."

Chapter 86 Snow Country People

These things are just placed here. It would be best if they can be sold, but it doesn’t
matter if they can’t.
What's more, there are no complete novices who come to such places, and basically no one
will buy these waste stones.
Not to mention them, even the boss was confused at this moment and couldn't understand
what was going on.
Normally, people would pass by this pile of rubble and not even look at it, but today,
some people were fighting over it.
Seeing that neither side seemed to be easy to mess with, the boss smiled and quickly
said, "Gentlemen, please stop arguing. Don't you see that there are a lot of stones
"You don't need to raise the price, just keep the original price, and I can even give you
one piece for buy one get one free!"
Xiao Chengtian turned to look at Xiao Huanhuan, "Huanhuan, how about we go somewhere else
to choose?"
"Well, then! Anyway, I see there are so many rocks here, there must be more beautiful
ones than this one."
Xiao Huanhuan was also very obedient and didn't make any noise. Although she didn't buy
what she wanted, she still had a smile on her face.
Just as they turned to leave, the man caught up with them again.
"Wait a minute, where are you going to buy it?"
Now Xiao Zhantian also had a hint of impatience on his face, and he looked at him with a
slightly frown.
"Why are you acting like a dog-skin plaster? Can't we just not buy it?"
The man looked at him and said, "I don't care. I'll buy whatever you buy today. I'll buy
whatever you buy!"
This guy is really sick, but looking at the way he is dressed, he doesn't seem like an
ordinary person.
As he spoke, a pendant around his neck became faintly visible.
"Are you from the Snow Country?"
Hearing what he said, the young man looked down and quickly covered his necklace.
"So what? I came to your northern border through legal means, and you open the door to
welcome guests. Can't I participate in your gambling stone auction?"
Xiao Zhantian shook his head, "Of course not, but I advise you not to follow us. My
patience is limited."
He ignored the man and walked towards another stall with Xiao Chengtian and the others.
Jiang Qingqing asked with a puzzled look on her face: "What's going on? How do you know
that man is not from Tianlong Country?"
Xiao Zhantian pointed to his chest and said, "The pendant he wears is the symbol of the
Snow Country. Judging from the color and material of his pendant, his identity is not
"They have a tradition in the Snow Country that the first child they see after going out
may be their lucky star."
"So just now when Huanhuan wanted to buy the stone, he took the initiative to compete
with Huanhuan for it. He must have thought that the stone could yield something."
Jiang Qingqing looked puzzled and shook her head slightly. "It's really strange that
there is such a tradition. Is this tradition effective?"
"I don't know. Everything that exists must have its meaning. Maybe for the Snow Country
people, this is effective."
After they walked to the stall, they turned around and saw that the man was still
secretly staring at them not far away.
Seeing this situation, several people were a little amused and helpless, but it was
someone else's business, they couldn't just catch him and beat him up, right?
At this moment, Xiao Huanhuan suddenly walked towards the young man.
"Brother, if you really want to buy a stone, then buy that one! I think it's very
beautiful and it matches your temperament very well."
Hearing Xiao Huanhuan's words, the man's brows suddenly lit up with joy, as if he had won
some big prize.
"Hurry, hurry, hurry, didn't you hear what the little girl said? Buy that stone for me!"
He looked excited and asked his men to pay the boss. Seeing them coming so aggressively,
the boss thought they were going to rob him!
After the young man successfully got the stone, Xiao Zhantian and the others were gone
when he turned around.
At this time, Xiao Zhantian and the others had already entered the inner field.
I was just killing time outside and taking a casual walk, but I didn't expect to run into
a paranoid person from the Snow Country.
They didn't dare to stay any longer. After picking up a stone for Xiao Huanhuan, they
quickly came to the inner field.
At least the order here is stricter than outside, and the situation like just now won't
happen again.
Compared with the outer field, the inner field appears to be much more upscale, and the
stones here are more regular than those outside.
And there are several layers here, each layer is different. Of course, the higher the
layer, the better the quality of the stone will be.
Xiao Chengtian has done some research on these things, after all, he is in the jewelry
"Brother, Uncle Nian and I will go shopping first to see if there is anything we like."
After all, they came here for business this time, and today is the first day of trading,
so maybe they can find a bargain.
Of course, the price of any stone that can enter the inner field will not be low in the
end, but if there are few people buying it today, the price will not be raised too high.
After they left, Xiao Zhantian simply became a follower.
Jiang Qingqing and Nian Xueqing walked in front, while Xiao Zhantian followed behind
holding Xiao Huanhuan.
This strange combination attracted a lot of people's attention. After all, whether it was
Jiang Qingqing or Nian Xueqing, both of them were beauties.
Nian Xueqing seemed more innocent, while Jiang Qingqing was a little gentle, but there
was some determination between her eyebrows.
Especially recently, after she started working in the company, Jiang Qingqing has become
more decisive and efficient in her work, with a touch of boldness.
There were two women and one man, and Xiao Zhantian was holding a baby in his arms. Many
people looked over here frequently, and it was unclear whether the look in their eyes
towards Xiao Zhantian was envy or jealousy.
After a while, Nian Xueqing also took a fancy to a piece of raw stone. She thought the
stone was very beautiful and wanted to buy it.
I didn't expect that when I asked the price, I found out that this small piece of stone
cost more than 200,000 yuan.
"Forget it. Although I think it looks pretty, I don't know if there are any valuable
jades inside."
Nian Xueqing has been speaking more clearly and normally recently.
Unexpectedly, just as she finished speaking, a man suddenly came over.
"Beauty, if you like this stone, I'll buy it for you! It's just 200,000 yuan, it's
As he said this, he actually wanted to reach out and hug Nian Xueqing, but he didn't
expect Nian Xueqing to directly avoid him.
Jiang Qingqing frowned and glared at him.
"What are you doing? If we really wanted it, we would buy it ourselves. We wouldn't need
you to do us any favors."
After she said this, the man smiled and said, "Don't be jealous! Beauty, if you want,
I'll buy you one too. I have plenty of money!"
He raised his hand and touched Jiang Qingqing's face.

Chapter 87 What
The man only felt a burning pain on his face, which seemed to be swelling up quickly.
He turned his head and looked over. Xiao Zhantian was looking at him indifferently, one
of his hands holding the child and the other waving at him.
If it weren't for Xiao Zhantian's special identity here that shouldn't be exposed, he
would have beaten this guy up long ago.
That incident just happened yesterday. If he beat this guy up now and someone else found
evidence against him, it would be a foregone conclusion and not a rumor.
"You dare to hit me? Do you know who I am? My father is Liu Tiangang!"
Xiao Zhantian snorted coldly, "Even if your father is Liu Digang, you will be beaten
today for daring to tease my wife in public."
After he said this, a hint of jealousy suddenly appeared in the man's eyes.
"Why, you are the only one allowed to have two wives, but I am not allowed to flirt with
them? Besides, you are so poor that you can't even afford to spend 200,000 yuan."
"Since you have two, give me one! I will definitely not treat them unfairly. I have
plenty of money, so I won't let them just look at it and not be able to buy it."
After hearing what he said, Xiao Zhantian didn't know whether to be angry or what to do.
He just thought that the guy in front of him was really stupid.
I don’t know whose family this stupid son came from, but he is so rich.
"Who told you that these two are my wives? I abide by the law and I'm monogamous, but
these two are not the ones you should be thinking about."
The man covered his face, still somewhat unwilling to admit defeat.
"Why? I'm richer than you. I think these two women should follow me. They will suffer if
they follow you."
Xiao Huanhuan said: "But uncle, you are so ugly! And you have no manners. No one will
like you like this."
She hugged Xiao Zhantian's neck and said, "My father is much more handsome than you, and
my uncle is also very rich. The two of them together are much stronger than you."
The innocent words of children are naturally the most truthful and the most hurtful.
The man looked a little surprised, as if he had not expected Xiao Huanhuan to say that to
The most important thing was that when he turned around and looked around, the eyes of
the people around him actually showed a sense of recognition.
The man felt his heart was hurt. He took a deep breath and pointed at Xiao Huanhuan.
"You have guts! No one has ever dared to talk to me like this. I, Liu Tianbao, will never
let you go!"
He snorted coldly and left angrily.
Seeing him leave, Xiao Huanhuan started to smile.
Jiang Qingqing looked somewhat helpless and raised her hand to tap her forehead.
"You are such a little girl, you dare to say anything. Aren't you afraid that the uncle
just now will be angry and rude to you?"
Xiao Huanhuan shook her head, "I'm not afraid, my father will definitely protect me, and
that uncle is indeed ugly and rude!"
"Although my uncle is ugly, if you say that in front of so many people, it will hurt his
self-esteem. It is also not something a polite child should say."
Jiang Qingqing doesn't want her daughter to become a lawless person by relying on Xiao
Zhantian's relationship.
Although Xiao Huanhuan is not very old this year, children are actually the smartest.
She could see that after coming to the Northern Territory, many people were very
respectful to Xiao Zhantian.
Naturally, she felt more confident.
After a while, Xiao Chengtian and the others came over. After learning what had happened,
he waved his hand and directly bought the raw stone for Nian Xueqing.
"Isn't this a bit too much of a loss? If the things that come out are not worth more than
200,000 yuan, then the money will be wasted."
Nian Xueqing was a little hesitant, but Xiao Chengtian was smiling.
"It's worth it for me to spend two hundred thousand to make you happy. What's more, what
if the things in here are worth more than two hundred thousand?"
He stroked Nian Xueqing's hair and said, "When gambling on stones, there are naturally
winners and losers. Who says I won't win this time?"
Looking at the two of them, Xiao Zhantian actually felt a little emotional.
Fortunately, I came back in time, at least I could see my brother happy.
Jiang Qingqing held his hand and said, "How about we go and open the stone that Huanhuan
just picked, and also the stone that Xueqing picked?"
She could see that Xiao Zhantian was in a bad mood at the moment and was trying to change
the subject.
Soon they arrived at the cutting machine, but before it was their turn to cut the stone,
someone in the distance called out to them.
They turned around and saw that it was the young man from the Snow Country who was
running towards them excitedly.
After standing in front of them, he looked at Xiao Huanhuan with an extremely serious
"Young lady, may I propose to you?"
As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Zhantian's expression changed immediately. He
raised his hand and punched him.
Seeing this situation, the two bodyguards following the young man hurried forward to stop
Xiao Zhantian.
Even with the combined efforts of both of them, they could only barely block Xiao
Zhantian's punch.
The two men could see that Xiao Zhantian's identity was not simple, so naturally they did
not dare to let their young master offend him.
"I'm sorry, sir. This is the first time our young master has left the Snow Country and
come to another country. He doesn't know much about the rules here."
"In our Snow Country, if you meet a true goddess of luck, you must marry her home. This
will bring glory to the family."
Hearing him say this, Xiao Zhantian raised his eyebrows and asked, "Did you find anything
from the waste rock you just picked up?"
The young man hid in the back and nodded, "I only spent less than 10,000 yuan, but I got
a Fu Lu Shou. Someone just offered a price of nearly 8 million yuan."
Although he was prepared to spend more money to buy it, since he had no shortage of money
anyway, this thing was only sold for this much price.
When the boss learned that the thing he opened was worth nearly eight million, he almost
went crazy. He took all his waste rocks home and refused to sell them at all.
Many people also chased after the boss, offering several times the price, wanting to buy
a stone from him to try their luck.
Jiang Qingqing and the others were a little surprised. They didn't expect that such a
thing would happen just because Xiao Huanhuan pointed unintentionally.
"This incident was just an accident. There's no need to thank you. As for what you just
said, I don't want to hear it again."
The young man looked a little regretful, and before he could say anything, a bodyguard
next to him grabbed him.
He shook his head slightly at the young man, and the young man then asked Xiao Zhantian,
"Can I treat you to a meal?"
"According to the etiquette of our Snow Country, we must not fail to thank those who have
helped you."

Chapter 88: Gift of Antiques

Originally there were only a few of them, but now the team has grown larger.
And because this young man from the Snow Country spent only ten thousand to get a raw
stone that was nearly several hundred times more valuable, they almost became the focus
of the entire gambling stone auction.
Wherever they went, people looked at them with unspeakable envy and jealousy in their
eyes, and some even wanted to come up to them and ask for advice.
Xiao Zhantian could tell that this young man from the Snow Country was not a simple
Even at this age, he was able to raise him to have such a pure mind.
How could this be possible if he wasn't an ordinary family and they didn't dote on him
extremely much?
Although the other party's behavior seemed a bit nonsensical, Xiao Zhantian never did
anything useless.
The Snow Country can be considered a relatively powerful country on the current
continent, but it has always been relatively Buddhist and does not have much interaction
with any country.
Xiao Zhantian has not forgotten that his real enemy may be in other countries.
Now, there are so many things happening in the Tianlong Country alone, and there are many
people watching him behind the scenes.
If Xiao Zhantian goes to other countries to seek revenge at that time, he will probably
encounter greater resistance.
He really wanted to make friends with this young man from the Snow Country. He couldn't
say whether he could help him in the future, but it would definitely do him some good.
Because of the disruption caused by these people from the Snow Country, Xiao Chengtian
and his team were unable to open the raw stones.
After all, there are too many people watching them now. It would be fine if they don’t
produce anything, but if they do, I’m afraid they will be even more sought after by
these people.
Throughout the day, Xiao Chengtian only took a fancy to one piece of raw stone, which was
selected by him and Nian Zhengsong together.
Apart from that, Xiao Huanhuan and Nian Xueqing each picked one piece.
"We only picked this much, isn't it enough?"
Nian Xueqing asked doubtfully.
"It doesn't matter. This is only the first day. There are still four days to come, and
the Stone King will appear on the last day."
After Xiao Chengtian said this, everyone else became a little curious.
"What is the Stone King?"
Jiang Qingqing asked.
"Generally speaking, the raw materials are either extremely heavy in weight or extremely
fine in color, and the prices of these raw materials are very high."
"This is the highlight. It will be put up on the last day and needs to be auctioned. I'm
quite interested in this."
Xiao Zhantian said: "If you want, we can take a picture of it then."
"Let's see what the price is. You can't predict this kind of thing. If it's not in great
condition but is auctioned for over a million, then it might not be worth it."
He was an expert in these matters, so Xiao Zhantian didn't say much.
Little did they know that their conversation at this moment was heard by the young man
from the Snow Country.
He thought that perhaps he should buy the Stone King to express his gratitude to them.
Percy, the young man from the Snow Country.
He took them to where he lived, a manor here.
Xiao Zhantian had heard of this manor before. It was said that it was not suitable for
people to live in, but was for sale. The auction price had reached tens of billions.
I don’t know whether the young man in front of me bought it or rented it, but no matter
which one it is, it is enough to show that he is extremely powerful.
Villas that are auctioned for tens of billions of dollars are basically the same as
antique properties.
Even if you want to rent it, you still have to pay a considerable amount of money.
But I have to say that this villa is indeed different from other places.
As soon as you step in, you can feel an ancient atmosphere.
This place gives people an aristocratic feeling from top to bottom and is full of ancient
Athens charm.
"Mr. Percy, this house must have cost a lot of money, right?"
Xiao Chengtian also asked with some curiosity.
The main reason was that he felt that based on this person's identity, he didn't seem
like someone who would come here to rent a house.
What's more, a rich man like him probably doesn't like to rent a house.
Although he is from the Snow Country, things like houses will not depreciate in value
after they are purchased.
Percy said, "I moved in directly. I didn't rent or buy the house."
His words made the others a little confused because he didn't understand what they meant.
"Don't you need to spend any money? Can you just move in directly?"
Percy nodded seriously, "Yes! All the furnishings in their house were bought from my
"We don't let other people move in because we're afraid they might break things. I don't
mind. If they break, I can just bring them over later."
Percy's tone was very relaxed, as if the value of these things was just that to him.
It can only be said that he is rich and powerful. Now Xiao Zhantian is also
I'm interested in his identity.
A family that can afford these things and not take them seriously must not be an ordinary
person. Could he be a member of the royal family of the Snow Country?
During the meal, Xiao Zhantian took the opportunity to inquire about it, and Percy said
directly: "I am not from the royal family, I am from the Browning family."
When he said this, everyone was shocked. The Browning family was far more powerful than
the royal family.
Even people like Xiao Chengtian, who didn't know much about the internal structure of the
Snow Country, had heard of the Browning family.
This family is the most mysterious and largest family in the Snow Country, and controls
the entire economic lifeline of the country.
Not only the Snow Country, but also one-tenth of the global economic lifeline is
controlled by them.
It is indeed somewhat surprising that such a large family could produce someone as simple
as Percy.
After dinner, seeing that they seemed very interested in the furnishings in the house,
Percy waved his hand and decided to give them a few items.
"You can take these things first! If you like other things, you can pick whatever you
Xiao Chengtian said awkwardly: "This seems a little inappropriate. I'm afraid these
things of yours are worth a lot of money."
Xiao Zhantian said: "The cup you are holding was sold for 60 million at an auction eight
years ago."
The things they were holding in their hands at this moment probably added up to more than
100 million.
All I can say is that Percy is a little too rich. He doesn't even care about the money
and gives it to others casually.
If he was doing it to repay a favor, the value of the things he gave to Xiao Zhantian and
the others far exceeded the value of the stone he had mined.
"Just accept it with confidence! For us Snow Country people, this is just basic
Although he said this, everyone felt that this was probably just the etiquette of their
Browning family.
The followers took the things and sent them out.
Percy then sent a car to take them all the way back to the hotel.

Chapter 89 Yuwen Zheng Comes to See You

"Sir, we have already investigated the man from the Snow Country today. He is indeed from
the Browning family."
"He is the holy son of this generation of the Browning family and the source of their
luck, so the people in this family treat him so well."
The people of the Snow Country are different from those of other countries. They are
somewhat feudal and superstitious, and have many rules and traditions.
According to their tradition, a holy son will be born in every generation, and this holy
son can make their family prosperous for a long time.
The reason why Percy has a simple character is because of his noble status. Everyone has
praised him since he was a child and he has never experienced any hardships.
Xiao Zhantian thought that this might be someone who could help him.
"Build a good relationship with him first, you will be able to use him in the future."
Xuesha nodded, "Will you personally handle the matter of the Sunshine Society when the
time comes?"
"Have you found out who did it?"
Xiao Zhantian was actually not planning to go there in person, after all, the Wolf
Kingdom was defeated by him.
How could it be worth his personal trip to see a failed country come up with such a trick
to retaliate against itself?
"We haven't found a suspect yet, but I just received a message from Yu Wenzheng that may
be related to this matter."
Xuesha handed him a letter with a red seal on it. This was their unique way of sending
messages in the North.
In addition to the Northern Border Military Camp, there is also the Wolf Kingdom, which
also breeds some falcons to help deliver messages.
He opened it and took a look. It seemed that the Wolf Country had not been having a good
time recently.
"Yuwen Zheng asked me to meet him. I think he will come to the northern border in the
next few days. Keep an eye on him and inform me as soon as you know his whereabouts."
Yuwen Zheng came very quickly and arrived in the afternoon of the next day.
When he saw Xiao Zhantian, his expression looked a bit like he was asking for help.
"Northern War God, I am willing to offer the treasures of my Wolf Country. I hope you can
help my Wolf Country."
It was rare to see him so serious, Xiao Zhantian felt a little confused.
"What do you need help with? Besides, I am from the Tianlong Country, and I have had
disputes with your Wolf Country before. It would not be a good idea for me to help you
like this!"
Yuwen Zheng frowned, looking worried, "You are not only helping us, but also yourself.
Recently, the Rizhao Society has been trying to smear your reputation, right?"
"They were founded privately by my second uncle. He also promised those who slandered you
that if there is any danger in the North, we can take them to the Wolf Country."
"Ever since I agreed to withdraw my troops and negotiate peace with you, my second uncle
has been dissatisfied with this matter and has been preparing for a rebellion in
Their Wolf Country only looks peaceful on the surface, but in fact, they hide a lot of
things behind the scenes.
Yuwen Zheng was not the most favored child of their royal family, and even the position
of heir might not necessarily be handed over to him.
But at least they are still in their branch. But now if his second uncle rebels, it is
hard to say whether he will keep them.
"But this is an internal dispute within your wolf country. It seems difficult for me to
Yuwen Zheng said: "Aren't you the God of War in the North? You can use your title as the
God of War in the North to start a war again."
"When the time comes, we will cooperate with you to make Wolf Country a vassal state of
the entire Tianlong Country. By that time, my second uncle will no longer be the most
powerful person in Wolf Country."
Xiao Zhantian was somewhat surprised, and could only say that he was quite bold in his
They actually joined forces with an outsider to attack their own country.
"Is this your idea alone, or is it the result of a discussion among the entire Yuwen
If this was his idea alone, how could he be sure that if the war broke out again, the
people of Wolf Country would not resist but cooperate with him?
What's more, the war has ended and both countries have signed a peace agreement. Wouldn't
it be against the rules if he rashly led the soldiers to fight?
Yuwen Zheng lowered his head and did not answer him for a while.
It can also be seen from his performance that at least his decision was not agreed upon
by all members of the Yuwen family.
"Your Second Uncle allowed you to come here, which shows that he has shown some kindness
to you. He will not kill you all."
Xiao Zhantian naturally knew what he was worried about, and spoke to comfort him.
Yuwen Zheng shook his head, "You don't know how terrifying he is. He has been secretly
gathering his own power all along."
"We were weakened by the war some time ago, and he immediately found an opportunity to
take advantage of us. He even took the opportunity to marry my sister as his concubine."
"I'm afraid that's why he thinks our luck has run out and no one can resist him."
Xiao Zhantian raised his eyebrows. It sounded like his second uncle did have some
"But the change of dynasties has been going on since ancient times. Naturally, the winner
becomes the king and the loser becomes the enemy. This is very normal."
"You come here to seek my help, but why should I help you? After all, we are two hostile
Yuwen Zheng said sincerely, "I know that except you, no one can help me now. I can be
your Wolf Country's insider and cooperate with you. Isn't that good?"
"I have returned to my family now and don't want to get too involved in the war."
Xiao Zhantian still shook his head and rejected him. Strictly speaking, this matter had
nothing to do with him.
The internal affairs of the Wolf Country have not been resolved yet. Why should I, an
outsider, rashly intervene?
Yuwen Zheng looked a little anxious. "My second uncle has always been against a truce. If
he really takes control of the Wolf Country, there will definitely be another war."
"At that time, the northern border that you have worked so hard to build for so many
years will be destroyed. Do you want to see such an outcome?"
Yuwen Zheng tried to persuade him earnestly, and Xiao Zhantian let out a long sigh.
"It's impossible for you to ask me to raise an army and go to war, but I can help you and
give you some support."
Yu Wenzheng's eyes then showed a glimmer of hope, and he raised his head to look at him.
Xiao Zhantian promised that he would give him some troops and let him secretly mediate
with his uncle.
As for whether they will eventually win, Xiao Zhantian cannot make the decision. It
depends on Yuwen Zheng's personal ability.
Yuwen Zheng hesitated for only a moment and then quickly agreed.
If he really has the ability to save his family from danger now, he will definitely get
their support in the future.
Since Yuwen Zheng was able to lead troops to fight against the Tianlong Kingdom, it shows
that he still had ambitions for power, otherwise he could just be an idle prince.
Xiao Zhantian also had his own purposes for being willing to arrange someone for him.

Chapter 90 Gathering at the Public Auction

Now, the entire Tianlong Kingdom is filled with people from their Zhuwang Palace.
As long as Xiao Zhantian wanted to find out some information, at least these people from
the Zhuwang Palace could help him find it out in a short period of time.
But this is not necessarily the case for other countries, especially the Wolf Country.
This is the country closest to their Tianlong Kingdom, but Tianlong Kingdom was not even
aware of what was happening within them.
After Xiao Zhantian discussed things with Yuwen Zheng, he asked Xuesha to send some
people to him.
"In addition to these people, send another group of people to secretly build a network of
relationships for me in Wolf Country. At the very least, Tianlong Country must also know
about some major events and every move of Wolf Country in the future."
Xue Sha nodded and said, "Sir, do you think the matter of Wolf Country needs to be
reported to the Dragon Lord?"
Xiao Zhantian frowned and thought for a while, "Just spread some rumors through other
people's mouths and let them reach his ears."
If this matter were to be passed on from his side, it would be difficult to explain where
I got the information from.
If the Dragon Lord knew that he had private contact with the prince of the Wolf Kingdom,
even if he did something beneficial to the Tianlong Kingdom, the Dragon Lord would
definitely question him, thinking that he might have some inappropriate thoughts.
However, what Xiao Zhantian didn't expect was that besides them, other people also knew
the news that Yuwen Zheng had arrived in Wolf Country.
In the military camp, Huo Longyi saw the news reported by his men, and felt a little
complicated for a moment.
Of course, he could use his own connections to pass the news to his father, but if he did
that, the Dragon Lord would naturally know about it.
If they all knew, Xiao Zhantian would be in a difficult situation.
Huo Longyi thought about it and felt that it was quite boring to stay in the military
camp. There was a public auction of gambling stones in the North recently. Why didn't he
join in the fun?
Early the next morning, there were indeed more people coming to today's gambling stone
auction than yesterday.
Percy came to find them early in the morning and arranged a special car for them, a
super-stretched version of Lincoln.
"I've already bought a road. We can go directly through that road without traffic jams or
many people on the road. We can go directly into the inner field."
Percy's tone was very natural, and the others seemed a little uncomfortable with his
Xiao Zhantian asked: "Percy, did you bring a lot of money with you this time?"
"No need to bring money! We own two of the world's eight largest banks. I have an
unlimited bank card there. I can just swipe that."
As he spoke, he looked at Xiao Huanhuan and said, "If you need it, I can give you an
additional card, which can be used as you wish without any limit."
Jiang Qingqing looked at Percy and suddenly felt that although her daughter was a little
young now, it would be a good thing if she really had such a son-in-law.
Of course, she was not coveting an unlimited bank card, but the other party had money and
was willing to spend it on others and was very good to them. This quality was rare.
As if he had noticed her gaze, Xiao Zhantian said, "That's not necessary. I still have
some savings, which is enough to support my children and my wife."
Seeing this, Percy didn't say anything more. He felt that Xiao Zhantian was very nervous
about his wife and daughter.
After entering the public gambling stone auction, Xue Sha soon came to Xiao Zhantian's
"Sir, I think I saw Huo Longyi here just now. He must be looking for someone."
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand, "Don't worry about it. Since he is now the commander-in-
chief of the Northern Border Army Camp, he has the freedom to move around freely."
But what Xiao Zhantian didn't expect was that Huo Longyi was looking for him, and stood
in front of him after a while.
"Xiao Zhanshen, can I talk to you alone for a few words?"
"Just call me Xiao Zhantian. Do you have something to tell me?"
Huo Longyi nodded, "I...found something I need to discuss with you, let's talk alone!"
Seeing his hesitant look, Xiao Zhantian didn't think much about it.
He brought Huo Longyi and, with the help of Percy, entered the lounge here.
I have to say, Percy is really useful.
"Just tell me what you want to say."
Seeing that Xiao Zhantian was very open and generous and had nothing to hide, Huo Longyi
spoke directly to him.
"My people discovered that the Wolf Country's prince Yuwen Zheng came to the Tianlong
Country and met with you. I wonder what you talked about during the meeting."
"Of course you don't have to tell me the content. I believe you won't do anything that is
detrimental to the Tianlong Nation."
"But now that I am a general in the North, and I know about this matter, I naturally have
reason to report it to the Dragon Lord."
Xiao Zhantian frowned slightly, "You are not telling me this to threaten me, right?"
Huo Longyi quickly shook his head: "Of course not, how could I threaten you? I'm just
asking you for help."
"I know I should report this matter to the Dragon Lord. This is within my scope of
responsibility, but if I do that, you will also be in danger."
"After all, you are my senior in the North. I am asking you how to solve this matter."
Xiao Zhantian said: "You don't need to worry about this matter. I have someone here who
can pass the message to the Dragon Lord and the others."
"Now that the Wolf Country has started a civil strife, the Tianlong Country also has the
right to know about it, but there is no need to take action, just knowing the news is
Huo Longyi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there would be civil strife in
the Wolf Country.
Xiao Zhantian told me so much without any hesitation, so he must believe in me, right?
However, he learned the news right after Yuwen Zheng arrived here, which means it was
Yuwen Zheng who told him.
"Senior, could it be that the prince of the Wolf Country is also one of yours?"
Huo Longyi still admired Xiao Zhantian in his heart. He didn't expect that he had such a
huge network of contacts.
"You're overthinking it. He just wants to use my connections to start a war to divert the
attention of the Wolf Nation and calm down their war."
"I have already rejected this matter, so he left Tianlong Country and returned to Wolf
Xiao Zhantian kept his words half-heartedly and was not prepared to tell Huo Longyi
He seemed to be quite obedient to himself, but he was the son of the Regent after all,
and he was on the same side as the Dragon Lord.
Of course Xiao Zhantian is loyal to the Tianlong Kingdom, but he wants revenge more.
If the Dragon Lord knew that he had close ties with these people from other countries, he
would definitely not feel at ease with him.
"That's all the stuff. You don't have to come and ask me about it. Just tell your father
about it directly."
Huo Longyi shook his head, "I've said before, Senior, you are my belief, and I personally
admire you very much."
"You don't have to be wary of me. I will never do anything to harm you."

Chapter 91 Loss Stone

His expression was extremely sincere and he didn't look like he was lying.
Xiao Zhantian thought about it and decided to believe him.
If Huo Longyi really wanted to harm him and came here just to test him, then he had
indeed succeeded.
But now Yuwen Zheng had left here long ago, and he had no evidence to prove that Xiao
Zhantian had ever had any contact with Yuwen Zheng.
What's more, Xiao Zhantian had just told him that there was a civil strife in the Wolf
Country. If he wanted to report this to the Dragon Lord, he would inevitably be
questioned about where he knew the news.
Otherwise, it was just a prince from the Wolf Country coming to their country, and there
was no substantial evidence, so the Dragon Lord would not be alert.
Xiao Zhantian has been in this position for so many years, and he knows the Dragon Lord's
thoughts very well.
He is very relieved if his subordinates are capable of protecting the peace of the area,
but if they are too capable or even exceed his authority, he may not be so happy.
"Okay, today is the public auction for gambling on stones. Since you are here, just take
a look around. I have family members waiting outside, so I won't talk to you for now."
Xiao Zhantian stood up quickly, and when Huo Longyi stepped out, he saw that he had
returned to his family.
Xiao Zhantian, who was with his family, looked different from all the times before.
If Xiao Zhantian had not come forward to help him, Huo Longyi would not have been able to
gain a foothold in the military camp so quickly.
In fact, what he said just now was not a courtesy, nor was it a deliberate flattery, but
came from the heart.
He had heard of Xiao Zhantian's name several years ago.
He also knew that this man went to the military camp as a sinner.
At that time, no one had ever thought that a young master from a wealthy family would
have the courage to enter the military camp and climb step by step to the position of
supreme commander.
Huo Longyi sighed deeply, his face showing some worry.
If one day, Xiao Zhantian knew who had harmed their Xiao family, what kind of bloody
storm would be set off then?
When Xiao Zhantian came out, he happened to see someone mining stones.
Xiao Chengtian and a few others were gathered there. When they saw him coming back, Jiang
Qingqing waved at him.
"You see, part of this stone has been cut open. They call this a window. And judging from
the window, there is a high probability that green will be found inside, and the quality
is also good."
Although Xiao Zhantian didn't know much about these things, he had heard about some of
"You mean, Chengtian wants to buy this stone?"
Jiang Qingqing nodded, "He has this plan, but he is still waiting and watching. They are
not sure whether the price will increase or lose money when it is announced."
"It's gambling on stones, so of course you can't predict it. If you knew the value would
go up, I'm afraid everyone would buy it."
Xiao Zhantian stood here and listened for a while. There were indeed many people around
who wanted to buy, but most of them were just waiting and watching like Xiao Chengtian.
Currently, this stone, which weighs about ten kilograms, is worth more than five million
The seller is not continuing to sell the product at the moment and is planning to auction
it off first.
If he gets an ideal price, he will sell it. If the price is not ideal, he will continue
to sell it, but the price will naturally be higher next time.
According to the market price, if this stone is cut in half and still has good quality,
it will not be worth millions.
"You have already seen that from the current window opening, the quality of the inside is
very good. If all the windows are opened and there are no cracks, the total price should
be able to reach 50 million."
"Even if there are cracks, the final price will not be less than 30 million. The starting
price is 5 million, which is a fair price."
"If you are not satisfied, I can continue to cut it, but after half of it is cut, the
price will double, and the starting price will be at least 10 million."
Xiao Chengtian turned his head and looked at Nian Zhengsong, and both of them had
hesitant expressions.
"Brother, do you think this thing is worth buying?"
Xiao Zhantian shook his head. "I don't know much about these things. I'm not an expert,
but forget it."
He is not an expert in these things, but he is very accurate in judging people.
He looked at the two people selling things, their words were a bit vague and their eyes
were evasive.
Although they tried their best to confirm the facts and wanted everyone to believe that
this was a good thing, that was not what they showed.
Originally Xiao Chengtian was still a little hesitant, but after hearing Xiao Zhantian's
words, he made up his mind.
The auction is already going on there, and there are indeed a few people who want to buy
this piece of raw material.
The price kept getting higher and higher, and was finally set at 10 million. After
getting the raw stone, the other party immediately asked them to continue mining.
Everyone was also very curious and gathered around without leaving, wanting to see what
the stone would look like after being cut.
"Fuck! This is a huge loss!"
"What's going on? If I had known, I would have cut it open a little bit earlier."
The people around him started to speak up, expressing their pity for the man.
Only the front layer of this stone is jade, the back layer is basically waste rock.
But the thin layer that comes out of the window in the front is not enough to make some
The man who bought the raw stone also had a look of despair on his face.
"It's over, it's completely over!"
He looked dejected. Even though he got some things out of the box, he would still lose at
least eight million out of the ten million.
Although gambling on stones is all about a heartbeat, no one would feel comfortable if
they lose money.
At this moment, a young man who was about twenty years old pulled Xiao Zhantian.
"Sir, you can buy this stone from him again at this time. I'm sure you won't be
Xiao Zhantian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at him with a hint of curiosity.
"Everyone has already seen that this is a piece of waste rock, why would I buy it?"
"Isn't this just half cut out? Besides, even if it is waste stone, it doesn't mean that
the things inside it are waste."
The young man's words were quite meaningful, and Xiao Chengtian's attention was drawn to
them, so he turned around and looked over.
"Brother, what's going on?"
Xiao Zhantian told him what happened.
"Young man, I think you should be more cautious! What if you get cheated?"
A person nearby heard their conversation and began to advise Xiao Zhantian and the other
"If this thing is really as valuable as he says, why doesn't he buy it himself?"
Hearing what the man said, the young man defended himself: "I don't have any money.
Otherwise, if you lend me three million, I will buy this thing."
The man looked her up and down, and seeing that she was wearing shabby clothes, he
snorted and thought she was a little liar.
"I can lend it to you, but what if you don't return the money by then?"
Xiao Zhantian asked.

Chapter 92 Strange Youth

The young man was a little surprised. "Boss, did I hear you right? Are you saying you
want to lend me three million?"
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "You heard me right, I can lend you the three million. Whether you
buy this stone or use it for other things, I will get my money back."
He could tell that this young man was indeed extraordinary. There were so many people
present, but he didn't go looking for him, but only looked for himself.
This is enough to show that he can see that Xiao Zhantian is of extraordinary identity,
but he doesn't know that Xiao Zhantian will most likely agree to him.
"I will definitely get my money back. If I can't get my money back after cutting this
stone, I will accept whatever you want to do to me."
His eyes were burning as he repeatedly made assurances to Xiao Zhantian.
"Okay, then go buy that stone!"
Xiao Zhantian raised his chin at him.
"Brother, isn't this a bit risky? If it is cut open, it will just be a pile of waste
rock. Do you think he has the ability to pay back the money?"
Xiao Zhantian patted his shoulder to comfort him, "Don't worry, I know what's going on."
He had already made the decision, so Xiao Chengtian didn't say anything else. Moreover,
the company had been open for such a long time, and all the expenses were paid by Xiao
Xiao Chengtian didn't know how much money his brother had, but he knew that Xiao Zhantian
would not take the mere three million seriously.
"Boss, how about I buy this piece of waste stone of yours for three million?"
The young man walked quickly towards the man who bought the raw material.
The man looked a little surprised when he heard this. "You are not kidding me! Are you
sure you want to buy this pile of waste rocks?"
The young man nodded. "How could I be so idle as to come here to tease you? If you agree,
I can give you money right away. What do you think?"
This is really rare. Someone would be willing to spend three million to buy a piece of
waste stone.
"By the way, you just said you wanted to buy those waste stones, then this jadeite I dug
The young man said, "Then it's yours. I just want this pile of discarded stones. But
after I buy it, if anything is found, it has nothing to do with you. You can't regret
This business sounded like it would make money, and with the three million, he would have
at least lost five million.
If he doesn't sell it, he will lose another three million. Anyone with a brain will know
how to calculate this.
"Okay, then we don't need to sign any contract. Let these people here be witnesses."
"You spent three million to buy this pile of rocks from me. No matter what you can dig
out, it has nothing to do with me. Even if you lose money, I won't return the three
million to you."
As the young man nodded, the deal was done, and everyone present was filled with
They had never seen anything like this before, and for a moment they were curious about
the identity of this young man.
After the matter was settled, Xiao Chengtian stepped forward and asked for the man's card
Soon three million was deposited into the account, and the man took the jadeite that
Shengxia had opened and left quickly.
Although he was somewhat curious about why the young man bought a pile of waste rocks, he
did not dare to stay any longer.
Now the stone has been cut to the bottom and all of it has been opened out, and it is
clearly a piece of waste rock.
If I stay, what if he doesn't offer anything by the time he gets around to it and asks me
for money?
For a moment, everyone's eyes were on this young man, wanting to see what he was going to
do with this pile of waste rocks after spending three million.
"Can I drive next?"
He looked at the masters who were cutting on both sides, and they hesitated for a moment
and then agreed.
"You better be careful not to damage our machine."
"Do not worry!"
The young man walked towards the pile of rubble and cut it in half from the middle,
making the pile of rubble smaller.
And even if he cut it in half, there would not be any green in the middle of the stone.
People shook their heads, thinking that this young man was really crazy.
I don’t know what he was thinking. The stone was already like this, but he was still
cutting it.
After a while, the original big stone had been cut into countless small stones, but these
stones were just waste rocks, and there was not even any sign of water.
"Brother, I think your three million is going to go down the drain."
Xiao Chengtian shook his head slightly. Now that things had come to this, the result was
The people around were also preparing to leave, and the stone was almost broken into
They all thought that he was probably some rich second-generation who had so much money
that he ran here to spend it.
Xiao Zhantian didn't say anything, his eyes still fixed on the young man.
It's not that he didn't believe that he had made a mistake, but he wanted to know what
exactly this young man was capable of.
Even though it had come to this, he didn't stop and kept cutting and grinding the stones.
If he is just trying to be mysterious here, then even if you grind all of these into
powder, you won't be able to leave here.
Besides, he could tell that the young man was not cutting randomly, as beads of sweat
were already oozing out of his forehead, which was enough to show that he was very
"What's going on? Why do I see purple light?"
"It looks green to me. Could it be spring color?"
Everyone was talking, but the young man turned a deaf ear to it.
His men were using a grinder to grind out the small stones.
As a complete stone was polished out, the transparent and delicate jade was completely
presented to everyone.
It is indeed spring-colored. The same piece of jade has both green and purple colors. The
texture is transparent and clear, and you can tell it is of top quality at a glance.
"Awesome! Just this one piece can earn back the money he just spent on buying the stone!"
"This color is so beautiful. I think this size is enough to make a pendant, and I can
make two rings."
"Young man, will you sell it if I give you five million?"
The other person shook his head, then lowered his head and started grinding another
"Don't tell me there's more."
"Yes, if there was only this one piece, why did he cut it into so many small pieces?"
Xiao Chengtian was also a little excited at this time. He turned to look at Xiao Zhantian
with a look of admiration in his eyes.
"Brother, how do you know he can definitely come up with something?"
"Just your intuition!"
Xiao Zhantian looked calm and didn't seem surprised. After all, he had already expected
And compared to other people who were interested in these jades, he was more interested
in this young man.
He cut the stones into different small pieces just right, and there were jades hidden
among them.
Even some masters of gambling on jade may not be able to accurately know which piece
contains jadeite with this ability.
Even if all these stones were finally mined, they would only be worth about 50 to 100
Chapter 93 Liuguang Clan
But the value that this young man's ability can bring is immeasurable.
He then ground another stone in half, and did the same with the remaining stones, but did
not grind all of them open like he did with the first one.
These stones are all the same as the ground, they have the same texture.
In other words, this young man only spent three million, but the value of the things he
obtained now is far more than thirty million.
This time, before he even started bidding, the people around him took the initiative to
raise the price for him.
They even bid up to eight million for a stone, but the young man remained unmoved.
He took all these things and walked towards Xiao Zhantian and the others.
"These are for you."
Xiao Chengtian was shocked. He was just about to join in the auction, but before he could
even open his mouth, these people had already named such a high price.
He didn't expect that the young man would be willing to give him all of this.
"If you give me all these things, then wouldn't your efforts today be in vain?"
The young man shook his head and looked at Xiao Zhantian steadily.
"Can I have a chance to talk to you alone?"
Xiao Zhantian nodded.
Anyway, they had gained enough for the day, so they just went straight back to the hotel.
After returning, Xiao Zhantian looked at the young man.
"How can you be so capable? You don't want a penny, but you give all these things to us.
What do you want to gain?"
The young man suddenly knelt down in front of him with an extremely sincere expression.
"My Lord, I know you are the God of War in the North. I don't want anything but to be
with you and be protected."
Xiao Zhantian looked at him, as if examining whether his words were true or false.
"I am from the Liuguang clan. There is no one left in this clan now, because the skills
we know are all about taking our own lives."
The young man said that people of his clan were born with a talent: they were born to
gamble on stones.
They have been doing this kind of job for generations, relying on their talent on the one
hand and the training and learning from their family on the other.
But human greed is inevitable, and such abilities will naturally bring them disaster.
Some people deliberately let them cut a piece of stone into a shape where nothing can be
seen, so that others will think it is waste stone, and then go to pick up the bargain.
Some people also hire them to buy all the raw materials that can be worth double the
price at the entire gambling stone auction.
If people in their line of work do too many things against their will, this ability will
no longer be accurate, and they will naturally make mistakes sometimes. After all, they
are only human beings, not gods.
Many people lost their lives because of these things and their abilities.
"Then why don't you just hide your ability from others? What you did today might be
Xiao Zhantian felt that his behavior was somewhat contradictory. Since he didn't want
others to know his identity, why should he do this?
"I don't want anyone to know my identity. I have never revealed my identity, but there
are always people investigating me."
"Some time ago, my mother died in an accident, but I know that it might not have been an
"Now I have a younger sister. She is still young, only seven or eight years old. She is
my only relative in the world."
"I don't want to make a living from this skill. I just want to protect my family and
"But I know that as long as I stay in the North, danger will not be far away from me.
Those people will find us sooner or later."
"In fact, I have thought about making a fortune from this. I have approached many people
before and asked them to buy the waste rocks, but no one believed me."
"I originally wanted to make some money with this skill and take my sister to live
somewhere else, but I had no choice but to continue hiding my identity."
His expression was extremely sincere. "I hope that Lord God of War can protect my sister
and I. I can be of use to you."
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand, "Where is your sister? Bring her here first. You showed off
your skills today. If the other party finds out about this place, wouldn't you be in
great danger?"
On the one hand, he wanted to protect the young man, and on the other hand, of course, he
also wanted to take advantage of his weak spot.
Xiao Zhantian still needs to investigate whether what he said is true or false.
He couldn't rashly trust this young man before finding out the truth of the matter.
The other party was very happy to hear that he agreed. Without any hesitation, he went to
find his sister quickly.
Xiao Zhantian could tell that this young man was speaking from the heart.
Maybe he approached him not for any purpose, but just to ensure the safety of him and his
Not long after, the young man brought back a little girl. The girl didn't look like she
was even seven or eight years old.
He was extremely thin, dark-skinned, and had dry and yellow hair. It was obvious at first
glance that he was malnourished.
"Lord God of War, this is my sister. She is my only relative in this world now. These
past few days I have always felt like someone has been watching us."
"We were originally there to help others identify things, but later on they deified us
and wanted to use us to make a fortune."
"After we couldn't do that anymore, they would ruthlessly kill us. As far as I know, I
don't have any relatives left."
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "I'll arrange a room for you. Go and rest first, and we'll discuss
the next thing later."
He called Xue Sha and arranged the brother and sister into a suite, and asked Xue Sha to
investigate what was going on with the Liuguang clan.
Nian Zhengsong happened to hear him checking these and looked over with some curiosity.
"Zhan Tian, did you mention the Liuguang Clan just now?"
"Uncle Nian, do you know?"
Xiao Zhantian didn't expect that there were people around him who knew these things.
"I've heard of this before. It's a legend in the gambling stone world. Could it be that
there really are such people in reality?"
Nian Zhengsong shook his head. “I think this is just a lie made up by the organizers of
the gambling stone auction to make people believe that there really is such a magical
"Maybe those people were deliberately arranged by them to take advantage of the
opportunity to come and deceive those who buy things."
He seemed quite rational, and what he said did make sense.
The only one who could make this thing look so magical is the organizer.
But these stones are sealed, and the organizers have no way of seeing what is inside.
Unless they cut the stone in advance and then made some illusions to create fake windows.
But this is too much effort. What is the purpose of doing this?
Xiao Zhantian unconsciously tended to agree with what the young man said.
Chapter 94 Bidding for the Stone King
Fortunately, Xuesha and his team were efficient and quickly found out the truth.
After all, the North is the home turf of the King-Slaying Palace, and no news here can be
hidden from them.
"Sir, that young man did not lie. There are indeed Liuguang people in Beijing, but there
are no more people now."
"The stories about the Liuguang clan are so fantastic, but according to our preliminary
investigation, some people are just deliberately creating hype."
Xuexuesha’s words have made it very clear that the Liuguang clan does exist, and they do
have some talent in gambling on stones.
However, as rumored by the outside world, they do not have the ability to see through
things or to see 100% what is inside the stone.
Since what the young man said was true and he did not hide anything, he could be kept and
used by them.
Xiao Zhantian specifically went to find Xiao Chengtian to discuss this matter and asked
him what he thought.
"Uncle Nian came to me and told me just now that I think he was a little too arbitrary,
but people of this race shouldn't be that amazing."
"Since they have some ability in gambling on stones, if you think he can stay, then
there's no harm in keeping him."
Xiao Chengtian thought for a while and said, "I think his performance today couldn't be
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "Of course. If he had the ability to fabricate such a thing, he
wouldn't be so unknown."
"But I think he's very young, very steady, and has a tragic life, and he has a younger
Xiao Chengtian smiled and said, "Brother, why didn't I realize before that you are such a
compassionate person?"
"Are you mocking me?"
Xiao Zhantian also had a smile on his face and was not angry at what Xiao Chengtian said.
"No, I'm happy for you. Ever since our family got into trouble, you've been shouldering
all the responsibilities by yourself."
"Then you joined the military. I don't know what you went through there, but it must have
been very difficult."
"After what happened to my parents and my sister, you are completely different this time
when you come back. Sometimes I even feel a little scared when I see you."
"But what you did this time made me feel like I saw my brother in the past. Keeping this
child is also a good choice."
Xiao Chengtian's words made Xiao Zhantian silent for a moment. He couldn't help but feel
a little emotional in his heart, and he also reflected on it.
"According to what you said, if you're scared when you see me, then wouldn't your sister-
in-law and Huanhuan be even more scared?"
The two brothers talked here for a long time after a long absence.
When the child heard that they were going to stay over that night, he was very happy.
He repeatedly stated that he would be loyal in the future, and that he would do anything
Xiao Zhantian asked them to do as long as he and his sister could have enough food to eat
and survive.
"You two can stay here. We run a jewelry company. You can stay here to help look for raw
materials. Of course, I will ensure your safety."
In other places, Xiao Zhantian wouldn't dare to say it so confidently, but in the
northern border, there would be no problem in protecting the safety of these two
Besides, he had another idea.
"I see that your sister is quite young and weak. Would you like to hand her over to me? I
will take her to experience some life."
The child was a little hesitant, Xiao Zhantian said: "Don't worry, her life will not be
threatened, and she will not become disabled or stupid."
He saw that although the girl was young, there was a fierceness in her eyes, so he
thought that she might be suitable to be sent to his own Zhuwang Palace for development.
The young man hesitated for a long time, "Can I still see her?"
"Of course, she will be in the North too. Whenever she misses you or you miss her, you
two can meet up anytime."
Seeing him say this, the young man finally agreed.
Soon it was the last day, and as expected, the price of the Stone King deterred many
The starting price alone reached 50 million, which means that the final transaction price
would probably be hundreds of millions.
And this thing requires bidding. If the price offered is too low, then you may not get
it. But if the price is too high, there may be a premium, and no one will be willing to
pay more.
In this situation, the ability of the young man named Lan Yu came in handy.
At the same time, Xiao Zhantian also asked Xue Sha to inquire at the venue about the
approximate quotes given by other companies.
Even if you may not be able to find out everyone's quotes, you can definitely know what
their highest expected heart rate is.
After a round of discussion, Xiao Chengtian made a decision and wrote down 180 million on
his bidding board.
This stone is not big. Even if it is finally turned into jadeite of good quality, its
price is about 150 million.
Most people's bids were around 100 million. Although the organizer marked that it might
be an emerald, who could be sure it was really one?
Next to it, there is a jewelry store from another place which is quite famous in China.
They also called a master of gambling on stones to help them with the consultation. This
master actually knew a bit about it and gave him a price of 150 million.
This is the highest price currently on the market. Of course, this 500 million has not
been confirmed. In order to prevent them from raising the price further, Xiao Chengtian
wrote 800 million.
Even if they hesitate to raise the price, the final price increase will definitely not
exceed their own limit, otherwise they will suffer losses.
Lan Yu has already told Xiao Chengtian the whole thing, the stuff here can be sold for up
to 500 million yuan.
Of course, this is assuming nothing unexpected happens, and he didn't say anything too
definite. In short, he would not let them lose money no matter what.
After the bidding time ended, the prices were quickly summarized.
What no one expected was that a dramatic scene occurred a moment later. Two companies'
bidding prices were the same. Under such circumstances, they naturally needed to bid
After his name was called, Xiao Chengtian was not surprised. The other company was
naturally Dongzhu Jewelry Company.
In other words, they invited a master of gambling on stones, who looked a bit like an
After hearing that the prices of the two bids were higher, he whispered a few words into
the ear of the person in charge of Dongzhu Jewelry Company.
Then the two families started a new round of bidding, and with only two people, the
result was of course quick.
"These two companies are so destined to meet. The price you offer this time is still the
Xiao Chengtian frowned and glanced at Xiao Zhantian.

Chapter 95: Photographing the Stone King

What they wrote just now was 190 million, and the other party also offered the same
Lan Yu said that if the final bid price exceeded 250 million, it would not be worth
And according to his calculations, those people on the other side would probably give up
if they couldn't get 250 million, so this time they just wrote it as a big one.
When the price came out this time, the two families were in conflict again.
Now, it was no longer a contest between their two families, but a contest between Lan Yu
and the other side's gambling stone master.
The two men looked at each other, with some nervousness between their brows, and even
beads of sweat appearing on their faces.
Once the price offered by two of them is lower than that of the other, it means that the
stone will have nothing to do with them once it falls into the hands of someone else.
But if the price of this thing is really as Lan Yu said, then even if it increases by
another 100 million, they will still be able to make a profit.
Xiao Chengtian patted Lan Yu on the shoulder and said, "Don't be too stressed. In fact,
if you finally win it with 300 million, we can also make money."
He said this, but you may still feel some pressure.
His existence is to make Xiao Chengtian spend less money. If the price they offer is too
high in the end and the other party pays much less than them, then they will also lose
Under the urging of the host, these people did not hesitate and finally wrote down their
final price.
After a moment, the host couldn't help but show a little surprise when he saw the prices
of these two people.
"What a coincidence, the winner only has 10 million more than the other one."
The host turned his gaze to Xiao Chengtian and the others and smiled.
"Congratulations to Tiancheng Group. Now this stone king is yours. Do you want to open it
on the spot or take it away directly?"
Xiao Chengtian said: "Open it!"
So many people are staring at it, and they spent more than 300 million yuan to buy this
piece of stone at the auction, why don't they open it?
If the contents are of good quality after opening it, you can use it as an opportunity
for promotion.
After they are made into jewelry, I believe more people will buy them.
This is a great way to promote themselves, and they certainly won't refuse it.
The people from Dongzhu Jewelry Company showed some anger on their faces, but there was
nothing they could do since their price was only lowered by 10 million.
"Congratulations, Boss Xiao. I didn't expect you to have such guidance from an expert."
People from Dongzhu Jewelry Company came specially to celebrate Xiao Chengtian, but it is
hard to say what their intention is.
Xiao Chengtian also looked at the other party with a smile on his face, "Boss Zhu, you
are too polite. The masters on your side are not inferior either. It's just that I was
This is how it is in the business world. In reality, it’s a competitive relationship,
but naturally one remains calm on the surface.
The boss of Dongzhu Jewelry Company left here angrily.
It would be fine if the final price was very different, he wouldn't feel so
But now the price is only ten million short. It’s not like he can’t afford it!
Just ten million made him miss out on jewelry whose value could have increased by
hundreds of millions. Anyone would be angry about this.
"You did a good job this time, but how did you know that the final price would be 10
million higher than theirs?"
Xiao Chengtian looked at Lan Yu with some curiosity, thinking that this young man should
not be underestimated, and it was a good decision to keep him this time.
Lan Yu shook his head. "I was just taking a gamble. The other party is also very capable.
It seems that his idea is the same as mine."
"Since we have always used round numbers in the previous times, and the starting price is
10 million, why not add 10 million."
"If it's the same as before, and his price is the same as what I expected, we can
definitely win him with this 10 million, and it won't cost us too much."
Lan Yu is not only meticulous in his thinking, but also courageous in implementation. He
is a man of great courage.
Just now, the boss of Dongzhu Jewelry Company failed to take down the stone king. I am
afraid that the stone gambling master will be scolded when he returns.
Not everyone has this kind of courage, so naturally Xiao Chengtian and his team won.
As the grinding sound of the cutting machine continued to ring in my ears, the stone
began to take shape.
"Oh my god! Why did these two bid so high? It turns out to be Imperial Green!"
"I haven't seen such green jadeite at a public auction in several years. It's so green
that it's really oozing with juice!"
"If a set of jewelry of this quality is made, it is not impossible to auction it for 500
million yuan."
Many of the people watching the scene started talking, their eyes full of envy.
Some people regretted that if they had known that the jade inside was imperial green,
they would have auctioned it off earlier.
But there are not so many people in the world who can know in advance, and even if they
are allowed to take the photo, they may not be able to get it.
Firstly, they don't have the courage to do so, and secondly, they don't know how much
this thing is worth. How can they spend hundreds of millions to buy a piece of broken
Xiao Chengtian and Nian Zhengsong both looked excited.
"This time we are making a fortune!"
"Congratulations, Mr. Xiao."
Gong Wu walked over and bowed to Xiao Chengtian in congratulations.
"Thank you, Miss Gong. I noticed that you have made good progress in the past few days."
Gong Wu shook her head. "I just got some ordinary stuff. How can it compare with you
Soon someone came and wanted to buy the stone with Xiao Chengtian.
"Excuse me, everyone. We also run a jewelry company, so we plan to make this stone
ourselves and not sell it to others."
"If you are interested, you can come to us and buy it after we design the product."
Xiao Chengtian's answer was very appropriate. Not only did he politely reject the other
party, he also advertised their own company.
The public auction came to an end. Xiao Zhantian had already told Xiao Chengtian that
they would not go back directly and were going to find someone to treat Xiao Huanhuan.
Xiao Zhantian asked Xuesha to go back and take care of Xiao Chengtian and the others
first, as he didn't know how many days this trip would take.
This incident also made Xiao Chengtian the center of attention at this public auction.
Xiao Zhantian was afraid that some people would target him and might do something bad to
Moreover, they were so high-profile some time ago and indeed offended quite a few people
in the imperial capital.
At that time, because he was there, Xiao Zhantian naturally had nothing to worry about,
but now that he is gone, he has to leave some people behind to protect Xiao Chengtian,
otherwise he will not feel at ease.
After the public auction ended, Xiao Chengtian and his friends returned to the imperial
capital, while Xiao Zhantian took Jiang Qingqing and Xiao Huanhuan to find An Jinxiu.
This time, none of them could be sure whether they could find the person.
Xiao Zhantian contacted the previous masseur and said that he had sent an email to An
Jinxiu, but the other party did not reply.

Chapter 96 Saving the Old Man

"As far as I know, Doctor An will return to the North for a period of time every year. If
nothing unexpected happens, you will be able to see her."
It was like this in previous years, but Doctor An's whereabouts were uncertain, so the
masseur didn't dare to be too sure, for fear of disappointing Xiao Zhantian and the
Xiao Zhantian directly asked someone to arrange a private plane for him, and after he
landed, a car came to pick him up.
Now this place is located at the northernmost part of the north, almost reaching another
However, this place is relatively backward and not as good as the area where they
participated in the gambling stone auction before.
Although it is backward, the scenery here is very beautiful.
But at this moment, they had no intention of appreciating the scenery.
After arriving here, they settled down first.
"It's late today, so it's not a good time to go look for someone. Let's go to this place
to look for her tomorrow morning after we get up early."
Jiang Qingqing was a little nervous. "What if we make this trip in vain? What if we meet
Dr. An and she can't cure Huan Huan?"
Xiao Zhantian held her hand and spoke to comfort her.
"Don't worry. Before I knew about Doctor Anshen, wasn't he also trying to find a way to
treat Huanhuan?"
"Even if I can't find her, or she can't be cured, I will definitely find a way to find an
antidote. It just requires a trip to Bama Country."
Hearing him say this, Jiang Qingqing felt even more uneasy.
With so many things happening in Tianlong Country alone, she might not even know what
dangers might arise in other countries, let alone help.
But my daughter's illness must be treated. Xiao Huanhuan looked different from other
children. She was a little thinner and her face was paler.
Other children of her age can already go to school, but now she is trapped at home.
Xiao Huanhuan had another attack at night. She kept shouting that she felt uncomfortable.
When Xiao Zhantian saw her, she was shivering all over, her body temperature was
extremely low, and even her eyebrows seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.
"What should I do? If I had known, I should have brought Dr. Lu with me!"
Jiang Qingqing was a little bit at a loss for a moment. Any mother would not remain calm
if they saw their daughter become like this.
"Don't worry, go find Doctor An Shen now!"
Xiao Zhantian put thick clothes on Xiao Huanhuan and covered her with a blanket. Jiang
Qingqing also gave her a hot water bottle.
They drove towards An Jinxiu's residence in the dark.
An Jinxiu's residence was not far from their hotel this time. The place was extremely
pristine and the hotel was very simple.
However, the place where An Jinxiu lives is quite nice. It is said to be a secluded small
After arriving at this area, their car could no longer drive in, so they had to get out
and hold Xiao Huanhuan.
"Where does Doctor An Shen live? It's so remote. Why don't you take Huan Huan there
first? I'll wait for you here."
Jiang Qingqing's tone was somewhat regretful; her health was really too poor.
It's just that the road is a little difficult to walk on, and she needs someone to
support her even when she walks.
But now it is very difficult for Xiao Zhantian to hold Xiao Huanhuan, and he still needs
his help.
"It's impossible to leave you here alone in the middle of the night when there's no one
If Xiao Zhantian took the two of them to walk on this mountain road as usual, it would
naturally not be a problem, but at this time he was afraid of hurting Xiao Huanhuan.
Xiao Huanhuan seemed to be frozen, and Xiao Zhantian had to hold her with both hands.
He took Jiang Qingqing and walked for a while, then suddenly stopped.
"Did you hear some noise in the distance?"
When Jiang Qingqing heard what he said, she also looked around.
"Someone is calling for help! Over there!"
Jiang Qingqing pointed to something not far away, which seemed to be a cliff.
Xiao Zhantian took a few looks at Xiao Huanhuan and put her on a stable place.
"Wait here for a moment. I'll go over and take a look."
I heard someone calling for help in the middle of the night, and it seemed to be an old
man. Naturally, I couldn't just stand by and watch.
Not long after, Xiao Zhantian arrived near the cliff. He stuck his head out and looked
down, and sure enough, there was an old man hanging on the tree below.
At this time, the old man was almost exhausted. Fortunately, he was stuck on the tree,
otherwise he would have run out of strength and fallen down.
"Old man!"
Xiao Zhantian called out, and the old man looked up at him, his eyes filled with hope.
"Young man, please save me! I thought I was going to die here today."
Xiao Zhantian glanced at the distance between them, and realized that he couldn't reach
him even if he tried to reach him with his hands.
The tree beneath his feet was sturdy enough and looked like it could support the weight
of both of them.
Seeing Xiao Zhantian standing on the cliff, the old man was startled and said quickly:
"Young man, what are you going to do?"
"Even if you can't save me, you don't have to jump down and die with me! We just met by
chance, you don't have to blame yourself so much."
Xiao Zhantian said: "You misunderstood. It is impossible for me to reach you from such a
high distance, not to mention that you can't climb up by yourself."
"There are no ropes or sticks around here. I see the tree you're standing on is pretty
sturdy. I can get you out if I go down first."
After he said this, the old man became even more frightened.
"Don't hurt me. If you come down and can't get up, we'll both have to ask for help
However, while he was speaking, Xiao Zhantian had already climbed up the rock wall and
landed steadily on the tree at his feet.
"Give me what's behind you."
The old man handed the basket to Xiao Zhantian as he was told and pointed to his feet.
"My foot is stuck too. If it hadn't been stuck here, I would have fallen down."
Xiao Zhantian looked down, luckily the moon was very bright today, otherwise they would
not be able to see anything at this moment.
He let the old man hold him and kicked the branch that was trapping his foot.
This is the only way to rescue him right now.
With a cracking sound, the whole tree shook and the old man cried out in surprise.
But the tree was indeed very stable, and neither of them fell.
Xiao Zhantian directly hugged the old man's waist, "Old man, hold on to me tight."
"Okay, don't worry! I won't let you down at all!"
The old man nodded with a determined expression, as if he had grabbed a life-saving
Immediately afterwards, Xiao Zhantian heard his exclamations, one after another, almost
breaking his eardrums.
He had never thought that an old man of this age would still be so startled.
When they landed steadily on the ground, the old man seemed still not to have recovered.

Chapter 97: Divine Healing

"Okay, old man, it's safe now. Are you okay?"
Xiao Zhantian was even a little worried. The old man had been down there for a whole day
and nothing had happened to him. Now if he was rescued, he might be frightened and become
The old man shook his head and said, "It's okay, but who are you, young man?"
He was indeed a little frightened at this time. You know, the cliff is more than three
meters above, otherwise he would have climbed up by himself long ago.
What's more, there is a cliff below. If you fall down, you may be smashed to pieces, but
your body will definitely be gone.
This young man actually came up directly.
He hadn't even reacted to what was happening, which was enough to show how fast Xiao
Zhantian was.
"I'm just an ordinary person! What happened to you? Why did you fall off the cliff?"
Xiao Zhantian quickly changed the subject and the old man sighed.
"I went up the mountain to collect herbs and accidentally fell down. I have been hanging
there for a whole day."
Only An Jinxiu lived here. If this old man was here to collect herbs, Xiao Zhantian
asked, "Do you know An Jinxiu, the Divine Doctor An?"
"Are you here to see a doctor?"
Xiao Zhantian said quickly: "My daughter is very ill, we need the help of Doctor Anshen!"
Soon Xiao Zhantian brought the old man to Jiang Qingqing and the others.
He checked Xiao Huanhuan's condition and asked, "Is she poisoned?"
"Yes! She gets sick every once in a while. We didn't bring a doctor this time so we
thought she wouldn't get sick."
Jiang Qingqing's tone sounded somewhat guilty. If something really happened to Xiao
Huanhuan, what would she do as a mother?
If they had known this earlier, they would have prepared everything. Xiao Huanhuan's
condition has stabilized a little during this period, so they thought everything was
"Okay, follow me!"
With an old man leading them, the road became much easier to walk on.
Seeing the house in the distance, the old man asked them to wait a moment while he went
over to ask.
He went over, opened the door, and came out after a while.
Having taken the basket off his back, he faced the door and prepared to kneel down.
"Are you pushing me?"
A woman's voice came from inside the door, mixed with anger and helplessness.
"I'm begging you. This guy is my savior. I should repay his life."
Soon the door opened and the old man stood up and hurriedly called Xiao Zhantian and the
others in.
"Hurry up! Otherwise, she'll regret it again and I won't be able to do anything about
The three of them didn't dare to delay and hurried in.
The old man put Xiao Huanhuan on the bed, and then a person walked out from behind the
The woman looked very young, about thirty years old, not much older than Lu Mingyou.
Even if they saw him, I'm afraid no one would be able to tell that this was the
descendant of the An family, which was famous throughout China.
"Poisoned! This poison is a little hard to cure!"
Before An Jinxiu could diagnose the patient, she glanced at the old man again and again.
"You'll just cause me trouble!"
The old man pursed his lips and said, "This child is too young and pitiful. Look how cute
she is."
His tone seemed to be somewhat doting, and it could be seen that he really liked Xiao
And after he said this, An Jinxiu's expression changed slightly.
She didn't say anything else, but pulled Xiao Huanhuan's hand over, examined it for a
moment, then took out a silver needle and gave her a few injections.
An Jinxiu's medical skills don't seem to be anything special, and they are not as fancy
as those of others.
Originally, Jiang Qingqing and Xiao Zhantian thought that the medical skills of this
legendary miracle doctor might seem extraordinary.
But they didn't expect him to be so simple and unpretentious. They even hadn't realized
whether the person in front of them was a real miracle doctor.
Before they could raise any questions, they saw that Xiao Huanhuan's complexion had
visibly improved.
They raised their hands and held Xiao Huanhuan, only to find that her body temperature
was gradually returning to normal.
This is too amazing. Although Lu Mingyou could have been cured before, it took some time.
In just a few minutes, An Jinxiu had actually cured Xiao Huanhuan.
"Senior, do you have a way to completely cure my daughter's illness? No matter what kind
of reward you need, I will try my best."
Xiao Zhantian stood up, looked at An Jinxiu seriously and made a request.
She shook her head. "Your daughter's poison is not easy to cure. I have other things to
do. I don't want to waste my time curing people anymore."
The old man at the side also said: "Dr. An Shen basically didn't treat anyone in recent
years. It's great that he can treat you now."
"She does have important things to do. She is returning to the North just to pay tribute.
She will leave here in a few days."
Xiao Zhantian said: "Senior, I have some power in the North, maybe I can help you."
An Jinxiu still shook her head and refused, "No one can help this alliance except me. You
should leave as soon as the day breaks!"
She was quite soft-hearted. She was afraid that it would be difficult for them to leave
after dark, so she specially arranged a room for the three of them and asked them to
leave after daybreak.
Although Xiao Zhantian was still somewhat unwilling, the other party's refusal was
already very obvious, and he was afraid that nothing they said would be of any use.
Jiang Qingqing was anxious, "Doctor An, we finally got the news about you and traveled a
long way to find you."
"They said that you are probably the only one in the world who can save my daughter. If
the antidote is not obtained in a short time, my daughter may be in danger of death."
"I know you have things to do, but you can leave it to us. My husband and I will
definitely help you get it done, no matter what!"
"My daughter is really important to me. She is not even five years old this year. I feel
guilty for not giving her a good life."
"I really can't bear to let her suffer like this. I beg Doctor An, please be kind!"
"Since you have such great medical skills, why don't you use them to treat illnesses and
save lives instead of letting them go to waste?"
Jiang Qingqing was really anxious, so her tone naturally became a little harsh.
If she had such medical skills now, and someone came to her for help, she would
definitely not refuse and would help treat others.
After all, this is a matter of life and death, and I just happen to have the ability to
do it.
Jiang Qingqing knew that what she said might be a bit of moral coercion. It was others'
freedom to treat or not treat the disease, but her daughter's life was also a life!
She could not bear to watch such a small life disappear from the world.
An Jinxiu looked at her calmly in front of her, not showing any sign of softness in her
heart. Instead, she found it a little funny.
"Okay, since you want me to treat your daughter, I can treat you."

Chapter 98 Xiao Zhantian was poisoned

When they heard her words, the two of them immediately looked happy, but before they
could be happy for too long, An Jinxiu spoke again.
"You can ask me to treat her, but before that, why don't we play a game first."
An Jinxiu took out two packets of medicine and handed them to Jiang Qingqing.
"One of the packets here is poison. Choose one for your husband to eat!"
Jiang Qingqing was stunned for a moment, seemingly unable to react to what she meant.
"Senior, are you kidding me?"
An Jinxiu laughed coldly, "Do you think I have the time to joke with you guys?"
She sat down slowly and said, "I have given you the opportunity to treat my daughter. It
depends on what you two choose."
Xiao Zhantian took a packet directly from her hand and poured it into his mouth.
If his sacrifice could save Xiao Huanhuan, then why would he hesitate? After all, Xiao
Huanhuan was his daughter.
What's more, Xiao Zhantian didn't think that he would be killed by the poison.
An Jinxiu is a miracle doctor, not a murderer. She also said it was a test.
Xiao Zhantian guessed that she just wanted to test their determination to save her
If she really took the poison, An Jinxiu would never stand idly by.
Seeing him swallow the powder into his mouth, Jiang Qingqing became a little anxious.
"What are you doing? Although I really want to save Huanhuan, I don't want anything to
happen to you."
Xiao Zhantian shook his head. "It doesn't matter. Huanhuan's situation is more urgent
than mine right now."
He took a deep breath and turned to look at An Jinxiu.
"Is that ok? We have already made the choice you asked us to make!"
An Jinxiu raised her eyebrows, "Although I let her choose, it doesn't matter who chooses,
as long as she makes the choice."
She raised her hands and clapped, "You two are really amazing. In order to save your
daughter, you are willing to sacrifice your own lives."
"Okay, the other packet contains the antidote. He'll be fine after he takes it. Give it
to him right away!"
After An Jinxiu finished speaking, Jiang Qingqing immediately opened the medicine bag and
handed it to Xiao Zhantian.
Only after Xiao Zhantian ate it did An Jinxiu start to laugh.
"How is it now? Do you feel your body reacting? After all, you took twice the poison..."
"What did you say? You just told me that this was the antidote and asked me to give it to
him myself!"
Jiang Qingqing was quite excited and glared at An Jinxiu. She was really angry at this
Even if this person is an internationally renowned miracle doctor and they need her help
now, An Jinxiu can't treat them like this, right?
Hearing Jiang Qingqing's words, An Jinxiu was naturally angry, but before she could say
anything, Xiao Zhantian beside her suddenly vomited blood.
He just felt that his whole body was hot and his internal organs seemed to be twisted
Originally, Xiao Zhantian thought that perhaps the poison would not take effect so
quickly, but he did not expect that An Jinxiu would really be so cruel to them.
"Senior, please save my husband!"
Jiang Qingqing quickly began to beg. It had been such a long time, but she had never seen
Xiao Zhantian like this before.
What's more, this incident was caused by himself. How could a normal person bear it after
taking two kinds of poison?
Originally they came here to treat Xiao Huanhuan, but now Xiao Huanhuan was not cured,
and Xiao Zhantian was dragged down instead.
"Before you asked me to treat your daughter, and now you ask me to treat your husband. If
I tell you that you can only choose one of these two people, who will you choose?"
An Jinxiu looked at Jiang Qingqing with a smile, but her expression seemed to be asking
her to make a decision.
Now that things have come to this, Jiang Qingqing finally understands everything.
An Jinxiu did it on purpose to make herself feel embarrassed and not know what choice to
She took a deep breath and said, "I didn't expect that the An family, which is well-known
throughout China, would be like this."
"If I had known that the descendants of the An family were like this, we would not have
come here in the first place. You learn medicine only to harm people, not to save them!"
"People like you shouldn't learn medicine at all. You've wasted the reputation of the An
family and the lives of those poor people."
She went over and stubbornly helped Xiao Zhantian up, preparing to take him away, but she
didn't expect An Jinxiu to come over and grab her.
"Don't leave. This is my place. Do you think you can come and go as you please?"
Jiang Qingqing frowned, "What else do you want to do! You have already killed my husband,
do you really want all three of us to die here?"
An Jinxiu laughed twice, "How can my An family allow others to slander me? If you don't
want me to treat you, then I will treat you anyway."
"You will know whether you should learn my medical skills or not, and you must apologize
to me when the time comes!"
An Jinxiu took out a pill and stuffed it into Xiao Zhantian's mouth, then began to give
him acupuncture.
As she inserted the silver needles into Xiao Zhantian's body, Xiao Zhantian quickly
He then spat out a mouthful of black blood, with a lot of sweat pouring out of his body,
and a foul smell coming out of it.
An Jinxiu waved her hand, "Take him to wash, he stinks!"
"Wait a minute, I don't need you. Just tell me the place and I'll take him there!"
Jiang Qingqing stepped forward and stopped the old man. Yagan was worried, so he asked
them to take Xiao Zhantian away alone.
Originally, she thought that An Jinxiu was some great senior, but she didn't expect that
she was such a terrifying and vicious person.
An Jinxiu asked, "Do you want to take care of your children here, or go look after your
Jiang Qingqing hesitated for a moment. She felt that based on An Jinxiu's personality, if
she said she would protect one side, she might really ignore the other side.
If something happened to Xiao Zhantian and Xiao Huanhuan at that time, this would
definitely not be the result she wanted to see.
"Senior, we don't know each other, and I don't seem to have done anything to offend you.
Why do you treat us like this?"
An Jinxiu raised her eyebrows, "Why, you can't make a choice when I just asked you to?
You haven't experienced what I've experienced, so what qualifications do I have to
comment on me?"
Jiang Qingqing was shocked. She didn't expect that An Jinxiu did all these things just
because of what she had just said.
This woman is a little too petty. She only said that in a moment of desperation because
she was anxious to get her daughter's treatment.
Jiang Qingqing was just trying to provoke An Jinxiu, but she never expected that An
Jinxiu would remember her words and take the opportunity to take revenge on her.
Xiao Zhantian shook his head slightly at her, indicating that he was fine and could still
bear it.

Chapter 99: Past Events

The old man seemed to be annoyed and said, "Okay, I think these two children have a hard
time. This child is also sick. Why do you have to make things difficult for their
Looking at the look in An Jinxiu's eyes, his hands trembled a little, but he was not
"I know you haven't gotten over what happened in all these years, but you are not
responsible for this."
An Jinxiu turned her head and looked at him, "An Bo, don't think that just because you've
been with me for a long time, you can tell me what to do!"
"I didn't. I just felt sorry for you torturing yourself. Jinxiu, you should let yourself
After saying this, without waiting for An Jinxiu to say anything, An Bo took Xiao
Zhantian outside to clean up.
"Doctor An, maybe you have been through some things and faced some choices, but I believe
that with your personality, you will never hurt anyone."
"I was a little too impulsive when I said that before. I apologize to you. Although I
don't know what happened, the old man was right."
"The past is the past. There is no need to dwell on the mistakes you made in the past."
Jiang Qingqing apologized to An Jinxiu. Naturally, she had realized that there must be a
reason for the other party's fuss.
Maybe she had experienced something before, so she wanted to use this incident to test
Jiang Qingqing and Xiao Zhantian!
An Jinxiu looked up at her and said, "Just now you said that I am not worthy of studying
medicine and being a doctor. I have heard these words from my husband himself."
"He didn't know that I did all this just to save him. He thought I didn't care about our
daughter, so he sent her away. He hasn't shown up to see me once in all these years."
Jiang Qingqing didn't expect that An Jinxiu would say this to her.
At this time, Xiao Zhantian, who was outside the house, also found out some information
about An Jinxiu from Amber.
He said that An Jinxiu's personality would not become so weird for no reason.
If he didn't have feelings for her and this kind of thing couldn't be forced by any
means, Xiao Zhantian would naturally not be at a disadvantage like this.
"So for all these years, Doctor An has been looking for her daughter who was taken away
by her husband, as well as her husband's whereabouts?"
Amber nodded, "Speak softly. If she knew, she would be upset again. She has never
forgiven me for all these years."
Xiao Zhantian shook his head. "I think the one who should be punished is that man. Since
he is the one with the vested interests, what qualifications does he have to accuse
others of being wrong from a certain perspective?"
To put it bluntly, these things happened because of this petty-minded man, and he did not
ask for the facts clearly.
Is there anything that cannot be explained clearly between husband and wife?
Amber deeply agreed with what Xiao Zhantian said.
"You are absolutely right, but the young lady always thinks it is her own fault and has
trapped herself. However, you can't say that the son-in-law is a bad person."
"What happened back then was just a coincidence. The reason she saved you today is only
because your child is about the same age as the daughter she lost back then."
"If this hadn't happened, the young lady should be a happy person now. It's strange that
she has been investigating for so many years but still can't find their whereabouts."
Xiao Zhantian couldn't help but ask: "Old man, tell me, what evidence did Miss An use to
search for it all these years?"
He thought that he might be able to help An Jinxiu.
If I could help her find her daughter or her husband, then there would be no problem for
her to help her daughter get treatment.
Amber shook his head. "It's hard to say. The young lady only said that her uncle left her
something. He said that if this thing meets someone named Xingyezhu, both of them will
come back to life."
"By then, we will naturally be able to find a way to find him, but all the Starry Night
Bamboo we have obtained over the years are fake."
This is really a piece of cake. Didn't Xiao Zhantian and his team just get this thing
from the Gong family before?
"I have Starry Night Bamboo here, and I've heard from people before that there is a
secret family that has been looking for this thing behind the scenes. That family is very
powerful, and no one dares to offend them easily."
"Could it be that the family they are talking about is Doctor An Shen?"
Amber shook his head. "It shouldn't be. Our young lady investigated this information in
secret. No one knew about it. Where did this mysterious family come from?"
"If too many people knew about this, he would have no chance. But you said you have
Starry Night Bamboo, is that true?"
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "Of course it's true. I originally planned to use this thing to
treat my daughter's illness. I have already collected two of the four herbs."
"But later someone said that even if we collected all these medicines, they would not be
able to cure my daughter's disease and might even make her condition worse, so we stopped
taking the medicine."
Amber said, "If you really want Jinxiu to help you cure your daughter's illness, maybe
bring this thing and she might consider it."
In order to treat his daughter, Xiao Zhantian was naturally willing to give up
everything. Moreover, if this thing couldn't cure Xiao Huanhuan's illness, there was no
point in him keeping it.
"I will contact our people right away and ask them to send this thing to me as soon as
possible. I will have to trouble you again in the next few days!"
Xiao Zhantian could see An Jinxiu's temper, which was a little changeable.
The old man said, "You saved my life, so I will naturally repay your kindness, but please
tell your wife not to be so aggressive."
"For so many years, I have never seen anyone dare to speak like that in front of Jinxiu.
If not, how could you suffer like this?"
Xiao Zhantian shook his head. "I think it's quite the opposite. It's because what she
said before touched Senior An that Senior chose to do this."
"She is willing to show her weakness, which is nothing more than a good thing. After all,
we now have an opportunity."
Amber was helpless, "You are so ruthless. If Jinxiu hadn't taken action today, you would
have definitely died from the poison she prepared."
"What if I take this detoxification pill?"
Xiao Zhantian took out a porcelain bottle from his pocket.
Amber took it and smelled it. "This is the work of the Southeast Lu family. They are also
well-known medical descendants. Can't they cure your daughter's poison?"
"If possible, I wouldn't have to come here. Although she had a way, her way was
Amber understood, "You mean the four herbs were her idea. Logically speaking, the Lu
family still has some skills."
"It's just that their methods are a little different from those of the An family."

Chapter 100 Obstruction in buying medicine

It sounds like he knows a lot about this, but this Amber must have been with An Jinxiu
for a long time.
"Anyway, no matter what you say, she can only suppress the toxicity temporarily. It is
unlikely to cure it completely."
Amber nodded, "I know. Although Jinxiu looks young, she is actually almost fifty years
old this year."
"She is definitely good at medicine, so you don't have to worry about it. Besides, since
she has spoken, she can definitely cure your daughter's illness."
"She is actually a very soft-hearted person. Don't be fooled by her cold face. It's all
because she has been looking for her daughter for these years."
"When his daughter got into trouble, she was about the same age as your child. You can
make something of this aspect."
Amber was quite enthusiastic, perhaps because Xiao Zhantian saved him. No matter what, he
had to repay the life-saving favor.
When Xiao Zhantian returned to the house and just walked to the door, he heard a burst of
laughter coming from there, and it seemed to be An Jinxiu's.
Not to mention him, even Amber, who was standing beside him, had a somewhat surprised
They pushed open the door and saw Xiao Huanhuan seemed to be talking to An Jinxiu with a
faint smile on her face.
"I've already helped him. He said he has Starry Night Bamboo here and has asked someone
to bring it over. I just don't know if it meets your needs."
Amber took the initiative to speak for Xiao Zhantian and the others, and An Jinxiu turned
around to take a look.
"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I have decided to help this little girl cure her illness. She
is quite interesting!"
After An Jinxiu finished saying this, Xiao Huanhuan smiled sweetly at her.
"Auntie, I haven't finished telling you Huanhuan's story just now. I only told you half
of it."
An Jinxiu nodded and said, "Then go on. If you're willing, why don't you go to the room?"
Xiao Huanhuan turned around and looked at Jiang Qingqing. She was still very sensible.
"If you like this aunt very much, then go!"
Jiang Qingqing naturally had no objection. After all, Xiao Huanhuan's illness was still
waiting for An Jinxiu to treat it.
"Since you all agree, I will take her to my room. But little girl, it's not right for you
to call me aunt at my age. I guess you can call me grandma now."
Xiao Huanhuan blinked her big eyes, very surprised, "Mom said that the younger ones
should be called auntie, and the ones with white hair and wrinkles should be called
She thought An Jinxiu was not much older than her mother, so she was definitely not a
"Forget it, it's up to you, call me whatever you want!"
An Jinxiu quickly compromised and took Xiao Huanhuan's hand back to the room.
Jiang Qingqing turned and looked at Xiao Zhantian with a smile on her face.
"It seems that Huanhuan's illness can be cured."
Amber said: "This little girl of yours is really smart. I haven't seen Jinxiu so happy
for a long time."
"She used to be very anxious when she heard news about Xing Yezhu, but today she was
indifferent and didn't ask any more questions."
It was getting late. If we delayed any longer, it would probably be dawn.
Amber arranged a room for the two of them and asked them to rest.
The next day, after An Jinxiu got up, she gave them a piece of paper.
"These are some medicinal materials for making an antidote for her. Right now, I'm not
sure what the exact proportions of the antidote are, so I need to do more experiments."
Xiao Zhantian immediately understood, "Don't worry, senior, I will prepare all the herbs
you need for you."
Anyway, there is nothing going on at the company for the time being, and Xue Sha has gone
back with Xiao Chengtian, so Xiao Zhantian is still relieved. They can contact him at any
time if there is anything.
He planned to stay in the Northern Territory for a while to deal with Xiao Huanhuan's
It's not easy to meet An Jinxiu, not to mention that she is now willing to help Xiao
Huanhuan cure his illness.
He contacted some people and quickly found the herbs, but when they heard him say he
wanted to purchase them in large quantities, they were a little hesitant.
"The medicinal materials here are all provided directly to pharmacies. We are not
accepting large orders from a single person for the time being. You can contact the
pharmacy directly."
Xiao Zhantian offered to double their money, but was still rejected by these people.
He thought that in such a large area as the North, there was not only one medicinal herb
Unexpectedly, after contacting several companies in a row, he got the same result.
Xiao Zhantian did some research and found out that these medicinal material vendors all
provided services from the same clinic.
This medical clinic called Yu'antang is very famous throughout the Tianlong Kingdom.
This clinic also comes from a family of doctors, so they need a large amount of medicinal
It’s just that he is unwilling to sell the herbs to others, which is indeed a bit
Xiao Zhantian contacted Nanyang of Zhuwang Palace, "Please help me check what's going on
at Yu'an Hall and why they are not allowed to sell their medicinal materials to others."
He didn't know much about the medicinal materials industry, but he felt that this was not
Nanyang investigated quickly and gave him feedback soon.
"Sir, there seems to be something wrong with the herbs you provided earlier. They are
skeptical about this prescription."
Xiao Zhantian frowned, "What doubt?"
"Based on the herbs you provided, they have deduced a prescription and I'm afraid they
will come to you soon."
Xiao Zhantian snorted. It was quite interesting.
"These people are quite capable. They were able to deduce the prescription from this. But
what do they want from me?"
Nanyang said: "He took the things for himself! This is most likely the case. Yu'an Hall
does sound famous, but it is not a good place either."
"It is said that they have done a lot of shameful things in private. They may have grown
stronger over the years by relying on this."
Xiao Zhantian understood, "It doesn't matter, just help me get the medicine, I can handle
the matter here myself."
Let those people come and find him, Xiao Zhantian can naturally deal with them.
There was no problem in Zhuwang Palace getting things done, and Nanyang soon contacted
medicinal material merchants from other places.
There are definitely enough medicinal herbs, but it will take some time and be somewhat
troublesome to transport them.
These don’t matter. They need the medicinal materials anyway. It doesn’t matter if it
takes a few more days, as long as they can be delivered.
Nanyang told Xiao Zhantian that the medicinal materials would be delivered to him in
three days.
The people from Yu'an Hall were quick and Xiao Zhantian received their call that
They did not come directly to find Xiao Zhantian because they could not find his
"Sir, you sent me some medicinal herbs a few days ago and said you wanted to buy them,
Xiao Zhantian did not deny it and asked directly: "What does it have to do with you?"

Chapter 101 Yu'antang Closes

"Sir, please don't get me wrong. We don't have any other intentions. We just want to ask
you what prescription this herb is used for."
"If you want, we can buy your prescription at a high price, and we can also provide you
with the herbs you need for free."
Sure enough, these people came for the prescription just as Nanyang said.
No wonder An Jinxiu didn't go to buy it herself. She must have thought it was too
troublesome and had already anticipated this result.
"I'm sorry, this prescription is not mine. I don't have the authority to sell it to
others, nor do I plan to sell it to others."
The other party immediately asked: "Is this prescription from the An family?"
They asked eagerly, "Sir, it's okay if you don't want to sell it, but can you help us get
in touch with the descendants of the An family?"
"If you really agree, we will definitely not treat you unfairly. You can ask for any
conditions you want. Whether you want money or something else, that's not a problem."
They were quite generous, but Xiao Zhantian didn't even listen to what they said and hung
up the phone directly.
In Yu'antang, the expressions of the people whose phones were hung up were a little
"This guy hung up. It seems he refused. What should I do?"
"What can we do? Since he doesn't want to reveal it, we have to find a way to make him
reveal it."
The next day, An Jinxiu found Xiao Zhantian.
"What's your situation? I asked you to buy me medicinal herbs, but you bought me a
Xiao Zhantian frowned and took a closer look. Sure enough, Yu'antang was quite quick.
I had just rejected them, and they fabricated some scandals about the An family. The
reason they did this was undoubtedly to force them to show up.
"This is my mistake. Don't worry, I will find a way to solve it."
An Jinxiu sighed, "Forget it. I already knew that once these herbs appeared, someone
would doubt my existence."
I don’t know how many times these things have happened over the years. One of the
reasons why An Jinxiu is unwilling to treat others is because of these things.
Those people can be said to be omnipresent. Every time I show up, I will be harassed by
To be honest, she didn't do anything shameful. On the contrary, curing diseases and
saving lives is a good thing.
But these people either wanted to find out the secrets of the An family from her, or
question her true identity.
An Jinxiu knew very well what they were thinking. They just wanted to use their
reputation as descendants of a medical family to do something.
"It's okay. You don't need to worry about this matter, senior. I have already made a
decision and will solve it satisfactorily."
An Jinxiu shook her head. "It's not easy to solve this problem. You have underestimated a
person's pursuit of these things."
Xiao Zhantian smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. As long as they don't have the right
and ability to pursue these things, that's all."
Although he did not say explicitly what he was going to do, An Jinxiu saw a hint of
coldness in his eyes.
She did not doubt Xiao Zhantian, even though she was not very familiar with the identity
of this young man.
However, she had also heard of a being called the God of War in the North. It was said
that this man was invincible and could kill any god that stood in his way.
"Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you. I won't be in charge of it anymore."
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "Senior, please focus on treating Huanhuan and don't worry about
other problems. I will solve all of them."
Since he had already agreed, An Jinxiu was too lazy to care and just let it go.
On that day, Xiao Zhantian went directly to Yu'antang's clinic in the northern border. He
didn't have so much time to waste with these people here.
Before the medicinal materials were delivered, he naturally had to resolve this matter
At that time, I have to focus on consumption and treatment. I won't have the time to
waste with these people.
As expected, there were a lot of people in Yu'antang.
There is an endless stream of people coming here to see a doctor.
Seeing Xiao Zhantian walking in, someone immediately looked over.
I originally thought he was here to see a doctor, but I didn't expect him to just walk
around and do nothing.
His behavior naturally attracted the attention of others.
Not long after, the person in charge of the clinic came towards him.
"Sir, I saw you walking around here just now. Is there anything we can help you with?"
Xiao Zhantian glanced at him and said, "I'm afraid you can't help me. Okay, you guys
should finish seeing these patients today first."
I am not the kind of heartless and ungrateful person. Besides, these people come here to
see a doctor. If I get rid of Yu'antang now, these people who come here to see a doctor
will have nowhere to go.
The person in charge looked a little puzzled. He always felt that Xiao Zhantian had no
intention of doing anything good, but he didn't do anything at this moment, so he
couldn't just push him out.
Therefore, he could only go to the side and let others pay attention to Xiao Zhantian's
But what they didn't expect was that Xiao Zhantian just sat quietly on the side and did
The people who were originally staring at him were still watching him seriously, but
after a while, seeing that they could not see anything useful from watching him and that
he did not move, they soon became lazy.
Xiao Zhantian is sorting out the information related to Yu'an Hall. If what is written
above were to be exposed, Yu'an Hall would probably be despised by all the people in the
Northern Territory.
It was already late, and seeing the patients leaving one after another, Xiao Zhantian
finally stood up.
He found the supervisor he had just met and handed him the stack of papers in his hand.
"Take these things and show them to your boss. You should close this clinic today! Don't
open it again in the future."
Xiao Zhantian spoke calmly, but his tone left no room for doubt; it was an order.
Hearing what he said, the other people's expressions suddenly changed.
Some people had already tipped off their bosses, so it wasn't long before the director of
the medical insurance department arrived.
"I want to see who it is that dares to cause trouble in Yu'an Hall. How brave!"
The man walked in, followed by several bodyguards in black.
Someone had contacted him just now and said that there was trouble here, so he
deliberately called a few people over in a threatening manner.
Xiao Zhantian didn't say anything to him, and the supervisor handed the thing in his hand
to the curator.
After reading it, the curator threw the thing to the ground and his face changed
"This is simply a false accusation! Everything written here is completely false. Who
ordered you to come here and harm us?"
Xiao Zhantian shook his head, "No one ordered me to do this. Anyway, I have already
informed you."
After saying this, he turned around and left, and the curator didn't dare let anyone stop
"Director, what should we do?"

Chapter 102 The Ming Family is in Chaos

Hearing the supervisor's question, the curator threw the paper in his hand in his face.
"You ask me what to do? How should I know what to do! Hurry up and find out where this
guy came from and where he got these things from!"
The curator did not have the authority to decide what to do with the store, so he
immediately contacted the Ming family.
"Mr. Ming, a kid just found us and took out a stack of information. It contains all the
unknown secrets of our Yu'an Hall."
He told Ming Renjun that Xiao Zhantian had found this place and done this.
"How dare someone threaten Yu'antang!"
He took a deep breath and asked, "Didn't you find out where this kid came from?"
"We have investigated, but we don't know who he is yet. He didn't introduce himself when
he came here before."
The curator was sincere, and Ming Renjun could see that, and he couldn't get anything out
of them by asking them.
"Just stay there and tell me immediately if this guy dares to go there again."
Ming Renjun never thought that Xiao Zhantian was not here to threaten them, but to inform
The next morning, although Yu'antang was open, no customers came.
Before they could wonder what was going on, they saw a large number of people in uniforms
pouring in.
After those people came in, they revealed their identities to them and then sealed off
their shop.
When Ming Renjun hurried over, the store had been almost cleaned up.
"What's going on? What are you going to do?"
The men looked at him and said, "Mr. Ming, since you are the person in charge here, it
would be good for you to be present."
"We have received some evidence about your Yu'an Hall. Every item is clearly written
"Your store has been temporarily closed down and cannot be reopened. We will investigate
you. If everything written here is true, you will have to bear the legal responsibility."
Ming Renjun was stunned by his words, "What do you mean? Who reported us?!"
He looked very excited, "This is simply a false accusation, we have never done such a
"You came here without knowing right or wrong and sealed up our shop. Do you have the
qualifications to do so?"
Hearing what he said, the other party frowned.
Originally they were being polite to him because he was the person in charge here, but
they didn't expect that he would not appreciate it at all.
In that case, there is no need for them to be polite.
"The evidence we have here is clearly presented. If you don't believe it, you can
continue to file a complaint."
"Anyway, we have already informed you that in the next few days, no one from your Ming
family can leave Tianlong Country at will."
"Once we have investigated this matter thoroughly, we will investigate and summon you. We
hope that you, the Ming family, can cooperate. Otherwise, your Ming family will bear all
the consequences."
Seeing this large group of people leaving here and the entire Yu'antang being sealed off,
Ming Renjun became anxious.
He hurried back to the Ming family, but before he could say anything, Old Man Ming got
very angry.
"What the hell is going on with you? Our Ming family has been running Yu'an Hall for so
many years, and nothing has ever happened!"
Ming Renjun said with a guilty conscience: "Dad, this matter can't be entirely blamed on
me. There was a kid who deliberately ran to our place to cause trouble."
Mr. Ming frowned, "I don't believe that there can be such unprovoked things in this
world. Think carefully about whether you have done anything you shouldn't have done
After his reminder, Ming Renjun remembered that he had indeed done some things in the
past few days.
"Could it be that the boy is a descendant of the An family, or is he here to help the An
family vent their anger?"
Hearing what he said, Mr. Ming's expression changed.
"What did you say? You actually did something bad to An's company before?"
He shook his head repeatedly, "You are so stupid. You don't even see what the An family
is. The An family has been in Tianlong Country for so many years."
"What's more, the number of patients that An has treated is too numerous to count. If any
random person comes, our Ming family may not be able to handle it."
"On the surface, it seems that the Ming family has been playing here for so many years
and has some strength, but in fact, you and I both know that our Ming family is far
inferior to the An family."
Yu'antang is already famous in the North, but they are not irreplaceable.
Once a medical clinic becomes substitutable, it is no longer unique and can be replaced
by others at any time.
But the An family has been around for so many years, and no one has come out who can
replace their medical skills, so they can stand out.
The Ming family, relying on the Yu'an Hall, wants to control the northern border and even
the Tianlong Kingdom, but they are bound to shoot themselves in the foot.
"If those people go back and investigate and find out that these are the facts, and if
they really want to harm the Ming family, what should we do?"
Ming Renjun was a little flustered at this time, as it had not been long since Yu'antang
was handed over to him.
Mr. Ming shook his head, "I'll think about this matter again, you go back first!"
Although Ming Renjun wanted to say something else, he couldn't say anything as things had
come to this point.
As soon as he left, Mr. Ming called in Ming Renjun's younger brother, Ming Yuanjun.
"Renjun is already in bad condition. Yu'antang estimates that he will be seriously
injured this time. Go check it out."
"Find out who is targeting Yu'antang this time, and then you can solve this matter, no
matter what method you use."
Ming Yuanjun didn't ask anything, just nodded in response.
"If you can resolve this matter, you can go directly to Yu'an Hall to take charge of the
work. As for your brother, I will naturally arrange for him to go out."
There was a hint of joy in Ming Yuanjun's eyes. "Dad, if you hand Yu'an Hall over to me,
my brother will probably be unhappy, right?"
"Since ancient times, only wise men have been able to occupy the throne. Since he doesn't
have this ability, he will naturally have to abdicate. However, whether you can sit in
this position depends on your own ability."
Ming Renjun didn't know yet that he was about to be pushed down.
He foolishly investigated Xiao Zhantian's identity, but he didn't expect that he would
actually find out something.
The Northern God of War has the same name as him, but his appearance cannot be found on
the Internet.
Ming Renjun thought he had found some important information, and even thought that by
following this clue, he would definitely be able to find out the mastermind behind their
incident this time.

Chapter 103: Yu'antang Closes Down

Ming Renjun was about to go find Grandpa Ming with the news he had learned, but was
stopped by his younger brother Ming Yuanjun.
"Brother, I suggest you don't go in. The previous matter was not handled properly, and
now Dad is still furious."
Ming Renjun hesitated for a moment and handed him the thing in his hand.
"Then this is for you. Please pass it to Dad for me. This is the news about the person
behind the targeting of our Yu'an Hall."
Ming Yuanjun nodded, "Don't worry! I will give it to Dad, and I will say a few good words
about you in front of him. I believe he will not be angry soon."
Looking at Ming Renjun's leaving back, Ming Yuanjun turned and went into the study.
"Dad, I asked someone to investigate and found out the information about the person who
was targeting us."
He handed the thing into Mr. Ming's hands without mentioning Ming Renjun at all.
Ming Renjun never thought that his younger brother would stab him in the back. He thought
that everything would develop as he imagined.
Of course the most important point is that he did not expect that Mr. Ming no longer had
a good impression of him.
After the Ming family received the news from Xiao Zhantian, they quickly sent people to
check it out.
But Ming Renjun was never told about these things from beginning to end.
If Ming Renjun knew about this, he would naturally tell them that Xiao Zhantian, who was
behind this incident, seemed to be the same person as the God of War in the North.
Although Yu'antang did not dare to confront the An family openly, who would know what
they did in private?
They planned to start with the young man named Xiao Zhantian.
On this day, Xiao Zhantian had just arrived in the city and was about to buy medicinal
herbs when a car stopped in front of him.
Then two men in black came down and grabbed him directly.
These two men in black certainly couldn't stop Xiao Zhantian, but he didn't resist.
Instead, he let these people take him into the car.
Xiao Zhantian was just a little curious about the identities of these people.
If I resist this time, I may not be able to find out who is behind this from these
If they come again without considering their own capabilities, it might threaten Xiao
Huanhuan and Jiang Qingqing.
"Didn't we say this guy seems to have some skills? How come we caught him so easily?"
The two people in the car looked at Xiao Zhantian and discussed with each other in front
of him, their words full of contempt for him.
Soon they brought the person to the place, and after getting off the car, Ming Yuanjun
was also a little surprised.
"Did you bring the person back?"
The two men pointed at Xiao Zhantian who was standing beside them, "That's him."
Ming Yuanjun looked over. Although this guy's hands and feet were tied at this time, he
didn't seem panicked at all, and even looked calm and composed.
"You are from Yu'antang."
Xiao Zhantian said this with certainty. Someone suddenly grabbed him at this place at
this time. It must be no one else except the people from Yu'an Hall.
"You are quite smart, but it's a pity that you have offended our Yu'an Hall. Boy, you are
unlucky this time!"
Ming Yuanjun waved his hand, and the two men in black walked behind Xiao Zhantian.
They raised their feet and kicked Xiao Zhantian directly at the knee, preparing to make
him kneel down.
But before they could carry out this action, Xiao Zhantian somehow untied the ropes that
tied him up and grabbed the two men and slammed them into each other.
The two men let out a howl of pain and fell to the ground after Xiao Zhantian let go.
It all happened so fast that Ming Yuanjun hadn't yet reacted to what was happening.
"I suggest you investigate before you take action against someone. You, Yu'an Hall, are
not upright."
Xiao Zhantian took a slow step and walked towards Ming Yuanjun.
"The reason why I only exposed the evidence and didn't do anything to you directly is
because you have saved many lives by curing illnesses over the years."
"I didn't expect you to be so shameless that you dared to come towards me. It seems that
Yu'an Hall is really unnecessary to exist."
Ming Yuanjun took a few steps back, "What do you want to do! It's against the law if you
kill me!"
Xiao Zhantian sneered twice, "Since you are so aware of the law, why don't you know that
bringing people to tie me up here is also against the law?"
He simply raised his hand and grabbed Ming Yuanjun. He didn't know what he did to him,
but Ming Yuanjun felt his whole body was sore and he had no strength left.
At the Ming family, the housekeeper rushed in, startling Mr. Ming and Ming Renjun.
"What's wrong? You look so anxious."
"Master, there is a man at the door, and he is bringing the Second Young Master with
Mr. Ming stood up and said, "Here you are. Please invite him in first. He may be a friend
of Yuanjun."
On the other side, Ming Renjun had already gone downstairs. When he saw the situation in
front of him, he understood why the butler was so nervous.
Apart from Xiao Zhantian and Ming Yuanjun, there was a large crowd of people following
behind them.
Each of these people is a muscular man with a powerful aura that scares people at first
After Mr. Ming went downstairs, he looked at Ming Yuanjun lying on the ground with a
somewhat panicked expression.
"What's going on? Who are you? Who allowed you to barge into my Ming family?"
Xiao Zhantian strode over and sat on the sofa.
"Originally, I was just giving you a warning. It would have been fine if you had just
closed down your business, but I didn't expect you to dare to come here."
Mr. Ming was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized his identity.
"Are you the one who exposed the inside story of our Yu'antang before?"
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "It's me. Since you, Yu'an Hall, haven't learned that lesson, then
you don't have to open it."
He waved his hand, and soon Xuesha and others came in with others.
Mr. Ming was a little terrified. "Who are you? Who gave you the courage to come to our
Ming family and destroy us?"
"Dad, didn't I give you Yuanjun's information? Why didn't you investigate the situation
before you took action against him?"
Ming Renjun turned his head and looked at him and said, "Have you forgotten what the name
of the North War God is?"
After he said this, Mr. Ming's expression suddenly changed.
He had not expected that Ming Yuanjun would be so stupid. Just for a little bit of
credit, he was now causing the destruction of the entire Ming family.
Yu'an Hall ceased to exist overnight, and everyone in the entire northern border knew the
Although they also felt confused and regretful, this matter was like a gust of wind, and
it would be fine after it passed.
After all, in this vast northern territory, there is more than one medical clinic,
Yu'antang. If they are gone, there are naturally other places to go.

Chapter 104: A Different Approach

One day later, all the medicinal materials were ready, and Xiao Zhantian quickly brought
them to An Jinxiu.
"Did you do this thing at Yu'antang?"
An Jinxiu asked him.
"Weren't they ignorant before? And you don't like them very much, Senior. If they do too
many bad things behind the scenes, they will eventually get themselves killed."
Xiao Zhantian did not admit that he did it, but he did not deny it either.
"Yu'an Hall did a lot of bad things, but it was also a place that cured illnesses and
saved lives. Now that it's gone, I'm afraid many people are upset."
An Jinxiu is a doctor after all, and her starting point is still to consider the
Xiao Zhantian was silent for a moment and said, "Don't worry, senior. I have my own way
to deal with this matter. I did it, so of course I won't let those patients have no place
to be treated."
"I'm not worried. I'm just afraid that when the truth comes out, someone will think that
I ordered you to do something bad to my An family."
Xiao Zhantian had been with her for a few days and knew her personality.
This person has always been like this, pretending to be indifferent. Xiao Zhantian did
not expose her, and there was no need to do so.
Originally Xiao Zhantian was planning to think of an idea on his own, but he didn't
expect that before he could think of a solution, someone came to him.
Ming Renjun was a little nervous. "Don't worry, Mr. Xiao. I'm not here to ask for an
explanation or revenge."
"I want to ask you, can I open a clinic in the North? Don't worry, I will never use the
name of Yu'an Hall, and I will never do the same thing again."
Xiao Zhantian didn't expect that he would come to him and make such a request.
"Do you think I will agree to you? I just closed Yu'antang down, and now you are letting
you make a comeback. What's the point of what I did before?"
Ming Renjun said: "I opened the clinic under my own name. It has nothing to do with the
Ming family or the previous Yu'an Hall."
He looked very serious and said, "Actually, I had a falling out with them. I know. If I
say that I was not involved in the previous events, maybe you, Mr. Xiao, will not believe
"But I did try to dissuade the Ming family from doing those shameful things. I don't deny
that I am a member of the Ming family, but at least I have more conscience than them."
"Moreover, my father had actually been thinking about asking me to abdicate and let my
younger brother take over, and Ming Yuanjun also agreed to it behind my back."
"The two of them had already figured out another way and joined forces, but they kept me
in the dark."
It seems that Ming Renjun found out the truth of the matter and had a falling out with
his brother and father.
Xiao Zhantian had done some investigations before. Ming Renjun couldn't be said to be
absolutely clean, but compared to the other two people in the Ming family, he was indeed
"I'll think about it and give you a conclusion after I've thought it through."
He didn't agree directly, so he naturally had to go back and think about it.
The main purpose was to test him and see what Ming Renjun would do if he didn't agree.
However, what he didn't expect was that Ming Renjun was quite upright. When Xiao Zhantian
didn't agree, he really waited quietly.
Moreover, Xiao Zhantian also did some investigation and found out that he had indeed
broken off with the Ming family.
According to the current situation of the Ming family, they would not unite together and
come up with such a method to deceive him.
This would be a bit too much trouble, and since Xiao Zhantian had the ability to make
them go bankrupt, he naturally had the ability to do it again.
After confirming that Ming Renjun was not someone from his family who had planned to
deceive him, Xiao Zhantian contacted him.
Anyway, he has this plan now. He wants to open a clinic here, which can be regarded as
mutual cooperation with Xiao Zhantian.
"Zhantian, do you think Doctor An can really cure Huanhuan?"
Jiang Qingqing's eyes were filled with worry.
"It should be possible! The medical skills of the An family have been passed down for a
long time, and Senior An has also promised us. If she can't cure it, she probably
wouldn't have agreed to it."
Jiang Qingqing sighed, "But it's almost been a week. How long do we have to stay here?"
It’s not that she complained about staying here for too long, but there is definitely no
fixed time for treatment, and they can’t stay here forever.
"When I have time later, I will go ask Senior An. Huanhuan's poison is so difficult to
cure. I'm afraid it can't be cured in a short time."
"If Senior An says it will take a long time, do we have to stay here with her the whole
Jiang Qingqing frowned, "Did Senior An say anything to you?"
"No, I just asked casually. Besides, you still have company matters to take care of.
Chengtian and Uncle Nian are responsible for the matters over there. I'm afraid they
won't be able to handle it either."
Although Xiao Zhantian did not ask An Jinxiu for sure, he actually had some guesses in
his mind.
He knew Lu Mingyou's medical skills. Even she had been treating him for such a long time,
and he was not 100% sure that he could cure him.
Even if An Jinxiu can cure it, it will definitely not be easy.
If she says at that time that this disease will take a long time to cure, they can't keep
wasting time here.
Jiang Qingqing hesitated and said, "Why don't we go over and ask now?"
She saw An Jinxiu come out just now, so she should not be busy with treatment and have
time to see them.
After the two knocked on the door, An Jinxiu's response came from inside the room.
Xiao Huanhuan was lying on the side with some silver needles stuck in her body.
Seeing her daughter like this, Jiang Qingqing couldn't help but feel a little distressed.
Although she had seen Xiao Huanhuan's appearance during treatment many times before, she
still felt uncomfortable every time.
When An Jinxiu heard that they were here to ask about the treatment time, she waved her
hand and said, "There is no exact time, and I can't give you a definite answer."
"I am now trying to expel the poison from her body, but I found that this poison is very
"Under normal circumstances, after this set of acupuncture, the poison will not only be
eliminated, but also be partially expelled from the body."
In the past few days, An Jinxiu didn't know how many detoxification methods she had used
on Xiao Huanhuan, but none of them worked.
The poison in her body seemed to be sealed.
"Maybe we can find an antidote to alleviate this situation, but based on the current
situation, it will take a long time to find an antidote."
Jiang Qingqing suddenly seemed to remember something, "We found a few blood slaves
before, and their blood seems to be able to cure Huanhuan's poison."
"Some time ago, Huanhuan has been relying on them to alleviate the situation. If we bring
them here for research, can they help you find the correct formula for the antidote
An Jinxiu didn't expect that such a thing would happen.

Chapter 105 Plagiarized

"I'm not sure if it can be done faster, but it certainly won't hurt to look for it. It
might even speed up the process of finding the antidote."
Jiang Qingqing suddenly felt a little hope. Anyway, those children had always been in the
Xiao family, and she could easily find them.
Although she still felt a little conflicted, thinking that this might be unfair to those
But at this moment, Jiang Qingqing wanted to save her daughter's life more.
If those children could survive, Jiang Qingqing would definitely not treat them unfairly.
Xiao Zhantian saw what she was thinking and said to comfort her, "Don't worry yet. It may
not be a bad thing for them to come here."
"Perhaps Senior An can find out the cause of their illness during the process, and then
we can help them with treatment."
After Xiao Zhantian said this, Jiang Qingqing felt a little better.
She was indeed anxious to help Xiao Huanhuan cure her illness, but that didn't mean she
could ignore the lives of others.
But right now, this thing has to be done, and what I need to think about is how to get
over this hurdle in my heart.
Xiao Zhantian wasn't just trying to comfort Jiang Qingqing, he really was thinking that
in his heart.
"I think this time, I should go back in person! You stay here first, and contact me if
you have any questions."
This was no small matter, and the people in Didu couldn't leave. Xiao Zhantian was even
more worried, so he let the children come by themselves.
He is still young, and it would be bad if something happened during the journey.
After confirming this, Xiao Zhantian bought the ticket immediately.
He asked those people to arrange a car for him and drove back to the northern city.
When we came here before, it was because Xiao Huanhuan was sick, so we used a private
plane. Although the situation is very urgent now, it is not so urgent.
Xiao Zhantian still felt that it would be better not to use those resources, so he drove
directly back to the northern city, which would not take long.
He headed south towards the imperial capital.
Before going back, Xiao Zhantian had already contacted Xiao Chengtian.
After landing in the imperial capital, Xiao Chengtian sent Xue Sha to pick him up.
"Sir, Mr. Xiao said that you are very busy here, so he won't take you to his place yet. I
will take you home directly."
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "Has nothing happened in the company recently?"
"Everything went smoothly. The raw materials that we got back from the gambling stone
auction a while ago have been designed."
"Xi Liunu has also promoted a new series, which is currently being pre-heated, and many
people have already placed orders."
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "That's good!"
He felt relieved when he saw that although he was not here, Xiao Chengtian did not
encounter any trouble.
When the two of them returned home, Xiao Zhantian had just picked up the children.
Before he could leave with the children, Xuesha said, "Sir, the company seems to be in
some trouble."
"I heard that other jewelry companies have officially released a new collection designed
by Ms. Xi Liu, and 90% of the ideas are the same as hers."
Xiao Zhantian frowned, how could such a thing happen.
He looked at the children in front of him and said, "How about this, you send them to the
North first, and I will go to deal with the matter here, and then I will go over after
I'm done."
Xuesha nodded, "Then sir, do I need to come back then?"
"After you send those children to the place I mentioned, you can return."
Xiao Zhantian felt that An Jinxiu was relatively safe and didn't need anyone to take care
of or protect her.
After Xuesha left, Xiao Zhantian also drove to the company.
In the company, Xiao Chengtian was in a meeting, and a group of people were also in a
state of panic.
"Brother, why are you here?"
Xiao Chengtian's eyes brightened when he saw this. In his heart, Xiao Zhantian still had
a lot of ways.
"I heard something happened at the company, so I came to see what happened."
Xiao Chengtian sighed, "There is still about a week until our jewelry launch conference."
"I didn't expect that today, Dongzhu Jewelry Company suddenly released their new series
of jewelry. The overlap between their new series and Xi Liu's design this time is as high
as 90%."
"But they've already released it first. Even if we sue them for plagiarism, that's
another matter. What should we do with our press conference?"
Their new product launch is imminent, and many people have pre-ordered it.
If something goes wrong at this time, there is no way to explain it to those who pre-
ordered the products.
It was for this reason that Xiao Chengtian was extremely anxious at this moment.
"Just now you said that we had already taken pre-orders. So when we took pre-orders,
weren't there any pictures released?"
Xiao Chengtian shook his head and let out a long sigh.
"It wouldn't matter if there were pictures, and I don't think those people would be so
bold as to copy us."
"It just so happened that during the pre-order period, no pictures were released. Those
people came just for Xi Liu's fame."
"Plus, we launched the Chundaicai before, which was also very popular. Such precious
jade, plus Xi Liu's design, is the reason why a large number of jewelry were pre-
"But now, Dongzhu Jewelry Company has officially released their new series. If we launch
our own at this time, there is a high probability that we will be accused of plagiarism."
Xiao Chengtian had thought of all the possible solutions. Unless they could design a new
series within a week, there was no way to break the deadlock.
In addition, there is insufficient evidence to prove that the other party has indeed
plagiarized them.
Even if Xi Liu has the original design, he has not yet officially started construction.
Compared with the other party who has already released something, they can still turn the
All we can say is that they took advantage of time, and this time suited them extremely
Under such circumstances, Xiao Zhantian had to suspect that someone did it on purpose.
But he also understood what Xiao Chengtian meant. What they had to do now was not to find
evidence of plagiarism among these people, but to come up with their own solutions.
"Don't worry. If a week is not enough to launch a new series, then it should be okay to
just design a few models, right?"
“Why not satisfy those who pre-ordered first, even if it’s just one design? As for the
official release date, we can extend it a little bit.”
“Although it is slightly different from what we expected, I think after we design the
pre-production version, other people won’t have too many objections.”
After all, Xi Liu's fame is there, and her designs are very personal. Anyone with a
discerning eye can tell that they were designed by her.

Chapter 106 Catching the Traitor

Although Xiao Zhantian has not seen the things that the other party copied so far, he
believes that those people would definitely not dare to copy them and have made changes.
Of course, for a person who strives for perfection like Xi Liu, there is no way he would
publish something that has already been copied.
However, he felt that what Xiao Zhantian said made some sense.
"In fact, I have already made the pre-heating models and designed two models, but I
haven't told anyone about this."
"So the things they are releasing now do not include these two pre-heated products. The
method Mr. Xiao mentioned is still feasible."
"We can release a pre-production model in a week. I should be able to design one within
this week."
After they said this, Xiao Chengtian also had an idea.
"Let's put the issue of plagiarism aside for now. I will change the launch of this new
product to a gradual release on schedule."
"This way, the time set by the true love will not be changed, nor will the public's
expectations be wasted. The design will be left to you."
He looked at Xi Liu and promised, "Don't worry, I will investigate this matter and will
not let this plagiarism incident just pass by."
Xi Liu nodded, "Then I'll go to work first."
The internal operations of the company have nothing to do with her as a designer.
In fact, for Xi Liu, designing a piece of jewelry within a week is not a difficult task.
She is an inspirational designer.
For ordinary inspiration designers, if they can't grasp the inspiration at this time, it
may be difficult to design this thing.
But Xi Liu doesn't just look at inspiration, she is also a genius.
For her, everything can bring her inspiration.
After he left, Xiao Chengtian immediately gave orders that a set of procedures would be
initiated within the company.
Every day, all employees who come here to work will automatically connect to the
company's internal LAN.
During the connection period, if their mobile phones send any messages related to the
company, they will naturally be checked.
Similarly, within the company, if someone disconnects from the network without permission
and uses their own mobile network, their phone will also be monitored.
"This is a last resort in response to the recent incident. If anyone is unwilling, they
can clearly state so."
Xiao Chengtian looked around and no one raised any objections.
His behavior is aimed at those who betray the company. If people act uprightly, they will
naturally not feel guilty.
Of course, during the investigation, some of the employees' privacy will be involved.
But if they don't talk about personal matters during working hours, it's no big deal.
After coming out of the meeting room, Xiao Chengtian hurriedly asked about the situation
of Xiao Zhantian and Xiao Huanhuan.
Xiao Zhantian told him about his recent medical treatment.
"Even I have heard of Doctor An Shen. I believe his medical skills are really amazing.
Huan Huan will definitely be fine this time."
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "I hope so! Since you have almost dealt with the company's matter,
I won't talk to you any more."
"Wait brother, I have something else to tell you, let's go back to my office first!"
Xiao Chengtian called him again, and the two of them went into the office together.
"Actually, what I told those people just now was all false. I just wanted to trick them.
Even though the company has a local area network, it's not as magical as I said."
Xiao Zhantian burst out laughing. He didn't expect that Xiao Chengtian was so smart that
he could come up with such an idea.
"I'll help you think of a way, find a hacker or something, and see if I can achieve the
effect you described."
Xiao Zhantian also understood the purpose of Xiao Chengtian asking him to stay, which was
naturally to help.
"But these are all small matters. The big thing is how to catch the person with the
problem in the end."
Even if we achieve the effect that Xiao Chengtian described, it is only a deterrent to
the public.
In this case, it is still impossible to completely prevent plagiarists from taking
advantage of loopholes.
The only way is probably to protect Xi Liu.
Xiao Chengtian shook his head. "I haven't figured out the specific method yet, but not
many people have access to her design drawings. If we investigate along this scope, we
may be able to find out quickly."
Xi Liu is not a person who likes to be casual and show his designs to others.
By looking at the range of people who have seen her design drawings, one can roughly
guess the identity of the person who plagiarized them.
But this is just a rough guess. It is no longer appropriate to find any substantial
evidence based on the current situation.
So much time had passed, and even the other party's design had already come out. The
traces they left behind must have been eliminated long ago, and they would not be waiting
for others to catch them.
"If you want to find out who is behind this, maybe you can play a trick, but the other
party's work has been released now, I'm not sure if they will plagiarize again."
Xiao Zhantian didn't know much about their industry. Although he could offer some ideas,
they might not be of any use.
"It's okay. Just tell me what method you have! Anyway, I don't have any ideas right now.
Maybe if we pool our wisdom, we can find a method that can be used."
Since he said so, Xiao Zhantian told Xiao Chengtian the method he had thought of.
"Maybe, we can really try what you said. Anyway, all the methods now rely on luck."
Xiao Chengtian has learned a lesson this time and will definitely strengthen his
precautions in the future. As for whether he can find out the truth of this matter, he
can only wait and see.
Five days later, a response came from here quickly. Unexpectedly, a suspected traitor was
actually caught.
"Boss Xiao, based on the different drawings we provided over the past few times, the only
one with a problem is this guy."
They brought the captured man to Xiao Chengtian.
The man hung his head and said nothing, apparently intending to remain stubborn.
"Now that the evidence is irrefutable, what else do you have to say? The drawings
provided to you all during this period are all different. The only ones that have been
circulated repeatedly are the ones you have seen."
Xiao Chengtian placed all the drawings he had seen in front of him.
Now that the facts are before his eyes, the man certainly has nothing to refute.
"I did these things, but I don't admit the first one."
Now that things have come to this, the less guilt the better.
However, Xiao Zhantian felt that once something like this happened, his reputation would
definitely be ruined, and it would be unlikely for him to continue in this line of work.
Under this circumstance, it seemed that there was no need for him to deny that he was the
one who did what happened before.

Chapter 107: Studying Medicine

Unless he didn't do that, he doesn't want to take the blame for others.
Xiao Zhantian shared his thoughts with Xiao Chengtian, and he thought the same thing.
"If this is true, it will be difficult to catch the previous traitor."
It can be seen that the other party is very cautious. After the previous incident, it
seems that no action has been taken this time.
"Don't worry, there will be no problem with our press conference. We will announce the
plagiarism after the press conference is over."
Xiao Zhantian still had some understanding of doing business. After all, he was trained
as the eldest son of the Xiao family.
They were not prepared this time, so it was not easy to catch the traitor.
However, we already know that there are problems inside. From now on, as long as we are a
little cautious and set up some traps, it won't be a big problem to catch the people.
It's just a matter of time.
"Brother, Huanhuan may still need you. I have no problem here at the company."
Xiao Chengtian was still concerned about Xiao Huanhuan's illness. After all, he couldn't
delay the child's treatment because of his company's affairs.
"Thank you for your hard work. I think it will take some time for Huanhuan to recover.
Maybe we can leave her there while your sister-in-law and I come back first."
Xiao Chengtian looked a little worried. "She is only four years old. How can we leave her
there alone?"
Xiao Zhantian shook his head, "Don't worry, this incident may not be a bad thing for her,
but an opportunity."
He could see that An Jinxiu liked Xiao Huanhuan very much, and the An family had no
descendants now.
Xiao Zhantian did have some thoughts in mind. If he could let Xiao Huanhuan learn
medicine from An Jinxiu, not only could he cure her illness, but perhaps she would also
have something to rely on in the future.
Of course, he also had his own considerations. The An family was very prestigious in
China. If Xiao Huanhuan became a descendant of the An family, his enemies would not
attack her if they wanted to do something in the future.
The deeper the love parents have for their children, the more they plan for their long-
term future. Xiao Zhantian had to consider Xiao Huanhuan's future.
He expressed his thoughts, and Xiao Chengtian no longer objected.
"But when Xueqing and I get married, let Huanhuan come back to attend! Otherwise, we
don't know when we will meet again."
Xiao Zhantian nodded in response. Seeing that Xiao Chengtian really didn't need his help,
he asked Xue Sha to come back.
He immediately returned to the northern border and told Jiang Qingqing about what had
happened there.
He seemed a little worried. "Let Chengtian handle all the company's affairs. I'm afraid
he can't handle it."
"Zhan Tian, Miss Qi Yunqing may be able to use him. Doesn't she also want to strengthen
her own strength and fight against the Qi family?"
She did give Xiao Zhantian an idea. It was true that Qi Yunqing had good abilities and
could be used.
Her previous ability in business was unquestionable.
Xiao Zhantian contacted Qi Yunqing, and when Qi Yunqing heard that he wanted her to go to
Tiancheng Company to help Xiao Chengtian, he agreed after only a moment's hesitation.
"I can enter Tiancheng Company, but I also hope that in exchange for this, you can help
me deal with the Qi family."
Xiao Zhantian agreed. After all, in the adult world, it’s all about exchanging
And sometimes, doing something solely based on personal connections is far less reliable
than doing it based on the exchange of interests.
There is no doubt that Qi Yunqing has her own considerations, and Xiao Zhantian would not
After arranging things over there, Xiao Zhantian could finally rest assured and stay in
the Northern Territory for the time being.
"I asked Doctor An before, and she said that if Huanhuan's illness is to be cured, it
might take a long time. At least in the short term, she has to stay here."
Jiang Qingqing was feeling somewhat heavy-hearted. As a mother, she certainly didn't want
her daughter to be too far away from her.
"There's nothing we can do about it. In fact, I've already thought about it. Maybe we can
let Huanhuan stay here for a while and follow Doctor Anshen."
Xiao Zhantian repeated his idea of having Xiao Huanhuan become his disciple.
"Is this possible? I think based on Doctor An's personality, he might not agree."
"You have to try everything. I think she likes Huanhuan very much. Besides, Huanhuan is
still young. If she starts learning from now on, maybe she can achieve some results."
Xiao Zhantian spoke a lot and persuaded Jiang Qingqing. She thought about it carefully
and it seemed that what Xiao Zhantian said made sense.
There are no descendants of the An family now. I believe that An Jinxiu will not let the
medical skills of the An family be lost.
If she is willing to teach Xiao Huanhuan, that would be the best. Even if she is not
willing, it doesn't matter. Anyway, she has already promised to treat Xiao Huanhuan.
Overall, they won't lose no matter what.
After the couple made their decision, they came together to find An Jinxiu.
Due to medical treatment, Xiao Huanhuan has been living with An Jinxiu in recent days.
Although she is young, she is very obedient and doesn't cry or make a fuss.
An Jinxiu is now used to her being with her, and I heard that she tells her stories every
"Senior An, we came here this time to talk about Huanhuan."
An Jinxiu raised her head and looked at the two of them. "I've told you before that it's
impossible to cure her disease overnight."
"Even if I treat her, it will take at least three to five years, or seven to eight years.
If I can prepare an antidote during this period, perhaps the time can be shortened."
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand and said, "Senior, you misunderstood. I am not talking about
curing the disease, but something else."
An Jinxiu frowned slightly, a little confused, "Anything else?"
"I want to say that since Huanhuan wants to stay here and be treated by Senior, why don't
you take her in as your apprentice and teach her some medical skills?"
Xiao Zhantian was straightforward and didn't beat around the bush. He also knew that An
Jinxiu was not someone who liked to beat around the bush.
Instead of coming here to hint at her, or beating around the bush to express your
purpose, it would be better to be direct and straightforward, so as to avoid mutual
Hearing this, An Jinxiu frowned slightly and did not respond directly, with a somewhat
hesitant expression.
"I have never accepted an apprentice, and I have no plans to do so."
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "I understand what you mean, Senior, but the An family has no
successors by the time of your passing, right?"
"Don't blame me for being blunt. An's medical knowledge is a treasure in the entire
Chinese medical community. If it is lost, it will be a pity for the entire nation."

Chapter 108 Studying Medicine

An Jinxiu remained silent, and it was obvious that she also knew that what Xiao Zhantian
said made sense.
"Learning medicine is not as simple as you think. It requires hard work and it cannot be
learned overnight."
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "I know, it will take many years for Huanhuan to be treated here,
Senior. It would be better for her to learn some medical skills from you."
"Maybe she has talent in this area, but it's not certain. Besides, she is still so young.
If she starts learning now, there are still many years to go."
"No matter what, even if I can't learn all of your skills, learning some of them will be
enough to save many lives."
Xiao Zhantian's words did convince An Jinxiu. Of course, the most important thing was
that she really liked Xiao Huanhuan more.
"I can promise you that I will let her stay here to learn medicine, but I cannot agree to
let her become my disciple for the time being. I need to test her first."
"If she is indeed gifted in medicine, then I can accept her as my apprentice. Otherwise,
if the apprentice taught by my An family is stupid, it will ruin the reputation of the An
Since she said so, Xiao Zhantian naturally would not refuse. No matter what, An Jinxiu
finally gave in.
However, they have not discussed this matter with Xiao Huanhuan yet.
After An Jinxiu agreed, the two of them found Xiao Huanhuan and asked about her
After all, she is the person involved. If she is not interested in this thing, she will
definitely not be able to learn it well if she is forced to learn it.
"Mom and Dad, do you mean that Huanhuan can become a great doctor like Aunt An in the
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "If you study hard, it will be possible in the future."
"If Huanhuan can endure hardships and is determined to study, Mom believes that you will
be able to be as good as Aunt An in the future."
Jiang Qingqing also said that it was obvious that Xiao Huanhuan didn't seem to be very
resistant to studying medicine and becoming a doctor.
After the couple's explanation, Xiao Huanhuan easily agreed.
They brought Xiao Huanhuan directly to An Jinxiu, planning to let her test Xiao Huanhuan
first. If Xiao Huanhuan passed her test, he could become her apprentice in the future.
An Jinxiu only gave her some basic questions. After all, she was only four years old and
didn't know many words. It was already very difficult for her to barely understand these.
Xiao Huanhuan looked serious at the side, and after a while, she handed over the paper.
"Auntie An, I've finished writing, but I don't know these two words, so I drew them
She placed the paper in front of a few people and began to explain with a serious
An Jinxiu raised her head and took a look at what she had written on it. After a moment,
her expression showed a little surprise.
Unexpectedly, all of Xiao Huanhuan's answers were correct, but An Jinxiu would not accept
her as her disciple so easily.
She asked another question, and after a while Xiao Huanhuan also answered it.
"Great! It seems that this kid is indeed a good candidate for being a doctor. He just
spent a few days with me these days and has memorized all these things as well as the
formulas and dosages."
Because Xiao Huanhuan was young, the questions that An Jinxiu tested her with were not
very difficult, but ones she had already encountered in the past few days.
Sure enough, Xiao Huanhuan lived up to everyone's expectations and wrote them all down.
This fully demonstrated that either she had research in medicine or she had an
extraordinary memory.
"Doctor An, now that my daughter has answered all these questions, can you accept her as
your apprentice?"
Jiang Qingqing asked impatiently.
"I can agree to take her as my apprentice. In this way, she will have to stay with me and
learn medical skills until her illness is cured. I'm afraid she won't be able to return
to you."
Jiang Qingqing took a deep breath and said, "It doesn't matter. If it's for her own good,
then it doesn't matter if we can't see her for a while."
Xiao Huanhuan, who was standing by, understood what they said, and her expression
suddenly became a little nervous.
"Mom, are you and Dad going to leave me here alone?"
Jiang Qingqing squatted down and hugged her, "Huanhuan, Daddy and Mommy will never
abandon you. We just found a better place for you to get treated."
"Haven't you been getting along very well with Doctor An these past few days? She is very
famous throughout the entire Northern Territory. Many people want to ask her to treat
them, but they don't have such an opportunity."
"Now that he is willing to accept you as his apprentice, this is a good thing for us.
Besides, mom and dad are not going to abandon you here. We will come back to see you
after a while."
Although she said this, Xiao Huanhuan still pouted and looked a little pitiful.
Xiao Zhantian touched Xiao Huanhuan's head and said, "Huanhuan, do you still remember the
story your father told you before? Anyone who achieves great things must go through this
Although Xiao Huanhuan still felt very aggrieved, her eyes gradually became more
"Okay, Dad! I'm your daughter, I won't be so weak. If you and mom can be happy, then I
will definitely study medicine well."
Xiao Zhantian shook his head, "Huanhuan, we let you learn medicine not to make us happy,
but to give you a skill."
"How about this! You study with Aunt An for a few days first. If you don't like it, then
we won't study anymore."
Although An Jinxiu wanted to say something, she didn't open her mouth in the end.
Of course she could see that Xiao Zhantian was just coaxing Xiao Huanhuan, but if Xiao
Huanhuan really didn't like it, they probably wouldn't force Xiao Huanhuan to learn it.
Although Xiao Huanhuan is young, you can see that she is a very determined person and
will not give up easily.
After discussing the decision, the matter was settled.
Xiao Huanhuan does have some talent in medicine, and this is not An Jinxiu's illusion.
She could remember all the things she taught him, but there were some things she really
couldn't understand.
It is hard to imagine that she is only a four-year-old child and can remember so many
things in such a short time.
Seeing that Xiao Huanhuan had settled down, Xiao Zhantian and the others were very happy.
They told Xiao Huanhuan that they should go back and prepare for Xiao Chengtian's wedding
first, and then come to pick her up.
Xiao Huanhuan was very sensible. When she heard that they had important business to
attend to when they returned, she naturally did not refuse.
Jiang Qingqing was still a little worried, so Xiao Zhantian said, "Take this as a test!
Anyway, we'll come back to pick her up after Chengtian's wedding in a few days."
He certainly wouldn't lie to a child, and what he said about coming back to pick up Xiao
Huanhuan must be true.

Chapter 109 Skin Care Products

Although Jiang Qingqing was reluctant, just as Xiao Zhantian said, sometimes life has to
go through separation, and this separation may not be a bad thing.
The two of them returned all the way to the imperial capital. Although Xiao Chengtian was
a little disappointed because he didn't see Xiao Huanhuan, he was happy for her when he
learned that she had become An Jinxiu's disciple to learn medicine.
"Don't worry! There will be no problem following Senior An. If Huanhuan can learn it, she
may become the mainstay of our country's medicine in the future."
Xiao Zhantian comforted her, and Nian Xueqing also held Xiao Chengtian's hand.
"Huanhuan is so smart, there will be no problem."
After she said that, Jiang Qingqing remembered something.
"She is indeed quite talented. Even Senior An praised her. I don't know what this girl
has discovered. She is very smart in these matters."
Nian Xueqing smiled and said, "Anyway, if it's not inherited from my brother, then it
must be inherited from you, my sister-in-law. But I think it's inherited from my sister-
She looked thoughtful, "I think you are very knowledgeable about medicinal materials,
sister-in-law. Didn't you develop something for your face before?"
Jiang Qingqing waved her hand, "It can't be considered research and development. It's
just something I made casually."
Xiao Zhantian looked a little curious, "What kind of face paint is this? How come I don't
know about it?"
"I just made this when I had nothing to do. Didn't I have a few pimples on my face a
while ago?"
Jiang Qingqing seemed a little embarrassed to say it, but Xiao Zhantian was her husband,
so there was naturally no secret between them that could be hidden.
"You mean, that sweet-smelling thing you put on your face the other day?"
Xiao Zhantian became somewhat interested, mainly because he didn't expect that this thing
was developed by Jiang Qingqing herself.
Jiang Qingqing nodded, "If you are interested, I can get some for you."
"I'm not interested in this medicine. No, I am indeed interested in this medicine, but
I'm not going to use it."
Xiao Zhantian turned to look at Xiao Chengtian, "If we only develop the jewelry industry,
it will take some time for us to grow bigger."
"It's better to develop more at the same time, so that you can achieve twice the effect
in only twice the time, and everyone will have something they are good at."
Xiao Chengtian naturally understood what he meant, "Brother, do you want Xueqing to have
something to do in the company?"
"Yes, after all, Xueqing is the eldest daughter of the Nian family. Wasn't she also very
talented in business before? Why don't you develop your sister-in-law's skin care
products into our company?"
"When the time comes, let Xueqing and your sister-in-law take care of this matter. I'll
have to trouble you and Uncle Nian for the jewelry."
Xiao Chengtian felt that this matter could still be done. "Sister-in-law, give me your
formula later and I will find someone to develop it."
"You two brothers are really practical people. You do what you say. I made this thing
according to my own skin."
"I'm not sure if it's suitable for everyone. If you really want to make it, I can study
it further."
Xiao Zhantian and Xiao Chengtian looked at each other and smiled.
"That's fine. If you have any difficulties, please tell me at any time. I know some
people here who may be able to help you."
Xiao Zhantian felt that Jiang Qingqing was indeed very talented in this area, and it
seemed that Xiao Huanhuan had inherited it from her.
Otherwise, Xiao Zhantian doesn't know any medical skills. If the child looks like him,
I'm afraid An Jinxiu won't be willing to accept her as her apprentice.
As for Xiao Chengtian's wedding, of course, it can be held at any time. As long as they
are ready, Zheng Guangfeng will follow them closely.
In order to give Nian Xueqing a surprise, they have not yet taken her to the wedding.
Seeing that the wedding is approaching, I have to take her there at least.
Jiang Qingqing personally took Nian Xueqing to the wedding scene. Now Nian Xueqing looks
no different from a normal person.
Apart from appearing a little dazed occasionally, he no longer has the blurred memory and
inability to recognize people like before.
When she arrived at the wedding scene and saw the entire layout, Nian Xueqing was
completely stunned. She didn't expect that everyone would take so much trouble for her.
"Sister-in-law, it must have taken a lot of effort to build a place like this, right?"
Jiang Qingqing smiled and said, "Don't worry, this was all done by a friend your brother
knew who asked him to help with it. Don't feel any psychological burden."
"Besides, marriage is something that only happens once in a lifetime. The most important
thing is that you are satisfied. Everything else is trivial."
She held Nian Xueqing's hand and walked around the entire hall.
Nian Xueqing could hardly imagine that she was about to get married here.
This place was so beautiful, like a fairy tale world, making her unable to tell whether
she was in reality or a dream.
The two of them came out of the tour and were about to leave when someone suddenly called
Jiang Qingqing.
"Qingqing, what a coincidence today. I didn't expect to see you here again. Are you here
to see the wedding again?"
Jiang Qingqing pursed her lips and said, "We have already taken a look."
He Liang looked him up and down with a half-smile on his face.
In his opinion, Jiang Qingqing was just showing off. They couldn't even afford to book a
hotel before, and now they could go to the best banquet hall in the whole world. Could
they afford it?
"Qingqing, you haven't forgotten the class reunion tomorrow, right? Everyone is waiting
to see you, the school beauty."
Jiang Qingqing smiled and said, "Of course I didn't forget. I have some things to do here
so I'll leave first. I will be there on time tomorrow."
After walking a few steps away, Jiang Qingqing finally breathed a sigh of relief.
Fortunately, she met He Liang today and he reminded her, otherwise she would have really
forgotten it.
She has had a lot on her mind recently. He Liang only mentioned it to her half a month
ago. How could she remember it now?
After all, I have never attended any class reunion in all these years.
In addition, she had never been in the imperial capital before, and had always been in
Jiangzhou. Jiang Qingqing knew in her heart that these classmates were all flattering the
powerful and bullying the weak.
That is to say, now that she has come to the imperial capital, and they are interested in
her current situation, otherwise they may not invite her to the class reunion.
"Sister-in-law, I don't think you need to attend. Classmates' reunions these days are
nothing more than just comparisons."
Nian Xueqing was very knowledgeable about these things and hit the nail on the head.
"He has already invited me, so I will go this time. At worst, I can just not go next
Jiang Qingqing knew that if she didn't go this time, those people might say something
about her behind her back.

Chapter 110 Threatening Gift

Seeing that she had made up her mind, Nian Xueqing didn't say anything. After thinking
for a while, she said, "But you have Brother Zhantian with you anyway, so it will be
"Don't talk about me. Are you satisfied with the wedding scene? It's not time to hold the
wedding yet. If there is anything you are not satisfied with, you can change it at any
Nian Xueqing said: "How can I not be satisfied? This scene is simply the wedding that
every girl dreams of."
"When I entered here today, I thought I was hallucinating. How could such a dreamlike
scene exist in real life?"
Jiang Qingqing smiled and said, "As long as you like it, it's fine. This is your wedding,
and everything is for your benefit."
She looked at Nian Xueqing twice. In fact, she still had some questions, but she felt
that it was not appropriate to ask at this time.
Besides, in recent times, Nian Xueqing has become no different from a normal person, but
she still hasn't mentioned the things she had experienced.
Everyone felt that this might be a painful memory for Nian Xueqing, and it was a good
thing that she didn't want to think about it.
After they returned, Nian Xueqing excitedly told Xiao Chengtian what she had seen today.
She was beaming with joy, and Xiao Chengtian was naturally happy to see her like this,
but there was a hint of worry between his brows.
He is now a disabled person and can no longer stand up. As he watched Nian Xueqing
gradually return to normal, he couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.
Is it good or bad for her if I marry her?
No one else noticed what he was thinking, but Xiao Zhantian could see that Xiao Chengtian
had been worried in recent days.
"What's wrong with you? You're getting married to Xueqing soon, you should be happy now,
but I see you have a sullen face these past few days."
Xiao Chengtian took a deep breath and said, "Brother, I don't know whether it is a good
thing or a bad thing for her if I marry her."
"She has now recovered and become a normal person, but I am a disabled person. Can I
really give her the happiness she wants?"
Xiao Zhantian patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't let your imagination run wild.
Before getting married, it's usually the girls who have pre-marital anxiety. Why are you,
a grown man, also anxious?"
"No matter which of you is healthy or disabled, as long as you love each other, you can
be together, and Xueqing will not regret it."
"You've been through so much together. Now that it's come to this critical moment, it
would be a bit unreasonable for you to back down."
"What's more, if Uncle Nian and the others were not willing to do this, they would not
have supported you and Xue Qing in the beginning."
After his advice, Xiao Chengtian gradually felt relieved and his frown gradually relaxed.
"Okay, I'll go ask Lu Mingyou. Aunt Nian's eyes should be recovering in the next few
"If he can see your wedding, then the matter will be complete. After all, this only
happens once in a lifetime, so don't leave any regrets."
Xiao Zhantian was about to leave when Xiao Chengtian stopped him.
"Thank you, brother."
Xiao Zhantian pushed him on the head and said, "What are you talking about? We are
brothers. I want to see you happy the most in this world."
He walked out the door quickly and took a deep breath when he came out.
When Xiao Zhantian thought about his younger brother getting married, he felt a little
But as he just said, this is a good thing. The only regret is that his parents and sister
cannot see this scene.
As soon as Xiao Zhantian arrived at the hall, he saw the butler walking in.
"Sir, someone just sent a gift, saying it's a gift to congratulate the second young
master on his marriage."
Xiao Zhantian frowned slightly. Although the news of Xiao Chengtian's marriage had been
out for a long time, it had not yet been held.
Besides, even if this person wanted to send a gift, he should wait until the wedding day.
Xiao Zhantian keenly noticed that this person seemed to have bad intentions, so he asked
the butler to put him aside.
Soon Xiao Zhantian opened the gift. It was not a wedding gift at all. There was a clock
inside, which was actually a curse.
In addition to this clock, there is also a small card on it.
"Mr. Xiao, I heard that your brother is getting married, so I sent you a gift."
The signature on it is Jing Xinli.
Unexpectedly, this guy dared to jump in front of me.
Ever since his son got into trouble, Jing Xinli seemed to be depressed for a while.
He now looks as if he is planning to take revenge on Xiao Zhantian, otherwise he would
not have sent this gift.
Although Xiao Zhantian didn't take him seriously, he still had to be on guard to prevent
this guy from doing anything despicable behind his back.
"Why are you standing here alone?"
Jiang Qingqing's voice rang out and she walked over.
Xiao Zhantian was just about to hide the things behind him, but she had already seen it.
"Just now I seemed to hear the butler say that someone came to deliver a gift. Could this
be it?"
Seeing that she had seen it, Xiao Zhantian no longer concealed it and nodded.
"It was sent by Jing Xinli. He had a quarrel with the Jing family some time ago. I can
imagine that he must have something good to say."
Jiang Qingqing frowned slightly, "I think we should let Xuesha stay close to Chengtian to
protect him! And Xueqing too."
"They are getting married soon. It would be bad if something happened at this time. There
is no guarantee that the other party is not thinking along these lines."
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "Don't worry, I will take care of all these things. No matter what,
I will definitely not let anything happen to the two of them."
"As for this Jing Xinli, I will check it out. If he has not formed an alliance with
others, he should not have the courage to come here to provoke me."
It is naturally difficult for the Jing family alone to achieve great things. Before, Xiao
Zhantian also adopted the method of defeating them one by one.
If these people from the eight great families unite, it will not be easy for Xiao
Zhantian to deal with them.
But before he took action, he had already figured out what these people were thinking.
On the surface, they seem to be friends with each other, but in fact, they are enemies
and opponents in private, so it is impossible for them to unite.
However, Xiao Zhantian launched a massive revenge against them, so these people might
band together in desperation.
Xiao Zhantian asked Xue Sha to check where this thing was sent from.
However, since Jing Xinli dared to write his name, he should not be afraid of Xiao
Zhantian's investigation.
But he still asked Xue Sha to check it out, and the final result was that this thing was
not sent from the Jing family.

Chapter 111: Sowing Dissension

Xiao Zhantian was a little confused for a moment. Was this thing something that Jing
Xinli didn't want Xiao Zhantian to find out about his home, so he changed the address, or
was it someone else who was trying to divert the blame?
However, since the other party has already done this, Xiao Zhantian is not afraid of
breaking up with him.
At the Jing family, Jing Xinli became furious when he saw Xiao Zhantian and rushed
towards him as if he wanted to kill him.
"How dare you come here! I'm lucky I didn't go looking for you, but you dare to come to
my Jing family!"
Xiao Zhantian looked at him coldly, then threw the gift to him.
Jing Xinli was somewhat stunned. After opening it, he said angrily, "What do you want? My
son has been killed by you, and you still come here to curse me!"
As soon as he said this, Xiao Zhantian knew that it seemed that Jing Xinli did not do
"You might as well take a look at the card inside and see who signed it."
When Jing Xinli heard this, he picked it up and took a look, and his expression
immediately changed.
"Since you didn't do this, I'll let you go for now. It's best if you don't end up in my
Xiao Zhantian turned around and left, not wanting to do anything to him.
Judging from the current situation, it seems that someone wants to sow discord. If Xiao
Zhantian really does something to Jing Xinli, it would be fulfilling someone else's wish.
After Xiao Zhantian left, Jing Xinli immediately launched an investigation.
At first he thought it was done by his rival, but the more he looked at the handwriting
on the card, the more familiar it seemed.
Jing Xinli slammed the table and stood up. He never expected that the person who did this
was someone close to him.
Xiao Zhantian soon learned about the affairs of Jing's Company. He did not expect that
there was an internal conflict in their company.
Jing Xinli has been in a slump since his son passed away, and several major shareholders
in the company want to join forces to kick him out.
This incident once became the laughing stock of the entire imperial capital.
Has anyone ever seen a company that they founded, only to be kicked out in the end?
Xiao Zhantian had no time to take care of their affairs. He went to the northern border
in person to bring Huanhuan back, and also brought An Jinxiu and the others over.
Now Xiao Huanhuan needs to soak medicine every day for her illness. If she stops, her
condition will be affected.
With no other choice, he could only let An Jinxiu and the others come along.
"The Lu family is known as the Ghost Doctor. Your methods of treating illnesses are quite
An Jinxiu looked at Xiao Chengtian and spoke to Lu Mingyou.
"He had suffered a huge blow mentally before and was unable to recover. I didn't dare to
give him strong medicine."
"His leg has gotten much better in recent times, but it was a comminuted fracture at the
beginning, so it's impossible for him to recover."
An Jinxiu raised her eyebrows. "Your medical skills are good, but you are still too
young. Haven't you heard of a prescription that can regenerate broken bones?"
Lu Mingyou frowned slightly, "But that prescription is extremely painful, and
regenerating broken bones goes against the laws of nature."
Xiao Chengtian, who was standing by, was a little excited and asked, "Senior, do you mean
that there is a possibility that my leg can recover?"
An Jinxiu nodded, "Of course, but it depends on whether you can endure the pain. If you
fail, you will die."
Lu Mingyou said, "I also know this prescription, but as far as I know, no one has
succeeded so far. I guess you haven't forgotten the pain of your broken bones."
"The pain of trying to regrow your bones will be a hundred times worse than it was then,
and no medicine can relieve it."
If there was no crisis in this matter, Lu Mingyou would have told Xiao Chengtian long
In fact, she had told Xiao Zhantian about this method, but Xiao Zhantian hesitated again
and again and chose to conceal it.
He was afraid that Xiao Chengtian wanted to return to normal too much and would take
But now Xiao Zhantian only had him as his relative, so he was selfish for once by not
telling Xiao Chengtian the news.
"Seniors, please go and rest first! I've asked someone to put your luggage in the room
for you."
Xiao Zhantian looked at An Jinxiu and spoke. The other party also understood what he
meant and didn't say anything more.
In the study, Xiao Zhantian looked at Xiao Chengtian solemnly and couldn't help but sigh.
"You won't blame me for not telling you about this idea?"
Xiao Chengtian shook his head, "I know you did it for my own good. My father and sister
were gone at the time, and I was in a very bad mood."
"If I had chosen treatment at that time and suffered such great pain, I might not have
been able to persevere."
Xiao Zhantian already understood what he meant, "Do you want to choose this method for
treatment? But with the wedding coming up soon..."
He wanted to persuade Xiao Chengtian not to take any risks. Even if he wanted treatment,
it would not be possible in a short time.
Besides, his wedding with Nian Xueqing was just a few days away. If anything went wrong,
it would be a fatal blow to the Nian family.
Xiao Chengtian was in a state of hesitation. "Brother, this wedding only happens once in
a lifetime, and I don't want it to be imperfect."
"Since you have made up your mind, I will go find Senior An and Lu Mingyou. Together they
will surely be able to come up with a solution to increase the chances of success."
In fact, Xiao Zhantian had no idea either, and he said this just to comfort Xiao
But this is his only younger brother, and Xiao Zhantian also owes him. Now that he has
made up his mind, Xiao Zhantian will naturally satisfy him.
When he came here, Lu Mingyou had already prepared the prescription.
"I think even if Senior An takes action, the final success rate will not be improved.
Second Young Master Xiao needs to handle this matter by himself."
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "I understand. If he starts treatment now, how long will it take
for him to stand up?"
"If it can be successful, it only takes one day. That's why I endure so much pain. Many
people have tried this method, but no one can endure it."
"This method requires soaking the whole body in the ointment. After soaking for a day and
night, the broken bones will regenerate."
"It's just that no one can tell what kind of pain they will suffer. Many people died
quietly while soaking in the medicine."
It is really touching that a disabled person can be restored to normal in just one day.
Of course, the price to pay is also very high. If you succeed, you will become a normal
person, but if you fail, you will even lose your life.
Xiao Chengtian had made up his mind, and Xiao Zhantian knew that there was no way to stop
"Come with me to find Senior An. Perhaps through discussion between the two of you, we
can increase the success rate of these things, or reduce some of the pain."
The two of them came to An Jinxiu's room together and saw that she had just closed a
medical book.

Chapter 112: Possible Cure

Amber, who was standing aside, nodded at Xiao Zhantian.
"You came at the right time. Jinxiu was just looking up medical books."
"Don't give them the wrong information. I was just flipping through a book when I had
nothing to do. It's not about their business."
An Jinxiu immediately refuted Amber, but Amber just pursed his lips and smiled without
saying much.
He knew that this was An Jinxiu's personality, cold on the outside but warm on the
In fact, during the time she spent with Xiao Huanhuan and the others, An Jinxiu still
liked this family very much, otherwise she would not have agreed to come here to attend
any wedding.
You have to know that there were many people with great reputation who wanted to invite
her to their weddings, but An Jinxiu was not shaken at all.
"Senior An, I'm sure you know why I'm here. I want to ask if the two of you can work
together to increase the success rate or reduce the pain?"
An Jinxiu glanced at Xiao Zhantian and said, "Do you think curing illnesses and saving
lives is easy? It's not as easy as you say. You can improve anything you want."
Xiao Zhantian nodded humbly, "Of course. If curing illnesses and saving lives were easy,
then there wouldn't be only the An family and the Lu family in the entire China for so
many years."
Seeing his sincere attitude, Lu Mingyou said, "I was flipping through a book just now and
did see some methods."
"But in a case like his, no matter how you treat him, it's risky. It just depends on
whether you are willing to take the risk."
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "He has made up his mind. As his brother, I will not stop him."
"I know nothing about medicine, and I'm not good at it, but I just hope that I can save
his life no matter what."
Xiao Zhantian's expression was very sincere. Lu Mingyou had been with him for so many
years, and this was the first time she saw Xiao Zhantian like this.
"See if this method works."
An Jinxiu opened the medical book, turned over a page and handed it to Lu Mingyou.
After taking a look, she frowned slightly and said, "If we use this method, the danger is
still very great."
Lu Mingyou looked at Xiao Zhantian and explained to him, "Now there is a way. Even if it
fails, you will not die, but all the tendons and veins in your body will be broken."
Perhaps this is worse than dying directly, it is quick and easy, and it is just saving a
Xiao Zhantian thought for a long time and decided to leave the final choice to Xiao
Chengtian. After all, this was his own life, and even though he was his brother, he had
no right to decide for him.
In the end, Xiao Chengtian did not ask which one he chose, nor did he have the courage to
The Nian family naturally wanted to know the news, but Nian Xueqing stopped them and told
Nian Zhengsong and his wife.
"Chengtian and I will soon be husband and wife. I will take full responsibility for this
matter. Regardless of whether he is doing well or not in the end, I will always be his
wife. This will not change."
My mother has not been in good health recently, so it is better not to tell her about
this matter. Just let them know the final result. "
What Nian Xueqing said was not a bad idea. Even if they knew about it, it would only add
to their worries.
Instead of doing this, it is better to hide it from them first. If the disease is cured
in the end, everyone will be happy and it can save them from worrying during the process.
If the disease cannot be cured in the end, there is no need to worry about it again.
Everyone has to bear the final consequence anyway.
Xiao Zhantian prepared the medicinal materials early in the morning, and the treatment
was then left to An Jinxiu and Lu Mingyou.
Amber was assisting from the side. He comforted Xiao Chengtian and told him not to be
nervous for the time being.
They didn't sleep the whole night and thought they would hear Xiao Chengtian's painful
voice, but the room was extremely quiet.
Xiao Zhantian was extremely worried and would ask every once in a while how Xiao
Chengtian was doing and whether he was still conscious.
"Don't worry, the Second Young Master's willpower is much stronger than we thought. He
hasn't uttered a single sound from the beginning until now."
Lu Mingyou was also somewhat impressed. She had seen someone treated in this way before,
and the whole person was like a wild beast that had escaped from its cage.
It was extremely painful, and he kept screaming, which almost consumed all his energy.
But Xiao Chengtian was just the opposite. It could be seen that he was in pain, but he
had not lost his mind.
Perhaps it was because he did not cry out and conserved his strength that he was able to
fight the pain.
At the end, Jiang Qingqing took Nian Xueqing back to sleep, leaving Xiao Zhantian alone
to accompany them.
The main reason was that he was afraid that none of them would sleep and stay here, which
would arouse the suspicion of Nian Zhengsong and others.
As the sky gradually brightened, Xiao Zhantian fell asleep in a daze without knowing
He opened his eyes and vaguely saw a figure walking towards him.
"Chengtian! Are you okay?"
Xiao Zhantian looked excited and quickly stood up. Then he looked carefully and there was
no one in front of him.
It seems that I was worried about this matter and I was too sleepy just now, so I saw it
wrong for a moment.
Xiao Zhantian took a long breath, and just then Xue Sha walked in.
"What's going on in the room? I just fell asleep accidentally. Is there any unusual
movement during this time?"
Xue Sha shook his head, "Don't worry, I haven't seen anyone in the room come out, it
looks like the Second Young Master is fine."
If there was something wrong, everyone in the room would have come out long ago.
"This is a gift from our brothers in the North. They know that the Second Young Master is
getting married."
He pointed behind him to a pile of gift boxes placed at the entrance of the yard.
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand, "Take it in and put it in the room first."
He didn't have time to care about what was happening here now. He just wanted to know
what was going on in the house.
However, Xiao Zhantian did not dare to disturb them rashly. What if they were receiving
intensive treatment? It would be bad if he disturbed them and distracted them.
He paced back and forth outside, turned around several times, and finally the door
"You can rest assured."
An Jinxiu walked out with tired eyes, and there was a bit of admiration between her
"You two brothers are really tough. I have never seen anyone as patient as him."
An Jinxiu shook her head slightly. After all, she was old and unlike young people, she
felt almost exhausted after staying up all night.
Lu Mingyou followed closely and walked out, "You can go in, but I'm afraid the Second
Young Master doesn't have the energy to speak now."
Hearing his words, Xiao Zhantian ran in hurriedly.
"Some of the things sent from the North just now should contain medicinal herbs. Go pick
some out and I'll use them to make soup for the Second Young Master to nourish his body."
Xuesha said to Lu Mingyou, and she raised her eyebrows.
"When did you become so virtuous?"

Chapter 113 Wedding Accident

Xuesha was helpless, "I said I'll take it and have someone make soup for the Second Young
Master to nourish his body."
This big and strong man might be able to fight with a knife, but it is absolutely
impossible for him to cook.
On this side, after Xiao Zhantian entered the room, he saw Xiao Chengtian lying there
with a pale face.
His entire body was covered in sweat as if he had just been washed, and he was still
wrapped in gauze.
At this time, one could still smell a strong medicinal smell from him, which even had a
bit of a fishy smell.
Xiao Zhantian didn't notice it and felt that the smell was pungent. At this moment, he
only had Xiao Chengtian in his eyes.
After a night of torture, Xiao Chengtian was exhausted, but he did not sleep because he
couldn't fall asleep at all.
At this moment, he still felt a piercing pain in his body from time to time, as if
densely packed small needles were pricking him.
There was no way to relieve this intense pain, he had to endure it.
However, after experiencing the pain last night, which felt like his whole body was
broken, Xiao Chengtian could now bear this kind of pain.
When he saw Xiao Zhantian coming in, a smile appeared on his face, but his expression was
a little weak.
"Brother, Doctor An and Doctor Lu said that after I recover, I can walk like a normal
Xiao Zhantian nodded repeatedly, with a look of relief on his face, "Don't worry, I will
find someone to take care of you in the next two days and use the best medicinal herbs to
nourish you."
Xiao Chengtian didn't spend too long in a wheelchair, so his muscles didn't atrophy and
he didn't need rehabilitation.
After treatment, he was like a normal person one day later, but his walking posture was
still a little strange.
Xiao Chengtian could feel that his legs were still very painful, but being able to walk
was a blessing for him.
At their wedding, all the important people in the area came.
It was a grand wedding, and many newspapers and TV stations reported the news.
Xiao Zhantian arranged a lot of people to guard around in advance to ensure that the
wedding went smoothly.
He had guessed early on that someone would definitely come to sabotage.
The wedding had just begun when people from the Long family arrived, bringing more than a
dozen people with them.
After being stopped at the door, the head of the Long family laughed coldly.
"The Xiao family is so arrogant. My Long family came here specially to congratulate the
Xiao family on their wedding. Are they going to shut us out now?"
When Xiao Zhantian heard the news, he came out to receive them in person.
"If the Long family is here to congratulate my brother on his wedding, then we welcome
them. If anyone wants to sabotage this occasion, they should consider their own
limitations first."
Xiao Zhantian's momentum was soaring that in an instant, the people of the Long family
felt that they were enveloped by an extremely huge pressure.
The head of the Long family looked directly at Xiao Zhantian and said, "Mr. Xiao, you
have misunderstood. How could someone come to ruin such a happy day?"
He waved his hand, and the people following him put down the gifts.
"This is our gift to the Xiao family."
Xiao Zhantian asked someone to take it.
"Get out of the way and let them in."
He wanted to see what the people from the Long family dared to do today. If these people
dared to disrupt Xiao Chengtian's wedding, he would definitely not let the Long family
have an easy time.
After a while, other members of the eight major families also arrived.
Jing Xinli handed Xiao Zhantian a note under the pretext of giving him a gift.
He opened it and took a look. Jing Xinli said that the Long family came prepared today
and planned to deal with him.
Xiao Zhantian didn't know what these two guys were doing, but he still remained alert.
Just as the wedding was getting ready, the bride disappeared.
Xiao Chengtian was a little anxious. "When I entered the fitting room just now, she was
still there cleaning up. How come she's gone in the blink of an eye?"
"Don't worry, I've asked someone to check it out."
Xiao Zhantian quickly spoke to comfort him and asked him to sit down and rest.
His legs had only just recovered, and standing for a long time was already a little too
much for him.
Nian Zhengsong and the others also looked a little panicked and were looking for someone.
Xiao Zhantian called Xue Sha and asked them to pay close attention to the movements of
the people at the scene and to protect their families.
He had already noticed that the number of people in the Long family was gradually
It is impossible to say that this matter has nothing to do with the Long family.
Just when Xiao Zhantian was about to look for the Long family, he received a call.
The voice on the other end of the phone was Jing Xinli's. "Mr. Xiao, I suggest you hurry
to the warehouse. If you go too late, it will be too late."
Although Xiao Zhantian doubted his purpose, he did not doubt what he said. Even if there
was a trap over there, he would not be harmed.
He called a few people and soon arrived at the hotel's warehouse.
After a while, Zheng Guangfeng also rushed over and took the key.
After opening the door, Xiao Zhantian quickly found Nian Xueqing in her wedding dress.
Her clothes were a little messy and there were some wounds on her face.
Only when she saw Xiao Zhantian coming did Nian Xueqing calm down a little.
"Brother Xiao, they were trying to do something bad to me just now, but when they heard
someone was coming, they all jumped out of the window and ran away. I scratched the face
of the leader."
Xiao Zhantian checked Nian Xueqing and confirmed that she had no other injuries, then he
breathed a sigh of relief.
"Don't worry, I will definitely catch these people and make them pay the price!"
Nian Xueqing nodded and said, "Can you not tell anyone about this for now and wait until
after the wedding?"
She and Xiao Chengtian had suffered so much and finally waited for the wedding day. Nian
Xueqing didn't want to wait any longer.
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "Take him to clean up first, and the wedding will go on as usual."
"Brother Xiao, let me handle this matter! After all, it happened on my territory."
Zheng Guangfeng walked over with a serious expression. In addition to guilt, he was also
a little angry.
I don’t know who could have pulled off such a despicable trick.
Today is someone's wedding day. Fortunately, they arrived in time and nothing happened to
Nian Xueqing. Otherwise, it would be too late to regret.
Xiao Zhantian thought that the wedding was still going to take place, and it would not be
appropriate for him to be absent.
"Take my people to find the Long family. This matter must be related to them. First
control those people and catch the culprit. I will take care of the rest."
Xiao Zhantian didn't want the Zheng family to be implicated in this matter.
Zheng Guangfeng nodded, and left with Xuesha and his men.
This time, thanks to Jing Xinli's timely disclosure of the news, otherwise the
consequences would be disastrous.
But at the moment, Xiao Zhantian didn't have the time to ask him why he helped him.

Chapter 114 The Culprit

Just now, after the Long family disappeared, Jing Xinli also disappeared.
Xiao Zhantian guessed that something must have happened between the Jing family and the
Long family. It might have been the Long family who had been trying to sow discord
between them, wanting him to be unhappy with the Jing family.
After he came back, the wedding was about to begin. Jiang Qingqing asked in a low voice:
"What happened just now?"
Xiao Zhantian shook his head. "I'll tell you in detail after it's resolved. I think
Xueqing is probably not in a very good mood right now. Why don't you go backstage to
accompany her and ensure her safety."
Jiang Qingqing quickly stood up and went backstage, and she also took Xiao Huanhuan with
At this time, Nian Xueqing had changed her clothes and put on her makeup, but her hands
and feet were still cold.
Thinking about what happened just now, she couldn't help but recall the experience a few
years ago, which made her unforgettable.
Nian Xueqing even felt that she was a little too selfish. As someone who had already lost
her virginity, she might not be worthy of Xiao Chengtian at all.
"Xueqing, what's wrong? Are you a little nervous because you're getting married soon?"
Jiang Qingqing walked towards her, and Xiao Huanhuan opened her palm, which contained a
"Aunt, mom said that when you are nervous, eating a piece of candy will make you feel
much better."
Xiao Huanhuan is cute to begin with, and with her smiling face, she is even more lovable.
After being comforted by her, Nian Xueqing felt a little better.
Jiang Qingqing patted her shoulder and said, "Although I don't know what you just
experienced, it may not be a good experience for you."
"We have all seen how far you and Chengtian have come. It has not been an easy journey,
and today you are finally getting married."
"I believe that both you and he have the courage to move forward bravely. Zhan Tian and I
will help you overcome the difficulties."
Hearing Jiang Qingqing's gentle words, Nian Xueqing couldn't help but burst into tears.
"Thank you, sister-in-law. Before, when my memory was not clear, I was actually very
happy. But now that I remember everything, I often feel that maybe I shouldn't drag
Chengtian down."
Jiang Qingqing took the paper and wiped away her tears.
"You are the bride today, and your makeup has been ruined by crying. You won't be pretty
then. Chengtian's legs have become like that, but haven't you always been loyal to him?"
"You can put yourself in his shoes. If he encountered something like this today, would
you abandon him? Xueqing, wedding vows are not just words."
Soon the host came to call her to go on stage. Nian Zhengsong was standing not far away,
looking at Nian Xueqing with a smile.
Seeing her parents, Nian Xueqing took a deep breath, and then looked at Xiao Chengtian
standing in the distance, and she seemed to have regained strength.
When the two of them said "I do" together, flower petals fell from the sky and the whole
scene was dreamy like a dream world.
After Xiao Chengtian and Nian Xueqing left the stage, the music changed.
Suddenly, the whole scene changed to another style, full of holiness like winter, with
snowflakes falling.
Xiao Zhantian held Jiang Qingqing's hand and walked onto the stage step by step.
"I would like to take this opportunity today to make it up to my wife and give her a
perfect wedding."
Xiao Zhantian looked at the people in the audience and swore that no matter what happened
in the future, he would protect Jiang Qingqing and Xiao Huanhuan.
When they got married, the wedding was very simple. Xiao Zhantian could see that Jiang
Qingqing was envious of this wedding.
He didn't want his wife to envy others, so he had planned such a surprise when he was
helping Xiao Chengtian and others prepare for the wedding.
Xiao Chengtian knew about this matter. He also discussed it with Nian Xueqing and the
others. He did not feel that he was overshadowed.
A wedding is a happy day in itself, and everyone can accept blessings together, which is
double the joy.
Xiao Huanhuan ran up like a little flower girl.
This time, Xiao Chengtian asked Xi Liu to design the wedding rings specifically for Nian
Xueqing and Jiang Qingqing.
"Sister-in-law, my brother also spent some time thinking about this wedding ring, which
also includes his design concept."
Jiang Qingqing turned her head and looked at Xiao Zhantian. He put the ring on Jiang
Qingqing's finger with a smile on his face.
"Why didn't I know before that you can design?"
Xiao Zhantian pursed his lips, "For you, I can learn anything."
The two newlyweds gave each other a kiss on the stage.
After the wedding, Xiao Chengtian quickly sat down.
His entire clothes were soaked with sweat. Although his legs could now stand, he felt
extreme pain every minute and every second.
"Chengtian, are you okay?" Nian Xueqing looked a little worried.
Xiao Chengtian shook his head. "I'm fine. I just need to take a rest. Xueqing, you know
what happened today. I've repeated this several times in my dreams."
Looking at his smiling face, Nian Xueqing was extremely grateful that she did not choose
to leave this world after that incident.
On the other side, Xiao Zhantian handed over the matters at the scene to the Nian family
and Jiang Qingqing, and he went to deal with the follow-up matters on Nian Xueqing's
If this matter cannot be resolved, Nian Xueqing will probably always be worried about it
and will not be able to feel completely at ease.
He contacted Zheng Guangfeng, who sent him an address.
As expected, this matter is related to the Long family, and the person who did this has
been controlled by them.
Xiao Zhantian immediately rushed to the place where Zheng Guangfeng had left, only to see
a man who had been beaten up, with wounds all over his body.
"I have already explained to you what you asked. Someone from the Long family came to me
and gave me some money."
"He said if the matter could be done, he would give me some money later and send me away
The man looked at the ferocious men in front of him, who looked like they could really
take his life. How could he dare to lie?
He told him all the news, and also produced the evidence of the transaction between the
Long family and him.
After obtaining these evidences, Xiao Zhantian asked Xue Sha to teach this guy a lesson.
If he sent the person to the police station at this time, it would be difficult for Xiao
Zhantian to handle the matters of the Long family.
It is better for them to resolve this matter privately, so that those who should pay the
price will pay it.
By the time the Long family realized that something was wrong, it was already too late.
Xiao Zhantian brought a large number of people and rushed directly to the Long family.
Under this circumstance, the Long family was unable to resist.
The head of the Long family was also a patient man, and he directly asked someone to
invite Xiao Zhantian in.
"I didn't expect that we would meet again not long after we met."
The head of the Long family asked someone to pour a cup of tea for Xiao Zhantian and
said, "Mr. Xiao looks aggressive. It seems that something is wrong."

Chapter 115 Paying the Price

Xiao Zhantian said nothing and threw the evidence on the table.
When the head of the Long family saw this thing, his face suddenly changed.
"I never thought that someone in my Long family could do such a thing. Don't worry, Mr.
Xiao. I will definitely give you an explanation!"
The head of the Long family made a decision immediately. After he said this, Xiao
Zhantian also understood what was going on.
It's nothing more than wanting to push someone out to take the blame, but what Xiao
Zhantian wants is the attitude of the Long family.
It was naturally impossible for him to start a quarrel with the Long family so openly.
Otherwise, if something really happened, it would be a never-ending cycle of revenge.
Now the Long family is doing this just to avenge him for killing Long Kaicheng before.
If Xiao Zhantian retaliates now, the two families will probably end up taking revenge on
each other. However, Xiao Zhantian cannot destroy the Long family now.
The several wealthy families in the imperial capital have been severely damaged by his
attacks. If he can get rid of all of them in a short period of time, the business world
in the imperial capital will definitely be reshuffled.
When the Dragon Lord agreed to let him take revenge, he had already said that if it did
not involve the foundation of the country, the Dragon Lord would not stop him.
Some things have to be done slowly. If Xiao Zhantian makes all the eight wealthy families
disappear overnight, I'm afraid the Dragon Lord will have a hard time explaining to the
He was not in a hurry. Sometimes when a cat catches a mouse, he enjoys teasing it in the
Only when you watch the mouse being toyed with in your hands, unable to escape and unable
to live or die, can you feel the pleasure of revenge.
Xiao Zhantian raised his eyebrows and said, "Since Patriarch Long is willing to give me
an explanation, I will wait here."
He was naturally forcing Long Yuantai. He was not someone who could be dealt with with
just a few words.
Since he said he would give him an explanation, Xiao Zhantian must wait.
Long Yuantai knew that he was not easy to deal with, so his expression changed
immediately and he asked the Long family to investigate the matter thoroughly.
Soon, a person was pulled out.
"Did you do this?"
Long Yuantai threw the documents on the table in front of him.
The man raised his neck high and said, "I did it. I just wanted to avenge my third
brother! He was the one who killed my third brother."
"Since he doesn't want my Long family to have an easy life, then I can't let him have an
easy life either, so I came up with this idea."
"It's just that I was so unlucky this time that he found me. If there is a next time, I
will never miss the opportunity!"
The young man knelt on the ground, his eyes staring straight at Xiao Zhantian, full of
Xiao Zhantian didn't know whether he was really responsible for this incident, but since
the people of the Long family pushed him out, there was no chance that he would survive
He could see that after this young man finished talking about this matter, many people in
the Long family were dissatisfied with him.
But why don’t they ask what Long Kaicheng did back then?
Nian Xueqing did not die because she was strong, but that does not mean that everything
Long Kaicheng did can be forgiven.
Xiao Zhantian stood up slowly. "Since he was the one who did this, I'm sure Patriarch
Long has no opinion on how I deal with him next, right?"
Long Yuantai nodded, "Of course, he did this kind of thing behind the scenes without
knowing right or wrong. My Long family will not tolerate him."
With a wave of his hand and a slash of his knife, Xiao Zhantian chopped off the young
man's hand.
He covered his hand and roared in pain.
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand, and Xuesha quickly pulled the young man out the door.
As for what to do with him afterwards, that is their business, but he will definitely not
"In the previous incident between me and the Long family, it seems that there are still
many people in the Long family. I don't know what the reason is. Could it be that the
Long family doesn't know either?"
Xiao Zhantian looked straight at Long Yuantai. The reason why he did not make this matter
public was that he did not want to cause secondary harm to Nian Xueqing.
But to put it bluntly, Nian Xueqing is a victim after all. Once this matter becomes
public, the Long family's external image will certainly be damaged.
Xiao Zhantian just didn't believe that Long Yuantai, as the head of the Long family,
could not know the reasons behind this matter.
After he said this, Long Yuantai's eyes changed slightly.
"It's these young people in the family who are ignorant. I will tell them later to stop
targeting the Xiao family."
Xiao Zhantian took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands. "If there are any problems
with the Xiao family in the future, I will not be so polite as I was today and come to
the Long family."
Soon, he led a large number of people away.
A man stumbled out and knelt in front of Long Yuantai.
"Master, my son can't just die like this without knowing why!"
Long Yuantai looked at him coldly, "It is his blessing to be able to contribute to the
Long family. I will naturally not treat your lineage unfairly in the future."
He waved his hand and asked someone to take the man away first.
"Brother, I think this kid from the Xiao family is a little too arrogant. Are we just
going to swallow our anger?"
Long Er looked a little indignant, "We should teach him a lesson, let him have a taste of
his own medicine, and kill his arrogance."
"Didn't you think of teaching him a lesson this time? In the end, he taught us a lesson
instead. If it happens again, I'm afraid the Long family will be gone."
Master Long San said this in a cold voice, and it can be heard that he was not very
satisfied with what Master Long Er said.
"Okay, he hasn't done anything yet, and you two are already quarreling here. Haven't you
ever thought about where he got such confidence?"
Long Yuantai has done some investigation during this period and found that this kid from
the Xiao family is very capable.
No one knows who is behind him. Several of the eight wealthy families have collapsed now.
Long Yuantai feels that this is definitely not a coincidence.
After he said this, the two men fell silent.
"Could it be that some new force has moved into the imperial capital? Could it be that
the enemy of that person has come?"
They looked at each other and fell silent at the same time.
"That guy hasn't shown up for a long time. Now that so many of the eight great families
have disappeared, he doesn't care at all."
Long Yuantai took a deep breath and said, "Either he has encountered some difficulties,
or he intends to give up on us."
"If he doesn't intend to continue supporting the eight giants, then it's time for us to
find another way out."
After dealing with this man, Xiao Zhantian asked Xue Sha and the others to keep an eye on
the Long family to prevent them from having any tricks up their sleeves.
The Long family must be very unhappy with me for coming here rashly today.
However, Xiao Zhantian felt that they would not have the courage to come looking for him
again in the short term.

Chapter 116 Foreign Forces

After Xiao Zhantian left, he contacted Jing Xinli and wanted to meet him.
Originally, the two of them were on opposite sides, but now he suddenly passed the
message to himself and turned against the Long family.
This had to make Xiao Zhantian a little alert. He planned to meet Jing Xinli to see
whether he had other plans or was really tipping him off and wanted to join him.
Jing Xinli did not refuse Xiao Zhantian's invitation and made an appointment with him to
go to a teahouse.
The two people who were once enemies can now live in harmony. Not to mention Jing Xinli
himself, even Xiao Zhantian felt a little surprised.
"I think Mr. Jing knows why I asked you to come here today. You were the one who sent me
the message about the Long family, and you really helped me."
Jing Xinli took a deep breath and said, "I'm not helping you, I'm actually helping
He looked at Xiao Zhantian and said, "I know you have doubts in your heart. You think we
should be enemies. After all, you ruined my son!"
Xiao Zhantian raised his eyebrows and said, "That's right. No matter how you look at it,
the two of us can't be friends."
He had only crippled one of Jing Zhengheng's legs and one of his hands before. Later,
when he learned about Nian Xueqing's incident, it was the Mei family that was behind it,
and Xiao Zhantian didn't have time to settle accounts with Jing Zhengheng.
Jing Xinli's only son was killed by himself, so he must be resentful towards Xiao
"I know that every wrong has its perpetrator, and what my son did before was not fair
either. It is not unfair for you to cripple him."
"Besides, people always want to move up. With your current strength in the imperial
capital, what's the point of my Jing family fighting back?"
What he said makes a lot of sense, and judging from what he said now, it seems that he is
planning to join Xiao Zhantian.
"So how did you know that the Long family did this?"
Xiao Zhantian didn't think that the Long family and the Jing family had such a good
relationship that they would inform Jing Xinli in advance before doing such things.
"What happened before was the Long family trying to sow discord between us, and they
wanted to make you and me fight, so that they could profit from it behind the scenes."
"After that incident happened, I have been looking for someone to keep an eye on the Long
family. I didn't expect that I would actually find out all these things."
Jing Xinli could only say that he was lucky. He accidentally exposed the Long family's
conspiracy and thus earned a favor from Xiao Zhantian.
Xiao Zhantian asked directly: "Then what do you want to do?"
"I want to cooperate with you. I know that the reason you are targeting us is because the
Xiao family was wrongly accused."
Xiao Zhantian looked at Jing Xinli steadily. Once he said this, it was basically
confirmed that the events of that year were indeed related to the eight wealthy families.
Jing Xinli did not hide anything and told Xiao Zhantian what happened that year.
Back then, the eight powerful families were merely the driving forces behind the scenes.
A mysterious man approached them and said that if the eight wealthy families were willing
to jointly report the Xiao family, then after this incident, he would invest in the eight
wealthy families and set up a chamber of commerce to support them.
If anyone among them dares to refuse, the knife that is raised against the Xiao family
today will be used to chop down the rest of them tomorrow.
In addition to the false evidence they provided, they also brought out some shameful
things that the eight wealthy families did behind the scenes.
If they had not wronged the Lin family, then the rest of them would have been the ones
who might have been destroyed.
When it does not concern them, people naturally will not care, but when things affect
them and their vital interests, no one can stand idly by.
"I have some evidence here to prove that someone was behind the scenes directing the
eight of us to jointly report the Xiao family."
"As for the true identity of the person behind this, we have not found it out for so many
years. We only know that the other party is indeed not simple and may be from abroad."
Xiao Zhantian's expression became a little serious. He had already figured out the matter
a long time ago.
It is indeed possible that what happened back then was done by people from other
countries, but he has not found any definite evidence.
"After the Xiao family got into trouble, the other party did set up a chamber of commerce
as they had promised before."
"Moreover, the Chamber of Commerce has placed 10 billion yuan of funds for the eight
wealthy families to use as they wish. Over the years, the eight wealthy families have
formed a community of interests."
"But this is just an appearance. In fact, there is still competition between them
privately, and I know that others have also done a lot to win favor in front of that
"In the past few years, the Long family and the Mei family have been very proud of
themselves in front of that mysterious man. They also want to unite and rule over the
other wealthy families."
"But others will naturally not do as they wish. In recent years, there have been constant
internal strife in the wealthy families. If it weren't for this chamber of commerce, I'm
afraid they would have fallen apart long ago."
Jing Xinli knew in his heart that although it seemed that these wealthy families had
benefited from this incident, in fact, it was a handle for the other party.
The two of them talked here for a long time. Jing Xinli said that the reason he joined
Xiao Zhantian now was because he realized that the people behind them seemed to intend to
abandon them.
This time when these wealthy families got into trouble, the people behind them did not
show up.
From this we can see that people just took advantage of them back then, and now after
taking advantage of them, they have been thrown aside.
Xiao Zhantian returned home, but he was still unable to calm down for a long time. He
couldn't understand what the Xiao family had done to deserve the other party to come up
with such a reason to target them.
Although the Xiao family could be considered the most powerful family among the wealthy
families back then, they would not offend anyone outside the country.
"Brother, why did you ask me to come here?"
Xiao Chengtian stepped into the study. He could walk now, but his posture was a little
After entering the room, Xiao Zhantian asked him to sit down and placed the information
in front of him.
"This is the information that the Jing family gave me today. When the Xiao family was
wrongly accused, there were other people behind it, but it was also the people from the
eight wealthy families who united to report the Xiao family."
After reading the information, Xiao Chengtian couldn't help but clench his fists.
"What on earth did the Xiao family do to make them treat them like this!"
Xiao Zhantian shook his head. "I've also been thinking about this matter, but I just
don't have any clues, so I asked you to come over and discuss it."
The two brothers sat opposite each other, both with serious expressions.
After a moment, Xiao Chengtian suddenly seemed to remember something.
"Do you remember that before this incident happened, our Xiao family had just achieved
some results in scientific research?"
Xiao Zhantian frowned. After Xiao Chengtian said that, he seemed to remember something.
That year, they won a bid for a piece of industrial land and opened a research institute
there to conduct drug research.

Chapter 117 An Jinxiu leaves

Xiao's father had a friend who came from a medical family and had returned to China after
completing his studies.
After returning to China, he raised a lot of investment and wanted to research a drug.
But most people think that this is an illusory thing. If it is studied, it may take a few
years or even more than ten years, which is all possible.
After Xiao's father learned about this, he was willing to invest in him and build a
research institute on this industrial land.
Although they are not engaged in related industries, Xiao's father is a very traditional
person. He thinks that this is something that will benefit mankind and should be done.
Now that he thinks back carefully, it seems that this happened to the Xiao family only
after they had achieved certain results in their research.
"You mean the incident with the Xiao family back then was very likely related to this
medical achievement?"
Xiao Chengtian shook his head. "I'm not sure either. I just suddenly remembered it. After
all, apart from this matter, our Xiao family has not done anything else."
They have been in business for many years and have never had any problems. If something
was going to go wrong, it would have happened long ago.
What's more, if it was just a normal business competition, there would be no need for the
other party to go to so much trouble and even join forces with people from the eight
wealthy families to jointly report them.
"I will investigate this matter. The company can work together with the Jing family. Jing
Xinli is already planning to cooperate with us."
Xiao Zhantian handed the matter over to Xiao Chengtian and went to investigate other
Now that I think about it carefully, after the incident in their Xiao family, the uncle
who was in charge of the research at that time seemed to have disappeared.
For so many years, Xiao Zhantian had never heard of the other party's whereabouts.
Logically speaking, their research at that time had achieved certain results.
Even if he leaves the Xiao family, this uncle's research should still receive investment
from others.
It doesn't make sense that after all these years, I'm still unknown.
Xiao Zhantian notified the people from Zhuwang Palace and asked them to help him
investigate the whereabouts of the man.
He couldn't say that his influence covered the entire world, but at least within the
territory of Tianlong Country, as long as Xiao Zhantian wanted to find out, he would be
able to find out.
There was a knock on the door and Jiang Qingqing walked in.
"Chengtian's wedding is over. It's time for Huanhuan and the others to return to the
When she talked about this matter, her tone was full of reluctance.
This is my own biological daughter, and she is only four years old.
If she had any choice, Jiang Qingqing would definitely not be willing to let Xiao
Huanhuan leave her side, but now she has to do so in order to get her illness treated.
"I will send people to protect them and escort them all the way back to the North. Don't
worry. If you miss Huanhuan, I can accompany you to see her later."
Jiang Qingqing walked over, hugged him, and threw herself into his arms.
"Zhantian, do you think Huanhuan's illness can really be cured? She is still so young, I
don't want her to continue to suffer like this."
Xiao Zhantian hugged her and patted her back to comfort her.
"I can't give you a definite answer, but I think since Senior An is so sure, it means
there is no problem."
"If she can't save Huanhuan in the end, I will go to the research center abroad and get
the antidote for her."
Now that he has no choice, Xiao Zhantian naturally does not want to confront those
foreign forces so quickly.
At the moment, he has not figured out the other party's identity. If he rashly confronts
them, it will definitely not be a good thing.
Just as the two of them were talking here, there was a knock on the door.
When I opened the door, I saw Amber standing there.
"Mr. Xiao, the matter of taking your daughter back to the North for treatment should be
put on hold for the time being. Jinxiu has some urgent matters to attend to."
Xiao Zhantian looked a little puzzled. "Hasn't it been agreed that we will set off today?
If Senior An needs anything, I can help you."
"You probably can't help with this matter. Her daughter's whereabouts have been found.
Your Xingyezhu is real. Through the knot and the things on her body, we found clues about
her daughter."
Although Xiao Zhantian and the others did not know everything that happened back then,
they knew some things.
An Jinxiu cares about her daughter very much, just like they care about Xiao Huanhuan.
They naturally cannot be so selfish as to stop others from looking for their daughter.
"Don't worry, she has left enough medicine and told Miss Lu that Huanhuan will not get
sick during this period of time."
"If there is any emergency, you can contact me. It shouldn't take long to handle this
For more than twenty years, An Jinxiu has been searching for the whereabouts of her
Now that she finally got the results, she naturally had to investigate without stopping.
However, this matter is easy to investigate. If you find it, then you have found it. If
you can't find it, it means that the clue is broken again.
It has been like this for years. Hope would make her despair again. An Jinxiu has long
been accustomed to it.
Just because she's used to it doesn't mean she won't investigate. As long as there's a
glimmer of hope, she will definitely find out.
This news made Jiang Qingqing and Xiao Zhantian both happy and worried.
What made them happy was that Xiao Huanhuan could stay with them for a while longer, but
what they were worried about was that her illness had relapsed and there was no one
around to treat her.
However, Lu Mingyou's medical skills are also very good, but her treatment method is
slightly different from that of the An family.
Besides, she is still young after all and cannot compare to An Jinxiu.
But since An Jinxiu has handed over all the treatment-related matters to her, they have
nothing to worry about.
An Jinxiu was very anxious, and left immediately after confirming the matter.
"Mom, other kids my age are all going to school. When can Huanhuan go to school too?"
That day, Xiao Huanhuan asked Jiang Qingqing with a little worry.
Hearing this, Jiang Qingqing didn't know how to respond for a moment. She turned to look
at Xiao Zhantian with a look of help.
"If Huanhuan really wants to go to school, can daddy hire a teacher to teach you?"
Xiao Huanhuan curled her lips, "But if I go to kindergarten, I can meet a lot of
children. It's too boring for Huanhuan to stay at home alone every day."
Although Xiao Ya is young, she is very smart. Whether she is watching TV or reading a
book every day, she can naturally receive such information.
Xiao Zhantian felt a little distressed. "How about this! When Aunt An comes back, Dad
will go and discuss it with her?"
"If Aunt An can treat Huan Huan here, then Dad can find a school for An An to go to."

Chapter 118 Critical Illness

Xiao Zhantian admitted that what he said was indeed a bit cliché, but he had no choice
but to do so.
Besides, if An Jinxiu really wanted to stay in the imperial capital, Xiao Zhantian could
naturally find a school for Xiao Huanhuan to attend.
Otherwise, her illness has not been cured yet, and she is naturally different from other
children. If she goes to school, there will be too many uncertainties.
While the father and daughter were chatting here, Jiang Qingqing went to the side to
answer a phone call.
After coming back, he looked a little worried, with his brows tightly furrowed.
"what happened?"
Xiao Zhantian noticed that she was in a bad mood and turned to ask.
Jiang Qingqing sighed, "My aunt called me just now and said that grandpa is sick. If
possible, she hopes I can go back to see him."
Jiang Qingqing rarely talked about the Jiang family all along, and before and after the
two of them got married, no one from the Jiang family showed up.
Xiao Zhantian only knew that they had a falling out with the Jiang family because of
Jiang Qingqing's father.
Since they didn't care about Jiang Qingqing at the beginning, it means that the
relationship between them is not very good.
Xiao Zhantian remembered that when he first met Jiang Qingqing, her life was very
At that time, it seemed that only her aunt would occasionally contact her and provide her
with financial support. Other members of the Jiang family never showed up.
"You mean you want to go back?"
Xiao Zhantian noticed Jiang Qingqing's hesitation and took the initiative to ask.
Jiang Qingqing sighed, "I don't know either. They haven't really cared about me over the
years, but they are my family after all."
"I remember that my grandfather was very nice to me when I was very young, although I
don't know what happened later."
"Perhaps it was because of my father that my grandfather was also angry with me. He left
the Jiang family when I just came of age and rarely interacted with any of them."
"Over the years, only my aunt would contact me and tell me some news about the Jiang
family from time to time."
"Anyway, now that he called me and said that grandpa is sick, there's no reason for me
not to go back now that I know that."
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "I'll go back with you."
"Mom and Dad, where are you going? I want to go with you!"
Xiao Huanhuan raised her head and looked around at the two people with a look of
anticipation in her eyes.
After the family packed up their things, they set off immediately, and this time they did
not forget to take Lu Mingyou with them.
Xiao Huanhuan's condition has finally stabilized. If something happens again, the
consequences will be serious. It is better to prepare for the worst.
The plane landed in Dongzhou and they returned to their previous home there.
Although he hasn't been back for a while, Xiao Zhantian has always had someone to clean
up after him.
Xiao Zhantian had no good feelings towards Dongzhou, but it was Jiang Qingqing's hometown
after all.
If it weren't for this, Xiao Zhantian would have sold the house long ago after leaving
"I didn't expect you to stay here. It seems that you thought that you would come back one
Xiao Zhantian pursed his lips, "Your hometown is here. I won't miss it when I return to
the capital, but you will definitely be different."
Jiang Qingqing looked at their small house and felt a little emotional for a moment.
They lived here for five years.
Returning here, Jiang Qingqing couldn't help but think of her past father and mother
Xiao, as well as Xiao Suisui.
They tidied up briefly and there was a knock on the door. When they opened the door, it
was Jiang Qingqing's aunt.
"Qingqing, I'm here to pick you up. I know you don't really want to go back to the Jiang
family, but grandpa still cares about you."
She sighed, "He's been getting worse these past few days, and he keeps repeating your
name. I think he wants to see you."
Jiang Qingqing nodded, "I know. I'm grown up now and have my own family. I don't mind
what happened back then."
"I'll pack up and go with you right away. By the way, I haven't introduced you yet. This
is my husband Xiao Zhantian and this is my daughter Xiao Huanhuan."
Aunt Jiang quickly looked at the two of them, greeted them, and looked a little
"Speaking of which, I should have gone when Qingqing got married. I didn't expect your
children to be this big already."
Naturally, this matter was the fault of the Jiang family.
But these things in the Jiang family are very complicated, even Aunt Jiang can’t explain
them clearly.
Jiang Qingqing herself said that she didn't mind, so Xiao Zhantian certainly wouldn't
vent his anger on the Jiang family because of this.
Led by Aunt Jiang Qingqing, they came to the Jiang family.
It can be seen that the Jiang family is quite powerful in Dongzhou.
They live in a villa, the entire decoration of the villa looks antique, like the style
that the elderly would like.
It stands to reason that with the Jiang family's financial situation, supporting Jiang
Qingqing is a piece of cake.
But Jiang Qingqing had a very difficult life at that time. She even had to work several
jobs at the same time to support her schooling.
Now that she is back at the Jiang family again, she feels a little emotional. In fact,
all the memories she has of this place are good.
At the beginning, their mother died in an accident, and their status in the Jiang family
changed afterwards.
Her father was very depressed because of her mother's death and even resigned from his
position in the company.
Grandpa felt that her father had given up on himself and gradually became dissatisfied
with him.
A few years later, her father suddenly ran away from home and disappeared, and then
Grandpa Jiang drove Jiang Qingqing out of the Jiang family.
He said that this was Jiang Feng's daughter. If Jiang Feng himself didn't care about her,
then what obligation did he have as a grandfather to do so?
In fact, Jiang Qingqing knew in her heart that Grandpa Jiang just wanted to use this
method to force Jiang Feng to come back and cheer him up, but they were all disappointed.
Many years have passed now, and Jiang Qingqing has never contacted her father and does
not know his whereabouts.
"Aunt, have you informed my father about Grandpa's critical illness?"
Aunt Jiang shook her head. "You know, since he left the Jiang family, there has been no
news of him."
"He doesn't even contact you, his biological daughter, let alone the Jiang family. I
don't know whether he is dead or alive in the past few years."
Jiang Qingqing also felt a little emotional. The questions that Aunt Jiang asked were
also the questions in her mind.
My father left the Jiang family without saying a word and there has been no news of him
for so many years.
Jiang Qingqing was concerned about him, but at the same time she also felt resentment
towards him, thinking that his leaving in the first place was too irresponsible.
Especially now that she has a daughter, she knows even more that parents will never leave
their child alone.

Chapter 119 Not a biological child

Jiang Qingqing remembered that the last time she saw her grandfather was when she was
sixteen years old. After that, she rarely returned to the Jiang family.
It’s not that she doesn’t want to come back, but the Jiang family doesn’t welcome her.
Xiao Huanhuan held her hand, and Xiao Zhantian seemed to sense her emotions, so he held
her hand and gave her warmth and support.
When I stepped in, I saw that all the members of the Jiang family were gathered here.
When they saw Jiang Qingqing coming, the atmosphere seemed to become a little quieter.
"Qingqing is back. I haven't seen her for so long. She has grown into a big girl now."
Jiang Qingqing's uncle said this, but the words sounded a little awkward.
Seeing that she is already married and has grown-up children, Uncle Jiang's words sound
like he is talking to a child.
The remaining few people also greeted Jiang Qingqing one after another.
Jiang Qingqing greeted them one by one and introduced Xiao Zhantian and her daughter Xiao
"Well, you should go see your grandfather first, and then I'll have someone prepare a
guest room for you to settle down in."
Aunt Jiang naturally cared about her. She first had someone prepare a guest room and
settled Lu Mingyou in. Then she took Jiang Qingqing and a few others upstairs.
After pushing open the door, Jiang Qingqing looked at the old man lying on the bed and
walked over slowly, feeling a little complicated for a moment.
This old man seems to be completely different from the one he was more than ten years
ago. At that time, he was still very young and energetic.
"Grandpa, I'm Qingqing, I'm back, this is my husband and my daughter."
Hearing her words, the old man lying on the hospital bed looked up at Xiao Zhantian and
Xiao Huanhuan. When he saw Xiao Huanhuan, he couldn't help but smile.
"Your daughter looks exactly like you when you were a child. I remember that when he
brought you back to the Jiang family, you were about this age."
"But you have no recollection of that time, right?"
After he finished speaking, Grandpa Jiang couldn't help but start coughing.
Jiang Qingqing looked a little confused about what he said, as if she didn't understand
what he meant.
"You guys go out first. I want to talk to Qingqing."
He waved his hand, and soon Aunt Jiang, Xiao Zhantian and others came out.
"What disease does the old man have? Has it been diagnosed?"
Xiao Zhantian asked.
"The cancer has reached its advanced stage. It may not be easy to cure. Besides, the
children at home don't want the old man to suffer any more."
When Aunt Jiang said this, her tone was somewhat sad, after all, this was her father.
What's more, based on their current financial situation, it is not difficult to cure the
However, Grandpa Jiang decided to give up treatment. He felt that he was already at this
age and there was no need to waste the rest of his life on treatment.
"The person I brought just now is a doctor. She is the descendant of the Lu family.
Perhaps you have heard of her before. If possible, perhaps you can let her diagnose the
old man."
Aunt Jiang frowned and asked, "Is this Lu family you are talking about the famous ghost
doctor lineage in Tianlong Country?"
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "She has been with me for a long time, her medical skills are
definitely good enough, even if there is no way to cure her, at least I can alleviate her
He saw that Grandpa Jiang looked extremely bad just now, and he could also tell from his
expression that he must be enduring great pain.
Although having cancer is never comfortable, receiving treatment in the hospital can at
least relieve the pain.
To be honest, Xiao Zhantian didn't quite understand. Even if going to the hospital
couldn't completely cure his illness, it could at least reduce his pain.
Of course, he also heard what Mr. Jiang said just now.
Xiao Zhantian was quite perceptive and he couldn't help but wonder, could it be that
Jiang Qingqing was not Jiang family's biological daughter?
Or maybe there was some hidden story behind the fact that her father brought her back to
the Jiang family, which led to Mr. Jiang not liking her very much.
However, they didn't know the final outcome of these things. They would have to wait
until Grandpa Jiang and Jiang Qingqing finished talking to find out.
Xiao Zhantian did not go back to his room directly, but came to the living room. After
all, there were so many elders in the living room, and it would be somewhat against the
rules if he went directly into the room.
After he went downstairs, Uncle Jiang asked, "Zhantian, what do you do for a living?"
"My brother opened a company. I was in charge of the investment and he was in charge of
the operation."
Uncle Jiang raised his eyebrows and said, "I didn't expect you to start a company at such
a young age. How is the profit of your company?"
Xiao Zhantian pursed his lips, "It's not bad! At least it should be enough to support the
whole family."
Brother Jiang asked, "Since you are running a company in the capital, have you heard of a
new company called Tiancheng that has recently come to the capital?"
When Xiao Zhantian heard this name, he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he
actually knew Tian Cheng.
"I've heard of it. How come my second brother has any cooperation with their company?"
Brother Jiang said, "Of course. This company is very strong. I can help you to cooperate
with them."
I didn't expect that Second Brother Jiang was quite kind, although his words were a bit
Xiao Zhantian said: "I am not responsible for these matters here. My brother and Qingqing
are in charge of the management."
"I can ask Qingqing later to see if he has such plans. If so, I'll trouble you, second
Since Xiao Zhantian already knew his intention, it would be difficult for him to refuse
It was a long time before Jiang Qingqing came down from upstairs. From her expression, it
could be seen that what Grandpa Jiang said just now must have shocked her.
At this time, her eyes were red, as if she had been crying, and she looked in a bad mood.
Xiao Zhantian quickly walked over and asked, "What happened?"
"Let's go back to the room first! I'm a little tired from running all the way."
Jiang Qingqing took the initiative to speak, then greeted several other elders, and they
went upstairs.
After entering the room, Jiang Qingqing grabbed Xiao Zhantian's hand, looking a little
"Grandpa just told me that I'm not the daughter of the Jiang family. He said that when my
father brought me back, I was already quite old."
"He has always refused to tell me about my background. He only said that from now on, he
would raise me as his own daughter."
"According to Grandpa, when I first arrived at the Jiang family, I must have suffered
some kind of shock, so I was a little confused."
"I don't know if my father's leaving the Jiang family has anything to do with this
matter, but now such a long time has passed. Even if you want to find out my true
identity, it will be difficult, right?"

Chapter 120 Treating the Old Man

Everyone has a complex. Even now, Jiang Qingqing has established her own family, but for
her, her biological parents are still missing.
Now that she knows that she is not a member of the Jiang family, it means that she still
has biological parents.
The reason why her grandfather told her all this was because he felt that he would not
live long.
Jiang's father has not been found yet, and Jiang's mother has passed away a long time
ago. If he doesn't tell Jiang Qingqing, she will probably never know about this.
Grandpa Jiang was very sincere and felt that he was sorry for Jiang Qingqing for what
happened back then.
"My father left home at that time. He was so angry that he didn't care about me. It's
been so long since the incident happened. I don't blame him anymore."
"He couldn't give me any information about my biological parents. He only knew that I was
not my parents' biological child."
In fact, Jiang's father and mother had no children at that time, so they decided to adopt
Jiang Qingqing.
If Jiang's mother hadn't gotten into trouble, their family of three should have been very
"Regarding your father's departure, wasn't there any reason or sign?"
Xiao Zhantian couldn't understand this matter. Why would an independent adult man
suddenly leave home and never be heard from again, and never contact his family again?
Jiang Qingqing shook her head. "If there was a reason, I would have gotten over it a long
time ago. But because there is no reason, I can't figure it out."
She sighed and said, "I think it might have something to do with my mother's death. After
my mother passed away, he has been in a bad mood."
Of course, all of this was just Jiang Qingqing's speculation. Apart from that, she
couldn't think of any other reasons.
"Don't worry, I will find someone to help you investigate. No matter what, this matter
can be investigated clearly, and your family will be reunited sooner or later."
Xiao Zhantian responded to Jiang Qingqing, and then hugged her in his arms.
"Mom, Huanhuan wants a hug too!"
Xiao Huanhuan also ran over and stretched out her short arms to hug them both.
Seeing her husband and daughter by her side, Jiang Qingqing's originally bad mood was
gradually smoothed over.
At this time, no one except Jiang Qingqing knew that she was not a member of the Jiang
family. Even the elders of the Jiang family did not know about it.
Jiang Qingqing calmed down, and Xiao Zhantian prepared to take Lu Mingyou over to see Old
Master Jiang.
If Mr. Jiang were still alive, he might be able to remember more things about Jiang
Qingqing's life experience.
Now we can’t find Jiang’s father. If Mr. Jiang has also passed away, then there will
probably be no one left to ask about this matter.
He had just brought Lu Mingyou out and saw Brother Jiang coming downstairs.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm here to check on Grandpa. The person next to me is a doctor."
As soon as he said this, Brother Jiang looked Lu Mingyou up and down with a hint of
suspicion in his eyes.
"She's so young, how can she treat patients? I think we should forget it! We've already
gone to the hospital to treat grandpa's illness."
What he meant was that if the disease could not be cured in the hospital, there was no
need to treat it at home. To put it bluntly, he still did not trust Lu Mingyou.
"You have been suffering from weakness in your waist and knees, mental fatigue, and
difficulty concentrating recently. These symptoms are more obvious after being tired or
standing for a long time."
Lu Mingyou spoke slowly, her words were a confirmation rather than a question.
Hearing her words, Brother Lu's expression suddenly changed.
"What do you mean? I think you are talking nonsense!"
Lu Mingyou pursed his lips and said, "Don't worry, it's not a serious disease. It's just
that the kidney's essence and yin and yang are insufficient, which is called kidney
As soon as she said this, Xiao Zhantian next to her couldn't help but change his
"What do you mean? You didn't even check my pulse or ask me any questions, but you just
randomly diagnosed me with a disease. I think you are just talking nonsense."
No one would be willing to admit this, especially men.
Lu Mingyou shrugged, "Whether what I said is true or not, you will know it in your heart.
Since you don't want to believe it, you can go to the hospital for a check-up."
He is not the one who makes the decisions for the Jiang family, not to mention that Jiang
Qingqing is also a member of the Jiang family.
Treating Mr. Jiang's illness was something she wanted to do to show her filial piety.
Even if others objected, she had no right to do so.
Xiao Zhantian still took Lu Mingyou with him and knocked on Aunt Jiang's door first,
asking her to take them to the old man's room.
Even though Xiao Zhantian is Jiang Qingqing's husband, he is still an outsider in this
What's more, if they go in to treat the old man and something happens, it will be hard to
say what will happen.
Xiao Zhantian had mentioned before that he wanted to treat the old man, so it was not
abrupt to say it at this time.
Aunt Jiang didn't have any objection to what he said.
"Qingqing, are you in a bad mood?"
Xiao Zhantian said: "I am just worried about Grandpa. By the way, Aunt, don't you know
the inside story of her father leaving home?"
Aunt Jiang shook her head. "Could it be that my father blamed Qingqing for this matter
again, which made her feel bad?"
"No, I just asked casually. I thought that since Grandpa is so seriously ill, wouldn't he
want to contact Qingqing's father?"
Aunt Jiang sighed, "Even if I wanted to contact him, I couldn't. It's been more than ten
years since he left home, and there has been no news about him."
"After he left, our Jiang family sent many people to look for him, but he was determined
not to be found, so how could he reveal his whereabouts?"
Hearing what Aunt Jiang said, Xiao Zhantian couldn't help but frown, feeling that this
matter was indeed a bit puzzling.
Even though Jiang's father was devastated because of something that happened to Jiang's
mother, there was no reason for him to leave the Jiang family.
Besides, his father is sick now and may die because of this incident. Can he really make
up his mind not to come back?
As they were talking, they had already entered Mr. Jiang's room.
"Grandpa, Qingqing's husband said he wanted to come and see you."
Mr. Jiang opened his eyes slightly. "Didn't I tell you not to bother with me? My disease
can't be cured."
"Although it can't cure you, it can relieve your pain. I'm sure you suffer from it every
Lu Mingyou said: "I am not sure that I can cure you, but I am absolutely sure that I can
stop you from enduring pain."
In the end, Mr. Jiang agreed to let them treat the disease.
Maybe even though he said he didn't need treatment, he actually couldn't bear the pain.

Chapter 121 Paternity Test

Lu Mingyou gave him acupuncture. After a series of treatments, although the old man did
not notice any obvious changes in his body, he did feel relieved for some reason.
Before he could go downstairs, he heard a knock on the door. Aunt Jiang walked over and
opened the door.
"A few people came to the door and said they wanted to see grandpa for something."
Seeing this situation, Xiao Zhantian and others did not stay any longer. After all, the
disease had been almost cured.
The two of them went downstairs. Xiao Zhantian's expression changed slightly and he
walked over there.
"Senior An, didn't you say you found out your daughter's whereabouts? Why are you here?"
An Jinxiu was also stunned for a moment, "Why are you here?"
"This is Qingqing's mother's home. Her grandfather is critically ill this time, so we are
here to visit him."
He gave a brief explanation, and the people around him were a little confused. They
didn't expect that they actually knew each other.
"This is?"
"The heir of the An family, but I didn't know that Senior An actually knew Grandpa."
An Jinxiu shook her head. "I did find out where my daughter is, but there are still some
things I'm not sure about, so I need to come here to confirm them."
She seemed very anxious. Seeing this, Xiao Zhantian didn't say much to An Jinxiu.
When they arrived at the room, Xiao Zhantian told Jiang Qingqing about An Jinxiu's visit.
Before she could greet An Jinxiu, the door was pushed open.
An Jinxiu was a little excited and asked, "Are you Jiang Feng's daughter?"
Jiang Qingqing nodded, and An Jinxiu came over and grabbed her hand.
"Did they give you anything?"
Jiang Qingqing frowned, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.
She thought about it carefully, and after a moment she took out a pendant from her neck.
"We had never been in touch since my dad left home, and before my mom passed away, they
gave me this pendant."
An Jinxiu took her pendant hurriedly and looked like she was studying something.
"It's just a pattern. It can't be opened. I have never opened it in all these years."
Jiang Qingqing saw her actions and started talking, but just as she finished her words,
she heard a click in her ear.
An Jinxiu stretched out her hand and saw some silver soil falling out from the pendant.
"What is this?" Jiang Qingqing asked with confusion.
She didn't expect that the necklace she had worn for so long and cherished so much was
actually filled with soil.
"You are my daughter." An Jinxiu said with certainty.
"Senior An, what do you mean?"
Jiang Qingqing was a little confused and didn't understand what was said. It all happened
too suddenly.
"We will go for a paternity test in a moment. We will discuss everything after the
paternity test is done."
An Jinxiu's tone was very firm, and she didn't look as flustered as before.
Although they were a little confused about all of this, Jiang Qingqing still went to the
hospital with An Jinxiu.
Everyone in the Jiang family was shocked. They didn't expect that Jiang Qingqing was not
the biological daughter of the Jiang family.
"Aunt, have you already known this news?"
"I don't know. No one has told me about this."
Aunt Jiang shook her head, but compared to the others, her expression did seem to be more
relaxed and not as shocked.
Although Aunt Jiang didn't know the truth, she had actually guessed it before.
When Peiyu first heard about this incident, she felt a little confused as to why her
brother's child suddenly turned four years old without any warning.
Even before that, they deliberately lived away from home for several years.
But when Aunt Jiang thought carefully about her memory, she seemed to have never seen
Jiang's mother with a big belly.
All these things combined together, although she was surprised to see such a thing
happen, she was actually not surprised.
What's more, when Mr. Jiang said that before, Aunt Jiang was also there.
On the other side, Jiang Qingqing had not yet had time to ask An Jinxiu what was going
The two of them went to the hospital and quickly did a paternity test.
I don’t know what An Jinxiu said, but their appraisal report came out very quickly, and
we got it in less than two hours.
An Jinxiu took a deep breath and handed the report to Jiang Qingqing.
"Come and see!"
Jiang Qingqing glanced at her, and after she took it, she said nothing and opened the
report directly.
"What does it say?"
Although An Jinxiu didn't dare to look at it herself, she was still very curious about
the result.
Jiang Qingqing shook her head slightly at her and saw that An Jinxiu looked a little
"How is this possible? If it wasn't you, who else could it be?!"
She has been searching for such a long time, and now there is finally a result, but An
Jinxiu cannot accept this fact.
"You can read it yourself!" Jiang Qingqing handed her the report.
The reason why she shook her head just now was because she couldn't speak about the final
Jiang Qingqing really couldn't accept it. It took a lot of courage for her to accept that
her parents were not her biological parents.
But Jiang Qingqing could never have imagined that An Jinxiu would be her biological
Of course she knew what An Jinxiu had said before, so it should be An Jinxiu's husband,
her biological father, who gave herself to Jiang Feng?
After seeing the result, An Jinxiu couldn't help but burst into tears and hugged Jiang
"I knew it, I knew it! When I first met you, I felt that you were different from the
"I didn't expect that you are really my daughter. Fortunately, we didn't miss each other
this time. If I hadn't agreed to treat Huanhuan before, perhaps we would never meet
Seeing that Jiang Qingqing didn't say anything, she withdrew her hand. After a moment,
she looked up at Jiang Qingqing.
"I know you still can't accept it for the time being. It's okay. I will explain the past
to you in detail."
Jiang Qingqing nodded slightly, "Then let's go back first! They are still waiting at
She really couldn't accept it at this moment. The most important thing was that she
didn't expect things to be so coincidental.
After returning home, Jiang Qingqing showed their paternity test to Xiao Zhantian.
"Are you and Senior An really mother and daughter?"
Jiang Qingqing nodded, "I don't know what the situation is, but the results of the
examination are indeed like this."
Xiao Zhantian could see that she was in a bad mood at the moment. Yes, it was indeed hard
to accept to suffer such things one after another.
"At least this time, we don't have to waste any effort."

Chapter 122 Being Targeted

Originally he said he would investigate, but now there is no need for that.
Besides, this is also a good thing for Jiang Qingqing.
Ever since she found out about this, Jiang Qingqing didn't know how to get along with An
However, An Jinxiu was even more dedicated and attentive in treating Xiao Huanhuan's
And because of their relationship, An Jinxiu also gave Mr. Jiang a diagnosis. Although
her medical skills were not much different from Lu Mingyou's, she was older and had more
experience after all.
Under their treatment, Mr. Jiang was indeed not feeling as uncomfortable as before, and
even his complexion looked a little better.
However, the relationship between this family is still a bit strange.
Old Master Jiang had never expected that just after he told Jiang Qingqing that she was
not a member of the Jiang family, her biological mother was found.
"My body is like this after all, but there are people taking care of me. If you don't
have anything else, go back as soon as possible!"
"If possible, please find out more about your father's whereabouts. The only regret in my
life is that I may not be able to see him before I die."
No matter what, this is his son, and he has been away from home for more than ten years.
Besides, they don’t know the real reason.
Jiang Qingqing nodded and agreed solemnly. An Jinxiu also left some medicine for the old
man to relieve his pain, and then they returned to the imperial capital.
"Senior An, you didn't stay here because you were wandering around looking for your
biological daughter."
"Now that we have found it, if possible, can you also stay in the imperial capital? This
way Huanhuan doesn't have to go to the North, and I want to find a school for her to
An Jinxiu said: "You don't have to be so polite to me. After all, I am still her
grandmother, so of course I will agree."
"I know you have doubts about this matter. As I said last time, someone threatened me and
asked me to choose between my husband and my children."
"I didn't give up on the child, I just chose to save him first and let him work with me
to figure out how to save the child."
"In his mind, he thought I had given up on our child, and he felt that I was not worthy
of being a mother. He took the child away in anger."
"I didn't expect that he would send the child to the Jiang family. Jiang Feng was indeed
working under him back then."
"Actually, besides Jiang Feng, there is also no news from my husband who disappeared in
these years. I don't even know if he is still alive."
"He didn't tell me about his family background back then, but I know that his family
background is not simple. Those who threatened me and came after us are also his
Xiao Zhantian seemed to remember something. "I seem to have some impression of this
matter. Someone once said that this is a mysterious family."
This was the information he got from the Gong family when he was investigating Xing Yezhu
before, and the enemies behind him seemed to be related to this matter.
Xiao Zhantian didn't expect that all these things would eventually come together.
When An Jinxiu heard his words, she thought for a moment. She had never expected that
after living with her husband for so many years, she still didn't know his true identity.
"I will continue to investigate this matter. I will find out his whereabouts no matter
what and get to the bottom of this matter first."
When the plane landed in the imperial capital, Xiao Zhantian received a call from Ming
"Mr. Xiao, everything at the clinic has been prepared. Do you want to come and take a
"No need. I believe in your ability. Since I've handed this matter over to you, there's
no need to keep an eye on it."
Ming Renjun's tone sounded a little hesitant, but he was still very persistent.
"Otherwise you should come and have a look!"
"Do you have any difficulties here? Do you need my help?"
Ming Renjun then said, "Recently, there has been some conflicts between me and a place
called Baicaotang."
When Xiao Zhantian heard the name, he couldn't help but frown. Based on his understanding
of Baicaotang, the people of the Tang family should not do such a thing.
Or maybe they didn't know that Xiao Zhantian was the boss behind the scenes and were just
targeting Ming Renjun.
"Is there any old grudge between you?"
Xiao Zhantian asked, but he had almost guessed it in his heart.
They all run medical clinics, and the most likely possibility is that they had some
grudges against each other in the past.
As expected, after he finished speaking, Ming Renjun sighed and said, "They had some
unpleasantness with our Yu'an Hall before."
"Besides, the Ming family has already fallen. If he knows about this, he will naturally
take advantage of the situation. He came after me when he knew that I opened a clinic."
Ming Renjun's tone actually sounded a bit embarrassed. Xiao Zhantian provided him with
sufficient funds and also provided him with connections.
All these things have been prepared. Now he is bothering Xiao Zhantian because of such a
small trouble. Doesn't this prove that he is incompetent?
If it had happened before, Yu'an Tang and Baicao Tang could still compete with each
But now, they are no longer as strong as before. Even though Baicaotang had some problems
some time ago, they are still a lean camel that is bigger than a horse.
What’s more, their Yu’an Tang went bankrupt, but Baicao Tang is still open.
"Got it. I know someone at Baicaotang. I will contact them directly. You just need to do
your own thing."
Ming Renjun had no doubt about Xiao Zhantian's words. After all, their Yu'an Hall was
defeated by others without them realizing it.
Now that this matter was resolved, Ming Renjun felt a little relieved.
Xiao Zhantian directly called Tang Boli, the head of the Tang family.
Hearing what he said, Tang Boli was a little confused.
"That shouldn't be the case! What happened between us and Yu'an Hall happened a long time
ago. Besides, I didn't ask the people at Baicao Hall to take it to heart."
"No one has reported this news to me recently, unless someone is hiding it from me and
doing this in private."
Although Tang Boli had some doubts, he did not question the truthfulness of what Xiao
Zhantian said.
"Mr. Xiao, I will investigate now. Please wait. I will contact you as soon as I find out
the results."
Tang Boli hung up the phone very quickly. After hanging up, he called his son Tang
Qianyang directly.
He didn't do anything against the Ming family, but he was not sure whether his son was
the same.
Tang Qianyang shouldn't be so ignorant of etiquette. They all knew how Xiao Zhantian
saved Tang Boxin.

Chapter 123 The Culprit

If it weren't for Xiao Zhantian, the Tang family would be extinct now.
"Dad, are you in such a hurry to find me for something?"
Tang Qianyang was in a meeting just now and had no intention of answering the phone, but
he didn't expect the phone to keep buzzing.
After a quick look, I realized that Tang Boli had already called me several times.
"Of course I have something to ask you. If not, I wouldn't call you."
Tang Boli told him what Xiao Zhantian had just said to him, and Tang Qianyang quickly
asked, "How is this possible?"
"Dad, you have always taught us since we were young that we should repay a drop of
kindness with a spring of water. Mr. Xiao saved Bo Xin and my life."
"Now our Tang family owes him two lives. If he really wants to cooperate with Ming
Renjun, even if we had some unpleasantness with the Ming family before, it will
definitely be gone."
"I will never target the Ming family again because of something like this. What's more, I
don't even know when the incident happened to the Ming family."
Tang Boli believed that his son did not lie, but Xiao Zhantian would not lie either.
After thinking it over, he decided to tell Xiao Zhantian the whole thing. As for what
exactly happened, that was unknown.
When Xiao Zhantian heard this, he knew that there must be a conspiracy. Otherwise, such a
misunderstanding would never have occurred.
He doesn't have time to go to the North now, so it's okay to leave this matter to
Nanyang, who has always been very careful in handling problems.
I contacted Nanyang and he responded and took care of the matter.
Ming Renjun's newly opened clinic is called Mingxintang. Although it has only been open
for a short time, it is still quite famous in the North.
Nanyang has already sent people to keep an eye on this place, and if anyone comes here to
cause trouble, they will take action immediately.
Sure enough, they had just arrived here when someone came here to cause trouble that
Nanyang directly arrested those people and interrogated them, and naturally found out the
mastermind behind the scenes.
"Sir, the matter has been investigated clearly. Those people did not hide anything, but
they do not know the specific identity of the mastermind behind the scenes."
"They only said that a man from the imperial capital contacted them and asked them to do
this, and asked these people to use the name of Baicaotang."
There must be no problem with Nanyang’s investigation, and Xiao Zhantian still believes
in him.
He has been working under him for such a long time, he knows exactly how to deal with it.
When it comes to investigating the accuracy of the information, Xiao Zhantian will never
doubt him.
He thought about it and made an appointment with Tang Boli in person. As soon as Tang
Boli entered the box, he apologized to him politely, as if he felt that this matter had
troubled him.
"I have asked my people to investigate, and the person behind this is indeed using your
"It's just that not many people know about my cooperation with Ming Renjun. Currently,
there are basically only two of us."
"I asked you to come here today because I want you to think about whether you have
offended some enemy and are deliberately trying to stir up a conflict between you and the
Ming family."
This made Tang Boli feel troubled. As for who he had offended, he really didn't have a
specific name at the moment.
"There's a lot of competition in our industry. I can't think of anyone who might have
offended me right now, but maybe it was a competitor?"
Xiao Zhantian shook his head. "I don't know the specific situation. At present, I can
only think of this possibility."
After all, what happened between him and the Ming family happened in the northern border,
and it was Xiao Zhantian who dealt with the Ming family personally.
Under normal circumstances, no one would have thought that he would work with Akihito
Tang Boli said seriously: "I will investigate this matter again. Please don't worry about
Xiao Zhantian waved his hand, "It doesn't matter. If the other party is coming for me,
since I have implicated you, I naturally have the need to resolve this matter."
“Of course, we can’t just let you investigate this matter. Maybe it’s the Ming family,
someone they offended.”
Tang Boli said: "This possibility should be relatively small. If the Ming family has
offended someone, they can directly target Ming Renjun's Mingxin Hall. There is no need
to drag Baicao Hall into the water."
After saying this, Tang Boli seemed to remember something.
"Mr. Xiao, I have also done some research on the Ming family. Is the closure of Yu'an
Hall related to you?"
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "They offended me, and I personally ordered someone to deal with
them. Ming Renjun later came to me and wanted to cooperate with me."
"After some testing, I felt that his character was acceptable compared to the other
people in the Ming family, so I agreed."
Tang Boli immediately grasped the idea, "According to what you said, you only cooperated
with Ming Renjun, and had nothing to do with other people in the Ming family."
After he said this, Xiao Zhantian knew what he meant.
"You mean that other people in the Ming family knew about my cooperation with Ming
Renjun, and out of jealousy, they did something to sow discord between us."
Tang Boli nodded. Although he knew that Xiao Zhantian was not a simple person, he did not
expect that his mind worked so quickly. He understood what he meant as soon as he said
"I understand. I will ask Mingren County to investigate, and my people in the North will
also investigate this matter."
Tang Boli hesitated for a moment, and said: "Mr. Xiao, if you want to develop the
pharmaceutical industry, you may consider our Baicaotang."
Xiao Zhantian smiled and said, "I don't care much about these things, it's just that he
happened to come to me."
"In fact, if possible, you can cooperate with Ming Renjun. From the past few contacts, I
can see that he is different from the other members of the Ming family."
Tang Boli nodded, "Since Mr. Xiao has no objection, if you can act as a matchmaker, we
can also cooperate."
Baicaotang is now very famous and has always been a medical family. Their professional
qualities are trustworthy.
If they can cooperate with Mingxintang, the two will form a powerful alliance and will
surely grow even bigger in the future.
"By the way, Mr. Xiao, there will be a banquet in a few days. Can I invite you to
Xiao Zhantian naturally agreed. The Tang family was quite easy to get along with, so
there was nothing wrong in having more contact with them.
After returning, Xiao Zhantian contacted Ming Renjun and asked him to check the people in
the Ming family first.
They might be the ones who interfered in this matter, and there is a high probability
that they are also involved.
Sure enough, after some investigation, Ming Renjun found that this matter was indeed
related to the Ming family, and it was his younger brother Ming Yuanjun who did it.
He certainly didn't expect that his closest relatives would do something to harm him.
Xiao Zhantian thought Ming Renjun had gone to solve the problem, but two days later news
came from Nanyang.

Chapter 124 Visit and Study

When Xiao Zhantian heard about this, he couldn't help but feel helpless. He didn't know
what to say for a moment.
Compared with his family, Ming Renjun is a little too kind.
I don’t know how he talked to his brother, but he was beaten up by the other party and
was sent to the hospital.
"Just take action to solve the problem! Since they are restless, there is no need for
them to exist."
Xiao Zhantian naturally would not leave such a hidden danger, otherwise, who knows what
he would do in the future.
As for Ming Renjun, he was not beaten too badly and he will recover on his own in no
However, it was his family that he needed to deal with, so Xiao Zhantian still told him
about it.
Compared to his family, Ming Renjun is indeed much kinder. Even though the other party
beat him like this, he still asked Xiao Zhantian to spare their lives.
He told Nanyang that as long as they were unable to cause trouble again, they should be
spared their lives.
After lunch, Xiao Huan happily ran into the house with a letter in his hand.
Seeing her read out the name above the surname, Xiao Zhantian also realized that it
seemed that he really had to find a school for Xiao Huanhuan as soon as possible.
"Huanhuan, why don't daddy take you to find a school this afternoon!"
Hearing his words, Xiao Huanhuan's eyes suddenly lit up.
"Really? Dad, you mean I can go to school like other kids!"
Xiao Zhantian nodded and looked at Jiang Qingqing with a little worry. He gave Jiang
Qingqing a look to comfort her.
After lunch, Xiao Zhantian took Jiang Qingqing to find An Jinxiu.
"Senior, Huanhuan's illness should be fine now. Can she go to school?"
An Jinxiu nodded, "Don't worry, I'm staying here now, so I won't let anything happen to
Jiang Qingqing finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Then we will accompany her to find a
school this afternoon."
"I'll go with you! I have nothing to do here anyway, and I also need to go out and buy
some medicinal herbs."
An Jinxiu now wants to seize every opportunity to spend more time with Jiang Qingqing.
"By the way, is there a clinic called Baicaotang in your area?"
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "Could it be that the letter just sent over is an invitation letter
from Baicaotang to you, senior?"
"how do you know?"
"They also invited me. I had some interactions with them before, so we can be considered
An Jinxiu nodded, "Then let's go together then!"
In fact, she had not planned to go at first, since she was not familiar with these people
anyway. Moreover, if she went, she would definitely be representing the An family, which
would be giving these people too much face.
However, if Xiao Zhantian wanted to go, Jiang Qingqing would definitely go with him. How
could she miss such an opportunity?
If I go with them, I will have more opportunities to spend time with Jiang Qingqing.
"By the way, Zhantian, after helping Huanhuan look after the school this afternoon, I'm
going to attend the class reunion."
If I hadn't heard them talking about this banquet, I'm afraid Jiang Qingqing would have
forgotten about it again.
The truth is that she has no contact with her classmates at that time.
In fact, Jiang Qingqing had not originally planned to attend this class reunion, but she
had already promised He Liang that day.
Presumably, this matter had spread among her classmates. If she didn't go, who knows what
these people would say about her.
Xiao Zhantian nodded, "I'll go with you to the school tonight. I've already asked a few
places, so we can just go there now."
After he finished speaking, An Jinxiu also said: "I also know a few friends. If you can't
see it here, you can come to my place to have a look."
In recent times, An Jinxiu is like a completely different person compared to before.
In the past, she always looked cold and distant towards them. Only when she saw Xiao
Huanhuan would she occasionally smile.
But during this period of time, no matter who she met among these people, she was always
smiling, and even when facing Jiang Qingqing, she was somewhat flattering.
Looking at An Jinxiu like this, An Bo felt that he almost didn't recognize her, but in a
trance, he felt that An Jinxiu many years ago was indeed like this.
It is not so much that she has changed now, but rather that after finding her daughter,
she has returned to her original self.
They set off and went directly to the schools that Xiao Zhantian had asked about.
This first school looks extremely luxurious and the environment is also very good.
The children coming and going here all have confidence on their faces.
They took a tour around the kindergarten and Xiao Huanhuan was quite satisfied with it.
While they were visiting, they suddenly heard a quarrel not far away.
They walked over and saw two children arguing there.
The height of these two kids is not even as long as Xiao Zhantian's legs, but every word
they said was full of comparison.
Hearing what they said, Xiao Zhantian couldn't help but frown.
He naturally didn't expect that these kids would know so much and have such a serious
competitive mentality.
But think about it, this is an aristocratic kindergarten, and the families of those who
come here are either rich or noble.
If I let Xiao Huanhuan study here, it would probably not be good for her character.
Before Xiao Zhantian could say anything, Xiao Huanhuan tugged at his sleeve.
"Dad, let's go check out other schools. The kids here are too fierce! Huanhuan doesn't
like quarreling. If they bully me, I'll cry."
After she said this, everyone around her started laughing. Jiang Qingqing thought about
it and felt that what Xiao Huanhuan said made sense.
"I also think this school is not very good. The ideas that the children pass on to each
other are not quite right."
They left here and went to the second kindergarten.
The environment here is also good, and it doesn’t give people a huge sense of oppression
like the previous kindergarten.
Jiang Qingqing felt that this was just a school for children after all, and there was no
need to make it luxurious.
Compared with the previous kindergarten, this one places more emphasis on learning. Of
course, there is no need to talk about learning for such a young child.
It’s just that they pay special attention to the upbringing of their children.
After the tour, they found that none of the little children had any smiles on their
The oldest of them was only six years old; they were all still just children.
At this age, one should be carefree, instead of looking like the kids here, full of
bitterness and hatred.

Chapter 125 Xiao Huanhuan goes to school

Xiao Zhantian couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, "I don't know what kind of
schools they are introducing. There isn't even a single good one."
Jiang Qingqing said: "When you asked them to recommend a school, you definitely didn't
make the conditions clear."
What's more, those people were eager to curry favor with Xiao Zhantian, and the schools
they introduced to him were all aristocratic schools.
It’s easy to imagine that this aristocratic school is attended by rich children.
Either they focus too much on appearance and are extremely vain, or they make these young
children learn too many things that are not suitable for their age.
An Jinxiu said: "It's just a kindergarten. It should give the children less pressure. If
you believe me, I know an old friend here. The school he runs may be suitable for our
Then, under the leadership of An Jinxiu, they came to a place with a good environment
near the imperial capital.
Although this kindergarten was located in the imperial capital, it looked completely
different from those magnificent schools I had seen before. Instead, it had a rather
plain and simple look.
The school is well-equipped with various facilities and every child here has a smile on
their face.
They went into the classroom and took a look. This school focused more on cultivating
children's independent development, and everything they learned was of their interest.
For these children, teachers only play a guiding role but do not force them to do
Some of the teaching sessions they set up also help develop children's thinking.
After looking around, Jiang Qingqing felt that this school was indeed suitable for Xiao
The kids here are very friendly, and Xiao Huanhuan made several friends in no time.
She was also very interested in the courses she was studying here. She had taken the
initiative to go aside and, after asking the teacher, completed those tasks.
"I think we should choose this place! The learning atmosphere here is very good and it is
relatively relaxed, which won't put too much pressure on the children."
"After Huanhuan comes back, she can continue to learn medical skills from me. I can be
responsible for picking her up and dropping her off every day. I have nothing to do
An Jinxiu does seem to be very competent, and Jiang Qingqing knows that she loves her
because she is good to her.
"Thank you very much."
An Jinxiu was not happy when she heard Jiang Qingqing's words. On the contrary, there was
a hint of sadness between her brows.
"You don't have to be so polite to me. Although I know that you can't accept the fact
that I am your mother in the short term, it can't change the fact that we are blood
"Qingqing, don't thank me in the future. As your mother, I didn't take care of you
before. This is my fault. Now it's my responsibility to do it."
Jiang Qingqing looked at her and opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say
anything, just nodded slightly.
"Jinxiu, I see that this little girl you brought here really likes it here. Why don't you
let her get used to it here for an afternoon?"
A middle-aged man in a Tang suit walked towards this side. This was the friend An Jinxiu
met here and also the person in charge of this school.
From their conversation, we can tell that they have a good relationship.
An Jinxiu turned and looked at Jiang Qingqing and Xiao Zhantian. Neither of them had any
Xiao Huanhuan had even less objection. She even didn't care about her parents at all and
was having a great time playing with a few other kids.
"Don't you have a class reunion later? Leave Huanhuan to me. I will bring her home
An Jinxiu volunteered, as it was just right that she and her old friend could get
together and wait for Xiao Huanhuan to take her home after school.
"Okay, we'll leave first. Feel free to call me if you have anything."
Xiao Zhantian took Jiang Qingqing's hand and saw her looking at the man next to An
"Are you the founder of Qianhe Group, Mr. Cheng Heyuan?"
Hearing her words, the old man looked a little surprised.
"I didn't expect that someone would be able to recognize me, but I have already retired
and the Qianhe Group has been handed over to someone else."
Jiang Qingqing pursed her lips and said, "I saw your news many years ago. It was about an
architectural design concept under Qianhe Group. I liked it very much."
"I see that you are young, but your speech and behavior are not like those of an ordinary
person. You are worthy of being the daughter of Jinxiu. If you are interested, you can
cooperate with Qianhe Group."
Cheng Heyuan said this generously, his eyes not concealing his admiration for Jiang
Qingqing, which was enough to show that he was not saying this just for An Jinxiu's sake.
Finally, he gave the contact information of the current head of Qianhe Group to Jiang
Qingqing, and Jiang Qingqing and Xiao Zhantian left.
It was still early, so the two of them came to a shopping mall near the class reunion to
kill some time.
"Jiang Qingqing, I didn't admit my mistake, did I?"
Suddenly a voice was heard, and a beautifully dressed woman appeared in front of them,
followed by a tall and handsome man.
These two people are quite a match in terms of appearance. The woman looked Jiang
Qingqing up and down.
"I heard from He Liang that you got married before. It turns out that married women who
become housewives are different. I remember you were very beautiful back then."
There was a hint of contempt in her eyes, as if she thought he looked like a shrew and
was not of her age at all.
Xiao Zhantian didn't say anything. To him, this kind of person was just a clown.
What's more, even if Jiang Qingqing was without makeup today, she would still look much
prettier than her.
Since they were going to take Xiao Huanhuan to visit the school in the afternoon, Jiang
Qingqing didn't dress up.
She was wearing casual clothes at this time, and she did look different from the well-
dressed woman.
Jiang Qingqing smiled and said, "It's just a class reunion. We haven't seen each other
for many years. The main purpose is to get together, not to compete for beauty."
She has been in the workplace for so many years, how could she not know what this woman
Jiang Qingqing is no longer the little girl she used to be. When the other party spoke
like that, she naturally knew how to retort.
In fact, she didn't recognize the woman in front of her at first, but after the woman
started talking, Jiang Qingqing remembered.
When Jiang Qingqing was in school, she was not only at the top of her class in terms of
academic performance, but also had an outstanding appearance throughout the entire
But at that time she was relatively poor and had to work to earn a living, and there were
many people in the school who targeted her.
In fact, the Jiang family had been giving her money at that time, but Jiang Qingqing felt
that since she had left the Jiang family, she should not spend their money.

Chapter 126 Revenge

At that time, this woman named Liu Mei was one of those people who targeted her.
He didn't do anything to actually hurt her, but just spread some rumors about Jiang
Qingqing behind her back.
These rumors almost caused Jiang Qingqing to lose her scholarship, but she had no way to
clarify them.
These are just some groundless rumors. There is no way to explain them even if you want
When Liu Mei heard Jiang Qingqing's words, she smiled and said, "If you can feel
comfortable by comforting yourself like this, then think like this!"
She turned her head and glanced at Xiao Zhantian with a look of disdain in her eyes.
They didn't have a very good relationship in the first place when they were in school, so
naturally there was nothing to talk about now.
Jiang Qingqing's mood was not affected by such an episode.
The two of them went to a cafe in the mall and spent some time.
The class reunion was held in a hotel next to the shopping mall. When the time was almost
up, Jiang Qingqing and Xiao Zhantian arrived here.
The two of them arrived early, and when they got here, there were not many classmates
Jiang Qingqing greeted them all and everyone was in a happy mood.
Although I haven't seen my classmates for many years, most of them are still very
friendly except for a few exceptions.
"I heard Qingqing is a housewife now. She probably can't come to such occasions normally.
Eat more."
Liu Mei had a smile on her face, with a sarcastic look on her face.
Jiang Qingqing ignored her and the class reunion ended just like that.
When they were going out, a man in a suit suddenly came towards them.
"Boss Jiang! I thought I had made a mistake, but it turned out to be you. If I had known
you were coming here to eat today, I would have paid for the bill."
Liu Mei, who was standing by, looked a little excited when she saw the man.
"Mr. Zhao, do you still remember me?"
The man glanced at her and said, "Who are you? Have we met before?"
He ignored Liu Mei and said to Jiang Qingqing: "Boss Jiang, if it's convenient, I'd like
to treat you to a meal tomorrow?"
Jiang Qingqing waved her hand, "No need, I've already read the plan you sent over, and it
doesn't meet our company's requirements."
Although she said this, Mr. Zhao still had a smile on his face.
"It doesn't matter. Even if we can't do business, we can still be friends!"
Jiang Qingqing smiled and said, "Then let's make an appointment another day!"
Looking at the group of people, Mr. Zhao did not disturb them and quickly left.
"Qingqing, do you know Mr. Zhao?"
Liu Mei immediately changed the way she addressed Jiang Qingqing.
"He wanted to cooperate with our company before, but he didn't meet our company's
requirements, so I rejected him."
Liu Mei looked embarrassed, "Where are you working now?"
"Tiancheng Company was opened by my husband."
After Jiang Qingqing said this, she said hello to her classmates and left with Xiao
The classmates behind her couldn't help but talk about it, and some of them mocked Liu
Liu Mei regretted it so much that her intestines turned green. If she had known earlier
that Jiang Qingqing was from Tiancheng Company, she would have tried to curry favor with
Now they still have cooperation and want to talk to Tiancheng Company, but the
opportunity has been missed.
Since Xiao Huanhuan started attending kindergarten, her entire mental state has changed.
Her personality has become more lively and cheerful, and she can speak eloquently.
That day, An Jinxiu said that she had found out the whereabouts of Jiang Qingqing's
biological father. Unexpectedly, in addition to her biological father, Jiang Feng also
came back with her.
Seeing Jiang Qingqing grow up so much, Jiang Feng couldn't help but burst into tears, his
eyes full of relief.
"Dad, where have you been all these years? Why did you leave without saying goodbye? Why
did you leave home and never come back in so many years? Did you know that grandpa is
critically ill?"
Jiang Qingqing had a lot of questions to ask at this time, and Jiang Feng answered them
one by one when he heard her words.
It turned out that back then, Jiang Qingqing's parents, An Jinxiu and her husband, had
offended some people they shouldn't have because of their large family and their
Jiang Qingqing's biological father handed her over to Jiang Feng and asked him to protect
Jiang Qingqing.
But later Jiang Feng discovered that someone had traced him back to where he was, and his
wife had died because of this incident.
After his wife passed away, he realized that they were in danger and left the Jiang
family in order to protect Jiang Qingqing's safety.
"Over the years, I have eliminated those hidden dangers in the dark, otherwise I would
not have come back."
Jiang Qingqing's biological father spoke slowly. This man did not look like an ordinary
person and was very mysterious.
The four of them talked in the room for a long time. After a while, Jiang Feng came out
and gave the family of three some space.
After they finished talking, Jiang Qingqing's biological father gave Xiao Zhantian a
piece of information, which contained information about the extermination of their Xiao
"I have found out your bad enemies and the truth about your Xiao family being taken
advantage of by you. I think it would be better for you to take revenge yourself."
Although Xiao Zhantian didn't know what family he came from, he could tell that this man
was definitely not simple.
He had found out the news clearly, even though I hadn't figured it out myself.
The reason why the people of Bama targeted the Xiao family was indeed because of their
If this research is successful, it will have some impact on the economy of their Bama
country, so the royal family of their country took the initiative to intervene.
No wonder these people were able to get away with it after doing this.
Now that I have found out information about my enemy, I must naturally take revenge.
Xiao Zhantian gathered all the people from the Zhuwang Palace. This was all the power he
had accumulated over the years.
He took these people and secretly sneaked into the Bama Kingdom. After several days of
investigation, Xiao Zhantian discovered that the person who had done research with his
father had been imprisoned in the Bama Kingdom.
After they arrested this man, they were afraid that the news of this research would leak
out, so they charged the Xiao family with treason and exiled them to Dongzhou.
Originally he planned to wait until the Xiao family arrived in Eastern Zhou Dynasty and
then slowly deal with them, but he didn't expect that Xiao Zhantian met Jiang Qingqing at
this time.
After some investigation, they found out that Jiang Qingqing's identity might be unusual,
so they did not deal with Xiao Zhantian directly.
Later, seeing that the Xiao family was not doing well, these people didn't plan to do
anything else.
Afterwards, Xiao Zhantian went to the northern border. After several years of
development, he regained his power. These people were afraid that Xiao Zhantian would
come back to take revenge on them.
In the end, part of the reason why the Xiao family became like this was because of Xiao
But the bigger reason is that these people never thought of letting them go. To put it
bluntly, it is because of the greed of the Bama royal family.
Xiao Zhantian stayed in the Bama Kingdom for several months and finally started their
civil strife.
Then, taking advantage of the civil unrest in Bama, he rescued Huo Jing.

Chapter 127 New Year

After bringing Huo Jing back to the country, Xiao Zhantian took him to the tombs of his
parents and sister.
At the same time, he also brought back the news that he had avenged his parents.
"Mom and Dad, Sui Sui, you can rest assured now. I killed those people with my own
Xiao Zhantian stood in front of his parents' grave and couldn't help shedding tears. He
knew that even if he took revenge, his parents and sister would never come back.
During this period, after Jiang Qingqing got along with her biological father and mother,
their relationship gradually became harmonious, and these two people liked Xiao Huanhuan
very much.
Jiang Feng returned to the Jiang family. Under his persuasion, Old Man Jiang went to the
hospital for treatment. Although his disease could not be cured, at least his life could
be prolonged.
After the Bama Kingdom was destroyed, the eight wealthy families in the imperial capital
that had cooperated with Xiao Zhantian naturally became better and better, while those
who opposed him were no longer a force to be reckoned with.
Tang Boli's Baicaotang and Ming Renjun's Mingxintang cooperated together and both
belonged to the Tiancheng Group.
The reason why the Tang family was willing to hand over their century-old foundation to
Xiao Zhantian was naturally to seek protection.
Xiao Zhantian has no ambitions and would not think of annexing their Tang family.
With him as their support, the Tang family won't be afraid of anyone causing trouble.
After all, the Tang family is a single-line family, and if something happens, the Tang
family will be extinct.
Xiao Chengtian's legs recovered better and better, and now he is as good as a normal
person. At this time, good news came: Nian Xueqing was pregnant.
The entire Xiao family was filled with joy. With the slow arrival of the New Year, it
seemed as if everything was beginning anew.
As the Chinese New Year was approaching, Xiao Zhantian and the others went out to prepare
New Year's goods, but Jiang Qingqing looked a little strange.
An Jinxiu examined her nervously with a smile on her face.
"It's nothing serious, I'm pregnant."
This news made Xiao Zhantian extremely happy. He protected Jiang Qingqing all day long,
fearing that she would get hurt.
During the New Year, the whole family gathered together for dinner.
Jiang Qingqing's biological father suggested that he take them back home during the New
He has been away from home for a long time. Now that his enemy has been dealt with, there
is no reason for him not to go back.
So after the New Year, they set off.
This time the destination is near the imperial capital, and there is a Phoenix Mountain
in the suburbs.
This manor on the mountain is said to come from a mysterious family.
Every inch of land in Phoenix Mountain is valuable. It has been completely undeveloped
for so many years and is privately owned.
Xiao Zhantian also didn't expect that Jiang Qingqing actually came from such a big family
in the imperial capital.
After climbing the mountain, it feels like entering a fairyland. It is surrounded by
mountains, the air is fresh, and there is a faint mist.
This huge manor is even more antique, with a sense of simplicity and at the same time
gives people a very luxurious feeling.
There are not many members of the Jin family, and only Jiang Qingqing's grandfather lives
Even Xiao Zhantian couldn't find out what the Jin family's origins were, and there was no
information at all on the Internet.
However, he met many famous people here, from various industries.
There are big names in the financial world, political figures, and even people doing
scientific research.
These people are well-known figures in any field.
After returning to the Jin family, An Jinxiu and her husband prepared to travel around
the world.
As for Xiao Huanhuan's illness, it has been cured long ago. When Xiao Zhantian went to
Bama Country, he not only destroyed the group behind them, but also got the antidote.
In addition to Xiao Huanhuan, many children who had been blood slaves were also rescued.
Jiang Qingqing got a large sum of property, which was simply a huge fortune. I'm afraid
that even if their family didn't work, they would not be able to spend it all in ten
thousand years.
She set up a fund named after Xiao Huanhuan, hoping to make a contribution to more people
who cannot afford medical treatment.
With Jiang Qingqing's investment, Tiancheng Company became the leader of the entire
imperial capital.
The Long family did not give up and did several things behind their backs to sabotage
This time, Xiao Zhantian didn't even need to take action. The Jing family directly
launched some business struggles and made the Long family bankrupt.
The Mei family, which had cooperated with Xiao Zhantian, had actually joined forces with
the Long family behind his back. After discovering this, Xiao Zhantian did not show any
Mei Zhenzhen's father Yuan Jiwu was desperate and teamed up with her boyfriend Zhang
Xuefeng to kidnap Xiao Huanhuan.
But before they could do anything, several groups of mysterious people rushed in.
Xiao Zhantian's men broke the limbs of the two men and handed them over to the Jin family
for disposal.
An Jinxiu did not let these two people have an easy time either. They would naturally
have to pay the price for daring to kidnap Xiao Huanhuan.
Nowadays, Xiao Huanhuan can be said to be the center of attention. She did not suffer any
injuries in this kidnapping. Instead, the two people who kidnapped her regretted what
they did before they died.
A few months later, Jiang Qingqing gave birth to a daughter. Xiao Huanhuan hugged his
sister every day and loved her very much.
However, she still felt a little disappointed. After all, she was the only one who was
loved before, but now there was one more person.
After hearing some comments from other kids at school, Xiao Huanhuan actually ran away
from home.
When Xiao Zhantian learned the news, he and Jiang Qingqing and the others became
extremely anxious, and everyone started looking for Xiao Huanhuan.
Finally, it was Percy, the former prince of the Snow Country, who sent Xiao Huanhuan
Jiang Qingqing felt a little guilty, thinking that she was negligent and had not
fulfilled her responsibilities as a mother, which led to Xiao Huanhuan feeling unfavored
and running away from home.
Percy took the initiative to stay and was willing to comfort Xiao Huanhuan.
With his help, Xiao Huanhuan resolved her worries and formed a good friendship with him.
It’s just that Xiao Zhantian keeps an eye on Percy every day, always fearing that he
might kidnap his daughter.
On Xiao Huanhuan’s birthday, it happened to be the hundred-day party of their second
daughter, Xixi.
This banquet was still talked about with great relish by people throughout the imperial
capital years later. They had never witnessed such a grand scene.
Xiao Zhantian gradually took charge of the company's affairs, but he still couldn't let
go of his brothers in the Northern Territory.
He would often go back to the North to take a look, but the Tianlong Kingdom is extremely
peaceful nowadays.
The strife in the Wolf Kingdom has been settled, and Yuwen Zheng has become the new king.
He signed a peace treaty with the Tianlong Kingdom, and the two countries would never
invade each other again.
All these achievements were due to Xiao Zhantian. The Dragon Lord of Tianlong Kingdom
personally ordered to help the Xiao family overturn the case and also named them as
meritorious ministers.
At the same time, as the God of War in the North, his position will be retained
The Xiao family soon restored their reputation and became even more glorious than before,
becoming a legend in the entire Tianlong Kingdom.
The stories about Xiao Zhantian were also made into stories and circulated throughout the
Tianlong Kingdom.

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